2021-10-21 08:40:56 +01:00

367 lines
11 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Steamworks.Data;
namespace Steamworks
/// <summary>
/// Class for utilizing the Steam Inventory API.
/// </summary>
public class SteamInventory : SteamSharedClass<SteamInventory>
internal static ISteamInventory Internal => Interface as ISteamInventory;
internal override void InitializeInterface( bool server )
SetInterface( server, new ISteamInventory( server ) );
InstallEvents( server );
internal static void InstallEvents( bool server )
if ( !server )
Dispatch.Install<SteamInventoryFullUpdate_t>( x => InventoryUpdated( x ) );
Dispatch.Install<SteamInventoryDefinitionUpdate_t>( x => LoadDefinitions(), server );
private static void InventoryUpdated( SteamInventoryFullUpdate_t x )
var r = new InventoryResult( x.Handle, false );
Items = r.GetItems( false );
OnInventoryUpdated?.Invoke( r );
public static event Action<InventoryResult> OnInventoryUpdated;
public static event Action OnDefinitionsUpdated;
static void LoadDefinitions()
Definitions = GetDefinitions();
if ( Definitions == null )
_defMap = new Dictionary<int, InventoryDef>();
foreach ( var d in Definitions )
_defMap[d.Id] = d;
/// <summary>
/// Call this if you're going to want to access definition information. You should be able to get
/// away with calling this once at the start if your game, assuming your items don't change all the time.
/// This will trigger <see cref="OnDefinitionsUpdated"/> at which point Definitions should be set.
/// </summary>
public static void LoadItemDefinitions()
// If they're null, try to load them immediately
// my hunch is that this loads a disk cached version
// but waiting for LoadItemDefinitions downloads a new copy
// from Steam's servers. So this will give us immediate data
// where as Steam's inventory servers could be slow/down
if ( Definitions == null )
/// <summary>
/// Will call <see cref="LoadItemDefinitions"/> and wait until Definitions is not null
/// </summary>
public static async Task<bool> WaitForDefinitions( float timeoutSeconds = 30 )
if ( Definitions != null )
return true;
if ( Definitions != null )
return true;
var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
while ( Definitions == null )
if ( sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds > timeoutSeconds )
return false;
await Task.Delay( 10 );
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Try to find the definition that matches this definition ID.
/// Uses a dictionary so should be about as fast as possible.
/// </summary>
public static InventoryDef FindDefinition( InventoryDefId defId )
if ( _defMap == null )
return null;
if ( _defMap.TryGetValue( defId, out var val ) )
return val;
return null;
public static string Currency { get; internal set; }
public static async Task<InventoryDef[]> GetDefinitionsWithPricesAsync()
var priceRequest = await Internal.RequestPrices();
if ( !priceRequest.HasValue || priceRequest.Value.Result != Result.OK )
return null;
Currency = priceRequest?.CurrencyUTF8();
var num = Internal.GetNumItemsWithPrices();
if ( num <= 0 )
return null;
var defs = new InventoryDefId[num];
var currentPrices = new ulong[num];
var baseprices = new ulong[num];
var gotPrices = Internal.GetItemsWithPrices( defs, currentPrices, baseprices, num );
if ( !gotPrices )
return null;
return defs.Select( x => new InventoryDef( x ) ).ToArray();
/// <summary>
/// We will try to keep this list of your items automatically up to date.
/// </summary>
public static InventoryItem[] Items { get; internal set; }
public static InventoryDef[] Definitions { get; internal set; }
static Dictionary<int, InventoryDef> _defMap;
internal static InventoryDef[] GetDefinitions()
uint num = 0;
if ( !Internal.GetItemDefinitionIDs( null, ref num ) )
return null;
var defs = new InventoryDefId[num];
if ( !Internal.GetItemDefinitionIDs( defs, ref num ) )
return null;
return defs.Select( x => new InventoryDef( x ) ).ToArray();
/// <summary>
/// Update the list of Items[]
/// </summary>
public static bool GetAllItems()
var sresult = Defines.k_SteamInventoryResultInvalid;
return Internal.GetAllItems( ref sresult );
/// <summary>
/// Get all items and return the InventoryResult
/// </summary>
public static async Task<InventoryResult?> GetAllItemsAsync()
var sresult = Defines.k_SteamInventoryResultInvalid;
if ( !Internal.GetAllItems( ref sresult ) )
return null;
return await InventoryResult.GetAsync( sresult );
/// <summary>
/// This is used to grant a specific item to the user. This should
/// only be used for development prototyping, from a trusted server,
/// or if you don't care about hacked clients granting arbitrary items.
/// This call can be disabled by a setting on Steamworks.
/// </summary>
public static async Task<InventoryResult?> GenerateItemAsync( InventoryDef target, int amount )
var sresult = Defines.k_SteamInventoryResultInvalid;
var defs = new InventoryDefId[] { target.Id };
var cnts = new uint[] { (uint)amount };
if ( !Internal.GenerateItems( ref sresult, defs, cnts, 1 ) )
return null;
return await InventoryResult.GetAsync( sresult );
/// <summary>
/// Crafting! Uses the passed items to buy the target item.
/// You need to have set up the appropriate exchange rules in your item
/// definitions. This assumes all the items passed in aren't stacked.
/// </summary>
public static async Task<InventoryResult?> CraftItemAsync( InventoryItem[] list, InventoryDef target )
var sresult = Defines.k_SteamInventoryResultInvalid;
var give = new InventoryDefId[] { target.Id };
var givec = new uint[] { 1 };
var sell = list.Select( x => x.Id ).ToArray();
var sellc = list.Select( x => (uint)1 ).ToArray();
if ( !Internal.ExchangeItems( ref sresult, give, givec, 1, sell, sellc, (uint)sell.Length ) )
return null;
return await InventoryResult.GetAsync( sresult );
/// <summary>
/// Crafting! Uses the passed items to buy the target item.
/// You need to have set up the appropriate exchange rules in your item
/// definitions. This assumes all the items passed in aren't stacked.
/// </summary>
public static async Task<InventoryResult?> CraftItemAsync( InventoryItem.Amount[] list, InventoryDef target )
var sresult = Defines.k_SteamInventoryResultInvalid;
var give = new InventoryDefId[] { target.Id };
var givec = new uint[] { 1 };
var sell = list.Select( x => x.Item.Id ).ToArray();
var sellc = list.Select( x => (uint) x.Quantity ).ToArray();
if ( !Internal.ExchangeItems( ref sresult, give, givec, 1, sell, sellc, (uint)sell.Length ) )
return null;
return await InventoryResult.GetAsync( sresult );
/// <summary>
/// Deserializes a result set and verifies the signature bytes.
/// This call has a potential soft-failure mode where the Result is expired, it will
/// still succeed in this mode.The "expired"
/// result could indicate that the data may be out of date - not just due to timed
/// expiration( one hour ), but also because one of the items in the result set may
/// have been traded or consumed since the result set was generated.You could compare
/// the timestamp from GetResultTimestamp to ISteamUtils::GetServerRealTime to determine
/// how old the data is. You could simply ignore the "expired" result code and
/// continue as normal, or you could request the player with expired data to send
/// an updated result set.
/// You should call CheckResultSteamID on the result handle when it completes to verify
/// that a remote player is not pretending to have a different user's inventory.
/// </summary>
public static async Task<InventoryResult?> DeserializeAsync( byte[] data, int dataLength = -1 )
if ( data == null )
throw new ArgumentException( "data should not be null" );
if ( dataLength == -1 )
dataLength = data.Length;
var ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal( dataLength );
Marshal.Copy( data, 0, ptr, dataLength );
var sresult = Defines.k_SteamInventoryResultInvalid;
if ( !Internal.DeserializeResult( ref sresult, (IntPtr)ptr, (uint)dataLength, false ) )
return null;
return await InventoryResult.GetAsync( sresult.Value );
Marshal.FreeHGlobal( ptr );
/// <summary>
/// Grant all promotional items the user is eligible for.
/// </summary>
public static async Task<InventoryResult?> GrantPromoItemsAsync()
var sresult = Defines.k_SteamInventoryResultInvalid;
if ( !Internal.GrantPromoItems( ref sresult ) )
return null;
return await InventoryResult.GetAsync( sresult );
/// <summary>
/// Trigger an item drop for this user. This is for timed drops.
/// </summary>
public static async Task<InventoryResult?> TriggerItemDropAsync( InventoryDefId id )
var sresult = Defines.k_SteamInventoryResultInvalid;
if ( !Internal.TriggerItemDrop( ref sresult, id ) )
return null;
return await InventoryResult.GetAsync( sresult );
/// <summary>
/// Trigger a promo item drop. You can call this at startup, it won't
/// give users multiple promo drops.
/// </summary>
public static async Task<InventoryResult?> AddPromoItemAsync( InventoryDefId id )
var sresult = Defines.k_SteamInventoryResultInvalid;
if ( !Internal.AddPromoItem( ref sresult, id ) )
return null;
return await InventoryResult.GetAsync( sresult );
/// <summary>
/// Start buying a cart load of items. This will return a positive result is the purchase has
/// begun. You should listen out for SteamUser.OnMicroTxnAuthorizationResponse for a success.
/// </summary>
public static async Task<InventoryPurchaseResult?> StartPurchaseAsync( InventoryDef[] items )
var d = items.GroupBy( x => x._id ).ToDictionary( x => x.Key, x => (uint) x.Count() );
var item_i = d.Keys.ToArray();
var item_q = d.Values.ToArray();
var r = await Internal.StartPurchase( item_i, item_q, (uint)item_i.Length );
if ( !r.HasValue ) return null;
return new InventoryPurchaseResult
Result = r.Value.Result,
OrderID = r.Value.OrderID,
TransID = r.Value.TransID