
202 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2015-06-30 12:46:07 +03:00
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* In addition, as a special exception, the author gives permission to
* link the code of this program with the Half-Life Game Engine ("HL
* Engine") and Modified Game Libraries ("MODs") developed by Valve,
* L.L.C ("Valve"). You must obey the GNU General Public License in all
* respects for all of the code used other than the HL Engine and MODs
* from Valve. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception
* to your version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If
* you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your
* version.
#ifndef PM_DEFS_H
#define PM_DEFS_H
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#define MAX_PHYSENTS 600 // Must have room for all entities in the world.
2015-06-30 12:46:07 +03:00
#define MAX_MOVEENTS 64
2015-06-30 12:46:07 +03:00
#define PM_NORMAL 0x00000000
#define PM_STUDIO_IGNORE 0x00000001 // Skip studio models
#define PM_STUDIO_BOX 0x00000002 // Use boxes for non-complex studio models (even in traceline)
#define PM_GLASS_IGNORE 0x00000004 // Ignore entities with non-normal rendermode
#define PM_WORLD_ONLY 0x00000008 // Only trace against the world
#include "pm_info.h"
#include "pmtrace.h"
#ifndef USERCMD_H
#include "usercmd.h"
#include "const.h"
typedef struct physent_s
char name[32]; // Name of model, or "player" or "world".
int player;
vec3_t origin; // Model's origin in world coordinates.
struct model_s *model; // only for bsp models
struct model_s *studiomodel; // SOLID_BBOX, but studio clip intersections.
vec3_t mins, maxs; // only for non-bsp models
int info; // For client or server to use to identify (index into edicts or cl_entities)
vec3_t angles; // rotated entities need this info for hull testing to work.
int solid; // Triggers and func_door type WATER brushes are SOLID_NOT
int skin; // BSP Contents for such things like fun_door water brushes.
int rendermode; // So we can ignore glass
float frame;
int sequence;
byte controller[4];
byte blending[2];
int movetype;
int takedamage;
int blooddecal;
int team;
int classnumber;
int iuser1;
int iuser2;
int iuser3;
int iuser4;
float fuser1;
float fuser2;
float fuser3;
float fuser4;
vec3_t vuser1;
vec3_t vuser2;
vec3_t vuser3;
vec3_t vuser4;
2015-09-16 23:19:21 +03:00
2015-06-30 12:46:07 +03:00
} physent_t;
/* size: 224, cachelines: 4, members: 33 */
typedef struct playermove_s
int player_index; // So we don't try to run the PM_CheckStuck nudging too quickly.
qboolean server; // For debugging, are we running physics code on server side?
qboolean multiplayer; // 1 == multiplayer server
float time; // realtime on host, for reckoning duck timing
float frametime; // Duration of this frame
vec3_t forward, right, up; // Vectors for angles
vec3_t origin; // Movement origin.
vec3_t angles; // Movement view angles.
vec3_t oldangles; // Angles before movement view angles were looked at.
vec3_t velocity; // Current movement direction.
vec3_t movedir; // For waterjumping, a forced forward velocity so we can fly over lip of ledge.
vec3_t basevelocity; // Velocity of the conveyor we are standing, e.g.
vec3_t view_ofs; // For ducking/dead
// Our eye position.
float flDuckTime; // Time we started duck
qboolean bInDuck; // In process of ducking or ducked already?
int flTimeStepSound; // For walking/falling
// Next time we can play a step sound
int iStepLeft;
float flFallVelocity;
vec3_t punchangle;
float flSwimTime;
float flNextPrimaryAttack;
int effects; // MUZZLE FLASH, e.g.
int flags; // FL_ONGROUND, FL_DUCKING, etc.
int usehull; // 0 = regular player hull, 1 = ducked player hull, 2 = point hull
float gravity; // Our current gravity and friction.
float friction;
int oldbuttons; // Buttons last usercmd
float waterjumptime; // Amount of time left in jumping out of water cycle.
qboolean dead; // Are we a dead player?
int deadflag;
int spectator; // Should we use spectator physics model?
int movetype; // Our movement type, NOCLIP, WALK, FLY
2015-08-20 13:35:01 +03:00
int onground; // -1 = in air, else pmove entity number
2015-06-30 12:46:07 +03:00
int waterlevel;
int watertype;
int oldwaterlevel;
char sztexturename[256];
char chtexturetype;
float maxspeed;
float clientmaxspeed;
int iuser1;
int iuser2;
int iuser3;
int iuser4;
float fuser1;
float fuser2;
float fuser3;
float fuser4;
vec3_t vuser1;
vec3_t vuser2;
vec3_t vuser3;
vec3_t vuser4;
int numphysent; // world state
// Number of entities to clip against.
physent_t physents[MAX_PHYSENTS];
int nummoveent; // Number of momvement entities (ladders)
physent_t moveents[MAX_MOVEENTS]; // just a list of ladders
int numvisent; // All things being rendered, for tracing against things you don't actually collide with
physent_t visents[MAX_PHYSENTS];
usercmd_t cmd; // input to run through physics.
int numtouch; // Trace results for objects we collided with.
pmtrace_t touchindex[MAX_PHYSENTS];
char physinfo[MAX_PHYSINFO_STRING]; // Physics info string
struct movevars_s *movevars;
vec_t _player_mins[4][3];
vec_t _player_maxs[4][3];
const char *(*PM_Info_ValueForKey)(const char *s, const char *key);
void (*PM_Particle)(float *origin, int color, float life, int zpos, int zvel);
int (*PM_TestPlayerPosition)(float *pos, pmtrace_t *ptrace);
void (*Con_NPrintf)(int idx, char *fmt, ...);
void (*Con_DPrintf)(char *fmt, ...);
void (*Con_Printf)(char *fmt, ...);
double (*Sys_FloatTime)(void);
void (*PM_StuckTouch)(int hitent, pmtrace_t *ptraceresult);
int (*PM_PointContents)(float *p, int *truecontents);
int (*PM_TruePointContents)(float *p);
int (*PM_HullPointContents)(struct hull_s *hull, int num, float *p);
pmtrace_t (*PM_PlayerTrace)(float *start, float *end, int traceFlags, int ignore_pe);
struct pmtrace_s *(*PM_TraceLine)(float *start, float *end, int flags, int usehulll, int ignore_pe);
int32 (*RandomLong)(int32 lLow, int32 lHigh);
float (*RandomFloat)(float flLow, float flHigh);
int (*PM_GetModelType)(struct model_s *mod);
void (*PM_GetModelBounds)(struct model_s *mod, float *mins, float *maxs);
void *(*PM_HullForBsp)(physent_t *pe, float *offset);
float (*PM_TraceModel)(physent_t *pEnt, float *start, float *end, trace_t *trace);
int (*COM_FileSize)(char *filename);
byte *(*COM_LoadFile)(char *path, int usehunk, int *pLength);
void (*COM_FreeFile)(void *buffer);
char *(*memfgets)(byte *pMemFile, int fileSize, int *pFilePos, char *pBuffer, int bufferSize);
qboolean runfuncs;
void (*PM_PlaySound)(int channel, const char *sample, float volume, float attenuation, int fFlags, int pitch);
const char *(*PM_TraceTexture)(int ground, float *vstart, float *vend);
void (*PM_PlaybackEventFull)(int flags, int clientindex, unsigned short eventindex, float delay, float *origin, float *angles, float fparam1, float fparam2, int iparam1, int iparam2, int bparam1, int bparam2);
2015-09-16 23:19:21 +03:00
2015-06-30 12:46:07 +03:00
} playermove_t;
/* size: 325056, cachelines: 5079, members: 94 */
#endif // PM_DEFS_H