2017-07-28 17:04:18 +01:00

257 lines
6.8 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using SteamNative;
namespace Facepunch.Steamworks
public class Achievements : IDisposable
internal Client client;
public Achievement[] All { get; private set; }
public event Action OnUpdated;
public event Action<Achievement> OnAchievementStateChanged;
private List<Achievement> unlockedRecently = new List<Achievement>();
internal Achievements( Client c )
client = c;
All = new Achievement[0];
SteamNative.UserStatsReceived_t.RegisterCallback( c, UserStatsReceived );
SteamNative.UserStatsStored_t.RegisterCallback( c, UserStatsStored );
public void Refresh()
var old = All;
All = Enumerable.Range( 0, (int)client.native.userstats.GetNumAchievements() )
.Select( x =>
if ( old != null )
var name = client.native.userstats.GetAchievementName( (uint)x );
var found = old.FirstOrDefault( y => y.Id == name );
if ( found != null )
if ( found.Refresh() )
unlockedRecently.Add( found );
return found;
return new Achievement( client, x );
} )
foreach ( var i in unlockedRecently )
OnAchievementStateChanged?.Invoke( i );
public void Dispose()
client = null;
/// <summary>
/// Find an achievement by name. Will be null if not found, or not ready.
/// </summary>
public Achievement Find( string identifier )
return All.FirstOrDefault( x => x.Id == identifier );
/// <summary>
/// Unlock an achievement by identifier. If apply is true this will happen as expected
/// and the achievement overlay will popup etc. If it's false then you'll have to manually
/// call Stats.StoreStats() to actually trigger it.
/// </summary>
public bool Trigger( string identifier, bool apply = true )
var a = Find( identifier );
if ( a == null ) return false;
return a.Trigger( apply );
/// <summary>
/// Reset an achievement by identifier
/// </summary>
public bool Reset( string identifier )
return client.native.userstats.ClearAchievement( identifier );
private void UserStatsReceived( UserStatsReceived_t stats, bool isError )
if ( isError ) return;
private void UserStatsStored( UserStatsStored_t stats, bool isError )
if ( isError ) return;
public class Achievement
private Client client;
public string Id { get; private set; }
public string Name { get; private set; }
public string Description { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// True if unlocked
/// </summary>
public bool State { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// Should hold the unlock time if State is true
/// </summary>
public DateTime UnlockTime { get; private set; }
private int iconId { get; set; } = -1;
private int refreshCount = 0;
/// <summary>
/// If this achievement is linked to a stat this will return the progress.
/// </summary>
public float Percentage
if ( State )
return 1;
float pct = 0;
if ( !client.native.userstats.GetAchievementAchievedPercent( Id, out pct ) )
return -1.0f;
return pct;
private Image _icon;
public Image Icon
if ( iconId <= 0 ) return null;
if ( _icon == null )
_icon = new Image();
_icon.Id = iconId;
if ( _icon.IsLoaded )
return _icon;
if ( !_icon.TryLoad( client.native.utils ) )
return null;
return _icon;
public Achievement( Client client, int index )
this.client = client;
Id = client.native.userstats.GetAchievementName( (uint) index );
Name = client.native.userstats.GetAchievementDisplayAttribute( Id, "name" );
Description = client.native.userstats.GetAchievementDisplayAttribute( Id, "desc" );
iconId = client.native.userstats.GetAchievementIcon( Id );
/// <summary>
/// Make this achievement earned
/// </summary>
public bool Trigger( bool apply = true )
if ( State )
return false;
State = true;
UnlockTime = DateTime.Now;
var r = client.native.userstats.SetAchievement( Id );
if ( apply )
return r;
/// <summary>
/// Reset this achievement to not achieved
/// </summary>
public bool Reset()
State = false;
UnlockTime = DateTime.Now;
return client.native.userstats.ClearAchievement( Id );
/// <summary>
/// Refresh the unlock state. You shouldn't need to call this manually
/// but it's here if you have to for some reason. Retuns true if state changed (meaning, probably unlocked)
/// </summary>
public bool Refresh()
bool previousState = State;
bool state = false;
uint unlockTime;
State = false;
if ( client.native.userstats.GetAchievementAndUnlockTime( Id, ref state, out unlockTime ) )
State = state;
UnlockTime = Utility.Epoch.ToDateTime( unlockTime );
if ( previousState != State && refreshCount > 1 )
return true;
return false;