2024-08-25 21:24:42 +03:00
2024-08-25 21:24:42 +03:00


Hello. This folder contains sub-folders with custom tools such as gosu, dumb-init and etc.

Some child images could install to this folder custom compilled products. Example: nginx, php, etc.

All directories that contains binaryes (<bin\sbin>) will be added to $PATH.


pattern: /usr/local/epicmorg/<program-name>/<version>/<..some data and files..>


|-- 7z
|   `-- 7z2407
|       |-- History.txt
|       |-- License.txt
|       |-- MANUAL
|       |-- bin
|       `-- readme.txt
|-- dumb-init
|   `-- 1.2.5
|       `-- bin
|-- gosu
|   `-- 1.17
|       `-- bin
|-- lazycli
|   `-- 0.1.15
|       `-- bin
|-- lazydocker
|   `-- 0.23.3
|       |-- LICENSE
|       |-- README.md
|       `-- bin
|-- lazygit
|   `-- 0.42.0
|       |-- LICENSE
|       |-- README.md
|       `-- bin
|-- lazynpm
|   `-- 0.1.4
|       |-- LICENSE
|       |-- README.md
|       `-- bin
`-- p4
    `-- r23.2
        `-- bin