using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace Generator { public partial class CodeParser { public string Content; public CodeParser( string folder ) { foreach ( var file in System.IO.Directory.GetFiles( folder, "*.h", System.IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories ) ) { Content += System.IO.File.ReadAllText( file ); } Content = Content.Replace( "\r\n", "\n" ); Content = Content.Replace( "\n\r", "\n" ); } internal void ExtendDefinition( SteamApiDefinition def ) { // // Get a list of CallbackIds // def.CallbackIds = new Dictionary(); //v1 { var r = new Regex( @"enum { (k_[i|I](?:.+)) = ([0-9]+) };" ); var ma = r.Matches( Content ); foreach ( Match m in ma ) { def.CallbackIds.Add( m.Groups[1].Value.Substring( 3 ).Replace( "Callbacks", "" ), int.Parse( m.Groups[2].Value ) ); } } // // Associate callbackIds with structs // foreach ( var t in def.structs ) { if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( t.CallbackId ) ) continue; // Standard style { var r = new Regex( @"struct "+t.Name+@"\n{ ?\n(?:.)+enum { k_iCallback = (?:(.+) \+ ([0-9]+)|(.+)) };", RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase ); var m = r.Match( Content ); if ( m.Success ) { var kName = m.Groups[1].Value; var num = m.Groups[2].Value; if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( kName ) ) { kName = m.Groups[3].Value; num = "0"; } kName = "CallbackIdentifiers." + kName.Substring( 3 ).Replace( "Callbacks", "" ); t.CallbackId = $"{kName} + {num}"; } } // New style { var r = new Regex( @"DEFINE_CALLBACK\( "+t.Name+@", (.+) \+ ([0-9]+) \)" ); var m = r.Match( Content ); if ( m.Success ) { var kName = m.Groups[1].Value; var num = m.Groups[2].Value; //kName = kName.Replace( "k_i", "CallbackIdentifiers." ).Replace( "Callbacks", "" ); kName = "CallbackIdentifiers." + kName.Substring( 3 ).Replace( "Callbacks", "" ); t.CallbackId = $"{kName} + {num}"; } } // Even Newer Style { var r = new Regex( @"STEAM_CALLBACK_BEGIN\( " + t.Name + @", (.+) \+ ([0-9]+) \)" ); var m = r.Match( Content ); if ( m.Success ) { var kName = m.Groups[1].Value; var num = m.Groups[2].Value; //kName = kName.Replace( "k_i", "CallbackIdentifiers." ).Replace( "Callbacks", "" ); kName = "CallbackIdentifiers." + kName.Substring( 3 ).Replace( "Callbacks", "" ); t.CallbackId = $"{kName} + {num}"; } } } // // Find defines // def.Defines = new Dictionary(); { var r = new Regex( @"#define ([a-zA-Z_]+) ""(.+)""" ); var ma = r.Matches( Content ); foreach ( Match m in ma ) { def.Defines.Add( m.Groups[1].Value.Replace( "Callbacks", "" ), m.Groups[2].Value ); } } // // Find missing structs // { var r = new Regex( @"struct ([a-zA-Z]+_t)" ); var ma = r.Matches( Content ); foreach ( Match m in ma ) { var s = def.structs.SingleOrDefault( x => x.Name == m.Groups[1].Value ); if ( s == null ) { Console.WriteLine( "Missing Struct: " + m.Groups[1].Value ); } } //Console.ReadKey(); } // // Change all struct bool fields to bytes (they're technically bytes anyway, and it helps with marshalling) // { foreach ( var s in def.structs ) { foreach ( var f in s.Fields ) { if ( f.Type == "bool" ) f.Type = "byte"; } } } } } }