2016-11-11 15:48:00 +00:00

151 lines
4.8 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Generator
public partial class CodeWriter
public static string[] HasReturnTypes = new string[]
private void WebApi()
foreach ( var o in webdef.apilist.interfaces )
// Skip any that end in numbers
if ( char.IsNumber( o.name.Last() ) )
WriteLine( $"/// <summary>" );
WriteLine( $"/// {o.name}" );
WriteLine( $"/// </summary>" );
StartBlock( $"public partial class {o.name}" );
WriteLine( $"private const string Url = \"http://api.steampowered.com/{o.name}/\";" );
foreach ( var m in o.methods.OrderBy( x => x.name ) )
var LatestVersion = o.methods
.Where( x => x.name == m.name )
.Max( x => x.version );
// Skip this method if it's not the latest
if ( LatestVersion != m.version )
WebApiMethod( o.name, m );
private void WebApiMethod( string parent, WebApiDefinition.ApiList.Interface.Method m )
BeforeLines = new List<string>();
var pars = m.parameters.Where ( x => x.name != "key" );
var parameters = string.Join( ", ", pars.Select( x => FormatParameter( x ) ).Where( x => x != null ) );
foreach ( var p in pars )
var name = p.name;
if ( p.type == "uint32" && p.name.Contains( "date" ) )
name += "_dt";
WriteLine( $"/// <param name=\"{name.Replace( "[0]", "[]" ) }\">({p.type}){p.description}</param>" );
var returnType = "string";
if ( HasReturnTypes.Contains( $"{parent}.{m.name}" ) )
returnType = m.name + "Response";
StartBlock( $"public static {returnType} {m.name}({parameters})" );
if ( BeforeLines.Count > 0 )
WriteLines( BeforeLines );
if ( m.httpmethod == "GET" )
var getParameters = string.Join( "&", pars.Select( x => FormatGetParameter( x ) ).Where( x => x != null ) );
WriteLine( $"return Utility.WebGet<{returnType}>( $\"{{Url}}{m.name}/v{m.version.ToString( "0000" )}/?key={{Facepunch.SteamApi.Config.Key}}&format=json&{getParameters}\" );" );
else if ( m.httpmethod == "POST" )
StartBlock( $"var headers = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, object>()" );
foreach ( var p in pars )
WriteLine( $"{{ \"{p.name}\", {p.name} }}," );
EndBlock( ";" );
WriteLine( $"return Utility.WebPost<{returnType}>( $\"{{Url}}/{m.name}/v{m.version.ToString( "0000" )}/\", headers );" );
private object FormatGetParameter( WebApiDefinition.ApiList.Interface.Method.Parameter x )
return $"{x.name}={{{x.name}}}";
private object FormatParameter( WebApiDefinition.ApiList.Interface.Method.Parameter x )
var name = x.name;
var type = ToManagedType( x.type );
if ( type == "{message}" ) type = "string";
if ( type == "rawbinary" ) type = "byte[]";
if ( name.EndsWith( "[0]" ) )
name = name.Replace( "[0]", "" );
type += "[]";
if ( type == "uint" && name.Contains( "date" ) )
BeforeLines.Add( $"uint {name} = Facepunch.Steamworks.Utility.Epoch.FromDateTime( {name}_dt );" );
type = "DateTime";
name += "_dt";
return $"{type} {name}";