diff --git a/Facepunch.Steamworks/SteamNative/SteamNative.Platform.Interface.cs b/Facepunch.Steamworks/SteamNative/SteamNative.Platform.Interface.cs index 96f86bd..a81265e 100644 --- a/Facepunch.Steamworks/SteamNative/SteamNative.Platform.Interface.cs +++ b/Facepunch.Steamworks/SteamNative/SteamNative.Platform.Interface.cs @@ -7,8 +7,39 @@ namespace SteamNative { public interface Interface { + // Implementation should return true if _ptr is non null bool IsValid { get; } + uint /*uint32*/ ISteamAppList_GetNumInstalledApps(); + uint /*uint32*/ ISteamAppList_GetInstalledApps( IntPtr /*AppId_t **/ pvecAppID, uint /*uint32*/ unMaxAppIDs ); + int /*int*/ ISteamAppList_GetAppName( AppId_t /*AppId_t*/ nAppID, System.Text.StringBuilder /*char **/ pchName, int /*int*/ cchNameMax ); + int /*int*/ ISteamAppList_GetAppInstallDir( AppId_t /*AppId_t*/ nAppID, System.Text.StringBuilder /*char **/ pchDirectory, int /*int*/ cchNameMax ); + int /*int*/ ISteamAppList_GetAppBuildId( AppId_t /*AppId_t*/ nAppID ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamApps_BIsSubscribed(); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamApps_BIsLowViolence(); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamApps_BIsCybercafe(); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamApps_BIsVACBanned(); + IntPtr ISteamApps_GetCurrentGameLanguage(); + IntPtr ISteamApps_GetAvailableGameLanguages(); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamApps_BIsSubscribedApp( AppId_t /*AppId_t*/ appID ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamApps_BIsDlcInstalled( AppId_t /*AppId_t*/ appID ); + uint /*uint32*/ ISteamApps_GetEarliestPurchaseUnixTime( AppId_t /*AppId_t*/ nAppID ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamApps_BIsSubscribedFromFreeWeekend(); + int /*int*/ ISteamApps_GetDLCCount(); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamApps_BGetDLCDataByIndex( int /*int*/ iDLC , ref AppId_t /*AppId_t **/ pAppID, out bool /*bool **/ pbAvailable, System.Text.StringBuilder /*char **/ pchName, int /*int*/ cchNameBufferSize ); + void /*void*/ ISteamApps_InstallDLC( AppId_t /*AppId_t*/ nAppID ); + void /*void*/ ISteamApps_UninstallDLC( AppId_t /*AppId_t*/ nAppID ); + void /*void*/ ISteamApps_RequestAppProofOfPurchaseKey( AppId_t /*AppId_t*/ nAppID ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamApps_GetCurrentBetaName( System.Text.StringBuilder /*char **/ pchName, int /*int*/ cchNameBufferSize ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamApps_MarkContentCorrupt( bool /*bool*/ bMissingFilesOnly ); + uint /*uint32*/ ISteamApps_GetInstalledDepots( AppId_t /*AppId_t*/ appID, IntPtr /*DepotId_t **/ pvecDepots, uint /*uint32*/ cMaxDepots ); + uint /*uint32*/ ISteamApps_GetAppInstallDir( AppId_t /*AppId_t*/ appID, System.Text.StringBuilder /*char **/ pchFolder, uint /*uint32*/ cchFolderBufferSize ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamApps_BIsAppInstalled( AppId_t /*AppId_t*/ appID ); + CSteamID /*(class CSteamID)*/ ISteamApps_GetAppOwner(); + IntPtr ISteamApps_GetLaunchQueryParam( string /*const char **/ pchKey ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamApps_GetDlcDownloadProgress( AppId_t /*AppId_t*/ nAppID, out ulong /*uint64 **/ punBytesDownloaded, out ulong /*uint64 **/ punBytesTotal ); + int /*int*/ ISteamApps_GetAppBuildId(); + void /*void*/ ISteamApps_RequestAllProofOfPurchaseKeys(); HSteamPipe /*(HSteamPipe)*/ ISteamClient_CreateSteamPipe(); bool /*bool*/ ISteamClient_BReleaseSteamPipe( HSteamPipe /*HSteamPipe*/ hSteamPipe ); HSteamUser /*(HSteamUser)*/ ISteamClient_ConnectToGlobalUser( HSteamPipe /*HSteamPipe*/ hSteamPipe ); @@ -41,35 +72,23 @@ namespace SteamNative IntPtr /*class ISteamHTMLSurface **/ ISteamClient_GetISteamHTMLSurface( HSteamUser /*HSteamUser*/ hSteamuser, HSteamPipe /*HSteamPipe*/ hSteamPipe, string /*const char **/ pchVersion ); IntPtr /*class ISteamInventory **/ ISteamClient_GetISteamInventory( HSteamUser /*HSteamUser*/ hSteamuser, HSteamPipe /*HSteamPipe*/ hSteamPipe, string /*const char **/ pchVersion ); IntPtr /*class ISteamVideo **/ ISteamClient_GetISteamVideo( HSteamUser /*HSteamUser*/ hSteamuser, HSteamPipe /*HSteamPipe*/ hSteamPipe, string /*const char **/ pchVersion ); - - HSteamUser /*(HSteamUser)*/ ISteamUser_GetHSteamUser(); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamUser_BLoggedOn(); - CSteamID /*(class CSteamID)*/ ISteamUser_GetSteamID(); - int /*int*/ ISteamUser_InitiateGameConnection( IntPtr /*void **/ pAuthBlob , int /*int*/ cbMaxAuthBlob , CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamIDGameServer, uint /*uint32*/ unIPServer , ushort /*uint16*/ usPortServer , bool /*bool*/ bSecure ); - void /*void*/ ISteamUser_TerminateGameConnection( uint /*uint32*/ unIPServer , ushort /*uint16*/ usPortServer ); - void /*void*/ ISteamUser_TrackAppUsageEvent( CGameID /*class CGameID*/ gameID, int /*int*/ eAppUsageEvent , string /*const char **/ pchExtraInfo ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamUser_GetUserDataFolder( System.Text.StringBuilder /*char **/ pchBuffer, int /*int*/ cubBuffer ); - void /*void*/ ISteamUser_StartVoiceRecording(); - void /*void*/ ISteamUser_StopVoiceRecording(); - VoiceResult /*EVoiceResult*/ ISteamUser_GetAvailableVoice( out uint /*uint32 **/ pcbCompressed, out uint /*uint32 **/ pcbUncompressed, uint /*uint32*/ nUncompressedVoiceDesiredSampleRate ); - VoiceResult /*EVoiceResult*/ ISteamUser_GetVoice( bool /*bool*/ bWantCompressed , IntPtr /*void **/ pDestBuffer , uint /*uint32*/ cbDestBufferSize , out uint /*uint32 **/ nBytesWritten, bool /*bool*/ bWantUncompressed , IntPtr /*void **/ pUncompressedDestBuffer , uint /*uint32*/ cbUncompressedDestBufferSize , out uint /*uint32 **/ nUncompressBytesWritten, uint /*uint32*/ nUncompressedVoiceDesiredSampleRate ); - VoiceResult /*EVoiceResult*/ ISteamUser_DecompressVoice( IntPtr /*const void **/ pCompressed , uint /*uint32*/ cbCompressed , IntPtr /*void **/ pDestBuffer , uint /*uint32*/ cbDestBufferSize , out uint /*uint32 **/ nBytesWritten, uint /*uint32*/ nDesiredSampleRate ); - uint /*uint32*/ ISteamUser_GetVoiceOptimalSampleRate(); - HAuthTicket /*(HAuthTicket)*/ ISteamUser_GetAuthSessionTicket( IntPtr /*void **/ pTicket , int /*int*/ cbMaxTicket , out uint /*uint32 **/ pcbTicket ); - BeginAuthSessionResult /*EBeginAuthSessionResult*/ ISteamUser_BeginAuthSession( IntPtr /*const void **/ pAuthTicket , int /*int*/ cbAuthTicket , CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamID ); - void /*void*/ ISteamUser_EndAuthSession( CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamID ); - void /*void*/ ISteamUser_CancelAuthTicket( HAuthTicket /*HAuthTicket*/ hAuthTicket ); - UserHasLicenseForAppResult /*EUserHasLicenseForAppResult*/ ISteamUser_UserHasLicenseForApp( CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamID, AppId_t /*AppId_t*/ appID ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamUser_BIsBehindNAT(); - void /*void*/ ISteamUser_AdvertiseGame( CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamIDGameServer, uint /*uint32*/ unIPServer , ushort /*uint16*/ usPortServer ); - SteamAPICall_t /*(SteamAPICall_t)*/ ISteamUser_RequestEncryptedAppTicket( IntPtr /*void **/ pDataToInclude , int /*int*/ cbDataToInclude ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamUser_GetEncryptedAppTicket( IntPtr /*void **/ pTicket , int /*int*/ cbMaxTicket , out uint /*uint32 **/ pcbTicket ); - int /*int*/ ISteamUser_GetGameBadgeLevel( int /*int*/ nSeries , bool /*bool*/ bFoil ); - int /*int*/ ISteamUser_GetPlayerSteamLevel(); - SteamAPICall_t /*(SteamAPICall_t)*/ ISteamUser_RequestStoreAuthURL( string /*const char **/ pchRedirectURL ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamUser_BIsPhoneVerified(); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamUser_BIsTwoFactorEnabled(); - + bool /*bool*/ ISteamController_Init(); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamController_Shutdown(); + void /*void*/ ISteamController_RunFrame(); + int /*int*/ ISteamController_GetConnectedControllers( IntPtr /*ControllerHandle_t **/ handlesOut ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamController_ShowBindingPanel( ControllerHandle_t /*ControllerHandle_t*/ controllerHandle ); + ControllerActionSetHandle_t /*(ControllerActionSetHandle_t)*/ ISteamController_GetActionSetHandle( string /*const char **/ pszActionSetName ); + void /*void*/ ISteamController_ActivateActionSet( ControllerHandle_t /*ControllerHandle_t*/ controllerHandle, ControllerActionSetHandle_t /*ControllerActionSetHandle_t*/ actionSetHandle ); + ControllerActionSetHandle_t /*(ControllerActionSetHandle_t)*/ ISteamController_GetCurrentActionSet( ControllerHandle_t /*ControllerHandle_t*/ controllerHandle ); + ControllerDigitalActionHandle_t /*(ControllerDigitalActionHandle_t)*/ ISteamController_GetDigitalActionHandle( string /*const char **/ pszActionName ); + ControllerDigitalActionData_t /*struct ControllerDigitalActionData_t*/ ISteamController_GetDigitalActionData( ControllerHandle_t /*ControllerHandle_t*/ controllerHandle, ControllerDigitalActionHandle_t /*ControllerDigitalActionHandle_t*/ digitalActionHandle ); + int /*int*/ ISteamController_GetDigitalActionOrigins( ControllerHandle_t /*ControllerHandle_t*/ controllerHandle, ControllerActionSetHandle_t /*ControllerActionSetHandle_t*/ actionSetHandle, ControllerDigitalActionHandle_t /*ControllerDigitalActionHandle_t*/ digitalActionHandle, out ControllerActionOrigin /*EControllerActionOrigin **/ originsOut ); + ControllerAnalogActionHandle_t /*(ControllerAnalogActionHandle_t)*/ ISteamController_GetAnalogActionHandle( string /*const char **/ pszActionName ); + ControllerAnalogActionData_t /*struct ControllerAnalogActionData_t*/ ISteamController_GetAnalogActionData( ControllerHandle_t /*ControllerHandle_t*/ controllerHandle, ControllerAnalogActionHandle_t /*ControllerAnalogActionHandle_t*/ analogActionHandle ); + int /*int*/ ISteamController_GetAnalogActionOrigins( ControllerHandle_t /*ControllerHandle_t*/ controllerHandle, ControllerActionSetHandle_t /*ControllerActionSetHandle_t*/ actionSetHandle, ControllerAnalogActionHandle_t /*ControllerAnalogActionHandle_t*/ analogActionHandle, out ControllerActionOrigin /*EControllerActionOrigin **/ originsOut ); + void /*void*/ ISteamController_StopAnalogActionMomentum( ControllerHandle_t /*ControllerHandle_t*/ controllerHandle, ControllerAnalogActionHandle_t /*ControllerAnalogActionHandle_t*/ eAction ); + void /*void*/ ISteamController_TriggerHapticPulse( ControllerHandle_t /*ControllerHandle_t*/ controllerHandle, SteamControllerPad /*ESteamControllerPad*/ eTargetPad , ushort /*unsigned short*/ usDurationMicroSec ); + void /*void*/ ISteamController_TriggerRepeatedHapticPulse( ControllerHandle_t /*ControllerHandle_t*/ controllerHandle, SteamControllerPad /*ESteamControllerPad*/ eTargetPad , ushort /*unsigned short*/ usDurationMicroSec , ushort /*unsigned short*/ usOffMicroSec , ushort /*unsigned short*/ unRepeat , uint /*unsigned int*/ nFlags ); IntPtr ISteamFriends_GetPersonaName(); SteamAPICall_t /*(SteamAPICall_t)*/ ISteamFriends_SetPersonaName( string /*const char **/ pchPersonaName ); PersonaState /*EPersonaState*/ ISteamFriends_GetPersonaState(); @@ -140,35 +159,142 @@ namespace SteamNative SteamAPICall_t /*(SteamAPICall_t)*/ ISteamFriends_GetFollowerCount( CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamID ); SteamAPICall_t /*(SteamAPICall_t)*/ ISteamFriends_IsFollowing( CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamID ); SteamAPICall_t /*(SteamAPICall_t)*/ ISteamFriends_EnumerateFollowingList( uint /*uint32*/ unStartIndex ); - - uint /*uint32*/ ISteamUtils_GetSecondsSinceAppActive(); - uint /*uint32*/ ISteamUtils_GetSecondsSinceComputerActive(); - Universe /*EUniverse*/ ISteamUtils_GetConnectedUniverse(); - uint /*uint32*/ ISteamUtils_GetServerRealTime(); - IntPtr ISteamUtils_GetIPCountry(); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamUtils_GetImageSize( int /*int*/ iImage , out uint /*uint32 **/ pnWidth, out uint /*uint32 **/ pnHeight ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamUtils_GetImageRGBA( int /*int*/ iImage , IntPtr /*uint8 **/ pubDest, int /*int*/ nDestBufferSize ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamUtils_GetCSERIPPort( out uint /*uint32 **/ unIP, out ushort /*uint16 **/ usPort ); - byte /*uint8*/ ISteamUtils_GetCurrentBatteryPower(); - uint /*uint32*/ ISteamUtils_GetAppID(); - void /*void*/ ISteamUtils_SetOverlayNotificationPosition( NotificationPosition /*ENotificationPosition*/ eNotificationPosition ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamUtils_IsAPICallCompleted( SteamAPICall_t /*SteamAPICall_t*/ hSteamAPICall, out bool /*bool **/ pbFailed ); - SteamAPICallFailure /*ESteamAPICallFailure*/ ISteamUtils_GetAPICallFailureReason( SteamAPICall_t /*SteamAPICall_t*/ hSteamAPICall ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamUtils_GetAPICallResult( SteamAPICall_t /*SteamAPICall_t*/ hSteamAPICall, IntPtr /*void **/ pCallback , int /*int*/ cubCallback , int /*int*/ iCallbackExpected , out bool /*bool **/ pbFailed ); - uint /*uint32*/ ISteamUtils_GetIPCCallCount(); - void /*void*/ ISteamUtils_SetWarningMessageHook( IntPtr /*SteamAPIWarningMessageHook_t*/ pFunction ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamUtils_IsOverlayEnabled(); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamUtils_BOverlayNeedsPresent(); - SteamAPICall_t /*(SteamAPICall_t)*/ ISteamUtils_CheckFileSignature( string /*const char **/ szFileName ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamUtils_ShowGamepadTextInput( GamepadTextInputMode /*EGamepadTextInputMode*/ eInputMode , GamepadTextInputLineMode /*EGamepadTextInputLineMode*/ eLineInputMode , string /*const char **/ pchDescription , uint /*uint32*/ unCharMax , string /*const char **/ pchExistingText ); - uint /*uint32*/ ISteamUtils_GetEnteredGamepadTextLength(); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamUtils_GetEnteredGamepadTextInput( System.Text.StringBuilder /*char **/ pchText, uint /*uint32*/ cchText ); - IntPtr ISteamUtils_GetSteamUILanguage(); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamUtils_IsSteamRunningInVR(); - void /*void*/ ISteamUtils_SetOverlayNotificationInset( int /*int*/ nHorizontalInset , int /*int*/ nVerticalInset ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamUtils_IsSteamInBigPictureMode(); - void /*void*/ ISteamUtils_StartVRDashboard(); - + bool /*bool*/ ISteamGameServer_InitGameServer( uint /*uint32*/ unIP , ushort /*uint16*/ usGamePort , ushort /*uint16*/ usQueryPort , uint /*uint32*/ unFlags , AppId_t /*AppId_t*/ nGameAppId, string /*const char **/ pchVersionString ); + void /*void*/ ISteamGameServer_SetProduct( string /*const char **/ pszProduct ); + void /*void*/ ISteamGameServer_SetGameDescription( string /*const char **/ pszGameDescription ); + void /*void*/ ISteamGameServer_SetModDir( string /*const char **/ pszModDir ); + void /*void*/ ISteamGameServer_SetDedicatedServer( bool /*bool*/ bDedicated ); + void /*void*/ ISteamGameServer_LogOn( string /*const char **/ pszToken ); + void /*void*/ ISteamGameServer_LogOnAnonymous(); + void /*void*/ ISteamGameServer_LogOff(); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamGameServer_BLoggedOn(); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamGameServer_BSecure(); + CSteamID /*(class CSteamID)*/ ISteamGameServer_GetSteamID(); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamGameServer_WasRestartRequested(); + void /*void*/ ISteamGameServer_SetMaxPlayerCount( int /*int*/ cPlayersMax ); + void /*void*/ ISteamGameServer_SetBotPlayerCount( int /*int*/ cBotplayers ); + void /*void*/ ISteamGameServer_SetServerName( string /*const char **/ pszServerName ); + void /*void*/ ISteamGameServer_SetMapName( string /*const char **/ pszMapName ); + void /*void*/ ISteamGameServer_SetPasswordProtected( bool /*bool*/ bPasswordProtected ); + void /*void*/ ISteamGameServer_SetSpectatorPort( ushort /*uint16*/ unSpectatorPort ); + void /*void*/ ISteamGameServer_SetSpectatorServerName( string /*const char **/ pszSpectatorServerName ); + void /*void*/ ISteamGameServer_ClearAllKeyValues(); + void /*void*/ ISteamGameServer_SetKeyValue( string /*const char **/ pKey , string /*const char **/ pValue ); + void /*void*/ ISteamGameServer_SetGameTags( string /*const char **/ pchGameTags ); + void /*void*/ ISteamGameServer_SetGameData( string /*const char **/ pchGameData ); + void /*void*/ ISteamGameServer_SetRegion( string /*const char **/ pszRegion ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamGameServer_SendUserConnectAndAuthenticate( uint /*uint32*/ unIPClient , IntPtr /*const void **/ pvAuthBlob , uint /*uint32*/ cubAuthBlobSize , out CSteamID /*class CSteamID **/ pSteamIDUser ); + CSteamID /*(class CSteamID)*/ ISteamGameServer_CreateUnauthenticatedUserConnection(); + void /*void*/ ISteamGameServer_SendUserDisconnect( CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamIDUser ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamGameServer_BUpdateUserData( CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamIDUser, string /*const char **/ pchPlayerName , uint /*uint32*/ uScore ); + HAuthTicket /*(HAuthTicket)*/ ISteamGameServer_GetAuthSessionTicket( IntPtr /*void **/ pTicket , int /*int*/ cbMaxTicket , out uint /*uint32 **/ pcbTicket ); + BeginAuthSessionResult /*EBeginAuthSessionResult*/ ISteamGameServer_BeginAuthSession( IntPtr /*const void **/ pAuthTicket , int /*int*/ cbAuthTicket , CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamID ); + void /*void*/ ISteamGameServer_EndAuthSession( CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamID ); + void /*void*/ ISteamGameServer_CancelAuthTicket( HAuthTicket /*HAuthTicket*/ hAuthTicket ); + UserHasLicenseForAppResult /*EUserHasLicenseForAppResult*/ ISteamGameServer_UserHasLicenseForApp( CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamID, AppId_t /*AppId_t*/ appID ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamGameServer_RequestUserGroupStatus( CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamIDUser, CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamIDGroup ); + void /*void*/ ISteamGameServer_GetGameplayStats(); + SteamAPICall_t /*(SteamAPICall_t)*/ ISteamGameServer_GetServerReputation(); + uint /*uint32*/ ISteamGameServer_GetPublicIP(); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamGameServer_HandleIncomingPacket( IntPtr /*const void **/ pData , int /*int*/ cbData , uint /*uint32*/ srcIP , ushort /*uint16*/ srcPort ); + int /*int*/ ISteamGameServer_GetNextOutgoingPacket( IntPtr /*void **/ pOut , int /*int*/ cbMaxOut , out uint /*uint32 **/ pNetAdr, out ushort /*uint16 **/ pPort ); + void /*void*/ ISteamGameServer_EnableHeartbeats( bool /*bool*/ bActive ); + void /*void*/ ISteamGameServer_SetHeartbeatInterval( int /*int*/ iHeartbeatInterval ); + void /*void*/ ISteamGameServer_ForceHeartbeat(); + SteamAPICall_t /*(SteamAPICall_t)*/ ISteamGameServer_AssociateWithClan( CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamIDClan ); + SteamAPICall_t /*(SteamAPICall_t)*/ ISteamGameServer_ComputeNewPlayerCompatibility( CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamIDNewPlayer ); + SteamAPICall_t /*(SteamAPICall_t)*/ ISteamGameServerStats_RequestUserStats( CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamIDUser ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamGameServerStats_GetUserStat( CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamIDUser, string /*const char **/ pchName , out int /*int32 **/ pData ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamGameServerStats_GetUserStat0( CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamIDUser, string /*const char **/ pchName , out float /*float **/ pData ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamGameServerStats_GetUserAchievement( CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamIDUser, string /*const char **/ pchName , out bool /*bool **/ pbAchieved ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamGameServerStats_SetUserStat( CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamIDUser, string /*const char **/ pchName , int /*int32*/ nData ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamGameServerStats_SetUserStat0( CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamIDUser, string /*const char **/ pchName , float /*float*/ fData ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamGameServerStats_UpdateUserAvgRateStat( CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamIDUser, string /*const char **/ pchName , float /*float*/ flCountThisSession , double /*double*/ dSessionLength ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamGameServerStats_SetUserAchievement( CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamIDUser, string /*const char **/ pchName ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamGameServerStats_ClearUserAchievement( CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamIDUser, string /*const char **/ pchName ); + SteamAPICall_t /*(SteamAPICall_t)*/ ISteamGameServerStats_StoreUserStats( CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamIDUser ); + void /*void*/ ISteamHTMLSurface_DestructISteamHTMLSurface(); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamHTMLSurface_Init(); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamHTMLSurface_Shutdown(); + SteamAPICall_t /*(SteamAPICall_t)*/ ISteamHTMLSurface_CreateBrowser( string /*const char **/ pchUserAgent , string /*const char **/ pchUserCSS ); + void /*void*/ ISteamHTMLSurface_RemoveBrowser( HHTMLBrowser /*HHTMLBrowser*/ unBrowserHandle ); + void /*void*/ ISteamHTMLSurface_LoadURL( HHTMLBrowser /*HHTMLBrowser*/ unBrowserHandle, string /*const char **/ pchURL , string /*const char **/ pchPostData ); + void /*void*/ ISteamHTMLSurface_SetSize( HHTMLBrowser /*HHTMLBrowser*/ unBrowserHandle, uint /*uint32*/ unWidth , uint /*uint32*/ unHeight ); + void /*void*/ ISteamHTMLSurface_StopLoad( HHTMLBrowser /*HHTMLBrowser*/ unBrowserHandle ); + void /*void*/ ISteamHTMLSurface_Reload( HHTMLBrowser /*HHTMLBrowser*/ unBrowserHandle ); + void /*void*/ ISteamHTMLSurface_GoBack( HHTMLBrowser /*HHTMLBrowser*/ unBrowserHandle ); + void /*void*/ ISteamHTMLSurface_GoForward( HHTMLBrowser /*HHTMLBrowser*/ unBrowserHandle ); + void /*void*/ ISteamHTMLSurface_AddHeader( HHTMLBrowser /*HHTMLBrowser*/ unBrowserHandle, string /*const char **/ pchKey , string /*const char **/ pchValue ); + void /*void*/ ISteamHTMLSurface_ExecuteJavascript( HHTMLBrowser /*HHTMLBrowser*/ unBrowserHandle, string /*const char **/ pchScript ); + void /*void*/ ISteamHTMLSurface_MouseUp( HHTMLBrowser /*HHTMLBrowser*/ unBrowserHandle, HTMLMouseButton /*ISteamHTMLSurface::EHTMLMouseButton*/ eMouseButton ); + void /*void*/ ISteamHTMLSurface_MouseDown( HHTMLBrowser /*HHTMLBrowser*/ unBrowserHandle, HTMLMouseButton /*ISteamHTMLSurface::EHTMLMouseButton*/ eMouseButton ); + void /*void*/ ISteamHTMLSurface_MouseDoubleClick( HHTMLBrowser /*HHTMLBrowser*/ unBrowserHandle, HTMLMouseButton /*ISteamHTMLSurface::EHTMLMouseButton*/ eMouseButton ); + void /*void*/ ISteamHTMLSurface_MouseMove( HHTMLBrowser /*HHTMLBrowser*/ unBrowserHandle, int /*int*/ x , int /*int*/ y ); + void /*void*/ ISteamHTMLSurface_MouseWheel( HHTMLBrowser /*HHTMLBrowser*/ unBrowserHandle, int /*int32*/ nDelta ); + void /*void*/ ISteamHTMLSurface_KeyDown( HHTMLBrowser /*HHTMLBrowser*/ unBrowserHandle, uint /*uint32*/ nNativeKeyCode , HTMLKeyModifiers /*ISteamHTMLSurface::EHTMLKeyModifiers*/ eHTMLKeyModifiers ); + void /*void*/ ISteamHTMLSurface_KeyUp( HHTMLBrowser /*HHTMLBrowser*/ unBrowserHandle, uint /*uint32*/ nNativeKeyCode , HTMLKeyModifiers /*ISteamHTMLSurface::EHTMLKeyModifiers*/ eHTMLKeyModifiers ); + void /*void*/ ISteamHTMLSurface_KeyChar( HHTMLBrowser /*HHTMLBrowser*/ unBrowserHandle, uint /*uint32*/ cUnicodeChar , HTMLKeyModifiers /*ISteamHTMLSurface::EHTMLKeyModifiers*/ eHTMLKeyModifiers ); + void /*void*/ ISteamHTMLSurface_SetHorizontalScroll( HHTMLBrowser /*HHTMLBrowser*/ unBrowserHandle, uint /*uint32*/ nAbsolutePixelScroll ); + void /*void*/ ISteamHTMLSurface_SetVerticalScroll( HHTMLBrowser /*HHTMLBrowser*/ unBrowserHandle, uint /*uint32*/ nAbsolutePixelScroll ); + void /*void*/ ISteamHTMLSurface_SetKeyFocus( HHTMLBrowser /*HHTMLBrowser*/ unBrowserHandle, bool /*bool*/ bHasKeyFocus ); + void /*void*/ ISteamHTMLSurface_ViewSource( HHTMLBrowser /*HHTMLBrowser*/ unBrowserHandle ); + void /*void*/ ISteamHTMLSurface_CopyToClipboard( HHTMLBrowser /*HHTMLBrowser*/ unBrowserHandle ); + void /*void*/ ISteamHTMLSurface_PasteFromClipboard( HHTMLBrowser /*HHTMLBrowser*/ unBrowserHandle ); + void /*void*/ ISteamHTMLSurface_Find( HHTMLBrowser /*HHTMLBrowser*/ unBrowserHandle, string /*const char **/ pchSearchStr , bool /*bool*/ bCurrentlyInFind , bool /*bool*/ bReverse ); + void /*void*/ ISteamHTMLSurface_StopFind( HHTMLBrowser /*HHTMLBrowser*/ unBrowserHandle ); + void /*void*/ ISteamHTMLSurface_GetLinkAtPosition( HHTMLBrowser /*HHTMLBrowser*/ unBrowserHandle, int /*int*/ x , int /*int*/ y ); + void /*void*/ ISteamHTMLSurface_SetCookie( string /*const char **/ pchHostname , string /*const char **/ pchKey , string /*const char **/ pchValue , string /*const char **/ pchPath , RTime32 /*RTime32*/ nExpires, bool /*bool*/ bSecure , bool /*bool*/ bHTTPOnly ); + void /*void*/ ISteamHTMLSurface_SetPageScaleFactor( HHTMLBrowser /*HHTMLBrowser*/ unBrowserHandle, float /*float*/ flZoom , int /*int*/ nPointX , int /*int*/ nPointY ); + void /*void*/ ISteamHTMLSurface_SetBackgroundMode( HHTMLBrowser /*HHTMLBrowser*/ unBrowserHandle, bool /*bool*/ bBackgroundMode ); + void /*void*/ ISteamHTMLSurface_AllowStartRequest( HHTMLBrowser /*HHTMLBrowser*/ unBrowserHandle, bool /*bool*/ bAllowed ); + void /*void*/ ISteamHTMLSurface_JSDialogResponse( HHTMLBrowser /*HHTMLBrowser*/ unBrowserHandle, bool /*bool*/ bResult ); + HTTPRequestHandle /*(HTTPRequestHandle)*/ ISteamHTTP_CreateHTTPRequest( HTTPMethod /*EHTTPMethod*/ eHTTPRequestMethod , string /*const char **/ pchAbsoluteURL ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamHTTP_SetHTTPRequestContextValue( HTTPRequestHandle /*HTTPRequestHandle*/ hRequest, ulong /*uint64*/ ulContextValue ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamHTTP_SetHTTPRequestNetworkActivityTimeout( HTTPRequestHandle /*HTTPRequestHandle*/ hRequest, uint /*uint32*/ unTimeoutSeconds ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamHTTP_SetHTTPRequestHeaderValue( HTTPRequestHandle /*HTTPRequestHandle*/ hRequest, string /*const char **/ pchHeaderName , string /*const char **/ pchHeaderValue ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamHTTP_SetHTTPRequestGetOrPostParameter( HTTPRequestHandle /*HTTPRequestHandle*/ hRequest, string /*const char **/ pchParamName , string /*const char **/ pchParamValue ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamHTTP_SendHTTPRequest( HTTPRequestHandle /*HTTPRequestHandle*/ hRequest, ref SteamAPICall_t /*SteamAPICall_t **/ pCallHandle ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamHTTP_SendHTTPRequestAndStreamResponse( HTTPRequestHandle /*HTTPRequestHandle*/ hRequest, ref SteamAPICall_t /*SteamAPICall_t **/ pCallHandle ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamHTTP_DeferHTTPRequest( HTTPRequestHandle /*HTTPRequestHandle*/ hRequest ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamHTTP_PrioritizeHTTPRequest( HTTPRequestHandle /*HTTPRequestHandle*/ hRequest ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamHTTP_GetHTTPResponseHeaderSize( HTTPRequestHandle /*HTTPRequestHandle*/ hRequest, string /*const char **/ pchHeaderName , out uint /*uint32 **/ unResponseHeaderSize ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamHTTP_GetHTTPResponseHeaderValue( HTTPRequestHandle /*HTTPRequestHandle*/ hRequest, string /*const char **/ pchHeaderName , out byte /*uint8 **/ pHeaderValueBuffer, uint /*uint32*/ unBufferSize ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamHTTP_GetHTTPResponseBodySize( HTTPRequestHandle /*HTTPRequestHandle*/ hRequest, out uint /*uint32 **/ unBodySize ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamHTTP_GetHTTPResponseBodyData( HTTPRequestHandle /*HTTPRequestHandle*/ hRequest, out byte /*uint8 **/ pBodyDataBuffer, uint /*uint32*/ unBufferSize ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamHTTP_GetHTTPStreamingResponseBodyData( HTTPRequestHandle /*HTTPRequestHandle*/ hRequest, uint /*uint32*/ cOffset , out byte /*uint8 **/ pBodyDataBuffer, uint /*uint32*/ unBufferSize ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamHTTP_ReleaseHTTPRequest( HTTPRequestHandle /*HTTPRequestHandle*/ hRequest ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamHTTP_GetHTTPDownloadProgressPct( HTTPRequestHandle /*HTTPRequestHandle*/ hRequest, out float /*float **/ pflPercentOut ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamHTTP_SetHTTPRequestRawPostBody( HTTPRequestHandle /*HTTPRequestHandle*/ hRequest, string /*const char **/ pchContentType , out byte /*uint8 **/ pubBody, uint /*uint32*/ unBodyLen ); + HTTPCookieContainerHandle /*(HTTPCookieContainerHandle)*/ ISteamHTTP_CreateCookieContainer( bool /*bool*/ bAllowResponsesToModify ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamHTTP_ReleaseCookieContainer( HTTPCookieContainerHandle /*HTTPCookieContainerHandle*/ hCookieContainer ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamHTTP_SetCookie( HTTPCookieContainerHandle /*HTTPCookieContainerHandle*/ hCookieContainer, string /*const char **/ pchHost , string /*const char **/ pchUrl , string /*const char **/ pchCookie ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamHTTP_SetHTTPRequestCookieContainer( HTTPRequestHandle /*HTTPRequestHandle*/ hRequest, HTTPCookieContainerHandle /*HTTPCookieContainerHandle*/ hCookieContainer ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamHTTP_SetHTTPRequestUserAgentInfo( HTTPRequestHandle /*HTTPRequestHandle*/ hRequest, string /*const char **/ pchUserAgentInfo ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamHTTP_SetHTTPRequestRequiresVerifiedCertificate( HTTPRequestHandle /*HTTPRequestHandle*/ hRequest, bool /*bool*/ bRequireVerifiedCertificate ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamHTTP_SetHTTPRequestAbsoluteTimeoutMS( HTTPRequestHandle /*HTTPRequestHandle*/ hRequest, uint /*uint32*/ unMilliseconds ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamHTTP_GetHTTPRequestWasTimedOut( HTTPRequestHandle /*HTTPRequestHandle*/ hRequest, out bool /*bool **/ pbWasTimedOut ); + Result /*EResult*/ ISteamInventory_GetResultStatus( SteamInventoryResult_t /*SteamInventoryResult_t*/ resultHandle ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamInventory_GetResultItems( SteamInventoryResult_t /*SteamInventoryResult_t*/ resultHandle, IntPtr /*struct SteamItemDetails_t **/ pOutItemsArray, out uint /*uint32 **/ punOutItemsArraySize ); + uint /*uint32*/ ISteamInventory_GetResultTimestamp( SteamInventoryResult_t /*SteamInventoryResult_t*/ resultHandle ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamInventory_CheckResultSteamID( SteamInventoryResult_t /*SteamInventoryResult_t*/ resultHandle, CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamIDExpected ); + void /*void*/ ISteamInventory_DestroyResult( SteamInventoryResult_t /*SteamInventoryResult_t*/ resultHandle ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamInventory_GetAllItems( ref SteamInventoryResult_t /*SteamInventoryResult_t **/ pResultHandle ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamInventory_GetItemsByID( ref SteamInventoryResult_t /*SteamInventoryResult_t **/ pResultHandle, IntPtr /*const SteamItemInstanceID_t **/ pInstanceIDs, uint /*uint32*/ unCountInstanceIDs ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamInventory_SerializeResult( SteamInventoryResult_t /*SteamInventoryResult_t*/ resultHandle, IntPtr /*void **/ pOutBuffer , out uint /*uint32 **/ punOutBufferSize ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamInventory_DeserializeResult( ref SteamInventoryResult_t /*SteamInventoryResult_t **/ pOutResultHandle, IntPtr /*const void **/ pBuffer , uint /*uint32*/ unBufferSize , bool /*bool*/ bRESERVED_MUST_BE_FALSE ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamInventory_GenerateItems( ref SteamInventoryResult_t /*SteamInventoryResult_t **/ pResultHandle, IntPtr /*const SteamItemDef_t **/ pArrayItemDefs, out uint /*const uint32 **/ punArrayQuantity, uint /*uint32*/ unArrayLength ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamInventory_GrantPromoItems( ref SteamInventoryResult_t /*SteamInventoryResult_t **/ pResultHandle ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamInventory_AddPromoItem( ref SteamInventoryResult_t /*SteamInventoryResult_t **/ pResultHandle, SteamItemDef_t /*SteamItemDef_t*/ itemDef ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamInventory_AddPromoItems( ref SteamInventoryResult_t /*SteamInventoryResult_t **/ pResultHandle, IntPtr /*const SteamItemDef_t **/ pArrayItemDefs, uint /*uint32*/ unArrayLength ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamInventory_ConsumeItem( ref SteamInventoryResult_t /*SteamInventoryResult_t **/ pResultHandle, SteamItemInstanceID_t /*SteamItemInstanceID_t*/ itemConsume, uint /*uint32*/ unQuantity ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamInventory_ExchangeItems( ref SteamInventoryResult_t /*SteamInventoryResult_t **/ pResultHandle, ref SteamItemDef_t /*const SteamItemDef_t **/ pArrayGenerate, out uint /*const uint32 **/ punArrayGenerateQuantity, uint /*uint32*/ unArrayGenerateLength , IntPtr /*const SteamItemInstanceID_t **/ pArrayDestroy, IntPtr /*const uint32 **/ punArrayDestroyQuantity, uint /*uint32*/ unArrayDestroyLength ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamInventory_TransferItemQuantity( ref SteamInventoryResult_t /*SteamInventoryResult_t **/ pResultHandle, SteamItemInstanceID_t /*SteamItemInstanceID_t*/ itemIdSource, uint /*uint32*/ unQuantity , SteamItemInstanceID_t /*SteamItemInstanceID_t*/ itemIdDest ); + void /*void*/ ISteamInventory_SendItemDropHeartbeat(); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamInventory_TriggerItemDrop( ref SteamInventoryResult_t /*SteamInventoryResult_t **/ pResultHandle, SteamItemDef_t /*SteamItemDef_t*/ dropListDefinition ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamInventory_TradeItems( ref SteamInventoryResult_t /*SteamInventoryResult_t **/ pResultHandle, CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamIDTradePartner, ref SteamItemInstanceID_t /*const SteamItemInstanceID_t **/ pArrayGive, out uint /*const uint32 **/ pArrayGiveQuantity, uint /*uint32*/ nArrayGiveLength , ref SteamItemInstanceID_t /*const SteamItemInstanceID_t **/ pArrayGet, out uint /*const uint32 **/ pArrayGetQuantity, uint /*uint32*/ nArrayGetLength ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamInventory_LoadItemDefinitions(); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamInventory_GetItemDefinitionIDs( IntPtr /*SteamItemDef_t **/ pItemDefIDs, out uint /*uint32 **/ punItemDefIDsArraySize ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamInventory_GetItemDefinitionProperty( SteamItemDef_t /*SteamItemDef_t*/ iDefinition, string /*const char **/ pchPropertyName , System.Text.StringBuilder /*char **/ pchValueBuffer, out uint /*uint32 **/ punValueBufferSize ); int /*int*/ ISteamMatchmaking_GetFavoriteGameCount(); bool /*bool*/ ISteamMatchmaking_GetFavoriteGame( int /*int*/ iGame , ref AppId_t /*AppId_t **/ pnAppID, out uint /*uint32 **/ pnIP, out ushort /*uint16 **/ pnConnPort, out ushort /*uint16 **/ pnQueryPort, IntPtr /*uint32 **/ punFlags, out uint /*uint32 **/ pRTime32LastPlayedOnServer ); int /*int*/ ISteamMatchmaking_AddFavoriteGame( AppId_t /*AppId_t*/ nAppID, uint /*uint32*/ nIP , ushort /*uint16*/ nConnPort , ushort /*uint16*/ nQueryPort , uint /*uint32*/ unFlags , uint /*uint32*/ rTime32LastPlayedOnServer ); @@ -207,7 +333,6 @@ namespace SteamNative CSteamID /*(class CSteamID)*/ ISteamMatchmaking_GetLobbyOwner( CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamIDLobby ); bool /*bool*/ ISteamMatchmaking_SetLobbyOwner( CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamIDLobby, CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamIDNewOwner ); bool /*bool*/ ISteamMatchmaking_SetLinkedLobby( CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamIDLobby, CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamIDLobbyDependent ); - HServerListRequest /*(HServerListRequest)*/ ISteamMatchmakingServers_RequestInternetServerList( AppId_t /*AppId_t*/ iApp, IntPtr /*struct MatchMakingKeyValuePair_t ***/ ppchFilters, uint /*uint32*/ nFilters , IntPtr /*class ISteamMatchmakingServerListResponse **/ pRequestServersResponse ); HServerListRequest /*(HServerListRequest)*/ ISteamMatchmakingServers_RequestLANServerList( AppId_t /*AppId_t*/ iApp, IntPtr /*class ISteamMatchmakingServerListResponse **/ pRequestServersResponse ); HServerListRequest /*(HServerListRequest)*/ ISteamMatchmakingServers_RequestFriendsServerList( AppId_t /*AppId_t*/ iApp, IntPtr /*struct MatchMakingKeyValuePair_t ***/ ppchFilters, uint /*uint32*/ nFilters , IntPtr /*class ISteamMatchmakingServerListResponse **/ pRequestServersResponse ); @@ -225,7 +350,69 @@ namespace SteamNative HServerQuery /*(HServerQuery)*/ ISteamMatchmakingServers_PlayerDetails( uint /*uint32*/ unIP , ushort /*uint16*/ usPort , IntPtr /*class ISteamMatchmakingPlayersResponse **/ pRequestServersResponse ); HServerQuery /*(HServerQuery)*/ ISteamMatchmakingServers_ServerRules( uint /*uint32*/ unIP , ushort /*uint16*/ usPort , IntPtr /*class ISteamMatchmakingRulesResponse **/ pRequestServersResponse ); void /*void*/ ISteamMatchmakingServers_CancelServerQuery( HServerQuery /*HServerQuery*/ hServerQuery ); - + bool /*bool*/ ISteamMusic_BIsEnabled(); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamMusic_BIsPlaying(); + AudioPlayback_Status /*AudioPlayback_Status*/ ISteamMusic_GetPlaybackStatus(); + void /*void*/ ISteamMusic_Play(); + void /*void*/ ISteamMusic_Pause(); + void /*void*/ ISteamMusic_PlayPrevious(); + void /*void*/ ISteamMusic_PlayNext(); + void /*void*/ ISteamMusic_SetVolume( float /*float*/ flVolume ); + float /*float*/ ISteamMusic_GetVolume(); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamMusicRemote_RegisterSteamMusicRemote( string /*const char **/ pchName ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamMusicRemote_DeregisterSteamMusicRemote(); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamMusicRemote_BIsCurrentMusicRemote(); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamMusicRemote_BActivationSuccess( bool /*bool*/ bValue ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamMusicRemote_SetDisplayName( string /*const char **/ pchDisplayName ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamMusicRemote_SetPNGIcon_64x64( IntPtr /*void **/ pvBuffer , uint /*uint32*/ cbBufferLength ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamMusicRemote_EnablePlayPrevious( bool /*bool*/ bValue ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamMusicRemote_EnablePlayNext( bool /*bool*/ bValue ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamMusicRemote_EnableShuffled( bool /*bool*/ bValue ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamMusicRemote_EnableLooped( bool /*bool*/ bValue ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamMusicRemote_EnableQueue( bool /*bool*/ bValue ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamMusicRemote_EnablePlaylists( bool /*bool*/ bValue ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamMusicRemote_UpdatePlaybackStatus( AudioPlayback_Status /*AudioPlayback_Status*/ nStatus ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamMusicRemote_UpdateShuffled( bool /*bool*/ bValue ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamMusicRemote_UpdateLooped( bool /*bool*/ bValue ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamMusicRemote_UpdateVolume( float /*float*/ flValue ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamMusicRemote_CurrentEntryWillChange(); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamMusicRemote_CurrentEntryIsAvailable( bool /*bool*/ bAvailable ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamMusicRemote_UpdateCurrentEntryText( string /*const char **/ pchText ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamMusicRemote_UpdateCurrentEntryElapsedSeconds( int /*int*/ nValue ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamMusicRemote_UpdateCurrentEntryCoverArt( IntPtr /*void **/ pvBuffer , uint /*uint32*/ cbBufferLength ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamMusicRemote_CurrentEntryDidChange(); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamMusicRemote_QueueWillChange(); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamMusicRemote_ResetQueueEntries(); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamMusicRemote_SetQueueEntry( int /*int*/ nID , int /*int*/ nPosition , string /*const char **/ pchEntryText ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamMusicRemote_SetCurrentQueueEntry( int /*int*/ nID ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamMusicRemote_QueueDidChange(); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamMusicRemote_PlaylistWillChange(); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamMusicRemote_ResetPlaylistEntries(); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamMusicRemote_SetPlaylistEntry( int /*int*/ nID , int /*int*/ nPosition , string /*const char **/ pchEntryText ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamMusicRemote_SetCurrentPlaylistEntry( int /*int*/ nID ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamMusicRemote_PlaylistDidChange(); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamNetworking_SendP2PPacket( CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamIDRemote, IntPtr /*const void **/ pubData , uint /*uint32*/ cubData , P2PSend /*EP2PSend*/ eP2PSendType , int /*int*/ nChannel ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamNetworking_IsP2PPacketAvailable( out uint /*uint32 **/ pcubMsgSize, int /*int*/ nChannel ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamNetworking_ReadP2PPacket( IntPtr /*void **/ pubDest , uint /*uint32*/ cubDest , out uint /*uint32 **/ pcubMsgSize, out CSteamID /*class CSteamID **/ psteamIDRemote, int /*int*/ nChannel ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamNetworking_AcceptP2PSessionWithUser( CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamIDRemote ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamNetworking_CloseP2PSessionWithUser( CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamIDRemote ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamNetworking_CloseP2PChannelWithUser( CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamIDRemote, int /*int*/ nChannel ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamNetworking_GetP2PSessionState( CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamIDRemote, ref P2PSessionState_t /*struct P2PSessionState_t **/ pConnectionState ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamNetworking_AllowP2PPacketRelay( bool /*bool*/ bAllow ); + SNetListenSocket_t /*(SNetListenSocket_t)*/ ISteamNetworking_CreateListenSocket( int /*int*/ nVirtualP2PPort , uint /*uint32*/ nIP , ushort /*uint16*/ nPort , bool /*bool*/ bAllowUseOfPacketRelay ); + SNetSocket_t /*(SNetSocket_t)*/ ISteamNetworking_CreateP2PConnectionSocket( CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamIDTarget, int /*int*/ nVirtualPort , int /*int*/ nTimeoutSec , bool /*bool*/ bAllowUseOfPacketRelay ); + SNetSocket_t /*(SNetSocket_t)*/ ISteamNetworking_CreateConnectionSocket( uint /*uint32*/ nIP , ushort /*uint16*/ nPort , int /*int*/ nTimeoutSec ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamNetworking_DestroySocket( SNetSocket_t /*SNetSocket_t*/ hSocket, bool /*bool*/ bNotifyRemoteEnd ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamNetworking_DestroyListenSocket( SNetListenSocket_t /*SNetListenSocket_t*/ hSocket, bool /*bool*/ bNotifyRemoteEnd ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamNetworking_SendDataOnSocket( SNetSocket_t /*SNetSocket_t*/ hSocket, IntPtr /*void **/ pubData , uint /*uint32*/ cubData , bool /*bool*/ bReliable ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamNetworking_IsDataAvailableOnSocket( SNetSocket_t /*SNetSocket_t*/ hSocket, out uint /*uint32 **/ pcubMsgSize ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamNetworking_RetrieveDataFromSocket( SNetSocket_t /*SNetSocket_t*/ hSocket, IntPtr /*void **/ pubDest , uint /*uint32*/ cubDest , out uint /*uint32 **/ pcubMsgSize ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamNetworking_IsDataAvailable( SNetListenSocket_t /*SNetListenSocket_t*/ hListenSocket, out uint /*uint32 **/ pcubMsgSize, ref SNetSocket_t /*SNetSocket_t **/ phSocket ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamNetworking_RetrieveData( SNetListenSocket_t /*SNetListenSocket_t*/ hListenSocket, IntPtr /*void **/ pubDest , uint /*uint32*/ cubDest , out uint /*uint32 **/ pcubMsgSize, ref SNetSocket_t /*SNetSocket_t **/ phSocket ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamNetworking_GetSocketInfo( SNetSocket_t /*SNetSocket_t*/ hSocket, out CSteamID /*class CSteamID **/ pSteamIDRemote, IntPtr /*int **/ peSocketStatus, out uint /*uint32 **/ punIPRemote, out ushort /*uint16 **/ punPortRemote ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamNetworking_GetListenSocketInfo( SNetListenSocket_t /*SNetListenSocket_t*/ hListenSocket, out uint /*uint32 **/ pnIP, out ushort /*uint16 **/ pnPort ); + SNetSocketConnectionType /*ESNetSocketConnectionType*/ ISteamNetworking_GetSocketConnectionType( SNetSocket_t /*SNetSocket_t*/ hSocket ); + int /*int*/ ISteamNetworking_GetMaxPacketSize( SNetSocket_t /*SNetSocket_t*/ hSocket ); bool /*bool*/ ISteamRemoteStorage_FileWrite( string /*const char **/ pchFile , IntPtr /*const void **/ pvData , int /*int32*/ cubData ); int /*int32*/ ISteamRemoteStorage_FileRead( string /*const char **/ pchFile , IntPtr /*void **/ pvData , int /*int32*/ cubDataToRead ); SteamAPICall_t /*(SteamAPICall_t)*/ ISteamRemoteStorage_FileWriteAsync( string /*const char **/ pchFile , IntPtr /*const void **/ pvData , uint /*uint32*/ cubData ); @@ -281,100 +468,6 @@ namespace SteamNative SteamAPICall_t /*(SteamAPICall_t)*/ ISteamRemoteStorage_EnumeratePublishedFilesByUserAction( WorkshopFileAction /*EWorkshopFileAction*/ eAction , uint /*uint32*/ unStartIndex ); SteamAPICall_t /*(SteamAPICall_t)*/ ISteamRemoteStorage_EnumeratePublishedWorkshopFiles( WorkshopEnumerationType /*EWorkshopEnumerationType*/ eEnumerationType , uint /*uint32*/ unStartIndex , uint /*uint32*/ unCount , uint /*uint32*/ unDays , IntPtr /*struct SteamParamStringArray_t **/ pTags, IntPtr /*struct SteamParamStringArray_t **/ pUserTags ); SteamAPICall_t /*(SteamAPICall_t)*/ ISteamRemoteStorage_UGCDownloadToLocation( UGCHandle_t /*UGCHandle_t*/ hContent, string /*const char **/ pchLocation , uint /*uint32*/ unPriority ); - - bool /*bool*/ ISteamUserStats_RequestCurrentStats(); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamUserStats_GetStat( string /*const char **/ pchName , out int /*int32 **/ pData ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamUserStats_GetStat0( string /*const char **/ pchName , out float /*float **/ pData ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamUserStats_SetStat( string /*const char **/ pchName , int /*int32*/ nData ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamUserStats_SetStat0( string /*const char **/ pchName , float /*float*/ fData ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamUserStats_UpdateAvgRateStat( string /*const char **/ pchName , float /*float*/ flCountThisSession , double /*double*/ dSessionLength ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamUserStats_GetAchievement( string /*const char **/ pchName , out bool /*bool **/ pbAchieved ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamUserStats_SetAchievement( string /*const char **/ pchName ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamUserStats_ClearAchievement( string /*const char **/ pchName ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamUserStats_GetAchievementAndUnlockTime( string /*const char **/ pchName , out bool /*bool **/ pbAchieved, out uint /*uint32 **/ punUnlockTime ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamUserStats_StoreStats(); - int /*int*/ ISteamUserStats_GetAchievementIcon( string /*const char **/ pchName ); - IntPtr ISteamUserStats_GetAchievementDisplayAttribute( string /*const char **/ pchName , string /*const char **/ pchKey ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamUserStats_IndicateAchievementProgress( string /*const char **/ pchName , uint /*uint32*/ nCurProgress , uint /*uint32*/ nMaxProgress ); - uint /*uint32*/ ISteamUserStats_GetNumAchievements(); - IntPtr ISteamUserStats_GetAchievementName( uint /*uint32*/ iAchievement ); - SteamAPICall_t /*(SteamAPICall_t)*/ ISteamUserStats_RequestUserStats( CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamIDUser ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamUserStats_GetUserStat( CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamIDUser, string /*const char **/ pchName , out int /*int32 **/ pData ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamUserStats_GetUserStat0( CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamIDUser, string /*const char **/ pchName , out float /*float **/ pData ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamUserStats_GetUserAchievement( CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamIDUser, string /*const char **/ pchName , out bool /*bool **/ pbAchieved ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamUserStats_GetUserAchievementAndUnlockTime( CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamIDUser, string /*const char **/ pchName , out bool /*bool **/ pbAchieved, out uint /*uint32 **/ punUnlockTime ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamUserStats_ResetAllStats( bool /*bool*/ bAchievementsToo ); - SteamAPICall_t /*(SteamAPICall_t)*/ ISteamUserStats_FindOrCreateLeaderboard( string /*const char **/ pchLeaderboardName , LeaderboardSortMethod /*ELeaderboardSortMethod*/ eLeaderboardSortMethod , LeaderboardDisplayType /*ELeaderboardDisplayType*/ eLeaderboardDisplayType ); - SteamAPICall_t /*(SteamAPICall_t)*/ ISteamUserStats_FindLeaderboard( string /*const char **/ pchLeaderboardName ); - IntPtr ISteamUserStats_GetLeaderboardName( SteamLeaderboard_t /*SteamLeaderboard_t*/ hSteamLeaderboard ); - int /*int*/ ISteamUserStats_GetLeaderboardEntryCount( SteamLeaderboard_t /*SteamLeaderboard_t*/ hSteamLeaderboard ); - LeaderboardSortMethod /*ELeaderboardSortMethod*/ ISteamUserStats_GetLeaderboardSortMethod( SteamLeaderboard_t /*SteamLeaderboard_t*/ hSteamLeaderboard ); - LeaderboardDisplayType /*ELeaderboardDisplayType*/ ISteamUserStats_GetLeaderboardDisplayType( SteamLeaderboard_t /*SteamLeaderboard_t*/ hSteamLeaderboard ); - SteamAPICall_t /*(SteamAPICall_t)*/ ISteamUserStats_DownloadLeaderboardEntries( SteamLeaderboard_t /*SteamLeaderboard_t*/ hSteamLeaderboard, LeaderboardDataRequest /*ELeaderboardDataRequest*/ eLeaderboardDataRequest , int /*int*/ nRangeStart , int /*int*/ nRangeEnd ); - SteamAPICall_t /*(SteamAPICall_t)*/ ISteamUserStats_DownloadLeaderboardEntriesForUsers( SteamLeaderboard_t /*SteamLeaderboard_t*/ hSteamLeaderboard, IntPtr /*class CSteamID **/ prgUsers, int /*int*/ cUsers ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamUserStats_GetDownloadedLeaderboardEntry( SteamLeaderboardEntries_t /*SteamLeaderboardEntries_t*/ hSteamLeaderboardEntries, int /*int*/ index , ref LeaderboardEntry_t /*struct LeaderboardEntry_t **/ pLeaderboardEntry, IntPtr /*int32 **/ pDetails, int /*int*/ cDetailsMax ); - SteamAPICall_t /*(SteamAPICall_t)*/ ISteamUserStats_UploadLeaderboardScore( SteamLeaderboard_t /*SteamLeaderboard_t*/ hSteamLeaderboard, LeaderboardUploadScoreMethod /*ELeaderboardUploadScoreMethod*/ eLeaderboardUploadScoreMethod , int /*int32*/ nScore , IntPtr /*const int32 **/ pScoreDetails, int /*int*/ cScoreDetailsCount ); - SteamAPICall_t /*(SteamAPICall_t)*/ ISteamUserStats_AttachLeaderboardUGC( SteamLeaderboard_t /*SteamLeaderboard_t*/ hSteamLeaderboard, UGCHandle_t /*UGCHandle_t*/ hUGC ); - SteamAPICall_t /*(SteamAPICall_t)*/ ISteamUserStats_GetNumberOfCurrentPlayers(); - SteamAPICall_t /*(SteamAPICall_t)*/ ISteamUserStats_RequestGlobalAchievementPercentages(); - int /*int*/ ISteamUserStats_GetMostAchievedAchievementInfo( System.Text.StringBuilder /*char **/ pchName, uint /*uint32*/ unNameBufLen , out float /*float **/ pflPercent, out bool /*bool **/ pbAchieved ); - int /*int*/ ISteamUserStats_GetNextMostAchievedAchievementInfo( int /*int*/ iIteratorPrevious , System.Text.StringBuilder /*char **/ pchName, uint /*uint32*/ unNameBufLen , out float /*float **/ pflPercent, out bool /*bool **/ pbAchieved ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamUserStats_GetAchievementAchievedPercent( string /*const char **/ pchName , out float /*float **/ pflPercent ); - SteamAPICall_t /*(SteamAPICall_t)*/ ISteamUserStats_RequestGlobalStats( int /*int*/ nHistoryDays ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamUserStats_GetGlobalStat( string /*const char **/ pchStatName , out long /*int64 **/ pData ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamUserStats_GetGlobalStat0( string /*const char **/ pchStatName , out double /*double **/ pData ); - int /*int32*/ ISteamUserStats_GetGlobalStatHistory( string /*const char **/ pchStatName , out long /*int64 **/ pData, uint /*uint32*/ cubData ); - int /*int32*/ ISteamUserStats_GetGlobalStatHistory0( string /*const char **/ pchStatName , out double /*double **/ pData, uint /*uint32*/ cubData ); - - bool /*bool*/ ISteamApps_BIsSubscribed(); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamApps_BIsLowViolence(); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamApps_BIsCybercafe(); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamApps_BIsVACBanned(); - IntPtr ISteamApps_GetCurrentGameLanguage(); - IntPtr ISteamApps_GetAvailableGameLanguages(); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamApps_BIsSubscribedApp( AppId_t /*AppId_t*/ appID ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamApps_BIsDlcInstalled( AppId_t /*AppId_t*/ appID ); - uint /*uint32*/ ISteamApps_GetEarliestPurchaseUnixTime( AppId_t /*AppId_t*/ nAppID ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamApps_BIsSubscribedFromFreeWeekend(); - int /*int*/ ISteamApps_GetDLCCount(); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamApps_BGetDLCDataByIndex( int /*int*/ iDLC , ref AppId_t /*AppId_t **/ pAppID, out bool /*bool **/ pbAvailable, System.Text.StringBuilder /*char **/ pchName, int /*int*/ cchNameBufferSize ); - void /*void*/ ISteamApps_InstallDLC( AppId_t /*AppId_t*/ nAppID ); - void /*void*/ ISteamApps_UninstallDLC( AppId_t /*AppId_t*/ nAppID ); - void /*void*/ ISteamApps_RequestAppProofOfPurchaseKey( AppId_t /*AppId_t*/ nAppID ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamApps_GetCurrentBetaName( System.Text.StringBuilder /*char **/ pchName, int /*int*/ cchNameBufferSize ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamApps_MarkContentCorrupt( bool /*bool*/ bMissingFilesOnly ); - uint /*uint32*/ ISteamApps_GetInstalledDepots( AppId_t /*AppId_t*/ appID, IntPtr /*DepotId_t **/ pvecDepots, uint /*uint32*/ cMaxDepots ); - uint /*uint32*/ ISteamApps_GetAppInstallDir( AppId_t /*AppId_t*/ appID, System.Text.StringBuilder /*char **/ pchFolder, uint /*uint32*/ cchFolderBufferSize ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamApps_BIsAppInstalled( AppId_t /*AppId_t*/ appID ); - CSteamID /*(class CSteamID)*/ ISteamApps_GetAppOwner(); - IntPtr ISteamApps_GetLaunchQueryParam( string /*const char **/ pchKey ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamApps_GetDlcDownloadProgress( AppId_t /*AppId_t*/ nAppID, out ulong /*uint64 **/ punBytesDownloaded, out ulong /*uint64 **/ punBytesTotal ); - int /*int*/ ISteamApps_GetAppBuildId(); - void /*void*/ ISteamApps_RequestAllProofOfPurchaseKeys(); - - bool /*bool*/ ISteamNetworking_SendP2PPacket( CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamIDRemote, IntPtr /*const void **/ pubData , uint /*uint32*/ cubData , P2PSend /*EP2PSend*/ eP2PSendType , int /*int*/ nChannel ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamNetworking_IsP2PPacketAvailable( out uint /*uint32 **/ pcubMsgSize, int /*int*/ nChannel ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamNetworking_ReadP2PPacket( IntPtr /*void **/ pubDest , uint /*uint32*/ cubDest , out uint /*uint32 **/ pcubMsgSize, out CSteamID /*class CSteamID **/ psteamIDRemote, int /*int*/ nChannel ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamNetworking_AcceptP2PSessionWithUser( CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamIDRemote ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamNetworking_CloseP2PSessionWithUser( CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamIDRemote ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamNetworking_CloseP2PChannelWithUser( CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamIDRemote, int /*int*/ nChannel ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamNetworking_GetP2PSessionState( CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamIDRemote, ref P2PSessionState_t /*struct P2PSessionState_t **/ pConnectionState ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamNetworking_AllowP2PPacketRelay( bool /*bool*/ bAllow ); - SNetListenSocket_t /*(SNetListenSocket_t)*/ ISteamNetworking_CreateListenSocket( int /*int*/ nVirtualP2PPort , uint /*uint32*/ nIP , ushort /*uint16*/ nPort , bool /*bool*/ bAllowUseOfPacketRelay ); - SNetSocket_t /*(SNetSocket_t)*/ ISteamNetworking_CreateP2PConnectionSocket( CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamIDTarget, int /*int*/ nVirtualPort , int /*int*/ nTimeoutSec , bool /*bool*/ bAllowUseOfPacketRelay ); - SNetSocket_t /*(SNetSocket_t)*/ ISteamNetworking_CreateConnectionSocket( uint /*uint32*/ nIP , ushort /*uint16*/ nPort , int /*int*/ nTimeoutSec ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamNetworking_DestroySocket( SNetSocket_t /*SNetSocket_t*/ hSocket, bool /*bool*/ bNotifyRemoteEnd ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamNetworking_DestroyListenSocket( SNetListenSocket_t /*SNetListenSocket_t*/ hSocket, bool /*bool*/ bNotifyRemoteEnd ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamNetworking_SendDataOnSocket( SNetSocket_t /*SNetSocket_t*/ hSocket, IntPtr /*void **/ pubData , uint /*uint32*/ cubData , bool /*bool*/ bReliable ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamNetworking_IsDataAvailableOnSocket( SNetSocket_t /*SNetSocket_t*/ hSocket, out uint /*uint32 **/ pcubMsgSize ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamNetworking_RetrieveDataFromSocket( SNetSocket_t /*SNetSocket_t*/ hSocket, IntPtr /*void **/ pubDest , uint /*uint32*/ cubDest , out uint /*uint32 **/ pcubMsgSize ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamNetworking_IsDataAvailable( SNetListenSocket_t /*SNetListenSocket_t*/ hListenSocket, out uint /*uint32 **/ pcubMsgSize, ref SNetSocket_t /*SNetSocket_t **/ phSocket ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamNetworking_RetrieveData( SNetListenSocket_t /*SNetListenSocket_t*/ hListenSocket, IntPtr /*void **/ pubDest , uint /*uint32*/ cubDest , out uint /*uint32 **/ pcubMsgSize, ref SNetSocket_t /*SNetSocket_t **/ phSocket ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamNetworking_GetSocketInfo( SNetSocket_t /*SNetSocket_t*/ hSocket, out CSteamID /*class CSteamID **/ pSteamIDRemote, IntPtr /*int **/ peSocketStatus, out uint /*uint32 **/ punIPRemote, out ushort /*uint16 **/ punPortRemote ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamNetworking_GetListenSocketInfo( SNetListenSocket_t /*SNetListenSocket_t*/ hListenSocket, out uint /*uint32 **/ pnIP, out ushort /*uint16 **/ pnPort ); - SNetSocketConnectionType /*ESNetSocketConnectionType*/ ISteamNetworking_GetSocketConnectionType( SNetSocket_t /*SNetSocket_t*/ hSocket ); - int /*int*/ ISteamNetworking_GetMaxPacketSize( SNetSocket_t /*SNetSocket_t*/ hSocket ); - ScreenshotHandle /*(ScreenshotHandle)*/ ISteamScreenshots_WriteScreenshot( IntPtr /*void **/ pubRGB , uint /*uint32*/ cubRGB , int /*int*/ nWidth , int /*int*/ nHeight ); ScreenshotHandle /*(ScreenshotHandle)*/ ISteamScreenshots_AddScreenshotToLibrary( string /*const char **/ pchFilename , string /*const char **/ pchThumbnailFilename , int /*int*/ nWidth , int /*int*/ nHeight ); void /*void*/ ISteamScreenshots_TriggerScreenshot(); @@ -382,100 +475,6 @@ namespace SteamNative bool /*bool*/ ISteamScreenshots_SetLocation( ScreenshotHandle /*ScreenshotHandle*/ hScreenshot, string /*const char **/ pchLocation ); bool /*bool*/ ISteamScreenshots_TagUser( ScreenshotHandle /*ScreenshotHandle*/ hScreenshot, CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamID ); bool /*bool*/ ISteamScreenshots_TagPublishedFile( ScreenshotHandle /*ScreenshotHandle*/ hScreenshot, PublishedFileId_t /*PublishedFileId_t*/ unPublishedFileID ); - - bool /*bool*/ ISteamMusic_BIsEnabled(); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamMusic_BIsPlaying(); - AudioPlayback_Status /*AudioPlayback_Status*/ ISteamMusic_GetPlaybackStatus(); - void /*void*/ ISteamMusic_Play(); - void /*void*/ ISteamMusic_Pause(); - void /*void*/ ISteamMusic_PlayPrevious(); - void /*void*/ ISteamMusic_PlayNext(); - void /*void*/ ISteamMusic_SetVolume( float /*float*/ flVolume ); - float /*float*/ ISteamMusic_GetVolume(); - - bool /*bool*/ ISteamMusicRemote_RegisterSteamMusicRemote( string /*const char **/ pchName ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamMusicRemote_DeregisterSteamMusicRemote(); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamMusicRemote_BIsCurrentMusicRemote(); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamMusicRemote_BActivationSuccess( bool /*bool*/ bValue ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamMusicRemote_SetDisplayName( string /*const char **/ pchDisplayName ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamMusicRemote_SetPNGIcon_64x64( IntPtr /*void **/ pvBuffer , uint /*uint32*/ cbBufferLength ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamMusicRemote_EnablePlayPrevious( bool /*bool*/ bValue ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamMusicRemote_EnablePlayNext( bool /*bool*/ bValue ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamMusicRemote_EnableShuffled( bool /*bool*/ bValue ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamMusicRemote_EnableLooped( bool /*bool*/ bValue ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamMusicRemote_EnableQueue( bool /*bool*/ bValue ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamMusicRemote_EnablePlaylists( bool /*bool*/ bValue ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamMusicRemote_UpdatePlaybackStatus( AudioPlayback_Status /*AudioPlayback_Status*/ nStatus ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamMusicRemote_UpdateShuffled( bool /*bool*/ bValue ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamMusicRemote_UpdateLooped( bool /*bool*/ bValue ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamMusicRemote_UpdateVolume( float /*float*/ flValue ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamMusicRemote_CurrentEntryWillChange(); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamMusicRemote_CurrentEntryIsAvailable( bool /*bool*/ bAvailable ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamMusicRemote_UpdateCurrentEntryText( string /*const char **/ pchText ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamMusicRemote_UpdateCurrentEntryElapsedSeconds( int /*int*/ nValue ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamMusicRemote_UpdateCurrentEntryCoverArt( IntPtr /*void **/ pvBuffer , uint /*uint32*/ cbBufferLength ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamMusicRemote_CurrentEntryDidChange(); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamMusicRemote_QueueWillChange(); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamMusicRemote_ResetQueueEntries(); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamMusicRemote_SetQueueEntry( int /*int*/ nID , int /*int*/ nPosition , string /*const char **/ pchEntryText ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamMusicRemote_SetCurrentQueueEntry( int /*int*/ nID ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamMusicRemote_QueueDidChange(); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamMusicRemote_PlaylistWillChange(); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamMusicRemote_ResetPlaylistEntries(); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamMusicRemote_SetPlaylistEntry( int /*int*/ nID , int /*int*/ nPosition , string /*const char **/ pchEntryText ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamMusicRemote_SetCurrentPlaylistEntry( int /*int*/ nID ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamMusicRemote_PlaylistDidChange(); - - HTTPRequestHandle /*(HTTPRequestHandle)*/ ISteamHTTP_CreateHTTPRequest( HTTPMethod /*EHTTPMethod*/ eHTTPRequestMethod , string /*const char **/ pchAbsoluteURL ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamHTTP_SetHTTPRequestContextValue( HTTPRequestHandle /*HTTPRequestHandle*/ hRequest, ulong /*uint64*/ ulContextValue ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamHTTP_SetHTTPRequestNetworkActivityTimeout( HTTPRequestHandle /*HTTPRequestHandle*/ hRequest, uint /*uint32*/ unTimeoutSeconds ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamHTTP_SetHTTPRequestHeaderValue( HTTPRequestHandle /*HTTPRequestHandle*/ hRequest, string /*const char **/ pchHeaderName , string /*const char **/ pchHeaderValue ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamHTTP_SetHTTPRequestGetOrPostParameter( HTTPRequestHandle /*HTTPRequestHandle*/ hRequest, string /*const char **/ pchParamName , string /*const char **/ pchParamValue ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamHTTP_SendHTTPRequest( HTTPRequestHandle /*HTTPRequestHandle*/ hRequest, ref SteamAPICall_t /*SteamAPICall_t **/ pCallHandle ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamHTTP_SendHTTPRequestAndStreamResponse( HTTPRequestHandle /*HTTPRequestHandle*/ hRequest, ref SteamAPICall_t /*SteamAPICall_t **/ pCallHandle ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamHTTP_DeferHTTPRequest( HTTPRequestHandle /*HTTPRequestHandle*/ hRequest ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamHTTP_PrioritizeHTTPRequest( HTTPRequestHandle /*HTTPRequestHandle*/ hRequest ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamHTTP_GetHTTPResponseHeaderSize( HTTPRequestHandle /*HTTPRequestHandle*/ hRequest, string /*const char **/ pchHeaderName , out uint /*uint32 **/ unResponseHeaderSize ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamHTTP_GetHTTPResponseHeaderValue( HTTPRequestHandle /*HTTPRequestHandle*/ hRequest, string /*const char **/ pchHeaderName , out byte /*uint8 **/ pHeaderValueBuffer, uint /*uint32*/ unBufferSize ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamHTTP_GetHTTPResponseBodySize( HTTPRequestHandle /*HTTPRequestHandle*/ hRequest, out uint /*uint32 **/ unBodySize ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamHTTP_GetHTTPResponseBodyData( HTTPRequestHandle /*HTTPRequestHandle*/ hRequest, out byte /*uint8 **/ pBodyDataBuffer, uint /*uint32*/ unBufferSize ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamHTTP_GetHTTPStreamingResponseBodyData( HTTPRequestHandle /*HTTPRequestHandle*/ hRequest, uint /*uint32*/ cOffset , out byte /*uint8 **/ pBodyDataBuffer, uint /*uint32*/ unBufferSize ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamHTTP_ReleaseHTTPRequest( HTTPRequestHandle /*HTTPRequestHandle*/ hRequest ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamHTTP_GetHTTPDownloadProgressPct( HTTPRequestHandle /*HTTPRequestHandle*/ hRequest, out float /*float **/ pflPercentOut ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamHTTP_SetHTTPRequestRawPostBody( HTTPRequestHandle /*HTTPRequestHandle*/ hRequest, string /*const char **/ pchContentType , out byte /*uint8 **/ pubBody, uint /*uint32*/ unBodyLen ); - HTTPCookieContainerHandle /*(HTTPCookieContainerHandle)*/ ISteamHTTP_CreateCookieContainer( bool /*bool*/ bAllowResponsesToModify ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamHTTP_ReleaseCookieContainer( HTTPCookieContainerHandle /*HTTPCookieContainerHandle*/ hCookieContainer ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamHTTP_SetCookie( HTTPCookieContainerHandle /*HTTPCookieContainerHandle*/ hCookieContainer, string /*const char **/ pchHost , string /*const char **/ pchUrl , string /*const char **/ pchCookie ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamHTTP_SetHTTPRequestCookieContainer( HTTPRequestHandle /*HTTPRequestHandle*/ hRequest, HTTPCookieContainerHandle /*HTTPCookieContainerHandle*/ hCookieContainer ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamHTTP_SetHTTPRequestUserAgentInfo( HTTPRequestHandle /*HTTPRequestHandle*/ hRequest, string /*const char **/ pchUserAgentInfo ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamHTTP_SetHTTPRequestRequiresVerifiedCertificate( HTTPRequestHandle /*HTTPRequestHandle*/ hRequest, bool /*bool*/ bRequireVerifiedCertificate ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamHTTP_SetHTTPRequestAbsoluteTimeoutMS( HTTPRequestHandle /*HTTPRequestHandle*/ hRequest, uint /*uint32*/ unMilliseconds ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamHTTP_GetHTTPRequestWasTimedOut( HTTPRequestHandle /*HTTPRequestHandle*/ hRequest, out bool /*bool **/ pbWasTimedOut ); - - ClientUnifiedMessageHandle /*(ClientUnifiedMessageHandle)*/ ISteamUnifiedMessages_SendMethod( string /*const char **/ pchServiceMethod , IntPtr /*const void **/ pRequestBuffer , uint /*uint32*/ unRequestBufferSize , ulong /*uint64*/ unContext ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamUnifiedMessages_GetMethodResponseInfo( ClientUnifiedMessageHandle /*ClientUnifiedMessageHandle*/ hHandle, out uint /*uint32 **/ punResponseSize, out Result /*EResult **/ peResult ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamUnifiedMessages_GetMethodResponseData( ClientUnifiedMessageHandle /*ClientUnifiedMessageHandle*/ hHandle, IntPtr /*void **/ pResponseBuffer , uint /*uint32*/ unResponseBufferSize , bool /*bool*/ bAutoRelease ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamUnifiedMessages_ReleaseMethod( ClientUnifiedMessageHandle /*ClientUnifiedMessageHandle*/ hHandle ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamUnifiedMessages_SendNotification( string /*const char **/ pchServiceNotification , IntPtr /*const void **/ pNotificationBuffer , uint /*uint32*/ unNotificationBufferSize ); - - bool /*bool*/ ISteamController_Init(); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamController_Shutdown(); - void /*void*/ ISteamController_RunFrame(); - int /*int*/ ISteamController_GetConnectedControllers( IntPtr /*ControllerHandle_t **/ handlesOut ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamController_ShowBindingPanel( ControllerHandle_t /*ControllerHandle_t*/ controllerHandle ); - ControllerActionSetHandle_t /*(ControllerActionSetHandle_t)*/ ISteamController_GetActionSetHandle( string /*const char **/ pszActionSetName ); - void /*void*/ ISteamController_ActivateActionSet( ControllerHandle_t /*ControllerHandle_t*/ controllerHandle, ControllerActionSetHandle_t /*ControllerActionSetHandle_t*/ actionSetHandle ); - ControllerActionSetHandle_t /*(ControllerActionSetHandle_t)*/ ISteamController_GetCurrentActionSet( ControllerHandle_t /*ControllerHandle_t*/ controllerHandle ); - ControllerDigitalActionHandle_t /*(ControllerDigitalActionHandle_t)*/ ISteamController_GetDigitalActionHandle( string /*const char **/ pszActionName ); - ControllerDigitalActionData_t /*struct ControllerDigitalActionData_t*/ ISteamController_GetDigitalActionData( ControllerHandle_t /*ControllerHandle_t*/ controllerHandle, ControllerDigitalActionHandle_t /*ControllerDigitalActionHandle_t*/ digitalActionHandle ); - int /*int*/ ISteamController_GetDigitalActionOrigins( ControllerHandle_t /*ControllerHandle_t*/ controllerHandle, ControllerActionSetHandle_t /*ControllerActionSetHandle_t*/ actionSetHandle, ControllerDigitalActionHandle_t /*ControllerDigitalActionHandle_t*/ digitalActionHandle, out ControllerActionOrigin /*EControllerActionOrigin **/ originsOut ); - ControllerAnalogActionHandle_t /*(ControllerAnalogActionHandle_t)*/ ISteamController_GetAnalogActionHandle( string /*const char **/ pszActionName ); - ControllerAnalogActionData_t /*struct ControllerAnalogActionData_t*/ ISteamController_GetAnalogActionData( ControllerHandle_t /*ControllerHandle_t*/ controllerHandle, ControllerAnalogActionHandle_t /*ControllerAnalogActionHandle_t*/ analogActionHandle ); - int /*int*/ ISteamController_GetAnalogActionOrigins( ControllerHandle_t /*ControllerHandle_t*/ controllerHandle, ControllerActionSetHandle_t /*ControllerActionSetHandle_t*/ actionSetHandle, ControllerAnalogActionHandle_t /*ControllerAnalogActionHandle_t*/ analogActionHandle, out ControllerActionOrigin /*EControllerActionOrigin **/ originsOut ); - void /*void*/ ISteamController_StopAnalogActionMomentum( ControllerHandle_t /*ControllerHandle_t*/ controllerHandle, ControllerAnalogActionHandle_t /*ControllerAnalogActionHandle_t*/ eAction ); - void /*void*/ ISteamController_TriggerHapticPulse( ControllerHandle_t /*ControllerHandle_t*/ controllerHandle, SteamControllerPad /*ESteamControllerPad*/ eTargetPad , ushort /*unsigned short*/ usDurationMicroSec ); - void /*void*/ ISteamController_TriggerRepeatedHapticPulse( ControllerHandle_t /*ControllerHandle_t*/ controllerHandle, SteamControllerPad /*ESteamControllerPad*/ eTargetPad , ushort /*unsigned short*/ usDurationMicroSec , ushort /*unsigned short*/ usOffMicroSec , ushort /*unsigned short*/ unRepeat , uint /*unsigned int*/ nFlags ); - UGCQueryHandle_t /*(UGCQueryHandle_t)*/ ISteamUGC_CreateQueryUserUGCRequest( AccountID_t /*AccountID_t*/ unAccountID, UserUGCList /*EUserUGCList*/ eListType , UGCMatchingUGCType /*EUGCMatchingUGCType*/ eMatchingUGCType , UserUGCListSortOrder /*EUserUGCListSortOrder*/ eSortOrder , AppId_t /*AppId_t*/ nCreatorAppID, AppId_t /*AppId_t*/ nConsumerAppID, uint /*uint32*/ unPage ); UGCQueryHandle_t /*(UGCQueryHandle_t)*/ ISteamUGC_CreateQueryAllUGCRequest( UGCQuery /*EUGCQuery*/ eQueryType , UGCMatchingUGCType /*EUGCMatchingUGCType*/ eMatchingeMatchingUGCTypeFileType , AppId_t /*AppId_t*/ nCreatorAppID, AppId_t /*AppId_t*/ nConsumerAppID, uint /*uint32*/ unPage ); UGCQueryHandle_t /*(UGCQueryHandle_t)*/ ISteamUGC_CreateQueryUGCDetailsRequest( IntPtr /*PublishedFileId_t **/ pvecPublishedFileID, uint /*uint32*/ unNumPublishedFileIDs ); @@ -539,131 +538,110 @@ namespace SteamNative bool /*bool*/ ISteamUGC_DownloadItem( PublishedFileId_t /*PublishedFileId_t*/ nPublishedFileID, bool /*bool*/ bHighPriority ); bool /*bool*/ ISteamUGC_BInitWorkshopForGameServer( DepotId_t /*DepotId_t*/ unWorkshopDepotID, string /*const char **/ pszFolder ); void /*void*/ ISteamUGC_SuspendDownloads( bool /*bool*/ bSuspend ); - - uint /*uint32*/ ISteamAppList_GetNumInstalledApps(); - uint /*uint32*/ ISteamAppList_GetInstalledApps( IntPtr /*AppId_t **/ pvecAppID, uint /*uint32*/ unMaxAppIDs ); - int /*int*/ ISteamAppList_GetAppName( AppId_t /*AppId_t*/ nAppID, System.Text.StringBuilder /*char **/ pchName, int /*int*/ cchNameMax ); - int /*int*/ ISteamAppList_GetAppInstallDir( AppId_t /*AppId_t*/ nAppID, System.Text.StringBuilder /*char **/ pchDirectory, int /*int*/ cchNameMax ); - int /*int*/ ISteamAppList_GetAppBuildId( AppId_t /*AppId_t*/ nAppID ); - - void /*void*/ ISteamHTMLSurface_DestructISteamHTMLSurface(); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamHTMLSurface_Init(); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamHTMLSurface_Shutdown(); - SteamAPICall_t /*(SteamAPICall_t)*/ ISteamHTMLSurface_CreateBrowser( string /*const char **/ pchUserAgent , string /*const char **/ pchUserCSS ); - void /*void*/ ISteamHTMLSurface_RemoveBrowser( HHTMLBrowser /*HHTMLBrowser*/ unBrowserHandle ); - void /*void*/ ISteamHTMLSurface_LoadURL( HHTMLBrowser /*HHTMLBrowser*/ unBrowserHandle, string /*const char **/ pchURL , string /*const char **/ pchPostData ); - void /*void*/ ISteamHTMLSurface_SetSize( HHTMLBrowser /*HHTMLBrowser*/ unBrowserHandle, uint /*uint32*/ unWidth , uint /*uint32*/ unHeight ); - void /*void*/ ISteamHTMLSurface_StopLoad( HHTMLBrowser /*HHTMLBrowser*/ unBrowserHandle ); - void /*void*/ ISteamHTMLSurface_Reload( HHTMLBrowser /*HHTMLBrowser*/ unBrowserHandle ); - void /*void*/ ISteamHTMLSurface_GoBack( HHTMLBrowser /*HHTMLBrowser*/ unBrowserHandle ); - void /*void*/ ISteamHTMLSurface_GoForward( HHTMLBrowser /*HHTMLBrowser*/ unBrowserHandle ); - void /*void*/ ISteamHTMLSurface_AddHeader( HHTMLBrowser /*HHTMLBrowser*/ unBrowserHandle, string /*const char **/ pchKey , string /*const char **/ pchValue ); - void /*void*/ ISteamHTMLSurface_ExecuteJavascript( HHTMLBrowser /*HHTMLBrowser*/ unBrowserHandle, string /*const char **/ pchScript ); - void /*void*/ ISteamHTMLSurface_MouseUp( HHTMLBrowser /*HHTMLBrowser*/ unBrowserHandle, HTMLMouseButton /*ISteamHTMLSurface::EHTMLMouseButton*/ eMouseButton ); - void /*void*/ ISteamHTMLSurface_MouseDown( HHTMLBrowser /*HHTMLBrowser*/ unBrowserHandle, HTMLMouseButton /*ISteamHTMLSurface::EHTMLMouseButton*/ eMouseButton ); - void /*void*/ ISteamHTMLSurface_MouseDoubleClick( HHTMLBrowser /*HHTMLBrowser*/ unBrowserHandle, HTMLMouseButton /*ISteamHTMLSurface::EHTMLMouseButton*/ eMouseButton ); - void /*void*/ ISteamHTMLSurface_MouseMove( HHTMLBrowser /*HHTMLBrowser*/ unBrowserHandle, int /*int*/ x , int /*int*/ y ); - void /*void*/ ISteamHTMLSurface_MouseWheel( HHTMLBrowser /*HHTMLBrowser*/ unBrowserHandle, int /*int32*/ nDelta ); - void /*void*/ ISteamHTMLSurface_KeyDown( HHTMLBrowser /*HHTMLBrowser*/ unBrowserHandle, uint /*uint32*/ nNativeKeyCode , HTMLKeyModifiers /*ISteamHTMLSurface::EHTMLKeyModifiers*/ eHTMLKeyModifiers ); - void /*void*/ ISteamHTMLSurface_KeyUp( HHTMLBrowser /*HHTMLBrowser*/ unBrowserHandle, uint /*uint32*/ nNativeKeyCode , HTMLKeyModifiers /*ISteamHTMLSurface::EHTMLKeyModifiers*/ eHTMLKeyModifiers ); - void /*void*/ ISteamHTMLSurface_KeyChar( HHTMLBrowser /*HHTMLBrowser*/ unBrowserHandle, uint /*uint32*/ cUnicodeChar , HTMLKeyModifiers /*ISteamHTMLSurface::EHTMLKeyModifiers*/ eHTMLKeyModifiers ); - void /*void*/ ISteamHTMLSurface_SetHorizontalScroll( HHTMLBrowser /*HHTMLBrowser*/ unBrowserHandle, uint /*uint32*/ nAbsolutePixelScroll ); - void /*void*/ ISteamHTMLSurface_SetVerticalScroll( HHTMLBrowser /*HHTMLBrowser*/ unBrowserHandle, uint /*uint32*/ nAbsolutePixelScroll ); - void /*void*/ ISteamHTMLSurface_SetKeyFocus( HHTMLBrowser /*HHTMLBrowser*/ unBrowserHandle, bool /*bool*/ bHasKeyFocus ); - void /*void*/ ISteamHTMLSurface_ViewSource( HHTMLBrowser /*HHTMLBrowser*/ unBrowserHandle ); - void /*void*/ ISteamHTMLSurface_CopyToClipboard( HHTMLBrowser /*HHTMLBrowser*/ unBrowserHandle ); - void /*void*/ ISteamHTMLSurface_PasteFromClipboard( HHTMLBrowser /*HHTMLBrowser*/ unBrowserHandle ); - void /*void*/ ISteamHTMLSurface_Find( HHTMLBrowser /*HHTMLBrowser*/ unBrowserHandle, string /*const char **/ pchSearchStr , bool /*bool*/ bCurrentlyInFind , bool /*bool*/ bReverse ); - void /*void*/ ISteamHTMLSurface_StopFind( HHTMLBrowser /*HHTMLBrowser*/ unBrowserHandle ); - void /*void*/ ISteamHTMLSurface_GetLinkAtPosition( HHTMLBrowser /*HHTMLBrowser*/ unBrowserHandle, int /*int*/ x , int /*int*/ y ); - void /*void*/ ISteamHTMLSurface_SetCookie( string /*const char **/ pchHostname , string /*const char **/ pchKey , string /*const char **/ pchValue , string /*const char **/ pchPath , RTime32 /*RTime32*/ nExpires, bool /*bool*/ bSecure , bool /*bool*/ bHTTPOnly ); - void /*void*/ ISteamHTMLSurface_SetPageScaleFactor( HHTMLBrowser /*HHTMLBrowser*/ unBrowserHandle, float /*float*/ flZoom , int /*int*/ nPointX , int /*int*/ nPointY ); - void /*void*/ ISteamHTMLSurface_SetBackgroundMode( HHTMLBrowser /*HHTMLBrowser*/ unBrowserHandle, bool /*bool*/ bBackgroundMode ); - void /*void*/ ISteamHTMLSurface_AllowStartRequest( HHTMLBrowser /*HHTMLBrowser*/ unBrowserHandle, bool /*bool*/ bAllowed ); - void /*void*/ ISteamHTMLSurface_JSDialogResponse( HHTMLBrowser /*HHTMLBrowser*/ unBrowserHandle, bool /*bool*/ bResult ); - - Result /*EResult*/ ISteamInventory_GetResultStatus( SteamInventoryResult_t /*SteamInventoryResult_t*/ resultHandle ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamInventory_GetResultItems( SteamInventoryResult_t /*SteamInventoryResult_t*/ resultHandle, IntPtr /*struct SteamItemDetails_t **/ pOutItemsArray, out uint /*uint32 **/ punOutItemsArraySize ); - uint /*uint32*/ ISteamInventory_GetResultTimestamp( SteamInventoryResult_t /*SteamInventoryResult_t*/ resultHandle ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamInventory_CheckResultSteamID( SteamInventoryResult_t /*SteamInventoryResult_t*/ resultHandle, CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamIDExpected ); - void /*void*/ ISteamInventory_DestroyResult( SteamInventoryResult_t /*SteamInventoryResult_t*/ resultHandle ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamInventory_GetAllItems( ref SteamInventoryResult_t /*SteamInventoryResult_t **/ pResultHandle ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamInventory_GetItemsByID( ref SteamInventoryResult_t /*SteamInventoryResult_t **/ pResultHandle, IntPtr /*const SteamItemInstanceID_t **/ pInstanceIDs, uint /*uint32*/ unCountInstanceIDs ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamInventory_SerializeResult( SteamInventoryResult_t /*SteamInventoryResult_t*/ resultHandle, IntPtr /*void **/ pOutBuffer , out uint /*uint32 **/ punOutBufferSize ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamInventory_DeserializeResult( ref SteamInventoryResult_t /*SteamInventoryResult_t **/ pOutResultHandle, IntPtr /*const void **/ pBuffer , uint /*uint32*/ unBufferSize , bool /*bool*/ bRESERVED_MUST_BE_FALSE ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamInventory_GenerateItems( ref SteamInventoryResult_t /*SteamInventoryResult_t **/ pResultHandle, IntPtr /*const SteamItemDef_t **/ pArrayItemDefs, out uint /*const uint32 **/ punArrayQuantity, uint /*uint32*/ unArrayLength ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamInventory_GrantPromoItems( ref SteamInventoryResult_t /*SteamInventoryResult_t **/ pResultHandle ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamInventory_AddPromoItem( ref SteamInventoryResult_t /*SteamInventoryResult_t **/ pResultHandle, SteamItemDef_t /*SteamItemDef_t*/ itemDef ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamInventory_AddPromoItems( ref SteamInventoryResult_t /*SteamInventoryResult_t **/ pResultHandle, IntPtr /*const SteamItemDef_t **/ pArrayItemDefs, uint /*uint32*/ unArrayLength ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamInventory_ConsumeItem( ref SteamInventoryResult_t /*SteamInventoryResult_t **/ pResultHandle, SteamItemInstanceID_t /*SteamItemInstanceID_t*/ itemConsume, uint /*uint32*/ unQuantity ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamInventory_ExchangeItems( ref SteamInventoryResult_t /*SteamInventoryResult_t **/ pResultHandle, ref SteamItemDef_t /*const SteamItemDef_t **/ pArrayGenerate, out uint /*const uint32 **/ punArrayGenerateQuantity, uint /*uint32*/ unArrayGenerateLength , IntPtr /*const SteamItemInstanceID_t **/ pArrayDestroy, IntPtr /*const uint32 **/ punArrayDestroyQuantity, uint /*uint32*/ unArrayDestroyLength ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamInventory_TransferItemQuantity( ref SteamInventoryResult_t /*SteamInventoryResult_t **/ pResultHandle, SteamItemInstanceID_t /*SteamItemInstanceID_t*/ itemIdSource, uint /*uint32*/ unQuantity , SteamItemInstanceID_t /*SteamItemInstanceID_t*/ itemIdDest ); - void /*void*/ ISteamInventory_SendItemDropHeartbeat(); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamInventory_TriggerItemDrop( ref SteamInventoryResult_t /*SteamInventoryResult_t **/ pResultHandle, SteamItemDef_t /*SteamItemDef_t*/ dropListDefinition ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamInventory_TradeItems( ref SteamInventoryResult_t /*SteamInventoryResult_t **/ pResultHandle, CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamIDTradePartner, ref SteamItemInstanceID_t /*const SteamItemInstanceID_t **/ pArrayGive, out uint /*const uint32 **/ pArrayGiveQuantity, uint /*uint32*/ nArrayGiveLength , ref SteamItemInstanceID_t /*const SteamItemInstanceID_t **/ pArrayGet, out uint /*const uint32 **/ pArrayGetQuantity, uint /*uint32*/ nArrayGetLength ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamInventory_LoadItemDefinitions(); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamInventory_GetItemDefinitionIDs( IntPtr /*SteamItemDef_t **/ pItemDefIDs, out uint /*uint32 **/ punItemDefIDsArraySize ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamInventory_GetItemDefinitionProperty( SteamItemDef_t /*SteamItemDef_t*/ iDefinition, string /*const char **/ pchPropertyName , System.Text.StringBuilder /*char **/ pchValueBuffer, out uint /*uint32 **/ punValueBufferSize ); - + ClientUnifiedMessageHandle /*(ClientUnifiedMessageHandle)*/ ISteamUnifiedMessages_SendMethod( string /*const char **/ pchServiceMethod , IntPtr /*const void **/ pRequestBuffer , uint /*uint32*/ unRequestBufferSize , ulong /*uint64*/ unContext ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamUnifiedMessages_GetMethodResponseInfo( ClientUnifiedMessageHandle /*ClientUnifiedMessageHandle*/ hHandle, out uint /*uint32 **/ punResponseSize, out Result /*EResult **/ peResult ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamUnifiedMessages_GetMethodResponseData( ClientUnifiedMessageHandle /*ClientUnifiedMessageHandle*/ hHandle, IntPtr /*void **/ pResponseBuffer , uint /*uint32*/ unResponseBufferSize , bool /*bool*/ bAutoRelease ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamUnifiedMessages_ReleaseMethod( ClientUnifiedMessageHandle /*ClientUnifiedMessageHandle*/ hHandle ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamUnifiedMessages_SendNotification( string /*const char **/ pchServiceNotification , IntPtr /*const void **/ pNotificationBuffer , uint /*uint32*/ unNotificationBufferSize ); + HSteamUser /*(HSteamUser)*/ ISteamUser_GetHSteamUser(); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamUser_BLoggedOn(); + CSteamID /*(class CSteamID)*/ ISteamUser_GetSteamID(); + int /*int*/ ISteamUser_InitiateGameConnection( IntPtr /*void **/ pAuthBlob , int /*int*/ cbMaxAuthBlob , CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamIDGameServer, uint /*uint32*/ unIPServer , ushort /*uint16*/ usPortServer , bool /*bool*/ bSecure ); + void /*void*/ ISteamUser_TerminateGameConnection( uint /*uint32*/ unIPServer , ushort /*uint16*/ usPortServer ); + void /*void*/ ISteamUser_TrackAppUsageEvent( CGameID /*class CGameID*/ gameID, int /*int*/ eAppUsageEvent , string /*const char **/ pchExtraInfo ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamUser_GetUserDataFolder( System.Text.StringBuilder /*char **/ pchBuffer, int /*int*/ cubBuffer ); + void /*void*/ ISteamUser_StartVoiceRecording(); + void /*void*/ ISteamUser_StopVoiceRecording(); + VoiceResult /*EVoiceResult*/ ISteamUser_GetAvailableVoice( out uint /*uint32 **/ pcbCompressed, out uint /*uint32 **/ pcbUncompressed, uint /*uint32*/ nUncompressedVoiceDesiredSampleRate ); + VoiceResult /*EVoiceResult*/ ISteamUser_GetVoice( bool /*bool*/ bWantCompressed , IntPtr /*void **/ pDestBuffer , uint /*uint32*/ cbDestBufferSize , out uint /*uint32 **/ nBytesWritten, bool /*bool*/ bWantUncompressed , IntPtr /*void **/ pUncompressedDestBuffer , uint /*uint32*/ cbUncompressedDestBufferSize , out uint /*uint32 **/ nUncompressBytesWritten, uint /*uint32*/ nUncompressedVoiceDesiredSampleRate ); + VoiceResult /*EVoiceResult*/ ISteamUser_DecompressVoice( IntPtr /*const void **/ pCompressed , uint /*uint32*/ cbCompressed , IntPtr /*void **/ pDestBuffer , uint /*uint32*/ cbDestBufferSize , out uint /*uint32 **/ nBytesWritten, uint /*uint32*/ nDesiredSampleRate ); + uint /*uint32*/ ISteamUser_GetVoiceOptimalSampleRate(); + HAuthTicket /*(HAuthTicket)*/ ISteamUser_GetAuthSessionTicket( IntPtr /*void **/ pTicket , int /*int*/ cbMaxTicket , out uint /*uint32 **/ pcbTicket ); + BeginAuthSessionResult /*EBeginAuthSessionResult*/ ISteamUser_BeginAuthSession( IntPtr /*const void **/ pAuthTicket , int /*int*/ cbAuthTicket , CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamID ); + void /*void*/ ISteamUser_EndAuthSession( CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamID ); + void /*void*/ ISteamUser_CancelAuthTicket( HAuthTicket /*HAuthTicket*/ hAuthTicket ); + UserHasLicenseForAppResult /*EUserHasLicenseForAppResult*/ ISteamUser_UserHasLicenseForApp( CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamID, AppId_t /*AppId_t*/ appID ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamUser_BIsBehindNAT(); + void /*void*/ ISteamUser_AdvertiseGame( CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamIDGameServer, uint /*uint32*/ unIPServer , ushort /*uint16*/ usPortServer ); + SteamAPICall_t /*(SteamAPICall_t)*/ ISteamUser_RequestEncryptedAppTicket( IntPtr /*void **/ pDataToInclude , int /*int*/ cbDataToInclude ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamUser_GetEncryptedAppTicket( IntPtr /*void **/ pTicket , int /*int*/ cbMaxTicket , out uint /*uint32 **/ pcbTicket ); + int /*int*/ ISteamUser_GetGameBadgeLevel( int /*int*/ nSeries , bool /*bool*/ bFoil ); + int /*int*/ ISteamUser_GetPlayerSteamLevel(); + SteamAPICall_t /*(SteamAPICall_t)*/ ISteamUser_RequestStoreAuthURL( string /*const char **/ pchRedirectURL ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamUser_BIsPhoneVerified(); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamUser_BIsTwoFactorEnabled(); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamUserStats_RequestCurrentStats(); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamUserStats_GetStat( string /*const char **/ pchName , out int /*int32 **/ pData ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamUserStats_GetStat0( string /*const char **/ pchName , out float /*float **/ pData ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamUserStats_SetStat( string /*const char **/ pchName , int /*int32*/ nData ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamUserStats_SetStat0( string /*const char **/ pchName , float /*float*/ fData ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamUserStats_UpdateAvgRateStat( string /*const char **/ pchName , float /*float*/ flCountThisSession , double /*double*/ dSessionLength ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamUserStats_GetAchievement( string /*const char **/ pchName , out bool /*bool **/ pbAchieved ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamUserStats_SetAchievement( string /*const char **/ pchName ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamUserStats_ClearAchievement( string /*const char **/ pchName ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamUserStats_GetAchievementAndUnlockTime( string /*const char **/ pchName , out bool /*bool **/ pbAchieved, out uint /*uint32 **/ punUnlockTime ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamUserStats_StoreStats(); + int /*int*/ ISteamUserStats_GetAchievementIcon( string /*const char **/ pchName ); + IntPtr ISteamUserStats_GetAchievementDisplayAttribute( string /*const char **/ pchName , string /*const char **/ pchKey ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamUserStats_IndicateAchievementProgress( string /*const char **/ pchName , uint /*uint32*/ nCurProgress , uint /*uint32*/ nMaxProgress ); + uint /*uint32*/ ISteamUserStats_GetNumAchievements(); + IntPtr ISteamUserStats_GetAchievementName( uint /*uint32*/ iAchievement ); + SteamAPICall_t /*(SteamAPICall_t)*/ ISteamUserStats_RequestUserStats( CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamIDUser ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamUserStats_GetUserStat( CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamIDUser, string /*const char **/ pchName , out int /*int32 **/ pData ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamUserStats_GetUserStat0( CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamIDUser, string /*const char **/ pchName , out float /*float **/ pData ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamUserStats_GetUserAchievement( CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamIDUser, string /*const char **/ pchName , out bool /*bool **/ pbAchieved ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamUserStats_GetUserAchievementAndUnlockTime( CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamIDUser, string /*const char **/ pchName , out bool /*bool **/ pbAchieved, out uint /*uint32 **/ punUnlockTime ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamUserStats_ResetAllStats( bool /*bool*/ bAchievementsToo ); + SteamAPICall_t /*(SteamAPICall_t)*/ ISteamUserStats_FindOrCreateLeaderboard( string /*const char **/ pchLeaderboardName , LeaderboardSortMethod /*ELeaderboardSortMethod*/ eLeaderboardSortMethod , LeaderboardDisplayType /*ELeaderboardDisplayType*/ eLeaderboardDisplayType ); + SteamAPICall_t /*(SteamAPICall_t)*/ ISteamUserStats_FindLeaderboard( string /*const char **/ pchLeaderboardName ); + IntPtr ISteamUserStats_GetLeaderboardName( SteamLeaderboard_t /*SteamLeaderboard_t*/ hSteamLeaderboard ); + int /*int*/ ISteamUserStats_GetLeaderboardEntryCount( SteamLeaderboard_t /*SteamLeaderboard_t*/ hSteamLeaderboard ); + LeaderboardSortMethod /*ELeaderboardSortMethod*/ ISteamUserStats_GetLeaderboardSortMethod( SteamLeaderboard_t /*SteamLeaderboard_t*/ hSteamLeaderboard ); + LeaderboardDisplayType /*ELeaderboardDisplayType*/ ISteamUserStats_GetLeaderboardDisplayType( SteamLeaderboard_t /*SteamLeaderboard_t*/ hSteamLeaderboard ); + SteamAPICall_t /*(SteamAPICall_t)*/ ISteamUserStats_DownloadLeaderboardEntries( SteamLeaderboard_t /*SteamLeaderboard_t*/ hSteamLeaderboard, LeaderboardDataRequest /*ELeaderboardDataRequest*/ eLeaderboardDataRequest , int /*int*/ nRangeStart , int /*int*/ nRangeEnd ); + SteamAPICall_t /*(SteamAPICall_t)*/ ISteamUserStats_DownloadLeaderboardEntriesForUsers( SteamLeaderboard_t /*SteamLeaderboard_t*/ hSteamLeaderboard, IntPtr /*class CSteamID **/ prgUsers, int /*int*/ cUsers ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamUserStats_GetDownloadedLeaderboardEntry( SteamLeaderboardEntries_t /*SteamLeaderboardEntries_t*/ hSteamLeaderboardEntries, int /*int*/ index , ref LeaderboardEntry_t /*struct LeaderboardEntry_t **/ pLeaderboardEntry, IntPtr /*int32 **/ pDetails, int /*int*/ cDetailsMax ); + SteamAPICall_t /*(SteamAPICall_t)*/ ISteamUserStats_UploadLeaderboardScore( SteamLeaderboard_t /*SteamLeaderboard_t*/ hSteamLeaderboard, LeaderboardUploadScoreMethod /*ELeaderboardUploadScoreMethod*/ eLeaderboardUploadScoreMethod , int /*int32*/ nScore , IntPtr /*const int32 **/ pScoreDetails, int /*int*/ cScoreDetailsCount ); + SteamAPICall_t /*(SteamAPICall_t)*/ ISteamUserStats_AttachLeaderboardUGC( SteamLeaderboard_t /*SteamLeaderboard_t*/ hSteamLeaderboard, UGCHandle_t /*UGCHandle_t*/ hUGC ); + SteamAPICall_t /*(SteamAPICall_t)*/ ISteamUserStats_GetNumberOfCurrentPlayers(); + SteamAPICall_t /*(SteamAPICall_t)*/ ISteamUserStats_RequestGlobalAchievementPercentages(); + int /*int*/ ISteamUserStats_GetMostAchievedAchievementInfo( System.Text.StringBuilder /*char **/ pchName, uint /*uint32*/ unNameBufLen , out float /*float **/ pflPercent, out bool /*bool **/ pbAchieved ); + int /*int*/ ISteamUserStats_GetNextMostAchievedAchievementInfo( int /*int*/ iIteratorPrevious , System.Text.StringBuilder /*char **/ pchName, uint /*uint32*/ unNameBufLen , out float /*float **/ pflPercent, out bool /*bool **/ pbAchieved ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamUserStats_GetAchievementAchievedPercent( string /*const char **/ pchName , out float /*float **/ pflPercent ); + SteamAPICall_t /*(SteamAPICall_t)*/ ISteamUserStats_RequestGlobalStats( int /*int*/ nHistoryDays ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamUserStats_GetGlobalStat( string /*const char **/ pchStatName , out long /*int64 **/ pData ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamUserStats_GetGlobalStat0( string /*const char **/ pchStatName , out double /*double **/ pData ); + int /*int32*/ ISteamUserStats_GetGlobalStatHistory( string /*const char **/ pchStatName , out long /*int64 **/ pData, uint /*uint32*/ cubData ); + int /*int32*/ ISteamUserStats_GetGlobalStatHistory0( string /*const char **/ pchStatName , out double /*double **/ pData, uint /*uint32*/ cubData ); + uint /*uint32*/ ISteamUtils_GetSecondsSinceAppActive(); + uint /*uint32*/ ISteamUtils_GetSecondsSinceComputerActive(); + Universe /*EUniverse*/ ISteamUtils_GetConnectedUniverse(); + uint /*uint32*/ ISteamUtils_GetServerRealTime(); + IntPtr ISteamUtils_GetIPCountry(); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamUtils_GetImageSize( int /*int*/ iImage , out uint /*uint32 **/ pnWidth, out uint /*uint32 **/ pnHeight ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamUtils_GetImageRGBA( int /*int*/ iImage , IntPtr /*uint8 **/ pubDest, int /*int*/ nDestBufferSize ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamUtils_GetCSERIPPort( out uint /*uint32 **/ unIP, out ushort /*uint16 **/ usPort ); + byte /*uint8*/ ISteamUtils_GetCurrentBatteryPower(); + uint /*uint32*/ ISteamUtils_GetAppID(); + void /*void*/ ISteamUtils_SetOverlayNotificationPosition( NotificationPosition /*ENotificationPosition*/ eNotificationPosition ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamUtils_IsAPICallCompleted( SteamAPICall_t /*SteamAPICall_t*/ hSteamAPICall, out bool /*bool **/ pbFailed ); + SteamAPICallFailure /*ESteamAPICallFailure*/ ISteamUtils_GetAPICallFailureReason( SteamAPICall_t /*SteamAPICall_t*/ hSteamAPICall ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamUtils_GetAPICallResult( SteamAPICall_t /*SteamAPICall_t*/ hSteamAPICall, IntPtr /*void **/ pCallback , int /*int*/ cubCallback , int /*int*/ iCallbackExpected , out bool /*bool **/ pbFailed ); + uint /*uint32*/ ISteamUtils_GetIPCCallCount(); + void /*void*/ ISteamUtils_SetWarningMessageHook( IntPtr /*SteamAPIWarningMessageHook_t*/ pFunction ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamUtils_IsOverlayEnabled(); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamUtils_BOverlayNeedsPresent(); + SteamAPICall_t /*(SteamAPICall_t)*/ ISteamUtils_CheckFileSignature( string /*const char **/ szFileName ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamUtils_ShowGamepadTextInput( GamepadTextInputMode /*EGamepadTextInputMode*/ eInputMode , GamepadTextInputLineMode /*EGamepadTextInputLineMode*/ eLineInputMode , string /*const char **/ pchDescription , uint /*uint32*/ unCharMax , string /*const char **/ pchExistingText ); + uint /*uint32*/ ISteamUtils_GetEnteredGamepadTextLength(); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamUtils_GetEnteredGamepadTextInput( System.Text.StringBuilder /*char **/ pchText, uint /*uint32*/ cchText ); + IntPtr ISteamUtils_GetSteamUILanguage(); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamUtils_IsSteamRunningInVR(); + void /*void*/ ISteamUtils_SetOverlayNotificationInset( int /*int*/ nHorizontalInset , int /*int*/ nVerticalInset ); + bool /*bool*/ ISteamUtils_IsSteamInBigPictureMode(); + void /*void*/ ISteamUtils_StartVRDashboard(); void /*void*/ ISteamVideo_GetVideoURL( AppId_t /*AppId_t*/ unVideoAppID ); bool /*bool*/ ISteamVideo_IsBroadcasting( IntPtr /*int **/ pnNumViewers ); - - bool /*bool*/ ISteamGameServer_InitGameServer( uint /*uint32*/ unIP , ushort /*uint16*/ usGamePort , ushort /*uint16*/ usQueryPort , uint /*uint32*/ unFlags , AppId_t /*AppId_t*/ nGameAppId, string /*const char **/ pchVersionString ); - void /*void*/ ISteamGameServer_SetProduct( string /*const char **/ pszProduct ); - void /*void*/ ISteamGameServer_SetGameDescription( string /*const char **/ pszGameDescription ); - void /*void*/ ISteamGameServer_SetModDir( string /*const char **/ pszModDir ); - void /*void*/ ISteamGameServer_SetDedicatedServer( bool /*bool*/ bDedicated ); - void /*void*/ ISteamGameServer_LogOn( string /*const char **/ pszToken ); - void /*void*/ ISteamGameServer_LogOnAnonymous(); - void /*void*/ ISteamGameServer_LogOff(); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamGameServer_BLoggedOn(); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamGameServer_BSecure(); - CSteamID /*(class CSteamID)*/ ISteamGameServer_GetSteamID(); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamGameServer_WasRestartRequested(); - void /*void*/ ISteamGameServer_SetMaxPlayerCount( int /*int*/ cPlayersMax ); - void /*void*/ ISteamGameServer_SetBotPlayerCount( int /*int*/ cBotplayers ); - void /*void*/ ISteamGameServer_SetServerName( string /*const char **/ pszServerName ); - void /*void*/ ISteamGameServer_SetMapName( string /*const char **/ pszMapName ); - void /*void*/ ISteamGameServer_SetPasswordProtected( bool /*bool*/ bPasswordProtected ); - void /*void*/ ISteamGameServer_SetSpectatorPort( ushort /*uint16*/ unSpectatorPort ); - void /*void*/ ISteamGameServer_SetSpectatorServerName( string /*const char **/ pszSpectatorServerName ); - void /*void*/ ISteamGameServer_ClearAllKeyValues(); - void /*void*/ ISteamGameServer_SetKeyValue( string /*const char **/ pKey , string /*const char **/ pValue ); - void /*void*/ ISteamGameServer_SetGameTags( string /*const char **/ pchGameTags ); - void /*void*/ ISteamGameServer_SetGameData( string /*const char **/ pchGameData ); - void /*void*/ ISteamGameServer_SetRegion( string /*const char **/ pszRegion ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamGameServer_SendUserConnectAndAuthenticate( uint /*uint32*/ unIPClient , IntPtr /*const void **/ pvAuthBlob , uint /*uint32*/ cubAuthBlobSize , out CSteamID /*class CSteamID **/ pSteamIDUser ); - CSteamID /*(class CSteamID)*/ ISteamGameServer_CreateUnauthenticatedUserConnection(); - void /*void*/ ISteamGameServer_SendUserDisconnect( CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamIDUser ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamGameServer_BUpdateUserData( CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamIDUser, string /*const char **/ pchPlayerName , uint /*uint32*/ uScore ); - HAuthTicket /*(HAuthTicket)*/ ISteamGameServer_GetAuthSessionTicket( IntPtr /*void **/ pTicket , int /*int*/ cbMaxTicket , out uint /*uint32 **/ pcbTicket ); - BeginAuthSessionResult /*EBeginAuthSessionResult*/ ISteamGameServer_BeginAuthSession( IntPtr /*const void **/ pAuthTicket , int /*int*/ cbAuthTicket , CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamID ); - void /*void*/ ISteamGameServer_EndAuthSession( CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamID ); - void /*void*/ ISteamGameServer_CancelAuthTicket( HAuthTicket /*HAuthTicket*/ hAuthTicket ); - UserHasLicenseForAppResult /*EUserHasLicenseForAppResult*/ ISteamGameServer_UserHasLicenseForApp( CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamID, AppId_t /*AppId_t*/ appID ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamGameServer_RequestUserGroupStatus( CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamIDUser, CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamIDGroup ); - void /*void*/ ISteamGameServer_GetGameplayStats(); - SteamAPICall_t /*(SteamAPICall_t)*/ ISteamGameServer_GetServerReputation(); - uint /*uint32*/ ISteamGameServer_GetPublicIP(); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamGameServer_HandleIncomingPacket( IntPtr /*const void **/ pData , int /*int*/ cbData , uint /*uint32*/ srcIP , ushort /*uint16*/ srcPort ); - int /*int*/ ISteamGameServer_GetNextOutgoingPacket( IntPtr /*void **/ pOut , int /*int*/ cbMaxOut , out uint /*uint32 **/ pNetAdr, out ushort /*uint16 **/ pPort ); - void /*void*/ ISteamGameServer_EnableHeartbeats( bool /*bool*/ bActive ); - void /*void*/ ISteamGameServer_SetHeartbeatInterval( int /*int*/ iHeartbeatInterval ); - void /*void*/ ISteamGameServer_ForceHeartbeat(); - SteamAPICall_t /*(SteamAPICall_t)*/ ISteamGameServer_AssociateWithClan( CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamIDClan ); - SteamAPICall_t /*(SteamAPICall_t)*/ ISteamGameServer_ComputeNewPlayerCompatibility( CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamIDNewPlayer ); - - SteamAPICall_t /*(SteamAPICall_t)*/ ISteamGameServerStats_RequestUserStats( CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamIDUser ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamGameServerStats_GetUserStat( CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamIDUser, string /*const char **/ pchName , out int /*int32 **/ pData ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamGameServerStats_GetUserStat0( CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamIDUser, string /*const char **/ pchName , out float /*float **/ pData ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamGameServerStats_GetUserAchievement( CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamIDUser, string /*const char **/ pchName , out bool /*bool **/ pbAchieved ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamGameServerStats_SetUserStat( CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamIDUser, string /*const char **/ pchName , int /*int32*/ nData ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamGameServerStats_SetUserStat0( CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamIDUser, string /*const char **/ pchName , float /*float*/ fData ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamGameServerStats_UpdateUserAvgRateStat( CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamIDUser, string /*const char **/ pchName , float /*float*/ flCountThisSession , double /*double*/ dSessionLength ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamGameServerStats_SetUserAchievement( CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamIDUser, string /*const char **/ pchName ); - bool /*bool*/ ISteamGameServerStats_ClearUserAchievement( CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamIDUser, string /*const char **/ pchName ); - SteamAPICall_t /*(SteamAPICall_t)*/ ISteamGameServerStats_StoreUserStats( CSteamID /*class CSteamID*/ steamIDUser ); - void /*void*/ SteamApi_SteamAPI_Init(); void /*void*/ SteamApi_SteamAPI_RunCallbacks(); void /*void*/ SteamApi_SteamGameServer_RunCallbacks(); @@ -676,7 +654,6 @@ namespace SteamNative HSteamUser /*(HSteamUser)*/ SteamApi_SteamGameServer_GetHSteamUser(); HSteamPipe /*(HSteamPipe)*/ SteamApi_SteamGameServer_GetHSteamPipe(); IntPtr /*void **/ SteamApi_SteamInternal_CreateInterface( string /*const char **/ version ); - } } } diff --git a/Generator/Argument.cs b/Generator/Argument.cs index 638bb85..66de771 100644 --- a/Generator/Argument.cs +++ b/Generator/Argument.cs @@ -14,7 +14,15 @@ namespace Generator public bool IsRef; public TypeDef TypeDef; - internal void Build( SteamApiDefinition.MethodDef.ParamType[] ps, Dictionary typeDefs ) + public Argument( string Name, string ManagedType, Dictionary typeDefs ) + { + this.Name = Name; + this.NativeType = ManagedType; + + Build( typeDefs ); + } + + private void Build( Dictionary typeDefs ) { var cleanNative = NativeType.Trim( '*', ' ' ).Replace( "class ", "" ).Replace( "const ", "" ); diff --git a/Generator/CodeWriter.PlatformClass.cs b/Generator/CodeWriter.PlatformClass.cs index db12c30..d4555dc 100644 --- a/Generator/CodeWriter.PlatformClass.cs +++ b/Generator/CodeWriter.PlatformClass.cs @@ -73,13 +73,7 @@ namespace Generator { var arguments = BuildArguments( methodDef.Params ); - var ret = new Argument() - { - Name = "return", - NativeType = methodDef.ReturnType - }; - - ret.Build( null, TypeDefs ); + var ret = new Argument( "return", methodDef.ReturnType, TypeDefs ); var methodName = methodDef.Name; @@ -147,14 +141,7 @@ namespace Generator private void InteropClassMethod( string library, string classname, SteamApiDefinition.MethodDef methodDef ) { var arguments = BuildArguments( methodDef.Params ); - - var ret = new Argument() - { - Name = "return", - NativeType = methodDef.ReturnType - }; - - ret.Build( null, TypeDefs ); + var ret = new Argument( "return", methodDef.ReturnType, TypeDefs ); var methodName = methodDef.Name; diff --git a/Generator/CodeWriter.cs b/Generator/CodeWriter.cs index 1a0ee00..55cd4d0 100644 --- a/Generator/CodeWriter.cs +++ b/Generator/CodeWriter.cs @@ -342,12 +342,7 @@ namespace Generator foreach ( var p in ps ) { - var a = new Argument(); - - a.Name = p.Name; - a.NativeType = p.Type; - a.Build( ps, TypeDefs ); - + var a = new Argument( p.Name, p.Type, TypeDefs ); args.Add( a ); } diff --git a/Generator/CodeWriter.Classes.cs b/Generator/CodeWriter/CodeWriter.Classes.cs similarity index 99% rename from Generator/CodeWriter.Classes.cs rename to Generator/CodeWriter/CodeWriter.Classes.cs index 47e4b96..adc6e6b 100644 --- a/Generator/CodeWriter.Classes.cs +++ b/Generator/CodeWriter/CodeWriter.Classes.cs @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace Generator { - public partial class CSharpGenerator + public partial class CodeWriter { void Classes( string targetName ) { diff --git a/Generator/CodeWriter/Interface.cs b/Generator/CodeWriter/Interface.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a5cf4e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/Generator/CodeWriter/Interface.cs @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +using System; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using System.Linq; +using System.Text; +using System.Threading.Tasks; + +namespace Generator +{ + public partial class CodeWriter + { + // + // Writes the RustNative.Platform.Interface + // + void PlatformInterface() + { + StartBlock( $"internal static partial class Platform" ); + { + StartBlock( $"public interface Interface" ); + { + WriteLine( "// Implementation should return true if _ptr is non null" ); + WriteLine( "bool IsValid { get; } " ); + WriteLine(); + + + foreach ( var m in def.methods.OrderBy( x => x.ClassName ) ) + { + if ( m.ClassName == "ISteamMatchmakingPingResponse" ) continue; + if ( m.ClassName == "ISteamMatchmakingServerListResponse" ) continue; + if ( m.ClassName == "ISteamMatchmakingPlayersResponse" ) continue; + if ( m.ClassName == "ISteamMatchmakingRulesResponse" ) continue; + if ( m.ClassName == "ISteamMatchmakingPingResponse" ) continue; + + PlatformInterfaceMethod( m ); + } + + } + EndBlock(); + } + EndBlock(); + } + + + private void PlatformInterfaceMethod( SteamApiDefinition.MethodDef m ) + { + var arguments = BuildArguments( m.Params ); + var ret = new Argument( "return", m.ReturnType, TypeDefs ); + + var methodName = m.Name; + + if ( LastMethodName == methodName ) + methodName = methodName + "0"; + + var flatName = $"SteamAPI_{m.ClassName}_{methodName}"; + + if ( m.ClassName == "SteamApi" ) + flatName = methodName; + + var argstring = string.Join( ", ", arguments.Select( x => x.InteropParameter( true ) ) ); + if ( argstring != "" ) argstring = $" {argstring} "; + + WriteLine( $"{ret.Return()} {m.ClassName}_{methodName}({argstring});" ); + LastMethodName = m.Name; + } + } +} diff --git a/Generator/Generator.csproj b/Generator/Generator.csproj index 7bfa9e7..d06f1f6 100644 --- a/Generator/Generator.csproj +++ b/Generator/Generator.csproj @@ -48,11 +48,12 @@ - + +