using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace Generator { public partial class CodeWriter { public static string[] HasReturnTypes = new string[] { "ISteamApps.GetAppBetas", "ISteamApps.GetAppBuilds", "ISteamEconomy.GetMarketPrices" }; private void WebApi() { foreach ( var o in webdef.apilist.interfaces ) { // // Skip any that end in numbers if ( char.IsNumber( ) ) continue; WriteLine( $"/// " ); WriteLine( $"/// {}" ); WriteLine( $"/// " ); StartBlock( $"public partial class {}" ); { WriteLine( $"private const string Url = \"{}/\";" ); WriteLine(); foreach ( var m in o.methods.OrderBy( x => ) ) { var LatestVersion = o.methods .Where( x => == ) .Max( x => x.version ); // Skip this method if it's not the latest if ( LatestVersion != m.version ) continue; WebApiMethod(, m ); } } EndBlock(); WriteLine(); } } private void WebApiMethod( string parent, WebApiDefinition.ApiList.Interface.Method m ) { var pars = m.parameters.Where ( x => != "key" ); var parameters = string.Join( ", ", pars.Select( x => FormatParameter( x ) ).Where( x => x != null ) ); foreach ( var p in pars ) { WriteLine( $"/// {p.description}" ); } var returnType = "string"; if ( HasReturnTypes.Contains( $"{parent}.{}" ) ) { returnType = + "Response"; } StartBlock( $"public static {returnType} {}({parameters})" ); { if ( m.httpmethod == "GET" ) { var getParameters = string.Join( "&", pars.Select( x => FormatGetParameter( x ) ).Where( x => x != null ) ); WriteLine( $"string url = $\"{{Url}}{}/v{m.version.ToString( "0000" )}/?key={{Facepunch.SteamApi.Config.Key}}&format=json&{getParameters}\";" ); WriteLine( $"return Utility.WebGet<{returnType}>( url );" ); } else { WriteLine( $"string url = $\"{{Url}}/{}/v{m.version.ToString( "0000" )}/\";" ); WriteLine( $"return url;" ); } } EndBlock(); WriteLine(); } private object FormatGetParameter( WebApiDefinition.ApiList.Interface.Method.Parameter x ) { return $"{}={{{}}}"; } private object FormatParameter( WebApiDefinition.ApiList.Interface.Method.Parameter x ) { var name =; var type = ToManagedType( x.type ); if ( type == "{message}" ) type = "string"; if ( type == "rawbinary" ) type = "byte[]"; if ( name.EndsWith( "[0]" ) ) { name = name.Replace( "[0]", "" ); type += "[]"; } return $"{type} {name}"; } } }