# Facepunch.Steamworks [Another fucking c# Steamworks implementation](https://wiki.facepunch.com/steamworks/) ![Build All](https://github.com/Facepunch/Facepunch.Steamworks/workflows/Build%20All/badge.svg) ## Features | Feature | Supported | |----------|------------ | | Windows | ✔ | | Linux | ✔ | | MacOS | ✔ | | Unity Support | ✔ | | Unity IL2CPP Support | ✔ | | Async Callbacks (steam callresults) | ✔ | | Events (steam callbacks) | ✔ | | Single C# dll (no native requirements apart from Steam) | ✔ | | Open Source | ✔ | | MIT license | ✔ | | Any 32bit OS | ✔ | ## Why The Steamworks C# implementations I found that were compatible with Unity have worked for a long time. But I hate them all. For a number of different reasons. * They're not C#, they're just a collection of functions. * They're not up to date. * They require a 3rd party native dll. * They can't be compiled into a standalone dll (in Unity). * They're not free * They have a restrictive license. C# is meant to make things easier. So lets try to wrap it up in a way that makes it all easier. ## What ### Get your own information ```csharp SteamClient.SteamId // Your SteamId SteamClient.Name // Your Name ``` ### View your friends list ```csharp foreach ( var friend in SteamFriends.GetFriends() ) { Console.WriteLine( "{friend.Id}: {friend.Name}" ); Console.WriteLine( "{friend.IsOnline} / {friend.SteamLevel}" ); friend.SendMessage( "Hello Friend" ); } ``` ### App Info ```csharp Console.WriteLine( SteamApps.GameLanguage ); // Print the current game language var installDir = SteamApps.AppInstallDir( 4000 ); // Get the path to the Garry's Mod install folder var fileinfo = await SteamApps.GetFileDetailsAsync( "hl2.exe" ); // async get file details DoSomething( fileinfo.SizeInBytes, fileinfo.Sha1 ); ``` ### Get Avatars ```csharp var image = await SteamFriends.GetLargeAvatarAsync( steamid ); if ( !image.HasValue ) return DefaultImage; return MakeTextureFromRGBA( image.Value.Data, image.Value.Width, image.Value.Height ); ``` ### Get a list of servers ```csharp using ( var list = new ServerList.Internet() ) { list.AddFilter( "map", "de_dust" ); await list.RunQueryAsync(); foreach ( var server in list.Responsive ) { Console.WriteLine( $"{server.Address} {server.Name}" ); } } ``` ### Achievements List them ```csharp foreach ( var a in SteamUserStats.Achievements ) { Console.WriteLine( $"{a.Name} ({a.State}})" ); } ``` Unlock them ```csharp var ach = new Achievement( "GM_PLAYED_WITH_GARRY" ); ach.Trigger(); ``` ### Voice ```csharp SteamUser.VoiceRecord = KeyDown( "V" ); if ( SteamUser.HasVoiceData ) { var bytesrwritten = SteamUser.ReadVoiceData( stream ); // Send Stream Data To Server or Something } ``` ### Auth ```csharp // Client sends ticket data to server somehow var ticket = SteamUser.GetAuthSessionTicket(); // server listens to event SteamServer.OnValidateAuthTicketResponse += ( steamid, ownerid, rsponse ) => { if ( rsponse == AuthResponse.OK ) TellUserTheyCanBeOnServer( steamid ); else KickUser( steamid ); }; // server gets ticket data from client, calls this function.. which either returns // false straight away, or will issue a TicketResponse. if ( !SteamServer.BeginAuthSession( ticketData, clientSteamId ) ) { KickUser( clientSteamId ); } // // Client is leaving, cancels their ticket OnValidateAuth is called on the server again // this time with AuthResponse.AuthTicketCanceled // ticket.Cancel(); ``` ### Utils ```csharp SteamUtils.SecondsSinceAppActive; SteamUtils.SecondsSinceComputerActive; SteamUtils.IpCountry; SteamUtils.UsingBatteryPower; SteamUtils.CurrentBatteryPower; SteamUtils.AppId; SteamUtils.IsOverlayEnabled; SteamUtils.IsSteamRunningInVR; SteamUtils.IsSteamInBigPictureMode; ``` ### Workshop Download a workshop item by ID ```csharp SteamUGC.Download( 1717844711 ); ``` Get a workshop item information ```csharp var itemInfo = await Ugc.Item.Get( 1720164672 ); Console.WriteLine( $"Title: {itemInfo?.Title}" ); Console.WriteLine( $"IsInstalled: {itemInfo?.IsInstalled}" ); Console.WriteLine( $"IsDownloading: {itemInfo?.IsDownloading}" ); Console.WriteLine( $"IsDownloadPending: {itemInfo?.IsDownloadPending}" ); Console.WriteLine( $"IsSubscribed: {itemInfo?.IsSubscribed}" ); Console.WriteLine( $"NeedsUpdate: {itemInfo?.NeedsUpdate}" ); Console.WriteLine( $"Description: {itemInfo?.Description}" ); ``` Query a list of workshop items ```csharp var q = Ugc.Query.All .WithTag( "Fun" ) .WithTag( "Movie" ) .MatchAllTags(); var result = await q.GetPageAsync( 1 ); Console.WriteLine( $"ResultCount: {result?.ResultCount}" ); Console.WriteLine( $"TotalCount: {result?.TotalCount}" ); foreach ( Ugc.Item entry in result.Value.Entries ) { Console.WriteLine( $" {entry.Title}" ); } ``` Query items created by friends ```csharp var q = Ugc.UserQuery.All .CreatedByFriends(); ``` Query items created by yourself ```csharp var q = Ugc.UserQuery.All .FromSelf(); ``` Publish your own file ```csharp var result = await Ugc.Editor.NewCommunityFile .WithTitle( "My New FIle" ) .WithDescription( "This is a description" ) .WithContent( "c:/folder/addon/location" ) .WithTag( "awesome" ) .WithTag( "small" ) .SubmitAsync( iProgressBar ); ``` ### Steam Cloud Write a cloud file ```csharp SteamRemoteStorage.FileWrite( "file.txt", fileContents ); ``` Read a cloud file ```csharp var fileContents = SteamRemoteStorage.ReadFile( "file.txt" ); ``` List all files ```csharp foreach ( var file in SteamRemoteStorage.Files ) { Console.WriteLine( $"{file} ({SteamRemoteStorage.FileSize(file)} {SteamRemoteStorage.FileTime( file )})" ); } ``` ### Steam Inventory Get item definitions ```csharp foreach ( InventoryDef def in SteamInventory.Definitions ) { Console.WriteLine( $"{def.Name}" ); } ``` Get items that are for sale in the item shop ```csharp var defs = await SteamInventory.GetDefinitionsWithPricesAsync(); foreach ( var def in defs ) { Console.WriteLine( $"{def.Name} [{def.LocalPriceFormatted}]" ); } ``` Get a list of your items ```csharp var result = await SteamInventory.GetItems(); // result is disposable, good manners to dispose after use using ( result ) { var items = result?.GetItems( bWithProperties ); foreach ( InventoryItem item in items ) { Console.WriteLine( $"{item.Id} / {item.Quantity} / {item.Def.Name} " ); } } ``` # Getting Started ## Client To initialize a client you can do this. ```csharp using Steamworks; // ... try { SteamClient.Init( 4000 ); } catch ( System.Exception e ) { // Couldn't init for some reason (steam is closed etc) } ``` Replace 4000 with the appid of your game. You shouldn't call any Steam functions before you initialize. When you're done, when you're closing your game, just shutdown. ```csharp SteamClient.Shutdown(); ``` ## Server To create a server do this. ```csharp var serverInit = new SteamServerInit( "gmod", "Garry Mode" ) { GamePort = 28015, Secure = true, QueryPort = 28016 }; try { Steamworks.SteamServer.Init( 4000, serverInit ); } catch ( System.Exception ) { // Couldn't init for some reason (dll errors, blocked ports) } ``` # Help Wanna help? Go for it, pull requests, bug reports, yes, do it. You can also hit up the [Steamworks Thread](http://steamcommunity.com/groups/steamworks/discussions/0/1319961618833314524/) for help/discussion. We also have [a wiki you can read](https://wiki.facepunch.com/steamworks/) and help fill out with examples and advice. # License MIT - do whatever you want.