mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 17:25:29 +03:00
Implemented old ?et_user_hitzones functionality
This commit is contained in:
@ -70,12 +70,11 @@
// ######## Utils:
void FUNUTIL_ResetPlayer(int index)
// Reset hitzones
memset(g_bodyhits[index], 0xFF, sizeof(char)*33);
// Reset silent slippers
g_silent[index] = false;
// Reset hitzones
// ######## Natives:
@ -229,7 +228,7 @@ static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL give_item(AMX *amx, cell *params) // native give_ite
//VARS(pItemEntity)->origin = VARS(pPlayer)->origin; // nice to do VARS(ent)->origin instead of ent->v.origin? :-I
//I'm not sure, normally I use macros too =P
pItemEntity->v.origin = pPlayer->v.origin;
pItemEntity->v.spawnflags |= (1<<30); //SF_NORESPAWN;
pItemEntity->v.spawnflags |= SF_NORESPAWN; //SF_NORESPAWN;
@ -546,6 +545,7 @@ static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL get_user_gravity(AMX *amx, cell *params) // Float:ge
return g_body;
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL set_user_hitzones(AMX *amx, cell *params) // set_user_hitzones(index = 0, target = 0, body = 255); = 3 arguments
// Sets user hitzones.
@ -589,7 +589,77 @@ static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL set_user_hitzones(AMX *amx, cell *params) // set_use
return 1;
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL set_user_hitzones(AMX *amx, cell *params) // set_user_hitzones(index = 0, target = 0, body = 255); = 3 arguments
int index = params[1];
if (index < 0 || index > gpGlobals->maxClients){
return 0;
int target = params[2];
if (target < 0 || target > gpGlobals->maxClients){
return 0;
int bodyhits = params[3];
if (index) {
//player_t* pPlayer = GET_PLAYER_POINTER_I(index);
if (true) { // pPlayer->ingame (we have no in-game check yet)
if (target) {
g_bodyhits[index][target] = bodyhits; // pPlayer->bodyhits[target] = bodyhits;
else {
for(int i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; ++i)
g_bodyhits[index][i] = bodyhits; // pPlayer->bodyhits[i] = bodyhits;
return 1;
return 0;
else {
//player_t* pPlayer;
for(int i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; ++i){
//pPlayer = GET_PLAYER_POINTER_I(i);
if (target) {
//pPlayer->bodyhits[target] = bodyhits;
g_bodyhits[index][target] = bodyhits;
else {
for(int i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; ++i)
g_bodyhits[index][i] = bodyhits; // pPlayer->bodyhits[i] = bodyhits;
return 1;
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL get_user_hitzones(AMX *amx, cell *params) // get_user_hitzones(index, target); = 2 arguments
int index = params[1];
if (index < 1 || index > gpGlobals->maxClients) {
return 0;
int target = params[2];
if (target < 1 || target > gpGlobals->maxClients) {
return 0;
//return GET_PLAYER_POINTER_I(index)->bodyhits[target];
return g_bodyhits[index][target];
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL get_user_hitzones(AMX *amx, cell *params) // get_user_hitzones(index, target); = 2 arguments
// Gets user hitzones.
@ -622,6 +692,7 @@ static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL get_user_hitzones(AMX *amx, cell *params) // get_use
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL set_user_noclip(AMX *amx, cell *params) // set_user_noclip(index, noclip = 0); = 2 arguments
@ -749,45 +820,14 @@ void PlayerPreThink(edict_t *pEntity)
/* <--- removed, only needed with akimbot
int ClientConnect(edict_t *pPlayer, const char *pszName, const char *pszAddress, char szRejectReason[128])
int index = ENTINDEX(pPlayer);
if (index < 1 || index > gpGlobals->maxClients) // This is probably not really necessary... but just in case to not cause out of bounds errors below.
return 1;
// Find out if user is bot (this doesn't seem to be ever called when bot connects though, but leave it here)
const char* auth = GETPLAYERAUTHID(pPlayer);
if (strcmp(auth, "BOT") == 0)
g_bot[index] = true;
g_bot[index] = false;
// Reset stuff:
return 1;
void ClientDisconnect(edict_t *pEntity)
int index = ENTINDEX(pEntity);
if (index < 1 || index > gpGlobals->maxClients) // This is probably not really necessary... but just in case to not cause out of bounds errors below.
// Reset stuff:
// Set to be bot until proven not in ClientConnect
g_bot[index] = true;
DLL_FUNCTIONS gFunctionTable; /* = {
NULL, // pfnGameInit
NULL, // pfnSpawn
@ -852,6 +892,9 @@ DLL_FUNCTIONS gFunctionTable; /* = {
C_DLLEXPORT int GetEntityAPI2(DLL_FUNCTIONS *pFunctionTable, int *interfaceVersion)
gFunctionTable.pfnClientConnect = ClientConnect;
gFunctionTable.pfnPlayerPreThink = PlayerPreThink;
if(!pFunctionTable) {
LOG_ERROR(PLID, "GetEntityAPI2 called with null pFunctionTable");
@ -863,17 +906,51 @@ C_DLLEXPORT int GetEntityAPI2(DLL_FUNCTIONS *pFunctionTable, int *interfaceVersi
//gFunctionTable.pfnClientConnect = ClientConnect; <--- removed, only needed with akimbot
//gFunctionTable.pfnClientDisconnect = ClientDisconnect; <--- removed, only needed with akimbot
//gFunctionTable.pfnClientPutInServer = ClientPutInServer;
gFunctionTable.pfnPlayerPreThink = PlayerPreThink;
memcpy(pFunctionTable, &gFunctionTable, sizeof(DLL_FUNCTIONS));
void MessageBegin_Post(int msg_dest, int msg_type, const float *pOrigin, edict_t *ed) {
if (msg_type == GET_USER_MSG_ID(PLID, "ResetHUD", NULL)) {
g_ResetHUDbool = true;
g_edict = ed;
g_ResetHUDbool = false;
void MessageEnd_Post(void) {
if (g_ResetHUDbool) {
int index = ENTINDEX(g_edict);
memset(g_bodyhits[index], 0xFF, sizeof(char)*33);
g_ResetHUDbool = false;
enginefuncs_t meta_engfuncs_post;
C_DLLEXPORT int GetEngineFunctions_Post(enginefuncs_t *pengfuncsFromEngine, int *interfaceVersion ) {
meta_engfuncs_post.pfnMessageBegin = MessageBegin_Post;
meta_engfuncs_post.pfnMessageEnd = MessageEnd_Post;
if (*interfaceVersion!=ENGINE_INTERFACE_VERSION) {
LOG_ERROR(PLID, "GetEngineFunctions_Post version mismatch; requested=%d ours=%d", *interfaceVersion, ENGINE_INTERFACE_VERSION);
memcpy(pengfuncsFromEngine, &meta_engfuncs_post, sizeof(enginefuncs_t));
/*void TraceLine(const float *v1, const float *v2, int fNoMonsters, edict_t *pentToSkip, TraceResult *ptr)
@ -892,56 +969,17 @@ C_DLLEXPORT int GetEntityAPI2(DLL_FUNCTIONS *pFunctionTable, int *interfaceVersi
void TraceLine(const float *v1, const float *v2, int fNoMonsters, edict_t *pentToSkip, TraceResult *ptr)
/* from eiface.h:
// Returned by TraceLine
typedef struct
int fAllSolid; // if true, plane is not valid
int fStartSolid; // if true, the initial point was in a solid area
int fInOpen;
int fInWater;
float flFraction; // time completed, 1.0 = didn't hit anything
vec3_t vecEndPos; // final position
float flPlaneDist;
vec3_t vecPlaneNormal; // surface normal at impact
edict_t *pHit; // entity the surface is on
int iHitgroup; // 0 == generic, non zero is specific body part
} TraceResult;
void TraceLine(const float *v1, const float *v2, int fNoMonsters, edict_t *e, TraceResult *ptr) {
TRACE_LINE(v1, v2, fNoMonsters, e, ptr);
/*if (g_bot[ENTINDEX(pentToSkip)]) <--- removed, only needed with akimbot
if (ptr->pHit&&(ptr->pHit->v.flags& (FL_CLIENT | FL_FAKECLIENT) )&&e&&(e->v.flags & (FL_CLIENT | FL_FAKECLIENT) )) {
//player_t* pPlayer = GET_PLAYER_POINTER(e);
TRACE_LINE(v1, v2, fNoMonsters, pentToSkip, ptr); // pentToSkip gotta be the one that is shooting, so filter it
int hitIndex = ENTINDEX(ptr->pHit);
if (hitIndex >= 1 && hitIndex <= gpGlobals->maxClients) {
if ( !(
g_zones_getHit[hitIndex] & (1 << ptr->iHitgroup) // can ptr->pHit get hit in ptr->iHitgroup at all?
&& g_zones_toHit[hitIndex] & (1 << ptr->iHitgroup) ) // can pentToSkip hit other people in that hit zone?
) {
ptr->flFraction = 1.0; // set to not hit anything (1.0 = shot doesn't hit anything)
if ( !(g_bodyhits[ENTINDEX(e)][ENTINDEX(ptr->pHit)]&(1<<ptr->iHitgroup)) ) // if ( !(pPlayer->bodyhits[ENTINDEX(ptr->pHit)]&(1<<ptr->iHitgroup)) )
ptr->flFraction = 1.0;
/* if ( !(
g_zones_getHit[ENTINDEX(ptr->pHit)] & (1 << ptr->iHitgroup) // can ptr->pHit get hit in ptr->iHitgroup at all?
&& g_zones_toHit[ENTINDEX(pentToSkip)] & (1 << ptr->iHitgroup) ) // can pentToSkip hit other people in that hit zone?
) {
ptr->flFraction = 1.0; // set to not hit anything (1.0 = shot doesn't hit anything)
MRES_IGNORED, // plugin didn't take any action
MRES_HANDLED, // plugin did something, but real function should still be called
MRES_OVERRIDE, // call real function, but use my return value
MRES_SUPERCEDE, // skip real function; use my return value
enginefuncs_t meta_engfuncs;
@ -976,38 +1014,14 @@ C_DLLEXPORT int Meta_Attach(PLUG_LOADTIME now, META_FUNCTIONS *pFunctionTable, m
memcpy(pFunctionTable, &gMetaFunctionTable, sizeof(META_FUNCTIONS));
gpGamedllFuncs = pGamedllFuncs;
// JGHG added stuff below (initing stuff here)
// generic is needed or bots go crazy... don't know what its for otherwise. You can still kill people.
// these hitzones never affect CS knife? ie you can always hit with knife no matter what you set here
//hs_body = (1<<HITGROUP_GENERIC) | (1<<HITGROUP_LEFTLEG) | (1<<HITGROUP_LEFTARM); // init hs_body
// Set default zones for people to hit and get hit.
for (int i = 1; i <= 32; i++) {
// Also set to be bot until proven not in ClientDisconnect (that seems to be only called by real players...)
// g_bot[i] = true; <--- removed, only needed with akimbot
// JGHG added stuff above
#define HITGROUP_GENERIC 0 // none == 1
#define HITGROUP_HEAD 1 = 2
#define HITGROUP_CHEST 2 = 4
#define HITGROUP_STOMACH 3 = 8
#define HITGROUP_LEFTARM 4 = 16
#define HITGROUP_RIGHTARM 5 = 32
#define HITGROUP_LEFTLEG 6 = 64
#define HITGROUP_RIGHTLEG 7 = 128
for (int index = 1; index < 33; index++)
memset(g_bodyhits[index], 0xFF, sizeof(char)*33);
if(now && reason) {
if (now && reason) {
} else {
@ -1025,6 +1039,7 @@ void WINAPI GiveFnptrsToDll( enginefuncs_t* pengfuncsFromEngine, globalvars_t *p
C_DLLEXPORT int AMX_Query(module_info_s** info) {
*info = &module_info;
return 1;
@ -103,8 +103,12 @@ module_info_s module_info = {
// The stuff below might end up in a class soon
int g_zones_toHit[33]; // where can people hit other people?
int g_zones_getHit[33]; // where can people get hit by other people?
//int g_zones_toHit[33]; // where can people hit other people?
//int g_zones_getHit[33]; // where can people get hit by other people?
char g_bodyhits[33][33];
bool g_silent[33]; // used for set_user_footsteps()
//int g_ResetHUD;
bool g_ResetHUDbool;
edict_t* g_edict;
//bool g_bot[33]; // is user bot? <--- removed, only needed with akimbot
// Globals above
@ -49,15 +49,10 @@ native give_item(index, const item[]);
* 16 - left arm
* 32 - right arm
* 64 - left leg
* 128 - right leg
* Set index to a player's index and leave target at 0 to define what bodyparts this player can hit when he is firing.
* Set index to 0 and target to a player's index to define what bodyparts on player other players can hit when they are firing.
* Set both index and target to 0 to define globally what bodyparts people can hit and what bodyparts can be hit when firing. */
* 128 - right leg */
native set_user_hitzones(index = 0, target = 0, body = 255);
/* Get user hitzones.
* To get what bodyparts a player can hit when firing, set the player's index to index and target to 0.
* To get what bodyparts other players can hit when firing at player, set index to 0 and target to player's index. */
/* Get user hitzones. */
native get_user_hitzones(index, target);
/* Sets users max. speed. */
Reference in New Issue
Block a user