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synced 2025-03-25 19:59:19 +03:00
Il2CPP fucks over StringBuffer by changing its Capacity We can properly UTF8 convert these strings now
314 lines
8.4 KiB
314 lines
8.4 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Generator
public partial class CodeWriter
public void GenerateVTableClass( string className, string filename )
var clss = Parser.Classes.Single( x => x.Name == className );
sb = new StringBuilder();
WriteLine( $"using System;" );
WriteLine( $"using System.Runtime.InteropServices;" );
WriteLine( $"using System.Text;" );
WriteLine( $"using System.Threading.Tasks;" );
WriteLine( $"using Steamworks.Data;" );
StartBlock( $"namespace Steamworks" );
StartBlock( $"internal class {clss.Name} : SteamInterface" );
WriteLine( $"public override string InterfaceName => \"{clss.InterfaceString}\";" );
WriteFunctionPointerReader( clss );
foreach ( var func in clss.Functions )
if ( Cleanup.IsDeprecated( $"{clss.Name}.{func.Name}" ) )
WriteFunction( clss, func );
System.IO.File.WriteAllText( $"{filename}", sb.ToString() );
void WriteFunctionPointerReader( CodeParser.Class clss )
// TODO - we'll probably have to do this PER platform
int[] standardLocations = new int[clss.Functions.Count];
int[] windowsLocations = new int[clss.Functions.Count];
for ( int i = 0; i < clss.Functions.Count; i++ )
windowsLocations[i] = i * 8;
standardLocations[i] = i * 8;
// MSVC switches the order in the vtable of overloaded functions
// I'm not going to try to try to work out how to order shit
// so lets just manually fix shit here
if ( clss.Name == "ISteamUserStats" )
Swap( clss, "GetStat1", "GetStat2", windowsLocations );
Swap( clss, "SetStat1", "SetStat2", windowsLocations );
Swap( clss, "GetUserStat1", "GetUserStat2", windowsLocations );
Swap( clss, "GetGlobalStat1", "GetGlobalStat2", windowsLocations );
Swap( clss, "GetGlobalStatHistory1", "GetGlobalStatHistory2", windowsLocations );
if ( clss.Name == "ISteamGameServerStats" )
Swap( clss, "GetUserStat1", "GetUserStat2", windowsLocations );
Swap( clss, "SetUserStat1", "SetUserStat2", windowsLocations );
if ( clss.Name == "ISteamUGC" )
Swap( clss, "CreateQueryAllUGCRequest1", "CreateQueryAllUGCRequest2", windowsLocations );
StartBlock( $"public override void InitInternals()" );
var different = new List<int>();
for ( int i = 0; i < clss.Functions.Count; i++ )
var func = clss.Functions[i];
if ( Cleanup.IsDeprecated( $"{clss.Name}.{func.Name}" ) )
WriteLine( $" // {func.Name} is deprecated" );
if ( standardLocations[i] != windowsLocations[i] )
different.Add( i );
WriteLine( $"_{func.Name} = Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer<F{func.Name}>( Marshal.ReadIntPtr( VTable, Platform.MemoryOffset( {standardLocations[i]} ) ) );" );
if ( different.Count > 0 )
WriteLine( "" );
WriteLine( "#if PLATFORM_WIN" );
foreach ( var i in different )
var func = clss.Functions[i];
WriteLine( $"_{func.Name} = Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer<F{func.Name}>( Marshal.ReadIntPtr( VTable, Platform.MemoryOffset( {windowsLocations[i]} ) ) );" );
WriteLine( "#else" );
foreach ( var i in different )
var func = clss.Functions[i];
WriteLine( $"_{func.Name} = Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer<F{func.Name}>( Marshal.ReadIntPtr( VTable, Platform.MemoryOffset( {standardLocations[i]} ) ) );" );
WriteLine( "#endif" );
StartBlock( $"internal override void Shutdown()" );
WriteLine( $"base.Shutdown();" );
WriteLine( "" );
for ( int i = 0; i < clss.Functions.Count; i++ )
var func = clss.Functions[i];
var returnType = BaseType.Parse( func.ReturnType );
var args = func.Arguments.Select( x => BaseType.Parse( x.Value, x.Key ) ).ToArray();
var windowsSpecific = NeedsWindowsSpecificFunction( func, returnType, args );
if ( Cleanup.IsDeprecated( $"{clss.Name}.{func.Name}" ) )
WriteLine( $"_{func.Name} = null;" );
private bool NeedsWindowsSpecificFunction( CodeParser.Class.Function func, BaseType returnType, BaseType[] args )
if ( returnType.IsReturnedWeird ) return true;
if ( returnType.WindowsSpecific ) return true;
if ( args.Any( x => x.WindowsSpecific ) ) return true;
return false;
private void Swap( CodeParser.Class clss, string v1, string v2, int[] locations )
var a = clss.Functions.IndexOf( clss.Functions.Single( x => x.Name == v1 ) );
var b = clss.Functions.IndexOf( clss.Functions.Single( x => x.Name == v2 ) );
var s = locations[a];
locations[a] = locations[b];
locations[b] = s;
private void WriteFunction( CodeParser.Class clss, CodeParser.Class.Function func )
var returnType = BaseType.Parse( func.ReturnType );
returnType.Func = func.Name;
var args = func.Arguments.Select( x =>
var bt = BaseType.Parse( x.Value, x.Key );
bt.Func = func.Name;
return bt;
} ).ToArray();
for( int i=0; i<args.Length; i++ )
if ( args[i] is StringType )
if ( args[i + 1] is IntType || args[i + 1] is UIntType )
if ( args[i + 1].Ref == string.Empty )
args[i + 1] = new ConstValueType( args[i + 1], "(1024 * 32)" );
throw new System.Exception( $"String Builder Next Type Is {args[i+1].GetType()}" );
var argstr = string.Join( ", ", args.Where( x => !x.ShouldSkipAsArgument ).Select( x => x.AsArgument() ) ); ;
var delegateargstr = string.Join( ", ", args.Select( x => x.AsNativeArgument() ) );
var windowsSpecific = NeedsWindowsSpecificFunction( func, returnType, args );
if ( returnType is SteamApiCallType sap )
sap.CallResult = func.CallResult;
argstr = string.Join( ", ", args.Select( x => x.AsArgument().Replace( "ref ", " /* ref */ " ) ) );
WriteLine( $"#region FunctionMeta" );
WriteLine( $"[UnmanagedFunctionPointer( Platform.MemberConvention )]" );
if ( returnType.ReturnAttribute != null)
WriteLine( returnType.ReturnAttribute );
if ( returnType.IsReturnedWeird )
WriteLine( "#if PLATFORM_WIN" );
WriteLine( $"private delegate void F{func.Name}( IntPtr self, ref {returnType.TypeName} retVal, {delegateargstr} );".Replace( " retVal, )", " retVal )" ) );
WriteLine( "#else" );
WriteLine( $"private delegate {returnType.TypeNameFrom} F{func.Name}( IntPtr self, {delegateargstr} );".Replace( "( IntPtr self, )", "( IntPtr self )" ) );
if ( returnType.IsReturnedWeird )
WriteLine( "#endif" );
WriteLine( $"private F{func.Name} _{func.Name};" );
WriteLine( $"#endregion" );
StartBlock( $"internal {returnType.ReturnType} {func.Name}( {argstr} )".Replace( "( )", "()" ) );
var callargs = string.Join( ", ", args.Select( x => x.AsCallArgument() ) );
// Code before any calls
foreach ( var arg in args )
if ( arg is StringType sb )
WriteLine( $"IntPtr mem{sb.VarName} = Helpers.TakeMemory();" );
// The actual call
if ( returnType.IsReturnedWeird )
WriteLine( "#if PLATFORM_WIN" );
WriteLine( $"var retVal = default( {returnType.TypeName} );" );
WriteLine( $"_{func.Name}( Self, ref retVal, {callargs} );".Replace( ", );", " );" ) );
WriteLine( $"{returnType.Return( "retVal" )}" );
WriteLine( "#else" );
if ( returnType.IsVoid )
WriteLine( $"_{func.Name}( Self, {callargs} );".Replace( "( Self, )", "( Self )" ) );
WriteLine( $"var returnValue = _{func.Name}( Self, {callargs} );".Replace( "( Self, )", "( Self )" ) );
// Code after the call
foreach ( var arg in args )
if ( arg is StringType sb )
WriteLine( $"{sb.VarName} = Helpers.MemoryToString( mem{sb.VarName} );" );
// Return
if ( !returnType.IsVoid )
WriteLine( returnType.Return( "returnValue" ) );
if ( returnType.IsReturnedWeird )
WriteLine( "#endif" );