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synced 2024-12-26 06:35:49 +03:00
534 lines
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534 lines
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using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace SteamNative
public unsafe class SteamUGC : IDisposable
// Holds a platform specific implentation
internal Platform.Interface _pi;
// Constructor decides which implementation to use based on current platform
public SteamUGC( IntPtr pointer )
if ( Platform.IsWindows64 ) _pi = new Platform.Win64( pointer );
else if ( Platform.IsWindows32 ) _pi = new Platform.Win32( pointer );
else if ( Platform.IsLinux32 ) _pi = new Platform.Linux32( pointer );
else if ( Platform.IsLinux64 ) _pi = new Platform.Linux64( pointer );
else if ( Platform.IsOsx ) _pi = new Platform.Mac( pointer );
// Class is invalid if we don't have a valid implementation
public bool IsValid{ get{ return _pi != null && _pi.IsValid; } }
// When shutting down clear all the internals to avoid accidental use
public virtual void Dispose()
if ( _pi != null )
_pi = null;
// bool
public bool AddExcludedTag( UGCQueryHandle_t handle /*UGCQueryHandle_t*/, string pTagName /*const char **/ )
return _pi.ISteamUGC_AddExcludedTag( handle.Value, pTagName );
// bool
public bool AddItemKeyValueTag( UGCUpdateHandle_t handle /*UGCUpdateHandle_t*/, string pchKey /*const char **/, string pchValue /*const char **/ )
return _pi.ISteamUGC_AddItemKeyValueTag( handle.Value, pchKey, pchValue );
// bool
public bool AddItemPreviewFile( UGCUpdateHandle_t handle /*UGCUpdateHandle_t*/, string pszPreviewFile /*const char **/, ItemPreviewType type /*EItemPreviewType*/ )
return _pi.ISteamUGC_AddItemPreviewFile( handle.Value, pszPreviewFile, type );
// bool
public bool AddItemPreviewVideo( UGCUpdateHandle_t handle /*UGCUpdateHandle_t*/, string pszVideoID /*const char **/ )
return _pi.ISteamUGC_AddItemPreviewVideo( handle.Value, pszVideoID );
// SteamAPICall_t
public SteamAPICall_t AddItemToFavorites( AppId_t nAppId /*AppId_t*/, PublishedFileId_t nPublishedFileID /*PublishedFileId_t*/ )
return _pi.ISteamUGC_AddItemToFavorites( nAppId.Value, nPublishedFileID.Value );
// bool
public bool AddRequiredKeyValueTag( UGCQueryHandle_t handle /*UGCQueryHandle_t*/, string pKey /*const char **/, string pValue /*const char **/ )
return _pi.ISteamUGC_AddRequiredKeyValueTag( handle.Value, pKey, pValue );
// bool
public bool AddRequiredTag( UGCQueryHandle_t handle /*UGCQueryHandle_t*/, string pTagName /*const char **/ )
return _pi.ISteamUGC_AddRequiredTag( handle.Value, pTagName );
// bool
public bool BInitWorkshopForGameServer( DepotId_t unWorkshopDepotID /*DepotId_t*/, string pszFolder /*const char **/ )
return _pi.ISteamUGC_BInitWorkshopForGameServer( unWorkshopDepotID.Value, pszFolder );
// SteamAPICall_t
public SteamAPICall_t CreateItem( AppId_t nConsumerAppId /*AppId_t*/, WorkshopFileType eFileType /*EWorkshopFileType*/ )
return _pi.ISteamUGC_CreateItem( nConsumerAppId.Value, eFileType );
// UGCQueryHandle_t
public UGCQueryHandle_t CreateQueryAllUGCRequest( UGCQuery eQueryType /*EUGCQuery*/, UGCMatchingUGCType eMatchingeMatchingUGCTypeFileType /*EUGCMatchingUGCType*/, AppId_t nCreatorAppID /*AppId_t*/, AppId_t nConsumerAppID /*AppId_t*/, uint unPage /*uint32*/ )
return _pi.ISteamUGC_CreateQueryAllUGCRequest( eQueryType, eMatchingeMatchingUGCTypeFileType, nCreatorAppID.Value, nConsumerAppID.Value, unPage );
// with: Detect_VectorReturn
// UGCQueryHandle_t
public UGCQueryHandle_t CreateQueryUGCDetailsRequest( PublishedFileId_t[] pvecPublishedFileID /*PublishedFileId_t **/ )
var unNumPublishedFileIDs = (uint) pvecPublishedFileID.Length;
fixed ( PublishedFileId_t* pvecPublishedFileID_ptr = pvecPublishedFileID )
return _pi.ISteamUGC_CreateQueryUGCDetailsRequest( (IntPtr) pvecPublishedFileID_ptr, unNumPublishedFileIDs );
// UGCQueryHandle_t
public UGCQueryHandle_t CreateQueryUserUGCRequest( AccountID_t unAccountID /*AccountID_t*/, UserUGCList eListType /*EUserUGCList*/, UGCMatchingUGCType eMatchingUGCType /*EUGCMatchingUGCType*/, UserUGCListSortOrder eSortOrder /*EUserUGCListSortOrder*/, AppId_t nCreatorAppID /*AppId_t*/, AppId_t nConsumerAppID /*AppId_t*/, uint unPage /*uint32*/ )
return _pi.ISteamUGC_CreateQueryUserUGCRequest( unAccountID.Value, eListType, eMatchingUGCType, eSortOrder, nCreatorAppID.Value, nConsumerAppID.Value, unPage );
// bool
public bool DownloadItem( PublishedFileId_t nPublishedFileID /*PublishedFileId_t*/, bool bHighPriority /*bool*/ )
return _pi.ISteamUGC_DownloadItem( nPublishedFileID.Value, bHighPriority );
// bool
public bool GetItemDownloadInfo( PublishedFileId_t nPublishedFileID /*PublishedFileId_t*/, out ulong punBytesDownloaded /*uint64 **/, out ulong punBytesTotal /*uint64 **/ )
return _pi.ISteamUGC_GetItemDownloadInfo( nPublishedFileID.Value, out punBytesDownloaded, out punBytesTotal );
// bool
// with: Detect_StringFetch False
public bool GetItemInstallInfo( PublishedFileId_t nPublishedFileID /*PublishedFileId_t*/, out ulong punSizeOnDisk /*uint64 **/, out string pchFolder /*char **/, out uint punTimeStamp /*uint32 **/ )
bool bSuccess = default( bool );
pchFolder = string.Empty;
System.Text.StringBuilder pchFolder_sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder( 4096 );
uint cchFolderSize = 4096;
bSuccess = _pi.ISteamUGC_GetItemInstallInfo( nPublishedFileID.Value, out punSizeOnDisk, pchFolder_sb, cchFolderSize, out punTimeStamp );
if ( !bSuccess ) return bSuccess;
pchFolder = pchFolder_sb.ToString();
return bSuccess;
// uint
public uint GetItemState( PublishedFileId_t nPublishedFileID /*PublishedFileId_t*/ )
return _pi.ISteamUGC_GetItemState( nPublishedFileID.Value );
// ItemUpdateStatus
public ItemUpdateStatus GetItemUpdateProgress( UGCUpdateHandle_t handle /*UGCUpdateHandle_t*/, out ulong punBytesProcessed /*uint64 **/, out ulong punBytesTotal /*uint64 **/ )
return _pi.ISteamUGC_GetItemUpdateProgress( handle.Value, out punBytesProcessed, out punBytesTotal );
// uint
public uint GetNumSubscribedItems()
return _pi.ISteamUGC_GetNumSubscribedItems();
// bool
// with: Detect_StringFetch False
// with: Detect_StringFetch False
public bool GetQueryUGCAdditionalPreview( UGCQueryHandle_t handle /*UGCQueryHandle_t*/, uint index /*uint32*/, uint previewIndex /*uint32*/, out string pchURLOrVideoID /*char **/, out string pchOriginalFileName /*char **/, out ItemPreviewType pPreviewType /*EItemPreviewType **/ )
bool bSuccess = default( bool );
pchURLOrVideoID = string.Empty;
System.Text.StringBuilder pchURLOrVideoID_sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder( 4096 );
uint cchURLSize = 4096;
pchOriginalFileName = string.Empty;
System.Text.StringBuilder pchOriginalFileName_sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder( 4096 );
uint cchOriginalFileNameSize = 4096;
bSuccess = _pi.ISteamUGC_GetQueryUGCAdditionalPreview( handle.Value, index, previewIndex, pchURLOrVideoID_sb, cchURLSize, pchOriginalFileName_sb, cchOriginalFileNameSize, out pPreviewType );
if ( !bSuccess ) return bSuccess;
pchOriginalFileName = pchOriginalFileName_sb.ToString();
if ( !bSuccess ) return bSuccess;
pchURLOrVideoID = pchURLOrVideoID_sb.ToString();
return bSuccess;
// bool
public bool GetQueryUGCChildren( UGCQueryHandle_t handle /*UGCQueryHandle_t*/, uint index /*uint32*/, PublishedFileId_t* pvecPublishedFileID /*PublishedFileId_t **/, uint cMaxEntries /*uint32*/ )
return _pi.ISteamUGC_GetQueryUGCChildren( handle.Value, index, (IntPtr) pvecPublishedFileID, cMaxEntries );
// bool
// with: Detect_StringFetch False
// with: Detect_StringFetch False
public bool GetQueryUGCKeyValueTag( UGCQueryHandle_t handle /*UGCQueryHandle_t*/, uint index /*uint32*/, uint keyValueTagIndex /*uint32*/, out string pchKey /*char **/, out string pchValue /*char **/ )
bool bSuccess = default( bool );
pchKey = string.Empty;
System.Text.StringBuilder pchKey_sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder( 4096 );
uint cchKeySize = 4096;
pchValue = string.Empty;
System.Text.StringBuilder pchValue_sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder( 4096 );
uint cchValueSize = 4096;
bSuccess = _pi.ISteamUGC_GetQueryUGCKeyValueTag( handle.Value, index, keyValueTagIndex, pchKey_sb, cchKeySize, pchValue_sb, cchValueSize );
if ( !bSuccess ) return bSuccess;
pchValue = pchValue_sb.ToString();
if ( !bSuccess ) return bSuccess;
pchKey = pchKey_sb.ToString();
return bSuccess;
// bool
// with: Detect_StringFetch False
public bool GetQueryUGCMetadata( UGCQueryHandle_t handle /*UGCQueryHandle_t*/, uint index /*uint32*/, out string pchMetadata /*char **/ )
bool bSuccess = default( bool );
pchMetadata = string.Empty;
System.Text.StringBuilder pchMetadata_sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder( 4096 );
uint cchMetadatasize = 4096;
bSuccess = _pi.ISteamUGC_GetQueryUGCMetadata( handle.Value, index, pchMetadata_sb, cchMetadatasize );
if ( !bSuccess ) return bSuccess;
pchMetadata = pchMetadata_sb.ToString();
return bSuccess;
// uint
public uint GetQueryUGCNumAdditionalPreviews( UGCQueryHandle_t handle /*UGCQueryHandle_t*/, uint index /*uint32*/ )
return _pi.ISteamUGC_GetQueryUGCNumAdditionalPreviews( handle.Value, index );
// uint
public uint GetQueryUGCNumKeyValueTags( UGCQueryHandle_t handle /*UGCQueryHandle_t*/, uint index /*uint32*/ )
return _pi.ISteamUGC_GetQueryUGCNumKeyValueTags( handle.Value, index );
// bool
// with: Detect_StringFetch False
public bool GetQueryUGCPreviewURL( UGCQueryHandle_t handle /*UGCQueryHandle_t*/, uint index /*uint32*/, out string pchURL /*char **/ )
bool bSuccess = default( bool );
pchURL = string.Empty;
System.Text.StringBuilder pchURL_sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder( 4096 );
uint cchURLSize = 4096;
bSuccess = _pi.ISteamUGC_GetQueryUGCPreviewURL( handle.Value, index, pchURL_sb, cchURLSize );
if ( !bSuccess ) return bSuccess;
pchURL = pchURL_sb.ToString();
return bSuccess;
// bool
public bool GetQueryUGCResult( UGCQueryHandle_t handle /*UGCQueryHandle_t*/, uint index /*uint32*/, ref SteamUGCDetails_t pDetails /*struct SteamUGCDetails_t **/ )
return _pi.ISteamUGC_GetQueryUGCResult( handle.Value, index, ref pDetails );
// bool
public bool GetQueryUGCStatistic( UGCQueryHandle_t handle /*UGCQueryHandle_t*/, uint index /*uint32*/, ItemStatistic eStatType /*EItemStatistic*/, out ulong pStatValue /*uint64 **/ )
return _pi.ISteamUGC_GetQueryUGCStatistic( handle.Value, index, eStatType, out pStatValue );
// uint
public uint GetSubscribedItems( PublishedFileId_t* pvecPublishedFileID /*PublishedFileId_t **/, uint cMaxEntries /*uint32*/ )
return _pi.ISteamUGC_GetSubscribedItems( (IntPtr) pvecPublishedFileID, cMaxEntries );
// SteamAPICall_t
public SteamAPICall_t GetUserItemVote( PublishedFileId_t nPublishedFileID /*PublishedFileId_t*/ )
return _pi.ISteamUGC_GetUserItemVote( nPublishedFileID.Value );
// bool
public bool ReleaseQueryUGCRequest( UGCQueryHandle_t handle /*UGCQueryHandle_t*/ )
return _pi.ISteamUGC_ReleaseQueryUGCRequest( handle.Value );
// SteamAPICall_t
public SteamAPICall_t RemoveItemFromFavorites( AppId_t nAppId /*AppId_t*/, PublishedFileId_t nPublishedFileID /*PublishedFileId_t*/ )
return _pi.ISteamUGC_RemoveItemFromFavorites( nAppId.Value, nPublishedFileID.Value );
// bool
public bool RemoveItemKeyValueTags( UGCUpdateHandle_t handle /*UGCUpdateHandle_t*/, string pchKey /*const char **/ )
return _pi.ISteamUGC_RemoveItemKeyValueTags( handle.Value, pchKey );
// bool
public bool RemoveItemPreview( UGCUpdateHandle_t handle /*UGCUpdateHandle_t*/, uint index /*uint32*/ )
return _pi.ISteamUGC_RemoveItemPreview( handle.Value, index );
// SteamAPICall_t
public SteamAPICall_t RequestUGCDetails( PublishedFileId_t nPublishedFileID /*PublishedFileId_t*/, uint unMaxAgeSeconds /*uint32*/ )
return _pi.ISteamUGC_RequestUGCDetails( nPublishedFileID.Value, unMaxAgeSeconds );
// SteamAPICall_t
public SteamAPICall_t SendQueryUGCRequest( UGCQueryHandle_t handle /*UGCQueryHandle_t*/ )
return _pi.ISteamUGC_SendQueryUGCRequest( handle.Value );
// bool
public bool SetAllowCachedResponse( UGCQueryHandle_t handle /*UGCQueryHandle_t*/, uint unMaxAgeSeconds /*uint32*/ )
return _pi.ISteamUGC_SetAllowCachedResponse( handle.Value, unMaxAgeSeconds );
// bool
public bool SetCloudFileNameFilter( UGCQueryHandle_t handle /*UGCQueryHandle_t*/, string pMatchCloudFileName /*const char **/ )
return _pi.ISteamUGC_SetCloudFileNameFilter( handle.Value, pMatchCloudFileName );
// bool
public bool SetItemContent( UGCUpdateHandle_t handle /*UGCUpdateHandle_t*/, string pszContentFolder /*const char **/ )
return _pi.ISteamUGC_SetItemContent( handle.Value, pszContentFolder );
// bool
public bool SetItemDescription( UGCUpdateHandle_t handle /*UGCUpdateHandle_t*/, string pchDescription /*const char **/ )
return _pi.ISteamUGC_SetItemDescription( handle.Value, pchDescription );
// bool
public bool SetItemMetadata( UGCUpdateHandle_t handle /*UGCUpdateHandle_t*/, string pchMetaData /*const char **/ )
return _pi.ISteamUGC_SetItemMetadata( handle.Value, pchMetaData );
// bool
public bool SetItemPreview( UGCUpdateHandle_t handle /*UGCUpdateHandle_t*/, string pszPreviewFile /*const char **/ )
return _pi.ISteamUGC_SetItemPreview( handle.Value, pszPreviewFile );
// bool
// using: Detect_StringArray
public bool SetItemTags( UGCUpdateHandle_t updateHandle /*UGCUpdateHandle_t*/, string[] pTags /*const struct SteamParamStringArray_t **/ )
// Create strings
var nativeStrings = new IntPtr[pTags.Length];
for ( int i = 0; i < pTags.Length; i++ )
nativeStrings[i] = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi( pTags[i] );
// Create string array
var size = Marshal.SizeOf( typeof( IntPtr ) ) * nativeStrings.Length;
var nativeArray = Marshal.AllocHGlobal( size );
Marshal.Copy( nativeStrings, 0, nativeArray, nativeStrings.Length );
// Create SteamParamStringArray_t
var tags = new SteamParamStringArray_t();
tags.Strings = nativeArray;
tags.NumStrings = pTags.Length;
var result = _pi.ISteamUGC_SetItemTags( updateHandle.Value, ref tags );
foreach ( var x in nativeStrings )
Marshal.FreeHGlobal( x );
return result;
// bool
public bool SetItemTitle( UGCUpdateHandle_t handle /*UGCUpdateHandle_t*/, string pchTitle /*const char **/ )
return _pi.ISteamUGC_SetItemTitle( handle.Value, pchTitle );
// bool
public bool SetItemUpdateLanguage( UGCUpdateHandle_t handle /*UGCUpdateHandle_t*/, string pchLanguage /*const char **/ )
return _pi.ISteamUGC_SetItemUpdateLanguage( handle.Value, pchLanguage );
// bool
public bool SetItemVisibility( UGCUpdateHandle_t handle /*UGCUpdateHandle_t*/, RemoteStoragePublishedFileVisibility eVisibility /*ERemoteStoragePublishedFileVisibility*/ )
return _pi.ISteamUGC_SetItemVisibility( handle.Value, eVisibility );
// bool
public bool SetLanguage( UGCQueryHandle_t handle /*UGCQueryHandle_t*/, string pchLanguage /*const char **/ )
return _pi.ISteamUGC_SetLanguage( handle.Value, pchLanguage );
// bool
public bool SetMatchAnyTag( UGCQueryHandle_t handle /*UGCQueryHandle_t*/, bool bMatchAnyTag /*bool*/ )
return _pi.ISteamUGC_SetMatchAnyTag( handle.Value, bMatchAnyTag );
// bool
public bool SetRankedByTrendDays( UGCQueryHandle_t handle /*UGCQueryHandle_t*/, uint unDays /*uint32*/ )
return _pi.ISteamUGC_SetRankedByTrendDays( handle.Value, unDays );
// bool
public bool SetReturnAdditionalPreviews( UGCQueryHandle_t handle /*UGCQueryHandle_t*/, bool bReturnAdditionalPreviews /*bool*/ )
return _pi.ISteamUGC_SetReturnAdditionalPreviews( handle.Value, bReturnAdditionalPreviews );
// bool
public bool SetReturnChildren( UGCQueryHandle_t handle /*UGCQueryHandle_t*/, bool bReturnChildren /*bool*/ )
return _pi.ISteamUGC_SetReturnChildren( handle.Value, bReturnChildren );
// bool
public bool SetReturnKeyValueTags( UGCQueryHandle_t handle /*UGCQueryHandle_t*/, bool bReturnKeyValueTags /*bool*/ )
return _pi.ISteamUGC_SetReturnKeyValueTags( handle.Value, bReturnKeyValueTags );
// bool
public bool SetReturnLongDescription( UGCQueryHandle_t handle /*UGCQueryHandle_t*/, bool bReturnLongDescription /*bool*/ )
return _pi.ISteamUGC_SetReturnLongDescription( handle.Value, bReturnLongDescription );
// bool
public bool SetReturnMetadata( UGCQueryHandle_t handle /*UGCQueryHandle_t*/, bool bReturnMetadata /*bool*/ )
return _pi.ISteamUGC_SetReturnMetadata( handle.Value, bReturnMetadata );
// bool
public bool SetReturnOnlyIDs( UGCQueryHandle_t handle /*UGCQueryHandle_t*/, bool bReturnOnlyIDs /*bool*/ )
return _pi.ISteamUGC_SetReturnOnlyIDs( handle.Value, bReturnOnlyIDs );
// bool
public bool SetReturnTotalOnly( UGCQueryHandle_t handle /*UGCQueryHandle_t*/, bool bReturnTotalOnly /*bool*/ )
return _pi.ISteamUGC_SetReturnTotalOnly( handle.Value, bReturnTotalOnly );
// bool
public bool SetSearchText( UGCQueryHandle_t handle /*UGCQueryHandle_t*/, string pSearchText /*const char **/ )
return _pi.ISteamUGC_SetSearchText( handle.Value, pSearchText );
// SteamAPICall_t
public SteamAPICall_t SetUserItemVote( PublishedFileId_t nPublishedFileID /*PublishedFileId_t*/, bool bVoteUp /*bool*/ )
return _pi.ISteamUGC_SetUserItemVote( nPublishedFileID.Value, bVoteUp );
// UGCUpdateHandle_t
public UGCUpdateHandle_t StartItemUpdate( AppId_t nConsumerAppId /*AppId_t*/, PublishedFileId_t nPublishedFileID /*PublishedFileId_t*/ )
return _pi.ISteamUGC_StartItemUpdate( nConsumerAppId.Value, nPublishedFileID.Value );
// with: Detect_VectorReturn
// SteamAPICall_t
public SteamAPICall_t StartPlaytimeTracking( PublishedFileId_t[] pvecPublishedFileID /*PublishedFileId_t **/ )
var unNumPublishedFileIDs = (uint) pvecPublishedFileID.Length;
fixed ( PublishedFileId_t* pvecPublishedFileID_ptr = pvecPublishedFileID )
return _pi.ISteamUGC_StartPlaytimeTracking( (IntPtr) pvecPublishedFileID_ptr, unNumPublishedFileIDs );
// with: Detect_VectorReturn
// SteamAPICall_t
public SteamAPICall_t StopPlaytimeTracking( PublishedFileId_t[] pvecPublishedFileID /*PublishedFileId_t **/ )
var unNumPublishedFileIDs = (uint) pvecPublishedFileID.Length;
fixed ( PublishedFileId_t* pvecPublishedFileID_ptr = pvecPublishedFileID )
return _pi.ISteamUGC_StopPlaytimeTracking( (IntPtr) pvecPublishedFileID_ptr, unNumPublishedFileIDs );
// SteamAPICall_t
public SteamAPICall_t StopPlaytimeTrackingForAllItems()
return _pi.ISteamUGC_StopPlaytimeTrackingForAllItems();
// SteamAPICall_t
public SteamAPICall_t SubmitItemUpdate( UGCUpdateHandle_t handle /*UGCUpdateHandle_t*/, string pchChangeNote /*const char **/ )
return _pi.ISteamUGC_SubmitItemUpdate( handle.Value, pchChangeNote );
// SteamAPICall_t
public SteamAPICall_t SubscribeItem( PublishedFileId_t nPublishedFileID /*PublishedFileId_t*/ )
return _pi.ISteamUGC_SubscribeItem( nPublishedFileID.Value );
// void
public void SuspendDownloads( bool bSuspend /*bool*/ )
_pi.ISteamUGC_SuspendDownloads( bSuspend );
// SteamAPICall_t
public SteamAPICall_t UnsubscribeItem( PublishedFileId_t nPublishedFileID /*PublishedFileId_t*/ )
return _pi.ISteamUGC_UnsubscribeItem( nPublishedFileID.Value );
// bool
public bool UpdateItemPreviewFile( UGCUpdateHandle_t handle /*UGCUpdateHandle_t*/, uint index /*uint32*/, string pszPreviewFile /*const char **/ )
return _pi.ISteamUGC_UpdateItemPreviewFile( handle.Value, index, pszPreviewFile );
// bool
public bool UpdateItemPreviewVideo( UGCUpdateHandle_t handle /*UGCUpdateHandle_t*/, uint index /*uint32*/, string pszVideoID /*const char **/ )
return _pi.ISteamUGC_UpdateItemPreviewVideo( handle.Value, index, pszVideoID );