mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 02:20:40 +03:00
Ugc Queries
This commit is contained in:
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
<Compile Include="UserTest.cs" />
<Compile Include="UserStatsTest.cs" />
<Compile Include="UgcTest.cs" />
<Compile Include="UgcQuery.cs" />
<Compile Include="UtilsTest.cs" />
<Compile Include="AppTest.cs" />
<Compile Include="Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs" />
@ -10,12 +10,12 @@ namespace Steamworks
[DeploymentItem( "steam_api64.dll" )]
public class UgcTests
public class UgcQueryTests
public async Task QueryAll()
var q = UgcQuery.All();
var q = Ugc.Query.All;
var result = await q.GetPageAsync( 1 );
Assert.IsNotNull( result );
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ namespace Steamworks
public async Task QueryWithTags()
var q = UgcQuery.All()
var q = Ugc.Query.All
.WithTag( "Fun" )
.WithTag( "Movie" )
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ namespace Steamworks
public async Task QueryAllFromFriends()
var q = UgcQuery.All()
var q = Ugc.Query.All
var result = await q.GetPageAsync( 1 );
@ -63,6 +63,42 @@ namespace Steamworks
Console.WriteLine( $" {entry.Title}" );
public async Task QueryUserOwn()
var q = Ugc.UserQuery.All
var result = await q.GetPageAsync( 1 );
Assert.IsNotNull( result );
Console.WriteLine( $"ResultCount: {result?.ResultCount}" );
Console.WriteLine( $"TotalCount: {result?.TotalCount}" );
foreach ( var entry in result.Value.Entries )
Console.WriteLine( $" {entry.Title}" );
public async Task QueryFoohy()
var q = Ugc.UserQuery.All
.FromUser( 76561197997689747 );
var result = await q.GetPageAsync( 1 );
Assert.IsNotNull( result );
Console.WriteLine( $"ResultCount: {result?.ResultCount}" );
Console.WriteLine( $"TotalCount: {result?.TotalCount}" );
foreach ( var entry in result.Value.Entries )
Console.WriteLine( $" {entry.Title}" );
@ -97,33 +97,33 @@ namespace Steamworks
#region FunctionMeta
[UnmanagedFunctionPointer( CallingConvention.ThisCall )]
private delegate UGCQueryHandle_t FCreateQueryUserUGCRequest( IntPtr self, AccountID_t unAccountID, UserUGCList eListType, UGCMatchingUGCType eMatchingUGCType, UserUGCListSortOrder eSortOrder, AppId_t nCreatorAppID, AppId_t nConsumerAppID, uint unPage );
private delegate UGCQueryHandle_t FCreateQueryUserUGCRequest( IntPtr self, AccountID_t unAccountID, UserUGCList eListType, UgcType eMatchingUGCType, UserUGCListSortOrder eSortOrder, AppId_t nCreatorAppID, AppId_t nConsumerAppID, uint unPage );
private FCreateQueryUserUGCRequest _CreateQueryUserUGCRequest;
internal UGCQueryHandle_t CreateQueryUserUGCRequest( AccountID_t unAccountID, UserUGCList eListType, UGCMatchingUGCType eMatchingUGCType, UserUGCListSortOrder eSortOrder, AppId_t nCreatorAppID, AppId_t nConsumerAppID, uint unPage )
internal UGCQueryHandle_t CreateQueryUserUGCRequest( AccountID_t unAccountID, UserUGCList eListType, UgcType eMatchingUGCType, UserUGCListSortOrder eSortOrder, AppId_t nCreatorAppID, AppId_t nConsumerAppID, uint unPage )
return _CreateQueryUserUGCRequest( Self, unAccountID, eListType, eMatchingUGCType, eSortOrder, nCreatorAppID, nConsumerAppID, unPage );
#region FunctionMeta
[UnmanagedFunctionPointer( CallingConvention.ThisCall )]
private delegate UGCQueryHandle_t FCreateQueryAllUGCRequest1( IntPtr self, UGCQuery eQueryType, UGCMatchingUGCType eMatchingeMatchingUGCTypeFileType, AppId_t nCreatorAppID, AppId_t nConsumerAppID, uint unPage );
private delegate UGCQueryHandle_t FCreateQueryAllUGCRequest1( IntPtr self, UGCQuery eQueryType, UgcType eMatchingeMatchingUGCTypeFileType, AppId_t nCreatorAppID, AppId_t nConsumerAppID, uint unPage );
private FCreateQueryAllUGCRequest1 _CreateQueryAllUGCRequest1;
internal UGCQueryHandle_t CreateQueryAllUGCRequest1( UGCQuery eQueryType, UGCMatchingUGCType eMatchingeMatchingUGCTypeFileType, AppId_t nCreatorAppID, AppId_t nConsumerAppID, uint unPage )
internal UGCQueryHandle_t CreateQueryAllUGCRequest1( UGCQuery eQueryType, UgcType eMatchingeMatchingUGCTypeFileType, AppId_t nCreatorAppID, AppId_t nConsumerAppID, uint unPage )
return _CreateQueryAllUGCRequest1( Self, eQueryType, eMatchingeMatchingUGCTypeFileType, nCreatorAppID, nConsumerAppID, unPage );
#region FunctionMeta
[UnmanagedFunctionPointer( CallingConvention.ThisCall )]
private delegate UGCQueryHandle_t FCreateQueryAllUGCRequest2( IntPtr self, UGCQuery eQueryType, UGCMatchingUGCType eMatchingeMatchingUGCTypeFileType, AppId_t nCreatorAppID, AppId_t nConsumerAppID, string pchCursor );
private delegate UGCQueryHandle_t FCreateQueryAllUGCRequest2( IntPtr self, UGCQuery eQueryType, UgcType eMatchingeMatchingUGCTypeFileType, AppId_t nCreatorAppID, AppId_t nConsumerAppID, string pchCursor );
private FCreateQueryAllUGCRequest2 _CreateQueryAllUGCRequest2;
internal UGCQueryHandle_t CreateQueryAllUGCRequest2( UGCQuery eQueryType, UGCMatchingUGCType eMatchingeMatchingUGCTypeFileType, AppId_t nCreatorAppID, AppId_t nConsumerAppID, string pchCursor )
internal UGCQueryHandle_t CreateQueryAllUGCRequest2( UGCQuery eQueryType, UgcType eMatchingeMatchingUGCTypeFileType, AppId_t nCreatorAppID, AppId_t nConsumerAppID, string pchCursor )
return _CreateQueryAllUGCRequest2( Self, eQueryType, eMatchingeMatchingUGCTypeFileType, nCreatorAppID, nConsumerAppID, pchCursor );
@ -1774,7 +1774,7 @@ namespace Steamworks
// EUGCMatchingUGCType
internal enum UGCMatchingUGCType : int
public enum UgcType : int
Items = 0,
Items_Mtx = 1,
@ -21,5 +21,7 @@ namespace Steamworks
public override string ToString() => Value.ToString();
public uint AccountId => (uint) (Value & 0xFFFFFFFFul);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
using System;
using System.Linq;
using Steamworks.Data;
namespace Steamworks.Ugc
public struct Result
public PublishedFileId Id;
public string Title;
public string Description;
public string[] Tags;
// TODO;
//internal Steamworks.Result Result; // m_eResult enum EResult
internal WorkshopFileType FileType; // m_eFileType enum EWorkshopFileType
internal uint CreatorAppID; // m_nCreatorAppID AppId_t
internal uint ConsumerAppID; // m_nConsumerAppID AppId_t
internal ulong SteamIDOwner; // m_ulSteamIDOwner uint64
internal uint TimeCreated; // m_rtimeCreated uint32
internal uint TimeUpdated; // m_rtimeUpdated uint32
internal uint TimeAddedToUserList; // m_rtimeAddedToUserList uint32
internal RemoteStoragePublishedFileVisibility Visibility; // m_eVisibility enum ERemoteStoragePublishedFileVisibility
internal bool Banned; // m_bBanned _Bool
internal bool AcceptedForUse; // m_bAcceptedForUse _Bool
internal bool TagsTruncated; // m_bTagsTruncated _Bool
internal ulong File; // m_hFile UGCHandle_t
internal ulong PreviewFile; // m_hPreviewFile UGCHandle_t
internal string PchFileName; // m_pchFileName char [260]
internal int FileSize; // m_nFileSize int32
internal int PreviewFileSize; // m_nPreviewFileSize int32
internal string URL; // m_rgchURL char [256]
internal uint VotesUp; // m_unVotesUp uint32
internal uint VotesDown; // m_unVotesDown uint32
internal float Score; // m_flScore float
internal uint NumChildren; // m_unNumChildren uint32
internal static Result From( SteamUGCDetails_t details, UGCQueryHandle_t handle )
var d = new Result
Id = details.PublishedFileId,
FileType = details.FileType,
Title = details.Title,
Description = details.Description,
Tags = details.Tags.Split( new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries )
return d;
/// <summary>
/// A case insensitive check for tag
/// </summary>
public bool HasTag( string find )
if ( Tags.Length == 0 ) return false;
return Tags.Contains( find, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase );
@ -2,112 +2,62 @@
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Steamworks.Data;
namespace Steamworks.Data
using QueryType = Steamworks.Ugc.Query;
namespace Steamworks.Ugc
public struct UgcQuery
public struct Query
UGCMatchingUGCType matching;
UserUGCList userGc;
UgcType matchingType;
UGCQuery queryType;
AppId consumerApp;
AppId creatorApp;
List<string> requiredTags;
bool? matchAnyTag;
List<string> excludedTags;
Dictionary<string, string> requiredKv;
bool? WantsReturnOnlyIDs;
bool? WantsReturnKeyValueTags;
bool? WantsReturnLongDescription;
bool? WantsReturnMetadata;
bool? WantsReturnChildren;
bool? WantsReturnAdditionalPreviews;
bool? WantsReturnTotalOnly;
bool? WantsReturnPlaytimeStats;
string searchText;
string language;
int? trendDays;
int? maxCacheAge;
public static UgcQuery Items() => new UgcQuery { matching = UGCMatchingUGCType.Items };
public static UgcQuery ItemsMtx() => new UgcQuery { matching = UGCMatchingUGCType.Items_Mtx };
public static UgcQuery ItemsReadyToUse() => new UgcQuery { matching = UGCMatchingUGCType.Items_ReadyToUse };
public static UgcQuery Collections() => new UgcQuery { matching = UGCMatchingUGCType.Collections };
public static UgcQuery Artwork() => new UgcQuery { matching = UGCMatchingUGCType.Artwork };
public static UgcQuery Videos() => new UgcQuery { matching = UGCMatchingUGCType.Videos };
public static UgcQuery Screenshots() => new UgcQuery { matching = UGCMatchingUGCType.Screenshots };
public static UgcQuery AllGuides() => new UgcQuery { matching = UGCMatchingUGCType.AllGuides };
public static UgcQuery WebGuides() => new UgcQuery { matching = UGCMatchingUGCType.WebGuides };
public static UgcQuery IntegratedGuides() => new UgcQuery { matching = UGCMatchingUGCType.IntegratedGuides };
public static UgcQuery UsableInGame() => new UgcQuery { matching = UGCMatchingUGCType.UsableInGame };
public static UgcQuery ControllerBindings() => new UgcQuery { matching = UGCMatchingUGCType.ControllerBindings };
public static UgcQuery GameManagedItems() => new UgcQuery { matching = UGCMatchingUGCType.GameManagedItems };
public static UgcQuery All() => new UgcQuery { matching = UGCMatchingUGCType.All };
public UgcQuery RankedByVote() { queryType = UGCQuery.RankedByVote; return this; }
public UgcQuery RankedByPublicationDate() { queryType = UGCQuery.RankedByPublicationDate; return this; }
public UgcQuery RankedByAcceptanceDate() { queryType = UGCQuery.AcceptedForGameRankedByAcceptanceDate; return this; }
public UgcQuery RankedByTrend() { queryType = UGCQuery.RankedByTrend; return this; }
public UgcQuery FavoritedByFriends() { queryType = UGCQuery.FavoritedByFriendsRankedByPublicationDate; return this; }
public UgcQuery CreatedByFriends() { queryType = UGCQuery.CreatedByFriendsRankedByPublicationDate; return this; }
public UgcQuery RankedByNumTimesReported() { queryType = UGCQuery.RankedByNumTimesReported; return this; }
public UgcQuery CreatedByFollowedUsers() { queryType = UGCQuery.CreatedByFollowedUsersRankedByPublicationDate; return this; }
public UgcQuery NotYetRated() { queryType = UGCQuery.NotYetRated; return this; }
public UgcQuery RankedByTotalVotesAsc() { queryType = UGCQuery.RankedByTotalVotesAsc; return this; }
public UgcQuery RankedByVotesUp() { queryType = UGCQuery.RankedByVotesUp; return this; }
public UgcQuery RankedByTextSearch() { queryType = UGCQuery.RankedByTextSearch; return this; }
public UgcQuery RankedByTotalUniqueSubscriptions() { queryType = UGCQuery.RankedByTotalUniqueSubscriptions; return this; }
public UgcQuery RankedByPlaytimeTrend() { queryType = UGCQuery.RankedByPlaytimeTrend; return this; }
public UgcQuery RankedByTotalPlaytime() { queryType = UGCQuery.RankedByTotalPlaytime; return this; }
public UgcQuery RankedByAveragePlaytimeTrend() { queryType = UGCQuery.RankedByAveragePlaytimeTrend; return this; }
public UgcQuery RankedByLifetimeAveragePlaytime() { queryType = UGCQuery.RankedByLifetimeAveragePlaytime; return this; }
public UgcQuery RankedByPlaytimeSessionsTrend() { queryType = UGCQuery.RankedByPlaytimeSessionsTrend; return this; }
public UgcQuery RankedByLifetimePlaytimeSessions() { queryType = UGCQuery.RankedByLifetimePlaytimeSessions; return this; }
public UgcQuery WithOnlyIDs( bool b) { WantsReturnOnlyIDs = b; return this; }
public UgcQuery WithKeyValueTag( bool b ) { WantsReturnKeyValueTags = b; return this; }
public UgcQuery WithLongDescription( bool b ) { WantsReturnLongDescription = b; return this; }
public UgcQuery WithMetadata( bool b ) { WantsReturnMetadata = b; return this; }
public UgcQuery WithChildren( bool b ) { WantsReturnChildren = b; return this; }
public UgcQuery WithAdditionalPreviews( bool b ) { WantsReturnAdditionalPreviews = b; return this; }
public UgcQuery WithTotalOnly( bool b ) { WantsReturnTotalOnly = b; return this; }
public UgcQuery WithPlaytimeStats( bool b ) { WantsReturnPlaytimeStats = b; return this; }
public UgcQuery AllowCachedResponse( int maxSecondsAge ) { maxCacheAge = maxSecondsAge; return this; }
public UgcQuery InLanguage( string lang ) { language = lang; return this; }
/// <summary>
/// Found items must have at least one of the defined tags
/// </summary>
public UgcQuery MatchAnyTag() { matchAnyTag = true; return this; }
/// <summary>
/// Found items must have all defined tags
/// </summary>
public UgcQuery MatchAllTags() { matchAnyTag = false; return this; }
public UgcQuery WithTag( string tag )
public Query( UgcType type ) : this()
if ( requiredTags == null ) requiredTags = new List<string>();
requiredTags.Add( tag );
return this;
matchingType = type;
public UgcQuery WithoutTag( string tag )
if ( excludedTags == null ) excludedTags = new List<string>();
excludedTags.Add( tag );
return this;
public static Query All => new Query( UgcType.All );
public static Query Items => new Query( UgcType.Items );
public static Query ItemsMtx => new Query( UgcType.Items_Mtx );
public static Query ItemsReadyToUse => new Query( UgcType.Items_ReadyToUse );
public static Query Collections => new Query( UgcType.Collections );
public static Query Artwork => new Query( UgcType.Artwork );
public static Query Videos => new Query( UgcType.Videos );
public static Query Screenshots => new Query( UgcType.Screenshots );
public static Query AllGuides => new Query( UgcType.AllGuides );
public static Query WebGuides => new Query( UgcType.WebGuides );
public static Query IntegratedGuides => new Query( UgcType.IntegratedGuides );
public static Query UsableInGame => new Query( UgcType.UsableInGame );
public static Query ControllerBindings => new Query( UgcType.ControllerBindings );
public static Query GameManagedItems => new Query( UgcType.GameManagedItems );
public async Task<UgcQueryPage?> GetPageAsync( int page )
public Query RankedByVote() { queryType = UGCQuery.RankedByVote; return this; }
public Query RankedByPublicationDate() { queryType = UGCQuery.RankedByPublicationDate; return this; }
public Query RankedByAcceptanceDate() { queryType = UGCQuery.AcceptedForGameRankedByAcceptanceDate; return this; }
public Query RankedByTrend() { queryType = UGCQuery.RankedByTrend; return this; }
public Query FavoritedByFriends() { queryType = UGCQuery.FavoritedByFriendsRankedByPublicationDate; return this; }
public Query CreatedByFriends() { queryType = UGCQuery.CreatedByFriendsRankedByPublicationDate; return this; }
public Query RankedByNumTimesReported() { queryType = UGCQuery.RankedByNumTimesReported; return this; }
public Query CreatedByFollowedUsers() { queryType = UGCQuery.CreatedByFollowedUsersRankedByPublicationDate; return this; }
public Query NotYetRated() { queryType = UGCQuery.NotYetRated; return this; }
public Query RankedByTotalVotesAsc() { queryType = UGCQuery.RankedByTotalVotesAsc; return this; }
public Query RankedByVotesUp() { queryType = UGCQuery.RankedByVotesUp; return this; }
public Query RankedByTextSearch() { queryType = UGCQuery.RankedByTextSearch; return this; }
public Query RankedByTotalUniqueSubscriptions() { queryType = UGCQuery.RankedByTotalUniqueSubscriptions; return this; }
public Query RankedByPlaytimeTrend() { queryType = UGCQuery.RankedByPlaytimeTrend; return this; }
public Query RankedByTotalPlaytime() { queryType = UGCQuery.RankedByTotalPlaytime; return this; }
public Query RankedByAveragePlaytimeTrend() { queryType = UGCQuery.RankedByAveragePlaytimeTrend; return this; }
public Query RankedByLifetimeAveragePlaytime() { queryType = UGCQuery.RankedByLifetimeAveragePlaytime; return this; }
public Query RankedByPlaytimeSessionsTrend() { queryType = UGCQuery.RankedByPlaytimeSessionsTrend; return this; }
public Query RankedByLifetimePlaytimeSessions() { queryType = UGCQuery.RankedByLifetimePlaytimeSessions; return this; }
public async Task<ResultPage?> GetPageAsync( int page )
if ( page <= 0 ) throw new System.Exception( "page should be > 0" );
@ -115,47 +65,18 @@ namespace Steamworks.Data
if ( creatorApp == 0 ) creatorApp = consumerApp;
UGCQueryHandle_t handle;
handle = SteamUGC.Internal.CreateQueryAllUGCRequest1( queryType, matchingType, creatorApp.Value, consumerApp.Value, (uint)page );
handle = SteamUGC.Internal.CreateQueryAllUGCRequest1( queryType, matching, creatorApp.Value, consumerApp.Value, (uint) page );
// Apply stored constraints
if ( requiredTags != null )
foreach ( var tag in requiredTags )
SteamUGC.Internal.AddRequiredTag( handle, tag );
if ( excludedTags != null )
foreach ( var tag in excludedTags )
SteamUGC.Internal.AddExcludedTag( handle, tag );
if ( requiredKv != null )
foreach ( var tag in requiredKv )
SteamUGC.Internal.AddRequiredKeyValueTag( handle, tag.Key, tag.Value );
if ( matchAnyTag .HasValue )
SteamUGC.Internal.SetMatchAnyTag( handle, matchAnyTag.Value );
// TODO - add more
ApplyConstraints( handle );
var result = await SteamUGC.Internal.SendQueryUGCRequest( handle );
if ( !result.HasValue )
return null;
if ( result.Value.Result != Result.OK )
if ( result.Value.Result != Steamworks.Result.OK )
return null;
return new UgcQueryPage
return new ResultPage
Handle = result.Value.Handle,
ResultCount = (int) result.Value.NumResultsReturned,
@ -164,103 +85,86 @@ namespace Steamworks.Data
public struct UgcQueryPage : System.IDisposable
internal UGCQueryHandle_t Handle;
#region SharedConstraints
public QueryType WithType( UgcType type ){ matchingType = type; return this; }
bool? WantsReturnOnlyIDs;
public QueryType WithOnlyIDs( bool b ) { WantsReturnOnlyIDs = b; return this; }
bool? WantsReturnKeyValueTags;
public QueryType WithKeyValueTag( bool b ) { WantsReturnKeyValueTags = b; return this; }
bool? WantsReturnLongDescription;
public QueryType WithLongDescription( bool b ) { WantsReturnLongDescription = b; return this; }
bool? WantsReturnMetadata;
public QueryType WithMetadata( bool b ) { WantsReturnMetadata = b; return this; }
bool? WantsReturnChildren;
public QueryType WithChildren( bool b ) { WantsReturnChildren = b; return this; }
bool? WantsReturnAdditionalPreviews;
public QueryType WithAdditionalPreviews( bool b ) { WantsReturnAdditionalPreviews = b; return this; }
bool? WantsReturnTotalOnly;
public QueryType WithTotalOnly( bool b ) { WantsReturnTotalOnly = b; return this; }
bool? WantsReturnPlaytimeStats;
public QueryType WithPlaytimeStats( bool b ) { WantsReturnPlaytimeStats = b; return this; }
int? maxCacheAge;
public QueryType AllowCachedResponse( int maxSecondsAge ) { maxCacheAge = maxSecondsAge; return this; }
string language;
public QueryType InLanguage( string lang ) { language = lang; return this; }
public int ResultCount;
public int TotalCount;
public bool CachedData;
public IEnumerable<UgcDetails> Entries
var details = default( SteamUGCDetails_t );
for ( uint i=0; i< ResultCount; i++ )
if ( SteamUGC.Internal.GetQueryUGCResult( Handle, i, ref details ) )
yield return UgcDetails.From( details, Handle );
public void Dispose()
if ( Handle > 0 )
SteamUGC.Internal.ReleaseQueryUGCRequest( Handle );
Handle = 0;
public struct UgcDetails
public PublishedFileId Id;
public string Title;
public string Description;
public string[] Tags;
// TODO;
internal Result Result; // m_eResult enum EResult
internal WorkshopFileType FileType; // m_eFileType enum EWorkshopFileType
internal uint CreatorAppID; // m_nCreatorAppID AppId_t
internal uint ConsumerAppID; // m_nConsumerAppID AppId_t
internal ulong SteamIDOwner; // m_ulSteamIDOwner uint64
internal uint TimeCreated; // m_rtimeCreated uint32
internal uint TimeUpdated; // m_rtimeUpdated uint32
internal uint TimeAddedToUserList; // m_rtimeAddedToUserList uint32
internal RemoteStoragePublishedFileVisibility Visibility; // m_eVisibility enum ERemoteStoragePublishedFileVisibility
internal bool Banned; // m_bBanned _Bool
internal bool AcceptedForUse; // m_bAcceptedForUse _Bool
internal bool TagsTruncated; // m_bTagsTruncated _Bool
internal ulong File; // m_hFile UGCHandle_t
internal ulong PreviewFile; // m_hPreviewFile UGCHandle_t
internal string PchFileName; // m_pchFileName char [260]
internal int FileSize; // m_nFileSize int32
internal int PreviewFileSize; // m_nPreviewFileSize int32
internal string URL; // m_rgchURL char [256]
internal uint VotesUp; // m_unVotesUp uint32
internal uint VotesDown; // m_unVotesDown uint32
internal float Score; // m_flScore float
internal uint NumChildren; // m_unNumChildren uint32
internal static UgcDetails From( SteamUGCDetails_t details, UGCQueryHandle_t handle )
var d = new UgcDetails
Id = details.PublishedFileId,
FileType = details.FileType,
Title = details.Title,
Description = details.Description,
Tags = details.Tags.Split( new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries )
return d;
List<string> requiredTags;
bool? matchAnyTag;
List<string> excludedTags;
Dictionary<string, string> requiredKv;
/// <summary>
/// A case insensitive check for tag
/// Found items must have at least one of the defined tags
/// </summary>
public bool HasTag( string find )
if ( Tags.Length == 0 ) return false;
public QueryType MatchAnyTag() { matchAnyTag = true; return this; }
return Tags.Contains( find, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase );
/// <summary>
/// Found items must have all defined tags
/// </summary>
public QueryType MatchAllTags() { matchAnyTag = false; return this; }
public QueryType WithTag( string tag )
if ( requiredTags == null ) requiredTags = new List<string>();
requiredTags.Add( tag );
return this;
public QueryType WithoutTag( string tag )
if ( excludedTags == null ) excludedTags = new List<string>();
excludedTags.Add( tag );
return this;
void ApplyConstraints( UGCQueryHandle_t handle )
if ( requiredTags != null )
foreach ( var tag in requiredTags )
SteamUGC.Internal.AddRequiredTag( handle, tag );
if ( excludedTags != null )
foreach ( var tag in excludedTags )
SteamUGC.Internal.AddExcludedTag( handle, tag );
if ( requiredKv != null )
foreach ( var tag in requiredKv )
SteamUGC.Internal.AddRequiredKeyValueTag( handle, tag.Key, tag.Value );
if ( matchAnyTag.HasValue )
SteamUGC.Internal.SetMatchAnyTag( handle, matchAnyTag.Value );
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Steamworks.Data;
using QueryType = Steamworks.Ugc.UserQuery;
namespace Steamworks.Ugc
public struct UserQuery
public UserQuery( UgcType type, SteamId steamid = default ) : this()
if ( steamid == 0 )
steamid = SteamClient.SteamId;
this.steamid = steamid;
this.matchingType = type;
SteamId steamid;
UserUGCList userType;
UserUGCListSortOrder userSort;
UgcType matchingType;
AppId consumerApp;
AppId creatorApp;
public static UserQuery All => new UserQuery( UgcType.All, 0 );
public static UserQuery Items => new UserQuery( UgcType.Items, 0 );
public static UserQuery ItemsMtx( SteamId steamid = default ) => new UserQuery( steamid ) { matchingType = UGCMatchingUGCType.Items_Mtx };
public static UserQuery ItemsReadyToUse( SteamId steamid = default ) => new UserQuery( steamid ) { matchingType = UGCMatchingUGCType.Items_ReadyToUse };
public static UserQuery Collections( SteamId steamid = default ) => new UserQuery( steamid ) { matchingType = UGCMatchingUGCType.Collections };
public static UserQuery Artwork( SteamId steamid = default ) => new UserQuery( steamid ) { matchingType = UGCMatchingUGCType.Artwork };
public static UserQuery Videos( SteamId steamid = default ) => new UserQuery( steamid ) { matchingType = UGCMatchingUGCType.Videos };
public static UserQuery Screenshots( SteamId steamid = default ) => new UserQuery( steamid ) { matchingType = UGCMatchingUGCType.Screenshots };
public static UserQuery AllGuides( SteamId steamid = default ) => new UserQuery( steamid ) { matchingType = UGCMatchingUGCType.AllGuides };
public static UserQuery WebGuides( SteamId steamid = default ) => new UserQuery( steamid ) { matchingType = UGCMatchingUGCType.WebGuides };
public static UserQuery IntegratedGuides( SteamId steamid = default ) => new UserQuery( steamid ) { matchingType = UGCMatchingUGCType.IntegratedGuides };
public static UserQuery UsableInGame( SteamId steamid = default ) => new UserQuery( steamid ) { matchingType = UGCMatchingUGCType.UsableInGame };
public static UserQuery ControllerBindings( SteamId steamid = default ) => new UserQuery( steamid ) { matchingType = UGCMatchingUGCType.ControllerBindings };
public static UserQuery GameManagedItems( SteamId steamid = default ) => new UserQuery( steamid ) { matchingType = UGCMatchingUGCType.GameManagedItems };
public UserQuery SortByCreationDate() { userSort = UserUGCListSortOrder.CreationOrderDesc; return this; }
public UserQuery SortByCreationDateAsc() { userSort = UserUGCListSortOrder.CreationOrderAsc; return this; }
public UserQuery SortByTitleAsc() { userSort = UserUGCListSortOrder.TitleAsc; return this; }
public UserQuery SortByUpdateDate() { userSort = UserUGCListSortOrder.LastUpdatedDesc; return this; }
public UserQuery SortBySubscriptionDate() { userSort = UserUGCListSortOrder.SubscriptionDateDesc; return this; }
public UserQuery SortByVoteScore() { userSort = UserUGCListSortOrder.VoteScoreDesc; return this; }
public UserQuery SortByModeration() { userSort = UserUGCListSortOrder.ForModeration; return this; }
public UserQuery GetPublished() { userType = UserUGCList.Published; return this; }
public UserQuery FromUser( SteamId steamid )
this.steamid = steamid;
return this;
public UserQuery FromSelf()
this.steamid = SteamClient.SteamId;
return this;
public async Task<ResultPage?> GetPageAsync( int page )
if ( page <= 0 ) throw new System.Exception( "page should be > 0" );
if ( consumerApp == 0 ) consumerApp = SteamClient.AppId;
if ( creatorApp == 0 ) creatorApp = consumerApp;
UGCQueryHandle_t handle;
handle = SteamUGC.Internal.CreateQueryUserUGCRequest( steamid.AccountId, userType, matchingType, userSort, creatorApp.Value, consumerApp.Value, (uint)page );
ApplyConstraints( handle );
var result = await SteamUGC.Internal.SendQueryUGCRequest( handle );
if ( !result.HasValue )
return null;
if ( result.Value.Result != Steamworks.Result.OK )
return null;
return new ResultPage
Handle = result.Value.Handle,
ResultCount = (int) result.Value.NumResultsReturned,
TotalCount = (int)result.Value.TotalMatchingResults,
CachedData = result.Value.CachedData
#region SharedConstraints
public QueryType WithType( UgcType type ) { matchingType = type; return this; }
bool? WantsReturnOnlyIDs;
public QueryType WithOnlyIDs( bool b ) { WantsReturnOnlyIDs = b; return this; }
bool? WantsReturnKeyValueTags;
public QueryType WithKeyValueTag( bool b ) { WantsReturnKeyValueTags = b; return this; }
bool? WantsReturnLongDescription;
public QueryType WithLongDescription( bool b ) { WantsReturnLongDescription = b; return this; }
bool? WantsReturnMetadata;
public QueryType WithMetadata( bool b ) { WantsReturnMetadata = b; return this; }
bool? WantsReturnChildren;
public QueryType WithChildren( bool b ) { WantsReturnChildren = b; return this; }
bool? WantsReturnAdditionalPreviews;
public QueryType WithAdditionalPreviews( bool b ) { WantsReturnAdditionalPreviews = b; return this; }
bool? WantsReturnTotalOnly;
public QueryType WithTotalOnly( bool b ) { WantsReturnTotalOnly = b; return this; }
bool? WantsReturnPlaytimeStats;
public QueryType WithPlaytimeStats( bool b ) { WantsReturnPlaytimeStats = b; return this; }
int? maxCacheAge;
public QueryType AllowCachedResponse( int maxSecondsAge ) { maxCacheAge = maxSecondsAge; return this; }
string language;
public QueryType InLanguage( string lang ) { language = lang; return this; }
List<string> requiredTags;
bool? matchAnyTag;
List<string> excludedTags;
Dictionary<string, string> requiredKv;
/// <summary>
/// Found items must have at least one of the defined tags
/// </summary>
public QueryType MatchAnyTag() { matchAnyTag = true; return this; }
/// <summary>
/// Found items must have all defined tags
/// </summary>
public QueryType MatchAllTags() { matchAnyTag = false; return this; }
public QueryType WithTag( string tag )
if ( requiredTags == null ) requiredTags = new List<string>();
requiredTags.Add( tag );
return this;
public QueryType WithoutTag( string tag )
if ( excludedTags == null ) excludedTags = new List<string>();
excludedTags.Add( tag );
return this;
void ApplyConstraints( UGCQueryHandle_t handle )
if ( requiredTags != null )
foreach ( var tag in requiredTags )
SteamUGC.Internal.AddRequiredTag( handle, tag );
if ( excludedTags != null )
foreach ( var tag in excludedTags )
SteamUGC.Internal.AddExcludedTag( handle, tag );
if ( requiredKv != null )
foreach ( var tag in requiredKv )
SteamUGC.Internal.AddRequiredKeyValueTag( handle, tag.Key, tag.Value );
if ( matchAnyTag.HasValue )
SteamUGC.Internal.SetMatchAnyTag( handle, matchAnyTag.Value );
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Steamworks.Data;
namespace Steamworks.Ugc
public struct ResultPage : System.IDisposable
internal UGCQueryHandle_t Handle;
public int ResultCount;
public int TotalCount;
public bool CachedData;
public IEnumerable<Result> Entries
var details = default( SteamUGCDetails_t );
for ( uint i=0; i< ResultCount; i++ )
if ( SteamUGC.Internal.GetQueryUGCResult( Handle, i, ref details ) )
yield return Result.From( details, Handle );
public void Dispose()
if ( Handle > 0 )
SteamUGC.Internal.ReleaseQueryUGCRequest( Handle );
Handle = 0;
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ public static class Cleanup
type = type.Replace( "PublishedFileId_t", "PublishedFileId" );
type = type.Replace( "LeaderboardSortMethod", "LeaderboardSort" );
type = type.Replace( "LeaderboardDisplayType", "LeaderboardDisplay" );
type = type.Replace( "UGCMatchingUGCType", "UgcType" );
return type;
@ -51,6 +52,7 @@ public static class Cleanup
if ( name == "BroadcastUploadResult" ) return "public";
if ( name == "PublishedFileId" ) return "public";
if ( name == "Result" ) return "public";
if ( name == "UgcType" ) return "public";
return "internal";
Reference in New Issue
Block a user