2005-08-26 22:29:39 +04:00
unit UnitLanguages;
uses SysUtils, IniFiles;
var lInvalidFile: String ;
lWarnHighlighterReset: String ;
lHighlighterResetDone: String ;
lModified: String ;
lLnCh: String ;
lCloseModify: String ;
2005-09-11 01:55:22 +04:00
lSelectOutputPawn: String ;
2005-08-26 22:29:39 +04:00
lSelectOutputCPP: String ;
lDynamic: String ;
lOutputHint: String ;
lAddCodeSnippetCaption: String ;
lAddCodeSnippetPrompt: String ;
lEmptyCodeSnippetTitle: String ;
lCodeSnippetExists: String ;
lEnterSearchText: String ;
lPrintSelection: String ;
lNoFilesToSave: String ;
lSaveAllCaption1: String ;
lSaveAllCaption2: String ;
lCloseAllCaption1: String ;
lCloseAllCaption2: String ;
lNoMIRCWindowOpen: String ;
lSelectChannel: String ;
lSelectChannelPrompt: String ;
lWarnBigPluginPaste: String ;
lConnect: String ;
lConnecting: String ;
lDisconnect: String ;
lLoginIncorrect: String ;
lHostNotFound: String ;
lConnectionRefused: String ;
lWrongPort: String ;
lScanning: String ;
lFillInEachField: String ;
lPastingCodeEscStop: String ;
lInvalidDirectory: String ;
lFailedLoadNotes: String ;
2005-09-11 01:55:22 +04:00
lPawnCompilerNotFound: String ;
2005-08-26 22:29:39 +04:00
lError: String ;
lWarning: String ;
lOnLine: String ;
lOther: String ;
lStartingHalfLife: String ;
lHLNotFound: String ;
lCheckSettingsTryAgain: String ;
lUploadingFile: String ;
lErrorUpload: String ;
lChangingDir: String ;
lDone: String ;
lUploadFailed: String ;
lNoUntitledRegister: String ;
lAlreadyRegistered: String ;
lSuccessfulRegistered: String ;
lFailedUpdatePluginsIni: String ;
lInternetExplorerRequired: String ;
lUseMOTDAgain: String ;
lName: String ;
lType: String ;
lValue: String ;
lVariable: String ;
lAddItemCaption: String ;
lAddItemPrompt: String ;
lEnterTitle: String ;
lAddItems: String ;
lInvalidPlugin: String ;
lPlayersAlreadyAdded: String ;
lFailedLoadCache: String ;
lAlreadyUnLoaded: String ;
lAlreadyLoaded: String ;
lSelectAMXXCaption: String ;
lPluginError: String ;
lSaveCaption: String ;
lCloseCaption: String ;
lNoCPP: String ;
2005-09-04 00:00:46 +04:00
lInvalidChannel: String ;
2005-09-06 02:33:45 +04:00
lResetShortcuts: String ;
2005-08-26 22:29:39 +04:00
procedure ResetToEnglish;
procedure ResetToEnglish;
// Messages
lInvalidFile : = 'The file couldn' 't be found. Check the path and try again.' ;
lWarnHighlighterReset : = 'Warning: All settings concerning the editor will be reset to default. Continue?' ;
lHighlighterResetDone : = 'Reset successful. Restart AMXX-Studio and the changes will take affect.' ;
lModified : = 'Modified' ;
lLnCh : = 'Ln %u Ch %u' ;
lCloseModify : = 'The file "%s" has been modified. Save it before closing?' ;
2005-09-11 01:55:22 +04:00
lSelectOutputPawn : = 'Please select the default output folder for compiled Pawn Plug-Ins:' ;
2005-08-26 22:29:39 +04:00
lSelectOutputCPP : = 'Please select the default output folder for compiled C++ libraries:' ;
lDynamic : = 'Dynamic' ;
lOutputHint : = 'The output will be copied to the source' 's directory.' ;
lAddCodeSnippetCaption : = 'Add Code-Snippet' ;
lAddCodeSnippetPrompt : = 'Please enter the title of the new Code-Snippet:' ;
lEmptyCodeSnippetTitle : = 'You have to enter a title before adding a new Code-Snippet!' ;
lCodeSnippetExists : = 'The entered Code-Snippet is already added. Please select another title.' ;
lEnterSearchText : = 'You forgot to enter the text you want to search.' ;
lPrintSelection : = 'Print only selection?' ;
lNoFilesToSave : = 'There are no modified files to save!' ;
lSaveAllCaption1 : = 'Save all files' ;
lSaveAllCaption2 : = 'Please select all files you want to save:' ;
lCloseAllCaption1 : = 'Close all files' ;
lCloseAllCaption2 : = 'Please select all files you want to close:' ;
lNoMIRCWindowOpen : = 'You have to open mIRC first to use IRC Paster!' ;
lSelectChannel : = 'Select channel' ;
lSelectChannelPrompt : = 'Please enter the channel the code shall be sent to:' ;
2005-09-04 00:00:46 +04:00
lWarnBigPluginPaste : = 'Warning: This plugin is quite large for pasting it to the IRC network, maybe you should paste it on pastebin.com instead. Otherwise it MAY result in a ban, are you sure to continue?' ;
2005-08-26 22:29:39 +04:00
lConnect : = 'Connect' ;
lConnecting : = 'Connecting...' ;
lDisconnect : = 'Disconnect' ;
lLoginIncorrect : = 'Login incorrect. Check your FTP settings and try again.' ;
lHostNotFound : = 'The entered host couldn' 't be found. Check your settings and try again.' ;
lConnectionRefused : = 'The host refused the connection. Check your port and try again.' ;
lWrongPort : = 'The port you entered is definitely wrong. Check it and try again.' ;
lScanning : = 'Scanning...' ;
lFillInEachField : = 'Please fill in each field!' ;
lPastingCodeEscStop : = 'Pasting Code, press Esc to stop...' ;
lInvalidDirectory : = 'Could not change FTP directory. Update it and try again.' ;
lFailedLoadNotes : = 'Failed to load the notes!' ;
2005-09-11 01:55:22 +04:00
lPawnCompilerNotFound : = 'Pawn compiler not found. Please check your settings and try again.' ;
2005-08-26 22:29:39 +04:00
lError : = 'Error: %s on line %u' ;
lWarning : = 'Warning: %s on line %u' ;
lOther : = '%s on line %u' ;
lStartingHalfLife : = 'Starting Half-Life...' ;
lHLNotFound : = 'Could not find the set Half-Life executable.' ;
lCheckSettingsTryAgain : = 'Check your settings and try again.' ;
lUploadingFile : = 'Done, uploading file...' ;
lErrorUpload : = 'Failed to upload the plugin:' ;
lChangingDir : = 'Connected, changing directory...' ;
lDone : = 'Done.' ;
lUploadFailed : = 'Upload failed!' ;
lNoUntitledRegister : = 'You cannot register an untitled document' ;
lAlreadyRegistered : = 'This plugin is already registered!' ;
lSuccessfulRegistered : = 'The plugin has been registered successfully!' ;
lFailedUpdatePluginsIni : = 'Failed to update plugins.ini!' ;
lInternetExplorerRequired : = 'Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 is required to use this function.' ;
2005-09-11 01:55:22 +04:00
lUseMOTDAgain : = 'When you' 've finished, use this function again to convert the HTML code to a Pawn string.' ;
2005-08-26 22:29:39 +04:00
lName : = 'Name' ;
lType : = 'Type' ;
lValue : = 'Value' ;
lVariable : = 'Variable' ;
lAddItemCaption : = 'Add menu item' ;
lAddItemPrompt : = 'Please enter the menu item you want to add:' ;
lEnterTitle : = 'You forgot to enter a title!' ;
lAddItems : = 'You forgot to add the menu items!' ;
lInvalidPlugin : = 'Couldn' 't find the register_plugin()-event. Add it and try again.' ;
lPlayersAlreadyAdded : = 'PLAYERS item is already added!' ;
lFailedLoadCache : = 'Failed to load file cache!' ;
lAlreadyUnLoaded : = 'Plugin is already unloaded!' ;
lAlreadyLoaded : = 'Plugin is already loaded!' ;
lSelectAMXXCaption : = 'Please select the AMX Mod X directory on your listen server:' ;
lPluginError : = 'A plugin raised this error:' ;
lSaveCaption : = 'Save' ;
lCloseCaption : = 'Close' ;
lNoCPP : = 'Sorry, the C++ IDE is not enabled.' ;
2005-09-04 00:00:46 +04:00
lInvalidChannel : = 'Invalid channel.' ;
2005-09-06 02:33:45 +04:00
lResetShortcuts : = 'Warning: The shortcut reset would immediately take affect. Reset anyway?' ;
2005-08-26 22:29:39 +04:00
end ;
end .