#include "precompiled.h" TYPEDESCRIPTION CBaseAnimating::m_SaveData[] = { DEFINE_FIELD(CBaseMonster, m_flFrameRate, FIELD_FLOAT), DEFINE_FIELD(CBaseMonster, m_flGroundSpeed, FIELD_FLOAT), DEFINE_FIELD(CBaseMonster, m_flLastEventCheck, FIELD_TIME), DEFINE_FIELD(CBaseMonster, m_fSequenceFinished, FIELD_BOOLEAN), DEFINE_FIELD(CBaseMonster, m_fSequenceLoops, FIELD_BOOLEAN), }; IMPLEMENT_SAVERESTORE(CBaseAnimating, CBaseDelay) float CBaseAnimating::StudioFrameAdvance(float flInterval) { if (flInterval == 0.0f) { flInterval = gpGlobals->time - pev->animtime; if (flInterval <= 0.001) { pev->animtime = gpGlobals->time; return 0; } } if (pev->animtime == 0.0f) flInterval = 0; pev->frame += flInterval * m_flFrameRate * pev->framerate; pev->animtime = gpGlobals->time; if (pev->frame < 0.0 || pev->frame >= 256.0) { if (m_fSequenceLoops) pev->frame -= int(pev->frame / 256.0) * 256.0; else pev->frame = (pev->frame < 0) ? 0 : 255; m_fSequenceFinished = TRUE; } return flInterval; } int CBaseAnimating::LookupActivity(int activity) { void *pmodel = GET_MODEL_PTR(ENT(pev)); return ::LookupActivity(pmodel, pev, activity); } int CBaseAnimating::LookupActivityHeaviest(int activity) { void *pmodel = GET_MODEL_PTR(ENT(pev)); return ::LookupActivityHeaviest(pmodel, pev, activity); } void CBaseAnimating::DispatchAnimEvents(float flInterval) { MonsterEvent_t event; void *pmodel = GET_MODEL_PTR(ENT(pev)); if (!pmodel) { ALERT(at_aiconsole, "Gibbed monster is thinking!\n"); return; } // FIXME: I have to do this or some events get missed, and this is probably causing the problem below flInterval = 0.1f; // FIX: this still sometimes hits events twice float flStart = pev->frame + (m_flLastEventCheck - pev->animtime) * m_flFrameRate * pev->framerate; float flEnd = pev->frame + flInterval * m_flFrameRate * pev->framerate; m_fSequenceFinished = FALSE; m_flLastEventCheck = pev->animtime + flInterval; if (flEnd >= 256.0f || flEnd <= 0.0f) { m_fSequenceFinished = TRUE; } int index = 0; while ((index = GetAnimationEvent(pmodel, pev, &event, flStart, flEnd, index)) != 0) { HandleAnimEvent(&event); } } int CBaseAnimating::LookupSequence(const char *label) { void *pmodel = GET_MODEL_PTR(ENT(pev)); return ::LookupSequence(pmodel, label); } LINK_HOOK_CLASS_VOID_CHAIN2(CBaseAnimating, ResetSequenceInfo) void EXT_FUNC CBaseAnimating::__API_HOOK(ResetSequenceInfo)() { void *pmodel = GET_MODEL_PTR(ENT(pev)); GetSequenceInfo(pmodel, pev, &m_flFrameRate, &m_flGroundSpeed); m_fSequenceLoops = ((GetSequenceFlags() & STUDIO_LOOPING) != 0); pev->animtime = gpGlobals->time; pev->framerate = 1.0f; m_fSequenceFinished = FALSE; m_flLastEventCheck = gpGlobals->time; } int CBaseAnimating::GetSequenceFlags() { void *pmodel = GET_MODEL_PTR(ENT(pev)); return ::GetSequenceFlags(pmodel, pev); } float CBaseAnimating::SetBoneController(int iController, float flValue) { void *pmodel = GET_MODEL_PTR(ENT(pev)); return SetController(pmodel, pev, iController, flValue); } void CBaseAnimating::InitBoneControllers() { void *pmodel = GET_MODEL_PTR(ENT(pev)); SetController(pmodel, pev, 0, 0); SetController(pmodel, pev, 1, 0); SetController(pmodel, pev, 2, 0); SetController(pmodel, pev, 3, 0); } NOXREF float CBaseAnimating::SetBlending(int iBlender, float flValue) { void *pmodel = GET_MODEL_PTR(ENT(pev)); return ::SetBlending(pmodel, pev, iBlender, flValue); } NOXREF void CBaseAnimating::GetBonePosition(int iBone, Vector &origin, Vector &angles) { GET_BONE_POSITION(ENT(pev), iBone, origin, angles); } NOXREF void CBaseAnimating::GetAttachment(int iAttachment, Vector &origin, Vector &angles) { GET_ATTACHMENT(ENT(pev), iAttachment, origin, angles); } NOXREF int CBaseAnimating::FindTransition(int iEndingSequence, int iGoalSequence, int *piDir) { void *pmodel = GET_MODEL_PTR(ENT(pev)); if (!piDir) { int iDir; int sequence = ::FindTransition(pmodel, iEndingSequence, iGoalSequence, &iDir); if (iDir != 1) sequence = -1; return sequence; } return ::FindTransition(pmodel, iEndingSequence, iGoalSequence, piDir); } NOXREF void CBaseAnimating::GetAutomovement(Vector &origin, Vector &angles, float flInterval) { ; } NOXREF void CBaseAnimating::SetBodygroup(int iGroup, int iValue) { ::SetBodygroup(GET_MODEL_PTR(ENT(pev)), pev, iGroup, iValue); } NOXREF int CBaseAnimating::GetBodygroup(int iGroup) { return ::GetBodygroup(GET_MODEL_PTR(ENT(pev)), pev, iGroup); } float CBaseAnimating::GetSequenceDuration() const { return ::GetSequenceDuration(GET_MODEL_PTR(ENT(pev)), pev); } int CBaseAnimating::ExtractBbox(int sequence, float *mins, float *maxs) { return ::ExtractBbox(GET_MODEL_PTR(ENT(pev)), sequence, mins, maxs); } void CBaseAnimating::SetSequenceBox() { Vector mins, maxs; // Get sequence bbox if (ExtractBbox(pev->sequence, mins, maxs)) { // expand box for rotation // find min / max for rotations float yaw = pev->angles.y * (M_PI / 180.0); Vector xvector, yvector; xvector.x = Q_cos(yaw); xvector.y = Q_sin(yaw); yvector.x = -Q_sin(yaw); yvector.y = Q_cos(yaw); Vector bounds[2]; bounds[0] = mins; bounds[1] = maxs; Vector rmin(9999, 9999, 9999); Vector rmax(-9999, -9999, -9999); Vector base, transformed; for (int i = 0; i <= 1; i++) { base.x = bounds[i].x; for (int j = 0; j <= 1; j++) { base.y = bounds[j].y; for (int k = 0; k <= 1; k++) { base.z = bounds[k].z; // transform the point transformed.x = xvector.x * base.x + yvector.x * base.y; transformed.y = xvector.y * base.x + yvector.y * base.y; transformed.z = base.z; if (transformed.x < rmin.x) rmin.x = transformed.x; if (transformed.x > rmax.x) rmax.x = transformed.x; if (transformed.y < rmin.y) rmin.y = transformed.y; if (transformed.y > rmax.y) rmax.y = transformed.y; if (transformed.z < rmin.z) rmin.z = transformed.z; if (transformed.z > rmax.z) rmax.z = transformed.z; } } } rmin.z = 0; rmax.z = rmin.z + 1; UTIL_SetSize(pev, rmin, rmax); } }