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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Facepunch.Steamworks.Callbacks;
using SteamNative;
using Result = SteamNative.Result;
namespace Facepunch.Steamworks
public class Leaderboard : IDisposable
/// <summary>
/// Type of leaderboard request
/// </summary>
public enum RequestType
/// <summary>
/// Query everyone and everything
/// </summary>
Global = LeaderboardDataRequest.Global,
/// <summary>
/// Query entries near to this user's rank
/// </summary>
GlobalAroundUser = LeaderboardDataRequest.GlobalAroundUser,
/// <summary>
/// Only show friends of this user
/// </summary>
Friends = LeaderboardDataRequest.Friends
private static readonly int[] subEntriesBuffer = new int[512];
internal ulong BoardId;
internal Client client;
private readonly Queue<Action> _onCreated = new Queue<Action>();
/// <summary>
/// The results from the last query. Can be null.
/// </summary>
public Entry[] Results;
internal Leaderboard( Client c )
client = c;
/// <summary>
/// The name of this board, as retrieved from Steam
/// </summary>
public string Name { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// The total number of entries on this board
/// </summary>
public int TotalEntries { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if this board is valid, ie, we've received
/// a positive response from Steam about it.
/// </summary>
public bool IsValid => BoardId != 0;
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if we asked steam about this board but it returned
/// an error.
/// </summary>
public bool IsError { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if we're querying scores
/// </summary>
public bool IsQuerying { get; private set; }
public void Dispose()
client = null;
private void DispatchOnCreatedCallbacks()
while ( _onCreated.Count > 0 )
private bool DeferOnCreated( Action onValid, FailureCallback onFailure = null )
if ( IsValid || IsError ) return false;
_onCreated.Enqueue( () =>
if ( IsValid ) onValid();
else onFailure?.Invoke( Callbacks.Result.Fail );
} );
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Called when the leaderboard information is successfully recieved from Steam
/// </summary>
public Action OnBoardInformation;
internal void OnBoardCreated( LeaderboardFindResult_t result, bool error )
Console.WriteLine( $"result.LeaderboardFound: {result.LeaderboardFound}" );
Console.WriteLine( $"result.SteamLeaderboard: {result.SteamLeaderboard}" );
if ( error || ( result.LeaderboardFound == 0 ) )
IsError = true;
BoardId = result.SteamLeaderboard;
if ( IsValid )
Name = client.native.userstats.GetLeaderboardName( BoardId );
TotalEntries = client.native.userstats.GetLeaderboardEntryCount( BoardId );
/// <summary>
/// Add a score to this leaderboard.
/// Subscores are totally optional, and can be used for other game defined data such as laps etc.. although
/// they have no bearing on sorting at all
/// If onlyIfBeatsOldScore is true, the score will only be updated if it beats the existing score, else it will always
/// be updated. Beating the existing score is subjective - and depends on how your leaderboard was set up as to whether
/// that means higher or lower.
/// </summary>
public bool AddScore( bool onlyIfBeatsOldScore, int score, params int[] subscores )
if ( IsError ) return false;
if ( !IsValid ) return DeferOnCreated( () => AddScore( onlyIfBeatsOldScore, score, subscores ) );
var flags = LeaderboardUploadScoreMethod.ForceUpdate;
if ( onlyIfBeatsOldScore ) flags = LeaderboardUploadScoreMethod.KeepBest;
client.native.userstats.UploadLeaderboardScore( BoardId, flags, score, subscores, subscores.Length );
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Callback invoked by <see cref="AddScore(bool, int, int[], AddScoreCallback, FailureCallback)"/> when score submission
/// is complete.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="result">If successful, information about the new entry</param>
public delegate void AddScoreCallback( AddScoreResult result );
/// <summary>
/// Information about a newly submitted score.
/// </summary>
public struct AddScoreResult
public int Score;
public bool ScoreChanged;
public int GlobalRankNew;
public int GlobalRankPrevious;
/// <summary>
/// Add a score to this leaderboard.
/// Subscores are totally optional, and can be used for other game defined data such as laps etc.. although
/// they have no bearing on sorting at all
/// If onlyIfBeatsOldScore is true, the score will only be updated if it beats the existing score, else it will always
/// be updated.
/// Information about the newly submitted score is passed to the optional <paramref name="onSuccess"/>.
/// </summary>
public bool AddScore( bool onlyIfBeatsOldScore, int score, int[] subscores = null, AddScoreCallback onSuccess = null, FailureCallback onFailure = null )
if ( IsError ) return false;
if ( !IsValid ) return DeferOnCreated( () => AddScore( onlyIfBeatsOldScore, score, subscores, onSuccess, onFailure ), onFailure );
if ( subscores == null ) subscores = new int[0];
var flags = LeaderboardUploadScoreMethod.ForceUpdate;
if ( onlyIfBeatsOldScore ) flags = LeaderboardUploadScoreMethod.KeepBest;
client.native.userstats.UploadLeaderboardScore( BoardId, flags, score, subscores, subscores.Length, ( result, error ) =>
if ( !error && result.Success != 0 )
onSuccess?.Invoke( new AddScoreResult
Score = result.Score,
ScoreChanged = result.ScoreChanged != 0,
GlobalRankNew = result.GlobalRankNew,
GlobalRankPrevious = result.GlobalRankPrevious
} );
onFailure?.Invoke( error ? Callbacks.Result.IOFailure : Callbacks.Result.Fail );
} );
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Callback invoked by <see cref="Leaderboard.AttachRemoteFile"/> when file attachment is complete.
/// </summary>
public delegate void AttachRemoteFileCallback();
/// <summary>
/// Attempt to attach a <see cref="RemoteStorage"/> file to the current user's leaderboard entry.
/// Can be useful for storing replays along with scores.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>True if the file attachment process has started</returns>
public bool AttachRemoteFile( RemoteFile file, AttachRemoteFileCallback onSuccess = null, FailureCallback onFailure = null )
if ( IsError ) return false;
if ( !IsValid ) return DeferOnCreated( () => AttachRemoteFile( file, onSuccess, onFailure ), onFailure );
if ( file.IsShared )
var handle = client.native.userstats.AttachLeaderboardUGC( BoardId, file.UGCHandle, ( result, error ) =>
if ( !error && result.Result == Result.OK )
onFailure?.Invoke( result.Result == 0 ? Callbacks.Result.IOFailure : (Callbacks.Result) result.Result );
} );
return handle.IsValid;
file.Share( () =>
if ( !file.IsShared || !AttachRemoteFile( file, onSuccess, onFailure ) )
onFailure?.Invoke( Callbacks.Result.Fail );
}, onFailure );
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Fetch a subset of scores. The scores end up in Results.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Returns true if we have started the query</returns>
public bool FetchScores( RequestType RequestType, int start, int end )
if ( !IsValid ) return false;
if ( IsQuerying ) return false;
client.native.userstats.DownloadLeaderboardEntries( BoardId, (LeaderboardDataRequest) RequestType, start, end, OnScores );
Results = null;
IsQuerying = true;
return true;
private unsafe void ReadScores( LeaderboardScoresDownloaded_t result, List<Entry> dest )
for ( var i = 0; i < result.CEntryCount; i++ )
fixed ( int* ptr = subEntriesBuffer )
var entry = new LeaderboardEntry_t();
if ( client.native.userstats.GetDownloadedLeaderboardEntry( result.SteamLeaderboardEntries, i, ref entry, (IntPtr) ptr, subEntriesBuffer.Length ) )
dest.Add( new Entry
GlobalRank = entry.GlobalRank,
Score = entry.Score,
SteamId = entry.SteamIDUser,
SubScores = entry.CDetails == 0 ? null : subEntriesBuffer.Take( entry.CDetails ).ToArray(),
Name = client.Friends.GetName( entry.SteamIDUser ),
AttachedFile = (entry.UGC >> 32) == 0xffffffff ? null : new RemoteFile( client.RemoteStorage, entry.UGC )
} );
[ThreadStatic] private static List<Entry> _sEntryBuffer;
/// <summary>
/// Callback invoked by <see cref="FetchScores(RequestType, int, int, FetchScoresCallback, FailureCallback)"/> when
/// a query is complete.
/// </summary>
public delegate void FetchScoresCallback( Entry[] results );
/// <summary>
/// Fetch a subset of scores. The scores are passed to <paramref name="onSuccess"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Returns true if we have started the query</returns>
public bool FetchScores( RequestType RequestType, int start, int end, FetchScoresCallback onSuccess, FailureCallback onFailure = null )
if ( IsError ) return false;
if ( !IsValid ) return DeferOnCreated( () => FetchScores( RequestType, start, end, onSuccess, onFailure ), onFailure );
client.native.userstats.DownloadLeaderboardEntries( BoardId, (LeaderboardDataRequest) RequestType, start, end, ( result, error ) =>
if ( error )
onFailure?.Invoke( Callbacks.Result.IOFailure );
if ( _sEntryBuffer == null ) _sEntryBuffer = new List<Entry>();
else _sEntryBuffer.Clear();
ReadScores( result, _sEntryBuffer );
onSuccess( _sEntryBuffer.ToArray() );
} );
return true;
private void OnScores( LeaderboardScoresDownloaded_t result, bool error )
IsQuerying = false;
if ( client == null ) return;
if ( error ) return;
var list = new List<Entry>();
ReadScores( result, list );
Results = list.ToArray();
/// <summary>
/// A single entry in a leaderboard
/// </summary>
public struct Entry
public ulong SteamId;
public int Score;
public int[] SubScores;
public int GlobalRank;
public RemoteFile AttachedFile;
/// <summary>
/// Note that the player's name might not be immediately available.
/// If that's the case you'll have to use Friends.GetName to find the name
/// </summary>
public string Name;