mirror of
synced 2025-03-25 11:50:28 +03:00
Cleaned up RemoteStorage
This commit is contained in:
@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ namespace Facepunch.Steamworks.Test
using ( var client = new Steamworks.Client( 252490 ) )
ulong total, available;
client.RemoteStorage.GetQuota( out total, out available );
ulong total = client.RemoteStorage.QuotaTotal;
var available = client.RemoteStorage.QuotaRemaining;
Console.WriteLine( $"Total quota: {total} bytes" );
Console.WriteLine( $"Available: {available} bytes" );
@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ namespace Facepunch.Steamworks
public Stats Stats { get; private set; }
public MicroTransactions MicroTransactions { get; private set; }
public User User { get; private set; }
public RemoteStorage RemoteStorage { get; private set; }
public Client( uint appId )
@ -91,6 +92,7 @@ namespace Facepunch.Steamworks
Achievements = new Achievements( this );
MicroTransactions = new MicroTransactions( this );
User = new User( this );
RemoteStorage = new RemoteStorage( this );
Workshop.friends = Friends;
@ -186,6 +188,12 @@ namespace Facepunch.Steamworks
User = null;
if ( RemoteStorage != null )
RemoteStorage = null;
if ( Instance == this )
Instance = null;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using SteamNative;
namespace Facepunch.Steamworks
/// <summary>
/// Represents a file stored in a user's Steam Cloud.
/// </summary>
public class RemoteFile
internal readonly RemoteStorage remoteStorage;
private readonly bool _isUgc;
private string _fileName;
private int _sizeInBytes = -1;
private UGCHandle_t _handle;
private ulong _ownerId;
private bool _isDownloading;
private byte[] _downloadedData;
/// <summary>
/// Check if the file exists.
/// </summary>
public bool Exists { get; internal set; }
public bool IsDownloading { get { return _isUgc && _isDownloading && _downloadedData == null; } }
public bool IsDownloaded { get { return !_isUgc || _downloadedData != null; } }
/// <summary>
/// If true, the file is available for other users to download.
/// </summary>
public bool IsShared { get { return _handle.Value != 0; } }
internal UGCHandle_t UGCHandle { get { return _handle; } }
public ulong SharingId { get { return UGCHandle.Value; } }
/// <summary>
/// Name and path of the file.
/// </summary>
public string FileName
if ( _fileName != null ) return _fileName;
return _fileName;
/// <summary>
/// Steam ID of the file's owner.
/// </summary>
public ulong OwnerId
if ( _ownerId != 0 ) return _ownerId;
return _ownerId;
/// <summary>
/// Total size of the file in bytes.
/// </summary>
public int SizeInBytes
if ( _sizeInBytes != -1 ) return _sizeInBytes;
if ( _isUgc ) throw new NotImplementedException();
_sizeInBytes = remoteStorage.native.GetFileSize( FileName );
return _sizeInBytes;
internal set { _sizeInBytes = value; }
internal RemoteFile( RemoteStorage r, UGCHandle_t handle )
Exists = true;
remoteStorage = r;
_isUgc = true;
_handle = handle;
internal RemoteFile( RemoteStorage r, string name, ulong ownerId, int sizeInBytes = -1 )
remoteStorage = r;
_isUgc = false;
_fileName = name;
_ownerId = ownerId;
_sizeInBytes = sizeInBytes;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a <see cref="RemoteFileWriteStream"/> used to write to this file.
/// </summary>
public RemoteFileWriteStream OpenWrite()
return new RemoteFileWriteStream( remoteStorage, this );
/// <summary>
/// Write a byte array to this file, replacing any existing contents.
/// </summary>
public void WriteAllBytes( byte[] buffer )
using ( var stream = OpenWrite() )
stream.Write( buffer, 0, buffer.Length );
/// <summary>
/// Write a string to this file, replacing any existing contents.
/// </summary>
public void WriteAllText( string text, Encoding encoding = null )
if ( encoding == null ) encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
WriteAllBytes( encoding.GetBytes( text ) );
/// <summary>
/// Callback invoked by <see cref="RemoteFile.Download"/> when a file download is complete.
/// </summary>
public delegate void DownloadCallback( bool success );
/// <summary>
/// Gets the number of bytes downloaded and the total number of bytes expected while
/// this file is downloading.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>True if the file is downloading</returns>
public bool GetDownloadProgress( out int bytesDownloaded, out int bytesExpected )
return remoteStorage.native.GetUGCDownloadProgress( _handle, out bytesDownloaded, out bytesExpected );
/// <summary>
/// Attempts to start downloading a shared file.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>True if the download has successfully started</returns>
public bool Download( DownloadCallback callback = null )
if ( !_isUgc ) return false;
if ( _isDownloading ) return false;
if ( IsDownloaded ) return false;
_isDownloading = true;
remoteStorage.native.UGCDownload( _handle, 1000, ( result, error ) =>
_isDownloading = false;
if ( error || result.Result != Result.OK )
callback?.Invoke( false );
_ownerId = result.SteamIDOwner;
_sizeInBytes = result.SizeInBytes;
_fileName = result.PchFileName;
_downloadedData = new byte[_sizeInBytes];
fixed ( byte* bufferPtr = _downloadedData )
remoteStorage.native.UGCRead( _handle, (IntPtr) bufferPtr, _sizeInBytes, 0, UGCReadAction.ontinueReading );
callback?.Invoke( true );
} );
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Opens a stream used to read from this file.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public Stream OpenRead()
return new MemoryStream( ReadAllBytes(), false );
/// <summary>
/// Reads the entire contents of the file as a byte array.
/// </summary>
public unsafe byte[] ReadAllBytes()
if ( _isUgc )
if ( !IsDownloaded ) throw new Exception( "Cannot read a file that hasn't been downloaded." );
return _downloadedData;
var size = SizeInBytes;
var buffer = new byte[size];
fixed ( byte* bufferPtr = buffer )
remoteStorage.native.FileRead( FileName, (IntPtr) bufferPtr, size );
return buffer;
/// <summary>
/// Reads the entire contents of the file as a string.
/// </summary>
public string ReadAllText( Encoding encoding = null )
if ( encoding == null ) encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
return encoding.GetString( ReadAllBytes() );
/// <summary>
/// Callback invoked by <see cref="RemoteFile.Share"/> when file sharing is complete.
/// </summary>
public delegate void ShareCallback( bool success );
/// <summary>
/// Attempt to publish this file for other users to download.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>True if we have started attempting to share</returns>
public bool Share( ShareCallback callback = null )
if ( _isUgc ) return false;
// Already shared
if ( _handle.Value != 0 ) return false;
remoteStorage.native.FileShare( FileName, ( result, error ) =>
var success = !error && result.Result == Result.OK;
if ( success )
_handle.Value = result.File;
callback?.Invoke( success );
} );
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Delete this file from remote storage.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>True if the file could be deleted</returns>
public bool Delete()
if ( !Exists ) return false;
if ( _isUgc ) return false;
if ( !remoteStorage.native.FileDelete( FileName ) ) return false;
Exists = false;
return true;
private void GetUGCDetails()
if ( !_isUgc ) throw new InvalidOperationException();
var appId = new AppId_t { Value = remoteStorage.native.steamworks.AppId };
CSteamID ownerId;
remoteStorage.native.GetUGCDetails( _handle, ref appId, out _fileName, out ownerId );
_ownerId = ownerId.Value;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using SteamNative;
namespace Facepunch.Steamworks
/// <summary>
/// Stream used to write to a <see cref="RemoteFile"/>.
/// </summary>
public class RemoteFileWriteStream : Stream
internal readonly RemoteStorage remoteStorage;
private readonly UGCFileWriteStreamHandle_t _handle;
private readonly RemoteFile _file;
private int _written;
private bool _closed;
internal RemoteFileWriteStream( RemoteStorage r, RemoteFile file )
remoteStorage = r;
_handle = remoteStorage.native.FileWriteStreamOpen( file.FileName );
_file = file;
public override void Flush() { }
public override int Read( byte[] buffer, int offset, int count )
throw new NotImplementedException();
public override long Seek( long offset, SeekOrigin origin )
throw new NotImplementedException();
public override void SetLength( long value )
throw new NotImplementedException();
public override unsafe void Write( byte[] buffer, int offset, int count )
if ( _closed ) throw new ObjectDisposedException( ToString() );
fixed ( byte* bufferPtr = buffer )
if ( remoteStorage.native.FileWriteStreamWriteChunk( _handle, (IntPtr)(bufferPtr + offset), count ) )
_written += count;
public override bool CanRead => false;
public override bool CanSeek => false;
public override bool CanWrite => true;
public override long Length => _written;
public override long Position { get { return _written; } set { throw new NotImplementedException(); } }
/// <summary>
/// Close the stream without saving the file to remote storage.
/// </summary>
public void Cancel()
if ( _closed ) return;
_closed = true;
remoteStorage.native.FileWriteStreamCancel( _handle );
public void Close()
public override void Close()
if ( _closed ) return;
_closed = true;
remoteStorage.native.FileWriteStreamClose( _handle );
_file.remoteStorage.OnWrittenNewFile( _file );
protected override void Dispose( bool disposing )
if ( disposing ) Close();
base.Dispose( disposing );
@ -7,401 +7,18 @@ using SteamNative;
namespace Facepunch.Steamworks
partial class Client
RemoteStorage _remoteStorage;
public RemoteStorage RemoteStorage
if ( _remoteStorage == null )
_remoteStorage = new RemoteStorage( this );
return _remoteStorage;
/// <summary>
/// Stream used to write to a <see cref="RemoteFile"/>.
/// </summary>
public class RemoteFileWriteStream : Stream
internal readonly RemoteStorage remoteStorage;
private readonly UGCFileWriteStreamHandle_t _handle;
private readonly RemoteFile _file;
private int _written;
private bool _closed;
internal RemoteFileWriteStream( RemoteStorage r, RemoteFile file )
remoteStorage = r;
_handle = remoteStorage.native.FileWriteStreamOpen( file.FileName );
_file = file;
public override void Flush() { }
public override int Read( byte[] buffer, int offset, int count )
throw new NotImplementedException();
public override long Seek( long offset, SeekOrigin origin )
throw new NotImplementedException();
public override void SetLength( long value )
throw new NotImplementedException();
public override unsafe void Write( byte[] buffer, int offset, int count )
if ( _closed ) throw new ObjectDisposedException( ToString() );
fixed ( byte* bufferPtr = buffer )
if ( remoteStorage.native.FileWriteStreamWriteChunk( _handle, (IntPtr) (bufferPtr + offset), count ) )
_written += count;
public override bool CanRead => false;
public override bool CanSeek => false;
public override bool CanWrite => true;
public override long Length => _written;
public override long Position { get { return _written; } set { throw new NotImplementedException(); } }
/// <summary>
/// Close the stream without saving the file to remote storage.
/// </summary>
public void Cancel()
if ( _closed ) return;
_closed = true;
remoteStorage.native.FileWriteStreamCancel( _handle );
public void Close()
public override void Close()
if ( _closed ) return;
_closed = true;
remoteStorage.native.FileWriteStreamClose( _handle );
_file.remoteStorage.OnWrittenNewFile( _file );
protected override void Dispose( bool disposing )
if ( disposing ) Close();
base.Dispose( disposing );
/// <summary>
/// Represents a file stored in a user's Steam Cloud.
/// </summary>
public class RemoteFile
internal readonly RemoteStorage remoteStorage;
private readonly bool _isUgc;
private string _fileName;
private int _sizeInBytes = -1;
private UGCHandle_t _handle;
private ulong _ownerId;
private bool _isDownloading;
private byte[] _downloadedData;
/// <summary>
/// Check if the file exists.
/// </summary>
public bool Exists { get; internal set; }
public bool IsDownloading { get { return _isUgc && _isDownloading && _downloadedData == null; } }
public bool IsDownloaded { get { return !_isUgc || _downloadedData != null; } }
/// <summary>
/// If true, the file is available for other users to download.
/// </summary>
public bool IsShared { get { return _handle.Value != 0; } }
internal UGCHandle_t UGCHandle { get { return _handle; } }
public ulong SharingId { get { return UGCHandle.Value; } }
/// <summary>
/// Name and path of the file.
/// </summary>
public string FileName
if ( _fileName != null ) return _fileName;
return _fileName;
/// <summary>
/// Steam ID of the file's owner.
/// </summary>
public ulong OwnerId
if ( _ownerId != 0 ) return _ownerId;
return _ownerId;
/// <summary>
/// Total size of the file in bytes.
/// </summary>
public int SizeInBytes
if ( _sizeInBytes != -1 ) return _sizeInBytes;
if ( _isUgc ) throw new NotImplementedException();
_sizeInBytes = remoteStorage.native.GetFileSize( FileName );
return _sizeInBytes;
internal set { _sizeInBytes = value; }
internal RemoteFile( RemoteStorage r, UGCHandle_t handle )
Exists = true;
remoteStorage = r;
_isUgc = true;
_handle = handle;
internal RemoteFile( RemoteStorage r, string name, ulong ownerId, int sizeInBytes = -1 )
remoteStorage = r;
_isUgc = false;
_fileName = name;
_ownerId = ownerId;
_sizeInBytes = sizeInBytes;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a <see cref="RemoteFileWriteStream"/> used to write to this file.
/// </summary>
public RemoteFileWriteStream OpenWrite()
return new RemoteFileWriteStream( remoteStorage, this );
/// <summary>
/// Write a byte array to this file, replacing any existing contents.
/// </summary>
public void WriteAllBytes( byte[] buffer )
using ( var stream = OpenWrite() )
stream.Write( buffer, 0, buffer.Length );
/// <summary>
/// Write a string to this file, replacing any existing contents.
/// </summary>
public void WriteAllText( string text, Encoding encoding = null )
if ( encoding == null ) encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
WriteAllBytes( encoding.GetBytes( text ) );
/// <summary>
/// Callback invoked by <see cref="RemoteFile.Download"/> when a file download is complete.
/// </summary>
public delegate void DownloadCallback( bool success );
/// <summary>
/// Gets the number of bytes downloaded and the total number of bytes expected while
/// this file is downloading.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>True if the file is downloading</returns>
public bool GetDownloadProgress( out int bytesDownloaded, out int bytesExpected )
return remoteStorage.native.GetUGCDownloadProgress( _handle, out bytesDownloaded, out bytesExpected );
/// <summary>
/// Attempts to start downloading a shared file.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>True if the download has successfully started</returns>
public bool Download( DownloadCallback callback = null )
if ( !_isUgc ) return false;
if ( _isDownloading ) return false;
if ( IsDownloaded ) return false;
_isDownloading = true;
remoteStorage.native.UGCDownload( _handle, 1000, ( result, error ) =>
_isDownloading = false;
if ( error || result.Result != Result.OK )
callback?.Invoke( false );
_ownerId = result.SteamIDOwner;
_sizeInBytes = result.SizeInBytes;
_fileName = result.PchFileName;
_downloadedData = new byte[_sizeInBytes];
fixed ( byte* bufferPtr = _downloadedData )
remoteStorage.native.UGCRead( _handle, (IntPtr) bufferPtr, _sizeInBytes, 0, UGCReadAction.ontinueReading );
callback?.Invoke( true );
} );
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Opens a stream used to read from this file.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public Stream OpenRead()
return new MemoryStream( ReadAllBytes(), false );
/// <summary>
/// Reads the entire contents of the file as a byte array.
/// </summary>
public unsafe byte[] ReadAllBytes()
if ( _isUgc )
if ( !IsDownloaded ) throw new Exception( "Cannot read a file that hasn't been downloaded." );
return _downloadedData;
var size = SizeInBytes;
var buffer = new byte[size];
fixed ( byte* bufferPtr = buffer )
remoteStorage.native.FileRead( FileName, (IntPtr) bufferPtr, size );
return buffer;
/// <summary>
/// Reads the entire contents of the file as a string.
/// </summary>
public string ReadAllText( Encoding encoding = null )
if ( encoding == null ) encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
return encoding.GetString( ReadAllBytes() );
/// <summary>
/// Callback invoked by <see cref="RemoteFile.Share"/> when file sharing is complete.
/// </summary>
public delegate void ShareCallback( bool success );
/// <summary>
/// Attempt to publish this file for other users to download.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>True if we have started attempting to share</returns>
public bool Share( ShareCallback callback = null )
if ( _isUgc ) return false;
// Already shared
if ( _handle.Value != 0 ) return false;
remoteStorage.native.FileShare( FileName, ( result, error ) =>
var success = !error && result.Result == Result.OK;
if ( success )
_handle.Value = result.File;
callback?.Invoke( success );
} );
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Delete this file from remote storage.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>True if the file could be deleted</returns>
public bool Delete()
if ( !Exists ) return false;
if ( _isUgc ) return false;
if ( !remoteStorage.native.FileDelete( FileName ) ) return false;
Exists = false;
return true;
private void GetUGCDetails()
if ( !_isUgc ) throw new InvalidOperationException();
var appId = new AppId_t { Value = remoteStorage.native.steamworks.AppId };
CSteamID ownerId;
remoteStorage.native.GetUGCDetails( _handle, ref appId, out _fileName, out ownerId );
_ownerId = ownerId.Value;
/// <summary>
/// Handles Steam Cloud related actions.
/// </summary>
public class RemoteStorage
public class RemoteStorage : IDisposable
private static string NormalizePath( string path )
return new FileInfo( $"x:/{path}" ).FullName.Substring( 3 );
internal readonly Client client;
internal readonly SteamNative.SteamRemoteStorage native;
internal Client client;
internal SteamNative.SteamRemoteStorage native;
private bool _filesInvalid = true;
private readonly List<RemoteFile> _files = new List<RemoteFile>();
@ -490,7 +107,7 @@ namespace Facepunch.Steamworks
for ( var i = 0; i < count; ++i )
int size;
var name = NormalizePath( GetFileNameAndSize( i, out size ) );
var name = NormalizePath( native.GetFileNameAndSize( i, out size ) );
var existing = _files.FirstOrDefault( x => x.FileName == name );
if ( existing == null )
@ -520,24 +137,61 @@ namespace Facepunch.Steamworks
return native.FileExists( path );
/// <summary>
/// Gets both the total and available remote storage in bytes for this user and app.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>True if successful</returns>
public unsafe bool GetQuota( out ulong totalBytes, out ulong availableBytes )
public void Dispose()
fixed ( ulong* totalPtr = &totalBytes)
fixed ( ulong* availablePtr = &availableBytes )
client = null;
native = null;
/// <summary>
/// Number of bytes used out of the user's total quota
/// </summary>
public ulong QuotaUsed
return native.GetQuota( (IntPtr) totalPtr, (IntPtr) availablePtr );
ulong totalBytes = 0;
ulong availableBytes = 0;
if ( !native.GetQuota( out totalBytes, out availableBytes ) )
return 0;
return totalBytes - availableBytes;
private unsafe string GetFileNameAndSize( int file, out int size )
/// <summary>
/// Total quota size in bytes
/// </summary>
public ulong QuotaTotal
fixed ( int* sizePtr = &size )
return native.GetFileNameAndSize( file, (IntPtr) sizePtr );
ulong totalBytes = 0;
ulong availableBytes = 0;
if ( !native.GetQuota( out totalBytes, out availableBytes ) )
return 0;
return totalBytes;
/// <summary>
/// Number of bytes remaining out of the user's total quota
/// </summary>
public ulong QuotaRemaining
ulong totalBytes = 0;
ulong availableBytes = 0;
if ( !native.GetQuota( out totalBytes, out availableBytes ) )
return 0;
return availableBytes;
@ -446,14 +446,14 @@ namespace SteamNative
long /*int64*/ ISteamRemoteStorage_GetFileTimestamp( string /*const char **/ pchFile );
RemoteStoragePlatform /*ERemoteStoragePlatform*/ ISteamRemoteStorage_GetSyncPlatforms( string /*const char **/ pchFile );
int /*int32*/ ISteamRemoteStorage_GetFileCount();
IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage_GetFileNameAndSize( int /*int*/ iFile, IntPtr /*int32 **/ pnFileSizeInBytes );
bool /*bool*/ ISteamRemoteStorage_GetQuota( IntPtr /*uint64 **/ pnTotalBytes, IntPtr /*uint64 **/ puAvailableBytes );
IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage_GetFileNameAndSize( int /*int*/ iFile, out int /*int32 **/ pnFileSizeInBytes );
bool /*bool*/ ISteamRemoteStorage_GetQuota( out ulong /*uint64 **/ pnTotalBytes, out ulong /*uint64 **/ puAvailableBytes );
bool /*bool*/ ISteamRemoteStorage_IsCloudEnabledForAccount();
bool /*bool*/ ISteamRemoteStorage_IsCloudEnabledForApp();
void /*void*/ ISteamRemoteStorage_SetCloudEnabledForApp( [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] bool /*bool*/ bEnabled );
SteamAPICall_t /*(SteamAPICall_t)*/ ISteamRemoteStorage_UGCDownload( ulong hContent, uint /*uint32*/ unPriority );
bool /*bool*/ ISteamRemoteStorage_GetUGCDownloadProgress( ulong hContent, out int /*int32 **/ pnBytesDownloaded, out int /*int32 **/ pnBytesExpected );
bool /*bool*/ ISteamRemoteStorage_GetUGCDetails( ulong hContent, ref uint pnAppID, System.Text.StringBuilder /*char ***/ ppchName, IntPtr /*int32 **/ pnFileSizeInBytes, out ulong pSteamIDOwner );
bool /*bool*/ ISteamRemoteStorage_GetUGCDetails( ulong hContent, ref uint pnAppID, System.Text.StringBuilder /*char ***/ ppchName, out int /*int32 **/ pnFileSizeInBytes, out ulong pSteamIDOwner );
int /*int32*/ ISteamRemoteStorage_UGCRead( ulong hContent, IntPtr /*void **/ pvData, int /*int32*/ cubDataToRead, uint /*uint32*/ cOffset, UGCReadAction /*EUGCReadAction*/ eAction );
int /*int32*/ ISteamRemoteStorage_GetCachedUGCCount();
UGCHandle_t /*(UGCHandle_t)*/ ISteamRemoteStorage_GetCachedUGCHandle( int /*int32*/ iCachedContent );
@ -1439,17 +1439,17 @@ namespace SteamNative
return Native.SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetFileCount(_ptr);
public virtual IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage_GetFileNameAndSize( int /*int*/ iFile, IntPtr /*int32 **/ pnFileSizeInBytes )
public virtual IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage_GetFileNameAndSize( int /*int*/ iFile, out int /*int32 **/ pnFileSizeInBytes )
if ( _ptr == IntPtr.Zero ) throw new System.Exception( "ISteamRemoteStorage _ptr is null!" );
return Native.SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetFileNameAndSize(_ptr, iFile, pnFileSizeInBytes);
return Native.SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetFileNameAndSize(_ptr, iFile, out pnFileSizeInBytes);
public virtual bool /*bool*/ ISteamRemoteStorage_GetQuota( IntPtr /*uint64 **/ pnTotalBytes, IntPtr /*uint64 **/ puAvailableBytes )
public virtual bool /*bool*/ ISteamRemoteStorage_GetQuota( out ulong /*uint64 **/ pnTotalBytes, out ulong /*uint64 **/ puAvailableBytes )
if ( _ptr == IntPtr.Zero ) throw new System.Exception( "ISteamRemoteStorage _ptr is null!" );
return Native.SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetQuota(_ptr, pnTotalBytes, puAvailableBytes);
return Native.SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetQuota(_ptr, out pnTotalBytes, out puAvailableBytes);
public virtual bool /*bool*/ ISteamRemoteStorage_IsCloudEnabledForAccount()
@ -1481,11 +1481,11 @@ namespace SteamNative
return Native.SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetUGCDownloadProgress(_ptr, hContent, out pnBytesDownloaded, out pnBytesExpected);
public virtual bool /*bool*/ ISteamRemoteStorage_GetUGCDetails( ulong hContent, ref uint pnAppID, System.Text.StringBuilder /*char ***/ ppchName, IntPtr /*int32 **/ pnFileSizeInBytes, out ulong pSteamIDOwner )
public virtual bool /*bool*/ ISteamRemoteStorage_GetUGCDetails( ulong hContent, ref uint pnAppID, System.Text.StringBuilder /*char ***/ ppchName, out int /*int32 **/ pnFileSizeInBytes, out ulong pSteamIDOwner )
if ( _ptr == IntPtr.Zero ) throw new System.Exception( "ISteamRemoteStorage _ptr is null!" );
return Native.SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetUGCDetails(_ptr, hContent, ref pnAppID, ppchName, pnFileSizeInBytes, out pSteamIDOwner);
return Native.SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetUGCDetails(_ptr, hContent, ref pnAppID, ppchName, out pnFileSizeInBytes, out pSteamIDOwner);
public virtual int /*int32*/ ISteamRemoteStorage_UGCRead( ulong hContent, IntPtr /*void **/ pvData, int /*int32*/ cubDataToRead, uint /*uint32*/ cOffset, UGCReadAction /*EUGCReadAction*/ eAction )
@ -4367,14 +4367,14 @@ namespace SteamNative
[DllImportAttribute( "libsteam_api.so" )] internal static extern long /*int64*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetFileTimestamp( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage, string /*const char **/ pchFile );
[DllImportAttribute( "libsteam_api.so" )] internal static extern RemoteStoragePlatform /*ERemoteStoragePlatform*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetSyncPlatforms( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage, string /*const char **/ pchFile );
[DllImportAttribute( "libsteam_api.so" )] internal static extern int /*int32*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetFileCount( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage );
[DllImportAttribute( "libsteam_api.so" )] internal static extern IntPtr SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetFileNameAndSize( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage, int /*int*/ iFile, IntPtr /*int32 **/ pnFileSizeInBytes );
[DllImportAttribute( "libsteam_api.so" )] internal static extern bool /*bool*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetQuota( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage, IntPtr /*uint64 **/ pnTotalBytes, IntPtr /*uint64 **/ puAvailableBytes );
[DllImportAttribute( "libsteam_api.so" )] internal static extern IntPtr SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetFileNameAndSize( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage, int /*int*/ iFile, out int /*int32 **/ pnFileSizeInBytes );
[DllImportAttribute( "libsteam_api.so" )] internal static extern bool /*bool*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetQuota( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage, out ulong /*uint64 **/ pnTotalBytes, out ulong /*uint64 **/ puAvailableBytes );
[DllImportAttribute( "libsteam_api.so" )] internal static extern bool /*bool*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_IsCloudEnabledForAccount( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage );
[DllImportAttribute( "libsteam_api.so" )] internal static extern bool /*bool*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_IsCloudEnabledForApp( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage );
[DllImportAttribute( "libsteam_api.so" )] internal static extern void /*void*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_SetCloudEnabledForApp( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] bool /*bool*/ bEnabled );
[DllImportAttribute( "libsteam_api.so" )] internal static extern SteamAPICall_t /*(SteamAPICall_t)*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_UGCDownload( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage, ulong hContent, uint /*uint32*/ unPriority );
[DllImportAttribute( "libsteam_api.so" )] internal static extern bool /*bool*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetUGCDownloadProgress( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage, ulong hContent, out int /*int32 **/ pnBytesDownloaded, out int /*int32 **/ pnBytesExpected );
[DllImportAttribute( "libsteam_api.so" )] internal static extern bool /*bool*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetUGCDetails( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage, ulong hContent, ref uint pnAppID, System.Text.StringBuilder /*char ***/ ppchName, IntPtr /*int32 **/ pnFileSizeInBytes, out ulong pSteamIDOwner );
[DllImportAttribute( "libsteam_api.so" )] internal static extern bool /*bool*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetUGCDetails( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage, ulong hContent, ref uint pnAppID, System.Text.StringBuilder /*char ***/ ppchName, out int /*int32 **/ pnFileSizeInBytes, out ulong pSteamIDOwner );
[DllImportAttribute( "libsteam_api.so" )] internal static extern int /*int32*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_UGCRead( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage, ulong hContent, IntPtr /*void **/ pvData, int /*int32*/ cubDataToRead, uint /*uint32*/ cOffset, UGCReadAction /*EUGCReadAction*/ eAction );
[DllImportAttribute( "libsteam_api.so" )] internal static extern int /*int32*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetCachedUGCCount( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage );
[DllImportAttribute( "libsteam_api.so" )] internal static extern UGCHandle_t /*(UGCHandle_t)*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetCachedUGCHandle( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage, int /*int32*/ iCachedContent );
@ -1439,17 +1439,17 @@ namespace SteamNative
return Native.SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetFileCount(_ptr);
public virtual IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage_GetFileNameAndSize( int /*int*/ iFile, IntPtr /*int32 **/ pnFileSizeInBytes )
public virtual IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage_GetFileNameAndSize( int /*int*/ iFile, out int /*int32 **/ pnFileSizeInBytes )
if ( _ptr == IntPtr.Zero ) throw new System.Exception( "ISteamRemoteStorage _ptr is null!" );
return Native.SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetFileNameAndSize(_ptr, iFile, pnFileSizeInBytes);
return Native.SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetFileNameAndSize(_ptr, iFile, out pnFileSizeInBytes);
public virtual bool /*bool*/ ISteamRemoteStorage_GetQuota( IntPtr /*uint64 **/ pnTotalBytes, IntPtr /*uint64 **/ puAvailableBytes )
public virtual bool /*bool*/ ISteamRemoteStorage_GetQuota( out ulong /*uint64 **/ pnTotalBytes, out ulong /*uint64 **/ puAvailableBytes )
if ( _ptr == IntPtr.Zero ) throw new System.Exception( "ISteamRemoteStorage _ptr is null!" );
return Native.SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetQuota(_ptr, pnTotalBytes, puAvailableBytes);
return Native.SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetQuota(_ptr, out pnTotalBytes, out puAvailableBytes);
public virtual bool /*bool*/ ISteamRemoteStorage_IsCloudEnabledForAccount()
@ -1481,11 +1481,11 @@ namespace SteamNative
return Native.SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetUGCDownloadProgress(_ptr, hContent, out pnBytesDownloaded, out pnBytesExpected);
public virtual bool /*bool*/ ISteamRemoteStorage_GetUGCDetails( ulong hContent, ref uint pnAppID, System.Text.StringBuilder /*char ***/ ppchName, IntPtr /*int32 **/ pnFileSizeInBytes, out ulong pSteamIDOwner )
public virtual bool /*bool*/ ISteamRemoteStorage_GetUGCDetails( ulong hContent, ref uint pnAppID, System.Text.StringBuilder /*char ***/ ppchName, out int /*int32 **/ pnFileSizeInBytes, out ulong pSteamIDOwner )
if ( _ptr == IntPtr.Zero ) throw new System.Exception( "ISteamRemoteStorage _ptr is null!" );
return Native.SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetUGCDetails(_ptr, hContent, ref pnAppID, ppchName, pnFileSizeInBytes, out pSteamIDOwner);
return Native.SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetUGCDetails(_ptr, hContent, ref pnAppID, ppchName, out pnFileSizeInBytes, out pSteamIDOwner);
public virtual int /*int32*/ ISteamRemoteStorage_UGCRead( ulong hContent, IntPtr /*void **/ pvData, int /*int32*/ cubDataToRead, uint /*uint32*/ cOffset, UGCReadAction /*EUGCReadAction*/ eAction )
@ -4367,14 +4367,14 @@ namespace SteamNative
[DllImportAttribute( "libsteam_api64.so" )] internal static extern long /*int64*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetFileTimestamp( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage, string /*const char **/ pchFile );
[DllImportAttribute( "libsteam_api64.so" )] internal static extern RemoteStoragePlatform /*ERemoteStoragePlatform*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetSyncPlatforms( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage, string /*const char **/ pchFile );
[DllImportAttribute( "libsteam_api64.so" )] internal static extern int /*int32*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetFileCount( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage );
[DllImportAttribute( "libsteam_api64.so" )] internal static extern IntPtr SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetFileNameAndSize( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage, int /*int*/ iFile, IntPtr /*int32 **/ pnFileSizeInBytes );
[DllImportAttribute( "libsteam_api64.so" )] internal static extern bool /*bool*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetQuota( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage, IntPtr /*uint64 **/ pnTotalBytes, IntPtr /*uint64 **/ puAvailableBytes );
[DllImportAttribute( "libsteam_api64.so" )] internal static extern IntPtr SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetFileNameAndSize( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage, int /*int*/ iFile, out int /*int32 **/ pnFileSizeInBytes );
[DllImportAttribute( "libsteam_api64.so" )] internal static extern bool /*bool*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetQuota( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage, out ulong /*uint64 **/ pnTotalBytes, out ulong /*uint64 **/ puAvailableBytes );
[DllImportAttribute( "libsteam_api64.so" )] internal static extern bool /*bool*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_IsCloudEnabledForAccount( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage );
[DllImportAttribute( "libsteam_api64.so" )] internal static extern bool /*bool*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_IsCloudEnabledForApp( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage );
[DllImportAttribute( "libsteam_api64.so" )] internal static extern void /*void*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_SetCloudEnabledForApp( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] bool /*bool*/ bEnabled );
[DllImportAttribute( "libsteam_api64.so" )] internal static extern SteamAPICall_t /*(SteamAPICall_t)*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_UGCDownload( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage, ulong hContent, uint /*uint32*/ unPriority );
[DllImportAttribute( "libsteam_api64.so" )] internal static extern bool /*bool*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetUGCDownloadProgress( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage, ulong hContent, out int /*int32 **/ pnBytesDownloaded, out int /*int32 **/ pnBytesExpected );
[DllImportAttribute( "libsteam_api64.so" )] internal static extern bool /*bool*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetUGCDetails( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage, ulong hContent, ref uint pnAppID, System.Text.StringBuilder /*char ***/ ppchName, IntPtr /*int32 **/ pnFileSizeInBytes, out ulong pSteamIDOwner );
[DllImportAttribute( "libsteam_api64.so" )] internal static extern bool /*bool*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetUGCDetails( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage, ulong hContent, ref uint pnAppID, System.Text.StringBuilder /*char ***/ ppchName, out int /*int32 **/ pnFileSizeInBytes, out ulong pSteamIDOwner );
[DllImportAttribute( "libsteam_api64.so" )] internal static extern int /*int32*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_UGCRead( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage, ulong hContent, IntPtr /*void **/ pvData, int /*int32*/ cubDataToRead, uint /*uint32*/ cOffset, UGCReadAction /*EUGCReadAction*/ eAction );
[DllImportAttribute( "libsteam_api64.so" )] internal static extern int /*int32*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetCachedUGCCount( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage );
[DllImportAttribute( "libsteam_api64.so" )] internal static extern UGCHandle_t /*(UGCHandle_t)*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetCachedUGCHandle( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage, int /*int32*/ iCachedContent );
@ -1439,17 +1439,17 @@ namespace SteamNative
return Native.SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetFileCount(_ptr);
public virtual IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage_GetFileNameAndSize( int /*int*/ iFile, IntPtr /*int32 **/ pnFileSizeInBytes )
public virtual IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage_GetFileNameAndSize( int /*int*/ iFile, out int /*int32 **/ pnFileSizeInBytes )
if ( _ptr == IntPtr.Zero ) throw new System.Exception( "ISteamRemoteStorage _ptr is null!" );
return Native.SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetFileNameAndSize(_ptr, iFile, pnFileSizeInBytes);
return Native.SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetFileNameAndSize(_ptr, iFile, out pnFileSizeInBytes);
public virtual bool /*bool*/ ISteamRemoteStorage_GetQuota( IntPtr /*uint64 **/ pnTotalBytes, IntPtr /*uint64 **/ puAvailableBytes )
public virtual bool /*bool*/ ISteamRemoteStorage_GetQuota( out ulong /*uint64 **/ pnTotalBytes, out ulong /*uint64 **/ puAvailableBytes )
if ( _ptr == IntPtr.Zero ) throw new System.Exception( "ISteamRemoteStorage _ptr is null!" );
return Native.SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetQuota(_ptr, pnTotalBytes, puAvailableBytes);
return Native.SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetQuota(_ptr, out pnTotalBytes, out puAvailableBytes);
public virtual bool /*bool*/ ISteamRemoteStorage_IsCloudEnabledForAccount()
@ -1481,11 +1481,11 @@ namespace SteamNative
return Native.SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetUGCDownloadProgress(_ptr, hContent, out pnBytesDownloaded, out pnBytesExpected);
public virtual bool /*bool*/ ISteamRemoteStorage_GetUGCDetails( ulong hContent, ref uint pnAppID, System.Text.StringBuilder /*char ***/ ppchName, IntPtr /*int32 **/ pnFileSizeInBytes, out ulong pSteamIDOwner )
public virtual bool /*bool*/ ISteamRemoteStorage_GetUGCDetails( ulong hContent, ref uint pnAppID, System.Text.StringBuilder /*char ***/ ppchName, out int /*int32 **/ pnFileSizeInBytes, out ulong pSteamIDOwner )
if ( _ptr == IntPtr.Zero ) throw new System.Exception( "ISteamRemoteStorage _ptr is null!" );
return Native.SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetUGCDetails(_ptr, hContent, ref pnAppID, ppchName, pnFileSizeInBytes, out pSteamIDOwner);
return Native.SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetUGCDetails(_ptr, hContent, ref pnAppID, ppchName, out pnFileSizeInBytes, out pSteamIDOwner);
public virtual int /*int32*/ ISteamRemoteStorage_UGCRead( ulong hContent, IntPtr /*void **/ pvData, int /*int32*/ cubDataToRead, uint /*uint32*/ cOffset, UGCReadAction /*EUGCReadAction*/ eAction )
@ -4367,14 +4367,14 @@ namespace SteamNative
[DllImportAttribute( "libsteam_api.dylib" )] internal static extern long /*int64*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetFileTimestamp( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage, string /*const char **/ pchFile );
[DllImportAttribute( "libsteam_api.dylib" )] internal static extern RemoteStoragePlatform /*ERemoteStoragePlatform*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetSyncPlatforms( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage, string /*const char **/ pchFile );
[DllImportAttribute( "libsteam_api.dylib" )] internal static extern int /*int32*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetFileCount( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage );
[DllImportAttribute( "libsteam_api.dylib" )] internal static extern IntPtr SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetFileNameAndSize( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage, int /*int*/ iFile, IntPtr /*int32 **/ pnFileSizeInBytes );
[DllImportAttribute( "libsteam_api.dylib" )] internal static extern bool /*bool*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetQuota( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage, IntPtr /*uint64 **/ pnTotalBytes, IntPtr /*uint64 **/ puAvailableBytes );
[DllImportAttribute( "libsteam_api.dylib" )] internal static extern IntPtr SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetFileNameAndSize( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage, int /*int*/ iFile, out int /*int32 **/ pnFileSizeInBytes );
[DllImportAttribute( "libsteam_api.dylib" )] internal static extern bool /*bool*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetQuota( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage, out ulong /*uint64 **/ pnTotalBytes, out ulong /*uint64 **/ puAvailableBytes );
[DllImportAttribute( "libsteam_api.dylib" )] internal static extern bool /*bool*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_IsCloudEnabledForAccount( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage );
[DllImportAttribute( "libsteam_api.dylib" )] internal static extern bool /*bool*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_IsCloudEnabledForApp( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage );
[DllImportAttribute( "libsteam_api.dylib" )] internal static extern void /*void*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_SetCloudEnabledForApp( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] bool /*bool*/ bEnabled );
[DllImportAttribute( "libsteam_api.dylib" )] internal static extern SteamAPICall_t /*(SteamAPICall_t)*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_UGCDownload( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage, ulong hContent, uint /*uint32*/ unPriority );
[DllImportAttribute( "libsteam_api.dylib" )] internal static extern bool /*bool*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetUGCDownloadProgress( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage, ulong hContent, out int /*int32 **/ pnBytesDownloaded, out int /*int32 **/ pnBytesExpected );
[DllImportAttribute( "libsteam_api.dylib" )] internal static extern bool /*bool*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetUGCDetails( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage, ulong hContent, ref uint pnAppID, System.Text.StringBuilder /*char ***/ ppchName, IntPtr /*int32 **/ pnFileSizeInBytes, out ulong pSteamIDOwner );
[DllImportAttribute( "libsteam_api.dylib" )] internal static extern bool /*bool*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetUGCDetails( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage, ulong hContent, ref uint pnAppID, System.Text.StringBuilder /*char ***/ ppchName, out int /*int32 **/ pnFileSizeInBytes, out ulong pSteamIDOwner );
[DllImportAttribute( "libsteam_api.dylib" )] internal static extern int /*int32*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_UGCRead( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage, ulong hContent, IntPtr /*void **/ pvData, int /*int32*/ cubDataToRead, uint /*uint32*/ cOffset, UGCReadAction /*EUGCReadAction*/ eAction );
[DllImportAttribute( "libsteam_api.dylib" )] internal static extern int /*int32*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetCachedUGCCount( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage );
[DllImportAttribute( "libsteam_api.dylib" )] internal static extern UGCHandle_t /*(UGCHandle_t)*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetCachedUGCHandle( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage, int /*int32*/ iCachedContent );
@ -1436,17 +1436,17 @@ namespace SteamNative
return Native.SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetFileCount(_ptr);
public virtual IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage_GetFileNameAndSize( int /*int*/ iFile, IntPtr /*int32 **/ pnFileSizeInBytes )
public virtual IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage_GetFileNameAndSize( int /*int*/ iFile, out int /*int32 **/ pnFileSizeInBytes )
if ( _ptr == IntPtr.Zero ) throw new System.Exception( "ISteamRemoteStorage _ptr is null!" );
return Native.SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetFileNameAndSize(_ptr, iFile, pnFileSizeInBytes);
return Native.SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetFileNameAndSize(_ptr, iFile, out pnFileSizeInBytes);
public virtual bool /*bool*/ ISteamRemoteStorage_GetQuota( IntPtr /*uint64 **/ pnTotalBytes, IntPtr /*uint64 **/ puAvailableBytes )
public virtual bool /*bool*/ ISteamRemoteStorage_GetQuota( out ulong /*uint64 **/ pnTotalBytes, out ulong /*uint64 **/ puAvailableBytes )
if ( _ptr == IntPtr.Zero ) throw new System.Exception( "ISteamRemoteStorage _ptr is null!" );
return Native.SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetQuota(_ptr, pnTotalBytes, puAvailableBytes);
return Native.SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetQuota(_ptr, out pnTotalBytes, out puAvailableBytes);
public virtual bool /*bool*/ ISteamRemoteStorage_IsCloudEnabledForAccount()
@ -1478,11 +1478,11 @@ namespace SteamNative
return Native.SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetUGCDownloadProgress(_ptr, hContent, out pnBytesDownloaded, out pnBytesExpected);
public virtual bool /*bool*/ ISteamRemoteStorage_GetUGCDetails( ulong hContent, ref uint pnAppID, System.Text.StringBuilder /*char ***/ ppchName, IntPtr /*int32 **/ pnFileSizeInBytes, out ulong pSteamIDOwner )
public virtual bool /*bool*/ ISteamRemoteStorage_GetUGCDetails( ulong hContent, ref uint pnAppID, System.Text.StringBuilder /*char ***/ ppchName, out int /*int32 **/ pnFileSizeInBytes, out ulong pSteamIDOwner )
if ( _ptr == IntPtr.Zero ) throw new System.Exception( "ISteamRemoteStorage _ptr is null!" );
return Native.SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetUGCDetails(_ptr, hContent, ref pnAppID, ppchName, pnFileSizeInBytes, out pSteamIDOwner);
return Native.SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetUGCDetails(_ptr, hContent, ref pnAppID, ppchName, out pnFileSizeInBytes, out pSteamIDOwner);
public virtual int /*int32*/ ISteamRemoteStorage_UGCRead( ulong hContent, IntPtr /*void **/ pvData, int /*int32*/ cubDataToRead, uint /*uint32*/ cOffset, UGCReadAction /*EUGCReadAction*/ eAction )
@ -4333,14 +4333,14 @@ namespace SteamNative
[DllImportAttribute( "steam_api.dll" )] internal static extern long /*int64*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetFileTimestamp( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage, string /*const char **/ pchFile );
[DllImportAttribute( "steam_api.dll" )] internal static extern RemoteStoragePlatform /*ERemoteStoragePlatform*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetSyncPlatforms( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage, string /*const char **/ pchFile );
[DllImportAttribute( "steam_api.dll" )] internal static extern int /*int32*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetFileCount( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage );
[DllImportAttribute( "steam_api.dll" )] internal static extern IntPtr SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetFileNameAndSize( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage, int /*int*/ iFile, IntPtr /*int32 **/ pnFileSizeInBytes );
[DllImportAttribute( "steam_api.dll" )] internal static extern bool /*bool*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetQuota( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage, IntPtr /*uint64 **/ pnTotalBytes, IntPtr /*uint64 **/ puAvailableBytes );
[DllImportAttribute( "steam_api.dll" )] internal static extern IntPtr SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetFileNameAndSize( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage, int /*int*/ iFile, out int /*int32 **/ pnFileSizeInBytes );
[DllImportAttribute( "steam_api.dll" )] internal static extern bool /*bool*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetQuota( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage, out ulong /*uint64 **/ pnTotalBytes, out ulong /*uint64 **/ puAvailableBytes );
[DllImportAttribute( "steam_api.dll" )] internal static extern bool /*bool*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_IsCloudEnabledForAccount( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage );
[DllImportAttribute( "steam_api.dll" )] internal static extern bool /*bool*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_IsCloudEnabledForApp( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage );
[DllImportAttribute( "steam_api.dll" )] internal static extern void /*void*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_SetCloudEnabledForApp( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] bool /*bool*/ bEnabled );
[DllImportAttribute( "steam_api.dll" )] internal static extern SteamAPICall_t /*(SteamAPICall_t)*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_UGCDownload( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage, ulong hContent, uint /*uint32*/ unPriority );
[DllImportAttribute( "steam_api.dll" )] internal static extern bool /*bool*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetUGCDownloadProgress( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage, ulong hContent, out int /*int32 **/ pnBytesDownloaded, out int /*int32 **/ pnBytesExpected );
[DllImportAttribute( "steam_api.dll" )] internal static extern bool /*bool*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetUGCDetails( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage, ulong hContent, ref uint pnAppID, System.Text.StringBuilder /*char ***/ ppchName, IntPtr /*int32 **/ pnFileSizeInBytes, out ulong pSteamIDOwner );
[DllImportAttribute( "steam_api.dll" )] internal static extern bool /*bool*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetUGCDetails( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage, ulong hContent, ref uint pnAppID, System.Text.StringBuilder /*char ***/ ppchName, out int /*int32 **/ pnFileSizeInBytes, out ulong pSteamIDOwner );
[DllImportAttribute( "steam_api.dll" )] internal static extern int /*int32*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_UGCRead( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage, ulong hContent, IntPtr /*void **/ pvData, int /*int32*/ cubDataToRead, uint /*uint32*/ cOffset, UGCReadAction /*EUGCReadAction*/ eAction );
[DllImportAttribute( "steam_api.dll" )] internal static extern int /*int32*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetCachedUGCCount( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage );
[DllImportAttribute( "steam_api.dll" )] internal static extern UGCHandle_t /*(UGCHandle_t)*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetCachedUGCHandle( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage, int /*int32*/ iCachedContent );
@ -1436,17 +1436,17 @@ namespace SteamNative
return Native.SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetFileCount(_ptr);
public virtual IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage_GetFileNameAndSize( int /*int*/ iFile, IntPtr /*int32 **/ pnFileSizeInBytes )
public virtual IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage_GetFileNameAndSize( int /*int*/ iFile, out int /*int32 **/ pnFileSizeInBytes )
if ( _ptr == IntPtr.Zero ) throw new System.Exception( "ISteamRemoteStorage _ptr is null!" );
return Native.SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetFileNameAndSize(_ptr, iFile, pnFileSizeInBytes);
return Native.SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetFileNameAndSize(_ptr, iFile, out pnFileSizeInBytes);
public virtual bool /*bool*/ ISteamRemoteStorage_GetQuota( IntPtr /*uint64 **/ pnTotalBytes, IntPtr /*uint64 **/ puAvailableBytes )
public virtual bool /*bool*/ ISteamRemoteStorage_GetQuota( out ulong /*uint64 **/ pnTotalBytes, out ulong /*uint64 **/ puAvailableBytes )
if ( _ptr == IntPtr.Zero ) throw new System.Exception( "ISteamRemoteStorage _ptr is null!" );
return Native.SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetQuota(_ptr, pnTotalBytes, puAvailableBytes);
return Native.SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetQuota(_ptr, out pnTotalBytes, out puAvailableBytes);
public virtual bool /*bool*/ ISteamRemoteStorage_IsCloudEnabledForAccount()
@ -1478,11 +1478,11 @@ namespace SteamNative
return Native.SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetUGCDownloadProgress(_ptr, hContent, out pnBytesDownloaded, out pnBytesExpected);
public virtual bool /*bool*/ ISteamRemoteStorage_GetUGCDetails( ulong hContent, ref uint pnAppID, System.Text.StringBuilder /*char ***/ ppchName, IntPtr /*int32 **/ pnFileSizeInBytes, out ulong pSteamIDOwner )
public virtual bool /*bool*/ ISteamRemoteStorage_GetUGCDetails( ulong hContent, ref uint pnAppID, System.Text.StringBuilder /*char ***/ ppchName, out int /*int32 **/ pnFileSizeInBytes, out ulong pSteamIDOwner )
if ( _ptr == IntPtr.Zero ) throw new System.Exception( "ISteamRemoteStorage _ptr is null!" );
return Native.SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetUGCDetails(_ptr, hContent, ref pnAppID, ppchName, pnFileSizeInBytes, out pSteamIDOwner);
return Native.SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetUGCDetails(_ptr, hContent, ref pnAppID, ppchName, out pnFileSizeInBytes, out pSteamIDOwner);
public virtual int /*int32*/ ISteamRemoteStorage_UGCRead( ulong hContent, IntPtr /*void **/ pvData, int /*int32*/ cubDataToRead, uint /*uint32*/ cOffset, UGCReadAction /*EUGCReadAction*/ eAction )
@ -4333,14 +4333,14 @@ namespace SteamNative
[DllImportAttribute( "steam_api64.dll" )] internal static extern long /*int64*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetFileTimestamp( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage, string /*const char **/ pchFile );
[DllImportAttribute( "steam_api64.dll" )] internal static extern RemoteStoragePlatform /*ERemoteStoragePlatform*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetSyncPlatforms( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage, string /*const char **/ pchFile );
[DllImportAttribute( "steam_api64.dll" )] internal static extern int /*int32*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetFileCount( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage );
[DllImportAttribute( "steam_api64.dll" )] internal static extern IntPtr SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetFileNameAndSize( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage, int /*int*/ iFile, IntPtr /*int32 **/ pnFileSizeInBytes );
[DllImportAttribute( "steam_api64.dll" )] internal static extern bool /*bool*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetQuota( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage, IntPtr /*uint64 **/ pnTotalBytes, IntPtr /*uint64 **/ puAvailableBytes );
[DllImportAttribute( "steam_api64.dll" )] internal static extern IntPtr SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetFileNameAndSize( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage, int /*int*/ iFile, out int /*int32 **/ pnFileSizeInBytes );
[DllImportAttribute( "steam_api64.dll" )] internal static extern bool /*bool*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetQuota( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage, out ulong /*uint64 **/ pnTotalBytes, out ulong /*uint64 **/ puAvailableBytes );
[DllImportAttribute( "steam_api64.dll" )] internal static extern bool /*bool*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_IsCloudEnabledForAccount( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage );
[DllImportAttribute( "steam_api64.dll" )] internal static extern bool /*bool*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_IsCloudEnabledForApp( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage );
[DllImportAttribute( "steam_api64.dll" )] internal static extern void /*void*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_SetCloudEnabledForApp( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] bool /*bool*/ bEnabled );
[DllImportAttribute( "steam_api64.dll" )] internal static extern SteamAPICall_t /*(SteamAPICall_t)*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_UGCDownload( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage, ulong hContent, uint /*uint32*/ unPriority );
[DllImportAttribute( "steam_api64.dll" )] internal static extern bool /*bool*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetUGCDownloadProgress( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage, ulong hContent, out int /*int32 **/ pnBytesDownloaded, out int /*int32 **/ pnBytesExpected );
[DllImportAttribute( "steam_api64.dll" )] internal static extern bool /*bool*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetUGCDetails( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage, ulong hContent, ref uint pnAppID, System.Text.StringBuilder /*char ***/ ppchName, IntPtr /*int32 **/ pnFileSizeInBytes, out ulong pSteamIDOwner );
[DllImportAttribute( "steam_api64.dll" )] internal static extern bool /*bool*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetUGCDetails( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage, ulong hContent, ref uint pnAppID, System.Text.StringBuilder /*char ***/ ppchName, out int /*int32 **/ pnFileSizeInBytes, out ulong pSteamIDOwner );
[DllImportAttribute( "steam_api64.dll" )] internal static extern int /*int32*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_UGCRead( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage, ulong hContent, IntPtr /*void **/ pvData, int /*int32*/ cubDataToRead, uint /*uint32*/ cOffset, UGCReadAction /*EUGCReadAction*/ eAction );
[DllImportAttribute( "steam_api64.dll" )] internal static extern int /*int32*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetCachedUGCCount( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage );
[DllImportAttribute( "steam_api64.dll" )] internal static extern UGCHandle_t /*(UGCHandle_t)*/ SteamAPI_ISteamRemoteStorage_GetCachedUGCHandle( IntPtr ISteamRemoteStorage, int /*int32*/ iCachedContent );
@ -297,10 +297,10 @@ namespace SteamNative
// string
// with: Detect_StringReturn
public string GetFileNameAndSize( int iFile /*int*/, IntPtr pnFileSizeInBytes /*int32 **/ )
public string GetFileNameAndSize( int iFile /*int*/, out int pnFileSizeInBytes /*int32 **/ )
IntPtr string_pointer;
string_pointer = platform.ISteamRemoteStorage_GetFileNameAndSize( iFile, (IntPtr) pnFileSizeInBytes );
string_pointer = platform.ISteamRemoteStorage_GetFileNameAndSize( iFile, out pnFileSizeInBytes );
return Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi( string_pointer );
@ -339,9 +339,9 @@ namespace SteamNative
// bool
public bool GetQuota( IntPtr pnTotalBytes /*uint64 **/, IntPtr puAvailableBytes /*uint64 **/ )
public bool GetQuota( out ulong pnTotalBytes /*uint64 **/, out ulong puAvailableBytes /*uint64 **/ )
return platform.ISteamRemoteStorage_GetQuota( (IntPtr) pnTotalBytes, (IntPtr) puAvailableBytes );
return platform.ISteamRemoteStorage_GetQuota( out pnTotalBytes, out puAvailableBytes );
// RemoteStoragePlatform
@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ namespace SteamNative
ppchName = string.Empty;
System.Text.StringBuilder ppchName_sb = Helpers.TakeStringBuilder();
int pnFileSizeInBytes = 4096;
bSuccess = platform.ISteamRemoteStorage_GetUGCDetails( hContent.Value, ref pnAppID.Value, ppchName_sb, (IntPtr) pnFileSizeInBytes, out pSteamIDOwner.Value );
bSuccess = platform.ISteamRemoteStorage_GetUGCDetails( hContent.Value, ref pnAppID.Value, ppchName_sb, out pnFileSizeInBytes, out pSteamIDOwner.Value );
if ( !bSuccess ) return bSuccess;
ppchName = ppchName_sb.ToString();
return bSuccess;
@ -101,8 +101,10 @@ namespace Generator
if ( Name.Contains( "Dest" ) && ManagedType.EndsWith( "*" ) )
return true;
if ( Name.EndsWith( "s" ) && ManagedType.EndsWith( "*" ) )
return true;
if ( ManagedType.EndsWith( "*" ) )
if ( Name.EndsWith( "s" ) && !Name.EndsWith( "Bytes" ) ) return true;
return false;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user