diff --git a/Facepunch.Steamworks.App.md b/Facepunch.Steamworks.App.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5d1bac1 --- /dev/null +++ b/Facepunch.Steamworks.App.md @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +# App + +## Methods +### `void` [[MarkContentCorrupt|Facepunch.Steamworks.App.MarkContentCorrupt]]( `bool` **missingFilesOnly** ) +*No documentation available* + + +## Properties +### `int` [[BuildId|Facepunch.Steamworks.App.BuildId]] +Returns the current BuildId of the game. + This is pretty useless, as it isn't guarenteed to return + the build id you're playing, or the latest build id. + + +## Fields diff --git a/Facepunch.Steamworks.Auth.md b/Facepunch.Steamworks.Auth.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d661cf9 --- /dev/null +++ b/Facepunch.Steamworks.Auth.md @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +# Auth + +## Methods +### `Ticket` [[GetAuthSessionTicket|Facepunch.Steamworks.Auth.GetAuthSessionTicket]]( ) +Creates an auth ticket. + Which you can send to a server to authenticate that you are who you say you are. + + +## Properties + +## Fields diff --git a/Facepunch.Steamworks.BaseSteamworks.md b/Facepunch.Steamworks.BaseSteamworks.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..01ece72 --- /dev/null +++ b/Facepunch.Steamworks.BaseSteamworks.md @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +# BaseSteamworks + +## Methods +### `void` [[Dispose|Facepunch.Steamworks.BaseSteamworks.Dispose]]( ) +*No documentation available* + +### `void` [[SetupCommonInterfaces|Facepunch.Steamworks.BaseSteamworks.SetupCommonInterfaces]]( ) +*No documentation available* + +### `void` [[Update|Facepunch.Steamworks.BaseSteamworks.Update]]( ) +*No documentation available* + + +## Properties +### `UInt32` [[AppId|Facepunch.Steamworks.BaseSteamworks.AppId]] +Current running program's AppId + +### `Inventory` [[Inventory|Facepunch.Steamworks.BaseSteamworks.Inventory]] +*No documentation available* + +### `bool` [[IsValid|Facepunch.Steamworks.BaseSteamworks.IsValid]] +*No documentation available* + +### `Networking` [[Networking|Facepunch.Steamworks.BaseSteamworks.Networking]] +*No documentation available* + +### `Workshop` [[Workshop|Facepunch.Steamworks.BaseSteamworks.Workshop]] +*No documentation available* + + +## Fields +### OnMessage +### OnUpdate diff --git a/Facepunch.Steamworks.CallbackHandle.md b/Facepunch.Steamworks.CallbackHandle.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..98815fb --- /dev/null +++ b/Facepunch.Steamworks.CallbackHandle.md @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +# CallbackHandle + +## Methods +### `void` [[Dispose|Facepunch.Steamworks.CallbackHandle.Dispose]]( ) +*No documentation available* + + +## Properties + +## Fields diff --git a/Facepunch.Steamworks.CallbackIdentifiers.md b/Facepunch.Steamworks.CallbackIdentifiers.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e1034ba --- /dev/null +++ b/Facepunch.Steamworks.CallbackIdentifiers.md @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +# CallbackIdentifiers + +## Methods + +## Properties + +## Fields +### SteamUser +### SteamGameServer +### SteamFriends +### SteamBilling +### SteamMatchmaking +### SteamContentServer +### SteamUtils +### ClientFriends +### ClientUser +### SteamApps +### SteamUserStats +### SteamNetworking +### ClientRemoteStorage +### ClientDepotBuilder +### SteamGameServerItems +### ClientUtils +### SteamGameCoordinator +### SteamGameServerStats +### Steam2Async +### SteamGameStats +### ClientHTTP +### ClientScreenshots +### SteamScreenshots +### ClientAudio +### ClientUnifiedMessages +### SteamStreamLauncher +### ClientController +### SteamController +### ClientParentalSettings +### ClientDeviceAuth +### ClientNetworkDeviceManager +### ClientMusic +### ClientRemoteClientManager +### ClientUGC +### SteamStreamClient +### ClientShortcuts +### ClientRemoteControlManager +### SteamAppList +### SteamMusic +### SteamMusicRemote +### ClientVR +### ClientGameNotification +### SteamGameNotification +### SteamHTMLSurface +### ClientVideo +### ClientInventory +### ClientBluetoothManager diff --git a/Facepunch.Steamworks.Client.md b/Facepunch.Steamworks.Client.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..11bfc11 --- /dev/null +++ b/Facepunch.Steamworks.Client.md @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +# Client + +## Methods +### `void` [[Dispose|Facepunch.Steamworks.Client.Dispose]]( ) +*No documentation available* + +### `void` [[Update|Facepunch.Steamworks.Client.Update]]( ) +Should be called at least once every frame + + +## Properties +### `App` [[App|Facepunch.Steamworks.Client.App]] +*No documentation available* + +### `UInt32` [[AppId|Facepunch.Steamworks.Client.AppId]] +Current running program's AppId + +### `Auth` [[Auth|Facepunch.Steamworks.Client.Auth]] +*No documentation available* + +### `string` [[BetaName|Facepunch.Steamworks.Client.BetaName]] +Current Beta name, if ser + +### `Friends` [[Friends|Facepunch.Steamworks.Client.Friends]] +*No documentation available* + +### `Inventory` [[Inventory|Facepunch.Steamworks.Client.Inventory]] +*No documentation available* + +### `bool` [[IsValid|Facepunch.Steamworks.Client.IsValid]] +*No documentation available* + +### `Networking` [[Networking|Facepunch.Steamworks.Client.Networking]] +*No documentation available* + +### `Overlay` [[Overlay|Facepunch.Steamworks.Client.Overlay]] +*No documentation available* + +### `Screenshots` [[Screenshots|Facepunch.Steamworks.Client.Screenshots]] +*No documentation available* + +### `ServerList` [[ServerList|Facepunch.Steamworks.Client.ServerList]] +*No documentation available* + +### `Stats` [[Stats|Facepunch.Steamworks.Client.Stats]] +*No documentation available* + +### `ulong` [[SteamId|Facepunch.Steamworks.Client.SteamId]] +Current user's SteamId + +### `string` [[Username|Facepunch.Steamworks.Client.Username]] +Current user's Username + +### `Voice` [[Voice|Facepunch.Steamworks.Client.Voice]] +*No documentation available* + +### `Workshop` [[Workshop|Facepunch.Steamworks.Client.Workshop]] +*No documentation available* + + +## Fields +### OnMessage +### OnUpdate diff --git a/Facepunch.Steamworks.Config.md b/Facepunch.Steamworks.Config.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d5d40ee --- /dev/null +++ b/Facepunch.Steamworks.Config.md @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +# Config + +## Methods +### `void` [[ForcePlatform|Facepunch.Steamworks.Config.ForcePlatform]]( `OperatingSystem` **os**, `Architecture` **arch** ) +*No documentation available* + + +## Properties +### `bool` [[UseThisCall|Facepunch.Steamworks.Config.UseThisCall]] +Some platforms allow/need CallingConvention.ThisCall. If you're crashing with argument null + errors on certain platforms, try flipping this to true. + + I owe this logic to Riley Labrecque's hard work on Steamworks.net - I don't have the knowledge + or patience to find this shit on my own, so massive thanks to him. And also massive thanks to him + for releasing his shit open source under the MIT license so we can all learn and iterate. + + +## Fields diff --git a/Facepunch.Steamworks.Defines.md b/Facepunch.Steamworks.Defines.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f047035 --- /dev/null +++ b/Facepunch.Steamworks.Defines.md @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +# Defines + +## Methods + +## Properties + +## Fields +### STEAMAPPLIST_INTERFACE_VERSION +### STEAMAPPS_INTERFACE_VERSION +### STEAMAPPTICKET_INTERFACE_VERSION +### STEAMCONTROLLER_INTERFACE_VERSION +### STEAMFRIENDS_INTERFACE_VERSION +### STEAMGAMECOORDINATOR_INTERFACE_VERSION +### STEAMGAMESERVER_INTERFACE_VERSION +### STEAMGAMESERVERSTATS_INTERFACE_VERSION +### STEAMHTMLSURFACE_INTERFACE_VERSION +### STEAMHTTP_INTERFACE_VERSION +### STEAMINVENTORY_INTERFACE_VERSION +### STEAMMATCHMAKING_INTERFACE_VERSION +### STEAMMATCHMAKINGSERVERS_INTERFACE_VERSION +### STEAMMUSIC_INTERFACE_VERSION +### STEAMMUSICREMOTE_INTERFACE_VERSION +### STEAMNETWORKING_INTERFACE_VERSION +### STEAMREMOTESTORAGE_INTERFACE_VERSION +### STEAMSCREENSHOTS_INTERFACE_VERSION +### STEAMUGC_INTERFACE_VERSION +### STEAMUNIFIEDMESSAGES_INTERFACE_VERSION +### STEAMUSER_INTERFACE_VERSION +### STEAMUSERSTATS_INTERFACE_VERSION +### STEAMUTILS_INTERFACE_VERSION +### STEAMVIDEO_INTERFACE_VERSION diff --git a/Facepunch.Steamworks.Friends.md b/Facepunch.Steamworks.Friends.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3a654c6 --- /dev/null +++ b/Facepunch.Steamworks.Friends.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +# Friends + +## Methods +### `SteamFriend` [[Get|Facepunch.Steamworks.Friends.Get]]( `ulong` **steamid** ) +*No documentation available* + +### `Image` [[GetAvatar|Facepunch.Steamworks.Friends.GetAvatar]]( `AvatarSize` **size**, `ulong` **steamid** ) +*No documentation available* + +### `string` [[GetName|Facepunch.Steamworks.Friends.GetName]]( `ulong` **steamid** ) +*No documentation available* + +### `void` [[Refresh|Facepunch.Steamworks.Friends.Refresh]]( ) +*No documentation available* + + +## Properties +### `IEnumerable\` [[All|Facepunch.Steamworks.Friends.All]] +Returns all friends, even blocked, ignored, friend requests etc + +### `IEnumerable\` [[AllBlocked|Facepunch.Steamworks.Friends.AllBlocked]] +*No documentation available* + +### `IEnumerable\` [[AllFriends|Facepunch.Steamworks.Friends.AllFriends]] +*No documentation available* + + +## Fields diff --git a/Facepunch.Steamworks.Image.md b/Facepunch.Steamworks.Image.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..031cf1e --- /dev/null +++ b/Facepunch.Steamworks.Image.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +# Image + +## Methods +### `Color` [[GetPixel|Facepunch.Steamworks.Image.GetPixel]]( `int` **x**, `int` **y** ) +*No documentation available* + + +## Properties +### `Byte[]` [[Data|Facepunch.Steamworks.Image.Data]] +*No documentation available* + +### `int` [[Height|Facepunch.Steamworks.Image.Height]] +*No documentation available* + +### `int` [[Id|Facepunch.Steamworks.Image.Id]] +*No documentation available* + +### `bool` [[IsError|Facepunch.Steamworks.Image.IsError]] +Return true if this image couldn't be loaded for some reason + +### `bool` [[IsLoaded|Facepunch.Steamworks.Image.IsLoaded]] +*No documentation available* + +### `int` [[Width|Facepunch.Steamworks.Image.Width]] +*No documentation available* + + +## Fields diff --git a/Facepunch.Steamworks.Inventory.md b/Facepunch.Steamworks.Inventory.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4b321ee --- /dev/null +++ b/Facepunch.Steamworks.Inventory.md @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +# Inventory + +## Methods +### `Definition` [[CreateDefinition|Facepunch.Steamworks.Inventory.CreateDefinition]]( `int` **id** ) +*No documentation available* + +### `Result` [[Deserialize|Facepunch.Steamworks.Inventory.Deserialize]]( `Byte[]` **data**, `int` **dataLength** ) +*No documentation available* + +### `void` [[Dispose|Facepunch.Steamworks.Inventory.Dispose]]( ) +*No documentation available* + +### `Definition` [[FindDefinition|Facepunch.Steamworks.Inventory.FindDefinition]]( `int` **DefinitionId** ) +*No documentation available* + +### `void` [[PlaytimeHeartbeat|Facepunch.Steamworks.Inventory.PlaytimeHeartbeat]]( ) +Call this at least every two minutes, every frame doesn't hurt. + You should call it when you consider it active play time. + IE - your player is alive, and playing. + Don't stress on it too much tho cuz it's super hijackable anyway. + +### `Single` [[PriceCategoryToFloat|Facepunch.Steamworks.Inventory.PriceCategoryToFloat]]( `string` **price** ) +*No documentation available* + +### `void` [[Refresh|Facepunch.Steamworks.Inventory.Refresh]]( ) +Call this to retrieve the items. + Note that if this has already been called it won't + trigger a call to OnUpdate unless the items have changed + + +## Properties + +## Fields +### OnUpdate +### Items +### SerializedItems +### SerializedExpireTime +### Definitions diff --git a/Facepunch.Steamworks.Networking.md b/Facepunch.Steamworks.Networking.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9137eca --- /dev/null +++ b/Facepunch.Steamworks.Networking.md @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +# Networking + +## Methods +### `void` [[Dispose|Facepunch.Steamworks.Networking.Dispose]]( ) +*No documentation available* + +### `bool` [[SendP2PPacket|Facepunch.Steamworks.Networking.SendP2PPacket]]( `ulong` **steamid**, `Byte[]` **data**, `int` **length**, `SendType` **eP2PSendType**, `int` **nChannel** ) +*No documentation available* + + +## Properties + +## Fields +### OnP2PData +### OnIncomingConnection +### OnConnectionFailed diff --git a/Facepunch.Steamworks.Overlay.md b/Facepunch.Steamworks.Overlay.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a59096d --- /dev/null +++ b/Facepunch.Steamworks.Overlay.md @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +# Overlay + +## Methods +### `void` [[AcceptFriendRequest|Facepunch.Steamworks.Overlay.AcceptFriendRequest]]( `ulong` **steamid** ) +*No documentation available* + +### `void` [[AddFriend|Facepunch.Steamworks.Overlay.AddFriend]]( `ulong` **steamid** ) +*No documentation available* + +### `void` [[IgnoreFriendRequest|Facepunch.Steamworks.Overlay.IgnoreFriendRequest]]( `ulong` **steamid** ) +*No documentation available* + +### `void` [[OpenAchievements|Facepunch.Steamworks.Overlay.OpenAchievements]]( `ulong` **steamid** ) +*No documentation available* + +### `void` [[OpenChat|Facepunch.Steamworks.Overlay.OpenChat]]( `ulong` **steamid** ) +*No documentation available* + +### `void` [[OpenProfile|Facepunch.Steamworks.Overlay.OpenProfile]]( `ulong` **steamid** ) +*No documentation available* + +### `void` [[OpenStats|Facepunch.Steamworks.Overlay.OpenStats]]( `ulong` **steamid** ) +*No documentation available* + +### `void` [[OpenTrade|Facepunch.Steamworks.Overlay.OpenTrade]]( `ulong` **steamid** ) +*No documentation available* + +### `void` [[OpenUrl|Facepunch.Steamworks.Overlay.OpenUrl]]( `string` **url** ) +*No documentation available* + +### `void` [[OpenUserPage|Facepunch.Steamworks.Overlay.OpenUserPage]]( `string` **name**, `ulong` **steamid** ) +*No documentation available* + +### `void` [[RemoveFriend|Facepunch.Steamworks.Overlay.RemoveFriend]]( `ulong` **steamid** ) +*No documentation available* + + +## Properties + +## Fields diff --git a/Facepunch.Steamworks.Screenshots.md b/Facepunch.Steamworks.Screenshots.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c73a399 --- /dev/null +++ b/Facepunch.Steamworks.Screenshots.md @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +# Screenshots + +## Methods +### `void` [[Trigger|Facepunch.Steamworks.Screenshots.Trigger]]( ) +*No documentation available* + + +## Properties + +## Fields diff --git a/Facepunch.Steamworks.Server.md b/Facepunch.Steamworks.Server.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a61a050 --- /dev/null +++ b/Facepunch.Steamworks.Server.md @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +# Server + +## Methods +### `void` [[LogOnAnonymous|Facepunch.Steamworks.Server.LogOnAnonymous]]( ) +Log onto Steam anonymously + +### `void` [[SetKey|Facepunch.Steamworks.Server.SetKey]]( `string` **Key**, `string` **Value** ) +*No documentation available* + +### `void` [[Update|Facepunch.Steamworks.Server.Update]]( ) +Should be called at least once every frame + +### `void` [[UpdatePlayer|Facepunch.Steamworks.Server.UpdatePlayer]]( `ulong` **steamid**, `string` **name**, `int` **score** ) +*No documentation available* + + +## Properties +### `UInt32` [[AppId|Facepunch.Steamworks.Server.AppId]] +Current running program's AppId + +### `ServerAuth` [[Auth|Facepunch.Steamworks.Server.Auth]] +*No documentation available* + +### `int` [[BotCount|Facepunch.Steamworks.Server.BotCount]] +Gets or sets the current BotCount. + This doesn't enforce any kind of limit, it just updates the master server. + +### `string` [[GameDescription|Facepunch.Steamworks.Server.GameDescription]] +Gets or sets the current Product + +### `string` [[GameTags|Facepunch.Steamworks.Server.GameTags]] +Gets or sets the current GameTags + +### `Inventory` [[Inventory|Facepunch.Steamworks.Server.Inventory]] +*No documentation available* + +### `bool` [[IsValid|Facepunch.Steamworks.Server.IsValid]] +*No documentation available* + +### `bool` [[LoggedOn|Facepunch.Steamworks.Server.LoggedOn]] +*No documentation available* + +### `string` [[MapName|Facepunch.Steamworks.Server.MapName]] +Gets or sets the current Map Name. + +### `int` [[MaxPlayers|Facepunch.Steamworks.Server.MaxPlayers]] +Gets or sets the current MaxPlayers. + This doesn't enforce any kind of limit, it just updates the master server. + +### `string` [[ModDir|Facepunch.Steamworks.Server.ModDir]] +Gets or sets the current ModDir + +### `Networking` [[Networking|Facepunch.Steamworks.Server.Networking]] +*No documentation available* + +### `bool` [[Passworded|Facepunch.Steamworks.Server.Passworded]] +Gets or sets the current Passworded + +### `string` [[Product|Facepunch.Steamworks.Server.Product]] +Gets or sets the current Product + +### `ServerQuery` [[Query|Facepunch.Steamworks.Server.Query]] +*No documentation available* + +### `string` [[ServerName|Facepunch.Steamworks.Server.ServerName]] +Gets or sets the current ServerName + +### `ServerStats` [[Stats|Facepunch.Steamworks.Server.Stats]] +*No documentation available* + +### `ulong` [[SteamId|Facepunch.Steamworks.Server.SteamId]] +Current user's SteamId + +### `string` [[Username|Facepunch.Steamworks.Server.Username]] +Current user's Username + +### `Workshop` [[Workshop|Facepunch.Steamworks.Server.Workshop]] +*No documentation available* + + +## Fields +### OnMessage +### OnUpdate diff --git a/Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerAuth.md b/Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerAuth.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..59ebaf0 --- /dev/null +++ b/Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerAuth.md @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +# ServerAuth + +## Methods +### `void` [[EndSession|Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerAuth.EndSession]]( `ulong` **steamid** ) +*No documentation available* + +### `bool` [[StartSession|Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerAuth.StartSession]]( `Byte[]` **data**, `ulong` **steamid** ) +*No documentation available* + + +## Properties + +## Fields +### OnAuthChange diff --git a/Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerList.md b/Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerList.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b5f7780 --- /dev/null +++ b/Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerList.md @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +# ServerList + +## Methods +### `void` [[AddToFavourite|Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerList.AddToFavourite]]( `Server` **server** ) +*No documentation available* + +### `void` [[AddToHistory|Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerList.AddToHistory]]( `Server` **server** ) +*No documentation available* + +### `Request` [[Custom|Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerList.Custom]]( `IEnumerable\` **serverList** ) +*No documentation available* + +### `Request` [[Favourites|Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerList.Favourites]]( ) +Favourite filters don't seem to work, so we don't bother. + You should apply them post process'dly + +### `Request` [[History|Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerList.History]]( ) +History filters don't seem to work, so we don't bother. + You should apply them post process'dly + +### `Request` [[Internet|Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerList.Internet]]( `Filter` **filter** ) +*No documentation available* + +### `bool` [[IsFavourite|Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerList.IsFavourite]]( `Server` **server** ) +*No documentation available* + +### `void` [[RemoveFromFavourite|Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerList.RemoveFromFavourite]]( `Server` **server** ) +*No documentation available* + +### `void` [[RemoveFromHistory|Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerList.RemoveFromHistory]]( `Server` **server** ) +*No documentation available* + + +## Properties + +## Fields diff --git a/Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerQuery.md b/Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerQuery.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cd22979 --- /dev/null +++ b/Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerQuery.md @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +# ServerQuery + +## Methods +### `bool` [[GetOutgoingPacket|Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerQuery.GetOutgoingPacket]]( `Packet&` **packet** ) +*No documentation available* + +### `void` [[Handle|Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerQuery.Handle]]( `Byte[]` **data**, `int` **size**, `UInt32` **address**, `UInt16` **port** ) +*No documentation available* + + +## Properties + +## Fields diff --git a/Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerStats.md b/Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerStats.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7515a5e --- /dev/null +++ b/Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerStats.md @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +# ServerStats + +## Methods +### `void` [[Commit|Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerStats.Commit]]( `ulong` **steamid** ) +*No documentation available* + +### `Single` [[GetFloat|Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerStats.GetFloat]]( `ulong` **steamid**, `string` **name**, `Single` **defaultValue** ) +*No documentation available* + +### `int` [[GetInt|Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerStats.GetInt]]( `ulong` **steamid**, `string` **name**, `int` **defaultValue** ) +*No documentation available* + +### `void` [[Refresh|Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerStats.Refresh]]( `ulong` **steamid** ) +*No documentation available* + +### `bool` [[Set|Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerStats.Set]]( `ulong` **steamid**, `string` **name**, `int` **stat** ) +*No documentation available* + +### `bool` [[Set|Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerStats.Set]]( `ulong` **steamid**, `string` **name**, `Single` **stat** ) +*No documentation available* + + +## Properties + +## Fields diff --git a/Facepunch.Steamworks.Stats.md b/Facepunch.Steamworks.Stats.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c94dc44 --- /dev/null +++ b/Facepunch.Steamworks.Stats.md @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +# Stats + +## Methods +### `Single` [[GetFloat|Facepunch.Steamworks.Stats.GetFloat]]( `string` **name** ) +*No documentation available* + +### `Double` [[GetGlobalFloat|Facepunch.Steamworks.Stats.GetGlobalFloat]]( `string` **name** ) +*No documentation available* + +### `Int64` [[GetGlobalInt|Facepunch.Steamworks.Stats.GetGlobalInt]]( `string` **name** ) +*No documentation available* + +### `int` [[GetInt|Facepunch.Steamworks.Stats.GetInt]]( `string` **name** ) +*No documentation available* + +### `void` [[UpdateGlobalStats|Facepunch.Steamworks.Stats.UpdateGlobalStats]]( `int` **days** ) +*No documentation available* + +### `void` [[UpdateStats|Facepunch.Steamworks.Stats.UpdateStats]]( ) +*No documentation available* + + +## Properties + +## Fields diff --git a/Facepunch.Steamworks.SteamFriend.md b/Facepunch.Steamworks.SteamFriend.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2ab121f --- /dev/null +++ b/Facepunch.Steamworks.SteamFriend.md @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +# SteamFriend + +## Methods +### `void` [[Refresh|Facepunch.Steamworks.SteamFriend.Refresh]]( ) +*No documentation available* + + +## Properties +### `ulong` [[CurrentAppId|Facepunch.Steamworks.SteamFriend.CurrentAppId]] +The AppId this guy is playing + +### `ulong` [[Id|Facepunch.Steamworks.SteamFriend.Id]] +Steam Id + +### `bool` [[IsBlocked|Facepunch.Steamworks.SteamFriend.IsBlocked]] +Return true if blocked + +### `bool` [[IsFriend|Facepunch.Steamworks.SteamFriend.IsFriend]] +Return true if is a friend. Returns false if blocked, request etc. + +### `bool` [[IsOnline|Facepunch.Steamworks.SteamFriend.IsOnline]] +Returns true if this friend is online + +### `bool` [[IsPlaying|Facepunch.Steamworks.SteamFriend.IsPlaying]] +Returns true if this friend is online and playing this game + +### `bool` [[IsPlayingThisGame|Facepunch.Steamworks.SteamFriend.IsPlayingThisGame]] +Returns true if this friend is online and playing this game + +### `int` [[ServerGamePort|Facepunch.Steamworks.SteamFriend.ServerGamePort]] +*No documentation available* + +### `UInt32` [[ServerIp|Facepunch.Steamworks.SteamFriend.ServerIp]] +*No documentation available* + +### `ulong` [[ServerLobbyId|Facepunch.Steamworks.SteamFriend.ServerLobbyId]] +*No documentation available* + +### `int` [[ServerQueryPort|Facepunch.Steamworks.SteamFriend.ServerQueryPort]] +*No documentation available* + + +## Fields +### Name diff --git a/Facepunch.Steamworks.Voice.md b/Facepunch.Steamworks.Voice.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dfbb12e --- /dev/null +++ b/Facepunch.Steamworks.Voice.md @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +# Voice + +## Methods +### `bool` [[Decompress|Facepunch.Steamworks.Voice.Decompress]]( `Byte[]` **input**, `MemoryStream` **output**, `UInt32` **samepleRate** ) +*No documentation available* + +### `bool` [[Decompress|Facepunch.Steamworks.Voice.Decompress]]( `IntPtr` **input**, `int` **inputoffset**, `int` **inputsize**, `MemoryStream` **output**, `UInt32` **samepleRate** ) +*No documentation available* + +### `void` [[Dispose|Facepunch.Steamworks.Voice.Dispose]]( ) +*No documentation available* + + +## Properties +### `DateTime` [[LastVoiceRecordTime|Facepunch.Steamworks.Voice.LastVoiceRecordTime]] +The last time voice was detected, recorded + +### `UInt32` [[OptimalSampleRate|Facepunch.Steamworks.Voice.OptimalSampleRate]] +Returns the optimal sample rate for voice - according to Steam + +### `TimeSpan` [[TimeSinceLastVoiceRecord|Facepunch.Steamworks.Voice.TimeSinceLastVoiceRecord]] +*No documentation available* + +### `bool` [[WantsRecording|Facepunch.Steamworks.Voice.WantsRecording]] +If set to true we are listening to the mic. + You should usually toggle this with the press of a key for push to talk. + + +## Fields +### OnCompressedData +### OnUncompressedData +### IsRecording +### DesiredSampleRate diff --git a/Facepunch.Steamworks.Workshop.md b/Facepunch.Steamworks.Workshop.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..23df34c --- /dev/null +++ b/Facepunch.Steamworks.Workshop.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +# Workshop + +## Methods +### `Editor` [[CreateItem|Facepunch.Steamworks.Workshop.CreateItem]]( `ItemType` **type** ) +*No documentation available* + +### `Query` [[CreateQuery|Facepunch.Steamworks.Workshop.CreateQuery]]( ) +*No documentation available* + +### `void` [[Dispose|Facepunch.Steamworks.Workshop.Dispose]]( ) +*No documentation available* + +### `Editor` [[EditItem|Facepunch.Steamworks.Workshop.EditItem]]( `ulong` **itemId** ) +*No documentation available* + +### `Item` [[GetItem|Facepunch.Steamworks.Workshop.GetItem]]( `ulong` **itemid** ) +*No documentation available* + + +## Properties + +## Fields diff --git a/Home.md b/Home.md index 9cc85e5..2b704c1 100644 --- a/Home.md +++ b/Home.md @@ -1 +1,27 @@ -Welcome to the Facepunch.Steamworks wiki! +# Facepunch.Steamworks + +## Facepunch.Steamworks +* [[BaseSteamworks|Facepunch.Steamworks.BaseSteamworks]] +* [[Inventory|Facepunch.Steamworks.Inventory]] +* [[Networking|Facepunch.Steamworks.Networking]] +* [[Client|Facepunch.Steamworks.Client]] +* [[Overlay|Facepunch.Steamworks.Overlay]] +* [[ServerList|Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerList]] +* [[Auth|Facepunch.Steamworks.Auth]] +* [[App|Facepunch.Steamworks.App]] +* [[SteamFriend|Facepunch.Steamworks.SteamFriend]] +* [[Friends|Facepunch.Steamworks.Friends]] +* [[Image|Facepunch.Steamworks.Image]] +* [[Screenshots|Facepunch.Steamworks.Screenshots]] +* [[Stats|Facepunch.Steamworks.Stats]] +* [[Voice|Facepunch.Steamworks.Voice]] +* [[Config|Facepunch.Steamworks.Config]] +* [[Workshop|Facepunch.Steamworks.Workshop]] +* [[Server|Facepunch.Steamworks.Server]] +* [[ServerAuth|Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerAuth]] +* [[ServerQuery|Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerQuery]] +* [[ServerStats|Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerStats]] +* [[Color|Facepunch.Steamworks.Color]] + +## Facepunch.Steamworks.Callbacks +* [[Result|Facepunch.Steamworks.Callbacks.Result]]