using System; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Drawing; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace DarkUI { public class DarkScrollBar : Control { #region Event Region public event EventHandler ValueChanged; #endregion #region Field Region private DarkOrientation _scrollOrientation; private int _value; private int _minimum = 0; private int _maximum = 100; private int _viewSize; private Rectangle _trackArea; private float _viewContentRatio; private Rectangle _thumbArea; private Rectangle _upArrowArea; private Rectangle _downArrowArea; private bool _thumbHot; private bool _upArrowHot; private bool _downArrowHot; private bool _thumbClicked; private bool _upArrowClicked; private bool _downArrowClicked; private bool _isScrolling; private int _initialValue; private Point _initialContact; private Timer _scrollTimer; #endregion #region Property Region [Category("Behavior")] [Description("The orientation type of the scrollbar.")] [DefaultValue(DarkOrientation.Vertical)] public DarkOrientation ScrollOrientation { get { return _scrollOrientation; } set { _scrollOrientation = value; UpdateScrollBar(); } } [Category("Behavior")] [Description("The value that the scroll thumb position represents.")] [DefaultValue(0)] public int Value { get { return _value; } set { if (value < Minimum) value = Minimum; var maximumValue = Maximum - ViewSize; if (value > maximumValue) value = maximumValue; if (_value == value) return; _value = value; UpdateThumb(true); if (ValueChanged != null) ValueChanged(this, new ScrollValueEventArgs(Value)); } } [Category("Behavior")] [Description("The lower limit value of the scrollable range.")] [DefaultValue(0)] public int Minimum { get { return _minimum; } set { _minimum = value; UpdateScrollBar(); } } [Category("Behavior")] [Description("The upper limit value of the scrollable range.")] [DefaultValue(100)] public int Maximum { get { return _maximum; } set { _maximum = value; UpdateScrollBar(); } } [Category("Behavior")] [Description("The view size for the scrollable area.")] [DefaultValue(0)] public int ViewSize { get { return _viewSize; } set { _viewSize = value; UpdateScrollBar(); } } public new bool Visible { get { return base.Visible; } set { if (base.Visible == value) return; base.Visible = value; } } #endregion #region Constructor Region public DarkScrollBar() { SetStyle(ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer | ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw | ControlStyles.UserPaint, true); SetStyle(ControlStyles.Selectable, false); _scrollTimer = new Timer(); _scrollTimer.Interval = 1; _scrollTimer.Tick += ScrollTimerTick; } #endregion #region Event Handler Region protected override void OnResize(EventArgs e) { base.OnResize(e); UpdateScrollBar(); } protected override void OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e) { base.OnMouseDown(e); if (_thumbArea.Contains(e.Location) && e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) { _isScrolling = true; _initialContact = e.Location; if (_scrollOrientation == DarkOrientation.Vertical) _initialValue = _thumbArea.Top; else _initialValue = _thumbArea.Left; Invalidate(); return; } if (_upArrowArea.Contains(e.Location) && e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) { _upArrowClicked = true; _scrollTimer.Enabled = true; Invalidate(); return; } if (_downArrowArea.Contains(e.Location) && e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) { _downArrowClicked = true; _scrollTimer.Enabled = true; Invalidate(); return; } if (_trackArea.Contains(e.Location) && e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) { // Check if our input is at least aligned with the thumb if (_scrollOrientation == DarkOrientation.Vertical) { var modRect = new Rectangle(_thumbArea.Left, _trackArea.Top, _thumbArea.Width, _trackArea.Height); if (!modRect.Contains(e.Location)) return; } else if (_scrollOrientation == DarkOrientation.Horizontal) { var modRect = new Rectangle(_trackArea.Left, _thumbArea.Top, _trackArea.Width, _thumbArea.Height); if (!modRect.Contains(e.Location)) return; } // Step 1. Scroll to the area initially clicked. if (_scrollOrientation == DarkOrientation.Vertical) { var loc = e.Location.Y; loc -= _upArrowArea.Bottom - 1; loc -= _thumbArea.Height / 2; ScrollToPhysical(loc); } else { var loc = e.Location.X; loc -= _upArrowArea.Right - 1; loc -= _thumbArea.Width / 2; ScrollToPhysical(loc); } // Step 2. Initiate a thumb drag. _isScrolling = true; _initialContact = e.Location; _thumbHot = true; if (_scrollOrientation == DarkOrientation.Vertical) _initialValue = _thumbArea.Top; else _initialValue = _thumbArea.Left; Invalidate(); return; } } protected override void OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e) { base.OnMouseUp(e); _isScrolling = false; _thumbClicked = false; _upArrowClicked = false; _downArrowClicked = false; Invalidate(); } protected override void OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs e) { base.OnMouseMove(e); if (!_isScrolling) { var thumbHot = _thumbArea.Contains(e.Location); if (_thumbHot != thumbHot) { _thumbHot = thumbHot; Invalidate(); } var upArrowHot = _upArrowArea.Contains(e.Location); if (_upArrowHot != upArrowHot) { _upArrowHot = upArrowHot; Invalidate(); } var downArrowHot = _downArrowArea.Contains(e.Location); if (_downArrowHot != downArrowHot) { _downArrowHot = downArrowHot; Invalidate(); } } if (_isScrolling) { if (e.Button != MouseButtons.Left) { OnMouseUp(null); return; } var difference = new Point(e.Location.X - _initialContact.X, e.Location.Y - _initialContact.Y); if (_scrollOrientation == DarkOrientation.Vertical) { var thumbPos = (_initialValue - _trackArea.Top); var newPosition = thumbPos + difference.Y; ScrollToPhysical(newPosition); } else if (_scrollOrientation == DarkOrientation.Horizontal) { var thumbPos = (_initialValue - _trackArea.Left); var newPosition = thumbPos + difference.X; ScrollToPhysical(newPosition); } UpdateScrollBar(); } } protected override void OnMouseLeave(EventArgs e) { base.OnMouseLeave(e); _thumbHot = false; _upArrowHot = false; _downArrowHot = false; Invalidate(); } private void ScrollTimerTick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!_upArrowClicked && !_downArrowClicked) { _scrollTimer.Enabled = false; return; } if (_upArrowClicked) ScrollBy(-1); else if (_downArrowClicked) ScrollBy(1); } #endregion #region Method Region public void ScrollTo(int position) { Value = position; } public void ScrollToPhysical(int positionInPixels) { var isVert = _scrollOrientation == DarkOrientation.Vertical; var trackAreaSize = isVert ? _trackArea.Height - _thumbArea.Height : _trackArea.Width - _thumbArea.Width; var positionRatio = (float)positionInPixels / (float)trackAreaSize; var viewScrollSize = (Maximum - ViewSize); var newValue = (int)(positionRatio * viewScrollSize); Value = newValue; } public void ScrollBy(int offset) { var newValue = Value + offset; ScrollTo(newValue); } public void ScrollByPhysical(int offsetInPixels) { var isVert = _scrollOrientation == DarkOrientation.Vertical; var thumbPos = isVert ? (_thumbArea.Top - _trackArea.Top) : (_thumbArea.Left - _trackArea.Left); var newPosition = thumbPos - offsetInPixels; ScrollToPhysical(newPosition); } public void UpdateScrollBar() { if (ViewSize >= Maximum) return; var area = ClientRectangle; // Cap to maximum value var maximumValue = Maximum - ViewSize; if (Value > maximumValue) Value = maximumValue; // Arrow buttons if (_scrollOrientation == DarkOrientation.Vertical) { _upArrowArea = new Rectangle(area.Left, area.Top, Consts.ArrowButtonSize, Consts.ArrowButtonSize); _downArrowArea = new Rectangle(area.Left, area.Bottom - Consts.ArrowButtonSize, Consts.ArrowButtonSize, Consts.ArrowButtonSize); } else if (_scrollOrientation == DarkOrientation.Horizontal) { _upArrowArea = new Rectangle(area.Left, area.Top, Consts.ArrowButtonSize, Consts.ArrowButtonSize); _downArrowArea = new Rectangle(area.Right - Consts.ArrowButtonSize, area.Top, Consts.ArrowButtonSize, Consts.ArrowButtonSize); } // Track if (_scrollOrientation == DarkOrientation.Vertical) { _trackArea = new Rectangle(area.Left, area.Top + Consts.ArrowButtonSize, area.Width, area.Height - (Consts.ArrowButtonSize * 2)); } else if (_scrollOrientation == DarkOrientation.Horizontal) { _trackArea = new Rectangle(area.Left + Consts.ArrowButtonSize, area.Top, area.Width - (Consts.ArrowButtonSize * 2), area.Height); } // Thumb UpdateThumb(); Invalidate(); } private void UpdateThumb(bool forceRefresh = false) { // Calculate size ratio _viewContentRatio = (float)ViewSize / (float)Maximum; var viewAreaSize = Maximum - ViewSize; var positionRatio = (float)Value / (float)viewAreaSize; // Update area if (_scrollOrientation == DarkOrientation.Vertical) { var thumbSize = (int)(_trackArea.Height * _viewContentRatio); if (thumbSize < Consts.MinimumThumbSize) thumbSize = Consts.MinimumThumbSize; var trackAreaSize = _trackArea.Height - thumbSize; var thumbPosition = (int)(trackAreaSize * positionRatio); _thumbArea = new Rectangle(_trackArea.Left + 3, _trackArea.Top + thumbPosition, Consts.ScrollBarSize - 6, thumbSize); } else if (_scrollOrientation == DarkOrientation.Horizontal) { var thumbSize = (int)(_trackArea.Width * _viewContentRatio); if (thumbSize < Consts.MinimumThumbSize) thumbSize = Consts.MinimumThumbSize; var trackAreaSize = _trackArea.Width - thumbSize; var thumbPosition = (int)(trackAreaSize * positionRatio); _thumbArea = new Rectangle(_trackArea.Left + thumbPosition, _trackArea.Top + 3, thumbSize, Consts.ScrollBarSize - 6); } if (forceRefresh) { Invalidate(); Update(); } } #endregion #region Paint Region protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e) { var g = e.Graphics; // DEBUG: Scrollbar bg /*using (var b = new SolidBrush(Colors.MediumBackground)) { g.FillRectangle(b, ClientRectangle); }*/ // DEBUG: Arrow backgrounds /*using (var b = new SolidBrush(Color.White)) { g.FillRectangle(b, _upArrowArea); g.FillRectangle(b, _downArrowArea); }*/ // Up arrow var upIcon = _upArrowHot ? ScrollIcons.scrollbar_arrow_hot : ScrollIcons.scrollbar_arrow_standard; if (_upArrowClicked) upIcon = ScrollIcons.scrollbar_arrow_clicked; if (_scrollOrientation == DarkOrientation.Vertical) upIcon.RotateFlip(RotateFlipType.RotateNoneFlipY); else if (_scrollOrientation == DarkOrientation.Horizontal) upIcon.RotateFlip(RotateFlipType.Rotate90FlipNone); g.DrawImageUnscaled(upIcon, _upArrowArea.Left + (_upArrowArea.Width / 2) - (upIcon.Width / 2), _upArrowArea.Top + (_upArrowArea.Height / 2) - (upIcon.Height / 2)); // Down arrow var downIcon = _downArrowHot ? ScrollIcons.scrollbar_arrow_hot : ScrollIcons.scrollbar_arrow_standard; if (_downArrowClicked) downIcon = ScrollIcons.scrollbar_arrow_clicked; if (_scrollOrientation == DarkOrientation.Horizontal) downIcon.RotateFlip(RotateFlipType.Rotate270FlipNone); g.DrawImageUnscaled(downIcon, _downArrowArea.Left + (_downArrowArea.Width / 2) - (downIcon.Width / 2), _downArrowArea.Top + (_downArrowArea.Height / 2) - (downIcon.Height / 2)); // Draw thumb var scrollColor = _thumbHot ? Colors.GreyHighlight : Colors.GreySelection; if (_isScrolling) scrollColor = Colors.ActiveControl; using (var b = new SolidBrush(scrollColor)) { g.FillRectangle(b, _thumbArea); } } #endregion } }