#include "precompiled.h" void CBaseMonster::GibMonster() { TraceResult tr; bool gibbed = false; EMIT_SOUND(ENT(pev), CHAN_WEAPON, "common/bodysplat.wav", VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM); // only humans throw skulls UNDONE - eventually monsters will have their own sets of gibs if (HasHumanGibs()) { // Only the player will ever get here if (CVAR_GET_FLOAT("violence_hgibs") != 0) { CGib::SpawnHeadGib(pev); // throw some human gibs. CGib::SpawnRandomGibs(pev, 4, 1); } gibbed = true; } else if (HasAlienGibs()) { // Should never get here, but someone might call it directly if (CVAR_GET_FLOAT("violence_agibs") != 0) { // Throw alien gibs CGib::SpawnRandomGibs(pev, 4, 0); } gibbed = true; } if (!IsPlayer()) { if (gibbed) { // don't remove players! SetThink(&CBaseMonster::SUB_Remove); pev->nextthink = gpGlobals->time; } else { FadeMonster(); } } } BOOL CBaseMonster::HasHumanGibs() { int myClass = Classify(); if (myClass == CLASS_HUMAN_MILITARY || myClass == CLASS_PLAYER_ALLY || myClass == CLASS_HUMAN_PASSIVE || myClass == CLASS_PLAYER) return TRUE; return FALSE; } BOOL CBaseMonster::HasAlienGibs() { int myClass = Classify(); if (myClass == CLASS_ALIEN_MILITARY || myClass == CLASS_ALIEN_MONSTER || myClass == CLASS_ALIEN_PASSIVE || myClass == CLASS_INSECT || myClass == CLASS_ALIEN_PREDATOR || myClass == CLASS_ALIEN_PREY) return TRUE; return FALSE; } void CBaseMonster::FadeMonster() { StopAnimation(); pev->velocity = g_vecZero; pev->movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE; pev->avelocity = g_vecZero; pev->animtime = gpGlobals->time; pev->effects |= EF_NOINTERP; SUB_StartFadeOut(); } // Determines the best type of death anim to play. Activity CBaseMonster::GetDeathActivity() { Activity deathActivity; BOOL fTriedDirection; float flDot; TraceResult tr; Vector vecSrc; if (pev->deadflag != DEAD_NO) { // don't run this while dying. return m_IdealActivity; } vecSrc = Center(); fTriedDirection = FALSE; // in case we can't find any special deaths to do. deathActivity = ACT_DIESIMPLE; UTIL_MakeVectors(pev->angles); flDot = DotProduct(gpGlobals->v_forward, g_vecAttackDir * -1); switch (m_LastHitGroup) { case HITGROUP_HEAD: // try to pick a region-specific death. deathActivity = ACT_DIE_HEADSHOT; break; case HITGROUP_STOMACH: deathActivity = ACT_DIE_GUTSHOT; break; case HITGROUP_GENERIC: // try to pick a death based on attack direction fTriedDirection = TRUE; if (flDot > 0.3) { deathActivity = ACT_DIEFORWARD; } else if (flDot <= -0.3) { deathActivity = ACT_DIEBACKWARD; } break; default: // try to pick a death based on attack direction fTriedDirection = TRUE; if (flDot > 0.3) { deathActivity = ACT_DIEFORWARD; } else if (flDot <= -0.3) { deathActivity = ACT_DIEBACKWARD; } break; } // can we perform the prescribed death? if (LookupActivity(deathActivity) == ACT_INVALID) { // no! did we fail to perform a directional death? if (fTriedDirection) { // if yes, we're out of options. Go simple. deathActivity = ACT_DIESIMPLE; } else { // cannot perform the ideal region-specific death, so try a direction. if (flDot > 0.3) { deathActivity = ACT_DIEFORWARD; } else if (flDot <= -0.3) { deathActivity = ACT_DIEBACKWARD; } } } if (LookupActivity(deathActivity) == ACT_INVALID) { // if we're still invalid, simple is our only option. deathActivity = ACT_DIESIMPLE; } if (deathActivity == ACT_DIEFORWARD) { // make sure there's room to fall forward UTIL_TraceHull(vecSrc, vecSrc + gpGlobals->v_forward * 64, dont_ignore_monsters, head_hull, edict(), &tr); if (tr.flFraction != 1.0f) { deathActivity = ACT_DIESIMPLE; } } if (deathActivity == ACT_DIEBACKWARD) { // make sure there's room to fall backward UTIL_TraceHull(vecSrc, vecSrc - gpGlobals->v_forward * 64, dont_ignore_monsters, head_hull, edict(), &tr); if (tr.flFraction != 1.0f) { deathActivity = ACT_DIESIMPLE; } } return deathActivity; } // Determines the best type of flinch anim to play. NOXREF Activity CBaseMonster::GetSmallFlinchActivity() { Activity flinchActivity; BOOL fTriedDirection; float flDot; fTriedDirection = FALSE; UTIL_MakeVectors(pev->angles); flDot = DotProduct(gpGlobals->v_forward, g_vecAttackDir * -1); // TODO: noxref switch (m_LastHitGroup) { case HITGROUP_HEAD: // pick a region-specific flinch flinchActivity = ACT_FLINCH_HEAD; break; case HITGROUP_STOMACH: flinchActivity = ACT_FLINCH_STOMACH; break; case HITGROUP_LEFTARM: flinchActivity = ACT_FLINCH_LEFTARM; break; case HITGROUP_RIGHTARM: flinchActivity = ACT_FLINCH_RIGHTARM; break; case HITGROUP_LEFTLEG: flinchActivity = ACT_FLINCH_LEFTLEG; break; case HITGROUP_RIGHTLEG: flinchActivity = ACT_FLINCH_RIGHTLEG; break; case HITGROUP_GENERIC: default: // just get a generic flinch. flinchActivity = ACT_SMALL_FLINCH; break; } // do we have a sequence for the ideal activity? if (LookupActivity(flinchActivity) == ACT_INVALID) { flinchActivity = ACT_SMALL_FLINCH; } return flinchActivity; } void CBaseMonster::BecomeDead() { // don't let autoaim aim at corpses. pev->takedamage = DAMAGE_YES; // give the corpse half of the monster's original maximum health. pev->health = pev->max_health / 2; // max_health now becomes a counter for how many blood decals the corpse can place. pev->max_health = 5; // make the corpse fly away from the attack vector pev->movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS; } BOOL CBaseMonster::ShouldGibMonster(int iGib) { if ((iGib == GIB_NORMAL && pev->health < GIB_HEALTH_VALUE) || (iGib == GIB_ALWAYS)) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } void CBaseMonster::CallGibMonster() { BOOL fade = FALSE; if (HasHumanGibs()) { if (CVAR_GET_FLOAT("violence_hgibs") == 0) fade = TRUE; } else if (HasAlienGibs()) { if (CVAR_GET_FLOAT("violence_agibs") == 0) fade = TRUE; } // do something with the body. while monster blows up pev->solid = SOLID_NOT; pev->takedamage = DAMAGE_NO; if (fade) { FadeMonster(); } else { // make the model invisible. pev->effects = EF_NODRAW; GibMonster(); } pev->deadflag = DEAD_DEAD; FCheckAITrigger(); // don't let the status bar glitch for players.with <0 health. if (pev->health < -99.0f) { pev->health = 0; } if (ShouldFadeOnDeath() && !fade) UTIL_Remove(this); } void CBaseMonster::Killed(entvars_t *pevAttacker, int iGib) { if (HasMemory(bits_MEMORY_KILLED)) { if (ShouldGibMonster(iGib)) { CallGibMonster(); } return; } Remember(bits_MEMORY_KILLED); // clear the deceased's sound channels.(may have been firing or reloading when killed) EMIT_SOUND(ENT(pev), CHAN_WEAPON, "common/null.wav", VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM); m_IdealMonsterState = MONSTERSTATE_DEAD; // Make sure this condition is fired too (TakeDamage breaks out before this happens on death) SetConditions(bits_COND_LIGHT_DAMAGE); // tell owner ( if any ) that we're dead.This is mostly for MonsterMaker functionality. CBaseEntity *pOwner = CBaseEntity::Instance(pev->owner); if (pOwner) { pOwner->DeathNotice(pev); } if (ShouldGibMonster(iGib)) { CallGibMonster(); return; } else if (pev->flags & FL_MONSTER) { SetTouch(nullptr); BecomeDead(); } // don't let the status bar glitch for players.with <0 health. if (pev->health < -99) { pev->health = 0; } //pev->enemy = ENT(pevAttacker); // why? (sjb) m_IdealMonsterState = MONSTERSTATE_DEAD; } BOOL CBaseMonster::TakeHealth(float flHealth, int bitsDamageType) { if (pev->takedamage == DAMAGE_NO) return FALSE; // clear out any damage types we healed. // UNDONE: generic health should not heal any // UNDONE: time-based damage m_bitsDamageType &= ~(bitsDamageType & ~DMG_TIMEBASED); return CBaseEntity::TakeHealth(flHealth, bitsDamageType); } // The damage is coming from inflictor, but get mad at attacker // This should be the only function that ever reduces health. // bitsDamageType indicates the type of damage sustained, ie: DMG_SHOCK // // Time-based damage: only occurs while the monster is within the trigger_hurt. // When a monster is poisoned via an arrow etc it takes all the poison damage at once. BOOL CBaseMonster::TakeDamage(entvars_t *pevInflictor, entvars_t *pevAttacker, float flDamage, int bitsDamageType) { if (pev->takedamage == DAMAGE_NO) return FALSE; if (!IsAlive()) { return DeadTakeDamage(pevInflictor, pevAttacker, flDamage, bitsDamageType); } if (pev->deadflag == DEAD_NO) { // no pain sound during death animation. PainSound(); } // LATER: make armor consideration here! float flTake = flDamage; // set damage type sustained m_bitsDamageType |= bitsDamageType; // grab the vector of the incoming attack. ( pretend that the inflictor is a little lower than it really is, so the body will tend to fly upward a bit). Vector vecDir(0, 0, 0); if (!FNullEnt(pevInflictor)) { CBaseEntity *pInflictor = CBaseEntity::Instance(pevInflictor); if (pInflictor) { #ifndef PLAY_GAMEDLL vecDir = (pInflictor->Center() - Vector(0, 0, 10) - Center()).Normalize(); #else // TODO: fix test demo vecDir = NormalizeSubtract(Center(), pInflictor->Center() - Vector(0, 0, 10)); #endif vecDir = g_vecAttackDir = vecDir.Normalize(); } } // add to the damage total for clients, which will be sent as a single // message at the end of the frame // TODO: remove after combining shotgun blasts? if (IsPlayer()) { if (pevInflictor) { pev->dmg_inflictor = ENT(pevInflictor); } pev->dmg_take += flTake; } pev->health -= flTake; if (m_MonsterState == MONSTERSTATE_SCRIPT) { SetConditions(bits_COND_LIGHT_DAMAGE); return FALSE; } if (pev->health <= 0.0f) { if (bitsDamageType & DMG_ALWAYSGIB) KilledInflicted(pevInflictor, pevAttacker, GIB_ALWAYS); else if (bitsDamageType & DMG_NEVERGIB) KilledInflicted(pevInflictor, pevAttacker, GIB_NEVER); else KilledInflicted(pevInflictor, pevAttacker, GIB_NORMAL); return FALSE; } if ((pev->flags & FL_MONSTER) && !FNullEnt(pevAttacker)) { if (pevAttacker->flags & (FL_MONSTER | FL_CLIENT)) { if (pevInflictor) { if (!m_hEnemy || pevInflictor == m_hEnemy->pev || !HasConditions(bits_COND_SEE_ENEMY)) m_vecEnemyLKP = pevInflictor->origin; } else { m_vecEnemyLKP = pev->origin + (g_vecAttackDir * 64); } MakeIdealYaw(m_vecEnemyLKP); if (flDamage > 20.0f) { SetConditions(bits_COND_LIGHT_DAMAGE); } if (flDamage >= 20.0f) { SetConditions(bits_COND_HEAVY_DAMAGE); } } } return TRUE; } // Takedamage function called when a monster's corpse is damaged. BOOL CBaseMonster::DeadTakeDamage(entvars_t *pevInflictor, entvars_t *pevAttacker, float flDamage, int bitsDamageType) { // grab the vector of the incoming attack. ( pretend that the inflictor is a little lower than it really is, so the body will tend to fly upward a bit). Vector vecDir(0, 0, 0); if (!FNullEnt(pevInflictor)) { CBaseEntity *pInflictor = CBaseEntity::Instance(pevInflictor); if (pInflictor) { vecDir = (pInflictor->Center() - Vector(0, 0, 10) - Center()).Normalize(); vecDir = g_vecAttackDir = vecDir.Normalize(); } } // turn this back on when the bounding box issues are resolved. #if 0 pev->flags &= ~FL_ONGROUND; pev->origin.z += 1; // let the damage scoot the corpse around a bit. if (!FNullEnt(pevInflictor) && (pevAttacker->solid != SOLID_TRIGGER)) { pev->velocity = pev->velocity + vecDir * -DamageForce(flDamage); } #endif // kill the corpse if enough damage was done to destroy the corpse and the damage is of a type that is allowed to destroy the corpse. if (bitsDamageType & DMG_GIB_CORPSE) { if (pev->health <= flDamage) { pev->health = -50; Killed(pevAttacker, GIB_ALWAYS); return FALSE; } // Accumulate corpse gibbing damage, so you can gib with multiple hits pev->health -= flDamage * 0.1; } return TRUE; } float CBaseMonster::DamageForce(float damage) { real_t force = damage * ((32 * 32 * 72.0) / (pev->size.x * pev->size.y * pev->size.z)) * 5; if (force > 1000.0) { force = 1000.0; } return force; } void CBaseMonster::RadiusDamage(entvars_t *pevInflictor, entvars_t *pevAttacker, float flDamage, int iClassIgnore, int bitsDamageType) { if (flDamage > 80) ::RadiusDamage(pev->origin, pevInflictor, pevAttacker, flDamage, flDamage * 3.5, iClassIgnore, bitsDamageType); else ::RadiusDamage2(pev->origin, pevInflictor, pevAttacker, flDamage, flDamage * (RANDOM_FLOAT(0.5, 1.5) + 3), iClassIgnore, bitsDamageType); } NOXREF void CBaseMonster::RadiusDamage(Vector vecSrc, entvars_t *pevInflictor, entvars_t *pevAttacker, float flDamage, int iClassIgnore, int bitsDamageType) { if (flDamage > 80) ::RadiusDamage(vecSrc, pevInflictor, pevAttacker, flDamage, flDamage * 3.5, iClassIgnore, bitsDamageType); else ::RadiusDamage2(vecSrc, pevInflictor, pevAttacker, flDamage, flDamage * (RANDOM_FLOAT(0.5, 1.5) + 3), iClassIgnore, bitsDamageType); } // Expects a length to trace, amount of damage to do, and damage type. // Returns a pointer to the damaged entity in case the monster wishes to do // other stuff to the victim (punchangle, etc) // // Used for many contact-range melee attacks. Bites, claws, etc. NOXREF CBaseEntity *CBaseMonster::CheckTraceHullAttack(float flDist, int iDamage, int iDmgType) { TraceResult tr; if (IsPlayer()) UTIL_MakeVectors(pev->angles); else UTIL_MakeAimVectors(pev->angles); Vector vecStart = pev->origin; vecStart.z += pev->size.z * 0.5; Vector vecEnd = vecStart + (gpGlobals->v_forward * flDist); UTIL_TraceHull(vecStart, vecEnd, dont_ignore_monsters, head_hull, ENT(pev), &tr); if (tr.pHit) { CBaseEntity *pEntity = CBaseEntity::Instance(tr.pHit); if (iDamage > 0) { pEntity->TakeDamage(pev, pev, iDamage, iDmgType); } return pEntity; } return nullptr; } // Returns true is the passed ent is in the caller's forward view cone. // The dot product is performed in 2d, making the view cone infinitely tall. BOOL CBaseMonster::FInViewCone(CBaseEntity *pEntity) { Vector2D vec2LOS; float flDot; UTIL_MakeVectors(pev->angles); vec2LOS = (pEntity->pev->origin - pev->origin).Make2D(); vec2LOS = vec2LOS.Normalize(); flDot = DotProduct(vec2LOS, gpGlobals->v_forward.Make2D()); if (flDot > m_flFieldOfView) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } // Returns true is the passed vector is in the caller's forward view cone. // The dot product is performed in 2d, making the view cone infinitely tall. BOOL CBaseMonster::FInViewCone(const Vector *pOrigin) { Vector2D vec2LOS; float flDot; UTIL_MakeVectors(pev->angles); vec2LOS = (*pOrigin - pev->origin).Make2D(); vec2LOS = vec2LOS.Normalize(); flDot = DotProduct(vec2LOS, gpGlobals->v_forward.Make2D()); if (flDot > m_flFieldOfView) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } void CBaseMonster::TraceAttack(entvars_t *pevAttacker, float flDamage, Vector vecDir, TraceResult *ptr, int bitsDamageType) { Vector vecOrigin = ptr->vecEndPos - vecDir * 4; if (pev->takedamage != DAMAGE_NO) { m_LastHitGroup = ptr->iHitgroup; switch (ptr->iHitgroup) { case HITGROUP_GENERIC: break; case HITGROUP_HEAD: flDamage *= 3; break; case HITGROUP_CHEST: case HITGROUP_STOMACH: flDamage *= 1.5; break; case HITGROUP_LEFTARM: case HITGROUP_RIGHTARM: flDamage *= 1.0; break; case HITGROUP_LEFTLEG: case HITGROUP_RIGHTLEG: flDamage *= 0.75; break; case HITGROUP_SHIELD: flDamage = 0; break; default: break; } AddMultiDamage(pevAttacker, this, flDamage, bitsDamageType); int blood = BloodColor(); if (blood != DONT_BLEED) { // a little surface blood. SpawnBlood(vecOrigin, blood, flDamage); } } } float CBaseMonster::ChangeYaw(int speed) { return 0.0f; } void CBaseMonster::MakeIdealYaw(Vector vecTarget) { ; } NOXREF void CBaseMonster::CorpseFallThink() { if (pev->flags & FL_ONGROUND) { SetThink(nullptr); SetSequenceBox(); // link into world. UTIL_SetOrigin(pev, pev->origin); } else { pev->nextthink = gpGlobals->time + 0.1f; } } void CBaseMonster::MonsterInitDead() { InitBoneControllers(); pev->solid = SOLID_BBOX; pev->movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS; pev->frame = 0; ResetSequenceInfo(); pev->framerate = 0; pev->max_health = pev->health; pev->deadflag = DEAD_DEAD; UTIL_SetSize(pev, g_vecZero, g_vecZero); UTIL_SetOrigin(pev, pev->origin); BecomeDead(); SetThink(&CBaseEntity::SUB_Remove); pev->nextthink = gpGlobals->time + 0.5f; } BOOL CBaseMonster::ShouldFadeOnDeath() { #if 0 // if flagged to fade out or I have an owner (I came from a monster spawner) if ((pev->spawnflags & SF_MONSTER_FADECORPSE) || !FNullEnt(pev->owner)) return TRUE; #endif return FALSE; } BOOL CBaseMonster::FCheckAITrigger() { return FALSE; } void CBaseMonster::KeyValue(KeyValueData *pkvd) { CBaseToggle::KeyValue(pkvd); } int CBaseMonster::IRelationship(CBaseEntity *pTarget) { static int const iEnemy[14][14] = { // NONE MACH PLYR HPASS HMIL AMIL APASS AMONST APREY APRED INSECT PLRALY PBWPN ABWPN { R_NO, R_NO, R_NO, R_NO, R_NO, R_NO, R_NO, R_NO, R_NO, R_NO, R_NO, R_NO, R_NO, R_NO }, // NONE { R_NO, R_NO, R_DL, R_DL, R_NO, R_DL, R_DL, R_DL, R_DL, R_DL, R_NO, R_DL, R_DL, R_DL }, // MACHINE { R_NO, R_DL, R_NO, R_NO, R_DL, R_DL, R_DL, R_DL, R_DL, R_DL, R_NO, R_NO, R_DL, R_DL }, // PLAYER { R_NO, R_NO, R_AL, R_AL, R_HT, R_FR, R_NO, R_HT, R_DL, R_FR, R_NO, R_AL, R_NO, R_NO }, // HUMANPASSIVE { R_NO, R_NO, R_HT, R_DL, R_NO, R_HT, R_DL, R_DL, R_DL, R_DL, R_NO, R_HT, R_NO, R_NO }, // HUMANMILITAR { R_NO, R_DL, R_HT, R_DL, R_HT, R_NO, R_NO, R_NO, R_NO, R_NO, R_NO, R_DL, R_NO, R_NO }, // ALIENMILITAR { R_NO, R_NO, R_NO, R_NO, R_NO, R_NO, R_NO, R_NO, R_NO, R_NO, R_NO, R_NO, R_NO, R_NO }, // ALIENPASSIVE { R_NO, R_DL, R_DL, R_DL, R_DL, R_NO, R_NO, R_NO, R_NO, R_NO, R_NO, R_DL, R_NO, R_NO }, // ALIENMONSTER { R_NO, R_NO, R_DL, R_DL, R_DL, R_NO, R_NO, R_NO, R_NO, R_FR, R_NO, R_DL, R_NO, R_NO }, // ALIENPREY { R_NO, R_NO, R_DL, R_DL, R_DL, R_NO, R_NO, R_NO, R_HT, R_DL, R_NO, R_DL, R_NO, R_NO }, // ALIENPREDATO { R_FR, R_FR, R_FR, R_FR, R_FR, R_NO, R_FR, R_FR, R_FR, R_FR, R_NO, R_FR, R_NO, R_NO }, // INSECT { R_NO, R_DL, R_AL, R_AL, R_DL, R_DL, R_DL, R_DL, R_DL, R_DL, R_NO, R_NO, R_NO, R_NO }, // PLAYERALLY { R_NO, R_NO, R_DL, R_DL, R_DL, R_DL, R_DL, R_DL, R_DL, R_DL, R_NO, R_DL, R_NO, R_DL }, // PBIOWEAPON { R_NO, R_NO, R_DL, R_DL, R_DL, R_AL, R_NO, R_DL, R_DL, R_NO, R_NO, R_DL, R_DL, R_NO }, // ABIOWEAPON }; return iEnemy[Classify()][pTarget->Classify()]; } // Base class monster function to find enemies or food by sight. // iDistance is distance (in units) that the monster can see. // // Sets the sight bits of the m_afConditions mask to indicate // which types of entities were sighted. // Function also sets the Looker's m_pLink // to the head of a link list that contains all visible ents. // (linked via each ent's m_pLink field) void CBaseMonster::Look(int iDistance) { int iSighted = 0; // DON'T let visibility information from last frame sit around! ClearConditions(bits_COND_SEE_HATE | bits_COND_SEE_DISLIKE | bits_COND_SEE_ENEMY | bits_COND_SEE_FEAR | bits_COND_SEE_NEMESIS | bits_COND_SEE_CLIENT); m_pLink = nullptr; // the current visible entity that we're dealing with CBaseEntity *pSightEnt = nullptr; CBaseEntity *pList[100]; Vector delta(iDistance, iDistance, iDistance); // Find only monsters/clients in box, NOT limited to PVS int count = UTIL_EntitiesInBox(pList, ARRAYSIZE(pList), pev->origin - delta, pev->origin + delta, (FL_CLIENT | FL_MONSTER)); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { pSightEnt = pList[i]; if (pSightEnt != this && pSightEnt->pev->health > 0) { // the looker will want to consider this entity // don't check anything else about an entity that can't be seen, or an entity that you don't care about. if (IRelationship(pSightEnt) != R_NO && FInViewCone(pSightEnt) && !(pSightEnt->pev->flags & FL_NOTARGET) && FVisible(pSightEnt)) { if (pSightEnt->IsPlayer()) { // if we see a client, remember that (mostly for scripted AI) iSighted |= bits_COND_SEE_CLIENT; } pSightEnt->m_pLink = m_pLink; m_pLink = pSightEnt; if (pSightEnt == m_hEnemy) { // we know this ent is visible, so if it also happens to be our enemy, store that now. iSighted |= bits_COND_SEE_ENEMY; } // don't add the Enemy's relationship to the conditions. We only want to worry about conditions when // we see monsters other than the Enemy. switch (IRelationship(pSightEnt)) { case R_NM: iSighted |= bits_COND_SEE_NEMESIS; break; case R_HT: iSighted |= bits_COND_SEE_HATE; break; case R_DL: iSighted |= bits_COND_SEE_DISLIKE; break; case R_FR: iSighted |= bits_COND_SEE_FEAR; break; case R_AL: break; default: ALERT(at_aiconsole, "%s can't assess %s\n", STRING(pev->classname), STRING(pSightEnt->pev->classname)); break; } } } } SetConditions(iSighted); } // This functions searches the link list whose head is the caller's m_pLink field, // and returns a pointer to the enemy entity in that list that is nearest the caller. // // UNDONE: currently, this only returns the closest enemy. // we'll want to consider distance, relationship, attack types, back turned, etc. CBaseEntity *CBaseMonster::BestVisibleEnemy() { CBaseEntity *pReturn; CBaseEntity *pNextEnt; int iNearest; int iDist; int iBestRelationship; // so first visible entity will become the closest. iNearest = 8192; pNextEnt = m_pLink; pReturn = nullptr; iBestRelationship = R_NO; while (pNextEnt) { if (pNextEnt->IsAlive()) { if (IRelationship(pNextEnt) > iBestRelationship) { // this entity is disliked MORE than the entity that we // currently think is the best visible enemy. No need to do // a distance check, just get mad at this one for now. iBestRelationship = IRelationship(pNextEnt); iNearest = (pNextEnt->pev->origin - pev->origin).Length(); pReturn = pNextEnt; } else if (IRelationship(pNextEnt) == iBestRelationship) { // this entity is disliked just as much as the entity that // we currently think is the best visible enemy, so we only // get mad at it if it is closer. iDist = (pNextEnt->pev->origin - pev->origin).Length(); if (iDist <= iNearest) { iNearest = iDist; iBestRelationship = IRelationship(pNextEnt); pReturn = pNextEnt; } } } pNextEnt = pNextEnt->m_pLink; } return pReturn; } NOXREF void CBaseMonster::MakeDamageBloodDecal(int cCount, float flNoise, TraceResult *ptr, Vector &vecDir) { // make blood decal on the wall! TraceResult Bloodtr; Vector vecTraceDir; int i; if (!IsAlive()) { // dealing with a dead monster. if (pev->max_health <= 0) { // no blood decal for a monster that has already decalled its limit. return; } else { pev->max_health--; } } for (i = 0; i < cCount; i++) { vecTraceDir = vecDir; vecTraceDir.x += RANDOM_FLOAT(-flNoise, flNoise); vecTraceDir.y += RANDOM_FLOAT(-flNoise, flNoise); vecTraceDir.z += RANDOM_FLOAT(-flNoise, flNoise); UTIL_TraceLine(ptr->vecEndPos, ptr->vecEndPos + vecTraceDir * 172, ignore_monsters, ENT(pev), &Bloodtr); if (Bloodtr.flFraction != 1.0f) { UTIL_BloodDecalTrace(&Bloodtr, BloodColor()); } } } void CBaseMonster::BloodSplat(const Vector &vecSrc, const Vector &vecDir, int HitLocation, int iVelocity) { if (HitLocation != HITGROUP_HEAD) return; #ifdef REGAMEDLL_FIXES UTIL_BloodStream(vecSrc, vecDir, BLOOD_COLOR_DARKRED, iVelocity + RANDOM_LONG(0, 100)); #else MESSAGE_BEGIN(MSG_PVS, SVC_TEMPENTITY, vecSrc); WRITE_BYTE(TE_BLOODSTREAM); WRITE_COORD(vecSrc.x); WRITE_COORD(vecSrc.y); WRITE_COORD(vecSrc.z); WRITE_COORD(vecDir.x); WRITE_COORD(vecDir.y); WRITE_COORD(vecDir.z); WRITE_BYTE(BLOOD_COLOR_DARKRED); WRITE_BYTE(iVelocity + RANDOM_LONG(0, 100)); MESSAGE_END(); #endif }