Custom enums

This commit is contained in:
Garry Newman 2020-02-19 13:11:40 +00:00
parent 00379ac7b7
commit 8c603d4880
3 changed files with 246 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Linq;
using Steamworks.Data;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Steamworks
enum CallbackType
SteamServersConnected = 101,
SteamServerConnectFailure = 102,
SteamServersDisconnected = 103,
ClientGameServerDeny = 113,
GSPolicyResponse = 115,
IPCFailure = 117,
LicensesUpdated = 125,
ValidateAuthTicketResponse = 143,
MicroTxnAuthorizationResponse = 152,
EncryptedAppTicketResponse = 154,
GetAuthSessionTicketResponse = 163,
GameWebCallback = 164,
StoreAuthURLResponse = 165,
MarketEligibilityResponse = 166,
DurationControl = 167,
GSClientApprove = 201,
GSClientDeny = 202,
GSClientKick = 203,
GSClientAchievementStatus = 206,
GSGameplayStats = 207,
GSClientGroupStatus = 208,
GSReputation = 209,
AssociateWithClanResult = 210,
ComputeNewPlayerCompatibilityResult = 211,
PersonaStateChange = 304,
GameOverlayActivated = 331,
GameServerChangeRequested = 332,
GameLobbyJoinRequested = 333,
AvatarImageLoaded = 334,
ClanOfficerListResponse = 335,
FriendRichPresenceUpdate = 336,
GameRichPresenceJoinRequested = 337,
GameConnectedClanChatMsg = 338,
GameConnectedChatJoin = 339,
GameConnectedChatLeave = 340,
DownloadClanActivityCountsResult = 341,
JoinClanChatRoomCompletionResult = 342,
GameConnectedFriendChatMsg = 343,
FriendsGetFollowerCount = 344,
FriendsIsFollowing = 345,
FriendsEnumerateFollowingList = 346,
SetPersonaNameResponse = 347,
UnreadChatMessagesChanged = 348,
FavoritesListChanged = 502,
LobbyInvite = 503,
LobbyEnter = 504,
LobbyDataUpdate = 505,
LobbyChatUpdate = 506,
LobbyChatMsg = 507,
LobbyGameCreated = 509,
LobbyMatchList = 510,
LobbyKicked = 512,
LobbyCreated = 513,
PSNGameBootInviteResult = 515,
FavoritesListAccountsUpdated = 516,
IPCountry = 701,
LowBatteryPower = 702,
SteamAPICallCompleted = 703,
SteamShutdown = 704,
CheckFileSignature = 705,
GamepadTextInputDismissed = 714,
DlcInstalled = 1005,
RegisterActivationCodeResponse = 1008,
NewUrlLaunchParameters = 1014,
AppProofOfPurchaseKeyResponse = 1021,
FileDetailsResult = 1023,
UserStatsReceived = 1101,
UserStatsStored = 1102,
UserAchievementStored = 1103,
LeaderboardFindResult = 1104,
LeaderboardScoresDownloaded = 1105,
LeaderboardScoreUploaded = 1106,
NumberOfCurrentPlayers = 1107,
UserStatsUnloaded = 1108,
GSStatsUnloaded = 1108,
UserAchievementIconFetched = 1109,
GlobalAchievementPercentagesReady = 1110,
LeaderboardUGCSet = 1111,
PS3TrophiesInstalled = 1112,
GlobalStatsReceived = 1112,
SocketStatusCallback = 1201,
P2PSessionRequest = 1202,
P2PSessionConnectFail = 1203,
SteamNetConnectionStatusChangedCallback = 1221,
SteamNetAuthenticationStatus = 1222,
SteamRelayNetworkStatus = 1281,
RemoteStorageAppSyncedClient = 1301,
RemoteStorageAppSyncedServer = 1302,
RemoteStorageAppSyncProgress = 1303,
RemoteStorageAppSyncStatusCheck = 1305,
RemoteStorageFileShareResult = 1307,
RemoteStoragePublishFileResult = 1309,
RemoteStorageDeletePublishedFileResult = 1311,
RemoteStorageEnumerateUserPublishedFilesResult = 1312,
RemoteStorageSubscribePublishedFileResult = 1313,
RemoteStorageEnumerateUserSubscribedFilesResult = 1314,
RemoteStorageUnsubscribePublishedFileResult = 1315,
RemoteStorageUpdatePublishedFileResult = 1316,
RemoteStorageDownloadUGCResult = 1317,
RemoteStorageGetPublishedFileDetailsResult = 1318,
RemoteStorageEnumerateWorkshopFilesResult = 1319,
RemoteStorageGetPublishedItemVoteDetailsResult = 1320,
RemoteStoragePublishedFileSubscribed = 1321,
RemoteStoragePublishedFileUnsubscribed = 1322,
RemoteStoragePublishedFileDeleted = 1323,
RemoteStorageUpdateUserPublishedItemVoteResult = 1324,
RemoteStorageUserVoteDetails = 1325,
RemoteStorageEnumerateUserSharedWorkshopFilesResult = 1326,
RemoteStorageSetUserPublishedFileActionResult = 1327,
RemoteStorageEnumeratePublishedFilesByUserActionResult = 1328,
RemoteStoragePublishFileProgress = 1329,
RemoteStoragePublishedFileUpdated = 1330,
RemoteStorageFileWriteAsyncComplete = 1331,
RemoteStorageFileReadAsyncComplete = 1332,
GSStatsReceived = 1800,
GSStatsStored = 1801,
HTTPRequestCompleted = 2101,
HTTPRequestHeadersReceived = 2102,
HTTPRequestDataReceived = 2103,
ScreenshotReady = 2301,
ScreenshotRequested = 2302,
SteamUGCQueryCompleted = 3401,
SteamUGCRequestUGCDetailsResult = 3402,
CreateItemResult = 3403,
SubmitItemUpdateResult = 3404,
ItemInstalled = 3405,
DownloadItemResult = 3406,
UserFavoriteItemsListChanged = 3407,
SetUserItemVoteResult = 3408,
GetUserItemVoteResult = 3409,
StartPlaytimeTrackingResult = 3410,
StopPlaytimeTrackingResult = 3411,
AddUGCDependencyResult = 3412,
RemoveUGCDependencyResult = 3413,
AddAppDependencyResult = 3414,
RemoveAppDependencyResult = 3415,
GetAppDependenciesResult = 3416,
DeleteItemResult = 3417,
SteamAppInstalled = 3901,
SteamAppUninstalled = 3902,
PlaybackStatusHasChanged = 4001,
VolumeHasChanged = 4002,
MusicPlayerWantsVolume = 4011,
MusicPlayerSelectsQueueEntry = 4012,
MusicPlayerSelectsPlaylistEntry = 4013,
MusicPlayerRemoteWillActivate = 4101,
MusicPlayerRemoteWillDeactivate = 4102,
MusicPlayerRemoteToFront = 4103,
MusicPlayerWillQuit = 4104,
MusicPlayerWantsPlay = 4105,
MusicPlayerWantsPause = 4106,
MusicPlayerWantsPlayPrevious = 4107,
MusicPlayerWantsPlayNext = 4108,
MusicPlayerWantsShuffled = 4109,
MusicPlayerWantsLooped = 4110,
MusicPlayerWantsPlayingRepeatStatus = 4114,
HTML_BrowserReady = 4501,
HTML_NeedsPaint = 4502,
HTML_StartRequest = 4503,
HTML_CloseBrowser = 4504,
HTML_URLChanged = 4505,
HTML_FinishedRequest = 4506,
HTML_OpenLinkInNewTab = 4507,
HTML_ChangedTitle = 4508,
HTML_SearchResults = 4509,
HTML_CanGoBackAndForward = 4510,
HTML_HorizontalScroll = 4511,
HTML_VerticalScroll = 4512,
HTML_LinkAtPosition = 4513,
HTML_JSAlert = 4514,
HTML_JSConfirm = 4515,
HTML_FileOpenDialog = 4516,
HTML_NewWindow = 4521,
HTML_SetCursor = 4522,
HTML_StatusText = 4523,
HTML_ShowToolTip = 4524,
HTML_UpdateToolTip = 4525,
HTML_HideToolTip = 4526,
HTML_BrowserRestarted = 4527,
BroadcastUploadStart = 4604,
BroadcastUploadStop = 4605,
GetVideoURLResult = 4611,
GetOPFSettingsResult = 4624,
SteamInventoryResultReady = 4700,
SteamInventoryFullUpdate = 4701,
SteamInventoryDefinitionUpdate = 4702,
SteamInventoryEligiblePromoItemDefIDs = 4703,
SteamInventoryStartPurchaseResult = 4704,
SteamInventoryRequestPricesResult = 4705,
SteamParentalSettingsChanged = 5001,
SearchForGameProgressCallback = 5201,
SearchForGameResultCallback = 5202,
RequestPlayersForGameProgressCallback = 5211,
RequestPlayersForGameResultCallback = 5212,
RequestPlayersForGameFinalResultCallback = 5213,
SubmitPlayerResultResultCallback = 5214,
EndGameResultCallback = 5215,
JoinPartyCallback = 5301,
CreateBeaconCallback = 5302,
ReservationNotificationCallback = 5303,
ChangeNumOpenSlotsCallback = 5304,
AvailableBeaconLocationsUpdated = 5305,
ActiveBeaconsUpdated = 5306,
SteamRemotePlaySessionConnected = 5701,
SteamRemotePlaySessionDisconnected = 5702,

View File

@ -26,6 +26,14 @@ namespace Generator
System.IO.File.WriteAllText( $"{folder}SteamEnums.cs", sb.ToString() );
sb = new StringBuilder();
System.IO.File.WriteAllText( $"{folder}CustomEnums.cs", sb.ToString() );

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Generator
public partial class CodeWriter
void CustomEnums()
StartBlock( "enum CallbackType" );
foreach ( var c in def.callback_structs.OrderBy( x => x.CallbackId ) )
WriteLine( $"{c.Name.Replace( "_t", "" ) } = {c.CallbackId}," );