2018-02-14 14:15:02 +00:00

206 lines
7.0 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Generator
public partial class CodeWriter
bool LargePack;
bool X86;
private void PlatformClass( string type, string libraryName, bool LargePack )
this.LargePack = LargePack;
X86 = type.EndsWith( "32" );
StartBlock( $"internal static partial class Platform" );
StartBlock( $"internal class {type} : Interface" );
WriteLine( "internal IntPtr _ptr;" );
WriteLine( "public bool IsValid { get{ return _ptr != IntPtr.Zero; } }" );
WriteLine( "//" );
WriteLine( "// Constructor sets pointer to native class" );
WriteLine( "//" );
StartBlock( $"internal {type}( IntPtr pointer )" );
WriteLine( "_ptr = pointer;" );
WriteLine( "//" );
WriteLine( "// When shutting down clear all the internals to avoid accidental use" );
WriteLine( "//" );
StartBlock( $"public virtual void Dispose()" );
WriteLine( "_ptr = IntPtr.Zero;" );
foreach ( var c in def.methods.GroupBy( x => x.ClassName ) )
PlatformClass( c.Key, c.ToArray() );
StartBlock( $"internal static unsafe class Native" );
foreach ( var c in def.methods.GroupBy( x => x.ClassName ) )
InteropClass( libraryName, c.Key, c.ToArray() );
private void PlatformClass( string className, SteamApiDefinition.MethodDef[] methodDef )
if ( ShouldIgnoreClass( className ) ) return;
LastMethodName = "";
foreach ( var m in methodDef )
PlatformClassMethod( className, m );
private void PlatformClassMethod( string classname, SteamApiDefinition.MethodDef methodDef )
var arguments = BuildArguments( methodDef.Params );
var ret = new Argument( "return", methodDef.ReturnType, TypeDefs );
var methodName = methodDef.Name;
if ( LastMethodName == methodName )
methodName = methodName + "0";
var flatName = $"SteamAPI_{classname}_{methodName}";
if ( classname == "SteamApi" )
flatName = methodName;
var argstring = string.Join( ", ", arguments.Select( x => x.InteropParameter( true, true ) ) );
if ( argstring != "" ) argstring = $" {argstring} ";
StartBlock( $"public virtual {ret.Return()} {classname}_{methodName}({argstring})" );
// var vars = string.Join( " + \",\" + ", arguments.Where( x => !x.InteropParameter( true, true ).StartsWith( "out " ) ).Select( x => x.Name ) );
// if ( vars != "" ) vars = "\" + " + vars + " + \"";
// WriteLine( $"Console.WriteLine( \"{classname}_{methodName}( {vars} )\" );" );
if ( methodDef.NeedsSelfPointer )
WriteLine( $"if ( _ptr == IntPtr.Zero ) throw new System.Exception( \"{classname} _ptr is null!\" );" );
var retcode = "";
if ( ret.NativeType != "void" )
retcode = "return ";
AfterLines = new List<string>();
foreach ( var a in arguments )
if ( a.InteropParameter( LargePack ).Contains( ".PackSmall" ) )
WriteLine( $"var {a.Name}_ps = new {a.ManagedType.Trim( '*' )}.PackSmall();" );
AfterLines.Add( $"{a.Name} = {a.Name}_ps;" );
a.Name = "ref " + a.Name + "_ps";
if ( retcode != "" )
retcode = "var ret = ";
argstring = string.Join( ", ", arguments.Select( x => x.InteropVariable( false ) ) );
if ( methodDef.NeedsSelfPointer )
argstring = "_ptr" + ( argstring.Length > 0 ? ", " : "" ) + argstring;
WriteLine( $"{retcode}Native.{flatName}({argstring});" );
WriteLines( AfterLines );
if ( retcode.StartsWith( "var" ) )
WriteLine( "return ret;" );
LastMethodName = methodDef.Name;
private void InteropClass( string libraryName, string className, SteamApiDefinition.MethodDef[] methodDef )
if ( ShouldIgnoreClass( className ) ) return;
WriteLine( $"//" );
WriteLine( $"// {className} " );
WriteLine( $"//" );
LastMethodName = "";
foreach ( var m in methodDef )
InteropClassMethod( libraryName, className, m );
private void InteropClassMethod( string library, string classname, SteamApiDefinition.MethodDef methodDef )
var arguments = BuildArguments( methodDef.Params );
var ret = new Argument( "return", methodDef.ReturnType, TypeDefs );
var methodName = methodDef.Name;
if ( LastMethodName == methodName )
methodName = methodName + "0";
var flatName = $"SteamAPI_{classname}_{methodName}";
if ( classname == "SteamApi" )
flatName = methodName;
var argstring = string.Join( ", ", arguments.Select( x => x.InteropParameter( LargePack, true ) ) );
if ( methodDef.NeedsSelfPointer )
argstring = "IntPtr " + classname + ( argstring.Length > 0 ? ", " : "" ) + argstring;
if ( argstring != "" ) argstring = $" {argstring} ";
if ( X86 )
Write( $"[DllImport( \"{library}\", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl )] " );
Write( $"[DllImport( \"{library}\" )] " );
if ( ret.Return() == "bool" ) WriteLine( "[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)]" );
WriteLine( $"internal static extern {ret.Return()} {flatName}({argstring});" );
LastMethodName = methodDef.Name;