#!/bin/bash : ${DB_USER:=root} : ${DB_PASSWORD:=root} : ${DB_DATABSE:=staytus} : ${DB_HOST:=} #: ${DB_PORT:=3306} cd /opt/staytus # Configure DB with random password, if not already configured if [ ! -f /opt/staytus/persisted/config/database.yml ]; then export DB_PASSWORD=${DB_PASSWORD} mysqladmin -u root -ptemp-password password ${DB_PASSWORD} echo "CREATE DATABASE staytus CHARSET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci" | mysql -u root -p${DB_PASSWORD} cp config/database.example.yml config/database.yml sed -i "s/username:.*/username: ${DB_USER}/" config/database.yml sed -i "s|password:.*|password: ${DB_PASSWORD}|" config/database.yml sed -i "s|host:.*|host: ${DB_HOST}|" config/database.yml sed -i "s|database:.*|database: ${DB_DATABSE}|" config/database.yml # Copy the config to persist it, and later copy back on each start, to persist this config file # without persisting all of /config (which is mostly app code) mkdir /opt/staytus/persisted/config cp config/database.yml /opt/staytus/persisted/config/database.yml bundle exec rake staytus:build staytus:install else # Use the previously saved config from the persisted volume cp /opt/staytus/persisted/config/database.yml config/database.yml # TODO also copy themes back and forth too # If already configured, check if there are any migrations to run bundle exec rake staytus:build staytus:upgrade fi bundle exec foreman start