#include "precompiled.h" /* * Globals initialization */ #ifndef HOOK_GAMEDLL float g_flTimeLimit = 0; float g_flResetTime = 0; bool g_bClientPrintEnable = true; char *sPlayerModelFiles[] = { "models/player.mdl", "models/player/leet/leet.mdl", "models/player/gign/gign.mdl", "models/player/vip/vip.mdl", "models/player/gsg9/gsg9.mdl", "models/player/guerilla/guerilla.mdl", "models/player/arctic/arctic.mdl", "models/player/sas/sas.mdl", "models/player/terror/terror.mdl", "models/player/urban/urban.mdl", "models/player/spetsnaz/spetsnaz.mdl", // CZ "models/player/militia/militia.mdl" // CZ }; bool g_skipCareerInitialSpawn = false; static entity_field_alias_t entity_field_alias[] = { { "origin[0]", 0 }, { "origin[1]", 0 }, { "origin[2]", 0 }, { "angles[0]", 0 }, { "angles[1]", 0 }, { "angles[2]", 0 }, }; static entity_field_alias_t player_field_alias[] = { { "origin[0]", 0 }, { "origin[1]", 0 }, { "origin[2]", 0 }, }; static entity_field_alias_t custom_entity_field_alias[] = { { "origin[0]", 0 }, { "origin[1]", 0 }, { "origin[2]", 0 }, { "angles[0]", 0 }, { "angles[1]", 0 }, { "angles[2]", 0 }, { "skin", 0 }, { "sequence", 0 }, { "animtime", 0 }, }; bool g_bServerActive = false; #endif // HOOK_GAMEDLL PLAYERPVSSTATUS g_PVSStatus[MAX_CLIENTS]; unsigned short m_usResetDecals; unsigned short g_iShadowSprite; int CMD_ARGC_() { if (!UseBotArgs) return CMD_ARGC(); int i = 0; while (BotArgs[i]) ++i; return i; } const char *CMD_ARGV_(int i) { if (!UseBotArgs) return CMD_ARGV(i); if (i < 4) return BotArgs[i]; return NULL; } NOXREF void set_suicide_frame(entvars_t *pev) { if (!FStrEq(STRING(pev->model), "models/player.mdl")) return; pev->solid = SOLID_NOT; pev->movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS; pev->deadflag = DEAD_DEAD; pev->nextthink = -1; } void BlinkAccount(CBasePlayer *player, int numBlinks) { MESSAGE_BEGIN(MSG_ONE, gmsgBlinkAcct, NULL, player->pev); WRITE_BYTE(numBlinks); MESSAGE_END(); } BOOL EXT_FUNC ClientConnect(edict_t *pEntity, const char *pszName, const char *pszAddress, char *szRejectReason) { return g_pGameRules->ClientConnected(pEntity, pszName, pszAddress, szRejectReason); } void EXT_FUNC ClientDisconnect(edict_t *pEntity) { CBasePlayer *pPlayer = CBasePlayer::Instance(pEntity); if (!g_fGameOver) { UTIL_ClientPrintAll(HUD_PRINTNOTIFY, "#Game_disconnected", STRING(pEntity->v.netname)); #ifndef REGAMEDLL_FIXES CSound *pSound = CSoundEnt::SoundPointerForIndex(CSoundEnt::ClientSoundIndex(pEntity)); if (pSound) pSound->Reset(); #endif pEntity->v.takedamage = DAMAGE_NO; pEntity->v.solid = SOLID_NOT; pEntity->v.flags = FL_DORMANT; if (pPlayer) pPlayer->SetThink(nullptr); UTIL_SetOrigin(&pEntity->v, pEntity->v.origin); g_pGameRules->ClientDisconnected(pEntity); } #ifndef REGAMEDLL_FIXES if (TheBots && pPlayer && pPlayer->IsBot()) #else // These checks are already inside into this CCSBotManager::ClientDisconnect if (TheBots) #endif { TheBots->ClientDisconnect(pPlayer); } } void respawn(entvars_t *pev, BOOL fCopyCorpse) { if (gpGlobals->coop || gpGlobals->deathmatch) { if (CSGameRules()->m_iTotalRoundsPlayed > 0) CSGameRules()->MarkSpawnSkipped(); CBasePlayer *pPlayer = GetClassPtr((CBasePlayer *)pev); if (CSGameRules()->IsCareer() && CSGameRules()->ShouldSkipSpawn() && pPlayer->IsAlive()) g_skipCareerInitialSpawn = true; pPlayer->Spawn(); g_skipCareerInitialSpawn = false; } else if (pev->deadflag > DEAD_NO) { SERVER_COMMAND("reload\n"); } } // Suicide... void EXT_FUNC ClientKill(edict_t *pEntity) { entvars_t *pev = &pEntity->v; CBasePlayer *pPlayer = CBasePlayer::Instance(pev); if (pPlayer->IsObserver()) return; if (pPlayer->m_iJoiningState != JOINED) return; // prevent suiciding too often if (pPlayer->m_fNextSuicideTime > gpGlobals->time) return; pPlayer->m_LastHitGroup = 0; // don't let them suicide for 5 seconds after suiciding pPlayer->m_fNextSuicideTime = gpGlobals->time + 1.0f; // have the player kill themself pEntity->v.health = 0; pPlayer->Killed(pev, GIB_NEVER); if (CSGameRules()->m_pVIP == pPlayer) { CSGameRules()->m_iConsecutiveVIP = 10; } } LINK_HOOK_VOID_CHAIN(ShowMenu, (CBasePlayer *pPlayer, int bitsValidSlots, int nDisplayTime, BOOL fNeedMore, char *pszText), pPlayer, bitsValidSlots, nDisplayTime, fNeedMore, pszText); void __API_HOOK(ShowMenu)(CBasePlayer *pPlayer, int bitsValidSlots, int nDisplayTime, BOOL fNeedMore, char *pszText) { MESSAGE_BEGIN(MSG_ONE, gmsgShowMenu, NULL, pPlayer->pev); WRITE_SHORT(bitsValidSlots); WRITE_CHAR(nDisplayTime); WRITE_BYTE(fNeedMore); WRITE_STRING(pszText); MESSAGE_END(); } LINK_HOOK_VOID_CHAIN(ShowVGUIMenu, (CBasePlayer *pPlayer, int MenuType, int BitMask, char *szOldMenu), pPlayer, MenuType, BitMask, szOldMenu); void __API_HOOK(ShowVGUIMenu)(CBasePlayer *pPlayer, int MenuType, int BitMask, char *szOldMenu) { #ifdef REGAMEDLL_ADD if (CSGameRules()->ShouldSkipShowMenu()) { CSGameRules()->MarkShowMenuSkipped(); pPlayer->m_iMenu = Menu_OFF; return; } if (pPlayer->CSPlayer()->m_bForceShowMenu) { ShowMenu(pPlayer, BitMask, -1, 0, szOldMenu); return; } #endif if (pPlayer->m_bVGUIMenus || MenuType > VGUI_Menu_Buy_Item) { MESSAGE_BEGIN(MSG_ONE, gmsgVGUIMenu, NULL, pPlayer->pev); WRITE_BYTE(MenuType); WRITE_SHORT(BitMask); WRITE_CHAR(-1); WRITE_BYTE(0); WRITE_STRING(" "); MESSAGE_END(); } else ShowMenu(pPlayer, BitMask, -1, 0, szOldMenu); } NOXREF int CountTeams() { int iNumCT = 0, iNumTerrorist = 0; CBaseEntity *pPlayer = NULL; while ((pPlayer = UTIL_FindEntityByClassname(pPlayer, "player")) != NULL) { if (FNullEnt(pPlayer->edict())) break; CBasePlayer *player = GetClassPtr((CBasePlayer *)pPlayer->pev); if (player->m_iTeam == UNASSIGNED) continue; if (player->pev->flags & FL_DORMANT) continue; if (player->m_iTeam == SPECTATOR) continue; if (player->m_iTeam == CT) iNumCT++; else if (player->m_iTeam == TERRORIST) iNumTerrorist++; } return iNumCT - iNumTerrorist; } void ListPlayers(CBasePlayer *current) { char message[120] = "", cNumber[12]; CBaseEntity *pPlayer = NULL; while ((pPlayer = UTIL_FindEntityByClassname(pPlayer, "player")) != NULL) { if (FNullEnt(pPlayer->edict())) break; if (pPlayer->pev->flags & FL_DORMANT) continue; CBasePlayer *player = GetClassPtr((CBasePlayer *)pPlayer->pev); int iUserID = GETPLAYERUSERID(ENT(player->pev)); Q_sprintf(cNumber, "%d", iUserID); Q_strcpy(message, "\n"); Q_strcat(message, cNumber); Q_strcat(message, " : "); Q_strcat(message, STRING(player->pev->netname)); ClientPrint(current->pev, HUD_PRINTCONSOLE, message); } ClientPrint(current->pev, HUD_PRINTCONSOLE, "\n"); } int CountTeamPlayers(int iTeam) { CBaseEntity *pPlayer = NULL; int i = 0; while ((pPlayer = UTIL_FindEntityByClassname(pPlayer, "player")) != NULL) { if (FNullEnt(pPlayer->edict())) break; if (pPlayer->pev->flags & FL_DORMANT) continue; if (GetClassPtr((CBasePlayer *)pPlayer->pev)->m_iTeam == iTeam) ++i; } return i; } void ProcessKickVote(CBasePlayer *pVotingPlayer, CBasePlayer *pKickPlayer) { CBaseEntity *pTempEntity; CBasePlayer *pTempPlayer; int iValidVotes; int iVoteID; int iVotesNeeded; float fKickPercent; if (!pVotingPlayer || !pKickPlayer) return; int iTeamCount = CountTeamPlayers(pVotingPlayer->m_iTeam); if (iTeamCount < 3) return; iValidVotes = 0; pTempEntity = NULL; iVoteID = pVotingPlayer->m_iCurrentKickVote; while ((pTempEntity = UTIL_FindEntityByClassname(pTempEntity, "player")) != NULL) { if (FNullEnt(pTempEntity->edict())) break; pTempPlayer = GetClassPtr((CBasePlayer *)pTempEntity->pev); if (!pTempPlayer || pTempPlayer->m_iTeam == UNASSIGNED) continue; if (pTempPlayer->m_iTeam == pVotingPlayer->m_iTeam && pTempPlayer->m_iCurrentKickVote == iVoteID) iValidVotes++; } if (kick_percent.value < 0) CVAR_SET_STRING("mp_kickpercent", "0.0"); else if (kick_percent.value > 1) CVAR_SET_STRING("mp_kickpercent", "1.0"); iVotesNeeded = iValidVotes; fKickPercent = (iTeamCount * kick_percent.value + 0.5); if (iVotesNeeded >= int(fKickPercent)) { UTIL_ClientPrintAll(HUD_PRINTCENTER, "#Game_kicked", STRING(pKickPlayer->pev->netname)); SERVER_COMMAND(UTIL_VarArgs("kick # %d\n", iVoteID)); pTempEntity = NULL; while ((pTempEntity = UTIL_FindEntityByClassname(pTempEntity, "player")) != NULL) { if (FNullEnt(pTempEntity->edict())) break; pTempPlayer = GetClassPtr((CBasePlayer *)pTempEntity->pev); if (!pTempPlayer || pTempPlayer->m_iTeam == UNASSIGNED) continue; if (pTempPlayer->m_iTeam == pVotingPlayer->m_iTeam && pTempPlayer->m_iCurrentKickVote == iVoteID) pTempPlayer->m_iCurrentKickVote = 0; } } } void CheckStartMoney() { int money = int(startmoney.value); #ifndef REGAMEDLL_ADD if (money > 16000) CVAR_SET_FLOAT("mp_startmoney", 16000); else if (money < 800) CVAR_SET_FLOAT("mp_startmoney", 800); #else int max_money = int(maxmoney.value); if (money > max_money) CVAR_SET_FLOAT("mp_startmoney", max_money); else if (money < 0) CVAR_SET_FLOAT("mp_startmoney", 0); #endif } void EXT_FUNC ClientPutInServer(edict_t *pEntity) { entvars_t *pev = &pEntity->v; CBasePlayer *pPlayer = GetClassPtr((CBasePlayer *)pev); pPlayer->SetCustomDecalFrames(-1); pPlayer->SetPrefsFromUserinfo(GET_INFO_BUFFER(pEntity)); if (!g_pGameRules->IsMultiplayer()) { pPlayer->Spawn(); return; } pPlayer->m_bNotKilled = true; pPlayer->m_iIgnoreGlobalChat = IGNOREMSG_NONE; pPlayer->m_iTeamKills = 0; pPlayer->m_bJustConnected = true; pPlayer->Spawn(); pPlayer->m_bTeamChanged = false; pPlayer->m_iNumSpawns = 0; CheckStartMoney(); pPlayer->m_iAccount = int(startmoney.value); pPlayer->m_fGameHUDInitialized = FALSE; pPlayer->m_flDisplayHistory &= ~DHF_ROUND_STARTED; pPlayer->pev->flags |= FL_SPECTATOR; pPlayer->pev->solid = SOLID_NOT; pPlayer->pev->movetype = MOVETYPE_NOCLIP; pPlayer->pev->effects = EF_NODRAW; pPlayer->pev->effects |= EF_NOINTERP; pPlayer->pev->takedamage = DAMAGE_NO; pPlayer->pev->deadflag = DEAD_DEAD; pPlayer->pev->velocity = g_vecZero; pPlayer->pev->punchangle = g_vecZero; pPlayer->m_iJoiningState = READINGLTEXT; pPlayer->m_iTeam = UNASSIGNED; pPlayer->pev->fixangle = 1; pPlayer->m_iModelName = MODEL_URBAN; pPlayer->m_bContextHelp = true; pPlayer->m_bHasNightVision = false; pPlayer->m_iHostagesKilled = 0; pPlayer->m_iMapVote = 0; pPlayer->m_iCurrentKickVote = 0; pPlayer->m_fDeadTime = 0; pPlayer->has_disconnected = false; pPlayer->m_iMenu = Menu_OFF; pPlayer->ClearAutoBuyData(); pPlayer->m_rebuyString = NULL; SET_CLIENT_MAXSPEED(ENT(pPlayer->pev), 1); SET_MODEL(ENT(pPlayer->pev), "models/player.mdl"); pPlayer->SetThink(NULL); CBaseEntity *pTarget = UTIL_FindEntityByClassname(NULL, "trigger_camera"); pPlayer->m_pIntroCamera = pTarget; if (CSGameRules() && CSGameRules()->m_bMapHasCameras == MAP_HAS_CAMERAS_INIT) { CSGameRules()->m_bMapHasCameras = (pTarget != NULL); } if (pPlayer->m_pIntroCamera) pTarget = UTIL_FindEntityByTargetname(NULL, STRING(pPlayer->m_pIntroCamera->pev->target)); if (pPlayer->m_pIntroCamera && pTarget) { Vector CamAngles = UTIL_VecToAngles((pTarget->pev->origin - pPlayer->m_pIntroCamera->pev->origin).Normalize()); CamAngles.x = -CamAngles.x; UTIL_SetOrigin(pPlayer->pev, pPlayer->m_pIntroCamera->pev->origin); pPlayer->pev->angles = CamAngles; pPlayer->pev->v_angle = pPlayer->pev->angles; pPlayer->m_fIntroCamTime = gpGlobals->time + 6; pPlayer->pev->view_ofs = g_vecZero; } #ifndef REGAMEDLL_FIXES else { pPlayer->m_iTeam = CT; if (g_pGameRules != NULL) { g_pGameRules->GetPlayerSpawnSpot(pPlayer); } pPlayer->m_iTeam = UNASSIGNED; pPlayer->pev->v_angle = g_vecZero; pPlayer->pev->angles = gpGlobals->v_forward; } #endif if (TheBots != NULL) { TheBots->OnEvent(EVENT_PLAYER_CHANGED_TEAM, (CBaseEntity *)pPlayer); } pPlayer->m_iJoiningState = SHOWLTEXT; static char sName[128]; Q_strcpy(sName, STRING(pPlayer->pev->netname)); for (char *pApersand = sName; pApersand && *pApersand != '\0'; pApersand++) { if (*pApersand == '%') *pApersand = ' '; } UTIL_ClientPrintAll(HUD_PRINTNOTIFY, "#Game_connected", (sName[0] != '\0') ? sName : ""); } NOXREF int Q_strlen_(const char *str) { int count = 0; if (str && *str) { while (str[count++ + 1]); } return count; } void Host_Say(edict_t *pEntity, BOOL teamonly) { CBasePlayer *client; int j; char *p; char text[128]; char szTemp[256]; const char *cpSay = "say"; const char *cpSayTeam = "say_team"; const char *pcmd = CMD_ARGV_(0); bool bSenderDead = false; entvars_t *pev = &pEntity->v; CBasePlayer *player = GetClassPtr((CBasePlayer *)pev); if (player->m_flLastTalk != 0.0f && gpGlobals->time - player->m_flLastTalk < 0.66f) return; player->m_flLastTalk = gpGlobals->time; if (player->pev->deadflag != DEAD_NO) bSenderDead = true; // We can get a raw string now, without the "say " prepended if (CMD_ARGC_() == 0) return; if (!Q_stricmp(pcmd, cpSay) || !Q_stricmp(pcmd, cpSayTeam)) { if (CMD_ARGC_() >= 2) { p = (char *)CMD_ARGS(); } else { // say with a blank message, nothing to do return; } } else // Raw text, need to prepend argv[0] { if (CMD_ARGC_() >= 2) { Q_sprintf(szTemp, "%s %s", (char *)pcmd, (char *)CMD_ARGS()); } else { // Just a one word command, use the first word...sigh Q_sprintf(szTemp, "%s", (char *)pcmd); } p = szTemp; } // remove quotes if present if (*p == '"') { p++; p[Q_strlen(p) - 1] = '\0'; } // make sure the text has content if (/*!p || */!p[0] || !Q_UnicodeValidate(p)) { // no character found, so say nothing return; } Q_StripUnprintableAndSpace(p); if (Q_strlen(p) <= 0) return; const char *placeName = NULL; char *pszFormat = NULL; char *pszConsoleFormat = NULL; bool consoleUsesPlaceName = false; // team only if (teamonly) { if (g_bIsCzeroGame && (player->m_iTeam == CT || player->m_iTeam == TERRORIST)) { // search the place name where is located the player Place playerPlace = TheNavAreaGrid.GetPlace(&player->pev->origin); const BotPhraseList *placeList = TheBotPhrases->GetPlaceList(); for (auto it : *placeList) { if (it->GetID() == playerPlace) { placeName = it->GetName(); break; } } } if (player->m_iTeam == CT) { if (bSenderDead) { pszFormat = "#Cstrike_Chat_CT_Dead"; pszConsoleFormat = "*DEAD*(Counter-Terrorist) %s : %s"; } else if (placeName != NULL) { pszFormat = "#Cstrike_Chat_CT_Loc"; pszConsoleFormat = "*(Counter-Terrorist) %s @ %s : %s"; consoleUsesPlaceName = true; } else { pszFormat = "#Cstrike_Chat_CT"; pszConsoleFormat = "(Counter-Terrorist) %s : %s"; } } else if (player->m_iTeam == TERRORIST) { if (bSenderDead) { pszFormat = "#Cstrike_Chat_T_Dead"; pszConsoleFormat = "*DEAD*(Terrorist) %s : %s"; } else if (placeName != NULL) { pszFormat = "#Cstrike_Chat_T_Loc"; pszConsoleFormat = "(Terrorist) %s @ %s : %s"; consoleUsesPlaceName = true; } else { pszFormat = "#Cstrike_Chat_T"; pszConsoleFormat = "(Terrorist) %s : %s"; } } else { pszFormat = "#Cstrike_Chat_Spec"; pszConsoleFormat = "(Spectator) %s : %s"; } } // everyone else { if (bSenderDead) { if (player->m_iTeam == SPECTATOR) { pszFormat = "#Cstrike_Chat_AllSpec"; pszConsoleFormat = "*SPEC* %s : %s"; } else { pszFormat = "#Cstrike_Chat_AllDead"; pszConsoleFormat = "*DEAD* %s : %s"; } } else { pszFormat = "#Cstrike_Chat_All"; pszConsoleFormat = "%s : %s"; } } text[0] = '\0'; // -3 for /n and null terminator j = sizeof(text) - 3 - Q_strlen(text) - Q_strlen(pszFormat); if (placeName != NULL) { j -= Q_strlen(placeName) + 1; } if ((signed int)Q_strlen(p) > j) p[j] = 0; for (char *pAmpersand = p; pAmpersand != NULL && *pAmpersand != '\0'; pAmpersand++) { if (pAmpersand[0] == '%') { if (pAmpersand[1] != 'l' && pAmpersand[1] != ' ' && pAmpersand[1] != '\0') { pAmpersand[0] = ' '; } } } Q_strcat(text, p); Q_strcat(text, "\n"); // loop through all players // Start with the first player. // This may return the world in single player if the client types something between levels or during spawn // so check it, or it will infinite loop client = NULL; while ((client = (CBasePlayer *)UTIL_FindEntityByClassname(client, "player")) != NULL) { if (FNullEnt(client->edict())) break; if (!client->pev) continue; if (client->edict() == pEntity) continue; // Not a client ? (should never be true) if (!client->IsNetClient()) continue; // can the receiver hear the sender? or has he muted him? if (gpGlobals->deathmatch != 0.0f && CSGameRules()->m_VoiceGameMgr.PlayerHasBlockedPlayer(client, player)) continue; if (teamonly && client->m_iTeam != player->m_iTeam) continue; if ((client->pev->deadflag != DEAD_NO && !bSenderDead) || (client->pev->deadflag == DEAD_NO && bSenderDead)) { if (!(player->pev->flags & FL_PROXY)) continue; } if ((client->m_iIgnoreGlobalChat == IGNOREMSG_ENEMY && client->m_iTeam == player->m_iTeam) || client->m_iIgnoreGlobalChat == IGNOREMSG_NONE) { MESSAGE_BEGIN(MSG_ONE, gmsgSayText, NULL, client->pev); WRITE_BYTE(ENTINDEX(pEntity)); WRITE_STRING(pszFormat); WRITE_STRING(""); WRITE_STRING(text); if (placeName != NULL) { WRITE_STRING(placeName); } MESSAGE_END(); } } char *fullText = p; // print to the sending client MESSAGE_BEGIN(MSG_ONE, gmsgSayText, NULL, &pEntity->v); WRITE_BYTE(ENTINDEX(pEntity)); WRITE_STRING(pszFormat); WRITE_STRING(""); WRITE_STRING(text); if (placeName != NULL) { WRITE_STRING(placeName); } MESSAGE_END(); // echo to server console if (pszConsoleFormat) { if (placeName && consoleUsesPlaceName) SERVER_PRINT(UTIL_VarArgs(pszConsoleFormat, STRING(player->pev->netname), placeName, text)); else SERVER_PRINT(UTIL_VarArgs(pszConsoleFormat, STRING(player->pev->netname), text)); } else SERVER_PRINT(text); if (CVAR_GET_FLOAT("mp_logmessages") != 0) { const char *temp = teamonly ? "say_team" : "say"; const char *deadText = (player->m_iTeam != SPECTATOR && bSenderDead) ? " (dead)" : ""; char *szTeam = GetTeam(player->m_iTeam); UTIL_LogPrintf("\"%s<%i><%s><%s>\" %s \"%s\"%s\n", STRING(player->pev->netname), GETPLAYERUSERID(player->edict()), GETPLAYERAUTHID(player->edict()), szTeam, temp, fullText, deadText); } } bool CanBuyThis(CBasePlayer *pPlayer, int iWeapon) { if (pPlayer->HasShield() && iWeapon == WEAPON_ELITE) return false; if (pPlayer->HasShield() && iWeapon == WEAPON_SHIELDGUN) return false; if (pPlayer->m_rgpPlayerItems[ PISTOL_SLOT ] != NULL && pPlayer->m_rgpPlayerItems[ PISTOL_SLOT ]->m_iId == WEAPON_ELITE && iWeapon == WEAPON_SHIELDGUN) return false; if (pPlayer->m_rgpPlayerItems[ PRIMARY_WEAPON_SLOT ] != NULL && pPlayer->m_rgpPlayerItems[ PRIMARY_WEAPON_SLOT ]->m_iId == iWeapon) { if (g_bClientPrintEnable) { ClientPrint(pPlayer->pev, HUD_PRINTCENTER, "#Cstrike_Already_Own_Weapon"); } return false; } if (pPlayer->m_rgpPlayerItems[ PISTOL_SLOT ] != NULL && pPlayer->m_rgpPlayerItems[ PISTOL_SLOT ]->m_iId == iWeapon) { if (g_bClientPrintEnable) { ClientPrint(pPlayer->pev, HUD_PRINTCENTER, "#Cstrike_Already_Own_Weapon"); } return false; } if (!CanBuyWeaponByMaptype(pPlayer->m_iTeam, (WeaponIdType)iWeapon, (CSGameRules()->m_iMapHasVIPSafetyZone == MAP_HAVE_VIP_SAFETYZONE_YES))) { if (g_bClientPrintEnable) { ClientPrint(pPlayer->pev, HUD_PRINTCENTER, "#Cannot_Buy_This"); } return false; } return true; } void BuyPistol(CBasePlayer *pPlayer, int iSlot) { if (iSlot < 1 || iSlot > 5) return; WeaponIdType buyWeapon = WEAPON_NONE; switch (iSlot) { case 1: buyWeapon = WEAPON_GLOCK18; break; case 2: buyWeapon = WEAPON_USP; break; case 3: buyWeapon = WEAPON_P228; break; case 4: buyWeapon = WEAPON_DEAGLE; break; case 5: buyWeapon = (pPlayer->m_iTeam == CT) ? WEAPON_FIVESEVEN : WEAPON_ELITE; break; } BuyWeaponByWeaponID(pPlayer, buyWeapon); } void BuyShotgun(CBasePlayer *pPlayer, int iSlot) { if (iSlot < 1 || iSlot > 2) return; WeaponIdType buyWeapon = WEAPON_NONE; switch (iSlot) { case 1: buyWeapon = WEAPON_M3; break; case 2: buyWeapon = WEAPON_XM1014; break; } BuyWeaponByWeaponID(pPlayer, buyWeapon); } void BuySubMachineGun(CBasePlayer *pPlayer, int iSlot) { if (iSlot < 1 || iSlot > 4) return; WeaponIdType buyWeapon = WEAPON_NONE; switch (iSlot) { case 1: buyWeapon = (pPlayer->m_iTeam == CT) ? WEAPON_TMP : WEAPON_MAC10; break; case 2: buyWeapon = WEAPON_MP5N; break; case 3: buyWeapon = WEAPON_UMP45; break; case 4: buyWeapon = WEAPON_P90; break; } BuyWeaponByWeaponID(pPlayer, buyWeapon); } void BuyRifle(CBasePlayer *pPlayer, int iSlot) { if (iSlot < 1 || iSlot > 6) return; WeaponIdType buyWeapon = WEAPON_NONE; bool bIsCT = (pPlayer->m_iTeam == CT) ? true : false; switch (iSlot) { case 2: buyWeapon = bIsCT ? WEAPON_SCOUT : WEAPON_AK47; break; case 3: buyWeapon = bIsCT ? WEAPON_M4A1 : WEAPON_SCOUT; break; case 4: buyWeapon = bIsCT ? WEAPON_AUG : WEAPON_SG552; break; case 5: buyWeapon = bIsCT ? WEAPON_SG550 : WEAPON_AWP; break; case 6: buyWeapon = bIsCT ? WEAPON_AWP : WEAPON_G3SG1; break; default: buyWeapon = bIsCT ? WEAPON_FAMAS : WEAPON_GALIL; break; } BuyWeaponByWeaponID(pPlayer, buyWeapon); } void BuyMachineGun(CBasePlayer *pPlayer, int iSlot) { if (iSlot != 1) return; BuyWeaponByWeaponID(pPlayer, WEAPON_M249); } void BuyItem(CBasePlayer *pPlayer, int iSlot) { int iItemPrice = 0; const char *pszItem = NULL; if (!pPlayer->CanPlayerBuy(true)) return; if (pPlayer->m_iTeam == CT) { if (iSlot < 1 || iSlot > 8) return; } else { if (iSlot < 1 || iSlot > 6) return; } int fullArmor = (pPlayer->pev->armorvalue >= 100); bool bHasHelmet = (pPlayer->m_iKevlar == ARMOR_VESTHELM); bool bEnoughMoney = false; switch (iSlot) { case MENU_SLOT_ITEM_VEST: { #ifdef REGAMEDLL_ADD if (pPlayer->HasRestrictItem(ITEM_KEVLAR, ITEM_TYPE_BUYING)) return; #endif if (fullArmor) { if (g_bClientPrintEnable) { ClientPrint(pPlayer->pev, HUD_PRINTCENTER, "#Already_Have_Kevlar"); } return; } if (pPlayer->m_iAccount >= KEVLAR_PRICE) { if (bHasHelmet && g_bClientPrintEnable) { ClientPrint(pPlayer->pev, HUD_PRINTCENTER, "#Already_Have_Helmet_Bought_Kevlar"); } bEnoughMoney = true; pszItem = "item_kevlar"; iItemPrice = KEVLAR_PRICE; } break; } case MENU_SLOT_ITEM_VESTHELM: { #ifdef REGAMEDLL_ADD if (pPlayer->HasRestrictItem(ITEM_ASSAULT, ITEM_TYPE_BUYING)) return; #endif if (fullArmor) { if (bHasHelmet) { if (g_bClientPrintEnable) { ClientPrint(pPlayer->pev, HUD_PRINTCENTER, "#Already_Have_Kevlar_Helmet"); } return; } if (pPlayer->m_iAccount >= HELMET_PRICE) { if (g_bClientPrintEnable) { ClientPrint(pPlayer->pev, HUD_PRINTCENTER, "#Already_Have_Kevlar_Bought_Helmet"); } bEnoughMoney = true; pszItem = "item_assaultsuit"; iItemPrice = HELMET_PRICE; } break; } else { if (bHasHelmet) { if (pPlayer->m_iAccount >= KEVLAR_PRICE) { if (g_bClientPrintEnable) { ClientPrint(pPlayer->pev, HUD_PRINTCENTER, "#Already_Have_Helmet_Bought_Kevlar"); } bEnoughMoney = true; pszItem = "item_assaultsuit"; iItemPrice = KEVLAR_PRICE; } } else { if (pPlayer->m_iAccount >= ASSAULTSUIT_PRICE) { bEnoughMoney = true; pszItem = "item_assaultsuit"; iItemPrice = ASSAULTSUIT_PRICE; } } } break; } case MENU_SLOT_ITEM_FLASHGREN: { #ifdef REGAMEDLL_ADD if (pPlayer->HasRestrictItem(ITEM_FLASHBANG, ITEM_TYPE_BUYING)) return; #endif if (pPlayer->AmmoInventory(pPlayer->GetAmmoIndex("Flashbang")) >= MaxAmmoCarry("Flashbang")) { if (g_bClientPrintEnable) { ClientPrint(pPlayer->pev, HUD_PRINTCENTER, "#Cannot_Carry_Anymore"); } return; } if (pPlayer->m_iAccount >= FLASHBANG_PRICE) { bEnoughMoney = true; pszItem = "weapon_flashbang"; iItemPrice = FLASHBANG_PRICE; } break; } case MENU_SLOT_ITEM_HEGREN: { #ifdef REGAMEDLL_ADD if (pPlayer->HasRestrictItem(ITEM_HEGRENADE, ITEM_TYPE_BUYING)) return; #endif if (pPlayer->AmmoInventory(pPlayer->GetAmmoIndex("HEGrenade")) >= MaxAmmoCarry("HEGrenade")) { if (g_bClientPrintEnable) { ClientPrint(pPlayer->pev, HUD_PRINTCENTER, "#Cannot_Carry_Anymore"); } return; } if (pPlayer->m_iAccount >= HEGRENADE_PRICE) { bEnoughMoney = true; pszItem = "weapon_hegrenade"; iItemPrice = HEGRENADE_PRICE; } break; } case MENU_SLOT_ITEM_SMOKEGREN: { #ifdef REGAMEDLL_ADD if (pPlayer->HasRestrictItem(ITEM_SMOKEGRENADE, ITEM_TYPE_BUYING)) return; #endif if (pPlayer->AmmoInventory(pPlayer->GetAmmoIndex("SmokeGrenade")) >= MaxAmmoCarry("SmokeGrenade")) { if (g_bClientPrintEnable) { ClientPrint(pPlayer->pev, HUD_PRINTCENTER, "#Cannot_Carry_Anymore"); } return; } if (pPlayer->m_iAccount >= SMOKEGRENADE_PRICE) { bEnoughMoney = true; pszItem = "weapon_smokegrenade"; iItemPrice = SMOKEGRENADE_PRICE; } break; } case MENU_SLOT_ITEM_NVG: { #ifdef REGAMEDLL_ADD if (pPlayer->HasRestrictItem(ITEM_NVG, ITEM_TYPE_BUYING)) return; #endif if (pPlayer->m_bHasNightVision) { if (g_bClientPrintEnable) { ClientPrint(pPlayer->pev, HUD_PRINTCENTER, "#Already_Have_One"); } return; } if (pPlayer->m_iAccount >= NVG_PRICE) { if (!(pPlayer->m_flDisplayHistory & DHF_NIGHTVISION)) { pPlayer->HintMessage("#Hint_use_nightvision"); pPlayer->m_flDisplayHistory |= DHF_NIGHTVISION; } EMIT_SOUND(ENT(pPlayer->pev), CHAN_ITEM, "items/equip_nvg.wav", VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM); bEnoughMoney = true; pPlayer->m_bHasNightVision = true; pPlayer->AddAccount(-NVG_PRICE, RT_PLAYER_BOUGHT_SOMETHING); pPlayer->SendItemStatus(); } break; } case MENU_SLOT_ITEM_DEFUSEKIT: { #ifdef REGAMEDLL_ADD if (pPlayer->HasRestrictItem(ITEM_DEFUSEKIT, ITEM_TYPE_BUYING)) return; #endif if (pPlayer->m_iTeam != CT || !CSGameRules()->m_bMapHasBombTarget) return; if (pPlayer->m_bHasDefuser) { if (g_bClientPrintEnable) { ClientPrint(pPlayer->pev, HUD_PRINTCENTER, "#Already_Have_One"); } return; } if (pPlayer->m_iAccount >= DEFUSEKIT_PRICE) { bEnoughMoney = true; pPlayer->m_bHasDefuser = true; MESSAGE_BEGIN(MSG_ONE, gmsgStatusIcon, NULL, pPlayer->pev); WRITE_BYTE(STATUSICON_SHOW); WRITE_STRING("defuser"); WRITE_BYTE(0); WRITE_BYTE(160); WRITE_BYTE(0); MESSAGE_END(); pPlayer->pev->body = 1; pPlayer->AddAccount(-DEFUSEKIT_PRICE, RT_PLAYER_BOUGHT_SOMETHING); EMIT_SOUND(ENT(pPlayer->pev), CHAN_ITEM, "items/kevlar.wav", VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM); pPlayer->SendItemStatus(); } break; } case MENU_SLOT_ITEM_SHIELD: { #ifdef REGAMEDLL_ADD if (pPlayer->HasRestrictItem(ITEM_SHIELDGUN, ITEM_TYPE_BUYING)) return; #endif if (!CanBuyThis(pPlayer, WEAPON_SHIELDGUN)) return; if (pPlayer->m_iAccount >= SHIELDGUN_PRICE) { bEnoughMoney = true; pPlayer->DropPrimary(); pPlayer->GiveShield(); pPlayer->AddAccount(-SHIELDGUN_PRICE, RT_PLAYER_BOUGHT_SOMETHING); EMIT_SOUND(ENT(pPlayer->pev), CHAN_ITEM, "items/gunpickup2.wav", VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM); } break; } } if (!bEnoughMoney) { if (g_bClientPrintEnable) { ClientPrint(pPlayer->pev, HUD_PRINTCENTER, "#Not_Enough_Money"); BlinkAccount(pPlayer); } return; } if (pszItem != NULL) { pPlayer->GiveNamedItem(pszItem); pPlayer->AddAccount(-iItemPrice, RT_PLAYER_BOUGHT_SOMETHING); } if (TheTutor != NULL) { TheTutor->OnEvent(EVENT_PLAYER_BOUGHT_SOMETHING, pPlayer); } } void BuyWeaponByWeaponID(CBasePlayer *pPlayer, WeaponIdType weaponID) { if (!pPlayer->CanPlayerBuy(true)) return; #ifdef REGAMEDLL_ADD if (pPlayer->HasRestrictItem((ItemID)weaponID, ITEM_TYPE_BUYING)) return; #endif if (!CanBuyThis(pPlayer, weaponID)) return; WeaponInfoStruct *info = GetWeaponInfo(weaponID); if (!info || !info->entityName) return; if (pPlayer->m_iAccount < info->cost) { if (g_bClientPrintEnable) { ClientPrint(pPlayer->pev, HUD_PRINTCENTER, "#Not_Enough_Money"); BlinkAccount(pPlayer); } return; } if (IsPrimaryWeapon(weaponID)) { pPlayer->DropPrimary(); } else { pPlayer->DropSecondary(); } pPlayer->GiveNamedItem(info->entityName); pPlayer->AddAccount(-info->cost, RT_PLAYER_BOUGHT_SOMETHING); if (TheTutor != NULL) { TheTutor->OnEvent(EVENT_PLAYER_BOUGHT_SOMETHING, pPlayer); } } LINK_HOOK_VOID_CHAIN(HandleMenu_ChooseAppearance, (CBasePlayer *player, int slot), player, slot); void __API_HOOK(HandleMenu_ChooseAppearance)(CBasePlayer *player, int slot) { int numSkins = g_bIsCzeroGame ? CZ_NUM_SKIN : CS_NUM_SKIN; struct { ModelName model_id; char *model_name; int model_name_index; } appearance; Q_memset(&appearance, 0, sizeof(appearance)); if (player->m_iTeam == TERRORIST) { if ((slot > numSkins || slot < 1) && (!TheBotProfiles->GetCustomSkin(slot) || !player->IsBot())) { slot = RANDOM_LONG(1, numSkins); } switch (slot) { case 1: appearance.model_id = MODEL_TERROR; appearance.model_name = "terror"; break; case 2: appearance.model_id = MODEL_LEET; appearance.model_name = "leet"; break; case 3: appearance.model_id = MODEL_ARCTIC; appearance.model_name = "arctic"; break; case 4: appearance.model_id = MODEL_GUERILLA; appearance.model_name = "guerilla"; break; case 5: if (g_bIsCzeroGame) { appearance.model_id = MODEL_MILITIA; appearance.model_name = "militia"; break; } default: if (TheBotProfiles->GetCustomSkinModelname(slot) && player->IsBot()) { appearance.model_name = (char *)TheBotProfiles->GetCustomSkinModelname(slot); } else { appearance.model_id = MODEL_TERROR; appearance.model_name = "terror"; } break; } // default T model models/player/terror/terror.mdl appearance.model_name_index = 8; } else if (player->m_iTeam == CT) { if ((slot > numSkins || slot < 1) && (!TheBotProfiles->GetCustomSkin(slot) || !player->IsBot())) { slot = RANDOM_LONG(1, numSkins); } switch (slot) { case 1: appearance.model_id = MODEL_URBAN; appearance.model_name = "urban"; break; case 2: appearance.model_id = MODEL_GSG9; appearance.model_name = "gsg9"; break; case 3: appearance.model_id = MODEL_SAS; appearance.model_name = "sas"; break; case 4: appearance.model_id = MODEL_GIGN; appearance.model_name = "gign"; break; case 5: if (g_bIsCzeroGame) { appearance.model_id = MODEL_SPETSNAZ; appearance.model_name = "spetsnaz"; break; } default: if (TheBotProfiles->GetCustomSkinModelname(slot) && player->IsBot()) { appearance.model_name = (char *)TheBotProfiles->GetCustomSkinModelname(slot); } else { appearance.model_id = MODEL_URBAN; appearance.model_name = "urban"; } break; } // default CT model models/player/urban/urban.mdl appearance.model_name_index = 9; } player->m_iMenu = Menu_OFF; // Reset the player's state if (player->m_iJoiningState == JOINED) { CSGameRules()->CheckWinConditions(); } else if (player->m_iJoiningState == PICKINGTEAM) { player->m_iJoiningState = GETINTOGAME; if (CSGameRules()->IsCareer()) { if (!player->IsBot()) { CSGameRules()->CheckWinConditions(); } } } player->pev->body = 0; player->m_iModelName = appearance.model_id; player->SetClientUserInfoModel(GET_INFO_BUFFER(player->edict()), appearance.model_name); player->SetNewPlayerModel(sPlayerModelFiles[ appearance.model_name_index ]); if (CSGameRules()->m_iMapHasVIPSafetyZone == MAP_VIP_SAFETYZONE_UNINITIALIZED) { if ((UTIL_FindEntityByClassname(NULL, "func_vip_safetyzone")) != NULL) CSGameRules()->m_iMapHasVIPSafetyZone = MAP_HAVE_VIP_SAFETYZONE_YES; else CSGameRules()->m_iMapHasVIPSafetyZone = MAP_HAVE_VIP_SAFETYZONE_NO; } if (CSGameRules()->m_iMapHasVIPSafetyZone == MAP_HAVE_VIP_SAFETYZONE_YES) { if (!CSGameRules()->m_pVIP && player->m_iTeam == CT) { player->MakeVIP(); } } } LINK_HOOK_CHAIN(BOOL, HandleMenu_ChooseTeam, (CBasePlayer *player, int slot), player, slot); // returns true if the selection has been handled and the player's menu // can be closed...false if the menu should be displayed again BOOL __API_HOOK(HandleMenu_ChooseTeam)(CBasePlayer *player, int slot) { int oldTeam; char *szOldTeam; char *szNewTeam; // If this player is a VIP, don't allow him to switch teams/appearances unless the following conditions are met : // a) There is another TEAM_CT player who is in the queue to be a VIP // b) This player is dead if (player->m_bIsVIP) { if (player->pev->deadflag == DEAD_NO) { ClientPrint(player->pev, HUD_PRINTCENTER, "#Cannot_Switch_From_VIP"); CLIENT_COMMAND(ENT(player->pev), "slot10\n"); return TRUE; } else if (CSGameRules()->IsVIPQueueEmpty()) { ClientPrint(player->pev, HUD_PRINTCENTER, "#Cannot_Switch_From_VIP"); CLIENT_COMMAND(ENT(player->pev), "slot10\n"); return TRUE; } } TeamName team = UNASSIGNED; switch (slot) { case MENU_SLOT_TEAM_TERRORIST: team = TERRORIST; break; case MENU_SLOT_TEAM_CT: team = CT; break; case MENU_SLOT_TEAM_VIP: { if (CSGameRules()->m_iMapHasVIPSafetyZone == MAP_HAVE_VIP_SAFETYZONE_YES && player->m_iTeam == CT) { CSGameRules()->AddToVIPQueue(player); CLIENT_COMMAND(ENT(player->pev), "slot10\n"); return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } break; } case MENU_SLOT_TEAM_RANDOM: { // Attempt to auto-select a team team = CSGameRules()->SelectDefaultTeam(); if (team == UNASSIGNED) { if (cv_bot_auto_vacate.value > 0.0f && !player->IsBot()) { team = (RANDOM_LONG(0, 1) == 0) ? TERRORIST : CT; if (!UTIL_KickBotFromTeam(team)) { // no bots on that team, try the other team = (team == CT) ? TERRORIST : CT; if (!UTIL_KickBotFromTeam(team)) { // couldn't kick any bots, fail team = UNASSIGNED; } } } } break; } case MENU_SLOT_TEAM_SPECT: { // Prevent this is the cvar is set // spectator proxy if (!allow_spectators.value && !(player->pev->flags & FL_PROXY)) { ClientPrint(player->pev, HUD_PRINTCENTER, "#Cannot_Be_Spectator"); CLIENT_COMMAND(ENT(player->pev), "slot10\n"); return FALSE; } // are we already a spectator? if (player->m_iTeam == SPECTATOR) { return TRUE; } // Only spectate if we are in the freeze period or dead. // This is done here just in case. if (g_pGameRules->IsFreezePeriod() || player->pev->deadflag != DEAD_NO) { if (player->m_iTeam != UNASSIGNED && player->pev->deadflag == DEAD_NO) { ClientKill(player->edict()); // add 1 to frags to balance out the 1 subtracted for killing yourself player->pev->frags++; } player->RemoveAllItems(TRUE); player->m_bHasC4 = false; #ifdef REGAMEDLL_FIXES if (player->m_iTeam != SPECTATOR) #endif { // notify other clients of player joined to team spectator UTIL_LogPrintf("\"%s<%i><%s><%s>\" joined team \"SPECTATOR\"\n", STRING(player->pev->netname), GETPLAYERUSERID(player->edict()), GETPLAYERAUTHID(player->edict()), GetTeam(player->m_iTeam)); } player->m_iTeam = SPECTATOR; player->m_iJoiningState = JOINED; // Reset money player->m_iAccount = 0; MESSAGE_BEGIN(MSG_ONE, gmsgMoney, NULL, player->pev); WRITE_LONG(player->m_iAccount); WRITE_BYTE(0); MESSAGE_END(); #ifndef REGAMEDLL_FIXES MESSAGE_BEGIN(MSG_BROADCAST, gmsgScoreInfo); #else MESSAGE_BEGIN(MSG_ALL, gmsgScoreInfo); #endif WRITE_BYTE(ENTINDEX(player->edict())); WRITE_SHORT(int(player->pev->frags)); WRITE_SHORT(player->m_iDeaths); WRITE_SHORT(0); WRITE_SHORT(0); MESSAGE_END(); player->m_pIntroCamera = NULL; player->m_bTeamChanged = true; if (TheBots != NULL) { TheBots->OnEvent(EVENT_PLAYER_CHANGED_TEAM, player); } player->TeamChangeUpdate(); edict_t *pentSpawnSpot = g_pGameRules->GetPlayerSpawnSpot(player); player->StartObserver(pentSpawnSpot->v.origin, pentSpawnSpot->v.angles); #ifndef REGAMEDLL_FIXES // TODO: it was already sent in StartObserver MESSAGE_BEGIN(MSG_ALL, gmsgSpectator); WRITE_BYTE(ENTINDEX(player->edict())); WRITE_BYTE(1); MESSAGE_END(); #endif // do we have fadetoblack on? (need to fade their screen back in) if (fadetoblack.value) { UTIL_ScreenFade(player, Vector(0, 0, 0), 0.001, 0, 0, FFADE_IN); } return TRUE; } else { ClientPrint(player->pev, HUD_PRINTCENTER, "#Cannot_Be_Spectator"); CLIENT_COMMAND(ENT(player->pev), "slot10\n"); return FALSE; } break; } default: return FALSE; } // If the code gets this far, the team is not TEAM_UNASSIGNED // Player is switching to a new team (It is possible to switch to the // same team just to choose a new appearance) if (CSGameRules()->TeamFull(team)) { // The specified team is full // attempt to kick a bot to make room for this player bool madeRoom = false; if (cv_bot_auto_vacate.value > 0 && !player->IsBot()) { if (UTIL_KickBotFromTeam(team)) madeRoom = true; } if (!madeRoom) { ClientPrint(player->pev, HUD_PRINTCENTER, (team == TERRORIST) ? "#Terrorists_Full" : "#CTs_Full"); return FALSE; } } // players are allowed to change to their own team so they can just change their model if (CSGameRules()->TeamStacked(team, player->m_iTeam)) { // The specified team is full ClientPrint(player->pev, HUD_PRINTCENTER, (team == TERRORIST) ? "#Too_Many_Terrorists" : "#Too_Many_CTs"); return FALSE; } if (team != SPECTATOR && !player->IsBot() #ifdef REGAMEDLL_ADD && auto_join_team.value != 1.0f #endif ) { int humanTeam = UNASSIGNED; if (!Q_stricmp(humans_join_team.string, "CT")) { humanTeam = CT; } else if (!Q_stricmp(humans_join_team.string, "T")) { humanTeam = TERRORIST; } if (humanTeam != UNASSIGNED && team != humanTeam) { // TODO: These localization strings are not defined on the client CS 1.6, only for CZero #ifdef REGAMEDLL_FIXES ClientPrint(player->pev, HUD_PRINTCENTER, (team == TERRORIST) ? "Humans can only be CT!" : "Humans can only be terrorists!"); #else ClientPrint(player->pev, HUD_PRINTCENTER, (team == TERRORIST) ? "#Humans_Join_Team_CT" : "#Humans_Join_Team_T"); #endif return FALSE; } } // If we already died and changed teams once, deny if (player->m_bTeamChanged) { if (player->pev->deadflag != DEAD_NO) { ClientPrint(player->pev, HUD_PRINTCENTER, "#Only_1_Team_Change"); return FALSE; } } if (player->m_iTeam == SPECTATOR && team != SPECTATOR) { // If they're switching into spectator, setup spectator properties.. player->m_bNotKilled = true; player->m_iIgnoreGlobalChat = IGNOREMSG_NONE; player->m_iTeamKills = 0; CheckStartMoney(); // all players start with "mp_startmoney" bucks player->m_iAccount = int(startmoney.value); player->pev->solid = SOLID_NOT; player->pev->movetype = MOVETYPE_NOCLIP; player->pev->effects = EF_NODRAW; player->pev->effects |= EF_NOINTERP; player->pev->takedamage = DAMAGE_NO; player->pev->deadflag = DEAD_DEAD; player->pev->velocity = g_vecZero; player->pev->punchangle = g_vecZero; player->m_bHasNightVision = false; player->m_iHostagesKilled = 0; player->m_fDeadTime = 0; player->has_disconnected = false; player->m_iJoiningState = GETINTOGAME; player->SendItemStatus(); SET_CLIENT_MAXSPEED(ENT(player->pev), 1); SET_MODEL(ENT(player->pev), "models/player.mdl"); } #ifdef REGAMEDLL_ADD if (!CSGameRules()->ShouldSkipShowMenu()) #endif { if (!CSGameRules()->IsCareer()) { switch (team) { case CT: if (g_bIsCzeroGame) ShowVGUIMenu(player, VGUI_Menu_Class_CT, (MENU_KEY_1 | MENU_KEY_2 | MENU_KEY_3 | MENU_KEY_4 | MENU_KEY_5 | MENU_KEY_6), "#CT_Select"); else ShowVGUIMenu(player, VGUI_Menu_Class_CT, (MENU_KEY_1 | MENU_KEY_2 | MENU_KEY_3 | MENU_KEY_4 | MENU_KEY_5), "#CT_Select"); break; case TERRORIST: if (g_bIsCzeroGame) ShowVGUIMenu(player, VGUI_Menu_Class_T, (MENU_KEY_1 | MENU_KEY_2 | MENU_KEY_3 | MENU_KEY_4 | MENU_KEY_5 | MENU_KEY_6), "#Terrorist_Select"); else ShowVGUIMenu(player, VGUI_Menu_Class_T, (MENU_KEY_1 | MENU_KEY_2 | MENU_KEY_3 | MENU_KEY_4 | MENU_KEY_5), "#Terrorist_Select"); break; } } player->m_iMenu = Menu_ChooseAppearance; // Show the appropriate Choose Appearance menu // This must come before ClientKill() for CheckWinConditions() to function properly if (player->pev->deadflag == DEAD_NO) { ClientKill(player->edict()); } } // Switch their actual team... player->m_bTeamChanged = true; oldTeam = player->m_iTeam; player->m_iTeam = team; if (TheBots != NULL) { TheBots->OnEvent(EVENT_PLAYER_CHANGED_TEAM, player); } player->TeamChangeUpdate(); szOldTeam = GetTeam(oldTeam); szNewTeam = GetTeam(team); // Notify others that this player has joined a new team UTIL_ClientPrintAll(HUD_PRINTNOTIFY, (team == TERRORIST) ? "#Game_join_terrorist" : "#Game_join_ct", (STRING(player->pev->netname) && STRING(player->pev->netname)[0] != 0) ? STRING(player->pev->netname) : ""); UTIL_LogPrintf("\"%s<%i><%s><%s>\" joined team \"%s\"\n", STRING(player->pev->netname), GETPLAYERUSERID(player->edict()), GETPLAYERAUTHID(player->edict()), szOldTeam, szNewTeam); return TRUE; } void Radio1(CBasePlayer *player, int slot) { if (player->m_flRadioTime >= gpGlobals->time) return; if (player->m_iRadioMessages <= 0) return; player->m_iRadioMessages--; player->m_flRadioTime = gpGlobals->time + 1.5f; switch (slot) { case 1: player->Radio("%!MRAD_COVERME", "#Cover_me"); break; case 2: player->Radio("%!MRAD_TAKEPOINT", "#You_take_the_point"); break; case 3: player->Radio("%!MRAD_POSITION", "#Hold_this_position"); break; case 4: player->Radio("%!MRAD_REGROUP", "#Regroup_team"); break; case 5: player->Radio("%!MRAD_FOLLOWME", "#Follow_me"); break; case 6: player->Radio("%!MRAD_HITASSIST", "#Taking_fire"); break; } if (TheBots != NULL) { TheBots->OnEvent((GameEventType)(EVENT_START_RADIO_1 + slot), player); } } void Radio2(CBasePlayer *player, int slot) { if (player->m_flRadioTime >= gpGlobals->time) return; if (player->m_iRadioMessages <= 0) return; player->m_iRadioMessages--; player->m_flRadioTime = gpGlobals->time + 1.5f; switch (slot) { case 1: player->Radio("%!MRAD_GO", "#Go_go_go"); break; case 2: player->Radio("%!MRAD_FALLBACK", "#Team_fall_back"); break; case 3: player->Radio("%!MRAD_STICKTOG", "#Stick_together_team"); break; case 4: player->Radio("%!MRAD_GETINPOS", "#Get_in_position_and_wait"); break; case 5: player->Radio("%!MRAD_STORMFRONT", "#Storm_the_front"); break; case 6: player->Radio("%!MRAD_REPORTIN", "#Report_in_team"); break; } if (TheBots != NULL) { TheBots->OnEvent((GameEventType)(EVENT_START_RADIO_2 + slot), player); } } void Radio3(CBasePlayer *player, int slot) { if (player->m_flRadioTime >= gpGlobals->time) return; if (player->m_iRadioMessages <= 0) return; player->m_iRadioMessages--; player->m_flRadioTime = gpGlobals->time + 1.5f; switch (slot) { case 1: if (RANDOM_LONG(0, 1)) player->Radio("%!MRAD_AFFIRM", "#Affirmative"); else player->Radio("%!MRAD_ROGER", "#Roger_that"); break; case 2: player->Radio("%!MRAD_ENEMYSPOT", "#Enemy_spotted"); break; case 3: player->Radio("%!MRAD_BACKUP", "#Need_backup"); break; case 4: player->Radio("%!MRAD_CLEAR", "#Sector_clear"); break; case 5: player->Radio("%!MRAD_INPOS", "#In_position"); break; case 6: player->Radio("%!MRAD_REPRTINGIN", "#Reporting_in"); break; case 7: player->Radio("%!MRAD_BLOW", "#Get_out_of_there"); break; case 8: player->Radio("%!MRAD_NEGATIVE", "#Negative"); break; case 9: player->Radio("%!MRAD_ENEMYDOWN", "#Enemy_down"); break; } if (TheBots != NULL) { TheBots->OnEvent((GameEventType)(EVENT_START_RADIO_3 + slot), player); } } bool BuyGunAmmo(CBasePlayer *player, CBasePlayerItem *weapon, bool bBlinkMoney) { if (!player->CanPlayerBuy(true)) return false; // Ensure that the weapon uses ammo int nAmmo = weapon->PrimaryAmmoIndex(); if (nAmmo == -1) return false; // Can only buy if the player does not already have full ammo if (player->m_rgAmmo[ nAmmo ] >= weapon->iMaxAmmo1()) return false; WeaponInfoStruct *info = GetWeaponInfo(weapon->m_iId); if (!info) { ALERT(at_console, "Tried to buy ammo for an unrecognized gun\n"); return false; } // Purchase the ammo if the player has enough money if (player->m_iAccount >= info->clipCost) { player->GiveNamedItem(info->ammoName); player->AddAccount(-info->clipCost, RT_PLAYER_BOUGHT_SOMETHING); return true; } if (bBlinkMoney) { if (g_bClientPrintEnable) { // Not enough money.. let the player know ClientPrint(player->pev, HUD_PRINTCENTER, "#Not_Enough_Money"); BlinkAccount(player); } } return false; } bool BuyAmmo(CBasePlayer *player, int nSlot, bool bBlinkMoney) { if (!player->CanPlayerBuy(true)) return false; if (nSlot < PRIMARY_WEAPON_SLOT || nSlot > PISTOL_SLOT) return false; // Buy one ammo clip for all weapons in the given slot // // nSlot == 1 : Primary weapons // nSlot == 2 : Secondary weapons CBasePlayerItem *pItem = player->m_rgpPlayerItems[ nSlot ]; if (player->HasShield()) { if (player->m_rgpPlayerItems[ PISTOL_SLOT ]) pItem = player->m_rgpPlayerItems[ PISTOL_SLOT ]; } if (pItem != NULL) { while (BuyGunAmmo(player, pItem, bBlinkMoney)) { pItem = pItem->m_pNext; if (!pItem) { return true; } } } return false; } CBaseEntity *EntityFromUserID(int userID) { CBaseEntity *pTempEntity = NULL; while ((pTempEntity = UTIL_FindEntityByClassname(pTempEntity, "player")) != NULL) { if (FNullEnt(pTempEntity->edict())) break; CBasePlayer *pTempPlayer = GetClassPtr((CBasePlayer *)pTempEntity->pev); if (pTempPlayer->m_iTeam != UNASSIGNED && userID == GETPLAYERUSERID(pTempEntity->edict())) { return pTempPlayer; } } return NULL; } NOXREF int CountPlayersInServer() { int count = 0; CBaseEntity *pTempEntity = NULL; while ((pTempEntity = UTIL_FindEntityByClassname(pTempEntity, "player")) != NULL) { if (FNullEnt(pTempEntity->edict())) break; CBasePlayer *pTempPlayer = GetClassPtr((CBasePlayer *)pTempEntity->pev); if (pTempPlayer->m_iTeam != UNASSIGNED) { count++; } } return count; } // Handles the special "buy" alias commands we're creating to accommodate the buy // scripts players use (now that we've rearranged the buy menus and broken the scripts) // ** Returns TRUE if we've handled the command ** BOOL HandleBuyAliasCommands(CBasePlayer *pPlayer, const char *pszCommand) { // Let them buy it if it's got a weapon data string. BOOL bRetVal = FALSE; const char *pszFailItem = NULL; WeaponIdType weaponID = WEAPON_NONE; const char *weaponFailName = BuyAliasToWeaponID(pszCommand, weaponID); if (weaponID != WEAPON_NONE) { // Ok, we have weapon info ID. // assasination maps have a specific set of weapons that can be used in them. if (CanBuyWeaponByMaptype(pPlayer->m_iTeam, weaponID, (CSGameRules()->m_iMapHasVIPSafetyZone == MAP_HAVE_VIP_SAFETYZONE_YES))) { bRetVal = TRUE; BuyWeaponByWeaponID(pPlayer, weaponID); } else if (weaponFailName != NULL) { bRetVal = TRUE; if (g_bClientPrintEnable) { ClientPrint(pPlayer->pev, HUD_PRINTCENTER, "#Alias_Not_Avail", weaponFailName); } } else { bRetVal = TRUE; if (g_bClientPrintEnable) { ClientPrint(pPlayer->pev, HUD_PRINTCENTER, "#Cannot_Buy_This"); } } } else { // primary ammo if (FStrEq(pszCommand, "primammo")) { bRetVal = TRUE; // Buy as much primary ammo as possible // Blink money only if player doesn't have enough for the // first clip if (BuyAmmo(pPlayer, PRIMARY_WEAPON_SLOT, true)) { while (BuyAmmo(pPlayer, PRIMARY_WEAPON_SLOT, false)) ; if (TheTutor != NULL) { TheTutor->OnEvent(EVENT_PLAYER_BOUGHT_SOMETHING, pPlayer); } } } // secondary ammo else if (FStrEq(pszCommand, "secammo")) { bRetVal = TRUE; // Buy as much secondary ammo as possible // Blink money only if player doesn't have enough for the // first clip if (BuyAmmo(pPlayer, PISTOL_SLOT, true)) { while (BuyAmmo(pPlayer, PISTOL_SLOT, false)) ; if (TheTutor != NULL) { TheTutor->OnEvent(EVENT_PLAYER_BOUGHT_SOMETHING, pPlayer); } } } // equipment else if (FStrEq(pszCommand, "vest")) { bRetVal = TRUE; BuyItem(pPlayer, MENU_SLOT_ITEM_VEST); } else if (FStrEq(pszCommand, "vesthelm")) { bRetVal = TRUE; BuyItem(pPlayer, MENU_SLOT_ITEM_VESTHELM); } else if (FStrEq(pszCommand, "flash")) { bRetVal = TRUE; BuyItem(pPlayer, MENU_SLOT_ITEM_FLASHGREN); } else if (FStrEq(pszCommand, "hegren")) { bRetVal = TRUE; BuyItem(pPlayer, MENU_SLOT_ITEM_HEGREN); } else if (FStrEq(pszCommand, "sgren")) { bRetVal = TRUE; BuyItem(pPlayer, MENU_SLOT_ITEM_SMOKEGREN); } else if (FStrEq(pszCommand, "nvgs")) { bRetVal = TRUE; BuyItem(pPlayer, MENU_SLOT_ITEM_NVG); } else if (FStrEq(pszCommand, "defuser")) { bRetVal = TRUE; if (pPlayer->m_iTeam == CT) { BuyItem(pPlayer, MENU_SLOT_ITEM_DEFUSEKIT); } else { // fail gracefully pszFailItem = "#Bomb_Defusal_Kit"; } } else if (FStrEq(pszCommand, "shield")) { bRetVal = TRUE; if (pPlayer->m_iTeam == CT) { BuyItem(pPlayer, MENU_SLOT_ITEM_SHIELD); } else { // fail gracefully pszFailItem = "#TactShield_Desc"; } } } if (g_bClientPrintEnable && pszFailItem != NULL) { ClientPrint(pPlayer->pev, HUD_PRINTCENTER, "#Alias_Not_Avail", pszFailItem); } pPlayer->BuildRebuyStruct(); return bRetVal; } struct RadioStruct { int slot; void (*func)(CBasePlayer *, int); const char *alias; } radioInfo[] = { { 1, Radio1, "coverme" }, { 2, Radio1, "takepoint" }, { 3, Radio1, "holdpos" }, { 4, Radio1, "regroup" }, { 5, Radio1, "followme" }, { 6, Radio1, "takingfire" }, { 1, Radio2, "go" }, { 2, Radio2, "fallback" }, { 3, Radio2, "sticktog" }, { 4, Radio2, "getinpos" }, { 5, Radio2, "stormfront" }, { 6, Radio2, "report" }, { 1, Radio3, "roger" }, { 2, Radio3, "enemyspot" }, { 3, Radio3, "needbackup" }, { 4, Radio3, "sectorclear" }, { 5, Radio3, "inposition" }, { 6, Radio3, "reportingin" }, { 7, Radio3, "getout" }, { 8, Radio3, "negative" }, { 9, Radio3, "enemydown" }, }; BOOL HandleRadioAliasCommands(CBasePlayer *pPlayer, const char *pszCommand) { for (auto& radio : radioInfo) { if (FStrEq(pszCommand, radio.alias)) { radio.func(pPlayer, radio.slot); return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } // Use CMD_ARGV, CMD_ARGV, and CMD_ARGC to get pointers the character string command. void EXT_FUNC ClientCommand(edict_t *pEntity) { const char *pcmd = CMD_ARGV_(0); const char *pstr = NULL; // Is the client spawned yet? if (!pEntity->pvPrivateData) return; entvars_t *pev = &pEntity->v; CBasePlayer *player = GetClassPtr((CBasePlayer *)pev); if (FStrEq(pcmd, "say")) { if (gpGlobals->time >= player->m_flLastCommandTime[CMD_SAY]) { player->m_flLastCommandTime[CMD_SAY] = gpGlobals->time + 0.3f; Host_Say(pEntity, FALSE); } } else if (FStrEq(pcmd, "say_team")) { if (gpGlobals->time >= player->m_flLastCommandTime[CMD_SAYTEAM]) { player->m_flLastCommandTime[CMD_SAYTEAM] = gpGlobals->time + 0.3f; Host_Say(pEntity, TRUE); } } else if (FStrEq(pcmd, "fullupdate")) { if (gpGlobals->time >= player->m_flLastCommandTime[CMD_FULLUPDATE]) { player->m_flLastCommandTime[CMD_FULLUPDATE] = gpGlobals->time + 0.6f; player->ForceClientDllUpdate(); } } else if (FStrEq(pcmd, "vote")) { if (gpGlobals->time >= player->m_flLastCommandTime[CMD_VOTE]) { player->m_flLastCommandTime[CMD_VOTE] = gpGlobals->time + 0.3f; if (gpGlobals->time < player->m_flNextVoteTime) { ClientPrint(player->pev, HUD_PRINTCONSOLE, "#Wait_3_Seconds"); return; } player->m_flNextVoteTime = gpGlobals->time + 3; if (player->m_iTeam != UNASSIGNED) { int iVoteID; int iVoteFail = 0; int iNumArgs = CMD_ARGC_(); const char *pszArg1 = CMD_ARGV_(1); int iVoteLength = Q_strlen(pszArg1); if (iNumArgs != 2 || iVoteLength <= 0 || iVoteLength > 6) { iVoteFail = 1; } iVoteID = Q_atoi(pszArg1); if (iVoteID <= 0) { iVoteFail = 1; } if (iVoteFail) { ListPlayers(player); ClientPrint(player->pev, HUD_PRINTCONSOLE, "#Game_vote_usage"); return; } if (CountTeamPlayers(player->m_iTeam) < 3) { ClientPrint(player->pev, HUD_PRINTCONSOLE, "#Cannot_Vote_With_Less_Than_Three"); return; } CBaseEntity *pKickEntity = EntityFromUserID(iVoteID); if (pKickEntity != NULL) { CBasePlayer *pKickPlayer = GetClassPtr((CBasePlayer *)pKickEntity->pev); if (pKickPlayer->m_iTeam != player->m_iTeam) { ClientPrint(player->pev, HUD_PRINTCONSOLE, "#Game_vote_players_on_your_team"); return; } if (pKickPlayer == player) { ClientPrint(player->pev, HUD_PRINTCONSOLE, "#Game_vote_not_yourself"); return; } ClientPrint(player->pev, HUD_PRINTCONSOLE, "#Game_vote_cast", UTIL_dtos1(iVoteID)); player->m_iCurrentKickVote = iVoteID; ProcessKickVote(player, pKickPlayer); } else { ListPlayers(player); ClientPrint(player->pev, HUD_PRINTCONSOLE, "#Game_vote_player_not_found", UTIL_dtos1(iVoteID)); } } } } else if (FStrEq(pcmd, "listmaps")) { if (gpGlobals->time >= player->m_flLastCommandTime[CMD_LISTMAPS]) { player->m_flLastCommandTime[CMD_LISTMAPS] = gpGlobals->time + 0.3f; CSGameRules()->DisplayMaps(player, 0); } } else if (FStrEq(pcmd, "votemap")) { if (gpGlobals->time >= player->m_flLastCommandTime[CMD_VOTEMAP]) { player->m_flLastCommandTime[CMD_VOTEMAP] = gpGlobals->time + 0.3f; if (gpGlobals->time < player->m_flNextVoteTime) { ClientPrint(player->pev, HUD_PRINTCONSOLE, "#Wait_3_Seconds"); return; } player->m_flNextVoteTime = gpGlobals->time + 3; if (player->m_iTeam != UNASSIGNED) { if (gpGlobals->time < 180) { ClientPrint(player->pev, HUD_PRINTCONSOLE, "#Cannot_Vote_Map"); return; } int iFailed = 0; int iNumArgs = CMD_ARGC_(); const char *pszArg1 = CMD_ARGV_(1); int iVoteLength = Q_strlen(pszArg1); if (iNumArgs != 2 || iVoteLength > 5) { iFailed = 1; } int iVoteID = Q_atoi(pszArg1); if (iVoteID < 1 || iVoteID > MAX_VOTE_MAPS) { iFailed = 1; } if (iVoteID > GetMapCount()) { iFailed = 1; } if (iFailed) { CSGameRules()->DisplayMaps(player, 0); ClientPrint(player->pev, HUD_PRINTCONSOLE, "#Game_votemap_usage"); return; } if (CountTeamPlayers(player->m_iTeam) < 2) { ClientPrint(player->pev, HUD_PRINTCONSOLE, "#Cannot_Vote_Need_More_People"); return; } if (player->m_iMapVote) { if (--CSGameRules()->m_iMapVotes[player->m_iMapVote] < 0) { CSGameRules()->m_iMapVotes[player->m_iMapVote] = 0; } } ClientPrint(player->pev, HUD_PRINTCONSOLE, "#Game_voted_for_map", UTIL_dtos1(iVoteID)); player->m_iMapVote = iVoteID; CSGameRules()->ProcessMapVote(player, iVoteID); } } } else if (FStrEq(pcmd, "timeleft")) { if (gpGlobals->time > player->m_iTimeCheckAllowed) { player->m_iTimeCheckAllowed = int(gpGlobals->time + 1); if (!timelimit.value) { ClientPrint(player->pev, HUD_PRINTTALK, "#Game_no_timelimit"); return; } int iTimeRemaining = int(g_flTimeLimit - gpGlobals->time); if (iTimeRemaining < 0) iTimeRemaining = 0; int iMinutes = int(iTimeRemaining % 60); int iSeconds = int(iTimeRemaining / 60); char secs[5]; char *temp = UTIL_dtos2(iMinutes); if (iMinutes >= 10) { secs[0] = temp[0]; secs[1] = temp[1]; secs[2] = '\0'; } else { secs[0] = '0'; secs[1] = temp[0]; secs[2] = '\0'; } ClientPrint(player->pev, HUD_PRINTTALK, "#Game_timelimit", UTIL_dtos1(iSeconds), secs); } } else if (FStrEq(pcmd, "listplayers")) { if (gpGlobals->time >= player->m_flLastCommandTime[CMD_LISTPLAYERS]) { player->m_flLastCommandTime[CMD_LISTPLAYERS] = gpGlobals->time + 0.3f; ListPlayers(player); } } else if (FStrEq(pcmd, "client_buy_open")) { if (player->m_iMenu == Menu_OFF) { player->m_iMenu = Menu_ClientBuy; } if (player->m_signals.GetState() & SIGNAL_BUY) { if (TheTutor != NULL) { TheTutor->OnEvent(EVENT_TUTOR_BUY_MENU_OPENNED); } } else { MESSAGE_BEGIN(MSG_ONE, gmsgBuyClose, NULL, player->pev); MESSAGE_END(); } } else if (FStrEq(pcmd, "client_buy_close")) { if (player->m_iMenu == Menu_ClientBuy) { player->m_iMenu = Menu_OFF; } } else if (FStrEq(pcmd, "menuselect")) { int slot = Q_atoi(CMD_ARGV_(1)); if (player->m_iJoiningState == JOINED || (player->m_iMenu != Menu_ChooseAppearance && player->m_iMenu != Menu_ChooseTeam)) { if (slot == 10) { player->m_iMenu = Menu_OFF; } } #ifdef REGAMEDLL_ADD auto canOpenOldMenu = [player]()-> bool { if (!player->m_bVGUIMenus || player->CSPlayer()->m_bForceShowMenu) { player->CSPlayer()->m_bForceShowMenu = false; return true; } return false; }; #else auto canOpenOldMenu = [player]()-> bool { return player->m_bVGUIMenus == false; }; #endif switch (player->m_iMenu) { case Menu_OFF: break; case Menu_ChooseTeam: { if (canOpenOldMenu() && !HandleMenu_ChooseTeam(player, slot)) { player->m_iMenu = Menu_ChooseTeam; if (player->m_iJoiningState == JOINED) ShowVGUIMenu(player, VGUI_Menu_Team, (MENU_KEY_1 | MENU_KEY_2 | MENU_KEY_5 | MENU_KEY_0), "#IG_Team_Select"); else ShowVGUIMenu(player, VGUI_Menu_Team, (MENU_KEY_1 | MENU_KEY_2 | MENU_KEY_5), "#Team_Select"); } break; } case Menu_IGChooseTeam: { if (canOpenOldMenu()) { HandleMenu_ChooseTeam(player, slot); } break; } case Menu_ChooseAppearance: { if (canOpenOldMenu()) { HandleMenu_ChooseAppearance(player, slot); } break; } case Menu_Buy: { if (canOpenOldMenu()) { switch (slot) { case VGUI_MenuSlot_Buy_Pistol: { player->m_iMenu = Menu_BuyPistol; if (player->m_iTeam == CT) ShowVGUIMenu(player, VGUI_Menu_Buy_Pistol, (MENU_KEY_1 | MENU_KEY_2 | MENU_KEY_3 | MENU_KEY_4 | MENU_KEY_5 | MENU_KEY_0), "#CT_BuyPistol"); else ShowVGUIMenu(player, VGUI_Menu_Buy_Pistol, (MENU_KEY_1 | MENU_KEY_2 | MENU_KEY_3 | MENU_KEY_4 | MENU_KEY_5 | MENU_KEY_0), "#T_BuyPistol"); break; } case VGUI_MenuSlot_Buy_ShotGun: { player->m_iMenu = Menu_BuyShotgun; if (CSGameRules()->m_iMapHasVIPSafetyZone == MAP_HAVE_VIP_SAFETYZONE_YES && player->m_iTeam == TERRORIST) ShowVGUIMenu(player, VGUI_Menu_Buy_ShotGun, MENU_KEY_0, "#AS_BuyShotgun"); else ShowVGUIMenu(player, VGUI_Menu_Buy_ShotGun, (MENU_KEY_1 | MENU_KEY_2 | MENU_KEY_0), "#BuyShotgun"); break; } case VGUI_MenuSlot_Buy_SubMachineGun: { player->m_iMenu = Menu_BuySubMachineGun; if (CSGameRules()->m_iMapHasVIPSafetyZone == MAP_HAVE_VIP_SAFETYZONE_YES) { if (player->m_iTeam == CT) ShowVGUIMenu(player, VGUI_Menu_Buy_SubMachineGun, (MENU_KEY_1 | MENU_KEY_2 | MENU_KEY_3 | MENU_KEY_4 | MENU_KEY_0), "#AS_CT_BuySubMachineGun"); else ShowVGUIMenu(player, VGUI_Menu_Buy_SubMachineGun, (MENU_KEY_1 | MENU_KEY_3 | MENU_KEY_0), "#AS_T_BuySubMachineGun"); } else { if (player->m_iTeam == CT) ShowVGUIMenu(player, VGUI_Menu_Buy_SubMachineGun, (MENU_KEY_1 | MENU_KEY_2 | MENU_KEY_3 | MENU_KEY_4 | MENU_KEY_0), "#CT_BuySubMachineGun"); else ShowVGUIMenu(player, VGUI_Menu_Buy_SubMachineGun, (MENU_KEY_1 | MENU_KEY_2 | MENU_KEY_3 | MENU_KEY_4 | MENU_KEY_0), "#T_BuySubMachineGun"); } break; } case VGUI_MenuSlot_Buy_Rifle: { player->m_iMenu = Menu_BuyRifle; if (CSGameRules()->m_iMapHasVIPSafetyZone == MAP_HAVE_VIP_SAFETYZONE_YES) { if (player->m_iTeam == CT) ShowVGUIMenu(player, VGUI_Menu_Buy_Rifle, (MENU_KEY_1 | MENU_KEY_3 | MENU_KEY_4 | MENU_KEY_5 | MENU_KEY_0), "#AS_CT_BuyRifle"); else ShowVGUIMenu(player, VGUI_Menu_Buy_Rifle, (MENU_KEY_1 | MENU_KEY_2 | MENU_KEY_5 | MENU_KEY_0), "#AS_T_BuyRifle"); } else { if (player->m_iTeam == CT) ShowVGUIMenu(player, VGUI_Menu_Buy_Rifle, (MENU_KEY_1 | MENU_KEY_2 | MENU_KEY_3 | MENU_KEY_4 | MENU_KEY_5 | MENU_KEY_6 | MENU_KEY_0), "#CT_BuyRifle"); else ShowVGUIMenu(player, VGUI_Menu_Buy_Rifle, (MENU_KEY_1 | MENU_KEY_2 | MENU_KEY_3 | MENU_KEY_4 | MENU_KEY_5 | MENU_KEY_6 | MENU_KEY_0), "#T_BuyRifle"); } break; } case VGUI_MenuSlot_Buy_MachineGun: { player->m_iMenu = Menu_BuyMachineGun; if (CSGameRules()->m_iMapHasVIPSafetyZone == MAP_HAVE_VIP_SAFETYZONE_YES && player->m_iTeam == TERRORIST) ShowVGUIMenu(player, VGUI_Menu_Buy_MachineGun, MENU_KEY_0, "#AS_T_BuyMachineGun"); else ShowVGUIMenu(player, VGUI_Menu_Buy_MachineGun, (MENU_KEY_1 | MENU_KEY_0), "#BuyMachineGun"); break; } case VGUI_MenuSlot_Buy_PrimAmmo: { if (player->m_signals.GetState() & SIGNAL_BUY) { if (BuyAmmo(player, PRIMARY_WEAPON_SLOT, true)) { while (BuyAmmo(player, PRIMARY_WEAPON_SLOT, false)) ; if (TheTutor != NULL) { TheTutor->OnEvent(EVENT_PLAYER_BOUGHT_SOMETHING, player); } } player->BuildRebuyStruct(); } break; } case VGUI_MenuSlot_Buy_SecAmmo: { if (player->m_signals.GetState() & SIGNAL_BUY) { if (BuyAmmo(player, PISTOL_SLOT, true)) { while (BuyAmmo(player, PISTOL_SLOT, false)) ; if (TheTutor != NULL) { TheTutor->OnEvent(EVENT_PLAYER_BOUGHT_SOMETHING, player); } } player->BuildRebuyStruct(); } break; } case VGUI_MenuSlot_Buy_Item: { if (player->m_signals.GetState() & SIGNAL_BUY) { player->m_iMenu = Menu_BuyItem; if (CSGameRules()->m_bMapHasBombTarget) { if (player->m_iTeam == CT) ShowVGUIMenu(player, VGUI_Menu_Buy_Item, (MENU_KEY_1 | MENU_KEY_2 | MENU_KEY_3 | MENU_KEY_4 | MENU_KEY_5 | MENU_KEY_6 | MENU_KEY_7 | MENU_KEY_8 | MENU_KEY_0), "#DCT_BuyItem"); else ShowVGUIMenu(player, VGUI_Menu_Buy_Item, (MENU_KEY_1 | MENU_KEY_2 | MENU_KEY_3 | MENU_KEY_4 | MENU_KEY_5 | MENU_KEY_6 | MENU_KEY_0), "#DT_BuyItem"); } else { if (player->m_iTeam == CT) ShowVGUIMenu(player, VGUI_Menu_Buy_Item, (MENU_KEY_1 | MENU_KEY_2 | MENU_KEY_3 | MENU_KEY_4 | MENU_KEY_5 | MENU_KEY_6 | MENU_KEY_8 | MENU_KEY_0), "#CT_BuyItem"); else ShowVGUIMenu(player, VGUI_Menu_Buy_Item, (MENU_KEY_1 | MENU_KEY_2 | MENU_KEY_3 | MENU_KEY_4 | MENU_KEY_5 | MENU_KEY_6 | MENU_KEY_0), "#T_BuyItem"); } } break; } } } break; } case Menu_BuyPistol: { if (canOpenOldMenu()) { BuyPistol(player, slot); } break; } case Menu_BuyShotgun: { if (canOpenOldMenu()) { BuyShotgun(player, slot); } break; } case Menu_BuySubMachineGun: { if (canOpenOldMenu()) { BuySubMachineGun(player, slot); } break; } case Menu_BuyRifle: { if (canOpenOldMenu()) { BuyRifle(player, slot); } break; } case Menu_BuyMachineGun: { if (canOpenOldMenu()) { BuyMachineGun(player, slot); } break; } case Menu_BuyItem: { if (canOpenOldMenu()) { BuyItem(player, slot); } break; } case Menu_Radio1: { Radio1(player, slot); break; } case Menu_Radio2: { Radio2(player, slot); break; } case Menu_Radio3: { Radio3(player, slot); break; } default: ALERT(at_console, "ClientCommand(): Invalid menu selected\n"); break; } } else if (FStrEq(pcmd, "chooseteam")) { if (player->m_iMenu == Menu_ChooseAppearance) return; if (player->m_bTeamChanged) { if (player->pev->deadflag != DEAD_NO) { ClientPrint(player->pev, HUD_PRINTCENTER, "#Only_1_Team_Change"); return; } } if (!CSGameRules()->IsCareer()) { player->m_iMenu = Menu_ChooseTeam; if (CSGameRules()->m_iMapHasVIPSafetyZone == MAP_HAVE_VIP_SAFETYZONE_YES && player->m_iJoiningState == JOINED && player->m_iTeam == CT) { if (CSGameRules()->IsFreezePeriod() || player->pev->deadflag != DEAD_NO) ShowVGUIMenu(player, VGUI_Menu_Team, (MENU_KEY_1 | MENU_KEY_2 | MENU_KEY_3 | MENU_KEY_5 | MENU_KEY_6 | MENU_KEY_0), "#IG_VIP_Team_Select_Spect"); else ShowVGUIMenu(player, VGUI_Menu_Team, (MENU_KEY_1 | MENU_KEY_2 | MENU_KEY_3 | MENU_KEY_5 | MENU_KEY_0), "#IG_VIP_Team_Select"); } else { if (CSGameRules()->IsFreezePeriod() || player->pev->deadflag != DEAD_NO) ShowVGUIMenu(player, VGUI_Menu_Team, (MENU_KEY_1 | MENU_KEY_2 | MENU_KEY_5 | MENU_KEY_6 | MENU_KEY_0), "#IG_Team_Select_Spect"); else ShowVGUIMenu(player, VGUI_Menu_Team, (MENU_KEY_1 | MENU_KEY_2 | MENU_KEY_5 | MENU_KEY_0), "#IG_Team_Select"); } } } else if (FStrEq(pcmd, "showbriefing")) { if (player->m_iMenu == Menu_OFF) { if (g_szMapBriefingText[0] != '\0') { if (player->m_iTeam != UNASSIGNED && !(player->m_afPhysicsFlags & PFLAG_OBSERVER)) { player->MenuPrint(g_szMapBriefingText); player->m_bMissionBriefing = true; } } } } else if (FStrEq(pcmd, "ignoremsg")) { if (player->m_iIgnoreGlobalChat == IGNOREMSG_NONE) { player->m_iIgnoreGlobalChat = IGNOREMSG_ENEMY; ClientPrint(player->pev, HUD_PRINTCENTER, "#Ignore_Broadcast_Messages"); } else if (player->m_iIgnoreGlobalChat == IGNOREMSG_ENEMY) { player->m_iIgnoreGlobalChat = IGNOREMSG_TEAM; ClientPrint(player->pev, HUD_PRINTCENTER, "#Ignore_Broadcast_Team_Messages"); } else if (player->m_iIgnoreGlobalChat == IGNOREMSG_TEAM) { player->m_iIgnoreGlobalChat = IGNOREMSG_NONE; ClientPrint(player->pev, HUD_PRINTCENTER, "#Accept_All_Messages"); } } else if (FStrEq(pcmd, "ignorerad")) { player->m_bIgnoreRadio = !player->m_bIgnoreRadio; ClientPrint(player->pev, HUD_PRINTCENTER, player->m_bIgnoreRadio ? "#Ignore_Radio" : "#Accept_Radio"); } else if (FStrEq(pcmd, "become_vip")) { if (player->m_iJoiningState != JOINED || player->m_iTeam != CT) { ClientPrint(player->pev, HUD_PRINTCENTER, "#Command_Not_Available"); return; } CSGameRules()->AddToVIPQueue(player); } else if (FStrEq(pcmd, "spectate") && (player->pev->flags & FL_PROXY)) // always allow proxies to become a spectator { // clients wants to become a spectator HandleMenu_ChooseTeam(player, MENU_SLOT_TEAM_SPECT); } else if (FStrEq(pcmd, "specmode")) { // new spectator mode int mode = Q_atoi(CMD_ARGV_(1)); if (player->IsObserver() && player->CanSwitchObserverModes()) player->Observer_SetMode(mode); else player->m_iObserverLastMode = mode; if (mode == OBS_CHASE_FREE) { MESSAGE_BEGIN(MSG_ONE, gmsgADStop, NULL, player->pev); MESSAGE_END(); } } else if (FStrEq(pcmd, "spec_set_ad")) { float val = Q_atof(CMD_ARGV_(1)); player->SetObserverAutoDirector(val > 0.0f); } else if (FStrEq(pcmd, "follownext")) { // follow next player int arg = Q_atoi(CMD_ARGV_(1)); if (player->IsObserver() && player->CanSwitchObserverModes()) { player->Observer_FindNextPlayer(arg != 0); } } else if (FStrEq(pcmd, "follow")) { if (player->IsObserver() && player->CanSwitchObserverModes()) { player->Observer_FindNextPlayer(false, CMD_ARGV_(1)); } } else { if (g_pGameRules->ClientCommand_DeadOrAlive(GetClassPtr((CBasePlayer *)pev), pcmd)) return; if (TheBots != NULL) { if (TheBots->ClientCommand(GetClassPtr((CBasePlayer *)pev), pcmd)) return; } if (FStrEq(pcmd, "mp_debug")) { UTIL_SetDprintfFlags(CMD_ARGV_(1)); } else if (FStrEq(pcmd, "jointeam")) { if (player->m_iMenu == Menu_ChooseAppearance) { ClientPrint(player->pev, HUD_PRINTCENTER, "#Command_Not_Available"); return; } int slot = Q_atoi(CMD_ARGV_(1)); if (HandleMenu_ChooseTeam(player, slot)) { if (slot == MENU_SLOT_TEAM_VIP || slot == MENU_SLOT_TEAM_SPECT || player->m_bIsVIP) { player->m_iMenu = Menu_OFF; } else player->m_iMenu = Menu_ChooseAppearance; } else { player->m_iMenu = Menu_ChooseTeam; if (player->m_iJoiningState == JOINED) ShowVGUIMenu(player, VGUI_Menu_Team, (MENU_KEY_1 | MENU_KEY_2 | MENU_KEY_5 | MENU_KEY_0), "#IG_Team_Select"); else ShowVGUIMenu(player, VGUI_Menu_Team, (MENU_KEY_1 | MENU_KEY_2 | MENU_KEY_5), "#Team_Select"); } } else if (FStrEq(pcmd, "joinclass")) { int slot = Q_atoi(CMD_ARGV_(1)); if (player->m_iMenu != Menu_ChooseAppearance) { ClientPrint(player->pev, HUD_PRINTCENTER, "#Command_Not_Available"); return; } HandleMenu_ChooseAppearance(player, slot); } else if (player->pev->deadflag == DEAD_NO) { if (FStrEq(pcmd, "nightvision")) { if (gpGlobals->time >= player->m_flLastCommandTime[CMD_NIGHTVISION]) { player->m_flLastCommandTime[CMD_NIGHTVISION] = gpGlobals->time + 0.3f; if (!player->m_bHasNightVision) return; if (player->m_bNightVisionOn) { EMIT_SOUND(ENT(player->pev), CHAN_ITEM, "items/nvg_off.wav", RANDOM_FLOAT(0.92, 1), ATTN_NORM); MESSAGE_BEGIN(MSG_ONE, gmsgNVGToggle, NULL, player->pev); WRITE_BYTE(0); // disable nightvision MESSAGE_END(); player->m_bNightVisionOn = false; for (int i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; ++i) { CBasePlayer *pObserver = UTIL_PlayerByIndex(i); if (pObserver && pObserver->IsObservingPlayer(player)) { EMIT_SOUND(ENT(pObserver->pev), CHAN_ITEM, "items/nvg_off.wav", RANDOM_FLOAT(0.92, 1), ATTN_NORM); MESSAGE_BEGIN(MSG_ONE, gmsgNVGToggle, NULL, pObserver->pev); WRITE_BYTE(0); // disable nightvision MESSAGE_END(); pObserver->m_bNightVisionOn = false; } } } else { EMIT_SOUND(ENT(player->pev), CHAN_ITEM, "items/nvg_on.wav", RANDOM_FLOAT(0.92, 1), ATTN_NORM); MESSAGE_BEGIN(MSG_ONE, gmsgNVGToggle, NULL, player->pev); WRITE_BYTE(1); // enable nightvision MESSAGE_END(); player->m_bNightVisionOn = true; for (int i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; ++i) { CBasePlayer *pObserver = UTIL_PlayerByIndex(i); if (pObserver && pObserver->IsObservingPlayer(player)) { EMIT_SOUND(ENT(pObserver->pev), CHAN_ITEM, "items/nvg_on.wav", RANDOM_FLOAT(0.92, 1), ATTN_NORM); MESSAGE_BEGIN(MSG_ONE, gmsgNVGToggle, NULL, pObserver->pev); WRITE_BYTE(1); // enable nightvision MESSAGE_END(); pObserver->m_bNightVisionOn = true; } } } } } else if (FStrEq(pcmd, "radio1")) { ShowMenu(player, (MENU_KEY_1 | MENU_KEY_2 | MENU_KEY_3 | MENU_KEY_4 | MENU_KEY_5 | MENU_KEY_6 | MENU_KEY_0), -1, FALSE, "#RadioA"); player->m_iMenu = Menu_Radio1; } else if (FStrEq(pcmd, "radio2")) { ShowMenu(player, (MENU_KEY_1 | MENU_KEY_2 | MENU_KEY_3 | MENU_KEY_4 | MENU_KEY_5 | MENU_KEY_6 | MENU_KEY_0), -1, FALSE, "#RadioB"); player->m_iMenu = Menu_Radio2; return; } else if (FStrEq(pcmd, "radio3")) { ShowMenu(player, (MENU_KEY_1 | MENU_KEY_2 | MENU_KEY_3 | MENU_KEY_4 | MENU_KEY_5 | MENU_KEY_6 | MENU_KEY_7 | MENU_KEY_8 | MENU_KEY_9 | MENU_KEY_0), -1, FALSE, "#RadioC"); player->m_iMenu = Menu_Radio3; } else if (FStrEq(pcmd, "drop")) { // player is dropping an item. if (player->HasShield()) { if (player->m_pActiveItem != NULL && player->m_pActiveItem->m_iId == WEAPON_C4) { player->DropPlayerItem("weapon_c4"); } else player->DropShield(); } else player->DropPlayerItem(CMD_ARGV_(1)); } else if (FStrEq(pcmd, "fov")) { #if 0 if (g_flWeaponCheat && CMD_ARGC() > 1) GetClassPtr((CBasePlayer *)pev)->m_iFOV = Q_atoi(CMD_ARGV(1)); else CLIENT_PRINTF(pEntity, print_console, UTIL_VarArgs("\"fov\" is \"%d\"\n", int(GetClassPtr((CBasePlayer *)pev)->m_iFOV))); #endif } else if (FStrEq(pcmd, "use")) { GetClassPtr((CBasePlayer *)pev)->SelectItem(CMD_ARGV_(1)); } else if (((pstr = Q_strstr(pcmd, "weapon_")) != NULL) && (pstr == pcmd)) { GetClassPtr((CBasePlayer *)pev)->SelectItem(pcmd); } else if (FStrEq(pcmd, "lastinv")) { GetClassPtr((CBasePlayer *)pev)->SelectLastItem(); } else if (FStrEq(pcmd, "buyammo1")) { if (player->m_signals.GetState() & SIGNAL_BUY) { BuyAmmo(player, PRIMARY_WEAPON_SLOT, true); player->BuildRebuyStruct(); if (TheTutor != NULL) { TheTutor->OnEvent(EVENT_PLAYER_BOUGHT_SOMETHING, player); } } } else if (FStrEq(pcmd, "buyammo2")) { if (player->m_signals.GetState() & SIGNAL_BUY) { BuyAmmo(player, PISTOL_SLOT, true); player->BuildRebuyStruct(); if (TheTutor != NULL) { TheTutor->OnEvent(EVENT_PLAYER_BOUGHT_SOMETHING, player); } } } else if (FStrEq(pcmd, "buyequip")) { if (player->m_signals.GetState() & SIGNAL_BUY) { if (CSGameRules()->m_bMapHasBombTarget) { if (player->m_iTeam == CT) ShowVGUIMenu(player, VGUI_Menu_Buy_Item, (MENU_KEY_1 | MENU_KEY_2 | MENU_KEY_3 | MENU_KEY_4 | MENU_KEY_5 | MENU_KEY_6 | MENU_KEY_7 | MENU_KEY_8 | MENU_KEY_0), "#DCT_BuyItem"); else ShowVGUIMenu(player, VGUI_Menu_Buy_Item, (MENU_KEY_1 | MENU_KEY_2 | MENU_KEY_3 | MENU_KEY_4 | MENU_KEY_5 | MENU_KEY_6 | MENU_KEY_0), "#DT_BuyItem"); } else { if (player->m_iTeam == CT) ShowVGUIMenu(player, VGUI_Menu_Buy_Item, (MENU_KEY_1 | MENU_KEY_2 | MENU_KEY_3 | MENU_KEY_4 | MENU_KEY_5 | MENU_KEY_6 | MENU_KEY_8 | MENU_KEY_0), "#CT_BuyItem"); else ShowVGUIMenu(player, VGUI_Menu_Buy_Item, (MENU_KEY_1 | MENU_KEY_2 | MENU_KEY_3 | MENU_KEY_4 | MENU_KEY_5 | MENU_KEY_6 | MENU_KEY_0), "#T_BuyItem"); } player->m_iMenu = Menu_BuyItem; } } else if (FStrEq(pcmd, "buy")) { if (player->m_signals.GetState() & SIGNAL_BUY) { ShowVGUIMenu(player, VGUI_Menu_Buy, (MENU_KEY_1 | MENU_KEY_2 | MENU_KEY_3 | MENU_KEY_4 | MENU_KEY_5 | MENU_KEY_6 | MENU_KEY_7 | MENU_KEY_8 | MENU_KEY_0), "#Buy"); player->m_iMenu = Menu_Buy; if (TheBots != NULL) { TheBots->OnEvent(EVENT_TUTOR_BUY_MENU_OPENNED); } } } else if (FStrEq(pcmd, "cl_setautobuy")) { player->ClearAutoBuyData(); for (int i = 1; i < CMD_ARGC_(); ++i) { player->AddAutoBuyData(CMD_ARGV_(i)); } bool oldval = g_bClientPrintEnable; g_bClientPrintEnable = false; player->AutoBuy(); g_bClientPrintEnable = oldval; } else if (FStrEq(pcmd, "cl_setrebuy")) { if (CMD_ARGC_() == 2) { player->InitRebuyData(CMD_ARGV_(1)); bool oldval = g_bClientPrintEnable; g_bClientPrintEnable = false; player->Rebuy(); g_bClientPrintEnable = oldval; } } else if (FStrEq(pcmd, "cl_autobuy")) { if (player->m_signals.GetState() & SIGNAL_BUY) { bool oldval = g_bClientPrintEnable; g_bClientPrintEnable = false; player->AutoBuy(); g_bClientPrintEnable = oldval; } } else if (FStrEq(pcmd, "cl_rebuy")) { if (player->m_signals.GetState() & SIGNAL_BUY) { bool oldval = g_bClientPrintEnable; g_bClientPrintEnable = false; player->Rebuy(); g_bClientPrintEnable = oldval; } } else if (FStrEq(pcmd, "smartradio")) { player->SmartRadio(); } else { if (HandleBuyAliasCommands(player, pcmd)) return; if (HandleRadioAliasCommands(player, pcmd)) return; if (!g_pGameRules->ClientCommand(GetClassPtr((CBasePlayer *)pev), pcmd)) { // tell the user they entered an unknown command char command[128]; // check the length of the command (prevents crash) // max total length is 192 ...and we're adding a string below ("Unknown command: %s\n") Q_strncpy(command, pcmd, sizeof(command) - 1); command[sizeof(command) - 1] = '\0'; // tell the user they entered an unknown command ClientPrint(&pEntity->v, HUD_PRINTCONSOLE, "#Game_unknown_command", command); } } } } } // called after the player changes userinfo - gives dll a chance to modify it before it gets sent into the rest of the engine. void EXT_FUNC ClientUserInfoChanged(edict_t *pEntity, char *infobuffer) { // Is the client spawned yet? if (!pEntity->pvPrivateData) return; CBasePlayer *pPlayer = CBasePlayer::Instance(pEntity); char *szBufferName = GET_KEY_VALUE(infobuffer, "name"); // msg everyone if someone changes their name, and it isn't the first time (changing no name to current name) if (pEntity->v.netname && STRING(pEntity->v.netname)[0] != '\0' && !FStrEq(STRING(pEntity->v.netname), szBufferName)) { char szName[32]; Q_snprintf(szName, sizeof(szName), "%s", szBufferName); // First parse the name and remove any %'s for (char *pPct = szName; pPct != NULL && *pPct != '\0'; pPct++) { // Replace it with a space if (*pPct == '%' || *pPct == '&') *pPct = ' '; } if (szName[0] == '#') szName[0] = '*'; // Set the name pPlayer->SetClientUserInfoName(infobuffer, szName); } // was already checking on pvPrivateData #ifndef REGAMEDLL_FIXES g_pGameRules->ClientUserInfoChanged(GetClassPtr((CBasePlayer *)&pEntity->v), infobuffer); #else g_pGameRules->ClientUserInfoChanged(pPlayer, infobuffer); #endif } void EXT_FUNC ServerDeactivate() { // It's possible that the engine will call this function more times than is necessary // Therefore, only run it one time for each call to ServerActivate if (!g_bServerActive) return; g_bServerActive = false; // Peform any shutdown operations here... g_pGameRules->ServerDeactivate(); CLocalNav::Reset(); if (TheBots) { TheBots->ServerDeactivate(); } if (g_pHostages) { g_pHostages->ServerDeactivate(); } } void EXT_FUNC ServerActivate(edict_t *pEdictList, int edictCount, int clientMax) { int i; CBaseEntity *pClass; // Every call to ServerActivate should be matched by a call to ServerDeactivate g_bServerActive = true; EmptyEntityHashTable(); // Clients have not been initialized yet for (i = 0; i < edictCount; ++i) { edict_t *pEdict = &pEdictList[i]; if (pEdict->free) continue; // Clients aren't necessarily initialized until ClientPutInServer() if (i < clientMax || !pEdict->pvPrivateData) continue; pClass = CBaseEntity::Instance(pEdict); // Activate this entity if it's got a class & isn't dormant if (pClass != NULL && !(pClass->pev->flags & FL_DORMANT)) { AddEntityHashValue(&pEdict->v, STRING(pEdict->v.classname), CLASSNAME); pClass->Activate(); } else ALERT(at_console, "Can't instance %s\n", STRING(pEdict->v.classname)); } // Link user messages here to make sure first client can get them... LinkUserMessages(); WriteSigonMessages(); if (g_pGameRules != NULL) { g_pGameRules->CheckMapConditions(); } if (TheBots != NULL) { TheBots->ServerActivate(); } if (g_pHostages != NULL) { g_pHostages->ServerActivate(); } #ifdef REGAMEDLL_ADD CSGameRules()->ServerActivate(); #endif } void EXT_FUNC PlayerPreThink(edict_t *pEntity) { entvars_t *pev = &pEntity->v; CBasePlayer *pPlayer = (CBasePlayer *)GET_PRIVATE(pEntity); if (pPlayer) { pPlayer->PreThink(); } } void EXT_FUNC PlayerPostThink(edict_t *pEntity) { entvars_t *pev = &pEntity->v; CBasePlayer *pPlayer = (CBasePlayer *)GET_PRIVATE(pEntity); if (pPlayer) { pPlayer->PostThink(); } } void EXT_FUNC ParmsNewLevel() { ; } void EXT_FUNC ParmsChangeLevel() { // retrieve the pointer to the save data SAVERESTOREDATA *pSaveData = (SAVERESTOREDATA *)gpGlobals->pSaveData; if (pSaveData) { pSaveData->connectionCount = BuildChangeList(pSaveData->levelList, MAX_LEVEL_CONNECTIONS); } } void EXT_FUNC StartFrame() { if (g_pGameRules) { g_pGameRules->Think(); } if (g_fGameOver) return; CLocalNav::Think(); static cvar_t *skill = NULL; if (!skill) { skill = CVAR_GET_POINTER("skill"); } gpGlobals->teamplay = 1.0f; if (skill != NULL) g_iSkillLevel = int(skill->value); else g_iSkillLevel = 0; if (TheBots) { TheBots->StartFrame(); } if (TheTutor) { TheTutor->StartFrame(gpGlobals->time); } #ifndef REGAMEDLL_FIXES // it is noxref ++g_ulFrameCount; #endif } void ClientPrecache() { int i; PRECACHE_SOUND("weapons/dryfire_pistol.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("weapons/dryfire_rifle.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/pl_shot1.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/pl_die1.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/headshot1.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/headshot2.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/headshot3.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/bhit_flesh-1.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/bhit_flesh-2.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/bhit_flesh-3.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/bhit_kevlar-1.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/bhit_helmet-1.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/die1.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/die2.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/die3.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/death6.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("radio/locknload.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("radio/letsgo.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("radio/moveout.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("radio/com_go.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("radio/rescued.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("radio/rounddraw.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("items/kevlar.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("items/ammopickup2.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("items/nvg_on.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("items/nvg_off.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("items/equip_nvg.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("weapons/c4_beep1.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("weapons/c4_beep2.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("weapons/c4_beep3.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("weapons/c4_beep4.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("weapons/c4_beep5.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("weapons/c4_explode1.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("weapons/c4_plant.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("weapons/c4_disarm.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("weapons/c4_disarmed.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("weapons/explode3.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("weapons/explode4.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("weapons/explode5.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/sprayer.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/pl_fallpain2.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/pl_fallpain3.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/pl_snow1.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/pl_snow2.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/pl_snow3.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/pl_snow4.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/pl_snow5.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/pl_snow6.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/pl_step1.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/pl_step2.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/pl_step3.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/pl_step4.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("common/npc_step1.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("common/npc_step2.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("common/npc_step3.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("common/npc_step4.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/pl_metal1.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/pl_metal2.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/pl_metal3.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/pl_metal4.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/pl_dirt1.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/pl_dirt2.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/pl_dirt3.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/pl_dirt4.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/pl_duct1.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/pl_duct2.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/pl_duct3.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/pl_duct4.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/pl_grate1.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/pl_grate2.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/pl_grate3.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/pl_grate4.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/pl_slosh1.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/pl_slosh2.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/pl_slosh3.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/pl_slosh4.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/pl_tile1.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/pl_tile2.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/pl_tile3.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/pl_tile4.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/pl_tile5.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/pl_swim1.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/pl_swim2.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/pl_swim3.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/pl_swim4.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/pl_ladder1.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/pl_ladder2.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/pl_ladder3.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/pl_ladder4.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/pl_wade1.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/pl_wade2.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/pl_wade3.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/pl_wade4.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("debris/wood1.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("debris/wood2.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("debris/wood3.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("plats/train_use1.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("plats/vehicle_ignition.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("buttons/spark5.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("buttons/spark6.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("debris/glass1.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("debris/glass2.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("debris/glass3.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("items/flashlight1.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("items/flashlight1.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("common/bodysplat.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/pl_pain2.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/pl_pain4.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/pl_pain5.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/pl_pain6.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/pl_pain7.wav"); int numPlayerModels; if (g_bIsCzeroGame) numPlayerModels = ARRAYSIZE(sPlayerModelFiles); else numPlayerModels = ARRAYSIZE(sPlayerModelFiles) - 2; for (i = 0; i < numPlayerModels; ++i) PRECACHE_MODEL(sPlayerModelFiles[i]); if (g_bIsCzeroGame) { for (i = FirstCustomSkin; i <= LastCustomSkin; ++i) { const char *fname = TheBotProfiles->GetCustomSkinFname(i); if (!fname) break; PRECACHE_MODEL((char *)fname); } } PRECACHE_MODEL("models/p_ak47.mdl"); PRECACHE_MODEL("models/p_aug.mdl"); PRECACHE_MODEL("models/p_awp.mdl"); PRECACHE_MODEL("models/p_c4.mdl"); PRECACHE_MODEL("models/w_c4.mdl"); PRECACHE_MODEL("models/p_deagle.mdl"); PRECACHE_MODEL("models/shield/p_shield_deagle.mdl"); PRECACHE_MODEL("models/p_flashbang.mdl"); PRECACHE_MODEL("models/shield/p_shield_flashbang.mdl"); PRECACHE_MODEL("models/p_hegrenade.mdl"); PRECACHE_MODEL("models/shield/p_shield_hegrenade.mdl"); PRECACHE_MODEL("models/p_glock18.mdl"); PRECACHE_MODEL("models/shield/p_shield_glock18.mdl"); PRECACHE_MODEL("models/p_p228.mdl"); PRECACHE_MODEL("models/shield/p_shield_p228.mdl"); PRECACHE_MODEL("models/p_smokegrenade.mdl"); PRECACHE_MODEL("models/shield/p_shield_smokegrenade.mdl"); PRECACHE_MODEL("models/p_usp.mdl"); PRECACHE_MODEL("models/shield/p_shield_usp.mdl"); PRECACHE_MODEL("models/p_fiveseven.mdl"); PRECACHE_MODEL("models/shield/p_shield_fiveseven.mdl"); PRECACHE_MODEL("models/p_knife.mdl"); PRECACHE_MODEL("models/shield/p_shield_knife.mdl"); PRECACHE_MODEL("models/w_flashbang.mdl"); PRECACHE_MODEL("models/w_hegrenade.mdl"); PRECACHE_MODEL("models/p_sg550.mdl"); PRECACHE_MODEL("models/p_g3sg1.mdl"); PRECACHE_MODEL("models/p_m249.mdl"); PRECACHE_MODEL("models/p_m3.mdl"); PRECACHE_MODEL("models/p_m4a1.mdl"); PRECACHE_MODEL("models/p_mac10.mdl"); PRECACHE_MODEL("models/p_mp5.mdl"); PRECACHE_MODEL("models/p_ump45.mdl"); PRECACHE_MODEL("models/p_p90.mdl"); PRECACHE_MODEL("models/p_scout.mdl"); PRECACHE_MODEL("models/p_sg552.mdl"); PRECACHE_MODEL("models/w_smokegrenade.mdl"); PRECACHE_MODEL("models/p_tmp.mdl"); PRECACHE_MODEL("models/p_elite.mdl"); PRECACHE_MODEL("models/p_xm1014.mdl"); PRECACHE_MODEL("models/p_galil.mdl"); PRECACHE_MODEL("models/p_famas.mdl"); PRECACHE_MODEL("models/p_shield.mdl"); PRECACHE_MODEL("models/w_shield.mdl"); Vector temp = g_vecZero; Vector vMin(-38, -24, -41); Vector vMax(38, 24, 41); for (i = 0; i < numPlayerModels; ++i) ENGINE_FORCE_UNMODIFIED(force_model_specifybounds, (float *)&vMin, (float *)&vMax, sPlayerModelFiles[i]); if (g_bIsCzeroGame) { for (i = FirstCustomSkin; i <= LastCustomSkin; ++i) { const char *fname = TheBotProfiles->GetCustomSkinFname(i); if (!fname) break; ENGINE_FORCE_UNMODIFIED(force_model_specifybounds_if_avail, (float *)&vMin, (float *)&vMax, fname); } } ENGINE_FORCE_UNMODIFIED(force_exactfile, (float *)&temp, (float *)&temp, "sprites/black_smoke1.spr"); ENGINE_FORCE_UNMODIFIED(force_exactfile, (float *)&temp, (float *)&temp, "sprites/black_smoke2.spr"); ENGINE_FORCE_UNMODIFIED(force_exactfile, (float *)&temp, (float *)&temp, "sprites/black_smoke3.spr"); ENGINE_FORCE_UNMODIFIED(force_exactfile, (float *)&temp, (float *)&temp, "sprites/black_smoke4.spr"); ENGINE_FORCE_UNMODIFIED(force_exactfile, (float *)&temp, (float *)&temp, "sprites/fast_wallpuff1.spr"); ENGINE_FORCE_UNMODIFIED(force_exactfile, (float *)&temp, (float *)&temp, "sprites/smokepuff.spr"); ENGINE_FORCE_UNMODIFIED(force_exactfile, (float *)&temp, (float *)&temp, "sprites/gas_puff_01.spr"); ENGINE_FORCE_UNMODIFIED(force_exactfile, (float *)&temp, (float *)&temp, "sprites/scope_arc.tga"); ENGINE_FORCE_UNMODIFIED(force_exactfile, (float *)&temp, (float *)&temp, "sprites/scope_arc_nw.tga"); ENGINE_FORCE_UNMODIFIED(force_exactfile, (float *)&temp, (float *)&temp, "sprites/scope_arc_ne.tga"); ENGINE_FORCE_UNMODIFIED(force_exactfile, (float *)&temp, (float *)&temp, "sprites/scope_arc_sw.tga"); if (g_bIsCzeroGame) { vMin = Vector(-13, -6, -22); vMax = Vector(13, 6, 22); } else { vMin = Vector(-12, -6, -22); vMax = Vector(12, 6, 22); } ENGINE_FORCE_UNMODIFIED(force_model_specifybounds, (float *)&vMin, (float *)&vMax, "models/p_deagle.mdl"); ENGINE_FORCE_UNMODIFIED(force_model_specifybounds, (float *)&vMin, (float *)&vMax, "models/p_p228.mdl"); ENGINE_FORCE_UNMODIFIED(force_model_specifybounds, (float *)&vMin, (float *)&vMax, "models/p_elite.mdl"); ENGINE_FORCE_UNMODIFIED(force_model_specifybounds, (float *)&vMin, (float *)&vMax, "models/p_usp.mdl"); ENGINE_FORCE_UNMODIFIED(force_model_specifybounds, (float *)&vMin, (float *)&vMax, "models/p_fiveseven.mdl"); ENGINE_FORCE_UNMODIFIED(force_model_specifybounds, (float *)&vMin, (float *)&vMax, "models/p_glock18.mdl"); if (g_bIsCzeroGame) { vMin = Vector(-26, -19, -21); vMax = Vector(26, 23, 21); } else { vMin = Vector(-25, -19, -21); vMax = Vector(25, 23, 21); } ENGINE_FORCE_UNMODIFIED(force_model_specifybounds, (float *)&vMin, (float *)&vMax, "models/p_xm1014.mdl"); ENGINE_FORCE_UNMODIFIED(force_model_specifybounds, (float *)&vMin, (float *)&vMax, "models/p_m3.mdl"); if (g_bIsCzeroGame) { vMin = Vector(-23, -9, -20); vMax = Vector(23, 17, 20); } else { vMin = Vector(-23, -8, -20); vMax = Vector(23, 8, 20); } ENGINE_FORCE_UNMODIFIED(force_model_specifybounds, (float *)&vMin, (float *)&vMax, "models/p_mac10.mdl"); ENGINE_FORCE_UNMODIFIED(force_model_specifybounds, (float *)&vMin, (float *)&vMax, "models/p_mp5.mdl"); ENGINE_FORCE_UNMODIFIED(force_model_specifybounds, (float *)&vMin, (float *)&vMax, "models/p_ump45.mdl"); ENGINE_FORCE_UNMODIFIED(force_model_specifybounds, (float *)&vMin, (float *)&vMax, "models/p_tmp.mdl"); ENGINE_FORCE_UNMODIFIED(force_model_specifybounds, (float *)&vMin, (float *)&vMax, "models/p_p90.mdl"); if (g_bIsCzeroGame) { vMin = Vector(-38, -33, -22); vMax = Vector(38, 15, 35); } else { vMin = Vector(-31, -8, -21); vMax = Vector(31, 12, 31); } ENGINE_FORCE_UNMODIFIED(force_model_specifybounds, (float *)&vMin, (float *)&vMax, "models/p_ak47.mdl"); ENGINE_FORCE_UNMODIFIED(force_model_specifybounds, (float *)&vMin, (float *)&vMax, "models/p_aug.mdl"); ENGINE_FORCE_UNMODIFIED(force_model_specifybounds, (float *)&vMin, (float *)&vMax, "models/p_awp.mdl"); ENGINE_FORCE_UNMODIFIED(force_model_specifybounds, (float *)&vMin, (float *)&vMax, "models/p_g3sg1.mdl"); ENGINE_FORCE_UNMODIFIED(force_model_specifybounds, (float *)&vMin, (float *)&vMax, "models/p_sg550.mdl"); ENGINE_FORCE_UNMODIFIED(force_model_specifybounds, (float *)&vMin, (float *)&vMax, "models/p_m4a1.mdl"); ENGINE_FORCE_UNMODIFIED(force_model_specifybounds, (float *)&vMin, (float *)&vMax, "models/p_scout.mdl"); ENGINE_FORCE_UNMODIFIED(force_model_specifybounds, (float *)&vMin, (float *)&vMax, "models/p_sg552.mdl"); ENGINE_FORCE_UNMODIFIED(force_model_specifybounds, (float *)&vMin, (float *)&vMax, "models/p_famas.mdl"); ENGINE_FORCE_UNMODIFIED(force_model_specifybounds, (float *)&vMin, (float *)&vMax, "models/p_galil.mdl"); if (g_bIsCzeroGame) { vMin = Vector(-30, -10, -20); vMax = Vector(30, 11, 20); } else { vMin = Vector(-24, -10, -20); vMax = Vector(25, 10, 20); } ENGINE_FORCE_UNMODIFIED(force_model_specifybounds, (float *)&vMin, (float *)&vMax, "models/p_m249.mdl"); vMin = Vector(-7, -7, -15); vMax = Vector(7, 7, 15); ENGINE_FORCE_UNMODIFIED(force_model_specifybounds, (float *)&vMin, (float *)&vMax, "models/p_c4.mdl"); vMin = Vector(-4, -8, -3); vMax = Vector(3, 7, 3); if (g_bIsCzeroGame) { vMin = Vector(-17, -8, -3); vMax = Vector(17, 7, 3); } else { vMin = Vector(-4, -8, -3); vMax = Vector(3, 7, 3); } ENGINE_FORCE_UNMODIFIED(force_model_specifybounds, (float *)&vMin, (float *)&vMax, "models/w_c4.mdl"); if (g_bIsCzeroGame) { vMin = Vector(-7, -3, -18); vMax = Vector(7, 2, 18); } else { vMin = Vector(-7, -2, -18); vMax = Vector(7, 2, 18); } ENGINE_FORCE_UNMODIFIED(force_model_specifybounds, (float *)&vMin, (float *)&vMax, "models/p_flashbang.mdl"); ENGINE_FORCE_UNMODIFIED(force_model_specifybounds, (float *)&vMin, (float *)&vMax, "models/p_hegrenade.mdl"); ENGINE_FORCE_UNMODIFIED(force_model_specifybounds, (float *)&vMin, (float *)&vMax, "models/p_smokegrenade.mdl"); if (g_bIsCzeroGame) vMin = Vector(-5, -5, -7); else vMin = Vector(-5, -5, -5); vMax = Vector(5, 5, 14); ENGINE_FORCE_UNMODIFIED(force_model_specifybounds, (float *)&vMin, (float *)&vMax, "models/w_flashbang.mdl"); ENGINE_FORCE_UNMODIFIED(force_model_specifybounds, (float *)&vMin, (float *)&vMax, "models/w_hegrenade.mdl"); ENGINE_FORCE_UNMODIFIED(force_model_specifybounds, (float *)&vMin, (float *)&vMax, "models/w_smokegrenade.mdl"); vMin = Vector(-7, -11, -18); vMax = Vector(7, 6, 18); ENGINE_FORCE_UNMODIFIED(force_model_specifybounds, (float *)&vMin, (float *)&vMax, "models/p_knife.mdl"); if (g_bIsCzeroGame) { vMin = Vector(-21, -25, -54); vMax = Vector(21, 23, 24); } else { vMin = Vector(-16, -8, -54); vMax = Vector(16, 6, 24); } ENGINE_FORCE_UNMODIFIED(force_model_specifybounds, (float *)&vMin, (float *)&vMax, "models/shield/p_shield_deagle.mdl"); ENGINE_FORCE_UNMODIFIED(force_model_specifybounds, (float *)&vMin, (float *)&vMax, "models/shield/p_shield_fiveseven.mdl"); ENGINE_FORCE_UNMODIFIED(force_model_specifybounds, (float *)&vMin, (float *)&vMax, "models/shield/p_shield_flashbang.mdl"); ENGINE_FORCE_UNMODIFIED(force_model_specifybounds, (float *)&vMin, (float *)&vMax, "models/shield/p_shield_glock18.mdl"); ENGINE_FORCE_UNMODIFIED(force_model_specifybounds, (float *)&vMin, (float *)&vMax, "models/shield/p_shield_hegrenade.mdl"); ENGINE_FORCE_UNMODIFIED(force_model_specifybounds, (float *)&vMin, (float *)&vMax, "models/shield/p_shield_knife.mdl"); ENGINE_FORCE_UNMODIFIED(force_model_specifybounds, (float *)&vMin, (float *)&vMax, "models/shield/p_shield_p228.mdl"); ENGINE_FORCE_UNMODIFIED(force_model_specifybounds, (float *)&vMin, (float *)&vMax, "models/shield/p_shield_smokegrenade.mdl"); ENGINE_FORCE_UNMODIFIED(force_model_specifybounds, (float *)&vMin, (float *)&vMax, "models/shield/p_shield_usp.mdl"); PRECACHE_SOUND("common/wpn_hudoff.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("common/wpn_hudon.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("common/wpn_moveselect.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("common/wpn_select.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("common/wpn_denyselect.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/geiger6.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/geiger5.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/geiger4.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/geiger3.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/geiger2.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("player/geiger1.wav"); if (giPrecacheGrunt) UTIL_PrecacheOther("enemy_terrorist"); g_iShadowSprite = PRECACHE_MODEL("sprites/shadow_circle.spr"); PRECACHE_MODEL("sprites/wall_puff1.spr"); PRECACHE_MODEL("sprites/wall_puff2.spr"); PRECACHE_MODEL("sprites/wall_puff3.spr"); PRECACHE_MODEL("sprites/wall_puff4.spr"); PRECACHE_MODEL("sprites/black_smoke1.spr"); PRECACHE_MODEL("sprites/black_smoke2.spr"); PRECACHE_MODEL("sprites/black_smoke3.spr"); PRECACHE_MODEL("sprites/black_smoke4.spr"); PRECACHE_MODEL("sprites/fast_wallpuff1.spr"); PRECACHE_MODEL("sprites/pistol_smoke1.spr"); PRECACHE_MODEL("sprites/pistol_smoke2.spr"); PRECACHE_MODEL("sprites/rifle_smoke1.spr"); PRECACHE_MODEL("sprites/rifle_smoke2.spr"); PRECACHE_MODEL("sprites/rifle_smoke3.spr"); PRECACHE_GENERIC("sprites/scope_arc.tga"); PRECACHE_GENERIC("sprites/scope_arc_nw.tga"); PRECACHE_GENERIC("sprites/scope_arc_ne.tga"); PRECACHE_GENERIC("sprites/scope_arc_sw.tga"); m_usResetDecals = g_engfuncs.pfnPrecacheEvent(1, "events/decal_reset.sc"); } const char *EXT_FUNC GetGameDescription() { #ifdef REGAMEDLL_ADD if (CSGameRules()) { return CSGameRules()->GetGameDescription(); } #else if (g_bIsCzeroGame) { return "Condition Zero"; } #endif return "Counter-Strike"; } void EXT_FUNC Sys_Error(const char *error_string) { ; } void EXT_FUNC PlayerCustomization(edict_t *pEntity, customization_t *pCust) { CBasePlayer *pPlayer = (CBasePlayer *)GET_PRIVATE(pEntity); if (!pPlayer) { ALERT(at_console, "PlayerCustomization: Couldn't get player!\n"); return; } if (!pCust) { ALERT(at_console, "PlayerCustomization: NULL customization!\n"); return; } switch (pCust->resource.type) { case t_decal: pPlayer->SetCustomDecalFrames(pCust->nUserData2); break; case t_sound: case t_skin: case t_model: break; default: ALERT(at_console, "PlayerCustomization: Unknown customization type!\n"); break; } } void EXT_FUNC SpectatorConnect(edict_t *pEntity) { CBaseSpectator *pPlayer = (CBaseSpectator *)GET_PRIVATE(pEntity); if (pPlayer) { pPlayer->SpectatorConnect(); } } void EXT_FUNC SpectatorDisconnect(edict_t *pEntity) { CBaseSpectator *pPlayer = (CBaseSpectator *)GET_PRIVATE(pEntity); if (pPlayer) { pPlayer->SpectatorDisconnect(); } } void EXT_FUNC SpectatorThink(edict_t *pEntity) { CBaseSpectator *pPlayer = (CBaseSpectator *)GET_PRIVATE(pEntity); if (pPlayer) { pPlayer->SpectatorThink(); } } void EXT_FUNC SetupVisibility(edict_t *pViewEntity, edict_t *pClient, unsigned char **pvs, unsigned char **pas) { edict_t *pView = pClient; // Find the client's PVS if (pViewEntity) { pView = pViewEntity; } if (pClient->v.flags & FL_PROXY) { *pvs = nullptr; // the spectator proxy sees *pas = nullptr; // and hears everything return; } CBasePlayer *pPlayer = CBasePlayer::Instance(pClient); if (pPlayer && pPlayer->pev->iuser2 && pPlayer->m_hObserverTarget) { if (pPlayer->m_afPhysicsFlags & PFLAG_OBSERVER) { pView = pPlayer->m_hObserverTarget->edict(); UTIL_SetOrigin(pPlayer->pev, pPlayer->m_hObserverTarget->pev->origin); } } Vector org = pView->v.origin + pView->v.view_ofs; if (pView->v.flags & FL_DUCKING) { org = org + (VEC_HULL_MIN - VEC_DUCK_HULL_MIN); } *pvs = ENGINE_SET_PVS((float *)&org); *pas = ENGINE_SET_PAS((float *)&org); } void ResetPlayerPVS(edict_t *client, int clientnum) { PLAYERPVSSTATUS *pvs = &g_PVSStatus[clientnum]; Q_memset(pvs, 0, sizeof(*pvs)); pvs->headnode = client->headnode; pvs->num_leafs = client->num_leafs; Q_memcpy(pvs->leafnums, client->leafnums, sizeof(pvs->leafnums)); } bool CheckPlayerPVSLeafChanged(edict_t *client, int clientnum) { PLAYERPVSSTATUS *pvs = &g_PVSStatus[clientnum]; if (pvs->headnode != client->headnode || pvs->num_leafs != client->num_leafs) return true; for (int i = 0; i < pvs->num_leafs; ++i) { if (client->leafnums[i] != pvs->leafnums[i]) return true; } return false; } void MarkEntityInPVS(int clientnum, int entitynum, float time, bool inpvs) { PLAYERPVSSTATUS *pvs; ENTITYPVSSTATUS *es; pvs = &g_PVSStatus[clientnum]; es = &pvs->m_Status[entitynum]; if (inpvs) es->m_fTimeEnteredPVS = time; else es->m_fTimeEnteredPVS = 0; } bool CheckEntityRecentlyInPVS(int clientnum, int entitynum, float currenttime) { PLAYERPVSSTATUS *pvs; ENTITYPVSSTATUS *es; pvs = &g_PVSStatus[clientnum]; es = &pvs->m_Status[entitynum]; if (es->m_fTimeEnteredPVS && es->m_fTimeEnteredPVS + 1.0f >= currenttime) { return true; } return false; } int EXT_FUNC AddToFullPack(struct entity_state_s *state, int e, edict_t *ent, edict_t *host, int hostflags, int player, unsigned char *pSet) { if ((ent->v.effects & EF_NODRAW) == EF_NODRAW && ent != host) return 0; if (!ent->v.modelindex || !STRING(ent->v.model)) return 0; if ((ent->v.flags & FL_SPECTATOR) == FL_SPECTATOR && ent != host) return 0; int i; int hostnum = ENTINDEX(host) - 1; if (CheckPlayerPVSLeafChanged(host, hostnum)) ResetPlayerPVS(host, hostnum); if (ent != host) { if (!CheckEntityRecentlyInPVS(hostnum, e, gpGlobals->time)) { if (!ENGINE_CHECK_VISIBILITY(ent, pSet)) { MarkEntityInPVS(hostnum, e, 0, false); return 0; } MarkEntityInPVS(hostnum, e, gpGlobals->time, true); } } if ((ent->v.flags & FL_SKIPLOCALHOST) == FL_SKIPLOCALHOST && (hostflags & 1) && ent->v.owner == host) return 0; if (host->v.groupinfo) { UTIL_SetGroupTrace(host->v.groupinfo, GROUP_OP_AND); if (ent->v.groupinfo) { if (g_groupop == GROUP_OP_AND) { if (!(ent->v.groupinfo & host->v.groupinfo)) return 0; } else if (g_groupop == GROUP_OP_NAND) { if (ent->v.groupinfo & host->v.groupinfo) return 0; } } UTIL_UnsetGroupTrace(); } Q_memset(state, 0, sizeof(entity_state_t)); state->number = e; state->entityType = ENTITY_NORMAL; if (ent->v.flags & FL_CUSTOMENTITY) state->entityType = ENTITY_BEAM; state->animtime = int(1000.0 * ent->v.animtime) / 1000.0; Q_memcpy(state->origin, ent->v.origin, sizeof(float) * 3); Q_memcpy(state->angles, ent->v.angles, sizeof(float) * 3); Q_memcpy(state->mins, ent->v.mins, sizeof(float) * 3); Q_memcpy(state->maxs, ent->v.maxs, sizeof(float) * 3); Q_memcpy(state->startpos, ent->v.startpos, sizeof(float) * 3); Q_memcpy(state->endpos, ent->v.endpos, sizeof(float) * 3); state->impacttime = ent->v.impacttime; state->starttime = ent->v.starttime; state->modelindex = ent->v.modelindex; state->frame = ent->v.frame; state->skin = ent->v.skin; state->effects = ent->v.effects; if (!player && ent->v.animtime && !ent->v.velocity.x && !ent->v.velocity.y && !ent->v.velocity.z) state->eflags |= EFLAG_SLERP; state->scale = ent->v.scale; state->solid = ent->v.solid; state->colormap = ent->v.colormap; state->movetype = ent->v.movetype; state->sequence = ent->v.sequence; state->framerate = ent->v.framerate; state->body = ent->v.body; for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) state->controller[i] = ent->v.controller[i]; for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i) state->blending[i] = ent->v.blending[i]; state->rendermode = ent->v.rendermode; state->renderamt = int(ent->v.renderamt); state->renderfx = ent->v.renderfx; state->rendercolor.r = byte(ent->v.rendercolor.x); state->rendercolor.g = byte(ent->v.rendercolor.y); state->rendercolor.b = byte(ent->v.rendercolor.z); state->aiment = 0; if (ent->v.aiment) state->aiment = ENTINDEX(ent->v.aiment); state->owner = 0; if (ent->v.owner) { int owner = ENTINDEX(ent->v.owner); if (owner >= 1 && owner <= gpGlobals->maxClients) state->owner = owner; } if (player) { Q_memcpy(state->basevelocity, ent->v.basevelocity, sizeof(float) * 3); state->weaponmodel = MODEL_INDEX(STRING(ent->v.weaponmodel)); state->gaitsequence = ent->v.gaitsequence; state->spectator = (ent->v.flags & FL_SPECTATOR) ? TRUE : FALSE; state->friction = ent->v.friction; state->gravity = ent->v.gravity; state->usehull = (ent->v.flags & FL_DUCKING) ? 1 : 0; state->health = int(ent->v.health); } else state->playerclass = ent->v.playerclass; state->iuser4 = ent->v.iuser4; return 1; } // Creates baselines used for network encoding, especially for player data since players are not spawned until connect time. void EXT_FUNC CreateBaseline(int player, int eindex, struct entity_state_s *baseline, struct edict_s *entity, int playermodelindex, Vector player_mins, Vector player_maxs) { baseline->origin = entity->v.origin; baseline->angles = entity->v.angles; baseline->frame = entity->v.frame; baseline->skin = (short)entity->v.skin; // render information baseline->rendermode = byte(entity->v.rendermode); baseline->renderamt = byte(entity->v.renderamt); baseline->rendercolor.r = byte(entity->v.rendercolor.x); baseline->rendercolor.g = byte(entity->v.rendercolor.y); baseline->rendercolor.b = byte(entity->v.rendercolor.z); baseline->renderfx = byte(entity->v.renderfx); if (player) { baseline->mins = player_mins; baseline->maxs = player_maxs; baseline->colormap = eindex; baseline->modelindex = playermodelindex; baseline->friction = 1.0; baseline->movetype = MOVETYPE_WALK; baseline->solid = SOLID_SLIDEBOX; baseline->scale = entity->v.scale; baseline->framerate = 1.0; baseline->gravity = 1.0; } else { baseline->mins = entity->v.mins; baseline->maxs = entity->v.maxs; baseline->colormap = 0; baseline->modelindex = entity->v.modelindex; baseline->movetype = entity->v.movetype; baseline->scale = entity->v.scale; baseline->solid = entity->v.solid; baseline->framerate = entity->v.framerate; baseline->gravity = entity->v.gravity; } } void Entity_FieldInit(struct delta_s *pFields) { entity_field_alias[ FIELD_ORIGIN0 ].field = DELTA_FINDFIELD(pFields, entity_field_alias[ FIELD_ORIGIN0 ].name); entity_field_alias[ FIELD_ORIGIN1 ].field = DELTA_FINDFIELD(pFields, entity_field_alias[ FIELD_ORIGIN1 ].name); entity_field_alias[ FIELD_ORIGIN2 ].field = DELTA_FINDFIELD(pFields, entity_field_alias[ FIELD_ORIGIN2 ].name); entity_field_alias[ FIELD_ANGLES0 ].field = DELTA_FINDFIELD(pFields, entity_field_alias[ FIELD_ANGLES0 ].name); entity_field_alias[ FIELD_ANGLES1 ].field = DELTA_FINDFIELD(pFields, entity_field_alias[ FIELD_ANGLES1 ].name); entity_field_alias[ FIELD_ANGLES2 ].field = DELTA_FINDFIELD(pFields, entity_field_alias[ FIELD_ANGLES2 ].name); } // Callback for sending entity_state_t info over network. void Entity_Encode(struct delta_s *pFields, const unsigned char *from, const unsigned char *to) { entity_state_t *f, *t; int localplayer = 0; static int initialized = 0; if (!initialized) { Entity_FieldInit(pFields); initialized = 1; } f = (entity_state_t *)from; t = (entity_state_t *)to; // Never send origin to local player, it's sent with more resolution in clientdata_t structure localplayer = (t->number - 1) == ENGINE_CURRENT_PLAYER(); if (localplayer) { DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX(pFields, entity_field_alias[ FIELD_ORIGIN0 ].field); DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX(pFields, entity_field_alias[ FIELD_ORIGIN1 ].field); DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX(pFields, entity_field_alias[ FIELD_ORIGIN2 ].field); } if (t->impacttime != 0 && t->starttime != 0) { DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX(pFields, entity_field_alias[ FIELD_ORIGIN0 ].field); DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX(pFields, entity_field_alias[ FIELD_ORIGIN1 ].field); DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX(pFields, entity_field_alias[ FIELD_ORIGIN2 ].field); DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX(pFields, entity_field_alias[ FIELD_ANGLES0 ].field); DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX(pFields, entity_field_alias[ FIELD_ANGLES1 ].field); DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX(pFields, entity_field_alias[ FIELD_ANGLES2 ].field); } if (t->movetype == MOVETYPE_FOLLOW && t->aiment != 0) { DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX(pFields, entity_field_alias[ FIELD_ORIGIN0 ].field); DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX(pFields, entity_field_alias[ FIELD_ORIGIN1 ].field); DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX(pFields, entity_field_alias[ FIELD_ORIGIN2 ].field); } else if (t->aiment != f->aiment) { DELTA_SETBYINDEX(pFields, entity_field_alias[ FIELD_ORIGIN0 ].field); DELTA_SETBYINDEX(pFields, entity_field_alias[ FIELD_ORIGIN1 ].field); DELTA_SETBYINDEX(pFields, entity_field_alias[ FIELD_ORIGIN2 ].field); } } void Player_FieldInit(struct delta_s *pFields) { player_field_alias[ FIELD_ORIGIN0 ].field = DELTA_FINDFIELD(pFields, player_field_alias[ FIELD_ORIGIN0 ].name); player_field_alias[ FIELD_ORIGIN1 ].field = DELTA_FINDFIELD(pFields, player_field_alias[ FIELD_ORIGIN1 ].name); player_field_alias[ FIELD_ORIGIN2 ].field = DELTA_FINDFIELD(pFields, player_field_alias[ FIELD_ORIGIN2 ].name); } // Callback for sending entity_state_t for players info over network. void Player_Encode(struct delta_s *pFields, const unsigned char *from, const unsigned char *to) { entity_state_t *f, *t; int localplayer = 0; static int initialized = 0; if (!initialized) { Player_FieldInit(pFields); initialized = 1; } f = (entity_state_t *)from; t = (entity_state_t *)to; // Never send origin to local player, it's sent with more resolution in clientdata_t structure localplayer = (t->number - 1) == ENGINE_CURRENT_PLAYER(); if (localplayer) { DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX(pFields, entity_field_alias[ FIELD_ORIGIN0 ].field); DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX(pFields, entity_field_alias[ FIELD_ORIGIN1 ].field); DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX(pFields, entity_field_alias[ FIELD_ORIGIN2 ].field); } if (t->movetype == MOVETYPE_FOLLOW && t->aiment != 0) { DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX(pFields, entity_field_alias[ FIELD_ORIGIN0 ].field); DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX(pFields, entity_field_alias[ FIELD_ORIGIN1 ].field); DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX(pFields, entity_field_alias[ FIELD_ORIGIN2 ].field); } else if (t->aiment != f->aiment) { DELTA_SETBYINDEX(pFields, entity_field_alias[ FIELD_ORIGIN0 ].field); DELTA_SETBYINDEX(pFields, entity_field_alias[ FIELD_ORIGIN1 ].field); DELTA_SETBYINDEX(pFields, entity_field_alias[ FIELD_ORIGIN2 ].field); } } void Custom_Entity_FieldInit(delta_s *pFields) { custom_entity_field_alias[ CUSTOMFIELD_ORIGIN0 ].field = DELTA_FINDFIELD(pFields, custom_entity_field_alias[ CUSTOMFIELD_ORIGIN0 ].name); custom_entity_field_alias[ CUSTOMFIELD_ORIGIN1 ].field = DELTA_FINDFIELD(pFields, custom_entity_field_alias[ CUSTOMFIELD_ORIGIN1 ].name); custom_entity_field_alias[ CUSTOMFIELD_ORIGIN2 ].field = DELTA_FINDFIELD(pFields, custom_entity_field_alias[ CUSTOMFIELD_ORIGIN2 ].name); custom_entity_field_alias[ CUSTOMFIELD_ANGLES0 ].field = DELTA_FINDFIELD(pFields, custom_entity_field_alias[ CUSTOMFIELD_ANGLES0 ].name); custom_entity_field_alias[ CUSTOMFIELD_ANGLES1 ].field = DELTA_FINDFIELD(pFields, custom_entity_field_alias[ CUSTOMFIELD_ANGLES1 ].name); custom_entity_field_alias[ CUSTOMFIELD_ANGLES2 ].field = DELTA_FINDFIELD(pFields, custom_entity_field_alias[ CUSTOMFIELD_ANGLES2 ].name); custom_entity_field_alias[ CUSTOMFIELD_SKIN ].field = DELTA_FINDFIELD(pFields, custom_entity_field_alias[ CUSTOMFIELD_SKIN ].name); custom_entity_field_alias[ CUSTOMFIELD_SEQUENCE ].field = DELTA_FINDFIELD(pFields, custom_entity_field_alias[ CUSTOMFIELD_SEQUENCE ].name); custom_entity_field_alias[ CUSTOMFIELD_ANIMTIME ].field = DELTA_FINDFIELD(pFields, custom_entity_field_alias[ CUSTOMFIELD_ANIMTIME ].name); } // Callback for sending entity_state_t info ( for custom entities ) over network. void Custom_Encode(struct delta_s *pFields, const unsigned char *from, const unsigned char *to) { entity_state_t *f, *t; int beamType; static int initialized = 0; if (!initialized) { Custom_Entity_FieldInit(pFields); initialized = 1; } f = (entity_state_t *)from; t = (entity_state_t *)to; beamType = t->rendermode & 0x0F; if (beamType != BEAM_POINTS) { if (beamType != BEAM_ENTPOINT) { DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX(pFields, custom_entity_field_alias[ CUSTOMFIELD_ORIGIN0 ].field); DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX(pFields, custom_entity_field_alias[ CUSTOMFIELD_ORIGIN1 ].field); DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX(pFields, custom_entity_field_alias[ CUSTOMFIELD_ORIGIN2 ].field); } DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX(pFields, custom_entity_field_alias[ CUSTOMFIELD_ANGLES0 ].field); DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX(pFields, custom_entity_field_alias[ CUSTOMFIELD_ANGLES1 ].field); DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX(pFields, custom_entity_field_alias[ CUSTOMFIELD_ANGLES2 ].field); } if (beamType != BEAM_ENTS && beamType != BEAM_ENTPOINT) { DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX(pFields, custom_entity_field_alias[ CUSTOMFIELD_SKIN ].field); DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX(pFields, custom_entity_field_alias[ CUSTOMFIELD_SEQUENCE ].field); } // animtime is compared by rounding first // see if we really shouldn't actually send it if (int(f->animtime) == int(t->animtime)) { DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX(pFields, custom_entity_field_alias[ CUSTOMFIELD_ANIMTIME ].field); } } // Allows game .dll to override network encoding of certain types of entities and tweak values, etc. void EXT_FUNC RegisterEncoders() { DELTA_ADDENCODER("Entity_Encode", Entity_Encode); DELTA_ADDENCODER("Custom_Encode", Custom_Encode); DELTA_ADDENCODER("Player_Encode", Player_Encode); } int EXT_FUNC GetWeaponData(edict_t *player, struct weapon_data_s *info) { #ifdef CLIENT_WEAPONS entvars_t *pev = &player->v; CBasePlayer *pPlayer = CBasePlayer::Instance(pev); Q_memset(info, 0, sizeof(weapon_data_t) * MAX_WEAPONS); if (!pPlayer) return 1; // go through all of the weapons and make a list of the ones to pack for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ITEM_TYPES; ++i) { auto pPlayerItem = pPlayer->m_rgpPlayerItems[i]; while (pPlayerItem != nullptr) { // there's a weapon here. Should I pack it? auto weapon = (CBasePlayerWeapon *)pPlayerItem->GetWeaponPtr(); if (weapon && weapon->UseDecrement()) { // Get The ID ItemInfo II; Q_memset(&II, 0, sizeof(II)); weapon->GetItemInfo(&II); if (II.iId >= 0 && II.iId < MAX_WEAPONS) { auto item = &info[II.iId]; item->m_iId = II.iId; item->m_iClip = weapon->m_iClip; item->m_flTimeWeaponIdle = Q_max(weapon->m_flTimeWeaponIdle, -0.001f); item->m_flNextPrimaryAttack = Q_max(weapon->m_flNextPrimaryAttack, -0.001f); item->m_flNextSecondaryAttack = Q_max(weapon->m_flNextSecondaryAttack, -0.001f); item->m_flNextReload = Q_max(weapon->m_flNextReload, -0.001f); item->m_fInReload = weapon->m_fInReload; item->m_fInSpecialReload = weapon->m_fInSpecialReload; item->m_fInZoom = weapon->m_iShotsFired; item->m_fAimedDamage = weapon->m_flLastFire; item->m_iWeaponState = weapon->m_iWeaponState; item->fuser2 = weapon->m_flStartThrow; item->fuser3 = weapon->m_flReleaseThrow; item->iuser1 = weapon->m_iSwing; } } pPlayerItem = pPlayerItem->m_pNext; } } #else Q_memset(info, 0, sizeof(weapon_data_t) * MAX_WEAPONS); #endif return 1; } // Data sent to current client only engine sets cd to 0 before calling. void EXT_FUNC UpdateClientData(const struct edict_s *ent, int sendweapons, struct clientdata_s *cd) { if (!ent || !ent->pvPrivateData) return; entvars_t *pevOrg = nullptr; entvars_t *pev = const_cast(&ent->v); CBasePlayer *pPlayer = CBasePlayer::Instance(pev); // if user is spectating different player in First person, override some vars if (pPlayer && pPlayer->pev->iuser1 == OBS_IN_EYE && pPlayer->m_hObserverTarget) { pevOrg = pev; pev = pPlayer->m_hObserverTarget->pev; pPlayer = CBasePlayer::Instance(pev); } cd->flags = pev->flags; cd->health = pev->health; cd->viewmodel = MODEL_INDEX(STRING(pev->viewmodel)); cd->waterlevel = pev->waterlevel; cd->watertype = pev->watertype; cd->weapons = pev->weapons; cd->origin = pev->origin; cd->velocity = pev->velocity; cd->view_ofs = pev->view_ofs; cd->punchangle = pev->punchangle; cd->bInDuck = pev->bInDuck; cd->flTimeStepSound = pev->flTimeStepSound; cd->flDuckTime = pev->flDuckTime; cd->flSwimTime = pev->flSwimTime; cd->waterjumptime = int(pev->teleport_time); Q_strcpy(cd->physinfo, ENGINE_GETPHYSINFO(ent)); cd->maxspeed = pev->maxspeed; cd->fov = pev->fov; cd->weaponanim = pev->weaponanim; cd->pushmsec = pev->pushmsec; if (pevOrg) { cd->iuser1 = pevOrg->iuser1; cd->iuser2 = pevOrg->iuser2; cd->iuser3 = pevOrg->iuser3; } else { cd->iuser1 = pev->iuser1; cd->iuser2 = pev->iuser2; cd->iuser3 = pev->iuser3; } cd->fuser1 = pev->fuser1; cd->fuser3 = pev->fuser3; cd->fuser2 = pev->fuser2; if (sendweapons && pPlayer) { cd->ammo_shells = pPlayer->ammo_buckshot; cd->ammo_nails = pPlayer->ammo_9mm; cd->ammo_cells = pPlayer->ammo_556nato; cd->ammo_rockets = pPlayer->ammo_556natobox; cd->vuser2.x = pPlayer->ammo_762nato; cd->vuser2.y = pPlayer->ammo_45acp; cd->vuser2.z = pPlayer->ammo_50ae; cd->vuser3.x = pPlayer->ammo_338mag; cd->vuser3.y = pPlayer->ammo_57mm; cd->vuser3.z = pPlayer->ammo_357sig; cd->m_flNextAttack = pPlayer->m_flNextAttack; int iUser3 = 0; if (pPlayer->m_bCanShoot && !pPlayer->m_bIsDefusing) iUser3 |= DATA_IUSER3_CANSHOOT; if (g_pGameRules->IsFreezePeriod()) iUser3 |= DATA_IUSER3_FREEZETIMEOVER; if (pPlayer->m_signals.GetState() & SIGNAL_BOMB) iUser3 |= DATA_IUSER3_INBOMBZONE; if (pPlayer->HasShield()) iUser3 |= DATA_IUSER3_HOLDINGSHIELD; if (pPlayer->pev->iuser1 == OBS_NONE && !pevOrg) { #ifdef REGAMEDLL_ADD // useful for mods iUser3 |= pev->iuser3; #endif cd->iuser3 = iUser3; } if (pPlayer->m_pActiveItem) { ItemInfo II; Q_memset(&II, 0, sizeof(II)); CBasePlayerWeapon *weapon = (CBasePlayerWeapon *)pPlayer->m_pActiveItem->GetWeaponPtr(); if (weapon && weapon->UseDecrement() && weapon->GetItemInfo(&II)) { cd->m_iId = II.iId; if ((unsigned int)weapon->m_iPrimaryAmmoType < MAX_AMMO_SLOTS) { cd->vuser4.x = weapon->m_iPrimaryAmmoType; cd->vuser4.y = pPlayer->m_rgAmmo[ weapon->m_iPrimaryAmmoType ]; } else { cd->vuser4.x = -1.0; cd->vuser4.y = 0; } } } } } void EXT_FUNC CmdStart(const edict_t *player, const struct usercmd_s *cmd, unsigned int random_seed) { entvars_t *pev = const_cast(&player->v); CBasePlayer *pPlayer = CBasePlayer::Instance(pev); if (!pPlayer) return; if (pPlayer->pev->groupinfo) UTIL_SetGroupTrace(pPlayer->pev->groupinfo, GROUP_OP_AND); pPlayer->random_seed = random_seed; } void EXT_FUNC CmdEnd(const edict_t *player) { entvars_t *pev = const_cast(&player->v); CBasePlayer *pPlayer = CBasePlayer::Instance(pev); if (!pPlayer) return; if (pPlayer->pev->groupinfo) UTIL_UnsetGroupTrace(); if (pev->flags & FL_DUCKING) UTIL_SetSize(pev, VEC_DUCK_HULL_MIN, VEC_DUCK_HULL_MAX); } int EXT_FUNC ConnectionlessPacket(const struct netadr_s *net_from, const char *args, char *response_buffer, int *response_buffer_size) { // Parse stuff from args int max_buffer_size = *response_buffer_size; // Zero it out since we aren't going to respond. // If we wanted to response, we'd write data into response_buffer *response_buffer_size = 0; // Since we don't listen for anything here, just respond that it's a bogus message // If we didn't reject the message, we'd return 1 for success instead. return 0; } int EXT_FUNC GetHullBounds(int hullnumber, float *mins, float *maxs) { return hullnumber < 3; } // Create pseudo-baselines for items that aren't placed in the map at spawn time, but which are likely // to be created during play ( e.g., grenades, ammo packs, projectiles, corpses, etc. ) void EXT_FUNC CreateInstancedBaselines() { #ifndef REGAMEDLL_FIXES int iret = 0; entity_state_t state; Q_memset(&state, 0, sizeof(state)); // Create any additional baselines here for things like grendates, etc. // iret = ENGINE_INSTANCE_BASELINE(pc->pev->classname, &state); // Destroy objects. // UTIL_Remove(pc); #endif } int EXT_FUNC InconsistentFile(const edict_t *player, const char *filename, char *disconnect_message) { // Server doesn't care? if (CVAR_GET_FLOAT("mp_consistency") != 1) return 0; // Default behavior is to kick the player Q_sprintf(disconnect_message, "Server is enforcing file consistency for %s\n", filename); // Kick now with specified disconnect message. return 1; } // The game .dll should return 1 if lag compensation should be allowed ( could also just set // the sv_unlag cvar. // Most games right now should return 0, until client-side weapon prediction code is written // and tested for them ( note you can predict weapons, but not do lag compensation, too, // if you want. int EXT_FUNC AllowLagCompensation() { return 1; }