using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting; namespace Steamworks { [DeploymentItem( "steam_api64.dll" )] [DeploymentItem( "steam_api.dll" )] [TestClass] public partial class GameServerTest { [TestMethod] public void Init() { SteamServer.DedicatedServer = true; SteamServer.DedicatedServer = false; } [TestMethod] public async Task PublicIp() { while ( true ) { var ip = SteamServer.PublicIp; if ( ip == null ) { await Task.Delay( 10 ); continue; } Assert.IsNotNull( ip ); Console.WriteLine( ip.ToString() ); break; } } [TestMethod] public async Task BeginAuthSession() { var stopwatch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew(); bool finished = false; string failed = null; AuthResponse response = AuthResponse.AuthTicketInvalidAlreadyUsed; // // Clientside calls this function, gets ticket // var clientTicket = SteamUser.GetAuthSessionTicket(); // // The client sends this data to the server along with their steamid // var ticketData = clientTicket.Data; var clientSteamId = SteamClient.SteamId; // // Server listens to auth responses from Gabe // SteamServer.OnValidateAuthTicketResponse += ( steamid, ownerid, rsponse ) => { finished = true; response = rsponse; if ( steamid == 0 ) failed = $"steamid is 0! {steamid} != {ownerid} ({rsponse})"; if ( ownerid == 0 ) failed = $"ownerid is 0! {steamid} != {ownerid} ({rsponse})"; if ( steamid != ownerid ) failed = $"Steamid and Ownerid are different! {steamid} != {ownerid} ({rsponse})"; }; // // Server gets the ticket, starts authing // if ( !SteamServer.BeginAuthSession( ticketData, clientSteamId ) ) { Assert.Fail( "BeginAuthSession returned false, called bullshit without even having to check with Gabe" ); } // // Wait for that to go through steam // while ( !finished ) { if ( stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds > 5 ) throw new System.Exception( "Took too long waiting for AuthSessionResponse.OK" ); await Task.Delay( 10 ); } Assert.AreEqual( response, AuthResponse.OK ); if ( failed != null ) Assert.Fail( failed ); finished = false; stopwatch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew(); // // The client is leaving, and now wants to cancel the ticket // Assert.AreNotEqual( 0, clientTicket.Handle ); clientTicket.Cancel(); // // We should get another callback // while ( !finished ) { if ( stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds > 5 ) throw new System.Exception( "Took too long waiting for AuthSessionResponse.AuthTicketCanceled" ); await Task.Delay( 10 ); } if ( failed != null ) Assert.Fail( failed ); //Assert.AreEqual( response, AuthResponse.AuthTicketCanceled ); } } }