using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace Generator { public partial class CodeWriter { void StructFunctions() { foreach ( var c in def.structs.Union( def.callback_structs.Select( x => x as SteamApiDefinition.StructDef ) ).OrderBy( x => x.Name ) ) { var name = Cleanup.ConvertType( c.Name ); if ( name.Contains( "::" ) ) continue; if ( c.Methods == null || c.Methods.Length == 0 ) continue; // // Main struct // StartBlock( $"{Cleanup.Expose( name )} partial struct {name}" ); { foreach ( var func in c.Methods ) { if ( func.Name.Contains( "operator" ) ) func.Name = func.FlatName.Substring( func.FlatName.LastIndexOf( '_' ) + 1 ); var returnType = BaseType.Parse( func.ReturnType, null, func.CallResult ); returnType.Func = func.Name; var args = ProcessArgs( func ); var delegateargstr = string.Join( ", ", args.Select( x => x.AsNativeArgument() ) ); if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( func.Desc ) ) { WriteLine( "/// " ); WriteLine( $"/// {func.Desc}" ); WriteLine( "/// " ); } if ( returnType.ReturnAttribute != null ) WriteLine( returnType.ReturnAttribute ); var _unsafe = ""; var firstArg = $"ref {name} self"; // // If this is NetMsg then the ORIGINAL pointer address is important // because we need to pass in the original pointer - not just the data // if ( name == "NetMsg" ) { firstArg = $"{name}* self"; _unsafe = " unsafe"; } WriteLine( $"[DllImport( Platform.LibraryName, EntryPoint = \"{func.FlatName}\", CallingConvention = Platform.CC)]" ); WriteLine( $"internal static{_unsafe} extern {returnType.TypeNameFrom} Internal{func.Name}( {firstArg}, {delegateargstr} );".Replace( $"( {firstArg}, )", $"( {firstArg} )" ) ); WriteLine(); } } EndBlock(); WriteLine(); } } } }