mirror of https://github.com/Facepunch/Facepunch.Steamworks.git synced 2025-03-27 04:39:26 +03:00
Kyle Kukshtel c40037784e Caches created LobbyType to be assigned as a LobbyData to be referenced by other members in the lobby.
Because there is no GetLobbyType, provides a layer in which all users
can get a LobbyType from LobbyData.
2017-07-31 09:28:09 -07:00

378 lines
12 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using SteamNative;
using Result = SteamNative.Result;
namespace Facepunch.Steamworks
public partial class Client : IDisposable
Lobby _lobby;
public Lobby Lobby
if (_lobby == null)
_lobby = new Steamworks.Lobby(this);
return _lobby;
public class Lobby : IDisposable
//The type of lobby you are creating
public enum Type : int
Private = SteamNative.LobbyType.Private,
FriendsOnly = SteamNative.LobbyType.FriendsOnly,
Public = SteamNative.LobbyType.Public,
Invisible = SteamNative.LobbyType.Invisible,
Error //happens if you try to get this when you aren't in a valid lobby
internal Client client;
public Lobby(Client c)
client = c;
SteamNative.LobbyDataUpdate_t.RegisterCallback(client, OnLobbyDataUpdatedAPI);
/// <summary>
/// The CSteamID of the lobby we're currently in.
/// </summary>
public ulong CurrentLobby { get; private set; }
public LobbyData CurrentLobbyData { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if this lobby is valid, ie, we've succesffuly created and/or joined a lobby.
/// </summary>
public bool IsValid => CurrentLobby != 0;
/// <summary>
/// Join a Lobby through its LobbyID. LobbyJoined is called when the lobby has successfully been joined.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="lobbyID">CSteamID of lobby to join</param>
public void Join(ulong lobbyID)
client.native.matchmaking.JoinLobby(lobbyID, OnLobbyJoinedAPI);
void OnLobbyJoinedAPI(LobbyEnter_t callback, bool error)
if (error || (callback.EChatRoomEnterResponse != (uint)(SteamNative.ChatRoomEnterResponse.Success)))
if (OnLobbyJoined != null) { OnLobbyJoined(false); }
CurrentLobby = callback.SteamIDLobby;
if (OnLobbyJoined != null) { OnLobbyJoined(true); }
public Action<bool> OnLobbyJoined;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a lobby and returns the created lobby. You auto join the created lobby. The lobby is stored in Client.CurrentLobby if successful.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="lobbyType">The Lobby.Type of Lobby to be created</param>
/// <param name="maxMembers">The maximum amount of people you want to be able to be in this lobby, including yourself</param>
public void Create(Lobby.Type lobbyType, int maxMembers)
client.native.matchmaking.CreateLobby((SteamNative.LobbyType)lobbyType, maxMembers, OnLobbyCreatedAPI);
createdLobbyType = lobbyType;
internal Type createdLobbyType;
internal void OnLobbyCreatedAPI(LobbyCreated_t callback, bool error)
//from SpaceWarClient.cpp 793
if (error || (callback.Result != Result.OK))
if ( OnLobbyCreated != null) { OnLobbyCreated(false); }
//set owner specific properties
Owner = client.SteamId;
CurrentLobby = callback.SteamIDLobby;
CurrentLobbyData = new LobbyData(client, CurrentLobby);
Name = client.Username + "'s Lobby";
CurrentLobbyData.SetData("appid", client.AppId.ToString());
LobbyType = createdLobbyType;
CurrentLobbyData.SetData("lobbytype", LobbyType.ToString());
Joinable = true;
if (OnLobbyCreated != null) { OnLobbyCreated(true); }
/// <summary>
/// Callback for when lobby is created
/// </summary>
public Action<bool> OnLobbyCreated;
public class LobbyData
internal Client client;
internal ulong lobby;
internal Dictionary<string, string> data;
public LobbyData(Client c, ulong l)
client = c;
lobby = l;
data = new Dictionary<string, string>();
public string GetData(string k)
if (data.ContainsKey(k))
return data[k];
return "ERROR: key not found";
public List<KeyValuePair<string,string>> GetAllData()
List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> returnData = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>();
foreach(KeyValuePair<string, string> item in data)
returnData.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>(item.Key, item.Value));
return returnData;
public bool SetData(string k, string v)
if (data.ContainsKey(k))
if (data[k] == v) { return true; }
if (client.native.matchmaking.SetLobbyData(lobby, k, v))
data[k] = v;
return true;
if (client.native.matchmaking.SetLobbyData(lobby, k, v))
data.Add(k, v);
return true;
return false;
public bool RemoveData(string k)
if (data.ContainsKey(k))
if (client.native.matchmaking.DeleteLobbyData(lobby, k))
return true;
return false;
internal void OnLobbyDataUpdatedAPI(LobbyDataUpdate_t callback, bool error)
if(error) { return; }
if(callback.SteamIDLobby == CurrentLobby) //actual lobby data was updated by owner
//TODO: need to check and see if the updated member is in this lobby
/// <summary>
/// Updates the LobbyData property to have the data for the current lobby, if any
/// </summary>
internal void UpdateLobbyData()
int dataCount = client.native.matchmaking.GetLobbyDataCount(CurrentLobby);
CurrentLobbyData = new LobbyData(client, CurrentLobby);
for (int i = 0; i < dataCount; i++)
if (client.native.matchmaking.GetLobbyDataByIndex(CurrentLobby, i, out string key, out string value))
CurrentLobbyData.SetData(key, value);
if(OnLobbyDataUpdated != null) { OnLobbyDataUpdated(); }
//Called when the lobby data itself has been updated. This callback is slower than the actual setting/getting of LobbyData, but it ensures safety.
public Action OnLobbyDataUpdated;
public Type LobbyType
if (!IsValid) { return Type.Error; } //if we're currently in a valid server
//we know that we've set the lobby type via the lobbydata in the creation function
//ps this is important because steam doesn't have an easy way to get lobby type (why idk)
string lobbyType = CurrentLobbyData.GetData("lobbytype");
switch (lobbyType)
case "Private":
return Type.Private;
case "FriendsOnly":
return Type.FriendsOnly;
case "Invisible":
return Type.Invisible;
case "Public":
return Type.Public;
return Type.Error;
if(!IsValid) { return; }
if(client.native.matchmaking.SetLobbyType(CurrentLobby, (SteamNative.LobbyType)value))
CurrentLobbyData.SetData("lobbytype", value.ToString());
/// <summary>
/// The name of the lobby as a property for easy getting/setting. Note that this is setting LobbyData, which you cannot do unless you are the Owner of the lobby
/// </summary>
public string Name
if (!IsValid) { return ""; }
return CurrentLobbyData.GetData("name");
if (!IsValid) { return; }
CurrentLobbyData.SetData("name", value);
/// <summary>
/// The Owner of the current lobby. Returns 0 if you are not in a valid lobby.
/// </summary>
public ulong Owner
if (_owner == 0 && IsValid)
_owner = client.native.matchmaking.GetLobbyOwner(CurrentLobby);
return _owner;
private set
if (_owner == value) return;
if (client.native.matchmaking.SetLobbyOwner(CurrentLobby, value)) { _owner = value; }
ulong _owner = 0;
// Can the lobby be joined by other people
public bool Joinable
if (!IsValid) { return false; }
string joinable = CurrentLobbyData.GetData("joinable");
switch (joinable)
case "true":
return true;
case "false":
return false;
return false;
if (!IsValid) { return; }
if (client.native.matchmaking.SetLobbyJoinable(CurrentLobby, value))
CurrentLobbyData.SetData("joinable", value.ToString());
// How many people can be in the Lobby
public int MaxMembers
if (!IsValid) { return 0; } //0 is default, but value is inited when lobby is created.
return client.native.matchmaking.GetLobbyMemberLimit(CurrentLobby);
if (!IsValid) { return; }
client.native.matchmaking.SetLobbyMemberLimit(CurrentLobby, value);
//How many people are currently in the lobby
public int NumMembers
get { return client.native.matchmaking.GetNumLobbyMembers(CurrentLobby);}
//leave the current lobby
public void Leave()
_owner = 0;
CurrentLobbyData = null;
public void Dispose()
client = null;
/*not implemented
//set the game server of the lobby
//data for people in the actual lobby - scores/elo/characters/etc.
client.native.matchmaking.SetLobbyMemberData; //local user
client.native.matchmaking.GetLobbyMemberData; //any user in this lobby
// returns steamid of member
// note that the current user must be in a lobby to retrieve CSteamIDs of other users in that lobby
//chat functions
//invite your frans
client.native.matchmaking.InviteUserToLobby //this invites the user the current lobby the invitee is in