thesupersoup fdc5b49587 Exceptions and expression body definition
Added exception throwing for FilterStringKeyValue, changed MaxLobbyKeyLength to internal and expression body definition
2019-06-24 01:35:33 -07:00

219 lines
6.4 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Steamworks.Data;
namespace Steamworks
/// <summary>
/// Functions for clients to access matchmaking services, favorites, and to operate on game lobbies
/// </summary>
public static class SteamMatchmaking
/// <summary>
/// Maximum number of characters a lobby metadata key can be
/// </summary>
internal static int MaxLobbyKeyLength => 255;
static ISteamMatchmaking _internal;
internal static ISteamMatchmaking Internal
if ( _internal == null )
_internal = new ISteamMatchmaking();
return _internal;
internal static void Shutdown()
_internal = null;
internal static void InstallEvents()
LobbyInvite_t.Install( x => OnLobbyInvite?.Invoke( new Friend( x.SteamIDUser ), new Lobby( x.SteamIDLobby ) ) );
LobbyEnter_t.Install( x => OnLobbyEntered?.Invoke( new Lobby( x.SteamIDLobby ) ) );
LobbyDataUpdate_t.Install( x =>
if ( x.Success == 0 ) return;
if ( x.SteamIDLobby == x.SteamIDMember )
OnLobbyDataChanged?.Invoke( new Lobby( x.SteamIDLobby ) );
OnLobbyMemberDataChanged?.Invoke( new Lobby( x.SteamIDLobby ), new Friend( x.SteamIDMember ) );
} );
LobbyChatUpdate_t.Install( x =>
if ( (x.GfChatMemberStateChange & (int)ChatMemberStateChange.Entered) != 0 )
OnLobbyMemberJoined?.Invoke( new Lobby( x.SteamIDLobby ), new Friend( x.SteamIDUserChanged ) );
if ( (x.GfChatMemberStateChange & (int)ChatMemberStateChange.Left) != 0 )
OnLobbyMemberLeave?.Invoke( new Lobby( x.SteamIDLobby ), new Friend( x.SteamIDUserChanged ) );
if ( (x.GfChatMemberStateChange & (int)ChatMemberStateChange.Disconnected) != 0 )
OnLobbyMemberDisconnected?.Invoke( new Lobby( x.SteamIDLobby ), new Friend( x.SteamIDUserChanged ) );
if ( (x.GfChatMemberStateChange & (int)ChatMemberStateChange.Kicked) != 0 )
OnLobbyMemberKicked?.Invoke( new Lobby( x.SteamIDLobby ), new Friend( x.SteamIDUserChanged ), new Friend( x.SteamIDMakingChange ) );
if ( (x.GfChatMemberStateChange & (int)ChatMemberStateChange.Banned) != 0 )
OnLobbyMemberBanned?.Invoke( new Lobby( x.SteamIDLobby ), new Friend( x.SteamIDUserChanged ), new Friend( x.SteamIDMakingChange ) );
} );
LobbyChatMsg_t.Install( OnLobbyChatMessageRecievedAPI );
static private unsafe void OnLobbyChatMessageRecievedAPI( LobbyChatMsg_t callback )
SteamId steamid = default;
ChatEntryType chatEntryType = default;
var buffer = Helpers.TakeBuffer( 1024 * 4 );
fixed ( byte* p = buffer )
var readData = Internal.GetLobbyChatEntry( callback.SteamIDLobby, (int)callback.ChatID, ref steamid, (IntPtr)p, buffer.Length, ref chatEntryType );
if ( readData > 0 )
OnChatMessage?.Invoke( new Lobby( callback.SteamIDLobby ), new Friend( steamid ), Encoding.UTF8.GetString( buffer, 0, readData ) );
/// <summary>
/// Someone invited you to a lobby
/// </summary>
public static event Action<Friend, Lobby> OnLobbyInvite;
/// <summary>
/// You joined a lobby
/// </summary>
public static event Action<Lobby> OnLobbyEntered;
/// <summary>
/// The lobby metadata has changed
/// </summary>
public static event Action<Lobby> OnLobbyDataChanged;
/// <summary>
/// The lobby member metadata has changed
/// </summary>
public static event Action<Lobby, Friend> OnLobbyMemberDataChanged;
/// <summary>
/// The lobby member joined
/// </summary>
public static event Action<Lobby, Friend> OnLobbyMemberJoined;
/// <summary>
/// The lobby member left the room
/// </summary>
public static event Action<Lobby, Friend> OnLobbyMemberLeave;
/// <summary>
/// The lobby member left the room
/// </summary>
public static event Action<Lobby, Friend> OnLobbyMemberDisconnected;
/// <summary>
/// The lobby member was kicked. The 3rd param is the user that kicked them.
/// </summary>
public static event Action<Lobby, Friend, Friend> OnLobbyMemberKicked;
/// <summary>
/// The lobby member was banned. The 3rd param is the user that banned them.
/// </summary>
public static event Action<Lobby, Friend, Friend> OnLobbyMemberBanned;
/// <summary>
/// A chat message was recieved from a member of a lobby
/// </summary>
public static event Action<Lobby, Friend, string> OnChatMessage;
public static LobbyQuery LobbyList => new LobbyQuery();
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new invisible lobby. Call lobby.SetPublic to take it online.
/// </summary>
public static async Task<Lobby?> CreateLobbyAsync( int maxMembers = 100 )
var lobby = await Internal.CreateLobby( LobbyType.Invisible, maxMembers );
if ( !lobby.HasValue || lobby.Value.Result != Result.OK ) return null;
return new Lobby { Id = lobby.Value.SteamIDLobby };
/// <summmary>
/// Attempts to directly join the specified lobby
/// </summmary>
public static async Task<Lobby?> JoinLobbyAsync( SteamId lobbyId )
var lobby = await Internal.JoinLobby( lobbyId );
if ( !lobby.HasValue ) return null;
return new Lobby { Id = lobby.Value.SteamIDLobby };
/// <summary>
/// Get a list of servers that are on your favorites list
/// </summary>
public static IEnumerable<ServerInfo> GetFavoriteServers()
var count = Internal.GetFavoriteGameCount();
for( int i=0; i<count; i++ )
uint timeplayed = 0;
uint flags = 0;
ushort qport = 0;
ushort cport = 0;
uint ip = 0;
AppId appid = default;
if ( Internal.GetFavoriteGame( i, ref appid, ref ip, ref cport, ref qport, ref flags, ref timeplayed ) )
if ( (flags & ServerInfo.k_unFavoriteFlagFavorite) == 0 ) continue;
yield return new ServerInfo( ip, cport, qport, timeplayed );
/// <summary>
/// Get a list of servers that you have added to your play history
/// </summary>
public static IEnumerable<ServerInfo> GetHistoryServers()
var count = Internal.GetFavoriteGameCount();
for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
uint timeplayed = 0;
uint flags = 0;
ushort qport = 0;
ushort cport = 0;
uint ip = 0;
AppId appid = default;
if ( Internal.GetFavoriteGame( i, ref appid, ref ip, ref cport, ref qport, ref flags, ref timeplayed ) )
if ( (flags & ServerInfo.k_unFavoriteFlagHistory) == 0 ) continue;
yield return new ServerInfo( ip, cport, qport, timeplayed );