2017-05-15 14:13:28 +01:00

173 lines
5.5 KiB

using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
namespace Facepunch.Steamworks.Test
[DeploymentItem( "steam_api.dll" )]
[DeploymentItem( "steam_api64.dll" )]
[DeploymentItem( "steam_appid.txt" )]
public class Leaderboard
public void GetLeaderboard()
using ( var client = new Steamworks.Client( 252490 ) )
var board = client.GetLeaderboard( "TestLeaderboard", Steamworks.Client.LeaderboardSortMethod.Ascending, Steamworks.Client.LeaderboardDisplayType.Numeric );
while ( !board.IsValid )
Thread.Sleep( 10 );
Assert.IsTrue( board.IsValid );
Assert.IsFalse( board.IsError );
Assert.IsNotNull( board.Name );
Console.WriteLine( $"Board name is \"{board.Name}\"" );
Console.WriteLine( $"Board has \"{board.TotalEntries}\" entries" );
board.AddScore( true, 86275309, 7, 8, 9 );
board.FetchScores( Steamworks.Leaderboard.RequestType.Global, 0, 20 );
while ( board.IsQuerying )
Thread.Sleep( 10 );
foreach ( var entry in board.Results )
Console.WriteLine( $"{entry.GlobalRank}: {entry.SteamId} ({entry.Name}) with {entry.Score}" );
if ( entry.SubScores != null )
Console.WriteLine( " - " + string.Join( ";", entry.SubScores.Select( x => x.ToString() ).ToArray() ) );
public void GetLeaderboardCallback()
using ( var client = new Steamworks.Client( 252490 ) )
var board = client.GetLeaderboard( "TestLeaderboard", Steamworks.Client.LeaderboardSortMethod.Ascending, Steamworks.Client.LeaderboardDisplayType.Numeric );
while ( !board.IsValid )
Thread.Sleep( 10 );
Assert.IsTrue( board.IsValid );
Assert.IsFalse( board.IsError );
Assert.IsNotNull( board.Name );
board.AddScore( true, 86275309, 7, 8, 9 );
var done = false;
board.FetchScores( Steamworks.Leaderboard.RequestType.Global, 0, 20, ( success, results ) =>
Assert.IsTrue( success );
foreach ( var entry in results )
Console.WriteLine( $"{entry.GlobalRank}: {entry.SteamId} ({entry.Name}) with {entry.Score}" );
if ( entry.SubScores != null )
Console.WriteLine( " - " + string.Join( ";", entry.SubScores.Select( x => x.ToString() ).ToArray() ) );
done = true;
} );
while ( !done )
Thread.Sleep( 10 );
public void AddScores()
using ( var client = new Steamworks.Client( 252490 ) )
var board = client.GetLeaderboard( "TestLeaderboard", Steamworks.Client.LeaderboardSortMethod.Ascending, Steamworks.Client.LeaderboardDisplayType.Numeric );
while ( !board.IsValid )
Thread.Sleep( 10 );
Assert.IsTrue( board.IsValid );
Assert.IsFalse( board.IsError );
board.AddScore( true, 1234 );
Thread.Sleep( 10 );
board.AddScore( true, 34566 );
Thread.Sleep( 10 );
board.AddScore( true, 86275309, 7, 8, 9, 7, 4, 7, 98, 24, 5, 76, 124, 6 );
Thread.Sleep( 10 );
board.AddScore( false, 86275309, 7, 8, 9, 7, 4, 7, 98, 24, 5, 76, 124, 6 );
Thread.Sleep( 10 );
public void AddScoresCallback()
using ( var client = new Steamworks.Client( 252490 ) )
var board = client.GetLeaderboard( "TestLeaderboard", Steamworks.Client.LeaderboardSortMethod.Ascending, Steamworks.Client.LeaderboardDisplayType.Numeric );
while ( !board.IsValid )
Thread.Sleep( 10 );
Assert.IsTrue( board.IsValid );
Assert.IsFalse( board.IsError );
var done = false;
const int score = 5678;
board.AddScore( false, score, null, ( success, result ) =>
Assert.IsTrue( success );
Assert.IsTrue( result.ScoreChanged );
Assert.AreEqual( result.Score, score );
done = true;
} );
while ( !done )
Thread.Sleep( 10 );