2019-04-16 12:17:24 +01:00

244 lines
7.6 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Generator
public partial class CodeWriter
public class TypeDef
public string Name;
public string NativeType;
public string ManagedType;
private Dictionary<string, TypeDef> TypeDefs = new Dictionary<string, TypeDef>();
// Don't give a fuck about these classes, they just cause us trouble
public readonly static string[] SkipStructs = new string[]
public readonly static string[] ForceLargePackStructs = new string[]
void Structs()
var callbackList = new List<SteamApiDefinition.StructDef>();
foreach ( var c in def.structs )
var name = Cleanup.ConvertType( c.Name );
if ( SkipStructs.Contains( c.Name ) )
if ( !Cleanup.ShouldCreate( name ) )
if ( name.Contains( "::" ) )
int defaultPack = 8;
if ( c.Fields.Any( x => x.Type.Contains( "SteamId" ) ) && !ForceLargePackStructs.Contains( c.Name ) )
defaultPack = 4;
var isCallback = !string.IsNullOrEmpty( c.CallbackId );
// Main struct
StartBlock( $"{Cleanup.Expose( name )} struct {name}{(isCallback?" : Steamworks.ISteamCallback":"")}" );
// The fields
StructFields( c.Fields );
if ( isCallback )
WriteLine( "#region ISteamCallback" );
WriteLine( $"public int GetCallbackId() => {c.CallbackId};" );
WriteLine( $"public int GetStructSize() => System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf( Config.PackSmall ? typeof(Pack4) : typeof(Pack8) );" );
WriteLine( $"public Steamworks.ISteamCallback Fill( IntPtr p ) => Config.PackSmall ? (({name})(Pack4) Marshal.PtrToStructure( p, typeof(Pack4) )) : (({name})(Pack8) Marshal.PtrToStructure( p, typeof(Pack8) ));" );
WriteLine( "#endregion" );
WriteLine( "#region Marshalling" );
WriteLine( $"public int GetStructSize() => System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf( Config.PackSmall ? typeof(Pack4) : typeof(Pack8) );" );
WriteLine( $"public {name} Fill( IntPtr p ) => Config.PackSmall ? (({name})(Pack4) Marshal.PtrToStructure( p, typeof(Pack4) )) : (({name})(Pack8) Marshal.PtrToStructure( p, typeof(Pack8) ));" );
WriteLine( "#endregion" );
WriteLine( "#region Packed Versions" );
// Small packed struct (for osx, linux)
WriteLine( $"[StructLayout( LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4 )]" );
StartBlock( $"public struct Pack4" );
StructFields( c.Fields );
// Implicit convert from PackSmall to regular
Write( $"public static implicit operator {name} ( {name}.Pack4 d ) => " );
Write( $"new {name}{{ " );
foreach ( var f in c.Fields )
Write( $"{CleanMemberName( f.Name )} = d.{CleanMemberName( f.Name )}," );
WriteLine( " };" );
// Small packed struct (for osx, linux)
WriteLine( $"[StructLayout( LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = {defaultPack} )]" );
StartBlock( $"public struct Pack8" );
StructFields( c.Fields );
// Implicit convert from PackSmall to regular
Write( $"public static implicit operator {name} ( {name}.Pack8 d ) => " );
Write( $"new {name}{{ " );
foreach ( var f in c.Fields )
Write( $"{CleanMemberName( f.Name )} = d.{CleanMemberName( f.Name )}," );
WriteLine( " };" );
WriteLine( "#endregion" );
if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( c.CallbackId ) )
callbackList.Add( c );
private void StructFields( SteamApiDefinition.StructDef.StructFields[] fields )
foreach ( var m in fields )
var t = ToManagedType( m.Type );
t = Cleanup.ConvertType( t );
if ( TypeDefs.ContainsKey( t ) )
t = TypeDefs[t].ManagedType;
if ( t == "bool" )
WriteLine( "[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.I1)]" );
if ( t.StartsWith( "char " ) && t.Contains( "[" ) )
var num = t.Replace( "char", "" ).Trim( '[', ']', ' ' );
t = "string";
WriteLine( $"[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = {num})]" );
if ( t.StartsWith( "uint8 " ) && t.Contains( "[" ) )
var num = t.Replace( "uint8", "" ).Trim( '[', ']', ' ' );
t = "byte[]";
WriteLine( $"[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = {num})] // {m.Name}" );
if ( t.StartsWith( "SteamId" ) && t.Contains( "[" ) )
var num = t.Replace( "SteamId", "" ).Trim( '[', ']', ' ' );
t = $"ulong[]";
WriteLine( $"[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = {num}, ArraySubType = UnmanagedType.U8)]" );
if ( t.StartsWith( "PublishedFileId_t " ) && t.Contains( "[" ) )
var num = t.Replace( "PublishedFileId_t", "" ).Trim( '[', ']', ' ' );
t = $"ulong[]";
WriteLine( $"[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = {num}, ArraySubType = UnmanagedType.U8)]" );
if ( t.StartsWith( "uint32 " ) && t.Contains( "[" ) )
var num = t.Replace( "uint32", "" ).Trim( '[', ']', ' ' );
t = $"uint[]";
WriteLine( $"[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = {num}, ArraySubType = UnmanagedType.U4)]" );
if ( t.StartsWith( "float " ) && t.Contains( "[" ) )
var num = t.Replace( "float", "" ).Trim( '[', ']', ' ' );
t = $"float[]";
WriteLine( $"[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = {num}, ArraySubType = UnmanagedType.R4)]" );
if ( t == "const char **" )
t = "IntPtr";
if (t.StartsWith("AppId_t ") && t.Contains("["))
var num = t.Replace("AppId_t", "").Trim('[', ']', ' ');
t = $"AppId_t[]";
WriteLine($"[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = {num}, ArraySubType = UnmanagedType.U4)]");
WriteLine( $"internal {t} {CleanMemberName( m.Name )}; // {m.Name} {m.Type}" );