using System; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting; using Steamworks.Data; namespace Steamworks { public partial class NetworkingSocketsTest { private class TestConnectionInterface : ConnectionManager { public override void OnConnectionChanged( ConnectionInfo data ) { Console.WriteLine( $"[Connection][{Connection}] [{data.State}]" ); base.OnConnectionChanged( data ); } public override void OnConnecting( ConnectionInfo data ) { Console.WriteLine( $" - OnConnecting" ); base.OnConnecting( data ); } /// /// Client is connected. They move from connecting to Connections /// public override void OnConnected( ConnectionInfo data ) { Console.WriteLine( $" - OnConnected" ); base.OnConnected( data ); } /// /// The connection has been closed remotely or disconnected locally. Check data.State for details. /// public override void OnDisconnected( ConnectionInfo data ) { Console.WriteLine( $" - OnDisconnected" ); base.OnDisconnected( data ); } internal async Task RunAsync() { Console.WriteLine( "[Connection] RunAsync" ); var sw = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew(); Console.WriteLine( "[Connection] Connecting" ); while ( Connecting ) { await Task.Delay( 10 ); if ( sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds > 10 ) break; } if ( !Connected ) { Console.WriteLine( "[Connection] Couldn't connect!" ); Console.WriteLine( Connection.DetailedStatus() ); return; } Console.WriteLine( "[Connection] Hey We're Connected!" ); sw = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew(); while ( Connected ) { Receive(); await Task.Delay( 100 ); if ( sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds > 10 ) { Assert.Fail( "Client Took Too Long" ); break; } } } public override unsafe void OnMessage( IntPtr data, int size, long messageNum, long recvTime, int channel ) { // We're only sending strings, so it's fine to read this like this var str = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetString( (byte*) data, size ); Console.WriteLine( $"[Connection][{messageNum}][{recvTime}][{channel}] \"{str}\"" ); if ( str.Contains( "Hello" ) ) { Console.WriteLine( $"[Connection][{messageNum}][{recvTime}][{channel}] Sending: Hello, How are you!?" ); Connection.SendMessage( "Hello, How are you!?" ); Console.WriteLine( $"[Connection][{messageNum}][{recvTime}][{channel}] Sending: How do you like 20 messages in a row?" ); Connection.SendMessage( "How do you like 20 messages in a row?" ); for ( int i=0; i<20; i++ ) { Connection.SendMessage( $"BLAMMO!" ); } Connection.Flush(); } if ( str.Contains( "status" )) { Console.WriteLine( Connection.DetailedStatus() ); } if ( str.Contains( "how about yourself" ) ) { Connection.SendMessage( "I'm great, but I have to go now, bye." ); } if ( str.Contains( "hater" ) ) { Close(); } } } } }