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2022-11-14 22:12:31 +03:00
# Set Global ARG to build process
# Start build process
FROM epicmorg/nginx:${NGINX_VERSION}
LABEL maintainer="EpicMorg DevTeam, developer@epicm.org"
ARG DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
# Clear sources.list.d
RUN rm -rfv /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*
# sid sources list
RUN rm -rfv /etc/apt/sources.list
COPY sources.list.d/sources.sid.list /etc/apt/sources.list
RUN apt update
# installing utils
RUN echo 'debconf debconf/frontend select Noninteractive' | debconf-set-selections && \
apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y --allow-unauthenticated \
libpcre3-dev \
librtmp1 \
libtheora0 \
libvorbis-dev \
libmp3lame0 \
libx264-dev \
# stretch sources list + libvpx
RUN rm -rfv /etc/apt/sources.list
COPY sources.list.d/sources.stretch.list /etc/apt/sources.list
RUN echo 'debconf debconf/frontend select Noninteractive' | debconf-set-selections && \
apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y --allow-unauthenticated \
# buster sources list + libvpx
RUN rm -rfv /etc/apt/sources.list
COPY sources.list.d/sources.buster.list /etc/apt/sources.list
RUN echo 'debconf debconf/frontend select Noninteractive' | debconf-set-selections && \
apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y --allow-unauthenticated \
# sid sources list + libvpx
RUN rm -rfv /etc/apt/sources.list
COPY sources.list.d/sources.sid.list /etc/apt/sources.list
RUN echo 'debconf debconf/frontend select Noninteractive' | debconf-set-selections && \
apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y --allow-unauthenticated \
# installing deps for rtmp module
RUN mkdir -p /usr/share/nginx/html \
/mnt/hls \
/mnt/dash \
/tmp/build && \
chown -R www-data:www-data /mnt/hls && \
chown -R www-data:www-data /mnt/dash && \
chmod -R 755 /mnt/hls && \
chmod -R 755 /mnt/dash && \
cd /tmp/build && \
wget https://github.com/arut/nginx-rtmp-module/archive/v${NGINX_RTMP_MODULE_VERSION}.tar.gz && \
tar -zxf v${NGINX_RTMP_MODULE_VERSION}.tar.gz && \
rm v${NGINX_RTMP_MODULE_VERSION}.tar.gz && \
cp /tmp/build/nginx-rtmp-module-${NGINX_RTMP_MODULE_VERSION}/stat.xsl /usr/share/nginx/html/stat.xsl && \
rm -rf /tmp/build
# Forward logs to Docker
RUN ln -sf /dev/stdout /var/log/nginx/access.log && \
ln -sf /dev/stderr /var/log/nginx/error.log
# Copy nginx config file to container
RUN rm -rfv /etc/nginx/nginx.conf \
COPY conf/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
# Copy html players to container
COPY players /usr/share/nginx/html/players
# cleaninig up
RUN apt clean -y && \
apt autoclean -y && \
rm -rfv /var/lib/apt/lists/* && \
rm -rfv /var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb
#healthcheck. good practice
HEALTHCHECK --interval=2m --timeout=3s CMD curl -f http://localhost:80/ || exit 1
# Add image configuration and scripts
COPY docker-entrypoint.sh /usr/bin/docker-entrypoint.sh
RUN chmod 755 /usr/bin/docker-entrypoint.sh
#Final config
VOLUME ["/var/cache/nginx"]
EXPOSE 80 443 1935 8080
ENTRYPOINT ["tini", "-s", "--", "docker-entrypoint.sh"]
CMD ["docker-entrypoint.sh"]