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using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Linq;
namespace SteamNative
internal unsafe class SteamUser : IDisposable
// Holds a platform specific implentation
internal Platform.Interface platform;
internal Facepunch.Steamworks.BaseSteamworks steamworks;
// Constructor decides which implementation to use based on current platform
internal SteamUser( Facepunch.Steamworks.BaseSteamworks steamworks, IntPtr pointer )
this.steamworks = steamworks;
if ( Platform.IsWindows64 ) platform = new Platform.Win64( pointer );
else if ( Platform.IsWindows32 ) platform = new Platform.Win32( pointer );
else if ( Platform.IsLinux32 ) platform = new Platform.Linux32( pointer );
else if ( Platform.IsLinux64 ) platform = new Platform.Linux64( pointer );
else if ( Platform.IsOsx ) platform = new Platform.Mac( pointer );
// Class is invalid if we don't have a valid implementation
public bool IsValid{ get{ return platform != null && platform.IsValid; } }
// When shutting down clear all the internals to avoid accidental use
public virtual void Dispose()
if ( platform != null )
platform = null;
// void
public void AdvertiseGame( CSteamID steamIDGameServer /*class CSteamID*/, uint unIPServer /*uint32*/, ushort usPortServer /*uint16*/ )
platform.ISteamUser_AdvertiseGame( steamIDGameServer.Value, unIPServer, usPortServer );
// BeginAuthSessionResult
public BeginAuthSessionResult BeginAuthSession( IntPtr pAuthTicket /*const void **/, int cbAuthTicket /*int*/, CSteamID steamID /*class CSteamID*/ )
return platform.ISteamUser_BeginAuthSession( (IntPtr) pAuthTicket, cbAuthTicket, steamID.Value );
// bool
public bool BIsBehindNAT()
return platform.ISteamUser_BIsBehindNAT();
// bool
public bool BIsPhoneIdentifying()
return platform.ISteamUser_BIsPhoneIdentifying();
// bool
public bool BIsPhoneRequiringVerification()
return platform.ISteamUser_BIsPhoneRequiringVerification();
// bool
public bool BIsPhoneVerified()
return platform.ISteamUser_BIsPhoneVerified();
// bool
public bool BIsTwoFactorEnabled()
return platform.ISteamUser_BIsTwoFactorEnabled();
// bool
public bool BLoggedOn()
return platform.ISteamUser_BLoggedOn();
// void
public void CancelAuthTicket( HAuthTicket hAuthTicket /*HAuthTicket*/ )
platform.ISteamUser_CancelAuthTicket( hAuthTicket.Value );
// VoiceResult
public VoiceResult DecompressVoice( IntPtr pCompressed /*const void **/, uint cbCompressed /*uint32*/, IntPtr pDestBuffer /*void **/, uint cbDestBufferSize /*uint32*/, out uint nBytesWritten /*uint32 **/, uint nDesiredSampleRate /*uint32*/ )
return platform.ISteamUser_DecompressVoice( (IntPtr) pCompressed, cbCompressed, (IntPtr) pDestBuffer, cbDestBufferSize, out nBytesWritten, nDesiredSampleRate );
// void
public void EndAuthSession( CSteamID steamID /*class CSteamID*/ )
platform.ISteamUser_EndAuthSession( steamID.Value );
// HAuthTicket
public HAuthTicket GetAuthSessionTicket( IntPtr pTicket /*void **/, int cbMaxTicket /*int*/, out uint pcbTicket /*uint32 **/ )
return platform.ISteamUser_GetAuthSessionTicket( (IntPtr) pTicket, cbMaxTicket, out pcbTicket );
// VoiceResult
public VoiceResult GetAvailableVoice( out uint pcbCompressed /*uint32 **/, out uint pcbUncompressed_Deprecated /*uint32 **/, uint nUncompressedVoiceDesiredSampleRate_Deprecated /*uint32*/ )
return platform.ISteamUser_GetAvailableVoice( out pcbCompressed, out pcbUncompressed_Deprecated, nUncompressedVoiceDesiredSampleRate_Deprecated );
// bool
public bool GetEncryptedAppTicket( IntPtr pTicket /*void **/, int cbMaxTicket /*int*/, out uint pcbTicket /*uint32 **/ )
return platform.ISteamUser_GetEncryptedAppTicket( (IntPtr) pTicket, cbMaxTicket, out pcbTicket );
// int
public int GetGameBadgeLevel( int nSeries /*int*/, bool bFoil /*bool*/ )
return platform.ISteamUser_GetGameBadgeLevel( nSeries, bFoil );
// HSteamUser
public HSteamUser GetHSteamUser()
return platform.ISteamUser_GetHSteamUser();
// int
public int GetPlayerSteamLevel()
return platform.ISteamUser_GetPlayerSteamLevel();
// ulong
public ulong GetSteamID()
return platform.ISteamUser_GetSteamID();
// bool
// with: Detect_StringFetch True
public string GetUserDataFolder()
bool bSuccess = default( bool );
System.Text.StringBuilder pchBuffer_sb = Helpers.TakeStringBuilder();
int cubBuffer = 4096;
bSuccess = platform.ISteamUser_GetUserDataFolder( pchBuffer_sb, cubBuffer );
if ( !bSuccess ) return null;
return pchBuffer_sb.ToString();
// VoiceResult
public VoiceResult GetVoice( bool bWantCompressed /*bool*/, IntPtr pDestBuffer /*void **/, uint cbDestBufferSize /*uint32*/, out uint nBytesWritten /*uint32 **/, bool bWantUncompressed_Deprecated /*bool*/, IntPtr pUncompressedDestBuffer_Deprecated /*void **/, uint cbUncompressedDestBufferSize_Deprecated /*uint32*/, out uint nUncompressBytesWritten_Deprecated /*uint32 **/, uint nUncompressedVoiceDesiredSampleRate_Deprecated /*uint32*/ )
return platform.ISteamUser_GetVoice( bWantCompressed, (IntPtr) pDestBuffer, cbDestBufferSize, out nBytesWritten, bWantUncompressed_Deprecated, (IntPtr) pUncompressedDestBuffer_Deprecated, cbUncompressedDestBufferSize_Deprecated, out nUncompressBytesWritten_Deprecated, nUncompressedVoiceDesiredSampleRate_Deprecated );
// uint
public uint GetVoiceOptimalSampleRate()
return platform.ISteamUser_GetVoiceOptimalSampleRate();
// int
public int InitiateGameConnection( IntPtr pAuthBlob /*void **/, int cbMaxAuthBlob /*int*/, CSteamID steamIDGameServer /*class CSteamID*/, uint unIPServer /*uint32*/, ushort usPortServer /*uint16*/, bool bSecure /*bool*/ )
return platform.ISteamUser_InitiateGameConnection( (IntPtr) pAuthBlob, cbMaxAuthBlob, steamIDGameServer.Value, unIPServer, usPortServer, bSecure );
// SteamAPICall_t
public CallbackHandle RequestEncryptedAppTicket( IntPtr pDataToInclude /*void **/, int cbDataToInclude /*int*/, Action<EncryptedAppTicketResponse_t, bool> CallbackFunction = null /*Action<EncryptedAppTicketResponse_t, bool>*/ )
SteamAPICall_t callback = 0;
callback = platform.ISteamUser_RequestEncryptedAppTicket( (IntPtr) pDataToInclude, cbDataToInclude );
if ( CallbackFunction == null ) return null;
return EncryptedAppTicketResponse_t.CallResult( steamworks, callback, CallbackFunction );
// SteamAPICall_t
public CallbackHandle RequestStoreAuthURL( string pchRedirectURL /*const char **/, Action<StoreAuthURLResponse_t, bool> CallbackFunction = null /*Action<StoreAuthURLResponse_t, bool>*/ )
SteamAPICall_t callback = 0;
callback = platform.ISteamUser_RequestStoreAuthURL( pchRedirectURL );
if ( CallbackFunction == null ) return null;
return StoreAuthURLResponse_t.CallResult( steamworks, callback, CallbackFunction );
// void
public void StartVoiceRecording()
// void
public void StopVoiceRecording()
// void
public void TerminateGameConnection( uint unIPServer /*uint32*/, ushort usPortServer /*uint16*/ )
platform.ISteamUser_TerminateGameConnection( unIPServer, usPortServer );
// void
public void TrackAppUsageEvent( CGameID gameID /*class CGameID*/, int eAppUsageEvent /*int*/, string pchExtraInfo /*const char **/ )
platform.ISteamUser_TrackAppUsageEvent( gameID.Value, eAppUsageEvent, pchExtraInfo );
// UserHasLicenseForAppResult
public UserHasLicenseForAppResult UserHasLicenseForApp( CSteamID steamID /*class CSteamID*/, AppId_t appID /*AppId_t*/ )
return platform.ISteamUser_UserHasLicenseForApp( steamID.Value, appID.Value );