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synced 2025-03-27 04:39:26 +03:00
509 lines
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509 lines
17 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.IO;
internal class SourceServerQuery :IDisposable
public class PlayersResponse
public short player_count;
public List<Player> players = new List<Player>();
public class Player
public String name { get; set; }
public int score { get; set; }
public float playtime { get; set; }
private IPEndPoint endPoint;
private Socket socket;
private UdpClient client;
// send & receive timeouts
private int send_timeout = 2500;
private int receive_timeout = 2500;
// raw response returned from the server
private byte[] raw_data;
private int offset = 0;
// constants
private readonly byte[] FFFFFFFF = new byte[] { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF };
public SourceServerQuery( String ip, int port )
this.endPoint = new IPEndPoint( IPAddress.Parse( ip ), port );
/// <summary>
/// Get a list of currently in-game clients on the specified gameserver.
/// <b>Please note:</b> the playtime is stored as a float in <i>seconds</i>, you might want to convert it.
/// See https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Server_queries#A2S_PLAYER for more Information
/// </summary>
/// <returns>A PLayersResponse Object containing the name, score and playtime of each player</returns>
public PlayersResponse GetPlayerList()
// open socket if not already open
// we don't need the header, so set pointer to where the payload begins
this.offset = 5;
PlayersResponse pr = new PlayersResponse();
// since A2S_PLAYER requests require a valid challenge, get it first
byte[] challenge = this.GetChallenge(0x55, true);
byte[] request = new byte[challenge.Length + this.FFFFFFFF.Length + 1];
Array.Copy( this.FFFFFFFF, 0, request, 0, this.FFFFFFFF.Length );
request[this.FFFFFFFF.Length] = 0x55;
Array.Copy( challenge, 0, request, this.FFFFFFFF.Length + 1, challenge.Length );
this.socket.Send( request );
// Increased byte size from 1024 in order to receive more player data
// Previously returned a socket exception at >~ 51 players.
this.raw_data = new byte[2048];
this.socket.Receive( this.raw_data );
byte player_count = this.ReadByte();
// fill up the list of players
for ( int i = 0; i < player_count; i++ )
PlayersResponse.Player p = new PlayersResponse.Player();
p.name = this.ReadString();
p.score = this.ReadInt32();
p.playtime = this.ReadFloat();
pr.players.Add( p );
pr.player_count = player_count;
return pr;
catch ( SocketException e )
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Get a list of all publically available CVars ("rules") from the server.
/// <b>Note:</b> Due to a bug in the Source Engine, it might happen that some CVars/values are cut off.
/// Example: mp_idlemaxtime = [nothing]
/// Only Valve can fix that.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>A RulesResponse Object containing a Name-Value pair of each CVar</returns>
public Dictionary<string, string> GetRules()
// open udpclient if not already open
var d = new Dictionary<string, string>();
// similar to A2S_PLAYER requests, A2S_RULES require a valid challenge
byte[] challenge = this.GetChallenge(0x56, false);
byte[] request = new byte[challenge.Length + this.FFFFFFFF.Length + 1];
Array.Copy( this.FFFFFFFF, 0, request, 0, this.FFFFFFFF.Length );
request[this.FFFFFFFF.Length] = 0x56;
Array.Copy( challenge, 0, request, this.FFFFFFFF.Length + 1, challenge.Length );
this.client.Send( request, request.Length );
// Since A2S_RULES responses might be split up into several packages/compressed, we have to do a special handling of them
int bytesRead;
// this will keep our assembled message
byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];
// send first request
this.raw_data = this.client.Receive( ref this.endPoint );
bytesRead = this.raw_data.Length;
// reset pointer
this.offset = 0;
int is_split = this.ReadInt32();
int requestid = this.ReadInt32();
this.offset = 4;
// response is split up into several packets
if ( this.PacketIsSplit( is_split ) )
bool isCompressed = false;
byte[] splitData;
int packetCount, packetNumber, requestId;
int packetsReceived = 1;
int packetChecksum = 0;
int packetSplit = 0;
short splitSize;
int uncompressedSize = 0;
List<byte[]> splitPackets = new List<byte[]>();
// unique request id
requestId = this.ReverseBytes( this.ReadInt32() );
isCompressed = this.PacketIsCompressed( requestId );
packetCount = this.ReadByte();
packetNumber = this.ReadByte() + 1;
// so we know how big our byte arrays have to be
splitSize = this.ReadInt16();
splitSize -= 4; // fix
if ( packetsReceived == 1 )
for ( int i = 0; i < packetCount; i++ )
splitPackets.Add( new byte[] { } );
// if the packets are compressed, get some data to decompress them
if ( isCompressed )
uncompressedSize = ReverseBytes( this.ReadInt32() );
packetChecksum = ReverseBytes( this.ReadInt32() );
// ommit header in first packet
if ( packetNumber == 1 ) this.ReadInt32();
splitData = new byte[splitSize];
splitPackets[packetNumber - 1] = this.ReadBytes();
// fixes a case where the returned package might still contain a character after the last \0 terminator (truncated name => value)
// please note: this therefore also removes the value of said variable, but atleast the program won't crash
if ( splitPackets[packetNumber - 1].Length - 1 > 0 && splitPackets[packetNumber - 1][splitPackets[packetNumber - 1].Length - 1] != 0x00 )
splitPackets[packetNumber - 1][splitPackets[packetNumber - 1].Length - 1] = 0x00;
// reset pointer again, so we can copy over the contents
this.offset = 0;
if ( packetsReceived < packetCount )
this.raw_data = this.client.Receive( ref this.endPoint );
bytesRead = this.raw_data.Length;
// continue with the next packets
packetSplit = this.ReadInt32();
// all packets received
bytesRead = 0;
while ( packetsReceived <= packetCount && bytesRead > 0 && packetSplit == -2 );
// decompress
if ( isCompressed )
buffer = ReassemblePacket( splitPackets, true, uncompressedSize, packetChecksum );
buffer = ReassemblePacket( splitPackets, false, 0, 0 );
buffer = this.raw_data;
// move our final result over to handle it
this.raw_data = buffer;
// omitting header
this.offset += 1;
var count = this.ReadInt16();
for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
var k = this.ReadString();
var v = this.ReadString();
if ( !d.ContainsKey( k ) )
d.Add( k, v );
return d;
catch ( SocketException e )
Console.WriteLine( e );
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Close all currently open socket/UdpClient connections
/// </summary>
public void Dispose()
if ( this.socket != null ) this.socket.Close();
if ( this.client != null ) this.client.Close();
/// <summary>
/// Open up a new Socket-based connection to a server, if not already open.
/// </summary>
private void GetSocket()
if ( this.socket == null )
this.socket = new Socket(
ProtocolType.Udp );
this.socket.SendTimeout = this.send_timeout;
this.socket.ReceiveTimeout = this.receive_timeout;
this.socket.Connect( this.endPoint );
/// <summary>
/// Create a new UdpClient connection to a server (mostly used for multi-packet answers)
/// </summary>
private void GetClient()
if ( this.client == null )
this.client = new UdpClient();
this.client.Connect( this.endPoint );
this.client.DontFragment = true;
this.client.Client.SendTimeout = this.send_timeout;
this.client.Client.ReceiveTimeout = this.receive_timeout;
/// <summary>
/// Reassmble a multi-packet response.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="splitPackets">The packets to assemble</param>
/// <param name="isCompressed">true: packets are compressed; false: not</param>
/// <param name="uncompressedSize">The size of the message after decompression (for comparison)</param>
/// <param name="packetChecksum">Validation of the result</param>
/// <returns>A byte-array containing all packets assembled together/decompressed.</returns>
private byte[] ReassemblePacket( List<byte[]> splitPackets, bool isCompressed, int uncompressedSize, int packetChecksum )
byte[] packetData, tmpData;
packetData = new byte[0];
foreach ( byte[] splitPacket in splitPackets )
if ( splitPacket == null )
throw new Exception();
tmpData = packetData;
packetData = new byte[tmpData.Length + splitPacket.Length];
MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream(packetData);
memStream.Write( tmpData, 0, tmpData.Length );
memStream.Write( splitPacket, 0, splitPacket.Length );
if ( isCompressed )
throw new System.NotImplementedException();
return packetData;
/// <summary>
/// Invert the Byte-order Mark of an value, used for compatibility between Little <-> Large BOM
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value">The value to invert</param>
/// <returns>BOM-inversed value (if needed), otherwise the original value</returns>
private int ReverseBytes( int value )
byte[] bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(value);
if ( BitConverter.IsLittleEndian )
Array.Reverse( bytes );
return BitConverter.ToInt32( bytes, 0 );
/// <summary>
/// Determine whetever or not a message is compressed.
/// Simply detects if the most significant bit is 1.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value">The value to check</param>
/// <returns>true, if message is compressed, false otherwise</returns>
private bool PacketIsCompressed( int value )
return ( value & 0x8000 ) != 0;
/// <summary>
/// Determine whetever or not a message is split up.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="paket">The value to check</param>
/// <returns>true, if message is split up, false otherwise</returns>
private bool PacketIsSplit( int paket )
return ( paket == -2 );
/// <summary>
/// Request the 4-byte challenge id from the server, required for A2S_RULES and A2S_PLAYER.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="type">The type of message to request the challenge for (see constants)</param>
/// <param name="socket">Request method to use (performance reasons)</param>
/// <returns>A Byte Array (4-bytes) containing the challenge</returns>
private Byte[] GetChallenge( byte type, bool socket = true )
byte[] request = new byte[this.FFFFFFFF.Length + this.FFFFFFFF.Length + 1];
Array.Copy( this.FFFFFFFF, 0, request, 0, this.FFFFFFFF.Length );
request[FFFFFFFF.Length] = type;
Array.Copy( this.FFFFFFFF, 0, request, this.FFFFFFFF.Length + 1, this.FFFFFFFF.Length );
byte[] raw_response = new byte[24];
byte[] challenge = new byte[4];
// using sockets
if ( socket )
this.socket.Send( request );
this.socket.Receive( raw_response );
this.client.Send( request, request.Length );
raw_response = this.client.Receive( ref this.endPoint );
Array.Copy( raw_response, 5, challenge, 0, 4 ); // change this valve modifies the protocol!
return challenge;
/// <summary>
/// Read a single byte value from our raw data.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>A single Byte at the next Offset Address</returns>
private Byte ReadByte()
byte[] b = new byte[1];
Array.Copy( this.raw_data, this.offset, b, 0, 1 );
return b[0];
/// <summary>
/// Read all remaining Bytes from our raw data.
/// Used for multi-packet responses.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>All remaining data</returns>
private Byte[] ReadBytes()
int size = (this.raw_data.Length - this.offset - 4);
if ( size < 1 ) return new Byte[] { };
byte[] b = new byte[size];
Array.Copy( this.raw_data, this.offset, b, 0, this.raw_data.Length - this.offset - 4 );
this.offset += ( this.raw_data.Length - this.offset - 4 );
return b;
/// <summary>
/// Read a 32-Bit Integer value from the next offset address.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The Int32 Value found at the offset address</returns>
private Int32 ReadInt32()
byte[] b = new byte[4];
Array.Copy( this.raw_data, this.offset, b, 0, 4 );
this.offset += 4;
return BitConverter.ToInt32( b, 0 );
/// <summary>
/// Read a 16-Bit Integer (also called "short") value from the next offset address.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The Int16 Value found at the offset address</returns>
private Int16 ReadInt16()
byte[] b = new byte[2];
Array.Copy( this.raw_data, this.offset, b, 0, 2 );
this.offset += 2;
return BitConverter.ToInt16( b, 0 );
/// <summary>
/// Read a Float value from the next offset address.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The Float Value found at the offset address</returns>
private float ReadFloat()
byte[] b = new byte[4];
Array.Copy( this.raw_data, this.offset, b, 0, 4 );
this.offset += 4;
return BitConverter.ToSingle( b, 0 );
/// <summary>
/// Read a String until its end starting from the next offset address.
/// Reading stops once the method detects a 0x00 Character at the next position (\0 terminator)
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The String read</returns>
private String ReadString()
byte[] cache = new byte[1] { 0x01 };
String output = "";
while ( cache[0] != 0x00 )
if ( this.offset == this.raw_data.Length ) break; // fixes Valve's inability to code a proper query protocol
Array.Copy( this.raw_data, this.offset, cache, 0, 1 );
if ( cache[0] != 0x00)
output += Encoding.UTF8.GetString( cache );
return output;
} |