![Atlassian Bitbucket Server](https://www.atlassian.com/dam/wac/legacy/bitbucket_logo_landing.png) Bitbucket Server is an on-premises source code management solution for Git that's secure, fast, and enterprise grade. Create and manage repositories, set up fine-grained permissions, and collaborate on code - all with the flexibility of your servers. Learn more about Bitbucket Server: # Overview This Docker container makes it easy to get an instance of Bitbucket up and running. ** We strongly recommend you run this image using a specific version tag instead of latest. This is because the image referenced by the latest tag changes often and we cannot guarantee that it will be backwards compatible. ** # Quick Start For the `BITBUCKET_HOME` directory that is used to store the repository data (amongst other things) we recommend mounting a host directory as a [data volume](https://docs.docker.com/engine/tutorials/dockervolumes/#/data-volumes), or via a named volume if using a docker version >= 1.9. Volume permission is managed by entry scripts. To get started you can use a data volume, or named volumes. In this example we'll use named volumes. $> docker volume create --name bitbucketVolume $> docker run -v bitbucketVolume:/var/atlassian/application-data/bitbucket --name="bitbucket" -d -p 7990:7990 -p 7999:7999 atlassian/bitbucket-server Note that this command can substitute folder paths with named volumes. Start Atlassian Bitbucket Server: $> docker run -v /data/bitbucket:/var/atlassian/application-data/bitbucket --name="bitbucket" -d -p 7990:7990 -p 7999:7999 atlassian/bitbucket-server **Success**. Bitbucket is now available on [http://localhost:7990](http://localhost:7990)* Please ensure your container has the necessary resources allocated to it. We recommend 2GiB of memory allocated to accommodate both the application server and the git processes. See [Supported Platforms](https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/BitbucketServer/Supported+platforms) for further information. _* Note: If you are using `docker-machine` on Mac OS X, please use `open http://$(docker-machine ip default):7990` instead._ ## Reverse Proxy Settings If Bitbucket is run behind a reverse proxy server as [described here](https://confluence.atlassian.com/bitbucketserver/proxying-and-securing-bitbucket-server-776640099.html), then you need to specify extra options to make bitbucket aware of the setup. They can be controlled via the below environment variables. ### Bitbucket Server 5.0 + Due to the migration to Spring Boot in 5.0, there are changes to how you set up Bitbucket to run behind a reverse proxy. In this example, we'll use an environment file. You can also do this via [specifying each environment variable](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/run/#env-environment-variables) via the `-e` argument in `docker run`. #### secure-bitbucket.env ``` SERVER_SECURE=true SERVER_SCHEME=https SERVER_PROXY_PORT=443 SERVER_PROXY_NAME= ``` Then you run Bitbucket as usual `docker run -v bitbucketVolume:/var/atlassian/application-data/bitbucket --name="bitbucket" -d -p 7990:7990 -p 7999:7999 --env-file=/path/to/env/file/secure-bitbucket.env atlassian/bitbucket-server:5.0` ### Bitbucket Server < 5.0 To set the reverse proxy arguments, you specify the following as environment variables in the `docker run` command * `CATALINA_CONNECTOR_PROXYNAME` (default: NONE) The reverse proxy's fully qualified hostname. * `CATALINA_CONNECTOR_PROXYPORT` (default: NONE) The reverse proxy's port number via which bitbucket is accessed. * `CATALINA_CONNECTOR_SCHEME` (default: http) The protocol via which bitbucket is accessed. * `CATALINA_CONNECTOR_SECURE` (default: false) Set 'true' if CATALINA\_CONNECTOR\_SCHEME is 'https'. ## JVM Configuration (Bitbucket Server 5.0 + only) If you need to override Bitbucket Server's default memory configuration or pass additional JVM arguments, use the environment variables below * `JVM_MINIMUM_MEMORY` (default: 512m) The minimum heap size of the JVM * `JVM_MAXIMUM_MEMORY` (default: 1024m) The maximum heap size of the JVM * `JVM_SUPPORT_RECOMMENDED_ARGS` (default: NONE) Additional JVM arguments for Bitbucket Server, such as a custom Java Trust Store ## Application Mode Settings (Bitbucket Server 5.0 + only) This docker image can be run as a [Smart Mirror](https://confluence.atlassian.com/bitbucketserver/smart-mirroring-776640046.html) or as part of a [Data Center](https://confluence.atlassian.com/enterprise/bitbucket-data-center-668468332.html) cluster. You can specify the following properties to start Bitbucket as a mirror or as a Data Center node: * `ELASTICSEARCH_ENABLED` (default: true) Set 'false' to prevent Elasticsearch from starting in the container. This should be used if Elasticsearch is running remotely, e.g. for if Bitbucket is running in a Data Center cluster * `APPLICATION_MODE` (default: default) The mode Bitbucket will run in. This can be set to 'mirror' to start Bitbucket as a Smart Mirror. This will also disable Elasticsearch even if `ELASTICSEARCH_ENABLED` has not been set to 'false'. * `HAZELCAST_NETWORK_MULTICAST` (default: false) Data Center: Set 'true' to enable Bitbucket to find new Data Center cluster members via multicast. `HAZELCAST_NETWORK_TCPIP` should not be specified when using this setting. * `HAZELCAST_NETWORK_TCPIP` (default: false) Data Center: Set 'true' to enable Bitbucket to find new Data Center cluster members via TCPIP. This setting requires `HAZELCAST_NETWORK_TCPIP_MEMBERS` to be specified. `HAZELCAST_NETWORK_MULTICAST` should not be specified when using this setting. * `HAZELCAST_NETWORK_TCPIP_MEMBERS` Data Center: List of members that Hazelcast nodes should connect to when HAZELCAST_NETWORK_TCPIP is 'true' * `HAZELCAST_GROUP_NAME` Data Center: Specifies the cluster group the instance should join. * `HAZELCAST_GROUP_PASSWORD` Data Center: The password required to join the specified cluster group. To run Bitbucket as part of a Data Center cluster, create a Docker network and assign the Bitbucket container a static IP. Note: Docker networks may support multicast, however the below example shows configuration using TCPIP. $> docker network create --driver bridge --subnet= myBitbucketNetwork $> docker run --network=myBitbucketNetwork --ip= -e ELASTICSEARCH_ENABLED=false \ -e HAZELCAST_NETWORK_TCPIP=true -e HAZELCAST_NETWORK_TCPIP_MEMBERS=,, \ -e HAZELCAST_GROUP_NAME=bitbucket -e HAZELCAST_GROUP_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword \ -v /data/bitbucket-shared:/var/atlassian/application-data/bitbucket/shared --name="bitbucket" -d -p 7990:7990 -p 7999:7999 atlassian/bitbucket-server ## JMX Monitoring (Bitbucket Server 5.0 + only) Bitbucket Server supports detailed JMX monitoring. To enable and configure JMX, use the environment variables below. For further information on JMX configuration, see [Enabling JMX counters for performance monitoring](https://confluence.atlassian.com/bitbucketserver/enabling-jmx-counters-for-performance-monitoring-776640189.html) * `JMX_ENABLED` (default: false) Enable Bitbucket to publish JMX data * `JMX_REMOTE_AUTH` (default: NONE) Set the authentication to use for remote JMX access. This value is required: anything other than "password" or "ssl" will cause remote JMX access to be disabled * `JMX_REMOTE_PORT` (default: 3333) The port used to negotiate a JMX connection. Note: this port is only used during the initial authorization, after which a different RMI port used for data transfer * `JMX_REMOTE_RMI_PORT` (default: ) The port used for all subsequent JMX-RMI data transfer. If desired, the RMI data port can be set to the same value as `JMX_REMOTE_PORT` to allow a single port to be used for both JMX authorization and data transfer * `RMI_SERVER_HOSTNAME` (default: NONE) The hostname or IP address that clients will use to connect to the application for JMX monitoring. This must be resolvable by both clients and from the JVM host machine. * `JMX_PASSWORD_FILE` (default: NONE) The full path to the JMX username/password file used to authenticate remote JMX clients. This is required when `JMX_REMOTE_AUTH` is set to "password" $> docker run -e JMX_ENABLED=true -e JMX_REMOTE_AUTH=password -e JMX_REMOTE_RMI_PORT=3333 -e RMI_SERVER_HOSTNAME=bitbucket \ -e JMX_PASSWORD_FILE=/data/bitbucket:/var/atlassian/application-data/bitbucket/jmx.access \ -v /data/bitbucket:/var/atlassian/application-data/bitbucket --name="bitbucket" -d -p 7990:7990 -p 7999:7999 -p 3333:3333 atlassian/bitbucket-server # Upgrade To upgrade to a more recent version of Bitbucket Server you can simply stop the `bitbucket` container and start a new one based on a more recent image: $> docker stop bitbucket $> docker rm bitbucket $> docker pull atlassian/bitbucket-server: $> docker run ... (See above) As your data is stored in the data volume directory on the host it will still be available after the upgrade. _Note: Please make sure that you **don't** accidentally remove the `bitbucket` container and its volumes using the `-v` option._ # Backup For evaluations you can use the built-in database that will store its files in the Bitbucket Server home directory. In that case it is sufficient to create a backup archive of the directory on the host that is used as a volume (`/data/bitbucket` in the example above). The [Bitbucket Server Backup Client](https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/BitbucketServer/Data+recovery+and+backups) is currently not supported in the Docker setup. You can however use the [Bitbucket Server DIY Backup](https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/BitbucketServer/Using+Bitbucket+Server+DIY+Backup) approach in case you decided to use an external database. Read more about data recovery and backups: [https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/BitbucketServer/Data+recovery+and+backups](https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/BitbucketServer/Data+recovery+and+backups) # Versioning The `latest` tag matches the most recent version of this repository. Thus using `atlassian/bitbucket:latest` or `atlassian/bitbucket` will ensure you are running the most up to date version of this image. However, we ** strongly recommend ** that for non-eval workloads you select a specific version in order to prevent breaking changes from impacting your setup. You can use a specific minor version of Bitbucket Server by using a version number tag: `atlassian/bitbucket-server:4.14`. This will install the latest `4.14.x` version that is available. # Issue tracker Please raise an [issue](https://bitbucket.org/atlassian/docker-atlassian-bitbucket-server/issues) if you encounter any problems with this Dockerfile. # Support For product support, go to [support.atlassian.com](https://support.atlassian.com/) Octotree is enabled on this page. Click this button or press cmd shift s (or ctrl shift s) to show it. Support us • Feedback?