name: SteamPathsLib - pull request to master on: pull_request: branches: [ master ] env: ACTIONS_ALLOW_UNSECURE_COMMANDS: true jobs: build: runs-on: windows-latest steps: - name: Set the value run: echo "ACTIONS_ALLOW_UNSECURE_COMMANDS=true" >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: Checkout Code uses: actions/checkout@master with: clean: true fetch-depth: 0 lfs: true submodules: true - name: Add msbuild to PATH uses: microsoft/setup-msbuild@v1.1 with: vs-prerelease: true msbuild-architecture: x86 - name: Setup NuGet uses: NuGet/setup-nuget@v1 - name: Restore NuGet Packages run: nuget restore src/EpicMorg.SteamPathsSolution.sln - name: Build Debug run: msbuild src/EpicMorg.SteamPathsSolution.sln /p:Configuration=Debug - name: Build Release run: msbuild src/EpicMorg.SteamPathsSolution.sln /p:Configuration=Release