mirror of
synced 2025-03-25 20:09:05 +03:00
Expanded ESF entries (they had the Linux binary in a retarded location).
Added vanilla HLDM support. Fixed a weird crash when compiled in release build for Linux. Expanded HamFilter error messages a tad.
This commit is contained in:
@ -48,12 +48,14 @@ else
ifeq "$(GCC_VERSION)" "4"
OPT_FLAGS += -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden
# OPT_FLAGS += -fvisibility=hidden
OPT_FLAGS += -g -ggdb3
CFLAGS += -fPIC -Wall -Wno-non-virtual-dtor -fno-exceptions -DHAVE_STDINT_H -fno-rtti
CFLAGS += -fPIC -Wall -Wno-non-virtual-dtor -fno-exceptions -DHAVE_STDINT_H -fno-rtti -Werror
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
#include "hook.h"
#include "ham_const.h"
#include "hooklist.h"
#include "offsets.h"
#include <assert.h>
edict_t *NEW_FirstEdict;
@ -28,8 +29,23 @@ void OnAmxxAttach(void)
if (ReadConfig() > 0)
if (Offsets.IsValid())
#ifdef _WIN32
MF_Log("Error: pev and base not set for section \"%s windows\", cannot register natives.", MF_GetModname());
#elif defined __linux__
MF_Log("Error: pev and base not set for section \"%s linux\", cannot register natives.", MF_GetModname());
MF_Log("Error: Cannot read config file, natives not registered!");
@ -277,6 +277,29 @@ cell Call_Int_Entvar_Entvar_Float_Int(AMX *amx, cell *params)
cell Call_Int_Entvar_Entvar_Float_Float_Int(AMX *amx, cell *params)
int id3=*MF_GetAmxAddr(amx, params[3]);
int id4=*MF_GetAmxAddr(amx, params[4]);
float f5=amx_ctof2(*MF_GetAmxAddr(amx, params[5]));
float f6=amx_ctof2(*MF_GetAmxAddr(amx, params[6]));
int i7=*MF_GetAmxAddr(amx, params[7]);
entvars_t *ev3=&(INDEXENT_NEW(id3)->v);
entvars_t *ev4=&(INDEXENT_NEW(id4)->v);
#ifdef _WIN32
return reinterpret_cast<int (__fastcall *)(void *, int, entvars_t *, entvars_t *, float, float, int)>(__func)(pv, 0, ev3, ev4, f5, f6, i7);
#elif defined __linux__
return reinterpret_cast<int (*)(void *, entvars_t *, entvars_t *, float, float, int)>(__func)(pv, ev3, ev4, f5, f6, i7);
cell Call_Void_Int(AMX *amx, cell *params)
@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ cell Call_Int_Entvar(AMX *amx, cell *params);
cell Call_Int_Entvar_Entvar_Float_Int(AMX *amx, cell *params);
cell Call_Int_Entvar_Entvar_Float_Float_Int(AMX *amx, cell *params);
cell Call_Void_Int(AMX *amx, cell *params);
cell Call_Void_Cbase_Cbase_Int_Float(AMX *amx, cell *params);
@ -42,7 +42,6 @@
@mirror cstrike czero
@mirror ns nsp
@mirror esf esf_openbeta
; TODO: check these - all are estimates
@section cstrike linux
@ -1146,11 +1145,604 @@
use 46
; ESF also has no linux binaries.
@section esf windows
pev 4
base 0x0
takedamage 12
use 46
spawn 0
precache 1
keyvalue 2
objectcaps 5
activate 6
setobjectcollisionbox 7
classify 8
deathnotice 9
traceattack 10
takedamage 11
takehealth 12
killed 13
bloodcolor 14
tracebleed 15
istriggered 16
mymonsterpointer 17
mysquadmonsterpointer 18
gettogglestate 19
addpoints 20
addpointstoteam 21
addplayeritem 22
removeplayeritem 23
getdelay 24
ismoving 25
overridereset 26
damagedecal 27
settogglestate 28
startsneaking 29
stopsneaking 30
oncontrols 31
issneaking 32
isalive 33
isbspmodel 34
reflectgauss 35
hastarget 36
isinworld 37
isplayer 38
isnetclient 39
teamid 40
getnexttarget 41
think 42
touch 43
use 44
blocked 45
respawn 46
updateowner 47
fbecomeprone 48
center 49
eyeposition 50
earposition 51
bodytarget 52
illumination 53
fvisible 54
fvecvisible 55
player_jump 124
player_prethink 125
player_postthink 126
player_getgunposition 118
player_shouldfadeondeath 59
player_impulsecommands 128
player_updateclientdata 127
item_addtoplayer 57
item_addduplicate 58
item_getiteminfo 59
item_candeploy 60
item_deploy 61
item_canholster 62
item_holster 63
item_updateiteminfo 64
item_preframe 65
item_postframe 66
item_drop 67
item_kill 68
item_attachtoplayer 69
item_primaryammoindex 70
item_secondaryammoindex 71
item_updateclientdata 72
item_getweaponptr 73
item_itemslot 74
weapon_playemptysound 75
weapon_resetemptysound 76
weapon_sendweaponanim 77
weapon_primaryattack 78
weapon_secondaryattack 79
weapon_weaponidle 80
weapon_retireweapon 81
weapon_shouldweaponidle 82
weapon_usedecrement 83
@section esf linux
pev 0
base 0x60
spawn 2
precache 3
keyvalue 4
objectcaps 7
activate 8
setobjectcollisionbox 9
classify 10
deathnotice 11
traceattack 12
takedamage 13
takehealth 14
killed 15
bloodcolor 16
tracebleed 17
istriggered 18
mymonsterpointer 19
mysquadmonsterpointer 20
gettogglestate 21
addpoints 22
addpointstoteam 23
addplayeritem 24
removeplayeritem 25
getdelay 26
ismoving 27
overridereset 28
damagedecal 29
settogglestate 30
startsneaking 31
stopsneaking 32
oncontrols 33
issneaking 34
isalive 35
isbspmodel 36
reflectgauss 37
hastarget 38
isinworld 39
isplayer 40
isnetclient 41
teamid 42
getnexttarget 43
think 44
touch 45
use 46
blocked 47
respawn 48
updateowner 49
fbecomeprone 50
center 51
eyeposition 52
earposition 53
bodytarget 54
illumination 55
fvisible 56
fvecvisible 57
player_jump 126
player_prethink 127
player_postthink 128
player_getgunposition 120
player_shouldfadeondeath 61
player_impulsecommands 130
player_updateclientdata 129
item_addtoplayer 59
item_addduplicate 60
item_getiteminfo 61
item_candeploy 62
item_deploy 63
item_canholster 64
item_holster 65
item_updateiteminfo 66
item_preframe 67
item_postframe 68
item_drop 69
item_kill 70
item_attachtoplayer 71
item_primaryammoindex 72
item_secondaryammoindex 73
item_updateclientdata 74
item_getweaponptr 75
item_itemslot 76
weapon_playemptysound 77
weapon_resetemptysound 78
weapon_sendweaponanim 79
weapon_primaryattack 80
weapon_secondaryattack 81
weapon_weaponidle 82
weapon_retireweapon 83
weapon_shouldweaponidle 84
weapon_usedecrement 85
; ESF Open Beta is built with GCC 3.x, and the VTable was slightly changed
@section esf_openbeta linux
pev 4
base 0x0
spawn 0
precache 1
keyvalue 2
objectcaps 5
activate 6
setobjectcollisionbox 7
classify 8
deathnotice 9
traceattack 10
takedamage 11
takehealth 13
killed 14
bloodcolor 15
tracebleed 16
istriggered 17
mymonsterpointer 18
mysquadmonsterpointer 19
gettogglestate 20
addpoints 21
addpointstoteam 22
addplayeritem 23
removeplayeritem 24
getdelay 25
ismoving 26
overridereset 27
damagedecal 28
settogglestate 29
startsneaking 30
stopsneaking 31
oncontrols 32
issneaking 33
isalive 34
isbspmodel 35
reflectgauss 36
hastarget 37
isinworld 38
isplayer 39
isnetclient 41
teamid 42
getnexttarget 43
think 44
touch 45
use 46
blocked 47
respawn 48
updateowner 49
fbecomeprone 50
center 51
eyeposition 52
earposition 53
bodytarget 54
illumination 55
fvisible 56
fvecvisible 57
player_jump 131
player_prethink 132
player_postthink 133
player_getgunposition 120
player_shouldfadeondeath 61
player_impulsecommands 135
player_updateclientdata 134
item_addtoplayer 59
item_addduplicate 60
item_getiteminfo 61
item_candeploy 62
item_deploy 63
item_canholster 64
item_holster 65
item_updateiteminfo 66
item_preframe 67
item_postframe 68
item_drop 69
item_kill 70
item_attachtoplayer 71
item_primaryammoindex 72
item_secondaryammoindex 73
item_updateclientdata 74
item_getweaponptr 75
item_itemslot 76
weapon_playemptysound 77
weapon_resetemptysound 78
weapon_sendweaponanim 79
weapon_primaryattack 80
weapon_secondaryattack 81
weapon_weaponidle 82
weapon_retireweapon 83
weapon_shouldweaponidle 84
weapon_usedecrement 85
esf_isenvmodel 40
esf_takedamage2 12
@section esf_openbeta windows
pev 4
base 0x0
spawn 0
precache 1
keyvalue 2
objectcaps 5
activate 6
setobjectcollisionbox 7
classify 8
deathnotice 9
traceattack 10
takedamage 11
takehealth 13
killed 14
bloodcolor 15
tracebleed 16
istriggered 17
mymonsterpointer 18
mysquadmonsterpointer 19
gettogglestate 20
addpoints 21
addpointstoteam 22
addplayeritem 23
removeplayeritem 24
getdelay 25
ismoving 26
overridereset 27
damagedecal 28
settogglestate 29
startsneaking 30
stopsneaking 31
oncontrols 32
issneaking 33
isalive 34
isbspmodel 35
reflectgauss 36
hastarget 37
isinworld 38
isplayer 39
isnetclient 41
teamid 42
getnexttarget 43
think 44
touch 45
use 46
blocked 47
respawn 48
updateowner 49
fbecomeprone 50
center 51
eyeposition 52
earposition 53
bodytarget 54
illumination 55
fvisible 56
fvecvisible 57
player_jump 131
player_prethink 132
player_postthink 133
player_getgunposition 120
player_shouldfadeondeath 61
player_impulsecommands 135
player_updateclientdata 134
item_addtoplayer 59
item_addduplicate 60
item_getiteminfo 61
item_candeploy 62
item_deploy 63
item_canholster 64
item_holster 65
item_updateiteminfo 66
item_preframe 67
item_postframe 68
item_drop 69
item_kill 70
item_attachtoplayer 71
item_primaryammoindex 72
item_secondaryammoindex 73
item_updateclientdata 74
item_getweaponptr 75
item_itemslot 76
weapon_playemptysound 77
weapon_resetemptysound 78
weapon_sendweaponanim 79
weapon_primaryattack 80
weapon_secondaryattack 81
weapon_weaponidle 82
weapon_retireweapon 83
weapon_shouldweaponidle 84
weapon_usedecrement 85
esf_isenvmodel 40
esf_takedamage2 12
@section valve linux
pev 0
base 0x60
spawn 2
precache 3
keyvalue 4
objectcaps 7
activate 8
setobjectcollisionbox 9
classify 10
deathnotice 11
traceattack 12
takedamage 13
takehealth 14
killed 15
bloodcolor 16
tracebleed 17
istriggered 18
mymonsterpointer 19
mysquadmonsterpointer 20
gettogglestate 21
addpoints 22
addpointstoteam 23
addplayeritem 24
removeplayeritem 25
giveammo 26
getdelay 27
ismoving 28
overridereset 29
damagedecal 30
settogglestate 31
startsneaking 32
stopsneaking 33
oncontrols 34
issneaking 35
isalive 36
isbspmodel 37
reflectgauss 38
hastarget 39
isinworld 40
isplayer 41
isnetclient 42
teamid 43
getnexttarget 44
think 45
touch 46
use 47
blocked 48
respawn 49
updateowner 50
fbecomeprone 51
center 52
eyeposition 53
earposition 54
bodytarget 55
illumination 56
fvisible 57
fvecvisible 58
player_jump 127
player_duck 128
player_prethink 129
player_postthink 130
player_getgunposition 121
player_shouldfadeondeath 62
player_impulsecommands 132
player_updateclientdata 131
item_addtoplayer 60
item_addduplicate 61
item_getiteminfo 62
item_candeploy 63
item_deploy 64
item_canholster 65
item_holster 66
item_updateiteminfo 67
item_preframe 68
item_postframe 69
item_drop 70
item_kill 71
item_attachtoplayer 72
item_primaryammoindex 73
item_secondaryammoindex 74
item_updateclientdata 75
item_getweaponptr 76
item_itemslot 77
weapon_extractammo 78
weapon_extractclipammo 79
weapon_addweapon 80
weapon_playemptysound 81
weapon_resetemptysound 82
weapon_sendweaponanim 83
weapon_isusable 84
weapon_primaryattack 85
weapon_secondaryattack 86
weapon_reload 87
weapon_weaponidle 88
weapon_retireweapon 89
weapon_shouldweaponidle 90
weapon_usedecrement 91
@section valve windows
pev 4
base 0x0
spawn 0
precache 1
keyvalue 2
objectcaps 5
activate 6
setobjectcollisionbox 7
classify 8
deathnotice 9
traceattack 10
takedamage 11
takehealth 12
killed 13
bloodcolor 14
tracebleed 15
istriggered 16
mymonsterpointer 17
mysquadmonsterpointer 18
gettogglestate 19
addpoints 20
addpointstoteam 21
addplayeritem 22
removeplayeritem 23
giveammo 24
getdelay 25
ismoving 26
overridereset 27
damagedecal 28
settogglestate 29
startsneaking 30
stopsneaking 31
oncontrols 32
issneaking 33
isalive 34
isbspmodel 35
reflectgauss 36
hastarget 37
isinworld 38
isplayer 39
isnetclient 40
teamid 41
getnexttarget 42
think 43
touch 44
use 45
blocked 46
respawn 47
updateowner 48
fbecomeprone 49
center 50
eyeposition 51
earposition 52
bodytarget 53
illumination 54
fvisible 55
fvecvisible 56
player_jump 125
player_duck 126
player_prethink 127
player_postthink 128
player_getgunposition 119
player_shouldfadeondeath 60
player_impulsecommands 130
player_updateclientdata 129
item_addtoplayer 58
item_addduplicate 59
item_getiteminfo 60
item_candeploy 61
item_deploy 62
item_canholster 63
item_holster 64
item_updateiteminfo 65
item_preframe 66
item_postframe 67
item_drop 68
item_kill 69
item_attachtoplayer 70
item_primaryammoindex 71
item_secondaryammoindex 72
item_updateclientdata 73
item_getweaponptr 74
item_itemslot 75
weapon_extractammo 76
weapon_extractclipammo 77
weapon_addweapon 78
weapon_playemptysound 79
weapon_resetemptysound 80
weapon_sendweaponanim 81
weapon_isusable 82
weapon_primaryattack 83
weapon_secondaryattack 84
weapon_reload 85
weapon_weaponidle 86
weapon_retireweapon 87
weapon_shouldweaponidle 88
weapon_usedecrement 89
@ -136,6 +136,9 @@ enum
Ham_ESF_IsEnvModel, // Only valid in ESF Open Beta
Ham_ESF_TakeDamage2, // Only valid in ESF Open Beta
@ -6,11 +6,15 @@
#include "NEW_Util.h"
#define CHECK_FUNCTION(x) \
if (x < 0 || x > HAM_LAST_ENTRY_DONT_USE_ME_LOL) { \
FailPlugin(amx, x, HAM_INVALID_FUNC, "Function out of bounds."); \
if (x < 0 || x >= HAM_LAST_ENTRY_DONT_USE_ME_LOL) { \
char msg[1024]; \
snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg)-1, "Function out of bounds. Got: %d Max: %d",x, HAM_LAST_ENTRY_DONT_USE_ME_LOL - 1); \
FailPlugin(amx, x, HAM_INVALID_FUNC, msg); \
return 0; \
} else if (hooklist[x].isset == 0) { \
FailPlugin(amx, x, HAM_FUNC_NOT_CONFIGURED, "Function not configured in hamdata.ini"); \
char msg[1024]; \
snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg)-1, "Function %s is not configured in hamdata.ini.",hooklist[x].name); \
FailPlugin(amx, x, HAM_FUNC_NOT_CONFIGURED, msg); \
return 0; \
@ -450,7 +450,6 @@ int Hook_Int_Entvar(Hook *hook, void *pthis, entvars_t *ev1)
// Takedamage
int Hook_Int_Entvar_Entvar_Float_Int(Hook *hook, void *pthis, entvars_t *inflictor, entvars_t *attacker, float damage, int damagebits)
int ret=0;
@ -485,6 +484,41 @@ int Hook_Int_Entvar_Entvar_Float_Int(Hook *hook, void *pthis, entvars_t *inflict
return ret;
int Hook_Int_Entvar_Entvar_Float_Float_Int(Hook *hook, void *pthis, entvars_t *inflictor, entvars_t *attacker, float damage, float unknown, int damagebits)
int ret=0;
int origret=0;
int iInflictor=EntvarToIndex(inflictor);
int iAttacker=EntvarToIndex(attacker);
P_ENTVAR(inflictor, iInflictor)
P_ENTVAR(attacker, iAttacker)
,iInflictor, iAttacker, damage, unknown, damagebits
#if defined _WIN32
origret=reinterpret_cast<int (__fastcall*)(void*, int, entvars_t *, entvars_t *, float, float, int)>(hook->func)(pthis, 0, inflictor, attacker, damage, unknown, damagebits);
#elif defined __linux__
origret=reinterpret_cast<int (*)(void*, entvars_t *, entvars_t *, float, float, int)>(hook->func)(pthis, inflictor, attacker, damage, unknown, damagebits);
,iInflictor, iAttacker, damage, unknown, damagebits
return ret;
void Hook_Void_Int(Hook *hook, void *pthis, int i1)
@ -675,7 +709,7 @@ void Hook_Vector_Void(Hook *hook, Vector *out, void *pthis)
#if defined _WIN32
reinterpret_cast<void (__fastcall*)(void*, int, Vector *)>(hook->func)(pthis, 0, &origret);
#elif defined __linux__
reinterpret_cast<void (*)(Vector *, void*)>(hook->func)(&origret, pthis);
origret=reinterpret_cast<Vector (*)(void *)>(hook->func)(pthis);
@ -711,7 +745,7 @@ void Hook_Vector_pVector(Hook *hook, Vector *out, void *pthis, Vector *v1)
#if defined _WIN32
reinterpret_cast<void (__fastcall*)(void*, int, Vector *, Vector *)>(hook->func)(pthis, 0, &origret, v1);
#elif defined __linux__
reinterpret_cast<void (*)(Vector *, void*, Vector *)>(hook->func)(&origret, pthis, v1);
origret=reinterpret_cast<Vector (*)(void*, Vector *)>(hook->func)(pthis, v1);
@ -59,6 +59,13 @@ int Hook_Int_Entvar_Entvar_Float_Int(Hook *hook, void *pthis,
entvars_t *attacker, float damage,
int damagebits);
const bool RT_Int_Entvar_Entvar_Float_Float_Int = false;
const int PC_Int_Entvar_Entvar_Float_Float_Int = 5;
int Hook_Int_Entvar_Entvar_Float_Float_Int(Hook *hook, void *pthis,
entvars_t *inflictor,
entvars_t *attacker, float damage,
float unknown, int damagebits);
const bool RT_Void_Int = true;
const int PC_Void_Int = 1;
void Hook_Void_Int(Hook *hook, void *pthis, int i1);
@ -91,7 +98,7 @@ void *Hook_Cbase_Void(Hook *hook, void *pthis);
// HACK: I'm too lazy to fix up trampoline generator to deal with
// special return values. this is so much easier.
const bool RT_Vector_Void = false;
const bool RT_Vector_Void = true;
const int PC_Vector_Void = 1;
#ifdef _WIN32
void Hook_Vector_Void(Hook *hook, void *pthis, Vector *out);
@ -63,6 +63,11 @@ int Create_Int_Entvar_Entvar_Float_Int(AMX *amx, const char *func)
return MF_RegisterSPForwardByName(amx, func, FP_CELL, FP_CELL, FP_CELL, FP_FLOAT, FP_CELL, FP_DONE);
int Create_Int_Entvar_Entvar_Float_Float_Int(AMX *amx, const char *func)
return MF_RegisterSPForwardByName(amx, func, FP_CELL, FP_CELL, FP_CELL, FP_FLOAT, FP_CELL, FP_DONE);
int Create_Void_Int(AMX *amx, const char *func)
return MF_RegisterSPForwardByName(amx, func, FP_CELL, FP_CELL, FP_DONE);
@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ int Create_Int_Entvar(AMX *amx, const char *func);
int Create_Int_Entvar_Entvar_Float_Int(AMX *amx, const char *func);
int Create_Int_Entvar_Entvar_Float_Float_Int(AMX *amx, const char *func);
int Create_Void_Int(AMX *amx, const char *func);
int Create_Void_Cbase_Cbase_Int_Float(AMX *amx, const char *func);
@ -163,6 +163,10 @@ hook_t hooklist[] =
{ V("tfc_takeconcussionblast", Void_Entvar_Float) },
{ V("tfc_concuss", Void_Entvar) },
/* Earth's Special Forces */
{ V("esf_isenvmodel", Int_Void) },
{ V("esf_takedamage2", Int_Entvar_Entvar_Float_Float_Int) },
/* Natural-Selection */
{ V("ns_getpointvalue", Int_Void) },
{ V("ns_awardkill", Void_Entvar) },
@ -501,6 +501,9 @@ enum Ham
Ham_ESF_IsEnvModel, // Only valid in ESF Open Beta
Ham_ESF_TakeDamage2, // Only valid in ESF Open Beta
Reference in New Issue
Block a user