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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Steamworks.Data;
namespace Steamworks
public struct InventoryItem : IEquatable<InventoryItem>
internal InventoryItemId _id;
internal InventoryDefId _def;
internal int _flags;
internal ushort _quantity;
internal Dictionary<string, string> _properties;
public InventoryItemId Id => _id;
public InventoryDefId DefId => _def;
public int Quantity => _quantity;
public InventoryDef Def => SteamInventory.FindDefinition( DefId );
/// <summary>
/// Only available if the result set was created with the getproperties
/// </summary>
public Dictionary<string, string> Properties => _properties;
/// <summary>
/// This item is account-locked and cannot be traded or given away.
/// This is an item status flag which is permanently attached to specific item instances
/// </summary>
public bool IsNoTrade => (_flags & 1 << 0) != 0;
/// <summary>
/// The item has been destroyed, traded away, expired, or otherwise invalidated.
/// This is an action confirmation flag which is only set one time, as part of a result set.
/// </summary>
public bool IsRemoved => (_flags & 1 << 8) != 0;
/// <summary>
/// The item quantity has been decreased by 1 via ConsumeItem API.
/// This is an action confirmation flag which is only set one time, as part of a result set.
/// </summary>
public bool IsConsumed => (_flags & 1 << 9) != 0;
/// <summary>
/// Consumes items from a user's inventory. If the quantity of the given item goes to zero, it is permanently removed.
/// Once an item is removed it cannot be recovered.This is not for the faint of heart - if your game implements item removal at all,
/// a high-friction UI confirmation process is highly recommended.ConsumeItem can be restricted to certain item definitions or fully
/// blocked via the Steamworks website to minimize support/abuse issues such as the classic "my brother borrowed my laptop and deleted all of my rare items".
/// </summary>
public async Task<InventoryResult?> ConsumeAsync( int amount = 1 )
var sresult = default( SteamInventoryResult_t );
if ( !SteamInventory.Internal.ConsumeItem( ref sresult, Id, (uint)amount ) )
return null;
return await InventoryResult.GetAsync( sresult );
/// <summary>
/// Split stack into two items
/// </summary>
public async Task<InventoryResult?> SplitStackAsync( int quantity = 1 )
var sresult = default( SteamInventoryResult_t );
if ( !SteamInventory.Internal.TransferItemQuantity( ref sresult, Id, (uint)quantity, ulong.MaxValue ) )
return null;
return await InventoryResult.GetAsync( sresult );
/// <summary>
/// Add x units of the target item to this item
/// </summary>
public async Task<InventoryResult?> AddAsync( InventoryItem add, int quantity = 1 )
var sresult = default( SteamInventoryResult_t );
if ( !SteamInventory.Internal.TransferItemQuantity( ref sresult, add.Id, (uint)quantity, Id ) )
return null;
return await InventoryResult.GetAsync( sresult );
internal static InventoryItem From( SteamItemDetails_t details )
var i = new InventoryItem
_id = details.ItemId,
_def = details.Definition,
_flags = details.Flags,
_quantity = details.Quantity
return i;
internal static Dictionary<string, string> GetProperties( SteamInventoryResult_t result, int index )
var sb = Helpers.TakeStringBuilder();
var strlen = (uint) sb.Capacity;
if ( !SteamInventory.Internal.GetResultItemProperty( result, (uint)index, null, sb, ref strlen ) )
return null;
var propNames = sb.ToString();
var props = new Dictionary<string, string>();
foreach ( var propertyName in propNames.Split( ',' ) )
strlen = (uint)sb.Capacity;
if ( SteamInventory.Internal.GetResultItemProperty( result, (uint)index, propertyName, sb, ref strlen ) )
props.Add( propertyName, sb.ToString() );
return props;
/// <summary>
/// Will try to return the date that this item was aquired. You need to have for the items
/// with their properties for this to work.
/// </summary>
public DateTime Acquired
if ( Properties == null ) return DateTime.UtcNow;
var str = Properties["acquired"];
var y = int.Parse( str.Substring( 0, 4 ) );
var m = int.Parse( str.Substring( 4, 2 ) );
var d = int.Parse( str.Substring( 6, 2 ) );
var h = int.Parse( str.Substring( 9, 2 ) );
var mn = int.Parse( str.Substring( 11, 2 ) );
var s = int.Parse( str.Substring( 13, 2 ) );
return new DateTime( y, m, d, h, mn, s, DateTimeKind.Utc );
/// <summary>
/// Tries to get the origin property. Need properties for this to work.
/// Will return a string like "market"
/// </summary>
public string Origin
if ( Properties == null ) return null;
return Properties["origin"];
/// <summary>
/// Small utility class to describe an item with a quantity
/// </summary>
public struct Amount
public InventoryItem Item;
public int Quantity;
public static bool operator ==( InventoryItem a, InventoryItem b ) => a._id == b._id;
public static bool operator !=( InventoryItem a, InventoryItem b ) => a._id != b._id;
public override bool Equals( object p ) => this.Equals( (InventoryItem)p );
public override int GetHashCode() => _id.GetHashCode();
public bool Equals( InventoryItem p ) => p._id == _id;
} |