#include "precompiled.h" // Return the number of bots following the given player int GetBotFollowCount(CBasePlayer *leader) { int count = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; ++i) { CBaseEntity *entity = UTIL_PlayerByIndex(i); if (entity == NULL) continue; if (FNullEnt(entity->pev)) continue; if (FStrEq(STRING(entity->pev->netname), "")) continue; CBasePlayer *player = static_cast(entity); if (!player->IsBot()) continue; if (!player->IsAlive()) continue; CCSBot *bot = dynamic_cast(player); if (bot != NULL && bot->GetFollowLeader() == leader) ++count; } return count; } // Change movement speed to walking void CCSBot::__MAKE_VHOOK(Walk)() { if (m_mustRunTimer.IsElapsed()) { CBot::Walk(); return; } // must run Run(); } // Return true if jump was started. // This is extended from the base jump to disallow jumping when in a crouch area. bool CCSBot::__MAKE_VHOOK(Jump)(bool mustJump) { // prevent jumping if we're crouched, unless we're in a crouchjump area - jump wins bool inCrouchJumpArea = (m_lastKnownArea && (m_lastKnownArea->GetAttributes() & NAV_CROUCH) && !(m_lastKnownArea->GetAttributes() & NAV_JUMP)); if (inCrouchJumpArea) { return false; } return CBot::Jump(mustJump); } // Invoked when injured by something // NOTE: We dont want to directly call Attack() here, or the bots will have super-human reaction times when injured int CCSBot::__MAKE_VHOOK(TakeDamage)(entvars_t *pevInflictor, entvars_t *pevAttacker, float flDamage, int bitsDamageType) { CBaseEntity *attacker = GetClassPtr((CBaseEntity *)pevInflictor); // if we were attacked by a teammate, rebuke if (attacker->IsPlayer()) { CBasePlayer *player = static_cast(attacker); if (player->m_iTeam == m_iTeam && !player->IsBot()) { GetChatter()->FriendlyFire(); } } if (attacker->IsPlayer() && IsEnemy(attacker)) { // Track previous attacker so we don't try to panic multiple times for a shotgun blast CBasePlayer *lastAttacker = m_attacker; float lastAttackedTimestamp = m_attackedTimestamp; // keep track of our last attacker m_attacker = static_cast(attacker); m_attackedTimestamp = gpGlobals->time; // no longer safe AdjustSafeTime(); if (!IsSurprised() && (m_attacker != lastAttacker || m_attackedTimestamp != lastAttackedTimestamp)) { CBasePlayer *enemy = static_cast(attacker); // being hurt by an enemy we can't see causes panic if (!IsVisible(enemy, CHECK_FOV)) { bool panic = false; // if not attacking anything, look around to try to find attacker if (!IsAttacking()) { panic = true; } else { // we are attacking if (!IsEnemyVisible()) { // can't see our current enemy, panic to acquire new attacker panic = true; } } if (!panic) { float invSkill = 1.0f - GetProfile()->GetSkill(); float panicChance = invSkill * invSkill * 50.0f; if (panicChance > RANDOM_FLOAT(0, 100)) { panic = true; } } if (panic != false) { // can't see our current enemy, panic to acquire new attacker Panic(m_attacker); } } } } // extend return CBasePlayer::TakeDamage(pevInflictor, pevAttacker, flDamage, bitsDamageType); } // Invoked when killed void CCSBot::__MAKE_VHOOK(Killed)(entvars_t *pevAttacker, int iGib) { PrintIfWatched("Killed( attacker = %s )\n", STRING(pevAttacker->netname)); GetChatter()->OnDeath(); // increase the danger where we died const float deathDanger = 1.0f; const float deathDangerRadius = 500.0f; IncreaseDangerNearby(m_iTeam - 1, deathDanger, m_lastKnownArea, &pev->origin, deathDangerRadius); // end voice feedback EndVoiceFeedback(); // extend CBasePlayer::Killed(pevAttacker, iGib); } // Return true if line segment intersects rectagular volume bool IsIntersectingBox(const Vector *start, const Vector *end, const Vector *boxMin, const Vector *boxMax) { unsigned char startFlags = 0; unsigned char endFlags = 0; // classify start point if (start->x < boxMin->x) startFlags |= LO_X; if (start->x > boxMax->x) startFlags |= HI_X; if (start->y < boxMin->y) startFlags |= LO_Y; if (start->y > boxMax->y) startFlags |= HI_Y; if (start->z < boxMin->z) startFlags |= LO_Z; if (start->z > boxMax->z) startFlags |= HI_Z; // classify end point if (end->x < boxMin->x) endFlags |= LO_X; if (end->x > boxMax->x) endFlags |= HI_X; if (end->y < boxMin->y) endFlags |= LO_Y; if (end->y > boxMax->y) endFlags |= HI_Y; if (end->z < boxMin->z) endFlags |= LO_Z; if (end->z > boxMax->z) endFlags |= HI_Z; // trivial reject if (startFlags & endFlags) return false; // TODO: Do exact line/box intersection check return true; } // When bot is touched by another entity. void CCSBot::BotTouch(CBaseEntity *other) { // if we have touched a higher-priority player, make way // TODO: Need to account for reaction time, etc. if (other->IsPlayer()) { // if we are defusing a bomb, don't move if (IsDefusingBomb()) return; CBasePlayer *player = static_cast(other); // get priority of other player unsigned int otherPri = TheCSBots()->GetPlayerPriority(player); // get our priority unsigned int myPri = TheCSBots()->GetPlayerPriority(this); // if our priority is better, don't budge if (myPri < otherPri) return; // they are higher priority - make way, unless we're already making way for someone more important if (m_avoid != NULL) { unsigned int avoidPri = TheCSBots()->GetPlayerPriority(static_cast(m_avoid)); if (avoidPri < otherPri) { // ignore 'other' because we're already avoiding someone better return; } } m_avoid = other; m_avoidTimestamp = gpGlobals->time; return; } // If we won't be able to break it, don't try if (other->pev->takedamage != DAMAGE_YES) return; if (IsAttacking()) return; // See if it's breakable if (FClassnameIs(other->pev, "func_breakable")) { Vector center = (other->pev->absmax + other->pev->absmin) / 2.0f; bool breakIt = true; if (m_pathLength) { Vector goal = m_goalPosition + Vector(0, 0, HalfHumanHeight); breakIt = IsIntersectingBox(&pev->origin, &goal, &other->pev->absmin, &other->pev->absmax); } if (breakIt) { // it's breakable - try to shoot it. SetLookAt("Breakable", ¢er, PRIORITY_HIGH, 0.2, 0, 5.0); if (IsUsingGrenade()) { EquipBestWeapon(); return; } PrimaryAttack(); } } } bool CCSBot::IsBusy() const { if (IsAttacking() || IsBuying() || IsDefusingBomb() || GetTask() == PLANT_BOMB || GetTask() == RESCUE_HOSTAGES || IsSniping()) { return true; } return false; } void CCSBot::BotDeathThink() { ; } CBasePlayer *CCSBot::FindNearbyPlayer() { CBaseEntity *pEntity = NULL; Vector vecSrc = pev->origin; const float flRadius = 800.0f; while ((pEntity = UTIL_FindEntityInSphere(pEntity, vecSrc, flRadius)) != NULL) { if (!pEntity->IsPlayer()) continue; if (!(pEntity->pev->flags & FL_FAKECLIENT)) continue; return static_cast(pEntity); } return NULL; } // Assign given player as our current enemy to attack void CCSBot::SetEnemy(CBasePlayer *enemy) { if (m_enemy != enemy) { m_enemy = enemy; m_currentEnemyAcquireTimestamp = gpGlobals->time; } } // If we are not on the navigation mesh (m_currentArea == NULL), // move towards last known area. // Return false if off mesh. bool CCSBot::StayOnNavMesh() { if (m_currentArea != NULL) return true; // move back onto the area map // if we have no lastKnownArea, we probably started off // of the nav mesh - find the closest nav area and use it CNavArea *goalArea; if (!m_currentArea && !m_lastKnownArea) { goalArea = TheNavAreaGrid.GetNearestNavArea(&pev->origin); PrintIfWatched("Started off the nav mesh - moving to closest nav area...\n"); } else { goalArea = m_lastKnownArea; PrintIfWatched("Getting out of NULL area...\n"); } if (goalArea != NULL) { Vector pos; goalArea->GetClosestPointOnArea(&pev->origin, &pos); // move point into area Vector to = pos - pev->origin; to.NormalizeInPlace(); // how far to "step into" an area - must be less than min area size const float stepInDist = 5.0f; pos = pos + (stepInDist * to); MoveTowardsPosition(&pos); } // if we're stuck, try to get un-stuck // do stuck movements last, so they override normal movement if (m_isStuck) { Wiggle(); } return false; } void CCSBot::Panic(CBasePlayer *enemy) { if (IsSurprised()) return; Vector2D dir(BotCOS(pev->v_angle.y), BotSIN(pev->v_angle.y)); Vector2D perp(-dir.y, dir.x); Vector spot; if (GetProfile()->GetSkill() >= 0.5f) { Vector2D toEnemy = (enemy->pev->origin - pev->origin).Make2D(); toEnemy.NormalizeInPlace(); float along = DotProduct(toEnemy, dir); float c45 = 0.7071f; float size = 100.0f; float_precision shift = RANDOM_FLOAT(-75.0, 75.0); if (along > c45) { spot.x = pev->origin.x + dir.x * size + perp.x * shift; spot.y = pev->origin.y + dir.y * size + perp.y * shift; } else if (along < -c45) { spot.x = pev->origin.x - dir.x * size + perp.x * shift; spot.y = pev->origin.y - dir.y * size + perp.y * shift; } else if (DotProduct(toEnemy, perp) > 0.0) { spot.x = pev->origin.x + perp.x * size + dir.x * shift; spot.y = pev->origin.y + perp.y * size + dir.y * shift; } else { spot.x = pev->origin.x - perp.x * size + dir.x * shift; spot.y = pev->origin.y - perp.y * size + dir.y * shift; } } else { const float offset = 200.0f; float_precision side = RANDOM_FLOAT(-offset, offset) * 2.0f; spot.x = pev->origin.x - dir.x * offset + perp.x * side; spot.y = pev->origin.y - dir.y * offset + perp.y * side; } spot.z = pev->origin.z + RANDOM_FLOAT(-50.0, 50.0); // we are stunned for a moment m_surpriseDelay = RANDOM_FLOAT(0.1, 0.2); m_surpriseTimestamp = gpGlobals->time; SetLookAt("Panic", &spot, PRIORITY_HIGH, 0, 0, 5.0); PrintIfWatched("Aaaah!\n"); } bool CCSBot::IsDoingScenario() const { if (cv_bot_defer_to_human.value <= 0.0f) return true; return !UTIL_HumansOnTeam(m_iTeam, true); } // Return true if we noticed the bomb on the ground or on the radar (for T's only) bool CCSBot::NoticeLooseBomb() const { if (TheCSBots()->GetScenario() != CCSBotManager::SCENARIO_DEFUSE_BOMB) return false; CBaseEntity *bomb = TheCSBots()->GetLooseBomb(); if (bomb != NULL) { // T's can always see bomb on their radar return true; } return false; } // Return true if can see the bomb lying on the ground bool CCSBot::CanSeeLooseBomb() const { if (TheCSBots()->GetScenario() != CCSBotManager::SCENARIO_DEFUSE_BOMB) return false; CBaseEntity *bomb = TheCSBots()->GetLooseBomb(); if (bomb != NULL) { if (IsVisible(&bomb->pev->origin, CHECK_FOV)) return true; } return false; } // Return true if can see the planted bomb bool CCSBot::CanSeePlantedBomb() const { if (TheCSBots()->GetScenario() != CCSBotManager::SCENARIO_DEFUSE_BOMB) return false; if (!GetGameState()->IsBombPlanted()) return false; const Vector *bombPos = GetGameState()->GetBombPosition(); if (bombPos != NULL && IsVisible(bombPos, CHECK_FOV)) return true; return false; } // Return last enemy that hurt us CBasePlayer *CCSBot::GetAttacker() const { if (m_attacker != NULL && m_attacker->IsAlive()) return m_attacker; return NULL; } // Immediately jump off of our ladder, if we're on one void CCSBot::GetOffLadder() { if (IsUsingLadder()) { Jump(MUST_JUMP); DestroyPath(); } } // Return time when given spot was last checked float CCSBot::GetHidingSpotCheckTimestamp(HidingSpot *spot) const { for (int i = 0; i < m_checkedHidingSpotCount; ++i) { if (m_checkedHidingSpot[i].spot->GetID() == spot->GetID()) return m_checkedHidingSpot[i].timestamp; } return -999999.9f; } // Set the timestamp of the given spot to now. // If the spot is not in the set, overwrite the least recently checked spot. void CCSBot::SetHidingSpotCheckTimestamp(HidingSpot *spot) { int leastRecent = 0; float leastRecentTime = gpGlobals->time + 1.0f; for (int i = 0; i < m_checkedHidingSpotCount; ++i) { // if spot is in the set, just update its timestamp if (m_checkedHidingSpot[i].spot->GetID() == spot->GetID()) { m_checkedHidingSpot[i].timestamp = gpGlobals->time; return; } // keep track of least recent spot if (m_checkedHidingSpot[i].timestamp < leastRecentTime) { leastRecentTime = m_checkedHidingSpot[i].timestamp; leastRecent = i; } } // if there is room for more spots, append this one if (m_checkedHidingSpotCount < MAX_CHECKED_SPOTS) { m_checkedHidingSpot[ m_checkedHidingSpotCount ].spot = spot; m_checkedHidingSpot[ m_checkedHidingSpotCount ].timestamp = gpGlobals->time; ++m_checkedHidingSpotCount; } else { // replace the least recent spot m_checkedHidingSpot[ leastRecent ].spot = spot; m_checkedHidingSpot[ leastRecent ].timestamp = gpGlobals->time; } } // Periodic check of hostage count in case we lost some void CCSBot::UpdateHostageEscortCount() { const float updateInterval = 1.0f; if (m_hostageEscortCount == 0 || gpGlobals->time - m_hostageEscortCountTimestamp < updateInterval) return; m_hostageEscortCountTimestamp = gpGlobals->time; // recount the hostages in case we lost some m_hostageEscortCount = 0; CHostage *hostage = NULL; while ((hostage = static_cast(UTIL_FindEntityByClassname(hostage, "hostage_entity"))) != NULL) { if (FNullEnt(hostage->edict())) break; // skip dead or rescued hostages if (!hostage->IsValid()) continue; // check if hostage has targeted us, and is following if (hostage->IsFollowing(this)) ++m_hostageEscortCount; } } // Return true if we are outnumbered by enemies bool CCSBot::IsOutnumbered() const { return (GetNearbyFriendCount() < GetNearbyEnemyCount() - 1) ? true : false; } // Return number of enemies we are outnumbered by int CCSBot::OutnumberedCount() const { if (IsOutnumbered()) { return (GetNearbyEnemyCount() - 1) - GetNearbyFriendCount(); } return 0; } // Return the closest "important" enemy for the given scenario (bomb carrier, VIP, hostage escorter) CBasePlayer *CCSBot::GetImportantEnemy(bool checkVisibility) const { CBasePlayer *nearEnemy = NULL; float nearDist = 999999999.9f; for (int i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; ++i) { CBaseEntity *entity = UTIL_PlayerByIndex(i); if (entity == NULL) continue; if (FNullEnt(entity->pev)) continue; if (FStrEq(STRING(entity->pev->netname), "")) continue; // is it a player? if (!entity->IsPlayer()) continue; CBasePlayer *player = static_cast(entity); // is it alive? if (!player->IsAlive()) continue; // skip friends if (player->m_iTeam == m_iTeam) continue; // is it "important" if (!TheCSBots()->IsImportantPlayer(player)) continue; // is it closest? Vector d = pev->origin - player->pev->origin; float distSq = d.x * d.x + d.y * d.y + d.z * d.z; if (distSq < nearDist) { if (checkVisibility && !IsVisible(player, CHECK_FOV)) continue; nearEnemy = player; nearDist = distSq; } } return nearEnemy; } // Sets our current disposition void CCSBot::SetDisposition(DispositionType disposition) { m_disposition = disposition; if (m_disposition != IGNORE_ENEMIES) { m_ignoreEnemiesTimer.Invalidate(); } } // Return our current disposition CCSBot::DispositionType CCSBot::GetDisposition() const { if (!m_ignoreEnemiesTimer.IsElapsed()) return IGNORE_ENEMIES; return m_disposition; } // Ignore enemies for a short durationy void CCSBot::IgnoreEnemies(float duration) { m_ignoreEnemiesTimer.Start(duration); } // Increase morale one step void CCSBot::IncreaseMorale() { if (m_morale < EXCELLENT) { m_morale = static_cast(m_morale + 1); } } // Decrease morale one step void CCSBot::DecreaseMorale() { if (m_morale > TERRIBLE) { m_morale = static_cast(m_morale - 1); } } // Return true if we are acting like a rogue (not listening to teammates, not doing scenario goals) // TODO: Account for morale bool CCSBot::IsRogue() const { if (!TheCSBots()->AllowRogues()) return false; // periodically re-evaluate our rogue status if (m_rogueTimer.IsElapsed()) { m_rogueTimer.Start(RANDOM_FLOAT(10, 30)); // our chance of going rogue is inversely proportional to our teamwork attribute const float rogueChance = 100.0f * (1.0f - GetProfile()->GetTeamwork()); m_isRogue = (RANDOM_FLOAT(0, 100) < rogueChance); } return m_isRogue; } // Return true if we are in a hurry bool CCSBot::IsHurrying() const { if (!m_hurryTimer.IsElapsed()) return true; // if the bomb has been planted, we are in a hurry, CT or T (they could be defusing it!) if (TheCSBots()->GetScenario() == CCSBotManager::SCENARIO_DEFUSE_BOMB && TheCSBots()->IsBombPlanted()) return true; // if we are a T and hostages are being rescued, we are in a hurry if (TheCSBots()->GetScenario() == CCSBotManager::SCENARIO_RESCUE_HOSTAGES && m_iTeam == TERRORIST && GetGameState()->AreAllHostagesBeingRescued()) return true; return false; } // Return true if it is the early, "safe", part of the round bool CCSBot::IsSafe() const { if (TheCSBots()->GetElapsedRoundTime() < m_safeTime) return true; return false; } // Return true if it is well past the early, "safe", part of the round bool CCSBot::IsWellPastSafe() const { if (TheCSBots()->GetElapsedRoundTime() > 1.25f * m_safeTime) return true; return false; } // Return true if we were in the safe time last update, but not now bool CCSBot::IsEndOfSafeTime() const { return m_wasSafe && !IsSafe(); } // Return the amount of "safe time" we have left float CCSBot::GetSafeTimeRemaining() const { return m_safeTime - TheCSBots()->GetElapsedRoundTime(); } // Called when enemy seen to adjust safe time for this round void CCSBot::AdjustSafeTime() { // if we spotted an enemy sooner than we thought possible, adjust our notion of "safe" time if (m_safeTime > TheCSBots()->GetElapsedRoundTime()) { // since right now is not safe, adjust safe time to be a few seconds ago m_safeTime = TheCSBots()->GetElapsedRoundTime() - 2.0f; } } // Return true if we haven't seen an enemy for "a long time" bool CCSBot::HasNotSeenEnemyForLongTime() const { const float longTime = 30.0f; return (GetTimeSinceLastSawEnemy() > longTime); } // Pick a random zone and hide near it bool CCSBot::GuardRandomZone(float range) { const CCSBotManager::Zone *zone = TheCSBots()->GetRandomZone(); if (zone != NULL) { CNavArea *rescueArea = TheCSBots()->GetRandomAreaInZone(zone); if (rescueArea != NULL) { Hide(rescueArea, -1.0f, range); return true; } } return false; } // Do a breadth-first search to find a good retreat spot. // Don't pick a spot that a Player is currently occupying. const Vector *FindNearbyRetreatSpot(CCSBot *me, float maxRange) { CNavArea *area = me->GetLastKnownArea(); if (area == NULL) return NULL; // collect spots that enemies cannot see CollectRetreatSpotsFunctor collector(me, maxRange); SearchSurroundingAreas(area, &me->pev->origin, collector, maxRange); if (collector.m_count == 0) return NULL; // select a hiding spot at random int which = RANDOM_LONG(0, collector.m_count - 1); return collector.m_spot[ which ]; } // Return euclidean distance to farthest escorted hostage. // Return -1 if no hostage is following us. float CCSBot::GetRangeToFarthestEscortedHostage() const { FarthestHostage away(this); g_pHostages->ForEachHostage(away); return away.m_farRange; }