diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Array.dsp b/dlls/arrayx/Array.dsp new file mode 100644 index 00000000..af9b5a01 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Array.dsp @@ -0,0 +1,108 @@ +# Microsoft Developer Studio Project File - Name="Array" - Package Owner=<4> +# Microsoft Developer Studio Generated Build File, Format Version 6.00 +# ** DO NOT EDIT ** + +# TARGTYPE "Win32 (x86) Dynamic-Link Library" 0x0102 + +CFG=ARRAY - WIN32 RELEASE +!MESSAGE This is not a valid makefile. To build this project using NMAKE, +!MESSAGE use the Export Makefile command and run +!MESSAGE +!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "Array.mak". +!MESSAGE +!MESSAGE You can specify a configuration when running NMAKE +!MESSAGE by defining the macro CFG on the command line. For example: +!MESSAGE +!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "Array.mak" CFG="ARRAY - WIN32 RELEASE" +!MESSAGE +!MESSAGE Possible choices for configuration are: +!MESSAGE +!MESSAGE "Array - Win32 Release" (based on "Win32 (x86) Dynamic-Link Library") +!MESSAGE + +# Begin Project +# PROP AllowPerConfigDependencies 0 +# PROP Scc_ProjName "" +# PROP Scc_LocalPath "" +CPP=cl.exe +MTL=midl.exe +RSC=rc.exe +# PROP BASE Use_MFC 0 +# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0 +# PROP BASE Output_Dir "Release" +# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "Release" +# PROP BASE Target_Dir "" +# PROP Use_MFC 2 +# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0 +# PROP Output_Dir "Release" +# PROP Intermediate_Dir "Release" +# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0 +# PROP Target_Dir "" +# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /MT /W3 /GX /O2 /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_MBCS" /D "_USRDLL" /D "ARRAY_EXPORTS" /YX /FD /c +# ADD CPP /nologo /MD /W3 /vmg /vms /GX /ZI /O2 /D "NDEBUG" /D "WIN32" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_MBCS" /D "_USRDLL" /D "ARRAY_EXPORTS" /D "_WINDLL" /D "_AFXDLL" /U "DLLEXPORT" /FR /YX /FD /c +# ADD BASE MTL /nologo /D "NDEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32 +# ADD MTL /nologo /D "NDEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32 +# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG" +# ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG" /d "_AFXDLL" +BSC32=bscmake.exe +# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo +# ADD BSC32 /nologo +LINK32=link.exe +# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /dll /machine:I386 +# ADD LINK32 /nologo /dll /machine:I386 +# SUBTRACT LINK32 /incremental:yes +# Begin Target + +# Name "Array - Win32 Release" +# Begin Group "Source Files" + +# PROP Default_Filter "cpp;c;cxx;rc;def;r;odl;idl;hpj;bat" +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=.\amxxmodule.cpp +# SUBTRACT CPP /Z +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=.\array.cpp +# SUBTRACT CPP /Z /u +# End Source File +# End Group +# Begin Group "Header Files" + +# PROP Default_Filter "h;hpp;hxx;hm;inl" +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=.\amxxmodule.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=.\CArray.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=.\CHashtable.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=.\CKeytable.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=.\element.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=.\moduleconfig.h +# End Source File +# End Group +# Begin Group "Resource Files" + +# PROP Default_Filter "ico;cur;bmp;dlg;rc2;rct;bin;rgs;gif;jpg;jpeg;jpe" +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE="..\module\Judy-1.0.1\src\Judy.lib" +# End Source File +# End Group +# End Target +# End Project diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Array.ncb b/dlls/arrayx/Array.ncb new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6b281a3b Binary files /dev/null and b/dlls/arrayx/Array.ncb differ diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Array.sln b/dlls/arrayx/Array.sln new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b132f8b1 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Array.sln @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 8.00 +Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "Array", "Array.vcproj", "{11B6F2E4-A603-4559-8E64-FFBF9541E238}" + ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject + EndProjectSection +EndProject +Global + GlobalSection(SolutionConfiguration) = preSolution + Release = Release + EndGlobalSection + GlobalSection(ProjectConfiguration) = postSolution + {11B6F2E4-A603-4559-8E64-FFBF9541E238}.Release.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 + {11B6F2E4-A603-4559-8E64-FFBF9541E238}.Release.Build.0 = Release|Win32 + EndGlobalSection + GlobalSection(ExtensibilityGlobals) = postSolution + EndGlobalSection + GlobalSection(ExtensibilityAddIns) = postSolution + EndGlobalSection +EndGlobal diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Array.vcproj b/dlls/arrayx/Array.vcproj new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f73a03b5 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Array.vcproj @@ -0,0 +1,151 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/CArray.h b/dlls/arrayx/CArray.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f35ad395 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/CArray.h @@ -0,0 +1,734 @@ +Pvoid_t MasterArray = (Pvoid_t) NULL; //Create the control array + +//Create an array that stores whether or not indices are used. +Pvoid_t MasterArray_Binary = (Pvoid_t) NULL; + +void DeleteMasterArray(void); + +Word_t NewArray(Word_t Index, Word_t reserve = 0); +PPvoid_t Find_Array(Word_t Index, Word_t disable_check = 1, AMX *amx = 0); +void DeleteArray(Word_t Index); +void ClearArray(Word_t Index); + +template +void Array_Set(PPvoid_t Array, char* Index, Type value); + +PPvoid_t Array_Get(AMX* amx, PPvoid_t Array, Word_t Index, int ignore_error = 0); +void DeleteCell(Pvoid_t* Array, Word_t Index); + +void Delete_MasterArray(void) +{ + Word_t + Index = 0, + success = 0; + J1F(success, MasterArray_Binary, Index); + while( success ) + { + DeleteArray( Index ); //Delete array. + J1F(success, MasterArray_Binary, Index); //Get next array + } +} + +Word_t NewArray(Word_t Index, Word_t reserve) +{ + Word_t success; //Dummy for macros. + J1T(success, MasterArray_Binary, Index); //Check if bit is already set. + + if (success && reserve) + return Index; //If the bit is set but it's 'reserved', return the index. + + //Only do this if the bit is not set. + J1FE(success, MasterArray_Binary, Index); + J1S(success, MasterArray_Binary, Index); + + PPvoid_t Array = JudyLIns(&MasterArray, Index, PJE0); + *Array = (PWord_t) NULL; + + return Index; +} + +PPvoid_t Find_Array(Word_t Index, Word_t disable_check, AMX *amx) +{ + Word_t success; + J1T(success, MasterArray_Binary, Index); + if (success || disable_check) + { //Bit is valid + if(!success) + NewArray(Index); + + return JudyLGet( MasterArray, Index, PJE0); + } + MF_LogError(amx,AMX_ERR_NATIVE,"Array %d is invalid", Index); + return NULL; +} + +void DeleteArray(Word_t Index) +{ + int success; + J1T(success, MasterArray_Binary, Index); + if (success) + { //If the bit is set, clear and delete array. + ClearArray(Index); + J1U(success, MasterArray_Binary, Index); + JudyLDel(&MasterArray, Index, PJE0); + } +} + +void ClearArray(Word_t Index) +{ + int success; + J1T(success, MasterArray_Binary, Index); + if (success) //dont bother with unset arrays. + { + PPvoid_t Array = Find_Array(Index); + Word_t index = 0; + PPvoid_t PValue = JudyLFirst(*Array, &index, PJE0); + while (PValue != NULL) + { + element elem_value = *reinterpret_cast(*PValue); + elem_value.delete_element(); + PValue = JudyLNext(*Array, &index, PJE0); + } + JudyLFreeArray(Array, PJE0); + } +} + +static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL new_array(AMX *amx,cell *params) +{ + return NewArray(params[1], params[2]); +} + +template //This will support input char*, Vector*, int, and cell_real*. +void Array_Set(PPvoid_t Array, int Index, Type value) +{ + PPvoid_t PValue; // pointer to array element value + PValue = JudyLIns(Array, Index, PJE0); + *PValue = reinterpret_cast(value); +} + +PPvoid_t Array_Get(AMX* amx, PPvoid_t Array, int Index, int ignore_error = 0) +{ + PPvoid_t PValue = JudyLGet( *Array, Index, PJE0 ); + if (PValue == NULL && !ignore_error) + MF_LogError(amx, AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "Array index %d is invalid", Index); + return PValue; +} + +void DeleteCell(PPvoid_t Array, Word_t Index) +{ + JudyLDel(Array, Index, PJE0); +} + + +static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL delete_array(AMX *amx,cell *params) +{ + DeleteArray( params[1] ); + + return 1; +} + +static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL clear_array(AMX *amx,cell *params) +{ + ClearArray( params[1] ); + + return 1; +} + +static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL Array_Save(AMX *amx, cell *params) +{ + PPvoid_t Array = Find_Array(params[1], params[3], amx); + if (Array == NULL) return 0; + + int filename_length; + char *file = MF_GetAmxString(amx, params[2], 0, &filename_length); + file = MF_BuildPathname("%s", file); + unlink(file); + FILE *ArrayDB = fopen(file,"w"); + if (!ArrayDB) + return 0; + Word_t Index = 0; + PPvoid_t PValue = JudyLFirst(*Array, &Index, PJE0); + element elem = NULL; + char elem_type = 0; + + int error; + + REAL vector_data[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; + while (PValue) + { + elem = *reinterpret_cast(*PValue); + elem_type = elem.get_type(); + + if (elem_type < elem_type_int || elem_type > elem_type_vector) + continue; + + fwrite(&Index, sizeof(int), 1, ArrayDB); + fwrite(&elem_type, sizeof(char), 1, ArrayDB); + if (elem_type == elem_type_int) + { + int int_buffer = elem.get_int(error); + fwrite(&int_buffer, sizeof(int), 1, ArrayDB); + } + else if (elem_type == elem_type_real) + { + REAL flo_buffer = elem.get_flo(error); + fwrite(&flo_buffer, sizeof(REAL), 1, ArrayDB); + } + else if (elem_type == elem_type_char) + { + const char* str_buffer = elem.get_str(error); + short buf_len = strlen(str_buffer); + fwrite(&buf_len, sizeof(short), 1, ArrayDB); + fwrite(str_buffer, sizeof(char), buf_len, ArrayDB); + } + else if (elem_type == elem_type_vector) + { + const Vector* vec_buffer = elem.get_vec(error); + fwrite(vec_buffer, sizeof(Vector), 1, ArrayDB); + } + PValue = JudyLNext(*Array, &Index, PJE0); + } + fclose(ArrayDB); + return 1; +} + +static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL Array_Load(AMX *amx, cell *params) +{ + //params[1]: file + int filename_length; + char *file = MF_GetAmxString(amx, params[1], 0, &filename_length); + file = MF_BuildPathname("%s", file); + FILE *ArrayDB = fopen(file, "a+"); + if (!ArrayDB) + return 0; + + //params[2]: array to create (optional index supplied) + int ArrayIndex = NewArray(params[2], params[3]); + ClearArray(ArrayIndex); //make sure the array is empty. + PPvoid_t Array = Find_Array(ArrayIndex); + while(!feof(ArrayDB)) + { + int index = 0; char type = 0; + element *elem_value = NULL; + fread(&index, sizeof(int), 1, ArrayDB); + if (feof(ArrayDB) || ferror(ArrayDB)) + break; + + fread(&type, sizeof(char), 1, ArrayDB); + + if (type < elem_type_int || type > elem_type_vector) + { + MF_LogError(amx, AMX_ERR_FORMAT, "Error loading array database \"%s\" into array %d. Bad file.", file, ArrayIndex); + return ArrayIndex; + } + else if (type == elem_type_int) + { + int value = 0; fread(&value, sizeof(int), 1, ArrayDB); + elem_value = new element(value); + } + else if (type == elem_type_real) + { + REAL value = 0; fread(&value, sizeof(REAL), 1, ArrayDB); + elem_value = new element(value); + } + else if (type == elem_type_char) + { + short length; fread(&length, sizeof(short), 1, ArrayDB); + char* value = new char[length+1]; fgets(value, length+1, ArrayDB); + elem_value = new element(value); + delete(value); + } + else if (type == elem_type_vector) + { + Vector *value = new Vector(); fread(value, sizeof(Vector), 1, ArrayDB); + elem_value = new element(value); + } + Array_Set(Array,index,elem_value); + } + fclose(ArrayDB); + return ArrayIndex; +} + +static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL Array_Save_ASCII(AMX *amx, cell *params) +{ + //params[1]: file + int filename_length; + char *inputfile = MF_GetAmxString(amx, params[1], 0, &filename_length); + inputfile = MF_BuildPathname("%s", inputfile); + FILE *ArrayDB = fopen(inputfile, "a+"); + if (!ArrayDB) + return 0; + + char *outputfile = MF_GetAmxString(amx, params[2], 0, &filename_length); + outputfile = MF_BuildPathname("%s", outputfile); + FILE *ReadableDB = fopen(outputfile, "w"); + + char *buffer = "\0"; + char *buffer_two = "\0"; + + while(!feof(ArrayDB)) + { + Word_t index = 0; char type = 0; + fread(&index, sizeof(int), 1, ArrayDB); + if (feof(ArrayDB) || ferror(ArrayDB)) + break; + + fread(&type, sizeof(char), 1, ArrayDB); + + sprintf(buffer, "Index % 11d\tType %7s,", index, elem_types[type]); + if (type < elem_type_int || type > elem_type_vector) + { + MF_LogError(amx, AMX_ERR_FORMAT, "Error loading array database \"%s\" into readable format. Bad file.", inputfile); + return 0; + } + else if (type == elem_type_int) + { + int value = 0; fread(&value, sizeof(int), 1, ArrayDB); + sprintf(buffer, "%s\t\t\tValue: %d\n", buffer, value); + } + else if (type == elem_type_real) + { + REAL value = 0; fread(&value, sizeof(REAL), 1, ArrayDB); + sprintf(buffer, "%s\t\t\tValue: %f\n", buffer, value); + } + else if (type == elem_type_char) + { + short length; fread(&length, sizeof(short), 1, ArrayDB); + char* value = new char[length+1]; fgets(value, length+1, ArrayDB); + sprintf(buffer, "%s Length: %d\tValue: \"%s\"\n", buffer, length, value); + delete value; + } + else if (type == elem_type_vector) + { + Vector *value = new Vector(); fread(value, sizeof(Vector), 1, ArrayDB); + sprintf(buffer, "%s\t\t\tValue: {%f,%f,%f}\n", buffer, (*value).x, (*value).y, (*value).z); + delete value; + } + fwrite(buffer, sizeof(char), strlen(buffer), ReadableDB); + } + fclose(ArrayDB); + fclose(ReadableDB); + return 1; +} + +static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL Array_SetVector(AMX *amx,cell *params) +{ + PPvoid_t Array = Find_Array(params[1], params[4], amx); + if (Array == NULL) return 0; + + cell *input_vec = MF_GetAmxAddr(amx, params[3]); + Vector *value = new Vector( + amx_ctof(input_vec[0]), + amx_ctof(input_vec[1]), + amx_ctof(input_vec[2]) + ); + int Index = params[2]; + + PPvoid_t PValue = Array_Get(amx, Array, Index, 1); + element *elem_value = NULL; + if ( PValue == NULL ) + elem_value = new element(value); + else + { + elem_value = reinterpret_cast(*PValue); + (*elem_value).set_vec(value); + } + Array_Set(Array,Index,elem_value); + return 1; +} + +static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL Array_GetVector(AMX *amx, cell *params) +{ + PPvoid_t Array = Find_Array(params[1], params[4], amx); + if (Array == NULL) return 0; + + int Index = params[2]; + PPvoid_t PValue = Array_Get(amx, Array, Index, params[4]); + + cell *vAmx = MF_GetAmxAddr(amx, params[3]); + + if( PValue == NULL ) { + vAmx[0] = amx_ftoc(0); + vAmx[1] = amx_ftoc(0); + vAmx[2] = amx_ftoc(0); + return 0; + } + element elem_value = *reinterpret_cast(*PValue); + int error = 0; + const Vector retr_vec = *elem_value.get_vec(error); + if (error) + elem_value.issue_type_error(amx, params[1], Index); + vAmx[0] = amx_ftoc(retr_vec.x); + vAmx[1] = amx_ftoc(retr_vec.y); + vAmx[2] = amx_ftoc(retr_vec.z); + return 1; +} + +static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL Array_SetString(AMX *amx,cell *params) +{ + //params[1]: array + PPvoid_t Array = Find_Array(params[1], params[4], amx); + if (Array == NULL) return 0; + + //params[2]: index + int Index = params[2]; + + //params[3]: value + int iLen = 0; + char *value = MF_GetAmxString(amx,params[3],1,&iLen); + + //element that is stored at index + PPvoid_t PValue = Array_Get(amx, Array, Index, 1); + element *elem_value = NULL; + if ( PValue == NULL ) + elem_value = new element(value); + else + { + elem_value = reinterpret_cast(*PValue); + (*elem_value).set_str(value); + } + Array_Set(Array,Index,elem_value); + return 1; +} + +static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL Array_GetString(AMX *amx,cell *params) +{ + //params[1]: array + PPvoid_t Array = Find_Array(params[1], params[5], amx); + if (Array == NULL) return 0; + + //params[2]: index + int Index = params[2]; + + Pvoid_t * PValue = Array_Get(amx, Array, Index, params[5]); + + //params[3] and params[4] are the return string and length respectively. + + if( PValue == NULL ) return MF_SetAmxString( amx , params[3] , "dne", params[4] ); + + element elem_value = *reinterpret_cast(*PValue); + + int error = 0; + const char* str_out = elem_value.get_str(error); + if (error) + elem_value.issue_type_error(amx, params[1], Index); + return MF_SetAmxString( amx , params[3] , str_out, params[4] ); +} + +static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL Array_SetFloat(AMX *amx,cell *params) +{ + //params[1]: array + PPvoid_t Array = Find_Array(params[1], params[4], amx); + if (Array == NULL) return 0; + + //params[2]: index + int Index = params[2]; + + //params[3]: value + PPvoid_t PValue = Array_Get(amx, Array, Index, 1); + element *elem_value = NULL; + if ( PValue == NULL ) + elem_value = new element(amx_ctof(params[3])); + else + { + elem_value = reinterpret_cast(*PValue); + (*elem_value).set_flo(amx_ctof(params[3])); + } + Array_Set(Array,Index,elem_value); + + return 1; +} + +static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL Array_GetFloat(AMX *amx,cell *params) +{ + //params[1]: array + PPvoid_t Array = Find_Array(params[1], params[3], amx); + if (Array == NULL) return 0; + + //params[2]: index + int Index = params[2]; + + PPvoid_t PValue = Array_Get(amx, Array, Index, params[3]); + + if( PValue == NULL ) return amx_ftoc(0.0); + + element elem_value = *reinterpret_cast(*PValue); + + int error = 0; + cell retr_float = amx_ftoc(elem_value.get_flo(error)); + if (error) + elem_value.issue_type_error(amx, params[1], Index); + return retr_float; +} + +static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL Array_SetInt(AMX *amx,cell *params) +{ + //params[1]: array + PPvoid_t Array = Find_Array(params[1], params[3], amx); + if (Array == NULL) return 0; + + //params[2]: index + int Index = params[2]; + + PPvoid_t PValue = Array_Get(amx, Array, Index, 1); + element *elem_value = NULL; + if ( PValue == NULL ) + elem_value = new element(params[3]); + else + { + elem_value = reinterpret_cast(*PValue); + (*elem_value).set_int(params[3]); + } + Array_Set(Array,Index,elem_value); + + return 1; +} + +static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL Array_GetInt(AMX *amx,cell *params) +{ + //params[1]: array + PPvoid_t Array = Find_Array(params[1], params[3], amx); + if (Array == NULL) return 0; + + //params[2]: index + int Index = params[2]; + + Pvoid_t * PValue = Array_Get(amx, Array, Index, params[3]); + + if( PValue == NULL ) return 0; + + element elem_value = *reinterpret_cast(*PValue); + + int error = 0; + cell retr_int = elem_value.get_int(error); + if (error) + elem_value.issue_type_error(amx, params[1], Index); + return retr_int; +} + +static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL array_size(AMX *amx,cell *params) +{ + Pvoid_t * Array = Find_Array(params[1],params[4],amx); + if (Array == NULL) return 0; + + return JudyLCount( *Array, params[2], params[3],PJE0); +} + +static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL array_count(AMX *amx,cell *params) +{ + return JudyLCount( MasterArray, params[1], params[2],PJE0); +} + +static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL array_memory(AMX *amx,cell *params) +{ + Pvoid_t * Array = Find_Array(params[1],params[2],amx); + if (Array == NULL) return 0; + + return JudyLMemUsed(*Array); +} + +static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL delete_cell(AMX *amx,cell *params) +{ + Pvoid_t * Array = Find_Array(params[1]); + if (Array == NULL) return 0; + + DeleteCell( Array, params[2] ); + + return 1; +} + +static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL array_next(AMX *amx,cell *params) +{ + PPvoid_t Array = Find_Array(params[1],params[4],amx); + if (Array == NULL) return 0; + + Word_t Index = Word_t(params[2]); + cell *success = MF_GetAmxAddr(amx, params[3]); + + PPvoid_t pointer; + pointer = JudyLNext(*Array, &Index, PJE0); + + *success = (pointer == NULL) ? 0 : 1; + return cell(Index); +} + +static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL array_prev(AMX *amx,cell *params) +{ + PPvoid_t Array = Find_Array(params[1],params[4],amx); + if (Array == NULL) return 0; + + Word_t Index = Word_t(params[2]); + cell *success = MF_GetAmxAddr(amx, params[3]); + + PPvoid_t pointer; + pointer = JudyLPrev(*Array, &Index, PJE0); + + *success = (pointer == NULL) ? 0 : 1; + return cell(Index); +} + +static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL array_first(AMX *amx,cell *params) +{ + PPvoid_t Array = Find_Array(params[1],params[4],amx); + if (Array == NULL) return 0; + + Word_t Index = Word_t(params[2]); + cell *success = MF_GetAmxAddr(amx, params[3]); + + PPvoid_t pointer; + pointer = JudyLFirst(*Array, &Index, PJE0); + + *success = (pointer == NULL) ? 0 : 1; + return cell(Index); +} + +static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL array_last(AMX *amx,cell *params) +{ + PPvoid_t Array = Find_Array(params[1],params[4],amx); + if (Array == NULL) return 0; + + Word_t Index = Word_t(params[2]); + cell *success = MF_GetAmxAddr(amx, params[3]); + + PPvoid_t pointer; + pointer = JudyLLast(*Array, &Index, PJE0); + + *success = (pointer == NULL) ? 0 : 1; + return cell(Index); +} + +static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL array_nextempty(AMX *amx,cell *params) +{ + PPvoid_t Array = Find_Array(params[1],params[4],amx); + if (Array == NULL) return 0; + + Word_t Index = (Word_t)params[2]; + + cell *success = MF_GetAmxAddr(amx, params[3]); + *success = JudyLNextEmpty(*Array, &Index, PJE0); + + return (cell)Index; +} + +static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL array_prevempty(AMX *amx,cell *params) +{ + PPvoid_t Array = Find_Array(params[1],params[4],amx); + if (Array == NULL) return 0; + + Word_t Index = (Word_t)params[2]; + + cell *success = MF_GetAmxAddr(amx, params[3]); + *success = JudyLPrevEmpty(*Array, &Index, PJE0); + + return (cell)Index; +} + +static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL array_firstempty(AMX *amx,cell *params) +{ + PPvoid_t Array = Find_Array(params[1],params[4],amx); + if (Array == NULL) return 0; + + Word_t Index = (Word_t)params[2]; + + cell *success = MF_GetAmxAddr(amx, params[3]); + *success = JudyLFirstEmpty(*Array, &Index, PJE0); + + return (cell)Index; +} + +static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL array_lastempty(AMX *amx,cell *params) +{ + PPvoid_t Array = Find_Array(params[1],params[4],amx); + if (Array == NULL) return 0; + + Word_t Index = (Word_t)params[2]; + + cell *success = MF_GetAmxAddr(amx, params[3]); + *success = JudyLLastEmpty(*Array, &Index, PJE0); + + return (cell)Index; +} + +static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL array_isempty(AMX *amx,cell *params) +{ + PPvoid_t Array = Find_Array(params[1],params[3],amx); + if (Array == NULL) return 0; + + PPvoid_t pointer; + pointer = JudyLGet(*Array, params[2], PJE0); + + return (pointer == NULL) ? 1 : 0; +} + +static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL array_isfilled(AMX *amx,cell *params) +{ + //params[1]: array + PPvoid_t Array = Find_Array(params[1],params[3],amx); + if (Array == NULL) return 0; + + //params[2]: index + PPvoid_t pointer; + pointer = JudyLGet(*Array, params[2], PJE0); + + return (pointer != NULL) ? 1 : 0; +} + +static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL Array_ByCount(AMX *amx,cell *params) +{ + PPvoid_t Array = Find_Array(params[1],params[4],amx); + if (Array == NULL) return 0; + + Word_t Index = Word_t(params[3]); + cell *success = MF_GetAmxAddr(amx, params[4]); + + PPvoid_t pointer; + pointer = JudyLByCount(*Array, params[2], &Index, PJE0); + + *success = (pointer == NULL) ? 0 : 1; + return cell(Index); +} + +AMX_NATIVE_INFO array_exports[] = { + { "array_set_string", Array_SetString }, + { "array_get_string", Array_GetString }, + + { "array_set_int", Array_SetInt }, + { "array_get_int", Array_GetInt }, + + { "array_set_float", Array_SetFloat }, + { "array_get_float", Array_GetFloat }, + + { "array_set_vector", Array_SetVector }, + { "array_get_vector", Array_GetVector }, + + { "array_isempty", array_isempty }, + { "array_isfilled", array_isfilled }, + + { "array_remove", delete_cell }, + + { "array_create", new_array }, + { "array_delete", delete_array }, + { "array_clear", clear_array }, + + { "array_size", array_size }, + { "array_count", array_count }, + { "array_memory", array_memory }, + + { "array_nextempty", array_nextempty }, + { "array_prevempty", array_prevempty }, + { "array_firstempty", array_firstempty }, + { "array_lastempty", array_lastempty }, + { "array_next", array_next }, + { "array_prev", array_prev }, + { "array_first", array_first }, + { "array_last", array_last }, + + { "array_save", Array_Save }, + { "array_load", Array_Load }, + + { "array_get_nth", Array_ByCount }, + + { "array_save_ascii", Array_Save_ASCII }, + + { NULL, NULL } +}; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/CHashtable.h b/dlls/arrayx/CHashtable.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..61e477b0 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/CHashtable.h @@ -0,0 +1,375 @@ +#if !defined _JUDYHS_ENABLED_ +#define _JUDYHS_ENABLED_ + +Pvoid_t MasterHashtable = (Pvoid_t) NULL; //Create the new array + +//Create an array that stores whether or not indices are used. +Pvoid_t MasterHashtable_Binary = (Pvoid_t) NULL; + +void Delete_MasterHashtable(void); + +Word_t New_Hashtable(Word_t Index, Word_t reserve = 0); +Pvoid_t* Find_Hashtable(Word_t Index, Word_t disable_check = 1, AMX *amx = 0); +void Delete_Hashtable(Word_t Index); +void Clear_Hashtable(Word_t Index); + +template +void Hashtable_Set(PPvoid_t Hashtable, char *Index, Word_t Length, Type value); + +PPvoid_t Hashtable_Get(AMX* amx, Pvoid_t Hashtable, char *Index, int ignore_error = 0); + +void Delete_MasterHashtable(void) +{ + Word_t + Index = 0, + success; + J1F(success, MasterHashtable_Binary, Index); + while( success ) + { + Delete_Hashtable(Index); + J1F(success, MasterHashtable_Binary, Index); + } +} + +Word_t New_Hashtable(Word_t Index, Word_t reserve) +{ + Word_t success; //Dummy for macros. + J1T(success, MasterHashtable_Binary, Index); + + if (success && reserve) + return Index; //If the bit is set but it's 'reserved', return the index. + + //Only do this if the bit is not set or not reserved. + J1FE(success, MasterHashtable_Binary, Index); + J1S(success, MasterHashtable_Binary, Index); + + PPvoid_t Hashtable = JudyLIns(&MasterHashtable, Index, PJE0); + *Hashtable = (PWord_t) NULL; + + return Index; +} + +PPvoid_t Find_Hashtable(Word_t Index, Word_t disable_check, AMX* amx) +{ + Word_t success; + J1T(success, MasterHashtable_Binary, Index); + if (success || disable_check) + { //Bit is valid + if(!success) + New_Hashtable(Index); + + return JudyLGet(MasterHashtable, Index, PJE0); + } + MF_LogError(amx,AMX_ERR_NATIVE,"Hashtable %d is invalid.", Index); + return NULL; +} + +void Delete_Hashtable(Word_t Index) +{ + int success; + J1T(success, MasterHashtable_Binary, Index); + if (success) + { //If the bit was set, clear, unset and delist hashtable. + Clear_Hashtable(Index); + J1U(success, MasterHashtable_Binary, Index); + JudyLDel(&MasterHashtable, Index, PJE0); + } +} + +void Clear_Hashtable(Word_t Index) +{ + int success; + J1T(success, MasterHashtable_Binary, Index); + if (success) //dont bother with unset hashtables. + { + PPvoid_t Hashtable = Find_Hashtable(Index); + JHSFA(success, *Hashtable); + } +} + +template //This will support input char*, Vector*, int, and cell_real*. +void Hashtable_Set(PPvoid_t Hashtable, char* Index, Type value) +{ + int Len = strlen(Index)+1; + PPvoid_t PValue = JudyHSIns(Hashtable, Index, Len, PJE0); + *PValue = reinterpret_cast(value); +} + +PPvoid_t Hashtable_Get(AMX* amx,PPvoid_t Hashtable, char *Index, int ignore_error = 0) +{ + PPvoid_t PValue = JudyHSGet(*Hashtable, Index, strlen(Index)+1); + if (PValue == NULL && !ignore_error) + MF_LogError(amx, AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "Hashtable get on index \"%s\" is invalid", Index); + return PValue; +} + +static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL Hashtable_Create(AMX *amx, cell *params) +{ + return New_Hashtable(params[1],params[2]); +} + +static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL Hashtable_Delete(AMX *amx, cell *params) +{ + Delete_Hashtable( params[1] ); + + return 1; +} + +static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL Hashtable_Clear(AMX *amx, cell *params) +{ + Clear_Hashtable( params[1] ); + + return 1; +} + +static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL Hashtable_SetVector(AMX *amx,cell *params) +{ + PPvoid_t Hashtable = Find_Hashtable(params[1], params[4], amx); + if (Hashtable == NULL) return 0; + + cell *input_vec = MF_GetAmxAddr(amx, params[3]); + Vector *value = new Vector( + amx_ctof(input_vec[0]), + amx_ctof(input_vec[1]), + amx_ctof(input_vec[2]) + ); + int strlen; + char *Index = MF_GetAmxString(amx, params[2], 0, &strlen); + + PPvoid_t PValue = Hashtable_Get(amx, Hashtable, Index, 1); + element *elem_value = NULL; + if ( PValue == NULL ) + elem_value = new element(value); + else + { + elem_value = reinterpret_cast(*PValue); + (*elem_value).set_vec(value); + } + Hashtable_Set(Hashtable,Index,elem_value); + return 1; +} + + +static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL Hashtable_GetVector(AMX *amx, cell *params) +{ + PPvoid_t Hashtable = Find_Hashtable(params[1], params[4], amx); + if (Hashtable == NULL) return 0; + + int strlen; + char *Index = MF_GetAmxString(amx, params[2], 0, &strlen); + PPvoid_t PValue = Hashtable_Get(amx, Hashtable, Index, params[4]); + + cell *vAmx = MF_GetAmxAddr(amx, params[3]); + + if( PValue == NULL ) { + vAmx[0] = amx_ftoc(0); + vAmx[1] = amx_ftoc(0); + vAmx[2] = amx_ftoc(0); + return 0; + } + element elem_value = *reinterpret_cast(*PValue); + int error = 0; + const Vector retr_vec = *elem_value.get_vec(error); + if (error) + elem_value.issue_type_error(amx, params[1], Index); + vAmx[0] = amx_ftoc(retr_vec.x); + vAmx[1] = amx_ftoc(retr_vec.y); + vAmx[2] = amx_ftoc(retr_vec.z); + return 1; +} + +static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL Hashtable_SetString(AMX *amx,cell *params) +{ + //params[1]: hashtable + PPvoid_t Hashtable = Find_Hashtable(params[1], params[4], amx); + if (Hashtable == NULL) return 0; + + //params[2]: key + int strlength; + char *Index = MF_GetAmxString(amx, params[2], 0, &strlength); + + //params[3]: value + int iLen = 0; + char *value = MF_GetAmxString(amx,params[3],1,&iLen); + + PPvoid_t PValue = Hashtable_Get(amx, Hashtable, Index, 1); + element *elem_value = NULL; + if ( PValue == NULL ) + elem_value = new element(value); + else + { + elem_value = reinterpret_cast(*PValue); + (*elem_value).set_str(value); + } + Hashtable_Set(Hashtable,Index,elem_value); + + return 1; +} + +static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL Hashtable_GetString(AMX *amx,cell *params) +{ + //params[1]: hashtable + PPvoid_t Hashtable = Find_Hashtable(params[1], params[5], amx); + if (Hashtable == NULL) return 0; + + //params[2]: key + int strlength; + char *Index = MF_GetAmxString(amx, params[2], 0, &strlength); + + Pvoid_t * PValue = Hashtable_Get(amx, Hashtable, Index, params[5]); + + //params[3] and params[4] are the return string and length respectively. + + + if( PValue == NULL ) + return MF_SetAmxString(amx, params[3] , "dne", params[4] ); + + element elem_value = *reinterpret_cast(*PValue); + + int error = 0; + if (error) + elem_value.issue_type_error(amx, params[1], Index); + const char* str_out = elem_value.get_str(error); + return MF_SetAmxString( amx , params[3] , str_out, params[4] ); +} + +static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL Hashtable_SetFloat(AMX *amx,cell *params) +{ + //params[1]: hashtable + PPvoid_t Hashtable = Find_Hashtable(params[1], params[4], amx); + if (Hashtable == NULL) return 0; + + //params[2]: key + int strlength; + char *Index = MF_GetAmxString(amx, params[2], 0, &strlength); + //params[3]: value + PPvoid_t PValue = Hashtable_Get(amx, Hashtable, Index, 1); + element *elem_value = NULL; + if ( PValue == NULL ) + elem_value = new element(amx_ctof(params[3])); + else + { + elem_value = reinterpret_cast(*PValue); + (*elem_value).set_flo(amx_ctof(params[3])); + } + Hashtable_Set(Hashtable,Index,elem_value); + + return 1; +} + +static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL Hashtable_GetFloat(AMX *amx,cell *params) +{ + //params[1]: hashtable + PPvoid_t Hashtable = Find_Hashtable(params[1], params[3], amx); + if (Hashtable == NULL) return 0; + + //params[2]: key + int strlength; + char *Index = MF_GetAmxString(amx, params[2], 0, &strlength); + + PPvoid_t PValue = Hashtable_Get(amx, Hashtable, Index, params[3]); + + if( PValue == NULL ) return amx_ftoc(0.0); + + element elem_value = *reinterpret_cast(*PValue); + + int error = 0; + cell retr_float = amx_ftoc(elem_value.get_flo(error)); + if (error) + elem_value.issue_type_error(amx, params[1], Index); + return retr_float; +} + +static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL Hashtable_SetInt(AMX *amx,cell *params) +{ + //params[1]: hashtable + PPvoid_t Hashtable = Find_Hashtable(params[1], params[4], amx); + if (Hashtable == NULL) return 0; + + //params[2]: key + int strlength; + char *Index = MF_GetAmxString(amx, params[2], 0, &strlength); + + PPvoid_t PValue = Hashtable_Get(amx, Hashtable, Index, 1); + element *elem_value = NULL; + if ( PValue == NULL ) + elem_value = new element(params[3]); + else + { + elem_value = reinterpret_cast(*PValue); + (*elem_value).set_int(params[3]); + } + Hashtable_Set(Hashtable,Index,elem_value); + + return 1; +} + +static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL Hashtable_GetInt(AMX *amx,cell *params) +{ + //params[1]: hashtable + PPvoid_t Hashtable = Find_Hashtable(params[1], params[3], amx); + if (Hashtable == NULL) return 0; + //params[2]: key + int strlength; + char *Index = MF_GetAmxString(amx, params[2], 0, &strlength); + + Pvoid_t * PValue = Hashtable_Get(amx, Hashtable, Index, params[3]); + + if( PValue == NULL ) return 0; + + element elem_value = *reinterpret_cast(*PValue); + + int error = 0; + cell retr_int = elem_value.get_int(error); + if (error) + elem_value.issue_type_error(amx, params[1], Index); + return retr_int; +} + +static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL Hashtable_Memory(AMX *amx,cell *params) +{ + Pvoid_t * Array = Find_Hashtable(params[1],params[2],amx); + if (Array == NULL) return 0; + + return JudyLMemUsed(*Array); +} + + +static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL Hashtable_Remove(AMX *amx,cell *params) +{ + //params[1]: hashtable + PPvoid_t Hashtable = Find_Hashtable(params[1], 0, amx); + if (Hashtable == NULL) return 0; + + //params[2]: key + int strlength; + char *Index = MF_GetAmxString(amx, params[2], 0, &strlength); + JudyHSDel(Hashtable, Index, strlength+1, PJE0 ); + + return 1; +} + +AMX_NATIVE_INFO hashtable_exports[] = { + { "hashtable_set_str", Hashtable_SetString }, + { "hashtable_get_str", Hashtable_GetString }, + + { "hashtable_set_vec", Hashtable_SetVector }, + { "hashtable_get_vec", Hashtable_GetVector }, + + { "hashtable_set_int", Hashtable_SetInt }, + { "hashtable_get_int", Hashtable_GetInt }, + + { "hashtable_set_float", Hashtable_SetFloat }, + { "hashtable_get_float", Hashtable_GetFloat }, + + { "hashtable_memory", Hashtable_Memory }, + + { "hashtable_remove", Hashtable_Remove }, + + { "hashtable_create", Hashtable_Create }, + { "hashtable_delete", Hashtable_Delete }, + { "hashtable_clear", Hashtable_Clear }, + { NULL, NULL } +}; + +#endif \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/CKeytable.h b/dlls/arrayx/CKeytable.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..43281968 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/CKeytable.h @@ -0,0 +1,703 @@ +#if !defined _JUDYSL_ENABLED_ +#define _JUDYSL_ENABLED_ + +#define MAXLINELEN 1024 + +Pvoid_t MasterKeytable = (Pvoid_t) NULL; //Create the control array + +//Create an array that stores whether or not indices are used. +Pvoid_t MasterKeytable_Binary = (Pvoid_t) NULL; + +void Delete_MasterKeytable(void); + +Word_t New_Keytable(Word_t Index, Word_t reserve = 0); +PPvoid_t Find_Keytable(Word_t Index, Word_t disable_check = 1, AMX *amx = 0); +void Delete_Keytable(Word_t Index); +void Clear_Keytable(Word_t Index); + +template +void Keytable_Set(PPvoid_t Keytable, char *Index, Type value); + +PPvoid_t Keytable_Get(AMX* amx, Pvoid_t Keytable, char *Index, int ignore_error = 0); + + +void Delete_MasterKeytable(void) +{ + Word_t + Index = 0, + success; + J1F(success, MasterKeytable_Binary, Index); + while( success ) + { + Delete_Keytable(Index); + J1F(success, MasterKeytable_Binary, Index); + } +} + +Word_t New_Keytable(Word_t Index, Word_t reserve) +{ + Word_t success; //Dummy for macros. + J1T(success, MasterKeytable_Binary, Index); + + if (success && reserve) + return Index; //If the bit is set but it's 'reserved', return the index. + + //Only do this if the bit is not set or not reserved. + J1FE(success, MasterKeytable_Binary, Index); + J1S(success, MasterKeytable_Binary, Index); + + PPvoid_t Keytable = JudyLIns(&MasterKeytable, Index, PJE0); + *Keytable = (PWord_t) NULL; + + return Index; +} + +PPvoid_t Find_Keytable(Word_t Index, Word_t disable_check, AMX* amx) +{ + Word_t success; + J1T(success, MasterKeytable_Binary, Index); + if (success || disable_check) + { //Bit is valid + if(!success) + New_Keytable(Index); + + return JudyLGet(MasterKeytable, Index, PJE0); + } + MF_LogError(amx, AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "Keytable \"%s\" is invalid", Index); + return NULL; +} + +void Delete_Keytable(Word_t Index) +{ + int success; + J1T(success, MasterKeytable_Binary, Index); + if (success) + { //If the bit was set, clear and delete keytable. + Clear_Keytable(Index); + J1U(success, MasterKeytable_Binary, Index); + JudyLDel(&MasterKeytable, Index, PJE0); + } +} + +void Clear_Keytable(Word_t Index) +{ + int success; + J1T(success, MasterKeytable_Binary, Index); + if (success) //dont bother with unset Keytables. + { + PPvoid_t Keytable = Find_Keytable(Index); + char *Key = ""; + PPvoid_t PValue = JudySLFirst(*Keytable, Key, PJE0); + while (PValue != NULL) + { + element elem_value = *reinterpret_cast(*PValue); + elem_value.delete_element(); + PValue = JudySLNext(*Keytable, Key, PJE0); + } + JudySLFreeArray(Keytable, PJE0); + } +} + + +static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL Keytable_Save(AMX *amx, cell *params) +{ + PPvoid_t Keytable = Find_Keytable(params[1], params[3], amx); + if (Keytable == NULL) return 0; + + int filename_length; + char *file = MF_GetAmxString(amx, params[2], 0, &filename_length); + file = MF_BuildPathname("%s", file); + unlink(file); + FILE *KeytableDB = fopen(file,"w"); + if (!KeytableDB) + return 0; + char* Key = new char[1024]; Key[0] = '\0'; + PPvoid_t PValue = JudySLFirst(*Keytable, reinterpret_cast(Key), PJE0); + element elem = NULL; + char elem_type = 0; + + int error; + + REAL vector_data[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; + while (PValue) + { + elem = *reinterpret_cast(*PValue); + elem_type = elem.get_type(); + + if (elem_type < elem_type_int || elem_type > elem_type_vector) + continue; + + short key_len = strlen(Key); + fwrite(&key_len, sizeof(short), 1, KeytableDB); + fwrite(Key, sizeof(char), key_len, KeytableDB); + fwrite(&elem_type, sizeof(char), 1, KeytableDB); + if (elem_type == elem_type_int) + { + int int_buffer = elem.get_int(error); + fwrite(&int_buffer, sizeof(int), 1, KeytableDB); + } + else if (elem_type == elem_type_real) + { + REAL flo_buffer = elem.get_flo(error); + fwrite(&flo_buffer, sizeof(REAL), 1, KeytableDB); + } + else if (elem_type == elem_type_char) + { + const char* str_buffer = elem.get_str(error); + short buf_len = strlen(str_buffer); + fwrite(&buf_len, sizeof(short), 1, KeytableDB); + fwrite(str_buffer, sizeof(char), buf_len, KeytableDB); + } + else if (elem_type == elem_type_vector) + { + const Vector* vec_buffer = elem.get_vec(error); + fwrite(vec_buffer, sizeof(Vector), 1, KeytableDB); + } + PValue = JudySLNext(*Keytable, Key, PJE0); + } + fclose(KeytableDB); + return 1; +} + +static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL Keytable_Load(AMX *amx, cell *params) +{ + //params[1]: file + int filename_length; + char *file = MF_GetAmxString(amx, params[1], 0, &filename_length); + file = MF_BuildPathname("%s", file); + FILE *KeytableDB = fopen(file, "a+"); + if (!KeytableDB) + return 0; + + //params[2]: keytable to create (optional index supplied) + int KeytableIndex = New_Keytable(params[2], params[3]); + Clear_Keytable(KeytableIndex); //make sure the keytable is empty. + PPvoid_t Keytable = Find_Keytable(KeytableIndex); + while(!feof(KeytableDB)) + { + char* index = ""; char type = 0; short index_len; + element *elem_value = NULL; + fread(&index_len, sizeof(short), 1, KeytableDB); + index = new char[index_len+1]; + fgets(index, index_len+1, KeytableDB); + if (feof(KeytableDB) || ferror(KeytableDB)) + break; + fread(&type, sizeof(char), 1, KeytableDB); + if (type < elem_type_int || type > elem_type_vector) + { + MF_LogError(amx, AMX_ERR_FORMAT, "Error loading keytable database \"%s\" into keytable %d. Bad file.", file, KeytableIndex); + return KeytableIndex; + } + else if (type == elem_type_int) + { + int value = 0; fread(&value, sizeof(int), 1, KeytableDB); + elem_value = new element(value); + } + else if (type == elem_type_real) + { + REAL value = 0; fread(&value, sizeof(REAL), 1, KeytableDB); + elem_value = new element(value); + } + else if (type == elem_type_char) + { + short length; fread(&length, sizeof(short), 1, KeytableDB); + char* value = new char[length+1]; fgets(value, length+1, KeytableDB); + elem_value = new element(value); + delete(value); + } + else if (type == elem_type_vector) + { + Vector *value = new Vector(); fread(value, sizeof(Vector), 1, KeytableDB); + elem_value = new element(value); + } + Keytable_Set(Keytable,index,elem_value); + delete (index); + } + fclose(KeytableDB); + return KeytableIndex; +} + +static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL Keytable_Save_ASCII(AMX *amx, cell *params) +{ + //params[1]: file + int filename_length; + char *inputfile = MF_GetAmxString(amx, params[1], 0, &filename_length); + inputfile = MF_BuildPathname("%s", inputfile); + FILE *KeytableDB = fopen(inputfile, "a+"); + if (!KeytableDB) + return 0; + + char *outputfile = MF_GetAmxString(amx, params[2], 0, &filename_length); + outputfile = MF_BuildPathname("%s", outputfile); + FILE *ReadableDB = fopen(outputfile, "w"); + + char *buffer = "\0"; + + while(!feof(KeytableDB)) + { + char* key = NULL; char type = 0; short key_len; + fread(&key_len, sizeof(short), 1, KeytableDB); + key = new char[key_len+1]; + fgets(key, key_len+1, KeytableDB); + if (feof(KeytableDB) || ferror(KeytableDB)) + break; + fread(&type, sizeof(char), 1, KeytableDB); + + sprintf(buffer, "Key %-32s Length %3d, Type %7s", key, key_len, elem_types[type]); + if (type < elem_type_int || type > elem_type_vector) + { + MF_LogError(amx, AMX_ERR_FORMAT, "Error loading array database \"%s\" into readable format. Bad file.", inputfile); + return 0; + } + else if (type == elem_type_int) + { + int value = 0; fread(&value, sizeof(int), 1, KeytableDB); + fprintf(ReadableDB, "%s\t\t\t\tValue: %d\n", buffer, value); + } + else if (type == elem_type_real) + { + REAL value = 0; fread(&value, sizeof(REAL), 1, KeytableDB); + fprintf(ReadableDB, "%s\t\t\t\tValue: %f\n", buffer, value); + } + else if (type == elem_type_char) + { + short length; fread(&length, sizeof(short), 1, KeytableDB); + char* value = new char[length+1]; fgets(value, length+1, KeytableDB); + fprintf(ReadableDB, "%s Length %3d\tValue: \"%s\"\n", buffer, length, value); + delete value; + } + else if (type == elem_type_vector) + { + Vector *value = new Vector(); fread(value, sizeof(Vector), 1, KeytableDB); + fprintf(ReadableDB, "%s\t\t\t\tValue: {%f,%f,%f}\n", buffer, (*value).x, (*value).y, (*value).z); + delete value; + } + } + fclose(KeytableDB); + fclose(ReadableDB); + return 1; +} + +template //This will support input char*, Vector*, int, and cell_real*. +void Keytable_Set(PPvoid_t Keytable, char* Index, Type value) +{ + PPvoid_t PValue; // pointer to keytable element value + PValue = JudySLIns(Keytable, Index, PJE0); + *PValue = reinterpret_cast(value); +} + +PPvoid_t Keytable_Get(AMX* amx, PPvoid_t Keytable, char *Index, int ignore_error = 0) +{ + PPvoid_t PValue = JudySLGet( *Keytable, Index, PJE0 ); + if (PValue == NULL && !ignore_error) + MF_LogError(amx, AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "Keytable get on key \"%s\" is invalid", Index); + return PValue; +} + +static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL Keytable_Create(AMX *amx, cell *params) +{ + return New_Keytable(params[1],params[2]); +} + +static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL Keytable_Delete(AMX *amx, cell *params) +{ + Delete_Keytable( params[1] ); + + return 1; +} + +static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL Keytable_Clear(AMX *amx, cell *params) +{ + Clear_Keytable( params[1] ); + + return 1; +} + +static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL Keytable_SetVector(AMX *amx,cell *params) +{ + PPvoid_t Keytable = Find_Keytable(params[1], params[4], amx); + if (Keytable == NULL) return 0; + + cell *input_vec = MF_GetAmxAddr(amx, params[3]); + Vector *value = new Vector( + amx_ctof(input_vec[0]), + amx_ctof(input_vec[1]), + amx_ctof(input_vec[2]) + ); + int strlen; + char *Index = MF_GetAmxString(amx, params[2], 0, &strlen); + + PPvoid_t PValue = Keytable_Get(amx, Keytable, Index, 1); + element *elem_value = NULL; + if ( PValue == NULL ) + elem_value = new element(value); + else + { + elem_value = reinterpret_cast(*PValue); + (*elem_value).set_vec(value); + } + Keytable_Set(Keytable,Index,elem_value); + return 1; +} + +static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL Keytable_GetVector(AMX *amx, cell *params) +{ + PPvoid_t Keytable = Find_Keytable(params[1], params[4], amx); + if (Keytable == NULL) return 0; + + int strlen; + char *Index = MF_GetAmxString(amx, params[2], 0, &strlen); + PPvoid_t PValue = Keytable_Get(amx, Keytable, Index, params[4]); + + cell *vAmx = MF_GetAmxAddr(amx, params[3]); + + if( PValue == NULL ) { + vAmx[0] = amx_ftoc(0); + vAmx[1] = amx_ftoc(0); + vAmx[2] = amx_ftoc(0); + return 0; + } + element elem_value = *reinterpret_cast(*PValue); + int error = 0; + const Vector retr_vec = *elem_value.get_vec(error); + if (error) + elem_value.issue_type_error(amx, params[1], Index); + vAmx[0] = amx_ftoc(retr_vec.x); + vAmx[1] = amx_ftoc(retr_vec.y); + vAmx[2] = amx_ftoc(retr_vec.z); + return 1; +} + +static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL Keytable_SetString(AMX *amx,cell *params) +{ + //params[1]: keytable + PPvoid_t Keytable = Find_Keytable(params[1], params[4], amx); + if (Keytable == NULL) return 0; + + //params[2]: key + int strlength; + char *Index = MF_GetAmxString(amx, params[2], 0, &strlength); + + //params[3]: value + int iLen = 0; + char *value = MF_GetAmxString(amx,params[3],1,&iLen); + + PPvoid_t PValue = Keytable_Get(amx, Keytable, Index, 1); + element *elem_value = NULL; + if ( PValue == NULL ) + elem_value = new element(value); + else + { + elem_value = reinterpret_cast(*PValue); + (*elem_value).set_str(value); + } + Keytable_Set(Keytable,Index,elem_value); + + return 1; +} + +static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL Keytable_GetString(AMX *amx,cell *params) +{ + //params[1]: keytable + PPvoid_t Keytable = Find_Keytable(params[1], params[5], amx); + if (Keytable == NULL) return 0; + + //params[2]: key + int strlength; + char *Index = MF_GetAmxString(amx, params[2], 0, &strlength); + + Pvoid_t * PValue = Keytable_Get(amx, Keytable, Index, params[5]); + + //params[3] and params[4] are the return string and length respectively. + + + if( PValue == NULL ) + return MF_SetAmxString(amx, params[3] , "dne", params[4] ); + + element elem_value = *reinterpret_cast(*PValue); + + int error = 0; + if (error) + elem_value.issue_type_error(amx, params[1], Index); + const char* str_out = elem_value.get_str(error); + return MF_SetAmxString( amx , params[3] , str_out, params[4] ); +} + +static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL Keytable_SetFloat(AMX *amx,cell *params) +{ + //params[1]: keytable + PPvoid_t Keytable = Find_Keytable(params[1], params[4], amx); + if (Keytable == NULL) return 0; + + //params[2]: key + int strlength; + char *Index = MF_GetAmxString(amx, params[2], 0, &strlength); + //params[3]: value + PPvoid_t PValue = Keytable_Get(amx, Keytable, Index, 1); + element *elem_value = NULL; + if ( PValue == NULL ) + elem_value = new element(amx_ctof(params[3])); + else + { + elem_value = reinterpret_cast(*PValue); + (*elem_value).set_flo(amx_ctof(params[3])); + } + Keytable_Set(Keytable,Index,elem_value); + + return 1; +} + +static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL Keytable_GetFloat(AMX *amx,cell *params) +{ + //params[1]: keytable + PPvoid_t Keytable = Find_Keytable(params[1], params[3], amx); + if (Keytable == NULL) return 0; + + //params[2]: key + int strlength; + char *Index = MF_GetAmxString(amx, params[2], 0, &strlength); + + PPvoid_t PValue = Keytable_Get(amx, Keytable, Index, params[3]); + + if( PValue == NULL ) return amx_ftoc(0.0); + + element elem_value = *reinterpret_cast(*PValue); + + int error = 0; + cell retr_float = amx_ftoc(elem_value.get_flo(error)); + if (error) + elem_value.issue_type_error(amx, params[1], Index); + return retr_float; +} + + +static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL Keytable_SetInt(AMX *amx,cell *params) +{ + //params[1]: keytable + PPvoid_t Keytable = Find_Keytable(params[1], params[4], amx); + if (Keytable == NULL) return 0; + + //params[2]: key + int strlength; + char *Index = MF_GetAmxString(amx, params[2], 0, &strlength); + + PPvoid_t PValue = Keytable_Get(amx, Keytable, Index, 1); + element *elem_value = NULL; + if ( PValue == NULL ) + elem_value = new element(params[3]); + else + { + elem_value = reinterpret_cast(*PValue); + (*elem_value).set_int(params[3]); + } + Keytable_Set(Keytable,Index,elem_value); + + return 1; +} + +static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL Keytable_GetInt(AMX *amx,cell *params) +{ + //params[1]: keytable + PPvoid_t Keytable = Find_Keytable(params[1], params[3], amx); + if (Keytable == NULL) return 0; + //params[2]: key + int strlength; + char *Index = MF_GetAmxString(amx, params[2], 0, &strlength); + + Pvoid_t * PValue = Keytable_Get(amx, Keytable, Index, params[3]); + + if( PValue == NULL ) return 0; + + element elem_value = *reinterpret_cast(*PValue); + + int error = 0; + cell retr_int = elem_value.get_int(error); + if (error) + elem_value.issue_type_error(amx, params[1], Index); + return retr_int; +} + +static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL Keytable_Memory(AMX *amx,cell *params) +{ + Pvoid_t * Keytable = Find_Keytable(params[1],params[2],amx); + if (Keytable == NULL) return 0; + + return JudyLMemUsed(*Keytable); +} + +static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL Keytable_Remove(AMX *amx,cell *params) +{ + //params[1]: keytable + PPvoid_t Keytable = Find_Keytable(params[1], 0, amx); + if (Keytable == NULL) return 0; + + //params[2]: key + int strlength; + char *Index = MF_GetAmxString(amx, params[2], 0, &strlength); + //Have to delete the element + PPvoid_t PValue = JudySLGet(*Keytable, Index, PJE0); + if (PValue == NULL) return 1; + element elem_value = *reinterpret_cast(*PValue); + elem_value.delete_element(); + + JudySLDel(Keytable, Index, PJE0 ); + return 1; +} + +static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL Keytable_Next(AMX *amx,cell *params) +{ + //params[1]: keytable + PPvoid_t Keytable = Find_Keytable(params[1], params[5], amx); + if (Keytable == NULL) return 0; + + //params[2]: key + int strlength; + char *Index = MF_GetAmxString(amx, params[2], 0, &strlength); + //params[3], params[4]: return key and length + + PPvoid_t pointer; + pointer = JudySLNext(*Keytable, Index, PJE0); + + if (pointer == NULL) { + MF_SetAmxString(amx, params[3], "dne", 0); + return 0; + } + MF_SetAmxString(amx, params[3], Index, params[4]); + return 1; +} + +static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL Keytable_Prev(AMX *amx,cell *params) +{ + //params[1]: keytable + PPvoid_t Keytable = Find_Keytable(params[1], params[5], amx); + if (Keytable == NULL) return 0; + + //params[2]: key + int strlength; + char *Index = MF_GetAmxString(amx, params[2], 0, &strlength); + //params[3], params[4]: return key and length + + PPvoid_t pointer; + pointer = JudySLPrev(*Keytable, Index, PJE0); + + if (pointer == NULL) { + MF_SetAmxString(amx, params[3], "dne", 0); + return 0; + } + MF_SetAmxString(amx, params[3], Index, params[4]); + return 1; +} + + +static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL Keytable_First(AMX *amx,cell *params) +{ + //params[1]: keytable + PPvoid_t Keytable = Find_Keytable(params[1], params[5], amx); + if (Keytable == NULL) return 0; + + //params[2]: key + int strlength; + char *Index = MF_GetAmxString(amx, params[2], 0, &strlength); + //params[3], params[4]: return key and length + + PPvoid_t pointer; + pointer = JudySLFirst(*Keytable, Index, PJE0); + + if (pointer == NULL) { + MF_SetAmxString(amx, params[3], "dne", 0); + return 0; + } + MF_SetAmxString(amx, params[3], Index, params[4]); + return 1; +} + +static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL Keytable_Last(AMX *amx,cell *params) +{ + //params[1]: keytable + PPvoid_t Keytable = Find_Keytable(params[1], params[5], amx); + if (Keytable == NULL) return 0; + + //params[2]: key + int strlength; + char *Index = MF_GetAmxString(amx, params[2], 0, &strlength); + //params[3], params[4]: return key and length + + PPvoid_t pointer; + pointer = JudySLLast(*Keytable, Index, PJE0); + + if (pointer == NULL) { + MF_SetAmxString(amx, params[3], "dne", 0); + return 0; + } + MF_SetAmxString(amx, params[3], Index, params[4]); + return 1; +} + +static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL Key_IsEmpty(AMX *amx, cell *params) +{ + //params[1]: keytable + PPvoid_t Keytable = Find_Keytable(params[1], params[3], amx); + if (Keytable == NULL) return 0; + + //params[2]: key + int strlength; + char *Index = MF_GetAmxString(amx, params[2], 0, &strlength); + + PPvoid_t pointer = JudySLGet(*Keytable, Index, PJE0); + + return (pointer == NULL) ? 1 : 0; +} + +static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL Key_IsFilled(AMX *amx, cell *params) +{ + //params[1]: keytable + PPvoid_t Keytable = Find_Keytable(params[1], params[3], amx); + if (Keytable == NULL) return 0; + + //params[2]: key + int strlength; + char *Index = MF_GetAmxString(amx, params[2], 0, &strlength); + + PPvoid_t pointer = JudySLGet(*Keytable, Index, PJE0); + + return (pointer != NULL) ? 1 : 0; +} + +AMX_NATIVE_INFO keytable_exports[] = { + { "keytable_set_string", Keytable_SetString }, + { "keytable_get_string", Keytable_GetString }, + + { "keytable_set_vector", Keytable_SetVector }, + { "keytable_get_vector", Keytable_GetVector }, + + { "keytable_set_int", Keytable_SetInt }, + { "keytable_get_int", Keytable_GetInt }, + + { "keytable_set_float", Keytable_SetFloat }, + { "keytable_get_float", Keytable_GetFloat }, + + { "keytable_isempty", Key_IsEmpty }, + { "keytable_isfilled", Key_IsFilled }, + + { "keytable_memory", Keytable_Memory }, + + { "keytable_remove", Keytable_Remove }, + + { "keytable_create", Keytable_Create }, + { "keytable_delete", Keytable_Delete }, + { "keytable_clear", Keytable_Clear }, + + { "keytable_next", Keytable_Next }, + { "keytable_prev", Keytable_Prev }, + { "keytable_first", Keytable_First }, + { "keytable_last", Keytable_Last }, + + { "keytable_save", Keytable_Save }, + { "keytable_load", Keytable_Load }, + + { "keytable_save_ascii", Keytable_Save_ASCII }, + + { NULL, NULL } +}; + +#endif \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy.h b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7f953f24 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy.h @@ -0,0 +1,742 @@ +#ifndef _JUDY_INCLUDED +#define _JUDY_INCLUDED +// _________________ +// +// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company +// +// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +// under the term of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +// option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +// _________________ + +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ +// +// HEADER FILE FOR EXPORTED FEATURES IN JUDY LIBRARY, libJudy.* +// +// See the manual entries for details. +// +// Note: This header file uses old-style comments on #-directive lines and +// avoids "()" on macro names in comments for compatibility with older cc -Aa +// and some tools on some platforms. + + +// PLATFORM-SPECIFIC + +#ifdef JU_WIN /* =============================================== */ + +typedef __int8 int8_t; +//typedef __int16 int16_t; +//typedef __int32 int32_t; +typedef __int64 int64_t; + +typedef char uint8_t; +//typedef unsigned __int16 uint16_t; +//typedef unsigned __int32 uint32_t; +typedef unsigned __int64 uint64_t; + +#else /* ================ ! JU_WIN ============================= */ + +// ISO C99: 7.8 Format conversion of integer types +#include /* if this FAILS, try #include */ + +// ISO C99: 7.18 Integer types uint*_t +//#include + +#endif /* ================ ! JU_WIN ============================= */ + +// ISO C99 Standard: 7.20 General utilities +//#include + +// ISO C99 Standard: 7.10/ Sizes of integer types +#include + +#ifdef __cplusplus /* support use by C++ code */ +extern "C" { +#endif + + +// **************************************************************************** +// DECLARE SOME BASE TYPES IN CASE THEY ARE MISSING: +// +// These base types include "const" where appropriate, but only where of +// interest to the caller. For example, a caller cares that a variable passed +// by reference will not be modified, such as, "const void * Pindex", but not +// that the called function internally does not modify the pointer itself, such +// as, "void * const Pindex". +// +// Note that its OK to pass a Pvoid_t to a Pcvoid_t; the latter is the same, +// only constant. Callers need to do this so they can also pass & Pvoid_t to +// PPvoid_t (non-constant). + +#ifndef _PCVOID_T +#define _PCVOID_T +typedef const void * Pcvoid_t; +#endif + +#ifndef _PVOID_T +#define _PVOID_T +typedef void * Pvoid_t; +typedef void ** PPvoid_t; +#endif + +#ifndef _WORD_T +#define _WORD_T +typedef unsigned int Word_t, * PWord_t; // expect 32-bit or 64-bit words. +#endif + +#ifndef NULL +#define NULL 0 +#endif + + +// **************************************************************************** +// SUPPORT FOR ERROR HANDLING: +// +// Judy error numbers: +// +// Note: These are an enum so theres a related typedef, but the numbers are +// spelled out so you can map a number back to its name. + +typedef enum // uint8_t -- but C does not support this type of enum. +{ + +// Note: JU_ERRNO_NONE and JU_ERRNO_FULL are not real errors. They specify +// conditions which are otherwise impossible return values from 32-bit +// Judy1Count, which has 2^32 + 1 valid returns (0..2^32) plus one error +// return. These pseudo-errors support the return values that cannot otherwise +// be unambiguously represented in a 32-bit word, and will never occur on a +// 64-bit system. + + JU_ERRNO_NONE = 0, + JU_ERRNO_FULL = 1, + JU_ERRNO_NFMAX = JU_ERRNO_FULL, + +// JU_ERRNO_NOMEM comes from malloc(3C) when Judy cannot obtain needed memory. +// The system errno value is also set to ENOMEM. This error can be recoverable +// if the calling application frees other memory. +// +// TBD: Currently there is no guarantee the Judy array has no memory leaks +// upon JU_ERRNO_NOMEM. + + JU_ERRNO_NOMEM = 2, + +// Problems with parameters from the calling program: +// +// JU_ERRNO_NULLPPARRAY means PPArray was null; perhaps PArray was passed where +// &PArray was intended. Similarly, JU_ERRNO_NULLPINDEX means PIndex was null; +// perhaps &Index was intended. Also, JU_ERRNO_NONNULLPARRAY, +// JU_ERRNO_NULLPVALUE, and JU_ERRNO_UNSORTED, all added later (hence with +// higher numbers), mean: A non-null array was passed in where a null pointer +// was required; PValue was null; and unsorted indexes were detected. + + JU_ERRNO_NULLPPARRAY = 3, // see above. + JU_ERRNO_NONNULLPARRAY = 10, // see above. + JU_ERRNO_NULLPINDEX = 4, // see above. + JU_ERRNO_NULLPVALUE = 11, // see above. + JU_ERRNO_NOTJUDY1 = 5, // PArray is not to a Judy1 array. + JU_ERRNO_NOTJUDYL = 6, // PArray is not to a JudyL array. + JU_ERRNO_NOTJUDYSL = 7, // PArray is not to a JudySL array. + JU_ERRNO_UNSORTED = 12, // see above. + +// Errors below this point are not recoverable; further tries to access the +// Judy array might result in EFAULT and a core dump: +// +// JU_ERRNO_OVERRUN occurs when Judy detects, upon reallocation, that a block +// of memory in its own freelist was modified since being freed. + + JU_ERRNO_OVERRUN = 8, + +// JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT occurs when Judy detects an impossible value in a Judy data +// structure: +// +// Note: The Judy data structure contains some redundant elements that support +// this type of checking. + + JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT = 9 + +// Warning: At least some C or C++ compilers do not tolerate a trailing comma +// above here. At least we know of one case, in aCC; see JAGad58928. + +} JU_Errno_t; + + +// Judy errno structure: +// +// WARNING: For compatibility with possible future changes, the fields of this +// struct should not be referenced directly. Instead use the macros supplied +// below. + +// This structure should be declared on the stack in a threaded process. + +typedef struct J_UDY_ERROR_STRUCT +{ + JU_Errno_t je_Errno; // one of the enums above. + int je_ErrID; // often an internal source line number. + Word_t je_reserved[4]; // for future backward compatibility. + +} JError_t, * PJError_t; + + +// Related macros: +// +// Fields from error struct: + +#define JU_ERRNO(PJError) ((PJError)->je_Errno) +#define JU_ERRID(PJError) ((PJError)->je_ErrID) + +// For checking return values from various Judy functions: +// +// Note: Define JERR as -1, not as the seemingly more portable (Word_t) +// (~0UL), to avoid a compiler "overflow in implicit constant conversion" +// warning. + +#define JERR (-1) /* functions returning int or Word_t */ +#define PJERR ((Pvoid_t) (~0UL)) /* mainly for use here, see below */ +#define PPJERR ((PPvoid_t) (~0UL)) /* functions that return PPvoid_t */ + +// Convenience macro for when detailed error information (PJError_t) is not +// desired by the caller; a purposely short name: + +#define PJE0 ((PJError_t) NULL) + + +// **************************************************************************** +// JUDY FUNCTIONS: +// +// P_JE is a shorthand for use below: + +#define P_JE PJError_t PJError + +// **************************************************************************** +// JUDY1 FUNCTIONS: + +extern int j__udy1Test( Pvoid_t Pjpm, Word_t Index); +extern int Judy1Test( Pcvoid_t PArray, Word_t Index, P_JE); +extern int Judy1Set( PPvoid_t PPArray, Word_t Index, P_JE); +extern int Judy1SetArray( PPvoid_t PPArray, Word_t Count, + const Word_t * const PIndex, + P_JE); +extern int Judy1Unset( PPvoid_t PPArray, Word_t Index, P_JE); +extern Word_t Judy1Count( Pcvoid_t PArray, Word_t Index1, + Word_t Index2, P_JE); +extern int Judy1ByCount( Pcvoid_t PArray, Word_t Count, + Word_t * PIndex, P_JE); +extern Word_t Judy1FreeArray( PPvoid_t PPArray, P_JE); +extern Word_t Judy1MemUsed( Pcvoid_t PArray); +extern Word_t Judy1MemActive( Pcvoid_t PArray); +extern int Judy1First( Pcvoid_t PArray, Word_t * PIndex, P_JE); +extern int Judy1Next( Pcvoid_t PArray, Word_t * PIndex, P_JE); +extern int j__udy1Next( Pvoid_t Pjpm, Word_t * PIndex); +extern int Judy1Last( Pcvoid_t PArray, Word_t * PIndex, P_JE); +extern int Judy1Prev( Pcvoid_t PArray, Word_t * PIndex, P_JE); +extern int Judy1FirstEmpty( Pcvoid_t PArray, Word_t * PIndex, P_JE); +extern int Judy1NextEmpty( Pcvoid_t PArray, Word_t * PIndex, P_JE); +extern int Judy1LastEmpty( Pcvoid_t PArray, Word_t * PIndex, P_JE); +extern int Judy1PrevEmpty( Pcvoid_t PArray, Word_t * PIndex, P_JE); + +extern PPvoid_t j__udyLGet( Pvoid_t Pjpm, Word_t Index); +extern PPvoid_t JudyLGet( Pcvoid_t PArray, Word_t Index, P_JE); +extern PPvoid_t JudyLIns( PPvoid_t PPArray, Word_t Index, P_JE); +extern int JudyLInsArray( PPvoid_t PPArray, Word_t Count, + const Word_t * const PIndex, + const Word_t * const PValue, + +// **************************************************************************** +// JUDYL FUNCTIONS: + P_JE); +extern int JudyLDel( PPvoid_t PPArray, Word_t Index, P_JE); +extern Word_t JudyLCount( Pcvoid_t PArray, Word_t Index1, + Word_t Index2, P_JE); +extern PPvoid_t JudyLByCount( Pcvoid_t PArray, Word_t Count, + Word_t * PIndex, P_JE); +extern Word_t JudyLFreeArray( PPvoid_t PPArray, P_JE); +extern Word_t JudyLMemUsed( Pcvoid_t PArray); +extern Word_t JudyLMemActive( Pcvoid_t PArray); +extern PPvoid_t JudyLFirst( Pcvoid_t PArray, Word_t * PIndex, P_JE); +extern PPvoid_t JudyLNext( Pcvoid_t PArray, Word_t * PIndex, P_JE); +extern PPvoid_t j__udyLNext( Pvoid_t Pjpm, Word_t * PIndex); +extern PPvoid_t JudyLLast( Pcvoid_t PArray, Word_t * PIndex, P_JE); +extern PPvoid_t JudyLPrev( Pcvoid_t PArray, Word_t * PIndex, P_JE); +extern int JudyLFirstEmpty( Pcvoid_t PArray, Word_t * PIndex, P_JE); +extern int JudyLNextEmpty( Pcvoid_t PArray, Word_t * PIndex, P_JE); +extern int JudyLLastEmpty( Pcvoid_t PArray, Word_t * PIndex, P_JE); +extern int JudyLPrevEmpty( Pcvoid_t PArray, Word_t * PIndex, P_JE); + +// **************************************************************************** +// JUDYSL FUNCTIONS: + +extern PPvoid_t JudySLGet( Pcvoid_t, const uint8_t * Index, P_JE); +extern PPvoid_t JudySLIns( PPvoid_t, const uint8_t * Index, P_JE); +extern int JudySLDel( PPvoid_t, const uint8_t * Index, P_JE); +extern Word_t JudySLFreeArray( PPvoid_t, P_JE); +extern PPvoid_t JudySLFirst( Pcvoid_t, uint8_t * Index, P_JE); +extern PPvoid_t JudySLNext( Pcvoid_t, uint8_t * Index, P_JE); +extern PPvoid_t JudySLLast( Pcvoid_t, uint8_t * Index, P_JE); +extern PPvoid_t JudySLPrev( Pcvoid_t, uint8_t * Index, P_JE); + +// **************************************************************************** +// JUDYHSL FUNCTIONS: + +extern PPvoid_t JudyHSGet( Pcvoid_t, void *, Word_t); +extern PPvoid_t JudyHSIns( PPvoid_t, void *, Word_t, P_JE); +extern int JudyHSDel( PPvoid_t, void *, Word_t, P_JE); +extern Word_t JudyHSFreeArray( PPvoid_t, P_JE); + +extern const char *Judy1MallocSizes; +extern const char *JudyLMallocSizes; + +// **************************************************************************** +// JUDY memory interface to malloc() FUNCTIONS: + +extern Word_t JudyMalloc(Word_t); // words reqd => words allocd. +extern Word_t JudyMallocVirtual(Word_t); // words reqd => words allocd. +extern void JudyFree(Pvoid_t, Word_t); // free, size in words. +extern void JudyFreeVirtual(Pvoid_t, Word_t); // free, size in words. + +#define JLAP_INVALID 0x1 /* flag to mark pointer "not a Judy array" */ + +// **************************************************************************** +// MACRO EQUIVALENTS FOR JUDY FUNCTIONS: +// +// The following macros, such as J1T, are shorthands for calling Judy functions +// with parameter address-of and detailed error checking included. Since they +// are macros, the error checking code is replicated each time the macro is +// used, but it runs fast in the normal case of no error. +// +// If the caller does not like the way the default JUDYERROR macro handles +// errors (such as an exit(1) call when out of memory), they may define their +// own before the "#include ". A routine such as HandleJudyError +// could do checking on specific error numbers and print a different message +// dependent on the error. The following is one example: +// +// Note: the back-slashes are removed because some compilers will not accept +// them in comments. +// +// void HandleJudyError(uint8_t *, int, uint8_t *, int, int); +// #define JUDYERROR(CallerFile, CallerLine, JudyFunc, JudyErrno, JudyErrID) +// { +// HandleJudyError(CallerFile, CallerLine, JudyFunc, JudyErrno, JudyErrID); +// } +// +// The routine HandleJudyError could do checking on specific error numbers and +// print a different message dependent on the error. +// +// The macro receives five parameters that are: +// +// 1. CallerFile: Source filename where a Judy call returned a serious error. +// 2. CallerLine: Line number in that source file. +// 3. JudyFunc: Name of Judy function reporting the error. +// 4. JudyErrno: One of the JU_ERRNO* values enumerated above. +// 5. JudyErrID: The je_ErrID field described above. + +#ifndef JUDYERROR_NOTEST +#ifndef JUDYERROR /* supply a default error macro */ +#include + +#define JUDYERROR(CallerFile, CallerLine, JudyFunc, JudyErrno, JudyErrID) \ + { \ + (void) fprintf(stderr, "File '%s', line %d: %s(), " \ + "JU_ERRNO_* == %d, ID == %d\n", \ + CallerFile, CallerLine, \ + JudyFunc, JudyErrno, JudyErrID); \ + exit(1); \ + } + +#endif /* JUDYERROR */ +#endif /* JUDYERROR_NOTEST */ + +// If the JUDYERROR macro is not desired at all, then the following eliminates +// it. However, the return code from each Judy function (that is, the first +// parameter of each macro) must be checked by the caller to assure that an +// error did not occur. +// +// Example: +// +// #define JUDYERROR_NOTEST 1 +// #include +// +// or use this cc option at compile time: +// +// cc -DJUDYERROR_NOTEST ... +// +// Example code: +// +// J1S(Rc, PArray, Index); +// if (Rc == JERR) goto ...error +// +// or: +// +// JLI(PValue, PArray, Index); +// if (PValue == PJERR) goto ...error + + +// Internal shorthand macros for writing the J1S, etc. macros: + +#ifdef JUDYERROR_NOTEST /* ============================================ */ + +// "Judy Set Error": + +#define J_SE(FuncName,Errno) ((void) 0) + +// Note: In each J_*() case below, the digit is the number of key parameters +// to the Judy*() call. Just assign the Func result to the callers Rc value +// without a cast because none is required, and this keeps the API simpler. +// However, a family of different J_*() macros is needed to support the +// different numbers of key parameters (0,1,2) and the Func return type. +// +// In the names below, "I" = integer result; "P" = pointer result. Note, the +// Funcs for J_*P() return PPvoid_t, but cast this to a Pvoid_t for flexible, +// error-free assignment, and then compare to PJERR. + +#define J_0I(Rc,PArray,Func,FuncName) \ + { (Rc) = Func(PArray, PJE0); } + +#define J_1I(Rc,PArray,Index,Func,FuncName) \ + { (Rc) = Func(PArray, Index, PJE0); } + +#define J_1P(PV,PArray,Index,Func,FuncName) \ + { (PV) = (Pvoid_t) Func(PArray, Index, PJE0); } + +#define J_2I(Rc,PArray,Index,Arg2,Func,FuncName) \ + { (Rc) = Func(PArray, Index, Arg2, PJE0); } + +#define J_2C(Rc,PArray,Index1,Index2,Func,FuncName) \ + { (Rc) = Func(PArray, Index1, Index2, PJE0); } + +#define J_2P(PV,PArray,Index,Arg2,Func,FuncName) \ + { (PV) = (Pvoid_t) Func(PArray, Index, Arg2, PJE0); } + +// Variations for Judy*Set/InsArray functions: + +#define J_2AI(Rc,PArray,Count,PIndex,Func,FuncName) \ + { (Rc) = Func(PArray, Count, PIndex, PJE0); } +#define J_3AI(Rc,PArray,Count,PIndex,PValue,Func,FuncName) \ + { (Rc) = Func(PArray, Count, PIndex, PValue, PJE0); } + +#else /* ================ ! JUDYERROR_NOTEST ============================= */ + +#define J_E(FuncName,PJE) \ + JUDYERROR(__FILE__, __LINE__, FuncName, JU_ERRNO(PJE), JU_ERRID(PJE)) + +#define J_SE(FuncName,Errno) \ + { \ + JError_t J_Error; \ + JU_ERRNO(&J_Error) = (Errno); \ + JU_ERRID(&J_Error) = __LINE__; \ + J_E(FuncName, &J_Error); \ + } + +// Note: In each J_*() case below, the digit is the number of key parameters +// to the Judy*() call. Just assign the Func result to the callers Rc value +// without a cast because none is required, and this keeps the API simpler. +// However, a family of different J_*() macros is needed to support the +// different numbers of key parameters (0,1,2) and the Func return type. +// +// In the names below, "I" = integer result; "P" = pointer result. Note, the +// Funcs for J_*P() return PPvoid_t, but cast this to a Pvoid_t for flexible, +// error-free assignment, and then compare to PJERR. + +#define J_0I(Rc,PArray,Func,FuncName) \ + { \ + JError_t J_Error; \ + if (((Rc) = Func(PArray, &J_Error)) == JERR) \ + J_E(FuncName, &J_Error); \ + } + +#define J_1I(Rc,PArray,Index,Func,FuncName) \ + { \ + JError_t J_Error; \ + if (((Rc) = Func(PArray, Index, &J_Error)) == JERR) \ + J_E(FuncName, &J_Error); \ + } + +#define J_1P(Rc,PArray,Index,Func,FuncName) \ + { \ + JError_t J_Error; \ + if (((Rc) = (Pvoid_t) Func(PArray, Index, &J_Error)) == PJERR) \ + J_E(FuncName, &J_Error); \ + } + +#define J_2I(Rc,PArray,Index,Arg2,Func,FuncName) \ + { \ + JError_t J_Error; \ + if (((Rc) = Func(PArray, Index, Arg2, &J_Error)) == JERR) \ + J_E(FuncName, &J_Error); \ + } + +// Variation for Judy*Count functions, which return 0, not JERR, for error (and +// also for other non-error cases): +// +// Note: JU_ERRNO_NFMAX should only apply to 32-bit Judy1, but this header +// file lacks the necessary ifdefs to make it go away otherwise, so always +// check against it. + +#define J_2C(Rc,PArray,Index1,Index2,Func,FuncName) \ + { \ + JError_t J_Error; \ + if ((((Rc) = Func(PArray, Index1, Index2, &J_Error)) == 0) \ + && (JU_ERRNO(&J_Error) > JU_ERRNO_NFMAX)) \ + { \ + J_E(FuncName, &J_Error); \ + } \ + } + +#define J_2P(PV,PArray,Index,Arg2,Func,FuncName) \ + { \ + JError_t J_Error; \ + if (((PV) = (Pvoid_t) Func(PArray, Index, Arg2, &J_Error)) \ + == PJERR) J_E(FuncName, &J_Error); \ + } + +// Variations for Judy*Set/InsArray functions: + +#define J_2AI(Rc,PArray,Count,PIndex,Func,FuncName) \ + { \ + JError_t J_Error; \ + if (((Rc) = Func(PArray, Count, PIndex, &J_Error)) == JERR) \ + J_E(FuncName, &J_Error); \ + } + +#define J_3AI(Rc,PArray,Count,PIndex,PValue,Func,FuncName) \ + { \ + JError_t J_Error; \ + if (((Rc) = Func(PArray, Count, PIndex, PValue, &J_Error)) \ + == JERR) J_E(FuncName, &J_Error); \ + } + +#endif /* ================ ! JUDYERROR_NOTEST ============================= */ + +// Some of the macros are special cases that use inlined shortcuts for speed +// with root-level leaves: + +// This is a slower version with current processors, but in the future... +#ifdef notdef +#define J1T(Rc,PArray,Index) \ +{ \ + PWord_t P_L = (PWord_t)(PArray); \ + (Rc) = 0; \ + if (P_L) /* cannot be a NULL pointer */ \ + { \ + if (P_L[0] < 31) /* is a LeafL */ \ + { \ + Word_t _pop1 = P_L[0] + 1; \ + PWord_t P_LE = P_L + _pop1; \ + Word_t _index = 0; \ + int ii = 0; \ + P_L++; \ + while (_pop1 > 4) \ + { \ + _pop1 /=2; \ + _index = P_L[_pop1]; \ + if ((Index) > _index) P_L += _pop1 + 1; \ + } \ + while (P_L <= P_LE) \ + { \ + ii++; \ + _index = P_L[0]; \ + if (_index >= (Index)) break; \ + P_L++; \ + } \ + if (_index == (Index)) (Rc) = 1; \ + } \ + else \ + { \ + (Rc) = j__udy1Test((Pvoid_t)P_L, (Index)); \ + } \ + } \ +} +#endif // notdef + +#define J1T(Rc,PArray,Index) \ +{ \ + PWord_t P_L = (PWord_t)(PArray); \ + (Rc) = 0; \ + if (P_L) /* cannot be a NULL pointer */ \ + { \ + if (P_L[0] < 31) /* is a LeafL */ \ + { \ + Word_t _pop1 = P_L[0] + 1; \ + Word_t _EIndex = P_L[_pop1]; \ + if (_pop1 >= 16) \ + { \ + if ((Index) > P_L[_pop1/2]) P_L += _pop1/2; \ + } \ + if ((Index) <= _EIndex) \ + { \ + while((Index) > *(++P_L)); \ + if (*P_L == (Index)) (Rc) = 1; \ + } \ + } \ + else \ + { \ + (Rc) = j__udy1Test((Pvoid_t)P_L, Index); \ + } \ + } \ +} + +#define J1S( Rc, PArray, Index) \ + J_1I(Rc, (&(PArray)), Index, Judy1Set, "Judy1Set") +#define J1SA(Rc, PArray, Count, PIndex) \ + J_2AI(Rc,(&(PArray)), Count, PIndex, Judy1SetArray, "Judy1SetArray") +#define J1U( Rc, PArray, Index) \ + J_1I(Rc, (&(PArray)), Index, Judy1Unset, "Judy1Unset") +#define J1F( Rc, PArray, Index) \ + J_1I(Rc, PArray, &(Index), Judy1First, "Judy1First") +#define J1N( Rc, PArray, Index) \ + J_1I(Rc, PArray, &(Index), Judy1Next, "Judy1Next") +#define J1L( Rc, PArray, Index) \ + J_1I(Rc, PArray, &(Index), Judy1Last, "Judy1Last") +#define J1P( Rc, PArray, Index) \ + J_1I(Rc, PArray, &(Index), Judy1Prev, "Judy1Prev") +#define J1FE(Rc, PArray, Index) \ + J_1I(Rc, PArray, &(Index), Judy1FirstEmpty, "Judy1FirstEmpty") +#define J1NE(Rc, PArray, Index) \ + J_1I(Rc, PArray, &(Index), Judy1NextEmpty, "Judy1NextEmpty") +#define J1LE(Rc, PArray, Index) \ + J_1I(Rc, PArray, &(Index), Judy1LastEmpty, "Judy1LastEmpty") +#define J1PE(Rc, PArray, Index) \ + J_1I(Rc, PArray, &(Index), Judy1PrevEmpty, "Judy1PrevEmpty") +#define J1C( Rc, PArray, Index1, Index2) \ + J_2C(Rc, PArray, Index1, Index2, Judy1Count, "Judy1Count") +#define J1BC(Rc, PArray, Count, Index) \ + J_2I(Rc, PArray, Count, &(Index), Judy1ByCount, "Judy1ByCount") +#define J1FA(Rc, PArray) \ + J_0I(Rc, (&(PArray)), Judy1FreeArray, "Judy1FreeArray") +#define J1MU(Rc, PArray) \ + (Rc) = Judy1MemUsed(PArray) + +#define JLG(PV,PArray,Index) \ +{ \ + extern const uint8_t j__L_LeafWOffset[]; \ + PWord_t P_L = (PWord_t)(PArray); \ + (PV) = (Pvoid_t) NULL; \ + if (P_L) /* cannot be a NULL pointer */ \ + { \ + if (P_L[0] < 31) /* is a LeafL */ \ + { \ + Word_t _pop1 = P_L[0] + 1; \ + Word_t _EIndex = P_L[_pop1]; \ + Word_t _off = j__L_LeafWOffset[_pop1] - 1; \ + if (_pop1 >= 16) \ + { \ + if ((Index) > P_L[_pop1/2]) P_L += _pop1/2; \ + } \ + if ((Index) <= _EIndex) \ + { \ + while((Index) > *(++P_L)); \ + if (*P_L == (Index)) (PV) = (Pvoid_t)(P_L+_off);\ + } \ + } \ + else \ + { \ + (PV) = (Pvoid_t)j__udyLGet((Pvoid_t)P_L, Index); \ + } \ + } \ +} + +#define JLI( PV, PArray, Index) \ + J_1P(PV, (&(PArray)), Index, JudyLIns, "JudyLIns") + +#define JLIA(Rc, PArray, Count, PIndex, PValue) \ + J_3AI(Rc,(&(PArray)), Count, PIndex, PValue, JudyLInsArray, \ + "JudyLInsArray") +#define JLD( Rc, PArray, Index) \ + J_1I(Rc, (&(PArray)), Index, JudyLDel, "JudyLDel") + +#define JLF( PV, PArray, Index) \ + J_1P(PV, PArray, &(Index), JudyLFirst, "JudyLFirst") + +#define JLN(PV,PArray,Index) \ +{ \ + extern const uint8_t j__L_LeafWOffset[]; \ + PWord_t P_L = (PWord_t) (PArray); \ + \ + (PV) = (Pvoid_t) NULL; \ + \ + if (P_L) /* cannot be a NULL pointer */ \ + { \ + if (P_L[0] < 31) /* is a LeafL */ \ + { \ + Word_t _pop1 = P_L[0] + 1; \ + Word_t _off = j__L_LeafWOffset[_pop1] -1; \ + if ((Index) < P_L[_pop1]) \ + { \ + while(1) \ + { \ + if ((Index) < *(++P_L)) \ + { \ + (Index) = *P_L; \ + (PV) = (Pvoid_t) (P_L + _off); \ + break; \ + } \ + } \ + } \ + } \ + else \ + { \ + (PV) = (Pvoid_t)JudyLNext((Pvoid_t) PArray, &(Index), PJE0); \ + } \ + } \ +} + +#define JLL( PV, PArray, Index) \ + J_1P(PV, PArray, &(Index), JudyLLast, "JudyLLast") +#define JLP( PV, PArray, Index) \ + J_1P(PV, PArray, &(Index), JudyLPrev, "JudyLPrev") +#define JLFE(Rc, PArray, Index) \ + J_1I(Rc, PArray, &(Index), JudyLFirstEmpty, "JudyLFirstEmpty") +#define JLNE(Rc, PArray, Index) \ + J_1I(Rc, PArray, &(Index), JudyLNextEmpty, "JudyLNextEmpty") +#define JLLE(Rc, PArray, Index) \ + J_1I(Rc, PArray, &(Index), JudyLLastEmpty, "JudyLLastEmpty") +#define JLPE(Rc, PArray, Index) \ + J_1I(Rc, PArray, &(Index), JudyLPrevEmpty, "JudyLPrevEmpty") +#define JLC( Rc, PArray, Index1, Index2) \ + J_2C(Rc, PArray, Index1, Index2, JudyLCount, "JudyLCount") +#define JLBC(PV, PArray, Count, Index) \ + J_2P(PV, PArray, Count, &(Index), JudyLByCount, "JudyLByCount") +#define JLFA(Rc, PArray) \ + J_0I(Rc, (&(PArray)), JudyLFreeArray, "JudyLFreeArray") +#define JLMU(Rc, PArray) \ + (Rc) = JudyLMemUsed(PArray) + +#define JHSI(PV, PArray, PIndex, Count) \ + J_2P(PV, (&(PArray)), PIndex, Count, JudyHSIns, "JudyHSIns") +#define JHSG(PV, PArray, PIndex, Count) \ + (PV) = (Pvoid_t) JudyHSGet(PArray, PIndex, Count) +#define JHSD(Rc, PArray, PIndex, Count) \ + J_2I(Rc, (&(PArray)), PIndex, Count, JudyHSDel, "JudyHSDel") +#define JHSFA(Rc, PArray) \ + J_0I(Rc, (&(PArray)), JudyHSFreeArray, "JudyHSFreeArray") + +#define JSLG( PV, PArray, Index) \ + J_1P( PV, PArray, Index, JudySLGet, "JudySLGet") +#define JSLI( PV, PArray, Index) \ + J_1P( PV, (&(PArray)), Index, JudySLIns, "JudySLIns") +#define JSLD( Rc, PArray, Index) \ + J_1I( Rc, (&(PArray)), Index, JudySLDel, "JudySLDel") +#define JSLF( PV, PArray, Index) \ + J_1P( PV, PArray, Index, JudySLFirst, "JudySLFirst") +#define JSLN( PV, PArray, Index) \ + J_1P( PV, PArray, Index, JudySLNext, "JudySLNext") +#define JSLL( PV, PArray, Index) \ + J_1P( PV, PArray, Index, JudySLLast, "JudySLLast") +#define JSLP( PV, PArray, Index) \ + J_1P( PV, PArray, Index, JudySLPrev, "JudySLPrev") +#define JSLFA(Rc, PArray) \ + J_0I( Rc, (&(PArray)), JudySLFreeArray, "JudySLFreeArray") + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif +#endif /* ! _JUDY_INCLUDED */ diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy.h.check.c b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy.h.check.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..78c6c09c --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy.h.check.c @@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ +// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company +// +// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +// under the term of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +// option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +// _________________ + +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ +// +// Fake "program" to test the exports in Judy.h by exercising each one. This +// program should compile OK (with libJudy.a) but does not run OK. + +#include "Judy.h" + +int +main() +{ + Pvoid_t PArray = (Pvoid_t) NULL; + PPvoid_t PPArray = &PArray; + Word_t Index = 0; + PWord_t PIndex = &Index; + uint8_t *CIndex = NULL; + PPvoid_t PPvoid; + Word_t myword; + Word_t Length; + int myint; + +// JUDY FUNCTIONS: + + myint = Judy1Test ( PArray, Index, PJE0); + myint = Judy1Set (PPArray, Index, PJE0); + myint = Judy1SetArray (PPArray, Index, &Index, PJE0); + myint = Judy1Unset (PPArray, Index, PJE0); + myword = Judy1Count ( PArray, Index, Index, PJE0); + myint = Judy1ByCount ( PArray, Index, PIndex, PJE0); + myword = Judy1FreeArray (PPArray, PJE0); + myword = Judy1MemUsed ( PArray ); + myword = Judy1MemActive ( PArray ); + myint = Judy1First ( PArray, PIndex, PJE0); + myint = Judy1Next ( PArray, PIndex, PJE0); + myint = Judy1Last ( PArray, PIndex, PJE0); + myint = Judy1Prev ( PArray, PIndex, PJE0); + myint = Judy1FirstEmpty ( PArray, PIndex, PJE0); + myint = Judy1NextEmpty ( PArray, PIndex, PJE0); + myint = Judy1LastEmpty ( PArray, PIndex, PJE0); + myint = Judy1PrevEmpty ( PArray, PIndex, PJE0); + + PPvoid = JudyLGet ( PArray, Index, PJE0); + PPvoid = JudyLIns (PPArray, Index, PJE0); + myint = JudyLInsArray (PPArray, Index, &Index, &Index, PJE0); + myint = JudyLDel (PPArray, Index, PJE0); + myword = JudyLCount ( PArray, Index, Index, PJE0); + PPvoid = JudyLByCount ( PArray, Index, PIndex, PJE0); + myword = JudyLFreeArray (PPArray, PJE0); + myword = JudyLMemUsed ( PArray ); + myword = JudyLMemActive ( PArray ); + PPvoid = JudyLFirst ( PArray, PIndex, PJE0); + PPvoid = JudyLNext ( PArray, PIndex, PJE0); + PPvoid = JudyLLast ( PArray, PIndex, PJE0); + PPvoid = JudyLPrev ( PArray, PIndex, PJE0); + myint = JudyLFirstEmpty ( PArray, PIndex, PJE0); + myint = JudyLNextEmpty ( PArray, PIndex, PJE0); + myint = JudyLLastEmpty ( PArray, PIndex, PJE0); + myint = JudyLPrevEmpty ( PArray, PIndex, PJE0); + + PPvoid = JudySLGet ( PArray, CIndex, PJE0); + PPvoid = JudySLIns (PPArray, CIndex, PJE0); + myint = JudySLDel (PPArray, CIndex, PJE0); + myword = JudySLFreeArray (PPArray, PJE0); + PPvoid = JudySLFirst ( PArray, CIndex, PJE0); + PPvoid = JudySLNext ( PArray, CIndex, PJE0); + PPvoid = JudySLLast ( PArray, CIndex, PJE0); + PPvoid = JudySLPrev ( PArray, CIndex, PJE0); + + PPvoid = JudyHSGet ( PArray, CIndex, Length); + PPvoid = JudyHSIns (PPArray, CIndex, Length, PJE0); + myint = JudyHSDel (PPArray, CIndex, Length, PJE0); + + +// MACRO EQUIVALENTS: + + J1T (myint, PArray, Index); + J1S (myint, PArray, Index); + J1SA (myint, PArray, Index, &Index); + J1U (myint, PArray, Index); + J1F (myint, PArray, Index); + J1N (myint, PArray, Index); + J1L (myint, PArray, Index); + J1P (myint, PArray, Index); + J1FE (myint, PArray, Index); + J1NE (myint, PArray, Index); + J1LE (myint, PArray, Index); + J1PE (myint, PArray, Index); + J1C (myword, PArray, Index, Index); + J1BC (myint, PArray, Index, Index); + J1FA (myword, PArray); + + JLG (PPvoid, PArray, Index); + JLI (PPvoid, PArray, Index); + JLIA (myint, PArray, Index, &Index, &Index); + JLD (myint, PArray, Index); + JLF (PPvoid, PArray, Index); + JLN (PPvoid, PArray, Index); + JLL (PPvoid, PArray, Index); + JLP (PPvoid, PArray, Index); + JLFE (myint, PArray, Index); + JLNE (myint, PArray, Index); + JLLE (myint, PArray, Index); + JLPE (myint, PArray, Index); + JLC (myword, PArray, Index, Index); + JLBC (PPvoid, PArray, myword, Index); + JLFA (myword, PArray); + + JSLG (PPvoid, PArray, CIndex); + JSLI (PPvoid, PArray, CIndex); + JSLD (myint, PArray, CIndex); + JSLF (PPvoid, PArray, CIndex); + JSLN (PPvoid, PArray, CIndex); + JSLL (PPvoid, PArray, CIndex); + JSLP (PPvoid, PArray, CIndex); + JSLFA (myword, PArray); + + JHSI (PPvoid, PArray, CIndex, Length); + JHSG (PPvoid, PArray, CIndex, Length); + JHSD (myint, PArray, CIndex, Length); + + return(0); + +} // main() diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy.lib b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy.lib new file mode 100644 index 00000000..77a8964d Binary files /dev/null and b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy.lib differ diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Judy1.h b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Judy1.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..67d46f61 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Judy1.h @@ -0,0 +1,551 @@ +#ifndef _JUDY1_INCLUDED +#define _JUDY1_INCLUDED +// _________________ +// +// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company +// +// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +// under the term of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +// option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +// _________________ + +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ + +// **************************************************************************** +// JUDY1 -- SMALL/LARGE AND/OR CLUSTERED/SPARSE BIT ARRAYS +// +// -by- +// +// Douglas L. Baskins +// doug@sourcejudy.com +// +// Judy arrays are designed to be used instead of arrays. The performance +// suggests the reason why Judy arrays are thought of as arrays, instead of +// trees. They are remarkably memory efficient at all populations. +// Implemented as a hybrid digital tree (but really a state machine, see +// below), Judy arrays feature fast insert/retrievals, fast near neighbor +// searching, and contain a population tree for extremely fast ordinal related +// retrievals. +// +// CONVENTIONS: +// +// - The comments here refer to 32-bit [64-bit] systems. +// +// - BranchL, LeafL refer to linear branches and leaves (small populations), +// except LeafL does not actually appear as such; rather, Leaf1..3 [Leaf1..7] +// is used to represent leaf Index sizes, and LeafW refers to a Leaf with +// full (long) word Indexes, which is also a type of linear leaf. Note that +// root-level LeafW (Leaf4 [Leaf8]) leaves are also called LEAFW. +// +// - BranchB, LeafB1 refer to bitmap branches and leaves (intermediate +// populations). +// +// - BranchU refers to uncompressed branches. An uncompressed branch has 256 +// JPs, some of which could be null. Note: All leaves are compressed (and +// sorted), or else an expanse is full (FullPopu), so there is no LeafU +// equivalent to BranchU. +// +// - "Popu" is short for "Population". +// - "Pop1" refers to actual population (base 1). +// - "Pop0" refers to Pop1 - 1 (base 0), the way populations are stored in data +// structures. +// +// - Branches and Leaves are both named by the number of bytes in their Pop0 +// field. In the case of Leaves, the same number applies to the Index sizes. +// +// - The representation of many numbers as hex is a relatively safe and +// portable way to get desired bitpatterns as unsigned longs. +// +// - Some preprocessors cant handle single apostrophe characters within +// #ifndef code, so here, use delete all instead. + +#include "JudyPrivate.h" // includes Judy.h in turn. +#include "JudyPrivateBranch.h" + + +// **************************************************************************** +// JUDY1 ROOT POINTER (JRP) AND JUDY1 POINTER (JP) TYPE FIELDS +// **************************************************************************** +// +// The following enum lists all possible JP Type fields. + +typedef enum // uint8_t -- but C does not support this type of enum. +{ + +// JP NULL TYPES: +// +// There is a series of cJ1_JPNULL* Types because each one pre-records a +// different Index Size for when the first Index is inserted in the previously +// null JP. They must start >= 8 (three bits). +// +// Note: These Types must be in sequential order for doing relative +// calculations between them. + + cJ1_JPNULL1 = 1, + // Index Size 1[1] byte when 1 Index inserted. + cJ1_JPNULL2, // Index Size 2[2] bytes when 1 Index inserted. + cJ1_JPNULL3, // Index Size 3[3] bytes when 1 Index inserted. + +#ifndef JU_64BIT +#define cJ1_JPNULLMAX cJ1_JPNULL3 +#else + cJ1_JPNULL4, // Index Size 4[4] bytes when 1 Index inserted. + cJ1_JPNULL5, // Index Size 5[5] bytes when 1 Index inserted. + cJ1_JPNULL6, // Index Size 6[6] bytes when 1 Index inserted. + cJ1_JPNULL7, // Index Size 7[7] bytes when 1 Index inserted. +#define cJ1_JPNULLMAX cJ1_JPNULL7 +#endif + + +// JP BRANCH TYPES: +// +// Note: There are no state-1 branches; only leaves reside at state 1. + +// Linear branches: +// +// Note: These Types must be in sequential order for doing relative +// calculations between them. + + cJ1_JPBRANCH_L2, // 2[2] bytes Pop0, 1[5] bytes Dcd. + cJ1_JPBRANCH_L3, // 3[3] bytes Pop0, 0[4] bytes Dcd. + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + cJ1_JPBRANCH_L4, // [4] bytes Pop0, [3] bytes Dcd. + cJ1_JPBRANCH_L5, // [5] bytes Pop0, [2] bytes Dcd. + cJ1_JPBRANCH_L6, // [6] bytes Pop0, [1] byte Dcd. + cJ1_JPBRANCH_L7, // [7] bytes Pop0, [0] bytes Dcd. +#endif + + cJ1_JPBRANCH_L, // note: DcdPopO field not used. + +// Bitmap branches: +// +// Note: These Types must be in sequential order for doing relative +// calculations between them. + + cJ1_JPBRANCH_B2, // 2[2] bytes Pop0, 1[5] bytes Dcd. + cJ1_JPBRANCH_B3, // 3[3] bytes Pop0, 0[4] bytes Dcd. + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + cJ1_JPBRANCH_B4, // [4] bytes Pop0, [3] bytes Dcd. + cJ1_JPBRANCH_B5, // [5] bytes Pop0, [2] bytes Dcd. + cJ1_JPBRANCH_B6, // [6] bytes Pop0, [1] byte Dcd. + cJ1_JPBRANCH_B7, // [7] bytes Pop0, [0] bytes Dcd. +#endif + + cJ1_JPBRANCH_B, // note: DcdPopO field not used. + +// Uncompressed branches: +// +// Note: These Types must be in sequential order for doing relative +// calculations between them. + + cJ1_JPBRANCH_U2, // 2[2] bytes Pop0, 1[5] bytes Dcd. + cJ1_JPBRANCH_U3, // 3[3] bytes Pop0, 0[4] bytes Dcd. + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + cJ1_JPBRANCH_U4, // [4] bytes Pop0, [3] bytes Dcd. + cJ1_JPBRANCH_U5, // [5] bytes Pop0, [2] bytes Dcd. + cJ1_JPBRANCH_U6, // [6] bytes Pop0, [1] byte Dcd. + cJ1_JPBRANCH_U7, // [7] bytes Pop0, [0] bytes Dcd. +#endif + + cJ1_JPBRANCH_U, // note: DcdPopO field not used. + + +// JP LEAF TYPES: + +// Linear leaves: +// +// Note: These Types must be in sequential order for doing relative +// calculations between them. +// +// Note: There is no cJ1_JPLEAF1 for 64-bit for a subtle reason. An immediate +// JP can hold 15 1-byte Indexes, and a bitmap leaf would be used for 17 +// Indexes, so rather than support a linear leaf for only the case of exactly +// 16 Indexes, a bitmap leaf is used in that case. See also below regarding +// cJ1_LEAF1_MAXPOP1 on 64-bit systems. +// +// Note: There is no full-word (4-byte [8-byte]) Index leaf under a JP because +// non-root-state leaves only occur under branches that decode at least one +// byte. Full-word, root-state leaves are under a JRP, not a JP. However, in +// the code a "fake" JP can be created temporarily above a root-state leaf. + +#ifndef JU_64BIT // 32-bit only; see above. + cJ1_JPLEAF1, // 1 byte Pop0, 2 bytes Dcd. +#endif + + cJ1_JPLEAF2, // 2[2] bytes Pop0, 1[5] bytes Dcd. + cJ1_JPLEAF3, // 3[3] bytes Pop0, 0[4] bytes Dcd. + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + cJ1_JPLEAF4, // [4] bytes Pop0, [3] bytes Dcd. + cJ1_JPLEAF5, // [5] bytes Pop0, [2] bytes Dcd. + cJ1_JPLEAF6, // [6] bytes Pop0, [1] byte Dcd. + cJ1_JPLEAF7, // [7] bytes Pop0, [0] bytes Dcd. +#endif + +// Bitmap leaf; Index Size == 1: +// +// Note: These are currently only supported at state 1. At other states the +// bitmap would grow from 256 to 256^2, 256^3, ... bits, which would not be +// efficient.. + + cJ1_JPLEAF_B1, // 1[1] byte Pop0, 2[6] bytes Dcd. + + +// Full population; Index Size == 1 virtual leaf: +// +// Note: These are currently only supported at state 1. At other states they +// could be used, but they would be rare and the savings are dubious. + + cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1, // 1[1] byte Pop0, 2[6] bytes Dcd. + +#ifdef notdef // for future enhancements + cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m1, // Full Population - 1 + cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m2, // Full Population - 2 + cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m3, // Full Population - 3 + cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m4, // Full Population - 4 + cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m5, // Full Population - 5 + cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m6, // Full Population - 6 + cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m7, // Full Population - 7 + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m8, // Full Population - 8 + cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m9, // Full Population - 9 + cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m10, // Full Population - 10 + cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m11, // Full Population - 11 + cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m12, // Full Population - 12 + cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m13, // Full Population - 13 + cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m14, // Full Population - 14 + cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m15, // Full Population - 15 +#endif +#endif // notdef -- for future enhancements + + +// JP IMMEDIATES; leaves (Indexes) stored inside a JP: +// +// The second numeric suffix is the Pop1 for each type. As the Index Size +// increases, the maximum possible population decreases. +// +// Note: These Types must be in sequential order in each group (Index Size), +// and the groups in correct order too, for doing relative calculations between +// them. For example, since these Types enumerate the Pop1 values (unlike +// other JP Types where there is a Pop0 value in the JP), the maximum Pop1 for +// each Index Size is computable. + + cJ1_JPIMMED_1_01, // Index Size = 1, Pop1 = 1. + cJ1_JPIMMED_2_01, // Index Size = 2, Pop1 = 1. + cJ1_JPIMMED_3_01, // Index Size = 3, Pop1 = 1. +#ifdef JU_64BIT + cJ1_JPIMMED_4_01, // Index Size = 4, Pop1 = 1. + cJ1_JPIMMED_5_01, // Index Size = 5, Pop1 = 1. + cJ1_JPIMMED_6_01, // Index Size = 6, Pop1 = 1. + cJ1_JPIMMED_7_01, // Index Size = 7, Pop1 = 1. +#endif + + cJ1_JPIMMED_1_02, // Index Size = 1, Pop1 = 2. + cJ1_JPIMMED_1_03, // Index Size = 1, Pop1 = 3. + cJ1_JPIMMED_1_04, // Index Size = 1, Pop1 = 4. + cJ1_JPIMMED_1_05, // Index Size = 1, Pop1 = 5. + cJ1_JPIMMED_1_06, // Index Size = 1, Pop1 = 6. + cJ1_JPIMMED_1_07, // Index Size = 1, Pop1 = 7. + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + cJ1_JPIMMED_1_08, // Index Size = 1, Pop1 = 8. + cJ1_JPIMMED_1_09, // Index Size = 1, Pop1 = 9. + cJ1_JPIMMED_1_10, // Index Size = 1, Pop1 = 10. + cJ1_JPIMMED_1_11, // Index Size = 1, Pop1 = 11. + cJ1_JPIMMED_1_12, // Index Size = 1, Pop1 = 12. + cJ1_JPIMMED_1_13, // Index Size = 1, Pop1 = 13. + cJ1_JPIMMED_1_14, // Index Size = 1, Pop1 = 14. + cJ1_JPIMMED_1_15, // Index Size = 1, Pop1 = 15. +#endif + + cJ1_JPIMMED_2_02, // Index Size = 2, Pop1 = 2. + cJ1_JPIMMED_2_03, // Index Size = 2, Pop1 = 3. + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + cJ1_JPIMMED_2_04, // Index Size = 2, Pop1 = 4. + cJ1_JPIMMED_2_05, // Index Size = 2, Pop1 = 5. + cJ1_JPIMMED_2_06, // Index Size = 2, Pop1 = 6. + cJ1_JPIMMED_2_07, // Index Size = 2, Pop1 = 7. +#endif + + cJ1_JPIMMED_3_02, // Index Size = 3, Pop1 = 2. + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + cJ1_JPIMMED_3_03, // Index Size = 3, Pop1 = 3. + cJ1_JPIMMED_3_04, // Index Size = 3, Pop1 = 4. + cJ1_JPIMMED_3_05, // Index Size = 3, Pop1 = 5. + + cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02, // Index Size = 4, Pop1 = 2. + cJ1_JPIMMED_4_03, // Index Size = 4, Pop1 = 3. + + cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02, // Index Size = 5, Pop1 = 2. + cJ1_JPIMMED_5_03, // Index Size = 3, Pop1 = 3. + + cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02, // Index Size = 6, Pop1 = 2. + + cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02, // Index Size = 7, Pop1 = 2. +#endif + +// This special Type is merely a sentinel for doing relative calculations. +// This value should not be used in switch statements (to avoid allocating code +// for it), which is also why it appears at the end of the enum list. + + cJ1_JPIMMED_CAP + +} jp1_Type_t; + + +// RELATED VALUES: +// +// Index Size (state) for leaf JP, and JP type based on Index Size (state): + +#ifndef JU_64BIT // 32-bit +#define J1_LEAFINDEXSIZE(jpType) ((jpType) - cJ1_JPLEAF1 + 1) +#define J1_LEAFTYPE(IndexSize) ((IndexSize) + cJ1_JPLEAF1 - 1) +#else +#define J1_LEAFINDEXSIZE(jpType) ((jpType) - cJ1_JPLEAF2 + 2) +#define J1_LEAFTYPE(IndexSize) ((IndexSize) + cJ1_JPLEAF2 - 2) +#endif + + +// **************************************************************************** +// JUDY1 POINTER (JP) -- RELATED MACROS AND CONSTANTS +// **************************************************************************** + +// MAXIMUM POPULATIONS OF LINEAR LEAVES: +// +// Allow up to 2 cache lines per leaf, with N bytes per index. +// +// J_1_MAXB is the maximum number of bytes (sort of) to allocate per leaf. +// ALLOCSIZES is defined here, not there, for single-point control of these key +// definitions. See JudyTables.c for "TERMINATOR". + +#define J_1_MAXB (sizeof(Word_t) * 32) +#define ALLOCSIZES { 3, 5, 7, 11, 15, 23, 32, 47, 64, TERMINATOR } // in words. +#define cJ1_LEAF1_MAXWORDS 5 // Leaf1 max alloc size in words. + +// Under JRP (root-state leaves): +// +// Includes a count (Population) word. +// +// Under JP (non-root-state leaves), which have no count (Population) words: +// +// When a 1-byte index leaf grows above cJ1_LEAF1_MAXPOP1 Indexes (bytes), +// the memory chunk required grows to a size where a bitmap is just as +// efficient, so use a bitmap instead for all greater Populations, on both +// 32-bit and 64-bit systems. However, on a 32-bit system this occurs upon +// going from 6 to 8 words (24 to 32 bytes) in the memory chunk, but on a +// 64-bit system this occurs upon going from 2 to 4 words (16 to 32 bytes). It +// would be silly to go from a 15-Index Immediate JP to a 16-Index linear leaf +// to a 17-Index bitmap leaf, so just use a bitmap leaf for 16+ Indexes, which +// means set cJ1_LEAF1_MAXPOP1 to cJ1_IMMED1_MAXPOP1 (15) to cause the +// transition at that point. +// +// Note: cJ1_LEAF1_MAXPOP1 is not used on 64-bit systems. + +#ifndef JU_64BIT // 32-bit + +#define cJ1_LEAF1_MAXPOP1 (cJ1_LEAF1_MAXWORDS * cJU_BYTESPERWORD) +#define cJ1_LEAF2_MAXPOP1 (J_1_MAXB / 2) +#define cJ1_LEAF3_MAXPOP1 (J_1_MAXB / 3) +#define cJ1_LEAFW_MAXPOP1 ((J_1_MAXB - cJU_BYTESPERWORD) / cJU_BYTESPERWORD) + +#else // 64-bit + +// #define cJ1_LEAF1_MAXPOP1 // no LEAF1 in 64-bit. +#define cJ1_LEAF2_MAXPOP1 (J_1_MAXB / 2) +#define cJ1_LEAF3_MAXPOP1 (J_1_MAXB / 3) +#define cJ1_LEAF4_MAXPOP1 (J_1_MAXB / 4) +#define cJ1_LEAF5_MAXPOP1 (J_1_MAXB / 5) +#define cJ1_LEAF6_MAXPOP1 (J_1_MAXB / 6) +#define cJ1_LEAF7_MAXPOP1 (J_1_MAXB / 7) +#define cJ1_LEAFW_MAXPOP1 ((J_1_MAXB - cJU_BYTESPERWORD) / cJU_BYTESPERWORD) + +#endif + + +// MAXIMUM POPULATIONS OF IMMEDIATE JPs: +// +// These specify the maximum Population of immediate JPs with various Index +// Sizes (== sizes of remaining undecoded Index bits). + +#define cJ1_IMMED1_MAXPOP1 ((sizeof(jp_t) - 1) / 1) // 7 [15]. +#define cJ1_IMMED2_MAXPOP1 ((sizeof(jp_t) - 1) / 2) // 3 [7]. +#define cJ1_IMMED3_MAXPOP1 ((sizeof(jp_t) - 1) / 3) // 2 [5]. + +#ifdef JU_64BIT +#define cJ1_IMMED4_MAXPOP1 ((sizeof(jp_t) - 1) / 4) // [3]. +#define cJ1_IMMED5_MAXPOP1 ((sizeof(jp_t) - 1) / 5) // [3]. +#define cJ1_IMMED6_MAXPOP1 ((sizeof(jp_t) - 1) / 6) // [2]. +#define cJ1_IMMED7_MAXPOP1 ((sizeof(jp_t) - 1) / 7) // [2]. +#endif + + +// **************************************************************************** +// JUDY1 BITMAP LEAF (J1LB) SUPPORT +// **************************************************************************** + +#define J1_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb,Subexp) ((Pjlb)->j1lb_Bitmap[Subexp]) + +typedef struct J__UDY1_BITMAP_LEAF +{ + BITMAPL_t j1lb_Bitmap[cJU_NUMSUBEXPL]; + +} j1lb_t, * Pj1lb_t; + + +// **************************************************************************** +// MEMORY ALLOCATION SUPPORT +// **************************************************************************** + +// ARRAY-GLOBAL INFORMATION: +// +// At the cost of an occasional additional cache fill, this object, which is +// pointed at by a JRP and in turn points to a JP_BRANCH*, carries array-global +// information about a Judy1 array that has sufficient population to amortize +// the cost. The jpm_Pop0 field prevents having to add up the total population +// for the array in insert, delete, and count code. The jpm_JP field prevents +// having to build a fake JP for entry to a state machine; however, the +// jp_DcdPopO field in jpm_JP, being one byte too small, is not used. +// +// Note: Struct fields are ordered to keep "hot" data in the first 8 words +// (see left-margin comments) for machines with 8-word cache lines, and to keep +// sub-word fields together for efficient packing. + +typedef struct J_UDY1_POPULATION_AND_MEMORY +{ +/* 1 */ Word_t jpm_Pop0; // total population-1 in array. +/* 2 */ jp_t jpm_JP; // JP to first branch; see above. +/* 4 */ Word_t jpm_LastUPop0; // last jpm_Pop0 when convert to BranchU +// Note: Field names match PJError_t for convenience in macros: +/* 7 */ char je_Errno; // one of the enums in Judy.h. +/* 7/8 */ int je_ErrID; // often an internal source line number. +/* 8/9 */ Word_t jpm_TotalMemWords; // words allocated in array. +} j1pm_t, *Pj1pm_t; + + +// TABLES FOR DETERMINING IF LEAVES HAVE ROOM TO GROW: +// +// These tables indicate if a given memory chunk can support growth of a given +// object into wasted (rounded-up) memory in the chunk. This violates the +// hiddenness of the JudyMalloc code. +// +// Also define macros to hide the details in the code using these tables. + +#ifndef JU_64BIT +extern const uint8_t j__1_Leaf1PopToWords[cJ1_LEAF1_MAXPOP1 + 1]; +#endif +extern const uint8_t j__1_Leaf2PopToWords[cJ1_LEAF2_MAXPOP1 + 1]; +extern const uint8_t j__1_Leaf3PopToWords[cJ1_LEAF3_MAXPOP1 + 1]; +#ifdef JU_64BIT +extern const uint8_t j__1_Leaf4PopToWords[cJ1_LEAF4_MAXPOP1 + 1]; +extern const uint8_t j__1_Leaf5PopToWords[cJ1_LEAF5_MAXPOP1 + 1]; +extern const uint8_t j__1_Leaf6PopToWords[cJ1_LEAF6_MAXPOP1 + 1]; +extern const uint8_t j__1_Leaf7PopToWords[cJ1_LEAF7_MAXPOP1 + 1]; +#endif +extern const uint8_t j__1_LeafWPopToWords[cJ1_LEAFW_MAXPOP1 + 1]; + +// Check if increase of population will fit in same leaf: + +#ifndef JU_64BIT +#define J1_LEAF1GROWINPLACE(Pop1) \ + J__U_GROWCK(Pop1, cJ1_LEAF1_MAXPOP1, j__1_Leaf1PopToWords) +#endif +#define J1_LEAF2GROWINPLACE(Pop1) \ + J__U_GROWCK(Pop1, cJ1_LEAF2_MAXPOP1, j__1_Leaf2PopToWords) +#define J1_LEAF3GROWINPLACE(Pop1) \ + J__U_GROWCK(Pop1, cJ1_LEAF3_MAXPOP1, j__1_Leaf3PopToWords) +#ifdef JU_64BIT +#define J1_LEAF4GROWINPLACE(Pop1) \ + J__U_GROWCK(Pop1, cJ1_LEAF4_MAXPOP1, j__1_Leaf4PopToWords) +#define J1_LEAF5GROWINPLACE(Pop1) \ + J__U_GROWCK(Pop1, cJ1_LEAF5_MAXPOP1, j__1_Leaf5PopToWords) +#define J1_LEAF6GROWINPLACE(Pop1) \ + J__U_GROWCK(Pop1, cJ1_LEAF6_MAXPOP1, j__1_Leaf6PopToWords) +#define J1_LEAF7GROWINPLACE(Pop1) \ + J__U_GROWCK(Pop1, cJ1_LEAF7_MAXPOP1, j__1_Leaf7PopToWords) +#endif +#define J1_LEAFWGROWINPLACE(Pop1) \ + J__U_GROWCK(Pop1, cJ1_LEAFW_MAXPOP1, j__1_LeafWPopToWords) + +#ifndef JU_64BIT +#define J1_LEAF1POPTOWORDS(Pop1) (j__1_Leaf1PopToWords[Pop1]) +#endif +#define J1_LEAF2POPTOWORDS(Pop1) (j__1_Leaf2PopToWords[Pop1]) +#define J1_LEAF3POPTOWORDS(Pop1) (j__1_Leaf3PopToWords[Pop1]) +#ifdef JU_64BIT +#define J1_LEAF4POPTOWORDS(Pop1) (j__1_Leaf4PopToWords[Pop1]) +#define J1_LEAF5POPTOWORDS(Pop1) (j__1_Leaf5PopToWords[Pop1]) +#define J1_LEAF6POPTOWORDS(Pop1) (j__1_Leaf6PopToWords[Pop1]) +#define J1_LEAF7POPTOWORDS(Pop1) (j__1_Leaf7PopToWords[Pop1]) +#endif +#define J1_LEAFWPOPTOWORDS(Pop1) (j__1_LeafWPopToWords[Pop1]) + + +// FUNCTIONS TO ALLOCATE OBJECTS: + +Pj1pm_t j__udy1AllocJ1PM(void); // constant size. + +Pjbl_t j__udy1AllocJBL( Pj1pm_t); // constant size. +Pjbb_t j__udy1AllocJBB( Pj1pm_t); // constant size. +Pjp_t j__udy1AllocJBBJP(Word_t, Pj1pm_t); +Pjbu_t j__udy1AllocJBU( Pj1pm_t); // constant size. + +#ifndef JU_64BIT +Pjll_t j__udy1AllocJLL1( Word_t, Pj1pm_t); +#endif +Pjll_t j__udy1AllocJLL2( Word_t, Pj1pm_t); +Pjll_t j__udy1AllocJLL3( Word_t, Pj1pm_t); + +#ifdef JU_64BIT +Pjll_t j__udy1AllocJLL4( Word_t, Pj1pm_t); +Pjll_t j__udy1AllocJLL5( Word_t, Pj1pm_t); +Pjll_t j__udy1AllocJLL6( Word_t, Pj1pm_t); +Pjll_t j__udy1AllocJLL7( Word_t, Pj1pm_t); +#endif + +Pjlw_t j__udy1AllocJLW( Word_t ); // no Pj1pm needed. +Pj1lb_t j__udy1AllocJLB1( Pj1pm_t); // constant size. + + +// FUNCTIONS TO FREE OBJECTS: + +void j__udy1FreeJ1PM( Pj1pm_t, Pj1pm_t); // constant size. + +void j__udy1FreeJBL( Pjbl_t, Pj1pm_t); // constant size. +void j__udy1FreeJBB( Pjbb_t, Pj1pm_t); // constant size. +void j__udy1FreeJBBJP(Pjp_t, Word_t, Pj1pm_t); +void j__udy1FreeJBU( Pjbu_t, Pj1pm_t); // constant size. + +#ifndef JU_64BIT +void j__udy1FreeJLL1( Pjll_t, Word_t, Pj1pm_t); +#endif +void j__udy1FreeJLL2( Pjll_t, Word_t, Pj1pm_t); +void j__udy1FreeJLL3( Pjll_t, Word_t, Pj1pm_t); + +#ifdef JU_64BIT +void j__udy1FreeJLL4( Pjll_t, Word_t, Pj1pm_t); +void j__udy1FreeJLL5( Pjll_t, Word_t, Pj1pm_t); +void j__udy1FreeJLL6( Pjll_t, Word_t, Pj1pm_t); +void j__udy1FreeJLL7( Pjll_t, Word_t, Pj1pm_t); +#endif + +void j__udy1FreeJLW( Pjlw_t, Word_t, Pj1pm_t); +void j__udy1FreeJLB1( Pj1lb_t, Pj1pm_t); // constant size. +void j__udy1FreeSM( Pjp_t, Pj1pm_t); // everything below Pjp. + +#endif // ! _JUDY1_INCLUDED diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Judy1ByCount.c b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Judy1ByCount.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a66a957d --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Judy1ByCount.c @@ -0,0 +1,954 @@ +// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company +// +// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +// under the term of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +// option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +// _________________ + +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ +// +// Judy*ByCount() function for Judy1 and JudyL. +// Compile with one of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL. +// +// Compile with -DNOSMARTJBB, -DNOSMARTJBU, and/or -DNOSMARTJLB to build a +// version with cache line optimizations deleted, for testing. +// +// Judy*ByCount() is a conceptual although not literal inverse of Judy*Count(). +// Judy*Count() takes a pair of Indexes, and allows finding the ordinal of a +// given Index (that is, its position in the list of valid indexes from the +// beginning) as a degenerate case, because in general the count between two +// Indexes, inclusive, is not always just the difference in their ordinals. +// However, it suffices for Judy*ByCount() to simply be an ordinal-to-Index +// mapper. +// +// Note: Like Judy*Count(), this code must "count sideways" in branches, which +// can result in a lot of cache line fills. However, unlike Judy*Count(), this +// code does not receive a specific Index, hence digit, where to start in each +// branch, so it cant accurately calculate cache line fills required in each +// direction. The best it can do is an approximation based on the total +// population of the expanse (pop1 from Pjp) and the ordinal of the target +// Index (see SETOFFSET()) within the expanse. +// +// Compile with -DSMARTMETRICS to obtain global variables containing smart +// cache line metrics. Note: Dont turn this on simultaneously for this file +// and JudyCount.c because they export the same globals. +// **************************************************************************** + +#if (! (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JUDYL))) +#error: One of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL must be specified. +#endif + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#include "Judy1.h" +#else +#include "JudyL.h" +#endif + +#include "JudyPrivate1L.h" + +// These are imported from JudyCount.c: +// +// TBD: Should this be in common code? Exported from a header file? + +#ifdef JUDY1 +extern Word_t j__udy1JPPop1(const Pjp_t Pjp); +#define j__udyJPPop1 j__udy1JPPop1 +#else +extern Word_t j__udyLJPPop1(const Pjp_t Pjp); +#define j__udyJPPop1 j__udyLJPPop1 +#endif + +// Avoid duplicate symbols since this file is multi-compiled: + +#ifdef SMARTMETRICS +#ifdef JUDY1 +Word_t jbb_upward = 0; // counts of directions taken: +Word_t jbb_downward = 0; +Word_t jbu_upward = 0; +Word_t jbu_downward = 0; +Word_t jlb_upward = 0; +Word_t jlb_downward = 0; +#else +extern Word_t jbb_upward; +extern Word_t jbb_downward; +extern Word_t jbu_upward; +extern Word_t jbu_downward; +extern Word_t jlb_upward; +extern Word_t jlb_downward; +#endif +#endif + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y 1 B Y C O U N T +// J U D Y L B Y C O U N T +// +// See the manual entry. + +#ifdef JUDY1 +FUNCTION int Judy1ByCount +#else +FUNCTION PPvoid_t JudyLByCount +#endif + ( + Pcvoid_t PArray, // root pointer to first branch/leaf in SM. + Word_t Count, // ordinal of Index to find, 1..MAX. + Word_t * PIndex, // to return found Index. + PJError_t PJError // optional, for returning error info. + ) +{ + Word_t Count0; // Count, base-0, to match pop0. + Word_t state; // current state in SM. + Word_t pop1; // of current branch or leaf, or of expanse. + Word_t pop1lower; // pop1 of expanses (JPs) below that for Count. + Word_t digit; // current word in branch. + Word_t jpcount; // JPs in a BranchB subexpanse. + long jpnum; // JP number in a branch (base 0). + long subexp; // for stepping through layer 1 (subexpanses). + int offset; // index ordinal within a leaf, base 0. + + Pjp_t Pjp; // current JP in branch. + Pjll_t Pjll; // current Judy linear leaf. + + +// CHECK FOR EMPTY ARRAY OR NULL PINDEX: + + if (PArray == (Pvoid_t) NULL) JU_RET_NOTFOUND; + + if (PIndex == (PWord_t) NULL) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NULLPINDEX); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + +// Convert Count to Count0; assume special case of Count = 0 maps to ~0, as +// desired, to represent the last index in a full array: +// +// Note: Think of Count0 as a reliable "number of Indexes below the target." + + Count0 = Count - 1; + assert((Count || Count0 == ~0)); // ensure CPU is sane about 0 - 1. + pop1lower = 0; + + if (JU_LEAFW_POP0(PArray) < cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1) // must be a LEAFW + { + Pjlw_t Pjlw = P_JLW(PArray); // first word of leaf. + + if (Count0 > Pjlw[0]) JU_RET_NOTFOUND; // too high. + + *PIndex = Pjlw[Count]; // Index, base 1. + + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAFW(Pjlw, Pjlw[0] + 1, Count0); + } + else + { + Pjpm_t Pjpm = P_JPM(PArray); + + if (Count0 > (Pjpm->jpm_Pop0)) JU_RET_NOTFOUND; // too high. + + Pjp = &(Pjpm->jpm_JP); + pop1 = (Pjpm->jpm_Pop0) + 1; + +// goto SMByCount; + } + +// COMMON CODE: +// +// Prepare to handle a root-level or lower-level branch: Save the current +// state, obtain the total population for the branch in a state-dependent way, +// and then branch to common code for multiple cases. +// +// For root-level branches, the state is always cJU_ROOTSTATE, and the array +// population must already be set in pop1; it is not available in jp_DcdPopO. +// +// Note: The total population is only needed in cases where the common code +// "counts down" instead of up to minimize cache line fills. However, its +// available cheaply, and its better to do it with a constant shift (constant +// state value) instead of a variable shift later "when needed". + +#define PREPB_ROOT(Next) \ + state = cJU_ROOTSTATE; \ + goto Next + +// Use PREPB_DCD() to first copy the Dcd bytes to *PIndex if there are any +// (only if state < cJU_ROOTSTATE - 1): + +#define PREPB_DCD(Pjp,cState,Next) \ + JU_SETDCD(*PIndex, Pjp, cState); \ + PREPB((Pjp), cState, Next) + +#define PREPB(Pjp,cState,Next) \ + state = (cState); \ + pop1 = JU_JPBRANCH_POP0(Pjp, (cState)) + 1; \ + goto Next + +// Calculate whether the ordinal of an Index within a given expanse falls in +// the lower or upper half of the expanses population, taking care with +// unsigned math and boundary conditions: +// +// Note: Assume the ordinal falls within the expanses population, that is, +// 0 < (Count - Pop1lower) <= Pop1exp (assuming infinite math). +// +// Note: If the ordinal is the middle element, it doesnt matter whether +// LOWERHALF() is TRUE or FALSE. + +#define LOWERHALF(Count0,Pop1lower,Pop1exp) \ + (((Count0) - (Pop1lower)) < ((Pop1exp) / 2)) + +// Calculate the (signed) offset within a leaf to the desired ordinal (Count - +// Pop1lower; offset is one less), and optionally ensure its in range: + +#define SETOFFSET(Offset,Count0,Pop1lower,Pjp) \ + (Offset) = (Count0) - (Pop1lower); \ + assert((Offset) >= 0); \ + assert((Offset) <= JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp)) + +// Variations for immediate indexes, with and without pop1-specific assertions: + +#define SETOFFSET_IMM_CK(Offset,Count0,Pop1lower,cPop1) \ + (Offset) = (Count0) - (Pop1lower); \ + assert((Offset) >= 0); \ + assert((Offset) < (cPop1)) + +#define SETOFFSET_IMM(Offset,Count0,Pop1lower) \ + (Offset) = (Count0) - (Pop1lower) + + +// STATE MACHINE -- TRAVERSE TREE: +// +// In branches, look for the expanse (digit), if any, where the total pop1 +// below or at that expanse would meet or exceed Count, meaning the Index must +// be in this expanse. + +SMByCount: // return here for next branch/leaf. + + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// LINEAR BRANCH; count populations in JPs in the JBL upwards until finding the +// expanse (digit) containing Count, and "recurse". +// +// Note: There are no null JPs in a JBL; watch out for pop1 == 0. +// +// Note: A JBL should always fit in one cache line => no need to count up +// versus down to save cache line fills. +// +// TBD: The previous is no longer true. Consider enhancing this code to count +// up/down, but it can wait for a later tuning phase. In the meantime, PREPB() +// sets pop1 for the whole array, but that value is not used here. 001215: +// Maybe its true again? + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L2: PREPB_DCD(Pjp, 2, BranchL); +#ifndef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L3: PREPB( Pjp, 3, BranchL); +#else + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L3: PREPB_DCD(Pjp, 3, BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L4: PREPB_DCD(Pjp, 4, BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L5: PREPB_DCD(Pjp, 5, BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L6: PREPB_DCD(Pjp, 6, BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L7: PREPB( Pjp, 7, BranchL); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L: PREPB_ROOT( BranchL); + { + Pjbl_t Pjbl; + +// Common code (state-independent) for all cases of linear branches: + +BranchL: + Pjbl = P_JBL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + for (jpnum = 0; jpnum < (Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs); ++jpnum) + { + if ((pop1 = j__udyJPPop1((Pjbl->jbl_jp) + jpnum)) + == cJU_ALLONES) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + assert(pop1 != 0); + +// Warning: pop1lower and pop1 are unsigned, so do not subtract 1 and compare +// >=, but instead use the following expression: + + if (pop1lower + pop1 > Count0) // Index is in this expanse. + { + JU_SETDIGIT(*PIndex, Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[jpnum], state); + Pjp = (Pjbl->jbl_jp) + jpnum; + goto SMByCount; // look under this expanse. + } + + pop1lower += pop1; // add this JPs pop1. + } + + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); // should never get here. + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + + } // case cJU_JPBRANCH_L + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// BITMAP BRANCH; count populations in JPs in the JBB upwards or downwards +// until finding the expanse (digit) containing Count, and "recurse". +// +// Note: There are no null JPs in a JBB; watch out for pop1 == 0. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B2: PREPB_DCD(Pjp, 2, BranchB); +#ifndef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B3: PREPB( Pjp, 3, BranchB); +#else + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B3: PREPB_DCD(Pjp, 3, BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B4: PREPB_DCD(Pjp, 4, BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B5: PREPB_DCD(Pjp, 5, BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B6: PREPB_DCD(Pjp, 6, BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B7: PREPB( Pjp, 7, BranchB); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B: PREPB_ROOT( BranchB); + { + Pjbb_t Pjbb; + +// Common code (state-independent) for all cases of bitmap branches: + +BranchB: + Pjbb = P_JBB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + +// Shorthand for one subexpanse in a bitmap and for one JP in a bitmap branch: +// +// Note: BMPJP0 exists separately to support assertions. + +#define BMPJP0(Subexp) (P_JP(JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, Subexp))) +#define BMPJP(Subexp,JPnum) (BMPJP0(Subexp) + (JPnum)) + + +// Common code for descending through a JP: +// +// Determine the digit for the expanse and save it in *PIndex; then "recurse". + +#define JBB_FOUNDEXPANSE \ + { \ + JU_BITMAPDIGITB(digit, subexp, JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb,subexp), jpnum); \ + JU_SETDIGIT(*PIndex, digit, state); \ + Pjp = BMPJP(subexp, jpnum); \ + goto SMByCount; \ + } + + +#ifndef NOSMARTJBB // enable to turn off smart code for comparison purposes. + +// FIGURE OUT WHICH DIRECTION CAUSES FEWER CACHE LINE FILLS; adding the pop1s +// in JPs upwards, or subtracting the pop1s in JPs downwards: +// +// See header comments about limitations of this for Judy*ByCount(). + +#endif + +// COUNT UPWARD, adding each "below" JPs pop1: + +#ifndef NOSMARTJBB // enable to turn off smart code for comparison purposes. + + if (LOWERHALF(Count0, pop1lower, pop1)) + { +#endif +#ifdef SMARTMETRICS + ++jbb_upward; +#endif + for (subexp = 0; subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPB; ++subexp) + { + if ((jpcount = j__udyCountBitsB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb,subexp))) + && (BMPJP0(subexp) == (Pjp_t) NULL)) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); // null ptr. + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + +// Note: An empty subexpanse (jpcount == 0) is handled "for free": + + for (jpnum = 0; jpnum < jpcount; ++jpnum) + { + if ((pop1 = j__udyJPPop1(BMPJP(subexp, jpnum))) + == cJU_ALLONES) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + assert(pop1 != 0); + +// Warning: pop1lower and pop1 are unsigned, see earlier comment: + + if (pop1lower + pop1 > Count0) + JBB_FOUNDEXPANSE; // Index is in this expanse. + + pop1lower += pop1; // add this JPs pop1. + } + } +#ifndef NOSMARTJBB // enable to turn off smart code for comparison purposes. + } + + +// COUNT DOWNWARD, subtracting each "above" JPs pop1 from the whole expanses +// pop1: + + else + { +#ifdef SMARTMETRICS + ++jbb_downward; +#endif + pop1lower += pop1; // add whole branch to start. + + for (subexp = cJU_NUMSUBEXPB - 1; subexp >= 0; --subexp) + { + if ((jpcount = j__udyCountBitsB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp))) + && (BMPJP0(subexp) == (Pjp_t) NULL)) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); // null ptr. + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + +// Note: An empty subexpanse (jpcount == 0) is handled "for free": + + for (jpnum = jpcount - 1; jpnum >= 0; --jpnum) + { + if ((pop1 = j__udyJPPop1(BMPJP(subexp, jpnum))) + == cJU_ALLONES) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + assert(pop1 != 0); + +// Warning: pop1lower and pop1 are unsigned, see earlier comment: + + pop1lower -= pop1; + +// Beware unsigned math problems: + + if ((pop1lower == 0) || (pop1lower - 1 < Count0)) + JBB_FOUNDEXPANSE; // Index is in this expanse. + } + } + } +#endif // NOSMARTJBB + + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); // should never get here. + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + + } // case cJU_JPBRANCH_B + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// UNCOMPRESSED BRANCH; count populations in JPs in the JBU upwards or +// downwards until finding the expanse (digit) containing Count, and "recurse". + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U2: PREPB_DCD(Pjp, 2, BranchU); +#ifndef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U3: PREPB( Pjp, 3, BranchU); +#else + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U3: PREPB_DCD(Pjp, 3, BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U4: PREPB_DCD(Pjp, 4, BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U5: PREPB_DCD(Pjp, 5, BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U6: PREPB_DCD(Pjp, 6, BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U7: PREPB( Pjp, 7, BranchU); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U: PREPB_ROOT( BranchU); + { + Pjbu_t Pjbu; + +// Common code (state-independent) for all cases of uncompressed branches: + +BranchU: + Pjbu = P_JBU(Pjp->jp_Addr); + +// Common code for descending through a JP: +// +// Save the digit for the expanse in *PIndex, then "recurse". + +#define JBU_FOUNDEXPANSE \ + { \ + JU_SETDIGIT(*PIndex, jpnum, state); \ + Pjp = (Pjbu->jbu_jp) + jpnum; \ + goto SMByCount; \ + } + + +#ifndef NOSMARTJBU // enable to turn off smart code for comparison purposes. + +// FIGURE OUT WHICH DIRECTION CAUSES FEWER CACHE LINE FILLS; adding the pop1s +// in JPs upwards, or subtracting the pop1s in JPs downwards: +// +// See header comments about limitations of this for Judy*ByCount(). + +#endif + +// COUNT UPWARD, simply adding the pop1 of each JP: + +#ifndef NOSMARTJBU // enable to turn off smart code for comparison purposes. + + if (LOWERHALF(Count0, pop1lower, pop1)) + { +#endif +#ifdef SMARTMETRICS + ++jbu_upward; +#endif + + for (jpnum = 0; jpnum < cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS; ++jpnum) + { + // shortcut, save a function call: + + if ((Pjbu->jbu_jp[jpnum].jp_Type) <= cJU_JPNULLMAX) + continue; + + if ((pop1 = j__udyJPPop1((Pjbu->jbu_jp) + jpnum)) + == cJU_ALLONES) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + assert(pop1 != 0); + +// Warning: pop1lower and pop1 are unsigned, see earlier comment: + + if (pop1lower + pop1 > Count0) + JBU_FOUNDEXPANSE; // Index is in this expanse. + + pop1lower += pop1; // add this JPs pop1. + } +#ifndef NOSMARTJBU // enable to turn off smart code for comparison purposes. + } + + +// COUNT DOWNWARD, subtracting the pop1 of each JP above from the whole +// expanses pop1: + + else + { +#ifdef SMARTMETRICS + ++jbu_downward; +#endif + pop1lower += pop1; // add whole branch to start. + + for (jpnum = cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS - 1; jpnum >= 0; --jpnum) + { + // shortcut, save a function call: + + if ((Pjbu->jbu_jp[jpnum].jp_Type) <= cJU_JPNULLMAX) + continue; + + if ((pop1 = j__udyJPPop1(Pjbu->jbu_jp + jpnum)) + == cJU_ALLONES) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + assert(pop1 != 0); + +// Warning: pop1lower and pop1 are unsigned, see earlier comment: + + pop1lower -= pop1; + +// Beware unsigned math problems: + + if ((pop1lower == 0) || (pop1lower - 1 < Count0)) + JBU_FOUNDEXPANSE; // Index is in this expanse. + } + } +#endif // NOSMARTJBU + + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); // should never get here. + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + + } // case cJU_JPBRANCH_U + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// LINEAR LEAF: +// +// Return the Index at the proper ordinal (see SETOFFSET()) in the leaf. First +// copy Dcd bytes, if there are any (only if state < cJU_ROOTSTATE - 1), to +// *PIndex. +// +// Note: The preceding branch traversal code MIGHT set pop1 for this expanse +// (linear leaf) as a side-effect, but dont depend on that (for JUDYL, which +// is the only cases that need it anyway). + +#define PREPL_DCD(cState) \ + JU_SETDCD(*PIndex, Pjp, cState); \ + PREPL + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#define PREPL_SETPOP1 // not needed in any cases. +#else +#define PREPL_SETPOP1 pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1 +#endif + +#define PREPL \ + Pjll = P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); \ + PREPL_SETPOP1; \ + SETOFFSET(offset, Count0, pop1lower, Pjp) + +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + case cJU_JPLEAF1: + + PREPL_DCD(1); + JU_SETDIGIT1(*PIndex, ((uint8_t *) Pjll)[offset]); + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF1(Pjll, pop1, offset); +#endif + + case cJU_JPLEAF2: + + PREPL_DCD(2); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(2))) + | ((uint16_t *) Pjll)[offset]; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF2(Pjll, pop1, offset); + +#ifndef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPLEAF3: + { + Word_t lsb; + PREPL; + JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) Pjll) + (3 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(3))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF3(Pjll, pop1, offset); + } + +#else + case cJU_JPLEAF3: + { + Word_t lsb; + PREPL_DCD(3); + JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) Pjll) + (3 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(3))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF3(Pjll, pop1, offset); + } + + case cJU_JPLEAF4: + + PREPL_DCD(4); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(4))) + | ((uint32_t *) Pjll)[offset]; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF4(Pjll, pop1, offset); + + case cJU_JPLEAF5: + { + Word_t lsb; + PREPL_DCD(5); + JU_COPY5_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) Pjll) + (5 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(5))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF5(Pjll, pop1, offset); + } + + case cJU_JPLEAF6: + { + Word_t lsb; + PREPL_DCD(6); + JU_COPY6_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) Pjll) + (6 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(6))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF6(Pjll, pop1, offset); + } + + case cJU_JPLEAF7: + { + Word_t lsb; + PREPL; + JU_COPY7_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) Pjll) + (7 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(7))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF7(Pjll, pop1, offset); + } +#endif + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// BITMAP LEAF: +// +// Return the Index at the proper ordinal (see SETOFFSET()) in the leaf by +// counting bits. First copy Dcd bytes (always present since state 1 < +// cJU_ROOTSTATE) to *PIndex. +// +// Note: The preceding branch traversal code MIGHT set pop1 for this expanse +// (bitmap leaf) as a side-effect, but dont depend on that. + + case cJU_JPLEAF_B1: + { + Pjlb_t Pjlb; + + JU_SETDCD(*PIndex, Pjp, 1); + Pjlb = P_JLB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + +// COUNT UPWARD, adding the pop1 of each subexpanse: +// +// The entire bitmap should fit in one cache line, but still try to save some +// CPU time by counting the fewest possible number of subexpanses from the +// bitmap. +// +// See header comments about limitations of this for Judy*ByCount(). + +#ifndef NOSMARTJLB // enable to turn off smart code for comparison purposes. + + if (LOWERHALF(Count0, pop1lower, pop1)) + { +#endif +#ifdef SMARTMETRICS + ++jlb_upward; +#endif + for (subexp = 0; subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPL; ++subexp) + { + pop1 = j__udyCountBitsL(JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp)); + +// Warning: pop1lower and pop1 are unsigned, see earlier comment: + + if (pop1lower + pop1 > Count0) + goto LeafB1; // Index is in this subexpanse. + + pop1lower += pop1; // add this subexpanses pop1. + } +#ifndef NOSMARTJLB // enable to turn off smart code for comparison purposes. + } + + +// COUNT DOWNWARD, subtracting each "above" subexpanses pop1 from the whole +// expanses pop1: + + else + { +#ifdef SMARTMETRICS + ++jlb_downward; +#endif + pop1lower += pop1; // add whole leaf to start. + + for (subexp = cJU_NUMSUBEXPL - 1; subexp >= 0; --subexp) + { + pop1lower -= j__udyCountBitsL(JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp)); + +// Beware unsigned math problems: + + if ((pop1lower == 0) || (pop1lower - 1 < Count0)) + goto LeafB1; // Index is in this subexpanse. + } + } +#endif // NOSMARTJLB + + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); // should never get here. + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + + +// RETURN INDEX FOUND: +// +// Come here with subexp set to the correct subexpanse, and pop1lower set to +// the sum for all lower expanses and subexpanses in the Judy tree. Calculate +// and save in *PIndex the digit corresponding to the ordinal in this +// subexpanse. + +LeafB1: + SETOFFSET(offset, Count0, pop1lower, Pjp); + JU_BITMAPDIGITL(digit, subexp, JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp), offset); + JU_SETDIGIT1(*PIndex, digit); + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF_B1(Pjlb, subexp, offset); +// == return((PPvoid_t) (P_JV(JL_JLB_PVALUE(Pjlb, subexp)) + offset)) + + } // case cJU_JPLEAF_B1 + + +#ifdef JUDY1 +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// FULL POPULATION: +// +// Copy Dcd bytes (always present since state 1 < cJU_ROOTSTATE) to *PIndex, +// then set the appropriate digit for the ordinal (see SETOFFSET()) in the leaf +// as the LSB in *PIndex. + + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1: + + JU_SETDCD(*PIndex, Pjp, 1); + SETOFFSET(offset, Count0, pop1lower, Pjp); + assert(offset >= 0); + assert(offset <= cJU_JPFULLPOPU1_POP0); + JU_SETDIGIT1(*PIndex, offset); + JU_RET_FOUND_FULLPOPU1; +#endif + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// IMMEDIATE: +// +// Locate the Index with the proper ordinal (see SETOFFSET()) in the Immediate, +// depending on leaf Index Size and pop1. Note: There are no Dcd bytes in an +// Immediate JP, but in a cJU_JPIMMED_*_01 JP, the field holds the least bytes +// of the immediate Index. + +#define SET_01(cState) JU_SETDIGITS(*PIndex, JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp), cState) + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_01: SET_01(1); goto Imm_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_01: SET_01(2); goto Imm_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_01: SET_01(3); goto Imm_01; +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPIMMED_4_01: SET_01(4); goto Imm_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_5_01: SET_01(5); goto Imm_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_6_01: SET_01(6); goto Imm_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_7_01: SET_01(7); goto Imm_01; +#endif + +Imm_01: + + DBGCODE(SETOFFSET_IMM_CK(offset, Count0, pop1lower, 1);) + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM_01(Pjp); + +// Shorthand for where to find start of Index bytes array: + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#define PJI (Pjp->jp_1Index) +#else +#define PJI (Pjp->jp_LIndex) +#endif + +// Optional code to check the remaining ordinal (see SETOFFSET_IMM()) against +// the Index Size of the Immediate: + +#ifndef DEBUG // simple placeholder: +#define IMM(cPop1,Next) \ + goto Next +#else // extra pop1-specific checking: +#define IMM(cPop1,Next) \ + SETOFFSET_IMM_CK(offset, Count0, pop1lower, cPop1); \ + goto Next +#endif + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_02: IMM( 2, Imm1); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_03: IMM( 3, Imm1); +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_04: IMM( 4, Imm1); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_05: IMM( 5, Imm1); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_06: IMM( 6, Imm1); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_07: IMM( 7, Imm1); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_08: IMM( 8, Imm1); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_09: IMM( 9, Imm1); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_10: IMM(10, Imm1); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_11: IMM(11, Imm1); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_12: IMM(12, Imm1); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_13: IMM(13, Imm1); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_14: IMM(14, Imm1); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_15: IMM(15, Imm1); +#endif + +Imm1: SETOFFSET_IMM(offset, Count0, pop1lower); + JU_SETDIGIT1(*PIndex, ((uint8_t *) PJI)[offset]); + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_02: IMM(2, Imm2); + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_03: IMM(3, Imm2); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_04: IMM(4, Imm2); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_05: IMM(5, Imm2); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_06: IMM(6, Imm2); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_07: IMM(7, Imm2); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) +Imm2: SETOFFSET_IMM(offset, Count0, pop1lower); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(2))) + | ((uint16_t *) PJI)[offset]; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_02: IMM(2, Imm3); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_03: IMM(3, Imm3); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_04: IMM(4, Imm3); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_05: IMM(5, Imm3); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) +Imm3: + { + Word_t lsb; + SETOFFSET_IMM(offset, Count0, pop1lower); + JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) PJI) + (3 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(3))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + } +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02: IMM(2, Imm4); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_03: IMM(3, Imm4); + +Imm4: SETOFFSET_IMM(offset, Count0, pop1lower); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(4))) + | ((uint32_t *) PJI)[offset]; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02: IMM(2, Imm5); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_03: IMM(3, Imm5); + +Imm5: + { + Word_t lsb; + SETOFFSET_IMM(offset, Count0, pop1lower); + JU_COPY5_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) PJI) + (5 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(5))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + } + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02: IMM(2, Imm6); + +Imm6: + { + Word_t lsb; + SETOFFSET_IMM(offset, Count0, pop1lower); + JU_COPY6_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) PJI) + (6 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(6))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + } + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02: IMM(2, Imm7); + +Imm7: + { + Word_t lsb; + SETOFFSET_IMM(offset, Count0, pop1lower); + JU_COPY7_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) PJI) + (7 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(7))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + } +#endif // (JUDY1 && JU_64BIT) + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// UNEXPECTED JP TYPES: + + default: JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + + } // SMByCount switch. + + /*NOTREACHED*/ + +} // Judy1ByCount() / JudyLByCount() diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Judy1Cascade.c b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Judy1Cascade.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fa865589 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Judy1Cascade.c @@ -0,0 +1,1942 @@ +// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company +// +// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +// under the term of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +// option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +// _________________ + +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#include "Judy1.h" +#else +#include "JudyL.h" +#endif + +#include "JudyPrivate1L.h" + +extern int j__udyCreateBranchL(Pjp_t, Pjp_t, uint8_t *, Word_t, Pvoid_t); +extern int j__udyCreateBranchB(Pjp_t, Pjp_t, uint8_t *, Word_t, Pvoid_t); + +DBGCODE(extern void JudyCheckSorted(Pjll_t Pjll, Word_t Pop1, long IndexSize);) + +static const jbb_t StageJBBZero; // zeroed versions of namesake struct. + +// TBD: There are multiple copies of (some of) these CopyWto3, Copy3toW, +// CopyWto7 and Copy7toW functions in Judy1Cascade.c, JudyLCascade.c, and +// JudyDecascade.c. These static functions should probably be moved to a +// common place, made macros, or something to avoid having four copies. + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y C O P Y X T O W + + +FUNCTION static void j__udyCopy3toW( + PWord_t PDest, + uint8_t * PSrc, + Word_t LeafIndexes) +{ + do + { + JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG(*PDest, PSrc); + PSrc += 3; + PDest += 1; + + } while(--LeafIndexes); + +} //j__udyCopy3toW() + + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + +FUNCTION static void j__udyCopy4toW( + PWord_t PDest, + uint32_t * PSrc, + Word_t LeafIndexes) +{ + do { *PDest++ = *PSrc++; + } while(--LeafIndexes); + +} // j__udyCopy4toW() + + +FUNCTION static void j__udyCopy5toW( + PWord_t PDest, + uint8_t * PSrc, + Word_t LeafIndexes) +{ + do + { + JU_COPY5_PINDEX_TO_LONG(*PDest, PSrc); + PSrc += 5; + PDest += 1; + + } while(--LeafIndexes); + +} // j__udyCopy5toW() + + +FUNCTION static void j__udyCopy6toW( + PWord_t PDest, + uint8_t * PSrc, + Word_t LeafIndexes) +{ + do + { + JU_COPY6_PINDEX_TO_LONG(*PDest, PSrc); + PSrc += 6; + PDest += 1; + + } while(--LeafIndexes); + +} // j__udyCopy6toW() + + +FUNCTION static void j__udyCopy7toW( + PWord_t PDest, + uint8_t * PSrc, + Word_t LeafIndexes) +{ + do + { + JU_COPY7_PINDEX_TO_LONG(*PDest, PSrc); + PSrc += 7; + PDest += 1; + + } while(--LeafIndexes); + +} // j__udyCopy7toW() + +#endif // JU_64BIT + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y C O P Y W T O X + + +FUNCTION static void j__udyCopyWto3( + uint8_t * PDest, + PWord_t PSrc, + Word_t LeafIndexes) +{ + do + { + JU_COPY3_LONG_TO_PINDEX(PDest, *PSrc); + PSrc += 1; + PDest += 3; + + } while(--LeafIndexes); + +} // j__udyCopyWto3() + + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + +FUNCTION static void j__udyCopyWto4( + uint8_t * PDest, + PWord_t PSrc, + Word_t LeafIndexes) +{ + uint32_t *PDest32 = (uint32_t *)PDest; + + do + { + *PDest32 = *PSrc; + PSrc += 1; + PDest32 += 1; + } while(--LeafIndexes); + +} // j__udyCopyWto4() + + +FUNCTION static void j__udyCopyWto5( + uint8_t * PDest, + PWord_t PSrc, + Word_t LeafIndexes) +{ + do + { + JU_COPY5_LONG_TO_PINDEX(PDest, *PSrc); + PSrc += 1; + PDest += 5; + + } while(--LeafIndexes); + +} // j__udyCopyWto5() + + +FUNCTION static void j__udyCopyWto6( + uint8_t * PDest, + PWord_t PSrc, + Word_t LeafIndexes) +{ + do + { + JU_COPY6_LONG_TO_PINDEX(PDest, *PSrc); + PSrc += 1; + PDest += 6; + + } while(--LeafIndexes); + +} // j__udyCopyWto6() + + +FUNCTION static void j__udyCopyWto7( + uint8_t * PDest, + PWord_t PSrc, + Word_t LeafIndexes) +{ + do + { + JU_COPY7_LONG_TO_PINDEX(PDest, *PSrc); + PSrc += 1; + PDest += 7; + + } while(--LeafIndexes); + +} // j__udyCopyWto7() + +#endif // JU_64BIT + + +// **************************************************************************** +// COMMON CODE (MACROS): +// +// Free objects in an array of valid JPs, StageJP[ExpCnt] == last one may +// include Immeds, which are ignored. + +#define FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt,StageJP,Pjpm) \ + { \ + Word_t _expct = (ExpCnt); \ + while (_expct--) j__udyFreeSM(&((StageJP)[_expct]), Pjpm); \ + return(-1); \ + } + +// Clear the array that keeps track of the number of JPs in a subexpanse: + +#define ZEROJP(SubJPCount) \ + { \ + int ii; \ + for (ii = 0; ii < cJU_NUMSUBEXPB; ii++) (SubJPCount[ii]) = 0; \ + } + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y S T A G E J B B T O J B B +// +// Create a mallocd BranchB (jbb_t) from a staged BranchB while "splaying" a +// single old leaf. Return -1 if out of memory, otherwise 1. + +static int j__udyStageJBBtoJBB( + Pjp_t PjpLeaf, // JP of leaf being splayed. + Pjbb_t PStageJBB, // temp jbb_t on stack. + Pjp_t PjpArray, // array of JPs to splayed new leaves. + uint8_t * PSubCount, // count of JPs for each subexpanse. + Pjpm_t Pjpm) // the jpm_t for JudyAlloc*(). +{ + Pjbb_t PjbbRaw; // pointer to new bitmap branch. + Pjbb_t Pjbb; + Word_t subexp; + +// Get memory for new BranchB: + + if ((PjbbRaw = j__udyAllocJBB(Pjpm)) == (Pjbb_t) NULL) return(-1); + Pjbb = P_JBB(PjbbRaw); + +// Copy staged BranchB into just-allocated BranchB: + + *Pjbb = *PStageJBB; + +// Allocate the JP subarrays (BJP) for the new BranchB: + + for (subexp = 0; subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPB; subexp++) + { + Pjp_t PjpRaw; + Pjp_t Pjp; + Word_t NumJP; // number of JPs in each subexpanse. + + if ((NumJP = PSubCount[subexp]) == 0) continue; // empty. + +// Out of memory, back out previous allocations: + + if ((PjpRaw = j__udyAllocJBBJP(NumJP, Pjpm)) == (Pjp_t) NULL) + { + while(subexp--) + { + if ((NumJP = PSubCount[subexp]) == 0) continue; + + PjpRaw = JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp); + j__udyFreeJBBJP(PjpRaw, NumJP, Pjpm); + } + j__udyFreeJBB(PjbbRaw, Pjpm); + return(-1); // out of memory. + } + Pjp = P_JP(PjpRaw); + +// Place the JP subarray pointer in the new BranchB, copy subarray JPs, and +// advance to the next subexpanse: + + JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp) = PjpRaw; + JU_COPYMEM(Pjp, PjpArray, NumJP); + PjpArray += NumJP; + + } // for each subexpanse. + +// Change the PjpLeaf from Leaf to BranchB: + + PjpLeaf->jp_Addr = (Word_t) PjbbRaw; + PjpLeaf->jp_Type += cJU_JPBRANCH_B2 - cJU_JPLEAF2; // Leaf to BranchB. + + return(1); + +} // j__udyStageJBBtoJBB() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y J L L 2 T O J L B 1 +// +// Create a LeafB1 (jlb_t = JLB1) from a Leaf2 (2-byte Indexes and for JudyL, +// Word_t Values). Return NULL if out of memory, else a pointer to the new +// LeafB1. +// +// NOTE: Caller must release the Leaf2 that was passed in. + +FUNCTION static Pjlb_t j__udyJLL2toJLB1( + uint16_t * Pjll, // array of 16-bit indexes. +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv_t Pjv, // array of associated values. +#endif + Word_t LeafPop1, // number of indexes/values. + Pvoid_t Pjpm) // jpm_t for JudyAlloc*()/JudyFree*(). +{ + Pjlb_t PjlbRaw; + Pjlb_t Pjlb; + int offset; +JUDYLCODE(int subexp;) + +// Allocate the LeafB1: + + if ((PjlbRaw = j__udyAllocJLB1(Pjpm)) == (Pjlb_t) NULL) + return((Pjlb_t) NULL); + Pjlb = P_JLB(PjlbRaw); + +// Copy Leaf2 indexes to LeafB1: + + for (offset = 0; offset < LeafPop1; ++offset) + JU_BITMAPSETL(Pjlb, Pjll[offset]); + +#ifdef JUDYL + +// Build LeafVs from bitmap: + + for (subexp = 0; subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPL; ++subexp) + { + struct _POINTER_VALUES + { + Word_t pv_Pop1; // size of value area. + Pjv_t pv_Pjv; // raw pointer to value area. + } pv[cJU_NUMSUBEXPL]; + +// Get the population of the subexpanse, and if any, allocate a LeafV: + + pv[subexp].pv_Pop1 = j__udyCountBitsL(JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp)); + + if (pv[subexp].pv_Pop1) + { + Pjv_t Pjvnew; + +// TBD: There is an opportunity to put pop == 1 value in pointer: + + pv[subexp].pv_Pjv = j__udyLAllocJV(pv[subexp].pv_Pop1, Pjpm); + +// Upon out of memory, free all previously allocated: + + if (pv[subexp].pv_Pjv == (Pjv_t) NULL) + { + while(subexp--) + { + if (pv[subexp].pv_Pop1) + { + j__udyLFreeJV(pv[subexp].pv_Pjv, pv[subexp].pv_Pop1, + Pjpm); + } + } + j__udyFreeJLB1(PjlbRaw, Pjpm); + return((Pjlb_t) NULL); + } + + Pjvnew = P_JV(pv[subexp].pv_Pjv); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjvnew, Pjv, pv[subexp].pv_Pop1); + Pjv += pv[subexp].pv_Pop1; // advance value pointer. + +// Place raw pointer to value array in bitmap subexpanse: + + JL_JLB_PVALUE(Pjlb, subexp) = pv[subexp].pv_Pjv; + + } // populated subexpanse. + } // each subexpanse. + +#endif // JUDYL + + return(PjlbRaw); // pointer to LeafB1. + +} // j__udyJLL2toJLB1() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y C A S C A D E 1 +// +// Create bitmap leaf from 1-byte Indexes and Word_t Values. +// +// TBD: There must be a better way. +// +// Only for JudyL 32 bit: (note, unifdef disallows comment on next line) + +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + +FUNCTION int j__udyCascade1( + Pjp_t Pjp, + Pvoid_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t DcdP0; + uint8_t * PLeaf; + Pjlb_t PjlbRaw; + Pjlb_t Pjlb; + Word_t Pop1; + Word_t ii; // temp for loop counter +JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjv;) + + assert(JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) == cJU_JPLEAF1); + assert((JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & 0xFF) == (cJU_LEAF1_MAXPOP1-1)); + + PjlbRaw = j__udyAllocJLB1(Pjpm); + if (PjlbRaw == (Pjlb_t) NULL) return(-1); + + Pjlb = P_JLB(PjlbRaw); + PLeaf = (uint8_t *) P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + + JUDYLCODE(Pjv = JL_LEAF1VALUEAREA(PLeaf, Pop1);) + +// Copy 1 byte index Leaf to bitmap Leaf + for (ii = 0; ii < Pop1; ii++) JU_BITMAPSETL(Pjlb, PLeaf[ii]); + +#ifdef JUDYL +// Build 8 subexpanse Value leaves from bitmap + for (ii = 0; ii < cJU_NUMSUBEXPL; ii++) + { +// Get number of Indexes in subexpanse + if ((Pop1 = j__udyCountBitsL(JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, ii)))) + { + Pjv_t PjvnewRaw; // value area of new leaf. + Pjv_t Pjvnew; + + PjvnewRaw = j__udyLAllocJV(Pop1, Pjpm); + if (PjvnewRaw == (Pjv_t) NULL) // out of memory. + { +// Free prevously allocated LeafVs: + while(ii--) + { + if ((Pop1 = j__udyCountBitsL(JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, ii)))) + { + PjvnewRaw = JL_JLB_PVALUE(Pjlb, ii); + j__udyLFreeJV(PjvnewRaw, Pop1, Pjpm); + } + } +// Free the bitmap leaf + j__udyLFreeJLB1(PjlbRaw,Pjpm); + return(-1); + } + Pjvnew = P_JV(PjvnewRaw); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjvnew, Pjv, Pop1); + + Pjv += Pop1; + JL_JLB_PVALUE(Pjlb, ii) = PjvnewRaw; + } + } +#endif // JUDYL + + DcdP0 = JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) | (PLeaf[0] & cJU_DCDMASK(1)); + JU_JPSETADT(Pjp, (Word_t)PjlbRaw, DcdP0, cJU_JPLEAF_B1); + + return(1); // return success + +} // j__udyCascade1() + +#endif // (!(JUDY1 && JU_64BIT)) + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y C A S C A D E 2 +// +// Entry PLeaf of size LeafPop1 is either compressed or splayed with pointer +// returned in Pjp. Entry Levels sizeof(Word_t) down to level 2. +// +// Splay or compress the 2-byte Index Leaf that Pjp point to. Return *Pjp as a +// (compressed) cJU_LEAFB1 or a cJU_BRANCH_*2 + +FUNCTION int j__udyCascade2( + Pjp_t Pjp, + Pvoid_t Pjpm) +{ + uint16_t * PLeaf; // pointer to leaf, explicit type. + Word_t End, Start; // temporaries. + Word_t ExpCnt; // count of expanses of splay. + Word_t CIndex; // current Index word. +JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjv;) // value area of leaf. + +// Temp staging for parts(Leaves) of newly splayed leaf + jp_t StageJP [cJU_LEAF2_MAXPOP1]; // JPs of new leaves + uint8_t StageExp [cJU_LEAF2_MAXPOP1]; // Expanses of new leaves + uint8_t SubJPCount[cJU_NUMSUBEXPB]; // JPs in each subexpanse + jbb_t StageJBB; // staged bitmap branch + + assert(JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) == cJU_JPLEAF2); + assert((JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & 0xFFFF) == (cJU_LEAF2_MAXPOP1-1)); + +// Get the address of the Leaf + PLeaf = (uint16_t *) P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + +// And its Value area + JUDYLCODE(Pjv = JL_LEAF2VALUEAREA(PLeaf, cJU_LEAF2_MAXPOP1);) + +// If Leaf is in 1 expanse -- just compress it to a Bitmap Leaf + + CIndex = PLeaf[0]; + if (!JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex ^ PLeaf[cJU_LEAF2_MAXPOP1-1], 2)) + { +// cJU_JPLEAF_B1 + Word_t DcdP0; + Pjlb_t PjlbRaw; + PjlbRaw = j__udyJLL2toJLB1(PLeaf, +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv, +#endif + cJU_LEAF2_MAXPOP1, Pjpm); + if (PjlbRaw == (Pjlb_t)NULL) return(-1); // out of memory + +// Merge in another Dcd byte because compressing + DcdP0 = (CIndex & cJU_DCDMASK(1)) | JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp); + JU_JPSETADT(Pjp, (Word_t)PjlbRaw, DcdP0, cJU_JPLEAF_B1); + + return(1); + } + +// Else in 2+ expanses, splay Leaf into smaller leaves at higher compression + + StageJBB = StageJBBZero; // zero staged bitmap branch + ZEROJP(SubJPCount); + +// Splay the 2 byte index Leaf to 1 byte Index Leaves + for (ExpCnt = Start = 0, End = 1; ; End++) + { +// Check if new expanse or last one + if ( (End == cJU_LEAF2_MAXPOP1) + || + (JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex ^ PLeaf[End], 2)) + ) + { +// Build a leaf below the previous expanse +// + Pjp_t PjpJP = StageJP + ExpCnt; + Word_t Pop1 = End - Start; + Word_t expanse = JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex, 2); + Word_t subexp = expanse / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; +// +// set the bit that is the current expanse + JU_JBB_BITMAP(&StageJBB, subexp) |= JU_BITPOSMASKB(expanse); +#ifdef SUBEXPCOUNTS + StageJBB.jbb_subPop1[subexp] += Pop1; // pop of subexpanse +#endif +// count number of expanses in each subexpanse + SubJPCount[subexp]++; + +// Save byte expanse of leaf + StageExp[ExpCnt] = JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex, 2); + + if (Pop1 == 1) // cJU_JPIMMED_1_01 + { + Word_t DcdP0; + DcdP0 = (JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & cJU_DCDMASK(1)) | + CIndex; +#ifdef JUDY1 + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, 0, DcdP0, cJ1_JPIMMED_1_01); +#else // JUDYL + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, Pjv[Start], DcdP0, + cJL_JPIMMED_1_01); +#endif // JUDYL + } + else if (Pop1 <= cJU_IMMED1_MAXPOP1) // bigger + { +// cJL_JPIMMED_1_02..3: JudyL 32 +// cJ1_JPIMMED_1_02..7: Judy1 32 +// cJL_JPIMMED_1_02..7: JudyL 64 +// cJ1_JPIMMED_1_02..15: Judy1 64 +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv_t PjvnewRaw; // value area of leaf. + Pjv_t Pjvnew; + +// Allocate Value area for Immediate Leaf + PjvnewRaw = j__udyLAllocJV(Pop1, Pjpm); + if (PjvnewRaw == (Pjv_t) NULL) + FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + + Pjvnew = P_JV(PjvnewRaw); + +// Copy to Values to Value Leaf + JU_COPYMEM(Pjvnew, Pjv + Start, Pop1); + PjpJP->jp_Addr = (Word_t) PjvnewRaw; + +// Copy to JP as an immediate Leaf + JU_COPYMEM(PjpJP->jp_LIndex, PLeaf + Start, + Pop1); +#else + JU_COPYMEM(PjpJP->jp_1Index, PLeaf + Start, + Pop1); +#endif +// Set Type, Population and Index size + PjpJP->jp_Type = cJU_JPIMMED_1_02 + Pop1 - 2; + } + +// 64Bit Judy1 does not have Leaf1: (note, unifdef disallows comment on next +// line) + +#if (! (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT))) + else if (Pop1 <= cJU_LEAF1_MAXPOP1) // still bigger + { +// cJU_JPLEAF1 + Word_t DcdP0; + Pjll_t PjllRaw; // pointer to new leaf. + Pjll_t Pjll; + JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjvnew;) // value area of new leaf. + +// Get a new Leaf + PjllRaw = j__udyAllocJLL1(Pop1, Pjpm); + if (PjllRaw == (Pjll_t)NULL) + FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + + Pjll = P_JLL(PjllRaw); +#ifdef JUDYL +// Copy to Values to new Leaf + Pjvnew = JL_LEAF1VALUEAREA(Pjll, Pop1); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjvnew, Pjv + Start, Pop1); +#endif +// Copy Indexes to new Leaf + JU_COPYMEM((uint8_t *)Pjll, PLeaf+Start, Pop1); + + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjll, Pop1, 1);) + + DcdP0 = (JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & cJU_DCDMASK(2)) + | + (CIndex & cJU_DCDMASK(2-1)) + | + (Pop1 - 1); + + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, (Word_t)PjllRaw, DcdP0, + cJU_JPLEAF1); + } +#endif // (!(JUDY1 && JU_64BIT)) // Not 64Bit Judy1 + + else // biggest + { +// cJU_JPLEAF_B1 + Word_t DcdP0; + Pjlb_t PjlbRaw; + PjlbRaw = j__udyJLL2toJLB1( + PLeaf + Start, +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv + Start, +#endif + Pop1, Pjpm); + if (PjlbRaw == (Pjlb_t)NULL) + FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + + DcdP0 = (JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & cJU_DCDMASK(2)) + | + (CIndex & cJU_DCDMASK(2-1)) + | + (Pop1 - 1); + + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, (Word_t)PjlbRaw, DcdP0, + cJU_JPLEAF_B1); + } + ExpCnt++; +// Done? + if (End == cJU_LEAF2_MAXPOP1) break; + +// New Expanse, Start and Count + CIndex = PLeaf[End]; + Start = End; + } + } + +// Now put all the Leaves below a BranchL or BranchB: + if (ExpCnt <= cJU_BRANCHLMAXJPS) // put the Leaves below a BranchL + { + if (j__udyCreateBranchL(Pjp, StageJP, StageExp, ExpCnt, + Pjpm) == -1) FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + + Pjp->jp_Type = cJU_JPBRANCH_L2; + } + else + { + if (j__udyStageJBBtoJBB(Pjp, &StageJBB, StageJP, SubJPCount, Pjpm) + == -1) FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + } + return(1); + +} // j__udyCascade2() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y C A S C A D E 3 +// +// Return *Pjp as a (compressed) cJU_LEAF2, cJU_BRANCH_L3, cJU_BRANCH_B3. + +FUNCTION int j__udyCascade3( + Pjp_t Pjp, + Pvoid_t Pjpm) +{ + uint8_t * PLeaf; // pointer to leaf, explicit type. + Word_t End, Start; // temporaries. + Word_t ExpCnt; // count of expanses of splay. + Word_t CIndex; // current Index word. +JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjv;) // value area of leaf. + +// Temp staging for parts(Leaves) of newly splayed leaf + jp_t StageJP [cJU_LEAF3_MAXPOP1]; // JPs of new leaves + Word_t StageA [cJU_LEAF3_MAXPOP1]; + uint8_t StageExp [cJU_LEAF3_MAXPOP1]; // Expanses of new leaves + uint8_t SubJPCount[cJU_NUMSUBEXPB]; // JPs in each subexpanse + jbb_t StageJBB; // staged bitmap branch + + assert(JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) == cJU_JPLEAF3); + assert((JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & 0xFFFFFF) == (cJU_LEAF3_MAXPOP1-1)); + +// Get the address of the Leaf + PLeaf = (uint8_t *) P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + +// Extract leaf to Word_t and insert-sort Index into it + j__udyCopy3toW(StageA, PLeaf, cJU_LEAF3_MAXPOP1); + +// Get the address of the Leaf and Value area + JUDYLCODE(Pjv = JL_LEAF3VALUEAREA(PLeaf, cJU_LEAF3_MAXPOP1);) + +// If Leaf is in 1 expanse -- just compress it (compare 1st, last & Index) + + CIndex = StageA[0]; + if (!JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex ^ StageA[cJU_LEAF3_MAXPOP1-1], 3)) + { + Word_t DcdP0; + Pjll_t PjllRaw; // pointer to new leaf. + Pjll_t Pjll; + JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjvnew;) // value area of new leaf. + +// Alloc a 2 byte Index Leaf + PjllRaw = j__udyAllocJLL2(cJU_LEAF3_MAXPOP1, Pjpm); + if (PjllRaw == (Pjlb_t)NULL) return(-1); // out of memory + + Pjll = P_JLL(PjllRaw); + +// Copy just 2 bytes Indexes to new Leaf +// j__udyCopyWto2((uint16_t *) Pjll, StageA, cJU_LEAF3_MAXPOP1); + JU_COPYMEM ((uint16_t *) Pjll, StageA, cJU_LEAF3_MAXPOP1); +#ifdef JUDYL +// Copy Value area into new Leaf + Pjvnew = JL_LEAF2VALUEAREA(Pjll, cJU_LEAF3_MAXPOP1); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjvnew, Pjv, cJU_LEAF3_MAXPOP1); +#endif + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjll, cJU_LEAF3_MAXPOP1, 2);) + +// Form new JP, Pop0 field is unchanged +// Add in another Dcd byte because compressing + DcdP0 = (CIndex & cJU_DCDMASK(2)) | JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp); + + JU_JPSETADT(Pjp, (Word_t) PjllRaw, DcdP0, cJU_JPLEAF2); + + return(1); // Success + } + +// Else in 2+ expanses, splay Leaf into smaller leaves at higher compression + + StageJBB = StageJBBZero; // zero staged bitmap branch + ZEROJP(SubJPCount); + +// Splay the 3 byte index Leaf to 2 byte Index Leaves + for (ExpCnt = Start = 0, End = 1; ; End++) + { +// Check if new expanse or last one + if ( (End == cJU_LEAF3_MAXPOP1) + || + (JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex ^ StageA[End], 3)) + ) + { +// Build a leaf below the previous expanse + + Pjp_t PjpJP = StageJP + ExpCnt; + Word_t Pop1 = End - Start; + Word_t expanse = JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex, 3); + Word_t subexp = expanse / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; +// +// set the bit that is the current expanse + JU_JBB_BITMAP(&StageJBB, subexp) |= JU_BITPOSMASKB(expanse); +#ifdef SUBEXPCOUNTS + StageJBB.jbb_subPop1[subexp] += Pop1; // pop of subexpanse +#endif +// count number of expanses in each subexpanse + SubJPCount[subexp]++; + +// Save byte expanse of leaf + StageExp[ExpCnt] = JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex, 3); + + if (Pop1 == 1) // cJU_JPIMMED_2_01 + { + Word_t DcdP0; + DcdP0 = (JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & cJU_DCDMASK(2)) | + CIndex; +#ifdef JUDY1 + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, 0, DcdP0, cJ1_JPIMMED_2_01); +#else // JUDYL + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, Pjv[Start], DcdP0, + cJL_JPIMMED_2_01); +#endif // JUDYL + } +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + else if (Pop1 <= cJU_IMMED2_MAXPOP1) + { +// cJ1_JPIMMED_2_02..3: Judy1 32 +// cJL_JPIMMED_2_02..3: JudyL 64 +// cJ1_JPIMMED_2_02..7: Judy1 64 +#ifdef JUDYL +// Alloc is 1st in case of malloc fail + Pjv_t PjvnewRaw; // value area of new leaf. + Pjv_t Pjvnew; + +// Allocate Value area for Immediate Leaf + PjvnewRaw = j__udyLAllocJV(Pop1, Pjpm); + if (PjvnewRaw == (Pjv_t) NULL) + FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + + Pjvnew = P_JV(PjvnewRaw); + +// Copy to Values to Value Leaf + JU_COPYMEM(Pjvnew, Pjv + Start, Pop1); + + PjpJP->jp_Addr = (Word_t) PjvnewRaw; + +// Copy to Index to JP as an immediate Leaf + JU_COPYMEM((uint16_t *) (PjpJP->jp_LIndex), + StageA + Start, Pop1); +#else // JUDY1 + JU_COPYMEM((uint16_t *) (PjpJP->jp_1Index), + StageA + Start, Pop1); +#endif // JUDY1 +// Set Type, Population and Index size + PjpJP->jp_Type = cJU_JPIMMED_2_02 + Pop1 - 2; + } +#endif // (JUDY1 || JU_64BIT) + + else // Make a linear leaf2 + { +// cJU_JPLEAF2 + Word_t DcdP0; + Pjll_t PjllRaw; // pointer to new leaf. + Pjll_t Pjll; + JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjvnew;) // value area of new leaf. + + PjllRaw = j__udyAllocJLL2(Pop1, Pjpm); + if (PjllRaw == (Pjll_t) NULL) + FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + + Pjll = P_JLL(PjllRaw); +#ifdef JUDYL +// Copy to Values to new Leaf + Pjvnew = JL_LEAF2VALUEAREA(Pjll, Pop1); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjvnew, Pjv + Start, Pop1); +#endif +// Copy least 2 bytes per Index of Leaf to new Leaf + JU_COPYMEM((uint16_t *) Pjll, StageA+Start, + Pop1); + + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjll, Pop1, 2);) + + DcdP0 = (JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & cJU_DCDMASK(3)) + | + (CIndex & cJU_DCDMASK(3-1)) + | + (Pop1 - 1); + + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, (Word_t)PjllRaw, DcdP0, + cJU_JPLEAF2); + } + ExpCnt++; +// Done? + if (End == cJU_LEAF3_MAXPOP1) break; + +// New Expanse, Start and Count + CIndex = StageA[End]; + Start = End; + } + } + +// Now put all the Leaves below a BranchL or BranchB: + if (ExpCnt <= cJU_BRANCHLMAXJPS) // put the Leaves below a BranchL + { + if (j__udyCreateBranchL(Pjp, StageJP, StageExp, ExpCnt, + Pjpm) == -1) FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + + Pjp->jp_Type = cJU_JPBRANCH_L3; + } + else + { + if (j__udyStageJBBtoJBB(Pjp, &StageJBB, StageJP, SubJPCount, Pjpm) + == -1) FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + } + return(1); + +} // j__udyCascade3() + + +#ifdef JU_64BIT // JudyCascade[4567] + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y C A S C A D E 4 +// +// Cascade from a cJU_JPLEAF4 to one of the following: +// 1. if leaf is in 1 expanse: +// compress it into a JPLEAF3 +// 2. if leaf contains multiple expanses: +// create linear or bitmap branch containing +// each new expanse is either a: +// JPIMMED_3_01 branch +// JPIMMED_3_02 branch +// JPLEAF3 + +FUNCTION int j__udyCascade4( + Pjp_t Pjp, + Pvoid_t Pjpm) +{ + uint32_t * PLeaf; // pointer to leaf, explicit type. + Word_t End, Start; // temporaries. + Word_t ExpCnt; // count of expanses of splay. + Word_t CIndex; // current Index word. +JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjv;) // value area of leaf. + +// Temp staging for parts(Leaves) of newly splayed leaf + jp_t StageJP [cJU_LEAF4_MAXPOP1]; // JPs of new leaves + Word_t StageA [cJU_LEAF4_MAXPOP1]; + uint8_t StageExp [cJU_LEAF4_MAXPOP1]; // Expanses of new leaves + uint8_t SubJPCount[cJU_NUMSUBEXPB]; // JPs in each subexpanse + jbb_t StageJBB; // staged bitmap branch + + assert(JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) == cJU_JPLEAF4); + assert((JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & 0xFFFFFFFF) == (cJU_LEAF4_MAXPOP1-1)); + +// Get the address of the Leaf + PLeaf = (uint32_t *) P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + +// Extract 4 byte index Leaf to Word_t + j__udyCopy4toW(StageA, PLeaf, cJU_LEAF4_MAXPOP1); + +// Get the address of the Leaf and Value area + JUDYLCODE(Pjv = JL_LEAF4VALUEAREA(PLeaf, cJU_LEAF4_MAXPOP1);) + +// If Leaf is in 1 expanse -- just compress it (compare 1st, last & Index) + + CIndex = StageA[0]; + if (!JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex ^ StageA[cJU_LEAF4_MAXPOP1-1], 4)) + { + Word_t DcdP0; + Pjll_t PjllRaw; // pointer to new leaf. + Pjll_t Pjll; + JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjvnew;) // value area of new Leaf. + +// Alloc a 3 byte Index Leaf + PjllRaw = j__udyAllocJLL3(cJU_LEAF4_MAXPOP1, Pjpm); + if (PjllRaw == (Pjlb_t)NULL) return(-1); // out of memory + + Pjll = P_JLL(PjllRaw); + +// Copy Index area into new Leaf + j__udyCopyWto3((uint8_t *) Pjll, StageA, cJU_LEAF4_MAXPOP1); +#ifdef JUDYL +// Copy Value area into new Leaf + Pjvnew = JL_LEAF3VALUEAREA(Pjll, cJU_LEAF4_MAXPOP1); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjvnew, Pjv, cJU_LEAF4_MAXPOP1); +#endif + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjll, cJU_LEAF4_MAXPOP1, 3);) + + DcdP0 = JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) | (CIndex & cJU_DCDMASK(3)); + JU_JPSETADT(Pjp, (Word_t)PjllRaw, DcdP0, cJU_JPLEAF3); + + return(1); + } + +// Else in 2+ expanses, splay Leaf into smaller leaves at higher compression + + StageJBB = StageJBBZero; // zero staged bitmap branch + ZEROJP(SubJPCount); + +// Splay the 4 byte index Leaf to 3 byte Index Leaves + for (ExpCnt = Start = 0, End = 1; ; End++) + { +// Check if new expanse or last one + if ( (End == cJU_LEAF4_MAXPOP1) + || + (JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex ^ StageA[End], 4)) + ) + { +// Build a leaf below the previous expanse + + Pjp_t PjpJP = StageJP + ExpCnt; + Word_t Pop1 = End - Start; + Word_t expanse = JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex, 4); + Word_t subexp = expanse / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; +// +// set the bit that is the current expanse + JU_JBB_BITMAP(&StageJBB, subexp) |= JU_BITPOSMASKB(expanse); +#ifdef SUBEXPCOUNTS + StageJBB.jbb_subPop1[subexp] += Pop1; // pop of subexpanse +#endif +// count number of expanses in each subexpanse + SubJPCount[subexp]++; + +// Save byte expanse of leaf + StageExp[ExpCnt] = JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex, 4); + + if (Pop1 == 1) // cJU_JPIMMED_3_01 + { + Word_t DcdP0; + DcdP0 = (JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & cJU_DCDMASK(3)) | + CIndex; +#ifdef JUDY1 + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, 0, DcdP0, cJ1_JPIMMED_3_01); +#else // JUDYL + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, Pjv[Start], DcdP0, + cJL_JPIMMED_3_01); +#endif // JUDYL + } + else if (Pop1 <= cJU_IMMED3_MAXPOP1) + { +// cJ1_JPIMMED_3_02 : Judy1 32 +// cJL_JPIMMED_3_02 : JudyL 64 +// cJ1_JPIMMED_3_02..5: Judy1 64 + +#ifdef JUDYL +// Alloc is 1st in case of malloc fail + Pjv_t PjvnewRaw; // value area of new leaf. + Pjv_t Pjvnew; + +// Allocate Value area for Immediate Leaf + PjvnewRaw = j__udyLAllocJV(Pop1, Pjpm); + if (PjvnewRaw == (Pjv_t) NULL) + FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + + Pjvnew = P_JV(PjvnewRaw); + +// Copy to Values to Value Leaf + JU_COPYMEM(Pjvnew, Pjv + Start, Pop1); + PjpJP->jp_Addr = (Word_t) PjvnewRaw; + +// Copy to Index to JP as an immediate Leaf + j__udyCopyWto3(PjpJP->jp_LIndex, + StageA + Start, Pop1); +#else + j__udyCopyWto3(PjpJP->jp_1Index, + StageA + Start, Pop1); +#endif +// Set type, population and Index size + PjpJP->jp_Type = cJU_JPIMMED_3_02 + Pop1 - 2; + } + else + { +// cJU_JPLEAF3 + Word_t DcdP0; + Pjll_t PjllRaw; // pointer to new leaf. + Pjll_t Pjll; + JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjvnew;) // value area of new leaf. + + PjllRaw = j__udyAllocJLL3(Pop1, Pjpm); + if (PjllRaw == (Pjll_t)NULL) + FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + + Pjll = P_JLL(PjllRaw); + +// Copy Indexes to new Leaf + j__udyCopyWto3((uint8_t *) Pjll, StageA + Start, + Pop1); +#ifdef JUDYL +// Copy to Values to new Leaf + Pjvnew = JL_LEAF3VALUEAREA(Pjll, Pop1); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjvnew, Pjv + Start, Pop1); +#endif + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjll, Pop1, 3);) + + DcdP0 = (JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & cJU_DCDMASK(4)) + | + (CIndex & cJU_DCDMASK(4-1)) + | + (Pop1 - 1); + + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, (Word_t)PjllRaw, DcdP0, + cJU_JPLEAF3); + } + ExpCnt++; +// Done? + if (End == cJU_LEAF4_MAXPOP1) break; + +// New Expanse, Start and Count + CIndex = StageA[End]; + Start = End; + } + } + +// Now put all the Leaves below a BranchL or BranchB: + if (ExpCnt <= cJU_BRANCHLMAXJPS) // put the Leaves below a BranchL + { + if (j__udyCreateBranchL(Pjp, StageJP, StageExp, ExpCnt, + Pjpm) == -1) FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + + Pjp->jp_Type = cJU_JPBRANCH_L4; + } + else + { + if (j__udyStageJBBtoJBB(Pjp, &StageJBB, StageJP, SubJPCount, Pjpm) + == -1) FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + } + return(1); + +} // j__udyCascade4() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y C A S C A D E 5 +// +// Cascade from a cJU_JPLEAF5 to one of the following: +// 1. if leaf is in 1 expanse: +// compress it into a JPLEAF4 +// 2. if leaf contains multiple expanses: +// create linear or bitmap branch containing +// each new expanse is either a: +// JPIMMED_4_01 branch +// JPLEAF4 + +FUNCTION int j__udyCascade5( + Pjp_t Pjp, + Pvoid_t Pjpm) +{ + uint8_t * PLeaf; // pointer to leaf, explicit type. + Word_t End, Start; // temporaries. + Word_t ExpCnt; // count of expanses of splay. + Word_t CIndex; // current Index word. +JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjv;) // value area of leaf. + +// Temp staging for parts(Leaves) of newly splayed leaf + jp_t StageJP [cJU_LEAF5_MAXPOP1]; // JPs of new leaves + Word_t StageA [cJU_LEAF5_MAXPOP1]; + uint8_t StageExp [cJU_LEAF5_MAXPOP1]; // Expanses of new leaves + uint8_t SubJPCount[cJU_NUMSUBEXPB]; // JPs in each subexpanse + jbb_t StageJBB; // staged bitmap branch + + assert(JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) == cJU_JPLEAF5); + assert((JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & 0xFFFFFFFFFF) == (cJU_LEAF5_MAXPOP1-1)); + +// Get the address of the Leaf + PLeaf = (uint8_t *) P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + +// Extract 5 byte index Leaf to Word_t + j__udyCopy5toW(StageA, PLeaf, cJU_LEAF5_MAXPOP1); + +// Get the address of the Leaf and Value area + JUDYLCODE(Pjv = JL_LEAF5VALUEAREA(PLeaf, cJU_LEAF5_MAXPOP1);) + +// If Leaf is in 1 expanse -- just compress it (compare 1st, last & Index) + + CIndex = StageA[0]; + if (!JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex ^ StageA[cJU_LEAF5_MAXPOP1-1], 5)) + { + Word_t DcdP0; + Pjll_t PjllRaw; // pointer to new leaf. + Pjll_t Pjll; + JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjvnew;) // value area of new leaf. + +// Alloc a 4 byte Index Leaf + PjllRaw = j__udyAllocJLL4(cJU_LEAF5_MAXPOP1, Pjpm); + if (PjllRaw == (Pjlb_t)NULL) return(-1); // out of memory + + Pjll = P_JLL(PjllRaw); + +// Copy Index area into new Leaf + j__udyCopyWto4((uint8_t *) Pjll, StageA, cJU_LEAF5_MAXPOP1); +#ifdef JUDYL +// Copy Value area into new Leaf + Pjvnew = JL_LEAF4VALUEAREA(Pjll, cJU_LEAF5_MAXPOP1); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjvnew, Pjv, cJU_LEAF5_MAXPOP1); +#endif + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjll, cJU_LEAF5_MAXPOP1, 4);) + + DcdP0 = JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) | (CIndex & cJU_DCDMASK(4)); + JU_JPSETADT(Pjp, (Word_t)PjllRaw, DcdP0, cJU_JPLEAF4); + + return(1); + } + +// Else in 2+ expanses, splay Leaf into smaller leaves at higher compression + + StageJBB = StageJBBZero; // zero staged bitmap branch + ZEROJP(SubJPCount); + +// Splay the 5 byte index Leaf to 4 byte Index Leaves + for (ExpCnt = Start = 0, End = 1; ; End++) + { +// Check if new expanse or last one + if ( (End == cJU_LEAF5_MAXPOP1) + || + (JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex ^ StageA[End], 5)) + ) + { +// Build a leaf below the previous expanse + + Pjp_t PjpJP = StageJP + ExpCnt; + Word_t Pop1 = End - Start; + Word_t expanse = JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex, 5); + Word_t subexp = expanse / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; +// +// set the bit that is the current expanse + JU_JBB_BITMAP(&StageJBB, subexp) |= JU_BITPOSMASKB(expanse); +#ifdef SUBEXPCOUNTS + StageJBB.jbb_subPop1[subexp] += Pop1; // pop of subexpanse +#endif +// count number of expanses in each subexpanse + SubJPCount[subexp]++; + +// Save byte expanse of leaf + StageExp[ExpCnt] = JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex, 5); + + if (Pop1 == 1) // cJU_JPIMMED_4_01 + { + Word_t DcdP0; + DcdP0 = (JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & cJU_DCDMASK(4)) | + CIndex; +#ifdef JUDY1 + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, 0, DcdP0, cJ1_JPIMMED_4_01); +#else // JUDYL + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, Pjv[Start], DcdP0, + cJL_JPIMMED_4_01); +#endif // JUDYL + } +#ifdef JUDY1 + else if (Pop1 <= cJ1_IMMED4_MAXPOP1) + { +// cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02..3: Judy1 64 + +// Copy to Index to JP as an immediate Leaf + j__udyCopyWto4(PjpJP->jp_1Index, + StageA + Start, Pop1); + +// Set pointer, type, population and Index size + PjpJP->jp_Type = cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02 + Pop1 - 2; + } +#endif + else + { +// cJU_JPLEAF4 + Word_t DcdP0; + Pjll_t PjllRaw; // pointer to new leaf. + Pjll_t Pjll; + JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjvnew;) // value area of new leaf. + +// Get a new Leaf + PjllRaw = j__udyAllocJLL4(Pop1, Pjpm); + if (PjllRaw == (Pjll_t)NULL) + FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + + Pjll = P_JLL(PjllRaw); + +// Copy Indexes to new Leaf + j__udyCopyWto4((uint8_t *) Pjll, StageA + Start, + Pop1); +#ifdef JUDYL +// Copy to Values to new Leaf + Pjvnew = JL_LEAF4VALUEAREA(Pjll, Pop1); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjvnew, Pjv + Start, Pop1); +#endif + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjll, Pop1, 4);) + + DcdP0 = (JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & cJU_DCDMASK(5)) + | + (CIndex & cJU_DCDMASK(5-1)) + | + (Pop1 - 1); + + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, (Word_t)PjllRaw, DcdP0, + cJU_JPLEAF4); + } + ExpCnt++; +// Done? + if (End == cJU_LEAF5_MAXPOP1) break; + +// New Expanse, Start and Count + CIndex = StageA[End]; + Start = End; + } + } + +// Now put all the Leaves below a BranchL or BranchB: + if (ExpCnt <= cJU_BRANCHLMAXJPS) // put the Leaves below a BranchL + { + if (j__udyCreateBranchL(Pjp, StageJP, StageExp, ExpCnt, + Pjpm) == -1) FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + + Pjp->jp_Type = cJU_JPBRANCH_L5; + } + else + { + if (j__udyStageJBBtoJBB(Pjp, &StageJBB, StageJP, SubJPCount, Pjpm) + == -1) FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + } + return(1); + +} // j__udyCascade5() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y C A S C A D E 6 +// +// Cascade from a cJU_JPLEAF6 to one of the following: +// 1. if leaf is in 1 expanse: +// compress it into a JPLEAF5 +// 2. if leaf contains multiple expanses: +// create linear or bitmap branch containing +// each new expanse is either a: +// JPIMMED_5_01 ... JPIMMED_5_03 branch +// JPIMMED_5_01 branch +// JPLEAF5 + +FUNCTION int j__udyCascade6( + Pjp_t Pjp, + Pvoid_t Pjpm) +{ + uint8_t * PLeaf; // pointer to leaf, explicit type. + Word_t End, Start; // temporaries. + Word_t ExpCnt; // count of expanses of splay. + Word_t CIndex; // current Index word. +JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjv;) // value area of leaf. + +// Temp staging for parts(Leaves) of newly splayed leaf + jp_t StageJP [cJU_LEAF6_MAXPOP1]; // JPs of new leaves + Word_t StageA [cJU_LEAF6_MAXPOP1]; + uint8_t StageExp [cJU_LEAF6_MAXPOP1]; // Expanses of new leaves + uint8_t SubJPCount[cJU_NUMSUBEXPB]; // JPs in each subexpanse + jbb_t StageJBB; // staged bitmap branch + + assert(JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) == cJU_JPLEAF6); + assert((JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF) == (cJU_LEAF6_MAXPOP1-1)); + +// Get the address of the Leaf + PLeaf = (uint8_t *) P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + +// Extract 6 byte index Leaf to Word_t + j__udyCopy6toW(StageA, PLeaf, cJU_LEAF6_MAXPOP1); + +// Get the address of the Leaf and Value area + JUDYLCODE(Pjv = JL_LEAF6VALUEAREA(PLeaf, cJU_LEAF6_MAXPOP1);) + +// If Leaf is in 1 expanse -- just compress it (compare 1st, last & Index) + + CIndex = StageA[0]; + if (!JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex ^ StageA[cJU_LEAF6_MAXPOP1-1], 6)) + { + Word_t DcdP0; + Pjll_t PjllRaw; // pointer to new leaf. + Pjll_t Pjll; + JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjvnew;) // value area of new leaf. + +// Alloc a 5 byte Index Leaf + PjllRaw = j__udyAllocJLL5(cJU_LEAF6_MAXPOP1, Pjpm); + if (PjllRaw == (Pjlb_t)NULL) return(-1); // out of memory + + Pjll = P_JLL(PjllRaw); + +// Copy Index area into new Leaf + j__udyCopyWto5((uint8_t *) Pjll, StageA, cJU_LEAF6_MAXPOP1); +#ifdef JUDYL +// Copy Value area into new Leaf + Pjvnew = JL_LEAF5VALUEAREA(Pjll, cJU_LEAF6_MAXPOP1); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjvnew, Pjv, cJU_LEAF6_MAXPOP1); +#endif + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjll, cJU_LEAF6_MAXPOP1, 5);) + + DcdP0 = JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) | (CIndex & cJU_DCDMASK(5)); + JU_JPSETADT(Pjp, (Word_t)PjllRaw, DcdP0, cJU_JPLEAF5); + + return(1); + } + +// Else in 2+ expanses, splay Leaf into smaller leaves at higher compression + + StageJBB = StageJBBZero; // zero staged bitmap branch + ZEROJP(SubJPCount); + +// Splay the 6 byte index Leaf to 5 byte Index Leaves + for (ExpCnt = Start = 0, End = 1; ; End++) + { +// Check if new expanse or last one + if ( (End == cJU_LEAF6_MAXPOP1) + || + (JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex ^ StageA[End], 6)) + ) + { +// Build a leaf below the previous expanse + + Pjp_t PjpJP = StageJP + ExpCnt; + Word_t Pop1 = End - Start; + Word_t expanse = JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex, 6); + Word_t subexp = expanse / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; +// +// set the bit that is the current expanse + JU_JBB_BITMAP(&StageJBB, subexp) |= JU_BITPOSMASKB(expanse); +#ifdef SUBEXPCOUNTS + StageJBB.jbb_subPop1[subexp] += Pop1; // pop of subexpanse +#endif +// count number of expanses in each subexpanse + SubJPCount[subexp]++; + +// Save byte expanse of leaf + StageExp[ExpCnt] = JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex, 6); + + if (Pop1 == 1) // cJU_JPIMMED_5_01 + { + Word_t DcdP0; + DcdP0 = (JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & cJU_DCDMASK(5)) | + CIndex; +#ifdef JUDY1 + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, 0, DcdP0, cJ1_JPIMMED_5_01); +#else // JUDYL + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, Pjv[Start], DcdP0, + cJL_JPIMMED_5_01); +#endif // JUDYL + } +#ifdef JUDY1 + else if (Pop1 <= cJ1_IMMED5_MAXPOP1) + { +// cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02..3: Judy1 64 + +// Copy to Index to JP as an immediate Leaf + j__udyCopyWto5(PjpJP->jp_1Index, + StageA + Start, Pop1); + +// Set pointer, type, population and Index size + PjpJP->jp_Type = cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02 + Pop1 - 2; + } +#endif + else + { +// cJU_JPLEAF5 + Word_t DcdP0; + Pjll_t PjllRaw; // pointer to new leaf. + Pjll_t Pjll; + JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjvnew;) // value area of new leaf. + +// Get a new Leaf + PjllRaw = j__udyAllocJLL5(Pop1, Pjpm); + if (PjllRaw == (Pjll_t)NULL) + FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + + Pjll = P_JLL(PjllRaw); + +// Copy Indexes to new Leaf + j__udyCopyWto5((uint8_t *) Pjll, StageA + Start, + Pop1); + +// Copy to Values to new Leaf +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjvnew = JL_LEAF5VALUEAREA(Pjll, Pop1); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjvnew, Pjv + Start, Pop1); +#endif + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjll, Pop1, 5);) + + DcdP0 = (JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & cJU_DCDMASK(6)) + | + (CIndex & cJU_DCDMASK(6-1)) + | + (Pop1 - 1); + + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, (Word_t)PjllRaw, DcdP0, + cJU_JPLEAF5); + } + ExpCnt++; +// Done? + if (End == cJU_LEAF6_MAXPOP1) break; + +// New Expanse, Start and Count + CIndex = StageA[End]; + Start = End; + } + } + +// Now put all the Leaves below a BranchL or BranchB: + if (ExpCnt <= cJU_BRANCHLMAXJPS) // put the Leaves below a BranchL + { + if (j__udyCreateBranchL(Pjp, StageJP, StageExp, ExpCnt, + Pjpm) == -1) FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + + Pjp->jp_Type = cJU_JPBRANCH_L6; + } + else + { + if (j__udyStageJBBtoJBB(Pjp, &StageJBB, StageJP, SubJPCount, Pjpm) + == -1) FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + } + return(1); + +} // j__udyCascade6() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y C A S C A D E 7 +// +// Cascade from a cJU_JPLEAF7 to one of the following: +// 1. if leaf is in 1 expanse: +// compress it into a JPLEAF6 +// 2. if leaf contains multiple expanses: +// create linear or bitmap branch containing +// each new expanse is either a: +// JPIMMED_6_01 ... JPIMMED_6_02 branch +// JPIMMED_6_01 branch +// JPLEAF6 + +FUNCTION int j__udyCascade7( + Pjp_t Pjp, + Pvoid_t Pjpm) +{ + uint8_t * PLeaf; // pointer to leaf, explicit type. + Word_t End, Start; // temporaries. + Word_t ExpCnt; // count of expanses of splay. + Word_t CIndex; // current Index word. +JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjv;) // value area of leaf. + +// Temp staging for parts(Leaves) of newly splayed leaf + jp_t StageJP [cJU_LEAF7_MAXPOP1]; // JPs of new leaves + Word_t StageA [cJU_LEAF7_MAXPOP1]; + uint8_t StageExp [cJU_LEAF7_MAXPOP1]; // Expanses of new leaves + uint8_t SubJPCount[cJU_NUMSUBEXPB]; // JPs in each subexpanse + jbb_t StageJBB; // staged bitmap branch + + assert(JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) == cJU_JPLEAF7); + assert(JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) == (cJU_LEAF7_MAXPOP1-1)); + +// Get the address of the Leaf + PLeaf = (uint8_t *) P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + +// Extract 7 byte index Leaf to Word_t + j__udyCopy7toW(StageA, PLeaf, cJU_LEAF7_MAXPOP1); + +// Get the address of the Leaf and Value area + JUDYLCODE(Pjv = JL_LEAF7VALUEAREA(PLeaf, cJU_LEAF7_MAXPOP1);) + +// If Leaf is in 1 expanse -- just compress it (compare 1st, last & Index) + + CIndex = StageA[0]; + if (!JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex ^ StageA[cJU_LEAF7_MAXPOP1-1], 7)) + { + Word_t DcdP0; + Pjll_t PjllRaw; // pointer to new leaf. + Pjll_t Pjll; + JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjvnew;) // value area of new leaf. + +// Alloc a 6 byte Index Leaf + PjllRaw = j__udyAllocJLL6(cJU_LEAF7_MAXPOP1, Pjpm); + if (PjllRaw == (Pjlb_t)NULL) return(-1); // out of memory + + Pjll = P_JLL(PjllRaw); + +// Copy Index area into new Leaf + j__udyCopyWto6((uint8_t *) Pjll, StageA, cJU_LEAF7_MAXPOP1); +#ifdef JUDYL +// Copy Value area into new Leaf + Pjvnew = JL_LEAF6VALUEAREA(Pjll, cJU_LEAF7_MAXPOP1); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjvnew, Pjv, cJU_LEAF7_MAXPOP1); +#endif + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjll, cJU_LEAF7_MAXPOP1, 6);) + + DcdP0 = JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) | (CIndex & cJU_DCDMASK(6)); + JU_JPSETADT(Pjp, (Word_t)PjllRaw, DcdP0, cJU_JPLEAF6); + + return(1); + } + +// Else in 2+ expanses, splay Leaf into smaller leaves at higher compression + + StageJBB = StageJBBZero; // zero staged bitmap branch + ZEROJP(SubJPCount); + +// Splay the 7 byte index Leaf to 6 byte Index Leaves + for (ExpCnt = Start = 0, End = 1; ; End++) + { +// Check if new expanse or last one + if ( (End == cJU_LEAF7_MAXPOP1) + || + (JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex ^ StageA[End], 7)) + ) + { +// Build a leaf below the previous expanse + + Pjp_t PjpJP = StageJP + ExpCnt; + Word_t Pop1 = End - Start; + Word_t expanse = JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex, 7); + Word_t subexp = expanse / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; +// +// set the bit that is the current expanse + JU_JBB_BITMAP(&StageJBB, subexp) |= JU_BITPOSMASKB(expanse); +#ifdef SUBEXPCOUNTS + StageJBB.jbb_subPop1[subexp] += Pop1; // pop of subexpanse +#endif +// count number of expanses in each subexpanse + SubJPCount[subexp]++; + +// Save byte expanse of leaf + StageExp[ExpCnt] = JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex, 7); + + if (Pop1 == 1) // cJU_JPIMMED_6_01 + { + Word_t DcdP0; + DcdP0 = (JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & cJU_DCDMASK(6)) | + CIndex; +#ifdef JUDY1 + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, 0, DcdP0, cJ1_JPIMMED_6_01); +#else // JUDYL + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, Pjv[Start], DcdP0, + cJL_JPIMMED_6_01); +#endif // JUDYL + } +#ifdef JUDY1 + else if (Pop1 == cJ1_IMMED6_MAXPOP1) + { +// cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02: Judy1 64 + +// Copy to Index to JP as an immediate Leaf + j__udyCopyWto6(PjpJP->jp_1Index, + StageA + Start, 2); + +// Set pointer, type, population and Index size + PjpJP->jp_Type = cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02; + } +#endif + else + { +// cJU_JPLEAF6 + Word_t DcdP0; + Pjll_t PjllRaw; // pointer to new leaf. + Pjll_t Pjll; + JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjvnew;) // value area of new leaf. + +// Get a new Leaf + PjllRaw = j__udyAllocJLL6(Pop1, Pjpm); + if (PjllRaw == (Pjll_t)NULL) + FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + Pjll = P_JLL(PjllRaw); + +// Copy Indexes to new Leaf + j__udyCopyWto6((uint8_t *) Pjll, StageA + Start, + Pop1); +#ifdef JUDYL +// Copy to Values to new Leaf + Pjvnew = JL_LEAF6VALUEAREA(Pjll, Pop1); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjvnew, Pjv + Start, Pop1); +#endif + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjll, Pop1, 6);) + + DcdP0 = (JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & cJU_DCDMASK(7)) + | + (CIndex & cJU_DCDMASK(7-1)) + | + (Pop1 - 1); + + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, (Word_t)PjllRaw, DcdP0, + cJU_JPLEAF6); + } + ExpCnt++; +// Done? + if (End == cJU_LEAF7_MAXPOP1) break; + +// New Expanse, Start and Count + CIndex = StageA[End]; + Start = End; + } + } + +// Now put all the Leaves below a BranchL or BranchB: + if (ExpCnt <= cJU_BRANCHLMAXJPS) // put the Leaves below a BranchL + { + if (j__udyCreateBranchL(Pjp, StageJP, StageExp, ExpCnt, + Pjpm) == -1) FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + + Pjp->jp_Type = cJU_JPBRANCH_L7; + } + else + { + if (j__udyStageJBBtoJBB(Pjp, &StageJBB, StageJP, SubJPCount, Pjpm) + == -1) FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + } + return(1); + +} // j__udyCascade7() + +#endif // JU_64BIT + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y C A S C A D E L +// +// (Compressed) cJU_LEAF3[7], cJ1_JPBRANCH_L. +// +// Cascade from a LEAFW (under Pjp) to one of the following: +// 1. if LEAFW is in 1 expanse: +// create linear branch with a JPLEAF3[7] under it +// 2. LEAFW contains multiple expanses: +// create linear or bitmap branch containing new expanses +// each new expanse is either a: 32 64 +// JPIMMED_3_01 branch Y N +// JPIMMED_7_01 branch N Y +// JPLEAF3 Y N +// JPLEAF7 N Y + +FUNCTION int j__udyCascadeL( + Pjp_t Pjp, + Pvoid_t Pjpm) +{ + Pjlw_t Pjlw; // leaf to work on. + Word_t End, Start; // temporaries. + Word_t ExpCnt; // count of expanses of splay. + Word_t CIndex; // current Index word. +JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjv;) // value area of leaf. + +// Temp staging for parts(Leaves) of newly splayed leaf + jp_t StageJP [cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1]; + uint8_t StageExp[cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1]; + uint8_t SubJPCount[cJU_NUMSUBEXPB]; // JPs in each subexpanse + jbb_t StageJBB; // staged bitmap branch + +// Get the address of the Leaf + Pjlw = P_JLW(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + assert(Pjlw[0] == (cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1 - 1)); + +// Get pointer to Value area of old Leaf + JUDYLCODE(Pjv = JL_LEAFWVALUEAREA(Pjlw, cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1);) + + Pjlw++; // Now point to Index area + +// If Leaf is in 1 expanse -- first compress it (compare 1st, last & Index): + + CIndex = Pjlw[0]; // also used far below + if (!JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex ^ Pjlw[cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1 - 1], + cJU_ROOTSTATE)) + { + Pjll_t PjllRaw; // pointer to new leaf. + Pjll_t Pjll; + JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjvnew;) // value area of new leaf. + +// Get the common expanse to all elements in Leaf + StageExp[0] = JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex, cJU_ROOTSTATE); + +// Alloc a 3[7] byte Index Leaf +#ifdef JU_64BIT + PjllRaw = j__udyAllocJLL7(cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1, Pjpm); + if (PjllRaw == (Pjlb_t)NULL) return(-1); // out of memory + + Pjll = P_JLL(PjllRaw); + +// Copy LEAFW to a cJU_JPLEAF7 + j__udyCopyWto7((uint8_t *) Pjll, Pjlw, cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1); +#ifdef JUDYL +// Get the Value area of new Leaf + Pjvnew = JL_LEAF7VALUEAREA(Pjll, cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjvnew, Pjv, cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1); +#endif + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjll, cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1, 7);) +#else // 32 Bit + PjllRaw = j__udyAllocJLL3(cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1, Pjpm); + if (PjllRaw == (Pjll_t) NULL) return(-1); + + Pjll = P_JLL(PjllRaw); + +// Copy LEAFW to a cJU_JPLEAF3 + j__udyCopyWto3((uint8_t *) Pjll, Pjlw, cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1); +#ifdef JUDYL +// Get the Value area of new Leaf + Pjvnew = JL_LEAF3VALUEAREA(Pjll, cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjvnew, Pjv, cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1); +#endif + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjll, cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1, 3);) +#endif // 32 Bit + +// Following not needed because cJU_DCDMASK(3[7]) is == 0 +////// StageJP[0].jp_DcdPopO |= (CIndex & cJU_DCDMASK(3[7])); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + JU_JPSETADT(&(StageJP[0]), (Word_t)PjllRaw, cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1-1, + cJU_JPLEAF7); +#else // 32BIT + JU_JPSETADT(&(StageJP[0]), (Word_t)PjllRaw, cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1-1, + cJU_JPLEAF3); +#endif // 32BIT +// Create a 1 element Linear branch + if (j__udyCreateBranchL(Pjp, StageJP, StageExp, 1, Pjpm) == -1) + return(-1); + +// Change the type of callers JP + Pjp->jp_Type = cJU_JPBRANCH_L; + + return(1); + } + +// Else in 2+ expanses, splay Leaf into smaller leaves at higher compression + + StageJBB = StageJBBZero; // zero staged bitmap branch + ZEROJP(SubJPCount); + +// Splay the 4[8] byte Index Leaf to 3[7] byte Index Leaves + for (ExpCnt = Start = 0, End = 1; ; End++) + { +// Check if new expanse or last one + if ( (End == cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1) + || + (JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex ^ Pjlw[End], cJU_ROOTSTATE)) + ) + { +// Build a leaf below the previous expanse + + Pjp_t PjpJP = StageJP + ExpCnt; + Word_t Pop1 = End - Start; + Word_t expanse = JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex, cJU_ROOTSTATE); + Word_t subexp = expanse / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; +// +// set the bit that is the current expanse + JU_JBB_BITMAP(&StageJBB, subexp) |= JU_BITPOSMASKB(expanse); +#ifdef SUBEXPCOUNTS + StageJBB.jbb_subPop1[subexp] += Pop1; // pop of subexpanse +#endif +// count number of expanses in each subexpanse + SubJPCount[subexp]++; + +// Save byte expanse of leaf + StageExp[ExpCnt] = JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex, + cJU_ROOTSTATE); + + if (Pop1 == 1) // cJU_JPIMMED_3[7]_01 + { +#ifdef JU_64BIT +#ifdef JUDY1 + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, 0, CIndex, cJ1_JPIMMED_7_01); +#else // JUDYL + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, Pjv[Start], CIndex, + cJL_JPIMMED_7_01); +#endif // JUDYL + +#else // JU_32BIT +#ifdef JUDY1 + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, 0, CIndex, cJ1_JPIMMED_3_01); +#else // JUDYL + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, Pjv[Start], CIndex, + cJL_JPIMMED_3_01); +#endif // JUDYL +#endif // JU_32BIT + } +#ifdef JUDY1 +#ifdef JU_64BIT + else if (Pop1 <= cJ1_IMMED7_MAXPOP1) +#else + else if (Pop1 <= cJ1_IMMED3_MAXPOP1) +#endif + { +// cJ1_JPIMMED_3_02 : Judy1 32 +// cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02 : Judy1 64 +// Copy to JP as an immediate Leaf +#ifdef JU_64BIT + j__udyCopyWto7(PjpJP->jp_1Index, Pjlw+Start, 2); + PjpJP->jp_Type = cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02; +#else + j__udyCopyWto3(PjpJP->jp_1Index, Pjlw+Start, 2); + PjpJP->jp_Type = cJ1_JPIMMED_3_02; +#endif // 32 Bit + } +#endif // JUDY1 + else // Linear Leaf JPLEAF3[7] + { +// cJU_JPLEAF3[7] + Pjll_t PjllRaw; // pointer to new leaf. + Pjll_t Pjll; + JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjvnew;) // value area of new leaf. +#ifdef JU_64BIT + PjllRaw = j__udyAllocJLL7(Pop1, Pjpm); + if (PjllRaw == (Pjll_t) NULL) return(-1); + Pjll = P_JLL(PjllRaw); + + j__udyCopyWto7((uint8_t *) Pjll, Pjlw + Start, + Pop1); +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjvnew = JL_LEAF7VALUEAREA(Pjll, Pop1); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjvnew, Pjv + Start, Pop1); +#endif // JUDYL + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjll, Pop1, 7);) +#else // JU_64BIT - 32 Bit + PjllRaw = j__udyAllocJLL3(Pop1, Pjpm); + if (PjllRaw == (Pjll_t) NULL) return(-1); + Pjll = P_JLL(PjllRaw); + + j__udyCopyWto3((uint8_t *) Pjll, Pjlw + Start, + Pop1); +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjvnew = JL_LEAF3VALUEAREA(Pjll, Pop1); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjvnew, Pjv + Start, Pop1); +#endif // JUDYL + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjll, Pop1, 3);) +#endif // 32 Bit + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, (Word_t)PjllRaw, Pop1 - 1, + cJU_JPLEAF7); +#else // JU_64BIT - 32 Bit + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, (Word_t)PjllRaw, Pop1 - 1, + cJU_JPLEAF3); +#endif // 32 Bit + } + ExpCnt++; +// Done? + if (End == cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1) break; + +// New Expanse, Start and Count + CIndex = Pjlw[End]; + Start = End; + } + } + +// Now put all the Leaves below a BranchL or BranchB: + if (ExpCnt <= cJU_BRANCHLMAXJPS) // put the Leaves below a BranchL + { + if (j__udyCreateBranchL(Pjp, StageJP, StageExp, ExpCnt, + Pjpm) == -1) FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + + Pjp->jp_Type = cJU_JPBRANCH_L; + } + else + { + if (j__udyStageJBBtoJBB(Pjp, &StageJBB, StageJP, SubJPCount, Pjpm) + == -1) FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + + Pjp->jp_Type = cJU_JPBRANCH_B; // cJU_LEAFW is out of sequence + } + return(1); + +} // j__udyCascadeL() diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Judy1Count.c b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Judy1Count.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d4585407 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Judy1Count.c @@ -0,0 +1,1195 @@ +// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company +// +// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +// under the term of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +// option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +// _________________ + +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ +// +// Judy*Count() function for Judy1 and JudyL. +// Compile with one of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL. +// +// Compile with -DNOSMARTJBB, -DNOSMARTJBU, and/or -DNOSMARTJLB to build a +// version with cache line optimizations deleted, for testing. +// +// Compile with -DSMARTMETRICS to obtain global variables containing smart +// cache line metrics. Note: Dont turn this on simultaneously for this file +// and JudyByCount.c because they export the same globals. +// +// Judy*Count() returns the "count of Indexes" (inclusive) between the two +// specified limits (Indexes). This code is remarkably fast. It traverses the +// "Judy array" data structure. +// +// This count code is the GENERIC untuned version (minimum code size). It +// might be possible to tuned to a specific architecture to be faster. +// However, in real applications, with a modern machine, it is expected that +// the instruction times will be swamped by cache line fills. +// **************************************************************************** + +#if (! (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JUDYL))) +#error: One of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL must be specified. +#endif + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#include "Judy1.h" +#else +#include "JudyL.h" +#endif + +#include "JudyPrivate1L.h" + + +// define a phoney that is for sure + +#define cJU_LEAFW cJU_JPIMMED_CAP + +// Avoid duplicate symbols since this file is multi-compiled: + +#ifdef SMARTMETRICS +#ifdef JUDY1 +Word_t jbb_upward = 0; // counts of directions taken: +Word_t jbb_downward = 0; +Word_t jbu_upward = 0; +Word_t jbu_downward = 0; +Word_t jlb_upward = 0; +Word_t jlb_downward = 0; +#else +extern Word_t jbb_upward; +extern Word_t jbb_downward; +extern Word_t jbu_upward; +extern Word_t jbu_downward; +extern Word_t jlb_upward; +extern Word_t jlb_downward; +#endif +#endif + + +// FORWARD DECLARATIONS (prototypes): + +static Word_t j__udy1LCountSM(const Pjp_t Pjp, const Word_t Index, + const Pjpm_t Pjpm); + +// Each of Judy1 and JudyL get their own private (static) version of this +// function: + +static int j__udyCountLeafB1(const Pjll_t Pjll, const Word_t Pop1, + const Word_t Index); + +// These functions are not static because they are exported to Judy*ByCount(): +// +// TBD: Should be made static for performance reasons? And thus duplicated? +// +// Note: There really are two different functions, but for convenience they +// are referred to here with a generic name. + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#define j__udyJPPop1 j__udy1JPPop1 +#else +#define j__udyJPPop1 j__udyLJPPop1 +#endif + +Word_t j__udyJPPop1(const Pjp_t Pjp); + + +// LOCAL ERROR HANDLING: +// +// The Judy*Count() functions are unusual because they return 0 instead of JERR +// for an error. In this source file, define C_JERR for clarity. + +#define C_JERR 0 + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y 1 C O U N T +// J U D Y L C O U N T +// +// See the manual entry for details. +// +// This code is written recursively, at least at first, because thats much +// simpler; hope its fast enough. + +#ifdef JUDY1 +FUNCTION Word_t Judy1Count +#else +FUNCTION Word_t JudyLCount +#endif + ( + Pcvoid_t PArray, // JRP to first branch/leaf in SM. + Word_t Index1, // starting Index. + Word_t Index2, // ending Index. + PJError_t PJError // optional, for returning error info. + ) +{ + jpm_t fakejpm; // local temporary for small arrays. + Pjpm_t Pjpm; // top JPM or local temporary for error info. + jp_t fakejp; // constructed for calling j__udy1LCountSM(). + Pjp_t Pjp; // JP to pass to j__udy1LCountSM(). + Word_t pop1; // total for the array. + Word_t pop1above1; // indexes at or above Index1, inclusive. + Word_t pop1above2; // indexes at or above Index2, exclusive. + int retcode; // from Judy*First() calls. +JUDYLCODE(PPvoid_t PPvalue); // from JudyLFirst() calls. + + +// CHECK FOR SHORTCUTS: +// +// As documented, return C_JERR if the Judy array is empty or Index1 > Index2. + + if ((PArray == (Pvoid_t) NULL) || (Index1 > Index2)) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NONE); + return(C_JERR); + } + +// If Index1 == Index2, simply check if the specified Index is set; pass +// through the return value from Judy1Test() or JudyLGet() with appropriate +// translations. + + if (Index1 == Index2) + { +#ifdef JUDY1 + retcode = Judy1Test(PArray, Index1, PJError); + + if (retcode == JERRI) return(C_JERR); // pass through error. + + if (retcode == 0) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NONE); + return(C_JERR); + } +#else + PPvalue = JudyLGet(PArray, Index1, PJError); + + if (PPvalue == PPJERR) return(C_JERR); // pass through error. + + if (PPvalue == (PPvoid_t) NULL) // Index is not set. + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NONE); + return(C_JERR); + } +#endif + return(1); // single index is set. + } + + +// CHECK JRP TYPE: +// +// Use an if/then for speed rather than a switch, and put the most common cases +// first. +// +// Note: Since even cJU_LEAFW types require counting between two Indexes, +// prepare them here for common code below that calls j__udy1LCountSM(), rather +// than handling them even more specially here. + + if (JU_LEAFW_POP0(PArray) < cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1) // must be a LEAFW + { + Pjlw_t Pjlw = P_JLW(PArray); // first word of leaf. + Pjpm = & fakejpm; + Pjp = & fakejp; + Pjp->jp_Addr = (Word_t) Pjlw; + Pjp->jp_Type = cJU_LEAFW; + Pjpm->jpm_Pop0 = Pjlw[0]; // from first word of leaf. + pop1 = Pjpm->jpm_Pop0 + 1; + } + else + { + Pjpm = P_JPM(PArray); + Pjp = &(Pjpm->jpm_JP); + pop1 = (Pjpm->jpm_Pop0) + 1; // note: can roll over to 0. + +#if (defined(JUDY1) && (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + if (pop1 == 0) // rare special case of full array: + { + Word_t count = Index2 - Index1 + 1; // can roll over again. + + if (count == 0) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_FULL); + return(C_JERR); + } + return(count); + } +#else + assert(pop1); // JudyL or 64-bit cannot create a full array! +#endif + } + + +// COUNT POP1 ABOVE INDEX1, INCLUSIVE: + + assert(pop1); // just to be safe. + + if (Index1 == 0) // shortcut, pop1above1 is entire population: + { + pop1above1 = pop1; + } + else // find first valid Index above Index1, if any: + { +#ifdef JUDY1 + if ((retcode = Judy1First(PArray, & Index1, PJError)) == JERRI) + return(C_JERR); // pass through error. +#else + if ((PPvalue = JudyLFirst(PArray, & Index1, PJError)) == PPJERR) + return(C_JERR); // pass through error. + + retcode = (PPvalue != (PPvoid_t) NULL); // found a next Index. +#endif + +// If theres no Index at or above Index1, just return C_JERR (early exit): + + if (retcode == 0) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NONE); + return(C_JERR); + } + +// If a first/next Index was found, call the counting motor starting with that +// known valid Index, meaning the return should be positive, not C_JERR except +// in case of a real error: + + if ((pop1above1 = j__udy1LCountSM(Pjp, Index1, Pjpm)) == C_JERR) + { + JU_COPY_ERRNO(PJError, Pjpm); // pass through error. + return(C_JERR); + } + } + + +// COUNT POP1 ABOVE INDEX2, EXCLUSIVE, AND RETURN THE DIFFERENCE: +// +// In principle, calculate the ordinal of each Index and take the difference, +// with caution about off-by-one errors due to the specified Indexes being set +// or unset. In practice: +// +// - The ordinals computed here are inverse ordinals, that is, the populations +// ABOVE the specified Indexes (Index1 inclusive, Index2 exclusive), so +// subtract pop1above2 from pop1above1, rather than vice-versa. +// +// - Index1s result already includes a count for Index1 and/or Index2 if +// either is set, so calculate pop1above2 exclusive of Index2. +// +// TBD: If Index1 and Index2 fall in the same expanse in the top-state +// branch(es), would it be faster to walk the SM only once, to their divergence +// point, before calling j__udy1LCountSM() or equivalent? Possibly a non-issue +// if a top-state pop1 becomes stored with each Judy1 array. Also, consider +// whether the first call of j__udy1LCountSM() fills the cache, for common tree +// branches, for the second call. +// +// As for pop1above1, look for shortcuts for special cases when pop1above2 is +// zero. Otherwise call the counting "motor". + + assert(pop1above1); // just to be safe. + + if (Index2++ == cJU_ALLONES) return(pop1above1); // Index2 at limit. + +#ifdef JUDY1 + if ((retcode = Judy1First(PArray, & Index2, PJError)) == JERRI) + return(C_JERR); +#else + if ((PPvalue = JudyLFirst(PArray, & Index2, PJError)) == PPJERR) + return(C_JERR); + + retcode = (PPvalue != (PPvoid_t) NULL); // found a next Index. +#endif + if (retcode == 0) return(pop1above1); // no Index above Index2. + +// Just as for Index1, j__udy1LCountSM() cannot return 0 (locally == C_JERR) +// except in case of a real error: + + if ((pop1above2 = j__udy1LCountSM(Pjp, Index2, Pjpm)) == C_JERR) + { + JU_COPY_ERRNO(PJError, Pjpm); // pass through error. + return(C_JERR); + } + + if (pop1above1 == pop1above2) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NONE); + return(C_JERR); + } + + return(pop1above1 - pop1above2); + +} // Judy1Count() / JudyLCount() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y 1 L C O U N T S M +// +// Given a pointer to a JP (with invalid jp_DcdPopO at cJU_ROOTSTATE), a known +// valid Index, and a Pjpm for returning error info, recursively visit a Judy +// array state machine (SM) and return the count of Indexes, including Index, +// through the end of the Judy array at this state or below. In case of error +// or a count of 0 (should never happen), return C_JERR with appropriate +// JU_ERRNO in the Pjpm. +// +// Note: This function is not told the current state because its encoded in +// the JP Type. +// +// Method: To minimize cache line fills, while studying each branch, if Index +// resides above the midpoint of the branch (which often consists of multiple +// cache lines), ADD the populations at or above Index; otherwise, SUBTRACT +// from the population of the WHOLE branch (available from the JP) the +// populations at or above Index. This is especially tricky for bitmap +// branches. +// +// Note: Unlike, say, the Ins and Del walk routines, this function returns the +// same type of returns as Judy*Count(), so it can use *_SET_ERRNO*() macros +// the same way. + +FUNCTION static Word_t j__udy1LCountSM( +const Pjp_t Pjp, // top of Judy (sub)SM. +const Word_t Index, // count at or above this Index. +const Pjpm_t Pjpm) // for returning error info. +{ + Pjbl_t Pjbl; // Pjp->jp_Addr masked and cast to types: + Pjbb_t Pjbb; + Pjbu_t Pjbu; + Pjll_t Pjll; // a Judy lower-level linear leaf. + + Word_t digit; // next digit to decode from Index. + long jpnum; // JP number in a branch (base 0). + int offset; // index ordinal within a leaf, base 0. + Word_t pop1; // total population of an expanse. + Word_t pop1above; // to return. + +// Common code to check Decode bits in a JP against the equivalent portion of +// Index; XOR together, then mask bits of interest; must be all 0: +// +// Note: Why does this code only assert() compliance rather than actively +// checking for outliers? Its because Index is supposed to be valid, hence +// always match any Dcd bits traversed. +// +// Note: This assertion turns out to be always true for cState = 3 on 32-bit +// and 7 on 64-bit, but its harmless, probably removed by the compiler. + +#define CHECKDCD(Pjp,cState) \ + assert(! JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, cState)) + +// Common code to prepare to handle a root-level or lower-level branch: +// Extract a state-dependent digit from Index in a "constant" way, obtain the +// total population for the branch in a state-dependent way, and then branch to +// common code for multiple cases: +// +// For root-level branches, the state is always cJU_ROOTSTATE, and the +// population is received in Pjpm->jpm_Pop0. +// +// Note: The total population is only needed in cases where the common code +// "counts up" instead of down to minimize cache line fills. However, its +// available cheaply, and its better to do it with a constant shift (constant +// state value) instead of a variable shift later "when needed". + +#define PREPB_ROOT(Pjp,Next) \ + digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, cJU_ROOTSTATE); \ + pop1 = (Pjpm->jpm_Pop0) + 1; \ + goto Next + +#define PREPB(Pjp,cState,Next) \ + digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, cState); \ + pop1 = JU_JPBRANCH_POP0(Pjp, (cState)) + 1; \ + goto Next + + +// SWITCH ON JP TYPE: +// +// WARNING: For run-time efficiency the following cases replicate code with +// varying constants, rather than using common code with variable values! + + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// ROOT-STATE LEAF that starts with a Pop0 word; just count within the leaf: + + case cJU_LEAFW: + { + Pjlw_t Pjlw = P_JLW(Pjp->jp_Addr); // first word of leaf. + + assert((Pjpm->jpm_Pop0) + 1 == Pjlw[0] + 1); // sent correctly. + offset = j__udySearchLeafW(Pjlw + 1, Pjpm->jpm_Pop0 + 1, Index); + assert(offset >= 0); // Index must exist. + assert(offset < (Pjpm->jpm_Pop0) + 1); // Index be in range. + return((Pjpm->jpm_Pop0) + 1 - offset); // INCLUSIVE of Index. + } + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// LINEAR BRANCH; count populations in JPs in the JBL ABOVE the next digit in +// Index, and recurse for the next digit in Index: +// +// Note: There are no null JPs in a JBL; watch out for pop1 == 0. +// +// Note: A JBL should always fit in one cache line => no need to count up +// versus down to save cache line fills. (PREPB() sets pop1 for no reason.) + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L2: CHECKDCD(Pjp, 2); PREPB(Pjp, 2, BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L3: CHECKDCD(Pjp, 3); PREPB(Pjp, 3, BranchL); + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L4: CHECKDCD(Pjp, 4); PREPB(Pjp, 4, BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L5: CHECKDCD(Pjp, 5); PREPB(Pjp, 5, BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L6: CHECKDCD(Pjp, 6); PREPB(Pjp, 6, BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L7: CHECKDCD(Pjp, 7); PREPB(Pjp, 7, BranchL); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L: PREPB_ROOT(Pjp, BranchL); + +// Common code (state-independent) for all cases of linear branches: + +BranchL: + + Pjbl = P_JBL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + jpnum = Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs; // above last JP. + pop1above = 0; + + while (digit < (Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[--jpnum])) // still ABOVE digit. + { + if ((pop1 = j__udyJPPop1((Pjbl->jbl_jp) + jpnum)) == cJU_ALLONES) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO_NONNULL(Pjpm, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + return(C_JERR); + } + + pop1above += pop1; + assert(jpnum > 0); // should find digit. + } + + assert(digit == (Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[jpnum])); // should find digit. + + pop1 = j__udy1LCountSM((Pjbl->jbl_jp) + jpnum, Index, Pjpm); + if (pop1 == C_JERR) return(C_JERR); // pass error up. + + assert(pop1above + pop1); + return(pop1above + pop1); + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// BITMAP BRANCH; count populations in JPs in the JBB ABOVE the next digit in +// Index, and recurse for the next digit in Index: +// +// Note: There are no null JPs in a JBB; watch out for pop1 == 0. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B2: CHECKDCD(Pjp, 2); PREPB(Pjp, 2, BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B3: CHECKDCD(Pjp, 3); PREPB(Pjp, 3, BranchB); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B4: CHECKDCD(Pjp, 4); PREPB(Pjp, 4, BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B5: CHECKDCD(Pjp, 5); PREPB(Pjp, 5, BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B6: CHECKDCD(Pjp, 6); PREPB(Pjp, 6, BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B7: CHECKDCD(Pjp, 7); PREPB(Pjp, 7, BranchB); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B: PREPB_ROOT(Pjp, BranchB); + +// Common code (state-independent) for all cases of bitmap branches: + +BranchB: + { + long subexp; // for stepping through layer 1 (subexpanses). + long findsub; // subexpanse containing Index (digit). + Word_t findbit; // bit representing Index (digit). + Word_t lowermask; // bits for indexes at or below Index. + Word_t jpcount; // JPs in a subexpanse. + Word_t clbelow; // cache lines below digits cache line. + Word_t clabove; // cache lines above digits cache line. + + Pjbb = P_JBB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + findsub = digit / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; + findbit = digit % cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; + lowermask = JU_MASKLOWERINC(JU_BITPOSMASKB(findbit)); + clbelow = clabove = 0; // initial/default => always downward. + + assert(JU_BITMAPTESTB(Pjbb, digit)); // digit must have a JP. + assert(findsub < cJU_NUMSUBEXPB); // falls in expected range. + +// Shorthand for one subexpanse in a bitmap and for one JP in a bitmap branch: +// +// Note: BMPJP0 exists separately to support assertions. + +#define BMPJP0(Subexp) (P_JP(JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, Subexp))) +#define BMPJP(Subexp,JPnum) (BMPJP0(Subexp) + (JPnum)) + +#ifndef NOSMARTJBB // enable to turn off smart code for comparison purposes. + +// FIGURE OUT WHICH DIRECTION CAUSES FEWER CACHE LINE FILLS; adding the pop1s +// in JPs above Indexs JP, or subtracting the pop1s in JPs below Indexs JP. +// +// This is tricky because, while each set bit in the bitmap represents a JP, +// the JPs are scattered over cJU_NUMSUBEXPB subexpanses, each of which can +// contain JPs packed into multiple cache lines, and this code must visit every +// JP either BELOW or ABOVE the JP for Index. +// +// Number of cache lines required to hold a linear list of the given number of +// JPs, assuming the first JP is at the start of a cache line or the JPs in +// jpcount fit wholly within a single cache line, which is ensured by +// JudyMalloc(): + +#define CLPERJPS(jpcount) \ + ((((jpcount) * cJU_WORDSPERJP) + cJU_WORDSPERCL - 1) / cJU_WORDSPERCL) + +// Count cache lines below/above for each subexpanse: + + for (subexp = 0; subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPB; ++subexp) + { + jpcount = j__udyCountBitsB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp)); + +// When at the subexpanse containing Index (digit), add cache lines +// below/above appropriately, excluding the cache line containing the JP for +// Index itself: + + if (subexp < findsub) clbelow += CLPERJPS(jpcount); + else if (subexp > findsub) clabove += CLPERJPS(jpcount); + else // (subexp == findsub) + { + Word_t clfind; // cache line containing Index (digit). + + clfind = CLPERJPS(j__udyCountBitsB( + JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp) & lowermask)); + + assert(clfind > 0); // digit itself should have 1 CL. + clbelow += clfind - 1; + clabove += CLPERJPS(jpcount) - clfind; + } + } +#endif // ! NOSMARTJBB + +// Note: Its impossible to get through the following "if" without setting +// jpnum -- see some of the assertions below -- but gcc -Wall doesnt know +// this, so preset jpnum to make it happy: + + jpnum = 0; + + +// COUNT POPULATION FOR A BITMAP BRANCH, in whichever direction should result +// in fewer cache line fills: +// +// Note: If the remainder of Index is zero, pop1above is the pop1 of the +// entire expanse and theres no point in recursing to lower levels; but this +// should be so rare that its not worth checking for; +// Judy1Count()/JudyLCount() never even calls the motor for Index == 0 (all +// bytes). + + +// COUNT UPWARD, subtracting each "below or at" JPs pop1 from the whole +// expanses pop1: +// +// Note: If this causes clbelow + 1 cache line fills including JPs cache +// line, thats OK; at worst this is the same as clabove. + + if (clbelow < clabove) + { +#ifdef SMARTMETRICS + ++jbb_upward; +#endif + pop1above = pop1; // subtract JPs at/below Index. + +// Count JPs for which to accrue pop1s in this subexpanse: +// +// TBD: If JU_JBB_BITMAP is cJU_FULLBITMAPB, dont bother counting. + + for (subexp = 0; subexp <= findsub; ++subexp) + { + jpcount = j__udyCountBitsB((subexp < findsub) ? + JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp) : + JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp) & lowermask); + + // should always find findbit: + assert((subexp < findsub) || jpcount); + +// Subtract pop1s from JPs BELOW OR AT Index (digit): +// +// Note: The pop1 for Indexs JP itself is partially added back later at a +// lower state. +// +// Note: An empty subexpanse (jpcount == 0) is handled "for free". +// +// Note: Must be null JP subexp pointer in empty subexpanse and non-empty in +// non-empty subexpanse: + + assert( jpcount || (BMPJP0(subexp) == (Pjp_t) NULL)); + assert((! jpcount) || (BMPJP0(subexp) != (Pjp_t) NULL)); + + for (jpnum = 0; jpnum < jpcount; ++jpnum) + { + if ((pop1 = j__udyJPPop1(BMPJP(subexp, jpnum))) + == cJU_ALLONES) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO_NONNULL(Pjpm, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + return(C_JERR); + } + + pop1above -= pop1; + } + + jpnum = jpcount - 1; // make correct for digit. + } + } + +// COUNT DOWNWARD, adding each "above" JPs pop1: + + else + { + long jpcountbf; // below findbit, inclusive. +#ifdef SMARTMETRICS + ++jbb_downward; +#endif + pop1above = 0; // add JPs above Index. + jpcountbf = 0; // until subexp == findsub. + +// Count JPs for which to accrue pop1s in this subexpanse: +// +// This is more complicated than counting upward because the scan of digits +// subexpanse must count ALL JPs, to know where to START counting down, and +// ALSO note the offset of digits JP to know where to STOP counting down. + + for (subexp = cJU_NUMSUBEXPB - 1; subexp >= findsub; --subexp) + { + jpcount = j__udyCountBitsB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp)); + + // should always find findbit: + assert((subexp > findsub) || jpcount); + + if (! jpcount) continue; // empty subexpanse, save time. + +// Count JPs below digit, inclusive: + + if (subexp == findsub) + { + jpcountbf = j__udyCountBitsB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp) + & lowermask); + } + + // should always find findbit: + assert((subexp > findsub) || jpcountbf); + assert(jpcount >= jpcountbf); // proper relationship. + +// Add pop1s from JPs ABOVE Index (digit): + + // no null JP subexp pointers: + assert(BMPJP0(subexp) != (Pjp_t) NULL); + + for (jpnum = jpcount - 1; jpnum >= jpcountbf; --jpnum) + { + if ((pop1 = j__udyJPPop1(BMPJP(subexp, jpnum))) + == cJU_ALLONES) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO_NONNULL(Pjpm, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + return(C_JERR); + } + + pop1above += pop1; + } + // jpnum is now correct for digit. + } + } // else. + +// Return the net population ABOVE the digits JP at this state (in this JBB) +// plus the population AT OR ABOVE Index in the SM under the digits JP: + + pop1 = j__udy1LCountSM(BMPJP(findsub, jpnum), Index, Pjpm); + if (pop1 == C_JERR) return(C_JERR); // pass error up. + + assert(pop1above + pop1); + return(pop1above + pop1); + + } // case. + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// UNCOMPRESSED BRANCH; count populations in JPs in the JBU ABOVE the next +// digit in Index, and recurse for the next digit in Index: +// +// Note: If the remainder of Index is zero, pop1above is the pop1 of the +// entire expanse and theres no point in recursing to lower levels; but this +// should be so rare that its not worth checking for; +// Judy1Count()/JudyLCount() never even calls the motor for Index == 0 (all +// bytes). + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U2: CHECKDCD(Pjp, 2); PREPB(Pjp, 2, BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U3: CHECKDCD(Pjp, 3); PREPB(Pjp, 3, BranchU); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U4: CHECKDCD(Pjp, 4); PREPB(Pjp, 4, BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U5: CHECKDCD(Pjp, 5); PREPB(Pjp, 5, BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U6: CHECKDCD(Pjp, 6); PREPB(Pjp, 6, BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U7: CHECKDCD(Pjp, 7); PREPB(Pjp, 7, BranchU); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U: PREPB_ROOT(Pjp, BranchU); + +// Common code (state-independent) for all cases of uncompressed branches: + +BranchU: + Pjbu = P_JBU(Pjp->jp_Addr); + +#ifndef NOSMARTJBU // enable to turn off smart code for comparison purposes. + +// FIGURE OUT WHICH WAY CAUSES FEWER CACHE LINE FILLS; adding the JPs above +// Indexs JP, or subtracting the JPs below Indexs JP. +// +// COUNT UPWARD, subtracting the pop1 of each JP BELOW OR AT Index, from the +// whole expanses pop1: + + if (digit < (cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS / 2)) + { + pop1above = pop1; // subtract JPs below Index. +#ifdef SMARTMETRICS + ++jbu_upward; +#endif + for (jpnum = 0; jpnum <= digit; ++jpnum) + { + if ((Pjbu->jbu_jp[jpnum].jp_Type) <= cJU_JPNULLMAX) + continue; // shortcut, save a function call. + + if ((pop1 = j__udyJPPop1(Pjbu->jbu_jp + jpnum)) + == cJU_ALLONES) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO_NONNULL(Pjpm, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + return(C_JERR); + } + + pop1above -= pop1; + } + } + +// COUNT DOWNWARD, simply adding the pop1 of each JP ABOVE Index: + + else +#endif // NOSMARTJBU + { + assert(digit < cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS); +#ifdef SMARTMETRICS + ++jbu_downward; +#endif + pop1above = 0; // add JPs above Index. + + for (jpnum = cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS - 1; jpnum > digit; --jpnum) + { + if ((Pjbu->jbu_jp[jpnum].jp_Type) <= cJU_JPNULLMAX) + continue; // shortcut, save a function call. + + if ((pop1 = j__udyJPPop1(Pjbu->jbu_jp + jpnum)) + == cJU_ALLONES) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO_NONNULL(Pjpm, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + return(C_JERR); + } + + pop1above += pop1; + } + } + + if ((pop1 = j__udy1LCountSM(Pjbu->jbu_jp + digit, Index, Pjpm)) + == C_JERR) return(C_JERR); // pass error up. + + assert(pop1above + pop1); + return(pop1above + pop1); + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// LEAF COUNT MACROS: +// +// LEAF*ABOVE() are common code for different JP types (linear leaves, bitmap +// leaves, and immediates) and different leaf Index Sizes, which result in +// calling different leaf search functions. Linear leaves get the leaf address +// from jp_Addr and the Population from jp_DcdPopO, while immediates use Pjp +// itself as the leaf address and get Population from jp_Type. + +#define LEAFLABOVE(Func) \ + Pjll = P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); \ + pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; \ + LEAFABOVE(Func, Pjll, pop1) + +#define LEAFB1ABOVE(Func) LEAFLABOVE(Func) // different Func, otherwise same. + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#define IMMABOVE(Func,Pop1) \ + Pjll = (Pjll_t) Pjp; \ + LEAFABOVE(Func, Pjll, Pop1) +#else +// Note: For JudyL immediates with >= 2 Indexes, the index bytes are in a +// different place than for Judy1: + +#define IMMABOVE(Func,Pop1) \ + LEAFABOVE(Func, (Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_LIndex), Pop1) +#endif + +// For all leaf types, the population AT OR ABOVE is the total pop1 less the +// offset of Index; and Index should always be found: + +#define LEAFABOVE(Func,Pjll,Pop1) \ + offset = Func(Pjll, Pop1, Index); \ + assert(offset >= 0); \ + assert(offset < (Pop1)); \ + return((Pop1) - offset) + +// IMMABOVE_01 handles the special case of an immediate JP with 1 index, which +// the search functions arent used for anyway: +// +// The target Index should be the one in this Immediate, in which case the +// count above (inclusive) is always 1. + +#define IMMABOVE_01 \ + assert((JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp)) == JU_TRIMTODCDSIZE(Index)); \ + return(1) + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// LINEAR LEAF; search the leaf for Index; size is computed from jp_Type: + +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + case cJU_JPLEAF1: LEAFLABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf1); +#endif + case cJU_JPLEAF2: LEAFLABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf2); + case cJU_JPLEAF3: LEAFLABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf3); + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPLEAF4: LEAFLABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf4); + case cJU_JPLEAF5: LEAFLABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf5); + case cJU_JPLEAF6: LEAFLABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf6); + case cJU_JPLEAF7: LEAFLABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf7); +#endif + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// BITMAP LEAF; search the leaf for Index: +// +// Since the bitmap describes Indexes digitally rather than linearly, this is +// not really a search, but just a count. + + case cJU_JPLEAF_B1: LEAFB1ABOVE(j__udyCountLeafB1); + + +#ifdef JUDY1 +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// FULL POPULATION: +// +// Return the count of Indexes AT OR ABOVE Index, which is the total population +// of the expanse (a constant) less the value of the undecoded digit remaining +// in Index (its base-0 offset in the expanse), which yields an inclusive count +// above. +// +// TBD: This only supports a 1-byte full expanse. Should this extract a +// stored value for pop0 and possibly more LSBs of Index, to handle larger full +// expanses? + + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1: + return(cJU_JPFULLPOPU1_POP0 + 1 - JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 1)); +#endif + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// IMMEDIATE: + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_01: IMMABOVE_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_01: IMMABOVE_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_01: IMMABOVE_01; +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPIMMED_4_01: IMMABOVE_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_5_01: IMMABOVE_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_6_01: IMMABOVE_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_7_01: IMMABOVE_01; +#endif + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_02: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf1, 2); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_03: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf1, 3); +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_04: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf1, 4); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_05: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf1, 5); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_06: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf1, 6); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_07: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf1, 7); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_08: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf1, 8); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_09: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf1, 9); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_10: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf1, 10); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_11: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf1, 11); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_12: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf1, 12); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_13: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf1, 13); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_14: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf1, 14); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_15: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf1, 15); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_02: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf2, 2); + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_03: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf2, 3); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_04: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf2, 4); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_05: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf2, 5); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_06: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf2, 6); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_07: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf2, 7); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_02: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf3, 2); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_03: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf3, 3); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_04: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf3, 4); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_05: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf3, 5); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf4, 2); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_03: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf4, 3); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf5, 2); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_03: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf5, 3); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf6, 2); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf7, 2); +#endif + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// OTHER CASES: + + default: JU_SET_ERRNO_NONNULL(Pjpm, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); return(C_JERR); + + } // switch on JP type + + /*NOTREACHED*/ + +} // j__udy1LCountSM() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y C O U N T L E A F B 1 +// +// This is a private analog of the j__udySearchLeaf*() functions for counting +// in bitmap 1-byte leaves. Since a bitmap leaf describes Indexes digitally +// rather than linearly, this is not really a search, but just a count of the +// valid Indexes == set bits below or including Index, which should be valid. +// Return the "offset" (really the ordinal), 0 .. Pop1 - 1, of Index in Pjll; +// if Indexs bit is not set (which should never happen, so this is DEBUG-mode +// only), return the 1s-complement equivalent (== negative offset minus 1). +// +// Note: The source code for this function looks identical for both Judy1 and +// JudyL, but the JU_JLB_BITMAP macro varies. +// +// Note: For simpler calling, the first arg is of type Pjll_t but then cast to +// Pjlb_t. + +FUNCTION static int j__udyCountLeafB1( +const Pjll_t Pjll, // bitmap leaf, as Pjll_t for consistency. +const Word_t Pop1, // Population of whole leaf. +const Word_t Index) // to which to count. +{ + Pjlb_t Pjlb = (Pjlb_t) Pjll; // to proper type. + Word_t digit = Index & cJU_MASKATSTATE(1); + Word_t findsub = digit / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL; + Word_t findbit = digit % cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL; + int count; // in leaf through Index. + long subexp; // for stepping through subexpanses. + + +// COUNT UPWARD: +// +// The entire bitmap should fit in one cache line, but still try to save some +// CPU time by counting the fewest possible number of subexpanses from the +// bitmap. + +#ifndef NOSMARTJLB // enable to turn off smart code for comparison purposes. + + if (findsub < (cJU_NUMSUBEXPL / 2)) + { +#ifdef SMARTMETRICS + ++jlb_upward; +#endif + count = 0; + + for (subexp = 0; subexp < findsub; ++subexp) + { + count += ((JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp) == cJU_FULLBITMAPL) ? + cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL : + j__udyCountBitsL(JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp))); + } + +// This count includes findbit, which should be set, resulting in a base-1 +// offset: + + count += j__udyCountBitsL(JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, findsub) + & JU_MASKLOWERINC(JU_BITPOSMASKL(findbit))); + + DBGCODE(if (! JU_BITMAPTESTL(Pjlb, digit)) return(~count);) + assert(count >= 1); + return(count - 1); // convert to base-0 offset. + } +#endif // NOSMARTJLB + + +// COUNT DOWNWARD: +// +// Count the valid Indexes above or at Index, and subtract from Pop1. + +#ifdef SMARTMETRICS + ++jlb_downward; +#endif + count = Pop1; // base-1 for now. + + for (subexp = cJU_NUMSUBEXPL - 1; subexp > findsub; --subexp) + { + count -= ((JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp) == cJU_FULLBITMAPL) ? + cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL : + j__udyCountBitsL(JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp))); + } + +// This count includes findbit, which should be set, resulting in a base-0 +// offset: + + count -= j__udyCountBitsL(JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, findsub) + & JU_MASKHIGHERINC(JU_BITPOSMASKL(findbit))); + + DBGCODE(if (! JU_BITMAPTESTL(Pjlb, digit)) return(~count);) + assert(count >= 0); // should find Index itself. + return(count); // is already a base-0 offset. + +} // j__udyCountLeafB1() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y J P P O P 1 +// +// This function takes any type of JP other than a root-level JP (cJU_LEAFW* or +// cJU_JPBRANCH* with no number suffix) and extracts the Pop1 from it. In some +// sense this is a wrapper around the JU_JP*_POP0 macros. Why write it as a +// function instead of a complex macro containing a trinary? (See version +// Judy1.h version 4.17.) We think its cheaper to call a function containing +// a switch statement with "constant" cases than to do the variable +// calculations in a trinary. +// +// For invalid JP Types return cJU_ALLONES. Note that this is an impossibly +// high Pop1 for any JP below a top level branch. + +FUNCTION Word_t j__udyJPPop1( +const Pjp_t Pjp) // JP to count. +{ + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { +#ifdef notdef // caller should shortcut and not even call with these: + + case cJU_JPNULL1: + case cJU_JPNULL2: + case cJU_JPNULL3: return(0); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPNULL4: + case cJU_JPNULL5: + case cJU_JPNULL6: + case cJU_JPNULL7: return(0); +#endif +#endif // notdef + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L2: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B2: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U2: return(JU_JPBRANCH_POP0(Pjp,2) + 1); + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L3: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B3: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U3: return(JU_JPBRANCH_POP0(Pjp,3) + 1); + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L4: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B4: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U4: return(JU_JPBRANCH_POP0(Pjp,4) + 1); + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L5: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B5: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U5: return(JU_JPBRANCH_POP0(Pjp,5) + 1); + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L6: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B6: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U6: return(JU_JPBRANCH_POP0(Pjp,6) + 1); + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L7: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B7: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U7: return(JU_JPBRANCH_POP0(Pjp,7) + 1); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + case cJU_JPLEAF1: +#endif + case cJU_JPLEAF2: + case cJU_JPLEAF3: +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPLEAF4: + case cJU_JPLEAF5: + case cJU_JPLEAF6: + case cJU_JPLEAF7: +#endif + case cJU_JPLEAF_B1: return(JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1); + +#ifdef JUDY1 + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1: return(cJU_JPFULLPOPU1_POP0 + 1); +#endif + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_01: return(1); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPIMMED_4_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_5_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_6_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_7_01: return(1); +#endif + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_02: return(2); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_03: return(3); +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_04: return(4); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_05: return(5); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_06: return(6); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_07: return(7); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_08: return(8); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_09: return(9); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_10: return(10); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_11: return(11); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_12: return(12); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_13: return(13); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_14: return(14); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_15: return(15); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_02: return(2); + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_03: return(3); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_04: return(4); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_05: return(5); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_06: return(6); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_07: return(7); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_02: return(2); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_03: return(3); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_04: return(4); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_05: return(5); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02: return(2); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_03: return(3); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02: return(2); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_03: return(3); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02: return(2); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02: return(2); +#endif + + default: return(cJU_ALLONES); + } + + /*NOTREACHED*/ + +} // j__udyJPPop1() diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Judy1CreateBranch.c b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Judy1CreateBranch.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c2518b86 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Judy1CreateBranch.c @@ -0,0 +1,314 @@ +// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company +// +// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +// under the term of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +// option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +// _________________ + +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ + +// Branch creation functions for Judy1 and JudyL. +// Compile with one of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL. + +#if (! (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JUDYL))) +#error: One of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL must be specified. +#endif + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#include "Judy1.h" +#else +#include "JudyL.h" +#endif + +#include "JudyPrivate1L.h" + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y C R E A T E B R A N C H L +// +// Build a BranchL from an array of JPs and associated 1 byte digits +// (expanses). Return with Pjp pointing to the BranchL. Caller must +// deallocate passed arrays, if necessary. +// +// We have no idea what kind of BranchL it is, so caller must set the jp_Type. +// +// Return -1 if error (details in Pjpm), otherwise return 1. + +FUNCTION int j__udyCreateBranchL( + Pjp_t Pjp, // Build JPs from this place + Pjp_t PJPs, // Array of JPs to put into Bitmap branch + uint8_t Exp[], // Array of expanses to put into bitmap + Word_t ExpCnt, // Number of above JPs and Expanses + Pvoid_t Pjpm) +{ + Pjbl_t PjblRaw; // pointer to linear branch. + Pjbl_t Pjbl; + + assert(ExpCnt <= cJU_BRANCHLMAXJPS); + + PjblRaw = j__udyAllocJBL(Pjpm); + if (PjblRaw == (Pjbl_t) NULL) return(-1); + Pjbl = P_JBL(PjblRaw); + +// Build a Linear Branch + Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs = ExpCnt; + +// Copy from the Linear branch from splayed leaves + JU_COPYMEM(Pjbl->jbl_Expanse, Exp, ExpCnt); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjbl->jbl_jp, PJPs, ExpCnt); + +// Pass back new pointer to the Linear branch in JP + Pjp->jp_Addr = (Word_t) PjblRaw; + + return(1); + +} // j__udyCreateBranchL() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y C R E A T E B R A N C H B +// +// Build a BranchB from an array of JPs and associated 1 byte digits +// (expanses). Return with Pjp pointing to the BranchB. Caller must +// deallocate passed arrays, if necessary. +// +// We have no idea what kind of BranchB it is, so caller must set the jp_Type. +// +// Return -1 if error (details in Pjpm), otherwise return 1. + +FUNCTION int j__udyCreateBranchB( + Pjp_t Pjp, // Build JPs from this place + Pjp_t PJPs, // Array of JPs to put into Bitmap branch + uint8_t Exp[], // Array of expanses to put into bitmap + Word_t ExpCnt, // Number of above JPs and Expanses + Pvoid_t Pjpm) +{ + Pjbb_t PjbbRaw; // pointer to bitmap branch. + Pjbb_t Pjbb; + Word_t ii, jj; // Temps + uint8_t CurrSubExp; // Current sub expanse for BM + +// This assertion says the number of populated subexpanses is not too large. +// This function is only called when a BranchL overflows to a BranchB or when a +// cascade occurs, meaning a leaf overflows. Either way ExpCnt cant be very +// large, in fact a lot smaller than cJU_BRANCHBMAXJPS. (Otherwise a BranchU +// would be used.) Popping this assertion means something (unspecified) has +// gone very wrong, or else Judys design criteria have changed, although in +// fact there should be no HARM in creating a BranchB with higher actual +// fanout. + + assert(ExpCnt <= cJU_BRANCHBMAXJPS); + +// Get memory for a Bitmap branch + PjbbRaw = j__udyAllocJBB(Pjpm); + if (PjbbRaw == (Pjbb_t) NULL) return(-1); + Pjbb = P_JBB(PjbbRaw); + +// Get 1st "sub" expanse (0..7) of bitmap branch + CurrSubExp = Exp[0] / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; + +// Index thru all 1 byte sized expanses: + + for (jj = ii = 0; ii <= ExpCnt; ii++) + { + Word_t SubExp; // Cannot be a uint8_t + +// Make sure we cover the last one + if (ii == ExpCnt) + { + SubExp = cJU_ALLONES; // Force last one + } + else + { +// Calculate the "sub" expanse of the byte expanse + SubExp = Exp[ii] / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; // Bits 5..7. + +// Set the bit that represents the expanse in Exp[] + JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, SubExp) |= JU_BITPOSMASKB(Exp[ii]); + } +// Check if a new "sub" expanse range needed + if (SubExp != CurrSubExp) + { +// Get number of JPs in this sub expanse + Word_t NumJP = ii - jj; + Pjp_t PjpRaw; + Pjp_t Pjp; + + PjpRaw = j__udyAllocJBBJP(NumJP, Pjpm); + Pjp = P_JP(PjpRaw); + + if (PjpRaw == (Pjp_t) NULL) // out of memory. + { + +// Free any previous allocations: + + while(CurrSubExp--) + { + NumJP = j__udyCountBitsB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, + CurrSubExp)); + if (NumJP) + { + j__udyFreeJBBJP(JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, + CurrSubExp), NumJP, Pjpm); + } + } + j__udyFreeJBB(PjbbRaw, Pjpm); + return(-1); + } + +// Place the array of JPs in bitmap branch: + + JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, CurrSubExp) = PjpRaw; + +// Copy the JPs to new leaf: + + JU_COPYMEM(Pjp, PJPs + jj, NumJP); + +// On to the next bitmap branch "sub" expanse: + + jj = ii; + CurrSubExp = SubExp; + } + } // for each 1-byte expanse + +// Pass back some of the JP to the new Bitmap branch: + + Pjp->jp_Addr = (Word_t) PjbbRaw; + + return(1); + +} // j__udyCreateBranchB() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y C R E A T E B R A N C H U +// +// Build a BranchU from a BranchB. Return with Pjp pointing to the BranchU. +// Free the BranchB and its JP subarrays. +// +// Return -1 if error (details in Pjpm), otherwise return 1. + +FUNCTION int j__udyCreateBranchU( + Pjp_t Pjp, + Pvoid_t Pjpm) +{ + jp_t JPNull; + Pjbu_t PjbuRaw; + Pjbu_t Pjbu; + Pjbb_t PjbbRaw; + Pjbb_t Pjbb; + Word_t ii, jj; + BITMAPB_t BitMap; + Pjp_t PDstJP; +#ifdef JU_STAGED_EXP + jbu_t BranchU; // Staged uncompressed branch +#else + +// Allocate memory for a BranchU: + + PjbuRaw = j__udyAllocJBU(Pjpm); + if (PjbuRaw == (Pjbu_t) NULL) return(-1); + Pjbu = P_JBU(PjbuRaw); +#endif + JU_JPSETADT(&JPNull, 0, 0, JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) - cJU_JPBRANCH_B2 + cJU_JPNULL1); + +// Get the pointer to the BranchB: + + PjbbRaw = (Pjbb_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr); + Pjbb = P_JBB(PjbbRaw); + +// Set the pointer to the Uncompressed branch +#ifdef JU_STAGED_EXP + PDstJP = BranchU.jbu_jp; +#else + PDstJP = Pjbu->jbu_jp; +#endif + for (ii = 0; ii < cJU_NUMSUBEXPB; ii++) + { + Pjp_t PjpA; + Pjp_t PjpB; + + PjpB = PjpA = P_JP(JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, ii)); + +// Get the bitmap for this subexpanse + BitMap = JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, ii); + +// NULL empty subexpanses + if (BitMap == 0) + { +// But, fill with NULLs + for (jj = 0; jj < cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; jj++) + { + PDstJP[jj] = JPNull; + } + PDstJP += cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; + continue; + } +// Check if Uncompressed subexpanse + if (BitMap == cJU_FULLBITMAPB) + { +// Copy subexpanse to the Uncompressed branch intact + JU_COPYMEM(PDstJP, PjpA, cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB); + +// Bump to next subexpanse + PDstJP += cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; + +// Set length of subexpanse + jj = cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; + } + else + { + for (jj = 0; jj < cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; jj++) + { +// Copy JP or NULLJP depending on bit + if (BitMap & 1) { *PDstJP = *PjpA++; } + else { *PDstJP = JPNull; } + + PDstJP++; // advance to next JP + BitMap >>= 1; + } + jj = PjpA - PjpB; + } + +// Free the subexpanse: + + j__udyFreeJBBJP(JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, ii), jj, Pjpm); + + } // for each JP in BranchU + +#ifdef JU_STAGED_EXP + +// Allocate memory for a BranchU: + + PjbuRaw = j__udyAllocJBU(Pjpm); + if (PjbuRaw == (Pjbu_t) NULL) return(-1); + Pjbu = P_JBU(PjbuRaw); + +// Copy staged branch to newly allocated branch: +// +// TBD: I think this code is broken. + + *Pjbu = BranchU; + +#endif // JU_STAGED_EXP + +// Finally free the BranchB and put the BranchU in its place: + + j__udyFreeJBB(PjbbRaw, Pjpm); + + Pjp->jp_Addr = (Word_t) PjbuRaw; + Pjp->jp_Type += cJU_JPBRANCH_U - cJU_JPBRANCH_B; + + return(1); + +} // j__udyCreateBranchU() diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Judy1Decascade.c b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Judy1Decascade.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b213cbe4 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Judy1Decascade.c @@ -0,0 +1,1206 @@ +// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company +// +// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +// under the term of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +// option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +// _________________ + +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ +// +// "Decascade" support functions for JudyDel.c: These functions convert +// smaller-index-size leaves to larger-index-size leaves, and also, bitmap +// leaves (LeafB1s) to Leaf1s, and some types of branches to smaller branches +// at the same index size. Some "decascading" occurs explicitly in JudyDel.c, +// but rare or large subroutines appear as functions here, and the overhead to +// call them is negligible. +// +// Compile with one of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL. Note: Function names are converted +// to Judy1 or JudyL specific values by external #defines. + +#if (! (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JUDYL))) +#error: One of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL must be specified. +#endif + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#include "Judy1.h" +#endif +#ifdef JUDYL +#include "JudyL.h" +#endif + +#include "JudyPrivate1L.h" + +DBGCODE(extern void JudyCheckSorted(Pjll_t Pjll, Word_t Pop1, long IndexSize);) + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y C O P Y 2 T O 3 +// +// Copy one or more 2-byte Indexes to a series of 3-byte Indexes. + +FUNCTION static void j__udyCopy2to3( + uint8_t * PDest, // to where to copy 3-byte Indexes. + uint16_t * PSrc, // from where to copy 2-byte indexes. + Word_t Pop1, // number of Indexes to copy. + Word_t MSByte) // most-significant byte, prefix to each Index. +{ + Word_t Temp; // for building 3-byte Index. + + assert(Pop1); + + do { + Temp = MSByte | *PSrc++; + JU_COPY3_LONG_TO_PINDEX(PDest, Temp); + PDest += 3; + } while (--Pop1); + +} // j__udyCopy2to3() + + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y C O P Y 3 T O 4 +// +// Copy one or more 3-byte Indexes to a series of 4-byte Indexes. + +FUNCTION static void j__udyCopy3to4( + uint32_t * PDest, // to where to copy 4-byte Indexes. + uint8_t * PSrc, // from where to copy 3-byte indexes. + Word_t Pop1, // number of Indexes to copy. + Word_t MSByte) // most-significant byte, prefix to each Index. +{ + Word_t Temp; // for building 4-byte Index. + + assert(Pop1); + + do { + JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG(Temp, PSrc); + Temp |= MSByte; + PSrc += 3; + *PDest++ = Temp; // truncates to uint32_t. + } while (--Pop1); + +} // j__udyCopy3to4() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y C O P Y 4 T O 5 +// +// Copy one or more 4-byte Indexes to a series of 5-byte Indexes. + +FUNCTION static void j__udyCopy4to5( + uint8_t * PDest, // to where to copy 4-byte Indexes. + uint32_t * PSrc, // from where to copy 4-byte indexes. + Word_t Pop1, // number of Indexes to copy. + Word_t MSByte) // most-significant byte, prefix to each Index. +{ + Word_t Temp; // for building 5-byte Index. + + assert(Pop1); + + do { + Temp = MSByte | *PSrc++; + JU_COPY5_LONG_TO_PINDEX(PDest, Temp); + PDest += 5; + } while (--Pop1); + +} // j__udyCopy4to5() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y C O P Y 5 T O 6 +// +// Copy one or more 5-byte Indexes to a series of 6-byte Indexes. + +FUNCTION static void j__udyCopy5to6( + uint8_t * PDest, // to where to copy 6-byte Indexes. + uint8_t * PSrc, // from where to copy 5-byte indexes. + Word_t Pop1, // number of Indexes to copy. + Word_t MSByte) // most-significant byte, prefix to each Index. +{ + Word_t Temp; // for building 6-byte Index. + + assert(Pop1); + + do { + JU_COPY5_PINDEX_TO_LONG(Temp, PSrc); + Temp |= MSByte; + JU_COPY6_LONG_TO_PINDEX(PDest, Temp); + PSrc += 5; + PDest += 6; + } while (--Pop1); + +} // j__udyCopy5to6() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y C O P Y 6 T O 7 +// +// Copy one or more 6-byte Indexes to a series of 7-byte Indexes. + +FUNCTION static void j__udyCopy6to7( + uint8_t * PDest, // to where to copy 6-byte Indexes. + uint8_t * PSrc, // from where to copy 5-byte indexes. + Word_t Pop1, // number of Indexes to copy. + Word_t MSByte) // most-significant byte, prefix to each Index. +{ + Word_t Temp; // for building 6-byte Index. + + assert(Pop1); + + do { + JU_COPY6_PINDEX_TO_LONG(Temp, PSrc); + Temp |= MSByte; + JU_COPY7_LONG_TO_PINDEX(PDest, Temp); + PSrc += 6; + PDest += 7; + } while (--Pop1); + +} // j__udyCopy6to7() + +#endif // JU_64BIT + + +#ifndef JU_64BIT // 32-bit + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y C O P Y 3 T O W +// +// Copy one or more 3-byte Indexes to a series of longs (words, always 4-byte). + +FUNCTION static void j__udyCopy3toW( + PWord_t PDest, // to where to copy full-word Indexes. + uint8_t * PSrc, // from where to copy 3-byte indexes. + Word_t Pop1, // number of Indexes to copy. + Word_t MSByte) // most-significant byte, prefix to each Index. +{ + assert(Pop1); + + do { + JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG(*PDest, PSrc); + *PDest++ |= MSByte; + PSrc += 3; + } while (--Pop1); + +} // j__udyCopy3toW() + + +#else // JU_64BIT + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y C O P Y 7 T O W +// +// Copy one or more 7-byte Indexes to a series of longs (words, always 8-byte). + +FUNCTION static void j__udyCopy7toW( + PWord_t PDest, // to where to copy full-word Indexes. + uint8_t * PSrc, // from where to copy 7-byte indexes. + Word_t Pop1, // number of Indexes to copy. + Word_t MSByte) // most-significant byte, prefix to each Index. +{ + assert(Pop1); + + do { + JU_COPY7_PINDEX_TO_LONG(*PDest, PSrc); + *PDest++ |= MSByte; + PSrc += 7; + } while (--Pop1); + +} // j__udyCopy7toW() + +#endif // JU_64BIT + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y B R A N C H B T O B R A N C H L +// +// When a BranchB shrinks to have few enough JPs, call this function to convert +// it to a BranchL. Return 1 for success, or -1 for failure (with details in +// Pjpm). + +FUNCTION int j__udyBranchBToBranchL( + Pjp_t Pjp, // points to BranchB to shrink. + Pvoid_t Pjpm) // for global accounting. +{ + Pjbb_t PjbbRaw; // old BranchB to shrink. + Pjbb_t Pjbb; + Pjbl_t PjblRaw; // new BranchL to create. + Pjbl_t Pjbl; + Word_t Digit; // in BranchB. + Word_t NumJPs; // non-null JPs in BranchB. + uint8_t Expanse[cJU_BRANCHLMAXJPS]; // for building jbl_Expanse[]. + Pjp_t Pjpjbl; // current JP in BranchL. + Word_t SubExp; // in BranchB. + + assert(JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) >= cJU_JPBRANCH_B2); + assert(JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) <= cJU_JPBRANCH_B); + + PjbbRaw = (Pjbb_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr); + Pjbb = P_JBB(PjbbRaw); + +// Copy 1-byte subexpanse digits from BranchB to temporary buffer for BranchL, +// for each bit set in the BranchB: +// +// TBD: The following supports variable-sized linear branches, but they are no +// longer variable; this could be simplified to save the copying. +// +// TBD: Since cJU_BRANCHLMAXJP == 7 now, and cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS == 256, the +// following might be inefficient; is there a faster way to do it? At least +// skip wholly empty subexpanses? + + for (NumJPs = Digit = 0; Digit < cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS; ++Digit) + { + if (JU_BITMAPTESTB(Pjbb, Digit)) + { + Expanse[NumJPs++] = Digit; + assert(NumJPs <= cJU_BRANCHLMAXJPS); // required of caller. + } + } + +// Allocate and populate the BranchL: + + if ((PjblRaw = j__udyAllocJBL(Pjpm)) == (Pjbl_t) NULL) return(-1); + Pjbl = P_JBL(PjblRaw); + + JU_COPYMEM(Pjbl->jbl_Expanse, Expanse, NumJPs); + + Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs = NumJPs; + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted((Pjll_t) (Pjbl->jbl_Expanse), NumJPs, 1);) + +// Copy JPs from each BranchB subexpanse subarray: + + Pjpjbl = P_JP(Pjbl->jbl_jp); // start at first JP in array. + + for (SubExp = 0; SubExp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPB; ++SubExp) + { + Pjp_t PjpRaw = JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, SubExp); // current Pjp. + Pjp_t Pjp; + + if (PjpRaw == (Pjp_t) NULL) continue; // skip empty subexpanse. + Pjp = P_JP(PjpRaw); + + NumJPs = j__udyCountBitsB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, SubExp)); + assert(NumJPs); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjpjbl, Pjp, NumJPs); // one subarray at a time. + + Pjpjbl += NumJPs; + j__udyFreeJBBJP(PjpRaw, NumJPs, Pjpm); // subarray. + } + j__udyFreeJBB(PjbbRaw, Pjpm); // BranchB itself. + +// Finish up: Calculate new JP type (same index size = level in new class), +// and tie new BranchB into parent JP: + + Pjp->jp_Type += cJU_JPBRANCH_L - cJU_JPBRANCH_B; + Pjp->jp_Addr = (Word_t) PjblRaw; + + return(1); + +} // j__udyBranchBToBranchL() + + +#ifdef notdef + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y B R A N C H U T O B R A N C H B +// +// When a BranchU shrinks to need little enough memory, call this function to +// convert it to a BranchB to save memory (at the cost of some speed). Return +// 1 for success, or -1 for failure (with details in Pjpm). +// +// TBD: Fill out if/when needed. Not currently used in JudyDel.c for reasons +// explained there. + +FUNCTION int j__udyBranchUToBranchB( + Pjp_t Pjp, // points to BranchU to shrink. + Pvoid_t Pjpm) // for global accounting. +{ + assert(FALSE); + return(1); +} +#endif // notdef + + +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y L E A F B 1 T O L E A F 1 +// +// Shrink a bitmap leaf (cJU_LEAFB1) to linear leaf (cJU_JPLEAF1). +// Return 1 for success, or -1 for failure (with details in Pjpm). +// +// Note: This function is different than the other JudyLeaf*ToLeaf*() +// functions because it receives a Pjp, not just a leaf, and handles its own +// allocation and free, in order to allow the caller to continue with a LeafB1 +// if allocation fails. + +FUNCTION int j__udyLeafB1ToLeaf1( + Pjp_t Pjp, // points to LeafB1 to shrink. + Pvoid_t Pjpm) // for global accounting. +{ + Pjlb_t PjlbRaw; // bitmap in old leaf. + Pjlb_t Pjlb; + Pjll_t PjllRaw; // new Leaf1. + uint8_t * Pleaf1; // Leaf1 pointer type. + Word_t Digit; // in LeafB1 bitmap. +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv_t PjvNew; // value area in new Leaf1. + Word_t Pop1; + Word_t SubExp; +#endif + + assert(JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) == cJU_JPLEAF_B1); + assert(((JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & 0xFF) + 1) == cJU_LEAF1_MAXPOP1); + +// Allocate JPLEAF1 and prepare pointers: + + if ((PjllRaw = j__udyAllocJLL1(cJU_LEAF1_MAXPOP1, Pjpm)) == 0) + return(-1); + + Pleaf1 = (uint8_t *) P_JLL(PjllRaw); + PjlbRaw = (Pjlb_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr); + Pjlb = P_JLB(PjlbRaw); + JUDYLCODE(PjvNew = JL_LEAF1VALUEAREA(Pleaf1, cJL_LEAF1_MAXPOP1);) + +// Copy 1-byte indexes from old LeafB1 to new Leaf1: + + for (Digit = 0; Digit < cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS; ++Digit) + if (JU_BITMAPTESTL(Pjlb, Digit)) + *Pleaf1++ = Digit; + +#ifdef JUDYL + +// Copy all old-LeafB1 value areas from value subarrays to new Leaf1: + + for (SubExp = 0; SubExp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPL; ++SubExp) + { + Pjv_t PjvRaw = JL_JLB_PVALUE(Pjlb, SubExp); + Pjv_t Pjv = P_JV(PjvRaw); + + if (Pjv == (Pjv_t) NULL) continue; // skip empty subarray. + + Pop1 = j__udyCountBitsL(JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, SubExp)); // subarray. + assert(Pop1); + + JU_COPYMEM(PjvNew, Pjv, Pop1); // copy value areas. + j__udyLFreeJV(PjvRaw, Pop1, Pjpm); + PjvNew += Pop1; // advance through new. + } + + assert((((Word_t) Pleaf1) - (Word_t) P_JLL(PjllRaw)) + == (PjvNew - JL_LEAF1VALUEAREA(P_JLL(PjllRaw), cJL_LEAF1_MAXPOP1))); +#endif // JUDYL + + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted((Pjll_t) P_JLL(PjllRaw), + (((Word_t) Pleaf1) - (Word_t) P_JLL(PjllRaw)), 1);) + +// Finish up: Free the old LeafB1 and plug the new Leaf1 into the JP: +// +// Note: jp_DcdPopO does not change here. + + j__udyFreeJLB1(PjlbRaw, Pjpm); + + Pjp->jp_Addr = (Word_t) PjllRaw; + Pjp->jp_Type = cJU_JPLEAF1; + + return(1); + +} // j__udyLeafB1ToLeaf1() + +#endif // (JUDYL || (! JU_64BIT)) + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y L E A F 1 T O L E A F 2 +// +// Copy 1-byte Indexes from a LeafB1 or Leaf1 to 2-byte Indexes in a Leaf2. +// Pjp MUST be one of: cJU_JPLEAF_B1, cJU_JPLEAF1, or cJU_JPIMMED_1_*. +// Return number of Indexes copied. +// +// TBD: In this and all following functions, the caller should already be able +// to compute the Pop1 return value, so why return it? + +FUNCTION Word_t j__udyLeaf1ToLeaf2( + uint16_t * PLeaf2, // destination uint16_t * Index portion of leaf. +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv_t Pjv2, // destination value part of leaf. +#endif + Pjp_t Pjp, // 1-byte-index object from which to copy. + Word_t MSByte, // most-significant byte, prefix to each Index. + Pvoid_t Pjpm) // for global accounting. +{ + Word_t Pop1; // Indexes in leaf. + Word_t Offset; // in linear leaf list. +JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjv1Raw;) // source object value area. +JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjv1;) + + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { + + +// JPLEAF_B1: + + case cJU_JPLEAF_B1: + { + Pjlb_t Pjlb = P_JLB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + Word_t Digit; // in LeafB1 bitmap. + JUDYLCODE(Word_t SubExp;) // in LeafB1. + + Pop1 = JU_JPBRANCH_POP0(Pjp, 1) + 1; assert(Pop1); + +// Copy 1-byte indexes from old LeafB1 to new Leaf2, including splicing in +// the missing MSByte needed in the Leaf2: + + for (Digit = 0; Digit < cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS; ++Digit) + if (JU_BITMAPTESTL(Pjlb, Digit)) + *PLeaf2++ = MSByte | Digit; + +#ifdef JUDYL + +// Copy all old-LeafB1 value areas from value subarrays to new Leaf2: + + for (SubExp = 0; SubExp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPL; ++SubExp) + { + Word_t SubExpPop1; + + Pjv1Raw = JL_JLB_PVALUE(Pjlb, SubExp); + if (Pjv1Raw == (Pjv_t) NULL) continue; // skip empty. + Pjv1 = P_JV(Pjv1Raw); + + SubExpPop1 = j__udyCountBitsL(JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, SubExp)); + assert(SubExpPop1); + + JU_COPYMEM(Pjv2, Pjv1, SubExpPop1); // copy value areas. + j__udyLFreeJV(Pjv1Raw, SubExpPop1, Pjpm); + Pjv2 += SubExpPop1; // advance through new. + } +#endif // JUDYL + + j__udyFreeJLB1((Pjlb_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), Pjpm); // LeafB1 itself. + return(Pop1); + + } // case cJU_JPLEAF_B1 + + +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + +// JPLEAF1: + + case cJU_JPLEAF1: + { + uint8_t * PLeaf1 = (uint8_t *) P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + Pop1 = JU_JPBRANCH_POP0(Pjp, 1) + 1; assert(Pop1); + JUDYLCODE(Pjv1 = JL_LEAF1VALUEAREA(PLeaf1, Pop1);) + +// Copy all Index bytes including splicing in missing MSByte needed in Leaf2 +// (plus, for JudyL, value areas): + + for (Offset = 0; Offset < Pop1; ++Offset) + { + PLeaf2[Offset] = MSByte | PLeaf1[Offset]; + JUDYLCODE(Pjv2[Offset] = Pjv1[Offset];) + } + j__udyFreeJLL1((Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), Pop1, Pjpm); + return(Pop1); + } +#endif // (JUDYL || (! JU_64BIT)) + + +// JPIMMED_1_01: +// +// Note: jp_DcdPopO has 3 [7] bytes of Index (all but most significant byte), +// so the assignment to PLeaf2[] truncates and MSByte is not needed. + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_01: + { + PLeaf2[0] = JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp); // see above. + JUDYLCODE(Pjv2[0] = Pjp->jp_Addr;) + return(1); + } + + +// JPIMMED_1_0[2+]: + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_02: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_03: +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_04: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_05: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_06: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_07: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_08: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_09: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_10: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_11: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_12: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_13: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_14: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_15: +#endif + { + Pop1 = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) - cJU_JPIMMED_1_02 + 2; assert(Pop1); + JUDYLCODE(Pjv1Raw = (Pjv_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr);) + JUDYLCODE(Pjv1 = P_JV(Pjv1Raw);) + + for (Offset = 0; Offset < Pop1; ++Offset) + { +#ifdef JUDY1 + PLeaf2[Offset] = MSByte | Pjp->jp_1Index[Offset]; +#else + PLeaf2[Offset] = MSByte | Pjp->jp_LIndex[Offset]; + Pjv2 [Offset] = Pjv1[Offset]; +#endif + } + JUDYLCODE(j__udyLFreeJV(Pjv1Raw, Pop1, Pjpm);) + return(Pop1); + } + + +// UNEXPECTED CASES, including JPNULL1, should be handled by caller: + + default: assert(FALSE); break; + + } // switch + + return(0); + +} // j__udyLeaf1ToLeaf2() + + +// ***************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y L E A F 2 T O L E A F 3 +// +// Copy 2-byte Indexes from a Leaf2 to 3-byte Indexes in a Leaf3. +// Pjp MUST be one of: cJU_JPLEAF2 or cJU_JPIMMED_2_*. +// Return number of Indexes copied. +// +// Note: By the time this function is called to compress a level-3 branch to a +// Leaf3, the branch has no narrow pointers under it, meaning only level-2 +// objects are below it and must be handled here. + +FUNCTION Word_t j__udyLeaf2ToLeaf3( + uint8_t * PLeaf3, // destination "uint24_t *" Index part of leaf. +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv_t Pjv3, // destination value part of leaf. +#endif + Pjp_t Pjp, // 2-byte-index object from which to copy. + Word_t MSByte, // most-significant byte, prefix to each Index. + Pvoid_t Pjpm) // for global accounting. +{ + Word_t Pop1; // Indexes in leaf. +#if (defined(JUDYL) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + Pjv_t Pjv2Raw; // source object value area. +#endif +JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjv2;) + + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { + + +// JPLEAF2: + + case cJU_JPLEAF2: + { + uint16_t * PLeaf2 = (uint16_t *) P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; assert(Pop1); + j__udyCopy2to3(PLeaf3, PLeaf2, Pop1, MSByte); +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv2 = JL_LEAF2VALUEAREA(PLeaf2, Pop1); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjv3, Pjv2, Pop1); +#endif + j__udyFreeJLL2((Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), Pop1, Pjpm); + return(Pop1); + } + + +// JPIMMED_2_01: +// +// Note: jp_DcdPopO has 3 [7] bytes of Index (all but most significant byte), +// so the "assignment" to PLeaf3[] is exact [truncates] and MSByte is not +// needed. + + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_01: + { + JU_COPY3_LONG_TO_PINDEX(PLeaf3, JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp)); // see above. + JUDYLCODE(Pjv3[0] = Pjp->jp_Addr;) + return(1); + } + + +// JPIMMED_2_0[2+]: + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_02: + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_03: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_04: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_05: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_06: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_07: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + { + JUDY1CODE(uint16_t * PLeaf2 = (uint16_t *) (Pjp->jp_1Index);) + JUDYLCODE(uint16_t * PLeaf2 = (uint16_t *) (Pjp->jp_LIndex);) + + Pop1 = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) - cJU_JPIMMED_2_02 + 2; assert(Pop1); + j__udyCopy2to3(PLeaf3, PLeaf2, Pop1, MSByte); +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv2Raw = (Pjv_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr); + Pjv2 = P_JV(Pjv2Raw); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjv3, Pjv2, Pop1); + j__udyLFreeJV(Pjv2Raw, Pop1, Pjpm); +#endif + return(Pop1); + } +#endif // (JUDY1 || JU_64BIT) + + +// UNEXPECTED CASES, including JPNULL2, should be handled by caller: + + default: assert(FALSE); break; + + } // switch + + return(0); + +} // j__udyLeaf2ToLeaf3() + + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y L E A F 3 T O L E A F 4 +// +// Copy 3-byte Indexes from a Leaf3 to 4-byte Indexes in a Leaf4. +// Pjp MUST be one of: cJU_JPLEAF3 or cJU_JPIMMED_3_*. +// Return number of Indexes copied. +// +// Note: By the time this function is called to compress a level-4 branch to a +// Leaf4, the branch has no narrow pointers under it, meaning only level-3 +// objects are below it and must be handled here. + +FUNCTION Word_t j__udyLeaf3ToLeaf4( + uint32_t * PLeaf4, // destination uint32_t * Index part of leaf. +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv_t Pjv4, // destination value part of leaf. +#endif + Pjp_t Pjp, // 3-byte-index object from which to copy. + Word_t MSByte, // most-significant byte, prefix to each Index. + Pvoid_t Pjpm) // for global accounting. +{ + Word_t Pop1; // Indexes in leaf. +JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjv3Raw;) // source object value area. +JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjv3;) + + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { + + +// JPLEAF3: + + case cJU_JPLEAF3: + { + uint8_t * PLeaf3 = (uint8_t *) P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; assert(Pop1); + j__udyCopy3to4(PLeaf4, (uint8_t *) PLeaf3, Pop1, MSByte); +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv3 = JL_LEAF3VALUEAREA(PLeaf3, Pop1); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjv4, Pjv3, Pop1); +#endif + j__udyFreeJLL3((Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), Pop1, Pjpm); + return(Pop1); + } + + +// JPIMMED_3_01: +// +// Note: jp_DcdPopO has 7 bytes of Index (all but most significant byte), so +// the assignment to PLeaf4[] truncates and MSByte is not needed. + + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_01: + { + PLeaf4[0] = JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp); // see above. + JUDYLCODE(Pjv4[0] = Pjp->jp_Addr;) + return(1); + } + + +// JPIMMED_3_0[2+]: + + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_02: +#ifdef JUDY1 + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_03: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_04: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_05: +#endif + { + JUDY1CODE(uint8_t * PLeaf3 = (uint8_t *) (Pjp->jp_1Index);) + JUDYLCODE(uint8_t * PLeaf3 = (uint8_t *) (Pjp->jp_LIndex);) + + JUDY1CODE(Pop1 = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) - cJU_JPIMMED_3_02 + 2;) + JUDYLCODE(Pop1 = 2;) + + j__udyCopy3to4(PLeaf4, PLeaf3, Pop1, MSByte); +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv3Raw = (Pjv_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr); + Pjv3 = P_JV(Pjv3Raw); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjv4, Pjv3, Pop1); + j__udyLFreeJV(Pjv3Raw, Pop1, Pjpm); +#endif + return(Pop1); + } + + +// UNEXPECTED CASES, including JPNULL3, should be handled by caller: + + default: assert(FALSE); break; + + } // switch + + return(0); + +} // j__udyLeaf3ToLeaf4() + + +// Note: In all following j__udyLeaf*ToLeaf*() functions, JPIMMED_*_0[2+] +// cases exist for Judy1 (&& 64-bit) only. JudyL has no equivalent Immeds. + + +// ***************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y L E A F 4 T O L E A F 5 +// +// Copy 4-byte Indexes from a Leaf4 to 5-byte Indexes in a Leaf5. +// Pjp MUST be one of: cJU_JPLEAF4 or cJU_JPIMMED_4_*. +// Return number of Indexes copied. +// +// Note: By the time this function is called to compress a level-5 branch to a +// Leaf5, the branch has no narrow pointers under it, meaning only level-4 +// objects are below it and must be handled here. + +FUNCTION Word_t j__udyLeaf4ToLeaf5( + uint8_t * PLeaf5, // destination "uint40_t *" Index part of leaf. +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv_t Pjv5, // destination value part of leaf. +#endif + Pjp_t Pjp, // 4-byte-index object from which to copy. + Word_t MSByte, // most-significant byte, prefix to each Index. + Pvoid_t Pjpm) // for global accounting. +{ + Word_t Pop1; // Indexes in leaf. +JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjv4;) // source object value area. + + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { + + +// JPLEAF4: + + case cJU_JPLEAF4: + { + uint32_t * PLeaf4 = (uint32_t *) P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; assert(Pop1); + j__udyCopy4to5(PLeaf5, PLeaf4, Pop1, MSByte); +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv4 = JL_LEAF4VALUEAREA(PLeaf4, Pop1); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjv5, Pjv4, Pop1); +#endif + j__udyFreeJLL4((Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), Pop1, Pjpm); + return(Pop1); + } + + +// JPIMMED_4_01: +// +// Note: jp_DcdPopO has 7 bytes of Index (all but most significant byte), so +// the assignment to PLeaf5[] truncates and MSByte is not needed. + + case cJU_JPIMMED_4_01: + { + JU_COPY5_LONG_TO_PINDEX(PLeaf5, JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp)); // see above. + JUDYLCODE(Pjv5[0] = Pjp->jp_Addr;) + return(1); + } + + +#ifdef JUDY1 + +// JPIMMED_4_0[4+]: + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_03: + { + uint32_t * PLeaf4 = (uint32_t *) (Pjp->jp_1Index); + + Pop1 = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) - cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02 + 2; + j__udyCopy4to5(PLeaf5, PLeaf4, Pop1, MSByte); + return(Pop1); + } +#endif // JUDY1 + + +// UNEXPECTED CASES, including JPNULL4, should be handled by caller: + + default: assert(FALSE); break; + + } // switch + + return(0); + +} // j__udyLeaf4ToLeaf5() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y L E A F 5 T O L E A F 6 +// +// Copy 5-byte Indexes from a Leaf5 to 6-byte Indexes in a Leaf6. +// Pjp MUST be one of: cJU_JPLEAF5 or cJU_JPIMMED_5_*. +// Return number of Indexes copied. +// +// Note: By the time this function is called to compress a level-6 branch to a +// Leaf6, the branch has no narrow pointers under it, meaning only level-5 +// objects are below it and must be handled here. + +FUNCTION Word_t j__udyLeaf5ToLeaf6( + uint8_t * PLeaf6, // destination uint8_t * Index part of leaf. +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv_t Pjv6, // destination value part of leaf. +#endif + Pjp_t Pjp, // 5-byte-index object from which to copy. + Word_t MSByte, // most-significant byte, prefix to each Index. + Pvoid_t Pjpm) // for global accounting. +{ + Word_t Pop1; // Indexes in leaf. +JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjv5;) // source object value area. + + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { + + +// JPLEAF5: + + case cJU_JPLEAF5: + { + uint8_t * PLeaf5 = (uint8_t *) P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; assert(Pop1); + j__udyCopy5to6(PLeaf6, PLeaf5, Pop1, MSByte); +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv5 = JL_LEAF5VALUEAREA(PLeaf5, Pop1); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjv6, Pjv5, Pop1); +#endif + j__udyFreeJLL5((Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), Pop1, Pjpm); + return(Pop1); + } + + +// JPIMMED_5_01: +// +// Note: jp_DcdPopO has 7 bytes of Index (all but most significant byte), so +// the assignment to PLeaf6[] truncates and MSByte is not needed. + + case cJU_JPIMMED_5_01: + { + JU_COPY6_LONG_TO_PINDEX(PLeaf6, JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp)); // see above. + JUDYLCODE(Pjv6[0] = Pjp->jp_Addr;) + return(1); + } + + +#ifdef JUDY1 + +// JPIMMED_5_0[2+]: + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_03: + { + uint8_t * PLeaf5 = (uint8_t *) (Pjp->jp_1Index); + + Pop1 = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) - cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02 + 2; + j__udyCopy5to6(PLeaf6, PLeaf5, Pop1, MSByte); + return(Pop1); + } +#endif // JUDY1 + + +// UNEXPECTED CASES, including JPNULL5, should be handled by caller: + + default: assert(FALSE); break; + + } // switch + + return(0); + +} // j__udyLeaf5ToLeaf6() + + +// ***************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y L E A F 6 T O L E A F 7 +// +// Copy 6-byte Indexes from a Leaf2 to 7-byte Indexes in a Leaf7. +// Pjp MUST be one of: cJU_JPLEAF6 or cJU_JPIMMED_6_*. +// Return number of Indexes copied. +// +// Note: By the time this function is called to compress a level-7 branch to a +// Leaf7, the branch has no narrow pointers under it, meaning only level-6 +// objects are below it and must be handled here. + +FUNCTION Word_t j__udyLeaf6ToLeaf7( + uint8_t * PLeaf7, // destination "uint24_t *" Index part of leaf. +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv_t Pjv7, // destination value part of leaf. +#endif + Pjp_t Pjp, // 6-byte-index object from which to copy. + Word_t MSByte, // most-significant byte, prefix to each Index. + Pvoid_t Pjpm) // for global accounting. +{ + Word_t Pop1; // Indexes in leaf. +JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjv6;) // source object value area. + + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { + + +// JPLEAF6: + + case cJU_JPLEAF6: + { + uint8_t * PLeaf6 = (uint8_t *) P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + j__udyCopy6to7(PLeaf7, PLeaf6, Pop1, MSByte); +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv6 = JL_LEAF6VALUEAREA(PLeaf6, Pop1); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjv7, Pjv6, Pop1); +#endif + j__udyFreeJLL6((Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), Pop1, Pjpm); + return(Pop1); + } + + +// JPIMMED_6_01: +// +// Note: jp_DcdPopO has 7 bytes of Index (all but most significant byte), so +// the "assignment" to PLeaf7[] is exact and MSByte is not needed. + + case cJU_JPIMMED_6_01: + { + JU_COPY7_LONG_TO_PINDEX(PLeaf7, JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp)); // see above. + JUDYLCODE(Pjv7[0] = Pjp->jp_Addr;) + return(1); + } + + +#ifdef JUDY1 + +// JPIMMED_6_02: + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02: + { + uint8_t * PLeaf6 = (uint8_t *) (Pjp->jp_1Index); + + j__udyCopy6to7(PLeaf7, PLeaf6, /* Pop1 = */ 2, MSByte); + return(2); + } +#endif // JUDY1 + + +// UNEXPECTED CASES, including JPNULL6, should be handled by caller: + + default: assert(FALSE); break; + + } // switch + + return(0); + +} // j__udyLeaf6ToLeaf7() + +#endif // JU_64BIT + + +#ifndef JU_64BIT // 32-bit version first + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y L E A F 3 T O L E A F W +// +// Copy 3-byte Indexes from a Leaf3 to 4-byte Indexes in a LeafW. Pjp MUST be +// one of: cJU_JPLEAF3 or cJU_JPIMMED_3_*. Return number of Indexes copied. +// +// Note: By the time this function is called to compress a level-L branch to a +// LeafW, the branch has no narrow pointers under it, meaning only level-3 +// objects are below it and must be handled here. + +FUNCTION Word_t j__udyLeaf3ToLeafW( + Pjlw_t Pjlw, // destination Index part of leaf. +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv_t PjvW, // destination value part of leaf. +#endif + Pjp_t Pjp, // 3-byte-index object from which to copy. + Word_t MSByte, // most-significant byte, prefix to each Index. + Pvoid_t Pjpm) // for global accounting. +{ + Word_t Pop1; // Indexes in leaf. +JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjv3;) // source object value area. + + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { + + +// JPLEAF3: + + case cJU_JPLEAF3: + { + uint8_t * PLeaf3 = (uint8_t *) P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + j__udyCopy3toW((PWord_t) Pjlw, PLeaf3, Pop1, MSByte); +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv3 = JL_LEAF3VALUEAREA(PLeaf3, Pop1); + JU_COPYMEM(PjvW, Pjv3, Pop1); +#endif + j__udyFreeJLL3((Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), Pop1, Pjpm); + return(Pop1); + } + + +// JPIMMED_3_01: +// +// Note: jp_DcdPopO has 3 bytes of Index (all but most significant byte), and +// MSByte must be ord in. + + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_01: + { + Pjlw[0] = MSByte | JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp); // see above. + JUDYLCODE(PjvW[0] = Pjp->jp_Addr;) + return(1); + } + + +#ifdef JUDY1 + +// JPIMMED_3_02: + + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_02: + { + uint8_t * PLeaf3 = (uint8_t *) (Pjp->jp_1Index); + + j__udyCopy3toW((PWord_t) Pjlw, PLeaf3, /* Pop1 = */ 2, MSByte); + return(2); + } +#endif // JUDY1 + + +// UNEXPECTED CASES, including JPNULL3, should be handled by caller: + + default: assert(FALSE); break; + + } // switch + + return(0); + +} // j__udyLeaf3ToLeafW() + + +#else // JU_64BIT + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y L E A F 7 T O L E A F W +// +// Copy 7-byte Indexes from a Leaf7 to 8-byte Indexes in a LeafW. +// Pjp MUST be one of: cJU_JPLEAF7 or cJU_JPIMMED_7_*. +// Return number of Indexes copied. +// +// Note: By the time this function is called to compress a level-L branch to a +// LeafW, the branch has no narrow pointers under it, meaning only level-7 +// objects are below it and must be handled here. + +FUNCTION Word_t j__udyLeaf7ToLeafW( + Pjlw_t Pjlw, // destination Index part of leaf. +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv_t PjvW, // destination value part of leaf. +#endif + Pjp_t Pjp, // 7-byte-index object from which to copy. + Word_t MSByte, // most-significant byte, prefix to each Index. + Pvoid_t Pjpm) // for global accounting. +{ + Word_t Pop1; // Indexes in leaf. +JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjv7;) // source object value area. + + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { + + +// JPLEAF7: + + case cJU_JPLEAF7: + { + uint8_t * PLeaf7 = (uint8_t *) P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + j__udyCopy7toW((PWord_t) Pjlw, PLeaf7, Pop1, MSByte); +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv7 = JL_LEAF7VALUEAREA(PLeaf7, Pop1); + JU_COPYMEM(PjvW, Pjv7, Pop1); +#endif + j__udyFreeJLL7((Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), Pop1, Pjpm); + return(Pop1); + } + + +// JPIMMED_7_01: +// +// Note: jp_DcdPopO has 7 bytes of Index (all but most significant byte), and +// MSByte must be ord in. + + case cJU_JPIMMED_7_01: + { + Pjlw[0] = MSByte | JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp); // see above. + JUDYLCODE(PjvW[0] = Pjp->jp_Addr;) + return(1); + } + + +#ifdef JUDY1 + +// JPIMMED_7_02: + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02: + { + uint8_t * PLeaf7 = (uint8_t *) (Pjp->jp_1Index); + + j__udyCopy7toW((PWord_t) Pjlw, PLeaf7, /* Pop1 = */ 2, MSByte); + return(2); + } +#endif + + +// UNEXPECTED CASES, including JPNULL7, should be handled by caller: + + default: assert(FALSE); break; + + } // switch + + return(0); + +} // j__udyLeaf7ToLeafW() + +#endif // JU_64BIT diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Judy1First.c b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Judy1First.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..850aafa3 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Judy1First.c @@ -0,0 +1,213 @@ +// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company +// +// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +// under the term of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +// option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +// _________________ + +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ +// +// Judy*First[Empty]() and Judy*Last[Empty]() routines for Judy1 and JudyL. +// Compile with one of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL. +// +// These are inclusive versions of Judy*Next[Empty]() and Judy*Prev[Empty](). + +#if (! (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JUDYL))) +#error: One of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL must be specified. +#endif + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#include "Judy1.h" +#else +#include "JudyL.h" +#endif + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y 1 F I R S T +// J U D Y L F I R S T +// +// See the manual entry for details. + +#ifdef JUDY1 +FUNCTION int Judy1First +#else +FUNCTION PPvoid_t JudyLFirst +#endif + ( + Pcvoid_t PArray, // Judy array to search. + Word_t * PIndex, // starting point and result. + PJError_t PJError // optional, for returning error info. + ) +{ + if (PIndex == (PWord_t) NULL) // caller error: + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NULLPINDEX); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + +#ifdef JUDY1 + switch (Judy1Test(PArray, *PIndex, PJError)) + { + case 1: return(1); // found *PIndex itself. + case 0: return(Judy1Next(PArray, PIndex, PJError)); + default: return(JERRI); + } +#else + { + PPvoid_t PValue; + + if ((PValue = JudyLGet(PArray, *PIndex, PJError)) == PPJERR) + return(PPJERR); + + if (PValue != (PPvoid_t) NULL) return(PValue); // found *PIndex. + + return(JudyLNext(PArray, PIndex, PJError)); + } +#endif + +} // Judy1First() / JudyLFirst() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y 1 L A S T +// J U D Y L L A S T +// +// See the manual entry for details. + +#ifdef JUDY1 +FUNCTION int Judy1Last( +#else +FUNCTION PPvoid_t JudyLLast( +#endif + Pcvoid_t PArray, // Judy array to search. + Word_t * PIndex, // starting point and result. + PJError_t PJError) // optional, for returning error info. +{ + if (PIndex == (PWord_t) NULL) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NULLPINDEX); // caller error. + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + +#ifdef JUDY1 + switch (Judy1Test(PArray, *PIndex, PJError)) + { + case 1: return(1); // found *PIndex itself. + case 0: return(Judy1Prev(PArray, PIndex, PJError)); + default: return(JERRI); + } +#else + { + PPvoid_t PValue; + + if ((PValue = JudyLGet(PArray, *PIndex, PJError)) == PPJERR) + return(PPJERR); + + if (PValue != (PPvoid_t) NULL) return(PValue); // found *PIndex. + + return(JudyLPrev(PArray, PIndex, PJError)); + } +#endif + +} // Judy1Last() / JudyLLast() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y 1 F I R S T E M P T Y +// J U D Y L F I R S T E M P T Y +// +// See the manual entry for details. + +#ifdef JUDY1 +FUNCTION int Judy1FirstEmpty( +#else +FUNCTION int JudyLFirstEmpty( +#endif + Pcvoid_t PArray, // Judy array to search. + Word_t * PIndex, // starting point and result. + PJError_t PJError) // optional, for returning error info. +{ + if (PIndex == (PWord_t) NULL) // caller error: + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NULLPINDEX); + return(JERRI); + } + +#ifdef JUDY1 + switch (Judy1Test(PArray, *PIndex, PJError)) + { + case 0: return(1); // found *PIndex itself. + case 1: return(Judy1NextEmpty(PArray, PIndex, PJError)); + default: return(JERRI); + } +#else + { + PPvoid_t PValue; + + if ((PValue = JudyLGet(PArray, *PIndex, PJError)) == PPJERR) + return(JERRI); + + if (PValue == (PPvoid_t) NULL) return(1); // found *PIndex. + + return(JudyLNextEmpty(PArray, PIndex, PJError)); + } +#endif + +} // Judy1FirstEmpty() / JudyLFirstEmpty() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y 1 L A S T E M P T Y +// J U D Y L L A S T E M P T Y +// +// See the manual entry for details. + +#ifdef JUDY1 +FUNCTION int Judy1LastEmpty( +#else +FUNCTION int JudyLLastEmpty( +#endif + Pcvoid_t PArray, // Judy array to search. + Word_t * PIndex, // starting point and result. + PJError_t PJError) // optional, for returning error info. +{ + if (PIndex == (PWord_t) NULL) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NULLPINDEX); // caller error. + return(JERRI); + } + +#ifdef JUDY1 + switch (Judy1Test(PArray, *PIndex, PJError)) + { + case 0: return(1); // found *PIndex itself. + case 1: return(Judy1PrevEmpty(PArray, PIndex, PJError)); + default: return(JERRI); + } +#else + { + PPvoid_t PValue; + + if ((PValue = JudyLGet(PArray, *PIndex, PJError)) == PPJERR) + return(JERRI); + + if (PValue == (PPvoid_t) NULL) return(1); // found *PIndex. + + return(JudyLPrevEmpty(PArray, PIndex, PJError)); + } +#endif + +} // Judy1LastEmpty() / JudyLLastEmpty() diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Judy1FreeArray.c b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Judy1FreeArray.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6ff3ad84 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Judy1FreeArray.c @@ -0,0 +1,363 @@ +// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company +// +// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +// under the term of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +// option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +// _________________ + +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ +// +// Judy1FreeArray() and JudyLFreeArray() functions for Judy1 and JudyL. +// Compile with one of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL. +// Return the number of bytes freed from the array. + +#if (! (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JUDYL))) +#error: One of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL must be specified. +#endif + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#include "Judy1.h" +#else +#include "JudyL.h" +#endif + +#include "JudyPrivate1L.h" + +DBGCODE(extern void JudyCheckPop(Pvoid_t PArray);) + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y 1 F R E E A R R A Y +// J U D Y L F R E E A R R A Y +// +// See the Judy*(3C) manual entry for details. +// +// This code is written recursively, at least at first, because thats much +// simpler. Hope its fast enough. + +#ifdef JUDY1 +FUNCTION Word_t Judy1FreeArray +#else +FUNCTION Word_t JudyLFreeArray +#endif + ( + PPvoid_t PPArray, // array to free. + PJError_t PJError // optional, for returning error info. + ) +{ + jpm_t jpm; // local to accumulate free statistics. + +// CHECK FOR NULL POINTER (error by caller): + + if (PPArray == (PPvoid_t) NULL) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NULLPPARRAY); + return(JERR); + } + + DBGCODE(JudyCheckPop(*PPArray);) + +// Zero jpm.jpm_Pop0 (meaning the array will be empty in a moment) for accurate +// logging in TRACEMI2. + + jpm.jpm_Pop0 = 0; // see above. + jpm.jpm_TotalMemWords = 0; // initialize memory freed. + +// Empty array: + + if (P_JLW(*PPArray) == (Pjlw_t) NULL) return(0); + +// PROCESS TOP LEVEL "JRP" BRANCHES AND LEAF: + + if (JU_LEAFW_POP0(*PPArray) < cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1) // must be a LEAFW + { + Pjlw_t Pjlw = P_JLW(*PPArray); // first word of leaf. + + j__udyFreeJLW(Pjlw, Pjlw[0] + 1, &jpm); + *PPArray = (Pvoid_t) NULL; // make an empty array. + return (-(jpm.jpm_TotalMemWords * cJU_BYTESPERWORD)); // see above. + } + else + +// Rootstate leaves: just free the leaf: + +// Common code for returning the amount of memory freed. +// +// Note: In a an ordinary LEAFW, pop0 = *PPArray[0]. +// +// Accumulate (negative) words freed, while freeing objects. +// Return the positive bytes freed. + + { + Pjpm_t Pjpm = P_JPM(*PPArray); + Word_t TotalMem = Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords; + + j__udyFreeSM(&(Pjpm->jpm_JP), &jpm); // recurse through tree. + j__udyFreeJPM(Pjpm, &jpm); + +// Verify the array was not corrupt. This means that amount of memory freed +// (which is negative) is equal to the initial amount: + + if (TotalMem + jpm.jpm_TotalMemWords) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + return(JERR); + } + + *PPArray = (Pvoid_t) NULL; // make an empty array. + return (TotalMem * cJU_BYTESPERWORD); + } + +} // Judy1FreeArray() / JudyLFreeArray() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y F R E E S M +// +// Given a pointer to a JP, recursively visit and free (depth first) all nodes +// in a Judy array BELOW the JP, but not the JP itself. Accumulate in *Pjpm +// the total words freed (as a negative value). "SM" = State Machine. +// +// Note: Corruption is not detected at this level because during a FreeArray, +// if the code hasnt already core dumped, its better to remain silent, even +// if some memory has not been freed, than to bother the caller about the +// corruption. TBD: Is this true? If not, must list all legitimate JPNULL +// and JPIMMED above first, and revert to returning bool_t (see 4.34). + +FUNCTION void j__udyFreeSM( + Pjp_t Pjp, // top of Judy (top-state). + Pjpm_t Pjpm) // to return words freed. +{ + Word_t Pop1; + + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { + +#ifdef JUDY1 + +// FULL EXPANSE -- nothing to free for this jp_Type. + + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1: + break; +#endif + +// JUDY BRANCH -- free the sub-tree depth first: + +// LINEAR BRANCH -- visit each JP in the JBLs list, then free the JBL: +// +// Note: There are no null JPs in a JBL. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L2: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L3: +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L4: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L5: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L6: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L7: +#endif // JU_64BIT + { + Pjbl_t Pjbl = P_JBL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + Word_t offset; + + for (offset = 0; offset < Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs; ++offset) + j__udyFreeSM((Pjbl->jbl_jp) + offset, Pjpm); + + j__udyFreeJBL((Pjbl_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), Pjpm); + break; + } + + +// BITMAP BRANCH -- visit each JP in the JBBs list based on the bitmap, also +// +// Note: There are no null JPs in a JBB. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B2: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B3: +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B4: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B5: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B6: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B7: +#endif // JU_64BIT + { + Word_t subexp; + Word_t offset; + Word_t jpcount; + + Pjbb_t Pjbb = P_JBB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + for (subexp = 0; subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPB; ++subexp) + { + jpcount = j__udyCountBitsB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp)); + + if (jpcount) + { + for (offset = 0; offset < jpcount; ++offset) + { + j__udyFreeSM(P_JP(JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp)) + offset, + Pjpm); + } + j__udyFreeJBBJP(JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp), jpcount, Pjpm); + } + } + j__udyFreeJBB((Pjbb_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), Pjpm); + + break; + } + + +// UNCOMPRESSED BRANCH -- visit each JP in the JBU array, then free the JBU +// itself: +// +// Note: Null JPs are handled during recursion at a lower state. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U2: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U3: +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U4: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U5: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U6: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U7: +#endif // JU_64BIT + { + Word_t offset; + Pjbu_t Pjbu = P_JBU(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + for (offset = 0; offset < cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS; ++offset) + j__udyFreeSM((Pjbu->jbu_jp) + offset, Pjpm); + + j__udyFreeJBU((Pjbu_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), Pjpm); + break; + } + + +// -- Cases below here terminate and do not recurse. -- + + +// LINEAR LEAF -- just free the leaf; size is computed from jp_Type: +// +// Note: cJU_JPLEAF1 is a special case, see discussion in ../Judy1/Judy1.h + +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + case cJU_JPLEAF1: + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + j__udyFreeJLL1((Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), Pop1, Pjpm); + break; +#endif + + case cJU_JPLEAF2: + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + j__udyFreeJLL2((Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), Pop1, Pjpm); + break; + + case cJU_JPLEAF3: + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + j__udyFreeJLL3((Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), Pop1, Pjpm); + break; + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPLEAF4: + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + j__udyFreeJLL4((Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), Pop1, Pjpm); + break; + + case cJU_JPLEAF5: + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + j__udyFreeJLL5((Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), Pop1, Pjpm); + break; + + case cJU_JPLEAF6: + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + j__udyFreeJLL6((Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), Pop1, Pjpm); + break; + + case cJU_JPLEAF7: + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + j__udyFreeJLL7((Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), Pop1, Pjpm); + break; +#endif // JU_64BIT + + +// BITMAP LEAF -- free sub-expanse arrays of JPs, then free the JBB. + + case cJU_JPLEAF_B1: + { +#ifdef JUDYL + Word_t subexp; + Word_t jpcount; + Pjlb_t Pjlb = P_JLB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + +// Free the value areas in the bitmap leaf: + + for (subexp = 0; subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPL; ++subexp) + { + jpcount = j__udyCountBitsL(JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp)); + + if (jpcount) + j__udyLFreeJV(JL_JLB_PVALUE(Pjlb, subexp), jpcount, Pjpm); + } +#endif // JUDYL + + j__udyFreeJLB1((Pjlb_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), Pjpm); + break; + + } // case cJU_JPLEAF_B1 + +#ifdef JUDYL + + +// IMMED*: +// +// For JUDYL, all non JPIMMED_*_01s have a LeafV which must be freed: + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_02: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_03: +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_04: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_05: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_06: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_07: +#endif + Pop1 = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) - cJU_JPIMMED_1_02 + 2; + j__udyLFreeJV((Pjv_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), Pop1, Pjpm); + break; + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_02: + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_03: + + Pop1 = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) - cJU_JPIMMED_2_02 + 2; + j__udyLFreeJV((Pjv_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), Pop1, Pjpm); + break; + + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_02: + j__udyLFreeJV((Pjv_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), 2, Pjpm); + break; + +#endif // JU_64BIT +#endif // JUDYL + + +// OTHER JPNULL, JPIMMED, OR UNEXPECTED TYPE -- nothing to free for this type: +// +// Note: Lump together no-op and invalid JP types; see function header +// comments. + + default: break; + + } // switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + +} // j__udyFreeSM() diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Judy1InsertBranch.c b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Judy1InsertBranch.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4084521c --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Judy1InsertBranch.c @@ -0,0 +1,135 @@ +// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company +// +// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +// under the term of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +// option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +// _________________ + +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ + +// BranchL insertion functions for Judy1 and JudyL. +// Compile with one of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL. + +#if (! (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JUDYL))) +#error: One of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL must be specified. +#endif + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#include "Judy1.h" +#else +#include "JudyL.h" +#endif + +#include "JudyPrivate1L.h" + +extern int j__udyCreateBranchL(Pjp_t, Pjp_t, uint8_t *, Word_t, Pvoid_t); + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y I N S E R T B R A N C H +// +// Insert 2-element BranchL in between Pjp and Pjp->jp_Addr. +// +// Return -1 if out of memory, otherwise return 1. + +FUNCTION int j__udyInsertBranch( + Pjp_t Pjp, // JP containing narrow pointer. + Word_t Index, // outlier to Pjp. + Word_t BranchLevel, // of what JP points to, mapped from JP type. + Pjpm_t Pjpm) // for global accounting. +{ + jp_t JP2 [2]; + jp_t JP; + Pjp_t PjpNull; + Word_t XorExp; + Word_t Inew, Iold; + Word_t DCDMask; // initially for original BranchLevel. + int Ret; + uint8_t Exp2[2]; + uint8_t DecodeByteN, DecodeByteO; + +// Get the current mask for the DCD digits: + + DCDMask = cJU_DCDMASK(BranchLevel); + +// Obtain Dcd bits that differ between Index and JP, shifted so the +// digit for BranchLevel is the LSB: + + XorExp = ((Index ^ JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp)) & (cJU_ALLONES >> cJU_BITSPERBYTE)) + >> (BranchLevel * cJU_BITSPERBYTE); + assert(XorExp); // Index must be an outlier. + +// Count levels between object under narrow pointer and the level at which +// the outlier diverges from it, which is always at least initial +// BranchLevel + 1, to end up with the level (JP type) at which to insert +// the new intervening BranchL: + + do { ++BranchLevel; } while ((XorExp >>= cJU_BITSPERBYTE)); + assert((BranchLevel > 1) && (BranchLevel < cJU_ROOTSTATE)); + +// Get the MSB (highest digit) that differs between the old expanse and +// the new Index to insert: + + DecodeByteO = JU_DIGITATSTATE(JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp), BranchLevel); + DecodeByteN = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, BranchLevel); + + assert(DecodeByteO != DecodeByteN); + +// Determine sorted order for old expanse and new Index digits: + + if (DecodeByteN > DecodeByteO) { Iold = 0; Inew = 1; } + else { Iold = 1; Inew = 0; } + +// Copy old JP into staging area for new Branch + JP2 [Iold] = *Pjp; + Exp2[Iold] = DecodeByteO; + Exp2[Inew] = DecodeByteN; + +// Create a 2 Expanse Linear branch +// +// Note: Pjp->jp_Addr is set by j__udyCreateBranchL() + + Ret = j__udyCreateBranchL(Pjp, JP2, Exp2, 2, Pjpm); + if (Ret == -1) return(-1); + +// Get Pjp to the NULL of where to do insert + PjpNull = ((P_JBL(Pjp->jp_Addr))->jbl_jp) + Inew; + +// Convert to a cJU_JPIMMED_*_01 at the correct level: +// Build JP and set type below to: cJU_JPIMMED_X_01 + JU_JPSETADT(PjpNull, 0, Index, cJU_JPIMMED_1_01 - 2 + BranchLevel); + +// Return pointer to Value area in cJU_JPIMMED_X_01 + JUDYLCODE(Pjpm->jpm_PValue = (Pjv_t) PjpNull;) + +// The old JP now points to a BranchL that is at higher level. Therefore +// it contains excess DCD bits (in the least significant position) that +// must be removed (zeroed); that is, they become part of the Pop0 +// subfield. Note that the remaining (lower) bytes in the Pop0 field do +// not change. +// +// Take from the old DCDMask, which went "down" to a lower BranchLevel, +// and zero any high bits that are still in the mask at the new, higher +// BranchLevel; then use this mask to zero the bits in jp_DcdPopO: + +// Set old JP to a BranchL at correct level + + Pjp->jp_Type = cJU_JPBRANCH_L2 - 2 + BranchLevel; + DCDMask ^= cJU_DCDMASK(BranchLevel); + DCDMask = ~DCDMask & JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp); + JP = *Pjp; + JU_JPSETADT(Pjp, JP.jp_Addr, DCDMask, JP.jp_Type); + + return(1); + +} // j__udyInsertBranch() diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Judy1MallocIF.c b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Judy1MallocIF.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b9b58cfd --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Judy1MallocIF.c @@ -0,0 +1,782 @@ +// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company +// +// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +// under the term of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +// option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +// _________________ + +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ +// +// Judy malloc/free interface functions for Judy1 and JudyL. +// +// Compile with one of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL. +// +// Compile with -DTRACEMI (Malloc Interface) to turn on tracing of malloc/free +// calls at the interface level. (See also TRACEMF in lower-level code.) +// Use -DTRACEMI2 for a terser format suitable for trace analysis. +// +// There can be malloc namespace bits in the LSBs of "raw" addresses from most, +// but not all, of the j__udy*Alloc*() functions; see also JudyPrivate.h. To +// test the Judy code, compile this file with -DMALLOCBITS and use debug flavor +// only (for assertions). This test ensures that (a) all callers properly mask +// the namespace bits out before dereferencing a pointer (or else a core dump +// occurs), and (b) all callers send "raw" (unmasked) addresses to +// j__udy*Free*() calls. +// +// Note: Currently -DDEBUG turns on MALLOCBITS automatically. + +#if (! (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JUDYL))) +#error: One of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL must be specified. +#endif + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#include "Judy1.h" +#else +#include "JudyL.h" +#endif + +#include "JudyPrivate1L.h" + +// Set "hidden" global j__uMaxWords to the maximum number of words to allocate +// to any one array (large enough to have a JPM, otherwise j__uMaxWords is +// ignored), to trigger a fake malloc error when the number is exceeded. Note, +// this code is always executed, not #ifdefd, because its virtually free. +// +// Note: To keep the MALLOC macro faster and simpler, set j__uMaxWords to +// MAXINT, not zero, by default. + +Word_t j__uMaxWords = ~0UL; + +// This macro hides the faking of a malloc failure: +// +// Note: To keep this fast, just compare WordsPrev to j__uMaxWords without the +// complexity of first adding WordsNow, meaning the trigger point is not +// exactly where you might assume, but it shouldnt matter. + +#define MALLOC(MallocFunc,WordsPrev,WordsNow) \ + (((WordsPrev) > j__uMaxWords) ? 0UL : MallocFunc(WordsNow)) + +// Clear words starting at address: +// +// Note: Only use this for objects that care; in other cases, it doesnt +// matter if the objects memory is pre-zeroed. + +#define ZEROWORDS(Addr,Words) \ + { \ + Word_t Words__ = (Words); \ + PWord_t Addr__ = (PWord_t) (Addr); \ + while (Words__--) *Addr__++ = 0UL; \ + } + +#ifdef TRACEMI + +// TRACING SUPPORT: +// +// Note: For TRACEMI, use a format for address printing compatible with other +// tracing facilities; in particular, %x not %lx, to truncate the "noisy" high +// part on 64-bit systems. +// +// TBD: The trace macros need fixing for alternate address types. +// +// Note: TRACEMI2 supports trace analysis no matter the underlying malloc/free +// engine used. + +#include + +static Word_t j__udyMemSequence = 0L; // event sequence number. + +#define TRACE_ALLOC5(a,b,c,d,e) (void) printf(a, (b), c, d) +#define TRACE_FREE5( a,b,c,d,e) (void) printf(a, (b), c, d) +#define TRACE_ALLOC6(a,b,c,d,e,f) (void) printf(a, (b), c, d, e) +#define TRACE_FREE6( a,b,c,d,e,f) (void) printf(a, (b), c, d, e) + +#else + +#ifdef TRACEMI2 + +#include + +#define b_pw cJU_BYTESPERWORD + +#define TRACE_ALLOC5(a,b,c,d,e) \ + (void) printf("a %lx %lx %lx\n", (b), (d) * b_pw, e) +#define TRACE_FREE5( a,b,c,d,e) \ + (void) printf("f %lx %lx %lx\n", (b), (d) * b_pw, e) +#define TRACE_ALLOC6(a,b,c,d,e,f) \ + (void) printf("a %lx %lx %lx\n", (b), (e) * b_pw, f) +#define TRACE_FREE6( a,b,c,d,e,f) \ + (void) printf("f %lx %lx %lx\n", (b), (e) * b_pw, f) + +static Word_t j__udyMemSequence = 0L; // event sequence number. + +#else + +#define TRACE_ALLOC5(a,b,c,d,e) // null. +#define TRACE_FREE5( a,b,c,d,e) // null. +#define TRACE_ALLOC6(a,b,c,d,e,f) // null. +#define TRACE_FREE6( a,b,c,d,e,f) // null. + +#endif // ! TRACEMI2 +#endif // ! TRACEMI + + +// MALLOC NAMESPACE SUPPORT: + +#if (defined(DEBUG) && (! defined(MALLOCBITS))) // for now, DEBUG => MALLOCBITS: +#define MALLOCBITS 1 +#endif + +#ifdef MALLOCBITS +#define MALLOCBITS_VALUE 0x3 // bit pattern to use. +#define MALLOCBITS_MASK 0x7 // note: matches mask__ in JudyPrivate.h. + +#define MALLOCBITS_SET( Type,Addr) \ + ((Addr) = (Type) ((Word_t) (Addr) | MALLOCBITS_VALUE)) +#define MALLOCBITS_TEST(Type,Addr) \ + assert((((Word_t) (Addr)) & MALLOCBITS_MASK) == MALLOCBITS_VALUE); \ + ((Addr) = (Type) ((Word_t) (Addr) & ~MALLOCBITS_VALUE)) +#else +#define MALLOCBITS_SET( Type,Addr) // null. +#define MALLOCBITS_TEST(Type,Addr) // null. +#endif + + +// SAVE ERROR INFORMATION IN A Pjpm: +// +// "Small" (invalid) Addr values are used to distinguish overrun and no-mem +// errors. (TBD, non-zero invalid values are no longer returned from +// lower-level functions, that is, JU_ERRNO_OVERRUN is no longer detected.) + +#define J__UDYSETALLOCERROR(Addr) \ + { \ + JU_ERRID(Pjpm) = __LINE__; \ + if ((Word_t) (Addr) > 0) JU_ERRNO(Pjpm) = JU_ERRNO_OVERRUN; \ + else JU_ERRNO(Pjpm) = JU_ERRNO_NOMEM; \ + return(0); \ + } + + +// **************************************************************************** +// ALLOCATION FUNCTIONS: +// +// To help the compiler catch coding errors, each function returns a specific +// object type. +// +// Note: Only j__udyAllocJPM() and j__udyAllocJLW() return multiple values <= +// sizeof(Word_t) to indicate the type of memory allocation failure. Other +// allocation functions convert this failure to a JU_ERRNO. + + +// Note: Unlike other j__udyAlloc*() functions, Pjpms are returned non-raw, +// that is, without malloc namespace or root pointer type bits: + +FUNCTION Pjpm_t j__udyAllocJPM(void) +{ + Word_t Words = sizeof(jpm_t) / cJU_BYTESPERWORD; + Pjpm_t Pjpm = (Pjpm_t) MALLOC(JudyMalloc, Words, Words); + + assert((Words * cJU_BYTESPERWORD) == sizeof(jpm_t)); + + if ((Word_t) Pjpm > sizeof(Word_t)) + { + ZEROWORDS(Pjpm, Words); + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords = Words; + } + + TRACE_ALLOC5("0x%x %8lu = j__udyAllocJPM(), Words = %lu\n", + Pjpm, j__udyMemSequence++, Words, cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1 + 1); + // MALLOCBITS_SET(Pjpm_t, Pjpm); // see above. + return(Pjpm); + +} // j__udyAllocJPM() + + +FUNCTION Pjbl_t j__udyAllocJBL(Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = sizeof(jbl_t) / cJU_BYTESPERWORD; + Pjbl_t PjblRaw = (Pjbl_t) MALLOC(JudyMallocVirtual, + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords, Words); + + assert((Words * cJU_BYTESPERWORD) == sizeof(jbl_t)); + + if ((Word_t) PjblRaw > sizeof(Word_t)) + { + ZEROWORDS(P_JBL(PjblRaw), Words); + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords += Words; + } + else { J__UDYSETALLOCERROR(PjblRaw); } + + TRACE_ALLOC5("0x%x %8lu = j__udyAllocJBL(), Words = %lu\n", PjblRaw, + j__udyMemSequence++, Words, (Pjpm->jpm_Pop0) + 2); + MALLOCBITS_SET(Pjbl_t, PjblRaw); + return(PjblRaw); + +} // j__udyAllocJBL() + + +FUNCTION Pjbb_t j__udyAllocJBB(Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = sizeof(jbb_t) / cJU_BYTESPERWORD; + Pjbb_t PjbbRaw = (Pjbb_t) MALLOC(JudyMallocVirtual, + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords, Words); + + assert((Words * cJU_BYTESPERWORD) == sizeof(jbb_t)); + + if ((Word_t) PjbbRaw > sizeof(Word_t)) + { + ZEROWORDS(P_JBB(PjbbRaw), Words); + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords += Words; + } + else { J__UDYSETALLOCERROR(PjbbRaw); } + + TRACE_ALLOC5("0x%x %8lu = j__udyAllocJBB(), Words = %lu\n", PjbbRaw, + j__udyMemSequence++, Words, (Pjpm->jpm_Pop0) + 2); + MALLOCBITS_SET(Pjbb_t, PjbbRaw); + return(PjbbRaw); + +} // j__udyAllocJBB() + + +FUNCTION Pjp_t j__udyAllocJBBJP(Word_t NumJPs, Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = JU_BRANCHJP_NUMJPSTOWORDS(NumJPs); + Pjp_t PjpRaw; + + PjpRaw = (Pjp_t) MALLOC(JudyMalloc, Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords, Words); + + if ((Word_t) PjpRaw > sizeof(Word_t)) + { + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords += Words; + } + else { J__UDYSETALLOCERROR(PjpRaw); } + + TRACE_ALLOC6("0x%x %8lu = j__udyAllocJBBJP(%lu), Words = %lu\n", PjpRaw, + j__udyMemSequence++, NumJPs, Words, (Pjpm->jpm_Pop0) + 2); + MALLOCBITS_SET(Pjp_t, PjpRaw); + return(PjpRaw); + +} // j__udyAllocJBBJP() + + +FUNCTION Pjbu_t j__udyAllocJBU(Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = sizeof(jbu_t) / cJU_BYTESPERWORD; + Pjbu_t PjbuRaw = (Pjbu_t) MALLOC(JudyMallocVirtual, + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords, Words); + + assert((Words * cJU_BYTESPERWORD) == sizeof(jbu_t)); + + if ((Word_t) PjbuRaw > sizeof(Word_t)) + { + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords += Words; + } + else { J__UDYSETALLOCERROR(PjbuRaw); } + + TRACE_ALLOC5("0x%x %8lu = j__udyAllocJBU(), Words = %lu\n", PjbuRaw, + j__udyMemSequence++, Words, (Pjpm->jpm_Pop0) + 2); + MALLOCBITS_SET(Pjbu_t, PjbuRaw); + return(PjbuRaw); + +} // j__udyAllocJBU() + + +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + +FUNCTION Pjll_t j__udyAllocJLL1(Word_t Pop1, Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = JU_LEAF1POPTOWORDS(Pop1); + Pjll_t PjllRaw; + + PjllRaw = (Pjll_t) MALLOC(JudyMalloc, Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords, Words); + + if ((Word_t) PjllRaw > sizeof(Word_t)) + { + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords += Words; + } + else { J__UDYSETALLOCERROR(PjllRaw); } + + TRACE_ALLOC6("0x%x %8lu = j__udyAllocJLL1(%lu), Words = %lu\n", PjllRaw, + j__udyMemSequence++, Pop1, Words, (Pjpm->jpm_Pop0) + 2); + MALLOCBITS_SET(Pjll_t, PjllRaw); + return(PjllRaw); + +} // j__udyAllocJLL1() + +#endif // (JUDYL || (! JU_64BIT)) + + +FUNCTION Pjll_t j__udyAllocJLL2(Word_t Pop1, Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = JU_LEAF2POPTOWORDS(Pop1); + Pjll_t PjllRaw; + + PjllRaw = (Pjll_t) MALLOC(JudyMalloc, Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords, Words); + + if ((Word_t) PjllRaw > sizeof(Word_t)) + { + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords += Words; + } + else { J__UDYSETALLOCERROR(PjllRaw); } + + TRACE_ALLOC6("0x%x %8lu = j__udyAllocJLL2(%lu), Words = %lu\n", PjllRaw, + j__udyMemSequence++, Pop1, Words, (Pjpm->jpm_Pop0) + 2); + MALLOCBITS_SET(Pjll_t, PjllRaw); + return(PjllRaw); + +} // j__udyAllocJLL2() + + +FUNCTION Pjll_t j__udyAllocJLL3(Word_t Pop1, Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = JU_LEAF3POPTOWORDS(Pop1); + Pjll_t PjllRaw; + + PjllRaw = (Pjll_t) MALLOC(JudyMalloc, Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords, Words); + + if ((Word_t) PjllRaw > sizeof(Word_t)) + { + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords += Words; + } + else { J__UDYSETALLOCERROR(PjllRaw); } + + TRACE_ALLOC6("0x%x %8lu = j__udyAllocJLL3(%lu), Words = %lu\n", PjllRaw, + j__udyMemSequence++, Pop1, Words, (Pjpm->jpm_Pop0) + 2); + MALLOCBITS_SET(Pjll_t, PjllRaw); + return(PjllRaw); + +} // j__udyAllocJLL3() + + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + +FUNCTION Pjll_t j__udyAllocJLL4(Word_t Pop1, Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = JU_LEAF4POPTOWORDS(Pop1); + Pjll_t PjllRaw; + + PjllRaw = (Pjll_t) MALLOC(JudyMalloc, Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords, Words); + + if ((Word_t) PjllRaw > sizeof(Word_t)) + { + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords += Words; + } + else { J__UDYSETALLOCERROR(PjllRaw); } + + TRACE_ALLOC6("0x%x %8lu = j__udyAllocJLL4(%lu), Words = %lu\n", PjllRaw, + j__udyMemSequence++, Pop1, Words, (Pjpm->jpm_Pop0) + 2); + MALLOCBITS_SET(Pjll_t, PjllRaw); + return(PjllRaw); + +} // j__udyAllocJLL4() + + +FUNCTION Pjll_t j__udyAllocJLL5(Word_t Pop1, Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = JU_LEAF5POPTOWORDS(Pop1); + Pjll_t PjllRaw; + + PjllRaw = (Pjll_t) MALLOC(JudyMalloc, Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords, Words); + + if ((Word_t) PjllRaw > sizeof(Word_t)) + { + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords += Words; + } + else { J__UDYSETALLOCERROR(PjllRaw); } + + TRACE_ALLOC6("0x%x %8lu = j__udyAllocJLL5(%lu), Words = %lu\n", PjllRaw, + j__udyMemSequence++, Pop1, Words, (Pjpm->jpm_Pop0) + 2); + MALLOCBITS_SET(Pjll_t, PjllRaw); + return(PjllRaw); + +} // j__udyAllocJLL5() + + +FUNCTION Pjll_t j__udyAllocJLL6(Word_t Pop1, Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = JU_LEAF6POPTOWORDS(Pop1); + Pjll_t PjllRaw; + + PjllRaw = (Pjll_t) MALLOC(JudyMalloc, Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords, Words); + + if ((Word_t) PjllRaw > sizeof(Word_t)) + { + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords += Words; + } + else { J__UDYSETALLOCERROR(PjllRaw); } + + TRACE_ALLOC6("0x%x %8lu = j__udyAllocJLL6(%lu), Words = %lu\n", PjllRaw, + j__udyMemSequence++, Pop1, Words, (Pjpm->jpm_Pop0) + 2); + MALLOCBITS_SET(Pjll_t, PjllRaw); + return(PjllRaw); + +} // j__udyAllocJLL6() + + +FUNCTION Pjll_t j__udyAllocJLL7(Word_t Pop1, Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = JU_LEAF7POPTOWORDS(Pop1); + Pjll_t PjllRaw; + + PjllRaw = (Pjll_t) MALLOC(JudyMalloc, Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords, Words); + + if ((Word_t) PjllRaw > sizeof(Word_t)) + { + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords += Words; + } + else { J__UDYSETALLOCERROR(PjllRaw); } + + TRACE_ALLOC6("0x%x %8lu = j__udyAllocJLL7(%lu), Words = %lu\n", PjllRaw, + j__udyMemSequence++, Pop1, Words, (Pjpm->jpm_Pop0) + 2); + MALLOCBITS_SET(Pjll_t, PjllRaw); + return(PjllRaw); + +} // j__udyAllocJLL7() + +#endif // JU_64BIT + + +// Note: Root-level leaf addresses are always whole words (Pjlw_t), and unlike +// other j__udyAlloc*() functions, they are returned non-raw, that is, without +// malloc namespace or root pointer type bits (the latter are added later by +// the caller): + +FUNCTION Pjlw_t j__udyAllocJLW(Word_t Pop1) +{ + Word_t Words = JU_LEAFWPOPTOWORDS(Pop1); + Pjlw_t Pjlw = (Pjlw_t) MALLOC(JudyMalloc, Words, Words); + + TRACE_ALLOC6("0x%x %8lu = j__udyAllocJLW(%lu), Words = %lu\n", Pjlw, + j__udyMemSequence++, Pop1, Words, Pop1); + // MALLOCBITS_SET(Pjlw_t, Pjlw); // see above. + return(Pjlw); + +} // j__udyAllocJLW() + + +FUNCTION Pjlb_t j__udyAllocJLB1(Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = sizeof(jlb_t) / cJU_BYTESPERWORD; + Pjlb_t PjlbRaw; + + PjlbRaw = (Pjlb_t) MALLOC(JudyMalloc, Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords, Words); + + assert((Words * cJU_BYTESPERWORD) == sizeof(jlb_t)); + + if ((Word_t) PjlbRaw > sizeof(Word_t)) + { + ZEROWORDS(P_JLB(PjlbRaw), Words); + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords += Words; + } + else { J__UDYSETALLOCERROR(PjlbRaw); } + + TRACE_ALLOC5("0x%x %8lu = j__udyAllocJLB1(), Words = %lu\n", PjlbRaw, + j__udyMemSequence++, Words, (Pjpm->jpm_Pop0) + 2); + MALLOCBITS_SET(Pjlb_t, PjlbRaw); + return(PjlbRaw); + +} // j__udyAllocJLB1() + + +#ifdef JUDYL + +FUNCTION Pjv_t j__udyLAllocJV(Word_t Pop1, Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = JL_LEAFVPOPTOWORDS(Pop1); + Pjv_t PjvRaw; + + PjvRaw = (Pjv_t) MALLOC(JudyMalloc, Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords, Words); + + if ((Word_t) PjvRaw > sizeof(Word_t)) + { + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords += Words; + } + else { J__UDYSETALLOCERROR(PjvRaw); } + + TRACE_ALLOC6("0x%x %8lu = j__udyLAllocJV(%lu), Words = %lu\n", PjvRaw, + j__udyMemSequence++, Pop1, Words, (Pjpm->jpm_Pop0) + 2); + MALLOCBITS_SET(Pjv_t, PjvRaw); + return(PjvRaw); + +} // j__udyLAllocJV() + +#endif // JUDYL + + +// **************************************************************************** +// FREE FUNCTIONS: +// +// To help the compiler catch coding errors, each function takes a specific +// object type to free. + + +// Note: j__udyFreeJPM() receives a root pointer with NO root pointer type +// bits present, that is, they must be stripped by the caller using P_JPM(): + +FUNCTION void j__udyFreeJPM(Pjpm_t PjpmFree, Pjpm_t PjpmStats) +{ + Word_t Words = sizeof(jpm_t) / cJU_BYTESPERWORD; + + // MALLOCBITS_TEST(Pjpm_t, PjpmFree); // see above. + JudyFree((Pvoid_t) PjpmFree, Words); + + if (PjpmStats != (Pjpm_t) NULL) PjpmStats->jpm_TotalMemWords -= Words; + +// Note: Log PjpmFree->jpm_Pop0, similar to other j__udyFree*() functions, not +// an assumed value of cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1, for when the caller is +// Judy*FreeArray(), jpm_Pop0 is set to 0, and the population after the free +// really will be 0, not cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1. + + TRACE_FREE6("0x%x %8lu = j__udyFreeJPM(%lu), Words = %lu\n", PjpmFree, + j__udyMemSequence++, Words, Words, PjpmFree->jpm_Pop0); + + +} // j__udyFreeJPM() + + +FUNCTION void j__udyFreeJBL(Pjbl_t Pjbl, Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = sizeof(jbl_t) / cJU_BYTESPERWORD; + + MALLOCBITS_TEST(Pjbl_t, Pjbl); + JudyFreeVirtual((Pvoid_t) Pjbl, Words); + + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords -= Words; + + TRACE_FREE5("0x%x %8lu = j__udyFreeJBL(), Words = %lu\n", Pjbl, + j__udyMemSequence++, Words, Pjpm->jpm_Pop0); + + +} // j__udyFreeJBL() + + +FUNCTION void j__udyFreeJBB(Pjbb_t Pjbb, Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = sizeof(jbb_t) / cJU_BYTESPERWORD; + + MALLOCBITS_TEST(Pjbb_t, Pjbb); + JudyFreeVirtual((Pvoid_t) Pjbb, Words); + + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords -= Words; + + TRACE_FREE5("0x%x %8lu = j__udyFreeJBB(), Words = %lu\n", Pjbb, + j__udyMemSequence++, Words, Pjpm->jpm_Pop0); + + +} // j__udyFreeJBB() + + +FUNCTION void j__udyFreeJBBJP(Pjp_t Pjp, Word_t NumJPs, Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = JU_BRANCHJP_NUMJPSTOWORDS(NumJPs); + + MALLOCBITS_TEST(Pjp_t, Pjp); + JudyFree((Pvoid_t) Pjp, Words); + + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords -= Words; + + TRACE_FREE6("0x%x %8lu = j__udyFreeJBBJP(%lu), Words = %lu\n", Pjp, + j__udyMemSequence++, NumJPs, Words, Pjpm->jpm_Pop0); + + +} // j__udyFreeJBBJP() + + +FUNCTION void j__udyFreeJBU(Pjbu_t Pjbu, Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = sizeof(jbu_t) / cJU_BYTESPERWORD; + + MALLOCBITS_TEST(Pjbu_t, Pjbu); + JudyFreeVirtual((Pvoid_t) Pjbu, Words); + + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords -= Words; + + TRACE_FREE5("0x%x %8lu = j__udyFreeJBU(), Words = %lu\n", Pjbu, + j__udyMemSequence++, Words, Pjpm->jpm_Pop0); + + +} // j__udyFreeJBU() + + +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + +FUNCTION void j__udyFreeJLL1(Pjll_t Pjll, Word_t Pop1, Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = JU_LEAF1POPTOWORDS(Pop1); + + MALLOCBITS_TEST(Pjll_t, Pjll); + JudyFree((Pvoid_t) Pjll, Words); + + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords -= Words; + + TRACE_FREE6("0x%x %8lu = j__udyFreeJLL1(%lu), Words = %lu\n", Pjll, + j__udyMemSequence++, Pop1, Words, Pjpm->jpm_Pop0); + + +} // j__udyFreeJLL1() + +#endif // (JUDYL || (! JU_64BIT)) + + +FUNCTION void j__udyFreeJLL2(Pjll_t Pjll, Word_t Pop1, Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = JU_LEAF2POPTOWORDS(Pop1); + + MALLOCBITS_TEST(Pjll_t, Pjll); + JudyFree((Pvoid_t) Pjll, Words); + + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords -= Words; + + TRACE_FREE6("0x%x %8lu = j__udyFreeJLL2(%lu), Words = %lu\n", Pjll, + j__udyMemSequence++, Pop1, Words, Pjpm->jpm_Pop0); + + +} // j__udyFreeJLL2() + + +FUNCTION void j__udyFreeJLL3(Pjll_t Pjll, Word_t Pop1, Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = JU_LEAF3POPTOWORDS(Pop1); + + MALLOCBITS_TEST(Pjll_t, Pjll); + JudyFree((Pvoid_t) Pjll, Words); + + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords -= Words; + + TRACE_FREE6("0x%x %8lu = j__udyFreeJLL3(%lu), Words = %lu\n", Pjll, + j__udyMemSequence++, Pop1, Words, Pjpm->jpm_Pop0); + + +} // j__udyFreeJLL3() + + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + +FUNCTION void j__udyFreeJLL4(Pjll_t Pjll, Word_t Pop1, Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = JU_LEAF4POPTOWORDS(Pop1); + + MALLOCBITS_TEST(Pjll_t, Pjll); + JudyFree((Pvoid_t) Pjll, Words); + + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords -= Words; + + TRACE_FREE6("0x%x %8lu = j__udyFreeJLL4(%lu), Words = %lu\n", Pjll, + j__udyMemSequence++, Pop1, Words, Pjpm->jpm_Pop0); + + +} // j__udyFreeJLL4() + + +FUNCTION void j__udyFreeJLL5(Pjll_t Pjll, Word_t Pop1, Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = JU_LEAF5POPTOWORDS(Pop1); + + MALLOCBITS_TEST(Pjll_t, Pjll); + JudyFree((Pvoid_t) Pjll, Words); + + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords -= Words; + + TRACE_FREE6("0x%x %8lu = j__udyFreeJLL5(%lu), Words = %lu\n", Pjll, + j__udyMemSequence++, Pop1, Words, Pjpm->jpm_Pop0); + + +} // j__udyFreeJLL5() + + +FUNCTION void j__udyFreeJLL6(Pjll_t Pjll, Word_t Pop1, Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = JU_LEAF6POPTOWORDS(Pop1); + + MALLOCBITS_TEST(Pjll_t, Pjll); + JudyFree((Pvoid_t) Pjll, Words); + + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords -= Words; + + TRACE_FREE6("0x%x %8lu = j__udyFreeJLL6(%lu), Words = %lu\n", Pjll, + j__udyMemSequence++, Pop1, Words, Pjpm->jpm_Pop0); + + +} // j__udyFreeJLL6() + + +FUNCTION void j__udyFreeJLL7(Pjll_t Pjll, Word_t Pop1, Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = JU_LEAF7POPTOWORDS(Pop1); + + MALLOCBITS_TEST(Pjll_t, Pjll); + JudyFree((Pvoid_t) Pjll, Words); + + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords -= Words; + + TRACE_FREE6("0x%x %8lu = j__udyFreeJLL7(%lu), Words = %lu\n", Pjll, + j__udyMemSequence++, Pop1, Words, Pjpm->jpm_Pop0); + + +} // j__udyFreeJLL7() + +#endif // JU_64BIT + + +// Note: j__udyFreeJLW() receives a root pointer with NO root pointer type +// bits present, that is, they are stripped by P_JLW(): + +FUNCTION void j__udyFreeJLW(Pjlw_t Pjlw, Word_t Pop1, Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = JU_LEAFWPOPTOWORDS(Pop1); + + // MALLOCBITS_TEST(Pjlw_t, Pjlw); // see above. + JudyFree((Pvoid_t) Pjlw, Words); + + if (Pjpm) Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords -= Words; + + TRACE_FREE6("0x%x %8lu = j__udyFreeJLW(%lu), Words = %lu\n", Pjlw, + j__udyMemSequence++, Pop1, Words, Pop1 - 1); + + +} // j__udyFreeJLW() + + +FUNCTION void j__udyFreeJLB1(Pjlb_t Pjlb, Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = sizeof(jlb_t) / cJU_BYTESPERWORD; + + MALLOCBITS_TEST(Pjlb_t, Pjlb); + JudyFree((Pvoid_t) Pjlb, Words); + + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords -= Words; + + TRACE_FREE5("0x%x %8lu = j__udyFreeJLB1(), Words = %lu\n", Pjlb, + j__udyMemSequence++, Words, Pjpm->jpm_Pop0); + + +} // j__udyFreeJLB1() + + +#ifdef JUDYL + +FUNCTION void j__udyLFreeJV(Pjv_t Pjv, Word_t Pop1, Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = JL_LEAFVPOPTOWORDS(Pop1); + + MALLOCBITS_TEST(Pjv_t, Pjv); + JudyFree((Pvoid_t) Pjv, Words); + + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords -= Words; + + TRACE_FREE6("0x%x %8lu = j__udyLFreeJV(%lu), Words = %lu\n", Pjv, + j__udyMemSequence++, Pop1, Words, Pjpm->jpm_Pop0); + + +} // j__udyLFreeJV() + +#endif // JUDYL diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Judy1MemActive.c b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Judy1MemActive.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f9e2b5a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Judy1MemActive.c @@ -0,0 +1,259 @@ +// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company +// +// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +// under the term of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +// option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +// _________________ + +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ +// +// Return number of bytes of memory used to support a Judy1/L array. +// Compile with one of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL. + +#if (! (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JUDYL))) +#error: One of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL must be specified. +#endif + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#include "Judy1.h" +#else +#include "JudyL.h" +#endif + +#include "JudyPrivate1L.h" + +FUNCTION static Word_t j__udyGetMemActive(Pjp_t); + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y 1 M E M A C T I V E +// J U D Y L M E M A C T I V E + +#ifdef JUDY1 +FUNCTION Word_t Judy1MemActive +#else +FUNCTION Word_t JudyLMemActive +#endif + ( + Pcvoid_t PArray // from which to retrieve. + ) +{ + if (PArray == (Pcvoid_t)NULL) return(0); + + if (JU_LEAFW_POP0(PArray) < cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1) // must be a LEAFW + { + Pjlw_t Pjlw = P_JLW(PArray); // first word of leaf. + Word_t Words = Pjlw[0] + 1; // population. +#ifdef JUDY1 + return((Words + 1) * sizeof(Word_t)); +#else + return(((Words * 2) + 1) * sizeof(Word_t)); +#endif + } + else + { + Pjpm_t Pjpm = P_JPM(PArray); + return(j__udyGetMemActive(&Pjpm->jpm_JP) + sizeof(jpm_t)); + } + +} // JudyMemActive() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y G E T M E M A C T I V E + +FUNCTION static Word_t j__udyGetMemActive( + Pjp_t Pjp) // top of subtree. +{ + Word_t offset; // in a branch. + Word_t Bytes = 0; // actual bytes used at this level. + Word_t IdxSz; // bytes per index in leaves + + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L2: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L3: +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L4: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L5: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L6: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L7: +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L: + { + Pjbl_t Pjbl = P_JBL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + for (offset = 0; offset < (Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs); ++offset) + Bytes += j__udyGetMemActive((Pjbl->jbl_jp) + offset); + + return(Bytes + sizeof(jbl_t)); + } + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B2: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B3: +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B4: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B5: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B6: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B7: +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B: + { + Word_t subexp; + Word_t jpcount; + Pjbb_t Pjbb = P_JBB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + for (subexp = 0; subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPB; ++subexp) + { + jpcount = j__udyCountBitsB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp)); + Bytes += jpcount * sizeof(jp_t); + + for (offset = 0; offset < jpcount; ++offset) + { + Bytes += j__udyGetMemActive(P_JP(JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp)) + + offset); + } + } + + return(Bytes + sizeof(jbb_t)); + } + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U2: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U3: +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U4: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U5: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U6: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U7: +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U: + { + Pjbu_t Pjbu = P_JBU(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + for (offset = 0; offset < cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS; ++offset) + { + if (((Pjbu->jbu_jp[offset].jp_Type) >= cJU_JPNULL1) + && ((Pjbu->jbu_jp[offset].jp_Type) <= cJU_JPNULLMAX)) + { + continue; // skip null JP to save time. + } + + Bytes += j__udyGetMemActive(Pjbu->jbu_jp + offset); + } + + return(Bytes + sizeof(jbu_t)); + } + + +// -- Cases below here terminate and do not recurse. -- + +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + case cJU_JPLEAF1: IdxSz = 1; goto LeafWords; +#endif + case cJU_JPLEAF2: IdxSz = 2; goto LeafWords; + case cJU_JPLEAF3: IdxSz = 3; goto LeafWords; +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPLEAF4: IdxSz = 4; goto LeafWords; + case cJU_JPLEAF5: IdxSz = 5; goto LeafWords; + case cJU_JPLEAF6: IdxSz = 6; goto LeafWords; + case cJU_JPLEAF7: IdxSz = 7; goto LeafWords; +#endif +LeafWords: + +#ifdef JUDY1 + return(IdxSz * (JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1)); +#else + return((IdxSz + sizeof(Word_t)) + * (JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1)); +#endif + case cJU_JPLEAF_B1: + { +#ifdef JUDY1 + return(sizeof(jlb_t)); +#else + Bytes = (JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1) * sizeof(Word_t); + + return(Bytes + sizeof(jlb_t)); +#endif + } + + JUDY1CODE(case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1: return(0);) + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#define J__Mpy 0 +#else +#define J__Mpy sizeof(Word_t) +#endif + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_01: return(0); + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_01: return(0); + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_01: return(0); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPIMMED_4_01: return(0); + case cJU_JPIMMED_5_01: return(0); + case cJU_JPIMMED_6_01: return(0); + case cJU_JPIMMED_7_01: return(0); +#endif + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_02: return(J__Mpy * 2); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_03: return(J__Mpy * 3); +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_04: return(J__Mpy * 4); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_05: return(J__Mpy * 5); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_06: return(J__Mpy * 6); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_07: return(J__Mpy * 7); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_08: return(0); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_09: return(0); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_10: return(0); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_11: return(0); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_12: return(0); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_13: return(0); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_14: return(0); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_15: return(0); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_02: return(J__Mpy * 2); + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_03: return(J__Mpy * 3); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_04: return(0); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_05: return(0); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_06: return(0); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_07: return(0); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_02: return(J__Mpy * 2); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_03: return(0); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_04: return(0); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_05: return(0); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02: return(0); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_03: return(0); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02: return(0); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_03: return(0); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02: return(0); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02: return(0); +#endif + + } // switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + + return(0); // to make some compilers happy. + +} // j__udyGetMemActive() diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Judy1MemUsed.c b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Judy1MemUsed.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b1662740 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Judy1MemUsed.c @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company +// +// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +// under the term of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +// option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +// _________________ + +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ +// +// Return number of bytes of memory used to support a Judy1/L array. +// Compile with one of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL. + +#if (! (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JUDYL))) +#error: One of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL must be specified. +#endif + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#include "Judy1.h" +#else +#include "JudyL.h" +#endif + +#include "JudyPrivate1L.h" + +#ifdef JUDY1 +FUNCTION Word_t Judy1MemUsed +#else // JUDYL +FUNCTION Word_t JudyLMemUsed +#endif + ( + Pcvoid_t PArray // from which to retrieve. + ) +{ + Word_t Words = 0; + + if (PArray == (Pcvoid_t) NULL) return(0); + + if (JU_LEAFW_POP0(PArray) < cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1) // must be a LEAFW + { + Pjlw_t Pjlw = P_JLW(PArray); // first word of leaf. + Words = JU_LEAFWPOPTOWORDS(Pjlw[0] + 1); // based on pop1. + } + else + { + Pjpm_t Pjpm = P_JPM(PArray); + Words = Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords; + } + + return(Words * sizeof(Word_t)); // convert to bytes. + +} // Judy1MemUsed() / JudyLMemUsed() diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Judy1Next.c b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Judy1Next.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..331d7014 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Judy1Next.c @@ -0,0 +1,1890 @@ +// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company +// +// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +// under the term of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +// option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +// _________________ + +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ +// +// Judy*Prev() and Judy*Next() functions for Judy1 and JudyL. +// Compile with one of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL. +// +// Compile with -DJUDYNEXT for the Judy*Next() function; otherwise defaults to +// Judy*Prev(). + +#if (! (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JUDYL))) +#error: One of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL must be specified. +#endif + +#ifndef JUDYNEXT +#ifndef JUDYPREV +#define JUDYPREV 1 // neither set => use default. +#endif +#endif + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#include "Judy1.h" +#else +#include "JudyL.h" +#endif + +#include "JudyPrivate1L.h" + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y 1 P R E V +// J U D Y 1 N E X T +// J U D Y L P R E V +// J U D Y L N E X T +// +// See the manual entry for the API. +// +// OVERVIEW OF Judy*Prev(): +// +// Use a reentrant switch statement (state machine, SM1 = "get") to decode the +// callers *PIndex-1, starting with the (PArray), through branches, if +// any, down to an immediate or a leaf. Look for *PIndex-1 in that leaf, and +// if found, return it. +// +// A dead end is either a branch that does not contain a JP for the appropriate +// digit in *PIndex-1, or a leaf that does not contain the undecoded digits of +// *PIndex-1. Upon reaching a dead end, backtrack through the leaf/branches +// that were just traversed, using a list (history) of parent JPs that is built +// while going forward in SM1Get. Start with the current leaf or branch. In a +// backtracked leaf, look for an Index less than *PIndex-1. In each +// backtracked branch, look "sideways" for the next JP, if any, lower than the +// one for the digit (from *PIndex-1) that was previously decoded. While +// backtracking, if a leaf has no previous Index or a branch has no lower JP, +// go to its parent branch in turn. Upon reaching the JRP, return failure, "no +// previous Index". The backtrack process is sufficiently different from +// SM1Get to merit its own separate reentrant switch statement (SM2 = +// "backtrack"). +// +// While backtracking, upon finding a lower JP in a branch, there is certain to +// be a "prev" Index under that JP (unless the Judy array is corrupt). +// Traverse forward again, this time taking the last (highest, right-most) JP +// in each branch, and the last (highest) Index upon reaching an immediate or a +// leaf. This traversal is sufficiently different from SM1Get and SM2Backtrack +// to merit its own separate reentrant switch statement (SM3 = "findlimit"). +// +// "Decode" bytes in JPs complicate this process a little. In SM1Get, when a +// JP is a narrow pointer, that is, when states are skipped (so the skipped +// digits are stored in jp_DcdPopO), compare the relevant digits to the same +// digits in *PIndex-1. If they are EQUAL, proceed in SM1Get as before. If +// jp_DcdPopOs digits are GREATER, treat the JP as a dead end and proceed in +// SM2Backtrack. If jp_DcdPopOs digits are LESS, treat the JP as if it had +// just been found during a backtrack and proceed directly in SM3Findlimit. +// +// Note that Decode bytes can be ignored in SM3Findlimit; they dont matter. +// Also note that in practice the Decode bytes are routinely compared with +// *PIndex-1 because thats simpler and no slower than first testing for +// narrowness. +// +// Decode bytes also make it unnecessary to construct the Index to return (the +// revised *PIndex) during the search. This step is deferred until finding an +// Index during backtrack or findlimit, before returning it. The first digit +// of *PIndex is derived (saved) based on which JP is used in a JRP branch. +// The remaining digits are obtained from the jp_DcdPopO field in the JP (if +// any) above the immediate or leaf containing the found (prev) Index, plus the +// remaining digit(s) in the immediate or leaf itself. In the case of a LEAFW, +// the Index to return is found directly in the leaf. +// +// Note: Theoretically, as described above, upon reaching a dead end, SM1Get +// passes control to SM2Backtrack to look sideways, even in a leaf. Actually +// its a little more efficient for the SM1Get leaf cases to shortcut this and +// take care of the sideways searches themselves. Hence the history list only +// contains branch JPs, and SM2Backtrack only handles branches. In fact, even +// the branch handling cases in SM1Get do some shortcutting (sideways +// searching) to avoid pushing history and calling SM2Backtrack unnecessarily. +// +// Upon reaching an Index to return after backtracking, *PIndex must be +// modified to the found Index. In principle this could be done by building +// the Index from a saved rootdigit (in the top branch) plus the Dcd bytes from +// the parent JP plus the appropriate Index bytes from the leaf. However, +// Immediates are difficult because their parent JPs lack one (last) digit. So +// instead just build the *PIndex to return "top down" while backtracking and +// findlimiting. +// +// This function is written iteratively for speed, rather than recursively. +// +// CAVEATS: +// +// Why use a backtrack list (history stack), since it has finite size? The +// size is small for Judy on both 32-bit and 64-bit systems, and a list (really +// just an array) is fast to maintain and use. Other alternatives include +// doing a lookahead (lookaside) in each branch while traversing forward +// (decoding), and restarting from the top upon a dead end. +// +// A lookahead means noting the last branch traversed which contained a +// non-null JP lower than the one specified by a digit in *PIndex-1, and +// returning to that point for SM3Findlimit. This seems like a good idea, and +// should be pretty cheap for linear and bitmap branches, but it could result +// in up to 31 unnecessary additional cache line fills (in extreme cases) for +// every uncompressed branch traversed. We have considered means of attaching +// to or hiding within an uncompressed branch (in null JPs) a "cache line map" +// or other structure, such as an offset to the next non-null JP, that would +// speed this up, but it seems unnecessary merely to avoid having a +// finite-length list (array). (If JudySL is ever made "native", the finite +// list length will be an issue.) +// +// Restarting at the top of the Judy array after a dead end requires a careful +// modification of *PIndex-1 to decrement the digit for the parent branch and +// set the remaining lower digits to all 1s. This must be repeated each time a +// parent branch contains another dead end, so even though it should all happen +// in cache, the CPU time can be excessive. (For JudySL or an equivalent +// "infinitely deep" Judy array, consider a hybrid of a large, finite, +// "circular" list and a restart-at-top when the list is backtracked to +// exhaustion.) +// +// Why search for *PIndex-1 instead of *PIndex during SM1Get? In rare +// instances this prevents an unnecessary decode down the wrong path followed +// by a backtrack; its pretty cheap to set up initially; and it means the +// SM1Get machine can simply return if/when it finds that Index. +// +// TBD: Wed like to enhance this function to make successive searches faster. +// This would require saving some previous state, including the previous Index +// returned, and in which leaf it was found. If the next call is for the same +// Index and the array has not been modified, start at the same leaf. This +// should be much easier to implement since this is iterative rather than +// recursive code. +// +// VARIATIONS FOR Judy*Next(): +// +// The Judy*Next() code is nearly a perfect mirror of the Judy*Prev() code. +// See the Judy*Prev() overview comments, and mentally switch the following: +// +// - "*PIndex-1" => "*PIndex+1" +// - "less than" => "greater than" +// - "lower" => "higher" +// - "lowest" => "highest" +// - "next-left" => "next-right" +// - "right-most" => "left-most" +// +// Note: SM3Findlimit could be called SM3Findmax/SM3Findmin, but a common name +// for both Prev and Next means many fewer ifdefs in this code. +// +// TBD: Currently this code traverses a JP whether its expanse is partially or +// completely full (populated). For Judy1 (only), since there is no value area +// needed, consider shortcutting to a "success" return upon encountering a full +// JP in SM1Get (or even SM3Findlimit?) A full JP looks like this: +// +// (((JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) ^ cJU_ALLONES) & cJU_POP0MASK(cLevel)) == 0) + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#ifdef JUDYPREV +FUNCTION int Judy1Prev +#else +FUNCTION int Judy1Next +#endif +#else +#ifdef JUDYPREV +FUNCTION PPvoid_t JudyLPrev +#else +FUNCTION PPvoid_t JudyLNext +#endif +#endif + ( + Pcvoid_t PArray, // Judy array to search. + Word_t * PIndex, // starting point and result. + PJError_t PJError // optional, for returning error info. + ) +{ + Pjp_t Pjp, Pjp2; // current JPs. + Pjbl_t Pjbl; // Pjp->jp_Addr masked and cast to types: + Pjbb_t Pjbb; + Pjbu_t Pjbu; + +// Note: The following initialization is not strictly required but it makes +// gcc -Wall happy because there is an "impossible" path from Immed handling to +// SM1LeafLImm code that looks like Pjll might be used before set: + + Pjll_t Pjll = (Pjll_t) NULL; + Word_t state; // current state in SM. + Word_t digit; // next digit to decode from Index. + +// Note: The following initialization is not strictly required but it makes +// gcc -Wall happy because there is an "impossible" path from Immed handling to +// SM1LeafLImm code (for JudyL & JudyPrev only) that looks like pop1 might be +// used before set: + +#if (defined(JUDYL) && defined(JUDYPREV)) + Word_t pop1 = 0; // in a leaf. +#else + Word_t pop1; // in a leaf. +#endif + int offset; // linear branch/leaf, from j__udySearchLeaf*(). + int subexp; // subexpanse in a bitmap branch. + Word_t bitposmask; // bit in bitmap for Index. + +// History for SM2Backtrack: +// +// For a given histnum, APjphist[histnum] is a parent JP that points to a +// branch, and Aoffhist[histnum] is the offset of the NEXT JP in the branch to +// which the parent JP points. The meaning of Aoffhist[histnum] depends on the +// type of branch to which the parent JP points: +// +// Linear: Offset of the next JP in the JP list. +// +// Bitmap: Which subexpanse, plus the offset of the next JP in the +// subexpanses JP list (to avoid bit-counting again), plus for Judy*Next(), +// hidden one byte to the left, which digit, because Judy*Next() also needs +// this. +// +// Uncompressed: Digit, which is actually the offset of the JP in the branch. +// +// Note: Only branch JPs are stored in APjphist[] because, as explained +// earlier, SM1Get shortcuts sideways searches in leaves (and even in branches +// in some cases), so SM2Backtrack only handles branches. + +#define HISTNUMMAX cJU_ROOTSTATE // maximum branches traversable. + Pjp_t APjphist[HISTNUMMAX]; // list of branch JPs traversed. + int Aoffhist[HISTNUMMAX]; // list of next JP offsets; see above. + int histnum = 0; // number of JPs now in list. + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// M A C R O S +// +// These are intended to make the code a bit more readable and less redundant. + + +// "PUSH" AND "POP" Pjp AND offset ON HISTORY STACKS: +// +// Note: Ensure a corrupt Judy array does not overflow *hist[]. Meanwhile, +// underflowing *hist[] simply means theres no more room to backtrack => +// "no previous/next Index". + +#define HISTPUSH(Pjp,Offset) \ + APjphist[histnum] = (Pjp); \ + Aoffhist[histnum] = (Offset); \ + \ + if (++histnum >= HISTNUMMAX) \ + { \ + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT) \ + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) \ + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) \ + } + +#define HISTPOP(Pjp,Offset) \ + if ((histnum--) < 1) JU_RET_NOTFOUND; \ + (Pjp) = APjphist[histnum]; \ + (Offset) = Aoffhist[histnum] + +// How to pack/unpack Aoffhist[] values for bitmap branches: + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + +#define HISTPUSHBOFF(Subexp,Offset,Digit) \ + (((Subexp) * cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB) | (Offset)) + +#define HISTPOPBOFF(Subexp,Offset,Digit) \ + (Subexp) = (Offset) / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; \ + (Offset) %= cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB +#else + +#define HISTPUSHBOFF(Subexp,Offset,Digit) \ + (((Digit) << cJU_BITSPERBYTE) \ + | ((Subexp) * cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB) | (Offset)) + +#define HISTPOPBOFF(Subexp,Offset,Digit) \ + (Digit) = (Offset) >> cJU_BITSPERBYTE; \ + (Subexp) = ((Offset) & JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(1)) / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; \ + (Offset) %= cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB +#endif + + +// CHECK FOR NULL JP: + +#define JPNULL(Type) (((Type) >= cJU_JPNULL1) && ((Type) <= cJU_JPNULLMAX)) + + +// SEARCH A BITMAP: +// +// This is a weak analog of j__udySearchLeaf*() for bitmaps. Return the actual +// or next-left position, base 0, of Digit in the single uint32_t bitmap, also +// given a Bitposmask for Digit. +// +// Unlike j__udySearchLeaf*(), the offset is not returned bit-complemented if +// Digits bit is unset, because the caller can check the bitmap themselves to +// determine that. Also, if Digits bit is unset, the returned offset is to +// the next-left JP (including -1), not to the "ideal" position for the Index = +// next-right JP. +// +// Shortcut and skip calling j__udyCountBits*() if the bitmap is full, in which +// case (Digit % cJU_BITSPERSUBEXP*) itself is the base-0 offset. +// +// TBD for Judy*Next(): Should this return next-right instead of next-left? +// That is, +1 from current value? Maybe not, if Digits bit IS set, +1 would +// be wrong. + +#define SEARCHBITMAPB(Bitmap,Digit,Bitposmask) \ + (((Bitmap) == cJU_FULLBITMAPB) ? (Digit % cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB) : \ + j__udyCountBitsB((Bitmap) & JU_MASKLOWERINC(Bitposmask)) - 1) + +#define SEARCHBITMAPL(Bitmap,Digit,Bitposmask) \ + (((Bitmap) == cJU_FULLBITMAPL) ? (Digit % cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL) : \ + j__udyCountBitsL((Bitmap) & JU_MASKLOWERINC(Bitposmask)) - 1) + +#ifdef JUDYPREV +// Equivalent to search for the highest offset in Bitmap: + +#define SEARCHBITMAPMAXB(Bitmap) \ + (((Bitmap) == cJU_FULLBITMAPB) ? cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB - 1 : \ + j__udyCountBitsB(Bitmap) - 1) + +#define SEARCHBITMAPMAXL(Bitmap) \ + (((Bitmap) == cJU_FULLBITMAPL) ? cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL - 1 : \ + j__udyCountBitsL(Bitmap) - 1) +#endif + + +// CHECK DECODE BYTES: +// +// Check Decode bytes in a JP against the equivalent portion of *PIndex. If +// *PIndex is lower (for Judy*Prev()) or higher (for Judy*Next()), this JP is a +// dead end (the same as if it had been absent in a linear or bitmap branch or +// null in an uncompressed branch), enter SM2Backtrack; otherwise enter +// SM3Findlimit to find the highest/lowest Index under this JP, as if the code +// had already backtracked to this JP. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV +#define CDcmp__ < +#else +#define CDcmp__ > +#endif + +#define CHECKDCD(cState) \ + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(*PIndex, Pjp, cState)) \ + { \ + if ((*PIndex & cJU_DCDMASK(cState)) \ + CDcmp__(JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & cJU_DCDMASK(cState))) \ + { \ + goto SM2Backtrack; \ + } \ + goto SM3Findlimit; \ + } + + +// PREPARE TO HANDLE A LEAFW OR JRP BRANCH IN SM1: +// +// Extract a state-dependent digit from Index in a "constant" way, then jump to +// common code for multiple cases. + +#define SM1PREPB(cState,Next) \ + state = (cState); \ + digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(*PIndex, cState); \ + goto Next + + +// PREPARE TO HANDLE A LEAFW OR JRP BRANCH IN SM3: +// +// Optionally save Dcd bytes into *PIndex, then save state and jump to common +// code for multiple cases. + +#define SM3PREPB_DCD(cState,Next) \ + JU_SETDCD(*PIndex, Pjp, cState); \ + SM3PREPB(cState,Next) + +#define SM3PREPB(cState,Next) state = (cState); goto Next + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// CHECK FOR SHORTCUTS: +// +// Error out if PIndex is null. Execute JU_RET_NOTFOUND if the Judy array is +// empty or *PIndex is already the minimum/maximum Index possible. +// +// Note: As documented, in case of failure *PIndex may be modified. + + if (PIndex == (PWord_t) NULL) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NULLPINDEX); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + if ((PArray == (Pvoid_t) NULL) || ((*PIndex)-- == 0)) +#else + if ((PArray == (Pvoid_t) NULL) || ((*PIndex)++ == cJU_ALLONES)) +#endif + JU_RET_NOTFOUND; + + +// HANDLE JRP: +// +// Before even entering SM1Get, check the JRP type. For JRP branches, traverse +// the JPM; handle LEAFW leaves directly; but look for the most common cases +// first. + +// ROOT-STATE LEAF that starts with a Pop0 word; just look within the leaf: +// +// If *PIndex is in the leaf, return it; otherwise return the Index, if any, +// below where it would belong. + + if (JU_LEAFW_POP0(PArray) < cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1) // must be a LEAFW + { + Pjlw_t Pjlw = P_JLW(PArray); // first word of leaf. + pop1 = Pjlw[0] + 1; + + if ((offset = j__udySearchLeafW(Pjlw + 1, pop1, *PIndex)) + >= 0) // Index is present. + { + assert(offset < pop1); // in expected range. + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAFW(Pjlw, pop1, offset); // *PIndex is set. + } + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + if ((offset = ~offset) == 0) // no next-left Index. +#else + if ((offset = ~offset) >= pop1) // no next-right Index. +#endif + JU_RET_NOTFOUND; + + assert(offset <= pop1); // valid result. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + *PIndex = Pjlw[offset--]; // next-left Index, base 1. +#else + *PIndex = Pjlw[offset + 1]; // next-right Index, base 1. +#endif + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAFW(Pjlw, pop1, offset); // base 0. + + } + else // JRP BRANCH + { + Pjpm_t Pjpm = P_JPM(PArray); + Pjp = &(Pjpm->jpm_JP); + +// goto SM1Get; + } + +// ============================================================================ +// STATE MACHINE 1 -- GET INDEX: +// +// Search for *PIndex (already decremented/incremented so as to be inclusive). +// If found, return it. Otherwise in theory hand off to SM2Backtrack or +// SM3Findlimit, but in practice "shortcut" by first sideways searching the +// current branch or leaf upon hitting a dead end. During sideways search, +// modify *PIndex to a new path taken. +// +// ENTRY: Pjp points to next JP to interpret, whose Decode bytes have not yet +// been checked. This JP is not yet listed in history. +// +// Note: Check Decode bytes at the start of each loop, not after looking up a +// new JP, so its easy to do constant shifts/masks, although this requires +// cautious handling of Pjp, offset, and *hist[] for correct entry to +// SM2Backtrack. +// +// EXIT: Return, or branch to SM2Backtrack or SM3Findlimit with correct +// interface, as described elsewhere. +// +// WARNING: For run-time efficiency the following cases replicate code with +// varying constants, rather than using common code with variable values! + +SM1Get: // return here for next branch/leaf. + + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// LINEAR BRANCH: +// +// Check Decode bytes, if any, in the current JP, then search for a JP for the +// next digit in *PIndex. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L2: CHECKDCD(2); SM1PREPB(2, SM1BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L3: CHECKDCD(3); SM1PREPB(3, SM1BranchL); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L4: CHECKDCD(4); SM1PREPB(4, SM1BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L5: CHECKDCD(5); SM1PREPB(5, SM1BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L6: CHECKDCD(6); SM1PREPB(6, SM1BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L7: CHECKDCD(7); SM1PREPB(7, SM1BranchL); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L: SM1PREPB(cJU_ROOTSTATE, SM1BranchL); + +// Common code (state-independent) for all cases of linear branches: + +SM1BranchL: + Pjbl = P_JBL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + +// Found JP matching current digit in *PIndex; record parent JP and the next +// JPs offset, and iterate to the next JP: + + if ((offset = j__udySearchLeaf1((Pjll_t) (Pjbl->jbl_Expanse), + Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs, digit)) >= 0) + { + HISTPUSH(Pjp, offset); + Pjp = (Pjbl->jbl_jp) + offset; + goto SM1Get; + } + +// Dead end, no JP in BranchL for next digit in *PIndex: +// +// Get the ideal location of digits JP, and if theres no next-left/right JP +// in the BranchL, shortcut and start backtracking one level up; ignore the +// current Pjp because it points to a BranchL with no next-left/right JP. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + if ((offset = (~offset) - 1) < 0) // no next-left JP in BranchL. +#else + if ((offset = (~offset)) >= Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs) // no next-right. +#endif + goto SM2Backtrack; + +// Theres a next-left/right JP in the current BranchL; save its digit in +// *PIndex and shortcut to SM3Findlimit: + + JU_SETDIGIT(*PIndex, Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[offset], state); + Pjp = (Pjbl->jbl_jp) + offset; + goto SM3Findlimit; + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// BITMAP BRANCH: +// +// Check Decode bytes, if any, in the current JP, then look for a JP for the +// next digit in *PIndex. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B2: CHECKDCD(2); SM1PREPB(2, SM1BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B3: CHECKDCD(3); SM1PREPB(3, SM1BranchB); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B4: CHECKDCD(4); SM1PREPB(4, SM1BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B5: CHECKDCD(5); SM1PREPB(5, SM1BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B6: CHECKDCD(6); SM1PREPB(6, SM1BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B7: CHECKDCD(7); SM1PREPB(7, SM1BranchB); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B: SM1PREPB(cJU_ROOTSTATE, SM1BranchB); + +// Common code (state-independent) for all cases of bitmap branches: + +SM1BranchB: + Pjbb = P_JBB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + +// Locate the digits JP in the subexpanse list, if present, otherwise the +// offset of the next-left JP, if any: + + subexp = digit / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; + assert(subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPB); // falls in expected range. + bitposmask = JU_BITPOSMASKB(digit); + offset = SEARCHBITMAPB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp), digit, + bitposmask); + // right range: + assert((offset >= -1) && (offset < (int) cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB)); + +// Found JP matching current digit in *PIndex: +// +// Record the parent JP and the next JPs offset; and iterate to the next JP. + +// if (JU_BITMAPTESTB(Pjbb, digit)) // slower. + if (JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp) & bitposmask) // faster. + { + // not negative since at least one bit is set: + assert(offset >= 0); + + HISTPUSH(Pjp, HISTPUSHBOFF(subexp, offset, digit)); + + if ((Pjp = P_JP(JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp))) == (Pjp_t) NULL) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + + Pjp += offset; + goto SM1Get; // iterate to next JP. + } + +// Dead end, no JP in BranchB for next digit in *PIndex: +// +// If theres a next-left/right JP in the current BranchB, shortcut to +// SM3Findlimit. Note: offset is already set to the correct value for the +// next-left/right JP. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + if (offset >= 0) // next-left JP is in this subexpanse. + goto SM1BranchBFindlimit; + + while (--subexp >= 0) // search next-left subexpanses. +#else + if (JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp) & JU_MASKHIGHEREXC(bitposmask)) + { + ++offset; // next-left => next-right. + goto SM1BranchBFindlimit; + } + + while (++subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPB) // search next-right subexps. +#endif + { + if (! JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp)) continue; // empty subexpanse. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + offset = SEARCHBITMAPMAXB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp)); + // expected range: + assert((offset >= 0) && (offset < cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB)); +#else + offset = 0; +#endif + +// Save the next-left/right JPs digit in *PIndex: + +SM1BranchBFindlimit: + JU_BITMAPDIGITB(digit, subexp, JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp), + offset); + JU_SETDIGIT(*PIndex, digit, state); + + if ((Pjp = P_JP(JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp))) == (Pjp_t) NULL) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + + Pjp += offset; + goto SM3Findlimit; + } + +// Theres no next-left/right JP in the BranchB: +// +// Shortcut and start backtracking one level up; ignore the current Pjp because +// it points to a BranchB with no next-left/right JP. + + goto SM2Backtrack; + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// UNCOMPRESSED BRANCH: +// +// Check Decode bytes, if any, in the current JP, then look for a JP for the +// next digit in *PIndex. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U2: CHECKDCD(2); SM1PREPB(2, SM1BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U3: CHECKDCD(3); SM1PREPB(3, SM1BranchU); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U4: CHECKDCD(4); SM1PREPB(4, SM1BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U5: CHECKDCD(5); SM1PREPB(5, SM1BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U6: CHECKDCD(6); SM1PREPB(6, SM1BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U7: CHECKDCD(7); SM1PREPB(7, SM1BranchU); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U: SM1PREPB(cJU_ROOTSTATE, SM1BranchU); + +// Common code (state-independent) for all cases of uncompressed branches: + +SM1BranchU: + Pjbu = P_JBU(Pjp->jp_Addr); + Pjp2 = (Pjbu->jbu_jp) + digit; + +// Found JP matching current digit in *PIndex: +// +// Record the parent JP and the next JPs digit, and iterate to the next JP. +// +// TBD: Instead of this, just goto SM1Get, and add cJU_JPNULL* cases to the +// SM1Get state machine? Then backtrack? However, it means you cant detect +// an inappropriate cJU_JPNULL*, when it occurs in other than a BranchU, and +// return JU_RET_CORRUPT. + + if (! JPNULL(JU_JPTYPE(Pjp2))) // digit has a JP. + { + HISTPUSH(Pjp, digit); + Pjp = Pjp2; + goto SM1Get; + } + +// Dead end, no JP in BranchU for next digit in *PIndex: +// +// Search for a next-left/right JP in the current BranchU, and if one is found, +// save its digit in *PIndex and shortcut to SM3Findlimit: + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + while (digit >= 1) + { + Pjp = (Pjbu->jbu_jp) + (--digit); +#else + while (digit < cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS - 1) + { + Pjp = (Pjbu->jbu_jp) + (++digit); +#endif + if (JPNULL(JU_JPTYPE(Pjp))) continue; + + JU_SETDIGIT(*PIndex, digit, state); + goto SM3Findlimit; + } + +// Theres no next-left/right JP in the BranchU: +// +// Shortcut and start backtracking one level up; ignore the current Pjp because +// it points to a BranchU with no next-left/right JP. + + goto SM2Backtrack; + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// LINEAR LEAF: +// +// Check Decode bytes, if any, in the current JP, then search the leaf for +// *PIndex. + +#define SM1LEAFL(Func) \ + Pjll = P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); \ + pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; \ + offset = Func(Pjll, pop1, *PIndex); \ + goto SM1LeafLImm + +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + case cJU_JPLEAF1: CHECKDCD(1); SM1LEAFL(j__udySearchLeaf1); +#endif + case cJU_JPLEAF2: CHECKDCD(2); SM1LEAFL(j__udySearchLeaf2); + case cJU_JPLEAF3: CHECKDCD(3); SM1LEAFL(j__udySearchLeaf3); + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPLEAF4: CHECKDCD(4); SM1LEAFL(j__udySearchLeaf4); + case cJU_JPLEAF5: CHECKDCD(5); SM1LEAFL(j__udySearchLeaf5); + case cJU_JPLEAF6: CHECKDCD(6); SM1LEAFL(j__udySearchLeaf6); + case cJU_JPLEAF7: CHECKDCD(7); SM1LEAFL(j__udySearchLeaf7); +#endif + +// Common code (state-independent) for all cases of linear leaves and +// immediates: + +SM1LeafLImm: + if (offset >= 0) // *PIndex is in LeafL / Immed. +#ifdef JUDY1 + JU_RET_FOUND; +#else + { // JudyL is trickier... + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + case cJU_JPLEAF1: JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF1(Pjll, pop1, offset); +#endif + case cJU_JPLEAF2: JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF2(Pjll, pop1, offset); + case cJU_JPLEAF3: JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF3(Pjll, pop1, offset); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPLEAF4: JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF4(Pjll, pop1, offset); + case cJU_JPLEAF5: JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF5(Pjll, pop1, offset); + case cJU_JPLEAF6: JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF6(Pjll, pop1, offset); + case cJU_JPLEAF7: JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF7(Pjll, pop1, offset); +#endif + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_01: +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPIMMED_4_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_5_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_6_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_7_01: +#endif + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM_01(Pjp); + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_02: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_03: +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_04: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_05: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_06: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_07: + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_02: + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_03: + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_02: +#endif + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + } + + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); // impossible? + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + + } // found *PIndex + +#endif // JUDYL + +// Dead end, no Index in LeafL / Immed for remaining digit(s) in *PIndex: +// +// Get the ideal location of Index, and if theres no next-left/right Index in +// the LeafL / Immed, shortcut and start backtracking one level up; ignore the +// current Pjp because it points to a LeafL / Immed with no next-left/right +// Index. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + if ((offset = (~offset) - 1) < 0) // no next-left Index. +#else + if ((offset = (~offset)) >= pop1) // no next-right Index. +#endif + goto SM2Backtrack; + +// Theres a next-left/right Index in the current LeafL / Immed; shortcut by +// copying its digit(s) to *PIndex and returning it. +// +// Unfortunately this is pretty hairy, especially avoiding endian issues. +// +// The cJU_JPLEAF* cases are very similar to same-index-size cJU_JPIMMED* cases +// for *_02 and above, but must return differently, at least for JudyL, so +// spell them out separately here at the cost of a little redundant code for +// Judy1. + + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + case cJU_JPLEAF1: + + JU_SETDIGIT1(*PIndex, ((uint8_t *) Pjll)[offset]); + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF1(Pjll, pop1, offset); +#endif + + case cJU_JPLEAF2: + + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(2))) + | ((uint16_t *) Pjll)[offset]; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF2(Pjll, pop1, offset); + + case cJU_JPLEAF3: + { + Word_t lsb; + JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) Pjll) + (3 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(3))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF3(Pjll, pop1, offset); + } + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPLEAF4: + + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(4))) + | ((uint32_t *) Pjll)[offset]; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF4(Pjll, pop1, offset); + + case cJU_JPLEAF5: + { + Word_t lsb; + JU_COPY5_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) Pjll) + (5 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(5))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF5(Pjll, pop1, offset); + } + + case cJU_JPLEAF6: + { + Word_t lsb; + JU_COPY6_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) Pjll) + (6 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(6))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF6(Pjll, pop1, offset); + } + + case cJU_JPLEAF7: + { + Word_t lsb; + JU_COPY7_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) Pjll) + (7 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(7))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF7(Pjll, pop1, offset); + } + +#endif // JU_64BIT + +#define SET_01(cState) JU_SETDIGITS(*PIndex, JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp), cState) + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_01: SET_01(1); goto SM1Imm_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_01: SET_01(2); goto SM1Imm_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_01: SET_01(3); goto SM1Imm_01; +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPIMMED_4_01: SET_01(4); goto SM1Imm_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_5_01: SET_01(5); goto SM1Imm_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_6_01: SET_01(6); goto SM1Imm_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_7_01: SET_01(7); goto SM1Imm_01; +#endif +SM1Imm_01: JU_RET_FOUND_IMM_01(Pjp); + +// Shorthand for where to find start of Index bytes array: + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#define PJI (Pjp->jp_1Index) +#else +#define PJI (Pjp->jp_LIndex) +#endif + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_02: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_03: +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_04: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_05: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_06: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_07: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_08: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_09: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_10: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_11: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_12: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_13: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_14: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_15: +#endif + JU_SETDIGIT1(*PIndex, ((uint8_t *) PJI)[offset]); + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_02: + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_03: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_04: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_05: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_06: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_07: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(2))) + | ((uint16_t *) PJI)[offset]; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_02: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_03: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_04: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_05: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + { + Word_t lsb; + JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) PJI) + (3 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(3))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + } +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_03: + + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(4))) + | ((uint32_t *) PJI)[offset]; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_03: + { + Word_t lsb; + JU_COPY5_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) PJI) + (5 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(5))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + } + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02: + { + Word_t lsb; + JU_COPY6_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) PJI) + (6 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(6))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + } + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02: + { + Word_t lsb; + JU_COPY7_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) PJI) + (7 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(7))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + } + +#endif // (JUDY1 && JU_64BIT) + + } // switch for not-found *PIndex + + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); // impossible? + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// BITMAP LEAF: +// +// Check Decode bytes, if any, in the current JP, then look in the leaf for +// *PIndex. + + case cJU_JPLEAF_B1: + { + Pjlb_t Pjlb; + CHECKDCD(1); + + Pjlb = P_JLB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(*PIndex, 1); + subexp = JU_SUBEXPL(digit); + bitposmask = JU_BITPOSMASKL(digit); + assert(subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPL); // falls in expected range. + +// *PIndex exists in LeafB1: + +// if (JU_BITMAPTESTL(Pjlb, digit)) // slower. + if (JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp) & bitposmask) // faster. + { +#ifdef JUDYL // needs offset at this point: + offset = SEARCHBITMAPL(JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp), digit, bitposmask); +#endif + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF_B1(Pjlb, subexp, offset); +// == return((PPvoid_t) (P_JV(JL_JLB_PVALUE(Pjlb, subexp)) + (offset))); + } + +// Dead end, no Index in LeafB1 for remaining digit in *PIndex: +// +// If theres a next-left/right Index in the current LeafB1, which for +// Judy*Next() is true if any bits are set for higher Indexes, shortcut by +// returning it. Note: For Judy*Prev(), offset is set here to the correct +// value for the next-left JP. + + offset = SEARCHBITMAPL(JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp), digit, + bitposmask); + // right range: + assert((offset >= -1) && (offset < (int) cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL)); + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + if (offset >= 0) // next-left JP is in this subexpanse. + goto SM1LeafB1Findlimit; + + while (--subexp >= 0) // search next-left subexpanses. +#else + if (JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp) & JU_MASKHIGHEREXC(bitposmask)) + { + ++offset; // next-left => next-right. + goto SM1LeafB1Findlimit; + } + + while (++subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPL) // search next-right subexps. +#endif + { + if (! JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp)) continue; // empty subexp. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + offset = SEARCHBITMAPMAXL(JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp)); + // expected range: + assert((offset >= 0) && (offset < (int) cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL)); +#else + offset = 0; +#endif + +// Save the next-left/right Indexess digit in *PIndex: + +SM1LeafB1Findlimit: + JU_BITMAPDIGITL(digit, subexp, JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp), offset); + JU_SETDIGIT1(*PIndex, digit); + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF_B1(Pjlb, subexp, offset); +// == return((PPvoid_t) (P_JV(JL_JLB_PVALUE(Pjlb, subexp)) + (offset))); + } + +// Theres no next-left/right Index in the LeafB1: +// +// Shortcut and start backtracking one level up; ignore the current Pjp because +// it points to a LeafB1 with no next-left/right Index. + + goto SM2Backtrack; + + } // case cJU_JPLEAF_B1 + +#ifdef JUDY1 +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// FULL POPULATION: +// +// If the Decode bytes match, *PIndex is found (without modification). + + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1: + + CHECKDCD(1); + JU_RET_FOUND_FULLPOPU1; +#endif + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// IMMEDIATE: + +#ifdef JUDYPREV +#define SM1IMM_SETPOP1(cPop1) +#else +#define SM1IMM_SETPOP1(cPop1) pop1 = (cPop1) +#endif + +#define SM1IMM(Func,cPop1) \ + SM1IMM_SETPOP1(cPop1); \ + offset = Func((Pjll_t) (PJI), cPop1, *PIndex); \ + goto SM1LeafLImm + +// Special case for Pop1 = 1 Immediate JPs: +// +// If *PIndex is in the immediate, offset is 0, otherwise the binary NOT of the +// offset where it belongs, 0 or 1, same as from the search functions. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV +#define SM1IMM_01_SETPOP1 +#else +#define SM1IMM_01_SETPOP1 pop1 = 1 +#endif + +#define SM1IMM_01 \ + SM1IMM_01_SETPOP1; \ + offset = ((JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) < JU_TRIMTODCDSIZE(*PIndex)) ? ~1 : \ + (JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) == JU_TRIMTODCDSIZE(*PIndex)) ? 0 : \ + ~0); \ + goto SM1LeafLImm + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_01: +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPIMMED_4_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_5_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_6_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_7_01: +#endif + SM1IMM_01; + +// TBD: Doug says it would be OK to have fewer calls and calculate arg 2, here +// and in Judy*Count() also. + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_02: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf1, 2); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_03: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf1, 3); +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_04: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf1, 4); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_05: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf1, 5); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_06: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf1, 6); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_07: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf1, 7); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_08: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf1, 8); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_09: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf1, 9); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_10: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf1, 10); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_11: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf1, 11); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_12: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf1, 12); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_13: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf1, 13); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_14: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf1, 14); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_15: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf1, 15); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_02: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf2, 2); + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_03: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf2, 3); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_04: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf2, 4); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_05: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf2, 5); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_06: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf2, 6); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_07: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf2, 7); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_02: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf3, 2); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_03: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf3, 3); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_04: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf3, 4); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_05: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf3, 5); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf4, 2); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_03: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf4, 3); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf5, 2); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_03: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf5, 3); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf6, 2); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf7, 2); +#endif + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// INVALID JP TYPE: + + default: JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + + } // SM1Get switch. + + /*NOTREACHED*/ + + +// ============================================================================ +// STATE MACHINE 2 -- BACKTRACK BRANCH TO PREVIOUS JP: +// +// Look for the next-left/right JP in a branch, backing up the history list as +// necessary. Upon finding a next-left/right JP, modify the corresponding +// digit in *PIndex before passing control to SM3Findlimit. +// +// Note: As described earlier, only branch JPs are expected here; other types +// fall into the default case. +// +// Note: If a found JP contains needed Dcd bytes, thats OK, theyre copied to +// *PIndex in SM3Findlimit. +// +// TBD: This code has a lot in common with similar code in the shortcut cases +// in SM1Get. Can combine this code somehow? +// +// ENTRY: List, possibly empty, of JPs and offsets in APjphist[] and +// Aoffhist[]; see earlier comments. +// +// EXIT: Execute JU_RET_NOTFOUND if no previous/next JP; otherwise jump to +// SM3Findlimit to resume a new but different downward search. + +SM2Backtrack: // come or return here for first/next sideways search. + + HISTPOP(Pjp, offset); + + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// LINEAR BRANCH: + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L2: state = 2; goto SM2BranchL; + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L3: state = 3; goto SM2BranchL; +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L4: state = 4; goto SM2BranchL; + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L5: state = 5; goto SM2BranchL; + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L6: state = 6; goto SM2BranchL; + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L7: state = 7; goto SM2BranchL; +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L: state = cJU_ROOTSTATE; goto SM2BranchL; + +SM2BranchL: +#ifdef JUDYPREV + if (--offset < 0) goto SM2Backtrack; // no next-left JP in BranchL. +#endif + Pjbl = P_JBL(Pjp->jp_Addr); +#ifdef JUDYNEXT + if (++offset >= (Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs)) goto SM2Backtrack; + // no next-right JP in BranchL. +#endif + +// Theres a next-left/right JP in the current BranchL; save its digit in +// *PIndex and continue with SM3Findlimit: + + JU_SETDIGIT(*PIndex, Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[offset], state); + Pjp = (Pjbl->jbl_jp) + offset; + goto SM3Findlimit; + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// BITMAP BRANCH: + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B2: state = 2; goto SM2BranchB; + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B3: state = 3; goto SM2BranchB; +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B4: state = 4; goto SM2BranchB; + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B5: state = 5; goto SM2BranchB; + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B6: state = 6; goto SM2BranchB; + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B7: state = 7; goto SM2BranchB; +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B: state = cJU_ROOTSTATE; goto SM2BranchB; + +SM2BranchB: + Pjbb = P_JBB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + HISTPOPBOFF(subexp, offset, digit); // unpack values. + +// If theres a next-left/right JP in the current BranchB, which for +// Judy*Next() is true if any bits are set for higher Indexes, continue to +// SM3Findlimit: +// +// Note: offset is set to the JP previously traversed; go one to the +// left/right. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + if (offset > 0) // next-left JP is in this subexpanse. + { + --offset; + goto SM2BranchBFindlimit; + } + + while (--subexp >= 0) // search next-left subexpanses. +#else + if (JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp) + & JU_MASKHIGHEREXC(JU_BITPOSMASKB(digit))) + { + ++offset; // next-left => next-right. + goto SM2BranchBFindlimit; + } + + while (++subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPB) // search next-right subexps. +#endif + { + if (! JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp)) continue; // empty subexpanse. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + offset = SEARCHBITMAPMAXB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp)); + // expected range: + assert((offset >= 0) && (offset < cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB)); +#else + offset = 0; +#endif + +// Save the next-left/right JPs digit in *PIndex: + +SM2BranchBFindlimit: + JU_BITMAPDIGITB(digit, subexp, JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp), + offset); + JU_SETDIGIT(*PIndex, digit, state); + + if ((Pjp = P_JP(JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp))) == (Pjp_t) NULL) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + + Pjp += offset; + goto SM3Findlimit; + } + +// Theres no next-left/right JP in the BranchB: + + goto SM2Backtrack; + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// UNCOMPRESSED BRANCH: + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U2: state = 2; goto SM2BranchU; + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U3: state = 3; goto SM2BranchU; +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U4: state = 4; goto SM2BranchU; + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U5: state = 5; goto SM2BranchU; + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U6: state = 6; goto SM2BranchU; + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U7: state = 7; goto SM2BranchU; +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U: state = cJU_ROOTSTATE; goto SM2BranchU; + +SM2BranchU: + +// Search for a next-left/right JP in the current BranchU, and if one is found, +// save its digit in *PIndex and continue to SM3Findlimit: + + Pjbu = P_JBU(Pjp->jp_Addr); + digit = offset; + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + while (digit >= 1) + { + Pjp = (Pjbu->jbu_jp) + (--digit); +#else + while (digit < cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS - 1) + { + Pjp = (Pjbu->jbu_jp) + (++digit); +#endif + if (JPNULL(JU_JPTYPE(Pjp))) continue; + + JU_SETDIGIT(*PIndex, digit, state); + goto SM3Findlimit; + } + +// Theres no next-left/right JP in the BranchU: + + goto SM2Backtrack; + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// INVALID JP TYPE: + + default: JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + + } // SM2Backtrack switch. + + /*NOTREACHED*/ + + +// ============================================================================ +// STATE MACHINE 3 -- FIND LIMIT JP/INDEX: +// +// Look for the highest/lowest (right/left-most) JP in each branch and the +// highest/lowest Index in a leaf or immediate, and return it. While +// traversing, modify appropriate digit(s) in *PIndex to reflect the path +// taken, including Dcd bytes in each JP (which could hold critical missing +// digits for skipped branches). +// +// ENTRY: Pjp set to a JP under which to find max/min JPs (if a branch JP) or +// a max/min Index and return (if a leaf or immediate JP). +// +// EXIT: Execute JU_RET_FOUND* upon reaching a leaf or immediate. Should be +// impossible to fail, unless the Judy array is corrupt. + +SM3Findlimit: // come or return here for first/next branch/leaf. + + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// LINEAR BRANCH: +// +// Simply use the highest/lowest (right/left-most) JP in the BranchL, but first +// copy the Dcd bytes to *PIndex if there are any (only if state < +// cJU_ROOTSTATE - 1). + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L2: SM3PREPB_DCD(2, SM3BranchL); +#ifndef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L3: SM3PREPB( 3, SM3BranchL); +#else + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L3: SM3PREPB_DCD(3, SM3BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L4: SM3PREPB_DCD(4, SM3BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L5: SM3PREPB_DCD(5, SM3BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L6: SM3PREPB_DCD(6, SM3BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L7: SM3PREPB( 7, SM3BranchL); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L: SM3PREPB( cJU_ROOTSTATE, SM3BranchL); + +SM3BranchL: + Pjbl = P_JBL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + if ((offset = (Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs) - 1) < 0) +#else + offset = 0; if ((Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs) == 0) +#endif + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + + JU_SETDIGIT(*PIndex, Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[offset], state); + Pjp = (Pjbl->jbl_jp) + offset; + goto SM3Findlimit; + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// BITMAP BRANCH: +// +// Look for the highest/lowest (right/left-most) non-null subexpanse, then use +// the highest/lowest JP in that subexpanse, but first copy Dcd bytes, if there +// are any (only if state < cJU_ROOTSTATE - 1), to *PIndex. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B2: SM3PREPB_DCD(2, SM3BranchB); +#ifndef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B3: SM3PREPB( 3, SM3BranchB); +#else + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B3: SM3PREPB_DCD(3, SM3BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B4: SM3PREPB_DCD(4, SM3BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B5: SM3PREPB_DCD(5, SM3BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B6: SM3PREPB_DCD(6, SM3BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B7: SM3PREPB( 7, SM3BranchB); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B: SM3PREPB( cJU_ROOTSTATE, SM3BranchB); + +SM3BranchB: + Pjbb = P_JBB(Pjp->jp_Addr); +#ifdef JUDYPREV + subexp = cJU_NUMSUBEXPB; + + while (! (JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, --subexp))) // find non-empty subexp. + { + if (subexp <= 0) // wholly empty bitmap. + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + } + + offset = SEARCHBITMAPMAXB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp)); + // expected range: + assert((offset >= 0) && (offset < cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB)); +#else + subexp = -1; + + while (! (JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, ++subexp))) // find non-empty subexp. + { + if (subexp >= cJU_NUMSUBEXPB - 1) // didnt find one. + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + } + + offset = 0; +#endif + + JU_BITMAPDIGITB(digit, subexp, JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp), offset); + JU_SETDIGIT(*PIndex, digit, state); + + if ((Pjp = P_JP(JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp))) == (Pjp_t) NULL) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + + Pjp += offset; + goto SM3Findlimit; + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// UNCOMPRESSED BRANCH: +// +// Look for the highest/lowest (right/left-most) non-null JP, and use it, but +// first copy Dcd bytes to *PIndex if there are any (only if state < +// cJU_ROOTSTATE - 1). + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U2: SM3PREPB_DCD(2, SM3BranchU); +#ifndef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U3: SM3PREPB( 3, SM3BranchU); +#else + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U3: SM3PREPB_DCD(3, SM3BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U4: SM3PREPB_DCD(4, SM3BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U5: SM3PREPB_DCD(5, SM3BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U6: SM3PREPB_DCD(6, SM3BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U7: SM3PREPB( 7, SM3BranchU); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U: SM3PREPB( cJU_ROOTSTATE, SM3BranchU); + +SM3BranchU: + Pjbu = P_JBU(Pjp->jp_Addr); +#ifdef JUDYPREV + digit = cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS; + + while (digit >= 1) + { + Pjp = (Pjbu->jbu_jp) + (--digit); +#else + + for (digit = 0; digit < cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS; ++digit) + { + Pjp = (Pjbu->jbu_jp) + digit; +#endif + if (JPNULL(JU_JPTYPE(Pjp))) continue; + + JU_SETDIGIT(*PIndex, digit, state); + goto SM3Findlimit; + } + +// No non-null JPs in BranchU: + + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// LINEAR LEAF: +// +// Simply use the highest/lowest (right/left-most) Index in the LeafL, but the +// details vary depending on leaf Index Size. First copy Dcd bytes, if there +// are any (only if state < cJU_ROOTSTATE - 1), to *PIndex. + +#define SM3LEAFLDCD(cState) \ + JU_SETDCD(*PIndex, Pjp, cState); \ + SM3LEAFLNODCD + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#define SM3LEAFL_SETPOP1 // not needed in any cases. +#else +#define SM3LEAFL_SETPOP1 pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1 +#endif + +#ifdef JUDYPREV +#define SM3LEAFLNODCD \ + Pjll = P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); \ + SM3LEAFL_SETPOP1; \ + offset = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp); assert(offset >= 0) +#else +#define SM3LEAFLNODCD \ + Pjll = P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); \ + SM3LEAFL_SETPOP1; \ + offset = 0; assert(JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) >= 0); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + case cJU_JPLEAF1: + + SM3LEAFLDCD(1); + JU_SETDIGIT1(*PIndex, ((uint8_t *) Pjll)[offset]); + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF1(Pjll, pop1, offset); +#endif + + case cJU_JPLEAF2: + + SM3LEAFLDCD(2); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(2))) + | ((uint16_t *) Pjll)[offset]; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF2(Pjll, pop1, offset); + +#ifndef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPLEAF3: + { + Word_t lsb; + SM3LEAFLNODCD; + JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) Pjll) + (3 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(3))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF3(Pjll, pop1, offset); + } + +#else + case cJU_JPLEAF3: + { + Word_t lsb; + SM3LEAFLDCD(3); + JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) Pjll) + (3 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(3))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF3(Pjll, pop1, offset); + } + + case cJU_JPLEAF4: + + SM3LEAFLDCD(4); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(4))) + | ((uint32_t *) Pjll)[offset]; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF4(Pjll, pop1, offset); + + case cJU_JPLEAF5: + { + Word_t lsb; + SM3LEAFLDCD(5); + JU_COPY5_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) Pjll) + (5 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(5))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF5(Pjll, pop1, offset); + } + + case cJU_JPLEAF6: + { + Word_t lsb; + SM3LEAFLDCD(6); + JU_COPY6_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) Pjll) + (6 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(6))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF6(Pjll, pop1, offset); + } + + case cJU_JPLEAF7: + { + Word_t lsb; + SM3LEAFLNODCD; + JU_COPY7_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) Pjll) + (7 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(7))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF7(Pjll, pop1, offset); + } +#endif + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// BITMAP LEAF: +// +// Look for the highest/lowest (right/left-most) non-null subexpanse, then use +// the highest/lowest Index in that subexpanse, but first copy Dcd bytes +// (always present since state 1 < cJU_ROOTSTATE) to *PIndex. + + case cJU_JPLEAF_B1: + { + Pjlb_t Pjlb; + + JU_SETDCD(*PIndex, Pjp, 1); + + Pjlb = P_JLB(Pjp->jp_Addr); +#ifdef JUDYPREV + subexp = cJU_NUMSUBEXPL; + + while (! JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, --subexp)) // find non-empty subexp. + { + if (subexp <= 0) // wholly empty bitmap. + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + } + +// TBD: Might it be faster to just use a variant of BITMAPDIGIT*() that yields +// the digit for the right-most Index with a bit set? + + offset = SEARCHBITMAPMAXL(JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp)); + // expected range: + assert((offset >= 0) && (offset < cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL)); +#else + subexp = -1; + + while (! JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, ++subexp)) // find non-empty subexp. + { + if (subexp >= cJU_NUMSUBEXPL - 1) // didnt find one. + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + } + + offset = 0; +#endif + + JU_BITMAPDIGITL(digit, subexp, JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp), offset); + JU_SETDIGIT1(*PIndex, digit); + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF_B1(Pjlb, subexp, offset); +// == return((PPvoid_t) (P_JV(JL_JLB_PVALUE(Pjlb, subexp)) + (offset))); + + } // case cJU_JPLEAF_B1 + +#ifdef JUDY1 +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// FULL POPULATION: +// +// Copy Dcd bytes to *PIndex (always present since state 1 < cJU_ROOTSTATE), +// then set the highest/lowest possible digit as the LSB in *PIndex. + + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1: + + JU_SETDCD( *PIndex, Pjp, 1); +#ifdef JUDYPREV + JU_SETDIGIT1(*PIndex, cJU_BITSPERBITMAP - 1); +#else + JU_SETDIGIT1(*PIndex, 0); +#endif + JU_RET_FOUND_FULLPOPU1; +#endif // JUDY1 + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// IMMEDIATE: +// +// Simply use the highest/lowest (right/left-most) Index in the Imm, but the +// details vary depending on leaf Index Size and pop1. Note: There are no Dcd +// bytes in an Immediate JP, but in a cJU_JPIMMED_*_01 JP, the field holds the +// least bytes of the immediate Index. + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_01: SET_01(1); goto SM3Imm_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_01: SET_01(2); goto SM3Imm_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_01: SET_01(3); goto SM3Imm_01; +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPIMMED_4_01: SET_01(4); goto SM3Imm_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_5_01: SET_01(5); goto SM3Imm_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_6_01: SET_01(6); goto SM3Imm_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_7_01: SET_01(7); goto SM3Imm_01; +#endif +SM3Imm_01: JU_RET_FOUND_IMM_01(Pjp); + +#ifdef JUDYPREV +#define SM3IMM_OFFSET(cPop1) (cPop1) - 1 // highest. +#else +#define SM3IMM_OFFSET(cPop1) 0 // lowest. +#endif + +#define SM3IMM(cPop1,Next) \ + offset = SM3IMM_OFFSET(cPop1); \ + goto Next + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_02: SM3IMM( 2, SM3Imm1); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_03: SM3IMM( 3, SM3Imm1); +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_04: SM3IMM( 4, SM3Imm1); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_05: SM3IMM( 5, SM3Imm1); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_06: SM3IMM( 6, SM3Imm1); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_07: SM3IMM( 7, SM3Imm1); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_08: SM3IMM( 8, SM3Imm1); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_09: SM3IMM( 9, SM3Imm1); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_10: SM3IMM(10, SM3Imm1); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_11: SM3IMM(11, SM3Imm1); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_12: SM3IMM(12, SM3Imm1); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_13: SM3IMM(13, SM3Imm1); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_14: SM3IMM(14, SM3Imm1); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_15: SM3IMM(15, SM3Imm1); +#endif + +SM3Imm1: JU_SETDIGIT1(*PIndex, ((uint8_t *) PJI)[offset]); + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_02: SM3IMM(2, SM3Imm2); + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_03: SM3IMM(3, SM3Imm2); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_04: SM3IMM(4, SM3Imm2); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_05: SM3IMM(5, SM3Imm2); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_06: SM3IMM(6, SM3Imm2); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_07: SM3IMM(7, SM3Imm2); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) +SM3Imm2: *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(2))) + | ((uint16_t *) PJI)[offset]; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_02: SM3IMM(2, SM3Imm3); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_03: SM3IMM(3, SM3Imm3); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_04: SM3IMM(4, SM3Imm3); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_05: SM3IMM(5, SM3Imm3); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) +SM3Imm3: + { + Word_t lsb; + JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) PJI) + (3 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(3))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + } +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02: SM3IMM(2, SM3Imm4); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_03: SM3IMM(3, SM3Imm4); + +SM3Imm4: *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(4))) + | ((uint32_t *) PJI)[offset]; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02: SM3IMM(2, SM3Imm5); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_03: SM3IMM(3, SM3Imm5); + +SM3Imm5: + { + Word_t lsb; + JU_COPY5_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) PJI) + (5 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(5))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + } + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02: SM3IMM(2, SM3Imm6); + +SM3Imm6: + { + Word_t lsb; + JU_COPY6_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) PJI) + (6 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(6))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + } + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02: SM3IMM(2, SM3Imm7); + +SM3Imm7: + { + Word_t lsb; + JU_COPY7_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) PJI) + (7 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(7))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + } +#endif // (JUDY1 && JU_64BIT) + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// OTHER CASES: + + default: JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + + } // SM3Findlimit switch. + + /*NOTREACHED*/ + +} // Judy1Prev() / Judy1Next() / JudyLPrev() / JudyLNext() diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Judy1NextEmpty.c b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Judy1NextEmpty.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9b655516 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Judy1NextEmpty.c @@ -0,0 +1,1390 @@ +// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company +// +// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +// under the term of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +// option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +// _________________ + +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ +// +// Judy*PrevEmpty() and Judy*NextEmpty() functions for Judy1 and JudyL. +// Compile with one of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL. +// +// Compile with -DJUDYNEXT for the Judy*NextEmpty() function; otherwise +// defaults to Judy*PrevEmpty(). +// +// Compile with -DTRACEJPSE to trace JP traversals. +// +// This file is separate from JudyPrevNext.c because it differs too greatly for +// ifdefs. This might be a bit surprising, but there are two reasons: +// +// - First, down in the details, searching for an empty index (SearchEmpty) is +// remarkably asymmetric with searching for a valid index (SearchValid), +// mainly with respect to: No return of a value area for JudyL; partially- +// full versus totally-full JPs; and handling of narrow pointers. +// +// - Second, we chose to implement SearchEmpty without a backtrack stack or +// backtrack engine, partly as an experiment, and partly because we think +// restarting from the top of the tree is less likely for SearchEmpty than +// for SearchValid, because empty indexes are more likely than valid indexes. +// +// A word about naming: A prior version of this feature (see 4.13) was named +// Judy*Free(), but there were concerns about that being read as a verb rather +// than an adjective. After prolonged debate and based on user input, we +// changed "Free" to "Empty". + +#if (! (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JUDYL))) +#error: One of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL must be specified. +#endif + +#ifndef JUDYNEXT +#ifndef JUDYPREV +#define JUDYPREV 1 // neither set => use default. +#endif +#endif + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#include "Judy1.h" +#else +#include "JudyL.h" +#endif + +#include "JudyPrivate1L.h" + +#ifdef TRACEJPSE +#include "JudyPrintJP.c" +#endif + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y 1 P R E V E M P T Y +// J U D Y 1 N E X T E M P T Y +// J U D Y L P R E V E M P T Y +// J U D Y L N E X T E M P T Y +// +// See the manual entry for the API. +// +// OVERVIEW OF Judy*PrevEmpty() / Judy*NextEmpty(): +// +// See also for comparison the equivalent comments in JudyPrevNext.c. +// +// Take the callers *PIndex and subtract/add 1, but watch out for +// underflow/overflow, which means "no previous/next empty index found." Use a +// reentrant switch statement (state machine, see SMGetRestart and +// SMGetContinue) to decode Index, starting with the JRP (PArray), through a +// JPM and branches, if any, down to an immediate or a leaf. Look for Index in +// that immediate or leaf, and if not found (invalid index), return success +// (Index is empty). +// +// This search can result in a dead end where taking a different path is +// required. There are four kinds of dead ends: +// +// BRANCH PRIMARY dead end: Encountering a fully-populated JP for the +// appropriate digit in Index. Search sideways in the branch for the +// previous/next absent/null/non-full JP, and if one is found, set Index to the +// highest/lowest index possible in that JPs expanse. Then if the JP is an +// absent or null JP, return success; otherwise for a non-full JP, traverse +// through the partially populated JP. +// +// BRANCH SECONDARY dead end: Reaching the end of a branch during a sideways +// search after a branch primary dead end. Set Index to the lowest/highest +// index possible in the whole branchs expanse (one higher/lower than the +// previous/next branchs expanse), then restart at the top of the tree, which +// includes pre-decrementing/incrementing Index (again) and watching for +// underflow/overflow (again). +// +// LEAF PRIMARY dead end: Finding a valid (non-empty) index in an immediate or +// leaf matching Index. Search sideways in the immediate/leaf for the +// previous/next empty index; if found, set *PIndex to match and return success. +// +// LEAF SECONDARY dead end: Reaching the end of an immediate or leaf during a +// sideways search after a leaf primary dead end. Just as for a branch +// secondary dead end, restart at the top of the tree with Index set to the +// lowest/highest index possible in the whole immediate/leafs expanse. +// TBD: If leaf secondary dead end occurs, could shortcut and treat it as a +// branch primary dead end; but this would require remembering the parent +// branchs type and offset (a "one-deep stack"), and also wrestling with +// narrow pointers, at least for leaves (but not for immediates). +// +// Note some ASYMMETRIES between SearchValid and SearchEmpty: +// +// - The SearchValid code, upon descending through a narrow pointer, if Index +// is outside the expanse of the subsidiary node (effectively a secondary +// dead end), must decide whether to backtrack or findlimit. But the +// SearchEmpty code simply returns success (Index is empty). +// +// - Similarly, the SearchValid code, upon finding no previous/next index in +// the expanse of a narrow pointer (again, a secondary dead end), can simply +// start to backtrack at the parent JP. But the SearchEmpty code would have +// to first determine whether or not the parent JPs narrow expanse contains +// a previous/next empty index outside the subexpanse. Rather than keeping a +// parent state stack and backtracking this way, upon a secondary dead end, +// the SearchEmpty code simply restarts at the top of the tree, whether or +// not a narrow pointer is involved. Again, see the equivalent comments in +// JudyPrevNext.c for comparison. +// +// This function is written iteratively for speed, rather than recursively. +// +// TBD: Wed like to enhance this function to make successive searches faster. +// This would require saving some previous state, including the previous Index +// returned, and in which leaf it was found. If the next call is for the same +// Index and the array has not been modified, start at the same leaf. This +// should be much easier to implement since this is iterative rather than +// recursive code. + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#ifdef JUDYPREV +FUNCTION int Judy1PrevEmpty +#else +FUNCTION int Judy1NextEmpty +#endif +#else +#ifdef JUDYPREV +FUNCTION int JudyLPrevEmpty +#else +FUNCTION int JudyLNextEmpty +#endif +#endif + ( + Pcvoid_t PArray, // Judy array to search. + Word_t * PIndex, // starting point and result. + PJError_t PJError // optional, for returning error info. + ) +{ + Word_t Index; // fast copy, in a register. + Pjp_t Pjp; // current JP. + Pjbl_t Pjbl; // Pjp->jp_Addr masked and cast to types: + Pjbb_t Pjbb; + Pjbu_t Pjbu; + Pjlb_t Pjlb; + PWord_t Pword; // alternate name for use by GET* macros. + + Word_t digit; // next digit to decode from Index. + Word_t digits; // current state in SM = digits left to decode. + Word_t pop0; // in a leaf. + Word_t pop0mask; // precalculated to avoid variable shifts. + long offset; // within a branch or leaf (can be large). + int subexp; // subexpanse in a bitmap branch. + BITMAPB_t bitposmaskB; // bit in bitmap for bitmap branch. + BITMAPL_t bitposmaskL; // bit in bitmap for bitmap leaf. + Word_t possfullJP1; // JP types for possibly full subexpanses: + Word_t possfullJP2; + Word_t possfullJP3; + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// M A C R O S +// +// These are intended to make the code a bit more readable and less redundant. + + +// CHECK FOR NULL JP: +// +// TBD: In principle this can be reduced (here and in other *.c files) to just +// the latter clause since no Type should ever be below cJU_JPNULL1, but in +// fact some root pointer types can be lower, so for safety do both checks. + +#define JPNULL(Type) (((Type) >= cJU_JPNULL1) && ((Type) <= cJU_JPNULLMAX)) + + +// CHECK FOR A FULL JP: +// +// Given a JP, indicate if it is fully populated. Use digits, pop0mask, and +// possfullJP1..3 in the context. +// +// This is a difficult problem because it requires checking the Pop0 bits for +// all-ones, but the number of bytes depends on the JP type, which is not +// directly related to the parent branchs type or level -- the JPs child +// could be under a narrow pointer (hence not full). The simple answer +// requires switching on or otherwise calculating the JP type, which could be +// slow. Instead, in SMPREPB* precalculate pop0mask and also record in +// possfullJP1..3 the child JP (branch) types that could possibly be full (one +// level down), and use them here. For level-2 branches (with digits == 2), +// the test for a full child depends on Judy1/JudyL. +// +// Note: This cannot be applied to the JP in a JPM because it doesnt have +// enough pop0 digits. +// +// TBD: JPFULL_BRANCH diligently checks for BranchL or BranchB, where neither +// of those can ever be full as it turns out. Could just check for a BranchU +// at the right level. Also, pop0mask might be overkill, its not used much, +// so perhaps just call cJU_POP0MASK(digits - 1) here? +// +// First, JPFULL_BRANCH checks for a full expanse for a JP whose child can be a +// branch, that is, a JP in a branch at level 3 or higher: + +#define JPFULL_BRANCH(Pjp) \ + ((((JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) ^ cJU_ALLONES) & pop0mask) == 0) \ + && ((JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) == possfullJP1) \ + || (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) == possfullJP2) \ + || (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) == possfullJP3))) + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#define JPFULL(Pjp) \ + ((digits == 2) ? \ + (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) == cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1) : JPFULL_BRANCH(Pjp)) +#else +#define JPFULL(Pjp) \ + ((digits == 2) ? \ + (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) == cJU_JPLEAF_B1) \ + && (((JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & cJU_POP0MASK(1)) == cJU_POP0MASK(1))) : \ + JPFULL_BRANCH(Pjp)) +#endif + + +// RETURN SUCCESS: +// +// This hides the need to set *PIndex back to the local value of Index -- use a +// local value for faster operation. Note that the callers *PIndex is ALWAYS +// modified upon success, at least decremented/incremented. + +#define RET_SUCCESS { *PIndex = Index; return(1); } + + +// RETURN A CORRUPTION: + +#define RET_CORRUPT { JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); return(JERRI); } + + +// SEARCH A BITMAP BRANCH: +// +// This is a weak analog of j__udySearchLeaf*() for bitmap branches. Return +// the actual or next-left position, base 0, of Digit in a BITMAPB_t bitmap +// (subexpanse of a full bitmap), also given a Bitposmask for Digit. The +// position is the offset within the set bits. +// +// Unlike j__udySearchLeaf*(), the offset is not returned bit-complemented if +// Digits bit is unset, because the caller can check the bitmap themselves to +// determine that. Also, if Digits bit is unset, the returned offset is to +// the next-left JP or index (including -1), not to the "ideal" position for +// the index = next-right JP or index. +// +// Shortcut and skip calling j__udyCountBitsB() if the bitmap is full, in which +// case (Digit % cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB) itself is the base-0 offset. + +#define SEARCHBITMAPB(Bitmap,Digit,Bitposmask) \ + (((Bitmap) == cJU_FULLBITMAPB) ? (Digit % cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB) : \ + j__udyCountBitsB((Bitmap) & JU_MASKLOWERINC(Bitposmask)) - 1) + +#ifdef JUDYPREV +// Equivalent to search for the highest offset in Bitmap, that is, one less +// than the number of bits set: + +#define SEARCHBITMAPMAXB(Bitmap) \ + (((Bitmap) == cJU_FULLBITMAPB) ? cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB - 1 : \ + j__udyCountBitsB(Bitmap) - 1) +#endif + + +// CHECK DECODE BYTES: +// +// Check Decode bytes in a JP against the equivalent portion of Index. If they +// dont match, Index is outside the subexpanse of a narrow pointer, hence is +// empty. + +#define CHECKDCD(cDigits) \ + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, cDigits)) RET_SUCCESS + + +// REVISE REMAINDER OF INDEX: +// +// Put one digit in place in Index and clear/set the lower digits, if any, so +// the resulting Index is at the start/end of an expanse, or just clear/set the +// least digits. +// +// Actually, to make simple use of JU_LEASTBYTESMASK, first clear/set all least +// digits of Index including the digit to be overridden, then set the value of +// that one digit. If Digits == 1 the first operation is redundant, but either +// very fast or even removed by the optimizer. + +#define CLEARLEASTDIGITS(Digits) Index &= ~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(Digits) +#define SETLEASTDIGITS( Digits) Index |= JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(Digits) + +#define CLEARLEASTDIGITS_D(Digit,Digits) \ + { \ + CLEARLEASTDIGITS(Digits); \ + JU_SETDIGIT(Index, Digit, Digits); \ + } + +#define SETLEASTDIGITS_D(Digit,Digits) \ + { \ + SETLEASTDIGITS(Digits); \ + JU_SETDIGIT(Index, Digit, Digits); \ + } + + +// SET REMAINDER OF INDEX AND THEN RETURN OR CONTINUE: + +#define SET_AND_RETURN(OpLeastDigits,Digit,Digits) \ + { \ + OpLeastDigits(Digit, Digits); \ + RET_SUCCESS; \ + } + +#define SET_AND_CONTINUE(OpLeastDigits,Digit,Digits) \ + { \ + OpLeastDigits(Digit, Digits); \ + goto SMGetContinue; \ + } + + +// PREPARE TO HANDLE A LEAFW OR JP BRANCH IN THE STATE MACHINE: +// +// Extract a state-dependent digit from Index in a "constant" way, then jump to +// common code for multiple cases. +// +// TBD: Should this macro do more, such as preparing variable-shift masks for +// use in CLEARLEASTDIGITS and SETLEASTDIGITS? + +#define SMPREPB(cDigits,Next,PossFullJP1,PossFullJP2,PossFullJP3) \ + digits = (cDigits); \ + digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, cDigits); \ + pop0mask = cJU_POP0MASK((cDigits) - 1); /* for branchs JPs */ \ + possfullJP1 = (PossFullJP1); \ + possfullJP2 = (PossFullJP2); \ + possfullJP3 = (PossFullJP3); \ + goto Next + +// Variations for specific-level branches and for shorthands: +// +// Note: SMPREPB2 need not initialize possfullJP* because JPFULL does not use +// them for digits == 2, but gcc -Wall isnt quite smart enough to see this, so +// waste a bit of time and space to get rid of the warning: + +#define SMPREPB2(Next) \ + digits = 2; \ + digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 2); \ + pop0mask = cJU_POP0MASK(1); /* for branchs JPs */ \ + possfullJP1 = possfullJP2 = possfullJP3 = 0; \ + goto Next + +#define SMPREPB3(Next) SMPREPB(3, Next, cJU_JPBRANCH_L2, \ + cJU_JPBRANCH_B2, \ + cJU_JPBRANCH_U2) +#ifndef JU_64BIT +#define SMPREPBL(Next) SMPREPB(cJU_ROOTSTATE, Next, cJU_JPBRANCH_L3, \ + cJU_JPBRANCH_B3, \ + cJU_JPBRANCH_U3) +#else +#define SMPREPB4(Next) SMPREPB(4, Next, cJU_JPBRANCH_L3, \ + cJU_JPBRANCH_B3, \ + cJU_JPBRANCH_U3) +#define SMPREPB5(Next) SMPREPB(5, Next, cJU_JPBRANCH_L4, \ + cJU_JPBRANCH_B4, \ + cJU_JPBRANCH_U4) +#define SMPREPB6(Next) SMPREPB(6, Next, cJU_JPBRANCH_L5, \ + cJU_JPBRANCH_B5, \ + cJU_JPBRANCH_U5) +#define SMPREPB7(Next) SMPREPB(7, Next, cJU_JPBRANCH_L6, \ + cJU_JPBRANCH_B6, \ + cJU_JPBRANCH_U6) +#define SMPREPBL(Next) SMPREPB(cJU_ROOTSTATE, Next, cJU_JPBRANCH_L7, \ + cJU_JPBRANCH_B7, \ + cJU_JPBRANCH_U7) +#endif + + +// RESTART AFTER SECONDARY DEAD END: +// +// Set Index to the first/last index in the branch or leaf subexpanse and start +// over at the top of the tree. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV +#define SMRESTART(Digits) { CLEARLEASTDIGITS(Digits); goto SMGetRestart; } +#else +#define SMRESTART(Digits) { SETLEASTDIGITS( Digits); goto SMGetRestart; } +#endif + + +// CHECK EDGE OF LEAFS EXPANSE: +// +// Given the LSBs of the lowest/highest valid index in a leaf (or equivalently +// in an immediate JP), the level (index size) of the leaf, and the full index +// to return (as Index in the context) already set to the full index matching +// the lowest/highest one, determine if there is an empty index in the leafs +// expanse below/above the lowest/highest index, which is true if the +// lowest/highest index is not at the "edge" of the leafs expanse based on its +// LSBs. If so, return Index decremented/incremented; otherwise restart at the +// top of the tree. +// +// Note: In many cases Index is already at the right spot and calling +// SMRESTART instead of just going directly to SMGetRestart is a bit of +// overkill. +// +// Note: Variable shift occurs if Digits is not a constant. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV +#define LEAF_EDGE(MinIndex,Digits) \ + { \ + if (MinIndex) { --Index; RET_SUCCESS; } \ + SMRESTART(Digits); \ + } +#else +#define LEAF_EDGE(MaxIndex,Digits) \ + { \ + if ((MaxIndex) != JU_LEASTBYTES(cJU_ALLONES, Digits)) \ + { ++Index; RET_SUCCESS; } \ + SMRESTART(Digits); \ + } +#endif + +// Same as above except Index is not already set to match the lowest/highest +// index, so do that before decrementing/incrementing it: + +#ifdef JUDYPREV +#define LEAF_EDGE_SET(MinIndex,Digits) \ + { \ + if (MinIndex) \ + { JU_SETDIGITS(Index, MinIndex, Digits); --Index; RET_SUCCESS; } \ + SMRESTART(Digits); \ + } +#else +#define LEAF_EDGE_SET(MaxIndex,Digits) \ + { \ + if ((MaxIndex) != JU_LEASTBYTES(cJU_ALLONES, Digits)) \ + { JU_SETDIGITS(Index, MaxIndex, Digits); ++Index; RET_SUCCESS; } \ + SMRESTART(Digits); \ + } +#endif + + +// FIND A HOLE (EMPTY INDEX) IN AN IMMEDIATE OR LEAF: +// +// Given an index location in a leaf (or equivalently an immediate JP) known to +// contain a usable hole (an empty index less/greater than Index), and the LSBs +// of a minimum/maximum index to locate, find the previous/next empty index and +// return it. +// +// Note: "Even" index sizes (1,2,4[,8] bytes) have corresponding native C +// types; "odd" index sizes dont, but they are not represented here because +// they are handled completely differently; see elsewhere. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + +#define LEAF_HOLE_EVEN(cDigits,Pjll,IndexLSB) \ + { \ + while (*(Pjll) > (IndexLSB)) --(Pjll); /* too high */ \ + if (*(Pjll) < (IndexLSB)) RET_SUCCESS /* Index is empty */ \ + while (*(--(Pjll)) == --(IndexLSB)) /* null, find a hole */;\ + JU_SETDIGITS(Index, IndexLSB, cDigits); \ + RET_SUCCESS; \ + } +#else +#define LEAF_HOLE_EVEN(cDigits,Pjll,IndexLSB) \ + { \ + while (*(Pjll) < (IndexLSB)) ++(Pjll); /* too low */ \ + if (*(Pjll) > (IndexLSB)) RET_SUCCESS /* Index is empty */ \ + while (*(++(Pjll)) == ++(IndexLSB)) /* null, find a hole */;\ + JU_SETDIGITS(Index, IndexLSB, cDigits); \ + RET_SUCCESS; \ + } +#endif + + +// SEARCH FOR AN EMPTY INDEX IN AN IMMEDIATE OR LEAF: +// +// Given a pointer to the first index in a leaf (or equivalently an immediate +// JP), the population of the leaf, and a first empty Index to find (inclusive, +// as Index in the context), where Index is known to fall within the expanse of +// the leaf to search, efficiently find the previous/next empty index in the +// leaf, if any. For simplicity the following overview is stated in terms of +// Judy*NextEmpty() only, but the same concepts apply symmetrically for +// Judy*PrevEmpty(). Also, in each case the comparisons are for the LSBs of +// Index and leaf indexes, according to the leafs level. +// +// 1. If Index is GREATER than the last (highest) index in the leaf +// (maxindex), return success, Index is empty. (Remember, Index is known +// to be in the leafs expanse.) +// +// 2. If Index is EQUAL to maxindex: If maxindex is not at the edge of the +// leafs expanse, increment Index and return success, there is an empty +// Index one higher than any in the leaf; otherwise restart with Index +// reset to the upper edge of the leafs expanse. Note: This might cause +// an extra cache line fill, but this is OK for repeatedly-called search +// code, and it saves CPU time. +// +// 3. If Index is LESS than maxindex, check for "dense to end of leaf": +// Subtract Index from maxindex, and back up that many slots in the leaf. +// If the resulting offset is not before the start of the leaf then compare +// the index at this offset (baseindex) with Index: +// +// 3a. If GREATER, the leaf must be corrupt, since indexes are sorted and +// there are no duplicates. +// +// 3b. If EQUAL, the leaf is "dense" from Index to maxindex, meaning there is +// no reason to search it. "Slide right" to the high end of the leaf +// (modify Index to maxindex) and continue with step 2 above. +// +// 3c. If LESS, continue with step 4. +// +// 4. If the offset based on maxindex minus Index falls BEFORE the start of +// the leaf, or if, per 3c above, baseindex is LESS than Index, the leaf is +// guaranteed "not dense to the end" and a usable empty Index must exist. +// This supports a more efficient search loop. Start at the FIRST index in +// the leaf, or one BEYOND baseindex, respectively, and search the leaf as +// follows, comparing each current index (currindex) with Index: +// +// 4a. If LESS, keep going to next index. Note: This is certain to terminate +// because maxindex is known to be greater than Index, hence the loop can +// be small and fast. +// +// 4b. If EQUAL, loop and increment Index until finding currindex greater than +// Index, and return success with the modified Index. +// +// 4c. If GREATER, return success, Index (unmodified) is empty. +// +// Note: These are macros rather than functions for speed. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + +#define JSLE_EVEN(Addr,Pop0,cDigits,LeafType) \ + { \ + LeafType * PjllLSB = (LeafType *) (Addr); \ + LeafType IndexLSB = Index; /* auto-masking */ \ + \ + /* Index before or at start of leaf: */ \ + \ + if (*PjllLSB >= IndexLSB) /* no need to search */ \ + { \ + if (*PjllLSB > IndexLSB) RET_SUCCESS; /* Index empty */ \ + LEAF_EDGE(*PjllLSB, cDigits); \ + } \ + \ + /* Index in or after leaf: */ \ + \ + offset = IndexLSB - *PjllLSB; /* tentative offset */ \ + if (offset <= (Pop0)) /* can check density */ \ + { \ + PjllLSB += offset; /* move to slot */ \ + \ + if (*PjllLSB <= IndexLSB) /* dense or corrupt */ \ + { \ + if (*PjllLSB == IndexLSB) /* dense, check edge */ \ + LEAF_EDGE_SET(PjllLSB[-offset], cDigits); \ + RET_CORRUPT; \ + } \ + --PjllLSB; /* not dense, start at previous */ \ + } \ + else PjllLSB = ((LeafType *) (Addr)) + (Pop0); /* start at max */ \ + \ + LEAF_HOLE_EVEN(cDigits, PjllLSB, IndexLSB); \ + } + +// JSLE_ODD is completely different from JSLE_EVEN because its important to +// minimize copying odd indexes to compare them (see 4.14). Furthermore, a +// very complex version (4.17, but abandoned before fully debugged) that +// avoided calling j__udySearchLeaf*() ran twice as fast as 4.14, but still +// half as fast as SearchValid. Doug suggested that to minimize complexity and +// share common code we should use j__udySearchLeaf*() for the initial search +// to establish if Index is empty, which should be common. If Index is valid +// in a leaf or immediate indexes, odds are good that an empty Index is nearby, +// so for simplicity just use a *COPY* function to linearly search the +// remainder. +// +// TBD: Pathological case? Average performance should be good, but worst-case +// might suffer. When Search says the initial Index is valid, so a linear +// copy-and-compare is begun, if the caller builds fairly large leaves with +// dense clusters AND frequently does a SearchEmpty at one end of such a +// cluster, performance wont be very good. Might a dense-check help? This +// means checking offset against the index at offset, and then against the +// first/last index in the leaf. We doubt the pathological case will appear +// much in real applications because they will probably alternate SearchValid +// and SearchEmpty calls. + +#define JSLE_ODD(cDigits,Pjll,Pop0,Search,Copy) \ + { \ + Word_t IndexLSB; /* least bytes only */ \ + Word_t IndexFound; /* in leaf */ \ + \ + if ((offset = Search(Pjll, (Pop0) + 1, Index)) < 0) \ + RET_SUCCESS; /* Index is empty */ \ + \ + IndexLSB = JU_LEASTBYTES(Index, cDigits); \ + offset *= (cDigits); \ + \ + while ((offset -= (cDigits)) >= 0) \ + { /* skip until empty or start */ \ + Copy(IndexFound, ((uint8_t *) (Pjll)) + offset); \ + if (IndexFound != (--IndexLSB)) /* found an empty */ \ + { JU_SETDIGITS(Index, IndexLSB, cDigits); RET_SUCCESS; }\ + } \ + LEAF_EDGE_SET(IndexLSB, cDigits); \ + } + +#else // JUDYNEXT + +#define JSLE_EVEN(Addr,Pop0,cDigits,LeafType) \ + { \ + LeafType * PjllLSB = ((LeafType *) (Addr)) + (Pop0); \ + LeafType IndexLSB = Index; /* auto-masking */ \ + \ + /* Index at or after end of leaf: */ \ + \ + if (*PjllLSB <= IndexLSB) /* no need to search */ \ + { \ + if (*PjllLSB < IndexLSB) RET_SUCCESS; /* Index empty */\ + LEAF_EDGE(*PjllLSB, cDigits); \ + } \ + \ + /* Index before or in leaf: */ \ + \ + offset = *PjllLSB - IndexLSB; /* tentative offset */ \ + if (offset <= (Pop0)) /* can check density */ \ + { \ + PjllLSB -= offset; /* move to slot */ \ + \ + if (*PjllLSB >= IndexLSB) /* dense or corrupt */ \ + { \ + if (*PjllLSB == IndexLSB) /* dense, check edge */ \ + LEAF_EDGE_SET(PjllLSB[offset], cDigits); \ + RET_CORRUPT; \ + } \ + ++PjllLSB; /* not dense, start at next */ \ + } \ + else PjllLSB = (LeafType *) (Addr); /* start at minimum */ \ + \ + LEAF_HOLE_EVEN(cDigits, PjllLSB, IndexLSB); \ + } + +#define JSLE_ODD(cDigits,Pjll,Pop0,Search,Copy) \ + { \ + Word_t IndexLSB; /* least bytes only */ \ + Word_t IndexFound; /* in leaf */ \ + int offsetmax; /* in bytes */ \ + \ + if ((offset = Search(Pjll, (Pop0) + 1, Index)) < 0) \ + RET_SUCCESS; /* Index is empty */ \ + \ + IndexLSB = JU_LEASTBYTES(Index, cDigits); \ + offset *= (cDigits); \ + offsetmax = (Pop0) * (cDigits); /* single multiply */ \ + \ + while ((offset += (cDigits)) <= offsetmax) \ + { /* skip until empty or end */ \ + Copy(IndexFound, ((uint8_t *) (Pjll)) + offset); \ + if (IndexFound != (++IndexLSB)) /* found an empty */ \ + { JU_SETDIGITS(Index, IndexLSB, cDigits); RET_SUCCESS; } \ + } \ + LEAF_EDGE_SET(IndexLSB, cDigits); \ + } + +#endif // JUDYNEXT + +// Note: Immediate indexes never fill a single index group, so for odd index +// sizes, save time by calling JSLE_ODD_IMM instead of JSLE_ODD. + +#define j__udySearchLeafEmpty1(Addr,Pop0) \ + JSLE_EVEN(Addr, Pop0, 1, uint8_t) + +#define j__udySearchLeafEmpty2(Addr,Pop0) \ + JSLE_EVEN(Addr, Pop0, 2, uint16_t) + +#define j__udySearchLeafEmpty3(Addr,Pop0) \ + JSLE_ODD(3, Addr, Pop0, j__udySearchLeaf3, JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG) + +#ifndef JU_64BIT + +#define j__udySearchLeafEmptyL(Addr,Pop0) \ + JSLE_EVEN(Addr, Pop0, 4, Word_t) + +#else + +#define j__udySearchLeafEmpty4(Addr,Pop0) \ + JSLE_EVEN(Addr, Pop0, 4, uint32_t) + +#define j__udySearchLeafEmpty5(Addr,Pop0) \ + JSLE_ODD(5, Addr, Pop0, j__udySearchLeaf5, JU_COPY5_PINDEX_TO_LONG) + +#define j__udySearchLeafEmpty6(Addr,Pop0) \ + JSLE_ODD(6, Addr, Pop0, j__udySearchLeaf6, JU_COPY6_PINDEX_TO_LONG) + +#define j__udySearchLeafEmpty7(Addr,Pop0) \ + JSLE_ODD(7, Addr, Pop0, j__udySearchLeaf7, JU_COPY7_PINDEX_TO_LONG) + +#define j__udySearchLeafEmptyL(Addr,Pop0) \ + JSLE_EVEN(Addr, Pop0, 8, Word_t) + +#endif // JU_64BIT + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// START OF CODE: +// +// CHECK FOR SHORTCUTS: +// +// Error out if PIndex is null. + + if (PIndex == (PWord_t) NULL) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NULLPINDEX); + return(JERRI); + } + + Index = *PIndex; // fast local copy. + +// Set and pre-decrement/increment Index, watching for underflow/overflow: +// +// An out-of-bounds Index means failure: No previous/next empty index. + +SMGetRestart: // return here with revised Index. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + if (Index-- == 0) return(0); +#else + if (++Index == 0) return(0); +#endif + +// An empty array with an in-bounds (not underflowed/overflowed) Index means +// success: +// +// Note: This check is redundant after restarting at SMGetRestart, but should +// take insignificant time. + + if (PArray == (Pvoid_t) NULL) RET_SUCCESS; + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// ROOT-LEVEL LEAF that starts with a Pop0 word; just look within the leaf: +// +// If Index is not in the leaf, return success; otherwise return the first +// empty Index, if any, below/above where it would belong. + + if (JU_LEAFW_POP0(PArray) < cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1) // must be a LEAFW + { + Pjlw_t Pjlw = P_JLW(PArray); // first word of leaf. + pop0 = Pjlw[0]; + +#ifdef JUDY1 + if (pop0 == 0) // special case. + { +#ifdef JUDYPREV + if ((Index != Pjlw[1]) || (Index-- != 0)) RET_SUCCESS; +#else + if ((Index != Pjlw[1]) || (++Index != 0)) RET_SUCCESS; +#endif + return(0); // no previous/next empty index. + } +#endif // JUDY1 + + j__udySearchLeafEmptyL(Pjlw + 1, pop0); + +// No return -- thanks ALAN + + } + else + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// HANDLE JRP Branch: +// +// For JRP branches, traverse the JPM; handle LEAFW +// directly; but look for the most common cases first. + + { + Pjpm_t Pjpm = P_JPM(PArray); + Pjp = &(Pjpm->jpm_JP); + +// goto SMGetContinue; + } + + +// ============================================================================ +// STATE MACHINE -- GET INDEX: +// +// Search for Index (already decremented/incremented so as to be an inclusive +// search). If not found (empty index), return success. Otherwise do a +// previous/next search, and if successful modify Index to the empty index +// found. See function header comments. +// +// ENTRY: Pjp points to next JP to interpret, whose Decode bytes have not yet +// been checked. +// +// Note: Check Decode bytes at the start of each loop, not after looking up a +// new JP, so its easy to do constant shifts/masks. +// +// EXIT: Return, or branch to SMGetRestart with modified Index, or branch to +// SMGetContinue with a modified Pjp, as described elsewhere. +// +// WARNING: For run-time efficiency the following cases replicate code with +// varying constants, rather than using common code with variable values! + +SMGetContinue: // return here for next branch/leaf. + +#ifdef TRACEJPSE + JudyPrintJP(Pjp, "sf", __LINE__); +#endif + + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// LINEAR BRANCH: +// +// Check Decode bytes, if any, in the current JP, then search for a JP for the +// next digit in Index. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L2: CHECKDCD(2); SMPREPB2(SMBranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L3: CHECKDCD(3); SMPREPB3(SMBranchL); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L4: CHECKDCD(4); SMPREPB4(SMBranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L5: CHECKDCD(5); SMPREPB5(SMBranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L6: CHECKDCD(6); SMPREPB6(SMBranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L7: CHECKDCD(7); SMPREPB7(SMBranchL); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L: SMPREPBL(SMBranchL); + +// Common code (state-independent) for all cases of linear branches: + +SMBranchL: + Pjbl = P_JBL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + +// First, check if Indexs expanse (digit) is below/above the first/last +// populated expanse in the BranchL, in which case Index is empty; otherwise +// find the offset of the lowest/highest populated expanse at or above/below +// digit, if any: +// +// Note: The for-loop is guaranteed to exit eventually because the first/last +// expanse is known to be a terminator. +// +// Note: Cannot use j__udySearchLeaf*Empty1() here because it only applies to +// leaves and does not know about partial versus full JPs, unlike the use of +// j__udySearchLeaf1() for BranchLs in SearchValid code. Also, since linear +// leaf expanse lists are small, dont waste time calling j__udySearchLeaf1(), +// just scan the expanse list. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + if ((Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[0]) > digit) RET_SUCCESS; + + for (offset = (Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs) - 1; /* null */; --offset) +#else + if ((Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[(Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs) - 1]) < digit) + RET_SUCCESS; + + for (offset = 0; /* null */; ++offset) +#endif + { + +// Too low/high, keep going; or too high/low, meaning the loop passed a hole +// and the initial Index is empty: + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + if ((Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[offset]) > digit) continue; + if ((Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[offset]) < digit) RET_SUCCESS; +#else + if ((Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[offset]) < digit) continue; + if ((Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[offset]) > digit) RET_SUCCESS; +#endif + +// Found expanse matching digit; if its not full, traverse through it: + + if (! JPFULL((Pjbl->jbl_jp) + offset)) + { + Pjp = (Pjbl->jbl_jp) + offset; + goto SMGetContinue; + } + +// Common code: While searching for a lower/higher hole or a non-full JP, upon +// finding a lower/higher hole, adjust Index using the revised digit and +// return; or upon finding a consecutive lower/higher expanse, if the expanses +// JP is non-full, modify Index and traverse through the JP: + +#define BRANCHL_CHECK(OpIncDec,OpLeastDigits,Digit,Digits) \ + { \ + if ((Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[offset]) != OpIncDec digit) \ + SET_AND_RETURN(OpLeastDigits, Digit, Digits); \ + \ + if (! JPFULL((Pjbl->jbl_jp) + offset)) \ + { \ + Pjp = (Pjbl->jbl_jp) + offset; \ + SET_AND_CONTINUE(OpLeastDigits, Digit, Digits); \ + } \ + } + +// BranchL primary dead end: Expanse matching Index/digit is full (rare except +// for dense/sequential indexes): +// +// Search for a lower/higher hole, a non-full JP, or the end of the expanse +// list, while decrementing/incrementing digit. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + while (--offset >= 0) + BRANCHL_CHECK(--, SETLEASTDIGITS_D, digit, digits) +#else + while (++offset < Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs) + BRANCHL_CHECK(++, CLEARLEASTDIGITS_D, digit, digits) +#endif + +// Passed end of BranchL expanse list after finding a matching but full +// expanse: +// +// Digit now matches the lowest/highest expanse, which is a full expanse; if +// digit is at the end of BranchLs expanse (no hole before/after), break out +// of the loop; otherwise modify Index to the next lower/higher digit and +// return success: + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + if (digit == 0) break; + --digit; SET_AND_RETURN(SETLEASTDIGITS_D, digit, digits); +#else + if (digit == JU_LEASTBYTES(cJU_ALLONES, 1)) break; + ++digit; SET_AND_RETURN(CLEARLEASTDIGITS_D, digit, digits); +#endif + } // for-loop + +// BranchL secondary dead end, no non-full previous/next JP: + + SMRESTART(digits); + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// BITMAP BRANCH: +// +// Check Decode bytes, if any, in the current JP, then search for a JP for the +// next digit in Index. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B2: CHECKDCD(2); SMPREPB2(SMBranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B3: CHECKDCD(3); SMPREPB3(SMBranchB); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B4: CHECKDCD(4); SMPREPB4(SMBranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B5: CHECKDCD(5); SMPREPB5(SMBranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B6: CHECKDCD(6); SMPREPB6(SMBranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B7: CHECKDCD(7); SMPREPB7(SMBranchB); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B: SMPREPBL(SMBranchB); + +// Common code (state-independent) for all cases of bitmap branches: + +SMBranchB: + Pjbb = P_JBB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + +// Locate the digits JP in the subexpanse list, if present: + + subexp = digit / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; + assert(subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPB); // falls in expected range. + bitposmaskB = JU_BITPOSMASKB(digit); + +// Absent JP = no JP matches current digit in Index: + +// if (! JU_BITMAPTESTB(Pjbb, digit)) // slower. + if (! (JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp) & bitposmaskB)) // faster. + RET_SUCCESS; + +// Non-full JP matches current digit in Index: +// +// Iterate to the subsidiary non-full JP. + + offset = SEARCHBITMAPB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp), digit, + bitposmaskB); + // not negative since at least one bit is set: + assert(offset >= 0); + assert(offset < (int) cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB); + +// Watch for null JP subarray pointer with non-null bitmap (a corruption): + + if ((Pjp = P_JP(JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp))) + == (Pjp_t) NULL) RET_CORRUPT; + + Pjp += offset; + if (! JPFULL(Pjp)) goto SMGetContinue; + +// BranchB primary dead end: +// +// Upon hitting a full JP in a BranchB for the next digit in Index, search +// sideways for a previous/next absent JP (unset bit) or non-full JP (set bit +// with non-full JP); first in the current bitmap subexpanse, then in +// lower/higher subexpanses. Upon entry, Pjp points to a known-unusable JP, +// ready to decrement/increment. +// +// Note: The preceding code is separate from this loop because Index does not +// need revising (see SET_AND_*()) if the initial index is an empty index. +// +// TBD: For speed, shift bitposmaskB instead of using JU_BITMAPTESTB or +// JU_BITPOSMASKB, but this shift has knowledge of bit order that really should +// be encapsulated in a header file. + +#define BRANCHB_CHECKBIT(OpLeastDigits) \ + if (! (JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp) & bitposmaskB)) /* absent JP */ \ + SET_AND_RETURN(OpLeastDigits, digit, digits) + +#define BRANCHB_CHECKJPFULL(OpLeastDigits) \ + if (! JPFULL(Pjp)) \ + SET_AND_CONTINUE(OpLeastDigits, digit, digits) + +#define BRANCHB_STARTSUBEXP(OpLeastDigits) \ + if (! JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp)) /* empty subexpanse, shortcut */ \ + SET_AND_RETURN(OpLeastDigits, digit, digits) \ + if ((Pjp = P_JP(JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp))) == (Pjp_t) NULL) RET_CORRUPT + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + + --digit; // skip initial digit. + bitposmaskB >>= 1; // see TBD above. + +BranchBNextSubexp: // return here to check next bitmap subexpanse. + + while (bitposmaskB) // more bits to check in subexp. + { + BRANCHB_CHECKBIT(SETLEASTDIGITS_D); + --Pjp; // previous in subarray. + BRANCHB_CHECKJPFULL(SETLEASTDIGITS_D); + assert(digit >= 0); + --digit; + bitposmaskB >>= 1; + } + + if (subexp-- > 0) // more subexpanses. + { + BRANCHB_STARTSUBEXP(SETLEASTDIGITS_D); + Pjp += SEARCHBITMAPMAXB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp)) + 1; + bitposmaskB = (1U << (cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB - 1)); + goto BranchBNextSubexp; + } + +#else // JUDYNEXT + + ++digit; // skip initial digit. + bitposmaskB <<= 1; // note: BITMAPB_t. + +BranchBNextSubexp: // return here to check next bitmap subexpanse. + + while (bitposmaskB) // more bits to check in subexp. + { + BRANCHB_CHECKBIT(CLEARLEASTDIGITS_D); + ++Pjp; // previous in subarray. + BRANCHB_CHECKJPFULL(CLEARLEASTDIGITS_D); + assert(digit < cJU_SUBEXPPERSTATE); + ++digit; + bitposmaskB <<= 1; // note: BITMAPB_t. + } + + if (++subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPB) // more subexpanses. + { + BRANCHB_STARTSUBEXP(CLEARLEASTDIGITS_D); + --Pjp; // pre-decrement. + bitposmaskB = 1; + goto BranchBNextSubexp; + } + +#endif // JUDYNEXT + +// BranchB secondary dead end, no non-full previous/next JP: + + SMRESTART(digits); + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// UNCOMPRESSED BRANCH: +// +// Check Decode bytes, if any, in the current JP, then search for a JP for the +// next digit in Index. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U2: CHECKDCD(2); SMPREPB2(SMBranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U3: CHECKDCD(3); SMPREPB3(SMBranchU); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U4: CHECKDCD(4); SMPREPB4(SMBranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U5: CHECKDCD(5); SMPREPB5(SMBranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U6: CHECKDCD(6); SMPREPB6(SMBranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U7: CHECKDCD(7); SMPREPB7(SMBranchU); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U: SMPREPBL(SMBranchU); + +// Common code (state-independent) for all cases of uncompressed branches: + +SMBranchU: + Pjbu = P_JBU(Pjp->jp_Addr); + Pjp = (Pjbu->jbu_jp) + digit; + +// Absent JP = null JP for current digit in Index: + + if (JPNULL(JU_JPTYPE(Pjp))) RET_SUCCESS; + +// Non-full JP matches current digit in Index: +// +// Iterate to the subsidiary JP. + + if (! JPFULL(Pjp)) goto SMGetContinue; + +// BranchU primary dead end: +// +// Upon hitting a full JP in a BranchU for the next digit in Index, search +// sideways for a previous/next null or non-full JP. BRANCHU_CHECKJP() is +// shorthand for common code. +// +// Note: The preceding code is separate from this loop because Index does not +// need revising (see SET_AND_*()) if the initial index is an empty index. + +#define BRANCHU_CHECKJP(OpIncDec,OpLeastDigits) \ + { \ + OpIncDec Pjp; \ + \ + if (JPNULL(JU_JPTYPE(Pjp))) \ + SET_AND_RETURN(OpLeastDigits, digit, digits) \ + \ + if (! JPFULL(Pjp)) \ + SET_AND_CONTINUE(OpLeastDigits, digit, digits) \ + } + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + while (digit-- > 0) + BRANCHU_CHECKJP(--, SETLEASTDIGITS_D); +#else + while (++digit < cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS) + BRANCHU_CHECKJP(++, CLEARLEASTDIGITS_D); +#endif + +// BranchU secondary dead end, no non-full previous/next JP: + + SMRESTART(digits); + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// LINEAR LEAF: +// +// Check Decode bytes, if any, in the current JP, then search the leaf for the +// previous/next empty index starting at Index. Primary leaf dead end is +// hidden within j__udySearchLeaf*Empty*(). In case of secondary leaf dead +// end, restart at the top of the tree. +// +// Note: Pword is the name known to GET*; think of it as Pjlw. + +#define SMLEAFL(cDigits,Func) \ + Pword = (PWord_t) P_JLW(Pjp->jp_Addr); \ + pop0 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp); \ + Func(Pword, pop0) + +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + case cJU_JPLEAF1: CHECKDCD(1); SMLEAFL(1, j__udySearchLeafEmpty1); +#endif + case cJU_JPLEAF2: CHECKDCD(2); SMLEAFL(2, j__udySearchLeafEmpty2); + case cJU_JPLEAF3: CHECKDCD(3); SMLEAFL(3, j__udySearchLeafEmpty3); + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPLEAF4: CHECKDCD(4); SMLEAFL(4, j__udySearchLeafEmpty4); + case cJU_JPLEAF5: CHECKDCD(5); SMLEAFL(5, j__udySearchLeafEmpty5); + case cJU_JPLEAF6: CHECKDCD(6); SMLEAFL(6, j__udySearchLeafEmpty6); + case cJU_JPLEAF7: CHECKDCD(7); SMLEAFL(7, j__udySearchLeafEmpty7); +#endif + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// BITMAP LEAF: +// +// Check Decode bytes, if any, in the current JP, then search the leaf for the +// previous/next empty index starting at Index. + + case cJU_JPLEAF_B1: + + CHECKDCD(1); + + Pjlb = P_JLB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 1); + subexp = digit / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL; + bitposmaskL = JU_BITPOSMASKL(digit); + assert(subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPL); // falls in expected range. + +// Absent index = no index matches current digit in Index: + +// if (! JU_BITMAPTESTL(Pjlb, digit)) // slower. + if (! (JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp) & bitposmaskL)) // faster. + RET_SUCCESS; + +// LeafB1 primary dead end: +// +// Upon hitting a valid (non-empty) index in a LeafB1 for the last digit in +// Index, search sideways for a previous/next absent index, first in the +// current bitmap subexpanse, then in lower/higher subexpanses. +// LEAFB1_CHECKBIT() is shorthand for common code to handle one bit in one +// bitmap subexpanse. +// +// Note: The preceding code is separate from this loop because Index does not +// need revising (see SET_AND_*()) if the initial index is an empty index. +// +// TBD: For speed, shift bitposmaskL instead of using JU_BITMAPTESTL or +// JU_BITPOSMASKL, but this shift has knowledge of bit order that really should +// be encapsulated in a header file. + +#define LEAFB1_CHECKBIT(OpLeastDigits) \ + if (! (JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp) & bitposmaskL)) \ + SET_AND_RETURN(OpLeastDigits, digit, 1) + +#define LEAFB1_STARTSUBEXP(OpLeastDigits) \ + if (! JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp)) /* empty subexp */ \ + SET_AND_RETURN(OpLeastDigits, digit, 1) + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + + --digit; // skip initial digit. + bitposmaskL >>= 1; // see TBD above. + +LeafB1NextSubexp: // return here to check next bitmap subexpanse. + + while (bitposmaskL) // more bits to check in subexp. + { + LEAFB1_CHECKBIT(SETLEASTDIGITS_D); + assert(digit >= 0); + --digit; + bitposmaskL >>= 1; + } + + if (subexp-- > 0) // more subexpanses. + { + LEAFB1_STARTSUBEXP(SETLEASTDIGITS_D); + bitposmaskL = (1UL << (cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL - 1)); + goto LeafB1NextSubexp; + } + +#else // JUDYNEXT + + ++digit; // skip initial digit. + bitposmaskL <<= 1; // note: BITMAPL_t. + +LeafB1NextSubexp: // return here to check next bitmap subexpanse. + + while (bitposmaskL) // more bits to check in subexp. + { + LEAFB1_CHECKBIT(CLEARLEASTDIGITS_D); + assert(digit < cJU_SUBEXPPERSTATE); + ++digit; + bitposmaskL <<= 1; // note: BITMAPL_t. + } + + if (++subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPL) // more subexpanses. + { + LEAFB1_STARTSUBEXP(CLEARLEASTDIGITS_D); + bitposmaskL = 1; + goto LeafB1NextSubexp; + } + +#endif // JUDYNEXT + +// LeafB1 secondary dead end, no empty index: + + SMRESTART(1); + + +#ifdef JUDY1 +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// FULL POPULATION: +// +// If the Decode bytes do not match, Index is empty (without modification); +// otherwise restart. + + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1: + + CHECKDCD(1); + SMRESTART(1); +#endif + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// IMMEDIATE: +// +// Pop1 = 1 Immediate JPs: +// +// If Index is not in the immediate JP, return success; otherwise check if +// there is an empty index below/above the immediate JPs index, and if so, +// return success with modified Index, else restart. +// +// Note: Doug says its fast enough to calculate the index size (digits) in +// the following; no need to set it separately for each case. + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_01: +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPIMMED_4_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_5_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_6_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_7_01: +#endif + if (JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) != JU_TRIMTODCDSIZE(Index)) RET_SUCCESS; + digits = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) - cJU_JPIMMED_1_01 + 1; + LEAF_EDGE(JU_LEASTBYTES(JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp), digits), digits); + +// Immediate JPs with Pop1 > 1: + +#define IMM_MULTI(Func,BaseJPType) \ + JUDY1CODE(Pword = (PWord_t) (Pjp->jp_1Index);) \ + JUDYLCODE(Pword = (PWord_t) (Pjp->jp_LIndex);) \ + Func(Pword, JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) - (BaseJPType) + 1) + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_02: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_03: +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_04: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_05: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_06: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_07: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_08: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_09: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_10: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_11: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_12: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_13: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_14: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_15: +#endif + IMM_MULTI(j__udySearchLeafEmpty1, cJU_JPIMMED_1_02); + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_02: + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_03: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_04: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_05: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_06: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_07: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + IMM_MULTI(j__udySearchLeafEmpty2, cJU_JPIMMED_2_02); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_02: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_03: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_04: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_05: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + IMM_MULTI(j__udySearchLeafEmpty3, cJU_JPIMMED_3_02); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_03: + IMM_MULTI(j__udySearchLeafEmpty4, cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_03: + IMM_MULTI(j__udySearchLeafEmpty5, cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02: + IMM_MULTI(j__udySearchLeafEmpty6, cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02: + IMM_MULTI(j__udySearchLeafEmpty7, cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02); +#endif + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// INVALID JP TYPE: + + default: RET_CORRUPT; + + } // SMGet switch. + +} // Judy1PrevEmpty() / Judy1NextEmpty() / JudyLPrevEmpty() / JudyLNextEmpty() diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Judy1Prev.c b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Judy1Prev.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..331d7014 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Judy1Prev.c @@ -0,0 +1,1890 @@ +// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company +// +// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +// under the term of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +// option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +// _________________ + +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ +// +// Judy*Prev() and Judy*Next() functions for Judy1 and JudyL. +// Compile with one of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL. +// +// Compile with -DJUDYNEXT for the Judy*Next() function; otherwise defaults to +// Judy*Prev(). + +#if (! (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JUDYL))) +#error: One of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL must be specified. +#endif + +#ifndef JUDYNEXT +#ifndef JUDYPREV +#define JUDYPREV 1 // neither set => use default. +#endif +#endif + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#include "Judy1.h" +#else +#include "JudyL.h" +#endif + +#include "JudyPrivate1L.h" + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y 1 P R E V +// J U D Y 1 N E X T +// J U D Y L P R E V +// J U D Y L N E X T +// +// See the manual entry for the API. +// +// OVERVIEW OF Judy*Prev(): +// +// Use a reentrant switch statement (state machine, SM1 = "get") to decode the +// callers *PIndex-1, starting with the (PArray), through branches, if +// any, down to an immediate or a leaf. Look for *PIndex-1 in that leaf, and +// if found, return it. +// +// A dead end is either a branch that does not contain a JP for the appropriate +// digit in *PIndex-1, or a leaf that does not contain the undecoded digits of +// *PIndex-1. Upon reaching a dead end, backtrack through the leaf/branches +// that were just traversed, using a list (history) of parent JPs that is built +// while going forward in SM1Get. Start with the current leaf or branch. In a +// backtracked leaf, look for an Index less than *PIndex-1. In each +// backtracked branch, look "sideways" for the next JP, if any, lower than the +// one for the digit (from *PIndex-1) that was previously decoded. While +// backtracking, if a leaf has no previous Index or a branch has no lower JP, +// go to its parent branch in turn. Upon reaching the JRP, return failure, "no +// previous Index". The backtrack process is sufficiently different from +// SM1Get to merit its own separate reentrant switch statement (SM2 = +// "backtrack"). +// +// While backtracking, upon finding a lower JP in a branch, there is certain to +// be a "prev" Index under that JP (unless the Judy array is corrupt). +// Traverse forward again, this time taking the last (highest, right-most) JP +// in each branch, and the last (highest) Index upon reaching an immediate or a +// leaf. This traversal is sufficiently different from SM1Get and SM2Backtrack +// to merit its own separate reentrant switch statement (SM3 = "findlimit"). +// +// "Decode" bytes in JPs complicate this process a little. In SM1Get, when a +// JP is a narrow pointer, that is, when states are skipped (so the skipped +// digits are stored in jp_DcdPopO), compare the relevant digits to the same +// digits in *PIndex-1. If they are EQUAL, proceed in SM1Get as before. If +// jp_DcdPopOs digits are GREATER, treat the JP as a dead end and proceed in +// SM2Backtrack. If jp_DcdPopOs digits are LESS, treat the JP as if it had +// just been found during a backtrack and proceed directly in SM3Findlimit. +// +// Note that Decode bytes can be ignored in SM3Findlimit; they dont matter. +// Also note that in practice the Decode bytes are routinely compared with +// *PIndex-1 because thats simpler and no slower than first testing for +// narrowness. +// +// Decode bytes also make it unnecessary to construct the Index to return (the +// revised *PIndex) during the search. This step is deferred until finding an +// Index during backtrack or findlimit, before returning it. The first digit +// of *PIndex is derived (saved) based on which JP is used in a JRP branch. +// The remaining digits are obtained from the jp_DcdPopO field in the JP (if +// any) above the immediate or leaf containing the found (prev) Index, plus the +// remaining digit(s) in the immediate or leaf itself. In the case of a LEAFW, +// the Index to return is found directly in the leaf. +// +// Note: Theoretically, as described above, upon reaching a dead end, SM1Get +// passes control to SM2Backtrack to look sideways, even in a leaf. Actually +// its a little more efficient for the SM1Get leaf cases to shortcut this and +// take care of the sideways searches themselves. Hence the history list only +// contains branch JPs, and SM2Backtrack only handles branches. In fact, even +// the branch handling cases in SM1Get do some shortcutting (sideways +// searching) to avoid pushing history and calling SM2Backtrack unnecessarily. +// +// Upon reaching an Index to return after backtracking, *PIndex must be +// modified to the found Index. In principle this could be done by building +// the Index from a saved rootdigit (in the top branch) plus the Dcd bytes from +// the parent JP plus the appropriate Index bytes from the leaf. However, +// Immediates are difficult because their parent JPs lack one (last) digit. So +// instead just build the *PIndex to return "top down" while backtracking and +// findlimiting. +// +// This function is written iteratively for speed, rather than recursively. +// +// CAVEATS: +// +// Why use a backtrack list (history stack), since it has finite size? The +// size is small for Judy on both 32-bit and 64-bit systems, and a list (really +// just an array) is fast to maintain and use. Other alternatives include +// doing a lookahead (lookaside) in each branch while traversing forward +// (decoding), and restarting from the top upon a dead end. +// +// A lookahead means noting the last branch traversed which contained a +// non-null JP lower than the one specified by a digit in *PIndex-1, and +// returning to that point for SM3Findlimit. This seems like a good idea, and +// should be pretty cheap for linear and bitmap branches, but it could result +// in up to 31 unnecessary additional cache line fills (in extreme cases) for +// every uncompressed branch traversed. We have considered means of attaching +// to or hiding within an uncompressed branch (in null JPs) a "cache line map" +// or other structure, such as an offset to the next non-null JP, that would +// speed this up, but it seems unnecessary merely to avoid having a +// finite-length list (array). (If JudySL is ever made "native", the finite +// list length will be an issue.) +// +// Restarting at the top of the Judy array after a dead end requires a careful +// modification of *PIndex-1 to decrement the digit for the parent branch and +// set the remaining lower digits to all 1s. This must be repeated each time a +// parent branch contains another dead end, so even though it should all happen +// in cache, the CPU time can be excessive. (For JudySL or an equivalent +// "infinitely deep" Judy array, consider a hybrid of a large, finite, +// "circular" list and a restart-at-top when the list is backtracked to +// exhaustion.) +// +// Why search for *PIndex-1 instead of *PIndex during SM1Get? In rare +// instances this prevents an unnecessary decode down the wrong path followed +// by a backtrack; its pretty cheap to set up initially; and it means the +// SM1Get machine can simply return if/when it finds that Index. +// +// TBD: Wed like to enhance this function to make successive searches faster. +// This would require saving some previous state, including the previous Index +// returned, and in which leaf it was found. If the next call is for the same +// Index and the array has not been modified, start at the same leaf. This +// should be much easier to implement since this is iterative rather than +// recursive code. +// +// VARIATIONS FOR Judy*Next(): +// +// The Judy*Next() code is nearly a perfect mirror of the Judy*Prev() code. +// See the Judy*Prev() overview comments, and mentally switch the following: +// +// - "*PIndex-1" => "*PIndex+1" +// - "less than" => "greater than" +// - "lower" => "higher" +// - "lowest" => "highest" +// - "next-left" => "next-right" +// - "right-most" => "left-most" +// +// Note: SM3Findlimit could be called SM3Findmax/SM3Findmin, but a common name +// for both Prev and Next means many fewer ifdefs in this code. +// +// TBD: Currently this code traverses a JP whether its expanse is partially or +// completely full (populated). For Judy1 (only), since there is no value area +// needed, consider shortcutting to a "success" return upon encountering a full +// JP in SM1Get (or even SM3Findlimit?) A full JP looks like this: +// +// (((JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) ^ cJU_ALLONES) & cJU_POP0MASK(cLevel)) == 0) + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#ifdef JUDYPREV +FUNCTION int Judy1Prev +#else +FUNCTION int Judy1Next +#endif +#else +#ifdef JUDYPREV +FUNCTION PPvoid_t JudyLPrev +#else +FUNCTION PPvoid_t JudyLNext +#endif +#endif + ( + Pcvoid_t PArray, // Judy array to search. + Word_t * PIndex, // starting point and result. + PJError_t PJError // optional, for returning error info. + ) +{ + Pjp_t Pjp, Pjp2; // current JPs. + Pjbl_t Pjbl; // Pjp->jp_Addr masked and cast to types: + Pjbb_t Pjbb; + Pjbu_t Pjbu; + +// Note: The following initialization is not strictly required but it makes +// gcc -Wall happy because there is an "impossible" path from Immed handling to +// SM1LeafLImm code that looks like Pjll might be used before set: + + Pjll_t Pjll = (Pjll_t) NULL; + Word_t state; // current state in SM. + Word_t digit; // next digit to decode from Index. + +// Note: The following initialization is not strictly required but it makes +// gcc -Wall happy because there is an "impossible" path from Immed handling to +// SM1LeafLImm code (for JudyL & JudyPrev only) that looks like pop1 might be +// used before set: + +#if (defined(JUDYL) && defined(JUDYPREV)) + Word_t pop1 = 0; // in a leaf. +#else + Word_t pop1; // in a leaf. +#endif + int offset; // linear branch/leaf, from j__udySearchLeaf*(). + int subexp; // subexpanse in a bitmap branch. + Word_t bitposmask; // bit in bitmap for Index. + +// History for SM2Backtrack: +// +// For a given histnum, APjphist[histnum] is a parent JP that points to a +// branch, and Aoffhist[histnum] is the offset of the NEXT JP in the branch to +// which the parent JP points. The meaning of Aoffhist[histnum] depends on the +// type of branch to which the parent JP points: +// +// Linear: Offset of the next JP in the JP list. +// +// Bitmap: Which subexpanse, plus the offset of the next JP in the +// subexpanses JP list (to avoid bit-counting again), plus for Judy*Next(), +// hidden one byte to the left, which digit, because Judy*Next() also needs +// this. +// +// Uncompressed: Digit, which is actually the offset of the JP in the branch. +// +// Note: Only branch JPs are stored in APjphist[] because, as explained +// earlier, SM1Get shortcuts sideways searches in leaves (and even in branches +// in some cases), so SM2Backtrack only handles branches. + +#define HISTNUMMAX cJU_ROOTSTATE // maximum branches traversable. + Pjp_t APjphist[HISTNUMMAX]; // list of branch JPs traversed. + int Aoffhist[HISTNUMMAX]; // list of next JP offsets; see above. + int histnum = 0; // number of JPs now in list. + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// M A C R O S +// +// These are intended to make the code a bit more readable and less redundant. + + +// "PUSH" AND "POP" Pjp AND offset ON HISTORY STACKS: +// +// Note: Ensure a corrupt Judy array does not overflow *hist[]. Meanwhile, +// underflowing *hist[] simply means theres no more room to backtrack => +// "no previous/next Index". + +#define HISTPUSH(Pjp,Offset) \ + APjphist[histnum] = (Pjp); \ + Aoffhist[histnum] = (Offset); \ + \ + if (++histnum >= HISTNUMMAX) \ + { \ + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT) \ + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) \ + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) \ + } + +#define HISTPOP(Pjp,Offset) \ + if ((histnum--) < 1) JU_RET_NOTFOUND; \ + (Pjp) = APjphist[histnum]; \ + (Offset) = Aoffhist[histnum] + +// How to pack/unpack Aoffhist[] values for bitmap branches: + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + +#define HISTPUSHBOFF(Subexp,Offset,Digit) \ + (((Subexp) * cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB) | (Offset)) + +#define HISTPOPBOFF(Subexp,Offset,Digit) \ + (Subexp) = (Offset) / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; \ + (Offset) %= cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB +#else + +#define HISTPUSHBOFF(Subexp,Offset,Digit) \ + (((Digit) << cJU_BITSPERBYTE) \ + | ((Subexp) * cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB) | (Offset)) + +#define HISTPOPBOFF(Subexp,Offset,Digit) \ + (Digit) = (Offset) >> cJU_BITSPERBYTE; \ + (Subexp) = ((Offset) & JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(1)) / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; \ + (Offset) %= cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB +#endif + + +// CHECK FOR NULL JP: + +#define JPNULL(Type) (((Type) >= cJU_JPNULL1) && ((Type) <= cJU_JPNULLMAX)) + + +// SEARCH A BITMAP: +// +// This is a weak analog of j__udySearchLeaf*() for bitmaps. Return the actual +// or next-left position, base 0, of Digit in the single uint32_t bitmap, also +// given a Bitposmask for Digit. +// +// Unlike j__udySearchLeaf*(), the offset is not returned bit-complemented if +// Digits bit is unset, because the caller can check the bitmap themselves to +// determine that. Also, if Digits bit is unset, the returned offset is to +// the next-left JP (including -1), not to the "ideal" position for the Index = +// next-right JP. +// +// Shortcut and skip calling j__udyCountBits*() if the bitmap is full, in which +// case (Digit % cJU_BITSPERSUBEXP*) itself is the base-0 offset. +// +// TBD for Judy*Next(): Should this return next-right instead of next-left? +// That is, +1 from current value? Maybe not, if Digits bit IS set, +1 would +// be wrong. + +#define SEARCHBITMAPB(Bitmap,Digit,Bitposmask) \ + (((Bitmap) == cJU_FULLBITMAPB) ? (Digit % cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB) : \ + j__udyCountBitsB((Bitmap) & JU_MASKLOWERINC(Bitposmask)) - 1) + +#define SEARCHBITMAPL(Bitmap,Digit,Bitposmask) \ + (((Bitmap) == cJU_FULLBITMAPL) ? (Digit % cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL) : \ + j__udyCountBitsL((Bitmap) & JU_MASKLOWERINC(Bitposmask)) - 1) + +#ifdef JUDYPREV +// Equivalent to search for the highest offset in Bitmap: + +#define SEARCHBITMAPMAXB(Bitmap) \ + (((Bitmap) == cJU_FULLBITMAPB) ? cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB - 1 : \ + j__udyCountBitsB(Bitmap) - 1) + +#define SEARCHBITMAPMAXL(Bitmap) \ + (((Bitmap) == cJU_FULLBITMAPL) ? cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL - 1 : \ + j__udyCountBitsL(Bitmap) - 1) +#endif + + +// CHECK DECODE BYTES: +// +// Check Decode bytes in a JP against the equivalent portion of *PIndex. If +// *PIndex is lower (for Judy*Prev()) or higher (for Judy*Next()), this JP is a +// dead end (the same as if it had been absent in a linear or bitmap branch or +// null in an uncompressed branch), enter SM2Backtrack; otherwise enter +// SM3Findlimit to find the highest/lowest Index under this JP, as if the code +// had already backtracked to this JP. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV +#define CDcmp__ < +#else +#define CDcmp__ > +#endif + +#define CHECKDCD(cState) \ + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(*PIndex, Pjp, cState)) \ + { \ + if ((*PIndex & cJU_DCDMASK(cState)) \ + CDcmp__(JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & cJU_DCDMASK(cState))) \ + { \ + goto SM2Backtrack; \ + } \ + goto SM3Findlimit; \ + } + + +// PREPARE TO HANDLE A LEAFW OR JRP BRANCH IN SM1: +// +// Extract a state-dependent digit from Index in a "constant" way, then jump to +// common code for multiple cases. + +#define SM1PREPB(cState,Next) \ + state = (cState); \ + digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(*PIndex, cState); \ + goto Next + + +// PREPARE TO HANDLE A LEAFW OR JRP BRANCH IN SM3: +// +// Optionally save Dcd bytes into *PIndex, then save state and jump to common +// code for multiple cases. + +#define SM3PREPB_DCD(cState,Next) \ + JU_SETDCD(*PIndex, Pjp, cState); \ + SM3PREPB(cState,Next) + +#define SM3PREPB(cState,Next) state = (cState); goto Next + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// CHECK FOR SHORTCUTS: +// +// Error out if PIndex is null. Execute JU_RET_NOTFOUND if the Judy array is +// empty or *PIndex is already the minimum/maximum Index possible. +// +// Note: As documented, in case of failure *PIndex may be modified. + + if (PIndex == (PWord_t) NULL) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NULLPINDEX); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + if ((PArray == (Pvoid_t) NULL) || ((*PIndex)-- == 0)) +#else + if ((PArray == (Pvoid_t) NULL) || ((*PIndex)++ == cJU_ALLONES)) +#endif + JU_RET_NOTFOUND; + + +// HANDLE JRP: +// +// Before even entering SM1Get, check the JRP type. For JRP branches, traverse +// the JPM; handle LEAFW leaves directly; but look for the most common cases +// first. + +// ROOT-STATE LEAF that starts with a Pop0 word; just look within the leaf: +// +// If *PIndex is in the leaf, return it; otherwise return the Index, if any, +// below where it would belong. + + if (JU_LEAFW_POP0(PArray) < cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1) // must be a LEAFW + { + Pjlw_t Pjlw = P_JLW(PArray); // first word of leaf. + pop1 = Pjlw[0] + 1; + + if ((offset = j__udySearchLeafW(Pjlw + 1, pop1, *PIndex)) + >= 0) // Index is present. + { + assert(offset < pop1); // in expected range. + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAFW(Pjlw, pop1, offset); // *PIndex is set. + } + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + if ((offset = ~offset) == 0) // no next-left Index. +#else + if ((offset = ~offset) >= pop1) // no next-right Index. +#endif + JU_RET_NOTFOUND; + + assert(offset <= pop1); // valid result. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + *PIndex = Pjlw[offset--]; // next-left Index, base 1. +#else + *PIndex = Pjlw[offset + 1]; // next-right Index, base 1. +#endif + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAFW(Pjlw, pop1, offset); // base 0. + + } + else // JRP BRANCH + { + Pjpm_t Pjpm = P_JPM(PArray); + Pjp = &(Pjpm->jpm_JP); + +// goto SM1Get; + } + +// ============================================================================ +// STATE MACHINE 1 -- GET INDEX: +// +// Search for *PIndex (already decremented/incremented so as to be inclusive). +// If found, return it. Otherwise in theory hand off to SM2Backtrack or +// SM3Findlimit, but in practice "shortcut" by first sideways searching the +// current branch or leaf upon hitting a dead end. During sideways search, +// modify *PIndex to a new path taken. +// +// ENTRY: Pjp points to next JP to interpret, whose Decode bytes have not yet +// been checked. This JP is not yet listed in history. +// +// Note: Check Decode bytes at the start of each loop, not after looking up a +// new JP, so its easy to do constant shifts/masks, although this requires +// cautious handling of Pjp, offset, and *hist[] for correct entry to +// SM2Backtrack. +// +// EXIT: Return, or branch to SM2Backtrack or SM3Findlimit with correct +// interface, as described elsewhere. +// +// WARNING: For run-time efficiency the following cases replicate code with +// varying constants, rather than using common code with variable values! + +SM1Get: // return here for next branch/leaf. + + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// LINEAR BRANCH: +// +// Check Decode bytes, if any, in the current JP, then search for a JP for the +// next digit in *PIndex. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L2: CHECKDCD(2); SM1PREPB(2, SM1BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L3: CHECKDCD(3); SM1PREPB(3, SM1BranchL); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L4: CHECKDCD(4); SM1PREPB(4, SM1BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L5: CHECKDCD(5); SM1PREPB(5, SM1BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L6: CHECKDCD(6); SM1PREPB(6, SM1BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L7: CHECKDCD(7); SM1PREPB(7, SM1BranchL); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L: SM1PREPB(cJU_ROOTSTATE, SM1BranchL); + +// Common code (state-independent) for all cases of linear branches: + +SM1BranchL: + Pjbl = P_JBL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + +// Found JP matching current digit in *PIndex; record parent JP and the next +// JPs offset, and iterate to the next JP: + + if ((offset = j__udySearchLeaf1((Pjll_t) (Pjbl->jbl_Expanse), + Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs, digit)) >= 0) + { + HISTPUSH(Pjp, offset); + Pjp = (Pjbl->jbl_jp) + offset; + goto SM1Get; + } + +// Dead end, no JP in BranchL for next digit in *PIndex: +// +// Get the ideal location of digits JP, and if theres no next-left/right JP +// in the BranchL, shortcut and start backtracking one level up; ignore the +// current Pjp because it points to a BranchL with no next-left/right JP. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + if ((offset = (~offset) - 1) < 0) // no next-left JP in BranchL. +#else + if ((offset = (~offset)) >= Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs) // no next-right. +#endif + goto SM2Backtrack; + +// Theres a next-left/right JP in the current BranchL; save its digit in +// *PIndex and shortcut to SM3Findlimit: + + JU_SETDIGIT(*PIndex, Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[offset], state); + Pjp = (Pjbl->jbl_jp) + offset; + goto SM3Findlimit; + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// BITMAP BRANCH: +// +// Check Decode bytes, if any, in the current JP, then look for a JP for the +// next digit in *PIndex. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B2: CHECKDCD(2); SM1PREPB(2, SM1BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B3: CHECKDCD(3); SM1PREPB(3, SM1BranchB); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B4: CHECKDCD(4); SM1PREPB(4, SM1BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B5: CHECKDCD(5); SM1PREPB(5, SM1BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B6: CHECKDCD(6); SM1PREPB(6, SM1BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B7: CHECKDCD(7); SM1PREPB(7, SM1BranchB); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B: SM1PREPB(cJU_ROOTSTATE, SM1BranchB); + +// Common code (state-independent) for all cases of bitmap branches: + +SM1BranchB: + Pjbb = P_JBB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + +// Locate the digits JP in the subexpanse list, if present, otherwise the +// offset of the next-left JP, if any: + + subexp = digit / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; + assert(subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPB); // falls in expected range. + bitposmask = JU_BITPOSMASKB(digit); + offset = SEARCHBITMAPB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp), digit, + bitposmask); + // right range: + assert((offset >= -1) && (offset < (int) cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB)); + +// Found JP matching current digit in *PIndex: +// +// Record the parent JP and the next JPs offset; and iterate to the next JP. + +// if (JU_BITMAPTESTB(Pjbb, digit)) // slower. + if (JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp) & bitposmask) // faster. + { + // not negative since at least one bit is set: + assert(offset >= 0); + + HISTPUSH(Pjp, HISTPUSHBOFF(subexp, offset, digit)); + + if ((Pjp = P_JP(JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp))) == (Pjp_t) NULL) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + + Pjp += offset; + goto SM1Get; // iterate to next JP. + } + +// Dead end, no JP in BranchB for next digit in *PIndex: +// +// If theres a next-left/right JP in the current BranchB, shortcut to +// SM3Findlimit. Note: offset is already set to the correct value for the +// next-left/right JP. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + if (offset >= 0) // next-left JP is in this subexpanse. + goto SM1BranchBFindlimit; + + while (--subexp >= 0) // search next-left subexpanses. +#else + if (JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp) & JU_MASKHIGHEREXC(bitposmask)) + { + ++offset; // next-left => next-right. + goto SM1BranchBFindlimit; + } + + while (++subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPB) // search next-right subexps. +#endif + { + if (! JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp)) continue; // empty subexpanse. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + offset = SEARCHBITMAPMAXB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp)); + // expected range: + assert((offset >= 0) && (offset < cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB)); +#else + offset = 0; +#endif + +// Save the next-left/right JPs digit in *PIndex: + +SM1BranchBFindlimit: + JU_BITMAPDIGITB(digit, subexp, JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp), + offset); + JU_SETDIGIT(*PIndex, digit, state); + + if ((Pjp = P_JP(JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp))) == (Pjp_t) NULL) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + + Pjp += offset; + goto SM3Findlimit; + } + +// Theres no next-left/right JP in the BranchB: +// +// Shortcut and start backtracking one level up; ignore the current Pjp because +// it points to a BranchB with no next-left/right JP. + + goto SM2Backtrack; + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// UNCOMPRESSED BRANCH: +// +// Check Decode bytes, if any, in the current JP, then look for a JP for the +// next digit in *PIndex. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U2: CHECKDCD(2); SM1PREPB(2, SM1BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U3: CHECKDCD(3); SM1PREPB(3, SM1BranchU); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U4: CHECKDCD(4); SM1PREPB(4, SM1BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U5: CHECKDCD(5); SM1PREPB(5, SM1BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U6: CHECKDCD(6); SM1PREPB(6, SM1BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U7: CHECKDCD(7); SM1PREPB(7, SM1BranchU); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U: SM1PREPB(cJU_ROOTSTATE, SM1BranchU); + +// Common code (state-independent) for all cases of uncompressed branches: + +SM1BranchU: + Pjbu = P_JBU(Pjp->jp_Addr); + Pjp2 = (Pjbu->jbu_jp) + digit; + +// Found JP matching current digit in *PIndex: +// +// Record the parent JP and the next JPs digit, and iterate to the next JP. +// +// TBD: Instead of this, just goto SM1Get, and add cJU_JPNULL* cases to the +// SM1Get state machine? Then backtrack? However, it means you cant detect +// an inappropriate cJU_JPNULL*, when it occurs in other than a BranchU, and +// return JU_RET_CORRUPT. + + if (! JPNULL(JU_JPTYPE(Pjp2))) // digit has a JP. + { + HISTPUSH(Pjp, digit); + Pjp = Pjp2; + goto SM1Get; + } + +// Dead end, no JP in BranchU for next digit in *PIndex: +// +// Search for a next-left/right JP in the current BranchU, and if one is found, +// save its digit in *PIndex and shortcut to SM3Findlimit: + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + while (digit >= 1) + { + Pjp = (Pjbu->jbu_jp) + (--digit); +#else + while (digit < cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS - 1) + { + Pjp = (Pjbu->jbu_jp) + (++digit); +#endif + if (JPNULL(JU_JPTYPE(Pjp))) continue; + + JU_SETDIGIT(*PIndex, digit, state); + goto SM3Findlimit; + } + +// Theres no next-left/right JP in the BranchU: +// +// Shortcut and start backtracking one level up; ignore the current Pjp because +// it points to a BranchU with no next-left/right JP. + + goto SM2Backtrack; + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// LINEAR LEAF: +// +// Check Decode bytes, if any, in the current JP, then search the leaf for +// *PIndex. + +#define SM1LEAFL(Func) \ + Pjll = P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); \ + pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; \ + offset = Func(Pjll, pop1, *PIndex); \ + goto SM1LeafLImm + +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + case cJU_JPLEAF1: CHECKDCD(1); SM1LEAFL(j__udySearchLeaf1); +#endif + case cJU_JPLEAF2: CHECKDCD(2); SM1LEAFL(j__udySearchLeaf2); + case cJU_JPLEAF3: CHECKDCD(3); SM1LEAFL(j__udySearchLeaf3); + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPLEAF4: CHECKDCD(4); SM1LEAFL(j__udySearchLeaf4); + case cJU_JPLEAF5: CHECKDCD(5); SM1LEAFL(j__udySearchLeaf5); + case cJU_JPLEAF6: CHECKDCD(6); SM1LEAFL(j__udySearchLeaf6); + case cJU_JPLEAF7: CHECKDCD(7); SM1LEAFL(j__udySearchLeaf7); +#endif + +// Common code (state-independent) for all cases of linear leaves and +// immediates: + +SM1LeafLImm: + if (offset >= 0) // *PIndex is in LeafL / Immed. +#ifdef JUDY1 + JU_RET_FOUND; +#else + { // JudyL is trickier... + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + case cJU_JPLEAF1: JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF1(Pjll, pop1, offset); +#endif + case cJU_JPLEAF2: JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF2(Pjll, pop1, offset); + case cJU_JPLEAF3: JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF3(Pjll, pop1, offset); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPLEAF4: JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF4(Pjll, pop1, offset); + case cJU_JPLEAF5: JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF5(Pjll, pop1, offset); + case cJU_JPLEAF6: JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF6(Pjll, pop1, offset); + case cJU_JPLEAF7: JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF7(Pjll, pop1, offset); +#endif + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_01: +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPIMMED_4_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_5_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_6_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_7_01: +#endif + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM_01(Pjp); + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_02: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_03: +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_04: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_05: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_06: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_07: + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_02: + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_03: + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_02: +#endif + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + } + + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); // impossible? + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + + } // found *PIndex + +#endif // JUDYL + +// Dead end, no Index in LeafL / Immed for remaining digit(s) in *PIndex: +// +// Get the ideal location of Index, and if theres no next-left/right Index in +// the LeafL / Immed, shortcut and start backtracking one level up; ignore the +// current Pjp because it points to a LeafL / Immed with no next-left/right +// Index. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + if ((offset = (~offset) - 1) < 0) // no next-left Index. +#else + if ((offset = (~offset)) >= pop1) // no next-right Index. +#endif + goto SM2Backtrack; + +// Theres a next-left/right Index in the current LeafL / Immed; shortcut by +// copying its digit(s) to *PIndex and returning it. +// +// Unfortunately this is pretty hairy, especially avoiding endian issues. +// +// The cJU_JPLEAF* cases are very similar to same-index-size cJU_JPIMMED* cases +// for *_02 and above, but must return differently, at least for JudyL, so +// spell them out separately here at the cost of a little redundant code for +// Judy1. + + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + case cJU_JPLEAF1: + + JU_SETDIGIT1(*PIndex, ((uint8_t *) Pjll)[offset]); + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF1(Pjll, pop1, offset); +#endif + + case cJU_JPLEAF2: + + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(2))) + | ((uint16_t *) Pjll)[offset]; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF2(Pjll, pop1, offset); + + case cJU_JPLEAF3: + { + Word_t lsb; + JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) Pjll) + (3 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(3))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF3(Pjll, pop1, offset); + } + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPLEAF4: + + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(4))) + | ((uint32_t *) Pjll)[offset]; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF4(Pjll, pop1, offset); + + case cJU_JPLEAF5: + { + Word_t lsb; + JU_COPY5_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) Pjll) + (5 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(5))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF5(Pjll, pop1, offset); + } + + case cJU_JPLEAF6: + { + Word_t lsb; + JU_COPY6_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) Pjll) + (6 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(6))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF6(Pjll, pop1, offset); + } + + case cJU_JPLEAF7: + { + Word_t lsb; + JU_COPY7_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) Pjll) + (7 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(7))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF7(Pjll, pop1, offset); + } + +#endif // JU_64BIT + +#define SET_01(cState) JU_SETDIGITS(*PIndex, JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp), cState) + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_01: SET_01(1); goto SM1Imm_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_01: SET_01(2); goto SM1Imm_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_01: SET_01(3); goto SM1Imm_01; +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPIMMED_4_01: SET_01(4); goto SM1Imm_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_5_01: SET_01(5); goto SM1Imm_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_6_01: SET_01(6); goto SM1Imm_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_7_01: SET_01(7); goto SM1Imm_01; +#endif +SM1Imm_01: JU_RET_FOUND_IMM_01(Pjp); + +// Shorthand for where to find start of Index bytes array: + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#define PJI (Pjp->jp_1Index) +#else +#define PJI (Pjp->jp_LIndex) +#endif + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_02: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_03: +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_04: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_05: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_06: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_07: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_08: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_09: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_10: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_11: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_12: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_13: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_14: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_15: +#endif + JU_SETDIGIT1(*PIndex, ((uint8_t *) PJI)[offset]); + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_02: + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_03: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_04: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_05: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_06: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_07: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(2))) + | ((uint16_t *) PJI)[offset]; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_02: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_03: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_04: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_05: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + { + Word_t lsb; + JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) PJI) + (3 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(3))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + } +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_03: + + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(4))) + | ((uint32_t *) PJI)[offset]; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_03: + { + Word_t lsb; + JU_COPY5_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) PJI) + (5 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(5))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + } + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02: + { + Word_t lsb; + JU_COPY6_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) PJI) + (6 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(6))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + } + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02: + { + Word_t lsb; + JU_COPY7_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) PJI) + (7 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(7))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + } + +#endif // (JUDY1 && JU_64BIT) + + } // switch for not-found *PIndex + + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); // impossible? + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// BITMAP LEAF: +// +// Check Decode bytes, if any, in the current JP, then look in the leaf for +// *PIndex. + + case cJU_JPLEAF_B1: + { + Pjlb_t Pjlb; + CHECKDCD(1); + + Pjlb = P_JLB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(*PIndex, 1); + subexp = JU_SUBEXPL(digit); + bitposmask = JU_BITPOSMASKL(digit); + assert(subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPL); // falls in expected range. + +// *PIndex exists in LeafB1: + +// if (JU_BITMAPTESTL(Pjlb, digit)) // slower. + if (JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp) & bitposmask) // faster. + { +#ifdef JUDYL // needs offset at this point: + offset = SEARCHBITMAPL(JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp), digit, bitposmask); +#endif + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF_B1(Pjlb, subexp, offset); +// == return((PPvoid_t) (P_JV(JL_JLB_PVALUE(Pjlb, subexp)) + (offset))); + } + +// Dead end, no Index in LeafB1 for remaining digit in *PIndex: +// +// If theres a next-left/right Index in the current LeafB1, which for +// Judy*Next() is true if any bits are set for higher Indexes, shortcut by +// returning it. Note: For Judy*Prev(), offset is set here to the correct +// value for the next-left JP. + + offset = SEARCHBITMAPL(JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp), digit, + bitposmask); + // right range: + assert((offset >= -1) && (offset < (int) cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL)); + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + if (offset >= 0) // next-left JP is in this subexpanse. + goto SM1LeafB1Findlimit; + + while (--subexp >= 0) // search next-left subexpanses. +#else + if (JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp) & JU_MASKHIGHEREXC(bitposmask)) + { + ++offset; // next-left => next-right. + goto SM1LeafB1Findlimit; + } + + while (++subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPL) // search next-right subexps. +#endif + { + if (! JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp)) continue; // empty subexp. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + offset = SEARCHBITMAPMAXL(JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp)); + // expected range: + assert((offset >= 0) && (offset < (int) cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL)); +#else + offset = 0; +#endif + +// Save the next-left/right Indexess digit in *PIndex: + +SM1LeafB1Findlimit: + JU_BITMAPDIGITL(digit, subexp, JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp), offset); + JU_SETDIGIT1(*PIndex, digit); + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF_B1(Pjlb, subexp, offset); +// == return((PPvoid_t) (P_JV(JL_JLB_PVALUE(Pjlb, subexp)) + (offset))); + } + +// Theres no next-left/right Index in the LeafB1: +// +// Shortcut and start backtracking one level up; ignore the current Pjp because +// it points to a LeafB1 with no next-left/right Index. + + goto SM2Backtrack; + + } // case cJU_JPLEAF_B1 + +#ifdef JUDY1 +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// FULL POPULATION: +// +// If the Decode bytes match, *PIndex is found (without modification). + + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1: + + CHECKDCD(1); + JU_RET_FOUND_FULLPOPU1; +#endif + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// IMMEDIATE: + +#ifdef JUDYPREV +#define SM1IMM_SETPOP1(cPop1) +#else +#define SM1IMM_SETPOP1(cPop1) pop1 = (cPop1) +#endif + +#define SM1IMM(Func,cPop1) \ + SM1IMM_SETPOP1(cPop1); \ + offset = Func((Pjll_t) (PJI), cPop1, *PIndex); \ + goto SM1LeafLImm + +// Special case for Pop1 = 1 Immediate JPs: +// +// If *PIndex is in the immediate, offset is 0, otherwise the binary NOT of the +// offset where it belongs, 0 or 1, same as from the search functions. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV +#define SM1IMM_01_SETPOP1 +#else +#define SM1IMM_01_SETPOP1 pop1 = 1 +#endif + +#define SM1IMM_01 \ + SM1IMM_01_SETPOP1; \ + offset = ((JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) < JU_TRIMTODCDSIZE(*PIndex)) ? ~1 : \ + (JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) == JU_TRIMTODCDSIZE(*PIndex)) ? 0 : \ + ~0); \ + goto SM1LeafLImm + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_01: +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPIMMED_4_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_5_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_6_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_7_01: +#endif + SM1IMM_01; + +// TBD: Doug says it would be OK to have fewer calls and calculate arg 2, here +// and in Judy*Count() also. + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_02: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf1, 2); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_03: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf1, 3); +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_04: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf1, 4); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_05: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf1, 5); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_06: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf1, 6); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_07: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf1, 7); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_08: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf1, 8); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_09: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf1, 9); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_10: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf1, 10); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_11: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf1, 11); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_12: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf1, 12); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_13: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf1, 13); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_14: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf1, 14); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_15: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf1, 15); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_02: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf2, 2); + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_03: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf2, 3); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_04: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf2, 4); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_05: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf2, 5); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_06: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf2, 6); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_07: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf2, 7); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_02: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf3, 2); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_03: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf3, 3); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_04: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf3, 4); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_05: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf3, 5); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf4, 2); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_03: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf4, 3); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf5, 2); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_03: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf5, 3); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf6, 2); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf7, 2); +#endif + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// INVALID JP TYPE: + + default: JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + + } // SM1Get switch. + + /*NOTREACHED*/ + + +// ============================================================================ +// STATE MACHINE 2 -- BACKTRACK BRANCH TO PREVIOUS JP: +// +// Look for the next-left/right JP in a branch, backing up the history list as +// necessary. Upon finding a next-left/right JP, modify the corresponding +// digit in *PIndex before passing control to SM3Findlimit. +// +// Note: As described earlier, only branch JPs are expected here; other types +// fall into the default case. +// +// Note: If a found JP contains needed Dcd bytes, thats OK, theyre copied to +// *PIndex in SM3Findlimit. +// +// TBD: This code has a lot in common with similar code in the shortcut cases +// in SM1Get. Can combine this code somehow? +// +// ENTRY: List, possibly empty, of JPs and offsets in APjphist[] and +// Aoffhist[]; see earlier comments. +// +// EXIT: Execute JU_RET_NOTFOUND if no previous/next JP; otherwise jump to +// SM3Findlimit to resume a new but different downward search. + +SM2Backtrack: // come or return here for first/next sideways search. + + HISTPOP(Pjp, offset); + + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// LINEAR BRANCH: + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L2: state = 2; goto SM2BranchL; + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L3: state = 3; goto SM2BranchL; +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L4: state = 4; goto SM2BranchL; + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L5: state = 5; goto SM2BranchL; + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L6: state = 6; goto SM2BranchL; + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L7: state = 7; goto SM2BranchL; +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L: state = cJU_ROOTSTATE; goto SM2BranchL; + +SM2BranchL: +#ifdef JUDYPREV + if (--offset < 0) goto SM2Backtrack; // no next-left JP in BranchL. +#endif + Pjbl = P_JBL(Pjp->jp_Addr); +#ifdef JUDYNEXT + if (++offset >= (Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs)) goto SM2Backtrack; + // no next-right JP in BranchL. +#endif + +// Theres a next-left/right JP in the current BranchL; save its digit in +// *PIndex and continue with SM3Findlimit: + + JU_SETDIGIT(*PIndex, Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[offset], state); + Pjp = (Pjbl->jbl_jp) + offset; + goto SM3Findlimit; + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// BITMAP BRANCH: + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B2: state = 2; goto SM2BranchB; + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B3: state = 3; goto SM2BranchB; +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B4: state = 4; goto SM2BranchB; + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B5: state = 5; goto SM2BranchB; + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B6: state = 6; goto SM2BranchB; + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B7: state = 7; goto SM2BranchB; +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B: state = cJU_ROOTSTATE; goto SM2BranchB; + +SM2BranchB: + Pjbb = P_JBB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + HISTPOPBOFF(subexp, offset, digit); // unpack values. + +// If theres a next-left/right JP in the current BranchB, which for +// Judy*Next() is true if any bits are set for higher Indexes, continue to +// SM3Findlimit: +// +// Note: offset is set to the JP previously traversed; go one to the +// left/right. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + if (offset > 0) // next-left JP is in this subexpanse. + { + --offset; + goto SM2BranchBFindlimit; + } + + while (--subexp >= 0) // search next-left subexpanses. +#else + if (JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp) + & JU_MASKHIGHEREXC(JU_BITPOSMASKB(digit))) + { + ++offset; // next-left => next-right. + goto SM2BranchBFindlimit; + } + + while (++subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPB) // search next-right subexps. +#endif + { + if (! JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp)) continue; // empty subexpanse. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + offset = SEARCHBITMAPMAXB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp)); + // expected range: + assert((offset >= 0) && (offset < cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB)); +#else + offset = 0; +#endif + +// Save the next-left/right JPs digit in *PIndex: + +SM2BranchBFindlimit: + JU_BITMAPDIGITB(digit, subexp, JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp), + offset); + JU_SETDIGIT(*PIndex, digit, state); + + if ((Pjp = P_JP(JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp))) == (Pjp_t) NULL) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + + Pjp += offset; + goto SM3Findlimit; + } + +// Theres no next-left/right JP in the BranchB: + + goto SM2Backtrack; + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// UNCOMPRESSED BRANCH: + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U2: state = 2; goto SM2BranchU; + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U3: state = 3; goto SM2BranchU; +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U4: state = 4; goto SM2BranchU; + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U5: state = 5; goto SM2BranchU; + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U6: state = 6; goto SM2BranchU; + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U7: state = 7; goto SM2BranchU; +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U: state = cJU_ROOTSTATE; goto SM2BranchU; + +SM2BranchU: + +// Search for a next-left/right JP in the current BranchU, and if one is found, +// save its digit in *PIndex and continue to SM3Findlimit: + + Pjbu = P_JBU(Pjp->jp_Addr); + digit = offset; + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + while (digit >= 1) + { + Pjp = (Pjbu->jbu_jp) + (--digit); +#else + while (digit < cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS - 1) + { + Pjp = (Pjbu->jbu_jp) + (++digit); +#endif + if (JPNULL(JU_JPTYPE(Pjp))) continue; + + JU_SETDIGIT(*PIndex, digit, state); + goto SM3Findlimit; + } + +// Theres no next-left/right JP in the BranchU: + + goto SM2Backtrack; + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// INVALID JP TYPE: + + default: JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + + } // SM2Backtrack switch. + + /*NOTREACHED*/ + + +// ============================================================================ +// STATE MACHINE 3 -- FIND LIMIT JP/INDEX: +// +// Look for the highest/lowest (right/left-most) JP in each branch and the +// highest/lowest Index in a leaf or immediate, and return it. While +// traversing, modify appropriate digit(s) in *PIndex to reflect the path +// taken, including Dcd bytes in each JP (which could hold critical missing +// digits for skipped branches). +// +// ENTRY: Pjp set to a JP under which to find max/min JPs (if a branch JP) or +// a max/min Index and return (if a leaf or immediate JP). +// +// EXIT: Execute JU_RET_FOUND* upon reaching a leaf or immediate. Should be +// impossible to fail, unless the Judy array is corrupt. + +SM3Findlimit: // come or return here for first/next branch/leaf. + + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// LINEAR BRANCH: +// +// Simply use the highest/lowest (right/left-most) JP in the BranchL, but first +// copy the Dcd bytes to *PIndex if there are any (only if state < +// cJU_ROOTSTATE - 1). + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L2: SM3PREPB_DCD(2, SM3BranchL); +#ifndef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L3: SM3PREPB( 3, SM3BranchL); +#else + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L3: SM3PREPB_DCD(3, SM3BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L4: SM3PREPB_DCD(4, SM3BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L5: SM3PREPB_DCD(5, SM3BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L6: SM3PREPB_DCD(6, SM3BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L7: SM3PREPB( 7, SM3BranchL); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L: SM3PREPB( cJU_ROOTSTATE, SM3BranchL); + +SM3BranchL: + Pjbl = P_JBL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + if ((offset = (Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs) - 1) < 0) +#else + offset = 0; if ((Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs) == 0) +#endif + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + + JU_SETDIGIT(*PIndex, Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[offset], state); + Pjp = (Pjbl->jbl_jp) + offset; + goto SM3Findlimit; + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// BITMAP BRANCH: +// +// Look for the highest/lowest (right/left-most) non-null subexpanse, then use +// the highest/lowest JP in that subexpanse, but first copy Dcd bytes, if there +// are any (only if state < cJU_ROOTSTATE - 1), to *PIndex. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B2: SM3PREPB_DCD(2, SM3BranchB); +#ifndef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B3: SM3PREPB( 3, SM3BranchB); +#else + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B3: SM3PREPB_DCD(3, SM3BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B4: SM3PREPB_DCD(4, SM3BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B5: SM3PREPB_DCD(5, SM3BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B6: SM3PREPB_DCD(6, SM3BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B7: SM3PREPB( 7, SM3BranchB); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B: SM3PREPB( cJU_ROOTSTATE, SM3BranchB); + +SM3BranchB: + Pjbb = P_JBB(Pjp->jp_Addr); +#ifdef JUDYPREV + subexp = cJU_NUMSUBEXPB; + + while (! (JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, --subexp))) // find non-empty subexp. + { + if (subexp <= 0) // wholly empty bitmap. + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + } + + offset = SEARCHBITMAPMAXB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp)); + // expected range: + assert((offset >= 0) && (offset < cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB)); +#else + subexp = -1; + + while (! (JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, ++subexp))) // find non-empty subexp. + { + if (subexp >= cJU_NUMSUBEXPB - 1) // didnt find one. + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + } + + offset = 0; +#endif + + JU_BITMAPDIGITB(digit, subexp, JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp), offset); + JU_SETDIGIT(*PIndex, digit, state); + + if ((Pjp = P_JP(JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp))) == (Pjp_t) NULL) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + + Pjp += offset; + goto SM3Findlimit; + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// UNCOMPRESSED BRANCH: +// +// Look for the highest/lowest (right/left-most) non-null JP, and use it, but +// first copy Dcd bytes to *PIndex if there are any (only if state < +// cJU_ROOTSTATE - 1). + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U2: SM3PREPB_DCD(2, SM3BranchU); +#ifndef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U3: SM3PREPB( 3, SM3BranchU); +#else + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U3: SM3PREPB_DCD(3, SM3BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U4: SM3PREPB_DCD(4, SM3BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U5: SM3PREPB_DCD(5, SM3BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U6: SM3PREPB_DCD(6, SM3BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U7: SM3PREPB( 7, SM3BranchU); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U: SM3PREPB( cJU_ROOTSTATE, SM3BranchU); + +SM3BranchU: + Pjbu = P_JBU(Pjp->jp_Addr); +#ifdef JUDYPREV + digit = cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS; + + while (digit >= 1) + { + Pjp = (Pjbu->jbu_jp) + (--digit); +#else + + for (digit = 0; digit < cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS; ++digit) + { + Pjp = (Pjbu->jbu_jp) + digit; +#endif + if (JPNULL(JU_JPTYPE(Pjp))) continue; + + JU_SETDIGIT(*PIndex, digit, state); + goto SM3Findlimit; + } + +// No non-null JPs in BranchU: + + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// LINEAR LEAF: +// +// Simply use the highest/lowest (right/left-most) Index in the LeafL, but the +// details vary depending on leaf Index Size. First copy Dcd bytes, if there +// are any (only if state < cJU_ROOTSTATE - 1), to *PIndex. + +#define SM3LEAFLDCD(cState) \ + JU_SETDCD(*PIndex, Pjp, cState); \ + SM3LEAFLNODCD + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#define SM3LEAFL_SETPOP1 // not needed in any cases. +#else +#define SM3LEAFL_SETPOP1 pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1 +#endif + +#ifdef JUDYPREV +#define SM3LEAFLNODCD \ + Pjll = P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); \ + SM3LEAFL_SETPOP1; \ + offset = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp); assert(offset >= 0) +#else +#define SM3LEAFLNODCD \ + Pjll = P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); \ + SM3LEAFL_SETPOP1; \ + offset = 0; assert(JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) >= 0); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + case cJU_JPLEAF1: + + SM3LEAFLDCD(1); + JU_SETDIGIT1(*PIndex, ((uint8_t *) Pjll)[offset]); + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF1(Pjll, pop1, offset); +#endif + + case cJU_JPLEAF2: + + SM3LEAFLDCD(2); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(2))) + | ((uint16_t *) Pjll)[offset]; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF2(Pjll, pop1, offset); + +#ifndef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPLEAF3: + { + Word_t lsb; + SM3LEAFLNODCD; + JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) Pjll) + (3 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(3))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF3(Pjll, pop1, offset); + } + +#else + case cJU_JPLEAF3: + { + Word_t lsb; + SM3LEAFLDCD(3); + JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) Pjll) + (3 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(3))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF3(Pjll, pop1, offset); + } + + case cJU_JPLEAF4: + + SM3LEAFLDCD(4); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(4))) + | ((uint32_t *) Pjll)[offset]; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF4(Pjll, pop1, offset); + + case cJU_JPLEAF5: + { + Word_t lsb; + SM3LEAFLDCD(5); + JU_COPY5_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) Pjll) + (5 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(5))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF5(Pjll, pop1, offset); + } + + case cJU_JPLEAF6: + { + Word_t lsb; + SM3LEAFLDCD(6); + JU_COPY6_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) Pjll) + (6 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(6))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF6(Pjll, pop1, offset); + } + + case cJU_JPLEAF7: + { + Word_t lsb; + SM3LEAFLNODCD; + JU_COPY7_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) Pjll) + (7 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(7))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF7(Pjll, pop1, offset); + } +#endif + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// BITMAP LEAF: +// +// Look for the highest/lowest (right/left-most) non-null subexpanse, then use +// the highest/lowest Index in that subexpanse, but first copy Dcd bytes +// (always present since state 1 < cJU_ROOTSTATE) to *PIndex. + + case cJU_JPLEAF_B1: + { + Pjlb_t Pjlb; + + JU_SETDCD(*PIndex, Pjp, 1); + + Pjlb = P_JLB(Pjp->jp_Addr); +#ifdef JUDYPREV + subexp = cJU_NUMSUBEXPL; + + while (! JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, --subexp)) // find non-empty subexp. + { + if (subexp <= 0) // wholly empty bitmap. + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + } + +// TBD: Might it be faster to just use a variant of BITMAPDIGIT*() that yields +// the digit for the right-most Index with a bit set? + + offset = SEARCHBITMAPMAXL(JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp)); + // expected range: + assert((offset >= 0) && (offset < cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL)); +#else + subexp = -1; + + while (! JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, ++subexp)) // find non-empty subexp. + { + if (subexp >= cJU_NUMSUBEXPL - 1) // didnt find one. + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + } + + offset = 0; +#endif + + JU_BITMAPDIGITL(digit, subexp, JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp), offset); + JU_SETDIGIT1(*PIndex, digit); + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF_B1(Pjlb, subexp, offset); +// == return((PPvoid_t) (P_JV(JL_JLB_PVALUE(Pjlb, subexp)) + (offset))); + + } // case cJU_JPLEAF_B1 + +#ifdef JUDY1 +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// FULL POPULATION: +// +// Copy Dcd bytes to *PIndex (always present since state 1 < cJU_ROOTSTATE), +// then set the highest/lowest possible digit as the LSB in *PIndex. + + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1: + + JU_SETDCD( *PIndex, Pjp, 1); +#ifdef JUDYPREV + JU_SETDIGIT1(*PIndex, cJU_BITSPERBITMAP - 1); +#else + JU_SETDIGIT1(*PIndex, 0); +#endif + JU_RET_FOUND_FULLPOPU1; +#endif // JUDY1 + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// IMMEDIATE: +// +// Simply use the highest/lowest (right/left-most) Index in the Imm, but the +// details vary depending on leaf Index Size and pop1. Note: There are no Dcd +// bytes in an Immediate JP, but in a cJU_JPIMMED_*_01 JP, the field holds the +// least bytes of the immediate Index. + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_01: SET_01(1); goto SM3Imm_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_01: SET_01(2); goto SM3Imm_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_01: SET_01(3); goto SM3Imm_01; +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPIMMED_4_01: SET_01(4); goto SM3Imm_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_5_01: SET_01(5); goto SM3Imm_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_6_01: SET_01(6); goto SM3Imm_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_7_01: SET_01(7); goto SM3Imm_01; +#endif +SM3Imm_01: JU_RET_FOUND_IMM_01(Pjp); + +#ifdef JUDYPREV +#define SM3IMM_OFFSET(cPop1) (cPop1) - 1 // highest. +#else +#define SM3IMM_OFFSET(cPop1) 0 // lowest. +#endif + +#define SM3IMM(cPop1,Next) \ + offset = SM3IMM_OFFSET(cPop1); \ + goto Next + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_02: SM3IMM( 2, SM3Imm1); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_03: SM3IMM( 3, SM3Imm1); +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_04: SM3IMM( 4, SM3Imm1); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_05: SM3IMM( 5, SM3Imm1); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_06: SM3IMM( 6, SM3Imm1); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_07: SM3IMM( 7, SM3Imm1); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_08: SM3IMM( 8, SM3Imm1); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_09: SM3IMM( 9, SM3Imm1); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_10: SM3IMM(10, SM3Imm1); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_11: SM3IMM(11, SM3Imm1); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_12: SM3IMM(12, SM3Imm1); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_13: SM3IMM(13, SM3Imm1); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_14: SM3IMM(14, SM3Imm1); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_15: SM3IMM(15, SM3Imm1); +#endif + +SM3Imm1: JU_SETDIGIT1(*PIndex, ((uint8_t *) PJI)[offset]); + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_02: SM3IMM(2, SM3Imm2); + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_03: SM3IMM(3, SM3Imm2); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_04: SM3IMM(4, SM3Imm2); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_05: SM3IMM(5, SM3Imm2); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_06: SM3IMM(6, SM3Imm2); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_07: SM3IMM(7, SM3Imm2); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) +SM3Imm2: *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(2))) + | ((uint16_t *) PJI)[offset]; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_02: SM3IMM(2, SM3Imm3); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_03: SM3IMM(3, SM3Imm3); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_04: SM3IMM(4, SM3Imm3); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_05: SM3IMM(5, SM3Imm3); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) +SM3Imm3: + { + Word_t lsb; + JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) PJI) + (3 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(3))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + } +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02: SM3IMM(2, SM3Imm4); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_03: SM3IMM(3, SM3Imm4); + +SM3Imm4: *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(4))) + | ((uint32_t *) PJI)[offset]; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02: SM3IMM(2, SM3Imm5); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_03: SM3IMM(3, SM3Imm5); + +SM3Imm5: + { + Word_t lsb; + JU_COPY5_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) PJI) + (5 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(5))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + } + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02: SM3IMM(2, SM3Imm6); + +SM3Imm6: + { + Word_t lsb; + JU_COPY6_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) PJI) + (6 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(6))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + } + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02: SM3IMM(2, SM3Imm7); + +SM3Imm7: + { + Word_t lsb; + JU_COPY7_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) PJI) + (7 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(7))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + } +#endif // (JUDY1 && JU_64BIT) + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// OTHER CASES: + + default: JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + + } // SM3Findlimit switch. + + /*NOTREACHED*/ + +} // Judy1Prev() / Judy1Next() / JudyLPrev() / JudyLNext() diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Judy1PrevEmpty.c b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Judy1PrevEmpty.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9b655516 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Judy1PrevEmpty.c @@ -0,0 +1,1390 @@ +// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company +// +// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +// under the term of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +// option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +// _________________ + +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ +// +// Judy*PrevEmpty() and Judy*NextEmpty() functions for Judy1 and JudyL. +// Compile with one of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL. +// +// Compile with -DJUDYNEXT for the Judy*NextEmpty() function; otherwise +// defaults to Judy*PrevEmpty(). +// +// Compile with -DTRACEJPSE to trace JP traversals. +// +// This file is separate from JudyPrevNext.c because it differs too greatly for +// ifdefs. This might be a bit surprising, but there are two reasons: +// +// - First, down in the details, searching for an empty index (SearchEmpty) is +// remarkably asymmetric with searching for a valid index (SearchValid), +// mainly with respect to: No return of a value area for JudyL; partially- +// full versus totally-full JPs; and handling of narrow pointers. +// +// - Second, we chose to implement SearchEmpty without a backtrack stack or +// backtrack engine, partly as an experiment, and partly because we think +// restarting from the top of the tree is less likely for SearchEmpty than +// for SearchValid, because empty indexes are more likely than valid indexes. +// +// A word about naming: A prior version of this feature (see 4.13) was named +// Judy*Free(), but there were concerns about that being read as a verb rather +// than an adjective. After prolonged debate and based on user input, we +// changed "Free" to "Empty". + +#if (! (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JUDYL))) +#error: One of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL must be specified. +#endif + +#ifndef JUDYNEXT +#ifndef JUDYPREV +#define JUDYPREV 1 // neither set => use default. +#endif +#endif + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#include "Judy1.h" +#else +#include "JudyL.h" +#endif + +#include "JudyPrivate1L.h" + +#ifdef TRACEJPSE +#include "JudyPrintJP.c" +#endif + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y 1 P R E V E M P T Y +// J U D Y 1 N E X T E M P T Y +// J U D Y L P R E V E M P T Y +// J U D Y L N E X T E M P T Y +// +// See the manual entry for the API. +// +// OVERVIEW OF Judy*PrevEmpty() / Judy*NextEmpty(): +// +// See also for comparison the equivalent comments in JudyPrevNext.c. +// +// Take the callers *PIndex and subtract/add 1, but watch out for +// underflow/overflow, which means "no previous/next empty index found." Use a +// reentrant switch statement (state machine, see SMGetRestart and +// SMGetContinue) to decode Index, starting with the JRP (PArray), through a +// JPM and branches, if any, down to an immediate or a leaf. Look for Index in +// that immediate or leaf, and if not found (invalid index), return success +// (Index is empty). +// +// This search can result in a dead end where taking a different path is +// required. There are four kinds of dead ends: +// +// BRANCH PRIMARY dead end: Encountering a fully-populated JP for the +// appropriate digit in Index. Search sideways in the branch for the +// previous/next absent/null/non-full JP, and if one is found, set Index to the +// highest/lowest index possible in that JPs expanse. Then if the JP is an +// absent or null JP, return success; otherwise for a non-full JP, traverse +// through the partially populated JP. +// +// BRANCH SECONDARY dead end: Reaching the end of a branch during a sideways +// search after a branch primary dead end. Set Index to the lowest/highest +// index possible in the whole branchs expanse (one higher/lower than the +// previous/next branchs expanse), then restart at the top of the tree, which +// includes pre-decrementing/incrementing Index (again) and watching for +// underflow/overflow (again). +// +// LEAF PRIMARY dead end: Finding a valid (non-empty) index in an immediate or +// leaf matching Index. Search sideways in the immediate/leaf for the +// previous/next empty index; if found, set *PIndex to match and return success. +// +// LEAF SECONDARY dead end: Reaching the end of an immediate or leaf during a +// sideways search after a leaf primary dead end. Just as for a branch +// secondary dead end, restart at the top of the tree with Index set to the +// lowest/highest index possible in the whole immediate/leafs expanse. +// TBD: If leaf secondary dead end occurs, could shortcut and treat it as a +// branch primary dead end; but this would require remembering the parent +// branchs type and offset (a "one-deep stack"), and also wrestling with +// narrow pointers, at least for leaves (but not for immediates). +// +// Note some ASYMMETRIES between SearchValid and SearchEmpty: +// +// - The SearchValid code, upon descending through a narrow pointer, if Index +// is outside the expanse of the subsidiary node (effectively a secondary +// dead end), must decide whether to backtrack or findlimit. But the +// SearchEmpty code simply returns success (Index is empty). +// +// - Similarly, the SearchValid code, upon finding no previous/next index in +// the expanse of a narrow pointer (again, a secondary dead end), can simply +// start to backtrack at the parent JP. But the SearchEmpty code would have +// to first determine whether or not the parent JPs narrow expanse contains +// a previous/next empty index outside the subexpanse. Rather than keeping a +// parent state stack and backtracking this way, upon a secondary dead end, +// the SearchEmpty code simply restarts at the top of the tree, whether or +// not a narrow pointer is involved. Again, see the equivalent comments in +// JudyPrevNext.c for comparison. +// +// This function is written iteratively for speed, rather than recursively. +// +// TBD: Wed like to enhance this function to make successive searches faster. +// This would require saving some previous state, including the previous Index +// returned, and in which leaf it was found. If the next call is for the same +// Index and the array has not been modified, start at the same leaf. This +// should be much easier to implement since this is iterative rather than +// recursive code. + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#ifdef JUDYPREV +FUNCTION int Judy1PrevEmpty +#else +FUNCTION int Judy1NextEmpty +#endif +#else +#ifdef JUDYPREV +FUNCTION int JudyLPrevEmpty +#else +FUNCTION int JudyLNextEmpty +#endif +#endif + ( + Pcvoid_t PArray, // Judy array to search. + Word_t * PIndex, // starting point and result. + PJError_t PJError // optional, for returning error info. + ) +{ + Word_t Index; // fast copy, in a register. + Pjp_t Pjp; // current JP. + Pjbl_t Pjbl; // Pjp->jp_Addr masked and cast to types: + Pjbb_t Pjbb; + Pjbu_t Pjbu; + Pjlb_t Pjlb; + PWord_t Pword; // alternate name for use by GET* macros. + + Word_t digit; // next digit to decode from Index. + Word_t digits; // current state in SM = digits left to decode. + Word_t pop0; // in a leaf. + Word_t pop0mask; // precalculated to avoid variable shifts. + long offset; // within a branch or leaf (can be large). + int subexp; // subexpanse in a bitmap branch. + BITMAPB_t bitposmaskB; // bit in bitmap for bitmap branch. + BITMAPL_t bitposmaskL; // bit in bitmap for bitmap leaf. + Word_t possfullJP1; // JP types for possibly full subexpanses: + Word_t possfullJP2; + Word_t possfullJP3; + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// M A C R O S +// +// These are intended to make the code a bit more readable and less redundant. + + +// CHECK FOR NULL JP: +// +// TBD: In principle this can be reduced (here and in other *.c files) to just +// the latter clause since no Type should ever be below cJU_JPNULL1, but in +// fact some root pointer types can be lower, so for safety do both checks. + +#define JPNULL(Type) (((Type) >= cJU_JPNULL1) && ((Type) <= cJU_JPNULLMAX)) + + +// CHECK FOR A FULL JP: +// +// Given a JP, indicate if it is fully populated. Use digits, pop0mask, and +// possfullJP1..3 in the context. +// +// This is a difficult problem because it requires checking the Pop0 bits for +// all-ones, but the number of bytes depends on the JP type, which is not +// directly related to the parent branchs type or level -- the JPs child +// could be under a narrow pointer (hence not full). The simple answer +// requires switching on or otherwise calculating the JP type, which could be +// slow. Instead, in SMPREPB* precalculate pop0mask and also record in +// possfullJP1..3 the child JP (branch) types that could possibly be full (one +// level down), and use them here. For level-2 branches (with digits == 2), +// the test for a full child depends on Judy1/JudyL. +// +// Note: This cannot be applied to the JP in a JPM because it doesnt have +// enough pop0 digits. +// +// TBD: JPFULL_BRANCH diligently checks for BranchL or BranchB, where neither +// of those can ever be full as it turns out. Could just check for a BranchU +// at the right level. Also, pop0mask might be overkill, its not used much, +// so perhaps just call cJU_POP0MASK(digits - 1) here? +// +// First, JPFULL_BRANCH checks for a full expanse for a JP whose child can be a +// branch, that is, a JP in a branch at level 3 or higher: + +#define JPFULL_BRANCH(Pjp) \ + ((((JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) ^ cJU_ALLONES) & pop0mask) == 0) \ + && ((JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) == possfullJP1) \ + || (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) == possfullJP2) \ + || (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) == possfullJP3))) + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#define JPFULL(Pjp) \ + ((digits == 2) ? \ + (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) == cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1) : JPFULL_BRANCH(Pjp)) +#else +#define JPFULL(Pjp) \ + ((digits == 2) ? \ + (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) == cJU_JPLEAF_B1) \ + && (((JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & cJU_POP0MASK(1)) == cJU_POP0MASK(1))) : \ + JPFULL_BRANCH(Pjp)) +#endif + + +// RETURN SUCCESS: +// +// This hides the need to set *PIndex back to the local value of Index -- use a +// local value for faster operation. Note that the callers *PIndex is ALWAYS +// modified upon success, at least decremented/incremented. + +#define RET_SUCCESS { *PIndex = Index; return(1); } + + +// RETURN A CORRUPTION: + +#define RET_CORRUPT { JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); return(JERRI); } + + +// SEARCH A BITMAP BRANCH: +// +// This is a weak analog of j__udySearchLeaf*() for bitmap branches. Return +// the actual or next-left position, base 0, of Digit in a BITMAPB_t bitmap +// (subexpanse of a full bitmap), also given a Bitposmask for Digit. The +// position is the offset within the set bits. +// +// Unlike j__udySearchLeaf*(), the offset is not returned bit-complemented if +// Digits bit is unset, because the caller can check the bitmap themselves to +// determine that. Also, if Digits bit is unset, the returned offset is to +// the next-left JP or index (including -1), not to the "ideal" position for +// the index = next-right JP or index. +// +// Shortcut and skip calling j__udyCountBitsB() if the bitmap is full, in which +// case (Digit % cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB) itself is the base-0 offset. + +#define SEARCHBITMAPB(Bitmap,Digit,Bitposmask) \ + (((Bitmap) == cJU_FULLBITMAPB) ? (Digit % cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB) : \ + j__udyCountBitsB((Bitmap) & JU_MASKLOWERINC(Bitposmask)) - 1) + +#ifdef JUDYPREV +// Equivalent to search for the highest offset in Bitmap, that is, one less +// than the number of bits set: + +#define SEARCHBITMAPMAXB(Bitmap) \ + (((Bitmap) == cJU_FULLBITMAPB) ? cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB - 1 : \ + j__udyCountBitsB(Bitmap) - 1) +#endif + + +// CHECK DECODE BYTES: +// +// Check Decode bytes in a JP against the equivalent portion of Index. If they +// dont match, Index is outside the subexpanse of a narrow pointer, hence is +// empty. + +#define CHECKDCD(cDigits) \ + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, cDigits)) RET_SUCCESS + + +// REVISE REMAINDER OF INDEX: +// +// Put one digit in place in Index and clear/set the lower digits, if any, so +// the resulting Index is at the start/end of an expanse, or just clear/set the +// least digits. +// +// Actually, to make simple use of JU_LEASTBYTESMASK, first clear/set all least +// digits of Index including the digit to be overridden, then set the value of +// that one digit. If Digits == 1 the first operation is redundant, but either +// very fast or even removed by the optimizer. + +#define CLEARLEASTDIGITS(Digits) Index &= ~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(Digits) +#define SETLEASTDIGITS( Digits) Index |= JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(Digits) + +#define CLEARLEASTDIGITS_D(Digit,Digits) \ + { \ + CLEARLEASTDIGITS(Digits); \ + JU_SETDIGIT(Index, Digit, Digits); \ + } + +#define SETLEASTDIGITS_D(Digit,Digits) \ + { \ + SETLEASTDIGITS(Digits); \ + JU_SETDIGIT(Index, Digit, Digits); \ + } + + +// SET REMAINDER OF INDEX AND THEN RETURN OR CONTINUE: + +#define SET_AND_RETURN(OpLeastDigits,Digit,Digits) \ + { \ + OpLeastDigits(Digit, Digits); \ + RET_SUCCESS; \ + } + +#define SET_AND_CONTINUE(OpLeastDigits,Digit,Digits) \ + { \ + OpLeastDigits(Digit, Digits); \ + goto SMGetContinue; \ + } + + +// PREPARE TO HANDLE A LEAFW OR JP BRANCH IN THE STATE MACHINE: +// +// Extract a state-dependent digit from Index in a "constant" way, then jump to +// common code for multiple cases. +// +// TBD: Should this macro do more, such as preparing variable-shift masks for +// use in CLEARLEASTDIGITS and SETLEASTDIGITS? + +#define SMPREPB(cDigits,Next,PossFullJP1,PossFullJP2,PossFullJP3) \ + digits = (cDigits); \ + digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, cDigits); \ + pop0mask = cJU_POP0MASK((cDigits) - 1); /* for branchs JPs */ \ + possfullJP1 = (PossFullJP1); \ + possfullJP2 = (PossFullJP2); \ + possfullJP3 = (PossFullJP3); \ + goto Next + +// Variations for specific-level branches and for shorthands: +// +// Note: SMPREPB2 need not initialize possfullJP* because JPFULL does not use +// them for digits == 2, but gcc -Wall isnt quite smart enough to see this, so +// waste a bit of time and space to get rid of the warning: + +#define SMPREPB2(Next) \ + digits = 2; \ + digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 2); \ + pop0mask = cJU_POP0MASK(1); /* for branchs JPs */ \ + possfullJP1 = possfullJP2 = possfullJP3 = 0; \ + goto Next + +#define SMPREPB3(Next) SMPREPB(3, Next, cJU_JPBRANCH_L2, \ + cJU_JPBRANCH_B2, \ + cJU_JPBRANCH_U2) +#ifndef JU_64BIT +#define SMPREPBL(Next) SMPREPB(cJU_ROOTSTATE, Next, cJU_JPBRANCH_L3, \ + cJU_JPBRANCH_B3, \ + cJU_JPBRANCH_U3) +#else +#define SMPREPB4(Next) SMPREPB(4, Next, cJU_JPBRANCH_L3, \ + cJU_JPBRANCH_B3, \ + cJU_JPBRANCH_U3) +#define SMPREPB5(Next) SMPREPB(5, Next, cJU_JPBRANCH_L4, \ + cJU_JPBRANCH_B4, \ + cJU_JPBRANCH_U4) +#define SMPREPB6(Next) SMPREPB(6, Next, cJU_JPBRANCH_L5, \ + cJU_JPBRANCH_B5, \ + cJU_JPBRANCH_U5) +#define SMPREPB7(Next) SMPREPB(7, Next, cJU_JPBRANCH_L6, \ + cJU_JPBRANCH_B6, \ + cJU_JPBRANCH_U6) +#define SMPREPBL(Next) SMPREPB(cJU_ROOTSTATE, Next, cJU_JPBRANCH_L7, \ + cJU_JPBRANCH_B7, \ + cJU_JPBRANCH_U7) +#endif + + +// RESTART AFTER SECONDARY DEAD END: +// +// Set Index to the first/last index in the branch or leaf subexpanse and start +// over at the top of the tree. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV +#define SMRESTART(Digits) { CLEARLEASTDIGITS(Digits); goto SMGetRestart; } +#else +#define SMRESTART(Digits) { SETLEASTDIGITS( Digits); goto SMGetRestart; } +#endif + + +// CHECK EDGE OF LEAFS EXPANSE: +// +// Given the LSBs of the lowest/highest valid index in a leaf (or equivalently +// in an immediate JP), the level (index size) of the leaf, and the full index +// to return (as Index in the context) already set to the full index matching +// the lowest/highest one, determine if there is an empty index in the leafs +// expanse below/above the lowest/highest index, which is true if the +// lowest/highest index is not at the "edge" of the leafs expanse based on its +// LSBs. If so, return Index decremented/incremented; otherwise restart at the +// top of the tree. +// +// Note: In many cases Index is already at the right spot and calling +// SMRESTART instead of just going directly to SMGetRestart is a bit of +// overkill. +// +// Note: Variable shift occurs if Digits is not a constant. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV +#define LEAF_EDGE(MinIndex,Digits) \ + { \ + if (MinIndex) { --Index; RET_SUCCESS; } \ + SMRESTART(Digits); \ + } +#else +#define LEAF_EDGE(MaxIndex,Digits) \ + { \ + if ((MaxIndex) != JU_LEASTBYTES(cJU_ALLONES, Digits)) \ + { ++Index; RET_SUCCESS; } \ + SMRESTART(Digits); \ + } +#endif + +// Same as above except Index is not already set to match the lowest/highest +// index, so do that before decrementing/incrementing it: + +#ifdef JUDYPREV +#define LEAF_EDGE_SET(MinIndex,Digits) \ + { \ + if (MinIndex) \ + { JU_SETDIGITS(Index, MinIndex, Digits); --Index; RET_SUCCESS; } \ + SMRESTART(Digits); \ + } +#else +#define LEAF_EDGE_SET(MaxIndex,Digits) \ + { \ + if ((MaxIndex) != JU_LEASTBYTES(cJU_ALLONES, Digits)) \ + { JU_SETDIGITS(Index, MaxIndex, Digits); ++Index; RET_SUCCESS; } \ + SMRESTART(Digits); \ + } +#endif + + +// FIND A HOLE (EMPTY INDEX) IN AN IMMEDIATE OR LEAF: +// +// Given an index location in a leaf (or equivalently an immediate JP) known to +// contain a usable hole (an empty index less/greater than Index), and the LSBs +// of a minimum/maximum index to locate, find the previous/next empty index and +// return it. +// +// Note: "Even" index sizes (1,2,4[,8] bytes) have corresponding native C +// types; "odd" index sizes dont, but they are not represented here because +// they are handled completely differently; see elsewhere. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + +#define LEAF_HOLE_EVEN(cDigits,Pjll,IndexLSB) \ + { \ + while (*(Pjll) > (IndexLSB)) --(Pjll); /* too high */ \ + if (*(Pjll) < (IndexLSB)) RET_SUCCESS /* Index is empty */ \ + while (*(--(Pjll)) == --(IndexLSB)) /* null, find a hole */;\ + JU_SETDIGITS(Index, IndexLSB, cDigits); \ + RET_SUCCESS; \ + } +#else +#define LEAF_HOLE_EVEN(cDigits,Pjll,IndexLSB) \ + { \ + while (*(Pjll) < (IndexLSB)) ++(Pjll); /* too low */ \ + if (*(Pjll) > (IndexLSB)) RET_SUCCESS /* Index is empty */ \ + while (*(++(Pjll)) == ++(IndexLSB)) /* null, find a hole */;\ + JU_SETDIGITS(Index, IndexLSB, cDigits); \ + RET_SUCCESS; \ + } +#endif + + +// SEARCH FOR AN EMPTY INDEX IN AN IMMEDIATE OR LEAF: +// +// Given a pointer to the first index in a leaf (or equivalently an immediate +// JP), the population of the leaf, and a first empty Index to find (inclusive, +// as Index in the context), where Index is known to fall within the expanse of +// the leaf to search, efficiently find the previous/next empty index in the +// leaf, if any. For simplicity the following overview is stated in terms of +// Judy*NextEmpty() only, but the same concepts apply symmetrically for +// Judy*PrevEmpty(). Also, in each case the comparisons are for the LSBs of +// Index and leaf indexes, according to the leafs level. +// +// 1. If Index is GREATER than the last (highest) index in the leaf +// (maxindex), return success, Index is empty. (Remember, Index is known +// to be in the leafs expanse.) +// +// 2. If Index is EQUAL to maxindex: If maxindex is not at the edge of the +// leafs expanse, increment Index and return success, there is an empty +// Index one higher than any in the leaf; otherwise restart with Index +// reset to the upper edge of the leafs expanse. Note: This might cause +// an extra cache line fill, but this is OK for repeatedly-called search +// code, and it saves CPU time. +// +// 3. If Index is LESS than maxindex, check for "dense to end of leaf": +// Subtract Index from maxindex, and back up that many slots in the leaf. +// If the resulting offset is not before the start of the leaf then compare +// the index at this offset (baseindex) with Index: +// +// 3a. If GREATER, the leaf must be corrupt, since indexes are sorted and +// there are no duplicates. +// +// 3b. If EQUAL, the leaf is "dense" from Index to maxindex, meaning there is +// no reason to search it. "Slide right" to the high end of the leaf +// (modify Index to maxindex) and continue with step 2 above. +// +// 3c. If LESS, continue with step 4. +// +// 4. If the offset based on maxindex minus Index falls BEFORE the start of +// the leaf, or if, per 3c above, baseindex is LESS than Index, the leaf is +// guaranteed "not dense to the end" and a usable empty Index must exist. +// This supports a more efficient search loop. Start at the FIRST index in +// the leaf, or one BEYOND baseindex, respectively, and search the leaf as +// follows, comparing each current index (currindex) with Index: +// +// 4a. If LESS, keep going to next index. Note: This is certain to terminate +// because maxindex is known to be greater than Index, hence the loop can +// be small and fast. +// +// 4b. If EQUAL, loop and increment Index until finding currindex greater than +// Index, and return success with the modified Index. +// +// 4c. If GREATER, return success, Index (unmodified) is empty. +// +// Note: These are macros rather than functions for speed. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + +#define JSLE_EVEN(Addr,Pop0,cDigits,LeafType) \ + { \ + LeafType * PjllLSB = (LeafType *) (Addr); \ + LeafType IndexLSB = Index; /* auto-masking */ \ + \ + /* Index before or at start of leaf: */ \ + \ + if (*PjllLSB >= IndexLSB) /* no need to search */ \ + { \ + if (*PjllLSB > IndexLSB) RET_SUCCESS; /* Index empty */ \ + LEAF_EDGE(*PjllLSB, cDigits); \ + } \ + \ + /* Index in or after leaf: */ \ + \ + offset = IndexLSB - *PjllLSB; /* tentative offset */ \ + if (offset <= (Pop0)) /* can check density */ \ + { \ + PjllLSB += offset; /* move to slot */ \ + \ + if (*PjllLSB <= IndexLSB) /* dense or corrupt */ \ + { \ + if (*PjllLSB == IndexLSB) /* dense, check edge */ \ + LEAF_EDGE_SET(PjllLSB[-offset], cDigits); \ + RET_CORRUPT; \ + } \ + --PjllLSB; /* not dense, start at previous */ \ + } \ + else PjllLSB = ((LeafType *) (Addr)) + (Pop0); /* start at max */ \ + \ + LEAF_HOLE_EVEN(cDigits, PjllLSB, IndexLSB); \ + } + +// JSLE_ODD is completely different from JSLE_EVEN because its important to +// minimize copying odd indexes to compare them (see 4.14). Furthermore, a +// very complex version (4.17, but abandoned before fully debugged) that +// avoided calling j__udySearchLeaf*() ran twice as fast as 4.14, but still +// half as fast as SearchValid. Doug suggested that to minimize complexity and +// share common code we should use j__udySearchLeaf*() for the initial search +// to establish if Index is empty, which should be common. If Index is valid +// in a leaf or immediate indexes, odds are good that an empty Index is nearby, +// so for simplicity just use a *COPY* function to linearly search the +// remainder. +// +// TBD: Pathological case? Average performance should be good, but worst-case +// might suffer. When Search says the initial Index is valid, so a linear +// copy-and-compare is begun, if the caller builds fairly large leaves with +// dense clusters AND frequently does a SearchEmpty at one end of such a +// cluster, performance wont be very good. Might a dense-check help? This +// means checking offset against the index at offset, and then against the +// first/last index in the leaf. We doubt the pathological case will appear +// much in real applications because they will probably alternate SearchValid +// and SearchEmpty calls. + +#define JSLE_ODD(cDigits,Pjll,Pop0,Search,Copy) \ + { \ + Word_t IndexLSB; /* least bytes only */ \ + Word_t IndexFound; /* in leaf */ \ + \ + if ((offset = Search(Pjll, (Pop0) + 1, Index)) < 0) \ + RET_SUCCESS; /* Index is empty */ \ + \ + IndexLSB = JU_LEASTBYTES(Index, cDigits); \ + offset *= (cDigits); \ + \ + while ((offset -= (cDigits)) >= 0) \ + { /* skip until empty or start */ \ + Copy(IndexFound, ((uint8_t *) (Pjll)) + offset); \ + if (IndexFound != (--IndexLSB)) /* found an empty */ \ + { JU_SETDIGITS(Index, IndexLSB, cDigits); RET_SUCCESS; }\ + } \ + LEAF_EDGE_SET(IndexLSB, cDigits); \ + } + +#else // JUDYNEXT + +#define JSLE_EVEN(Addr,Pop0,cDigits,LeafType) \ + { \ + LeafType * PjllLSB = ((LeafType *) (Addr)) + (Pop0); \ + LeafType IndexLSB = Index; /* auto-masking */ \ + \ + /* Index at or after end of leaf: */ \ + \ + if (*PjllLSB <= IndexLSB) /* no need to search */ \ + { \ + if (*PjllLSB < IndexLSB) RET_SUCCESS; /* Index empty */\ + LEAF_EDGE(*PjllLSB, cDigits); \ + } \ + \ + /* Index before or in leaf: */ \ + \ + offset = *PjllLSB - IndexLSB; /* tentative offset */ \ + if (offset <= (Pop0)) /* can check density */ \ + { \ + PjllLSB -= offset; /* move to slot */ \ + \ + if (*PjllLSB >= IndexLSB) /* dense or corrupt */ \ + { \ + if (*PjllLSB == IndexLSB) /* dense, check edge */ \ + LEAF_EDGE_SET(PjllLSB[offset], cDigits); \ + RET_CORRUPT; \ + } \ + ++PjllLSB; /* not dense, start at next */ \ + } \ + else PjllLSB = (LeafType *) (Addr); /* start at minimum */ \ + \ + LEAF_HOLE_EVEN(cDigits, PjllLSB, IndexLSB); \ + } + +#define JSLE_ODD(cDigits,Pjll,Pop0,Search,Copy) \ + { \ + Word_t IndexLSB; /* least bytes only */ \ + Word_t IndexFound; /* in leaf */ \ + int offsetmax; /* in bytes */ \ + \ + if ((offset = Search(Pjll, (Pop0) + 1, Index)) < 0) \ + RET_SUCCESS; /* Index is empty */ \ + \ + IndexLSB = JU_LEASTBYTES(Index, cDigits); \ + offset *= (cDigits); \ + offsetmax = (Pop0) * (cDigits); /* single multiply */ \ + \ + while ((offset += (cDigits)) <= offsetmax) \ + { /* skip until empty or end */ \ + Copy(IndexFound, ((uint8_t *) (Pjll)) + offset); \ + if (IndexFound != (++IndexLSB)) /* found an empty */ \ + { JU_SETDIGITS(Index, IndexLSB, cDigits); RET_SUCCESS; } \ + } \ + LEAF_EDGE_SET(IndexLSB, cDigits); \ + } + +#endif // JUDYNEXT + +// Note: Immediate indexes never fill a single index group, so for odd index +// sizes, save time by calling JSLE_ODD_IMM instead of JSLE_ODD. + +#define j__udySearchLeafEmpty1(Addr,Pop0) \ + JSLE_EVEN(Addr, Pop0, 1, uint8_t) + +#define j__udySearchLeafEmpty2(Addr,Pop0) \ + JSLE_EVEN(Addr, Pop0, 2, uint16_t) + +#define j__udySearchLeafEmpty3(Addr,Pop0) \ + JSLE_ODD(3, Addr, Pop0, j__udySearchLeaf3, JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG) + +#ifndef JU_64BIT + +#define j__udySearchLeafEmptyL(Addr,Pop0) \ + JSLE_EVEN(Addr, Pop0, 4, Word_t) + +#else + +#define j__udySearchLeafEmpty4(Addr,Pop0) \ + JSLE_EVEN(Addr, Pop0, 4, uint32_t) + +#define j__udySearchLeafEmpty5(Addr,Pop0) \ + JSLE_ODD(5, Addr, Pop0, j__udySearchLeaf5, JU_COPY5_PINDEX_TO_LONG) + +#define j__udySearchLeafEmpty6(Addr,Pop0) \ + JSLE_ODD(6, Addr, Pop0, j__udySearchLeaf6, JU_COPY6_PINDEX_TO_LONG) + +#define j__udySearchLeafEmpty7(Addr,Pop0) \ + JSLE_ODD(7, Addr, Pop0, j__udySearchLeaf7, JU_COPY7_PINDEX_TO_LONG) + +#define j__udySearchLeafEmptyL(Addr,Pop0) \ + JSLE_EVEN(Addr, Pop0, 8, Word_t) + +#endif // JU_64BIT + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// START OF CODE: +// +// CHECK FOR SHORTCUTS: +// +// Error out if PIndex is null. + + if (PIndex == (PWord_t) NULL) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NULLPINDEX); + return(JERRI); + } + + Index = *PIndex; // fast local copy. + +// Set and pre-decrement/increment Index, watching for underflow/overflow: +// +// An out-of-bounds Index means failure: No previous/next empty index. + +SMGetRestart: // return here with revised Index. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + if (Index-- == 0) return(0); +#else + if (++Index == 0) return(0); +#endif + +// An empty array with an in-bounds (not underflowed/overflowed) Index means +// success: +// +// Note: This check is redundant after restarting at SMGetRestart, but should +// take insignificant time. + + if (PArray == (Pvoid_t) NULL) RET_SUCCESS; + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// ROOT-LEVEL LEAF that starts with a Pop0 word; just look within the leaf: +// +// If Index is not in the leaf, return success; otherwise return the first +// empty Index, if any, below/above where it would belong. + + if (JU_LEAFW_POP0(PArray) < cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1) // must be a LEAFW + { + Pjlw_t Pjlw = P_JLW(PArray); // first word of leaf. + pop0 = Pjlw[0]; + +#ifdef JUDY1 + if (pop0 == 0) // special case. + { +#ifdef JUDYPREV + if ((Index != Pjlw[1]) || (Index-- != 0)) RET_SUCCESS; +#else + if ((Index != Pjlw[1]) || (++Index != 0)) RET_SUCCESS; +#endif + return(0); // no previous/next empty index. + } +#endif // JUDY1 + + j__udySearchLeafEmptyL(Pjlw + 1, pop0); + +// No return -- thanks ALAN + + } + else + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// HANDLE JRP Branch: +// +// For JRP branches, traverse the JPM; handle LEAFW +// directly; but look for the most common cases first. + + { + Pjpm_t Pjpm = P_JPM(PArray); + Pjp = &(Pjpm->jpm_JP); + +// goto SMGetContinue; + } + + +// ============================================================================ +// STATE MACHINE -- GET INDEX: +// +// Search for Index (already decremented/incremented so as to be an inclusive +// search). If not found (empty index), return success. Otherwise do a +// previous/next search, and if successful modify Index to the empty index +// found. See function header comments. +// +// ENTRY: Pjp points to next JP to interpret, whose Decode bytes have not yet +// been checked. +// +// Note: Check Decode bytes at the start of each loop, not after looking up a +// new JP, so its easy to do constant shifts/masks. +// +// EXIT: Return, or branch to SMGetRestart with modified Index, or branch to +// SMGetContinue with a modified Pjp, as described elsewhere. +// +// WARNING: For run-time efficiency the following cases replicate code with +// varying constants, rather than using common code with variable values! + +SMGetContinue: // return here for next branch/leaf. + +#ifdef TRACEJPSE + JudyPrintJP(Pjp, "sf", __LINE__); +#endif + + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// LINEAR BRANCH: +// +// Check Decode bytes, if any, in the current JP, then search for a JP for the +// next digit in Index. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L2: CHECKDCD(2); SMPREPB2(SMBranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L3: CHECKDCD(3); SMPREPB3(SMBranchL); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L4: CHECKDCD(4); SMPREPB4(SMBranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L5: CHECKDCD(5); SMPREPB5(SMBranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L6: CHECKDCD(6); SMPREPB6(SMBranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L7: CHECKDCD(7); SMPREPB7(SMBranchL); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L: SMPREPBL(SMBranchL); + +// Common code (state-independent) for all cases of linear branches: + +SMBranchL: + Pjbl = P_JBL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + +// First, check if Indexs expanse (digit) is below/above the first/last +// populated expanse in the BranchL, in which case Index is empty; otherwise +// find the offset of the lowest/highest populated expanse at or above/below +// digit, if any: +// +// Note: The for-loop is guaranteed to exit eventually because the first/last +// expanse is known to be a terminator. +// +// Note: Cannot use j__udySearchLeaf*Empty1() here because it only applies to +// leaves and does not know about partial versus full JPs, unlike the use of +// j__udySearchLeaf1() for BranchLs in SearchValid code. Also, since linear +// leaf expanse lists are small, dont waste time calling j__udySearchLeaf1(), +// just scan the expanse list. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + if ((Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[0]) > digit) RET_SUCCESS; + + for (offset = (Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs) - 1; /* null */; --offset) +#else + if ((Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[(Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs) - 1]) < digit) + RET_SUCCESS; + + for (offset = 0; /* null */; ++offset) +#endif + { + +// Too low/high, keep going; or too high/low, meaning the loop passed a hole +// and the initial Index is empty: + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + if ((Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[offset]) > digit) continue; + if ((Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[offset]) < digit) RET_SUCCESS; +#else + if ((Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[offset]) < digit) continue; + if ((Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[offset]) > digit) RET_SUCCESS; +#endif + +// Found expanse matching digit; if its not full, traverse through it: + + if (! JPFULL((Pjbl->jbl_jp) + offset)) + { + Pjp = (Pjbl->jbl_jp) + offset; + goto SMGetContinue; + } + +// Common code: While searching for a lower/higher hole or a non-full JP, upon +// finding a lower/higher hole, adjust Index using the revised digit and +// return; or upon finding a consecutive lower/higher expanse, if the expanses +// JP is non-full, modify Index and traverse through the JP: + +#define BRANCHL_CHECK(OpIncDec,OpLeastDigits,Digit,Digits) \ + { \ + if ((Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[offset]) != OpIncDec digit) \ + SET_AND_RETURN(OpLeastDigits, Digit, Digits); \ + \ + if (! JPFULL((Pjbl->jbl_jp) + offset)) \ + { \ + Pjp = (Pjbl->jbl_jp) + offset; \ + SET_AND_CONTINUE(OpLeastDigits, Digit, Digits); \ + } \ + } + +// BranchL primary dead end: Expanse matching Index/digit is full (rare except +// for dense/sequential indexes): +// +// Search for a lower/higher hole, a non-full JP, or the end of the expanse +// list, while decrementing/incrementing digit. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + while (--offset >= 0) + BRANCHL_CHECK(--, SETLEASTDIGITS_D, digit, digits) +#else + while (++offset < Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs) + BRANCHL_CHECK(++, CLEARLEASTDIGITS_D, digit, digits) +#endif + +// Passed end of BranchL expanse list after finding a matching but full +// expanse: +// +// Digit now matches the lowest/highest expanse, which is a full expanse; if +// digit is at the end of BranchLs expanse (no hole before/after), break out +// of the loop; otherwise modify Index to the next lower/higher digit and +// return success: + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + if (digit == 0) break; + --digit; SET_AND_RETURN(SETLEASTDIGITS_D, digit, digits); +#else + if (digit == JU_LEASTBYTES(cJU_ALLONES, 1)) break; + ++digit; SET_AND_RETURN(CLEARLEASTDIGITS_D, digit, digits); +#endif + } // for-loop + +// BranchL secondary dead end, no non-full previous/next JP: + + SMRESTART(digits); + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// BITMAP BRANCH: +// +// Check Decode bytes, if any, in the current JP, then search for a JP for the +// next digit in Index. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B2: CHECKDCD(2); SMPREPB2(SMBranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B3: CHECKDCD(3); SMPREPB3(SMBranchB); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B4: CHECKDCD(4); SMPREPB4(SMBranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B5: CHECKDCD(5); SMPREPB5(SMBranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B6: CHECKDCD(6); SMPREPB6(SMBranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B7: CHECKDCD(7); SMPREPB7(SMBranchB); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B: SMPREPBL(SMBranchB); + +// Common code (state-independent) for all cases of bitmap branches: + +SMBranchB: + Pjbb = P_JBB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + +// Locate the digits JP in the subexpanse list, if present: + + subexp = digit / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; + assert(subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPB); // falls in expected range. + bitposmaskB = JU_BITPOSMASKB(digit); + +// Absent JP = no JP matches current digit in Index: + +// if (! JU_BITMAPTESTB(Pjbb, digit)) // slower. + if (! (JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp) & bitposmaskB)) // faster. + RET_SUCCESS; + +// Non-full JP matches current digit in Index: +// +// Iterate to the subsidiary non-full JP. + + offset = SEARCHBITMAPB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp), digit, + bitposmaskB); + // not negative since at least one bit is set: + assert(offset >= 0); + assert(offset < (int) cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB); + +// Watch for null JP subarray pointer with non-null bitmap (a corruption): + + if ((Pjp = P_JP(JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp))) + == (Pjp_t) NULL) RET_CORRUPT; + + Pjp += offset; + if (! JPFULL(Pjp)) goto SMGetContinue; + +// BranchB primary dead end: +// +// Upon hitting a full JP in a BranchB for the next digit in Index, search +// sideways for a previous/next absent JP (unset bit) or non-full JP (set bit +// with non-full JP); first in the current bitmap subexpanse, then in +// lower/higher subexpanses. Upon entry, Pjp points to a known-unusable JP, +// ready to decrement/increment. +// +// Note: The preceding code is separate from this loop because Index does not +// need revising (see SET_AND_*()) if the initial index is an empty index. +// +// TBD: For speed, shift bitposmaskB instead of using JU_BITMAPTESTB or +// JU_BITPOSMASKB, but this shift has knowledge of bit order that really should +// be encapsulated in a header file. + +#define BRANCHB_CHECKBIT(OpLeastDigits) \ + if (! (JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp) & bitposmaskB)) /* absent JP */ \ + SET_AND_RETURN(OpLeastDigits, digit, digits) + +#define BRANCHB_CHECKJPFULL(OpLeastDigits) \ + if (! JPFULL(Pjp)) \ + SET_AND_CONTINUE(OpLeastDigits, digit, digits) + +#define BRANCHB_STARTSUBEXP(OpLeastDigits) \ + if (! JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp)) /* empty subexpanse, shortcut */ \ + SET_AND_RETURN(OpLeastDigits, digit, digits) \ + if ((Pjp = P_JP(JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp))) == (Pjp_t) NULL) RET_CORRUPT + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + + --digit; // skip initial digit. + bitposmaskB >>= 1; // see TBD above. + +BranchBNextSubexp: // return here to check next bitmap subexpanse. + + while (bitposmaskB) // more bits to check in subexp. + { + BRANCHB_CHECKBIT(SETLEASTDIGITS_D); + --Pjp; // previous in subarray. + BRANCHB_CHECKJPFULL(SETLEASTDIGITS_D); + assert(digit >= 0); + --digit; + bitposmaskB >>= 1; + } + + if (subexp-- > 0) // more subexpanses. + { + BRANCHB_STARTSUBEXP(SETLEASTDIGITS_D); + Pjp += SEARCHBITMAPMAXB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp)) + 1; + bitposmaskB = (1U << (cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB - 1)); + goto BranchBNextSubexp; + } + +#else // JUDYNEXT + + ++digit; // skip initial digit. + bitposmaskB <<= 1; // note: BITMAPB_t. + +BranchBNextSubexp: // return here to check next bitmap subexpanse. + + while (bitposmaskB) // more bits to check in subexp. + { + BRANCHB_CHECKBIT(CLEARLEASTDIGITS_D); + ++Pjp; // previous in subarray. + BRANCHB_CHECKJPFULL(CLEARLEASTDIGITS_D); + assert(digit < cJU_SUBEXPPERSTATE); + ++digit; + bitposmaskB <<= 1; // note: BITMAPB_t. + } + + if (++subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPB) // more subexpanses. + { + BRANCHB_STARTSUBEXP(CLEARLEASTDIGITS_D); + --Pjp; // pre-decrement. + bitposmaskB = 1; + goto BranchBNextSubexp; + } + +#endif // JUDYNEXT + +// BranchB secondary dead end, no non-full previous/next JP: + + SMRESTART(digits); + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// UNCOMPRESSED BRANCH: +// +// Check Decode bytes, if any, in the current JP, then search for a JP for the +// next digit in Index. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U2: CHECKDCD(2); SMPREPB2(SMBranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U3: CHECKDCD(3); SMPREPB3(SMBranchU); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U4: CHECKDCD(4); SMPREPB4(SMBranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U5: CHECKDCD(5); SMPREPB5(SMBranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U6: CHECKDCD(6); SMPREPB6(SMBranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U7: CHECKDCD(7); SMPREPB7(SMBranchU); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U: SMPREPBL(SMBranchU); + +// Common code (state-independent) for all cases of uncompressed branches: + +SMBranchU: + Pjbu = P_JBU(Pjp->jp_Addr); + Pjp = (Pjbu->jbu_jp) + digit; + +// Absent JP = null JP for current digit in Index: + + if (JPNULL(JU_JPTYPE(Pjp))) RET_SUCCESS; + +// Non-full JP matches current digit in Index: +// +// Iterate to the subsidiary JP. + + if (! JPFULL(Pjp)) goto SMGetContinue; + +// BranchU primary dead end: +// +// Upon hitting a full JP in a BranchU for the next digit in Index, search +// sideways for a previous/next null or non-full JP. BRANCHU_CHECKJP() is +// shorthand for common code. +// +// Note: The preceding code is separate from this loop because Index does not +// need revising (see SET_AND_*()) if the initial index is an empty index. + +#define BRANCHU_CHECKJP(OpIncDec,OpLeastDigits) \ + { \ + OpIncDec Pjp; \ + \ + if (JPNULL(JU_JPTYPE(Pjp))) \ + SET_AND_RETURN(OpLeastDigits, digit, digits) \ + \ + if (! JPFULL(Pjp)) \ + SET_AND_CONTINUE(OpLeastDigits, digit, digits) \ + } + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + while (digit-- > 0) + BRANCHU_CHECKJP(--, SETLEASTDIGITS_D); +#else + while (++digit < cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS) + BRANCHU_CHECKJP(++, CLEARLEASTDIGITS_D); +#endif + +// BranchU secondary dead end, no non-full previous/next JP: + + SMRESTART(digits); + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// LINEAR LEAF: +// +// Check Decode bytes, if any, in the current JP, then search the leaf for the +// previous/next empty index starting at Index. Primary leaf dead end is +// hidden within j__udySearchLeaf*Empty*(). In case of secondary leaf dead +// end, restart at the top of the tree. +// +// Note: Pword is the name known to GET*; think of it as Pjlw. + +#define SMLEAFL(cDigits,Func) \ + Pword = (PWord_t) P_JLW(Pjp->jp_Addr); \ + pop0 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp); \ + Func(Pword, pop0) + +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + case cJU_JPLEAF1: CHECKDCD(1); SMLEAFL(1, j__udySearchLeafEmpty1); +#endif + case cJU_JPLEAF2: CHECKDCD(2); SMLEAFL(2, j__udySearchLeafEmpty2); + case cJU_JPLEAF3: CHECKDCD(3); SMLEAFL(3, j__udySearchLeafEmpty3); + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPLEAF4: CHECKDCD(4); SMLEAFL(4, j__udySearchLeafEmpty4); + case cJU_JPLEAF5: CHECKDCD(5); SMLEAFL(5, j__udySearchLeafEmpty5); + case cJU_JPLEAF6: CHECKDCD(6); SMLEAFL(6, j__udySearchLeafEmpty6); + case cJU_JPLEAF7: CHECKDCD(7); SMLEAFL(7, j__udySearchLeafEmpty7); +#endif + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// BITMAP LEAF: +// +// Check Decode bytes, if any, in the current JP, then search the leaf for the +// previous/next empty index starting at Index. + + case cJU_JPLEAF_B1: + + CHECKDCD(1); + + Pjlb = P_JLB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 1); + subexp = digit / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL; + bitposmaskL = JU_BITPOSMASKL(digit); + assert(subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPL); // falls in expected range. + +// Absent index = no index matches current digit in Index: + +// if (! JU_BITMAPTESTL(Pjlb, digit)) // slower. + if (! (JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp) & bitposmaskL)) // faster. + RET_SUCCESS; + +// LeafB1 primary dead end: +// +// Upon hitting a valid (non-empty) index in a LeafB1 for the last digit in +// Index, search sideways for a previous/next absent index, first in the +// current bitmap subexpanse, then in lower/higher subexpanses. +// LEAFB1_CHECKBIT() is shorthand for common code to handle one bit in one +// bitmap subexpanse. +// +// Note: The preceding code is separate from this loop because Index does not +// need revising (see SET_AND_*()) if the initial index is an empty index. +// +// TBD: For speed, shift bitposmaskL instead of using JU_BITMAPTESTL or +// JU_BITPOSMASKL, but this shift has knowledge of bit order that really should +// be encapsulated in a header file. + +#define LEAFB1_CHECKBIT(OpLeastDigits) \ + if (! (JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp) & bitposmaskL)) \ + SET_AND_RETURN(OpLeastDigits, digit, 1) + +#define LEAFB1_STARTSUBEXP(OpLeastDigits) \ + if (! JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp)) /* empty subexp */ \ + SET_AND_RETURN(OpLeastDigits, digit, 1) + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + + --digit; // skip initial digit. + bitposmaskL >>= 1; // see TBD above. + +LeafB1NextSubexp: // return here to check next bitmap subexpanse. + + while (bitposmaskL) // more bits to check in subexp. + { + LEAFB1_CHECKBIT(SETLEASTDIGITS_D); + assert(digit >= 0); + --digit; + bitposmaskL >>= 1; + } + + if (subexp-- > 0) // more subexpanses. + { + LEAFB1_STARTSUBEXP(SETLEASTDIGITS_D); + bitposmaskL = (1UL << (cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL - 1)); + goto LeafB1NextSubexp; + } + +#else // JUDYNEXT + + ++digit; // skip initial digit. + bitposmaskL <<= 1; // note: BITMAPL_t. + +LeafB1NextSubexp: // return here to check next bitmap subexpanse. + + while (bitposmaskL) // more bits to check in subexp. + { + LEAFB1_CHECKBIT(CLEARLEASTDIGITS_D); + assert(digit < cJU_SUBEXPPERSTATE); + ++digit; + bitposmaskL <<= 1; // note: BITMAPL_t. + } + + if (++subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPL) // more subexpanses. + { + LEAFB1_STARTSUBEXP(CLEARLEASTDIGITS_D); + bitposmaskL = 1; + goto LeafB1NextSubexp; + } + +#endif // JUDYNEXT + +// LeafB1 secondary dead end, no empty index: + + SMRESTART(1); + + +#ifdef JUDY1 +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// FULL POPULATION: +// +// If the Decode bytes do not match, Index is empty (without modification); +// otherwise restart. + + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1: + + CHECKDCD(1); + SMRESTART(1); +#endif + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// IMMEDIATE: +// +// Pop1 = 1 Immediate JPs: +// +// If Index is not in the immediate JP, return success; otherwise check if +// there is an empty index below/above the immediate JPs index, and if so, +// return success with modified Index, else restart. +// +// Note: Doug says its fast enough to calculate the index size (digits) in +// the following; no need to set it separately for each case. + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_01: +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPIMMED_4_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_5_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_6_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_7_01: +#endif + if (JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) != JU_TRIMTODCDSIZE(Index)) RET_SUCCESS; + digits = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) - cJU_JPIMMED_1_01 + 1; + LEAF_EDGE(JU_LEASTBYTES(JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp), digits), digits); + +// Immediate JPs with Pop1 > 1: + +#define IMM_MULTI(Func,BaseJPType) \ + JUDY1CODE(Pword = (PWord_t) (Pjp->jp_1Index);) \ + JUDYLCODE(Pword = (PWord_t) (Pjp->jp_LIndex);) \ + Func(Pword, JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) - (BaseJPType) + 1) + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_02: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_03: +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_04: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_05: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_06: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_07: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_08: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_09: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_10: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_11: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_12: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_13: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_14: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_15: +#endif + IMM_MULTI(j__udySearchLeafEmpty1, cJU_JPIMMED_1_02); + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_02: + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_03: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_04: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_05: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_06: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_07: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + IMM_MULTI(j__udySearchLeafEmpty2, cJU_JPIMMED_2_02); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_02: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_03: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_04: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_05: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + IMM_MULTI(j__udySearchLeafEmpty3, cJU_JPIMMED_3_02); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_03: + IMM_MULTI(j__udySearchLeafEmpty4, cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_03: + IMM_MULTI(j__udySearchLeafEmpty5, cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02: + IMM_MULTI(j__udySearchLeafEmpty6, cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02: + IMM_MULTI(j__udySearchLeafEmpty7, cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02); +#endif + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// INVALID JP TYPE: + + default: RET_CORRUPT; + + } // SMGet switch. + +} // Judy1PrevEmpty() / Judy1NextEmpty() / JudyLPrevEmpty() / JudyLNextEmpty() diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Judy1Set.c b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Judy1Set.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5b3f07b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Judy1Set.c @@ -0,0 +1,1873 @@ +// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company +// +// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +// under the term of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +// option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +// _________________ + +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ +// +// Judy1Set() and JudyLIns() functions for Judy1 and JudyL. +// Compile with one of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL. +// +// TBD: Should some of the assertions here be converted to product code that +// returns JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT? + +#if (! (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JUDYL))) +#error: One of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL must be specified. +#endif + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#include "Judy1.h" +#else +#include "JudyL.h" +#endif + +#include "JudyPrivate1L.h" + +// Note: Call JudyCheckPop() even before "already inserted" returns, to catch +// population errors; see fix in 4.84: + +DBGCODE(extern void JudyCheckPop(Pvoid_t PArray);) +DBGCODE(extern void JudyCheckSorted(Pjll_t Pjll, Word_t Pop1, long IndexSize);) + +#ifdef TRACEJP +#include "JudyPrintJP.c" +#endif + + +// These are defined to generic values in JudyCommon/JudyPrivateTypes.h: +// +// TBD: These should be exported from a header file, but perhaps not, as they +// are only used here, and exported from Judy*Decascade, which is a separate +// file for profiling reasons (to prevent inlining), but which potentially +// could be merged with this file, either in SoftCM or at compile-time. + +#ifdef JUDY1 +extern int j__udy1CreateBranchB(Pjp_t, Pjp_t, uint8_t *, Word_t, Pvoid_t); +extern int j__udy1CreateBranchU(Pjp_t, Pvoid_t); + +#ifndef JU_64BIT +extern int j__udy1Cascade1(Pjp_t, Pvoid_t); +#endif +extern int j__udy1Cascade2(Pjp_t, Pvoid_t); +extern int j__udy1Cascade3(Pjp_t, Pvoid_t); +#ifdef JU_64BIT +extern int j__udy1Cascade4(Pjp_t, Pvoid_t); +extern int j__udy1Cascade5(Pjp_t, Pvoid_t); +extern int j__udy1Cascade6(Pjp_t, Pvoid_t); +extern int j__udy1Cascade7(Pjp_t, Pvoid_t); +#endif +extern int j__udy1CascadeL(Pjp_t, Pvoid_t); + +extern int j__udy1InsertBranch(Pjp_t Pjp, Word_t Index, Word_t Btype, Pjpm_t); + +#else // JUDYL + +extern int j__udyLCreateBranchB(Pjp_t, Pjp_t, uint8_t *, Word_t, Pvoid_t); +extern int j__udyLCreateBranchU(Pjp_t, Pvoid_t); + +extern int j__udyLCascade1(Pjp_t, Pvoid_t); +extern int j__udyLCascade2(Pjp_t, Pvoid_t); +extern int j__udyLCascade3(Pjp_t, Pvoid_t); +#ifdef JU_64BIT +extern int j__udyLCascade4(Pjp_t, Pvoid_t); +extern int j__udyLCascade5(Pjp_t, Pvoid_t); +extern int j__udyLCascade6(Pjp_t, Pvoid_t); +extern int j__udyLCascade7(Pjp_t, Pvoid_t); +#endif +extern int j__udyLCascadeL(Pjp_t, Pvoid_t); + +extern int j__udyLInsertBranch(Pjp_t Pjp, Word_t Index, Word_t Btype, Pjpm_t); +#endif + + +// **************************************************************************** +// MACROS FOR COMMON CODE: +// +// Check if Index is an outlier to (that is, not a member of) this expanse: +// +// An outlier is an Index in-the-expanse of the slot containing the pointer, +// but not-in-the-expanse of the "narrow" pointer in that slot. (This means +// the Dcd part of the Index differs from the equivalent part of jp_DcdPopO.) +// Therefore, the remedy is to put a cJU_JPBRANCH_L* between the narrow pointer +// and the object to which it points, and add the outlier Index as an Immediate +// in the cJU_JPBRANCH_L*. The "trick" is placing the cJU_JPBRANCH_L* at a +// Level that is as low as possible. This is determined by counting the digits +// in the existing narrow pointer that are the same as the digits in the new +// Index (see j__udyInsertBranch()). +// +// Note: At some high Levels, cJU_DCDMASK() is all zeros => dead code; assume +// the compiler optimizes this out. + +#define JU_CHECK_IF_OUTLIER(Pjp, Index, cLevel, Pjpm) \ + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, cLevel)) \ + return(j__udyInsertBranch(Pjp, Index, cLevel, Pjpm)) + +// Check if an Index is already in a leaf or immediate, after calling +// j__udySearchLeaf*() to set Offset: +// +// A non-negative Offset means the Index already exists, so return 0; otherwise +// complement Offset to proceed. + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#define Pjv ignore // placeholder. +#define JU_CHECK_IF_EXISTS(Offset,ignore,Pjpm) \ + { \ + if ((Offset) >= 0) return(0); \ + (Offset) = ~(Offset); \ + } +#else +// For JudyL, also set the value area pointer in the Pjpm: + +#define JU_CHECK_IF_EXISTS(Offset,Pjv,Pjpm) \ + { \ + if ((Offset) >= 0) \ + { \ + (Pjpm)->jpm_PValue = (Pjv) + (Offset); \ + return(0); \ + } \ + (Offset) = ~(Offset); \ + } +#endif + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y I N S W A L K +// +// Walk the Judy tree to do a set/insert. This is only called internally, and +// recursively. Unlike Judy1Test() and JudyLGet(), the extra time required for +// recursion should be negligible compared with the total. +// +// Return -1 for error (details in JPM), 0 for Index already inserted, 1 for +// new Index inserted. + +FUNCTION static int j__udyInsWalk( + Pjp_t Pjp, // current JP to descend. + Word_t Index, // to insert. + Pjpm_t Pjpm) // for returning info to top Level. +{ + uint8_t digit; // from Index, current offset into a branch. + jp_t newJP; // for creating a new Immed JP. + Word_t exppop1; // expanse (leaf) population. + int retcode; // return codes: -1, 0, 1. + +#ifdef SUBEXPCOUNTS +// Pointer to BranchB/U subexpanse counter: +// +// Note: Very important for performance reasons (avoids cache fills). + + PWord_t PSubExp = (PWord_t) NULL; +#endif + +ContinueInsWalk: // for modifying state without recursing. + +#ifdef TRACEJP + JudyPrintJP(Pjp, "i", __LINE__); +#endif + + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) // entry: Pjp, Index. + { + + +// **************************************************************************** +// JPNULL*: +// +// Convert JP in place from current null type to cJU_JPIMMED_*_01 by +// calculating new JP type. + + case cJU_JPNULL1: + case cJU_JPNULL2: + case cJU_JPNULL3: +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPNULL4: + case cJU_JPNULL5: + case cJU_JPNULL6: + case cJU_JPNULL7: +#endif + assert((Pjp->jp_Addr) == 0); + JU_JPSETADT(Pjp, 0, Index, JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) + cJU_JPIMMED_1_01 - cJU_JPNULL1); +#ifdef JUDYL + // value area is first word of new Immed_01 JP: + Pjpm->jpm_PValue = (Pjv_t) (&(Pjp->jp_Addr)); +#endif + return(1); + + +// **************************************************************************** +// JPBRANCH_L*: +// +// If the new Index is not an outlier to the branchs expanse, and the branch +// should not be converted to uncompressed, extract the digit and record the +// Immediate type to create for a new Immed JP, before going to common code. +// +// Note: JU_CHECK_IF_OUTLIER() is a no-op for BranchB3[7] on 32[64]-bit. + +#define JU_BRANCH_OUTLIER(DIGIT,POP1,cLEVEL,PJP,INDEX,PJPM) \ + JU_CHECK_IF_OUTLIER(PJP, INDEX, cLEVEL, PJPM); \ + (DIGIT) = JU_DIGITATSTATE(INDEX, cLEVEL); \ + (POP1) = JU_JPBRANCH_POP0(PJP, cLEVEL) + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L2: + JU_BRANCH_OUTLIER(digit, exppop1, 2, Pjp, Index, Pjpm); + goto JudyBranchL; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L3: + JU_BRANCH_OUTLIER(digit, exppop1, 3, Pjp, Index, Pjpm); + goto JudyBranchL; + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L4: + JU_BRANCH_OUTLIER(digit, exppop1, 4, Pjp, Index, Pjpm); + goto JudyBranchL; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L5: + JU_BRANCH_OUTLIER(digit, exppop1, 5, Pjp, Index, Pjpm); + goto JudyBranchL; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L6: + JU_BRANCH_OUTLIER(digit, exppop1, 6, Pjp, Index, Pjpm); + goto JudyBranchL; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L7: + JU_BRANCH_OUTLIER(digit, exppop1, 7, Pjp, Index, Pjpm); + goto JudyBranchL; +#endif + +// Similar to common code above, but no outlier check is needed, and the Immed +// type depends on the word size: + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L: + { + Pjbl_t PjblRaw; // pointer to old linear branch. + Pjbl_t Pjbl; + Pjbu_t PjbuRaw; // pointer to new uncompressed branch. + Pjbu_t Pjbu; + Word_t numJPs; // number of JPs = populated expanses. + int offset; // in branch. + + digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, cJU_ROOTSTATE); + exppop1 = Pjpm->jpm_Pop0; + + // fall through: + +// COMMON CODE FOR LINEAR BRANCHES: +// +// Come here with digit and exppop1 already set. + +JudyBranchL: + PjblRaw = (Pjbl_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr); + Pjbl = P_JBL(PjblRaw); + +// If population under this branch greater than: + + if (exppop1 > JU_BRANCHL_MAX_POP) + goto ConvertBranchLtoU; + + numJPs = Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs; + + if ((numJPs == 0) || (numJPs > cJU_BRANCHLMAXJPS)) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO_NONNULL(Pjpm, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + return(-1); + } + +// Search for a match to the digit: + + offset = j__udySearchLeaf1((Pjll_t) (Pjbl->jbl_Expanse), numJPs, + digit); + +// If Index is found, offset is into an array of 1..cJU_BRANCHLMAXJPS JPs: + + if (offset >= 0) + { + Pjp = (Pjbl->jbl_jp) + offset; // address of next JP. + break; // continue walk. + } + +// Expanse is missing (not populated) for the passed Index, so insert an Immed +// -- if theres room: + + if (numJPs < cJU_BRANCHLMAXJPS) + { + offset = ~offset; // insertion offset. + + JU_JPSETADT(&newJP, 0, Index, + JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) + cJU_JPIMMED_1_01-cJU_JPBRANCH_L2); + + JU_INSERTINPLACE(Pjbl->jbl_Expanse, numJPs, offset, digit); + JU_INSERTINPLACE(Pjbl->jbl_jp, numJPs, offset, newJP); + + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted((Pjll_t) (Pjbl->jbl_Expanse), + numJPs + 1, /* IndexSize = */ 1);) + ++(Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs); +#ifdef JUDYL + // value area is first word of new Immed 01 JP: + Pjpm->jpm_PValue = (Pjv_t) ((Pjbl->jbl_jp) + offset); +#endif + return(1); + } + + +// MAXED OUT LINEAR BRANCH, CONVERT TO A BITMAP BRANCH, THEN INSERT: +// +// Copy the linear branch to a bitmap branch. +// +// TBD: Consider renaming j__udyCreateBranchB() to j__udyConvertBranchLtoB(). + + assert((numJPs) <= cJU_BRANCHLMAXJPS); + + if (j__udyCreateBranchB(Pjp, Pjbl->jbl_jp, Pjbl->jbl_Expanse, + numJPs, Pjpm) == -1) + { + return(-1); + } + +// Convert jp_Type from linear branch to equivalent bitmap branch: + + Pjp->jp_Type += cJU_JPBRANCH_B - cJU_JPBRANCH_L; + + j__udyFreeJBL(PjblRaw, Pjpm); // free old BranchL. + +// Having changed branch types, now do the insert in the new branch type: + + goto ContinueInsWalk; + + +// OPPORTUNISTICALLY CONVERT FROM BRANCHL TO BRANCHU: +// +// Memory efficiency is no object because the branchs pop1 is large enough, so +// speed up array access. Come here with PjblRaw set. Note: This is goto +// code because the previous block used to fall through into it as well, but no +// longer. + +ConvertBranchLtoU: + +// Allocate memory for an uncompressed branch: + + if ((PjbuRaw = j__udyAllocJBU(Pjpm)) == (Pjbu_t) NULL) + return(-1); + Pjbu = P_JBU(PjbuRaw); + +// Set the proper NULL type for most of the uncompressed branchs JPs: + + JU_JPSETADT(&newJP, 0, 0, + JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) - cJU_JPBRANCH_L2 + cJU_JPNULL1); + +// Initialize: Pre-set uncompressed branch to mostly JPNULL*s: + + for (numJPs = 0; numJPs < cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS; ++numJPs) + Pjbu->jbu_jp[numJPs] = newJP; + +// Copy JPs from linear branch to uncompressed branch: + + { +#ifdef SUBEXPCOUNTS + Word_t popmask = cJU_POP0MASK(JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + - cJU_JPBRANCH_L2 - 2; + + for (numJPs = 0; numJPs < cJU_NUMSUBEXPU; ++numJPs) + Pjbu->jbu_subPop1[numJPs] = 0; +#endif + for (numJPs = 0; numJPs < Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs; ++numJPs) + { + Pjp_t Pjp1 = &(Pjbl->jbl_jp[numJPs]); + offset = Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[numJPs]; + Pjbu->jbu_jp[offset] = *Pjp1; +#ifdef SUBEXPCOUNTS + Pjbu->jbu_subPop1[offset/cJU_NUMSUBEXPU] += + JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp1) & popmask + 1; +#endif + } + } + j__udyFreeJBL(PjblRaw, Pjpm); // free old BranchL. + +// Plug new values into parent JP: + + Pjp->jp_Addr = (Word_t) PjbuRaw; + Pjp->jp_Type += cJU_JPBRANCH_U - cJU_JPBRANCH_L; // to BranchU. + +// Save global population of last BranchU conversion: + + Pjpm->jpm_LastUPop0 = Pjpm->jpm_Pop0; + goto ContinueInsWalk; + + } // case cJU_JPBRANCH_L. + + +// **************************************************************************** +// JPBRANCH_B*: +// +// If the new Index is not an outlier to the branchs expanse, extract the +// digit and record the Immediate type to create for a new Immed JP, before +// going to common code. +// +// Note: JU_CHECK_IF_OUTLIER() is a no-op for BranchB3[7] on 32[64]-bit. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B2: + JU_BRANCH_OUTLIER(digit, exppop1, 2, Pjp, Index, Pjpm); + goto JudyBranchB; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B3: + JU_BRANCH_OUTLIER(digit, exppop1, 3, Pjp, Index, Pjpm); + goto JudyBranchB; + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B4: + JU_BRANCH_OUTLIER(digit, exppop1, 4, Pjp, Index, Pjpm); + goto JudyBranchB; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B5: + JU_BRANCH_OUTLIER(digit, exppop1, 5, Pjp, Index, Pjpm); + goto JudyBranchB; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B6: + JU_BRANCH_OUTLIER(digit, exppop1, 6, Pjp, Index, Pjpm); + goto JudyBranchB; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B7: + JU_BRANCH_OUTLIER(digit, exppop1, 7, Pjp, Index, Pjpm); + goto JudyBranchB; +#endif + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B: + { + Pjbb_t Pjbb; // pointer to bitmap branch. + Pjbb_t PjbbRaw; // pointer to bitmap branch. + Pjp_t Pjp2Raw; // 1 of N arrays of JPs. + Pjp_t Pjp2; // 1 of N arrays of JPs. + Word_t subexp; // 1 of N subexpanses in bitmap. + BITMAPB_t bitmap; // for one subexpanse. + BITMAPB_t bitmask; // bit set for Indexs digit. + Word_t numJPs; // number of JPs = populated expanses. + int offset; // in bitmap branch. + +// Similar to common code above, but no outlier check is needed, and the Immed +// type depends on the word size: + + digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, cJU_ROOTSTATE); + exppop1 = Pjpm->jpm_Pop0; + + // fall through: + + +// COMMON CODE FOR BITMAP BRANCHES: +// +// Come here with digit and exppop1 already set. + +JudyBranchB: + +// If population increment is greater than.. (300): + + if ((Pjpm->jpm_Pop0 - Pjpm->jpm_LastUPop0) > JU_BTOU_POP_INCREMENT) + { + +// If total population of array is greater than.. (750): + + if (Pjpm->jpm_Pop0 > JU_BRANCHB_MAX_POP) + { + +// If population under the branch is greater than.. (135): + + if (exppop1 > JU_BRANCHB_MIN_POP) + { + if (j__udyCreateBranchU(Pjp, Pjpm) == -1) return(-1); + +// Save global population of last BranchU conversion: + + Pjpm->jpm_LastUPop0 = Pjpm->jpm_Pop0; + + goto ContinueInsWalk; + } + } + } + +// CONTINUE TO USE BRANCHB: +// +// Get pointer to bitmap branch (JBB): + + PjbbRaw = (Pjbb_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr); + Pjbb = P_JBB(PjbbRaw); + +// Form the Int32 offset, and Bit offset values: +// +// 8 bit Decode | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | +// |SubExpanse | Bit offset | +// +// Get the 1 of 8 expanses from digit, Bits 5..7 = 1 of 8, and get the 32-bit +// word that may have a bit set: + + subexp = digit / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; + bitmap = JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp); + + Pjp2Raw = JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp); + Pjp2 = P_JP(Pjp2Raw); + +// Get the bit position that represents the desired expanse, and get the offset +// into the array of JPs for the JP that matches the bit. + + bitmask = JU_BITPOSMASKB(digit); + offset = j__udyCountBitsB(bitmap & (bitmask - 1)); + +// If JP is already in this expanse, get Pjp and continue the walk: + + if (bitmap & bitmask) + { +#ifdef SUBEXPCOUNTS + PSubExp = &(Pjbb->jbb_Counts[subexp]); // ptr to subexp counts. +#endif + Pjp = Pjp2 + offset; + break; // continue walk. + } + + +// ADD NEW EXPANSE FOR NEW INDEX: +// +// The new expanse always an cJU_JPIMMED_*_01 containing just the new Index, so +// finish setting up an Immed JP. + + JU_JPSETADT(&newJP, 0, Index, + JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) + cJU_JPIMMED_1_01-cJU_JPBRANCH_B2); + +// Get 1 of the 8 JP arrays and calculate number of JPs in subexpanse array: + + Pjp2Raw = JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp); + Pjp2 = P_JP(Pjp2Raw); + numJPs = j__udyCountBitsB(bitmap); + +// Expand branch JP subarray in-place: + + if (JU_BRANCHBJPGROWINPLACE(numJPs)) + { + assert(numJPs > 0); + JU_INSERTINPLACE(Pjp2, numJPs, offset, newJP); +#ifdef JUDYL + // value area is first word of new Immed 01 JP: + Pjpm->jpm_PValue = (Pjv_t) (Pjp2 + offset); +#endif + } + +// No room, allocate a bigger bitmap branch JP subarray: + + else + { + Pjp_t PjpnewRaw; + Pjp_t Pjpnew; + + if ((PjpnewRaw = j__udyAllocJBBJP(numJPs + 1, Pjpm)) == 0) + return(-1); + Pjpnew = P_JP(PjpnewRaw); + +// If there was an old JP array, then copy it, insert the new Immed JP, and +// free the old array: + + if (numJPs) + { + JU_INSERTCOPY(Pjpnew, Pjp2, numJPs, offset, newJP); + j__udyFreeJBBJP(Pjp2Raw, numJPs, Pjpm); +#ifdef JUDYL + // value area is first word of new Immed 01 JP: + Pjpm->jpm_PValue = (Pjv_t) (Pjpnew + offset); +#endif + } + +// New JP subarray; point to cJU_JPIMMED_*_01 and place it: + + else + { + assert(JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp) == (Pjp_t) NULL); + Pjp = Pjpnew; + *Pjp = newJP; // copy to new memory. +#ifdef JUDYL + // value area is first word of new Immed 01 JP: + Pjpm->jpm_PValue = (Pjv_t) (&(Pjp->jp_Addr)); +#endif + } + +// Place new JP subarray in BranchB: + + JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp) = PjpnewRaw; + + } // else + +// Set the new Indexs bit: + + JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp) |= bitmask; + + return(1); + + } // case + + +// **************************************************************************** +// JPBRANCH_U*: +// +// Just drop through the JP for the correct digit. If the JP turns out to be a +// JPNULL*, thats OK, the memory is already allocated, and the next walk +// simply places an Immed in it. +// +#ifdef SUBEXPCOUNTS +#define JU_GETSUBEXP(PSubExp,Pjbu,Digit) \ + (PSubExp) = &((Pjbu)->jbu_subPop1[(Digit) / cJU_NUMSUBEXPU]) +#else +#define JU_GETSUBEXP(PSubExp,Pjbu,Digit) // null. +#endif + +#define JU_JBU_PJP_SUBEXP(Pjp,PSubExp,Index,Level) \ + { \ + uint8_t digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, Level); \ + Pjbu_t P_jbu = P_JBU((Pjp)->jp_Addr); \ + (Pjp) = &(P_jbu->jbu_jp[digit]); \ + JU_GETSUBEXP(PSubExp, P_jbu, digit); \ + } + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U2: + JU_CHECK_IF_OUTLIER(Pjp, Index, 2, Pjpm); + JU_JBU_PJP_SUBEXP(Pjp, PSubExp, Index, 2); + break; + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U3: + JU_CHECK_IF_OUTLIER(Pjp, Index, 3, Pjpm); + JU_JBU_PJP_SUBEXP(Pjp, PSubExp, Index, 3); + break; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U4: + JU_CHECK_IF_OUTLIER(Pjp, Index, 4, Pjpm); + JU_JBU_PJP_SUBEXP(Pjp, PSubExp, Index, 4); + break; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U5: + JU_CHECK_IF_OUTLIER(Pjp, Index, 5, Pjpm); + JU_JBU_PJP_SUBEXP(Pjp, PSubExp, Index, 5); + break; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U6: + JU_CHECK_IF_OUTLIER(Pjp, Index, 6, Pjpm); + JU_JBU_PJP_SUBEXP(Pjp, PSubExp, Index, 6); + break; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U7: + JU_JBU_PJP_SUBEXP(Pjp, PSubExp, Index, 7); +#else + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U3: + JU_JBU_PJP_SUBEXP(Pjp, PSubExp, Index, 3); +#endif + break; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U: + JU_JBU_PJP_SUBEXP(Pjp, PSubExp, Index, cJU_ROOTSTATE); + break; + + +// **************************************************************************** +// JPLEAF*: +// +// COMMON CODE FRAGMENTS TO MINIMIZE REDUNDANCY BELOW: +// +// These are necessary to support performance by function and loop unrolling +// while avoiding huge amounts of nearly identical code. +// +// Prepare to handle a linear leaf: Check for an outlier; set pop1 and pointer +// to leaf: + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#define JU_LEAFVALUE(Pjv) // null. +#define JU_LEAFPREPVALUE(Pjv, ValueArea) // null. +#else +#define JU_LEAFVALUE(Pjv) Pjv_t Pjv +#define JU_LEAFPREPVALUE(Pjv, ValueArea) (Pjv) = ValueArea(Pleaf, exppop1) +#endif + +#define JU_LEAFPREP(cIS,Type,MaxPop1,ValueArea) \ + Pjll_t PjllRaw; \ + Type Pleaf; /* specific type */ \ + int offset; \ + JU_LEAFVALUE(Pjv); \ + \ + JU_CHECK_IF_OUTLIER(Pjp, Index, cIS, Pjpm); \ + \ + exppop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; \ + assert(exppop1 <= (MaxPop1)); \ + PjllRaw = (Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr); \ + Pleaf = (Type) P_JLL(PjllRaw); \ + JU_LEAFPREPVALUE(Pjv, ValueArea) + +// Add to, or grow, a linear leaf: Find Index position; if the Index is +// absent, if theres room in the leaf, insert the Index [and value of 0] in +// place, otherwise grow the leaf: +// +// Note: These insertions always take place with whole words, using +// JU_INSERTINPLACE() or JU_INSERTCOPY(). + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#define JU_LEAFGROWVALUEADD(Pjv,ExpPop1,Offset) // null. +#else +#define JU_LEAFGROWVALUEADD(Pjv,ExpPop1,Offset) \ + JU_INSERTINPLACE(Pjv, ExpPop1, Offset, 0); \ + Pjpm->jpm_PValue = (Pjv) + (Offset) +#endif + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#define JU_LEAFGROWVALUENEW(ValueArea,Pjv,ExpPop1,Offset) // null. +#else +#define JU_LEAFGROWVALUENEW(ValueArea,Pjv,ExpPop1,Offset) \ + { \ + Pjv_t Pjvnew = ValueArea(Pleafnew, (ExpPop1) + 1); \ + JU_INSERTCOPY(Pjvnew, Pjv, ExpPop1, Offset, 0); \ + Pjpm->jpm_PValue = (Pjvnew) + (Offset); \ + } +#endif + +#define JU_LEAFGROW(cIS,Type,MaxPop1,Search,ValueArea,GrowInPlace, \ + InsertInPlace,InsertCopy,Alloc,Free) \ + \ + offset = Search(Pleaf, exppop1, Index); \ + JU_CHECK_IF_EXISTS(offset, Pjv, Pjpm); \ + \ + if (GrowInPlace(exppop1)) /* add to current leaf */ \ + { \ + InsertInPlace(Pleaf, exppop1, offset, Index); \ + JU_LEAFGROWVALUEADD(Pjv, exppop1, offset); \ + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted((Pjll_t) Pleaf, exppop1 + 1, cIS);) \ + return(1); \ + } \ + \ + if (exppop1 < (MaxPop1)) /* grow to new leaf */ \ + { \ + Pjll_t PjllnewRaw; \ + Type Pleafnew; \ + if ((PjllnewRaw = Alloc(exppop1 + 1, Pjpm)) == 0) return(-1); \ + Pleafnew = (Type) P_JLL(PjllnewRaw); \ + InsertCopy(Pleafnew, Pleaf, exppop1, offset, Index); \ + JU_LEAFGROWVALUENEW(ValueArea, Pjv, exppop1, offset); \ + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted((Pjll_t) Pleafnew, exppop1 + 1, cIS);) \ + Free(PjllRaw, exppop1, Pjpm); \ + (Pjp->jp_Addr) = (Word_t) PjllnewRaw; \ + return(1); \ + } \ + assert(exppop1 == (MaxPop1)) + +// Handle linear leaf overflow (cascade): Splay or compress into smaller +// leaves: + +#define JU_LEAFCASCADE(MaxPop1,Cascade,Free) \ + if (Cascade(Pjp, Pjpm) == -1) return(-1); \ + Free(PjllRaw, MaxPop1, Pjpm); \ + goto ContinueInsWalk + +// Wrapper around all of the above: + +#define JU_LEAFSET(cIS,Type,MaxPop1,Search,GrowInPlace,InsertInPlace, \ + InsertCopy,Cascade,Alloc,Free,ValueArea) \ + { \ + JU_LEAFPREP(cIS,Type,MaxPop1,ValueArea); \ + JU_LEAFGROW(cIS,Type,MaxPop1,Search,ValueArea,GrowInPlace, \ + InsertInPlace,InsertCopy,Alloc,Free); \ + JU_LEAFCASCADE(MaxPop1,Cascade,Free); \ + } + +// END OF MACROS; LEAFL CASES START HERE: +// +// 64-bit Judy1 does not have 1-byte leaves: + +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + + case cJU_JPLEAF1: + + JU_LEAFSET(1, uint8_t *, cJU_LEAF1_MAXPOP1, j__udySearchLeaf1, + JU_LEAF1GROWINPLACE, JU_INSERTINPLACE, JU_INSERTCOPY, + j__udyCascade1, j__udyAllocJLL1, j__udyFreeJLL1, + JL_LEAF1VALUEAREA); + +#endif // (JUDYL || ! JU_64BIT) + + case cJU_JPLEAF2: + + JU_LEAFSET(2, uint16_t *, cJU_LEAF2_MAXPOP1, j__udySearchLeaf2, + JU_LEAF2GROWINPLACE, JU_INSERTINPLACE, JU_INSERTCOPY, + j__udyCascade2, j__udyAllocJLL2, j__udyFreeJLL2, + JL_LEAF2VALUEAREA); + + case cJU_JPLEAF3: + + JU_LEAFSET(3, uint8_t *, cJU_LEAF3_MAXPOP1, j__udySearchLeaf3, + JU_LEAF3GROWINPLACE, JU_INSERTINPLACE3, JU_INSERTCOPY3, + j__udyCascade3, j__udyAllocJLL3, j__udyFreeJLL3, + JL_LEAF3VALUEAREA); + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPLEAF4: + + JU_LEAFSET(4, uint32_t *, cJU_LEAF4_MAXPOP1, j__udySearchLeaf4, + JU_LEAF4GROWINPLACE, JU_INSERTINPLACE, JU_INSERTCOPY, + j__udyCascade4, j__udyAllocJLL4, j__udyFreeJLL4, + JL_LEAF4VALUEAREA); + + case cJU_JPLEAF5: + + JU_LEAFSET(5, uint8_t *, cJU_LEAF5_MAXPOP1, j__udySearchLeaf5, + JU_LEAF5GROWINPLACE, JU_INSERTINPLACE5, JU_INSERTCOPY5, + j__udyCascade5, j__udyAllocJLL5, j__udyFreeJLL5, + JL_LEAF5VALUEAREA); + + case cJU_JPLEAF6: + + JU_LEAFSET(6, uint8_t *, cJU_LEAF6_MAXPOP1, j__udySearchLeaf6, + JU_LEAF6GROWINPLACE, JU_INSERTINPLACE6, JU_INSERTCOPY6, + j__udyCascade6, j__udyAllocJLL6, j__udyFreeJLL6, + JL_LEAF6VALUEAREA); + + case cJU_JPLEAF7: + + JU_LEAFSET(7, uint8_t *, cJU_LEAF7_MAXPOP1, j__udySearchLeaf7, + JU_LEAF7GROWINPLACE, JU_INSERTINPLACE7, JU_INSERTCOPY7, + j__udyCascade7, j__udyAllocJLL7, j__udyFreeJLL7, + JL_LEAF7VALUEAREA); +#endif // JU_64BIT + + +// **************************************************************************** +// JPLEAF_B1: +// +// 8 bit Decode | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | +// |SubExpanse | Bit offset | +// +// Note: For JudyL, values are stored in 8 subexpanses, each a linear word +// array of up to 32 values each. + + case cJU_JPLEAF_B1: + { +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv_t PjvRaw; // pointer to value part of the leaf. + Pjv_t Pjv; // pointer to value part of the leaf. + Pjv_t PjvnewRaw; // new value area. + Pjv_t Pjvnew; // new value area. + Word_t subexp; // 1 of 8 subexpanses in bitmap. + Pjlb_t Pjlb; // pointer to bitmap part of the leaf. + BITMAPL_t bitmap; // for one subexpanse. + BITMAPL_t bitmask; // bit set for Indexs digit. + int offset; // of index in value area. +#endif + + JU_CHECK_IF_OUTLIER(Pjp, Index, 1, Pjpm); + +#ifdef JUDY1 + +// If Index (bit) is already set, return now: + + if (JU_BITMAPTESTL(P_JLB(Pjp->jp_Addr), Index)) return(0); + +// If bitmap is not full, set the new Indexs bit; otherwise convert to a Full: + + if ((exppop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1) + < cJU_JPFULLPOPU1_POP0) + { + JU_BITMAPSETL(P_JLB(Pjp->jp_Addr), Index); + } + else + { + j__udyFreeJLB1((Pjlb_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), Pjpm); // free LeafB1. + Pjp->jp_Type = cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1; + Pjp->jp_Addr = 0; + } + +#else // JUDYL + +// This is very different from Judy1 because of the need to return a value area +// even for an existing Index, or manage the value area for a new Index, and +// because JudyL has no Full type: + +// Get last byte to decode from Index, and pointer to bitmap leaf: + + digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 1); + Pjlb = P_JLB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + +// Prepare additional values: + + subexp = digit / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL; // which subexpanse. + bitmap = JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp); // subexps 32-bit map. + PjvRaw = JL_JLB_PVALUE(Pjlb, subexp); // corresponding values. + Pjv = P_JV(PjvRaw); // corresponding values. + bitmask = JU_BITPOSMASKL(digit); // mask for Index. + offset = j__udyCountBitsL(bitmap & (bitmask - 1)); // of Index. + +// If Index already exists, get value pointer and exit: + + if (bitmap & bitmask) + { + assert(Pjv); + Pjpm->jpm_PValue = Pjv + offset; // existing value. + return(0); + } + +// Get the total bits set = expanse population of Value area: + + exppop1 = j__udyCountBitsL(bitmap); + +// If the value area can grow in place, do it: + + if (JL_LEAFVGROWINPLACE(exppop1)) + { + JU_INSERTINPLACE(Pjv, exppop1, offset, 0); + JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp) |= bitmask; // set Indexs bit. + Pjpm->jpm_PValue = Pjv + offset; // new value area. + return(1); + } + +// Increase size of value area: + + if ((PjvnewRaw = j__udyLAllocJV(exppop1 + 1, Pjpm)) + == (Pjv_t) NULL) return(-1); + Pjvnew = P_JV(PjvnewRaw); + + if (exppop1) // have existing value area. + { + assert(Pjv); + JU_INSERTCOPY(Pjvnew, Pjv, exppop1, offset, 0); + Pjpm->jpm_PValue = Pjvnew + offset; + j__udyLFreeJV(PjvRaw, exppop1, Pjpm); // free old values. + } + else // first index, new value area: + { + Pjpm->jpm_PValue = Pjvnew; + *(Pjpm->jpm_PValue) = 0; + } + +// Set bit for new Index and place new leaf value area in bitmap: + + JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp) |= bitmask; + JL_JLB_PVALUE(Pjlb, subexp) = PjvnewRaw; + +#endif // JUDYL + + return(1); + + } // case + + +#ifdef JUDY1 +// **************************************************************************** +// JPFULLPOPU1: +// +// If Index is not an outlier, then by definition its already set. + + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1: + + JU_CHECK_IF_OUTLIER(Pjp, Index, 1, Pjpm); + return(0); +#endif + + +// **************************************************************************** +// JPIMMED*: +// +// This is some of the most complex code in Judy considering Judy1 versus JudyL +// and 32-bit versus 64-bit variations. The following comments attempt to make +// this clearer. +// +// Of the 2 words in a JP, for immediate indexes Judy1 can use 2 words - 1 byte +// = 7 [15] bytes, but JudyL can only use 1 word - 1 byte = 3 [7] bytes because +// the other word is needed for a value area or a pointer to a value area. +// +// For both Judy1 and JudyL, cJU_JPIMMED_*_01 indexes are in word 2; otherwise +// for Judy1 only, a list of 2 or more indexes starts in word 1. JudyL keeps +// the list in word 2 because word 1 is a pointer (to a LeafV, that is, a leaf +// containing only values). Furthermore, cJU_JPIMMED_*_01 indexes are stored +// all-but-first-byte in jp_DcdPopO, not just the Index Sizes bytes. +// +// TBD: This can be confusing because Doug didnt use data structures for it. +// Instead he often directly accesses Pjp for the first word and jp_DcdPopO for +// the second word. It would be nice to use data structs, starting with +// jp_1Index and jp_LIndex where possible. +// +// Maximum Immed JP types for Judy1/JudyL, depending on Index Size (cIS): +// +// 32-bit 64-bit +// +// bytes: 7/ 3 15/ 7 (Judy1/JudyL) +// +// cIS +// 1_ 07/03 15/07 (as in: cJ1_JPIMMED_1_07) +// 2_ 03/01 07/03 +// 3_ 02/01 05/02 +// 4_ 03/01 +// 5_ 03/01 +// 6_ 02/01 +// 7_ 02/01 +// +// State transitions while inserting an Index, matching the above table: +// (Yes, this is very terse... Study it and it will make sense.) +// (Note, parts of this diagram are repeated below for quick reference.) +// +// +-- reformat JP here for Judy1 only, from word-2 to word-1 +// | +// | JUDY1 || JU_64BIT JUDY1 && JU_64BIT +// V +// 1_01 => 1_02 => 1_03 => [ 1_04 => ... => 1_07 => [ 1_08..15 => ]] Leaf1 (*) +// 2_01 => [ 2_02 => 2_03 => [ 2_04..07 => ]] Leaf2 +// 3_01 => [ 3_02 => [ 3_03..05 => ]] Leaf3 +// JU_64BIT only: +// 4_01 => [[ 4_02..03 => ]] Leaf4 +// 5_01 => [[ 5_02..03 => ]] Leaf5 +// 6_01 => [[ 6_02 => ]] Leaf6 +// 7_01 => [[ 7_02 => ]] Leaf7 +// +// (*) For Judy1 & 64-bit, go directly from cJU_JPIMMED_1_15 to a LeafB1; skip +// Leaf1, as described in Judy1.h regarding cJ1_JPLEAF1. + + +// COMMON CODE FRAGMENTS TO MINIMIZE REDUNDANCY BELOW: +// +// These are necessary to support performance by function and loop unrolling +// while avoiding huge amounts of nearly identical code. +// +// The differences between Judy1 and JudyL with respect to value area handling +// are just too large for completely common code between them... Oh well, some +// big ifdefs follow. However, even in the following ifdefd code, use cJU_*, +// JU_*, and Judy*() instead of cJ1_* / cJL_*, J1_* / JL_*, and +// Judy1*()/JudyL*(), for minimum diffs. +// +// Handle growth of cJU_JPIMMED_*_01 to cJU_JPIMMED_*_02, for an even or odd +// Index Size (cIS), given oldIndex, Index, and Pjll in the context: +// +// Put oldIndex and Index in their proper order. For odd indexes, must copy +// bytes. + +#ifdef JUDY1 + +#define JU_IMMSET_01_COPY_EVEN(ignore1,ignore2) \ + if (oldIndex < Index) { Pjll[0] = oldIndex; Pjll[1] = Index; } \ + else { Pjll[0] = Index; Pjll[1] = oldIndex; } + +#define JU_IMMSET_01_COPY_ODD(cIS,CopyWord) \ + if (oldIndex < Index) \ + { \ + CopyWord(Pjll + 0, oldIndex); \ + CopyWord(Pjll + (cIS), Index); \ + } \ + else \ + { \ + CopyWord(Pjll + 0, Index); \ + CopyWord(Pjll + (cIS), oldIndex); \ + } + +// The "real" *_01 Copy macro: +// +// Trim the high byte off Index, look for a match with the old Index, and if +// none, insert the new Index in the leaf in the correct place, given Pjp and +// Index in the context. +// +// Note: A single immediate index lives in the jp_DcdPopO field, but two or +// more reside starting at Pjp->jp_1Index. + +#define JU_IMMSET_01_COPY(cIS,LeafType,NewJPType,Copy,CopyWord) \ + { \ + LeafType Pjll; \ + Word_t oldIndex = JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp); \ + \ + Index = JU_TRIMTODCDSIZE(Index); \ + if (oldIndex == Index) return(0); \ + \ + Pjll = (LeafType) (Pjp->jp_1Index); \ + Copy(cIS,CopyWord); \ + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjll, 2, cIS);) \ + \ + Pjp->jp_Type = (NewJPType); \ + return(1); \ + } + +#else // JUDYL + +// Variations to also handle value areas; see comments above: +// +// For JudyL, Pjv (start of value area) and oldValue are also in the context; +// leave Pjv set to the value area for Index. + +#define JU_IMMSET_01_COPY_EVEN(cIS,CopyWord) \ + if (oldIndex < Index) \ + { \ + Pjll[0] = oldIndex; \ + Pjv [0] = oldValue; \ + Pjll[1] = Index; \ + ++Pjv; \ + } \ + else \ + { \ + Pjll[0] = Index; \ + Pjll[1] = oldIndex; \ + Pjv [1] = oldValue; \ + } + +#define JU_IMMSET_01_COPY_ODD(cIS,CopyWord) \ + if (oldIndex < Index) \ + { \ + CopyWord(Pjll + 0, oldIndex); \ + CopyWord(Pjll + (cIS), Index); \ + Pjv[0] = oldValue; \ + ++Pjv; \ + } \ + else \ + { \ + CopyWord(Pjll + 0, Index); \ + CopyWord(Pjll + (cIS), oldIndex); \ + Pjv[1] = oldValue; \ + } + +// The old value area is in the first word (*Pjp), and Pjv and Pjpm are also in +// the context. Also, unlike Judy1, indexes remain in word 2 (jp_LIndex), +// meaning insert-in-place rather than copy. +// +// Return jpm_PValue pointing to Indexs value area. If Index is new, allocate +// a 2-value-leaf and attach it to the JP. + +#define JU_IMMSET_01_COPY(cIS,LeafType,NewJPType,Copy,CopyWord) \ + { \ + LeafType Pjll; \ + Word_t oldIndex = JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp); \ + Word_t oldValue; \ + Pjv_t PjvRaw; \ + Pjv_t Pjv; \ + \ + Index = JU_TRIMTODCDSIZE(Index); \ + \ + if (oldIndex == Index) \ + { \ + Pjpm->jpm_PValue = (Pjv_t) Pjp; \ + return(0); \ + } \ + \ + if ((PjvRaw = j__udyLAllocJV(2, Pjpm)) == (Pjv_t) NULL) \ + return(-1); \ + Pjv = P_JV(PjvRaw); \ + \ + oldValue = Pjp->jp_Addr; \ + (Pjp->jp_Addr) = (Word_t) PjvRaw; \ + Pjll = (LeafType) (Pjp->jp_LIndex); \ + \ + Copy(cIS,CopyWord); \ + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjll, 2, cIS);) \ + \ + Pjp->jp_Type = (NewJPType); \ + *Pjv = 0; \ + Pjpm->jpm_PValue = Pjv; \ + return(1); \ + } + +// The following is a unique mix of JU_IMMSET_01() and JU_IMMSETCASCADE() for +// going from cJU_JPIMMED_*_01 directly to a cJU_JPLEAF* for JudyL: +// +// If Index is not already set, allocate a leaf, copy the old and new indexes +// into it, clear and return the new value area, and modify the current JP. +// Note that jp_DcdPop is set to a pop0 of 0 for now, and incremented later. + + +#define JU_IMMSET_01_CASCADE(cIS,LeafType,NewJPType,ValueArea, \ + Copy,CopyWord,Alloc) \ + { \ + Word_t D_P0; \ + LeafType PjllRaw; \ + LeafType Pjll; \ + Word_t oldIndex = JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp); \ + Word_t oldValue; \ + Pjv_t Pjv; \ + \ + Index = JU_TRIMTODCDSIZE(Index); \ + \ + if (oldIndex == Index) \ + { \ + Pjpm->jpm_PValue = (Pjv_t) (&(Pjp->jp_Addr)); \ + return(0); \ + } \ + \ + if ((PjllRaw = (LeafType) Alloc(2, Pjpm)) == (LeafType) NULL) \ + return(-1); \ + Pjll = (LeafType) P_JLL(PjllRaw); \ + Pjv = ValueArea(Pjll, 2); \ + \ + oldValue = Pjp->jp_Addr; \ + \ + Copy(cIS,CopyWord); \ + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjll, 2, cIS);) \ + \ + *Pjv = 0; \ + Pjpm->jpm_PValue = Pjv; \ + D_P0 = Index & cJU_DCDMASK(cIS); /* pop0 = 0 */ \ + JU_JPSETADT(Pjp, (Word_t)PjllRaw, D_P0, NewJPType); \ + \ + return(1); \ + } + +#endif // JUDYL + +// Handle growth of cJU_JPIMMED_*_[02..15]: + +#ifdef JUDY1 + +// Insert an Index into an immediate JP that has room for more, if the Index is +// not already present; given Pjp, Index, exppop1, Pjv, and Pjpm in the +// context: +// +// Note: Use this only when the JP format doesnt change, that is, going from +// cJU_JPIMMED_X_0Y to cJU_JPIMMED_X_0Z, where X >= 2 and Y+1 = Z. +// +// Note: Incrementing jp_Type is how to increase the Index population. + +#define JU_IMMSETINPLACE(cIS,LeafType,BaseJPType_02,Search,InsertInPlace) \ + { \ + LeafType Pjll; \ + int offset; \ + \ + exppop1 = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) - (BaseJPType_02) + 2; \ + offset = Search((Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_1Index), exppop1, Index); \ + \ + JU_CHECK_IF_EXISTS(offset, ignore, Pjpm); \ + \ + Pjll = (LeafType) (Pjp->jp_1Index); \ + InsertInPlace(Pjll, exppop1, offset, Index); \ + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjll, exppop1 + 1, cIS);) \ + ++(Pjp->jp_Type); \ + return(1); \ + } + +// Insert an Index into an immediate JP that has no room for more: +// +// If the Index is not already present, do a cascade (to a leaf); given Pjp, +// Index, Pjv, and Pjpm in the context. + + +#define JU_IMMSETCASCADE(cIS,OldPop1,LeafType,NewJPType, \ + ignore,Search,InsertCopy,Alloc) \ + { \ + Word_t D_P0; \ + Pjll_t PjllRaw; \ + Pjll_t Pjll; \ + int offset; \ + \ + offset = Search((Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_1Index), (OldPop1), Index); \ + JU_CHECK_IF_EXISTS(offset, ignore, Pjpm); \ + \ + if ((PjllRaw = Alloc((OldPop1) + 1, Pjpm)) == 0) return(-1); \ + Pjll = P_JLL(PjllRaw); \ + \ + InsertCopy((LeafType) Pjll, (LeafType) (Pjp->jp_1Index), \ + OldPop1, offset, Index); \ + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjll, (OldPop1) + 1, cIS);) \ + \ + D_P0 = (Index & cJU_DCDMASK(cIS)) + (OldPop1) - 1; \ + JU_JPSETADT(Pjp, (Word_t)PjllRaw, D_P0, NewJPType); \ + return(1); \ + } + +#else // JUDYL + +// Variations to also handle value areas; see comments above: +// +// For JudyL, Pjv (start of value area) is also in the context. +// +// TBD: This code makes a true but weak assumption that a JudyL 32-bit 2-index +// value area must be copied to a new 3-index value area. AND it doesnt know +// anything about JudyL 64-bit cases (cJU_JPIMMED_1_0[3-7] only) where the +// value area can grow in place! However, this should not break it, just slow +// it down. + +#define JU_IMMSETINPLACE(cIS,LeafType,BaseJPType_02,Search,InsertInPlace) \ + { \ + LeafType Pleaf; \ + int offset; \ + Pjv_t PjvRaw; \ + Pjv_t Pjv; \ + Pjv_t PjvnewRaw; \ + Pjv_t Pjvnew; \ + \ + exppop1 = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) - (BaseJPType_02) + 2; \ + offset = Search((Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_LIndex), exppop1, Index); \ + PjvRaw = (Pjv_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr); \ + Pjv = P_JV(PjvRaw); \ + \ + JU_CHECK_IF_EXISTS(offset, Pjv, Pjpm); \ + \ + if ((PjvnewRaw = j__udyLAllocJV(exppop1 + 1, Pjpm)) \ + == (Pjv_t) NULL) return(-1); \ + Pjvnew = P_JV(PjvnewRaw); \ + \ + Pleaf = (LeafType) (Pjp->jp_LIndex); \ + \ + InsertInPlace(Pleaf, exppop1, offset, Index); \ + /* see TBD above about this: */ \ + JU_INSERTCOPY(Pjvnew, Pjv, exppop1, offset, 0); \ + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pleaf, exppop1 + 1, cIS);) \ + j__udyLFreeJV(PjvRaw, exppop1, Pjpm); \ + Pjp->jp_Addr = (Word_t) PjvnewRaw; \ + Pjpm->jpm_PValue = Pjvnew + offset; \ + \ + ++(Pjp->jp_Type); \ + return(1); \ + } + +#define JU_IMMSETCASCADE(cIS,OldPop1,LeafType,NewJPType, \ + ValueArea,Search,InsertCopy,Alloc) \ + { \ + Word_t D_P0; \ + Pjll_t PjllRaw; \ + Pjll_t Pjll; \ + int offset; \ + Pjv_t PjvRaw; \ + Pjv_t Pjv; \ + Pjv_t Pjvnew; \ + \ + PjvRaw = (Pjv_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr); \ + Pjv = P_JV(PjvRaw); \ + offset = Search((Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_LIndex), (OldPop1), Index); \ + JU_CHECK_IF_EXISTS(offset, Pjv, Pjpm); \ + \ + if ((PjllRaw = Alloc((OldPop1) + 1, Pjpm)) == 0) \ + return(-1); \ + Pjll = P_JLL(PjllRaw); \ + InsertCopy((LeafType) Pjll, (LeafType) (Pjp->jp_LIndex), \ + OldPop1, offset, Index); \ + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjll, (OldPop1) + 1, cIS);) \ + \ + Pjvnew = ValueArea(Pjll, (OldPop1) + 1); \ + JU_INSERTCOPY(Pjvnew, Pjv, OldPop1, offset, 0); \ + j__udyLFreeJV(PjvRaw, (OldPop1), Pjpm); \ + Pjpm->jpm_PValue = Pjvnew + offset; \ + \ + D_P0 = (Index & cJU_DCDMASK(cIS)) + (OldPop1) - 1; \ + JU_JPSETADT(Pjp, (Word_t)PjllRaw, D_P0, NewJPType); \ + return(1); \ + } + +#endif // JUDYL + +// Common convenience/shorthand wrappers around JU_IMMSET_01_COPY() for +// even/odd index sizes: + +#define JU_IMMSET_01( cIS, LeafType, NewJPType) \ + JU_IMMSET_01_COPY(cIS, LeafType, NewJPType, JU_IMMSET_01_COPY_EVEN, \ + ignore) + +#define JU_IMMSET_01_ODD( cIS, NewJPType, CopyWord) \ + JU_IMMSET_01_COPY(cIS, uint8_t *, NewJPType, JU_IMMSET_01_COPY_ODD, \ + CopyWord) + + +// END OF MACROS; IMMED CASES START HERE: + +// cJU_JPIMMED_*_01 cases: +// +// 1_01 always leads to 1_02: +// +// (1_01 => 1_02 => 1_03 => [ 1_04 => ... => 1_07 => [ 1_08..15 => ]] LeafL) + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_01: JU_IMMSET_01(1, uint8_t *, cJU_JPIMMED_1_02); + +// 2_01 leads to 2_02, and 3_01 leads to 3_02, except for JudyL 32-bit, where +// they lead to a leaf: +// +// (2_01 => [ 2_02 => 2_03 => [ 2_04..07 => ]] LeafL) +// (3_01 => [ 3_02 => [ 3_03..05 => ]] LeafL) + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_01: JU_IMMSET_01(2, uint16_t *, cJU_JPIMMED_2_02); + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_01: JU_IMMSET_01_ODD (3, cJU_JPIMMED_3_02, + JU_COPY3_LONG_TO_PINDEX); +#else + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_01: + JU_IMMSET_01_CASCADE(2, uint16_t *, cJU_JPLEAF2, JL_LEAF2VALUEAREA, + JU_IMMSET_01_COPY_EVEN, ignore, + j__udyAllocJLL2); + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_01: + JU_IMMSET_01_CASCADE(3, uint8_t *, cJU_JPLEAF3, JL_LEAF3VALUEAREA, + JU_IMMSET_01_COPY_ODD, + JU_COPY3_LONG_TO_PINDEX, j__udyAllocJLL3); +#endif + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + +// [4-7]_01 lead to [4-7]_02 for Judy1, and to leaves for JudyL: +// +// (4_01 => [[ 4_02..03 => ]] LeafL) +// (5_01 => [[ 5_02..03 => ]] LeafL) +// (6_01 => [[ 6_02 => ]] LeafL) +// (7_01 => [[ 7_02 => ]] LeafL) + +#ifdef JUDY1 + case cJU_JPIMMED_4_01: JU_IMMSET_01(4, uint32_t *, cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02); + case cJU_JPIMMED_5_01: JU_IMMSET_01_ODD(5, cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02, + JU_COPY5_LONG_TO_PINDEX); + case cJU_JPIMMED_6_01: JU_IMMSET_01_ODD(6, cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02, + JU_COPY6_LONG_TO_PINDEX); + case cJU_JPIMMED_7_01: JU_IMMSET_01_ODD(7, cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02, + JU_COPY7_LONG_TO_PINDEX); +#else // JUDYL + case cJU_JPIMMED_4_01: + JU_IMMSET_01_CASCADE(4, uint32_t *, cJU_JPLEAF4, JL_LEAF4VALUEAREA, + JU_IMMSET_01_COPY_EVEN, ignore, + j__udyAllocJLL4); + case cJU_JPIMMED_5_01: + JU_IMMSET_01_CASCADE(5, uint8_t *, cJU_JPLEAF5, JL_LEAF5VALUEAREA, + JU_IMMSET_01_COPY_ODD, + JU_COPY5_LONG_TO_PINDEX, j__udyAllocJLL5); + case cJU_JPIMMED_6_01: + JU_IMMSET_01_CASCADE(6, uint8_t *, cJU_JPLEAF6, JL_LEAF6VALUEAREA, + JU_IMMSET_01_COPY_ODD, + JU_COPY6_LONG_TO_PINDEX, j__udyAllocJLL6); + case cJU_JPIMMED_7_01: + JU_IMMSET_01_CASCADE(7, uint8_t *, cJU_JPLEAF7, JL_LEAF7VALUEAREA, + JU_IMMSET_01_COPY_ODD, + JU_COPY7_LONG_TO_PINDEX, j__udyAllocJLL7); +#endif // JUDYL +#endif // JU_64BIT + +// cJU_JPIMMED_1_* cases that can grow in place: +// +// (1_01 => 1_02 => 1_03 => [ 1_04 => ... => 1_07 => [ 1_08..15 => ]] LeafL) + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_02: +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_03: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_04: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_05: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_06: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_07: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_08: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_09: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_10: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_11: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_12: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_13: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_14: +#endif + JU_IMMSETINPLACE(1, uint8_t *, cJU_JPIMMED_1_02, j__udySearchLeaf1, + JU_INSERTINPLACE); + +// cJU_JPIMMED_1_* cases that must cascade: +// +// (1_01 => 1_02 => 1_03 => [ 1_04 => ... => 1_07 => [ 1_08..15 => ]] LeafL) + +#if (defined(JUDYL) && (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_03: + JU_IMMSETCASCADE(1, 3, uint8_t *, cJU_JPLEAF1, JL_LEAF1VALUEAREA, + j__udySearchLeaf1, JU_INSERTCOPY, + j__udyAllocJLL1); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_07: + JU_IMMSETCASCADE(1, 7, uint8_t *, cJU_JPLEAF1, ignore, + j__udySearchLeaf1, JU_INSERTCOPY, + j__udyAllocJLL1); + +#endif +#if (defined(JUDYL) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_07: + JU_IMMSETCASCADE(1, 7, uint8_t *, cJU_JPLEAF1, JL_LEAF1VALUEAREA, + j__udySearchLeaf1, JU_INSERTCOPY, + j__udyAllocJLL1); + +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) +// Special case, as described above, go directly from Immed to LeafB1: + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_15: + { + Word_t DcdP0; + int offset; + Pjlb_t PjlbRaw; + Pjlb_t Pjlb; + + offset = j__udySearchLeaf1((Pjll_t) Pjp->jp_1Index, 15, Index); + + JU_CHECK_IF_EXISTS(offset, ignore, Pjpm); + +// Create a bitmap leaf (special case for Judy1 64-bit only, see usage): Set +// new Index in bitmap, copy an Immed1_15 to the bitmap, and set the parent JP +// EXCEPT jp_DcdPopO, leaving any followup to the caller: + + if ((PjlbRaw = j__udyAllocJLB1(Pjpm)) == (Pjlb_t) NULL) + return(-1); + Pjlb = P_JLB(PjlbRaw); + + JU_BITMAPSETL(Pjlb, Index); + + for (offset = 0; offset < 15; ++offset) + JU_BITMAPSETL(Pjlb, Pjp->jp_1Index[offset]); + +// Set jp_DcdPopO including the current pop0; incremented later: + DcdP0 = (Index & cJU_DCDMASK(1)) + 15 - 1; + JU_JPSETADT(Pjp, (Word_t)PjlbRaw, DcdP0, cJU_JPLEAF_B1); + + return(1); + } +#endif + +// cJU_JPIMMED_[2..7]_[02..15] cases that grow in place or cascade: +// +// (2_01 => [ 2_02 => 2_03 => [ 2_04..07 => ]] LeafL) + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_02: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_03: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_04: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_05: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_06: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + JU_IMMSETINPLACE(2, uint16_t *, cJU_JPIMMED_2_02, j__udySearchLeaf2, + JU_INSERTINPLACE); +#endif + +#undef OLDPOP1 +#if ((defined(JUDY1) && (! defined(JU_64BIT))) || (defined(JUDYL) && defined(JU_64BIT))) + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_03: +#define OLDPOP1 3 +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_07: +#define OLDPOP1 7 +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + JU_IMMSETCASCADE(2, OLDPOP1, uint16_t *, cJU_JPLEAF2, + JL_LEAF2VALUEAREA, j__udySearchLeaf2, + JU_INSERTCOPY, j__udyAllocJLL2); +#endif + +// (3_01 => [ 3_02 => [ 3_03..05 => ]] LeafL) + +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_02: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_03: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_04: + + JU_IMMSETINPLACE(3, uint8_t *, cJU_JPIMMED_3_02, j__udySearchLeaf3, + JU_INSERTINPLACE3); +#endif + +#undef OLDPOP1 +#if ((defined(JUDY1) && (! defined(JU_64BIT))) || (defined(JUDYL) && defined(JU_64BIT))) + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_02: +#define OLDPOP1 2 +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_05: +#define OLDPOP1 5 +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + JU_IMMSETCASCADE(3, OLDPOP1, uint8_t *, cJU_JPLEAF3, + JL_LEAF3VALUEAREA, j__udySearchLeaf3, + JU_INSERTCOPY3, j__udyAllocJLL3); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + +// (4_01 => [[ 4_02..03 => ]] LeafL) + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02: + + JU_IMMSETINPLACE(4, uint32_t *, cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02, j__udySearchLeaf4, + JU_INSERTINPLACE); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_03: + + JU_IMMSETCASCADE(4, 3, uint32_t *, cJU_JPLEAF4, ignore, + j__udySearchLeaf4, JU_INSERTCOPY, + j__udyAllocJLL4); + +// (5_01 => [[ 5_02..03 => ]] LeafL) + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02: + + JU_IMMSETINPLACE(5, uint8_t *, cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02, j__udySearchLeaf5, + JU_INSERTINPLACE5); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_03: + + JU_IMMSETCASCADE(5, 3, uint8_t *, cJU_JPLEAF5, ignore, + j__udySearchLeaf5, JU_INSERTCOPY5, + j__udyAllocJLL5); + +// (6_01 => [[ 6_02 => ]] LeafL) + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02: + + JU_IMMSETCASCADE(6, 2, uint8_t *, cJU_JPLEAF6, ignore, + j__udySearchLeaf6, JU_INSERTCOPY6, + j__udyAllocJLL6); + +// (7_01 => [[ 7_02 => ]] LeafL) + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02: + + JU_IMMSETCASCADE(7, 2, uint8_t *, cJU_JPLEAF7, ignore, + j__udySearchLeaf7, JU_INSERTCOPY7, + j__udyAllocJLL7); + +#endif // (JUDY1 && JU_64BIT) + + +// **************************************************************************** +// INVALID JP TYPE: + + default: JU_SET_ERRNO_NONNULL(Pjpm, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); return(-1); + + } // switch on JP type + + { + +#ifdef SUBEXPCOUNTS + +// This code might seem strange here. However it saves some memory read time +// during insert (~70nS) because a pipelined processor does not need to "stall" +// waiting for the memory read to complete. Hope the compiler is not too smart +// or dumb and moves the code down to where it looks like it belongs (below a +// few lines). + + Word_t SubExpCount = 0; // current subexpanse counter. + + if (PSubExp != (PWord_t) NULL) // only if BranchB/U. + SubExpCount = PSubExp[0]; +#endif + +// PROCESS JP -- RECURSIVELY: +// +// For non-Immed JP types, if successful, post-increment the population count +// at this Level. + + retcode = j__udyInsWalk(Pjp, Index, Pjpm); + +// Successful insert, increment JP and subexpanse count: + + if ((JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) < cJU_JPIMMED_1_01) && (retcode == 1)) + { + jp_t JP; + Word_t DcdP0; +#ifdef SUBEXPCOUNTS + +// Note: Pjp must be a pointer to a BranchB/U: + + if (PSubExp != (PWord_t) NULL) PSubExp[0] = SubExpCount + 1; +#endif + + JP = *Pjp; + DcdP0 = JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) + 1; + JU_JPSETADT(Pjp, JP.jp_Addr, DcdP0, JU_JPTYPE(&JP)); + } + } + return(retcode); + +} // j__udyInsWalk() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y 1 S E T +// J U D Y L I N S +// +// Main entry point. See the manual entry for details. + +#ifdef JUDY1 +FUNCTION int Judy1Set +#else +FUNCTION PPvoid_t JudyLIns +#endif + ( + PPvoid_t PPArray, // in which to insert. + Word_t Index, // to insert. + PJError_t PJError // optional, for returning error info. + ) +{ +#ifdef JUDY1 +#define Pjv ignore // placeholders for macros. +#define Pjvnew ignore +#else + Pjv_t Pjv; // value area in old leaf. + Pjv_t Pjvnew; // value area in new leaf. +#endif + Pjpm_t Pjpm; // array-global info. + int offset; // position in which to store new Index. + Pjlw_t Pjlw; + + +// CHECK FOR NULL POINTER (error by caller): + + if (PPArray == (PPvoid_t) NULL) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NULLPPARRAY); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + + Pjlw = P_JLW(*PPArray); // first word of leaf. + +// **************************************************************************** +// PROCESS TOP LEVEL "JRP" BRANCHES AND LEAVES: + +// **************************************************************************** +// JRPNULL (EMPTY ARRAY): BUILD A LEAFW WITH ONE INDEX: + +// if a valid empty array (null pointer), so create an array of population == 1: + + if (Pjlw == (Pjlw_t)NULL) + { + Pjlw_t Pjlwnew; + + Pjlwnew = j__udyAllocJLW(1); + JUDY1CODE(JU_CHECKALLOC(Pjlw_t, Pjlwnew, JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(JU_CHECKALLOC(Pjlw_t, Pjlwnew, PPJERR);) + + Pjlwnew[0] = 1 - 1; // pop0 = 0. + Pjlwnew[1] = Index; + + *PPArray = (Pvoid_t) Pjlwnew; + DBGCODE(JudyCheckPop(*PPArray);) + + JUDY1CODE(return(1); ) + JUDYLCODE(Pjlwnew[2] = 0; ) // value area. + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) (Pjlwnew + 2)); ) + + } // NULL JRP + +// **************************************************************************** +// LEAFW, OTHER SIZE: + + if (JU_LEAFW_POP0(*PPArray) < cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1) // must be a LEAFW + { + Pjlw_t Pjlwnew; + Word_t pop1; + + Pjlw = P_JLW(*PPArray); // first word of leaf. + pop1 = Pjlw[0] + 1; + +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv = JL_LEAFWVALUEAREA(Pjlw, pop1); +#endif + offset = j__udySearchLeafW(Pjlw + 1, pop1, Index); + + if (offset >= 0) // index is already valid: + { + DBGCODE(JudyCheckPop(*PPArray);) + JUDY1CODE(return(0); ) + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) (Pjv + offset)); ) + } + + offset = ~offset; + +// Insert index in cases where no new memory is needed: + + if (JU_LEAFWGROWINPLACE(pop1)) + { + ++Pjlw[0]; // increase population. + + JU_INSERTINPLACE(Pjlw + 1, pop1, offset, Index); +#ifdef JUDYL + JU_INSERTINPLACE(Pjv, pop1, offset, 0); +#endif + DBGCODE(JudyCheckPop(*PPArray);) + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjlw + 1, pop1 + 1, cJU_ROOTSTATE);) + + JUDY1CODE(return(1); ) + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) (Pjv + offset)); ) + } + +// Insert index into a new, larger leaf: + + if (pop1 < cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1) // can grow to a larger leaf. + { + Pjlwnew = j__udyAllocJLW(pop1 + 1); + JUDY1CODE(JU_CHECKALLOC(Pjlw_t, Pjlwnew, JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(JU_CHECKALLOC(Pjlw_t, Pjlwnew, PPJERR);) + + Pjlwnew[0] = pop1; // set pop0 in new leaf. + + JU_INSERTCOPY(Pjlwnew + 1, Pjlw + 1, pop1, offset, Index); +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjvnew = JL_LEAFWVALUEAREA(Pjlwnew, pop1 + 1); + JU_INSERTCOPY(Pjvnew, Pjv, pop1, offset, 0); +#endif + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjlwnew + 1, pop1 + 1, cJU_ROOTSTATE);) + + j__udyFreeJLW(Pjlw, pop1, NULL); + + *PPArray = (Pvoid_t) Pjlwnew; + DBGCODE(JudyCheckPop(*PPArray);) + + JUDY1CODE(return(1); ) + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) (Pjvnew + offset)); ) + } + + assert(pop1 == cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1); + +// Leaf at max size => cannot insert new index, so cascade instead: +// +// Upon cascading from a LEAFW leaf to the first branch, must allocate and +// initialize a JPM. + + Pjpm = j__udyAllocJPM(); + JUDY1CODE(JU_CHECKALLOC(Pjpm_t, Pjpm, JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(JU_CHECKALLOC(Pjpm_t, Pjpm, PPJERR);) + + (Pjpm->jpm_Pop0) = cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1 - 1; + (Pjpm->jpm_JP.jp_Addr) = (Word_t) Pjlw; + + if (j__udyCascadeL(&(Pjpm->jpm_JP), Pjpm) == -1) + { + JU_COPY_ERRNO(PJError, Pjpm); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + +// Note: No need to pass Pjpm for memory decrement; LEAFW memory is never +// counted in a JPM at all: + + j__udyFreeJLW(Pjlw, cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1, NULL); + *PPArray = (Pvoid_t) Pjpm; + + } // JU_LEAFW + +// **************************************************************************** +// BRANCH: + + { + int retcode; // really only needed for Judy1, but free for JudyL. + + Pjpm = P_JPM(*PPArray); + retcode = j__udyInsWalk(&(Pjpm->jpm_JP), Index, Pjpm); + + if (retcode == -1) + { + JU_COPY_ERRNO(PJError, Pjpm); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + + if (retcode == 1) ++(Pjpm->jpm_Pop0); // incr total array popu. + + assert(((Pjpm->jpm_JP.jp_Type) == cJU_JPBRANCH_L) + || ((Pjpm->jpm_JP.jp_Type) == cJU_JPBRANCH_B) + || ((Pjpm->jpm_JP.jp_Type) == cJU_JPBRANCH_U)); + DBGCODE(JudyCheckPop(*PPArray);) + +#ifdef JUDY1 + assert((retcode == 0) || (retcode == 1)); + return(retcode); // == JU_RET_*_JPM(). +#else + assert(Pjpm->jpm_PValue != (Pjv_t) NULL); + return((PPvoid_t) Pjpm->jpm_PValue); +#endif + } + /*NOTREACHED*/ + +} // Judy1Set() / JudyLIns() diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Judy1SetArray.c b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Judy1SetArray.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bbd92a7a --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Judy1SetArray.c @@ -0,0 +1,1178 @@ +// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company +// +// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +// under the term of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +// option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +// _________________ + +// TBD: It would probably be faster for the caller if the JudyL version took +// PIndex as an interleaved array of indexes and values rather than just +// indexes with a separate values array (PValue), especially considering +// indexes and values are copied here with for-loops anyway and not the +// equivalent of memcpy(). All code could be revised to simply count by two +// words for JudyL? Supports "streaming" the data to/from disk better later? +// In which case get rid of JU_ERRNO_NULLPVALUE, no longer needed, and simplify +// the API to this code. +// _________________ + +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ +// +// Judy1SetArray() and JudyLInsArray() functions for Judy1 and JudyL. +// Compile with one of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL. + +#if (! (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JUDYL))) +#error: One of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL must be specified. +#endif + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#include "Judy1.h" +#else +#include "JudyL.h" +#endif + +#include "JudyPrivate1L.h" + +DBGCODE(extern void JudyCheckPop(Pvoid_t PArray);) + + +// IMMED AND LEAF SIZE AND BRANCH TYPE ARRAYS: +// +// These support fast and easy lookup by level. + +static uint8_t immed_maxpop1[] = { + 0, + cJU_IMMED1_MAXPOP1, + cJU_IMMED2_MAXPOP1, + cJU_IMMED3_MAXPOP1, +#ifdef JU_64BIT + cJU_IMMED4_MAXPOP1, + cJU_IMMED5_MAXPOP1, + cJU_IMMED6_MAXPOP1, + cJU_IMMED7_MAXPOP1, +#endif + // note: There are no IMMEDs for whole words. +}; + +static uint8_t leaf_maxpop1[] = { + 0, +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + cJU_LEAF1_MAXPOP1, +#else + 0, // 64-bit Judy1 has no Leaf1. +#endif + cJU_LEAF2_MAXPOP1, + cJU_LEAF3_MAXPOP1, +#ifdef JU_64BIT + cJU_LEAF4_MAXPOP1, + cJU_LEAF5_MAXPOP1, + cJU_LEAF6_MAXPOP1, + cJU_LEAF7_MAXPOP1, +#endif + // note: Root-level leaves are handled differently. +}; + +static uint8_t branchL_JPtype[] = { + 0, + 0, + cJU_JPBRANCH_L2, + cJU_JPBRANCH_L3, +#ifdef JU_64BIT + cJU_JPBRANCH_L4, + cJU_JPBRANCH_L5, + cJU_JPBRANCH_L6, + cJU_JPBRANCH_L7, +#endif + cJU_JPBRANCH_L, +}; + +static uint8_t branchB_JPtype[] = { + 0, + 0, + cJU_JPBRANCH_B2, + cJU_JPBRANCH_B3, +#ifdef JU_64BIT + cJU_JPBRANCH_B4, + cJU_JPBRANCH_B5, + cJU_JPBRANCH_B6, + cJU_JPBRANCH_B7, +#endif + cJU_JPBRANCH_B, +}; + +static uint8_t branchU_JPtype[] = { + 0, + 0, + cJU_JPBRANCH_U2, + cJU_JPBRANCH_U3, +#ifdef JU_64BIT + cJU_JPBRANCH_U4, + cJU_JPBRANCH_U5, + cJU_JPBRANCH_U6, + cJU_JPBRANCH_U7, +#endif + cJU_JPBRANCH_U, +}; + +// Subexpanse masks are similer to JU_DCDMASK() but without the need to clear +// the first digits bits. Avoid doing variable shifts by precomputing a +// lookup array. + +static Word_t subexp_mask[] = { + 0, + ~cJU_POP0MASK(1), + ~cJU_POP0MASK(2), + ~cJU_POP0MASK(3), +#ifdef JU_64BIT + ~cJU_POP0MASK(4), + ~cJU_POP0MASK(5), + ~cJU_POP0MASK(6), + ~cJU_POP0MASK(7), +#endif +}; + + +// FUNCTION PROTOTYPES: + +static bool_t j__udyInsArray(Pjp_t PjpParent, int Level, PWord_t PPop1, + PWord_t PIndex, +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv_t PValue, +#endif + Pjpm_t Pjpm); + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y 1 S E T A R R A Y +// J U D Y L I N S A R R A Y +// +// Main entry point. See the manual entry for external overview. +// +// TBD: Until thats written, note that the function returns 1 for success or +// JERRI for serious error, including insufficient memory to build whole array; +// use Judy*Count() to see how many were stored, the first N of the total +// Count. Also, since it takes Count == Pop1, it cannot handle a full array. +// Also, "sorted" means ascending without duplicates, otherwise you get the +// "unsorted" error. +// +// The purpose of these functions is to allow rapid construction of a large +// Judy array given a sorted list of indexes (and for JudyL, corresponding +// values). At least one customer saw this as useful, and probably it would +// also be useful as a sufficient workaround for fast(er) unload/reload to/from +// disk. +// +// This code is written recursively for simplicity, until/unless someone +// decides to make it faster and more complex. Hopefully recursion is fast +// enough simply because the function is so much faster than a series of +// Set/Ins calls. + +#ifdef JUDY1 +FUNCTION int Judy1SetArray +#else +FUNCTION int JudyLInsArray +#endif + ( + PPvoid_t PPArray, // in which to insert, initially empty. + Word_t Count, // number of indexes (and values) to insert. +const Word_t * const PIndex, // list of indexes to insert. +#ifdef JUDYL +const Word_t * const PValue, // list of corresponding values. +#endif + PJError_t PJError // optional, for returning error info. + ) +{ + Pjlw_t Pjlw; // new root-level leaf. + Pjlw_t Pjlwindex; // first index in root-level leaf. + int offset; // in PIndex. + + +// CHECK FOR NULL OR NON-NULL POINTER (error by caller): + + if (PPArray == (PPvoid_t) NULL) + { JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NULLPPARRAY); return(JERRI); } + + if (*PPArray != (Pvoid_t) NULL) + { JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NONNULLPARRAY); return(JERRI); } + + if (PIndex == (PWord_t) NULL) + { JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NULLPINDEX); return(JERRI); } + +#ifdef JUDYL + if (PValue == (PWord_t) NULL) + { JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NULLPVALUE); return(JERRI); } +#endif + + +// HANDLE LARGE COUNT (= POP1) (typical case): +// +// Allocate and initialize a JPM, set the root pointer to point to it, and then +// build the tree underneath it. + +// Common code for unusual error handling when no JPM available: + + if (Count > cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1) // too big for root-level leaf. + { + Pjpm_t Pjpm; // new, to allocate. + +// Allocate JPM: + + Pjpm = j__udyAllocJPM(); + JU_CHECKALLOC(Pjpm_t, Pjpm, JERRI); + *PPArray = (Pvoid_t) Pjpm; + +// Set some JPM fields: + + (Pjpm->jpm_Pop0) = Count - 1; + // note: (Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords) is now initialized. + +// Build Judy tree: +// +// In case of error save the final Count, possibly modified, unless modified to +// 0, in which case free the JPM itself: + + if (! j__udyInsArray(&(Pjpm->jpm_JP), cJU_ROOTSTATE, &Count, + (PWord_t) PIndex, +#ifdef JUDYL + (Pjv_t) PValue, +#endif + Pjpm)) + { + JU_COPY_ERRNO(PJError, Pjpm); + + if (Count) // partial success, adjust pop0: + { + (Pjpm->jpm_Pop0) = Count - 1; + } + else // total failure, free JPM: + { + j__udyFreeJPM(Pjpm, (Pjpm_t) NULL); + *PPArray = (Pvoid_t) NULL; + } + + DBGCODE(JudyCheckPop(*PPArray);) + return(JERRI); + } + + DBGCODE(JudyCheckPop(*PPArray);) + return(1); + + } // large count + + +// HANDLE SMALL COUNT (= POP1): +// +// First ensure indexes are in sorted order: + + for (offset = 1; offset < Count; ++offset) + { + if (PIndex[offset - 1] >= PIndex[offset]) + { JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_UNSORTED); return(JERRI); } + } + + if (Count == 0) return(1); // *PPArray remains null. + + { + Pjlw = j__udyAllocJLW(Count + 1); + JU_CHECKALLOC(Pjlw_t, Pjlw, JERRI); + *PPArray = (Pvoid_t) Pjlw; + Pjlw[0] = Count - 1; // set pop0. + Pjlwindex = Pjlw + 1; + } + +// Copy whole-word indexes (and values) to the root-level leaf: + + JU_COPYMEM(Pjlwindex, PIndex, Count); +JUDYLCODE(JU_COPYMEM(JL_LEAFWVALUEAREA(Pjlw, Count), PValue, Count)); + + DBGCODE(JudyCheckPop(*PPArray);) + return(1); + +} // Judy1SetArray() / JudyLInsArray() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y I N S A R R A Y +// +// Given: +// +// - a pointer to a JP +// +// - the JPs level in the tree, that is, the number of digits left to decode +// in the indexes under the JP (one less than the level of the JPM or branch +// in which the JP resides); cJU_ROOTSTATE on first entry (when JP is the one +// in the JPM), down to 1 for a Leaf1, LeafB1, or FullPop +// +// - a pointer to the number of indexes (and corresponding values) to store in +// this subtree, to modify in case of partial success +// +// - a list of indexes (and for JudyL, corresponding values) to store in this +// subtree +// +// - a JPM for tracking memory usage and returning errors +// +// Recursively build a subtree (immediate indexes, leaf, or branch with +// subtrees) and modify the JP accordingly. On the way down, build a BranchU +// (only) for any expanse with *PPop1 too high for a leaf; on the way out, +// convert the BranchU to a BranchL or BranchB if appropriate. Keep memory +// statistics in the JPM. +// +// Return TRUE for success, or FALSE with error information set in the JPM in +// case of error, in which case leave a partially constructed but healthy tree, +// and modify parent population counts on the way out. +// +// Note: Each call of this function makes all modifications to the PjpParent +// it receives; neither the parent nor child calls do this. + +FUNCTION static bool_t j__udyInsArray( + Pjp_t PjpParent, // parent JP in/under which to store. + int Level, // initial digits remaining to decode. + PWord_t PPop1, // number of indexes to store. + PWord_t PIndex, // list of indexes to store. +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv_t PValue, // list of corresponding values. +#endif + Pjpm_t Pjpm) // for memory and errors. +{ + Pjp_t Pjp; // lower-level JP. + Word_t Pjbany; // any type of branch. + int levelsub; // actual, of Pjps node, <= Level. + Word_t pop1 = *PPop1; // fast local value. + Word_t pop1sub; // population of one subexpanse. + uint8_t JPtype; // current JP type. + uint8_t JPtype_null; // precomputed value for new branch. + jp_t JPnull; // precomputed for speed. + Pjbu_t PjbuRaw; // constructed BranchU. + Pjbu_t Pjbu; + int digit; // in BranchU. + Word_t digitmask; // for a digit in a BranchU. + Word_t digitshifted; // shifted to correct offset. + Word_t digitshincr; // increment for digitshifted. + int offset; // in PIndex, or a bitmap subexpanse. + int numJPs; // number non-null in a BranchU. + bool_t retval; // to return from this func. +JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t PjvRaw); // destination value area. +JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjv); + + +// MACROS FOR COMMON CODE: +// +// Note: These use function and local parameters from the context. +// Note: Assume newly allocated memory is zeroed. + +// Indicate whether a sorted list of indexes in PIndex, based on the first and +// last indexes in the list using pop1, are in the same subexpanse between +// Level and L_evel: +// +// This can be confusing! Note that SAMESUBEXP(L) == TRUE means the indexes +// are the same through level L + 1, and it says nothing about level L and +// lower; they might be the same or they might differ. +// +// Note: In principle SAMESUBEXP needs a mask for the digits from Level, +// inclusive, to L_evel, exclusive. But in practice, since the indexes are all +// known to be identical above Level, it just uses a mask for the digits +// through L_evel + 1; see subexp_mask[]. + +#define SAMESUBEXP(L_evel) \ + (! ((PIndex[0] ^ PIndex[pop1 - 1]) & subexp_mask[L_evel])) + +// Set PjpParent to a null JP appropriate for the level of the node to which it +// points, which is 1 less than the level of the node in which the JP resides, +// which is by definition Level: +// +// Note: This can set the JPMs JP to an invalid jp_Type, but it doesnt +// matter because the JPM is deleted by the caller. + +#define SETJPNULL_PARENT \ + JU_JPSETADT(PjpParent, 0, 0, cJU_JPNULL1 + Level - 1); + +// Variation to set a specified JP (in a branch being built) to a precomputed +// null JP: + +#define SETJPNULL(Pjp) *(Pjp) = JPnull + +// Handle complete (as opposed to partial) memory allocation failure: Set the +// parent JP to an appropriate null type (to leave a consistent tree), zero the +// callers population count, and return FALSE: +// +// Note: At Level == cJU_ROOTSTATE this sets the JPMs JPs jp_Type to a bogus +// value, but it doesnt matter because the JPM should be deleted by the +// caller. + +#define NOMEM { SETJPNULL_PARENT; *PPop1 = 0; return(FALSE); } + +// Allocate a Leaf1-N and save the address in Pjll; in case of failure, NOMEM: + +#define ALLOCLEAF(AllocLeaf) \ + if ((PjllRaw = AllocLeaf(pop1, Pjpm)) == (Pjll_t) NULL) NOMEM; \ + Pjll = P_JLL(PjllRaw); + +// Copy indexes smaller than words (and values which are whole words) from +// given arrays to immediate indexes or a leaf: +// +// TBD: These macros overlap with some of the code in JudyCascade.c; do some +// merging? That file has functions while these are macros. + +#define COPYTOLEAF_EVEN_SUB(Pjll,LeafType) \ + { \ + LeafType * P_leaf = (LeafType *) (Pjll); \ + Word_t p_op1 = pop1; \ + PWord_t P_Index = PIndex; \ + \ + assert(pop1 > 0); \ + \ + do { *P_leaf++ = *P_Index++; /* truncates */\ + } while (--(p_op1)); \ + } + +#define COPYTOLEAF_ODD_SUB(cLevel,Pjll,Copy) \ + { \ + uint8_t * P_leaf = (uint8_t *) (Pjll); \ + Word_t p_op1 = pop1; \ + PWord_t P_Index = PIndex; \ + \ + assert(pop1 > 0); \ + \ + do { \ + Copy(P_leaf, *P_Index); \ + P_leaf += (cLevel); ++P_Index; \ + } while (--(p_op1)); \ + } + +#ifdef JUDY1 + +#define COPYTOLEAF_EVEN(Pjll,LeafType) COPYTOLEAF_EVEN_SUB(Pjll,LeafType) +#define COPYTOLEAF_ODD(cLevel,Pjll,Copy) COPYTOLEAF_ODD_SUB(cLevel,Pjll,Copy) + +#else // JUDYL adds copying of values: + +#define COPYTOLEAF_EVEN(Pjll,LeafType) \ + { \ + COPYTOLEAF_EVEN_SUB(Pjll,LeafType) \ + JU_COPYMEM(Pjv, PValue, pop1); \ + } + +#define COPYTOLEAF_ODD(cLevel,Pjll,Copy) \ + { \ + COPYTOLEAF_ODD_SUB( cLevel,Pjll,Copy) \ + JU_COPYMEM(Pjv, PValue, pop1); \ + } + +#endif + +// Set the JP type for an immediate index, where BaseJPType is JPIMMED_*_02: + +#define SETIMMTYPE(BaseJPType) (PjpParent->jp_Type) = (BaseJPType) + pop1 - 2 + +// Allocate and populate a Leaf1-N: +// +// Build MAKELEAF_EVEN() and MAKELEAF_ODD() using macros for common code. + +#define MAKELEAF_SUB1(AllocLeaf,ValueArea,LeafType) \ + ALLOCLEAF(AllocLeaf); \ + JUDYLCODE(Pjv = ValueArea(Pjll, pop1)) + + +#define MAKELEAF_SUB2(cLevel,JPType) \ +{ \ + Word_t D_cdP0; \ + assert(pop1 - 1 <= cJU_POP0MASK(cLevel)); \ + D_cdP0 = (*PIndex & cJU_DCDMASK(cLevel)) | (pop1 - 1); \ + JU_JPSETADT(PjpParent, (Word_t)PjllRaw, D_cdP0, JPType); \ +} + + +#define MAKELEAF_EVEN(cLevel,JPType,AllocLeaf,ValueArea,LeafType) \ + MAKELEAF_SUB1(AllocLeaf,ValueArea,LeafType); \ + COPYTOLEAF_EVEN(Pjll, LeafType); \ + MAKELEAF_SUB2(cLevel, JPType) + +#define MAKELEAF_ODD(cLevel,JPType,AllocLeaf,ValueArea,Copy) \ + MAKELEAF_SUB1(AllocLeaf,ValueArea,LeafType); \ + COPYTOLEAF_ODD(cLevel, Pjll, Copy); \ + MAKELEAF_SUB2(cLevel, JPType) + +// Ensure that the indexes to be stored in immediate indexes or a leaf are +// sorted: +// +// This check is pure overhead, but required in order to protect the Judy array +// against caller error, to avoid a later corruption or core dump from a +// seemingly valid Judy array. Do this check piecemeal at the leaf level while +// the indexes are already in the cache. Higher-level order-checking occurs +// while building branches. +// +// Note: Any sorting error in the expanse of a single immediate indexes JP or +// a leaf => save no indexes in that expanse. + +#define CHECKLEAFORDER \ + { \ + for (offset = 1; offset < pop1; ++offset) \ + { \ + if (PIndex[offset - 1] >= PIndex[offset]) \ + { \ + SETJPNULL_PARENT; \ + *PPop1 = 0; \ + JU_SET_ERRNO_NONNULL(Pjpm, JU_ERRNO_UNSORTED); \ + return(FALSE); \ + } \ + } \ + } + + +// ------ START OF CODE ------ + + assert( Level >= 1); + assert( Level <= cJU_ROOTSTATE); + assert((Level < cJU_ROOTSTATE) || (pop1 > cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1)); + + +// CHECK FOR TOP LEVEL: +// +// Special case: If at the top level (PjpParent is in the JPM), a top-level +// branch must be created, even if its a BranchL with just one JP. (The JPM +// cannot point to a leaf because the leaf would have to be a lower-level, +// higher-capacity leaf under a narrow pointer (otherwise a root-level leaf +// would suffice), and the JPMs JP cant handle a narrow pointer because the +// jp_DcdPopO field isnt big enough.) Otherwise continue to check for a pop1 +// small enough to support immediate indexes or a leaf before giving up and +// making a lower-level branch. + + if (Level == cJU_ROOTSTATE) + { + levelsub = cJU_ROOTSTATE; + goto BuildBranch2; + } + assert(Level < cJU_ROOTSTATE); + + +// SKIP JPIMMED_*_01: +// +// Immeds with pop1 == 1 should be handled in-line during branch construction. + + assert(pop1 > 1); + + +// BUILD JPIMMED_*_02+: +// +// The starting address of the indexes depends on Judy1 or JudyL; also, JudyL +// includes a pointer to a values-only leaf. + + if (pop1 <= immed_maxpop1[Level]) // note: always < root level. + { + JUDY1CODE(uint8_t * Pjll = (uint8_t *) (PjpParent->jp_1Index);) + JUDYLCODE(uint8_t * Pjll = (uint8_t *) (PjpParent->jp_LIndex);) + + CHECKLEAFORDER; // indexes to be stored are sorted. + +#ifdef JUDYL + if ((PjvRaw = j__udyLAllocJV(pop1, Pjpm)) == (Pjv_t) NULL) + NOMEM; + (PjpParent->jp_Addr) = (Word_t) PjvRaw; + Pjv = P_JV(PjvRaw); +#endif + + switch (Level) + { + case 1: COPYTOLEAF_EVEN(Pjll, uint8_t); + SETIMMTYPE(cJU_JPIMMED_1_02); + break; +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case 2: COPYTOLEAF_EVEN(Pjll, uint16_t); + SETIMMTYPE(cJU_JPIMMED_2_02); + break; + case 3: COPYTOLEAF_ODD(3, Pjll, JU_COPY3_LONG_TO_PINDEX); + SETIMMTYPE(cJU_JPIMMED_3_02); + break; +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case 4: COPYTOLEAF_EVEN(Pjll, uint32_t); + SETIMMTYPE(cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02); + break; + case 5: COPYTOLEAF_ODD(5, Pjll, JU_COPY5_LONG_TO_PINDEX); + SETIMMTYPE(cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02); + break; + case 6: COPYTOLEAF_ODD(6, Pjll, JU_COPY6_LONG_TO_PINDEX); + SETIMMTYPE(cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02); + break; + case 7: COPYTOLEAF_ODD(7, Pjll, JU_COPY7_LONG_TO_PINDEX); + SETIMMTYPE(cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02); + break; +#endif + default: assert(FALSE); // should be impossible. + } + + return(TRUE); // note: no children => no *PPop1 mods. + + } // JPIMMED_*_02+ + + +// BUILD JPLEAF*: +// +// This code is a little tricky. The method is: For each level starting at +// the present Level down through levelsub = 1, and then as a special case for +// LeafB1 and FullPop (which are also at levelsub = 1 but have different +// capacity, see later), check if pop1 fits in a leaf (using leaf_maxpop1[]) +// at that level. If so, except for Level == levelsub, check if all of the +// current indexes to be stored are in the same (narrow) subexpanse, that is, +// the digits from Level to levelsub + 1, inclusive, are identical between the +// first and last index in the (sorted) list (in PIndex). If this condition is +// satisfied at any level, build a leaf at that level (under a narrow pointer +// if Level > levelsub). +// +// Note: Doing the search in this order results in storing the indexes in +// "least compressed form." + + for (levelsub = Level; levelsub >= 1; --levelsub) + { + Pjll_t PjllRaw; + Pjll_t Pjll; + +// Check if pop1 is too large to fit in a leaf at levelsub; if so, try the next +// lower level: + + if (pop1 > leaf_maxpop1[levelsub]) continue; + +// If pop1 fits in a leaf at levelsub, but levelsub is lower than Level, must +// also check whether all the indexes in the expanse to store can in fact be +// placed under a narrow pointer; if not, a leaf cannot be used, at this or any +// lower level (levelsub): + + if ((levelsub < Level) && (! SAMESUBEXP(levelsub))) + goto BuildBranch; // cant use a narrow, need a branch. + +// Ensure valid pop1 and all indexes are in fact common through Level: + + assert(pop1 <= cJU_POP0MASK(Level) + 1); + assert(! ((PIndex[0] ^ PIndex[pop1 - 1]) & cJU_DCDMASK(Level))); + + CHECKLEAFORDER; // indexes to be stored are sorted. + +// Build correct type of leaf: +// +// Note: The jp_DcdPopO and jp_Type assignments in MAKELEAF_* happen correctly +// for the levelsub (not Level) of the new leaf, even if its under a narrow +// pointer. + + switch (levelsub) + { +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + case 1: MAKELEAF_EVEN(1, cJU_JPLEAF1, j__udyAllocJLL1, + JL_LEAF1VALUEAREA, uint8_t); + break; +#endif + case 2: MAKELEAF_EVEN(2, cJU_JPLEAF2, j__udyAllocJLL2, + JL_LEAF2VALUEAREA, uint16_t); + break; + case 3: MAKELEAF_ODD( 3, cJU_JPLEAF3, j__udyAllocJLL3, + JL_LEAF3VALUEAREA, JU_COPY3_LONG_TO_PINDEX); + break; +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case 4: MAKELEAF_EVEN(4, cJU_JPLEAF4, j__udyAllocJLL4, + JL_LEAF4VALUEAREA, uint32_t); + break; + case 5: MAKELEAF_ODD( 5, cJU_JPLEAF5, j__udyAllocJLL5, + JL_LEAF5VALUEAREA, JU_COPY5_LONG_TO_PINDEX); + break; + case 6: MAKELEAF_ODD( 6, cJU_JPLEAF6, j__udyAllocJLL6, + JL_LEAF6VALUEAREA, JU_COPY6_LONG_TO_PINDEX); + break; + case 7: MAKELEAF_ODD( 7, cJU_JPLEAF7, j__udyAllocJLL7, + JL_LEAF7VALUEAREA, JU_COPY7_LONG_TO_PINDEX); + break; +#endif + default: assert(FALSE); // should be impossible. + } + + return(TRUE); // note: no children => no *PPop1 mods. + + } // JPLEAF* + + +// BUILD JPLEAF_B1 OR JPFULLPOPU1: +// +// See above about JPLEAF*. If pop1 doesnt fit in any level of linear leaf, +// it might still fit in a LeafB1 or FullPop, perhaps under a narrow pointer. + + if ((Level == 1) || SAMESUBEXP(1)) // same until last digit. + { + Pjlb_t PjlbRaw; // for bitmap leaf. + Pjlb_t Pjlb; + + assert(pop1 <= cJU_JPFULLPOPU1_POP0 + 1); + CHECKLEAFORDER; // indexes to be stored are sorted. + +#ifdef JUDY1 + +// JPFULLPOPU1: + + if (pop1 == cJU_JPFULLPOPU1_POP0 + 1) + { + Word_t Addr = PjpParent->jp_Addr; + Word_t DcdP0 = (*PIndex & cJU_DCDMASK(1)) + | cJU_JPFULLPOPU1_POP0; + JU_JPSETADT(PjpParent, Addr, DcdP0, cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1); + + return(TRUE); + } +#endif + +// JPLEAF_B1: + + if ((PjlbRaw = j__udyAllocJLB1(Pjpm)) == (Pjlb_t) NULL) + NOMEM; + Pjlb = P_JLB(PjlbRaw); + + for (offset = 0; offset < pop1; ++offset) + JU_BITMAPSETL(Pjlb, PIndex[offset]); + + retval = TRUE; // default. + +#ifdef JUDYL + +// Build subexpanse values-only leaves (LeafVs) under LeafB1: + + for (offset = 0; offset < cJU_NUMSUBEXPL; ++offset) + { + if (! (pop1sub = j__udyCountBitsL(JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, offset)))) + continue; // skip empty subexpanse. + +// Allocate one LeafV = JP subarray; if out of memory, clear bitmaps for higher +// subexpanses and adjust *PPop1: + + if ((PjvRaw = j__udyLAllocJV(pop1sub, Pjpm)) + == (Pjv_t) NULL) + { + for (/* null */; offset < cJU_NUMSUBEXPL; ++offset) + { + *PPop1 -= j__udyCountBitsL(JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, offset)); + JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, offset) = 0; + } + + retval = FALSE; + break; + } + +// Populate values-only leaf and save the pointer to it: + + Pjv = P_JV(PjvRaw); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjv, PValue, pop1sub); + JL_JLB_PVALUE(Pjlb, offset) = PjvRaw; // first-tier pointer. + PValue += pop1sub; + + } // for each subexpanse + +#endif // JUDYL + +// Attach new LeafB1 to parent JP; note use of *PPop1 possibly < pop1: + + JU_JPSETADT(PjpParent, (Word_t) PjlbRaw, + (*PIndex & cJU_DCDMASK(1)) | (*PPop1 - 1), cJU_JPLEAF_B1); + + return(retval); + + } // JPLEAF_B1 or JPFULLPOPU1 + + +// BUILD JPBRANCH_U*: +// +// Arriving at BuildBranch means Level < top level but the pop1 is too large +// for immediate indexes or a leaf, even under a narrow pointer, including a +// LeafB1 or FullPop at level 1. This implies SAMESUBEXP(1) == FALSE, that is, +// the indexes to be stored "branch" at level 2 or higher. + +BuildBranch: // come here directly if a leaf wont work. + + assert(Level >= 2); + assert(Level < cJU_ROOTSTATE); + assert(! SAMESUBEXP(1)); // sanity check, see above. + +// Determine the appropriate level for a new branch node; see if a narrow +// pointer can be used: +// +// This can be confusing. The branch is required at the lowest level L where +// the indexes to store are not in the same subexpanse at level L-1. Work down +// from Level to tree level 3, which is 1 above the lowest tree level = 2 at +// which a branch can be used. Theres no need to check SAMESUBEXP at level 2 +// because its known to be false at level 2-1 = 1. +// +// Note: Unlike for a leaf node, a narrow pointer is always used for a branch +// if possible, that is, maximum compression is always used, except at the top +// level of the tree, where a JPM cannot support a narrow pointer, meaning a +// top BranchL can have a single JP (fanout = 1); but that case jumps directly +// to BuildBranch2. +// +// Note: For 32-bit systems the only usable values for a narrow pointer are +// Level = 3 and levelsub = 2; 64-bit systems have many more choices; but +// hopefully this for-loop is fast enough even on a 32-bit system. +// +// TBD: If not fast enough, #ifdef JU_64BIT and handle the 32-bit case faster. + + for (levelsub = Level; levelsub >= 3; --levelsub) // see above. + if (! SAMESUBEXP(levelsub - 1)) // at limit of narrow pointer. + break; // put branch at levelsub. + +BuildBranch2: // come here directly for Level = levelsub = cJU_ROOTSTATE. + + assert(levelsub >= 2); + assert(levelsub <= Level); + +// Initially build a BranchU: +// +// Always start with a BranchU because the number of populated subexpanses is +// not yet known. Use digitmask, digitshifted, and digitshincr to avoid +// expensive variable shifts within JU_DIGITATSTATE within the loop. +// +// TBD: The use of digitmask, etc. results in more increment operations per +// loop, is there an even faster way? +// +// TBD: Would it pay to pre-count the populated JPs (subexpanses) and +// pre-compress the branch, that is, build a BranchL or BranchB immediately, +// also taking account of opportunistic uncompression rules? Probably not +// because at high levels of the tree there might be huge numbers of indexes +// (hence cache lines) to scan in the PIndex array to determine the fanout +// (number of JPs) needed. + + if ((PjbuRaw = j__udyAllocJBU(Pjpm)) == (Pjbu_t) NULL) NOMEM; + Pjbu = P_JBU(PjbuRaw); + + JPtype_null = cJU_JPNULL1 + levelsub - 2; // in new BranchU. + JU_JPSETADT(&JPnull, 0, 0, JPtype_null); + + Pjp = Pjbu->jbu_jp; // for convenience in loop. + numJPs = 0; // non-null in the BranchU. + digitmask = cJU_MASKATSTATE(levelsub); // see above. + digitshincr = 1UL << (cJU_BITSPERBYTE * (levelsub - 1)); + retval = TRUE; + +// Scan and populate JPs (subexpanses): +// +// Look for all indexes matching each digit in the BranchU (at the correct +// levelsub), and meanwhile notice any sorting error. Increment PIndex (and +// PValue) and reduce pop1 for each subexpanse handled successfully. + + for (digit = digitshifted = 0; + digit < cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS; + ++digit, digitshifted += digitshincr, ++Pjp) + { + DBGCODE(Word_t pop1subprev;) + assert(pop1 != 0); // end of indexes is handled elsewhere. + +// Count indexes in digits subexpanse: + + for (pop1sub = 0; pop1sub < pop1; ++pop1sub) + if (digitshifted != (PIndex[pop1sub] & digitmask)) break; + +// Empty subexpanse (typical, performance path) or sorting error (rare): + + if (pop1sub == 0) + { + if (digitshifted < (PIndex[0] & digitmask)) + { SETJPNULL(Pjp); continue; } // empty subexpanse. + + assert(pop1 < *PPop1); // did save >= 1 index and decr pop1. + JU_SET_ERRNO_NONNULL(Pjpm, JU_ERRNO_UNSORTED); + goto AbandonBranch; + } + +// Non-empty subexpanse: +// +// First shortcut by handling pop1sub == 1 (JPIMMED_*_01) inline locally. + + if (pop1sub == 1) // note: can be at root level. + { + Word_t Addr = 0; + JUDYLCODE(Addr = (Word_t) (*PValue++);) + JU_JPSETADT(Pjp, Addr, *PIndex, cJU_JPIMMED_1_01 + levelsub -2); + + ++numJPs; + + if (--pop1) { ++PIndex; continue; } // more indexes to store. + + ++digit; ++Pjp; // skip JP just saved. + goto ClearBranch; // save time. + } + +// Recurse to populate one digits (subexpanses) JP; if successful, skip +// indexes (and values) just stored (performance path), except when expanse is +// completely stored: + + DBGCODE(pop1subprev = pop1sub;) + + if (j__udyInsArray(Pjp, levelsub - 1, &pop1sub, (PWord_t) PIndex, +#ifdef JUDYL + (Pjv_t) PValue, +#endif + Pjpm)) + { // complete success. + ++numJPs; + assert(pop1subprev == pop1sub); + assert(pop1 >= pop1sub); + + if ((pop1 -= pop1sub) != 0) // more indexes to store: + { + PIndex += pop1sub; // skip indexes just stored. + JUDYLCODE(PValue += pop1sub;) + continue; + } + // else leave PIndex in BranchUs expanse. + +// No more indexes to store in BranchUs expanse: + + ++digit; ++Pjp; // skip JP just saved. + goto ClearBranch; // save time. + } + +// Handle any error at a lower level of recursion: +// +// In case of partial success, pop1sub != 0, but it was reduced from the value +// passed to j__udyInsArray(); skip this JP later during ClearBranch. + + assert(pop1subprev > pop1sub); // check j__udyInsArray(). + assert(pop1 > pop1sub); // check j__udyInsArray(). + + if (pop1sub) // partial success. + { ++digit; ++Pjp; ++numJPs; } // skip JP just saved. + + pop1 -= pop1sub; // deduct saved indexes if any. + +// Same-level sorting error, or any lower-level error; abandon the rest of the +// branch: +// +// Arrive here with pop1 = remaining unsaved indexes (always non-zero). Adjust +// the *PPop1 value to record and return, modify retval, and use ClearBranch to +// finish up. + +AbandonBranch: + assert(pop1 != 0); // more to store, see above. + assert(pop1 <= *PPop1); // sanity check. + + *PPop1 -= pop1; // deduct unsaved indexes. + pop1 = 0; // to avoid error later. + retval = FALSE; + +// Error (rare), or end of indexes while traversing new BranchU (performance +// path); either way, mark the remaining JPs, if any, in the BranchU as nulls +// and exit the loop: +// +// Arrive here with digit and Pjp set to the first JP to set to null. + +ClearBranch: + for (/* null */; digit < cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS; ++digit, ++Pjp) + SETJPNULL(Pjp); + break; // saves one more compare. + + } // for each digit + + +// FINISH JPBRANCH_U*: +// +// Arrive here with a BranchU built under Pjbu, numJPs set, and either: retval +// == TRUE and *PPop1 unmodified, or else retval == FALSE, *PPop1 set to the +// actual number of indexes saved (possibly 0 for complete failure at a lower +// level upon the first call of j__udyInsArray()), and the Judy error set in +// Pjpm. Either way, PIndex points to an index within the expanse just +// handled. + + Pjbany = (Word_t) PjbuRaw; // default = use this BranchU. + JPtype = branchU_JPtype[levelsub]; + +// Check for complete failure above: + + assert((! retval) || *PPop1); // sanity check. + + if ((! retval) && (*PPop1 == 0)) // nothing stored, full failure. + { + j__udyFreeJBU(PjbuRaw, Pjpm); + SETJPNULL_PARENT; + return(FALSE); + } + +// Complete or partial success so far; watch for sorting error after the +// maximum digit (255) in the BranchU, which is indicated by having more +// indexes to store in the BranchUs expanse: +// +// For example, if an index to store has a digit of 255 at levelsub, followed +// by an index with a digit of 254, the for-loop above runs out of digits +// without reducing pop1 to 0. + + if (pop1 != 0) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO_NONNULL(Pjpm, JU_ERRNO_UNSORTED); + *PPop1 -= pop1; // deduct unsaved indexes. + retval = FALSE; + } + assert(*PPop1 != 0); // branch (still) cannot be empty. + + +// OPTIONALLY COMPRESS JPBRANCH_U*: +// +// See if the BranchU should be compressed to a BranchL or BranchB; if so, do +// that and free the BranchU; otherwise just use the existing BranchU. Follow +// the same rules as in JudyIns.c (version 4.95): Only check local population +// (cJU_OPP_UNCOMP_POP0) for BranchL, and only check global memory efficiency +// (JU_OPP_UNCOMPRESS) for BranchB. TBD: Have the rules changed? +// +// Note: Because of differing order of operations, the latter compression +// might not result in the same set of branch nodes as a series of sequential +// insertions. +// +// Note: Allocating a BranchU only to sometimes convert it to a BranchL or +// BranchB is unfortunate, but attempting to work with a temporary BranchU on +// the stack and then allocate and keep it as a BranchU in many cases is worse +// in terms of error handling. + + +// COMPRESS JPBRANCH_U* TO JPBRANCH_L*: + + if (numJPs <= cJU_BRANCHLMAXJPS) // JPs fit in a BranchL. + { + Pjbl_t PjblRaw = (Pjbl_t) NULL; // new BranchL; init for cc. + Pjbl_t Pjbl; + + if ((*PPop1 > JU_BRANCHL_MAX_POP) // pop too high. + || ((PjblRaw = j__udyAllocJBL(Pjpm)) == (Pjbl_t) NULL)) + { // cant alloc BranchL. + goto SetParent; // just keep BranchU. + } + + Pjbl = P_JBL(PjblRaw); + +// Copy BranchU JPs to BranchL: + + (Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs) = numJPs; + offset = 0; + + for (digit = 0; digit < cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS; ++digit) + { + if ((((Pjbu->jbu_jp) + digit)->jp_Type) == JPtype_null) + continue; + + (Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[offset ]) = digit; + (Pjbl->jbl_jp [offset++]) = Pjbu->jbu_jp[digit]; + } + assert(offset == numJPs); // found same number. + +// Free the BranchU and prepare to use the new BranchL instead: + + j__udyFreeJBU(PjbuRaw, Pjpm); + + Pjbany = (Word_t) PjblRaw; + JPtype = branchL_JPtype[levelsub]; + + } // compress to BranchL + + +// COMPRESS JPBRANCH_U* TO JPBRANCH_B*: +// +// If unable to allocate the BranchB or any JP subarray, free all related +// memory and just keep the BranchU. +// +// Note: This use of JU_OPP_UNCOMPRESS is a bit conservative because the +// BranchU is already allocated while the (presumably smaller) BranchB is not, +// the opposite of how its used in single-insert code. + + else + { + Pjbb_t PjbbRaw = (Pjbb_t) NULL; // new BranchB; init for cc. + Pjbb_t Pjbb; + Pjp_t Pjp2; // in BranchU. + + if ((*PPop1 > JU_BRANCHB_MAX_POP) // pop too high. + || ((PjbbRaw = j__udyAllocJBB(Pjpm)) == (Pjbb_t) NULL)) + { // cant alloc BranchB. + goto SetParent; // just keep BranchU. + } + + Pjbb = P_JBB(PjbbRaw); + +// Set bits in bitmap for populated subexpanses: + + Pjp2 = Pjbu->jbu_jp; + + for (digit = 0; digit < cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS; ++digit) + if ((((Pjbu->jbu_jp) + digit)->jp_Type) != JPtype_null) + JU_BITMAPSETB(Pjbb, digit); + +// Copy non-null JPs to BranchB JP subarrays: + + for (offset = 0; offset < cJU_NUMSUBEXPB; ++offset) + { + Pjp_t PjparrayRaw; + Pjp_t Pjparray; + + if (! (numJPs = j__udyCountBitsB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, offset)))) + continue; // skip empty subexpanse. + +// If unable to allocate a JP subarray, free all BranchB memory so far and +// continue to use the BranchU: + + if ((PjparrayRaw = j__udyAllocJBBJP(numJPs, Pjpm)) + == (Pjp_t) NULL) + { + while (offset-- > 0) + { + if (JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, offset) == (Pjp_t) NULL) continue; + + j__udyFreeJBBJP(JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, offset), + j__udyCountBitsB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, offset)), + Pjpm); + } + j__udyFreeJBB(PjbbRaw, Pjpm); + goto SetParent; // keep BranchU. + } + +// Set one JP subarray pointer and copy the subexpanses JPs to the subarray: +// +// Scan the BranchU for non-null JPs until numJPs JPs are copied. + + JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, offset) = PjparrayRaw; + Pjparray = P_JP(PjparrayRaw); + + while (numJPs-- > 0) + { + while ((Pjp2->jp_Type) == JPtype_null) + { + ++Pjp2; + assert(Pjp2 < (Pjbu->jbu_jp) + cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS); + } + *Pjparray++ = *Pjp2++; + } + } // for each subexpanse + +// Free the BranchU and prepare to use the new BranchB instead: + + j__udyFreeJBU(PjbuRaw, Pjpm); + + Pjbany = (Word_t) PjbbRaw; + JPtype = branchB_JPtype[levelsub]; + + } // compress to BranchB + + +// COMPLETE OR PARTIAL SUCCESS: +// +// Attach new branch (under Pjp, with JPtype) to parent JP; note use of *PPop1, +// possibly reduced due to partial failure. + +SetParent: + (PjpParent->jp_Addr) = Pjbany; + (PjpParent->jp_Type) = JPtype; + + if (Level < cJU_ROOTSTATE) // PjpParent not in JPM: + { + Word_t DcdP0 = (*PIndex & cJU_DCDMASK(levelsub)) | (*PPop1 - 1); + + JU_JPSETADT(PjpParent ,Pjbany, DcdP0, JPtype); + } + + return(retval); + +} // j__udyInsArray() diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Judy1Tables.c b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Judy1Tables.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..83929f41 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Judy1Tables.c @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +// @(#) From generation tool: $Revision$ $Source$ +// + +#include "Judy1.h" +// Leave the malloc() sizes readable in the binary (via strings(1)): +const char * Judy1MallocSizes = "Judy1MallocSizes = 3, 5, 7, 11, 15, 23, 32, 47, 64, Leaf1 = 20"; + + +// object uses 64 words +// cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB = 32 +const uint8_t +j__1_BranchBJPPopToWords[cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB + 1] = +{ + 0, + 3, 5, 7, 11, 11, 15, 15, 23, + 23, 23, 23, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, + 47, 47, 47, 47, 47, 47, 47, 64, + 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 +}; + +// object uses 5 words +// cJ1_LEAF1_MAXPOP1 = 20 +const uint8_t +j__1_Leaf1PopToWords[cJ1_LEAF1_MAXPOP1 + 1] = +{ + 0, + 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, + 3, 3, 3, 3, 5, 5, 5, 5, + 5, 5, 5, 5 +}; + +// object uses 32 words +// cJ1_LEAF2_MAXPOP1 = 64 +const uint8_t +j__1_Leaf2PopToWords[cJ1_LEAF2_MAXPOP1 + 1] = +{ + 0, + 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 5, 5, + 5, 5, 7, 7, 7, 7, 11, 11, + 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 15, 15, + 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 23, 23, + 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, + 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 32, 32, + 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, + 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32 +}; + +// object uses 32 words +// cJ1_LEAF3_MAXPOP1 = 42 +const uint8_t +j__1_Leaf3PopToWords[cJ1_LEAF3_MAXPOP1 + 1] = +{ + 0, + 3, 3, 3, 3, 5, 5, 7, 7, + 7, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 15, 15, + 15, 15, 15, 15, 23, 23, 23, 23, + 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 32, 32, + 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, + 32, 32 +}; + +// object uses 32 words +// cJ1_LEAFW_MAXPOP1 = 31 +const uint8_t +j__1_LeafWPopToWords[cJ1_LEAFW_MAXPOP1 + 1] = +{ + 0, + 3, 3, 5, 5, 7, 7, 11, 11, + 11, 11, 15, 15, 15, 15, 23, 23, + 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 32, 32, + 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32 +}; diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Judy1TablesGen.c b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Judy1TablesGen.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5a180504 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Judy1TablesGen.c @@ -0,0 +1,296 @@ +// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company +// +// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +// under the term of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +// option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +// _________________ + +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ + +#ifndef JU_WIN +#include // unavailable on win_*. +#endif + +#include +#include + +#if (! (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JUDYL))) +#error: One of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL must be specified. +#endif + +#define TERMINATOR 999 // terminator for Alloc tables + +#define BPW sizeof(Word_t) // define bytes per word + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#include "Judy1.h" +#else +#include "JudyL.h" +#endif + +FILE *fd; + +// Definitions come from header files Judy1.h and JudyL.h: + +int AllocSizes[] = ALLOCSIZES; + +#define ROUNDUP(BYTES,BPW,OFFSETW) \ + ((((BYTES) + (BPW) - 1) / (BPW)) + (OFFSETW)) + + +// **************************************************************************** +// G E N T A B L E +// +// Note: "const" is required for newer compilers. + +FUNCTION void GenTable( + const char * TableName, // name of table string + const char * TableSize, // dimentioned size string + int IndexBytes, // bytes per Index + int LeafSize, // number elements in object + int ValueBytes, // bytes per Value + int OffsetWords) // 1 for LEAFW +{ + int * PAllocSizes = AllocSizes; + int OWord; + int CurWord; + int IWord; + int ii; + int BytesOfIndex; + int BytesOfObject; + int Index; + int LastWords; + int Words [1000] = { 0 }; + int Offset[1000] = { 0 }; + int MaxWords; + + MaxWords = ROUNDUP((IndexBytes + ValueBytes) * LeafSize, BPW, OffsetWords); + Words[0] = 0; + Offset[0] = 0; + CurWord = TERMINATOR; + +// Walk through all number of Indexes in table: + + for (Index = 1; /* null */; ++Index) + { + +// Calculate byte required for next size: + + BytesOfIndex = IndexBytes * Index; + BytesOfObject = (IndexBytes + ValueBytes) * Index; + +// Round up and calculate words required for next size: + + OWord = ROUNDUP(BytesOfObject, BPW, OffsetWords); + IWord = ROUNDUP(BytesOfIndex, BPW, OffsetWords); + +// Root-level leaves of population of 1 and 2 do not have the 1 word offset: + +// Save minimum value of offset: + + Offset[Index] = IWord; + +// Round up to next available size of words: + + while (OWord > *PAllocSizes) PAllocSizes++; + + if (Index == LeafSize) + { + CurWord = Words[Index] = OWord; + break; + } +// end of available sizes ? + + if (*PAllocSizes == TERMINATOR) + { + fprintf(stderr, "BUG, in %sPopToWords, sizes not big enough for object\n", TableName); + exit(1); + } + +// Save words required and last word: + + if (*PAllocSizes < MaxWords) { CurWord = Words[Index] = *PAllocSizes; } + else { CurWord = Words[Index] = MaxWords; } + + } // for each index + + LastWords = TERMINATOR; + +// Round up to largest size in each group of malloc sizes: + + for (ii = LeafSize; ii > 0; ii--) + { + if (LastWords > (Words[ii] - ii)) LastWords = Offset[ii]; + else Offset[ii] = LastWords; + } + +// Print the PopToWords[] table: + + fprintf(fd,"\n//\tobject uses %d words\n", CurWord); + fprintf(fd,"//\t%s = %d\n", TableSize, LeafSize); + + fprintf(fd,"const uint8_t\n"); + fprintf(fd,"%sPopToWords[%s + 1] =\n", TableName, TableSize); + fprintf(fd,"{\n\t 0,"); + + for (ii = 1; ii <= LeafSize; ii++) + { + +// 8 columns per line, starting with 1: + + if ((ii % 8) == 1) fprintf(fd,"\n\t"); + + fprintf(fd,"%2d", Words[ii]); + +// If not last number place comma: + + if (ii != LeafSize) fprintf(fd,", "); + } + fprintf(fd,"\n};\n"); + +// Print the Offset table if needed: + + if (! ValueBytes) return; + + fprintf(fd,"const uint8_t\n"); + fprintf(fd,"%sOffset[%s + 1] =\n", TableName, TableSize); + fprintf(fd,"{\n"); + fprintf(fd,"\t 0,"); + + for (ii = 1; ii <= LeafSize; ii++) + { + if ((ii % 8) == 1) fprintf(fd,"\n\t"); + + fprintf(fd,"%2d", Offset[ii]); + + if (ii != LeafSize) fprintf(fd,", "); + } + fprintf(fd,"\n};\n"); + +} // GenTable() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// M A I N + +FUNCTION int main() +{ + int ii; + +#ifdef JUDY1 + char *fname = "Judy1Tables.c"; +#else + char *fname = "JudyLTables.c"; +#endif + + if ((fd = fopen(fname, "w")) == NULL){ + perror("FATAL ERROR: could not write to Judy[1L]Tables.c file\n"); + return (-1); + } + + + fprintf(fd,"// @(#) From generation tool: $Revision$ $Source$\n"); + fprintf(fd,"//\n\n"); + + +// ================================ Judy1 ================================= +#ifdef JUDY1 + + fprintf(fd,"#include \"Judy1.h\"\n"); + + fprintf(fd,"// Leave the malloc() sizes readable in the binary (via " + "strings(1)):\n"); + fprintf(fd,"const char * Judy1MallocSizes = \"Judy1MallocSizes ="); + + for (ii = 0; AllocSizes[ii] != TERMINATOR; ii++) + fprintf(fd," %d,", AllocSizes[ii]); + +#ifndef JU_64BIT + fprintf(fd," Leaf1 = %d\";\n\n", cJ1_LEAF1_MAXPOP1); +#else + fprintf(fd,"\";\n\n"); // no Leaf1 in this case. +#endif + +// ================================ 32 bit ================================ +#ifndef JU_64BIT + + GenTable("j__1_BranchBJP","cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB", 8, cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB,0,0); + + GenTable("j__1_Leaf1", "cJ1_LEAF1_MAXPOP1", 1, cJ1_LEAF1_MAXPOP1, 0, 0); + GenTable("j__1_Leaf2", "cJ1_LEAF2_MAXPOP1", 2, cJ1_LEAF2_MAXPOP1, 0, 0); + GenTable("j__1_Leaf3", "cJ1_LEAF3_MAXPOP1", 3, cJ1_LEAF3_MAXPOP1, 0, 0); + GenTable("j__1_LeafW", "cJ1_LEAFW_MAXPOP1", 4, cJ1_LEAFW_MAXPOP1, 0, 1); + +#endif + +// ================================ 64 bit ================================ +#ifdef JU_64BIT + GenTable("j__1_BranchBJP","cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB",16, cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB,0,0); + + GenTable("j__1_Leaf2", "cJ1_LEAF2_MAXPOP1", 2, cJ1_LEAF2_MAXPOP1, 0, 0); + GenTable("j__1_Leaf3", "cJ1_LEAF3_MAXPOP1", 3, cJ1_LEAF3_MAXPOP1, 0, 0); + GenTable("j__1_Leaf4", "cJ1_LEAF4_MAXPOP1", 4, cJ1_LEAF4_MAXPOP1, 0, 0); + GenTable("j__1_Leaf5", "cJ1_LEAF5_MAXPOP1", 5, cJ1_LEAF5_MAXPOP1, 0, 0); + GenTable("j__1_Leaf6", "cJ1_LEAF6_MAXPOP1", 6, cJ1_LEAF6_MAXPOP1, 0, 0); + GenTable("j__1_Leaf7", "cJ1_LEAF7_MAXPOP1", 7, cJ1_LEAF7_MAXPOP1, 0, 0); + GenTable("j__1_LeafW", "cJ1_LEAFW_MAXPOP1", 8, cJ1_LEAFW_MAXPOP1, 0, 1); +#endif +#endif // JUDY1 + + +// ================================ JudyL ================================= +#ifdef JUDYL + + fprintf(fd,"#include \"JudyL.h\"\n"); + + fprintf(fd,"// Leave the malloc() sizes readable in the binary (via " + "strings(1)):\n"); + fprintf(fd,"const char * JudyLMallocSizes = \"JudyLMallocSizes ="); + + for (ii = 0; AllocSizes[ii] != TERMINATOR; ii++) + fprintf(fd," %d,", AllocSizes[ii]); + + fprintf(fd," Leaf1 = %ld\";\n\n", (Word_t)cJL_LEAF1_MAXPOP1); + +#ifndef JU_64BIT +// ================================ 32 bit ================================ + GenTable("j__L_BranchBJP","cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB", 8, cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB, 0,0); + + GenTable("j__L_Leaf1", "cJL_LEAF1_MAXPOP1", 1, cJL_LEAF1_MAXPOP1, BPW,0); + GenTable("j__L_Leaf2", "cJL_LEAF2_MAXPOP1", 2, cJL_LEAF2_MAXPOP1, BPW,0); + GenTable("j__L_Leaf3", "cJL_LEAF3_MAXPOP1", 3, cJL_LEAF3_MAXPOP1, BPW,0); + GenTable("j__L_LeafW", "cJL_LEAFW_MAXPOP1", 4, cJL_LEAFW_MAXPOP1, BPW,1); + GenTable("j__L_LeafV", "cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL", 4, cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL, 0,0); +#endif // 32 BIT + +#ifdef JU_64BIT +// ================================ 64 bit ================================ + GenTable("j__L_BranchBJP","cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB",16, cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB, 0,0); + + GenTable("j__L_Leaf1", "cJL_LEAF1_MAXPOP1", 1, cJL_LEAF1_MAXPOP1, BPW,0); + GenTable("j__L_Leaf2", "cJL_LEAF2_MAXPOP1", 2, cJL_LEAF2_MAXPOP1, BPW,0); + GenTable("j__L_Leaf3", "cJL_LEAF3_MAXPOP1", 3, cJL_LEAF3_MAXPOP1, BPW,0); + GenTable("j__L_Leaf4", "cJL_LEAF4_MAXPOP1", 4, cJL_LEAF4_MAXPOP1, BPW,0); + GenTable("j__L_Leaf5", "cJL_LEAF5_MAXPOP1", 5, cJL_LEAF5_MAXPOP1, BPW,0); + GenTable("j__L_Leaf6", "cJL_LEAF6_MAXPOP1", 6, cJL_LEAF6_MAXPOP1, BPW,0); + GenTable("j__L_Leaf7", "cJL_LEAF7_MAXPOP1", 7, cJL_LEAF7_MAXPOP1, BPW,0); + GenTable("j__L_LeafW", "cJL_LEAFW_MAXPOP1", 8, cJL_LEAFW_MAXPOP1, BPW,1); + GenTable("j__L_LeafV", "cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL", 8, cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL, 0,0); +#endif // 64 BIT + +#endif // JUDYL + fclose(fd); + + return(0); + +} // main() diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Judy1TablesGen.exe b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Judy1TablesGen.exe new file mode 100644 index 00000000..84989743 Binary files /dev/null and b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Judy1TablesGen.exe differ diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Judy1Test.c b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Judy1Test.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..43ca3313 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Judy1Test.c @@ -0,0 +1,1094 @@ +// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company +// +// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +// under the term of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +// option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +// _________________ + +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ +// +// Judy1Test() and JudyLGet() functions for Judy1 and JudyL. +// Compile with one of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL. + +#if (! (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JUDYL))) +#error: One of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL must be specified. +#endif + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#include "Judy1.h" +#else +#include "JudyL.h" +#endif + +#include "JudyPrivate1L.h" + +#ifdef TRACEJPR // different macro name, for "retrieval" only. +#include "JudyPrintJP.c" +#endif + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y 1 T E S T +// J U D Y L G E T +// +// See the manual entry for details. Note support for "shortcut" entries to +// trees known to start with a JPM. + +#ifdef JUDY1 + +#ifdef JUDYGETINLINE +FUNCTION int j__udy1Test +#else +FUNCTION int Judy1Test +#endif + +#else // JUDYL + +#ifdef JUDYGETINLINE +FUNCTION PPvoid_t j__udyLGet +#else +FUNCTION PPvoid_t JudyLGet +#endif + +#endif // JUDYL + ( +#ifdef JUDYGETINLINE + Pvoid_t PArray, // from which to retrieve. + Word_t Index // to retrieve. +#else + Pcvoid_t PArray, // from which to retrieve. + Word_t Index, // to retrieve. + PJError_t PJError // optional, for returning error info. +#endif + ) +{ + Pjp_t Pjp; // current JP while walking the tree. + Pjpm_t Pjpm; // for global accounting. + uint8_t Digit; // byte just decoded from Index. + Word_t Pop1; // leaf population (number of indexes). + Pjll_t Pjll; // pointer to LeafL. + DBGCODE(uint8_t ParentJPType;) + +#ifndef JUDYGETINLINE + + if (PArray == (Pcvoid_t) NULL) // empty array. + { + JUDY1CODE(return(0);) + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) NULL);) + } + +// **************************************************************************** +// PROCESS TOP LEVEL BRANCHES AND LEAF: + + if (JU_LEAFW_POP0(PArray) < cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1) // must be a LEAFW + { + Pjlw_t Pjlw = P_JLW(PArray); // first word of leaf. + int posidx; // signed offset in leaf. + + Pop1 = Pjlw[0] + 1; + posidx = j__udySearchLeafW(Pjlw + 1, Pop1, Index); + + if (posidx >= 0) + { + JUDY1CODE(return(1);) + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) (JL_LEAFWVALUEAREA(Pjlw, Pop1) + posidx));) + } + JUDY1CODE(return(0);) + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) NULL);) + } + +#endif // ! JUDYGETINLINE + + Pjpm = P_JPM(PArray); + Pjp = &(Pjpm->jpm_JP); // top branch is below JPM. + +// **************************************************************************** +// WALK THE JUDY TREE USING A STATE MACHINE: + +ContinueWalk: // for going down one level; come here with Pjp set. + +#ifdef TRACEJPR + JudyPrintJP(Pjp, "g", __LINE__); +#endif + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { + +// Ensure the switch table starts at 0 for speed; otherwise more code is +// executed: + + case 0: goto ReturnCorrupt; // save a little code. + + +// **************************************************************************** +// JPNULL*: +// +// Note: These are legitimate in a BranchU (only) and do not constitute a +// fault. + + case cJU_JPNULL1: + case cJU_JPNULL2: + case cJU_JPNULL3: +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPNULL4: + case cJU_JPNULL5: + case cJU_JPNULL6: + case cJU_JPNULL7: +#endif + assert(ParentJPType >= cJU_JPBRANCH_U2); + assert(ParentJPType <= cJU_JPBRANCH_U); + JUDY1CODE(return(0);) + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) NULL);) + + +// **************************************************************************** +// JPBRANCH_L*: +// +// Note: The use of JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX() in branches is not strictly +// required,since this can be done at leaf level, but it costs nothing to do it +// sooner, and it aborts an unnecessary traversal sooner. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L2: + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 2)) break; + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 2); + goto JudyBranchL; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L3: + +#ifdef JU_64BIT // otherwise its a no-op: + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 3)) break; +#endif + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 3); + goto JudyBranchL; + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L4: + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 4)) break; + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 4); + goto JudyBranchL; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L5: + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 5)) break; + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 5); + goto JudyBranchL; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L6: + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 6)) break; + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 6); + goto JudyBranchL; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L7: + + // JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX() would be a no-op. + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 7); + goto JudyBranchL; + +#endif // JU_64BIT + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L: + { + Pjbl_t Pjbl; + int posidx; + + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, cJU_ROOTSTATE); + +// Common code for all BranchLs; come here with Digit set: + +JudyBranchL: + Pjbl = P_JBL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + posidx = 0; + + do { + if (Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[posidx] == Digit) + { // found Digit; continue traversal: + DBGCODE(ParentJPType = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp);) + Pjp = Pjbl->jbl_jp + posidx; + goto ContinueWalk; + } + } while (++posidx != Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs); + + break; + } + + +// **************************************************************************** +// JPBRANCH_B*: + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B2: + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 2)) break; + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 2); + goto JudyBranchB; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B3: + +#ifdef JU_64BIT // otherwise its a no-op: + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 3)) break; +#endif + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 3); + goto JudyBranchB; + + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B4: + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 4)) break; + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 4); + goto JudyBranchB; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B5: + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 5)) break; + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 5); + goto JudyBranchB; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B6: + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 6)) break; + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 6); + goto JudyBranchB; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B7: + + // JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX() would be a no-op. + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 7); + goto JudyBranchB; + +#endif // JU_64BIT + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B: + { + Pjbb_t Pjbb; + Word_t subexp; // in bitmap, 0..7. + BITMAPB_t BitMap; // for one subexpanse. + BITMAPB_t BitMask; // bit in BitMap for Indexs Digit. + + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, cJU_ROOTSTATE); + +// Common code for all BranchBs; come here with Digit set: + +JudyBranchB: + DBGCODE(ParentJPType = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp);) + Pjbb = P_JBB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + subexp = Digit / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; + + BitMap = JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp); + Pjp = P_JP(JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp)); + + BitMask = JU_BITPOSMASKB(Digit); + +// No JP in subexpanse for Index => Index not found: + + if (! (BitMap & BitMask)) break; + +// Count JPs in the subexpanse below the one for Index: + + Pjp += j__udyCountBitsB(BitMap & (BitMask - 1)); + + goto ContinueWalk; + + } // case cJU_JPBRANCH_B* + + +// **************************************************************************** +// JPBRANCH_U*: +// +// Notice the reverse order of the cases, and falling through to the next case, +// for performance. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U: + + DBGCODE(ParentJPType = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp);) + Pjp = JU_JBU_PJP(Pjp, Index, cJU_ROOTSTATE); + +// If not a BranchU, traverse; otherwise fall into the next case, which makes +// this very fast code for a large Judy array (mainly BranchUs), especially +// when branches are already in the cache, such as for prev/next: + +#ifndef JU_64BIT + if (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) != cJU_JPBRANCH_U3) goto ContinueWalk; +#else + if (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) != cJU_JPBRANCH_U7) goto ContinueWalk; +#endif + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U7: + + // JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX() would be a no-op. + DBGCODE(ParentJPType = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp);) + Pjp = JU_JBU_PJP(Pjp, Index, 7); + + if (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) != cJU_JPBRANCH_U6) goto ContinueWalk; + // and fall through. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U6: + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 6)) break; + DBGCODE(ParentJPType = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp);) + Pjp = JU_JBU_PJP(Pjp, Index, 6); + + if (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) != cJU_JPBRANCH_U5) goto ContinueWalk; + // and fall through. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U5: + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 5)) break; + DBGCODE(ParentJPType = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp);) + Pjp = JU_JBU_PJP(Pjp, Index, 5); + + if (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) != cJU_JPBRANCH_U4) goto ContinueWalk; + // and fall through. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U4: + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 4)) break; + DBGCODE(ParentJPType = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp);) + Pjp = JU_JBU_PJP(Pjp, Index, 4); + + if (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) != cJU_JPBRANCH_U3) goto ContinueWalk; + // and fall through. + +#endif // JU_64BIT + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U3: + +#ifdef JU_64BIT // otherwise its a no-op: + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 3)) break; +#endif + DBGCODE(ParentJPType = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp);) + Pjp = JU_JBU_PJP(Pjp, Index, 3); + + if (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) != cJU_JPBRANCH_U2) goto ContinueWalk; + // and fall through. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U2: + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 2)) break; + DBGCODE(ParentJPType = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp);) + Pjp = JU_JBU_PJP(Pjp, Index, 2); + +// Note: BranchU2 is a special case that must continue traversal to a leaf, +// immed, full, or null type: + + goto ContinueWalk; + + +// **************************************************************************** +// JPLEAF*: +// +// Note: Here the calls of JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX() are necessary and check +// whether Index is out of the expanse of a narrow pointer. + +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + + case cJU_JPLEAF1: + { + int posidx; // signed offset in leaf. + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 1)) break; + + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + Pjll = P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + if ((posidx = j__udySearchLeaf1(Pjll, Pop1, Index)) < 0) break; + + JUDY1CODE(return(1);) + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) (JL_LEAF1VALUEAREA(Pjll, Pop1) + posidx));) + } + +#endif // (JUDYL || (! JU_64BIT)) + + case cJU_JPLEAF2: + { + int posidx; // signed offset in leaf. + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 2)) break; + + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + Pjll = P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + if ((posidx = j__udySearchLeaf2(Pjll, Pop1, Index)) < 0) break; + + JUDY1CODE(return(1);) + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) (JL_LEAF2VALUEAREA(Pjll, Pop1) + posidx));) + } + case cJU_JPLEAF3: + { + int posidx; // signed offset in leaf. + +#ifdef JU_64BIT // otherwise its a no-op: + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 3)) break; +#endif + + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + Pjll = P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + if ((posidx = j__udySearchLeaf3(Pjll, Pop1, Index)) < 0) break; + + JUDY1CODE(return(1);) + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) (JL_LEAF3VALUEAREA(Pjll, Pop1) + posidx));) + } +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPLEAF4: + { + int posidx; // signed offset in leaf. + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 4)) break; + + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + Pjll = P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + if ((posidx = j__udySearchLeaf4(Pjll, Pop1, Index)) < 0) break; + + JUDY1CODE(return(1);) + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) (JL_LEAF4VALUEAREA(Pjll, Pop1) + posidx));) + } + case cJU_JPLEAF5: + { + int posidx; // signed offset in leaf. + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 5)) break; + + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + Pjll = P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + if ((posidx = j__udySearchLeaf5(Pjll, Pop1, Index)) < 0) break; + + JUDY1CODE(return(1);) + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) (JL_LEAF5VALUEAREA(Pjll, Pop1) + posidx));) + } + + case cJU_JPLEAF6: + { + int posidx; // signed offset in leaf. + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 6)) break; + + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + Pjll = P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + if ((posidx = j__udySearchLeaf6(Pjll, Pop1, Index)) < 0) break; + + JUDY1CODE(return(1);) + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) (JL_LEAF6VALUEAREA(Pjll, Pop1) + posidx));) + } + case cJU_JPLEAF7: + { + int posidx; // signed offset in leaf. + + // JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX() would be a no-op. + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + Pjll = P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + if ((posidx = j__udySearchLeaf7(Pjll, Pop1, Index)) < 0) break; + + JUDY1CODE(return(1);) + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) (JL_LEAF7VALUEAREA(Pjll, Pop1) + posidx));) + } +#endif // JU_64BIT + + +// **************************************************************************** +// JPLEAF_B1: + + case cJU_JPLEAF_B1: + { + Pjlb_t Pjlb; +#ifdef JUDYL + int posidx; + Word_t subexp; // in bitmap, 0..7. + BITMAPL_t BitMap; // for one subexpanse. + BITMAPL_t BitMask; // bit in BitMap for Indexs Digit. + Pjv_t Pjv; +#endif + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 1)) break; + + Pjlb = P_JLB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + +#ifdef JUDY1 + +// Simply check if Indexs bit is set in the bitmap: + + if (JU_BITMAPTESTL(Pjlb, Index)) return(1); + break; + +#else // JUDYL + +// JudyL is much more complicated because of value area subarrays: + + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 1); + subexp = Digit / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL; + BitMap = JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp); + BitMask = JU_BITPOSMASKL(Digit); + +// No value in subexpanse for Index => Index not found: + + if (! (BitMap & BitMask)) break; + +// Count value areas in the subexpanse below the one for Index: + + Pjv = P_JV(JL_JLB_PVALUE(Pjlb, subexp)); + assert(Pjv != (Pjv_t) NULL); + posidx = j__udyCountBitsL(BitMap & (BitMask - 1)); + + return((PPvoid_t) (Pjv + posidx)); + +#endif // JUDYL + + } // case cJU_JPLEAF_B1 + +#ifdef JUDY1 + +// **************************************************************************** +// JPFULLPOPU1: +// +// If the Index is in the expanse, it is necessarily valid (found). + + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1: + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 1)) break; + return(1); + +#ifdef notdef // for future enhancements +#ifdef JU_64BIT + +// Note: Need ? if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 1)) break; + + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m15: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[14] == (uint8_t)Index) break; + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m14: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[13] == (uint8_t)Index) break; + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m13: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[12] == (uint8_t)Index) break; + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m12: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[11] == (uint8_t)Index) break; + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m11: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[10] == (uint8_t)Index) break; + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m10: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[9] == (uint8_t)Index) break; + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m9: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[8] == (uint8_t)Index) break; + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m8: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[7] == (uint8_t)Index) break; +#endif + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m7: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[6] == (uint8_t)Index) break; + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m6: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[5] == (uint8_t)Index) break; + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m5: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[4] == (uint8_t)Index) break; + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m4: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[3] == (uint8_t)Index) break; + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m3: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[2] == (uint8_t)Index) break; + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m2: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[1] == (uint8_t)Index) break; + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m1: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[0] == (uint8_t)Index) break; + + return(1); // found, not in exclusion list + +#endif // JUDY1 +#endif // notdef + +// **************************************************************************** +// JPIMMED*: +// +// Note that the contents of jp_DcdPopO are different for cJU_JPIMMED_*_01: + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_01: +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPIMMED_4_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_5_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_6_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_7_01: +#endif + if (JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) != JU_TRIMTODCDSIZE(Index)) break; + + JUDY1CODE(return(1);) + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) &(Pjp->jp_Addr));) // immediate value area. + + +// Macros to make code more readable and avoid dup errors + +#ifdef JUDY1 + +#define CHECKINDEXNATIVE(LEAF_T, PJP, IDX, INDEX) \ +if (((LEAF_T *)((PJP)->jp_1Index))[(IDX) - 1] == (LEAF_T)(INDEX)) \ + return(1) + +#define CHECKLEAFNONNAT(LFBTS, PJP, INDEX, IDX, COPY) \ +{ \ + Word_t i_ndex; \ + uint8_t *a_ddr; \ + a_ddr = (PJP)->jp_1Index + (((IDX) - 1) * (LFBTS)); \ + COPY(i_ndex, a_ddr); \ + if (i_ndex == JU_LEASTBYTES((INDEX), (LFBTS))) \ + return(1); \ +} +#endif + +#ifdef JUDYL + +#define CHECKINDEXNATIVE(LEAF_T, PJP, IDX, INDEX) \ +if (((LEAF_T *)((PJP)->jp_LIndex))[(IDX) - 1] == (LEAF_T)(INDEX)) \ + return((PPvoid_t)(P_JV((PJP)->jp_Addr) + (IDX) - 1)) + +#define CHECKLEAFNONNAT(LFBTS, PJP, INDEX, IDX, COPY) \ +{ \ + Word_t i_ndex; \ + uint8_t *a_ddr; \ + a_ddr = (PJP)->jp_LIndex + (((IDX) - 1) * (LFBTS)); \ + COPY(i_ndex, a_ddr); \ + if (i_ndex == JU_LEASTBYTES((INDEX), (LFBTS))) \ + return((PPvoid_t)(P_JV((PJP)->jp_Addr) + (IDX) - 1)); \ +} +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_15: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 15, Index); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_14: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 14, Index); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_13: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 13, Index); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_12: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 12, Index); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_11: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 11, Index); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_10: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 10, Index); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_09: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 9, Index); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_08: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 8, Index); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_07: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 7, Index); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_06: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 6, Index); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_05: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 5, Index); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_04: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 4, Index); +#endif + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_03: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 3, Index); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_02: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 2, Index); + CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 1, Index); + break; + +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_07: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint16_t, Pjp, 7, Index); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_06: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint16_t, Pjp, 6, Index); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_05: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint16_t, Pjp, 5, Index); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_04: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint16_t, Pjp, 4, Index); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_03: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint16_t, Pjp, 3, Index); + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_02: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint16_t, Pjp, 2, Index); + CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint16_t, Pjp, 1, Index); + break; +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_05: + CHECKLEAFNONNAT(3, Pjp, Index, 5, JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_04: + CHECKLEAFNONNAT(3, Pjp, Index, 4, JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_03: + CHECKLEAFNONNAT(3, Pjp, Index, 3, JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_02: + CHECKLEAFNONNAT(3, Pjp, Index, 2, JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG); + CHECKLEAFNONNAT(3, Pjp, Index, 1, JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG); + break; +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_03: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint32_t, Pjp, 3, Index); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint32_t, Pjp, 2, Index); + CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint32_t, Pjp, 1, Index); + break; + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_03: + CHECKLEAFNONNAT(5, Pjp, Index, 3, JU_COPY5_PINDEX_TO_LONG); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02: + CHECKLEAFNONNAT(5, Pjp, Index, 2, JU_COPY5_PINDEX_TO_LONG); + CHECKLEAFNONNAT(5, Pjp, Index, 1, JU_COPY5_PINDEX_TO_LONG); + break; + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02: + CHECKLEAFNONNAT(6, Pjp, Index, 2, JU_COPY6_PINDEX_TO_LONG); + CHECKLEAFNONNAT(6, Pjp, Index, 1, JU_COPY6_PINDEX_TO_LONG); + break; + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02: + CHECKLEAFNONNAT(7, Pjp, Index, 2, JU_COPY7_PINDEX_TO_LONG); + CHECKLEAFNONNAT(7, Pjp, Index, 1, JU_COPY7_PINDEX_TO_LONG); + break; + +#endif // (JUDY1 && JU_64BIT) + + +// **************************************************************************** +// INVALID JP TYPE: + + default: + +ReturnCorrupt: + +#ifdef JUDYGETINLINE // Pjpm is known to be non-null: + JU_SET_ERRNO_NONNULL(Pjpm, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); +#else + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); +#endif + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + + } // switch on JP type + +JUDY1CODE(return(0);) +JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) NULL);) + +} // Judy1Test() / JudyLGet() + + +#ifndef JUDYGETINLINE // only compile the following function once: +#ifdef DEBUG + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y C H E C K P O P +// +// Given a pointer to a Judy array, traverse the entire array to ensure +// population counts add up correctly. This can catch various coding errors. +// +// Since walking the entire tree is probably time-consuming, enable this +// function by setting env parameter $CHECKPOP to first call at which to start +// checking. Note: This function is called both from insert and delete code. +// +// Note: Even though this function does nothing useful for LEAFW leaves, its +// good practice to call it anyway, and cheap too. +// +// TBD: This is a debug-only check function similar to JudyCheckSorted(), but +// since it walks the tree it is Judy1/JudyL-specific and must live in a source +// file that is built both ways. +// +// TBD: As feared, enabling this code for every insert/delete makes Judy +// deathly slow, even for a small tree (10K indexes). Its not so bad if +// present but disabled (<1% slowdown measured). Still, should it be ifdefd +// other than DEBUG and/or called less often? +// +// TBD: Should this "population checker" be expanded to a comprehensive tree +// checker? It currently detects invalid LEAFW/JP types as well as inconsistent +// pop1s. Other possible checks, all based on essentially redundant data in +// the Judy tree, include: +// +// - Zero LS bits in jp_Addr field. +// +// - Correct Dcd bits. +// +// - Consistent JP types (always descending down the tree). +// +// - Sorted linear lists in BranchLs and leaves (using JudyCheckSorted(), but +// ideally that function is already called wherever appropriate after any +// linear list is modified). +// +// - Any others possible? + +#include // for getenv() and atol(). + +static Word_t JudyCheckPopSM(Pjp_t Pjp, Word_t RootPop1); + +FUNCTION void JudyCheckPop( + Pvoid_t PArray) +{ +static bool_t checked = FALSE; // already checked env parameter. +static bool_t enabled = FALSE; // env parameter set. +static bool_t active = FALSE; // calls >= callsmin. +static Word_t callsmin; // start point from $CHECKPOP. +static Word_t calls = 0; // times called so far. + + +// CHECK FOR EXTERNAL ENABLING: + + if (! checked) // only check once. + { + char * value; // for getenv(). + + checked = TRUE; + + if ((value = getenv("CHECKPOP")) == (char *) NULL) + { +#ifdef notdef +// Take this out because nightly tests want to be flavor-independent; its not +// OK to emit special non-error output from the debug flavor: + + (void) puts("JudyCheckPop() present but not enabled by " + "$CHECKPOP env parameter; set it to the number of " + "calls at which to begin checking"); +#endif + return; + } + + callsmin = atol(value); // note: non-number evaluates to 0. + enabled = TRUE; + + (void) printf("JudyCheckPop() present and enabled; callsmin = " + "%lu\n", callsmin); + } + else if (! enabled) return; + +// Previously or just now enabled; check if non-active or newly active: + + if (! active) + { + if (++calls < callsmin) return; + + (void) printf("JudyCheckPop() activated at call %lu\n", calls); + active = TRUE; + } + +// IGNORE LEAFW AT TOP OF TREE: + + if (JU_LEAFW_POP0(PArray) < cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1) // must be a LEAFW + return; + +// Check JPM pop0 against tree, recursively: +// +// Note: The traversal code in JudyCheckPopSM() is simplest when the case +// statement for each JP type compares the pop1 for that JP to its subtree (if +// any) after traversing the subtree (thats the hard part) and adding up +// actual pop1s. A top branchs JP in the JPM does not have room for a +// full-word pop1, so pass it in as a special case. + + { + Pjpm_t Pjpm = P_JPM(PArray); + (void) JudyCheckPopSM(&(Pjpm->jpm_JP), Pjpm->jpm_Pop0 + 1); + return; + } + +} // JudyCheckPop() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y C H E C K P O P S M +// +// Recursive state machine (subroutine) for JudyCheckPop(): Given a Pjp (other +// than JPNULL*; caller should shortcut) and the root population for top-level +// branches, check the subtrees actual pop1 against its nominal value, and +// return the total pop1 for the subtree. +// +// Note: Expect RootPop1 to be ignored at lower levels, so pass down 0, which +// should pop an assertion if this expectation is violated. + +FUNCTION static Word_t JudyCheckPopSM( + Pjp_t Pjp, // top of subtree. + Word_t RootPop1) // whole array, for top-level branches only. +{ + Word_t pop1_jp; // nominal population from the JP. + Word_t pop1 = 0; // actual population at this level. + Word_t offset; // in a branch. + +#define PREPBRANCH(cPopBytes,Next) \ + pop1_jp = JU_JPBRANCH_POP0(Pjp, cPopBytes) + 1; goto Next + +assert((((Word_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr)) & 7) == 3); + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L2: PREPBRANCH(2, BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L3: PREPBRANCH(3, BranchL); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L4: PREPBRANCH(4, BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L5: PREPBRANCH(5, BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L6: PREPBRANCH(6, BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L7: PREPBRANCH(7, BranchL); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L: pop1_jp = RootPop1; + { + Pjbl_t Pjbl; +BranchL: + Pjbl = P_JBL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + for (offset = 0; offset < (Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs); ++offset) + pop1 += JudyCheckPopSM((Pjbl->jbl_jp) + offset, 0); + + assert(pop1_jp == pop1); + return(pop1); + } + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B2: PREPBRANCH(2, BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B3: PREPBRANCH(3, BranchB); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B4: PREPBRANCH(4, BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B5: PREPBRANCH(5, BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B6: PREPBRANCH(6, BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B7: PREPBRANCH(7, BranchB); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B: pop1_jp = RootPop1; + { + Word_t subexp; + Word_t jpcount; + Pjbb_t Pjbb; +BranchB: + Pjbb = P_JBB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + for (subexp = 0; subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPB; ++subexp) + { + jpcount = j__udyCountBitsB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp)); + + for (offset = 0; offset < jpcount; ++offset) + { + pop1 += JudyCheckPopSM(P_JP(JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp)) + + offset, 0); + } + } + + assert(pop1_jp == pop1); + return(pop1); + } + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U2: PREPBRANCH(2, BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U3: PREPBRANCH(3, BranchU); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U4: PREPBRANCH(4, BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U5: PREPBRANCH(5, BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U6: PREPBRANCH(6, BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U7: PREPBRANCH(7, BranchU); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U: pop1_jp = RootPop1; + { + Pjbu_t Pjbu; +BranchU: + Pjbu = P_JBU(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + for (offset = 0; offset < cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS; ++offset) + { + if (((Pjbu->jbu_jp[offset].jp_Type) >= cJU_JPNULL1) + && ((Pjbu->jbu_jp[offset].jp_Type) <= cJU_JPNULLMAX)) + { + continue; // skip null JP to save time. + } + + pop1 += JudyCheckPopSM((Pjbu->jbu_jp) + offset, 0); + } + + assert(pop1_jp == pop1); + return(pop1); + } + + +// -- Cases below here terminate and do not recurse. -- +// +// For all of these cases except JPLEAF_B1, there is no way to check the JPs +// pop1 against the object itself; just return the pop1; but for linear leaves, +// a bounds check is possible. + +#define CHECKLEAF(MaxPop1) \ + pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; \ + assert(pop1 >= 1); \ + assert(pop1 <= (MaxPop1)); \ + return(pop1) + +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + case cJU_JPLEAF1: CHECKLEAF(cJU_LEAF1_MAXPOP1); +#endif + case cJU_JPLEAF2: CHECKLEAF(cJU_LEAF2_MAXPOP1); + case cJU_JPLEAF3: CHECKLEAF(cJU_LEAF3_MAXPOP1); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPLEAF4: CHECKLEAF(cJU_LEAF4_MAXPOP1); + case cJU_JPLEAF5: CHECKLEAF(cJU_LEAF5_MAXPOP1); + case cJU_JPLEAF6: CHECKLEAF(cJU_LEAF6_MAXPOP1); + case cJU_JPLEAF7: CHECKLEAF(cJU_LEAF7_MAXPOP1); +#endif + + case cJU_JPLEAF_B1: + { + Word_t subexp; + Pjlb_t Pjlb; + + pop1_jp = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + + Pjlb = P_JLB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + for (subexp = 0; subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPL; ++subexp) + pop1 += j__udyCountBitsL(JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp)); + + assert(pop1_jp == pop1); + return(pop1); + } + + JUDY1CODE(case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1: return(cJU_JPFULLPOPU1_POP0);) + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_01: return(1); + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_01: return(1); + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_01: return(1); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPIMMED_4_01: return(1); + case cJU_JPIMMED_5_01: return(1); + case cJU_JPIMMED_6_01: return(1); + case cJU_JPIMMED_7_01: return(1); +#endif + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_02: return(2); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_03: return(3); +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_04: return(4); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_05: return(5); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_06: return(6); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_07: return(7); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_08: return(8); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_09: return(9); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_10: return(10); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_11: return(11); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_12: return(12); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_13: return(13); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_14: return(14); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_15: return(15); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_02: return(2); + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_03: return(3); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_04: return(4); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_05: return(5); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_06: return(6); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_07: return(7); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_02: return(2); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_03: return(3); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_04: return(4); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_05: return(5); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02: return(2); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_03: return(3); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02: return(2); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_03: return(3); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02: return(2); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02: return(2); +#endif + + } // switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + + assert(FALSE); // unrecognized JP type => corruption. + return(0); // to make some compilers happy. + +} // JudyCheckPopSM() + +#endif // DEBUG +#endif // ! JUDYGETINLINE diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Judy1Unset.c b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Judy1Unset.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e8480fa0 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Judy1Unset.c @@ -0,0 +1,2146 @@ +// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company +// +// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +// under the term of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +// option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +// _________________ + +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ +// +// Judy1Unset() and JudyLDel() functions for Judy1 and JudyL. +// Compile with one of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL. +// +// About HYSTERESIS: In the Judy code, hysteresis means leaving around a +// nominally suboptimal (not maximally compressed) data structure after a +// deletion. As a result, the shape of the tree for two identical index sets +// can differ depending on the insert/delete path taken to arrive at the index +// sets. The purpose is to minimize worst-case behavior (thrashing) that could +// result from a series of intermixed insertions and deletions. It also makes +// for MUCH simpler code, because instead of performing, "delete and then +// compress," it can say, "compress and then delete," where due to hysteresis, +// compression is not even attempted until the object IS compressible. +// +// In some cases the code has no choice and it must "ungrow" a data structure +// across a "phase transition" boundary without hysteresis. In other cases the +// amount (such as "hysteresis = 1") is indicated by the number of JP deletions +// (in branches) or index deletions (in leaves) that can occur in succession +// before compressing the data structure. (It appears that hysteresis <= 1 in +// all cases.) +// +// In general no hysteresis occurs when the data structure type remains the +// same but the allocated memory chunk for the node must shrink, because the +// relationship is hardwired and theres no way to know how much memory is +// allocated to a given data structure. Hysteresis = 0 in all these cases. +// +// TBD: Could this code be faster if memory chunk hysteresis were supported +// somehow along with data structure type hysteresis? +// +// TBD: Should some of the assertions here be converted to product code that +// returns JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT? +// +// TBD: Dougs code had an odd mix of function-wide and limited-scope +// variables. Should some of the function-wide variables appear only in +// limited scopes, or more likely, vice-versa? + +#if (! (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JUDYL))) +#error: One of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL must be specified. +#endif + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#include "Judy1.h" +#else +#include "JudyL.h" +#endif + +#include "JudyPrivate1L.h" + +DBGCODE(extern void JudyCheckPop(Pvoid_t PArray);) +DBGCODE(extern void JudyCheckSorted(Pjll_t Pjll, Word_t Pop1, long IndexSize);) + +#ifdef TRACEJP +#include "JudyPrintJP.c" +#endif + +// These are defined to generic values in JudyCommon/JudyPrivateTypes.h: +// +// TBD: These should be exported from a header file, but perhaps not, as they +// are only used here, and exported from JudyDecascade.c, which is a separate +// file for profiling reasons (to prevent inlining), but which potentially +// could be merged with this file, either in SoftCM or at compile-time: + +#ifdef JUDY1 + +extern int j__udy1BranchBToBranchL(Pjp_t Pjp, Pvoid_t Pjpm); +#ifndef JU_64BIT +extern int j__udy1LeafB1ToLeaf1(Pjp_t, Pvoid_t); +#endif +extern Word_t j__udy1Leaf1ToLeaf2(uint16_t *, Pjp_t, Word_t, Pvoid_t); +extern Word_t j__udy1Leaf2ToLeaf3(uint8_t *, Pjp_t, Word_t, Pvoid_t); +#ifndef JU_64BIT +extern Word_t j__udy1Leaf3ToLeafW(Pjlw_t, Pjp_t, Word_t, Pvoid_t); +#else +extern Word_t j__udy1Leaf3ToLeaf4(uint32_t *, Pjp_t, Word_t, Pvoid_t); +extern Word_t j__udy1Leaf4ToLeaf5(uint8_t *, Pjp_t, Word_t, Pvoid_t); +extern Word_t j__udy1Leaf5ToLeaf6(uint8_t *, Pjp_t, Word_t, Pvoid_t); +extern Word_t j__udy1Leaf6ToLeaf7(uint8_t *, Pjp_t, Word_t, Pvoid_t); +extern Word_t j__udy1Leaf7ToLeafW(Pjlw_t, Pjp_t, Word_t, Pvoid_t); +#endif + +#else // JUDYL + +extern int j__udyLBranchBToBranchL(Pjp_t Pjp, Pvoid_t Pjpm); +extern int j__udyLLeafB1ToLeaf1(Pjp_t, Pvoid_t); +extern Word_t j__udyLLeaf1ToLeaf2(uint16_t *, Pjv_t, Pjp_t, Word_t, Pvoid_t); +extern Word_t j__udyLLeaf2ToLeaf3(uint8_t *, Pjv_t, Pjp_t, Word_t, Pvoid_t); +#ifndef JU_64BIT +extern Word_t j__udyLLeaf3ToLeafW(Pjlw_t, Pjv_t, Pjp_t, Word_t, Pvoid_t); +#else +extern Word_t j__udyLLeaf3ToLeaf4(uint32_t *, Pjv_t, Pjp_t, Word_t, Pvoid_t); +extern Word_t j__udyLLeaf4ToLeaf5(uint8_t *, Pjv_t, Pjp_t, Word_t, Pvoid_t); +extern Word_t j__udyLLeaf5ToLeaf6(uint8_t *, Pjv_t, Pjp_t, Word_t, Pvoid_t); +extern Word_t j__udyLLeaf6ToLeaf7(uint8_t *, Pjv_t, Pjp_t, Word_t, Pvoid_t); +extern Word_t j__udyLLeaf7ToLeafW(Pjlw_t, Pjv_t, Pjp_t, Word_t, Pvoid_t); +#endif + +#endif // JUDYL + +// For convenience in the calling code; "M1" means "minus one": + +#ifndef JU_64BIT +#define j__udyLeafM1ToLeafW j__udyLeaf3ToLeafW +#else +#define j__udyLeafM1ToLeafW j__udyLeaf7ToLeafW +#endif + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y D E L W A L K +// +// Given a pointer to a JP, an Index known to be valid, the number of bytes +// left to decode (== level in the tree), and a pointer to a global JPM, walk a +// Judy (sub)tree to do an unset/delete of that index, and possibly modify the +// JPM. This function is only called internally, and recursively. Unlike +// Judy1Test() and JudyLGet(), the extra time required for recursion should be +// negligible compared with the total. +// +// Return values: +// +// -1 error; details in JPM +// +// 0 Index already deleted (should never happen, Index is known to be valid) +// +// 1 previously valid Index deleted +// +// 2 same as 1, but in addition the JP now points to a BranchL containing a +// single JP, which should be compressed into the parent branch (if there +// is one, which is not the case for a top-level branch under a JPM) + +DBGCODE(uint8_t parentJPtype;) // parent branch JP type. + +FUNCTION static int j__udyDelWalk( + Pjp_t Pjp, // current JP under which to delete. + Word_t Index, // to delete. + Word_t ParentLevel, // of parent branch. + Pjpm_t Pjpm) // for returning info to top level. +{ + Word_t pop1; // of a leaf. + Word_t level; // of a leaf. + uint8_t digit; // from Index, in current branch. + Pjll_t PjllnewRaw; // address of newly allocated leaf. + Pjll_t Pjllnew; + int offset; // within a branch. + int retcode; // return code: -1, 0, 1, 2. +JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t PjvRaw;) // value area. +JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjv;) + + DBGCODE(level = 0;) + +ContinueDelWalk: // for modifying state without recursing. + +#ifdef TRACEJP + JudyPrintJP(Pjp, "d", __LINE__); +#endif + + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) // entry: Pjp, Index. + { + + +// **************************************************************************** +// LINEAR BRANCH: +// +// MACROS FOR COMMON CODE: +// +// Check for population too high to compress a branch to a leaf, meaning just +// descend through the branch, with a purposeful off-by-one error that +// constitutes hysteresis = 1. In other words, do not compress until the +// branchs CURRENT population fits in the leaf, even BEFORE deleting one +// index. +// +// Next is a label for branch-type-specific common code. Variables pop1, +// level, digit, and Index are in the context. + +#define JU_BRANCH_KEEP(cLevel,MaxPop1,Next) \ + if (pop1 > (MaxPop1)) /* hysteresis = 1 */ \ + { \ + assert((cLevel) >= 2); \ + level = (cLevel); \ + digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, cLevel); \ + goto Next; \ + } + +// Support for generic calling of JudyLeaf*ToLeaf*() functions: +// +// Note: Cannot use JUDYLCODE() because this contains a comma. + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#define JU_PVALUEPASS // null. +#else +#define JU_PVALUEPASS Pjv, +#endif + +// During compression to a leaf, check if a JP contains nothing but a +// cJU_JPIMMED_*_01, in which case shortcut calling j__udyLeaf*ToLeaf*(): +// +// Copy the index bytes from the jp_DcdPopO field (with possible truncation), +// and continue the branch-JP-walk loop. Variables Pjp and Pleaf are in the +// context. + +#define JU_BRANCH_COPY_IMMED_EVEN(cLevel,Pjp,ignore) \ + if (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) == cJU_JPIMMED_1_01 + (cLevel) - 2) \ + { \ + *Pleaf++ = JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp); \ + JUDYLCODE(*Pjv++ = (Pjp)->jp_Addr;) \ + continue; /* for-loop */ \ + } + +#define JU_BRANCH_COPY_IMMED_ODD(cLevel,Pjp,CopyIndex) \ + if (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) == cJU_JPIMMED_1_01 + (cLevel) - 2) \ + { \ + CopyIndex(Pleaf, (Word_t) (JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp))); \ + Pleaf += (cLevel); /* index size = level */ \ + JUDYLCODE(*Pjv++ = (Pjp)->jp_Addr;) \ + continue; /* for-loop */ \ + } + +// Compress a BranchL into a leaf one index size larger: +// +// Allocate a new leaf, walk the JPs in the old BranchL and pack their contents +// into the new leaf (of type NewJPType), free the old BranchL, and finally +// restart the switch to delete Index from the new leaf. (Note that all +// BranchLs are the same size.) Variables Pjp, Pjpm, Pleaf, digit, and pop1 +// are in the context. + +#define JU_BRANCHL_COMPRESS(cLevel,LeafType,MaxPop1,NewJPType, \ + LeafToLeaf,Alloc,ValueArea, \ + CopyImmed,CopyIndex) \ + { \ + LeafType Pleaf; \ + Pjbl_t PjblRaw; \ + Pjbl_t Pjbl; \ + Word_t numJPs; \ + \ + if ((PjllnewRaw = Alloc(MaxPop1, Pjpm)) == 0) return(-1); \ + Pjllnew = P_JLL(PjllnewRaw); \ + Pleaf = (LeafType) Pjllnew; \ + JUDYLCODE(Pjv = ValueArea(Pleaf, MaxPop1);) \ + \ + PjblRaw = (Pjbl_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr); \ + Pjbl = P_JBL(PjblRaw); \ + numJPs = Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs; \ + \ + for (offset = 0; offset < numJPs; ++offset) \ + { \ + CopyImmed(cLevel, (Pjbl->jbl_jp) + offset, CopyIndex); \ + \ + pop1 = LeafToLeaf(Pleaf, JU_PVALUEPASS \ + (Pjbl->jbl_jp) + offset, \ + JU_DIGITTOSTATE(Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[offset], \ + cLevel), (Pvoid_t) Pjpm); \ + Pleaf = (LeafType) (((Word_t) Pleaf) + ((cLevel) * pop1)); \ + JUDYLCODE(Pjv += pop1;) \ + } \ + assert(((((Word_t) Pleaf) - ((Word_t) Pjllnew)) / (cLevel)) == (MaxPop1)); \ + JUDYLCODE(assert((Pjv - ValueArea(Pjllnew, MaxPop1)) == (MaxPop1));) \ + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjllnew, MaxPop1, cLevel);) \ + \ + j__udyFreeJBL(PjblRaw, Pjpm); \ + \ + Pjp->jp_Type = (NewJPType); \ + Pjp->jp_Addr = (Word_t) PjllnewRaw; \ + goto ContinueDelWalk; /* delete from new leaf */ \ + } + +// Overall common code for initial BranchL deletion handling: +// +// Assert that Index is in the branch, then see if the BranchL should be kept +// or else compressed to a leaf. Variables Index, Pjp, and pop1 are in the +// context. + +#define JU_BRANCHL(cLevel,MaxPop1,LeafType,NewJPType, \ + LeafToLeaf,Alloc,ValueArea,CopyImmed,CopyIndex) \ + \ + assert(! JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, cLevel)); \ + assert(ParentLevel > (cLevel)); \ + \ + pop1 = JU_JPBRANCH_POP0(Pjp, cLevel) + 1; \ + JU_BRANCH_KEEP(cLevel, MaxPop1, BranchLKeep); \ + assert(pop1 == (MaxPop1)); \ + \ + JU_BRANCHL_COMPRESS(cLevel, LeafType, MaxPop1, NewJPType, \ + LeafToLeaf, Alloc, ValueArea, CopyImmed, CopyIndex) + + +// END OF MACROS, START OF CASES: + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L2: + + JU_BRANCHL(2, cJU_LEAF2_MAXPOP1, uint16_t *, cJU_JPLEAF2, + j__udyLeaf1ToLeaf2, j__udyAllocJLL2, JL_LEAF2VALUEAREA, + JU_BRANCH_COPY_IMMED_EVEN, ignore); + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L3: + + JU_BRANCHL(3, cJU_LEAF3_MAXPOP1, uint8_t *, cJU_JPLEAF3, + j__udyLeaf2ToLeaf3, j__udyAllocJLL3, JL_LEAF3VALUEAREA, + JU_BRANCH_COPY_IMMED_ODD, JU_COPY3_LONG_TO_PINDEX); + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L4: + + JU_BRANCHL(4, cJU_LEAF4_MAXPOP1, uint32_t *, cJU_JPLEAF4, + j__udyLeaf3ToLeaf4, j__udyAllocJLL4, JL_LEAF4VALUEAREA, + JU_BRANCH_COPY_IMMED_EVEN, ignore); + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L5: + + JU_BRANCHL(5, cJU_LEAF5_MAXPOP1, uint8_t *, cJU_JPLEAF5, + j__udyLeaf4ToLeaf5, j__udyAllocJLL5, JL_LEAF5VALUEAREA, + JU_BRANCH_COPY_IMMED_ODD, JU_COPY5_LONG_TO_PINDEX); + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L6: + + JU_BRANCHL(6, cJU_LEAF6_MAXPOP1, uint8_t *, cJU_JPLEAF6, + j__udyLeaf5ToLeaf6, j__udyAllocJLL6, JL_LEAF6VALUEAREA, + JU_BRANCH_COPY_IMMED_ODD, JU_COPY6_LONG_TO_PINDEX); + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L7: + + JU_BRANCHL(7, cJU_LEAF7_MAXPOP1, uint8_t *, cJU_JPLEAF7, + j__udyLeaf6ToLeaf7, j__udyAllocJLL7, JL_LEAF7VALUEAREA, + JU_BRANCH_COPY_IMMED_ODD, JU_COPY7_LONG_TO_PINDEX); +#endif // JU_64BIT + +// A top-level BranchL is different and cannot use JU_BRANCHL(): Dont try to +// compress to a (LEAFW) leaf yet, but leave this for a later deletion +// (hysteresis > 0); and the next JP type depends on the system word size; so +// dont use JU_BRANCH_KEEP(): + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L: + { + Pjbl_t Pjbl; + Word_t numJPs; + + level = cJU_ROOTSTATE; + digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, cJU_ROOTSTATE); + + // fall through: + + +// COMMON CODE FOR KEEPING AND DESCENDING THROUGH A BRANCHL: +// +// Come here with level and digit set. + +BranchLKeep: + Pjbl = P_JBL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + numJPs = Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs; + assert(numJPs > 0); + DBGCODE(parentJPtype = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp);) + +// Search for a match to the digit (valid Index => must find digit): + + for (offset = 0; (Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[offset]) != digit; ++offset) + assert(offset < numJPs - 1); + + Pjp = (Pjbl->jbl_jp) + offset; + +// If not at a (deletable) JPIMMED_*_01, continue the walk (to descend through +// the BranchL): + + assert(level >= 2); + if ((JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) != cJU_JPIMMED_1_01 + level - 2) break; + +// At JPIMMED_*_01: Ensure the index is in the right expanse, then delete the +// Immed from the BranchL: +// +// Note: A BranchL has a fixed size and format regardless of numJPs. + + assert(JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) == JU_TRIMTODCDSIZE(Index)); + + JU_DELETEINPLACE(Pjbl->jbl_Expanse, numJPs, offset, ignore); + JU_DELETEINPLACE(Pjbl->jbl_jp, numJPs, offset, ignore); + + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted((Pjll_t) (Pjbl->jbl_Expanse), + numJPs - 1, 1);) + +// If only one index left in the BranchL, indicate this to the caller: + + return ((--(Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs) <= 1) ? 2 : 1); + + } // case cJU_JPBRANCH_L. + + +// **************************************************************************** +// BITMAP BRANCH: +// +// MACROS FOR COMMON CODE: +// +// Note the reuse of common macros here, defined earlier: JU_BRANCH_KEEP(), +// JU_PVALUE*. +// +// Compress a BranchB into a leaf one index size larger: +// +// Allocate a new leaf, walk the JPs in the old BranchB (one bitmap subexpanse +// at a time) and pack their contents into the new leaf (of type NewJPType), +// free the old BranchB, and finally restart the switch to delete Index from +// the new leaf. Variables Pjp, Pjpm, Pleaf, digit, and pop1 are in the +// context. +// +// Note: Its no accident that the interface to JU_BRANCHB_COMPRESS() is +// identical to JU_BRANCHL_COMPRESS(). Only the details differ in how to +// traverse the branchs JPs. + +#define JU_BRANCHB_COMPRESS(cLevel,LeafType,MaxPop1,NewJPType, \ + LeafToLeaf,Alloc,ValueArea, \ + CopyImmed,CopyIndex) \ + { \ + LeafType Pleaf; \ + Pjbb_t PjbbRaw; /* BranchB to compress */ \ + Pjbb_t Pjbb; \ + Word_t subexp; /* current subexpanse number */ \ + BITMAPB_t bitmap; /* portion for this subexpanse */ \ + Pjp_t Pjp2Raw; /* one subexpanses subarray */ \ + Pjp_t Pjp2; \ + \ + if ((PjllnewRaw = Alloc(MaxPop1, Pjpm)) == 0) return(-1); \ + Pjllnew = P_JLL(PjllnewRaw); \ + Pleaf = (LeafType) Pjllnew; \ + JUDYLCODE(Pjv = ValueArea(Pleaf, MaxPop1);) \ + \ + PjbbRaw = (Pjbb_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr); \ + Pjbb = P_JBB(PjbbRaw); \ + \ + for (subexp = 0; subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPB; ++subexp) \ + { \ + if ((bitmap = JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp)) == 0) \ + continue; /* empty subexpanse */ \ + \ + digit = subexp * cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; \ + Pjp2Raw = JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp); \ + Pjp2 = P_JP(Pjp2Raw); \ + assert(Pjp2 != (Pjp_t) NULL); \ + \ + for (offset = 0; bitmap != 0; bitmap >>= 1, ++digit) \ + { \ + if (! (bitmap & 1)) \ + continue; /* empty sub-subexpanse */ \ + \ + ++offset; /* before any continue */ \ + \ + CopyImmed(cLevel, Pjp2 + offset - 1, CopyIndex); \ + \ + pop1 = LeafToLeaf(Pleaf, JU_PVALUEPASS \ + Pjp2 + offset - 1, \ + JU_DIGITTOSTATE(digit, cLevel), \ + (Pvoid_t) Pjpm); \ + Pleaf = (LeafType) (((Word_t) Pleaf) + ((cLevel) * pop1)); \ + JUDYLCODE(Pjv += pop1;) \ + } \ + j__udyFreeJBBJP(Pjp2Raw, /* pop1 = */ offset, Pjpm); \ + } \ + assert(((((Word_t) Pleaf) - ((Word_t) Pjllnew)) / (cLevel)) == (MaxPop1)); \ + JUDYLCODE(assert((Pjv - ValueArea(Pjllnew, MaxPop1)) == (MaxPop1));) \ + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjllnew, MaxPop1, cLevel);) \ + \ + j__udyFreeJBB(PjbbRaw, Pjpm); \ + \ + Pjp->jp_Type = (NewJPType); \ + Pjp->jp_Addr = (Word_t) PjllnewRaw; \ + goto ContinueDelWalk; /* delete from new leaf */ \ + } + +// Overall common code for initial BranchB deletion handling: +// +// Assert that Index is in the branch, then see if the BranchB should be kept +// or else compressed to a leaf. Variables Index, Pjp, and pop1 are in the +// context. + +#define JU_BRANCHB(cLevel,MaxPop1,LeafType,NewJPType, \ + LeafToLeaf,Alloc,ValueArea,CopyImmed,CopyIndex) \ + \ + assert(! JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, cLevel)); \ + assert(ParentLevel > (cLevel)); \ + \ + pop1 = JU_JPBRANCH_POP0(Pjp, cLevel) + 1; \ + JU_BRANCH_KEEP(cLevel, MaxPop1, BranchBKeep); \ + assert(pop1 == (MaxPop1)); \ + \ + JU_BRANCHB_COMPRESS(cLevel, LeafType, MaxPop1, NewJPType, \ + LeafToLeaf, Alloc, ValueArea, CopyImmed, CopyIndex) + + +// END OF MACROS, START OF CASES: +// +// Note: Its no accident that the macro calls for these cases is nearly +// identical to the code for BranchLs. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B2: + + JU_BRANCHB(2, cJU_LEAF2_MAXPOP1, uint16_t *, cJU_JPLEAF2, + j__udyLeaf1ToLeaf2, j__udyAllocJLL2, JL_LEAF2VALUEAREA, + JU_BRANCH_COPY_IMMED_EVEN, ignore); + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B3: + + JU_BRANCHB(3, cJU_LEAF3_MAXPOP1, uint8_t *, cJU_JPLEAF3, + j__udyLeaf2ToLeaf3, j__udyAllocJLL3, JL_LEAF3VALUEAREA, + JU_BRANCH_COPY_IMMED_ODD, JU_COPY3_LONG_TO_PINDEX); + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B4: + + JU_BRANCHB(4, cJU_LEAF4_MAXPOP1, uint32_t *, cJU_JPLEAF4, + j__udyLeaf3ToLeaf4, j__udyAllocJLL4, JL_LEAF4VALUEAREA, + JU_BRANCH_COPY_IMMED_EVEN, ignore); + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B5: + + JU_BRANCHB(5, cJU_LEAF5_MAXPOP1, uint8_t *, cJU_JPLEAF5, + j__udyLeaf4ToLeaf5, j__udyAllocJLL5, JL_LEAF5VALUEAREA, + JU_BRANCH_COPY_IMMED_ODD, JU_COPY5_LONG_TO_PINDEX); + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B6: + + JU_BRANCHB(6, cJU_LEAF6_MAXPOP1, uint8_t *, cJU_JPLEAF6, + j__udyLeaf5ToLeaf6, j__udyAllocJLL6, JL_LEAF6VALUEAREA, + JU_BRANCH_COPY_IMMED_ODD, JU_COPY6_LONG_TO_PINDEX); + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B7: + + JU_BRANCHB(7, cJU_LEAF7_MAXPOP1, uint8_t *, cJU_JPLEAF7, + j__udyLeaf6ToLeaf7, j__udyAllocJLL7, JL_LEAF7VALUEAREA, + JU_BRANCH_COPY_IMMED_ODD, JU_COPY7_LONG_TO_PINDEX); +#endif // JU_64BIT + +// A top-level BranchB is different and cannot use JU_BRANCHB(): Dont try to +// compress to a (LEAFW) leaf yet, but leave this for a later deletion +// (hysteresis > 0); and the next JP type depends on the system word size; so +// dont use JU_BRANCH_KEEP(): + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B: + { + Pjbb_t Pjbb; // BranchB to modify. + Word_t subexp; // current subexpanse number. + Word_t subexp2; // in second-level loop. + BITMAPB_t bitmap; // portion for this subexpanse. + BITMAPB_t bitmask; // with digits bit set. + Pjp_t Pjp2Raw; // one subexpanses subarray. + Pjp_t Pjp2; + Word_t numJPs; // in one subexpanse. + + level = cJU_ROOTSTATE; + digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, cJU_ROOTSTATE); + + // fall through: + + +// COMMON CODE FOR KEEPING AND DESCENDING THROUGH A BRANCHB: +// +// Come here with level and digit set. + +BranchBKeep: + Pjbb = P_JBB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + subexp = digit / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; + bitmap = JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp); + bitmask = JU_BITPOSMASKB(digit); + assert(bitmap & bitmask); // Index valid => digits bit is set. + DBGCODE(parentJPtype = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp);) + +// Compute digits offset into the bitmap, with a fast method if all bits are +// set: + + offset = ((bitmap == (cJU_FULLBITMAPB)) ? + digit % cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB : + j__udyCountBitsB(bitmap & JU_MASKLOWEREXC(bitmask))); + + Pjp2Raw = JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp); + Pjp2 = P_JP(Pjp2Raw); + assert(Pjp2 != (Pjp_t) NULL); // valid subexpanse pointer. + +// If not at a (deletable) JPIMMED_*_01, continue the walk (to descend through +// the BranchB): + + if (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp2 + offset) != cJU_JPIMMED_1_01 + level - 2) + { + Pjp = Pjp2 + offset; + break; + } + +// At JPIMMED_*_01: Ensure the index is in the right expanse, then delete the +// Immed from the BranchB: + + assert(JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp2 + offset) + == JU_TRIMTODCDSIZE(Index)); + +// If only one index is left in the subexpanse, free the JP array: + + if ((numJPs = j__udyCountBitsB(bitmap)) == 1) + { + j__udyFreeJBBJP(Pjp2Raw, /* pop1 = */ 1, Pjpm); + JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp) = (Pjp_t) NULL; + } + +// Shrink JP array in-place: + + else if (JU_BRANCHBJPGROWINPLACE(numJPs - 1)) + { + assert(numJPs > 0); + JU_DELETEINPLACE(Pjp2, numJPs, offset, ignore); + } + +// JP array would end up too large; compress it to a smaller one: + + else + { + Pjp_t PjpnewRaw; + Pjp_t Pjpnew; + + if ((PjpnewRaw = j__udyAllocJBBJP(numJPs - 1, Pjpm)) + == (Pjp_t) NULL) return(-1); + Pjpnew = P_JP(PjpnewRaw); + + JU_DELETECOPY(Pjpnew, Pjp2, numJPs, offset, ignore); + j__udyFreeJBBJP(Pjp2Raw, numJPs, Pjpm); // old. + + JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp) = PjpnewRaw; + } + +// Clear digits bit in the bitmap: + + JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp) ^= bitmask; + +// If the current subexpanse alone is still too large for a BranchL (with +// hysteresis = 1), the delete is all done: + + if (numJPs > cJU_BRANCHLMAXJPS) return(1); + +// Consider shrinking the current BranchB to a BranchL: +// +// Check the numbers of JPs in other subexpanses in the BranchL. Upon reaching +// the critical number of numJPs (which could be right at the start; again, +// with hysteresis = 1), its faster to just watch for any non-empty subexpanse +// than to count bits in each subexpanse. Upon finding too many JPs, give up +// on shrinking the BranchB. + + for (subexp2 = 0; subexp2 < cJU_NUMSUBEXPB; ++subexp2) + { + if (subexp2 == subexp) continue; // skip current subexpanse. + + if ((numJPs == cJU_BRANCHLMAXJPS) ? + JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp2) : + ((numJPs += j__udyCountBitsB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp2))) + > cJU_BRANCHLMAXJPS)) + { + return(1); // too many JPs, cannot shrink. + } + } + +// Shrink current BranchB to a BranchL: +// +// Note: In this rare case, ignore the return value, do not pass it to the +// caller, because the deletion is already successfully completed and the +// caller(s) must decrement population counts. The only errors expected from +// this call are JU_ERRNO_NOMEM and JU_ERRNO_OVERRUN, neither of which is worth +// forwarding from this point. See also 4.1, 4.8, and 4.15 of this file. + + (void) j__udyBranchBToBranchL(Pjp, Pjpm); + return(1); + + } // case. + + +// **************************************************************************** +// UNCOMPRESSED BRANCH: +// +// MACROS FOR COMMON CODE: +// +// Note the reuse of common macros here, defined earlier: JU_PVALUE*. +// +// Compress a BranchU into a leaf one index size larger: +// +// Allocate a new leaf, walk the JPs in the old BranchU and pack their contents +// into the new leaf (of type NewJPType), free the old BranchU, and finally +// restart the switch to delete Index from the new leaf. Variables Pjp, Pjpm, +// digit, and pop1 are in the context. +// +// Note: Its no accident that the interface to JU_BRANCHU_COMPRESS() is +// nearly identical to JU_BRANCHL_COMPRESS(); just NullJPType is added. The +// details differ in how to traverse the branchs JPs -- +// +// -- and also, what to do upon encountering a cJU_JPIMMED_*_01 JP. In +// BranchLs and BranchBs the JP must be deleted, but in a BranchU its merely +// converted to a null JP, and this is done by other switch cases, so the "keep +// branch" situation is simpler here and JU_BRANCH_KEEP() is not used. Also, +// theres no code to convert a BranchU to a BranchB since counting the JPs in +// a BranchU is (at least presently) expensive, and besides, keeping around a +// BranchU is form of hysteresis. + +#define JU_BRANCHU_COMPRESS(cLevel,LeafType,MaxPop1,NullJPType,NewJPType, \ + LeafToLeaf,Alloc,ValueArea,CopyImmed,CopyIndex) \ + { \ + LeafType Pleaf; \ + Pjbu_t PjbuRaw = (Pjbu_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr); \ + Pjp_t Pjp2 = JU_JBU_PJP0(Pjp); \ + Word_t ldigit; /* larger than uint8_t */ \ + \ + if ((PjllnewRaw = Alloc(MaxPop1, Pjpm)) == 0) return(-1); \ + Pjllnew = P_JLL(PjllnewRaw); \ + Pleaf = (LeafType) Pjllnew; \ + JUDYLCODE(Pjv = ValueArea(Pleaf, MaxPop1);) \ + \ + for (ldigit = 0; ldigit < cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS; ++ldigit, ++Pjp2) \ + { \ + /* fast-process common types: */ \ + if (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp2) == (NullJPType)) continue; \ + CopyImmed(cLevel, Pjp2, CopyIndex); \ + \ + pop1 = LeafToLeaf(Pleaf, JU_PVALUEPASS Pjp2, \ + JU_DIGITTOSTATE(ldigit, cLevel), \ + (Pvoid_t) Pjpm); \ + Pleaf = (LeafType) (((Word_t) Pleaf) + ((cLevel) * pop1)); \ + JUDYLCODE(Pjv += pop1;) \ + } \ + assert(((((Word_t) Pleaf) - ((Word_t) Pjllnew)) / (cLevel)) == (MaxPop1)); \ + JUDYLCODE(assert((Pjv - ValueArea(Pjllnew, MaxPop1)) == (MaxPop1));) \ + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjllnew, MaxPop1, cLevel);) \ + \ + j__udyFreeJBU(PjbuRaw, Pjpm); \ + \ + Pjp->jp_Type = (NewJPType); \ + Pjp->jp_Addr = (Word_t) PjllnewRaw; \ + goto ContinueDelWalk; /* delete from new leaf */ \ + } + +// Overall common code for initial BranchU deletion handling: +// +// Assert that Index is in the branch, then see if a BranchU should be kept or +// else compressed to a leaf. Variables level, Index, Pjp, and pop1 are in the +// context. +// +// Note: BranchU handling differs from BranchL and BranchB as described above. + +#define JU_BRANCHU(cLevel,MaxPop1,LeafType,NullJPType,NewJPType, \ + LeafToLeaf,Alloc,ValueArea,CopyImmed,CopyIndex) \ + \ + assert(! JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, cLevel)); \ + assert(ParentLevel > (cLevel)); \ + DBGCODE(parentJPtype = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp);) \ + \ + pop1 = JU_JPBRANCH_POP0(Pjp, cLevel) + 1; \ + \ + if (pop1 > (MaxPop1)) /* hysteresis = 1 */ \ + { \ + level = (cLevel); \ + Pjp = P_JP(Pjp->jp_Addr) + JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, cLevel);\ + break; /* descend to next level */ \ + } \ + assert(pop1 == (MaxPop1)); \ + \ + JU_BRANCHU_COMPRESS(cLevel, LeafType, MaxPop1, NullJPType, NewJPType, \ + LeafToLeaf, Alloc, ValueArea, CopyImmed, CopyIndex) + + +// END OF MACROS, START OF CASES: +// +// Note: Its no accident that the macro calls for these cases is nearly +// identical to the code for BranchLs, with the addition of cJU_JPNULL* +// parameters only needed for BranchUs. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U2: + + JU_BRANCHU(2, cJU_LEAF2_MAXPOP1, uint16_t *, + cJU_JPNULL1, cJU_JPLEAF2, + j__udyLeaf1ToLeaf2, j__udyAllocJLL2, JL_LEAF2VALUEAREA, + JU_BRANCH_COPY_IMMED_EVEN, ignore); + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U3: + + JU_BRANCHU(3, cJU_LEAF3_MAXPOP1, uint8_t *, + cJU_JPNULL2, cJU_JPLEAF3, + j__udyLeaf2ToLeaf3, j__udyAllocJLL3, JL_LEAF3VALUEAREA, + JU_BRANCH_COPY_IMMED_ODD, JU_COPY3_LONG_TO_PINDEX); + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U4: + + JU_BRANCHU(4, cJU_LEAF4_MAXPOP1, uint32_t *, + cJU_JPNULL3, cJU_JPLEAF4, + j__udyLeaf3ToLeaf4, j__udyAllocJLL4, JL_LEAF4VALUEAREA, + JU_BRANCH_COPY_IMMED_EVEN, ignore); + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U5: + + JU_BRANCHU(5, cJU_LEAF5_MAXPOP1, uint8_t *, + cJU_JPNULL4, cJU_JPLEAF5, + j__udyLeaf4ToLeaf5, j__udyAllocJLL5, JL_LEAF5VALUEAREA, + JU_BRANCH_COPY_IMMED_ODD, JU_COPY5_LONG_TO_PINDEX); + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U6: + + JU_BRANCHU(6, cJU_LEAF6_MAXPOP1, uint8_t *, + cJU_JPNULL5, cJU_JPLEAF6, + j__udyLeaf5ToLeaf6, j__udyAllocJLL6, JL_LEAF6VALUEAREA, + JU_BRANCH_COPY_IMMED_ODD, JU_COPY6_LONG_TO_PINDEX); + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U7: + + JU_BRANCHU(7, cJU_LEAF7_MAXPOP1, uint8_t *, + cJU_JPNULL6, cJU_JPLEAF7, + j__udyLeaf6ToLeaf7, j__udyAllocJLL7, JL_LEAF7VALUEAREA, + JU_BRANCH_COPY_IMMED_ODD, JU_COPY7_LONG_TO_PINDEX); +#endif // JU_64BIT + +// A top-level BranchU is different and cannot use JU_BRANCHU(): Dont try to +// compress to a (LEAFW) leaf yet, but leave this for a later deletion +// (hysteresis > 0); just descend through the BranchU: + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U: + + DBGCODE(parentJPtype = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp);) + + level = cJU_ROOTSTATE; + Pjp = P_JP(Pjp->jp_Addr) + JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, cJU_ROOTSTATE); + break; + + +// **************************************************************************** +// LINEAR LEAF: +// +// State transitions while deleting an Index, the inverse of the similar table +// that appears in JudyIns.c: +// +// Note: In JudyIns.c this table is not needed and does not appear until the +// Immed handling code; because once a Leaf is reached upon growing the tree, +// the situation remains simpler, but for deleting indexes, the complexity +// arises when leaves must compress to Immeds. +// +// Note: There are other transitions possible too, not shown here, such as to +// a leaf one level higher. +// +// (Yes, this is very terse... Study it and it will make sense.) +// (Note, parts of this diagram are repeated below for quick reference.) +// +// reformat JP here for Judy1 only, from word-1 to word-2 +// | +// JUDY1 && JU_64BIT JUDY1 || JU_64BIT | +// V +// (*) Leaf1 [[ => 1_15..08 ] => 1_07 => ... => 1_04 ] => 1_03 => 1_02 => 1_01 +// Leaf2 [[ => 2_07..04 ] => 2_03 => 2_02 ] => 2_01 +// Leaf3 [[ => 3_05..03 ] => 3_02 ] => 3_01 +// JU_64BIT only: +// Leaf4 [[ => 4_03..02 ]] => 4_01 +// Leaf5 [[ => 5_03..02 ]] => 5_01 +// Leaf6 [[ => 6_02 ]] => 6_01 +// Leaf7 [[ => 7_02 ]] => 7_01 +// +// (*) For Judy1 & 64-bit, go directly from a LeafB1 to cJU_JPIMMED_1_15; skip +// Leaf1, as described in Judy1.h regarding cJ1_JPLEAF1. +// +// MACROS FOR COMMON CODE: +// +// (De)compress a LeafX into a LeafY one index size (cIS) larger (X+1 = Y): +// +// This is only possible when the current leaf is under a narrow pointer +// ((ParentLevel - 1) > cIS) and its population fits in a higher-level leaf. +// Variables ParentLevel, pop1, PjllnewRaw, Pjllnew, Pjpm, and Index are in the +// context. +// +// Note: Doing an "uplevel" doesnt occur until the old leaf can be compressed +// up one level BEFORE deleting an index; that is, hysteresis = 1. +// +// Note: LeafType, MaxPop1, NewJPType, and Alloc refer to the up-level leaf, +// not the current leaf. +// +// Note: 010327: Fixed bug where the jp_DcdPopO next-uplevel digit (byte) +// above the current Pop0 value was not being cleared. When upleveling, one +// digit in jp_DcdPopO "moves" from being part of the Dcd subfield to the Pop0 +// subfield, but since a leaf maxpop1 is known to be <= 1 byte in size, the new +// Pop0 byte should always be zero. This is easy to overlook because +// JU_JPLEAF_POP0() "knows" to only use the LSB of Pop0 (for efficiency) and +// ignore the other bytes... Until someone uses cJU_POP0MASK() instead of +// JU_JPLEAF_POP0(), such as in JudyInsertBranch.c. +// +// TBD: Should JudyInsertBranch.c use JU_JPLEAF_POP0() rather than +// cJU_POP0MASK(), for efficiency? Does it know for sure its a narrow pointer +// under the leaf? Not necessarily. + +#define JU_LEAF_UPLEVEL(cIS,LeafType,MaxPop1,NewJPType,LeafToLeaf, \ + Alloc,ValueArea) \ + \ + assert(((ParentLevel - 1) == (cIS)) || (pop1 >= (MaxPop1))); \ + \ + if (((ParentLevel - 1) > (cIS)) /* under narrow pointer */ \ + && (pop1 == (MaxPop1))) /* hysteresis = 1 */ \ + { \ + Word_t D_cdP0; \ + if ((PjllnewRaw = Alloc(MaxPop1, Pjpm)) == 0) return(-1); \ + Pjllnew = P_JLL(PjllnewRaw); \ + JUDYLCODE(Pjv = ValueArea((LeafType) Pjllnew, MaxPop1);) \ + \ + (void) LeafToLeaf((LeafType) Pjllnew, JU_PVALUEPASS Pjp, \ + Index & cJU_DCDMASK(cIS), /* TBD, Doug says */ \ + (Pvoid_t) Pjpm); \ + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjllnew, MaxPop1, cIS + 1);) \ + \ + D_cdP0 = (~cJU_MASKATSTATE((cIS) + 1)) & JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp); \ + JU_JPSETADT(Pjp, (Word_t)PjllnewRaw, D_cdP0, NewJPType); \ + goto ContinueDelWalk; /* delete from new leaf */ \ + } + + +// For Leaf3, only support JU_LEAF_UPLEVEL on a 64-bit system, and for Leaf7, +// there is no JU_LEAF_UPLEVEL: +// +// Note: Theres no way here to go from Leaf3 [Leaf7] to LEAFW on a 32-bit +// [64-bit] system. Thats handled in the main code, because its different in +// that a JPM is involved. + +#ifndef JU_64BIT // 32-bit. +#define JU_LEAF_UPLEVEL64(cIS,LeafType,MaxPop1,NewJPType,LeafToLeaf, \ + Alloc,ValueArea) // null. +#else +#define JU_LEAF_UPLEVEL64(cIS,LeafType,MaxPop1,NewJPType,LeafToLeaf, \ + Alloc,ValueArea) \ + JU_LEAF_UPLEVEL (cIS,LeafType,MaxPop1,NewJPType,LeafToLeaf, \ + Alloc,ValueArea) +#define JU_LEAF_UPLEVEL_NONE(cIS,LeafType,MaxPop1,NewJPType,LeafToLeaf, \ + Alloc,ValueArea) // null. +#endif + +// Compress a Leaf* with pop1 = 2, or a JPIMMED_*_02, into a JPIMMED_*_01: +// +// Copy whichever Index is NOT being deleted (and assert that the other one is +// found; Index must be valid). This requires special handling of the Index +// bytes (and value area). Variables Pjp, Index, offset, and Pleaf are in the +// context, offset is modified to the undeleted Index, and Pjp is modified +// including jp_Addr. + + +#define JU_TOIMMED_01_EVEN(cIS,ignore1,ignore2) \ +{ \ + Word_t D_cdP0; \ + Word_t A_ddr = 0; \ + uint8_t T_ype = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp); \ + offset = (Pleaf[0] == JU_LEASTBYTES(Index, cIS)); /* undeleted Ind */ \ + assert(Pleaf[offset ? 0 : 1] == JU_LEASTBYTES(Index, cIS)); \ + D_cdP0 = (Index & cJU_DCDMASK(cIS)) | Pleaf[offset]; \ +JUDYLCODE(A_ddr = Pjv[offset];) \ + JU_JPSETADT(Pjp, A_ddr, D_cdP0, T_ype); \ +} + +#define JU_TOIMMED_01_ODD(cIS,SearchLeaf,CopyPIndex) \ + { \ + Word_t D_cdP0; \ + Word_t A_ddr = 0; \ + uint8_t T_ype = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp); \ + \ + offset = SearchLeaf(Pleaf, 2, Index); \ + assert(offset >= 0); /* Index must be valid */ \ + CopyPIndex(D_cdP0, & (Pleaf[offset ? 0 : cIS])); \ + D_cdP0 |= Index & cJU_DCDMASK(cIS); \ + JUDYLCODE(A_ddr = Pjv[offset ? 0 : 1];) \ + JU_JPSETADT(Pjp, A_ddr, D_cdP0, T_ype); \ + } + + +// Compress a Leaf* into a JPIMMED_*_0[2+]: +// +// This occurs as soon as its possible, with hysteresis = 0. Variables pop1, +// Pleaf, offset, and Pjpm are in the context. +// +// TBD: Explain why hysteresis = 0 here, rather than > 0. Probably because +// the insert code assumes if the population is small enough, an Immed is used, +// not a leaf. +// +// The differences between Judy1 and JudyL with respect to value area handling +// are just too large for completely common code between them... Oh well, some +// big ifdefs follow. + +#ifdef JUDY1 + +#define JU_LEAF_TOIMMED(cIS,LeafType,MaxPop1,BaseJPType,ignore1,\ + ignore2,ignore3,ignore4, \ + DeleteCopy,FreeLeaf) \ + \ + assert(pop1 > (MaxPop1)); \ + \ + if ((pop1 - 1) == (MaxPop1)) /* hysteresis = 0 */ \ + { \ + Pjll_t PjllRaw = (Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr); \ + DeleteCopy((LeafType) (Pjp->jp_1Index), Pleaf, pop1, offset, cIS); \ + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted((Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_1Index), pop1-1, cIS);) \ + Pjp->jp_Type = (BaseJPType) - 1 + (MaxPop1) - 1; \ + FreeLeaf(PjllRaw, pop1, Pjpm); \ + return(1); \ + } + +#else // JUDYL + +// Pjv is also in the context. + +#define JU_LEAF_TOIMMED(cIS,LeafType,MaxPop1,BaseJPType,ignore1,\ + ignore2,ignore3,ignore4, \ + DeleteCopy,FreeLeaf) \ + \ + assert(pop1 > (MaxPop1)); \ + \ + if ((pop1 - 1) == (MaxPop1)) /* hysteresis = 0 */ \ + { \ + Pjll_t PjllRaw = (Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr); \ + Pjv_t PjvnewRaw; \ + Pjv_t Pjvnew; \ + \ + if ((PjvnewRaw = j__udyLAllocJV(pop1 - 1, Pjpm)) \ + == (Pjv_t) NULL) return(-1); \ + JUDYLCODE(Pjvnew = P_JV(PjvnewRaw);) \ + \ + DeleteCopy((LeafType) (Pjp->jp_LIndex), Pleaf, pop1, offset, cIS); \ + JU_DELETECOPY(Pjvnew, Pjv, pop1, offset, cIS); \ + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted((Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_LIndex), pop1-1, cIS);) \ + FreeLeaf(PjllRaw, pop1, Pjpm); \ + Pjp->jp_Addr = (Word_t) PjvnewRaw; \ + Pjp->jp_Type = (BaseJPType) - 2 + (MaxPop1); \ + return(1); \ + } + +// A complicating factor for JudyL & 32-bit is that Leaf2..3, and for JudyL & +// 64-bit Leaf 4..7, go directly to an Immed*_01, where the value is stored in +// jp_Addr and not in a separate LeafV. For efficiency, use the following +// macro in cases where it can apply; it is rigged to do the right thing. +// Unfortunately, this requires the calling code to "know" the transition table +// and call the right macro. +// +// This variant compresses a Leaf* with pop1 = 2 into a JPIMMED_*_01: + +#define JU_LEAF_TOIMMED_01(cIS,LeafType,MaxPop1,ignore,Immed01JPType, \ + ToImmed,SearchLeaf,CopyPIndex, \ + DeleteCopy,FreeLeaf) \ + \ + assert(pop1 > (MaxPop1)); \ + \ + if ((pop1 - 1) == (MaxPop1)) /* hysteresis = 0 */ \ + { \ + Pjll_t PjllRaw = (Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr); \ + ToImmed(cIS, SearchLeaf, CopyPIndex); \ + FreeLeaf(PjllRaw, pop1, Pjpm); \ + Pjp->jp_Type = (Immed01JPType); \ + return(1); \ + } +#endif // JUDYL + +// See comments above about these: +// +// Note: Here "23" means index size 2 or 3, and "47" means 4..7. + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) +#define JU_LEAF_TOIMMED_23(cIS,LeafType,MaxPop1,BaseJPType,Immed01JPType, \ + ToImmed,SearchLeaf,CopyPIndex, \ + DeleteCopy,FreeLeaf) \ + JU_LEAF_TOIMMED( cIS,LeafType,MaxPop1,BaseJPType,ignore1, \ + ignore2,ignore3,ignore4, \ + DeleteCopy,FreeLeaf) +#else // JUDYL && 32-bit +#define JU_LEAF_TOIMMED_23(cIS,LeafType,MaxPop1,BaseJPType,Immed01JPType, \ + ToImmed,SearchLeaf,CopyPIndex, \ + DeleteCopy,FreeLeaf) \ + JU_LEAF_TOIMMED_01(cIS,LeafType,MaxPop1,ignore,Immed01JPType, \ + ToImmed,SearchLeaf,CopyPIndex, \ + DeleteCopy,FreeLeaf) +#endif + +#ifdef JU_64BIT +#ifdef JUDY1 +#define JU_LEAF_TOIMMED_47(cIS,LeafType,MaxPop1,BaseJPType,Immed01JPType, \ + ToImmed,SearchLeaf,CopyPIndex, \ + DeleteCopy,FreeLeaf) \ + JU_LEAF_TOIMMED( cIS,LeafType,MaxPop1,BaseJPType,ignore1, \ + ignore2,ignore3,ignore4, \ + DeleteCopy,FreeLeaf) +#else // JUDYL && 64-bit +#define JU_LEAF_TOIMMED_47(cIS,LeafType,MaxPop1,BaseJPType,Immed01JPType, \ + ToImmed,SearchLeaf,CopyPIndex, \ + DeleteCopy,FreeLeaf) \ + JU_LEAF_TOIMMED_01(cIS,LeafType,MaxPop1,ignore,Immed01JPType, \ + ToImmed,SearchLeaf,CopyPIndex, \ + DeleteCopy,FreeLeaf) +#endif // JUDYL +#endif // JU_64BIT + +// Compress a Leaf* in place: +// +// Here hysteresis = 0 (no memory is wasted). Variables pop1, Pleaf, and +// offset, and for JudyL, Pjv, are in the context. + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#define JU_LEAF_INPLACE(cIS,GrowInPlace,DeleteInPlace) \ + if (GrowInPlace(pop1 - 1)) /* hysteresis = 0 */ \ + { \ + DeleteInPlace(Pleaf, pop1, offset, cIS); \ + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pleaf, pop1 - 1, cIS);) \ + return(1); \ + } +#else +#define JU_LEAF_INPLACE(cIS,GrowInPlace,DeleteInPlace) \ + if (GrowInPlace(pop1 - 1)) /* hysteresis = 0 */ \ + { \ + DeleteInPlace(Pleaf, pop1, offset, cIS); \ +/**/ JU_DELETEINPLACE(Pjv, pop1, offset, ignore); \ + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pleaf, pop1 - 1, cIS);) \ + return(1); \ + } +#endif + +// Compress a Leaf* into a smaller memory object of the same JP type: +// +// Variables PjllnewRaw, Pjllnew, Pleafpop1, Pjpm, PleafRaw, Pleaf, and offset +// are in the context. + +#ifdef JUDY1 + +#define JU_LEAF_SHRINK(cIS,LeafType,DeleteCopy,Alloc,FreeLeaf,ValueArea) \ + if ((PjllnewRaw = Alloc(pop1 - 1, Pjpm)) == 0) return(-1); \ + Pjllnew = P_JLL(PjllnewRaw); \ + DeleteCopy((LeafType) Pjllnew, Pleaf, pop1, offset, cIS); \ + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjllnew, pop1 - 1, cIS);) \ + FreeLeaf(PleafRaw, pop1, Pjpm); \ + Pjp->jp_Addr = (Word_t) PjllnewRaw; \ + return(1) + +#else // JUDYL + +#define JU_LEAF_SHRINK(cIS,LeafType,DeleteCopy,Alloc,FreeLeaf,ValueArea) \ + { \ +/**/ Pjv_t Pjvnew; \ + \ + if ((PjllnewRaw = Alloc(pop1 - 1, Pjpm)) == 0) return(-1); \ + Pjllnew = P_JLL(PjllnewRaw); \ +/**/ Pjvnew = ValueArea(Pjllnew, pop1 - 1); \ + DeleteCopy((LeafType) Pjllnew, Pleaf, pop1, offset, cIS); \ +/**/ JU_DELETECOPY(Pjvnew, Pjv, pop1, offset, cIS); \ + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjllnew, pop1 - 1, cIS);) \ + FreeLeaf(PleafRaw, pop1, Pjpm); \ + Pjp->jp_Addr = (Word_t) PjllnewRaw; \ + return(1); \ + } +#endif // JUDYL + +// Overall common code for Leaf* deletion handling: +// +// See if the leaf can be: +// - (de)compressed to one a level higher (JU_LEAF_UPLEVEL()), or if not, +// - compressed to an Immediate JP (JU_LEAF_TOIMMED()), or if not, +// - shrunk in place (JU_LEAF_INPLACE()), or if none of those, then +// - shrink the leaf to a smaller chunk of memory (JU_LEAF_SHRINK()). +// +// Variables Pjp, pop1, Index, and offset are in the context. +// The *Up parameters refer to a leaf one level up, if there is any. + +#define JU_LEAF(cIS, \ + UpLevel, \ + LeafTypeUp,MaxPop1Up,LeafJPTypeUp,LeafToLeaf, \ + AllocUp,ValueAreaUp, \ + LeafToImmed,ToImmed,CopyPIndex, \ + LeafType,ImmedMaxPop1,ImmedBaseJPType,Immed01JPType, \ + SearchLeaf,GrowInPlace,DeleteInPlace,DeleteCopy, \ + Alloc,FreeLeaf,ValueArea) \ + { \ + Pjll_t PleafRaw; \ + LeafType Pleaf; \ + \ + assert(! JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, cIS)); \ + assert(ParentLevel > (cIS)); \ + \ + PleafRaw = (Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr); \ + Pleaf = (LeafType) P_JLL(PleafRaw); \ + pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; \ + \ + UpLevel(cIS, LeafTypeUp, MaxPop1Up, LeafJPTypeUp, \ + LeafToLeaf, AllocUp, ValueAreaUp); \ + \ + offset = SearchLeaf(Pleaf, pop1, Index); \ + assert(offset >= 0); /* Index must be valid */ \ + JUDYLCODE(Pjv = ValueArea(Pleaf, pop1);) \ + \ + LeafToImmed(cIS, LeafType, ImmedMaxPop1, \ + ImmedBaseJPType, Immed01JPType, \ + ToImmed, SearchLeaf, CopyPIndex, \ + DeleteCopy, FreeLeaf); \ + \ + JU_LEAF_INPLACE(cIS, GrowInPlace, DeleteInPlace); \ + \ + JU_LEAF_SHRINK(cIS, LeafType, DeleteCopy, Alloc, FreeLeaf, \ + ValueArea); \ + } + +// END OF MACROS, START OF CASES: +// +// (*) Leaf1 [[ => 1_15..08 ] => 1_07 => ... => 1_04 ] => 1_03 => 1_02 => 1_01 + +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + case cJU_JPLEAF1: + + JU_LEAF(1, + JU_LEAF_UPLEVEL, uint16_t *, cJU_LEAF2_MAXPOP1, cJU_JPLEAF2, + j__udyLeaf1ToLeaf2, j__udyAllocJLL2, JL_LEAF2VALUEAREA, + JU_LEAF_TOIMMED, ignore, ignore, + uint8_t *, cJU_IMMED1_MAXPOP1, + cJU_JPIMMED_1_02, cJU_JPIMMED_1_01, j__udySearchLeaf1, + JU_LEAF1GROWINPLACE, JU_DELETEINPLACE, JU_DELETECOPY, + j__udyAllocJLL1, j__udyFreeJLL1, JL_LEAF1VALUEAREA); +#endif + +// A complicating factor is that for JudyL & 32-bit, a Leaf2 must go directly +// to an Immed 2_01 and a Leaf3 must go directly to an Immed 3_01: +// +// Leaf2 [[ => 2_07..04 ] => 2_03 => 2_02 ] => 2_01 +// Leaf3 [[ => 3_05..03 ] => 3_02 ] => 3_01 +// +// Hence use JU_LEAF_TOIMMED_23 instead of JU_LEAF_TOIMMED in the cases below, +// and also the parameters ToImmed and, for odd index sizes, CopyPIndex, are +// required. + + case cJU_JPLEAF2: + + JU_LEAF(2, + JU_LEAF_UPLEVEL, uint8_t *, cJU_LEAF3_MAXPOP1, cJU_JPLEAF3, + j__udyLeaf2ToLeaf3, j__udyAllocJLL3, JL_LEAF3VALUEAREA, + JU_LEAF_TOIMMED_23, JU_TOIMMED_01_EVEN, ignore, + uint16_t *, cJU_IMMED2_MAXPOP1, + cJU_JPIMMED_2_02, cJU_JPIMMED_2_01, j__udySearchLeaf2, + JU_LEAF2GROWINPLACE, JU_DELETEINPLACE, JU_DELETECOPY, + j__udyAllocJLL2, j__udyFreeJLL2, JL_LEAF2VALUEAREA); + +// On 32-bit there is no transition to "uplevel" for a Leaf3, so use +// JU_LEAF_UPLEVEL64 instead of JU_LEAF_UPLEVEL: + + case cJU_JPLEAF3: + + JU_LEAF(3, + JU_LEAF_UPLEVEL64, uint32_t *, cJU_LEAF4_MAXPOP1, + cJU_JPLEAF4, + j__udyLeaf3ToLeaf4, j__udyAllocJLL4, JL_LEAF4VALUEAREA, + JU_LEAF_TOIMMED_23, + JU_TOIMMED_01_ODD, JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG, + uint8_t *, cJU_IMMED3_MAXPOP1, + cJU_JPIMMED_3_02, cJU_JPIMMED_3_01, j__udySearchLeaf3, + JU_LEAF3GROWINPLACE, JU_DELETEINPLACE_ODD, + JU_DELETECOPY_ODD, + j__udyAllocJLL3, j__udyFreeJLL3, JL_LEAF3VALUEAREA); + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + +// A complicating factor is that for JudyL & 64-bit, a Leaf[4-7] must go +// directly to an Immed [4-7]_01: +// +// Leaf4 [[ => 4_03..02 ]] => 4_01 +// Leaf5 [[ => 5_03..02 ]] => 5_01 +// Leaf6 [[ => 6_02 ]] => 6_01 +// Leaf7 [[ => 7_02 ]] => 7_01 +// +// Hence use JU_LEAF_TOIMMED_47 instead of JU_LEAF_TOIMMED in the cases below. + + case cJU_JPLEAF4: + + JU_LEAF(4, + JU_LEAF_UPLEVEL, uint8_t *, cJU_LEAF5_MAXPOP1, cJU_JPLEAF5, + j__udyLeaf4ToLeaf5, j__udyAllocJLL5, JL_LEAF5VALUEAREA, + JU_LEAF_TOIMMED_47, JU_TOIMMED_01_EVEN, ignore, + uint32_t *, cJU_IMMED4_MAXPOP1, + cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02, cJU_JPIMMED_4_01, j__udySearchLeaf4, + JU_LEAF4GROWINPLACE, JU_DELETEINPLACE, JU_DELETECOPY, + j__udyAllocJLL4, j__udyFreeJLL4, JL_LEAF4VALUEAREA); + + case cJU_JPLEAF5: + + JU_LEAF(5, + JU_LEAF_UPLEVEL, uint8_t *, cJU_LEAF6_MAXPOP1, cJU_JPLEAF6, + j__udyLeaf5ToLeaf6, j__udyAllocJLL6, JL_LEAF6VALUEAREA, + JU_LEAF_TOIMMED_47, + JU_TOIMMED_01_ODD, JU_COPY5_PINDEX_TO_LONG, + uint8_t *, cJU_IMMED5_MAXPOP1, + cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02, cJU_JPIMMED_5_01, j__udySearchLeaf5, + JU_LEAF5GROWINPLACE, JU_DELETEINPLACE_ODD, + JU_DELETECOPY_ODD, + j__udyAllocJLL5, j__udyFreeJLL5, JL_LEAF5VALUEAREA); + + case cJU_JPLEAF6: + + JU_LEAF(6, + JU_LEAF_UPLEVEL, uint8_t *, cJU_LEAF7_MAXPOP1, cJU_JPLEAF7, + j__udyLeaf6ToLeaf7, j__udyAllocJLL7, JL_LEAF7VALUEAREA, + JU_LEAF_TOIMMED_47, + JU_TOIMMED_01_ODD, JU_COPY6_PINDEX_TO_LONG, + uint8_t *, cJU_IMMED6_MAXPOP1, + cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02, cJU_JPIMMED_6_01, j__udySearchLeaf6, + JU_LEAF6GROWINPLACE, JU_DELETEINPLACE_ODD, + JU_DELETECOPY_ODD, + j__udyAllocJLL6, j__udyFreeJLL6, JL_LEAF6VALUEAREA); + +// There is no transition to "uplevel" for a Leaf7, so use JU_LEAF_UPLEVEL_NONE +// instead of JU_LEAF_UPLEVEL, and ignore all of the parameters to that macro: + + case cJU_JPLEAF7: + + JU_LEAF(7, + JU_LEAF_UPLEVEL_NONE, ignore1, ignore2, ignore3, ignore4, + ignore5, ignore6, + JU_LEAF_TOIMMED_47, + JU_TOIMMED_01_ODD, JU_COPY7_PINDEX_TO_LONG, + uint8_t *, cJU_IMMED7_MAXPOP1, + cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02, cJU_JPIMMED_7_01, j__udySearchLeaf7, + JU_LEAF7GROWINPLACE, JU_DELETEINPLACE_ODD, + JU_DELETECOPY_ODD, + j__udyAllocJLL7, j__udyFreeJLL7, JL_LEAF7VALUEAREA); +#endif // JU_64BIT + + +// **************************************************************************** +// BITMAP LEAF: + + case cJU_JPLEAF_B1: + { +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv_t PjvnewRaw; // new value area. + Pjv_t Pjvnew; + Word_t subexp; // 1 of 8 subexpanses in bitmap. + Pjlb_t Pjlb; // pointer to bitmap part of the leaf. + BITMAPL_t bitmap; // for one subexpanse. + BITMAPL_t bitmask; // bit set for Indexs digit. +#endif + assert(! JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 1)); + assert(ParentLevel > 1); + // valid Index: + assert(JU_BITMAPTESTL(P_JLB(Pjp->jp_Addr), Index)); + + pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + +// Like a Leaf1, see if its under a narrow pointer and can become a Leaf2 +// (hysteresis = 1): + + JU_LEAF_UPLEVEL(1, uint16_t *, cJU_LEAF2_MAXPOP1, cJU_JPLEAF2, + j__udyLeaf1ToLeaf2, j__udyAllocJLL2, + JL_LEAF2VALUEAREA); + +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + +// Handle the unusual special case, on Judy1 64-bit only, where a LeafB1 goes +// directly to a JPIMMED_1_15; as described in comments in Judy1.h and +// JudyIns.c. Copy 1-byte indexes from old LeafB1 to the Immed: + + if ((pop1 - 1) == cJU_IMMED1_MAXPOP1) // hysteresis = 0. + { + Pjlb_t PjlbRaw; // bitmap in old leaf. + Pjlb_t Pjlb; + uint8_t * Pleafnew; // JPIMMED as a pointer. + Word_t ldigit; // larger than uint8_t. + + PjlbRaw = (Pjlb_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr); + Pjlb = P_JLB(PjlbRaw); + Pleafnew = Pjp->jp_1Index; + + JU_BITMAPCLEARL(Pjlb, Index); // unset Indexs bit. + +// TBD: This is very slow, there must be a better way: + + for (ldigit = 0; ldigit < cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS; ++ldigit) + { + if (JU_BITMAPTESTL(Pjlb, ldigit)) + { + *Pleafnew++ = ldigit; + assert(Pleafnew - (Pjp->jp_1Index) + <= cJU_IMMED1_MAXPOP1); + } + } + + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted((Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_1Index), + cJU_IMMED1_MAXPOP1, 1);) + j__udyFreeJLB1(PjlbRaw, Pjpm); + + Pjp->jp_Type = cJ1_JPIMMED_1_15; + return(1); + } + +#else // (JUDYL || (! JU_64BIT)) + +// Compress LeafB1 to a Leaf1: +// +// Note: 4.37 of this file contained alternate code for Judy1 only that simply +// cleared the bit and allowed the LeafB1 to go below cJU_LEAF1_MAXPOP1. This +// was the ONLY case where a malloc failure was not fatal; however, it violated +// the critical assumption that the tree is always kept in least-compressed +// form. + + if (pop1 == cJU_LEAF1_MAXPOP1) // hysteresis = 1. + { + if (j__udyLeafB1ToLeaf1(Pjp, Pjpm) == -1) return(-1); + goto ContinueDelWalk; // delete Index in new Leaf1. + } +#endif // (JUDYL || (! JU_64BIT)) + +#ifdef JUDY1 + // unset Indexs bit: + + JU_BITMAPCLEARL(P_JLB(Pjp->jp_Addr), Index); +#else // JUDYL + +// This is very different from Judy1 because of the need to manage the value +// area: +// +// Get last byte to decode from Index, and pointer to bitmap leaf: + + digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 1); + Pjlb = P_JLB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + +// Prepare additional values: + + subexp = digit / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL; // which subexpanse. + bitmap = JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp); // subexps 32-bit map. + PjvRaw = JL_JLB_PVALUE(Pjlb, subexp); // corresponding values. + Pjv = P_JV(PjvRaw); + bitmask = JU_BITPOSMASKL(digit); // mask for Index. + + assert(bitmap & bitmask); // Index must be valid. + + if (bitmap == cJU_FULLBITMAPL) // full bitmap, take shortcut: + { + pop1 = cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL; + offset = digit % cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL; + } + else // compute subexpanse pop1 and value area offset: + { + pop1 = j__udyCountBitsL(bitmap); + offset = j__udyCountBitsL(bitmap & (bitmask - 1)); + } + +// Handle solitary Index remaining in subexpanse: + + if (pop1 == 1) + { + j__udyLFreeJV(PjvRaw, 1, Pjpm); + + JL_JLB_PVALUE(Pjlb, subexp) = (Pjv_t) NULL; + JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp) = 0; + + return(1); + } + +// Shrink value area in place or move to a smaller value area: + + if (JL_LEAFVGROWINPLACE(pop1 - 1)) // hysteresis = 0. + { + JU_DELETEINPLACE(Pjv, pop1, offset, ignore); + } + else + { + if ((PjvnewRaw = j__udyLAllocJV(pop1 - 1, Pjpm)) + == (Pjv_t) NULL) return(-1); + Pjvnew = P_JV(PjvnewRaw); + + JU_DELETECOPY(Pjvnew, Pjv, pop1, offset, ignore); + j__udyLFreeJV(PjvRaw, pop1, Pjpm); + JL_JLB_PVALUE(Pjlb, subexp) = (Pjv_t) PjvnewRaw; + } + + JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp) ^= bitmask; // clear Indexs bit. + +#endif // JUDYL + + return(1); + + } // case. + + +#ifdef JUDY1 + +// **************************************************************************** +// FULL POPULATION LEAF: +// +// Convert to a LeafB1 and delete the index. Hysteresis = 0; none is possible. +// +// Note: Earlier the second assertion below said, "== 2", but in fact the +// parent could be at a higher level if a fullpop is under a narrow pointer. + + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1: + { + Pjlb_t PjlbRaw; + Pjlb_t Pjlb; + Word_t subexp; + + assert(! JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 2)); + assert(ParentLevel > 1); // see above. + + if ((PjlbRaw = j__udyAllocJLB1(Pjpm)) == (Pjlb_t) NULL) + return(-1); + Pjlb = P_JLB(PjlbRaw); + +// Fully populate the leaf, then unset Indexs bit: + + for (subexp = 0; subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPL; ++subexp) + JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp) = cJU_FULLBITMAPL; + + JU_BITMAPCLEARL(Pjlb, Index); + + Pjp->jp_Addr = (Word_t) PjlbRaw; + Pjp->jp_Type = cJU_JPLEAF_B1; + + return(1); + } +#endif // JUDY1 + + +// **************************************************************************** +// IMMEDIATE JP: +// +// If theres just the one Index in the Immed, convert the JP to a JPNULL* +// (should only happen in a BranchU); otherwise delete the Index from the +// Immed. See the state transitions table elsewhere in this file for a summary +// of which Immed types must be handled. Hysteresis = 0; none is possible with +// Immeds. +// +// MACROS FOR COMMON CODE: +// +// Single Index remains in cJU_JPIMMED_*_01; convert JP to null: +// +// Variables Pjp and parentJPtype are in the context. +// +// Note: cJU_JPIMMED_*_01 should only be encountered in BranchUs, not in +// BranchLs or BranchBs (where its improper to merely modify the JP to be a +// null JP); that is, BranchL and BranchB code should have already handled +// any cJU_JPIMMED_*_01 by different means. + +#define JU_IMMED_01(NewJPType,ParentJPType) \ + \ + assert(parentJPtype == (ParentJPType)); \ + assert(JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) == JU_TRIMTODCDSIZE(Index)); \ + JU_JPSETADT(Pjp, 0, 0, NewJPType); \ + return(1) + +// Convert cJ*_JPIMMED_*_02 to cJU_JPIMMED_*_01: +// +// Move the undeleted Index, whichever does not match the least bytes of Index, +// from undecoded-bytes-only (in jp_1Index or jp_LIndex as appropriate) to +// jp_DcdPopO (full-field). Pjp, Index, and offset are in the context. + +#define JU_IMMED_02(cIS,LeafType,NewJPType) \ + { \ + LeafType Pleaf; \ + \ + assert((ParentLevel - 1) == (cIS)); \ + JUDY1CODE(Pleaf = (LeafType) (Pjp->jp_1Index);) \ + JUDYLCODE(Pleaf = (LeafType) (Pjp->jp_LIndex);) \ + JUDYLCODE(PjvRaw = (Pjv_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr);) \ + JUDYLCODE(Pjv = P_JV(PjvRaw);) \ + JU_TOIMMED_01_EVEN(cIS, ignore, ignore); \ + JUDYLCODE(j__udyLFreeJV(PjvRaw, 2, Pjpm);) \ + Pjp->jp_Type = (NewJPType); \ + return(1); \ + } + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + +// Variation for "odd" cJ*_JPIMMED_*_02 JP types, which are very different from +// "even" types because they use leaf search code and odd-copy macros: +// +// Note: JudyL 32-bit has no "odd" JPIMMED_*_02 types. + +#define JU_IMMED_02_ODD(cIS,NewJPType,SearchLeaf,CopyPIndex) \ + { \ + uint8_t * Pleaf; \ + \ + assert((ParentLevel - 1) == (cIS)); \ + JUDY1CODE(Pleaf = (uint8_t *) (Pjp->jp_1Index);) \ + JUDYLCODE(Pleaf = (uint8_t *) (Pjp->jp_LIndex);) \ + JUDYLCODE(PjvRaw = (Pjv_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr);) \ + JUDYLCODE(Pjv = P_JV(PjvRaw);) \ + JU_TOIMMED_01_ODD(cIS, SearchLeaf, CopyPIndex); \ + JUDYLCODE(j__udyLFreeJV(PjvRaw, 2, Pjpm);) \ + Pjp->jp_Type = (NewJPType); \ + return(1); \ + } +#endif // (JUDY1 || JU_64BIT) + +// Core code for deleting one Index (and for JudyL, its value area) from a +// larger Immed: +// +// Variables Pleaf, pop1, and offset are in the context. + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#define JU_IMMED_DEL(cIS,DeleteInPlace) \ + DeleteInPlace(Pleaf, pop1, offset, cIS); \ + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pleaf, pop1 - 1, cIS);) + +#else // JUDYL + +// For JudyL the value area might need to be shrunk: + +#define JU_IMMED_DEL(cIS,DeleteInPlace) \ + \ + if (JL_LEAFVGROWINPLACE(pop1 - 1)) /* hysteresis = 0 */ \ + { \ + DeleteInPlace( Pleaf, pop1, offset, cIS); \ + JU_DELETEINPLACE(Pjv, pop1, offset, ignore); \ + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pleaf, pop1 - 1, cIS);) \ + } \ + else \ + { \ + Pjv_t PjvnewRaw; \ + Pjv_t Pjvnew; \ + \ + if ((PjvnewRaw = j__udyLAllocJV(pop1 - 1, Pjpm)) \ + == (Pjv_t) NULL) return(-1); \ + Pjvnew = P_JV(PjvnewRaw); \ + \ + DeleteInPlace(Pleaf, pop1, offset, cIS); \ + JU_DELETECOPY(Pjvnew, Pjv, pop1, offset, ignore); \ + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pleaf, pop1 - 1, cIS);) \ + j__udyLFreeJV(PjvRaw, pop1, Pjpm); \ + \ + (Pjp->jp_Addr) = (Word_t) PjvnewRaw; \ + } +#endif // JUDYL + +// Delete one Index from a larger Immed where no restructuring is required: +// +// Variables pop1, Pjp, offset, and Index are in the context. + +#define JU_IMMED(cIS,LeafType,BaseJPType,SearchLeaf,DeleteInPlace) \ + { \ + LeafType Pleaf; \ + \ + assert((ParentLevel - 1) == (cIS)); \ + JUDY1CODE(Pleaf = (LeafType) (Pjp->jp_1Index);) \ + JUDYLCODE(Pleaf = (LeafType) (Pjp->jp_LIndex);) \ + JUDYLCODE(PjvRaw = (Pjv_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr);) \ + JUDYLCODE(Pjv = P_JV(PjvRaw);) \ + pop1 = (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) - (BaseJPType) + 2; \ + offset = SearchLeaf(Pleaf, pop1, Index); \ + assert(offset >= 0); /* Index must be valid */ \ + \ + JU_IMMED_DEL(cIS, DeleteInPlace); \ + --(Pjp->jp_Type); \ + return(1); \ + } + + +// END OF MACROS, START OF CASES: + +// Single Index remains in Immed; convert JP to null: + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_01: JU_IMMED_01(cJU_JPNULL1, cJU_JPBRANCH_U2); + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_01: JU_IMMED_01(cJU_JPNULL2, cJU_JPBRANCH_U3); +#ifndef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_01: JU_IMMED_01(cJU_JPNULL3, cJU_JPBRANCH_U); +#else + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_01: JU_IMMED_01(cJU_JPNULL3, cJU_JPBRANCH_U4); + case cJU_JPIMMED_4_01: JU_IMMED_01(cJU_JPNULL4, cJU_JPBRANCH_U5); + case cJU_JPIMMED_5_01: JU_IMMED_01(cJU_JPNULL5, cJU_JPBRANCH_U6); + case cJU_JPIMMED_6_01: JU_IMMED_01(cJU_JPNULL6, cJU_JPBRANCH_U7); + case cJU_JPIMMED_7_01: JU_IMMED_01(cJU_JPNULL7, cJU_JPBRANCH_U); +#endif + +// Multiple Indexes remain in the Immed JP; delete the specified Index: + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_02: + + JU_IMMED_02(1, uint8_t *, cJU_JPIMMED_1_01); + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_03: +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_04: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_05: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_06: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_07: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_08: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_09: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_10: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_11: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_12: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_13: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_14: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_15: +#endif + JU_IMMED(1, uint8_t *, cJU_JPIMMED_1_02, + j__udySearchLeaf1, JU_DELETEINPLACE); + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_02: + + JU_IMMED_02(2, uint16_t *, cJU_JPIMMED_2_01); + + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_03: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_04: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_05: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_06: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_07: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + JU_IMMED(2, uint16_t *, cJU_JPIMMED_2_02, + j__udySearchLeaf2, JU_DELETEINPLACE); + + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_02: + + JU_IMMED_02_ODD(3, cJU_JPIMMED_3_01, + j__udySearchLeaf3, JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG); + +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_03: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_04: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_05: + + JU_IMMED(3, uint8_t *, cJU_JPIMMED_3_02, + j__udySearchLeaf3, JU_DELETEINPLACE_ODD); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02: + + JU_IMMED_02(4, uint32_t *, cJU_JPIMMED_4_01); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_03: + + JU_IMMED(4, uint32_t *, cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02, + j__udySearchLeaf4, JU_DELETEINPLACE); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02: + + JU_IMMED_02_ODD(5, cJU_JPIMMED_5_01, + j__udySearchLeaf5, JU_COPY5_PINDEX_TO_LONG); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_03: + + JU_IMMED(5, uint8_t *, cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02, + j__udySearchLeaf5, JU_DELETEINPLACE_ODD); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02: + + JU_IMMED_02_ODD(6, cJU_JPIMMED_6_01, + j__udySearchLeaf6, JU_COPY6_PINDEX_TO_LONG); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02: + + JU_IMMED_02_ODD(7, cJU_JPIMMED_7_01, + j__udySearchLeaf7, JU_COPY7_PINDEX_TO_LONG); + +#endif // (JUDY1 && JU_64BIT) + + +// **************************************************************************** +// INVALID JP TYPE: + + default: JU_SET_ERRNO_NONNULL(Pjpm, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); return(-1); + + } // switch + + +// PROCESS JP -- RECURSIVELY: +// +// For non-Immed JP types, if successful, post-decrement the population count +// at this level, or collapse a BranchL if necessary by copying the remaining +// JP in the BranchL to the parent (hysteresis = 0), which implicitly creates a +// narrow pointer if there was not already one in the hierarchy. + + assert(level); + retcode = j__udyDelWalk(Pjp, Index, level, Pjpm); + assert(retcode != 0); // should never happen. + + if ((JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) < cJU_JPIMMED_1_01) // not an Immed. + { + switch (retcode) + { + case 1: + { + jp_t JP = *Pjp; + Word_t DcdP0; + + DcdP0 = JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) - 1; // decrement count. + JU_JPSETADT(Pjp, JP.jp_Addr, DcdP0, JU_JPTYPE(&JP)); + break; + } + case 2: // collapse BranchL to single JP; see above: + { + Pjbl_t PjblRaw = (Pjbl_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr); + Pjbl_t Pjbl = P_JBL(PjblRaw); + + *Pjp = Pjbl->jbl_jp[0]; + j__udyFreeJBL(PjblRaw, Pjpm); + retcode = 1; + } + } + } + + return(retcode); + +} // j__udyDelWalk() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y 1 U N S E T +// J U D Y L D E L +// +// Main entry point. See the manual entry for details. + +#ifdef JUDY1 +FUNCTION int Judy1Unset +#else +FUNCTION int JudyLDel +#endif + ( + PPvoid_t PPArray, // in which to delete. + Word_t Index, // to delete. + PJError_t PJError // optional, for returning error info. + ) +{ + Word_t pop1; // population of leaf. + int offset; // at which to delete Index. + JUDY1CODE(int retcode;) // return code from Judy1Test(). +JUDYLCODE(PPvoid_t PPvalue;) // pointer from JudyLGet(). + + +// CHECK FOR NULL ARRAY POINTER (error by caller): + + if (PPArray == (PPvoid_t) NULL) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NULLPPARRAY); + return(JERRI); + } + + +// CHECK IF INDEX IS INVALID: +// +// If so, theres nothing to do. This saves a lot of time. Pass through +// PJError, if any, from the "get" function. + +#ifdef JUDY1 + if ((retcode = Judy1Test(*PPArray, Index, PJError)) == JERRI) + return (JERRI); + + if (retcode == 0) return(0); +#else + if ((PPvalue = JudyLGet(*PPArray, Index, PJError)) == PPJERR) + return (JERRI); + + if (PPvalue == (PPvoid_t) NULL) return(0); +#endif + + +// **************************************************************************** +// PROCESS TOP LEVEL (LEAFW) BRANCHES AND LEAVES: + +// **************************************************************************** +// LEAFW LEAF, OTHER SIZE: +// +// Shrink or convert the leaf as necessary. Hysteresis = 0; none is possible. + + if (JU_LEAFW_POP0(*PPArray) < cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1) // must be a LEAFW + { + JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjv;) // current value area. + JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjvnew;) // value area in new leaf. + Pjlw_t Pjlw = P_JLW(*PPArray); // first word of leaf. + Pjlw_t Pjlwnew; // replacement leaf. + pop1 = Pjlw[0] + 1; // first word of leaf is pop0. + +// Delete single (last) Index from array: + + if (pop1 == 1) + { + j__udyFreeJLW(Pjlw, /* pop1 = */ 1, (Pjpm_t) NULL); + *PPArray = (Pvoid_t) NULL; + return(1); + } + +// Locate Index in compressible leaf: + + offset = j__udySearchLeafW(Pjlw + 1, pop1, Index); + assert(offset >= 0); // Index must be valid. + + JUDYLCODE(Pjv = JL_LEAFWVALUEAREA(Pjlw, pop1);) + +// Delete Index in-place: +// +// Note: "Grow in place from pop1 - 1" is the logical inverse of, "shrink in +// place from pop1." Also, Pjlw points to the count word, so skip that for +// doing the deletion. + + if (JU_LEAFWGROWINPLACE(pop1 - 1)) + { + JU_DELETEINPLACE(Pjlw + 1, pop1, offset, ignore); +#ifdef JUDYL // also delete from value area: + JU_DELETEINPLACE(Pjv, pop1, offset, ignore); +#endif + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted((Pjll_t) (Pjlw + 1), pop1 - 1, + cJU_ROOTSTATE);) + --(Pjlw[0]); // decrement population. + DBGCODE(JudyCheckPop(*PPArray);) + return(1); + } + +// Allocate new leaf for use in either case below: + + Pjlwnew = j__udyAllocJLW(pop1 - 1); + JU_CHECKALLOC(Pjlw_t, Pjlwnew, JERRI); + +// Shrink to smaller LEAFW: +// +// Note: Skip the first word = pop0 in each leaf. + + Pjlwnew[0] = (pop1 - 1) - 1; + JU_DELETECOPY(Pjlwnew + 1, Pjlw + 1, pop1, offset, ignore); + +#ifdef JUDYL // also delete from value area: + Pjvnew = JL_LEAFWVALUEAREA(Pjlwnew, pop1 - 1); + JU_DELETECOPY(Pjvnew, Pjv, pop1, offset, ignore); +#endif + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjlwnew + 1, pop1 - 1, cJU_ROOTSTATE);) + + j__udyFreeJLW(Pjlw, pop1, (Pjpm_t) NULL); + +//// *PPArray = (Pvoid_t) Pjlwnew | cJU_LEAFW); + *PPArray = (Pvoid_t) Pjlwnew; + DBGCODE(JudyCheckPop(*PPArray);) + return(1); + + } + else + + +// **************************************************************************** +// JRP BRANCH: +// +// Traverse through the JPM to do the deletion unless the population is small +// enough to convert immediately to a LEAFW. + + { + Pjpm_t Pjpm; + Pjp_t Pjp; // top-level JP to process. + Word_t digit; // in a branch. + JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjv;) // to value area. + Pjlw_t Pjlwnew; // replacement leaf. + DBGCODE(Pjlw_t Pjlwnew_orig;) + + Pjpm = P_JPM(*PPArray); // top object in array (tree). + Pjp = &(Pjpm->jpm_JP); // next object (first branch or leaf). + + assert(((Pjpm->jpm_JP.jp_Type) == cJU_JPBRANCH_L) + || ((Pjpm->jpm_JP.jp_Type) == cJU_JPBRANCH_B) + || ((Pjpm->jpm_JP.jp_Type) == cJU_JPBRANCH_U)); + +// WALK THE TREE +// +// Note: Recursive code in j__udyDelWalk() knows how to collapse a lower-level +// BranchL containing a single JP into the parent JP as a narrow pointer, but +// the code here cant do that for a top-level BranchL. The result can be +// PArray -> JPM -> BranchL containing a single JP. This situation is +// unavoidable because a JPM cannot contain a narrow pointer; the BranchL is +// required in order to hold the top digit decoded, and it does not collapse to +// a LEAFW until the population is low enough. +// +// TBD: Should we add a topdigit field to JPMs so they can hold narrow +// pointers? + + if (j__udyDelWalk(Pjp, Index, cJU_ROOTSTATE, Pjpm) == -1) + { + JU_COPY_ERRNO(PJError, Pjpm); + return(JERRI); + } + + --(Pjpm->jpm_Pop0); // success; decrement total population. + + if ((Pjpm->jpm_Pop0 + 1) != cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1) + { + DBGCODE(JudyCheckPop(*PPArray);) + return(1); + } + +// COMPRESS A BRANCH[LBU] TO A LEAFW: +// + Pjlwnew = j__udyAllocJLW(cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1); + JU_CHECKALLOC(Pjlw_t, Pjlwnew, JERRI); + +// Plug leaf into root pointer and set population count: + +//// *PPArray = (Pvoid_t) ((Word_t) Pjlwnew | cJU_LEAFW); + *PPArray = (Pvoid_t) Pjlwnew; +#ifdef JUDYL // prepare value area: + Pjv = JL_LEAFWVALUEAREA(Pjlwnew, cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1); +#endif + *Pjlwnew++ = cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1 - 1; // set pop0. + DBGCODE(Pjlwnew_orig = Pjlwnew;) + + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { + +// JPBRANCH_L: Copy each JPs indexes to the new LEAFW and free the old +// branch: + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L: + { + Pjbl_t PjblRaw = (Pjbl_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr); + Pjbl_t Pjbl = P_JBL(PjblRaw); + + for (offset = 0; offset < Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs; ++offset) + { + pop1 = j__udyLeafM1ToLeafW(Pjlwnew, JU_PVALUEPASS + (Pjbl->jbl_jp) + offset, + JU_DIGITTOSTATE(Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[offset], + cJU_BYTESPERWORD), + (Pvoid_t) Pjpm); + Pjlwnew += pop1; // advance through indexes. + JUDYLCODE(Pjv += pop1;) // advance through values. + } + j__udyFreeJBL(PjblRaw, Pjpm); + + assert(Pjlwnew == Pjlwnew_orig + cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1); + break; // delete Index from new LEAFW. + } + +// JPBRANCH_B: Copy each JPs indexes to the new LEAFW and free the old +// branch, including each JP subarray: + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B: + { + Pjbb_t PjbbRaw = (Pjbb_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr); + Pjbb_t Pjbb = P_JBB(PjbbRaw); + Word_t subexp; // current subexpanse number. + BITMAPB_t bitmap; // portion for this subexpanse. + Pjp_t Pjp2Raw; // one subexpanses subarray. + Pjp_t Pjp2; + + for (subexp = 0; subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPB; ++subexp) + { + if ((bitmap = JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp)) == 0) + continue; // skip empty subexpanse. + + digit = subexp * cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; + Pjp2Raw = JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp); + Pjp2 = P_JP(Pjp2Raw); + assert(Pjp2 != (Pjp_t) NULL); + +// Walk through bits for all possible sub-subexpanses (digits); increment +// offset for each populated subexpanse; until no more set bits: + + for (offset = 0; bitmap != 0; bitmap >>= 1, ++digit) + { + if (! (bitmap & 1)) // skip empty sub-subexpanse. + continue; + + pop1 = j__udyLeafM1ToLeafW(Pjlwnew, JU_PVALUEPASS + Pjp2 + offset, + JU_DIGITTOSTATE(digit, cJU_BYTESPERWORD), + (Pvoid_t) Pjpm); + Pjlwnew += pop1; // advance through indexes. + JUDYLCODE(Pjv += pop1;) // advance through values. + ++offset; + } + j__udyFreeJBBJP(Pjp2Raw, /* pop1 = */ offset, Pjpm); + } + j__udyFreeJBB(PjbbRaw, Pjpm); + + assert(Pjlwnew == Pjlwnew_orig + cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1); + break; // delete Index from new LEAFW. + + } // case cJU_JPBRANCH_B. + + +// JPBRANCH_U: Copy each JPs indexes to the new LEAFW and free the old +// branch: + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U: + { + Pjbu_t PjbuRaw = (Pjbu_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr); + Pjbu_t Pjbu = P_JBU(PjbuRaw); + Word_t ldigit; // larger than uint8_t. + + for (Pjp = Pjbu->jbu_jp, ldigit = 0; + ldigit < cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS; + ++Pjp, ++ldigit) + { + +// Shortcuts, to save a little time for possibly big branches: + + if ((JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) == cJU_JPNULLMAX) // skip null JP. + continue; + +// TBD: Should the following shortcut also be used in BranchL and BranchB +// code? + +#ifndef JU_64BIT + if ((JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) == cJU_JPIMMED_3_01) +#else + if ((JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) == cJU_JPIMMED_7_01) +#endif + { // single Immed: + *Pjlwnew++ = JU_DIGITTOSTATE(ldigit, cJU_BYTESPERWORD) + | JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp); // rebuild Index. +#ifdef JUDYL + *Pjv++ = Pjp->jp_Addr; // copy value area. +#endif + continue; + } + + pop1 = j__udyLeafM1ToLeafW(Pjlwnew, JU_PVALUEPASS + Pjp, JU_DIGITTOSTATE(ldigit, cJU_BYTESPERWORD), + (Pvoid_t) Pjpm); + Pjlwnew += pop1; // advance through indexes. + JUDYLCODE(Pjv += pop1;) // advance through values. + } + j__udyFreeJBU(PjbuRaw, Pjpm); + + assert(Pjlwnew == Pjlwnew_orig + cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1); + break; // delete Index from new LEAFW. + + } // case cJU_JPBRANCH_U. + + +// INVALID JP TYPE in jpm_t struct + + default: JU_SET_ERRNO_NONNULL(Pjpm, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + return(JERRI); + + } // end switch on sub-JP type. + + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted((Pjll_t) Pjlwnew_orig, cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1, + cJU_ROOTSTATE);) + +// FREE JPM (no longer needed): + + j__udyFreeJPM(Pjpm, (Pjpm_t) NULL); + DBGCODE(JudyCheckPop(*PPArray);) + return(1); + + } + /*NOTREACHED*/ + +} // Judy1Unset() / JudyLDel() diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Makefile.am b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Makefile.am new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bab403ac --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Makefile.am @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +INCLUDES = -I. -I.. -I../JudyCommon/ +AM_CFLAGS = -DJUDY1 @WARN_CFLAGS@ + +noinst_LTLIBRARIES = libJudy1.la libnext.la libprev.la libcount.la libinline.la + +libJudy1_la_SOURCES = Judy1Test.c Judy1Tables.c Judy1Set.c Judy1SetArray.c Judy1Unset.c Judy1Cascade.c Judy1Count.c Judy1CreateBranch.c Judy1Decascade.c Judy1First.c Judy1FreeArray.c Judy1InsertBranch.c Judy1MallocIF.c Judy1MemActive.c Judy1MemUsed.c + +libnext_la_SOURCES = Judy1Next.c Judy1NextEmpty.c +libnext_la_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS) -DJUDYNEXT + +libprev_la_SOURCES = Judy1Prev.c Judy1PrevEmpty.c +libprev_la_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS) -DJUDYPREV + +libcount_la_SOURCES = Judy1ByCount.c +libcount_la_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS) -DNOSMARTJBB -DNOSMARTJBU -DNOSMARTJLB + +libinline_la_SOURCES = j__udy1Test.c +libinline_la_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS) -DJUDYGETINLINE + +Judy1Tables.c: Judy1TablesGen.c + $(CC) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CFLAGS) @CFLAGS@ -o Judy1TablesGen Judy1TablesGen.c; ./Judy1TablesGen + + +Judy1Test.c: copies + +copies: + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyByCount.c Judy1ByCount.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyCascade.c Judy1Cascade.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyCount.c Judy1Count.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyCreateBranch.c Judy1CreateBranch.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyDecascade.c Judy1Decascade.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyDel.c Judy1Unset.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyFirst.c Judy1First.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyFreeArray.c Judy1FreeArray.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyGet.c Judy1Test.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyGet.c j__udy1Test.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyInsArray.c Judy1SetArray.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyIns.c Judy1Set.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyInsertBranch.c Judy1InsertBranch.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyMallocIF.c Judy1MallocIF.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyMemActive.c Judy1MemActive.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyMemUsed.c Judy1MemUsed.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyPrevNext.c Judy1Next.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyPrevNext.c Judy1Prev.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyPrevNextEmpty.c Judy1NextEmpty.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyPrevNextEmpty.c Judy1PrevEmpty.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyTables.c Judy1TablesGen.c + diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Makefile.in b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Makefile.in new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0560d6c1 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/Makefile.in @@ -0,0 +1,558 @@ +# Makefile.in generated by automake 1.9.3 from Makefile.am. +# @configure_input@ + +# Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, +# 2003, 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# This Makefile.in is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. + +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law; without +# even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A +# PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + +@SET_MAKE@ + +SOURCES = $(libJudy1_la_SOURCES) $(libcount_la_SOURCES) $(libinline_la_SOURCES) $(libnext_la_SOURCES) $(libprev_la_SOURCES) + +srcdir = @srcdir@ +top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@ +VPATH = @srcdir@ +pkgdatadir = $(datadir)/@PACKAGE@ +pkglibdir = $(libdir)/@PACKAGE@ +pkgincludedir = $(includedir)/@PACKAGE@ +top_builddir = ../.. +am__cd = CDPATH="$${ZSH_VERSION+.}$(PATH_SEPARATOR)" && cd +INSTALL = @INSTALL@ +install_sh_DATA = $(install_sh) -c -m 644 +install_sh_PROGRAM = $(install_sh) -c +install_sh_SCRIPT = $(install_sh) -c +INSTALL_HEADER = $(INSTALL_DATA) +transform = $(program_transform_name) +NORMAL_INSTALL = : +PRE_INSTALL = : +POST_INSTALL = : +NORMAL_UNINSTALL = : +PRE_UNINSTALL = : +POST_UNINSTALL = : +build_triplet = @build@ +host_triplet = @host@ +subdir = src/Judy1 +DIST_COMMON = README $(srcdir)/Makefile.am $(srcdir)/Makefile.in +ACLOCAL_M4 = $(top_srcdir)/aclocal.m4 +am__aclocal_m4_deps = $(top_srcdir)/configure.ac +am__configure_deps = $(am__aclocal_m4_deps) $(CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCIES) \ + $(ACLOCAL_M4) +mkinstalldirs = $(install_sh) -d +CONFIG_HEADER = $(top_builddir)/config.h +CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES = +LTLIBRARIES = $(noinst_LTLIBRARIES) +libJudy1_la_LIBADD = +am_libJudy1_la_OBJECTS = Judy1Test.lo Judy1Tables.lo Judy1Set.lo \ + Judy1SetArray.lo Judy1Unset.lo Judy1Cascade.lo Judy1Count.lo \ + Judy1CreateBranch.lo Judy1Decascade.lo Judy1First.lo \ + Judy1FreeArray.lo Judy1InsertBranch.lo Judy1MallocIF.lo \ + Judy1MemActive.lo Judy1MemUsed.lo +libJudy1_la_OBJECTS = $(am_libJudy1_la_OBJECTS) +libcount_la_LIBADD = +am_libcount_la_OBJECTS = libcount_la-Judy1ByCount.lo +libcount_la_OBJECTS = $(am_libcount_la_OBJECTS) +libinline_la_LIBADD = +am_libinline_la_OBJECTS = libinline_la-j__udy1Test.lo +libinline_la_OBJECTS = $(am_libinline_la_OBJECTS) +libnext_la_LIBADD = +am_libnext_la_OBJECTS = libnext_la-Judy1Next.lo \ + libnext_la-Judy1NextEmpty.lo +libnext_la_OBJECTS = $(am_libnext_la_OBJECTS) +libprev_la_LIBADD = +am_libprev_la_OBJECTS = libprev_la-Judy1Prev.lo \ + libprev_la-Judy1PrevEmpty.lo +libprev_la_OBJECTS = $(am_libprev_la_OBJECTS) +DEFAULT_INCLUDES = -I. -I$(srcdir) -I$(top_builddir) +depcomp = $(SHELL) $(top_srcdir)/depcomp +am__depfiles_maybe = depfiles +COMPILE = $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) \ + $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) +LTCOMPILE = $(LIBTOOL) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) \ + $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) \ + $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) +CCLD = $(CC) +LINK = $(LIBTOOL) --tag=CC --mode=link $(CCLD) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) \ + $(AM_LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ +SOURCES = $(libJudy1_la_SOURCES) $(libcount_la_SOURCES) \ + $(libinline_la_SOURCES) $(libnext_la_SOURCES) \ + $(libprev_la_SOURCES) +DIST_SOURCES = $(libJudy1_la_SOURCES) $(libcount_la_SOURCES) \ + $(libinline_la_SOURCES) $(libnext_la_SOURCES) \ + $(libprev_la_SOURCES) +ETAGS = etags +CTAGS = ctags +DISTFILES = $(DIST_COMMON) $(DIST_SOURCES) $(TEXINFOS) $(EXTRA_DIST) +ACLOCAL = @ACLOCAL@ +AMDEP_FALSE = @AMDEP_FALSE@ +AMDEP_TRUE = @AMDEP_TRUE@ +AMTAR = @AMTAR@ +AR = @AR@ +AUTOCONF = @AUTOCONF@ +AUTOHEADER = @AUTOHEADER@ +AUTOMAKE = @AUTOMAKE@ +AWK = @AWK@ +CC = @CC@ +CCDEPMODE = @CCDEPMODE@ +CFLAGS = @CFLAGS@ +CPP = @CPP@ +CPPFLAGS = @CPPFLAGS@ +CXX = @CXX@ +CXXCPP = @CXXCPP@ +CXXDEPMODE = @CXXDEPMODE@ +CXXFLAGS = @CXXFLAGS@ +CYGPATH_W = @CYGPATH_W@ +DEFS = @DEFS@ +DEPDIR = @DEPDIR@ +ECHO = @ECHO@ +ECHO_C = @ECHO_C@ +ECHO_N = @ECHO_N@ +ECHO_T = @ECHO_T@ +EGREP = @EGREP@ +EXEEXT = @EXEEXT@ +F77 = @F77@ +FFLAGS = @FFLAGS@ +FLAVOR = @FLAVOR@ +INSTALL_DATA = @INSTALL_DATA@ +INSTALL_PROGRAM = @INSTALL_PROGRAM@ +INSTALL_SCRIPT = @INSTALL_SCRIPT@ +INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM = @INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM@ +LD = @LD@ +LDFLAGS = @LDFLAGS@ +LIBOBJS = @LIBOBJS@ +LIBS = @LIBS@ +LIBTOOL = @LIBTOOL@ +LN_S = @LN_S@ +LTLIBOBJS = @LTLIBOBJS@ +MAINT = @MAINT@ +MAINTAINER_MODE_FALSE = @MAINTAINER_MODE_FALSE@ +MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE = @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ +MAKEINFO = @MAKEINFO@ +OBJEXT = @OBJEXT@ +PACKAGE = @PACKAGE@ +PACKAGE_BUGREPORT = @PACKAGE_BUGREPORT@ +PACKAGE_NAME = @PACKAGE_NAME@ +PACKAGE_STRING = @PACKAGE_STRING@ +PACKAGE_TARNAME = @PACKAGE_TARNAME@ +PACKAGE_VERSION = @PACKAGE_VERSION@ +PATH_SEPARATOR = @PATH_SEPARATOR@ +RANLIB = @RANLIB@ +SET_MAKE = @SET_MAKE@ +SHELL = @SHELL@ +STRIP = @STRIP@ +VERSION = @VERSION@ +VERSION_INFO = @VERSION_INFO@ +WARN_CFLAGS = @WARN_CFLAGS@ +ac_ct_AR = @ac_ct_AR@ +ac_ct_CC = @ac_ct_CC@ +ac_ct_CXX = @ac_ct_CXX@ +ac_ct_F77 = @ac_ct_F77@ +ac_ct_LD = @ac_ct_LD@ +ac_ct_RANLIB = @ac_ct_RANLIB@ +ac_ct_STRIP = @ac_ct_STRIP@ +am__fastdepCC_FALSE = @am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ +am__fastdepCC_TRUE = @am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ +am__fastdepCXX_FALSE = @am__fastdepCXX_FALSE@ +am__fastdepCXX_TRUE = @am__fastdepCXX_TRUE@ +am__include = @am__include@ +am__leading_dot = @am__leading_dot@ +am__quote = @am__quote@ +am__tar = @am__tar@ +am__untar = @am__untar@ +bindir = @bindir@ +build = @build@ +build_alias = @build_alias@ +build_cpu = @build_cpu@ +build_os = @build_os@ +build_vendor = @build_vendor@ +datadir = @datadir@ +exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@ +host = @host@ +host_alias = @host_alias@ +host_cpu = @host_cpu@ +host_os = @host_os@ +host_vendor = @host_vendor@ +includedir = @includedir@ +infodir = @infodir@ +install_sh = @install_sh@ +libdir = @libdir@ +libexecdir = @libexecdir@ +localstatedir = @localstatedir@ +mandir = @mandir@ +mkdir_p = @mkdir_p@ +oldincludedir = @oldincludedir@ +prefix = @prefix@ +program_transform_name = @program_transform_name@ +sbindir = @sbindir@ +sharedstatedir = @sharedstatedir@ +sysconfdir = @sysconfdir@ +target_alias = @target_alias@ +INCLUDES = -I. -I.. -I../JudyCommon/ +AM_CFLAGS = -DJUDY1 @WARN_CFLAGS@ +noinst_LTLIBRARIES = libJudy1.la libnext.la libprev.la libcount.la libinline.la +libJudy1_la_SOURCES = Judy1Test.c Judy1Tables.c Judy1Set.c Judy1SetArray.c Judy1Unset.c Judy1Cascade.c Judy1Count.c Judy1CreateBranch.c Judy1Decascade.c Judy1First.c Judy1FreeArray.c Judy1InsertBranch.c Judy1MallocIF.c Judy1MemActive.c Judy1MemUsed.c +libnext_la_SOURCES = Judy1Next.c Judy1NextEmpty.c +libnext_la_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS) -DJUDYNEXT +libprev_la_SOURCES = Judy1Prev.c Judy1PrevEmpty.c +libprev_la_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS) -DJUDYPREV +libcount_la_SOURCES = Judy1ByCount.c +libcount_la_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS) -DNOSMARTJBB -DNOSMARTJBU -DNOSMARTJLB +libinline_la_SOURCES = j__udy1Test.c +libinline_la_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS) -DJUDYGETINLINE +all: all-am + +.SUFFIXES: +.SUFFIXES: .c .lo .o .obj +$(srcdir)/Makefile.in: @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(srcdir)/Makefile.am $(am__configure_deps) + @for dep in $?; do \ + case '$(am__configure_deps)' in \ + *$$dep*) \ + cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh \ + && exit 0; \ + exit 1;; \ + esac; \ + done; \ + echo ' cd $(top_srcdir) && $(AUTOMAKE) --gnu src/Judy1/Makefile'; \ + cd $(top_srcdir) && \ + $(AUTOMAKE) --gnu src/Judy1/Makefile +.PRECIOUS: Makefile +Makefile: $(srcdir)/Makefile.in $(top_builddir)/config.status + @case '$?' in \ + *config.status*) \ + cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh;; \ + *) \ + echo ' cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$@ $(am__depfiles_maybe)'; \ + cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$@ $(am__depfiles_maybe);; \ + esac; + +$(top_builddir)/config.status: $(top_srcdir)/configure $(CONFIG_STATUS_DEPENDENCIES) + cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh + +$(top_srcdir)/configure: @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(am__configure_deps) + cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh +$(ACLOCAL_M4): @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(am__aclocal_m4_deps) + cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh + +clean-noinstLTLIBRARIES: + -test -z "$(noinst_LTLIBRARIES)" || rm -f $(noinst_LTLIBRARIES) + @list='$(noinst_LTLIBRARIES)'; for p in $$list; do \ + dir="`echo $$p | sed -e 's|/[^/]*$$||'`"; \ + test "$$dir" != "$$p" || dir=.; \ + echo "rm -f \"$${dir}/so_locations\""; \ + rm -f "$${dir}/so_locations"; \ + done +libJudy1.la: $(libJudy1_la_OBJECTS) $(libJudy1_la_DEPENDENCIES) + $(LINK) $(libJudy1_la_LDFLAGS) $(libJudy1_la_OBJECTS) $(libJudy1_la_LIBADD) $(LIBS) +libcount.la: $(libcount_la_OBJECTS) $(libcount_la_DEPENDENCIES) + $(LINK) $(libcount_la_LDFLAGS) $(libcount_la_OBJECTS) $(libcount_la_LIBADD) $(LIBS) +libinline.la: $(libinline_la_OBJECTS) $(libinline_la_DEPENDENCIES) + $(LINK) $(libinline_la_LDFLAGS) $(libinline_la_OBJECTS) $(libinline_la_LIBADD) $(LIBS) +libnext.la: $(libnext_la_OBJECTS) $(libnext_la_DEPENDENCIES) + $(LINK) $(libnext_la_LDFLAGS) $(libnext_la_OBJECTS) $(libnext_la_LIBADD) $(LIBS) +libprev.la: $(libprev_la_OBJECTS) $(libprev_la_DEPENDENCIES) + $(LINK) $(libprev_la_LDFLAGS) $(libprev_la_OBJECTS) $(libprev_la_LIBADD) $(LIBS) + +mostlyclean-compile: + -rm -f *.$(OBJEXT) + +distclean-compile: + -rm -f *.tab.c + +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/Judy1Cascade.Plo@am__quote@ +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/Judy1Count.Plo@am__quote@ +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/Judy1CreateBranch.Plo@am__quote@ +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/Judy1Decascade.Plo@am__quote@ +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/Judy1First.Plo@am__quote@ +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/Judy1FreeArray.Plo@am__quote@ +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/Judy1InsertBranch.Plo@am__quote@ +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/Judy1MallocIF.Plo@am__quote@ +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/Judy1MemActive.Plo@am__quote@ +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/Judy1MemUsed.Plo@am__quote@ +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/Judy1Set.Plo@am__quote@ +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/Judy1SetArray.Plo@am__quote@ +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/Judy1Tables.Plo@am__quote@ +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/Judy1Test.Plo@am__quote@ +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/Judy1Unset.Plo@am__quote@ +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libcount_la-Judy1ByCount.Plo@am__quote@ +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libinline_la-j__udy1Test.Plo@am__quote@ +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libnext_la-Judy1Next.Plo@am__quote@ +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libnext_la-Judy1NextEmpty.Plo@am__quote@ +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libprev_la-Judy1Prev.Plo@am__quote@ +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libprev_la-Judy1PrevEmpty.Plo@am__quote@ + +.c.o: +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ if $(COMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF "$(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo" -c -o $@ $<; \ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ then mv -f "$(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo" "$(DEPDIR)/$*.Po"; else rm -f "$(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo"; exit 1; fi +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='$<' object='$@' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(COMPILE) -c $< + +.c.obj: +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ if $(COMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF "$(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo" -c -o $@ `$(CYGPATH_W) '$<'`; \ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ then mv -f "$(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo" "$(DEPDIR)/$*.Po"; else rm -f "$(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo"; exit 1; fi +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='$<' object='$@' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(COMPILE) -c `$(CYGPATH_W) '$<'` + +.c.lo: +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ if $(LTCOMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF "$(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo" -c -o $@ $<; \ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ then mv -f "$(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo" "$(DEPDIR)/$*.Plo"; else rm -f "$(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo"; exit 1; fi +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='$<' object='$@' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LTCOMPILE) -c -o $@ $< + +libcount_la-Judy1ByCount.lo: Judy1ByCount.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ if $(LIBTOOL) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcount_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcount_la-Judy1ByCount.lo -MD -MP -MF "$(DEPDIR)/libcount_la-Judy1ByCount.Tpo" -c -o libcount_la-Judy1ByCount.lo `test -f 'Judy1ByCount.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`Judy1ByCount.c; \ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ then mv -f "$(DEPDIR)/libcount_la-Judy1ByCount.Tpo" "$(DEPDIR)/libcount_la-Judy1ByCount.Plo"; else rm -f "$(DEPDIR)/libcount_la-Judy1ByCount.Tpo"; exit 1; fi +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='Judy1ByCount.c' object='libcount_la-Judy1ByCount.lo' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LIBTOOL) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcount_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcount_la-Judy1ByCount.lo `test -f 'Judy1ByCount.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`Judy1ByCount.c + +libinline_la-j__udy1Test.lo: j__udy1Test.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ if $(LIBTOOL) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libinline_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libinline_la-j__udy1Test.lo -MD -MP -MF "$(DEPDIR)/libinline_la-j__udy1Test.Tpo" -c -o libinline_la-j__udy1Test.lo `test -f 'j__udy1Test.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`j__udy1Test.c; \ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ then mv -f "$(DEPDIR)/libinline_la-j__udy1Test.Tpo" "$(DEPDIR)/libinline_la-j__udy1Test.Plo"; else rm -f "$(DEPDIR)/libinline_la-j__udy1Test.Tpo"; exit 1; fi +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='j__udy1Test.c' object='libinline_la-j__udy1Test.lo' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LIBTOOL) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libinline_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libinline_la-j__udy1Test.lo `test -f 'j__udy1Test.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`j__udy1Test.c + +libnext_la-Judy1Next.lo: Judy1Next.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ if $(LIBTOOL) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libnext_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libnext_la-Judy1Next.lo -MD -MP -MF "$(DEPDIR)/libnext_la-Judy1Next.Tpo" -c -o libnext_la-Judy1Next.lo `test -f 'Judy1Next.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`Judy1Next.c; \ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ then mv -f "$(DEPDIR)/libnext_la-Judy1Next.Tpo" "$(DEPDIR)/libnext_la-Judy1Next.Plo"; else rm -f "$(DEPDIR)/libnext_la-Judy1Next.Tpo"; exit 1; fi +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='Judy1Next.c' object='libnext_la-Judy1Next.lo' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LIBTOOL) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libnext_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libnext_la-Judy1Next.lo `test -f 'Judy1Next.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`Judy1Next.c + +libnext_la-Judy1NextEmpty.lo: Judy1NextEmpty.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ if $(LIBTOOL) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libnext_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libnext_la-Judy1NextEmpty.lo -MD -MP -MF "$(DEPDIR)/libnext_la-Judy1NextEmpty.Tpo" -c -o libnext_la-Judy1NextEmpty.lo `test -f 'Judy1NextEmpty.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`Judy1NextEmpty.c; \ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ then mv -f "$(DEPDIR)/libnext_la-Judy1NextEmpty.Tpo" "$(DEPDIR)/libnext_la-Judy1NextEmpty.Plo"; else rm -f "$(DEPDIR)/libnext_la-Judy1NextEmpty.Tpo"; exit 1; fi +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='Judy1NextEmpty.c' object='libnext_la-Judy1NextEmpty.lo' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LIBTOOL) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libnext_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libnext_la-Judy1NextEmpty.lo `test -f 'Judy1NextEmpty.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`Judy1NextEmpty.c + +libprev_la-Judy1Prev.lo: Judy1Prev.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ if $(LIBTOOL) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libprev_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libprev_la-Judy1Prev.lo -MD -MP -MF "$(DEPDIR)/libprev_la-Judy1Prev.Tpo" -c -o libprev_la-Judy1Prev.lo `test -f 'Judy1Prev.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`Judy1Prev.c; \ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ then mv -f "$(DEPDIR)/libprev_la-Judy1Prev.Tpo" "$(DEPDIR)/libprev_la-Judy1Prev.Plo"; else rm -f "$(DEPDIR)/libprev_la-Judy1Prev.Tpo"; exit 1; fi +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='Judy1Prev.c' object='libprev_la-Judy1Prev.lo' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LIBTOOL) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libprev_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libprev_la-Judy1Prev.lo `test -f 'Judy1Prev.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`Judy1Prev.c + +libprev_la-Judy1PrevEmpty.lo: Judy1PrevEmpty.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ if $(LIBTOOL) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libprev_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libprev_la-Judy1PrevEmpty.lo -MD -MP -MF "$(DEPDIR)/libprev_la-Judy1PrevEmpty.Tpo" -c -o libprev_la-Judy1PrevEmpty.lo `test -f 'Judy1PrevEmpty.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`Judy1PrevEmpty.c; \ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ then mv -f "$(DEPDIR)/libprev_la-Judy1PrevEmpty.Tpo" "$(DEPDIR)/libprev_la-Judy1PrevEmpty.Plo"; else rm -f "$(DEPDIR)/libprev_la-Judy1PrevEmpty.Tpo"; exit 1; fi +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='Judy1PrevEmpty.c' object='libprev_la-Judy1PrevEmpty.lo' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LIBTOOL) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libprev_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libprev_la-Judy1PrevEmpty.lo `test -f 'Judy1PrevEmpty.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`Judy1PrevEmpty.c + +mostlyclean-libtool: + -rm -f *.lo + +clean-libtool: + -rm -rf .libs _libs + +distclean-libtool: + -rm -f libtool +uninstall-info-am: + +ID: $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES) + list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \ + unique=`for i in $$list; do \ + if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ + done | \ + $(AWK) ' { files[$$0] = 1; } \ + END { for (i in files) print i; }'`; \ + mkid -fID $$unique +tags: TAGS + +TAGS: $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(TAGS_DEPENDENCIES) \ + $(TAGS_FILES) $(LISP) + tags=; \ + here=`pwd`; \ + list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \ + unique=`for i in $$list; do \ + if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ + done | \ + $(AWK) ' { files[$$0] = 1; } \ + END { for (i in files) print i; }'`; \ + if test -z "$(ETAGS_ARGS)$$tags$$unique"; then :; else \ + test -n "$$unique" || unique=$$empty_fix; \ + $(ETAGS) $(ETAGSFLAGS) $(AM_ETAGSFLAGS) $(ETAGS_ARGS) \ + $$tags $$unique; \ + fi +ctags: CTAGS +CTAGS: $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(TAGS_DEPENDENCIES) \ + $(TAGS_FILES) $(LISP) + tags=; \ + here=`pwd`; \ + list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \ + unique=`for i in $$list; do \ + if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ + done | \ + $(AWK) ' { files[$$0] = 1; } \ + END { for (i in files) print i; }'`; \ + test -z "$(CTAGS_ARGS)$$tags$$unique" \ + || $(CTAGS) $(CTAGSFLAGS) $(AM_CTAGSFLAGS) $(CTAGS_ARGS) \ + $$tags $$unique + +GTAGS: + here=`$(am__cd) $(top_builddir) && pwd` \ + && cd $(top_srcdir) \ + && gtags -i $(GTAGS_ARGS) $$here + +distclean-tags: + -rm -f TAGS ID GTAGS GRTAGS GSYMS GPATH tags + +distdir: $(DISTFILES) + @srcdirstrip=`echo "$(srcdir)" | sed 's|.|.|g'`; \ + topsrcdirstrip=`echo "$(top_srcdir)" | sed 's|.|.|g'`; \ + list='$(DISTFILES)'; for file in $$list; do \ + case $$file in \ + $(srcdir)/*) file=`echo "$$file" | sed "s|^$$srcdirstrip/||"`;; \ + $(top_srcdir)/*) file=`echo "$$file" | sed "s|^$$topsrcdirstrip/|$(top_builddir)/|"`;; \ + esac; \ + if test -f $$file || test -d $$file; then d=.; else d=$(srcdir); fi; \ + dir=`echo "$$file" | sed -e 's,/[^/]*$$,,'`; \ + if test "$$dir" != "$$file" && test "$$dir" != "."; then \ + dir="/$$dir"; \ + $(mkdir_p) "$(distdir)$$dir"; \ + else \ + dir=''; \ + fi; \ + if test -d $$d/$$file; then \ + if test -d $(srcdir)/$$file && test $$d != $(srcdir); then \ + cp -pR $(srcdir)/$$file $(distdir)$$dir || exit 1; \ + fi; \ + cp -pR $$d/$$file $(distdir)$$dir || exit 1; \ + else \ + test -f $(distdir)/$$file \ + || cp -p $$d/$$file $(distdir)/$$file \ + || exit 1; \ + fi; \ + done +check-am: all-am +check: check-am +all-am: Makefile $(LTLIBRARIES) +installdirs: +install: install-am +install-exec: install-exec-am +install-data: install-data-am +uninstall: uninstall-am + +install-am: all-am + @$(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) install-exec-am install-data-am + +installcheck: installcheck-am +install-strip: + $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) INSTALL_PROGRAM="$(INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM)" \ + install_sh_PROGRAM="$(INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM)" INSTALL_STRIP_FLAG=-s \ + `test -z '$(STRIP)' || \ + echo "INSTALL_PROGRAM_ENV=STRIPPROG='$(STRIP)'"` install +mostlyclean-generic: + +clean-generic: + +distclean-generic: + -test -z "$(CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES)" || rm -f $(CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES) + +maintainer-clean-generic: + @echo "This command is intended for maintainers to use" + @echo "it deletes files that may require special tools to rebuild." +clean: clean-am + +clean-am: clean-generic clean-libtool clean-noinstLTLIBRARIES \ + mostlyclean-am + +distclean: distclean-am + -rm -rf ./$(DEPDIR) + -rm -f Makefile +distclean-am: clean-am distclean-compile distclean-generic \ + distclean-libtool distclean-tags + +dvi: dvi-am + +dvi-am: + +html: html-am + +info: info-am + +info-am: + +install-data-am: + +install-exec-am: + +install-info: install-info-am + +install-man: + +installcheck-am: + +maintainer-clean: maintainer-clean-am + -rm -rf ./$(DEPDIR) + -rm -f Makefile +maintainer-clean-am: distclean-am maintainer-clean-generic + +mostlyclean: mostlyclean-am + +mostlyclean-am: mostlyclean-compile mostlyclean-generic \ + mostlyclean-libtool + +pdf: pdf-am + +pdf-am: + +ps: ps-am + +ps-am: + +uninstall-am: uninstall-info-am + +.PHONY: CTAGS GTAGS all all-am check check-am clean clean-generic \ + clean-libtool clean-noinstLTLIBRARIES ctags distclean \ + distclean-compile distclean-generic distclean-libtool \ + distclean-tags distdir dvi dvi-am html html-am info info-am \ + install install-am install-data install-data-am install-exec \ + install-exec-am install-info install-info-am install-man \ + install-strip installcheck installcheck-am installdirs \ + maintainer-clean maintainer-clean-generic mostlyclean \ + mostlyclean-compile mostlyclean-generic mostlyclean-libtool \ + pdf pdf-am ps ps-am tags uninstall uninstall-am \ + uninstall-info-am + + +Judy1Tables.c: Judy1TablesGen.c + $(CC) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CFLAGS) @CFLAGS@ -o Judy1TablesGen Judy1TablesGen.c; ./Judy1TablesGen + +Judy1Test.c: copies + +copies: + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyByCount.c Judy1ByCount.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyCascade.c Judy1Cascade.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyCount.c Judy1Count.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyCreateBranch.c Judy1CreateBranch.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyDecascade.c Judy1Decascade.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyDel.c Judy1Unset.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyFirst.c Judy1First.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyFreeArray.c Judy1FreeArray.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyGet.c Judy1Test.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyGet.c j__udy1Test.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyInsArray.c Judy1SetArray.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyIns.c Judy1Set.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyInsertBranch.c Judy1InsertBranch.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyMallocIF.c Judy1MallocIF.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyMemActive.c Judy1MemActive.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyMemUsed.c Judy1MemUsed.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyPrevNext.c Judy1Next.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyPrevNext.c Judy1Prev.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyPrevNextEmpty.c Judy1NextEmpty.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyPrevNextEmpty.c Judy1PrevEmpty.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyTables.c Judy1TablesGen.c +# Tell versions [3.59,3.63) of GNU make to not export all variables. +# Otherwise a system limit (for SysV at least) may be exceeded. +.NOEXPORT: diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/README b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/README new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9a45ea18 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/README @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +# @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ + +# This tree contains sources for the Judy1*() functions. +# +# Note: At one time, all of the Judy sources were split between Judy1/ and +# JudyL/ variants, but now most of them are merged in JudyCommon/ and this +# directory is vestigal. + +Judy1.h header for following functions + +lint.waivers see usage in makefile diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/j__udy1Test.c b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/j__udy1Test.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..43ca3313 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Judy1/j__udy1Test.c @@ -0,0 +1,1094 @@ +// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company +// +// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +// under the term of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +// option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +// _________________ + +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ +// +// Judy1Test() and JudyLGet() functions for Judy1 and JudyL. +// Compile with one of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL. + +#if (! (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JUDYL))) +#error: One of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL must be specified. +#endif + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#include "Judy1.h" +#else +#include "JudyL.h" +#endif + +#include "JudyPrivate1L.h" + +#ifdef TRACEJPR // different macro name, for "retrieval" only. +#include "JudyPrintJP.c" +#endif + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y 1 T E S T +// J U D Y L G E T +// +// See the manual entry for details. Note support for "shortcut" entries to +// trees known to start with a JPM. + +#ifdef JUDY1 + +#ifdef JUDYGETINLINE +FUNCTION int j__udy1Test +#else +FUNCTION int Judy1Test +#endif + +#else // JUDYL + +#ifdef JUDYGETINLINE +FUNCTION PPvoid_t j__udyLGet +#else +FUNCTION PPvoid_t JudyLGet +#endif + +#endif // JUDYL + ( +#ifdef JUDYGETINLINE + Pvoid_t PArray, // from which to retrieve. + Word_t Index // to retrieve. +#else + Pcvoid_t PArray, // from which to retrieve. + Word_t Index, // to retrieve. + PJError_t PJError // optional, for returning error info. +#endif + ) +{ + Pjp_t Pjp; // current JP while walking the tree. + Pjpm_t Pjpm; // for global accounting. + uint8_t Digit; // byte just decoded from Index. + Word_t Pop1; // leaf population (number of indexes). + Pjll_t Pjll; // pointer to LeafL. + DBGCODE(uint8_t ParentJPType;) + +#ifndef JUDYGETINLINE + + if (PArray == (Pcvoid_t) NULL) // empty array. + { + JUDY1CODE(return(0);) + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) NULL);) + } + +// **************************************************************************** +// PROCESS TOP LEVEL BRANCHES AND LEAF: + + if (JU_LEAFW_POP0(PArray) < cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1) // must be a LEAFW + { + Pjlw_t Pjlw = P_JLW(PArray); // first word of leaf. + int posidx; // signed offset in leaf. + + Pop1 = Pjlw[0] + 1; + posidx = j__udySearchLeafW(Pjlw + 1, Pop1, Index); + + if (posidx >= 0) + { + JUDY1CODE(return(1);) + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) (JL_LEAFWVALUEAREA(Pjlw, Pop1) + posidx));) + } + JUDY1CODE(return(0);) + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) NULL);) + } + +#endif // ! JUDYGETINLINE + + Pjpm = P_JPM(PArray); + Pjp = &(Pjpm->jpm_JP); // top branch is below JPM. + +// **************************************************************************** +// WALK THE JUDY TREE USING A STATE MACHINE: + +ContinueWalk: // for going down one level; come here with Pjp set. + +#ifdef TRACEJPR + JudyPrintJP(Pjp, "g", __LINE__); +#endif + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { + +// Ensure the switch table starts at 0 for speed; otherwise more code is +// executed: + + case 0: goto ReturnCorrupt; // save a little code. + + +// **************************************************************************** +// JPNULL*: +// +// Note: These are legitimate in a BranchU (only) and do not constitute a +// fault. + + case cJU_JPNULL1: + case cJU_JPNULL2: + case cJU_JPNULL3: +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPNULL4: + case cJU_JPNULL5: + case cJU_JPNULL6: + case cJU_JPNULL7: +#endif + assert(ParentJPType >= cJU_JPBRANCH_U2); + assert(ParentJPType <= cJU_JPBRANCH_U); + JUDY1CODE(return(0);) + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) NULL);) + + +// **************************************************************************** +// JPBRANCH_L*: +// +// Note: The use of JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX() in branches is not strictly +// required,since this can be done at leaf level, but it costs nothing to do it +// sooner, and it aborts an unnecessary traversal sooner. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L2: + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 2)) break; + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 2); + goto JudyBranchL; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L3: + +#ifdef JU_64BIT // otherwise its a no-op: + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 3)) break; +#endif + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 3); + goto JudyBranchL; + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L4: + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 4)) break; + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 4); + goto JudyBranchL; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L5: + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 5)) break; + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 5); + goto JudyBranchL; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L6: + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 6)) break; + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 6); + goto JudyBranchL; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L7: + + // JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX() would be a no-op. + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 7); + goto JudyBranchL; + +#endif // JU_64BIT + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L: + { + Pjbl_t Pjbl; + int posidx; + + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, cJU_ROOTSTATE); + +// Common code for all BranchLs; come here with Digit set: + +JudyBranchL: + Pjbl = P_JBL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + posidx = 0; + + do { + if (Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[posidx] == Digit) + { // found Digit; continue traversal: + DBGCODE(ParentJPType = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp);) + Pjp = Pjbl->jbl_jp + posidx; + goto ContinueWalk; + } + } while (++posidx != Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs); + + break; + } + + +// **************************************************************************** +// JPBRANCH_B*: + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B2: + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 2)) break; + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 2); + goto JudyBranchB; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B3: + +#ifdef JU_64BIT // otherwise its a no-op: + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 3)) break; +#endif + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 3); + goto JudyBranchB; + + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B4: + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 4)) break; + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 4); + goto JudyBranchB; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B5: + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 5)) break; + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 5); + goto JudyBranchB; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B6: + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 6)) break; + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 6); + goto JudyBranchB; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B7: + + // JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX() would be a no-op. + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 7); + goto JudyBranchB; + +#endif // JU_64BIT + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B: + { + Pjbb_t Pjbb; + Word_t subexp; // in bitmap, 0..7. + BITMAPB_t BitMap; // for one subexpanse. + BITMAPB_t BitMask; // bit in BitMap for Indexs Digit. + + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, cJU_ROOTSTATE); + +// Common code for all BranchBs; come here with Digit set: + +JudyBranchB: + DBGCODE(ParentJPType = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp);) + Pjbb = P_JBB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + subexp = Digit / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; + + BitMap = JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp); + Pjp = P_JP(JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp)); + + BitMask = JU_BITPOSMASKB(Digit); + +// No JP in subexpanse for Index => Index not found: + + if (! (BitMap & BitMask)) break; + +// Count JPs in the subexpanse below the one for Index: + + Pjp += j__udyCountBitsB(BitMap & (BitMask - 1)); + + goto ContinueWalk; + + } // case cJU_JPBRANCH_B* + + +// **************************************************************************** +// JPBRANCH_U*: +// +// Notice the reverse order of the cases, and falling through to the next case, +// for performance. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U: + + DBGCODE(ParentJPType = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp);) + Pjp = JU_JBU_PJP(Pjp, Index, cJU_ROOTSTATE); + +// If not a BranchU, traverse; otherwise fall into the next case, which makes +// this very fast code for a large Judy array (mainly BranchUs), especially +// when branches are already in the cache, such as for prev/next: + +#ifndef JU_64BIT + if (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) != cJU_JPBRANCH_U3) goto ContinueWalk; +#else + if (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) != cJU_JPBRANCH_U7) goto ContinueWalk; +#endif + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U7: + + // JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX() would be a no-op. + DBGCODE(ParentJPType = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp);) + Pjp = JU_JBU_PJP(Pjp, Index, 7); + + if (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) != cJU_JPBRANCH_U6) goto ContinueWalk; + // and fall through. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U6: + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 6)) break; + DBGCODE(ParentJPType = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp);) + Pjp = JU_JBU_PJP(Pjp, Index, 6); + + if (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) != cJU_JPBRANCH_U5) goto ContinueWalk; + // and fall through. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U5: + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 5)) break; + DBGCODE(ParentJPType = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp);) + Pjp = JU_JBU_PJP(Pjp, Index, 5); + + if (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) != cJU_JPBRANCH_U4) goto ContinueWalk; + // and fall through. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U4: + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 4)) break; + DBGCODE(ParentJPType = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp);) + Pjp = JU_JBU_PJP(Pjp, Index, 4); + + if (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) != cJU_JPBRANCH_U3) goto ContinueWalk; + // and fall through. + +#endif // JU_64BIT + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U3: + +#ifdef JU_64BIT // otherwise its a no-op: + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 3)) break; +#endif + DBGCODE(ParentJPType = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp);) + Pjp = JU_JBU_PJP(Pjp, Index, 3); + + if (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) != cJU_JPBRANCH_U2) goto ContinueWalk; + // and fall through. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U2: + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 2)) break; + DBGCODE(ParentJPType = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp);) + Pjp = JU_JBU_PJP(Pjp, Index, 2); + +// Note: BranchU2 is a special case that must continue traversal to a leaf, +// immed, full, or null type: + + goto ContinueWalk; + + +// **************************************************************************** +// JPLEAF*: +// +// Note: Here the calls of JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX() are necessary and check +// whether Index is out of the expanse of a narrow pointer. + +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + + case cJU_JPLEAF1: + { + int posidx; // signed offset in leaf. + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 1)) break; + + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + Pjll = P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + if ((posidx = j__udySearchLeaf1(Pjll, Pop1, Index)) < 0) break; + + JUDY1CODE(return(1);) + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) (JL_LEAF1VALUEAREA(Pjll, Pop1) + posidx));) + } + +#endif // (JUDYL || (! JU_64BIT)) + + case cJU_JPLEAF2: + { + int posidx; // signed offset in leaf. + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 2)) break; + + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + Pjll = P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + if ((posidx = j__udySearchLeaf2(Pjll, Pop1, Index)) < 0) break; + + JUDY1CODE(return(1);) + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) (JL_LEAF2VALUEAREA(Pjll, Pop1) + posidx));) + } + case cJU_JPLEAF3: + { + int posidx; // signed offset in leaf. + +#ifdef JU_64BIT // otherwise its a no-op: + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 3)) break; +#endif + + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + Pjll = P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + if ((posidx = j__udySearchLeaf3(Pjll, Pop1, Index)) < 0) break; + + JUDY1CODE(return(1);) + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) (JL_LEAF3VALUEAREA(Pjll, Pop1) + posidx));) + } +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPLEAF4: + { + int posidx; // signed offset in leaf. + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 4)) break; + + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + Pjll = P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + if ((posidx = j__udySearchLeaf4(Pjll, Pop1, Index)) < 0) break; + + JUDY1CODE(return(1);) + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) (JL_LEAF4VALUEAREA(Pjll, Pop1) + posidx));) + } + case cJU_JPLEAF5: + { + int posidx; // signed offset in leaf. + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 5)) break; + + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + Pjll = P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + if ((posidx = j__udySearchLeaf5(Pjll, Pop1, Index)) < 0) break; + + JUDY1CODE(return(1);) + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) (JL_LEAF5VALUEAREA(Pjll, Pop1) + posidx));) + } + + case cJU_JPLEAF6: + { + int posidx; // signed offset in leaf. + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 6)) break; + + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + Pjll = P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + if ((posidx = j__udySearchLeaf6(Pjll, Pop1, Index)) < 0) break; + + JUDY1CODE(return(1);) + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) (JL_LEAF6VALUEAREA(Pjll, Pop1) + posidx));) + } + case cJU_JPLEAF7: + { + int posidx; // signed offset in leaf. + + // JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX() would be a no-op. + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + Pjll = P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + if ((posidx = j__udySearchLeaf7(Pjll, Pop1, Index)) < 0) break; + + JUDY1CODE(return(1);) + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) (JL_LEAF7VALUEAREA(Pjll, Pop1) + posidx));) + } +#endif // JU_64BIT + + +// **************************************************************************** +// JPLEAF_B1: + + case cJU_JPLEAF_B1: + { + Pjlb_t Pjlb; +#ifdef JUDYL + int posidx; + Word_t subexp; // in bitmap, 0..7. + BITMAPL_t BitMap; // for one subexpanse. + BITMAPL_t BitMask; // bit in BitMap for Indexs Digit. + Pjv_t Pjv; +#endif + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 1)) break; + + Pjlb = P_JLB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + +#ifdef JUDY1 + +// Simply check if Indexs bit is set in the bitmap: + + if (JU_BITMAPTESTL(Pjlb, Index)) return(1); + break; + +#else // JUDYL + +// JudyL is much more complicated because of value area subarrays: + + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 1); + subexp = Digit / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL; + BitMap = JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp); + BitMask = JU_BITPOSMASKL(Digit); + +// No value in subexpanse for Index => Index not found: + + if (! (BitMap & BitMask)) break; + +// Count value areas in the subexpanse below the one for Index: + + Pjv = P_JV(JL_JLB_PVALUE(Pjlb, subexp)); + assert(Pjv != (Pjv_t) NULL); + posidx = j__udyCountBitsL(BitMap & (BitMask - 1)); + + return((PPvoid_t) (Pjv + posidx)); + +#endif // JUDYL + + } // case cJU_JPLEAF_B1 + +#ifdef JUDY1 + +// **************************************************************************** +// JPFULLPOPU1: +// +// If the Index is in the expanse, it is necessarily valid (found). + + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1: + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 1)) break; + return(1); + +#ifdef notdef // for future enhancements +#ifdef JU_64BIT + +// Note: Need ? if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 1)) break; + + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m15: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[14] == (uint8_t)Index) break; + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m14: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[13] == (uint8_t)Index) break; + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m13: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[12] == (uint8_t)Index) break; + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m12: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[11] == (uint8_t)Index) break; + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m11: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[10] == (uint8_t)Index) break; + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m10: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[9] == (uint8_t)Index) break; + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m9: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[8] == (uint8_t)Index) break; + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m8: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[7] == (uint8_t)Index) break; +#endif + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m7: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[6] == (uint8_t)Index) break; + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m6: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[5] == (uint8_t)Index) break; + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m5: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[4] == (uint8_t)Index) break; + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m4: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[3] == (uint8_t)Index) break; + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m3: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[2] == (uint8_t)Index) break; + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m2: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[1] == (uint8_t)Index) break; + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m1: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[0] == (uint8_t)Index) break; + + return(1); // found, not in exclusion list + +#endif // JUDY1 +#endif // notdef + +// **************************************************************************** +// JPIMMED*: +// +// Note that the contents of jp_DcdPopO are different for cJU_JPIMMED_*_01: + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_01: +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPIMMED_4_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_5_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_6_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_7_01: +#endif + if (JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) != JU_TRIMTODCDSIZE(Index)) break; + + JUDY1CODE(return(1);) + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) &(Pjp->jp_Addr));) // immediate value area. + + +// Macros to make code more readable and avoid dup errors + +#ifdef JUDY1 + +#define CHECKINDEXNATIVE(LEAF_T, PJP, IDX, INDEX) \ +if (((LEAF_T *)((PJP)->jp_1Index))[(IDX) - 1] == (LEAF_T)(INDEX)) \ + return(1) + +#define CHECKLEAFNONNAT(LFBTS, PJP, INDEX, IDX, COPY) \ +{ \ + Word_t i_ndex; \ + uint8_t *a_ddr; \ + a_ddr = (PJP)->jp_1Index + (((IDX) - 1) * (LFBTS)); \ + COPY(i_ndex, a_ddr); \ + if (i_ndex == JU_LEASTBYTES((INDEX), (LFBTS))) \ + return(1); \ +} +#endif + +#ifdef JUDYL + +#define CHECKINDEXNATIVE(LEAF_T, PJP, IDX, INDEX) \ +if (((LEAF_T *)((PJP)->jp_LIndex))[(IDX) - 1] == (LEAF_T)(INDEX)) \ + return((PPvoid_t)(P_JV((PJP)->jp_Addr) + (IDX) - 1)) + +#define CHECKLEAFNONNAT(LFBTS, PJP, INDEX, IDX, COPY) \ +{ \ + Word_t i_ndex; \ + uint8_t *a_ddr; \ + a_ddr = (PJP)->jp_LIndex + (((IDX) - 1) * (LFBTS)); \ + COPY(i_ndex, a_ddr); \ + if (i_ndex == JU_LEASTBYTES((INDEX), (LFBTS))) \ + return((PPvoid_t)(P_JV((PJP)->jp_Addr) + (IDX) - 1)); \ +} +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_15: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 15, Index); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_14: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 14, Index); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_13: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 13, Index); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_12: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 12, Index); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_11: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 11, Index); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_10: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 10, Index); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_09: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 9, Index); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_08: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 8, Index); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_07: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 7, Index); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_06: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 6, Index); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_05: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 5, Index); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_04: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 4, Index); +#endif + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_03: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 3, Index); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_02: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 2, Index); + CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 1, Index); + break; + +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_07: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint16_t, Pjp, 7, Index); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_06: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint16_t, Pjp, 6, Index); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_05: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint16_t, Pjp, 5, Index); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_04: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint16_t, Pjp, 4, Index); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_03: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint16_t, Pjp, 3, Index); + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_02: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint16_t, Pjp, 2, Index); + CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint16_t, Pjp, 1, Index); + break; +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_05: + CHECKLEAFNONNAT(3, Pjp, Index, 5, JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_04: + CHECKLEAFNONNAT(3, Pjp, Index, 4, JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_03: + CHECKLEAFNONNAT(3, Pjp, Index, 3, JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_02: + CHECKLEAFNONNAT(3, Pjp, Index, 2, JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG); + CHECKLEAFNONNAT(3, Pjp, Index, 1, JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG); + break; +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_03: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint32_t, Pjp, 3, Index); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint32_t, Pjp, 2, Index); + CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint32_t, Pjp, 1, Index); + break; + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_03: + CHECKLEAFNONNAT(5, Pjp, Index, 3, JU_COPY5_PINDEX_TO_LONG); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02: + CHECKLEAFNONNAT(5, Pjp, Index, 2, JU_COPY5_PINDEX_TO_LONG); + CHECKLEAFNONNAT(5, Pjp, Index, 1, JU_COPY5_PINDEX_TO_LONG); + break; + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02: + CHECKLEAFNONNAT(6, Pjp, Index, 2, JU_COPY6_PINDEX_TO_LONG); + CHECKLEAFNONNAT(6, Pjp, Index, 1, JU_COPY6_PINDEX_TO_LONG); + break; + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02: + CHECKLEAFNONNAT(7, Pjp, Index, 2, JU_COPY7_PINDEX_TO_LONG); + CHECKLEAFNONNAT(7, Pjp, Index, 1, JU_COPY7_PINDEX_TO_LONG); + break; + +#endif // (JUDY1 && JU_64BIT) + + +// **************************************************************************** +// INVALID JP TYPE: + + default: + +ReturnCorrupt: + +#ifdef JUDYGETINLINE // Pjpm is known to be non-null: + JU_SET_ERRNO_NONNULL(Pjpm, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); +#else + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); +#endif + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + + } // switch on JP type + +JUDY1CODE(return(0);) +JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) NULL);) + +} // Judy1Test() / JudyLGet() + + +#ifndef JUDYGETINLINE // only compile the following function once: +#ifdef DEBUG + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y C H E C K P O P +// +// Given a pointer to a Judy array, traverse the entire array to ensure +// population counts add up correctly. This can catch various coding errors. +// +// Since walking the entire tree is probably time-consuming, enable this +// function by setting env parameter $CHECKPOP to first call at which to start +// checking. Note: This function is called both from insert and delete code. +// +// Note: Even though this function does nothing useful for LEAFW leaves, its +// good practice to call it anyway, and cheap too. +// +// TBD: This is a debug-only check function similar to JudyCheckSorted(), but +// since it walks the tree it is Judy1/JudyL-specific and must live in a source +// file that is built both ways. +// +// TBD: As feared, enabling this code for every insert/delete makes Judy +// deathly slow, even for a small tree (10K indexes). Its not so bad if +// present but disabled (<1% slowdown measured). Still, should it be ifdefd +// other than DEBUG and/or called less often? +// +// TBD: Should this "population checker" be expanded to a comprehensive tree +// checker? It currently detects invalid LEAFW/JP types as well as inconsistent +// pop1s. Other possible checks, all based on essentially redundant data in +// the Judy tree, include: +// +// - Zero LS bits in jp_Addr field. +// +// - Correct Dcd bits. +// +// - Consistent JP types (always descending down the tree). +// +// - Sorted linear lists in BranchLs and leaves (using JudyCheckSorted(), but +// ideally that function is already called wherever appropriate after any +// linear list is modified). +// +// - Any others possible? + +#include // for getenv() and atol(). + +static Word_t JudyCheckPopSM(Pjp_t Pjp, Word_t RootPop1); + +FUNCTION void JudyCheckPop( + Pvoid_t PArray) +{ +static bool_t checked = FALSE; // already checked env parameter. +static bool_t enabled = FALSE; // env parameter set. +static bool_t active = FALSE; // calls >= callsmin. +static Word_t callsmin; // start point from $CHECKPOP. +static Word_t calls = 0; // times called so far. + + +// CHECK FOR EXTERNAL ENABLING: + + if (! checked) // only check once. + { + char * value; // for getenv(). + + checked = TRUE; + + if ((value = getenv("CHECKPOP")) == (char *) NULL) + { +#ifdef notdef +// Take this out because nightly tests want to be flavor-independent; its not +// OK to emit special non-error output from the debug flavor: + + (void) puts("JudyCheckPop() present but not enabled by " + "$CHECKPOP env parameter; set it to the number of " + "calls at which to begin checking"); +#endif + return; + } + + callsmin = atol(value); // note: non-number evaluates to 0. + enabled = TRUE; + + (void) printf("JudyCheckPop() present and enabled; callsmin = " + "%lu\n", callsmin); + } + else if (! enabled) return; + +// Previously or just now enabled; check if non-active or newly active: + + if (! active) + { + if (++calls < callsmin) return; + + (void) printf("JudyCheckPop() activated at call %lu\n", calls); + active = TRUE; + } + +// IGNORE LEAFW AT TOP OF TREE: + + if (JU_LEAFW_POP0(PArray) < cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1) // must be a LEAFW + return; + +// Check JPM pop0 against tree, recursively: +// +// Note: The traversal code in JudyCheckPopSM() is simplest when the case +// statement for each JP type compares the pop1 for that JP to its subtree (if +// any) after traversing the subtree (thats the hard part) and adding up +// actual pop1s. A top branchs JP in the JPM does not have room for a +// full-word pop1, so pass it in as a special case. + + { + Pjpm_t Pjpm = P_JPM(PArray); + (void) JudyCheckPopSM(&(Pjpm->jpm_JP), Pjpm->jpm_Pop0 + 1); + return; + } + +} // JudyCheckPop() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y C H E C K P O P S M +// +// Recursive state machine (subroutine) for JudyCheckPop(): Given a Pjp (other +// than JPNULL*; caller should shortcut) and the root population for top-level +// branches, check the subtrees actual pop1 against its nominal value, and +// return the total pop1 for the subtree. +// +// Note: Expect RootPop1 to be ignored at lower levels, so pass down 0, which +// should pop an assertion if this expectation is violated. + +FUNCTION static Word_t JudyCheckPopSM( + Pjp_t Pjp, // top of subtree. + Word_t RootPop1) // whole array, for top-level branches only. +{ + Word_t pop1_jp; // nominal population from the JP. + Word_t pop1 = 0; // actual population at this level. + Word_t offset; // in a branch. + +#define PREPBRANCH(cPopBytes,Next) \ + pop1_jp = JU_JPBRANCH_POP0(Pjp, cPopBytes) + 1; goto Next + +assert((((Word_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr)) & 7) == 3); + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L2: PREPBRANCH(2, BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L3: PREPBRANCH(3, BranchL); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L4: PREPBRANCH(4, BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L5: PREPBRANCH(5, BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L6: PREPBRANCH(6, BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L7: PREPBRANCH(7, BranchL); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L: pop1_jp = RootPop1; + { + Pjbl_t Pjbl; +BranchL: + Pjbl = P_JBL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + for (offset = 0; offset < (Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs); ++offset) + pop1 += JudyCheckPopSM((Pjbl->jbl_jp) + offset, 0); + + assert(pop1_jp == pop1); + return(pop1); + } + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B2: PREPBRANCH(2, BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B3: PREPBRANCH(3, BranchB); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B4: PREPBRANCH(4, BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B5: PREPBRANCH(5, BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B6: PREPBRANCH(6, BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B7: PREPBRANCH(7, BranchB); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B: pop1_jp = RootPop1; + { + Word_t subexp; + Word_t jpcount; + Pjbb_t Pjbb; +BranchB: + Pjbb = P_JBB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + for (subexp = 0; subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPB; ++subexp) + { + jpcount = j__udyCountBitsB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp)); + + for (offset = 0; offset < jpcount; ++offset) + { + pop1 += JudyCheckPopSM(P_JP(JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp)) + + offset, 0); + } + } + + assert(pop1_jp == pop1); + return(pop1); + } + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U2: PREPBRANCH(2, BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U3: PREPBRANCH(3, BranchU); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U4: PREPBRANCH(4, BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U5: PREPBRANCH(5, BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U6: PREPBRANCH(6, BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U7: PREPBRANCH(7, BranchU); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U: pop1_jp = RootPop1; + { + Pjbu_t Pjbu; +BranchU: + Pjbu = P_JBU(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + for (offset = 0; offset < cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS; ++offset) + { + if (((Pjbu->jbu_jp[offset].jp_Type) >= cJU_JPNULL1) + && ((Pjbu->jbu_jp[offset].jp_Type) <= cJU_JPNULLMAX)) + { + continue; // skip null JP to save time. + } + + pop1 += JudyCheckPopSM((Pjbu->jbu_jp) + offset, 0); + } + + assert(pop1_jp == pop1); + return(pop1); + } + + +// -- Cases below here terminate and do not recurse. -- +// +// For all of these cases except JPLEAF_B1, there is no way to check the JPs +// pop1 against the object itself; just return the pop1; but for linear leaves, +// a bounds check is possible. + +#define CHECKLEAF(MaxPop1) \ + pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; \ + assert(pop1 >= 1); \ + assert(pop1 <= (MaxPop1)); \ + return(pop1) + +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + case cJU_JPLEAF1: CHECKLEAF(cJU_LEAF1_MAXPOP1); +#endif + case cJU_JPLEAF2: CHECKLEAF(cJU_LEAF2_MAXPOP1); + case cJU_JPLEAF3: CHECKLEAF(cJU_LEAF3_MAXPOP1); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPLEAF4: CHECKLEAF(cJU_LEAF4_MAXPOP1); + case cJU_JPLEAF5: CHECKLEAF(cJU_LEAF5_MAXPOP1); + case cJU_JPLEAF6: CHECKLEAF(cJU_LEAF6_MAXPOP1); + case cJU_JPLEAF7: CHECKLEAF(cJU_LEAF7_MAXPOP1); +#endif + + case cJU_JPLEAF_B1: + { + Word_t subexp; + Pjlb_t Pjlb; + + pop1_jp = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + + Pjlb = P_JLB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + for (subexp = 0; subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPL; ++subexp) + pop1 += j__udyCountBitsL(JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp)); + + assert(pop1_jp == pop1); + return(pop1); + } + + JUDY1CODE(case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1: return(cJU_JPFULLPOPU1_POP0);) + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_01: return(1); + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_01: return(1); + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_01: return(1); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPIMMED_4_01: return(1); + case cJU_JPIMMED_5_01: return(1); + case cJU_JPIMMED_6_01: return(1); + case cJU_JPIMMED_7_01: return(1); +#endif + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_02: return(2); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_03: return(3); +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_04: return(4); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_05: return(5); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_06: return(6); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_07: return(7); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_08: return(8); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_09: return(9); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_10: return(10); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_11: return(11); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_12: return(12); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_13: return(13); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_14: return(14); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_15: return(15); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_02: return(2); + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_03: return(3); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_04: return(4); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_05: return(5); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_06: return(6); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_07: return(7); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_02: return(2); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_03: return(3); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_04: return(4); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_05: return(5); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02: return(2); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_03: return(3); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02: return(2); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_03: return(3); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02: return(2); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02: return(2); +#endif + + } // switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + + assert(FALSE); // unrecognized JP type => corruption. + return(0); // to make some compilers happy. + +} // JudyCheckPopSM() + +#endif // DEBUG +#endif // ! JUDYGETINLINE diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/JudyByCount.c b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/JudyByCount.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a66a957d --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/JudyByCount.c @@ -0,0 +1,954 @@ +// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company +// +// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +// under the term of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +// option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +// _________________ + +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ +// +// Judy*ByCount() function for Judy1 and JudyL. +// Compile with one of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL. +// +// Compile with -DNOSMARTJBB, -DNOSMARTJBU, and/or -DNOSMARTJLB to build a +// version with cache line optimizations deleted, for testing. +// +// Judy*ByCount() is a conceptual although not literal inverse of Judy*Count(). +// Judy*Count() takes a pair of Indexes, and allows finding the ordinal of a +// given Index (that is, its position in the list of valid indexes from the +// beginning) as a degenerate case, because in general the count between two +// Indexes, inclusive, is not always just the difference in their ordinals. +// However, it suffices for Judy*ByCount() to simply be an ordinal-to-Index +// mapper. +// +// Note: Like Judy*Count(), this code must "count sideways" in branches, which +// can result in a lot of cache line fills. However, unlike Judy*Count(), this +// code does not receive a specific Index, hence digit, where to start in each +// branch, so it cant accurately calculate cache line fills required in each +// direction. The best it can do is an approximation based on the total +// population of the expanse (pop1 from Pjp) and the ordinal of the target +// Index (see SETOFFSET()) within the expanse. +// +// Compile with -DSMARTMETRICS to obtain global variables containing smart +// cache line metrics. Note: Dont turn this on simultaneously for this file +// and JudyCount.c because they export the same globals. +// **************************************************************************** + +#if (! (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JUDYL))) +#error: One of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL must be specified. +#endif + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#include "Judy1.h" +#else +#include "JudyL.h" +#endif + +#include "JudyPrivate1L.h" + +// These are imported from JudyCount.c: +// +// TBD: Should this be in common code? Exported from a header file? + +#ifdef JUDY1 +extern Word_t j__udy1JPPop1(const Pjp_t Pjp); +#define j__udyJPPop1 j__udy1JPPop1 +#else +extern Word_t j__udyLJPPop1(const Pjp_t Pjp); +#define j__udyJPPop1 j__udyLJPPop1 +#endif + +// Avoid duplicate symbols since this file is multi-compiled: + +#ifdef SMARTMETRICS +#ifdef JUDY1 +Word_t jbb_upward = 0; // counts of directions taken: +Word_t jbb_downward = 0; +Word_t jbu_upward = 0; +Word_t jbu_downward = 0; +Word_t jlb_upward = 0; +Word_t jlb_downward = 0; +#else +extern Word_t jbb_upward; +extern Word_t jbb_downward; +extern Word_t jbu_upward; +extern Word_t jbu_downward; +extern Word_t jlb_upward; +extern Word_t jlb_downward; +#endif +#endif + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y 1 B Y C O U N T +// J U D Y L B Y C O U N T +// +// See the manual entry. + +#ifdef JUDY1 +FUNCTION int Judy1ByCount +#else +FUNCTION PPvoid_t JudyLByCount +#endif + ( + Pcvoid_t PArray, // root pointer to first branch/leaf in SM. + Word_t Count, // ordinal of Index to find, 1..MAX. + Word_t * PIndex, // to return found Index. + PJError_t PJError // optional, for returning error info. + ) +{ + Word_t Count0; // Count, base-0, to match pop0. + Word_t state; // current state in SM. + Word_t pop1; // of current branch or leaf, or of expanse. + Word_t pop1lower; // pop1 of expanses (JPs) below that for Count. + Word_t digit; // current word in branch. + Word_t jpcount; // JPs in a BranchB subexpanse. + long jpnum; // JP number in a branch (base 0). + long subexp; // for stepping through layer 1 (subexpanses). + int offset; // index ordinal within a leaf, base 0. + + Pjp_t Pjp; // current JP in branch. + Pjll_t Pjll; // current Judy linear leaf. + + +// CHECK FOR EMPTY ARRAY OR NULL PINDEX: + + if (PArray == (Pvoid_t) NULL) JU_RET_NOTFOUND; + + if (PIndex == (PWord_t) NULL) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NULLPINDEX); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + +// Convert Count to Count0; assume special case of Count = 0 maps to ~0, as +// desired, to represent the last index in a full array: +// +// Note: Think of Count0 as a reliable "number of Indexes below the target." + + Count0 = Count - 1; + assert((Count || Count0 == ~0)); // ensure CPU is sane about 0 - 1. + pop1lower = 0; + + if (JU_LEAFW_POP0(PArray) < cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1) // must be a LEAFW + { + Pjlw_t Pjlw = P_JLW(PArray); // first word of leaf. + + if (Count0 > Pjlw[0]) JU_RET_NOTFOUND; // too high. + + *PIndex = Pjlw[Count]; // Index, base 1. + + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAFW(Pjlw, Pjlw[0] + 1, Count0); + } + else + { + Pjpm_t Pjpm = P_JPM(PArray); + + if (Count0 > (Pjpm->jpm_Pop0)) JU_RET_NOTFOUND; // too high. + + Pjp = &(Pjpm->jpm_JP); + pop1 = (Pjpm->jpm_Pop0) + 1; + +// goto SMByCount; + } + +// COMMON CODE: +// +// Prepare to handle a root-level or lower-level branch: Save the current +// state, obtain the total population for the branch in a state-dependent way, +// and then branch to common code for multiple cases. +// +// For root-level branches, the state is always cJU_ROOTSTATE, and the array +// population must already be set in pop1; it is not available in jp_DcdPopO. +// +// Note: The total population is only needed in cases where the common code +// "counts down" instead of up to minimize cache line fills. However, its +// available cheaply, and its better to do it with a constant shift (constant +// state value) instead of a variable shift later "when needed". + +#define PREPB_ROOT(Next) \ + state = cJU_ROOTSTATE; \ + goto Next + +// Use PREPB_DCD() to first copy the Dcd bytes to *PIndex if there are any +// (only if state < cJU_ROOTSTATE - 1): + +#define PREPB_DCD(Pjp,cState,Next) \ + JU_SETDCD(*PIndex, Pjp, cState); \ + PREPB((Pjp), cState, Next) + +#define PREPB(Pjp,cState,Next) \ + state = (cState); \ + pop1 = JU_JPBRANCH_POP0(Pjp, (cState)) + 1; \ + goto Next + +// Calculate whether the ordinal of an Index within a given expanse falls in +// the lower or upper half of the expanses population, taking care with +// unsigned math and boundary conditions: +// +// Note: Assume the ordinal falls within the expanses population, that is, +// 0 < (Count - Pop1lower) <= Pop1exp (assuming infinite math). +// +// Note: If the ordinal is the middle element, it doesnt matter whether +// LOWERHALF() is TRUE or FALSE. + +#define LOWERHALF(Count0,Pop1lower,Pop1exp) \ + (((Count0) - (Pop1lower)) < ((Pop1exp) / 2)) + +// Calculate the (signed) offset within a leaf to the desired ordinal (Count - +// Pop1lower; offset is one less), and optionally ensure its in range: + +#define SETOFFSET(Offset,Count0,Pop1lower,Pjp) \ + (Offset) = (Count0) - (Pop1lower); \ + assert((Offset) >= 0); \ + assert((Offset) <= JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp)) + +// Variations for immediate indexes, with and without pop1-specific assertions: + +#define SETOFFSET_IMM_CK(Offset,Count0,Pop1lower,cPop1) \ + (Offset) = (Count0) - (Pop1lower); \ + assert((Offset) >= 0); \ + assert((Offset) < (cPop1)) + +#define SETOFFSET_IMM(Offset,Count0,Pop1lower) \ + (Offset) = (Count0) - (Pop1lower) + + +// STATE MACHINE -- TRAVERSE TREE: +// +// In branches, look for the expanse (digit), if any, where the total pop1 +// below or at that expanse would meet or exceed Count, meaning the Index must +// be in this expanse. + +SMByCount: // return here for next branch/leaf. + + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// LINEAR BRANCH; count populations in JPs in the JBL upwards until finding the +// expanse (digit) containing Count, and "recurse". +// +// Note: There are no null JPs in a JBL; watch out for pop1 == 0. +// +// Note: A JBL should always fit in one cache line => no need to count up +// versus down to save cache line fills. +// +// TBD: The previous is no longer true. Consider enhancing this code to count +// up/down, but it can wait for a later tuning phase. In the meantime, PREPB() +// sets pop1 for the whole array, but that value is not used here. 001215: +// Maybe its true again? + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L2: PREPB_DCD(Pjp, 2, BranchL); +#ifndef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L3: PREPB( Pjp, 3, BranchL); +#else + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L3: PREPB_DCD(Pjp, 3, BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L4: PREPB_DCD(Pjp, 4, BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L5: PREPB_DCD(Pjp, 5, BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L6: PREPB_DCD(Pjp, 6, BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L7: PREPB( Pjp, 7, BranchL); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L: PREPB_ROOT( BranchL); + { + Pjbl_t Pjbl; + +// Common code (state-independent) for all cases of linear branches: + +BranchL: + Pjbl = P_JBL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + for (jpnum = 0; jpnum < (Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs); ++jpnum) + { + if ((pop1 = j__udyJPPop1((Pjbl->jbl_jp) + jpnum)) + == cJU_ALLONES) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + assert(pop1 != 0); + +// Warning: pop1lower and pop1 are unsigned, so do not subtract 1 and compare +// >=, but instead use the following expression: + + if (pop1lower + pop1 > Count0) // Index is in this expanse. + { + JU_SETDIGIT(*PIndex, Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[jpnum], state); + Pjp = (Pjbl->jbl_jp) + jpnum; + goto SMByCount; // look under this expanse. + } + + pop1lower += pop1; // add this JPs pop1. + } + + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); // should never get here. + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + + } // case cJU_JPBRANCH_L + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// BITMAP BRANCH; count populations in JPs in the JBB upwards or downwards +// until finding the expanse (digit) containing Count, and "recurse". +// +// Note: There are no null JPs in a JBB; watch out for pop1 == 0. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B2: PREPB_DCD(Pjp, 2, BranchB); +#ifndef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B3: PREPB( Pjp, 3, BranchB); +#else + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B3: PREPB_DCD(Pjp, 3, BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B4: PREPB_DCD(Pjp, 4, BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B5: PREPB_DCD(Pjp, 5, BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B6: PREPB_DCD(Pjp, 6, BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B7: PREPB( Pjp, 7, BranchB); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B: PREPB_ROOT( BranchB); + { + Pjbb_t Pjbb; + +// Common code (state-independent) for all cases of bitmap branches: + +BranchB: + Pjbb = P_JBB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + +// Shorthand for one subexpanse in a bitmap and for one JP in a bitmap branch: +// +// Note: BMPJP0 exists separately to support assertions. + +#define BMPJP0(Subexp) (P_JP(JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, Subexp))) +#define BMPJP(Subexp,JPnum) (BMPJP0(Subexp) + (JPnum)) + + +// Common code for descending through a JP: +// +// Determine the digit for the expanse and save it in *PIndex; then "recurse". + +#define JBB_FOUNDEXPANSE \ + { \ + JU_BITMAPDIGITB(digit, subexp, JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb,subexp), jpnum); \ + JU_SETDIGIT(*PIndex, digit, state); \ + Pjp = BMPJP(subexp, jpnum); \ + goto SMByCount; \ + } + + +#ifndef NOSMARTJBB // enable to turn off smart code for comparison purposes. + +// FIGURE OUT WHICH DIRECTION CAUSES FEWER CACHE LINE FILLS; adding the pop1s +// in JPs upwards, or subtracting the pop1s in JPs downwards: +// +// See header comments about limitations of this for Judy*ByCount(). + +#endif + +// COUNT UPWARD, adding each "below" JPs pop1: + +#ifndef NOSMARTJBB // enable to turn off smart code for comparison purposes. + + if (LOWERHALF(Count0, pop1lower, pop1)) + { +#endif +#ifdef SMARTMETRICS + ++jbb_upward; +#endif + for (subexp = 0; subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPB; ++subexp) + { + if ((jpcount = j__udyCountBitsB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb,subexp))) + && (BMPJP0(subexp) == (Pjp_t) NULL)) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); // null ptr. + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + +// Note: An empty subexpanse (jpcount == 0) is handled "for free": + + for (jpnum = 0; jpnum < jpcount; ++jpnum) + { + if ((pop1 = j__udyJPPop1(BMPJP(subexp, jpnum))) + == cJU_ALLONES) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + assert(pop1 != 0); + +// Warning: pop1lower and pop1 are unsigned, see earlier comment: + + if (pop1lower + pop1 > Count0) + JBB_FOUNDEXPANSE; // Index is in this expanse. + + pop1lower += pop1; // add this JPs pop1. + } + } +#ifndef NOSMARTJBB // enable to turn off smart code for comparison purposes. + } + + +// COUNT DOWNWARD, subtracting each "above" JPs pop1 from the whole expanses +// pop1: + + else + { +#ifdef SMARTMETRICS + ++jbb_downward; +#endif + pop1lower += pop1; // add whole branch to start. + + for (subexp = cJU_NUMSUBEXPB - 1; subexp >= 0; --subexp) + { + if ((jpcount = j__udyCountBitsB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp))) + && (BMPJP0(subexp) == (Pjp_t) NULL)) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); // null ptr. + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + +// Note: An empty subexpanse (jpcount == 0) is handled "for free": + + for (jpnum = jpcount - 1; jpnum >= 0; --jpnum) + { + if ((pop1 = j__udyJPPop1(BMPJP(subexp, jpnum))) + == cJU_ALLONES) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + assert(pop1 != 0); + +// Warning: pop1lower and pop1 are unsigned, see earlier comment: + + pop1lower -= pop1; + +// Beware unsigned math problems: + + if ((pop1lower == 0) || (pop1lower - 1 < Count0)) + JBB_FOUNDEXPANSE; // Index is in this expanse. + } + } + } +#endif // NOSMARTJBB + + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); // should never get here. + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + + } // case cJU_JPBRANCH_B + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// UNCOMPRESSED BRANCH; count populations in JPs in the JBU upwards or +// downwards until finding the expanse (digit) containing Count, and "recurse". + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U2: PREPB_DCD(Pjp, 2, BranchU); +#ifndef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U3: PREPB( Pjp, 3, BranchU); +#else + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U3: PREPB_DCD(Pjp, 3, BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U4: PREPB_DCD(Pjp, 4, BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U5: PREPB_DCD(Pjp, 5, BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U6: PREPB_DCD(Pjp, 6, BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U7: PREPB( Pjp, 7, BranchU); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U: PREPB_ROOT( BranchU); + { + Pjbu_t Pjbu; + +// Common code (state-independent) for all cases of uncompressed branches: + +BranchU: + Pjbu = P_JBU(Pjp->jp_Addr); + +// Common code for descending through a JP: +// +// Save the digit for the expanse in *PIndex, then "recurse". + +#define JBU_FOUNDEXPANSE \ + { \ + JU_SETDIGIT(*PIndex, jpnum, state); \ + Pjp = (Pjbu->jbu_jp) + jpnum; \ + goto SMByCount; \ + } + + +#ifndef NOSMARTJBU // enable to turn off smart code for comparison purposes. + +// FIGURE OUT WHICH DIRECTION CAUSES FEWER CACHE LINE FILLS; adding the pop1s +// in JPs upwards, or subtracting the pop1s in JPs downwards: +// +// See header comments about limitations of this for Judy*ByCount(). + +#endif + +// COUNT UPWARD, simply adding the pop1 of each JP: + +#ifndef NOSMARTJBU // enable to turn off smart code for comparison purposes. + + if (LOWERHALF(Count0, pop1lower, pop1)) + { +#endif +#ifdef SMARTMETRICS + ++jbu_upward; +#endif + + for (jpnum = 0; jpnum < cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS; ++jpnum) + { + // shortcut, save a function call: + + if ((Pjbu->jbu_jp[jpnum].jp_Type) <= cJU_JPNULLMAX) + continue; + + if ((pop1 = j__udyJPPop1((Pjbu->jbu_jp) + jpnum)) + == cJU_ALLONES) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + assert(pop1 != 0); + +// Warning: pop1lower and pop1 are unsigned, see earlier comment: + + if (pop1lower + pop1 > Count0) + JBU_FOUNDEXPANSE; // Index is in this expanse. + + pop1lower += pop1; // add this JPs pop1. + } +#ifndef NOSMARTJBU // enable to turn off smart code for comparison purposes. + } + + +// COUNT DOWNWARD, subtracting the pop1 of each JP above from the whole +// expanses pop1: + + else + { +#ifdef SMARTMETRICS + ++jbu_downward; +#endif + pop1lower += pop1; // add whole branch to start. + + for (jpnum = cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS - 1; jpnum >= 0; --jpnum) + { + // shortcut, save a function call: + + if ((Pjbu->jbu_jp[jpnum].jp_Type) <= cJU_JPNULLMAX) + continue; + + if ((pop1 = j__udyJPPop1(Pjbu->jbu_jp + jpnum)) + == cJU_ALLONES) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + assert(pop1 != 0); + +// Warning: pop1lower and pop1 are unsigned, see earlier comment: + + pop1lower -= pop1; + +// Beware unsigned math problems: + + if ((pop1lower == 0) || (pop1lower - 1 < Count0)) + JBU_FOUNDEXPANSE; // Index is in this expanse. + } + } +#endif // NOSMARTJBU + + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); // should never get here. + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + + } // case cJU_JPBRANCH_U + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// LINEAR LEAF: +// +// Return the Index at the proper ordinal (see SETOFFSET()) in the leaf. First +// copy Dcd bytes, if there are any (only if state < cJU_ROOTSTATE - 1), to +// *PIndex. +// +// Note: The preceding branch traversal code MIGHT set pop1 for this expanse +// (linear leaf) as a side-effect, but dont depend on that (for JUDYL, which +// is the only cases that need it anyway). + +#define PREPL_DCD(cState) \ + JU_SETDCD(*PIndex, Pjp, cState); \ + PREPL + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#define PREPL_SETPOP1 // not needed in any cases. +#else +#define PREPL_SETPOP1 pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1 +#endif + +#define PREPL \ + Pjll = P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); \ + PREPL_SETPOP1; \ + SETOFFSET(offset, Count0, pop1lower, Pjp) + +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + case cJU_JPLEAF1: + + PREPL_DCD(1); + JU_SETDIGIT1(*PIndex, ((uint8_t *) Pjll)[offset]); + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF1(Pjll, pop1, offset); +#endif + + case cJU_JPLEAF2: + + PREPL_DCD(2); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(2))) + | ((uint16_t *) Pjll)[offset]; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF2(Pjll, pop1, offset); + +#ifndef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPLEAF3: + { + Word_t lsb; + PREPL; + JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) Pjll) + (3 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(3))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF3(Pjll, pop1, offset); + } + +#else + case cJU_JPLEAF3: + { + Word_t lsb; + PREPL_DCD(3); + JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) Pjll) + (3 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(3))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF3(Pjll, pop1, offset); + } + + case cJU_JPLEAF4: + + PREPL_DCD(4); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(4))) + | ((uint32_t *) Pjll)[offset]; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF4(Pjll, pop1, offset); + + case cJU_JPLEAF5: + { + Word_t lsb; + PREPL_DCD(5); + JU_COPY5_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) Pjll) + (5 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(5))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF5(Pjll, pop1, offset); + } + + case cJU_JPLEAF6: + { + Word_t lsb; + PREPL_DCD(6); + JU_COPY6_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) Pjll) + (6 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(6))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF6(Pjll, pop1, offset); + } + + case cJU_JPLEAF7: + { + Word_t lsb; + PREPL; + JU_COPY7_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) Pjll) + (7 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(7))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF7(Pjll, pop1, offset); + } +#endif + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// BITMAP LEAF: +// +// Return the Index at the proper ordinal (see SETOFFSET()) in the leaf by +// counting bits. First copy Dcd bytes (always present since state 1 < +// cJU_ROOTSTATE) to *PIndex. +// +// Note: The preceding branch traversal code MIGHT set pop1 for this expanse +// (bitmap leaf) as a side-effect, but dont depend on that. + + case cJU_JPLEAF_B1: + { + Pjlb_t Pjlb; + + JU_SETDCD(*PIndex, Pjp, 1); + Pjlb = P_JLB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + +// COUNT UPWARD, adding the pop1 of each subexpanse: +// +// The entire bitmap should fit in one cache line, but still try to save some +// CPU time by counting the fewest possible number of subexpanses from the +// bitmap. +// +// See header comments about limitations of this for Judy*ByCount(). + +#ifndef NOSMARTJLB // enable to turn off smart code for comparison purposes. + + if (LOWERHALF(Count0, pop1lower, pop1)) + { +#endif +#ifdef SMARTMETRICS + ++jlb_upward; +#endif + for (subexp = 0; subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPL; ++subexp) + { + pop1 = j__udyCountBitsL(JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp)); + +// Warning: pop1lower and pop1 are unsigned, see earlier comment: + + if (pop1lower + pop1 > Count0) + goto LeafB1; // Index is in this subexpanse. + + pop1lower += pop1; // add this subexpanses pop1. + } +#ifndef NOSMARTJLB // enable to turn off smart code for comparison purposes. + } + + +// COUNT DOWNWARD, subtracting each "above" subexpanses pop1 from the whole +// expanses pop1: + + else + { +#ifdef SMARTMETRICS + ++jlb_downward; +#endif + pop1lower += pop1; // add whole leaf to start. + + for (subexp = cJU_NUMSUBEXPL - 1; subexp >= 0; --subexp) + { + pop1lower -= j__udyCountBitsL(JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp)); + +// Beware unsigned math problems: + + if ((pop1lower == 0) || (pop1lower - 1 < Count0)) + goto LeafB1; // Index is in this subexpanse. + } + } +#endif // NOSMARTJLB + + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); // should never get here. + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + + +// RETURN INDEX FOUND: +// +// Come here with subexp set to the correct subexpanse, and pop1lower set to +// the sum for all lower expanses and subexpanses in the Judy tree. Calculate +// and save in *PIndex the digit corresponding to the ordinal in this +// subexpanse. + +LeafB1: + SETOFFSET(offset, Count0, pop1lower, Pjp); + JU_BITMAPDIGITL(digit, subexp, JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp), offset); + JU_SETDIGIT1(*PIndex, digit); + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF_B1(Pjlb, subexp, offset); +// == return((PPvoid_t) (P_JV(JL_JLB_PVALUE(Pjlb, subexp)) + offset)) + + } // case cJU_JPLEAF_B1 + + +#ifdef JUDY1 +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// FULL POPULATION: +// +// Copy Dcd bytes (always present since state 1 < cJU_ROOTSTATE) to *PIndex, +// then set the appropriate digit for the ordinal (see SETOFFSET()) in the leaf +// as the LSB in *PIndex. + + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1: + + JU_SETDCD(*PIndex, Pjp, 1); + SETOFFSET(offset, Count0, pop1lower, Pjp); + assert(offset >= 0); + assert(offset <= cJU_JPFULLPOPU1_POP0); + JU_SETDIGIT1(*PIndex, offset); + JU_RET_FOUND_FULLPOPU1; +#endif + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// IMMEDIATE: +// +// Locate the Index with the proper ordinal (see SETOFFSET()) in the Immediate, +// depending on leaf Index Size and pop1. Note: There are no Dcd bytes in an +// Immediate JP, but in a cJU_JPIMMED_*_01 JP, the field holds the least bytes +// of the immediate Index. + +#define SET_01(cState) JU_SETDIGITS(*PIndex, JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp), cState) + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_01: SET_01(1); goto Imm_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_01: SET_01(2); goto Imm_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_01: SET_01(3); goto Imm_01; +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPIMMED_4_01: SET_01(4); goto Imm_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_5_01: SET_01(5); goto Imm_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_6_01: SET_01(6); goto Imm_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_7_01: SET_01(7); goto Imm_01; +#endif + +Imm_01: + + DBGCODE(SETOFFSET_IMM_CK(offset, Count0, pop1lower, 1);) + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM_01(Pjp); + +// Shorthand for where to find start of Index bytes array: + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#define PJI (Pjp->jp_1Index) +#else +#define PJI (Pjp->jp_LIndex) +#endif + +// Optional code to check the remaining ordinal (see SETOFFSET_IMM()) against +// the Index Size of the Immediate: + +#ifndef DEBUG // simple placeholder: +#define IMM(cPop1,Next) \ + goto Next +#else // extra pop1-specific checking: +#define IMM(cPop1,Next) \ + SETOFFSET_IMM_CK(offset, Count0, pop1lower, cPop1); \ + goto Next +#endif + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_02: IMM( 2, Imm1); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_03: IMM( 3, Imm1); +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_04: IMM( 4, Imm1); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_05: IMM( 5, Imm1); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_06: IMM( 6, Imm1); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_07: IMM( 7, Imm1); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_08: IMM( 8, Imm1); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_09: IMM( 9, Imm1); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_10: IMM(10, Imm1); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_11: IMM(11, Imm1); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_12: IMM(12, Imm1); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_13: IMM(13, Imm1); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_14: IMM(14, Imm1); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_15: IMM(15, Imm1); +#endif + +Imm1: SETOFFSET_IMM(offset, Count0, pop1lower); + JU_SETDIGIT1(*PIndex, ((uint8_t *) PJI)[offset]); + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_02: IMM(2, Imm2); + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_03: IMM(3, Imm2); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_04: IMM(4, Imm2); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_05: IMM(5, Imm2); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_06: IMM(6, Imm2); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_07: IMM(7, Imm2); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) +Imm2: SETOFFSET_IMM(offset, Count0, pop1lower); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(2))) + | ((uint16_t *) PJI)[offset]; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_02: IMM(2, Imm3); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_03: IMM(3, Imm3); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_04: IMM(4, Imm3); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_05: IMM(5, Imm3); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) +Imm3: + { + Word_t lsb; + SETOFFSET_IMM(offset, Count0, pop1lower); + JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) PJI) + (3 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(3))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + } +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02: IMM(2, Imm4); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_03: IMM(3, Imm4); + +Imm4: SETOFFSET_IMM(offset, Count0, pop1lower); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(4))) + | ((uint32_t *) PJI)[offset]; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02: IMM(2, Imm5); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_03: IMM(3, Imm5); + +Imm5: + { + Word_t lsb; + SETOFFSET_IMM(offset, Count0, pop1lower); + JU_COPY5_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) PJI) + (5 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(5))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + } + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02: IMM(2, Imm6); + +Imm6: + { + Word_t lsb; + SETOFFSET_IMM(offset, Count0, pop1lower); + JU_COPY6_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) PJI) + (6 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(6))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + } + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02: IMM(2, Imm7); + +Imm7: + { + Word_t lsb; + SETOFFSET_IMM(offset, Count0, pop1lower); + JU_COPY7_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) PJI) + (7 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(7))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + } +#endif // (JUDY1 && JU_64BIT) + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// UNEXPECTED JP TYPES: + + default: JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + + } // SMByCount switch. + + /*NOTREACHED*/ + +} // Judy1ByCount() / JudyLByCount() diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/JudyCascade.c b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/JudyCascade.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fa865589 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/JudyCascade.c @@ -0,0 +1,1942 @@ +// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company +// +// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +// under the term of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +// option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +// _________________ + +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#include "Judy1.h" +#else +#include "JudyL.h" +#endif + +#include "JudyPrivate1L.h" + +extern int j__udyCreateBranchL(Pjp_t, Pjp_t, uint8_t *, Word_t, Pvoid_t); +extern int j__udyCreateBranchB(Pjp_t, Pjp_t, uint8_t *, Word_t, Pvoid_t); + +DBGCODE(extern void JudyCheckSorted(Pjll_t Pjll, Word_t Pop1, long IndexSize);) + +static const jbb_t StageJBBZero; // zeroed versions of namesake struct. + +// TBD: There are multiple copies of (some of) these CopyWto3, Copy3toW, +// CopyWto7 and Copy7toW functions in Judy1Cascade.c, JudyLCascade.c, and +// JudyDecascade.c. These static functions should probably be moved to a +// common place, made macros, or something to avoid having four copies. + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y C O P Y X T O W + + +FUNCTION static void j__udyCopy3toW( + PWord_t PDest, + uint8_t * PSrc, + Word_t LeafIndexes) +{ + do + { + JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG(*PDest, PSrc); + PSrc += 3; + PDest += 1; + + } while(--LeafIndexes); + +} //j__udyCopy3toW() + + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + +FUNCTION static void j__udyCopy4toW( + PWord_t PDest, + uint32_t * PSrc, + Word_t LeafIndexes) +{ + do { *PDest++ = *PSrc++; + } while(--LeafIndexes); + +} // j__udyCopy4toW() + + +FUNCTION static void j__udyCopy5toW( + PWord_t PDest, + uint8_t * PSrc, + Word_t LeafIndexes) +{ + do + { + JU_COPY5_PINDEX_TO_LONG(*PDest, PSrc); + PSrc += 5; + PDest += 1; + + } while(--LeafIndexes); + +} // j__udyCopy5toW() + + +FUNCTION static void j__udyCopy6toW( + PWord_t PDest, + uint8_t * PSrc, + Word_t LeafIndexes) +{ + do + { + JU_COPY6_PINDEX_TO_LONG(*PDest, PSrc); + PSrc += 6; + PDest += 1; + + } while(--LeafIndexes); + +} // j__udyCopy6toW() + + +FUNCTION static void j__udyCopy7toW( + PWord_t PDest, + uint8_t * PSrc, + Word_t LeafIndexes) +{ + do + { + JU_COPY7_PINDEX_TO_LONG(*PDest, PSrc); + PSrc += 7; + PDest += 1; + + } while(--LeafIndexes); + +} // j__udyCopy7toW() + +#endif // JU_64BIT + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y C O P Y W T O X + + +FUNCTION static void j__udyCopyWto3( + uint8_t * PDest, + PWord_t PSrc, + Word_t LeafIndexes) +{ + do + { + JU_COPY3_LONG_TO_PINDEX(PDest, *PSrc); + PSrc += 1; + PDest += 3; + + } while(--LeafIndexes); + +} // j__udyCopyWto3() + + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + +FUNCTION static void j__udyCopyWto4( + uint8_t * PDest, + PWord_t PSrc, + Word_t LeafIndexes) +{ + uint32_t *PDest32 = (uint32_t *)PDest; + + do + { + *PDest32 = *PSrc; + PSrc += 1; + PDest32 += 1; + } while(--LeafIndexes); + +} // j__udyCopyWto4() + + +FUNCTION static void j__udyCopyWto5( + uint8_t * PDest, + PWord_t PSrc, + Word_t LeafIndexes) +{ + do + { + JU_COPY5_LONG_TO_PINDEX(PDest, *PSrc); + PSrc += 1; + PDest += 5; + + } while(--LeafIndexes); + +} // j__udyCopyWto5() + + +FUNCTION static void j__udyCopyWto6( + uint8_t * PDest, + PWord_t PSrc, + Word_t LeafIndexes) +{ + do + { + JU_COPY6_LONG_TO_PINDEX(PDest, *PSrc); + PSrc += 1; + PDest += 6; + + } while(--LeafIndexes); + +} // j__udyCopyWto6() + + +FUNCTION static void j__udyCopyWto7( + uint8_t * PDest, + PWord_t PSrc, + Word_t LeafIndexes) +{ + do + { + JU_COPY7_LONG_TO_PINDEX(PDest, *PSrc); + PSrc += 1; + PDest += 7; + + } while(--LeafIndexes); + +} // j__udyCopyWto7() + +#endif // JU_64BIT + + +// **************************************************************************** +// COMMON CODE (MACROS): +// +// Free objects in an array of valid JPs, StageJP[ExpCnt] == last one may +// include Immeds, which are ignored. + +#define FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt,StageJP,Pjpm) \ + { \ + Word_t _expct = (ExpCnt); \ + while (_expct--) j__udyFreeSM(&((StageJP)[_expct]), Pjpm); \ + return(-1); \ + } + +// Clear the array that keeps track of the number of JPs in a subexpanse: + +#define ZEROJP(SubJPCount) \ + { \ + int ii; \ + for (ii = 0; ii < cJU_NUMSUBEXPB; ii++) (SubJPCount[ii]) = 0; \ + } + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y S T A G E J B B T O J B B +// +// Create a mallocd BranchB (jbb_t) from a staged BranchB while "splaying" a +// single old leaf. Return -1 if out of memory, otherwise 1. + +static int j__udyStageJBBtoJBB( + Pjp_t PjpLeaf, // JP of leaf being splayed. + Pjbb_t PStageJBB, // temp jbb_t on stack. + Pjp_t PjpArray, // array of JPs to splayed new leaves. + uint8_t * PSubCount, // count of JPs for each subexpanse. + Pjpm_t Pjpm) // the jpm_t for JudyAlloc*(). +{ + Pjbb_t PjbbRaw; // pointer to new bitmap branch. + Pjbb_t Pjbb; + Word_t subexp; + +// Get memory for new BranchB: + + if ((PjbbRaw = j__udyAllocJBB(Pjpm)) == (Pjbb_t) NULL) return(-1); + Pjbb = P_JBB(PjbbRaw); + +// Copy staged BranchB into just-allocated BranchB: + + *Pjbb = *PStageJBB; + +// Allocate the JP subarrays (BJP) for the new BranchB: + + for (subexp = 0; subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPB; subexp++) + { + Pjp_t PjpRaw; + Pjp_t Pjp; + Word_t NumJP; // number of JPs in each subexpanse. + + if ((NumJP = PSubCount[subexp]) == 0) continue; // empty. + +// Out of memory, back out previous allocations: + + if ((PjpRaw = j__udyAllocJBBJP(NumJP, Pjpm)) == (Pjp_t) NULL) + { + while(subexp--) + { + if ((NumJP = PSubCount[subexp]) == 0) continue; + + PjpRaw = JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp); + j__udyFreeJBBJP(PjpRaw, NumJP, Pjpm); + } + j__udyFreeJBB(PjbbRaw, Pjpm); + return(-1); // out of memory. + } + Pjp = P_JP(PjpRaw); + +// Place the JP subarray pointer in the new BranchB, copy subarray JPs, and +// advance to the next subexpanse: + + JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp) = PjpRaw; + JU_COPYMEM(Pjp, PjpArray, NumJP); + PjpArray += NumJP; + + } // for each subexpanse. + +// Change the PjpLeaf from Leaf to BranchB: + + PjpLeaf->jp_Addr = (Word_t) PjbbRaw; + PjpLeaf->jp_Type += cJU_JPBRANCH_B2 - cJU_JPLEAF2; // Leaf to BranchB. + + return(1); + +} // j__udyStageJBBtoJBB() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y J L L 2 T O J L B 1 +// +// Create a LeafB1 (jlb_t = JLB1) from a Leaf2 (2-byte Indexes and for JudyL, +// Word_t Values). Return NULL if out of memory, else a pointer to the new +// LeafB1. +// +// NOTE: Caller must release the Leaf2 that was passed in. + +FUNCTION static Pjlb_t j__udyJLL2toJLB1( + uint16_t * Pjll, // array of 16-bit indexes. +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv_t Pjv, // array of associated values. +#endif + Word_t LeafPop1, // number of indexes/values. + Pvoid_t Pjpm) // jpm_t for JudyAlloc*()/JudyFree*(). +{ + Pjlb_t PjlbRaw; + Pjlb_t Pjlb; + int offset; +JUDYLCODE(int subexp;) + +// Allocate the LeafB1: + + if ((PjlbRaw = j__udyAllocJLB1(Pjpm)) == (Pjlb_t) NULL) + return((Pjlb_t) NULL); + Pjlb = P_JLB(PjlbRaw); + +// Copy Leaf2 indexes to LeafB1: + + for (offset = 0; offset < LeafPop1; ++offset) + JU_BITMAPSETL(Pjlb, Pjll[offset]); + +#ifdef JUDYL + +// Build LeafVs from bitmap: + + for (subexp = 0; subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPL; ++subexp) + { + struct _POINTER_VALUES + { + Word_t pv_Pop1; // size of value area. + Pjv_t pv_Pjv; // raw pointer to value area. + } pv[cJU_NUMSUBEXPL]; + +// Get the population of the subexpanse, and if any, allocate a LeafV: + + pv[subexp].pv_Pop1 = j__udyCountBitsL(JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp)); + + if (pv[subexp].pv_Pop1) + { + Pjv_t Pjvnew; + +// TBD: There is an opportunity to put pop == 1 value in pointer: + + pv[subexp].pv_Pjv = j__udyLAllocJV(pv[subexp].pv_Pop1, Pjpm); + +// Upon out of memory, free all previously allocated: + + if (pv[subexp].pv_Pjv == (Pjv_t) NULL) + { + while(subexp--) + { + if (pv[subexp].pv_Pop1) + { + j__udyLFreeJV(pv[subexp].pv_Pjv, pv[subexp].pv_Pop1, + Pjpm); + } + } + j__udyFreeJLB1(PjlbRaw, Pjpm); + return((Pjlb_t) NULL); + } + + Pjvnew = P_JV(pv[subexp].pv_Pjv); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjvnew, Pjv, pv[subexp].pv_Pop1); + Pjv += pv[subexp].pv_Pop1; // advance value pointer. + +// Place raw pointer to value array in bitmap subexpanse: + + JL_JLB_PVALUE(Pjlb, subexp) = pv[subexp].pv_Pjv; + + } // populated subexpanse. + } // each subexpanse. + +#endif // JUDYL + + return(PjlbRaw); // pointer to LeafB1. + +} // j__udyJLL2toJLB1() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y C A S C A D E 1 +// +// Create bitmap leaf from 1-byte Indexes and Word_t Values. +// +// TBD: There must be a better way. +// +// Only for JudyL 32 bit: (note, unifdef disallows comment on next line) + +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + +FUNCTION int j__udyCascade1( + Pjp_t Pjp, + Pvoid_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t DcdP0; + uint8_t * PLeaf; + Pjlb_t PjlbRaw; + Pjlb_t Pjlb; + Word_t Pop1; + Word_t ii; // temp for loop counter +JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjv;) + + assert(JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) == cJU_JPLEAF1); + assert((JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & 0xFF) == (cJU_LEAF1_MAXPOP1-1)); + + PjlbRaw = j__udyAllocJLB1(Pjpm); + if (PjlbRaw == (Pjlb_t) NULL) return(-1); + + Pjlb = P_JLB(PjlbRaw); + PLeaf = (uint8_t *) P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + + JUDYLCODE(Pjv = JL_LEAF1VALUEAREA(PLeaf, Pop1);) + +// Copy 1 byte index Leaf to bitmap Leaf + for (ii = 0; ii < Pop1; ii++) JU_BITMAPSETL(Pjlb, PLeaf[ii]); + +#ifdef JUDYL +// Build 8 subexpanse Value leaves from bitmap + for (ii = 0; ii < cJU_NUMSUBEXPL; ii++) + { +// Get number of Indexes in subexpanse + if ((Pop1 = j__udyCountBitsL(JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, ii)))) + { + Pjv_t PjvnewRaw; // value area of new leaf. + Pjv_t Pjvnew; + + PjvnewRaw = j__udyLAllocJV(Pop1, Pjpm); + if (PjvnewRaw == (Pjv_t) NULL) // out of memory. + { +// Free prevously allocated LeafVs: + while(ii--) + { + if ((Pop1 = j__udyCountBitsL(JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, ii)))) + { + PjvnewRaw = JL_JLB_PVALUE(Pjlb, ii); + j__udyLFreeJV(PjvnewRaw, Pop1, Pjpm); + } + } +// Free the bitmap leaf + j__udyLFreeJLB1(PjlbRaw,Pjpm); + return(-1); + } + Pjvnew = P_JV(PjvnewRaw); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjvnew, Pjv, Pop1); + + Pjv += Pop1; + JL_JLB_PVALUE(Pjlb, ii) = PjvnewRaw; + } + } +#endif // JUDYL + + DcdP0 = JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) | (PLeaf[0] & cJU_DCDMASK(1)); + JU_JPSETADT(Pjp, (Word_t)PjlbRaw, DcdP0, cJU_JPLEAF_B1); + + return(1); // return success + +} // j__udyCascade1() + +#endif // (!(JUDY1 && JU_64BIT)) + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y C A S C A D E 2 +// +// Entry PLeaf of size LeafPop1 is either compressed or splayed with pointer +// returned in Pjp. Entry Levels sizeof(Word_t) down to level 2. +// +// Splay or compress the 2-byte Index Leaf that Pjp point to. Return *Pjp as a +// (compressed) cJU_LEAFB1 or a cJU_BRANCH_*2 + +FUNCTION int j__udyCascade2( + Pjp_t Pjp, + Pvoid_t Pjpm) +{ + uint16_t * PLeaf; // pointer to leaf, explicit type. + Word_t End, Start; // temporaries. + Word_t ExpCnt; // count of expanses of splay. + Word_t CIndex; // current Index word. +JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjv;) // value area of leaf. + +// Temp staging for parts(Leaves) of newly splayed leaf + jp_t StageJP [cJU_LEAF2_MAXPOP1]; // JPs of new leaves + uint8_t StageExp [cJU_LEAF2_MAXPOP1]; // Expanses of new leaves + uint8_t SubJPCount[cJU_NUMSUBEXPB]; // JPs in each subexpanse + jbb_t StageJBB; // staged bitmap branch + + assert(JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) == cJU_JPLEAF2); + assert((JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & 0xFFFF) == (cJU_LEAF2_MAXPOP1-1)); + +// Get the address of the Leaf + PLeaf = (uint16_t *) P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + +// And its Value area + JUDYLCODE(Pjv = JL_LEAF2VALUEAREA(PLeaf, cJU_LEAF2_MAXPOP1);) + +// If Leaf is in 1 expanse -- just compress it to a Bitmap Leaf + + CIndex = PLeaf[0]; + if (!JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex ^ PLeaf[cJU_LEAF2_MAXPOP1-1], 2)) + { +// cJU_JPLEAF_B1 + Word_t DcdP0; + Pjlb_t PjlbRaw; + PjlbRaw = j__udyJLL2toJLB1(PLeaf, +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv, +#endif + cJU_LEAF2_MAXPOP1, Pjpm); + if (PjlbRaw == (Pjlb_t)NULL) return(-1); // out of memory + +// Merge in another Dcd byte because compressing + DcdP0 = (CIndex & cJU_DCDMASK(1)) | JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp); + JU_JPSETADT(Pjp, (Word_t)PjlbRaw, DcdP0, cJU_JPLEAF_B1); + + return(1); + } + +// Else in 2+ expanses, splay Leaf into smaller leaves at higher compression + + StageJBB = StageJBBZero; // zero staged bitmap branch + ZEROJP(SubJPCount); + +// Splay the 2 byte index Leaf to 1 byte Index Leaves + for (ExpCnt = Start = 0, End = 1; ; End++) + { +// Check if new expanse or last one + if ( (End == cJU_LEAF2_MAXPOP1) + || + (JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex ^ PLeaf[End], 2)) + ) + { +// Build a leaf below the previous expanse +// + Pjp_t PjpJP = StageJP + ExpCnt; + Word_t Pop1 = End - Start; + Word_t expanse = JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex, 2); + Word_t subexp = expanse / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; +// +// set the bit that is the current expanse + JU_JBB_BITMAP(&StageJBB, subexp) |= JU_BITPOSMASKB(expanse); +#ifdef SUBEXPCOUNTS + StageJBB.jbb_subPop1[subexp] += Pop1; // pop of subexpanse +#endif +// count number of expanses in each subexpanse + SubJPCount[subexp]++; + +// Save byte expanse of leaf + StageExp[ExpCnt] = JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex, 2); + + if (Pop1 == 1) // cJU_JPIMMED_1_01 + { + Word_t DcdP0; + DcdP0 = (JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & cJU_DCDMASK(1)) | + CIndex; +#ifdef JUDY1 + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, 0, DcdP0, cJ1_JPIMMED_1_01); +#else // JUDYL + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, Pjv[Start], DcdP0, + cJL_JPIMMED_1_01); +#endif // JUDYL + } + else if (Pop1 <= cJU_IMMED1_MAXPOP1) // bigger + { +// cJL_JPIMMED_1_02..3: JudyL 32 +// cJ1_JPIMMED_1_02..7: Judy1 32 +// cJL_JPIMMED_1_02..7: JudyL 64 +// cJ1_JPIMMED_1_02..15: Judy1 64 +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv_t PjvnewRaw; // value area of leaf. + Pjv_t Pjvnew; + +// Allocate Value area for Immediate Leaf + PjvnewRaw = j__udyLAllocJV(Pop1, Pjpm); + if (PjvnewRaw == (Pjv_t) NULL) + FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + + Pjvnew = P_JV(PjvnewRaw); + +// Copy to Values to Value Leaf + JU_COPYMEM(Pjvnew, Pjv + Start, Pop1); + PjpJP->jp_Addr = (Word_t) PjvnewRaw; + +// Copy to JP as an immediate Leaf + JU_COPYMEM(PjpJP->jp_LIndex, PLeaf + Start, + Pop1); +#else + JU_COPYMEM(PjpJP->jp_1Index, PLeaf + Start, + Pop1); +#endif +// Set Type, Population and Index size + PjpJP->jp_Type = cJU_JPIMMED_1_02 + Pop1 - 2; + } + +// 64Bit Judy1 does not have Leaf1: (note, unifdef disallows comment on next +// line) + +#if (! (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT))) + else if (Pop1 <= cJU_LEAF1_MAXPOP1) // still bigger + { +// cJU_JPLEAF1 + Word_t DcdP0; + Pjll_t PjllRaw; // pointer to new leaf. + Pjll_t Pjll; + JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjvnew;) // value area of new leaf. + +// Get a new Leaf + PjllRaw = j__udyAllocJLL1(Pop1, Pjpm); + if (PjllRaw == (Pjll_t)NULL) + FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + + Pjll = P_JLL(PjllRaw); +#ifdef JUDYL +// Copy to Values to new Leaf + Pjvnew = JL_LEAF1VALUEAREA(Pjll, Pop1); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjvnew, Pjv + Start, Pop1); +#endif +// Copy Indexes to new Leaf + JU_COPYMEM((uint8_t *)Pjll, PLeaf+Start, Pop1); + + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjll, Pop1, 1);) + + DcdP0 = (JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & cJU_DCDMASK(2)) + | + (CIndex & cJU_DCDMASK(2-1)) + | + (Pop1 - 1); + + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, (Word_t)PjllRaw, DcdP0, + cJU_JPLEAF1); + } +#endif // (!(JUDY1 && JU_64BIT)) // Not 64Bit Judy1 + + else // biggest + { +// cJU_JPLEAF_B1 + Word_t DcdP0; + Pjlb_t PjlbRaw; + PjlbRaw = j__udyJLL2toJLB1( + PLeaf + Start, +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv + Start, +#endif + Pop1, Pjpm); + if (PjlbRaw == (Pjlb_t)NULL) + FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + + DcdP0 = (JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & cJU_DCDMASK(2)) + | + (CIndex & cJU_DCDMASK(2-1)) + | + (Pop1 - 1); + + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, (Word_t)PjlbRaw, DcdP0, + cJU_JPLEAF_B1); + } + ExpCnt++; +// Done? + if (End == cJU_LEAF2_MAXPOP1) break; + +// New Expanse, Start and Count + CIndex = PLeaf[End]; + Start = End; + } + } + +// Now put all the Leaves below a BranchL or BranchB: + if (ExpCnt <= cJU_BRANCHLMAXJPS) // put the Leaves below a BranchL + { + if (j__udyCreateBranchL(Pjp, StageJP, StageExp, ExpCnt, + Pjpm) == -1) FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + + Pjp->jp_Type = cJU_JPBRANCH_L2; + } + else + { + if (j__udyStageJBBtoJBB(Pjp, &StageJBB, StageJP, SubJPCount, Pjpm) + == -1) FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + } + return(1); + +} // j__udyCascade2() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y C A S C A D E 3 +// +// Return *Pjp as a (compressed) cJU_LEAF2, cJU_BRANCH_L3, cJU_BRANCH_B3. + +FUNCTION int j__udyCascade3( + Pjp_t Pjp, + Pvoid_t Pjpm) +{ + uint8_t * PLeaf; // pointer to leaf, explicit type. + Word_t End, Start; // temporaries. + Word_t ExpCnt; // count of expanses of splay. + Word_t CIndex; // current Index word. +JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjv;) // value area of leaf. + +// Temp staging for parts(Leaves) of newly splayed leaf + jp_t StageJP [cJU_LEAF3_MAXPOP1]; // JPs of new leaves + Word_t StageA [cJU_LEAF3_MAXPOP1]; + uint8_t StageExp [cJU_LEAF3_MAXPOP1]; // Expanses of new leaves + uint8_t SubJPCount[cJU_NUMSUBEXPB]; // JPs in each subexpanse + jbb_t StageJBB; // staged bitmap branch + + assert(JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) == cJU_JPLEAF3); + assert((JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & 0xFFFFFF) == (cJU_LEAF3_MAXPOP1-1)); + +// Get the address of the Leaf + PLeaf = (uint8_t *) P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + +// Extract leaf to Word_t and insert-sort Index into it + j__udyCopy3toW(StageA, PLeaf, cJU_LEAF3_MAXPOP1); + +// Get the address of the Leaf and Value area + JUDYLCODE(Pjv = JL_LEAF3VALUEAREA(PLeaf, cJU_LEAF3_MAXPOP1);) + +// If Leaf is in 1 expanse -- just compress it (compare 1st, last & Index) + + CIndex = StageA[0]; + if (!JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex ^ StageA[cJU_LEAF3_MAXPOP1-1], 3)) + { + Word_t DcdP0; + Pjll_t PjllRaw; // pointer to new leaf. + Pjll_t Pjll; + JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjvnew;) // value area of new leaf. + +// Alloc a 2 byte Index Leaf + PjllRaw = j__udyAllocJLL2(cJU_LEAF3_MAXPOP1, Pjpm); + if (PjllRaw == (Pjlb_t)NULL) return(-1); // out of memory + + Pjll = P_JLL(PjllRaw); + +// Copy just 2 bytes Indexes to new Leaf +// j__udyCopyWto2((uint16_t *) Pjll, StageA, cJU_LEAF3_MAXPOP1); + JU_COPYMEM ((uint16_t *) Pjll, StageA, cJU_LEAF3_MAXPOP1); +#ifdef JUDYL +// Copy Value area into new Leaf + Pjvnew = JL_LEAF2VALUEAREA(Pjll, cJU_LEAF3_MAXPOP1); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjvnew, Pjv, cJU_LEAF3_MAXPOP1); +#endif + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjll, cJU_LEAF3_MAXPOP1, 2);) + +// Form new JP, Pop0 field is unchanged +// Add in another Dcd byte because compressing + DcdP0 = (CIndex & cJU_DCDMASK(2)) | JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp); + + JU_JPSETADT(Pjp, (Word_t) PjllRaw, DcdP0, cJU_JPLEAF2); + + return(1); // Success + } + +// Else in 2+ expanses, splay Leaf into smaller leaves at higher compression + + StageJBB = StageJBBZero; // zero staged bitmap branch + ZEROJP(SubJPCount); + +// Splay the 3 byte index Leaf to 2 byte Index Leaves + for (ExpCnt = Start = 0, End = 1; ; End++) + { +// Check if new expanse or last one + if ( (End == cJU_LEAF3_MAXPOP1) + || + (JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex ^ StageA[End], 3)) + ) + { +// Build a leaf below the previous expanse + + Pjp_t PjpJP = StageJP + ExpCnt; + Word_t Pop1 = End - Start; + Word_t expanse = JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex, 3); + Word_t subexp = expanse / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; +// +// set the bit that is the current expanse + JU_JBB_BITMAP(&StageJBB, subexp) |= JU_BITPOSMASKB(expanse); +#ifdef SUBEXPCOUNTS + StageJBB.jbb_subPop1[subexp] += Pop1; // pop of subexpanse +#endif +// count number of expanses in each subexpanse + SubJPCount[subexp]++; + +// Save byte expanse of leaf + StageExp[ExpCnt] = JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex, 3); + + if (Pop1 == 1) // cJU_JPIMMED_2_01 + { + Word_t DcdP0; + DcdP0 = (JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & cJU_DCDMASK(2)) | + CIndex; +#ifdef JUDY1 + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, 0, DcdP0, cJ1_JPIMMED_2_01); +#else // JUDYL + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, Pjv[Start], DcdP0, + cJL_JPIMMED_2_01); +#endif // JUDYL + } +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + else if (Pop1 <= cJU_IMMED2_MAXPOP1) + { +// cJ1_JPIMMED_2_02..3: Judy1 32 +// cJL_JPIMMED_2_02..3: JudyL 64 +// cJ1_JPIMMED_2_02..7: Judy1 64 +#ifdef JUDYL +// Alloc is 1st in case of malloc fail + Pjv_t PjvnewRaw; // value area of new leaf. + Pjv_t Pjvnew; + +// Allocate Value area for Immediate Leaf + PjvnewRaw = j__udyLAllocJV(Pop1, Pjpm); + if (PjvnewRaw == (Pjv_t) NULL) + FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + + Pjvnew = P_JV(PjvnewRaw); + +// Copy to Values to Value Leaf + JU_COPYMEM(Pjvnew, Pjv + Start, Pop1); + + PjpJP->jp_Addr = (Word_t) PjvnewRaw; + +// Copy to Index to JP as an immediate Leaf + JU_COPYMEM((uint16_t *) (PjpJP->jp_LIndex), + StageA + Start, Pop1); +#else // JUDY1 + JU_COPYMEM((uint16_t *) (PjpJP->jp_1Index), + StageA + Start, Pop1); +#endif // JUDY1 +// Set Type, Population and Index size + PjpJP->jp_Type = cJU_JPIMMED_2_02 + Pop1 - 2; + } +#endif // (JUDY1 || JU_64BIT) + + else // Make a linear leaf2 + { +// cJU_JPLEAF2 + Word_t DcdP0; + Pjll_t PjllRaw; // pointer to new leaf. + Pjll_t Pjll; + JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjvnew;) // value area of new leaf. + + PjllRaw = j__udyAllocJLL2(Pop1, Pjpm); + if (PjllRaw == (Pjll_t) NULL) + FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + + Pjll = P_JLL(PjllRaw); +#ifdef JUDYL +// Copy to Values to new Leaf + Pjvnew = JL_LEAF2VALUEAREA(Pjll, Pop1); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjvnew, Pjv + Start, Pop1); +#endif +// Copy least 2 bytes per Index of Leaf to new Leaf + JU_COPYMEM((uint16_t *) Pjll, StageA+Start, + Pop1); + + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjll, Pop1, 2);) + + DcdP0 = (JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & cJU_DCDMASK(3)) + | + (CIndex & cJU_DCDMASK(3-1)) + | + (Pop1 - 1); + + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, (Word_t)PjllRaw, DcdP0, + cJU_JPLEAF2); + } + ExpCnt++; +// Done? + if (End == cJU_LEAF3_MAXPOP1) break; + +// New Expanse, Start and Count + CIndex = StageA[End]; + Start = End; + } + } + +// Now put all the Leaves below a BranchL or BranchB: + if (ExpCnt <= cJU_BRANCHLMAXJPS) // put the Leaves below a BranchL + { + if (j__udyCreateBranchL(Pjp, StageJP, StageExp, ExpCnt, + Pjpm) == -1) FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + + Pjp->jp_Type = cJU_JPBRANCH_L3; + } + else + { + if (j__udyStageJBBtoJBB(Pjp, &StageJBB, StageJP, SubJPCount, Pjpm) + == -1) FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + } + return(1); + +} // j__udyCascade3() + + +#ifdef JU_64BIT // JudyCascade[4567] + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y C A S C A D E 4 +// +// Cascade from a cJU_JPLEAF4 to one of the following: +// 1. if leaf is in 1 expanse: +// compress it into a JPLEAF3 +// 2. if leaf contains multiple expanses: +// create linear or bitmap branch containing +// each new expanse is either a: +// JPIMMED_3_01 branch +// JPIMMED_3_02 branch +// JPLEAF3 + +FUNCTION int j__udyCascade4( + Pjp_t Pjp, + Pvoid_t Pjpm) +{ + uint32_t * PLeaf; // pointer to leaf, explicit type. + Word_t End, Start; // temporaries. + Word_t ExpCnt; // count of expanses of splay. + Word_t CIndex; // current Index word. +JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjv;) // value area of leaf. + +// Temp staging for parts(Leaves) of newly splayed leaf + jp_t StageJP [cJU_LEAF4_MAXPOP1]; // JPs of new leaves + Word_t StageA [cJU_LEAF4_MAXPOP1]; + uint8_t StageExp [cJU_LEAF4_MAXPOP1]; // Expanses of new leaves + uint8_t SubJPCount[cJU_NUMSUBEXPB]; // JPs in each subexpanse + jbb_t StageJBB; // staged bitmap branch + + assert(JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) == cJU_JPLEAF4); + assert((JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & 0xFFFFFFFF) == (cJU_LEAF4_MAXPOP1-1)); + +// Get the address of the Leaf + PLeaf = (uint32_t *) P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + +// Extract 4 byte index Leaf to Word_t + j__udyCopy4toW(StageA, PLeaf, cJU_LEAF4_MAXPOP1); + +// Get the address of the Leaf and Value area + JUDYLCODE(Pjv = JL_LEAF4VALUEAREA(PLeaf, cJU_LEAF4_MAXPOP1);) + +// If Leaf is in 1 expanse -- just compress it (compare 1st, last & Index) + + CIndex = StageA[0]; + if (!JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex ^ StageA[cJU_LEAF4_MAXPOP1-1], 4)) + { + Word_t DcdP0; + Pjll_t PjllRaw; // pointer to new leaf. + Pjll_t Pjll; + JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjvnew;) // value area of new Leaf. + +// Alloc a 3 byte Index Leaf + PjllRaw = j__udyAllocJLL3(cJU_LEAF4_MAXPOP1, Pjpm); + if (PjllRaw == (Pjlb_t)NULL) return(-1); // out of memory + + Pjll = P_JLL(PjllRaw); + +// Copy Index area into new Leaf + j__udyCopyWto3((uint8_t *) Pjll, StageA, cJU_LEAF4_MAXPOP1); +#ifdef JUDYL +// Copy Value area into new Leaf + Pjvnew = JL_LEAF3VALUEAREA(Pjll, cJU_LEAF4_MAXPOP1); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjvnew, Pjv, cJU_LEAF4_MAXPOP1); +#endif + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjll, cJU_LEAF4_MAXPOP1, 3);) + + DcdP0 = JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) | (CIndex & cJU_DCDMASK(3)); + JU_JPSETADT(Pjp, (Word_t)PjllRaw, DcdP0, cJU_JPLEAF3); + + return(1); + } + +// Else in 2+ expanses, splay Leaf into smaller leaves at higher compression + + StageJBB = StageJBBZero; // zero staged bitmap branch + ZEROJP(SubJPCount); + +// Splay the 4 byte index Leaf to 3 byte Index Leaves + for (ExpCnt = Start = 0, End = 1; ; End++) + { +// Check if new expanse or last one + if ( (End == cJU_LEAF4_MAXPOP1) + || + (JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex ^ StageA[End], 4)) + ) + { +// Build a leaf below the previous expanse + + Pjp_t PjpJP = StageJP + ExpCnt; + Word_t Pop1 = End - Start; + Word_t expanse = JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex, 4); + Word_t subexp = expanse / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; +// +// set the bit that is the current expanse + JU_JBB_BITMAP(&StageJBB, subexp) |= JU_BITPOSMASKB(expanse); +#ifdef SUBEXPCOUNTS + StageJBB.jbb_subPop1[subexp] += Pop1; // pop of subexpanse +#endif +// count number of expanses in each subexpanse + SubJPCount[subexp]++; + +// Save byte expanse of leaf + StageExp[ExpCnt] = JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex, 4); + + if (Pop1 == 1) // cJU_JPIMMED_3_01 + { + Word_t DcdP0; + DcdP0 = (JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & cJU_DCDMASK(3)) | + CIndex; +#ifdef JUDY1 + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, 0, DcdP0, cJ1_JPIMMED_3_01); +#else // JUDYL + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, Pjv[Start], DcdP0, + cJL_JPIMMED_3_01); +#endif // JUDYL + } + else if (Pop1 <= cJU_IMMED3_MAXPOP1) + { +// cJ1_JPIMMED_3_02 : Judy1 32 +// cJL_JPIMMED_3_02 : JudyL 64 +// cJ1_JPIMMED_3_02..5: Judy1 64 + +#ifdef JUDYL +// Alloc is 1st in case of malloc fail + Pjv_t PjvnewRaw; // value area of new leaf. + Pjv_t Pjvnew; + +// Allocate Value area for Immediate Leaf + PjvnewRaw = j__udyLAllocJV(Pop1, Pjpm); + if (PjvnewRaw == (Pjv_t) NULL) + FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + + Pjvnew = P_JV(PjvnewRaw); + +// Copy to Values to Value Leaf + JU_COPYMEM(Pjvnew, Pjv + Start, Pop1); + PjpJP->jp_Addr = (Word_t) PjvnewRaw; + +// Copy to Index to JP as an immediate Leaf + j__udyCopyWto3(PjpJP->jp_LIndex, + StageA + Start, Pop1); +#else + j__udyCopyWto3(PjpJP->jp_1Index, + StageA + Start, Pop1); +#endif +// Set type, population and Index size + PjpJP->jp_Type = cJU_JPIMMED_3_02 + Pop1 - 2; + } + else + { +// cJU_JPLEAF3 + Word_t DcdP0; + Pjll_t PjllRaw; // pointer to new leaf. + Pjll_t Pjll; + JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjvnew;) // value area of new leaf. + + PjllRaw = j__udyAllocJLL3(Pop1, Pjpm); + if (PjllRaw == (Pjll_t)NULL) + FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + + Pjll = P_JLL(PjllRaw); + +// Copy Indexes to new Leaf + j__udyCopyWto3((uint8_t *) Pjll, StageA + Start, + Pop1); +#ifdef JUDYL +// Copy to Values to new Leaf + Pjvnew = JL_LEAF3VALUEAREA(Pjll, Pop1); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjvnew, Pjv + Start, Pop1); +#endif + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjll, Pop1, 3);) + + DcdP0 = (JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & cJU_DCDMASK(4)) + | + (CIndex & cJU_DCDMASK(4-1)) + | + (Pop1 - 1); + + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, (Word_t)PjllRaw, DcdP0, + cJU_JPLEAF3); + } + ExpCnt++; +// Done? + if (End == cJU_LEAF4_MAXPOP1) break; + +// New Expanse, Start and Count + CIndex = StageA[End]; + Start = End; + } + } + +// Now put all the Leaves below a BranchL or BranchB: + if (ExpCnt <= cJU_BRANCHLMAXJPS) // put the Leaves below a BranchL + { + if (j__udyCreateBranchL(Pjp, StageJP, StageExp, ExpCnt, + Pjpm) == -1) FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + + Pjp->jp_Type = cJU_JPBRANCH_L4; + } + else + { + if (j__udyStageJBBtoJBB(Pjp, &StageJBB, StageJP, SubJPCount, Pjpm) + == -1) FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + } + return(1); + +} // j__udyCascade4() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y C A S C A D E 5 +// +// Cascade from a cJU_JPLEAF5 to one of the following: +// 1. if leaf is in 1 expanse: +// compress it into a JPLEAF4 +// 2. if leaf contains multiple expanses: +// create linear or bitmap branch containing +// each new expanse is either a: +// JPIMMED_4_01 branch +// JPLEAF4 + +FUNCTION int j__udyCascade5( + Pjp_t Pjp, + Pvoid_t Pjpm) +{ + uint8_t * PLeaf; // pointer to leaf, explicit type. + Word_t End, Start; // temporaries. + Word_t ExpCnt; // count of expanses of splay. + Word_t CIndex; // current Index word. +JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjv;) // value area of leaf. + +// Temp staging for parts(Leaves) of newly splayed leaf + jp_t StageJP [cJU_LEAF5_MAXPOP1]; // JPs of new leaves + Word_t StageA [cJU_LEAF5_MAXPOP1]; + uint8_t StageExp [cJU_LEAF5_MAXPOP1]; // Expanses of new leaves + uint8_t SubJPCount[cJU_NUMSUBEXPB]; // JPs in each subexpanse + jbb_t StageJBB; // staged bitmap branch + + assert(JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) == cJU_JPLEAF5); + assert((JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & 0xFFFFFFFFFF) == (cJU_LEAF5_MAXPOP1-1)); + +// Get the address of the Leaf + PLeaf = (uint8_t *) P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + +// Extract 5 byte index Leaf to Word_t + j__udyCopy5toW(StageA, PLeaf, cJU_LEAF5_MAXPOP1); + +// Get the address of the Leaf and Value area + JUDYLCODE(Pjv = JL_LEAF5VALUEAREA(PLeaf, cJU_LEAF5_MAXPOP1);) + +// If Leaf is in 1 expanse -- just compress it (compare 1st, last & Index) + + CIndex = StageA[0]; + if (!JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex ^ StageA[cJU_LEAF5_MAXPOP1-1], 5)) + { + Word_t DcdP0; + Pjll_t PjllRaw; // pointer to new leaf. + Pjll_t Pjll; + JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjvnew;) // value area of new leaf. + +// Alloc a 4 byte Index Leaf + PjllRaw = j__udyAllocJLL4(cJU_LEAF5_MAXPOP1, Pjpm); + if (PjllRaw == (Pjlb_t)NULL) return(-1); // out of memory + + Pjll = P_JLL(PjllRaw); + +// Copy Index area into new Leaf + j__udyCopyWto4((uint8_t *) Pjll, StageA, cJU_LEAF5_MAXPOP1); +#ifdef JUDYL +// Copy Value area into new Leaf + Pjvnew = JL_LEAF4VALUEAREA(Pjll, cJU_LEAF5_MAXPOP1); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjvnew, Pjv, cJU_LEAF5_MAXPOP1); +#endif + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjll, cJU_LEAF5_MAXPOP1, 4);) + + DcdP0 = JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) | (CIndex & cJU_DCDMASK(4)); + JU_JPSETADT(Pjp, (Word_t)PjllRaw, DcdP0, cJU_JPLEAF4); + + return(1); + } + +// Else in 2+ expanses, splay Leaf into smaller leaves at higher compression + + StageJBB = StageJBBZero; // zero staged bitmap branch + ZEROJP(SubJPCount); + +// Splay the 5 byte index Leaf to 4 byte Index Leaves + for (ExpCnt = Start = 0, End = 1; ; End++) + { +// Check if new expanse or last one + if ( (End == cJU_LEAF5_MAXPOP1) + || + (JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex ^ StageA[End], 5)) + ) + { +// Build a leaf below the previous expanse + + Pjp_t PjpJP = StageJP + ExpCnt; + Word_t Pop1 = End - Start; + Word_t expanse = JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex, 5); + Word_t subexp = expanse / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; +// +// set the bit that is the current expanse + JU_JBB_BITMAP(&StageJBB, subexp) |= JU_BITPOSMASKB(expanse); +#ifdef SUBEXPCOUNTS + StageJBB.jbb_subPop1[subexp] += Pop1; // pop of subexpanse +#endif +// count number of expanses in each subexpanse + SubJPCount[subexp]++; + +// Save byte expanse of leaf + StageExp[ExpCnt] = JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex, 5); + + if (Pop1 == 1) // cJU_JPIMMED_4_01 + { + Word_t DcdP0; + DcdP0 = (JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & cJU_DCDMASK(4)) | + CIndex; +#ifdef JUDY1 + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, 0, DcdP0, cJ1_JPIMMED_4_01); +#else // JUDYL + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, Pjv[Start], DcdP0, + cJL_JPIMMED_4_01); +#endif // JUDYL + } +#ifdef JUDY1 + else if (Pop1 <= cJ1_IMMED4_MAXPOP1) + { +// cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02..3: Judy1 64 + +// Copy to Index to JP as an immediate Leaf + j__udyCopyWto4(PjpJP->jp_1Index, + StageA + Start, Pop1); + +// Set pointer, type, population and Index size + PjpJP->jp_Type = cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02 + Pop1 - 2; + } +#endif + else + { +// cJU_JPLEAF4 + Word_t DcdP0; + Pjll_t PjllRaw; // pointer to new leaf. + Pjll_t Pjll; + JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjvnew;) // value area of new leaf. + +// Get a new Leaf + PjllRaw = j__udyAllocJLL4(Pop1, Pjpm); + if (PjllRaw == (Pjll_t)NULL) + FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + + Pjll = P_JLL(PjllRaw); + +// Copy Indexes to new Leaf + j__udyCopyWto4((uint8_t *) Pjll, StageA + Start, + Pop1); +#ifdef JUDYL +// Copy to Values to new Leaf + Pjvnew = JL_LEAF4VALUEAREA(Pjll, Pop1); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjvnew, Pjv + Start, Pop1); +#endif + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjll, Pop1, 4);) + + DcdP0 = (JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & cJU_DCDMASK(5)) + | + (CIndex & cJU_DCDMASK(5-1)) + | + (Pop1 - 1); + + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, (Word_t)PjllRaw, DcdP0, + cJU_JPLEAF4); + } + ExpCnt++; +// Done? + if (End == cJU_LEAF5_MAXPOP1) break; + +// New Expanse, Start and Count + CIndex = StageA[End]; + Start = End; + } + } + +// Now put all the Leaves below a BranchL or BranchB: + if (ExpCnt <= cJU_BRANCHLMAXJPS) // put the Leaves below a BranchL + { + if (j__udyCreateBranchL(Pjp, StageJP, StageExp, ExpCnt, + Pjpm) == -1) FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + + Pjp->jp_Type = cJU_JPBRANCH_L5; + } + else + { + if (j__udyStageJBBtoJBB(Pjp, &StageJBB, StageJP, SubJPCount, Pjpm) + == -1) FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + } + return(1); + +} // j__udyCascade5() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y C A S C A D E 6 +// +// Cascade from a cJU_JPLEAF6 to one of the following: +// 1. if leaf is in 1 expanse: +// compress it into a JPLEAF5 +// 2. if leaf contains multiple expanses: +// create linear or bitmap branch containing +// each new expanse is either a: +// JPIMMED_5_01 ... JPIMMED_5_03 branch +// JPIMMED_5_01 branch +// JPLEAF5 + +FUNCTION int j__udyCascade6( + Pjp_t Pjp, + Pvoid_t Pjpm) +{ + uint8_t * PLeaf; // pointer to leaf, explicit type. + Word_t End, Start; // temporaries. + Word_t ExpCnt; // count of expanses of splay. + Word_t CIndex; // current Index word. +JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjv;) // value area of leaf. + +// Temp staging for parts(Leaves) of newly splayed leaf + jp_t StageJP [cJU_LEAF6_MAXPOP1]; // JPs of new leaves + Word_t StageA [cJU_LEAF6_MAXPOP1]; + uint8_t StageExp [cJU_LEAF6_MAXPOP1]; // Expanses of new leaves + uint8_t SubJPCount[cJU_NUMSUBEXPB]; // JPs in each subexpanse + jbb_t StageJBB; // staged bitmap branch + + assert(JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) == cJU_JPLEAF6); + assert((JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF) == (cJU_LEAF6_MAXPOP1-1)); + +// Get the address of the Leaf + PLeaf = (uint8_t *) P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + +// Extract 6 byte index Leaf to Word_t + j__udyCopy6toW(StageA, PLeaf, cJU_LEAF6_MAXPOP1); + +// Get the address of the Leaf and Value area + JUDYLCODE(Pjv = JL_LEAF6VALUEAREA(PLeaf, cJU_LEAF6_MAXPOP1);) + +// If Leaf is in 1 expanse -- just compress it (compare 1st, last & Index) + + CIndex = StageA[0]; + if (!JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex ^ StageA[cJU_LEAF6_MAXPOP1-1], 6)) + { + Word_t DcdP0; + Pjll_t PjllRaw; // pointer to new leaf. + Pjll_t Pjll; + JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjvnew;) // value area of new leaf. + +// Alloc a 5 byte Index Leaf + PjllRaw = j__udyAllocJLL5(cJU_LEAF6_MAXPOP1, Pjpm); + if (PjllRaw == (Pjlb_t)NULL) return(-1); // out of memory + + Pjll = P_JLL(PjllRaw); + +// Copy Index area into new Leaf + j__udyCopyWto5((uint8_t *) Pjll, StageA, cJU_LEAF6_MAXPOP1); +#ifdef JUDYL +// Copy Value area into new Leaf + Pjvnew = JL_LEAF5VALUEAREA(Pjll, cJU_LEAF6_MAXPOP1); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjvnew, Pjv, cJU_LEAF6_MAXPOP1); +#endif + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjll, cJU_LEAF6_MAXPOP1, 5);) + + DcdP0 = JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) | (CIndex & cJU_DCDMASK(5)); + JU_JPSETADT(Pjp, (Word_t)PjllRaw, DcdP0, cJU_JPLEAF5); + + return(1); + } + +// Else in 2+ expanses, splay Leaf into smaller leaves at higher compression + + StageJBB = StageJBBZero; // zero staged bitmap branch + ZEROJP(SubJPCount); + +// Splay the 6 byte index Leaf to 5 byte Index Leaves + for (ExpCnt = Start = 0, End = 1; ; End++) + { +// Check if new expanse or last one + if ( (End == cJU_LEAF6_MAXPOP1) + || + (JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex ^ StageA[End], 6)) + ) + { +// Build a leaf below the previous expanse + + Pjp_t PjpJP = StageJP + ExpCnt; + Word_t Pop1 = End - Start; + Word_t expanse = JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex, 6); + Word_t subexp = expanse / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; +// +// set the bit that is the current expanse + JU_JBB_BITMAP(&StageJBB, subexp) |= JU_BITPOSMASKB(expanse); +#ifdef SUBEXPCOUNTS + StageJBB.jbb_subPop1[subexp] += Pop1; // pop of subexpanse +#endif +// count number of expanses in each subexpanse + SubJPCount[subexp]++; + +// Save byte expanse of leaf + StageExp[ExpCnt] = JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex, 6); + + if (Pop1 == 1) // cJU_JPIMMED_5_01 + { + Word_t DcdP0; + DcdP0 = (JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & cJU_DCDMASK(5)) | + CIndex; +#ifdef JUDY1 + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, 0, DcdP0, cJ1_JPIMMED_5_01); +#else // JUDYL + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, Pjv[Start], DcdP0, + cJL_JPIMMED_5_01); +#endif // JUDYL + } +#ifdef JUDY1 + else if (Pop1 <= cJ1_IMMED5_MAXPOP1) + { +// cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02..3: Judy1 64 + +// Copy to Index to JP as an immediate Leaf + j__udyCopyWto5(PjpJP->jp_1Index, + StageA + Start, Pop1); + +// Set pointer, type, population and Index size + PjpJP->jp_Type = cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02 + Pop1 - 2; + } +#endif + else + { +// cJU_JPLEAF5 + Word_t DcdP0; + Pjll_t PjllRaw; // pointer to new leaf. + Pjll_t Pjll; + JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjvnew;) // value area of new leaf. + +// Get a new Leaf + PjllRaw = j__udyAllocJLL5(Pop1, Pjpm); + if (PjllRaw == (Pjll_t)NULL) + FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + + Pjll = P_JLL(PjllRaw); + +// Copy Indexes to new Leaf + j__udyCopyWto5((uint8_t *) Pjll, StageA + Start, + Pop1); + +// Copy to Values to new Leaf +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjvnew = JL_LEAF5VALUEAREA(Pjll, Pop1); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjvnew, Pjv + Start, Pop1); +#endif + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjll, Pop1, 5);) + + DcdP0 = (JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & cJU_DCDMASK(6)) + | + (CIndex & cJU_DCDMASK(6-1)) + | + (Pop1 - 1); + + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, (Word_t)PjllRaw, DcdP0, + cJU_JPLEAF5); + } + ExpCnt++; +// Done? + if (End == cJU_LEAF6_MAXPOP1) break; + +// New Expanse, Start and Count + CIndex = StageA[End]; + Start = End; + } + } + +// Now put all the Leaves below a BranchL or BranchB: + if (ExpCnt <= cJU_BRANCHLMAXJPS) // put the Leaves below a BranchL + { + if (j__udyCreateBranchL(Pjp, StageJP, StageExp, ExpCnt, + Pjpm) == -1) FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + + Pjp->jp_Type = cJU_JPBRANCH_L6; + } + else + { + if (j__udyStageJBBtoJBB(Pjp, &StageJBB, StageJP, SubJPCount, Pjpm) + == -1) FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + } + return(1); + +} // j__udyCascade6() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y C A S C A D E 7 +// +// Cascade from a cJU_JPLEAF7 to one of the following: +// 1. if leaf is in 1 expanse: +// compress it into a JPLEAF6 +// 2. if leaf contains multiple expanses: +// create linear or bitmap branch containing +// each new expanse is either a: +// JPIMMED_6_01 ... JPIMMED_6_02 branch +// JPIMMED_6_01 branch +// JPLEAF6 + +FUNCTION int j__udyCascade7( + Pjp_t Pjp, + Pvoid_t Pjpm) +{ + uint8_t * PLeaf; // pointer to leaf, explicit type. + Word_t End, Start; // temporaries. + Word_t ExpCnt; // count of expanses of splay. + Word_t CIndex; // current Index word. +JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjv;) // value area of leaf. + +// Temp staging for parts(Leaves) of newly splayed leaf + jp_t StageJP [cJU_LEAF7_MAXPOP1]; // JPs of new leaves + Word_t StageA [cJU_LEAF7_MAXPOP1]; + uint8_t StageExp [cJU_LEAF7_MAXPOP1]; // Expanses of new leaves + uint8_t SubJPCount[cJU_NUMSUBEXPB]; // JPs in each subexpanse + jbb_t StageJBB; // staged bitmap branch + + assert(JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) == cJU_JPLEAF7); + assert(JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) == (cJU_LEAF7_MAXPOP1-1)); + +// Get the address of the Leaf + PLeaf = (uint8_t *) P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + +// Extract 7 byte index Leaf to Word_t + j__udyCopy7toW(StageA, PLeaf, cJU_LEAF7_MAXPOP1); + +// Get the address of the Leaf and Value area + JUDYLCODE(Pjv = JL_LEAF7VALUEAREA(PLeaf, cJU_LEAF7_MAXPOP1);) + +// If Leaf is in 1 expanse -- just compress it (compare 1st, last & Index) + + CIndex = StageA[0]; + if (!JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex ^ StageA[cJU_LEAF7_MAXPOP1-1], 7)) + { + Word_t DcdP0; + Pjll_t PjllRaw; // pointer to new leaf. + Pjll_t Pjll; + JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjvnew;) // value area of new leaf. + +// Alloc a 6 byte Index Leaf + PjllRaw = j__udyAllocJLL6(cJU_LEAF7_MAXPOP1, Pjpm); + if (PjllRaw == (Pjlb_t)NULL) return(-1); // out of memory + + Pjll = P_JLL(PjllRaw); + +// Copy Index area into new Leaf + j__udyCopyWto6((uint8_t *) Pjll, StageA, cJU_LEAF7_MAXPOP1); +#ifdef JUDYL +// Copy Value area into new Leaf + Pjvnew = JL_LEAF6VALUEAREA(Pjll, cJU_LEAF7_MAXPOP1); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjvnew, Pjv, cJU_LEAF7_MAXPOP1); +#endif + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjll, cJU_LEAF7_MAXPOP1, 6);) + + DcdP0 = JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) | (CIndex & cJU_DCDMASK(6)); + JU_JPSETADT(Pjp, (Word_t)PjllRaw, DcdP0, cJU_JPLEAF6); + + return(1); + } + +// Else in 2+ expanses, splay Leaf into smaller leaves at higher compression + + StageJBB = StageJBBZero; // zero staged bitmap branch + ZEROJP(SubJPCount); + +// Splay the 7 byte index Leaf to 6 byte Index Leaves + for (ExpCnt = Start = 0, End = 1; ; End++) + { +// Check if new expanse or last one + if ( (End == cJU_LEAF7_MAXPOP1) + || + (JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex ^ StageA[End], 7)) + ) + { +// Build a leaf below the previous expanse + + Pjp_t PjpJP = StageJP + ExpCnt; + Word_t Pop1 = End - Start; + Word_t expanse = JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex, 7); + Word_t subexp = expanse / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; +// +// set the bit that is the current expanse + JU_JBB_BITMAP(&StageJBB, subexp) |= JU_BITPOSMASKB(expanse); +#ifdef SUBEXPCOUNTS + StageJBB.jbb_subPop1[subexp] += Pop1; // pop of subexpanse +#endif +// count number of expanses in each subexpanse + SubJPCount[subexp]++; + +// Save byte expanse of leaf + StageExp[ExpCnt] = JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex, 7); + + if (Pop1 == 1) // cJU_JPIMMED_6_01 + { + Word_t DcdP0; + DcdP0 = (JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & cJU_DCDMASK(6)) | + CIndex; +#ifdef JUDY1 + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, 0, DcdP0, cJ1_JPIMMED_6_01); +#else // JUDYL + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, Pjv[Start], DcdP0, + cJL_JPIMMED_6_01); +#endif // JUDYL + } +#ifdef JUDY1 + else if (Pop1 == cJ1_IMMED6_MAXPOP1) + { +// cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02: Judy1 64 + +// Copy to Index to JP as an immediate Leaf + j__udyCopyWto6(PjpJP->jp_1Index, + StageA + Start, 2); + +// Set pointer, type, population and Index size + PjpJP->jp_Type = cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02; + } +#endif + else + { +// cJU_JPLEAF6 + Word_t DcdP0; + Pjll_t PjllRaw; // pointer to new leaf. + Pjll_t Pjll; + JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjvnew;) // value area of new leaf. + +// Get a new Leaf + PjllRaw = j__udyAllocJLL6(Pop1, Pjpm); + if (PjllRaw == (Pjll_t)NULL) + FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + Pjll = P_JLL(PjllRaw); + +// Copy Indexes to new Leaf + j__udyCopyWto6((uint8_t *) Pjll, StageA + Start, + Pop1); +#ifdef JUDYL +// Copy to Values to new Leaf + Pjvnew = JL_LEAF6VALUEAREA(Pjll, Pop1); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjvnew, Pjv + Start, Pop1); +#endif + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjll, Pop1, 6);) + + DcdP0 = (JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & cJU_DCDMASK(7)) + | + (CIndex & cJU_DCDMASK(7-1)) + | + (Pop1 - 1); + + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, (Word_t)PjllRaw, DcdP0, + cJU_JPLEAF6); + } + ExpCnt++; +// Done? + if (End == cJU_LEAF7_MAXPOP1) break; + +// New Expanse, Start and Count + CIndex = StageA[End]; + Start = End; + } + } + +// Now put all the Leaves below a BranchL or BranchB: + if (ExpCnt <= cJU_BRANCHLMAXJPS) // put the Leaves below a BranchL + { + if (j__udyCreateBranchL(Pjp, StageJP, StageExp, ExpCnt, + Pjpm) == -1) FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + + Pjp->jp_Type = cJU_JPBRANCH_L7; + } + else + { + if (j__udyStageJBBtoJBB(Pjp, &StageJBB, StageJP, SubJPCount, Pjpm) + == -1) FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + } + return(1); + +} // j__udyCascade7() + +#endif // JU_64BIT + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y C A S C A D E L +// +// (Compressed) cJU_LEAF3[7], cJ1_JPBRANCH_L. +// +// Cascade from a LEAFW (under Pjp) to one of the following: +// 1. if LEAFW is in 1 expanse: +// create linear branch with a JPLEAF3[7] under it +// 2. LEAFW contains multiple expanses: +// create linear or bitmap branch containing new expanses +// each new expanse is either a: 32 64 +// JPIMMED_3_01 branch Y N +// JPIMMED_7_01 branch N Y +// JPLEAF3 Y N +// JPLEAF7 N Y + +FUNCTION int j__udyCascadeL( + Pjp_t Pjp, + Pvoid_t Pjpm) +{ + Pjlw_t Pjlw; // leaf to work on. + Word_t End, Start; // temporaries. + Word_t ExpCnt; // count of expanses of splay. + Word_t CIndex; // current Index word. +JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjv;) // value area of leaf. + +// Temp staging for parts(Leaves) of newly splayed leaf + jp_t StageJP [cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1]; + uint8_t StageExp[cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1]; + uint8_t SubJPCount[cJU_NUMSUBEXPB]; // JPs in each subexpanse + jbb_t StageJBB; // staged bitmap branch + +// Get the address of the Leaf + Pjlw = P_JLW(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + assert(Pjlw[0] == (cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1 - 1)); + +// Get pointer to Value area of old Leaf + JUDYLCODE(Pjv = JL_LEAFWVALUEAREA(Pjlw, cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1);) + + Pjlw++; // Now point to Index area + +// If Leaf is in 1 expanse -- first compress it (compare 1st, last & Index): + + CIndex = Pjlw[0]; // also used far below + if (!JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex ^ Pjlw[cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1 - 1], + cJU_ROOTSTATE)) + { + Pjll_t PjllRaw; // pointer to new leaf. + Pjll_t Pjll; + JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjvnew;) // value area of new leaf. + +// Get the common expanse to all elements in Leaf + StageExp[0] = JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex, cJU_ROOTSTATE); + +// Alloc a 3[7] byte Index Leaf +#ifdef JU_64BIT + PjllRaw = j__udyAllocJLL7(cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1, Pjpm); + if (PjllRaw == (Pjlb_t)NULL) return(-1); // out of memory + + Pjll = P_JLL(PjllRaw); + +// Copy LEAFW to a cJU_JPLEAF7 + j__udyCopyWto7((uint8_t *) Pjll, Pjlw, cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1); +#ifdef JUDYL +// Get the Value area of new Leaf + Pjvnew = JL_LEAF7VALUEAREA(Pjll, cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjvnew, Pjv, cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1); +#endif + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjll, cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1, 7);) +#else // 32 Bit + PjllRaw = j__udyAllocJLL3(cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1, Pjpm); + if (PjllRaw == (Pjll_t) NULL) return(-1); + + Pjll = P_JLL(PjllRaw); + +// Copy LEAFW to a cJU_JPLEAF3 + j__udyCopyWto3((uint8_t *) Pjll, Pjlw, cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1); +#ifdef JUDYL +// Get the Value area of new Leaf + Pjvnew = JL_LEAF3VALUEAREA(Pjll, cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjvnew, Pjv, cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1); +#endif + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjll, cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1, 3);) +#endif // 32 Bit + +// Following not needed because cJU_DCDMASK(3[7]) is == 0 +////// StageJP[0].jp_DcdPopO |= (CIndex & cJU_DCDMASK(3[7])); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + JU_JPSETADT(&(StageJP[0]), (Word_t)PjllRaw, cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1-1, + cJU_JPLEAF7); +#else // 32BIT + JU_JPSETADT(&(StageJP[0]), (Word_t)PjllRaw, cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1-1, + cJU_JPLEAF3); +#endif // 32BIT +// Create a 1 element Linear branch + if (j__udyCreateBranchL(Pjp, StageJP, StageExp, 1, Pjpm) == -1) + return(-1); + +// Change the type of callers JP + Pjp->jp_Type = cJU_JPBRANCH_L; + + return(1); + } + +// Else in 2+ expanses, splay Leaf into smaller leaves at higher compression + + StageJBB = StageJBBZero; // zero staged bitmap branch + ZEROJP(SubJPCount); + +// Splay the 4[8] byte Index Leaf to 3[7] byte Index Leaves + for (ExpCnt = Start = 0, End = 1; ; End++) + { +// Check if new expanse or last one + if ( (End == cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1) + || + (JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex ^ Pjlw[End], cJU_ROOTSTATE)) + ) + { +// Build a leaf below the previous expanse + + Pjp_t PjpJP = StageJP + ExpCnt; + Word_t Pop1 = End - Start; + Word_t expanse = JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex, cJU_ROOTSTATE); + Word_t subexp = expanse / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; +// +// set the bit that is the current expanse + JU_JBB_BITMAP(&StageJBB, subexp) |= JU_BITPOSMASKB(expanse); +#ifdef SUBEXPCOUNTS + StageJBB.jbb_subPop1[subexp] += Pop1; // pop of subexpanse +#endif +// count number of expanses in each subexpanse + SubJPCount[subexp]++; + +// Save byte expanse of leaf + StageExp[ExpCnt] = JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex, + cJU_ROOTSTATE); + + if (Pop1 == 1) // cJU_JPIMMED_3[7]_01 + { +#ifdef JU_64BIT +#ifdef JUDY1 + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, 0, CIndex, cJ1_JPIMMED_7_01); +#else // JUDYL + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, Pjv[Start], CIndex, + cJL_JPIMMED_7_01); +#endif // JUDYL + +#else // JU_32BIT +#ifdef JUDY1 + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, 0, CIndex, cJ1_JPIMMED_3_01); +#else // JUDYL + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, Pjv[Start], CIndex, + cJL_JPIMMED_3_01); +#endif // JUDYL +#endif // JU_32BIT + } +#ifdef JUDY1 +#ifdef JU_64BIT + else if (Pop1 <= cJ1_IMMED7_MAXPOP1) +#else + else if (Pop1 <= cJ1_IMMED3_MAXPOP1) +#endif + { +// cJ1_JPIMMED_3_02 : Judy1 32 +// cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02 : Judy1 64 +// Copy to JP as an immediate Leaf +#ifdef JU_64BIT + j__udyCopyWto7(PjpJP->jp_1Index, Pjlw+Start, 2); + PjpJP->jp_Type = cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02; +#else + j__udyCopyWto3(PjpJP->jp_1Index, Pjlw+Start, 2); + PjpJP->jp_Type = cJ1_JPIMMED_3_02; +#endif // 32 Bit + } +#endif // JUDY1 + else // Linear Leaf JPLEAF3[7] + { +// cJU_JPLEAF3[7] + Pjll_t PjllRaw; // pointer to new leaf. + Pjll_t Pjll; + JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjvnew;) // value area of new leaf. +#ifdef JU_64BIT + PjllRaw = j__udyAllocJLL7(Pop1, Pjpm); + if (PjllRaw == (Pjll_t) NULL) return(-1); + Pjll = P_JLL(PjllRaw); + + j__udyCopyWto7((uint8_t *) Pjll, Pjlw + Start, + Pop1); +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjvnew = JL_LEAF7VALUEAREA(Pjll, Pop1); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjvnew, Pjv + Start, Pop1); +#endif // JUDYL + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjll, Pop1, 7);) +#else // JU_64BIT - 32 Bit + PjllRaw = j__udyAllocJLL3(Pop1, Pjpm); + if (PjllRaw == (Pjll_t) NULL) return(-1); + Pjll = P_JLL(PjllRaw); + + j__udyCopyWto3((uint8_t *) Pjll, Pjlw + Start, + Pop1); +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjvnew = JL_LEAF3VALUEAREA(Pjll, Pop1); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjvnew, Pjv + Start, Pop1); +#endif // JUDYL + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjll, Pop1, 3);) +#endif // 32 Bit + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, (Word_t)PjllRaw, Pop1 - 1, + cJU_JPLEAF7); +#else // JU_64BIT - 32 Bit + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, (Word_t)PjllRaw, Pop1 - 1, + cJU_JPLEAF3); +#endif // 32 Bit + } + ExpCnt++; +// Done? + if (End == cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1) break; + +// New Expanse, Start and Count + CIndex = Pjlw[End]; + Start = End; + } + } + +// Now put all the Leaves below a BranchL or BranchB: + if (ExpCnt <= cJU_BRANCHLMAXJPS) // put the Leaves below a BranchL + { + if (j__udyCreateBranchL(Pjp, StageJP, StageExp, ExpCnt, + Pjpm) == -1) FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + + Pjp->jp_Type = cJU_JPBRANCH_L; + } + else + { + if (j__udyStageJBBtoJBB(Pjp, &StageJBB, StageJP, SubJPCount, Pjpm) + == -1) FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + + Pjp->jp_Type = cJU_JPBRANCH_B; // cJU_LEAFW is out of sequence + } + return(1); + +} // j__udyCascadeL() diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/JudyCount.c b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/JudyCount.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d4585407 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/JudyCount.c @@ -0,0 +1,1195 @@ +// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company +// +// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +// under the term of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +// option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +// _________________ + +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ +// +// Judy*Count() function for Judy1 and JudyL. +// Compile with one of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL. +// +// Compile with -DNOSMARTJBB, -DNOSMARTJBU, and/or -DNOSMARTJLB to build a +// version with cache line optimizations deleted, for testing. +// +// Compile with -DSMARTMETRICS to obtain global variables containing smart +// cache line metrics. Note: Dont turn this on simultaneously for this file +// and JudyByCount.c because they export the same globals. +// +// Judy*Count() returns the "count of Indexes" (inclusive) between the two +// specified limits (Indexes). This code is remarkably fast. It traverses the +// "Judy array" data structure. +// +// This count code is the GENERIC untuned version (minimum code size). It +// might be possible to tuned to a specific architecture to be faster. +// However, in real applications, with a modern machine, it is expected that +// the instruction times will be swamped by cache line fills. +// **************************************************************************** + +#if (! (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JUDYL))) +#error: One of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL must be specified. +#endif + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#include "Judy1.h" +#else +#include "JudyL.h" +#endif + +#include "JudyPrivate1L.h" + + +// define a phoney that is for sure + +#define cJU_LEAFW cJU_JPIMMED_CAP + +// Avoid duplicate symbols since this file is multi-compiled: + +#ifdef SMARTMETRICS +#ifdef JUDY1 +Word_t jbb_upward = 0; // counts of directions taken: +Word_t jbb_downward = 0; +Word_t jbu_upward = 0; +Word_t jbu_downward = 0; +Word_t jlb_upward = 0; +Word_t jlb_downward = 0; +#else +extern Word_t jbb_upward; +extern Word_t jbb_downward; +extern Word_t jbu_upward; +extern Word_t jbu_downward; +extern Word_t jlb_upward; +extern Word_t jlb_downward; +#endif +#endif + + +// FORWARD DECLARATIONS (prototypes): + +static Word_t j__udy1LCountSM(const Pjp_t Pjp, const Word_t Index, + const Pjpm_t Pjpm); + +// Each of Judy1 and JudyL get their own private (static) version of this +// function: + +static int j__udyCountLeafB1(const Pjll_t Pjll, const Word_t Pop1, + const Word_t Index); + +// These functions are not static because they are exported to Judy*ByCount(): +// +// TBD: Should be made static for performance reasons? And thus duplicated? +// +// Note: There really are two different functions, but for convenience they +// are referred to here with a generic name. + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#define j__udyJPPop1 j__udy1JPPop1 +#else +#define j__udyJPPop1 j__udyLJPPop1 +#endif + +Word_t j__udyJPPop1(const Pjp_t Pjp); + + +// LOCAL ERROR HANDLING: +// +// The Judy*Count() functions are unusual because they return 0 instead of JERR +// for an error. In this source file, define C_JERR for clarity. + +#define C_JERR 0 + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y 1 C O U N T +// J U D Y L C O U N T +// +// See the manual entry for details. +// +// This code is written recursively, at least at first, because thats much +// simpler; hope its fast enough. + +#ifdef JUDY1 +FUNCTION Word_t Judy1Count +#else +FUNCTION Word_t JudyLCount +#endif + ( + Pcvoid_t PArray, // JRP to first branch/leaf in SM. + Word_t Index1, // starting Index. + Word_t Index2, // ending Index. + PJError_t PJError // optional, for returning error info. + ) +{ + jpm_t fakejpm; // local temporary for small arrays. + Pjpm_t Pjpm; // top JPM or local temporary for error info. + jp_t fakejp; // constructed for calling j__udy1LCountSM(). + Pjp_t Pjp; // JP to pass to j__udy1LCountSM(). + Word_t pop1; // total for the array. + Word_t pop1above1; // indexes at or above Index1, inclusive. + Word_t pop1above2; // indexes at or above Index2, exclusive. + int retcode; // from Judy*First() calls. +JUDYLCODE(PPvoid_t PPvalue); // from JudyLFirst() calls. + + +// CHECK FOR SHORTCUTS: +// +// As documented, return C_JERR if the Judy array is empty or Index1 > Index2. + + if ((PArray == (Pvoid_t) NULL) || (Index1 > Index2)) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NONE); + return(C_JERR); + } + +// If Index1 == Index2, simply check if the specified Index is set; pass +// through the return value from Judy1Test() or JudyLGet() with appropriate +// translations. + + if (Index1 == Index2) + { +#ifdef JUDY1 + retcode = Judy1Test(PArray, Index1, PJError); + + if (retcode == JERRI) return(C_JERR); // pass through error. + + if (retcode == 0) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NONE); + return(C_JERR); + } +#else + PPvalue = JudyLGet(PArray, Index1, PJError); + + if (PPvalue == PPJERR) return(C_JERR); // pass through error. + + if (PPvalue == (PPvoid_t) NULL) // Index is not set. + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NONE); + return(C_JERR); + } +#endif + return(1); // single index is set. + } + + +// CHECK JRP TYPE: +// +// Use an if/then for speed rather than a switch, and put the most common cases +// first. +// +// Note: Since even cJU_LEAFW types require counting between two Indexes, +// prepare them here for common code below that calls j__udy1LCountSM(), rather +// than handling them even more specially here. + + if (JU_LEAFW_POP0(PArray) < cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1) // must be a LEAFW + { + Pjlw_t Pjlw = P_JLW(PArray); // first word of leaf. + Pjpm = & fakejpm; + Pjp = & fakejp; + Pjp->jp_Addr = (Word_t) Pjlw; + Pjp->jp_Type = cJU_LEAFW; + Pjpm->jpm_Pop0 = Pjlw[0]; // from first word of leaf. + pop1 = Pjpm->jpm_Pop0 + 1; + } + else + { + Pjpm = P_JPM(PArray); + Pjp = &(Pjpm->jpm_JP); + pop1 = (Pjpm->jpm_Pop0) + 1; // note: can roll over to 0. + +#if (defined(JUDY1) && (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + if (pop1 == 0) // rare special case of full array: + { + Word_t count = Index2 - Index1 + 1; // can roll over again. + + if (count == 0) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_FULL); + return(C_JERR); + } + return(count); + } +#else + assert(pop1); // JudyL or 64-bit cannot create a full array! +#endif + } + + +// COUNT POP1 ABOVE INDEX1, INCLUSIVE: + + assert(pop1); // just to be safe. + + if (Index1 == 0) // shortcut, pop1above1 is entire population: + { + pop1above1 = pop1; + } + else // find first valid Index above Index1, if any: + { +#ifdef JUDY1 + if ((retcode = Judy1First(PArray, & Index1, PJError)) == JERRI) + return(C_JERR); // pass through error. +#else + if ((PPvalue = JudyLFirst(PArray, & Index1, PJError)) == PPJERR) + return(C_JERR); // pass through error. + + retcode = (PPvalue != (PPvoid_t) NULL); // found a next Index. +#endif + +// If theres no Index at or above Index1, just return C_JERR (early exit): + + if (retcode == 0) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NONE); + return(C_JERR); + } + +// If a first/next Index was found, call the counting motor starting with that +// known valid Index, meaning the return should be positive, not C_JERR except +// in case of a real error: + + if ((pop1above1 = j__udy1LCountSM(Pjp, Index1, Pjpm)) == C_JERR) + { + JU_COPY_ERRNO(PJError, Pjpm); // pass through error. + return(C_JERR); + } + } + + +// COUNT POP1 ABOVE INDEX2, EXCLUSIVE, AND RETURN THE DIFFERENCE: +// +// In principle, calculate the ordinal of each Index and take the difference, +// with caution about off-by-one errors due to the specified Indexes being set +// or unset. In practice: +// +// - The ordinals computed here are inverse ordinals, that is, the populations +// ABOVE the specified Indexes (Index1 inclusive, Index2 exclusive), so +// subtract pop1above2 from pop1above1, rather than vice-versa. +// +// - Index1s result already includes a count for Index1 and/or Index2 if +// either is set, so calculate pop1above2 exclusive of Index2. +// +// TBD: If Index1 and Index2 fall in the same expanse in the top-state +// branch(es), would it be faster to walk the SM only once, to their divergence +// point, before calling j__udy1LCountSM() or equivalent? Possibly a non-issue +// if a top-state pop1 becomes stored with each Judy1 array. Also, consider +// whether the first call of j__udy1LCountSM() fills the cache, for common tree +// branches, for the second call. +// +// As for pop1above1, look for shortcuts for special cases when pop1above2 is +// zero. Otherwise call the counting "motor". + + assert(pop1above1); // just to be safe. + + if (Index2++ == cJU_ALLONES) return(pop1above1); // Index2 at limit. + +#ifdef JUDY1 + if ((retcode = Judy1First(PArray, & Index2, PJError)) == JERRI) + return(C_JERR); +#else + if ((PPvalue = JudyLFirst(PArray, & Index2, PJError)) == PPJERR) + return(C_JERR); + + retcode = (PPvalue != (PPvoid_t) NULL); // found a next Index. +#endif + if (retcode == 0) return(pop1above1); // no Index above Index2. + +// Just as for Index1, j__udy1LCountSM() cannot return 0 (locally == C_JERR) +// except in case of a real error: + + if ((pop1above2 = j__udy1LCountSM(Pjp, Index2, Pjpm)) == C_JERR) + { + JU_COPY_ERRNO(PJError, Pjpm); // pass through error. + return(C_JERR); + } + + if (pop1above1 == pop1above2) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NONE); + return(C_JERR); + } + + return(pop1above1 - pop1above2); + +} // Judy1Count() / JudyLCount() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y 1 L C O U N T S M +// +// Given a pointer to a JP (with invalid jp_DcdPopO at cJU_ROOTSTATE), a known +// valid Index, and a Pjpm for returning error info, recursively visit a Judy +// array state machine (SM) and return the count of Indexes, including Index, +// through the end of the Judy array at this state or below. In case of error +// or a count of 0 (should never happen), return C_JERR with appropriate +// JU_ERRNO in the Pjpm. +// +// Note: This function is not told the current state because its encoded in +// the JP Type. +// +// Method: To minimize cache line fills, while studying each branch, if Index +// resides above the midpoint of the branch (which often consists of multiple +// cache lines), ADD the populations at or above Index; otherwise, SUBTRACT +// from the population of the WHOLE branch (available from the JP) the +// populations at or above Index. This is especially tricky for bitmap +// branches. +// +// Note: Unlike, say, the Ins and Del walk routines, this function returns the +// same type of returns as Judy*Count(), so it can use *_SET_ERRNO*() macros +// the same way. + +FUNCTION static Word_t j__udy1LCountSM( +const Pjp_t Pjp, // top of Judy (sub)SM. +const Word_t Index, // count at or above this Index. +const Pjpm_t Pjpm) // for returning error info. +{ + Pjbl_t Pjbl; // Pjp->jp_Addr masked and cast to types: + Pjbb_t Pjbb; + Pjbu_t Pjbu; + Pjll_t Pjll; // a Judy lower-level linear leaf. + + Word_t digit; // next digit to decode from Index. + long jpnum; // JP number in a branch (base 0). + int offset; // index ordinal within a leaf, base 0. + Word_t pop1; // total population of an expanse. + Word_t pop1above; // to return. + +// Common code to check Decode bits in a JP against the equivalent portion of +// Index; XOR together, then mask bits of interest; must be all 0: +// +// Note: Why does this code only assert() compliance rather than actively +// checking for outliers? Its because Index is supposed to be valid, hence +// always match any Dcd bits traversed. +// +// Note: This assertion turns out to be always true for cState = 3 on 32-bit +// and 7 on 64-bit, but its harmless, probably removed by the compiler. + +#define CHECKDCD(Pjp,cState) \ + assert(! JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, cState)) + +// Common code to prepare to handle a root-level or lower-level branch: +// Extract a state-dependent digit from Index in a "constant" way, obtain the +// total population for the branch in a state-dependent way, and then branch to +// common code for multiple cases: +// +// For root-level branches, the state is always cJU_ROOTSTATE, and the +// population is received in Pjpm->jpm_Pop0. +// +// Note: The total population is only needed in cases where the common code +// "counts up" instead of down to minimize cache line fills. However, its +// available cheaply, and its better to do it with a constant shift (constant +// state value) instead of a variable shift later "when needed". + +#define PREPB_ROOT(Pjp,Next) \ + digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, cJU_ROOTSTATE); \ + pop1 = (Pjpm->jpm_Pop0) + 1; \ + goto Next + +#define PREPB(Pjp,cState,Next) \ + digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, cState); \ + pop1 = JU_JPBRANCH_POP0(Pjp, (cState)) + 1; \ + goto Next + + +// SWITCH ON JP TYPE: +// +// WARNING: For run-time efficiency the following cases replicate code with +// varying constants, rather than using common code with variable values! + + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// ROOT-STATE LEAF that starts with a Pop0 word; just count within the leaf: + + case cJU_LEAFW: + { + Pjlw_t Pjlw = P_JLW(Pjp->jp_Addr); // first word of leaf. + + assert((Pjpm->jpm_Pop0) + 1 == Pjlw[0] + 1); // sent correctly. + offset = j__udySearchLeafW(Pjlw + 1, Pjpm->jpm_Pop0 + 1, Index); + assert(offset >= 0); // Index must exist. + assert(offset < (Pjpm->jpm_Pop0) + 1); // Index be in range. + return((Pjpm->jpm_Pop0) + 1 - offset); // INCLUSIVE of Index. + } + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// LINEAR BRANCH; count populations in JPs in the JBL ABOVE the next digit in +// Index, and recurse for the next digit in Index: +// +// Note: There are no null JPs in a JBL; watch out for pop1 == 0. +// +// Note: A JBL should always fit in one cache line => no need to count up +// versus down to save cache line fills. (PREPB() sets pop1 for no reason.) + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L2: CHECKDCD(Pjp, 2); PREPB(Pjp, 2, BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L3: CHECKDCD(Pjp, 3); PREPB(Pjp, 3, BranchL); + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L4: CHECKDCD(Pjp, 4); PREPB(Pjp, 4, BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L5: CHECKDCD(Pjp, 5); PREPB(Pjp, 5, BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L6: CHECKDCD(Pjp, 6); PREPB(Pjp, 6, BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L7: CHECKDCD(Pjp, 7); PREPB(Pjp, 7, BranchL); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L: PREPB_ROOT(Pjp, BranchL); + +// Common code (state-independent) for all cases of linear branches: + +BranchL: + + Pjbl = P_JBL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + jpnum = Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs; // above last JP. + pop1above = 0; + + while (digit < (Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[--jpnum])) // still ABOVE digit. + { + if ((pop1 = j__udyJPPop1((Pjbl->jbl_jp) + jpnum)) == cJU_ALLONES) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO_NONNULL(Pjpm, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + return(C_JERR); + } + + pop1above += pop1; + assert(jpnum > 0); // should find digit. + } + + assert(digit == (Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[jpnum])); // should find digit. + + pop1 = j__udy1LCountSM((Pjbl->jbl_jp) + jpnum, Index, Pjpm); + if (pop1 == C_JERR) return(C_JERR); // pass error up. + + assert(pop1above + pop1); + return(pop1above + pop1); + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// BITMAP BRANCH; count populations in JPs in the JBB ABOVE the next digit in +// Index, and recurse for the next digit in Index: +// +// Note: There are no null JPs in a JBB; watch out for pop1 == 0. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B2: CHECKDCD(Pjp, 2); PREPB(Pjp, 2, BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B3: CHECKDCD(Pjp, 3); PREPB(Pjp, 3, BranchB); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B4: CHECKDCD(Pjp, 4); PREPB(Pjp, 4, BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B5: CHECKDCD(Pjp, 5); PREPB(Pjp, 5, BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B6: CHECKDCD(Pjp, 6); PREPB(Pjp, 6, BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B7: CHECKDCD(Pjp, 7); PREPB(Pjp, 7, BranchB); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B: PREPB_ROOT(Pjp, BranchB); + +// Common code (state-independent) for all cases of bitmap branches: + +BranchB: + { + long subexp; // for stepping through layer 1 (subexpanses). + long findsub; // subexpanse containing Index (digit). + Word_t findbit; // bit representing Index (digit). + Word_t lowermask; // bits for indexes at or below Index. + Word_t jpcount; // JPs in a subexpanse. + Word_t clbelow; // cache lines below digits cache line. + Word_t clabove; // cache lines above digits cache line. + + Pjbb = P_JBB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + findsub = digit / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; + findbit = digit % cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; + lowermask = JU_MASKLOWERINC(JU_BITPOSMASKB(findbit)); + clbelow = clabove = 0; // initial/default => always downward. + + assert(JU_BITMAPTESTB(Pjbb, digit)); // digit must have a JP. + assert(findsub < cJU_NUMSUBEXPB); // falls in expected range. + +// Shorthand for one subexpanse in a bitmap and for one JP in a bitmap branch: +// +// Note: BMPJP0 exists separately to support assertions. + +#define BMPJP0(Subexp) (P_JP(JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, Subexp))) +#define BMPJP(Subexp,JPnum) (BMPJP0(Subexp) + (JPnum)) + +#ifndef NOSMARTJBB // enable to turn off smart code for comparison purposes. + +// FIGURE OUT WHICH DIRECTION CAUSES FEWER CACHE LINE FILLS; adding the pop1s +// in JPs above Indexs JP, or subtracting the pop1s in JPs below Indexs JP. +// +// This is tricky because, while each set bit in the bitmap represents a JP, +// the JPs are scattered over cJU_NUMSUBEXPB subexpanses, each of which can +// contain JPs packed into multiple cache lines, and this code must visit every +// JP either BELOW or ABOVE the JP for Index. +// +// Number of cache lines required to hold a linear list of the given number of +// JPs, assuming the first JP is at the start of a cache line or the JPs in +// jpcount fit wholly within a single cache line, which is ensured by +// JudyMalloc(): + +#define CLPERJPS(jpcount) \ + ((((jpcount) * cJU_WORDSPERJP) + cJU_WORDSPERCL - 1) / cJU_WORDSPERCL) + +// Count cache lines below/above for each subexpanse: + + for (subexp = 0; subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPB; ++subexp) + { + jpcount = j__udyCountBitsB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp)); + +// When at the subexpanse containing Index (digit), add cache lines +// below/above appropriately, excluding the cache line containing the JP for +// Index itself: + + if (subexp < findsub) clbelow += CLPERJPS(jpcount); + else if (subexp > findsub) clabove += CLPERJPS(jpcount); + else // (subexp == findsub) + { + Word_t clfind; // cache line containing Index (digit). + + clfind = CLPERJPS(j__udyCountBitsB( + JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp) & lowermask)); + + assert(clfind > 0); // digit itself should have 1 CL. + clbelow += clfind - 1; + clabove += CLPERJPS(jpcount) - clfind; + } + } +#endif // ! NOSMARTJBB + +// Note: Its impossible to get through the following "if" without setting +// jpnum -- see some of the assertions below -- but gcc -Wall doesnt know +// this, so preset jpnum to make it happy: + + jpnum = 0; + + +// COUNT POPULATION FOR A BITMAP BRANCH, in whichever direction should result +// in fewer cache line fills: +// +// Note: If the remainder of Index is zero, pop1above is the pop1 of the +// entire expanse and theres no point in recursing to lower levels; but this +// should be so rare that its not worth checking for; +// Judy1Count()/JudyLCount() never even calls the motor for Index == 0 (all +// bytes). + + +// COUNT UPWARD, subtracting each "below or at" JPs pop1 from the whole +// expanses pop1: +// +// Note: If this causes clbelow + 1 cache line fills including JPs cache +// line, thats OK; at worst this is the same as clabove. + + if (clbelow < clabove) + { +#ifdef SMARTMETRICS + ++jbb_upward; +#endif + pop1above = pop1; // subtract JPs at/below Index. + +// Count JPs for which to accrue pop1s in this subexpanse: +// +// TBD: If JU_JBB_BITMAP is cJU_FULLBITMAPB, dont bother counting. + + for (subexp = 0; subexp <= findsub; ++subexp) + { + jpcount = j__udyCountBitsB((subexp < findsub) ? + JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp) : + JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp) & lowermask); + + // should always find findbit: + assert((subexp < findsub) || jpcount); + +// Subtract pop1s from JPs BELOW OR AT Index (digit): +// +// Note: The pop1 for Indexs JP itself is partially added back later at a +// lower state. +// +// Note: An empty subexpanse (jpcount == 0) is handled "for free". +// +// Note: Must be null JP subexp pointer in empty subexpanse and non-empty in +// non-empty subexpanse: + + assert( jpcount || (BMPJP0(subexp) == (Pjp_t) NULL)); + assert((! jpcount) || (BMPJP0(subexp) != (Pjp_t) NULL)); + + for (jpnum = 0; jpnum < jpcount; ++jpnum) + { + if ((pop1 = j__udyJPPop1(BMPJP(subexp, jpnum))) + == cJU_ALLONES) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO_NONNULL(Pjpm, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + return(C_JERR); + } + + pop1above -= pop1; + } + + jpnum = jpcount - 1; // make correct for digit. + } + } + +// COUNT DOWNWARD, adding each "above" JPs pop1: + + else + { + long jpcountbf; // below findbit, inclusive. +#ifdef SMARTMETRICS + ++jbb_downward; +#endif + pop1above = 0; // add JPs above Index. + jpcountbf = 0; // until subexp == findsub. + +// Count JPs for which to accrue pop1s in this subexpanse: +// +// This is more complicated than counting upward because the scan of digits +// subexpanse must count ALL JPs, to know where to START counting down, and +// ALSO note the offset of digits JP to know where to STOP counting down. + + for (subexp = cJU_NUMSUBEXPB - 1; subexp >= findsub; --subexp) + { + jpcount = j__udyCountBitsB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp)); + + // should always find findbit: + assert((subexp > findsub) || jpcount); + + if (! jpcount) continue; // empty subexpanse, save time. + +// Count JPs below digit, inclusive: + + if (subexp == findsub) + { + jpcountbf = j__udyCountBitsB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp) + & lowermask); + } + + // should always find findbit: + assert((subexp > findsub) || jpcountbf); + assert(jpcount >= jpcountbf); // proper relationship. + +// Add pop1s from JPs ABOVE Index (digit): + + // no null JP subexp pointers: + assert(BMPJP0(subexp) != (Pjp_t) NULL); + + for (jpnum = jpcount - 1; jpnum >= jpcountbf; --jpnum) + { + if ((pop1 = j__udyJPPop1(BMPJP(subexp, jpnum))) + == cJU_ALLONES) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO_NONNULL(Pjpm, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + return(C_JERR); + } + + pop1above += pop1; + } + // jpnum is now correct for digit. + } + } // else. + +// Return the net population ABOVE the digits JP at this state (in this JBB) +// plus the population AT OR ABOVE Index in the SM under the digits JP: + + pop1 = j__udy1LCountSM(BMPJP(findsub, jpnum), Index, Pjpm); + if (pop1 == C_JERR) return(C_JERR); // pass error up. + + assert(pop1above + pop1); + return(pop1above + pop1); + + } // case. + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// UNCOMPRESSED BRANCH; count populations in JPs in the JBU ABOVE the next +// digit in Index, and recurse for the next digit in Index: +// +// Note: If the remainder of Index is zero, pop1above is the pop1 of the +// entire expanse and theres no point in recursing to lower levels; but this +// should be so rare that its not worth checking for; +// Judy1Count()/JudyLCount() never even calls the motor for Index == 0 (all +// bytes). + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U2: CHECKDCD(Pjp, 2); PREPB(Pjp, 2, BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U3: CHECKDCD(Pjp, 3); PREPB(Pjp, 3, BranchU); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U4: CHECKDCD(Pjp, 4); PREPB(Pjp, 4, BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U5: CHECKDCD(Pjp, 5); PREPB(Pjp, 5, BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U6: CHECKDCD(Pjp, 6); PREPB(Pjp, 6, BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U7: CHECKDCD(Pjp, 7); PREPB(Pjp, 7, BranchU); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U: PREPB_ROOT(Pjp, BranchU); + +// Common code (state-independent) for all cases of uncompressed branches: + +BranchU: + Pjbu = P_JBU(Pjp->jp_Addr); + +#ifndef NOSMARTJBU // enable to turn off smart code for comparison purposes. + +// FIGURE OUT WHICH WAY CAUSES FEWER CACHE LINE FILLS; adding the JPs above +// Indexs JP, or subtracting the JPs below Indexs JP. +// +// COUNT UPWARD, subtracting the pop1 of each JP BELOW OR AT Index, from the +// whole expanses pop1: + + if (digit < (cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS / 2)) + { + pop1above = pop1; // subtract JPs below Index. +#ifdef SMARTMETRICS + ++jbu_upward; +#endif + for (jpnum = 0; jpnum <= digit; ++jpnum) + { + if ((Pjbu->jbu_jp[jpnum].jp_Type) <= cJU_JPNULLMAX) + continue; // shortcut, save a function call. + + if ((pop1 = j__udyJPPop1(Pjbu->jbu_jp + jpnum)) + == cJU_ALLONES) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO_NONNULL(Pjpm, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + return(C_JERR); + } + + pop1above -= pop1; + } + } + +// COUNT DOWNWARD, simply adding the pop1 of each JP ABOVE Index: + + else +#endif // NOSMARTJBU + { + assert(digit < cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS); +#ifdef SMARTMETRICS + ++jbu_downward; +#endif + pop1above = 0; // add JPs above Index. + + for (jpnum = cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS - 1; jpnum > digit; --jpnum) + { + if ((Pjbu->jbu_jp[jpnum].jp_Type) <= cJU_JPNULLMAX) + continue; // shortcut, save a function call. + + if ((pop1 = j__udyJPPop1(Pjbu->jbu_jp + jpnum)) + == cJU_ALLONES) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO_NONNULL(Pjpm, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + return(C_JERR); + } + + pop1above += pop1; + } + } + + if ((pop1 = j__udy1LCountSM(Pjbu->jbu_jp + digit, Index, Pjpm)) + == C_JERR) return(C_JERR); // pass error up. + + assert(pop1above + pop1); + return(pop1above + pop1); + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// LEAF COUNT MACROS: +// +// LEAF*ABOVE() are common code for different JP types (linear leaves, bitmap +// leaves, and immediates) and different leaf Index Sizes, which result in +// calling different leaf search functions. Linear leaves get the leaf address +// from jp_Addr and the Population from jp_DcdPopO, while immediates use Pjp +// itself as the leaf address and get Population from jp_Type. + +#define LEAFLABOVE(Func) \ + Pjll = P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); \ + pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; \ + LEAFABOVE(Func, Pjll, pop1) + +#define LEAFB1ABOVE(Func) LEAFLABOVE(Func) // different Func, otherwise same. + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#define IMMABOVE(Func,Pop1) \ + Pjll = (Pjll_t) Pjp; \ + LEAFABOVE(Func, Pjll, Pop1) +#else +// Note: For JudyL immediates with >= 2 Indexes, the index bytes are in a +// different place than for Judy1: + +#define IMMABOVE(Func,Pop1) \ + LEAFABOVE(Func, (Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_LIndex), Pop1) +#endif + +// For all leaf types, the population AT OR ABOVE is the total pop1 less the +// offset of Index; and Index should always be found: + +#define LEAFABOVE(Func,Pjll,Pop1) \ + offset = Func(Pjll, Pop1, Index); \ + assert(offset >= 0); \ + assert(offset < (Pop1)); \ + return((Pop1) - offset) + +// IMMABOVE_01 handles the special case of an immediate JP with 1 index, which +// the search functions arent used for anyway: +// +// The target Index should be the one in this Immediate, in which case the +// count above (inclusive) is always 1. + +#define IMMABOVE_01 \ + assert((JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp)) == JU_TRIMTODCDSIZE(Index)); \ + return(1) + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// LINEAR LEAF; search the leaf for Index; size is computed from jp_Type: + +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + case cJU_JPLEAF1: LEAFLABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf1); +#endif + case cJU_JPLEAF2: LEAFLABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf2); + case cJU_JPLEAF3: LEAFLABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf3); + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPLEAF4: LEAFLABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf4); + case cJU_JPLEAF5: LEAFLABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf5); + case cJU_JPLEAF6: LEAFLABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf6); + case cJU_JPLEAF7: LEAFLABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf7); +#endif + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// BITMAP LEAF; search the leaf for Index: +// +// Since the bitmap describes Indexes digitally rather than linearly, this is +// not really a search, but just a count. + + case cJU_JPLEAF_B1: LEAFB1ABOVE(j__udyCountLeafB1); + + +#ifdef JUDY1 +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// FULL POPULATION: +// +// Return the count of Indexes AT OR ABOVE Index, which is the total population +// of the expanse (a constant) less the value of the undecoded digit remaining +// in Index (its base-0 offset in the expanse), which yields an inclusive count +// above. +// +// TBD: This only supports a 1-byte full expanse. Should this extract a +// stored value for pop0 and possibly more LSBs of Index, to handle larger full +// expanses? + + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1: + return(cJU_JPFULLPOPU1_POP0 + 1 - JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 1)); +#endif + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// IMMEDIATE: + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_01: IMMABOVE_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_01: IMMABOVE_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_01: IMMABOVE_01; +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPIMMED_4_01: IMMABOVE_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_5_01: IMMABOVE_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_6_01: IMMABOVE_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_7_01: IMMABOVE_01; +#endif + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_02: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf1, 2); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_03: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf1, 3); +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_04: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf1, 4); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_05: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf1, 5); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_06: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf1, 6); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_07: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf1, 7); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_08: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf1, 8); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_09: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf1, 9); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_10: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf1, 10); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_11: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf1, 11); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_12: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf1, 12); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_13: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf1, 13); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_14: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf1, 14); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_15: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf1, 15); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_02: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf2, 2); + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_03: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf2, 3); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_04: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf2, 4); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_05: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf2, 5); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_06: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf2, 6); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_07: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf2, 7); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_02: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf3, 2); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_03: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf3, 3); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_04: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf3, 4); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_05: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf3, 5); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf4, 2); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_03: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf4, 3); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf5, 2); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_03: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf5, 3); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf6, 2); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf7, 2); +#endif + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// OTHER CASES: + + default: JU_SET_ERRNO_NONNULL(Pjpm, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); return(C_JERR); + + } // switch on JP type + + /*NOTREACHED*/ + +} // j__udy1LCountSM() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y C O U N T L E A F B 1 +// +// This is a private analog of the j__udySearchLeaf*() functions for counting +// in bitmap 1-byte leaves. Since a bitmap leaf describes Indexes digitally +// rather than linearly, this is not really a search, but just a count of the +// valid Indexes == set bits below or including Index, which should be valid. +// Return the "offset" (really the ordinal), 0 .. Pop1 - 1, of Index in Pjll; +// if Indexs bit is not set (which should never happen, so this is DEBUG-mode +// only), return the 1s-complement equivalent (== negative offset minus 1). +// +// Note: The source code for this function looks identical for both Judy1 and +// JudyL, but the JU_JLB_BITMAP macro varies. +// +// Note: For simpler calling, the first arg is of type Pjll_t but then cast to +// Pjlb_t. + +FUNCTION static int j__udyCountLeafB1( +const Pjll_t Pjll, // bitmap leaf, as Pjll_t for consistency. +const Word_t Pop1, // Population of whole leaf. +const Word_t Index) // to which to count. +{ + Pjlb_t Pjlb = (Pjlb_t) Pjll; // to proper type. + Word_t digit = Index & cJU_MASKATSTATE(1); + Word_t findsub = digit / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL; + Word_t findbit = digit % cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL; + int count; // in leaf through Index. + long subexp; // for stepping through subexpanses. + + +// COUNT UPWARD: +// +// The entire bitmap should fit in one cache line, but still try to save some +// CPU time by counting the fewest possible number of subexpanses from the +// bitmap. + +#ifndef NOSMARTJLB // enable to turn off smart code for comparison purposes. + + if (findsub < (cJU_NUMSUBEXPL / 2)) + { +#ifdef SMARTMETRICS + ++jlb_upward; +#endif + count = 0; + + for (subexp = 0; subexp < findsub; ++subexp) + { + count += ((JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp) == cJU_FULLBITMAPL) ? + cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL : + j__udyCountBitsL(JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp))); + } + +// This count includes findbit, which should be set, resulting in a base-1 +// offset: + + count += j__udyCountBitsL(JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, findsub) + & JU_MASKLOWERINC(JU_BITPOSMASKL(findbit))); + + DBGCODE(if (! JU_BITMAPTESTL(Pjlb, digit)) return(~count);) + assert(count >= 1); + return(count - 1); // convert to base-0 offset. + } +#endif // NOSMARTJLB + + +// COUNT DOWNWARD: +// +// Count the valid Indexes above or at Index, and subtract from Pop1. + +#ifdef SMARTMETRICS + ++jlb_downward; +#endif + count = Pop1; // base-1 for now. + + for (subexp = cJU_NUMSUBEXPL - 1; subexp > findsub; --subexp) + { + count -= ((JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp) == cJU_FULLBITMAPL) ? + cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL : + j__udyCountBitsL(JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp))); + } + +// This count includes findbit, which should be set, resulting in a base-0 +// offset: + + count -= j__udyCountBitsL(JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, findsub) + & JU_MASKHIGHERINC(JU_BITPOSMASKL(findbit))); + + DBGCODE(if (! JU_BITMAPTESTL(Pjlb, digit)) return(~count);) + assert(count >= 0); // should find Index itself. + return(count); // is already a base-0 offset. + +} // j__udyCountLeafB1() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y J P P O P 1 +// +// This function takes any type of JP other than a root-level JP (cJU_LEAFW* or +// cJU_JPBRANCH* with no number suffix) and extracts the Pop1 from it. In some +// sense this is a wrapper around the JU_JP*_POP0 macros. Why write it as a +// function instead of a complex macro containing a trinary? (See version +// Judy1.h version 4.17.) We think its cheaper to call a function containing +// a switch statement with "constant" cases than to do the variable +// calculations in a trinary. +// +// For invalid JP Types return cJU_ALLONES. Note that this is an impossibly +// high Pop1 for any JP below a top level branch. + +FUNCTION Word_t j__udyJPPop1( +const Pjp_t Pjp) // JP to count. +{ + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { +#ifdef notdef // caller should shortcut and not even call with these: + + case cJU_JPNULL1: + case cJU_JPNULL2: + case cJU_JPNULL3: return(0); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPNULL4: + case cJU_JPNULL5: + case cJU_JPNULL6: + case cJU_JPNULL7: return(0); +#endif +#endif // notdef + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L2: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B2: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U2: return(JU_JPBRANCH_POP0(Pjp,2) + 1); + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L3: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B3: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U3: return(JU_JPBRANCH_POP0(Pjp,3) + 1); + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L4: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B4: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U4: return(JU_JPBRANCH_POP0(Pjp,4) + 1); + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L5: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B5: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U5: return(JU_JPBRANCH_POP0(Pjp,5) + 1); + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L6: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B6: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U6: return(JU_JPBRANCH_POP0(Pjp,6) + 1); + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L7: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B7: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U7: return(JU_JPBRANCH_POP0(Pjp,7) + 1); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + case cJU_JPLEAF1: +#endif + case cJU_JPLEAF2: + case cJU_JPLEAF3: +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPLEAF4: + case cJU_JPLEAF5: + case cJU_JPLEAF6: + case cJU_JPLEAF7: +#endif + case cJU_JPLEAF_B1: return(JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1); + +#ifdef JUDY1 + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1: return(cJU_JPFULLPOPU1_POP0 + 1); +#endif + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_01: return(1); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPIMMED_4_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_5_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_6_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_7_01: return(1); +#endif + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_02: return(2); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_03: return(3); +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_04: return(4); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_05: return(5); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_06: return(6); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_07: return(7); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_08: return(8); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_09: return(9); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_10: return(10); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_11: return(11); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_12: return(12); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_13: return(13); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_14: return(14); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_15: return(15); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_02: return(2); + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_03: return(3); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_04: return(4); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_05: return(5); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_06: return(6); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_07: return(7); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_02: return(2); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_03: return(3); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_04: return(4); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_05: return(5); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02: return(2); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_03: return(3); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02: return(2); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_03: return(3); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02: return(2); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02: return(2); +#endif + + default: return(cJU_ALLONES); + } + + /*NOTREACHED*/ + +} // j__udyJPPop1() diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/JudyCreateBranch.c b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/JudyCreateBranch.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c2518b86 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/JudyCreateBranch.c @@ -0,0 +1,314 @@ +// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company +// +// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +// under the term of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +// option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +// _________________ + +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ + +// Branch creation functions for Judy1 and JudyL. +// Compile with one of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL. + +#if (! (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JUDYL))) +#error: One of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL must be specified. +#endif + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#include "Judy1.h" +#else +#include "JudyL.h" +#endif + +#include "JudyPrivate1L.h" + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y C R E A T E B R A N C H L +// +// Build a BranchL from an array of JPs and associated 1 byte digits +// (expanses). Return with Pjp pointing to the BranchL. Caller must +// deallocate passed arrays, if necessary. +// +// We have no idea what kind of BranchL it is, so caller must set the jp_Type. +// +// Return -1 if error (details in Pjpm), otherwise return 1. + +FUNCTION int j__udyCreateBranchL( + Pjp_t Pjp, // Build JPs from this place + Pjp_t PJPs, // Array of JPs to put into Bitmap branch + uint8_t Exp[], // Array of expanses to put into bitmap + Word_t ExpCnt, // Number of above JPs and Expanses + Pvoid_t Pjpm) +{ + Pjbl_t PjblRaw; // pointer to linear branch. + Pjbl_t Pjbl; + + assert(ExpCnt <= cJU_BRANCHLMAXJPS); + + PjblRaw = j__udyAllocJBL(Pjpm); + if (PjblRaw == (Pjbl_t) NULL) return(-1); + Pjbl = P_JBL(PjblRaw); + +// Build a Linear Branch + Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs = ExpCnt; + +// Copy from the Linear branch from splayed leaves + JU_COPYMEM(Pjbl->jbl_Expanse, Exp, ExpCnt); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjbl->jbl_jp, PJPs, ExpCnt); + +// Pass back new pointer to the Linear branch in JP + Pjp->jp_Addr = (Word_t) PjblRaw; + + return(1); + +} // j__udyCreateBranchL() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y C R E A T E B R A N C H B +// +// Build a BranchB from an array of JPs and associated 1 byte digits +// (expanses). Return with Pjp pointing to the BranchB. Caller must +// deallocate passed arrays, if necessary. +// +// We have no idea what kind of BranchB it is, so caller must set the jp_Type. +// +// Return -1 if error (details in Pjpm), otherwise return 1. + +FUNCTION int j__udyCreateBranchB( + Pjp_t Pjp, // Build JPs from this place + Pjp_t PJPs, // Array of JPs to put into Bitmap branch + uint8_t Exp[], // Array of expanses to put into bitmap + Word_t ExpCnt, // Number of above JPs and Expanses + Pvoid_t Pjpm) +{ + Pjbb_t PjbbRaw; // pointer to bitmap branch. + Pjbb_t Pjbb; + Word_t ii, jj; // Temps + uint8_t CurrSubExp; // Current sub expanse for BM + +// This assertion says the number of populated subexpanses is not too large. +// This function is only called when a BranchL overflows to a BranchB or when a +// cascade occurs, meaning a leaf overflows. Either way ExpCnt cant be very +// large, in fact a lot smaller than cJU_BRANCHBMAXJPS. (Otherwise a BranchU +// would be used.) Popping this assertion means something (unspecified) has +// gone very wrong, or else Judys design criteria have changed, although in +// fact there should be no HARM in creating a BranchB with higher actual +// fanout. + + assert(ExpCnt <= cJU_BRANCHBMAXJPS); + +// Get memory for a Bitmap branch + PjbbRaw = j__udyAllocJBB(Pjpm); + if (PjbbRaw == (Pjbb_t) NULL) return(-1); + Pjbb = P_JBB(PjbbRaw); + +// Get 1st "sub" expanse (0..7) of bitmap branch + CurrSubExp = Exp[0] / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; + +// Index thru all 1 byte sized expanses: + + for (jj = ii = 0; ii <= ExpCnt; ii++) + { + Word_t SubExp; // Cannot be a uint8_t + +// Make sure we cover the last one + if (ii == ExpCnt) + { + SubExp = cJU_ALLONES; // Force last one + } + else + { +// Calculate the "sub" expanse of the byte expanse + SubExp = Exp[ii] / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; // Bits 5..7. + +// Set the bit that represents the expanse in Exp[] + JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, SubExp) |= JU_BITPOSMASKB(Exp[ii]); + } +// Check if a new "sub" expanse range needed + if (SubExp != CurrSubExp) + { +// Get number of JPs in this sub expanse + Word_t NumJP = ii - jj; + Pjp_t PjpRaw; + Pjp_t Pjp; + + PjpRaw = j__udyAllocJBBJP(NumJP, Pjpm); + Pjp = P_JP(PjpRaw); + + if (PjpRaw == (Pjp_t) NULL) // out of memory. + { + +// Free any previous allocations: + + while(CurrSubExp--) + { + NumJP = j__udyCountBitsB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, + CurrSubExp)); + if (NumJP) + { + j__udyFreeJBBJP(JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, + CurrSubExp), NumJP, Pjpm); + } + } + j__udyFreeJBB(PjbbRaw, Pjpm); + return(-1); + } + +// Place the array of JPs in bitmap branch: + + JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, CurrSubExp) = PjpRaw; + +// Copy the JPs to new leaf: + + JU_COPYMEM(Pjp, PJPs + jj, NumJP); + +// On to the next bitmap branch "sub" expanse: + + jj = ii; + CurrSubExp = SubExp; + } + } // for each 1-byte expanse + +// Pass back some of the JP to the new Bitmap branch: + + Pjp->jp_Addr = (Word_t) PjbbRaw; + + return(1); + +} // j__udyCreateBranchB() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y C R E A T E B R A N C H U +// +// Build a BranchU from a BranchB. Return with Pjp pointing to the BranchU. +// Free the BranchB and its JP subarrays. +// +// Return -1 if error (details in Pjpm), otherwise return 1. + +FUNCTION int j__udyCreateBranchU( + Pjp_t Pjp, + Pvoid_t Pjpm) +{ + jp_t JPNull; + Pjbu_t PjbuRaw; + Pjbu_t Pjbu; + Pjbb_t PjbbRaw; + Pjbb_t Pjbb; + Word_t ii, jj; + BITMAPB_t BitMap; + Pjp_t PDstJP; +#ifdef JU_STAGED_EXP + jbu_t BranchU; // Staged uncompressed branch +#else + +// Allocate memory for a BranchU: + + PjbuRaw = j__udyAllocJBU(Pjpm); + if (PjbuRaw == (Pjbu_t) NULL) return(-1); + Pjbu = P_JBU(PjbuRaw); +#endif + JU_JPSETADT(&JPNull, 0, 0, JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) - cJU_JPBRANCH_B2 + cJU_JPNULL1); + +// Get the pointer to the BranchB: + + PjbbRaw = (Pjbb_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr); + Pjbb = P_JBB(PjbbRaw); + +// Set the pointer to the Uncompressed branch +#ifdef JU_STAGED_EXP + PDstJP = BranchU.jbu_jp; +#else + PDstJP = Pjbu->jbu_jp; +#endif + for (ii = 0; ii < cJU_NUMSUBEXPB; ii++) + { + Pjp_t PjpA; + Pjp_t PjpB; + + PjpB = PjpA = P_JP(JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, ii)); + +// Get the bitmap for this subexpanse + BitMap = JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, ii); + +// NULL empty subexpanses + if (BitMap == 0) + { +// But, fill with NULLs + for (jj = 0; jj < cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; jj++) + { + PDstJP[jj] = JPNull; + } + PDstJP += cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; + continue; + } +// Check if Uncompressed subexpanse + if (BitMap == cJU_FULLBITMAPB) + { +// Copy subexpanse to the Uncompressed branch intact + JU_COPYMEM(PDstJP, PjpA, cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB); + +// Bump to next subexpanse + PDstJP += cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; + +// Set length of subexpanse + jj = cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; + } + else + { + for (jj = 0; jj < cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; jj++) + { +// Copy JP or NULLJP depending on bit + if (BitMap & 1) { *PDstJP = *PjpA++; } + else { *PDstJP = JPNull; } + + PDstJP++; // advance to next JP + BitMap >>= 1; + } + jj = PjpA - PjpB; + } + +// Free the subexpanse: + + j__udyFreeJBBJP(JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, ii), jj, Pjpm); + + } // for each JP in BranchU + +#ifdef JU_STAGED_EXP + +// Allocate memory for a BranchU: + + PjbuRaw = j__udyAllocJBU(Pjpm); + if (PjbuRaw == (Pjbu_t) NULL) return(-1); + Pjbu = P_JBU(PjbuRaw); + +// Copy staged branch to newly allocated branch: +// +// TBD: I think this code is broken. + + *Pjbu = BranchU; + +#endif // JU_STAGED_EXP + +// Finally free the BranchB and put the BranchU in its place: + + j__udyFreeJBB(PjbbRaw, Pjpm); + + Pjp->jp_Addr = (Word_t) PjbuRaw; + Pjp->jp_Type += cJU_JPBRANCH_U - cJU_JPBRANCH_B; + + return(1); + +} // j__udyCreateBranchU() diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/JudyDecascade.c b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/JudyDecascade.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b213cbe4 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/JudyDecascade.c @@ -0,0 +1,1206 @@ +// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company +// +// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +// under the term of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +// option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +// _________________ + +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ +// +// "Decascade" support functions for JudyDel.c: These functions convert +// smaller-index-size leaves to larger-index-size leaves, and also, bitmap +// leaves (LeafB1s) to Leaf1s, and some types of branches to smaller branches +// at the same index size. Some "decascading" occurs explicitly in JudyDel.c, +// but rare or large subroutines appear as functions here, and the overhead to +// call them is negligible. +// +// Compile with one of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL. Note: Function names are converted +// to Judy1 or JudyL specific values by external #defines. + +#if (! (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JUDYL))) +#error: One of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL must be specified. +#endif + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#include "Judy1.h" +#endif +#ifdef JUDYL +#include "JudyL.h" +#endif + +#include "JudyPrivate1L.h" + +DBGCODE(extern void JudyCheckSorted(Pjll_t Pjll, Word_t Pop1, long IndexSize);) + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y C O P Y 2 T O 3 +// +// Copy one or more 2-byte Indexes to a series of 3-byte Indexes. + +FUNCTION static void j__udyCopy2to3( + uint8_t * PDest, // to where to copy 3-byte Indexes. + uint16_t * PSrc, // from where to copy 2-byte indexes. + Word_t Pop1, // number of Indexes to copy. + Word_t MSByte) // most-significant byte, prefix to each Index. +{ + Word_t Temp; // for building 3-byte Index. + + assert(Pop1); + + do { + Temp = MSByte | *PSrc++; + JU_COPY3_LONG_TO_PINDEX(PDest, Temp); + PDest += 3; + } while (--Pop1); + +} // j__udyCopy2to3() + + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y C O P Y 3 T O 4 +// +// Copy one or more 3-byte Indexes to a series of 4-byte Indexes. + +FUNCTION static void j__udyCopy3to4( + uint32_t * PDest, // to where to copy 4-byte Indexes. + uint8_t * PSrc, // from where to copy 3-byte indexes. + Word_t Pop1, // number of Indexes to copy. + Word_t MSByte) // most-significant byte, prefix to each Index. +{ + Word_t Temp; // for building 4-byte Index. + + assert(Pop1); + + do { + JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG(Temp, PSrc); + Temp |= MSByte; + PSrc += 3; + *PDest++ = Temp; // truncates to uint32_t. + } while (--Pop1); + +} // j__udyCopy3to4() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y C O P Y 4 T O 5 +// +// Copy one or more 4-byte Indexes to a series of 5-byte Indexes. + +FUNCTION static void j__udyCopy4to5( + uint8_t * PDest, // to where to copy 4-byte Indexes. + uint32_t * PSrc, // from where to copy 4-byte indexes. + Word_t Pop1, // number of Indexes to copy. + Word_t MSByte) // most-significant byte, prefix to each Index. +{ + Word_t Temp; // for building 5-byte Index. + + assert(Pop1); + + do { + Temp = MSByte | *PSrc++; + JU_COPY5_LONG_TO_PINDEX(PDest, Temp); + PDest += 5; + } while (--Pop1); + +} // j__udyCopy4to5() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y C O P Y 5 T O 6 +// +// Copy one or more 5-byte Indexes to a series of 6-byte Indexes. + +FUNCTION static void j__udyCopy5to6( + uint8_t * PDest, // to where to copy 6-byte Indexes. + uint8_t * PSrc, // from where to copy 5-byte indexes. + Word_t Pop1, // number of Indexes to copy. + Word_t MSByte) // most-significant byte, prefix to each Index. +{ + Word_t Temp; // for building 6-byte Index. + + assert(Pop1); + + do { + JU_COPY5_PINDEX_TO_LONG(Temp, PSrc); + Temp |= MSByte; + JU_COPY6_LONG_TO_PINDEX(PDest, Temp); + PSrc += 5; + PDest += 6; + } while (--Pop1); + +} // j__udyCopy5to6() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y C O P Y 6 T O 7 +// +// Copy one or more 6-byte Indexes to a series of 7-byte Indexes. + +FUNCTION static void j__udyCopy6to7( + uint8_t * PDest, // to where to copy 6-byte Indexes. + uint8_t * PSrc, // from where to copy 5-byte indexes. + Word_t Pop1, // number of Indexes to copy. + Word_t MSByte) // most-significant byte, prefix to each Index. +{ + Word_t Temp; // for building 6-byte Index. + + assert(Pop1); + + do { + JU_COPY6_PINDEX_TO_LONG(Temp, PSrc); + Temp |= MSByte; + JU_COPY7_LONG_TO_PINDEX(PDest, Temp); + PSrc += 6; + PDest += 7; + } while (--Pop1); + +} // j__udyCopy6to7() + +#endif // JU_64BIT + + +#ifndef JU_64BIT // 32-bit + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y C O P Y 3 T O W +// +// Copy one or more 3-byte Indexes to a series of longs (words, always 4-byte). + +FUNCTION static void j__udyCopy3toW( + PWord_t PDest, // to where to copy full-word Indexes. + uint8_t * PSrc, // from where to copy 3-byte indexes. + Word_t Pop1, // number of Indexes to copy. + Word_t MSByte) // most-significant byte, prefix to each Index. +{ + assert(Pop1); + + do { + JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG(*PDest, PSrc); + *PDest++ |= MSByte; + PSrc += 3; + } while (--Pop1); + +} // j__udyCopy3toW() + + +#else // JU_64BIT + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y C O P Y 7 T O W +// +// Copy one or more 7-byte Indexes to a series of longs (words, always 8-byte). + +FUNCTION static void j__udyCopy7toW( + PWord_t PDest, // to where to copy full-word Indexes. + uint8_t * PSrc, // from where to copy 7-byte indexes. + Word_t Pop1, // number of Indexes to copy. + Word_t MSByte) // most-significant byte, prefix to each Index. +{ + assert(Pop1); + + do { + JU_COPY7_PINDEX_TO_LONG(*PDest, PSrc); + *PDest++ |= MSByte; + PSrc += 7; + } while (--Pop1); + +} // j__udyCopy7toW() + +#endif // JU_64BIT + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y B R A N C H B T O B R A N C H L +// +// When a BranchB shrinks to have few enough JPs, call this function to convert +// it to a BranchL. Return 1 for success, or -1 for failure (with details in +// Pjpm). + +FUNCTION int j__udyBranchBToBranchL( + Pjp_t Pjp, // points to BranchB to shrink. + Pvoid_t Pjpm) // for global accounting. +{ + Pjbb_t PjbbRaw; // old BranchB to shrink. + Pjbb_t Pjbb; + Pjbl_t PjblRaw; // new BranchL to create. + Pjbl_t Pjbl; + Word_t Digit; // in BranchB. + Word_t NumJPs; // non-null JPs in BranchB. + uint8_t Expanse[cJU_BRANCHLMAXJPS]; // for building jbl_Expanse[]. + Pjp_t Pjpjbl; // current JP in BranchL. + Word_t SubExp; // in BranchB. + + assert(JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) >= cJU_JPBRANCH_B2); + assert(JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) <= cJU_JPBRANCH_B); + + PjbbRaw = (Pjbb_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr); + Pjbb = P_JBB(PjbbRaw); + +// Copy 1-byte subexpanse digits from BranchB to temporary buffer for BranchL, +// for each bit set in the BranchB: +// +// TBD: The following supports variable-sized linear branches, but they are no +// longer variable; this could be simplified to save the copying. +// +// TBD: Since cJU_BRANCHLMAXJP == 7 now, and cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS == 256, the +// following might be inefficient; is there a faster way to do it? At least +// skip wholly empty subexpanses? + + for (NumJPs = Digit = 0; Digit < cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS; ++Digit) + { + if (JU_BITMAPTESTB(Pjbb, Digit)) + { + Expanse[NumJPs++] = Digit; + assert(NumJPs <= cJU_BRANCHLMAXJPS); // required of caller. + } + } + +// Allocate and populate the BranchL: + + if ((PjblRaw = j__udyAllocJBL(Pjpm)) == (Pjbl_t) NULL) return(-1); + Pjbl = P_JBL(PjblRaw); + + JU_COPYMEM(Pjbl->jbl_Expanse, Expanse, NumJPs); + + Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs = NumJPs; + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted((Pjll_t) (Pjbl->jbl_Expanse), NumJPs, 1);) + +// Copy JPs from each BranchB subexpanse subarray: + + Pjpjbl = P_JP(Pjbl->jbl_jp); // start at first JP in array. + + for (SubExp = 0; SubExp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPB; ++SubExp) + { + Pjp_t PjpRaw = JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, SubExp); // current Pjp. + Pjp_t Pjp; + + if (PjpRaw == (Pjp_t) NULL) continue; // skip empty subexpanse. + Pjp = P_JP(PjpRaw); + + NumJPs = j__udyCountBitsB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, SubExp)); + assert(NumJPs); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjpjbl, Pjp, NumJPs); // one subarray at a time. + + Pjpjbl += NumJPs; + j__udyFreeJBBJP(PjpRaw, NumJPs, Pjpm); // subarray. + } + j__udyFreeJBB(PjbbRaw, Pjpm); // BranchB itself. + +// Finish up: Calculate new JP type (same index size = level in new class), +// and tie new BranchB into parent JP: + + Pjp->jp_Type += cJU_JPBRANCH_L - cJU_JPBRANCH_B; + Pjp->jp_Addr = (Word_t) PjblRaw; + + return(1); + +} // j__udyBranchBToBranchL() + + +#ifdef notdef + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y B R A N C H U T O B R A N C H B +// +// When a BranchU shrinks to need little enough memory, call this function to +// convert it to a BranchB to save memory (at the cost of some speed). Return +// 1 for success, or -1 for failure (with details in Pjpm). +// +// TBD: Fill out if/when needed. Not currently used in JudyDel.c for reasons +// explained there. + +FUNCTION int j__udyBranchUToBranchB( + Pjp_t Pjp, // points to BranchU to shrink. + Pvoid_t Pjpm) // for global accounting. +{ + assert(FALSE); + return(1); +} +#endif // notdef + + +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y L E A F B 1 T O L E A F 1 +// +// Shrink a bitmap leaf (cJU_LEAFB1) to linear leaf (cJU_JPLEAF1). +// Return 1 for success, or -1 for failure (with details in Pjpm). +// +// Note: This function is different than the other JudyLeaf*ToLeaf*() +// functions because it receives a Pjp, not just a leaf, and handles its own +// allocation and free, in order to allow the caller to continue with a LeafB1 +// if allocation fails. + +FUNCTION int j__udyLeafB1ToLeaf1( + Pjp_t Pjp, // points to LeafB1 to shrink. + Pvoid_t Pjpm) // for global accounting. +{ + Pjlb_t PjlbRaw; // bitmap in old leaf. + Pjlb_t Pjlb; + Pjll_t PjllRaw; // new Leaf1. + uint8_t * Pleaf1; // Leaf1 pointer type. + Word_t Digit; // in LeafB1 bitmap. +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv_t PjvNew; // value area in new Leaf1. + Word_t Pop1; + Word_t SubExp; +#endif + + assert(JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) == cJU_JPLEAF_B1); + assert(((JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & 0xFF) + 1) == cJU_LEAF1_MAXPOP1); + +// Allocate JPLEAF1 and prepare pointers: + + if ((PjllRaw = j__udyAllocJLL1(cJU_LEAF1_MAXPOP1, Pjpm)) == 0) + return(-1); + + Pleaf1 = (uint8_t *) P_JLL(PjllRaw); + PjlbRaw = (Pjlb_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr); + Pjlb = P_JLB(PjlbRaw); + JUDYLCODE(PjvNew = JL_LEAF1VALUEAREA(Pleaf1, cJL_LEAF1_MAXPOP1);) + +// Copy 1-byte indexes from old LeafB1 to new Leaf1: + + for (Digit = 0; Digit < cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS; ++Digit) + if (JU_BITMAPTESTL(Pjlb, Digit)) + *Pleaf1++ = Digit; + +#ifdef JUDYL + +// Copy all old-LeafB1 value areas from value subarrays to new Leaf1: + + for (SubExp = 0; SubExp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPL; ++SubExp) + { + Pjv_t PjvRaw = JL_JLB_PVALUE(Pjlb, SubExp); + Pjv_t Pjv = P_JV(PjvRaw); + + if (Pjv == (Pjv_t) NULL) continue; // skip empty subarray. + + Pop1 = j__udyCountBitsL(JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, SubExp)); // subarray. + assert(Pop1); + + JU_COPYMEM(PjvNew, Pjv, Pop1); // copy value areas. + j__udyLFreeJV(PjvRaw, Pop1, Pjpm); + PjvNew += Pop1; // advance through new. + } + + assert((((Word_t) Pleaf1) - (Word_t) P_JLL(PjllRaw)) + == (PjvNew - JL_LEAF1VALUEAREA(P_JLL(PjllRaw), cJL_LEAF1_MAXPOP1))); +#endif // JUDYL + + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted((Pjll_t) P_JLL(PjllRaw), + (((Word_t) Pleaf1) - (Word_t) P_JLL(PjllRaw)), 1);) + +// Finish up: Free the old LeafB1 and plug the new Leaf1 into the JP: +// +// Note: jp_DcdPopO does not change here. + + j__udyFreeJLB1(PjlbRaw, Pjpm); + + Pjp->jp_Addr = (Word_t) PjllRaw; + Pjp->jp_Type = cJU_JPLEAF1; + + return(1); + +} // j__udyLeafB1ToLeaf1() + +#endif // (JUDYL || (! JU_64BIT)) + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y L E A F 1 T O L E A F 2 +// +// Copy 1-byte Indexes from a LeafB1 or Leaf1 to 2-byte Indexes in a Leaf2. +// Pjp MUST be one of: cJU_JPLEAF_B1, cJU_JPLEAF1, or cJU_JPIMMED_1_*. +// Return number of Indexes copied. +// +// TBD: In this and all following functions, the caller should already be able +// to compute the Pop1 return value, so why return it? + +FUNCTION Word_t j__udyLeaf1ToLeaf2( + uint16_t * PLeaf2, // destination uint16_t * Index portion of leaf. +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv_t Pjv2, // destination value part of leaf. +#endif + Pjp_t Pjp, // 1-byte-index object from which to copy. + Word_t MSByte, // most-significant byte, prefix to each Index. + Pvoid_t Pjpm) // for global accounting. +{ + Word_t Pop1; // Indexes in leaf. + Word_t Offset; // in linear leaf list. +JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjv1Raw;) // source object value area. +JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjv1;) + + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { + + +// JPLEAF_B1: + + case cJU_JPLEAF_B1: + { + Pjlb_t Pjlb = P_JLB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + Word_t Digit; // in LeafB1 bitmap. + JUDYLCODE(Word_t SubExp;) // in LeafB1. + + Pop1 = JU_JPBRANCH_POP0(Pjp, 1) + 1; assert(Pop1); + +// Copy 1-byte indexes from old LeafB1 to new Leaf2, including splicing in +// the missing MSByte needed in the Leaf2: + + for (Digit = 0; Digit < cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS; ++Digit) + if (JU_BITMAPTESTL(Pjlb, Digit)) + *PLeaf2++ = MSByte | Digit; + +#ifdef JUDYL + +// Copy all old-LeafB1 value areas from value subarrays to new Leaf2: + + for (SubExp = 0; SubExp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPL; ++SubExp) + { + Word_t SubExpPop1; + + Pjv1Raw = JL_JLB_PVALUE(Pjlb, SubExp); + if (Pjv1Raw == (Pjv_t) NULL) continue; // skip empty. + Pjv1 = P_JV(Pjv1Raw); + + SubExpPop1 = j__udyCountBitsL(JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, SubExp)); + assert(SubExpPop1); + + JU_COPYMEM(Pjv2, Pjv1, SubExpPop1); // copy value areas. + j__udyLFreeJV(Pjv1Raw, SubExpPop1, Pjpm); + Pjv2 += SubExpPop1; // advance through new. + } +#endif // JUDYL + + j__udyFreeJLB1((Pjlb_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), Pjpm); // LeafB1 itself. + return(Pop1); + + } // case cJU_JPLEAF_B1 + + +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + +// JPLEAF1: + + case cJU_JPLEAF1: + { + uint8_t * PLeaf1 = (uint8_t *) P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + Pop1 = JU_JPBRANCH_POP0(Pjp, 1) + 1; assert(Pop1); + JUDYLCODE(Pjv1 = JL_LEAF1VALUEAREA(PLeaf1, Pop1);) + +// Copy all Index bytes including splicing in missing MSByte needed in Leaf2 +// (plus, for JudyL, value areas): + + for (Offset = 0; Offset < Pop1; ++Offset) + { + PLeaf2[Offset] = MSByte | PLeaf1[Offset]; + JUDYLCODE(Pjv2[Offset] = Pjv1[Offset];) + } + j__udyFreeJLL1((Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), Pop1, Pjpm); + return(Pop1); + } +#endif // (JUDYL || (! JU_64BIT)) + + +// JPIMMED_1_01: +// +// Note: jp_DcdPopO has 3 [7] bytes of Index (all but most significant byte), +// so the assignment to PLeaf2[] truncates and MSByte is not needed. + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_01: + { + PLeaf2[0] = JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp); // see above. + JUDYLCODE(Pjv2[0] = Pjp->jp_Addr;) + return(1); + } + + +// JPIMMED_1_0[2+]: + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_02: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_03: +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_04: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_05: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_06: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_07: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_08: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_09: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_10: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_11: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_12: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_13: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_14: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_15: +#endif + { + Pop1 = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) - cJU_JPIMMED_1_02 + 2; assert(Pop1); + JUDYLCODE(Pjv1Raw = (Pjv_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr);) + JUDYLCODE(Pjv1 = P_JV(Pjv1Raw);) + + for (Offset = 0; Offset < Pop1; ++Offset) + { +#ifdef JUDY1 + PLeaf2[Offset] = MSByte | Pjp->jp_1Index[Offset]; +#else + PLeaf2[Offset] = MSByte | Pjp->jp_LIndex[Offset]; + Pjv2 [Offset] = Pjv1[Offset]; +#endif + } + JUDYLCODE(j__udyLFreeJV(Pjv1Raw, Pop1, Pjpm);) + return(Pop1); + } + + +// UNEXPECTED CASES, including JPNULL1, should be handled by caller: + + default: assert(FALSE); break; + + } // switch + + return(0); + +} // j__udyLeaf1ToLeaf2() + + +// ***************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y L E A F 2 T O L E A F 3 +// +// Copy 2-byte Indexes from a Leaf2 to 3-byte Indexes in a Leaf3. +// Pjp MUST be one of: cJU_JPLEAF2 or cJU_JPIMMED_2_*. +// Return number of Indexes copied. +// +// Note: By the time this function is called to compress a level-3 branch to a +// Leaf3, the branch has no narrow pointers under it, meaning only level-2 +// objects are below it and must be handled here. + +FUNCTION Word_t j__udyLeaf2ToLeaf3( + uint8_t * PLeaf3, // destination "uint24_t *" Index part of leaf. +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv_t Pjv3, // destination value part of leaf. +#endif + Pjp_t Pjp, // 2-byte-index object from which to copy. + Word_t MSByte, // most-significant byte, prefix to each Index. + Pvoid_t Pjpm) // for global accounting. +{ + Word_t Pop1; // Indexes in leaf. +#if (defined(JUDYL) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + Pjv_t Pjv2Raw; // source object value area. +#endif +JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjv2;) + + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { + + +// JPLEAF2: + + case cJU_JPLEAF2: + { + uint16_t * PLeaf2 = (uint16_t *) P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; assert(Pop1); + j__udyCopy2to3(PLeaf3, PLeaf2, Pop1, MSByte); +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv2 = JL_LEAF2VALUEAREA(PLeaf2, Pop1); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjv3, Pjv2, Pop1); +#endif + j__udyFreeJLL2((Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), Pop1, Pjpm); + return(Pop1); + } + + +// JPIMMED_2_01: +// +// Note: jp_DcdPopO has 3 [7] bytes of Index (all but most significant byte), +// so the "assignment" to PLeaf3[] is exact [truncates] and MSByte is not +// needed. + + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_01: + { + JU_COPY3_LONG_TO_PINDEX(PLeaf3, JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp)); // see above. + JUDYLCODE(Pjv3[0] = Pjp->jp_Addr;) + return(1); + } + + +// JPIMMED_2_0[2+]: + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_02: + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_03: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_04: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_05: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_06: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_07: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + { + JUDY1CODE(uint16_t * PLeaf2 = (uint16_t *) (Pjp->jp_1Index);) + JUDYLCODE(uint16_t * PLeaf2 = (uint16_t *) (Pjp->jp_LIndex);) + + Pop1 = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) - cJU_JPIMMED_2_02 + 2; assert(Pop1); + j__udyCopy2to3(PLeaf3, PLeaf2, Pop1, MSByte); +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv2Raw = (Pjv_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr); + Pjv2 = P_JV(Pjv2Raw); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjv3, Pjv2, Pop1); + j__udyLFreeJV(Pjv2Raw, Pop1, Pjpm); +#endif + return(Pop1); + } +#endif // (JUDY1 || JU_64BIT) + + +// UNEXPECTED CASES, including JPNULL2, should be handled by caller: + + default: assert(FALSE); break; + + } // switch + + return(0); + +} // j__udyLeaf2ToLeaf3() + + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y L E A F 3 T O L E A F 4 +// +// Copy 3-byte Indexes from a Leaf3 to 4-byte Indexes in a Leaf4. +// Pjp MUST be one of: cJU_JPLEAF3 or cJU_JPIMMED_3_*. +// Return number of Indexes copied. +// +// Note: By the time this function is called to compress a level-4 branch to a +// Leaf4, the branch has no narrow pointers under it, meaning only level-3 +// objects are below it and must be handled here. + +FUNCTION Word_t j__udyLeaf3ToLeaf4( + uint32_t * PLeaf4, // destination uint32_t * Index part of leaf. +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv_t Pjv4, // destination value part of leaf. +#endif + Pjp_t Pjp, // 3-byte-index object from which to copy. + Word_t MSByte, // most-significant byte, prefix to each Index. + Pvoid_t Pjpm) // for global accounting. +{ + Word_t Pop1; // Indexes in leaf. +JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjv3Raw;) // source object value area. +JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjv3;) + + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { + + +// JPLEAF3: + + case cJU_JPLEAF3: + { + uint8_t * PLeaf3 = (uint8_t *) P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; assert(Pop1); + j__udyCopy3to4(PLeaf4, (uint8_t *) PLeaf3, Pop1, MSByte); +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv3 = JL_LEAF3VALUEAREA(PLeaf3, Pop1); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjv4, Pjv3, Pop1); +#endif + j__udyFreeJLL3((Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), Pop1, Pjpm); + return(Pop1); + } + + +// JPIMMED_3_01: +// +// Note: jp_DcdPopO has 7 bytes of Index (all but most significant byte), so +// the assignment to PLeaf4[] truncates and MSByte is not needed. + + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_01: + { + PLeaf4[0] = JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp); // see above. + JUDYLCODE(Pjv4[0] = Pjp->jp_Addr;) + return(1); + } + + +// JPIMMED_3_0[2+]: + + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_02: +#ifdef JUDY1 + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_03: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_04: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_05: +#endif + { + JUDY1CODE(uint8_t * PLeaf3 = (uint8_t *) (Pjp->jp_1Index);) + JUDYLCODE(uint8_t * PLeaf3 = (uint8_t *) (Pjp->jp_LIndex);) + + JUDY1CODE(Pop1 = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) - cJU_JPIMMED_3_02 + 2;) + JUDYLCODE(Pop1 = 2;) + + j__udyCopy3to4(PLeaf4, PLeaf3, Pop1, MSByte); +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv3Raw = (Pjv_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr); + Pjv3 = P_JV(Pjv3Raw); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjv4, Pjv3, Pop1); + j__udyLFreeJV(Pjv3Raw, Pop1, Pjpm); +#endif + return(Pop1); + } + + +// UNEXPECTED CASES, including JPNULL3, should be handled by caller: + + default: assert(FALSE); break; + + } // switch + + return(0); + +} // j__udyLeaf3ToLeaf4() + + +// Note: In all following j__udyLeaf*ToLeaf*() functions, JPIMMED_*_0[2+] +// cases exist for Judy1 (&& 64-bit) only. JudyL has no equivalent Immeds. + + +// ***************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y L E A F 4 T O L E A F 5 +// +// Copy 4-byte Indexes from a Leaf4 to 5-byte Indexes in a Leaf5. +// Pjp MUST be one of: cJU_JPLEAF4 or cJU_JPIMMED_4_*. +// Return number of Indexes copied. +// +// Note: By the time this function is called to compress a level-5 branch to a +// Leaf5, the branch has no narrow pointers under it, meaning only level-4 +// objects are below it and must be handled here. + +FUNCTION Word_t j__udyLeaf4ToLeaf5( + uint8_t * PLeaf5, // destination "uint40_t *" Index part of leaf. +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv_t Pjv5, // destination value part of leaf. +#endif + Pjp_t Pjp, // 4-byte-index object from which to copy. + Word_t MSByte, // most-significant byte, prefix to each Index. + Pvoid_t Pjpm) // for global accounting. +{ + Word_t Pop1; // Indexes in leaf. +JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjv4;) // source object value area. + + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { + + +// JPLEAF4: + + case cJU_JPLEAF4: + { + uint32_t * PLeaf4 = (uint32_t *) P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; assert(Pop1); + j__udyCopy4to5(PLeaf5, PLeaf4, Pop1, MSByte); +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv4 = JL_LEAF4VALUEAREA(PLeaf4, Pop1); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjv5, Pjv4, Pop1); +#endif + j__udyFreeJLL4((Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), Pop1, Pjpm); + return(Pop1); + } + + +// JPIMMED_4_01: +// +// Note: jp_DcdPopO has 7 bytes of Index (all but most significant byte), so +// the assignment to PLeaf5[] truncates and MSByte is not needed. + + case cJU_JPIMMED_4_01: + { + JU_COPY5_LONG_TO_PINDEX(PLeaf5, JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp)); // see above. + JUDYLCODE(Pjv5[0] = Pjp->jp_Addr;) + return(1); + } + + +#ifdef JUDY1 + +// JPIMMED_4_0[4+]: + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_03: + { + uint32_t * PLeaf4 = (uint32_t *) (Pjp->jp_1Index); + + Pop1 = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) - cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02 + 2; + j__udyCopy4to5(PLeaf5, PLeaf4, Pop1, MSByte); + return(Pop1); + } +#endif // JUDY1 + + +// UNEXPECTED CASES, including JPNULL4, should be handled by caller: + + default: assert(FALSE); break; + + } // switch + + return(0); + +} // j__udyLeaf4ToLeaf5() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y L E A F 5 T O L E A F 6 +// +// Copy 5-byte Indexes from a Leaf5 to 6-byte Indexes in a Leaf6. +// Pjp MUST be one of: cJU_JPLEAF5 or cJU_JPIMMED_5_*. +// Return number of Indexes copied. +// +// Note: By the time this function is called to compress a level-6 branch to a +// Leaf6, the branch has no narrow pointers under it, meaning only level-5 +// objects are below it and must be handled here. + +FUNCTION Word_t j__udyLeaf5ToLeaf6( + uint8_t * PLeaf6, // destination uint8_t * Index part of leaf. +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv_t Pjv6, // destination value part of leaf. +#endif + Pjp_t Pjp, // 5-byte-index object from which to copy. + Word_t MSByte, // most-significant byte, prefix to each Index. + Pvoid_t Pjpm) // for global accounting. +{ + Word_t Pop1; // Indexes in leaf. +JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjv5;) // source object value area. + + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { + + +// JPLEAF5: + + case cJU_JPLEAF5: + { + uint8_t * PLeaf5 = (uint8_t *) P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; assert(Pop1); + j__udyCopy5to6(PLeaf6, PLeaf5, Pop1, MSByte); +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv5 = JL_LEAF5VALUEAREA(PLeaf5, Pop1); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjv6, Pjv5, Pop1); +#endif + j__udyFreeJLL5((Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), Pop1, Pjpm); + return(Pop1); + } + + +// JPIMMED_5_01: +// +// Note: jp_DcdPopO has 7 bytes of Index (all but most significant byte), so +// the assignment to PLeaf6[] truncates and MSByte is not needed. + + case cJU_JPIMMED_5_01: + { + JU_COPY6_LONG_TO_PINDEX(PLeaf6, JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp)); // see above. + JUDYLCODE(Pjv6[0] = Pjp->jp_Addr;) + return(1); + } + + +#ifdef JUDY1 + +// JPIMMED_5_0[2+]: + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_03: + { + uint8_t * PLeaf5 = (uint8_t *) (Pjp->jp_1Index); + + Pop1 = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) - cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02 + 2; + j__udyCopy5to6(PLeaf6, PLeaf5, Pop1, MSByte); + return(Pop1); + } +#endif // JUDY1 + + +// UNEXPECTED CASES, including JPNULL5, should be handled by caller: + + default: assert(FALSE); break; + + } // switch + + return(0); + +} // j__udyLeaf5ToLeaf6() + + +// ***************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y L E A F 6 T O L E A F 7 +// +// Copy 6-byte Indexes from a Leaf2 to 7-byte Indexes in a Leaf7. +// Pjp MUST be one of: cJU_JPLEAF6 or cJU_JPIMMED_6_*. +// Return number of Indexes copied. +// +// Note: By the time this function is called to compress a level-7 branch to a +// Leaf7, the branch has no narrow pointers under it, meaning only level-6 +// objects are below it and must be handled here. + +FUNCTION Word_t j__udyLeaf6ToLeaf7( + uint8_t * PLeaf7, // destination "uint24_t *" Index part of leaf. +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv_t Pjv7, // destination value part of leaf. +#endif + Pjp_t Pjp, // 6-byte-index object from which to copy. + Word_t MSByte, // most-significant byte, prefix to each Index. + Pvoid_t Pjpm) // for global accounting. +{ + Word_t Pop1; // Indexes in leaf. +JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjv6;) // source object value area. + + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { + + +// JPLEAF6: + + case cJU_JPLEAF6: + { + uint8_t * PLeaf6 = (uint8_t *) P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + j__udyCopy6to7(PLeaf7, PLeaf6, Pop1, MSByte); +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv6 = JL_LEAF6VALUEAREA(PLeaf6, Pop1); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjv7, Pjv6, Pop1); +#endif + j__udyFreeJLL6((Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), Pop1, Pjpm); + return(Pop1); + } + + +// JPIMMED_6_01: +// +// Note: jp_DcdPopO has 7 bytes of Index (all but most significant byte), so +// the "assignment" to PLeaf7[] is exact and MSByte is not needed. + + case cJU_JPIMMED_6_01: + { + JU_COPY7_LONG_TO_PINDEX(PLeaf7, JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp)); // see above. + JUDYLCODE(Pjv7[0] = Pjp->jp_Addr;) + return(1); + } + + +#ifdef JUDY1 + +// JPIMMED_6_02: + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02: + { + uint8_t * PLeaf6 = (uint8_t *) (Pjp->jp_1Index); + + j__udyCopy6to7(PLeaf7, PLeaf6, /* Pop1 = */ 2, MSByte); + return(2); + } +#endif // JUDY1 + + +// UNEXPECTED CASES, including JPNULL6, should be handled by caller: + + default: assert(FALSE); break; + + } // switch + + return(0); + +} // j__udyLeaf6ToLeaf7() + +#endif // JU_64BIT + + +#ifndef JU_64BIT // 32-bit version first + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y L E A F 3 T O L E A F W +// +// Copy 3-byte Indexes from a Leaf3 to 4-byte Indexes in a LeafW. Pjp MUST be +// one of: cJU_JPLEAF3 or cJU_JPIMMED_3_*. Return number of Indexes copied. +// +// Note: By the time this function is called to compress a level-L branch to a +// LeafW, the branch has no narrow pointers under it, meaning only level-3 +// objects are below it and must be handled here. + +FUNCTION Word_t j__udyLeaf3ToLeafW( + Pjlw_t Pjlw, // destination Index part of leaf. +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv_t PjvW, // destination value part of leaf. +#endif + Pjp_t Pjp, // 3-byte-index object from which to copy. + Word_t MSByte, // most-significant byte, prefix to each Index. + Pvoid_t Pjpm) // for global accounting. +{ + Word_t Pop1; // Indexes in leaf. +JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjv3;) // source object value area. + + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { + + +// JPLEAF3: + + case cJU_JPLEAF3: + { + uint8_t * PLeaf3 = (uint8_t *) P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + j__udyCopy3toW((PWord_t) Pjlw, PLeaf3, Pop1, MSByte); +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv3 = JL_LEAF3VALUEAREA(PLeaf3, Pop1); + JU_COPYMEM(PjvW, Pjv3, Pop1); +#endif + j__udyFreeJLL3((Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), Pop1, Pjpm); + return(Pop1); + } + + +// JPIMMED_3_01: +// +// Note: jp_DcdPopO has 3 bytes of Index (all but most significant byte), and +// MSByte must be ord in. + + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_01: + { + Pjlw[0] = MSByte | JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp); // see above. + JUDYLCODE(PjvW[0] = Pjp->jp_Addr;) + return(1); + } + + +#ifdef JUDY1 + +// JPIMMED_3_02: + + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_02: + { + uint8_t * PLeaf3 = (uint8_t *) (Pjp->jp_1Index); + + j__udyCopy3toW((PWord_t) Pjlw, PLeaf3, /* Pop1 = */ 2, MSByte); + return(2); + } +#endif // JUDY1 + + +// UNEXPECTED CASES, including JPNULL3, should be handled by caller: + + default: assert(FALSE); break; + + } // switch + + return(0); + +} // j__udyLeaf3ToLeafW() + + +#else // JU_64BIT + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y L E A F 7 T O L E A F W +// +// Copy 7-byte Indexes from a Leaf7 to 8-byte Indexes in a LeafW. +// Pjp MUST be one of: cJU_JPLEAF7 or cJU_JPIMMED_7_*. +// Return number of Indexes copied. +// +// Note: By the time this function is called to compress a level-L branch to a +// LeafW, the branch has no narrow pointers under it, meaning only level-7 +// objects are below it and must be handled here. + +FUNCTION Word_t j__udyLeaf7ToLeafW( + Pjlw_t Pjlw, // destination Index part of leaf. +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv_t PjvW, // destination value part of leaf. +#endif + Pjp_t Pjp, // 7-byte-index object from which to copy. + Word_t MSByte, // most-significant byte, prefix to each Index. + Pvoid_t Pjpm) // for global accounting. +{ + Word_t Pop1; // Indexes in leaf. +JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjv7;) // source object value area. + + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { + + +// JPLEAF7: + + case cJU_JPLEAF7: + { + uint8_t * PLeaf7 = (uint8_t *) P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + j__udyCopy7toW((PWord_t) Pjlw, PLeaf7, Pop1, MSByte); +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv7 = JL_LEAF7VALUEAREA(PLeaf7, Pop1); + JU_COPYMEM(PjvW, Pjv7, Pop1); +#endif + j__udyFreeJLL7((Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), Pop1, Pjpm); + return(Pop1); + } + + +// JPIMMED_7_01: +// +// Note: jp_DcdPopO has 7 bytes of Index (all but most significant byte), and +// MSByte must be ord in. + + case cJU_JPIMMED_7_01: + { + Pjlw[0] = MSByte | JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp); // see above. + JUDYLCODE(PjvW[0] = Pjp->jp_Addr;) + return(1); + } + + +#ifdef JUDY1 + +// JPIMMED_7_02: + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02: + { + uint8_t * PLeaf7 = (uint8_t *) (Pjp->jp_1Index); + + j__udyCopy7toW((PWord_t) Pjlw, PLeaf7, /* Pop1 = */ 2, MSByte); + return(2); + } +#endif + + +// UNEXPECTED CASES, including JPNULL7, should be handled by caller: + + default: assert(FALSE); break; + + } // switch + + return(0); + +} // j__udyLeaf7ToLeafW() + +#endif // JU_64BIT diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/JudyDel.c b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/JudyDel.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e8480fa0 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/JudyDel.c @@ -0,0 +1,2146 @@ +// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company +// +// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +// under the term of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +// option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +// _________________ + +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ +// +// Judy1Unset() and JudyLDel() functions for Judy1 and JudyL. +// Compile with one of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL. +// +// About HYSTERESIS: In the Judy code, hysteresis means leaving around a +// nominally suboptimal (not maximally compressed) data structure after a +// deletion. As a result, the shape of the tree for two identical index sets +// can differ depending on the insert/delete path taken to arrive at the index +// sets. The purpose is to minimize worst-case behavior (thrashing) that could +// result from a series of intermixed insertions and deletions. It also makes +// for MUCH simpler code, because instead of performing, "delete and then +// compress," it can say, "compress and then delete," where due to hysteresis, +// compression is not even attempted until the object IS compressible. +// +// In some cases the code has no choice and it must "ungrow" a data structure +// across a "phase transition" boundary without hysteresis. In other cases the +// amount (such as "hysteresis = 1") is indicated by the number of JP deletions +// (in branches) or index deletions (in leaves) that can occur in succession +// before compressing the data structure. (It appears that hysteresis <= 1 in +// all cases.) +// +// In general no hysteresis occurs when the data structure type remains the +// same but the allocated memory chunk for the node must shrink, because the +// relationship is hardwired and theres no way to know how much memory is +// allocated to a given data structure. Hysteresis = 0 in all these cases. +// +// TBD: Could this code be faster if memory chunk hysteresis were supported +// somehow along with data structure type hysteresis? +// +// TBD: Should some of the assertions here be converted to product code that +// returns JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT? +// +// TBD: Dougs code had an odd mix of function-wide and limited-scope +// variables. Should some of the function-wide variables appear only in +// limited scopes, or more likely, vice-versa? + +#if (! (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JUDYL))) +#error: One of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL must be specified. +#endif + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#include "Judy1.h" +#else +#include "JudyL.h" +#endif + +#include "JudyPrivate1L.h" + +DBGCODE(extern void JudyCheckPop(Pvoid_t PArray);) +DBGCODE(extern void JudyCheckSorted(Pjll_t Pjll, Word_t Pop1, long IndexSize);) + +#ifdef TRACEJP +#include "JudyPrintJP.c" +#endif + +// These are defined to generic values in JudyCommon/JudyPrivateTypes.h: +// +// TBD: These should be exported from a header file, but perhaps not, as they +// are only used here, and exported from JudyDecascade.c, which is a separate +// file for profiling reasons (to prevent inlining), but which potentially +// could be merged with this file, either in SoftCM or at compile-time: + +#ifdef JUDY1 + +extern int j__udy1BranchBToBranchL(Pjp_t Pjp, Pvoid_t Pjpm); +#ifndef JU_64BIT +extern int j__udy1LeafB1ToLeaf1(Pjp_t, Pvoid_t); +#endif +extern Word_t j__udy1Leaf1ToLeaf2(uint16_t *, Pjp_t, Word_t, Pvoid_t); +extern Word_t j__udy1Leaf2ToLeaf3(uint8_t *, Pjp_t, Word_t, Pvoid_t); +#ifndef JU_64BIT +extern Word_t j__udy1Leaf3ToLeafW(Pjlw_t, Pjp_t, Word_t, Pvoid_t); +#else +extern Word_t j__udy1Leaf3ToLeaf4(uint32_t *, Pjp_t, Word_t, Pvoid_t); +extern Word_t j__udy1Leaf4ToLeaf5(uint8_t *, Pjp_t, Word_t, Pvoid_t); +extern Word_t j__udy1Leaf5ToLeaf6(uint8_t *, Pjp_t, Word_t, Pvoid_t); +extern Word_t j__udy1Leaf6ToLeaf7(uint8_t *, Pjp_t, Word_t, Pvoid_t); +extern Word_t j__udy1Leaf7ToLeafW(Pjlw_t, Pjp_t, Word_t, Pvoid_t); +#endif + +#else // JUDYL + +extern int j__udyLBranchBToBranchL(Pjp_t Pjp, Pvoid_t Pjpm); +extern int j__udyLLeafB1ToLeaf1(Pjp_t, Pvoid_t); +extern Word_t j__udyLLeaf1ToLeaf2(uint16_t *, Pjv_t, Pjp_t, Word_t, Pvoid_t); +extern Word_t j__udyLLeaf2ToLeaf3(uint8_t *, Pjv_t, Pjp_t, Word_t, Pvoid_t); +#ifndef JU_64BIT +extern Word_t j__udyLLeaf3ToLeafW(Pjlw_t, Pjv_t, Pjp_t, Word_t, Pvoid_t); +#else +extern Word_t j__udyLLeaf3ToLeaf4(uint32_t *, Pjv_t, Pjp_t, Word_t, Pvoid_t); +extern Word_t j__udyLLeaf4ToLeaf5(uint8_t *, Pjv_t, Pjp_t, Word_t, Pvoid_t); +extern Word_t j__udyLLeaf5ToLeaf6(uint8_t *, Pjv_t, Pjp_t, Word_t, Pvoid_t); +extern Word_t j__udyLLeaf6ToLeaf7(uint8_t *, Pjv_t, Pjp_t, Word_t, Pvoid_t); +extern Word_t j__udyLLeaf7ToLeafW(Pjlw_t, Pjv_t, Pjp_t, Word_t, Pvoid_t); +#endif + +#endif // JUDYL + +// For convenience in the calling code; "M1" means "minus one": + +#ifndef JU_64BIT +#define j__udyLeafM1ToLeafW j__udyLeaf3ToLeafW +#else +#define j__udyLeafM1ToLeafW j__udyLeaf7ToLeafW +#endif + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y D E L W A L K +// +// Given a pointer to a JP, an Index known to be valid, the number of bytes +// left to decode (== level in the tree), and a pointer to a global JPM, walk a +// Judy (sub)tree to do an unset/delete of that index, and possibly modify the +// JPM. This function is only called internally, and recursively. Unlike +// Judy1Test() and JudyLGet(), the extra time required for recursion should be +// negligible compared with the total. +// +// Return values: +// +// -1 error; details in JPM +// +// 0 Index already deleted (should never happen, Index is known to be valid) +// +// 1 previously valid Index deleted +// +// 2 same as 1, but in addition the JP now points to a BranchL containing a +// single JP, which should be compressed into the parent branch (if there +// is one, which is not the case for a top-level branch under a JPM) + +DBGCODE(uint8_t parentJPtype;) // parent branch JP type. + +FUNCTION static int j__udyDelWalk( + Pjp_t Pjp, // current JP under which to delete. + Word_t Index, // to delete. + Word_t ParentLevel, // of parent branch. + Pjpm_t Pjpm) // for returning info to top level. +{ + Word_t pop1; // of a leaf. + Word_t level; // of a leaf. + uint8_t digit; // from Index, in current branch. + Pjll_t PjllnewRaw; // address of newly allocated leaf. + Pjll_t Pjllnew; + int offset; // within a branch. + int retcode; // return code: -1, 0, 1, 2. +JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t PjvRaw;) // value area. +JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjv;) + + DBGCODE(level = 0;) + +ContinueDelWalk: // for modifying state without recursing. + +#ifdef TRACEJP + JudyPrintJP(Pjp, "d", __LINE__); +#endif + + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) // entry: Pjp, Index. + { + + +// **************************************************************************** +// LINEAR BRANCH: +// +// MACROS FOR COMMON CODE: +// +// Check for population too high to compress a branch to a leaf, meaning just +// descend through the branch, with a purposeful off-by-one error that +// constitutes hysteresis = 1. In other words, do not compress until the +// branchs CURRENT population fits in the leaf, even BEFORE deleting one +// index. +// +// Next is a label for branch-type-specific common code. Variables pop1, +// level, digit, and Index are in the context. + +#define JU_BRANCH_KEEP(cLevel,MaxPop1,Next) \ + if (pop1 > (MaxPop1)) /* hysteresis = 1 */ \ + { \ + assert((cLevel) >= 2); \ + level = (cLevel); \ + digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, cLevel); \ + goto Next; \ + } + +// Support for generic calling of JudyLeaf*ToLeaf*() functions: +// +// Note: Cannot use JUDYLCODE() because this contains a comma. + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#define JU_PVALUEPASS // null. +#else +#define JU_PVALUEPASS Pjv, +#endif + +// During compression to a leaf, check if a JP contains nothing but a +// cJU_JPIMMED_*_01, in which case shortcut calling j__udyLeaf*ToLeaf*(): +// +// Copy the index bytes from the jp_DcdPopO field (with possible truncation), +// and continue the branch-JP-walk loop. Variables Pjp and Pleaf are in the +// context. + +#define JU_BRANCH_COPY_IMMED_EVEN(cLevel,Pjp,ignore) \ + if (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) == cJU_JPIMMED_1_01 + (cLevel) - 2) \ + { \ + *Pleaf++ = JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp); \ + JUDYLCODE(*Pjv++ = (Pjp)->jp_Addr;) \ + continue; /* for-loop */ \ + } + +#define JU_BRANCH_COPY_IMMED_ODD(cLevel,Pjp,CopyIndex) \ + if (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) == cJU_JPIMMED_1_01 + (cLevel) - 2) \ + { \ + CopyIndex(Pleaf, (Word_t) (JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp))); \ + Pleaf += (cLevel); /* index size = level */ \ + JUDYLCODE(*Pjv++ = (Pjp)->jp_Addr;) \ + continue; /* for-loop */ \ + } + +// Compress a BranchL into a leaf one index size larger: +// +// Allocate a new leaf, walk the JPs in the old BranchL and pack their contents +// into the new leaf (of type NewJPType), free the old BranchL, and finally +// restart the switch to delete Index from the new leaf. (Note that all +// BranchLs are the same size.) Variables Pjp, Pjpm, Pleaf, digit, and pop1 +// are in the context. + +#define JU_BRANCHL_COMPRESS(cLevel,LeafType,MaxPop1,NewJPType, \ + LeafToLeaf,Alloc,ValueArea, \ + CopyImmed,CopyIndex) \ + { \ + LeafType Pleaf; \ + Pjbl_t PjblRaw; \ + Pjbl_t Pjbl; \ + Word_t numJPs; \ + \ + if ((PjllnewRaw = Alloc(MaxPop1, Pjpm)) == 0) return(-1); \ + Pjllnew = P_JLL(PjllnewRaw); \ + Pleaf = (LeafType) Pjllnew; \ + JUDYLCODE(Pjv = ValueArea(Pleaf, MaxPop1);) \ + \ + PjblRaw = (Pjbl_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr); \ + Pjbl = P_JBL(PjblRaw); \ + numJPs = Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs; \ + \ + for (offset = 0; offset < numJPs; ++offset) \ + { \ + CopyImmed(cLevel, (Pjbl->jbl_jp) + offset, CopyIndex); \ + \ + pop1 = LeafToLeaf(Pleaf, JU_PVALUEPASS \ + (Pjbl->jbl_jp) + offset, \ + JU_DIGITTOSTATE(Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[offset], \ + cLevel), (Pvoid_t) Pjpm); \ + Pleaf = (LeafType) (((Word_t) Pleaf) + ((cLevel) * pop1)); \ + JUDYLCODE(Pjv += pop1;) \ + } \ + assert(((((Word_t) Pleaf) - ((Word_t) Pjllnew)) / (cLevel)) == (MaxPop1)); \ + JUDYLCODE(assert((Pjv - ValueArea(Pjllnew, MaxPop1)) == (MaxPop1));) \ + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjllnew, MaxPop1, cLevel);) \ + \ + j__udyFreeJBL(PjblRaw, Pjpm); \ + \ + Pjp->jp_Type = (NewJPType); \ + Pjp->jp_Addr = (Word_t) PjllnewRaw; \ + goto ContinueDelWalk; /* delete from new leaf */ \ + } + +// Overall common code for initial BranchL deletion handling: +// +// Assert that Index is in the branch, then see if the BranchL should be kept +// or else compressed to a leaf. Variables Index, Pjp, and pop1 are in the +// context. + +#define JU_BRANCHL(cLevel,MaxPop1,LeafType,NewJPType, \ + LeafToLeaf,Alloc,ValueArea,CopyImmed,CopyIndex) \ + \ + assert(! JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, cLevel)); \ + assert(ParentLevel > (cLevel)); \ + \ + pop1 = JU_JPBRANCH_POP0(Pjp, cLevel) + 1; \ + JU_BRANCH_KEEP(cLevel, MaxPop1, BranchLKeep); \ + assert(pop1 == (MaxPop1)); \ + \ + JU_BRANCHL_COMPRESS(cLevel, LeafType, MaxPop1, NewJPType, \ + LeafToLeaf, Alloc, ValueArea, CopyImmed, CopyIndex) + + +// END OF MACROS, START OF CASES: + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L2: + + JU_BRANCHL(2, cJU_LEAF2_MAXPOP1, uint16_t *, cJU_JPLEAF2, + j__udyLeaf1ToLeaf2, j__udyAllocJLL2, JL_LEAF2VALUEAREA, + JU_BRANCH_COPY_IMMED_EVEN, ignore); + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L3: + + JU_BRANCHL(3, cJU_LEAF3_MAXPOP1, uint8_t *, cJU_JPLEAF3, + j__udyLeaf2ToLeaf3, j__udyAllocJLL3, JL_LEAF3VALUEAREA, + JU_BRANCH_COPY_IMMED_ODD, JU_COPY3_LONG_TO_PINDEX); + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L4: + + JU_BRANCHL(4, cJU_LEAF4_MAXPOP1, uint32_t *, cJU_JPLEAF4, + j__udyLeaf3ToLeaf4, j__udyAllocJLL4, JL_LEAF4VALUEAREA, + JU_BRANCH_COPY_IMMED_EVEN, ignore); + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L5: + + JU_BRANCHL(5, cJU_LEAF5_MAXPOP1, uint8_t *, cJU_JPLEAF5, + j__udyLeaf4ToLeaf5, j__udyAllocJLL5, JL_LEAF5VALUEAREA, + JU_BRANCH_COPY_IMMED_ODD, JU_COPY5_LONG_TO_PINDEX); + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L6: + + JU_BRANCHL(6, cJU_LEAF6_MAXPOP1, uint8_t *, cJU_JPLEAF6, + j__udyLeaf5ToLeaf6, j__udyAllocJLL6, JL_LEAF6VALUEAREA, + JU_BRANCH_COPY_IMMED_ODD, JU_COPY6_LONG_TO_PINDEX); + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L7: + + JU_BRANCHL(7, cJU_LEAF7_MAXPOP1, uint8_t *, cJU_JPLEAF7, + j__udyLeaf6ToLeaf7, j__udyAllocJLL7, JL_LEAF7VALUEAREA, + JU_BRANCH_COPY_IMMED_ODD, JU_COPY7_LONG_TO_PINDEX); +#endif // JU_64BIT + +// A top-level BranchL is different and cannot use JU_BRANCHL(): Dont try to +// compress to a (LEAFW) leaf yet, but leave this for a later deletion +// (hysteresis > 0); and the next JP type depends on the system word size; so +// dont use JU_BRANCH_KEEP(): + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L: + { + Pjbl_t Pjbl; + Word_t numJPs; + + level = cJU_ROOTSTATE; + digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, cJU_ROOTSTATE); + + // fall through: + + +// COMMON CODE FOR KEEPING AND DESCENDING THROUGH A BRANCHL: +// +// Come here with level and digit set. + +BranchLKeep: + Pjbl = P_JBL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + numJPs = Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs; + assert(numJPs > 0); + DBGCODE(parentJPtype = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp);) + +// Search for a match to the digit (valid Index => must find digit): + + for (offset = 0; (Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[offset]) != digit; ++offset) + assert(offset < numJPs - 1); + + Pjp = (Pjbl->jbl_jp) + offset; + +// If not at a (deletable) JPIMMED_*_01, continue the walk (to descend through +// the BranchL): + + assert(level >= 2); + if ((JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) != cJU_JPIMMED_1_01 + level - 2) break; + +// At JPIMMED_*_01: Ensure the index is in the right expanse, then delete the +// Immed from the BranchL: +// +// Note: A BranchL has a fixed size and format regardless of numJPs. + + assert(JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) == JU_TRIMTODCDSIZE(Index)); + + JU_DELETEINPLACE(Pjbl->jbl_Expanse, numJPs, offset, ignore); + JU_DELETEINPLACE(Pjbl->jbl_jp, numJPs, offset, ignore); + + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted((Pjll_t) (Pjbl->jbl_Expanse), + numJPs - 1, 1);) + +// If only one index left in the BranchL, indicate this to the caller: + + return ((--(Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs) <= 1) ? 2 : 1); + + } // case cJU_JPBRANCH_L. + + +// **************************************************************************** +// BITMAP BRANCH: +// +// MACROS FOR COMMON CODE: +// +// Note the reuse of common macros here, defined earlier: JU_BRANCH_KEEP(), +// JU_PVALUE*. +// +// Compress a BranchB into a leaf one index size larger: +// +// Allocate a new leaf, walk the JPs in the old BranchB (one bitmap subexpanse +// at a time) and pack their contents into the new leaf (of type NewJPType), +// free the old BranchB, and finally restart the switch to delete Index from +// the new leaf. Variables Pjp, Pjpm, Pleaf, digit, and pop1 are in the +// context. +// +// Note: Its no accident that the interface to JU_BRANCHB_COMPRESS() is +// identical to JU_BRANCHL_COMPRESS(). Only the details differ in how to +// traverse the branchs JPs. + +#define JU_BRANCHB_COMPRESS(cLevel,LeafType,MaxPop1,NewJPType, \ + LeafToLeaf,Alloc,ValueArea, \ + CopyImmed,CopyIndex) \ + { \ + LeafType Pleaf; \ + Pjbb_t PjbbRaw; /* BranchB to compress */ \ + Pjbb_t Pjbb; \ + Word_t subexp; /* current subexpanse number */ \ + BITMAPB_t bitmap; /* portion for this subexpanse */ \ + Pjp_t Pjp2Raw; /* one subexpanses subarray */ \ + Pjp_t Pjp2; \ + \ + if ((PjllnewRaw = Alloc(MaxPop1, Pjpm)) == 0) return(-1); \ + Pjllnew = P_JLL(PjllnewRaw); \ + Pleaf = (LeafType) Pjllnew; \ + JUDYLCODE(Pjv = ValueArea(Pleaf, MaxPop1);) \ + \ + PjbbRaw = (Pjbb_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr); \ + Pjbb = P_JBB(PjbbRaw); \ + \ + for (subexp = 0; subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPB; ++subexp) \ + { \ + if ((bitmap = JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp)) == 0) \ + continue; /* empty subexpanse */ \ + \ + digit = subexp * cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; \ + Pjp2Raw = JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp); \ + Pjp2 = P_JP(Pjp2Raw); \ + assert(Pjp2 != (Pjp_t) NULL); \ + \ + for (offset = 0; bitmap != 0; bitmap >>= 1, ++digit) \ + { \ + if (! (bitmap & 1)) \ + continue; /* empty sub-subexpanse */ \ + \ + ++offset; /* before any continue */ \ + \ + CopyImmed(cLevel, Pjp2 + offset - 1, CopyIndex); \ + \ + pop1 = LeafToLeaf(Pleaf, JU_PVALUEPASS \ + Pjp2 + offset - 1, \ + JU_DIGITTOSTATE(digit, cLevel), \ + (Pvoid_t) Pjpm); \ + Pleaf = (LeafType) (((Word_t) Pleaf) + ((cLevel) * pop1)); \ + JUDYLCODE(Pjv += pop1;) \ + } \ + j__udyFreeJBBJP(Pjp2Raw, /* pop1 = */ offset, Pjpm); \ + } \ + assert(((((Word_t) Pleaf) - ((Word_t) Pjllnew)) / (cLevel)) == (MaxPop1)); \ + JUDYLCODE(assert((Pjv - ValueArea(Pjllnew, MaxPop1)) == (MaxPop1));) \ + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjllnew, MaxPop1, cLevel);) \ + \ + j__udyFreeJBB(PjbbRaw, Pjpm); \ + \ + Pjp->jp_Type = (NewJPType); \ + Pjp->jp_Addr = (Word_t) PjllnewRaw; \ + goto ContinueDelWalk; /* delete from new leaf */ \ + } + +// Overall common code for initial BranchB deletion handling: +// +// Assert that Index is in the branch, then see if the BranchB should be kept +// or else compressed to a leaf. Variables Index, Pjp, and pop1 are in the +// context. + +#define JU_BRANCHB(cLevel,MaxPop1,LeafType,NewJPType, \ + LeafToLeaf,Alloc,ValueArea,CopyImmed,CopyIndex) \ + \ + assert(! JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, cLevel)); \ + assert(ParentLevel > (cLevel)); \ + \ + pop1 = JU_JPBRANCH_POP0(Pjp, cLevel) + 1; \ + JU_BRANCH_KEEP(cLevel, MaxPop1, BranchBKeep); \ + assert(pop1 == (MaxPop1)); \ + \ + JU_BRANCHB_COMPRESS(cLevel, LeafType, MaxPop1, NewJPType, \ + LeafToLeaf, Alloc, ValueArea, CopyImmed, CopyIndex) + + +// END OF MACROS, START OF CASES: +// +// Note: Its no accident that the macro calls for these cases is nearly +// identical to the code for BranchLs. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B2: + + JU_BRANCHB(2, cJU_LEAF2_MAXPOP1, uint16_t *, cJU_JPLEAF2, + j__udyLeaf1ToLeaf2, j__udyAllocJLL2, JL_LEAF2VALUEAREA, + JU_BRANCH_COPY_IMMED_EVEN, ignore); + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B3: + + JU_BRANCHB(3, cJU_LEAF3_MAXPOP1, uint8_t *, cJU_JPLEAF3, + j__udyLeaf2ToLeaf3, j__udyAllocJLL3, JL_LEAF3VALUEAREA, + JU_BRANCH_COPY_IMMED_ODD, JU_COPY3_LONG_TO_PINDEX); + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B4: + + JU_BRANCHB(4, cJU_LEAF4_MAXPOP1, uint32_t *, cJU_JPLEAF4, + j__udyLeaf3ToLeaf4, j__udyAllocJLL4, JL_LEAF4VALUEAREA, + JU_BRANCH_COPY_IMMED_EVEN, ignore); + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B5: + + JU_BRANCHB(5, cJU_LEAF5_MAXPOP1, uint8_t *, cJU_JPLEAF5, + j__udyLeaf4ToLeaf5, j__udyAllocJLL5, JL_LEAF5VALUEAREA, + JU_BRANCH_COPY_IMMED_ODD, JU_COPY5_LONG_TO_PINDEX); + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B6: + + JU_BRANCHB(6, cJU_LEAF6_MAXPOP1, uint8_t *, cJU_JPLEAF6, + j__udyLeaf5ToLeaf6, j__udyAllocJLL6, JL_LEAF6VALUEAREA, + JU_BRANCH_COPY_IMMED_ODD, JU_COPY6_LONG_TO_PINDEX); + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B7: + + JU_BRANCHB(7, cJU_LEAF7_MAXPOP1, uint8_t *, cJU_JPLEAF7, + j__udyLeaf6ToLeaf7, j__udyAllocJLL7, JL_LEAF7VALUEAREA, + JU_BRANCH_COPY_IMMED_ODD, JU_COPY7_LONG_TO_PINDEX); +#endif // JU_64BIT + +// A top-level BranchB is different and cannot use JU_BRANCHB(): Dont try to +// compress to a (LEAFW) leaf yet, but leave this for a later deletion +// (hysteresis > 0); and the next JP type depends on the system word size; so +// dont use JU_BRANCH_KEEP(): + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B: + { + Pjbb_t Pjbb; // BranchB to modify. + Word_t subexp; // current subexpanse number. + Word_t subexp2; // in second-level loop. + BITMAPB_t bitmap; // portion for this subexpanse. + BITMAPB_t bitmask; // with digits bit set. + Pjp_t Pjp2Raw; // one subexpanses subarray. + Pjp_t Pjp2; + Word_t numJPs; // in one subexpanse. + + level = cJU_ROOTSTATE; + digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, cJU_ROOTSTATE); + + // fall through: + + +// COMMON CODE FOR KEEPING AND DESCENDING THROUGH A BRANCHB: +// +// Come here with level and digit set. + +BranchBKeep: + Pjbb = P_JBB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + subexp = digit / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; + bitmap = JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp); + bitmask = JU_BITPOSMASKB(digit); + assert(bitmap & bitmask); // Index valid => digits bit is set. + DBGCODE(parentJPtype = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp);) + +// Compute digits offset into the bitmap, with a fast method if all bits are +// set: + + offset = ((bitmap == (cJU_FULLBITMAPB)) ? + digit % cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB : + j__udyCountBitsB(bitmap & JU_MASKLOWEREXC(bitmask))); + + Pjp2Raw = JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp); + Pjp2 = P_JP(Pjp2Raw); + assert(Pjp2 != (Pjp_t) NULL); // valid subexpanse pointer. + +// If not at a (deletable) JPIMMED_*_01, continue the walk (to descend through +// the BranchB): + + if (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp2 + offset) != cJU_JPIMMED_1_01 + level - 2) + { + Pjp = Pjp2 + offset; + break; + } + +// At JPIMMED_*_01: Ensure the index is in the right expanse, then delete the +// Immed from the BranchB: + + assert(JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp2 + offset) + == JU_TRIMTODCDSIZE(Index)); + +// If only one index is left in the subexpanse, free the JP array: + + if ((numJPs = j__udyCountBitsB(bitmap)) == 1) + { + j__udyFreeJBBJP(Pjp2Raw, /* pop1 = */ 1, Pjpm); + JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp) = (Pjp_t) NULL; + } + +// Shrink JP array in-place: + + else if (JU_BRANCHBJPGROWINPLACE(numJPs - 1)) + { + assert(numJPs > 0); + JU_DELETEINPLACE(Pjp2, numJPs, offset, ignore); + } + +// JP array would end up too large; compress it to a smaller one: + + else + { + Pjp_t PjpnewRaw; + Pjp_t Pjpnew; + + if ((PjpnewRaw = j__udyAllocJBBJP(numJPs - 1, Pjpm)) + == (Pjp_t) NULL) return(-1); + Pjpnew = P_JP(PjpnewRaw); + + JU_DELETECOPY(Pjpnew, Pjp2, numJPs, offset, ignore); + j__udyFreeJBBJP(Pjp2Raw, numJPs, Pjpm); // old. + + JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp) = PjpnewRaw; + } + +// Clear digits bit in the bitmap: + + JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp) ^= bitmask; + +// If the current subexpanse alone is still too large for a BranchL (with +// hysteresis = 1), the delete is all done: + + if (numJPs > cJU_BRANCHLMAXJPS) return(1); + +// Consider shrinking the current BranchB to a BranchL: +// +// Check the numbers of JPs in other subexpanses in the BranchL. Upon reaching +// the critical number of numJPs (which could be right at the start; again, +// with hysteresis = 1), its faster to just watch for any non-empty subexpanse +// than to count bits in each subexpanse. Upon finding too many JPs, give up +// on shrinking the BranchB. + + for (subexp2 = 0; subexp2 < cJU_NUMSUBEXPB; ++subexp2) + { + if (subexp2 == subexp) continue; // skip current subexpanse. + + if ((numJPs == cJU_BRANCHLMAXJPS) ? + JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp2) : + ((numJPs += j__udyCountBitsB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp2))) + > cJU_BRANCHLMAXJPS)) + { + return(1); // too many JPs, cannot shrink. + } + } + +// Shrink current BranchB to a BranchL: +// +// Note: In this rare case, ignore the return value, do not pass it to the +// caller, because the deletion is already successfully completed and the +// caller(s) must decrement population counts. The only errors expected from +// this call are JU_ERRNO_NOMEM and JU_ERRNO_OVERRUN, neither of which is worth +// forwarding from this point. See also 4.1, 4.8, and 4.15 of this file. + + (void) j__udyBranchBToBranchL(Pjp, Pjpm); + return(1); + + } // case. + + +// **************************************************************************** +// UNCOMPRESSED BRANCH: +// +// MACROS FOR COMMON CODE: +// +// Note the reuse of common macros here, defined earlier: JU_PVALUE*. +// +// Compress a BranchU into a leaf one index size larger: +// +// Allocate a new leaf, walk the JPs in the old BranchU and pack their contents +// into the new leaf (of type NewJPType), free the old BranchU, and finally +// restart the switch to delete Index from the new leaf. Variables Pjp, Pjpm, +// digit, and pop1 are in the context. +// +// Note: Its no accident that the interface to JU_BRANCHU_COMPRESS() is +// nearly identical to JU_BRANCHL_COMPRESS(); just NullJPType is added. The +// details differ in how to traverse the branchs JPs -- +// +// -- and also, what to do upon encountering a cJU_JPIMMED_*_01 JP. In +// BranchLs and BranchBs the JP must be deleted, but in a BranchU its merely +// converted to a null JP, and this is done by other switch cases, so the "keep +// branch" situation is simpler here and JU_BRANCH_KEEP() is not used. Also, +// theres no code to convert a BranchU to a BranchB since counting the JPs in +// a BranchU is (at least presently) expensive, and besides, keeping around a +// BranchU is form of hysteresis. + +#define JU_BRANCHU_COMPRESS(cLevel,LeafType,MaxPop1,NullJPType,NewJPType, \ + LeafToLeaf,Alloc,ValueArea,CopyImmed,CopyIndex) \ + { \ + LeafType Pleaf; \ + Pjbu_t PjbuRaw = (Pjbu_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr); \ + Pjp_t Pjp2 = JU_JBU_PJP0(Pjp); \ + Word_t ldigit; /* larger than uint8_t */ \ + \ + if ((PjllnewRaw = Alloc(MaxPop1, Pjpm)) == 0) return(-1); \ + Pjllnew = P_JLL(PjllnewRaw); \ + Pleaf = (LeafType) Pjllnew; \ + JUDYLCODE(Pjv = ValueArea(Pleaf, MaxPop1);) \ + \ + for (ldigit = 0; ldigit < cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS; ++ldigit, ++Pjp2) \ + { \ + /* fast-process common types: */ \ + if (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp2) == (NullJPType)) continue; \ + CopyImmed(cLevel, Pjp2, CopyIndex); \ + \ + pop1 = LeafToLeaf(Pleaf, JU_PVALUEPASS Pjp2, \ + JU_DIGITTOSTATE(ldigit, cLevel), \ + (Pvoid_t) Pjpm); \ + Pleaf = (LeafType) (((Word_t) Pleaf) + ((cLevel) * pop1)); \ + JUDYLCODE(Pjv += pop1;) \ + } \ + assert(((((Word_t) Pleaf) - ((Word_t) Pjllnew)) / (cLevel)) == (MaxPop1)); \ + JUDYLCODE(assert((Pjv - ValueArea(Pjllnew, MaxPop1)) == (MaxPop1));) \ + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjllnew, MaxPop1, cLevel);) \ + \ + j__udyFreeJBU(PjbuRaw, Pjpm); \ + \ + Pjp->jp_Type = (NewJPType); \ + Pjp->jp_Addr = (Word_t) PjllnewRaw; \ + goto ContinueDelWalk; /* delete from new leaf */ \ + } + +// Overall common code for initial BranchU deletion handling: +// +// Assert that Index is in the branch, then see if a BranchU should be kept or +// else compressed to a leaf. Variables level, Index, Pjp, and pop1 are in the +// context. +// +// Note: BranchU handling differs from BranchL and BranchB as described above. + +#define JU_BRANCHU(cLevel,MaxPop1,LeafType,NullJPType,NewJPType, \ + LeafToLeaf,Alloc,ValueArea,CopyImmed,CopyIndex) \ + \ + assert(! JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, cLevel)); \ + assert(ParentLevel > (cLevel)); \ + DBGCODE(parentJPtype = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp);) \ + \ + pop1 = JU_JPBRANCH_POP0(Pjp, cLevel) + 1; \ + \ + if (pop1 > (MaxPop1)) /* hysteresis = 1 */ \ + { \ + level = (cLevel); \ + Pjp = P_JP(Pjp->jp_Addr) + JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, cLevel);\ + break; /* descend to next level */ \ + } \ + assert(pop1 == (MaxPop1)); \ + \ + JU_BRANCHU_COMPRESS(cLevel, LeafType, MaxPop1, NullJPType, NewJPType, \ + LeafToLeaf, Alloc, ValueArea, CopyImmed, CopyIndex) + + +// END OF MACROS, START OF CASES: +// +// Note: Its no accident that the macro calls for these cases is nearly +// identical to the code for BranchLs, with the addition of cJU_JPNULL* +// parameters only needed for BranchUs. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U2: + + JU_BRANCHU(2, cJU_LEAF2_MAXPOP1, uint16_t *, + cJU_JPNULL1, cJU_JPLEAF2, + j__udyLeaf1ToLeaf2, j__udyAllocJLL2, JL_LEAF2VALUEAREA, + JU_BRANCH_COPY_IMMED_EVEN, ignore); + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U3: + + JU_BRANCHU(3, cJU_LEAF3_MAXPOP1, uint8_t *, + cJU_JPNULL2, cJU_JPLEAF3, + j__udyLeaf2ToLeaf3, j__udyAllocJLL3, JL_LEAF3VALUEAREA, + JU_BRANCH_COPY_IMMED_ODD, JU_COPY3_LONG_TO_PINDEX); + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U4: + + JU_BRANCHU(4, cJU_LEAF4_MAXPOP1, uint32_t *, + cJU_JPNULL3, cJU_JPLEAF4, + j__udyLeaf3ToLeaf4, j__udyAllocJLL4, JL_LEAF4VALUEAREA, + JU_BRANCH_COPY_IMMED_EVEN, ignore); + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U5: + + JU_BRANCHU(5, cJU_LEAF5_MAXPOP1, uint8_t *, + cJU_JPNULL4, cJU_JPLEAF5, + j__udyLeaf4ToLeaf5, j__udyAllocJLL5, JL_LEAF5VALUEAREA, + JU_BRANCH_COPY_IMMED_ODD, JU_COPY5_LONG_TO_PINDEX); + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U6: + + JU_BRANCHU(6, cJU_LEAF6_MAXPOP1, uint8_t *, + cJU_JPNULL5, cJU_JPLEAF6, + j__udyLeaf5ToLeaf6, j__udyAllocJLL6, JL_LEAF6VALUEAREA, + JU_BRANCH_COPY_IMMED_ODD, JU_COPY6_LONG_TO_PINDEX); + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U7: + + JU_BRANCHU(7, cJU_LEAF7_MAXPOP1, uint8_t *, + cJU_JPNULL6, cJU_JPLEAF7, + j__udyLeaf6ToLeaf7, j__udyAllocJLL7, JL_LEAF7VALUEAREA, + JU_BRANCH_COPY_IMMED_ODD, JU_COPY7_LONG_TO_PINDEX); +#endif // JU_64BIT + +// A top-level BranchU is different and cannot use JU_BRANCHU(): Dont try to +// compress to a (LEAFW) leaf yet, but leave this for a later deletion +// (hysteresis > 0); just descend through the BranchU: + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U: + + DBGCODE(parentJPtype = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp);) + + level = cJU_ROOTSTATE; + Pjp = P_JP(Pjp->jp_Addr) + JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, cJU_ROOTSTATE); + break; + + +// **************************************************************************** +// LINEAR LEAF: +// +// State transitions while deleting an Index, the inverse of the similar table +// that appears in JudyIns.c: +// +// Note: In JudyIns.c this table is not needed and does not appear until the +// Immed handling code; because once a Leaf is reached upon growing the tree, +// the situation remains simpler, but for deleting indexes, the complexity +// arises when leaves must compress to Immeds. +// +// Note: There are other transitions possible too, not shown here, such as to +// a leaf one level higher. +// +// (Yes, this is very terse... Study it and it will make sense.) +// (Note, parts of this diagram are repeated below for quick reference.) +// +// reformat JP here for Judy1 only, from word-1 to word-2 +// | +// JUDY1 && JU_64BIT JUDY1 || JU_64BIT | +// V +// (*) Leaf1 [[ => 1_15..08 ] => 1_07 => ... => 1_04 ] => 1_03 => 1_02 => 1_01 +// Leaf2 [[ => 2_07..04 ] => 2_03 => 2_02 ] => 2_01 +// Leaf3 [[ => 3_05..03 ] => 3_02 ] => 3_01 +// JU_64BIT only: +// Leaf4 [[ => 4_03..02 ]] => 4_01 +// Leaf5 [[ => 5_03..02 ]] => 5_01 +// Leaf6 [[ => 6_02 ]] => 6_01 +// Leaf7 [[ => 7_02 ]] => 7_01 +// +// (*) For Judy1 & 64-bit, go directly from a LeafB1 to cJU_JPIMMED_1_15; skip +// Leaf1, as described in Judy1.h regarding cJ1_JPLEAF1. +// +// MACROS FOR COMMON CODE: +// +// (De)compress a LeafX into a LeafY one index size (cIS) larger (X+1 = Y): +// +// This is only possible when the current leaf is under a narrow pointer +// ((ParentLevel - 1) > cIS) and its population fits in a higher-level leaf. +// Variables ParentLevel, pop1, PjllnewRaw, Pjllnew, Pjpm, and Index are in the +// context. +// +// Note: Doing an "uplevel" doesnt occur until the old leaf can be compressed +// up one level BEFORE deleting an index; that is, hysteresis = 1. +// +// Note: LeafType, MaxPop1, NewJPType, and Alloc refer to the up-level leaf, +// not the current leaf. +// +// Note: 010327: Fixed bug where the jp_DcdPopO next-uplevel digit (byte) +// above the current Pop0 value was not being cleared. When upleveling, one +// digit in jp_DcdPopO "moves" from being part of the Dcd subfield to the Pop0 +// subfield, but since a leaf maxpop1 is known to be <= 1 byte in size, the new +// Pop0 byte should always be zero. This is easy to overlook because +// JU_JPLEAF_POP0() "knows" to only use the LSB of Pop0 (for efficiency) and +// ignore the other bytes... Until someone uses cJU_POP0MASK() instead of +// JU_JPLEAF_POP0(), such as in JudyInsertBranch.c. +// +// TBD: Should JudyInsertBranch.c use JU_JPLEAF_POP0() rather than +// cJU_POP0MASK(), for efficiency? Does it know for sure its a narrow pointer +// under the leaf? Not necessarily. + +#define JU_LEAF_UPLEVEL(cIS,LeafType,MaxPop1,NewJPType,LeafToLeaf, \ + Alloc,ValueArea) \ + \ + assert(((ParentLevel - 1) == (cIS)) || (pop1 >= (MaxPop1))); \ + \ + if (((ParentLevel - 1) > (cIS)) /* under narrow pointer */ \ + && (pop1 == (MaxPop1))) /* hysteresis = 1 */ \ + { \ + Word_t D_cdP0; \ + if ((PjllnewRaw = Alloc(MaxPop1, Pjpm)) == 0) return(-1); \ + Pjllnew = P_JLL(PjllnewRaw); \ + JUDYLCODE(Pjv = ValueArea((LeafType) Pjllnew, MaxPop1);) \ + \ + (void) LeafToLeaf((LeafType) Pjllnew, JU_PVALUEPASS Pjp, \ + Index & cJU_DCDMASK(cIS), /* TBD, Doug says */ \ + (Pvoid_t) Pjpm); \ + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjllnew, MaxPop1, cIS + 1);) \ + \ + D_cdP0 = (~cJU_MASKATSTATE((cIS) + 1)) & JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp); \ + JU_JPSETADT(Pjp, (Word_t)PjllnewRaw, D_cdP0, NewJPType); \ + goto ContinueDelWalk; /* delete from new leaf */ \ + } + + +// For Leaf3, only support JU_LEAF_UPLEVEL on a 64-bit system, and for Leaf7, +// there is no JU_LEAF_UPLEVEL: +// +// Note: Theres no way here to go from Leaf3 [Leaf7] to LEAFW on a 32-bit +// [64-bit] system. Thats handled in the main code, because its different in +// that a JPM is involved. + +#ifndef JU_64BIT // 32-bit. +#define JU_LEAF_UPLEVEL64(cIS,LeafType,MaxPop1,NewJPType,LeafToLeaf, \ + Alloc,ValueArea) // null. +#else +#define JU_LEAF_UPLEVEL64(cIS,LeafType,MaxPop1,NewJPType,LeafToLeaf, \ + Alloc,ValueArea) \ + JU_LEAF_UPLEVEL (cIS,LeafType,MaxPop1,NewJPType,LeafToLeaf, \ + Alloc,ValueArea) +#define JU_LEAF_UPLEVEL_NONE(cIS,LeafType,MaxPop1,NewJPType,LeafToLeaf, \ + Alloc,ValueArea) // null. +#endif + +// Compress a Leaf* with pop1 = 2, or a JPIMMED_*_02, into a JPIMMED_*_01: +// +// Copy whichever Index is NOT being deleted (and assert that the other one is +// found; Index must be valid). This requires special handling of the Index +// bytes (and value area). Variables Pjp, Index, offset, and Pleaf are in the +// context, offset is modified to the undeleted Index, and Pjp is modified +// including jp_Addr. + + +#define JU_TOIMMED_01_EVEN(cIS,ignore1,ignore2) \ +{ \ + Word_t D_cdP0; \ + Word_t A_ddr = 0; \ + uint8_t T_ype = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp); \ + offset = (Pleaf[0] == JU_LEASTBYTES(Index, cIS)); /* undeleted Ind */ \ + assert(Pleaf[offset ? 0 : 1] == JU_LEASTBYTES(Index, cIS)); \ + D_cdP0 = (Index & cJU_DCDMASK(cIS)) | Pleaf[offset]; \ +JUDYLCODE(A_ddr = Pjv[offset];) \ + JU_JPSETADT(Pjp, A_ddr, D_cdP0, T_ype); \ +} + +#define JU_TOIMMED_01_ODD(cIS,SearchLeaf,CopyPIndex) \ + { \ + Word_t D_cdP0; \ + Word_t A_ddr = 0; \ + uint8_t T_ype = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp); \ + \ + offset = SearchLeaf(Pleaf, 2, Index); \ + assert(offset >= 0); /* Index must be valid */ \ + CopyPIndex(D_cdP0, & (Pleaf[offset ? 0 : cIS])); \ + D_cdP0 |= Index & cJU_DCDMASK(cIS); \ + JUDYLCODE(A_ddr = Pjv[offset ? 0 : 1];) \ + JU_JPSETADT(Pjp, A_ddr, D_cdP0, T_ype); \ + } + + +// Compress a Leaf* into a JPIMMED_*_0[2+]: +// +// This occurs as soon as its possible, with hysteresis = 0. Variables pop1, +// Pleaf, offset, and Pjpm are in the context. +// +// TBD: Explain why hysteresis = 0 here, rather than > 0. Probably because +// the insert code assumes if the population is small enough, an Immed is used, +// not a leaf. +// +// The differences between Judy1 and JudyL with respect to value area handling +// are just too large for completely common code between them... Oh well, some +// big ifdefs follow. + +#ifdef JUDY1 + +#define JU_LEAF_TOIMMED(cIS,LeafType,MaxPop1,BaseJPType,ignore1,\ + ignore2,ignore3,ignore4, \ + DeleteCopy,FreeLeaf) \ + \ + assert(pop1 > (MaxPop1)); \ + \ + if ((pop1 - 1) == (MaxPop1)) /* hysteresis = 0 */ \ + { \ + Pjll_t PjllRaw = (Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr); \ + DeleteCopy((LeafType) (Pjp->jp_1Index), Pleaf, pop1, offset, cIS); \ + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted((Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_1Index), pop1-1, cIS);) \ + Pjp->jp_Type = (BaseJPType) - 1 + (MaxPop1) - 1; \ + FreeLeaf(PjllRaw, pop1, Pjpm); \ + return(1); \ + } + +#else // JUDYL + +// Pjv is also in the context. + +#define JU_LEAF_TOIMMED(cIS,LeafType,MaxPop1,BaseJPType,ignore1,\ + ignore2,ignore3,ignore4, \ + DeleteCopy,FreeLeaf) \ + \ + assert(pop1 > (MaxPop1)); \ + \ + if ((pop1 - 1) == (MaxPop1)) /* hysteresis = 0 */ \ + { \ + Pjll_t PjllRaw = (Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr); \ + Pjv_t PjvnewRaw; \ + Pjv_t Pjvnew; \ + \ + if ((PjvnewRaw = j__udyLAllocJV(pop1 - 1, Pjpm)) \ + == (Pjv_t) NULL) return(-1); \ + JUDYLCODE(Pjvnew = P_JV(PjvnewRaw);) \ + \ + DeleteCopy((LeafType) (Pjp->jp_LIndex), Pleaf, pop1, offset, cIS); \ + JU_DELETECOPY(Pjvnew, Pjv, pop1, offset, cIS); \ + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted((Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_LIndex), pop1-1, cIS);) \ + FreeLeaf(PjllRaw, pop1, Pjpm); \ + Pjp->jp_Addr = (Word_t) PjvnewRaw; \ + Pjp->jp_Type = (BaseJPType) - 2 + (MaxPop1); \ + return(1); \ + } + +// A complicating factor for JudyL & 32-bit is that Leaf2..3, and for JudyL & +// 64-bit Leaf 4..7, go directly to an Immed*_01, where the value is stored in +// jp_Addr and not in a separate LeafV. For efficiency, use the following +// macro in cases where it can apply; it is rigged to do the right thing. +// Unfortunately, this requires the calling code to "know" the transition table +// and call the right macro. +// +// This variant compresses a Leaf* with pop1 = 2 into a JPIMMED_*_01: + +#define JU_LEAF_TOIMMED_01(cIS,LeafType,MaxPop1,ignore,Immed01JPType, \ + ToImmed,SearchLeaf,CopyPIndex, \ + DeleteCopy,FreeLeaf) \ + \ + assert(pop1 > (MaxPop1)); \ + \ + if ((pop1 - 1) == (MaxPop1)) /* hysteresis = 0 */ \ + { \ + Pjll_t PjllRaw = (Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr); \ + ToImmed(cIS, SearchLeaf, CopyPIndex); \ + FreeLeaf(PjllRaw, pop1, Pjpm); \ + Pjp->jp_Type = (Immed01JPType); \ + return(1); \ + } +#endif // JUDYL + +// See comments above about these: +// +// Note: Here "23" means index size 2 or 3, and "47" means 4..7. + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) +#define JU_LEAF_TOIMMED_23(cIS,LeafType,MaxPop1,BaseJPType,Immed01JPType, \ + ToImmed,SearchLeaf,CopyPIndex, \ + DeleteCopy,FreeLeaf) \ + JU_LEAF_TOIMMED( cIS,LeafType,MaxPop1,BaseJPType,ignore1, \ + ignore2,ignore3,ignore4, \ + DeleteCopy,FreeLeaf) +#else // JUDYL && 32-bit +#define JU_LEAF_TOIMMED_23(cIS,LeafType,MaxPop1,BaseJPType,Immed01JPType, \ + ToImmed,SearchLeaf,CopyPIndex, \ + DeleteCopy,FreeLeaf) \ + JU_LEAF_TOIMMED_01(cIS,LeafType,MaxPop1,ignore,Immed01JPType, \ + ToImmed,SearchLeaf,CopyPIndex, \ + DeleteCopy,FreeLeaf) +#endif + +#ifdef JU_64BIT +#ifdef JUDY1 +#define JU_LEAF_TOIMMED_47(cIS,LeafType,MaxPop1,BaseJPType,Immed01JPType, \ + ToImmed,SearchLeaf,CopyPIndex, \ + DeleteCopy,FreeLeaf) \ + JU_LEAF_TOIMMED( cIS,LeafType,MaxPop1,BaseJPType,ignore1, \ + ignore2,ignore3,ignore4, \ + DeleteCopy,FreeLeaf) +#else // JUDYL && 64-bit +#define JU_LEAF_TOIMMED_47(cIS,LeafType,MaxPop1,BaseJPType,Immed01JPType, \ + ToImmed,SearchLeaf,CopyPIndex, \ + DeleteCopy,FreeLeaf) \ + JU_LEAF_TOIMMED_01(cIS,LeafType,MaxPop1,ignore,Immed01JPType, \ + ToImmed,SearchLeaf,CopyPIndex, \ + DeleteCopy,FreeLeaf) +#endif // JUDYL +#endif // JU_64BIT + +// Compress a Leaf* in place: +// +// Here hysteresis = 0 (no memory is wasted). Variables pop1, Pleaf, and +// offset, and for JudyL, Pjv, are in the context. + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#define JU_LEAF_INPLACE(cIS,GrowInPlace,DeleteInPlace) \ + if (GrowInPlace(pop1 - 1)) /* hysteresis = 0 */ \ + { \ + DeleteInPlace(Pleaf, pop1, offset, cIS); \ + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pleaf, pop1 - 1, cIS);) \ + return(1); \ + } +#else +#define JU_LEAF_INPLACE(cIS,GrowInPlace,DeleteInPlace) \ + if (GrowInPlace(pop1 - 1)) /* hysteresis = 0 */ \ + { \ + DeleteInPlace(Pleaf, pop1, offset, cIS); \ +/**/ JU_DELETEINPLACE(Pjv, pop1, offset, ignore); \ + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pleaf, pop1 - 1, cIS);) \ + return(1); \ + } +#endif + +// Compress a Leaf* into a smaller memory object of the same JP type: +// +// Variables PjllnewRaw, Pjllnew, Pleafpop1, Pjpm, PleafRaw, Pleaf, and offset +// are in the context. + +#ifdef JUDY1 + +#define JU_LEAF_SHRINK(cIS,LeafType,DeleteCopy,Alloc,FreeLeaf,ValueArea) \ + if ((PjllnewRaw = Alloc(pop1 - 1, Pjpm)) == 0) return(-1); \ + Pjllnew = P_JLL(PjllnewRaw); \ + DeleteCopy((LeafType) Pjllnew, Pleaf, pop1, offset, cIS); \ + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjllnew, pop1 - 1, cIS);) \ + FreeLeaf(PleafRaw, pop1, Pjpm); \ + Pjp->jp_Addr = (Word_t) PjllnewRaw; \ + return(1) + +#else // JUDYL + +#define JU_LEAF_SHRINK(cIS,LeafType,DeleteCopy,Alloc,FreeLeaf,ValueArea) \ + { \ +/**/ Pjv_t Pjvnew; \ + \ + if ((PjllnewRaw = Alloc(pop1 - 1, Pjpm)) == 0) return(-1); \ + Pjllnew = P_JLL(PjllnewRaw); \ +/**/ Pjvnew = ValueArea(Pjllnew, pop1 - 1); \ + DeleteCopy((LeafType) Pjllnew, Pleaf, pop1, offset, cIS); \ +/**/ JU_DELETECOPY(Pjvnew, Pjv, pop1, offset, cIS); \ + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjllnew, pop1 - 1, cIS);) \ + FreeLeaf(PleafRaw, pop1, Pjpm); \ + Pjp->jp_Addr = (Word_t) PjllnewRaw; \ + return(1); \ + } +#endif // JUDYL + +// Overall common code for Leaf* deletion handling: +// +// See if the leaf can be: +// - (de)compressed to one a level higher (JU_LEAF_UPLEVEL()), or if not, +// - compressed to an Immediate JP (JU_LEAF_TOIMMED()), or if not, +// - shrunk in place (JU_LEAF_INPLACE()), or if none of those, then +// - shrink the leaf to a smaller chunk of memory (JU_LEAF_SHRINK()). +// +// Variables Pjp, pop1, Index, and offset are in the context. +// The *Up parameters refer to a leaf one level up, if there is any. + +#define JU_LEAF(cIS, \ + UpLevel, \ + LeafTypeUp,MaxPop1Up,LeafJPTypeUp,LeafToLeaf, \ + AllocUp,ValueAreaUp, \ + LeafToImmed,ToImmed,CopyPIndex, \ + LeafType,ImmedMaxPop1,ImmedBaseJPType,Immed01JPType, \ + SearchLeaf,GrowInPlace,DeleteInPlace,DeleteCopy, \ + Alloc,FreeLeaf,ValueArea) \ + { \ + Pjll_t PleafRaw; \ + LeafType Pleaf; \ + \ + assert(! JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, cIS)); \ + assert(ParentLevel > (cIS)); \ + \ + PleafRaw = (Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr); \ + Pleaf = (LeafType) P_JLL(PleafRaw); \ + pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; \ + \ + UpLevel(cIS, LeafTypeUp, MaxPop1Up, LeafJPTypeUp, \ + LeafToLeaf, AllocUp, ValueAreaUp); \ + \ + offset = SearchLeaf(Pleaf, pop1, Index); \ + assert(offset >= 0); /* Index must be valid */ \ + JUDYLCODE(Pjv = ValueArea(Pleaf, pop1);) \ + \ + LeafToImmed(cIS, LeafType, ImmedMaxPop1, \ + ImmedBaseJPType, Immed01JPType, \ + ToImmed, SearchLeaf, CopyPIndex, \ + DeleteCopy, FreeLeaf); \ + \ + JU_LEAF_INPLACE(cIS, GrowInPlace, DeleteInPlace); \ + \ + JU_LEAF_SHRINK(cIS, LeafType, DeleteCopy, Alloc, FreeLeaf, \ + ValueArea); \ + } + +// END OF MACROS, START OF CASES: +// +// (*) Leaf1 [[ => 1_15..08 ] => 1_07 => ... => 1_04 ] => 1_03 => 1_02 => 1_01 + +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + case cJU_JPLEAF1: + + JU_LEAF(1, + JU_LEAF_UPLEVEL, uint16_t *, cJU_LEAF2_MAXPOP1, cJU_JPLEAF2, + j__udyLeaf1ToLeaf2, j__udyAllocJLL2, JL_LEAF2VALUEAREA, + JU_LEAF_TOIMMED, ignore, ignore, + uint8_t *, cJU_IMMED1_MAXPOP1, + cJU_JPIMMED_1_02, cJU_JPIMMED_1_01, j__udySearchLeaf1, + JU_LEAF1GROWINPLACE, JU_DELETEINPLACE, JU_DELETECOPY, + j__udyAllocJLL1, j__udyFreeJLL1, JL_LEAF1VALUEAREA); +#endif + +// A complicating factor is that for JudyL & 32-bit, a Leaf2 must go directly +// to an Immed 2_01 and a Leaf3 must go directly to an Immed 3_01: +// +// Leaf2 [[ => 2_07..04 ] => 2_03 => 2_02 ] => 2_01 +// Leaf3 [[ => 3_05..03 ] => 3_02 ] => 3_01 +// +// Hence use JU_LEAF_TOIMMED_23 instead of JU_LEAF_TOIMMED in the cases below, +// and also the parameters ToImmed and, for odd index sizes, CopyPIndex, are +// required. + + case cJU_JPLEAF2: + + JU_LEAF(2, + JU_LEAF_UPLEVEL, uint8_t *, cJU_LEAF3_MAXPOP1, cJU_JPLEAF3, + j__udyLeaf2ToLeaf3, j__udyAllocJLL3, JL_LEAF3VALUEAREA, + JU_LEAF_TOIMMED_23, JU_TOIMMED_01_EVEN, ignore, + uint16_t *, cJU_IMMED2_MAXPOP1, + cJU_JPIMMED_2_02, cJU_JPIMMED_2_01, j__udySearchLeaf2, + JU_LEAF2GROWINPLACE, JU_DELETEINPLACE, JU_DELETECOPY, + j__udyAllocJLL2, j__udyFreeJLL2, JL_LEAF2VALUEAREA); + +// On 32-bit there is no transition to "uplevel" for a Leaf3, so use +// JU_LEAF_UPLEVEL64 instead of JU_LEAF_UPLEVEL: + + case cJU_JPLEAF3: + + JU_LEAF(3, + JU_LEAF_UPLEVEL64, uint32_t *, cJU_LEAF4_MAXPOP1, + cJU_JPLEAF4, + j__udyLeaf3ToLeaf4, j__udyAllocJLL4, JL_LEAF4VALUEAREA, + JU_LEAF_TOIMMED_23, + JU_TOIMMED_01_ODD, JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG, + uint8_t *, cJU_IMMED3_MAXPOP1, + cJU_JPIMMED_3_02, cJU_JPIMMED_3_01, j__udySearchLeaf3, + JU_LEAF3GROWINPLACE, JU_DELETEINPLACE_ODD, + JU_DELETECOPY_ODD, + j__udyAllocJLL3, j__udyFreeJLL3, JL_LEAF3VALUEAREA); + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + +// A complicating factor is that for JudyL & 64-bit, a Leaf[4-7] must go +// directly to an Immed [4-7]_01: +// +// Leaf4 [[ => 4_03..02 ]] => 4_01 +// Leaf5 [[ => 5_03..02 ]] => 5_01 +// Leaf6 [[ => 6_02 ]] => 6_01 +// Leaf7 [[ => 7_02 ]] => 7_01 +// +// Hence use JU_LEAF_TOIMMED_47 instead of JU_LEAF_TOIMMED in the cases below. + + case cJU_JPLEAF4: + + JU_LEAF(4, + JU_LEAF_UPLEVEL, uint8_t *, cJU_LEAF5_MAXPOP1, cJU_JPLEAF5, + j__udyLeaf4ToLeaf5, j__udyAllocJLL5, JL_LEAF5VALUEAREA, + JU_LEAF_TOIMMED_47, JU_TOIMMED_01_EVEN, ignore, + uint32_t *, cJU_IMMED4_MAXPOP1, + cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02, cJU_JPIMMED_4_01, j__udySearchLeaf4, + JU_LEAF4GROWINPLACE, JU_DELETEINPLACE, JU_DELETECOPY, + j__udyAllocJLL4, j__udyFreeJLL4, JL_LEAF4VALUEAREA); + + case cJU_JPLEAF5: + + JU_LEAF(5, + JU_LEAF_UPLEVEL, uint8_t *, cJU_LEAF6_MAXPOP1, cJU_JPLEAF6, + j__udyLeaf5ToLeaf6, j__udyAllocJLL6, JL_LEAF6VALUEAREA, + JU_LEAF_TOIMMED_47, + JU_TOIMMED_01_ODD, JU_COPY5_PINDEX_TO_LONG, + uint8_t *, cJU_IMMED5_MAXPOP1, + cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02, cJU_JPIMMED_5_01, j__udySearchLeaf5, + JU_LEAF5GROWINPLACE, JU_DELETEINPLACE_ODD, + JU_DELETECOPY_ODD, + j__udyAllocJLL5, j__udyFreeJLL5, JL_LEAF5VALUEAREA); + + case cJU_JPLEAF6: + + JU_LEAF(6, + JU_LEAF_UPLEVEL, uint8_t *, cJU_LEAF7_MAXPOP1, cJU_JPLEAF7, + j__udyLeaf6ToLeaf7, j__udyAllocJLL7, JL_LEAF7VALUEAREA, + JU_LEAF_TOIMMED_47, + JU_TOIMMED_01_ODD, JU_COPY6_PINDEX_TO_LONG, + uint8_t *, cJU_IMMED6_MAXPOP1, + cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02, cJU_JPIMMED_6_01, j__udySearchLeaf6, + JU_LEAF6GROWINPLACE, JU_DELETEINPLACE_ODD, + JU_DELETECOPY_ODD, + j__udyAllocJLL6, j__udyFreeJLL6, JL_LEAF6VALUEAREA); + +// There is no transition to "uplevel" for a Leaf7, so use JU_LEAF_UPLEVEL_NONE +// instead of JU_LEAF_UPLEVEL, and ignore all of the parameters to that macro: + + case cJU_JPLEAF7: + + JU_LEAF(7, + JU_LEAF_UPLEVEL_NONE, ignore1, ignore2, ignore3, ignore4, + ignore5, ignore6, + JU_LEAF_TOIMMED_47, + JU_TOIMMED_01_ODD, JU_COPY7_PINDEX_TO_LONG, + uint8_t *, cJU_IMMED7_MAXPOP1, + cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02, cJU_JPIMMED_7_01, j__udySearchLeaf7, + JU_LEAF7GROWINPLACE, JU_DELETEINPLACE_ODD, + JU_DELETECOPY_ODD, + j__udyAllocJLL7, j__udyFreeJLL7, JL_LEAF7VALUEAREA); +#endif // JU_64BIT + + +// **************************************************************************** +// BITMAP LEAF: + + case cJU_JPLEAF_B1: + { +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv_t PjvnewRaw; // new value area. + Pjv_t Pjvnew; + Word_t subexp; // 1 of 8 subexpanses in bitmap. + Pjlb_t Pjlb; // pointer to bitmap part of the leaf. + BITMAPL_t bitmap; // for one subexpanse. + BITMAPL_t bitmask; // bit set for Indexs digit. +#endif + assert(! JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 1)); + assert(ParentLevel > 1); + // valid Index: + assert(JU_BITMAPTESTL(P_JLB(Pjp->jp_Addr), Index)); + + pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + +// Like a Leaf1, see if its under a narrow pointer and can become a Leaf2 +// (hysteresis = 1): + + JU_LEAF_UPLEVEL(1, uint16_t *, cJU_LEAF2_MAXPOP1, cJU_JPLEAF2, + j__udyLeaf1ToLeaf2, j__udyAllocJLL2, + JL_LEAF2VALUEAREA); + +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + +// Handle the unusual special case, on Judy1 64-bit only, where a LeafB1 goes +// directly to a JPIMMED_1_15; as described in comments in Judy1.h and +// JudyIns.c. Copy 1-byte indexes from old LeafB1 to the Immed: + + if ((pop1 - 1) == cJU_IMMED1_MAXPOP1) // hysteresis = 0. + { + Pjlb_t PjlbRaw; // bitmap in old leaf. + Pjlb_t Pjlb; + uint8_t * Pleafnew; // JPIMMED as a pointer. + Word_t ldigit; // larger than uint8_t. + + PjlbRaw = (Pjlb_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr); + Pjlb = P_JLB(PjlbRaw); + Pleafnew = Pjp->jp_1Index; + + JU_BITMAPCLEARL(Pjlb, Index); // unset Indexs bit. + +// TBD: This is very slow, there must be a better way: + + for (ldigit = 0; ldigit < cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS; ++ldigit) + { + if (JU_BITMAPTESTL(Pjlb, ldigit)) + { + *Pleafnew++ = ldigit; + assert(Pleafnew - (Pjp->jp_1Index) + <= cJU_IMMED1_MAXPOP1); + } + } + + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted((Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_1Index), + cJU_IMMED1_MAXPOP1, 1);) + j__udyFreeJLB1(PjlbRaw, Pjpm); + + Pjp->jp_Type = cJ1_JPIMMED_1_15; + return(1); + } + +#else // (JUDYL || (! JU_64BIT)) + +// Compress LeafB1 to a Leaf1: +// +// Note: 4.37 of this file contained alternate code for Judy1 only that simply +// cleared the bit and allowed the LeafB1 to go below cJU_LEAF1_MAXPOP1. This +// was the ONLY case where a malloc failure was not fatal; however, it violated +// the critical assumption that the tree is always kept in least-compressed +// form. + + if (pop1 == cJU_LEAF1_MAXPOP1) // hysteresis = 1. + { + if (j__udyLeafB1ToLeaf1(Pjp, Pjpm) == -1) return(-1); + goto ContinueDelWalk; // delete Index in new Leaf1. + } +#endif // (JUDYL || (! JU_64BIT)) + +#ifdef JUDY1 + // unset Indexs bit: + + JU_BITMAPCLEARL(P_JLB(Pjp->jp_Addr), Index); +#else // JUDYL + +// This is very different from Judy1 because of the need to manage the value +// area: +// +// Get last byte to decode from Index, and pointer to bitmap leaf: + + digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 1); + Pjlb = P_JLB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + +// Prepare additional values: + + subexp = digit / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL; // which subexpanse. + bitmap = JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp); // subexps 32-bit map. + PjvRaw = JL_JLB_PVALUE(Pjlb, subexp); // corresponding values. + Pjv = P_JV(PjvRaw); + bitmask = JU_BITPOSMASKL(digit); // mask for Index. + + assert(bitmap & bitmask); // Index must be valid. + + if (bitmap == cJU_FULLBITMAPL) // full bitmap, take shortcut: + { + pop1 = cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL; + offset = digit % cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL; + } + else // compute subexpanse pop1 and value area offset: + { + pop1 = j__udyCountBitsL(bitmap); + offset = j__udyCountBitsL(bitmap & (bitmask - 1)); + } + +// Handle solitary Index remaining in subexpanse: + + if (pop1 == 1) + { + j__udyLFreeJV(PjvRaw, 1, Pjpm); + + JL_JLB_PVALUE(Pjlb, subexp) = (Pjv_t) NULL; + JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp) = 0; + + return(1); + } + +// Shrink value area in place or move to a smaller value area: + + if (JL_LEAFVGROWINPLACE(pop1 - 1)) // hysteresis = 0. + { + JU_DELETEINPLACE(Pjv, pop1, offset, ignore); + } + else + { + if ((PjvnewRaw = j__udyLAllocJV(pop1 - 1, Pjpm)) + == (Pjv_t) NULL) return(-1); + Pjvnew = P_JV(PjvnewRaw); + + JU_DELETECOPY(Pjvnew, Pjv, pop1, offset, ignore); + j__udyLFreeJV(PjvRaw, pop1, Pjpm); + JL_JLB_PVALUE(Pjlb, subexp) = (Pjv_t) PjvnewRaw; + } + + JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp) ^= bitmask; // clear Indexs bit. + +#endif // JUDYL + + return(1); + + } // case. + + +#ifdef JUDY1 + +// **************************************************************************** +// FULL POPULATION LEAF: +// +// Convert to a LeafB1 and delete the index. Hysteresis = 0; none is possible. +// +// Note: Earlier the second assertion below said, "== 2", but in fact the +// parent could be at a higher level if a fullpop is under a narrow pointer. + + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1: + { + Pjlb_t PjlbRaw; + Pjlb_t Pjlb; + Word_t subexp; + + assert(! JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 2)); + assert(ParentLevel > 1); // see above. + + if ((PjlbRaw = j__udyAllocJLB1(Pjpm)) == (Pjlb_t) NULL) + return(-1); + Pjlb = P_JLB(PjlbRaw); + +// Fully populate the leaf, then unset Indexs bit: + + for (subexp = 0; subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPL; ++subexp) + JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp) = cJU_FULLBITMAPL; + + JU_BITMAPCLEARL(Pjlb, Index); + + Pjp->jp_Addr = (Word_t) PjlbRaw; + Pjp->jp_Type = cJU_JPLEAF_B1; + + return(1); + } +#endif // JUDY1 + + +// **************************************************************************** +// IMMEDIATE JP: +// +// If theres just the one Index in the Immed, convert the JP to a JPNULL* +// (should only happen in a BranchU); otherwise delete the Index from the +// Immed. See the state transitions table elsewhere in this file for a summary +// of which Immed types must be handled. Hysteresis = 0; none is possible with +// Immeds. +// +// MACROS FOR COMMON CODE: +// +// Single Index remains in cJU_JPIMMED_*_01; convert JP to null: +// +// Variables Pjp and parentJPtype are in the context. +// +// Note: cJU_JPIMMED_*_01 should only be encountered in BranchUs, not in +// BranchLs or BranchBs (where its improper to merely modify the JP to be a +// null JP); that is, BranchL and BranchB code should have already handled +// any cJU_JPIMMED_*_01 by different means. + +#define JU_IMMED_01(NewJPType,ParentJPType) \ + \ + assert(parentJPtype == (ParentJPType)); \ + assert(JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) == JU_TRIMTODCDSIZE(Index)); \ + JU_JPSETADT(Pjp, 0, 0, NewJPType); \ + return(1) + +// Convert cJ*_JPIMMED_*_02 to cJU_JPIMMED_*_01: +// +// Move the undeleted Index, whichever does not match the least bytes of Index, +// from undecoded-bytes-only (in jp_1Index or jp_LIndex as appropriate) to +// jp_DcdPopO (full-field). Pjp, Index, and offset are in the context. + +#define JU_IMMED_02(cIS,LeafType,NewJPType) \ + { \ + LeafType Pleaf; \ + \ + assert((ParentLevel - 1) == (cIS)); \ + JUDY1CODE(Pleaf = (LeafType) (Pjp->jp_1Index);) \ + JUDYLCODE(Pleaf = (LeafType) (Pjp->jp_LIndex);) \ + JUDYLCODE(PjvRaw = (Pjv_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr);) \ + JUDYLCODE(Pjv = P_JV(PjvRaw);) \ + JU_TOIMMED_01_EVEN(cIS, ignore, ignore); \ + JUDYLCODE(j__udyLFreeJV(PjvRaw, 2, Pjpm);) \ + Pjp->jp_Type = (NewJPType); \ + return(1); \ + } + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + +// Variation for "odd" cJ*_JPIMMED_*_02 JP types, which are very different from +// "even" types because they use leaf search code and odd-copy macros: +// +// Note: JudyL 32-bit has no "odd" JPIMMED_*_02 types. + +#define JU_IMMED_02_ODD(cIS,NewJPType,SearchLeaf,CopyPIndex) \ + { \ + uint8_t * Pleaf; \ + \ + assert((ParentLevel - 1) == (cIS)); \ + JUDY1CODE(Pleaf = (uint8_t *) (Pjp->jp_1Index);) \ + JUDYLCODE(Pleaf = (uint8_t *) (Pjp->jp_LIndex);) \ + JUDYLCODE(PjvRaw = (Pjv_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr);) \ + JUDYLCODE(Pjv = P_JV(PjvRaw);) \ + JU_TOIMMED_01_ODD(cIS, SearchLeaf, CopyPIndex); \ + JUDYLCODE(j__udyLFreeJV(PjvRaw, 2, Pjpm);) \ + Pjp->jp_Type = (NewJPType); \ + return(1); \ + } +#endif // (JUDY1 || JU_64BIT) + +// Core code for deleting one Index (and for JudyL, its value area) from a +// larger Immed: +// +// Variables Pleaf, pop1, and offset are in the context. + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#define JU_IMMED_DEL(cIS,DeleteInPlace) \ + DeleteInPlace(Pleaf, pop1, offset, cIS); \ + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pleaf, pop1 - 1, cIS);) + +#else // JUDYL + +// For JudyL the value area might need to be shrunk: + +#define JU_IMMED_DEL(cIS,DeleteInPlace) \ + \ + if (JL_LEAFVGROWINPLACE(pop1 - 1)) /* hysteresis = 0 */ \ + { \ + DeleteInPlace( Pleaf, pop1, offset, cIS); \ + JU_DELETEINPLACE(Pjv, pop1, offset, ignore); \ + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pleaf, pop1 - 1, cIS);) \ + } \ + else \ + { \ + Pjv_t PjvnewRaw; \ + Pjv_t Pjvnew; \ + \ + if ((PjvnewRaw = j__udyLAllocJV(pop1 - 1, Pjpm)) \ + == (Pjv_t) NULL) return(-1); \ + Pjvnew = P_JV(PjvnewRaw); \ + \ + DeleteInPlace(Pleaf, pop1, offset, cIS); \ + JU_DELETECOPY(Pjvnew, Pjv, pop1, offset, ignore); \ + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pleaf, pop1 - 1, cIS);) \ + j__udyLFreeJV(PjvRaw, pop1, Pjpm); \ + \ + (Pjp->jp_Addr) = (Word_t) PjvnewRaw; \ + } +#endif // JUDYL + +// Delete one Index from a larger Immed where no restructuring is required: +// +// Variables pop1, Pjp, offset, and Index are in the context. + +#define JU_IMMED(cIS,LeafType,BaseJPType,SearchLeaf,DeleteInPlace) \ + { \ + LeafType Pleaf; \ + \ + assert((ParentLevel - 1) == (cIS)); \ + JUDY1CODE(Pleaf = (LeafType) (Pjp->jp_1Index);) \ + JUDYLCODE(Pleaf = (LeafType) (Pjp->jp_LIndex);) \ + JUDYLCODE(PjvRaw = (Pjv_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr);) \ + JUDYLCODE(Pjv = P_JV(PjvRaw);) \ + pop1 = (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) - (BaseJPType) + 2; \ + offset = SearchLeaf(Pleaf, pop1, Index); \ + assert(offset >= 0); /* Index must be valid */ \ + \ + JU_IMMED_DEL(cIS, DeleteInPlace); \ + --(Pjp->jp_Type); \ + return(1); \ + } + + +// END OF MACROS, START OF CASES: + +// Single Index remains in Immed; convert JP to null: + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_01: JU_IMMED_01(cJU_JPNULL1, cJU_JPBRANCH_U2); + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_01: JU_IMMED_01(cJU_JPNULL2, cJU_JPBRANCH_U3); +#ifndef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_01: JU_IMMED_01(cJU_JPNULL3, cJU_JPBRANCH_U); +#else + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_01: JU_IMMED_01(cJU_JPNULL3, cJU_JPBRANCH_U4); + case cJU_JPIMMED_4_01: JU_IMMED_01(cJU_JPNULL4, cJU_JPBRANCH_U5); + case cJU_JPIMMED_5_01: JU_IMMED_01(cJU_JPNULL5, cJU_JPBRANCH_U6); + case cJU_JPIMMED_6_01: JU_IMMED_01(cJU_JPNULL6, cJU_JPBRANCH_U7); + case cJU_JPIMMED_7_01: JU_IMMED_01(cJU_JPNULL7, cJU_JPBRANCH_U); +#endif + +// Multiple Indexes remain in the Immed JP; delete the specified Index: + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_02: + + JU_IMMED_02(1, uint8_t *, cJU_JPIMMED_1_01); + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_03: +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_04: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_05: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_06: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_07: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_08: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_09: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_10: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_11: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_12: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_13: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_14: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_15: +#endif + JU_IMMED(1, uint8_t *, cJU_JPIMMED_1_02, + j__udySearchLeaf1, JU_DELETEINPLACE); + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_02: + + JU_IMMED_02(2, uint16_t *, cJU_JPIMMED_2_01); + + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_03: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_04: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_05: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_06: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_07: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + JU_IMMED(2, uint16_t *, cJU_JPIMMED_2_02, + j__udySearchLeaf2, JU_DELETEINPLACE); + + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_02: + + JU_IMMED_02_ODD(3, cJU_JPIMMED_3_01, + j__udySearchLeaf3, JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG); + +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_03: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_04: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_05: + + JU_IMMED(3, uint8_t *, cJU_JPIMMED_3_02, + j__udySearchLeaf3, JU_DELETEINPLACE_ODD); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02: + + JU_IMMED_02(4, uint32_t *, cJU_JPIMMED_4_01); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_03: + + JU_IMMED(4, uint32_t *, cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02, + j__udySearchLeaf4, JU_DELETEINPLACE); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02: + + JU_IMMED_02_ODD(5, cJU_JPIMMED_5_01, + j__udySearchLeaf5, JU_COPY5_PINDEX_TO_LONG); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_03: + + JU_IMMED(5, uint8_t *, cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02, + j__udySearchLeaf5, JU_DELETEINPLACE_ODD); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02: + + JU_IMMED_02_ODD(6, cJU_JPIMMED_6_01, + j__udySearchLeaf6, JU_COPY6_PINDEX_TO_LONG); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02: + + JU_IMMED_02_ODD(7, cJU_JPIMMED_7_01, + j__udySearchLeaf7, JU_COPY7_PINDEX_TO_LONG); + +#endif // (JUDY1 && JU_64BIT) + + +// **************************************************************************** +// INVALID JP TYPE: + + default: JU_SET_ERRNO_NONNULL(Pjpm, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); return(-1); + + } // switch + + +// PROCESS JP -- RECURSIVELY: +// +// For non-Immed JP types, if successful, post-decrement the population count +// at this level, or collapse a BranchL if necessary by copying the remaining +// JP in the BranchL to the parent (hysteresis = 0), which implicitly creates a +// narrow pointer if there was not already one in the hierarchy. + + assert(level); + retcode = j__udyDelWalk(Pjp, Index, level, Pjpm); + assert(retcode != 0); // should never happen. + + if ((JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) < cJU_JPIMMED_1_01) // not an Immed. + { + switch (retcode) + { + case 1: + { + jp_t JP = *Pjp; + Word_t DcdP0; + + DcdP0 = JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) - 1; // decrement count. + JU_JPSETADT(Pjp, JP.jp_Addr, DcdP0, JU_JPTYPE(&JP)); + break; + } + case 2: // collapse BranchL to single JP; see above: + { + Pjbl_t PjblRaw = (Pjbl_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr); + Pjbl_t Pjbl = P_JBL(PjblRaw); + + *Pjp = Pjbl->jbl_jp[0]; + j__udyFreeJBL(PjblRaw, Pjpm); + retcode = 1; + } + } + } + + return(retcode); + +} // j__udyDelWalk() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y 1 U N S E T +// J U D Y L D E L +// +// Main entry point. See the manual entry for details. + +#ifdef JUDY1 +FUNCTION int Judy1Unset +#else +FUNCTION int JudyLDel +#endif + ( + PPvoid_t PPArray, // in which to delete. + Word_t Index, // to delete. + PJError_t PJError // optional, for returning error info. + ) +{ + Word_t pop1; // population of leaf. + int offset; // at which to delete Index. + JUDY1CODE(int retcode;) // return code from Judy1Test(). +JUDYLCODE(PPvoid_t PPvalue;) // pointer from JudyLGet(). + + +// CHECK FOR NULL ARRAY POINTER (error by caller): + + if (PPArray == (PPvoid_t) NULL) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NULLPPARRAY); + return(JERRI); + } + + +// CHECK IF INDEX IS INVALID: +// +// If so, theres nothing to do. This saves a lot of time. Pass through +// PJError, if any, from the "get" function. + +#ifdef JUDY1 + if ((retcode = Judy1Test(*PPArray, Index, PJError)) == JERRI) + return (JERRI); + + if (retcode == 0) return(0); +#else + if ((PPvalue = JudyLGet(*PPArray, Index, PJError)) == PPJERR) + return (JERRI); + + if (PPvalue == (PPvoid_t) NULL) return(0); +#endif + + +// **************************************************************************** +// PROCESS TOP LEVEL (LEAFW) BRANCHES AND LEAVES: + +// **************************************************************************** +// LEAFW LEAF, OTHER SIZE: +// +// Shrink or convert the leaf as necessary. Hysteresis = 0; none is possible. + + if (JU_LEAFW_POP0(*PPArray) < cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1) // must be a LEAFW + { + JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjv;) // current value area. + JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjvnew;) // value area in new leaf. + Pjlw_t Pjlw = P_JLW(*PPArray); // first word of leaf. + Pjlw_t Pjlwnew; // replacement leaf. + pop1 = Pjlw[0] + 1; // first word of leaf is pop0. + +// Delete single (last) Index from array: + + if (pop1 == 1) + { + j__udyFreeJLW(Pjlw, /* pop1 = */ 1, (Pjpm_t) NULL); + *PPArray = (Pvoid_t) NULL; + return(1); + } + +// Locate Index in compressible leaf: + + offset = j__udySearchLeafW(Pjlw + 1, pop1, Index); + assert(offset >= 0); // Index must be valid. + + JUDYLCODE(Pjv = JL_LEAFWVALUEAREA(Pjlw, pop1);) + +// Delete Index in-place: +// +// Note: "Grow in place from pop1 - 1" is the logical inverse of, "shrink in +// place from pop1." Also, Pjlw points to the count word, so skip that for +// doing the deletion. + + if (JU_LEAFWGROWINPLACE(pop1 - 1)) + { + JU_DELETEINPLACE(Pjlw + 1, pop1, offset, ignore); +#ifdef JUDYL // also delete from value area: + JU_DELETEINPLACE(Pjv, pop1, offset, ignore); +#endif + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted((Pjll_t) (Pjlw + 1), pop1 - 1, + cJU_ROOTSTATE);) + --(Pjlw[0]); // decrement population. + DBGCODE(JudyCheckPop(*PPArray);) + return(1); + } + +// Allocate new leaf for use in either case below: + + Pjlwnew = j__udyAllocJLW(pop1 - 1); + JU_CHECKALLOC(Pjlw_t, Pjlwnew, JERRI); + +// Shrink to smaller LEAFW: +// +// Note: Skip the first word = pop0 in each leaf. + + Pjlwnew[0] = (pop1 - 1) - 1; + JU_DELETECOPY(Pjlwnew + 1, Pjlw + 1, pop1, offset, ignore); + +#ifdef JUDYL // also delete from value area: + Pjvnew = JL_LEAFWVALUEAREA(Pjlwnew, pop1 - 1); + JU_DELETECOPY(Pjvnew, Pjv, pop1, offset, ignore); +#endif + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjlwnew + 1, pop1 - 1, cJU_ROOTSTATE);) + + j__udyFreeJLW(Pjlw, pop1, (Pjpm_t) NULL); + +//// *PPArray = (Pvoid_t) Pjlwnew | cJU_LEAFW); + *PPArray = (Pvoid_t) Pjlwnew; + DBGCODE(JudyCheckPop(*PPArray);) + return(1); + + } + else + + +// **************************************************************************** +// JRP BRANCH: +// +// Traverse through the JPM to do the deletion unless the population is small +// enough to convert immediately to a LEAFW. + + { + Pjpm_t Pjpm; + Pjp_t Pjp; // top-level JP to process. + Word_t digit; // in a branch. + JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjv;) // to value area. + Pjlw_t Pjlwnew; // replacement leaf. + DBGCODE(Pjlw_t Pjlwnew_orig;) + + Pjpm = P_JPM(*PPArray); // top object in array (tree). + Pjp = &(Pjpm->jpm_JP); // next object (first branch or leaf). + + assert(((Pjpm->jpm_JP.jp_Type) == cJU_JPBRANCH_L) + || ((Pjpm->jpm_JP.jp_Type) == cJU_JPBRANCH_B) + || ((Pjpm->jpm_JP.jp_Type) == cJU_JPBRANCH_U)); + +// WALK THE TREE +// +// Note: Recursive code in j__udyDelWalk() knows how to collapse a lower-level +// BranchL containing a single JP into the parent JP as a narrow pointer, but +// the code here cant do that for a top-level BranchL. The result can be +// PArray -> JPM -> BranchL containing a single JP. This situation is +// unavoidable because a JPM cannot contain a narrow pointer; the BranchL is +// required in order to hold the top digit decoded, and it does not collapse to +// a LEAFW until the population is low enough. +// +// TBD: Should we add a topdigit field to JPMs so they can hold narrow +// pointers? + + if (j__udyDelWalk(Pjp, Index, cJU_ROOTSTATE, Pjpm) == -1) + { + JU_COPY_ERRNO(PJError, Pjpm); + return(JERRI); + } + + --(Pjpm->jpm_Pop0); // success; decrement total population. + + if ((Pjpm->jpm_Pop0 + 1) != cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1) + { + DBGCODE(JudyCheckPop(*PPArray);) + return(1); + } + +// COMPRESS A BRANCH[LBU] TO A LEAFW: +// + Pjlwnew = j__udyAllocJLW(cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1); + JU_CHECKALLOC(Pjlw_t, Pjlwnew, JERRI); + +// Plug leaf into root pointer and set population count: + +//// *PPArray = (Pvoid_t) ((Word_t) Pjlwnew | cJU_LEAFW); + *PPArray = (Pvoid_t) Pjlwnew; +#ifdef JUDYL // prepare value area: + Pjv = JL_LEAFWVALUEAREA(Pjlwnew, cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1); +#endif + *Pjlwnew++ = cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1 - 1; // set pop0. + DBGCODE(Pjlwnew_orig = Pjlwnew;) + + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { + +// JPBRANCH_L: Copy each JPs indexes to the new LEAFW and free the old +// branch: + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L: + { + Pjbl_t PjblRaw = (Pjbl_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr); + Pjbl_t Pjbl = P_JBL(PjblRaw); + + for (offset = 0; offset < Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs; ++offset) + { + pop1 = j__udyLeafM1ToLeafW(Pjlwnew, JU_PVALUEPASS + (Pjbl->jbl_jp) + offset, + JU_DIGITTOSTATE(Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[offset], + cJU_BYTESPERWORD), + (Pvoid_t) Pjpm); + Pjlwnew += pop1; // advance through indexes. + JUDYLCODE(Pjv += pop1;) // advance through values. + } + j__udyFreeJBL(PjblRaw, Pjpm); + + assert(Pjlwnew == Pjlwnew_orig + cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1); + break; // delete Index from new LEAFW. + } + +// JPBRANCH_B: Copy each JPs indexes to the new LEAFW and free the old +// branch, including each JP subarray: + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B: + { + Pjbb_t PjbbRaw = (Pjbb_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr); + Pjbb_t Pjbb = P_JBB(PjbbRaw); + Word_t subexp; // current subexpanse number. + BITMAPB_t bitmap; // portion for this subexpanse. + Pjp_t Pjp2Raw; // one subexpanses subarray. + Pjp_t Pjp2; + + for (subexp = 0; subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPB; ++subexp) + { + if ((bitmap = JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp)) == 0) + continue; // skip empty subexpanse. + + digit = subexp * cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; + Pjp2Raw = JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp); + Pjp2 = P_JP(Pjp2Raw); + assert(Pjp2 != (Pjp_t) NULL); + +// Walk through bits for all possible sub-subexpanses (digits); increment +// offset for each populated subexpanse; until no more set bits: + + for (offset = 0; bitmap != 0; bitmap >>= 1, ++digit) + { + if (! (bitmap & 1)) // skip empty sub-subexpanse. + continue; + + pop1 = j__udyLeafM1ToLeafW(Pjlwnew, JU_PVALUEPASS + Pjp2 + offset, + JU_DIGITTOSTATE(digit, cJU_BYTESPERWORD), + (Pvoid_t) Pjpm); + Pjlwnew += pop1; // advance through indexes. + JUDYLCODE(Pjv += pop1;) // advance through values. + ++offset; + } + j__udyFreeJBBJP(Pjp2Raw, /* pop1 = */ offset, Pjpm); + } + j__udyFreeJBB(PjbbRaw, Pjpm); + + assert(Pjlwnew == Pjlwnew_orig + cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1); + break; // delete Index from new LEAFW. + + } // case cJU_JPBRANCH_B. + + +// JPBRANCH_U: Copy each JPs indexes to the new LEAFW and free the old +// branch: + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U: + { + Pjbu_t PjbuRaw = (Pjbu_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr); + Pjbu_t Pjbu = P_JBU(PjbuRaw); + Word_t ldigit; // larger than uint8_t. + + for (Pjp = Pjbu->jbu_jp, ldigit = 0; + ldigit < cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS; + ++Pjp, ++ldigit) + { + +// Shortcuts, to save a little time for possibly big branches: + + if ((JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) == cJU_JPNULLMAX) // skip null JP. + continue; + +// TBD: Should the following shortcut also be used in BranchL and BranchB +// code? + +#ifndef JU_64BIT + if ((JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) == cJU_JPIMMED_3_01) +#else + if ((JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) == cJU_JPIMMED_7_01) +#endif + { // single Immed: + *Pjlwnew++ = JU_DIGITTOSTATE(ldigit, cJU_BYTESPERWORD) + | JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp); // rebuild Index. +#ifdef JUDYL + *Pjv++ = Pjp->jp_Addr; // copy value area. +#endif + continue; + } + + pop1 = j__udyLeafM1ToLeafW(Pjlwnew, JU_PVALUEPASS + Pjp, JU_DIGITTOSTATE(ldigit, cJU_BYTESPERWORD), + (Pvoid_t) Pjpm); + Pjlwnew += pop1; // advance through indexes. + JUDYLCODE(Pjv += pop1;) // advance through values. + } + j__udyFreeJBU(PjbuRaw, Pjpm); + + assert(Pjlwnew == Pjlwnew_orig + cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1); + break; // delete Index from new LEAFW. + + } // case cJU_JPBRANCH_U. + + +// INVALID JP TYPE in jpm_t struct + + default: JU_SET_ERRNO_NONNULL(Pjpm, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + return(JERRI); + + } // end switch on sub-JP type. + + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted((Pjll_t) Pjlwnew_orig, cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1, + cJU_ROOTSTATE);) + +// FREE JPM (no longer needed): + + j__udyFreeJPM(Pjpm, (Pjpm_t) NULL); + DBGCODE(JudyCheckPop(*PPArray);) + return(1); + + } + /*NOTREACHED*/ + +} // Judy1Unset() / JudyLDel() diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/JudyFirst.c b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/JudyFirst.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..850aafa3 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/JudyFirst.c @@ -0,0 +1,213 @@ +// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company +// +// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +// under the term of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +// option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +// _________________ + +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ +// +// Judy*First[Empty]() and Judy*Last[Empty]() routines for Judy1 and JudyL. +// Compile with one of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL. +// +// These are inclusive versions of Judy*Next[Empty]() and Judy*Prev[Empty](). + +#if (! (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JUDYL))) +#error: One of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL must be specified. +#endif + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#include "Judy1.h" +#else +#include "JudyL.h" +#endif + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y 1 F I R S T +// J U D Y L F I R S T +// +// See the manual entry for details. + +#ifdef JUDY1 +FUNCTION int Judy1First +#else +FUNCTION PPvoid_t JudyLFirst +#endif + ( + Pcvoid_t PArray, // Judy array to search. + Word_t * PIndex, // starting point and result. + PJError_t PJError // optional, for returning error info. + ) +{ + if (PIndex == (PWord_t) NULL) // caller error: + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NULLPINDEX); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + +#ifdef JUDY1 + switch (Judy1Test(PArray, *PIndex, PJError)) + { + case 1: return(1); // found *PIndex itself. + case 0: return(Judy1Next(PArray, PIndex, PJError)); + default: return(JERRI); + } +#else + { + PPvoid_t PValue; + + if ((PValue = JudyLGet(PArray, *PIndex, PJError)) == PPJERR) + return(PPJERR); + + if (PValue != (PPvoid_t) NULL) return(PValue); // found *PIndex. + + return(JudyLNext(PArray, PIndex, PJError)); + } +#endif + +} // Judy1First() / JudyLFirst() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y 1 L A S T +// J U D Y L L A S T +// +// See the manual entry for details. + +#ifdef JUDY1 +FUNCTION int Judy1Last( +#else +FUNCTION PPvoid_t JudyLLast( +#endif + Pcvoid_t PArray, // Judy array to search. + Word_t * PIndex, // starting point and result. + PJError_t PJError) // optional, for returning error info. +{ + if (PIndex == (PWord_t) NULL) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NULLPINDEX); // caller error. + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + +#ifdef JUDY1 + switch (Judy1Test(PArray, *PIndex, PJError)) + { + case 1: return(1); // found *PIndex itself. + case 0: return(Judy1Prev(PArray, PIndex, PJError)); + default: return(JERRI); + } +#else + { + PPvoid_t PValue; + + if ((PValue = JudyLGet(PArray, *PIndex, PJError)) == PPJERR) + return(PPJERR); + + if (PValue != (PPvoid_t) NULL) return(PValue); // found *PIndex. + + return(JudyLPrev(PArray, PIndex, PJError)); + } +#endif + +} // Judy1Last() / JudyLLast() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y 1 F I R S T E M P T Y +// J U D Y L F I R S T E M P T Y +// +// See the manual entry for details. + +#ifdef JUDY1 +FUNCTION int Judy1FirstEmpty( +#else +FUNCTION int JudyLFirstEmpty( +#endif + Pcvoid_t PArray, // Judy array to search. + Word_t * PIndex, // starting point and result. + PJError_t PJError) // optional, for returning error info. +{ + if (PIndex == (PWord_t) NULL) // caller error: + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NULLPINDEX); + return(JERRI); + } + +#ifdef JUDY1 + switch (Judy1Test(PArray, *PIndex, PJError)) + { + case 0: return(1); // found *PIndex itself. + case 1: return(Judy1NextEmpty(PArray, PIndex, PJError)); + default: return(JERRI); + } +#else + { + PPvoid_t PValue; + + if ((PValue = JudyLGet(PArray, *PIndex, PJError)) == PPJERR) + return(JERRI); + + if (PValue == (PPvoid_t) NULL) return(1); // found *PIndex. + + return(JudyLNextEmpty(PArray, PIndex, PJError)); + } +#endif + +} // Judy1FirstEmpty() / JudyLFirstEmpty() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y 1 L A S T E M P T Y +// J U D Y L L A S T E M P T Y +// +// See the manual entry for details. + +#ifdef JUDY1 +FUNCTION int Judy1LastEmpty( +#else +FUNCTION int JudyLLastEmpty( +#endif + Pcvoid_t PArray, // Judy array to search. + Word_t * PIndex, // starting point and result. + PJError_t PJError) // optional, for returning error info. +{ + if (PIndex == (PWord_t) NULL) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NULLPINDEX); // caller error. + return(JERRI); + } + +#ifdef JUDY1 + switch (Judy1Test(PArray, *PIndex, PJError)) + { + case 0: return(1); // found *PIndex itself. + case 1: return(Judy1PrevEmpty(PArray, PIndex, PJError)); + default: return(JERRI); + } +#else + { + PPvoid_t PValue; + + if ((PValue = JudyLGet(PArray, *PIndex, PJError)) == PPJERR) + return(JERRI); + + if (PValue == (PPvoid_t) NULL) return(1); // found *PIndex. + + return(JudyLPrevEmpty(PArray, PIndex, PJError)); + } +#endif + +} // Judy1LastEmpty() / JudyLLastEmpty() diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/JudyFreeArray.c b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/JudyFreeArray.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6ff3ad84 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/JudyFreeArray.c @@ -0,0 +1,363 @@ +// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company +// +// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +// under the term of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +// option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +// _________________ + +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ +// +// Judy1FreeArray() and JudyLFreeArray() functions for Judy1 and JudyL. +// Compile with one of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL. +// Return the number of bytes freed from the array. + +#if (! (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JUDYL))) +#error: One of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL must be specified. +#endif + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#include "Judy1.h" +#else +#include "JudyL.h" +#endif + +#include "JudyPrivate1L.h" + +DBGCODE(extern void JudyCheckPop(Pvoid_t PArray);) + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y 1 F R E E A R R A Y +// J U D Y L F R E E A R R A Y +// +// See the Judy*(3C) manual entry for details. +// +// This code is written recursively, at least at first, because thats much +// simpler. Hope its fast enough. + +#ifdef JUDY1 +FUNCTION Word_t Judy1FreeArray +#else +FUNCTION Word_t JudyLFreeArray +#endif + ( + PPvoid_t PPArray, // array to free. + PJError_t PJError // optional, for returning error info. + ) +{ + jpm_t jpm; // local to accumulate free statistics. + +// CHECK FOR NULL POINTER (error by caller): + + if (PPArray == (PPvoid_t) NULL) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NULLPPARRAY); + return(JERR); + } + + DBGCODE(JudyCheckPop(*PPArray);) + +// Zero jpm.jpm_Pop0 (meaning the array will be empty in a moment) for accurate +// logging in TRACEMI2. + + jpm.jpm_Pop0 = 0; // see above. + jpm.jpm_TotalMemWords = 0; // initialize memory freed. + +// Empty array: + + if (P_JLW(*PPArray) == (Pjlw_t) NULL) return(0); + +// PROCESS TOP LEVEL "JRP" BRANCHES AND LEAF: + + if (JU_LEAFW_POP0(*PPArray) < cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1) // must be a LEAFW + { + Pjlw_t Pjlw = P_JLW(*PPArray); // first word of leaf. + + j__udyFreeJLW(Pjlw, Pjlw[0] + 1, &jpm); + *PPArray = (Pvoid_t) NULL; // make an empty array. + return (-(jpm.jpm_TotalMemWords * cJU_BYTESPERWORD)); // see above. + } + else + +// Rootstate leaves: just free the leaf: + +// Common code for returning the amount of memory freed. +// +// Note: In a an ordinary LEAFW, pop0 = *PPArray[0]. +// +// Accumulate (negative) words freed, while freeing objects. +// Return the positive bytes freed. + + { + Pjpm_t Pjpm = P_JPM(*PPArray); + Word_t TotalMem = Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords; + + j__udyFreeSM(&(Pjpm->jpm_JP), &jpm); // recurse through tree. + j__udyFreeJPM(Pjpm, &jpm); + +// Verify the array was not corrupt. This means that amount of memory freed +// (which is negative) is equal to the initial amount: + + if (TotalMem + jpm.jpm_TotalMemWords) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + return(JERR); + } + + *PPArray = (Pvoid_t) NULL; // make an empty array. + return (TotalMem * cJU_BYTESPERWORD); + } + +} // Judy1FreeArray() / JudyLFreeArray() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y F R E E S M +// +// Given a pointer to a JP, recursively visit and free (depth first) all nodes +// in a Judy array BELOW the JP, but not the JP itself. Accumulate in *Pjpm +// the total words freed (as a negative value). "SM" = State Machine. +// +// Note: Corruption is not detected at this level because during a FreeArray, +// if the code hasnt already core dumped, its better to remain silent, even +// if some memory has not been freed, than to bother the caller about the +// corruption. TBD: Is this true? If not, must list all legitimate JPNULL +// and JPIMMED above first, and revert to returning bool_t (see 4.34). + +FUNCTION void j__udyFreeSM( + Pjp_t Pjp, // top of Judy (top-state). + Pjpm_t Pjpm) // to return words freed. +{ + Word_t Pop1; + + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { + +#ifdef JUDY1 + +// FULL EXPANSE -- nothing to free for this jp_Type. + + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1: + break; +#endif + +// JUDY BRANCH -- free the sub-tree depth first: + +// LINEAR BRANCH -- visit each JP in the JBLs list, then free the JBL: +// +// Note: There are no null JPs in a JBL. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L2: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L3: +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L4: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L5: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L6: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L7: +#endif // JU_64BIT + { + Pjbl_t Pjbl = P_JBL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + Word_t offset; + + for (offset = 0; offset < Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs; ++offset) + j__udyFreeSM((Pjbl->jbl_jp) + offset, Pjpm); + + j__udyFreeJBL((Pjbl_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), Pjpm); + break; + } + + +// BITMAP BRANCH -- visit each JP in the JBBs list based on the bitmap, also +// +// Note: There are no null JPs in a JBB. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B2: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B3: +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B4: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B5: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B6: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B7: +#endif // JU_64BIT + { + Word_t subexp; + Word_t offset; + Word_t jpcount; + + Pjbb_t Pjbb = P_JBB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + for (subexp = 0; subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPB; ++subexp) + { + jpcount = j__udyCountBitsB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp)); + + if (jpcount) + { + for (offset = 0; offset < jpcount; ++offset) + { + j__udyFreeSM(P_JP(JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp)) + offset, + Pjpm); + } + j__udyFreeJBBJP(JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp), jpcount, Pjpm); + } + } + j__udyFreeJBB((Pjbb_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), Pjpm); + + break; + } + + +// UNCOMPRESSED BRANCH -- visit each JP in the JBU array, then free the JBU +// itself: +// +// Note: Null JPs are handled during recursion at a lower state. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U2: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U3: +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U4: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U5: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U6: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U7: +#endif // JU_64BIT + { + Word_t offset; + Pjbu_t Pjbu = P_JBU(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + for (offset = 0; offset < cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS; ++offset) + j__udyFreeSM((Pjbu->jbu_jp) + offset, Pjpm); + + j__udyFreeJBU((Pjbu_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), Pjpm); + break; + } + + +// -- Cases below here terminate and do not recurse. -- + + +// LINEAR LEAF -- just free the leaf; size is computed from jp_Type: +// +// Note: cJU_JPLEAF1 is a special case, see discussion in ../Judy1/Judy1.h + +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + case cJU_JPLEAF1: + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + j__udyFreeJLL1((Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), Pop1, Pjpm); + break; +#endif + + case cJU_JPLEAF2: + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + j__udyFreeJLL2((Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), Pop1, Pjpm); + break; + + case cJU_JPLEAF3: + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + j__udyFreeJLL3((Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), Pop1, Pjpm); + break; + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPLEAF4: + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + j__udyFreeJLL4((Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), Pop1, Pjpm); + break; + + case cJU_JPLEAF5: + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + j__udyFreeJLL5((Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), Pop1, Pjpm); + break; + + case cJU_JPLEAF6: + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + j__udyFreeJLL6((Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), Pop1, Pjpm); + break; + + case cJU_JPLEAF7: + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + j__udyFreeJLL7((Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), Pop1, Pjpm); + break; +#endif // JU_64BIT + + +// BITMAP LEAF -- free sub-expanse arrays of JPs, then free the JBB. + + case cJU_JPLEAF_B1: + { +#ifdef JUDYL + Word_t subexp; + Word_t jpcount; + Pjlb_t Pjlb = P_JLB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + +// Free the value areas in the bitmap leaf: + + for (subexp = 0; subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPL; ++subexp) + { + jpcount = j__udyCountBitsL(JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp)); + + if (jpcount) + j__udyLFreeJV(JL_JLB_PVALUE(Pjlb, subexp), jpcount, Pjpm); + } +#endif // JUDYL + + j__udyFreeJLB1((Pjlb_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), Pjpm); + break; + + } // case cJU_JPLEAF_B1 + +#ifdef JUDYL + + +// IMMED*: +// +// For JUDYL, all non JPIMMED_*_01s have a LeafV which must be freed: + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_02: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_03: +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_04: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_05: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_06: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_07: +#endif + Pop1 = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) - cJU_JPIMMED_1_02 + 2; + j__udyLFreeJV((Pjv_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), Pop1, Pjpm); + break; + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_02: + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_03: + + Pop1 = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) - cJU_JPIMMED_2_02 + 2; + j__udyLFreeJV((Pjv_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), Pop1, Pjpm); + break; + + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_02: + j__udyLFreeJV((Pjv_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), 2, Pjpm); + break; + +#endif // JU_64BIT +#endif // JUDYL + + +// OTHER JPNULL, JPIMMED, OR UNEXPECTED TYPE -- nothing to free for this type: +// +// Note: Lump together no-op and invalid JP types; see function header +// comments. + + default: break; + + } // switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + +} // j__udyFreeSM() diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/JudyGet.c b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/JudyGet.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..43ca3313 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/JudyGet.c @@ -0,0 +1,1094 @@ +// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company +// +// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +// under the term of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +// option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +// _________________ + +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ +// +// Judy1Test() and JudyLGet() functions for Judy1 and JudyL. +// Compile with one of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL. + +#if (! (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JUDYL))) +#error: One of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL must be specified. +#endif + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#include "Judy1.h" +#else +#include "JudyL.h" +#endif + +#include "JudyPrivate1L.h" + +#ifdef TRACEJPR // different macro name, for "retrieval" only. +#include "JudyPrintJP.c" +#endif + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y 1 T E S T +// J U D Y L G E T +// +// See the manual entry for details. Note support for "shortcut" entries to +// trees known to start with a JPM. + +#ifdef JUDY1 + +#ifdef JUDYGETINLINE +FUNCTION int j__udy1Test +#else +FUNCTION int Judy1Test +#endif + +#else // JUDYL + +#ifdef JUDYGETINLINE +FUNCTION PPvoid_t j__udyLGet +#else +FUNCTION PPvoid_t JudyLGet +#endif + +#endif // JUDYL + ( +#ifdef JUDYGETINLINE + Pvoid_t PArray, // from which to retrieve. + Word_t Index // to retrieve. +#else + Pcvoid_t PArray, // from which to retrieve. + Word_t Index, // to retrieve. + PJError_t PJError // optional, for returning error info. +#endif + ) +{ + Pjp_t Pjp; // current JP while walking the tree. + Pjpm_t Pjpm; // for global accounting. + uint8_t Digit; // byte just decoded from Index. + Word_t Pop1; // leaf population (number of indexes). + Pjll_t Pjll; // pointer to LeafL. + DBGCODE(uint8_t ParentJPType;) + +#ifndef JUDYGETINLINE + + if (PArray == (Pcvoid_t) NULL) // empty array. + { + JUDY1CODE(return(0);) + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) NULL);) + } + +// **************************************************************************** +// PROCESS TOP LEVEL BRANCHES AND LEAF: + + if (JU_LEAFW_POP0(PArray) < cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1) // must be a LEAFW + { + Pjlw_t Pjlw = P_JLW(PArray); // first word of leaf. + int posidx; // signed offset in leaf. + + Pop1 = Pjlw[0] + 1; + posidx = j__udySearchLeafW(Pjlw + 1, Pop1, Index); + + if (posidx >= 0) + { + JUDY1CODE(return(1);) + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) (JL_LEAFWVALUEAREA(Pjlw, Pop1) + posidx));) + } + JUDY1CODE(return(0);) + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) NULL);) + } + +#endif // ! JUDYGETINLINE + + Pjpm = P_JPM(PArray); + Pjp = &(Pjpm->jpm_JP); // top branch is below JPM. + +// **************************************************************************** +// WALK THE JUDY TREE USING A STATE MACHINE: + +ContinueWalk: // for going down one level; come here with Pjp set. + +#ifdef TRACEJPR + JudyPrintJP(Pjp, "g", __LINE__); +#endif + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { + +// Ensure the switch table starts at 0 for speed; otherwise more code is +// executed: + + case 0: goto ReturnCorrupt; // save a little code. + + +// **************************************************************************** +// JPNULL*: +// +// Note: These are legitimate in a BranchU (only) and do not constitute a +// fault. + + case cJU_JPNULL1: + case cJU_JPNULL2: + case cJU_JPNULL3: +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPNULL4: + case cJU_JPNULL5: + case cJU_JPNULL6: + case cJU_JPNULL7: +#endif + assert(ParentJPType >= cJU_JPBRANCH_U2); + assert(ParentJPType <= cJU_JPBRANCH_U); + JUDY1CODE(return(0);) + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) NULL);) + + +// **************************************************************************** +// JPBRANCH_L*: +// +// Note: The use of JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX() in branches is not strictly +// required,since this can be done at leaf level, but it costs nothing to do it +// sooner, and it aborts an unnecessary traversal sooner. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L2: + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 2)) break; + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 2); + goto JudyBranchL; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L3: + +#ifdef JU_64BIT // otherwise its a no-op: + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 3)) break; +#endif + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 3); + goto JudyBranchL; + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L4: + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 4)) break; + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 4); + goto JudyBranchL; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L5: + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 5)) break; + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 5); + goto JudyBranchL; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L6: + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 6)) break; + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 6); + goto JudyBranchL; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L7: + + // JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX() would be a no-op. + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 7); + goto JudyBranchL; + +#endif // JU_64BIT + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L: + { + Pjbl_t Pjbl; + int posidx; + + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, cJU_ROOTSTATE); + +// Common code for all BranchLs; come here with Digit set: + +JudyBranchL: + Pjbl = P_JBL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + posidx = 0; + + do { + if (Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[posidx] == Digit) + { // found Digit; continue traversal: + DBGCODE(ParentJPType = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp);) + Pjp = Pjbl->jbl_jp + posidx; + goto ContinueWalk; + } + } while (++posidx != Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs); + + break; + } + + +// **************************************************************************** +// JPBRANCH_B*: + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B2: + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 2)) break; + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 2); + goto JudyBranchB; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B3: + +#ifdef JU_64BIT // otherwise its a no-op: + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 3)) break; +#endif + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 3); + goto JudyBranchB; + + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B4: + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 4)) break; + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 4); + goto JudyBranchB; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B5: + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 5)) break; + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 5); + goto JudyBranchB; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B6: + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 6)) break; + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 6); + goto JudyBranchB; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B7: + + // JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX() would be a no-op. + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 7); + goto JudyBranchB; + +#endif // JU_64BIT + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B: + { + Pjbb_t Pjbb; + Word_t subexp; // in bitmap, 0..7. + BITMAPB_t BitMap; // for one subexpanse. + BITMAPB_t BitMask; // bit in BitMap for Indexs Digit. + + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, cJU_ROOTSTATE); + +// Common code for all BranchBs; come here with Digit set: + +JudyBranchB: + DBGCODE(ParentJPType = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp);) + Pjbb = P_JBB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + subexp = Digit / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; + + BitMap = JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp); + Pjp = P_JP(JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp)); + + BitMask = JU_BITPOSMASKB(Digit); + +// No JP in subexpanse for Index => Index not found: + + if (! (BitMap & BitMask)) break; + +// Count JPs in the subexpanse below the one for Index: + + Pjp += j__udyCountBitsB(BitMap & (BitMask - 1)); + + goto ContinueWalk; + + } // case cJU_JPBRANCH_B* + + +// **************************************************************************** +// JPBRANCH_U*: +// +// Notice the reverse order of the cases, and falling through to the next case, +// for performance. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U: + + DBGCODE(ParentJPType = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp);) + Pjp = JU_JBU_PJP(Pjp, Index, cJU_ROOTSTATE); + +// If not a BranchU, traverse; otherwise fall into the next case, which makes +// this very fast code for a large Judy array (mainly BranchUs), especially +// when branches are already in the cache, such as for prev/next: + +#ifndef JU_64BIT + if (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) != cJU_JPBRANCH_U3) goto ContinueWalk; +#else + if (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) != cJU_JPBRANCH_U7) goto ContinueWalk; +#endif + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U7: + + // JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX() would be a no-op. + DBGCODE(ParentJPType = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp);) + Pjp = JU_JBU_PJP(Pjp, Index, 7); + + if (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) != cJU_JPBRANCH_U6) goto ContinueWalk; + // and fall through. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U6: + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 6)) break; + DBGCODE(ParentJPType = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp);) + Pjp = JU_JBU_PJP(Pjp, Index, 6); + + if (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) != cJU_JPBRANCH_U5) goto ContinueWalk; + // and fall through. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U5: + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 5)) break; + DBGCODE(ParentJPType = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp);) + Pjp = JU_JBU_PJP(Pjp, Index, 5); + + if (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) != cJU_JPBRANCH_U4) goto ContinueWalk; + // and fall through. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U4: + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 4)) break; + DBGCODE(ParentJPType = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp);) + Pjp = JU_JBU_PJP(Pjp, Index, 4); + + if (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) != cJU_JPBRANCH_U3) goto ContinueWalk; + // and fall through. + +#endif // JU_64BIT + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U3: + +#ifdef JU_64BIT // otherwise its a no-op: + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 3)) break; +#endif + DBGCODE(ParentJPType = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp);) + Pjp = JU_JBU_PJP(Pjp, Index, 3); + + if (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) != cJU_JPBRANCH_U2) goto ContinueWalk; + // and fall through. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U2: + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 2)) break; + DBGCODE(ParentJPType = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp);) + Pjp = JU_JBU_PJP(Pjp, Index, 2); + +// Note: BranchU2 is a special case that must continue traversal to a leaf, +// immed, full, or null type: + + goto ContinueWalk; + + +// **************************************************************************** +// JPLEAF*: +// +// Note: Here the calls of JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX() are necessary and check +// whether Index is out of the expanse of a narrow pointer. + +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + + case cJU_JPLEAF1: + { + int posidx; // signed offset in leaf. + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 1)) break; + + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + Pjll = P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + if ((posidx = j__udySearchLeaf1(Pjll, Pop1, Index)) < 0) break; + + JUDY1CODE(return(1);) + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) (JL_LEAF1VALUEAREA(Pjll, Pop1) + posidx));) + } + +#endif // (JUDYL || (! JU_64BIT)) + + case cJU_JPLEAF2: + { + int posidx; // signed offset in leaf. + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 2)) break; + + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + Pjll = P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + if ((posidx = j__udySearchLeaf2(Pjll, Pop1, Index)) < 0) break; + + JUDY1CODE(return(1);) + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) (JL_LEAF2VALUEAREA(Pjll, Pop1) + posidx));) + } + case cJU_JPLEAF3: + { + int posidx; // signed offset in leaf. + +#ifdef JU_64BIT // otherwise its a no-op: + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 3)) break; +#endif + + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + Pjll = P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + if ((posidx = j__udySearchLeaf3(Pjll, Pop1, Index)) < 0) break; + + JUDY1CODE(return(1);) + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) (JL_LEAF3VALUEAREA(Pjll, Pop1) + posidx));) + } +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPLEAF4: + { + int posidx; // signed offset in leaf. + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 4)) break; + + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + Pjll = P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + if ((posidx = j__udySearchLeaf4(Pjll, Pop1, Index)) < 0) break; + + JUDY1CODE(return(1);) + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) (JL_LEAF4VALUEAREA(Pjll, Pop1) + posidx));) + } + case cJU_JPLEAF5: + { + int posidx; // signed offset in leaf. + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 5)) break; + + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + Pjll = P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + if ((posidx = j__udySearchLeaf5(Pjll, Pop1, Index)) < 0) break; + + JUDY1CODE(return(1);) + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) (JL_LEAF5VALUEAREA(Pjll, Pop1) + posidx));) + } + + case cJU_JPLEAF6: + { + int posidx; // signed offset in leaf. + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 6)) break; + + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + Pjll = P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + if ((posidx = j__udySearchLeaf6(Pjll, Pop1, Index)) < 0) break; + + JUDY1CODE(return(1);) + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) (JL_LEAF6VALUEAREA(Pjll, Pop1) + posidx));) + } + case cJU_JPLEAF7: + { + int posidx; // signed offset in leaf. + + // JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX() would be a no-op. + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + Pjll = P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + if ((posidx = j__udySearchLeaf7(Pjll, Pop1, Index)) < 0) break; + + JUDY1CODE(return(1);) + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) (JL_LEAF7VALUEAREA(Pjll, Pop1) + posidx));) + } +#endif // JU_64BIT + + +// **************************************************************************** +// JPLEAF_B1: + + case cJU_JPLEAF_B1: + { + Pjlb_t Pjlb; +#ifdef JUDYL + int posidx; + Word_t subexp; // in bitmap, 0..7. + BITMAPL_t BitMap; // for one subexpanse. + BITMAPL_t BitMask; // bit in BitMap for Indexs Digit. + Pjv_t Pjv; +#endif + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 1)) break; + + Pjlb = P_JLB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + +#ifdef JUDY1 + +// Simply check if Indexs bit is set in the bitmap: + + if (JU_BITMAPTESTL(Pjlb, Index)) return(1); + break; + +#else // JUDYL + +// JudyL is much more complicated because of value area subarrays: + + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 1); + subexp = Digit / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL; + BitMap = JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp); + BitMask = JU_BITPOSMASKL(Digit); + +// No value in subexpanse for Index => Index not found: + + if (! (BitMap & BitMask)) break; + +// Count value areas in the subexpanse below the one for Index: + + Pjv = P_JV(JL_JLB_PVALUE(Pjlb, subexp)); + assert(Pjv != (Pjv_t) NULL); + posidx = j__udyCountBitsL(BitMap & (BitMask - 1)); + + return((PPvoid_t) (Pjv + posidx)); + +#endif // JUDYL + + } // case cJU_JPLEAF_B1 + +#ifdef JUDY1 + +// **************************************************************************** +// JPFULLPOPU1: +// +// If the Index is in the expanse, it is necessarily valid (found). + + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1: + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 1)) break; + return(1); + +#ifdef notdef // for future enhancements +#ifdef JU_64BIT + +// Note: Need ? if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 1)) break; + + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m15: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[14] == (uint8_t)Index) break; + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m14: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[13] == (uint8_t)Index) break; + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m13: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[12] == (uint8_t)Index) break; + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m12: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[11] == (uint8_t)Index) break; + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m11: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[10] == (uint8_t)Index) break; + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m10: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[9] == (uint8_t)Index) break; + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m9: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[8] == (uint8_t)Index) break; + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m8: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[7] == (uint8_t)Index) break; +#endif + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m7: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[6] == (uint8_t)Index) break; + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m6: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[5] == (uint8_t)Index) break; + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m5: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[4] == (uint8_t)Index) break; + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m4: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[3] == (uint8_t)Index) break; + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m3: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[2] == (uint8_t)Index) break; + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m2: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[1] == (uint8_t)Index) break; + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m1: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[0] == (uint8_t)Index) break; + + return(1); // found, not in exclusion list + +#endif // JUDY1 +#endif // notdef + +// **************************************************************************** +// JPIMMED*: +// +// Note that the contents of jp_DcdPopO are different for cJU_JPIMMED_*_01: + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_01: +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPIMMED_4_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_5_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_6_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_7_01: +#endif + if (JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) != JU_TRIMTODCDSIZE(Index)) break; + + JUDY1CODE(return(1);) + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) &(Pjp->jp_Addr));) // immediate value area. + + +// Macros to make code more readable and avoid dup errors + +#ifdef JUDY1 + +#define CHECKINDEXNATIVE(LEAF_T, PJP, IDX, INDEX) \ +if (((LEAF_T *)((PJP)->jp_1Index))[(IDX) - 1] == (LEAF_T)(INDEX)) \ + return(1) + +#define CHECKLEAFNONNAT(LFBTS, PJP, INDEX, IDX, COPY) \ +{ \ + Word_t i_ndex; \ + uint8_t *a_ddr; \ + a_ddr = (PJP)->jp_1Index + (((IDX) - 1) * (LFBTS)); \ + COPY(i_ndex, a_ddr); \ + if (i_ndex == JU_LEASTBYTES((INDEX), (LFBTS))) \ + return(1); \ +} +#endif + +#ifdef JUDYL + +#define CHECKINDEXNATIVE(LEAF_T, PJP, IDX, INDEX) \ +if (((LEAF_T *)((PJP)->jp_LIndex))[(IDX) - 1] == (LEAF_T)(INDEX)) \ + return((PPvoid_t)(P_JV((PJP)->jp_Addr) + (IDX) - 1)) + +#define CHECKLEAFNONNAT(LFBTS, PJP, INDEX, IDX, COPY) \ +{ \ + Word_t i_ndex; \ + uint8_t *a_ddr; \ + a_ddr = (PJP)->jp_LIndex + (((IDX) - 1) * (LFBTS)); \ + COPY(i_ndex, a_ddr); \ + if (i_ndex == JU_LEASTBYTES((INDEX), (LFBTS))) \ + return((PPvoid_t)(P_JV((PJP)->jp_Addr) + (IDX) - 1)); \ +} +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_15: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 15, Index); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_14: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 14, Index); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_13: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 13, Index); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_12: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 12, Index); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_11: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 11, Index); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_10: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 10, Index); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_09: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 9, Index); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_08: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 8, Index); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_07: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 7, Index); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_06: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 6, Index); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_05: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 5, Index); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_04: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 4, Index); +#endif + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_03: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 3, Index); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_02: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 2, Index); + CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 1, Index); + break; + +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_07: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint16_t, Pjp, 7, Index); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_06: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint16_t, Pjp, 6, Index); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_05: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint16_t, Pjp, 5, Index); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_04: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint16_t, Pjp, 4, Index); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_03: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint16_t, Pjp, 3, Index); + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_02: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint16_t, Pjp, 2, Index); + CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint16_t, Pjp, 1, Index); + break; +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_05: + CHECKLEAFNONNAT(3, Pjp, Index, 5, JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_04: + CHECKLEAFNONNAT(3, Pjp, Index, 4, JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_03: + CHECKLEAFNONNAT(3, Pjp, Index, 3, JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_02: + CHECKLEAFNONNAT(3, Pjp, Index, 2, JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG); + CHECKLEAFNONNAT(3, Pjp, Index, 1, JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG); + break; +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_03: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint32_t, Pjp, 3, Index); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint32_t, Pjp, 2, Index); + CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint32_t, Pjp, 1, Index); + break; + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_03: + CHECKLEAFNONNAT(5, Pjp, Index, 3, JU_COPY5_PINDEX_TO_LONG); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02: + CHECKLEAFNONNAT(5, Pjp, Index, 2, JU_COPY5_PINDEX_TO_LONG); + CHECKLEAFNONNAT(5, Pjp, Index, 1, JU_COPY5_PINDEX_TO_LONG); + break; + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02: + CHECKLEAFNONNAT(6, Pjp, Index, 2, JU_COPY6_PINDEX_TO_LONG); + CHECKLEAFNONNAT(6, Pjp, Index, 1, JU_COPY6_PINDEX_TO_LONG); + break; + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02: + CHECKLEAFNONNAT(7, Pjp, Index, 2, JU_COPY7_PINDEX_TO_LONG); + CHECKLEAFNONNAT(7, Pjp, Index, 1, JU_COPY7_PINDEX_TO_LONG); + break; + +#endif // (JUDY1 && JU_64BIT) + + +// **************************************************************************** +// INVALID JP TYPE: + + default: + +ReturnCorrupt: + +#ifdef JUDYGETINLINE // Pjpm is known to be non-null: + JU_SET_ERRNO_NONNULL(Pjpm, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); +#else + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); +#endif + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + + } // switch on JP type + +JUDY1CODE(return(0);) +JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) NULL);) + +} // Judy1Test() / JudyLGet() + + +#ifndef JUDYGETINLINE // only compile the following function once: +#ifdef DEBUG + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y C H E C K P O P +// +// Given a pointer to a Judy array, traverse the entire array to ensure +// population counts add up correctly. This can catch various coding errors. +// +// Since walking the entire tree is probably time-consuming, enable this +// function by setting env parameter $CHECKPOP to first call at which to start +// checking. Note: This function is called both from insert and delete code. +// +// Note: Even though this function does nothing useful for LEAFW leaves, its +// good practice to call it anyway, and cheap too. +// +// TBD: This is a debug-only check function similar to JudyCheckSorted(), but +// since it walks the tree it is Judy1/JudyL-specific and must live in a source +// file that is built both ways. +// +// TBD: As feared, enabling this code for every insert/delete makes Judy +// deathly slow, even for a small tree (10K indexes). Its not so bad if +// present but disabled (<1% slowdown measured). Still, should it be ifdefd +// other than DEBUG and/or called less often? +// +// TBD: Should this "population checker" be expanded to a comprehensive tree +// checker? It currently detects invalid LEAFW/JP types as well as inconsistent +// pop1s. Other possible checks, all based on essentially redundant data in +// the Judy tree, include: +// +// - Zero LS bits in jp_Addr field. +// +// - Correct Dcd bits. +// +// - Consistent JP types (always descending down the tree). +// +// - Sorted linear lists in BranchLs and leaves (using JudyCheckSorted(), but +// ideally that function is already called wherever appropriate after any +// linear list is modified). +// +// - Any others possible? + +#include // for getenv() and atol(). + +static Word_t JudyCheckPopSM(Pjp_t Pjp, Word_t RootPop1); + +FUNCTION void JudyCheckPop( + Pvoid_t PArray) +{ +static bool_t checked = FALSE; // already checked env parameter. +static bool_t enabled = FALSE; // env parameter set. +static bool_t active = FALSE; // calls >= callsmin. +static Word_t callsmin; // start point from $CHECKPOP. +static Word_t calls = 0; // times called so far. + + +// CHECK FOR EXTERNAL ENABLING: + + if (! checked) // only check once. + { + char * value; // for getenv(). + + checked = TRUE; + + if ((value = getenv("CHECKPOP")) == (char *) NULL) + { +#ifdef notdef +// Take this out because nightly tests want to be flavor-independent; its not +// OK to emit special non-error output from the debug flavor: + + (void) puts("JudyCheckPop() present but not enabled by " + "$CHECKPOP env parameter; set it to the number of " + "calls at which to begin checking"); +#endif + return; + } + + callsmin = atol(value); // note: non-number evaluates to 0. + enabled = TRUE; + + (void) printf("JudyCheckPop() present and enabled; callsmin = " + "%lu\n", callsmin); + } + else if (! enabled) return; + +// Previously or just now enabled; check if non-active or newly active: + + if (! active) + { + if (++calls < callsmin) return; + + (void) printf("JudyCheckPop() activated at call %lu\n", calls); + active = TRUE; + } + +// IGNORE LEAFW AT TOP OF TREE: + + if (JU_LEAFW_POP0(PArray) < cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1) // must be a LEAFW + return; + +// Check JPM pop0 against tree, recursively: +// +// Note: The traversal code in JudyCheckPopSM() is simplest when the case +// statement for each JP type compares the pop1 for that JP to its subtree (if +// any) after traversing the subtree (thats the hard part) and adding up +// actual pop1s. A top branchs JP in the JPM does not have room for a +// full-word pop1, so pass it in as a special case. + + { + Pjpm_t Pjpm = P_JPM(PArray); + (void) JudyCheckPopSM(&(Pjpm->jpm_JP), Pjpm->jpm_Pop0 + 1); + return; + } + +} // JudyCheckPop() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y C H E C K P O P S M +// +// Recursive state machine (subroutine) for JudyCheckPop(): Given a Pjp (other +// than JPNULL*; caller should shortcut) and the root population for top-level +// branches, check the subtrees actual pop1 against its nominal value, and +// return the total pop1 for the subtree. +// +// Note: Expect RootPop1 to be ignored at lower levels, so pass down 0, which +// should pop an assertion if this expectation is violated. + +FUNCTION static Word_t JudyCheckPopSM( + Pjp_t Pjp, // top of subtree. + Word_t RootPop1) // whole array, for top-level branches only. +{ + Word_t pop1_jp; // nominal population from the JP. + Word_t pop1 = 0; // actual population at this level. + Word_t offset; // in a branch. + +#define PREPBRANCH(cPopBytes,Next) \ + pop1_jp = JU_JPBRANCH_POP0(Pjp, cPopBytes) + 1; goto Next + +assert((((Word_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr)) & 7) == 3); + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L2: PREPBRANCH(2, BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L3: PREPBRANCH(3, BranchL); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L4: PREPBRANCH(4, BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L5: PREPBRANCH(5, BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L6: PREPBRANCH(6, BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L7: PREPBRANCH(7, BranchL); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L: pop1_jp = RootPop1; + { + Pjbl_t Pjbl; +BranchL: + Pjbl = P_JBL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + for (offset = 0; offset < (Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs); ++offset) + pop1 += JudyCheckPopSM((Pjbl->jbl_jp) + offset, 0); + + assert(pop1_jp == pop1); + return(pop1); + } + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B2: PREPBRANCH(2, BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B3: PREPBRANCH(3, BranchB); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B4: PREPBRANCH(4, BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B5: PREPBRANCH(5, BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B6: PREPBRANCH(6, BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B7: PREPBRANCH(7, BranchB); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B: pop1_jp = RootPop1; + { + Word_t subexp; + Word_t jpcount; + Pjbb_t Pjbb; +BranchB: + Pjbb = P_JBB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + for (subexp = 0; subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPB; ++subexp) + { + jpcount = j__udyCountBitsB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp)); + + for (offset = 0; offset < jpcount; ++offset) + { + pop1 += JudyCheckPopSM(P_JP(JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp)) + + offset, 0); + } + } + + assert(pop1_jp == pop1); + return(pop1); + } + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U2: PREPBRANCH(2, BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U3: PREPBRANCH(3, BranchU); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U4: PREPBRANCH(4, BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U5: PREPBRANCH(5, BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U6: PREPBRANCH(6, BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U7: PREPBRANCH(7, BranchU); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U: pop1_jp = RootPop1; + { + Pjbu_t Pjbu; +BranchU: + Pjbu = P_JBU(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + for (offset = 0; offset < cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS; ++offset) + { + if (((Pjbu->jbu_jp[offset].jp_Type) >= cJU_JPNULL1) + && ((Pjbu->jbu_jp[offset].jp_Type) <= cJU_JPNULLMAX)) + { + continue; // skip null JP to save time. + } + + pop1 += JudyCheckPopSM((Pjbu->jbu_jp) + offset, 0); + } + + assert(pop1_jp == pop1); + return(pop1); + } + + +// -- Cases below here terminate and do not recurse. -- +// +// For all of these cases except JPLEAF_B1, there is no way to check the JPs +// pop1 against the object itself; just return the pop1; but for linear leaves, +// a bounds check is possible. + +#define CHECKLEAF(MaxPop1) \ + pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; \ + assert(pop1 >= 1); \ + assert(pop1 <= (MaxPop1)); \ + return(pop1) + +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + case cJU_JPLEAF1: CHECKLEAF(cJU_LEAF1_MAXPOP1); +#endif + case cJU_JPLEAF2: CHECKLEAF(cJU_LEAF2_MAXPOP1); + case cJU_JPLEAF3: CHECKLEAF(cJU_LEAF3_MAXPOP1); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPLEAF4: CHECKLEAF(cJU_LEAF4_MAXPOP1); + case cJU_JPLEAF5: CHECKLEAF(cJU_LEAF5_MAXPOP1); + case cJU_JPLEAF6: CHECKLEAF(cJU_LEAF6_MAXPOP1); + case cJU_JPLEAF7: CHECKLEAF(cJU_LEAF7_MAXPOP1); +#endif + + case cJU_JPLEAF_B1: + { + Word_t subexp; + Pjlb_t Pjlb; + + pop1_jp = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + + Pjlb = P_JLB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + for (subexp = 0; subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPL; ++subexp) + pop1 += j__udyCountBitsL(JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp)); + + assert(pop1_jp == pop1); + return(pop1); + } + + JUDY1CODE(case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1: return(cJU_JPFULLPOPU1_POP0);) + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_01: return(1); + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_01: return(1); + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_01: return(1); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPIMMED_4_01: return(1); + case cJU_JPIMMED_5_01: return(1); + case cJU_JPIMMED_6_01: return(1); + case cJU_JPIMMED_7_01: return(1); +#endif + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_02: return(2); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_03: return(3); +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_04: return(4); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_05: return(5); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_06: return(6); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_07: return(7); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_08: return(8); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_09: return(9); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_10: return(10); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_11: return(11); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_12: return(12); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_13: return(13); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_14: return(14); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_15: return(15); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_02: return(2); + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_03: return(3); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_04: return(4); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_05: return(5); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_06: return(6); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_07: return(7); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_02: return(2); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_03: return(3); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_04: return(4); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_05: return(5); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02: return(2); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_03: return(3); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02: return(2); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_03: return(3); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02: return(2); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02: return(2); +#endif + + } // switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + + assert(FALSE); // unrecognized JP type => corruption. + return(0); // to make some compilers happy. + +} // JudyCheckPopSM() + +#endif // DEBUG +#endif // ! JUDYGETINLINE diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/JudyIns.c b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/JudyIns.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5b3f07b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/JudyIns.c @@ -0,0 +1,1873 @@ +// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company +// +// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +// under the term of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +// option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +// _________________ + +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ +// +// Judy1Set() and JudyLIns() functions for Judy1 and JudyL. +// Compile with one of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL. +// +// TBD: Should some of the assertions here be converted to product code that +// returns JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT? + +#if (! (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JUDYL))) +#error: One of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL must be specified. +#endif + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#include "Judy1.h" +#else +#include "JudyL.h" +#endif + +#include "JudyPrivate1L.h" + +// Note: Call JudyCheckPop() even before "already inserted" returns, to catch +// population errors; see fix in 4.84: + +DBGCODE(extern void JudyCheckPop(Pvoid_t PArray);) +DBGCODE(extern void JudyCheckSorted(Pjll_t Pjll, Word_t Pop1, long IndexSize);) + +#ifdef TRACEJP +#include "JudyPrintJP.c" +#endif + + +// These are defined to generic values in JudyCommon/JudyPrivateTypes.h: +// +// TBD: These should be exported from a header file, but perhaps not, as they +// are only used here, and exported from Judy*Decascade, which is a separate +// file for profiling reasons (to prevent inlining), but which potentially +// could be merged with this file, either in SoftCM or at compile-time. + +#ifdef JUDY1 +extern int j__udy1CreateBranchB(Pjp_t, Pjp_t, uint8_t *, Word_t, Pvoid_t); +extern int j__udy1CreateBranchU(Pjp_t, Pvoid_t); + +#ifndef JU_64BIT +extern int j__udy1Cascade1(Pjp_t, Pvoid_t); +#endif +extern int j__udy1Cascade2(Pjp_t, Pvoid_t); +extern int j__udy1Cascade3(Pjp_t, Pvoid_t); +#ifdef JU_64BIT +extern int j__udy1Cascade4(Pjp_t, Pvoid_t); +extern int j__udy1Cascade5(Pjp_t, Pvoid_t); +extern int j__udy1Cascade6(Pjp_t, Pvoid_t); +extern int j__udy1Cascade7(Pjp_t, Pvoid_t); +#endif +extern int j__udy1CascadeL(Pjp_t, Pvoid_t); + +extern int j__udy1InsertBranch(Pjp_t Pjp, Word_t Index, Word_t Btype, Pjpm_t); + +#else // JUDYL + +extern int j__udyLCreateBranchB(Pjp_t, Pjp_t, uint8_t *, Word_t, Pvoid_t); +extern int j__udyLCreateBranchU(Pjp_t, Pvoid_t); + +extern int j__udyLCascade1(Pjp_t, Pvoid_t); +extern int j__udyLCascade2(Pjp_t, Pvoid_t); +extern int j__udyLCascade3(Pjp_t, Pvoid_t); +#ifdef JU_64BIT +extern int j__udyLCascade4(Pjp_t, Pvoid_t); +extern int j__udyLCascade5(Pjp_t, Pvoid_t); +extern int j__udyLCascade6(Pjp_t, Pvoid_t); +extern int j__udyLCascade7(Pjp_t, Pvoid_t); +#endif +extern int j__udyLCascadeL(Pjp_t, Pvoid_t); + +extern int j__udyLInsertBranch(Pjp_t Pjp, Word_t Index, Word_t Btype, Pjpm_t); +#endif + + +// **************************************************************************** +// MACROS FOR COMMON CODE: +// +// Check if Index is an outlier to (that is, not a member of) this expanse: +// +// An outlier is an Index in-the-expanse of the slot containing the pointer, +// but not-in-the-expanse of the "narrow" pointer in that slot. (This means +// the Dcd part of the Index differs from the equivalent part of jp_DcdPopO.) +// Therefore, the remedy is to put a cJU_JPBRANCH_L* between the narrow pointer +// and the object to which it points, and add the outlier Index as an Immediate +// in the cJU_JPBRANCH_L*. The "trick" is placing the cJU_JPBRANCH_L* at a +// Level that is as low as possible. This is determined by counting the digits +// in the existing narrow pointer that are the same as the digits in the new +// Index (see j__udyInsertBranch()). +// +// Note: At some high Levels, cJU_DCDMASK() is all zeros => dead code; assume +// the compiler optimizes this out. + +#define JU_CHECK_IF_OUTLIER(Pjp, Index, cLevel, Pjpm) \ + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, cLevel)) \ + return(j__udyInsertBranch(Pjp, Index, cLevel, Pjpm)) + +// Check if an Index is already in a leaf or immediate, after calling +// j__udySearchLeaf*() to set Offset: +// +// A non-negative Offset means the Index already exists, so return 0; otherwise +// complement Offset to proceed. + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#define Pjv ignore // placeholder. +#define JU_CHECK_IF_EXISTS(Offset,ignore,Pjpm) \ + { \ + if ((Offset) >= 0) return(0); \ + (Offset) = ~(Offset); \ + } +#else +// For JudyL, also set the value area pointer in the Pjpm: + +#define JU_CHECK_IF_EXISTS(Offset,Pjv,Pjpm) \ + { \ + if ((Offset) >= 0) \ + { \ + (Pjpm)->jpm_PValue = (Pjv) + (Offset); \ + return(0); \ + } \ + (Offset) = ~(Offset); \ + } +#endif + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y I N S W A L K +// +// Walk the Judy tree to do a set/insert. This is only called internally, and +// recursively. Unlike Judy1Test() and JudyLGet(), the extra time required for +// recursion should be negligible compared with the total. +// +// Return -1 for error (details in JPM), 0 for Index already inserted, 1 for +// new Index inserted. + +FUNCTION static int j__udyInsWalk( + Pjp_t Pjp, // current JP to descend. + Word_t Index, // to insert. + Pjpm_t Pjpm) // for returning info to top Level. +{ + uint8_t digit; // from Index, current offset into a branch. + jp_t newJP; // for creating a new Immed JP. + Word_t exppop1; // expanse (leaf) population. + int retcode; // return codes: -1, 0, 1. + +#ifdef SUBEXPCOUNTS +// Pointer to BranchB/U subexpanse counter: +// +// Note: Very important for performance reasons (avoids cache fills). + + PWord_t PSubExp = (PWord_t) NULL; +#endif + +ContinueInsWalk: // for modifying state without recursing. + +#ifdef TRACEJP + JudyPrintJP(Pjp, "i", __LINE__); +#endif + + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) // entry: Pjp, Index. + { + + +// **************************************************************************** +// JPNULL*: +// +// Convert JP in place from current null type to cJU_JPIMMED_*_01 by +// calculating new JP type. + + case cJU_JPNULL1: + case cJU_JPNULL2: + case cJU_JPNULL3: +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPNULL4: + case cJU_JPNULL5: + case cJU_JPNULL6: + case cJU_JPNULL7: +#endif + assert((Pjp->jp_Addr) == 0); + JU_JPSETADT(Pjp, 0, Index, JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) + cJU_JPIMMED_1_01 - cJU_JPNULL1); +#ifdef JUDYL + // value area is first word of new Immed_01 JP: + Pjpm->jpm_PValue = (Pjv_t) (&(Pjp->jp_Addr)); +#endif + return(1); + + +// **************************************************************************** +// JPBRANCH_L*: +// +// If the new Index is not an outlier to the branchs expanse, and the branch +// should not be converted to uncompressed, extract the digit and record the +// Immediate type to create for a new Immed JP, before going to common code. +// +// Note: JU_CHECK_IF_OUTLIER() is a no-op for BranchB3[7] on 32[64]-bit. + +#define JU_BRANCH_OUTLIER(DIGIT,POP1,cLEVEL,PJP,INDEX,PJPM) \ + JU_CHECK_IF_OUTLIER(PJP, INDEX, cLEVEL, PJPM); \ + (DIGIT) = JU_DIGITATSTATE(INDEX, cLEVEL); \ + (POP1) = JU_JPBRANCH_POP0(PJP, cLEVEL) + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L2: + JU_BRANCH_OUTLIER(digit, exppop1, 2, Pjp, Index, Pjpm); + goto JudyBranchL; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L3: + JU_BRANCH_OUTLIER(digit, exppop1, 3, Pjp, Index, Pjpm); + goto JudyBranchL; + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L4: + JU_BRANCH_OUTLIER(digit, exppop1, 4, Pjp, Index, Pjpm); + goto JudyBranchL; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L5: + JU_BRANCH_OUTLIER(digit, exppop1, 5, Pjp, Index, Pjpm); + goto JudyBranchL; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L6: + JU_BRANCH_OUTLIER(digit, exppop1, 6, Pjp, Index, Pjpm); + goto JudyBranchL; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L7: + JU_BRANCH_OUTLIER(digit, exppop1, 7, Pjp, Index, Pjpm); + goto JudyBranchL; +#endif + +// Similar to common code above, but no outlier check is needed, and the Immed +// type depends on the word size: + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L: + { + Pjbl_t PjblRaw; // pointer to old linear branch. + Pjbl_t Pjbl; + Pjbu_t PjbuRaw; // pointer to new uncompressed branch. + Pjbu_t Pjbu; + Word_t numJPs; // number of JPs = populated expanses. + int offset; // in branch. + + digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, cJU_ROOTSTATE); + exppop1 = Pjpm->jpm_Pop0; + + // fall through: + +// COMMON CODE FOR LINEAR BRANCHES: +// +// Come here with digit and exppop1 already set. + +JudyBranchL: + PjblRaw = (Pjbl_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr); + Pjbl = P_JBL(PjblRaw); + +// If population under this branch greater than: + + if (exppop1 > JU_BRANCHL_MAX_POP) + goto ConvertBranchLtoU; + + numJPs = Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs; + + if ((numJPs == 0) || (numJPs > cJU_BRANCHLMAXJPS)) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO_NONNULL(Pjpm, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + return(-1); + } + +// Search for a match to the digit: + + offset = j__udySearchLeaf1((Pjll_t) (Pjbl->jbl_Expanse), numJPs, + digit); + +// If Index is found, offset is into an array of 1..cJU_BRANCHLMAXJPS JPs: + + if (offset >= 0) + { + Pjp = (Pjbl->jbl_jp) + offset; // address of next JP. + break; // continue walk. + } + +// Expanse is missing (not populated) for the passed Index, so insert an Immed +// -- if theres room: + + if (numJPs < cJU_BRANCHLMAXJPS) + { + offset = ~offset; // insertion offset. + + JU_JPSETADT(&newJP, 0, Index, + JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) + cJU_JPIMMED_1_01-cJU_JPBRANCH_L2); + + JU_INSERTINPLACE(Pjbl->jbl_Expanse, numJPs, offset, digit); + JU_INSERTINPLACE(Pjbl->jbl_jp, numJPs, offset, newJP); + + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted((Pjll_t) (Pjbl->jbl_Expanse), + numJPs + 1, /* IndexSize = */ 1);) + ++(Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs); +#ifdef JUDYL + // value area is first word of new Immed 01 JP: + Pjpm->jpm_PValue = (Pjv_t) ((Pjbl->jbl_jp) + offset); +#endif + return(1); + } + + +// MAXED OUT LINEAR BRANCH, CONVERT TO A BITMAP BRANCH, THEN INSERT: +// +// Copy the linear branch to a bitmap branch. +// +// TBD: Consider renaming j__udyCreateBranchB() to j__udyConvertBranchLtoB(). + + assert((numJPs) <= cJU_BRANCHLMAXJPS); + + if (j__udyCreateBranchB(Pjp, Pjbl->jbl_jp, Pjbl->jbl_Expanse, + numJPs, Pjpm) == -1) + { + return(-1); + } + +// Convert jp_Type from linear branch to equivalent bitmap branch: + + Pjp->jp_Type += cJU_JPBRANCH_B - cJU_JPBRANCH_L; + + j__udyFreeJBL(PjblRaw, Pjpm); // free old BranchL. + +// Having changed branch types, now do the insert in the new branch type: + + goto ContinueInsWalk; + + +// OPPORTUNISTICALLY CONVERT FROM BRANCHL TO BRANCHU: +// +// Memory efficiency is no object because the branchs pop1 is large enough, so +// speed up array access. Come here with PjblRaw set. Note: This is goto +// code because the previous block used to fall through into it as well, but no +// longer. + +ConvertBranchLtoU: + +// Allocate memory for an uncompressed branch: + + if ((PjbuRaw = j__udyAllocJBU(Pjpm)) == (Pjbu_t) NULL) + return(-1); + Pjbu = P_JBU(PjbuRaw); + +// Set the proper NULL type for most of the uncompressed branchs JPs: + + JU_JPSETADT(&newJP, 0, 0, + JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) - cJU_JPBRANCH_L2 + cJU_JPNULL1); + +// Initialize: Pre-set uncompressed branch to mostly JPNULL*s: + + for (numJPs = 0; numJPs < cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS; ++numJPs) + Pjbu->jbu_jp[numJPs] = newJP; + +// Copy JPs from linear branch to uncompressed branch: + + { +#ifdef SUBEXPCOUNTS + Word_t popmask = cJU_POP0MASK(JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + - cJU_JPBRANCH_L2 - 2; + + for (numJPs = 0; numJPs < cJU_NUMSUBEXPU; ++numJPs) + Pjbu->jbu_subPop1[numJPs] = 0; +#endif + for (numJPs = 0; numJPs < Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs; ++numJPs) + { + Pjp_t Pjp1 = &(Pjbl->jbl_jp[numJPs]); + offset = Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[numJPs]; + Pjbu->jbu_jp[offset] = *Pjp1; +#ifdef SUBEXPCOUNTS + Pjbu->jbu_subPop1[offset/cJU_NUMSUBEXPU] += + JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp1) & popmask + 1; +#endif + } + } + j__udyFreeJBL(PjblRaw, Pjpm); // free old BranchL. + +// Plug new values into parent JP: + + Pjp->jp_Addr = (Word_t) PjbuRaw; + Pjp->jp_Type += cJU_JPBRANCH_U - cJU_JPBRANCH_L; // to BranchU. + +// Save global population of last BranchU conversion: + + Pjpm->jpm_LastUPop0 = Pjpm->jpm_Pop0; + goto ContinueInsWalk; + + } // case cJU_JPBRANCH_L. + + +// **************************************************************************** +// JPBRANCH_B*: +// +// If the new Index is not an outlier to the branchs expanse, extract the +// digit and record the Immediate type to create for a new Immed JP, before +// going to common code. +// +// Note: JU_CHECK_IF_OUTLIER() is a no-op for BranchB3[7] on 32[64]-bit. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B2: + JU_BRANCH_OUTLIER(digit, exppop1, 2, Pjp, Index, Pjpm); + goto JudyBranchB; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B3: + JU_BRANCH_OUTLIER(digit, exppop1, 3, Pjp, Index, Pjpm); + goto JudyBranchB; + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B4: + JU_BRANCH_OUTLIER(digit, exppop1, 4, Pjp, Index, Pjpm); + goto JudyBranchB; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B5: + JU_BRANCH_OUTLIER(digit, exppop1, 5, Pjp, Index, Pjpm); + goto JudyBranchB; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B6: + JU_BRANCH_OUTLIER(digit, exppop1, 6, Pjp, Index, Pjpm); + goto JudyBranchB; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B7: + JU_BRANCH_OUTLIER(digit, exppop1, 7, Pjp, Index, Pjpm); + goto JudyBranchB; +#endif + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B: + { + Pjbb_t Pjbb; // pointer to bitmap branch. + Pjbb_t PjbbRaw; // pointer to bitmap branch. + Pjp_t Pjp2Raw; // 1 of N arrays of JPs. + Pjp_t Pjp2; // 1 of N arrays of JPs. + Word_t subexp; // 1 of N subexpanses in bitmap. + BITMAPB_t bitmap; // for one subexpanse. + BITMAPB_t bitmask; // bit set for Indexs digit. + Word_t numJPs; // number of JPs = populated expanses. + int offset; // in bitmap branch. + +// Similar to common code above, but no outlier check is needed, and the Immed +// type depends on the word size: + + digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, cJU_ROOTSTATE); + exppop1 = Pjpm->jpm_Pop0; + + // fall through: + + +// COMMON CODE FOR BITMAP BRANCHES: +// +// Come here with digit and exppop1 already set. + +JudyBranchB: + +// If population increment is greater than.. (300): + + if ((Pjpm->jpm_Pop0 - Pjpm->jpm_LastUPop0) > JU_BTOU_POP_INCREMENT) + { + +// If total population of array is greater than.. (750): + + if (Pjpm->jpm_Pop0 > JU_BRANCHB_MAX_POP) + { + +// If population under the branch is greater than.. (135): + + if (exppop1 > JU_BRANCHB_MIN_POP) + { + if (j__udyCreateBranchU(Pjp, Pjpm) == -1) return(-1); + +// Save global population of last BranchU conversion: + + Pjpm->jpm_LastUPop0 = Pjpm->jpm_Pop0; + + goto ContinueInsWalk; + } + } + } + +// CONTINUE TO USE BRANCHB: +// +// Get pointer to bitmap branch (JBB): + + PjbbRaw = (Pjbb_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr); + Pjbb = P_JBB(PjbbRaw); + +// Form the Int32 offset, and Bit offset values: +// +// 8 bit Decode | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | +// |SubExpanse | Bit offset | +// +// Get the 1 of 8 expanses from digit, Bits 5..7 = 1 of 8, and get the 32-bit +// word that may have a bit set: + + subexp = digit / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; + bitmap = JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp); + + Pjp2Raw = JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp); + Pjp2 = P_JP(Pjp2Raw); + +// Get the bit position that represents the desired expanse, and get the offset +// into the array of JPs for the JP that matches the bit. + + bitmask = JU_BITPOSMASKB(digit); + offset = j__udyCountBitsB(bitmap & (bitmask - 1)); + +// If JP is already in this expanse, get Pjp and continue the walk: + + if (bitmap & bitmask) + { +#ifdef SUBEXPCOUNTS + PSubExp = &(Pjbb->jbb_Counts[subexp]); // ptr to subexp counts. +#endif + Pjp = Pjp2 + offset; + break; // continue walk. + } + + +// ADD NEW EXPANSE FOR NEW INDEX: +// +// The new expanse always an cJU_JPIMMED_*_01 containing just the new Index, so +// finish setting up an Immed JP. + + JU_JPSETADT(&newJP, 0, Index, + JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) + cJU_JPIMMED_1_01-cJU_JPBRANCH_B2); + +// Get 1 of the 8 JP arrays and calculate number of JPs in subexpanse array: + + Pjp2Raw = JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp); + Pjp2 = P_JP(Pjp2Raw); + numJPs = j__udyCountBitsB(bitmap); + +// Expand branch JP subarray in-place: + + if (JU_BRANCHBJPGROWINPLACE(numJPs)) + { + assert(numJPs > 0); + JU_INSERTINPLACE(Pjp2, numJPs, offset, newJP); +#ifdef JUDYL + // value area is first word of new Immed 01 JP: + Pjpm->jpm_PValue = (Pjv_t) (Pjp2 + offset); +#endif + } + +// No room, allocate a bigger bitmap branch JP subarray: + + else + { + Pjp_t PjpnewRaw; + Pjp_t Pjpnew; + + if ((PjpnewRaw = j__udyAllocJBBJP(numJPs + 1, Pjpm)) == 0) + return(-1); + Pjpnew = P_JP(PjpnewRaw); + +// If there was an old JP array, then copy it, insert the new Immed JP, and +// free the old array: + + if (numJPs) + { + JU_INSERTCOPY(Pjpnew, Pjp2, numJPs, offset, newJP); + j__udyFreeJBBJP(Pjp2Raw, numJPs, Pjpm); +#ifdef JUDYL + // value area is first word of new Immed 01 JP: + Pjpm->jpm_PValue = (Pjv_t) (Pjpnew + offset); +#endif + } + +// New JP subarray; point to cJU_JPIMMED_*_01 and place it: + + else + { + assert(JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp) == (Pjp_t) NULL); + Pjp = Pjpnew; + *Pjp = newJP; // copy to new memory. +#ifdef JUDYL + // value area is first word of new Immed 01 JP: + Pjpm->jpm_PValue = (Pjv_t) (&(Pjp->jp_Addr)); +#endif + } + +// Place new JP subarray in BranchB: + + JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp) = PjpnewRaw; + + } // else + +// Set the new Indexs bit: + + JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp) |= bitmask; + + return(1); + + } // case + + +// **************************************************************************** +// JPBRANCH_U*: +// +// Just drop through the JP for the correct digit. If the JP turns out to be a +// JPNULL*, thats OK, the memory is already allocated, and the next walk +// simply places an Immed in it. +// +#ifdef SUBEXPCOUNTS +#define JU_GETSUBEXP(PSubExp,Pjbu,Digit) \ + (PSubExp) = &((Pjbu)->jbu_subPop1[(Digit) / cJU_NUMSUBEXPU]) +#else +#define JU_GETSUBEXP(PSubExp,Pjbu,Digit) // null. +#endif + +#define JU_JBU_PJP_SUBEXP(Pjp,PSubExp,Index,Level) \ + { \ + uint8_t digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, Level); \ + Pjbu_t P_jbu = P_JBU((Pjp)->jp_Addr); \ + (Pjp) = &(P_jbu->jbu_jp[digit]); \ + JU_GETSUBEXP(PSubExp, P_jbu, digit); \ + } + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U2: + JU_CHECK_IF_OUTLIER(Pjp, Index, 2, Pjpm); + JU_JBU_PJP_SUBEXP(Pjp, PSubExp, Index, 2); + break; + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U3: + JU_CHECK_IF_OUTLIER(Pjp, Index, 3, Pjpm); + JU_JBU_PJP_SUBEXP(Pjp, PSubExp, Index, 3); + break; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U4: + JU_CHECK_IF_OUTLIER(Pjp, Index, 4, Pjpm); + JU_JBU_PJP_SUBEXP(Pjp, PSubExp, Index, 4); + break; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U5: + JU_CHECK_IF_OUTLIER(Pjp, Index, 5, Pjpm); + JU_JBU_PJP_SUBEXP(Pjp, PSubExp, Index, 5); + break; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U6: + JU_CHECK_IF_OUTLIER(Pjp, Index, 6, Pjpm); + JU_JBU_PJP_SUBEXP(Pjp, PSubExp, Index, 6); + break; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U7: + JU_JBU_PJP_SUBEXP(Pjp, PSubExp, Index, 7); +#else + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U3: + JU_JBU_PJP_SUBEXP(Pjp, PSubExp, Index, 3); +#endif + break; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U: + JU_JBU_PJP_SUBEXP(Pjp, PSubExp, Index, cJU_ROOTSTATE); + break; + + +// **************************************************************************** +// JPLEAF*: +// +// COMMON CODE FRAGMENTS TO MINIMIZE REDUNDANCY BELOW: +// +// These are necessary to support performance by function and loop unrolling +// while avoiding huge amounts of nearly identical code. +// +// Prepare to handle a linear leaf: Check for an outlier; set pop1 and pointer +// to leaf: + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#define JU_LEAFVALUE(Pjv) // null. +#define JU_LEAFPREPVALUE(Pjv, ValueArea) // null. +#else +#define JU_LEAFVALUE(Pjv) Pjv_t Pjv +#define JU_LEAFPREPVALUE(Pjv, ValueArea) (Pjv) = ValueArea(Pleaf, exppop1) +#endif + +#define JU_LEAFPREP(cIS,Type,MaxPop1,ValueArea) \ + Pjll_t PjllRaw; \ + Type Pleaf; /* specific type */ \ + int offset; \ + JU_LEAFVALUE(Pjv); \ + \ + JU_CHECK_IF_OUTLIER(Pjp, Index, cIS, Pjpm); \ + \ + exppop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; \ + assert(exppop1 <= (MaxPop1)); \ + PjllRaw = (Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr); \ + Pleaf = (Type) P_JLL(PjllRaw); \ + JU_LEAFPREPVALUE(Pjv, ValueArea) + +// Add to, or grow, a linear leaf: Find Index position; if the Index is +// absent, if theres room in the leaf, insert the Index [and value of 0] in +// place, otherwise grow the leaf: +// +// Note: These insertions always take place with whole words, using +// JU_INSERTINPLACE() or JU_INSERTCOPY(). + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#define JU_LEAFGROWVALUEADD(Pjv,ExpPop1,Offset) // null. +#else +#define JU_LEAFGROWVALUEADD(Pjv,ExpPop1,Offset) \ + JU_INSERTINPLACE(Pjv, ExpPop1, Offset, 0); \ + Pjpm->jpm_PValue = (Pjv) + (Offset) +#endif + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#define JU_LEAFGROWVALUENEW(ValueArea,Pjv,ExpPop1,Offset) // null. +#else +#define JU_LEAFGROWVALUENEW(ValueArea,Pjv,ExpPop1,Offset) \ + { \ + Pjv_t Pjvnew = ValueArea(Pleafnew, (ExpPop1) + 1); \ + JU_INSERTCOPY(Pjvnew, Pjv, ExpPop1, Offset, 0); \ + Pjpm->jpm_PValue = (Pjvnew) + (Offset); \ + } +#endif + +#define JU_LEAFGROW(cIS,Type,MaxPop1,Search,ValueArea,GrowInPlace, \ + InsertInPlace,InsertCopy,Alloc,Free) \ + \ + offset = Search(Pleaf, exppop1, Index); \ + JU_CHECK_IF_EXISTS(offset, Pjv, Pjpm); \ + \ + if (GrowInPlace(exppop1)) /* add to current leaf */ \ + { \ + InsertInPlace(Pleaf, exppop1, offset, Index); \ + JU_LEAFGROWVALUEADD(Pjv, exppop1, offset); \ + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted((Pjll_t) Pleaf, exppop1 + 1, cIS);) \ + return(1); \ + } \ + \ + if (exppop1 < (MaxPop1)) /* grow to new leaf */ \ + { \ + Pjll_t PjllnewRaw; \ + Type Pleafnew; \ + if ((PjllnewRaw = Alloc(exppop1 + 1, Pjpm)) == 0) return(-1); \ + Pleafnew = (Type) P_JLL(PjllnewRaw); \ + InsertCopy(Pleafnew, Pleaf, exppop1, offset, Index); \ + JU_LEAFGROWVALUENEW(ValueArea, Pjv, exppop1, offset); \ + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted((Pjll_t) Pleafnew, exppop1 + 1, cIS);) \ + Free(PjllRaw, exppop1, Pjpm); \ + (Pjp->jp_Addr) = (Word_t) PjllnewRaw; \ + return(1); \ + } \ + assert(exppop1 == (MaxPop1)) + +// Handle linear leaf overflow (cascade): Splay or compress into smaller +// leaves: + +#define JU_LEAFCASCADE(MaxPop1,Cascade,Free) \ + if (Cascade(Pjp, Pjpm) == -1) return(-1); \ + Free(PjllRaw, MaxPop1, Pjpm); \ + goto ContinueInsWalk + +// Wrapper around all of the above: + +#define JU_LEAFSET(cIS,Type,MaxPop1,Search,GrowInPlace,InsertInPlace, \ + InsertCopy,Cascade,Alloc,Free,ValueArea) \ + { \ + JU_LEAFPREP(cIS,Type,MaxPop1,ValueArea); \ + JU_LEAFGROW(cIS,Type,MaxPop1,Search,ValueArea,GrowInPlace, \ + InsertInPlace,InsertCopy,Alloc,Free); \ + JU_LEAFCASCADE(MaxPop1,Cascade,Free); \ + } + +// END OF MACROS; LEAFL CASES START HERE: +// +// 64-bit Judy1 does not have 1-byte leaves: + +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + + case cJU_JPLEAF1: + + JU_LEAFSET(1, uint8_t *, cJU_LEAF1_MAXPOP1, j__udySearchLeaf1, + JU_LEAF1GROWINPLACE, JU_INSERTINPLACE, JU_INSERTCOPY, + j__udyCascade1, j__udyAllocJLL1, j__udyFreeJLL1, + JL_LEAF1VALUEAREA); + +#endif // (JUDYL || ! JU_64BIT) + + case cJU_JPLEAF2: + + JU_LEAFSET(2, uint16_t *, cJU_LEAF2_MAXPOP1, j__udySearchLeaf2, + JU_LEAF2GROWINPLACE, JU_INSERTINPLACE, JU_INSERTCOPY, + j__udyCascade2, j__udyAllocJLL2, j__udyFreeJLL2, + JL_LEAF2VALUEAREA); + + case cJU_JPLEAF3: + + JU_LEAFSET(3, uint8_t *, cJU_LEAF3_MAXPOP1, j__udySearchLeaf3, + JU_LEAF3GROWINPLACE, JU_INSERTINPLACE3, JU_INSERTCOPY3, + j__udyCascade3, j__udyAllocJLL3, j__udyFreeJLL3, + JL_LEAF3VALUEAREA); + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPLEAF4: + + JU_LEAFSET(4, uint32_t *, cJU_LEAF4_MAXPOP1, j__udySearchLeaf4, + JU_LEAF4GROWINPLACE, JU_INSERTINPLACE, JU_INSERTCOPY, + j__udyCascade4, j__udyAllocJLL4, j__udyFreeJLL4, + JL_LEAF4VALUEAREA); + + case cJU_JPLEAF5: + + JU_LEAFSET(5, uint8_t *, cJU_LEAF5_MAXPOP1, j__udySearchLeaf5, + JU_LEAF5GROWINPLACE, JU_INSERTINPLACE5, JU_INSERTCOPY5, + j__udyCascade5, j__udyAllocJLL5, j__udyFreeJLL5, + JL_LEAF5VALUEAREA); + + case cJU_JPLEAF6: + + JU_LEAFSET(6, uint8_t *, cJU_LEAF6_MAXPOP1, j__udySearchLeaf6, + JU_LEAF6GROWINPLACE, JU_INSERTINPLACE6, JU_INSERTCOPY6, + j__udyCascade6, j__udyAllocJLL6, j__udyFreeJLL6, + JL_LEAF6VALUEAREA); + + case cJU_JPLEAF7: + + JU_LEAFSET(7, uint8_t *, cJU_LEAF7_MAXPOP1, j__udySearchLeaf7, + JU_LEAF7GROWINPLACE, JU_INSERTINPLACE7, JU_INSERTCOPY7, + j__udyCascade7, j__udyAllocJLL7, j__udyFreeJLL7, + JL_LEAF7VALUEAREA); +#endif // JU_64BIT + + +// **************************************************************************** +// JPLEAF_B1: +// +// 8 bit Decode | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | +// |SubExpanse | Bit offset | +// +// Note: For JudyL, values are stored in 8 subexpanses, each a linear word +// array of up to 32 values each. + + case cJU_JPLEAF_B1: + { +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv_t PjvRaw; // pointer to value part of the leaf. + Pjv_t Pjv; // pointer to value part of the leaf. + Pjv_t PjvnewRaw; // new value area. + Pjv_t Pjvnew; // new value area. + Word_t subexp; // 1 of 8 subexpanses in bitmap. + Pjlb_t Pjlb; // pointer to bitmap part of the leaf. + BITMAPL_t bitmap; // for one subexpanse. + BITMAPL_t bitmask; // bit set for Indexs digit. + int offset; // of index in value area. +#endif + + JU_CHECK_IF_OUTLIER(Pjp, Index, 1, Pjpm); + +#ifdef JUDY1 + +// If Index (bit) is already set, return now: + + if (JU_BITMAPTESTL(P_JLB(Pjp->jp_Addr), Index)) return(0); + +// If bitmap is not full, set the new Indexs bit; otherwise convert to a Full: + + if ((exppop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1) + < cJU_JPFULLPOPU1_POP0) + { + JU_BITMAPSETL(P_JLB(Pjp->jp_Addr), Index); + } + else + { + j__udyFreeJLB1((Pjlb_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), Pjpm); // free LeafB1. + Pjp->jp_Type = cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1; + Pjp->jp_Addr = 0; + } + +#else // JUDYL + +// This is very different from Judy1 because of the need to return a value area +// even for an existing Index, or manage the value area for a new Index, and +// because JudyL has no Full type: + +// Get last byte to decode from Index, and pointer to bitmap leaf: + + digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 1); + Pjlb = P_JLB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + +// Prepare additional values: + + subexp = digit / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL; // which subexpanse. + bitmap = JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp); // subexps 32-bit map. + PjvRaw = JL_JLB_PVALUE(Pjlb, subexp); // corresponding values. + Pjv = P_JV(PjvRaw); // corresponding values. + bitmask = JU_BITPOSMASKL(digit); // mask for Index. + offset = j__udyCountBitsL(bitmap & (bitmask - 1)); // of Index. + +// If Index already exists, get value pointer and exit: + + if (bitmap & bitmask) + { + assert(Pjv); + Pjpm->jpm_PValue = Pjv + offset; // existing value. + return(0); + } + +// Get the total bits set = expanse population of Value area: + + exppop1 = j__udyCountBitsL(bitmap); + +// If the value area can grow in place, do it: + + if (JL_LEAFVGROWINPLACE(exppop1)) + { + JU_INSERTINPLACE(Pjv, exppop1, offset, 0); + JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp) |= bitmask; // set Indexs bit. + Pjpm->jpm_PValue = Pjv + offset; // new value area. + return(1); + } + +// Increase size of value area: + + if ((PjvnewRaw = j__udyLAllocJV(exppop1 + 1, Pjpm)) + == (Pjv_t) NULL) return(-1); + Pjvnew = P_JV(PjvnewRaw); + + if (exppop1) // have existing value area. + { + assert(Pjv); + JU_INSERTCOPY(Pjvnew, Pjv, exppop1, offset, 0); + Pjpm->jpm_PValue = Pjvnew + offset; + j__udyLFreeJV(PjvRaw, exppop1, Pjpm); // free old values. + } + else // first index, new value area: + { + Pjpm->jpm_PValue = Pjvnew; + *(Pjpm->jpm_PValue) = 0; + } + +// Set bit for new Index and place new leaf value area in bitmap: + + JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp) |= bitmask; + JL_JLB_PVALUE(Pjlb, subexp) = PjvnewRaw; + +#endif // JUDYL + + return(1); + + } // case + + +#ifdef JUDY1 +// **************************************************************************** +// JPFULLPOPU1: +// +// If Index is not an outlier, then by definition its already set. + + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1: + + JU_CHECK_IF_OUTLIER(Pjp, Index, 1, Pjpm); + return(0); +#endif + + +// **************************************************************************** +// JPIMMED*: +// +// This is some of the most complex code in Judy considering Judy1 versus JudyL +// and 32-bit versus 64-bit variations. The following comments attempt to make +// this clearer. +// +// Of the 2 words in a JP, for immediate indexes Judy1 can use 2 words - 1 byte +// = 7 [15] bytes, but JudyL can only use 1 word - 1 byte = 3 [7] bytes because +// the other word is needed for a value area or a pointer to a value area. +// +// For both Judy1 and JudyL, cJU_JPIMMED_*_01 indexes are in word 2; otherwise +// for Judy1 only, a list of 2 or more indexes starts in word 1. JudyL keeps +// the list in word 2 because word 1 is a pointer (to a LeafV, that is, a leaf +// containing only values). Furthermore, cJU_JPIMMED_*_01 indexes are stored +// all-but-first-byte in jp_DcdPopO, not just the Index Sizes bytes. +// +// TBD: This can be confusing because Doug didnt use data structures for it. +// Instead he often directly accesses Pjp for the first word and jp_DcdPopO for +// the second word. It would be nice to use data structs, starting with +// jp_1Index and jp_LIndex where possible. +// +// Maximum Immed JP types for Judy1/JudyL, depending on Index Size (cIS): +// +// 32-bit 64-bit +// +// bytes: 7/ 3 15/ 7 (Judy1/JudyL) +// +// cIS +// 1_ 07/03 15/07 (as in: cJ1_JPIMMED_1_07) +// 2_ 03/01 07/03 +// 3_ 02/01 05/02 +// 4_ 03/01 +// 5_ 03/01 +// 6_ 02/01 +// 7_ 02/01 +// +// State transitions while inserting an Index, matching the above table: +// (Yes, this is very terse... Study it and it will make sense.) +// (Note, parts of this diagram are repeated below for quick reference.) +// +// +-- reformat JP here for Judy1 only, from word-2 to word-1 +// | +// | JUDY1 || JU_64BIT JUDY1 && JU_64BIT +// V +// 1_01 => 1_02 => 1_03 => [ 1_04 => ... => 1_07 => [ 1_08..15 => ]] Leaf1 (*) +// 2_01 => [ 2_02 => 2_03 => [ 2_04..07 => ]] Leaf2 +// 3_01 => [ 3_02 => [ 3_03..05 => ]] Leaf3 +// JU_64BIT only: +// 4_01 => [[ 4_02..03 => ]] Leaf4 +// 5_01 => [[ 5_02..03 => ]] Leaf5 +// 6_01 => [[ 6_02 => ]] Leaf6 +// 7_01 => [[ 7_02 => ]] Leaf7 +// +// (*) For Judy1 & 64-bit, go directly from cJU_JPIMMED_1_15 to a LeafB1; skip +// Leaf1, as described in Judy1.h regarding cJ1_JPLEAF1. + + +// COMMON CODE FRAGMENTS TO MINIMIZE REDUNDANCY BELOW: +// +// These are necessary to support performance by function and loop unrolling +// while avoiding huge amounts of nearly identical code. +// +// The differences between Judy1 and JudyL with respect to value area handling +// are just too large for completely common code between them... Oh well, some +// big ifdefs follow. However, even in the following ifdefd code, use cJU_*, +// JU_*, and Judy*() instead of cJ1_* / cJL_*, J1_* / JL_*, and +// Judy1*()/JudyL*(), for minimum diffs. +// +// Handle growth of cJU_JPIMMED_*_01 to cJU_JPIMMED_*_02, for an even or odd +// Index Size (cIS), given oldIndex, Index, and Pjll in the context: +// +// Put oldIndex and Index in their proper order. For odd indexes, must copy +// bytes. + +#ifdef JUDY1 + +#define JU_IMMSET_01_COPY_EVEN(ignore1,ignore2) \ + if (oldIndex < Index) { Pjll[0] = oldIndex; Pjll[1] = Index; } \ + else { Pjll[0] = Index; Pjll[1] = oldIndex; } + +#define JU_IMMSET_01_COPY_ODD(cIS,CopyWord) \ + if (oldIndex < Index) \ + { \ + CopyWord(Pjll + 0, oldIndex); \ + CopyWord(Pjll + (cIS), Index); \ + } \ + else \ + { \ + CopyWord(Pjll + 0, Index); \ + CopyWord(Pjll + (cIS), oldIndex); \ + } + +// The "real" *_01 Copy macro: +// +// Trim the high byte off Index, look for a match with the old Index, and if +// none, insert the new Index in the leaf in the correct place, given Pjp and +// Index in the context. +// +// Note: A single immediate index lives in the jp_DcdPopO field, but two or +// more reside starting at Pjp->jp_1Index. + +#define JU_IMMSET_01_COPY(cIS,LeafType,NewJPType,Copy,CopyWord) \ + { \ + LeafType Pjll; \ + Word_t oldIndex = JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp); \ + \ + Index = JU_TRIMTODCDSIZE(Index); \ + if (oldIndex == Index) return(0); \ + \ + Pjll = (LeafType) (Pjp->jp_1Index); \ + Copy(cIS,CopyWord); \ + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjll, 2, cIS);) \ + \ + Pjp->jp_Type = (NewJPType); \ + return(1); \ + } + +#else // JUDYL + +// Variations to also handle value areas; see comments above: +// +// For JudyL, Pjv (start of value area) and oldValue are also in the context; +// leave Pjv set to the value area for Index. + +#define JU_IMMSET_01_COPY_EVEN(cIS,CopyWord) \ + if (oldIndex < Index) \ + { \ + Pjll[0] = oldIndex; \ + Pjv [0] = oldValue; \ + Pjll[1] = Index; \ + ++Pjv; \ + } \ + else \ + { \ + Pjll[0] = Index; \ + Pjll[1] = oldIndex; \ + Pjv [1] = oldValue; \ + } + +#define JU_IMMSET_01_COPY_ODD(cIS,CopyWord) \ + if (oldIndex < Index) \ + { \ + CopyWord(Pjll + 0, oldIndex); \ + CopyWord(Pjll + (cIS), Index); \ + Pjv[0] = oldValue; \ + ++Pjv; \ + } \ + else \ + { \ + CopyWord(Pjll + 0, Index); \ + CopyWord(Pjll + (cIS), oldIndex); \ + Pjv[1] = oldValue; \ + } + +// The old value area is in the first word (*Pjp), and Pjv and Pjpm are also in +// the context. Also, unlike Judy1, indexes remain in word 2 (jp_LIndex), +// meaning insert-in-place rather than copy. +// +// Return jpm_PValue pointing to Indexs value area. If Index is new, allocate +// a 2-value-leaf and attach it to the JP. + +#define JU_IMMSET_01_COPY(cIS,LeafType,NewJPType,Copy,CopyWord) \ + { \ + LeafType Pjll; \ + Word_t oldIndex = JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp); \ + Word_t oldValue; \ + Pjv_t PjvRaw; \ + Pjv_t Pjv; \ + \ + Index = JU_TRIMTODCDSIZE(Index); \ + \ + if (oldIndex == Index) \ + { \ + Pjpm->jpm_PValue = (Pjv_t) Pjp; \ + return(0); \ + } \ + \ + if ((PjvRaw = j__udyLAllocJV(2, Pjpm)) == (Pjv_t) NULL) \ + return(-1); \ + Pjv = P_JV(PjvRaw); \ + \ + oldValue = Pjp->jp_Addr; \ + (Pjp->jp_Addr) = (Word_t) PjvRaw; \ + Pjll = (LeafType) (Pjp->jp_LIndex); \ + \ + Copy(cIS,CopyWord); \ + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjll, 2, cIS);) \ + \ + Pjp->jp_Type = (NewJPType); \ + *Pjv = 0; \ + Pjpm->jpm_PValue = Pjv; \ + return(1); \ + } + +// The following is a unique mix of JU_IMMSET_01() and JU_IMMSETCASCADE() for +// going from cJU_JPIMMED_*_01 directly to a cJU_JPLEAF* for JudyL: +// +// If Index is not already set, allocate a leaf, copy the old and new indexes +// into it, clear and return the new value area, and modify the current JP. +// Note that jp_DcdPop is set to a pop0 of 0 for now, and incremented later. + + +#define JU_IMMSET_01_CASCADE(cIS,LeafType,NewJPType,ValueArea, \ + Copy,CopyWord,Alloc) \ + { \ + Word_t D_P0; \ + LeafType PjllRaw; \ + LeafType Pjll; \ + Word_t oldIndex = JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp); \ + Word_t oldValue; \ + Pjv_t Pjv; \ + \ + Index = JU_TRIMTODCDSIZE(Index); \ + \ + if (oldIndex == Index) \ + { \ + Pjpm->jpm_PValue = (Pjv_t) (&(Pjp->jp_Addr)); \ + return(0); \ + } \ + \ + if ((PjllRaw = (LeafType) Alloc(2, Pjpm)) == (LeafType) NULL) \ + return(-1); \ + Pjll = (LeafType) P_JLL(PjllRaw); \ + Pjv = ValueArea(Pjll, 2); \ + \ + oldValue = Pjp->jp_Addr; \ + \ + Copy(cIS,CopyWord); \ + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjll, 2, cIS);) \ + \ + *Pjv = 0; \ + Pjpm->jpm_PValue = Pjv; \ + D_P0 = Index & cJU_DCDMASK(cIS); /* pop0 = 0 */ \ + JU_JPSETADT(Pjp, (Word_t)PjllRaw, D_P0, NewJPType); \ + \ + return(1); \ + } + +#endif // JUDYL + +// Handle growth of cJU_JPIMMED_*_[02..15]: + +#ifdef JUDY1 + +// Insert an Index into an immediate JP that has room for more, if the Index is +// not already present; given Pjp, Index, exppop1, Pjv, and Pjpm in the +// context: +// +// Note: Use this only when the JP format doesnt change, that is, going from +// cJU_JPIMMED_X_0Y to cJU_JPIMMED_X_0Z, where X >= 2 and Y+1 = Z. +// +// Note: Incrementing jp_Type is how to increase the Index population. + +#define JU_IMMSETINPLACE(cIS,LeafType,BaseJPType_02,Search,InsertInPlace) \ + { \ + LeafType Pjll; \ + int offset; \ + \ + exppop1 = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) - (BaseJPType_02) + 2; \ + offset = Search((Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_1Index), exppop1, Index); \ + \ + JU_CHECK_IF_EXISTS(offset, ignore, Pjpm); \ + \ + Pjll = (LeafType) (Pjp->jp_1Index); \ + InsertInPlace(Pjll, exppop1, offset, Index); \ + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjll, exppop1 + 1, cIS);) \ + ++(Pjp->jp_Type); \ + return(1); \ + } + +// Insert an Index into an immediate JP that has no room for more: +// +// If the Index is not already present, do a cascade (to a leaf); given Pjp, +// Index, Pjv, and Pjpm in the context. + + +#define JU_IMMSETCASCADE(cIS,OldPop1,LeafType,NewJPType, \ + ignore,Search,InsertCopy,Alloc) \ + { \ + Word_t D_P0; \ + Pjll_t PjllRaw; \ + Pjll_t Pjll; \ + int offset; \ + \ + offset = Search((Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_1Index), (OldPop1), Index); \ + JU_CHECK_IF_EXISTS(offset, ignore, Pjpm); \ + \ + if ((PjllRaw = Alloc((OldPop1) + 1, Pjpm)) == 0) return(-1); \ + Pjll = P_JLL(PjllRaw); \ + \ + InsertCopy((LeafType) Pjll, (LeafType) (Pjp->jp_1Index), \ + OldPop1, offset, Index); \ + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjll, (OldPop1) + 1, cIS);) \ + \ + D_P0 = (Index & cJU_DCDMASK(cIS)) + (OldPop1) - 1; \ + JU_JPSETADT(Pjp, (Word_t)PjllRaw, D_P0, NewJPType); \ + return(1); \ + } + +#else // JUDYL + +// Variations to also handle value areas; see comments above: +// +// For JudyL, Pjv (start of value area) is also in the context. +// +// TBD: This code makes a true but weak assumption that a JudyL 32-bit 2-index +// value area must be copied to a new 3-index value area. AND it doesnt know +// anything about JudyL 64-bit cases (cJU_JPIMMED_1_0[3-7] only) where the +// value area can grow in place! However, this should not break it, just slow +// it down. + +#define JU_IMMSETINPLACE(cIS,LeafType,BaseJPType_02,Search,InsertInPlace) \ + { \ + LeafType Pleaf; \ + int offset; \ + Pjv_t PjvRaw; \ + Pjv_t Pjv; \ + Pjv_t PjvnewRaw; \ + Pjv_t Pjvnew; \ + \ + exppop1 = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) - (BaseJPType_02) + 2; \ + offset = Search((Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_LIndex), exppop1, Index); \ + PjvRaw = (Pjv_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr); \ + Pjv = P_JV(PjvRaw); \ + \ + JU_CHECK_IF_EXISTS(offset, Pjv, Pjpm); \ + \ + if ((PjvnewRaw = j__udyLAllocJV(exppop1 + 1, Pjpm)) \ + == (Pjv_t) NULL) return(-1); \ + Pjvnew = P_JV(PjvnewRaw); \ + \ + Pleaf = (LeafType) (Pjp->jp_LIndex); \ + \ + InsertInPlace(Pleaf, exppop1, offset, Index); \ + /* see TBD above about this: */ \ + JU_INSERTCOPY(Pjvnew, Pjv, exppop1, offset, 0); \ + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pleaf, exppop1 + 1, cIS);) \ + j__udyLFreeJV(PjvRaw, exppop1, Pjpm); \ + Pjp->jp_Addr = (Word_t) PjvnewRaw; \ + Pjpm->jpm_PValue = Pjvnew + offset; \ + \ + ++(Pjp->jp_Type); \ + return(1); \ + } + +#define JU_IMMSETCASCADE(cIS,OldPop1,LeafType,NewJPType, \ + ValueArea,Search,InsertCopy,Alloc) \ + { \ + Word_t D_P0; \ + Pjll_t PjllRaw; \ + Pjll_t Pjll; \ + int offset; \ + Pjv_t PjvRaw; \ + Pjv_t Pjv; \ + Pjv_t Pjvnew; \ + \ + PjvRaw = (Pjv_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr); \ + Pjv = P_JV(PjvRaw); \ + offset = Search((Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_LIndex), (OldPop1), Index); \ + JU_CHECK_IF_EXISTS(offset, Pjv, Pjpm); \ + \ + if ((PjllRaw = Alloc((OldPop1) + 1, Pjpm)) == 0) \ + return(-1); \ + Pjll = P_JLL(PjllRaw); \ + InsertCopy((LeafType) Pjll, (LeafType) (Pjp->jp_LIndex), \ + OldPop1, offset, Index); \ + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjll, (OldPop1) + 1, cIS);) \ + \ + Pjvnew = ValueArea(Pjll, (OldPop1) + 1); \ + JU_INSERTCOPY(Pjvnew, Pjv, OldPop1, offset, 0); \ + j__udyLFreeJV(PjvRaw, (OldPop1), Pjpm); \ + Pjpm->jpm_PValue = Pjvnew + offset; \ + \ + D_P0 = (Index & cJU_DCDMASK(cIS)) + (OldPop1) - 1; \ + JU_JPSETADT(Pjp, (Word_t)PjllRaw, D_P0, NewJPType); \ + return(1); \ + } + +#endif // JUDYL + +// Common convenience/shorthand wrappers around JU_IMMSET_01_COPY() for +// even/odd index sizes: + +#define JU_IMMSET_01( cIS, LeafType, NewJPType) \ + JU_IMMSET_01_COPY(cIS, LeafType, NewJPType, JU_IMMSET_01_COPY_EVEN, \ + ignore) + +#define JU_IMMSET_01_ODD( cIS, NewJPType, CopyWord) \ + JU_IMMSET_01_COPY(cIS, uint8_t *, NewJPType, JU_IMMSET_01_COPY_ODD, \ + CopyWord) + + +// END OF MACROS; IMMED CASES START HERE: + +// cJU_JPIMMED_*_01 cases: +// +// 1_01 always leads to 1_02: +// +// (1_01 => 1_02 => 1_03 => [ 1_04 => ... => 1_07 => [ 1_08..15 => ]] LeafL) + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_01: JU_IMMSET_01(1, uint8_t *, cJU_JPIMMED_1_02); + +// 2_01 leads to 2_02, and 3_01 leads to 3_02, except for JudyL 32-bit, where +// they lead to a leaf: +// +// (2_01 => [ 2_02 => 2_03 => [ 2_04..07 => ]] LeafL) +// (3_01 => [ 3_02 => [ 3_03..05 => ]] LeafL) + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_01: JU_IMMSET_01(2, uint16_t *, cJU_JPIMMED_2_02); + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_01: JU_IMMSET_01_ODD (3, cJU_JPIMMED_3_02, + JU_COPY3_LONG_TO_PINDEX); +#else + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_01: + JU_IMMSET_01_CASCADE(2, uint16_t *, cJU_JPLEAF2, JL_LEAF2VALUEAREA, + JU_IMMSET_01_COPY_EVEN, ignore, + j__udyAllocJLL2); + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_01: + JU_IMMSET_01_CASCADE(3, uint8_t *, cJU_JPLEAF3, JL_LEAF3VALUEAREA, + JU_IMMSET_01_COPY_ODD, + JU_COPY3_LONG_TO_PINDEX, j__udyAllocJLL3); +#endif + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + +// [4-7]_01 lead to [4-7]_02 for Judy1, and to leaves for JudyL: +// +// (4_01 => [[ 4_02..03 => ]] LeafL) +// (5_01 => [[ 5_02..03 => ]] LeafL) +// (6_01 => [[ 6_02 => ]] LeafL) +// (7_01 => [[ 7_02 => ]] LeafL) + +#ifdef JUDY1 + case cJU_JPIMMED_4_01: JU_IMMSET_01(4, uint32_t *, cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02); + case cJU_JPIMMED_5_01: JU_IMMSET_01_ODD(5, cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02, + JU_COPY5_LONG_TO_PINDEX); + case cJU_JPIMMED_6_01: JU_IMMSET_01_ODD(6, cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02, + JU_COPY6_LONG_TO_PINDEX); + case cJU_JPIMMED_7_01: JU_IMMSET_01_ODD(7, cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02, + JU_COPY7_LONG_TO_PINDEX); +#else // JUDYL + case cJU_JPIMMED_4_01: + JU_IMMSET_01_CASCADE(4, uint32_t *, cJU_JPLEAF4, JL_LEAF4VALUEAREA, + JU_IMMSET_01_COPY_EVEN, ignore, + j__udyAllocJLL4); + case cJU_JPIMMED_5_01: + JU_IMMSET_01_CASCADE(5, uint8_t *, cJU_JPLEAF5, JL_LEAF5VALUEAREA, + JU_IMMSET_01_COPY_ODD, + JU_COPY5_LONG_TO_PINDEX, j__udyAllocJLL5); + case cJU_JPIMMED_6_01: + JU_IMMSET_01_CASCADE(6, uint8_t *, cJU_JPLEAF6, JL_LEAF6VALUEAREA, + JU_IMMSET_01_COPY_ODD, + JU_COPY6_LONG_TO_PINDEX, j__udyAllocJLL6); + case cJU_JPIMMED_7_01: + JU_IMMSET_01_CASCADE(7, uint8_t *, cJU_JPLEAF7, JL_LEAF7VALUEAREA, + JU_IMMSET_01_COPY_ODD, + JU_COPY7_LONG_TO_PINDEX, j__udyAllocJLL7); +#endif // JUDYL +#endif // JU_64BIT + +// cJU_JPIMMED_1_* cases that can grow in place: +// +// (1_01 => 1_02 => 1_03 => [ 1_04 => ... => 1_07 => [ 1_08..15 => ]] LeafL) + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_02: +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_03: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_04: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_05: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_06: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_07: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_08: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_09: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_10: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_11: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_12: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_13: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_14: +#endif + JU_IMMSETINPLACE(1, uint8_t *, cJU_JPIMMED_1_02, j__udySearchLeaf1, + JU_INSERTINPLACE); + +// cJU_JPIMMED_1_* cases that must cascade: +// +// (1_01 => 1_02 => 1_03 => [ 1_04 => ... => 1_07 => [ 1_08..15 => ]] LeafL) + +#if (defined(JUDYL) && (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_03: + JU_IMMSETCASCADE(1, 3, uint8_t *, cJU_JPLEAF1, JL_LEAF1VALUEAREA, + j__udySearchLeaf1, JU_INSERTCOPY, + j__udyAllocJLL1); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_07: + JU_IMMSETCASCADE(1, 7, uint8_t *, cJU_JPLEAF1, ignore, + j__udySearchLeaf1, JU_INSERTCOPY, + j__udyAllocJLL1); + +#endif +#if (defined(JUDYL) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_07: + JU_IMMSETCASCADE(1, 7, uint8_t *, cJU_JPLEAF1, JL_LEAF1VALUEAREA, + j__udySearchLeaf1, JU_INSERTCOPY, + j__udyAllocJLL1); + +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) +// Special case, as described above, go directly from Immed to LeafB1: + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_15: + { + Word_t DcdP0; + int offset; + Pjlb_t PjlbRaw; + Pjlb_t Pjlb; + + offset = j__udySearchLeaf1((Pjll_t) Pjp->jp_1Index, 15, Index); + + JU_CHECK_IF_EXISTS(offset, ignore, Pjpm); + +// Create a bitmap leaf (special case for Judy1 64-bit only, see usage): Set +// new Index in bitmap, copy an Immed1_15 to the bitmap, and set the parent JP +// EXCEPT jp_DcdPopO, leaving any followup to the caller: + + if ((PjlbRaw = j__udyAllocJLB1(Pjpm)) == (Pjlb_t) NULL) + return(-1); + Pjlb = P_JLB(PjlbRaw); + + JU_BITMAPSETL(Pjlb, Index); + + for (offset = 0; offset < 15; ++offset) + JU_BITMAPSETL(Pjlb, Pjp->jp_1Index[offset]); + +// Set jp_DcdPopO including the current pop0; incremented later: + DcdP0 = (Index & cJU_DCDMASK(1)) + 15 - 1; + JU_JPSETADT(Pjp, (Word_t)PjlbRaw, DcdP0, cJU_JPLEAF_B1); + + return(1); + } +#endif + +// cJU_JPIMMED_[2..7]_[02..15] cases that grow in place or cascade: +// +// (2_01 => [ 2_02 => 2_03 => [ 2_04..07 => ]] LeafL) + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_02: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_03: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_04: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_05: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_06: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + JU_IMMSETINPLACE(2, uint16_t *, cJU_JPIMMED_2_02, j__udySearchLeaf2, + JU_INSERTINPLACE); +#endif + +#undef OLDPOP1 +#if ((defined(JUDY1) && (! defined(JU_64BIT))) || (defined(JUDYL) && defined(JU_64BIT))) + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_03: +#define OLDPOP1 3 +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_07: +#define OLDPOP1 7 +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + JU_IMMSETCASCADE(2, OLDPOP1, uint16_t *, cJU_JPLEAF2, + JL_LEAF2VALUEAREA, j__udySearchLeaf2, + JU_INSERTCOPY, j__udyAllocJLL2); +#endif + +// (3_01 => [ 3_02 => [ 3_03..05 => ]] LeafL) + +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_02: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_03: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_04: + + JU_IMMSETINPLACE(3, uint8_t *, cJU_JPIMMED_3_02, j__udySearchLeaf3, + JU_INSERTINPLACE3); +#endif + +#undef OLDPOP1 +#if ((defined(JUDY1) && (! defined(JU_64BIT))) || (defined(JUDYL) && defined(JU_64BIT))) + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_02: +#define OLDPOP1 2 +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_05: +#define OLDPOP1 5 +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + JU_IMMSETCASCADE(3, OLDPOP1, uint8_t *, cJU_JPLEAF3, + JL_LEAF3VALUEAREA, j__udySearchLeaf3, + JU_INSERTCOPY3, j__udyAllocJLL3); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + +// (4_01 => [[ 4_02..03 => ]] LeafL) + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02: + + JU_IMMSETINPLACE(4, uint32_t *, cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02, j__udySearchLeaf4, + JU_INSERTINPLACE); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_03: + + JU_IMMSETCASCADE(4, 3, uint32_t *, cJU_JPLEAF4, ignore, + j__udySearchLeaf4, JU_INSERTCOPY, + j__udyAllocJLL4); + +// (5_01 => [[ 5_02..03 => ]] LeafL) + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02: + + JU_IMMSETINPLACE(5, uint8_t *, cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02, j__udySearchLeaf5, + JU_INSERTINPLACE5); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_03: + + JU_IMMSETCASCADE(5, 3, uint8_t *, cJU_JPLEAF5, ignore, + j__udySearchLeaf5, JU_INSERTCOPY5, + j__udyAllocJLL5); + +// (6_01 => [[ 6_02 => ]] LeafL) + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02: + + JU_IMMSETCASCADE(6, 2, uint8_t *, cJU_JPLEAF6, ignore, + j__udySearchLeaf6, JU_INSERTCOPY6, + j__udyAllocJLL6); + +// (7_01 => [[ 7_02 => ]] LeafL) + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02: + + JU_IMMSETCASCADE(7, 2, uint8_t *, cJU_JPLEAF7, ignore, + j__udySearchLeaf7, JU_INSERTCOPY7, + j__udyAllocJLL7); + +#endif // (JUDY1 && JU_64BIT) + + +// **************************************************************************** +// INVALID JP TYPE: + + default: JU_SET_ERRNO_NONNULL(Pjpm, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); return(-1); + + } // switch on JP type + + { + +#ifdef SUBEXPCOUNTS + +// This code might seem strange here. However it saves some memory read time +// during insert (~70nS) because a pipelined processor does not need to "stall" +// waiting for the memory read to complete. Hope the compiler is not too smart +// or dumb and moves the code down to where it looks like it belongs (below a +// few lines). + + Word_t SubExpCount = 0; // current subexpanse counter. + + if (PSubExp != (PWord_t) NULL) // only if BranchB/U. + SubExpCount = PSubExp[0]; +#endif + +// PROCESS JP -- RECURSIVELY: +// +// For non-Immed JP types, if successful, post-increment the population count +// at this Level. + + retcode = j__udyInsWalk(Pjp, Index, Pjpm); + +// Successful insert, increment JP and subexpanse count: + + if ((JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) < cJU_JPIMMED_1_01) && (retcode == 1)) + { + jp_t JP; + Word_t DcdP0; +#ifdef SUBEXPCOUNTS + +// Note: Pjp must be a pointer to a BranchB/U: + + if (PSubExp != (PWord_t) NULL) PSubExp[0] = SubExpCount + 1; +#endif + + JP = *Pjp; + DcdP0 = JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) + 1; + JU_JPSETADT(Pjp, JP.jp_Addr, DcdP0, JU_JPTYPE(&JP)); + } + } + return(retcode); + +} // j__udyInsWalk() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y 1 S E T +// J U D Y L I N S +// +// Main entry point. See the manual entry for details. + +#ifdef JUDY1 +FUNCTION int Judy1Set +#else +FUNCTION PPvoid_t JudyLIns +#endif + ( + PPvoid_t PPArray, // in which to insert. + Word_t Index, // to insert. + PJError_t PJError // optional, for returning error info. + ) +{ +#ifdef JUDY1 +#define Pjv ignore // placeholders for macros. +#define Pjvnew ignore +#else + Pjv_t Pjv; // value area in old leaf. + Pjv_t Pjvnew; // value area in new leaf. +#endif + Pjpm_t Pjpm; // array-global info. + int offset; // position in which to store new Index. + Pjlw_t Pjlw; + + +// CHECK FOR NULL POINTER (error by caller): + + if (PPArray == (PPvoid_t) NULL) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NULLPPARRAY); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + + Pjlw = P_JLW(*PPArray); // first word of leaf. + +// **************************************************************************** +// PROCESS TOP LEVEL "JRP" BRANCHES AND LEAVES: + +// **************************************************************************** +// JRPNULL (EMPTY ARRAY): BUILD A LEAFW WITH ONE INDEX: + +// if a valid empty array (null pointer), so create an array of population == 1: + + if (Pjlw == (Pjlw_t)NULL) + { + Pjlw_t Pjlwnew; + + Pjlwnew = j__udyAllocJLW(1); + JUDY1CODE(JU_CHECKALLOC(Pjlw_t, Pjlwnew, JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(JU_CHECKALLOC(Pjlw_t, Pjlwnew, PPJERR);) + + Pjlwnew[0] = 1 - 1; // pop0 = 0. + Pjlwnew[1] = Index; + + *PPArray = (Pvoid_t) Pjlwnew; + DBGCODE(JudyCheckPop(*PPArray);) + + JUDY1CODE(return(1); ) + JUDYLCODE(Pjlwnew[2] = 0; ) // value area. + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) (Pjlwnew + 2)); ) + + } // NULL JRP + +// **************************************************************************** +// LEAFW, OTHER SIZE: + + if (JU_LEAFW_POP0(*PPArray) < cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1) // must be a LEAFW + { + Pjlw_t Pjlwnew; + Word_t pop1; + + Pjlw = P_JLW(*PPArray); // first word of leaf. + pop1 = Pjlw[0] + 1; + +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv = JL_LEAFWVALUEAREA(Pjlw, pop1); +#endif + offset = j__udySearchLeafW(Pjlw + 1, pop1, Index); + + if (offset >= 0) // index is already valid: + { + DBGCODE(JudyCheckPop(*PPArray);) + JUDY1CODE(return(0); ) + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) (Pjv + offset)); ) + } + + offset = ~offset; + +// Insert index in cases where no new memory is needed: + + if (JU_LEAFWGROWINPLACE(pop1)) + { + ++Pjlw[0]; // increase population. + + JU_INSERTINPLACE(Pjlw + 1, pop1, offset, Index); +#ifdef JUDYL + JU_INSERTINPLACE(Pjv, pop1, offset, 0); +#endif + DBGCODE(JudyCheckPop(*PPArray);) + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjlw + 1, pop1 + 1, cJU_ROOTSTATE);) + + JUDY1CODE(return(1); ) + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) (Pjv + offset)); ) + } + +// Insert index into a new, larger leaf: + + if (pop1 < cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1) // can grow to a larger leaf. + { + Pjlwnew = j__udyAllocJLW(pop1 + 1); + JUDY1CODE(JU_CHECKALLOC(Pjlw_t, Pjlwnew, JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(JU_CHECKALLOC(Pjlw_t, Pjlwnew, PPJERR);) + + Pjlwnew[0] = pop1; // set pop0 in new leaf. + + JU_INSERTCOPY(Pjlwnew + 1, Pjlw + 1, pop1, offset, Index); +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjvnew = JL_LEAFWVALUEAREA(Pjlwnew, pop1 + 1); + JU_INSERTCOPY(Pjvnew, Pjv, pop1, offset, 0); +#endif + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjlwnew + 1, pop1 + 1, cJU_ROOTSTATE);) + + j__udyFreeJLW(Pjlw, pop1, NULL); + + *PPArray = (Pvoid_t) Pjlwnew; + DBGCODE(JudyCheckPop(*PPArray);) + + JUDY1CODE(return(1); ) + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) (Pjvnew + offset)); ) + } + + assert(pop1 == cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1); + +// Leaf at max size => cannot insert new index, so cascade instead: +// +// Upon cascading from a LEAFW leaf to the first branch, must allocate and +// initialize a JPM. + + Pjpm = j__udyAllocJPM(); + JUDY1CODE(JU_CHECKALLOC(Pjpm_t, Pjpm, JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(JU_CHECKALLOC(Pjpm_t, Pjpm, PPJERR);) + + (Pjpm->jpm_Pop0) = cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1 - 1; + (Pjpm->jpm_JP.jp_Addr) = (Word_t) Pjlw; + + if (j__udyCascadeL(&(Pjpm->jpm_JP), Pjpm) == -1) + { + JU_COPY_ERRNO(PJError, Pjpm); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + +// Note: No need to pass Pjpm for memory decrement; LEAFW memory is never +// counted in a JPM at all: + + j__udyFreeJLW(Pjlw, cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1, NULL); + *PPArray = (Pvoid_t) Pjpm; + + } // JU_LEAFW + +// **************************************************************************** +// BRANCH: + + { + int retcode; // really only needed for Judy1, but free for JudyL. + + Pjpm = P_JPM(*PPArray); + retcode = j__udyInsWalk(&(Pjpm->jpm_JP), Index, Pjpm); + + if (retcode == -1) + { + JU_COPY_ERRNO(PJError, Pjpm); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + + if (retcode == 1) ++(Pjpm->jpm_Pop0); // incr total array popu. + + assert(((Pjpm->jpm_JP.jp_Type) == cJU_JPBRANCH_L) + || ((Pjpm->jpm_JP.jp_Type) == cJU_JPBRANCH_B) + || ((Pjpm->jpm_JP.jp_Type) == cJU_JPBRANCH_U)); + DBGCODE(JudyCheckPop(*PPArray);) + +#ifdef JUDY1 + assert((retcode == 0) || (retcode == 1)); + return(retcode); // == JU_RET_*_JPM(). +#else + assert(Pjpm->jpm_PValue != (Pjv_t) NULL); + return((PPvoid_t) Pjpm->jpm_PValue); +#endif + } + /*NOTREACHED*/ + +} // Judy1Set() / JudyLIns() diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/JudyInsArray.c b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/JudyInsArray.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bbd92a7a --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/JudyInsArray.c @@ -0,0 +1,1178 @@ +// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company +// +// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +// under the term of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +// option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +// _________________ + +// TBD: It would probably be faster for the caller if the JudyL version took +// PIndex as an interleaved array of indexes and values rather than just +// indexes with a separate values array (PValue), especially considering +// indexes and values are copied here with for-loops anyway and not the +// equivalent of memcpy(). All code could be revised to simply count by two +// words for JudyL? Supports "streaming" the data to/from disk better later? +// In which case get rid of JU_ERRNO_NULLPVALUE, no longer needed, and simplify +// the API to this code. +// _________________ + +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ +// +// Judy1SetArray() and JudyLInsArray() functions for Judy1 and JudyL. +// Compile with one of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL. + +#if (! (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JUDYL))) +#error: One of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL must be specified. +#endif + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#include "Judy1.h" +#else +#include "JudyL.h" +#endif + +#include "JudyPrivate1L.h" + +DBGCODE(extern void JudyCheckPop(Pvoid_t PArray);) + + +// IMMED AND LEAF SIZE AND BRANCH TYPE ARRAYS: +// +// These support fast and easy lookup by level. + +static uint8_t immed_maxpop1[] = { + 0, + cJU_IMMED1_MAXPOP1, + cJU_IMMED2_MAXPOP1, + cJU_IMMED3_MAXPOP1, +#ifdef JU_64BIT + cJU_IMMED4_MAXPOP1, + cJU_IMMED5_MAXPOP1, + cJU_IMMED6_MAXPOP1, + cJU_IMMED7_MAXPOP1, +#endif + // note: There are no IMMEDs for whole words. +}; + +static uint8_t leaf_maxpop1[] = { + 0, +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + cJU_LEAF1_MAXPOP1, +#else + 0, // 64-bit Judy1 has no Leaf1. +#endif + cJU_LEAF2_MAXPOP1, + cJU_LEAF3_MAXPOP1, +#ifdef JU_64BIT + cJU_LEAF4_MAXPOP1, + cJU_LEAF5_MAXPOP1, + cJU_LEAF6_MAXPOP1, + cJU_LEAF7_MAXPOP1, +#endif + // note: Root-level leaves are handled differently. +}; + +static uint8_t branchL_JPtype[] = { + 0, + 0, + cJU_JPBRANCH_L2, + cJU_JPBRANCH_L3, +#ifdef JU_64BIT + cJU_JPBRANCH_L4, + cJU_JPBRANCH_L5, + cJU_JPBRANCH_L6, + cJU_JPBRANCH_L7, +#endif + cJU_JPBRANCH_L, +}; + +static uint8_t branchB_JPtype[] = { + 0, + 0, + cJU_JPBRANCH_B2, + cJU_JPBRANCH_B3, +#ifdef JU_64BIT + cJU_JPBRANCH_B4, + cJU_JPBRANCH_B5, + cJU_JPBRANCH_B6, + cJU_JPBRANCH_B7, +#endif + cJU_JPBRANCH_B, +}; + +static uint8_t branchU_JPtype[] = { + 0, + 0, + cJU_JPBRANCH_U2, + cJU_JPBRANCH_U3, +#ifdef JU_64BIT + cJU_JPBRANCH_U4, + cJU_JPBRANCH_U5, + cJU_JPBRANCH_U6, + cJU_JPBRANCH_U7, +#endif + cJU_JPBRANCH_U, +}; + +// Subexpanse masks are similer to JU_DCDMASK() but without the need to clear +// the first digits bits. Avoid doing variable shifts by precomputing a +// lookup array. + +static Word_t subexp_mask[] = { + 0, + ~cJU_POP0MASK(1), + ~cJU_POP0MASK(2), + ~cJU_POP0MASK(3), +#ifdef JU_64BIT + ~cJU_POP0MASK(4), + ~cJU_POP0MASK(5), + ~cJU_POP0MASK(6), + ~cJU_POP0MASK(7), +#endif +}; + + +// FUNCTION PROTOTYPES: + +static bool_t j__udyInsArray(Pjp_t PjpParent, int Level, PWord_t PPop1, + PWord_t PIndex, +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv_t PValue, +#endif + Pjpm_t Pjpm); + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y 1 S E T A R R A Y +// J U D Y L I N S A R R A Y +// +// Main entry point. See the manual entry for external overview. +// +// TBD: Until thats written, note that the function returns 1 for success or +// JERRI for serious error, including insufficient memory to build whole array; +// use Judy*Count() to see how many were stored, the first N of the total +// Count. Also, since it takes Count == Pop1, it cannot handle a full array. +// Also, "sorted" means ascending without duplicates, otherwise you get the +// "unsorted" error. +// +// The purpose of these functions is to allow rapid construction of a large +// Judy array given a sorted list of indexes (and for JudyL, corresponding +// values). At least one customer saw this as useful, and probably it would +// also be useful as a sufficient workaround for fast(er) unload/reload to/from +// disk. +// +// This code is written recursively for simplicity, until/unless someone +// decides to make it faster and more complex. Hopefully recursion is fast +// enough simply because the function is so much faster than a series of +// Set/Ins calls. + +#ifdef JUDY1 +FUNCTION int Judy1SetArray +#else +FUNCTION int JudyLInsArray +#endif + ( + PPvoid_t PPArray, // in which to insert, initially empty. + Word_t Count, // number of indexes (and values) to insert. +const Word_t * const PIndex, // list of indexes to insert. +#ifdef JUDYL +const Word_t * const PValue, // list of corresponding values. +#endif + PJError_t PJError // optional, for returning error info. + ) +{ + Pjlw_t Pjlw; // new root-level leaf. + Pjlw_t Pjlwindex; // first index in root-level leaf. + int offset; // in PIndex. + + +// CHECK FOR NULL OR NON-NULL POINTER (error by caller): + + if (PPArray == (PPvoid_t) NULL) + { JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NULLPPARRAY); return(JERRI); } + + if (*PPArray != (Pvoid_t) NULL) + { JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NONNULLPARRAY); return(JERRI); } + + if (PIndex == (PWord_t) NULL) + { JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NULLPINDEX); return(JERRI); } + +#ifdef JUDYL + if (PValue == (PWord_t) NULL) + { JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NULLPVALUE); return(JERRI); } +#endif + + +// HANDLE LARGE COUNT (= POP1) (typical case): +// +// Allocate and initialize a JPM, set the root pointer to point to it, and then +// build the tree underneath it. + +// Common code for unusual error handling when no JPM available: + + if (Count > cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1) // too big for root-level leaf. + { + Pjpm_t Pjpm; // new, to allocate. + +// Allocate JPM: + + Pjpm = j__udyAllocJPM(); + JU_CHECKALLOC(Pjpm_t, Pjpm, JERRI); + *PPArray = (Pvoid_t) Pjpm; + +// Set some JPM fields: + + (Pjpm->jpm_Pop0) = Count - 1; + // note: (Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords) is now initialized. + +// Build Judy tree: +// +// In case of error save the final Count, possibly modified, unless modified to +// 0, in which case free the JPM itself: + + if (! j__udyInsArray(&(Pjpm->jpm_JP), cJU_ROOTSTATE, &Count, + (PWord_t) PIndex, +#ifdef JUDYL + (Pjv_t) PValue, +#endif + Pjpm)) + { + JU_COPY_ERRNO(PJError, Pjpm); + + if (Count) // partial success, adjust pop0: + { + (Pjpm->jpm_Pop0) = Count - 1; + } + else // total failure, free JPM: + { + j__udyFreeJPM(Pjpm, (Pjpm_t) NULL); + *PPArray = (Pvoid_t) NULL; + } + + DBGCODE(JudyCheckPop(*PPArray);) + return(JERRI); + } + + DBGCODE(JudyCheckPop(*PPArray);) + return(1); + + } // large count + + +// HANDLE SMALL COUNT (= POP1): +// +// First ensure indexes are in sorted order: + + for (offset = 1; offset < Count; ++offset) + { + if (PIndex[offset - 1] >= PIndex[offset]) + { JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_UNSORTED); return(JERRI); } + } + + if (Count == 0) return(1); // *PPArray remains null. + + { + Pjlw = j__udyAllocJLW(Count + 1); + JU_CHECKALLOC(Pjlw_t, Pjlw, JERRI); + *PPArray = (Pvoid_t) Pjlw; + Pjlw[0] = Count - 1; // set pop0. + Pjlwindex = Pjlw + 1; + } + +// Copy whole-word indexes (and values) to the root-level leaf: + + JU_COPYMEM(Pjlwindex, PIndex, Count); +JUDYLCODE(JU_COPYMEM(JL_LEAFWVALUEAREA(Pjlw, Count), PValue, Count)); + + DBGCODE(JudyCheckPop(*PPArray);) + return(1); + +} // Judy1SetArray() / JudyLInsArray() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y I N S A R R A Y +// +// Given: +// +// - a pointer to a JP +// +// - the JPs level in the tree, that is, the number of digits left to decode +// in the indexes under the JP (one less than the level of the JPM or branch +// in which the JP resides); cJU_ROOTSTATE on first entry (when JP is the one +// in the JPM), down to 1 for a Leaf1, LeafB1, or FullPop +// +// - a pointer to the number of indexes (and corresponding values) to store in +// this subtree, to modify in case of partial success +// +// - a list of indexes (and for JudyL, corresponding values) to store in this +// subtree +// +// - a JPM for tracking memory usage and returning errors +// +// Recursively build a subtree (immediate indexes, leaf, or branch with +// subtrees) and modify the JP accordingly. On the way down, build a BranchU +// (only) for any expanse with *PPop1 too high for a leaf; on the way out, +// convert the BranchU to a BranchL or BranchB if appropriate. Keep memory +// statistics in the JPM. +// +// Return TRUE for success, or FALSE with error information set in the JPM in +// case of error, in which case leave a partially constructed but healthy tree, +// and modify parent population counts on the way out. +// +// Note: Each call of this function makes all modifications to the PjpParent +// it receives; neither the parent nor child calls do this. + +FUNCTION static bool_t j__udyInsArray( + Pjp_t PjpParent, // parent JP in/under which to store. + int Level, // initial digits remaining to decode. + PWord_t PPop1, // number of indexes to store. + PWord_t PIndex, // list of indexes to store. +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv_t PValue, // list of corresponding values. +#endif + Pjpm_t Pjpm) // for memory and errors. +{ + Pjp_t Pjp; // lower-level JP. + Word_t Pjbany; // any type of branch. + int levelsub; // actual, of Pjps node, <= Level. + Word_t pop1 = *PPop1; // fast local value. + Word_t pop1sub; // population of one subexpanse. + uint8_t JPtype; // current JP type. + uint8_t JPtype_null; // precomputed value for new branch. + jp_t JPnull; // precomputed for speed. + Pjbu_t PjbuRaw; // constructed BranchU. + Pjbu_t Pjbu; + int digit; // in BranchU. + Word_t digitmask; // for a digit in a BranchU. + Word_t digitshifted; // shifted to correct offset. + Word_t digitshincr; // increment for digitshifted. + int offset; // in PIndex, or a bitmap subexpanse. + int numJPs; // number non-null in a BranchU. + bool_t retval; // to return from this func. +JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t PjvRaw); // destination value area. +JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjv); + + +// MACROS FOR COMMON CODE: +// +// Note: These use function and local parameters from the context. +// Note: Assume newly allocated memory is zeroed. + +// Indicate whether a sorted list of indexes in PIndex, based on the first and +// last indexes in the list using pop1, are in the same subexpanse between +// Level and L_evel: +// +// This can be confusing! Note that SAMESUBEXP(L) == TRUE means the indexes +// are the same through level L + 1, and it says nothing about level L and +// lower; they might be the same or they might differ. +// +// Note: In principle SAMESUBEXP needs a mask for the digits from Level, +// inclusive, to L_evel, exclusive. But in practice, since the indexes are all +// known to be identical above Level, it just uses a mask for the digits +// through L_evel + 1; see subexp_mask[]. + +#define SAMESUBEXP(L_evel) \ + (! ((PIndex[0] ^ PIndex[pop1 - 1]) & subexp_mask[L_evel])) + +// Set PjpParent to a null JP appropriate for the level of the node to which it +// points, which is 1 less than the level of the node in which the JP resides, +// which is by definition Level: +// +// Note: This can set the JPMs JP to an invalid jp_Type, but it doesnt +// matter because the JPM is deleted by the caller. + +#define SETJPNULL_PARENT \ + JU_JPSETADT(PjpParent, 0, 0, cJU_JPNULL1 + Level - 1); + +// Variation to set a specified JP (in a branch being built) to a precomputed +// null JP: + +#define SETJPNULL(Pjp) *(Pjp) = JPnull + +// Handle complete (as opposed to partial) memory allocation failure: Set the +// parent JP to an appropriate null type (to leave a consistent tree), zero the +// callers population count, and return FALSE: +// +// Note: At Level == cJU_ROOTSTATE this sets the JPMs JPs jp_Type to a bogus +// value, but it doesnt matter because the JPM should be deleted by the +// caller. + +#define NOMEM { SETJPNULL_PARENT; *PPop1 = 0; return(FALSE); } + +// Allocate a Leaf1-N and save the address in Pjll; in case of failure, NOMEM: + +#define ALLOCLEAF(AllocLeaf) \ + if ((PjllRaw = AllocLeaf(pop1, Pjpm)) == (Pjll_t) NULL) NOMEM; \ + Pjll = P_JLL(PjllRaw); + +// Copy indexes smaller than words (and values which are whole words) from +// given arrays to immediate indexes or a leaf: +// +// TBD: These macros overlap with some of the code in JudyCascade.c; do some +// merging? That file has functions while these are macros. + +#define COPYTOLEAF_EVEN_SUB(Pjll,LeafType) \ + { \ + LeafType * P_leaf = (LeafType *) (Pjll); \ + Word_t p_op1 = pop1; \ + PWord_t P_Index = PIndex; \ + \ + assert(pop1 > 0); \ + \ + do { *P_leaf++ = *P_Index++; /* truncates */\ + } while (--(p_op1)); \ + } + +#define COPYTOLEAF_ODD_SUB(cLevel,Pjll,Copy) \ + { \ + uint8_t * P_leaf = (uint8_t *) (Pjll); \ + Word_t p_op1 = pop1; \ + PWord_t P_Index = PIndex; \ + \ + assert(pop1 > 0); \ + \ + do { \ + Copy(P_leaf, *P_Index); \ + P_leaf += (cLevel); ++P_Index; \ + } while (--(p_op1)); \ + } + +#ifdef JUDY1 + +#define COPYTOLEAF_EVEN(Pjll,LeafType) COPYTOLEAF_EVEN_SUB(Pjll,LeafType) +#define COPYTOLEAF_ODD(cLevel,Pjll,Copy) COPYTOLEAF_ODD_SUB(cLevel,Pjll,Copy) + +#else // JUDYL adds copying of values: + +#define COPYTOLEAF_EVEN(Pjll,LeafType) \ + { \ + COPYTOLEAF_EVEN_SUB(Pjll,LeafType) \ + JU_COPYMEM(Pjv, PValue, pop1); \ + } + +#define COPYTOLEAF_ODD(cLevel,Pjll,Copy) \ + { \ + COPYTOLEAF_ODD_SUB( cLevel,Pjll,Copy) \ + JU_COPYMEM(Pjv, PValue, pop1); \ + } + +#endif + +// Set the JP type for an immediate index, where BaseJPType is JPIMMED_*_02: + +#define SETIMMTYPE(BaseJPType) (PjpParent->jp_Type) = (BaseJPType) + pop1 - 2 + +// Allocate and populate a Leaf1-N: +// +// Build MAKELEAF_EVEN() and MAKELEAF_ODD() using macros for common code. + +#define MAKELEAF_SUB1(AllocLeaf,ValueArea,LeafType) \ + ALLOCLEAF(AllocLeaf); \ + JUDYLCODE(Pjv = ValueArea(Pjll, pop1)) + + +#define MAKELEAF_SUB2(cLevel,JPType) \ +{ \ + Word_t D_cdP0; \ + assert(pop1 - 1 <= cJU_POP0MASK(cLevel)); \ + D_cdP0 = (*PIndex & cJU_DCDMASK(cLevel)) | (pop1 - 1); \ + JU_JPSETADT(PjpParent, (Word_t)PjllRaw, D_cdP0, JPType); \ +} + + +#define MAKELEAF_EVEN(cLevel,JPType,AllocLeaf,ValueArea,LeafType) \ + MAKELEAF_SUB1(AllocLeaf,ValueArea,LeafType); \ + COPYTOLEAF_EVEN(Pjll, LeafType); \ + MAKELEAF_SUB2(cLevel, JPType) + +#define MAKELEAF_ODD(cLevel,JPType,AllocLeaf,ValueArea,Copy) \ + MAKELEAF_SUB1(AllocLeaf,ValueArea,LeafType); \ + COPYTOLEAF_ODD(cLevel, Pjll, Copy); \ + MAKELEAF_SUB2(cLevel, JPType) + +// Ensure that the indexes to be stored in immediate indexes or a leaf are +// sorted: +// +// This check is pure overhead, but required in order to protect the Judy array +// against caller error, to avoid a later corruption or core dump from a +// seemingly valid Judy array. Do this check piecemeal at the leaf level while +// the indexes are already in the cache. Higher-level order-checking occurs +// while building branches. +// +// Note: Any sorting error in the expanse of a single immediate indexes JP or +// a leaf => save no indexes in that expanse. + +#define CHECKLEAFORDER \ + { \ + for (offset = 1; offset < pop1; ++offset) \ + { \ + if (PIndex[offset - 1] >= PIndex[offset]) \ + { \ + SETJPNULL_PARENT; \ + *PPop1 = 0; \ + JU_SET_ERRNO_NONNULL(Pjpm, JU_ERRNO_UNSORTED); \ + return(FALSE); \ + } \ + } \ + } + + +// ------ START OF CODE ------ + + assert( Level >= 1); + assert( Level <= cJU_ROOTSTATE); + assert((Level < cJU_ROOTSTATE) || (pop1 > cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1)); + + +// CHECK FOR TOP LEVEL: +// +// Special case: If at the top level (PjpParent is in the JPM), a top-level +// branch must be created, even if its a BranchL with just one JP. (The JPM +// cannot point to a leaf because the leaf would have to be a lower-level, +// higher-capacity leaf under a narrow pointer (otherwise a root-level leaf +// would suffice), and the JPMs JP cant handle a narrow pointer because the +// jp_DcdPopO field isnt big enough.) Otherwise continue to check for a pop1 +// small enough to support immediate indexes or a leaf before giving up and +// making a lower-level branch. + + if (Level == cJU_ROOTSTATE) + { + levelsub = cJU_ROOTSTATE; + goto BuildBranch2; + } + assert(Level < cJU_ROOTSTATE); + + +// SKIP JPIMMED_*_01: +// +// Immeds with pop1 == 1 should be handled in-line during branch construction. + + assert(pop1 > 1); + + +// BUILD JPIMMED_*_02+: +// +// The starting address of the indexes depends on Judy1 or JudyL; also, JudyL +// includes a pointer to a values-only leaf. + + if (pop1 <= immed_maxpop1[Level]) // note: always < root level. + { + JUDY1CODE(uint8_t * Pjll = (uint8_t *) (PjpParent->jp_1Index);) + JUDYLCODE(uint8_t * Pjll = (uint8_t *) (PjpParent->jp_LIndex);) + + CHECKLEAFORDER; // indexes to be stored are sorted. + +#ifdef JUDYL + if ((PjvRaw = j__udyLAllocJV(pop1, Pjpm)) == (Pjv_t) NULL) + NOMEM; + (PjpParent->jp_Addr) = (Word_t) PjvRaw; + Pjv = P_JV(PjvRaw); +#endif + + switch (Level) + { + case 1: COPYTOLEAF_EVEN(Pjll, uint8_t); + SETIMMTYPE(cJU_JPIMMED_1_02); + break; +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case 2: COPYTOLEAF_EVEN(Pjll, uint16_t); + SETIMMTYPE(cJU_JPIMMED_2_02); + break; + case 3: COPYTOLEAF_ODD(3, Pjll, JU_COPY3_LONG_TO_PINDEX); + SETIMMTYPE(cJU_JPIMMED_3_02); + break; +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case 4: COPYTOLEAF_EVEN(Pjll, uint32_t); + SETIMMTYPE(cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02); + break; + case 5: COPYTOLEAF_ODD(5, Pjll, JU_COPY5_LONG_TO_PINDEX); + SETIMMTYPE(cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02); + break; + case 6: COPYTOLEAF_ODD(6, Pjll, JU_COPY6_LONG_TO_PINDEX); + SETIMMTYPE(cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02); + break; + case 7: COPYTOLEAF_ODD(7, Pjll, JU_COPY7_LONG_TO_PINDEX); + SETIMMTYPE(cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02); + break; +#endif + default: assert(FALSE); // should be impossible. + } + + return(TRUE); // note: no children => no *PPop1 mods. + + } // JPIMMED_*_02+ + + +// BUILD JPLEAF*: +// +// This code is a little tricky. The method is: For each level starting at +// the present Level down through levelsub = 1, and then as a special case for +// LeafB1 and FullPop (which are also at levelsub = 1 but have different +// capacity, see later), check if pop1 fits in a leaf (using leaf_maxpop1[]) +// at that level. If so, except for Level == levelsub, check if all of the +// current indexes to be stored are in the same (narrow) subexpanse, that is, +// the digits from Level to levelsub + 1, inclusive, are identical between the +// first and last index in the (sorted) list (in PIndex). If this condition is +// satisfied at any level, build a leaf at that level (under a narrow pointer +// if Level > levelsub). +// +// Note: Doing the search in this order results in storing the indexes in +// "least compressed form." + + for (levelsub = Level; levelsub >= 1; --levelsub) + { + Pjll_t PjllRaw; + Pjll_t Pjll; + +// Check if pop1 is too large to fit in a leaf at levelsub; if so, try the next +// lower level: + + if (pop1 > leaf_maxpop1[levelsub]) continue; + +// If pop1 fits in a leaf at levelsub, but levelsub is lower than Level, must +// also check whether all the indexes in the expanse to store can in fact be +// placed under a narrow pointer; if not, a leaf cannot be used, at this or any +// lower level (levelsub): + + if ((levelsub < Level) && (! SAMESUBEXP(levelsub))) + goto BuildBranch; // cant use a narrow, need a branch. + +// Ensure valid pop1 and all indexes are in fact common through Level: + + assert(pop1 <= cJU_POP0MASK(Level) + 1); + assert(! ((PIndex[0] ^ PIndex[pop1 - 1]) & cJU_DCDMASK(Level))); + + CHECKLEAFORDER; // indexes to be stored are sorted. + +// Build correct type of leaf: +// +// Note: The jp_DcdPopO and jp_Type assignments in MAKELEAF_* happen correctly +// for the levelsub (not Level) of the new leaf, even if its under a narrow +// pointer. + + switch (levelsub) + { +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + case 1: MAKELEAF_EVEN(1, cJU_JPLEAF1, j__udyAllocJLL1, + JL_LEAF1VALUEAREA, uint8_t); + break; +#endif + case 2: MAKELEAF_EVEN(2, cJU_JPLEAF2, j__udyAllocJLL2, + JL_LEAF2VALUEAREA, uint16_t); + break; + case 3: MAKELEAF_ODD( 3, cJU_JPLEAF3, j__udyAllocJLL3, + JL_LEAF3VALUEAREA, JU_COPY3_LONG_TO_PINDEX); + break; +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case 4: MAKELEAF_EVEN(4, cJU_JPLEAF4, j__udyAllocJLL4, + JL_LEAF4VALUEAREA, uint32_t); + break; + case 5: MAKELEAF_ODD( 5, cJU_JPLEAF5, j__udyAllocJLL5, + JL_LEAF5VALUEAREA, JU_COPY5_LONG_TO_PINDEX); + break; + case 6: MAKELEAF_ODD( 6, cJU_JPLEAF6, j__udyAllocJLL6, + JL_LEAF6VALUEAREA, JU_COPY6_LONG_TO_PINDEX); + break; + case 7: MAKELEAF_ODD( 7, cJU_JPLEAF7, j__udyAllocJLL7, + JL_LEAF7VALUEAREA, JU_COPY7_LONG_TO_PINDEX); + break; +#endif + default: assert(FALSE); // should be impossible. + } + + return(TRUE); // note: no children => no *PPop1 mods. + + } // JPLEAF* + + +// BUILD JPLEAF_B1 OR JPFULLPOPU1: +// +// See above about JPLEAF*. If pop1 doesnt fit in any level of linear leaf, +// it might still fit in a LeafB1 or FullPop, perhaps under a narrow pointer. + + if ((Level == 1) || SAMESUBEXP(1)) // same until last digit. + { + Pjlb_t PjlbRaw; // for bitmap leaf. + Pjlb_t Pjlb; + + assert(pop1 <= cJU_JPFULLPOPU1_POP0 + 1); + CHECKLEAFORDER; // indexes to be stored are sorted. + +#ifdef JUDY1 + +// JPFULLPOPU1: + + if (pop1 == cJU_JPFULLPOPU1_POP0 + 1) + { + Word_t Addr = PjpParent->jp_Addr; + Word_t DcdP0 = (*PIndex & cJU_DCDMASK(1)) + | cJU_JPFULLPOPU1_POP0; + JU_JPSETADT(PjpParent, Addr, DcdP0, cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1); + + return(TRUE); + } +#endif + +// JPLEAF_B1: + + if ((PjlbRaw = j__udyAllocJLB1(Pjpm)) == (Pjlb_t) NULL) + NOMEM; + Pjlb = P_JLB(PjlbRaw); + + for (offset = 0; offset < pop1; ++offset) + JU_BITMAPSETL(Pjlb, PIndex[offset]); + + retval = TRUE; // default. + +#ifdef JUDYL + +// Build subexpanse values-only leaves (LeafVs) under LeafB1: + + for (offset = 0; offset < cJU_NUMSUBEXPL; ++offset) + { + if (! (pop1sub = j__udyCountBitsL(JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, offset)))) + continue; // skip empty subexpanse. + +// Allocate one LeafV = JP subarray; if out of memory, clear bitmaps for higher +// subexpanses and adjust *PPop1: + + if ((PjvRaw = j__udyLAllocJV(pop1sub, Pjpm)) + == (Pjv_t) NULL) + { + for (/* null */; offset < cJU_NUMSUBEXPL; ++offset) + { + *PPop1 -= j__udyCountBitsL(JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, offset)); + JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, offset) = 0; + } + + retval = FALSE; + break; + } + +// Populate values-only leaf and save the pointer to it: + + Pjv = P_JV(PjvRaw); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjv, PValue, pop1sub); + JL_JLB_PVALUE(Pjlb, offset) = PjvRaw; // first-tier pointer. + PValue += pop1sub; + + } // for each subexpanse + +#endif // JUDYL + +// Attach new LeafB1 to parent JP; note use of *PPop1 possibly < pop1: + + JU_JPSETADT(PjpParent, (Word_t) PjlbRaw, + (*PIndex & cJU_DCDMASK(1)) | (*PPop1 - 1), cJU_JPLEAF_B1); + + return(retval); + + } // JPLEAF_B1 or JPFULLPOPU1 + + +// BUILD JPBRANCH_U*: +// +// Arriving at BuildBranch means Level < top level but the pop1 is too large +// for immediate indexes or a leaf, even under a narrow pointer, including a +// LeafB1 or FullPop at level 1. This implies SAMESUBEXP(1) == FALSE, that is, +// the indexes to be stored "branch" at level 2 or higher. + +BuildBranch: // come here directly if a leaf wont work. + + assert(Level >= 2); + assert(Level < cJU_ROOTSTATE); + assert(! SAMESUBEXP(1)); // sanity check, see above. + +// Determine the appropriate level for a new branch node; see if a narrow +// pointer can be used: +// +// This can be confusing. The branch is required at the lowest level L where +// the indexes to store are not in the same subexpanse at level L-1. Work down +// from Level to tree level 3, which is 1 above the lowest tree level = 2 at +// which a branch can be used. Theres no need to check SAMESUBEXP at level 2 +// because its known to be false at level 2-1 = 1. +// +// Note: Unlike for a leaf node, a narrow pointer is always used for a branch +// if possible, that is, maximum compression is always used, except at the top +// level of the tree, where a JPM cannot support a narrow pointer, meaning a +// top BranchL can have a single JP (fanout = 1); but that case jumps directly +// to BuildBranch2. +// +// Note: For 32-bit systems the only usable values for a narrow pointer are +// Level = 3 and levelsub = 2; 64-bit systems have many more choices; but +// hopefully this for-loop is fast enough even on a 32-bit system. +// +// TBD: If not fast enough, #ifdef JU_64BIT and handle the 32-bit case faster. + + for (levelsub = Level; levelsub >= 3; --levelsub) // see above. + if (! SAMESUBEXP(levelsub - 1)) // at limit of narrow pointer. + break; // put branch at levelsub. + +BuildBranch2: // come here directly for Level = levelsub = cJU_ROOTSTATE. + + assert(levelsub >= 2); + assert(levelsub <= Level); + +// Initially build a BranchU: +// +// Always start with a BranchU because the number of populated subexpanses is +// not yet known. Use digitmask, digitshifted, and digitshincr to avoid +// expensive variable shifts within JU_DIGITATSTATE within the loop. +// +// TBD: The use of digitmask, etc. results in more increment operations per +// loop, is there an even faster way? +// +// TBD: Would it pay to pre-count the populated JPs (subexpanses) and +// pre-compress the branch, that is, build a BranchL or BranchB immediately, +// also taking account of opportunistic uncompression rules? Probably not +// because at high levels of the tree there might be huge numbers of indexes +// (hence cache lines) to scan in the PIndex array to determine the fanout +// (number of JPs) needed. + + if ((PjbuRaw = j__udyAllocJBU(Pjpm)) == (Pjbu_t) NULL) NOMEM; + Pjbu = P_JBU(PjbuRaw); + + JPtype_null = cJU_JPNULL1 + levelsub - 2; // in new BranchU. + JU_JPSETADT(&JPnull, 0, 0, JPtype_null); + + Pjp = Pjbu->jbu_jp; // for convenience in loop. + numJPs = 0; // non-null in the BranchU. + digitmask = cJU_MASKATSTATE(levelsub); // see above. + digitshincr = 1UL << (cJU_BITSPERBYTE * (levelsub - 1)); + retval = TRUE; + +// Scan and populate JPs (subexpanses): +// +// Look for all indexes matching each digit in the BranchU (at the correct +// levelsub), and meanwhile notice any sorting error. Increment PIndex (and +// PValue) and reduce pop1 for each subexpanse handled successfully. + + for (digit = digitshifted = 0; + digit < cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS; + ++digit, digitshifted += digitshincr, ++Pjp) + { + DBGCODE(Word_t pop1subprev;) + assert(pop1 != 0); // end of indexes is handled elsewhere. + +// Count indexes in digits subexpanse: + + for (pop1sub = 0; pop1sub < pop1; ++pop1sub) + if (digitshifted != (PIndex[pop1sub] & digitmask)) break; + +// Empty subexpanse (typical, performance path) or sorting error (rare): + + if (pop1sub == 0) + { + if (digitshifted < (PIndex[0] & digitmask)) + { SETJPNULL(Pjp); continue; } // empty subexpanse. + + assert(pop1 < *PPop1); // did save >= 1 index and decr pop1. + JU_SET_ERRNO_NONNULL(Pjpm, JU_ERRNO_UNSORTED); + goto AbandonBranch; + } + +// Non-empty subexpanse: +// +// First shortcut by handling pop1sub == 1 (JPIMMED_*_01) inline locally. + + if (pop1sub == 1) // note: can be at root level. + { + Word_t Addr = 0; + JUDYLCODE(Addr = (Word_t) (*PValue++);) + JU_JPSETADT(Pjp, Addr, *PIndex, cJU_JPIMMED_1_01 + levelsub -2); + + ++numJPs; + + if (--pop1) { ++PIndex; continue; } // more indexes to store. + + ++digit; ++Pjp; // skip JP just saved. + goto ClearBranch; // save time. + } + +// Recurse to populate one digits (subexpanses) JP; if successful, skip +// indexes (and values) just stored (performance path), except when expanse is +// completely stored: + + DBGCODE(pop1subprev = pop1sub;) + + if (j__udyInsArray(Pjp, levelsub - 1, &pop1sub, (PWord_t) PIndex, +#ifdef JUDYL + (Pjv_t) PValue, +#endif + Pjpm)) + { // complete success. + ++numJPs; + assert(pop1subprev == pop1sub); + assert(pop1 >= pop1sub); + + if ((pop1 -= pop1sub) != 0) // more indexes to store: + { + PIndex += pop1sub; // skip indexes just stored. + JUDYLCODE(PValue += pop1sub;) + continue; + } + // else leave PIndex in BranchUs expanse. + +// No more indexes to store in BranchUs expanse: + + ++digit; ++Pjp; // skip JP just saved. + goto ClearBranch; // save time. + } + +// Handle any error at a lower level of recursion: +// +// In case of partial success, pop1sub != 0, but it was reduced from the value +// passed to j__udyInsArray(); skip this JP later during ClearBranch. + + assert(pop1subprev > pop1sub); // check j__udyInsArray(). + assert(pop1 > pop1sub); // check j__udyInsArray(). + + if (pop1sub) // partial success. + { ++digit; ++Pjp; ++numJPs; } // skip JP just saved. + + pop1 -= pop1sub; // deduct saved indexes if any. + +// Same-level sorting error, or any lower-level error; abandon the rest of the +// branch: +// +// Arrive here with pop1 = remaining unsaved indexes (always non-zero). Adjust +// the *PPop1 value to record and return, modify retval, and use ClearBranch to +// finish up. + +AbandonBranch: + assert(pop1 != 0); // more to store, see above. + assert(pop1 <= *PPop1); // sanity check. + + *PPop1 -= pop1; // deduct unsaved indexes. + pop1 = 0; // to avoid error later. + retval = FALSE; + +// Error (rare), or end of indexes while traversing new BranchU (performance +// path); either way, mark the remaining JPs, if any, in the BranchU as nulls +// and exit the loop: +// +// Arrive here with digit and Pjp set to the first JP to set to null. + +ClearBranch: + for (/* null */; digit < cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS; ++digit, ++Pjp) + SETJPNULL(Pjp); + break; // saves one more compare. + + } // for each digit + + +// FINISH JPBRANCH_U*: +// +// Arrive here with a BranchU built under Pjbu, numJPs set, and either: retval +// == TRUE and *PPop1 unmodified, or else retval == FALSE, *PPop1 set to the +// actual number of indexes saved (possibly 0 for complete failure at a lower +// level upon the first call of j__udyInsArray()), and the Judy error set in +// Pjpm. Either way, PIndex points to an index within the expanse just +// handled. + + Pjbany = (Word_t) PjbuRaw; // default = use this BranchU. + JPtype = branchU_JPtype[levelsub]; + +// Check for complete failure above: + + assert((! retval) || *PPop1); // sanity check. + + if ((! retval) && (*PPop1 == 0)) // nothing stored, full failure. + { + j__udyFreeJBU(PjbuRaw, Pjpm); + SETJPNULL_PARENT; + return(FALSE); + } + +// Complete or partial success so far; watch for sorting error after the +// maximum digit (255) in the BranchU, which is indicated by having more +// indexes to store in the BranchUs expanse: +// +// For example, if an index to store has a digit of 255 at levelsub, followed +// by an index with a digit of 254, the for-loop above runs out of digits +// without reducing pop1 to 0. + + if (pop1 != 0) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO_NONNULL(Pjpm, JU_ERRNO_UNSORTED); + *PPop1 -= pop1; // deduct unsaved indexes. + retval = FALSE; + } + assert(*PPop1 != 0); // branch (still) cannot be empty. + + +// OPTIONALLY COMPRESS JPBRANCH_U*: +// +// See if the BranchU should be compressed to a BranchL or BranchB; if so, do +// that and free the BranchU; otherwise just use the existing BranchU. Follow +// the same rules as in JudyIns.c (version 4.95): Only check local population +// (cJU_OPP_UNCOMP_POP0) for BranchL, and only check global memory efficiency +// (JU_OPP_UNCOMPRESS) for BranchB. TBD: Have the rules changed? +// +// Note: Because of differing order of operations, the latter compression +// might not result in the same set of branch nodes as a series of sequential +// insertions. +// +// Note: Allocating a BranchU only to sometimes convert it to a BranchL or +// BranchB is unfortunate, but attempting to work with a temporary BranchU on +// the stack and then allocate and keep it as a BranchU in many cases is worse +// in terms of error handling. + + +// COMPRESS JPBRANCH_U* TO JPBRANCH_L*: + + if (numJPs <= cJU_BRANCHLMAXJPS) // JPs fit in a BranchL. + { + Pjbl_t PjblRaw = (Pjbl_t) NULL; // new BranchL; init for cc. + Pjbl_t Pjbl; + + if ((*PPop1 > JU_BRANCHL_MAX_POP) // pop too high. + || ((PjblRaw = j__udyAllocJBL(Pjpm)) == (Pjbl_t) NULL)) + { // cant alloc BranchL. + goto SetParent; // just keep BranchU. + } + + Pjbl = P_JBL(PjblRaw); + +// Copy BranchU JPs to BranchL: + + (Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs) = numJPs; + offset = 0; + + for (digit = 0; digit < cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS; ++digit) + { + if ((((Pjbu->jbu_jp) + digit)->jp_Type) == JPtype_null) + continue; + + (Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[offset ]) = digit; + (Pjbl->jbl_jp [offset++]) = Pjbu->jbu_jp[digit]; + } + assert(offset == numJPs); // found same number. + +// Free the BranchU and prepare to use the new BranchL instead: + + j__udyFreeJBU(PjbuRaw, Pjpm); + + Pjbany = (Word_t) PjblRaw; + JPtype = branchL_JPtype[levelsub]; + + } // compress to BranchL + + +// COMPRESS JPBRANCH_U* TO JPBRANCH_B*: +// +// If unable to allocate the BranchB or any JP subarray, free all related +// memory and just keep the BranchU. +// +// Note: This use of JU_OPP_UNCOMPRESS is a bit conservative because the +// BranchU is already allocated while the (presumably smaller) BranchB is not, +// the opposite of how its used in single-insert code. + + else + { + Pjbb_t PjbbRaw = (Pjbb_t) NULL; // new BranchB; init for cc. + Pjbb_t Pjbb; + Pjp_t Pjp2; // in BranchU. + + if ((*PPop1 > JU_BRANCHB_MAX_POP) // pop too high. + || ((PjbbRaw = j__udyAllocJBB(Pjpm)) == (Pjbb_t) NULL)) + { // cant alloc BranchB. + goto SetParent; // just keep BranchU. + } + + Pjbb = P_JBB(PjbbRaw); + +// Set bits in bitmap for populated subexpanses: + + Pjp2 = Pjbu->jbu_jp; + + for (digit = 0; digit < cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS; ++digit) + if ((((Pjbu->jbu_jp) + digit)->jp_Type) != JPtype_null) + JU_BITMAPSETB(Pjbb, digit); + +// Copy non-null JPs to BranchB JP subarrays: + + for (offset = 0; offset < cJU_NUMSUBEXPB; ++offset) + { + Pjp_t PjparrayRaw; + Pjp_t Pjparray; + + if (! (numJPs = j__udyCountBitsB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, offset)))) + continue; // skip empty subexpanse. + +// If unable to allocate a JP subarray, free all BranchB memory so far and +// continue to use the BranchU: + + if ((PjparrayRaw = j__udyAllocJBBJP(numJPs, Pjpm)) + == (Pjp_t) NULL) + { + while (offset-- > 0) + { + if (JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, offset) == (Pjp_t) NULL) continue; + + j__udyFreeJBBJP(JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, offset), + j__udyCountBitsB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, offset)), + Pjpm); + } + j__udyFreeJBB(PjbbRaw, Pjpm); + goto SetParent; // keep BranchU. + } + +// Set one JP subarray pointer and copy the subexpanses JPs to the subarray: +// +// Scan the BranchU for non-null JPs until numJPs JPs are copied. + + JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, offset) = PjparrayRaw; + Pjparray = P_JP(PjparrayRaw); + + while (numJPs-- > 0) + { + while ((Pjp2->jp_Type) == JPtype_null) + { + ++Pjp2; + assert(Pjp2 < (Pjbu->jbu_jp) + cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS); + } + *Pjparray++ = *Pjp2++; + } + } // for each subexpanse + +// Free the BranchU and prepare to use the new BranchB instead: + + j__udyFreeJBU(PjbuRaw, Pjpm); + + Pjbany = (Word_t) PjbbRaw; + JPtype = branchB_JPtype[levelsub]; + + } // compress to BranchB + + +// COMPLETE OR PARTIAL SUCCESS: +// +// Attach new branch (under Pjp, with JPtype) to parent JP; note use of *PPop1, +// possibly reduced due to partial failure. + +SetParent: + (PjpParent->jp_Addr) = Pjbany; + (PjpParent->jp_Type) = JPtype; + + if (Level < cJU_ROOTSTATE) // PjpParent not in JPM: + { + Word_t DcdP0 = (*PIndex & cJU_DCDMASK(levelsub)) | (*PPop1 - 1); + + JU_JPSETADT(PjpParent ,Pjbany, DcdP0, JPtype); + } + + return(retval); + +} // j__udyInsArray() diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/JudyInsertBranch.c b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/JudyInsertBranch.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4084521c --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/JudyInsertBranch.c @@ -0,0 +1,135 @@ +// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company +// +// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +// under the term of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +// option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +// _________________ + +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ + +// BranchL insertion functions for Judy1 and JudyL. +// Compile with one of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL. + +#if (! (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JUDYL))) +#error: One of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL must be specified. +#endif + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#include "Judy1.h" +#else +#include "JudyL.h" +#endif + +#include "JudyPrivate1L.h" + +extern int j__udyCreateBranchL(Pjp_t, Pjp_t, uint8_t *, Word_t, Pvoid_t); + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y I N S E R T B R A N C H +// +// Insert 2-element BranchL in between Pjp and Pjp->jp_Addr. +// +// Return -1 if out of memory, otherwise return 1. + +FUNCTION int j__udyInsertBranch( + Pjp_t Pjp, // JP containing narrow pointer. + Word_t Index, // outlier to Pjp. + Word_t BranchLevel, // of what JP points to, mapped from JP type. + Pjpm_t Pjpm) // for global accounting. +{ + jp_t JP2 [2]; + jp_t JP; + Pjp_t PjpNull; + Word_t XorExp; + Word_t Inew, Iold; + Word_t DCDMask; // initially for original BranchLevel. + int Ret; + uint8_t Exp2[2]; + uint8_t DecodeByteN, DecodeByteO; + +// Get the current mask for the DCD digits: + + DCDMask = cJU_DCDMASK(BranchLevel); + +// Obtain Dcd bits that differ between Index and JP, shifted so the +// digit for BranchLevel is the LSB: + + XorExp = ((Index ^ JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp)) & (cJU_ALLONES >> cJU_BITSPERBYTE)) + >> (BranchLevel * cJU_BITSPERBYTE); + assert(XorExp); // Index must be an outlier. + +// Count levels between object under narrow pointer and the level at which +// the outlier diverges from it, which is always at least initial +// BranchLevel + 1, to end up with the level (JP type) at which to insert +// the new intervening BranchL: + + do { ++BranchLevel; } while ((XorExp >>= cJU_BITSPERBYTE)); + assert((BranchLevel > 1) && (BranchLevel < cJU_ROOTSTATE)); + +// Get the MSB (highest digit) that differs between the old expanse and +// the new Index to insert: + + DecodeByteO = JU_DIGITATSTATE(JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp), BranchLevel); + DecodeByteN = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, BranchLevel); + + assert(DecodeByteO != DecodeByteN); + +// Determine sorted order for old expanse and new Index digits: + + if (DecodeByteN > DecodeByteO) { Iold = 0; Inew = 1; } + else { Iold = 1; Inew = 0; } + +// Copy old JP into staging area for new Branch + JP2 [Iold] = *Pjp; + Exp2[Iold] = DecodeByteO; + Exp2[Inew] = DecodeByteN; + +// Create a 2 Expanse Linear branch +// +// Note: Pjp->jp_Addr is set by j__udyCreateBranchL() + + Ret = j__udyCreateBranchL(Pjp, JP2, Exp2, 2, Pjpm); + if (Ret == -1) return(-1); + +// Get Pjp to the NULL of where to do insert + PjpNull = ((P_JBL(Pjp->jp_Addr))->jbl_jp) + Inew; + +// Convert to a cJU_JPIMMED_*_01 at the correct level: +// Build JP and set type below to: cJU_JPIMMED_X_01 + JU_JPSETADT(PjpNull, 0, Index, cJU_JPIMMED_1_01 - 2 + BranchLevel); + +// Return pointer to Value area in cJU_JPIMMED_X_01 + JUDYLCODE(Pjpm->jpm_PValue = (Pjv_t) PjpNull;) + +// The old JP now points to a BranchL that is at higher level. Therefore +// it contains excess DCD bits (in the least significant position) that +// must be removed (zeroed); that is, they become part of the Pop0 +// subfield. Note that the remaining (lower) bytes in the Pop0 field do +// not change. +// +// Take from the old DCDMask, which went "down" to a lower BranchLevel, +// and zero any high bits that are still in the mask at the new, higher +// BranchLevel; then use this mask to zero the bits in jp_DcdPopO: + +// Set old JP to a BranchL at correct level + + Pjp->jp_Type = cJU_JPBRANCH_L2 - 2 + BranchLevel; + DCDMask ^= cJU_DCDMASK(BranchLevel); + DCDMask = ~DCDMask & JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp); + JP = *Pjp; + JU_JPSETADT(Pjp, JP.jp_Addr, DCDMask, JP.jp_Type); + + return(1); + +} // j__udyInsertBranch() diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/JudyMalloc.c b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/JudyMalloc.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c2b257a3 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/JudyMalloc.c @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company +// +// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +// under the term of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +// option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +// _________________ + +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ +// ************************************************************************ // +// JUDY - Memory Allocater // +// -by- // +// Douglas L. Baskins // +// Hewlett Packard // +// Fort Collins, Co // +// (970) 229-2027 // +// // +// ************************************************************************ // + +// JUDY INCLUDE FILES +#include "Judy.h" + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y M A L L O C +// +// Allocate RAM. This is the single location in Judy code that calls +// malloc(3C). Note: JPM accounting occurs at a higher level. + +Word_t JudyMalloc( + Word_t Words) +{ + Word_t Addr; + + Addr = (Word_t) malloc(Words * sizeof(Word_t)); + return(Addr); + +} // JudyMalloc() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y F R E E + +void JudyFree( + void * PWord, + Word_t Words) +{ + (void) Words; + free(PWord); + +} // JudyFree() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y M A L L O C +// +// Higher-level "wrapper" for allocating objects that need not be in RAM, +// although at this time they are in fact only in RAM. Later we hope that some +// entire subtrees (at a JPM or branch) can be "virtual", so their allocations +// and frees should go through this level. + +Word_t JudyMallocVirtual( + Word_t Words) +{ + return(JudyMalloc(Words)); + +} // JudyMallocVirtual() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y F R E E + +void JudyFreeVirtual( + void * PWord, + Word_t Words) +{ + JudyFree(PWord, Words); + +} // JudyFreeVirtual() diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/JudyMallocIF.c b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/JudyMallocIF.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b9b58cfd --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/JudyMallocIF.c @@ -0,0 +1,782 @@ +// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company +// +// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +// under the term of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +// option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +// _________________ + +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ +// +// Judy malloc/free interface functions for Judy1 and JudyL. +// +// Compile with one of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL. +// +// Compile with -DTRACEMI (Malloc Interface) to turn on tracing of malloc/free +// calls at the interface level. (See also TRACEMF in lower-level code.) +// Use -DTRACEMI2 for a terser format suitable for trace analysis. +// +// There can be malloc namespace bits in the LSBs of "raw" addresses from most, +// but not all, of the j__udy*Alloc*() functions; see also JudyPrivate.h. To +// test the Judy code, compile this file with -DMALLOCBITS and use debug flavor +// only (for assertions). This test ensures that (a) all callers properly mask +// the namespace bits out before dereferencing a pointer (or else a core dump +// occurs), and (b) all callers send "raw" (unmasked) addresses to +// j__udy*Free*() calls. +// +// Note: Currently -DDEBUG turns on MALLOCBITS automatically. + +#if (! (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JUDYL))) +#error: One of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL must be specified. +#endif + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#include "Judy1.h" +#else +#include "JudyL.h" +#endif + +#include "JudyPrivate1L.h" + +// Set "hidden" global j__uMaxWords to the maximum number of words to allocate +// to any one array (large enough to have a JPM, otherwise j__uMaxWords is +// ignored), to trigger a fake malloc error when the number is exceeded. Note, +// this code is always executed, not #ifdefd, because its virtually free. +// +// Note: To keep the MALLOC macro faster and simpler, set j__uMaxWords to +// MAXINT, not zero, by default. + +Word_t j__uMaxWords = ~0UL; + +// This macro hides the faking of a malloc failure: +// +// Note: To keep this fast, just compare WordsPrev to j__uMaxWords without the +// complexity of first adding WordsNow, meaning the trigger point is not +// exactly where you might assume, but it shouldnt matter. + +#define MALLOC(MallocFunc,WordsPrev,WordsNow) \ + (((WordsPrev) > j__uMaxWords) ? 0UL : MallocFunc(WordsNow)) + +// Clear words starting at address: +// +// Note: Only use this for objects that care; in other cases, it doesnt +// matter if the objects memory is pre-zeroed. + +#define ZEROWORDS(Addr,Words) \ + { \ + Word_t Words__ = (Words); \ + PWord_t Addr__ = (PWord_t) (Addr); \ + while (Words__--) *Addr__++ = 0UL; \ + } + +#ifdef TRACEMI + +// TRACING SUPPORT: +// +// Note: For TRACEMI, use a format for address printing compatible with other +// tracing facilities; in particular, %x not %lx, to truncate the "noisy" high +// part on 64-bit systems. +// +// TBD: The trace macros need fixing for alternate address types. +// +// Note: TRACEMI2 supports trace analysis no matter the underlying malloc/free +// engine used. + +#include + +static Word_t j__udyMemSequence = 0L; // event sequence number. + +#define TRACE_ALLOC5(a,b,c,d,e) (void) printf(a, (b), c, d) +#define TRACE_FREE5( a,b,c,d,e) (void) printf(a, (b), c, d) +#define TRACE_ALLOC6(a,b,c,d,e,f) (void) printf(a, (b), c, d, e) +#define TRACE_FREE6( a,b,c,d,e,f) (void) printf(a, (b), c, d, e) + +#else + +#ifdef TRACEMI2 + +#include + +#define b_pw cJU_BYTESPERWORD + +#define TRACE_ALLOC5(a,b,c,d,e) \ + (void) printf("a %lx %lx %lx\n", (b), (d) * b_pw, e) +#define TRACE_FREE5( a,b,c,d,e) \ + (void) printf("f %lx %lx %lx\n", (b), (d) * b_pw, e) +#define TRACE_ALLOC6(a,b,c,d,e,f) \ + (void) printf("a %lx %lx %lx\n", (b), (e) * b_pw, f) +#define TRACE_FREE6( a,b,c,d,e,f) \ + (void) printf("f %lx %lx %lx\n", (b), (e) * b_pw, f) + +static Word_t j__udyMemSequence = 0L; // event sequence number. + +#else + +#define TRACE_ALLOC5(a,b,c,d,e) // null. +#define TRACE_FREE5( a,b,c,d,e) // null. +#define TRACE_ALLOC6(a,b,c,d,e,f) // null. +#define TRACE_FREE6( a,b,c,d,e,f) // null. + +#endif // ! TRACEMI2 +#endif // ! TRACEMI + + +// MALLOC NAMESPACE SUPPORT: + +#if (defined(DEBUG) && (! defined(MALLOCBITS))) // for now, DEBUG => MALLOCBITS: +#define MALLOCBITS 1 +#endif + +#ifdef MALLOCBITS +#define MALLOCBITS_VALUE 0x3 // bit pattern to use. +#define MALLOCBITS_MASK 0x7 // note: matches mask__ in JudyPrivate.h. + +#define MALLOCBITS_SET( Type,Addr) \ + ((Addr) = (Type) ((Word_t) (Addr) | MALLOCBITS_VALUE)) +#define MALLOCBITS_TEST(Type,Addr) \ + assert((((Word_t) (Addr)) & MALLOCBITS_MASK) == MALLOCBITS_VALUE); \ + ((Addr) = (Type) ((Word_t) (Addr) & ~MALLOCBITS_VALUE)) +#else +#define MALLOCBITS_SET( Type,Addr) // null. +#define MALLOCBITS_TEST(Type,Addr) // null. +#endif + + +// SAVE ERROR INFORMATION IN A Pjpm: +// +// "Small" (invalid) Addr values are used to distinguish overrun and no-mem +// errors. (TBD, non-zero invalid values are no longer returned from +// lower-level functions, that is, JU_ERRNO_OVERRUN is no longer detected.) + +#define J__UDYSETALLOCERROR(Addr) \ + { \ + JU_ERRID(Pjpm) = __LINE__; \ + if ((Word_t) (Addr) > 0) JU_ERRNO(Pjpm) = JU_ERRNO_OVERRUN; \ + else JU_ERRNO(Pjpm) = JU_ERRNO_NOMEM; \ + return(0); \ + } + + +// **************************************************************************** +// ALLOCATION FUNCTIONS: +// +// To help the compiler catch coding errors, each function returns a specific +// object type. +// +// Note: Only j__udyAllocJPM() and j__udyAllocJLW() return multiple values <= +// sizeof(Word_t) to indicate the type of memory allocation failure. Other +// allocation functions convert this failure to a JU_ERRNO. + + +// Note: Unlike other j__udyAlloc*() functions, Pjpms are returned non-raw, +// that is, without malloc namespace or root pointer type bits: + +FUNCTION Pjpm_t j__udyAllocJPM(void) +{ + Word_t Words = sizeof(jpm_t) / cJU_BYTESPERWORD; + Pjpm_t Pjpm = (Pjpm_t) MALLOC(JudyMalloc, Words, Words); + + assert((Words * cJU_BYTESPERWORD) == sizeof(jpm_t)); + + if ((Word_t) Pjpm > sizeof(Word_t)) + { + ZEROWORDS(Pjpm, Words); + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords = Words; + } + + TRACE_ALLOC5("0x%x %8lu = j__udyAllocJPM(), Words = %lu\n", + Pjpm, j__udyMemSequence++, Words, cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1 + 1); + // MALLOCBITS_SET(Pjpm_t, Pjpm); // see above. + return(Pjpm); + +} // j__udyAllocJPM() + + +FUNCTION Pjbl_t j__udyAllocJBL(Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = sizeof(jbl_t) / cJU_BYTESPERWORD; + Pjbl_t PjblRaw = (Pjbl_t) MALLOC(JudyMallocVirtual, + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords, Words); + + assert((Words * cJU_BYTESPERWORD) == sizeof(jbl_t)); + + if ((Word_t) PjblRaw > sizeof(Word_t)) + { + ZEROWORDS(P_JBL(PjblRaw), Words); + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords += Words; + } + else { J__UDYSETALLOCERROR(PjblRaw); } + + TRACE_ALLOC5("0x%x %8lu = j__udyAllocJBL(), Words = %lu\n", PjblRaw, + j__udyMemSequence++, Words, (Pjpm->jpm_Pop0) + 2); + MALLOCBITS_SET(Pjbl_t, PjblRaw); + return(PjblRaw); + +} // j__udyAllocJBL() + + +FUNCTION Pjbb_t j__udyAllocJBB(Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = sizeof(jbb_t) / cJU_BYTESPERWORD; + Pjbb_t PjbbRaw = (Pjbb_t) MALLOC(JudyMallocVirtual, + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords, Words); + + assert((Words * cJU_BYTESPERWORD) == sizeof(jbb_t)); + + if ((Word_t) PjbbRaw > sizeof(Word_t)) + { + ZEROWORDS(P_JBB(PjbbRaw), Words); + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords += Words; + } + else { J__UDYSETALLOCERROR(PjbbRaw); } + + TRACE_ALLOC5("0x%x %8lu = j__udyAllocJBB(), Words = %lu\n", PjbbRaw, + j__udyMemSequence++, Words, (Pjpm->jpm_Pop0) + 2); + MALLOCBITS_SET(Pjbb_t, PjbbRaw); + return(PjbbRaw); + +} // j__udyAllocJBB() + + +FUNCTION Pjp_t j__udyAllocJBBJP(Word_t NumJPs, Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = JU_BRANCHJP_NUMJPSTOWORDS(NumJPs); + Pjp_t PjpRaw; + + PjpRaw = (Pjp_t) MALLOC(JudyMalloc, Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords, Words); + + if ((Word_t) PjpRaw > sizeof(Word_t)) + { + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords += Words; + } + else { J__UDYSETALLOCERROR(PjpRaw); } + + TRACE_ALLOC6("0x%x %8lu = j__udyAllocJBBJP(%lu), Words = %lu\n", PjpRaw, + j__udyMemSequence++, NumJPs, Words, (Pjpm->jpm_Pop0) + 2); + MALLOCBITS_SET(Pjp_t, PjpRaw); + return(PjpRaw); + +} // j__udyAllocJBBJP() + + +FUNCTION Pjbu_t j__udyAllocJBU(Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = sizeof(jbu_t) / cJU_BYTESPERWORD; + Pjbu_t PjbuRaw = (Pjbu_t) MALLOC(JudyMallocVirtual, + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords, Words); + + assert((Words * cJU_BYTESPERWORD) == sizeof(jbu_t)); + + if ((Word_t) PjbuRaw > sizeof(Word_t)) + { + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords += Words; + } + else { J__UDYSETALLOCERROR(PjbuRaw); } + + TRACE_ALLOC5("0x%x %8lu = j__udyAllocJBU(), Words = %lu\n", PjbuRaw, + j__udyMemSequence++, Words, (Pjpm->jpm_Pop0) + 2); + MALLOCBITS_SET(Pjbu_t, PjbuRaw); + return(PjbuRaw); + +} // j__udyAllocJBU() + + +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + +FUNCTION Pjll_t j__udyAllocJLL1(Word_t Pop1, Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = JU_LEAF1POPTOWORDS(Pop1); + Pjll_t PjllRaw; + + PjllRaw = (Pjll_t) MALLOC(JudyMalloc, Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords, Words); + + if ((Word_t) PjllRaw > sizeof(Word_t)) + { + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords += Words; + } + else { J__UDYSETALLOCERROR(PjllRaw); } + + TRACE_ALLOC6("0x%x %8lu = j__udyAllocJLL1(%lu), Words = %lu\n", PjllRaw, + j__udyMemSequence++, Pop1, Words, (Pjpm->jpm_Pop0) + 2); + MALLOCBITS_SET(Pjll_t, PjllRaw); + return(PjllRaw); + +} // j__udyAllocJLL1() + +#endif // (JUDYL || (! JU_64BIT)) + + +FUNCTION Pjll_t j__udyAllocJLL2(Word_t Pop1, Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = JU_LEAF2POPTOWORDS(Pop1); + Pjll_t PjllRaw; + + PjllRaw = (Pjll_t) MALLOC(JudyMalloc, Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords, Words); + + if ((Word_t) PjllRaw > sizeof(Word_t)) + { + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords += Words; + } + else { J__UDYSETALLOCERROR(PjllRaw); } + + TRACE_ALLOC6("0x%x %8lu = j__udyAllocJLL2(%lu), Words = %lu\n", PjllRaw, + j__udyMemSequence++, Pop1, Words, (Pjpm->jpm_Pop0) + 2); + MALLOCBITS_SET(Pjll_t, PjllRaw); + return(PjllRaw); + +} // j__udyAllocJLL2() + + +FUNCTION Pjll_t j__udyAllocJLL3(Word_t Pop1, Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = JU_LEAF3POPTOWORDS(Pop1); + Pjll_t PjllRaw; + + PjllRaw = (Pjll_t) MALLOC(JudyMalloc, Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords, Words); + + if ((Word_t) PjllRaw > sizeof(Word_t)) + { + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords += Words; + } + else { J__UDYSETALLOCERROR(PjllRaw); } + + TRACE_ALLOC6("0x%x %8lu = j__udyAllocJLL3(%lu), Words = %lu\n", PjllRaw, + j__udyMemSequence++, Pop1, Words, (Pjpm->jpm_Pop0) + 2); + MALLOCBITS_SET(Pjll_t, PjllRaw); + return(PjllRaw); + +} // j__udyAllocJLL3() + + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + +FUNCTION Pjll_t j__udyAllocJLL4(Word_t Pop1, Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = JU_LEAF4POPTOWORDS(Pop1); + Pjll_t PjllRaw; + + PjllRaw = (Pjll_t) MALLOC(JudyMalloc, Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords, Words); + + if ((Word_t) PjllRaw > sizeof(Word_t)) + { + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords += Words; + } + else { J__UDYSETALLOCERROR(PjllRaw); } + + TRACE_ALLOC6("0x%x %8lu = j__udyAllocJLL4(%lu), Words = %lu\n", PjllRaw, + j__udyMemSequence++, Pop1, Words, (Pjpm->jpm_Pop0) + 2); + MALLOCBITS_SET(Pjll_t, PjllRaw); + return(PjllRaw); + +} // j__udyAllocJLL4() + + +FUNCTION Pjll_t j__udyAllocJLL5(Word_t Pop1, Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = JU_LEAF5POPTOWORDS(Pop1); + Pjll_t PjllRaw; + + PjllRaw = (Pjll_t) MALLOC(JudyMalloc, Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords, Words); + + if ((Word_t) PjllRaw > sizeof(Word_t)) + { + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords += Words; + } + else { J__UDYSETALLOCERROR(PjllRaw); } + + TRACE_ALLOC6("0x%x %8lu = j__udyAllocJLL5(%lu), Words = %lu\n", PjllRaw, + j__udyMemSequence++, Pop1, Words, (Pjpm->jpm_Pop0) + 2); + MALLOCBITS_SET(Pjll_t, PjllRaw); + return(PjllRaw); + +} // j__udyAllocJLL5() + + +FUNCTION Pjll_t j__udyAllocJLL6(Word_t Pop1, Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = JU_LEAF6POPTOWORDS(Pop1); + Pjll_t PjllRaw; + + PjllRaw = (Pjll_t) MALLOC(JudyMalloc, Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords, Words); + + if ((Word_t) PjllRaw > sizeof(Word_t)) + { + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords += Words; + } + else { J__UDYSETALLOCERROR(PjllRaw); } + + TRACE_ALLOC6("0x%x %8lu = j__udyAllocJLL6(%lu), Words = %lu\n", PjllRaw, + j__udyMemSequence++, Pop1, Words, (Pjpm->jpm_Pop0) + 2); + MALLOCBITS_SET(Pjll_t, PjllRaw); + return(PjllRaw); + +} // j__udyAllocJLL6() + + +FUNCTION Pjll_t j__udyAllocJLL7(Word_t Pop1, Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = JU_LEAF7POPTOWORDS(Pop1); + Pjll_t PjllRaw; + + PjllRaw = (Pjll_t) MALLOC(JudyMalloc, Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords, Words); + + if ((Word_t) PjllRaw > sizeof(Word_t)) + { + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords += Words; + } + else { J__UDYSETALLOCERROR(PjllRaw); } + + TRACE_ALLOC6("0x%x %8lu = j__udyAllocJLL7(%lu), Words = %lu\n", PjllRaw, + j__udyMemSequence++, Pop1, Words, (Pjpm->jpm_Pop0) + 2); + MALLOCBITS_SET(Pjll_t, PjllRaw); + return(PjllRaw); + +} // j__udyAllocJLL7() + +#endif // JU_64BIT + + +// Note: Root-level leaf addresses are always whole words (Pjlw_t), and unlike +// other j__udyAlloc*() functions, they are returned non-raw, that is, without +// malloc namespace or root pointer type bits (the latter are added later by +// the caller): + +FUNCTION Pjlw_t j__udyAllocJLW(Word_t Pop1) +{ + Word_t Words = JU_LEAFWPOPTOWORDS(Pop1); + Pjlw_t Pjlw = (Pjlw_t) MALLOC(JudyMalloc, Words, Words); + + TRACE_ALLOC6("0x%x %8lu = j__udyAllocJLW(%lu), Words = %lu\n", Pjlw, + j__udyMemSequence++, Pop1, Words, Pop1); + // MALLOCBITS_SET(Pjlw_t, Pjlw); // see above. + return(Pjlw); + +} // j__udyAllocJLW() + + +FUNCTION Pjlb_t j__udyAllocJLB1(Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = sizeof(jlb_t) / cJU_BYTESPERWORD; + Pjlb_t PjlbRaw; + + PjlbRaw = (Pjlb_t) MALLOC(JudyMalloc, Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords, Words); + + assert((Words * cJU_BYTESPERWORD) == sizeof(jlb_t)); + + if ((Word_t) PjlbRaw > sizeof(Word_t)) + { + ZEROWORDS(P_JLB(PjlbRaw), Words); + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords += Words; + } + else { J__UDYSETALLOCERROR(PjlbRaw); } + + TRACE_ALLOC5("0x%x %8lu = j__udyAllocJLB1(), Words = %lu\n", PjlbRaw, + j__udyMemSequence++, Words, (Pjpm->jpm_Pop0) + 2); + MALLOCBITS_SET(Pjlb_t, PjlbRaw); + return(PjlbRaw); + +} // j__udyAllocJLB1() + + +#ifdef JUDYL + +FUNCTION Pjv_t j__udyLAllocJV(Word_t Pop1, Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = JL_LEAFVPOPTOWORDS(Pop1); + Pjv_t PjvRaw; + + PjvRaw = (Pjv_t) MALLOC(JudyMalloc, Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords, Words); + + if ((Word_t) PjvRaw > sizeof(Word_t)) + { + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords += Words; + } + else { J__UDYSETALLOCERROR(PjvRaw); } + + TRACE_ALLOC6("0x%x %8lu = j__udyLAllocJV(%lu), Words = %lu\n", PjvRaw, + j__udyMemSequence++, Pop1, Words, (Pjpm->jpm_Pop0) + 2); + MALLOCBITS_SET(Pjv_t, PjvRaw); + return(PjvRaw); + +} // j__udyLAllocJV() + +#endif // JUDYL + + +// **************************************************************************** +// FREE FUNCTIONS: +// +// To help the compiler catch coding errors, each function takes a specific +// object type to free. + + +// Note: j__udyFreeJPM() receives a root pointer with NO root pointer type +// bits present, that is, they must be stripped by the caller using P_JPM(): + +FUNCTION void j__udyFreeJPM(Pjpm_t PjpmFree, Pjpm_t PjpmStats) +{ + Word_t Words = sizeof(jpm_t) / cJU_BYTESPERWORD; + + // MALLOCBITS_TEST(Pjpm_t, PjpmFree); // see above. + JudyFree((Pvoid_t) PjpmFree, Words); + + if (PjpmStats != (Pjpm_t) NULL) PjpmStats->jpm_TotalMemWords -= Words; + +// Note: Log PjpmFree->jpm_Pop0, similar to other j__udyFree*() functions, not +// an assumed value of cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1, for when the caller is +// Judy*FreeArray(), jpm_Pop0 is set to 0, and the population after the free +// really will be 0, not cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1. + + TRACE_FREE6("0x%x %8lu = j__udyFreeJPM(%lu), Words = %lu\n", PjpmFree, + j__udyMemSequence++, Words, Words, PjpmFree->jpm_Pop0); + + +} // j__udyFreeJPM() + + +FUNCTION void j__udyFreeJBL(Pjbl_t Pjbl, Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = sizeof(jbl_t) / cJU_BYTESPERWORD; + + MALLOCBITS_TEST(Pjbl_t, Pjbl); + JudyFreeVirtual((Pvoid_t) Pjbl, Words); + + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords -= Words; + + TRACE_FREE5("0x%x %8lu = j__udyFreeJBL(), Words = %lu\n", Pjbl, + j__udyMemSequence++, Words, Pjpm->jpm_Pop0); + + +} // j__udyFreeJBL() + + +FUNCTION void j__udyFreeJBB(Pjbb_t Pjbb, Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = sizeof(jbb_t) / cJU_BYTESPERWORD; + + MALLOCBITS_TEST(Pjbb_t, Pjbb); + JudyFreeVirtual((Pvoid_t) Pjbb, Words); + + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords -= Words; + + TRACE_FREE5("0x%x %8lu = j__udyFreeJBB(), Words = %lu\n", Pjbb, + j__udyMemSequence++, Words, Pjpm->jpm_Pop0); + + +} // j__udyFreeJBB() + + +FUNCTION void j__udyFreeJBBJP(Pjp_t Pjp, Word_t NumJPs, Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = JU_BRANCHJP_NUMJPSTOWORDS(NumJPs); + + MALLOCBITS_TEST(Pjp_t, Pjp); + JudyFree((Pvoid_t) Pjp, Words); + + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords -= Words; + + TRACE_FREE6("0x%x %8lu = j__udyFreeJBBJP(%lu), Words = %lu\n", Pjp, + j__udyMemSequence++, NumJPs, Words, Pjpm->jpm_Pop0); + + +} // j__udyFreeJBBJP() + + +FUNCTION void j__udyFreeJBU(Pjbu_t Pjbu, Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = sizeof(jbu_t) / cJU_BYTESPERWORD; + + MALLOCBITS_TEST(Pjbu_t, Pjbu); + JudyFreeVirtual((Pvoid_t) Pjbu, Words); + + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords -= Words; + + TRACE_FREE5("0x%x %8lu = j__udyFreeJBU(), Words = %lu\n", Pjbu, + j__udyMemSequence++, Words, Pjpm->jpm_Pop0); + + +} // j__udyFreeJBU() + + +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + +FUNCTION void j__udyFreeJLL1(Pjll_t Pjll, Word_t Pop1, Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = JU_LEAF1POPTOWORDS(Pop1); + + MALLOCBITS_TEST(Pjll_t, Pjll); + JudyFree((Pvoid_t) Pjll, Words); + + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords -= Words; + + TRACE_FREE6("0x%x %8lu = j__udyFreeJLL1(%lu), Words = %lu\n", Pjll, + j__udyMemSequence++, Pop1, Words, Pjpm->jpm_Pop0); + + +} // j__udyFreeJLL1() + +#endif // (JUDYL || (! JU_64BIT)) + + +FUNCTION void j__udyFreeJLL2(Pjll_t Pjll, Word_t Pop1, Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = JU_LEAF2POPTOWORDS(Pop1); + + MALLOCBITS_TEST(Pjll_t, Pjll); + JudyFree((Pvoid_t) Pjll, Words); + + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords -= Words; + + TRACE_FREE6("0x%x %8lu = j__udyFreeJLL2(%lu), Words = %lu\n", Pjll, + j__udyMemSequence++, Pop1, Words, Pjpm->jpm_Pop0); + + +} // j__udyFreeJLL2() + + +FUNCTION void j__udyFreeJLL3(Pjll_t Pjll, Word_t Pop1, Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = JU_LEAF3POPTOWORDS(Pop1); + + MALLOCBITS_TEST(Pjll_t, Pjll); + JudyFree((Pvoid_t) Pjll, Words); + + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords -= Words; + + TRACE_FREE6("0x%x %8lu = j__udyFreeJLL3(%lu), Words = %lu\n", Pjll, + j__udyMemSequence++, Pop1, Words, Pjpm->jpm_Pop0); + + +} // j__udyFreeJLL3() + + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + +FUNCTION void j__udyFreeJLL4(Pjll_t Pjll, Word_t Pop1, Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = JU_LEAF4POPTOWORDS(Pop1); + + MALLOCBITS_TEST(Pjll_t, Pjll); + JudyFree((Pvoid_t) Pjll, Words); + + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords -= Words; + + TRACE_FREE6("0x%x %8lu = j__udyFreeJLL4(%lu), Words = %lu\n", Pjll, + j__udyMemSequence++, Pop1, Words, Pjpm->jpm_Pop0); + + +} // j__udyFreeJLL4() + + +FUNCTION void j__udyFreeJLL5(Pjll_t Pjll, Word_t Pop1, Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = JU_LEAF5POPTOWORDS(Pop1); + + MALLOCBITS_TEST(Pjll_t, Pjll); + JudyFree((Pvoid_t) Pjll, Words); + + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords -= Words; + + TRACE_FREE6("0x%x %8lu = j__udyFreeJLL5(%lu), Words = %lu\n", Pjll, + j__udyMemSequence++, Pop1, Words, Pjpm->jpm_Pop0); + + +} // j__udyFreeJLL5() + + +FUNCTION void j__udyFreeJLL6(Pjll_t Pjll, Word_t Pop1, Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = JU_LEAF6POPTOWORDS(Pop1); + + MALLOCBITS_TEST(Pjll_t, Pjll); + JudyFree((Pvoid_t) Pjll, Words); + + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords -= Words; + + TRACE_FREE6("0x%x %8lu = j__udyFreeJLL6(%lu), Words = %lu\n", Pjll, + j__udyMemSequence++, Pop1, Words, Pjpm->jpm_Pop0); + + +} // j__udyFreeJLL6() + + +FUNCTION void j__udyFreeJLL7(Pjll_t Pjll, Word_t Pop1, Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = JU_LEAF7POPTOWORDS(Pop1); + + MALLOCBITS_TEST(Pjll_t, Pjll); + JudyFree((Pvoid_t) Pjll, Words); + + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords -= Words; + + TRACE_FREE6("0x%x %8lu = j__udyFreeJLL7(%lu), Words = %lu\n", Pjll, + j__udyMemSequence++, Pop1, Words, Pjpm->jpm_Pop0); + + +} // j__udyFreeJLL7() + +#endif // JU_64BIT + + +// Note: j__udyFreeJLW() receives a root pointer with NO root pointer type +// bits present, that is, they are stripped by P_JLW(): + +FUNCTION void j__udyFreeJLW(Pjlw_t Pjlw, Word_t Pop1, Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = JU_LEAFWPOPTOWORDS(Pop1); + + // MALLOCBITS_TEST(Pjlw_t, Pjlw); // see above. + JudyFree((Pvoid_t) Pjlw, Words); + + if (Pjpm) Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords -= Words; + + TRACE_FREE6("0x%x %8lu = j__udyFreeJLW(%lu), Words = %lu\n", Pjlw, + j__udyMemSequence++, Pop1, Words, Pop1 - 1); + + +} // j__udyFreeJLW() + + +FUNCTION void j__udyFreeJLB1(Pjlb_t Pjlb, Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = sizeof(jlb_t) / cJU_BYTESPERWORD; + + MALLOCBITS_TEST(Pjlb_t, Pjlb); + JudyFree((Pvoid_t) Pjlb, Words); + + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords -= Words; + + TRACE_FREE5("0x%x %8lu = j__udyFreeJLB1(), Words = %lu\n", Pjlb, + j__udyMemSequence++, Words, Pjpm->jpm_Pop0); + + +} // j__udyFreeJLB1() + + +#ifdef JUDYL + +FUNCTION void j__udyLFreeJV(Pjv_t Pjv, Word_t Pop1, Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = JL_LEAFVPOPTOWORDS(Pop1); + + MALLOCBITS_TEST(Pjv_t, Pjv); + JudyFree((Pvoid_t) Pjv, Words); + + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords -= Words; + + TRACE_FREE6("0x%x %8lu = j__udyLFreeJV(%lu), Words = %lu\n", Pjv, + j__udyMemSequence++, Pop1, Words, Pjpm->jpm_Pop0); + + +} // j__udyLFreeJV() + +#endif // JUDYL diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/JudyMemActive.c b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/JudyMemActive.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f9e2b5a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/JudyMemActive.c @@ -0,0 +1,259 @@ +// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company +// +// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +// under the term of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +// option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +// _________________ + +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ +// +// Return number of bytes of memory used to support a Judy1/L array. +// Compile with one of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL. + +#if (! (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JUDYL))) +#error: One of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL must be specified. +#endif + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#include "Judy1.h" +#else +#include "JudyL.h" +#endif + +#include "JudyPrivate1L.h" + +FUNCTION static Word_t j__udyGetMemActive(Pjp_t); + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y 1 M E M A C T I V E +// J U D Y L M E M A C T I V E + +#ifdef JUDY1 +FUNCTION Word_t Judy1MemActive +#else +FUNCTION Word_t JudyLMemActive +#endif + ( + Pcvoid_t PArray // from which to retrieve. + ) +{ + if (PArray == (Pcvoid_t)NULL) return(0); + + if (JU_LEAFW_POP0(PArray) < cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1) // must be a LEAFW + { + Pjlw_t Pjlw = P_JLW(PArray); // first word of leaf. + Word_t Words = Pjlw[0] + 1; // population. +#ifdef JUDY1 + return((Words + 1) * sizeof(Word_t)); +#else + return(((Words * 2) + 1) * sizeof(Word_t)); +#endif + } + else + { + Pjpm_t Pjpm = P_JPM(PArray); + return(j__udyGetMemActive(&Pjpm->jpm_JP) + sizeof(jpm_t)); + } + +} // JudyMemActive() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y G E T M E M A C T I V E + +FUNCTION static Word_t j__udyGetMemActive( + Pjp_t Pjp) // top of subtree. +{ + Word_t offset; // in a branch. + Word_t Bytes = 0; // actual bytes used at this level. + Word_t IdxSz; // bytes per index in leaves + + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L2: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L3: +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L4: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L5: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L6: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L7: +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L: + { + Pjbl_t Pjbl = P_JBL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + for (offset = 0; offset < (Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs); ++offset) + Bytes += j__udyGetMemActive((Pjbl->jbl_jp) + offset); + + return(Bytes + sizeof(jbl_t)); + } + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B2: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B3: +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B4: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B5: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B6: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B7: +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B: + { + Word_t subexp; + Word_t jpcount; + Pjbb_t Pjbb = P_JBB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + for (subexp = 0; subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPB; ++subexp) + { + jpcount = j__udyCountBitsB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp)); + Bytes += jpcount * sizeof(jp_t); + + for (offset = 0; offset < jpcount; ++offset) + { + Bytes += j__udyGetMemActive(P_JP(JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp)) + + offset); + } + } + + return(Bytes + sizeof(jbb_t)); + } + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U2: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U3: +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U4: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U5: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U6: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U7: +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U: + { + Pjbu_t Pjbu = P_JBU(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + for (offset = 0; offset < cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS; ++offset) + { + if (((Pjbu->jbu_jp[offset].jp_Type) >= cJU_JPNULL1) + && ((Pjbu->jbu_jp[offset].jp_Type) <= cJU_JPNULLMAX)) + { + continue; // skip null JP to save time. + } + + Bytes += j__udyGetMemActive(Pjbu->jbu_jp + offset); + } + + return(Bytes + sizeof(jbu_t)); + } + + +// -- Cases below here terminate and do not recurse. -- + +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + case cJU_JPLEAF1: IdxSz = 1; goto LeafWords; +#endif + case cJU_JPLEAF2: IdxSz = 2; goto LeafWords; + case cJU_JPLEAF3: IdxSz = 3; goto LeafWords; +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPLEAF4: IdxSz = 4; goto LeafWords; + case cJU_JPLEAF5: IdxSz = 5; goto LeafWords; + case cJU_JPLEAF6: IdxSz = 6; goto LeafWords; + case cJU_JPLEAF7: IdxSz = 7; goto LeafWords; +#endif +LeafWords: + +#ifdef JUDY1 + return(IdxSz * (JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1)); +#else + return((IdxSz + sizeof(Word_t)) + * (JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1)); +#endif + case cJU_JPLEAF_B1: + { +#ifdef JUDY1 + return(sizeof(jlb_t)); +#else + Bytes = (JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1) * sizeof(Word_t); + + return(Bytes + sizeof(jlb_t)); +#endif + } + + JUDY1CODE(case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1: return(0);) + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#define J__Mpy 0 +#else +#define J__Mpy sizeof(Word_t) +#endif + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_01: return(0); + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_01: return(0); + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_01: return(0); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPIMMED_4_01: return(0); + case cJU_JPIMMED_5_01: return(0); + case cJU_JPIMMED_6_01: return(0); + case cJU_JPIMMED_7_01: return(0); +#endif + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_02: return(J__Mpy * 2); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_03: return(J__Mpy * 3); +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_04: return(J__Mpy * 4); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_05: return(J__Mpy * 5); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_06: return(J__Mpy * 6); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_07: return(J__Mpy * 7); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_08: return(0); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_09: return(0); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_10: return(0); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_11: return(0); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_12: return(0); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_13: return(0); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_14: return(0); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_15: return(0); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_02: return(J__Mpy * 2); + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_03: return(J__Mpy * 3); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_04: return(0); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_05: return(0); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_06: return(0); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_07: return(0); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_02: return(J__Mpy * 2); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_03: return(0); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_04: return(0); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_05: return(0); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02: return(0); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_03: return(0); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02: return(0); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_03: return(0); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02: return(0); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02: return(0); +#endif + + } // switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + + return(0); // to make some compilers happy. + +} // j__udyGetMemActive() diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/JudyMemUsed.c b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/JudyMemUsed.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b1662740 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/JudyMemUsed.c @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company +// +// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +// under the term of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +// option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +// _________________ + +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ +// +// Return number of bytes of memory used to support a Judy1/L array. +// Compile with one of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL. + +#if (! (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JUDYL))) +#error: One of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL must be specified. +#endif + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#include "Judy1.h" +#else +#include "JudyL.h" +#endif + +#include "JudyPrivate1L.h" + +#ifdef JUDY1 +FUNCTION Word_t Judy1MemUsed +#else // JUDYL +FUNCTION Word_t JudyLMemUsed +#endif + ( + Pcvoid_t PArray // from which to retrieve. + ) +{ + Word_t Words = 0; + + if (PArray == (Pcvoid_t) NULL) return(0); + + if (JU_LEAFW_POP0(PArray) < cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1) // must be a LEAFW + { + Pjlw_t Pjlw = P_JLW(PArray); // first word of leaf. + Words = JU_LEAFWPOPTOWORDS(Pjlw[0] + 1); // based on pop1. + } + else + { + Pjpm_t Pjpm = P_JPM(PArray); + Words = Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords; + } + + return(Words * sizeof(Word_t)); // convert to bytes. + +} // Judy1MemUsed() / JudyLMemUsed() diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/JudyPrevNext.c b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/JudyPrevNext.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..331d7014 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/JudyPrevNext.c @@ -0,0 +1,1890 @@ +// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company +// +// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +// under the term of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +// option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +// _________________ + +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ +// +// Judy*Prev() and Judy*Next() functions for Judy1 and JudyL. +// Compile with one of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL. +// +// Compile with -DJUDYNEXT for the Judy*Next() function; otherwise defaults to +// Judy*Prev(). + +#if (! (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JUDYL))) +#error: One of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL must be specified. +#endif + +#ifndef JUDYNEXT +#ifndef JUDYPREV +#define JUDYPREV 1 // neither set => use default. +#endif +#endif + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#include "Judy1.h" +#else +#include "JudyL.h" +#endif + +#include "JudyPrivate1L.h" + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y 1 P R E V +// J U D Y 1 N E X T +// J U D Y L P R E V +// J U D Y L N E X T +// +// See the manual entry for the API. +// +// OVERVIEW OF Judy*Prev(): +// +// Use a reentrant switch statement (state machine, SM1 = "get") to decode the +// callers *PIndex-1, starting with the (PArray), through branches, if +// any, down to an immediate or a leaf. Look for *PIndex-1 in that leaf, and +// if found, return it. +// +// A dead end is either a branch that does not contain a JP for the appropriate +// digit in *PIndex-1, or a leaf that does not contain the undecoded digits of +// *PIndex-1. Upon reaching a dead end, backtrack through the leaf/branches +// that were just traversed, using a list (history) of parent JPs that is built +// while going forward in SM1Get. Start with the current leaf or branch. In a +// backtracked leaf, look for an Index less than *PIndex-1. In each +// backtracked branch, look "sideways" for the next JP, if any, lower than the +// one for the digit (from *PIndex-1) that was previously decoded. While +// backtracking, if a leaf has no previous Index or a branch has no lower JP, +// go to its parent branch in turn. Upon reaching the JRP, return failure, "no +// previous Index". The backtrack process is sufficiently different from +// SM1Get to merit its own separate reentrant switch statement (SM2 = +// "backtrack"). +// +// While backtracking, upon finding a lower JP in a branch, there is certain to +// be a "prev" Index under that JP (unless the Judy array is corrupt). +// Traverse forward again, this time taking the last (highest, right-most) JP +// in each branch, and the last (highest) Index upon reaching an immediate or a +// leaf. This traversal is sufficiently different from SM1Get and SM2Backtrack +// to merit its own separate reentrant switch statement (SM3 = "findlimit"). +// +// "Decode" bytes in JPs complicate this process a little. In SM1Get, when a +// JP is a narrow pointer, that is, when states are skipped (so the skipped +// digits are stored in jp_DcdPopO), compare the relevant digits to the same +// digits in *PIndex-1. If they are EQUAL, proceed in SM1Get as before. If +// jp_DcdPopOs digits are GREATER, treat the JP as a dead end and proceed in +// SM2Backtrack. If jp_DcdPopOs digits are LESS, treat the JP as if it had +// just been found during a backtrack and proceed directly in SM3Findlimit. +// +// Note that Decode bytes can be ignored in SM3Findlimit; they dont matter. +// Also note that in practice the Decode bytes are routinely compared with +// *PIndex-1 because thats simpler and no slower than first testing for +// narrowness. +// +// Decode bytes also make it unnecessary to construct the Index to return (the +// revised *PIndex) during the search. This step is deferred until finding an +// Index during backtrack or findlimit, before returning it. The first digit +// of *PIndex is derived (saved) based on which JP is used in a JRP branch. +// The remaining digits are obtained from the jp_DcdPopO field in the JP (if +// any) above the immediate or leaf containing the found (prev) Index, plus the +// remaining digit(s) in the immediate or leaf itself. In the case of a LEAFW, +// the Index to return is found directly in the leaf. +// +// Note: Theoretically, as described above, upon reaching a dead end, SM1Get +// passes control to SM2Backtrack to look sideways, even in a leaf. Actually +// its a little more efficient for the SM1Get leaf cases to shortcut this and +// take care of the sideways searches themselves. Hence the history list only +// contains branch JPs, and SM2Backtrack only handles branches. In fact, even +// the branch handling cases in SM1Get do some shortcutting (sideways +// searching) to avoid pushing history and calling SM2Backtrack unnecessarily. +// +// Upon reaching an Index to return after backtracking, *PIndex must be +// modified to the found Index. In principle this could be done by building +// the Index from a saved rootdigit (in the top branch) plus the Dcd bytes from +// the parent JP plus the appropriate Index bytes from the leaf. However, +// Immediates are difficult because their parent JPs lack one (last) digit. So +// instead just build the *PIndex to return "top down" while backtracking and +// findlimiting. +// +// This function is written iteratively for speed, rather than recursively. +// +// CAVEATS: +// +// Why use a backtrack list (history stack), since it has finite size? The +// size is small for Judy on both 32-bit and 64-bit systems, and a list (really +// just an array) is fast to maintain and use. Other alternatives include +// doing a lookahead (lookaside) in each branch while traversing forward +// (decoding), and restarting from the top upon a dead end. +// +// A lookahead means noting the last branch traversed which contained a +// non-null JP lower than the one specified by a digit in *PIndex-1, and +// returning to that point for SM3Findlimit. This seems like a good idea, and +// should be pretty cheap for linear and bitmap branches, but it could result +// in up to 31 unnecessary additional cache line fills (in extreme cases) for +// every uncompressed branch traversed. We have considered means of attaching +// to or hiding within an uncompressed branch (in null JPs) a "cache line map" +// or other structure, such as an offset to the next non-null JP, that would +// speed this up, but it seems unnecessary merely to avoid having a +// finite-length list (array). (If JudySL is ever made "native", the finite +// list length will be an issue.) +// +// Restarting at the top of the Judy array after a dead end requires a careful +// modification of *PIndex-1 to decrement the digit for the parent branch and +// set the remaining lower digits to all 1s. This must be repeated each time a +// parent branch contains another dead end, so even though it should all happen +// in cache, the CPU time can be excessive. (For JudySL or an equivalent +// "infinitely deep" Judy array, consider a hybrid of a large, finite, +// "circular" list and a restart-at-top when the list is backtracked to +// exhaustion.) +// +// Why search for *PIndex-1 instead of *PIndex during SM1Get? In rare +// instances this prevents an unnecessary decode down the wrong path followed +// by a backtrack; its pretty cheap to set up initially; and it means the +// SM1Get machine can simply return if/when it finds that Index. +// +// TBD: Wed like to enhance this function to make successive searches faster. +// This would require saving some previous state, including the previous Index +// returned, and in which leaf it was found. If the next call is for the same +// Index and the array has not been modified, start at the same leaf. This +// should be much easier to implement since this is iterative rather than +// recursive code. +// +// VARIATIONS FOR Judy*Next(): +// +// The Judy*Next() code is nearly a perfect mirror of the Judy*Prev() code. +// See the Judy*Prev() overview comments, and mentally switch the following: +// +// - "*PIndex-1" => "*PIndex+1" +// - "less than" => "greater than" +// - "lower" => "higher" +// - "lowest" => "highest" +// - "next-left" => "next-right" +// - "right-most" => "left-most" +// +// Note: SM3Findlimit could be called SM3Findmax/SM3Findmin, but a common name +// for both Prev and Next means many fewer ifdefs in this code. +// +// TBD: Currently this code traverses a JP whether its expanse is partially or +// completely full (populated). For Judy1 (only), since there is no value area +// needed, consider shortcutting to a "success" return upon encountering a full +// JP in SM1Get (or even SM3Findlimit?) A full JP looks like this: +// +// (((JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) ^ cJU_ALLONES) & cJU_POP0MASK(cLevel)) == 0) + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#ifdef JUDYPREV +FUNCTION int Judy1Prev +#else +FUNCTION int Judy1Next +#endif +#else +#ifdef JUDYPREV +FUNCTION PPvoid_t JudyLPrev +#else +FUNCTION PPvoid_t JudyLNext +#endif +#endif + ( + Pcvoid_t PArray, // Judy array to search. + Word_t * PIndex, // starting point and result. + PJError_t PJError // optional, for returning error info. + ) +{ + Pjp_t Pjp, Pjp2; // current JPs. + Pjbl_t Pjbl; // Pjp->jp_Addr masked and cast to types: + Pjbb_t Pjbb; + Pjbu_t Pjbu; + +// Note: The following initialization is not strictly required but it makes +// gcc -Wall happy because there is an "impossible" path from Immed handling to +// SM1LeafLImm code that looks like Pjll might be used before set: + + Pjll_t Pjll = (Pjll_t) NULL; + Word_t state; // current state in SM. + Word_t digit; // next digit to decode from Index. + +// Note: The following initialization is not strictly required but it makes +// gcc -Wall happy because there is an "impossible" path from Immed handling to +// SM1LeafLImm code (for JudyL & JudyPrev only) that looks like pop1 might be +// used before set: + +#if (defined(JUDYL) && defined(JUDYPREV)) + Word_t pop1 = 0; // in a leaf. +#else + Word_t pop1; // in a leaf. +#endif + int offset; // linear branch/leaf, from j__udySearchLeaf*(). + int subexp; // subexpanse in a bitmap branch. + Word_t bitposmask; // bit in bitmap for Index. + +// History for SM2Backtrack: +// +// For a given histnum, APjphist[histnum] is a parent JP that points to a +// branch, and Aoffhist[histnum] is the offset of the NEXT JP in the branch to +// which the parent JP points. The meaning of Aoffhist[histnum] depends on the +// type of branch to which the parent JP points: +// +// Linear: Offset of the next JP in the JP list. +// +// Bitmap: Which subexpanse, plus the offset of the next JP in the +// subexpanses JP list (to avoid bit-counting again), plus for Judy*Next(), +// hidden one byte to the left, which digit, because Judy*Next() also needs +// this. +// +// Uncompressed: Digit, which is actually the offset of the JP in the branch. +// +// Note: Only branch JPs are stored in APjphist[] because, as explained +// earlier, SM1Get shortcuts sideways searches in leaves (and even in branches +// in some cases), so SM2Backtrack only handles branches. + +#define HISTNUMMAX cJU_ROOTSTATE // maximum branches traversable. + Pjp_t APjphist[HISTNUMMAX]; // list of branch JPs traversed. + int Aoffhist[HISTNUMMAX]; // list of next JP offsets; see above. + int histnum = 0; // number of JPs now in list. + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// M A C R O S +// +// These are intended to make the code a bit more readable and less redundant. + + +// "PUSH" AND "POP" Pjp AND offset ON HISTORY STACKS: +// +// Note: Ensure a corrupt Judy array does not overflow *hist[]. Meanwhile, +// underflowing *hist[] simply means theres no more room to backtrack => +// "no previous/next Index". + +#define HISTPUSH(Pjp,Offset) \ + APjphist[histnum] = (Pjp); \ + Aoffhist[histnum] = (Offset); \ + \ + if (++histnum >= HISTNUMMAX) \ + { \ + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT) \ + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) \ + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) \ + } + +#define HISTPOP(Pjp,Offset) \ + if ((histnum--) < 1) JU_RET_NOTFOUND; \ + (Pjp) = APjphist[histnum]; \ + (Offset) = Aoffhist[histnum] + +// How to pack/unpack Aoffhist[] values for bitmap branches: + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + +#define HISTPUSHBOFF(Subexp,Offset,Digit) \ + (((Subexp) * cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB) | (Offset)) + +#define HISTPOPBOFF(Subexp,Offset,Digit) \ + (Subexp) = (Offset) / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; \ + (Offset) %= cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB +#else + +#define HISTPUSHBOFF(Subexp,Offset,Digit) \ + (((Digit) << cJU_BITSPERBYTE) \ + | ((Subexp) * cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB) | (Offset)) + +#define HISTPOPBOFF(Subexp,Offset,Digit) \ + (Digit) = (Offset) >> cJU_BITSPERBYTE; \ + (Subexp) = ((Offset) & JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(1)) / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; \ + (Offset) %= cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB +#endif + + +// CHECK FOR NULL JP: + +#define JPNULL(Type) (((Type) >= cJU_JPNULL1) && ((Type) <= cJU_JPNULLMAX)) + + +// SEARCH A BITMAP: +// +// This is a weak analog of j__udySearchLeaf*() for bitmaps. Return the actual +// or next-left position, base 0, of Digit in the single uint32_t bitmap, also +// given a Bitposmask for Digit. +// +// Unlike j__udySearchLeaf*(), the offset is not returned bit-complemented if +// Digits bit is unset, because the caller can check the bitmap themselves to +// determine that. Also, if Digits bit is unset, the returned offset is to +// the next-left JP (including -1), not to the "ideal" position for the Index = +// next-right JP. +// +// Shortcut and skip calling j__udyCountBits*() if the bitmap is full, in which +// case (Digit % cJU_BITSPERSUBEXP*) itself is the base-0 offset. +// +// TBD for Judy*Next(): Should this return next-right instead of next-left? +// That is, +1 from current value? Maybe not, if Digits bit IS set, +1 would +// be wrong. + +#define SEARCHBITMAPB(Bitmap,Digit,Bitposmask) \ + (((Bitmap) == cJU_FULLBITMAPB) ? (Digit % cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB) : \ + j__udyCountBitsB((Bitmap) & JU_MASKLOWERINC(Bitposmask)) - 1) + +#define SEARCHBITMAPL(Bitmap,Digit,Bitposmask) \ + (((Bitmap) == cJU_FULLBITMAPL) ? (Digit % cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL) : \ + j__udyCountBitsL((Bitmap) & JU_MASKLOWERINC(Bitposmask)) - 1) + +#ifdef JUDYPREV +// Equivalent to search for the highest offset in Bitmap: + +#define SEARCHBITMAPMAXB(Bitmap) \ + (((Bitmap) == cJU_FULLBITMAPB) ? cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB - 1 : \ + j__udyCountBitsB(Bitmap) - 1) + +#define SEARCHBITMAPMAXL(Bitmap) \ + (((Bitmap) == cJU_FULLBITMAPL) ? cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL - 1 : \ + j__udyCountBitsL(Bitmap) - 1) +#endif + + +// CHECK DECODE BYTES: +// +// Check Decode bytes in a JP against the equivalent portion of *PIndex. If +// *PIndex is lower (for Judy*Prev()) or higher (for Judy*Next()), this JP is a +// dead end (the same as if it had been absent in a linear or bitmap branch or +// null in an uncompressed branch), enter SM2Backtrack; otherwise enter +// SM3Findlimit to find the highest/lowest Index under this JP, as if the code +// had already backtracked to this JP. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV +#define CDcmp__ < +#else +#define CDcmp__ > +#endif + +#define CHECKDCD(cState) \ + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(*PIndex, Pjp, cState)) \ + { \ + if ((*PIndex & cJU_DCDMASK(cState)) \ + CDcmp__(JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & cJU_DCDMASK(cState))) \ + { \ + goto SM2Backtrack; \ + } \ + goto SM3Findlimit; \ + } + + +// PREPARE TO HANDLE A LEAFW OR JRP BRANCH IN SM1: +// +// Extract a state-dependent digit from Index in a "constant" way, then jump to +// common code for multiple cases. + +#define SM1PREPB(cState,Next) \ + state = (cState); \ + digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(*PIndex, cState); \ + goto Next + + +// PREPARE TO HANDLE A LEAFW OR JRP BRANCH IN SM3: +// +// Optionally save Dcd bytes into *PIndex, then save state and jump to common +// code for multiple cases. + +#define SM3PREPB_DCD(cState,Next) \ + JU_SETDCD(*PIndex, Pjp, cState); \ + SM3PREPB(cState,Next) + +#define SM3PREPB(cState,Next) state = (cState); goto Next + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// CHECK FOR SHORTCUTS: +// +// Error out if PIndex is null. Execute JU_RET_NOTFOUND if the Judy array is +// empty or *PIndex is already the minimum/maximum Index possible. +// +// Note: As documented, in case of failure *PIndex may be modified. + + if (PIndex == (PWord_t) NULL) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NULLPINDEX); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + if ((PArray == (Pvoid_t) NULL) || ((*PIndex)-- == 0)) +#else + if ((PArray == (Pvoid_t) NULL) || ((*PIndex)++ == cJU_ALLONES)) +#endif + JU_RET_NOTFOUND; + + +// HANDLE JRP: +// +// Before even entering SM1Get, check the JRP type. For JRP branches, traverse +// the JPM; handle LEAFW leaves directly; but look for the most common cases +// first. + +// ROOT-STATE LEAF that starts with a Pop0 word; just look within the leaf: +// +// If *PIndex is in the leaf, return it; otherwise return the Index, if any, +// below where it would belong. + + if (JU_LEAFW_POP0(PArray) < cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1) // must be a LEAFW + { + Pjlw_t Pjlw = P_JLW(PArray); // first word of leaf. + pop1 = Pjlw[0] + 1; + + if ((offset = j__udySearchLeafW(Pjlw + 1, pop1, *PIndex)) + >= 0) // Index is present. + { + assert(offset < pop1); // in expected range. + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAFW(Pjlw, pop1, offset); // *PIndex is set. + } + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + if ((offset = ~offset) == 0) // no next-left Index. +#else + if ((offset = ~offset) >= pop1) // no next-right Index. +#endif + JU_RET_NOTFOUND; + + assert(offset <= pop1); // valid result. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + *PIndex = Pjlw[offset--]; // next-left Index, base 1. +#else + *PIndex = Pjlw[offset + 1]; // next-right Index, base 1. +#endif + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAFW(Pjlw, pop1, offset); // base 0. + + } + else // JRP BRANCH + { + Pjpm_t Pjpm = P_JPM(PArray); + Pjp = &(Pjpm->jpm_JP); + +// goto SM1Get; + } + +// ============================================================================ +// STATE MACHINE 1 -- GET INDEX: +// +// Search for *PIndex (already decremented/incremented so as to be inclusive). +// If found, return it. Otherwise in theory hand off to SM2Backtrack or +// SM3Findlimit, but in practice "shortcut" by first sideways searching the +// current branch or leaf upon hitting a dead end. During sideways search, +// modify *PIndex to a new path taken. +// +// ENTRY: Pjp points to next JP to interpret, whose Decode bytes have not yet +// been checked. This JP is not yet listed in history. +// +// Note: Check Decode bytes at the start of each loop, not after looking up a +// new JP, so its easy to do constant shifts/masks, although this requires +// cautious handling of Pjp, offset, and *hist[] for correct entry to +// SM2Backtrack. +// +// EXIT: Return, or branch to SM2Backtrack or SM3Findlimit with correct +// interface, as described elsewhere. +// +// WARNING: For run-time efficiency the following cases replicate code with +// varying constants, rather than using common code with variable values! + +SM1Get: // return here for next branch/leaf. + + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// LINEAR BRANCH: +// +// Check Decode bytes, if any, in the current JP, then search for a JP for the +// next digit in *PIndex. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L2: CHECKDCD(2); SM1PREPB(2, SM1BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L3: CHECKDCD(3); SM1PREPB(3, SM1BranchL); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L4: CHECKDCD(4); SM1PREPB(4, SM1BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L5: CHECKDCD(5); SM1PREPB(5, SM1BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L6: CHECKDCD(6); SM1PREPB(6, SM1BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L7: CHECKDCD(7); SM1PREPB(7, SM1BranchL); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L: SM1PREPB(cJU_ROOTSTATE, SM1BranchL); + +// Common code (state-independent) for all cases of linear branches: + +SM1BranchL: + Pjbl = P_JBL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + +// Found JP matching current digit in *PIndex; record parent JP and the next +// JPs offset, and iterate to the next JP: + + if ((offset = j__udySearchLeaf1((Pjll_t) (Pjbl->jbl_Expanse), + Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs, digit)) >= 0) + { + HISTPUSH(Pjp, offset); + Pjp = (Pjbl->jbl_jp) + offset; + goto SM1Get; + } + +// Dead end, no JP in BranchL for next digit in *PIndex: +// +// Get the ideal location of digits JP, and if theres no next-left/right JP +// in the BranchL, shortcut and start backtracking one level up; ignore the +// current Pjp because it points to a BranchL with no next-left/right JP. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + if ((offset = (~offset) - 1) < 0) // no next-left JP in BranchL. +#else + if ((offset = (~offset)) >= Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs) // no next-right. +#endif + goto SM2Backtrack; + +// Theres a next-left/right JP in the current BranchL; save its digit in +// *PIndex and shortcut to SM3Findlimit: + + JU_SETDIGIT(*PIndex, Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[offset], state); + Pjp = (Pjbl->jbl_jp) + offset; + goto SM3Findlimit; + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// BITMAP BRANCH: +// +// Check Decode bytes, if any, in the current JP, then look for a JP for the +// next digit in *PIndex. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B2: CHECKDCD(2); SM1PREPB(2, SM1BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B3: CHECKDCD(3); SM1PREPB(3, SM1BranchB); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B4: CHECKDCD(4); SM1PREPB(4, SM1BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B5: CHECKDCD(5); SM1PREPB(5, SM1BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B6: CHECKDCD(6); SM1PREPB(6, SM1BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B7: CHECKDCD(7); SM1PREPB(7, SM1BranchB); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B: SM1PREPB(cJU_ROOTSTATE, SM1BranchB); + +// Common code (state-independent) for all cases of bitmap branches: + +SM1BranchB: + Pjbb = P_JBB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + +// Locate the digits JP in the subexpanse list, if present, otherwise the +// offset of the next-left JP, if any: + + subexp = digit / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; + assert(subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPB); // falls in expected range. + bitposmask = JU_BITPOSMASKB(digit); + offset = SEARCHBITMAPB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp), digit, + bitposmask); + // right range: + assert((offset >= -1) && (offset < (int) cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB)); + +// Found JP matching current digit in *PIndex: +// +// Record the parent JP and the next JPs offset; and iterate to the next JP. + +// if (JU_BITMAPTESTB(Pjbb, digit)) // slower. + if (JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp) & bitposmask) // faster. + { + // not negative since at least one bit is set: + assert(offset >= 0); + + HISTPUSH(Pjp, HISTPUSHBOFF(subexp, offset, digit)); + + if ((Pjp = P_JP(JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp))) == (Pjp_t) NULL) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + + Pjp += offset; + goto SM1Get; // iterate to next JP. + } + +// Dead end, no JP in BranchB for next digit in *PIndex: +// +// If theres a next-left/right JP in the current BranchB, shortcut to +// SM3Findlimit. Note: offset is already set to the correct value for the +// next-left/right JP. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + if (offset >= 0) // next-left JP is in this subexpanse. + goto SM1BranchBFindlimit; + + while (--subexp >= 0) // search next-left subexpanses. +#else + if (JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp) & JU_MASKHIGHEREXC(bitposmask)) + { + ++offset; // next-left => next-right. + goto SM1BranchBFindlimit; + } + + while (++subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPB) // search next-right subexps. +#endif + { + if (! JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp)) continue; // empty subexpanse. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + offset = SEARCHBITMAPMAXB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp)); + // expected range: + assert((offset >= 0) && (offset < cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB)); +#else + offset = 0; +#endif + +// Save the next-left/right JPs digit in *PIndex: + +SM1BranchBFindlimit: + JU_BITMAPDIGITB(digit, subexp, JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp), + offset); + JU_SETDIGIT(*PIndex, digit, state); + + if ((Pjp = P_JP(JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp))) == (Pjp_t) NULL) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + + Pjp += offset; + goto SM3Findlimit; + } + +// Theres no next-left/right JP in the BranchB: +// +// Shortcut and start backtracking one level up; ignore the current Pjp because +// it points to a BranchB with no next-left/right JP. + + goto SM2Backtrack; + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// UNCOMPRESSED BRANCH: +// +// Check Decode bytes, if any, in the current JP, then look for a JP for the +// next digit in *PIndex. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U2: CHECKDCD(2); SM1PREPB(2, SM1BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U3: CHECKDCD(3); SM1PREPB(3, SM1BranchU); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U4: CHECKDCD(4); SM1PREPB(4, SM1BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U5: CHECKDCD(5); SM1PREPB(5, SM1BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U6: CHECKDCD(6); SM1PREPB(6, SM1BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U7: CHECKDCD(7); SM1PREPB(7, SM1BranchU); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U: SM1PREPB(cJU_ROOTSTATE, SM1BranchU); + +// Common code (state-independent) for all cases of uncompressed branches: + +SM1BranchU: + Pjbu = P_JBU(Pjp->jp_Addr); + Pjp2 = (Pjbu->jbu_jp) + digit; + +// Found JP matching current digit in *PIndex: +// +// Record the parent JP and the next JPs digit, and iterate to the next JP. +// +// TBD: Instead of this, just goto SM1Get, and add cJU_JPNULL* cases to the +// SM1Get state machine? Then backtrack? However, it means you cant detect +// an inappropriate cJU_JPNULL*, when it occurs in other than a BranchU, and +// return JU_RET_CORRUPT. + + if (! JPNULL(JU_JPTYPE(Pjp2))) // digit has a JP. + { + HISTPUSH(Pjp, digit); + Pjp = Pjp2; + goto SM1Get; + } + +// Dead end, no JP in BranchU for next digit in *PIndex: +// +// Search for a next-left/right JP in the current BranchU, and if one is found, +// save its digit in *PIndex and shortcut to SM3Findlimit: + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + while (digit >= 1) + { + Pjp = (Pjbu->jbu_jp) + (--digit); +#else + while (digit < cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS - 1) + { + Pjp = (Pjbu->jbu_jp) + (++digit); +#endif + if (JPNULL(JU_JPTYPE(Pjp))) continue; + + JU_SETDIGIT(*PIndex, digit, state); + goto SM3Findlimit; + } + +// Theres no next-left/right JP in the BranchU: +// +// Shortcut and start backtracking one level up; ignore the current Pjp because +// it points to a BranchU with no next-left/right JP. + + goto SM2Backtrack; + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// LINEAR LEAF: +// +// Check Decode bytes, if any, in the current JP, then search the leaf for +// *PIndex. + +#define SM1LEAFL(Func) \ + Pjll = P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); \ + pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; \ + offset = Func(Pjll, pop1, *PIndex); \ + goto SM1LeafLImm + +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + case cJU_JPLEAF1: CHECKDCD(1); SM1LEAFL(j__udySearchLeaf1); +#endif + case cJU_JPLEAF2: CHECKDCD(2); SM1LEAFL(j__udySearchLeaf2); + case cJU_JPLEAF3: CHECKDCD(3); SM1LEAFL(j__udySearchLeaf3); + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPLEAF4: CHECKDCD(4); SM1LEAFL(j__udySearchLeaf4); + case cJU_JPLEAF5: CHECKDCD(5); SM1LEAFL(j__udySearchLeaf5); + case cJU_JPLEAF6: CHECKDCD(6); SM1LEAFL(j__udySearchLeaf6); + case cJU_JPLEAF7: CHECKDCD(7); SM1LEAFL(j__udySearchLeaf7); +#endif + +// Common code (state-independent) for all cases of linear leaves and +// immediates: + +SM1LeafLImm: + if (offset >= 0) // *PIndex is in LeafL / Immed. +#ifdef JUDY1 + JU_RET_FOUND; +#else + { // JudyL is trickier... + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + case cJU_JPLEAF1: JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF1(Pjll, pop1, offset); +#endif + case cJU_JPLEAF2: JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF2(Pjll, pop1, offset); + case cJU_JPLEAF3: JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF3(Pjll, pop1, offset); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPLEAF4: JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF4(Pjll, pop1, offset); + case cJU_JPLEAF5: JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF5(Pjll, pop1, offset); + case cJU_JPLEAF6: JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF6(Pjll, pop1, offset); + case cJU_JPLEAF7: JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF7(Pjll, pop1, offset); +#endif + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_01: +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPIMMED_4_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_5_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_6_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_7_01: +#endif + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM_01(Pjp); + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_02: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_03: +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_04: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_05: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_06: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_07: + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_02: + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_03: + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_02: +#endif + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + } + + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); // impossible? + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + + } // found *PIndex + +#endif // JUDYL + +// Dead end, no Index in LeafL / Immed for remaining digit(s) in *PIndex: +// +// Get the ideal location of Index, and if theres no next-left/right Index in +// the LeafL / Immed, shortcut and start backtracking one level up; ignore the +// current Pjp because it points to a LeafL / Immed with no next-left/right +// Index. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + if ((offset = (~offset) - 1) < 0) // no next-left Index. +#else + if ((offset = (~offset)) >= pop1) // no next-right Index. +#endif + goto SM2Backtrack; + +// Theres a next-left/right Index in the current LeafL / Immed; shortcut by +// copying its digit(s) to *PIndex and returning it. +// +// Unfortunately this is pretty hairy, especially avoiding endian issues. +// +// The cJU_JPLEAF* cases are very similar to same-index-size cJU_JPIMMED* cases +// for *_02 and above, but must return differently, at least for JudyL, so +// spell them out separately here at the cost of a little redundant code for +// Judy1. + + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + case cJU_JPLEAF1: + + JU_SETDIGIT1(*PIndex, ((uint8_t *) Pjll)[offset]); + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF1(Pjll, pop1, offset); +#endif + + case cJU_JPLEAF2: + + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(2))) + | ((uint16_t *) Pjll)[offset]; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF2(Pjll, pop1, offset); + + case cJU_JPLEAF3: + { + Word_t lsb; + JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) Pjll) + (3 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(3))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF3(Pjll, pop1, offset); + } + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPLEAF4: + + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(4))) + | ((uint32_t *) Pjll)[offset]; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF4(Pjll, pop1, offset); + + case cJU_JPLEAF5: + { + Word_t lsb; + JU_COPY5_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) Pjll) + (5 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(5))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF5(Pjll, pop1, offset); + } + + case cJU_JPLEAF6: + { + Word_t lsb; + JU_COPY6_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) Pjll) + (6 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(6))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF6(Pjll, pop1, offset); + } + + case cJU_JPLEAF7: + { + Word_t lsb; + JU_COPY7_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) Pjll) + (7 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(7))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF7(Pjll, pop1, offset); + } + +#endif // JU_64BIT + +#define SET_01(cState) JU_SETDIGITS(*PIndex, JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp), cState) + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_01: SET_01(1); goto SM1Imm_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_01: SET_01(2); goto SM1Imm_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_01: SET_01(3); goto SM1Imm_01; +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPIMMED_4_01: SET_01(4); goto SM1Imm_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_5_01: SET_01(5); goto SM1Imm_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_6_01: SET_01(6); goto SM1Imm_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_7_01: SET_01(7); goto SM1Imm_01; +#endif +SM1Imm_01: JU_RET_FOUND_IMM_01(Pjp); + +// Shorthand for where to find start of Index bytes array: + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#define PJI (Pjp->jp_1Index) +#else +#define PJI (Pjp->jp_LIndex) +#endif + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_02: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_03: +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_04: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_05: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_06: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_07: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_08: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_09: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_10: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_11: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_12: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_13: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_14: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_15: +#endif + JU_SETDIGIT1(*PIndex, ((uint8_t *) PJI)[offset]); + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_02: + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_03: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_04: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_05: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_06: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_07: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(2))) + | ((uint16_t *) PJI)[offset]; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_02: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_03: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_04: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_05: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + { + Word_t lsb; + JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) PJI) + (3 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(3))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + } +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_03: + + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(4))) + | ((uint32_t *) PJI)[offset]; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_03: + { + Word_t lsb; + JU_COPY5_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) PJI) + (5 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(5))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + } + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02: + { + Word_t lsb; + JU_COPY6_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) PJI) + (6 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(6))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + } + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02: + { + Word_t lsb; + JU_COPY7_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) PJI) + (7 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(7))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + } + +#endif // (JUDY1 && JU_64BIT) + + } // switch for not-found *PIndex + + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); // impossible? + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// BITMAP LEAF: +// +// Check Decode bytes, if any, in the current JP, then look in the leaf for +// *PIndex. + + case cJU_JPLEAF_B1: + { + Pjlb_t Pjlb; + CHECKDCD(1); + + Pjlb = P_JLB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(*PIndex, 1); + subexp = JU_SUBEXPL(digit); + bitposmask = JU_BITPOSMASKL(digit); + assert(subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPL); // falls in expected range. + +// *PIndex exists in LeafB1: + +// if (JU_BITMAPTESTL(Pjlb, digit)) // slower. + if (JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp) & bitposmask) // faster. + { +#ifdef JUDYL // needs offset at this point: + offset = SEARCHBITMAPL(JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp), digit, bitposmask); +#endif + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF_B1(Pjlb, subexp, offset); +// == return((PPvoid_t) (P_JV(JL_JLB_PVALUE(Pjlb, subexp)) + (offset))); + } + +// Dead end, no Index in LeafB1 for remaining digit in *PIndex: +// +// If theres a next-left/right Index in the current LeafB1, which for +// Judy*Next() is true if any bits are set for higher Indexes, shortcut by +// returning it. Note: For Judy*Prev(), offset is set here to the correct +// value for the next-left JP. + + offset = SEARCHBITMAPL(JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp), digit, + bitposmask); + // right range: + assert((offset >= -1) && (offset < (int) cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL)); + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + if (offset >= 0) // next-left JP is in this subexpanse. + goto SM1LeafB1Findlimit; + + while (--subexp >= 0) // search next-left subexpanses. +#else + if (JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp) & JU_MASKHIGHEREXC(bitposmask)) + { + ++offset; // next-left => next-right. + goto SM1LeafB1Findlimit; + } + + while (++subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPL) // search next-right subexps. +#endif + { + if (! JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp)) continue; // empty subexp. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + offset = SEARCHBITMAPMAXL(JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp)); + // expected range: + assert((offset >= 0) && (offset < (int) cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL)); +#else + offset = 0; +#endif + +// Save the next-left/right Indexess digit in *PIndex: + +SM1LeafB1Findlimit: + JU_BITMAPDIGITL(digit, subexp, JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp), offset); + JU_SETDIGIT1(*PIndex, digit); + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF_B1(Pjlb, subexp, offset); +// == return((PPvoid_t) (P_JV(JL_JLB_PVALUE(Pjlb, subexp)) + (offset))); + } + +// Theres no next-left/right Index in the LeafB1: +// +// Shortcut and start backtracking one level up; ignore the current Pjp because +// it points to a LeafB1 with no next-left/right Index. + + goto SM2Backtrack; + + } // case cJU_JPLEAF_B1 + +#ifdef JUDY1 +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// FULL POPULATION: +// +// If the Decode bytes match, *PIndex is found (without modification). + + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1: + + CHECKDCD(1); + JU_RET_FOUND_FULLPOPU1; +#endif + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// IMMEDIATE: + +#ifdef JUDYPREV +#define SM1IMM_SETPOP1(cPop1) +#else +#define SM1IMM_SETPOP1(cPop1) pop1 = (cPop1) +#endif + +#define SM1IMM(Func,cPop1) \ + SM1IMM_SETPOP1(cPop1); \ + offset = Func((Pjll_t) (PJI), cPop1, *PIndex); \ + goto SM1LeafLImm + +// Special case for Pop1 = 1 Immediate JPs: +// +// If *PIndex is in the immediate, offset is 0, otherwise the binary NOT of the +// offset where it belongs, 0 or 1, same as from the search functions. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV +#define SM1IMM_01_SETPOP1 +#else +#define SM1IMM_01_SETPOP1 pop1 = 1 +#endif + +#define SM1IMM_01 \ + SM1IMM_01_SETPOP1; \ + offset = ((JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) < JU_TRIMTODCDSIZE(*PIndex)) ? ~1 : \ + (JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) == JU_TRIMTODCDSIZE(*PIndex)) ? 0 : \ + ~0); \ + goto SM1LeafLImm + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_01: +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPIMMED_4_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_5_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_6_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_7_01: +#endif + SM1IMM_01; + +// TBD: Doug says it would be OK to have fewer calls and calculate arg 2, here +// and in Judy*Count() also. + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_02: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf1, 2); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_03: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf1, 3); +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_04: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf1, 4); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_05: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf1, 5); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_06: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf1, 6); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_07: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf1, 7); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_08: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf1, 8); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_09: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf1, 9); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_10: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf1, 10); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_11: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf1, 11); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_12: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf1, 12); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_13: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf1, 13); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_14: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf1, 14); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_15: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf1, 15); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_02: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf2, 2); + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_03: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf2, 3); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_04: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf2, 4); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_05: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf2, 5); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_06: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf2, 6); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_07: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf2, 7); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_02: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf3, 2); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_03: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf3, 3); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_04: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf3, 4); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_05: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf3, 5); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf4, 2); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_03: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf4, 3); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf5, 2); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_03: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf5, 3); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf6, 2); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf7, 2); +#endif + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// INVALID JP TYPE: + + default: JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + + } // SM1Get switch. + + /*NOTREACHED*/ + + +// ============================================================================ +// STATE MACHINE 2 -- BACKTRACK BRANCH TO PREVIOUS JP: +// +// Look for the next-left/right JP in a branch, backing up the history list as +// necessary. Upon finding a next-left/right JP, modify the corresponding +// digit in *PIndex before passing control to SM3Findlimit. +// +// Note: As described earlier, only branch JPs are expected here; other types +// fall into the default case. +// +// Note: If a found JP contains needed Dcd bytes, thats OK, theyre copied to +// *PIndex in SM3Findlimit. +// +// TBD: This code has a lot in common with similar code in the shortcut cases +// in SM1Get. Can combine this code somehow? +// +// ENTRY: List, possibly empty, of JPs and offsets in APjphist[] and +// Aoffhist[]; see earlier comments. +// +// EXIT: Execute JU_RET_NOTFOUND if no previous/next JP; otherwise jump to +// SM3Findlimit to resume a new but different downward search. + +SM2Backtrack: // come or return here for first/next sideways search. + + HISTPOP(Pjp, offset); + + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// LINEAR BRANCH: + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L2: state = 2; goto SM2BranchL; + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L3: state = 3; goto SM2BranchL; +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L4: state = 4; goto SM2BranchL; + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L5: state = 5; goto SM2BranchL; + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L6: state = 6; goto SM2BranchL; + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L7: state = 7; goto SM2BranchL; +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L: state = cJU_ROOTSTATE; goto SM2BranchL; + +SM2BranchL: +#ifdef JUDYPREV + if (--offset < 0) goto SM2Backtrack; // no next-left JP in BranchL. +#endif + Pjbl = P_JBL(Pjp->jp_Addr); +#ifdef JUDYNEXT + if (++offset >= (Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs)) goto SM2Backtrack; + // no next-right JP in BranchL. +#endif + +// Theres a next-left/right JP in the current BranchL; save its digit in +// *PIndex and continue with SM3Findlimit: + + JU_SETDIGIT(*PIndex, Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[offset], state); + Pjp = (Pjbl->jbl_jp) + offset; + goto SM3Findlimit; + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// BITMAP BRANCH: + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B2: state = 2; goto SM2BranchB; + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B3: state = 3; goto SM2BranchB; +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B4: state = 4; goto SM2BranchB; + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B5: state = 5; goto SM2BranchB; + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B6: state = 6; goto SM2BranchB; + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B7: state = 7; goto SM2BranchB; +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B: state = cJU_ROOTSTATE; goto SM2BranchB; + +SM2BranchB: + Pjbb = P_JBB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + HISTPOPBOFF(subexp, offset, digit); // unpack values. + +// If theres a next-left/right JP in the current BranchB, which for +// Judy*Next() is true if any bits are set for higher Indexes, continue to +// SM3Findlimit: +// +// Note: offset is set to the JP previously traversed; go one to the +// left/right. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + if (offset > 0) // next-left JP is in this subexpanse. + { + --offset; + goto SM2BranchBFindlimit; + } + + while (--subexp >= 0) // search next-left subexpanses. +#else + if (JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp) + & JU_MASKHIGHEREXC(JU_BITPOSMASKB(digit))) + { + ++offset; // next-left => next-right. + goto SM2BranchBFindlimit; + } + + while (++subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPB) // search next-right subexps. +#endif + { + if (! JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp)) continue; // empty subexpanse. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + offset = SEARCHBITMAPMAXB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp)); + // expected range: + assert((offset >= 0) && (offset < cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB)); +#else + offset = 0; +#endif + +// Save the next-left/right JPs digit in *PIndex: + +SM2BranchBFindlimit: + JU_BITMAPDIGITB(digit, subexp, JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp), + offset); + JU_SETDIGIT(*PIndex, digit, state); + + if ((Pjp = P_JP(JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp))) == (Pjp_t) NULL) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + + Pjp += offset; + goto SM3Findlimit; + } + +// Theres no next-left/right JP in the BranchB: + + goto SM2Backtrack; + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// UNCOMPRESSED BRANCH: + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U2: state = 2; goto SM2BranchU; + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U3: state = 3; goto SM2BranchU; +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U4: state = 4; goto SM2BranchU; + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U5: state = 5; goto SM2BranchU; + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U6: state = 6; goto SM2BranchU; + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U7: state = 7; goto SM2BranchU; +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U: state = cJU_ROOTSTATE; goto SM2BranchU; + +SM2BranchU: + +// Search for a next-left/right JP in the current BranchU, and if one is found, +// save its digit in *PIndex and continue to SM3Findlimit: + + Pjbu = P_JBU(Pjp->jp_Addr); + digit = offset; + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + while (digit >= 1) + { + Pjp = (Pjbu->jbu_jp) + (--digit); +#else + while (digit < cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS - 1) + { + Pjp = (Pjbu->jbu_jp) + (++digit); +#endif + if (JPNULL(JU_JPTYPE(Pjp))) continue; + + JU_SETDIGIT(*PIndex, digit, state); + goto SM3Findlimit; + } + +// Theres no next-left/right JP in the BranchU: + + goto SM2Backtrack; + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// INVALID JP TYPE: + + default: JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + + } // SM2Backtrack switch. + + /*NOTREACHED*/ + + +// ============================================================================ +// STATE MACHINE 3 -- FIND LIMIT JP/INDEX: +// +// Look for the highest/lowest (right/left-most) JP in each branch and the +// highest/lowest Index in a leaf or immediate, and return it. While +// traversing, modify appropriate digit(s) in *PIndex to reflect the path +// taken, including Dcd bytes in each JP (which could hold critical missing +// digits for skipped branches). +// +// ENTRY: Pjp set to a JP under which to find max/min JPs (if a branch JP) or +// a max/min Index and return (if a leaf or immediate JP). +// +// EXIT: Execute JU_RET_FOUND* upon reaching a leaf or immediate. Should be +// impossible to fail, unless the Judy array is corrupt. + +SM3Findlimit: // come or return here for first/next branch/leaf. + + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// LINEAR BRANCH: +// +// Simply use the highest/lowest (right/left-most) JP in the BranchL, but first +// copy the Dcd bytes to *PIndex if there are any (only if state < +// cJU_ROOTSTATE - 1). + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L2: SM3PREPB_DCD(2, SM3BranchL); +#ifndef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L3: SM3PREPB( 3, SM3BranchL); +#else + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L3: SM3PREPB_DCD(3, SM3BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L4: SM3PREPB_DCD(4, SM3BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L5: SM3PREPB_DCD(5, SM3BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L6: SM3PREPB_DCD(6, SM3BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L7: SM3PREPB( 7, SM3BranchL); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L: SM3PREPB( cJU_ROOTSTATE, SM3BranchL); + +SM3BranchL: + Pjbl = P_JBL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + if ((offset = (Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs) - 1) < 0) +#else + offset = 0; if ((Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs) == 0) +#endif + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + + JU_SETDIGIT(*PIndex, Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[offset], state); + Pjp = (Pjbl->jbl_jp) + offset; + goto SM3Findlimit; + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// BITMAP BRANCH: +// +// Look for the highest/lowest (right/left-most) non-null subexpanse, then use +// the highest/lowest JP in that subexpanse, but first copy Dcd bytes, if there +// are any (only if state < cJU_ROOTSTATE - 1), to *PIndex. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B2: SM3PREPB_DCD(2, SM3BranchB); +#ifndef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B3: SM3PREPB( 3, SM3BranchB); +#else + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B3: SM3PREPB_DCD(3, SM3BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B4: SM3PREPB_DCD(4, SM3BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B5: SM3PREPB_DCD(5, SM3BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B6: SM3PREPB_DCD(6, SM3BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B7: SM3PREPB( 7, SM3BranchB); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B: SM3PREPB( cJU_ROOTSTATE, SM3BranchB); + +SM3BranchB: + Pjbb = P_JBB(Pjp->jp_Addr); +#ifdef JUDYPREV + subexp = cJU_NUMSUBEXPB; + + while (! (JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, --subexp))) // find non-empty subexp. + { + if (subexp <= 0) // wholly empty bitmap. + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + } + + offset = SEARCHBITMAPMAXB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp)); + // expected range: + assert((offset >= 0) && (offset < cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB)); +#else + subexp = -1; + + while (! (JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, ++subexp))) // find non-empty subexp. + { + if (subexp >= cJU_NUMSUBEXPB - 1) // didnt find one. + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + } + + offset = 0; +#endif + + JU_BITMAPDIGITB(digit, subexp, JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp), offset); + JU_SETDIGIT(*PIndex, digit, state); + + if ((Pjp = P_JP(JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp))) == (Pjp_t) NULL) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + + Pjp += offset; + goto SM3Findlimit; + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// UNCOMPRESSED BRANCH: +// +// Look for the highest/lowest (right/left-most) non-null JP, and use it, but +// first copy Dcd bytes to *PIndex if there are any (only if state < +// cJU_ROOTSTATE - 1). + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U2: SM3PREPB_DCD(2, SM3BranchU); +#ifndef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U3: SM3PREPB( 3, SM3BranchU); +#else + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U3: SM3PREPB_DCD(3, SM3BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U4: SM3PREPB_DCD(4, SM3BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U5: SM3PREPB_DCD(5, SM3BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U6: SM3PREPB_DCD(6, SM3BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U7: SM3PREPB( 7, SM3BranchU); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U: SM3PREPB( cJU_ROOTSTATE, SM3BranchU); + +SM3BranchU: + Pjbu = P_JBU(Pjp->jp_Addr); +#ifdef JUDYPREV + digit = cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS; + + while (digit >= 1) + { + Pjp = (Pjbu->jbu_jp) + (--digit); +#else + + for (digit = 0; digit < cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS; ++digit) + { + Pjp = (Pjbu->jbu_jp) + digit; +#endif + if (JPNULL(JU_JPTYPE(Pjp))) continue; + + JU_SETDIGIT(*PIndex, digit, state); + goto SM3Findlimit; + } + +// No non-null JPs in BranchU: + + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// LINEAR LEAF: +// +// Simply use the highest/lowest (right/left-most) Index in the LeafL, but the +// details vary depending on leaf Index Size. First copy Dcd bytes, if there +// are any (only if state < cJU_ROOTSTATE - 1), to *PIndex. + +#define SM3LEAFLDCD(cState) \ + JU_SETDCD(*PIndex, Pjp, cState); \ + SM3LEAFLNODCD + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#define SM3LEAFL_SETPOP1 // not needed in any cases. +#else +#define SM3LEAFL_SETPOP1 pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1 +#endif + +#ifdef JUDYPREV +#define SM3LEAFLNODCD \ + Pjll = P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); \ + SM3LEAFL_SETPOP1; \ + offset = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp); assert(offset >= 0) +#else +#define SM3LEAFLNODCD \ + Pjll = P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); \ + SM3LEAFL_SETPOP1; \ + offset = 0; assert(JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) >= 0); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + case cJU_JPLEAF1: + + SM3LEAFLDCD(1); + JU_SETDIGIT1(*PIndex, ((uint8_t *) Pjll)[offset]); + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF1(Pjll, pop1, offset); +#endif + + case cJU_JPLEAF2: + + SM3LEAFLDCD(2); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(2))) + | ((uint16_t *) Pjll)[offset]; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF2(Pjll, pop1, offset); + +#ifndef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPLEAF3: + { + Word_t lsb; + SM3LEAFLNODCD; + JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) Pjll) + (3 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(3))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF3(Pjll, pop1, offset); + } + +#else + case cJU_JPLEAF3: + { + Word_t lsb; + SM3LEAFLDCD(3); + JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) Pjll) + (3 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(3))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF3(Pjll, pop1, offset); + } + + case cJU_JPLEAF4: + + SM3LEAFLDCD(4); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(4))) + | ((uint32_t *) Pjll)[offset]; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF4(Pjll, pop1, offset); + + case cJU_JPLEAF5: + { + Word_t lsb; + SM3LEAFLDCD(5); + JU_COPY5_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) Pjll) + (5 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(5))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF5(Pjll, pop1, offset); + } + + case cJU_JPLEAF6: + { + Word_t lsb; + SM3LEAFLDCD(6); + JU_COPY6_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) Pjll) + (6 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(6))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF6(Pjll, pop1, offset); + } + + case cJU_JPLEAF7: + { + Word_t lsb; + SM3LEAFLNODCD; + JU_COPY7_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) Pjll) + (7 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(7))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF7(Pjll, pop1, offset); + } +#endif + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// BITMAP LEAF: +// +// Look for the highest/lowest (right/left-most) non-null subexpanse, then use +// the highest/lowest Index in that subexpanse, but first copy Dcd bytes +// (always present since state 1 < cJU_ROOTSTATE) to *PIndex. + + case cJU_JPLEAF_B1: + { + Pjlb_t Pjlb; + + JU_SETDCD(*PIndex, Pjp, 1); + + Pjlb = P_JLB(Pjp->jp_Addr); +#ifdef JUDYPREV + subexp = cJU_NUMSUBEXPL; + + while (! JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, --subexp)) // find non-empty subexp. + { + if (subexp <= 0) // wholly empty bitmap. + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + } + +// TBD: Might it be faster to just use a variant of BITMAPDIGIT*() that yields +// the digit for the right-most Index with a bit set? + + offset = SEARCHBITMAPMAXL(JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp)); + // expected range: + assert((offset >= 0) && (offset < cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL)); +#else + subexp = -1; + + while (! JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, ++subexp)) // find non-empty subexp. + { + if (subexp >= cJU_NUMSUBEXPL - 1) // didnt find one. + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + } + + offset = 0; +#endif + + JU_BITMAPDIGITL(digit, subexp, JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp), offset); + JU_SETDIGIT1(*PIndex, digit); + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF_B1(Pjlb, subexp, offset); +// == return((PPvoid_t) (P_JV(JL_JLB_PVALUE(Pjlb, subexp)) + (offset))); + + } // case cJU_JPLEAF_B1 + +#ifdef JUDY1 +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// FULL POPULATION: +// +// Copy Dcd bytes to *PIndex (always present since state 1 < cJU_ROOTSTATE), +// then set the highest/lowest possible digit as the LSB in *PIndex. + + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1: + + JU_SETDCD( *PIndex, Pjp, 1); +#ifdef JUDYPREV + JU_SETDIGIT1(*PIndex, cJU_BITSPERBITMAP - 1); +#else + JU_SETDIGIT1(*PIndex, 0); +#endif + JU_RET_FOUND_FULLPOPU1; +#endif // JUDY1 + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// IMMEDIATE: +// +// Simply use the highest/lowest (right/left-most) Index in the Imm, but the +// details vary depending on leaf Index Size and pop1. Note: There are no Dcd +// bytes in an Immediate JP, but in a cJU_JPIMMED_*_01 JP, the field holds the +// least bytes of the immediate Index. + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_01: SET_01(1); goto SM3Imm_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_01: SET_01(2); goto SM3Imm_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_01: SET_01(3); goto SM3Imm_01; +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPIMMED_4_01: SET_01(4); goto SM3Imm_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_5_01: SET_01(5); goto SM3Imm_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_6_01: SET_01(6); goto SM3Imm_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_7_01: SET_01(7); goto SM3Imm_01; +#endif +SM3Imm_01: JU_RET_FOUND_IMM_01(Pjp); + +#ifdef JUDYPREV +#define SM3IMM_OFFSET(cPop1) (cPop1) - 1 // highest. +#else +#define SM3IMM_OFFSET(cPop1) 0 // lowest. +#endif + +#define SM3IMM(cPop1,Next) \ + offset = SM3IMM_OFFSET(cPop1); \ + goto Next + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_02: SM3IMM( 2, SM3Imm1); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_03: SM3IMM( 3, SM3Imm1); +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_04: SM3IMM( 4, SM3Imm1); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_05: SM3IMM( 5, SM3Imm1); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_06: SM3IMM( 6, SM3Imm1); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_07: SM3IMM( 7, SM3Imm1); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_08: SM3IMM( 8, SM3Imm1); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_09: SM3IMM( 9, SM3Imm1); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_10: SM3IMM(10, SM3Imm1); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_11: SM3IMM(11, SM3Imm1); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_12: SM3IMM(12, SM3Imm1); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_13: SM3IMM(13, SM3Imm1); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_14: SM3IMM(14, SM3Imm1); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_15: SM3IMM(15, SM3Imm1); +#endif + +SM3Imm1: JU_SETDIGIT1(*PIndex, ((uint8_t *) PJI)[offset]); + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_02: SM3IMM(2, SM3Imm2); + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_03: SM3IMM(3, SM3Imm2); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_04: SM3IMM(4, SM3Imm2); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_05: SM3IMM(5, SM3Imm2); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_06: SM3IMM(6, SM3Imm2); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_07: SM3IMM(7, SM3Imm2); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) +SM3Imm2: *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(2))) + | ((uint16_t *) PJI)[offset]; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_02: SM3IMM(2, SM3Imm3); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_03: SM3IMM(3, SM3Imm3); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_04: SM3IMM(4, SM3Imm3); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_05: SM3IMM(5, SM3Imm3); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) +SM3Imm3: + { + Word_t lsb; + JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) PJI) + (3 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(3))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + } +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02: SM3IMM(2, SM3Imm4); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_03: SM3IMM(3, SM3Imm4); + +SM3Imm4: *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(4))) + | ((uint32_t *) PJI)[offset]; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02: SM3IMM(2, SM3Imm5); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_03: SM3IMM(3, SM3Imm5); + +SM3Imm5: + { + Word_t lsb; + JU_COPY5_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) PJI) + (5 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(5))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + } + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02: SM3IMM(2, SM3Imm6); + +SM3Imm6: + { + Word_t lsb; + JU_COPY6_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) PJI) + (6 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(6))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + } + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02: SM3IMM(2, SM3Imm7); + +SM3Imm7: + { + Word_t lsb; + JU_COPY7_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) PJI) + (7 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(7))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + } +#endif // (JUDY1 && JU_64BIT) + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// OTHER CASES: + + default: JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + + } // SM3Findlimit switch. + + /*NOTREACHED*/ + +} // Judy1Prev() / Judy1Next() / JudyLPrev() / JudyLNext() diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/JudyPrevNextEmpty.c b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/JudyPrevNextEmpty.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9b655516 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/JudyPrevNextEmpty.c @@ -0,0 +1,1390 @@ +// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company +// +// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +// under the term of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +// option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +// _________________ + +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ +// +// Judy*PrevEmpty() and Judy*NextEmpty() functions for Judy1 and JudyL. +// Compile with one of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL. +// +// Compile with -DJUDYNEXT for the Judy*NextEmpty() function; otherwise +// defaults to Judy*PrevEmpty(). +// +// Compile with -DTRACEJPSE to trace JP traversals. +// +// This file is separate from JudyPrevNext.c because it differs too greatly for +// ifdefs. This might be a bit surprising, but there are two reasons: +// +// - First, down in the details, searching for an empty index (SearchEmpty) is +// remarkably asymmetric with searching for a valid index (SearchValid), +// mainly with respect to: No return of a value area for JudyL; partially- +// full versus totally-full JPs; and handling of narrow pointers. +// +// - Second, we chose to implement SearchEmpty without a backtrack stack or +// backtrack engine, partly as an experiment, and partly because we think +// restarting from the top of the tree is less likely for SearchEmpty than +// for SearchValid, because empty indexes are more likely than valid indexes. +// +// A word about naming: A prior version of this feature (see 4.13) was named +// Judy*Free(), but there were concerns about that being read as a verb rather +// than an adjective. After prolonged debate and based on user input, we +// changed "Free" to "Empty". + +#if (! (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JUDYL))) +#error: One of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL must be specified. +#endif + +#ifndef JUDYNEXT +#ifndef JUDYPREV +#define JUDYPREV 1 // neither set => use default. +#endif +#endif + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#include "Judy1.h" +#else +#include "JudyL.h" +#endif + +#include "JudyPrivate1L.h" + +#ifdef TRACEJPSE +#include "JudyPrintJP.c" +#endif + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y 1 P R E V E M P T Y +// J U D Y 1 N E X T E M P T Y +// J U D Y L P R E V E M P T Y +// J U D Y L N E X T E M P T Y +// +// See the manual entry for the API. +// +// OVERVIEW OF Judy*PrevEmpty() / Judy*NextEmpty(): +// +// See also for comparison the equivalent comments in JudyPrevNext.c. +// +// Take the callers *PIndex and subtract/add 1, but watch out for +// underflow/overflow, which means "no previous/next empty index found." Use a +// reentrant switch statement (state machine, see SMGetRestart and +// SMGetContinue) to decode Index, starting with the JRP (PArray), through a +// JPM and branches, if any, down to an immediate or a leaf. Look for Index in +// that immediate or leaf, and if not found (invalid index), return success +// (Index is empty). +// +// This search can result in a dead end where taking a different path is +// required. There are four kinds of dead ends: +// +// BRANCH PRIMARY dead end: Encountering a fully-populated JP for the +// appropriate digit in Index. Search sideways in the branch for the +// previous/next absent/null/non-full JP, and if one is found, set Index to the +// highest/lowest index possible in that JPs expanse. Then if the JP is an +// absent or null JP, return success; otherwise for a non-full JP, traverse +// through the partially populated JP. +// +// BRANCH SECONDARY dead end: Reaching the end of a branch during a sideways +// search after a branch primary dead end. Set Index to the lowest/highest +// index possible in the whole branchs expanse (one higher/lower than the +// previous/next branchs expanse), then restart at the top of the tree, which +// includes pre-decrementing/incrementing Index (again) and watching for +// underflow/overflow (again). +// +// LEAF PRIMARY dead end: Finding a valid (non-empty) index in an immediate or +// leaf matching Index. Search sideways in the immediate/leaf for the +// previous/next empty index; if found, set *PIndex to match and return success. +// +// LEAF SECONDARY dead end: Reaching the end of an immediate or leaf during a +// sideways search after a leaf primary dead end. Just as for a branch +// secondary dead end, restart at the top of the tree with Index set to the +// lowest/highest index possible in the whole immediate/leafs expanse. +// TBD: If leaf secondary dead end occurs, could shortcut and treat it as a +// branch primary dead end; but this would require remembering the parent +// branchs type and offset (a "one-deep stack"), and also wrestling with +// narrow pointers, at least for leaves (but not for immediates). +// +// Note some ASYMMETRIES between SearchValid and SearchEmpty: +// +// - The SearchValid code, upon descending through a narrow pointer, if Index +// is outside the expanse of the subsidiary node (effectively a secondary +// dead end), must decide whether to backtrack or findlimit. But the +// SearchEmpty code simply returns success (Index is empty). +// +// - Similarly, the SearchValid code, upon finding no previous/next index in +// the expanse of a narrow pointer (again, a secondary dead end), can simply +// start to backtrack at the parent JP. But the SearchEmpty code would have +// to first determine whether or not the parent JPs narrow expanse contains +// a previous/next empty index outside the subexpanse. Rather than keeping a +// parent state stack and backtracking this way, upon a secondary dead end, +// the SearchEmpty code simply restarts at the top of the tree, whether or +// not a narrow pointer is involved. Again, see the equivalent comments in +// JudyPrevNext.c for comparison. +// +// This function is written iteratively for speed, rather than recursively. +// +// TBD: Wed like to enhance this function to make successive searches faster. +// This would require saving some previous state, including the previous Index +// returned, and in which leaf it was found. If the next call is for the same +// Index and the array has not been modified, start at the same leaf. This +// should be much easier to implement since this is iterative rather than +// recursive code. + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#ifdef JUDYPREV +FUNCTION int Judy1PrevEmpty +#else +FUNCTION int Judy1NextEmpty +#endif +#else +#ifdef JUDYPREV +FUNCTION int JudyLPrevEmpty +#else +FUNCTION int JudyLNextEmpty +#endif +#endif + ( + Pcvoid_t PArray, // Judy array to search. + Word_t * PIndex, // starting point and result. + PJError_t PJError // optional, for returning error info. + ) +{ + Word_t Index; // fast copy, in a register. + Pjp_t Pjp; // current JP. + Pjbl_t Pjbl; // Pjp->jp_Addr masked and cast to types: + Pjbb_t Pjbb; + Pjbu_t Pjbu; + Pjlb_t Pjlb; + PWord_t Pword; // alternate name for use by GET* macros. + + Word_t digit; // next digit to decode from Index. + Word_t digits; // current state in SM = digits left to decode. + Word_t pop0; // in a leaf. + Word_t pop0mask; // precalculated to avoid variable shifts. + long offset; // within a branch or leaf (can be large). + int subexp; // subexpanse in a bitmap branch. + BITMAPB_t bitposmaskB; // bit in bitmap for bitmap branch. + BITMAPL_t bitposmaskL; // bit in bitmap for bitmap leaf. + Word_t possfullJP1; // JP types for possibly full subexpanses: + Word_t possfullJP2; + Word_t possfullJP3; + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// M A C R O S +// +// These are intended to make the code a bit more readable and less redundant. + + +// CHECK FOR NULL JP: +// +// TBD: In principle this can be reduced (here and in other *.c files) to just +// the latter clause since no Type should ever be below cJU_JPNULL1, but in +// fact some root pointer types can be lower, so for safety do both checks. + +#define JPNULL(Type) (((Type) >= cJU_JPNULL1) && ((Type) <= cJU_JPNULLMAX)) + + +// CHECK FOR A FULL JP: +// +// Given a JP, indicate if it is fully populated. Use digits, pop0mask, and +// possfullJP1..3 in the context. +// +// This is a difficult problem because it requires checking the Pop0 bits for +// all-ones, but the number of bytes depends on the JP type, which is not +// directly related to the parent branchs type or level -- the JPs child +// could be under a narrow pointer (hence not full). The simple answer +// requires switching on or otherwise calculating the JP type, which could be +// slow. Instead, in SMPREPB* precalculate pop0mask and also record in +// possfullJP1..3 the child JP (branch) types that could possibly be full (one +// level down), and use them here. For level-2 branches (with digits == 2), +// the test for a full child depends on Judy1/JudyL. +// +// Note: This cannot be applied to the JP in a JPM because it doesnt have +// enough pop0 digits. +// +// TBD: JPFULL_BRANCH diligently checks for BranchL or BranchB, where neither +// of those can ever be full as it turns out. Could just check for a BranchU +// at the right level. Also, pop0mask might be overkill, its not used much, +// so perhaps just call cJU_POP0MASK(digits - 1) here? +// +// First, JPFULL_BRANCH checks for a full expanse for a JP whose child can be a +// branch, that is, a JP in a branch at level 3 or higher: + +#define JPFULL_BRANCH(Pjp) \ + ((((JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) ^ cJU_ALLONES) & pop0mask) == 0) \ + && ((JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) == possfullJP1) \ + || (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) == possfullJP2) \ + || (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) == possfullJP3))) + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#define JPFULL(Pjp) \ + ((digits == 2) ? \ + (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) == cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1) : JPFULL_BRANCH(Pjp)) +#else +#define JPFULL(Pjp) \ + ((digits == 2) ? \ + (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) == cJU_JPLEAF_B1) \ + && (((JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & cJU_POP0MASK(1)) == cJU_POP0MASK(1))) : \ + JPFULL_BRANCH(Pjp)) +#endif + + +// RETURN SUCCESS: +// +// This hides the need to set *PIndex back to the local value of Index -- use a +// local value for faster operation. Note that the callers *PIndex is ALWAYS +// modified upon success, at least decremented/incremented. + +#define RET_SUCCESS { *PIndex = Index; return(1); } + + +// RETURN A CORRUPTION: + +#define RET_CORRUPT { JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); return(JERRI); } + + +// SEARCH A BITMAP BRANCH: +// +// This is a weak analog of j__udySearchLeaf*() for bitmap branches. Return +// the actual or next-left position, base 0, of Digit in a BITMAPB_t bitmap +// (subexpanse of a full bitmap), also given a Bitposmask for Digit. The +// position is the offset within the set bits. +// +// Unlike j__udySearchLeaf*(), the offset is not returned bit-complemented if +// Digits bit is unset, because the caller can check the bitmap themselves to +// determine that. Also, if Digits bit is unset, the returned offset is to +// the next-left JP or index (including -1), not to the "ideal" position for +// the index = next-right JP or index. +// +// Shortcut and skip calling j__udyCountBitsB() if the bitmap is full, in which +// case (Digit % cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB) itself is the base-0 offset. + +#define SEARCHBITMAPB(Bitmap,Digit,Bitposmask) \ + (((Bitmap) == cJU_FULLBITMAPB) ? (Digit % cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB) : \ + j__udyCountBitsB((Bitmap) & JU_MASKLOWERINC(Bitposmask)) - 1) + +#ifdef JUDYPREV +// Equivalent to search for the highest offset in Bitmap, that is, one less +// than the number of bits set: + +#define SEARCHBITMAPMAXB(Bitmap) \ + (((Bitmap) == cJU_FULLBITMAPB) ? cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB - 1 : \ + j__udyCountBitsB(Bitmap) - 1) +#endif + + +// CHECK DECODE BYTES: +// +// Check Decode bytes in a JP against the equivalent portion of Index. If they +// dont match, Index is outside the subexpanse of a narrow pointer, hence is +// empty. + +#define CHECKDCD(cDigits) \ + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, cDigits)) RET_SUCCESS + + +// REVISE REMAINDER OF INDEX: +// +// Put one digit in place in Index and clear/set the lower digits, if any, so +// the resulting Index is at the start/end of an expanse, or just clear/set the +// least digits. +// +// Actually, to make simple use of JU_LEASTBYTESMASK, first clear/set all least +// digits of Index including the digit to be overridden, then set the value of +// that one digit. If Digits == 1 the first operation is redundant, but either +// very fast or even removed by the optimizer. + +#define CLEARLEASTDIGITS(Digits) Index &= ~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(Digits) +#define SETLEASTDIGITS( Digits) Index |= JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(Digits) + +#define CLEARLEASTDIGITS_D(Digit,Digits) \ + { \ + CLEARLEASTDIGITS(Digits); \ + JU_SETDIGIT(Index, Digit, Digits); \ + } + +#define SETLEASTDIGITS_D(Digit,Digits) \ + { \ + SETLEASTDIGITS(Digits); \ + JU_SETDIGIT(Index, Digit, Digits); \ + } + + +// SET REMAINDER OF INDEX AND THEN RETURN OR CONTINUE: + +#define SET_AND_RETURN(OpLeastDigits,Digit,Digits) \ + { \ + OpLeastDigits(Digit, Digits); \ + RET_SUCCESS; \ + } + +#define SET_AND_CONTINUE(OpLeastDigits,Digit,Digits) \ + { \ + OpLeastDigits(Digit, Digits); \ + goto SMGetContinue; \ + } + + +// PREPARE TO HANDLE A LEAFW OR JP BRANCH IN THE STATE MACHINE: +// +// Extract a state-dependent digit from Index in a "constant" way, then jump to +// common code for multiple cases. +// +// TBD: Should this macro do more, such as preparing variable-shift masks for +// use in CLEARLEASTDIGITS and SETLEASTDIGITS? + +#define SMPREPB(cDigits,Next,PossFullJP1,PossFullJP2,PossFullJP3) \ + digits = (cDigits); \ + digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, cDigits); \ + pop0mask = cJU_POP0MASK((cDigits) - 1); /* for branchs JPs */ \ + possfullJP1 = (PossFullJP1); \ + possfullJP2 = (PossFullJP2); \ + possfullJP3 = (PossFullJP3); \ + goto Next + +// Variations for specific-level branches and for shorthands: +// +// Note: SMPREPB2 need not initialize possfullJP* because JPFULL does not use +// them for digits == 2, but gcc -Wall isnt quite smart enough to see this, so +// waste a bit of time and space to get rid of the warning: + +#define SMPREPB2(Next) \ + digits = 2; \ + digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 2); \ + pop0mask = cJU_POP0MASK(1); /* for branchs JPs */ \ + possfullJP1 = possfullJP2 = possfullJP3 = 0; \ + goto Next + +#define SMPREPB3(Next) SMPREPB(3, Next, cJU_JPBRANCH_L2, \ + cJU_JPBRANCH_B2, \ + cJU_JPBRANCH_U2) +#ifndef JU_64BIT +#define SMPREPBL(Next) SMPREPB(cJU_ROOTSTATE, Next, cJU_JPBRANCH_L3, \ + cJU_JPBRANCH_B3, \ + cJU_JPBRANCH_U3) +#else +#define SMPREPB4(Next) SMPREPB(4, Next, cJU_JPBRANCH_L3, \ + cJU_JPBRANCH_B3, \ + cJU_JPBRANCH_U3) +#define SMPREPB5(Next) SMPREPB(5, Next, cJU_JPBRANCH_L4, \ + cJU_JPBRANCH_B4, \ + cJU_JPBRANCH_U4) +#define SMPREPB6(Next) SMPREPB(6, Next, cJU_JPBRANCH_L5, \ + cJU_JPBRANCH_B5, \ + cJU_JPBRANCH_U5) +#define SMPREPB7(Next) SMPREPB(7, Next, cJU_JPBRANCH_L6, \ + cJU_JPBRANCH_B6, \ + cJU_JPBRANCH_U6) +#define SMPREPBL(Next) SMPREPB(cJU_ROOTSTATE, Next, cJU_JPBRANCH_L7, \ + cJU_JPBRANCH_B7, \ + cJU_JPBRANCH_U7) +#endif + + +// RESTART AFTER SECONDARY DEAD END: +// +// Set Index to the first/last index in the branch or leaf subexpanse and start +// over at the top of the tree. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV +#define SMRESTART(Digits) { CLEARLEASTDIGITS(Digits); goto SMGetRestart; } +#else +#define SMRESTART(Digits) { SETLEASTDIGITS( Digits); goto SMGetRestart; } +#endif + + +// CHECK EDGE OF LEAFS EXPANSE: +// +// Given the LSBs of the lowest/highest valid index in a leaf (or equivalently +// in an immediate JP), the level (index size) of the leaf, and the full index +// to return (as Index in the context) already set to the full index matching +// the lowest/highest one, determine if there is an empty index in the leafs +// expanse below/above the lowest/highest index, which is true if the +// lowest/highest index is not at the "edge" of the leafs expanse based on its +// LSBs. If so, return Index decremented/incremented; otherwise restart at the +// top of the tree. +// +// Note: In many cases Index is already at the right spot and calling +// SMRESTART instead of just going directly to SMGetRestart is a bit of +// overkill. +// +// Note: Variable shift occurs if Digits is not a constant. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV +#define LEAF_EDGE(MinIndex,Digits) \ + { \ + if (MinIndex) { --Index; RET_SUCCESS; } \ + SMRESTART(Digits); \ + } +#else +#define LEAF_EDGE(MaxIndex,Digits) \ + { \ + if ((MaxIndex) != JU_LEASTBYTES(cJU_ALLONES, Digits)) \ + { ++Index; RET_SUCCESS; } \ + SMRESTART(Digits); \ + } +#endif + +// Same as above except Index is not already set to match the lowest/highest +// index, so do that before decrementing/incrementing it: + +#ifdef JUDYPREV +#define LEAF_EDGE_SET(MinIndex,Digits) \ + { \ + if (MinIndex) \ + { JU_SETDIGITS(Index, MinIndex, Digits); --Index; RET_SUCCESS; } \ + SMRESTART(Digits); \ + } +#else +#define LEAF_EDGE_SET(MaxIndex,Digits) \ + { \ + if ((MaxIndex) != JU_LEASTBYTES(cJU_ALLONES, Digits)) \ + { JU_SETDIGITS(Index, MaxIndex, Digits); ++Index; RET_SUCCESS; } \ + SMRESTART(Digits); \ + } +#endif + + +// FIND A HOLE (EMPTY INDEX) IN AN IMMEDIATE OR LEAF: +// +// Given an index location in a leaf (or equivalently an immediate JP) known to +// contain a usable hole (an empty index less/greater than Index), and the LSBs +// of a minimum/maximum index to locate, find the previous/next empty index and +// return it. +// +// Note: "Even" index sizes (1,2,4[,8] bytes) have corresponding native C +// types; "odd" index sizes dont, but they are not represented here because +// they are handled completely differently; see elsewhere. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + +#define LEAF_HOLE_EVEN(cDigits,Pjll,IndexLSB) \ + { \ + while (*(Pjll) > (IndexLSB)) --(Pjll); /* too high */ \ + if (*(Pjll) < (IndexLSB)) RET_SUCCESS /* Index is empty */ \ + while (*(--(Pjll)) == --(IndexLSB)) /* null, find a hole */;\ + JU_SETDIGITS(Index, IndexLSB, cDigits); \ + RET_SUCCESS; \ + } +#else +#define LEAF_HOLE_EVEN(cDigits,Pjll,IndexLSB) \ + { \ + while (*(Pjll) < (IndexLSB)) ++(Pjll); /* too low */ \ + if (*(Pjll) > (IndexLSB)) RET_SUCCESS /* Index is empty */ \ + while (*(++(Pjll)) == ++(IndexLSB)) /* null, find a hole */;\ + JU_SETDIGITS(Index, IndexLSB, cDigits); \ + RET_SUCCESS; \ + } +#endif + + +// SEARCH FOR AN EMPTY INDEX IN AN IMMEDIATE OR LEAF: +// +// Given a pointer to the first index in a leaf (or equivalently an immediate +// JP), the population of the leaf, and a first empty Index to find (inclusive, +// as Index in the context), where Index is known to fall within the expanse of +// the leaf to search, efficiently find the previous/next empty index in the +// leaf, if any. For simplicity the following overview is stated in terms of +// Judy*NextEmpty() only, but the same concepts apply symmetrically for +// Judy*PrevEmpty(). Also, in each case the comparisons are for the LSBs of +// Index and leaf indexes, according to the leafs level. +// +// 1. If Index is GREATER than the last (highest) index in the leaf +// (maxindex), return success, Index is empty. (Remember, Index is known +// to be in the leafs expanse.) +// +// 2. If Index is EQUAL to maxindex: If maxindex is not at the edge of the +// leafs expanse, increment Index and return success, there is an empty +// Index one higher than any in the leaf; otherwise restart with Index +// reset to the upper edge of the leafs expanse. Note: This might cause +// an extra cache line fill, but this is OK for repeatedly-called search +// code, and it saves CPU time. +// +// 3. If Index is LESS than maxindex, check for "dense to end of leaf": +// Subtract Index from maxindex, and back up that many slots in the leaf. +// If the resulting offset is not before the start of the leaf then compare +// the index at this offset (baseindex) with Index: +// +// 3a. If GREATER, the leaf must be corrupt, since indexes are sorted and +// there are no duplicates. +// +// 3b. If EQUAL, the leaf is "dense" from Index to maxindex, meaning there is +// no reason to search it. "Slide right" to the high end of the leaf +// (modify Index to maxindex) and continue with step 2 above. +// +// 3c. If LESS, continue with step 4. +// +// 4. If the offset based on maxindex minus Index falls BEFORE the start of +// the leaf, or if, per 3c above, baseindex is LESS than Index, the leaf is +// guaranteed "not dense to the end" and a usable empty Index must exist. +// This supports a more efficient search loop. Start at the FIRST index in +// the leaf, or one BEYOND baseindex, respectively, and search the leaf as +// follows, comparing each current index (currindex) with Index: +// +// 4a. If LESS, keep going to next index. Note: This is certain to terminate +// because maxindex is known to be greater than Index, hence the loop can +// be small and fast. +// +// 4b. If EQUAL, loop and increment Index until finding currindex greater than +// Index, and return success with the modified Index. +// +// 4c. If GREATER, return success, Index (unmodified) is empty. +// +// Note: These are macros rather than functions for speed. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + +#define JSLE_EVEN(Addr,Pop0,cDigits,LeafType) \ + { \ + LeafType * PjllLSB = (LeafType *) (Addr); \ + LeafType IndexLSB = Index; /* auto-masking */ \ + \ + /* Index before or at start of leaf: */ \ + \ + if (*PjllLSB >= IndexLSB) /* no need to search */ \ + { \ + if (*PjllLSB > IndexLSB) RET_SUCCESS; /* Index empty */ \ + LEAF_EDGE(*PjllLSB, cDigits); \ + } \ + \ + /* Index in or after leaf: */ \ + \ + offset = IndexLSB - *PjllLSB; /* tentative offset */ \ + if (offset <= (Pop0)) /* can check density */ \ + { \ + PjllLSB += offset; /* move to slot */ \ + \ + if (*PjllLSB <= IndexLSB) /* dense or corrupt */ \ + { \ + if (*PjllLSB == IndexLSB) /* dense, check edge */ \ + LEAF_EDGE_SET(PjllLSB[-offset], cDigits); \ + RET_CORRUPT; \ + } \ + --PjllLSB; /* not dense, start at previous */ \ + } \ + else PjllLSB = ((LeafType *) (Addr)) + (Pop0); /* start at max */ \ + \ + LEAF_HOLE_EVEN(cDigits, PjllLSB, IndexLSB); \ + } + +// JSLE_ODD is completely different from JSLE_EVEN because its important to +// minimize copying odd indexes to compare them (see 4.14). Furthermore, a +// very complex version (4.17, but abandoned before fully debugged) that +// avoided calling j__udySearchLeaf*() ran twice as fast as 4.14, but still +// half as fast as SearchValid. Doug suggested that to minimize complexity and +// share common code we should use j__udySearchLeaf*() for the initial search +// to establish if Index is empty, which should be common. If Index is valid +// in a leaf or immediate indexes, odds are good that an empty Index is nearby, +// so for simplicity just use a *COPY* function to linearly search the +// remainder. +// +// TBD: Pathological case? Average performance should be good, but worst-case +// might suffer. When Search says the initial Index is valid, so a linear +// copy-and-compare is begun, if the caller builds fairly large leaves with +// dense clusters AND frequently does a SearchEmpty at one end of such a +// cluster, performance wont be very good. Might a dense-check help? This +// means checking offset against the index at offset, and then against the +// first/last index in the leaf. We doubt the pathological case will appear +// much in real applications because they will probably alternate SearchValid +// and SearchEmpty calls. + +#define JSLE_ODD(cDigits,Pjll,Pop0,Search,Copy) \ + { \ + Word_t IndexLSB; /* least bytes only */ \ + Word_t IndexFound; /* in leaf */ \ + \ + if ((offset = Search(Pjll, (Pop0) + 1, Index)) < 0) \ + RET_SUCCESS; /* Index is empty */ \ + \ + IndexLSB = JU_LEASTBYTES(Index, cDigits); \ + offset *= (cDigits); \ + \ + while ((offset -= (cDigits)) >= 0) \ + { /* skip until empty or start */ \ + Copy(IndexFound, ((uint8_t *) (Pjll)) + offset); \ + if (IndexFound != (--IndexLSB)) /* found an empty */ \ + { JU_SETDIGITS(Index, IndexLSB, cDigits); RET_SUCCESS; }\ + } \ + LEAF_EDGE_SET(IndexLSB, cDigits); \ + } + +#else // JUDYNEXT + +#define JSLE_EVEN(Addr,Pop0,cDigits,LeafType) \ + { \ + LeafType * PjllLSB = ((LeafType *) (Addr)) + (Pop0); \ + LeafType IndexLSB = Index; /* auto-masking */ \ + \ + /* Index at or after end of leaf: */ \ + \ + if (*PjllLSB <= IndexLSB) /* no need to search */ \ + { \ + if (*PjllLSB < IndexLSB) RET_SUCCESS; /* Index empty */\ + LEAF_EDGE(*PjllLSB, cDigits); \ + } \ + \ + /* Index before or in leaf: */ \ + \ + offset = *PjllLSB - IndexLSB; /* tentative offset */ \ + if (offset <= (Pop0)) /* can check density */ \ + { \ + PjllLSB -= offset; /* move to slot */ \ + \ + if (*PjllLSB >= IndexLSB) /* dense or corrupt */ \ + { \ + if (*PjllLSB == IndexLSB) /* dense, check edge */ \ + LEAF_EDGE_SET(PjllLSB[offset], cDigits); \ + RET_CORRUPT; \ + } \ + ++PjllLSB; /* not dense, start at next */ \ + } \ + else PjllLSB = (LeafType *) (Addr); /* start at minimum */ \ + \ + LEAF_HOLE_EVEN(cDigits, PjllLSB, IndexLSB); \ + } + +#define JSLE_ODD(cDigits,Pjll,Pop0,Search,Copy) \ + { \ + Word_t IndexLSB; /* least bytes only */ \ + Word_t IndexFound; /* in leaf */ \ + int offsetmax; /* in bytes */ \ + \ + if ((offset = Search(Pjll, (Pop0) + 1, Index)) < 0) \ + RET_SUCCESS; /* Index is empty */ \ + \ + IndexLSB = JU_LEASTBYTES(Index, cDigits); \ + offset *= (cDigits); \ + offsetmax = (Pop0) * (cDigits); /* single multiply */ \ + \ + while ((offset += (cDigits)) <= offsetmax) \ + { /* skip until empty or end */ \ + Copy(IndexFound, ((uint8_t *) (Pjll)) + offset); \ + if (IndexFound != (++IndexLSB)) /* found an empty */ \ + { JU_SETDIGITS(Index, IndexLSB, cDigits); RET_SUCCESS; } \ + } \ + LEAF_EDGE_SET(IndexLSB, cDigits); \ + } + +#endif // JUDYNEXT + +// Note: Immediate indexes never fill a single index group, so for odd index +// sizes, save time by calling JSLE_ODD_IMM instead of JSLE_ODD. + +#define j__udySearchLeafEmpty1(Addr,Pop0) \ + JSLE_EVEN(Addr, Pop0, 1, uint8_t) + +#define j__udySearchLeafEmpty2(Addr,Pop0) \ + JSLE_EVEN(Addr, Pop0, 2, uint16_t) + +#define j__udySearchLeafEmpty3(Addr,Pop0) \ + JSLE_ODD(3, Addr, Pop0, j__udySearchLeaf3, JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG) + +#ifndef JU_64BIT + +#define j__udySearchLeafEmptyL(Addr,Pop0) \ + JSLE_EVEN(Addr, Pop0, 4, Word_t) + +#else + +#define j__udySearchLeafEmpty4(Addr,Pop0) \ + JSLE_EVEN(Addr, Pop0, 4, uint32_t) + +#define j__udySearchLeafEmpty5(Addr,Pop0) \ + JSLE_ODD(5, Addr, Pop0, j__udySearchLeaf5, JU_COPY5_PINDEX_TO_LONG) + +#define j__udySearchLeafEmpty6(Addr,Pop0) \ + JSLE_ODD(6, Addr, Pop0, j__udySearchLeaf6, JU_COPY6_PINDEX_TO_LONG) + +#define j__udySearchLeafEmpty7(Addr,Pop0) \ + JSLE_ODD(7, Addr, Pop0, j__udySearchLeaf7, JU_COPY7_PINDEX_TO_LONG) + +#define j__udySearchLeafEmptyL(Addr,Pop0) \ + JSLE_EVEN(Addr, Pop0, 8, Word_t) + +#endif // JU_64BIT + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// START OF CODE: +// +// CHECK FOR SHORTCUTS: +// +// Error out if PIndex is null. + + if (PIndex == (PWord_t) NULL) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NULLPINDEX); + return(JERRI); + } + + Index = *PIndex; // fast local copy. + +// Set and pre-decrement/increment Index, watching for underflow/overflow: +// +// An out-of-bounds Index means failure: No previous/next empty index. + +SMGetRestart: // return here with revised Index. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + if (Index-- == 0) return(0); +#else + if (++Index == 0) return(0); +#endif + +// An empty array with an in-bounds (not underflowed/overflowed) Index means +// success: +// +// Note: This check is redundant after restarting at SMGetRestart, but should +// take insignificant time. + + if (PArray == (Pvoid_t) NULL) RET_SUCCESS; + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// ROOT-LEVEL LEAF that starts with a Pop0 word; just look within the leaf: +// +// If Index is not in the leaf, return success; otherwise return the first +// empty Index, if any, below/above where it would belong. + + if (JU_LEAFW_POP0(PArray) < cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1) // must be a LEAFW + { + Pjlw_t Pjlw = P_JLW(PArray); // first word of leaf. + pop0 = Pjlw[0]; + +#ifdef JUDY1 + if (pop0 == 0) // special case. + { +#ifdef JUDYPREV + if ((Index != Pjlw[1]) || (Index-- != 0)) RET_SUCCESS; +#else + if ((Index != Pjlw[1]) || (++Index != 0)) RET_SUCCESS; +#endif + return(0); // no previous/next empty index. + } +#endif // JUDY1 + + j__udySearchLeafEmptyL(Pjlw + 1, pop0); + +// No return -- thanks ALAN + + } + else + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// HANDLE JRP Branch: +// +// For JRP branches, traverse the JPM; handle LEAFW +// directly; but look for the most common cases first. + + { + Pjpm_t Pjpm = P_JPM(PArray); + Pjp = &(Pjpm->jpm_JP); + +// goto SMGetContinue; + } + + +// ============================================================================ +// STATE MACHINE -- GET INDEX: +// +// Search for Index (already decremented/incremented so as to be an inclusive +// search). If not found (empty index), return success. Otherwise do a +// previous/next search, and if successful modify Index to the empty index +// found. See function header comments. +// +// ENTRY: Pjp points to next JP to interpret, whose Decode bytes have not yet +// been checked. +// +// Note: Check Decode bytes at the start of each loop, not after looking up a +// new JP, so its easy to do constant shifts/masks. +// +// EXIT: Return, or branch to SMGetRestart with modified Index, or branch to +// SMGetContinue with a modified Pjp, as described elsewhere. +// +// WARNING: For run-time efficiency the following cases replicate code with +// varying constants, rather than using common code with variable values! + +SMGetContinue: // return here for next branch/leaf. + +#ifdef TRACEJPSE + JudyPrintJP(Pjp, "sf", __LINE__); +#endif + + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// LINEAR BRANCH: +// +// Check Decode bytes, if any, in the current JP, then search for a JP for the +// next digit in Index. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L2: CHECKDCD(2); SMPREPB2(SMBranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L3: CHECKDCD(3); SMPREPB3(SMBranchL); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L4: CHECKDCD(4); SMPREPB4(SMBranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L5: CHECKDCD(5); SMPREPB5(SMBranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L6: CHECKDCD(6); SMPREPB6(SMBranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L7: CHECKDCD(7); SMPREPB7(SMBranchL); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L: SMPREPBL(SMBranchL); + +// Common code (state-independent) for all cases of linear branches: + +SMBranchL: + Pjbl = P_JBL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + +// First, check if Indexs expanse (digit) is below/above the first/last +// populated expanse in the BranchL, in which case Index is empty; otherwise +// find the offset of the lowest/highest populated expanse at or above/below +// digit, if any: +// +// Note: The for-loop is guaranteed to exit eventually because the first/last +// expanse is known to be a terminator. +// +// Note: Cannot use j__udySearchLeaf*Empty1() here because it only applies to +// leaves and does not know about partial versus full JPs, unlike the use of +// j__udySearchLeaf1() for BranchLs in SearchValid code. Also, since linear +// leaf expanse lists are small, dont waste time calling j__udySearchLeaf1(), +// just scan the expanse list. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + if ((Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[0]) > digit) RET_SUCCESS; + + for (offset = (Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs) - 1; /* null */; --offset) +#else + if ((Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[(Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs) - 1]) < digit) + RET_SUCCESS; + + for (offset = 0; /* null */; ++offset) +#endif + { + +// Too low/high, keep going; or too high/low, meaning the loop passed a hole +// and the initial Index is empty: + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + if ((Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[offset]) > digit) continue; + if ((Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[offset]) < digit) RET_SUCCESS; +#else + if ((Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[offset]) < digit) continue; + if ((Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[offset]) > digit) RET_SUCCESS; +#endif + +// Found expanse matching digit; if its not full, traverse through it: + + if (! JPFULL((Pjbl->jbl_jp) + offset)) + { + Pjp = (Pjbl->jbl_jp) + offset; + goto SMGetContinue; + } + +// Common code: While searching for a lower/higher hole or a non-full JP, upon +// finding a lower/higher hole, adjust Index using the revised digit and +// return; or upon finding a consecutive lower/higher expanse, if the expanses +// JP is non-full, modify Index and traverse through the JP: + +#define BRANCHL_CHECK(OpIncDec,OpLeastDigits,Digit,Digits) \ + { \ + if ((Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[offset]) != OpIncDec digit) \ + SET_AND_RETURN(OpLeastDigits, Digit, Digits); \ + \ + if (! JPFULL((Pjbl->jbl_jp) + offset)) \ + { \ + Pjp = (Pjbl->jbl_jp) + offset; \ + SET_AND_CONTINUE(OpLeastDigits, Digit, Digits); \ + } \ + } + +// BranchL primary dead end: Expanse matching Index/digit is full (rare except +// for dense/sequential indexes): +// +// Search for a lower/higher hole, a non-full JP, or the end of the expanse +// list, while decrementing/incrementing digit. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + while (--offset >= 0) + BRANCHL_CHECK(--, SETLEASTDIGITS_D, digit, digits) +#else + while (++offset < Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs) + BRANCHL_CHECK(++, CLEARLEASTDIGITS_D, digit, digits) +#endif + +// Passed end of BranchL expanse list after finding a matching but full +// expanse: +// +// Digit now matches the lowest/highest expanse, which is a full expanse; if +// digit is at the end of BranchLs expanse (no hole before/after), break out +// of the loop; otherwise modify Index to the next lower/higher digit and +// return success: + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + if (digit == 0) break; + --digit; SET_AND_RETURN(SETLEASTDIGITS_D, digit, digits); +#else + if (digit == JU_LEASTBYTES(cJU_ALLONES, 1)) break; + ++digit; SET_AND_RETURN(CLEARLEASTDIGITS_D, digit, digits); +#endif + } // for-loop + +// BranchL secondary dead end, no non-full previous/next JP: + + SMRESTART(digits); + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// BITMAP BRANCH: +// +// Check Decode bytes, if any, in the current JP, then search for a JP for the +// next digit in Index. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B2: CHECKDCD(2); SMPREPB2(SMBranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B3: CHECKDCD(3); SMPREPB3(SMBranchB); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B4: CHECKDCD(4); SMPREPB4(SMBranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B5: CHECKDCD(5); SMPREPB5(SMBranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B6: CHECKDCD(6); SMPREPB6(SMBranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B7: CHECKDCD(7); SMPREPB7(SMBranchB); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B: SMPREPBL(SMBranchB); + +// Common code (state-independent) for all cases of bitmap branches: + +SMBranchB: + Pjbb = P_JBB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + +// Locate the digits JP in the subexpanse list, if present: + + subexp = digit / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; + assert(subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPB); // falls in expected range. + bitposmaskB = JU_BITPOSMASKB(digit); + +// Absent JP = no JP matches current digit in Index: + +// if (! JU_BITMAPTESTB(Pjbb, digit)) // slower. + if (! (JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp) & bitposmaskB)) // faster. + RET_SUCCESS; + +// Non-full JP matches current digit in Index: +// +// Iterate to the subsidiary non-full JP. + + offset = SEARCHBITMAPB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp), digit, + bitposmaskB); + // not negative since at least one bit is set: + assert(offset >= 0); + assert(offset < (int) cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB); + +// Watch for null JP subarray pointer with non-null bitmap (a corruption): + + if ((Pjp = P_JP(JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp))) + == (Pjp_t) NULL) RET_CORRUPT; + + Pjp += offset; + if (! JPFULL(Pjp)) goto SMGetContinue; + +// BranchB primary dead end: +// +// Upon hitting a full JP in a BranchB for the next digit in Index, search +// sideways for a previous/next absent JP (unset bit) or non-full JP (set bit +// with non-full JP); first in the current bitmap subexpanse, then in +// lower/higher subexpanses. Upon entry, Pjp points to a known-unusable JP, +// ready to decrement/increment. +// +// Note: The preceding code is separate from this loop because Index does not +// need revising (see SET_AND_*()) if the initial index is an empty index. +// +// TBD: For speed, shift bitposmaskB instead of using JU_BITMAPTESTB or +// JU_BITPOSMASKB, but this shift has knowledge of bit order that really should +// be encapsulated in a header file. + +#define BRANCHB_CHECKBIT(OpLeastDigits) \ + if (! (JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp) & bitposmaskB)) /* absent JP */ \ + SET_AND_RETURN(OpLeastDigits, digit, digits) + +#define BRANCHB_CHECKJPFULL(OpLeastDigits) \ + if (! JPFULL(Pjp)) \ + SET_AND_CONTINUE(OpLeastDigits, digit, digits) + +#define BRANCHB_STARTSUBEXP(OpLeastDigits) \ + if (! JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp)) /* empty subexpanse, shortcut */ \ + SET_AND_RETURN(OpLeastDigits, digit, digits) \ + if ((Pjp = P_JP(JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp))) == (Pjp_t) NULL) RET_CORRUPT + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + + --digit; // skip initial digit. + bitposmaskB >>= 1; // see TBD above. + +BranchBNextSubexp: // return here to check next bitmap subexpanse. + + while (bitposmaskB) // more bits to check in subexp. + { + BRANCHB_CHECKBIT(SETLEASTDIGITS_D); + --Pjp; // previous in subarray. + BRANCHB_CHECKJPFULL(SETLEASTDIGITS_D); + assert(digit >= 0); + --digit; + bitposmaskB >>= 1; + } + + if (subexp-- > 0) // more subexpanses. + { + BRANCHB_STARTSUBEXP(SETLEASTDIGITS_D); + Pjp += SEARCHBITMAPMAXB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp)) + 1; + bitposmaskB = (1U << (cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB - 1)); + goto BranchBNextSubexp; + } + +#else // JUDYNEXT + + ++digit; // skip initial digit. + bitposmaskB <<= 1; // note: BITMAPB_t. + +BranchBNextSubexp: // return here to check next bitmap subexpanse. + + while (bitposmaskB) // more bits to check in subexp. + { + BRANCHB_CHECKBIT(CLEARLEASTDIGITS_D); + ++Pjp; // previous in subarray. + BRANCHB_CHECKJPFULL(CLEARLEASTDIGITS_D); + assert(digit < cJU_SUBEXPPERSTATE); + ++digit; + bitposmaskB <<= 1; // note: BITMAPB_t. + } + + if (++subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPB) // more subexpanses. + { + BRANCHB_STARTSUBEXP(CLEARLEASTDIGITS_D); + --Pjp; // pre-decrement. + bitposmaskB = 1; + goto BranchBNextSubexp; + } + +#endif // JUDYNEXT + +// BranchB secondary dead end, no non-full previous/next JP: + + SMRESTART(digits); + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// UNCOMPRESSED BRANCH: +// +// Check Decode bytes, if any, in the current JP, then search for a JP for the +// next digit in Index. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U2: CHECKDCD(2); SMPREPB2(SMBranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U3: CHECKDCD(3); SMPREPB3(SMBranchU); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U4: CHECKDCD(4); SMPREPB4(SMBranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U5: CHECKDCD(5); SMPREPB5(SMBranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U6: CHECKDCD(6); SMPREPB6(SMBranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U7: CHECKDCD(7); SMPREPB7(SMBranchU); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U: SMPREPBL(SMBranchU); + +// Common code (state-independent) for all cases of uncompressed branches: + +SMBranchU: + Pjbu = P_JBU(Pjp->jp_Addr); + Pjp = (Pjbu->jbu_jp) + digit; + +// Absent JP = null JP for current digit in Index: + + if (JPNULL(JU_JPTYPE(Pjp))) RET_SUCCESS; + +// Non-full JP matches current digit in Index: +// +// Iterate to the subsidiary JP. + + if (! JPFULL(Pjp)) goto SMGetContinue; + +// BranchU primary dead end: +// +// Upon hitting a full JP in a BranchU for the next digit in Index, search +// sideways for a previous/next null or non-full JP. BRANCHU_CHECKJP() is +// shorthand for common code. +// +// Note: The preceding code is separate from this loop because Index does not +// need revising (see SET_AND_*()) if the initial index is an empty index. + +#define BRANCHU_CHECKJP(OpIncDec,OpLeastDigits) \ + { \ + OpIncDec Pjp; \ + \ + if (JPNULL(JU_JPTYPE(Pjp))) \ + SET_AND_RETURN(OpLeastDigits, digit, digits) \ + \ + if (! JPFULL(Pjp)) \ + SET_AND_CONTINUE(OpLeastDigits, digit, digits) \ + } + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + while (digit-- > 0) + BRANCHU_CHECKJP(--, SETLEASTDIGITS_D); +#else + while (++digit < cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS) + BRANCHU_CHECKJP(++, CLEARLEASTDIGITS_D); +#endif + +// BranchU secondary dead end, no non-full previous/next JP: + + SMRESTART(digits); + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// LINEAR LEAF: +// +// Check Decode bytes, if any, in the current JP, then search the leaf for the +// previous/next empty index starting at Index. Primary leaf dead end is +// hidden within j__udySearchLeaf*Empty*(). In case of secondary leaf dead +// end, restart at the top of the tree. +// +// Note: Pword is the name known to GET*; think of it as Pjlw. + +#define SMLEAFL(cDigits,Func) \ + Pword = (PWord_t) P_JLW(Pjp->jp_Addr); \ + pop0 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp); \ + Func(Pword, pop0) + +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + case cJU_JPLEAF1: CHECKDCD(1); SMLEAFL(1, j__udySearchLeafEmpty1); +#endif + case cJU_JPLEAF2: CHECKDCD(2); SMLEAFL(2, j__udySearchLeafEmpty2); + case cJU_JPLEAF3: CHECKDCD(3); SMLEAFL(3, j__udySearchLeafEmpty3); + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPLEAF4: CHECKDCD(4); SMLEAFL(4, j__udySearchLeafEmpty4); + case cJU_JPLEAF5: CHECKDCD(5); SMLEAFL(5, j__udySearchLeafEmpty5); + case cJU_JPLEAF6: CHECKDCD(6); SMLEAFL(6, j__udySearchLeafEmpty6); + case cJU_JPLEAF7: CHECKDCD(7); SMLEAFL(7, j__udySearchLeafEmpty7); +#endif + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// BITMAP LEAF: +// +// Check Decode bytes, if any, in the current JP, then search the leaf for the +// previous/next empty index starting at Index. + + case cJU_JPLEAF_B1: + + CHECKDCD(1); + + Pjlb = P_JLB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 1); + subexp = digit / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL; + bitposmaskL = JU_BITPOSMASKL(digit); + assert(subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPL); // falls in expected range. + +// Absent index = no index matches current digit in Index: + +// if (! JU_BITMAPTESTL(Pjlb, digit)) // slower. + if (! (JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp) & bitposmaskL)) // faster. + RET_SUCCESS; + +// LeafB1 primary dead end: +// +// Upon hitting a valid (non-empty) index in a LeafB1 for the last digit in +// Index, search sideways for a previous/next absent index, first in the +// current bitmap subexpanse, then in lower/higher subexpanses. +// LEAFB1_CHECKBIT() is shorthand for common code to handle one bit in one +// bitmap subexpanse. +// +// Note: The preceding code is separate from this loop because Index does not +// need revising (see SET_AND_*()) if the initial index is an empty index. +// +// TBD: For speed, shift bitposmaskL instead of using JU_BITMAPTESTL or +// JU_BITPOSMASKL, but this shift has knowledge of bit order that really should +// be encapsulated in a header file. + +#define LEAFB1_CHECKBIT(OpLeastDigits) \ + if (! (JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp) & bitposmaskL)) \ + SET_AND_RETURN(OpLeastDigits, digit, 1) + +#define LEAFB1_STARTSUBEXP(OpLeastDigits) \ + if (! JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp)) /* empty subexp */ \ + SET_AND_RETURN(OpLeastDigits, digit, 1) + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + + --digit; // skip initial digit. + bitposmaskL >>= 1; // see TBD above. + +LeafB1NextSubexp: // return here to check next bitmap subexpanse. + + while (bitposmaskL) // more bits to check in subexp. + { + LEAFB1_CHECKBIT(SETLEASTDIGITS_D); + assert(digit >= 0); + --digit; + bitposmaskL >>= 1; + } + + if (subexp-- > 0) // more subexpanses. + { + LEAFB1_STARTSUBEXP(SETLEASTDIGITS_D); + bitposmaskL = (1UL << (cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL - 1)); + goto LeafB1NextSubexp; + } + +#else // JUDYNEXT + + ++digit; // skip initial digit. + bitposmaskL <<= 1; // note: BITMAPL_t. + +LeafB1NextSubexp: // return here to check next bitmap subexpanse. + + while (bitposmaskL) // more bits to check in subexp. + { + LEAFB1_CHECKBIT(CLEARLEASTDIGITS_D); + assert(digit < cJU_SUBEXPPERSTATE); + ++digit; + bitposmaskL <<= 1; // note: BITMAPL_t. + } + + if (++subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPL) // more subexpanses. + { + LEAFB1_STARTSUBEXP(CLEARLEASTDIGITS_D); + bitposmaskL = 1; + goto LeafB1NextSubexp; + } + +#endif // JUDYNEXT + +// LeafB1 secondary dead end, no empty index: + + SMRESTART(1); + + +#ifdef JUDY1 +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// FULL POPULATION: +// +// If the Decode bytes do not match, Index is empty (without modification); +// otherwise restart. + + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1: + + CHECKDCD(1); + SMRESTART(1); +#endif + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// IMMEDIATE: +// +// Pop1 = 1 Immediate JPs: +// +// If Index is not in the immediate JP, return success; otherwise check if +// there is an empty index below/above the immediate JPs index, and if so, +// return success with modified Index, else restart. +// +// Note: Doug says its fast enough to calculate the index size (digits) in +// the following; no need to set it separately for each case. + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_01: +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPIMMED_4_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_5_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_6_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_7_01: +#endif + if (JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) != JU_TRIMTODCDSIZE(Index)) RET_SUCCESS; + digits = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) - cJU_JPIMMED_1_01 + 1; + LEAF_EDGE(JU_LEASTBYTES(JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp), digits), digits); + +// Immediate JPs with Pop1 > 1: + +#define IMM_MULTI(Func,BaseJPType) \ + JUDY1CODE(Pword = (PWord_t) (Pjp->jp_1Index);) \ + JUDYLCODE(Pword = (PWord_t) (Pjp->jp_LIndex);) \ + Func(Pword, JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) - (BaseJPType) + 1) + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_02: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_03: +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_04: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_05: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_06: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_07: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_08: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_09: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_10: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_11: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_12: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_13: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_14: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_15: +#endif + IMM_MULTI(j__udySearchLeafEmpty1, cJU_JPIMMED_1_02); + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_02: + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_03: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_04: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_05: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_06: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_07: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + IMM_MULTI(j__udySearchLeafEmpty2, cJU_JPIMMED_2_02); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_02: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_03: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_04: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_05: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + IMM_MULTI(j__udySearchLeafEmpty3, cJU_JPIMMED_3_02); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_03: + IMM_MULTI(j__udySearchLeafEmpty4, cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_03: + IMM_MULTI(j__udySearchLeafEmpty5, cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02: + IMM_MULTI(j__udySearchLeafEmpty6, cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02: + IMM_MULTI(j__udySearchLeafEmpty7, cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02); +#endif + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// INVALID JP TYPE: + + default: RET_CORRUPT; + + } // SMGet switch. + +} // Judy1PrevEmpty() / Judy1NextEmpty() / JudyLPrevEmpty() / JudyLNextEmpty() diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/JudyPrintJP.c b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/JudyPrintJP.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..56305f50 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/JudyPrintJP.c @@ -0,0 +1,401 @@ +// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company +// +// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +// under the term of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +// option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +// _________________ + +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ +// +// JudyPrintJP() debugging/tracing function for Judy1 or JudyL code. +// The caller should #include this file, with its static function (replicated +// in each compilation unit), in another *.c file, and compile with one of +// -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL. +// +// The caller can set j__udyIndex and/or j__udyPopulation non-zero to have +// those values reported, and also to control trace-enabling (see below). +// +// Tracing is disabled by default unless one or both of two env parameters is +// set (regardless of value). If either value is set but null or evaluates to +// zero, tracing is immediately enabled. To disable tracing until a particular +// j__udy*Index value is seen, set STARTINDEX= in the env. To +// disable it until a particular j__udy*Population value is seen, set +// STARTPOP= in the env. Once either condition is met, +// tracing "latches on". +// +// Example: +// +// STARTPOP=0 // immediate tracing. +// STARTINDEX=f35430a8 // not until one of these is met. +// STARTPOP=1000000 +// +// Note: Trace-enabling does nothing unless the caller sets the appropriate +// global variable non-zero. + +#if (! (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JUDYL))) +#error: One of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL must be specified. +#endif + +#include // for getenv() and strtoul(). + + +// GLOBALS FROM CALLER: +// +// Note: This storage is declared once in each compilation unit that includes +// this file, but the linker should merge all cases into single locations, but +// ONLY if these are uninitialized, so ASSUME they are 0 to start. + +Word_t j__udyIndex; // current Index itself, optional from caller. +Word_t j__udyPopulation; // Indexes in array, optional from caller. + +// Other globals: + +static Word_t startindex = 0; // see usage below. +static Word_t startpop = 0; +static bool_t enabled = FALSE; // by default, unless env params set. + +// Shorthand for announcing JP addresses, Desc (in context), and JP types: +// +// Note: Width is at least one blank wider than any JP type name, and the line +// is left unfinished. +// +// Note: Use a format for address printing compatible with other tracing +// facilities; in particular, %x not %lx, to truncate the "noisy" high part on +// 64-bit systems. + +#define JPTYPE(Type) printf("0x%lx %s %-17s", (Word_t) Pjp, Desc, Type) + +// Shorthands for announcing expanse populations from DcdPopO fields: + +#define POP0 printf("Pop1 = 0 ") +#define POP1 printf("Pop1 = %ld ", (Word_t) ((JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & 0xff) + 1)) +#define POP2 printf("Pop1 = %ld ", (Word_t) ((JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & 0xffff) + 1)) +#define POP3 printf("Pop1 = %ld ", (Word_t) ((JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & 0xffffff) + 1)) +#ifdef JU_64BIT +#define POP4 printf("Pop1 = %ld ", (Word_t) ((JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & 0xffffffff) + 1)) +#define POP5 printf("Pop1 = %ld ", (Word_t) ((JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & 0xffffffffff) + 1)) +#define POP6 printf("Pop1 = %ld ", (Word_t) ((JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & 0xffffffffffff) + 1)) +#define POP7 printf("Pop1 = %ld ", (Word_t) ((JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & 0xffffffffffffff) + 1)) +#endif + +// Shorthands for announcing populations of Immeds: +// +// Note: Line up the small populations that often occur together, but beyond +// that, dont worry about it because populations can get arbitrarily large. + +#define POP_1 printf("Pop1 = 1 ") +#define POP_2 printf("Pop1 = 2 ") +#define POP_3 printf("Pop1 = 3 ") +#define POP_4 printf("Pop1 = 4 ") +#define POP_5 printf("Pop1 = 5 ") +#define POP_6 printf("Pop1 = 6 ") +#define POP_7 printf("Pop1 = 7 ") +#define POP_8 printf("Pop1 = 8 ") +#define POP_9 printf("Pop1 = 8 ") +#define POP_10 printf("Pop1 = 10 ") +#define POP_11 printf("Pop1 = 11 ") +#define POP_12 printf("Pop1 = 12 ") +#define POP_13 printf("Pop1 = 13 ") +#define POP_14 printf("Pop1 = 14 ") +#define POP_15 printf("Pop1 = 15 ") + +// Shorthands for other announcements: + +#define NUMJPSL printf("NumJPs = %d ", P_JBL(Pjp->jp_Addr)->jbl_NumJPs) +#define OOPS printf("-- OOPS, invalid Type\n"); exit(1) + +// This is harder to compute: + +#define NUMJPSB \ + { \ + Pjbb_t Pjbb = P_JBB(Pjp->jp_Addr); \ + Word_t subexp; \ + int numJPs = 0; \ + \ + for (subexp = 0; subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPB; ++subexp) \ + numJPs += j__udyCountBitsB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp));\ + \ + printf("NumJPs = %d ", numJPs); \ + } + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y P R I N T J P +// +// Dump information about a JP, at least its address, type, population, and +// number of JPs, as appropriate. Error out upon any unexpected JP type. +// +// TBD: Dump more detailed information about the JP? + +FUNCTION static void JudyPrintJP( + Pjp_t Pjp, // JP to describe. + char * Desc, // brief description of caller, such as "i". + int Line) // callers source line number. +{ +static bool_t checked = FALSE; // set upon first entry and check for params. + char * value; // for getenv(). + + +// CHECK FOR EXTERNAL ENABLING: +// +// If a parameter is set, report the value, even if it is null or otherwise +// evaluates to zero, in which case enable tracing immediately; otherwise wait +// for the value to be hit. + +#define GETENV(Name,Value,Base) \ + if ((value = getenv (Name)) != (char *) NULL) \ + { \ + (Value) = strtoul (value, (char **) NULL, Base); \ + enabled |= ((Value) == 0); /* see above */ \ + \ + (void) printf ("JudyPrintJP(\"%s\"): $%s = %lu\n", \ + Desc, Name, Value); \ + } + + if (! checked) // only check once. + { + checked = TRUE; + + GETENV ("STARTINDEX", startindex, 16); + GETENV ("STARTPOP", startpop, 10); + + (void) printf ("JudyPrintJP(\"%s\"): Tracing present %s\n", Desc, + enabled ? "and immediately enabled" : + (startindex || startpop) ? + "but disabled until start condition met" : + "but not enabled by env parameter"); + } + + if (! enabled) // check repeatedly until latched enabled: + { + if (startindex && (startindex == j__udyIndex)) + { + (void) printf ("=== TRACING ENABLED (\"%s\"), " + "startindex = 0x%lx\n", Desc, startindex); + enabled = TRUE; + } + else if (startpop && (startpop == j__udyPopulation)) + { + (void) printf ("=== TRACING ENABLED (\"%s\"), " + "startpop = %lu\n", Desc, startpop); + enabled = TRUE; + } + else + { + return; // print nothing this time. + } + } + + +// SWITCH ON JP TYPE: + + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { + +// Note: The following COULD be merged more tightly between Judy1 and JudyL, +// but we decided that the output should say cJ1*/cJL*, not cJU*, to be more +// specific. + +#ifdef JUDY1 + case cJ1_JPNULL1: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPNULL1"); POP0; break; + case cJ1_JPNULL2: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPNULL2"); POP0; break; + case cJ1_JPNULL3: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPNULL3"); POP0; break; +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJ1_JPNULL4: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPNULL4"); POP0; break; + case cJ1_JPNULL5: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPNULL5"); POP0; break; + case cJ1_JPNULL6: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPNULL6"); POP0; break; + case cJ1_JPNULL7: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPNULL7"); POP0; break; +#endif + + case cJ1_JPBRANCH_L2: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPBRANCH_L2"); POP2;NUMJPSL;break; + case cJ1_JPBRANCH_L3: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPBRANCH_L3"); POP3;NUMJPSL;break; +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJ1_JPBRANCH_L4: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPBRANCH_L4"); POP4;NUMJPSL;break; + case cJ1_JPBRANCH_L5: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPBRANCH_L5"); POP5;NUMJPSL;break; + case cJ1_JPBRANCH_L6: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPBRANCH_L6"); POP6;NUMJPSL;break; + case cJ1_JPBRANCH_L7: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPBRANCH_L7"); POP7;NUMJPSL;break; +#endif + case cJ1_JPBRANCH_L: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPBRANCH_L"); NUMJPSL;break; + + case cJ1_JPBRANCH_B2: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPBRANCH_B2"); POP2;NUMJPSB;break; + case cJ1_JPBRANCH_B3: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPBRANCH_B3"); POP3;NUMJPSB;break; +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJ1_JPBRANCH_B4: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPBRANCH_B4"); POP4;NUMJPSB;break; + case cJ1_JPBRANCH_B5: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPBRANCH_B5"); POP5;NUMJPSB;break; + case cJ1_JPBRANCH_B6: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPBRANCH_B6"); POP6;NUMJPSB;break; + case cJ1_JPBRANCH_B7: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPBRANCH_B7"); POP7;NUMJPSB;break; +#endif + case cJ1_JPBRANCH_B: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPBRANCH_B"); NUMJPSB;break; + + case cJ1_JPBRANCH_U2: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPBRANCH_U2"); POP2; break; + case cJ1_JPBRANCH_U3: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPBRANCH_U3"); POP3; break; +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJ1_JPBRANCH_U4: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPBRANCH_U4"); POP4; break; + case cJ1_JPBRANCH_U5: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPBRANCH_U5"); POP5; break; + case cJ1_JPBRANCH_U6: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPBRANCH_U6"); POP6; break; + case cJ1_JPBRANCH_U7: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPBRANCH_U7"); POP7; break; +#endif + case cJ1_JPBRANCH_U: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPBRANCH_U"); break; + +#ifndef JU_64BIT + case cJ1_JPLEAF1: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPLEAF1"); POP1; break; +#endif + case cJ1_JPLEAF2: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPLEAF2"); POP2; break; + case cJ1_JPLEAF3: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPLEAF3"); POP3; break; +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJ1_JPLEAF4: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPLEAF4"); POP4; break; + case cJ1_JPLEAF5: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPLEAF5"); POP5; break; + case cJ1_JPLEAF6: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPLEAF6"); POP6; break; + case cJ1_JPLEAF7: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPLEAF7"); POP7; break; +#endif + + case cJ1_JPLEAF_B1: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPLEAF_B1"); POP1; break; + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1"); POP1; break; + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_01: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPIMMED_1_01"); POP_1; break; + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_01: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPIMMED_2_01"); POP_1; break; + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_01: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPIMMED_3_01"); POP_1; break; +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_01: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPIMMED_4_01"); POP_1; break; + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_01: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPIMMED_5_01"); POP_1; break; + case cJ1_JPIMMED_6_01: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPIMMED_6_01"); POP_1; break; + case cJ1_JPIMMED_7_01: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPIMMED_7_01"); POP_1; break; +#endif + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_02: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPIMMED_1_02"); POP_2; break; + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_03: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPIMMED_1_03"); POP_3; break; + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_04: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPIMMED_1_04"); POP_4; break; + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_05: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPIMMED_1_05"); POP_5; break; + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_06: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPIMMED_1_06"); POP_6; break; + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_07: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPIMMED_1_07"); POP_7; break; +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_08: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPIMMED_1_08"); POP_8; break; + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_09: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPIMMED_1_09"); POP_9; break; + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_10: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPIMMED_1_10"); POP_10; break; + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_11: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPIMMED_1_11"); POP_11; break; + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_12: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPIMMED_1_12"); POP_12; break; + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_13: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPIMMED_1_13"); POP_13; break; + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_14: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPIMMED_1_14"); POP_14; break; + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_15: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPIMMED_1_15"); POP_15; break; +#endif + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_02: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPIMMED_2_02"); POP_2; break; + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_03: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPIMMED_2_03"); POP_3; break; +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_04: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPIMMED_2_04"); POP_4; break; + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_05: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPIMMED_2_05"); POP_5; break; + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_06: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPIMMED_2_06"); POP_6; break; + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_07: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPIMMED_2_07"); POP_7; break; +#endif + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_02: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPIMMED_3_02"); POP_2; break; +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_03: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPIMMED_3_03"); POP_3; break; + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_04: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPIMMED_3_04"); POP_4; break; + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_05: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPIMMED_3_05"); POP_5; break; + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02"); POP_2; break; + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_03: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPIMMED_4_03"); POP_3; break; + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02"); POP_2; break; + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_03: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPIMMED_5_03"); POP_3; break; + case cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02"); POP_2; break; + case cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02"); POP_2; break; +#endif + case cJ1_JPIMMED_CAP: JPTYPE("cJ1_JPIMMED_CAP"); OOPS; + +#else // JUDYL =============================================================== + + case cJL_JPNULL1: JPTYPE("cJL_JPNULL1"); POP0; break; + case cJL_JPNULL2: JPTYPE("cJL_JPNULL2"); POP0; break; + case cJL_JPNULL3: JPTYPE("cJL_JPNULL3"); POP0; break; +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJL_JPNULL4: JPTYPE("cJL_JPNULL4"); POP0; break; + case cJL_JPNULL5: JPTYPE("cJL_JPNULL5"); POP0; break; + case cJL_JPNULL6: JPTYPE("cJL_JPNULL6"); POP0; break; + case cJL_JPNULL7: JPTYPE("cJL_JPNULL7"); POP0; break; +#endif + + case cJL_JPBRANCH_L2: JPTYPE("cJL_JPBRANCH_L2"); POP2;NUMJPSL;break; + case cJL_JPBRANCH_L3: JPTYPE("cJL_JPBRANCH_L3"); POP3;NUMJPSL;break; +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJL_JPBRANCH_L4: JPTYPE("cJL_JPBRANCH_L4"); POP4;NUMJPSL;break; + case cJL_JPBRANCH_L5: JPTYPE("cJL_JPBRANCH_L5"); POP5;NUMJPSL;break; + case cJL_JPBRANCH_L6: JPTYPE("cJL_JPBRANCH_L6"); POP6;NUMJPSL;break; + case cJL_JPBRANCH_L7: JPTYPE("cJL_JPBRANCH_L7"); POP7;NUMJPSL;break; +#endif + case cJL_JPBRANCH_L: JPTYPE("cJL_JPBRANCH_L"); NUMJPSL;break; + + case cJL_JPBRANCH_B2: JPTYPE("cJL_JPBRANCH_B2"); POP2;NUMJPSB;break; + case cJL_JPBRANCH_B3: JPTYPE("cJL_JPBRANCH_B3"); POP3;NUMJPSB;break; +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJL_JPBRANCH_B4: JPTYPE("cJL_JPBRANCH_B4"); POP4;NUMJPSB;break; + case cJL_JPBRANCH_B5: JPTYPE("cJL_JPBRANCH_B5"); POP5;NUMJPSB;break; + case cJL_JPBRANCH_B6: JPTYPE("cJL_JPBRANCH_B6"); POP6;NUMJPSB;break; + case cJL_JPBRANCH_B7: JPTYPE("cJL_JPBRANCH_B7"); POP7;NUMJPSB;break; +#endif + case cJL_JPBRANCH_B: JPTYPE("cJL_JPBRANCH_B"); NUMJPSB;break; + + case cJL_JPBRANCH_U2: JPTYPE("cJL_JPBRANCH_U2"); POP2; break; + case cJL_JPBRANCH_U3: JPTYPE("cJL_JPBRANCH_U3"); POP3; break; +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJL_JPBRANCH_U4: JPTYPE("cJL_JPBRANCH_U4"); POP4; break; + case cJL_JPBRANCH_U5: JPTYPE("cJL_JPBRANCH_U5"); POP5; break; + case cJL_JPBRANCH_U6: JPTYPE("cJL_JPBRANCH_U6"); POP6; break; + case cJL_JPBRANCH_U7: JPTYPE("cJL_JPBRANCH_U7"); POP7; break; +#endif + case cJL_JPBRANCH_U: JPTYPE("cJL_JPBRANCH_U"); break; + + case cJL_JPLEAF1: JPTYPE("cJL_JPLEAF1"); POP1; break; + case cJL_JPLEAF2: JPTYPE("cJL_JPLEAF2"); POP2; break; + case cJL_JPLEAF3: JPTYPE("cJL_JPLEAF3"); POP3; break; +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJL_JPLEAF4: JPTYPE("cJL_JPLEAF4"); POP4; break; + case cJL_JPLEAF5: JPTYPE("cJL_JPLEAF5"); POP5; break; + case cJL_JPLEAF6: JPTYPE("cJL_JPLEAF6"); POP6; break; + case cJL_JPLEAF7: JPTYPE("cJL_JPLEAF7"); POP7; break; +#endif + + case cJL_JPLEAF_B1: JPTYPE("cJL_JPLEAF_B1"); POP1; break; + + case cJL_JPIMMED_1_01: JPTYPE("cJL_JPIMMED_1_01"); POP_1; break; + case cJL_JPIMMED_2_01: JPTYPE("cJL_JPIMMED_2_01"); POP_1; break; + case cJL_JPIMMED_3_01: JPTYPE("cJL_JPIMMED_3_01"); POP_1; break; +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJL_JPIMMED_4_01: JPTYPE("cJL_JPIMMED_4_01"); POP_1; break; + case cJL_JPIMMED_5_01: JPTYPE("cJL_JPIMMED_5_01"); POP_1; break; + case cJL_JPIMMED_6_01: JPTYPE("cJL_JPIMMED_6_01"); POP_1; break; + case cJL_JPIMMED_7_01: JPTYPE("cJL_JPIMMED_7_01"); POP_1; break; +#endif + + case cJL_JPIMMED_1_02: JPTYPE("cJL_JPIMMED_1_02"); POP_2; break; + case cJL_JPIMMED_1_03: JPTYPE("cJL_JPIMMED_1_03"); POP_3; break; +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJL_JPIMMED_1_04: JPTYPE("cJL_JPIMMED_1_04"); POP_4; break; + case cJL_JPIMMED_1_05: JPTYPE("cJL_JPIMMED_1_05"); POP_5; break; + case cJL_JPIMMED_1_06: JPTYPE("cJL_JPIMMED_1_06"); POP_6; break; + case cJL_JPIMMED_1_07: JPTYPE("cJL_JPIMMED_1_07"); POP_7; break; + case cJL_JPIMMED_2_02: JPTYPE("cJL_JPIMMED_2_02"); POP_2; break; + case cJL_JPIMMED_2_03: JPTYPE("cJL_JPIMMED_2_03"); POP_3; break; + case cJL_JPIMMED_3_02: JPTYPE("cJL_JPIMMED_3_02"); POP_2; break; +#endif + case cJL_JPIMMED_CAP: JPTYPE("cJL_JPIMMED_CAP"); OOPS; + +#endif // JUDYL + + default: printf("Unknown Type = %d", JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)); OOPS; + } + + if (j__udyIndex) printf("Index = 0x%lx", j__udyIndex); + if (j__udyPopulation) printf("Pop = %lu", j__udyPopulation); + + printf("line = %d\n", Line); + +} // JudyPrintJP() diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/JudyPrivate.h b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/JudyPrivate.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..70085b56 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/JudyPrivate.h @@ -0,0 +1,1613 @@ +#ifndef _JUDYPRIVATE_INCLUDED +#define _JUDYPRIVATE_INCLUDED +// _________________ +// +// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company +// +// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +// under the term of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +// option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +// _________________ + +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ +// +// Header file for all Judy sources, for global but private (non-exported) +// declarations. + +#include "Judy.h" + +// **************************************************************************** +// A VERY BRIEF EXPLANATION OF A JUDY ARRAY +// +// A Judy array is, effectively, a digital tree (or Trie) with 256 element +// branches (nodes), and with "compression tricks" applied to low-population +// branches or leaves to save a lot of memory at the cost of relatively little +// CPU time or cache fills. +// +// In the actual implementation, a Judy array is level-less, and traversing the +// "tree" actually means following the states in a state machine (SM) as +// directed by the Index. A Judy array is referred to here as an "SM", rather +// than as a "tree"; having "states", rather than "levels". +// +// Each branch or leaf in the SM decodes a portion ("digit") of the original +// Index; with 256-way branches there are 8 bits per digit. There are 3 kinds +// of branches, called: Linear, Bitmap and Uncompressed, of which the first 2 +// are compressed to contain no NULL entries. +// +// An Uncompressed branch has a 1.0 cache line fill cost to decode 8 bits of +// (digit, part of an Index), but it might contain many NULL entries, and is +// therefore inefficient with memory if lightly populated. +// +// A Linear branch has a ~1.75 cache line fill cost when at maximum population. +// A Bitmap branch has ~2.0 cache line fills. Linear and Bitmap branches are +// converted to Uncompressed branches when the additional memory can be +// amortized with larger populations. Higher-state branches have higher +// priority to be converted. +// +// Linear branches can hold 28 elements (based on detailed analysis) -- thus 28 +// expanses. A Linear branch is converted to a Bitmap branch when the 29th +// expanse is required. +// +// A Bitmap branch could hold 256 expanses, but is forced to convert to an +// Uncompressed branch when 185 expanses are required. Hopefully, it is +// converted before that because of population growth (again, based on detailed +// analysis and heuristics in the code). +// +// A path through the SM terminates to a leaf when the Index (or key) +// population in the expanse below a pointer will fit into 1 or 2 cache lines +// (~31..255 Indexes). A maximum-population Leaf has ~1.5 cache line fill +// cost. +// +// Leaves are sorted arrays of Indexes, where the Index Sizes (IS) are: 0, 1, +// 8, 16, 24, 32, [40, 48, 56, 64] bits. The IS depends on the "density" +// (population/expanse) of the values in the Leaf. Zero bits are possible if +// population == expanse in the SM (that is, a full small expanse). +// +// Elements of a branches are called Judy Pointers (JPs). Each JP object +// points to the next object in the SM, plus, a JP can decode an additional +// 2[6] bytes of an Index, but at the cost of "narrowing" the expanse +// represented by the next object in the SM. A "narrow" JP (one which has +// decode bytes/digits) is a way of skipping states in the SM. +// +// Although counterintuitive, we think a Judy SM is optimal when the Leaves are +// stored at MINIMUM compression (narrowing, or use of Decode bytes). If more +// aggressive compression was used, decompression of a leaf be required to +// insert an index. Additional compression would save a little memory but not +// help performance significantly. + + +#ifdef A_PICTURE_IS_WORTH_1000_WORDS +******************************************************************************* + +JUDY 32-BIT STATE MACHINE (SM) EXAMPLE, FOR INDEX = 0x02040103 + +The Index used in this example is purposely chosen to allow small, simple +examples below; each 1-byte "digit" from the Index has a small numeric value +that fits in one column. In the drawing below: + + JRP == Judy Root Pointer; + + C == 1 byte of a 1..3 byte Population (count of Indexes) below this + pointer. Since this is shared with the Decode field, the combined + sizes must be 3[7], that is, 1 word less 1 byte for the JP Type. + + The 1-byte field jp_Type is represented as: + + 1..3 == Number of bytes in the population (Pop0) word of the Branch or Leaf + below the pointer (note: 1..7 on 64-bit); indicates: + - number of bytes in Decode field == 3 - this number; + - number of bytes remaining to decode. + Note: The maximum is 3, not 4, because the 1st byte of the Index is + always decoded digitally in the top branch. + -B- == JP points to a Branch (there are many kinds of Branches). + -L- == JP points to a Leaf (there are many kinds of Leaves). + + (2) == Digit of Index decoded by position offset in branch (really + 0..0xff). + + 4* == Digit of Index necessary for decoding a "narrow" pointer, in a + Decode field; replaces 1 missing branch (really 0..0xff). + + 4+ == Digit of Index NOT necessary for decoding a "narrow" pointer, but + used for fast traversal of the SM by Judy1Test() and JudyLGet() + (see the code) (really 0..0xff). + + 0 == Byte in a JPs Pop0 field that is always ignored, because a leaf + can never contain more than 256 Indexes (Pop0 <= 255). + + +----- == A Branch or Leaf; drawn open-ended to remind you that it could + | have up to 256 columns. + +----- + + | + | == Pointer to next Branch or Leaf. + V + + | + O == A state is skipped by using a "narrow" pointer. + | + + < 1 > == Digit (Index) shown as an example is not necessarily in the + position shown; is sorted in order with neighbor Indexes. + (Really 0..0xff.) + +Note that this example shows every possibly topology to reach a leaf in a +32-bit Judy SM, although this is a very subtle point! + + STATE or` + LEVEL + +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ + |RJP| |RJP| |RJP| |RJP| |RJP| |RJP| |RJP| |RJP| + L---+ B---+ B---+ B---+ B---+ B---+ B---+ B---+ + | | | | | | | | + | | | | | | | | + V V (2) V (2) V (2) V (2) V (2) V (2) V (2) + +------ +------ +------ +------ +------ +------ +------ +------ +Four |< 2 > | 0 | 4* | C | 4* | 4* | C | C +byte |< 4 > | 0 | 0 | C | 1* | C | C | C 4 +Index|< 1 > | C | C | C | C | C | C | C +Leaf |< 3 > | 3 | 2 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 3 + +------ +--L--- +--L--- +--B--- +--L--- +--B--- +--B--- +--B--- + | | | | | | | + / | / | | / / + / | / | | / / + | | | | | | | + V | V (4) | | V (4) V (4) + +------ | +------ | | +------ +------ + Three |< 4 > | | 4+ | | | 4+ | 4+ + byte Index|< 1 > O | 0 O O | 1* | C 3 + Leaf |< 3 > | | C | | | C | C + +------ | | 2 | | | 1 | 2 + / +----L- | | +----L- +----B- + / | | | | | + | / | / / / + | / | / / / + | / | | / / + | / | | / / + | | | | | | + V V | V(1) | V(1) + +------ +------ | +------ | +------ + Two byte |< 1 > |< 1 > | | 4+ | | 4+ + Index Leaf |< 3 > |< 3 > O | 1+ O | 1+ 2 + +------ +------ / | C | | C + / | 1 | | 1 + | +-L---- | +-L---- + | | | | + | / | / + | | | | + V V V V + +------ +------ +------ +------ + One byte Index Leaf |< 3 > |< 3 > |< 3 > |< 3 > 1 + +------ +------ +------ +------ + + +#endif // A_PICTURE_IS_WORTH_1000_WORDS + + +// **************************************************************************** +// MISCELLANEOUS GLOBALS: +// +// PLATFORM-SPECIFIC CONVENIENCE MACROS: +// +// These are derived from context (set by cc or in system header files) or +// based on JU_ macros from make_includes/platform.*.mk. We decided +// on 011018 that any macro reliably derivable from context (cc or headers) for +// ALL platforms supported by Judy is based on that derivation, but ANY +// exception means to stop using the external macro completely and derive from +// JU_ instead. + +// Other miscellaneous stuff: + +#ifndef _BOOL_T +#define _BOOL_T +typedef int bool_t; +#endif + +#define FUNCTION // null; easy to find functions. + +#ifndef TRUE +#define TRUE 1 +#endif + +#ifndef FALSE +#define FALSE 0 +#endif + +#ifdef TRACE // turn on all other tracing in the code: +#define TRACEJP 1 // JP traversals in JudyIns.c and JudyDel.c. +#define TRACEJPR 1 // JP traversals in retrieval code, JudyGet.c. +#define TRACECF 1 // cache fills in JudyGet.c. +#define TRACEMI 1 // malloc calls in JudyMallocIF.c. +#define TRACEMF 1 // malloc calls at a lower level in JudyMalloc.c. +#endif + + +// SUPPORT FOR DEBUG-ONLY CODE: +// +// By convention, use -DDEBUG to enable both debug-only code AND assertions in +// the Judy sources. +// +// Invert the sense of assertions, so they are off unless explicitly requested, +// in a uniform way. +// +// Note: It is NOT appropriate to put this in Judy.h; it would mess up +// application code. + +#ifndef DEBUG +#define NDEBUG 1 // must be 1 for "#if". +#endif + +// Shorthand notations to avoid #ifdefs for single-line conditional statements: +// +// Warning: These cannot be used around compiler directives, such as +// "#include", nor in the case where Code contains a comma other than nested +// within parentheses or quotes. + +#ifndef DEBUG +#define DBGCODE(Code) // null. +#else +#define DBGCODE(Code) Code +#endif + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#define JUDY1CODE(Code) Code +#define JUDYLCODE(Code) // null. +#endif + +#ifdef JUDYL +#define JUDYLCODE(Code) Code +#define JUDY1CODE(Code) // null. +#endif + +#include + +// **************************************************************************** +// FUNDAMENTAL CONSTANTS FOR MACHINE +// **************************************************************************** + +// Machine (CPU) cache line size: +// +// NOTE: A leaf size of 2 cache lines maximum is the target (optimal) for +// Judy. Its hard to obtain a machines cache line size at compile time, but +// if the machine has an unexpected cache line size, its not devastating if +// the following constants end up causing leaves that are 1 cache line in size, +// or even 4 cache lines in size. The assumed 32-bit system has 16-word = +// 64-byte cache lines, and the assumed 64-bit system has 16-word = 128-byte +// cache lines. + +#ifdef JU_64BIT +#define cJU_BYTESPERCL 128 // cache line size in bytes. +#else +#define cJU_BYTESPERCL 64 // cache line size in bytes. +#endif + +// Bits Per Byte: + +#define cJU_BITSPERBYTE 0x8 + +// Bytes Per Word and Bits Per Word, latter assuming sizeof(byte) is 8 bits: +// +// Expect 32 [64] bits per word. + +#define cJU_BYTESPERWORD (sizeof(Word_t)) +#define cJU_BITSPERWORD (sizeof(Word_t) * cJU_BITSPERBYTE) + +#define JU_BYTESTOWORDS(BYTES) \ + (((BYTES) + cJU_BYTESPERWORD - 1) / cJU_BYTESPERWORD) + +// A word that is all-ones, normally equal to -1UL, but safer with ~0: + +#define cJU_ALLONES (~0UL) + +// Note, these are forward references, but thats OK: + +#define cJU_FULLBITMAPB ((BITMAPB_t) cJU_ALLONES) +#define cJU_FULLBITMAPL ((BITMAPL_t) cJU_ALLONES) + + +// **************************************************************************** +// MISCELLANEOUS JUDY-SPECIFIC DECLARATIONS +// **************************************************************************** + +// ROOT STATE: +// +// State at the start of the Judy SM, based on 1 byte decoded per state; equal +// to the number of bytes per Index to decode. + +#define cJU_ROOTSTATE (sizeof(Word_t)) + + +// SUBEXPANSES PER STATE: +// +// Number of subexpanses per state traversed, which is the number of JPs in a +// branch (actual or theoretical) and the number of bits in a bitmap. + +#define cJU_SUBEXPPERSTATE 256 + + +// LEAF AND VALUE POINTERS: +// +// Some other basic object types are in declared in JudyPrivateBranch.h +// (Pjbl_t, Pjbb_t, Pjbu_t, Pjp_t) or are Judy1/L-specific (Pjlb_t). The +// few remaining types are declared below. +// +// Note: Leaf pointers are cast to different-sized objects depending on the +// leafs level, but are at least addresses (not just numbers), so use void * +// (Pvoid_t), not PWord_t or Word_t for them, except use Pjlw_t for whole-word +// (top-level, root-level) leaves. Value areas, however, are always whole +// words. +// +// Furthermore, use Pjll_t only for generic leaf pointers (for various size +// LeafLs). Use Pjlw_t for LeafWs. Use Pleaf (with type uint8_t *, uint16_t +// *, etc) when the leaf index size is known. + +typedef PWord_t Pjlw_t; // pointer to root-level leaf (whole-word indexes). +typedef Pvoid_t Pjll_t; // pointer to lower-level linear leaf. + +#ifdef JUDYL +typedef PWord_t Pjv_t; // pointer to JudyL value area. +#endif + + +// POINTER PREPARATION MACROS: +// +// These macros are used to strip malloc-namespace-type bits from a pointer + +// malloc-type word (which references any Judy mallocd object that might be +// obtained from other than a direct call of malloc()), prior to dereferencing +// the pointer as an address. The malloc-type bits allow Judy mallocd objects +// to come from different "malloc() namespaces". +// +// (root pointer) (JRP, see above) +// jp.jp_Addr generic pointer to next-level node, except when used +// as a JudyL Immed01 value area +// JU_JBB_PJP macro hides jbbs_Pjp (pointer to JP subarray) +// JL_JLB_PVALUE macro hides jLlbs_PValue (pointer to value subarray) +// +// When setting one of these fields or passing an address to j__udyFree*(), the +// "raw" memory address is used; otherwise the memory address must be passed +// through one of the macros below before its dereferenced. +// +// Note: After much study, the typecasts below appear in the macros rather +// than at the point of use, which is both simpler and allows the compiler to +// do type-checking. + + +#define P_JLW( ADDR) ((Pjlw_t) (ADDR)) // root leaf. +#define P_JPM( ADDR) ((Pjpm_t) (ADDR)) // root JPM. +#define P_JBL( ADDR) ((Pjbl_t) (ADDR)) // BranchL. +#define P_JBB( ADDR) ((Pjbb_t) (ADDR)) // BranchB. +#define P_JBU( ADDR) ((Pjbu_t) (ADDR)) // BranchU. +#define P_JLL( ADDR) ((Pjll_t) (ADDR)) // LeafL. +#define P_JLB( ADDR) ((Pjlb_t) (ADDR)) // LeafB1. +#define P_JP( ADDR) ((Pjp_t) (ADDR)) // JP. + +#ifdef JUDYL +#define P_JV( ADDR) ((Pjv_t) (ADDR)) // &value. +#endif + + +// LEAST BYTES: +// +// Mask for least bytes of a word, and a macro to perform this mask on an +// Index. +// +// Note: This macro has been problematic in the past to get right and to make +// portable. Its not OK on all systems to shift by the full word size. This +// macro should allow shifting by 1..N bytes, where N is the word size, but +// should produce a compiler warning if the macro is called with Bytes == 0. +// +// Warning: JU_LEASTBYTESMASK() is not a constant macro unless Bytes is a +// constant; otherwise it is a variable shift, which is expensive on some +// processors. + +#define JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(BYTES) \ + ((0x100UL << (cJU_BITSPERBYTE * ((BYTES) - 1))) - 1) + +#define JU_LEASTBYTES(INDEX,BYTES) ((INDEX) & JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(BYTES)) + + +// BITS IN EACH BITMAP SUBEXPANSE FOR BITMAP BRANCH AND LEAF: +// +// The bits per bitmap subexpanse times the number of subexpanses equals a +// constant (cJU_SUBEXPPERSTATE). You can also think of this as a compile-time +// choice of "aspect ratio" for bitmap branches and leaves (which can be set +// independently for each). +// +// A default aspect ratio is hardwired here if not overridden at compile time, +// such as by "EXTCCOPTS=-DBITMAP_BRANCH16x16 make". + +#if (! (defined(BITMAP_BRANCH8x32) || defined(BITMAP_BRANCH16x16) || defined(BITMAP_BRANCH32x8))) +#define BITMAP_BRANCH32x8 1 // 32 bits per subexpanse, 8 subexpanses. +#endif + +#ifdef BITMAP_BRANCH8x32 +#define BITMAPB_t uint8_t +#endif + +#ifdef BITMAP_BRANCH16x16 +#define BITMAPB_t uint16_t +#endif + +#ifdef BITMAP_BRANCH32x8 +#define BITMAPB_t uint32_t +#endif + +// Note: For bitmap leaves, BITMAP_LEAF64x4 is only valid for 64 bit: +// +// Note: Choice of aspect ratio mostly matters for JudyL bitmap leaves. For +// Judy1 the choice doesnt matter much -- the code generated for different +// BITMAP_LEAF* values choices varies, but correctness and performance are the +// same. + +#ifndef JU_64BIT + +#if (! (defined(BITMAP_LEAF8x32) || defined(BITMAP_LEAF16x16) || defined(BITMAP_LEAF32x8))) +#define BITMAP_LEAF32x8 // 32 bits per subexpanse, 8 subexpanses. +#endif + +#else // 32BIT + +#if (! (defined(BITMAP_LEAF8x32) || defined(BITMAP_LEAF16x16) || defined(BITMAP_LEAF32x8) || defined(BITMAP_LEAF64x4))) +#define BITMAP_LEAF64x4 // 64 bits per subexpanse, 4 subexpanses. + +#endif +#endif // JU_64BIT + +#ifdef BITMAP_LEAF8x32 +#define BITMAPL_t uint8_t +#endif + +#ifdef BITMAP_LEAF16x16 +#define BITMAPL_t uint16_t +#endif + +#ifdef BITMAP_LEAF32x8 +#define BITMAPL_t uint32_t +#endif + +#ifdef BITMAP_LEAF64x4 +#define BITMAPL_t uint64_t +#endif + + +// EXPORTED DATA AND FUNCTIONS: + +#ifdef JUDY1 +extern const uint8_t j__1_BranchBJPPopToWords[]; +#endif + +#ifdef JUDYL +extern const uint8_t j__L_BranchBJPPopToWords[]; +#endif + +// Fast LeafL search routine used for inlined code: + +#if (! defined(SEARCH_BINARY)) || (! defined(SEARCH_LINEAR)) +// default a binary search leaf method +#define SEARCH_BINARY 1 +//#define SEARCH_LINEAR 1 +#endif + +#ifdef SEARCH_LINEAR + +#define SEARCHLEAFNATIVE(LEAFTYPE,ADDR,POP1,INDEX) \ + LEAFTYPE *P_leaf = (LEAFTYPE *)(ADDR); \ + LEAFTYPE I_ndex = (INDEX); /* with masking */ \ + if (I_ndex > P_leaf[(POP1) - 1]) return(~(POP1)); \ + while(I_ndex > *P_leaf) P_leaf++; \ + if (I_ndex == *P_leaf) return(P_leaf - (LEAFTYPE *)(ADDR)); \ + return(~(P_leaf - (LEAFTYPE *)(ADDR))); + + +#define SEARCHLEAFNONNAT(ADDR,POP1,INDEX,LFBTS,COPYINDEX) \ +{ \ + uint8_t *P_leaf, *P_leafEnd; \ + Word_t i_ndex; \ + Word_t I_ndex = JU_LEASTBYTES((INDEX), (LFBTS)); \ + Word_t p_op1; \ + \ + P_leaf = (uint8_t *)(ADDR); \ + P_leafEnd = P_leaf + ((POP1) * (LFBTS)); \ + \ + do { \ + JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG(i_ndex, P_leaf); \ + if (I_ndex <= i_ndex) break; \ + P_leaf += (LFBTS); \ + } while (P_leaf < P_leafEnd); \ + \ + p_op1 = (P_leaf - (uint8_t *) (ADDR)) / (LFBTS); \ + if (I_ndex == i_ndex) return(p_op1); \ + return(~p_op1); \ +} +#endif // SEARCH_LINEAR + +#ifdef SEARCH_BINARY + +#define SEARCHLEAFNATIVE(LEAFTYPE,ADDR,POP1,INDEX) \ + LEAFTYPE *P_leaf = (LEAFTYPE *)(ADDR); \ + LEAFTYPE I_ndex = (LEAFTYPE)INDEX; /* truncate hi bits */ \ + Word_t l_ow = cJU_ALLONES; \ + Word_t m_id; \ + Word_t h_igh = POP1; \ + \ + while ((h_igh - l_ow) > 1UL) \ + { \ + m_id = (h_igh + l_ow) / 2; \ + if (P_leaf[m_id] > I_ndex) \ + h_igh = m_id; \ + else \ + l_ow = m_id; \ + } \ + if (l_ow == cJU_ALLONES || P_leaf[l_ow] != I_ndex) \ + return(~h_igh); \ + return(l_ow) + + +#define SEARCHLEAFNONNAT(ADDR,POP1,INDEX,LFBTS,COPYINDEX) \ + uint8_t *P_leaf = (uint8_t *)(ADDR); \ + Word_t l_ow = cJU_ALLONES; \ + Word_t m_id; \ + Word_t h_igh = POP1; \ + Word_t I_ndex = JU_LEASTBYTES((INDEX), (LFBTS)); \ + Word_t i_ndex; \ + \ + I_ndex = JU_LEASTBYTES((INDEX), (LFBTS)); \ + \ + while ((h_igh - l_ow) > 1UL) \ + { \ + m_id = (h_igh + l_ow) / 2; \ + COPYINDEX(i_ndex, &P_leaf[m_id * (LFBTS)]); \ + if (i_ndex > I_ndex) \ + h_igh = m_id; \ + else \ + l_ow = m_id; \ + } \ + if (l_ow == cJU_ALLONES) return(~h_igh); \ + \ + COPYINDEX(i_ndex, &P_leaf[l_ow * (LFBTS)]); \ + if (i_ndex != I_ndex) return(~h_igh); \ + return(l_ow) + +#endif // SEARCH_BINARY + +// Fast way to count bits set in 8..32[64]-bit int: +// +// For performance, j__udyCountBits*() are written to take advantage of +// platform-specific features where available. +// + +#ifdef JU_NOINLINE + +extern BITMAPB_t j__udyCountBitsB(BITMAPB_t word); +extern BITMAPL_t j__udyCountBitsL(BITMAPL_t word); + +// Compiler supports inline + +#elif defined(JU_HPUX_IPF) + +#define j__udyCountBitsB(WORD) _Asm_popcnt(WORD) +#define j__udyCountBitsL(WORD) _Asm_popcnt(WORD) + +#elif defined(JU_LINUX_IPF) + +static inline BITMAPB_t j__udyCountBitsB(BITMAPB_t word) +{ + BITMAPB_t result; + __asm__ ("popcnt %0=%1" : "=r" (result) : "r" (word)); + return(result); +} + +static inline BITMAPL_t j__udyCountBitsL(BITMAPL_t word) +{ + BITMAPL_t result; + __asm__ ("popcnt %0=%1" : "=r" (result) : "r" (word)); + return(result); +} + + +#else // No instructions available, use inline code + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y C O U N T B I T S B +// +// Return the number of bits set in "Word", for a bitmap branch. +// +// Note: Bitmap branches have maximum bitmap size = 32 bits. + +#ifdef JU_WIN +static __inline BITMAPB_t j__udyCountBitsB(BITMAPB_t word) +#else +static inline BITMAPB_t j__udyCountBitsB(BITMAPB_t word) +#endif +{ + word = (word & 0x55555555) + ((word & 0xAAAAAAAA) >> 1); + word = (word & 0x33333333) + ((word & 0xCCCCCCCC) >> 2); + word = (word & 0x0F0F0F0F) + ((word & 0xF0F0F0F0) >> 4); // >= 8 bits. +#if defined(BITMAP_BRANCH16x16) || defined(BITMAP_BRANCH32x8) + word = (word & 0x00FF00FF) + ((word & 0xFF00FF00) >> 8); // >= 16 bits. +#endif + +#ifdef BITMAP_BRANCH32x8 + word = (word & 0x0000FFFF) + ((word & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16); // >= 32 bits. +#endif + return(word); + +} // j__udyCountBitsB() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y C O U N T B I T S L +// +// Return the number of bits set in "Word", for a bitmap leaf. +// +// Note: Bitmap branches have maximum bitmap size = 32 bits. + +// Note: Need both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of j__udyCountBitsL() because +// bitmap leaves can have 64-bit bitmaps. + +#ifdef JU_WIN +static __inline BITMAPL_t j__udyCountBitsL(BITMAPL_t word) +#else +static inline BITMAPL_t j__udyCountBitsL(BITMAPL_t word) +#endif +{ +#ifndef JU_64BIT + + word = (word & 0x55555555) + ((word & 0xAAAAAAAA) >> 1); + word = (word & 0x33333333) + ((word & 0xCCCCCCCC) >> 2); + word = (word & 0x0F0F0F0F) + ((word & 0xF0F0F0F0) >> 4); // >= 8 bits. +#if defined(BITMAP_LEAF16x16) || defined(BITMAP_LEAF32x8) + word = (word & 0x00FF00FF) + ((word & 0xFF00FF00) >> 8); // >= 16 bits. +#endif +#ifdef BITMAP_LEAF32x8 + word = (word & 0x0000FFFF) + ((word & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16); // >= 32 bits. +#endif + +#else // JU_64BIT + + word = (word & 0x5555555555555555) + ((word & 0xAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA) >> 1); + word = (word & 0x3333333333333333) + ((word & 0xCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC) >> 2); + word = (word & 0x0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F) + ((word & 0xF0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0) >> 4); +#if defined(BITMAP_LEAF16x16) || defined(BITMAP_LEAF32x8) || defined(BITMAP_LEAF64x4) + word = (word & 0x00FF00FF00FF00FF) + ((word & 0xFF00FF00FF00FF00) >> 8); +#endif +#if defined(BITMAP_LEAF32x8) || defined(BITMAP_LEAF64x4) + word = (word & 0x0000FFFF0000FFFF) + ((word & 0xFFFF0000FFFF0000) >>16); +#endif +#ifdef BITMAP_LEAF64x4 + word = (word & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF) + ((word & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000) >>32); +#endif +#endif // JU_64BIT + + return(word); + +} // j__udyCountBitsL() + +#endif // Compiler supports inline + +// GET POP0: +// +// Get from jp_DcdPopO the Pop0 for various JP Types. +// +// Notes: +// +// - Different macros require different parameters... +// +// - There are no simple macros for cJU_BRANCH* Types because their +// populations must be added up and dont reside in an already-calculated +// place. (TBD: This is no longer true, now its in the JPM.) +// +// - cJU_JPIMM_POP0() is not defined because it would be redundant because the +// Pop1 is already encoded in each enum name. +// +// - A linear or bitmap leaf Pop0 cannot exceed cJU_SUBEXPPERSTATE - 1 (Pop0 = +// 0..255), so use a simpler, faster macro for it than for other JP Types. +// +// - Avoid any complex calculations that would slow down the compiled code. +// Assume these macros are only called for the appropriate JP Types. +// Unfortunately theres no way to trigger an assertion here if the JP type +// is incorrect for the macro, because these are merely expressions, not +// statements. + +#define JU_LEAFW_POP0(JRP) (*P_JLW(JRP)) +#define cJU_JPFULLPOPU1_POP0 (cJU_SUBEXPPERSTATE - 1) + +// GET JP Type: +// Since bit fields greater than 32 bits are not supported in some compilers +// the jp_DcdPopO field is expanded to include the jp_Type in the high 8 bits +// of the Word_t. +// First the read macro: + +#define JU_JPTYPE(PJP) ((PJP)->jp_Type) + +#define JU_JPLEAF_POP0(PJP) ((PJP)->jp_DcdP0[sizeof(Word_t) - 2]) + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + +#define JU_JPDCDPOP0(PJP) \ + ((Word_t)(PJP)->jp_DcdP0[0] << 48 | \ + (Word_t)(PJP)->jp_DcdP0[1] << 40 | \ + (Word_t)(PJP)->jp_DcdP0[2] << 32 | \ + (Word_t)(PJP)->jp_DcdP0[3] << 24 | \ + (Word_t)(PJP)->jp_DcdP0[4] << 16 | \ + (Word_t)(PJP)->jp_DcdP0[5] << 8 | \ + (Word_t)(PJP)->jp_DcdP0[6]) + + +#define JU_JPSETADT(PJP,ADDR,DCDPOP0,TYPE) \ +{ \ + (PJP)->jp_Addr = (ADDR); \ + (PJP)->jp_DcdP0[0] = (uint8_t)((Word_t)(DCDPOP0) >> 48); \ + (PJP)->jp_DcdP0[1] = (uint8_t)((Word_t)(DCDPOP0) >> 40); \ + (PJP)->jp_DcdP0[2] = (uint8_t)((Word_t)(DCDPOP0) >> 32); \ + (PJP)->jp_DcdP0[3] = (uint8_t)((Word_t)(DCDPOP0) >> 24); \ + (PJP)->jp_DcdP0[4] = (uint8_t)((Word_t)(DCDPOP0) >> 16); \ + (PJP)->jp_DcdP0[5] = (uint8_t)((Word_t)(DCDPOP0) >> 8); \ + (PJP)->jp_DcdP0[6] = (uint8_t)((Word_t)(DCDPOP0)); \ + (PJP)->jp_Type = (TYPE); \ +} + +#else // 32 Bit + +#define JU_JPDCDPOP0(PJP) \ + ((Word_t)(PJP)->jp_DcdP0[0] << 16 | \ + (Word_t)(PJP)->jp_DcdP0[1] << 8 | \ + (Word_t)(PJP)->jp_DcdP0[2]) + + +#define JU_JPSETADT(PJP,ADDR,DCDPOP0,TYPE) \ +{ \ + (PJP)->jp_Addr = (ADDR); \ + (PJP)->jp_DcdP0[0] = (uint8_t)((Word_t)(DCDPOP0) >> 16); \ + (PJP)->jp_DcdP0[1] = (uint8_t)((Word_t)(DCDPOP0) >> 8); \ + (PJP)->jp_DcdP0[2] = (uint8_t)((Word_t)(DCDPOP0)); \ + (PJP)->jp_Type = (TYPE); \ +} + +#endif // 32 Bit + +// NUMBER OF BITS IN A BRANCH OR LEAF BITMAP AND SUBEXPANSE: +// +// Note: cJU_BITSPERBITMAP must be the same as the number of JPs in a branch. + +#define cJU_BITSPERBITMAP cJU_SUBEXPPERSTATE + +// Bitmaps are accessed in units of "subexpanses": + +#define cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB (sizeof(BITMAPB_t) * cJU_BITSPERBYTE) +#define cJU_NUMSUBEXPB (cJU_BITSPERBITMAP / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB) + +#define cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL (sizeof(BITMAPL_t) * cJU_BITSPERBYTE) +#define cJU_NUMSUBEXPL (cJU_BITSPERBITMAP / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL) + + +// MASK FOR A SPECIFIED BIT IN A BITMAP: +// +// Warning: If BitNum is a variable, this results in a variable shift that is +// expensive, at least on some processors. Use with caution. +// +// Warning: BitNum must be less than cJU_BITSPERWORD, that is, 0 .. +// cJU_BITSPERWORD - 1, to avoid a truncated shift on some machines. +// +// TBD: Perhaps use an array[32] of masks instead of calculating them. + +#define JU_BITPOSMASKB(BITNUM) (1L << ((BITNUM) % cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB)) +#define JU_BITPOSMASKL(BITNUM) (1L << ((BITNUM) % cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL)) + + +// TEST/SET/CLEAR A BIT IN A BITMAP LEAF: +// +// Test if a byte-sized Digit (portion of Index) has a corresponding bit set in +// a bitmap, or set a byte-sized Digits bit into a bitmap, by looking up the +// correct subexpanse and then checking/setting the correct bit. +// +// Note: Mask higher bits, if any, for the convenience of the user of this +// macro, in case they pass a full Index, not just a digit. If the caller has +// a true 8-bit digit, make it of type uint8_t and the compiler should skip the +// unnecessary mask step. + +#define JU_SUBEXPL(DIGIT) (((DIGIT) / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL) & (cJU_NUMSUBEXPL-1)) + +#define JU_BITMAPTESTL(PJLB, INDEX) \ + (JU_JLB_BITMAP(PJLB, JU_SUBEXPL(INDEX)) & JU_BITPOSMASKL(INDEX)) + +#define JU_BITMAPSETL(PJLB, INDEX) \ + (JU_JLB_BITMAP(PJLB, JU_SUBEXPL(INDEX)) |= JU_BITPOSMASKL(INDEX)) + +#define JU_BITMAPCLEARL(PJLB, INDEX) \ + (JU_JLB_BITMAP(PJLB, JU_SUBEXPL(INDEX)) ^= JU_BITPOSMASKL(INDEX)) + + +// MAP BITMAP BIT OFFSET TO DIGIT: +// +// Given a digit variable to set, a bitmap branch or leaf subexpanse (base 0), +// the bitmap (BITMAP*_t) for that subexpanse, and an offset (Nth set bit in +// the bitmap, base 0), compute the digit (also base 0) corresponding to the +// subexpanse and offset by counting all bits in the bitmap until offset+1 set +// bits are seen. Avoid expensive variable shifts. Offset should be less than +// the number of set bits in the bitmap; assert this. +// +// If theres a better way to do this, I dont know what it is. + +#define JU_BITMAPDIGITB(DIGIT,SUBEXP,BITMAP,OFFSET) \ + { \ + BITMAPB_t bitmap = (BITMAP); int remain = (OFFSET); \ + (DIGIT) = (SUBEXP) * cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; \ + \ + while ((remain -= (bitmap & 1)) >= 0) \ + { \ + bitmap >>= 1; ++(DIGIT); \ + assert((DIGIT) < ((SUBEXP) + 1) * cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB); \ + } \ + } + +#define JU_BITMAPDIGITL(DIGIT,SUBEXP,BITMAP,OFFSET) \ + { \ + BITMAPL_t bitmap = (BITMAP); int remain = (OFFSET); \ + (DIGIT) = (SUBEXP) * cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL; \ + \ + while ((remain -= (bitmap & 1)) >= 0) \ + { \ + bitmap >>= 1; ++(DIGIT); \ + assert((DIGIT) < ((SUBEXP) + 1) * cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL); \ + } \ + } + + +// MASKS FOR PORTIONS OF 32-BIT WORDS: +// +// These are useful for bitmap subexpanses. +// +// "LOWER"/"HIGHER" means bits representing lower/higher-valued Indexes. The +// exact order of bits in the word is explicit here but is hidden from the +// caller. +// +// "EXC" means exclusive of the specified bit; "INC" means inclusive. +// +// In each case, BitPos is either "JU_BITPOSMASK*(BitNum)", or a variable saved +// from an earlier call of that macro; either way, it must be a 32-bit word +// with a single bit set. In the first case, assume the compiler is smart +// enough to optimize out common subexpressions. +// +// The expressions depend on unsigned decimal math that should be universal. + +#define JU_MASKLOWEREXC( BITPOS) ((BITPOS) - 1) +#define JU_MASKLOWERINC( BITPOS) (JU_MASKLOWEREXC(BITPOS) | (BITPOS)) +#define JU_MASKHIGHERINC(BITPOS) (-(BITPOS)) +#define JU_MASKHIGHEREXC(BITPOS) (JU_MASKHIGHERINC(BITPOS) ^ (BITPOS)) + + +// **************************************************************************** +// SUPPORT FOR NATIVE INDEX SIZES +// **************************************************************************** +// +// Copy a series of generic objects (uint8_t, uint16_t, uint32_t, Word_t) from +// one place to another. + +#define JU_COPYMEM(PDST,PSRC,POP1) \ + { \ + Word_t i_ndex = 0; \ + assert((POP1) > 0); \ + do { (PDST)[i_ndex] = (PSRC)[i_ndex]; } \ + while (++i_ndex < (POP1)); \ + } + + +// **************************************************************************** +// SUPPORT FOR NON-NATIVE INDEX SIZES +// **************************************************************************** +// +// Copy a 3-byte Index pointed by a uint8_t * to a Word_t: +// +#define JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG(DESTLONG,PINDEX) \ + DESTLONG = (Word_t)(PINDEX)[0] << 16; \ + DESTLONG += (Word_t)(PINDEX)[1] << 8; \ + DESTLONG += (Word_t)(PINDEX)[2] + +// Copy a Word_t to a 3-byte Index pointed at by a uint8_t *: + +#define JU_COPY3_LONG_TO_PINDEX(PINDEX,SOURCELONG) \ + (PINDEX)[0] = (uint8_t)((SOURCELONG) >> 16); \ + (PINDEX)[1] = (uint8_t)((SOURCELONG) >> 8); \ + (PINDEX)[2] = (uint8_t)((SOURCELONG)) + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + +// Copy a 5-byte Index pointed by a uint8_t * to a Word_t: +// +#define JU_COPY5_PINDEX_TO_LONG(DESTLONG,PINDEX) \ + DESTLONG = (Word_t)(PINDEX)[0] << 32; \ + DESTLONG += (Word_t)(PINDEX)[1] << 24; \ + DESTLONG += (Word_t)(PINDEX)[2] << 16; \ + DESTLONG += (Word_t)(PINDEX)[3] << 8; \ + DESTLONG += (Word_t)(PINDEX)[4] + +// Copy a Word_t to a 5-byte Index pointed at by a uint8_t *: + +#define JU_COPY5_LONG_TO_PINDEX(PINDEX,SOURCELONG) \ + (PINDEX)[0] = (uint8_t)((SOURCELONG) >> 32); \ + (PINDEX)[1] = (uint8_t)((SOURCELONG) >> 24); \ + (PINDEX)[2] = (uint8_t)((SOURCELONG) >> 16); \ + (PINDEX)[3] = (uint8_t)((SOURCELONG) >> 8); \ + (PINDEX)[4] = (uint8_t)((SOURCELONG)) + +// Copy a 6-byte Index pointed by a uint8_t * to a Word_t: +// +#define JU_COPY6_PINDEX_TO_LONG(DESTLONG,PINDEX) \ + DESTLONG = (Word_t)(PINDEX)[0] << 40; \ + DESTLONG += (Word_t)(PINDEX)[1] << 32; \ + DESTLONG += (Word_t)(PINDEX)[2] << 24; \ + DESTLONG += (Word_t)(PINDEX)[3] << 16; \ + DESTLONG += (Word_t)(PINDEX)[4] << 8; \ + DESTLONG += (Word_t)(PINDEX)[5] + +// Copy a Word_t to a 6-byte Index pointed at by a uint8_t *: + +#define JU_COPY6_LONG_TO_PINDEX(PINDEX,SOURCELONG) \ + (PINDEX)[0] = (uint8_t)((SOURCELONG) >> 40); \ + (PINDEX)[1] = (uint8_t)((SOURCELONG) >> 32); \ + (PINDEX)[2] = (uint8_t)((SOURCELONG) >> 24); \ + (PINDEX)[3] = (uint8_t)((SOURCELONG) >> 16); \ + (PINDEX)[4] = (uint8_t)((SOURCELONG) >> 8); \ + (PINDEX)[5] = (uint8_t)((SOURCELONG)) + +// Copy a 7-byte Index pointed by a uint8_t * to a Word_t: +// +#define JU_COPY7_PINDEX_TO_LONG(DESTLONG,PINDEX) \ + DESTLONG = (Word_t)(PINDEX)[0] << 48; \ + DESTLONG += (Word_t)(PINDEX)[1] << 40; \ + DESTLONG += (Word_t)(PINDEX)[2] << 32; \ + DESTLONG += (Word_t)(PINDEX)[3] << 24; \ + DESTLONG += (Word_t)(PINDEX)[4] << 16; \ + DESTLONG += (Word_t)(PINDEX)[5] << 8; \ + DESTLONG += (Word_t)(PINDEX)[6] + +// Copy a Word_t to a 7-byte Index pointed at by a uint8_t *: + +#define JU_COPY7_LONG_TO_PINDEX(PINDEX,SOURCELONG) \ + (PINDEX)[0] = (uint8_t)((SOURCELONG) >> 48); \ + (PINDEX)[1] = (uint8_t)((SOURCELONG) >> 40); \ + (PINDEX)[2] = (uint8_t)((SOURCELONG) >> 32); \ + (PINDEX)[3] = (uint8_t)((SOURCELONG) >> 24); \ + (PINDEX)[4] = (uint8_t)((SOURCELONG) >> 16); \ + (PINDEX)[5] = (uint8_t)((SOURCELONG) >> 8); \ + (PINDEX)[6] = (uint8_t)((SOURCELONG)) + +#endif // JU_64BIT + +// **************************************************************************** +// COMMON CODE FRAGMENTS (MACROS) +// **************************************************************************** +// +// These code chunks are shared between various source files. + + +// SET (REPLACE) ONE DIGIT IN AN INDEX: +// +// To avoid endian issues, use masking and ORing, which operates in a +// big-endian register, rather than treating the Index as an array of bytes, +// though that would be simpler, but would operate in endian-specific memory. +// +// TBD: This contains two variable shifts, is that bad? + +#define JU_SETDIGIT(INDEX,DIGIT,STATE) \ + (INDEX) = ((INDEX) & (~cJU_MASKATSTATE(STATE))) \ + | (((Word_t) (DIGIT)) \ + << (((STATE) - 1) * cJU_BITSPERBYTE)) + +// Fast version for single LSB: + +#define JU_SETDIGIT1(INDEX,DIGIT) (INDEX) = ((INDEX) & ~0xff) | (DIGIT) + + +// SET (REPLACE) "N" LEAST DIGITS IN AN INDEX: + +#define JU_SETDIGITS(INDEX,INDEX2,cSTATE) \ + (INDEX) = ((INDEX ) & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(cSTATE))) \ + | ((INDEX2) & ( JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(cSTATE))) + +// COPY DECODE BYTES FROM JP TO INDEX: +// +// Modify Index digit(s) to match the bytes in jp_DcdPopO in case one or more +// branches are skipped and the digits are significant. Its probably faster +// to just do this unconditionally than to check if its necessary. +// +// To avoid endian issues, use masking and ORing, which operates in a +// big-endian register, rather than treating the Index as an array of bytes, +// though that would be simpler, but would operate in endian-specific memory. +// +// WARNING: Must not call JU_LEASTBYTESMASK (via cJU_DCDMASK) with Bytes = +// cJU_ROOTSTATE or a bad mask is generated, but there are no Dcd bytes to copy +// in this case anyway. In fact there are no Dcd bytes unless State < +// cJU_ROOTSTATE - 1, so dont call this macro except in those cases. +// +// TBD: It would be nice to validate jp_DcdPopO against known digits to ensure +// no corruption, but this is non-trivial. + +#define JU_SETDCD(INDEX,PJP,cSTATE) \ + (INDEX) = ((INDEX) & ~cJU_DCDMASK(cSTATE)) \ + | (JU_JPDCDPOP0(PJP) & cJU_DCDMASK(cSTATE)) + +// INSERT/DELETE AN INDEX IN-PLACE IN MEMORY: +// +// Given a pointer to an array of "even" (native), same-sized objects +// (indexes), the current population of the array, an offset in the array, and +// a new Index to insert, "shift up" the array elements (Indexes) above the +// insertion point and insert the new Index. Assume there is sufficient memory +// to do this. +// +// In these macros, "i_offset" is an index offset, and "b_off" is a byte +// offset for odd Index sizes. +// +// Note: Endian issues only arise fro insertion, not deletion, and even for +// insertion, they are transparent when native (even) objects are used, and +// handled explicitly for odd (non-native) Index sizes. +// +// Note: The following macros are tricky enough that there is some test code +// for them appended to this file. + +#define JU_INSERTINPLACE(PARRAY,POP1,OFFSET,INDEX) \ + assert((long) (POP1) > 0); \ + assert((Word_t) (OFFSET) <= (Word_t) (POP1)); \ + { \ + Word_t i_offset = (POP1); \ + \ + while (i_offset-- > (OFFSET)) \ + (PARRAY)[i_offset + 1] = (PARRAY)[i_offset]; \ + \ + (PARRAY)[OFFSET] = (INDEX); \ + } + + +// Variation for non-native Indexes, where cIS = Index Size +// and PByte must point to a uint8_t (byte); shift byte-by-byte: +// + +#define JU_INSERTINPLACE3(PBYTE,POP1,OFFSET,INDEX) \ +{ \ + Word_t i_off = POP1; \ + \ + while (i_off-- > (OFFSET)) \ + { \ + Word_t i_dx = i_off * 3; \ + (PBYTE)[i_dx + 0 + 3] = (PBYTE)[i_dx + 0]; \ + (PBYTE)[i_dx + 1 + 3] = (PBYTE)[i_dx + 1]; \ + (PBYTE)[i_dx + 2 + 3] = (PBYTE)[i_dx + 2]; \ + } \ + JU_COPY3_LONG_TO_PINDEX(&((PBYTE)[(OFFSET) * 3]), INDEX); \ +} + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + +#define JU_INSERTINPLACE5(PBYTE,POP1,OFFSET,INDEX) \ +{ \ + Word_t i_off = POP1; \ + \ + while (i_off-- > (OFFSET)) \ + { \ + Word_t i_dx = i_off * 5; \ + (PBYTE)[i_dx + 0 + 5] = (PBYTE)[i_dx + 0]; \ + (PBYTE)[i_dx + 1 + 5] = (PBYTE)[i_dx + 1]; \ + (PBYTE)[i_dx + 2 + 5] = (PBYTE)[i_dx + 2]; \ + (PBYTE)[i_dx + 3 + 5] = (PBYTE)[i_dx + 3]; \ + (PBYTE)[i_dx + 4 + 5] = (PBYTE)[i_dx + 4]; \ + } \ + JU_COPY5_LONG_TO_PINDEX(&((PBYTE)[(OFFSET) * 5]), INDEX); \ +} + +#define JU_INSERTINPLACE6(PBYTE,POP1,OFFSET,INDEX) \ +{ \ + Word_t i_off = POP1; \ + \ + while (i_off-- > (OFFSET)) \ + { \ + Word_t i_dx = i_off * 6; \ + (PBYTE)[i_dx + 0 + 6] = (PBYTE)[i_dx + 0]; \ + (PBYTE)[i_dx + 1 + 6] = (PBYTE)[i_dx + 1]; \ + (PBYTE)[i_dx + 2 + 6] = (PBYTE)[i_dx + 2]; \ + (PBYTE)[i_dx + 3 + 6] = (PBYTE)[i_dx + 3]; \ + (PBYTE)[i_dx + 4 + 6] = (PBYTE)[i_dx + 4]; \ + (PBYTE)[i_dx + 5 + 6] = (PBYTE)[i_dx + 5]; \ + } \ + JU_COPY6_LONG_TO_PINDEX(&((PBYTE)[(OFFSET) * 6]), INDEX); \ +} + +#define JU_INSERTINPLACE7(PBYTE,POP1,OFFSET,INDEX) \ +{ \ + Word_t i_off = POP1; \ + \ + while (i_off-- > (OFFSET)) \ + { \ + Word_t i_dx = i_off * 7; \ + (PBYTE)[i_dx + 0 + 7] = (PBYTE)[i_dx + 0]; \ + (PBYTE)[i_dx + 1 + 7] = (PBYTE)[i_dx + 1]; \ + (PBYTE)[i_dx + 2 + 7] = (PBYTE)[i_dx + 2]; \ + (PBYTE)[i_dx + 3 + 7] = (PBYTE)[i_dx + 3]; \ + (PBYTE)[i_dx + 4 + 7] = (PBYTE)[i_dx + 4]; \ + (PBYTE)[i_dx + 5 + 7] = (PBYTE)[i_dx + 5]; \ + (PBYTE)[i_dx + 6 + 7] = (PBYTE)[i_dx + 6]; \ + } \ + JU_COPY7_LONG_TO_PINDEX(&((PBYTE)[(OFFSET) * 7]), INDEX); \ +} +#endif // JU_64BIT + +// Counterparts to the above for deleting an Index: +// +// "Shift down" the array elements starting at the Index to be deleted. + +#define JU_DELETEINPLACE(PARRAY,POP1,OFFSET,IGNORE) \ + assert((long) (POP1) > 0); \ + assert((Word_t) (OFFSET) < (Word_t) (POP1)); \ + { \ + Word_t i_offset = (OFFSET); \ + \ + while (++i_offset < (POP1)) \ + (PARRAY)[i_offset - 1] = (PARRAY)[i_offset]; \ + } + +// Variation for odd-byte-sized (non-native) Indexes, where cIS = Index Size +// and PByte must point to a uint8_t (byte); copy byte-by-byte: +// +// Note: If cIS == 1, JU_DELETEINPLACE_ODD == JU_DELETEINPLACE. +// +// Note: There are no endian issues here because bytes are just shifted as-is, +// not converted to/from an Index. + +#define JU_DELETEINPLACE_ODD(PBYTE,POP1,OFFSET,cIS) \ + assert((long) (POP1) > 0); \ + assert((Word_t) (OFFSET) < (Word_t) (POP1)); \ + { \ + Word_t b_off = (((OFFSET) + 1) * (cIS)) - 1; \ + \ + while (++b_off < ((POP1) * (cIS))) \ + (PBYTE)[b_off - (cIS)] = (PBYTE)[b_off]; \ + } + + +// INSERT/DELETE AN INDEX WHILE COPYING OTHERS: +// +// Copy PSource[] to PDest[], where PSource[] has Pop1 elements (Indexes), +// inserting Index at PDest[Offset]. Unlike JU_*INPLACE*() above, these macros +// are used when moving Indexes from one memory object to another. + +#define JU_INSERTCOPY(PDEST,PSOURCE,POP1,OFFSET,INDEX) \ + assert((long) (POP1) > 0); \ + assert((Word_t) (OFFSET) <= (Word_t) (POP1)); \ + { \ + Word_t i_offset; \ + \ + for (i_offset = 0; i_offset < (OFFSET); ++i_offset) \ + (PDEST)[i_offset] = (PSOURCE)[i_offset]; \ + \ + (PDEST)[i_offset] = (INDEX); \ + \ + for (/* null */; i_offset < (POP1); ++i_offset) \ + (PDEST)[i_offset + 1] = (PSOURCE)[i_offset]; \ + } + +#define JU_INSERTCOPY3(PDEST,PSOURCE,POP1,OFFSET,INDEX) \ +assert((long) (POP1) > 0); \ +assert((Word_t) (OFFSET) <= (Word_t) (POP1)); \ +{ \ + Word_t o_ff; \ + \ + for (o_ff = 0; o_ff < (OFFSET); o_ff++) \ + { \ + Word_t i_dx = o_ff * 3; \ + (PDEST)[i_dx + 0] = (PSOURCE)[i_dx + 0]; \ + (PDEST)[i_dx + 1] = (PSOURCE)[i_dx + 1]; \ + (PDEST)[i_dx + 2] = (PSOURCE)[i_dx + 2]; \ + } \ + JU_COPY3_LONG_TO_PINDEX(&((PDEST)[(OFFSET) * 3]), INDEX); \ + \ + for (/* null */; o_ff < (POP1); o_ff++) \ + { \ + Word_t i_dx = o_ff * 3; \ + (PDEST)[i_dx + 0 + 3] = (PSOURCE)[i_dx + 0]; \ + (PDEST)[i_dx + 1 + 3] = (PSOURCE)[i_dx + 1]; \ + (PDEST)[i_dx + 2 + 3] = (PSOURCE)[i_dx + 2]; \ + } \ +} + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + +#define JU_INSERTCOPY5(PDEST,PSOURCE,POP1,OFFSET,INDEX) \ +assert((long) (POP1) > 0); \ +assert((Word_t) (OFFSET) <= (Word_t) (POP1)); \ +{ \ + Word_t o_ff; \ + \ + for (o_ff = 0; o_ff < (OFFSET); o_ff++) \ + { \ + Word_t i_dx = o_ff * 5; \ + (PDEST)[i_dx + 0] = (PSOURCE)[i_dx + 0]; \ + (PDEST)[i_dx + 1] = (PSOURCE)[i_dx + 1]; \ + (PDEST)[i_dx + 2] = (PSOURCE)[i_dx + 2]; \ + (PDEST)[i_dx + 3] = (PSOURCE)[i_dx + 3]; \ + (PDEST)[i_dx + 4] = (PSOURCE)[i_dx + 4]; \ + } \ + JU_COPY5_LONG_TO_PINDEX(&((PDEST)[(OFFSET) * 5]), INDEX); \ + \ + for (/* null */; o_ff < (POP1); o_ff++) \ + { \ + Word_t i_dx = o_ff * 5; \ + (PDEST)[i_dx + 0 + 5] = (PSOURCE)[i_dx + 0]; \ + (PDEST)[i_dx + 1 + 5] = (PSOURCE)[i_dx + 1]; \ + (PDEST)[i_dx + 2 + 5] = (PSOURCE)[i_dx + 2]; \ + (PDEST)[i_dx + 3 + 5] = (PSOURCE)[i_dx + 3]; \ + (PDEST)[i_dx + 4 + 5] = (PSOURCE)[i_dx + 4]; \ + } \ +} + +#define JU_INSERTCOPY6(PDEST,PSOURCE,POP1,OFFSET,INDEX) \ +assert((long) (POP1) > 0); \ +assert((Word_t) (OFFSET) <= (Word_t) (POP1)); \ +{ \ + Word_t o_ff; \ + \ + for (o_ff = 0; o_ff < (OFFSET); o_ff++) \ + { \ + Word_t i_dx = o_ff * 6; \ + (PDEST)[i_dx + 0] = (PSOURCE)[i_dx + 0]; \ + (PDEST)[i_dx + 1] = (PSOURCE)[i_dx + 1]; \ + (PDEST)[i_dx + 2] = (PSOURCE)[i_dx + 2]; \ + (PDEST)[i_dx + 3] = (PSOURCE)[i_dx + 3]; \ + (PDEST)[i_dx + 4] = (PSOURCE)[i_dx + 4]; \ + (PDEST)[i_dx + 5] = (PSOURCE)[i_dx + 5]; \ + } \ + JU_COPY6_LONG_TO_PINDEX(&((PDEST)[(OFFSET) * 6]), INDEX); \ + \ + for (/* null */; o_ff < (POP1); o_ff++) \ + { \ + Word_t i_dx = o_ff * 6; \ + (PDEST)[i_dx + 0 + 6] = (PSOURCE)[i_dx + 0]; \ + (PDEST)[i_dx + 1 + 6] = (PSOURCE)[i_dx + 1]; \ + (PDEST)[i_dx + 2 + 6] = (PSOURCE)[i_dx + 2]; \ + (PDEST)[i_dx + 3 + 6] = (PSOURCE)[i_dx + 3]; \ + (PDEST)[i_dx + 4 + 6] = (PSOURCE)[i_dx + 4]; \ + (PDEST)[i_dx + 5 + 6] = (PSOURCE)[i_dx + 5]; \ + } \ +} + +#define JU_INSERTCOPY7(PDEST,PSOURCE,POP1,OFFSET,INDEX) \ +assert((long) (POP1) > 0); \ +assert((Word_t) (OFFSET) <= (Word_t) (POP1)); \ +{ \ + Word_t o_ff; \ + \ + for (o_ff = 0; o_ff < (OFFSET); o_ff++) \ + { \ + Word_t i_dx = o_ff * 7; \ + (PDEST)[i_dx + 0] = (PSOURCE)[i_dx + 0]; \ + (PDEST)[i_dx + 1] = (PSOURCE)[i_dx + 1]; \ + (PDEST)[i_dx + 2] = (PSOURCE)[i_dx + 2]; \ + (PDEST)[i_dx + 3] = (PSOURCE)[i_dx + 3]; \ + (PDEST)[i_dx + 4] = (PSOURCE)[i_dx + 4]; \ + (PDEST)[i_dx + 5] = (PSOURCE)[i_dx + 5]; \ + (PDEST)[i_dx + 6] = (PSOURCE)[i_dx + 6]; \ + } \ + JU_COPY7_LONG_TO_PINDEX(&((PDEST)[(OFFSET) * 7]), INDEX); \ + \ + for (/* null */; o_ff < (POP1); o_ff++) \ + { \ + Word_t i_dx = o_ff * 7; \ + (PDEST)[i_dx + 0 + 7] = (PSOURCE)[i_dx + 0]; \ + (PDEST)[i_dx + 1 + 7] = (PSOURCE)[i_dx + 1]; \ + (PDEST)[i_dx + 2 + 7] = (PSOURCE)[i_dx + 2]; \ + (PDEST)[i_dx + 3 + 7] = (PSOURCE)[i_dx + 3]; \ + (PDEST)[i_dx + 4 + 7] = (PSOURCE)[i_dx + 4]; \ + (PDEST)[i_dx + 5 + 7] = (PSOURCE)[i_dx + 5]; \ + (PDEST)[i_dx + 6 + 7] = (PSOURCE)[i_dx + 6]; \ + } \ +} + +#endif // JU_64BIT + +// Counterparts to the above for deleting an Index: + +#define JU_DELETECOPY(PDEST,PSOURCE,POP1,OFFSET,IGNORE) \ + assert((long) (POP1) > 0); \ + assert((Word_t) (OFFSET) < (Word_t) (POP1)); \ + { \ + Word_t i_offset; \ + \ + for (i_offset = 0; i_offset < (OFFSET); ++i_offset) \ + (PDEST)[i_offset] = (PSOURCE)[i_offset]; \ + \ + for (++i_offset; i_offset < (POP1); ++i_offset) \ + (PDEST)[i_offset - 1] = (PSOURCE)[i_offset]; \ + } + +// Variation for odd-byte-sized (non-native) Indexes, where cIS = Index Size; +// copy byte-by-byte: +// +// Note: There are no endian issues here because bytes are just shifted as-is, +// not converted to/from an Index. +// +// Note: If cIS == 1, JU_DELETECOPY_ODD == JU_DELETECOPY, at least in concept. + +#define JU_DELETECOPY_ODD(PDEST,PSOURCE,POP1,OFFSET,cIS) \ + assert((long) (POP1) > 0); \ + assert((Word_t) (OFFSET) < (Word_t) (POP1)); \ + { \ + uint8_t *_Pdest = (uint8_t *) (PDEST); \ + uint8_t *_Psource = (uint8_t *) (PSOURCE); \ + Word_t b_off; \ + \ + for (b_off = 0; b_off < ((OFFSET) * (cIS)); ++b_off) \ + *_Pdest++ = *_Psource++; \ + \ + _Psource += (cIS); \ + \ + for (b_off += (cIS); b_off < ((POP1) * (cIS)); ++b_off) \ + *_Pdest++ = *_Psource++; \ + } + + +// GENERIC RETURN CODE HANDLING FOR JUDY1 (NO VALUE AREAS) AND JUDYL (VALUE +// AREAS): +// +// This common code hides Judy1 versus JudyL details of how to return various +// conditions, including a pointer to a value area for JudyL. +// +// First, define an internal variation of JERR called JERRI (I = int) to make +// lint happy. We accidentally shipped to 11.11 OEUR with all functions that +// return int or Word_t using JERR, which is type Word_t, for errors. Lint +// complains about this for functions that return int. So, internally use +// JERRI for error returns from the int functions. Experiments show that +// callers which compare int Foo() to (Word_t) JERR (~0UL) are OK, since JERRI +// sign-extends to match JERR. + +#define JERRI ((int) ~0) // see above. + +#ifdef JUDY1 + +#define JU_RET_FOUND return(1) +#define JU_RET_NOTFOUND return(0) + +// For Judy1, these all "fall through" to simply JU_RET_FOUND, since there is no +// value area pointer to return: + +#define JU_RET_FOUND_LEAFW(PJLW,POP1,OFFSET) JU_RET_FOUND + +#define JU_RET_FOUND_JPM(Pjpm) JU_RET_FOUND +#define JU_RET_FOUND_PVALUE(Pjv,OFFSET) JU_RET_FOUND +#ifndef JU_64BIT +#define JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF1(Pjll,POP1,OFFSET) JU_RET_FOUND +#endif +#define JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF2(Pjll,POP1,OFFSET) JU_RET_FOUND +#define JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF3(Pjll,POP1,OFFSET) JU_RET_FOUND +#ifdef JU_64BIT +#define JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF4(Pjll,POP1,OFFSET) JU_RET_FOUND +#define JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF5(Pjll,POP1,OFFSET) JU_RET_FOUND +#define JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF6(Pjll,POP1,OFFSET) JU_RET_FOUND +#define JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF7(Pjll,POP1,OFFSET) JU_RET_FOUND +#endif +#define JU_RET_FOUND_IMM_01(Pjp) JU_RET_FOUND +#define JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp,OFFSET) JU_RET_FOUND + +// Note: No JudyL equivalent: + +#define JU_RET_FOUND_FULLPOPU1 JU_RET_FOUND +#define JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF_B1(PJLB,SUBEXP,OFFSET) JU_RET_FOUND + +#else // JUDYL + +// JU_RET_FOUND // see below; must NOT be defined for JudyL. +#define JU_RET_NOTFOUND return((PPvoid_t) NULL) + +// For JudyL, the location of the value area depends on the JP type and other +// factors: +// +// TBD: The value areas should be accessed via data structures, here and in +// Dougs code, not by hard-coded address calculations. +// +// This is useful in insert/delete code when the value area is returned from +// lower levels in the JPM: + +#define JU_RET_FOUND_JPM(Pjpm) return((PPvoid_t) ((Pjpm)->jpm_PValue)) + +// This is useful in insert/delete code when the value area location is already +// computed: + +#define JU_RET_FOUND_PVALUE(Pjv,OFFSET) return((PPvoid_t) ((Pjv) + OFFSET)) + +#define JU_RET_FOUND_LEAFW(PJLW,POP1,OFFSET) \ + return((PPvoid_t) (JL_LEAFWVALUEAREA(PJLW, POP1) + (OFFSET))) + +#define JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF1(Pjll,POP1,OFFSET) \ + return((PPvoid_t) (JL_LEAF1VALUEAREA(Pjll, POP1) + (OFFSET))) +#define JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF2(Pjll,POP1,OFFSET) \ + return((PPvoid_t) (JL_LEAF2VALUEAREA(Pjll, POP1) + (OFFSET))) +#define JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF3(Pjll,POP1,OFFSET) \ + return((PPvoid_t) (JL_LEAF3VALUEAREA(Pjll, POP1) + (OFFSET))) +#ifdef JU_64BIT +#define JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF4(Pjll,POP1,OFFSET) \ + return((PPvoid_t) (JL_LEAF4VALUEAREA(Pjll, POP1) + (OFFSET))) +#define JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF5(Pjll,POP1,OFFSET) \ + return((PPvoid_t) (JL_LEAF5VALUEAREA(Pjll, POP1) + (OFFSET))) +#define JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF6(Pjll,POP1,OFFSET) \ + return((PPvoid_t) (JL_LEAF6VALUEAREA(Pjll, POP1) + (OFFSET))) +#define JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF7(Pjll,POP1,OFFSET) \ + return((PPvoid_t) (JL_LEAF7VALUEAREA(Pjll, POP1) + (OFFSET))) +#endif + +// Note: Here jp_Addr is a value area itself and not an address, so P_JV() is +// not needed: + +#define JU_RET_FOUND_IMM_01(PJP) return((PPvoid_t) (&((PJP)->jp_Addr))) + +// Note: Here jp_Addr is a pointer to a separately-mallocd value area, so +// P_JV() is required; likewise for JL_JLB_PVALUE: + +#define JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(PJP,OFFSET) \ + return((PPvoid_t) (P_JV((PJP)->jp_Addr) + (OFFSET))) + +#define JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF_B1(PJLB,SUBEXP,OFFSET) \ + return((PPvoid_t) (P_JV(JL_JLB_PVALUE(PJLB, SUBEXP)) + (OFFSET))) + +#endif // JUDYL + + +// GENERIC ERROR HANDLING: +// +// This is complicated by variations in the needs of the callers of these +// macros. Only use JU_SET_ERRNO() for PJError, because it can be null; use +// JU_SET_ERRNO_NONNULL() for Pjpm, which is never null, and also in other +// cases where the pointer is known not to be null (to save dead branches). +// +// Note: Most cases of JU_ERRNO_OVERRUN or JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT should result in +// an assertion failure in debug code, so they are more likely to be caught, so +// do that here in each macro. + +#define JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JErrno) \ + { \ + assert((JErrno) != JU_ERRNO_OVERRUN); \ + assert((JErrno) != JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); \ + \ + if (PJError != (PJError_t) NULL) \ + { \ + JU_ERRNO(PJError) = (JErrno); \ + JU_ERRID(PJError) = __LINE__; \ + } \ + } + +// Variation for callers who know already that PJError is non-null; and, it can +// also be Pjpm (both PJError_t and Pjpm_t have je_* fields), so only assert it +// for null, not cast to any specific pointer type: + +#define JU_SET_ERRNO_NONNULL(PJError, JErrno) \ + { \ + assert((JErrno) != JU_ERRNO_OVERRUN); \ + assert((JErrno) != JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); \ + assert(PJError); \ + \ + JU_ERRNO(PJError) = (JErrno); \ + JU_ERRID(PJError) = __LINE__; \ + } + +// Variation to copy error info from a (required) JPM to an (optional) +// PJError_t: +// +// Note: The assertions above about JU_ERRNO_OVERRUN and JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT +// should have already popped, so they are not needed here. + +#define JU_COPY_ERRNO(PJError, Pjpm) \ + { \ + if (PJError) \ + { \ + JU_ERRNO(PJError) = (uint8_t)JU_ERRNO(Pjpm); \ + JU_ERRID(PJError) = JU_ERRID(Pjpm); \ + } \ + } + +// For JErrno parameter to previous macros upon return from Judy*Alloc*(): +// +// The memory allocator returns an address of 0 for out of memory, +// 1..sizeof(Word_t)-1 for corruption (an invalid pointer), otherwise a valid +// pointer. + +#define JU_ALLOC_ERRNO(ADDR) \ + (((void *) (ADDR) != (void *) NULL) ? JU_ERRNO_OVERRUN : JU_ERRNO_NOMEM) + +#define JU_CHECKALLOC(Type,Ptr,Retval) \ + if ((Ptr) < (Type) sizeof(Word_t)) \ + { \ + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ALLOC_ERRNO(Ptr)); \ + return(Retval); \ + } + +// Leaf search routines + +#ifdef JU_NOINLINE + +int j__udySearchLeaf1(Pjll_t Pjll, Word_t LeafPop1, Word_t Index); +int j__udySearchLeaf2(Pjll_t Pjll, Word_t LeafPop1, Word_t Index); +int j__udySearchLeaf3(Pjll_t Pjll, Word_t LeafPop1, Word_t Index); + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + +int j__udySearchLeaf4(Pjll_t Pjll, Word_t LeafPop1, Word_t Index); +int j__udySearchLeaf5(Pjll_t Pjll, Word_t LeafPop1, Word_t Index); +int j__udySearchLeaf6(Pjll_t Pjll, Word_t LeafPop1, Word_t Index); +int j__udySearchLeaf7(Pjll_t Pjll, Word_t LeafPop1, Word_t Index); + +#endif // JU_64BIT + +int j__udySearchLeafW(Pjlw_t Pjlw, Word_t LeafPop1, Word_t Index); + +#else // complier support for inline + +#ifdef JU_WIN +static __inline int j__udySearchLeaf1(Pjll_t Pjll, Word_t LeafPop1, Word_t Index) +#else +static inline int j__udySearchLeaf1(Pjll_t Pjll, Word_t LeafPop1, Word_t Index) +#endif +{ SEARCHLEAFNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjll, LeafPop1, Index); } + +#ifdef JU_WIN +static __inline int j__udySearchLeaf2(Pjll_t Pjll, Word_t LeafPop1, Word_t Index) +#else +static inline int j__udySearchLeaf2(Pjll_t Pjll, Word_t LeafPop1, Word_t Index) +#endif +{ SEARCHLEAFNATIVE(uint16_t, Pjll, LeafPop1, Index); } + +#ifdef JU_WIN +static __inline int j__udySearchLeaf3(Pjll_t Pjll, Word_t LeafPop1, Word_t Index) +#else +static inline int j__udySearchLeaf3(Pjll_t Pjll, Word_t LeafPop1, Word_t Index) +#endif +{ SEARCHLEAFNONNAT(Pjll, LeafPop1, Index, 3, JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG); } + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + +#ifdef JU_WIN +static __inline int j__udySearchLeaf4(Pjll_t Pjll, Word_t LeafPop1, Word_t Index) +#else +static inline int j__udySearchLeaf4(Pjll_t Pjll, Word_t LeafPop1, Word_t Index) +#endif +{ SEARCHLEAFNATIVE(uint32_t, Pjll, LeafPop1, Index); } + +#ifdef JU_WIN +static __inline int j__udySearchLeaf5(Pjll_t Pjll, Word_t LeafPop1, Word_t Index) +#else +static inline int j__udySearchLeaf5(Pjll_t Pjll, Word_t LeafPop1, Word_t Index) +#endif +{ SEARCHLEAFNONNAT(Pjll, LeafPop1, Index, 5, JU_COPY5_PINDEX_TO_LONG); } + +#ifdef JU_WIN +static __inline int j__udySearchLeaf6(Pjll_t Pjll, Word_t LeafPop1, Word_t Index) +#else +static inline int j__udySearchLeaf6(Pjll_t Pjll, Word_t LeafPop1, Word_t Index) +#endif +{ SEARCHLEAFNONNAT(Pjll, LeafPop1, Index, 6, JU_COPY6_PINDEX_TO_LONG); } + +#ifdef JU_WIN +static __inline int j__udySearchLeaf7(Pjll_t Pjll, Word_t LeafPop1, Word_t Index) +#else +static inline int j__udySearchLeaf7(Pjll_t Pjll, Word_t LeafPop1, Word_t Index) +#endif +{ SEARCHLEAFNONNAT(Pjll, LeafPop1, Index, 7, JU_COPY7_PINDEX_TO_LONG); } + +#endif // JU_64BIT + +#ifdef JU_WIN +static __inline int j__udySearchLeafW(Pjlw_t Pjlw, Word_t LeafPop1, Word_t Index) +#else +static inline int j__udySearchLeafW(Pjlw_t Pjlw, Word_t LeafPop1, Word_t Index) +#endif +{ SEARCHLEAFNATIVE(Word_t, Pjlw, LeafPop1, Index); } + +#endif // compiler support for inline + +#endif // ! _JUDYPRIVATE_INCLUDED diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/JudyPrivate1L.h b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/JudyPrivate1L.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e38914c5 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/JudyPrivate1L.h @@ -0,0 +1,485 @@ +#ifndef _JUDYPRIVATE1L_INCLUDED +#define _JUDYPRIVATE1L_INCLUDED +// _________________ +// +// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company +// +// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +// under the term of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +// option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +// _________________ + +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ + +// **************************************************************************** +// Declare common cJU_* names for JP Types that occur in both Judy1 and JudyL, +// for use by code that ifdefs JUDY1 and JUDYL. Only JP Types common to both +// Judy1 and JudyL are #defined here with equivalent cJU_* names. JP Types +// unique to only Judy1 or JudyL are listed in comments, so the type lists +// match the Judy1.h and JudyL.h files. +// +// This file also defines cJU_* for other JP-related constants and functions +// that some shared JUDY1/JUDYL code finds handy. +// +// At least in principle this file should be included AFTER Judy1.h or JudyL.h. +// +// WARNING: This file must be kept consistent with the enums in Judy1.h and +// JudyL.h. +// +// TBD: You might think, why not define common cJU_* enums in, say, +// JudyPrivate.h, and then inherit them into superset enums in Judy1.h and +// JudyL.h? The problem is that the enum lists for each class (cJ1_* and +// cJL_*) must be numerically "packed" into the correct order, for two reasons: +// (1) allow the compiler to generate "tight" switch statements with no wasted +// slots (although this is not very big), and (2) allow calculations using the +// enum values, although this is also not an issue if the calculations are only +// within each cJ*_JPIMMED_*_* class and the members are packed within the +// class. + +#ifdef JUDY1 + +#define cJU_JRPNULL cJ1_JRPNULL +#define cJU_JPNULL1 cJ1_JPNULL1 +#define cJU_JPNULL2 cJ1_JPNULL2 +#define cJU_JPNULL3 cJ1_JPNULL3 +#ifdef JU_64BIT +#define cJU_JPNULL4 cJ1_JPNULL4 +#define cJU_JPNULL5 cJ1_JPNULL5 +#define cJU_JPNULL6 cJ1_JPNULL6 +#define cJU_JPNULL7 cJ1_JPNULL7 +#endif +#define cJU_JPNULLMAX cJ1_JPNULLMAX +#define cJU_JPBRANCH_L2 cJ1_JPBRANCH_L2 +#define cJU_JPBRANCH_L3 cJ1_JPBRANCH_L3 +#ifdef JU_64BIT +#define cJU_JPBRANCH_L4 cJ1_JPBRANCH_L4 +#define cJU_JPBRANCH_L5 cJ1_JPBRANCH_L5 +#define cJU_JPBRANCH_L6 cJ1_JPBRANCH_L6 +#define cJU_JPBRANCH_L7 cJ1_JPBRANCH_L7 +#endif +#define cJU_JPBRANCH_L cJ1_JPBRANCH_L +#define j__U_BranchBJPPopToWords j__1_BranchBJPPopToWords +#define cJU_JPBRANCH_B2 cJ1_JPBRANCH_B2 +#define cJU_JPBRANCH_B3 cJ1_JPBRANCH_B3 +#ifdef JU_64BIT +#define cJU_JPBRANCH_B4 cJ1_JPBRANCH_B4 +#define cJU_JPBRANCH_B5 cJ1_JPBRANCH_B5 +#define cJU_JPBRANCH_B6 cJ1_JPBRANCH_B6 +#define cJU_JPBRANCH_B7 cJ1_JPBRANCH_B7 +#endif +#define cJU_JPBRANCH_B cJ1_JPBRANCH_B +#define cJU_JPBRANCH_U2 cJ1_JPBRANCH_U2 +#define cJU_JPBRANCH_U3 cJ1_JPBRANCH_U3 +#ifdef JU_64BIT +#define cJU_JPBRANCH_U4 cJ1_JPBRANCH_U4 +#define cJU_JPBRANCH_U5 cJ1_JPBRANCH_U5 +#define cJU_JPBRANCH_U6 cJ1_JPBRANCH_U6 +#define cJU_JPBRANCH_U7 cJ1_JPBRANCH_U7 +#endif +#define cJU_JPBRANCH_U cJ1_JPBRANCH_U +#ifndef JU_64BIT +#define cJU_JPLEAF1 cJ1_JPLEAF1 +#endif +#define cJU_JPLEAF2 cJ1_JPLEAF2 +#define cJU_JPLEAF3 cJ1_JPLEAF3 +#ifdef JU_64BIT +#define cJU_JPLEAF4 cJ1_JPLEAF4 +#define cJU_JPLEAF5 cJ1_JPLEAF5 +#define cJU_JPLEAF6 cJ1_JPLEAF6 +#define cJU_JPLEAF7 cJ1_JPLEAF7 +#endif +#define cJU_JPLEAF_B1 cJ1_JPLEAF_B1 +// cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1 +#define cJU_JPIMMED_1_01 cJ1_JPIMMED_1_01 +#define cJU_JPIMMED_2_01 cJ1_JPIMMED_2_01 +#define cJU_JPIMMED_3_01 cJ1_JPIMMED_3_01 +#ifdef JU_64BIT +#define cJU_JPIMMED_4_01 cJ1_JPIMMED_4_01 +#define cJU_JPIMMED_5_01 cJ1_JPIMMED_5_01 +#define cJU_JPIMMED_6_01 cJ1_JPIMMED_6_01 +#define cJU_JPIMMED_7_01 cJ1_JPIMMED_7_01 +#endif +#define cJU_JPIMMED_1_02 cJ1_JPIMMED_1_02 +#define cJU_JPIMMED_1_03 cJ1_JPIMMED_1_03 +#define cJU_JPIMMED_1_04 cJ1_JPIMMED_1_04 +#define cJU_JPIMMED_1_05 cJ1_JPIMMED_1_05 +#define cJU_JPIMMED_1_06 cJ1_JPIMMED_1_06 +#define cJU_JPIMMED_1_07 cJ1_JPIMMED_1_07 +#ifdef JU_64BIT +// cJ1_JPIMMED_1_08 +// cJ1_JPIMMED_1_09 +// cJ1_JPIMMED_1_10 +// cJ1_JPIMMED_1_11 +// cJ1_JPIMMED_1_12 +// cJ1_JPIMMED_1_13 +// cJ1_JPIMMED_1_14 +// cJ1_JPIMMED_1_15 +#endif +#define cJU_JPIMMED_2_02 cJ1_JPIMMED_2_02 +#define cJU_JPIMMED_2_03 cJ1_JPIMMED_2_03 +#ifdef JU_64BIT +// cJ1_JPIMMED_2_04 +// cJ1_JPIMMED_2_05 +// cJ1_JPIMMED_2_06 +// cJ1_JPIMMED_2_07 +#endif +#define cJU_JPIMMED_3_02 cJ1_JPIMMED_3_02 +#ifdef JU_64BIT +// cJ1_JPIMMED_3_03 +// cJ1_JPIMMED_3_04 +// cJ1_JPIMMED_3_05 +// cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02 +// cJ1_JPIMMED_4_03 +// cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02 +// cJ1_JPIMMED_5_03 +// cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02 +// cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02 +#endif +#define cJU_JPIMMED_CAP cJ1_JPIMMED_CAP + +#else // JUDYL **************************************************************** + +#define cJU_JRPNULL cJL_JRPNULL +#define cJU_JPNULL1 cJL_JPNULL1 +#define cJU_JPNULL2 cJL_JPNULL2 +#define cJU_JPNULL3 cJL_JPNULL3 +#ifdef JU_64BIT +#define cJU_JPNULL4 cJL_JPNULL4 +#define cJU_JPNULL5 cJL_JPNULL5 +#define cJU_JPNULL6 cJL_JPNULL6 +#define cJU_JPNULL7 cJL_JPNULL7 +#endif +#define cJU_JPNULLMAX cJL_JPNULLMAX +#define cJU_JPBRANCH_L2 cJL_JPBRANCH_L2 +#define cJU_JPBRANCH_L3 cJL_JPBRANCH_L3 +#ifdef JU_64BIT +#define cJU_JPBRANCH_L4 cJL_JPBRANCH_L4 +#define cJU_JPBRANCH_L5 cJL_JPBRANCH_L5 +#define cJU_JPBRANCH_L6 cJL_JPBRANCH_L6 +#define cJU_JPBRANCH_L7 cJL_JPBRANCH_L7 +#endif +#define cJU_JPBRANCH_L cJL_JPBRANCH_L +#define j__U_BranchBJPPopToWords j__L_BranchBJPPopToWords +#define cJU_JPBRANCH_B2 cJL_JPBRANCH_B2 +#define cJU_JPBRANCH_B3 cJL_JPBRANCH_B3 +#ifdef JU_64BIT +#define cJU_JPBRANCH_B4 cJL_JPBRANCH_B4 +#define cJU_JPBRANCH_B5 cJL_JPBRANCH_B5 +#define cJU_JPBRANCH_B6 cJL_JPBRANCH_B6 +#define cJU_JPBRANCH_B7 cJL_JPBRANCH_B7 +#endif +#define cJU_JPBRANCH_B cJL_JPBRANCH_B +#define cJU_JPBRANCH_U2 cJL_JPBRANCH_U2 +#define cJU_JPBRANCH_U3 cJL_JPBRANCH_U3 +#ifdef JU_64BIT +#define cJU_JPBRANCH_U4 cJL_JPBRANCH_U4 +#define cJU_JPBRANCH_U5 cJL_JPBRANCH_U5 +#define cJU_JPBRANCH_U6 cJL_JPBRANCH_U6 +#define cJU_JPBRANCH_U7 cJL_JPBRANCH_U7 +#endif +#define cJU_JPBRANCH_U cJL_JPBRANCH_U +#define cJU_JPLEAF1 cJL_JPLEAF1 +#define cJU_JPLEAF2 cJL_JPLEAF2 +#define cJU_JPLEAF3 cJL_JPLEAF3 +#ifdef JU_64BIT +#define cJU_JPLEAF4 cJL_JPLEAF4 +#define cJU_JPLEAF5 cJL_JPLEAF5 +#define cJU_JPLEAF6 cJL_JPLEAF6 +#define cJU_JPLEAF7 cJL_JPLEAF7 +#endif +#define cJU_JPLEAF_B1 cJL_JPLEAF_B1 +#define cJU_JPIMMED_1_01 cJL_JPIMMED_1_01 +#define cJU_JPIMMED_2_01 cJL_JPIMMED_2_01 +#define cJU_JPIMMED_3_01 cJL_JPIMMED_3_01 +#ifdef JU_64BIT +#define cJU_JPIMMED_4_01 cJL_JPIMMED_4_01 +#define cJU_JPIMMED_5_01 cJL_JPIMMED_5_01 +#define cJU_JPIMMED_6_01 cJL_JPIMMED_6_01 +#define cJU_JPIMMED_7_01 cJL_JPIMMED_7_01 +#endif +#define cJU_JPIMMED_1_02 cJL_JPIMMED_1_02 +#define cJU_JPIMMED_1_03 cJL_JPIMMED_1_03 +#ifdef JU_64BIT +#define cJU_JPIMMED_1_04 cJL_JPIMMED_1_04 +#define cJU_JPIMMED_1_05 cJL_JPIMMED_1_05 +#define cJU_JPIMMED_1_06 cJL_JPIMMED_1_06 +#define cJU_JPIMMED_1_07 cJL_JPIMMED_1_07 +#define cJU_JPIMMED_2_02 cJL_JPIMMED_2_02 +#define cJU_JPIMMED_2_03 cJL_JPIMMED_2_03 +#define cJU_JPIMMED_3_02 cJL_JPIMMED_3_02 +#endif +#define cJU_JPIMMED_CAP cJL_JPIMMED_CAP + +#endif // JUDYL + + +// **************************************************************************** +// cJU*_ other than JP types: + +#ifdef JUDY1 + +#define cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1 cJ1_LEAFW_MAXPOP1 +#ifndef JU_64BIT +#define cJU_LEAF1_MAXPOP1 cJ1_LEAF1_MAXPOP1 +#endif +#define cJU_LEAF2_MAXPOP1 cJ1_LEAF2_MAXPOP1 +#define cJU_LEAF3_MAXPOP1 cJ1_LEAF3_MAXPOP1 +#ifdef JU_64BIT +#define cJU_LEAF4_MAXPOP1 cJ1_LEAF4_MAXPOP1 +#define cJU_LEAF5_MAXPOP1 cJ1_LEAF5_MAXPOP1 +#define cJU_LEAF6_MAXPOP1 cJ1_LEAF6_MAXPOP1 +#define cJU_LEAF7_MAXPOP1 cJ1_LEAF7_MAXPOP1 +#endif +#define cJU_IMMED1_MAXPOP1 cJ1_IMMED1_MAXPOP1 +#define cJU_IMMED2_MAXPOP1 cJ1_IMMED2_MAXPOP1 +#define cJU_IMMED3_MAXPOP1 cJ1_IMMED3_MAXPOP1 +#ifdef JU_64BIT +#define cJU_IMMED4_MAXPOP1 cJ1_IMMED4_MAXPOP1 +#define cJU_IMMED5_MAXPOP1 cJ1_IMMED5_MAXPOP1 +#define cJU_IMMED6_MAXPOP1 cJ1_IMMED6_MAXPOP1 +#define cJU_IMMED7_MAXPOP1 cJ1_IMMED7_MAXPOP1 +#endif + +#define JU_LEAF1POPTOWORDS(Pop1) J1_LEAF1POPTOWORDS(Pop1) +#define JU_LEAF2POPTOWORDS(Pop1) J1_LEAF2POPTOWORDS(Pop1) +#define JU_LEAF3POPTOWORDS(Pop1) J1_LEAF3POPTOWORDS(Pop1) +#ifdef JU_64BIT +#define JU_LEAF4POPTOWORDS(Pop1) J1_LEAF4POPTOWORDS(Pop1) +#define JU_LEAF5POPTOWORDS(Pop1) J1_LEAF5POPTOWORDS(Pop1) +#define JU_LEAF6POPTOWORDS(Pop1) J1_LEAF6POPTOWORDS(Pop1) +#define JU_LEAF7POPTOWORDS(Pop1) J1_LEAF7POPTOWORDS(Pop1) +#endif +#define JU_LEAFWPOPTOWORDS(Pop1) J1_LEAFWPOPTOWORDS(Pop1) + +#ifndef JU_64BIT +#define JU_LEAF1GROWINPLACE(Pop1) J1_LEAF1GROWINPLACE(Pop1) +#endif +#define JU_LEAF2GROWINPLACE(Pop1) J1_LEAF2GROWINPLACE(Pop1) +#define JU_LEAF3GROWINPLACE(Pop1) J1_LEAF3GROWINPLACE(Pop1) +#ifdef JU_64BIT +#define JU_LEAF4GROWINPLACE(Pop1) J1_LEAF4GROWINPLACE(Pop1) +#define JU_LEAF5GROWINPLACE(Pop1) J1_LEAF5GROWINPLACE(Pop1) +#define JU_LEAF6GROWINPLACE(Pop1) J1_LEAF6GROWINPLACE(Pop1) +#define JU_LEAF7GROWINPLACE(Pop1) J1_LEAF7GROWINPLACE(Pop1) +#endif +#define JU_LEAFWGROWINPLACE(Pop1) J1_LEAFWGROWINPLACE(Pop1) + +#define j__udyCreateBranchL j__udy1CreateBranchL +#define j__udyCreateBranchB j__udy1CreateBranchB +#define j__udyCreateBranchU j__udy1CreateBranchU +#define j__udyCascade1 j__udy1Cascade1 +#define j__udyCascade2 j__udy1Cascade2 +#define j__udyCascade3 j__udy1Cascade3 +#ifdef JU_64BIT +#define j__udyCascade4 j__udy1Cascade4 +#define j__udyCascade5 j__udy1Cascade5 +#define j__udyCascade6 j__udy1Cascade6 +#define j__udyCascade7 j__udy1Cascade7 +#endif +#define j__udyCascadeL j__udy1CascadeL +#define j__udyInsertBranch j__udy1InsertBranch + +#define j__udyBranchBToBranchL j__udy1BranchBToBranchL +#ifndef JU_64BIT +#define j__udyLeafB1ToLeaf1 j__udy1LeafB1ToLeaf1 +#endif +#define j__udyLeaf1ToLeaf2 j__udy1Leaf1ToLeaf2 +#define j__udyLeaf2ToLeaf3 j__udy1Leaf2ToLeaf3 +#ifndef JU_64BIT +#define j__udyLeaf3ToLeafW j__udy1Leaf3ToLeafW +#else +#define j__udyLeaf3ToLeaf4 j__udy1Leaf3ToLeaf4 +#define j__udyLeaf4ToLeaf5 j__udy1Leaf4ToLeaf5 +#define j__udyLeaf5ToLeaf6 j__udy1Leaf5ToLeaf6 +#define j__udyLeaf6ToLeaf7 j__udy1Leaf6ToLeaf7 +#define j__udyLeaf7ToLeafW j__udy1Leaf7ToLeafW +#endif + +#define jpm_t j1pm_t +#define Pjpm_t Pj1pm_t + +#define jlb_t j1lb_t +#define Pjlb_t Pj1lb_t + +#define JU_JLB_BITMAP J1_JLB_BITMAP + +#define j__udyAllocJPM j__udy1AllocJ1PM +#define j__udyAllocJBL j__udy1AllocJBL +#define j__udyAllocJBB j__udy1AllocJBB +#define j__udyAllocJBBJP j__udy1AllocJBBJP +#define j__udyAllocJBU j__udy1AllocJBU +#ifndef JU_64BIT +#define j__udyAllocJLL1 j__udy1AllocJLL1 +#endif +#define j__udyAllocJLL2 j__udy1AllocJLL2 +#define j__udyAllocJLL3 j__udy1AllocJLL3 +#ifdef JU_64BIT +#define j__udyAllocJLL4 j__udy1AllocJLL4 +#define j__udyAllocJLL5 j__udy1AllocJLL5 +#define j__udyAllocJLL6 j__udy1AllocJLL6 +#define j__udyAllocJLL7 j__udy1AllocJLL7 +#endif +#define j__udyAllocJLW j__udy1AllocJLW +#define j__udyAllocJLB1 j__udy1AllocJLB1 +#define j__udyFreeJPM j__udy1FreeJ1PM +#define j__udyFreeJBL j__udy1FreeJBL +#define j__udyFreeJBB j__udy1FreeJBB +#define j__udyFreeJBBJP j__udy1FreeJBBJP +#define j__udyFreeJBU j__udy1FreeJBU +#ifndef JU_64BIT +#define j__udyFreeJLL1 j__udy1FreeJLL1 +#endif +#define j__udyFreeJLL2 j__udy1FreeJLL2 +#define j__udyFreeJLL3 j__udy1FreeJLL3 +#ifdef JU_64BIT +#define j__udyFreeJLL4 j__udy1FreeJLL4 +#define j__udyFreeJLL5 j__udy1FreeJLL5 +#define j__udyFreeJLL6 j__udy1FreeJLL6 +#define j__udyFreeJLL7 j__udy1FreeJLL7 +#endif +#define j__udyFreeJLW j__udy1FreeJLW +#define j__udyFreeJLB1 j__udy1FreeJLB1 +#define j__udyFreeSM j__udy1FreeSM + +#define j__uMaxWords j__u1MaxWords + +#ifdef DEBUG +#define JudyCheckPop Judy1CheckPop +#endif + +#else // JUDYL **************************************************************** + +#define cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1 cJL_LEAFW_MAXPOP1 +#define cJU_LEAF1_MAXPOP1 cJL_LEAF1_MAXPOP1 +#define cJU_LEAF2_MAXPOP1 cJL_LEAF2_MAXPOP1 +#define cJU_LEAF3_MAXPOP1 cJL_LEAF3_MAXPOP1 +#ifdef JU_64BIT +#define cJU_LEAF4_MAXPOP1 cJL_LEAF4_MAXPOP1 +#define cJU_LEAF5_MAXPOP1 cJL_LEAF5_MAXPOP1 +#define cJU_LEAF6_MAXPOP1 cJL_LEAF6_MAXPOP1 +#define cJU_LEAF7_MAXPOP1 cJL_LEAF7_MAXPOP1 +#endif +#define cJU_IMMED1_MAXPOP1 cJL_IMMED1_MAXPOP1 +#define cJU_IMMED2_MAXPOP1 cJL_IMMED2_MAXPOP1 +#define cJU_IMMED3_MAXPOP1 cJL_IMMED3_MAXPOP1 +#ifdef JU_64BIT +#define cJU_IMMED4_MAXPOP1 cJL_IMMED4_MAXPOP1 +#define cJU_IMMED5_MAXPOP1 cJL_IMMED5_MAXPOP1 +#define cJU_IMMED6_MAXPOP1 cJL_IMMED6_MAXPOP1 +#define cJU_IMMED7_MAXPOP1 cJL_IMMED7_MAXPOP1 +#endif + +#define JU_LEAF1POPTOWORDS(Pop1) JL_LEAF1POPTOWORDS(Pop1) +#define JU_LEAF2POPTOWORDS(Pop1) JL_LEAF2POPTOWORDS(Pop1) +#define JU_LEAF3POPTOWORDS(Pop1) JL_LEAF3POPTOWORDS(Pop1) +#ifdef JU_64BIT +#define JU_LEAF4POPTOWORDS(Pop1) JL_LEAF4POPTOWORDS(Pop1) +#define JU_LEAF5POPTOWORDS(Pop1) JL_LEAF5POPTOWORDS(Pop1) +#define JU_LEAF6POPTOWORDS(Pop1) JL_LEAF6POPTOWORDS(Pop1) +#define JU_LEAF7POPTOWORDS(Pop1) JL_LEAF7POPTOWORDS(Pop1) +#endif +#define JU_LEAFWPOPTOWORDS(Pop1) JL_LEAFWPOPTOWORDS(Pop1) + +#define JU_LEAF1GROWINPLACE(Pop1) JL_LEAF1GROWINPLACE(Pop1) +#define JU_LEAF2GROWINPLACE(Pop1) JL_LEAF2GROWINPLACE(Pop1) +#define JU_LEAF3GROWINPLACE(Pop1) JL_LEAF3GROWINPLACE(Pop1) +#ifdef JU_64BIT +#define JU_LEAF4GROWINPLACE(Pop1) JL_LEAF4GROWINPLACE(Pop1) +#define JU_LEAF5GROWINPLACE(Pop1) JL_LEAF5GROWINPLACE(Pop1) +#define JU_LEAF6GROWINPLACE(Pop1) JL_LEAF6GROWINPLACE(Pop1) +#define JU_LEAF7GROWINPLACE(Pop1) JL_LEAF7GROWINPLACE(Pop1) +#endif +#define JU_LEAFWGROWINPLACE(Pop1) JL_LEAFWGROWINPLACE(Pop1) + +#define j__udyCreateBranchL j__udyLCreateBranchL +#define j__udyCreateBranchB j__udyLCreateBranchB +#define j__udyCreateBranchU j__udyLCreateBranchU +#define j__udyCascade1 j__udyLCascade1 +#define j__udyCascade2 j__udyLCascade2 +#define j__udyCascade3 j__udyLCascade3 +#ifdef JU_64BIT +#define j__udyCascade4 j__udyLCascade4 +#define j__udyCascade5 j__udyLCascade5 +#define j__udyCascade6 j__udyLCascade6 +#define j__udyCascade7 j__udyLCascade7 +#endif +#define j__udyCascadeL j__udyLCascadeL +#define j__udyInsertBranch j__udyLInsertBranch + +#define j__udyBranchBToBranchL j__udyLBranchBToBranchL +#define j__udyLeafB1ToLeaf1 j__udyLLeafB1ToLeaf1 +#define j__udyLeaf1ToLeaf2 j__udyLLeaf1ToLeaf2 +#define j__udyLeaf2ToLeaf3 j__udyLLeaf2ToLeaf3 +#ifndef JU_64BIT +#define j__udyLeaf3ToLeafW j__udyLLeaf3ToLeafW +#else +#define j__udyLeaf3ToLeaf4 j__udyLLeaf3ToLeaf4 +#define j__udyLeaf4ToLeaf5 j__udyLLeaf4ToLeaf5 +#define j__udyLeaf5ToLeaf6 j__udyLLeaf5ToLeaf6 +#define j__udyLeaf6ToLeaf7 j__udyLLeaf6ToLeaf7 +#define j__udyLeaf7ToLeafW j__udyLLeaf7ToLeafW +#endif + +#define jpm_t jLpm_t +#define Pjpm_t PjLpm_t + +#define jlb_t jLlb_t +#define Pjlb_t PjLlb_t + +#define JU_JLB_BITMAP JL_JLB_BITMAP + +#define j__udyAllocJPM j__udyLAllocJLPM +#define j__udyAllocJBL j__udyLAllocJBL +#define j__udyAllocJBB j__udyLAllocJBB +#define j__udyAllocJBBJP j__udyLAllocJBBJP +#define j__udyAllocJBU j__udyLAllocJBU +#define j__udyAllocJLL1 j__udyLAllocJLL1 +#define j__udyAllocJLL2 j__udyLAllocJLL2 +#define j__udyAllocJLL3 j__udyLAllocJLL3 +#ifdef JU_64BIT +#define j__udyAllocJLL4 j__udyLAllocJLL4 +#define j__udyAllocJLL5 j__udyLAllocJLL5 +#define j__udyAllocJLL6 j__udyLAllocJLL6 +#define j__udyAllocJLL7 j__udyLAllocJLL7 +#endif +#define j__udyAllocJLW j__udyLAllocJLW +#define j__udyAllocJLB1 j__udyLAllocJLB1 +// j__udyLAllocJV +#define j__udyFreeJPM j__udyLFreeJLPM +#define j__udyFreeJBL j__udyLFreeJBL +#define j__udyFreeJBB j__udyLFreeJBB +#define j__udyFreeJBBJP j__udyLFreeJBBJP +#define j__udyFreeJBU j__udyLFreeJBU +#define j__udyFreeJLL1 j__udyLFreeJLL1 +#define j__udyFreeJLL2 j__udyLFreeJLL2 +#define j__udyFreeJLL3 j__udyLFreeJLL3 +#ifdef JU_64BIT +#define j__udyFreeJLL4 j__udyLFreeJLL4 +#define j__udyFreeJLL5 j__udyLFreeJLL5 +#define j__udyFreeJLL6 j__udyLFreeJLL6 +#define j__udyFreeJLL7 j__udyLFreeJLL7 +#endif +#define j__udyFreeJLW j__udyLFreeJLW +#define j__udyFreeJLB1 j__udyLFreeJLB1 +#define j__udyFreeSM j__udyLFreeSM +// j__udyLFreeJV + +#define j__uMaxWords j__uLMaxWords + +#ifdef DEBUG +#define JudyCheckPop JudyLCheckPop +#endif + +#endif // JUDYL + +#endif // _JUDYPRIVATE1L_INCLUDED diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/JudyPrivateBranch.h b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/JudyPrivateBranch.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..93081000 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/JudyPrivateBranch.h @@ -0,0 +1,779 @@ +#ifndef _JUDY_PRIVATE_BRANCH_INCLUDED +#define _JUDY_PRIVATE_BRANCH_INCLUDED +// _________________ +// +// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company +// +// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +// under the term of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +// option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +// _________________ + +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ +// +// Header file for all Judy sources, for global but private (non-exported) +// declarations specific to branch support. +// +// See also the "Judy Shop Manual" (try judy/doc/int/JudyShopManual.*). + + +// **************************************************************************** +// JUDY POINTER (JP) SUPPORT +// **************************************************************************** +// +// This "rich pointer" object is pivotal to Judy execution. +// +// JP CONTAINING OTHER THAN IMMEDIATE INDEXES: +// +// If the JP points to a linear or bitmap leaf, jp_DcdPopO contains the +// Population-1 in LSbs and Decode (Dcd) bytes in the MSBs. (In practice the +// Decode bits are masked off while accessing the Pop0 bits.) +// +// The Decode Size, the number of Dcd bytes available, is encoded in jpo_Type. +// It can also be thought of as the number of states "skipped" in the SM, where +// each state decodes 8 bits = 1 byte. +// +// TBD: Dont need two structures, except possibly to force jp_Type to highest +// address! +// +// Note: The jpo_u union is not required by HP-UX or Linux but Win32 because +// the cl.exe compiler otherwise refuses to pack a bitfield (DcdPopO) with +// anything else, even with the -Zp option. This is pretty ugly, but +// fortunately portable, and its all hide-able by macros (see below). + +typedef struct J_UDY_POINTER_OTHERS // JPO. + { + Word_t j_po_Addr; // first word: Pjp_t, Word_t, etc. + union { +// Word_t j_po_DcdPop0:cJU_BITSPERWORD-cJU_BITSPERBYTE; + uint8_t j_po_DcdP0[sizeof(Word_t) - 1]; + uint8_t j_po_Bytes[sizeof(Word_t)]; // last byte = jp_Type. + } jpo_u; + } jpo_t; + + +// JP CONTAINING IMMEDIATE INDEXES: +// +// j_pi_1Index[] plus j_pi_LIndex[] together hold as many N-byte (1..3-byte +// [1..7-byte]) Indexes as will fit in sizeof(jpi_t) less 1 byte for j_pi_Type +// (that is, 7..1 [15..1] Indexes). +// +// For Judy1, j_pi_1Index[] is used and j_pi_LIndex[] is not used. +// For JudyL, j_pi_LIndex[] is used and j_pi_1Index[] is not used. +// +// Note: Actually when Pop1 = 1, jpi_t is not used, and the least bytes of the +// single Index are stored in j_po_DcdPopO, for both Judy1 and JudyL, so for +// JudyL the j_po_Addr field can hold the target value. +// +// TBD: Revise this structure to not overload j_po_DcdPopO this way? The +// current arrangement works, its just confusing. + +typedef struct _JUDY_POINTER_IMMED // JPI. + { + uint8_t j_pi_1Index[sizeof(Word_t)]; // see above. + uint8_t j_pi_LIndex[sizeof(Word_t) - 1]; // see above. + uint8_t j_pi_Type; // JP type, 1 of cJ*_JPIMMED*. + } jpi_t; + + +// UNION OF JP TYPES: +// +// A branch is an array of cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS (256) of this object, or an +// alternate data type such as: A linear branch which is a list of 2..7 JPs, +// or a bitmap branch which contains 8 lists of 0..32 JPs. JPs reside only in +// branches of a Judy SM. + +typedef union J_UDY_POINTER // JP. + { + jpo_t j_po; // other than immediate indexes. + jpi_t j_pi; // immediate indexes. + } jp_t, *Pjp_t; + +// For coding convenience: +// +// Note, jp_Type has the same bits in jpo_t and jpi_t. + +#define jp_1Index j_pi.j_pi_1Index // for storing Indexes in first word. +#define jp_LIndex j_pi.j_pi_LIndex // for storing Indexes in second word. +#define jp_Addr j_po.j_po_Addr +//#define jp_DcdPop0 j_po.jpo_u.j_po_DcdPop0 +#define jp_Type j_po.jpo_u.j_po_Bytes[sizeof(Word_t) - 1] +#define jp_DcdP0 j_po.jpo_u.j_po_DcdP0 + + +// **************************************************************************** +// JUDY POINTER (JP) -- RELATED MACROS AND CONSTANTS +// **************************************************************************** + +// EXTRACT VALUES FROM JP: +// +// Masks for the bytes in the Dcd and Pop0 parts of jp_DcdPopO: +// +// cJU_DCDMASK() consists of a mask that excludes the (LSb) Pop0 bytes and +// also, just to be safe, the top byte of the word, since jp_DcdPopO is 1 byte +// less than a full word. +// +// Note: These are constant macros (cJU) because cPopBytes should be a +// constant. Also note cPopBytes == state in the SM. + +#define cJU_POP0MASK(cPopBytes) JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(cPopBytes) + +#define cJU_DCDMASK(cPopBytes) \ + ((cJU_ALLONES >> cJU_BITSPERBYTE) & (~cJU_POP0MASK(cPopBytes))) + +// Mask off the high byte from INDEX to it can be compared to DcdPopO: + +#define JU_TRIMTODCDSIZE(INDEX) ((cJU_ALLONES >> cJU_BITSPERBYTE) & (INDEX)) + +// Get from jp_DcdPopO the Pop0 for various branch JP Types: +// +// Note: There are no simple macros for cJU_BRANCH* Types because their +// populations must be added up and dont reside in an already-calculated +// place. + +#define JU_JPBRANCH_POP0(PJP,cPopBytes) \ + (JU_JPDCDPOP0(PJP) & cJU_POP0MASK(cPopBytes)) + +// METHOD FOR DETERMINING IF OBJECTS HAVE ROOM TO GROW: +// +// J__U_GROWCK() is a generic method to determine if an object can grow in +// place, based on whether the next population size (one more) would use the +// same space. + +#define J__U_GROWCK(POP1,MAXPOP1,POPTOWORDS) \ + (((POP1) != (MAXPOP1)) && (POPTOWORDS[POP1] == POPTOWORDS[(POP1) + 1])) + +#define JU_BRANCHBJPGROWINPLACE(NumJPs) \ + J__U_GROWCK(NumJPs, cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB, j__U_BranchBJPPopToWords) + + +// DETERMINE IF AN INDEX IS (NOT) IN A JPS EXPANSE: + +#define JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(INDEX,PJP,POP0BYTES) \ + (((INDEX) ^ JU_JPDCDPOP0(PJP)) & cJU_DCDMASK(POP0BYTES)) + + +// NUMBER OF JPs IN AN UNCOMPRESSED BRANCH: +// +// An uncompressed branch is simply an array of 256 Judy Pointers (JPs). It is +// a minimum cacheline fill object. Define it here before its first needed. + +#define cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS cJU_SUBEXPPERSTATE + + +// **************************************************************************** +// JUDY BRANCH LINEAR (JBL) SUPPORT +// **************************************************************************** +// +// A linear branch is a way of compressing empty expanses (null JPs) out of an +// uncompressed 256-way branch, when the number of populated expanses is so +// small that even a bitmap branch is excessive. +// +// The maximum number of JPs in a Judy linear branch: +// +// Note: This number results in a 1-cacheline sized structure. Previous +// versions had a larger struct so a linear branch didnt become a bitmap +// branch until the memory consumed was even, but for speed, its better to +// switch "sooner" and keep a linear branch fast. + +#define cJU_BRANCHLMAXJPS 7 + + +// LINEAR BRANCH STRUCT: +// +// 1-byte count, followed by array of byte-sized expanses, followed by JPs. + +typedef struct J__UDY_BRANCH_LINEAR + { + uint8_t jbl_NumJPs; // num of JPs (Pjp_t), 1..N. + uint8_t jbl_Expanse[cJU_BRANCHLMAXJPS]; // 1..7 MSbs of pop exps. + jp_t jbl_jp [cJU_BRANCHLMAXJPS]; // JPs for populated exps. + } jbl_t, * Pjbl_t; + + +// **************************************************************************** +// JUDY BRANCH BITMAP (JBB) SUPPORT +// **************************************************************************** +// +// A bitmap branch is a way of compressing empty expanses (null JPs) out of +// uncompressed 256-way branch. This costs 1 additional cache line fill, but +// can save a lot of memory when it matters most, near the leaves, and +// typically there will be only one at most in the path to any Index (leaf). +// +// The bitmap indicates which of the cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS (256) JPs in the branch +// are NOT null, that is, their expanses are populated. The jbb_t also +// contains N pointers to "mini" Judy branches ("subexpanses") of up to M JPs +// each (see BITMAP_BRANCHMxN, for example, BITMAP_BRANCH32x8), where M x N = +// cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS. These are dynamically allocated and never contain +// cJ*_JPNULL* jp_Types. An empty subexpanse is represented by no bit sets in +// the corresponding subexpanse bitmap, in which case the corresponding +// jbbs_Pjp pointers value is unused. +// +// Note that the number of valid JPs in each 1-of-N subexpanses is determined +// by POPULATION rather than by EXPANSE -- the desired outcome to save memory +// when near the leaves. Note that the memory required for 185 JPs is about as +// much as an uncompressed 256-way branch, therefore 184 is set as the maximum. +// However, it is expected that a conversion to an uncompressed 256-way branch +// will normally take place before this limit is reached for other reasons, +// such as improving performance when the "wasted" memory is well amortized by +// the population under the branch, preserving an acceptable overall +// bytes/Index in the Judy array. +// +// The number of pointers to arrays of JPs in the Judy bitmap branch: +// +// Note: The numbers below are the same in both 32 and 64 bit systems. + +#define cJU_BRANCHBMAXJPS 184 // maximum JPs for bitmap branches. + +// Convenience wrappers for referencing BranchB bitmaps or JP subarray +// pointers: +// +// Note: JU_JBB_PJP produces a "raw" memory address that must pass through +// P_JP before use, except when freeing memory: + +#define JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, SubExp) ((Pjbb)->jbb_jbbs[SubExp].jbbs_Bitmap) +#define JU_JBB_PJP( Pjbb, SubExp) ((Pjbb)->jbb_jbbs[SubExp].jbbs_Pjp) + +#define JU_SUBEXPB(Digit) (((Digit) / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB) & (cJU_NUMSUBEXPB-1)) + +#define JU_BITMAPTESTB(Pjbb, Index) \ + (JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, JU_SUBEXPB(Index)) & JU_BITPOSMASKB(Index)) + +#define JU_BITMAPSETB(Pjbb, Index) \ + (JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, JU_SUBEXPB(Index)) |= JU_BITPOSMASKB(Index)) + +// Note: JU_BITMAPCLEARB is not defined because the code does it a faster way. + +typedef struct J__UDY_BRANCH_BITMAP_SUBEXPANSE + { + BITMAPB_t jbbs_Bitmap; + Pjp_t jbbs_Pjp; + + } jbbs_t; + +typedef struct J__UDY_BRANCH_BITMAP + { + jbbs_t jbb_jbbs [cJU_NUMSUBEXPB]; +#ifdef SUBEXPCOUNTS + Word_t jbb_subPop1[cJU_NUMSUBEXPB]; +#endif + } jbb_t, * Pjbb_t; + +#define JU_BRANCHJP_NUMJPSTOWORDS(NumJPs) (j__U_BranchBJPPopToWords[NumJPs]) + +#ifdef SUBEXPCOUNTS +#define cJU_NUMSUBEXPU 16 // number of subexpanse counts. +#endif + + +// **************************************************************************** +// JUDY BRANCH UNCOMPRESSED (JBU) SUPPORT +// **************************************************************************** + +// Convenience wrapper for referencing BranchU JPs: +// +// Note: This produces a non-"raw" address already passed through P_JBU(). + +#define JU_JBU_PJP(Pjp,Index,Level) \ + (&((P_JBU((Pjp)->jp_Addr))->jbu_jp[JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, Level)])) +#define JU_JBU_PJP0(Pjp) \ + (&((P_JBU((Pjp)->jp_Addr))->jbu_jp[0])) + +typedef struct J__UDY_BRANCH_UNCOMPRESSED + { + jp_t jbu_jp [cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS]; // JPs for populated exp. +#ifdef SUBEXPCOUNTS + Word_t jbu_subPop1[cJU_NUMSUBEXPU]; +#endif + } jbu_t, * Pjbu_t; + + +// **************************************************************************** +// OTHER SUPPORT FOR JUDY STATE MACHINES (SMs) +// **************************************************************************** + +// OBJECT SIZES IN WORDS: +// +// Word_ts per various JudyL structures that have constant sizes. +// cJU_WORDSPERJP should always be 2; this is fundamental to the Judy +// structures. + +#define cJU_WORDSPERJP (sizeof(jp_t) / cJU_BYTESPERWORD) +#define cJU_WORDSPERCL (cJU_BYTESPERCL / cJU_BYTESPERWORD) + + +// OPPORTUNISTIC UNCOMPRESSION: +// +// Define populations at which a BranchL or BranchB must convert to BranchU. +// Earlier conversion is possible with good memory efficiency -- see below. + +#ifndef NO_BRANCHU + +// Max population below BranchL, then convert to BranchU: + +#define JU_BRANCHL_MAX_POP 1000 + +// Minimum global population increment before next conversion of a BranchB to a +// BranchU: +// +// This is was done to allow malloc() to coalesce memory before the next big +// (~512 words) allocation. + +#define JU_BTOU_POP_INCREMENT 300 + +// Min/max population below BranchB, then convert to BranchU: + +#define JU_BRANCHB_MIN_POP 135 +#define JU_BRANCHB_MAX_POP 750 + +#else // NO_BRANCHU + +// These are set up to have conservative conversion schedules to BranchU: + +#define JU_BRANCHL_MAX_POP (-1UL) +#define JU_BTOU_POP_INCREMENT 300 +#define JU_BRANCHB_MIN_POP 1000 +#define JU_BRANCHB_MAX_POP (-1UL) + +#endif // NO_BRANCHU + + +// MISCELLANEOUS MACROS: + +// Get N most significant bits from the shifted Index word: +// +// As Index words are decoded, they are shifted left so only relevant, +// undecoded Index bits remain. + +#define JU_BITSFROMSFTIDX(SFTIDX, N) ((SFTIDX) >> (cJU_BITSPERWORD - (N))) + +// TBD: I have my doubts about the necessity of these macros (dlb): + +// Produce 1-digit mask at specified state: + +#define cJU_MASKATSTATE(State) (0xffL << (((State) - 1) * cJU_BITSPERBYTE)) + +// Get byte (digit) from Index at the specified state, right justified: +// +// Note: State must be 1..cJU_ROOTSTATE, and Digits must be 1..(cJU_ROOTSTATE +// - 1), but theres no way to assert these within an expression. + +#define JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index,cState) \ + ((uint8_t)((Index) >> (((cState) - 1) * cJU_BITSPERBYTE))) + +// Similarly, place byte (digit) at correct position for the specified state: +// +// Note: Cast digit to a Word_t first so there are no complaints or problems +// about shifting it more than 32 bits on a 64-bit system, say, when it is a +// uint8_t from jbl_Expanse[]. (Believe it or not, the C standard says to +// promote an unsigned char to a signed int; -Ac does not do this, but -Ae +// does.) +// +// Also, to make lint happy, cast the whole result again because apparently +// shifting a Word_t does not result in a Word_t! + +#define JU_DIGITTOSTATE(Digit,cState) \ + ((Word_t) (((Word_t) (Digit)) << (((cState) - 1) * cJU_BITSPERBYTE))) + +#endif // ! _JUDY_PRIVATE_BRANCH_INCLUDED + + +#ifdef TEST_INSDEL + +// **************************************************************************** +// TEST CODE FOR INSERT/DELETE MACROS +// **************************************************************************** +// +// To use this, compile a temporary *.c file containing: +// +// #define DEBUG +// #define JUDY_ASSERT +// #define TEST_INSDEL +// #include "JudyPrivate.h" +// #include "JudyPrivateBranch.h" +// +// Use a command like this: cc -Ae +DD64 -I. -I JudyCommon -o t t.c +// For best results, include +DD64 on a 64-bit system. +// +// This test code exercises some tricky macros, but the output must be studied +// manually to verify it. Assume that for even-index testing, whole words +// (Word_t) suffices. + +#include + +#define INDEXES 3 // in each array. + + +// **************************************************************************** +// I N I T +// +// Set up variables for next test. See usage. + +FUNCTION void Init ( + int base, + PWord_t PeIndex, + PWord_t PoIndex, + PWord_t Peleaf, // always whole words. +#ifndef JU_64BIT + uint8_t * Poleaf3) +#else + uint8_t * Poleaf3, + uint8_t * Poleaf5, + uint8_t * Poleaf6, + uint8_t * Poleaf7) +#endif +{ + int offset; + + *PeIndex = 99; + + for (offset = 0; offset <= INDEXES; ++offset) + Peleaf[offset] = base + offset; + + for (offset = 0; offset < (INDEXES + 1) * 3; ++offset) + Poleaf3[offset] = base + offset; + +#ifndef JU_64BIT + *PoIndex = (91 << 24) | (92 << 16) | (93 << 8) | 94; +#else + + *PoIndex = (91L << 56) | (92L << 48) | (93L << 40) | (94L << 32) + | (95L << 24) | (96L << 16) | (97L << 8) | 98L; + + for (offset = 0; offset < (INDEXES + 1) * 5; ++offset) + Poleaf5[offset] = base + offset; + + for (offset = 0; offset < (INDEXES + 1) * 6; ++offset) + Poleaf6[offset] = base + offset; + + for (offset = 0; offset < (INDEXES + 1) * 7; ++offset) + Poleaf7[offset] = base + offset; +#endif + +} // Init() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// P R I N T L E A F +// +// Print the byte values in a leaf. + +FUNCTION void PrintLeaf ( + char * Label, // for output. + int IOffset, // insertion offset in array. + int Indsize, // index size in bytes. + uint8_t * PLeaf) // array of Index bytes. +{ + int offset; // in PLeaf. + int byte; // in one word. + + (void) printf("%s %u: ", Label, IOffset); + + for (offset = 0; offset <= INDEXES; ++offset) + { + for (byte = 0; byte < Indsize; ++byte) + (void) printf("%2d", PLeaf[(offset * Indsize) + byte]); + + (void) printf(" "); + } + + (void) printf("\n"); + +} // PrintLeaf() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// M A I N +// +// Test program. + +FUNCTION main() +{ + Word_t eIndex; // even, to insert. + Word_t oIndex; // odd, to insert. + Word_t eleaf [ INDEXES + 1]; // even leaf, index size 4. + uint8_t oleaf3[(INDEXES + 1) * 3]; // odd leaf, index size 3. +#ifdef JU_64BIT + uint8_t oleaf5[(INDEXES + 1) * 5]; // odd leaf, index size 5. + uint8_t oleaf6[(INDEXES + 1) * 6]; // odd leaf, index size 6. + uint8_t oleaf7[(INDEXES + 1) * 7]; // odd leaf, index size 7. +#endif + Word_t eleaf_2 [ INDEXES + 1]; // same, but second arrays: + uint8_t oleaf3_2[(INDEXES + 1) * 3]; +#ifdef JU_64BIT + uint8_t oleaf5_2[(INDEXES + 1) * 5]; + uint8_t oleaf6_2[(INDEXES + 1) * 6]; + uint8_t oleaf7_2[(INDEXES + 1) * 7]; +#endif + int ioffset; // index insertion offset. + +#ifndef JU_64BIT +#define INIT Init( 0, & eIndex, & oIndex, eleaf, oleaf3) +#define INIT2 INIT; Init(50, & eIndex, & oIndex, eleaf_2, oleaf3_2) +#else +#define INIT Init( 0, & eIndex, & oIndex, eleaf, oleaf3, \ + oleaf5, oleaf6, oleaf7) +#define INIT2 INIT; Init(50, & eIndex, & oIndex, eleaf_2, oleaf3_2, \ + oleaf5_2, oleaf6_2, oleaf7_2) +#endif + +#define WSIZE sizeof (Word_t) // shorthand. + +#ifdef PRINTALL // to turn on "noisy" printouts. +#define PRINTLEAF(Label,IOffset,Indsize,PLeaf) \ + PrintLeaf(Label,IOffset,Indsize,PLeaf) +#else +#define PRINTLEAF(Label,IOffset,Indsize,PLeaf) \ + if (ioffset == 0) \ + PrintLeaf(Label,IOffset,Indsize,PLeaf) +#endif + + (void) printf( +"In each case, tests operate on an initial array of %d indexes. Even-index\n" +"tests set index values to 0,1,2...; odd-index tests set byte values to\n" +"0,1,2... Inserted indexes have a value of 99 or else byte values 91,92,...\n", + INDEXES); + + (void) puts("\nJU_INSERTINPLACE():"); + + for (ioffset = 0; ioffset <= INDEXES; ++ioffset) + { + INIT; + PRINTLEAF("Before", ioffset, WSIZE, (uint8_t *) eleaf); + JU_INSERTINPLACE(eleaf, INDEXES, ioffset, eIndex); + PrintLeaf("After ", ioffset, WSIZE, (uint8_t *) eleaf); + } + + (void) puts("\nJU_INSERTINPLACE3():"); + + for (ioffset = 0; ioffset <= INDEXES; ++ioffset) + { + INIT; + PRINTLEAF("Before", ioffset, 3, oleaf3); + JU_INSERTINPLACE3(oleaf3, INDEXES, ioffset, oIndex); + PrintLeaf("After ", ioffset, 3, oleaf3); + } + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + (void) puts("\nJU_INSERTINPLACE5():"); + + for (ioffset = 0; ioffset <= INDEXES; ++ioffset) + { + INIT; + PRINTLEAF("Before", ioffset, 5, oleaf5); + JU_INSERTINPLACE5(oleaf5, INDEXES, ioffset, oIndex); + PrintLeaf("After ", ioffset, 5, oleaf5); + } + + (void) puts("\nJU_INSERTINPLACE6():"); + + for (ioffset = 0; ioffset <= INDEXES; ++ioffset) + { + INIT; + PRINTLEAF("Before", ioffset, 6, oleaf6); + JU_INSERTINPLACE6(oleaf6, INDEXES, ioffset, oIndex); + PrintLeaf("After ", ioffset, 6, oleaf6); + } + + (void) puts("\nJU_INSERTINPLACE7():"); + + for (ioffset = 0; ioffset <= INDEXES; ++ioffset) + { + INIT; + PRINTLEAF("Before", ioffset, 7, oleaf7); + JU_INSERTINPLACE7(oleaf7, INDEXES, ioffset, oIndex); + PrintLeaf("After ", ioffset, 7, oleaf7); + } +#endif // JU_64BIT + + (void) puts("\nJU_DELETEINPLACE():"); + + for (ioffset = 0; ioffset < INDEXES; ++ioffset) + { + INIT; + PRINTLEAF("Before", ioffset, WSIZE, (uint8_t *) eleaf); + JU_DELETEINPLACE(eleaf, INDEXES, ioffset); + PrintLeaf("After ", ioffset, WSIZE, (uint8_t *) eleaf); + } + + (void) puts("\nJU_DELETEINPLACE_ODD(3):"); + + for (ioffset = 0; ioffset < INDEXES; ++ioffset) + { + INIT; + PRINTLEAF("Before", ioffset, 3, oleaf3); + JU_DELETEINPLACE_ODD(oleaf3, INDEXES, ioffset, 3); + PrintLeaf("After ", ioffset, 3, oleaf3); + } + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + (void) puts("\nJU_DELETEINPLACE_ODD(5):"); + + for (ioffset = 0; ioffset < INDEXES; ++ioffset) + { + INIT; + PRINTLEAF("Before", ioffset, 5, oleaf5); + JU_DELETEINPLACE_ODD(oleaf5, INDEXES, ioffset, 5); + PrintLeaf("After ", ioffset, 5, oleaf5); + } + + (void) puts("\nJU_DELETEINPLACE_ODD(6):"); + + for (ioffset = 0; ioffset < INDEXES; ++ioffset) + { + INIT; + PRINTLEAF("Before", ioffset, 6, oleaf6); + JU_DELETEINPLACE_ODD(oleaf6, INDEXES, ioffset, 6); + PrintLeaf("After ", ioffset, 6, oleaf6); + } + + (void) puts("\nJU_DELETEINPLACE_ODD(7):"); + + for (ioffset = 0; ioffset < INDEXES; ++ioffset) + { + INIT; + PRINTLEAF("Before", ioffset, 7, oleaf7); + JU_DELETEINPLACE_ODD(oleaf7, INDEXES, ioffset, 7); + PrintLeaf("After ", ioffset, 7, oleaf7); + } +#endif // JU_64BIT + + (void) puts("\nJU_INSERTCOPY():"); + + for (ioffset = 0; ioffset <= INDEXES; ++ioffset) + { + INIT2; + PRINTLEAF("Before, src ", ioffset, WSIZE, (uint8_t *) eleaf); + PRINTLEAF("Before, dest", ioffset, WSIZE, (uint8_t *) eleaf_2); + JU_INSERTCOPY(eleaf_2, eleaf, INDEXES, ioffset, eIndex); + PRINTLEAF("After, src ", ioffset, WSIZE, (uint8_t *) eleaf); + PrintLeaf("After, dest", ioffset, WSIZE, (uint8_t *) eleaf_2); + } + + (void) puts("\nJU_INSERTCOPY3():"); + + for (ioffset = 0; ioffset <= INDEXES; ++ioffset) + { + INIT2; + PRINTLEAF("Before, src ", ioffset, 3, oleaf3); + PRINTLEAF("Before, dest", ioffset, 3, oleaf3_2); + JU_INSERTCOPY3(oleaf3_2, oleaf3, INDEXES, ioffset, oIndex); + PRINTLEAF("After, src ", ioffset, 3, oleaf3); + PrintLeaf("After, dest", ioffset, 3, oleaf3_2); + } + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + (void) puts("\nJU_INSERTCOPY5():"); + + for (ioffset = 0; ioffset <= INDEXES; ++ioffset) + { + INIT2; + PRINTLEAF("Before, src ", ioffset, 5, oleaf5); + PRINTLEAF("Before, dest", ioffset, 5, oleaf5_2); + JU_INSERTCOPY5(oleaf5_2, oleaf5, INDEXES, ioffset, oIndex); + PRINTLEAF("After, src ", ioffset, 5, oleaf5); + PrintLeaf("After, dest", ioffset, 5, oleaf5_2); + } + + (void) puts("\nJU_INSERTCOPY6():"); + + for (ioffset = 0; ioffset <= INDEXES; ++ioffset) + { + INIT2; + PRINTLEAF("Before, src ", ioffset, 6, oleaf6); + PRINTLEAF("Before, dest", ioffset, 6, oleaf6_2); + JU_INSERTCOPY6(oleaf6_2, oleaf6, INDEXES, ioffset, oIndex); + PRINTLEAF("After, src ", ioffset, 6, oleaf6); + PrintLeaf("After, dest", ioffset, 6, oleaf6_2); + } + + (void) puts("\nJU_INSERTCOPY7():"); + + for (ioffset = 0; ioffset <= INDEXES; ++ioffset) + { + INIT2; + PRINTLEAF("Before, src ", ioffset, 7, oleaf7); + PRINTLEAF("Before, dest", ioffset, 7, oleaf7_2); + JU_INSERTCOPY7(oleaf7_2, oleaf7, INDEXES, ioffset, oIndex); + PRINTLEAF("After, src ", ioffset, 7, oleaf7); + PrintLeaf("After, dest", ioffset, 7, oleaf7_2); + } +#endif // JU_64BIT + + (void) puts("\nJU_DELETECOPY():"); + + for (ioffset = 0; ioffset < INDEXES; ++ioffset) + { + INIT2; + PRINTLEAF("Before, src ", ioffset, WSIZE, (uint8_t *) eleaf); + PRINTLEAF("Before, dest", ioffset, WSIZE, (uint8_t *) eleaf_2); + JU_DELETECOPY(eleaf_2, eleaf, INDEXES, ioffset, ignore); + PRINTLEAF("After, src ", ioffset, WSIZE, (uint8_t *) eleaf); + PrintLeaf("After, dest", ioffset, WSIZE, (uint8_t *) eleaf_2); + } + + (void) puts("\nJU_DELETECOPY_ODD(3):"); + + for (ioffset = 0; ioffset < INDEXES; ++ioffset) + { + INIT2; + PRINTLEAF("Before, src ", ioffset, 3, oleaf3); + PRINTLEAF("Before, dest", ioffset, 3, oleaf3_2); + JU_DELETECOPY_ODD(oleaf3_2, oleaf3, INDEXES, ioffset, 3); + PRINTLEAF("After, src ", ioffset, 3, oleaf3); + PrintLeaf("After, dest", ioffset, 3, oleaf3_2); + } + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + (void) puts("\nJU_DELETECOPY_ODD(5):"); + + for (ioffset = 0; ioffset < INDEXES; ++ioffset) + { + INIT2; + PRINTLEAF("Before, src ", ioffset, 5, oleaf5); + PRINTLEAF("Before, dest", ioffset, 5, oleaf5_2); + JU_DELETECOPY_ODD(oleaf5_2, oleaf5, INDEXES, ioffset, 5); + PRINTLEAF("After, src ", ioffset, 5, oleaf5); + PrintLeaf("After, dest", ioffset, 5, oleaf5_2); + } + + (void) puts("\nJU_DELETECOPY_ODD(6):"); + + for (ioffset = 0; ioffset < INDEXES; ++ioffset) + { + INIT2; + PRINTLEAF("Before, src ", ioffset, 6, oleaf6); + PRINTLEAF("Before, dest", ioffset, 6, oleaf6_2); + JU_DELETECOPY_ODD(oleaf6_2, oleaf6, INDEXES, ioffset, 6); + PRINTLEAF("After, src ", ioffset, 6, oleaf6); + PrintLeaf("After, dest", ioffset, 6, oleaf6_2); + } + + (void) puts("\nJU_DELETECOPY_ODD(7):"); + + for (ioffset = 0; ioffset < INDEXES; ++ioffset) + { + INIT2; + PRINTLEAF("Before, src ", ioffset, 7, oleaf7); + PRINTLEAF("Before, dest", ioffset, 7, oleaf7_2); + JU_DELETECOPY_ODD(oleaf7_2, oleaf7, INDEXES, ioffset, 7); + PRINTLEAF("After, src ", ioffset, 7, oleaf7); + PrintLeaf("After, dest", ioffset, 7, oleaf7_2); + } +#endif // JU_64BIT + + return(0); + +} // main() + +#endif // TEST_INSDEL diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/JudyTables.c b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/JudyTables.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5a180504 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/JudyTables.c @@ -0,0 +1,296 @@ +// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company +// +// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +// under the term of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +// option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +// _________________ + +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ + +#ifndef JU_WIN +#include // unavailable on win_*. +#endif + +#include +#include + +#if (! (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JUDYL))) +#error: One of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL must be specified. +#endif + +#define TERMINATOR 999 // terminator for Alloc tables + +#define BPW sizeof(Word_t) // define bytes per word + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#include "Judy1.h" +#else +#include "JudyL.h" +#endif + +FILE *fd; + +// Definitions come from header files Judy1.h and JudyL.h: + +int AllocSizes[] = ALLOCSIZES; + +#define ROUNDUP(BYTES,BPW,OFFSETW) \ + ((((BYTES) + (BPW) - 1) / (BPW)) + (OFFSETW)) + + +// **************************************************************************** +// G E N T A B L E +// +// Note: "const" is required for newer compilers. + +FUNCTION void GenTable( + const char * TableName, // name of table string + const char * TableSize, // dimentioned size string + int IndexBytes, // bytes per Index + int LeafSize, // number elements in object + int ValueBytes, // bytes per Value + int OffsetWords) // 1 for LEAFW +{ + int * PAllocSizes = AllocSizes; + int OWord; + int CurWord; + int IWord; + int ii; + int BytesOfIndex; + int BytesOfObject; + int Index; + int LastWords; + int Words [1000] = { 0 }; + int Offset[1000] = { 0 }; + int MaxWords; + + MaxWords = ROUNDUP((IndexBytes + ValueBytes) * LeafSize, BPW, OffsetWords); + Words[0] = 0; + Offset[0] = 0; + CurWord = TERMINATOR; + +// Walk through all number of Indexes in table: + + for (Index = 1; /* null */; ++Index) + { + +// Calculate byte required for next size: + + BytesOfIndex = IndexBytes * Index; + BytesOfObject = (IndexBytes + ValueBytes) * Index; + +// Round up and calculate words required for next size: + + OWord = ROUNDUP(BytesOfObject, BPW, OffsetWords); + IWord = ROUNDUP(BytesOfIndex, BPW, OffsetWords); + +// Root-level leaves of population of 1 and 2 do not have the 1 word offset: + +// Save minimum value of offset: + + Offset[Index] = IWord; + +// Round up to next available size of words: + + while (OWord > *PAllocSizes) PAllocSizes++; + + if (Index == LeafSize) + { + CurWord = Words[Index] = OWord; + break; + } +// end of available sizes ? + + if (*PAllocSizes == TERMINATOR) + { + fprintf(stderr, "BUG, in %sPopToWords, sizes not big enough for object\n", TableName); + exit(1); + } + +// Save words required and last word: + + if (*PAllocSizes < MaxWords) { CurWord = Words[Index] = *PAllocSizes; } + else { CurWord = Words[Index] = MaxWords; } + + } // for each index + + LastWords = TERMINATOR; + +// Round up to largest size in each group of malloc sizes: + + for (ii = LeafSize; ii > 0; ii--) + { + if (LastWords > (Words[ii] - ii)) LastWords = Offset[ii]; + else Offset[ii] = LastWords; + } + +// Print the PopToWords[] table: + + fprintf(fd,"\n//\tobject uses %d words\n", CurWord); + fprintf(fd,"//\t%s = %d\n", TableSize, LeafSize); + + fprintf(fd,"const uint8_t\n"); + fprintf(fd,"%sPopToWords[%s + 1] =\n", TableName, TableSize); + fprintf(fd,"{\n\t 0,"); + + for (ii = 1; ii <= LeafSize; ii++) + { + +// 8 columns per line, starting with 1: + + if ((ii % 8) == 1) fprintf(fd,"\n\t"); + + fprintf(fd,"%2d", Words[ii]); + +// If not last number place comma: + + if (ii != LeafSize) fprintf(fd,", "); + } + fprintf(fd,"\n};\n"); + +// Print the Offset table if needed: + + if (! ValueBytes) return; + + fprintf(fd,"const uint8_t\n"); + fprintf(fd,"%sOffset[%s + 1] =\n", TableName, TableSize); + fprintf(fd,"{\n"); + fprintf(fd,"\t 0,"); + + for (ii = 1; ii <= LeafSize; ii++) + { + if ((ii % 8) == 1) fprintf(fd,"\n\t"); + + fprintf(fd,"%2d", Offset[ii]); + + if (ii != LeafSize) fprintf(fd,", "); + } + fprintf(fd,"\n};\n"); + +} // GenTable() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// M A I N + +FUNCTION int main() +{ + int ii; + +#ifdef JUDY1 + char *fname = "Judy1Tables.c"; +#else + char *fname = "JudyLTables.c"; +#endif + + if ((fd = fopen(fname, "w")) == NULL){ + perror("FATAL ERROR: could not write to Judy[1L]Tables.c file\n"); + return (-1); + } + + + fprintf(fd,"// @(#) From generation tool: $Revision$ $Source$\n"); + fprintf(fd,"//\n\n"); + + +// ================================ Judy1 ================================= +#ifdef JUDY1 + + fprintf(fd,"#include \"Judy1.h\"\n"); + + fprintf(fd,"// Leave the malloc() sizes readable in the binary (via " + "strings(1)):\n"); + fprintf(fd,"const char * Judy1MallocSizes = \"Judy1MallocSizes ="); + + for (ii = 0; AllocSizes[ii] != TERMINATOR; ii++) + fprintf(fd," %d,", AllocSizes[ii]); + +#ifndef JU_64BIT + fprintf(fd," Leaf1 = %d\";\n\n", cJ1_LEAF1_MAXPOP1); +#else + fprintf(fd,"\";\n\n"); // no Leaf1 in this case. +#endif + +// ================================ 32 bit ================================ +#ifndef JU_64BIT + + GenTable("j__1_BranchBJP","cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB", 8, cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB,0,0); + + GenTable("j__1_Leaf1", "cJ1_LEAF1_MAXPOP1", 1, cJ1_LEAF1_MAXPOP1, 0, 0); + GenTable("j__1_Leaf2", "cJ1_LEAF2_MAXPOP1", 2, cJ1_LEAF2_MAXPOP1, 0, 0); + GenTable("j__1_Leaf3", "cJ1_LEAF3_MAXPOP1", 3, cJ1_LEAF3_MAXPOP1, 0, 0); + GenTable("j__1_LeafW", "cJ1_LEAFW_MAXPOP1", 4, cJ1_LEAFW_MAXPOP1, 0, 1); + +#endif + +// ================================ 64 bit ================================ +#ifdef JU_64BIT + GenTable("j__1_BranchBJP","cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB",16, cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB,0,0); + + GenTable("j__1_Leaf2", "cJ1_LEAF2_MAXPOP1", 2, cJ1_LEAF2_MAXPOP1, 0, 0); + GenTable("j__1_Leaf3", "cJ1_LEAF3_MAXPOP1", 3, cJ1_LEAF3_MAXPOP1, 0, 0); + GenTable("j__1_Leaf4", "cJ1_LEAF4_MAXPOP1", 4, cJ1_LEAF4_MAXPOP1, 0, 0); + GenTable("j__1_Leaf5", "cJ1_LEAF5_MAXPOP1", 5, cJ1_LEAF5_MAXPOP1, 0, 0); + GenTable("j__1_Leaf6", "cJ1_LEAF6_MAXPOP1", 6, cJ1_LEAF6_MAXPOP1, 0, 0); + GenTable("j__1_Leaf7", "cJ1_LEAF7_MAXPOP1", 7, cJ1_LEAF7_MAXPOP1, 0, 0); + GenTable("j__1_LeafW", "cJ1_LEAFW_MAXPOP1", 8, cJ1_LEAFW_MAXPOP1, 0, 1); +#endif +#endif // JUDY1 + + +// ================================ JudyL ================================= +#ifdef JUDYL + + fprintf(fd,"#include \"JudyL.h\"\n"); + + fprintf(fd,"// Leave the malloc() sizes readable in the binary (via " + "strings(1)):\n"); + fprintf(fd,"const char * JudyLMallocSizes = \"JudyLMallocSizes ="); + + for (ii = 0; AllocSizes[ii] != TERMINATOR; ii++) + fprintf(fd," %d,", AllocSizes[ii]); + + fprintf(fd," Leaf1 = %ld\";\n\n", (Word_t)cJL_LEAF1_MAXPOP1); + +#ifndef JU_64BIT +// ================================ 32 bit ================================ + GenTable("j__L_BranchBJP","cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB", 8, cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB, 0,0); + + GenTable("j__L_Leaf1", "cJL_LEAF1_MAXPOP1", 1, cJL_LEAF1_MAXPOP1, BPW,0); + GenTable("j__L_Leaf2", "cJL_LEAF2_MAXPOP1", 2, cJL_LEAF2_MAXPOP1, BPW,0); + GenTable("j__L_Leaf3", "cJL_LEAF3_MAXPOP1", 3, cJL_LEAF3_MAXPOP1, BPW,0); + GenTable("j__L_LeafW", "cJL_LEAFW_MAXPOP1", 4, cJL_LEAFW_MAXPOP1, BPW,1); + GenTable("j__L_LeafV", "cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL", 4, cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL, 0,0); +#endif // 32 BIT + +#ifdef JU_64BIT +// ================================ 64 bit ================================ + GenTable("j__L_BranchBJP","cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB",16, cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB, 0,0); + + GenTable("j__L_Leaf1", "cJL_LEAF1_MAXPOP1", 1, cJL_LEAF1_MAXPOP1, BPW,0); + GenTable("j__L_Leaf2", "cJL_LEAF2_MAXPOP1", 2, cJL_LEAF2_MAXPOP1, BPW,0); + GenTable("j__L_Leaf3", "cJL_LEAF3_MAXPOP1", 3, cJL_LEAF3_MAXPOP1, BPW,0); + GenTable("j__L_Leaf4", "cJL_LEAF4_MAXPOP1", 4, cJL_LEAF4_MAXPOP1, BPW,0); + GenTable("j__L_Leaf5", "cJL_LEAF5_MAXPOP1", 5, cJL_LEAF5_MAXPOP1, BPW,0); + GenTable("j__L_Leaf6", "cJL_LEAF6_MAXPOP1", 6, cJL_LEAF6_MAXPOP1, BPW,0); + GenTable("j__L_Leaf7", "cJL_LEAF7_MAXPOP1", 7, cJL_LEAF7_MAXPOP1, BPW,0); + GenTable("j__L_LeafW", "cJL_LEAFW_MAXPOP1", 8, cJL_LEAFW_MAXPOP1, BPW,1); + GenTable("j__L_LeafV", "cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL", 8, cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL, 0,0); +#endif // 64 BIT + +#endif // JUDYL + fclose(fd); + + return(0); + +} // main() diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/Makefile.am b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/Makefile.am new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bf4705ff --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/Makefile.am @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +INCLUDES = -I. -I.. +AM_CFLAGS = @CFLAGS@ @WARN_CFLAGS@ + +noinst_LTLIBRARIES = libJudyMalloc.la + +libJudyMalloc_la_SOURCES = JudyMalloc.c diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/Makefile.in b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/Makefile.in new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c9b52065 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/Makefile.in @@ -0,0 +1,430 @@ +# Makefile.in generated by automake 1.9.3 from Makefile.am. +# @configure_input@ + +# Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, +# 2003, 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# This Makefile.in is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. + +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law; without +# even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A +# PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + +@SET_MAKE@ + +SOURCES = $(libJudyMalloc_la_SOURCES) + +srcdir = @srcdir@ +top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@ +VPATH = @srcdir@ +pkgdatadir = $(datadir)/@PACKAGE@ +pkglibdir = $(libdir)/@PACKAGE@ +pkgincludedir = $(includedir)/@PACKAGE@ +top_builddir = ../.. +am__cd = CDPATH="$${ZSH_VERSION+.}$(PATH_SEPARATOR)" && cd +INSTALL = @INSTALL@ +install_sh_DATA = $(install_sh) -c -m 644 +install_sh_PROGRAM = $(install_sh) -c +install_sh_SCRIPT = $(install_sh) -c +INSTALL_HEADER = $(INSTALL_DATA) +transform = $(program_transform_name) +NORMAL_INSTALL = : +PRE_INSTALL = : +POST_INSTALL = : +NORMAL_UNINSTALL = : +PRE_UNINSTALL = : +POST_UNINSTALL = : +build_triplet = @build@ +host_triplet = @host@ +subdir = src/JudyCommon +DIST_COMMON = README $(srcdir)/Makefile.am $(srcdir)/Makefile.in +ACLOCAL_M4 = $(top_srcdir)/aclocal.m4 +am__aclocal_m4_deps = $(top_srcdir)/configure.ac +am__configure_deps = $(am__aclocal_m4_deps) $(CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCIES) \ + $(ACLOCAL_M4) +mkinstalldirs = $(install_sh) -d +CONFIG_HEADER = $(top_builddir)/config.h +CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES = +LTLIBRARIES = $(noinst_LTLIBRARIES) +libJudyMalloc_la_LIBADD = +am_libJudyMalloc_la_OBJECTS = JudyMalloc.lo +libJudyMalloc_la_OBJECTS = $(am_libJudyMalloc_la_OBJECTS) +DEFAULT_INCLUDES = -I. -I$(srcdir) -I$(top_builddir) +depcomp = $(SHELL) $(top_srcdir)/depcomp +am__depfiles_maybe = depfiles +COMPILE = $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) \ + $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) +LTCOMPILE = $(LIBTOOL) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) \ + $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) \ + $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) +CCLD = $(CC) +LINK = $(LIBTOOL) --tag=CC --mode=link $(CCLD) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) \ + $(AM_LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ +SOURCES = $(libJudyMalloc_la_SOURCES) +DIST_SOURCES = $(libJudyMalloc_la_SOURCES) +ETAGS = etags +CTAGS = ctags +DISTFILES = $(DIST_COMMON) $(DIST_SOURCES) $(TEXINFOS) $(EXTRA_DIST) +ACLOCAL = @ACLOCAL@ +AMDEP_FALSE = @AMDEP_FALSE@ +AMDEP_TRUE = @AMDEP_TRUE@ +AMTAR = @AMTAR@ +AR = @AR@ +AUTOCONF = @AUTOCONF@ +AUTOHEADER = @AUTOHEADER@ +AUTOMAKE = @AUTOMAKE@ +AWK = @AWK@ +CC = @CC@ +CCDEPMODE = @CCDEPMODE@ +CFLAGS = @CFLAGS@ +CPP = @CPP@ +CPPFLAGS = @CPPFLAGS@ +CXX = @CXX@ +CXXCPP = @CXXCPP@ +CXXDEPMODE = @CXXDEPMODE@ +CXXFLAGS = @CXXFLAGS@ +CYGPATH_W = @CYGPATH_W@ +DEFS = @DEFS@ +DEPDIR = @DEPDIR@ +ECHO = @ECHO@ +ECHO_C = @ECHO_C@ +ECHO_N = @ECHO_N@ +ECHO_T = @ECHO_T@ +EGREP = @EGREP@ +EXEEXT = @EXEEXT@ +F77 = @F77@ +FFLAGS = @FFLAGS@ +FLAVOR = @FLAVOR@ +INSTALL_DATA = @INSTALL_DATA@ +INSTALL_PROGRAM = @INSTALL_PROGRAM@ +INSTALL_SCRIPT = @INSTALL_SCRIPT@ +INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM = @INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM@ +LD = @LD@ +LDFLAGS = @LDFLAGS@ +LIBOBJS = @LIBOBJS@ +LIBS = @LIBS@ +LIBTOOL = @LIBTOOL@ +LN_S = @LN_S@ +LTLIBOBJS = @LTLIBOBJS@ +MAINT = @MAINT@ +MAINTAINER_MODE_FALSE = @MAINTAINER_MODE_FALSE@ +MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE = @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ +MAKEINFO = @MAKEINFO@ +OBJEXT = @OBJEXT@ +PACKAGE = @PACKAGE@ +PACKAGE_BUGREPORT = @PACKAGE_BUGREPORT@ +PACKAGE_NAME = @PACKAGE_NAME@ +PACKAGE_STRING = @PACKAGE_STRING@ +PACKAGE_TARNAME = @PACKAGE_TARNAME@ +PACKAGE_VERSION = @PACKAGE_VERSION@ +PATH_SEPARATOR = @PATH_SEPARATOR@ +RANLIB = @RANLIB@ +SET_MAKE = @SET_MAKE@ +SHELL = @SHELL@ +STRIP = @STRIP@ +VERSION = @VERSION@ +VERSION_INFO = @VERSION_INFO@ +WARN_CFLAGS = @WARN_CFLAGS@ +ac_ct_AR = @ac_ct_AR@ +ac_ct_CC = @ac_ct_CC@ +ac_ct_CXX = @ac_ct_CXX@ +ac_ct_F77 = @ac_ct_F77@ +ac_ct_LD = @ac_ct_LD@ +ac_ct_RANLIB = @ac_ct_RANLIB@ +ac_ct_STRIP = @ac_ct_STRIP@ +am__fastdepCC_FALSE = @am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ +am__fastdepCC_TRUE = @am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ +am__fastdepCXX_FALSE = @am__fastdepCXX_FALSE@ +am__fastdepCXX_TRUE = @am__fastdepCXX_TRUE@ +am__include = @am__include@ +am__leading_dot = @am__leading_dot@ +am__quote = @am__quote@ +am__tar = @am__tar@ +am__untar = @am__untar@ +bindir = @bindir@ +build = @build@ +build_alias = @build_alias@ +build_cpu = @build_cpu@ +build_os = @build_os@ +build_vendor = @build_vendor@ +datadir = @datadir@ +exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@ +host = @host@ +host_alias = @host_alias@ +host_cpu = @host_cpu@ +host_os = @host_os@ +host_vendor = @host_vendor@ +includedir = @includedir@ +infodir = @infodir@ +install_sh = @install_sh@ +libdir = @libdir@ +libexecdir = @libexecdir@ +localstatedir = @localstatedir@ +mandir = @mandir@ +mkdir_p = @mkdir_p@ +oldincludedir = @oldincludedir@ +prefix = @prefix@ +program_transform_name = @program_transform_name@ +sbindir = @sbindir@ +sharedstatedir = @sharedstatedir@ +sysconfdir = @sysconfdir@ +target_alias = @target_alias@ +INCLUDES = -I. -I.. +AM_CFLAGS = @CFLAGS@ @WARN_CFLAGS@ +noinst_LTLIBRARIES = libJudyMalloc.la +libJudyMalloc_la_SOURCES = JudyMalloc.c +all: all-am + +.SUFFIXES: +.SUFFIXES: .c .lo .o .obj +$(srcdir)/Makefile.in: @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(srcdir)/Makefile.am $(am__configure_deps) + @for dep in $?; do \ + case '$(am__configure_deps)' in \ + *$$dep*) \ + cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh \ + && exit 0; \ + exit 1;; \ + esac; \ + done; \ + echo ' cd $(top_srcdir) && $(AUTOMAKE) --gnu src/JudyCommon/Makefile'; \ + cd $(top_srcdir) && \ + $(AUTOMAKE) --gnu src/JudyCommon/Makefile +.PRECIOUS: Makefile +Makefile: $(srcdir)/Makefile.in $(top_builddir)/config.status + @case '$?' in \ + *config.status*) \ + cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh;; \ + *) \ + echo ' cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$@ $(am__depfiles_maybe)'; \ + cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$@ $(am__depfiles_maybe);; \ + esac; + +$(top_builddir)/config.status: $(top_srcdir)/configure $(CONFIG_STATUS_DEPENDENCIES) + cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh + +$(top_srcdir)/configure: @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(am__configure_deps) + cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh +$(ACLOCAL_M4): @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(am__aclocal_m4_deps) + cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh + +clean-noinstLTLIBRARIES: + -test -z "$(noinst_LTLIBRARIES)" || rm -f $(noinst_LTLIBRARIES) + @list='$(noinst_LTLIBRARIES)'; for p in $$list; do \ + dir="`echo $$p | sed -e 's|/[^/]*$$||'`"; \ + test "$$dir" != "$$p" || dir=.; \ + echo "rm -f \"$${dir}/so_locations\""; \ + rm -f "$${dir}/so_locations"; \ + done +libJudyMalloc.la: $(libJudyMalloc_la_OBJECTS) $(libJudyMalloc_la_DEPENDENCIES) + $(LINK) $(libJudyMalloc_la_LDFLAGS) $(libJudyMalloc_la_OBJECTS) $(libJudyMalloc_la_LIBADD) $(LIBS) + +mostlyclean-compile: + -rm -f *.$(OBJEXT) + +distclean-compile: + -rm -f *.tab.c + +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/JudyMalloc.Plo@am__quote@ + +.c.o: +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ if $(COMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF "$(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo" -c -o $@ $<; \ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ then mv -f "$(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo" "$(DEPDIR)/$*.Po"; else rm -f "$(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo"; exit 1; fi +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='$<' object='$@' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(COMPILE) -c $< + +.c.obj: +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ if $(COMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF "$(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo" -c -o $@ `$(CYGPATH_W) '$<'`; \ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ then mv -f "$(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo" "$(DEPDIR)/$*.Po"; else rm -f "$(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo"; exit 1; fi +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='$<' object='$@' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(COMPILE) -c `$(CYGPATH_W) '$<'` + +.c.lo: +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ if $(LTCOMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF "$(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo" -c -o $@ $<; \ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ then mv -f "$(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo" "$(DEPDIR)/$*.Plo"; else rm -f "$(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo"; exit 1; fi +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='$<' object='$@' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LTCOMPILE) -c -o $@ $< + +mostlyclean-libtool: + -rm -f *.lo + +clean-libtool: + -rm -rf .libs _libs + +distclean-libtool: + -rm -f libtool +uninstall-info-am: + +ID: $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES) + list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \ + unique=`for i in $$list; do \ + if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ + done | \ + $(AWK) ' { files[$$0] = 1; } \ + END { for (i in files) print i; }'`; \ + mkid -fID $$unique +tags: TAGS + +TAGS: $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(TAGS_DEPENDENCIES) \ + $(TAGS_FILES) $(LISP) + tags=; \ + here=`pwd`; \ + list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \ + unique=`for i in $$list; do \ + if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ + done | \ + $(AWK) ' { files[$$0] = 1; } \ + END { for (i in files) print i; }'`; \ + if test -z "$(ETAGS_ARGS)$$tags$$unique"; then :; else \ + test -n "$$unique" || unique=$$empty_fix; \ + $(ETAGS) $(ETAGSFLAGS) $(AM_ETAGSFLAGS) $(ETAGS_ARGS) \ + $$tags $$unique; \ + fi +ctags: CTAGS +CTAGS: $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(TAGS_DEPENDENCIES) \ + $(TAGS_FILES) $(LISP) + tags=; \ + here=`pwd`; \ + list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \ + unique=`for i in $$list; do \ + if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ + done | \ + $(AWK) ' { files[$$0] = 1; } \ + END { for (i in files) print i; }'`; \ + test -z "$(CTAGS_ARGS)$$tags$$unique" \ + || $(CTAGS) $(CTAGSFLAGS) $(AM_CTAGSFLAGS) $(CTAGS_ARGS) \ + $$tags $$unique + +GTAGS: + here=`$(am__cd) $(top_builddir) && pwd` \ + && cd $(top_srcdir) \ + && gtags -i $(GTAGS_ARGS) $$here + +distclean-tags: + -rm -f TAGS ID GTAGS GRTAGS GSYMS GPATH tags + +distdir: $(DISTFILES) + @srcdirstrip=`echo "$(srcdir)" | sed 's|.|.|g'`; \ + topsrcdirstrip=`echo "$(top_srcdir)" | sed 's|.|.|g'`; \ + list='$(DISTFILES)'; for file in $$list; do \ + case $$file in \ + $(srcdir)/*) file=`echo "$$file" | sed "s|^$$srcdirstrip/||"`;; \ + $(top_srcdir)/*) file=`echo "$$file" | sed "s|^$$topsrcdirstrip/|$(top_builddir)/|"`;; \ + esac; \ + if test -f $$file || test -d $$file; then d=.; else d=$(srcdir); fi; \ + dir=`echo "$$file" | sed -e 's,/[^/]*$$,,'`; \ + if test "$$dir" != "$$file" && test "$$dir" != "."; then \ + dir="/$$dir"; \ + $(mkdir_p) "$(distdir)$$dir"; \ + else \ + dir=''; \ + fi; \ + if test -d $$d/$$file; then \ + if test -d $(srcdir)/$$file && test $$d != $(srcdir); then \ + cp -pR $(srcdir)/$$file $(distdir)$$dir || exit 1; \ + fi; \ + cp -pR $$d/$$file $(distdir)$$dir || exit 1; \ + else \ + test -f $(distdir)/$$file \ + || cp -p $$d/$$file $(distdir)/$$file \ + || exit 1; \ + fi; \ + done +check-am: all-am +check: check-am +all-am: Makefile $(LTLIBRARIES) +installdirs: +install: install-am +install-exec: install-exec-am +install-data: install-data-am +uninstall: uninstall-am + +install-am: all-am + @$(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) install-exec-am install-data-am + +installcheck: installcheck-am +install-strip: + $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) INSTALL_PROGRAM="$(INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM)" \ + install_sh_PROGRAM="$(INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM)" INSTALL_STRIP_FLAG=-s \ + `test -z '$(STRIP)' || \ + echo "INSTALL_PROGRAM_ENV=STRIPPROG='$(STRIP)'"` install +mostlyclean-generic: + +clean-generic: + +distclean-generic: + -test -z "$(CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES)" || rm -f $(CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES) + +maintainer-clean-generic: + @echo "This command is intended for maintainers to use" + @echo "it deletes files that may require special tools to rebuild." +clean: clean-am + +clean-am: clean-generic clean-libtool clean-noinstLTLIBRARIES \ + mostlyclean-am + +distclean: distclean-am + -rm -rf ./$(DEPDIR) + -rm -f Makefile +distclean-am: clean-am distclean-compile distclean-generic \ + distclean-libtool distclean-tags + +dvi: dvi-am + +dvi-am: + +html: html-am + +info: info-am + +info-am: + +install-data-am: + +install-exec-am: + +install-info: install-info-am + +install-man: + +installcheck-am: + +maintainer-clean: maintainer-clean-am + -rm -rf ./$(DEPDIR) + -rm -f Makefile +maintainer-clean-am: distclean-am maintainer-clean-generic + +mostlyclean: mostlyclean-am + +mostlyclean-am: mostlyclean-compile mostlyclean-generic \ + mostlyclean-libtool + +pdf: pdf-am + +pdf-am: + +ps: ps-am + +ps-am: + +uninstall-am: uninstall-info-am + +.PHONY: CTAGS GTAGS all all-am check check-am clean clean-generic \ + clean-libtool clean-noinstLTLIBRARIES ctags distclean \ + distclean-compile distclean-generic distclean-libtool \ + distclean-tags distdir dvi dvi-am html html-am info info-am \ + install install-am install-data install-data-am install-exec \ + install-exec-am install-info install-info-am install-man \ + install-strip installcheck installcheck-am installdirs \ + maintainer-clean maintainer-clean-generic mostlyclean \ + mostlyclean-compile mostlyclean-generic mostlyclean-libtool \ + pdf pdf-am ps ps-am tags uninstall uninstall-am \ + uninstall-info-am + +# Tell versions [3.59,3.63) of GNU make to not export all variables. +# Otherwise a system limit (for SysV at least) may be exceeded. +.NOEXPORT: diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/README b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/README new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b0a4aa93 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyCommon/README @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +# @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ +# +# This tree contains sources for Judy common files. These include shared +# header files, ifdef'd common source files for Judy1/JudyL functions, and +# shared utility functions. + + +# SHARED HEADER FILES: + +JudyPrivate.h global private header file for all Judy internal + sources + +JudyPrivateBranch.h global private header file for all Judy internal + sources, specifically for branch-related + declarations + +JudyPrivate1L.h global private header file for Judy internal + sources that generate both Judy1 and JudyL + object files, via -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL, using + common names for JP Types, plus some other + generic declarations too + + +# IFDEF'D COMMON SOURCE FILES FOR JUDY1/JUDYL FUNCTIONS: +# +# See Judy(3C) manual entry about these sources for exported functions. + +JudyGet.c common code for Judy1Test() and JudyLGet() +JudyIns.c common code for Judy1Set() and JudyLIns() +JudyDel.c common code for Judy1Unset() and JudyLDel() +JudyFirst.c common code for Judy1 and JudyL +JudyPrevNext.c common code for Judy1, JudyL; Judy*Prev(), Judy*Next() +JudyPrevNextEmpty.c common code for Judy1, JudyL; Judy*PrevEmpty(), + Judy*NextEmpty() +JudyCount.c common code for Judy1 and JudyL +JudyByCount.c common code for Judy1 and JudyL +JudyFreeArray.c common code for Judy1 and JudyL +JudyMemUsed.c common code for Judy1 and JudyL +JudyMemActive.c common code for Judy1 and JudyL + +JudyInsArray.c common code for Judy1 and JudyL + + +# SHARED UTILITY FUNCTIONS: + +JudyMalloc.c source file + +JudyTables.c static definitions of translation tables; a main + program is #ifdef-embedded to generate these tables + +# Common code for Judy1 and JudyL that is compiled twice with -DJUDY1 or +# -DJUDYL: + +JudyInsertBranch.c insert a linear branch between a branch and a leaf +JudyCreateBranch.c create and copy all types of branches + +JudyCascade.c handles overflow insertion of an Index, including + common Decode bytes and branch creation + +JudyDecascade.c handles underflow deletion of an Index, including + common Decode bytes and branch deletion + +JudyMallocIF.c a Judy malloc/free interface, for statistics and + debugging + +JudyPrintJP.c debug/trace code #included in other *.c files diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyHS/JudyHS.c b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyHS/JudyHS.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6ff15692 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyHS/JudyHS.c @@ -0,0 +1,771 @@ +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source: /judy/src/JudyHS/JudyHS.c +//======================================================================= +// Author Douglas L. Baskins, Dec 2003. +// Permission to use this code is freely granted, provided that this +// statement is retained. +// email - doug@sourcejudy.com -or- dougbaskins@yahoo.com +//======================================================================= + +#include // for memcmp(), memcpy() + +#include // for JudyL* routines/macros + +/* + This routine is a very fast "string" version of an ADT that stores + (JudyHSIns()), retrieves (JudyHSGet()), deletes (JudyHSDel()) and + frees the entire ADT (JudyHSFreeArray()) strings. It uses the "Judy + arrays" JudyL() API as the main workhorse. The length of the string + is included in the calling parameters so that strings with embedded + \0s can be used. The string lengths can be from 0 bytes to whatever + malloc() can handle (~2GB). + + Compile: + + cc -O JudyHS.c -c needs to link with -lJudy (libJudy.a) + + Note: in gcc version 3.3.1, -O2 generates faster code than -O + Note: in gcc version 3.3.2, -O3 generates faster code than -O2 + + NOTES: + +1) There may be some performance issues with 64 bit machines, because I + have not characterized that it yet. + +2) It appears that a modern CPU (>2Ghz) that the instruction times are + much faster that a RAM access, so building up a word from bytes takes + no longer that a whole word access. I am taking advantage of this to + make this code endian neutral. A side effect of this is strings do + not need to be aligned, nor tested to be on to a word boundry. In + older and in slow (RISC) machines, this may be a performance issue. + I have given up trying to optimize for machines that have very slow + mpy, mod, variable shifts and call returns. + +3) JudyHS is very scalable from 1 string to billions (with enough RAM). + The memory usage is also scales with population. I have attempted to + combine the best characteristics of JudyL arrays with Hashing methods + and well designed modern processors (such as the 1.3Ghz Intel + Centrino this is being written on). + + HOW JudyHS WORKS: ( 4[8] means 4 bytes in 32 bit machine and 8 in 64) + + A) A JudyL array is used to separate strings of equal lengths into + their own structures (a different hash table is used for each length + of string). The additional time overhead is very near zero because + of the CPU cache. The space efficiency is improved because the + length need not be stored with the string (ls_t). The "JLHash" ADT + in the test program "StringCompare" is verification of both these + assumptions. + + B) A 32 bit hash value is produced from the string. Many thanks to + the Internet and the author (Bob Jenkins) for coming up with a very + good and fast universal string hash. Next the 32 bit hash number is + used as an Index to another JudyL array. Notice that one (1) JudyL + array is used as a hash table per each string length. If there are + no hash collisions (normally) then the string is copied to a + structure (ls_t) along with room for storing a Value. A flag is + added to the pointer to note it is pointing to a ls_t structure. + Since the lengths of the strings are the same, there is no need to + stored length of string in the ls_t structure. This saves about a + word per string of memory. + + C) When there is a hashing collision (very rare), a JudyL array is + used to decode the next 4[8] bytes of the string. That is, the next + 4[8] bytes of the string are used as the Index. This process is + repeated until the remaining string is unique. The remaining string + (if any) is stored in a (now smaller) ls_t structure. If the + remaining string is less or equal to 4[8] bytes, then the ls_t + structure is not needed and the Value area in the JudyL array is + used. A compile option -DDONOTUSEHASH is available to test this + structure without using hashing (only the JudyL tree is used). This + is equivalent to having all strings hashed to the same bucket. The + speed is still better than all other tree based ADTs I have tested. + An added benefit of this is a very fast "hash collision" resolving. + It could foil hackers that exploit the slow synonym (linked-list) + collision handling property used with most hashing algorithms. If + this is not a necessary property, then a simpler ADT "JLHash" that is + documented the the test program "StringCompare.c" may be used with a + little loss of memory efficiency (because it includes the string + length with the ls_t structure). JudyHS was written to be the + fastest, very scalable, memory efficient, general purpose string ADT + possible. (However, I would like to eat those words someday). (dlb) + +*/ + +#ifdef EXAMPLE_CODE +#include +#include +#include + +#include + +//#include "JudyHS.h" // for Judy.h without JudyHS*() + +// By Doug Baskins Apr 2004 - for JudyHS man page + +#define MAXLINE 1000000 /* max length of line */ +char Index[MAXLINE]; // string to check + +int // Usage: CheckDupLines < file +main() +{ + Pvoid_t PJArray = (PWord_t)NULL; // Judy array. + PWord_t PValue; // ^ Judy array element. + Word_t Bytes; // size of JudyHS array. + Word_t LineNumb = 0; // current line number + Word_t Dups = 0; // number of duplicate lines + + while (fgets(Index, MAXLINE, stdin) != (char *)NULL) + { + LineNumb++; // line number + +// store string into array + JHSI(PValue, PJArray, Index, strlen(Index)); + if (*PValue) // check if duplicate + { + Dups++; // count duplicates + printf("Duplicate lines %lu:%lu:%s", *PValue, LineNumb, Index); + } + else + { + *PValue = LineNumb; // store Line number + } + } + printf("%lu Duplicates, free JudyHS array of %lu Lines\n", + Dups, LineNumb - Dups); + JHSFA(Bytes, PJArray); // free array + printf("The JudyHS array allocated %lu bytes of memory\n", Bytes); + return (0); +} +#endif // EXAMPLE_CODE + +// Note: Use JLAP_INVALID, which is non-zero, to mark pointers to a ls_t +// This makes it compatable with previous versions of JudyL() + +#define IS_PLS(PLS) (((Word_t) (PLS)) & JLAP_INVALID) +#define CLEAR_PLS(PLS) (((Word_t) (PLS)) & (~JLAP_INVALID)) +#define SET_PLS(PLS) (((Word_t) (PLS)) | JLAP_INVALID) + +#define WORDSIZE (sizeof(Word_t)) + +// this is the struct used for "leaf" strings. Note that +// the Value is followed by a "variable" length ls_String array. +// +typedef struct L_EAFSTRING +{ + Word_t ls_Value; // Value area (cannot change size) + uint8_t ls_String[WORDSIZE]; // to fill out to a Word_t size +} ls_t , *Pls_t; + +#define LS_STRUCTOVD (sizeof(ls_t) - WORDSIZE) + +// Calculate size of ls_t including the string of length of LEN. +// +#define LS_WORDLEN(LEN) (((LEN) + LS_STRUCTOVD + WORDSIZE - 1) / WORDSIZE) + +// Copy from 0..4[8] bytes from string to a Word_t +// NOTE: the copy in in little-endian order to take advantage of improved +// memory efficiency of JudyLIns() with smaller numbers +// +#define COPYSTRING4toWORD(WORD,STR,LEN) \ +{ \ + WORD = 0; \ + switch(LEN) \ + { \ + default: /* four and greater */ \ + case 4: \ + WORD += (Word_t)(((uint8_t *)(STR))[3] << 24); \ + case 3: \ + WORD += (Word_t)(((uint8_t *)(STR))[2] << 16); \ + case 2: \ + WORD += (Word_t)(((uint8_t *)(STR))[1] << 8); \ + case 1: \ + WORD += (Word_t)(((uint8_t *)(STR))[0]); \ + case 0: break; \ + } \ +} + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + +// copy from 0..8 bytes from string to Word_t +// +#define COPYSTRING8toWORD(WORD,STR,LEN) \ +{ \ + WORD = 0UL; \ + switch(LEN) \ + { \ + default: /* eight and greater */ \ + case 8: \ + WORD += ((Word_t)((uint8_t *)(STR))[7] << 56); \ + case 7: \ + WORD += ((Word_t)((uint8_t *)(STR))[6] << 48); \ + case 6: \ + WORD += ((Word_t)((uint8_t *)(STR))[5] << 40); \ + case 5: \ + WORD += ((Word_t)((uint8_t *)(STR))[4] << 32); \ + case 4: \ + WORD += ((Word_t)((uint8_t *)(STR))[3] << 24); \ + case 3: \ + WORD += ((Word_t)((uint8_t *)(STR))[2] << 16); \ + case 2: \ + WORD += ((Word_t)((uint8_t *)(STR))[1] << 8); \ + case 1: \ + WORD += ((Word_t)((uint8_t *)(STR))[0]); \ + case 0: break; \ + } \ +} + +#define COPYSTRINGtoWORD COPYSTRING8toWORD + +#else // JU_32BIT + +#define COPYSTRINGtoWORD COPYSTRING4toWORD + +#endif // JU_32BIT + +// set JError_t locally + +#define JU_SET_ERRNO(PJERROR, JERRNO) \ +{ \ + if (PJERROR != (PJError_t) NULL) \ + { \ + if (JERRNO) \ + JU_ERRNO(PJError) = (JERRNO); \ + JU_ERRID(PJERROR) = __LINE__; \ + } \ +} + +//======================================================================= +// This routine must hash string to 24..32 bits. The "goodness" of +// the hash is not as important as its speed. +//======================================================================= + +// hash to no more than 32 bits + +// extern Word_t gHmask; for hash bits experiments + +#define JUDYHASHSTR(HVALUE,STRING,LENGTH) \ +{ \ + uint8_t *p_ = (uint8_t *)(STRING); \ + uint8_t *q_ = p_ + (LENGTH); \ + uint32_t c_ = 0; \ + for (; p_ != q_; ++p_) \ + { \ + c_ = (c_ * 31) + *p_; \ + } \ +/* c_ &= gHmask; see above */ \ + (HVALUE) = c_; \ +} + +// Find String of Len in JudyHS structure, return pointer to associated Value + +PPvoid_t +JudyHSGet(Pcvoid_t PArray, // pointer (^) to structure + void * Str, // pointer to string + Word_t Len // length of string + ) +{ + uint8_t *String = (uint8_t *)Str; + PPvoid_t PPValue; // pointer to Value + Word_t Index; // 4[8] bytes of String + + JLG(PPValue, PArray, Len); // find hash table for strings of Len + if (PPValue == (PPvoid_t) NULL) + return ((PPvoid_t) NULL); // no strings of this Len + +// check for caller error (null pointer) +// + if ((String == (void *) NULL) && (Len != 0)) + return ((PPvoid_t) NULL); // avoid null-pointer dereference + +#ifndef DONOTUSEHASH + if (Len > WORDSIZE) // Hash table not necessary with short + { + uint32_t HValue; // hash of input string + JUDYHASHSTR(HValue, String, Len); // hash to no more than 32 bits + JLG(PPValue, *PPValue, (Word_t)HValue); // get ^ to hash bucket + if (PPValue == (PPvoid_t) NULL) + return ((PPvoid_t) NULL); // no entry in Hash table + } +#endif // DONOTUSEHASH + +/* + Each JudyL array decodes 4[8] bytes of the string. Since the hash + collisions occur very infrequently, the performance is not important. + However, even if the Hash code is not used this method still is + significantly faster than common tree methods (AVL, Red-Black, Splay, + b-tree, etc..). You can compare it yourself with #define DONOTUSEHASH + 1 or putting -DDONOTUSEHASH in the cc line. Use the "StringCompare.c" + code to compare (9Dec2003 dlb). +*/ + while (Len > WORDSIZE) // traverse tree of JudyL arrays + { + if (IS_PLS(*PPValue)) // ^ to JudyL array or ls_t struct? + { + Pls_t Pls; // ls_t struct, termination of tree + Pls = (Pls_t) CLEAR_PLS(*PPValue); // remove flag from ^ + +// if remaining string matches, return ^ to Value, else NULL + + if (memcmp(String, Pls->ls_String, Len) == 0) + return ((PPvoid_t) (&(Pls->ls_Value))); + else + return ((PPvoid_t) NULL); // string does not match + } + else + { + COPYSTRINGtoWORD(Index, String, WORDSIZE); + + JLG(PPValue, *PPValue, Index); // decode next 4[8] bytes + if (PPValue == (PPvoid_t) NULL) // if NULL array, bail out + return ((PPvoid_t) NULL); // string does not match + + String += WORDSIZE; // advance + Len -= WORDSIZE; + } + } + +// Get remaining 1..4[8] bytes left in string + + COPYSTRINGtoWORD(Index, String, Len); + JLG(PPValue, *PPValue, Index); // decode last 1-4[8] bytes + return (PPValue); +} + +// Add string to a tree of JudyL arrays (all lengths must be same) + +static PPvoid_t +insStrJudyLTree(uint8_t * String, // string to add to tree of JudyL arrays + Word_t Len, // length of string + PPvoid_t PPValue, // pointer to root pointer + PJError_t PJError // for returning error info + ) +{ + Word_t Index; // next 4[8] bytes of String + + while (Len > WORDSIZE) // add to JudyL tree + { +// CASE 1, pointer is to a NULL, make a new ls_t leaf + + if (*PPValue == (Pvoid_t)NULL) + { + Pls_t Pls; // memory for a ls_t + Pls = (Pls_t) JudyMalloc(LS_WORDLEN(Len)); + if (Pls == NULL) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NOMEM); + return (PPJERR); + } + Pls->ls_Value = 0; // clear Value word + memcpy(Pls->ls_String, String, Len); // copy to new struct + *PPValue = (Pvoid_t)SET_PLS(Pls); // mark pointer + return ((PPvoid_t) (&Pls->ls_Value)); // return ^ to Value + } // no exit here +// CASE 2: is a ls_t, free (and shorten), then decode into JudyL tree + + if (IS_PLS(*PPValue)) // pointer to a ls_t? (leaf) + { + Pls_t Pls; // ^ to ls_t + uint8_t *String0; // ^ to string in ls_t + Word_t Index0; // 4[8] bytes in string + Word_t FreeLen; // length of ls_t + PPvoid_t PPsplit; + + FreeLen = LS_WORDLEN(Len); // length of ls_t + + Pls = (Pls_t) CLEAR_PLS(*PPValue); // demangle ^ to ls_t + String0 = Pls->ls_String; + if (memcmp(String, String0, Len) == 0) // check if match? + { + return ((PPvoid_t) (&Pls->ls_Value)); // yes, duplicate + } + + *PPValue = NULL; // clear ^ to ls_t and make JudyL + +// This do loop is technically not required, saves multiple JudyFree() +// when storing already sorted strings into structure + + do // decode next 4[8] bytes of string + { // with a JudyL array +// Note: string0 is always aligned + + COPYSTRINGtoWORD(Index0, String0, WORDSIZE); + String0 += WORDSIZE; + COPYSTRINGtoWORD(Index, String, WORDSIZE); + String += WORDSIZE; + Len -= WORDSIZE; + PPsplit = PPValue; // save for split below + PPValue = JudyLIns(PPValue, Index0, PJError); + if (PPValue == PPJERR) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, 0); + return (PPJERR); + } + + } while ((Index0 == Index) && (Len > WORDSIZE)); + +// finish storing remainder of string that was in the ls_t + + PPValue = insStrJudyLTree(String0, Len, PPValue, PJError); + if (PPValue == PPJERR) + { + return (PPJERR); + } +// copy old Value to Value in new struct + + *(PWord_t)PPValue = Pls->ls_Value; + +// free the string buffer (ls_t) + + JudyFree((Pvoid_t)Pls, FreeLen); + PPValue = JudyLIns(PPsplit, Index, PJError); + if (PPValue == PPJERR) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, 0); + return (PPValue); + } + +// finish remainder of newly inserted string + + PPValue = insStrJudyLTree(String, Len, PPValue, PJError); + return (PPValue); + } // no exit here +// CASE 3, more JudyL arrays, decode to next tree + + COPYSTRINGtoWORD(Index, String, WORDSIZE); + Len -= WORDSIZE; + String += WORDSIZE; + + PPValue = JudyLIns(PPValue, Index, PJError); // next 4[8] bytes + if (PPValue == PPJERR) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, 0); + return (PPValue); + } + } +// this is done outside of loop so "Len" can be an unsigned number + + COPYSTRINGtoWORD(Index, String, Len); + PPValue = JudyLIns(PPValue, Index, PJError); // remaining 4[8] bytes + + return (PPValue); +} + + +// Insert string to JudyHS structure, return pointer to associated Value + +PPvoid_t +JudyHSIns(PPvoid_t PPArray, // ^ to JudyHashArray name + void * Str, // pointer to string + Word_t Len, // length of string + PJError_t PJError // optional, for returning error info + ) +{ + uint8_t * String = (uint8_t *)Str; + PPvoid_t PPValue; + +// string can only be NULL if Len is 0. + + if ((String == (uint8_t *) NULL) && (Len != 0UL)) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NULLPINDEX); + return (PPJERR); + } + JLG(PPValue, *PPArray, Len); // JudyL hash table for strings of Len + if (PPValue == (PPvoid_t) NULL) // make new if missing, (very rare) + { + PPValue = JudyLIns(PPArray, Len, PJError); + if (PPValue == PPJERR) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, 0); + return (PPJERR); + } + } +#ifndef DONOTUSEHASH + if (Len > WORDSIZE) + { + uint32_t HValue; // hash of input string + JUDYHASHSTR(HValue, String, Len); // hash to no more than 32 bits + PPValue = JudyLIns(PPValue, (Word_t)HValue, PJError); + if (PPValue == PPJERR) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, 0); + return (PPJERR); + } + } +#endif // DONOTUSEHASH + + PPValue = insStrJudyLTree(String, Len, PPValue, PJError); // add string + return (PPValue); // ^ to Value +} + +// Delete string from tree of JudyL arrays (all Lens must be same) + +static int +delStrJudyLTree(uint8_t * String, // delete from tree of JudyL arrays + Word_t Len, // length of string + PPvoid_t PPValue, // ^ to hash bucket + PJError_t PJError // for returning error info + ) +{ + PPvoid_t PPValueN; // next pointer + Word_t Index; + int Ret; // -1=failed, 1=success, 2=quit del + + if (IS_PLS(*PPValue)) // is pointer to ls_t? + { + Pls_t Pls; + Pls = (Pls_t) CLEAR_PLS(*PPValue); // demangle pointer + JudyFree((Pvoid_t)Pls, LS_WORDLEN(Len)); // free the ls_t + + *PPValue = (Pvoid_t)NULL; // clean pointer + return (1); // successfully deleted + } + + if (Len > WORDSIZE) // delete from JudyL tree, not leaf + { + COPYSTRINGtoWORD(Index, String, WORDSIZE); // get Index + JLG(PPValueN, *PPValue, Index); // get pointer to next JudyL array + + String += WORDSIZE; // advance to next 4[8] bytes + Len -= WORDSIZE; + + Ret = delStrJudyLTree(String, Len, PPValueN, PJError); + if (Ret != 1) return(Ret); + + if (*PPValueN == (PPvoid_t) NULL) + { +// delete JudyL element from tree + + Ret = JudyLDel(PPValue, Index, PJError); + } + } + else + { + COPYSTRINGtoWORD(Index, String, Len); // get leaf element + +// delete last 1-4[8] bytes from leaf element + + Ret = JudyLDel(PPValue, Index, PJError); + } + return (Ret); +} + +// Delete string from JHS structure + +int +JudyHSDel(PPvoid_t PPArray, // ^ to JudyHashArray struct + void * Str, // pointer to string + Word_t Len, // length of string + PJError_t PJError // optional, for returning error info + ) +{ + uint8_t * String = (uint8_t *)Str; + PPvoid_t PPBucket, PPHtble; + int Ret; // return bool from Delete routine +#ifndef DONOTUSEHASH + uint32_t HValue = 0; // hash value of input string +#endif // DONOTUSEHASH + + if (PPArray == NULL) + return (0); // no pointer, return not found + +// This is a little slower than optimum method, but not much in new CPU +// Verify that string is in the structure -- simplifies future assumptions + + if (JudyHSGet(*PPArray, String, Len) == (PPvoid_t) NULL) + return (0); // string not found, return + +// string is in structure, so testing for absence is not necessary + + JLG(PPHtble, *PPArray, Len); // JudyL hash table for strings of Len + +#ifdef DONOTUSEHASH + PPBucket = PPHtble; // simulate below code +#else // USEHASH + if (Len > WORDSIZE) + { + JUDYHASHSTR(HValue, String, Len); // hash to no more than 32 bits + +// get pointer to hash bucket + + JLG(PPBucket, *PPHtble, (Word_t)HValue); + } + else + { + PPBucket = PPHtble; // no bucket to JLGet + } +#endif // USEHASH + +// delete from JudyL tree +// + Ret = delStrJudyLTree(String, Len, PPBucket, PJError); + if (Ret != 1) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, 0); + return(-1); + } +// handle case of missing JudyL array from hash table and length table + + if (*PPBucket == (Pvoid_t)NULL) // if JudyL tree gone + { +#ifndef DONOTUSEHASH + if (Len > WORDSIZE) + { +// delete entry in Hash table + + Ret = JudyLDel(PPHtble, (Word_t)HValue, PJError); + if (Ret != 1) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, 0); + return(-1); + } + } +#endif // USEHASH + if (*PPHtble == (PPvoid_t) NULL) // if Hash table gone + { +// delete entry from the String length table + + Ret = JudyLDel(PPArray, Len, PJError); + if (Ret != 1) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, 0); + return(-1); + } + } + } + return (1); // success +} + +static Word_t +delJudyLTree(PPvoid_t PPValue, // ^ to JudyL root pointer + Word_t Len, // length of string + PJError_t PJError) // for returning error info +{ + Word_t bytes_freed = 0; // bytes freed at point + Word_t bytes_total = 0; // accumulated bytes freed + PPvoid_t PPValueN; + +// Pointer is to another tree of JudyL arrays or ls_t struct + + if (Len > WORDSIZE) // more depth to tree + { + Word_t NEntry; + +// Pointer is to a ls_t struct + + if (IS_PLS(*PPValue)) + { + Pls_t Pls; + Word_t freewords; + + freewords = LS_WORDLEN(Len); // calculate length + Pls = (Pls_t)CLEAR_PLS(*PPValue); // demangle pointer + +// *PPValue = (Pvoid_t)NULL; // clean pointer + JudyFree((Pvoid_t)Pls, freewords); // free the ls_t + + return(freewords * WORDSIZE); + } +// else +// Walk all the entrys in the JudyL array + + NEntry = 0; // start at beginning + for (PPValueN = JudyLFirst(*PPValue, &NEntry, PJError); + (PPValueN != (PPvoid_t) NULL) && (PPValueN != PPJERR); + PPValueN = JudyLNext(*PPValue, &NEntry, PJError)) + { +// recurse to the next level in the tree of arrays + + bytes_freed = delJudyLTree(PPValueN, Len - WORDSIZE, PJError); + if (bytes_freed == JERR) return(JERR); + bytes_total += bytes_freed; + } + if (PPValueN == PPJERR) return(JERR); + +// now free this JudyL array + + bytes_freed = JudyLFreeArray(PPValue, PJError); + if (bytes_freed == JERR) return(JERR); + bytes_total += bytes_freed; + + return(bytes_total); // return amount freed + } +// else + +// Pointer to simple JudyL array + + bytes_freed = JudyLFreeArray(PPValue, PJError); + + return(bytes_freed); +} + + +Word_t // bytes freed +JudyHSFreeArray(PPvoid_t PPArray, // ^ to JudyHashArray struct + PJError_t PJError // optional, for returning error info + ) +{ + Word_t Len; // start at beginning + Word_t bytes_freed; // bytes freed at this level. + Word_t bytes_total; // bytes total at all levels. + PPvoid_t PPHtble; + + if (PPArray == NULL) + return (0); // no pointer, return none + +// Walk the string length table for subsidary hash structs +// NOTE: This is necessary to determine the depth of the tree + + bytes_freed = 0; + bytes_total = 0; + Len = 0; // walk to length table + + for (PPHtble = JudyLFirst(*PPArray, &Len, PJError); + (PPHtble != (PPvoid_t) NULL) && (PPHtble != PPJERR); + PPHtble = JudyLNext(*PPArray, &Len, PJError)) + { + PPvoid_t PPValueH; + +#ifndef DONOTUSEHASH + if (Len > WORDSIZE) + { + Word_t HEntry = 0; // walk the hash tables + + for (PPValueH = JudyLFirst(*PPHtble, &HEntry, PJError); + (PPValueH != (PPvoid_t) NULL) && (PPValueH != PPJERR); + PPValueH = JudyLNext(*PPHtble, &HEntry, PJError)) + { + bytes_freed = delJudyLTree(PPValueH, Len, PJError); + if (bytes_freed == JERR) return(JERR); + bytes_total += bytes_freed; + } + + if (PPValueH == PPJERR) return(JERR); + +// free the Hash table for this length of string + + bytes_freed = JudyLFreeArray(PPHtble, PJError); + if (bytes_freed == JERR) return(JERR); + bytes_total += bytes_freed; + } + else +#endif // DONOTUSEHASH + { + PPValueH = PPHtble; // simulate hash table + + bytes_freed = delJudyLTree(PPValueH, Len, PJError); + if (bytes_freed == JERR) return(JERR); + bytes_total += bytes_freed; + } + } + if (PPHtble == PPJERR) return(JERR); + +// free the length table + + bytes_freed = JudyLFreeArray(PPArray, PJError); + if (bytes_freed == JERR) return(JERR); + + bytes_total += bytes_freed; + + return(bytes_total); // return bytes freed +} diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyHS/JudyHS.h b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyHS/JudyHS.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b4035016 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyHS/JudyHS.h @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +// **************************************************************************** +// Quick and dirty header file for use with old Judy.h without JudyHS defs +// May 2004 (dlb) - No copyright or license -- it is free period. + +#include + +// **************************************************************************** +// JUDYHSL MACROS: + +#define JHSI(PV, PArray, PIndex, Count) \ + J_2P(PV, (&(PArray)), PIndex, Count, JudyHSIns, "JudyHSIns") +#define JHSG(PV, PArray, PIndex, Count) \ + (PV) = (Pvoid_t) JudyHSGet(PArray, PIndex, Count) +#define JHSD(Rc, PArray, PIndex, Count) \ + J_2I(Rc, (&(PArray)), PIndex, Count, JudyHSDel, "JudyHSDel") +#define JHSFA(Rc, PArray) \ + J_0I(Rc, (&(PArray)), JudyHSFreeArray, "JudyHSFreeArray") + +// **************************************************************************** +// JUDY memory interface to malloc() FUNCTIONS: + +extern Word_t JudyMalloc(Word_t); // words reqd => words allocd. +extern Word_t JudyMallocVirtual(Word_t); // words reqd => words allocd. +extern void JudyFree(Pvoid_t, Word_t); // block to free and its size in words. +extern void JudyFreeVirtual(Pvoid_t, Word_t); // block to free and its size in words. + +// **************************************************************************** +// JUDYHS FUNCTIONS: + +extern PPvoid_t JudyHSGet( Pcvoid_t, void *, Word_t); +extern PPvoid_t JudyHSIns( PPvoid_t, void *, Word_t, P_JE); +extern int JudyHSDel( PPvoid_t, void *, Word_t, P_JE); +extern Word_t JudyHSFreeArray( PPvoid_t, P_JE); + +extern uint32_t JudyHashStr( void *, Word_t); diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyHS/Makefile.am b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyHS/Makefile.am new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6cfe2951 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyHS/Makefile.am @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +INCLUDES = -I. -I.. -I../JudyCommon/ +AM_CFLAGS = @CFLAGS@ @WARN_CFLAGS@ + +noinst_LTLIBRARIES = libJudyHS.la + +libJudyHS_la_SOURCES = JudyHS.c diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyHS/Makefile.in b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyHS/Makefile.in new file mode 100644 index 00000000..59b22b78 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyHS/Makefile.in @@ -0,0 +1,430 @@ +# Makefile.in generated by automake 1.9.3 from Makefile.am. +# @configure_input@ + +# Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, +# 2003, 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# This Makefile.in is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. + +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law; without +# even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A +# PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + +@SET_MAKE@ + +SOURCES = $(libJudyHS_la_SOURCES) + +srcdir = @srcdir@ +top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@ +VPATH = @srcdir@ +pkgdatadir = $(datadir)/@PACKAGE@ +pkglibdir = $(libdir)/@PACKAGE@ +pkgincludedir = $(includedir)/@PACKAGE@ +top_builddir = ../.. +am__cd = CDPATH="$${ZSH_VERSION+.}$(PATH_SEPARATOR)" && cd +INSTALL = @INSTALL@ +install_sh_DATA = $(install_sh) -c -m 644 +install_sh_PROGRAM = $(install_sh) -c +install_sh_SCRIPT = $(install_sh) -c +INSTALL_HEADER = $(INSTALL_DATA) +transform = $(program_transform_name) +NORMAL_INSTALL = : +PRE_INSTALL = : +POST_INSTALL = : +NORMAL_UNINSTALL = : +PRE_UNINSTALL = : +POST_UNINSTALL = : +build_triplet = @build@ +host_triplet = @host@ +subdir = src/JudyHS +DIST_COMMON = README $(srcdir)/Makefile.am $(srcdir)/Makefile.in +ACLOCAL_M4 = $(top_srcdir)/aclocal.m4 +am__aclocal_m4_deps = $(top_srcdir)/configure.ac +am__configure_deps = $(am__aclocal_m4_deps) $(CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCIES) \ + $(ACLOCAL_M4) +mkinstalldirs = $(install_sh) -d +CONFIG_HEADER = $(top_builddir)/config.h +CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES = +LTLIBRARIES = $(noinst_LTLIBRARIES) +libJudyHS_la_LIBADD = +am_libJudyHS_la_OBJECTS = JudyHS.lo +libJudyHS_la_OBJECTS = $(am_libJudyHS_la_OBJECTS) +DEFAULT_INCLUDES = -I. -I$(srcdir) -I$(top_builddir) +depcomp = $(SHELL) $(top_srcdir)/depcomp +am__depfiles_maybe = depfiles +COMPILE = $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) \ + $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) +LTCOMPILE = $(LIBTOOL) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) \ + $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) \ + $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) +CCLD = $(CC) +LINK = $(LIBTOOL) --tag=CC --mode=link $(CCLD) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) \ + $(AM_LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ +SOURCES = $(libJudyHS_la_SOURCES) +DIST_SOURCES = $(libJudyHS_la_SOURCES) +ETAGS = etags +CTAGS = ctags +DISTFILES = $(DIST_COMMON) $(DIST_SOURCES) $(TEXINFOS) $(EXTRA_DIST) +ACLOCAL = @ACLOCAL@ +AMDEP_FALSE = @AMDEP_FALSE@ +AMDEP_TRUE = @AMDEP_TRUE@ +AMTAR = @AMTAR@ +AR = @AR@ +AUTOCONF = @AUTOCONF@ +AUTOHEADER = @AUTOHEADER@ +AUTOMAKE = @AUTOMAKE@ +AWK = @AWK@ +CC = @CC@ +CCDEPMODE = @CCDEPMODE@ +CFLAGS = @CFLAGS@ +CPP = @CPP@ +CPPFLAGS = @CPPFLAGS@ +CXX = @CXX@ +CXXCPP = @CXXCPP@ +CXXDEPMODE = @CXXDEPMODE@ +CXXFLAGS = @CXXFLAGS@ +CYGPATH_W = @CYGPATH_W@ +DEFS = @DEFS@ +DEPDIR = @DEPDIR@ +ECHO = @ECHO@ +ECHO_C = @ECHO_C@ +ECHO_N = @ECHO_N@ +ECHO_T = @ECHO_T@ +EGREP = @EGREP@ +EXEEXT = @EXEEXT@ +F77 = @F77@ +FFLAGS = @FFLAGS@ +FLAVOR = @FLAVOR@ +INSTALL_DATA = @INSTALL_DATA@ +INSTALL_PROGRAM = @INSTALL_PROGRAM@ +INSTALL_SCRIPT = @INSTALL_SCRIPT@ +INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM = @INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM@ +LD = @LD@ +LDFLAGS = @LDFLAGS@ +LIBOBJS = @LIBOBJS@ +LIBS = @LIBS@ +LIBTOOL = @LIBTOOL@ +LN_S = @LN_S@ +LTLIBOBJS = @LTLIBOBJS@ +MAINT = @MAINT@ +MAINTAINER_MODE_FALSE = @MAINTAINER_MODE_FALSE@ +MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE = @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ +MAKEINFO = @MAKEINFO@ +OBJEXT = @OBJEXT@ +PACKAGE = @PACKAGE@ +PACKAGE_BUGREPORT = @PACKAGE_BUGREPORT@ +PACKAGE_NAME = @PACKAGE_NAME@ +PACKAGE_STRING = @PACKAGE_STRING@ +PACKAGE_TARNAME = @PACKAGE_TARNAME@ +PACKAGE_VERSION = @PACKAGE_VERSION@ +PATH_SEPARATOR = @PATH_SEPARATOR@ +RANLIB = @RANLIB@ +SET_MAKE = @SET_MAKE@ +SHELL = @SHELL@ +STRIP = @STRIP@ +VERSION = @VERSION@ +VERSION_INFO = @VERSION_INFO@ +WARN_CFLAGS = @WARN_CFLAGS@ +ac_ct_AR = @ac_ct_AR@ +ac_ct_CC = @ac_ct_CC@ +ac_ct_CXX = @ac_ct_CXX@ +ac_ct_F77 = @ac_ct_F77@ +ac_ct_LD = @ac_ct_LD@ +ac_ct_RANLIB = @ac_ct_RANLIB@ +ac_ct_STRIP = @ac_ct_STRIP@ +am__fastdepCC_FALSE = @am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ +am__fastdepCC_TRUE = @am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ +am__fastdepCXX_FALSE = @am__fastdepCXX_FALSE@ +am__fastdepCXX_TRUE = @am__fastdepCXX_TRUE@ +am__include = @am__include@ +am__leading_dot = @am__leading_dot@ +am__quote = @am__quote@ +am__tar = @am__tar@ +am__untar = @am__untar@ +bindir = @bindir@ +build = @build@ +build_alias = @build_alias@ +build_cpu = @build_cpu@ +build_os = @build_os@ +build_vendor = @build_vendor@ +datadir = @datadir@ +exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@ +host = @host@ +host_alias = @host_alias@ +host_cpu = @host_cpu@ +host_os = @host_os@ +host_vendor = @host_vendor@ +includedir = @includedir@ +infodir = @infodir@ +install_sh = @install_sh@ +libdir = @libdir@ +libexecdir = @libexecdir@ +localstatedir = @localstatedir@ +mandir = @mandir@ +mkdir_p = @mkdir_p@ +oldincludedir = @oldincludedir@ +prefix = @prefix@ +program_transform_name = @program_transform_name@ +sbindir = @sbindir@ +sharedstatedir = @sharedstatedir@ +sysconfdir = @sysconfdir@ +target_alias = @target_alias@ +INCLUDES = -I. -I.. -I../JudyCommon/ +AM_CFLAGS = @CFLAGS@ @WARN_CFLAGS@ +noinst_LTLIBRARIES = libJudyHS.la +libJudyHS_la_SOURCES = JudyHS.c +all: all-am + +.SUFFIXES: +.SUFFIXES: .c .lo .o .obj +$(srcdir)/Makefile.in: @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(srcdir)/Makefile.am $(am__configure_deps) + @for dep in $?; do \ + case '$(am__configure_deps)' in \ + *$$dep*) \ + cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh \ + && exit 0; \ + exit 1;; \ + esac; \ + done; \ + echo ' cd $(top_srcdir) && $(AUTOMAKE) --gnu src/JudyHS/Makefile'; \ + cd $(top_srcdir) && \ + $(AUTOMAKE) --gnu src/JudyHS/Makefile +.PRECIOUS: Makefile +Makefile: $(srcdir)/Makefile.in $(top_builddir)/config.status + @case '$?' in \ + *config.status*) \ + cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh;; \ + *) \ + echo ' cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$@ $(am__depfiles_maybe)'; \ + cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$@ $(am__depfiles_maybe);; \ + esac; + +$(top_builddir)/config.status: $(top_srcdir)/configure $(CONFIG_STATUS_DEPENDENCIES) + cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh + +$(top_srcdir)/configure: @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(am__configure_deps) + cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh +$(ACLOCAL_M4): @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(am__aclocal_m4_deps) + cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh + +clean-noinstLTLIBRARIES: + -test -z "$(noinst_LTLIBRARIES)" || rm -f $(noinst_LTLIBRARIES) + @list='$(noinst_LTLIBRARIES)'; for p in $$list; do \ + dir="`echo $$p | sed -e 's|/[^/]*$$||'`"; \ + test "$$dir" != "$$p" || dir=.; \ + echo "rm -f \"$${dir}/so_locations\""; \ + rm -f "$${dir}/so_locations"; \ + done +libJudyHS.la: $(libJudyHS_la_OBJECTS) $(libJudyHS_la_DEPENDENCIES) + $(LINK) $(libJudyHS_la_LDFLAGS) $(libJudyHS_la_OBJECTS) $(libJudyHS_la_LIBADD) $(LIBS) + +mostlyclean-compile: + -rm -f *.$(OBJEXT) + +distclean-compile: + -rm -f *.tab.c + +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/JudyHS.Plo@am__quote@ + +.c.o: +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ if $(COMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF "$(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo" -c -o $@ $<; \ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ then mv -f "$(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo" "$(DEPDIR)/$*.Po"; else rm -f "$(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo"; exit 1; fi +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='$<' object='$@' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(COMPILE) -c $< + +.c.obj: +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ if $(COMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF "$(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo" -c -o $@ `$(CYGPATH_W) '$<'`; \ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ then mv -f "$(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo" "$(DEPDIR)/$*.Po"; else rm -f "$(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo"; exit 1; fi +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='$<' object='$@' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(COMPILE) -c `$(CYGPATH_W) '$<'` + +.c.lo: +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ if $(LTCOMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF "$(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo" -c -o $@ $<; \ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ then mv -f "$(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo" "$(DEPDIR)/$*.Plo"; else rm -f "$(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo"; exit 1; fi +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='$<' object='$@' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LTCOMPILE) -c -o $@ $< + +mostlyclean-libtool: + -rm -f *.lo + +clean-libtool: + -rm -rf .libs _libs + +distclean-libtool: + -rm -f libtool +uninstall-info-am: + +ID: $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES) + list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \ + unique=`for i in $$list; do \ + if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ + done | \ + $(AWK) ' { files[$$0] = 1; } \ + END { for (i in files) print i; }'`; \ + mkid -fID $$unique +tags: TAGS + +TAGS: $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(TAGS_DEPENDENCIES) \ + $(TAGS_FILES) $(LISP) + tags=; \ + here=`pwd`; \ + list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \ + unique=`for i in $$list; do \ + if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ + done | \ + $(AWK) ' { files[$$0] = 1; } \ + END { for (i in files) print i; }'`; \ + if test -z "$(ETAGS_ARGS)$$tags$$unique"; then :; else \ + test -n "$$unique" || unique=$$empty_fix; \ + $(ETAGS) $(ETAGSFLAGS) $(AM_ETAGSFLAGS) $(ETAGS_ARGS) \ + $$tags $$unique; \ + fi +ctags: CTAGS +CTAGS: $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(TAGS_DEPENDENCIES) \ + $(TAGS_FILES) $(LISP) + tags=; \ + here=`pwd`; \ + list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \ + unique=`for i in $$list; do \ + if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ + done | \ + $(AWK) ' { files[$$0] = 1; } \ + END { for (i in files) print i; }'`; \ + test -z "$(CTAGS_ARGS)$$tags$$unique" \ + || $(CTAGS) $(CTAGSFLAGS) $(AM_CTAGSFLAGS) $(CTAGS_ARGS) \ + $$tags $$unique + +GTAGS: + here=`$(am__cd) $(top_builddir) && pwd` \ + && cd $(top_srcdir) \ + && gtags -i $(GTAGS_ARGS) $$here + +distclean-tags: + -rm -f TAGS ID GTAGS GRTAGS GSYMS GPATH tags + +distdir: $(DISTFILES) + @srcdirstrip=`echo "$(srcdir)" | sed 's|.|.|g'`; \ + topsrcdirstrip=`echo "$(top_srcdir)" | sed 's|.|.|g'`; \ + list='$(DISTFILES)'; for file in $$list; do \ + case $$file in \ + $(srcdir)/*) file=`echo "$$file" | sed "s|^$$srcdirstrip/||"`;; \ + $(top_srcdir)/*) file=`echo "$$file" | sed "s|^$$topsrcdirstrip/|$(top_builddir)/|"`;; \ + esac; \ + if test -f $$file || test -d $$file; then d=.; else d=$(srcdir); fi; \ + dir=`echo "$$file" | sed -e 's,/[^/]*$$,,'`; \ + if test "$$dir" != "$$file" && test "$$dir" != "."; then \ + dir="/$$dir"; \ + $(mkdir_p) "$(distdir)$$dir"; \ + else \ + dir=''; \ + fi; \ + if test -d $$d/$$file; then \ + if test -d $(srcdir)/$$file && test $$d != $(srcdir); then \ + cp -pR $(srcdir)/$$file $(distdir)$$dir || exit 1; \ + fi; \ + cp -pR $$d/$$file $(distdir)$$dir || exit 1; \ + else \ + test -f $(distdir)/$$file \ + || cp -p $$d/$$file $(distdir)/$$file \ + || exit 1; \ + fi; \ + done +check-am: all-am +check: check-am +all-am: Makefile $(LTLIBRARIES) +installdirs: +install: install-am +install-exec: install-exec-am +install-data: install-data-am +uninstall: uninstall-am + +install-am: all-am + @$(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) install-exec-am install-data-am + +installcheck: installcheck-am +install-strip: + $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) INSTALL_PROGRAM="$(INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM)" \ + install_sh_PROGRAM="$(INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM)" INSTALL_STRIP_FLAG=-s \ + `test -z '$(STRIP)' || \ + echo "INSTALL_PROGRAM_ENV=STRIPPROG='$(STRIP)'"` install +mostlyclean-generic: + +clean-generic: + +distclean-generic: + -test -z "$(CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES)" || rm -f $(CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES) + +maintainer-clean-generic: + @echo "This command is intended for maintainers to use" + @echo "it deletes files that may require special tools to rebuild." +clean: clean-am + +clean-am: clean-generic clean-libtool clean-noinstLTLIBRARIES \ + mostlyclean-am + +distclean: distclean-am + -rm -rf ./$(DEPDIR) + -rm -f Makefile +distclean-am: clean-am distclean-compile distclean-generic \ + distclean-libtool distclean-tags + +dvi: dvi-am + +dvi-am: + +html: html-am + +info: info-am + +info-am: + +install-data-am: + +install-exec-am: + +install-info: install-info-am + +install-man: + +installcheck-am: + +maintainer-clean: maintainer-clean-am + -rm -rf ./$(DEPDIR) + -rm -f Makefile +maintainer-clean-am: distclean-am maintainer-clean-generic + +mostlyclean: mostlyclean-am + +mostlyclean-am: mostlyclean-compile mostlyclean-generic \ + mostlyclean-libtool + +pdf: pdf-am + +pdf-am: + +ps: ps-am + +ps-am: + +uninstall-am: uninstall-info-am + +.PHONY: CTAGS GTAGS all all-am check check-am clean clean-generic \ + clean-libtool clean-noinstLTLIBRARIES ctags distclean \ + distclean-compile distclean-generic distclean-libtool \ + distclean-tags distdir dvi dvi-am html html-am info info-am \ + install install-am install-data install-data-am install-exec \ + install-exec-am install-info install-info-am install-man \ + install-strip installcheck installcheck-am installdirs \ + maintainer-clean maintainer-clean-generic mostlyclean \ + mostlyclean-compile mostlyclean-generic mostlyclean-libtool \ + pdf pdf-am ps ps-am tags uninstall uninstall-am \ + uninstall-info-am + +# Tell versions [3.59,3.63) of GNU make to not export all variables. +# Otherwise a system limit (for SysV at least) may be exceeded. +.NOEXPORT: diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyHS/README b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyHS/README new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fd763a53 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyHS/README @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +# @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ + +# This tree contains sources for the JudyHS*() functions. +# +# Note: At one time, all of the Judy sources were split between Judy1/ and +# JudyL/ variants, but now most of them are merged in JudyCommon/ and this +# directory is vestigal. + +JudyHS.h header for using JudyHS.c with older versions of Judy.h +JudyHS.c source of JudyHS functions diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/JudyL.h b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/JudyL.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..617aef20 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/JudyL.h @@ -0,0 +1,505 @@ +#ifndef _JUDYL_INCLUDED +#define _JUDYL_INCLUDED +// _________________ +// +// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company +// +// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +// under the term of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +// option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +// _________________ + +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ + +// **************************************************************************** +// JUDYL -- SMALL/LARGE AND/OR CLUSTERED/SPARSE ARRAYS +// +// -by- +// +// Douglas L. Baskins +// doug@sourcejudy.com +// +// Judy arrays are designed to be used instead of arrays. The performance +// suggests the reason why Judy arrays are thought of as arrays, instead of +// trees. They are remarkably memory efficient at all populations. +// Implemented as a hybrid digital tree (but really a state machine, see +// below), Judy arrays feature fast insert/retrievals, fast near neighbor +// searching, and contain a population tree for extremely fast ordinal related +// retrievals. +// +// CONVENTIONS: +// +// - The comments here refer to 32-bit [64-bit] systems. +// +// - BranchL, LeafL refer to linear branches and leaves (small populations), +// except LeafL does not actually appear as such; rather, Leaf1..3 [Leaf1..7] +// is used to represent leaf Index sizes, and LeafW refers to a Leaf with +// full (Long) word Indexes, which is also a type of linear leaf. Note that +// root-level LeafW (Leaf4 [Leaf8]) leaves are called LEAFW. +// +// - BranchB, LeafB1 refer to bitmap branches and leaves (intermediate +// populations). +// +// - BranchU refers to uncompressed branches. An uncompressed branch has 256 +// JPs, some of which could be null. Note: All leaves are compressed (and +// sorted), or else an expanse is full (FullPopu), so there is no LeafU +// equivalent to BranchU. +// +// - "Popu" is short for "Population". +// - "Pop1" refers to actual population (base 1). +// - "Pop0" refers to Pop1 - 1 (base 0), the way populations are stored in data +// structures. +// +// - Branches and Leaves are both named by the number of bytes in their Pop0 +// field. In the case of Leaves, the same number applies to the Index sizes. +// +// - The representation of many numbers as hex is a relatively safe and +// portable way to get desired bitpatterns as unsigned longs. +// +// - Some preprocessors cant handle single apostrophe characters within +// #ifndef code, so here, delete all instead. + + +#include "JudyPrivate.h" // includes Judy.h in turn. +#include "JudyPrivateBranch.h" // support for branches. + + +// **************************************************************************** +// JUDYL ROOT POINTER (JRP) AND JUDYL POINTER (JP) TYPE FIELDS +// **************************************************************************** + +typedef enum // uint8_t -- but C does not support this type of enum. +{ + +// JP NULL TYPES: +// +// There is a series of cJL_JPNULL* Types because each one pre-records a +// different Index Size for when the first Index is inserted in the previously +// null JP. They must start >= 8 (three bits). +// +// Note: These Types must be in sequential order for doing relative +// calculations between them. + + cJL_JPNULL1 = 1, + // Index Size 1[1] byte when 1 Index inserted. + cJL_JPNULL2, // Index Size 2[2] bytes when 1 Index inserted. + cJL_JPNULL3, // Index Size 3[3] bytes when 1 Index inserted. + +#ifndef JU_64BIT +#define cJL_JPNULLMAX cJL_JPNULL3 +#else + cJL_JPNULL4, // Index Size 4[4] bytes when 1 Index inserted. + cJL_JPNULL5, // Index Size 5[5] bytes when 1 Index inserted. + cJL_JPNULL6, // Index Size 6[6] bytes when 1 Index inserted. + cJL_JPNULL7, // Index Size 7[7] bytes when 1 Index inserted. +#define cJL_JPNULLMAX cJL_JPNULL7 +#endif + + +// JP BRANCH TYPES: +// +// Note: There are no state-1 branches; only leaves reside at state 1. + +// Linear branches: +// +// Note: These Types must be in sequential order for doing relative +// calculations between them. + + cJL_JPBRANCH_L2, // 2[2] bytes Pop0, 1[5] bytes Dcd. + cJL_JPBRANCH_L3, // 3[3] bytes Pop0, 0[4] bytes Dcd. + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + cJL_JPBRANCH_L4, // [4] bytes Pop0, [3] bytes Dcd. + cJL_JPBRANCH_L5, // [5] bytes Pop0, [2] bytes Dcd. + cJL_JPBRANCH_L6, // [6] bytes Pop0, [1] byte Dcd. + cJL_JPBRANCH_L7, // [7] bytes Pop0, [0] bytes Dcd. +#endif + + cJL_JPBRANCH_L, // note: DcdPopO field not used. + +// Bitmap branches: +// +// Note: These Types must be in sequential order for doing relative +// calculations between them. + + cJL_JPBRANCH_B2, // 2[2] bytes Pop0, 1[5] bytes Dcd. + cJL_JPBRANCH_B3, // 3[3] bytes Pop0, 0[4] bytes Dcd. + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + cJL_JPBRANCH_B4, // [4] bytes Pop0, [3] bytes Dcd. + cJL_JPBRANCH_B5, // [5] bytes Pop0, [2] bytes Dcd. + cJL_JPBRANCH_B6, // [6] bytes Pop0, [1] byte Dcd. + cJL_JPBRANCH_B7, // [7] bytes Pop0, [0] bytes Dcd. +#endif + + cJL_JPBRANCH_B, // note: DcdPopO field not used. + +// Uncompressed branches: +// +// Note: These Types must be in sequential order for doing relative +// calculations between them. + + cJL_JPBRANCH_U2, // 2[2] bytes Pop0, 1[5] bytes Dcd. + cJL_JPBRANCH_U3, // 3[3] bytes Pop0, 0[4] bytes Dcd. + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + cJL_JPBRANCH_U4, // [4] bytes Pop0, [3] bytes Dcd. + cJL_JPBRANCH_U5, // [5] bytes Pop0, [2] bytes Dcd. + cJL_JPBRANCH_U6, // [6] bytes Pop0, [1] byte Dcd. + cJL_JPBRANCH_U7, // [7] bytes Pop0, [0] bytes Dcd. +#endif + + cJL_JPBRANCH_U, // note: DcdPopO field not used. + + +// JP LEAF TYPES: + +// Linear leaves: +// +// Note: These Types must be in sequential order for doing relative +// calculations between them. +// +// Note: There is no full-word (4-byte [8-byte]) Index leaf under a JP because +// non-root-state leaves only occur under branches that decode at least one +// byte. Full-word, root-state leaves are under a JRP, not a JP. However, in +// the code a "fake" JP can be created temporarily above a root-state leaf. + + cJL_JPLEAF1, // 1[1] byte Pop0, 2 bytes Dcd. + cJL_JPLEAF2, // 2[2] bytes Pop0, 1[5] bytes Dcd. + cJL_JPLEAF3, // 3[3] bytes Pop0, 0[4] bytes Dcd. + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + cJL_JPLEAF4, // [4] bytes Pop0, [3] bytes Dcd. + cJL_JPLEAF5, // [5] bytes Pop0, [2] bytes Dcd. + cJL_JPLEAF6, // [6] bytes Pop0, [1] byte Dcd. + cJL_JPLEAF7, // [7] bytes Pop0, [0] bytes Dcd. +#endif + +// Bitmap leaf; Index Size == 1: +// +// Note: These are currently only supported at state 1. At other states the +// bitmap would grow from 256 to 256^2, 256^3, ... bits, which would not be +// efficient.. + + cJL_JPLEAF_B1, // 1[1] byte Pop0, 2[6] bytes Dcd. + +// Full population; Index Size == 1 virtual leaf: +// +// Note: JudyL has no cJL_JPFULLPOPU1 equivalent to cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1, because +// in the JudyL case this could result in a values-only leaf of up to 256 words +// (value areas) that would be slow to insert/delete. + + +// JP IMMEDIATES; leaves (Indexes) stored inside a JP: +// +// The second numeric suffix is the Pop1 for each type. As the Index Size +// increases, the maximum possible population decreases. +// +// Note: These Types must be in sequential order in each group (Index Size), +// and the groups in correct order too, for doing relative calculations between +// them. For example, since these Types enumerate the Pop1 values (unlike +// other JP Types where there is a Pop0 value in the JP), the maximum Pop1 for +// each Index Size is computable. +// +// All enums equal or above this point are cJL_JPIMMEDs. + + cJL_JPIMMED_1_01, // Index Size = 1, Pop1 = 1. + cJL_JPIMMED_2_01, // Index Size = 2, Pop1 = 1. + cJL_JPIMMED_3_01, // Index Size = 3, Pop1 = 1. + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + cJL_JPIMMED_4_01, // Index Size = 4, Pop1 = 1. + cJL_JPIMMED_5_01, // Index Size = 5, Pop1 = 1. + cJL_JPIMMED_6_01, // Index Size = 6, Pop1 = 1. + cJL_JPIMMED_7_01, // Index Size = 7, Pop1 = 1. +#endif + + cJL_JPIMMED_1_02, // Index Size = 1, Pop1 = 2. + cJL_JPIMMED_1_03, // Index Size = 1, Pop1 = 3. + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + cJL_JPIMMED_1_04, // Index Size = 1, Pop1 = 4. + cJL_JPIMMED_1_05, // Index Size = 1, Pop1 = 5. + cJL_JPIMMED_1_06, // Index Size = 1, Pop1 = 6. + cJL_JPIMMED_1_07, // Index Size = 1, Pop1 = 7. + + cJL_JPIMMED_2_02, // Index Size = 2, Pop1 = 2. + cJL_JPIMMED_2_03, // Index Size = 2, Pop1 = 3. + + cJL_JPIMMED_3_02, // Index Size = 3, Pop1 = 2. +#endif + +// This special Type is merely a sentinel for doing relative calculations. +// This value should not be used in switch statements (to avoid allocating code +// for it), which is also why it appears at the end of the enum list. + + cJL_JPIMMED_CAP + +} jpL_Type_t; + + +// RELATED VALUES: + +// Index Size (state) for leaf JP, and JP type based on Index Size (state): + +#define JL_LEAFINDEXSIZE(jpType) ((jpType) - cJL_JPLEAF1 + 1) +#define JL_LEAFTYPE(IndexSize) ((IndexSize) + cJL_JPLEAF1 - 1) + + +// MAXIMUM POPULATIONS OF LINEAR LEAVES: + +#ifndef JU_64BIT // 32-bit + +#define J_L_MAXB (sizeof(Word_t) * 64) +#define ALLOCSIZES { 3, 5, 7, 11, 15, 23, 32, 47, 64, TERMINATOR } // in words. +#define cJL_LEAF1_MAXWORDS (32) // max Leaf1 size in words. + +// Note: cJL_LEAF1_MAXPOP1 is chosen such that the index portion is less than +// 32 bytes -- the number of bytes the index takes in a bitmap leaf. + +#define cJL_LEAF1_MAXPOP1 \ + ((cJL_LEAF1_MAXWORDS * cJU_BYTESPERWORD)/(1 + cJU_BYTESPERWORD)) +#define cJL_LEAF2_MAXPOP1 (J_L_MAXB / (2 + cJU_BYTESPERWORD)) +#define cJL_LEAF3_MAXPOP1 (J_L_MAXB / (3 + cJU_BYTESPERWORD)) +#define cJL_LEAFW_MAXPOP1 \ + ((J_L_MAXB - cJU_BYTESPERWORD) / (2 * cJU_BYTESPERWORD)) + +#else // 64-bit + +#define J_L_MAXB (sizeof(Word_t) * 64) +#define ALLOCSIZES { 3, 5, 7, 11, 15, 23, 32, 47, 64, TERMINATOR } // in words. +#define cJL_LEAF1_MAXWORDS (15) // max Leaf1 size in words. + +#define cJL_LEAF1_MAXPOP1 \ + ((cJL_LEAF1_MAXWORDS * cJU_BYTESPERWORD)/(1 + cJU_BYTESPERWORD)) +#define cJL_LEAF2_MAXPOP1 (J_L_MAXB / (2 + cJU_BYTESPERWORD)) +#define cJL_LEAF3_MAXPOP1 (J_L_MAXB / (3 + cJU_BYTESPERWORD)) +#define cJL_LEAF4_MAXPOP1 (J_L_MAXB / (4 + cJU_BYTESPERWORD)) +#define cJL_LEAF5_MAXPOP1 (J_L_MAXB / (5 + cJU_BYTESPERWORD)) +#define cJL_LEAF6_MAXPOP1 (J_L_MAXB / (6 + cJU_BYTESPERWORD)) +#define cJL_LEAF7_MAXPOP1 (J_L_MAXB / (7 + cJU_BYTESPERWORD)) +#define cJL_LEAFW_MAXPOP1 \ + ((J_L_MAXB - cJU_BYTESPERWORD) / (2 * cJU_BYTESPERWORD)) + +#endif // 64-bit + + +// MAXIMUM POPULATIONS OF IMMEDIATE JPs: +// +// These specify the maximum Population of immediate JPs with various Index +// Sizes (== sizes of remaining undecoded Index bits). Since the JP Types enum +// already lists all the immediates in order by state and size, calculate these +// values from it to avoid redundancy. + +#define cJL_IMMED1_MAXPOP1 ((cJU_BYTESPERWORD - 1) / 1) // 3 [7]. +#define cJL_IMMED2_MAXPOP1 ((cJU_BYTESPERWORD - 1) / 2) // 1 [3]. +#define cJL_IMMED3_MAXPOP1 ((cJU_BYTESPERWORD - 1) / 3) // 1 [2]. + +#ifdef JU_64BIT +#define cJL_IMMED4_MAXPOP1 ((cJU_BYTESPERWORD - 1) / 4) // [1]. +#define cJL_IMMED5_MAXPOP1 ((cJU_BYTESPERWORD - 1) / 5) // [1]. +#define cJL_IMMED6_MAXPOP1 ((cJU_BYTESPERWORD - 1) / 6) // [1]. +#define cJL_IMMED7_MAXPOP1 ((cJU_BYTESPERWORD - 1) / 7) // [1]. +#endif + + +// **************************************************************************** +// JUDYL LEAF BITMAP (JLLB) SUPPORT +// **************************************************************************** +// +// Assemble bitmap leaves out of smaller units that put bitmap subexpanses +// close to their associated pointers. Why not just use a bitmap followed by a +// series of pointers? (See 4.27.) Turns out this wastes a cache fill on +// systems with smaller cache lines than the assumed value cJU_WORDSPERCL. + +#define JL_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, Subexp) ((Pjlb)->jLlb_jLlbs[Subexp].jLlbs_Bitmap) +#define JL_JLB_PVALUE(Pjlb, Subexp) ((Pjlb)->jLlb_jLlbs[Subexp].jLlbs_PValue) + +typedef struct J__UDYL_LEAF_BITMAP_SUBEXPANSE +{ + BITMAPL_t jLlbs_Bitmap; + Pjv_t jLlbs_PValue; + +} jLlbs_t; + +typedef struct J__UDYL_LEAF_BITMAP +{ + jLlbs_t jLlb_jLlbs[cJU_NUMSUBEXPL]; + +} jLlb_t, * PjLlb_t; + +// Words per bitmap leaf: + +#define cJL_WORDSPERLEAFB1 (sizeof(jLlb_t) / cJU_BYTESPERWORD) + + +// **************************************************************************** +// MEMORY ALLOCATION SUPPORT +// **************************************************************************** + +// ARRAY-GLOBAL INFORMATION: +// +// At the cost of an occasional additional cache fill, this object, which is +// pointed at by a JRP and in turn points to a JP_BRANCH*, carries array-global +// information about a JudyL array that has sufficient population to amortize +// the cost. The jpm_Pop0 field prevents having to add up the total population +// for the array in insert, delete, and count code. The jpm_JP field prevents +// having to build a fake JP for entry to a state machine; however, the +// jp_DcdPopO field in jpm_JP, being one byte too small, is not used. +// +// Note: Struct fields are ordered to keep "hot" data in the first 8 words +// (see left-margin comments) for machines with 8-word cache lines, and to keep +// sub-word fields together for efficient packing. + +typedef struct J_UDYL_POPULATION_AND_MEMORY +{ +/* 1 */ Word_t jpm_Pop0; // total population-1 in array. +/* 2 */ jp_t jpm_JP; // JP to first branch; see above. +/* 4 */ Word_t jpm_LastUPop0; // last jpm_Pop0 when convert to BranchU +/* 7 */ Pjv_t jpm_PValue; // pointer to value to return. +// Note: Field names match PJError_t for convenience in macros: +/* 8 */ char je_Errno; // one of the enums in Judy.h. +/* 8/9 */ int je_ErrID; // often an internal source line number. +/* 9/10 */ Word_t jpm_TotalMemWords; // words allocated in array. +} jLpm_t, *PjLpm_t; + + +// TABLES FOR DETERMINING IF LEAVES HAVE ROOM TO GROW: +// +// These tables indicate if a given memory chunk can support growth of a given +// object into wasted (rounded-up) memory in the chunk. Note: This violates +// the hiddenness of the JudyMalloc code. + +extern const uint8_t j__L_Leaf1PopToWords[cJL_LEAF1_MAXPOP1 + 1]; +extern const uint8_t j__L_Leaf2PopToWords[cJL_LEAF2_MAXPOP1 + 1]; +extern const uint8_t j__L_Leaf3PopToWords[cJL_LEAF3_MAXPOP1 + 1]; +#ifdef JU_64BIT +extern const uint8_t j__L_Leaf4PopToWords[cJL_LEAF4_MAXPOP1 + 1]; +extern const uint8_t j__L_Leaf5PopToWords[cJL_LEAF5_MAXPOP1 + 1]; +extern const uint8_t j__L_Leaf6PopToWords[cJL_LEAF6_MAXPOP1 + 1]; +extern const uint8_t j__L_Leaf7PopToWords[cJL_LEAF7_MAXPOP1 + 1]; +#endif +extern const uint8_t j__L_LeafWPopToWords[cJL_LEAFW_MAXPOP1 + 1]; +extern const uint8_t j__L_LeafVPopToWords[]; + +// These tables indicate where value areas start: + +extern const uint8_t j__L_Leaf1Offset [cJL_LEAF1_MAXPOP1 + 1]; +extern const uint8_t j__L_Leaf2Offset [cJL_LEAF2_MAXPOP1 + 1]; +extern const uint8_t j__L_Leaf3Offset [cJL_LEAF3_MAXPOP1 + 1]; +#ifdef JU_64BIT +extern const uint8_t j__L_Leaf4Offset [cJL_LEAF4_MAXPOP1 + 1]; +extern const uint8_t j__L_Leaf5Offset [cJL_LEAF5_MAXPOP1 + 1]; +extern const uint8_t j__L_Leaf6Offset [cJL_LEAF6_MAXPOP1 + 1]; +extern const uint8_t j__L_Leaf7Offset [cJL_LEAF7_MAXPOP1 + 1]; +#endif +extern const uint8_t j__L_LeafWOffset [cJL_LEAFW_MAXPOP1 + 1]; + +// Also define macros to hide the details in the code using these tables. + +#define JL_LEAF1GROWINPLACE(Pop1) \ + J__U_GROWCK(Pop1, cJL_LEAF1_MAXPOP1, j__L_Leaf1PopToWords) +#define JL_LEAF2GROWINPLACE(Pop1) \ + J__U_GROWCK(Pop1, cJL_LEAF2_MAXPOP1, j__L_Leaf2PopToWords) +#define JL_LEAF3GROWINPLACE(Pop1) \ + J__U_GROWCK(Pop1, cJL_LEAF3_MAXPOP1, j__L_Leaf3PopToWords) +#ifdef JU_64BIT +#define JL_LEAF4GROWINPLACE(Pop1) \ + J__U_GROWCK(Pop1, cJL_LEAF4_MAXPOP1, j__L_Leaf4PopToWords) +#define JL_LEAF5GROWINPLACE(Pop1) \ + J__U_GROWCK(Pop1, cJL_LEAF5_MAXPOP1, j__L_Leaf5PopToWords) +#define JL_LEAF6GROWINPLACE(Pop1) \ + J__U_GROWCK(Pop1, cJL_LEAF6_MAXPOP1, j__L_Leaf6PopToWords) +#define JL_LEAF7GROWINPLACE(Pop1) \ + J__U_GROWCK(Pop1, cJL_LEAF7_MAXPOP1, j__L_Leaf7PopToWords) +#endif +#define JL_LEAFWGROWINPLACE(Pop1) \ + J__U_GROWCK(Pop1, cJL_LEAFW_MAXPOP1, j__L_LeafWPopToWords) +#define JL_LEAFVGROWINPLACE(Pop1) \ + J__U_GROWCK(Pop1, cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL, j__L_LeafVPopToWords) + +#define JL_LEAF1VALUEAREA(Pjv,Pop1) (((PWord_t)(Pjv)) + j__L_Leaf1Offset[Pop1]) +#define JL_LEAF2VALUEAREA(Pjv,Pop1) (((PWord_t)(Pjv)) + j__L_Leaf2Offset[Pop1]) +#define JL_LEAF3VALUEAREA(Pjv,Pop1) (((PWord_t)(Pjv)) + j__L_Leaf3Offset[Pop1]) +#ifdef JU_64BIT +#define JL_LEAF4VALUEAREA(Pjv,Pop1) (((PWord_t)(Pjv)) + j__L_Leaf4Offset[Pop1]) +#define JL_LEAF5VALUEAREA(Pjv,Pop1) (((PWord_t)(Pjv)) + j__L_Leaf5Offset[Pop1]) +#define JL_LEAF6VALUEAREA(Pjv,Pop1) (((PWord_t)(Pjv)) + j__L_Leaf6Offset[Pop1]) +#define JL_LEAF7VALUEAREA(Pjv,Pop1) (((PWord_t)(Pjv)) + j__L_Leaf7Offset[Pop1]) +#endif +#define JL_LEAFWVALUEAREA(Pjv,Pop1) (((PWord_t)(Pjv)) + j__L_LeafWOffset[Pop1]) + +#define JL_LEAF1POPTOWORDS(Pop1) (j__L_Leaf1PopToWords[Pop1]) +#define JL_LEAF2POPTOWORDS(Pop1) (j__L_Leaf2PopToWords[Pop1]) +#define JL_LEAF3POPTOWORDS(Pop1) (j__L_Leaf3PopToWords[Pop1]) +#ifdef JU_64BIT +#define JL_LEAF4POPTOWORDS(Pop1) (j__L_Leaf4PopToWords[Pop1]) +#define JL_LEAF5POPTOWORDS(Pop1) (j__L_Leaf5PopToWords[Pop1]) +#define JL_LEAF6POPTOWORDS(Pop1) (j__L_Leaf6PopToWords[Pop1]) +#define JL_LEAF7POPTOWORDS(Pop1) (j__L_Leaf7PopToWords[Pop1]) +#endif +#define JL_LEAFWPOPTOWORDS(Pop1) (j__L_LeafWPopToWords[Pop1]) +#define JL_LEAFVPOPTOWORDS(Pop1) (j__L_LeafVPopToWords[Pop1]) + + +// FUNCTIONS TO ALLOCATE OBJECTS: + +PjLpm_t j__udyLAllocJLPM(void); // constant size. + +Pjbl_t j__udyLAllocJBL( PjLpm_t); // constant size. +Pjbb_t j__udyLAllocJBB( PjLpm_t); // constant size. +Pjp_t j__udyLAllocJBBJP(Word_t, PjLpm_t); +Pjbu_t j__udyLAllocJBU( PjLpm_t); // constant size. + +Pjll_t j__udyLAllocJLL1( Word_t, PjLpm_t); +Pjll_t j__udyLAllocJLL2( Word_t, PjLpm_t); +Pjll_t j__udyLAllocJLL3( Word_t, PjLpm_t); + +#ifdef JU_64BIT +Pjll_t j__udyLAllocJLL4( Word_t, PjLpm_t); +Pjll_t j__udyLAllocJLL5( Word_t, PjLpm_t); +Pjll_t j__udyLAllocJLL6( Word_t, PjLpm_t); +Pjll_t j__udyLAllocJLL7( Word_t, PjLpm_t); +#endif + +Pjlw_t j__udyLAllocJLW( Word_t ); // no PjLpm_t needed. +PjLlb_t j__udyLAllocJLB1( PjLpm_t); // constant size. +Pjv_t j__udyLAllocJV( Word_t, PjLpm_t); + + +// FUNCTIONS TO FREE OBJECTS: + +void j__udyLFreeJLPM( PjLpm_t, PjLpm_t); // constant size. + +void j__udyLFreeJBL( Pjbl_t, PjLpm_t); // constant size. +void j__udyLFreeJBB( Pjbb_t, PjLpm_t); // constant size. +void j__udyLFreeJBBJP(Pjp_t, Word_t, PjLpm_t); +void j__udyLFreeJBU( Pjbu_t, PjLpm_t); // constant size. + +void j__udyLFreeJLL1( Pjll_t, Word_t, PjLpm_t); +void j__udyLFreeJLL2( Pjll_t, Word_t, PjLpm_t); +void j__udyLFreeJLL3( Pjll_t, Word_t, PjLpm_t); + +#ifdef JU_64BIT +void j__udyLFreeJLL4( Pjll_t, Word_t, PjLpm_t); +void j__udyLFreeJLL5( Pjll_t, Word_t, PjLpm_t); +void j__udyLFreeJLL6( Pjll_t, Word_t, PjLpm_t); +void j__udyLFreeJLL7( Pjll_t, Word_t, PjLpm_t); +#endif + +void j__udyLFreeJLW( Pjlw_t, Word_t, PjLpm_t); +void j__udyLFreeJLB1( PjLlb_t, PjLpm_t); // constant size. +void j__udyLFreeJV( Pjv_t, Word_t, PjLpm_t); +void j__udyLFreeSM( Pjp_t, PjLpm_t); // everything below Pjp. + +#endif // ! _JUDYL_INCLUDED diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/JudyLByCount.c b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/JudyLByCount.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a66a957d --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/JudyLByCount.c @@ -0,0 +1,954 @@ +// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company +// +// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +// under the term of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +// option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +// _________________ + +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ +// +// Judy*ByCount() function for Judy1 and JudyL. +// Compile with one of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL. +// +// Compile with -DNOSMARTJBB, -DNOSMARTJBU, and/or -DNOSMARTJLB to build a +// version with cache line optimizations deleted, for testing. +// +// Judy*ByCount() is a conceptual although not literal inverse of Judy*Count(). +// Judy*Count() takes a pair of Indexes, and allows finding the ordinal of a +// given Index (that is, its position in the list of valid indexes from the +// beginning) as a degenerate case, because in general the count between two +// Indexes, inclusive, is not always just the difference in their ordinals. +// However, it suffices for Judy*ByCount() to simply be an ordinal-to-Index +// mapper. +// +// Note: Like Judy*Count(), this code must "count sideways" in branches, which +// can result in a lot of cache line fills. However, unlike Judy*Count(), this +// code does not receive a specific Index, hence digit, where to start in each +// branch, so it cant accurately calculate cache line fills required in each +// direction. The best it can do is an approximation based on the total +// population of the expanse (pop1 from Pjp) and the ordinal of the target +// Index (see SETOFFSET()) within the expanse. +// +// Compile with -DSMARTMETRICS to obtain global variables containing smart +// cache line metrics. Note: Dont turn this on simultaneously for this file +// and JudyCount.c because they export the same globals. +// **************************************************************************** + +#if (! (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JUDYL))) +#error: One of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL must be specified. +#endif + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#include "Judy1.h" +#else +#include "JudyL.h" +#endif + +#include "JudyPrivate1L.h" + +// These are imported from JudyCount.c: +// +// TBD: Should this be in common code? Exported from a header file? + +#ifdef JUDY1 +extern Word_t j__udy1JPPop1(const Pjp_t Pjp); +#define j__udyJPPop1 j__udy1JPPop1 +#else +extern Word_t j__udyLJPPop1(const Pjp_t Pjp); +#define j__udyJPPop1 j__udyLJPPop1 +#endif + +// Avoid duplicate symbols since this file is multi-compiled: + +#ifdef SMARTMETRICS +#ifdef JUDY1 +Word_t jbb_upward = 0; // counts of directions taken: +Word_t jbb_downward = 0; +Word_t jbu_upward = 0; +Word_t jbu_downward = 0; +Word_t jlb_upward = 0; +Word_t jlb_downward = 0; +#else +extern Word_t jbb_upward; +extern Word_t jbb_downward; +extern Word_t jbu_upward; +extern Word_t jbu_downward; +extern Word_t jlb_upward; +extern Word_t jlb_downward; +#endif +#endif + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y 1 B Y C O U N T +// J U D Y L B Y C O U N T +// +// See the manual entry. + +#ifdef JUDY1 +FUNCTION int Judy1ByCount +#else +FUNCTION PPvoid_t JudyLByCount +#endif + ( + Pcvoid_t PArray, // root pointer to first branch/leaf in SM. + Word_t Count, // ordinal of Index to find, 1..MAX. + Word_t * PIndex, // to return found Index. + PJError_t PJError // optional, for returning error info. + ) +{ + Word_t Count0; // Count, base-0, to match pop0. + Word_t state; // current state in SM. + Word_t pop1; // of current branch or leaf, or of expanse. + Word_t pop1lower; // pop1 of expanses (JPs) below that for Count. + Word_t digit; // current word in branch. + Word_t jpcount; // JPs in a BranchB subexpanse. + long jpnum; // JP number in a branch (base 0). + long subexp; // for stepping through layer 1 (subexpanses). + int offset; // index ordinal within a leaf, base 0. + + Pjp_t Pjp; // current JP in branch. + Pjll_t Pjll; // current Judy linear leaf. + + +// CHECK FOR EMPTY ARRAY OR NULL PINDEX: + + if (PArray == (Pvoid_t) NULL) JU_RET_NOTFOUND; + + if (PIndex == (PWord_t) NULL) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NULLPINDEX); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + +// Convert Count to Count0; assume special case of Count = 0 maps to ~0, as +// desired, to represent the last index in a full array: +// +// Note: Think of Count0 as a reliable "number of Indexes below the target." + + Count0 = Count - 1; + assert((Count || Count0 == ~0)); // ensure CPU is sane about 0 - 1. + pop1lower = 0; + + if (JU_LEAFW_POP0(PArray) < cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1) // must be a LEAFW + { + Pjlw_t Pjlw = P_JLW(PArray); // first word of leaf. + + if (Count0 > Pjlw[0]) JU_RET_NOTFOUND; // too high. + + *PIndex = Pjlw[Count]; // Index, base 1. + + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAFW(Pjlw, Pjlw[0] + 1, Count0); + } + else + { + Pjpm_t Pjpm = P_JPM(PArray); + + if (Count0 > (Pjpm->jpm_Pop0)) JU_RET_NOTFOUND; // too high. + + Pjp = &(Pjpm->jpm_JP); + pop1 = (Pjpm->jpm_Pop0) + 1; + +// goto SMByCount; + } + +// COMMON CODE: +// +// Prepare to handle a root-level or lower-level branch: Save the current +// state, obtain the total population for the branch in a state-dependent way, +// and then branch to common code for multiple cases. +// +// For root-level branches, the state is always cJU_ROOTSTATE, and the array +// population must already be set in pop1; it is not available in jp_DcdPopO. +// +// Note: The total population is only needed in cases where the common code +// "counts down" instead of up to minimize cache line fills. However, its +// available cheaply, and its better to do it with a constant shift (constant +// state value) instead of a variable shift later "when needed". + +#define PREPB_ROOT(Next) \ + state = cJU_ROOTSTATE; \ + goto Next + +// Use PREPB_DCD() to first copy the Dcd bytes to *PIndex if there are any +// (only if state < cJU_ROOTSTATE - 1): + +#define PREPB_DCD(Pjp,cState,Next) \ + JU_SETDCD(*PIndex, Pjp, cState); \ + PREPB((Pjp), cState, Next) + +#define PREPB(Pjp,cState,Next) \ + state = (cState); \ + pop1 = JU_JPBRANCH_POP0(Pjp, (cState)) + 1; \ + goto Next + +// Calculate whether the ordinal of an Index within a given expanse falls in +// the lower or upper half of the expanses population, taking care with +// unsigned math and boundary conditions: +// +// Note: Assume the ordinal falls within the expanses population, that is, +// 0 < (Count - Pop1lower) <= Pop1exp (assuming infinite math). +// +// Note: If the ordinal is the middle element, it doesnt matter whether +// LOWERHALF() is TRUE or FALSE. + +#define LOWERHALF(Count0,Pop1lower,Pop1exp) \ + (((Count0) - (Pop1lower)) < ((Pop1exp) / 2)) + +// Calculate the (signed) offset within a leaf to the desired ordinal (Count - +// Pop1lower; offset is one less), and optionally ensure its in range: + +#define SETOFFSET(Offset,Count0,Pop1lower,Pjp) \ + (Offset) = (Count0) - (Pop1lower); \ + assert((Offset) >= 0); \ + assert((Offset) <= JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp)) + +// Variations for immediate indexes, with and without pop1-specific assertions: + +#define SETOFFSET_IMM_CK(Offset,Count0,Pop1lower,cPop1) \ + (Offset) = (Count0) - (Pop1lower); \ + assert((Offset) >= 0); \ + assert((Offset) < (cPop1)) + +#define SETOFFSET_IMM(Offset,Count0,Pop1lower) \ + (Offset) = (Count0) - (Pop1lower) + + +// STATE MACHINE -- TRAVERSE TREE: +// +// In branches, look for the expanse (digit), if any, where the total pop1 +// below or at that expanse would meet or exceed Count, meaning the Index must +// be in this expanse. + +SMByCount: // return here for next branch/leaf. + + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// LINEAR BRANCH; count populations in JPs in the JBL upwards until finding the +// expanse (digit) containing Count, and "recurse". +// +// Note: There are no null JPs in a JBL; watch out for pop1 == 0. +// +// Note: A JBL should always fit in one cache line => no need to count up +// versus down to save cache line fills. +// +// TBD: The previous is no longer true. Consider enhancing this code to count +// up/down, but it can wait for a later tuning phase. In the meantime, PREPB() +// sets pop1 for the whole array, but that value is not used here. 001215: +// Maybe its true again? + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L2: PREPB_DCD(Pjp, 2, BranchL); +#ifndef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L3: PREPB( Pjp, 3, BranchL); +#else + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L3: PREPB_DCD(Pjp, 3, BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L4: PREPB_DCD(Pjp, 4, BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L5: PREPB_DCD(Pjp, 5, BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L6: PREPB_DCD(Pjp, 6, BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L7: PREPB( Pjp, 7, BranchL); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L: PREPB_ROOT( BranchL); + { + Pjbl_t Pjbl; + +// Common code (state-independent) for all cases of linear branches: + +BranchL: + Pjbl = P_JBL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + for (jpnum = 0; jpnum < (Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs); ++jpnum) + { + if ((pop1 = j__udyJPPop1((Pjbl->jbl_jp) + jpnum)) + == cJU_ALLONES) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + assert(pop1 != 0); + +// Warning: pop1lower and pop1 are unsigned, so do not subtract 1 and compare +// >=, but instead use the following expression: + + if (pop1lower + pop1 > Count0) // Index is in this expanse. + { + JU_SETDIGIT(*PIndex, Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[jpnum], state); + Pjp = (Pjbl->jbl_jp) + jpnum; + goto SMByCount; // look under this expanse. + } + + pop1lower += pop1; // add this JPs pop1. + } + + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); // should never get here. + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + + } // case cJU_JPBRANCH_L + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// BITMAP BRANCH; count populations in JPs in the JBB upwards or downwards +// until finding the expanse (digit) containing Count, and "recurse". +// +// Note: There are no null JPs in a JBB; watch out for pop1 == 0. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B2: PREPB_DCD(Pjp, 2, BranchB); +#ifndef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B3: PREPB( Pjp, 3, BranchB); +#else + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B3: PREPB_DCD(Pjp, 3, BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B4: PREPB_DCD(Pjp, 4, BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B5: PREPB_DCD(Pjp, 5, BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B6: PREPB_DCD(Pjp, 6, BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B7: PREPB( Pjp, 7, BranchB); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B: PREPB_ROOT( BranchB); + { + Pjbb_t Pjbb; + +// Common code (state-independent) for all cases of bitmap branches: + +BranchB: + Pjbb = P_JBB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + +// Shorthand for one subexpanse in a bitmap and for one JP in a bitmap branch: +// +// Note: BMPJP0 exists separately to support assertions. + +#define BMPJP0(Subexp) (P_JP(JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, Subexp))) +#define BMPJP(Subexp,JPnum) (BMPJP0(Subexp) + (JPnum)) + + +// Common code for descending through a JP: +// +// Determine the digit for the expanse and save it in *PIndex; then "recurse". + +#define JBB_FOUNDEXPANSE \ + { \ + JU_BITMAPDIGITB(digit, subexp, JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb,subexp), jpnum); \ + JU_SETDIGIT(*PIndex, digit, state); \ + Pjp = BMPJP(subexp, jpnum); \ + goto SMByCount; \ + } + + +#ifndef NOSMARTJBB // enable to turn off smart code for comparison purposes. + +// FIGURE OUT WHICH DIRECTION CAUSES FEWER CACHE LINE FILLS; adding the pop1s +// in JPs upwards, or subtracting the pop1s in JPs downwards: +// +// See header comments about limitations of this for Judy*ByCount(). + +#endif + +// COUNT UPWARD, adding each "below" JPs pop1: + +#ifndef NOSMARTJBB // enable to turn off smart code for comparison purposes. + + if (LOWERHALF(Count0, pop1lower, pop1)) + { +#endif +#ifdef SMARTMETRICS + ++jbb_upward; +#endif + for (subexp = 0; subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPB; ++subexp) + { + if ((jpcount = j__udyCountBitsB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb,subexp))) + && (BMPJP0(subexp) == (Pjp_t) NULL)) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); // null ptr. + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + +// Note: An empty subexpanse (jpcount == 0) is handled "for free": + + for (jpnum = 0; jpnum < jpcount; ++jpnum) + { + if ((pop1 = j__udyJPPop1(BMPJP(subexp, jpnum))) + == cJU_ALLONES) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + assert(pop1 != 0); + +// Warning: pop1lower and pop1 are unsigned, see earlier comment: + + if (pop1lower + pop1 > Count0) + JBB_FOUNDEXPANSE; // Index is in this expanse. + + pop1lower += pop1; // add this JPs pop1. + } + } +#ifndef NOSMARTJBB // enable to turn off smart code for comparison purposes. + } + + +// COUNT DOWNWARD, subtracting each "above" JPs pop1 from the whole expanses +// pop1: + + else + { +#ifdef SMARTMETRICS + ++jbb_downward; +#endif + pop1lower += pop1; // add whole branch to start. + + for (subexp = cJU_NUMSUBEXPB - 1; subexp >= 0; --subexp) + { + if ((jpcount = j__udyCountBitsB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp))) + && (BMPJP0(subexp) == (Pjp_t) NULL)) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); // null ptr. + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + +// Note: An empty subexpanse (jpcount == 0) is handled "for free": + + for (jpnum = jpcount - 1; jpnum >= 0; --jpnum) + { + if ((pop1 = j__udyJPPop1(BMPJP(subexp, jpnum))) + == cJU_ALLONES) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + assert(pop1 != 0); + +// Warning: pop1lower and pop1 are unsigned, see earlier comment: + + pop1lower -= pop1; + +// Beware unsigned math problems: + + if ((pop1lower == 0) || (pop1lower - 1 < Count0)) + JBB_FOUNDEXPANSE; // Index is in this expanse. + } + } + } +#endif // NOSMARTJBB + + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); // should never get here. + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + + } // case cJU_JPBRANCH_B + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// UNCOMPRESSED BRANCH; count populations in JPs in the JBU upwards or +// downwards until finding the expanse (digit) containing Count, and "recurse". + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U2: PREPB_DCD(Pjp, 2, BranchU); +#ifndef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U3: PREPB( Pjp, 3, BranchU); +#else + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U3: PREPB_DCD(Pjp, 3, BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U4: PREPB_DCD(Pjp, 4, BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U5: PREPB_DCD(Pjp, 5, BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U6: PREPB_DCD(Pjp, 6, BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U7: PREPB( Pjp, 7, BranchU); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U: PREPB_ROOT( BranchU); + { + Pjbu_t Pjbu; + +// Common code (state-independent) for all cases of uncompressed branches: + +BranchU: + Pjbu = P_JBU(Pjp->jp_Addr); + +// Common code for descending through a JP: +// +// Save the digit for the expanse in *PIndex, then "recurse". + +#define JBU_FOUNDEXPANSE \ + { \ + JU_SETDIGIT(*PIndex, jpnum, state); \ + Pjp = (Pjbu->jbu_jp) + jpnum; \ + goto SMByCount; \ + } + + +#ifndef NOSMARTJBU // enable to turn off smart code for comparison purposes. + +// FIGURE OUT WHICH DIRECTION CAUSES FEWER CACHE LINE FILLS; adding the pop1s +// in JPs upwards, or subtracting the pop1s in JPs downwards: +// +// See header comments about limitations of this for Judy*ByCount(). + +#endif + +// COUNT UPWARD, simply adding the pop1 of each JP: + +#ifndef NOSMARTJBU // enable to turn off smart code for comparison purposes. + + if (LOWERHALF(Count0, pop1lower, pop1)) + { +#endif +#ifdef SMARTMETRICS + ++jbu_upward; +#endif + + for (jpnum = 0; jpnum < cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS; ++jpnum) + { + // shortcut, save a function call: + + if ((Pjbu->jbu_jp[jpnum].jp_Type) <= cJU_JPNULLMAX) + continue; + + if ((pop1 = j__udyJPPop1((Pjbu->jbu_jp) + jpnum)) + == cJU_ALLONES) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + assert(pop1 != 0); + +// Warning: pop1lower and pop1 are unsigned, see earlier comment: + + if (pop1lower + pop1 > Count0) + JBU_FOUNDEXPANSE; // Index is in this expanse. + + pop1lower += pop1; // add this JPs pop1. + } +#ifndef NOSMARTJBU // enable to turn off smart code for comparison purposes. + } + + +// COUNT DOWNWARD, subtracting the pop1 of each JP above from the whole +// expanses pop1: + + else + { +#ifdef SMARTMETRICS + ++jbu_downward; +#endif + pop1lower += pop1; // add whole branch to start. + + for (jpnum = cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS - 1; jpnum >= 0; --jpnum) + { + // shortcut, save a function call: + + if ((Pjbu->jbu_jp[jpnum].jp_Type) <= cJU_JPNULLMAX) + continue; + + if ((pop1 = j__udyJPPop1(Pjbu->jbu_jp + jpnum)) + == cJU_ALLONES) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + assert(pop1 != 0); + +// Warning: pop1lower and pop1 are unsigned, see earlier comment: + + pop1lower -= pop1; + +// Beware unsigned math problems: + + if ((pop1lower == 0) || (pop1lower - 1 < Count0)) + JBU_FOUNDEXPANSE; // Index is in this expanse. + } + } +#endif // NOSMARTJBU + + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); // should never get here. + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + + } // case cJU_JPBRANCH_U + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// LINEAR LEAF: +// +// Return the Index at the proper ordinal (see SETOFFSET()) in the leaf. First +// copy Dcd bytes, if there are any (only if state < cJU_ROOTSTATE - 1), to +// *PIndex. +// +// Note: The preceding branch traversal code MIGHT set pop1 for this expanse +// (linear leaf) as a side-effect, but dont depend on that (for JUDYL, which +// is the only cases that need it anyway). + +#define PREPL_DCD(cState) \ + JU_SETDCD(*PIndex, Pjp, cState); \ + PREPL + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#define PREPL_SETPOP1 // not needed in any cases. +#else +#define PREPL_SETPOP1 pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1 +#endif + +#define PREPL \ + Pjll = P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); \ + PREPL_SETPOP1; \ + SETOFFSET(offset, Count0, pop1lower, Pjp) + +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + case cJU_JPLEAF1: + + PREPL_DCD(1); + JU_SETDIGIT1(*PIndex, ((uint8_t *) Pjll)[offset]); + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF1(Pjll, pop1, offset); +#endif + + case cJU_JPLEAF2: + + PREPL_DCD(2); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(2))) + | ((uint16_t *) Pjll)[offset]; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF2(Pjll, pop1, offset); + +#ifndef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPLEAF3: + { + Word_t lsb; + PREPL; + JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) Pjll) + (3 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(3))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF3(Pjll, pop1, offset); + } + +#else + case cJU_JPLEAF3: + { + Word_t lsb; + PREPL_DCD(3); + JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) Pjll) + (3 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(3))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF3(Pjll, pop1, offset); + } + + case cJU_JPLEAF4: + + PREPL_DCD(4); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(4))) + | ((uint32_t *) Pjll)[offset]; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF4(Pjll, pop1, offset); + + case cJU_JPLEAF5: + { + Word_t lsb; + PREPL_DCD(5); + JU_COPY5_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) Pjll) + (5 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(5))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF5(Pjll, pop1, offset); + } + + case cJU_JPLEAF6: + { + Word_t lsb; + PREPL_DCD(6); + JU_COPY6_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) Pjll) + (6 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(6))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF6(Pjll, pop1, offset); + } + + case cJU_JPLEAF7: + { + Word_t lsb; + PREPL; + JU_COPY7_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) Pjll) + (7 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(7))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF7(Pjll, pop1, offset); + } +#endif + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// BITMAP LEAF: +// +// Return the Index at the proper ordinal (see SETOFFSET()) in the leaf by +// counting bits. First copy Dcd bytes (always present since state 1 < +// cJU_ROOTSTATE) to *PIndex. +// +// Note: The preceding branch traversal code MIGHT set pop1 for this expanse +// (bitmap leaf) as a side-effect, but dont depend on that. + + case cJU_JPLEAF_B1: + { + Pjlb_t Pjlb; + + JU_SETDCD(*PIndex, Pjp, 1); + Pjlb = P_JLB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + +// COUNT UPWARD, adding the pop1 of each subexpanse: +// +// The entire bitmap should fit in one cache line, but still try to save some +// CPU time by counting the fewest possible number of subexpanses from the +// bitmap. +// +// See header comments about limitations of this for Judy*ByCount(). + +#ifndef NOSMARTJLB // enable to turn off smart code for comparison purposes. + + if (LOWERHALF(Count0, pop1lower, pop1)) + { +#endif +#ifdef SMARTMETRICS + ++jlb_upward; +#endif + for (subexp = 0; subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPL; ++subexp) + { + pop1 = j__udyCountBitsL(JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp)); + +// Warning: pop1lower and pop1 are unsigned, see earlier comment: + + if (pop1lower + pop1 > Count0) + goto LeafB1; // Index is in this subexpanse. + + pop1lower += pop1; // add this subexpanses pop1. + } +#ifndef NOSMARTJLB // enable to turn off smart code for comparison purposes. + } + + +// COUNT DOWNWARD, subtracting each "above" subexpanses pop1 from the whole +// expanses pop1: + + else + { +#ifdef SMARTMETRICS + ++jlb_downward; +#endif + pop1lower += pop1; // add whole leaf to start. + + for (subexp = cJU_NUMSUBEXPL - 1; subexp >= 0; --subexp) + { + pop1lower -= j__udyCountBitsL(JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp)); + +// Beware unsigned math problems: + + if ((pop1lower == 0) || (pop1lower - 1 < Count0)) + goto LeafB1; // Index is in this subexpanse. + } + } +#endif // NOSMARTJLB + + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); // should never get here. + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + + +// RETURN INDEX FOUND: +// +// Come here with subexp set to the correct subexpanse, and pop1lower set to +// the sum for all lower expanses and subexpanses in the Judy tree. Calculate +// and save in *PIndex the digit corresponding to the ordinal in this +// subexpanse. + +LeafB1: + SETOFFSET(offset, Count0, pop1lower, Pjp); + JU_BITMAPDIGITL(digit, subexp, JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp), offset); + JU_SETDIGIT1(*PIndex, digit); + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF_B1(Pjlb, subexp, offset); +// == return((PPvoid_t) (P_JV(JL_JLB_PVALUE(Pjlb, subexp)) + offset)) + + } // case cJU_JPLEAF_B1 + + +#ifdef JUDY1 +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// FULL POPULATION: +// +// Copy Dcd bytes (always present since state 1 < cJU_ROOTSTATE) to *PIndex, +// then set the appropriate digit for the ordinal (see SETOFFSET()) in the leaf +// as the LSB in *PIndex. + + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1: + + JU_SETDCD(*PIndex, Pjp, 1); + SETOFFSET(offset, Count0, pop1lower, Pjp); + assert(offset >= 0); + assert(offset <= cJU_JPFULLPOPU1_POP0); + JU_SETDIGIT1(*PIndex, offset); + JU_RET_FOUND_FULLPOPU1; +#endif + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// IMMEDIATE: +// +// Locate the Index with the proper ordinal (see SETOFFSET()) in the Immediate, +// depending on leaf Index Size and pop1. Note: There are no Dcd bytes in an +// Immediate JP, but in a cJU_JPIMMED_*_01 JP, the field holds the least bytes +// of the immediate Index. + +#define SET_01(cState) JU_SETDIGITS(*PIndex, JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp), cState) + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_01: SET_01(1); goto Imm_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_01: SET_01(2); goto Imm_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_01: SET_01(3); goto Imm_01; +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPIMMED_4_01: SET_01(4); goto Imm_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_5_01: SET_01(5); goto Imm_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_6_01: SET_01(6); goto Imm_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_7_01: SET_01(7); goto Imm_01; +#endif + +Imm_01: + + DBGCODE(SETOFFSET_IMM_CK(offset, Count0, pop1lower, 1);) + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM_01(Pjp); + +// Shorthand for where to find start of Index bytes array: + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#define PJI (Pjp->jp_1Index) +#else +#define PJI (Pjp->jp_LIndex) +#endif + +// Optional code to check the remaining ordinal (see SETOFFSET_IMM()) against +// the Index Size of the Immediate: + +#ifndef DEBUG // simple placeholder: +#define IMM(cPop1,Next) \ + goto Next +#else // extra pop1-specific checking: +#define IMM(cPop1,Next) \ + SETOFFSET_IMM_CK(offset, Count0, pop1lower, cPop1); \ + goto Next +#endif + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_02: IMM( 2, Imm1); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_03: IMM( 3, Imm1); +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_04: IMM( 4, Imm1); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_05: IMM( 5, Imm1); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_06: IMM( 6, Imm1); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_07: IMM( 7, Imm1); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_08: IMM( 8, Imm1); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_09: IMM( 9, Imm1); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_10: IMM(10, Imm1); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_11: IMM(11, Imm1); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_12: IMM(12, Imm1); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_13: IMM(13, Imm1); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_14: IMM(14, Imm1); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_15: IMM(15, Imm1); +#endif + +Imm1: SETOFFSET_IMM(offset, Count0, pop1lower); + JU_SETDIGIT1(*PIndex, ((uint8_t *) PJI)[offset]); + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_02: IMM(2, Imm2); + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_03: IMM(3, Imm2); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_04: IMM(4, Imm2); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_05: IMM(5, Imm2); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_06: IMM(6, Imm2); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_07: IMM(7, Imm2); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) +Imm2: SETOFFSET_IMM(offset, Count0, pop1lower); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(2))) + | ((uint16_t *) PJI)[offset]; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_02: IMM(2, Imm3); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_03: IMM(3, Imm3); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_04: IMM(4, Imm3); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_05: IMM(5, Imm3); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) +Imm3: + { + Word_t lsb; + SETOFFSET_IMM(offset, Count0, pop1lower); + JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) PJI) + (3 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(3))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + } +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02: IMM(2, Imm4); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_03: IMM(3, Imm4); + +Imm4: SETOFFSET_IMM(offset, Count0, pop1lower); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(4))) + | ((uint32_t *) PJI)[offset]; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02: IMM(2, Imm5); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_03: IMM(3, Imm5); + +Imm5: + { + Word_t lsb; + SETOFFSET_IMM(offset, Count0, pop1lower); + JU_COPY5_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) PJI) + (5 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(5))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + } + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02: IMM(2, Imm6); + +Imm6: + { + Word_t lsb; + SETOFFSET_IMM(offset, Count0, pop1lower); + JU_COPY6_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) PJI) + (6 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(6))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + } + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02: IMM(2, Imm7); + +Imm7: + { + Word_t lsb; + SETOFFSET_IMM(offset, Count0, pop1lower); + JU_COPY7_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) PJI) + (7 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(7))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + } +#endif // (JUDY1 && JU_64BIT) + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// UNEXPECTED JP TYPES: + + default: JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + + } // SMByCount switch. + + /*NOTREACHED*/ + +} // Judy1ByCount() / JudyLByCount() diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/JudyLCascade.c b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/JudyLCascade.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fa865589 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/JudyLCascade.c @@ -0,0 +1,1942 @@ +// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company +// +// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +// under the term of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +// option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +// _________________ + +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#include "Judy1.h" +#else +#include "JudyL.h" +#endif + +#include "JudyPrivate1L.h" + +extern int j__udyCreateBranchL(Pjp_t, Pjp_t, uint8_t *, Word_t, Pvoid_t); +extern int j__udyCreateBranchB(Pjp_t, Pjp_t, uint8_t *, Word_t, Pvoid_t); + +DBGCODE(extern void JudyCheckSorted(Pjll_t Pjll, Word_t Pop1, long IndexSize);) + +static const jbb_t StageJBBZero; // zeroed versions of namesake struct. + +// TBD: There are multiple copies of (some of) these CopyWto3, Copy3toW, +// CopyWto7 and Copy7toW functions in Judy1Cascade.c, JudyLCascade.c, and +// JudyDecascade.c. These static functions should probably be moved to a +// common place, made macros, or something to avoid having four copies. + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y C O P Y X T O W + + +FUNCTION static void j__udyCopy3toW( + PWord_t PDest, + uint8_t * PSrc, + Word_t LeafIndexes) +{ + do + { + JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG(*PDest, PSrc); + PSrc += 3; + PDest += 1; + + } while(--LeafIndexes); + +} //j__udyCopy3toW() + + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + +FUNCTION static void j__udyCopy4toW( + PWord_t PDest, + uint32_t * PSrc, + Word_t LeafIndexes) +{ + do { *PDest++ = *PSrc++; + } while(--LeafIndexes); + +} // j__udyCopy4toW() + + +FUNCTION static void j__udyCopy5toW( + PWord_t PDest, + uint8_t * PSrc, + Word_t LeafIndexes) +{ + do + { + JU_COPY5_PINDEX_TO_LONG(*PDest, PSrc); + PSrc += 5; + PDest += 1; + + } while(--LeafIndexes); + +} // j__udyCopy5toW() + + +FUNCTION static void j__udyCopy6toW( + PWord_t PDest, + uint8_t * PSrc, + Word_t LeafIndexes) +{ + do + { + JU_COPY6_PINDEX_TO_LONG(*PDest, PSrc); + PSrc += 6; + PDest += 1; + + } while(--LeafIndexes); + +} // j__udyCopy6toW() + + +FUNCTION static void j__udyCopy7toW( + PWord_t PDest, + uint8_t * PSrc, + Word_t LeafIndexes) +{ + do + { + JU_COPY7_PINDEX_TO_LONG(*PDest, PSrc); + PSrc += 7; + PDest += 1; + + } while(--LeafIndexes); + +} // j__udyCopy7toW() + +#endif // JU_64BIT + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y C O P Y W T O X + + +FUNCTION static void j__udyCopyWto3( + uint8_t * PDest, + PWord_t PSrc, + Word_t LeafIndexes) +{ + do + { + JU_COPY3_LONG_TO_PINDEX(PDest, *PSrc); + PSrc += 1; + PDest += 3; + + } while(--LeafIndexes); + +} // j__udyCopyWto3() + + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + +FUNCTION static void j__udyCopyWto4( + uint8_t * PDest, + PWord_t PSrc, + Word_t LeafIndexes) +{ + uint32_t *PDest32 = (uint32_t *)PDest; + + do + { + *PDest32 = *PSrc; + PSrc += 1; + PDest32 += 1; + } while(--LeafIndexes); + +} // j__udyCopyWto4() + + +FUNCTION static void j__udyCopyWto5( + uint8_t * PDest, + PWord_t PSrc, + Word_t LeafIndexes) +{ + do + { + JU_COPY5_LONG_TO_PINDEX(PDest, *PSrc); + PSrc += 1; + PDest += 5; + + } while(--LeafIndexes); + +} // j__udyCopyWto5() + + +FUNCTION static void j__udyCopyWto6( + uint8_t * PDest, + PWord_t PSrc, + Word_t LeafIndexes) +{ + do + { + JU_COPY6_LONG_TO_PINDEX(PDest, *PSrc); + PSrc += 1; + PDest += 6; + + } while(--LeafIndexes); + +} // j__udyCopyWto6() + + +FUNCTION static void j__udyCopyWto7( + uint8_t * PDest, + PWord_t PSrc, + Word_t LeafIndexes) +{ + do + { + JU_COPY7_LONG_TO_PINDEX(PDest, *PSrc); + PSrc += 1; + PDest += 7; + + } while(--LeafIndexes); + +} // j__udyCopyWto7() + +#endif // JU_64BIT + + +// **************************************************************************** +// COMMON CODE (MACROS): +// +// Free objects in an array of valid JPs, StageJP[ExpCnt] == last one may +// include Immeds, which are ignored. + +#define FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt,StageJP,Pjpm) \ + { \ + Word_t _expct = (ExpCnt); \ + while (_expct--) j__udyFreeSM(&((StageJP)[_expct]), Pjpm); \ + return(-1); \ + } + +// Clear the array that keeps track of the number of JPs in a subexpanse: + +#define ZEROJP(SubJPCount) \ + { \ + int ii; \ + for (ii = 0; ii < cJU_NUMSUBEXPB; ii++) (SubJPCount[ii]) = 0; \ + } + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y S T A G E J B B T O J B B +// +// Create a mallocd BranchB (jbb_t) from a staged BranchB while "splaying" a +// single old leaf. Return -1 if out of memory, otherwise 1. + +static int j__udyStageJBBtoJBB( + Pjp_t PjpLeaf, // JP of leaf being splayed. + Pjbb_t PStageJBB, // temp jbb_t on stack. + Pjp_t PjpArray, // array of JPs to splayed new leaves. + uint8_t * PSubCount, // count of JPs for each subexpanse. + Pjpm_t Pjpm) // the jpm_t for JudyAlloc*(). +{ + Pjbb_t PjbbRaw; // pointer to new bitmap branch. + Pjbb_t Pjbb; + Word_t subexp; + +// Get memory for new BranchB: + + if ((PjbbRaw = j__udyAllocJBB(Pjpm)) == (Pjbb_t) NULL) return(-1); + Pjbb = P_JBB(PjbbRaw); + +// Copy staged BranchB into just-allocated BranchB: + + *Pjbb = *PStageJBB; + +// Allocate the JP subarrays (BJP) for the new BranchB: + + for (subexp = 0; subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPB; subexp++) + { + Pjp_t PjpRaw; + Pjp_t Pjp; + Word_t NumJP; // number of JPs in each subexpanse. + + if ((NumJP = PSubCount[subexp]) == 0) continue; // empty. + +// Out of memory, back out previous allocations: + + if ((PjpRaw = j__udyAllocJBBJP(NumJP, Pjpm)) == (Pjp_t) NULL) + { + while(subexp--) + { + if ((NumJP = PSubCount[subexp]) == 0) continue; + + PjpRaw = JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp); + j__udyFreeJBBJP(PjpRaw, NumJP, Pjpm); + } + j__udyFreeJBB(PjbbRaw, Pjpm); + return(-1); // out of memory. + } + Pjp = P_JP(PjpRaw); + +// Place the JP subarray pointer in the new BranchB, copy subarray JPs, and +// advance to the next subexpanse: + + JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp) = PjpRaw; + JU_COPYMEM(Pjp, PjpArray, NumJP); + PjpArray += NumJP; + + } // for each subexpanse. + +// Change the PjpLeaf from Leaf to BranchB: + + PjpLeaf->jp_Addr = (Word_t) PjbbRaw; + PjpLeaf->jp_Type += cJU_JPBRANCH_B2 - cJU_JPLEAF2; // Leaf to BranchB. + + return(1); + +} // j__udyStageJBBtoJBB() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y J L L 2 T O J L B 1 +// +// Create a LeafB1 (jlb_t = JLB1) from a Leaf2 (2-byte Indexes and for JudyL, +// Word_t Values). Return NULL if out of memory, else a pointer to the new +// LeafB1. +// +// NOTE: Caller must release the Leaf2 that was passed in. + +FUNCTION static Pjlb_t j__udyJLL2toJLB1( + uint16_t * Pjll, // array of 16-bit indexes. +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv_t Pjv, // array of associated values. +#endif + Word_t LeafPop1, // number of indexes/values. + Pvoid_t Pjpm) // jpm_t for JudyAlloc*()/JudyFree*(). +{ + Pjlb_t PjlbRaw; + Pjlb_t Pjlb; + int offset; +JUDYLCODE(int subexp;) + +// Allocate the LeafB1: + + if ((PjlbRaw = j__udyAllocJLB1(Pjpm)) == (Pjlb_t) NULL) + return((Pjlb_t) NULL); + Pjlb = P_JLB(PjlbRaw); + +// Copy Leaf2 indexes to LeafB1: + + for (offset = 0; offset < LeafPop1; ++offset) + JU_BITMAPSETL(Pjlb, Pjll[offset]); + +#ifdef JUDYL + +// Build LeafVs from bitmap: + + for (subexp = 0; subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPL; ++subexp) + { + struct _POINTER_VALUES + { + Word_t pv_Pop1; // size of value area. + Pjv_t pv_Pjv; // raw pointer to value area. + } pv[cJU_NUMSUBEXPL]; + +// Get the population of the subexpanse, and if any, allocate a LeafV: + + pv[subexp].pv_Pop1 = j__udyCountBitsL(JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp)); + + if (pv[subexp].pv_Pop1) + { + Pjv_t Pjvnew; + +// TBD: There is an opportunity to put pop == 1 value in pointer: + + pv[subexp].pv_Pjv = j__udyLAllocJV(pv[subexp].pv_Pop1, Pjpm); + +// Upon out of memory, free all previously allocated: + + if (pv[subexp].pv_Pjv == (Pjv_t) NULL) + { + while(subexp--) + { + if (pv[subexp].pv_Pop1) + { + j__udyLFreeJV(pv[subexp].pv_Pjv, pv[subexp].pv_Pop1, + Pjpm); + } + } + j__udyFreeJLB1(PjlbRaw, Pjpm); + return((Pjlb_t) NULL); + } + + Pjvnew = P_JV(pv[subexp].pv_Pjv); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjvnew, Pjv, pv[subexp].pv_Pop1); + Pjv += pv[subexp].pv_Pop1; // advance value pointer. + +// Place raw pointer to value array in bitmap subexpanse: + + JL_JLB_PVALUE(Pjlb, subexp) = pv[subexp].pv_Pjv; + + } // populated subexpanse. + } // each subexpanse. + +#endif // JUDYL + + return(PjlbRaw); // pointer to LeafB1. + +} // j__udyJLL2toJLB1() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y C A S C A D E 1 +// +// Create bitmap leaf from 1-byte Indexes and Word_t Values. +// +// TBD: There must be a better way. +// +// Only for JudyL 32 bit: (note, unifdef disallows comment on next line) + +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + +FUNCTION int j__udyCascade1( + Pjp_t Pjp, + Pvoid_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t DcdP0; + uint8_t * PLeaf; + Pjlb_t PjlbRaw; + Pjlb_t Pjlb; + Word_t Pop1; + Word_t ii; // temp for loop counter +JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjv;) + + assert(JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) == cJU_JPLEAF1); + assert((JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & 0xFF) == (cJU_LEAF1_MAXPOP1-1)); + + PjlbRaw = j__udyAllocJLB1(Pjpm); + if (PjlbRaw == (Pjlb_t) NULL) return(-1); + + Pjlb = P_JLB(PjlbRaw); + PLeaf = (uint8_t *) P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + + JUDYLCODE(Pjv = JL_LEAF1VALUEAREA(PLeaf, Pop1);) + +// Copy 1 byte index Leaf to bitmap Leaf + for (ii = 0; ii < Pop1; ii++) JU_BITMAPSETL(Pjlb, PLeaf[ii]); + +#ifdef JUDYL +// Build 8 subexpanse Value leaves from bitmap + for (ii = 0; ii < cJU_NUMSUBEXPL; ii++) + { +// Get number of Indexes in subexpanse + if ((Pop1 = j__udyCountBitsL(JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, ii)))) + { + Pjv_t PjvnewRaw; // value area of new leaf. + Pjv_t Pjvnew; + + PjvnewRaw = j__udyLAllocJV(Pop1, Pjpm); + if (PjvnewRaw == (Pjv_t) NULL) // out of memory. + { +// Free prevously allocated LeafVs: + while(ii--) + { + if ((Pop1 = j__udyCountBitsL(JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, ii)))) + { + PjvnewRaw = JL_JLB_PVALUE(Pjlb, ii); + j__udyLFreeJV(PjvnewRaw, Pop1, Pjpm); + } + } +// Free the bitmap leaf + j__udyLFreeJLB1(PjlbRaw,Pjpm); + return(-1); + } + Pjvnew = P_JV(PjvnewRaw); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjvnew, Pjv, Pop1); + + Pjv += Pop1; + JL_JLB_PVALUE(Pjlb, ii) = PjvnewRaw; + } + } +#endif // JUDYL + + DcdP0 = JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) | (PLeaf[0] & cJU_DCDMASK(1)); + JU_JPSETADT(Pjp, (Word_t)PjlbRaw, DcdP0, cJU_JPLEAF_B1); + + return(1); // return success + +} // j__udyCascade1() + +#endif // (!(JUDY1 && JU_64BIT)) + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y C A S C A D E 2 +// +// Entry PLeaf of size LeafPop1 is either compressed or splayed with pointer +// returned in Pjp. Entry Levels sizeof(Word_t) down to level 2. +// +// Splay or compress the 2-byte Index Leaf that Pjp point to. Return *Pjp as a +// (compressed) cJU_LEAFB1 or a cJU_BRANCH_*2 + +FUNCTION int j__udyCascade2( + Pjp_t Pjp, + Pvoid_t Pjpm) +{ + uint16_t * PLeaf; // pointer to leaf, explicit type. + Word_t End, Start; // temporaries. + Word_t ExpCnt; // count of expanses of splay. + Word_t CIndex; // current Index word. +JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjv;) // value area of leaf. + +// Temp staging for parts(Leaves) of newly splayed leaf + jp_t StageJP [cJU_LEAF2_MAXPOP1]; // JPs of new leaves + uint8_t StageExp [cJU_LEAF2_MAXPOP1]; // Expanses of new leaves + uint8_t SubJPCount[cJU_NUMSUBEXPB]; // JPs in each subexpanse + jbb_t StageJBB; // staged bitmap branch + + assert(JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) == cJU_JPLEAF2); + assert((JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & 0xFFFF) == (cJU_LEAF2_MAXPOP1-1)); + +// Get the address of the Leaf + PLeaf = (uint16_t *) P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + +// And its Value area + JUDYLCODE(Pjv = JL_LEAF2VALUEAREA(PLeaf, cJU_LEAF2_MAXPOP1);) + +// If Leaf is in 1 expanse -- just compress it to a Bitmap Leaf + + CIndex = PLeaf[0]; + if (!JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex ^ PLeaf[cJU_LEAF2_MAXPOP1-1], 2)) + { +// cJU_JPLEAF_B1 + Word_t DcdP0; + Pjlb_t PjlbRaw; + PjlbRaw = j__udyJLL2toJLB1(PLeaf, +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv, +#endif + cJU_LEAF2_MAXPOP1, Pjpm); + if (PjlbRaw == (Pjlb_t)NULL) return(-1); // out of memory + +// Merge in another Dcd byte because compressing + DcdP0 = (CIndex & cJU_DCDMASK(1)) | JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp); + JU_JPSETADT(Pjp, (Word_t)PjlbRaw, DcdP0, cJU_JPLEAF_B1); + + return(1); + } + +// Else in 2+ expanses, splay Leaf into smaller leaves at higher compression + + StageJBB = StageJBBZero; // zero staged bitmap branch + ZEROJP(SubJPCount); + +// Splay the 2 byte index Leaf to 1 byte Index Leaves + for (ExpCnt = Start = 0, End = 1; ; End++) + { +// Check if new expanse or last one + if ( (End == cJU_LEAF2_MAXPOP1) + || + (JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex ^ PLeaf[End], 2)) + ) + { +// Build a leaf below the previous expanse +// + Pjp_t PjpJP = StageJP + ExpCnt; + Word_t Pop1 = End - Start; + Word_t expanse = JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex, 2); + Word_t subexp = expanse / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; +// +// set the bit that is the current expanse + JU_JBB_BITMAP(&StageJBB, subexp) |= JU_BITPOSMASKB(expanse); +#ifdef SUBEXPCOUNTS + StageJBB.jbb_subPop1[subexp] += Pop1; // pop of subexpanse +#endif +// count number of expanses in each subexpanse + SubJPCount[subexp]++; + +// Save byte expanse of leaf + StageExp[ExpCnt] = JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex, 2); + + if (Pop1 == 1) // cJU_JPIMMED_1_01 + { + Word_t DcdP0; + DcdP0 = (JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & cJU_DCDMASK(1)) | + CIndex; +#ifdef JUDY1 + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, 0, DcdP0, cJ1_JPIMMED_1_01); +#else // JUDYL + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, Pjv[Start], DcdP0, + cJL_JPIMMED_1_01); +#endif // JUDYL + } + else if (Pop1 <= cJU_IMMED1_MAXPOP1) // bigger + { +// cJL_JPIMMED_1_02..3: JudyL 32 +// cJ1_JPIMMED_1_02..7: Judy1 32 +// cJL_JPIMMED_1_02..7: JudyL 64 +// cJ1_JPIMMED_1_02..15: Judy1 64 +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv_t PjvnewRaw; // value area of leaf. + Pjv_t Pjvnew; + +// Allocate Value area for Immediate Leaf + PjvnewRaw = j__udyLAllocJV(Pop1, Pjpm); + if (PjvnewRaw == (Pjv_t) NULL) + FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + + Pjvnew = P_JV(PjvnewRaw); + +// Copy to Values to Value Leaf + JU_COPYMEM(Pjvnew, Pjv + Start, Pop1); + PjpJP->jp_Addr = (Word_t) PjvnewRaw; + +// Copy to JP as an immediate Leaf + JU_COPYMEM(PjpJP->jp_LIndex, PLeaf + Start, + Pop1); +#else + JU_COPYMEM(PjpJP->jp_1Index, PLeaf + Start, + Pop1); +#endif +// Set Type, Population and Index size + PjpJP->jp_Type = cJU_JPIMMED_1_02 + Pop1 - 2; + } + +// 64Bit Judy1 does not have Leaf1: (note, unifdef disallows comment on next +// line) + +#if (! (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT))) + else if (Pop1 <= cJU_LEAF1_MAXPOP1) // still bigger + { +// cJU_JPLEAF1 + Word_t DcdP0; + Pjll_t PjllRaw; // pointer to new leaf. + Pjll_t Pjll; + JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjvnew;) // value area of new leaf. + +// Get a new Leaf + PjllRaw = j__udyAllocJLL1(Pop1, Pjpm); + if (PjllRaw == (Pjll_t)NULL) + FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + + Pjll = P_JLL(PjllRaw); +#ifdef JUDYL +// Copy to Values to new Leaf + Pjvnew = JL_LEAF1VALUEAREA(Pjll, Pop1); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjvnew, Pjv + Start, Pop1); +#endif +// Copy Indexes to new Leaf + JU_COPYMEM((uint8_t *)Pjll, PLeaf+Start, Pop1); + + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjll, Pop1, 1);) + + DcdP0 = (JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & cJU_DCDMASK(2)) + | + (CIndex & cJU_DCDMASK(2-1)) + | + (Pop1 - 1); + + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, (Word_t)PjllRaw, DcdP0, + cJU_JPLEAF1); + } +#endif // (!(JUDY1 && JU_64BIT)) // Not 64Bit Judy1 + + else // biggest + { +// cJU_JPLEAF_B1 + Word_t DcdP0; + Pjlb_t PjlbRaw; + PjlbRaw = j__udyJLL2toJLB1( + PLeaf + Start, +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv + Start, +#endif + Pop1, Pjpm); + if (PjlbRaw == (Pjlb_t)NULL) + FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + + DcdP0 = (JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & cJU_DCDMASK(2)) + | + (CIndex & cJU_DCDMASK(2-1)) + | + (Pop1 - 1); + + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, (Word_t)PjlbRaw, DcdP0, + cJU_JPLEAF_B1); + } + ExpCnt++; +// Done? + if (End == cJU_LEAF2_MAXPOP1) break; + +// New Expanse, Start and Count + CIndex = PLeaf[End]; + Start = End; + } + } + +// Now put all the Leaves below a BranchL or BranchB: + if (ExpCnt <= cJU_BRANCHLMAXJPS) // put the Leaves below a BranchL + { + if (j__udyCreateBranchL(Pjp, StageJP, StageExp, ExpCnt, + Pjpm) == -1) FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + + Pjp->jp_Type = cJU_JPBRANCH_L2; + } + else + { + if (j__udyStageJBBtoJBB(Pjp, &StageJBB, StageJP, SubJPCount, Pjpm) + == -1) FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + } + return(1); + +} // j__udyCascade2() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y C A S C A D E 3 +// +// Return *Pjp as a (compressed) cJU_LEAF2, cJU_BRANCH_L3, cJU_BRANCH_B3. + +FUNCTION int j__udyCascade3( + Pjp_t Pjp, + Pvoid_t Pjpm) +{ + uint8_t * PLeaf; // pointer to leaf, explicit type. + Word_t End, Start; // temporaries. + Word_t ExpCnt; // count of expanses of splay. + Word_t CIndex; // current Index word. +JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjv;) // value area of leaf. + +// Temp staging for parts(Leaves) of newly splayed leaf + jp_t StageJP [cJU_LEAF3_MAXPOP1]; // JPs of new leaves + Word_t StageA [cJU_LEAF3_MAXPOP1]; + uint8_t StageExp [cJU_LEAF3_MAXPOP1]; // Expanses of new leaves + uint8_t SubJPCount[cJU_NUMSUBEXPB]; // JPs in each subexpanse + jbb_t StageJBB; // staged bitmap branch + + assert(JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) == cJU_JPLEAF3); + assert((JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & 0xFFFFFF) == (cJU_LEAF3_MAXPOP1-1)); + +// Get the address of the Leaf + PLeaf = (uint8_t *) P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + +// Extract leaf to Word_t and insert-sort Index into it + j__udyCopy3toW(StageA, PLeaf, cJU_LEAF3_MAXPOP1); + +// Get the address of the Leaf and Value area + JUDYLCODE(Pjv = JL_LEAF3VALUEAREA(PLeaf, cJU_LEAF3_MAXPOP1);) + +// If Leaf is in 1 expanse -- just compress it (compare 1st, last & Index) + + CIndex = StageA[0]; + if (!JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex ^ StageA[cJU_LEAF3_MAXPOP1-1], 3)) + { + Word_t DcdP0; + Pjll_t PjllRaw; // pointer to new leaf. + Pjll_t Pjll; + JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjvnew;) // value area of new leaf. + +// Alloc a 2 byte Index Leaf + PjllRaw = j__udyAllocJLL2(cJU_LEAF3_MAXPOP1, Pjpm); + if (PjllRaw == (Pjlb_t)NULL) return(-1); // out of memory + + Pjll = P_JLL(PjllRaw); + +// Copy just 2 bytes Indexes to new Leaf +// j__udyCopyWto2((uint16_t *) Pjll, StageA, cJU_LEAF3_MAXPOP1); + JU_COPYMEM ((uint16_t *) Pjll, StageA, cJU_LEAF3_MAXPOP1); +#ifdef JUDYL +// Copy Value area into new Leaf + Pjvnew = JL_LEAF2VALUEAREA(Pjll, cJU_LEAF3_MAXPOP1); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjvnew, Pjv, cJU_LEAF3_MAXPOP1); +#endif + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjll, cJU_LEAF3_MAXPOP1, 2);) + +// Form new JP, Pop0 field is unchanged +// Add in another Dcd byte because compressing + DcdP0 = (CIndex & cJU_DCDMASK(2)) | JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp); + + JU_JPSETADT(Pjp, (Word_t) PjllRaw, DcdP0, cJU_JPLEAF2); + + return(1); // Success + } + +// Else in 2+ expanses, splay Leaf into smaller leaves at higher compression + + StageJBB = StageJBBZero; // zero staged bitmap branch + ZEROJP(SubJPCount); + +// Splay the 3 byte index Leaf to 2 byte Index Leaves + for (ExpCnt = Start = 0, End = 1; ; End++) + { +// Check if new expanse or last one + if ( (End == cJU_LEAF3_MAXPOP1) + || + (JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex ^ StageA[End], 3)) + ) + { +// Build a leaf below the previous expanse + + Pjp_t PjpJP = StageJP + ExpCnt; + Word_t Pop1 = End - Start; + Word_t expanse = JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex, 3); + Word_t subexp = expanse / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; +// +// set the bit that is the current expanse + JU_JBB_BITMAP(&StageJBB, subexp) |= JU_BITPOSMASKB(expanse); +#ifdef SUBEXPCOUNTS + StageJBB.jbb_subPop1[subexp] += Pop1; // pop of subexpanse +#endif +// count number of expanses in each subexpanse + SubJPCount[subexp]++; + +// Save byte expanse of leaf + StageExp[ExpCnt] = JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex, 3); + + if (Pop1 == 1) // cJU_JPIMMED_2_01 + { + Word_t DcdP0; + DcdP0 = (JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & cJU_DCDMASK(2)) | + CIndex; +#ifdef JUDY1 + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, 0, DcdP0, cJ1_JPIMMED_2_01); +#else // JUDYL + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, Pjv[Start], DcdP0, + cJL_JPIMMED_2_01); +#endif // JUDYL + } +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + else if (Pop1 <= cJU_IMMED2_MAXPOP1) + { +// cJ1_JPIMMED_2_02..3: Judy1 32 +// cJL_JPIMMED_2_02..3: JudyL 64 +// cJ1_JPIMMED_2_02..7: Judy1 64 +#ifdef JUDYL +// Alloc is 1st in case of malloc fail + Pjv_t PjvnewRaw; // value area of new leaf. + Pjv_t Pjvnew; + +// Allocate Value area for Immediate Leaf + PjvnewRaw = j__udyLAllocJV(Pop1, Pjpm); + if (PjvnewRaw == (Pjv_t) NULL) + FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + + Pjvnew = P_JV(PjvnewRaw); + +// Copy to Values to Value Leaf + JU_COPYMEM(Pjvnew, Pjv + Start, Pop1); + + PjpJP->jp_Addr = (Word_t) PjvnewRaw; + +// Copy to Index to JP as an immediate Leaf + JU_COPYMEM((uint16_t *) (PjpJP->jp_LIndex), + StageA + Start, Pop1); +#else // JUDY1 + JU_COPYMEM((uint16_t *) (PjpJP->jp_1Index), + StageA + Start, Pop1); +#endif // JUDY1 +// Set Type, Population and Index size + PjpJP->jp_Type = cJU_JPIMMED_2_02 + Pop1 - 2; + } +#endif // (JUDY1 || JU_64BIT) + + else // Make a linear leaf2 + { +// cJU_JPLEAF2 + Word_t DcdP0; + Pjll_t PjllRaw; // pointer to new leaf. + Pjll_t Pjll; + JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjvnew;) // value area of new leaf. + + PjllRaw = j__udyAllocJLL2(Pop1, Pjpm); + if (PjllRaw == (Pjll_t) NULL) + FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + + Pjll = P_JLL(PjllRaw); +#ifdef JUDYL +// Copy to Values to new Leaf + Pjvnew = JL_LEAF2VALUEAREA(Pjll, Pop1); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjvnew, Pjv + Start, Pop1); +#endif +// Copy least 2 bytes per Index of Leaf to new Leaf + JU_COPYMEM((uint16_t *) Pjll, StageA+Start, + Pop1); + + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjll, Pop1, 2);) + + DcdP0 = (JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & cJU_DCDMASK(3)) + | + (CIndex & cJU_DCDMASK(3-1)) + | + (Pop1 - 1); + + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, (Word_t)PjllRaw, DcdP0, + cJU_JPLEAF2); + } + ExpCnt++; +// Done? + if (End == cJU_LEAF3_MAXPOP1) break; + +// New Expanse, Start and Count + CIndex = StageA[End]; + Start = End; + } + } + +// Now put all the Leaves below a BranchL or BranchB: + if (ExpCnt <= cJU_BRANCHLMAXJPS) // put the Leaves below a BranchL + { + if (j__udyCreateBranchL(Pjp, StageJP, StageExp, ExpCnt, + Pjpm) == -1) FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + + Pjp->jp_Type = cJU_JPBRANCH_L3; + } + else + { + if (j__udyStageJBBtoJBB(Pjp, &StageJBB, StageJP, SubJPCount, Pjpm) + == -1) FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + } + return(1); + +} // j__udyCascade3() + + +#ifdef JU_64BIT // JudyCascade[4567] + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y C A S C A D E 4 +// +// Cascade from a cJU_JPLEAF4 to one of the following: +// 1. if leaf is in 1 expanse: +// compress it into a JPLEAF3 +// 2. if leaf contains multiple expanses: +// create linear or bitmap branch containing +// each new expanse is either a: +// JPIMMED_3_01 branch +// JPIMMED_3_02 branch +// JPLEAF3 + +FUNCTION int j__udyCascade4( + Pjp_t Pjp, + Pvoid_t Pjpm) +{ + uint32_t * PLeaf; // pointer to leaf, explicit type. + Word_t End, Start; // temporaries. + Word_t ExpCnt; // count of expanses of splay. + Word_t CIndex; // current Index word. +JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjv;) // value area of leaf. + +// Temp staging for parts(Leaves) of newly splayed leaf + jp_t StageJP [cJU_LEAF4_MAXPOP1]; // JPs of new leaves + Word_t StageA [cJU_LEAF4_MAXPOP1]; + uint8_t StageExp [cJU_LEAF4_MAXPOP1]; // Expanses of new leaves + uint8_t SubJPCount[cJU_NUMSUBEXPB]; // JPs in each subexpanse + jbb_t StageJBB; // staged bitmap branch + + assert(JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) == cJU_JPLEAF4); + assert((JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & 0xFFFFFFFF) == (cJU_LEAF4_MAXPOP1-1)); + +// Get the address of the Leaf + PLeaf = (uint32_t *) P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + +// Extract 4 byte index Leaf to Word_t + j__udyCopy4toW(StageA, PLeaf, cJU_LEAF4_MAXPOP1); + +// Get the address of the Leaf and Value area + JUDYLCODE(Pjv = JL_LEAF4VALUEAREA(PLeaf, cJU_LEAF4_MAXPOP1);) + +// If Leaf is in 1 expanse -- just compress it (compare 1st, last & Index) + + CIndex = StageA[0]; + if (!JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex ^ StageA[cJU_LEAF4_MAXPOP1-1], 4)) + { + Word_t DcdP0; + Pjll_t PjllRaw; // pointer to new leaf. + Pjll_t Pjll; + JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjvnew;) // value area of new Leaf. + +// Alloc a 3 byte Index Leaf + PjllRaw = j__udyAllocJLL3(cJU_LEAF4_MAXPOP1, Pjpm); + if (PjllRaw == (Pjlb_t)NULL) return(-1); // out of memory + + Pjll = P_JLL(PjllRaw); + +// Copy Index area into new Leaf + j__udyCopyWto3((uint8_t *) Pjll, StageA, cJU_LEAF4_MAXPOP1); +#ifdef JUDYL +// Copy Value area into new Leaf + Pjvnew = JL_LEAF3VALUEAREA(Pjll, cJU_LEAF4_MAXPOP1); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjvnew, Pjv, cJU_LEAF4_MAXPOP1); +#endif + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjll, cJU_LEAF4_MAXPOP1, 3);) + + DcdP0 = JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) | (CIndex & cJU_DCDMASK(3)); + JU_JPSETADT(Pjp, (Word_t)PjllRaw, DcdP0, cJU_JPLEAF3); + + return(1); + } + +// Else in 2+ expanses, splay Leaf into smaller leaves at higher compression + + StageJBB = StageJBBZero; // zero staged bitmap branch + ZEROJP(SubJPCount); + +// Splay the 4 byte index Leaf to 3 byte Index Leaves + for (ExpCnt = Start = 0, End = 1; ; End++) + { +// Check if new expanse or last one + if ( (End == cJU_LEAF4_MAXPOP1) + || + (JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex ^ StageA[End], 4)) + ) + { +// Build a leaf below the previous expanse + + Pjp_t PjpJP = StageJP + ExpCnt; + Word_t Pop1 = End - Start; + Word_t expanse = JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex, 4); + Word_t subexp = expanse / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; +// +// set the bit that is the current expanse + JU_JBB_BITMAP(&StageJBB, subexp) |= JU_BITPOSMASKB(expanse); +#ifdef SUBEXPCOUNTS + StageJBB.jbb_subPop1[subexp] += Pop1; // pop of subexpanse +#endif +// count number of expanses in each subexpanse + SubJPCount[subexp]++; + +// Save byte expanse of leaf + StageExp[ExpCnt] = JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex, 4); + + if (Pop1 == 1) // cJU_JPIMMED_3_01 + { + Word_t DcdP0; + DcdP0 = (JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & cJU_DCDMASK(3)) | + CIndex; +#ifdef JUDY1 + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, 0, DcdP0, cJ1_JPIMMED_3_01); +#else // JUDYL + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, Pjv[Start], DcdP0, + cJL_JPIMMED_3_01); +#endif // JUDYL + } + else if (Pop1 <= cJU_IMMED3_MAXPOP1) + { +// cJ1_JPIMMED_3_02 : Judy1 32 +// cJL_JPIMMED_3_02 : JudyL 64 +// cJ1_JPIMMED_3_02..5: Judy1 64 + +#ifdef JUDYL +// Alloc is 1st in case of malloc fail + Pjv_t PjvnewRaw; // value area of new leaf. + Pjv_t Pjvnew; + +// Allocate Value area for Immediate Leaf + PjvnewRaw = j__udyLAllocJV(Pop1, Pjpm); + if (PjvnewRaw == (Pjv_t) NULL) + FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + + Pjvnew = P_JV(PjvnewRaw); + +// Copy to Values to Value Leaf + JU_COPYMEM(Pjvnew, Pjv + Start, Pop1); + PjpJP->jp_Addr = (Word_t) PjvnewRaw; + +// Copy to Index to JP as an immediate Leaf + j__udyCopyWto3(PjpJP->jp_LIndex, + StageA + Start, Pop1); +#else + j__udyCopyWto3(PjpJP->jp_1Index, + StageA + Start, Pop1); +#endif +// Set type, population and Index size + PjpJP->jp_Type = cJU_JPIMMED_3_02 + Pop1 - 2; + } + else + { +// cJU_JPLEAF3 + Word_t DcdP0; + Pjll_t PjllRaw; // pointer to new leaf. + Pjll_t Pjll; + JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjvnew;) // value area of new leaf. + + PjllRaw = j__udyAllocJLL3(Pop1, Pjpm); + if (PjllRaw == (Pjll_t)NULL) + FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + + Pjll = P_JLL(PjllRaw); + +// Copy Indexes to new Leaf + j__udyCopyWto3((uint8_t *) Pjll, StageA + Start, + Pop1); +#ifdef JUDYL +// Copy to Values to new Leaf + Pjvnew = JL_LEAF3VALUEAREA(Pjll, Pop1); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjvnew, Pjv + Start, Pop1); +#endif + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjll, Pop1, 3);) + + DcdP0 = (JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & cJU_DCDMASK(4)) + | + (CIndex & cJU_DCDMASK(4-1)) + | + (Pop1 - 1); + + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, (Word_t)PjllRaw, DcdP0, + cJU_JPLEAF3); + } + ExpCnt++; +// Done? + if (End == cJU_LEAF4_MAXPOP1) break; + +// New Expanse, Start and Count + CIndex = StageA[End]; + Start = End; + } + } + +// Now put all the Leaves below a BranchL or BranchB: + if (ExpCnt <= cJU_BRANCHLMAXJPS) // put the Leaves below a BranchL + { + if (j__udyCreateBranchL(Pjp, StageJP, StageExp, ExpCnt, + Pjpm) == -1) FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + + Pjp->jp_Type = cJU_JPBRANCH_L4; + } + else + { + if (j__udyStageJBBtoJBB(Pjp, &StageJBB, StageJP, SubJPCount, Pjpm) + == -1) FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + } + return(1); + +} // j__udyCascade4() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y C A S C A D E 5 +// +// Cascade from a cJU_JPLEAF5 to one of the following: +// 1. if leaf is in 1 expanse: +// compress it into a JPLEAF4 +// 2. if leaf contains multiple expanses: +// create linear or bitmap branch containing +// each new expanse is either a: +// JPIMMED_4_01 branch +// JPLEAF4 + +FUNCTION int j__udyCascade5( + Pjp_t Pjp, + Pvoid_t Pjpm) +{ + uint8_t * PLeaf; // pointer to leaf, explicit type. + Word_t End, Start; // temporaries. + Word_t ExpCnt; // count of expanses of splay. + Word_t CIndex; // current Index word. +JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjv;) // value area of leaf. + +// Temp staging for parts(Leaves) of newly splayed leaf + jp_t StageJP [cJU_LEAF5_MAXPOP1]; // JPs of new leaves + Word_t StageA [cJU_LEAF5_MAXPOP1]; + uint8_t StageExp [cJU_LEAF5_MAXPOP1]; // Expanses of new leaves + uint8_t SubJPCount[cJU_NUMSUBEXPB]; // JPs in each subexpanse + jbb_t StageJBB; // staged bitmap branch + + assert(JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) == cJU_JPLEAF5); + assert((JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & 0xFFFFFFFFFF) == (cJU_LEAF5_MAXPOP1-1)); + +// Get the address of the Leaf + PLeaf = (uint8_t *) P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + +// Extract 5 byte index Leaf to Word_t + j__udyCopy5toW(StageA, PLeaf, cJU_LEAF5_MAXPOP1); + +// Get the address of the Leaf and Value area + JUDYLCODE(Pjv = JL_LEAF5VALUEAREA(PLeaf, cJU_LEAF5_MAXPOP1);) + +// If Leaf is in 1 expanse -- just compress it (compare 1st, last & Index) + + CIndex = StageA[0]; + if (!JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex ^ StageA[cJU_LEAF5_MAXPOP1-1], 5)) + { + Word_t DcdP0; + Pjll_t PjllRaw; // pointer to new leaf. + Pjll_t Pjll; + JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjvnew;) // value area of new leaf. + +// Alloc a 4 byte Index Leaf + PjllRaw = j__udyAllocJLL4(cJU_LEAF5_MAXPOP1, Pjpm); + if (PjllRaw == (Pjlb_t)NULL) return(-1); // out of memory + + Pjll = P_JLL(PjllRaw); + +// Copy Index area into new Leaf + j__udyCopyWto4((uint8_t *) Pjll, StageA, cJU_LEAF5_MAXPOP1); +#ifdef JUDYL +// Copy Value area into new Leaf + Pjvnew = JL_LEAF4VALUEAREA(Pjll, cJU_LEAF5_MAXPOP1); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjvnew, Pjv, cJU_LEAF5_MAXPOP1); +#endif + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjll, cJU_LEAF5_MAXPOP1, 4);) + + DcdP0 = JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) | (CIndex & cJU_DCDMASK(4)); + JU_JPSETADT(Pjp, (Word_t)PjllRaw, DcdP0, cJU_JPLEAF4); + + return(1); + } + +// Else in 2+ expanses, splay Leaf into smaller leaves at higher compression + + StageJBB = StageJBBZero; // zero staged bitmap branch + ZEROJP(SubJPCount); + +// Splay the 5 byte index Leaf to 4 byte Index Leaves + for (ExpCnt = Start = 0, End = 1; ; End++) + { +// Check if new expanse or last one + if ( (End == cJU_LEAF5_MAXPOP1) + || + (JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex ^ StageA[End], 5)) + ) + { +// Build a leaf below the previous expanse + + Pjp_t PjpJP = StageJP + ExpCnt; + Word_t Pop1 = End - Start; + Word_t expanse = JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex, 5); + Word_t subexp = expanse / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; +// +// set the bit that is the current expanse + JU_JBB_BITMAP(&StageJBB, subexp) |= JU_BITPOSMASKB(expanse); +#ifdef SUBEXPCOUNTS + StageJBB.jbb_subPop1[subexp] += Pop1; // pop of subexpanse +#endif +// count number of expanses in each subexpanse + SubJPCount[subexp]++; + +// Save byte expanse of leaf + StageExp[ExpCnt] = JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex, 5); + + if (Pop1 == 1) // cJU_JPIMMED_4_01 + { + Word_t DcdP0; + DcdP0 = (JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & cJU_DCDMASK(4)) | + CIndex; +#ifdef JUDY1 + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, 0, DcdP0, cJ1_JPIMMED_4_01); +#else // JUDYL + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, Pjv[Start], DcdP0, + cJL_JPIMMED_4_01); +#endif // JUDYL + } +#ifdef JUDY1 + else if (Pop1 <= cJ1_IMMED4_MAXPOP1) + { +// cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02..3: Judy1 64 + +// Copy to Index to JP as an immediate Leaf + j__udyCopyWto4(PjpJP->jp_1Index, + StageA + Start, Pop1); + +// Set pointer, type, population and Index size + PjpJP->jp_Type = cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02 + Pop1 - 2; + } +#endif + else + { +// cJU_JPLEAF4 + Word_t DcdP0; + Pjll_t PjllRaw; // pointer to new leaf. + Pjll_t Pjll; + JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjvnew;) // value area of new leaf. + +// Get a new Leaf + PjllRaw = j__udyAllocJLL4(Pop1, Pjpm); + if (PjllRaw == (Pjll_t)NULL) + FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + + Pjll = P_JLL(PjllRaw); + +// Copy Indexes to new Leaf + j__udyCopyWto4((uint8_t *) Pjll, StageA + Start, + Pop1); +#ifdef JUDYL +// Copy to Values to new Leaf + Pjvnew = JL_LEAF4VALUEAREA(Pjll, Pop1); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjvnew, Pjv + Start, Pop1); +#endif + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjll, Pop1, 4);) + + DcdP0 = (JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & cJU_DCDMASK(5)) + | + (CIndex & cJU_DCDMASK(5-1)) + | + (Pop1 - 1); + + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, (Word_t)PjllRaw, DcdP0, + cJU_JPLEAF4); + } + ExpCnt++; +// Done? + if (End == cJU_LEAF5_MAXPOP1) break; + +// New Expanse, Start and Count + CIndex = StageA[End]; + Start = End; + } + } + +// Now put all the Leaves below a BranchL or BranchB: + if (ExpCnt <= cJU_BRANCHLMAXJPS) // put the Leaves below a BranchL + { + if (j__udyCreateBranchL(Pjp, StageJP, StageExp, ExpCnt, + Pjpm) == -1) FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + + Pjp->jp_Type = cJU_JPBRANCH_L5; + } + else + { + if (j__udyStageJBBtoJBB(Pjp, &StageJBB, StageJP, SubJPCount, Pjpm) + == -1) FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + } + return(1); + +} // j__udyCascade5() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y C A S C A D E 6 +// +// Cascade from a cJU_JPLEAF6 to one of the following: +// 1. if leaf is in 1 expanse: +// compress it into a JPLEAF5 +// 2. if leaf contains multiple expanses: +// create linear or bitmap branch containing +// each new expanse is either a: +// JPIMMED_5_01 ... JPIMMED_5_03 branch +// JPIMMED_5_01 branch +// JPLEAF5 + +FUNCTION int j__udyCascade6( + Pjp_t Pjp, + Pvoid_t Pjpm) +{ + uint8_t * PLeaf; // pointer to leaf, explicit type. + Word_t End, Start; // temporaries. + Word_t ExpCnt; // count of expanses of splay. + Word_t CIndex; // current Index word. +JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjv;) // value area of leaf. + +// Temp staging for parts(Leaves) of newly splayed leaf + jp_t StageJP [cJU_LEAF6_MAXPOP1]; // JPs of new leaves + Word_t StageA [cJU_LEAF6_MAXPOP1]; + uint8_t StageExp [cJU_LEAF6_MAXPOP1]; // Expanses of new leaves + uint8_t SubJPCount[cJU_NUMSUBEXPB]; // JPs in each subexpanse + jbb_t StageJBB; // staged bitmap branch + + assert(JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) == cJU_JPLEAF6); + assert((JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF) == (cJU_LEAF6_MAXPOP1-1)); + +// Get the address of the Leaf + PLeaf = (uint8_t *) P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + +// Extract 6 byte index Leaf to Word_t + j__udyCopy6toW(StageA, PLeaf, cJU_LEAF6_MAXPOP1); + +// Get the address of the Leaf and Value area + JUDYLCODE(Pjv = JL_LEAF6VALUEAREA(PLeaf, cJU_LEAF6_MAXPOP1);) + +// If Leaf is in 1 expanse -- just compress it (compare 1st, last & Index) + + CIndex = StageA[0]; + if (!JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex ^ StageA[cJU_LEAF6_MAXPOP1-1], 6)) + { + Word_t DcdP0; + Pjll_t PjllRaw; // pointer to new leaf. + Pjll_t Pjll; + JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjvnew;) // value area of new leaf. + +// Alloc a 5 byte Index Leaf + PjllRaw = j__udyAllocJLL5(cJU_LEAF6_MAXPOP1, Pjpm); + if (PjllRaw == (Pjlb_t)NULL) return(-1); // out of memory + + Pjll = P_JLL(PjllRaw); + +// Copy Index area into new Leaf + j__udyCopyWto5((uint8_t *) Pjll, StageA, cJU_LEAF6_MAXPOP1); +#ifdef JUDYL +// Copy Value area into new Leaf + Pjvnew = JL_LEAF5VALUEAREA(Pjll, cJU_LEAF6_MAXPOP1); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjvnew, Pjv, cJU_LEAF6_MAXPOP1); +#endif + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjll, cJU_LEAF6_MAXPOP1, 5);) + + DcdP0 = JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) | (CIndex & cJU_DCDMASK(5)); + JU_JPSETADT(Pjp, (Word_t)PjllRaw, DcdP0, cJU_JPLEAF5); + + return(1); + } + +// Else in 2+ expanses, splay Leaf into smaller leaves at higher compression + + StageJBB = StageJBBZero; // zero staged bitmap branch + ZEROJP(SubJPCount); + +// Splay the 6 byte index Leaf to 5 byte Index Leaves + for (ExpCnt = Start = 0, End = 1; ; End++) + { +// Check if new expanse or last one + if ( (End == cJU_LEAF6_MAXPOP1) + || + (JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex ^ StageA[End], 6)) + ) + { +// Build a leaf below the previous expanse + + Pjp_t PjpJP = StageJP + ExpCnt; + Word_t Pop1 = End - Start; + Word_t expanse = JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex, 6); + Word_t subexp = expanse / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; +// +// set the bit that is the current expanse + JU_JBB_BITMAP(&StageJBB, subexp) |= JU_BITPOSMASKB(expanse); +#ifdef SUBEXPCOUNTS + StageJBB.jbb_subPop1[subexp] += Pop1; // pop of subexpanse +#endif +// count number of expanses in each subexpanse + SubJPCount[subexp]++; + +// Save byte expanse of leaf + StageExp[ExpCnt] = JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex, 6); + + if (Pop1 == 1) // cJU_JPIMMED_5_01 + { + Word_t DcdP0; + DcdP0 = (JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & cJU_DCDMASK(5)) | + CIndex; +#ifdef JUDY1 + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, 0, DcdP0, cJ1_JPIMMED_5_01); +#else // JUDYL + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, Pjv[Start], DcdP0, + cJL_JPIMMED_5_01); +#endif // JUDYL + } +#ifdef JUDY1 + else if (Pop1 <= cJ1_IMMED5_MAXPOP1) + { +// cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02..3: Judy1 64 + +// Copy to Index to JP as an immediate Leaf + j__udyCopyWto5(PjpJP->jp_1Index, + StageA + Start, Pop1); + +// Set pointer, type, population and Index size + PjpJP->jp_Type = cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02 + Pop1 - 2; + } +#endif + else + { +// cJU_JPLEAF5 + Word_t DcdP0; + Pjll_t PjllRaw; // pointer to new leaf. + Pjll_t Pjll; + JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjvnew;) // value area of new leaf. + +// Get a new Leaf + PjllRaw = j__udyAllocJLL5(Pop1, Pjpm); + if (PjllRaw == (Pjll_t)NULL) + FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + + Pjll = P_JLL(PjllRaw); + +// Copy Indexes to new Leaf + j__udyCopyWto5((uint8_t *) Pjll, StageA + Start, + Pop1); + +// Copy to Values to new Leaf +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjvnew = JL_LEAF5VALUEAREA(Pjll, Pop1); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjvnew, Pjv + Start, Pop1); +#endif + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjll, Pop1, 5);) + + DcdP0 = (JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & cJU_DCDMASK(6)) + | + (CIndex & cJU_DCDMASK(6-1)) + | + (Pop1 - 1); + + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, (Word_t)PjllRaw, DcdP0, + cJU_JPLEAF5); + } + ExpCnt++; +// Done? + if (End == cJU_LEAF6_MAXPOP1) break; + +// New Expanse, Start and Count + CIndex = StageA[End]; + Start = End; + } + } + +// Now put all the Leaves below a BranchL or BranchB: + if (ExpCnt <= cJU_BRANCHLMAXJPS) // put the Leaves below a BranchL + { + if (j__udyCreateBranchL(Pjp, StageJP, StageExp, ExpCnt, + Pjpm) == -1) FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + + Pjp->jp_Type = cJU_JPBRANCH_L6; + } + else + { + if (j__udyStageJBBtoJBB(Pjp, &StageJBB, StageJP, SubJPCount, Pjpm) + == -1) FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + } + return(1); + +} // j__udyCascade6() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y C A S C A D E 7 +// +// Cascade from a cJU_JPLEAF7 to one of the following: +// 1. if leaf is in 1 expanse: +// compress it into a JPLEAF6 +// 2. if leaf contains multiple expanses: +// create linear or bitmap branch containing +// each new expanse is either a: +// JPIMMED_6_01 ... JPIMMED_6_02 branch +// JPIMMED_6_01 branch +// JPLEAF6 + +FUNCTION int j__udyCascade7( + Pjp_t Pjp, + Pvoid_t Pjpm) +{ + uint8_t * PLeaf; // pointer to leaf, explicit type. + Word_t End, Start; // temporaries. + Word_t ExpCnt; // count of expanses of splay. + Word_t CIndex; // current Index word. +JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjv;) // value area of leaf. + +// Temp staging for parts(Leaves) of newly splayed leaf + jp_t StageJP [cJU_LEAF7_MAXPOP1]; // JPs of new leaves + Word_t StageA [cJU_LEAF7_MAXPOP1]; + uint8_t StageExp [cJU_LEAF7_MAXPOP1]; // Expanses of new leaves + uint8_t SubJPCount[cJU_NUMSUBEXPB]; // JPs in each subexpanse + jbb_t StageJBB; // staged bitmap branch + + assert(JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) == cJU_JPLEAF7); + assert(JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) == (cJU_LEAF7_MAXPOP1-1)); + +// Get the address of the Leaf + PLeaf = (uint8_t *) P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + +// Extract 7 byte index Leaf to Word_t + j__udyCopy7toW(StageA, PLeaf, cJU_LEAF7_MAXPOP1); + +// Get the address of the Leaf and Value area + JUDYLCODE(Pjv = JL_LEAF7VALUEAREA(PLeaf, cJU_LEAF7_MAXPOP1);) + +// If Leaf is in 1 expanse -- just compress it (compare 1st, last & Index) + + CIndex = StageA[0]; + if (!JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex ^ StageA[cJU_LEAF7_MAXPOP1-1], 7)) + { + Word_t DcdP0; + Pjll_t PjllRaw; // pointer to new leaf. + Pjll_t Pjll; + JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjvnew;) // value area of new leaf. + +// Alloc a 6 byte Index Leaf + PjllRaw = j__udyAllocJLL6(cJU_LEAF7_MAXPOP1, Pjpm); + if (PjllRaw == (Pjlb_t)NULL) return(-1); // out of memory + + Pjll = P_JLL(PjllRaw); + +// Copy Index area into new Leaf + j__udyCopyWto6((uint8_t *) Pjll, StageA, cJU_LEAF7_MAXPOP1); +#ifdef JUDYL +// Copy Value area into new Leaf + Pjvnew = JL_LEAF6VALUEAREA(Pjll, cJU_LEAF7_MAXPOP1); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjvnew, Pjv, cJU_LEAF7_MAXPOP1); +#endif + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjll, cJU_LEAF7_MAXPOP1, 6);) + + DcdP0 = JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) | (CIndex & cJU_DCDMASK(6)); + JU_JPSETADT(Pjp, (Word_t)PjllRaw, DcdP0, cJU_JPLEAF6); + + return(1); + } + +// Else in 2+ expanses, splay Leaf into smaller leaves at higher compression + + StageJBB = StageJBBZero; // zero staged bitmap branch + ZEROJP(SubJPCount); + +// Splay the 7 byte index Leaf to 6 byte Index Leaves + for (ExpCnt = Start = 0, End = 1; ; End++) + { +// Check if new expanse or last one + if ( (End == cJU_LEAF7_MAXPOP1) + || + (JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex ^ StageA[End], 7)) + ) + { +// Build a leaf below the previous expanse + + Pjp_t PjpJP = StageJP + ExpCnt; + Word_t Pop1 = End - Start; + Word_t expanse = JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex, 7); + Word_t subexp = expanse / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; +// +// set the bit that is the current expanse + JU_JBB_BITMAP(&StageJBB, subexp) |= JU_BITPOSMASKB(expanse); +#ifdef SUBEXPCOUNTS + StageJBB.jbb_subPop1[subexp] += Pop1; // pop of subexpanse +#endif +// count number of expanses in each subexpanse + SubJPCount[subexp]++; + +// Save byte expanse of leaf + StageExp[ExpCnt] = JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex, 7); + + if (Pop1 == 1) // cJU_JPIMMED_6_01 + { + Word_t DcdP0; + DcdP0 = (JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & cJU_DCDMASK(6)) | + CIndex; +#ifdef JUDY1 + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, 0, DcdP0, cJ1_JPIMMED_6_01); +#else // JUDYL + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, Pjv[Start], DcdP0, + cJL_JPIMMED_6_01); +#endif // JUDYL + } +#ifdef JUDY1 + else if (Pop1 == cJ1_IMMED6_MAXPOP1) + { +// cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02: Judy1 64 + +// Copy to Index to JP as an immediate Leaf + j__udyCopyWto6(PjpJP->jp_1Index, + StageA + Start, 2); + +// Set pointer, type, population and Index size + PjpJP->jp_Type = cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02; + } +#endif + else + { +// cJU_JPLEAF6 + Word_t DcdP0; + Pjll_t PjllRaw; // pointer to new leaf. + Pjll_t Pjll; + JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjvnew;) // value area of new leaf. + +// Get a new Leaf + PjllRaw = j__udyAllocJLL6(Pop1, Pjpm); + if (PjllRaw == (Pjll_t)NULL) + FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + Pjll = P_JLL(PjllRaw); + +// Copy Indexes to new Leaf + j__udyCopyWto6((uint8_t *) Pjll, StageA + Start, + Pop1); +#ifdef JUDYL +// Copy to Values to new Leaf + Pjvnew = JL_LEAF6VALUEAREA(Pjll, Pop1); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjvnew, Pjv + Start, Pop1); +#endif + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjll, Pop1, 6);) + + DcdP0 = (JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & cJU_DCDMASK(7)) + | + (CIndex & cJU_DCDMASK(7-1)) + | + (Pop1 - 1); + + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, (Word_t)PjllRaw, DcdP0, + cJU_JPLEAF6); + } + ExpCnt++; +// Done? + if (End == cJU_LEAF7_MAXPOP1) break; + +// New Expanse, Start and Count + CIndex = StageA[End]; + Start = End; + } + } + +// Now put all the Leaves below a BranchL or BranchB: + if (ExpCnt <= cJU_BRANCHLMAXJPS) // put the Leaves below a BranchL + { + if (j__udyCreateBranchL(Pjp, StageJP, StageExp, ExpCnt, + Pjpm) == -1) FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + + Pjp->jp_Type = cJU_JPBRANCH_L7; + } + else + { + if (j__udyStageJBBtoJBB(Pjp, &StageJBB, StageJP, SubJPCount, Pjpm) + == -1) FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + } + return(1); + +} // j__udyCascade7() + +#endif // JU_64BIT + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y C A S C A D E L +// +// (Compressed) cJU_LEAF3[7], cJ1_JPBRANCH_L. +// +// Cascade from a LEAFW (under Pjp) to one of the following: +// 1. if LEAFW is in 1 expanse: +// create linear branch with a JPLEAF3[7] under it +// 2. LEAFW contains multiple expanses: +// create linear or bitmap branch containing new expanses +// each new expanse is either a: 32 64 +// JPIMMED_3_01 branch Y N +// JPIMMED_7_01 branch N Y +// JPLEAF3 Y N +// JPLEAF7 N Y + +FUNCTION int j__udyCascadeL( + Pjp_t Pjp, + Pvoid_t Pjpm) +{ + Pjlw_t Pjlw; // leaf to work on. + Word_t End, Start; // temporaries. + Word_t ExpCnt; // count of expanses of splay. + Word_t CIndex; // current Index word. +JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjv;) // value area of leaf. + +// Temp staging for parts(Leaves) of newly splayed leaf + jp_t StageJP [cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1]; + uint8_t StageExp[cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1]; + uint8_t SubJPCount[cJU_NUMSUBEXPB]; // JPs in each subexpanse + jbb_t StageJBB; // staged bitmap branch + +// Get the address of the Leaf + Pjlw = P_JLW(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + assert(Pjlw[0] == (cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1 - 1)); + +// Get pointer to Value area of old Leaf + JUDYLCODE(Pjv = JL_LEAFWVALUEAREA(Pjlw, cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1);) + + Pjlw++; // Now point to Index area + +// If Leaf is in 1 expanse -- first compress it (compare 1st, last & Index): + + CIndex = Pjlw[0]; // also used far below + if (!JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex ^ Pjlw[cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1 - 1], + cJU_ROOTSTATE)) + { + Pjll_t PjllRaw; // pointer to new leaf. + Pjll_t Pjll; + JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjvnew;) // value area of new leaf. + +// Get the common expanse to all elements in Leaf + StageExp[0] = JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex, cJU_ROOTSTATE); + +// Alloc a 3[7] byte Index Leaf +#ifdef JU_64BIT + PjllRaw = j__udyAllocJLL7(cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1, Pjpm); + if (PjllRaw == (Pjlb_t)NULL) return(-1); // out of memory + + Pjll = P_JLL(PjllRaw); + +// Copy LEAFW to a cJU_JPLEAF7 + j__udyCopyWto7((uint8_t *) Pjll, Pjlw, cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1); +#ifdef JUDYL +// Get the Value area of new Leaf + Pjvnew = JL_LEAF7VALUEAREA(Pjll, cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjvnew, Pjv, cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1); +#endif + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjll, cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1, 7);) +#else // 32 Bit + PjllRaw = j__udyAllocJLL3(cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1, Pjpm); + if (PjllRaw == (Pjll_t) NULL) return(-1); + + Pjll = P_JLL(PjllRaw); + +// Copy LEAFW to a cJU_JPLEAF3 + j__udyCopyWto3((uint8_t *) Pjll, Pjlw, cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1); +#ifdef JUDYL +// Get the Value area of new Leaf + Pjvnew = JL_LEAF3VALUEAREA(Pjll, cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjvnew, Pjv, cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1); +#endif + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjll, cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1, 3);) +#endif // 32 Bit + +// Following not needed because cJU_DCDMASK(3[7]) is == 0 +////// StageJP[0].jp_DcdPopO |= (CIndex & cJU_DCDMASK(3[7])); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + JU_JPSETADT(&(StageJP[0]), (Word_t)PjllRaw, cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1-1, + cJU_JPLEAF7); +#else // 32BIT + JU_JPSETADT(&(StageJP[0]), (Word_t)PjllRaw, cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1-1, + cJU_JPLEAF3); +#endif // 32BIT +// Create a 1 element Linear branch + if (j__udyCreateBranchL(Pjp, StageJP, StageExp, 1, Pjpm) == -1) + return(-1); + +// Change the type of callers JP + Pjp->jp_Type = cJU_JPBRANCH_L; + + return(1); + } + +// Else in 2+ expanses, splay Leaf into smaller leaves at higher compression + + StageJBB = StageJBBZero; // zero staged bitmap branch + ZEROJP(SubJPCount); + +// Splay the 4[8] byte Index Leaf to 3[7] byte Index Leaves + for (ExpCnt = Start = 0, End = 1; ; End++) + { +// Check if new expanse or last one + if ( (End == cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1) + || + (JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex ^ Pjlw[End], cJU_ROOTSTATE)) + ) + { +// Build a leaf below the previous expanse + + Pjp_t PjpJP = StageJP + ExpCnt; + Word_t Pop1 = End - Start; + Word_t expanse = JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex, cJU_ROOTSTATE); + Word_t subexp = expanse / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; +// +// set the bit that is the current expanse + JU_JBB_BITMAP(&StageJBB, subexp) |= JU_BITPOSMASKB(expanse); +#ifdef SUBEXPCOUNTS + StageJBB.jbb_subPop1[subexp] += Pop1; // pop of subexpanse +#endif +// count number of expanses in each subexpanse + SubJPCount[subexp]++; + +// Save byte expanse of leaf + StageExp[ExpCnt] = JU_DIGITATSTATE(CIndex, + cJU_ROOTSTATE); + + if (Pop1 == 1) // cJU_JPIMMED_3[7]_01 + { +#ifdef JU_64BIT +#ifdef JUDY1 + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, 0, CIndex, cJ1_JPIMMED_7_01); +#else // JUDYL + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, Pjv[Start], CIndex, + cJL_JPIMMED_7_01); +#endif // JUDYL + +#else // JU_32BIT +#ifdef JUDY1 + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, 0, CIndex, cJ1_JPIMMED_3_01); +#else // JUDYL + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, Pjv[Start], CIndex, + cJL_JPIMMED_3_01); +#endif // JUDYL +#endif // JU_32BIT + } +#ifdef JUDY1 +#ifdef JU_64BIT + else if (Pop1 <= cJ1_IMMED7_MAXPOP1) +#else + else if (Pop1 <= cJ1_IMMED3_MAXPOP1) +#endif + { +// cJ1_JPIMMED_3_02 : Judy1 32 +// cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02 : Judy1 64 +// Copy to JP as an immediate Leaf +#ifdef JU_64BIT + j__udyCopyWto7(PjpJP->jp_1Index, Pjlw+Start, 2); + PjpJP->jp_Type = cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02; +#else + j__udyCopyWto3(PjpJP->jp_1Index, Pjlw+Start, 2); + PjpJP->jp_Type = cJ1_JPIMMED_3_02; +#endif // 32 Bit + } +#endif // JUDY1 + else // Linear Leaf JPLEAF3[7] + { +// cJU_JPLEAF3[7] + Pjll_t PjllRaw; // pointer to new leaf. + Pjll_t Pjll; + JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjvnew;) // value area of new leaf. +#ifdef JU_64BIT + PjllRaw = j__udyAllocJLL7(Pop1, Pjpm); + if (PjllRaw == (Pjll_t) NULL) return(-1); + Pjll = P_JLL(PjllRaw); + + j__udyCopyWto7((uint8_t *) Pjll, Pjlw + Start, + Pop1); +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjvnew = JL_LEAF7VALUEAREA(Pjll, Pop1); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjvnew, Pjv + Start, Pop1); +#endif // JUDYL + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjll, Pop1, 7);) +#else // JU_64BIT - 32 Bit + PjllRaw = j__udyAllocJLL3(Pop1, Pjpm); + if (PjllRaw == (Pjll_t) NULL) return(-1); + Pjll = P_JLL(PjllRaw); + + j__udyCopyWto3((uint8_t *) Pjll, Pjlw + Start, + Pop1); +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjvnew = JL_LEAF3VALUEAREA(Pjll, Pop1); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjvnew, Pjv + Start, Pop1); +#endif // JUDYL + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjll, Pop1, 3);) +#endif // 32 Bit + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, (Word_t)PjllRaw, Pop1 - 1, + cJU_JPLEAF7); +#else // JU_64BIT - 32 Bit + JU_JPSETADT(PjpJP, (Word_t)PjllRaw, Pop1 - 1, + cJU_JPLEAF3); +#endif // 32 Bit + } + ExpCnt++; +// Done? + if (End == cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1) break; + +// New Expanse, Start and Count + CIndex = Pjlw[End]; + Start = End; + } + } + +// Now put all the Leaves below a BranchL or BranchB: + if (ExpCnt <= cJU_BRANCHLMAXJPS) // put the Leaves below a BranchL + { + if (j__udyCreateBranchL(Pjp, StageJP, StageExp, ExpCnt, + Pjpm) == -1) FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + + Pjp->jp_Type = cJU_JPBRANCH_L; + } + else + { + if (j__udyStageJBBtoJBB(Pjp, &StageJBB, StageJP, SubJPCount, Pjpm) + == -1) FREEALLEXIT(ExpCnt, StageJP, Pjpm); + + Pjp->jp_Type = cJU_JPBRANCH_B; // cJU_LEAFW is out of sequence + } + return(1); + +} // j__udyCascadeL() diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/JudyLCount.c b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/JudyLCount.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d4585407 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/JudyLCount.c @@ -0,0 +1,1195 @@ +// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company +// +// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +// under the term of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +// option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +// _________________ + +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ +// +// Judy*Count() function for Judy1 and JudyL. +// Compile with one of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL. +// +// Compile with -DNOSMARTJBB, -DNOSMARTJBU, and/or -DNOSMARTJLB to build a +// version with cache line optimizations deleted, for testing. +// +// Compile with -DSMARTMETRICS to obtain global variables containing smart +// cache line metrics. Note: Dont turn this on simultaneously for this file +// and JudyByCount.c because they export the same globals. +// +// Judy*Count() returns the "count of Indexes" (inclusive) between the two +// specified limits (Indexes). This code is remarkably fast. It traverses the +// "Judy array" data structure. +// +// This count code is the GENERIC untuned version (minimum code size). It +// might be possible to tuned to a specific architecture to be faster. +// However, in real applications, with a modern machine, it is expected that +// the instruction times will be swamped by cache line fills. +// **************************************************************************** + +#if (! (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JUDYL))) +#error: One of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL must be specified. +#endif + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#include "Judy1.h" +#else +#include "JudyL.h" +#endif + +#include "JudyPrivate1L.h" + + +// define a phoney that is for sure + +#define cJU_LEAFW cJU_JPIMMED_CAP + +// Avoid duplicate symbols since this file is multi-compiled: + +#ifdef SMARTMETRICS +#ifdef JUDY1 +Word_t jbb_upward = 0; // counts of directions taken: +Word_t jbb_downward = 0; +Word_t jbu_upward = 0; +Word_t jbu_downward = 0; +Word_t jlb_upward = 0; +Word_t jlb_downward = 0; +#else +extern Word_t jbb_upward; +extern Word_t jbb_downward; +extern Word_t jbu_upward; +extern Word_t jbu_downward; +extern Word_t jlb_upward; +extern Word_t jlb_downward; +#endif +#endif + + +// FORWARD DECLARATIONS (prototypes): + +static Word_t j__udy1LCountSM(const Pjp_t Pjp, const Word_t Index, + const Pjpm_t Pjpm); + +// Each of Judy1 and JudyL get their own private (static) version of this +// function: + +static int j__udyCountLeafB1(const Pjll_t Pjll, const Word_t Pop1, + const Word_t Index); + +// These functions are not static because they are exported to Judy*ByCount(): +// +// TBD: Should be made static for performance reasons? And thus duplicated? +// +// Note: There really are two different functions, but for convenience they +// are referred to here with a generic name. + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#define j__udyJPPop1 j__udy1JPPop1 +#else +#define j__udyJPPop1 j__udyLJPPop1 +#endif + +Word_t j__udyJPPop1(const Pjp_t Pjp); + + +// LOCAL ERROR HANDLING: +// +// The Judy*Count() functions are unusual because they return 0 instead of JERR +// for an error. In this source file, define C_JERR for clarity. + +#define C_JERR 0 + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y 1 C O U N T +// J U D Y L C O U N T +// +// See the manual entry for details. +// +// This code is written recursively, at least at first, because thats much +// simpler; hope its fast enough. + +#ifdef JUDY1 +FUNCTION Word_t Judy1Count +#else +FUNCTION Word_t JudyLCount +#endif + ( + Pcvoid_t PArray, // JRP to first branch/leaf in SM. + Word_t Index1, // starting Index. + Word_t Index2, // ending Index. + PJError_t PJError // optional, for returning error info. + ) +{ + jpm_t fakejpm; // local temporary for small arrays. + Pjpm_t Pjpm; // top JPM or local temporary for error info. + jp_t fakejp; // constructed for calling j__udy1LCountSM(). + Pjp_t Pjp; // JP to pass to j__udy1LCountSM(). + Word_t pop1; // total for the array. + Word_t pop1above1; // indexes at or above Index1, inclusive. + Word_t pop1above2; // indexes at or above Index2, exclusive. + int retcode; // from Judy*First() calls. +JUDYLCODE(PPvoid_t PPvalue); // from JudyLFirst() calls. + + +// CHECK FOR SHORTCUTS: +// +// As documented, return C_JERR if the Judy array is empty or Index1 > Index2. + + if ((PArray == (Pvoid_t) NULL) || (Index1 > Index2)) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NONE); + return(C_JERR); + } + +// If Index1 == Index2, simply check if the specified Index is set; pass +// through the return value from Judy1Test() or JudyLGet() with appropriate +// translations. + + if (Index1 == Index2) + { +#ifdef JUDY1 + retcode = Judy1Test(PArray, Index1, PJError); + + if (retcode == JERRI) return(C_JERR); // pass through error. + + if (retcode == 0) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NONE); + return(C_JERR); + } +#else + PPvalue = JudyLGet(PArray, Index1, PJError); + + if (PPvalue == PPJERR) return(C_JERR); // pass through error. + + if (PPvalue == (PPvoid_t) NULL) // Index is not set. + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NONE); + return(C_JERR); + } +#endif + return(1); // single index is set. + } + + +// CHECK JRP TYPE: +// +// Use an if/then for speed rather than a switch, and put the most common cases +// first. +// +// Note: Since even cJU_LEAFW types require counting between two Indexes, +// prepare them here for common code below that calls j__udy1LCountSM(), rather +// than handling them even more specially here. + + if (JU_LEAFW_POP0(PArray) < cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1) // must be a LEAFW + { + Pjlw_t Pjlw = P_JLW(PArray); // first word of leaf. + Pjpm = & fakejpm; + Pjp = & fakejp; + Pjp->jp_Addr = (Word_t) Pjlw; + Pjp->jp_Type = cJU_LEAFW; + Pjpm->jpm_Pop0 = Pjlw[0]; // from first word of leaf. + pop1 = Pjpm->jpm_Pop0 + 1; + } + else + { + Pjpm = P_JPM(PArray); + Pjp = &(Pjpm->jpm_JP); + pop1 = (Pjpm->jpm_Pop0) + 1; // note: can roll over to 0. + +#if (defined(JUDY1) && (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + if (pop1 == 0) // rare special case of full array: + { + Word_t count = Index2 - Index1 + 1; // can roll over again. + + if (count == 0) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_FULL); + return(C_JERR); + } + return(count); + } +#else + assert(pop1); // JudyL or 64-bit cannot create a full array! +#endif + } + + +// COUNT POP1 ABOVE INDEX1, INCLUSIVE: + + assert(pop1); // just to be safe. + + if (Index1 == 0) // shortcut, pop1above1 is entire population: + { + pop1above1 = pop1; + } + else // find first valid Index above Index1, if any: + { +#ifdef JUDY1 + if ((retcode = Judy1First(PArray, & Index1, PJError)) == JERRI) + return(C_JERR); // pass through error. +#else + if ((PPvalue = JudyLFirst(PArray, & Index1, PJError)) == PPJERR) + return(C_JERR); // pass through error. + + retcode = (PPvalue != (PPvoid_t) NULL); // found a next Index. +#endif + +// If theres no Index at or above Index1, just return C_JERR (early exit): + + if (retcode == 0) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NONE); + return(C_JERR); + } + +// If a first/next Index was found, call the counting motor starting with that +// known valid Index, meaning the return should be positive, not C_JERR except +// in case of a real error: + + if ((pop1above1 = j__udy1LCountSM(Pjp, Index1, Pjpm)) == C_JERR) + { + JU_COPY_ERRNO(PJError, Pjpm); // pass through error. + return(C_JERR); + } + } + + +// COUNT POP1 ABOVE INDEX2, EXCLUSIVE, AND RETURN THE DIFFERENCE: +// +// In principle, calculate the ordinal of each Index and take the difference, +// with caution about off-by-one errors due to the specified Indexes being set +// or unset. In practice: +// +// - The ordinals computed here are inverse ordinals, that is, the populations +// ABOVE the specified Indexes (Index1 inclusive, Index2 exclusive), so +// subtract pop1above2 from pop1above1, rather than vice-versa. +// +// - Index1s result already includes a count for Index1 and/or Index2 if +// either is set, so calculate pop1above2 exclusive of Index2. +// +// TBD: If Index1 and Index2 fall in the same expanse in the top-state +// branch(es), would it be faster to walk the SM only once, to their divergence +// point, before calling j__udy1LCountSM() or equivalent? Possibly a non-issue +// if a top-state pop1 becomes stored with each Judy1 array. Also, consider +// whether the first call of j__udy1LCountSM() fills the cache, for common tree +// branches, for the second call. +// +// As for pop1above1, look for shortcuts for special cases when pop1above2 is +// zero. Otherwise call the counting "motor". + + assert(pop1above1); // just to be safe. + + if (Index2++ == cJU_ALLONES) return(pop1above1); // Index2 at limit. + +#ifdef JUDY1 + if ((retcode = Judy1First(PArray, & Index2, PJError)) == JERRI) + return(C_JERR); +#else + if ((PPvalue = JudyLFirst(PArray, & Index2, PJError)) == PPJERR) + return(C_JERR); + + retcode = (PPvalue != (PPvoid_t) NULL); // found a next Index. +#endif + if (retcode == 0) return(pop1above1); // no Index above Index2. + +// Just as for Index1, j__udy1LCountSM() cannot return 0 (locally == C_JERR) +// except in case of a real error: + + if ((pop1above2 = j__udy1LCountSM(Pjp, Index2, Pjpm)) == C_JERR) + { + JU_COPY_ERRNO(PJError, Pjpm); // pass through error. + return(C_JERR); + } + + if (pop1above1 == pop1above2) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NONE); + return(C_JERR); + } + + return(pop1above1 - pop1above2); + +} // Judy1Count() / JudyLCount() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y 1 L C O U N T S M +// +// Given a pointer to a JP (with invalid jp_DcdPopO at cJU_ROOTSTATE), a known +// valid Index, and a Pjpm for returning error info, recursively visit a Judy +// array state machine (SM) and return the count of Indexes, including Index, +// through the end of the Judy array at this state or below. In case of error +// or a count of 0 (should never happen), return C_JERR with appropriate +// JU_ERRNO in the Pjpm. +// +// Note: This function is not told the current state because its encoded in +// the JP Type. +// +// Method: To minimize cache line fills, while studying each branch, if Index +// resides above the midpoint of the branch (which often consists of multiple +// cache lines), ADD the populations at or above Index; otherwise, SUBTRACT +// from the population of the WHOLE branch (available from the JP) the +// populations at or above Index. This is especially tricky for bitmap +// branches. +// +// Note: Unlike, say, the Ins and Del walk routines, this function returns the +// same type of returns as Judy*Count(), so it can use *_SET_ERRNO*() macros +// the same way. + +FUNCTION static Word_t j__udy1LCountSM( +const Pjp_t Pjp, // top of Judy (sub)SM. +const Word_t Index, // count at or above this Index. +const Pjpm_t Pjpm) // for returning error info. +{ + Pjbl_t Pjbl; // Pjp->jp_Addr masked and cast to types: + Pjbb_t Pjbb; + Pjbu_t Pjbu; + Pjll_t Pjll; // a Judy lower-level linear leaf. + + Word_t digit; // next digit to decode from Index. + long jpnum; // JP number in a branch (base 0). + int offset; // index ordinal within a leaf, base 0. + Word_t pop1; // total population of an expanse. + Word_t pop1above; // to return. + +// Common code to check Decode bits in a JP against the equivalent portion of +// Index; XOR together, then mask bits of interest; must be all 0: +// +// Note: Why does this code only assert() compliance rather than actively +// checking for outliers? Its because Index is supposed to be valid, hence +// always match any Dcd bits traversed. +// +// Note: This assertion turns out to be always true for cState = 3 on 32-bit +// and 7 on 64-bit, but its harmless, probably removed by the compiler. + +#define CHECKDCD(Pjp,cState) \ + assert(! JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, cState)) + +// Common code to prepare to handle a root-level or lower-level branch: +// Extract a state-dependent digit from Index in a "constant" way, obtain the +// total population for the branch in a state-dependent way, and then branch to +// common code for multiple cases: +// +// For root-level branches, the state is always cJU_ROOTSTATE, and the +// population is received in Pjpm->jpm_Pop0. +// +// Note: The total population is only needed in cases where the common code +// "counts up" instead of down to minimize cache line fills. However, its +// available cheaply, and its better to do it with a constant shift (constant +// state value) instead of a variable shift later "when needed". + +#define PREPB_ROOT(Pjp,Next) \ + digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, cJU_ROOTSTATE); \ + pop1 = (Pjpm->jpm_Pop0) + 1; \ + goto Next + +#define PREPB(Pjp,cState,Next) \ + digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, cState); \ + pop1 = JU_JPBRANCH_POP0(Pjp, (cState)) + 1; \ + goto Next + + +// SWITCH ON JP TYPE: +// +// WARNING: For run-time efficiency the following cases replicate code with +// varying constants, rather than using common code with variable values! + + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// ROOT-STATE LEAF that starts with a Pop0 word; just count within the leaf: + + case cJU_LEAFW: + { + Pjlw_t Pjlw = P_JLW(Pjp->jp_Addr); // first word of leaf. + + assert((Pjpm->jpm_Pop0) + 1 == Pjlw[0] + 1); // sent correctly. + offset = j__udySearchLeafW(Pjlw + 1, Pjpm->jpm_Pop0 + 1, Index); + assert(offset >= 0); // Index must exist. + assert(offset < (Pjpm->jpm_Pop0) + 1); // Index be in range. + return((Pjpm->jpm_Pop0) + 1 - offset); // INCLUSIVE of Index. + } + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// LINEAR BRANCH; count populations in JPs in the JBL ABOVE the next digit in +// Index, and recurse for the next digit in Index: +// +// Note: There are no null JPs in a JBL; watch out for pop1 == 0. +// +// Note: A JBL should always fit in one cache line => no need to count up +// versus down to save cache line fills. (PREPB() sets pop1 for no reason.) + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L2: CHECKDCD(Pjp, 2); PREPB(Pjp, 2, BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L3: CHECKDCD(Pjp, 3); PREPB(Pjp, 3, BranchL); + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L4: CHECKDCD(Pjp, 4); PREPB(Pjp, 4, BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L5: CHECKDCD(Pjp, 5); PREPB(Pjp, 5, BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L6: CHECKDCD(Pjp, 6); PREPB(Pjp, 6, BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L7: CHECKDCD(Pjp, 7); PREPB(Pjp, 7, BranchL); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L: PREPB_ROOT(Pjp, BranchL); + +// Common code (state-independent) for all cases of linear branches: + +BranchL: + + Pjbl = P_JBL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + jpnum = Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs; // above last JP. + pop1above = 0; + + while (digit < (Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[--jpnum])) // still ABOVE digit. + { + if ((pop1 = j__udyJPPop1((Pjbl->jbl_jp) + jpnum)) == cJU_ALLONES) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO_NONNULL(Pjpm, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + return(C_JERR); + } + + pop1above += pop1; + assert(jpnum > 0); // should find digit. + } + + assert(digit == (Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[jpnum])); // should find digit. + + pop1 = j__udy1LCountSM((Pjbl->jbl_jp) + jpnum, Index, Pjpm); + if (pop1 == C_JERR) return(C_JERR); // pass error up. + + assert(pop1above + pop1); + return(pop1above + pop1); + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// BITMAP BRANCH; count populations in JPs in the JBB ABOVE the next digit in +// Index, and recurse for the next digit in Index: +// +// Note: There are no null JPs in a JBB; watch out for pop1 == 0. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B2: CHECKDCD(Pjp, 2); PREPB(Pjp, 2, BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B3: CHECKDCD(Pjp, 3); PREPB(Pjp, 3, BranchB); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B4: CHECKDCD(Pjp, 4); PREPB(Pjp, 4, BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B5: CHECKDCD(Pjp, 5); PREPB(Pjp, 5, BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B6: CHECKDCD(Pjp, 6); PREPB(Pjp, 6, BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B7: CHECKDCD(Pjp, 7); PREPB(Pjp, 7, BranchB); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B: PREPB_ROOT(Pjp, BranchB); + +// Common code (state-independent) for all cases of bitmap branches: + +BranchB: + { + long subexp; // for stepping through layer 1 (subexpanses). + long findsub; // subexpanse containing Index (digit). + Word_t findbit; // bit representing Index (digit). + Word_t lowermask; // bits for indexes at or below Index. + Word_t jpcount; // JPs in a subexpanse. + Word_t clbelow; // cache lines below digits cache line. + Word_t clabove; // cache lines above digits cache line. + + Pjbb = P_JBB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + findsub = digit / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; + findbit = digit % cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; + lowermask = JU_MASKLOWERINC(JU_BITPOSMASKB(findbit)); + clbelow = clabove = 0; // initial/default => always downward. + + assert(JU_BITMAPTESTB(Pjbb, digit)); // digit must have a JP. + assert(findsub < cJU_NUMSUBEXPB); // falls in expected range. + +// Shorthand for one subexpanse in a bitmap and for one JP in a bitmap branch: +// +// Note: BMPJP0 exists separately to support assertions. + +#define BMPJP0(Subexp) (P_JP(JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, Subexp))) +#define BMPJP(Subexp,JPnum) (BMPJP0(Subexp) + (JPnum)) + +#ifndef NOSMARTJBB // enable to turn off smart code for comparison purposes. + +// FIGURE OUT WHICH DIRECTION CAUSES FEWER CACHE LINE FILLS; adding the pop1s +// in JPs above Indexs JP, or subtracting the pop1s in JPs below Indexs JP. +// +// This is tricky because, while each set bit in the bitmap represents a JP, +// the JPs are scattered over cJU_NUMSUBEXPB subexpanses, each of which can +// contain JPs packed into multiple cache lines, and this code must visit every +// JP either BELOW or ABOVE the JP for Index. +// +// Number of cache lines required to hold a linear list of the given number of +// JPs, assuming the first JP is at the start of a cache line or the JPs in +// jpcount fit wholly within a single cache line, which is ensured by +// JudyMalloc(): + +#define CLPERJPS(jpcount) \ + ((((jpcount) * cJU_WORDSPERJP) + cJU_WORDSPERCL - 1) / cJU_WORDSPERCL) + +// Count cache lines below/above for each subexpanse: + + for (subexp = 0; subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPB; ++subexp) + { + jpcount = j__udyCountBitsB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp)); + +// When at the subexpanse containing Index (digit), add cache lines +// below/above appropriately, excluding the cache line containing the JP for +// Index itself: + + if (subexp < findsub) clbelow += CLPERJPS(jpcount); + else if (subexp > findsub) clabove += CLPERJPS(jpcount); + else // (subexp == findsub) + { + Word_t clfind; // cache line containing Index (digit). + + clfind = CLPERJPS(j__udyCountBitsB( + JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp) & lowermask)); + + assert(clfind > 0); // digit itself should have 1 CL. + clbelow += clfind - 1; + clabove += CLPERJPS(jpcount) - clfind; + } + } +#endif // ! NOSMARTJBB + +// Note: Its impossible to get through the following "if" without setting +// jpnum -- see some of the assertions below -- but gcc -Wall doesnt know +// this, so preset jpnum to make it happy: + + jpnum = 0; + + +// COUNT POPULATION FOR A BITMAP BRANCH, in whichever direction should result +// in fewer cache line fills: +// +// Note: If the remainder of Index is zero, pop1above is the pop1 of the +// entire expanse and theres no point in recursing to lower levels; but this +// should be so rare that its not worth checking for; +// Judy1Count()/JudyLCount() never even calls the motor for Index == 0 (all +// bytes). + + +// COUNT UPWARD, subtracting each "below or at" JPs pop1 from the whole +// expanses pop1: +// +// Note: If this causes clbelow + 1 cache line fills including JPs cache +// line, thats OK; at worst this is the same as clabove. + + if (clbelow < clabove) + { +#ifdef SMARTMETRICS + ++jbb_upward; +#endif + pop1above = pop1; // subtract JPs at/below Index. + +// Count JPs for which to accrue pop1s in this subexpanse: +// +// TBD: If JU_JBB_BITMAP is cJU_FULLBITMAPB, dont bother counting. + + for (subexp = 0; subexp <= findsub; ++subexp) + { + jpcount = j__udyCountBitsB((subexp < findsub) ? + JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp) : + JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp) & lowermask); + + // should always find findbit: + assert((subexp < findsub) || jpcount); + +// Subtract pop1s from JPs BELOW OR AT Index (digit): +// +// Note: The pop1 for Indexs JP itself is partially added back later at a +// lower state. +// +// Note: An empty subexpanse (jpcount == 0) is handled "for free". +// +// Note: Must be null JP subexp pointer in empty subexpanse and non-empty in +// non-empty subexpanse: + + assert( jpcount || (BMPJP0(subexp) == (Pjp_t) NULL)); + assert((! jpcount) || (BMPJP0(subexp) != (Pjp_t) NULL)); + + for (jpnum = 0; jpnum < jpcount; ++jpnum) + { + if ((pop1 = j__udyJPPop1(BMPJP(subexp, jpnum))) + == cJU_ALLONES) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO_NONNULL(Pjpm, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + return(C_JERR); + } + + pop1above -= pop1; + } + + jpnum = jpcount - 1; // make correct for digit. + } + } + +// COUNT DOWNWARD, adding each "above" JPs pop1: + + else + { + long jpcountbf; // below findbit, inclusive. +#ifdef SMARTMETRICS + ++jbb_downward; +#endif + pop1above = 0; // add JPs above Index. + jpcountbf = 0; // until subexp == findsub. + +// Count JPs for which to accrue pop1s in this subexpanse: +// +// This is more complicated than counting upward because the scan of digits +// subexpanse must count ALL JPs, to know where to START counting down, and +// ALSO note the offset of digits JP to know where to STOP counting down. + + for (subexp = cJU_NUMSUBEXPB - 1; subexp >= findsub; --subexp) + { + jpcount = j__udyCountBitsB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp)); + + // should always find findbit: + assert((subexp > findsub) || jpcount); + + if (! jpcount) continue; // empty subexpanse, save time. + +// Count JPs below digit, inclusive: + + if (subexp == findsub) + { + jpcountbf = j__udyCountBitsB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp) + & lowermask); + } + + // should always find findbit: + assert((subexp > findsub) || jpcountbf); + assert(jpcount >= jpcountbf); // proper relationship. + +// Add pop1s from JPs ABOVE Index (digit): + + // no null JP subexp pointers: + assert(BMPJP0(subexp) != (Pjp_t) NULL); + + for (jpnum = jpcount - 1; jpnum >= jpcountbf; --jpnum) + { + if ((pop1 = j__udyJPPop1(BMPJP(subexp, jpnum))) + == cJU_ALLONES) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO_NONNULL(Pjpm, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + return(C_JERR); + } + + pop1above += pop1; + } + // jpnum is now correct for digit. + } + } // else. + +// Return the net population ABOVE the digits JP at this state (in this JBB) +// plus the population AT OR ABOVE Index in the SM under the digits JP: + + pop1 = j__udy1LCountSM(BMPJP(findsub, jpnum), Index, Pjpm); + if (pop1 == C_JERR) return(C_JERR); // pass error up. + + assert(pop1above + pop1); + return(pop1above + pop1); + + } // case. + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// UNCOMPRESSED BRANCH; count populations in JPs in the JBU ABOVE the next +// digit in Index, and recurse for the next digit in Index: +// +// Note: If the remainder of Index is zero, pop1above is the pop1 of the +// entire expanse and theres no point in recursing to lower levels; but this +// should be so rare that its not worth checking for; +// Judy1Count()/JudyLCount() never even calls the motor for Index == 0 (all +// bytes). + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U2: CHECKDCD(Pjp, 2); PREPB(Pjp, 2, BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U3: CHECKDCD(Pjp, 3); PREPB(Pjp, 3, BranchU); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U4: CHECKDCD(Pjp, 4); PREPB(Pjp, 4, BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U5: CHECKDCD(Pjp, 5); PREPB(Pjp, 5, BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U6: CHECKDCD(Pjp, 6); PREPB(Pjp, 6, BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U7: CHECKDCD(Pjp, 7); PREPB(Pjp, 7, BranchU); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U: PREPB_ROOT(Pjp, BranchU); + +// Common code (state-independent) for all cases of uncompressed branches: + +BranchU: + Pjbu = P_JBU(Pjp->jp_Addr); + +#ifndef NOSMARTJBU // enable to turn off smart code for comparison purposes. + +// FIGURE OUT WHICH WAY CAUSES FEWER CACHE LINE FILLS; adding the JPs above +// Indexs JP, or subtracting the JPs below Indexs JP. +// +// COUNT UPWARD, subtracting the pop1 of each JP BELOW OR AT Index, from the +// whole expanses pop1: + + if (digit < (cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS / 2)) + { + pop1above = pop1; // subtract JPs below Index. +#ifdef SMARTMETRICS + ++jbu_upward; +#endif + for (jpnum = 0; jpnum <= digit; ++jpnum) + { + if ((Pjbu->jbu_jp[jpnum].jp_Type) <= cJU_JPNULLMAX) + continue; // shortcut, save a function call. + + if ((pop1 = j__udyJPPop1(Pjbu->jbu_jp + jpnum)) + == cJU_ALLONES) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO_NONNULL(Pjpm, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + return(C_JERR); + } + + pop1above -= pop1; + } + } + +// COUNT DOWNWARD, simply adding the pop1 of each JP ABOVE Index: + + else +#endif // NOSMARTJBU + { + assert(digit < cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS); +#ifdef SMARTMETRICS + ++jbu_downward; +#endif + pop1above = 0; // add JPs above Index. + + for (jpnum = cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS - 1; jpnum > digit; --jpnum) + { + if ((Pjbu->jbu_jp[jpnum].jp_Type) <= cJU_JPNULLMAX) + continue; // shortcut, save a function call. + + if ((pop1 = j__udyJPPop1(Pjbu->jbu_jp + jpnum)) + == cJU_ALLONES) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO_NONNULL(Pjpm, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + return(C_JERR); + } + + pop1above += pop1; + } + } + + if ((pop1 = j__udy1LCountSM(Pjbu->jbu_jp + digit, Index, Pjpm)) + == C_JERR) return(C_JERR); // pass error up. + + assert(pop1above + pop1); + return(pop1above + pop1); + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// LEAF COUNT MACROS: +// +// LEAF*ABOVE() are common code for different JP types (linear leaves, bitmap +// leaves, and immediates) and different leaf Index Sizes, which result in +// calling different leaf search functions. Linear leaves get the leaf address +// from jp_Addr and the Population from jp_DcdPopO, while immediates use Pjp +// itself as the leaf address and get Population from jp_Type. + +#define LEAFLABOVE(Func) \ + Pjll = P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); \ + pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; \ + LEAFABOVE(Func, Pjll, pop1) + +#define LEAFB1ABOVE(Func) LEAFLABOVE(Func) // different Func, otherwise same. + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#define IMMABOVE(Func,Pop1) \ + Pjll = (Pjll_t) Pjp; \ + LEAFABOVE(Func, Pjll, Pop1) +#else +// Note: For JudyL immediates with >= 2 Indexes, the index bytes are in a +// different place than for Judy1: + +#define IMMABOVE(Func,Pop1) \ + LEAFABOVE(Func, (Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_LIndex), Pop1) +#endif + +// For all leaf types, the population AT OR ABOVE is the total pop1 less the +// offset of Index; and Index should always be found: + +#define LEAFABOVE(Func,Pjll,Pop1) \ + offset = Func(Pjll, Pop1, Index); \ + assert(offset >= 0); \ + assert(offset < (Pop1)); \ + return((Pop1) - offset) + +// IMMABOVE_01 handles the special case of an immediate JP with 1 index, which +// the search functions arent used for anyway: +// +// The target Index should be the one in this Immediate, in which case the +// count above (inclusive) is always 1. + +#define IMMABOVE_01 \ + assert((JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp)) == JU_TRIMTODCDSIZE(Index)); \ + return(1) + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// LINEAR LEAF; search the leaf for Index; size is computed from jp_Type: + +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + case cJU_JPLEAF1: LEAFLABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf1); +#endif + case cJU_JPLEAF2: LEAFLABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf2); + case cJU_JPLEAF3: LEAFLABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf3); + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPLEAF4: LEAFLABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf4); + case cJU_JPLEAF5: LEAFLABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf5); + case cJU_JPLEAF6: LEAFLABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf6); + case cJU_JPLEAF7: LEAFLABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf7); +#endif + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// BITMAP LEAF; search the leaf for Index: +// +// Since the bitmap describes Indexes digitally rather than linearly, this is +// not really a search, but just a count. + + case cJU_JPLEAF_B1: LEAFB1ABOVE(j__udyCountLeafB1); + + +#ifdef JUDY1 +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// FULL POPULATION: +// +// Return the count of Indexes AT OR ABOVE Index, which is the total population +// of the expanse (a constant) less the value of the undecoded digit remaining +// in Index (its base-0 offset in the expanse), which yields an inclusive count +// above. +// +// TBD: This only supports a 1-byte full expanse. Should this extract a +// stored value for pop0 and possibly more LSBs of Index, to handle larger full +// expanses? + + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1: + return(cJU_JPFULLPOPU1_POP0 + 1 - JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 1)); +#endif + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// IMMEDIATE: + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_01: IMMABOVE_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_01: IMMABOVE_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_01: IMMABOVE_01; +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPIMMED_4_01: IMMABOVE_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_5_01: IMMABOVE_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_6_01: IMMABOVE_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_7_01: IMMABOVE_01; +#endif + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_02: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf1, 2); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_03: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf1, 3); +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_04: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf1, 4); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_05: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf1, 5); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_06: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf1, 6); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_07: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf1, 7); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_08: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf1, 8); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_09: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf1, 9); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_10: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf1, 10); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_11: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf1, 11); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_12: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf1, 12); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_13: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf1, 13); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_14: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf1, 14); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_15: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf1, 15); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_02: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf2, 2); + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_03: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf2, 3); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_04: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf2, 4); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_05: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf2, 5); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_06: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf2, 6); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_07: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf2, 7); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_02: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf3, 2); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_03: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf3, 3); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_04: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf3, 4); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_05: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf3, 5); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf4, 2); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_03: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf4, 3); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf5, 2); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_03: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf5, 3); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf6, 2); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02: IMMABOVE(j__udySearchLeaf7, 2); +#endif + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// OTHER CASES: + + default: JU_SET_ERRNO_NONNULL(Pjpm, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); return(C_JERR); + + } // switch on JP type + + /*NOTREACHED*/ + +} // j__udy1LCountSM() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y C O U N T L E A F B 1 +// +// This is a private analog of the j__udySearchLeaf*() functions for counting +// in bitmap 1-byte leaves. Since a bitmap leaf describes Indexes digitally +// rather than linearly, this is not really a search, but just a count of the +// valid Indexes == set bits below or including Index, which should be valid. +// Return the "offset" (really the ordinal), 0 .. Pop1 - 1, of Index in Pjll; +// if Indexs bit is not set (which should never happen, so this is DEBUG-mode +// only), return the 1s-complement equivalent (== negative offset minus 1). +// +// Note: The source code for this function looks identical for both Judy1 and +// JudyL, but the JU_JLB_BITMAP macro varies. +// +// Note: For simpler calling, the first arg is of type Pjll_t but then cast to +// Pjlb_t. + +FUNCTION static int j__udyCountLeafB1( +const Pjll_t Pjll, // bitmap leaf, as Pjll_t for consistency. +const Word_t Pop1, // Population of whole leaf. +const Word_t Index) // to which to count. +{ + Pjlb_t Pjlb = (Pjlb_t) Pjll; // to proper type. + Word_t digit = Index & cJU_MASKATSTATE(1); + Word_t findsub = digit / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL; + Word_t findbit = digit % cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL; + int count; // in leaf through Index. + long subexp; // for stepping through subexpanses. + + +// COUNT UPWARD: +// +// The entire bitmap should fit in one cache line, but still try to save some +// CPU time by counting the fewest possible number of subexpanses from the +// bitmap. + +#ifndef NOSMARTJLB // enable to turn off smart code for comparison purposes. + + if (findsub < (cJU_NUMSUBEXPL / 2)) + { +#ifdef SMARTMETRICS + ++jlb_upward; +#endif + count = 0; + + for (subexp = 0; subexp < findsub; ++subexp) + { + count += ((JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp) == cJU_FULLBITMAPL) ? + cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL : + j__udyCountBitsL(JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp))); + } + +// This count includes findbit, which should be set, resulting in a base-1 +// offset: + + count += j__udyCountBitsL(JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, findsub) + & JU_MASKLOWERINC(JU_BITPOSMASKL(findbit))); + + DBGCODE(if (! JU_BITMAPTESTL(Pjlb, digit)) return(~count);) + assert(count >= 1); + return(count - 1); // convert to base-0 offset. + } +#endif // NOSMARTJLB + + +// COUNT DOWNWARD: +// +// Count the valid Indexes above or at Index, and subtract from Pop1. + +#ifdef SMARTMETRICS + ++jlb_downward; +#endif + count = Pop1; // base-1 for now. + + for (subexp = cJU_NUMSUBEXPL - 1; subexp > findsub; --subexp) + { + count -= ((JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp) == cJU_FULLBITMAPL) ? + cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL : + j__udyCountBitsL(JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp))); + } + +// This count includes findbit, which should be set, resulting in a base-0 +// offset: + + count -= j__udyCountBitsL(JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, findsub) + & JU_MASKHIGHERINC(JU_BITPOSMASKL(findbit))); + + DBGCODE(if (! JU_BITMAPTESTL(Pjlb, digit)) return(~count);) + assert(count >= 0); // should find Index itself. + return(count); // is already a base-0 offset. + +} // j__udyCountLeafB1() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y J P P O P 1 +// +// This function takes any type of JP other than a root-level JP (cJU_LEAFW* or +// cJU_JPBRANCH* with no number suffix) and extracts the Pop1 from it. In some +// sense this is a wrapper around the JU_JP*_POP0 macros. Why write it as a +// function instead of a complex macro containing a trinary? (See version +// Judy1.h version 4.17.) We think its cheaper to call a function containing +// a switch statement with "constant" cases than to do the variable +// calculations in a trinary. +// +// For invalid JP Types return cJU_ALLONES. Note that this is an impossibly +// high Pop1 for any JP below a top level branch. + +FUNCTION Word_t j__udyJPPop1( +const Pjp_t Pjp) // JP to count. +{ + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { +#ifdef notdef // caller should shortcut and not even call with these: + + case cJU_JPNULL1: + case cJU_JPNULL2: + case cJU_JPNULL3: return(0); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPNULL4: + case cJU_JPNULL5: + case cJU_JPNULL6: + case cJU_JPNULL7: return(0); +#endif +#endif // notdef + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L2: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B2: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U2: return(JU_JPBRANCH_POP0(Pjp,2) + 1); + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L3: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B3: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U3: return(JU_JPBRANCH_POP0(Pjp,3) + 1); + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L4: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B4: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U4: return(JU_JPBRANCH_POP0(Pjp,4) + 1); + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L5: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B5: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U5: return(JU_JPBRANCH_POP0(Pjp,5) + 1); + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L6: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B6: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U6: return(JU_JPBRANCH_POP0(Pjp,6) + 1); + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L7: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B7: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U7: return(JU_JPBRANCH_POP0(Pjp,7) + 1); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + case cJU_JPLEAF1: +#endif + case cJU_JPLEAF2: + case cJU_JPLEAF3: +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPLEAF4: + case cJU_JPLEAF5: + case cJU_JPLEAF6: + case cJU_JPLEAF7: +#endif + case cJU_JPLEAF_B1: return(JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1); + +#ifdef JUDY1 + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1: return(cJU_JPFULLPOPU1_POP0 + 1); +#endif + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_01: return(1); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPIMMED_4_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_5_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_6_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_7_01: return(1); +#endif + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_02: return(2); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_03: return(3); +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_04: return(4); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_05: return(5); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_06: return(6); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_07: return(7); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_08: return(8); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_09: return(9); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_10: return(10); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_11: return(11); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_12: return(12); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_13: return(13); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_14: return(14); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_15: return(15); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_02: return(2); + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_03: return(3); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_04: return(4); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_05: return(5); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_06: return(6); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_07: return(7); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_02: return(2); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_03: return(3); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_04: return(4); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_05: return(5); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02: return(2); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_03: return(3); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02: return(2); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_03: return(3); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02: return(2); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02: return(2); +#endif + + default: return(cJU_ALLONES); + } + + /*NOTREACHED*/ + +} // j__udyJPPop1() diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/JudyLCreateBranch.c b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/JudyLCreateBranch.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c2518b86 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/JudyLCreateBranch.c @@ -0,0 +1,314 @@ +// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company +// +// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +// under the term of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +// option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +// _________________ + +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ + +// Branch creation functions for Judy1 and JudyL. +// Compile with one of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL. + +#if (! (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JUDYL))) +#error: One of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL must be specified. +#endif + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#include "Judy1.h" +#else +#include "JudyL.h" +#endif + +#include "JudyPrivate1L.h" + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y C R E A T E B R A N C H L +// +// Build a BranchL from an array of JPs and associated 1 byte digits +// (expanses). Return with Pjp pointing to the BranchL. Caller must +// deallocate passed arrays, if necessary. +// +// We have no idea what kind of BranchL it is, so caller must set the jp_Type. +// +// Return -1 if error (details in Pjpm), otherwise return 1. + +FUNCTION int j__udyCreateBranchL( + Pjp_t Pjp, // Build JPs from this place + Pjp_t PJPs, // Array of JPs to put into Bitmap branch + uint8_t Exp[], // Array of expanses to put into bitmap + Word_t ExpCnt, // Number of above JPs and Expanses + Pvoid_t Pjpm) +{ + Pjbl_t PjblRaw; // pointer to linear branch. + Pjbl_t Pjbl; + + assert(ExpCnt <= cJU_BRANCHLMAXJPS); + + PjblRaw = j__udyAllocJBL(Pjpm); + if (PjblRaw == (Pjbl_t) NULL) return(-1); + Pjbl = P_JBL(PjblRaw); + +// Build a Linear Branch + Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs = ExpCnt; + +// Copy from the Linear branch from splayed leaves + JU_COPYMEM(Pjbl->jbl_Expanse, Exp, ExpCnt); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjbl->jbl_jp, PJPs, ExpCnt); + +// Pass back new pointer to the Linear branch in JP + Pjp->jp_Addr = (Word_t) PjblRaw; + + return(1); + +} // j__udyCreateBranchL() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y C R E A T E B R A N C H B +// +// Build a BranchB from an array of JPs and associated 1 byte digits +// (expanses). Return with Pjp pointing to the BranchB. Caller must +// deallocate passed arrays, if necessary. +// +// We have no idea what kind of BranchB it is, so caller must set the jp_Type. +// +// Return -1 if error (details in Pjpm), otherwise return 1. + +FUNCTION int j__udyCreateBranchB( + Pjp_t Pjp, // Build JPs from this place + Pjp_t PJPs, // Array of JPs to put into Bitmap branch + uint8_t Exp[], // Array of expanses to put into bitmap + Word_t ExpCnt, // Number of above JPs and Expanses + Pvoid_t Pjpm) +{ + Pjbb_t PjbbRaw; // pointer to bitmap branch. + Pjbb_t Pjbb; + Word_t ii, jj; // Temps + uint8_t CurrSubExp; // Current sub expanse for BM + +// This assertion says the number of populated subexpanses is not too large. +// This function is only called when a BranchL overflows to a BranchB or when a +// cascade occurs, meaning a leaf overflows. Either way ExpCnt cant be very +// large, in fact a lot smaller than cJU_BRANCHBMAXJPS. (Otherwise a BranchU +// would be used.) Popping this assertion means something (unspecified) has +// gone very wrong, or else Judys design criteria have changed, although in +// fact there should be no HARM in creating a BranchB with higher actual +// fanout. + + assert(ExpCnt <= cJU_BRANCHBMAXJPS); + +// Get memory for a Bitmap branch + PjbbRaw = j__udyAllocJBB(Pjpm); + if (PjbbRaw == (Pjbb_t) NULL) return(-1); + Pjbb = P_JBB(PjbbRaw); + +// Get 1st "sub" expanse (0..7) of bitmap branch + CurrSubExp = Exp[0] / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; + +// Index thru all 1 byte sized expanses: + + for (jj = ii = 0; ii <= ExpCnt; ii++) + { + Word_t SubExp; // Cannot be a uint8_t + +// Make sure we cover the last one + if (ii == ExpCnt) + { + SubExp = cJU_ALLONES; // Force last one + } + else + { +// Calculate the "sub" expanse of the byte expanse + SubExp = Exp[ii] / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; // Bits 5..7. + +// Set the bit that represents the expanse in Exp[] + JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, SubExp) |= JU_BITPOSMASKB(Exp[ii]); + } +// Check if a new "sub" expanse range needed + if (SubExp != CurrSubExp) + { +// Get number of JPs in this sub expanse + Word_t NumJP = ii - jj; + Pjp_t PjpRaw; + Pjp_t Pjp; + + PjpRaw = j__udyAllocJBBJP(NumJP, Pjpm); + Pjp = P_JP(PjpRaw); + + if (PjpRaw == (Pjp_t) NULL) // out of memory. + { + +// Free any previous allocations: + + while(CurrSubExp--) + { + NumJP = j__udyCountBitsB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, + CurrSubExp)); + if (NumJP) + { + j__udyFreeJBBJP(JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, + CurrSubExp), NumJP, Pjpm); + } + } + j__udyFreeJBB(PjbbRaw, Pjpm); + return(-1); + } + +// Place the array of JPs in bitmap branch: + + JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, CurrSubExp) = PjpRaw; + +// Copy the JPs to new leaf: + + JU_COPYMEM(Pjp, PJPs + jj, NumJP); + +// On to the next bitmap branch "sub" expanse: + + jj = ii; + CurrSubExp = SubExp; + } + } // for each 1-byte expanse + +// Pass back some of the JP to the new Bitmap branch: + + Pjp->jp_Addr = (Word_t) PjbbRaw; + + return(1); + +} // j__udyCreateBranchB() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y C R E A T E B R A N C H U +// +// Build a BranchU from a BranchB. Return with Pjp pointing to the BranchU. +// Free the BranchB and its JP subarrays. +// +// Return -1 if error (details in Pjpm), otherwise return 1. + +FUNCTION int j__udyCreateBranchU( + Pjp_t Pjp, + Pvoid_t Pjpm) +{ + jp_t JPNull; + Pjbu_t PjbuRaw; + Pjbu_t Pjbu; + Pjbb_t PjbbRaw; + Pjbb_t Pjbb; + Word_t ii, jj; + BITMAPB_t BitMap; + Pjp_t PDstJP; +#ifdef JU_STAGED_EXP + jbu_t BranchU; // Staged uncompressed branch +#else + +// Allocate memory for a BranchU: + + PjbuRaw = j__udyAllocJBU(Pjpm); + if (PjbuRaw == (Pjbu_t) NULL) return(-1); + Pjbu = P_JBU(PjbuRaw); +#endif + JU_JPSETADT(&JPNull, 0, 0, JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) - cJU_JPBRANCH_B2 + cJU_JPNULL1); + +// Get the pointer to the BranchB: + + PjbbRaw = (Pjbb_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr); + Pjbb = P_JBB(PjbbRaw); + +// Set the pointer to the Uncompressed branch +#ifdef JU_STAGED_EXP + PDstJP = BranchU.jbu_jp; +#else + PDstJP = Pjbu->jbu_jp; +#endif + for (ii = 0; ii < cJU_NUMSUBEXPB; ii++) + { + Pjp_t PjpA; + Pjp_t PjpB; + + PjpB = PjpA = P_JP(JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, ii)); + +// Get the bitmap for this subexpanse + BitMap = JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, ii); + +// NULL empty subexpanses + if (BitMap == 0) + { +// But, fill with NULLs + for (jj = 0; jj < cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; jj++) + { + PDstJP[jj] = JPNull; + } + PDstJP += cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; + continue; + } +// Check if Uncompressed subexpanse + if (BitMap == cJU_FULLBITMAPB) + { +// Copy subexpanse to the Uncompressed branch intact + JU_COPYMEM(PDstJP, PjpA, cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB); + +// Bump to next subexpanse + PDstJP += cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; + +// Set length of subexpanse + jj = cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; + } + else + { + for (jj = 0; jj < cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; jj++) + { +// Copy JP or NULLJP depending on bit + if (BitMap & 1) { *PDstJP = *PjpA++; } + else { *PDstJP = JPNull; } + + PDstJP++; // advance to next JP + BitMap >>= 1; + } + jj = PjpA - PjpB; + } + +// Free the subexpanse: + + j__udyFreeJBBJP(JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, ii), jj, Pjpm); + + } // for each JP in BranchU + +#ifdef JU_STAGED_EXP + +// Allocate memory for a BranchU: + + PjbuRaw = j__udyAllocJBU(Pjpm); + if (PjbuRaw == (Pjbu_t) NULL) return(-1); + Pjbu = P_JBU(PjbuRaw); + +// Copy staged branch to newly allocated branch: +// +// TBD: I think this code is broken. + + *Pjbu = BranchU; + +#endif // JU_STAGED_EXP + +// Finally free the BranchB and put the BranchU in its place: + + j__udyFreeJBB(PjbbRaw, Pjpm); + + Pjp->jp_Addr = (Word_t) PjbuRaw; + Pjp->jp_Type += cJU_JPBRANCH_U - cJU_JPBRANCH_B; + + return(1); + +} // j__udyCreateBranchU() diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/JudyLDecascade.c b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/JudyLDecascade.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b213cbe4 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/JudyLDecascade.c @@ -0,0 +1,1206 @@ +// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company +// +// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +// under the term of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +// option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +// _________________ + +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ +// +// "Decascade" support functions for JudyDel.c: These functions convert +// smaller-index-size leaves to larger-index-size leaves, and also, bitmap +// leaves (LeafB1s) to Leaf1s, and some types of branches to smaller branches +// at the same index size. Some "decascading" occurs explicitly in JudyDel.c, +// but rare or large subroutines appear as functions here, and the overhead to +// call them is negligible. +// +// Compile with one of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL. Note: Function names are converted +// to Judy1 or JudyL specific values by external #defines. + +#if (! (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JUDYL))) +#error: One of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL must be specified. +#endif + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#include "Judy1.h" +#endif +#ifdef JUDYL +#include "JudyL.h" +#endif + +#include "JudyPrivate1L.h" + +DBGCODE(extern void JudyCheckSorted(Pjll_t Pjll, Word_t Pop1, long IndexSize);) + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y C O P Y 2 T O 3 +// +// Copy one or more 2-byte Indexes to a series of 3-byte Indexes. + +FUNCTION static void j__udyCopy2to3( + uint8_t * PDest, // to where to copy 3-byte Indexes. + uint16_t * PSrc, // from where to copy 2-byte indexes. + Word_t Pop1, // number of Indexes to copy. + Word_t MSByte) // most-significant byte, prefix to each Index. +{ + Word_t Temp; // for building 3-byte Index. + + assert(Pop1); + + do { + Temp = MSByte | *PSrc++; + JU_COPY3_LONG_TO_PINDEX(PDest, Temp); + PDest += 3; + } while (--Pop1); + +} // j__udyCopy2to3() + + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y C O P Y 3 T O 4 +// +// Copy one or more 3-byte Indexes to a series of 4-byte Indexes. + +FUNCTION static void j__udyCopy3to4( + uint32_t * PDest, // to where to copy 4-byte Indexes. + uint8_t * PSrc, // from where to copy 3-byte indexes. + Word_t Pop1, // number of Indexes to copy. + Word_t MSByte) // most-significant byte, prefix to each Index. +{ + Word_t Temp; // for building 4-byte Index. + + assert(Pop1); + + do { + JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG(Temp, PSrc); + Temp |= MSByte; + PSrc += 3; + *PDest++ = Temp; // truncates to uint32_t. + } while (--Pop1); + +} // j__udyCopy3to4() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y C O P Y 4 T O 5 +// +// Copy one or more 4-byte Indexes to a series of 5-byte Indexes. + +FUNCTION static void j__udyCopy4to5( + uint8_t * PDest, // to where to copy 4-byte Indexes. + uint32_t * PSrc, // from where to copy 4-byte indexes. + Word_t Pop1, // number of Indexes to copy. + Word_t MSByte) // most-significant byte, prefix to each Index. +{ + Word_t Temp; // for building 5-byte Index. + + assert(Pop1); + + do { + Temp = MSByte | *PSrc++; + JU_COPY5_LONG_TO_PINDEX(PDest, Temp); + PDest += 5; + } while (--Pop1); + +} // j__udyCopy4to5() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y C O P Y 5 T O 6 +// +// Copy one or more 5-byte Indexes to a series of 6-byte Indexes. + +FUNCTION static void j__udyCopy5to6( + uint8_t * PDest, // to where to copy 6-byte Indexes. + uint8_t * PSrc, // from where to copy 5-byte indexes. + Word_t Pop1, // number of Indexes to copy. + Word_t MSByte) // most-significant byte, prefix to each Index. +{ + Word_t Temp; // for building 6-byte Index. + + assert(Pop1); + + do { + JU_COPY5_PINDEX_TO_LONG(Temp, PSrc); + Temp |= MSByte; + JU_COPY6_LONG_TO_PINDEX(PDest, Temp); + PSrc += 5; + PDest += 6; + } while (--Pop1); + +} // j__udyCopy5to6() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y C O P Y 6 T O 7 +// +// Copy one or more 6-byte Indexes to a series of 7-byte Indexes. + +FUNCTION static void j__udyCopy6to7( + uint8_t * PDest, // to where to copy 6-byte Indexes. + uint8_t * PSrc, // from where to copy 5-byte indexes. + Word_t Pop1, // number of Indexes to copy. + Word_t MSByte) // most-significant byte, prefix to each Index. +{ + Word_t Temp; // for building 6-byte Index. + + assert(Pop1); + + do { + JU_COPY6_PINDEX_TO_LONG(Temp, PSrc); + Temp |= MSByte; + JU_COPY7_LONG_TO_PINDEX(PDest, Temp); + PSrc += 6; + PDest += 7; + } while (--Pop1); + +} // j__udyCopy6to7() + +#endif // JU_64BIT + + +#ifndef JU_64BIT // 32-bit + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y C O P Y 3 T O W +// +// Copy one or more 3-byte Indexes to a series of longs (words, always 4-byte). + +FUNCTION static void j__udyCopy3toW( + PWord_t PDest, // to where to copy full-word Indexes. + uint8_t * PSrc, // from where to copy 3-byte indexes. + Word_t Pop1, // number of Indexes to copy. + Word_t MSByte) // most-significant byte, prefix to each Index. +{ + assert(Pop1); + + do { + JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG(*PDest, PSrc); + *PDest++ |= MSByte; + PSrc += 3; + } while (--Pop1); + +} // j__udyCopy3toW() + + +#else // JU_64BIT + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y C O P Y 7 T O W +// +// Copy one or more 7-byte Indexes to a series of longs (words, always 8-byte). + +FUNCTION static void j__udyCopy7toW( + PWord_t PDest, // to where to copy full-word Indexes. + uint8_t * PSrc, // from where to copy 7-byte indexes. + Word_t Pop1, // number of Indexes to copy. + Word_t MSByte) // most-significant byte, prefix to each Index. +{ + assert(Pop1); + + do { + JU_COPY7_PINDEX_TO_LONG(*PDest, PSrc); + *PDest++ |= MSByte; + PSrc += 7; + } while (--Pop1); + +} // j__udyCopy7toW() + +#endif // JU_64BIT + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y B R A N C H B T O B R A N C H L +// +// When a BranchB shrinks to have few enough JPs, call this function to convert +// it to a BranchL. Return 1 for success, or -1 for failure (with details in +// Pjpm). + +FUNCTION int j__udyBranchBToBranchL( + Pjp_t Pjp, // points to BranchB to shrink. + Pvoid_t Pjpm) // for global accounting. +{ + Pjbb_t PjbbRaw; // old BranchB to shrink. + Pjbb_t Pjbb; + Pjbl_t PjblRaw; // new BranchL to create. + Pjbl_t Pjbl; + Word_t Digit; // in BranchB. + Word_t NumJPs; // non-null JPs in BranchB. + uint8_t Expanse[cJU_BRANCHLMAXJPS]; // for building jbl_Expanse[]. + Pjp_t Pjpjbl; // current JP in BranchL. + Word_t SubExp; // in BranchB. + + assert(JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) >= cJU_JPBRANCH_B2); + assert(JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) <= cJU_JPBRANCH_B); + + PjbbRaw = (Pjbb_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr); + Pjbb = P_JBB(PjbbRaw); + +// Copy 1-byte subexpanse digits from BranchB to temporary buffer for BranchL, +// for each bit set in the BranchB: +// +// TBD: The following supports variable-sized linear branches, but they are no +// longer variable; this could be simplified to save the copying. +// +// TBD: Since cJU_BRANCHLMAXJP == 7 now, and cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS == 256, the +// following might be inefficient; is there a faster way to do it? At least +// skip wholly empty subexpanses? + + for (NumJPs = Digit = 0; Digit < cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS; ++Digit) + { + if (JU_BITMAPTESTB(Pjbb, Digit)) + { + Expanse[NumJPs++] = Digit; + assert(NumJPs <= cJU_BRANCHLMAXJPS); // required of caller. + } + } + +// Allocate and populate the BranchL: + + if ((PjblRaw = j__udyAllocJBL(Pjpm)) == (Pjbl_t) NULL) return(-1); + Pjbl = P_JBL(PjblRaw); + + JU_COPYMEM(Pjbl->jbl_Expanse, Expanse, NumJPs); + + Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs = NumJPs; + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted((Pjll_t) (Pjbl->jbl_Expanse), NumJPs, 1);) + +// Copy JPs from each BranchB subexpanse subarray: + + Pjpjbl = P_JP(Pjbl->jbl_jp); // start at first JP in array. + + for (SubExp = 0; SubExp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPB; ++SubExp) + { + Pjp_t PjpRaw = JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, SubExp); // current Pjp. + Pjp_t Pjp; + + if (PjpRaw == (Pjp_t) NULL) continue; // skip empty subexpanse. + Pjp = P_JP(PjpRaw); + + NumJPs = j__udyCountBitsB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, SubExp)); + assert(NumJPs); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjpjbl, Pjp, NumJPs); // one subarray at a time. + + Pjpjbl += NumJPs; + j__udyFreeJBBJP(PjpRaw, NumJPs, Pjpm); // subarray. + } + j__udyFreeJBB(PjbbRaw, Pjpm); // BranchB itself. + +// Finish up: Calculate new JP type (same index size = level in new class), +// and tie new BranchB into parent JP: + + Pjp->jp_Type += cJU_JPBRANCH_L - cJU_JPBRANCH_B; + Pjp->jp_Addr = (Word_t) PjblRaw; + + return(1); + +} // j__udyBranchBToBranchL() + + +#ifdef notdef + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y B R A N C H U T O B R A N C H B +// +// When a BranchU shrinks to need little enough memory, call this function to +// convert it to a BranchB to save memory (at the cost of some speed). Return +// 1 for success, or -1 for failure (with details in Pjpm). +// +// TBD: Fill out if/when needed. Not currently used in JudyDel.c for reasons +// explained there. + +FUNCTION int j__udyBranchUToBranchB( + Pjp_t Pjp, // points to BranchU to shrink. + Pvoid_t Pjpm) // for global accounting. +{ + assert(FALSE); + return(1); +} +#endif // notdef + + +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y L E A F B 1 T O L E A F 1 +// +// Shrink a bitmap leaf (cJU_LEAFB1) to linear leaf (cJU_JPLEAF1). +// Return 1 for success, or -1 for failure (with details in Pjpm). +// +// Note: This function is different than the other JudyLeaf*ToLeaf*() +// functions because it receives a Pjp, not just a leaf, and handles its own +// allocation and free, in order to allow the caller to continue with a LeafB1 +// if allocation fails. + +FUNCTION int j__udyLeafB1ToLeaf1( + Pjp_t Pjp, // points to LeafB1 to shrink. + Pvoid_t Pjpm) // for global accounting. +{ + Pjlb_t PjlbRaw; // bitmap in old leaf. + Pjlb_t Pjlb; + Pjll_t PjllRaw; // new Leaf1. + uint8_t * Pleaf1; // Leaf1 pointer type. + Word_t Digit; // in LeafB1 bitmap. +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv_t PjvNew; // value area in new Leaf1. + Word_t Pop1; + Word_t SubExp; +#endif + + assert(JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) == cJU_JPLEAF_B1); + assert(((JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & 0xFF) + 1) == cJU_LEAF1_MAXPOP1); + +// Allocate JPLEAF1 and prepare pointers: + + if ((PjllRaw = j__udyAllocJLL1(cJU_LEAF1_MAXPOP1, Pjpm)) == 0) + return(-1); + + Pleaf1 = (uint8_t *) P_JLL(PjllRaw); + PjlbRaw = (Pjlb_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr); + Pjlb = P_JLB(PjlbRaw); + JUDYLCODE(PjvNew = JL_LEAF1VALUEAREA(Pleaf1, cJL_LEAF1_MAXPOP1);) + +// Copy 1-byte indexes from old LeafB1 to new Leaf1: + + for (Digit = 0; Digit < cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS; ++Digit) + if (JU_BITMAPTESTL(Pjlb, Digit)) + *Pleaf1++ = Digit; + +#ifdef JUDYL + +// Copy all old-LeafB1 value areas from value subarrays to new Leaf1: + + for (SubExp = 0; SubExp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPL; ++SubExp) + { + Pjv_t PjvRaw = JL_JLB_PVALUE(Pjlb, SubExp); + Pjv_t Pjv = P_JV(PjvRaw); + + if (Pjv == (Pjv_t) NULL) continue; // skip empty subarray. + + Pop1 = j__udyCountBitsL(JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, SubExp)); // subarray. + assert(Pop1); + + JU_COPYMEM(PjvNew, Pjv, Pop1); // copy value areas. + j__udyLFreeJV(PjvRaw, Pop1, Pjpm); + PjvNew += Pop1; // advance through new. + } + + assert((((Word_t) Pleaf1) - (Word_t) P_JLL(PjllRaw)) + == (PjvNew - JL_LEAF1VALUEAREA(P_JLL(PjllRaw), cJL_LEAF1_MAXPOP1))); +#endif // JUDYL + + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted((Pjll_t) P_JLL(PjllRaw), + (((Word_t) Pleaf1) - (Word_t) P_JLL(PjllRaw)), 1);) + +// Finish up: Free the old LeafB1 and plug the new Leaf1 into the JP: +// +// Note: jp_DcdPopO does not change here. + + j__udyFreeJLB1(PjlbRaw, Pjpm); + + Pjp->jp_Addr = (Word_t) PjllRaw; + Pjp->jp_Type = cJU_JPLEAF1; + + return(1); + +} // j__udyLeafB1ToLeaf1() + +#endif // (JUDYL || (! JU_64BIT)) + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y L E A F 1 T O L E A F 2 +// +// Copy 1-byte Indexes from a LeafB1 or Leaf1 to 2-byte Indexes in a Leaf2. +// Pjp MUST be one of: cJU_JPLEAF_B1, cJU_JPLEAF1, or cJU_JPIMMED_1_*. +// Return number of Indexes copied. +// +// TBD: In this and all following functions, the caller should already be able +// to compute the Pop1 return value, so why return it? + +FUNCTION Word_t j__udyLeaf1ToLeaf2( + uint16_t * PLeaf2, // destination uint16_t * Index portion of leaf. +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv_t Pjv2, // destination value part of leaf. +#endif + Pjp_t Pjp, // 1-byte-index object from which to copy. + Word_t MSByte, // most-significant byte, prefix to each Index. + Pvoid_t Pjpm) // for global accounting. +{ + Word_t Pop1; // Indexes in leaf. + Word_t Offset; // in linear leaf list. +JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjv1Raw;) // source object value area. +JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjv1;) + + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { + + +// JPLEAF_B1: + + case cJU_JPLEAF_B1: + { + Pjlb_t Pjlb = P_JLB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + Word_t Digit; // in LeafB1 bitmap. + JUDYLCODE(Word_t SubExp;) // in LeafB1. + + Pop1 = JU_JPBRANCH_POP0(Pjp, 1) + 1; assert(Pop1); + +// Copy 1-byte indexes from old LeafB1 to new Leaf2, including splicing in +// the missing MSByte needed in the Leaf2: + + for (Digit = 0; Digit < cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS; ++Digit) + if (JU_BITMAPTESTL(Pjlb, Digit)) + *PLeaf2++ = MSByte | Digit; + +#ifdef JUDYL + +// Copy all old-LeafB1 value areas from value subarrays to new Leaf2: + + for (SubExp = 0; SubExp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPL; ++SubExp) + { + Word_t SubExpPop1; + + Pjv1Raw = JL_JLB_PVALUE(Pjlb, SubExp); + if (Pjv1Raw == (Pjv_t) NULL) continue; // skip empty. + Pjv1 = P_JV(Pjv1Raw); + + SubExpPop1 = j__udyCountBitsL(JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, SubExp)); + assert(SubExpPop1); + + JU_COPYMEM(Pjv2, Pjv1, SubExpPop1); // copy value areas. + j__udyLFreeJV(Pjv1Raw, SubExpPop1, Pjpm); + Pjv2 += SubExpPop1; // advance through new. + } +#endif // JUDYL + + j__udyFreeJLB1((Pjlb_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), Pjpm); // LeafB1 itself. + return(Pop1); + + } // case cJU_JPLEAF_B1 + + +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + +// JPLEAF1: + + case cJU_JPLEAF1: + { + uint8_t * PLeaf1 = (uint8_t *) P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + Pop1 = JU_JPBRANCH_POP0(Pjp, 1) + 1; assert(Pop1); + JUDYLCODE(Pjv1 = JL_LEAF1VALUEAREA(PLeaf1, Pop1);) + +// Copy all Index bytes including splicing in missing MSByte needed in Leaf2 +// (plus, for JudyL, value areas): + + for (Offset = 0; Offset < Pop1; ++Offset) + { + PLeaf2[Offset] = MSByte | PLeaf1[Offset]; + JUDYLCODE(Pjv2[Offset] = Pjv1[Offset];) + } + j__udyFreeJLL1((Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), Pop1, Pjpm); + return(Pop1); + } +#endif // (JUDYL || (! JU_64BIT)) + + +// JPIMMED_1_01: +// +// Note: jp_DcdPopO has 3 [7] bytes of Index (all but most significant byte), +// so the assignment to PLeaf2[] truncates and MSByte is not needed. + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_01: + { + PLeaf2[0] = JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp); // see above. + JUDYLCODE(Pjv2[0] = Pjp->jp_Addr;) + return(1); + } + + +// JPIMMED_1_0[2+]: + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_02: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_03: +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_04: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_05: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_06: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_07: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_08: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_09: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_10: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_11: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_12: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_13: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_14: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_15: +#endif + { + Pop1 = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) - cJU_JPIMMED_1_02 + 2; assert(Pop1); + JUDYLCODE(Pjv1Raw = (Pjv_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr);) + JUDYLCODE(Pjv1 = P_JV(Pjv1Raw);) + + for (Offset = 0; Offset < Pop1; ++Offset) + { +#ifdef JUDY1 + PLeaf2[Offset] = MSByte | Pjp->jp_1Index[Offset]; +#else + PLeaf2[Offset] = MSByte | Pjp->jp_LIndex[Offset]; + Pjv2 [Offset] = Pjv1[Offset]; +#endif + } + JUDYLCODE(j__udyLFreeJV(Pjv1Raw, Pop1, Pjpm);) + return(Pop1); + } + + +// UNEXPECTED CASES, including JPNULL1, should be handled by caller: + + default: assert(FALSE); break; + + } // switch + + return(0); + +} // j__udyLeaf1ToLeaf2() + + +// ***************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y L E A F 2 T O L E A F 3 +// +// Copy 2-byte Indexes from a Leaf2 to 3-byte Indexes in a Leaf3. +// Pjp MUST be one of: cJU_JPLEAF2 or cJU_JPIMMED_2_*. +// Return number of Indexes copied. +// +// Note: By the time this function is called to compress a level-3 branch to a +// Leaf3, the branch has no narrow pointers under it, meaning only level-2 +// objects are below it and must be handled here. + +FUNCTION Word_t j__udyLeaf2ToLeaf3( + uint8_t * PLeaf3, // destination "uint24_t *" Index part of leaf. +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv_t Pjv3, // destination value part of leaf. +#endif + Pjp_t Pjp, // 2-byte-index object from which to copy. + Word_t MSByte, // most-significant byte, prefix to each Index. + Pvoid_t Pjpm) // for global accounting. +{ + Word_t Pop1; // Indexes in leaf. +#if (defined(JUDYL) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + Pjv_t Pjv2Raw; // source object value area. +#endif +JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjv2;) + + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { + + +// JPLEAF2: + + case cJU_JPLEAF2: + { + uint16_t * PLeaf2 = (uint16_t *) P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; assert(Pop1); + j__udyCopy2to3(PLeaf3, PLeaf2, Pop1, MSByte); +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv2 = JL_LEAF2VALUEAREA(PLeaf2, Pop1); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjv3, Pjv2, Pop1); +#endif + j__udyFreeJLL2((Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), Pop1, Pjpm); + return(Pop1); + } + + +// JPIMMED_2_01: +// +// Note: jp_DcdPopO has 3 [7] bytes of Index (all but most significant byte), +// so the "assignment" to PLeaf3[] is exact [truncates] and MSByte is not +// needed. + + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_01: + { + JU_COPY3_LONG_TO_PINDEX(PLeaf3, JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp)); // see above. + JUDYLCODE(Pjv3[0] = Pjp->jp_Addr;) + return(1); + } + + +// JPIMMED_2_0[2+]: + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_02: + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_03: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_04: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_05: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_06: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_07: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + { + JUDY1CODE(uint16_t * PLeaf2 = (uint16_t *) (Pjp->jp_1Index);) + JUDYLCODE(uint16_t * PLeaf2 = (uint16_t *) (Pjp->jp_LIndex);) + + Pop1 = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) - cJU_JPIMMED_2_02 + 2; assert(Pop1); + j__udyCopy2to3(PLeaf3, PLeaf2, Pop1, MSByte); +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv2Raw = (Pjv_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr); + Pjv2 = P_JV(Pjv2Raw); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjv3, Pjv2, Pop1); + j__udyLFreeJV(Pjv2Raw, Pop1, Pjpm); +#endif + return(Pop1); + } +#endif // (JUDY1 || JU_64BIT) + + +// UNEXPECTED CASES, including JPNULL2, should be handled by caller: + + default: assert(FALSE); break; + + } // switch + + return(0); + +} // j__udyLeaf2ToLeaf3() + + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y L E A F 3 T O L E A F 4 +// +// Copy 3-byte Indexes from a Leaf3 to 4-byte Indexes in a Leaf4. +// Pjp MUST be one of: cJU_JPLEAF3 or cJU_JPIMMED_3_*. +// Return number of Indexes copied. +// +// Note: By the time this function is called to compress a level-4 branch to a +// Leaf4, the branch has no narrow pointers under it, meaning only level-3 +// objects are below it and must be handled here. + +FUNCTION Word_t j__udyLeaf3ToLeaf4( + uint32_t * PLeaf4, // destination uint32_t * Index part of leaf. +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv_t Pjv4, // destination value part of leaf. +#endif + Pjp_t Pjp, // 3-byte-index object from which to copy. + Word_t MSByte, // most-significant byte, prefix to each Index. + Pvoid_t Pjpm) // for global accounting. +{ + Word_t Pop1; // Indexes in leaf. +JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjv3Raw;) // source object value area. +JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjv3;) + + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { + + +// JPLEAF3: + + case cJU_JPLEAF3: + { + uint8_t * PLeaf3 = (uint8_t *) P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; assert(Pop1); + j__udyCopy3to4(PLeaf4, (uint8_t *) PLeaf3, Pop1, MSByte); +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv3 = JL_LEAF3VALUEAREA(PLeaf3, Pop1); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjv4, Pjv3, Pop1); +#endif + j__udyFreeJLL3((Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), Pop1, Pjpm); + return(Pop1); + } + + +// JPIMMED_3_01: +// +// Note: jp_DcdPopO has 7 bytes of Index (all but most significant byte), so +// the assignment to PLeaf4[] truncates and MSByte is not needed. + + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_01: + { + PLeaf4[0] = JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp); // see above. + JUDYLCODE(Pjv4[0] = Pjp->jp_Addr;) + return(1); + } + + +// JPIMMED_3_0[2+]: + + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_02: +#ifdef JUDY1 + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_03: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_04: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_05: +#endif + { + JUDY1CODE(uint8_t * PLeaf3 = (uint8_t *) (Pjp->jp_1Index);) + JUDYLCODE(uint8_t * PLeaf3 = (uint8_t *) (Pjp->jp_LIndex);) + + JUDY1CODE(Pop1 = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) - cJU_JPIMMED_3_02 + 2;) + JUDYLCODE(Pop1 = 2;) + + j__udyCopy3to4(PLeaf4, PLeaf3, Pop1, MSByte); +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv3Raw = (Pjv_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr); + Pjv3 = P_JV(Pjv3Raw); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjv4, Pjv3, Pop1); + j__udyLFreeJV(Pjv3Raw, Pop1, Pjpm); +#endif + return(Pop1); + } + + +// UNEXPECTED CASES, including JPNULL3, should be handled by caller: + + default: assert(FALSE); break; + + } // switch + + return(0); + +} // j__udyLeaf3ToLeaf4() + + +// Note: In all following j__udyLeaf*ToLeaf*() functions, JPIMMED_*_0[2+] +// cases exist for Judy1 (&& 64-bit) only. JudyL has no equivalent Immeds. + + +// ***************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y L E A F 4 T O L E A F 5 +// +// Copy 4-byte Indexes from a Leaf4 to 5-byte Indexes in a Leaf5. +// Pjp MUST be one of: cJU_JPLEAF4 or cJU_JPIMMED_4_*. +// Return number of Indexes copied. +// +// Note: By the time this function is called to compress a level-5 branch to a +// Leaf5, the branch has no narrow pointers under it, meaning only level-4 +// objects are below it and must be handled here. + +FUNCTION Word_t j__udyLeaf4ToLeaf5( + uint8_t * PLeaf5, // destination "uint40_t *" Index part of leaf. +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv_t Pjv5, // destination value part of leaf. +#endif + Pjp_t Pjp, // 4-byte-index object from which to copy. + Word_t MSByte, // most-significant byte, prefix to each Index. + Pvoid_t Pjpm) // for global accounting. +{ + Word_t Pop1; // Indexes in leaf. +JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjv4;) // source object value area. + + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { + + +// JPLEAF4: + + case cJU_JPLEAF4: + { + uint32_t * PLeaf4 = (uint32_t *) P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; assert(Pop1); + j__udyCopy4to5(PLeaf5, PLeaf4, Pop1, MSByte); +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv4 = JL_LEAF4VALUEAREA(PLeaf4, Pop1); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjv5, Pjv4, Pop1); +#endif + j__udyFreeJLL4((Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), Pop1, Pjpm); + return(Pop1); + } + + +// JPIMMED_4_01: +// +// Note: jp_DcdPopO has 7 bytes of Index (all but most significant byte), so +// the assignment to PLeaf5[] truncates and MSByte is not needed. + + case cJU_JPIMMED_4_01: + { + JU_COPY5_LONG_TO_PINDEX(PLeaf5, JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp)); // see above. + JUDYLCODE(Pjv5[0] = Pjp->jp_Addr;) + return(1); + } + + +#ifdef JUDY1 + +// JPIMMED_4_0[4+]: + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_03: + { + uint32_t * PLeaf4 = (uint32_t *) (Pjp->jp_1Index); + + Pop1 = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) - cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02 + 2; + j__udyCopy4to5(PLeaf5, PLeaf4, Pop1, MSByte); + return(Pop1); + } +#endif // JUDY1 + + +// UNEXPECTED CASES, including JPNULL4, should be handled by caller: + + default: assert(FALSE); break; + + } // switch + + return(0); + +} // j__udyLeaf4ToLeaf5() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y L E A F 5 T O L E A F 6 +// +// Copy 5-byte Indexes from a Leaf5 to 6-byte Indexes in a Leaf6. +// Pjp MUST be one of: cJU_JPLEAF5 or cJU_JPIMMED_5_*. +// Return number of Indexes copied. +// +// Note: By the time this function is called to compress a level-6 branch to a +// Leaf6, the branch has no narrow pointers under it, meaning only level-5 +// objects are below it and must be handled here. + +FUNCTION Word_t j__udyLeaf5ToLeaf6( + uint8_t * PLeaf6, // destination uint8_t * Index part of leaf. +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv_t Pjv6, // destination value part of leaf. +#endif + Pjp_t Pjp, // 5-byte-index object from which to copy. + Word_t MSByte, // most-significant byte, prefix to each Index. + Pvoid_t Pjpm) // for global accounting. +{ + Word_t Pop1; // Indexes in leaf. +JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjv5;) // source object value area. + + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { + + +// JPLEAF5: + + case cJU_JPLEAF5: + { + uint8_t * PLeaf5 = (uint8_t *) P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; assert(Pop1); + j__udyCopy5to6(PLeaf6, PLeaf5, Pop1, MSByte); +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv5 = JL_LEAF5VALUEAREA(PLeaf5, Pop1); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjv6, Pjv5, Pop1); +#endif + j__udyFreeJLL5((Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), Pop1, Pjpm); + return(Pop1); + } + + +// JPIMMED_5_01: +// +// Note: jp_DcdPopO has 7 bytes of Index (all but most significant byte), so +// the assignment to PLeaf6[] truncates and MSByte is not needed. + + case cJU_JPIMMED_5_01: + { + JU_COPY6_LONG_TO_PINDEX(PLeaf6, JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp)); // see above. + JUDYLCODE(Pjv6[0] = Pjp->jp_Addr;) + return(1); + } + + +#ifdef JUDY1 + +// JPIMMED_5_0[2+]: + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_03: + { + uint8_t * PLeaf5 = (uint8_t *) (Pjp->jp_1Index); + + Pop1 = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) - cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02 + 2; + j__udyCopy5to6(PLeaf6, PLeaf5, Pop1, MSByte); + return(Pop1); + } +#endif // JUDY1 + + +// UNEXPECTED CASES, including JPNULL5, should be handled by caller: + + default: assert(FALSE); break; + + } // switch + + return(0); + +} // j__udyLeaf5ToLeaf6() + + +// ***************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y L E A F 6 T O L E A F 7 +// +// Copy 6-byte Indexes from a Leaf2 to 7-byte Indexes in a Leaf7. +// Pjp MUST be one of: cJU_JPLEAF6 or cJU_JPIMMED_6_*. +// Return number of Indexes copied. +// +// Note: By the time this function is called to compress a level-7 branch to a +// Leaf7, the branch has no narrow pointers under it, meaning only level-6 +// objects are below it and must be handled here. + +FUNCTION Word_t j__udyLeaf6ToLeaf7( + uint8_t * PLeaf7, // destination "uint24_t *" Index part of leaf. +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv_t Pjv7, // destination value part of leaf. +#endif + Pjp_t Pjp, // 6-byte-index object from which to copy. + Word_t MSByte, // most-significant byte, prefix to each Index. + Pvoid_t Pjpm) // for global accounting. +{ + Word_t Pop1; // Indexes in leaf. +JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjv6;) // source object value area. + + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { + + +// JPLEAF6: + + case cJU_JPLEAF6: + { + uint8_t * PLeaf6 = (uint8_t *) P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + j__udyCopy6to7(PLeaf7, PLeaf6, Pop1, MSByte); +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv6 = JL_LEAF6VALUEAREA(PLeaf6, Pop1); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjv7, Pjv6, Pop1); +#endif + j__udyFreeJLL6((Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), Pop1, Pjpm); + return(Pop1); + } + + +// JPIMMED_6_01: +// +// Note: jp_DcdPopO has 7 bytes of Index (all but most significant byte), so +// the "assignment" to PLeaf7[] is exact and MSByte is not needed. + + case cJU_JPIMMED_6_01: + { + JU_COPY7_LONG_TO_PINDEX(PLeaf7, JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp)); // see above. + JUDYLCODE(Pjv7[0] = Pjp->jp_Addr;) + return(1); + } + + +#ifdef JUDY1 + +// JPIMMED_6_02: + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02: + { + uint8_t * PLeaf6 = (uint8_t *) (Pjp->jp_1Index); + + j__udyCopy6to7(PLeaf7, PLeaf6, /* Pop1 = */ 2, MSByte); + return(2); + } +#endif // JUDY1 + + +// UNEXPECTED CASES, including JPNULL6, should be handled by caller: + + default: assert(FALSE); break; + + } // switch + + return(0); + +} // j__udyLeaf6ToLeaf7() + +#endif // JU_64BIT + + +#ifndef JU_64BIT // 32-bit version first + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y L E A F 3 T O L E A F W +// +// Copy 3-byte Indexes from a Leaf3 to 4-byte Indexes in a LeafW. Pjp MUST be +// one of: cJU_JPLEAF3 or cJU_JPIMMED_3_*. Return number of Indexes copied. +// +// Note: By the time this function is called to compress a level-L branch to a +// LeafW, the branch has no narrow pointers under it, meaning only level-3 +// objects are below it and must be handled here. + +FUNCTION Word_t j__udyLeaf3ToLeafW( + Pjlw_t Pjlw, // destination Index part of leaf. +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv_t PjvW, // destination value part of leaf. +#endif + Pjp_t Pjp, // 3-byte-index object from which to copy. + Word_t MSByte, // most-significant byte, prefix to each Index. + Pvoid_t Pjpm) // for global accounting. +{ + Word_t Pop1; // Indexes in leaf. +JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjv3;) // source object value area. + + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { + + +// JPLEAF3: + + case cJU_JPLEAF3: + { + uint8_t * PLeaf3 = (uint8_t *) P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + j__udyCopy3toW((PWord_t) Pjlw, PLeaf3, Pop1, MSByte); +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv3 = JL_LEAF3VALUEAREA(PLeaf3, Pop1); + JU_COPYMEM(PjvW, Pjv3, Pop1); +#endif + j__udyFreeJLL3((Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), Pop1, Pjpm); + return(Pop1); + } + + +// JPIMMED_3_01: +// +// Note: jp_DcdPopO has 3 bytes of Index (all but most significant byte), and +// MSByte must be ord in. + + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_01: + { + Pjlw[0] = MSByte | JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp); // see above. + JUDYLCODE(PjvW[0] = Pjp->jp_Addr;) + return(1); + } + + +#ifdef JUDY1 + +// JPIMMED_3_02: + + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_02: + { + uint8_t * PLeaf3 = (uint8_t *) (Pjp->jp_1Index); + + j__udyCopy3toW((PWord_t) Pjlw, PLeaf3, /* Pop1 = */ 2, MSByte); + return(2); + } +#endif // JUDY1 + + +// UNEXPECTED CASES, including JPNULL3, should be handled by caller: + + default: assert(FALSE); break; + + } // switch + + return(0); + +} // j__udyLeaf3ToLeafW() + + +#else // JU_64BIT + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y L E A F 7 T O L E A F W +// +// Copy 7-byte Indexes from a Leaf7 to 8-byte Indexes in a LeafW. +// Pjp MUST be one of: cJU_JPLEAF7 or cJU_JPIMMED_7_*. +// Return number of Indexes copied. +// +// Note: By the time this function is called to compress a level-L branch to a +// LeafW, the branch has no narrow pointers under it, meaning only level-7 +// objects are below it and must be handled here. + +FUNCTION Word_t j__udyLeaf7ToLeafW( + Pjlw_t Pjlw, // destination Index part of leaf. +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv_t PjvW, // destination value part of leaf. +#endif + Pjp_t Pjp, // 7-byte-index object from which to copy. + Word_t MSByte, // most-significant byte, prefix to each Index. + Pvoid_t Pjpm) // for global accounting. +{ + Word_t Pop1; // Indexes in leaf. +JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjv7;) // source object value area. + + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { + + +// JPLEAF7: + + case cJU_JPLEAF7: + { + uint8_t * PLeaf7 = (uint8_t *) P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + j__udyCopy7toW((PWord_t) Pjlw, PLeaf7, Pop1, MSByte); +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv7 = JL_LEAF7VALUEAREA(PLeaf7, Pop1); + JU_COPYMEM(PjvW, Pjv7, Pop1); +#endif + j__udyFreeJLL7((Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), Pop1, Pjpm); + return(Pop1); + } + + +// JPIMMED_7_01: +// +// Note: jp_DcdPopO has 7 bytes of Index (all but most significant byte), and +// MSByte must be ord in. + + case cJU_JPIMMED_7_01: + { + Pjlw[0] = MSByte | JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp); // see above. + JUDYLCODE(PjvW[0] = Pjp->jp_Addr;) + return(1); + } + + +#ifdef JUDY1 + +// JPIMMED_7_02: + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02: + { + uint8_t * PLeaf7 = (uint8_t *) (Pjp->jp_1Index); + + j__udyCopy7toW((PWord_t) Pjlw, PLeaf7, /* Pop1 = */ 2, MSByte); + return(2); + } +#endif + + +// UNEXPECTED CASES, including JPNULL7, should be handled by caller: + + default: assert(FALSE); break; + + } // switch + + return(0); + +} // j__udyLeaf7ToLeafW() + +#endif // JU_64BIT diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/JudyLDel.c b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/JudyLDel.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e8480fa0 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/JudyLDel.c @@ -0,0 +1,2146 @@ +// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company +// +// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +// under the term of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +// option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +// _________________ + +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ +// +// Judy1Unset() and JudyLDel() functions for Judy1 and JudyL. +// Compile with one of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL. +// +// About HYSTERESIS: In the Judy code, hysteresis means leaving around a +// nominally suboptimal (not maximally compressed) data structure after a +// deletion. As a result, the shape of the tree for two identical index sets +// can differ depending on the insert/delete path taken to arrive at the index +// sets. The purpose is to minimize worst-case behavior (thrashing) that could +// result from a series of intermixed insertions and deletions. It also makes +// for MUCH simpler code, because instead of performing, "delete and then +// compress," it can say, "compress and then delete," where due to hysteresis, +// compression is not even attempted until the object IS compressible. +// +// In some cases the code has no choice and it must "ungrow" a data structure +// across a "phase transition" boundary without hysteresis. In other cases the +// amount (such as "hysteresis = 1") is indicated by the number of JP deletions +// (in branches) or index deletions (in leaves) that can occur in succession +// before compressing the data structure. (It appears that hysteresis <= 1 in +// all cases.) +// +// In general no hysteresis occurs when the data structure type remains the +// same but the allocated memory chunk for the node must shrink, because the +// relationship is hardwired and theres no way to know how much memory is +// allocated to a given data structure. Hysteresis = 0 in all these cases. +// +// TBD: Could this code be faster if memory chunk hysteresis were supported +// somehow along with data structure type hysteresis? +// +// TBD: Should some of the assertions here be converted to product code that +// returns JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT? +// +// TBD: Dougs code had an odd mix of function-wide and limited-scope +// variables. Should some of the function-wide variables appear only in +// limited scopes, or more likely, vice-versa? + +#if (! (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JUDYL))) +#error: One of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL must be specified. +#endif + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#include "Judy1.h" +#else +#include "JudyL.h" +#endif + +#include "JudyPrivate1L.h" + +DBGCODE(extern void JudyCheckPop(Pvoid_t PArray);) +DBGCODE(extern void JudyCheckSorted(Pjll_t Pjll, Word_t Pop1, long IndexSize);) + +#ifdef TRACEJP +#include "JudyPrintJP.c" +#endif + +// These are defined to generic values in JudyCommon/JudyPrivateTypes.h: +// +// TBD: These should be exported from a header file, but perhaps not, as they +// are only used here, and exported from JudyDecascade.c, which is a separate +// file for profiling reasons (to prevent inlining), but which potentially +// could be merged with this file, either in SoftCM or at compile-time: + +#ifdef JUDY1 + +extern int j__udy1BranchBToBranchL(Pjp_t Pjp, Pvoid_t Pjpm); +#ifndef JU_64BIT +extern int j__udy1LeafB1ToLeaf1(Pjp_t, Pvoid_t); +#endif +extern Word_t j__udy1Leaf1ToLeaf2(uint16_t *, Pjp_t, Word_t, Pvoid_t); +extern Word_t j__udy1Leaf2ToLeaf3(uint8_t *, Pjp_t, Word_t, Pvoid_t); +#ifndef JU_64BIT +extern Word_t j__udy1Leaf3ToLeafW(Pjlw_t, Pjp_t, Word_t, Pvoid_t); +#else +extern Word_t j__udy1Leaf3ToLeaf4(uint32_t *, Pjp_t, Word_t, Pvoid_t); +extern Word_t j__udy1Leaf4ToLeaf5(uint8_t *, Pjp_t, Word_t, Pvoid_t); +extern Word_t j__udy1Leaf5ToLeaf6(uint8_t *, Pjp_t, Word_t, Pvoid_t); +extern Word_t j__udy1Leaf6ToLeaf7(uint8_t *, Pjp_t, Word_t, Pvoid_t); +extern Word_t j__udy1Leaf7ToLeafW(Pjlw_t, Pjp_t, Word_t, Pvoid_t); +#endif + +#else // JUDYL + +extern int j__udyLBranchBToBranchL(Pjp_t Pjp, Pvoid_t Pjpm); +extern int j__udyLLeafB1ToLeaf1(Pjp_t, Pvoid_t); +extern Word_t j__udyLLeaf1ToLeaf2(uint16_t *, Pjv_t, Pjp_t, Word_t, Pvoid_t); +extern Word_t j__udyLLeaf2ToLeaf3(uint8_t *, Pjv_t, Pjp_t, Word_t, Pvoid_t); +#ifndef JU_64BIT +extern Word_t j__udyLLeaf3ToLeafW(Pjlw_t, Pjv_t, Pjp_t, Word_t, Pvoid_t); +#else +extern Word_t j__udyLLeaf3ToLeaf4(uint32_t *, Pjv_t, Pjp_t, Word_t, Pvoid_t); +extern Word_t j__udyLLeaf4ToLeaf5(uint8_t *, Pjv_t, Pjp_t, Word_t, Pvoid_t); +extern Word_t j__udyLLeaf5ToLeaf6(uint8_t *, Pjv_t, Pjp_t, Word_t, Pvoid_t); +extern Word_t j__udyLLeaf6ToLeaf7(uint8_t *, Pjv_t, Pjp_t, Word_t, Pvoid_t); +extern Word_t j__udyLLeaf7ToLeafW(Pjlw_t, Pjv_t, Pjp_t, Word_t, Pvoid_t); +#endif + +#endif // JUDYL + +// For convenience in the calling code; "M1" means "minus one": + +#ifndef JU_64BIT +#define j__udyLeafM1ToLeafW j__udyLeaf3ToLeafW +#else +#define j__udyLeafM1ToLeafW j__udyLeaf7ToLeafW +#endif + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y D E L W A L K +// +// Given a pointer to a JP, an Index known to be valid, the number of bytes +// left to decode (== level in the tree), and a pointer to a global JPM, walk a +// Judy (sub)tree to do an unset/delete of that index, and possibly modify the +// JPM. This function is only called internally, and recursively. Unlike +// Judy1Test() and JudyLGet(), the extra time required for recursion should be +// negligible compared with the total. +// +// Return values: +// +// -1 error; details in JPM +// +// 0 Index already deleted (should never happen, Index is known to be valid) +// +// 1 previously valid Index deleted +// +// 2 same as 1, but in addition the JP now points to a BranchL containing a +// single JP, which should be compressed into the parent branch (if there +// is one, which is not the case for a top-level branch under a JPM) + +DBGCODE(uint8_t parentJPtype;) // parent branch JP type. + +FUNCTION static int j__udyDelWalk( + Pjp_t Pjp, // current JP under which to delete. + Word_t Index, // to delete. + Word_t ParentLevel, // of parent branch. + Pjpm_t Pjpm) // for returning info to top level. +{ + Word_t pop1; // of a leaf. + Word_t level; // of a leaf. + uint8_t digit; // from Index, in current branch. + Pjll_t PjllnewRaw; // address of newly allocated leaf. + Pjll_t Pjllnew; + int offset; // within a branch. + int retcode; // return code: -1, 0, 1, 2. +JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t PjvRaw;) // value area. +JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjv;) + + DBGCODE(level = 0;) + +ContinueDelWalk: // for modifying state without recursing. + +#ifdef TRACEJP + JudyPrintJP(Pjp, "d", __LINE__); +#endif + + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) // entry: Pjp, Index. + { + + +// **************************************************************************** +// LINEAR BRANCH: +// +// MACROS FOR COMMON CODE: +// +// Check for population too high to compress a branch to a leaf, meaning just +// descend through the branch, with a purposeful off-by-one error that +// constitutes hysteresis = 1. In other words, do not compress until the +// branchs CURRENT population fits in the leaf, even BEFORE deleting one +// index. +// +// Next is a label for branch-type-specific common code. Variables pop1, +// level, digit, and Index are in the context. + +#define JU_BRANCH_KEEP(cLevel,MaxPop1,Next) \ + if (pop1 > (MaxPop1)) /* hysteresis = 1 */ \ + { \ + assert((cLevel) >= 2); \ + level = (cLevel); \ + digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, cLevel); \ + goto Next; \ + } + +// Support for generic calling of JudyLeaf*ToLeaf*() functions: +// +// Note: Cannot use JUDYLCODE() because this contains a comma. + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#define JU_PVALUEPASS // null. +#else +#define JU_PVALUEPASS Pjv, +#endif + +// During compression to a leaf, check if a JP contains nothing but a +// cJU_JPIMMED_*_01, in which case shortcut calling j__udyLeaf*ToLeaf*(): +// +// Copy the index bytes from the jp_DcdPopO field (with possible truncation), +// and continue the branch-JP-walk loop. Variables Pjp and Pleaf are in the +// context. + +#define JU_BRANCH_COPY_IMMED_EVEN(cLevel,Pjp,ignore) \ + if (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) == cJU_JPIMMED_1_01 + (cLevel) - 2) \ + { \ + *Pleaf++ = JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp); \ + JUDYLCODE(*Pjv++ = (Pjp)->jp_Addr;) \ + continue; /* for-loop */ \ + } + +#define JU_BRANCH_COPY_IMMED_ODD(cLevel,Pjp,CopyIndex) \ + if (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) == cJU_JPIMMED_1_01 + (cLevel) - 2) \ + { \ + CopyIndex(Pleaf, (Word_t) (JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp))); \ + Pleaf += (cLevel); /* index size = level */ \ + JUDYLCODE(*Pjv++ = (Pjp)->jp_Addr;) \ + continue; /* for-loop */ \ + } + +// Compress a BranchL into a leaf one index size larger: +// +// Allocate a new leaf, walk the JPs in the old BranchL and pack their contents +// into the new leaf (of type NewJPType), free the old BranchL, and finally +// restart the switch to delete Index from the new leaf. (Note that all +// BranchLs are the same size.) Variables Pjp, Pjpm, Pleaf, digit, and pop1 +// are in the context. + +#define JU_BRANCHL_COMPRESS(cLevel,LeafType,MaxPop1,NewJPType, \ + LeafToLeaf,Alloc,ValueArea, \ + CopyImmed,CopyIndex) \ + { \ + LeafType Pleaf; \ + Pjbl_t PjblRaw; \ + Pjbl_t Pjbl; \ + Word_t numJPs; \ + \ + if ((PjllnewRaw = Alloc(MaxPop1, Pjpm)) == 0) return(-1); \ + Pjllnew = P_JLL(PjllnewRaw); \ + Pleaf = (LeafType) Pjllnew; \ + JUDYLCODE(Pjv = ValueArea(Pleaf, MaxPop1);) \ + \ + PjblRaw = (Pjbl_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr); \ + Pjbl = P_JBL(PjblRaw); \ + numJPs = Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs; \ + \ + for (offset = 0; offset < numJPs; ++offset) \ + { \ + CopyImmed(cLevel, (Pjbl->jbl_jp) + offset, CopyIndex); \ + \ + pop1 = LeafToLeaf(Pleaf, JU_PVALUEPASS \ + (Pjbl->jbl_jp) + offset, \ + JU_DIGITTOSTATE(Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[offset], \ + cLevel), (Pvoid_t) Pjpm); \ + Pleaf = (LeafType) (((Word_t) Pleaf) + ((cLevel) * pop1)); \ + JUDYLCODE(Pjv += pop1;) \ + } \ + assert(((((Word_t) Pleaf) - ((Word_t) Pjllnew)) / (cLevel)) == (MaxPop1)); \ + JUDYLCODE(assert((Pjv - ValueArea(Pjllnew, MaxPop1)) == (MaxPop1));) \ + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjllnew, MaxPop1, cLevel);) \ + \ + j__udyFreeJBL(PjblRaw, Pjpm); \ + \ + Pjp->jp_Type = (NewJPType); \ + Pjp->jp_Addr = (Word_t) PjllnewRaw; \ + goto ContinueDelWalk; /* delete from new leaf */ \ + } + +// Overall common code for initial BranchL deletion handling: +// +// Assert that Index is in the branch, then see if the BranchL should be kept +// or else compressed to a leaf. Variables Index, Pjp, and pop1 are in the +// context. + +#define JU_BRANCHL(cLevel,MaxPop1,LeafType,NewJPType, \ + LeafToLeaf,Alloc,ValueArea,CopyImmed,CopyIndex) \ + \ + assert(! JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, cLevel)); \ + assert(ParentLevel > (cLevel)); \ + \ + pop1 = JU_JPBRANCH_POP0(Pjp, cLevel) + 1; \ + JU_BRANCH_KEEP(cLevel, MaxPop1, BranchLKeep); \ + assert(pop1 == (MaxPop1)); \ + \ + JU_BRANCHL_COMPRESS(cLevel, LeafType, MaxPop1, NewJPType, \ + LeafToLeaf, Alloc, ValueArea, CopyImmed, CopyIndex) + + +// END OF MACROS, START OF CASES: + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L2: + + JU_BRANCHL(2, cJU_LEAF2_MAXPOP1, uint16_t *, cJU_JPLEAF2, + j__udyLeaf1ToLeaf2, j__udyAllocJLL2, JL_LEAF2VALUEAREA, + JU_BRANCH_COPY_IMMED_EVEN, ignore); + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L3: + + JU_BRANCHL(3, cJU_LEAF3_MAXPOP1, uint8_t *, cJU_JPLEAF3, + j__udyLeaf2ToLeaf3, j__udyAllocJLL3, JL_LEAF3VALUEAREA, + JU_BRANCH_COPY_IMMED_ODD, JU_COPY3_LONG_TO_PINDEX); + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L4: + + JU_BRANCHL(4, cJU_LEAF4_MAXPOP1, uint32_t *, cJU_JPLEAF4, + j__udyLeaf3ToLeaf4, j__udyAllocJLL4, JL_LEAF4VALUEAREA, + JU_BRANCH_COPY_IMMED_EVEN, ignore); + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L5: + + JU_BRANCHL(5, cJU_LEAF5_MAXPOP1, uint8_t *, cJU_JPLEAF5, + j__udyLeaf4ToLeaf5, j__udyAllocJLL5, JL_LEAF5VALUEAREA, + JU_BRANCH_COPY_IMMED_ODD, JU_COPY5_LONG_TO_PINDEX); + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L6: + + JU_BRANCHL(6, cJU_LEAF6_MAXPOP1, uint8_t *, cJU_JPLEAF6, + j__udyLeaf5ToLeaf6, j__udyAllocJLL6, JL_LEAF6VALUEAREA, + JU_BRANCH_COPY_IMMED_ODD, JU_COPY6_LONG_TO_PINDEX); + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L7: + + JU_BRANCHL(7, cJU_LEAF7_MAXPOP1, uint8_t *, cJU_JPLEAF7, + j__udyLeaf6ToLeaf7, j__udyAllocJLL7, JL_LEAF7VALUEAREA, + JU_BRANCH_COPY_IMMED_ODD, JU_COPY7_LONG_TO_PINDEX); +#endif // JU_64BIT + +// A top-level BranchL is different and cannot use JU_BRANCHL(): Dont try to +// compress to a (LEAFW) leaf yet, but leave this for a later deletion +// (hysteresis > 0); and the next JP type depends on the system word size; so +// dont use JU_BRANCH_KEEP(): + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L: + { + Pjbl_t Pjbl; + Word_t numJPs; + + level = cJU_ROOTSTATE; + digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, cJU_ROOTSTATE); + + // fall through: + + +// COMMON CODE FOR KEEPING AND DESCENDING THROUGH A BRANCHL: +// +// Come here with level and digit set. + +BranchLKeep: + Pjbl = P_JBL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + numJPs = Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs; + assert(numJPs > 0); + DBGCODE(parentJPtype = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp);) + +// Search for a match to the digit (valid Index => must find digit): + + for (offset = 0; (Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[offset]) != digit; ++offset) + assert(offset < numJPs - 1); + + Pjp = (Pjbl->jbl_jp) + offset; + +// If not at a (deletable) JPIMMED_*_01, continue the walk (to descend through +// the BranchL): + + assert(level >= 2); + if ((JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) != cJU_JPIMMED_1_01 + level - 2) break; + +// At JPIMMED_*_01: Ensure the index is in the right expanse, then delete the +// Immed from the BranchL: +// +// Note: A BranchL has a fixed size and format regardless of numJPs. + + assert(JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) == JU_TRIMTODCDSIZE(Index)); + + JU_DELETEINPLACE(Pjbl->jbl_Expanse, numJPs, offset, ignore); + JU_DELETEINPLACE(Pjbl->jbl_jp, numJPs, offset, ignore); + + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted((Pjll_t) (Pjbl->jbl_Expanse), + numJPs - 1, 1);) + +// If only one index left in the BranchL, indicate this to the caller: + + return ((--(Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs) <= 1) ? 2 : 1); + + } // case cJU_JPBRANCH_L. + + +// **************************************************************************** +// BITMAP BRANCH: +// +// MACROS FOR COMMON CODE: +// +// Note the reuse of common macros here, defined earlier: JU_BRANCH_KEEP(), +// JU_PVALUE*. +// +// Compress a BranchB into a leaf one index size larger: +// +// Allocate a new leaf, walk the JPs in the old BranchB (one bitmap subexpanse +// at a time) and pack their contents into the new leaf (of type NewJPType), +// free the old BranchB, and finally restart the switch to delete Index from +// the new leaf. Variables Pjp, Pjpm, Pleaf, digit, and pop1 are in the +// context. +// +// Note: Its no accident that the interface to JU_BRANCHB_COMPRESS() is +// identical to JU_BRANCHL_COMPRESS(). Only the details differ in how to +// traverse the branchs JPs. + +#define JU_BRANCHB_COMPRESS(cLevel,LeafType,MaxPop1,NewJPType, \ + LeafToLeaf,Alloc,ValueArea, \ + CopyImmed,CopyIndex) \ + { \ + LeafType Pleaf; \ + Pjbb_t PjbbRaw; /* BranchB to compress */ \ + Pjbb_t Pjbb; \ + Word_t subexp; /* current subexpanse number */ \ + BITMAPB_t bitmap; /* portion for this subexpanse */ \ + Pjp_t Pjp2Raw; /* one subexpanses subarray */ \ + Pjp_t Pjp2; \ + \ + if ((PjllnewRaw = Alloc(MaxPop1, Pjpm)) == 0) return(-1); \ + Pjllnew = P_JLL(PjllnewRaw); \ + Pleaf = (LeafType) Pjllnew; \ + JUDYLCODE(Pjv = ValueArea(Pleaf, MaxPop1);) \ + \ + PjbbRaw = (Pjbb_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr); \ + Pjbb = P_JBB(PjbbRaw); \ + \ + for (subexp = 0; subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPB; ++subexp) \ + { \ + if ((bitmap = JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp)) == 0) \ + continue; /* empty subexpanse */ \ + \ + digit = subexp * cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; \ + Pjp2Raw = JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp); \ + Pjp2 = P_JP(Pjp2Raw); \ + assert(Pjp2 != (Pjp_t) NULL); \ + \ + for (offset = 0; bitmap != 0; bitmap >>= 1, ++digit) \ + { \ + if (! (bitmap & 1)) \ + continue; /* empty sub-subexpanse */ \ + \ + ++offset; /* before any continue */ \ + \ + CopyImmed(cLevel, Pjp2 + offset - 1, CopyIndex); \ + \ + pop1 = LeafToLeaf(Pleaf, JU_PVALUEPASS \ + Pjp2 + offset - 1, \ + JU_DIGITTOSTATE(digit, cLevel), \ + (Pvoid_t) Pjpm); \ + Pleaf = (LeafType) (((Word_t) Pleaf) + ((cLevel) * pop1)); \ + JUDYLCODE(Pjv += pop1;) \ + } \ + j__udyFreeJBBJP(Pjp2Raw, /* pop1 = */ offset, Pjpm); \ + } \ + assert(((((Word_t) Pleaf) - ((Word_t) Pjllnew)) / (cLevel)) == (MaxPop1)); \ + JUDYLCODE(assert((Pjv - ValueArea(Pjllnew, MaxPop1)) == (MaxPop1));) \ + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjllnew, MaxPop1, cLevel);) \ + \ + j__udyFreeJBB(PjbbRaw, Pjpm); \ + \ + Pjp->jp_Type = (NewJPType); \ + Pjp->jp_Addr = (Word_t) PjllnewRaw; \ + goto ContinueDelWalk; /* delete from new leaf */ \ + } + +// Overall common code for initial BranchB deletion handling: +// +// Assert that Index is in the branch, then see if the BranchB should be kept +// or else compressed to a leaf. Variables Index, Pjp, and pop1 are in the +// context. + +#define JU_BRANCHB(cLevel,MaxPop1,LeafType,NewJPType, \ + LeafToLeaf,Alloc,ValueArea,CopyImmed,CopyIndex) \ + \ + assert(! JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, cLevel)); \ + assert(ParentLevel > (cLevel)); \ + \ + pop1 = JU_JPBRANCH_POP0(Pjp, cLevel) + 1; \ + JU_BRANCH_KEEP(cLevel, MaxPop1, BranchBKeep); \ + assert(pop1 == (MaxPop1)); \ + \ + JU_BRANCHB_COMPRESS(cLevel, LeafType, MaxPop1, NewJPType, \ + LeafToLeaf, Alloc, ValueArea, CopyImmed, CopyIndex) + + +// END OF MACROS, START OF CASES: +// +// Note: Its no accident that the macro calls for these cases is nearly +// identical to the code for BranchLs. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B2: + + JU_BRANCHB(2, cJU_LEAF2_MAXPOP1, uint16_t *, cJU_JPLEAF2, + j__udyLeaf1ToLeaf2, j__udyAllocJLL2, JL_LEAF2VALUEAREA, + JU_BRANCH_COPY_IMMED_EVEN, ignore); + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B3: + + JU_BRANCHB(3, cJU_LEAF3_MAXPOP1, uint8_t *, cJU_JPLEAF3, + j__udyLeaf2ToLeaf3, j__udyAllocJLL3, JL_LEAF3VALUEAREA, + JU_BRANCH_COPY_IMMED_ODD, JU_COPY3_LONG_TO_PINDEX); + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B4: + + JU_BRANCHB(4, cJU_LEAF4_MAXPOP1, uint32_t *, cJU_JPLEAF4, + j__udyLeaf3ToLeaf4, j__udyAllocJLL4, JL_LEAF4VALUEAREA, + JU_BRANCH_COPY_IMMED_EVEN, ignore); + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B5: + + JU_BRANCHB(5, cJU_LEAF5_MAXPOP1, uint8_t *, cJU_JPLEAF5, + j__udyLeaf4ToLeaf5, j__udyAllocJLL5, JL_LEAF5VALUEAREA, + JU_BRANCH_COPY_IMMED_ODD, JU_COPY5_LONG_TO_PINDEX); + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B6: + + JU_BRANCHB(6, cJU_LEAF6_MAXPOP1, uint8_t *, cJU_JPLEAF6, + j__udyLeaf5ToLeaf6, j__udyAllocJLL6, JL_LEAF6VALUEAREA, + JU_BRANCH_COPY_IMMED_ODD, JU_COPY6_LONG_TO_PINDEX); + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B7: + + JU_BRANCHB(7, cJU_LEAF7_MAXPOP1, uint8_t *, cJU_JPLEAF7, + j__udyLeaf6ToLeaf7, j__udyAllocJLL7, JL_LEAF7VALUEAREA, + JU_BRANCH_COPY_IMMED_ODD, JU_COPY7_LONG_TO_PINDEX); +#endif // JU_64BIT + +// A top-level BranchB is different and cannot use JU_BRANCHB(): Dont try to +// compress to a (LEAFW) leaf yet, but leave this for a later deletion +// (hysteresis > 0); and the next JP type depends on the system word size; so +// dont use JU_BRANCH_KEEP(): + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B: + { + Pjbb_t Pjbb; // BranchB to modify. + Word_t subexp; // current subexpanse number. + Word_t subexp2; // in second-level loop. + BITMAPB_t bitmap; // portion for this subexpanse. + BITMAPB_t bitmask; // with digits bit set. + Pjp_t Pjp2Raw; // one subexpanses subarray. + Pjp_t Pjp2; + Word_t numJPs; // in one subexpanse. + + level = cJU_ROOTSTATE; + digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, cJU_ROOTSTATE); + + // fall through: + + +// COMMON CODE FOR KEEPING AND DESCENDING THROUGH A BRANCHB: +// +// Come here with level and digit set. + +BranchBKeep: + Pjbb = P_JBB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + subexp = digit / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; + bitmap = JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp); + bitmask = JU_BITPOSMASKB(digit); + assert(bitmap & bitmask); // Index valid => digits bit is set. + DBGCODE(parentJPtype = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp);) + +// Compute digits offset into the bitmap, with a fast method if all bits are +// set: + + offset = ((bitmap == (cJU_FULLBITMAPB)) ? + digit % cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB : + j__udyCountBitsB(bitmap & JU_MASKLOWEREXC(bitmask))); + + Pjp2Raw = JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp); + Pjp2 = P_JP(Pjp2Raw); + assert(Pjp2 != (Pjp_t) NULL); // valid subexpanse pointer. + +// If not at a (deletable) JPIMMED_*_01, continue the walk (to descend through +// the BranchB): + + if (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp2 + offset) != cJU_JPIMMED_1_01 + level - 2) + { + Pjp = Pjp2 + offset; + break; + } + +// At JPIMMED_*_01: Ensure the index is in the right expanse, then delete the +// Immed from the BranchB: + + assert(JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp2 + offset) + == JU_TRIMTODCDSIZE(Index)); + +// If only one index is left in the subexpanse, free the JP array: + + if ((numJPs = j__udyCountBitsB(bitmap)) == 1) + { + j__udyFreeJBBJP(Pjp2Raw, /* pop1 = */ 1, Pjpm); + JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp) = (Pjp_t) NULL; + } + +// Shrink JP array in-place: + + else if (JU_BRANCHBJPGROWINPLACE(numJPs - 1)) + { + assert(numJPs > 0); + JU_DELETEINPLACE(Pjp2, numJPs, offset, ignore); + } + +// JP array would end up too large; compress it to a smaller one: + + else + { + Pjp_t PjpnewRaw; + Pjp_t Pjpnew; + + if ((PjpnewRaw = j__udyAllocJBBJP(numJPs - 1, Pjpm)) + == (Pjp_t) NULL) return(-1); + Pjpnew = P_JP(PjpnewRaw); + + JU_DELETECOPY(Pjpnew, Pjp2, numJPs, offset, ignore); + j__udyFreeJBBJP(Pjp2Raw, numJPs, Pjpm); // old. + + JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp) = PjpnewRaw; + } + +// Clear digits bit in the bitmap: + + JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp) ^= bitmask; + +// If the current subexpanse alone is still too large for a BranchL (with +// hysteresis = 1), the delete is all done: + + if (numJPs > cJU_BRANCHLMAXJPS) return(1); + +// Consider shrinking the current BranchB to a BranchL: +// +// Check the numbers of JPs in other subexpanses in the BranchL. Upon reaching +// the critical number of numJPs (which could be right at the start; again, +// with hysteresis = 1), its faster to just watch for any non-empty subexpanse +// than to count bits in each subexpanse. Upon finding too many JPs, give up +// on shrinking the BranchB. + + for (subexp2 = 0; subexp2 < cJU_NUMSUBEXPB; ++subexp2) + { + if (subexp2 == subexp) continue; // skip current subexpanse. + + if ((numJPs == cJU_BRANCHLMAXJPS) ? + JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp2) : + ((numJPs += j__udyCountBitsB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp2))) + > cJU_BRANCHLMAXJPS)) + { + return(1); // too many JPs, cannot shrink. + } + } + +// Shrink current BranchB to a BranchL: +// +// Note: In this rare case, ignore the return value, do not pass it to the +// caller, because the deletion is already successfully completed and the +// caller(s) must decrement population counts. The only errors expected from +// this call are JU_ERRNO_NOMEM and JU_ERRNO_OVERRUN, neither of which is worth +// forwarding from this point. See also 4.1, 4.8, and 4.15 of this file. + + (void) j__udyBranchBToBranchL(Pjp, Pjpm); + return(1); + + } // case. + + +// **************************************************************************** +// UNCOMPRESSED BRANCH: +// +// MACROS FOR COMMON CODE: +// +// Note the reuse of common macros here, defined earlier: JU_PVALUE*. +// +// Compress a BranchU into a leaf one index size larger: +// +// Allocate a new leaf, walk the JPs in the old BranchU and pack their contents +// into the new leaf (of type NewJPType), free the old BranchU, and finally +// restart the switch to delete Index from the new leaf. Variables Pjp, Pjpm, +// digit, and pop1 are in the context. +// +// Note: Its no accident that the interface to JU_BRANCHU_COMPRESS() is +// nearly identical to JU_BRANCHL_COMPRESS(); just NullJPType is added. The +// details differ in how to traverse the branchs JPs -- +// +// -- and also, what to do upon encountering a cJU_JPIMMED_*_01 JP. In +// BranchLs and BranchBs the JP must be deleted, but in a BranchU its merely +// converted to a null JP, and this is done by other switch cases, so the "keep +// branch" situation is simpler here and JU_BRANCH_KEEP() is not used. Also, +// theres no code to convert a BranchU to a BranchB since counting the JPs in +// a BranchU is (at least presently) expensive, and besides, keeping around a +// BranchU is form of hysteresis. + +#define JU_BRANCHU_COMPRESS(cLevel,LeafType,MaxPop1,NullJPType,NewJPType, \ + LeafToLeaf,Alloc,ValueArea,CopyImmed,CopyIndex) \ + { \ + LeafType Pleaf; \ + Pjbu_t PjbuRaw = (Pjbu_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr); \ + Pjp_t Pjp2 = JU_JBU_PJP0(Pjp); \ + Word_t ldigit; /* larger than uint8_t */ \ + \ + if ((PjllnewRaw = Alloc(MaxPop1, Pjpm)) == 0) return(-1); \ + Pjllnew = P_JLL(PjllnewRaw); \ + Pleaf = (LeafType) Pjllnew; \ + JUDYLCODE(Pjv = ValueArea(Pleaf, MaxPop1);) \ + \ + for (ldigit = 0; ldigit < cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS; ++ldigit, ++Pjp2) \ + { \ + /* fast-process common types: */ \ + if (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp2) == (NullJPType)) continue; \ + CopyImmed(cLevel, Pjp2, CopyIndex); \ + \ + pop1 = LeafToLeaf(Pleaf, JU_PVALUEPASS Pjp2, \ + JU_DIGITTOSTATE(ldigit, cLevel), \ + (Pvoid_t) Pjpm); \ + Pleaf = (LeafType) (((Word_t) Pleaf) + ((cLevel) * pop1)); \ + JUDYLCODE(Pjv += pop1;) \ + } \ + assert(((((Word_t) Pleaf) - ((Word_t) Pjllnew)) / (cLevel)) == (MaxPop1)); \ + JUDYLCODE(assert((Pjv - ValueArea(Pjllnew, MaxPop1)) == (MaxPop1));) \ + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjllnew, MaxPop1, cLevel);) \ + \ + j__udyFreeJBU(PjbuRaw, Pjpm); \ + \ + Pjp->jp_Type = (NewJPType); \ + Pjp->jp_Addr = (Word_t) PjllnewRaw; \ + goto ContinueDelWalk; /* delete from new leaf */ \ + } + +// Overall common code for initial BranchU deletion handling: +// +// Assert that Index is in the branch, then see if a BranchU should be kept or +// else compressed to a leaf. Variables level, Index, Pjp, and pop1 are in the +// context. +// +// Note: BranchU handling differs from BranchL and BranchB as described above. + +#define JU_BRANCHU(cLevel,MaxPop1,LeafType,NullJPType,NewJPType, \ + LeafToLeaf,Alloc,ValueArea,CopyImmed,CopyIndex) \ + \ + assert(! JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, cLevel)); \ + assert(ParentLevel > (cLevel)); \ + DBGCODE(parentJPtype = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp);) \ + \ + pop1 = JU_JPBRANCH_POP0(Pjp, cLevel) + 1; \ + \ + if (pop1 > (MaxPop1)) /* hysteresis = 1 */ \ + { \ + level = (cLevel); \ + Pjp = P_JP(Pjp->jp_Addr) + JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, cLevel);\ + break; /* descend to next level */ \ + } \ + assert(pop1 == (MaxPop1)); \ + \ + JU_BRANCHU_COMPRESS(cLevel, LeafType, MaxPop1, NullJPType, NewJPType, \ + LeafToLeaf, Alloc, ValueArea, CopyImmed, CopyIndex) + + +// END OF MACROS, START OF CASES: +// +// Note: Its no accident that the macro calls for these cases is nearly +// identical to the code for BranchLs, with the addition of cJU_JPNULL* +// parameters only needed for BranchUs. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U2: + + JU_BRANCHU(2, cJU_LEAF2_MAXPOP1, uint16_t *, + cJU_JPNULL1, cJU_JPLEAF2, + j__udyLeaf1ToLeaf2, j__udyAllocJLL2, JL_LEAF2VALUEAREA, + JU_BRANCH_COPY_IMMED_EVEN, ignore); + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U3: + + JU_BRANCHU(3, cJU_LEAF3_MAXPOP1, uint8_t *, + cJU_JPNULL2, cJU_JPLEAF3, + j__udyLeaf2ToLeaf3, j__udyAllocJLL3, JL_LEAF3VALUEAREA, + JU_BRANCH_COPY_IMMED_ODD, JU_COPY3_LONG_TO_PINDEX); + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U4: + + JU_BRANCHU(4, cJU_LEAF4_MAXPOP1, uint32_t *, + cJU_JPNULL3, cJU_JPLEAF4, + j__udyLeaf3ToLeaf4, j__udyAllocJLL4, JL_LEAF4VALUEAREA, + JU_BRANCH_COPY_IMMED_EVEN, ignore); + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U5: + + JU_BRANCHU(5, cJU_LEAF5_MAXPOP1, uint8_t *, + cJU_JPNULL4, cJU_JPLEAF5, + j__udyLeaf4ToLeaf5, j__udyAllocJLL5, JL_LEAF5VALUEAREA, + JU_BRANCH_COPY_IMMED_ODD, JU_COPY5_LONG_TO_PINDEX); + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U6: + + JU_BRANCHU(6, cJU_LEAF6_MAXPOP1, uint8_t *, + cJU_JPNULL5, cJU_JPLEAF6, + j__udyLeaf5ToLeaf6, j__udyAllocJLL6, JL_LEAF6VALUEAREA, + JU_BRANCH_COPY_IMMED_ODD, JU_COPY6_LONG_TO_PINDEX); + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U7: + + JU_BRANCHU(7, cJU_LEAF7_MAXPOP1, uint8_t *, + cJU_JPNULL6, cJU_JPLEAF7, + j__udyLeaf6ToLeaf7, j__udyAllocJLL7, JL_LEAF7VALUEAREA, + JU_BRANCH_COPY_IMMED_ODD, JU_COPY7_LONG_TO_PINDEX); +#endif // JU_64BIT + +// A top-level BranchU is different and cannot use JU_BRANCHU(): Dont try to +// compress to a (LEAFW) leaf yet, but leave this for a later deletion +// (hysteresis > 0); just descend through the BranchU: + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U: + + DBGCODE(parentJPtype = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp);) + + level = cJU_ROOTSTATE; + Pjp = P_JP(Pjp->jp_Addr) + JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, cJU_ROOTSTATE); + break; + + +// **************************************************************************** +// LINEAR LEAF: +// +// State transitions while deleting an Index, the inverse of the similar table +// that appears in JudyIns.c: +// +// Note: In JudyIns.c this table is not needed and does not appear until the +// Immed handling code; because once a Leaf is reached upon growing the tree, +// the situation remains simpler, but for deleting indexes, the complexity +// arises when leaves must compress to Immeds. +// +// Note: There are other transitions possible too, not shown here, such as to +// a leaf one level higher. +// +// (Yes, this is very terse... Study it and it will make sense.) +// (Note, parts of this diagram are repeated below for quick reference.) +// +// reformat JP here for Judy1 only, from word-1 to word-2 +// | +// JUDY1 && JU_64BIT JUDY1 || JU_64BIT | +// V +// (*) Leaf1 [[ => 1_15..08 ] => 1_07 => ... => 1_04 ] => 1_03 => 1_02 => 1_01 +// Leaf2 [[ => 2_07..04 ] => 2_03 => 2_02 ] => 2_01 +// Leaf3 [[ => 3_05..03 ] => 3_02 ] => 3_01 +// JU_64BIT only: +// Leaf4 [[ => 4_03..02 ]] => 4_01 +// Leaf5 [[ => 5_03..02 ]] => 5_01 +// Leaf6 [[ => 6_02 ]] => 6_01 +// Leaf7 [[ => 7_02 ]] => 7_01 +// +// (*) For Judy1 & 64-bit, go directly from a LeafB1 to cJU_JPIMMED_1_15; skip +// Leaf1, as described in Judy1.h regarding cJ1_JPLEAF1. +// +// MACROS FOR COMMON CODE: +// +// (De)compress a LeafX into a LeafY one index size (cIS) larger (X+1 = Y): +// +// This is only possible when the current leaf is under a narrow pointer +// ((ParentLevel - 1) > cIS) and its population fits in a higher-level leaf. +// Variables ParentLevel, pop1, PjllnewRaw, Pjllnew, Pjpm, and Index are in the +// context. +// +// Note: Doing an "uplevel" doesnt occur until the old leaf can be compressed +// up one level BEFORE deleting an index; that is, hysteresis = 1. +// +// Note: LeafType, MaxPop1, NewJPType, and Alloc refer to the up-level leaf, +// not the current leaf. +// +// Note: 010327: Fixed bug where the jp_DcdPopO next-uplevel digit (byte) +// above the current Pop0 value was not being cleared. When upleveling, one +// digit in jp_DcdPopO "moves" from being part of the Dcd subfield to the Pop0 +// subfield, but since a leaf maxpop1 is known to be <= 1 byte in size, the new +// Pop0 byte should always be zero. This is easy to overlook because +// JU_JPLEAF_POP0() "knows" to only use the LSB of Pop0 (for efficiency) and +// ignore the other bytes... Until someone uses cJU_POP0MASK() instead of +// JU_JPLEAF_POP0(), such as in JudyInsertBranch.c. +// +// TBD: Should JudyInsertBranch.c use JU_JPLEAF_POP0() rather than +// cJU_POP0MASK(), for efficiency? Does it know for sure its a narrow pointer +// under the leaf? Not necessarily. + +#define JU_LEAF_UPLEVEL(cIS,LeafType,MaxPop1,NewJPType,LeafToLeaf, \ + Alloc,ValueArea) \ + \ + assert(((ParentLevel - 1) == (cIS)) || (pop1 >= (MaxPop1))); \ + \ + if (((ParentLevel - 1) > (cIS)) /* under narrow pointer */ \ + && (pop1 == (MaxPop1))) /* hysteresis = 1 */ \ + { \ + Word_t D_cdP0; \ + if ((PjllnewRaw = Alloc(MaxPop1, Pjpm)) == 0) return(-1); \ + Pjllnew = P_JLL(PjllnewRaw); \ + JUDYLCODE(Pjv = ValueArea((LeafType) Pjllnew, MaxPop1);) \ + \ + (void) LeafToLeaf((LeafType) Pjllnew, JU_PVALUEPASS Pjp, \ + Index & cJU_DCDMASK(cIS), /* TBD, Doug says */ \ + (Pvoid_t) Pjpm); \ + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjllnew, MaxPop1, cIS + 1);) \ + \ + D_cdP0 = (~cJU_MASKATSTATE((cIS) + 1)) & JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp); \ + JU_JPSETADT(Pjp, (Word_t)PjllnewRaw, D_cdP0, NewJPType); \ + goto ContinueDelWalk; /* delete from new leaf */ \ + } + + +// For Leaf3, only support JU_LEAF_UPLEVEL on a 64-bit system, and for Leaf7, +// there is no JU_LEAF_UPLEVEL: +// +// Note: Theres no way here to go from Leaf3 [Leaf7] to LEAFW on a 32-bit +// [64-bit] system. Thats handled in the main code, because its different in +// that a JPM is involved. + +#ifndef JU_64BIT // 32-bit. +#define JU_LEAF_UPLEVEL64(cIS,LeafType,MaxPop1,NewJPType,LeafToLeaf, \ + Alloc,ValueArea) // null. +#else +#define JU_LEAF_UPLEVEL64(cIS,LeafType,MaxPop1,NewJPType,LeafToLeaf, \ + Alloc,ValueArea) \ + JU_LEAF_UPLEVEL (cIS,LeafType,MaxPop1,NewJPType,LeafToLeaf, \ + Alloc,ValueArea) +#define JU_LEAF_UPLEVEL_NONE(cIS,LeafType,MaxPop1,NewJPType,LeafToLeaf, \ + Alloc,ValueArea) // null. +#endif + +// Compress a Leaf* with pop1 = 2, or a JPIMMED_*_02, into a JPIMMED_*_01: +// +// Copy whichever Index is NOT being deleted (and assert that the other one is +// found; Index must be valid). This requires special handling of the Index +// bytes (and value area). Variables Pjp, Index, offset, and Pleaf are in the +// context, offset is modified to the undeleted Index, and Pjp is modified +// including jp_Addr. + + +#define JU_TOIMMED_01_EVEN(cIS,ignore1,ignore2) \ +{ \ + Word_t D_cdP0; \ + Word_t A_ddr = 0; \ + uint8_t T_ype = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp); \ + offset = (Pleaf[0] == JU_LEASTBYTES(Index, cIS)); /* undeleted Ind */ \ + assert(Pleaf[offset ? 0 : 1] == JU_LEASTBYTES(Index, cIS)); \ + D_cdP0 = (Index & cJU_DCDMASK(cIS)) | Pleaf[offset]; \ +JUDYLCODE(A_ddr = Pjv[offset];) \ + JU_JPSETADT(Pjp, A_ddr, D_cdP0, T_ype); \ +} + +#define JU_TOIMMED_01_ODD(cIS,SearchLeaf,CopyPIndex) \ + { \ + Word_t D_cdP0; \ + Word_t A_ddr = 0; \ + uint8_t T_ype = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp); \ + \ + offset = SearchLeaf(Pleaf, 2, Index); \ + assert(offset >= 0); /* Index must be valid */ \ + CopyPIndex(D_cdP0, & (Pleaf[offset ? 0 : cIS])); \ + D_cdP0 |= Index & cJU_DCDMASK(cIS); \ + JUDYLCODE(A_ddr = Pjv[offset ? 0 : 1];) \ + JU_JPSETADT(Pjp, A_ddr, D_cdP0, T_ype); \ + } + + +// Compress a Leaf* into a JPIMMED_*_0[2+]: +// +// This occurs as soon as its possible, with hysteresis = 0. Variables pop1, +// Pleaf, offset, and Pjpm are in the context. +// +// TBD: Explain why hysteresis = 0 here, rather than > 0. Probably because +// the insert code assumes if the population is small enough, an Immed is used, +// not a leaf. +// +// The differences between Judy1 and JudyL with respect to value area handling +// are just too large for completely common code between them... Oh well, some +// big ifdefs follow. + +#ifdef JUDY1 + +#define JU_LEAF_TOIMMED(cIS,LeafType,MaxPop1,BaseJPType,ignore1,\ + ignore2,ignore3,ignore4, \ + DeleteCopy,FreeLeaf) \ + \ + assert(pop1 > (MaxPop1)); \ + \ + if ((pop1 - 1) == (MaxPop1)) /* hysteresis = 0 */ \ + { \ + Pjll_t PjllRaw = (Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr); \ + DeleteCopy((LeafType) (Pjp->jp_1Index), Pleaf, pop1, offset, cIS); \ + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted((Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_1Index), pop1-1, cIS);) \ + Pjp->jp_Type = (BaseJPType) - 1 + (MaxPop1) - 1; \ + FreeLeaf(PjllRaw, pop1, Pjpm); \ + return(1); \ + } + +#else // JUDYL + +// Pjv is also in the context. + +#define JU_LEAF_TOIMMED(cIS,LeafType,MaxPop1,BaseJPType,ignore1,\ + ignore2,ignore3,ignore4, \ + DeleteCopy,FreeLeaf) \ + \ + assert(pop1 > (MaxPop1)); \ + \ + if ((pop1 - 1) == (MaxPop1)) /* hysteresis = 0 */ \ + { \ + Pjll_t PjllRaw = (Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr); \ + Pjv_t PjvnewRaw; \ + Pjv_t Pjvnew; \ + \ + if ((PjvnewRaw = j__udyLAllocJV(pop1 - 1, Pjpm)) \ + == (Pjv_t) NULL) return(-1); \ + JUDYLCODE(Pjvnew = P_JV(PjvnewRaw);) \ + \ + DeleteCopy((LeafType) (Pjp->jp_LIndex), Pleaf, pop1, offset, cIS); \ + JU_DELETECOPY(Pjvnew, Pjv, pop1, offset, cIS); \ + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted((Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_LIndex), pop1-1, cIS);) \ + FreeLeaf(PjllRaw, pop1, Pjpm); \ + Pjp->jp_Addr = (Word_t) PjvnewRaw; \ + Pjp->jp_Type = (BaseJPType) - 2 + (MaxPop1); \ + return(1); \ + } + +// A complicating factor for JudyL & 32-bit is that Leaf2..3, and for JudyL & +// 64-bit Leaf 4..7, go directly to an Immed*_01, where the value is stored in +// jp_Addr and not in a separate LeafV. For efficiency, use the following +// macro in cases where it can apply; it is rigged to do the right thing. +// Unfortunately, this requires the calling code to "know" the transition table +// and call the right macro. +// +// This variant compresses a Leaf* with pop1 = 2 into a JPIMMED_*_01: + +#define JU_LEAF_TOIMMED_01(cIS,LeafType,MaxPop1,ignore,Immed01JPType, \ + ToImmed,SearchLeaf,CopyPIndex, \ + DeleteCopy,FreeLeaf) \ + \ + assert(pop1 > (MaxPop1)); \ + \ + if ((pop1 - 1) == (MaxPop1)) /* hysteresis = 0 */ \ + { \ + Pjll_t PjllRaw = (Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr); \ + ToImmed(cIS, SearchLeaf, CopyPIndex); \ + FreeLeaf(PjllRaw, pop1, Pjpm); \ + Pjp->jp_Type = (Immed01JPType); \ + return(1); \ + } +#endif // JUDYL + +// See comments above about these: +// +// Note: Here "23" means index size 2 or 3, and "47" means 4..7. + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) +#define JU_LEAF_TOIMMED_23(cIS,LeafType,MaxPop1,BaseJPType,Immed01JPType, \ + ToImmed,SearchLeaf,CopyPIndex, \ + DeleteCopy,FreeLeaf) \ + JU_LEAF_TOIMMED( cIS,LeafType,MaxPop1,BaseJPType,ignore1, \ + ignore2,ignore3,ignore4, \ + DeleteCopy,FreeLeaf) +#else // JUDYL && 32-bit +#define JU_LEAF_TOIMMED_23(cIS,LeafType,MaxPop1,BaseJPType,Immed01JPType, \ + ToImmed,SearchLeaf,CopyPIndex, \ + DeleteCopy,FreeLeaf) \ + JU_LEAF_TOIMMED_01(cIS,LeafType,MaxPop1,ignore,Immed01JPType, \ + ToImmed,SearchLeaf,CopyPIndex, \ + DeleteCopy,FreeLeaf) +#endif + +#ifdef JU_64BIT +#ifdef JUDY1 +#define JU_LEAF_TOIMMED_47(cIS,LeafType,MaxPop1,BaseJPType,Immed01JPType, \ + ToImmed,SearchLeaf,CopyPIndex, \ + DeleteCopy,FreeLeaf) \ + JU_LEAF_TOIMMED( cIS,LeafType,MaxPop1,BaseJPType,ignore1, \ + ignore2,ignore3,ignore4, \ + DeleteCopy,FreeLeaf) +#else // JUDYL && 64-bit +#define JU_LEAF_TOIMMED_47(cIS,LeafType,MaxPop1,BaseJPType,Immed01JPType, \ + ToImmed,SearchLeaf,CopyPIndex, \ + DeleteCopy,FreeLeaf) \ + JU_LEAF_TOIMMED_01(cIS,LeafType,MaxPop1,ignore,Immed01JPType, \ + ToImmed,SearchLeaf,CopyPIndex, \ + DeleteCopy,FreeLeaf) +#endif // JUDYL +#endif // JU_64BIT + +// Compress a Leaf* in place: +// +// Here hysteresis = 0 (no memory is wasted). Variables pop1, Pleaf, and +// offset, and for JudyL, Pjv, are in the context. + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#define JU_LEAF_INPLACE(cIS,GrowInPlace,DeleteInPlace) \ + if (GrowInPlace(pop1 - 1)) /* hysteresis = 0 */ \ + { \ + DeleteInPlace(Pleaf, pop1, offset, cIS); \ + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pleaf, pop1 - 1, cIS);) \ + return(1); \ + } +#else +#define JU_LEAF_INPLACE(cIS,GrowInPlace,DeleteInPlace) \ + if (GrowInPlace(pop1 - 1)) /* hysteresis = 0 */ \ + { \ + DeleteInPlace(Pleaf, pop1, offset, cIS); \ +/**/ JU_DELETEINPLACE(Pjv, pop1, offset, ignore); \ + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pleaf, pop1 - 1, cIS);) \ + return(1); \ + } +#endif + +// Compress a Leaf* into a smaller memory object of the same JP type: +// +// Variables PjllnewRaw, Pjllnew, Pleafpop1, Pjpm, PleafRaw, Pleaf, and offset +// are in the context. + +#ifdef JUDY1 + +#define JU_LEAF_SHRINK(cIS,LeafType,DeleteCopy,Alloc,FreeLeaf,ValueArea) \ + if ((PjllnewRaw = Alloc(pop1 - 1, Pjpm)) == 0) return(-1); \ + Pjllnew = P_JLL(PjllnewRaw); \ + DeleteCopy((LeafType) Pjllnew, Pleaf, pop1, offset, cIS); \ + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjllnew, pop1 - 1, cIS);) \ + FreeLeaf(PleafRaw, pop1, Pjpm); \ + Pjp->jp_Addr = (Word_t) PjllnewRaw; \ + return(1) + +#else // JUDYL + +#define JU_LEAF_SHRINK(cIS,LeafType,DeleteCopy,Alloc,FreeLeaf,ValueArea) \ + { \ +/**/ Pjv_t Pjvnew; \ + \ + if ((PjllnewRaw = Alloc(pop1 - 1, Pjpm)) == 0) return(-1); \ + Pjllnew = P_JLL(PjllnewRaw); \ +/**/ Pjvnew = ValueArea(Pjllnew, pop1 - 1); \ + DeleteCopy((LeafType) Pjllnew, Pleaf, pop1, offset, cIS); \ +/**/ JU_DELETECOPY(Pjvnew, Pjv, pop1, offset, cIS); \ + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjllnew, pop1 - 1, cIS);) \ + FreeLeaf(PleafRaw, pop1, Pjpm); \ + Pjp->jp_Addr = (Word_t) PjllnewRaw; \ + return(1); \ + } +#endif // JUDYL + +// Overall common code for Leaf* deletion handling: +// +// See if the leaf can be: +// - (de)compressed to one a level higher (JU_LEAF_UPLEVEL()), or if not, +// - compressed to an Immediate JP (JU_LEAF_TOIMMED()), or if not, +// - shrunk in place (JU_LEAF_INPLACE()), or if none of those, then +// - shrink the leaf to a smaller chunk of memory (JU_LEAF_SHRINK()). +// +// Variables Pjp, pop1, Index, and offset are in the context. +// The *Up parameters refer to a leaf one level up, if there is any. + +#define JU_LEAF(cIS, \ + UpLevel, \ + LeafTypeUp,MaxPop1Up,LeafJPTypeUp,LeafToLeaf, \ + AllocUp,ValueAreaUp, \ + LeafToImmed,ToImmed,CopyPIndex, \ + LeafType,ImmedMaxPop1,ImmedBaseJPType,Immed01JPType, \ + SearchLeaf,GrowInPlace,DeleteInPlace,DeleteCopy, \ + Alloc,FreeLeaf,ValueArea) \ + { \ + Pjll_t PleafRaw; \ + LeafType Pleaf; \ + \ + assert(! JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, cIS)); \ + assert(ParentLevel > (cIS)); \ + \ + PleafRaw = (Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr); \ + Pleaf = (LeafType) P_JLL(PleafRaw); \ + pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; \ + \ + UpLevel(cIS, LeafTypeUp, MaxPop1Up, LeafJPTypeUp, \ + LeafToLeaf, AllocUp, ValueAreaUp); \ + \ + offset = SearchLeaf(Pleaf, pop1, Index); \ + assert(offset >= 0); /* Index must be valid */ \ + JUDYLCODE(Pjv = ValueArea(Pleaf, pop1);) \ + \ + LeafToImmed(cIS, LeafType, ImmedMaxPop1, \ + ImmedBaseJPType, Immed01JPType, \ + ToImmed, SearchLeaf, CopyPIndex, \ + DeleteCopy, FreeLeaf); \ + \ + JU_LEAF_INPLACE(cIS, GrowInPlace, DeleteInPlace); \ + \ + JU_LEAF_SHRINK(cIS, LeafType, DeleteCopy, Alloc, FreeLeaf, \ + ValueArea); \ + } + +// END OF MACROS, START OF CASES: +// +// (*) Leaf1 [[ => 1_15..08 ] => 1_07 => ... => 1_04 ] => 1_03 => 1_02 => 1_01 + +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + case cJU_JPLEAF1: + + JU_LEAF(1, + JU_LEAF_UPLEVEL, uint16_t *, cJU_LEAF2_MAXPOP1, cJU_JPLEAF2, + j__udyLeaf1ToLeaf2, j__udyAllocJLL2, JL_LEAF2VALUEAREA, + JU_LEAF_TOIMMED, ignore, ignore, + uint8_t *, cJU_IMMED1_MAXPOP1, + cJU_JPIMMED_1_02, cJU_JPIMMED_1_01, j__udySearchLeaf1, + JU_LEAF1GROWINPLACE, JU_DELETEINPLACE, JU_DELETECOPY, + j__udyAllocJLL1, j__udyFreeJLL1, JL_LEAF1VALUEAREA); +#endif + +// A complicating factor is that for JudyL & 32-bit, a Leaf2 must go directly +// to an Immed 2_01 and a Leaf3 must go directly to an Immed 3_01: +// +// Leaf2 [[ => 2_07..04 ] => 2_03 => 2_02 ] => 2_01 +// Leaf3 [[ => 3_05..03 ] => 3_02 ] => 3_01 +// +// Hence use JU_LEAF_TOIMMED_23 instead of JU_LEAF_TOIMMED in the cases below, +// and also the parameters ToImmed and, for odd index sizes, CopyPIndex, are +// required. + + case cJU_JPLEAF2: + + JU_LEAF(2, + JU_LEAF_UPLEVEL, uint8_t *, cJU_LEAF3_MAXPOP1, cJU_JPLEAF3, + j__udyLeaf2ToLeaf3, j__udyAllocJLL3, JL_LEAF3VALUEAREA, + JU_LEAF_TOIMMED_23, JU_TOIMMED_01_EVEN, ignore, + uint16_t *, cJU_IMMED2_MAXPOP1, + cJU_JPIMMED_2_02, cJU_JPIMMED_2_01, j__udySearchLeaf2, + JU_LEAF2GROWINPLACE, JU_DELETEINPLACE, JU_DELETECOPY, + j__udyAllocJLL2, j__udyFreeJLL2, JL_LEAF2VALUEAREA); + +// On 32-bit there is no transition to "uplevel" for a Leaf3, so use +// JU_LEAF_UPLEVEL64 instead of JU_LEAF_UPLEVEL: + + case cJU_JPLEAF3: + + JU_LEAF(3, + JU_LEAF_UPLEVEL64, uint32_t *, cJU_LEAF4_MAXPOP1, + cJU_JPLEAF4, + j__udyLeaf3ToLeaf4, j__udyAllocJLL4, JL_LEAF4VALUEAREA, + JU_LEAF_TOIMMED_23, + JU_TOIMMED_01_ODD, JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG, + uint8_t *, cJU_IMMED3_MAXPOP1, + cJU_JPIMMED_3_02, cJU_JPIMMED_3_01, j__udySearchLeaf3, + JU_LEAF3GROWINPLACE, JU_DELETEINPLACE_ODD, + JU_DELETECOPY_ODD, + j__udyAllocJLL3, j__udyFreeJLL3, JL_LEAF3VALUEAREA); + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + +// A complicating factor is that for JudyL & 64-bit, a Leaf[4-7] must go +// directly to an Immed [4-7]_01: +// +// Leaf4 [[ => 4_03..02 ]] => 4_01 +// Leaf5 [[ => 5_03..02 ]] => 5_01 +// Leaf6 [[ => 6_02 ]] => 6_01 +// Leaf7 [[ => 7_02 ]] => 7_01 +// +// Hence use JU_LEAF_TOIMMED_47 instead of JU_LEAF_TOIMMED in the cases below. + + case cJU_JPLEAF4: + + JU_LEAF(4, + JU_LEAF_UPLEVEL, uint8_t *, cJU_LEAF5_MAXPOP1, cJU_JPLEAF5, + j__udyLeaf4ToLeaf5, j__udyAllocJLL5, JL_LEAF5VALUEAREA, + JU_LEAF_TOIMMED_47, JU_TOIMMED_01_EVEN, ignore, + uint32_t *, cJU_IMMED4_MAXPOP1, + cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02, cJU_JPIMMED_4_01, j__udySearchLeaf4, + JU_LEAF4GROWINPLACE, JU_DELETEINPLACE, JU_DELETECOPY, + j__udyAllocJLL4, j__udyFreeJLL4, JL_LEAF4VALUEAREA); + + case cJU_JPLEAF5: + + JU_LEAF(5, + JU_LEAF_UPLEVEL, uint8_t *, cJU_LEAF6_MAXPOP1, cJU_JPLEAF6, + j__udyLeaf5ToLeaf6, j__udyAllocJLL6, JL_LEAF6VALUEAREA, + JU_LEAF_TOIMMED_47, + JU_TOIMMED_01_ODD, JU_COPY5_PINDEX_TO_LONG, + uint8_t *, cJU_IMMED5_MAXPOP1, + cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02, cJU_JPIMMED_5_01, j__udySearchLeaf5, + JU_LEAF5GROWINPLACE, JU_DELETEINPLACE_ODD, + JU_DELETECOPY_ODD, + j__udyAllocJLL5, j__udyFreeJLL5, JL_LEAF5VALUEAREA); + + case cJU_JPLEAF6: + + JU_LEAF(6, + JU_LEAF_UPLEVEL, uint8_t *, cJU_LEAF7_MAXPOP1, cJU_JPLEAF7, + j__udyLeaf6ToLeaf7, j__udyAllocJLL7, JL_LEAF7VALUEAREA, + JU_LEAF_TOIMMED_47, + JU_TOIMMED_01_ODD, JU_COPY6_PINDEX_TO_LONG, + uint8_t *, cJU_IMMED6_MAXPOP1, + cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02, cJU_JPIMMED_6_01, j__udySearchLeaf6, + JU_LEAF6GROWINPLACE, JU_DELETEINPLACE_ODD, + JU_DELETECOPY_ODD, + j__udyAllocJLL6, j__udyFreeJLL6, JL_LEAF6VALUEAREA); + +// There is no transition to "uplevel" for a Leaf7, so use JU_LEAF_UPLEVEL_NONE +// instead of JU_LEAF_UPLEVEL, and ignore all of the parameters to that macro: + + case cJU_JPLEAF7: + + JU_LEAF(7, + JU_LEAF_UPLEVEL_NONE, ignore1, ignore2, ignore3, ignore4, + ignore5, ignore6, + JU_LEAF_TOIMMED_47, + JU_TOIMMED_01_ODD, JU_COPY7_PINDEX_TO_LONG, + uint8_t *, cJU_IMMED7_MAXPOP1, + cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02, cJU_JPIMMED_7_01, j__udySearchLeaf7, + JU_LEAF7GROWINPLACE, JU_DELETEINPLACE_ODD, + JU_DELETECOPY_ODD, + j__udyAllocJLL7, j__udyFreeJLL7, JL_LEAF7VALUEAREA); +#endif // JU_64BIT + + +// **************************************************************************** +// BITMAP LEAF: + + case cJU_JPLEAF_B1: + { +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv_t PjvnewRaw; // new value area. + Pjv_t Pjvnew; + Word_t subexp; // 1 of 8 subexpanses in bitmap. + Pjlb_t Pjlb; // pointer to bitmap part of the leaf. + BITMAPL_t bitmap; // for one subexpanse. + BITMAPL_t bitmask; // bit set for Indexs digit. +#endif + assert(! JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 1)); + assert(ParentLevel > 1); + // valid Index: + assert(JU_BITMAPTESTL(P_JLB(Pjp->jp_Addr), Index)); + + pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + +// Like a Leaf1, see if its under a narrow pointer and can become a Leaf2 +// (hysteresis = 1): + + JU_LEAF_UPLEVEL(1, uint16_t *, cJU_LEAF2_MAXPOP1, cJU_JPLEAF2, + j__udyLeaf1ToLeaf2, j__udyAllocJLL2, + JL_LEAF2VALUEAREA); + +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + +// Handle the unusual special case, on Judy1 64-bit only, where a LeafB1 goes +// directly to a JPIMMED_1_15; as described in comments in Judy1.h and +// JudyIns.c. Copy 1-byte indexes from old LeafB1 to the Immed: + + if ((pop1 - 1) == cJU_IMMED1_MAXPOP1) // hysteresis = 0. + { + Pjlb_t PjlbRaw; // bitmap in old leaf. + Pjlb_t Pjlb; + uint8_t * Pleafnew; // JPIMMED as a pointer. + Word_t ldigit; // larger than uint8_t. + + PjlbRaw = (Pjlb_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr); + Pjlb = P_JLB(PjlbRaw); + Pleafnew = Pjp->jp_1Index; + + JU_BITMAPCLEARL(Pjlb, Index); // unset Indexs bit. + +// TBD: This is very slow, there must be a better way: + + for (ldigit = 0; ldigit < cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS; ++ldigit) + { + if (JU_BITMAPTESTL(Pjlb, ldigit)) + { + *Pleafnew++ = ldigit; + assert(Pleafnew - (Pjp->jp_1Index) + <= cJU_IMMED1_MAXPOP1); + } + } + + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted((Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_1Index), + cJU_IMMED1_MAXPOP1, 1);) + j__udyFreeJLB1(PjlbRaw, Pjpm); + + Pjp->jp_Type = cJ1_JPIMMED_1_15; + return(1); + } + +#else // (JUDYL || (! JU_64BIT)) + +// Compress LeafB1 to a Leaf1: +// +// Note: 4.37 of this file contained alternate code for Judy1 only that simply +// cleared the bit and allowed the LeafB1 to go below cJU_LEAF1_MAXPOP1. This +// was the ONLY case where a malloc failure was not fatal; however, it violated +// the critical assumption that the tree is always kept in least-compressed +// form. + + if (pop1 == cJU_LEAF1_MAXPOP1) // hysteresis = 1. + { + if (j__udyLeafB1ToLeaf1(Pjp, Pjpm) == -1) return(-1); + goto ContinueDelWalk; // delete Index in new Leaf1. + } +#endif // (JUDYL || (! JU_64BIT)) + +#ifdef JUDY1 + // unset Indexs bit: + + JU_BITMAPCLEARL(P_JLB(Pjp->jp_Addr), Index); +#else // JUDYL + +// This is very different from Judy1 because of the need to manage the value +// area: +// +// Get last byte to decode from Index, and pointer to bitmap leaf: + + digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 1); + Pjlb = P_JLB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + +// Prepare additional values: + + subexp = digit / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL; // which subexpanse. + bitmap = JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp); // subexps 32-bit map. + PjvRaw = JL_JLB_PVALUE(Pjlb, subexp); // corresponding values. + Pjv = P_JV(PjvRaw); + bitmask = JU_BITPOSMASKL(digit); // mask for Index. + + assert(bitmap & bitmask); // Index must be valid. + + if (bitmap == cJU_FULLBITMAPL) // full bitmap, take shortcut: + { + pop1 = cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL; + offset = digit % cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL; + } + else // compute subexpanse pop1 and value area offset: + { + pop1 = j__udyCountBitsL(bitmap); + offset = j__udyCountBitsL(bitmap & (bitmask - 1)); + } + +// Handle solitary Index remaining in subexpanse: + + if (pop1 == 1) + { + j__udyLFreeJV(PjvRaw, 1, Pjpm); + + JL_JLB_PVALUE(Pjlb, subexp) = (Pjv_t) NULL; + JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp) = 0; + + return(1); + } + +// Shrink value area in place or move to a smaller value area: + + if (JL_LEAFVGROWINPLACE(pop1 - 1)) // hysteresis = 0. + { + JU_DELETEINPLACE(Pjv, pop1, offset, ignore); + } + else + { + if ((PjvnewRaw = j__udyLAllocJV(pop1 - 1, Pjpm)) + == (Pjv_t) NULL) return(-1); + Pjvnew = P_JV(PjvnewRaw); + + JU_DELETECOPY(Pjvnew, Pjv, pop1, offset, ignore); + j__udyLFreeJV(PjvRaw, pop1, Pjpm); + JL_JLB_PVALUE(Pjlb, subexp) = (Pjv_t) PjvnewRaw; + } + + JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp) ^= bitmask; // clear Indexs bit. + +#endif // JUDYL + + return(1); + + } // case. + + +#ifdef JUDY1 + +// **************************************************************************** +// FULL POPULATION LEAF: +// +// Convert to a LeafB1 and delete the index. Hysteresis = 0; none is possible. +// +// Note: Earlier the second assertion below said, "== 2", but in fact the +// parent could be at a higher level if a fullpop is under a narrow pointer. + + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1: + { + Pjlb_t PjlbRaw; + Pjlb_t Pjlb; + Word_t subexp; + + assert(! JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 2)); + assert(ParentLevel > 1); // see above. + + if ((PjlbRaw = j__udyAllocJLB1(Pjpm)) == (Pjlb_t) NULL) + return(-1); + Pjlb = P_JLB(PjlbRaw); + +// Fully populate the leaf, then unset Indexs bit: + + for (subexp = 0; subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPL; ++subexp) + JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp) = cJU_FULLBITMAPL; + + JU_BITMAPCLEARL(Pjlb, Index); + + Pjp->jp_Addr = (Word_t) PjlbRaw; + Pjp->jp_Type = cJU_JPLEAF_B1; + + return(1); + } +#endif // JUDY1 + + +// **************************************************************************** +// IMMEDIATE JP: +// +// If theres just the one Index in the Immed, convert the JP to a JPNULL* +// (should only happen in a BranchU); otherwise delete the Index from the +// Immed. See the state transitions table elsewhere in this file for a summary +// of which Immed types must be handled. Hysteresis = 0; none is possible with +// Immeds. +// +// MACROS FOR COMMON CODE: +// +// Single Index remains in cJU_JPIMMED_*_01; convert JP to null: +// +// Variables Pjp and parentJPtype are in the context. +// +// Note: cJU_JPIMMED_*_01 should only be encountered in BranchUs, not in +// BranchLs or BranchBs (where its improper to merely modify the JP to be a +// null JP); that is, BranchL and BranchB code should have already handled +// any cJU_JPIMMED_*_01 by different means. + +#define JU_IMMED_01(NewJPType,ParentJPType) \ + \ + assert(parentJPtype == (ParentJPType)); \ + assert(JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) == JU_TRIMTODCDSIZE(Index)); \ + JU_JPSETADT(Pjp, 0, 0, NewJPType); \ + return(1) + +// Convert cJ*_JPIMMED_*_02 to cJU_JPIMMED_*_01: +// +// Move the undeleted Index, whichever does not match the least bytes of Index, +// from undecoded-bytes-only (in jp_1Index or jp_LIndex as appropriate) to +// jp_DcdPopO (full-field). Pjp, Index, and offset are in the context. + +#define JU_IMMED_02(cIS,LeafType,NewJPType) \ + { \ + LeafType Pleaf; \ + \ + assert((ParentLevel - 1) == (cIS)); \ + JUDY1CODE(Pleaf = (LeafType) (Pjp->jp_1Index);) \ + JUDYLCODE(Pleaf = (LeafType) (Pjp->jp_LIndex);) \ + JUDYLCODE(PjvRaw = (Pjv_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr);) \ + JUDYLCODE(Pjv = P_JV(PjvRaw);) \ + JU_TOIMMED_01_EVEN(cIS, ignore, ignore); \ + JUDYLCODE(j__udyLFreeJV(PjvRaw, 2, Pjpm);) \ + Pjp->jp_Type = (NewJPType); \ + return(1); \ + } + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + +// Variation for "odd" cJ*_JPIMMED_*_02 JP types, which are very different from +// "even" types because they use leaf search code and odd-copy macros: +// +// Note: JudyL 32-bit has no "odd" JPIMMED_*_02 types. + +#define JU_IMMED_02_ODD(cIS,NewJPType,SearchLeaf,CopyPIndex) \ + { \ + uint8_t * Pleaf; \ + \ + assert((ParentLevel - 1) == (cIS)); \ + JUDY1CODE(Pleaf = (uint8_t *) (Pjp->jp_1Index);) \ + JUDYLCODE(Pleaf = (uint8_t *) (Pjp->jp_LIndex);) \ + JUDYLCODE(PjvRaw = (Pjv_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr);) \ + JUDYLCODE(Pjv = P_JV(PjvRaw);) \ + JU_TOIMMED_01_ODD(cIS, SearchLeaf, CopyPIndex); \ + JUDYLCODE(j__udyLFreeJV(PjvRaw, 2, Pjpm);) \ + Pjp->jp_Type = (NewJPType); \ + return(1); \ + } +#endif // (JUDY1 || JU_64BIT) + +// Core code for deleting one Index (and for JudyL, its value area) from a +// larger Immed: +// +// Variables Pleaf, pop1, and offset are in the context. + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#define JU_IMMED_DEL(cIS,DeleteInPlace) \ + DeleteInPlace(Pleaf, pop1, offset, cIS); \ + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pleaf, pop1 - 1, cIS);) + +#else // JUDYL + +// For JudyL the value area might need to be shrunk: + +#define JU_IMMED_DEL(cIS,DeleteInPlace) \ + \ + if (JL_LEAFVGROWINPLACE(pop1 - 1)) /* hysteresis = 0 */ \ + { \ + DeleteInPlace( Pleaf, pop1, offset, cIS); \ + JU_DELETEINPLACE(Pjv, pop1, offset, ignore); \ + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pleaf, pop1 - 1, cIS);) \ + } \ + else \ + { \ + Pjv_t PjvnewRaw; \ + Pjv_t Pjvnew; \ + \ + if ((PjvnewRaw = j__udyLAllocJV(pop1 - 1, Pjpm)) \ + == (Pjv_t) NULL) return(-1); \ + Pjvnew = P_JV(PjvnewRaw); \ + \ + DeleteInPlace(Pleaf, pop1, offset, cIS); \ + JU_DELETECOPY(Pjvnew, Pjv, pop1, offset, ignore); \ + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pleaf, pop1 - 1, cIS);) \ + j__udyLFreeJV(PjvRaw, pop1, Pjpm); \ + \ + (Pjp->jp_Addr) = (Word_t) PjvnewRaw; \ + } +#endif // JUDYL + +// Delete one Index from a larger Immed where no restructuring is required: +// +// Variables pop1, Pjp, offset, and Index are in the context. + +#define JU_IMMED(cIS,LeafType,BaseJPType,SearchLeaf,DeleteInPlace) \ + { \ + LeafType Pleaf; \ + \ + assert((ParentLevel - 1) == (cIS)); \ + JUDY1CODE(Pleaf = (LeafType) (Pjp->jp_1Index);) \ + JUDYLCODE(Pleaf = (LeafType) (Pjp->jp_LIndex);) \ + JUDYLCODE(PjvRaw = (Pjv_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr);) \ + JUDYLCODE(Pjv = P_JV(PjvRaw);) \ + pop1 = (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) - (BaseJPType) + 2; \ + offset = SearchLeaf(Pleaf, pop1, Index); \ + assert(offset >= 0); /* Index must be valid */ \ + \ + JU_IMMED_DEL(cIS, DeleteInPlace); \ + --(Pjp->jp_Type); \ + return(1); \ + } + + +// END OF MACROS, START OF CASES: + +// Single Index remains in Immed; convert JP to null: + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_01: JU_IMMED_01(cJU_JPNULL1, cJU_JPBRANCH_U2); + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_01: JU_IMMED_01(cJU_JPNULL2, cJU_JPBRANCH_U3); +#ifndef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_01: JU_IMMED_01(cJU_JPNULL3, cJU_JPBRANCH_U); +#else + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_01: JU_IMMED_01(cJU_JPNULL3, cJU_JPBRANCH_U4); + case cJU_JPIMMED_4_01: JU_IMMED_01(cJU_JPNULL4, cJU_JPBRANCH_U5); + case cJU_JPIMMED_5_01: JU_IMMED_01(cJU_JPNULL5, cJU_JPBRANCH_U6); + case cJU_JPIMMED_6_01: JU_IMMED_01(cJU_JPNULL6, cJU_JPBRANCH_U7); + case cJU_JPIMMED_7_01: JU_IMMED_01(cJU_JPNULL7, cJU_JPBRANCH_U); +#endif + +// Multiple Indexes remain in the Immed JP; delete the specified Index: + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_02: + + JU_IMMED_02(1, uint8_t *, cJU_JPIMMED_1_01); + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_03: +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_04: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_05: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_06: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_07: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_08: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_09: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_10: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_11: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_12: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_13: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_14: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_15: +#endif + JU_IMMED(1, uint8_t *, cJU_JPIMMED_1_02, + j__udySearchLeaf1, JU_DELETEINPLACE); + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_02: + + JU_IMMED_02(2, uint16_t *, cJU_JPIMMED_2_01); + + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_03: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_04: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_05: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_06: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_07: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + JU_IMMED(2, uint16_t *, cJU_JPIMMED_2_02, + j__udySearchLeaf2, JU_DELETEINPLACE); + + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_02: + + JU_IMMED_02_ODD(3, cJU_JPIMMED_3_01, + j__udySearchLeaf3, JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG); + +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_03: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_04: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_05: + + JU_IMMED(3, uint8_t *, cJU_JPIMMED_3_02, + j__udySearchLeaf3, JU_DELETEINPLACE_ODD); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02: + + JU_IMMED_02(4, uint32_t *, cJU_JPIMMED_4_01); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_03: + + JU_IMMED(4, uint32_t *, cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02, + j__udySearchLeaf4, JU_DELETEINPLACE); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02: + + JU_IMMED_02_ODD(5, cJU_JPIMMED_5_01, + j__udySearchLeaf5, JU_COPY5_PINDEX_TO_LONG); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_03: + + JU_IMMED(5, uint8_t *, cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02, + j__udySearchLeaf5, JU_DELETEINPLACE_ODD); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02: + + JU_IMMED_02_ODD(6, cJU_JPIMMED_6_01, + j__udySearchLeaf6, JU_COPY6_PINDEX_TO_LONG); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02: + + JU_IMMED_02_ODD(7, cJU_JPIMMED_7_01, + j__udySearchLeaf7, JU_COPY7_PINDEX_TO_LONG); + +#endif // (JUDY1 && JU_64BIT) + + +// **************************************************************************** +// INVALID JP TYPE: + + default: JU_SET_ERRNO_NONNULL(Pjpm, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); return(-1); + + } // switch + + +// PROCESS JP -- RECURSIVELY: +// +// For non-Immed JP types, if successful, post-decrement the population count +// at this level, or collapse a BranchL if necessary by copying the remaining +// JP in the BranchL to the parent (hysteresis = 0), which implicitly creates a +// narrow pointer if there was not already one in the hierarchy. + + assert(level); + retcode = j__udyDelWalk(Pjp, Index, level, Pjpm); + assert(retcode != 0); // should never happen. + + if ((JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) < cJU_JPIMMED_1_01) // not an Immed. + { + switch (retcode) + { + case 1: + { + jp_t JP = *Pjp; + Word_t DcdP0; + + DcdP0 = JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) - 1; // decrement count. + JU_JPSETADT(Pjp, JP.jp_Addr, DcdP0, JU_JPTYPE(&JP)); + break; + } + case 2: // collapse BranchL to single JP; see above: + { + Pjbl_t PjblRaw = (Pjbl_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr); + Pjbl_t Pjbl = P_JBL(PjblRaw); + + *Pjp = Pjbl->jbl_jp[0]; + j__udyFreeJBL(PjblRaw, Pjpm); + retcode = 1; + } + } + } + + return(retcode); + +} // j__udyDelWalk() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y 1 U N S E T +// J U D Y L D E L +// +// Main entry point. See the manual entry for details. + +#ifdef JUDY1 +FUNCTION int Judy1Unset +#else +FUNCTION int JudyLDel +#endif + ( + PPvoid_t PPArray, // in which to delete. + Word_t Index, // to delete. + PJError_t PJError // optional, for returning error info. + ) +{ + Word_t pop1; // population of leaf. + int offset; // at which to delete Index. + JUDY1CODE(int retcode;) // return code from Judy1Test(). +JUDYLCODE(PPvoid_t PPvalue;) // pointer from JudyLGet(). + + +// CHECK FOR NULL ARRAY POINTER (error by caller): + + if (PPArray == (PPvoid_t) NULL) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NULLPPARRAY); + return(JERRI); + } + + +// CHECK IF INDEX IS INVALID: +// +// If so, theres nothing to do. This saves a lot of time. Pass through +// PJError, if any, from the "get" function. + +#ifdef JUDY1 + if ((retcode = Judy1Test(*PPArray, Index, PJError)) == JERRI) + return (JERRI); + + if (retcode == 0) return(0); +#else + if ((PPvalue = JudyLGet(*PPArray, Index, PJError)) == PPJERR) + return (JERRI); + + if (PPvalue == (PPvoid_t) NULL) return(0); +#endif + + +// **************************************************************************** +// PROCESS TOP LEVEL (LEAFW) BRANCHES AND LEAVES: + +// **************************************************************************** +// LEAFW LEAF, OTHER SIZE: +// +// Shrink or convert the leaf as necessary. Hysteresis = 0; none is possible. + + if (JU_LEAFW_POP0(*PPArray) < cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1) // must be a LEAFW + { + JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjv;) // current value area. + JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjvnew;) // value area in new leaf. + Pjlw_t Pjlw = P_JLW(*PPArray); // first word of leaf. + Pjlw_t Pjlwnew; // replacement leaf. + pop1 = Pjlw[0] + 1; // first word of leaf is pop0. + +// Delete single (last) Index from array: + + if (pop1 == 1) + { + j__udyFreeJLW(Pjlw, /* pop1 = */ 1, (Pjpm_t) NULL); + *PPArray = (Pvoid_t) NULL; + return(1); + } + +// Locate Index in compressible leaf: + + offset = j__udySearchLeafW(Pjlw + 1, pop1, Index); + assert(offset >= 0); // Index must be valid. + + JUDYLCODE(Pjv = JL_LEAFWVALUEAREA(Pjlw, pop1);) + +// Delete Index in-place: +// +// Note: "Grow in place from pop1 - 1" is the logical inverse of, "shrink in +// place from pop1." Also, Pjlw points to the count word, so skip that for +// doing the deletion. + + if (JU_LEAFWGROWINPLACE(pop1 - 1)) + { + JU_DELETEINPLACE(Pjlw + 1, pop1, offset, ignore); +#ifdef JUDYL // also delete from value area: + JU_DELETEINPLACE(Pjv, pop1, offset, ignore); +#endif + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted((Pjll_t) (Pjlw + 1), pop1 - 1, + cJU_ROOTSTATE);) + --(Pjlw[0]); // decrement population. + DBGCODE(JudyCheckPop(*PPArray);) + return(1); + } + +// Allocate new leaf for use in either case below: + + Pjlwnew = j__udyAllocJLW(pop1 - 1); + JU_CHECKALLOC(Pjlw_t, Pjlwnew, JERRI); + +// Shrink to smaller LEAFW: +// +// Note: Skip the first word = pop0 in each leaf. + + Pjlwnew[0] = (pop1 - 1) - 1; + JU_DELETECOPY(Pjlwnew + 1, Pjlw + 1, pop1, offset, ignore); + +#ifdef JUDYL // also delete from value area: + Pjvnew = JL_LEAFWVALUEAREA(Pjlwnew, pop1 - 1); + JU_DELETECOPY(Pjvnew, Pjv, pop1, offset, ignore); +#endif + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjlwnew + 1, pop1 - 1, cJU_ROOTSTATE);) + + j__udyFreeJLW(Pjlw, pop1, (Pjpm_t) NULL); + +//// *PPArray = (Pvoid_t) Pjlwnew | cJU_LEAFW); + *PPArray = (Pvoid_t) Pjlwnew; + DBGCODE(JudyCheckPop(*PPArray);) + return(1); + + } + else + + +// **************************************************************************** +// JRP BRANCH: +// +// Traverse through the JPM to do the deletion unless the population is small +// enough to convert immediately to a LEAFW. + + { + Pjpm_t Pjpm; + Pjp_t Pjp; // top-level JP to process. + Word_t digit; // in a branch. + JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjv;) // to value area. + Pjlw_t Pjlwnew; // replacement leaf. + DBGCODE(Pjlw_t Pjlwnew_orig;) + + Pjpm = P_JPM(*PPArray); // top object in array (tree). + Pjp = &(Pjpm->jpm_JP); // next object (first branch or leaf). + + assert(((Pjpm->jpm_JP.jp_Type) == cJU_JPBRANCH_L) + || ((Pjpm->jpm_JP.jp_Type) == cJU_JPBRANCH_B) + || ((Pjpm->jpm_JP.jp_Type) == cJU_JPBRANCH_U)); + +// WALK THE TREE +// +// Note: Recursive code in j__udyDelWalk() knows how to collapse a lower-level +// BranchL containing a single JP into the parent JP as a narrow pointer, but +// the code here cant do that for a top-level BranchL. The result can be +// PArray -> JPM -> BranchL containing a single JP. This situation is +// unavoidable because a JPM cannot contain a narrow pointer; the BranchL is +// required in order to hold the top digit decoded, and it does not collapse to +// a LEAFW until the population is low enough. +// +// TBD: Should we add a topdigit field to JPMs so they can hold narrow +// pointers? + + if (j__udyDelWalk(Pjp, Index, cJU_ROOTSTATE, Pjpm) == -1) + { + JU_COPY_ERRNO(PJError, Pjpm); + return(JERRI); + } + + --(Pjpm->jpm_Pop0); // success; decrement total population. + + if ((Pjpm->jpm_Pop0 + 1) != cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1) + { + DBGCODE(JudyCheckPop(*PPArray);) + return(1); + } + +// COMPRESS A BRANCH[LBU] TO A LEAFW: +// + Pjlwnew = j__udyAllocJLW(cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1); + JU_CHECKALLOC(Pjlw_t, Pjlwnew, JERRI); + +// Plug leaf into root pointer and set population count: + +//// *PPArray = (Pvoid_t) ((Word_t) Pjlwnew | cJU_LEAFW); + *PPArray = (Pvoid_t) Pjlwnew; +#ifdef JUDYL // prepare value area: + Pjv = JL_LEAFWVALUEAREA(Pjlwnew, cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1); +#endif + *Pjlwnew++ = cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1 - 1; // set pop0. + DBGCODE(Pjlwnew_orig = Pjlwnew;) + + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { + +// JPBRANCH_L: Copy each JPs indexes to the new LEAFW and free the old +// branch: + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L: + { + Pjbl_t PjblRaw = (Pjbl_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr); + Pjbl_t Pjbl = P_JBL(PjblRaw); + + for (offset = 0; offset < Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs; ++offset) + { + pop1 = j__udyLeafM1ToLeafW(Pjlwnew, JU_PVALUEPASS + (Pjbl->jbl_jp) + offset, + JU_DIGITTOSTATE(Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[offset], + cJU_BYTESPERWORD), + (Pvoid_t) Pjpm); + Pjlwnew += pop1; // advance through indexes. + JUDYLCODE(Pjv += pop1;) // advance through values. + } + j__udyFreeJBL(PjblRaw, Pjpm); + + assert(Pjlwnew == Pjlwnew_orig + cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1); + break; // delete Index from new LEAFW. + } + +// JPBRANCH_B: Copy each JPs indexes to the new LEAFW and free the old +// branch, including each JP subarray: + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B: + { + Pjbb_t PjbbRaw = (Pjbb_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr); + Pjbb_t Pjbb = P_JBB(PjbbRaw); + Word_t subexp; // current subexpanse number. + BITMAPB_t bitmap; // portion for this subexpanse. + Pjp_t Pjp2Raw; // one subexpanses subarray. + Pjp_t Pjp2; + + for (subexp = 0; subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPB; ++subexp) + { + if ((bitmap = JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp)) == 0) + continue; // skip empty subexpanse. + + digit = subexp * cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; + Pjp2Raw = JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp); + Pjp2 = P_JP(Pjp2Raw); + assert(Pjp2 != (Pjp_t) NULL); + +// Walk through bits for all possible sub-subexpanses (digits); increment +// offset for each populated subexpanse; until no more set bits: + + for (offset = 0; bitmap != 0; bitmap >>= 1, ++digit) + { + if (! (bitmap & 1)) // skip empty sub-subexpanse. + continue; + + pop1 = j__udyLeafM1ToLeafW(Pjlwnew, JU_PVALUEPASS + Pjp2 + offset, + JU_DIGITTOSTATE(digit, cJU_BYTESPERWORD), + (Pvoid_t) Pjpm); + Pjlwnew += pop1; // advance through indexes. + JUDYLCODE(Pjv += pop1;) // advance through values. + ++offset; + } + j__udyFreeJBBJP(Pjp2Raw, /* pop1 = */ offset, Pjpm); + } + j__udyFreeJBB(PjbbRaw, Pjpm); + + assert(Pjlwnew == Pjlwnew_orig + cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1); + break; // delete Index from new LEAFW. + + } // case cJU_JPBRANCH_B. + + +// JPBRANCH_U: Copy each JPs indexes to the new LEAFW and free the old +// branch: + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U: + { + Pjbu_t PjbuRaw = (Pjbu_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr); + Pjbu_t Pjbu = P_JBU(PjbuRaw); + Word_t ldigit; // larger than uint8_t. + + for (Pjp = Pjbu->jbu_jp, ldigit = 0; + ldigit < cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS; + ++Pjp, ++ldigit) + { + +// Shortcuts, to save a little time for possibly big branches: + + if ((JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) == cJU_JPNULLMAX) // skip null JP. + continue; + +// TBD: Should the following shortcut also be used in BranchL and BranchB +// code? + +#ifndef JU_64BIT + if ((JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) == cJU_JPIMMED_3_01) +#else + if ((JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) == cJU_JPIMMED_7_01) +#endif + { // single Immed: + *Pjlwnew++ = JU_DIGITTOSTATE(ldigit, cJU_BYTESPERWORD) + | JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp); // rebuild Index. +#ifdef JUDYL + *Pjv++ = Pjp->jp_Addr; // copy value area. +#endif + continue; + } + + pop1 = j__udyLeafM1ToLeafW(Pjlwnew, JU_PVALUEPASS + Pjp, JU_DIGITTOSTATE(ldigit, cJU_BYTESPERWORD), + (Pvoid_t) Pjpm); + Pjlwnew += pop1; // advance through indexes. + JUDYLCODE(Pjv += pop1;) // advance through values. + } + j__udyFreeJBU(PjbuRaw, Pjpm); + + assert(Pjlwnew == Pjlwnew_orig + cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1); + break; // delete Index from new LEAFW. + + } // case cJU_JPBRANCH_U. + + +// INVALID JP TYPE in jpm_t struct + + default: JU_SET_ERRNO_NONNULL(Pjpm, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + return(JERRI); + + } // end switch on sub-JP type. + + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted((Pjll_t) Pjlwnew_orig, cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1, + cJU_ROOTSTATE);) + +// FREE JPM (no longer needed): + + j__udyFreeJPM(Pjpm, (Pjpm_t) NULL); + DBGCODE(JudyCheckPop(*PPArray);) + return(1); + + } + /*NOTREACHED*/ + +} // Judy1Unset() / JudyLDel() diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/JudyLFirst.c b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/JudyLFirst.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..850aafa3 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/JudyLFirst.c @@ -0,0 +1,213 @@ +// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company +// +// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +// under the term of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +// option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +// _________________ + +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ +// +// Judy*First[Empty]() and Judy*Last[Empty]() routines for Judy1 and JudyL. +// Compile with one of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL. +// +// These are inclusive versions of Judy*Next[Empty]() and Judy*Prev[Empty](). + +#if (! (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JUDYL))) +#error: One of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL must be specified. +#endif + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#include "Judy1.h" +#else +#include "JudyL.h" +#endif + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y 1 F I R S T +// J U D Y L F I R S T +// +// See the manual entry for details. + +#ifdef JUDY1 +FUNCTION int Judy1First +#else +FUNCTION PPvoid_t JudyLFirst +#endif + ( + Pcvoid_t PArray, // Judy array to search. + Word_t * PIndex, // starting point and result. + PJError_t PJError // optional, for returning error info. + ) +{ + if (PIndex == (PWord_t) NULL) // caller error: + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NULLPINDEX); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + +#ifdef JUDY1 + switch (Judy1Test(PArray, *PIndex, PJError)) + { + case 1: return(1); // found *PIndex itself. + case 0: return(Judy1Next(PArray, PIndex, PJError)); + default: return(JERRI); + } +#else + { + PPvoid_t PValue; + + if ((PValue = JudyLGet(PArray, *PIndex, PJError)) == PPJERR) + return(PPJERR); + + if (PValue != (PPvoid_t) NULL) return(PValue); // found *PIndex. + + return(JudyLNext(PArray, PIndex, PJError)); + } +#endif + +} // Judy1First() / JudyLFirst() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y 1 L A S T +// J U D Y L L A S T +// +// See the manual entry for details. + +#ifdef JUDY1 +FUNCTION int Judy1Last( +#else +FUNCTION PPvoid_t JudyLLast( +#endif + Pcvoid_t PArray, // Judy array to search. + Word_t * PIndex, // starting point and result. + PJError_t PJError) // optional, for returning error info. +{ + if (PIndex == (PWord_t) NULL) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NULLPINDEX); // caller error. + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + +#ifdef JUDY1 + switch (Judy1Test(PArray, *PIndex, PJError)) + { + case 1: return(1); // found *PIndex itself. + case 0: return(Judy1Prev(PArray, PIndex, PJError)); + default: return(JERRI); + } +#else + { + PPvoid_t PValue; + + if ((PValue = JudyLGet(PArray, *PIndex, PJError)) == PPJERR) + return(PPJERR); + + if (PValue != (PPvoid_t) NULL) return(PValue); // found *PIndex. + + return(JudyLPrev(PArray, PIndex, PJError)); + } +#endif + +} // Judy1Last() / JudyLLast() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y 1 F I R S T E M P T Y +// J U D Y L F I R S T E M P T Y +// +// See the manual entry for details. + +#ifdef JUDY1 +FUNCTION int Judy1FirstEmpty( +#else +FUNCTION int JudyLFirstEmpty( +#endif + Pcvoid_t PArray, // Judy array to search. + Word_t * PIndex, // starting point and result. + PJError_t PJError) // optional, for returning error info. +{ + if (PIndex == (PWord_t) NULL) // caller error: + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NULLPINDEX); + return(JERRI); + } + +#ifdef JUDY1 + switch (Judy1Test(PArray, *PIndex, PJError)) + { + case 0: return(1); // found *PIndex itself. + case 1: return(Judy1NextEmpty(PArray, PIndex, PJError)); + default: return(JERRI); + } +#else + { + PPvoid_t PValue; + + if ((PValue = JudyLGet(PArray, *PIndex, PJError)) == PPJERR) + return(JERRI); + + if (PValue == (PPvoid_t) NULL) return(1); // found *PIndex. + + return(JudyLNextEmpty(PArray, PIndex, PJError)); + } +#endif + +} // Judy1FirstEmpty() / JudyLFirstEmpty() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y 1 L A S T E M P T Y +// J U D Y L L A S T E M P T Y +// +// See the manual entry for details. + +#ifdef JUDY1 +FUNCTION int Judy1LastEmpty( +#else +FUNCTION int JudyLLastEmpty( +#endif + Pcvoid_t PArray, // Judy array to search. + Word_t * PIndex, // starting point and result. + PJError_t PJError) // optional, for returning error info. +{ + if (PIndex == (PWord_t) NULL) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NULLPINDEX); // caller error. + return(JERRI); + } + +#ifdef JUDY1 + switch (Judy1Test(PArray, *PIndex, PJError)) + { + case 0: return(1); // found *PIndex itself. + case 1: return(Judy1PrevEmpty(PArray, PIndex, PJError)); + default: return(JERRI); + } +#else + { + PPvoid_t PValue; + + if ((PValue = JudyLGet(PArray, *PIndex, PJError)) == PPJERR) + return(JERRI); + + if (PValue == (PPvoid_t) NULL) return(1); // found *PIndex. + + return(JudyLPrevEmpty(PArray, PIndex, PJError)); + } +#endif + +} // Judy1LastEmpty() / JudyLLastEmpty() diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/JudyLFreeArray.c b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/JudyLFreeArray.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6ff3ad84 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/JudyLFreeArray.c @@ -0,0 +1,363 @@ +// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company +// +// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +// under the term of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +// option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +// _________________ + +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ +// +// Judy1FreeArray() and JudyLFreeArray() functions for Judy1 and JudyL. +// Compile with one of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL. +// Return the number of bytes freed from the array. + +#if (! (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JUDYL))) +#error: One of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL must be specified. +#endif + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#include "Judy1.h" +#else +#include "JudyL.h" +#endif + +#include "JudyPrivate1L.h" + +DBGCODE(extern void JudyCheckPop(Pvoid_t PArray);) + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y 1 F R E E A R R A Y +// J U D Y L F R E E A R R A Y +// +// See the Judy*(3C) manual entry for details. +// +// This code is written recursively, at least at first, because thats much +// simpler. Hope its fast enough. + +#ifdef JUDY1 +FUNCTION Word_t Judy1FreeArray +#else +FUNCTION Word_t JudyLFreeArray +#endif + ( + PPvoid_t PPArray, // array to free. + PJError_t PJError // optional, for returning error info. + ) +{ + jpm_t jpm; // local to accumulate free statistics. + +// CHECK FOR NULL POINTER (error by caller): + + if (PPArray == (PPvoid_t) NULL) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NULLPPARRAY); + return(JERR); + } + + DBGCODE(JudyCheckPop(*PPArray);) + +// Zero jpm.jpm_Pop0 (meaning the array will be empty in a moment) for accurate +// logging in TRACEMI2. + + jpm.jpm_Pop0 = 0; // see above. + jpm.jpm_TotalMemWords = 0; // initialize memory freed. + +// Empty array: + + if (P_JLW(*PPArray) == (Pjlw_t) NULL) return(0); + +// PROCESS TOP LEVEL "JRP" BRANCHES AND LEAF: + + if (JU_LEAFW_POP0(*PPArray) < cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1) // must be a LEAFW + { + Pjlw_t Pjlw = P_JLW(*PPArray); // first word of leaf. + + j__udyFreeJLW(Pjlw, Pjlw[0] + 1, &jpm); + *PPArray = (Pvoid_t) NULL; // make an empty array. + return (-(jpm.jpm_TotalMemWords * cJU_BYTESPERWORD)); // see above. + } + else + +// Rootstate leaves: just free the leaf: + +// Common code for returning the amount of memory freed. +// +// Note: In a an ordinary LEAFW, pop0 = *PPArray[0]. +// +// Accumulate (negative) words freed, while freeing objects. +// Return the positive bytes freed. + + { + Pjpm_t Pjpm = P_JPM(*PPArray); + Word_t TotalMem = Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords; + + j__udyFreeSM(&(Pjpm->jpm_JP), &jpm); // recurse through tree. + j__udyFreeJPM(Pjpm, &jpm); + +// Verify the array was not corrupt. This means that amount of memory freed +// (which is negative) is equal to the initial amount: + + if (TotalMem + jpm.jpm_TotalMemWords) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + return(JERR); + } + + *PPArray = (Pvoid_t) NULL; // make an empty array. + return (TotalMem * cJU_BYTESPERWORD); + } + +} // Judy1FreeArray() / JudyLFreeArray() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y F R E E S M +// +// Given a pointer to a JP, recursively visit and free (depth first) all nodes +// in a Judy array BELOW the JP, but not the JP itself. Accumulate in *Pjpm +// the total words freed (as a negative value). "SM" = State Machine. +// +// Note: Corruption is not detected at this level because during a FreeArray, +// if the code hasnt already core dumped, its better to remain silent, even +// if some memory has not been freed, than to bother the caller about the +// corruption. TBD: Is this true? If not, must list all legitimate JPNULL +// and JPIMMED above first, and revert to returning bool_t (see 4.34). + +FUNCTION void j__udyFreeSM( + Pjp_t Pjp, // top of Judy (top-state). + Pjpm_t Pjpm) // to return words freed. +{ + Word_t Pop1; + + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { + +#ifdef JUDY1 + +// FULL EXPANSE -- nothing to free for this jp_Type. + + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1: + break; +#endif + +// JUDY BRANCH -- free the sub-tree depth first: + +// LINEAR BRANCH -- visit each JP in the JBLs list, then free the JBL: +// +// Note: There are no null JPs in a JBL. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L2: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L3: +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L4: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L5: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L6: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L7: +#endif // JU_64BIT + { + Pjbl_t Pjbl = P_JBL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + Word_t offset; + + for (offset = 0; offset < Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs; ++offset) + j__udyFreeSM((Pjbl->jbl_jp) + offset, Pjpm); + + j__udyFreeJBL((Pjbl_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), Pjpm); + break; + } + + +// BITMAP BRANCH -- visit each JP in the JBBs list based on the bitmap, also +// +// Note: There are no null JPs in a JBB. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B2: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B3: +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B4: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B5: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B6: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B7: +#endif // JU_64BIT + { + Word_t subexp; + Word_t offset; + Word_t jpcount; + + Pjbb_t Pjbb = P_JBB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + for (subexp = 0; subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPB; ++subexp) + { + jpcount = j__udyCountBitsB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp)); + + if (jpcount) + { + for (offset = 0; offset < jpcount; ++offset) + { + j__udyFreeSM(P_JP(JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp)) + offset, + Pjpm); + } + j__udyFreeJBBJP(JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp), jpcount, Pjpm); + } + } + j__udyFreeJBB((Pjbb_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), Pjpm); + + break; + } + + +// UNCOMPRESSED BRANCH -- visit each JP in the JBU array, then free the JBU +// itself: +// +// Note: Null JPs are handled during recursion at a lower state. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U2: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U3: +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U4: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U5: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U6: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U7: +#endif // JU_64BIT + { + Word_t offset; + Pjbu_t Pjbu = P_JBU(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + for (offset = 0; offset < cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS; ++offset) + j__udyFreeSM((Pjbu->jbu_jp) + offset, Pjpm); + + j__udyFreeJBU((Pjbu_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), Pjpm); + break; + } + + +// -- Cases below here terminate and do not recurse. -- + + +// LINEAR LEAF -- just free the leaf; size is computed from jp_Type: +// +// Note: cJU_JPLEAF1 is a special case, see discussion in ../Judy1/Judy1.h + +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + case cJU_JPLEAF1: + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + j__udyFreeJLL1((Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), Pop1, Pjpm); + break; +#endif + + case cJU_JPLEAF2: + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + j__udyFreeJLL2((Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), Pop1, Pjpm); + break; + + case cJU_JPLEAF3: + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + j__udyFreeJLL3((Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), Pop1, Pjpm); + break; + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPLEAF4: + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + j__udyFreeJLL4((Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), Pop1, Pjpm); + break; + + case cJU_JPLEAF5: + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + j__udyFreeJLL5((Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), Pop1, Pjpm); + break; + + case cJU_JPLEAF6: + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + j__udyFreeJLL6((Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), Pop1, Pjpm); + break; + + case cJU_JPLEAF7: + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + j__udyFreeJLL7((Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), Pop1, Pjpm); + break; +#endif // JU_64BIT + + +// BITMAP LEAF -- free sub-expanse arrays of JPs, then free the JBB. + + case cJU_JPLEAF_B1: + { +#ifdef JUDYL + Word_t subexp; + Word_t jpcount; + Pjlb_t Pjlb = P_JLB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + +// Free the value areas in the bitmap leaf: + + for (subexp = 0; subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPL; ++subexp) + { + jpcount = j__udyCountBitsL(JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp)); + + if (jpcount) + j__udyLFreeJV(JL_JLB_PVALUE(Pjlb, subexp), jpcount, Pjpm); + } +#endif // JUDYL + + j__udyFreeJLB1((Pjlb_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), Pjpm); + break; + + } // case cJU_JPLEAF_B1 + +#ifdef JUDYL + + +// IMMED*: +// +// For JUDYL, all non JPIMMED_*_01s have a LeafV which must be freed: + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_02: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_03: +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_04: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_05: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_06: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_07: +#endif + Pop1 = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) - cJU_JPIMMED_1_02 + 2; + j__udyLFreeJV((Pjv_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), Pop1, Pjpm); + break; + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_02: + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_03: + + Pop1 = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) - cJU_JPIMMED_2_02 + 2; + j__udyLFreeJV((Pjv_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), Pop1, Pjpm); + break; + + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_02: + j__udyLFreeJV((Pjv_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), 2, Pjpm); + break; + +#endif // JU_64BIT +#endif // JUDYL + + +// OTHER JPNULL, JPIMMED, OR UNEXPECTED TYPE -- nothing to free for this type: +// +// Note: Lump together no-op and invalid JP types; see function header +// comments. + + default: break; + + } // switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + +} // j__udyFreeSM() diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/JudyLGet.c b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/JudyLGet.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..43ca3313 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/JudyLGet.c @@ -0,0 +1,1094 @@ +// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company +// +// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +// under the term of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +// option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +// _________________ + +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ +// +// Judy1Test() and JudyLGet() functions for Judy1 and JudyL. +// Compile with one of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL. + +#if (! (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JUDYL))) +#error: One of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL must be specified. +#endif + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#include "Judy1.h" +#else +#include "JudyL.h" +#endif + +#include "JudyPrivate1L.h" + +#ifdef TRACEJPR // different macro name, for "retrieval" only. +#include "JudyPrintJP.c" +#endif + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y 1 T E S T +// J U D Y L G E T +// +// See the manual entry for details. Note support for "shortcut" entries to +// trees known to start with a JPM. + +#ifdef JUDY1 + +#ifdef JUDYGETINLINE +FUNCTION int j__udy1Test +#else +FUNCTION int Judy1Test +#endif + +#else // JUDYL + +#ifdef JUDYGETINLINE +FUNCTION PPvoid_t j__udyLGet +#else +FUNCTION PPvoid_t JudyLGet +#endif + +#endif // JUDYL + ( +#ifdef JUDYGETINLINE + Pvoid_t PArray, // from which to retrieve. + Word_t Index // to retrieve. +#else + Pcvoid_t PArray, // from which to retrieve. + Word_t Index, // to retrieve. + PJError_t PJError // optional, for returning error info. +#endif + ) +{ + Pjp_t Pjp; // current JP while walking the tree. + Pjpm_t Pjpm; // for global accounting. + uint8_t Digit; // byte just decoded from Index. + Word_t Pop1; // leaf population (number of indexes). + Pjll_t Pjll; // pointer to LeafL. + DBGCODE(uint8_t ParentJPType;) + +#ifndef JUDYGETINLINE + + if (PArray == (Pcvoid_t) NULL) // empty array. + { + JUDY1CODE(return(0);) + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) NULL);) + } + +// **************************************************************************** +// PROCESS TOP LEVEL BRANCHES AND LEAF: + + if (JU_LEAFW_POP0(PArray) < cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1) // must be a LEAFW + { + Pjlw_t Pjlw = P_JLW(PArray); // first word of leaf. + int posidx; // signed offset in leaf. + + Pop1 = Pjlw[0] + 1; + posidx = j__udySearchLeafW(Pjlw + 1, Pop1, Index); + + if (posidx >= 0) + { + JUDY1CODE(return(1);) + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) (JL_LEAFWVALUEAREA(Pjlw, Pop1) + posidx));) + } + JUDY1CODE(return(0);) + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) NULL);) + } + +#endif // ! JUDYGETINLINE + + Pjpm = P_JPM(PArray); + Pjp = &(Pjpm->jpm_JP); // top branch is below JPM. + +// **************************************************************************** +// WALK THE JUDY TREE USING A STATE MACHINE: + +ContinueWalk: // for going down one level; come here with Pjp set. + +#ifdef TRACEJPR + JudyPrintJP(Pjp, "g", __LINE__); +#endif + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { + +// Ensure the switch table starts at 0 for speed; otherwise more code is +// executed: + + case 0: goto ReturnCorrupt; // save a little code. + + +// **************************************************************************** +// JPNULL*: +// +// Note: These are legitimate in a BranchU (only) and do not constitute a +// fault. + + case cJU_JPNULL1: + case cJU_JPNULL2: + case cJU_JPNULL3: +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPNULL4: + case cJU_JPNULL5: + case cJU_JPNULL6: + case cJU_JPNULL7: +#endif + assert(ParentJPType >= cJU_JPBRANCH_U2); + assert(ParentJPType <= cJU_JPBRANCH_U); + JUDY1CODE(return(0);) + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) NULL);) + + +// **************************************************************************** +// JPBRANCH_L*: +// +// Note: The use of JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX() in branches is not strictly +// required,since this can be done at leaf level, but it costs nothing to do it +// sooner, and it aborts an unnecessary traversal sooner. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L2: + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 2)) break; + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 2); + goto JudyBranchL; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L3: + +#ifdef JU_64BIT // otherwise its a no-op: + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 3)) break; +#endif + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 3); + goto JudyBranchL; + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L4: + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 4)) break; + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 4); + goto JudyBranchL; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L5: + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 5)) break; + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 5); + goto JudyBranchL; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L6: + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 6)) break; + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 6); + goto JudyBranchL; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L7: + + // JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX() would be a no-op. + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 7); + goto JudyBranchL; + +#endif // JU_64BIT + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L: + { + Pjbl_t Pjbl; + int posidx; + + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, cJU_ROOTSTATE); + +// Common code for all BranchLs; come here with Digit set: + +JudyBranchL: + Pjbl = P_JBL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + posidx = 0; + + do { + if (Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[posidx] == Digit) + { // found Digit; continue traversal: + DBGCODE(ParentJPType = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp);) + Pjp = Pjbl->jbl_jp + posidx; + goto ContinueWalk; + } + } while (++posidx != Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs); + + break; + } + + +// **************************************************************************** +// JPBRANCH_B*: + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B2: + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 2)) break; + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 2); + goto JudyBranchB; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B3: + +#ifdef JU_64BIT // otherwise its a no-op: + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 3)) break; +#endif + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 3); + goto JudyBranchB; + + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B4: + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 4)) break; + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 4); + goto JudyBranchB; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B5: + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 5)) break; + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 5); + goto JudyBranchB; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B6: + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 6)) break; + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 6); + goto JudyBranchB; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B7: + + // JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX() would be a no-op. + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 7); + goto JudyBranchB; + +#endif // JU_64BIT + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B: + { + Pjbb_t Pjbb; + Word_t subexp; // in bitmap, 0..7. + BITMAPB_t BitMap; // for one subexpanse. + BITMAPB_t BitMask; // bit in BitMap for Indexs Digit. + + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, cJU_ROOTSTATE); + +// Common code for all BranchBs; come here with Digit set: + +JudyBranchB: + DBGCODE(ParentJPType = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp);) + Pjbb = P_JBB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + subexp = Digit / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; + + BitMap = JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp); + Pjp = P_JP(JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp)); + + BitMask = JU_BITPOSMASKB(Digit); + +// No JP in subexpanse for Index => Index not found: + + if (! (BitMap & BitMask)) break; + +// Count JPs in the subexpanse below the one for Index: + + Pjp += j__udyCountBitsB(BitMap & (BitMask - 1)); + + goto ContinueWalk; + + } // case cJU_JPBRANCH_B* + + +// **************************************************************************** +// JPBRANCH_U*: +// +// Notice the reverse order of the cases, and falling through to the next case, +// for performance. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U: + + DBGCODE(ParentJPType = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp);) + Pjp = JU_JBU_PJP(Pjp, Index, cJU_ROOTSTATE); + +// If not a BranchU, traverse; otherwise fall into the next case, which makes +// this very fast code for a large Judy array (mainly BranchUs), especially +// when branches are already in the cache, such as for prev/next: + +#ifndef JU_64BIT + if (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) != cJU_JPBRANCH_U3) goto ContinueWalk; +#else + if (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) != cJU_JPBRANCH_U7) goto ContinueWalk; +#endif + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U7: + + // JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX() would be a no-op. + DBGCODE(ParentJPType = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp);) + Pjp = JU_JBU_PJP(Pjp, Index, 7); + + if (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) != cJU_JPBRANCH_U6) goto ContinueWalk; + // and fall through. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U6: + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 6)) break; + DBGCODE(ParentJPType = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp);) + Pjp = JU_JBU_PJP(Pjp, Index, 6); + + if (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) != cJU_JPBRANCH_U5) goto ContinueWalk; + // and fall through. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U5: + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 5)) break; + DBGCODE(ParentJPType = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp);) + Pjp = JU_JBU_PJP(Pjp, Index, 5); + + if (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) != cJU_JPBRANCH_U4) goto ContinueWalk; + // and fall through. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U4: + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 4)) break; + DBGCODE(ParentJPType = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp);) + Pjp = JU_JBU_PJP(Pjp, Index, 4); + + if (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) != cJU_JPBRANCH_U3) goto ContinueWalk; + // and fall through. + +#endif // JU_64BIT + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U3: + +#ifdef JU_64BIT // otherwise its a no-op: + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 3)) break; +#endif + DBGCODE(ParentJPType = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp);) + Pjp = JU_JBU_PJP(Pjp, Index, 3); + + if (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) != cJU_JPBRANCH_U2) goto ContinueWalk; + // and fall through. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U2: + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 2)) break; + DBGCODE(ParentJPType = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp);) + Pjp = JU_JBU_PJP(Pjp, Index, 2); + +// Note: BranchU2 is a special case that must continue traversal to a leaf, +// immed, full, or null type: + + goto ContinueWalk; + + +// **************************************************************************** +// JPLEAF*: +// +// Note: Here the calls of JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX() are necessary and check +// whether Index is out of the expanse of a narrow pointer. + +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + + case cJU_JPLEAF1: + { + int posidx; // signed offset in leaf. + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 1)) break; + + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + Pjll = P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + if ((posidx = j__udySearchLeaf1(Pjll, Pop1, Index)) < 0) break; + + JUDY1CODE(return(1);) + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) (JL_LEAF1VALUEAREA(Pjll, Pop1) + posidx));) + } + +#endif // (JUDYL || (! JU_64BIT)) + + case cJU_JPLEAF2: + { + int posidx; // signed offset in leaf. + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 2)) break; + + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + Pjll = P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + if ((posidx = j__udySearchLeaf2(Pjll, Pop1, Index)) < 0) break; + + JUDY1CODE(return(1);) + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) (JL_LEAF2VALUEAREA(Pjll, Pop1) + posidx));) + } + case cJU_JPLEAF3: + { + int posidx; // signed offset in leaf. + +#ifdef JU_64BIT // otherwise its a no-op: + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 3)) break; +#endif + + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + Pjll = P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + if ((posidx = j__udySearchLeaf3(Pjll, Pop1, Index)) < 0) break; + + JUDY1CODE(return(1);) + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) (JL_LEAF3VALUEAREA(Pjll, Pop1) + posidx));) + } +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPLEAF4: + { + int posidx; // signed offset in leaf. + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 4)) break; + + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + Pjll = P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + if ((posidx = j__udySearchLeaf4(Pjll, Pop1, Index)) < 0) break; + + JUDY1CODE(return(1);) + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) (JL_LEAF4VALUEAREA(Pjll, Pop1) + posidx));) + } + case cJU_JPLEAF5: + { + int posidx; // signed offset in leaf. + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 5)) break; + + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + Pjll = P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + if ((posidx = j__udySearchLeaf5(Pjll, Pop1, Index)) < 0) break; + + JUDY1CODE(return(1);) + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) (JL_LEAF5VALUEAREA(Pjll, Pop1) + posidx));) + } + + case cJU_JPLEAF6: + { + int posidx; // signed offset in leaf. + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 6)) break; + + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + Pjll = P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + if ((posidx = j__udySearchLeaf6(Pjll, Pop1, Index)) < 0) break; + + JUDY1CODE(return(1);) + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) (JL_LEAF6VALUEAREA(Pjll, Pop1) + posidx));) + } + case cJU_JPLEAF7: + { + int posidx; // signed offset in leaf. + + // JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX() would be a no-op. + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + Pjll = P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + if ((posidx = j__udySearchLeaf7(Pjll, Pop1, Index)) < 0) break; + + JUDY1CODE(return(1);) + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) (JL_LEAF7VALUEAREA(Pjll, Pop1) + posidx));) + } +#endif // JU_64BIT + + +// **************************************************************************** +// JPLEAF_B1: + + case cJU_JPLEAF_B1: + { + Pjlb_t Pjlb; +#ifdef JUDYL + int posidx; + Word_t subexp; // in bitmap, 0..7. + BITMAPL_t BitMap; // for one subexpanse. + BITMAPL_t BitMask; // bit in BitMap for Indexs Digit. + Pjv_t Pjv; +#endif + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 1)) break; + + Pjlb = P_JLB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + +#ifdef JUDY1 + +// Simply check if Indexs bit is set in the bitmap: + + if (JU_BITMAPTESTL(Pjlb, Index)) return(1); + break; + +#else // JUDYL + +// JudyL is much more complicated because of value area subarrays: + + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 1); + subexp = Digit / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL; + BitMap = JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp); + BitMask = JU_BITPOSMASKL(Digit); + +// No value in subexpanse for Index => Index not found: + + if (! (BitMap & BitMask)) break; + +// Count value areas in the subexpanse below the one for Index: + + Pjv = P_JV(JL_JLB_PVALUE(Pjlb, subexp)); + assert(Pjv != (Pjv_t) NULL); + posidx = j__udyCountBitsL(BitMap & (BitMask - 1)); + + return((PPvoid_t) (Pjv + posidx)); + +#endif // JUDYL + + } // case cJU_JPLEAF_B1 + +#ifdef JUDY1 + +// **************************************************************************** +// JPFULLPOPU1: +// +// If the Index is in the expanse, it is necessarily valid (found). + + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1: + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 1)) break; + return(1); + +#ifdef notdef // for future enhancements +#ifdef JU_64BIT + +// Note: Need ? if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 1)) break; + + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m15: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[14] == (uint8_t)Index) break; + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m14: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[13] == (uint8_t)Index) break; + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m13: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[12] == (uint8_t)Index) break; + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m12: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[11] == (uint8_t)Index) break; + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m11: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[10] == (uint8_t)Index) break; + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m10: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[9] == (uint8_t)Index) break; + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m9: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[8] == (uint8_t)Index) break; + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m8: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[7] == (uint8_t)Index) break; +#endif + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m7: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[6] == (uint8_t)Index) break; + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m6: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[5] == (uint8_t)Index) break; + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m5: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[4] == (uint8_t)Index) break; + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m4: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[3] == (uint8_t)Index) break; + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m3: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[2] == (uint8_t)Index) break; + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m2: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[1] == (uint8_t)Index) break; + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m1: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[0] == (uint8_t)Index) break; + + return(1); // found, not in exclusion list + +#endif // JUDY1 +#endif // notdef + +// **************************************************************************** +// JPIMMED*: +// +// Note that the contents of jp_DcdPopO are different for cJU_JPIMMED_*_01: + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_01: +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPIMMED_4_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_5_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_6_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_7_01: +#endif + if (JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) != JU_TRIMTODCDSIZE(Index)) break; + + JUDY1CODE(return(1);) + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) &(Pjp->jp_Addr));) // immediate value area. + + +// Macros to make code more readable and avoid dup errors + +#ifdef JUDY1 + +#define CHECKINDEXNATIVE(LEAF_T, PJP, IDX, INDEX) \ +if (((LEAF_T *)((PJP)->jp_1Index))[(IDX) - 1] == (LEAF_T)(INDEX)) \ + return(1) + +#define CHECKLEAFNONNAT(LFBTS, PJP, INDEX, IDX, COPY) \ +{ \ + Word_t i_ndex; \ + uint8_t *a_ddr; \ + a_ddr = (PJP)->jp_1Index + (((IDX) - 1) * (LFBTS)); \ + COPY(i_ndex, a_ddr); \ + if (i_ndex == JU_LEASTBYTES((INDEX), (LFBTS))) \ + return(1); \ +} +#endif + +#ifdef JUDYL + +#define CHECKINDEXNATIVE(LEAF_T, PJP, IDX, INDEX) \ +if (((LEAF_T *)((PJP)->jp_LIndex))[(IDX) - 1] == (LEAF_T)(INDEX)) \ + return((PPvoid_t)(P_JV((PJP)->jp_Addr) + (IDX) - 1)) + +#define CHECKLEAFNONNAT(LFBTS, PJP, INDEX, IDX, COPY) \ +{ \ + Word_t i_ndex; \ + uint8_t *a_ddr; \ + a_ddr = (PJP)->jp_LIndex + (((IDX) - 1) * (LFBTS)); \ + COPY(i_ndex, a_ddr); \ + if (i_ndex == JU_LEASTBYTES((INDEX), (LFBTS))) \ + return((PPvoid_t)(P_JV((PJP)->jp_Addr) + (IDX) - 1)); \ +} +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_15: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 15, Index); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_14: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 14, Index); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_13: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 13, Index); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_12: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 12, Index); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_11: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 11, Index); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_10: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 10, Index); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_09: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 9, Index); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_08: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 8, Index); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_07: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 7, Index); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_06: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 6, Index); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_05: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 5, Index); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_04: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 4, Index); +#endif + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_03: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 3, Index); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_02: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 2, Index); + CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 1, Index); + break; + +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_07: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint16_t, Pjp, 7, Index); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_06: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint16_t, Pjp, 6, Index); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_05: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint16_t, Pjp, 5, Index); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_04: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint16_t, Pjp, 4, Index); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_03: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint16_t, Pjp, 3, Index); + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_02: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint16_t, Pjp, 2, Index); + CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint16_t, Pjp, 1, Index); + break; +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_05: + CHECKLEAFNONNAT(3, Pjp, Index, 5, JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_04: + CHECKLEAFNONNAT(3, Pjp, Index, 4, JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_03: + CHECKLEAFNONNAT(3, Pjp, Index, 3, JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_02: + CHECKLEAFNONNAT(3, Pjp, Index, 2, JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG); + CHECKLEAFNONNAT(3, Pjp, Index, 1, JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG); + break; +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_03: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint32_t, Pjp, 3, Index); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint32_t, Pjp, 2, Index); + CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint32_t, Pjp, 1, Index); + break; + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_03: + CHECKLEAFNONNAT(5, Pjp, Index, 3, JU_COPY5_PINDEX_TO_LONG); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02: + CHECKLEAFNONNAT(5, Pjp, Index, 2, JU_COPY5_PINDEX_TO_LONG); + CHECKLEAFNONNAT(5, Pjp, Index, 1, JU_COPY5_PINDEX_TO_LONG); + break; + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02: + CHECKLEAFNONNAT(6, Pjp, Index, 2, JU_COPY6_PINDEX_TO_LONG); + CHECKLEAFNONNAT(6, Pjp, Index, 1, JU_COPY6_PINDEX_TO_LONG); + break; + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02: + CHECKLEAFNONNAT(7, Pjp, Index, 2, JU_COPY7_PINDEX_TO_LONG); + CHECKLEAFNONNAT(7, Pjp, Index, 1, JU_COPY7_PINDEX_TO_LONG); + break; + +#endif // (JUDY1 && JU_64BIT) + + +// **************************************************************************** +// INVALID JP TYPE: + + default: + +ReturnCorrupt: + +#ifdef JUDYGETINLINE // Pjpm is known to be non-null: + JU_SET_ERRNO_NONNULL(Pjpm, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); +#else + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); +#endif + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + + } // switch on JP type + +JUDY1CODE(return(0);) +JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) NULL);) + +} // Judy1Test() / JudyLGet() + + +#ifndef JUDYGETINLINE // only compile the following function once: +#ifdef DEBUG + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y C H E C K P O P +// +// Given a pointer to a Judy array, traverse the entire array to ensure +// population counts add up correctly. This can catch various coding errors. +// +// Since walking the entire tree is probably time-consuming, enable this +// function by setting env parameter $CHECKPOP to first call at which to start +// checking. Note: This function is called both from insert and delete code. +// +// Note: Even though this function does nothing useful for LEAFW leaves, its +// good practice to call it anyway, and cheap too. +// +// TBD: This is a debug-only check function similar to JudyCheckSorted(), but +// since it walks the tree it is Judy1/JudyL-specific and must live in a source +// file that is built both ways. +// +// TBD: As feared, enabling this code for every insert/delete makes Judy +// deathly slow, even for a small tree (10K indexes). Its not so bad if +// present but disabled (<1% slowdown measured). Still, should it be ifdefd +// other than DEBUG and/or called less often? +// +// TBD: Should this "population checker" be expanded to a comprehensive tree +// checker? It currently detects invalid LEAFW/JP types as well as inconsistent +// pop1s. Other possible checks, all based on essentially redundant data in +// the Judy tree, include: +// +// - Zero LS bits in jp_Addr field. +// +// - Correct Dcd bits. +// +// - Consistent JP types (always descending down the tree). +// +// - Sorted linear lists in BranchLs and leaves (using JudyCheckSorted(), but +// ideally that function is already called wherever appropriate after any +// linear list is modified). +// +// - Any others possible? + +#include // for getenv() and atol(). + +static Word_t JudyCheckPopSM(Pjp_t Pjp, Word_t RootPop1); + +FUNCTION void JudyCheckPop( + Pvoid_t PArray) +{ +static bool_t checked = FALSE; // already checked env parameter. +static bool_t enabled = FALSE; // env parameter set. +static bool_t active = FALSE; // calls >= callsmin. +static Word_t callsmin; // start point from $CHECKPOP. +static Word_t calls = 0; // times called so far. + + +// CHECK FOR EXTERNAL ENABLING: + + if (! checked) // only check once. + { + char * value; // for getenv(). + + checked = TRUE; + + if ((value = getenv("CHECKPOP")) == (char *) NULL) + { +#ifdef notdef +// Take this out because nightly tests want to be flavor-independent; its not +// OK to emit special non-error output from the debug flavor: + + (void) puts("JudyCheckPop() present but not enabled by " + "$CHECKPOP env parameter; set it to the number of " + "calls at which to begin checking"); +#endif + return; + } + + callsmin = atol(value); // note: non-number evaluates to 0. + enabled = TRUE; + + (void) printf("JudyCheckPop() present and enabled; callsmin = " + "%lu\n", callsmin); + } + else if (! enabled) return; + +// Previously or just now enabled; check if non-active or newly active: + + if (! active) + { + if (++calls < callsmin) return; + + (void) printf("JudyCheckPop() activated at call %lu\n", calls); + active = TRUE; + } + +// IGNORE LEAFW AT TOP OF TREE: + + if (JU_LEAFW_POP0(PArray) < cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1) // must be a LEAFW + return; + +// Check JPM pop0 against tree, recursively: +// +// Note: The traversal code in JudyCheckPopSM() is simplest when the case +// statement for each JP type compares the pop1 for that JP to its subtree (if +// any) after traversing the subtree (thats the hard part) and adding up +// actual pop1s. A top branchs JP in the JPM does not have room for a +// full-word pop1, so pass it in as a special case. + + { + Pjpm_t Pjpm = P_JPM(PArray); + (void) JudyCheckPopSM(&(Pjpm->jpm_JP), Pjpm->jpm_Pop0 + 1); + return; + } + +} // JudyCheckPop() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y C H E C K P O P S M +// +// Recursive state machine (subroutine) for JudyCheckPop(): Given a Pjp (other +// than JPNULL*; caller should shortcut) and the root population for top-level +// branches, check the subtrees actual pop1 against its nominal value, and +// return the total pop1 for the subtree. +// +// Note: Expect RootPop1 to be ignored at lower levels, so pass down 0, which +// should pop an assertion if this expectation is violated. + +FUNCTION static Word_t JudyCheckPopSM( + Pjp_t Pjp, // top of subtree. + Word_t RootPop1) // whole array, for top-level branches only. +{ + Word_t pop1_jp; // nominal population from the JP. + Word_t pop1 = 0; // actual population at this level. + Word_t offset; // in a branch. + +#define PREPBRANCH(cPopBytes,Next) \ + pop1_jp = JU_JPBRANCH_POP0(Pjp, cPopBytes) + 1; goto Next + +assert((((Word_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr)) & 7) == 3); + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L2: PREPBRANCH(2, BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L3: PREPBRANCH(3, BranchL); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L4: PREPBRANCH(4, BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L5: PREPBRANCH(5, BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L6: PREPBRANCH(6, BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L7: PREPBRANCH(7, BranchL); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L: pop1_jp = RootPop1; + { + Pjbl_t Pjbl; +BranchL: + Pjbl = P_JBL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + for (offset = 0; offset < (Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs); ++offset) + pop1 += JudyCheckPopSM((Pjbl->jbl_jp) + offset, 0); + + assert(pop1_jp == pop1); + return(pop1); + } + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B2: PREPBRANCH(2, BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B3: PREPBRANCH(3, BranchB); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B4: PREPBRANCH(4, BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B5: PREPBRANCH(5, BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B6: PREPBRANCH(6, BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B7: PREPBRANCH(7, BranchB); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B: pop1_jp = RootPop1; + { + Word_t subexp; + Word_t jpcount; + Pjbb_t Pjbb; +BranchB: + Pjbb = P_JBB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + for (subexp = 0; subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPB; ++subexp) + { + jpcount = j__udyCountBitsB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp)); + + for (offset = 0; offset < jpcount; ++offset) + { + pop1 += JudyCheckPopSM(P_JP(JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp)) + + offset, 0); + } + } + + assert(pop1_jp == pop1); + return(pop1); + } + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U2: PREPBRANCH(2, BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U3: PREPBRANCH(3, BranchU); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U4: PREPBRANCH(4, BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U5: PREPBRANCH(5, BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U6: PREPBRANCH(6, BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U7: PREPBRANCH(7, BranchU); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U: pop1_jp = RootPop1; + { + Pjbu_t Pjbu; +BranchU: + Pjbu = P_JBU(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + for (offset = 0; offset < cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS; ++offset) + { + if (((Pjbu->jbu_jp[offset].jp_Type) >= cJU_JPNULL1) + && ((Pjbu->jbu_jp[offset].jp_Type) <= cJU_JPNULLMAX)) + { + continue; // skip null JP to save time. + } + + pop1 += JudyCheckPopSM((Pjbu->jbu_jp) + offset, 0); + } + + assert(pop1_jp == pop1); + return(pop1); + } + + +// -- Cases below here terminate and do not recurse. -- +// +// For all of these cases except JPLEAF_B1, there is no way to check the JPs +// pop1 against the object itself; just return the pop1; but for linear leaves, +// a bounds check is possible. + +#define CHECKLEAF(MaxPop1) \ + pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; \ + assert(pop1 >= 1); \ + assert(pop1 <= (MaxPop1)); \ + return(pop1) + +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + case cJU_JPLEAF1: CHECKLEAF(cJU_LEAF1_MAXPOP1); +#endif + case cJU_JPLEAF2: CHECKLEAF(cJU_LEAF2_MAXPOP1); + case cJU_JPLEAF3: CHECKLEAF(cJU_LEAF3_MAXPOP1); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPLEAF4: CHECKLEAF(cJU_LEAF4_MAXPOP1); + case cJU_JPLEAF5: CHECKLEAF(cJU_LEAF5_MAXPOP1); + case cJU_JPLEAF6: CHECKLEAF(cJU_LEAF6_MAXPOP1); + case cJU_JPLEAF7: CHECKLEAF(cJU_LEAF7_MAXPOP1); +#endif + + case cJU_JPLEAF_B1: + { + Word_t subexp; + Pjlb_t Pjlb; + + pop1_jp = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + + Pjlb = P_JLB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + for (subexp = 0; subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPL; ++subexp) + pop1 += j__udyCountBitsL(JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp)); + + assert(pop1_jp == pop1); + return(pop1); + } + + JUDY1CODE(case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1: return(cJU_JPFULLPOPU1_POP0);) + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_01: return(1); + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_01: return(1); + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_01: return(1); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPIMMED_4_01: return(1); + case cJU_JPIMMED_5_01: return(1); + case cJU_JPIMMED_6_01: return(1); + case cJU_JPIMMED_7_01: return(1); +#endif + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_02: return(2); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_03: return(3); +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_04: return(4); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_05: return(5); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_06: return(6); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_07: return(7); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_08: return(8); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_09: return(9); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_10: return(10); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_11: return(11); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_12: return(12); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_13: return(13); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_14: return(14); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_15: return(15); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_02: return(2); + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_03: return(3); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_04: return(4); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_05: return(5); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_06: return(6); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_07: return(7); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_02: return(2); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_03: return(3); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_04: return(4); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_05: return(5); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02: return(2); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_03: return(3); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02: return(2); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_03: return(3); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02: return(2); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02: return(2); +#endif + + } // switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + + assert(FALSE); // unrecognized JP type => corruption. + return(0); // to make some compilers happy. + +} // JudyCheckPopSM() + +#endif // DEBUG +#endif // ! JUDYGETINLINE diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/JudyLIns.c b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/JudyLIns.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5b3f07b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/JudyLIns.c @@ -0,0 +1,1873 @@ +// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company +// +// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +// under the term of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +// option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +// _________________ + +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ +// +// Judy1Set() and JudyLIns() functions for Judy1 and JudyL. +// Compile with one of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL. +// +// TBD: Should some of the assertions here be converted to product code that +// returns JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT? + +#if (! (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JUDYL))) +#error: One of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL must be specified. +#endif + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#include "Judy1.h" +#else +#include "JudyL.h" +#endif + +#include "JudyPrivate1L.h" + +// Note: Call JudyCheckPop() even before "already inserted" returns, to catch +// population errors; see fix in 4.84: + +DBGCODE(extern void JudyCheckPop(Pvoid_t PArray);) +DBGCODE(extern void JudyCheckSorted(Pjll_t Pjll, Word_t Pop1, long IndexSize);) + +#ifdef TRACEJP +#include "JudyPrintJP.c" +#endif + + +// These are defined to generic values in JudyCommon/JudyPrivateTypes.h: +// +// TBD: These should be exported from a header file, but perhaps not, as they +// are only used here, and exported from Judy*Decascade, which is a separate +// file for profiling reasons (to prevent inlining), but which potentially +// could be merged with this file, either in SoftCM or at compile-time. + +#ifdef JUDY1 +extern int j__udy1CreateBranchB(Pjp_t, Pjp_t, uint8_t *, Word_t, Pvoid_t); +extern int j__udy1CreateBranchU(Pjp_t, Pvoid_t); + +#ifndef JU_64BIT +extern int j__udy1Cascade1(Pjp_t, Pvoid_t); +#endif +extern int j__udy1Cascade2(Pjp_t, Pvoid_t); +extern int j__udy1Cascade3(Pjp_t, Pvoid_t); +#ifdef JU_64BIT +extern int j__udy1Cascade4(Pjp_t, Pvoid_t); +extern int j__udy1Cascade5(Pjp_t, Pvoid_t); +extern int j__udy1Cascade6(Pjp_t, Pvoid_t); +extern int j__udy1Cascade7(Pjp_t, Pvoid_t); +#endif +extern int j__udy1CascadeL(Pjp_t, Pvoid_t); + +extern int j__udy1InsertBranch(Pjp_t Pjp, Word_t Index, Word_t Btype, Pjpm_t); + +#else // JUDYL + +extern int j__udyLCreateBranchB(Pjp_t, Pjp_t, uint8_t *, Word_t, Pvoid_t); +extern int j__udyLCreateBranchU(Pjp_t, Pvoid_t); + +extern int j__udyLCascade1(Pjp_t, Pvoid_t); +extern int j__udyLCascade2(Pjp_t, Pvoid_t); +extern int j__udyLCascade3(Pjp_t, Pvoid_t); +#ifdef JU_64BIT +extern int j__udyLCascade4(Pjp_t, Pvoid_t); +extern int j__udyLCascade5(Pjp_t, Pvoid_t); +extern int j__udyLCascade6(Pjp_t, Pvoid_t); +extern int j__udyLCascade7(Pjp_t, Pvoid_t); +#endif +extern int j__udyLCascadeL(Pjp_t, Pvoid_t); + +extern int j__udyLInsertBranch(Pjp_t Pjp, Word_t Index, Word_t Btype, Pjpm_t); +#endif + + +// **************************************************************************** +// MACROS FOR COMMON CODE: +// +// Check if Index is an outlier to (that is, not a member of) this expanse: +// +// An outlier is an Index in-the-expanse of the slot containing the pointer, +// but not-in-the-expanse of the "narrow" pointer in that slot. (This means +// the Dcd part of the Index differs from the equivalent part of jp_DcdPopO.) +// Therefore, the remedy is to put a cJU_JPBRANCH_L* between the narrow pointer +// and the object to which it points, and add the outlier Index as an Immediate +// in the cJU_JPBRANCH_L*. The "trick" is placing the cJU_JPBRANCH_L* at a +// Level that is as low as possible. This is determined by counting the digits +// in the existing narrow pointer that are the same as the digits in the new +// Index (see j__udyInsertBranch()). +// +// Note: At some high Levels, cJU_DCDMASK() is all zeros => dead code; assume +// the compiler optimizes this out. + +#define JU_CHECK_IF_OUTLIER(Pjp, Index, cLevel, Pjpm) \ + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, cLevel)) \ + return(j__udyInsertBranch(Pjp, Index, cLevel, Pjpm)) + +// Check if an Index is already in a leaf or immediate, after calling +// j__udySearchLeaf*() to set Offset: +// +// A non-negative Offset means the Index already exists, so return 0; otherwise +// complement Offset to proceed. + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#define Pjv ignore // placeholder. +#define JU_CHECK_IF_EXISTS(Offset,ignore,Pjpm) \ + { \ + if ((Offset) >= 0) return(0); \ + (Offset) = ~(Offset); \ + } +#else +// For JudyL, also set the value area pointer in the Pjpm: + +#define JU_CHECK_IF_EXISTS(Offset,Pjv,Pjpm) \ + { \ + if ((Offset) >= 0) \ + { \ + (Pjpm)->jpm_PValue = (Pjv) + (Offset); \ + return(0); \ + } \ + (Offset) = ~(Offset); \ + } +#endif + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y I N S W A L K +// +// Walk the Judy tree to do a set/insert. This is only called internally, and +// recursively. Unlike Judy1Test() and JudyLGet(), the extra time required for +// recursion should be negligible compared with the total. +// +// Return -1 for error (details in JPM), 0 for Index already inserted, 1 for +// new Index inserted. + +FUNCTION static int j__udyInsWalk( + Pjp_t Pjp, // current JP to descend. + Word_t Index, // to insert. + Pjpm_t Pjpm) // for returning info to top Level. +{ + uint8_t digit; // from Index, current offset into a branch. + jp_t newJP; // for creating a new Immed JP. + Word_t exppop1; // expanse (leaf) population. + int retcode; // return codes: -1, 0, 1. + +#ifdef SUBEXPCOUNTS +// Pointer to BranchB/U subexpanse counter: +// +// Note: Very important for performance reasons (avoids cache fills). + + PWord_t PSubExp = (PWord_t) NULL; +#endif + +ContinueInsWalk: // for modifying state without recursing. + +#ifdef TRACEJP + JudyPrintJP(Pjp, "i", __LINE__); +#endif + + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) // entry: Pjp, Index. + { + + +// **************************************************************************** +// JPNULL*: +// +// Convert JP in place from current null type to cJU_JPIMMED_*_01 by +// calculating new JP type. + + case cJU_JPNULL1: + case cJU_JPNULL2: + case cJU_JPNULL3: +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPNULL4: + case cJU_JPNULL5: + case cJU_JPNULL6: + case cJU_JPNULL7: +#endif + assert((Pjp->jp_Addr) == 0); + JU_JPSETADT(Pjp, 0, Index, JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) + cJU_JPIMMED_1_01 - cJU_JPNULL1); +#ifdef JUDYL + // value area is first word of new Immed_01 JP: + Pjpm->jpm_PValue = (Pjv_t) (&(Pjp->jp_Addr)); +#endif + return(1); + + +// **************************************************************************** +// JPBRANCH_L*: +// +// If the new Index is not an outlier to the branchs expanse, and the branch +// should not be converted to uncompressed, extract the digit and record the +// Immediate type to create for a new Immed JP, before going to common code. +// +// Note: JU_CHECK_IF_OUTLIER() is a no-op for BranchB3[7] on 32[64]-bit. + +#define JU_BRANCH_OUTLIER(DIGIT,POP1,cLEVEL,PJP,INDEX,PJPM) \ + JU_CHECK_IF_OUTLIER(PJP, INDEX, cLEVEL, PJPM); \ + (DIGIT) = JU_DIGITATSTATE(INDEX, cLEVEL); \ + (POP1) = JU_JPBRANCH_POP0(PJP, cLEVEL) + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L2: + JU_BRANCH_OUTLIER(digit, exppop1, 2, Pjp, Index, Pjpm); + goto JudyBranchL; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L3: + JU_BRANCH_OUTLIER(digit, exppop1, 3, Pjp, Index, Pjpm); + goto JudyBranchL; + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L4: + JU_BRANCH_OUTLIER(digit, exppop1, 4, Pjp, Index, Pjpm); + goto JudyBranchL; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L5: + JU_BRANCH_OUTLIER(digit, exppop1, 5, Pjp, Index, Pjpm); + goto JudyBranchL; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L6: + JU_BRANCH_OUTLIER(digit, exppop1, 6, Pjp, Index, Pjpm); + goto JudyBranchL; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L7: + JU_BRANCH_OUTLIER(digit, exppop1, 7, Pjp, Index, Pjpm); + goto JudyBranchL; +#endif + +// Similar to common code above, but no outlier check is needed, and the Immed +// type depends on the word size: + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L: + { + Pjbl_t PjblRaw; // pointer to old linear branch. + Pjbl_t Pjbl; + Pjbu_t PjbuRaw; // pointer to new uncompressed branch. + Pjbu_t Pjbu; + Word_t numJPs; // number of JPs = populated expanses. + int offset; // in branch. + + digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, cJU_ROOTSTATE); + exppop1 = Pjpm->jpm_Pop0; + + // fall through: + +// COMMON CODE FOR LINEAR BRANCHES: +// +// Come here with digit and exppop1 already set. + +JudyBranchL: + PjblRaw = (Pjbl_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr); + Pjbl = P_JBL(PjblRaw); + +// If population under this branch greater than: + + if (exppop1 > JU_BRANCHL_MAX_POP) + goto ConvertBranchLtoU; + + numJPs = Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs; + + if ((numJPs == 0) || (numJPs > cJU_BRANCHLMAXJPS)) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO_NONNULL(Pjpm, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + return(-1); + } + +// Search for a match to the digit: + + offset = j__udySearchLeaf1((Pjll_t) (Pjbl->jbl_Expanse), numJPs, + digit); + +// If Index is found, offset is into an array of 1..cJU_BRANCHLMAXJPS JPs: + + if (offset >= 0) + { + Pjp = (Pjbl->jbl_jp) + offset; // address of next JP. + break; // continue walk. + } + +// Expanse is missing (not populated) for the passed Index, so insert an Immed +// -- if theres room: + + if (numJPs < cJU_BRANCHLMAXJPS) + { + offset = ~offset; // insertion offset. + + JU_JPSETADT(&newJP, 0, Index, + JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) + cJU_JPIMMED_1_01-cJU_JPBRANCH_L2); + + JU_INSERTINPLACE(Pjbl->jbl_Expanse, numJPs, offset, digit); + JU_INSERTINPLACE(Pjbl->jbl_jp, numJPs, offset, newJP); + + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted((Pjll_t) (Pjbl->jbl_Expanse), + numJPs + 1, /* IndexSize = */ 1);) + ++(Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs); +#ifdef JUDYL + // value area is first word of new Immed 01 JP: + Pjpm->jpm_PValue = (Pjv_t) ((Pjbl->jbl_jp) + offset); +#endif + return(1); + } + + +// MAXED OUT LINEAR BRANCH, CONVERT TO A BITMAP BRANCH, THEN INSERT: +// +// Copy the linear branch to a bitmap branch. +// +// TBD: Consider renaming j__udyCreateBranchB() to j__udyConvertBranchLtoB(). + + assert((numJPs) <= cJU_BRANCHLMAXJPS); + + if (j__udyCreateBranchB(Pjp, Pjbl->jbl_jp, Pjbl->jbl_Expanse, + numJPs, Pjpm) == -1) + { + return(-1); + } + +// Convert jp_Type from linear branch to equivalent bitmap branch: + + Pjp->jp_Type += cJU_JPBRANCH_B - cJU_JPBRANCH_L; + + j__udyFreeJBL(PjblRaw, Pjpm); // free old BranchL. + +// Having changed branch types, now do the insert in the new branch type: + + goto ContinueInsWalk; + + +// OPPORTUNISTICALLY CONVERT FROM BRANCHL TO BRANCHU: +// +// Memory efficiency is no object because the branchs pop1 is large enough, so +// speed up array access. Come here with PjblRaw set. Note: This is goto +// code because the previous block used to fall through into it as well, but no +// longer. + +ConvertBranchLtoU: + +// Allocate memory for an uncompressed branch: + + if ((PjbuRaw = j__udyAllocJBU(Pjpm)) == (Pjbu_t) NULL) + return(-1); + Pjbu = P_JBU(PjbuRaw); + +// Set the proper NULL type for most of the uncompressed branchs JPs: + + JU_JPSETADT(&newJP, 0, 0, + JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) - cJU_JPBRANCH_L2 + cJU_JPNULL1); + +// Initialize: Pre-set uncompressed branch to mostly JPNULL*s: + + for (numJPs = 0; numJPs < cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS; ++numJPs) + Pjbu->jbu_jp[numJPs] = newJP; + +// Copy JPs from linear branch to uncompressed branch: + + { +#ifdef SUBEXPCOUNTS + Word_t popmask = cJU_POP0MASK(JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + - cJU_JPBRANCH_L2 - 2; + + for (numJPs = 0; numJPs < cJU_NUMSUBEXPU; ++numJPs) + Pjbu->jbu_subPop1[numJPs] = 0; +#endif + for (numJPs = 0; numJPs < Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs; ++numJPs) + { + Pjp_t Pjp1 = &(Pjbl->jbl_jp[numJPs]); + offset = Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[numJPs]; + Pjbu->jbu_jp[offset] = *Pjp1; +#ifdef SUBEXPCOUNTS + Pjbu->jbu_subPop1[offset/cJU_NUMSUBEXPU] += + JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp1) & popmask + 1; +#endif + } + } + j__udyFreeJBL(PjblRaw, Pjpm); // free old BranchL. + +// Plug new values into parent JP: + + Pjp->jp_Addr = (Word_t) PjbuRaw; + Pjp->jp_Type += cJU_JPBRANCH_U - cJU_JPBRANCH_L; // to BranchU. + +// Save global population of last BranchU conversion: + + Pjpm->jpm_LastUPop0 = Pjpm->jpm_Pop0; + goto ContinueInsWalk; + + } // case cJU_JPBRANCH_L. + + +// **************************************************************************** +// JPBRANCH_B*: +// +// If the new Index is not an outlier to the branchs expanse, extract the +// digit and record the Immediate type to create for a new Immed JP, before +// going to common code. +// +// Note: JU_CHECK_IF_OUTLIER() is a no-op for BranchB3[7] on 32[64]-bit. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B2: + JU_BRANCH_OUTLIER(digit, exppop1, 2, Pjp, Index, Pjpm); + goto JudyBranchB; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B3: + JU_BRANCH_OUTLIER(digit, exppop1, 3, Pjp, Index, Pjpm); + goto JudyBranchB; + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B4: + JU_BRANCH_OUTLIER(digit, exppop1, 4, Pjp, Index, Pjpm); + goto JudyBranchB; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B5: + JU_BRANCH_OUTLIER(digit, exppop1, 5, Pjp, Index, Pjpm); + goto JudyBranchB; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B6: + JU_BRANCH_OUTLIER(digit, exppop1, 6, Pjp, Index, Pjpm); + goto JudyBranchB; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B7: + JU_BRANCH_OUTLIER(digit, exppop1, 7, Pjp, Index, Pjpm); + goto JudyBranchB; +#endif + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B: + { + Pjbb_t Pjbb; // pointer to bitmap branch. + Pjbb_t PjbbRaw; // pointer to bitmap branch. + Pjp_t Pjp2Raw; // 1 of N arrays of JPs. + Pjp_t Pjp2; // 1 of N arrays of JPs. + Word_t subexp; // 1 of N subexpanses in bitmap. + BITMAPB_t bitmap; // for one subexpanse. + BITMAPB_t bitmask; // bit set for Indexs digit. + Word_t numJPs; // number of JPs = populated expanses. + int offset; // in bitmap branch. + +// Similar to common code above, but no outlier check is needed, and the Immed +// type depends on the word size: + + digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, cJU_ROOTSTATE); + exppop1 = Pjpm->jpm_Pop0; + + // fall through: + + +// COMMON CODE FOR BITMAP BRANCHES: +// +// Come here with digit and exppop1 already set. + +JudyBranchB: + +// If population increment is greater than.. (300): + + if ((Pjpm->jpm_Pop0 - Pjpm->jpm_LastUPop0) > JU_BTOU_POP_INCREMENT) + { + +// If total population of array is greater than.. (750): + + if (Pjpm->jpm_Pop0 > JU_BRANCHB_MAX_POP) + { + +// If population under the branch is greater than.. (135): + + if (exppop1 > JU_BRANCHB_MIN_POP) + { + if (j__udyCreateBranchU(Pjp, Pjpm) == -1) return(-1); + +// Save global population of last BranchU conversion: + + Pjpm->jpm_LastUPop0 = Pjpm->jpm_Pop0; + + goto ContinueInsWalk; + } + } + } + +// CONTINUE TO USE BRANCHB: +// +// Get pointer to bitmap branch (JBB): + + PjbbRaw = (Pjbb_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr); + Pjbb = P_JBB(PjbbRaw); + +// Form the Int32 offset, and Bit offset values: +// +// 8 bit Decode | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | +// |SubExpanse | Bit offset | +// +// Get the 1 of 8 expanses from digit, Bits 5..7 = 1 of 8, and get the 32-bit +// word that may have a bit set: + + subexp = digit / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; + bitmap = JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp); + + Pjp2Raw = JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp); + Pjp2 = P_JP(Pjp2Raw); + +// Get the bit position that represents the desired expanse, and get the offset +// into the array of JPs for the JP that matches the bit. + + bitmask = JU_BITPOSMASKB(digit); + offset = j__udyCountBitsB(bitmap & (bitmask - 1)); + +// If JP is already in this expanse, get Pjp and continue the walk: + + if (bitmap & bitmask) + { +#ifdef SUBEXPCOUNTS + PSubExp = &(Pjbb->jbb_Counts[subexp]); // ptr to subexp counts. +#endif + Pjp = Pjp2 + offset; + break; // continue walk. + } + + +// ADD NEW EXPANSE FOR NEW INDEX: +// +// The new expanse always an cJU_JPIMMED_*_01 containing just the new Index, so +// finish setting up an Immed JP. + + JU_JPSETADT(&newJP, 0, Index, + JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) + cJU_JPIMMED_1_01-cJU_JPBRANCH_B2); + +// Get 1 of the 8 JP arrays and calculate number of JPs in subexpanse array: + + Pjp2Raw = JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp); + Pjp2 = P_JP(Pjp2Raw); + numJPs = j__udyCountBitsB(bitmap); + +// Expand branch JP subarray in-place: + + if (JU_BRANCHBJPGROWINPLACE(numJPs)) + { + assert(numJPs > 0); + JU_INSERTINPLACE(Pjp2, numJPs, offset, newJP); +#ifdef JUDYL + // value area is first word of new Immed 01 JP: + Pjpm->jpm_PValue = (Pjv_t) (Pjp2 + offset); +#endif + } + +// No room, allocate a bigger bitmap branch JP subarray: + + else + { + Pjp_t PjpnewRaw; + Pjp_t Pjpnew; + + if ((PjpnewRaw = j__udyAllocJBBJP(numJPs + 1, Pjpm)) == 0) + return(-1); + Pjpnew = P_JP(PjpnewRaw); + +// If there was an old JP array, then copy it, insert the new Immed JP, and +// free the old array: + + if (numJPs) + { + JU_INSERTCOPY(Pjpnew, Pjp2, numJPs, offset, newJP); + j__udyFreeJBBJP(Pjp2Raw, numJPs, Pjpm); +#ifdef JUDYL + // value area is first word of new Immed 01 JP: + Pjpm->jpm_PValue = (Pjv_t) (Pjpnew + offset); +#endif + } + +// New JP subarray; point to cJU_JPIMMED_*_01 and place it: + + else + { + assert(JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp) == (Pjp_t) NULL); + Pjp = Pjpnew; + *Pjp = newJP; // copy to new memory. +#ifdef JUDYL + // value area is first word of new Immed 01 JP: + Pjpm->jpm_PValue = (Pjv_t) (&(Pjp->jp_Addr)); +#endif + } + +// Place new JP subarray in BranchB: + + JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp) = PjpnewRaw; + + } // else + +// Set the new Indexs bit: + + JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp) |= bitmask; + + return(1); + + } // case + + +// **************************************************************************** +// JPBRANCH_U*: +// +// Just drop through the JP for the correct digit. If the JP turns out to be a +// JPNULL*, thats OK, the memory is already allocated, and the next walk +// simply places an Immed in it. +// +#ifdef SUBEXPCOUNTS +#define JU_GETSUBEXP(PSubExp,Pjbu,Digit) \ + (PSubExp) = &((Pjbu)->jbu_subPop1[(Digit) / cJU_NUMSUBEXPU]) +#else +#define JU_GETSUBEXP(PSubExp,Pjbu,Digit) // null. +#endif + +#define JU_JBU_PJP_SUBEXP(Pjp,PSubExp,Index,Level) \ + { \ + uint8_t digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, Level); \ + Pjbu_t P_jbu = P_JBU((Pjp)->jp_Addr); \ + (Pjp) = &(P_jbu->jbu_jp[digit]); \ + JU_GETSUBEXP(PSubExp, P_jbu, digit); \ + } + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U2: + JU_CHECK_IF_OUTLIER(Pjp, Index, 2, Pjpm); + JU_JBU_PJP_SUBEXP(Pjp, PSubExp, Index, 2); + break; + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U3: + JU_CHECK_IF_OUTLIER(Pjp, Index, 3, Pjpm); + JU_JBU_PJP_SUBEXP(Pjp, PSubExp, Index, 3); + break; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U4: + JU_CHECK_IF_OUTLIER(Pjp, Index, 4, Pjpm); + JU_JBU_PJP_SUBEXP(Pjp, PSubExp, Index, 4); + break; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U5: + JU_CHECK_IF_OUTLIER(Pjp, Index, 5, Pjpm); + JU_JBU_PJP_SUBEXP(Pjp, PSubExp, Index, 5); + break; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U6: + JU_CHECK_IF_OUTLIER(Pjp, Index, 6, Pjpm); + JU_JBU_PJP_SUBEXP(Pjp, PSubExp, Index, 6); + break; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U7: + JU_JBU_PJP_SUBEXP(Pjp, PSubExp, Index, 7); +#else + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U3: + JU_JBU_PJP_SUBEXP(Pjp, PSubExp, Index, 3); +#endif + break; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U: + JU_JBU_PJP_SUBEXP(Pjp, PSubExp, Index, cJU_ROOTSTATE); + break; + + +// **************************************************************************** +// JPLEAF*: +// +// COMMON CODE FRAGMENTS TO MINIMIZE REDUNDANCY BELOW: +// +// These are necessary to support performance by function and loop unrolling +// while avoiding huge amounts of nearly identical code. +// +// Prepare to handle a linear leaf: Check for an outlier; set pop1 and pointer +// to leaf: + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#define JU_LEAFVALUE(Pjv) // null. +#define JU_LEAFPREPVALUE(Pjv, ValueArea) // null. +#else +#define JU_LEAFVALUE(Pjv) Pjv_t Pjv +#define JU_LEAFPREPVALUE(Pjv, ValueArea) (Pjv) = ValueArea(Pleaf, exppop1) +#endif + +#define JU_LEAFPREP(cIS,Type,MaxPop1,ValueArea) \ + Pjll_t PjllRaw; \ + Type Pleaf; /* specific type */ \ + int offset; \ + JU_LEAFVALUE(Pjv); \ + \ + JU_CHECK_IF_OUTLIER(Pjp, Index, cIS, Pjpm); \ + \ + exppop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; \ + assert(exppop1 <= (MaxPop1)); \ + PjllRaw = (Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr); \ + Pleaf = (Type) P_JLL(PjllRaw); \ + JU_LEAFPREPVALUE(Pjv, ValueArea) + +// Add to, or grow, a linear leaf: Find Index position; if the Index is +// absent, if theres room in the leaf, insert the Index [and value of 0] in +// place, otherwise grow the leaf: +// +// Note: These insertions always take place with whole words, using +// JU_INSERTINPLACE() or JU_INSERTCOPY(). + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#define JU_LEAFGROWVALUEADD(Pjv,ExpPop1,Offset) // null. +#else +#define JU_LEAFGROWVALUEADD(Pjv,ExpPop1,Offset) \ + JU_INSERTINPLACE(Pjv, ExpPop1, Offset, 0); \ + Pjpm->jpm_PValue = (Pjv) + (Offset) +#endif + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#define JU_LEAFGROWVALUENEW(ValueArea,Pjv,ExpPop1,Offset) // null. +#else +#define JU_LEAFGROWVALUENEW(ValueArea,Pjv,ExpPop1,Offset) \ + { \ + Pjv_t Pjvnew = ValueArea(Pleafnew, (ExpPop1) + 1); \ + JU_INSERTCOPY(Pjvnew, Pjv, ExpPop1, Offset, 0); \ + Pjpm->jpm_PValue = (Pjvnew) + (Offset); \ + } +#endif + +#define JU_LEAFGROW(cIS,Type,MaxPop1,Search,ValueArea,GrowInPlace, \ + InsertInPlace,InsertCopy,Alloc,Free) \ + \ + offset = Search(Pleaf, exppop1, Index); \ + JU_CHECK_IF_EXISTS(offset, Pjv, Pjpm); \ + \ + if (GrowInPlace(exppop1)) /* add to current leaf */ \ + { \ + InsertInPlace(Pleaf, exppop1, offset, Index); \ + JU_LEAFGROWVALUEADD(Pjv, exppop1, offset); \ + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted((Pjll_t) Pleaf, exppop1 + 1, cIS);) \ + return(1); \ + } \ + \ + if (exppop1 < (MaxPop1)) /* grow to new leaf */ \ + { \ + Pjll_t PjllnewRaw; \ + Type Pleafnew; \ + if ((PjllnewRaw = Alloc(exppop1 + 1, Pjpm)) == 0) return(-1); \ + Pleafnew = (Type) P_JLL(PjllnewRaw); \ + InsertCopy(Pleafnew, Pleaf, exppop1, offset, Index); \ + JU_LEAFGROWVALUENEW(ValueArea, Pjv, exppop1, offset); \ + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted((Pjll_t) Pleafnew, exppop1 + 1, cIS);) \ + Free(PjllRaw, exppop1, Pjpm); \ + (Pjp->jp_Addr) = (Word_t) PjllnewRaw; \ + return(1); \ + } \ + assert(exppop1 == (MaxPop1)) + +// Handle linear leaf overflow (cascade): Splay or compress into smaller +// leaves: + +#define JU_LEAFCASCADE(MaxPop1,Cascade,Free) \ + if (Cascade(Pjp, Pjpm) == -1) return(-1); \ + Free(PjllRaw, MaxPop1, Pjpm); \ + goto ContinueInsWalk + +// Wrapper around all of the above: + +#define JU_LEAFSET(cIS,Type,MaxPop1,Search,GrowInPlace,InsertInPlace, \ + InsertCopy,Cascade,Alloc,Free,ValueArea) \ + { \ + JU_LEAFPREP(cIS,Type,MaxPop1,ValueArea); \ + JU_LEAFGROW(cIS,Type,MaxPop1,Search,ValueArea,GrowInPlace, \ + InsertInPlace,InsertCopy,Alloc,Free); \ + JU_LEAFCASCADE(MaxPop1,Cascade,Free); \ + } + +// END OF MACROS; LEAFL CASES START HERE: +// +// 64-bit Judy1 does not have 1-byte leaves: + +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + + case cJU_JPLEAF1: + + JU_LEAFSET(1, uint8_t *, cJU_LEAF1_MAXPOP1, j__udySearchLeaf1, + JU_LEAF1GROWINPLACE, JU_INSERTINPLACE, JU_INSERTCOPY, + j__udyCascade1, j__udyAllocJLL1, j__udyFreeJLL1, + JL_LEAF1VALUEAREA); + +#endif // (JUDYL || ! JU_64BIT) + + case cJU_JPLEAF2: + + JU_LEAFSET(2, uint16_t *, cJU_LEAF2_MAXPOP1, j__udySearchLeaf2, + JU_LEAF2GROWINPLACE, JU_INSERTINPLACE, JU_INSERTCOPY, + j__udyCascade2, j__udyAllocJLL2, j__udyFreeJLL2, + JL_LEAF2VALUEAREA); + + case cJU_JPLEAF3: + + JU_LEAFSET(3, uint8_t *, cJU_LEAF3_MAXPOP1, j__udySearchLeaf3, + JU_LEAF3GROWINPLACE, JU_INSERTINPLACE3, JU_INSERTCOPY3, + j__udyCascade3, j__udyAllocJLL3, j__udyFreeJLL3, + JL_LEAF3VALUEAREA); + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPLEAF4: + + JU_LEAFSET(4, uint32_t *, cJU_LEAF4_MAXPOP1, j__udySearchLeaf4, + JU_LEAF4GROWINPLACE, JU_INSERTINPLACE, JU_INSERTCOPY, + j__udyCascade4, j__udyAllocJLL4, j__udyFreeJLL4, + JL_LEAF4VALUEAREA); + + case cJU_JPLEAF5: + + JU_LEAFSET(5, uint8_t *, cJU_LEAF5_MAXPOP1, j__udySearchLeaf5, + JU_LEAF5GROWINPLACE, JU_INSERTINPLACE5, JU_INSERTCOPY5, + j__udyCascade5, j__udyAllocJLL5, j__udyFreeJLL5, + JL_LEAF5VALUEAREA); + + case cJU_JPLEAF6: + + JU_LEAFSET(6, uint8_t *, cJU_LEAF6_MAXPOP1, j__udySearchLeaf6, + JU_LEAF6GROWINPLACE, JU_INSERTINPLACE6, JU_INSERTCOPY6, + j__udyCascade6, j__udyAllocJLL6, j__udyFreeJLL6, + JL_LEAF6VALUEAREA); + + case cJU_JPLEAF7: + + JU_LEAFSET(7, uint8_t *, cJU_LEAF7_MAXPOP1, j__udySearchLeaf7, + JU_LEAF7GROWINPLACE, JU_INSERTINPLACE7, JU_INSERTCOPY7, + j__udyCascade7, j__udyAllocJLL7, j__udyFreeJLL7, + JL_LEAF7VALUEAREA); +#endif // JU_64BIT + + +// **************************************************************************** +// JPLEAF_B1: +// +// 8 bit Decode | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | +// |SubExpanse | Bit offset | +// +// Note: For JudyL, values are stored in 8 subexpanses, each a linear word +// array of up to 32 values each. + + case cJU_JPLEAF_B1: + { +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv_t PjvRaw; // pointer to value part of the leaf. + Pjv_t Pjv; // pointer to value part of the leaf. + Pjv_t PjvnewRaw; // new value area. + Pjv_t Pjvnew; // new value area. + Word_t subexp; // 1 of 8 subexpanses in bitmap. + Pjlb_t Pjlb; // pointer to bitmap part of the leaf. + BITMAPL_t bitmap; // for one subexpanse. + BITMAPL_t bitmask; // bit set for Indexs digit. + int offset; // of index in value area. +#endif + + JU_CHECK_IF_OUTLIER(Pjp, Index, 1, Pjpm); + +#ifdef JUDY1 + +// If Index (bit) is already set, return now: + + if (JU_BITMAPTESTL(P_JLB(Pjp->jp_Addr), Index)) return(0); + +// If bitmap is not full, set the new Indexs bit; otherwise convert to a Full: + + if ((exppop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1) + < cJU_JPFULLPOPU1_POP0) + { + JU_BITMAPSETL(P_JLB(Pjp->jp_Addr), Index); + } + else + { + j__udyFreeJLB1((Pjlb_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr), Pjpm); // free LeafB1. + Pjp->jp_Type = cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1; + Pjp->jp_Addr = 0; + } + +#else // JUDYL + +// This is very different from Judy1 because of the need to return a value area +// even for an existing Index, or manage the value area for a new Index, and +// because JudyL has no Full type: + +// Get last byte to decode from Index, and pointer to bitmap leaf: + + digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 1); + Pjlb = P_JLB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + +// Prepare additional values: + + subexp = digit / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL; // which subexpanse. + bitmap = JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp); // subexps 32-bit map. + PjvRaw = JL_JLB_PVALUE(Pjlb, subexp); // corresponding values. + Pjv = P_JV(PjvRaw); // corresponding values. + bitmask = JU_BITPOSMASKL(digit); // mask for Index. + offset = j__udyCountBitsL(bitmap & (bitmask - 1)); // of Index. + +// If Index already exists, get value pointer and exit: + + if (bitmap & bitmask) + { + assert(Pjv); + Pjpm->jpm_PValue = Pjv + offset; // existing value. + return(0); + } + +// Get the total bits set = expanse population of Value area: + + exppop1 = j__udyCountBitsL(bitmap); + +// If the value area can grow in place, do it: + + if (JL_LEAFVGROWINPLACE(exppop1)) + { + JU_INSERTINPLACE(Pjv, exppop1, offset, 0); + JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp) |= bitmask; // set Indexs bit. + Pjpm->jpm_PValue = Pjv + offset; // new value area. + return(1); + } + +// Increase size of value area: + + if ((PjvnewRaw = j__udyLAllocJV(exppop1 + 1, Pjpm)) + == (Pjv_t) NULL) return(-1); + Pjvnew = P_JV(PjvnewRaw); + + if (exppop1) // have existing value area. + { + assert(Pjv); + JU_INSERTCOPY(Pjvnew, Pjv, exppop1, offset, 0); + Pjpm->jpm_PValue = Pjvnew + offset; + j__udyLFreeJV(PjvRaw, exppop1, Pjpm); // free old values. + } + else // first index, new value area: + { + Pjpm->jpm_PValue = Pjvnew; + *(Pjpm->jpm_PValue) = 0; + } + +// Set bit for new Index and place new leaf value area in bitmap: + + JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp) |= bitmask; + JL_JLB_PVALUE(Pjlb, subexp) = PjvnewRaw; + +#endif // JUDYL + + return(1); + + } // case + + +#ifdef JUDY1 +// **************************************************************************** +// JPFULLPOPU1: +// +// If Index is not an outlier, then by definition its already set. + + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1: + + JU_CHECK_IF_OUTLIER(Pjp, Index, 1, Pjpm); + return(0); +#endif + + +// **************************************************************************** +// JPIMMED*: +// +// This is some of the most complex code in Judy considering Judy1 versus JudyL +// and 32-bit versus 64-bit variations. The following comments attempt to make +// this clearer. +// +// Of the 2 words in a JP, for immediate indexes Judy1 can use 2 words - 1 byte +// = 7 [15] bytes, but JudyL can only use 1 word - 1 byte = 3 [7] bytes because +// the other word is needed for a value area or a pointer to a value area. +// +// For both Judy1 and JudyL, cJU_JPIMMED_*_01 indexes are in word 2; otherwise +// for Judy1 only, a list of 2 or more indexes starts in word 1. JudyL keeps +// the list in word 2 because word 1 is a pointer (to a LeafV, that is, a leaf +// containing only values). Furthermore, cJU_JPIMMED_*_01 indexes are stored +// all-but-first-byte in jp_DcdPopO, not just the Index Sizes bytes. +// +// TBD: This can be confusing because Doug didnt use data structures for it. +// Instead he often directly accesses Pjp for the first word and jp_DcdPopO for +// the second word. It would be nice to use data structs, starting with +// jp_1Index and jp_LIndex where possible. +// +// Maximum Immed JP types for Judy1/JudyL, depending on Index Size (cIS): +// +// 32-bit 64-bit +// +// bytes: 7/ 3 15/ 7 (Judy1/JudyL) +// +// cIS +// 1_ 07/03 15/07 (as in: cJ1_JPIMMED_1_07) +// 2_ 03/01 07/03 +// 3_ 02/01 05/02 +// 4_ 03/01 +// 5_ 03/01 +// 6_ 02/01 +// 7_ 02/01 +// +// State transitions while inserting an Index, matching the above table: +// (Yes, this is very terse... Study it and it will make sense.) +// (Note, parts of this diagram are repeated below for quick reference.) +// +// +-- reformat JP here for Judy1 only, from word-2 to word-1 +// | +// | JUDY1 || JU_64BIT JUDY1 && JU_64BIT +// V +// 1_01 => 1_02 => 1_03 => [ 1_04 => ... => 1_07 => [ 1_08..15 => ]] Leaf1 (*) +// 2_01 => [ 2_02 => 2_03 => [ 2_04..07 => ]] Leaf2 +// 3_01 => [ 3_02 => [ 3_03..05 => ]] Leaf3 +// JU_64BIT only: +// 4_01 => [[ 4_02..03 => ]] Leaf4 +// 5_01 => [[ 5_02..03 => ]] Leaf5 +// 6_01 => [[ 6_02 => ]] Leaf6 +// 7_01 => [[ 7_02 => ]] Leaf7 +// +// (*) For Judy1 & 64-bit, go directly from cJU_JPIMMED_1_15 to a LeafB1; skip +// Leaf1, as described in Judy1.h regarding cJ1_JPLEAF1. + + +// COMMON CODE FRAGMENTS TO MINIMIZE REDUNDANCY BELOW: +// +// These are necessary to support performance by function and loop unrolling +// while avoiding huge amounts of nearly identical code. +// +// The differences between Judy1 and JudyL with respect to value area handling +// are just too large for completely common code between them... Oh well, some +// big ifdefs follow. However, even in the following ifdefd code, use cJU_*, +// JU_*, and Judy*() instead of cJ1_* / cJL_*, J1_* / JL_*, and +// Judy1*()/JudyL*(), for minimum diffs. +// +// Handle growth of cJU_JPIMMED_*_01 to cJU_JPIMMED_*_02, for an even or odd +// Index Size (cIS), given oldIndex, Index, and Pjll in the context: +// +// Put oldIndex and Index in their proper order. For odd indexes, must copy +// bytes. + +#ifdef JUDY1 + +#define JU_IMMSET_01_COPY_EVEN(ignore1,ignore2) \ + if (oldIndex < Index) { Pjll[0] = oldIndex; Pjll[1] = Index; } \ + else { Pjll[0] = Index; Pjll[1] = oldIndex; } + +#define JU_IMMSET_01_COPY_ODD(cIS,CopyWord) \ + if (oldIndex < Index) \ + { \ + CopyWord(Pjll + 0, oldIndex); \ + CopyWord(Pjll + (cIS), Index); \ + } \ + else \ + { \ + CopyWord(Pjll + 0, Index); \ + CopyWord(Pjll + (cIS), oldIndex); \ + } + +// The "real" *_01 Copy macro: +// +// Trim the high byte off Index, look for a match with the old Index, and if +// none, insert the new Index in the leaf in the correct place, given Pjp and +// Index in the context. +// +// Note: A single immediate index lives in the jp_DcdPopO field, but two or +// more reside starting at Pjp->jp_1Index. + +#define JU_IMMSET_01_COPY(cIS,LeafType,NewJPType,Copy,CopyWord) \ + { \ + LeafType Pjll; \ + Word_t oldIndex = JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp); \ + \ + Index = JU_TRIMTODCDSIZE(Index); \ + if (oldIndex == Index) return(0); \ + \ + Pjll = (LeafType) (Pjp->jp_1Index); \ + Copy(cIS,CopyWord); \ + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjll, 2, cIS);) \ + \ + Pjp->jp_Type = (NewJPType); \ + return(1); \ + } + +#else // JUDYL + +// Variations to also handle value areas; see comments above: +// +// For JudyL, Pjv (start of value area) and oldValue are also in the context; +// leave Pjv set to the value area for Index. + +#define JU_IMMSET_01_COPY_EVEN(cIS,CopyWord) \ + if (oldIndex < Index) \ + { \ + Pjll[0] = oldIndex; \ + Pjv [0] = oldValue; \ + Pjll[1] = Index; \ + ++Pjv; \ + } \ + else \ + { \ + Pjll[0] = Index; \ + Pjll[1] = oldIndex; \ + Pjv [1] = oldValue; \ + } + +#define JU_IMMSET_01_COPY_ODD(cIS,CopyWord) \ + if (oldIndex < Index) \ + { \ + CopyWord(Pjll + 0, oldIndex); \ + CopyWord(Pjll + (cIS), Index); \ + Pjv[0] = oldValue; \ + ++Pjv; \ + } \ + else \ + { \ + CopyWord(Pjll + 0, Index); \ + CopyWord(Pjll + (cIS), oldIndex); \ + Pjv[1] = oldValue; \ + } + +// The old value area is in the first word (*Pjp), and Pjv and Pjpm are also in +// the context. Also, unlike Judy1, indexes remain in word 2 (jp_LIndex), +// meaning insert-in-place rather than copy. +// +// Return jpm_PValue pointing to Indexs value area. If Index is new, allocate +// a 2-value-leaf and attach it to the JP. + +#define JU_IMMSET_01_COPY(cIS,LeafType,NewJPType,Copy,CopyWord) \ + { \ + LeafType Pjll; \ + Word_t oldIndex = JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp); \ + Word_t oldValue; \ + Pjv_t PjvRaw; \ + Pjv_t Pjv; \ + \ + Index = JU_TRIMTODCDSIZE(Index); \ + \ + if (oldIndex == Index) \ + { \ + Pjpm->jpm_PValue = (Pjv_t) Pjp; \ + return(0); \ + } \ + \ + if ((PjvRaw = j__udyLAllocJV(2, Pjpm)) == (Pjv_t) NULL) \ + return(-1); \ + Pjv = P_JV(PjvRaw); \ + \ + oldValue = Pjp->jp_Addr; \ + (Pjp->jp_Addr) = (Word_t) PjvRaw; \ + Pjll = (LeafType) (Pjp->jp_LIndex); \ + \ + Copy(cIS,CopyWord); \ + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjll, 2, cIS);) \ + \ + Pjp->jp_Type = (NewJPType); \ + *Pjv = 0; \ + Pjpm->jpm_PValue = Pjv; \ + return(1); \ + } + +// The following is a unique mix of JU_IMMSET_01() and JU_IMMSETCASCADE() for +// going from cJU_JPIMMED_*_01 directly to a cJU_JPLEAF* for JudyL: +// +// If Index is not already set, allocate a leaf, copy the old and new indexes +// into it, clear and return the new value area, and modify the current JP. +// Note that jp_DcdPop is set to a pop0 of 0 for now, and incremented later. + + +#define JU_IMMSET_01_CASCADE(cIS,LeafType,NewJPType,ValueArea, \ + Copy,CopyWord,Alloc) \ + { \ + Word_t D_P0; \ + LeafType PjllRaw; \ + LeafType Pjll; \ + Word_t oldIndex = JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp); \ + Word_t oldValue; \ + Pjv_t Pjv; \ + \ + Index = JU_TRIMTODCDSIZE(Index); \ + \ + if (oldIndex == Index) \ + { \ + Pjpm->jpm_PValue = (Pjv_t) (&(Pjp->jp_Addr)); \ + return(0); \ + } \ + \ + if ((PjllRaw = (LeafType) Alloc(2, Pjpm)) == (LeafType) NULL) \ + return(-1); \ + Pjll = (LeafType) P_JLL(PjllRaw); \ + Pjv = ValueArea(Pjll, 2); \ + \ + oldValue = Pjp->jp_Addr; \ + \ + Copy(cIS,CopyWord); \ + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjll, 2, cIS);) \ + \ + *Pjv = 0; \ + Pjpm->jpm_PValue = Pjv; \ + D_P0 = Index & cJU_DCDMASK(cIS); /* pop0 = 0 */ \ + JU_JPSETADT(Pjp, (Word_t)PjllRaw, D_P0, NewJPType); \ + \ + return(1); \ + } + +#endif // JUDYL + +// Handle growth of cJU_JPIMMED_*_[02..15]: + +#ifdef JUDY1 + +// Insert an Index into an immediate JP that has room for more, if the Index is +// not already present; given Pjp, Index, exppop1, Pjv, and Pjpm in the +// context: +// +// Note: Use this only when the JP format doesnt change, that is, going from +// cJU_JPIMMED_X_0Y to cJU_JPIMMED_X_0Z, where X >= 2 and Y+1 = Z. +// +// Note: Incrementing jp_Type is how to increase the Index population. + +#define JU_IMMSETINPLACE(cIS,LeafType,BaseJPType_02,Search,InsertInPlace) \ + { \ + LeafType Pjll; \ + int offset; \ + \ + exppop1 = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) - (BaseJPType_02) + 2; \ + offset = Search((Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_1Index), exppop1, Index); \ + \ + JU_CHECK_IF_EXISTS(offset, ignore, Pjpm); \ + \ + Pjll = (LeafType) (Pjp->jp_1Index); \ + InsertInPlace(Pjll, exppop1, offset, Index); \ + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjll, exppop1 + 1, cIS);) \ + ++(Pjp->jp_Type); \ + return(1); \ + } + +// Insert an Index into an immediate JP that has no room for more: +// +// If the Index is not already present, do a cascade (to a leaf); given Pjp, +// Index, Pjv, and Pjpm in the context. + + +#define JU_IMMSETCASCADE(cIS,OldPop1,LeafType,NewJPType, \ + ignore,Search,InsertCopy,Alloc) \ + { \ + Word_t D_P0; \ + Pjll_t PjllRaw; \ + Pjll_t Pjll; \ + int offset; \ + \ + offset = Search((Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_1Index), (OldPop1), Index); \ + JU_CHECK_IF_EXISTS(offset, ignore, Pjpm); \ + \ + if ((PjllRaw = Alloc((OldPop1) + 1, Pjpm)) == 0) return(-1); \ + Pjll = P_JLL(PjllRaw); \ + \ + InsertCopy((LeafType) Pjll, (LeafType) (Pjp->jp_1Index), \ + OldPop1, offset, Index); \ + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjll, (OldPop1) + 1, cIS);) \ + \ + D_P0 = (Index & cJU_DCDMASK(cIS)) + (OldPop1) - 1; \ + JU_JPSETADT(Pjp, (Word_t)PjllRaw, D_P0, NewJPType); \ + return(1); \ + } + +#else // JUDYL + +// Variations to also handle value areas; see comments above: +// +// For JudyL, Pjv (start of value area) is also in the context. +// +// TBD: This code makes a true but weak assumption that a JudyL 32-bit 2-index +// value area must be copied to a new 3-index value area. AND it doesnt know +// anything about JudyL 64-bit cases (cJU_JPIMMED_1_0[3-7] only) where the +// value area can grow in place! However, this should not break it, just slow +// it down. + +#define JU_IMMSETINPLACE(cIS,LeafType,BaseJPType_02,Search,InsertInPlace) \ + { \ + LeafType Pleaf; \ + int offset; \ + Pjv_t PjvRaw; \ + Pjv_t Pjv; \ + Pjv_t PjvnewRaw; \ + Pjv_t Pjvnew; \ + \ + exppop1 = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) - (BaseJPType_02) + 2; \ + offset = Search((Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_LIndex), exppop1, Index); \ + PjvRaw = (Pjv_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr); \ + Pjv = P_JV(PjvRaw); \ + \ + JU_CHECK_IF_EXISTS(offset, Pjv, Pjpm); \ + \ + if ((PjvnewRaw = j__udyLAllocJV(exppop1 + 1, Pjpm)) \ + == (Pjv_t) NULL) return(-1); \ + Pjvnew = P_JV(PjvnewRaw); \ + \ + Pleaf = (LeafType) (Pjp->jp_LIndex); \ + \ + InsertInPlace(Pleaf, exppop1, offset, Index); \ + /* see TBD above about this: */ \ + JU_INSERTCOPY(Pjvnew, Pjv, exppop1, offset, 0); \ + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pleaf, exppop1 + 1, cIS);) \ + j__udyLFreeJV(PjvRaw, exppop1, Pjpm); \ + Pjp->jp_Addr = (Word_t) PjvnewRaw; \ + Pjpm->jpm_PValue = Pjvnew + offset; \ + \ + ++(Pjp->jp_Type); \ + return(1); \ + } + +#define JU_IMMSETCASCADE(cIS,OldPop1,LeafType,NewJPType, \ + ValueArea,Search,InsertCopy,Alloc) \ + { \ + Word_t D_P0; \ + Pjll_t PjllRaw; \ + Pjll_t Pjll; \ + int offset; \ + Pjv_t PjvRaw; \ + Pjv_t Pjv; \ + Pjv_t Pjvnew; \ + \ + PjvRaw = (Pjv_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr); \ + Pjv = P_JV(PjvRaw); \ + offset = Search((Pjll_t) (Pjp->jp_LIndex), (OldPop1), Index); \ + JU_CHECK_IF_EXISTS(offset, Pjv, Pjpm); \ + \ + if ((PjllRaw = Alloc((OldPop1) + 1, Pjpm)) == 0) \ + return(-1); \ + Pjll = P_JLL(PjllRaw); \ + InsertCopy((LeafType) Pjll, (LeafType) (Pjp->jp_LIndex), \ + OldPop1, offset, Index); \ + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjll, (OldPop1) + 1, cIS);) \ + \ + Pjvnew = ValueArea(Pjll, (OldPop1) + 1); \ + JU_INSERTCOPY(Pjvnew, Pjv, OldPop1, offset, 0); \ + j__udyLFreeJV(PjvRaw, (OldPop1), Pjpm); \ + Pjpm->jpm_PValue = Pjvnew + offset; \ + \ + D_P0 = (Index & cJU_DCDMASK(cIS)) + (OldPop1) - 1; \ + JU_JPSETADT(Pjp, (Word_t)PjllRaw, D_P0, NewJPType); \ + return(1); \ + } + +#endif // JUDYL + +// Common convenience/shorthand wrappers around JU_IMMSET_01_COPY() for +// even/odd index sizes: + +#define JU_IMMSET_01( cIS, LeafType, NewJPType) \ + JU_IMMSET_01_COPY(cIS, LeafType, NewJPType, JU_IMMSET_01_COPY_EVEN, \ + ignore) + +#define JU_IMMSET_01_ODD( cIS, NewJPType, CopyWord) \ + JU_IMMSET_01_COPY(cIS, uint8_t *, NewJPType, JU_IMMSET_01_COPY_ODD, \ + CopyWord) + + +// END OF MACROS; IMMED CASES START HERE: + +// cJU_JPIMMED_*_01 cases: +// +// 1_01 always leads to 1_02: +// +// (1_01 => 1_02 => 1_03 => [ 1_04 => ... => 1_07 => [ 1_08..15 => ]] LeafL) + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_01: JU_IMMSET_01(1, uint8_t *, cJU_JPIMMED_1_02); + +// 2_01 leads to 2_02, and 3_01 leads to 3_02, except for JudyL 32-bit, where +// they lead to a leaf: +// +// (2_01 => [ 2_02 => 2_03 => [ 2_04..07 => ]] LeafL) +// (3_01 => [ 3_02 => [ 3_03..05 => ]] LeafL) + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_01: JU_IMMSET_01(2, uint16_t *, cJU_JPIMMED_2_02); + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_01: JU_IMMSET_01_ODD (3, cJU_JPIMMED_3_02, + JU_COPY3_LONG_TO_PINDEX); +#else + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_01: + JU_IMMSET_01_CASCADE(2, uint16_t *, cJU_JPLEAF2, JL_LEAF2VALUEAREA, + JU_IMMSET_01_COPY_EVEN, ignore, + j__udyAllocJLL2); + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_01: + JU_IMMSET_01_CASCADE(3, uint8_t *, cJU_JPLEAF3, JL_LEAF3VALUEAREA, + JU_IMMSET_01_COPY_ODD, + JU_COPY3_LONG_TO_PINDEX, j__udyAllocJLL3); +#endif + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + +// [4-7]_01 lead to [4-7]_02 for Judy1, and to leaves for JudyL: +// +// (4_01 => [[ 4_02..03 => ]] LeafL) +// (5_01 => [[ 5_02..03 => ]] LeafL) +// (6_01 => [[ 6_02 => ]] LeafL) +// (7_01 => [[ 7_02 => ]] LeafL) + +#ifdef JUDY1 + case cJU_JPIMMED_4_01: JU_IMMSET_01(4, uint32_t *, cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02); + case cJU_JPIMMED_5_01: JU_IMMSET_01_ODD(5, cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02, + JU_COPY5_LONG_TO_PINDEX); + case cJU_JPIMMED_6_01: JU_IMMSET_01_ODD(6, cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02, + JU_COPY6_LONG_TO_PINDEX); + case cJU_JPIMMED_7_01: JU_IMMSET_01_ODD(7, cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02, + JU_COPY7_LONG_TO_PINDEX); +#else // JUDYL + case cJU_JPIMMED_4_01: + JU_IMMSET_01_CASCADE(4, uint32_t *, cJU_JPLEAF4, JL_LEAF4VALUEAREA, + JU_IMMSET_01_COPY_EVEN, ignore, + j__udyAllocJLL4); + case cJU_JPIMMED_5_01: + JU_IMMSET_01_CASCADE(5, uint8_t *, cJU_JPLEAF5, JL_LEAF5VALUEAREA, + JU_IMMSET_01_COPY_ODD, + JU_COPY5_LONG_TO_PINDEX, j__udyAllocJLL5); + case cJU_JPIMMED_6_01: + JU_IMMSET_01_CASCADE(6, uint8_t *, cJU_JPLEAF6, JL_LEAF6VALUEAREA, + JU_IMMSET_01_COPY_ODD, + JU_COPY6_LONG_TO_PINDEX, j__udyAllocJLL6); + case cJU_JPIMMED_7_01: + JU_IMMSET_01_CASCADE(7, uint8_t *, cJU_JPLEAF7, JL_LEAF7VALUEAREA, + JU_IMMSET_01_COPY_ODD, + JU_COPY7_LONG_TO_PINDEX, j__udyAllocJLL7); +#endif // JUDYL +#endif // JU_64BIT + +// cJU_JPIMMED_1_* cases that can grow in place: +// +// (1_01 => 1_02 => 1_03 => [ 1_04 => ... => 1_07 => [ 1_08..15 => ]] LeafL) + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_02: +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_03: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_04: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_05: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_06: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_07: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_08: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_09: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_10: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_11: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_12: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_13: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_14: +#endif + JU_IMMSETINPLACE(1, uint8_t *, cJU_JPIMMED_1_02, j__udySearchLeaf1, + JU_INSERTINPLACE); + +// cJU_JPIMMED_1_* cases that must cascade: +// +// (1_01 => 1_02 => 1_03 => [ 1_04 => ... => 1_07 => [ 1_08..15 => ]] LeafL) + +#if (defined(JUDYL) && (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_03: + JU_IMMSETCASCADE(1, 3, uint8_t *, cJU_JPLEAF1, JL_LEAF1VALUEAREA, + j__udySearchLeaf1, JU_INSERTCOPY, + j__udyAllocJLL1); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_07: + JU_IMMSETCASCADE(1, 7, uint8_t *, cJU_JPLEAF1, ignore, + j__udySearchLeaf1, JU_INSERTCOPY, + j__udyAllocJLL1); + +#endif +#if (defined(JUDYL) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_07: + JU_IMMSETCASCADE(1, 7, uint8_t *, cJU_JPLEAF1, JL_LEAF1VALUEAREA, + j__udySearchLeaf1, JU_INSERTCOPY, + j__udyAllocJLL1); + +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) +// Special case, as described above, go directly from Immed to LeafB1: + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_15: + { + Word_t DcdP0; + int offset; + Pjlb_t PjlbRaw; + Pjlb_t Pjlb; + + offset = j__udySearchLeaf1((Pjll_t) Pjp->jp_1Index, 15, Index); + + JU_CHECK_IF_EXISTS(offset, ignore, Pjpm); + +// Create a bitmap leaf (special case for Judy1 64-bit only, see usage): Set +// new Index in bitmap, copy an Immed1_15 to the bitmap, and set the parent JP +// EXCEPT jp_DcdPopO, leaving any followup to the caller: + + if ((PjlbRaw = j__udyAllocJLB1(Pjpm)) == (Pjlb_t) NULL) + return(-1); + Pjlb = P_JLB(PjlbRaw); + + JU_BITMAPSETL(Pjlb, Index); + + for (offset = 0; offset < 15; ++offset) + JU_BITMAPSETL(Pjlb, Pjp->jp_1Index[offset]); + +// Set jp_DcdPopO including the current pop0; incremented later: + DcdP0 = (Index & cJU_DCDMASK(1)) + 15 - 1; + JU_JPSETADT(Pjp, (Word_t)PjlbRaw, DcdP0, cJU_JPLEAF_B1); + + return(1); + } +#endif + +// cJU_JPIMMED_[2..7]_[02..15] cases that grow in place or cascade: +// +// (2_01 => [ 2_02 => 2_03 => [ 2_04..07 => ]] LeafL) + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_02: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_03: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_04: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_05: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_06: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + JU_IMMSETINPLACE(2, uint16_t *, cJU_JPIMMED_2_02, j__udySearchLeaf2, + JU_INSERTINPLACE); +#endif + +#undef OLDPOP1 +#if ((defined(JUDY1) && (! defined(JU_64BIT))) || (defined(JUDYL) && defined(JU_64BIT))) + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_03: +#define OLDPOP1 3 +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_07: +#define OLDPOP1 7 +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + JU_IMMSETCASCADE(2, OLDPOP1, uint16_t *, cJU_JPLEAF2, + JL_LEAF2VALUEAREA, j__udySearchLeaf2, + JU_INSERTCOPY, j__udyAllocJLL2); +#endif + +// (3_01 => [ 3_02 => [ 3_03..05 => ]] LeafL) + +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_02: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_03: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_04: + + JU_IMMSETINPLACE(3, uint8_t *, cJU_JPIMMED_3_02, j__udySearchLeaf3, + JU_INSERTINPLACE3); +#endif + +#undef OLDPOP1 +#if ((defined(JUDY1) && (! defined(JU_64BIT))) || (defined(JUDYL) && defined(JU_64BIT))) + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_02: +#define OLDPOP1 2 +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_05: +#define OLDPOP1 5 +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + JU_IMMSETCASCADE(3, OLDPOP1, uint8_t *, cJU_JPLEAF3, + JL_LEAF3VALUEAREA, j__udySearchLeaf3, + JU_INSERTCOPY3, j__udyAllocJLL3); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + +// (4_01 => [[ 4_02..03 => ]] LeafL) + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02: + + JU_IMMSETINPLACE(4, uint32_t *, cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02, j__udySearchLeaf4, + JU_INSERTINPLACE); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_03: + + JU_IMMSETCASCADE(4, 3, uint32_t *, cJU_JPLEAF4, ignore, + j__udySearchLeaf4, JU_INSERTCOPY, + j__udyAllocJLL4); + +// (5_01 => [[ 5_02..03 => ]] LeafL) + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02: + + JU_IMMSETINPLACE(5, uint8_t *, cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02, j__udySearchLeaf5, + JU_INSERTINPLACE5); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_03: + + JU_IMMSETCASCADE(5, 3, uint8_t *, cJU_JPLEAF5, ignore, + j__udySearchLeaf5, JU_INSERTCOPY5, + j__udyAllocJLL5); + +// (6_01 => [[ 6_02 => ]] LeafL) + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02: + + JU_IMMSETCASCADE(6, 2, uint8_t *, cJU_JPLEAF6, ignore, + j__udySearchLeaf6, JU_INSERTCOPY6, + j__udyAllocJLL6); + +// (7_01 => [[ 7_02 => ]] LeafL) + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02: + + JU_IMMSETCASCADE(7, 2, uint8_t *, cJU_JPLEAF7, ignore, + j__udySearchLeaf7, JU_INSERTCOPY7, + j__udyAllocJLL7); + +#endif // (JUDY1 && JU_64BIT) + + +// **************************************************************************** +// INVALID JP TYPE: + + default: JU_SET_ERRNO_NONNULL(Pjpm, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); return(-1); + + } // switch on JP type + + { + +#ifdef SUBEXPCOUNTS + +// This code might seem strange here. However it saves some memory read time +// during insert (~70nS) because a pipelined processor does not need to "stall" +// waiting for the memory read to complete. Hope the compiler is not too smart +// or dumb and moves the code down to where it looks like it belongs (below a +// few lines). + + Word_t SubExpCount = 0; // current subexpanse counter. + + if (PSubExp != (PWord_t) NULL) // only if BranchB/U. + SubExpCount = PSubExp[0]; +#endif + +// PROCESS JP -- RECURSIVELY: +// +// For non-Immed JP types, if successful, post-increment the population count +// at this Level. + + retcode = j__udyInsWalk(Pjp, Index, Pjpm); + +// Successful insert, increment JP and subexpanse count: + + if ((JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) < cJU_JPIMMED_1_01) && (retcode == 1)) + { + jp_t JP; + Word_t DcdP0; +#ifdef SUBEXPCOUNTS + +// Note: Pjp must be a pointer to a BranchB/U: + + if (PSubExp != (PWord_t) NULL) PSubExp[0] = SubExpCount + 1; +#endif + + JP = *Pjp; + DcdP0 = JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) + 1; + JU_JPSETADT(Pjp, JP.jp_Addr, DcdP0, JU_JPTYPE(&JP)); + } + } + return(retcode); + +} // j__udyInsWalk() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y 1 S E T +// J U D Y L I N S +// +// Main entry point. See the manual entry for details. + +#ifdef JUDY1 +FUNCTION int Judy1Set +#else +FUNCTION PPvoid_t JudyLIns +#endif + ( + PPvoid_t PPArray, // in which to insert. + Word_t Index, // to insert. + PJError_t PJError // optional, for returning error info. + ) +{ +#ifdef JUDY1 +#define Pjv ignore // placeholders for macros. +#define Pjvnew ignore +#else + Pjv_t Pjv; // value area in old leaf. + Pjv_t Pjvnew; // value area in new leaf. +#endif + Pjpm_t Pjpm; // array-global info. + int offset; // position in which to store new Index. + Pjlw_t Pjlw; + + +// CHECK FOR NULL POINTER (error by caller): + + if (PPArray == (PPvoid_t) NULL) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NULLPPARRAY); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + + Pjlw = P_JLW(*PPArray); // first word of leaf. + +// **************************************************************************** +// PROCESS TOP LEVEL "JRP" BRANCHES AND LEAVES: + +// **************************************************************************** +// JRPNULL (EMPTY ARRAY): BUILD A LEAFW WITH ONE INDEX: + +// if a valid empty array (null pointer), so create an array of population == 1: + + if (Pjlw == (Pjlw_t)NULL) + { + Pjlw_t Pjlwnew; + + Pjlwnew = j__udyAllocJLW(1); + JUDY1CODE(JU_CHECKALLOC(Pjlw_t, Pjlwnew, JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(JU_CHECKALLOC(Pjlw_t, Pjlwnew, PPJERR);) + + Pjlwnew[0] = 1 - 1; // pop0 = 0. + Pjlwnew[1] = Index; + + *PPArray = (Pvoid_t) Pjlwnew; + DBGCODE(JudyCheckPop(*PPArray);) + + JUDY1CODE(return(1); ) + JUDYLCODE(Pjlwnew[2] = 0; ) // value area. + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) (Pjlwnew + 2)); ) + + } // NULL JRP + +// **************************************************************************** +// LEAFW, OTHER SIZE: + + if (JU_LEAFW_POP0(*PPArray) < cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1) // must be a LEAFW + { + Pjlw_t Pjlwnew; + Word_t pop1; + + Pjlw = P_JLW(*PPArray); // first word of leaf. + pop1 = Pjlw[0] + 1; + +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv = JL_LEAFWVALUEAREA(Pjlw, pop1); +#endif + offset = j__udySearchLeafW(Pjlw + 1, pop1, Index); + + if (offset >= 0) // index is already valid: + { + DBGCODE(JudyCheckPop(*PPArray);) + JUDY1CODE(return(0); ) + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) (Pjv + offset)); ) + } + + offset = ~offset; + +// Insert index in cases where no new memory is needed: + + if (JU_LEAFWGROWINPLACE(pop1)) + { + ++Pjlw[0]; // increase population. + + JU_INSERTINPLACE(Pjlw + 1, pop1, offset, Index); +#ifdef JUDYL + JU_INSERTINPLACE(Pjv, pop1, offset, 0); +#endif + DBGCODE(JudyCheckPop(*PPArray);) + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjlw + 1, pop1 + 1, cJU_ROOTSTATE);) + + JUDY1CODE(return(1); ) + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) (Pjv + offset)); ) + } + +// Insert index into a new, larger leaf: + + if (pop1 < cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1) // can grow to a larger leaf. + { + Pjlwnew = j__udyAllocJLW(pop1 + 1); + JUDY1CODE(JU_CHECKALLOC(Pjlw_t, Pjlwnew, JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(JU_CHECKALLOC(Pjlw_t, Pjlwnew, PPJERR);) + + Pjlwnew[0] = pop1; // set pop0 in new leaf. + + JU_INSERTCOPY(Pjlwnew + 1, Pjlw + 1, pop1, offset, Index); +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjvnew = JL_LEAFWVALUEAREA(Pjlwnew, pop1 + 1); + JU_INSERTCOPY(Pjvnew, Pjv, pop1, offset, 0); +#endif + DBGCODE(JudyCheckSorted(Pjlwnew + 1, pop1 + 1, cJU_ROOTSTATE);) + + j__udyFreeJLW(Pjlw, pop1, NULL); + + *PPArray = (Pvoid_t) Pjlwnew; + DBGCODE(JudyCheckPop(*PPArray);) + + JUDY1CODE(return(1); ) + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) (Pjvnew + offset)); ) + } + + assert(pop1 == cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1); + +// Leaf at max size => cannot insert new index, so cascade instead: +// +// Upon cascading from a LEAFW leaf to the first branch, must allocate and +// initialize a JPM. + + Pjpm = j__udyAllocJPM(); + JUDY1CODE(JU_CHECKALLOC(Pjpm_t, Pjpm, JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(JU_CHECKALLOC(Pjpm_t, Pjpm, PPJERR);) + + (Pjpm->jpm_Pop0) = cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1 - 1; + (Pjpm->jpm_JP.jp_Addr) = (Word_t) Pjlw; + + if (j__udyCascadeL(&(Pjpm->jpm_JP), Pjpm) == -1) + { + JU_COPY_ERRNO(PJError, Pjpm); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + +// Note: No need to pass Pjpm for memory decrement; LEAFW memory is never +// counted in a JPM at all: + + j__udyFreeJLW(Pjlw, cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1, NULL); + *PPArray = (Pvoid_t) Pjpm; + + } // JU_LEAFW + +// **************************************************************************** +// BRANCH: + + { + int retcode; // really only needed for Judy1, but free for JudyL. + + Pjpm = P_JPM(*PPArray); + retcode = j__udyInsWalk(&(Pjpm->jpm_JP), Index, Pjpm); + + if (retcode == -1) + { + JU_COPY_ERRNO(PJError, Pjpm); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + + if (retcode == 1) ++(Pjpm->jpm_Pop0); // incr total array popu. + + assert(((Pjpm->jpm_JP.jp_Type) == cJU_JPBRANCH_L) + || ((Pjpm->jpm_JP.jp_Type) == cJU_JPBRANCH_B) + || ((Pjpm->jpm_JP.jp_Type) == cJU_JPBRANCH_U)); + DBGCODE(JudyCheckPop(*PPArray);) + +#ifdef JUDY1 + assert((retcode == 0) || (retcode == 1)); + return(retcode); // == JU_RET_*_JPM(). +#else + assert(Pjpm->jpm_PValue != (Pjv_t) NULL); + return((PPvoid_t) Pjpm->jpm_PValue); +#endif + } + /*NOTREACHED*/ + +} // Judy1Set() / JudyLIns() diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/JudyLInsArray.c b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/JudyLInsArray.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bbd92a7a --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/JudyLInsArray.c @@ -0,0 +1,1178 @@ +// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company +// +// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +// under the term of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +// option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +// _________________ + +// TBD: It would probably be faster for the caller if the JudyL version took +// PIndex as an interleaved array of indexes and values rather than just +// indexes with a separate values array (PValue), especially considering +// indexes and values are copied here with for-loops anyway and not the +// equivalent of memcpy(). All code could be revised to simply count by two +// words for JudyL? Supports "streaming" the data to/from disk better later? +// In which case get rid of JU_ERRNO_NULLPVALUE, no longer needed, and simplify +// the API to this code. +// _________________ + +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ +// +// Judy1SetArray() and JudyLInsArray() functions for Judy1 and JudyL. +// Compile with one of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL. + +#if (! (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JUDYL))) +#error: One of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL must be specified. +#endif + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#include "Judy1.h" +#else +#include "JudyL.h" +#endif + +#include "JudyPrivate1L.h" + +DBGCODE(extern void JudyCheckPop(Pvoid_t PArray);) + + +// IMMED AND LEAF SIZE AND BRANCH TYPE ARRAYS: +// +// These support fast and easy lookup by level. + +static uint8_t immed_maxpop1[] = { + 0, + cJU_IMMED1_MAXPOP1, + cJU_IMMED2_MAXPOP1, + cJU_IMMED3_MAXPOP1, +#ifdef JU_64BIT + cJU_IMMED4_MAXPOP1, + cJU_IMMED5_MAXPOP1, + cJU_IMMED6_MAXPOP1, + cJU_IMMED7_MAXPOP1, +#endif + // note: There are no IMMEDs for whole words. +}; + +static uint8_t leaf_maxpop1[] = { + 0, +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + cJU_LEAF1_MAXPOP1, +#else + 0, // 64-bit Judy1 has no Leaf1. +#endif + cJU_LEAF2_MAXPOP1, + cJU_LEAF3_MAXPOP1, +#ifdef JU_64BIT + cJU_LEAF4_MAXPOP1, + cJU_LEAF5_MAXPOP1, + cJU_LEAF6_MAXPOP1, + cJU_LEAF7_MAXPOP1, +#endif + // note: Root-level leaves are handled differently. +}; + +static uint8_t branchL_JPtype[] = { + 0, + 0, + cJU_JPBRANCH_L2, + cJU_JPBRANCH_L3, +#ifdef JU_64BIT + cJU_JPBRANCH_L4, + cJU_JPBRANCH_L5, + cJU_JPBRANCH_L6, + cJU_JPBRANCH_L7, +#endif + cJU_JPBRANCH_L, +}; + +static uint8_t branchB_JPtype[] = { + 0, + 0, + cJU_JPBRANCH_B2, + cJU_JPBRANCH_B3, +#ifdef JU_64BIT + cJU_JPBRANCH_B4, + cJU_JPBRANCH_B5, + cJU_JPBRANCH_B6, + cJU_JPBRANCH_B7, +#endif + cJU_JPBRANCH_B, +}; + +static uint8_t branchU_JPtype[] = { + 0, + 0, + cJU_JPBRANCH_U2, + cJU_JPBRANCH_U3, +#ifdef JU_64BIT + cJU_JPBRANCH_U4, + cJU_JPBRANCH_U5, + cJU_JPBRANCH_U6, + cJU_JPBRANCH_U7, +#endif + cJU_JPBRANCH_U, +}; + +// Subexpanse masks are similer to JU_DCDMASK() but without the need to clear +// the first digits bits. Avoid doing variable shifts by precomputing a +// lookup array. + +static Word_t subexp_mask[] = { + 0, + ~cJU_POP0MASK(1), + ~cJU_POP0MASK(2), + ~cJU_POP0MASK(3), +#ifdef JU_64BIT + ~cJU_POP0MASK(4), + ~cJU_POP0MASK(5), + ~cJU_POP0MASK(6), + ~cJU_POP0MASK(7), +#endif +}; + + +// FUNCTION PROTOTYPES: + +static bool_t j__udyInsArray(Pjp_t PjpParent, int Level, PWord_t PPop1, + PWord_t PIndex, +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv_t PValue, +#endif + Pjpm_t Pjpm); + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y 1 S E T A R R A Y +// J U D Y L I N S A R R A Y +// +// Main entry point. See the manual entry for external overview. +// +// TBD: Until thats written, note that the function returns 1 for success or +// JERRI for serious error, including insufficient memory to build whole array; +// use Judy*Count() to see how many were stored, the first N of the total +// Count. Also, since it takes Count == Pop1, it cannot handle a full array. +// Also, "sorted" means ascending without duplicates, otherwise you get the +// "unsorted" error. +// +// The purpose of these functions is to allow rapid construction of a large +// Judy array given a sorted list of indexes (and for JudyL, corresponding +// values). At least one customer saw this as useful, and probably it would +// also be useful as a sufficient workaround for fast(er) unload/reload to/from +// disk. +// +// This code is written recursively for simplicity, until/unless someone +// decides to make it faster and more complex. Hopefully recursion is fast +// enough simply because the function is so much faster than a series of +// Set/Ins calls. + +#ifdef JUDY1 +FUNCTION int Judy1SetArray +#else +FUNCTION int JudyLInsArray +#endif + ( + PPvoid_t PPArray, // in which to insert, initially empty. + Word_t Count, // number of indexes (and values) to insert. +const Word_t * const PIndex, // list of indexes to insert. +#ifdef JUDYL +const Word_t * const PValue, // list of corresponding values. +#endif + PJError_t PJError // optional, for returning error info. + ) +{ + Pjlw_t Pjlw; // new root-level leaf. + Pjlw_t Pjlwindex; // first index in root-level leaf. + int offset; // in PIndex. + + +// CHECK FOR NULL OR NON-NULL POINTER (error by caller): + + if (PPArray == (PPvoid_t) NULL) + { JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NULLPPARRAY); return(JERRI); } + + if (*PPArray != (Pvoid_t) NULL) + { JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NONNULLPARRAY); return(JERRI); } + + if (PIndex == (PWord_t) NULL) + { JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NULLPINDEX); return(JERRI); } + +#ifdef JUDYL + if (PValue == (PWord_t) NULL) + { JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NULLPVALUE); return(JERRI); } +#endif + + +// HANDLE LARGE COUNT (= POP1) (typical case): +// +// Allocate and initialize a JPM, set the root pointer to point to it, and then +// build the tree underneath it. + +// Common code for unusual error handling when no JPM available: + + if (Count > cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1) // too big for root-level leaf. + { + Pjpm_t Pjpm; // new, to allocate. + +// Allocate JPM: + + Pjpm = j__udyAllocJPM(); + JU_CHECKALLOC(Pjpm_t, Pjpm, JERRI); + *PPArray = (Pvoid_t) Pjpm; + +// Set some JPM fields: + + (Pjpm->jpm_Pop0) = Count - 1; + // note: (Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords) is now initialized. + +// Build Judy tree: +// +// In case of error save the final Count, possibly modified, unless modified to +// 0, in which case free the JPM itself: + + if (! j__udyInsArray(&(Pjpm->jpm_JP), cJU_ROOTSTATE, &Count, + (PWord_t) PIndex, +#ifdef JUDYL + (Pjv_t) PValue, +#endif + Pjpm)) + { + JU_COPY_ERRNO(PJError, Pjpm); + + if (Count) // partial success, adjust pop0: + { + (Pjpm->jpm_Pop0) = Count - 1; + } + else // total failure, free JPM: + { + j__udyFreeJPM(Pjpm, (Pjpm_t) NULL); + *PPArray = (Pvoid_t) NULL; + } + + DBGCODE(JudyCheckPop(*PPArray);) + return(JERRI); + } + + DBGCODE(JudyCheckPop(*PPArray);) + return(1); + + } // large count + + +// HANDLE SMALL COUNT (= POP1): +// +// First ensure indexes are in sorted order: + + for (offset = 1; offset < Count; ++offset) + { + if (PIndex[offset - 1] >= PIndex[offset]) + { JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_UNSORTED); return(JERRI); } + } + + if (Count == 0) return(1); // *PPArray remains null. + + { + Pjlw = j__udyAllocJLW(Count + 1); + JU_CHECKALLOC(Pjlw_t, Pjlw, JERRI); + *PPArray = (Pvoid_t) Pjlw; + Pjlw[0] = Count - 1; // set pop0. + Pjlwindex = Pjlw + 1; + } + +// Copy whole-word indexes (and values) to the root-level leaf: + + JU_COPYMEM(Pjlwindex, PIndex, Count); +JUDYLCODE(JU_COPYMEM(JL_LEAFWVALUEAREA(Pjlw, Count), PValue, Count)); + + DBGCODE(JudyCheckPop(*PPArray);) + return(1); + +} // Judy1SetArray() / JudyLInsArray() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y I N S A R R A Y +// +// Given: +// +// - a pointer to a JP +// +// - the JPs level in the tree, that is, the number of digits left to decode +// in the indexes under the JP (one less than the level of the JPM or branch +// in which the JP resides); cJU_ROOTSTATE on first entry (when JP is the one +// in the JPM), down to 1 for a Leaf1, LeafB1, or FullPop +// +// - a pointer to the number of indexes (and corresponding values) to store in +// this subtree, to modify in case of partial success +// +// - a list of indexes (and for JudyL, corresponding values) to store in this +// subtree +// +// - a JPM for tracking memory usage and returning errors +// +// Recursively build a subtree (immediate indexes, leaf, or branch with +// subtrees) and modify the JP accordingly. On the way down, build a BranchU +// (only) for any expanse with *PPop1 too high for a leaf; on the way out, +// convert the BranchU to a BranchL or BranchB if appropriate. Keep memory +// statistics in the JPM. +// +// Return TRUE for success, or FALSE with error information set in the JPM in +// case of error, in which case leave a partially constructed but healthy tree, +// and modify parent population counts on the way out. +// +// Note: Each call of this function makes all modifications to the PjpParent +// it receives; neither the parent nor child calls do this. + +FUNCTION static bool_t j__udyInsArray( + Pjp_t PjpParent, // parent JP in/under which to store. + int Level, // initial digits remaining to decode. + PWord_t PPop1, // number of indexes to store. + PWord_t PIndex, // list of indexes to store. +#ifdef JUDYL + Pjv_t PValue, // list of corresponding values. +#endif + Pjpm_t Pjpm) // for memory and errors. +{ + Pjp_t Pjp; // lower-level JP. + Word_t Pjbany; // any type of branch. + int levelsub; // actual, of Pjps node, <= Level. + Word_t pop1 = *PPop1; // fast local value. + Word_t pop1sub; // population of one subexpanse. + uint8_t JPtype; // current JP type. + uint8_t JPtype_null; // precomputed value for new branch. + jp_t JPnull; // precomputed for speed. + Pjbu_t PjbuRaw; // constructed BranchU. + Pjbu_t Pjbu; + int digit; // in BranchU. + Word_t digitmask; // for a digit in a BranchU. + Word_t digitshifted; // shifted to correct offset. + Word_t digitshincr; // increment for digitshifted. + int offset; // in PIndex, or a bitmap subexpanse. + int numJPs; // number non-null in a BranchU. + bool_t retval; // to return from this func. +JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t PjvRaw); // destination value area. +JUDYLCODE(Pjv_t Pjv); + + +// MACROS FOR COMMON CODE: +// +// Note: These use function and local parameters from the context. +// Note: Assume newly allocated memory is zeroed. + +// Indicate whether a sorted list of indexes in PIndex, based on the first and +// last indexes in the list using pop1, are in the same subexpanse between +// Level and L_evel: +// +// This can be confusing! Note that SAMESUBEXP(L) == TRUE means the indexes +// are the same through level L + 1, and it says nothing about level L and +// lower; they might be the same or they might differ. +// +// Note: In principle SAMESUBEXP needs a mask for the digits from Level, +// inclusive, to L_evel, exclusive. But in practice, since the indexes are all +// known to be identical above Level, it just uses a mask for the digits +// through L_evel + 1; see subexp_mask[]. + +#define SAMESUBEXP(L_evel) \ + (! ((PIndex[0] ^ PIndex[pop1 - 1]) & subexp_mask[L_evel])) + +// Set PjpParent to a null JP appropriate for the level of the node to which it +// points, which is 1 less than the level of the node in which the JP resides, +// which is by definition Level: +// +// Note: This can set the JPMs JP to an invalid jp_Type, but it doesnt +// matter because the JPM is deleted by the caller. + +#define SETJPNULL_PARENT \ + JU_JPSETADT(PjpParent, 0, 0, cJU_JPNULL1 + Level - 1); + +// Variation to set a specified JP (in a branch being built) to a precomputed +// null JP: + +#define SETJPNULL(Pjp) *(Pjp) = JPnull + +// Handle complete (as opposed to partial) memory allocation failure: Set the +// parent JP to an appropriate null type (to leave a consistent tree), zero the +// callers population count, and return FALSE: +// +// Note: At Level == cJU_ROOTSTATE this sets the JPMs JPs jp_Type to a bogus +// value, but it doesnt matter because the JPM should be deleted by the +// caller. + +#define NOMEM { SETJPNULL_PARENT; *PPop1 = 0; return(FALSE); } + +// Allocate a Leaf1-N and save the address in Pjll; in case of failure, NOMEM: + +#define ALLOCLEAF(AllocLeaf) \ + if ((PjllRaw = AllocLeaf(pop1, Pjpm)) == (Pjll_t) NULL) NOMEM; \ + Pjll = P_JLL(PjllRaw); + +// Copy indexes smaller than words (and values which are whole words) from +// given arrays to immediate indexes or a leaf: +// +// TBD: These macros overlap with some of the code in JudyCascade.c; do some +// merging? That file has functions while these are macros. + +#define COPYTOLEAF_EVEN_SUB(Pjll,LeafType) \ + { \ + LeafType * P_leaf = (LeafType *) (Pjll); \ + Word_t p_op1 = pop1; \ + PWord_t P_Index = PIndex; \ + \ + assert(pop1 > 0); \ + \ + do { *P_leaf++ = *P_Index++; /* truncates */\ + } while (--(p_op1)); \ + } + +#define COPYTOLEAF_ODD_SUB(cLevel,Pjll,Copy) \ + { \ + uint8_t * P_leaf = (uint8_t *) (Pjll); \ + Word_t p_op1 = pop1; \ + PWord_t P_Index = PIndex; \ + \ + assert(pop1 > 0); \ + \ + do { \ + Copy(P_leaf, *P_Index); \ + P_leaf += (cLevel); ++P_Index; \ + } while (--(p_op1)); \ + } + +#ifdef JUDY1 + +#define COPYTOLEAF_EVEN(Pjll,LeafType) COPYTOLEAF_EVEN_SUB(Pjll,LeafType) +#define COPYTOLEAF_ODD(cLevel,Pjll,Copy) COPYTOLEAF_ODD_SUB(cLevel,Pjll,Copy) + +#else // JUDYL adds copying of values: + +#define COPYTOLEAF_EVEN(Pjll,LeafType) \ + { \ + COPYTOLEAF_EVEN_SUB(Pjll,LeafType) \ + JU_COPYMEM(Pjv, PValue, pop1); \ + } + +#define COPYTOLEAF_ODD(cLevel,Pjll,Copy) \ + { \ + COPYTOLEAF_ODD_SUB( cLevel,Pjll,Copy) \ + JU_COPYMEM(Pjv, PValue, pop1); \ + } + +#endif + +// Set the JP type for an immediate index, where BaseJPType is JPIMMED_*_02: + +#define SETIMMTYPE(BaseJPType) (PjpParent->jp_Type) = (BaseJPType) + pop1 - 2 + +// Allocate and populate a Leaf1-N: +// +// Build MAKELEAF_EVEN() and MAKELEAF_ODD() using macros for common code. + +#define MAKELEAF_SUB1(AllocLeaf,ValueArea,LeafType) \ + ALLOCLEAF(AllocLeaf); \ + JUDYLCODE(Pjv = ValueArea(Pjll, pop1)) + + +#define MAKELEAF_SUB2(cLevel,JPType) \ +{ \ + Word_t D_cdP0; \ + assert(pop1 - 1 <= cJU_POP0MASK(cLevel)); \ + D_cdP0 = (*PIndex & cJU_DCDMASK(cLevel)) | (pop1 - 1); \ + JU_JPSETADT(PjpParent, (Word_t)PjllRaw, D_cdP0, JPType); \ +} + + +#define MAKELEAF_EVEN(cLevel,JPType,AllocLeaf,ValueArea,LeafType) \ + MAKELEAF_SUB1(AllocLeaf,ValueArea,LeafType); \ + COPYTOLEAF_EVEN(Pjll, LeafType); \ + MAKELEAF_SUB2(cLevel, JPType) + +#define MAKELEAF_ODD(cLevel,JPType,AllocLeaf,ValueArea,Copy) \ + MAKELEAF_SUB1(AllocLeaf,ValueArea,LeafType); \ + COPYTOLEAF_ODD(cLevel, Pjll, Copy); \ + MAKELEAF_SUB2(cLevel, JPType) + +// Ensure that the indexes to be stored in immediate indexes or a leaf are +// sorted: +// +// This check is pure overhead, but required in order to protect the Judy array +// against caller error, to avoid a later corruption or core dump from a +// seemingly valid Judy array. Do this check piecemeal at the leaf level while +// the indexes are already in the cache. Higher-level order-checking occurs +// while building branches. +// +// Note: Any sorting error in the expanse of a single immediate indexes JP or +// a leaf => save no indexes in that expanse. + +#define CHECKLEAFORDER \ + { \ + for (offset = 1; offset < pop1; ++offset) \ + { \ + if (PIndex[offset - 1] >= PIndex[offset]) \ + { \ + SETJPNULL_PARENT; \ + *PPop1 = 0; \ + JU_SET_ERRNO_NONNULL(Pjpm, JU_ERRNO_UNSORTED); \ + return(FALSE); \ + } \ + } \ + } + + +// ------ START OF CODE ------ + + assert( Level >= 1); + assert( Level <= cJU_ROOTSTATE); + assert((Level < cJU_ROOTSTATE) || (pop1 > cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1)); + + +// CHECK FOR TOP LEVEL: +// +// Special case: If at the top level (PjpParent is in the JPM), a top-level +// branch must be created, even if its a BranchL with just one JP. (The JPM +// cannot point to a leaf because the leaf would have to be a lower-level, +// higher-capacity leaf under a narrow pointer (otherwise a root-level leaf +// would suffice), and the JPMs JP cant handle a narrow pointer because the +// jp_DcdPopO field isnt big enough.) Otherwise continue to check for a pop1 +// small enough to support immediate indexes or a leaf before giving up and +// making a lower-level branch. + + if (Level == cJU_ROOTSTATE) + { + levelsub = cJU_ROOTSTATE; + goto BuildBranch2; + } + assert(Level < cJU_ROOTSTATE); + + +// SKIP JPIMMED_*_01: +// +// Immeds with pop1 == 1 should be handled in-line during branch construction. + + assert(pop1 > 1); + + +// BUILD JPIMMED_*_02+: +// +// The starting address of the indexes depends on Judy1 or JudyL; also, JudyL +// includes a pointer to a values-only leaf. + + if (pop1 <= immed_maxpop1[Level]) // note: always < root level. + { + JUDY1CODE(uint8_t * Pjll = (uint8_t *) (PjpParent->jp_1Index);) + JUDYLCODE(uint8_t * Pjll = (uint8_t *) (PjpParent->jp_LIndex);) + + CHECKLEAFORDER; // indexes to be stored are sorted. + +#ifdef JUDYL + if ((PjvRaw = j__udyLAllocJV(pop1, Pjpm)) == (Pjv_t) NULL) + NOMEM; + (PjpParent->jp_Addr) = (Word_t) PjvRaw; + Pjv = P_JV(PjvRaw); +#endif + + switch (Level) + { + case 1: COPYTOLEAF_EVEN(Pjll, uint8_t); + SETIMMTYPE(cJU_JPIMMED_1_02); + break; +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case 2: COPYTOLEAF_EVEN(Pjll, uint16_t); + SETIMMTYPE(cJU_JPIMMED_2_02); + break; + case 3: COPYTOLEAF_ODD(3, Pjll, JU_COPY3_LONG_TO_PINDEX); + SETIMMTYPE(cJU_JPIMMED_3_02); + break; +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case 4: COPYTOLEAF_EVEN(Pjll, uint32_t); + SETIMMTYPE(cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02); + break; + case 5: COPYTOLEAF_ODD(5, Pjll, JU_COPY5_LONG_TO_PINDEX); + SETIMMTYPE(cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02); + break; + case 6: COPYTOLEAF_ODD(6, Pjll, JU_COPY6_LONG_TO_PINDEX); + SETIMMTYPE(cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02); + break; + case 7: COPYTOLEAF_ODD(7, Pjll, JU_COPY7_LONG_TO_PINDEX); + SETIMMTYPE(cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02); + break; +#endif + default: assert(FALSE); // should be impossible. + } + + return(TRUE); // note: no children => no *PPop1 mods. + + } // JPIMMED_*_02+ + + +// BUILD JPLEAF*: +// +// This code is a little tricky. The method is: For each level starting at +// the present Level down through levelsub = 1, and then as a special case for +// LeafB1 and FullPop (which are also at levelsub = 1 but have different +// capacity, see later), check if pop1 fits in a leaf (using leaf_maxpop1[]) +// at that level. If so, except for Level == levelsub, check if all of the +// current indexes to be stored are in the same (narrow) subexpanse, that is, +// the digits from Level to levelsub + 1, inclusive, are identical between the +// first and last index in the (sorted) list (in PIndex). If this condition is +// satisfied at any level, build a leaf at that level (under a narrow pointer +// if Level > levelsub). +// +// Note: Doing the search in this order results in storing the indexes in +// "least compressed form." + + for (levelsub = Level; levelsub >= 1; --levelsub) + { + Pjll_t PjllRaw; + Pjll_t Pjll; + +// Check if pop1 is too large to fit in a leaf at levelsub; if so, try the next +// lower level: + + if (pop1 > leaf_maxpop1[levelsub]) continue; + +// If pop1 fits in a leaf at levelsub, but levelsub is lower than Level, must +// also check whether all the indexes in the expanse to store can in fact be +// placed under a narrow pointer; if not, a leaf cannot be used, at this or any +// lower level (levelsub): + + if ((levelsub < Level) && (! SAMESUBEXP(levelsub))) + goto BuildBranch; // cant use a narrow, need a branch. + +// Ensure valid pop1 and all indexes are in fact common through Level: + + assert(pop1 <= cJU_POP0MASK(Level) + 1); + assert(! ((PIndex[0] ^ PIndex[pop1 - 1]) & cJU_DCDMASK(Level))); + + CHECKLEAFORDER; // indexes to be stored are sorted. + +// Build correct type of leaf: +// +// Note: The jp_DcdPopO and jp_Type assignments in MAKELEAF_* happen correctly +// for the levelsub (not Level) of the new leaf, even if its under a narrow +// pointer. + + switch (levelsub) + { +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + case 1: MAKELEAF_EVEN(1, cJU_JPLEAF1, j__udyAllocJLL1, + JL_LEAF1VALUEAREA, uint8_t); + break; +#endif + case 2: MAKELEAF_EVEN(2, cJU_JPLEAF2, j__udyAllocJLL2, + JL_LEAF2VALUEAREA, uint16_t); + break; + case 3: MAKELEAF_ODD( 3, cJU_JPLEAF3, j__udyAllocJLL3, + JL_LEAF3VALUEAREA, JU_COPY3_LONG_TO_PINDEX); + break; +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case 4: MAKELEAF_EVEN(4, cJU_JPLEAF4, j__udyAllocJLL4, + JL_LEAF4VALUEAREA, uint32_t); + break; + case 5: MAKELEAF_ODD( 5, cJU_JPLEAF5, j__udyAllocJLL5, + JL_LEAF5VALUEAREA, JU_COPY5_LONG_TO_PINDEX); + break; + case 6: MAKELEAF_ODD( 6, cJU_JPLEAF6, j__udyAllocJLL6, + JL_LEAF6VALUEAREA, JU_COPY6_LONG_TO_PINDEX); + break; + case 7: MAKELEAF_ODD( 7, cJU_JPLEAF7, j__udyAllocJLL7, + JL_LEAF7VALUEAREA, JU_COPY7_LONG_TO_PINDEX); + break; +#endif + default: assert(FALSE); // should be impossible. + } + + return(TRUE); // note: no children => no *PPop1 mods. + + } // JPLEAF* + + +// BUILD JPLEAF_B1 OR JPFULLPOPU1: +// +// See above about JPLEAF*. If pop1 doesnt fit in any level of linear leaf, +// it might still fit in a LeafB1 or FullPop, perhaps under a narrow pointer. + + if ((Level == 1) || SAMESUBEXP(1)) // same until last digit. + { + Pjlb_t PjlbRaw; // for bitmap leaf. + Pjlb_t Pjlb; + + assert(pop1 <= cJU_JPFULLPOPU1_POP0 + 1); + CHECKLEAFORDER; // indexes to be stored are sorted. + +#ifdef JUDY1 + +// JPFULLPOPU1: + + if (pop1 == cJU_JPFULLPOPU1_POP0 + 1) + { + Word_t Addr = PjpParent->jp_Addr; + Word_t DcdP0 = (*PIndex & cJU_DCDMASK(1)) + | cJU_JPFULLPOPU1_POP0; + JU_JPSETADT(PjpParent, Addr, DcdP0, cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1); + + return(TRUE); + } +#endif + +// JPLEAF_B1: + + if ((PjlbRaw = j__udyAllocJLB1(Pjpm)) == (Pjlb_t) NULL) + NOMEM; + Pjlb = P_JLB(PjlbRaw); + + for (offset = 0; offset < pop1; ++offset) + JU_BITMAPSETL(Pjlb, PIndex[offset]); + + retval = TRUE; // default. + +#ifdef JUDYL + +// Build subexpanse values-only leaves (LeafVs) under LeafB1: + + for (offset = 0; offset < cJU_NUMSUBEXPL; ++offset) + { + if (! (pop1sub = j__udyCountBitsL(JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, offset)))) + continue; // skip empty subexpanse. + +// Allocate one LeafV = JP subarray; if out of memory, clear bitmaps for higher +// subexpanses and adjust *PPop1: + + if ((PjvRaw = j__udyLAllocJV(pop1sub, Pjpm)) + == (Pjv_t) NULL) + { + for (/* null */; offset < cJU_NUMSUBEXPL; ++offset) + { + *PPop1 -= j__udyCountBitsL(JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, offset)); + JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, offset) = 0; + } + + retval = FALSE; + break; + } + +// Populate values-only leaf and save the pointer to it: + + Pjv = P_JV(PjvRaw); + JU_COPYMEM(Pjv, PValue, pop1sub); + JL_JLB_PVALUE(Pjlb, offset) = PjvRaw; // first-tier pointer. + PValue += pop1sub; + + } // for each subexpanse + +#endif // JUDYL + +// Attach new LeafB1 to parent JP; note use of *PPop1 possibly < pop1: + + JU_JPSETADT(PjpParent, (Word_t) PjlbRaw, + (*PIndex & cJU_DCDMASK(1)) | (*PPop1 - 1), cJU_JPLEAF_B1); + + return(retval); + + } // JPLEAF_B1 or JPFULLPOPU1 + + +// BUILD JPBRANCH_U*: +// +// Arriving at BuildBranch means Level < top level but the pop1 is too large +// for immediate indexes or a leaf, even under a narrow pointer, including a +// LeafB1 or FullPop at level 1. This implies SAMESUBEXP(1) == FALSE, that is, +// the indexes to be stored "branch" at level 2 or higher. + +BuildBranch: // come here directly if a leaf wont work. + + assert(Level >= 2); + assert(Level < cJU_ROOTSTATE); + assert(! SAMESUBEXP(1)); // sanity check, see above. + +// Determine the appropriate level for a new branch node; see if a narrow +// pointer can be used: +// +// This can be confusing. The branch is required at the lowest level L where +// the indexes to store are not in the same subexpanse at level L-1. Work down +// from Level to tree level 3, which is 1 above the lowest tree level = 2 at +// which a branch can be used. Theres no need to check SAMESUBEXP at level 2 +// because its known to be false at level 2-1 = 1. +// +// Note: Unlike for a leaf node, a narrow pointer is always used for a branch +// if possible, that is, maximum compression is always used, except at the top +// level of the tree, where a JPM cannot support a narrow pointer, meaning a +// top BranchL can have a single JP (fanout = 1); but that case jumps directly +// to BuildBranch2. +// +// Note: For 32-bit systems the only usable values for a narrow pointer are +// Level = 3 and levelsub = 2; 64-bit systems have many more choices; but +// hopefully this for-loop is fast enough even on a 32-bit system. +// +// TBD: If not fast enough, #ifdef JU_64BIT and handle the 32-bit case faster. + + for (levelsub = Level; levelsub >= 3; --levelsub) // see above. + if (! SAMESUBEXP(levelsub - 1)) // at limit of narrow pointer. + break; // put branch at levelsub. + +BuildBranch2: // come here directly for Level = levelsub = cJU_ROOTSTATE. + + assert(levelsub >= 2); + assert(levelsub <= Level); + +// Initially build a BranchU: +// +// Always start with a BranchU because the number of populated subexpanses is +// not yet known. Use digitmask, digitshifted, and digitshincr to avoid +// expensive variable shifts within JU_DIGITATSTATE within the loop. +// +// TBD: The use of digitmask, etc. results in more increment operations per +// loop, is there an even faster way? +// +// TBD: Would it pay to pre-count the populated JPs (subexpanses) and +// pre-compress the branch, that is, build a BranchL or BranchB immediately, +// also taking account of opportunistic uncompression rules? Probably not +// because at high levels of the tree there might be huge numbers of indexes +// (hence cache lines) to scan in the PIndex array to determine the fanout +// (number of JPs) needed. + + if ((PjbuRaw = j__udyAllocJBU(Pjpm)) == (Pjbu_t) NULL) NOMEM; + Pjbu = P_JBU(PjbuRaw); + + JPtype_null = cJU_JPNULL1 + levelsub - 2; // in new BranchU. + JU_JPSETADT(&JPnull, 0, 0, JPtype_null); + + Pjp = Pjbu->jbu_jp; // for convenience in loop. + numJPs = 0; // non-null in the BranchU. + digitmask = cJU_MASKATSTATE(levelsub); // see above. + digitshincr = 1UL << (cJU_BITSPERBYTE * (levelsub - 1)); + retval = TRUE; + +// Scan and populate JPs (subexpanses): +// +// Look for all indexes matching each digit in the BranchU (at the correct +// levelsub), and meanwhile notice any sorting error. Increment PIndex (and +// PValue) and reduce pop1 for each subexpanse handled successfully. + + for (digit = digitshifted = 0; + digit < cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS; + ++digit, digitshifted += digitshincr, ++Pjp) + { + DBGCODE(Word_t pop1subprev;) + assert(pop1 != 0); // end of indexes is handled elsewhere. + +// Count indexes in digits subexpanse: + + for (pop1sub = 0; pop1sub < pop1; ++pop1sub) + if (digitshifted != (PIndex[pop1sub] & digitmask)) break; + +// Empty subexpanse (typical, performance path) or sorting error (rare): + + if (pop1sub == 0) + { + if (digitshifted < (PIndex[0] & digitmask)) + { SETJPNULL(Pjp); continue; } // empty subexpanse. + + assert(pop1 < *PPop1); // did save >= 1 index and decr pop1. + JU_SET_ERRNO_NONNULL(Pjpm, JU_ERRNO_UNSORTED); + goto AbandonBranch; + } + +// Non-empty subexpanse: +// +// First shortcut by handling pop1sub == 1 (JPIMMED_*_01) inline locally. + + if (pop1sub == 1) // note: can be at root level. + { + Word_t Addr = 0; + JUDYLCODE(Addr = (Word_t) (*PValue++);) + JU_JPSETADT(Pjp, Addr, *PIndex, cJU_JPIMMED_1_01 + levelsub -2); + + ++numJPs; + + if (--pop1) { ++PIndex; continue; } // more indexes to store. + + ++digit; ++Pjp; // skip JP just saved. + goto ClearBranch; // save time. + } + +// Recurse to populate one digits (subexpanses) JP; if successful, skip +// indexes (and values) just stored (performance path), except when expanse is +// completely stored: + + DBGCODE(pop1subprev = pop1sub;) + + if (j__udyInsArray(Pjp, levelsub - 1, &pop1sub, (PWord_t) PIndex, +#ifdef JUDYL + (Pjv_t) PValue, +#endif + Pjpm)) + { // complete success. + ++numJPs; + assert(pop1subprev == pop1sub); + assert(pop1 >= pop1sub); + + if ((pop1 -= pop1sub) != 0) // more indexes to store: + { + PIndex += pop1sub; // skip indexes just stored. + JUDYLCODE(PValue += pop1sub;) + continue; + } + // else leave PIndex in BranchUs expanse. + +// No more indexes to store in BranchUs expanse: + + ++digit; ++Pjp; // skip JP just saved. + goto ClearBranch; // save time. + } + +// Handle any error at a lower level of recursion: +// +// In case of partial success, pop1sub != 0, but it was reduced from the value +// passed to j__udyInsArray(); skip this JP later during ClearBranch. + + assert(pop1subprev > pop1sub); // check j__udyInsArray(). + assert(pop1 > pop1sub); // check j__udyInsArray(). + + if (pop1sub) // partial success. + { ++digit; ++Pjp; ++numJPs; } // skip JP just saved. + + pop1 -= pop1sub; // deduct saved indexes if any. + +// Same-level sorting error, or any lower-level error; abandon the rest of the +// branch: +// +// Arrive here with pop1 = remaining unsaved indexes (always non-zero). Adjust +// the *PPop1 value to record and return, modify retval, and use ClearBranch to +// finish up. + +AbandonBranch: + assert(pop1 != 0); // more to store, see above. + assert(pop1 <= *PPop1); // sanity check. + + *PPop1 -= pop1; // deduct unsaved indexes. + pop1 = 0; // to avoid error later. + retval = FALSE; + +// Error (rare), or end of indexes while traversing new BranchU (performance +// path); either way, mark the remaining JPs, if any, in the BranchU as nulls +// and exit the loop: +// +// Arrive here with digit and Pjp set to the first JP to set to null. + +ClearBranch: + for (/* null */; digit < cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS; ++digit, ++Pjp) + SETJPNULL(Pjp); + break; // saves one more compare. + + } // for each digit + + +// FINISH JPBRANCH_U*: +// +// Arrive here with a BranchU built under Pjbu, numJPs set, and either: retval +// == TRUE and *PPop1 unmodified, or else retval == FALSE, *PPop1 set to the +// actual number of indexes saved (possibly 0 for complete failure at a lower +// level upon the first call of j__udyInsArray()), and the Judy error set in +// Pjpm. Either way, PIndex points to an index within the expanse just +// handled. + + Pjbany = (Word_t) PjbuRaw; // default = use this BranchU. + JPtype = branchU_JPtype[levelsub]; + +// Check for complete failure above: + + assert((! retval) || *PPop1); // sanity check. + + if ((! retval) && (*PPop1 == 0)) // nothing stored, full failure. + { + j__udyFreeJBU(PjbuRaw, Pjpm); + SETJPNULL_PARENT; + return(FALSE); + } + +// Complete or partial success so far; watch for sorting error after the +// maximum digit (255) in the BranchU, which is indicated by having more +// indexes to store in the BranchUs expanse: +// +// For example, if an index to store has a digit of 255 at levelsub, followed +// by an index with a digit of 254, the for-loop above runs out of digits +// without reducing pop1 to 0. + + if (pop1 != 0) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO_NONNULL(Pjpm, JU_ERRNO_UNSORTED); + *PPop1 -= pop1; // deduct unsaved indexes. + retval = FALSE; + } + assert(*PPop1 != 0); // branch (still) cannot be empty. + + +// OPTIONALLY COMPRESS JPBRANCH_U*: +// +// See if the BranchU should be compressed to a BranchL or BranchB; if so, do +// that and free the BranchU; otherwise just use the existing BranchU. Follow +// the same rules as in JudyIns.c (version 4.95): Only check local population +// (cJU_OPP_UNCOMP_POP0) for BranchL, and only check global memory efficiency +// (JU_OPP_UNCOMPRESS) for BranchB. TBD: Have the rules changed? +// +// Note: Because of differing order of operations, the latter compression +// might not result in the same set of branch nodes as a series of sequential +// insertions. +// +// Note: Allocating a BranchU only to sometimes convert it to a BranchL or +// BranchB is unfortunate, but attempting to work with a temporary BranchU on +// the stack and then allocate and keep it as a BranchU in many cases is worse +// in terms of error handling. + + +// COMPRESS JPBRANCH_U* TO JPBRANCH_L*: + + if (numJPs <= cJU_BRANCHLMAXJPS) // JPs fit in a BranchL. + { + Pjbl_t PjblRaw = (Pjbl_t) NULL; // new BranchL; init for cc. + Pjbl_t Pjbl; + + if ((*PPop1 > JU_BRANCHL_MAX_POP) // pop too high. + || ((PjblRaw = j__udyAllocJBL(Pjpm)) == (Pjbl_t) NULL)) + { // cant alloc BranchL. + goto SetParent; // just keep BranchU. + } + + Pjbl = P_JBL(PjblRaw); + +// Copy BranchU JPs to BranchL: + + (Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs) = numJPs; + offset = 0; + + for (digit = 0; digit < cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS; ++digit) + { + if ((((Pjbu->jbu_jp) + digit)->jp_Type) == JPtype_null) + continue; + + (Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[offset ]) = digit; + (Pjbl->jbl_jp [offset++]) = Pjbu->jbu_jp[digit]; + } + assert(offset == numJPs); // found same number. + +// Free the BranchU and prepare to use the new BranchL instead: + + j__udyFreeJBU(PjbuRaw, Pjpm); + + Pjbany = (Word_t) PjblRaw; + JPtype = branchL_JPtype[levelsub]; + + } // compress to BranchL + + +// COMPRESS JPBRANCH_U* TO JPBRANCH_B*: +// +// If unable to allocate the BranchB or any JP subarray, free all related +// memory and just keep the BranchU. +// +// Note: This use of JU_OPP_UNCOMPRESS is a bit conservative because the +// BranchU is already allocated while the (presumably smaller) BranchB is not, +// the opposite of how its used in single-insert code. + + else + { + Pjbb_t PjbbRaw = (Pjbb_t) NULL; // new BranchB; init for cc. + Pjbb_t Pjbb; + Pjp_t Pjp2; // in BranchU. + + if ((*PPop1 > JU_BRANCHB_MAX_POP) // pop too high. + || ((PjbbRaw = j__udyAllocJBB(Pjpm)) == (Pjbb_t) NULL)) + { // cant alloc BranchB. + goto SetParent; // just keep BranchU. + } + + Pjbb = P_JBB(PjbbRaw); + +// Set bits in bitmap for populated subexpanses: + + Pjp2 = Pjbu->jbu_jp; + + for (digit = 0; digit < cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS; ++digit) + if ((((Pjbu->jbu_jp) + digit)->jp_Type) != JPtype_null) + JU_BITMAPSETB(Pjbb, digit); + +// Copy non-null JPs to BranchB JP subarrays: + + for (offset = 0; offset < cJU_NUMSUBEXPB; ++offset) + { + Pjp_t PjparrayRaw; + Pjp_t Pjparray; + + if (! (numJPs = j__udyCountBitsB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, offset)))) + continue; // skip empty subexpanse. + +// If unable to allocate a JP subarray, free all BranchB memory so far and +// continue to use the BranchU: + + if ((PjparrayRaw = j__udyAllocJBBJP(numJPs, Pjpm)) + == (Pjp_t) NULL) + { + while (offset-- > 0) + { + if (JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, offset) == (Pjp_t) NULL) continue; + + j__udyFreeJBBJP(JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, offset), + j__udyCountBitsB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, offset)), + Pjpm); + } + j__udyFreeJBB(PjbbRaw, Pjpm); + goto SetParent; // keep BranchU. + } + +// Set one JP subarray pointer and copy the subexpanses JPs to the subarray: +// +// Scan the BranchU for non-null JPs until numJPs JPs are copied. + + JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, offset) = PjparrayRaw; + Pjparray = P_JP(PjparrayRaw); + + while (numJPs-- > 0) + { + while ((Pjp2->jp_Type) == JPtype_null) + { + ++Pjp2; + assert(Pjp2 < (Pjbu->jbu_jp) + cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS); + } + *Pjparray++ = *Pjp2++; + } + } // for each subexpanse + +// Free the BranchU and prepare to use the new BranchB instead: + + j__udyFreeJBU(PjbuRaw, Pjpm); + + Pjbany = (Word_t) PjbbRaw; + JPtype = branchB_JPtype[levelsub]; + + } // compress to BranchB + + +// COMPLETE OR PARTIAL SUCCESS: +// +// Attach new branch (under Pjp, with JPtype) to parent JP; note use of *PPop1, +// possibly reduced due to partial failure. + +SetParent: + (PjpParent->jp_Addr) = Pjbany; + (PjpParent->jp_Type) = JPtype; + + if (Level < cJU_ROOTSTATE) // PjpParent not in JPM: + { + Word_t DcdP0 = (*PIndex & cJU_DCDMASK(levelsub)) | (*PPop1 - 1); + + JU_JPSETADT(PjpParent ,Pjbany, DcdP0, JPtype); + } + + return(retval); + +} // j__udyInsArray() diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/JudyLInsertBranch.c b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/JudyLInsertBranch.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4084521c --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/JudyLInsertBranch.c @@ -0,0 +1,135 @@ +// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company +// +// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +// under the term of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +// option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +// _________________ + +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ + +// BranchL insertion functions for Judy1 and JudyL. +// Compile with one of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL. + +#if (! (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JUDYL))) +#error: One of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL must be specified. +#endif + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#include "Judy1.h" +#else +#include "JudyL.h" +#endif + +#include "JudyPrivate1L.h" + +extern int j__udyCreateBranchL(Pjp_t, Pjp_t, uint8_t *, Word_t, Pvoid_t); + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y I N S E R T B R A N C H +// +// Insert 2-element BranchL in between Pjp and Pjp->jp_Addr. +// +// Return -1 if out of memory, otherwise return 1. + +FUNCTION int j__udyInsertBranch( + Pjp_t Pjp, // JP containing narrow pointer. + Word_t Index, // outlier to Pjp. + Word_t BranchLevel, // of what JP points to, mapped from JP type. + Pjpm_t Pjpm) // for global accounting. +{ + jp_t JP2 [2]; + jp_t JP; + Pjp_t PjpNull; + Word_t XorExp; + Word_t Inew, Iold; + Word_t DCDMask; // initially for original BranchLevel. + int Ret; + uint8_t Exp2[2]; + uint8_t DecodeByteN, DecodeByteO; + +// Get the current mask for the DCD digits: + + DCDMask = cJU_DCDMASK(BranchLevel); + +// Obtain Dcd bits that differ between Index and JP, shifted so the +// digit for BranchLevel is the LSB: + + XorExp = ((Index ^ JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp)) & (cJU_ALLONES >> cJU_BITSPERBYTE)) + >> (BranchLevel * cJU_BITSPERBYTE); + assert(XorExp); // Index must be an outlier. + +// Count levels between object under narrow pointer and the level at which +// the outlier diverges from it, which is always at least initial +// BranchLevel + 1, to end up with the level (JP type) at which to insert +// the new intervening BranchL: + + do { ++BranchLevel; } while ((XorExp >>= cJU_BITSPERBYTE)); + assert((BranchLevel > 1) && (BranchLevel < cJU_ROOTSTATE)); + +// Get the MSB (highest digit) that differs between the old expanse and +// the new Index to insert: + + DecodeByteO = JU_DIGITATSTATE(JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp), BranchLevel); + DecodeByteN = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, BranchLevel); + + assert(DecodeByteO != DecodeByteN); + +// Determine sorted order for old expanse and new Index digits: + + if (DecodeByteN > DecodeByteO) { Iold = 0; Inew = 1; } + else { Iold = 1; Inew = 0; } + +// Copy old JP into staging area for new Branch + JP2 [Iold] = *Pjp; + Exp2[Iold] = DecodeByteO; + Exp2[Inew] = DecodeByteN; + +// Create a 2 Expanse Linear branch +// +// Note: Pjp->jp_Addr is set by j__udyCreateBranchL() + + Ret = j__udyCreateBranchL(Pjp, JP2, Exp2, 2, Pjpm); + if (Ret == -1) return(-1); + +// Get Pjp to the NULL of where to do insert + PjpNull = ((P_JBL(Pjp->jp_Addr))->jbl_jp) + Inew; + +// Convert to a cJU_JPIMMED_*_01 at the correct level: +// Build JP and set type below to: cJU_JPIMMED_X_01 + JU_JPSETADT(PjpNull, 0, Index, cJU_JPIMMED_1_01 - 2 + BranchLevel); + +// Return pointer to Value area in cJU_JPIMMED_X_01 + JUDYLCODE(Pjpm->jpm_PValue = (Pjv_t) PjpNull;) + +// The old JP now points to a BranchL that is at higher level. Therefore +// it contains excess DCD bits (in the least significant position) that +// must be removed (zeroed); that is, they become part of the Pop0 +// subfield. Note that the remaining (lower) bytes in the Pop0 field do +// not change. +// +// Take from the old DCDMask, which went "down" to a lower BranchLevel, +// and zero any high bits that are still in the mask at the new, higher +// BranchLevel; then use this mask to zero the bits in jp_DcdPopO: + +// Set old JP to a BranchL at correct level + + Pjp->jp_Type = cJU_JPBRANCH_L2 - 2 + BranchLevel; + DCDMask ^= cJU_DCDMASK(BranchLevel); + DCDMask = ~DCDMask & JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp); + JP = *Pjp; + JU_JPSETADT(Pjp, JP.jp_Addr, DCDMask, JP.jp_Type); + + return(1); + +} // j__udyInsertBranch() diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/JudyLMallocIF.c b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/JudyLMallocIF.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b9b58cfd --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/JudyLMallocIF.c @@ -0,0 +1,782 @@ +// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company +// +// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +// under the term of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +// option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +// _________________ + +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ +// +// Judy malloc/free interface functions for Judy1 and JudyL. +// +// Compile with one of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL. +// +// Compile with -DTRACEMI (Malloc Interface) to turn on tracing of malloc/free +// calls at the interface level. (See also TRACEMF in lower-level code.) +// Use -DTRACEMI2 for a terser format suitable for trace analysis. +// +// There can be malloc namespace bits in the LSBs of "raw" addresses from most, +// but not all, of the j__udy*Alloc*() functions; see also JudyPrivate.h. To +// test the Judy code, compile this file with -DMALLOCBITS and use debug flavor +// only (for assertions). This test ensures that (a) all callers properly mask +// the namespace bits out before dereferencing a pointer (or else a core dump +// occurs), and (b) all callers send "raw" (unmasked) addresses to +// j__udy*Free*() calls. +// +// Note: Currently -DDEBUG turns on MALLOCBITS automatically. + +#if (! (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JUDYL))) +#error: One of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL must be specified. +#endif + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#include "Judy1.h" +#else +#include "JudyL.h" +#endif + +#include "JudyPrivate1L.h" + +// Set "hidden" global j__uMaxWords to the maximum number of words to allocate +// to any one array (large enough to have a JPM, otherwise j__uMaxWords is +// ignored), to trigger a fake malloc error when the number is exceeded. Note, +// this code is always executed, not #ifdefd, because its virtually free. +// +// Note: To keep the MALLOC macro faster and simpler, set j__uMaxWords to +// MAXINT, not zero, by default. + +Word_t j__uMaxWords = ~0UL; + +// This macro hides the faking of a malloc failure: +// +// Note: To keep this fast, just compare WordsPrev to j__uMaxWords without the +// complexity of first adding WordsNow, meaning the trigger point is not +// exactly where you might assume, but it shouldnt matter. + +#define MALLOC(MallocFunc,WordsPrev,WordsNow) \ + (((WordsPrev) > j__uMaxWords) ? 0UL : MallocFunc(WordsNow)) + +// Clear words starting at address: +// +// Note: Only use this for objects that care; in other cases, it doesnt +// matter if the objects memory is pre-zeroed. + +#define ZEROWORDS(Addr,Words) \ + { \ + Word_t Words__ = (Words); \ + PWord_t Addr__ = (PWord_t) (Addr); \ + while (Words__--) *Addr__++ = 0UL; \ + } + +#ifdef TRACEMI + +// TRACING SUPPORT: +// +// Note: For TRACEMI, use a format for address printing compatible with other +// tracing facilities; in particular, %x not %lx, to truncate the "noisy" high +// part on 64-bit systems. +// +// TBD: The trace macros need fixing for alternate address types. +// +// Note: TRACEMI2 supports trace analysis no matter the underlying malloc/free +// engine used. + +#include + +static Word_t j__udyMemSequence = 0L; // event sequence number. + +#define TRACE_ALLOC5(a,b,c,d,e) (void) printf(a, (b), c, d) +#define TRACE_FREE5( a,b,c,d,e) (void) printf(a, (b), c, d) +#define TRACE_ALLOC6(a,b,c,d,e,f) (void) printf(a, (b), c, d, e) +#define TRACE_FREE6( a,b,c,d,e,f) (void) printf(a, (b), c, d, e) + +#else + +#ifdef TRACEMI2 + +#include + +#define b_pw cJU_BYTESPERWORD + +#define TRACE_ALLOC5(a,b,c,d,e) \ + (void) printf("a %lx %lx %lx\n", (b), (d) * b_pw, e) +#define TRACE_FREE5( a,b,c,d,e) \ + (void) printf("f %lx %lx %lx\n", (b), (d) * b_pw, e) +#define TRACE_ALLOC6(a,b,c,d,e,f) \ + (void) printf("a %lx %lx %lx\n", (b), (e) * b_pw, f) +#define TRACE_FREE6( a,b,c,d,e,f) \ + (void) printf("f %lx %lx %lx\n", (b), (e) * b_pw, f) + +static Word_t j__udyMemSequence = 0L; // event sequence number. + +#else + +#define TRACE_ALLOC5(a,b,c,d,e) // null. +#define TRACE_FREE5( a,b,c,d,e) // null. +#define TRACE_ALLOC6(a,b,c,d,e,f) // null. +#define TRACE_FREE6( a,b,c,d,e,f) // null. + +#endif // ! TRACEMI2 +#endif // ! TRACEMI + + +// MALLOC NAMESPACE SUPPORT: + +#if (defined(DEBUG) && (! defined(MALLOCBITS))) // for now, DEBUG => MALLOCBITS: +#define MALLOCBITS 1 +#endif + +#ifdef MALLOCBITS +#define MALLOCBITS_VALUE 0x3 // bit pattern to use. +#define MALLOCBITS_MASK 0x7 // note: matches mask__ in JudyPrivate.h. + +#define MALLOCBITS_SET( Type,Addr) \ + ((Addr) = (Type) ((Word_t) (Addr) | MALLOCBITS_VALUE)) +#define MALLOCBITS_TEST(Type,Addr) \ + assert((((Word_t) (Addr)) & MALLOCBITS_MASK) == MALLOCBITS_VALUE); \ + ((Addr) = (Type) ((Word_t) (Addr) & ~MALLOCBITS_VALUE)) +#else +#define MALLOCBITS_SET( Type,Addr) // null. +#define MALLOCBITS_TEST(Type,Addr) // null. +#endif + + +// SAVE ERROR INFORMATION IN A Pjpm: +// +// "Small" (invalid) Addr values are used to distinguish overrun and no-mem +// errors. (TBD, non-zero invalid values are no longer returned from +// lower-level functions, that is, JU_ERRNO_OVERRUN is no longer detected.) + +#define J__UDYSETALLOCERROR(Addr) \ + { \ + JU_ERRID(Pjpm) = __LINE__; \ + if ((Word_t) (Addr) > 0) JU_ERRNO(Pjpm) = JU_ERRNO_OVERRUN; \ + else JU_ERRNO(Pjpm) = JU_ERRNO_NOMEM; \ + return(0); \ + } + + +// **************************************************************************** +// ALLOCATION FUNCTIONS: +// +// To help the compiler catch coding errors, each function returns a specific +// object type. +// +// Note: Only j__udyAllocJPM() and j__udyAllocJLW() return multiple values <= +// sizeof(Word_t) to indicate the type of memory allocation failure. Other +// allocation functions convert this failure to a JU_ERRNO. + + +// Note: Unlike other j__udyAlloc*() functions, Pjpms are returned non-raw, +// that is, without malloc namespace or root pointer type bits: + +FUNCTION Pjpm_t j__udyAllocJPM(void) +{ + Word_t Words = sizeof(jpm_t) / cJU_BYTESPERWORD; + Pjpm_t Pjpm = (Pjpm_t) MALLOC(JudyMalloc, Words, Words); + + assert((Words * cJU_BYTESPERWORD) == sizeof(jpm_t)); + + if ((Word_t) Pjpm > sizeof(Word_t)) + { + ZEROWORDS(Pjpm, Words); + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords = Words; + } + + TRACE_ALLOC5("0x%x %8lu = j__udyAllocJPM(), Words = %lu\n", + Pjpm, j__udyMemSequence++, Words, cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1 + 1); + // MALLOCBITS_SET(Pjpm_t, Pjpm); // see above. + return(Pjpm); + +} // j__udyAllocJPM() + + +FUNCTION Pjbl_t j__udyAllocJBL(Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = sizeof(jbl_t) / cJU_BYTESPERWORD; + Pjbl_t PjblRaw = (Pjbl_t) MALLOC(JudyMallocVirtual, + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords, Words); + + assert((Words * cJU_BYTESPERWORD) == sizeof(jbl_t)); + + if ((Word_t) PjblRaw > sizeof(Word_t)) + { + ZEROWORDS(P_JBL(PjblRaw), Words); + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords += Words; + } + else { J__UDYSETALLOCERROR(PjblRaw); } + + TRACE_ALLOC5("0x%x %8lu = j__udyAllocJBL(), Words = %lu\n", PjblRaw, + j__udyMemSequence++, Words, (Pjpm->jpm_Pop0) + 2); + MALLOCBITS_SET(Pjbl_t, PjblRaw); + return(PjblRaw); + +} // j__udyAllocJBL() + + +FUNCTION Pjbb_t j__udyAllocJBB(Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = sizeof(jbb_t) / cJU_BYTESPERWORD; + Pjbb_t PjbbRaw = (Pjbb_t) MALLOC(JudyMallocVirtual, + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords, Words); + + assert((Words * cJU_BYTESPERWORD) == sizeof(jbb_t)); + + if ((Word_t) PjbbRaw > sizeof(Word_t)) + { + ZEROWORDS(P_JBB(PjbbRaw), Words); + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords += Words; + } + else { J__UDYSETALLOCERROR(PjbbRaw); } + + TRACE_ALLOC5("0x%x %8lu = j__udyAllocJBB(), Words = %lu\n", PjbbRaw, + j__udyMemSequence++, Words, (Pjpm->jpm_Pop0) + 2); + MALLOCBITS_SET(Pjbb_t, PjbbRaw); + return(PjbbRaw); + +} // j__udyAllocJBB() + + +FUNCTION Pjp_t j__udyAllocJBBJP(Word_t NumJPs, Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = JU_BRANCHJP_NUMJPSTOWORDS(NumJPs); + Pjp_t PjpRaw; + + PjpRaw = (Pjp_t) MALLOC(JudyMalloc, Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords, Words); + + if ((Word_t) PjpRaw > sizeof(Word_t)) + { + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords += Words; + } + else { J__UDYSETALLOCERROR(PjpRaw); } + + TRACE_ALLOC6("0x%x %8lu = j__udyAllocJBBJP(%lu), Words = %lu\n", PjpRaw, + j__udyMemSequence++, NumJPs, Words, (Pjpm->jpm_Pop0) + 2); + MALLOCBITS_SET(Pjp_t, PjpRaw); + return(PjpRaw); + +} // j__udyAllocJBBJP() + + +FUNCTION Pjbu_t j__udyAllocJBU(Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = sizeof(jbu_t) / cJU_BYTESPERWORD; + Pjbu_t PjbuRaw = (Pjbu_t) MALLOC(JudyMallocVirtual, + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords, Words); + + assert((Words * cJU_BYTESPERWORD) == sizeof(jbu_t)); + + if ((Word_t) PjbuRaw > sizeof(Word_t)) + { + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords += Words; + } + else { J__UDYSETALLOCERROR(PjbuRaw); } + + TRACE_ALLOC5("0x%x %8lu = j__udyAllocJBU(), Words = %lu\n", PjbuRaw, + j__udyMemSequence++, Words, (Pjpm->jpm_Pop0) + 2); + MALLOCBITS_SET(Pjbu_t, PjbuRaw); + return(PjbuRaw); + +} // j__udyAllocJBU() + + +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + +FUNCTION Pjll_t j__udyAllocJLL1(Word_t Pop1, Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = JU_LEAF1POPTOWORDS(Pop1); + Pjll_t PjllRaw; + + PjllRaw = (Pjll_t) MALLOC(JudyMalloc, Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords, Words); + + if ((Word_t) PjllRaw > sizeof(Word_t)) + { + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords += Words; + } + else { J__UDYSETALLOCERROR(PjllRaw); } + + TRACE_ALLOC6("0x%x %8lu = j__udyAllocJLL1(%lu), Words = %lu\n", PjllRaw, + j__udyMemSequence++, Pop1, Words, (Pjpm->jpm_Pop0) + 2); + MALLOCBITS_SET(Pjll_t, PjllRaw); + return(PjllRaw); + +} // j__udyAllocJLL1() + +#endif // (JUDYL || (! JU_64BIT)) + + +FUNCTION Pjll_t j__udyAllocJLL2(Word_t Pop1, Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = JU_LEAF2POPTOWORDS(Pop1); + Pjll_t PjllRaw; + + PjllRaw = (Pjll_t) MALLOC(JudyMalloc, Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords, Words); + + if ((Word_t) PjllRaw > sizeof(Word_t)) + { + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords += Words; + } + else { J__UDYSETALLOCERROR(PjllRaw); } + + TRACE_ALLOC6("0x%x %8lu = j__udyAllocJLL2(%lu), Words = %lu\n", PjllRaw, + j__udyMemSequence++, Pop1, Words, (Pjpm->jpm_Pop0) + 2); + MALLOCBITS_SET(Pjll_t, PjllRaw); + return(PjllRaw); + +} // j__udyAllocJLL2() + + +FUNCTION Pjll_t j__udyAllocJLL3(Word_t Pop1, Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = JU_LEAF3POPTOWORDS(Pop1); + Pjll_t PjllRaw; + + PjllRaw = (Pjll_t) MALLOC(JudyMalloc, Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords, Words); + + if ((Word_t) PjllRaw > sizeof(Word_t)) + { + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords += Words; + } + else { J__UDYSETALLOCERROR(PjllRaw); } + + TRACE_ALLOC6("0x%x %8lu = j__udyAllocJLL3(%lu), Words = %lu\n", PjllRaw, + j__udyMemSequence++, Pop1, Words, (Pjpm->jpm_Pop0) + 2); + MALLOCBITS_SET(Pjll_t, PjllRaw); + return(PjllRaw); + +} // j__udyAllocJLL3() + + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + +FUNCTION Pjll_t j__udyAllocJLL4(Word_t Pop1, Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = JU_LEAF4POPTOWORDS(Pop1); + Pjll_t PjllRaw; + + PjllRaw = (Pjll_t) MALLOC(JudyMalloc, Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords, Words); + + if ((Word_t) PjllRaw > sizeof(Word_t)) + { + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords += Words; + } + else { J__UDYSETALLOCERROR(PjllRaw); } + + TRACE_ALLOC6("0x%x %8lu = j__udyAllocJLL4(%lu), Words = %lu\n", PjllRaw, + j__udyMemSequence++, Pop1, Words, (Pjpm->jpm_Pop0) + 2); + MALLOCBITS_SET(Pjll_t, PjllRaw); + return(PjllRaw); + +} // j__udyAllocJLL4() + + +FUNCTION Pjll_t j__udyAllocJLL5(Word_t Pop1, Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = JU_LEAF5POPTOWORDS(Pop1); + Pjll_t PjllRaw; + + PjllRaw = (Pjll_t) MALLOC(JudyMalloc, Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords, Words); + + if ((Word_t) PjllRaw > sizeof(Word_t)) + { + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords += Words; + } + else { J__UDYSETALLOCERROR(PjllRaw); } + + TRACE_ALLOC6("0x%x %8lu = j__udyAllocJLL5(%lu), Words = %lu\n", PjllRaw, + j__udyMemSequence++, Pop1, Words, (Pjpm->jpm_Pop0) + 2); + MALLOCBITS_SET(Pjll_t, PjllRaw); + return(PjllRaw); + +} // j__udyAllocJLL5() + + +FUNCTION Pjll_t j__udyAllocJLL6(Word_t Pop1, Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = JU_LEAF6POPTOWORDS(Pop1); + Pjll_t PjllRaw; + + PjllRaw = (Pjll_t) MALLOC(JudyMalloc, Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords, Words); + + if ((Word_t) PjllRaw > sizeof(Word_t)) + { + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords += Words; + } + else { J__UDYSETALLOCERROR(PjllRaw); } + + TRACE_ALLOC6("0x%x %8lu = j__udyAllocJLL6(%lu), Words = %lu\n", PjllRaw, + j__udyMemSequence++, Pop1, Words, (Pjpm->jpm_Pop0) + 2); + MALLOCBITS_SET(Pjll_t, PjllRaw); + return(PjllRaw); + +} // j__udyAllocJLL6() + + +FUNCTION Pjll_t j__udyAllocJLL7(Word_t Pop1, Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = JU_LEAF7POPTOWORDS(Pop1); + Pjll_t PjllRaw; + + PjllRaw = (Pjll_t) MALLOC(JudyMalloc, Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords, Words); + + if ((Word_t) PjllRaw > sizeof(Word_t)) + { + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords += Words; + } + else { J__UDYSETALLOCERROR(PjllRaw); } + + TRACE_ALLOC6("0x%x %8lu = j__udyAllocJLL7(%lu), Words = %lu\n", PjllRaw, + j__udyMemSequence++, Pop1, Words, (Pjpm->jpm_Pop0) + 2); + MALLOCBITS_SET(Pjll_t, PjllRaw); + return(PjllRaw); + +} // j__udyAllocJLL7() + +#endif // JU_64BIT + + +// Note: Root-level leaf addresses are always whole words (Pjlw_t), and unlike +// other j__udyAlloc*() functions, they are returned non-raw, that is, without +// malloc namespace or root pointer type bits (the latter are added later by +// the caller): + +FUNCTION Pjlw_t j__udyAllocJLW(Word_t Pop1) +{ + Word_t Words = JU_LEAFWPOPTOWORDS(Pop1); + Pjlw_t Pjlw = (Pjlw_t) MALLOC(JudyMalloc, Words, Words); + + TRACE_ALLOC6("0x%x %8lu = j__udyAllocJLW(%lu), Words = %lu\n", Pjlw, + j__udyMemSequence++, Pop1, Words, Pop1); + // MALLOCBITS_SET(Pjlw_t, Pjlw); // see above. + return(Pjlw); + +} // j__udyAllocJLW() + + +FUNCTION Pjlb_t j__udyAllocJLB1(Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = sizeof(jlb_t) / cJU_BYTESPERWORD; + Pjlb_t PjlbRaw; + + PjlbRaw = (Pjlb_t) MALLOC(JudyMalloc, Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords, Words); + + assert((Words * cJU_BYTESPERWORD) == sizeof(jlb_t)); + + if ((Word_t) PjlbRaw > sizeof(Word_t)) + { + ZEROWORDS(P_JLB(PjlbRaw), Words); + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords += Words; + } + else { J__UDYSETALLOCERROR(PjlbRaw); } + + TRACE_ALLOC5("0x%x %8lu = j__udyAllocJLB1(), Words = %lu\n", PjlbRaw, + j__udyMemSequence++, Words, (Pjpm->jpm_Pop0) + 2); + MALLOCBITS_SET(Pjlb_t, PjlbRaw); + return(PjlbRaw); + +} // j__udyAllocJLB1() + + +#ifdef JUDYL + +FUNCTION Pjv_t j__udyLAllocJV(Word_t Pop1, Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = JL_LEAFVPOPTOWORDS(Pop1); + Pjv_t PjvRaw; + + PjvRaw = (Pjv_t) MALLOC(JudyMalloc, Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords, Words); + + if ((Word_t) PjvRaw > sizeof(Word_t)) + { + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords += Words; + } + else { J__UDYSETALLOCERROR(PjvRaw); } + + TRACE_ALLOC6("0x%x %8lu = j__udyLAllocJV(%lu), Words = %lu\n", PjvRaw, + j__udyMemSequence++, Pop1, Words, (Pjpm->jpm_Pop0) + 2); + MALLOCBITS_SET(Pjv_t, PjvRaw); + return(PjvRaw); + +} // j__udyLAllocJV() + +#endif // JUDYL + + +// **************************************************************************** +// FREE FUNCTIONS: +// +// To help the compiler catch coding errors, each function takes a specific +// object type to free. + + +// Note: j__udyFreeJPM() receives a root pointer with NO root pointer type +// bits present, that is, they must be stripped by the caller using P_JPM(): + +FUNCTION void j__udyFreeJPM(Pjpm_t PjpmFree, Pjpm_t PjpmStats) +{ + Word_t Words = sizeof(jpm_t) / cJU_BYTESPERWORD; + + // MALLOCBITS_TEST(Pjpm_t, PjpmFree); // see above. + JudyFree((Pvoid_t) PjpmFree, Words); + + if (PjpmStats != (Pjpm_t) NULL) PjpmStats->jpm_TotalMemWords -= Words; + +// Note: Log PjpmFree->jpm_Pop0, similar to other j__udyFree*() functions, not +// an assumed value of cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1, for when the caller is +// Judy*FreeArray(), jpm_Pop0 is set to 0, and the population after the free +// really will be 0, not cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1. + + TRACE_FREE6("0x%x %8lu = j__udyFreeJPM(%lu), Words = %lu\n", PjpmFree, + j__udyMemSequence++, Words, Words, PjpmFree->jpm_Pop0); + + +} // j__udyFreeJPM() + + +FUNCTION void j__udyFreeJBL(Pjbl_t Pjbl, Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = sizeof(jbl_t) / cJU_BYTESPERWORD; + + MALLOCBITS_TEST(Pjbl_t, Pjbl); + JudyFreeVirtual((Pvoid_t) Pjbl, Words); + + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords -= Words; + + TRACE_FREE5("0x%x %8lu = j__udyFreeJBL(), Words = %lu\n", Pjbl, + j__udyMemSequence++, Words, Pjpm->jpm_Pop0); + + +} // j__udyFreeJBL() + + +FUNCTION void j__udyFreeJBB(Pjbb_t Pjbb, Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = sizeof(jbb_t) / cJU_BYTESPERWORD; + + MALLOCBITS_TEST(Pjbb_t, Pjbb); + JudyFreeVirtual((Pvoid_t) Pjbb, Words); + + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords -= Words; + + TRACE_FREE5("0x%x %8lu = j__udyFreeJBB(), Words = %lu\n", Pjbb, + j__udyMemSequence++, Words, Pjpm->jpm_Pop0); + + +} // j__udyFreeJBB() + + +FUNCTION void j__udyFreeJBBJP(Pjp_t Pjp, Word_t NumJPs, Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = JU_BRANCHJP_NUMJPSTOWORDS(NumJPs); + + MALLOCBITS_TEST(Pjp_t, Pjp); + JudyFree((Pvoid_t) Pjp, Words); + + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords -= Words; + + TRACE_FREE6("0x%x %8lu = j__udyFreeJBBJP(%lu), Words = %lu\n", Pjp, + j__udyMemSequence++, NumJPs, Words, Pjpm->jpm_Pop0); + + +} // j__udyFreeJBBJP() + + +FUNCTION void j__udyFreeJBU(Pjbu_t Pjbu, Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = sizeof(jbu_t) / cJU_BYTESPERWORD; + + MALLOCBITS_TEST(Pjbu_t, Pjbu); + JudyFreeVirtual((Pvoid_t) Pjbu, Words); + + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords -= Words; + + TRACE_FREE5("0x%x %8lu = j__udyFreeJBU(), Words = %lu\n", Pjbu, + j__udyMemSequence++, Words, Pjpm->jpm_Pop0); + + +} // j__udyFreeJBU() + + +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + +FUNCTION void j__udyFreeJLL1(Pjll_t Pjll, Word_t Pop1, Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = JU_LEAF1POPTOWORDS(Pop1); + + MALLOCBITS_TEST(Pjll_t, Pjll); + JudyFree((Pvoid_t) Pjll, Words); + + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords -= Words; + + TRACE_FREE6("0x%x %8lu = j__udyFreeJLL1(%lu), Words = %lu\n", Pjll, + j__udyMemSequence++, Pop1, Words, Pjpm->jpm_Pop0); + + +} // j__udyFreeJLL1() + +#endif // (JUDYL || (! JU_64BIT)) + + +FUNCTION void j__udyFreeJLL2(Pjll_t Pjll, Word_t Pop1, Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = JU_LEAF2POPTOWORDS(Pop1); + + MALLOCBITS_TEST(Pjll_t, Pjll); + JudyFree((Pvoid_t) Pjll, Words); + + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords -= Words; + + TRACE_FREE6("0x%x %8lu = j__udyFreeJLL2(%lu), Words = %lu\n", Pjll, + j__udyMemSequence++, Pop1, Words, Pjpm->jpm_Pop0); + + +} // j__udyFreeJLL2() + + +FUNCTION void j__udyFreeJLL3(Pjll_t Pjll, Word_t Pop1, Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = JU_LEAF3POPTOWORDS(Pop1); + + MALLOCBITS_TEST(Pjll_t, Pjll); + JudyFree((Pvoid_t) Pjll, Words); + + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords -= Words; + + TRACE_FREE6("0x%x %8lu = j__udyFreeJLL3(%lu), Words = %lu\n", Pjll, + j__udyMemSequence++, Pop1, Words, Pjpm->jpm_Pop0); + + +} // j__udyFreeJLL3() + + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + +FUNCTION void j__udyFreeJLL4(Pjll_t Pjll, Word_t Pop1, Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = JU_LEAF4POPTOWORDS(Pop1); + + MALLOCBITS_TEST(Pjll_t, Pjll); + JudyFree((Pvoid_t) Pjll, Words); + + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords -= Words; + + TRACE_FREE6("0x%x %8lu = j__udyFreeJLL4(%lu), Words = %lu\n", Pjll, + j__udyMemSequence++, Pop1, Words, Pjpm->jpm_Pop0); + + +} // j__udyFreeJLL4() + + +FUNCTION void j__udyFreeJLL5(Pjll_t Pjll, Word_t Pop1, Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = JU_LEAF5POPTOWORDS(Pop1); + + MALLOCBITS_TEST(Pjll_t, Pjll); + JudyFree((Pvoid_t) Pjll, Words); + + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords -= Words; + + TRACE_FREE6("0x%x %8lu = j__udyFreeJLL5(%lu), Words = %lu\n", Pjll, + j__udyMemSequence++, Pop1, Words, Pjpm->jpm_Pop0); + + +} // j__udyFreeJLL5() + + +FUNCTION void j__udyFreeJLL6(Pjll_t Pjll, Word_t Pop1, Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = JU_LEAF6POPTOWORDS(Pop1); + + MALLOCBITS_TEST(Pjll_t, Pjll); + JudyFree((Pvoid_t) Pjll, Words); + + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords -= Words; + + TRACE_FREE6("0x%x %8lu = j__udyFreeJLL6(%lu), Words = %lu\n", Pjll, + j__udyMemSequence++, Pop1, Words, Pjpm->jpm_Pop0); + + +} // j__udyFreeJLL6() + + +FUNCTION void j__udyFreeJLL7(Pjll_t Pjll, Word_t Pop1, Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = JU_LEAF7POPTOWORDS(Pop1); + + MALLOCBITS_TEST(Pjll_t, Pjll); + JudyFree((Pvoid_t) Pjll, Words); + + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords -= Words; + + TRACE_FREE6("0x%x %8lu = j__udyFreeJLL7(%lu), Words = %lu\n", Pjll, + j__udyMemSequence++, Pop1, Words, Pjpm->jpm_Pop0); + + +} // j__udyFreeJLL7() + +#endif // JU_64BIT + + +// Note: j__udyFreeJLW() receives a root pointer with NO root pointer type +// bits present, that is, they are stripped by P_JLW(): + +FUNCTION void j__udyFreeJLW(Pjlw_t Pjlw, Word_t Pop1, Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = JU_LEAFWPOPTOWORDS(Pop1); + + // MALLOCBITS_TEST(Pjlw_t, Pjlw); // see above. + JudyFree((Pvoid_t) Pjlw, Words); + + if (Pjpm) Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords -= Words; + + TRACE_FREE6("0x%x %8lu = j__udyFreeJLW(%lu), Words = %lu\n", Pjlw, + j__udyMemSequence++, Pop1, Words, Pop1 - 1); + + +} // j__udyFreeJLW() + + +FUNCTION void j__udyFreeJLB1(Pjlb_t Pjlb, Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = sizeof(jlb_t) / cJU_BYTESPERWORD; + + MALLOCBITS_TEST(Pjlb_t, Pjlb); + JudyFree((Pvoid_t) Pjlb, Words); + + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords -= Words; + + TRACE_FREE5("0x%x %8lu = j__udyFreeJLB1(), Words = %lu\n", Pjlb, + j__udyMemSequence++, Words, Pjpm->jpm_Pop0); + + +} // j__udyFreeJLB1() + + +#ifdef JUDYL + +FUNCTION void j__udyLFreeJV(Pjv_t Pjv, Word_t Pop1, Pjpm_t Pjpm) +{ + Word_t Words = JL_LEAFVPOPTOWORDS(Pop1); + + MALLOCBITS_TEST(Pjv_t, Pjv); + JudyFree((Pvoid_t) Pjv, Words); + + Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords -= Words; + + TRACE_FREE6("0x%x %8lu = j__udyLFreeJV(%lu), Words = %lu\n", Pjv, + j__udyMemSequence++, Pop1, Words, Pjpm->jpm_Pop0); + + +} // j__udyLFreeJV() + +#endif // JUDYL diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/JudyLMemActive.c b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/JudyLMemActive.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f9e2b5a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/JudyLMemActive.c @@ -0,0 +1,259 @@ +// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company +// +// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +// under the term of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +// option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +// _________________ + +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ +// +// Return number of bytes of memory used to support a Judy1/L array. +// Compile with one of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL. + +#if (! (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JUDYL))) +#error: One of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL must be specified. +#endif + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#include "Judy1.h" +#else +#include "JudyL.h" +#endif + +#include "JudyPrivate1L.h" + +FUNCTION static Word_t j__udyGetMemActive(Pjp_t); + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y 1 M E M A C T I V E +// J U D Y L M E M A C T I V E + +#ifdef JUDY1 +FUNCTION Word_t Judy1MemActive +#else +FUNCTION Word_t JudyLMemActive +#endif + ( + Pcvoid_t PArray // from which to retrieve. + ) +{ + if (PArray == (Pcvoid_t)NULL) return(0); + + if (JU_LEAFW_POP0(PArray) < cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1) // must be a LEAFW + { + Pjlw_t Pjlw = P_JLW(PArray); // first word of leaf. + Word_t Words = Pjlw[0] + 1; // population. +#ifdef JUDY1 + return((Words + 1) * sizeof(Word_t)); +#else + return(((Words * 2) + 1) * sizeof(Word_t)); +#endif + } + else + { + Pjpm_t Pjpm = P_JPM(PArray); + return(j__udyGetMemActive(&Pjpm->jpm_JP) + sizeof(jpm_t)); + } + +} // JudyMemActive() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// __ J U D Y G E T M E M A C T I V E + +FUNCTION static Word_t j__udyGetMemActive( + Pjp_t Pjp) // top of subtree. +{ + Word_t offset; // in a branch. + Word_t Bytes = 0; // actual bytes used at this level. + Word_t IdxSz; // bytes per index in leaves + + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L2: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L3: +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L4: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L5: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L6: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L7: +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L: + { + Pjbl_t Pjbl = P_JBL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + for (offset = 0; offset < (Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs); ++offset) + Bytes += j__udyGetMemActive((Pjbl->jbl_jp) + offset); + + return(Bytes + sizeof(jbl_t)); + } + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B2: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B3: +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B4: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B5: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B6: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B7: +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B: + { + Word_t subexp; + Word_t jpcount; + Pjbb_t Pjbb = P_JBB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + for (subexp = 0; subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPB; ++subexp) + { + jpcount = j__udyCountBitsB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp)); + Bytes += jpcount * sizeof(jp_t); + + for (offset = 0; offset < jpcount; ++offset) + { + Bytes += j__udyGetMemActive(P_JP(JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp)) + + offset); + } + } + + return(Bytes + sizeof(jbb_t)); + } + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U2: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U3: +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U4: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U5: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U6: + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U7: +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U: + { + Pjbu_t Pjbu = P_JBU(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + for (offset = 0; offset < cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS; ++offset) + { + if (((Pjbu->jbu_jp[offset].jp_Type) >= cJU_JPNULL1) + && ((Pjbu->jbu_jp[offset].jp_Type) <= cJU_JPNULLMAX)) + { + continue; // skip null JP to save time. + } + + Bytes += j__udyGetMemActive(Pjbu->jbu_jp + offset); + } + + return(Bytes + sizeof(jbu_t)); + } + + +// -- Cases below here terminate and do not recurse. -- + +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + case cJU_JPLEAF1: IdxSz = 1; goto LeafWords; +#endif + case cJU_JPLEAF2: IdxSz = 2; goto LeafWords; + case cJU_JPLEAF3: IdxSz = 3; goto LeafWords; +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPLEAF4: IdxSz = 4; goto LeafWords; + case cJU_JPLEAF5: IdxSz = 5; goto LeafWords; + case cJU_JPLEAF6: IdxSz = 6; goto LeafWords; + case cJU_JPLEAF7: IdxSz = 7; goto LeafWords; +#endif +LeafWords: + +#ifdef JUDY1 + return(IdxSz * (JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1)); +#else + return((IdxSz + sizeof(Word_t)) + * (JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1)); +#endif + case cJU_JPLEAF_B1: + { +#ifdef JUDY1 + return(sizeof(jlb_t)); +#else + Bytes = (JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1) * sizeof(Word_t); + + return(Bytes + sizeof(jlb_t)); +#endif + } + + JUDY1CODE(case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1: return(0);) + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#define J__Mpy 0 +#else +#define J__Mpy sizeof(Word_t) +#endif + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_01: return(0); + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_01: return(0); + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_01: return(0); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPIMMED_4_01: return(0); + case cJU_JPIMMED_5_01: return(0); + case cJU_JPIMMED_6_01: return(0); + case cJU_JPIMMED_7_01: return(0); +#endif + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_02: return(J__Mpy * 2); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_03: return(J__Mpy * 3); +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_04: return(J__Mpy * 4); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_05: return(J__Mpy * 5); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_06: return(J__Mpy * 6); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_07: return(J__Mpy * 7); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_08: return(0); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_09: return(0); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_10: return(0); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_11: return(0); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_12: return(0); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_13: return(0); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_14: return(0); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_15: return(0); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_02: return(J__Mpy * 2); + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_03: return(J__Mpy * 3); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_04: return(0); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_05: return(0); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_06: return(0); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_07: return(0); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_02: return(J__Mpy * 2); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_03: return(0); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_04: return(0); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_05: return(0); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02: return(0); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_03: return(0); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02: return(0); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_03: return(0); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02: return(0); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02: return(0); +#endif + + } // switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + + return(0); // to make some compilers happy. + +} // j__udyGetMemActive() diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/JudyLMemUsed.c b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/JudyLMemUsed.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b1662740 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/JudyLMemUsed.c @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company +// +// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +// under the term of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +// option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +// _________________ + +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ +// +// Return number of bytes of memory used to support a Judy1/L array. +// Compile with one of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL. + +#if (! (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JUDYL))) +#error: One of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL must be specified. +#endif + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#include "Judy1.h" +#else +#include "JudyL.h" +#endif + +#include "JudyPrivate1L.h" + +#ifdef JUDY1 +FUNCTION Word_t Judy1MemUsed +#else // JUDYL +FUNCTION Word_t JudyLMemUsed +#endif + ( + Pcvoid_t PArray // from which to retrieve. + ) +{ + Word_t Words = 0; + + if (PArray == (Pcvoid_t) NULL) return(0); + + if (JU_LEAFW_POP0(PArray) < cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1) // must be a LEAFW + { + Pjlw_t Pjlw = P_JLW(PArray); // first word of leaf. + Words = JU_LEAFWPOPTOWORDS(Pjlw[0] + 1); // based on pop1. + } + else + { + Pjpm_t Pjpm = P_JPM(PArray); + Words = Pjpm->jpm_TotalMemWords; + } + + return(Words * sizeof(Word_t)); // convert to bytes. + +} // Judy1MemUsed() / JudyLMemUsed() diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/JudyLNext.c b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/JudyLNext.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..331d7014 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/JudyLNext.c @@ -0,0 +1,1890 @@ +// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company +// +// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +// under the term of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +// option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +// _________________ + +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ +// +// Judy*Prev() and Judy*Next() functions for Judy1 and JudyL. +// Compile with one of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL. +// +// Compile with -DJUDYNEXT for the Judy*Next() function; otherwise defaults to +// Judy*Prev(). + +#if (! (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JUDYL))) +#error: One of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL must be specified. +#endif + +#ifndef JUDYNEXT +#ifndef JUDYPREV +#define JUDYPREV 1 // neither set => use default. +#endif +#endif + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#include "Judy1.h" +#else +#include "JudyL.h" +#endif + +#include "JudyPrivate1L.h" + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y 1 P R E V +// J U D Y 1 N E X T +// J U D Y L P R E V +// J U D Y L N E X T +// +// See the manual entry for the API. +// +// OVERVIEW OF Judy*Prev(): +// +// Use a reentrant switch statement (state machine, SM1 = "get") to decode the +// callers *PIndex-1, starting with the (PArray), through branches, if +// any, down to an immediate or a leaf. Look for *PIndex-1 in that leaf, and +// if found, return it. +// +// A dead end is either a branch that does not contain a JP for the appropriate +// digit in *PIndex-1, or a leaf that does not contain the undecoded digits of +// *PIndex-1. Upon reaching a dead end, backtrack through the leaf/branches +// that were just traversed, using a list (history) of parent JPs that is built +// while going forward in SM1Get. Start with the current leaf or branch. In a +// backtracked leaf, look for an Index less than *PIndex-1. In each +// backtracked branch, look "sideways" for the next JP, if any, lower than the +// one for the digit (from *PIndex-1) that was previously decoded. While +// backtracking, if a leaf has no previous Index or a branch has no lower JP, +// go to its parent branch in turn. Upon reaching the JRP, return failure, "no +// previous Index". The backtrack process is sufficiently different from +// SM1Get to merit its own separate reentrant switch statement (SM2 = +// "backtrack"). +// +// While backtracking, upon finding a lower JP in a branch, there is certain to +// be a "prev" Index under that JP (unless the Judy array is corrupt). +// Traverse forward again, this time taking the last (highest, right-most) JP +// in each branch, and the last (highest) Index upon reaching an immediate or a +// leaf. This traversal is sufficiently different from SM1Get and SM2Backtrack +// to merit its own separate reentrant switch statement (SM3 = "findlimit"). +// +// "Decode" bytes in JPs complicate this process a little. In SM1Get, when a +// JP is a narrow pointer, that is, when states are skipped (so the skipped +// digits are stored in jp_DcdPopO), compare the relevant digits to the same +// digits in *PIndex-1. If they are EQUAL, proceed in SM1Get as before. If +// jp_DcdPopOs digits are GREATER, treat the JP as a dead end and proceed in +// SM2Backtrack. If jp_DcdPopOs digits are LESS, treat the JP as if it had +// just been found during a backtrack and proceed directly in SM3Findlimit. +// +// Note that Decode bytes can be ignored in SM3Findlimit; they dont matter. +// Also note that in practice the Decode bytes are routinely compared with +// *PIndex-1 because thats simpler and no slower than first testing for +// narrowness. +// +// Decode bytes also make it unnecessary to construct the Index to return (the +// revised *PIndex) during the search. This step is deferred until finding an +// Index during backtrack or findlimit, before returning it. The first digit +// of *PIndex is derived (saved) based on which JP is used in a JRP branch. +// The remaining digits are obtained from the jp_DcdPopO field in the JP (if +// any) above the immediate or leaf containing the found (prev) Index, plus the +// remaining digit(s) in the immediate or leaf itself. In the case of a LEAFW, +// the Index to return is found directly in the leaf. +// +// Note: Theoretically, as described above, upon reaching a dead end, SM1Get +// passes control to SM2Backtrack to look sideways, even in a leaf. Actually +// its a little more efficient for the SM1Get leaf cases to shortcut this and +// take care of the sideways searches themselves. Hence the history list only +// contains branch JPs, and SM2Backtrack only handles branches. In fact, even +// the branch handling cases in SM1Get do some shortcutting (sideways +// searching) to avoid pushing history and calling SM2Backtrack unnecessarily. +// +// Upon reaching an Index to return after backtracking, *PIndex must be +// modified to the found Index. In principle this could be done by building +// the Index from a saved rootdigit (in the top branch) plus the Dcd bytes from +// the parent JP plus the appropriate Index bytes from the leaf. However, +// Immediates are difficult because their parent JPs lack one (last) digit. So +// instead just build the *PIndex to return "top down" while backtracking and +// findlimiting. +// +// This function is written iteratively for speed, rather than recursively. +// +// CAVEATS: +// +// Why use a backtrack list (history stack), since it has finite size? The +// size is small for Judy on both 32-bit and 64-bit systems, and a list (really +// just an array) is fast to maintain and use. Other alternatives include +// doing a lookahead (lookaside) in each branch while traversing forward +// (decoding), and restarting from the top upon a dead end. +// +// A lookahead means noting the last branch traversed which contained a +// non-null JP lower than the one specified by a digit in *PIndex-1, and +// returning to that point for SM3Findlimit. This seems like a good idea, and +// should be pretty cheap for linear and bitmap branches, but it could result +// in up to 31 unnecessary additional cache line fills (in extreme cases) for +// every uncompressed branch traversed. We have considered means of attaching +// to or hiding within an uncompressed branch (in null JPs) a "cache line map" +// or other structure, such as an offset to the next non-null JP, that would +// speed this up, but it seems unnecessary merely to avoid having a +// finite-length list (array). (If JudySL is ever made "native", the finite +// list length will be an issue.) +// +// Restarting at the top of the Judy array after a dead end requires a careful +// modification of *PIndex-1 to decrement the digit for the parent branch and +// set the remaining lower digits to all 1s. This must be repeated each time a +// parent branch contains another dead end, so even though it should all happen +// in cache, the CPU time can be excessive. (For JudySL or an equivalent +// "infinitely deep" Judy array, consider a hybrid of a large, finite, +// "circular" list and a restart-at-top when the list is backtracked to +// exhaustion.) +// +// Why search for *PIndex-1 instead of *PIndex during SM1Get? In rare +// instances this prevents an unnecessary decode down the wrong path followed +// by a backtrack; its pretty cheap to set up initially; and it means the +// SM1Get machine can simply return if/when it finds that Index. +// +// TBD: Wed like to enhance this function to make successive searches faster. +// This would require saving some previous state, including the previous Index +// returned, and in which leaf it was found. If the next call is for the same +// Index and the array has not been modified, start at the same leaf. This +// should be much easier to implement since this is iterative rather than +// recursive code. +// +// VARIATIONS FOR Judy*Next(): +// +// The Judy*Next() code is nearly a perfect mirror of the Judy*Prev() code. +// See the Judy*Prev() overview comments, and mentally switch the following: +// +// - "*PIndex-1" => "*PIndex+1" +// - "less than" => "greater than" +// - "lower" => "higher" +// - "lowest" => "highest" +// - "next-left" => "next-right" +// - "right-most" => "left-most" +// +// Note: SM3Findlimit could be called SM3Findmax/SM3Findmin, but a common name +// for both Prev and Next means many fewer ifdefs in this code. +// +// TBD: Currently this code traverses a JP whether its expanse is partially or +// completely full (populated). For Judy1 (only), since there is no value area +// needed, consider shortcutting to a "success" return upon encountering a full +// JP in SM1Get (or even SM3Findlimit?) A full JP looks like this: +// +// (((JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) ^ cJU_ALLONES) & cJU_POP0MASK(cLevel)) == 0) + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#ifdef JUDYPREV +FUNCTION int Judy1Prev +#else +FUNCTION int Judy1Next +#endif +#else +#ifdef JUDYPREV +FUNCTION PPvoid_t JudyLPrev +#else +FUNCTION PPvoid_t JudyLNext +#endif +#endif + ( + Pcvoid_t PArray, // Judy array to search. + Word_t * PIndex, // starting point and result. + PJError_t PJError // optional, for returning error info. + ) +{ + Pjp_t Pjp, Pjp2; // current JPs. + Pjbl_t Pjbl; // Pjp->jp_Addr masked and cast to types: + Pjbb_t Pjbb; + Pjbu_t Pjbu; + +// Note: The following initialization is not strictly required but it makes +// gcc -Wall happy because there is an "impossible" path from Immed handling to +// SM1LeafLImm code that looks like Pjll might be used before set: + + Pjll_t Pjll = (Pjll_t) NULL; + Word_t state; // current state in SM. + Word_t digit; // next digit to decode from Index. + +// Note: The following initialization is not strictly required but it makes +// gcc -Wall happy because there is an "impossible" path from Immed handling to +// SM1LeafLImm code (for JudyL & JudyPrev only) that looks like pop1 might be +// used before set: + +#if (defined(JUDYL) && defined(JUDYPREV)) + Word_t pop1 = 0; // in a leaf. +#else + Word_t pop1; // in a leaf. +#endif + int offset; // linear branch/leaf, from j__udySearchLeaf*(). + int subexp; // subexpanse in a bitmap branch. + Word_t bitposmask; // bit in bitmap for Index. + +// History for SM2Backtrack: +// +// For a given histnum, APjphist[histnum] is a parent JP that points to a +// branch, and Aoffhist[histnum] is the offset of the NEXT JP in the branch to +// which the parent JP points. The meaning of Aoffhist[histnum] depends on the +// type of branch to which the parent JP points: +// +// Linear: Offset of the next JP in the JP list. +// +// Bitmap: Which subexpanse, plus the offset of the next JP in the +// subexpanses JP list (to avoid bit-counting again), plus for Judy*Next(), +// hidden one byte to the left, which digit, because Judy*Next() also needs +// this. +// +// Uncompressed: Digit, which is actually the offset of the JP in the branch. +// +// Note: Only branch JPs are stored in APjphist[] because, as explained +// earlier, SM1Get shortcuts sideways searches in leaves (and even in branches +// in some cases), so SM2Backtrack only handles branches. + +#define HISTNUMMAX cJU_ROOTSTATE // maximum branches traversable. + Pjp_t APjphist[HISTNUMMAX]; // list of branch JPs traversed. + int Aoffhist[HISTNUMMAX]; // list of next JP offsets; see above. + int histnum = 0; // number of JPs now in list. + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// M A C R O S +// +// These are intended to make the code a bit more readable and less redundant. + + +// "PUSH" AND "POP" Pjp AND offset ON HISTORY STACKS: +// +// Note: Ensure a corrupt Judy array does not overflow *hist[]. Meanwhile, +// underflowing *hist[] simply means theres no more room to backtrack => +// "no previous/next Index". + +#define HISTPUSH(Pjp,Offset) \ + APjphist[histnum] = (Pjp); \ + Aoffhist[histnum] = (Offset); \ + \ + if (++histnum >= HISTNUMMAX) \ + { \ + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT) \ + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) \ + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) \ + } + +#define HISTPOP(Pjp,Offset) \ + if ((histnum--) < 1) JU_RET_NOTFOUND; \ + (Pjp) = APjphist[histnum]; \ + (Offset) = Aoffhist[histnum] + +// How to pack/unpack Aoffhist[] values for bitmap branches: + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + +#define HISTPUSHBOFF(Subexp,Offset,Digit) \ + (((Subexp) * cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB) | (Offset)) + +#define HISTPOPBOFF(Subexp,Offset,Digit) \ + (Subexp) = (Offset) / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; \ + (Offset) %= cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB +#else + +#define HISTPUSHBOFF(Subexp,Offset,Digit) \ + (((Digit) << cJU_BITSPERBYTE) \ + | ((Subexp) * cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB) | (Offset)) + +#define HISTPOPBOFF(Subexp,Offset,Digit) \ + (Digit) = (Offset) >> cJU_BITSPERBYTE; \ + (Subexp) = ((Offset) & JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(1)) / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; \ + (Offset) %= cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB +#endif + + +// CHECK FOR NULL JP: + +#define JPNULL(Type) (((Type) >= cJU_JPNULL1) && ((Type) <= cJU_JPNULLMAX)) + + +// SEARCH A BITMAP: +// +// This is a weak analog of j__udySearchLeaf*() for bitmaps. Return the actual +// or next-left position, base 0, of Digit in the single uint32_t bitmap, also +// given a Bitposmask for Digit. +// +// Unlike j__udySearchLeaf*(), the offset is not returned bit-complemented if +// Digits bit is unset, because the caller can check the bitmap themselves to +// determine that. Also, if Digits bit is unset, the returned offset is to +// the next-left JP (including -1), not to the "ideal" position for the Index = +// next-right JP. +// +// Shortcut and skip calling j__udyCountBits*() if the bitmap is full, in which +// case (Digit % cJU_BITSPERSUBEXP*) itself is the base-0 offset. +// +// TBD for Judy*Next(): Should this return next-right instead of next-left? +// That is, +1 from current value? Maybe not, if Digits bit IS set, +1 would +// be wrong. + +#define SEARCHBITMAPB(Bitmap,Digit,Bitposmask) \ + (((Bitmap) == cJU_FULLBITMAPB) ? (Digit % cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB) : \ + j__udyCountBitsB((Bitmap) & JU_MASKLOWERINC(Bitposmask)) - 1) + +#define SEARCHBITMAPL(Bitmap,Digit,Bitposmask) \ + (((Bitmap) == cJU_FULLBITMAPL) ? (Digit % cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL) : \ + j__udyCountBitsL((Bitmap) & JU_MASKLOWERINC(Bitposmask)) - 1) + +#ifdef JUDYPREV +// Equivalent to search for the highest offset in Bitmap: + +#define SEARCHBITMAPMAXB(Bitmap) \ + (((Bitmap) == cJU_FULLBITMAPB) ? cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB - 1 : \ + j__udyCountBitsB(Bitmap) - 1) + +#define SEARCHBITMAPMAXL(Bitmap) \ + (((Bitmap) == cJU_FULLBITMAPL) ? cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL - 1 : \ + j__udyCountBitsL(Bitmap) - 1) +#endif + + +// CHECK DECODE BYTES: +// +// Check Decode bytes in a JP against the equivalent portion of *PIndex. If +// *PIndex is lower (for Judy*Prev()) or higher (for Judy*Next()), this JP is a +// dead end (the same as if it had been absent in a linear or bitmap branch or +// null in an uncompressed branch), enter SM2Backtrack; otherwise enter +// SM3Findlimit to find the highest/lowest Index under this JP, as if the code +// had already backtracked to this JP. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV +#define CDcmp__ < +#else +#define CDcmp__ > +#endif + +#define CHECKDCD(cState) \ + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(*PIndex, Pjp, cState)) \ + { \ + if ((*PIndex & cJU_DCDMASK(cState)) \ + CDcmp__(JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & cJU_DCDMASK(cState))) \ + { \ + goto SM2Backtrack; \ + } \ + goto SM3Findlimit; \ + } + + +// PREPARE TO HANDLE A LEAFW OR JRP BRANCH IN SM1: +// +// Extract a state-dependent digit from Index in a "constant" way, then jump to +// common code for multiple cases. + +#define SM1PREPB(cState,Next) \ + state = (cState); \ + digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(*PIndex, cState); \ + goto Next + + +// PREPARE TO HANDLE A LEAFW OR JRP BRANCH IN SM3: +// +// Optionally save Dcd bytes into *PIndex, then save state and jump to common +// code for multiple cases. + +#define SM3PREPB_DCD(cState,Next) \ + JU_SETDCD(*PIndex, Pjp, cState); \ + SM3PREPB(cState,Next) + +#define SM3PREPB(cState,Next) state = (cState); goto Next + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// CHECK FOR SHORTCUTS: +// +// Error out if PIndex is null. Execute JU_RET_NOTFOUND if the Judy array is +// empty or *PIndex is already the minimum/maximum Index possible. +// +// Note: As documented, in case of failure *PIndex may be modified. + + if (PIndex == (PWord_t) NULL) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NULLPINDEX); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + if ((PArray == (Pvoid_t) NULL) || ((*PIndex)-- == 0)) +#else + if ((PArray == (Pvoid_t) NULL) || ((*PIndex)++ == cJU_ALLONES)) +#endif + JU_RET_NOTFOUND; + + +// HANDLE JRP: +// +// Before even entering SM1Get, check the JRP type. For JRP branches, traverse +// the JPM; handle LEAFW leaves directly; but look for the most common cases +// first. + +// ROOT-STATE LEAF that starts with a Pop0 word; just look within the leaf: +// +// If *PIndex is in the leaf, return it; otherwise return the Index, if any, +// below where it would belong. + + if (JU_LEAFW_POP0(PArray) < cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1) // must be a LEAFW + { + Pjlw_t Pjlw = P_JLW(PArray); // first word of leaf. + pop1 = Pjlw[0] + 1; + + if ((offset = j__udySearchLeafW(Pjlw + 1, pop1, *PIndex)) + >= 0) // Index is present. + { + assert(offset < pop1); // in expected range. + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAFW(Pjlw, pop1, offset); // *PIndex is set. + } + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + if ((offset = ~offset) == 0) // no next-left Index. +#else + if ((offset = ~offset) >= pop1) // no next-right Index. +#endif + JU_RET_NOTFOUND; + + assert(offset <= pop1); // valid result. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + *PIndex = Pjlw[offset--]; // next-left Index, base 1. +#else + *PIndex = Pjlw[offset + 1]; // next-right Index, base 1. +#endif + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAFW(Pjlw, pop1, offset); // base 0. + + } + else // JRP BRANCH + { + Pjpm_t Pjpm = P_JPM(PArray); + Pjp = &(Pjpm->jpm_JP); + +// goto SM1Get; + } + +// ============================================================================ +// STATE MACHINE 1 -- GET INDEX: +// +// Search for *PIndex (already decremented/incremented so as to be inclusive). +// If found, return it. Otherwise in theory hand off to SM2Backtrack or +// SM3Findlimit, but in practice "shortcut" by first sideways searching the +// current branch or leaf upon hitting a dead end. During sideways search, +// modify *PIndex to a new path taken. +// +// ENTRY: Pjp points to next JP to interpret, whose Decode bytes have not yet +// been checked. This JP is not yet listed in history. +// +// Note: Check Decode bytes at the start of each loop, not after looking up a +// new JP, so its easy to do constant shifts/masks, although this requires +// cautious handling of Pjp, offset, and *hist[] for correct entry to +// SM2Backtrack. +// +// EXIT: Return, or branch to SM2Backtrack or SM3Findlimit with correct +// interface, as described elsewhere. +// +// WARNING: For run-time efficiency the following cases replicate code with +// varying constants, rather than using common code with variable values! + +SM1Get: // return here for next branch/leaf. + + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// LINEAR BRANCH: +// +// Check Decode bytes, if any, in the current JP, then search for a JP for the +// next digit in *PIndex. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L2: CHECKDCD(2); SM1PREPB(2, SM1BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L3: CHECKDCD(3); SM1PREPB(3, SM1BranchL); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L4: CHECKDCD(4); SM1PREPB(4, SM1BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L5: CHECKDCD(5); SM1PREPB(5, SM1BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L6: CHECKDCD(6); SM1PREPB(6, SM1BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L7: CHECKDCD(7); SM1PREPB(7, SM1BranchL); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L: SM1PREPB(cJU_ROOTSTATE, SM1BranchL); + +// Common code (state-independent) for all cases of linear branches: + +SM1BranchL: + Pjbl = P_JBL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + +// Found JP matching current digit in *PIndex; record parent JP and the next +// JPs offset, and iterate to the next JP: + + if ((offset = j__udySearchLeaf1((Pjll_t) (Pjbl->jbl_Expanse), + Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs, digit)) >= 0) + { + HISTPUSH(Pjp, offset); + Pjp = (Pjbl->jbl_jp) + offset; + goto SM1Get; + } + +// Dead end, no JP in BranchL for next digit in *PIndex: +// +// Get the ideal location of digits JP, and if theres no next-left/right JP +// in the BranchL, shortcut and start backtracking one level up; ignore the +// current Pjp because it points to a BranchL with no next-left/right JP. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + if ((offset = (~offset) - 1) < 0) // no next-left JP in BranchL. +#else + if ((offset = (~offset)) >= Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs) // no next-right. +#endif + goto SM2Backtrack; + +// Theres a next-left/right JP in the current BranchL; save its digit in +// *PIndex and shortcut to SM3Findlimit: + + JU_SETDIGIT(*PIndex, Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[offset], state); + Pjp = (Pjbl->jbl_jp) + offset; + goto SM3Findlimit; + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// BITMAP BRANCH: +// +// Check Decode bytes, if any, in the current JP, then look for a JP for the +// next digit in *PIndex. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B2: CHECKDCD(2); SM1PREPB(2, SM1BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B3: CHECKDCD(3); SM1PREPB(3, SM1BranchB); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B4: CHECKDCD(4); SM1PREPB(4, SM1BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B5: CHECKDCD(5); SM1PREPB(5, SM1BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B6: CHECKDCD(6); SM1PREPB(6, SM1BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B7: CHECKDCD(7); SM1PREPB(7, SM1BranchB); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B: SM1PREPB(cJU_ROOTSTATE, SM1BranchB); + +// Common code (state-independent) for all cases of bitmap branches: + +SM1BranchB: + Pjbb = P_JBB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + +// Locate the digits JP in the subexpanse list, if present, otherwise the +// offset of the next-left JP, if any: + + subexp = digit / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; + assert(subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPB); // falls in expected range. + bitposmask = JU_BITPOSMASKB(digit); + offset = SEARCHBITMAPB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp), digit, + bitposmask); + // right range: + assert((offset >= -1) && (offset < (int) cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB)); + +// Found JP matching current digit in *PIndex: +// +// Record the parent JP and the next JPs offset; and iterate to the next JP. + +// if (JU_BITMAPTESTB(Pjbb, digit)) // slower. + if (JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp) & bitposmask) // faster. + { + // not negative since at least one bit is set: + assert(offset >= 0); + + HISTPUSH(Pjp, HISTPUSHBOFF(subexp, offset, digit)); + + if ((Pjp = P_JP(JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp))) == (Pjp_t) NULL) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + + Pjp += offset; + goto SM1Get; // iterate to next JP. + } + +// Dead end, no JP in BranchB for next digit in *PIndex: +// +// If theres a next-left/right JP in the current BranchB, shortcut to +// SM3Findlimit. Note: offset is already set to the correct value for the +// next-left/right JP. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + if (offset >= 0) // next-left JP is in this subexpanse. + goto SM1BranchBFindlimit; + + while (--subexp >= 0) // search next-left subexpanses. +#else + if (JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp) & JU_MASKHIGHEREXC(bitposmask)) + { + ++offset; // next-left => next-right. + goto SM1BranchBFindlimit; + } + + while (++subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPB) // search next-right subexps. +#endif + { + if (! JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp)) continue; // empty subexpanse. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + offset = SEARCHBITMAPMAXB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp)); + // expected range: + assert((offset >= 0) && (offset < cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB)); +#else + offset = 0; +#endif + +// Save the next-left/right JPs digit in *PIndex: + +SM1BranchBFindlimit: + JU_BITMAPDIGITB(digit, subexp, JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp), + offset); + JU_SETDIGIT(*PIndex, digit, state); + + if ((Pjp = P_JP(JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp))) == (Pjp_t) NULL) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + + Pjp += offset; + goto SM3Findlimit; + } + +// Theres no next-left/right JP in the BranchB: +// +// Shortcut and start backtracking one level up; ignore the current Pjp because +// it points to a BranchB with no next-left/right JP. + + goto SM2Backtrack; + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// UNCOMPRESSED BRANCH: +// +// Check Decode bytes, if any, in the current JP, then look for a JP for the +// next digit in *PIndex. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U2: CHECKDCD(2); SM1PREPB(2, SM1BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U3: CHECKDCD(3); SM1PREPB(3, SM1BranchU); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U4: CHECKDCD(4); SM1PREPB(4, SM1BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U5: CHECKDCD(5); SM1PREPB(5, SM1BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U6: CHECKDCD(6); SM1PREPB(6, SM1BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U7: CHECKDCD(7); SM1PREPB(7, SM1BranchU); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U: SM1PREPB(cJU_ROOTSTATE, SM1BranchU); + +// Common code (state-independent) for all cases of uncompressed branches: + +SM1BranchU: + Pjbu = P_JBU(Pjp->jp_Addr); + Pjp2 = (Pjbu->jbu_jp) + digit; + +// Found JP matching current digit in *PIndex: +// +// Record the parent JP and the next JPs digit, and iterate to the next JP. +// +// TBD: Instead of this, just goto SM1Get, and add cJU_JPNULL* cases to the +// SM1Get state machine? Then backtrack? However, it means you cant detect +// an inappropriate cJU_JPNULL*, when it occurs in other than a BranchU, and +// return JU_RET_CORRUPT. + + if (! JPNULL(JU_JPTYPE(Pjp2))) // digit has a JP. + { + HISTPUSH(Pjp, digit); + Pjp = Pjp2; + goto SM1Get; + } + +// Dead end, no JP in BranchU for next digit in *PIndex: +// +// Search for a next-left/right JP in the current BranchU, and if one is found, +// save its digit in *PIndex and shortcut to SM3Findlimit: + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + while (digit >= 1) + { + Pjp = (Pjbu->jbu_jp) + (--digit); +#else + while (digit < cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS - 1) + { + Pjp = (Pjbu->jbu_jp) + (++digit); +#endif + if (JPNULL(JU_JPTYPE(Pjp))) continue; + + JU_SETDIGIT(*PIndex, digit, state); + goto SM3Findlimit; + } + +// Theres no next-left/right JP in the BranchU: +// +// Shortcut and start backtracking one level up; ignore the current Pjp because +// it points to a BranchU with no next-left/right JP. + + goto SM2Backtrack; + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// LINEAR LEAF: +// +// Check Decode bytes, if any, in the current JP, then search the leaf for +// *PIndex. + +#define SM1LEAFL(Func) \ + Pjll = P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); \ + pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; \ + offset = Func(Pjll, pop1, *PIndex); \ + goto SM1LeafLImm + +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + case cJU_JPLEAF1: CHECKDCD(1); SM1LEAFL(j__udySearchLeaf1); +#endif + case cJU_JPLEAF2: CHECKDCD(2); SM1LEAFL(j__udySearchLeaf2); + case cJU_JPLEAF3: CHECKDCD(3); SM1LEAFL(j__udySearchLeaf3); + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPLEAF4: CHECKDCD(4); SM1LEAFL(j__udySearchLeaf4); + case cJU_JPLEAF5: CHECKDCD(5); SM1LEAFL(j__udySearchLeaf5); + case cJU_JPLEAF6: CHECKDCD(6); SM1LEAFL(j__udySearchLeaf6); + case cJU_JPLEAF7: CHECKDCD(7); SM1LEAFL(j__udySearchLeaf7); +#endif + +// Common code (state-independent) for all cases of linear leaves and +// immediates: + +SM1LeafLImm: + if (offset >= 0) // *PIndex is in LeafL / Immed. +#ifdef JUDY1 + JU_RET_FOUND; +#else + { // JudyL is trickier... + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + case cJU_JPLEAF1: JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF1(Pjll, pop1, offset); +#endif + case cJU_JPLEAF2: JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF2(Pjll, pop1, offset); + case cJU_JPLEAF3: JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF3(Pjll, pop1, offset); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPLEAF4: JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF4(Pjll, pop1, offset); + case cJU_JPLEAF5: JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF5(Pjll, pop1, offset); + case cJU_JPLEAF6: JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF6(Pjll, pop1, offset); + case cJU_JPLEAF7: JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF7(Pjll, pop1, offset); +#endif + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_01: +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPIMMED_4_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_5_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_6_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_7_01: +#endif + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM_01(Pjp); + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_02: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_03: +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_04: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_05: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_06: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_07: + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_02: + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_03: + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_02: +#endif + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + } + + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); // impossible? + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + + } // found *PIndex + +#endif // JUDYL + +// Dead end, no Index in LeafL / Immed for remaining digit(s) in *PIndex: +// +// Get the ideal location of Index, and if theres no next-left/right Index in +// the LeafL / Immed, shortcut and start backtracking one level up; ignore the +// current Pjp because it points to a LeafL / Immed with no next-left/right +// Index. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + if ((offset = (~offset) - 1) < 0) // no next-left Index. +#else + if ((offset = (~offset)) >= pop1) // no next-right Index. +#endif + goto SM2Backtrack; + +// Theres a next-left/right Index in the current LeafL / Immed; shortcut by +// copying its digit(s) to *PIndex and returning it. +// +// Unfortunately this is pretty hairy, especially avoiding endian issues. +// +// The cJU_JPLEAF* cases are very similar to same-index-size cJU_JPIMMED* cases +// for *_02 and above, but must return differently, at least for JudyL, so +// spell them out separately here at the cost of a little redundant code for +// Judy1. + + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + case cJU_JPLEAF1: + + JU_SETDIGIT1(*PIndex, ((uint8_t *) Pjll)[offset]); + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF1(Pjll, pop1, offset); +#endif + + case cJU_JPLEAF2: + + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(2))) + | ((uint16_t *) Pjll)[offset]; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF2(Pjll, pop1, offset); + + case cJU_JPLEAF3: + { + Word_t lsb; + JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) Pjll) + (3 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(3))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF3(Pjll, pop1, offset); + } + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPLEAF4: + + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(4))) + | ((uint32_t *) Pjll)[offset]; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF4(Pjll, pop1, offset); + + case cJU_JPLEAF5: + { + Word_t lsb; + JU_COPY5_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) Pjll) + (5 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(5))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF5(Pjll, pop1, offset); + } + + case cJU_JPLEAF6: + { + Word_t lsb; + JU_COPY6_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) Pjll) + (6 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(6))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF6(Pjll, pop1, offset); + } + + case cJU_JPLEAF7: + { + Word_t lsb; + JU_COPY7_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) Pjll) + (7 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(7))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF7(Pjll, pop1, offset); + } + +#endif // JU_64BIT + +#define SET_01(cState) JU_SETDIGITS(*PIndex, JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp), cState) + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_01: SET_01(1); goto SM1Imm_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_01: SET_01(2); goto SM1Imm_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_01: SET_01(3); goto SM1Imm_01; +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPIMMED_4_01: SET_01(4); goto SM1Imm_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_5_01: SET_01(5); goto SM1Imm_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_6_01: SET_01(6); goto SM1Imm_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_7_01: SET_01(7); goto SM1Imm_01; +#endif +SM1Imm_01: JU_RET_FOUND_IMM_01(Pjp); + +// Shorthand for where to find start of Index bytes array: + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#define PJI (Pjp->jp_1Index) +#else +#define PJI (Pjp->jp_LIndex) +#endif + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_02: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_03: +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_04: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_05: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_06: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_07: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_08: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_09: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_10: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_11: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_12: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_13: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_14: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_15: +#endif + JU_SETDIGIT1(*PIndex, ((uint8_t *) PJI)[offset]); + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_02: + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_03: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_04: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_05: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_06: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_07: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(2))) + | ((uint16_t *) PJI)[offset]; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_02: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_03: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_04: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_05: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + { + Word_t lsb; + JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) PJI) + (3 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(3))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + } +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_03: + + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(4))) + | ((uint32_t *) PJI)[offset]; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_03: + { + Word_t lsb; + JU_COPY5_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) PJI) + (5 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(5))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + } + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02: + { + Word_t lsb; + JU_COPY6_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) PJI) + (6 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(6))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + } + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02: + { + Word_t lsb; + JU_COPY7_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) PJI) + (7 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(7))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + } + +#endif // (JUDY1 && JU_64BIT) + + } // switch for not-found *PIndex + + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); // impossible? + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// BITMAP LEAF: +// +// Check Decode bytes, if any, in the current JP, then look in the leaf for +// *PIndex. + + case cJU_JPLEAF_B1: + { + Pjlb_t Pjlb; + CHECKDCD(1); + + Pjlb = P_JLB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(*PIndex, 1); + subexp = JU_SUBEXPL(digit); + bitposmask = JU_BITPOSMASKL(digit); + assert(subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPL); // falls in expected range. + +// *PIndex exists in LeafB1: + +// if (JU_BITMAPTESTL(Pjlb, digit)) // slower. + if (JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp) & bitposmask) // faster. + { +#ifdef JUDYL // needs offset at this point: + offset = SEARCHBITMAPL(JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp), digit, bitposmask); +#endif + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF_B1(Pjlb, subexp, offset); +// == return((PPvoid_t) (P_JV(JL_JLB_PVALUE(Pjlb, subexp)) + (offset))); + } + +// Dead end, no Index in LeafB1 for remaining digit in *PIndex: +// +// If theres a next-left/right Index in the current LeafB1, which for +// Judy*Next() is true if any bits are set for higher Indexes, shortcut by +// returning it. Note: For Judy*Prev(), offset is set here to the correct +// value for the next-left JP. + + offset = SEARCHBITMAPL(JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp), digit, + bitposmask); + // right range: + assert((offset >= -1) && (offset < (int) cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL)); + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + if (offset >= 0) // next-left JP is in this subexpanse. + goto SM1LeafB1Findlimit; + + while (--subexp >= 0) // search next-left subexpanses. +#else + if (JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp) & JU_MASKHIGHEREXC(bitposmask)) + { + ++offset; // next-left => next-right. + goto SM1LeafB1Findlimit; + } + + while (++subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPL) // search next-right subexps. +#endif + { + if (! JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp)) continue; // empty subexp. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + offset = SEARCHBITMAPMAXL(JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp)); + // expected range: + assert((offset >= 0) && (offset < (int) cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL)); +#else + offset = 0; +#endif + +// Save the next-left/right Indexess digit in *PIndex: + +SM1LeafB1Findlimit: + JU_BITMAPDIGITL(digit, subexp, JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp), offset); + JU_SETDIGIT1(*PIndex, digit); + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF_B1(Pjlb, subexp, offset); +// == return((PPvoid_t) (P_JV(JL_JLB_PVALUE(Pjlb, subexp)) + (offset))); + } + +// Theres no next-left/right Index in the LeafB1: +// +// Shortcut and start backtracking one level up; ignore the current Pjp because +// it points to a LeafB1 with no next-left/right Index. + + goto SM2Backtrack; + + } // case cJU_JPLEAF_B1 + +#ifdef JUDY1 +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// FULL POPULATION: +// +// If the Decode bytes match, *PIndex is found (without modification). + + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1: + + CHECKDCD(1); + JU_RET_FOUND_FULLPOPU1; +#endif + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// IMMEDIATE: + +#ifdef JUDYPREV +#define SM1IMM_SETPOP1(cPop1) +#else +#define SM1IMM_SETPOP1(cPop1) pop1 = (cPop1) +#endif + +#define SM1IMM(Func,cPop1) \ + SM1IMM_SETPOP1(cPop1); \ + offset = Func((Pjll_t) (PJI), cPop1, *PIndex); \ + goto SM1LeafLImm + +// Special case for Pop1 = 1 Immediate JPs: +// +// If *PIndex is in the immediate, offset is 0, otherwise the binary NOT of the +// offset where it belongs, 0 or 1, same as from the search functions. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV +#define SM1IMM_01_SETPOP1 +#else +#define SM1IMM_01_SETPOP1 pop1 = 1 +#endif + +#define SM1IMM_01 \ + SM1IMM_01_SETPOP1; \ + offset = ((JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) < JU_TRIMTODCDSIZE(*PIndex)) ? ~1 : \ + (JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) == JU_TRIMTODCDSIZE(*PIndex)) ? 0 : \ + ~0); \ + goto SM1LeafLImm + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_01: +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPIMMED_4_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_5_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_6_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_7_01: +#endif + SM1IMM_01; + +// TBD: Doug says it would be OK to have fewer calls and calculate arg 2, here +// and in Judy*Count() also. + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_02: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf1, 2); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_03: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf1, 3); +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_04: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf1, 4); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_05: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf1, 5); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_06: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf1, 6); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_07: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf1, 7); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_08: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf1, 8); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_09: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf1, 9); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_10: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf1, 10); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_11: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf1, 11); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_12: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf1, 12); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_13: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf1, 13); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_14: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf1, 14); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_15: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf1, 15); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_02: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf2, 2); + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_03: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf2, 3); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_04: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf2, 4); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_05: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf2, 5); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_06: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf2, 6); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_07: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf2, 7); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_02: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf3, 2); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_03: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf3, 3); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_04: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf3, 4); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_05: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf3, 5); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf4, 2); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_03: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf4, 3); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf5, 2); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_03: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf5, 3); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf6, 2); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf7, 2); +#endif + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// INVALID JP TYPE: + + default: JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + + } // SM1Get switch. + + /*NOTREACHED*/ + + +// ============================================================================ +// STATE MACHINE 2 -- BACKTRACK BRANCH TO PREVIOUS JP: +// +// Look for the next-left/right JP in a branch, backing up the history list as +// necessary. Upon finding a next-left/right JP, modify the corresponding +// digit in *PIndex before passing control to SM3Findlimit. +// +// Note: As described earlier, only branch JPs are expected here; other types +// fall into the default case. +// +// Note: If a found JP contains needed Dcd bytes, thats OK, theyre copied to +// *PIndex in SM3Findlimit. +// +// TBD: This code has a lot in common with similar code in the shortcut cases +// in SM1Get. Can combine this code somehow? +// +// ENTRY: List, possibly empty, of JPs and offsets in APjphist[] and +// Aoffhist[]; see earlier comments. +// +// EXIT: Execute JU_RET_NOTFOUND if no previous/next JP; otherwise jump to +// SM3Findlimit to resume a new but different downward search. + +SM2Backtrack: // come or return here for first/next sideways search. + + HISTPOP(Pjp, offset); + + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// LINEAR BRANCH: + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L2: state = 2; goto SM2BranchL; + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L3: state = 3; goto SM2BranchL; +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L4: state = 4; goto SM2BranchL; + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L5: state = 5; goto SM2BranchL; + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L6: state = 6; goto SM2BranchL; + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L7: state = 7; goto SM2BranchL; +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L: state = cJU_ROOTSTATE; goto SM2BranchL; + +SM2BranchL: +#ifdef JUDYPREV + if (--offset < 0) goto SM2Backtrack; // no next-left JP in BranchL. +#endif + Pjbl = P_JBL(Pjp->jp_Addr); +#ifdef JUDYNEXT + if (++offset >= (Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs)) goto SM2Backtrack; + // no next-right JP in BranchL. +#endif + +// Theres a next-left/right JP in the current BranchL; save its digit in +// *PIndex and continue with SM3Findlimit: + + JU_SETDIGIT(*PIndex, Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[offset], state); + Pjp = (Pjbl->jbl_jp) + offset; + goto SM3Findlimit; + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// BITMAP BRANCH: + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B2: state = 2; goto SM2BranchB; + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B3: state = 3; goto SM2BranchB; +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B4: state = 4; goto SM2BranchB; + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B5: state = 5; goto SM2BranchB; + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B6: state = 6; goto SM2BranchB; + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B7: state = 7; goto SM2BranchB; +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B: state = cJU_ROOTSTATE; goto SM2BranchB; + +SM2BranchB: + Pjbb = P_JBB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + HISTPOPBOFF(subexp, offset, digit); // unpack values. + +// If theres a next-left/right JP in the current BranchB, which for +// Judy*Next() is true if any bits are set for higher Indexes, continue to +// SM3Findlimit: +// +// Note: offset is set to the JP previously traversed; go one to the +// left/right. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + if (offset > 0) // next-left JP is in this subexpanse. + { + --offset; + goto SM2BranchBFindlimit; + } + + while (--subexp >= 0) // search next-left subexpanses. +#else + if (JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp) + & JU_MASKHIGHEREXC(JU_BITPOSMASKB(digit))) + { + ++offset; // next-left => next-right. + goto SM2BranchBFindlimit; + } + + while (++subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPB) // search next-right subexps. +#endif + { + if (! JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp)) continue; // empty subexpanse. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + offset = SEARCHBITMAPMAXB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp)); + // expected range: + assert((offset >= 0) && (offset < cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB)); +#else + offset = 0; +#endif + +// Save the next-left/right JPs digit in *PIndex: + +SM2BranchBFindlimit: + JU_BITMAPDIGITB(digit, subexp, JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp), + offset); + JU_SETDIGIT(*PIndex, digit, state); + + if ((Pjp = P_JP(JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp))) == (Pjp_t) NULL) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + + Pjp += offset; + goto SM3Findlimit; + } + +// Theres no next-left/right JP in the BranchB: + + goto SM2Backtrack; + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// UNCOMPRESSED BRANCH: + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U2: state = 2; goto SM2BranchU; + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U3: state = 3; goto SM2BranchU; +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U4: state = 4; goto SM2BranchU; + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U5: state = 5; goto SM2BranchU; + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U6: state = 6; goto SM2BranchU; + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U7: state = 7; goto SM2BranchU; +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U: state = cJU_ROOTSTATE; goto SM2BranchU; + +SM2BranchU: + +// Search for a next-left/right JP in the current BranchU, and if one is found, +// save its digit in *PIndex and continue to SM3Findlimit: + + Pjbu = P_JBU(Pjp->jp_Addr); + digit = offset; + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + while (digit >= 1) + { + Pjp = (Pjbu->jbu_jp) + (--digit); +#else + while (digit < cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS - 1) + { + Pjp = (Pjbu->jbu_jp) + (++digit); +#endif + if (JPNULL(JU_JPTYPE(Pjp))) continue; + + JU_SETDIGIT(*PIndex, digit, state); + goto SM3Findlimit; + } + +// Theres no next-left/right JP in the BranchU: + + goto SM2Backtrack; + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// INVALID JP TYPE: + + default: JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + + } // SM2Backtrack switch. + + /*NOTREACHED*/ + + +// ============================================================================ +// STATE MACHINE 3 -- FIND LIMIT JP/INDEX: +// +// Look for the highest/lowest (right/left-most) JP in each branch and the +// highest/lowest Index in a leaf or immediate, and return it. While +// traversing, modify appropriate digit(s) in *PIndex to reflect the path +// taken, including Dcd bytes in each JP (which could hold critical missing +// digits for skipped branches). +// +// ENTRY: Pjp set to a JP under which to find max/min JPs (if a branch JP) or +// a max/min Index and return (if a leaf or immediate JP). +// +// EXIT: Execute JU_RET_FOUND* upon reaching a leaf or immediate. Should be +// impossible to fail, unless the Judy array is corrupt. + +SM3Findlimit: // come or return here for first/next branch/leaf. + + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// LINEAR BRANCH: +// +// Simply use the highest/lowest (right/left-most) JP in the BranchL, but first +// copy the Dcd bytes to *PIndex if there are any (only if state < +// cJU_ROOTSTATE - 1). + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L2: SM3PREPB_DCD(2, SM3BranchL); +#ifndef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L3: SM3PREPB( 3, SM3BranchL); +#else + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L3: SM3PREPB_DCD(3, SM3BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L4: SM3PREPB_DCD(4, SM3BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L5: SM3PREPB_DCD(5, SM3BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L6: SM3PREPB_DCD(6, SM3BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L7: SM3PREPB( 7, SM3BranchL); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L: SM3PREPB( cJU_ROOTSTATE, SM3BranchL); + +SM3BranchL: + Pjbl = P_JBL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + if ((offset = (Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs) - 1) < 0) +#else + offset = 0; if ((Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs) == 0) +#endif + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + + JU_SETDIGIT(*PIndex, Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[offset], state); + Pjp = (Pjbl->jbl_jp) + offset; + goto SM3Findlimit; + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// BITMAP BRANCH: +// +// Look for the highest/lowest (right/left-most) non-null subexpanse, then use +// the highest/lowest JP in that subexpanse, but first copy Dcd bytes, if there +// are any (only if state < cJU_ROOTSTATE - 1), to *PIndex. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B2: SM3PREPB_DCD(2, SM3BranchB); +#ifndef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B3: SM3PREPB( 3, SM3BranchB); +#else + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B3: SM3PREPB_DCD(3, SM3BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B4: SM3PREPB_DCD(4, SM3BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B5: SM3PREPB_DCD(5, SM3BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B6: SM3PREPB_DCD(6, SM3BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B7: SM3PREPB( 7, SM3BranchB); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B: SM3PREPB( cJU_ROOTSTATE, SM3BranchB); + +SM3BranchB: + Pjbb = P_JBB(Pjp->jp_Addr); +#ifdef JUDYPREV + subexp = cJU_NUMSUBEXPB; + + while (! (JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, --subexp))) // find non-empty subexp. + { + if (subexp <= 0) // wholly empty bitmap. + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + } + + offset = SEARCHBITMAPMAXB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp)); + // expected range: + assert((offset >= 0) && (offset < cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB)); +#else + subexp = -1; + + while (! (JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, ++subexp))) // find non-empty subexp. + { + if (subexp >= cJU_NUMSUBEXPB - 1) // didnt find one. + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + } + + offset = 0; +#endif + + JU_BITMAPDIGITB(digit, subexp, JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp), offset); + JU_SETDIGIT(*PIndex, digit, state); + + if ((Pjp = P_JP(JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp))) == (Pjp_t) NULL) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + + Pjp += offset; + goto SM3Findlimit; + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// UNCOMPRESSED BRANCH: +// +// Look for the highest/lowest (right/left-most) non-null JP, and use it, but +// first copy Dcd bytes to *PIndex if there are any (only if state < +// cJU_ROOTSTATE - 1). + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U2: SM3PREPB_DCD(2, SM3BranchU); +#ifndef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U3: SM3PREPB( 3, SM3BranchU); +#else + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U3: SM3PREPB_DCD(3, SM3BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U4: SM3PREPB_DCD(4, SM3BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U5: SM3PREPB_DCD(5, SM3BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U6: SM3PREPB_DCD(6, SM3BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U7: SM3PREPB( 7, SM3BranchU); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U: SM3PREPB( cJU_ROOTSTATE, SM3BranchU); + +SM3BranchU: + Pjbu = P_JBU(Pjp->jp_Addr); +#ifdef JUDYPREV + digit = cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS; + + while (digit >= 1) + { + Pjp = (Pjbu->jbu_jp) + (--digit); +#else + + for (digit = 0; digit < cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS; ++digit) + { + Pjp = (Pjbu->jbu_jp) + digit; +#endif + if (JPNULL(JU_JPTYPE(Pjp))) continue; + + JU_SETDIGIT(*PIndex, digit, state); + goto SM3Findlimit; + } + +// No non-null JPs in BranchU: + + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// LINEAR LEAF: +// +// Simply use the highest/lowest (right/left-most) Index in the LeafL, but the +// details vary depending on leaf Index Size. First copy Dcd bytes, if there +// are any (only if state < cJU_ROOTSTATE - 1), to *PIndex. + +#define SM3LEAFLDCD(cState) \ + JU_SETDCD(*PIndex, Pjp, cState); \ + SM3LEAFLNODCD + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#define SM3LEAFL_SETPOP1 // not needed in any cases. +#else +#define SM3LEAFL_SETPOP1 pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1 +#endif + +#ifdef JUDYPREV +#define SM3LEAFLNODCD \ + Pjll = P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); \ + SM3LEAFL_SETPOP1; \ + offset = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp); assert(offset >= 0) +#else +#define SM3LEAFLNODCD \ + Pjll = P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); \ + SM3LEAFL_SETPOP1; \ + offset = 0; assert(JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) >= 0); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + case cJU_JPLEAF1: + + SM3LEAFLDCD(1); + JU_SETDIGIT1(*PIndex, ((uint8_t *) Pjll)[offset]); + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF1(Pjll, pop1, offset); +#endif + + case cJU_JPLEAF2: + + SM3LEAFLDCD(2); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(2))) + | ((uint16_t *) Pjll)[offset]; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF2(Pjll, pop1, offset); + +#ifndef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPLEAF3: + { + Word_t lsb; + SM3LEAFLNODCD; + JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) Pjll) + (3 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(3))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF3(Pjll, pop1, offset); + } + +#else + case cJU_JPLEAF3: + { + Word_t lsb; + SM3LEAFLDCD(3); + JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) Pjll) + (3 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(3))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF3(Pjll, pop1, offset); + } + + case cJU_JPLEAF4: + + SM3LEAFLDCD(4); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(4))) + | ((uint32_t *) Pjll)[offset]; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF4(Pjll, pop1, offset); + + case cJU_JPLEAF5: + { + Word_t lsb; + SM3LEAFLDCD(5); + JU_COPY5_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) Pjll) + (5 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(5))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF5(Pjll, pop1, offset); + } + + case cJU_JPLEAF6: + { + Word_t lsb; + SM3LEAFLDCD(6); + JU_COPY6_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) Pjll) + (6 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(6))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF6(Pjll, pop1, offset); + } + + case cJU_JPLEAF7: + { + Word_t lsb; + SM3LEAFLNODCD; + JU_COPY7_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) Pjll) + (7 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(7))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF7(Pjll, pop1, offset); + } +#endif + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// BITMAP LEAF: +// +// Look for the highest/lowest (right/left-most) non-null subexpanse, then use +// the highest/lowest Index in that subexpanse, but first copy Dcd bytes +// (always present since state 1 < cJU_ROOTSTATE) to *PIndex. + + case cJU_JPLEAF_B1: + { + Pjlb_t Pjlb; + + JU_SETDCD(*PIndex, Pjp, 1); + + Pjlb = P_JLB(Pjp->jp_Addr); +#ifdef JUDYPREV + subexp = cJU_NUMSUBEXPL; + + while (! JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, --subexp)) // find non-empty subexp. + { + if (subexp <= 0) // wholly empty bitmap. + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + } + +// TBD: Might it be faster to just use a variant of BITMAPDIGIT*() that yields +// the digit for the right-most Index with a bit set? + + offset = SEARCHBITMAPMAXL(JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp)); + // expected range: + assert((offset >= 0) && (offset < cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL)); +#else + subexp = -1; + + while (! JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, ++subexp)) // find non-empty subexp. + { + if (subexp >= cJU_NUMSUBEXPL - 1) // didnt find one. + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + } + + offset = 0; +#endif + + JU_BITMAPDIGITL(digit, subexp, JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp), offset); + JU_SETDIGIT1(*PIndex, digit); + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF_B1(Pjlb, subexp, offset); +// == return((PPvoid_t) (P_JV(JL_JLB_PVALUE(Pjlb, subexp)) + (offset))); + + } // case cJU_JPLEAF_B1 + +#ifdef JUDY1 +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// FULL POPULATION: +// +// Copy Dcd bytes to *PIndex (always present since state 1 < cJU_ROOTSTATE), +// then set the highest/lowest possible digit as the LSB in *PIndex. + + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1: + + JU_SETDCD( *PIndex, Pjp, 1); +#ifdef JUDYPREV + JU_SETDIGIT1(*PIndex, cJU_BITSPERBITMAP - 1); +#else + JU_SETDIGIT1(*PIndex, 0); +#endif + JU_RET_FOUND_FULLPOPU1; +#endif // JUDY1 + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// IMMEDIATE: +// +// Simply use the highest/lowest (right/left-most) Index in the Imm, but the +// details vary depending on leaf Index Size and pop1. Note: There are no Dcd +// bytes in an Immediate JP, but in a cJU_JPIMMED_*_01 JP, the field holds the +// least bytes of the immediate Index. + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_01: SET_01(1); goto SM3Imm_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_01: SET_01(2); goto SM3Imm_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_01: SET_01(3); goto SM3Imm_01; +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPIMMED_4_01: SET_01(4); goto SM3Imm_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_5_01: SET_01(5); goto SM3Imm_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_6_01: SET_01(6); goto SM3Imm_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_7_01: SET_01(7); goto SM3Imm_01; +#endif +SM3Imm_01: JU_RET_FOUND_IMM_01(Pjp); + +#ifdef JUDYPREV +#define SM3IMM_OFFSET(cPop1) (cPop1) - 1 // highest. +#else +#define SM3IMM_OFFSET(cPop1) 0 // lowest. +#endif + +#define SM3IMM(cPop1,Next) \ + offset = SM3IMM_OFFSET(cPop1); \ + goto Next + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_02: SM3IMM( 2, SM3Imm1); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_03: SM3IMM( 3, SM3Imm1); +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_04: SM3IMM( 4, SM3Imm1); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_05: SM3IMM( 5, SM3Imm1); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_06: SM3IMM( 6, SM3Imm1); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_07: SM3IMM( 7, SM3Imm1); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_08: SM3IMM( 8, SM3Imm1); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_09: SM3IMM( 9, SM3Imm1); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_10: SM3IMM(10, SM3Imm1); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_11: SM3IMM(11, SM3Imm1); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_12: SM3IMM(12, SM3Imm1); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_13: SM3IMM(13, SM3Imm1); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_14: SM3IMM(14, SM3Imm1); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_15: SM3IMM(15, SM3Imm1); +#endif + +SM3Imm1: JU_SETDIGIT1(*PIndex, ((uint8_t *) PJI)[offset]); + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_02: SM3IMM(2, SM3Imm2); + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_03: SM3IMM(3, SM3Imm2); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_04: SM3IMM(4, SM3Imm2); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_05: SM3IMM(5, SM3Imm2); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_06: SM3IMM(6, SM3Imm2); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_07: SM3IMM(7, SM3Imm2); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) +SM3Imm2: *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(2))) + | ((uint16_t *) PJI)[offset]; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_02: SM3IMM(2, SM3Imm3); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_03: SM3IMM(3, SM3Imm3); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_04: SM3IMM(4, SM3Imm3); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_05: SM3IMM(5, SM3Imm3); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) +SM3Imm3: + { + Word_t lsb; + JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) PJI) + (3 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(3))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + } +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02: SM3IMM(2, SM3Imm4); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_03: SM3IMM(3, SM3Imm4); + +SM3Imm4: *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(4))) + | ((uint32_t *) PJI)[offset]; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02: SM3IMM(2, SM3Imm5); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_03: SM3IMM(3, SM3Imm5); + +SM3Imm5: + { + Word_t lsb; + JU_COPY5_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) PJI) + (5 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(5))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + } + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02: SM3IMM(2, SM3Imm6); + +SM3Imm6: + { + Word_t lsb; + JU_COPY6_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) PJI) + (6 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(6))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + } + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02: SM3IMM(2, SM3Imm7); + +SM3Imm7: + { + Word_t lsb; + JU_COPY7_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) PJI) + (7 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(7))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + } +#endif // (JUDY1 && JU_64BIT) + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// OTHER CASES: + + default: JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + + } // SM3Findlimit switch. + + /*NOTREACHED*/ + +} // Judy1Prev() / Judy1Next() / JudyLPrev() / JudyLNext() diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/JudyLNextEmpty.c b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/JudyLNextEmpty.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9b655516 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/JudyLNextEmpty.c @@ -0,0 +1,1390 @@ +// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company +// +// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +// under the term of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +// option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +// _________________ + +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ +// +// Judy*PrevEmpty() and Judy*NextEmpty() functions for Judy1 and JudyL. +// Compile with one of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL. +// +// Compile with -DJUDYNEXT for the Judy*NextEmpty() function; otherwise +// defaults to Judy*PrevEmpty(). +// +// Compile with -DTRACEJPSE to trace JP traversals. +// +// This file is separate from JudyPrevNext.c because it differs too greatly for +// ifdefs. This might be a bit surprising, but there are two reasons: +// +// - First, down in the details, searching for an empty index (SearchEmpty) is +// remarkably asymmetric with searching for a valid index (SearchValid), +// mainly with respect to: No return of a value area for JudyL; partially- +// full versus totally-full JPs; and handling of narrow pointers. +// +// - Second, we chose to implement SearchEmpty without a backtrack stack or +// backtrack engine, partly as an experiment, and partly because we think +// restarting from the top of the tree is less likely for SearchEmpty than +// for SearchValid, because empty indexes are more likely than valid indexes. +// +// A word about naming: A prior version of this feature (see 4.13) was named +// Judy*Free(), but there were concerns about that being read as a verb rather +// than an adjective. After prolonged debate and based on user input, we +// changed "Free" to "Empty". + +#if (! (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JUDYL))) +#error: One of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL must be specified. +#endif + +#ifndef JUDYNEXT +#ifndef JUDYPREV +#define JUDYPREV 1 // neither set => use default. +#endif +#endif + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#include "Judy1.h" +#else +#include "JudyL.h" +#endif + +#include "JudyPrivate1L.h" + +#ifdef TRACEJPSE +#include "JudyPrintJP.c" +#endif + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y 1 P R E V E M P T Y +// J U D Y 1 N E X T E M P T Y +// J U D Y L P R E V E M P T Y +// J U D Y L N E X T E M P T Y +// +// See the manual entry for the API. +// +// OVERVIEW OF Judy*PrevEmpty() / Judy*NextEmpty(): +// +// See also for comparison the equivalent comments in JudyPrevNext.c. +// +// Take the callers *PIndex and subtract/add 1, but watch out for +// underflow/overflow, which means "no previous/next empty index found." Use a +// reentrant switch statement (state machine, see SMGetRestart and +// SMGetContinue) to decode Index, starting with the JRP (PArray), through a +// JPM and branches, if any, down to an immediate or a leaf. Look for Index in +// that immediate or leaf, and if not found (invalid index), return success +// (Index is empty). +// +// This search can result in a dead end where taking a different path is +// required. There are four kinds of dead ends: +// +// BRANCH PRIMARY dead end: Encountering a fully-populated JP for the +// appropriate digit in Index. Search sideways in the branch for the +// previous/next absent/null/non-full JP, and if one is found, set Index to the +// highest/lowest index possible in that JPs expanse. Then if the JP is an +// absent or null JP, return success; otherwise for a non-full JP, traverse +// through the partially populated JP. +// +// BRANCH SECONDARY dead end: Reaching the end of a branch during a sideways +// search after a branch primary dead end. Set Index to the lowest/highest +// index possible in the whole branchs expanse (one higher/lower than the +// previous/next branchs expanse), then restart at the top of the tree, which +// includes pre-decrementing/incrementing Index (again) and watching for +// underflow/overflow (again). +// +// LEAF PRIMARY dead end: Finding a valid (non-empty) index in an immediate or +// leaf matching Index. Search sideways in the immediate/leaf for the +// previous/next empty index; if found, set *PIndex to match and return success. +// +// LEAF SECONDARY dead end: Reaching the end of an immediate or leaf during a +// sideways search after a leaf primary dead end. Just as for a branch +// secondary dead end, restart at the top of the tree with Index set to the +// lowest/highest index possible in the whole immediate/leafs expanse. +// TBD: If leaf secondary dead end occurs, could shortcut and treat it as a +// branch primary dead end; but this would require remembering the parent +// branchs type and offset (a "one-deep stack"), and also wrestling with +// narrow pointers, at least for leaves (but not for immediates). +// +// Note some ASYMMETRIES between SearchValid and SearchEmpty: +// +// - The SearchValid code, upon descending through a narrow pointer, if Index +// is outside the expanse of the subsidiary node (effectively a secondary +// dead end), must decide whether to backtrack or findlimit. But the +// SearchEmpty code simply returns success (Index is empty). +// +// - Similarly, the SearchValid code, upon finding no previous/next index in +// the expanse of a narrow pointer (again, a secondary dead end), can simply +// start to backtrack at the parent JP. But the SearchEmpty code would have +// to first determine whether or not the parent JPs narrow expanse contains +// a previous/next empty index outside the subexpanse. Rather than keeping a +// parent state stack and backtracking this way, upon a secondary dead end, +// the SearchEmpty code simply restarts at the top of the tree, whether or +// not a narrow pointer is involved. Again, see the equivalent comments in +// JudyPrevNext.c for comparison. +// +// This function is written iteratively for speed, rather than recursively. +// +// TBD: Wed like to enhance this function to make successive searches faster. +// This would require saving some previous state, including the previous Index +// returned, and in which leaf it was found. If the next call is for the same +// Index and the array has not been modified, start at the same leaf. This +// should be much easier to implement since this is iterative rather than +// recursive code. + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#ifdef JUDYPREV +FUNCTION int Judy1PrevEmpty +#else +FUNCTION int Judy1NextEmpty +#endif +#else +#ifdef JUDYPREV +FUNCTION int JudyLPrevEmpty +#else +FUNCTION int JudyLNextEmpty +#endif +#endif + ( + Pcvoid_t PArray, // Judy array to search. + Word_t * PIndex, // starting point and result. + PJError_t PJError // optional, for returning error info. + ) +{ + Word_t Index; // fast copy, in a register. + Pjp_t Pjp; // current JP. + Pjbl_t Pjbl; // Pjp->jp_Addr masked and cast to types: + Pjbb_t Pjbb; + Pjbu_t Pjbu; + Pjlb_t Pjlb; + PWord_t Pword; // alternate name for use by GET* macros. + + Word_t digit; // next digit to decode from Index. + Word_t digits; // current state in SM = digits left to decode. + Word_t pop0; // in a leaf. + Word_t pop0mask; // precalculated to avoid variable shifts. + long offset; // within a branch or leaf (can be large). + int subexp; // subexpanse in a bitmap branch. + BITMAPB_t bitposmaskB; // bit in bitmap for bitmap branch. + BITMAPL_t bitposmaskL; // bit in bitmap for bitmap leaf. + Word_t possfullJP1; // JP types for possibly full subexpanses: + Word_t possfullJP2; + Word_t possfullJP3; + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// M A C R O S +// +// These are intended to make the code a bit more readable and less redundant. + + +// CHECK FOR NULL JP: +// +// TBD: In principle this can be reduced (here and in other *.c files) to just +// the latter clause since no Type should ever be below cJU_JPNULL1, but in +// fact some root pointer types can be lower, so for safety do both checks. + +#define JPNULL(Type) (((Type) >= cJU_JPNULL1) && ((Type) <= cJU_JPNULLMAX)) + + +// CHECK FOR A FULL JP: +// +// Given a JP, indicate if it is fully populated. Use digits, pop0mask, and +// possfullJP1..3 in the context. +// +// This is a difficult problem because it requires checking the Pop0 bits for +// all-ones, but the number of bytes depends on the JP type, which is not +// directly related to the parent branchs type or level -- the JPs child +// could be under a narrow pointer (hence not full). The simple answer +// requires switching on or otherwise calculating the JP type, which could be +// slow. Instead, in SMPREPB* precalculate pop0mask and also record in +// possfullJP1..3 the child JP (branch) types that could possibly be full (one +// level down), and use them here. For level-2 branches (with digits == 2), +// the test for a full child depends on Judy1/JudyL. +// +// Note: This cannot be applied to the JP in a JPM because it doesnt have +// enough pop0 digits. +// +// TBD: JPFULL_BRANCH diligently checks for BranchL or BranchB, where neither +// of those can ever be full as it turns out. Could just check for a BranchU +// at the right level. Also, pop0mask might be overkill, its not used much, +// so perhaps just call cJU_POP0MASK(digits - 1) here? +// +// First, JPFULL_BRANCH checks for a full expanse for a JP whose child can be a +// branch, that is, a JP in a branch at level 3 or higher: + +#define JPFULL_BRANCH(Pjp) \ + ((((JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) ^ cJU_ALLONES) & pop0mask) == 0) \ + && ((JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) == possfullJP1) \ + || (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) == possfullJP2) \ + || (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) == possfullJP3))) + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#define JPFULL(Pjp) \ + ((digits == 2) ? \ + (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) == cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1) : JPFULL_BRANCH(Pjp)) +#else +#define JPFULL(Pjp) \ + ((digits == 2) ? \ + (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) == cJU_JPLEAF_B1) \ + && (((JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & cJU_POP0MASK(1)) == cJU_POP0MASK(1))) : \ + JPFULL_BRANCH(Pjp)) +#endif + + +// RETURN SUCCESS: +// +// This hides the need to set *PIndex back to the local value of Index -- use a +// local value for faster operation. Note that the callers *PIndex is ALWAYS +// modified upon success, at least decremented/incremented. + +#define RET_SUCCESS { *PIndex = Index; return(1); } + + +// RETURN A CORRUPTION: + +#define RET_CORRUPT { JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); return(JERRI); } + + +// SEARCH A BITMAP BRANCH: +// +// This is a weak analog of j__udySearchLeaf*() for bitmap branches. Return +// the actual or next-left position, base 0, of Digit in a BITMAPB_t bitmap +// (subexpanse of a full bitmap), also given a Bitposmask for Digit. The +// position is the offset within the set bits. +// +// Unlike j__udySearchLeaf*(), the offset is not returned bit-complemented if +// Digits bit is unset, because the caller can check the bitmap themselves to +// determine that. Also, if Digits bit is unset, the returned offset is to +// the next-left JP or index (including -1), not to the "ideal" position for +// the index = next-right JP or index. +// +// Shortcut and skip calling j__udyCountBitsB() if the bitmap is full, in which +// case (Digit % cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB) itself is the base-0 offset. + +#define SEARCHBITMAPB(Bitmap,Digit,Bitposmask) \ + (((Bitmap) == cJU_FULLBITMAPB) ? (Digit % cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB) : \ + j__udyCountBitsB((Bitmap) & JU_MASKLOWERINC(Bitposmask)) - 1) + +#ifdef JUDYPREV +// Equivalent to search for the highest offset in Bitmap, that is, one less +// than the number of bits set: + +#define SEARCHBITMAPMAXB(Bitmap) \ + (((Bitmap) == cJU_FULLBITMAPB) ? cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB - 1 : \ + j__udyCountBitsB(Bitmap) - 1) +#endif + + +// CHECK DECODE BYTES: +// +// Check Decode bytes in a JP against the equivalent portion of Index. If they +// dont match, Index is outside the subexpanse of a narrow pointer, hence is +// empty. + +#define CHECKDCD(cDigits) \ + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, cDigits)) RET_SUCCESS + + +// REVISE REMAINDER OF INDEX: +// +// Put one digit in place in Index and clear/set the lower digits, if any, so +// the resulting Index is at the start/end of an expanse, or just clear/set the +// least digits. +// +// Actually, to make simple use of JU_LEASTBYTESMASK, first clear/set all least +// digits of Index including the digit to be overridden, then set the value of +// that one digit. If Digits == 1 the first operation is redundant, but either +// very fast or even removed by the optimizer. + +#define CLEARLEASTDIGITS(Digits) Index &= ~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(Digits) +#define SETLEASTDIGITS( Digits) Index |= JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(Digits) + +#define CLEARLEASTDIGITS_D(Digit,Digits) \ + { \ + CLEARLEASTDIGITS(Digits); \ + JU_SETDIGIT(Index, Digit, Digits); \ + } + +#define SETLEASTDIGITS_D(Digit,Digits) \ + { \ + SETLEASTDIGITS(Digits); \ + JU_SETDIGIT(Index, Digit, Digits); \ + } + + +// SET REMAINDER OF INDEX AND THEN RETURN OR CONTINUE: + +#define SET_AND_RETURN(OpLeastDigits,Digit,Digits) \ + { \ + OpLeastDigits(Digit, Digits); \ + RET_SUCCESS; \ + } + +#define SET_AND_CONTINUE(OpLeastDigits,Digit,Digits) \ + { \ + OpLeastDigits(Digit, Digits); \ + goto SMGetContinue; \ + } + + +// PREPARE TO HANDLE A LEAFW OR JP BRANCH IN THE STATE MACHINE: +// +// Extract a state-dependent digit from Index in a "constant" way, then jump to +// common code for multiple cases. +// +// TBD: Should this macro do more, such as preparing variable-shift masks for +// use in CLEARLEASTDIGITS and SETLEASTDIGITS? + +#define SMPREPB(cDigits,Next,PossFullJP1,PossFullJP2,PossFullJP3) \ + digits = (cDigits); \ + digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, cDigits); \ + pop0mask = cJU_POP0MASK((cDigits) - 1); /* for branchs JPs */ \ + possfullJP1 = (PossFullJP1); \ + possfullJP2 = (PossFullJP2); \ + possfullJP3 = (PossFullJP3); \ + goto Next + +// Variations for specific-level branches and for shorthands: +// +// Note: SMPREPB2 need not initialize possfullJP* because JPFULL does not use +// them for digits == 2, but gcc -Wall isnt quite smart enough to see this, so +// waste a bit of time and space to get rid of the warning: + +#define SMPREPB2(Next) \ + digits = 2; \ + digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 2); \ + pop0mask = cJU_POP0MASK(1); /* for branchs JPs */ \ + possfullJP1 = possfullJP2 = possfullJP3 = 0; \ + goto Next + +#define SMPREPB3(Next) SMPREPB(3, Next, cJU_JPBRANCH_L2, \ + cJU_JPBRANCH_B2, \ + cJU_JPBRANCH_U2) +#ifndef JU_64BIT +#define SMPREPBL(Next) SMPREPB(cJU_ROOTSTATE, Next, cJU_JPBRANCH_L3, \ + cJU_JPBRANCH_B3, \ + cJU_JPBRANCH_U3) +#else +#define SMPREPB4(Next) SMPREPB(4, Next, cJU_JPBRANCH_L3, \ + cJU_JPBRANCH_B3, \ + cJU_JPBRANCH_U3) +#define SMPREPB5(Next) SMPREPB(5, Next, cJU_JPBRANCH_L4, \ + cJU_JPBRANCH_B4, \ + cJU_JPBRANCH_U4) +#define SMPREPB6(Next) SMPREPB(6, Next, cJU_JPBRANCH_L5, \ + cJU_JPBRANCH_B5, \ + cJU_JPBRANCH_U5) +#define SMPREPB7(Next) SMPREPB(7, Next, cJU_JPBRANCH_L6, \ + cJU_JPBRANCH_B6, \ + cJU_JPBRANCH_U6) +#define SMPREPBL(Next) SMPREPB(cJU_ROOTSTATE, Next, cJU_JPBRANCH_L7, \ + cJU_JPBRANCH_B7, \ + cJU_JPBRANCH_U7) +#endif + + +// RESTART AFTER SECONDARY DEAD END: +// +// Set Index to the first/last index in the branch or leaf subexpanse and start +// over at the top of the tree. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV +#define SMRESTART(Digits) { CLEARLEASTDIGITS(Digits); goto SMGetRestart; } +#else +#define SMRESTART(Digits) { SETLEASTDIGITS( Digits); goto SMGetRestart; } +#endif + + +// CHECK EDGE OF LEAFS EXPANSE: +// +// Given the LSBs of the lowest/highest valid index in a leaf (or equivalently +// in an immediate JP), the level (index size) of the leaf, and the full index +// to return (as Index in the context) already set to the full index matching +// the lowest/highest one, determine if there is an empty index in the leafs +// expanse below/above the lowest/highest index, which is true if the +// lowest/highest index is not at the "edge" of the leafs expanse based on its +// LSBs. If so, return Index decremented/incremented; otherwise restart at the +// top of the tree. +// +// Note: In many cases Index is already at the right spot and calling +// SMRESTART instead of just going directly to SMGetRestart is a bit of +// overkill. +// +// Note: Variable shift occurs if Digits is not a constant. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV +#define LEAF_EDGE(MinIndex,Digits) \ + { \ + if (MinIndex) { --Index; RET_SUCCESS; } \ + SMRESTART(Digits); \ + } +#else +#define LEAF_EDGE(MaxIndex,Digits) \ + { \ + if ((MaxIndex) != JU_LEASTBYTES(cJU_ALLONES, Digits)) \ + { ++Index; RET_SUCCESS; } \ + SMRESTART(Digits); \ + } +#endif + +// Same as above except Index is not already set to match the lowest/highest +// index, so do that before decrementing/incrementing it: + +#ifdef JUDYPREV +#define LEAF_EDGE_SET(MinIndex,Digits) \ + { \ + if (MinIndex) \ + { JU_SETDIGITS(Index, MinIndex, Digits); --Index; RET_SUCCESS; } \ + SMRESTART(Digits); \ + } +#else +#define LEAF_EDGE_SET(MaxIndex,Digits) \ + { \ + if ((MaxIndex) != JU_LEASTBYTES(cJU_ALLONES, Digits)) \ + { JU_SETDIGITS(Index, MaxIndex, Digits); ++Index; RET_SUCCESS; } \ + SMRESTART(Digits); \ + } +#endif + + +// FIND A HOLE (EMPTY INDEX) IN AN IMMEDIATE OR LEAF: +// +// Given an index location in a leaf (or equivalently an immediate JP) known to +// contain a usable hole (an empty index less/greater than Index), and the LSBs +// of a minimum/maximum index to locate, find the previous/next empty index and +// return it. +// +// Note: "Even" index sizes (1,2,4[,8] bytes) have corresponding native C +// types; "odd" index sizes dont, but they are not represented here because +// they are handled completely differently; see elsewhere. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + +#define LEAF_HOLE_EVEN(cDigits,Pjll,IndexLSB) \ + { \ + while (*(Pjll) > (IndexLSB)) --(Pjll); /* too high */ \ + if (*(Pjll) < (IndexLSB)) RET_SUCCESS /* Index is empty */ \ + while (*(--(Pjll)) == --(IndexLSB)) /* null, find a hole */;\ + JU_SETDIGITS(Index, IndexLSB, cDigits); \ + RET_SUCCESS; \ + } +#else +#define LEAF_HOLE_EVEN(cDigits,Pjll,IndexLSB) \ + { \ + while (*(Pjll) < (IndexLSB)) ++(Pjll); /* too low */ \ + if (*(Pjll) > (IndexLSB)) RET_SUCCESS /* Index is empty */ \ + while (*(++(Pjll)) == ++(IndexLSB)) /* null, find a hole */;\ + JU_SETDIGITS(Index, IndexLSB, cDigits); \ + RET_SUCCESS; \ + } +#endif + + +// SEARCH FOR AN EMPTY INDEX IN AN IMMEDIATE OR LEAF: +// +// Given a pointer to the first index in a leaf (or equivalently an immediate +// JP), the population of the leaf, and a first empty Index to find (inclusive, +// as Index in the context), where Index is known to fall within the expanse of +// the leaf to search, efficiently find the previous/next empty index in the +// leaf, if any. For simplicity the following overview is stated in terms of +// Judy*NextEmpty() only, but the same concepts apply symmetrically for +// Judy*PrevEmpty(). Also, in each case the comparisons are for the LSBs of +// Index and leaf indexes, according to the leafs level. +// +// 1. If Index is GREATER than the last (highest) index in the leaf +// (maxindex), return success, Index is empty. (Remember, Index is known +// to be in the leafs expanse.) +// +// 2. If Index is EQUAL to maxindex: If maxindex is not at the edge of the +// leafs expanse, increment Index and return success, there is an empty +// Index one higher than any in the leaf; otherwise restart with Index +// reset to the upper edge of the leafs expanse. Note: This might cause +// an extra cache line fill, but this is OK for repeatedly-called search +// code, and it saves CPU time. +// +// 3. If Index is LESS than maxindex, check for "dense to end of leaf": +// Subtract Index from maxindex, and back up that many slots in the leaf. +// If the resulting offset is not before the start of the leaf then compare +// the index at this offset (baseindex) with Index: +// +// 3a. If GREATER, the leaf must be corrupt, since indexes are sorted and +// there are no duplicates. +// +// 3b. If EQUAL, the leaf is "dense" from Index to maxindex, meaning there is +// no reason to search it. "Slide right" to the high end of the leaf +// (modify Index to maxindex) and continue with step 2 above. +// +// 3c. If LESS, continue with step 4. +// +// 4. If the offset based on maxindex minus Index falls BEFORE the start of +// the leaf, or if, per 3c above, baseindex is LESS than Index, the leaf is +// guaranteed "not dense to the end" and a usable empty Index must exist. +// This supports a more efficient search loop. Start at the FIRST index in +// the leaf, or one BEYOND baseindex, respectively, and search the leaf as +// follows, comparing each current index (currindex) with Index: +// +// 4a. If LESS, keep going to next index. Note: This is certain to terminate +// because maxindex is known to be greater than Index, hence the loop can +// be small and fast. +// +// 4b. If EQUAL, loop and increment Index until finding currindex greater than +// Index, and return success with the modified Index. +// +// 4c. If GREATER, return success, Index (unmodified) is empty. +// +// Note: These are macros rather than functions for speed. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + +#define JSLE_EVEN(Addr,Pop0,cDigits,LeafType) \ + { \ + LeafType * PjllLSB = (LeafType *) (Addr); \ + LeafType IndexLSB = Index; /* auto-masking */ \ + \ + /* Index before or at start of leaf: */ \ + \ + if (*PjllLSB >= IndexLSB) /* no need to search */ \ + { \ + if (*PjllLSB > IndexLSB) RET_SUCCESS; /* Index empty */ \ + LEAF_EDGE(*PjllLSB, cDigits); \ + } \ + \ + /* Index in or after leaf: */ \ + \ + offset = IndexLSB - *PjllLSB; /* tentative offset */ \ + if (offset <= (Pop0)) /* can check density */ \ + { \ + PjllLSB += offset; /* move to slot */ \ + \ + if (*PjllLSB <= IndexLSB) /* dense or corrupt */ \ + { \ + if (*PjllLSB == IndexLSB) /* dense, check edge */ \ + LEAF_EDGE_SET(PjllLSB[-offset], cDigits); \ + RET_CORRUPT; \ + } \ + --PjllLSB; /* not dense, start at previous */ \ + } \ + else PjllLSB = ((LeafType *) (Addr)) + (Pop0); /* start at max */ \ + \ + LEAF_HOLE_EVEN(cDigits, PjllLSB, IndexLSB); \ + } + +// JSLE_ODD is completely different from JSLE_EVEN because its important to +// minimize copying odd indexes to compare them (see 4.14). Furthermore, a +// very complex version (4.17, but abandoned before fully debugged) that +// avoided calling j__udySearchLeaf*() ran twice as fast as 4.14, but still +// half as fast as SearchValid. Doug suggested that to minimize complexity and +// share common code we should use j__udySearchLeaf*() for the initial search +// to establish if Index is empty, which should be common. If Index is valid +// in a leaf or immediate indexes, odds are good that an empty Index is nearby, +// so for simplicity just use a *COPY* function to linearly search the +// remainder. +// +// TBD: Pathological case? Average performance should be good, but worst-case +// might suffer. When Search says the initial Index is valid, so a linear +// copy-and-compare is begun, if the caller builds fairly large leaves with +// dense clusters AND frequently does a SearchEmpty at one end of such a +// cluster, performance wont be very good. Might a dense-check help? This +// means checking offset against the index at offset, and then against the +// first/last index in the leaf. We doubt the pathological case will appear +// much in real applications because they will probably alternate SearchValid +// and SearchEmpty calls. + +#define JSLE_ODD(cDigits,Pjll,Pop0,Search,Copy) \ + { \ + Word_t IndexLSB; /* least bytes only */ \ + Word_t IndexFound; /* in leaf */ \ + \ + if ((offset = Search(Pjll, (Pop0) + 1, Index)) < 0) \ + RET_SUCCESS; /* Index is empty */ \ + \ + IndexLSB = JU_LEASTBYTES(Index, cDigits); \ + offset *= (cDigits); \ + \ + while ((offset -= (cDigits)) >= 0) \ + { /* skip until empty or start */ \ + Copy(IndexFound, ((uint8_t *) (Pjll)) + offset); \ + if (IndexFound != (--IndexLSB)) /* found an empty */ \ + { JU_SETDIGITS(Index, IndexLSB, cDigits); RET_SUCCESS; }\ + } \ + LEAF_EDGE_SET(IndexLSB, cDigits); \ + } + +#else // JUDYNEXT + +#define JSLE_EVEN(Addr,Pop0,cDigits,LeafType) \ + { \ + LeafType * PjllLSB = ((LeafType *) (Addr)) + (Pop0); \ + LeafType IndexLSB = Index; /* auto-masking */ \ + \ + /* Index at or after end of leaf: */ \ + \ + if (*PjllLSB <= IndexLSB) /* no need to search */ \ + { \ + if (*PjllLSB < IndexLSB) RET_SUCCESS; /* Index empty */\ + LEAF_EDGE(*PjllLSB, cDigits); \ + } \ + \ + /* Index before or in leaf: */ \ + \ + offset = *PjllLSB - IndexLSB; /* tentative offset */ \ + if (offset <= (Pop0)) /* can check density */ \ + { \ + PjllLSB -= offset; /* move to slot */ \ + \ + if (*PjllLSB >= IndexLSB) /* dense or corrupt */ \ + { \ + if (*PjllLSB == IndexLSB) /* dense, check edge */ \ + LEAF_EDGE_SET(PjllLSB[offset], cDigits); \ + RET_CORRUPT; \ + } \ + ++PjllLSB; /* not dense, start at next */ \ + } \ + else PjllLSB = (LeafType *) (Addr); /* start at minimum */ \ + \ + LEAF_HOLE_EVEN(cDigits, PjllLSB, IndexLSB); \ + } + +#define JSLE_ODD(cDigits,Pjll,Pop0,Search,Copy) \ + { \ + Word_t IndexLSB; /* least bytes only */ \ + Word_t IndexFound; /* in leaf */ \ + int offsetmax; /* in bytes */ \ + \ + if ((offset = Search(Pjll, (Pop0) + 1, Index)) < 0) \ + RET_SUCCESS; /* Index is empty */ \ + \ + IndexLSB = JU_LEASTBYTES(Index, cDigits); \ + offset *= (cDigits); \ + offsetmax = (Pop0) * (cDigits); /* single multiply */ \ + \ + while ((offset += (cDigits)) <= offsetmax) \ + { /* skip until empty or end */ \ + Copy(IndexFound, ((uint8_t *) (Pjll)) + offset); \ + if (IndexFound != (++IndexLSB)) /* found an empty */ \ + { JU_SETDIGITS(Index, IndexLSB, cDigits); RET_SUCCESS; } \ + } \ + LEAF_EDGE_SET(IndexLSB, cDigits); \ + } + +#endif // JUDYNEXT + +// Note: Immediate indexes never fill a single index group, so for odd index +// sizes, save time by calling JSLE_ODD_IMM instead of JSLE_ODD. + +#define j__udySearchLeafEmpty1(Addr,Pop0) \ + JSLE_EVEN(Addr, Pop0, 1, uint8_t) + +#define j__udySearchLeafEmpty2(Addr,Pop0) \ + JSLE_EVEN(Addr, Pop0, 2, uint16_t) + +#define j__udySearchLeafEmpty3(Addr,Pop0) \ + JSLE_ODD(3, Addr, Pop0, j__udySearchLeaf3, JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG) + +#ifndef JU_64BIT + +#define j__udySearchLeafEmptyL(Addr,Pop0) \ + JSLE_EVEN(Addr, Pop0, 4, Word_t) + +#else + +#define j__udySearchLeafEmpty4(Addr,Pop0) \ + JSLE_EVEN(Addr, Pop0, 4, uint32_t) + +#define j__udySearchLeafEmpty5(Addr,Pop0) \ + JSLE_ODD(5, Addr, Pop0, j__udySearchLeaf5, JU_COPY5_PINDEX_TO_LONG) + +#define j__udySearchLeafEmpty6(Addr,Pop0) \ + JSLE_ODD(6, Addr, Pop0, j__udySearchLeaf6, JU_COPY6_PINDEX_TO_LONG) + +#define j__udySearchLeafEmpty7(Addr,Pop0) \ + JSLE_ODD(7, Addr, Pop0, j__udySearchLeaf7, JU_COPY7_PINDEX_TO_LONG) + +#define j__udySearchLeafEmptyL(Addr,Pop0) \ + JSLE_EVEN(Addr, Pop0, 8, Word_t) + +#endif // JU_64BIT + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// START OF CODE: +// +// CHECK FOR SHORTCUTS: +// +// Error out if PIndex is null. + + if (PIndex == (PWord_t) NULL) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NULLPINDEX); + return(JERRI); + } + + Index = *PIndex; // fast local copy. + +// Set and pre-decrement/increment Index, watching for underflow/overflow: +// +// An out-of-bounds Index means failure: No previous/next empty index. + +SMGetRestart: // return here with revised Index. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + if (Index-- == 0) return(0); +#else + if (++Index == 0) return(0); +#endif + +// An empty array with an in-bounds (not underflowed/overflowed) Index means +// success: +// +// Note: This check is redundant after restarting at SMGetRestart, but should +// take insignificant time. + + if (PArray == (Pvoid_t) NULL) RET_SUCCESS; + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// ROOT-LEVEL LEAF that starts with a Pop0 word; just look within the leaf: +// +// If Index is not in the leaf, return success; otherwise return the first +// empty Index, if any, below/above where it would belong. + + if (JU_LEAFW_POP0(PArray) < cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1) // must be a LEAFW + { + Pjlw_t Pjlw = P_JLW(PArray); // first word of leaf. + pop0 = Pjlw[0]; + +#ifdef JUDY1 + if (pop0 == 0) // special case. + { +#ifdef JUDYPREV + if ((Index != Pjlw[1]) || (Index-- != 0)) RET_SUCCESS; +#else + if ((Index != Pjlw[1]) || (++Index != 0)) RET_SUCCESS; +#endif + return(0); // no previous/next empty index. + } +#endif // JUDY1 + + j__udySearchLeafEmptyL(Pjlw + 1, pop0); + +// No return -- thanks ALAN + + } + else + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// HANDLE JRP Branch: +// +// For JRP branches, traverse the JPM; handle LEAFW +// directly; but look for the most common cases first. + + { + Pjpm_t Pjpm = P_JPM(PArray); + Pjp = &(Pjpm->jpm_JP); + +// goto SMGetContinue; + } + + +// ============================================================================ +// STATE MACHINE -- GET INDEX: +// +// Search for Index (already decremented/incremented so as to be an inclusive +// search). If not found (empty index), return success. Otherwise do a +// previous/next search, and if successful modify Index to the empty index +// found. See function header comments. +// +// ENTRY: Pjp points to next JP to interpret, whose Decode bytes have not yet +// been checked. +// +// Note: Check Decode bytes at the start of each loop, not after looking up a +// new JP, so its easy to do constant shifts/masks. +// +// EXIT: Return, or branch to SMGetRestart with modified Index, or branch to +// SMGetContinue with a modified Pjp, as described elsewhere. +// +// WARNING: For run-time efficiency the following cases replicate code with +// varying constants, rather than using common code with variable values! + +SMGetContinue: // return here for next branch/leaf. + +#ifdef TRACEJPSE + JudyPrintJP(Pjp, "sf", __LINE__); +#endif + + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// LINEAR BRANCH: +// +// Check Decode bytes, if any, in the current JP, then search for a JP for the +// next digit in Index. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L2: CHECKDCD(2); SMPREPB2(SMBranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L3: CHECKDCD(3); SMPREPB3(SMBranchL); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L4: CHECKDCD(4); SMPREPB4(SMBranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L5: CHECKDCD(5); SMPREPB5(SMBranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L6: CHECKDCD(6); SMPREPB6(SMBranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L7: CHECKDCD(7); SMPREPB7(SMBranchL); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L: SMPREPBL(SMBranchL); + +// Common code (state-independent) for all cases of linear branches: + +SMBranchL: + Pjbl = P_JBL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + +// First, check if Indexs expanse (digit) is below/above the first/last +// populated expanse in the BranchL, in which case Index is empty; otherwise +// find the offset of the lowest/highest populated expanse at or above/below +// digit, if any: +// +// Note: The for-loop is guaranteed to exit eventually because the first/last +// expanse is known to be a terminator. +// +// Note: Cannot use j__udySearchLeaf*Empty1() here because it only applies to +// leaves and does not know about partial versus full JPs, unlike the use of +// j__udySearchLeaf1() for BranchLs in SearchValid code. Also, since linear +// leaf expanse lists are small, dont waste time calling j__udySearchLeaf1(), +// just scan the expanse list. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + if ((Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[0]) > digit) RET_SUCCESS; + + for (offset = (Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs) - 1; /* null */; --offset) +#else + if ((Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[(Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs) - 1]) < digit) + RET_SUCCESS; + + for (offset = 0; /* null */; ++offset) +#endif + { + +// Too low/high, keep going; or too high/low, meaning the loop passed a hole +// and the initial Index is empty: + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + if ((Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[offset]) > digit) continue; + if ((Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[offset]) < digit) RET_SUCCESS; +#else + if ((Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[offset]) < digit) continue; + if ((Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[offset]) > digit) RET_SUCCESS; +#endif + +// Found expanse matching digit; if its not full, traverse through it: + + if (! JPFULL((Pjbl->jbl_jp) + offset)) + { + Pjp = (Pjbl->jbl_jp) + offset; + goto SMGetContinue; + } + +// Common code: While searching for a lower/higher hole or a non-full JP, upon +// finding a lower/higher hole, adjust Index using the revised digit and +// return; or upon finding a consecutive lower/higher expanse, if the expanses +// JP is non-full, modify Index and traverse through the JP: + +#define BRANCHL_CHECK(OpIncDec,OpLeastDigits,Digit,Digits) \ + { \ + if ((Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[offset]) != OpIncDec digit) \ + SET_AND_RETURN(OpLeastDigits, Digit, Digits); \ + \ + if (! JPFULL((Pjbl->jbl_jp) + offset)) \ + { \ + Pjp = (Pjbl->jbl_jp) + offset; \ + SET_AND_CONTINUE(OpLeastDigits, Digit, Digits); \ + } \ + } + +// BranchL primary dead end: Expanse matching Index/digit is full (rare except +// for dense/sequential indexes): +// +// Search for a lower/higher hole, a non-full JP, or the end of the expanse +// list, while decrementing/incrementing digit. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + while (--offset >= 0) + BRANCHL_CHECK(--, SETLEASTDIGITS_D, digit, digits) +#else + while (++offset < Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs) + BRANCHL_CHECK(++, CLEARLEASTDIGITS_D, digit, digits) +#endif + +// Passed end of BranchL expanse list after finding a matching but full +// expanse: +// +// Digit now matches the lowest/highest expanse, which is a full expanse; if +// digit is at the end of BranchLs expanse (no hole before/after), break out +// of the loop; otherwise modify Index to the next lower/higher digit and +// return success: + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + if (digit == 0) break; + --digit; SET_AND_RETURN(SETLEASTDIGITS_D, digit, digits); +#else + if (digit == JU_LEASTBYTES(cJU_ALLONES, 1)) break; + ++digit; SET_AND_RETURN(CLEARLEASTDIGITS_D, digit, digits); +#endif + } // for-loop + +// BranchL secondary dead end, no non-full previous/next JP: + + SMRESTART(digits); + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// BITMAP BRANCH: +// +// Check Decode bytes, if any, in the current JP, then search for a JP for the +// next digit in Index. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B2: CHECKDCD(2); SMPREPB2(SMBranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B3: CHECKDCD(3); SMPREPB3(SMBranchB); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B4: CHECKDCD(4); SMPREPB4(SMBranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B5: CHECKDCD(5); SMPREPB5(SMBranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B6: CHECKDCD(6); SMPREPB6(SMBranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B7: CHECKDCD(7); SMPREPB7(SMBranchB); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B: SMPREPBL(SMBranchB); + +// Common code (state-independent) for all cases of bitmap branches: + +SMBranchB: + Pjbb = P_JBB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + +// Locate the digits JP in the subexpanse list, if present: + + subexp = digit / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; + assert(subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPB); // falls in expected range. + bitposmaskB = JU_BITPOSMASKB(digit); + +// Absent JP = no JP matches current digit in Index: + +// if (! JU_BITMAPTESTB(Pjbb, digit)) // slower. + if (! (JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp) & bitposmaskB)) // faster. + RET_SUCCESS; + +// Non-full JP matches current digit in Index: +// +// Iterate to the subsidiary non-full JP. + + offset = SEARCHBITMAPB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp), digit, + bitposmaskB); + // not negative since at least one bit is set: + assert(offset >= 0); + assert(offset < (int) cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB); + +// Watch for null JP subarray pointer with non-null bitmap (a corruption): + + if ((Pjp = P_JP(JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp))) + == (Pjp_t) NULL) RET_CORRUPT; + + Pjp += offset; + if (! JPFULL(Pjp)) goto SMGetContinue; + +// BranchB primary dead end: +// +// Upon hitting a full JP in a BranchB for the next digit in Index, search +// sideways for a previous/next absent JP (unset bit) or non-full JP (set bit +// with non-full JP); first in the current bitmap subexpanse, then in +// lower/higher subexpanses. Upon entry, Pjp points to a known-unusable JP, +// ready to decrement/increment. +// +// Note: The preceding code is separate from this loop because Index does not +// need revising (see SET_AND_*()) if the initial index is an empty index. +// +// TBD: For speed, shift bitposmaskB instead of using JU_BITMAPTESTB or +// JU_BITPOSMASKB, but this shift has knowledge of bit order that really should +// be encapsulated in a header file. + +#define BRANCHB_CHECKBIT(OpLeastDigits) \ + if (! (JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp) & bitposmaskB)) /* absent JP */ \ + SET_AND_RETURN(OpLeastDigits, digit, digits) + +#define BRANCHB_CHECKJPFULL(OpLeastDigits) \ + if (! JPFULL(Pjp)) \ + SET_AND_CONTINUE(OpLeastDigits, digit, digits) + +#define BRANCHB_STARTSUBEXP(OpLeastDigits) \ + if (! JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp)) /* empty subexpanse, shortcut */ \ + SET_AND_RETURN(OpLeastDigits, digit, digits) \ + if ((Pjp = P_JP(JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp))) == (Pjp_t) NULL) RET_CORRUPT + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + + --digit; // skip initial digit. + bitposmaskB >>= 1; // see TBD above. + +BranchBNextSubexp: // return here to check next bitmap subexpanse. + + while (bitposmaskB) // more bits to check in subexp. + { + BRANCHB_CHECKBIT(SETLEASTDIGITS_D); + --Pjp; // previous in subarray. + BRANCHB_CHECKJPFULL(SETLEASTDIGITS_D); + assert(digit >= 0); + --digit; + bitposmaskB >>= 1; + } + + if (subexp-- > 0) // more subexpanses. + { + BRANCHB_STARTSUBEXP(SETLEASTDIGITS_D); + Pjp += SEARCHBITMAPMAXB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp)) + 1; + bitposmaskB = (1U << (cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB - 1)); + goto BranchBNextSubexp; + } + +#else // JUDYNEXT + + ++digit; // skip initial digit. + bitposmaskB <<= 1; // note: BITMAPB_t. + +BranchBNextSubexp: // return here to check next bitmap subexpanse. + + while (bitposmaskB) // more bits to check in subexp. + { + BRANCHB_CHECKBIT(CLEARLEASTDIGITS_D); + ++Pjp; // previous in subarray. + BRANCHB_CHECKJPFULL(CLEARLEASTDIGITS_D); + assert(digit < cJU_SUBEXPPERSTATE); + ++digit; + bitposmaskB <<= 1; // note: BITMAPB_t. + } + + if (++subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPB) // more subexpanses. + { + BRANCHB_STARTSUBEXP(CLEARLEASTDIGITS_D); + --Pjp; // pre-decrement. + bitposmaskB = 1; + goto BranchBNextSubexp; + } + +#endif // JUDYNEXT + +// BranchB secondary dead end, no non-full previous/next JP: + + SMRESTART(digits); + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// UNCOMPRESSED BRANCH: +// +// Check Decode bytes, if any, in the current JP, then search for a JP for the +// next digit in Index. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U2: CHECKDCD(2); SMPREPB2(SMBranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U3: CHECKDCD(3); SMPREPB3(SMBranchU); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U4: CHECKDCD(4); SMPREPB4(SMBranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U5: CHECKDCD(5); SMPREPB5(SMBranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U6: CHECKDCD(6); SMPREPB6(SMBranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U7: CHECKDCD(7); SMPREPB7(SMBranchU); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U: SMPREPBL(SMBranchU); + +// Common code (state-independent) for all cases of uncompressed branches: + +SMBranchU: + Pjbu = P_JBU(Pjp->jp_Addr); + Pjp = (Pjbu->jbu_jp) + digit; + +// Absent JP = null JP for current digit in Index: + + if (JPNULL(JU_JPTYPE(Pjp))) RET_SUCCESS; + +// Non-full JP matches current digit in Index: +// +// Iterate to the subsidiary JP. + + if (! JPFULL(Pjp)) goto SMGetContinue; + +// BranchU primary dead end: +// +// Upon hitting a full JP in a BranchU for the next digit in Index, search +// sideways for a previous/next null or non-full JP. BRANCHU_CHECKJP() is +// shorthand for common code. +// +// Note: The preceding code is separate from this loop because Index does not +// need revising (see SET_AND_*()) if the initial index is an empty index. + +#define BRANCHU_CHECKJP(OpIncDec,OpLeastDigits) \ + { \ + OpIncDec Pjp; \ + \ + if (JPNULL(JU_JPTYPE(Pjp))) \ + SET_AND_RETURN(OpLeastDigits, digit, digits) \ + \ + if (! JPFULL(Pjp)) \ + SET_AND_CONTINUE(OpLeastDigits, digit, digits) \ + } + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + while (digit-- > 0) + BRANCHU_CHECKJP(--, SETLEASTDIGITS_D); +#else + while (++digit < cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS) + BRANCHU_CHECKJP(++, CLEARLEASTDIGITS_D); +#endif + +// BranchU secondary dead end, no non-full previous/next JP: + + SMRESTART(digits); + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// LINEAR LEAF: +// +// Check Decode bytes, if any, in the current JP, then search the leaf for the +// previous/next empty index starting at Index. Primary leaf dead end is +// hidden within j__udySearchLeaf*Empty*(). In case of secondary leaf dead +// end, restart at the top of the tree. +// +// Note: Pword is the name known to GET*; think of it as Pjlw. + +#define SMLEAFL(cDigits,Func) \ + Pword = (PWord_t) P_JLW(Pjp->jp_Addr); \ + pop0 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp); \ + Func(Pword, pop0) + +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + case cJU_JPLEAF1: CHECKDCD(1); SMLEAFL(1, j__udySearchLeafEmpty1); +#endif + case cJU_JPLEAF2: CHECKDCD(2); SMLEAFL(2, j__udySearchLeafEmpty2); + case cJU_JPLEAF3: CHECKDCD(3); SMLEAFL(3, j__udySearchLeafEmpty3); + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPLEAF4: CHECKDCD(4); SMLEAFL(4, j__udySearchLeafEmpty4); + case cJU_JPLEAF5: CHECKDCD(5); SMLEAFL(5, j__udySearchLeafEmpty5); + case cJU_JPLEAF6: CHECKDCD(6); SMLEAFL(6, j__udySearchLeafEmpty6); + case cJU_JPLEAF7: CHECKDCD(7); SMLEAFL(7, j__udySearchLeafEmpty7); +#endif + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// BITMAP LEAF: +// +// Check Decode bytes, if any, in the current JP, then search the leaf for the +// previous/next empty index starting at Index. + + case cJU_JPLEAF_B1: + + CHECKDCD(1); + + Pjlb = P_JLB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 1); + subexp = digit / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL; + bitposmaskL = JU_BITPOSMASKL(digit); + assert(subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPL); // falls in expected range. + +// Absent index = no index matches current digit in Index: + +// if (! JU_BITMAPTESTL(Pjlb, digit)) // slower. + if (! (JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp) & bitposmaskL)) // faster. + RET_SUCCESS; + +// LeafB1 primary dead end: +// +// Upon hitting a valid (non-empty) index in a LeafB1 for the last digit in +// Index, search sideways for a previous/next absent index, first in the +// current bitmap subexpanse, then in lower/higher subexpanses. +// LEAFB1_CHECKBIT() is shorthand for common code to handle one bit in one +// bitmap subexpanse. +// +// Note: The preceding code is separate from this loop because Index does not +// need revising (see SET_AND_*()) if the initial index is an empty index. +// +// TBD: For speed, shift bitposmaskL instead of using JU_BITMAPTESTL or +// JU_BITPOSMASKL, but this shift has knowledge of bit order that really should +// be encapsulated in a header file. + +#define LEAFB1_CHECKBIT(OpLeastDigits) \ + if (! (JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp) & bitposmaskL)) \ + SET_AND_RETURN(OpLeastDigits, digit, 1) + +#define LEAFB1_STARTSUBEXP(OpLeastDigits) \ + if (! JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp)) /* empty subexp */ \ + SET_AND_RETURN(OpLeastDigits, digit, 1) + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + + --digit; // skip initial digit. + bitposmaskL >>= 1; // see TBD above. + +LeafB1NextSubexp: // return here to check next bitmap subexpanse. + + while (bitposmaskL) // more bits to check in subexp. + { + LEAFB1_CHECKBIT(SETLEASTDIGITS_D); + assert(digit >= 0); + --digit; + bitposmaskL >>= 1; + } + + if (subexp-- > 0) // more subexpanses. + { + LEAFB1_STARTSUBEXP(SETLEASTDIGITS_D); + bitposmaskL = (1UL << (cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL - 1)); + goto LeafB1NextSubexp; + } + +#else // JUDYNEXT + + ++digit; // skip initial digit. + bitposmaskL <<= 1; // note: BITMAPL_t. + +LeafB1NextSubexp: // return here to check next bitmap subexpanse. + + while (bitposmaskL) // more bits to check in subexp. + { + LEAFB1_CHECKBIT(CLEARLEASTDIGITS_D); + assert(digit < cJU_SUBEXPPERSTATE); + ++digit; + bitposmaskL <<= 1; // note: BITMAPL_t. + } + + if (++subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPL) // more subexpanses. + { + LEAFB1_STARTSUBEXP(CLEARLEASTDIGITS_D); + bitposmaskL = 1; + goto LeafB1NextSubexp; + } + +#endif // JUDYNEXT + +// LeafB1 secondary dead end, no empty index: + + SMRESTART(1); + + +#ifdef JUDY1 +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// FULL POPULATION: +// +// If the Decode bytes do not match, Index is empty (without modification); +// otherwise restart. + + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1: + + CHECKDCD(1); + SMRESTART(1); +#endif + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// IMMEDIATE: +// +// Pop1 = 1 Immediate JPs: +// +// If Index is not in the immediate JP, return success; otherwise check if +// there is an empty index below/above the immediate JPs index, and if so, +// return success with modified Index, else restart. +// +// Note: Doug says its fast enough to calculate the index size (digits) in +// the following; no need to set it separately for each case. + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_01: +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPIMMED_4_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_5_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_6_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_7_01: +#endif + if (JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) != JU_TRIMTODCDSIZE(Index)) RET_SUCCESS; + digits = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) - cJU_JPIMMED_1_01 + 1; + LEAF_EDGE(JU_LEASTBYTES(JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp), digits), digits); + +// Immediate JPs with Pop1 > 1: + +#define IMM_MULTI(Func,BaseJPType) \ + JUDY1CODE(Pword = (PWord_t) (Pjp->jp_1Index);) \ + JUDYLCODE(Pword = (PWord_t) (Pjp->jp_LIndex);) \ + Func(Pword, JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) - (BaseJPType) + 1) + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_02: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_03: +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_04: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_05: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_06: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_07: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_08: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_09: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_10: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_11: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_12: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_13: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_14: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_15: +#endif + IMM_MULTI(j__udySearchLeafEmpty1, cJU_JPIMMED_1_02); + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_02: + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_03: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_04: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_05: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_06: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_07: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + IMM_MULTI(j__udySearchLeafEmpty2, cJU_JPIMMED_2_02); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_02: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_03: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_04: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_05: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + IMM_MULTI(j__udySearchLeafEmpty3, cJU_JPIMMED_3_02); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_03: + IMM_MULTI(j__udySearchLeafEmpty4, cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_03: + IMM_MULTI(j__udySearchLeafEmpty5, cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02: + IMM_MULTI(j__udySearchLeafEmpty6, cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02: + IMM_MULTI(j__udySearchLeafEmpty7, cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02); +#endif + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// INVALID JP TYPE: + + default: RET_CORRUPT; + + } // SMGet switch. + +} // Judy1PrevEmpty() / Judy1NextEmpty() / JudyLPrevEmpty() / JudyLNextEmpty() diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/JudyLPrev.c b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/JudyLPrev.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..331d7014 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/JudyLPrev.c @@ -0,0 +1,1890 @@ +// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company +// +// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +// under the term of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +// option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +// _________________ + +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ +// +// Judy*Prev() and Judy*Next() functions for Judy1 and JudyL. +// Compile with one of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL. +// +// Compile with -DJUDYNEXT for the Judy*Next() function; otherwise defaults to +// Judy*Prev(). + +#if (! (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JUDYL))) +#error: One of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL must be specified. +#endif + +#ifndef JUDYNEXT +#ifndef JUDYPREV +#define JUDYPREV 1 // neither set => use default. +#endif +#endif + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#include "Judy1.h" +#else +#include "JudyL.h" +#endif + +#include "JudyPrivate1L.h" + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y 1 P R E V +// J U D Y 1 N E X T +// J U D Y L P R E V +// J U D Y L N E X T +// +// See the manual entry for the API. +// +// OVERVIEW OF Judy*Prev(): +// +// Use a reentrant switch statement (state machine, SM1 = "get") to decode the +// callers *PIndex-1, starting with the (PArray), through branches, if +// any, down to an immediate or a leaf. Look for *PIndex-1 in that leaf, and +// if found, return it. +// +// A dead end is either a branch that does not contain a JP for the appropriate +// digit in *PIndex-1, or a leaf that does not contain the undecoded digits of +// *PIndex-1. Upon reaching a dead end, backtrack through the leaf/branches +// that were just traversed, using a list (history) of parent JPs that is built +// while going forward in SM1Get. Start with the current leaf or branch. In a +// backtracked leaf, look for an Index less than *PIndex-1. In each +// backtracked branch, look "sideways" for the next JP, if any, lower than the +// one for the digit (from *PIndex-1) that was previously decoded. While +// backtracking, if a leaf has no previous Index or a branch has no lower JP, +// go to its parent branch in turn. Upon reaching the JRP, return failure, "no +// previous Index". The backtrack process is sufficiently different from +// SM1Get to merit its own separate reentrant switch statement (SM2 = +// "backtrack"). +// +// While backtracking, upon finding a lower JP in a branch, there is certain to +// be a "prev" Index under that JP (unless the Judy array is corrupt). +// Traverse forward again, this time taking the last (highest, right-most) JP +// in each branch, and the last (highest) Index upon reaching an immediate or a +// leaf. This traversal is sufficiently different from SM1Get and SM2Backtrack +// to merit its own separate reentrant switch statement (SM3 = "findlimit"). +// +// "Decode" bytes in JPs complicate this process a little. In SM1Get, when a +// JP is a narrow pointer, that is, when states are skipped (so the skipped +// digits are stored in jp_DcdPopO), compare the relevant digits to the same +// digits in *PIndex-1. If they are EQUAL, proceed in SM1Get as before. If +// jp_DcdPopOs digits are GREATER, treat the JP as a dead end and proceed in +// SM2Backtrack. If jp_DcdPopOs digits are LESS, treat the JP as if it had +// just been found during a backtrack and proceed directly in SM3Findlimit. +// +// Note that Decode bytes can be ignored in SM3Findlimit; they dont matter. +// Also note that in practice the Decode bytes are routinely compared with +// *PIndex-1 because thats simpler and no slower than first testing for +// narrowness. +// +// Decode bytes also make it unnecessary to construct the Index to return (the +// revised *PIndex) during the search. This step is deferred until finding an +// Index during backtrack or findlimit, before returning it. The first digit +// of *PIndex is derived (saved) based on which JP is used in a JRP branch. +// The remaining digits are obtained from the jp_DcdPopO field in the JP (if +// any) above the immediate or leaf containing the found (prev) Index, plus the +// remaining digit(s) in the immediate or leaf itself. In the case of a LEAFW, +// the Index to return is found directly in the leaf. +// +// Note: Theoretically, as described above, upon reaching a dead end, SM1Get +// passes control to SM2Backtrack to look sideways, even in a leaf. Actually +// its a little more efficient for the SM1Get leaf cases to shortcut this and +// take care of the sideways searches themselves. Hence the history list only +// contains branch JPs, and SM2Backtrack only handles branches. In fact, even +// the branch handling cases in SM1Get do some shortcutting (sideways +// searching) to avoid pushing history and calling SM2Backtrack unnecessarily. +// +// Upon reaching an Index to return after backtracking, *PIndex must be +// modified to the found Index. In principle this could be done by building +// the Index from a saved rootdigit (in the top branch) plus the Dcd bytes from +// the parent JP plus the appropriate Index bytes from the leaf. However, +// Immediates are difficult because their parent JPs lack one (last) digit. So +// instead just build the *PIndex to return "top down" while backtracking and +// findlimiting. +// +// This function is written iteratively for speed, rather than recursively. +// +// CAVEATS: +// +// Why use a backtrack list (history stack), since it has finite size? The +// size is small for Judy on both 32-bit and 64-bit systems, and a list (really +// just an array) is fast to maintain and use. Other alternatives include +// doing a lookahead (lookaside) in each branch while traversing forward +// (decoding), and restarting from the top upon a dead end. +// +// A lookahead means noting the last branch traversed which contained a +// non-null JP lower than the one specified by a digit in *PIndex-1, and +// returning to that point for SM3Findlimit. This seems like a good idea, and +// should be pretty cheap for linear and bitmap branches, but it could result +// in up to 31 unnecessary additional cache line fills (in extreme cases) for +// every uncompressed branch traversed. We have considered means of attaching +// to or hiding within an uncompressed branch (in null JPs) a "cache line map" +// or other structure, such as an offset to the next non-null JP, that would +// speed this up, but it seems unnecessary merely to avoid having a +// finite-length list (array). (If JudySL is ever made "native", the finite +// list length will be an issue.) +// +// Restarting at the top of the Judy array after a dead end requires a careful +// modification of *PIndex-1 to decrement the digit for the parent branch and +// set the remaining lower digits to all 1s. This must be repeated each time a +// parent branch contains another dead end, so even though it should all happen +// in cache, the CPU time can be excessive. (For JudySL or an equivalent +// "infinitely deep" Judy array, consider a hybrid of a large, finite, +// "circular" list and a restart-at-top when the list is backtracked to +// exhaustion.) +// +// Why search for *PIndex-1 instead of *PIndex during SM1Get? In rare +// instances this prevents an unnecessary decode down the wrong path followed +// by a backtrack; its pretty cheap to set up initially; and it means the +// SM1Get machine can simply return if/when it finds that Index. +// +// TBD: Wed like to enhance this function to make successive searches faster. +// This would require saving some previous state, including the previous Index +// returned, and in which leaf it was found. If the next call is for the same +// Index and the array has not been modified, start at the same leaf. This +// should be much easier to implement since this is iterative rather than +// recursive code. +// +// VARIATIONS FOR Judy*Next(): +// +// The Judy*Next() code is nearly a perfect mirror of the Judy*Prev() code. +// See the Judy*Prev() overview comments, and mentally switch the following: +// +// - "*PIndex-1" => "*PIndex+1" +// - "less than" => "greater than" +// - "lower" => "higher" +// - "lowest" => "highest" +// - "next-left" => "next-right" +// - "right-most" => "left-most" +// +// Note: SM3Findlimit could be called SM3Findmax/SM3Findmin, but a common name +// for both Prev and Next means many fewer ifdefs in this code. +// +// TBD: Currently this code traverses a JP whether its expanse is partially or +// completely full (populated). For Judy1 (only), since there is no value area +// needed, consider shortcutting to a "success" return upon encountering a full +// JP in SM1Get (or even SM3Findlimit?) A full JP looks like this: +// +// (((JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) ^ cJU_ALLONES) & cJU_POP0MASK(cLevel)) == 0) + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#ifdef JUDYPREV +FUNCTION int Judy1Prev +#else +FUNCTION int Judy1Next +#endif +#else +#ifdef JUDYPREV +FUNCTION PPvoid_t JudyLPrev +#else +FUNCTION PPvoid_t JudyLNext +#endif +#endif + ( + Pcvoid_t PArray, // Judy array to search. + Word_t * PIndex, // starting point and result. + PJError_t PJError // optional, for returning error info. + ) +{ + Pjp_t Pjp, Pjp2; // current JPs. + Pjbl_t Pjbl; // Pjp->jp_Addr masked and cast to types: + Pjbb_t Pjbb; + Pjbu_t Pjbu; + +// Note: The following initialization is not strictly required but it makes +// gcc -Wall happy because there is an "impossible" path from Immed handling to +// SM1LeafLImm code that looks like Pjll might be used before set: + + Pjll_t Pjll = (Pjll_t) NULL; + Word_t state; // current state in SM. + Word_t digit; // next digit to decode from Index. + +// Note: The following initialization is not strictly required but it makes +// gcc -Wall happy because there is an "impossible" path from Immed handling to +// SM1LeafLImm code (for JudyL & JudyPrev only) that looks like pop1 might be +// used before set: + +#if (defined(JUDYL) && defined(JUDYPREV)) + Word_t pop1 = 0; // in a leaf. +#else + Word_t pop1; // in a leaf. +#endif + int offset; // linear branch/leaf, from j__udySearchLeaf*(). + int subexp; // subexpanse in a bitmap branch. + Word_t bitposmask; // bit in bitmap for Index. + +// History for SM2Backtrack: +// +// For a given histnum, APjphist[histnum] is a parent JP that points to a +// branch, and Aoffhist[histnum] is the offset of the NEXT JP in the branch to +// which the parent JP points. The meaning of Aoffhist[histnum] depends on the +// type of branch to which the parent JP points: +// +// Linear: Offset of the next JP in the JP list. +// +// Bitmap: Which subexpanse, plus the offset of the next JP in the +// subexpanses JP list (to avoid bit-counting again), plus for Judy*Next(), +// hidden one byte to the left, which digit, because Judy*Next() also needs +// this. +// +// Uncompressed: Digit, which is actually the offset of the JP in the branch. +// +// Note: Only branch JPs are stored in APjphist[] because, as explained +// earlier, SM1Get shortcuts sideways searches in leaves (and even in branches +// in some cases), so SM2Backtrack only handles branches. + +#define HISTNUMMAX cJU_ROOTSTATE // maximum branches traversable. + Pjp_t APjphist[HISTNUMMAX]; // list of branch JPs traversed. + int Aoffhist[HISTNUMMAX]; // list of next JP offsets; see above. + int histnum = 0; // number of JPs now in list. + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// M A C R O S +// +// These are intended to make the code a bit more readable and less redundant. + + +// "PUSH" AND "POP" Pjp AND offset ON HISTORY STACKS: +// +// Note: Ensure a corrupt Judy array does not overflow *hist[]. Meanwhile, +// underflowing *hist[] simply means theres no more room to backtrack => +// "no previous/next Index". + +#define HISTPUSH(Pjp,Offset) \ + APjphist[histnum] = (Pjp); \ + Aoffhist[histnum] = (Offset); \ + \ + if (++histnum >= HISTNUMMAX) \ + { \ + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT) \ + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) \ + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) \ + } + +#define HISTPOP(Pjp,Offset) \ + if ((histnum--) < 1) JU_RET_NOTFOUND; \ + (Pjp) = APjphist[histnum]; \ + (Offset) = Aoffhist[histnum] + +// How to pack/unpack Aoffhist[] values for bitmap branches: + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + +#define HISTPUSHBOFF(Subexp,Offset,Digit) \ + (((Subexp) * cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB) | (Offset)) + +#define HISTPOPBOFF(Subexp,Offset,Digit) \ + (Subexp) = (Offset) / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; \ + (Offset) %= cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB +#else + +#define HISTPUSHBOFF(Subexp,Offset,Digit) \ + (((Digit) << cJU_BITSPERBYTE) \ + | ((Subexp) * cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB) | (Offset)) + +#define HISTPOPBOFF(Subexp,Offset,Digit) \ + (Digit) = (Offset) >> cJU_BITSPERBYTE; \ + (Subexp) = ((Offset) & JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(1)) / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; \ + (Offset) %= cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB +#endif + + +// CHECK FOR NULL JP: + +#define JPNULL(Type) (((Type) >= cJU_JPNULL1) && ((Type) <= cJU_JPNULLMAX)) + + +// SEARCH A BITMAP: +// +// This is a weak analog of j__udySearchLeaf*() for bitmaps. Return the actual +// or next-left position, base 0, of Digit in the single uint32_t bitmap, also +// given a Bitposmask for Digit. +// +// Unlike j__udySearchLeaf*(), the offset is not returned bit-complemented if +// Digits bit is unset, because the caller can check the bitmap themselves to +// determine that. Also, if Digits bit is unset, the returned offset is to +// the next-left JP (including -1), not to the "ideal" position for the Index = +// next-right JP. +// +// Shortcut and skip calling j__udyCountBits*() if the bitmap is full, in which +// case (Digit % cJU_BITSPERSUBEXP*) itself is the base-0 offset. +// +// TBD for Judy*Next(): Should this return next-right instead of next-left? +// That is, +1 from current value? Maybe not, if Digits bit IS set, +1 would +// be wrong. + +#define SEARCHBITMAPB(Bitmap,Digit,Bitposmask) \ + (((Bitmap) == cJU_FULLBITMAPB) ? (Digit % cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB) : \ + j__udyCountBitsB((Bitmap) & JU_MASKLOWERINC(Bitposmask)) - 1) + +#define SEARCHBITMAPL(Bitmap,Digit,Bitposmask) \ + (((Bitmap) == cJU_FULLBITMAPL) ? (Digit % cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL) : \ + j__udyCountBitsL((Bitmap) & JU_MASKLOWERINC(Bitposmask)) - 1) + +#ifdef JUDYPREV +// Equivalent to search for the highest offset in Bitmap: + +#define SEARCHBITMAPMAXB(Bitmap) \ + (((Bitmap) == cJU_FULLBITMAPB) ? cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB - 1 : \ + j__udyCountBitsB(Bitmap) - 1) + +#define SEARCHBITMAPMAXL(Bitmap) \ + (((Bitmap) == cJU_FULLBITMAPL) ? cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL - 1 : \ + j__udyCountBitsL(Bitmap) - 1) +#endif + + +// CHECK DECODE BYTES: +// +// Check Decode bytes in a JP against the equivalent portion of *PIndex. If +// *PIndex is lower (for Judy*Prev()) or higher (for Judy*Next()), this JP is a +// dead end (the same as if it had been absent in a linear or bitmap branch or +// null in an uncompressed branch), enter SM2Backtrack; otherwise enter +// SM3Findlimit to find the highest/lowest Index under this JP, as if the code +// had already backtracked to this JP. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV +#define CDcmp__ < +#else +#define CDcmp__ > +#endif + +#define CHECKDCD(cState) \ + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(*PIndex, Pjp, cState)) \ + { \ + if ((*PIndex & cJU_DCDMASK(cState)) \ + CDcmp__(JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & cJU_DCDMASK(cState))) \ + { \ + goto SM2Backtrack; \ + } \ + goto SM3Findlimit; \ + } + + +// PREPARE TO HANDLE A LEAFW OR JRP BRANCH IN SM1: +// +// Extract a state-dependent digit from Index in a "constant" way, then jump to +// common code for multiple cases. + +#define SM1PREPB(cState,Next) \ + state = (cState); \ + digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(*PIndex, cState); \ + goto Next + + +// PREPARE TO HANDLE A LEAFW OR JRP BRANCH IN SM3: +// +// Optionally save Dcd bytes into *PIndex, then save state and jump to common +// code for multiple cases. + +#define SM3PREPB_DCD(cState,Next) \ + JU_SETDCD(*PIndex, Pjp, cState); \ + SM3PREPB(cState,Next) + +#define SM3PREPB(cState,Next) state = (cState); goto Next + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// CHECK FOR SHORTCUTS: +// +// Error out if PIndex is null. Execute JU_RET_NOTFOUND if the Judy array is +// empty or *PIndex is already the minimum/maximum Index possible. +// +// Note: As documented, in case of failure *PIndex may be modified. + + if (PIndex == (PWord_t) NULL) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NULLPINDEX); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + if ((PArray == (Pvoid_t) NULL) || ((*PIndex)-- == 0)) +#else + if ((PArray == (Pvoid_t) NULL) || ((*PIndex)++ == cJU_ALLONES)) +#endif + JU_RET_NOTFOUND; + + +// HANDLE JRP: +// +// Before even entering SM1Get, check the JRP type. For JRP branches, traverse +// the JPM; handle LEAFW leaves directly; but look for the most common cases +// first. + +// ROOT-STATE LEAF that starts with a Pop0 word; just look within the leaf: +// +// If *PIndex is in the leaf, return it; otherwise return the Index, if any, +// below where it would belong. + + if (JU_LEAFW_POP0(PArray) < cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1) // must be a LEAFW + { + Pjlw_t Pjlw = P_JLW(PArray); // first word of leaf. + pop1 = Pjlw[0] + 1; + + if ((offset = j__udySearchLeafW(Pjlw + 1, pop1, *PIndex)) + >= 0) // Index is present. + { + assert(offset < pop1); // in expected range. + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAFW(Pjlw, pop1, offset); // *PIndex is set. + } + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + if ((offset = ~offset) == 0) // no next-left Index. +#else + if ((offset = ~offset) >= pop1) // no next-right Index. +#endif + JU_RET_NOTFOUND; + + assert(offset <= pop1); // valid result. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + *PIndex = Pjlw[offset--]; // next-left Index, base 1. +#else + *PIndex = Pjlw[offset + 1]; // next-right Index, base 1. +#endif + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAFW(Pjlw, pop1, offset); // base 0. + + } + else // JRP BRANCH + { + Pjpm_t Pjpm = P_JPM(PArray); + Pjp = &(Pjpm->jpm_JP); + +// goto SM1Get; + } + +// ============================================================================ +// STATE MACHINE 1 -- GET INDEX: +// +// Search for *PIndex (already decremented/incremented so as to be inclusive). +// If found, return it. Otherwise in theory hand off to SM2Backtrack or +// SM3Findlimit, but in practice "shortcut" by first sideways searching the +// current branch or leaf upon hitting a dead end. During sideways search, +// modify *PIndex to a new path taken. +// +// ENTRY: Pjp points to next JP to interpret, whose Decode bytes have not yet +// been checked. This JP is not yet listed in history. +// +// Note: Check Decode bytes at the start of each loop, not after looking up a +// new JP, so its easy to do constant shifts/masks, although this requires +// cautious handling of Pjp, offset, and *hist[] for correct entry to +// SM2Backtrack. +// +// EXIT: Return, or branch to SM2Backtrack or SM3Findlimit with correct +// interface, as described elsewhere. +// +// WARNING: For run-time efficiency the following cases replicate code with +// varying constants, rather than using common code with variable values! + +SM1Get: // return here for next branch/leaf. + + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// LINEAR BRANCH: +// +// Check Decode bytes, if any, in the current JP, then search for a JP for the +// next digit in *PIndex. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L2: CHECKDCD(2); SM1PREPB(2, SM1BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L3: CHECKDCD(3); SM1PREPB(3, SM1BranchL); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L4: CHECKDCD(4); SM1PREPB(4, SM1BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L5: CHECKDCD(5); SM1PREPB(5, SM1BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L6: CHECKDCD(6); SM1PREPB(6, SM1BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L7: CHECKDCD(7); SM1PREPB(7, SM1BranchL); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L: SM1PREPB(cJU_ROOTSTATE, SM1BranchL); + +// Common code (state-independent) for all cases of linear branches: + +SM1BranchL: + Pjbl = P_JBL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + +// Found JP matching current digit in *PIndex; record parent JP and the next +// JPs offset, and iterate to the next JP: + + if ((offset = j__udySearchLeaf1((Pjll_t) (Pjbl->jbl_Expanse), + Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs, digit)) >= 0) + { + HISTPUSH(Pjp, offset); + Pjp = (Pjbl->jbl_jp) + offset; + goto SM1Get; + } + +// Dead end, no JP in BranchL for next digit in *PIndex: +// +// Get the ideal location of digits JP, and if theres no next-left/right JP +// in the BranchL, shortcut and start backtracking one level up; ignore the +// current Pjp because it points to a BranchL with no next-left/right JP. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + if ((offset = (~offset) - 1) < 0) // no next-left JP in BranchL. +#else + if ((offset = (~offset)) >= Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs) // no next-right. +#endif + goto SM2Backtrack; + +// Theres a next-left/right JP in the current BranchL; save its digit in +// *PIndex and shortcut to SM3Findlimit: + + JU_SETDIGIT(*PIndex, Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[offset], state); + Pjp = (Pjbl->jbl_jp) + offset; + goto SM3Findlimit; + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// BITMAP BRANCH: +// +// Check Decode bytes, if any, in the current JP, then look for a JP for the +// next digit in *PIndex. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B2: CHECKDCD(2); SM1PREPB(2, SM1BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B3: CHECKDCD(3); SM1PREPB(3, SM1BranchB); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B4: CHECKDCD(4); SM1PREPB(4, SM1BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B5: CHECKDCD(5); SM1PREPB(5, SM1BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B6: CHECKDCD(6); SM1PREPB(6, SM1BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B7: CHECKDCD(7); SM1PREPB(7, SM1BranchB); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B: SM1PREPB(cJU_ROOTSTATE, SM1BranchB); + +// Common code (state-independent) for all cases of bitmap branches: + +SM1BranchB: + Pjbb = P_JBB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + +// Locate the digits JP in the subexpanse list, if present, otherwise the +// offset of the next-left JP, if any: + + subexp = digit / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; + assert(subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPB); // falls in expected range. + bitposmask = JU_BITPOSMASKB(digit); + offset = SEARCHBITMAPB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp), digit, + bitposmask); + // right range: + assert((offset >= -1) && (offset < (int) cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB)); + +// Found JP matching current digit in *PIndex: +// +// Record the parent JP and the next JPs offset; and iterate to the next JP. + +// if (JU_BITMAPTESTB(Pjbb, digit)) // slower. + if (JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp) & bitposmask) // faster. + { + // not negative since at least one bit is set: + assert(offset >= 0); + + HISTPUSH(Pjp, HISTPUSHBOFF(subexp, offset, digit)); + + if ((Pjp = P_JP(JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp))) == (Pjp_t) NULL) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + + Pjp += offset; + goto SM1Get; // iterate to next JP. + } + +// Dead end, no JP in BranchB for next digit in *PIndex: +// +// If theres a next-left/right JP in the current BranchB, shortcut to +// SM3Findlimit. Note: offset is already set to the correct value for the +// next-left/right JP. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + if (offset >= 0) // next-left JP is in this subexpanse. + goto SM1BranchBFindlimit; + + while (--subexp >= 0) // search next-left subexpanses. +#else + if (JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp) & JU_MASKHIGHEREXC(bitposmask)) + { + ++offset; // next-left => next-right. + goto SM1BranchBFindlimit; + } + + while (++subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPB) // search next-right subexps. +#endif + { + if (! JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp)) continue; // empty subexpanse. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + offset = SEARCHBITMAPMAXB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp)); + // expected range: + assert((offset >= 0) && (offset < cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB)); +#else + offset = 0; +#endif + +// Save the next-left/right JPs digit in *PIndex: + +SM1BranchBFindlimit: + JU_BITMAPDIGITB(digit, subexp, JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp), + offset); + JU_SETDIGIT(*PIndex, digit, state); + + if ((Pjp = P_JP(JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp))) == (Pjp_t) NULL) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + + Pjp += offset; + goto SM3Findlimit; + } + +// Theres no next-left/right JP in the BranchB: +// +// Shortcut and start backtracking one level up; ignore the current Pjp because +// it points to a BranchB with no next-left/right JP. + + goto SM2Backtrack; + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// UNCOMPRESSED BRANCH: +// +// Check Decode bytes, if any, in the current JP, then look for a JP for the +// next digit in *PIndex. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U2: CHECKDCD(2); SM1PREPB(2, SM1BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U3: CHECKDCD(3); SM1PREPB(3, SM1BranchU); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U4: CHECKDCD(4); SM1PREPB(4, SM1BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U5: CHECKDCD(5); SM1PREPB(5, SM1BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U6: CHECKDCD(6); SM1PREPB(6, SM1BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U7: CHECKDCD(7); SM1PREPB(7, SM1BranchU); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U: SM1PREPB(cJU_ROOTSTATE, SM1BranchU); + +// Common code (state-independent) for all cases of uncompressed branches: + +SM1BranchU: + Pjbu = P_JBU(Pjp->jp_Addr); + Pjp2 = (Pjbu->jbu_jp) + digit; + +// Found JP matching current digit in *PIndex: +// +// Record the parent JP and the next JPs digit, and iterate to the next JP. +// +// TBD: Instead of this, just goto SM1Get, and add cJU_JPNULL* cases to the +// SM1Get state machine? Then backtrack? However, it means you cant detect +// an inappropriate cJU_JPNULL*, when it occurs in other than a BranchU, and +// return JU_RET_CORRUPT. + + if (! JPNULL(JU_JPTYPE(Pjp2))) // digit has a JP. + { + HISTPUSH(Pjp, digit); + Pjp = Pjp2; + goto SM1Get; + } + +// Dead end, no JP in BranchU for next digit in *PIndex: +// +// Search for a next-left/right JP in the current BranchU, and if one is found, +// save its digit in *PIndex and shortcut to SM3Findlimit: + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + while (digit >= 1) + { + Pjp = (Pjbu->jbu_jp) + (--digit); +#else + while (digit < cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS - 1) + { + Pjp = (Pjbu->jbu_jp) + (++digit); +#endif + if (JPNULL(JU_JPTYPE(Pjp))) continue; + + JU_SETDIGIT(*PIndex, digit, state); + goto SM3Findlimit; + } + +// Theres no next-left/right JP in the BranchU: +// +// Shortcut and start backtracking one level up; ignore the current Pjp because +// it points to a BranchU with no next-left/right JP. + + goto SM2Backtrack; + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// LINEAR LEAF: +// +// Check Decode bytes, if any, in the current JP, then search the leaf for +// *PIndex. + +#define SM1LEAFL(Func) \ + Pjll = P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); \ + pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; \ + offset = Func(Pjll, pop1, *PIndex); \ + goto SM1LeafLImm + +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + case cJU_JPLEAF1: CHECKDCD(1); SM1LEAFL(j__udySearchLeaf1); +#endif + case cJU_JPLEAF2: CHECKDCD(2); SM1LEAFL(j__udySearchLeaf2); + case cJU_JPLEAF3: CHECKDCD(3); SM1LEAFL(j__udySearchLeaf3); + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPLEAF4: CHECKDCD(4); SM1LEAFL(j__udySearchLeaf4); + case cJU_JPLEAF5: CHECKDCD(5); SM1LEAFL(j__udySearchLeaf5); + case cJU_JPLEAF6: CHECKDCD(6); SM1LEAFL(j__udySearchLeaf6); + case cJU_JPLEAF7: CHECKDCD(7); SM1LEAFL(j__udySearchLeaf7); +#endif + +// Common code (state-independent) for all cases of linear leaves and +// immediates: + +SM1LeafLImm: + if (offset >= 0) // *PIndex is in LeafL / Immed. +#ifdef JUDY1 + JU_RET_FOUND; +#else + { // JudyL is trickier... + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + case cJU_JPLEAF1: JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF1(Pjll, pop1, offset); +#endif + case cJU_JPLEAF2: JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF2(Pjll, pop1, offset); + case cJU_JPLEAF3: JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF3(Pjll, pop1, offset); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPLEAF4: JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF4(Pjll, pop1, offset); + case cJU_JPLEAF5: JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF5(Pjll, pop1, offset); + case cJU_JPLEAF6: JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF6(Pjll, pop1, offset); + case cJU_JPLEAF7: JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF7(Pjll, pop1, offset); +#endif + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_01: +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPIMMED_4_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_5_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_6_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_7_01: +#endif + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM_01(Pjp); + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_02: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_03: +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_04: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_05: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_06: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_07: + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_02: + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_03: + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_02: +#endif + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + } + + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); // impossible? + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + + } // found *PIndex + +#endif // JUDYL + +// Dead end, no Index in LeafL / Immed for remaining digit(s) in *PIndex: +// +// Get the ideal location of Index, and if theres no next-left/right Index in +// the LeafL / Immed, shortcut and start backtracking one level up; ignore the +// current Pjp because it points to a LeafL / Immed with no next-left/right +// Index. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + if ((offset = (~offset) - 1) < 0) // no next-left Index. +#else + if ((offset = (~offset)) >= pop1) // no next-right Index. +#endif + goto SM2Backtrack; + +// Theres a next-left/right Index in the current LeafL / Immed; shortcut by +// copying its digit(s) to *PIndex and returning it. +// +// Unfortunately this is pretty hairy, especially avoiding endian issues. +// +// The cJU_JPLEAF* cases are very similar to same-index-size cJU_JPIMMED* cases +// for *_02 and above, but must return differently, at least for JudyL, so +// spell them out separately here at the cost of a little redundant code for +// Judy1. + + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + case cJU_JPLEAF1: + + JU_SETDIGIT1(*PIndex, ((uint8_t *) Pjll)[offset]); + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF1(Pjll, pop1, offset); +#endif + + case cJU_JPLEAF2: + + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(2))) + | ((uint16_t *) Pjll)[offset]; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF2(Pjll, pop1, offset); + + case cJU_JPLEAF3: + { + Word_t lsb; + JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) Pjll) + (3 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(3))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF3(Pjll, pop1, offset); + } + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPLEAF4: + + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(4))) + | ((uint32_t *) Pjll)[offset]; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF4(Pjll, pop1, offset); + + case cJU_JPLEAF5: + { + Word_t lsb; + JU_COPY5_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) Pjll) + (5 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(5))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF5(Pjll, pop1, offset); + } + + case cJU_JPLEAF6: + { + Word_t lsb; + JU_COPY6_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) Pjll) + (6 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(6))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF6(Pjll, pop1, offset); + } + + case cJU_JPLEAF7: + { + Word_t lsb; + JU_COPY7_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) Pjll) + (7 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(7))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF7(Pjll, pop1, offset); + } + +#endif // JU_64BIT + +#define SET_01(cState) JU_SETDIGITS(*PIndex, JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp), cState) + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_01: SET_01(1); goto SM1Imm_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_01: SET_01(2); goto SM1Imm_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_01: SET_01(3); goto SM1Imm_01; +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPIMMED_4_01: SET_01(4); goto SM1Imm_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_5_01: SET_01(5); goto SM1Imm_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_6_01: SET_01(6); goto SM1Imm_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_7_01: SET_01(7); goto SM1Imm_01; +#endif +SM1Imm_01: JU_RET_FOUND_IMM_01(Pjp); + +// Shorthand for where to find start of Index bytes array: + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#define PJI (Pjp->jp_1Index) +#else +#define PJI (Pjp->jp_LIndex) +#endif + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_02: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_03: +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_04: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_05: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_06: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_07: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_08: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_09: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_10: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_11: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_12: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_13: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_14: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_15: +#endif + JU_SETDIGIT1(*PIndex, ((uint8_t *) PJI)[offset]); + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_02: + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_03: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_04: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_05: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_06: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_07: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(2))) + | ((uint16_t *) PJI)[offset]; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_02: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_03: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_04: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_05: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + { + Word_t lsb; + JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) PJI) + (3 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(3))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + } +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_03: + + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(4))) + | ((uint32_t *) PJI)[offset]; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_03: + { + Word_t lsb; + JU_COPY5_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) PJI) + (5 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(5))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + } + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02: + { + Word_t lsb; + JU_COPY6_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) PJI) + (6 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(6))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + } + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02: + { + Word_t lsb; + JU_COPY7_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) PJI) + (7 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(7))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + } + +#endif // (JUDY1 && JU_64BIT) + + } // switch for not-found *PIndex + + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); // impossible? + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// BITMAP LEAF: +// +// Check Decode bytes, if any, in the current JP, then look in the leaf for +// *PIndex. + + case cJU_JPLEAF_B1: + { + Pjlb_t Pjlb; + CHECKDCD(1); + + Pjlb = P_JLB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(*PIndex, 1); + subexp = JU_SUBEXPL(digit); + bitposmask = JU_BITPOSMASKL(digit); + assert(subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPL); // falls in expected range. + +// *PIndex exists in LeafB1: + +// if (JU_BITMAPTESTL(Pjlb, digit)) // slower. + if (JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp) & bitposmask) // faster. + { +#ifdef JUDYL // needs offset at this point: + offset = SEARCHBITMAPL(JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp), digit, bitposmask); +#endif + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF_B1(Pjlb, subexp, offset); +// == return((PPvoid_t) (P_JV(JL_JLB_PVALUE(Pjlb, subexp)) + (offset))); + } + +// Dead end, no Index in LeafB1 for remaining digit in *PIndex: +// +// If theres a next-left/right Index in the current LeafB1, which for +// Judy*Next() is true if any bits are set for higher Indexes, shortcut by +// returning it. Note: For Judy*Prev(), offset is set here to the correct +// value for the next-left JP. + + offset = SEARCHBITMAPL(JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp), digit, + bitposmask); + // right range: + assert((offset >= -1) && (offset < (int) cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL)); + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + if (offset >= 0) // next-left JP is in this subexpanse. + goto SM1LeafB1Findlimit; + + while (--subexp >= 0) // search next-left subexpanses. +#else + if (JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp) & JU_MASKHIGHEREXC(bitposmask)) + { + ++offset; // next-left => next-right. + goto SM1LeafB1Findlimit; + } + + while (++subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPL) // search next-right subexps. +#endif + { + if (! JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp)) continue; // empty subexp. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + offset = SEARCHBITMAPMAXL(JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp)); + // expected range: + assert((offset >= 0) && (offset < (int) cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL)); +#else + offset = 0; +#endif + +// Save the next-left/right Indexess digit in *PIndex: + +SM1LeafB1Findlimit: + JU_BITMAPDIGITL(digit, subexp, JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp), offset); + JU_SETDIGIT1(*PIndex, digit); + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF_B1(Pjlb, subexp, offset); +// == return((PPvoid_t) (P_JV(JL_JLB_PVALUE(Pjlb, subexp)) + (offset))); + } + +// Theres no next-left/right Index in the LeafB1: +// +// Shortcut and start backtracking one level up; ignore the current Pjp because +// it points to a LeafB1 with no next-left/right Index. + + goto SM2Backtrack; + + } // case cJU_JPLEAF_B1 + +#ifdef JUDY1 +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// FULL POPULATION: +// +// If the Decode bytes match, *PIndex is found (without modification). + + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1: + + CHECKDCD(1); + JU_RET_FOUND_FULLPOPU1; +#endif + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// IMMEDIATE: + +#ifdef JUDYPREV +#define SM1IMM_SETPOP1(cPop1) +#else +#define SM1IMM_SETPOP1(cPop1) pop1 = (cPop1) +#endif + +#define SM1IMM(Func,cPop1) \ + SM1IMM_SETPOP1(cPop1); \ + offset = Func((Pjll_t) (PJI), cPop1, *PIndex); \ + goto SM1LeafLImm + +// Special case for Pop1 = 1 Immediate JPs: +// +// If *PIndex is in the immediate, offset is 0, otherwise the binary NOT of the +// offset where it belongs, 0 or 1, same as from the search functions. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV +#define SM1IMM_01_SETPOP1 +#else +#define SM1IMM_01_SETPOP1 pop1 = 1 +#endif + +#define SM1IMM_01 \ + SM1IMM_01_SETPOP1; \ + offset = ((JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) < JU_TRIMTODCDSIZE(*PIndex)) ? ~1 : \ + (JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) == JU_TRIMTODCDSIZE(*PIndex)) ? 0 : \ + ~0); \ + goto SM1LeafLImm + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_01: +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPIMMED_4_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_5_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_6_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_7_01: +#endif + SM1IMM_01; + +// TBD: Doug says it would be OK to have fewer calls and calculate arg 2, here +// and in Judy*Count() also. + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_02: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf1, 2); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_03: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf1, 3); +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_04: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf1, 4); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_05: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf1, 5); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_06: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf1, 6); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_07: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf1, 7); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_08: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf1, 8); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_09: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf1, 9); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_10: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf1, 10); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_11: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf1, 11); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_12: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf1, 12); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_13: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf1, 13); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_14: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf1, 14); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_15: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf1, 15); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_02: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf2, 2); + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_03: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf2, 3); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_04: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf2, 4); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_05: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf2, 5); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_06: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf2, 6); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_07: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf2, 7); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_02: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf3, 2); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_03: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf3, 3); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_04: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf3, 4); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_05: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf3, 5); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf4, 2); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_03: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf4, 3); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf5, 2); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_03: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf5, 3); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf6, 2); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02: SM1IMM(j__udySearchLeaf7, 2); +#endif + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// INVALID JP TYPE: + + default: JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + + } // SM1Get switch. + + /*NOTREACHED*/ + + +// ============================================================================ +// STATE MACHINE 2 -- BACKTRACK BRANCH TO PREVIOUS JP: +// +// Look for the next-left/right JP in a branch, backing up the history list as +// necessary. Upon finding a next-left/right JP, modify the corresponding +// digit in *PIndex before passing control to SM3Findlimit. +// +// Note: As described earlier, only branch JPs are expected here; other types +// fall into the default case. +// +// Note: If a found JP contains needed Dcd bytes, thats OK, theyre copied to +// *PIndex in SM3Findlimit. +// +// TBD: This code has a lot in common with similar code in the shortcut cases +// in SM1Get. Can combine this code somehow? +// +// ENTRY: List, possibly empty, of JPs and offsets in APjphist[] and +// Aoffhist[]; see earlier comments. +// +// EXIT: Execute JU_RET_NOTFOUND if no previous/next JP; otherwise jump to +// SM3Findlimit to resume a new but different downward search. + +SM2Backtrack: // come or return here for first/next sideways search. + + HISTPOP(Pjp, offset); + + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// LINEAR BRANCH: + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L2: state = 2; goto SM2BranchL; + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L3: state = 3; goto SM2BranchL; +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L4: state = 4; goto SM2BranchL; + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L5: state = 5; goto SM2BranchL; + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L6: state = 6; goto SM2BranchL; + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L7: state = 7; goto SM2BranchL; +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L: state = cJU_ROOTSTATE; goto SM2BranchL; + +SM2BranchL: +#ifdef JUDYPREV + if (--offset < 0) goto SM2Backtrack; // no next-left JP in BranchL. +#endif + Pjbl = P_JBL(Pjp->jp_Addr); +#ifdef JUDYNEXT + if (++offset >= (Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs)) goto SM2Backtrack; + // no next-right JP in BranchL. +#endif + +// Theres a next-left/right JP in the current BranchL; save its digit in +// *PIndex and continue with SM3Findlimit: + + JU_SETDIGIT(*PIndex, Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[offset], state); + Pjp = (Pjbl->jbl_jp) + offset; + goto SM3Findlimit; + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// BITMAP BRANCH: + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B2: state = 2; goto SM2BranchB; + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B3: state = 3; goto SM2BranchB; +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B4: state = 4; goto SM2BranchB; + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B5: state = 5; goto SM2BranchB; + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B6: state = 6; goto SM2BranchB; + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B7: state = 7; goto SM2BranchB; +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B: state = cJU_ROOTSTATE; goto SM2BranchB; + +SM2BranchB: + Pjbb = P_JBB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + HISTPOPBOFF(subexp, offset, digit); // unpack values. + +// If theres a next-left/right JP in the current BranchB, which for +// Judy*Next() is true if any bits are set for higher Indexes, continue to +// SM3Findlimit: +// +// Note: offset is set to the JP previously traversed; go one to the +// left/right. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + if (offset > 0) // next-left JP is in this subexpanse. + { + --offset; + goto SM2BranchBFindlimit; + } + + while (--subexp >= 0) // search next-left subexpanses. +#else + if (JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp) + & JU_MASKHIGHEREXC(JU_BITPOSMASKB(digit))) + { + ++offset; // next-left => next-right. + goto SM2BranchBFindlimit; + } + + while (++subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPB) // search next-right subexps. +#endif + { + if (! JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp)) continue; // empty subexpanse. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + offset = SEARCHBITMAPMAXB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp)); + // expected range: + assert((offset >= 0) && (offset < cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB)); +#else + offset = 0; +#endif + +// Save the next-left/right JPs digit in *PIndex: + +SM2BranchBFindlimit: + JU_BITMAPDIGITB(digit, subexp, JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp), + offset); + JU_SETDIGIT(*PIndex, digit, state); + + if ((Pjp = P_JP(JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp))) == (Pjp_t) NULL) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + + Pjp += offset; + goto SM3Findlimit; + } + +// Theres no next-left/right JP in the BranchB: + + goto SM2Backtrack; + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// UNCOMPRESSED BRANCH: + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U2: state = 2; goto SM2BranchU; + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U3: state = 3; goto SM2BranchU; +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U4: state = 4; goto SM2BranchU; + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U5: state = 5; goto SM2BranchU; + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U6: state = 6; goto SM2BranchU; + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U7: state = 7; goto SM2BranchU; +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U: state = cJU_ROOTSTATE; goto SM2BranchU; + +SM2BranchU: + +// Search for a next-left/right JP in the current BranchU, and if one is found, +// save its digit in *PIndex and continue to SM3Findlimit: + + Pjbu = P_JBU(Pjp->jp_Addr); + digit = offset; + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + while (digit >= 1) + { + Pjp = (Pjbu->jbu_jp) + (--digit); +#else + while (digit < cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS - 1) + { + Pjp = (Pjbu->jbu_jp) + (++digit); +#endif + if (JPNULL(JU_JPTYPE(Pjp))) continue; + + JU_SETDIGIT(*PIndex, digit, state); + goto SM3Findlimit; + } + +// Theres no next-left/right JP in the BranchU: + + goto SM2Backtrack; + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// INVALID JP TYPE: + + default: JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + + } // SM2Backtrack switch. + + /*NOTREACHED*/ + + +// ============================================================================ +// STATE MACHINE 3 -- FIND LIMIT JP/INDEX: +// +// Look for the highest/lowest (right/left-most) JP in each branch and the +// highest/lowest Index in a leaf or immediate, and return it. While +// traversing, modify appropriate digit(s) in *PIndex to reflect the path +// taken, including Dcd bytes in each JP (which could hold critical missing +// digits for skipped branches). +// +// ENTRY: Pjp set to a JP under which to find max/min JPs (if a branch JP) or +// a max/min Index and return (if a leaf or immediate JP). +// +// EXIT: Execute JU_RET_FOUND* upon reaching a leaf or immediate. Should be +// impossible to fail, unless the Judy array is corrupt. + +SM3Findlimit: // come or return here for first/next branch/leaf. + + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// LINEAR BRANCH: +// +// Simply use the highest/lowest (right/left-most) JP in the BranchL, but first +// copy the Dcd bytes to *PIndex if there are any (only if state < +// cJU_ROOTSTATE - 1). + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L2: SM3PREPB_DCD(2, SM3BranchL); +#ifndef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L3: SM3PREPB( 3, SM3BranchL); +#else + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L3: SM3PREPB_DCD(3, SM3BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L4: SM3PREPB_DCD(4, SM3BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L5: SM3PREPB_DCD(5, SM3BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L6: SM3PREPB_DCD(6, SM3BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L7: SM3PREPB( 7, SM3BranchL); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L: SM3PREPB( cJU_ROOTSTATE, SM3BranchL); + +SM3BranchL: + Pjbl = P_JBL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + if ((offset = (Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs) - 1) < 0) +#else + offset = 0; if ((Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs) == 0) +#endif + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + + JU_SETDIGIT(*PIndex, Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[offset], state); + Pjp = (Pjbl->jbl_jp) + offset; + goto SM3Findlimit; + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// BITMAP BRANCH: +// +// Look for the highest/lowest (right/left-most) non-null subexpanse, then use +// the highest/lowest JP in that subexpanse, but first copy Dcd bytes, if there +// are any (only if state < cJU_ROOTSTATE - 1), to *PIndex. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B2: SM3PREPB_DCD(2, SM3BranchB); +#ifndef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B3: SM3PREPB( 3, SM3BranchB); +#else + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B3: SM3PREPB_DCD(3, SM3BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B4: SM3PREPB_DCD(4, SM3BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B5: SM3PREPB_DCD(5, SM3BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B6: SM3PREPB_DCD(6, SM3BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B7: SM3PREPB( 7, SM3BranchB); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B: SM3PREPB( cJU_ROOTSTATE, SM3BranchB); + +SM3BranchB: + Pjbb = P_JBB(Pjp->jp_Addr); +#ifdef JUDYPREV + subexp = cJU_NUMSUBEXPB; + + while (! (JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, --subexp))) // find non-empty subexp. + { + if (subexp <= 0) // wholly empty bitmap. + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + } + + offset = SEARCHBITMAPMAXB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp)); + // expected range: + assert((offset >= 0) && (offset < cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB)); +#else + subexp = -1; + + while (! (JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, ++subexp))) // find non-empty subexp. + { + if (subexp >= cJU_NUMSUBEXPB - 1) // didnt find one. + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + } + + offset = 0; +#endif + + JU_BITMAPDIGITB(digit, subexp, JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp), offset); + JU_SETDIGIT(*PIndex, digit, state); + + if ((Pjp = P_JP(JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp))) == (Pjp_t) NULL) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + + Pjp += offset; + goto SM3Findlimit; + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// UNCOMPRESSED BRANCH: +// +// Look for the highest/lowest (right/left-most) non-null JP, and use it, but +// first copy Dcd bytes to *PIndex if there are any (only if state < +// cJU_ROOTSTATE - 1). + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U2: SM3PREPB_DCD(2, SM3BranchU); +#ifndef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U3: SM3PREPB( 3, SM3BranchU); +#else + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U3: SM3PREPB_DCD(3, SM3BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U4: SM3PREPB_DCD(4, SM3BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U5: SM3PREPB_DCD(5, SM3BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U6: SM3PREPB_DCD(6, SM3BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U7: SM3PREPB( 7, SM3BranchU); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U: SM3PREPB( cJU_ROOTSTATE, SM3BranchU); + +SM3BranchU: + Pjbu = P_JBU(Pjp->jp_Addr); +#ifdef JUDYPREV + digit = cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS; + + while (digit >= 1) + { + Pjp = (Pjbu->jbu_jp) + (--digit); +#else + + for (digit = 0; digit < cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS; ++digit) + { + Pjp = (Pjbu->jbu_jp) + digit; +#endif + if (JPNULL(JU_JPTYPE(Pjp))) continue; + + JU_SETDIGIT(*PIndex, digit, state); + goto SM3Findlimit; + } + +// No non-null JPs in BranchU: + + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// LINEAR LEAF: +// +// Simply use the highest/lowest (right/left-most) Index in the LeafL, but the +// details vary depending on leaf Index Size. First copy Dcd bytes, if there +// are any (only if state < cJU_ROOTSTATE - 1), to *PIndex. + +#define SM3LEAFLDCD(cState) \ + JU_SETDCD(*PIndex, Pjp, cState); \ + SM3LEAFLNODCD + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#define SM3LEAFL_SETPOP1 // not needed in any cases. +#else +#define SM3LEAFL_SETPOP1 pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1 +#endif + +#ifdef JUDYPREV +#define SM3LEAFLNODCD \ + Pjll = P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); \ + SM3LEAFL_SETPOP1; \ + offset = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp); assert(offset >= 0) +#else +#define SM3LEAFLNODCD \ + Pjll = P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); \ + SM3LEAFL_SETPOP1; \ + offset = 0; assert(JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) >= 0); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + case cJU_JPLEAF1: + + SM3LEAFLDCD(1); + JU_SETDIGIT1(*PIndex, ((uint8_t *) Pjll)[offset]); + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF1(Pjll, pop1, offset); +#endif + + case cJU_JPLEAF2: + + SM3LEAFLDCD(2); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(2))) + | ((uint16_t *) Pjll)[offset]; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF2(Pjll, pop1, offset); + +#ifndef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPLEAF3: + { + Word_t lsb; + SM3LEAFLNODCD; + JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) Pjll) + (3 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(3))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF3(Pjll, pop1, offset); + } + +#else + case cJU_JPLEAF3: + { + Word_t lsb; + SM3LEAFLDCD(3); + JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) Pjll) + (3 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(3))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF3(Pjll, pop1, offset); + } + + case cJU_JPLEAF4: + + SM3LEAFLDCD(4); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(4))) + | ((uint32_t *) Pjll)[offset]; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF4(Pjll, pop1, offset); + + case cJU_JPLEAF5: + { + Word_t lsb; + SM3LEAFLDCD(5); + JU_COPY5_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) Pjll) + (5 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(5))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF5(Pjll, pop1, offset); + } + + case cJU_JPLEAF6: + { + Word_t lsb; + SM3LEAFLDCD(6); + JU_COPY6_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) Pjll) + (6 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(6))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF6(Pjll, pop1, offset); + } + + case cJU_JPLEAF7: + { + Word_t lsb; + SM3LEAFLNODCD; + JU_COPY7_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) Pjll) + (7 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(7))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF7(Pjll, pop1, offset); + } +#endif + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// BITMAP LEAF: +// +// Look for the highest/lowest (right/left-most) non-null subexpanse, then use +// the highest/lowest Index in that subexpanse, but first copy Dcd bytes +// (always present since state 1 < cJU_ROOTSTATE) to *PIndex. + + case cJU_JPLEAF_B1: + { + Pjlb_t Pjlb; + + JU_SETDCD(*PIndex, Pjp, 1); + + Pjlb = P_JLB(Pjp->jp_Addr); +#ifdef JUDYPREV + subexp = cJU_NUMSUBEXPL; + + while (! JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, --subexp)) // find non-empty subexp. + { + if (subexp <= 0) // wholly empty bitmap. + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + } + +// TBD: Might it be faster to just use a variant of BITMAPDIGIT*() that yields +// the digit for the right-most Index with a bit set? + + offset = SEARCHBITMAPMAXL(JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp)); + // expected range: + assert((offset >= 0) && (offset < cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL)); +#else + subexp = -1; + + while (! JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, ++subexp)) // find non-empty subexp. + { + if (subexp >= cJU_NUMSUBEXPL - 1) // didnt find one. + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + } + } + + offset = 0; +#endif + + JU_BITMAPDIGITL(digit, subexp, JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp), offset); + JU_SETDIGIT1(*PIndex, digit); + JU_RET_FOUND_LEAF_B1(Pjlb, subexp, offset); +// == return((PPvoid_t) (P_JV(JL_JLB_PVALUE(Pjlb, subexp)) + (offset))); + + } // case cJU_JPLEAF_B1 + +#ifdef JUDY1 +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// FULL POPULATION: +// +// Copy Dcd bytes to *PIndex (always present since state 1 < cJU_ROOTSTATE), +// then set the highest/lowest possible digit as the LSB in *PIndex. + + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1: + + JU_SETDCD( *PIndex, Pjp, 1); +#ifdef JUDYPREV + JU_SETDIGIT1(*PIndex, cJU_BITSPERBITMAP - 1); +#else + JU_SETDIGIT1(*PIndex, 0); +#endif + JU_RET_FOUND_FULLPOPU1; +#endif // JUDY1 + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// IMMEDIATE: +// +// Simply use the highest/lowest (right/left-most) Index in the Imm, but the +// details vary depending on leaf Index Size and pop1. Note: There are no Dcd +// bytes in an Immediate JP, but in a cJU_JPIMMED_*_01 JP, the field holds the +// least bytes of the immediate Index. + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_01: SET_01(1); goto SM3Imm_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_01: SET_01(2); goto SM3Imm_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_01: SET_01(3); goto SM3Imm_01; +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPIMMED_4_01: SET_01(4); goto SM3Imm_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_5_01: SET_01(5); goto SM3Imm_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_6_01: SET_01(6); goto SM3Imm_01; + case cJU_JPIMMED_7_01: SET_01(7); goto SM3Imm_01; +#endif +SM3Imm_01: JU_RET_FOUND_IMM_01(Pjp); + +#ifdef JUDYPREV +#define SM3IMM_OFFSET(cPop1) (cPop1) - 1 // highest. +#else +#define SM3IMM_OFFSET(cPop1) 0 // lowest. +#endif + +#define SM3IMM(cPop1,Next) \ + offset = SM3IMM_OFFSET(cPop1); \ + goto Next + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_02: SM3IMM( 2, SM3Imm1); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_03: SM3IMM( 3, SM3Imm1); +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_04: SM3IMM( 4, SM3Imm1); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_05: SM3IMM( 5, SM3Imm1); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_06: SM3IMM( 6, SM3Imm1); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_07: SM3IMM( 7, SM3Imm1); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_08: SM3IMM( 8, SM3Imm1); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_09: SM3IMM( 9, SM3Imm1); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_10: SM3IMM(10, SM3Imm1); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_11: SM3IMM(11, SM3Imm1); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_12: SM3IMM(12, SM3Imm1); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_13: SM3IMM(13, SM3Imm1); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_14: SM3IMM(14, SM3Imm1); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_15: SM3IMM(15, SM3Imm1); +#endif + +SM3Imm1: JU_SETDIGIT1(*PIndex, ((uint8_t *) PJI)[offset]); + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_02: SM3IMM(2, SM3Imm2); + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_03: SM3IMM(3, SM3Imm2); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_04: SM3IMM(4, SM3Imm2); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_05: SM3IMM(5, SM3Imm2); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_06: SM3IMM(6, SM3Imm2); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_07: SM3IMM(7, SM3Imm2); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) +SM3Imm2: *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(2))) + | ((uint16_t *) PJI)[offset]; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_02: SM3IMM(2, SM3Imm3); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_03: SM3IMM(3, SM3Imm3); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_04: SM3IMM(4, SM3Imm3); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_05: SM3IMM(5, SM3Imm3); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) +SM3Imm3: + { + Word_t lsb; + JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) PJI) + (3 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(3))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + } +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02: SM3IMM(2, SM3Imm4); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_03: SM3IMM(3, SM3Imm4); + +SM3Imm4: *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(4))) + | ((uint32_t *) PJI)[offset]; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02: SM3IMM(2, SM3Imm5); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_03: SM3IMM(3, SM3Imm5); + +SM3Imm5: + { + Word_t lsb; + JU_COPY5_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) PJI) + (5 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(5))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + } + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02: SM3IMM(2, SM3Imm6); + +SM3Imm6: + { + Word_t lsb; + JU_COPY6_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) PJI) + (6 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(6))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + } + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02: SM3IMM(2, SM3Imm7); + +SM3Imm7: + { + Word_t lsb; + JU_COPY7_PINDEX_TO_LONG(lsb, ((uint8_t *) PJI) + (7 * offset)); + *PIndex = (*PIndex & (~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(7))) | lsb; + JU_RET_FOUND_IMM(Pjp, offset); + } +#endif // (JUDY1 && JU_64BIT) + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// OTHER CASES: + + default: JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + + } // SM3Findlimit switch. + + /*NOTREACHED*/ + +} // Judy1Prev() / Judy1Next() / JudyLPrev() / JudyLNext() diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/JudyLPrevEmpty.c b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/JudyLPrevEmpty.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9b655516 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/JudyLPrevEmpty.c @@ -0,0 +1,1390 @@ +// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company +// +// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +// under the term of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +// option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +// _________________ + +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ +// +// Judy*PrevEmpty() and Judy*NextEmpty() functions for Judy1 and JudyL. +// Compile with one of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL. +// +// Compile with -DJUDYNEXT for the Judy*NextEmpty() function; otherwise +// defaults to Judy*PrevEmpty(). +// +// Compile with -DTRACEJPSE to trace JP traversals. +// +// This file is separate from JudyPrevNext.c because it differs too greatly for +// ifdefs. This might be a bit surprising, but there are two reasons: +// +// - First, down in the details, searching for an empty index (SearchEmpty) is +// remarkably asymmetric with searching for a valid index (SearchValid), +// mainly with respect to: No return of a value area for JudyL; partially- +// full versus totally-full JPs; and handling of narrow pointers. +// +// - Second, we chose to implement SearchEmpty without a backtrack stack or +// backtrack engine, partly as an experiment, and partly because we think +// restarting from the top of the tree is less likely for SearchEmpty than +// for SearchValid, because empty indexes are more likely than valid indexes. +// +// A word about naming: A prior version of this feature (see 4.13) was named +// Judy*Free(), but there were concerns about that being read as a verb rather +// than an adjective. After prolonged debate and based on user input, we +// changed "Free" to "Empty". + +#if (! (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JUDYL))) +#error: One of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL must be specified. +#endif + +#ifndef JUDYNEXT +#ifndef JUDYPREV +#define JUDYPREV 1 // neither set => use default. +#endif +#endif + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#include "Judy1.h" +#else +#include "JudyL.h" +#endif + +#include "JudyPrivate1L.h" + +#ifdef TRACEJPSE +#include "JudyPrintJP.c" +#endif + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y 1 P R E V E M P T Y +// J U D Y 1 N E X T E M P T Y +// J U D Y L P R E V E M P T Y +// J U D Y L N E X T E M P T Y +// +// See the manual entry for the API. +// +// OVERVIEW OF Judy*PrevEmpty() / Judy*NextEmpty(): +// +// See also for comparison the equivalent comments in JudyPrevNext.c. +// +// Take the callers *PIndex and subtract/add 1, but watch out for +// underflow/overflow, which means "no previous/next empty index found." Use a +// reentrant switch statement (state machine, see SMGetRestart and +// SMGetContinue) to decode Index, starting with the JRP (PArray), through a +// JPM and branches, if any, down to an immediate or a leaf. Look for Index in +// that immediate or leaf, and if not found (invalid index), return success +// (Index is empty). +// +// This search can result in a dead end where taking a different path is +// required. There are four kinds of dead ends: +// +// BRANCH PRIMARY dead end: Encountering a fully-populated JP for the +// appropriate digit in Index. Search sideways in the branch for the +// previous/next absent/null/non-full JP, and if one is found, set Index to the +// highest/lowest index possible in that JPs expanse. Then if the JP is an +// absent or null JP, return success; otherwise for a non-full JP, traverse +// through the partially populated JP. +// +// BRANCH SECONDARY dead end: Reaching the end of a branch during a sideways +// search after a branch primary dead end. Set Index to the lowest/highest +// index possible in the whole branchs expanse (one higher/lower than the +// previous/next branchs expanse), then restart at the top of the tree, which +// includes pre-decrementing/incrementing Index (again) and watching for +// underflow/overflow (again). +// +// LEAF PRIMARY dead end: Finding a valid (non-empty) index in an immediate or +// leaf matching Index. Search sideways in the immediate/leaf for the +// previous/next empty index; if found, set *PIndex to match and return success. +// +// LEAF SECONDARY dead end: Reaching the end of an immediate or leaf during a +// sideways search after a leaf primary dead end. Just as for a branch +// secondary dead end, restart at the top of the tree with Index set to the +// lowest/highest index possible in the whole immediate/leafs expanse. +// TBD: If leaf secondary dead end occurs, could shortcut and treat it as a +// branch primary dead end; but this would require remembering the parent +// branchs type and offset (a "one-deep stack"), and also wrestling with +// narrow pointers, at least for leaves (but not for immediates). +// +// Note some ASYMMETRIES between SearchValid and SearchEmpty: +// +// - The SearchValid code, upon descending through a narrow pointer, if Index +// is outside the expanse of the subsidiary node (effectively a secondary +// dead end), must decide whether to backtrack or findlimit. But the +// SearchEmpty code simply returns success (Index is empty). +// +// - Similarly, the SearchValid code, upon finding no previous/next index in +// the expanse of a narrow pointer (again, a secondary dead end), can simply +// start to backtrack at the parent JP. But the SearchEmpty code would have +// to first determine whether or not the parent JPs narrow expanse contains +// a previous/next empty index outside the subexpanse. Rather than keeping a +// parent state stack and backtracking this way, upon a secondary dead end, +// the SearchEmpty code simply restarts at the top of the tree, whether or +// not a narrow pointer is involved. Again, see the equivalent comments in +// JudyPrevNext.c for comparison. +// +// This function is written iteratively for speed, rather than recursively. +// +// TBD: Wed like to enhance this function to make successive searches faster. +// This would require saving some previous state, including the previous Index +// returned, and in which leaf it was found. If the next call is for the same +// Index and the array has not been modified, start at the same leaf. This +// should be much easier to implement since this is iterative rather than +// recursive code. + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#ifdef JUDYPREV +FUNCTION int Judy1PrevEmpty +#else +FUNCTION int Judy1NextEmpty +#endif +#else +#ifdef JUDYPREV +FUNCTION int JudyLPrevEmpty +#else +FUNCTION int JudyLNextEmpty +#endif +#endif + ( + Pcvoid_t PArray, // Judy array to search. + Word_t * PIndex, // starting point and result. + PJError_t PJError // optional, for returning error info. + ) +{ + Word_t Index; // fast copy, in a register. + Pjp_t Pjp; // current JP. + Pjbl_t Pjbl; // Pjp->jp_Addr masked and cast to types: + Pjbb_t Pjbb; + Pjbu_t Pjbu; + Pjlb_t Pjlb; + PWord_t Pword; // alternate name for use by GET* macros. + + Word_t digit; // next digit to decode from Index. + Word_t digits; // current state in SM = digits left to decode. + Word_t pop0; // in a leaf. + Word_t pop0mask; // precalculated to avoid variable shifts. + long offset; // within a branch or leaf (can be large). + int subexp; // subexpanse in a bitmap branch. + BITMAPB_t bitposmaskB; // bit in bitmap for bitmap branch. + BITMAPL_t bitposmaskL; // bit in bitmap for bitmap leaf. + Word_t possfullJP1; // JP types for possibly full subexpanses: + Word_t possfullJP2; + Word_t possfullJP3; + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// M A C R O S +// +// These are intended to make the code a bit more readable and less redundant. + + +// CHECK FOR NULL JP: +// +// TBD: In principle this can be reduced (here and in other *.c files) to just +// the latter clause since no Type should ever be below cJU_JPNULL1, but in +// fact some root pointer types can be lower, so for safety do both checks. + +#define JPNULL(Type) (((Type) >= cJU_JPNULL1) && ((Type) <= cJU_JPNULLMAX)) + + +// CHECK FOR A FULL JP: +// +// Given a JP, indicate if it is fully populated. Use digits, pop0mask, and +// possfullJP1..3 in the context. +// +// This is a difficult problem because it requires checking the Pop0 bits for +// all-ones, but the number of bytes depends on the JP type, which is not +// directly related to the parent branchs type or level -- the JPs child +// could be under a narrow pointer (hence not full). The simple answer +// requires switching on or otherwise calculating the JP type, which could be +// slow. Instead, in SMPREPB* precalculate pop0mask and also record in +// possfullJP1..3 the child JP (branch) types that could possibly be full (one +// level down), and use them here. For level-2 branches (with digits == 2), +// the test for a full child depends on Judy1/JudyL. +// +// Note: This cannot be applied to the JP in a JPM because it doesnt have +// enough pop0 digits. +// +// TBD: JPFULL_BRANCH diligently checks for BranchL or BranchB, where neither +// of those can ever be full as it turns out. Could just check for a BranchU +// at the right level. Also, pop0mask might be overkill, its not used much, +// so perhaps just call cJU_POP0MASK(digits - 1) here? +// +// First, JPFULL_BRANCH checks for a full expanse for a JP whose child can be a +// branch, that is, a JP in a branch at level 3 or higher: + +#define JPFULL_BRANCH(Pjp) \ + ((((JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) ^ cJU_ALLONES) & pop0mask) == 0) \ + && ((JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) == possfullJP1) \ + || (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) == possfullJP2) \ + || (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) == possfullJP3))) + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#define JPFULL(Pjp) \ + ((digits == 2) ? \ + (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) == cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1) : JPFULL_BRANCH(Pjp)) +#else +#define JPFULL(Pjp) \ + ((digits == 2) ? \ + (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) == cJU_JPLEAF_B1) \ + && (((JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) & cJU_POP0MASK(1)) == cJU_POP0MASK(1))) : \ + JPFULL_BRANCH(Pjp)) +#endif + + +// RETURN SUCCESS: +// +// This hides the need to set *PIndex back to the local value of Index -- use a +// local value for faster operation. Note that the callers *PIndex is ALWAYS +// modified upon success, at least decremented/incremented. + +#define RET_SUCCESS { *PIndex = Index; return(1); } + + +// RETURN A CORRUPTION: + +#define RET_CORRUPT { JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); return(JERRI); } + + +// SEARCH A BITMAP BRANCH: +// +// This is a weak analog of j__udySearchLeaf*() for bitmap branches. Return +// the actual or next-left position, base 0, of Digit in a BITMAPB_t bitmap +// (subexpanse of a full bitmap), also given a Bitposmask for Digit. The +// position is the offset within the set bits. +// +// Unlike j__udySearchLeaf*(), the offset is not returned bit-complemented if +// Digits bit is unset, because the caller can check the bitmap themselves to +// determine that. Also, if Digits bit is unset, the returned offset is to +// the next-left JP or index (including -1), not to the "ideal" position for +// the index = next-right JP or index. +// +// Shortcut and skip calling j__udyCountBitsB() if the bitmap is full, in which +// case (Digit % cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB) itself is the base-0 offset. + +#define SEARCHBITMAPB(Bitmap,Digit,Bitposmask) \ + (((Bitmap) == cJU_FULLBITMAPB) ? (Digit % cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB) : \ + j__udyCountBitsB((Bitmap) & JU_MASKLOWERINC(Bitposmask)) - 1) + +#ifdef JUDYPREV +// Equivalent to search for the highest offset in Bitmap, that is, one less +// than the number of bits set: + +#define SEARCHBITMAPMAXB(Bitmap) \ + (((Bitmap) == cJU_FULLBITMAPB) ? cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB - 1 : \ + j__udyCountBitsB(Bitmap) - 1) +#endif + + +// CHECK DECODE BYTES: +// +// Check Decode bytes in a JP against the equivalent portion of Index. If they +// dont match, Index is outside the subexpanse of a narrow pointer, hence is +// empty. + +#define CHECKDCD(cDigits) \ + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, cDigits)) RET_SUCCESS + + +// REVISE REMAINDER OF INDEX: +// +// Put one digit in place in Index and clear/set the lower digits, if any, so +// the resulting Index is at the start/end of an expanse, or just clear/set the +// least digits. +// +// Actually, to make simple use of JU_LEASTBYTESMASK, first clear/set all least +// digits of Index including the digit to be overridden, then set the value of +// that one digit. If Digits == 1 the first operation is redundant, but either +// very fast or even removed by the optimizer. + +#define CLEARLEASTDIGITS(Digits) Index &= ~JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(Digits) +#define SETLEASTDIGITS( Digits) Index |= JU_LEASTBYTESMASK(Digits) + +#define CLEARLEASTDIGITS_D(Digit,Digits) \ + { \ + CLEARLEASTDIGITS(Digits); \ + JU_SETDIGIT(Index, Digit, Digits); \ + } + +#define SETLEASTDIGITS_D(Digit,Digits) \ + { \ + SETLEASTDIGITS(Digits); \ + JU_SETDIGIT(Index, Digit, Digits); \ + } + + +// SET REMAINDER OF INDEX AND THEN RETURN OR CONTINUE: + +#define SET_AND_RETURN(OpLeastDigits,Digit,Digits) \ + { \ + OpLeastDigits(Digit, Digits); \ + RET_SUCCESS; \ + } + +#define SET_AND_CONTINUE(OpLeastDigits,Digit,Digits) \ + { \ + OpLeastDigits(Digit, Digits); \ + goto SMGetContinue; \ + } + + +// PREPARE TO HANDLE A LEAFW OR JP BRANCH IN THE STATE MACHINE: +// +// Extract a state-dependent digit from Index in a "constant" way, then jump to +// common code for multiple cases. +// +// TBD: Should this macro do more, such as preparing variable-shift masks for +// use in CLEARLEASTDIGITS and SETLEASTDIGITS? + +#define SMPREPB(cDigits,Next,PossFullJP1,PossFullJP2,PossFullJP3) \ + digits = (cDigits); \ + digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, cDigits); \ + pop0mask = cJU_POP0MASK((cDigits) - 1); /* for branchs JPs */ \ + possfullJP1 = (PossFullJP1); \ + possfullJP2 = (PossFullJP2); \ + possfullJP3 = (PossFullJP3); \ + goto Next + +// Variations for specific-level branches and for shorthands: +// +// Note: SMPREPB2 need not initialize possfullJP* because JPFULL does not use +// them for digits == 2, but gcc -Wall isnt quite smart enough to see this, so +// waste a bit of time and space to get rid of the warning: + +#define SMPREPB2(Next) \ + digits = 2; \ + digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 2); \ + pop0mask = cJU_POP0MASK(1); /* for branchs JPs */ \ + possfullJP1 = possfullJP2 = possfullJP3 = 0; \ + goto Next + +#define SMPREPB3(Next) SMPREPB(3, Next, cJU_JPBRANCH_L2, \ + cJU_JPBRANCH_B2, \ + cJU_JPBRANCH_U2) +#ifndef JU_64BIT +#define SMPREPBL(Next) SMPREPB(cJU_ROOTSTATE, Next, cJU_JPBRANCH_L3, \ + cJU_JPBRANCH_B3, \ + cJU_JPBRANCH_U3) +#else +#define SMPREPB4(Next) SMPREPB(4, Next, cJU_JPBRANCH_L3, \ + cJU_JPBRANCH_B3, \ + cJU_JPBRANCH_U3) +#define SMPREPB5(Next) SMPREPB(5, Next, cJU_JPBRANCH_L4, \ + cJU_JPBRANCH_B4, \ + cJU_JPBRANCH_U4) +#define SMPREPB6(Next) SMPREPB(6, Next, cJU_JPBRANCH_L5, \ + cJU_JPBRANCH_B5, \ + cJU_JPBRANCH_U5) +#define SMPREPB7(Next) SMPREPB(7, Next, cJU_JPBRANCH_L6, \ + cJU_JPBRANCH_B6, \ + cJU_JPBRANCH_U6) +#define SMPREPBL(Next) SMPREPB(cJU_ROOTSTATE, Next, cJU_JPBRANCH_L7, \ + cJU_JPBRANCH_B7, \ + cJU_JPBRANCH_U7) +#endif + + +// RESTART AFTER SECONDARY DEAD END: +// +// Set Index to the first/last index in the branch or leaf subexpanse and start +// over at the top of the tree. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV +#define SMRESTART(Digits) { CLEARLEASTDIGITS(Digits); goto SMGetRestart; } +#else +#define SMRESTART(Digits) { SETLEASTDIGITS( Digits); goto SMGetRestart; } +#endif + + +// CHECK EDGE OF LEAFS EXPANSE: +// +// Given the LSBs of the lowest/highest valid index in a leaf (or equivalently +// in an immediate JP), the level (index size) of the leaf, and the full index +// to return (as Index in the context) already set to the full index matching +// the lowest/highest one, determine if there is an empty index in the leafs +// expanse below/above the lowest/highest index, which is true if the +// lowest/highest index is not at the "edge" of the leafs expanse based on its +// LSBs. If so, return Index decremented/incremented; otherwise restart at the +// top of the tree. +// +// Note: In many cases Index is already at the right spot and calling +// SMRESTART instead of just going directly to SMGetRestart is a bit of +// overkill. +// +// Note: Variable shift occurs if Digits is not a constant. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV +#define LEAF_EDGE(MinIndex,Digits) \ + { \ + if (MinIndex) { --Index; RET_SUCCESS; } \ + SMRESTART(Digits); \ + } +#else +#define LEAF_EDGE(MaxIndex,Digits) \ + { \ + if ((MaxIndex) != JU_LEASTBYTES(cJU_ALLONES, Digits)) \ + { ++Index; RET_SUCCESS; } \ + SMRESTART(Digits); \ + } +#endif + +// Same as above except Index is not already set to match the lowest/highest +// index, so do that before decrementing/incrementing it: + +#ifdef JUDYPREV +#define LEAF_EDGE_SET(MinIndex,Digits) \ + { \ + if (MinIndex) \ + { JU_SETDIGITS(Index, MinIndex, Digits); --Index; RET_SUCCESS; } \ + SMRESTART(Digits); \ + } +#else +#define LEAF_EDGE_SET(MaxIndex,Digits) \ + { \ + if ((MaxIndex) != JU_LEASTBYTES(cJU_ALLONES, Digits)) \ + { JU_SETDIGITS(Index, MaxIndex, Digits); ++Index; RET_SUCCESS; } \ + SMRESTART(Digits); \ + } +#endif + + +// FIND A HOLE (EMPTY INDEX) IN AN IMMEDIATE OR LEAF: +// +// Given an index location in a leaf (or equivalently an immediate JP) known to +// contain a usable hole (an empty index less/greater than Index), and the LSBs +// of a minimum/maximum index to locate, find the previous/next empty index and +// return it. +// +// Note: "Even" index sizes (1,2,4[,8] bytes) have corresponding native C +// types; "odd" index sizes dont, but they are not represented here because +// they are handled completely differently; see elsewhere. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + +#define LEAF_HOLE_EVEN(cDigits,Pjll,IndexLSB) \ + { \ + while (*(Pjll) > (IndexLSB)) --(Pjll); /* too high */ \ + if (*(Pjll) < (IndexLSB)) RET_SUCCESS /* Index is empty */ \ + while (*(--(Pjll)) == --(IndexLSB)) /* null, find a hole */;\ + JU_SETDIGITS(Index, IndexLSB, cDigits); \ + RET_SUCCESS; \ + } +#else +#define LEAF_HOLE_EVEN(cDigits,Pjll,IndexLSB) \ + { \ + while (*(Pjll) < (IndexLSB)) ++(Pjll); /* too low */ \ + if (*(Pjll) > (IndexLSB)) RET_SUCCESS /* Index is empty */ \ + while (*(++(Pjll)) == ++(IndexLSB)) /* null, find a hole */;\ + JU_SETDIGITS(Index, IndexLSB, cDigits); \ + RET_SUCCESS; \ + } +#endif + + +// SEARCH FOR AN EMPTY INDEX IN AN IMMEDIATE OR LEAF: +// +// Given a pointer to the first index in a leaf (or equivalently an immediate +// JP), the population of the leaf, and a first empty Index to find (inclusive, +// as Index in the context), where Index is known to fall within the expanse of +// the leaf to search, efficiently find the previous/next empty index in the +// leaf, if any. For simplicity the following overview is stated in terms of +// Judy*NextEmpty() only, but the same concepts apply symmetrically for +// Judy*PrevEmpty(). Also, in each case the comparisons are for the LSBs of +// Index and leaf indexes, according to the leafs level. +// +// 1. If Index is GREATER than the last (highest) index in the leaf +// (maxindex), return success, Index is empty. (Remember, Index is known +// to be in the leafs expanse.) +// +// 2. If Index is EQUAL to maxindex: If maxindex is not at the edge of the +// leafs expanse, increment Index and return success, there is an empty +// Index one higher than any in the leaf; otherwise restart with Index +// reset to the upper edge of the leafs expanse. Note: This might cause +// an extra cache line fill, but this is OK for repeatedly-called search +// code, and it saves CPU time. +// +// 3. If Index is LESS than maxindex, check for "dense to end of leaf": +// Subtract Index from maxindex, and back up that many slots in the leaf. +// If the resulting offset is not before the start of the leaf then compare +// the index at this offset (baseindex) with Index: +// +// 3a. If GREATER, the leaf must be corrupt, since indexes are sorted and +// there are no duplicates. +// +// 3b. If EQUAL, the leaf is "dense" from Index to maxindex, meaning there is +// no reason to search it. "Slide right" to the high end of the leaf +// (modify Index to maxindex) and continue with step 2 above. +// +// 3c. If LESS, continue with step 4. +// +// 4. If the offset based on maxindex minus Index falls BEFORE the start of +// the leaf, or if, per 3c above, baseindex is LESS than Index, the leaf is +// guaranteed "not dense to the end" and a usable empty Index must exist. +// This supports a more efficient search loop. Start at the FIRST index in +// the leaf, or one BEYOND baseindex, respectively, and search the leaf as +// follows, comparing each current index (currindex) with Index: +// +// 4a. If LESS, keep going to next index. Note: This is certain to terminate +// because maxindex is known to be greater than Index, hence the loop can +// be small and fast. +// +// 4b. If EQUAL, loop and increment Index until finding currindex greater than +// Index, and return success with the modified Index. +// +// 4c. If GREATER, return success, Index (unmodified) is empty. +// +// Note: These are macros rather than functions for speed. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + +#define JSLE_EVEN(Addr,Pop0,cDigits,LeafType) \ + { \ + LeafType * PjllLSB = (LeafType *) (Addr); \ + LeafType IndexLSB = Index; /* auto-masking */ \ + \ + /* Index before or at start of leaf: */ \ + \ + if (*PjllLSB >= IndexLSB) /* no need to search */ \ + { \ + if (*PjllLSB > IndexLSB) RET_SUCCESS; /* Index empty */ \ + LEAF_EDGE(*PjllLSB, cDigits); \ + } \ + \ + /* Index in or after leaf: */ \ + \ + offset = IndexLSB - *PjllLSB; /* tentative offset */ \ + if (offset <= (Pop0)) /* can check density */ \ + { \ + PjllLSB += offset; /* move to slot */ \ + \ + if (*PjllLSB <= IndexLSB) /* dense or corrupt */ \ + { \ + if (*PjllLSB == IndexLSB) /* dense, check edge */ \ + LEAF_EDGE_SET(PjllLSB[-offset], cDigits); \ + RET_CORRUPT; \ + } \ + --PjllLSB; /* not dense, start at previous */ \ + } \ + else PjllLSB = ((LeafType *) (Addr)) + (Pop0); /* start at max */ \ + \ + LEAF_HOLE_EVEN(cDigits, PjllLSB, IndexLSB); \ + } + +// JSLE_ODD is completely different from JSLE_EVEN because its important to +// minimize copying odd indexes to compare them (see 4.14). Furthermore, a +// very complex version (4.17, but abandoned before fully debugged) that +// avoided calling j__udySearchLeaf*() ran twice as fast as 4.14, but still +// half as fast as SearchValid. Doug suggested that to minimize complexity and +// share common code we should use j__udySearchLeaf*() for the initial search +// to establish if Index is empty, which should be common. If Index is valid +// in a leaf or immediate indexes, odds are good that an empty Index is nearby, +// so for simplicity just use a *COPY* function to linearly search the +// remainder. +// +// TBD: Pathological case? Average performance should be good, but worst-case +// might suffer. When Search says the initial Index is valid, so a linear +// copy-and-compare is begun, if the caller builds fairly large leaves with +// dense clusters AND frequently does a SearchEmpty at one end of such a +// cluster, performance wont be very good. Might a dense-check help? This +// means checking offset against the index at offset, and then against the +// first/last index in the leaf. We doubt the pathological case will appear +// much in real applications because they will probably alternate SearchValid +// and SearchEmpty calls. + +#define JSLE_ODD(cDigits,Pjll,Pop0,Search,Copy) \ + { \ + Word_t IndexLSB; /* least bytes only */ \ + Word_t IndexFound; /* in leaf */ \ + \ + if ((offset = Search(Pjll, (Pop0) + 1, Index)) < 0) \ + RET_SUCCESS; /* Index is empty */ \ + \ + IndexLSB = JU_LEASTBYTES(Index, cDigits); \ + offset *= (cDigits); \ + \ + while ((offset -= (cDigits)) >= 0) \ + { /* skip until empty or start */ \ + Copy(IndexFound, ((uint8_t *) (Pjll)) + offset); \ + if (IndexFound != (--IndexLSB)) /* found an empty */ \ + { JU_SETDIGITS(Index, IndexLSB, cDigits); RET_SUCCESS; }\ + } \ + LEAF_EDGE_SET(IndexLSB, cDigits); \ + } + +#else // JUDYNEXT + +#define JSLE_EVEN(Addr,Pop0,cDigits,LeafType) \ + { \ + LeafType * PjllLSB = ((LeafType *) (Addr)) + (Pop0); \ + LeafType IndexLSB = Index; /* auto-masking */ \ + \ + /* Index at or after end of leaf: */ \ + \ + if (*PjllLSB <= IndexLSB) /* no need to search */ \ + { \ + if (*PjllLSB < IndexLSB) RET_SUCCESS; /* Index empty */\ + LEAF_EDGE(*PjllLSB, cDigits); \ + } \ + \ + /* Index before or in leaf: */ \ + \ + offset = *PjllLSB - IndexLSB; /* tentative offset */ \ + if (offset <= (Pop0)) /* can check density */ \ + { \ + PjllLSB -= offset; /* move to slot */ \ + \ + if (*PjllLSB >= IndexLSB) /* dense or corrupt */ \ + { \ + if (*PjllLSB == IndexLSB) /* dense, check edge */ \ + LEAF_EDGE_SET(PjllLSB[offset], cDigits); \ + RET_CORRUPT; \ + } \ + ++PjllLSB; /* not dense, start at next */ \ + } \ + else PjllLSB = (LeafType *) (Addr); /* start at minimum */ \ + \ + LEAF_HOLE_EVEN(cDigits, PjllLSB, IndexLSB); \ + } + +#define JSLE_ODD(cDigits,Pjll,Pop0,Search,Copy) \ + { \ + Word_t IndexLSB; /* least bytes only */ \ + Word_t IndexFound; /* in leaf */ \ + int offsetmax; /* in bytes */ \ + \ + if ((offset = Search(Pjll, (Pop0) + 1, Index)) < 0) \ + RET_SUCCESS; /* Index is empty */ \ + \ + IndexLSB = JU_LEASTBYTES(Index, cDigits); \ + offset *= (cDigits); \ + offsetmax = (Pop0) * (cDigits); /* single multiply */ \ + \ + while ((offset += (cDigits)) <= offsetmax) \ + { /* skip until empty or end */ \ + Copy(IndexFound, ((uint8_t *) (Pjll)) + offset); \ + if (IndexFound != (++IndexLSB)) /* found an empty */ \ + { JU_SETDIGITS(Index, IndexLSB, cDigits); RET_SUCCESS; } \ + } \ + LEAF_EDGE_SET(IndexLSB, cDigits); \ + } + +#endif // JUDYNEXT + +// Note: Immediate indexes never fill a single index group, so for odd index +// sizes, save time by calling JSLE_ODD_IMM instead of JSLE_ODD. + +#define j__udySearchLeafEmpty1(Addr,Pop0) \ + JSLE_EVEN(Addr, Pop0, 1, uint8_t) + +#define j__udySearchLeafEmpty2(Addr,Pop0) \ + JSLE_EVEN(Addr, Pop0, 2, uint16_t) + +#define j__udySearchLeafEmpty3(Addr,Pop0) \ + JSLE_ODD(3, Addr, Pop0, j__udySearchLeaf3, JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG) + +#ifndef JU_64BIT + +#define j__udySearchLeafEmptyL(Addr,Pop0) \ + JSLE_EVEN(Addr, Pop0, 4, Word_t) + +#else + +#define j__udySearchLeafEmpty4(Addr,Pop0) \ + JSLE_EVEN(Addr, Pop0, 4, uint32_t) + +#define j__udySearchLeafEmpty5(Addr,Pop0) \ + JSLE_ODD(5, Addr, Pop0, j__udySearchLeaf5, JU_COPY5_PINDEX_TO_LONG) + +#define j__udySearchLeafEmpty6(Addr,Pop0) \ + JSLE_ODD(6, Addr, Pop0, j__udySearchLeaf6, JU_COPY6_PINDEX_TO_LONG) + +#define j__udySearchLeafEmpty7(Addr,Pop0) \ + JSLE_ODD(7, Addr, Pop0, j__udySearchLeaf7, JU_COPY7_PINDEX_TO_LONG) + +#define j__udySearchLeafEmptyL(Addr,Pop0) \ + JSLE_EVEN(Addr, Pop0, 8, Word_t) + +#endif // JU_64BIT + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// START OF CODE: +// +// CHECK FOR SHORTCUTS: +// +// Error out if PIndex is null. + + if (PIndex == (PWord_t) NULL) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NULLPINDEX); + return(JERRI); + } + + Index = *PIndex; // fast local copy. + +// Set and pre-decrement/increment Index, watching for underflow/overflow: +// +// An out-of-bounds Index means failure: No previous/next empty index. + +SMGetRestart: // return here with revised Index. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + if (Index-- == 0) return(0); +#else + if (++Index == 0) return(0); +#endif + +// An empty array with an in-bounds (not underflowed/overflowed) Index means +// success: +// +// Note: This check is redundant after restarting at SMGetRestart, but should +// take insignificant time. + + if (PArray == (Pvoid_t) NULL) RET_SUCCESS; + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// ROOT-LEVEL LEAF that starts with a Pop0 word; just look within the leaf: +// +// If Index is not in the leaf, return success; otherwise return the first +// empty Index, if any, below/above where it would belong. + + if (JU_LEAFW_POP0(PArray) < cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1) // must be a LEAFW + { + Pjlw_t Pjlw = P_JLW(PArray); // first word of leaf. + pop0 = Pjlw[0]; + +#ifdef JUDY1 + if (pop0 == 0) // special case. + { +#ifdef JUDYPREV + if ((Index != Pjlw[1]) || (Index-- != 0)) RET_SUCCESS; +#else + if ((Index != Pjlw[1]) || (++Index != 0)) RET_SUCCESS; +#endif + return(0); // no previous/next empty index. + } +#endif // JUDY1 + + j__udySearchLeafEmptyL(Pjlw + 1, pop0); + +// No return -- thanks ALAN + + } + else + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// HANDLE JRP Branch: +// +// For JRP branches, traverse the JPM; handle LEAFW +// directly; but look for the most common cases first. + + { + Pjpm_t Pjpm = P_JPM(PArray); + Pjp = &(Pjpm->jpm_JP); + +// goto SMGetContinue; + } + + +// ============================================================================ +// STATE MACHINE -- GET INDEX: +// +// Search for Index (already decremented/incremented so as to be an inclusive +// search). If not found (empty index), return success. Otherwise do a +// previous/next search, and if successful modify Index to the empty index +// found. See function header comments. +// +// ENTRY: Pjp points to next JP to interpret, whose Decode bytes have not yet +// been checked. +// +// Note: Check Decode bytes at the start of each loop, not after looking up a +// new JP, so its easy to do constant shifts/masks. +// +// EXIT: Return, or branch to SMGetRestart with modified Index, or branch to +// SMGetContinue with a modified Pjp, as described elsewhere. +// +// WARNING: For run-time efficiency the following cases replicate code with +// varying constants, rather than using common code with variable values! + +SMGetContinue: // return here for next branch/leaf. + +#ifdef TRACEJPSE + JudyPrintJP(Pjp, "sf", __LINE__); +#endif + + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// LINEAR BRANCH: +// +// Check Decode bytes, if any, in the current JP, then search for a JP for the +// next digit in Index. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L2: CHECKDCD(2); SMPREPB2(SMBranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L3: CHECKDCD(3); SMPREPB3(SMBranchL); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L4: CHECKDCD(4); SMPREPB4(SMBranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L5: CHECKDCD(5); SMPREPB5(SMBranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L6: CHECKDCD(6); SMPREPB6(SMBranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L7: CHECKDCD(7); SMPREPB7(SMBranchL); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L: SMPREPBL(SMBranchL); + +// Common code (state-independent) for all cases of linear branches: + +SMBranchL: + Pjbl = P_JBL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + +// First, check if Indexs expanse (digit) is below/above the first/last +// populated expanse in the BranchL, in which case Index is empty; otherwise +// find the offset of the lowest/highest populated expanse at or above/below +// digit, if any: +// +// Note: The for-loop is guaranteed to exit eventually because the first/last +// expanse is known to be a terminator. +// +// Note: Cannot use j__udySearchLeaf*Empty1() here because it only applies to +// leaves and does not know about partial versus full JPs, unlike the use of +// j__udySearchLeaf1() for BranchLs in SearchValid code. Also, since linear +// leaf expanse lists are small, dont waste time calling j__udySearchLeaf1(), +// just scan the expanse list. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + if ((Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[0]) > digit) RET_SUCCESS; + + for (offset = (Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs) - 1; /* null */; --offset) +#else + if ((Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[(Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs) - 1]) < digit) + RET_SUCCESS; + + for (offset = 0; /* null */; ++offset) +#endif + { + +// Too low/high, keep going; or too high/low, meaning the loop passed a hole +// and the initial Index is empty: + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + if ((Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[offset]) > digit) continue; + if ((Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[offset]) < digit) RET_SUCCESS; +#else + if ((Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[offset]) < digit) continue; + if ((Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[offset]) > digit) RET_SUCCESS; +#endif + +// Found expanse matching digit; if its not full, traverse through it: + + if (! JPFULL((Pjbl->jbl_jp) + offset)) + { + Pjp = (Pjbl->jbl_jp) + offset; + goto SMGetContinue; + } + +// Common code: While searching for a lower/higher hole or a non-full JP, upon +// finding a lower/higher hole, adjust Index using the revised digit and +// return; or upon finding a consecutive lower/higher expanse, if the expanses +// JP is non-full, modify Index and traverse through the JP: + +#define BRANCHL_CHECK(OpIncDec,OpLeastDigits,Digit,Digits) \ + { \ + if ((Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[offset]) != OpIncDec digit) \ + SET_AND_RETURN(OpLeastDigits, Digit, Digits); \ + \ + if (! JPFULL((Pjbl->jbl_jp) + offset)) \ + { \ + Pjp = (Pjbl->jbl_jp) + offset; \ + SET_AND_CONTINUE(OpLeastDigits, Digit, Digits); \ + } \ + } + +// BranchL primary dead end: Expanse matching Index/digit is full (rare except +// for dense/sequential indexes): +// +// Search for a lower/higher hole, a non-full JP, or the end of the expanse +// list, while decrementing/incrementing digit. + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + while (--offset >= 0) + BRANCHL_CHECK(--, SETLEASTDIGITS_D, digit, digits) +#else + while (++offset < Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs) + BRANCHL_CHECK(++, CLEARLEASTDIGITS_D, digit, digits) +#endif + +// Passed end of BranchL expanse list after finding a matching but full +// expanse: +// +// Digit now matches the lowest/highest expanse, which is a full expanse; if +// digit is at the end of BranchLs expanse (no hole before/after), break out +// of the loop; otherwise modify Index to the next lower/higher digit and +// return success: + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + if (digit == 0) break; + --digit; SET_AND_RETURN(SETLEASTDIGITS_D, digit, digits); +#else + if (digit == JU_LEASTBYTES(cJU_ALLONES, 1)) break; + ++digit; SET_AND_RETURN(CLEARLEASTDIGITS_D, digit, digits); +#endif + } // for-loop + +// BranchL secondary dead end, no non-full previous/next JP: + + SMRESTART(digits); + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// BITMAP BRANCH: +// +// Check Decode bytes, if any, in the current JP, then search for a JP for the +// next digit in Index. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B2: CHECKDCD(2); SMPREPB2(SMBranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B3: CHECKDCD(3); SMPREPB3(SMBranchB); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B4: CHECKDCD(4); SMPREPB4(SMBranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B5: CHECKDCD(5); SMPREPB5(SMBranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B6: CHECKDCD(6); SMPREPB6(SMBranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B7: CHECKDCD(7); SMPREPB7(SMBranchB); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B: SMPREPBL(SMBranchB); + +// Common code (state-independent) for all cases of bitmap branches: + +SMBranchB: + Pjbb = P_JBB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + +// Locate the digits JP in the subexpanse list, if present: + + subexp = digit / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; + assert(subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPB); // falls in expected range. + bitposmaskB = JU_BITPOSMASKB(digit); + +// Absent JP = no JP matches current digit in Index: + +// if (! JU_BITMAPTESTB(Pjbb, digit)) // slower. + if (! (JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp) & bitposmaskB)) // faster. + RET_SUCCESS; + +// Non-full JP matches current digit in Index: +// +// Iterate to the subsidiary non-full JP. + + offset = SEARCHBITMAPB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp), digit, + bitposmaskB); + // not negative since at least one bit is set: + assert(offset >= 0); + assert(offset < (int) cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB); + +// Watch for null JP subarray pointer with non-null bitmap (a corruption): + + if ((Pjp = P_JP(JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp))) + == (Pjp_t) NULL) RET_CORRUPT; + + Pjp += offset; + if (! JPFULL(Pjp)) goto SMGetContinue; + +// BranchB primary dead end: +// +// Upon hitting a full JP in a BranchB for the next digit in Index, search +// sideways for a previous/next absent JP (unset bit) or non-full JP (set bit +// with non-full JP); first in the current bitmap subexpanse, then in +// lower/higher subexpanses. Upon entry, Pjp points to a known-unusable JP, +// ready to decrement/increment. +// +// Note: The preceding code is separate from this loop because Index does not +// need revising (see SET_AND_*()) if the initial index is an empty index. +// +// TBD: For speed, shift bitposmaskB instead of using JU_BITMAPTESTB or +// JU_BITPOSMASKB, but this shift has knowledge of bit order that really should +// be encapsulated in a header file. + +#define BRANCHB_CHECKBIT(OpLeastDigits) \ + if (! (JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp) & bitposmaskB)) /* absent JP */ \ + SET_AND_RETURN(OpLeastDigits, digit, digits) + +#define BRANCHB_CHECKJPFULL(OpLeastDigits) \ + if (! JPFULL(Pjp)) \ + SET_AND_CONTINUE(OpLeastDigits, digit, digits) + +#define BRANCHB_STARTSUBEXP(OpLeastDigits) \ + if (! JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp)) /* empty subexpanse, shortcut */ \ + SET_AND_RETURN(OpLeastDigits, digit, digits) \ + if ((Pjp = P_JP(JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp))) == (Pjp_t) NULL) RET_CORRUPT + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + + --digit; // skip initial digit. + bitposmaskB >>= 1; // see TBD above. + +BranchBNextSubexp: // return here to check next bitmap subexpanse. + + while (bitposmaskB) // more bits to check in subexp. + { + BRANCHB_CHECKBIT(SETLEASTDIGITS_D); + --Pjp; // previous in subarray. + BRANCHB_CHECKJPFULL(SETLEASTDIGITS_D); + assert(digit >= 0); + --digit; + bitposmaskB >>= 1; + } + + if (subexp-- > 0) // more subexpanses. + { + BRANCHB_STARTSUBEXP(SETLEASTDIGITS_D); + Pjp += SEARCHBITMAPMAXB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp)) + 1; + bitposmaskB = (1U << (cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB - 1)); + goto BranchBNextSubexp; + } + +#else // JUDYNEXT + + ++digit; // skip initial digit. + bitposmaskB <<= 1; // note: BITMAPB_t. + +BranchBNextSubexp: // return here to check next bitmap subexpanse. + + while (bitposmaskB) // more bits to check in subexp. + { + BRANCHB_CHECKBIT(CLEARLEASTDIGITS_D); + ++Pjp; // previous in subarray. + BRANCHB_CHECKJPFULL(CLEARLEASTDIGITS_D); + assert(digit < cJU_SUBEXPPERSTATE); + ++digit; + bitposmaskB <<= 1; // note: BITMAPB_t. + } + + if (++subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPB) // more subexpanses. + { + BRANCHB_STARTSUBEXP(CLEARLEASTDIGITS_D); + --Pjp; // pre-decrement. + bitposmaskB = 1; + goto BranchBNextSubexp; + } + +#endif // JUDYNEXT + +// BranchB secondary dead end, no non-full previous/next JP: + + SMRESTART(digits); + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// UNCOMPRESSED BRANCH: +// +// Check Decode bytes, if any, in the current JP, then search for a JP for the +// next digit in Index. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U2: CHECKDCD(2); SMPREPB2(SMBranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U3: CHECKDCD(3); SMPREPB3(SMBranchU); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U4: CHECKDCD(4); SMPREPB4(SMBranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U5: CHECKDCD(5); SMPREPB5(SMBranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U6: CHECKDCD(6); SMPREPB6(SMBranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U7: CHECKDCD(7); SMPREPB7(SMBranchU); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U: SMPREPBL(SMBranchU); + +// Common code (state-independent) for all cases of uncompressed branches: + +SMBranchU: + Pjbu = P_JBU(Pjp->jp_Addr); + Pjp = (Pjbu->jbu_jp) + digit; + +// Absent JP = null JP for current digit in Index: + + if (JPNULL(JU_JPTYPE(Pjp))) RET_SUCCESS; + +// Non-full JP matches current digit in Index: +// +// Iterate to the subsidiary JP. + + if (! JPFULL(Pjp)) goto SMGetContinue; + +// BranchU primary dead end: +// +// Upon hitting a full JP in a BranchU for the next digit in Index, search +// sideways for a previous/next null or non-full JP. BRANCHU_CHECKJP() is +// shorthand for common code. +// +// Note: The preceding code is separate from this loop because Index does not +// need revising (see SET_AND_*()) if the initial index is an empty index. + +#define BRANCHU_CHECKJP(OpIncDec,OpLeastDigits) \ + { \ + OpIncDec Pjp; \ + \ + if (JPNULL(JU_JPTYPE(Pjp))) \ + SET_AND_RETURN(OpLeastDigits, digit, digits) \ + \ + if (! JPFULL(Pjp)) \ + SET_AND_CONTINUE(OpLeastDigits, digit, digits) \ + } + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + while (digit-- > 0) + BRANCHU_CHECKJP(--, SETLEASTDIGITS_D); +#else + while (++digit < cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS) + BRANCHU_CHECKJP(++, CLEARLEASTDIGITS_D); +#endif + +// BranchU secondary dead end, no non-full previous/next JP: + + SMRESTART(digits); + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// LINEAR LEAF: +// +// Check Decode bytes, if any, in the current JP, then search the leaf for the +// previous/next empty index starting at Index. Primary leaf dead end is +// hidden within j__udySearchLeaf*Empty*(). In case of secondary leaf dead +// end, restart at the top of the tree. +// +// Note: Pword is the name known to GET*; think of it as Pjlw. + +#define SMLEAFL(cDigits,Func) \ + Pword = (PWord_t) P_JLW(Pjp->jp_Addr); \ + pop0 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp); \ + Func(Pword, pop0) + +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + case cJU_JPLEAF1: CHECKDCD(1); SMLEAFL(1, j__udySearchLeafEmpty1); +#endif + case cJU_JPLEAF2: CHECKDCD(2); SMLEAFL(2, j__udySearchLeafEmpty2); + case cJU_JPLEAF3: CHECKDCD(3); SMLEAFL(3, j__udySearchLeafEmpty3); + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPLEAF4: CHECKDCD(4); SMLEAFL(4, j__udySearchLeafEmpty4); + case cJU_JPLEAF5: CHECKDCD(5); SMLEAFL(5, j__udySearchLeafEmpty5); + case cJU_JPLEAF6: CHECKDCD(6); SMLEAFL(6, j__udySearchLeafEmpty6); + case cJU_JPLEAF7: CHECKDCD(7); SMLEAFL(7, j__udySearchLeafEmpty7); +#endif + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// BITMAP LEAF: +// +// Check Decode bytes, if any, in the current JP, then search the leaf for the +// previous/next empty index starting at Index. + + case cJU_JPLEAF_B1: + + CHECKDCD(1); + + Pjlb = P_JLB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 1); + subexp = digit / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL; + bitposmaskL = JU_BITPOSMASKL(digit); + assert(subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPL); // falls in expected range. + +// Absent index = no index matches current digit in Index: + +// if (! JU_BITMAPTESTL(Pjlb, digit)) // slower. + if (! (JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp) & bitposmaskL)) // faster. + RET_SUCCESS; + +// LeafB1 primary dead end: +// +// Upon hitting a valid (non-empty) index in a LeafB1 for the last digit in +// Index, search sideways for a previous/next absent index, first in the +// current bitmap subexpanse, then in lower/higher subexpanses. +// LEAFB1_CHECKBIT() is shorthand for common code to handle one bit in one +// bitmap subexpanse. +// +// Note: The preceding code is separate from this loop because Index does not +// need revising (see SET_AND_*()) if the initial index is an empty index. +// +// TBD: For speed, shift bitposmaskL instead of using JU_BITMAPTESTL or +// JU_BITPOSMASKL, but this shift has knowledge of bit order that really should +// be encapsulated in a header file. + +#define LEAFB1_CHECKBIT(OpLeastDigits) \ + if (! (JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp) & bitposmaskL)) \ + SET_AND_RETURN(OpLeastDigits, digit, 1) + +#define LEAFB1_STARTSUBEXP(OpLeastDigits) \ + if (! JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp)) /* empty subexp */ \ + SET_AND_RETURN(OpLeastDigits, digit, 1) + +#ifdef JUDYPREV + + --digit; // skip initial digit. + bitposmaskL >>= 1; // see TBD above. + +LeafB1NextSubexp: // return here to check next bitmap subexpanse. + + while (bitposmaskL) // more bits to check in subexp. + { + LEAFB1_CHECKBIT(SETLEASTDIGITS_D); + assert(digit >= 0); + --digit; + bitposmaskL >>= 1; + } + + if (subexp-- > 0) // more subexpanses. + { + LEAFB1_STARTSUBEXP(SETLEASTDIGITS_D); + bitposmaskL = (1UL << (cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL - 1)); + goto LeafB1NextSubexp; + } + +#else // JUDYNEXT + + ++digit; // skip initial digit. + bitposmaskL <<= 1; // note: BITMAPL_t. + +LeafB1NextSubexp: // return here to check next bitmap subexpanse. + + while (bitposmaskL) // more bits to check in subexp. + { + LEAFB1_CHECKBIT(CLEARLEASTDIGITS_D); + assert(digit < cJU_SUBEXPPERSTATE); + ++digit; + bitposmaskL <<= 1; // note: BITMAPL_t. + } + + if (++subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPL) // more subexpanses. + { + LEAFB1_STARTSUBEXP(CLEARLEASTDIGITS_D); + bitposmaskL = 1; + goto LeafB1NextSubexp; + } + +#endif // JUDYNEXT + +// LeafB1 secondary dead end, no empty index: + + SMRESTART(1); + + +#ifdef JUDY1 +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// FULL POPULATION: +// +// If the Decode bytes do not match, Index is empty (without modification); +// otherwise restart. + + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1: + + CHECKDCD(1); + SMRESTART(1); +#endif + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// IMMEDIATE: +// +// Pop1 = 1 Immediate JPs: +// +// If Index is not in the immediate JP, return success; otherwise check if +// there is an empty index below/above the immediate JPs index, and if so, +// return success with modified Index, else restart. +// +// Note: Doug says its fast enough to calculate the index size (digits) in +// the following; no need to set it separately for each case. + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_01: +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPIMMED_4_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_5_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_6_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_7_01: +#endif + if (JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) != JU_TRIMTODCDSIZE(Index)) RET_SUCCESS; + digits = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) - cJU_JPIMMED_1_01 + 1; + LEAF_EDGE(JU_LEASTBYTES(JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp), digits), digits); + +// Immediate JPs with Pop1 > 1: + +#define IMM_MULTI(Func,BaseJPType) \ + JUDY1CODE(Pword = (PWord_t) (Pjp->jp_1Index);) \ + JUDYLCODE(Pword = (PWord_t) (Pjp->jp_LIndex);) \ + Func(Pword, JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) - (BaseJPType) + 1) + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_02: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_03: +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_04: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_05: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_06: + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_07: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_08: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_09: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_10: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_11: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_12: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_13: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_14: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_15: +#endif + IMM_MULTI(j__udySearchLeafEmpty1, cJU_JPIMMED_1_02); + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_02: + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_03: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_04: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_05: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_06: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_07: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + IMM_MULTI(j__udySearchLeafEmpty2, cJU_JPIMMED_2_02); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_02: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_03: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_04: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_05: +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + IMM_MULTI(j__udySearchLeafEmpty3, cJU_JPIMMED_3_02); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_03: + IMM_MULTI(j__udySearchLeafEmpty4, cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02: + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_03: + IMM_MULTI(j__udySearchLeafEmpty5, cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02: + IMM_MULTI(j__udySearchLeafEmpty6, cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02: + IMM_MULTI(j__udySearchLeafEmpty7, cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02); +#endif + + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// INVALID JP TYPE: + + default: RET_CORRUPT; + + } // SMGet switch. + +} // Judy1PrevEmpty() / Judy1NextEmpty() / JudyLPrevEmpty() / JudyLNextEmpty() diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/JudyLTables.c b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/JudyLTables.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e11fa6b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/JudyLTables.c @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +// @(#) From generation tool: $Revision$ $Source$ +// + +#include "JudyL.h" +// Leave the malloc() sizes readable in the binary (via strings(1)): +const char * JudyLMallocSizes = "JudyLMallocSizes = 3, 5, 7, 11, 15, 23, 32, 47, 64, Leaf1 = 25"; + + +// object uses 64 words +// cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB = 32 +const uint8_t +j__L_BranchBJPPopToWords[cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB + 1] = +{ + 0, + 3, 5, 7, 11, 11, 15, 15, 23, + 23, 23, 23, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, + 47, 47, 47, 47, 47, 47, 47, 64, + 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 +}; + +// object uses 32 words +// cJL_LEAF1_MAXPOP1 = 25 +const uint8_t +j__L_Leaf1PopToWords[cJL_LEAF1_MAXPOP1 + 1] = +{ + 0, + 3, 3, 5, 5, 7, 11, 11, 11, + 15, 15, 15, 15, 23, 23, 23, 23, + 23, 23, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, + 32 +}; +const uint8_t +j__L_Leaf1Offset[cJL_LEAF1_MAXPOP1 + 1] = +{ + 0, + 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, + 3, 3, 3, 3, 5, 5, 5, 5, + 5, 5, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, + 7 +}; + +// object uses 63 words +// cJL_LEAF2_MAXPOP1 = 42 +const uint8_t +j__L_Leaf2PopToWords[cJL_LEAF2_MAXPOP1 + 1] = +{ + 0, + 3, 3, 5, 7, 11, 11, 11, 15, + 15, 15, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 32, + 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 47, 47, 47, + 47, 47, 47, 47, 47, 47, 47, 63, + 63, 63, 63, 63, 63, 63, 63, 63, + 63, 63 +}; +const uint8_t +j__L_Leaf2Offset[cJL_LEAF2_MAXPOP1 + 1] = +{ + 0, + 1, 1, 2, 2, 4, 4, 4, 5, + 5, 5, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 11, + 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 16, 16, 16, + 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 21, + 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, + 21, 21 +}; + +// object uses 63 words +// cJL_LEAF3_MAXPOP1 = 36 +const uint8_t +j__L_Leaf3PopToWords[cJL_LEAF3_MAXPOP1 + 1] = +{ + 0, + 3, 5, 7, 7, 11, 11, 15, 15, + 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 32, 32, 32, + 32, 32, 47, 47, 47, 47, 47, 47, + 47, 47, 63, 63, 63, 63, 63, 63, + 63, 63, 63, 63 +}; +const uint8_t +j__L_Leaf3Offset[cJL_LEAF3_MAXPOP1 + 1] = +{ + 0, + 1, 3, 3, 3, 5, 5, 6, 6, + 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 14, 14, 14, + 14, 14, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, + 20, 20, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, + 27, 27, 27, 27 +}; + +// object uses 63 words +// cJL_LEAFW_MAXPOP1 = 31 +const uint8_t +j__L_LeafWPopToWords[cJL_LEAFW_MAXPOP1 + 1] = +{ + 0, + 3, 5, 7, 11, 11, 15, 15, 23, + 23, 23, 23, 32, 32, 32, 32, 47, + 47, 47, 47, 47, 47, 47, 47, 63, + 63, 63, 63, 63, 63, 63, 63 +}; +const uint8_t +j__L_LeafWOffset[cJL_LEAFW_MAXPOP1 + 1] = +{ + 0, + 2, 3, 4, 6, 6, 8, 8, 12, + 12, 12, 12, 16, 16, 16, 16, 24, + 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 32, + 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32 +}; + +// object uses 32 words +// cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL = 32 +const uint8_t +j__L_LeafVPopToWords[cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL + 1] = +{ + 0, + 3, 3, 3, 5, 5, 7, 7, 11, + 11, 11, 11, 15, 15, 15, 15, 23, + 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 32, + 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32 +}; diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/JudyLTablesGen.c b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/JudyLTablesGen.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5a180504 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/JudyLTablesGen.c @@ -0,0 +1,296 @@ +// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company +// +// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +// under the term of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +// option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +// _________________ + +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ + +#ifndef JU_WIN +#include // unavailable on win_*. +#endif + +#include +#include + +#if (! (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JUDYL))) +#error: One of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL must be specified. +#endif + +#define TERMINATOR 999 // terminator for Alloc tables + +#define BPW sizeof(Word_t) // define bytes per word + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#include "Judy1.h" +#else +#include "JudyL.h" +#endif + +FILE *fd; + +// Definitions come from header files Judy1.h and JudyL.h: + +int AllocSizes[] = ALLOCSIZES; + +#define ROUNDUP(BYTES,BPW,OFFSETW) \ + ((((BYTES) + (BPW) - 1) / (BPW)) + (OFFSETW)) + + +// **************************************************************************** +// G E N T A B L E +// +// Note: "const" is required for newer compilers. + +FUNCTION void GenTable( + const char * TableName, // name of table string + const char * TableSize, // dimentioned size string + int IndexBytes, // bytes per Index + int LeafSize, // number elements in object + int ValueBytes, // bytes per Value + int OffsetWords) // 1 for LEAFW +{ + int * PAllocSizes = AllocSizes; + int OWord; + int CurWord; + int IWord; + int ii; + int BytesOfIndex; + int BytesOfObject; + int Index; + int LastWords; + int Words [1000] = { 0 }; + int Offset[1000] = { 0 }; + int MaxWords; + + MaxWords = ROUNDUP((IndexBytes + ValueBytes) * LeafSize, BPW, OffsetWords); + Words[0] = 0; + Offset[0] = 0; + CurWord = TERMINATOR; + +// Walk through all number of Indexes in table: + + for (Index = 1; /* null */; ++Index) + { + +// Calculate byte required for next size: + + BytesOfIndex = IndexBytes * Index; + BytesOfObject = (IndexBytes + ValueBytes) * Index; + +// Round up and calculate words required for next size: + + OWord = ROUNDUP(BytesOfObject, BPW, OffsetWords); + IWord = ROUNDUP(BytesOfIndex, BPW, OffsetWords); + +// Root-level leaves of population of 1 and 2 do not have the 1 word offset: + +// Save minimum value of offset: + + Offset[Index] = IWord; + +// Round up to next available size of words: + + while (OWord > *PAllocSizes) PAllocSizes++; + + if (Index == LeafSize) + { + CurWord = Words[Index] = OWord; + break; + } +// end of available sizes ? + + if (*PAllocSizes == TERMINATOR) + { + fprintf(stderr, "BUG, in %sPopToWords, sizes not big enough for object\n", TableName); + exit(1); + } + +// Save words required and last word: + + if (*PAllocSizes < MaxWords) { CurWord = Words[Index] = *PAllocSizes; } + else { CurWord = Words[Index] = MaxWords; } + + } // for each index + + LastWords = TERMINATOR; + +// Round up to largest size in each group of malloc sizes: + + for (ii = LeafSize; ii > 0; ii--) + { + if (LastWords > (Words[ii] - ii)) LastWords = Offset[ii]; + else Offset[ii] = LastWords; + } + +// Print the PopToWords[] table: + + fprintf(fd,"\n//\tobject uses %d words\n", CurWord); + fprintf(fd,"//\t%s = %d\n", TableSize, LeafSize); + + fprintf(fd,"const uint8_t\n"); + fprintf(fd,"%sPopToWords[%s + 1] =\n", TableName, TableSize); + fprintf(fd,"{\n\t 0,"); + + for (ii = 1; ii <= LeafSize; ii++) + { + +// 8 columns per line, starting with 1: + + if ((ii % 8) == 1) fprintf(fd,"\n\t"); + + fprintf(fd,"%2d", Words[ii]); + +// If not last number place comma: + + if (ii != LeafSize) fprintf(fd,", "); + } + fprintf(fd,"\n};\n"); + +// Print the Offset table if needed: + + if (! ValueBytes) return; + + fprintf(fd,"const uint8_t\n"); + fprintf(fd,"%sOffset[%s + 1] =\n", TableName, TableSize); + fprintf(fd,"{\n"); + fprintf(fd,"\t 0,"); + + for (ii = 1; ii <= LeafSize; ii++) + { + if ((ii % 8) == 1) fprintf(fd,"\n\t"); + + fprintf(fd,"%2d", Offset[ii]); + + if (ii != LeafSize) fprintf(fd,", "); + } + fprintf(fd,"\n};\n"); + +} // GenTable() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// M A I N + +FUNCTION int main() +{ + int ii; + +#ifdef JUDY1 + char *fname = "Judy1Tables.c"; +#else + char *fname = "JudyLTables.c"; +#endif + + if ((fd = fopen(fname, "w")) == NULL){ + perror("FATAL ERROR: could not write to Judy[1L]Tables.c file\n"); + return (-1); + } + + + fprintf(fd,"// @(#) From generation tool: $Revision$ $Source$\n"); + fprintf(fd,"//\n\n"); + + +// ================================ Judy1 ================================= +#ifdef JUDY1 + + fprintf(fd,"#include \"Judy1.h\"\n"); + + fprintf(fd,"// Leave the malloc() sizes readable in the binary (via " + "strings(1)):\n"); + fprintf(fd,"const char * Judy1MallocSizes = \"Judy1MallocSizes ="); + + for (ii = 0; AllocSizes[ii] != TERMINATOR; ii++) + fprintf(fd," %d,", AllocSizes[ii]); + +#ifndef JU_64BIT + fprintf(fd," Leaf1 = %d\";\n\n", cJ1_LEAF1_MAXPOP1); +#else + fprintf(fd,"\";\n\n"); // no Leaf1 in this case. +#endif + +// ================================ 32 bit ================================ +#ifndef JU_64BIT + + GenTable("j__1_BranchBJP","cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB", 8, cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB,0,0); + + GenTable("j__1_Leaf1", "cJ1_LEAF1_MAXPOP1", 1, cJ1_LEAF1_MAXPOP1, 0, 0); + GenTable("j__1_Leaf2", "cJ1_LEAF2_MAXPOP1", 2, cJ1_LEAF2_MAXPOP1, 0, 0); + GenTable("j__1_Leaf3", "cJ1_LEAF3_MAXPOP1", 3, cJ1_LEAF3_MAXPOP1, 0, 0); + GenTable("j__1_LeafW", "cJ1_LEAFW_MAXPOP1", 4, cJ1_LEAFW_MAXPOP1, 0, 1); + +#endif + +// ================================ 64 bit ================================ +#ifdef JU_64BIT + GenTable("j__1_BranchBJP","cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB",16, cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB,0,0); + + GenTable("j__1_Leaf2", "cJ1_LEAF2_MAXPOP1", 2, cJ1_LEAF2_MAXPOP1, 0, 0); + GenTable("j__1_Leaf3", "cJ1_LEAF3_MAXPOP1", 3, cJ1_LEAF3_MAXPOP1, 0, 0); + GenTable("j__1_Leaf4", "cJ1_LEAF4_MAXPOP1", 4, cJ1_LEAF4_MAXPOP1, 0, 0); + GenTable("j__1_Leaf5", "cJ1_LEAF5_MAXPOP1", 5, cJ1_LEAF5_MAXPOP1, 0, 0); + GenTable("j__1_Leaf6", "cJ1_LEAF6_MAXPOP1", 6, cJ1_LEAF6_MAXPOP1, 0, 0); + GenTable("j__1_Leaf7", "cJ1_LEAF7_MAXPOP1", 7, cJ1_LEAF7_MAXPOP1, 0, 0); + GenTable("j__1_LeafW", "cJ1_LEAFW_MAXPOP1", 8, cJ1_LEAFW_MAXPOP1, 0, 1); +#endif +#endif // JUDY1 + + +// ================================ JudyL ================================= +#ifdef JUDYL + + fprintf(fd,"#include \"JudyL.h\"\n"); + + fprintf(fd,"// Leave the malloc() sizes readable in the binary (via " + "strings(1)):\n"); + fprintf(fd,"const char * JudyLMallocSizes = \"JudyLMallocSizes ="); + + for (ii = 0; AllocSizes[ii] != TERMINATOR; ii++) + fprintf(fd," %d,", AllocSizes[ii]); + + fprintf(fd," Leaf1 = %ld\";\n\n", (Word_t)cJL_LEAF1_MAXPOP1); + +#ifndef JU_64BIT +// ================================ 32 bit ================================ + GenTable("j__L_BranchBJP","cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB", 8, cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB, 0,0); + + GenTable("j__L_Leaf1", "cJL_LEAF1_MAXPOP1", 1, cJL_LEAF1_MAXPOP1, BPW,0); + GenTable("j__L_Leaf2", "cJL_LEAF2_MAXPOP1", 2, cJL_LEAF2_MAXPOP1, BPW,0); + GenTable("j__L_Leaf3", "cJL_LEAF3_MAXPOP1", 3, cJL_LEAF3_MAXPOP1, BPW,0); + GenTable("j__L_LeafW", "cJL_LEAFW_MAXPOP1", 4, cJL_LEAFW_MAXPOP1, BPW,1); + GenTable("j__L_LeafV", "cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL", 4, cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL, 0,0); +#endif // 32 BIT + +#ifdef JU_64BIT +// ================================ 64 bit ================================ + GenTable("j__L_BranchBJP","cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB",16, cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB, 0,0); + + GenTable("j__L_Leaf1", "cJL_LEAF1_MAXPOP1", 1, cJL_LEAF1_MAXPOP1, BPW,0); + GenTable("j__L_Leaf2", "cJL_LEAF2_MAXPOP1", 2, cJL_LEAF2_MAXPOP1, BPW,0); + GenTable("j__L_Leaf3", "cJL_LEAF3_MAXPOP1", 3, cJL_LEAF3_MAXPOP1, BPW,0); + GenTable("j__L_Leaf4", "cJL_LEAF4_MAXPOP1", 4, cJL_LEAF4_MAXPOP1, BPW,0); + GenTable("j__L_Leaf5", "cJL_LEAF5_MAXPOP1", 5, cJL_LEAF5_MAXPOP1, BPW,0); + GenTable("j__L_Leaf6", "cJL_LEAF6_MAXPOP1", 6, cJL_LEAF6_MAXPOP1, BPW,0); + GenTable("j__L_Leaf7", "cJL_LEAF7_MAXPOP1", 7, cJL_LEAF7_MAXPOP1, BPW,0); + GenTable("j__L_LeafW", "cJL_LEAFW_MAXPOP1", 8, cJL_LEAFW_MAXPOP1, BPW,1); + GenTable("j__L_LeafV", "cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL", 8, cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL, 0,0); +#endif // 64 BIT + +#endif // JUDYL + fclose(fd); + + return(0); + +} // main() diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/JudyLTablesGen.exe b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/JudyLTablesGen.exe new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b1a3bbb4 Binary files /dev/null and b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/JudyLTablesGen.exe differ diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/Makefile.am b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/Makefile.am new file mode 100644 index 00000000..29ed6167 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/Makefile.am @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +INCLUDES = -I. -I.. -I../JudyCommon/ +AM_CFLAGS = -DJUDYL @WARN_CFLAGS@ + +noinst_LTLIBRARIES = libJudyL.la libnext.la libprev.la libcount.la libinline.la + +libJudyL_la_SOURCES = JudyLCascade.c JudyLTables.c JudyLCount.c JudyLCreateBranch.c JudyLDecascade.c JudyLDel.c JudyLFirst.c JudyLFreeArray.c JudyLGet.c JudyLInsArray.c JudyLIns.c JudyLInsertBranch.c JudyLMallocIF.c JudyLMemActive.c JudyLMemUsed.c + +libnext_la_SOURCES = JudyLNext.c JudyLNextEmpty.c +libnext_la_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS) -DJUDYNEXT + +libprev_la_SOURCES = JudyLPrev.c JudyLPrevEmpty.c +libprev_la_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS) -DJUDYPREV + +libcount_la_SOURCES = JudyLByCount.c +libcount_la_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS) -DNOSMARTJBB -DNOSMARTJBU -DNOSMARTJLB + +libinline_la_SOURCES = j__udyLGet.c +libinline_la_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS) -DJUDYGETINLINE + +JudyLTables.c: JudyLTablesGen.c + $(CC) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CFLAGS) @CFLAGS@ -o JudyLTablesGen JudyLTablesGen.c; ./JudyLTablesGen + + +JudyLCascade.c: copies + +copies: + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyByCount.c JudyLByCount.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyCascade.c JudyLCascade.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyCount.c JudyLCount.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyCreateBranch.c JudyLCreateBranch.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyDecascade.c JudyLDecascade.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyDel.c JudyLDel.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyFirst.c JudyLFirst.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyFreeArray.c JudyLFreeArray.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyGet.c JudyLGet.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyGet.c j__udyLGet.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyInsArray.c JudyLInsArray.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyIns.c JudyLIns.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyInsertBranch.c JudyLInsertBranch.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyMallocIF.c JudyLMallocIF.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyMemActive.c JudyLMemActive.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyMemUsed.c JudyLMemUsed.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyPrevNext.c JudyLNext.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyPrevNext.c JudyLPrev.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyPrevNextEmpty.c JudyLNextEmpty.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyPrevNextEmpty.c JudyLPrevEmpty.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyTables.c JudyLTablesGen.c + diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/Makefile.in b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/Makefile.in new file mode 100644 index 00000000..74fa0ed0 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/Makefile.in @@ -0,0 +1,558 @@ +# Makefile.in generated by automake 1.9.3 from Makefile.am. +# @configure_input@ + +# Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, +# 2003, 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# This Makefile.in is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. + +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law; without +# even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A +# PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + +@SET_MAKE@ + +SOURCES = $(libJudyL_la_SOURCES) $(libcount_la_SOURCES) $(libinline_la_SOURCES) $(libnext_la_SOURCES) $(libprev_la_SOURCES) + +srcdir = @srcdir@ +top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@ +VPATH = @srcdir@ +pkgdatadir = $(datadir)/@PACKAGE@ +pkglibdir = $(libdir)/@PACKAGE@ +pkgincludedir = $(includedir)/@PACKAGE@ +top_builddir = ../.. +am__cd = CDPATH="$${ZSH_VERSION+.}$(PATH_SEPARATOR)" && cd +INSTALL = @INSTALL@ +install_sh_DATA = $(install_sh) -c -m 644 +install_sh_PROGRAM = $(install_sh) -c +install_sh_SCRIPT = $(install_sh) -c +INSTALL_HEADER = $(INSTALL_DATA) +transform = $(program_transform_name) +NORMAL_INSTALL = : +PRE_INSTALL = : +POST_INSTALL = : +NORMAL_UNINSTALL = : +PRE_UNINSTALL = : +POST_UNINSTALL = : +build_triplet = @build@ +host_triplet = @host@ +subdir = src/JudyL +DIST_COMMON = README $(srcdir)/Makefile.am $(srcdir)/Makefile.in +ACLOCAL_M4 = $(top_srcdir)/aclocal.m4 +am__aclocal_m4_deps = $(top_srcdir)/configure.ac +am__configure_deps = $(am__aclocal_m4_deps) $(CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCIES) \ + $(ACLOCAL_M4) +mkinstalldirs = $(install_sh) -d +CONFIG_HEADER = $(top_builddir)/config.h +CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES = +LTLIBRARIES = $(noinst_LTLIBRARIES) +libJudyL_la_LIBADD = +am_libJudyL_la_OBJECTS = JudyLCascade.lo JudyLTables.lo JudyLCount.lo \ + JudyLCreateBranch.lo JudyLDecascade.lo JudyLDel.lo \ + JudyLFirst.lo JudyLFreeArray.lo JudyLGet.lo JudyLInsArray.lo \ + JudyLIns.lo JudyLInsertBranch.lo JudyLMallocIF.lo \ + JudyLMemActive.lo JudyLMemUsed.lo +libJudyL_la_OBJECTS = $(am_libJudyL_la_OBJECTS) +libcount_la_LIBADD = +am_libcount_la_OBJECTS = libcount_la-JudyLByCount.lo +libcount_la_OBJECTS = $(am_libcount_la_OBJECTS) +libinline_la_LIBADD = +am_libinline_la_OBJECTS = libinline_la-j__udyLGet.lo +libinline_la_OBJECTS = $(am_libinline_la_OBJECTS) +libnext_la_LIBADD = +am_libnext_la_OBJECTS = libnext_la-JudyLNext.lo \ + libnext_la-JudyLNextEmpty.lo +libnext_la_OBJECTS = $(am_libnext_la_OBJECTS) +libprev_la_LIBADD = +am_libprev_la_OBJECTS = libprev_la-JudyLPrev.lo \ + libprev_la-JudyLPrevEmpty.lo +libprev_la_OBJECTS = $(am_libprev_la_OBJECTS) +DEFAULT_INCLUDES = -I. -I$(srcdir) -I$(top_builddir) +depcomp = $(SHELL) $(top_srcdir)/depcomp +am__depfiles_maybe = depfiles +COMPILE = $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) \ + $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) +LTCOMPILE = $(LIBTOOL) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) \ + $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) \ + $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) +CCLD = $(CC) +LINK = $(LIBTOOL) --tag=CC --mode=link $(CCLD) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) \ + $(AM_LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ +SOURCES = $(libJudyL_la_SOURCES) $(libcount_la_SOURCES) \ + $(libinline_la_SOURCES) $(libnext_la_SOURCES) \ + $(libprev_la_SOURCES) +DIST_SOURCES = $(libJudyL_la_SOURCES) $(libcount_la_SOURCES) \ + $(libinline_la_SOURCES) $(libnext_la_SOURCES) \ + $(libprev_la_SOURCES) +ETAGS = etags +CTAGS = ctags +DISTFILES = $(DIST_COMMON) $(DIST_SOURCES) $(TEXINFOS) $(EXTRA_DIST) +ACLOCAL = @ACLOCAL@ +AMDEP_FALSE = @AMDEP_FALSE@ +AMDEP_TRUE = @AMDEP_TRUE@ +AMTAR = @AMTAR@ +AR = @AR@ +AUTOCONF = @AUTOCONF@ +AUTOHEADER = @AUTOHEADER@ +AUTOMAKE = @AUTOMAKE@ +AWK = @AWK@ +CC = @CC@ +CCDEPMODE = @CCDEPMODE@ +CFLAGS = @CFLAGS@ +CPP = @CPP@ +CPPFLAGS = @CPPFLAGS@ +CXX = @CXX@ +CXXCPP = @CXXCPP@ +CXXDEPMODE = @CXXDEPMODE@ +CXXFLAGS = @CXXFLAGS@ +CYGPATH_W = @CYGPATH_W@ +DEFS = @DEFS@ +DEPDIR = @DEPDIR@ +ECHO = @ECHO@ +ECHO_C = @ECHO_C@ +ECHO_N = @ECHO_N@ +ECHO_T = @ECHO_T@ +EGREP = @EGREP@ +EXEEXT = @EXEEXT@ +F77 = @F77@ +FFLAGS = @FFLAGS@ +FLAVOR = @FLAVOR@ +INSTALL_DATA = @INSTALL_DATA@ +INSTALL_PROGRAM = @INSTALL_PROGRAM@ +INSTALL_SCRIPT = @INSTALL_SCRIPT@ +INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM = @INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM@ +LD = @LD@ +LDFLAGS = @LDFLAGS@ +LIBOBJS = @LIBOBJS@ +LIBS = @LIBS@ +LIBTOOL = @LIBTOOL@ +LN_S = @LN_S@ +LTLIBOBJS = @LTLIBOBJS@ +MAINT = @MAINT@ +MAINTAINER_MODE_FALSE = @MAINTAINER_MODE_FALSE@ +MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE = @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ +MAKEINFO = @MAKEINFO@ +OBJEXT = @OBJEXT@ +PACKAGE = @PACKAGE@ +PACKAGE_BUGREPORT = @PACKAGE_BUGREPORT@ +PACKAGE_NAME = @PACKAGE_NAME@ +PACKAGE_STRING = @PACKAGE_STRING@ +PACKAGE_TARNAME = @PACKAGE_TARNAME@ +PACKAGE_VERSION = @PACKAGE_VERSION@ +PATH_SEPARATOR = @PATH_SEPARATOR@ +RANLIB = @RANLIB@ +SET_MAKE = @SET_MAKE@ +SHELL = @SHELL@ +STRIP = @STRIP@ +VERSION = @VERSION@ +VERSION_INFO = @VERSION_INFO@ +WARN_CFLAGS = @WARN_CFLAGS@ +ac_ct_AR = @ac_ct_AR@ +ac_ct_CC = @ac_ct_CC@ +ac_ct_CXX = @ac_ct_CXX@ +ac_ct_F77 = @ac_ct_F77@ +ac_ct_LD = @ac_ct_LD@ +ac_ct_RANLIB = @ac_ct_RANLIB@ +ac_ct_STRIP = @ac_ct_STRIP@ +am__fastdepCC_FALSE = @am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ +am__fastdepCC_TRUE = @am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ +am__fastdepCXX_FALSE = @am__fastdepCXX_FALSE@ +am__fastdepCXX_TRUE = @am__fastdepCXX_TRUE@ +am__include = @am__include@ +am__leading_dot = @am__leading_dot@ +am__quote = @am__quote@ +am__tar = @am__tar@ +am__untar = @am__untar@ +bindir = @bindir@ +build = @build@ +build_alias = @build_alias@ +build_cpu = @build_cpu@ +build_os = @build_os@ +build_vendor = @build_vendor@ +datadir = @datadir@ +exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@ +host = @host@ +host_alias = @host_alias@ +host_cpu = @host_cpu@ +host_os = @host_os@ +host_vendor = @host_vendor@ +includedir = @includedir@ +infodir = @infodir@ +install_sh = @install_sh@ +libdir = @libdir@ +libexecdir = @libexecdir@ +localstatedir = @localstatedir@ +mandir = @mandir@ +mkdir_p = @mkdir_p@ +oldincludedir = @oldincludedir@ +prefix = @prefix@ +program_transform_name = @program_transform_name@ +sbindir = @sbindir@ +sharedstatedir = @sharedstatedir@ +sysconfdir = @sysconfdir@ +target_alias = @target_alias@ +INCLUDES = -I. -I.. -I../JudyCommon/ +AM_CFLAGS = -DJUDYL @WARN_CFLAGS@ +noinst_LTLIBRARIES = libJudyL.la libnext.la libprev.la libcount.la libinline.la +libJudyL_la_SOURCES = JudyLCascade.c JudyLTables.c JudyLCount.c JudyLCreateBranch.c JudyLDecascade.c JudyLDel.c JudyLFirst.c JudyLFreeArray.c JudyLGet.c JudyLInsArray.c JudyLIns.c JudyLInsertBranch.c JudyLMallocIF.c JudyLMemActive.c JudyLMemUsed.c +libnext_la_SOURCES = JudyLNext.c JudyLNextEmpty.c +libnext_la_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS) -DJUDYNEXT +libprev_la_SOURCES = JudyLPrev.c JudyLPrevEmpty.c +libprev_la_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS) -DJUDYPREV +libcount_la_SOURCES = JudyLByCount.c +libcount_la_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS) -DNOSMARTJBB -DNOSMARTJBU -DNOSMARTJLB +libinline_la_SOURCES = j__udyLGet.c +libinline_la_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS) -DJUDYGETINLINE +all: all-am + +.SUFFIXES: +.SUFFIXES: .c .lo .o .obj +$(srcdir)/Makefile.in: @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(srcdir)/Makefile.am $(am__configure_deps) + @for dep in $?; do \ + case '$(am__configure_deps)' in \ + *$$dep*) \ + cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh \ + && exit 0; \ + exit 1;; \ + esac; \ + done; \ + echo ' cd $(top_srcdir) && $(AUTOMAKE) --gnu src/JudyL/Makefile'; \ + cd $(top_srcdir) && \ + $(AUTOMAKE) --gnu src/JudyL/Makefile +.PRECIOUS: Makefile +Makefile: $(srcdir)/Makefile.in $(top_builddir)/config.status + @case '$?' in \ + *config.status*) \ + cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh;; \ + *) \ + echo ' cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$@ $(am__depfiles_maybe)'; \ + cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$@ $(am__depfiles_maybe);; \ + esac; + +$(top_builddir)/config.status: $(top_srcdir)/configure $(CONFIG_STATUS_DEPENDENCIES) + cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh + +$(top_srcdir)/configure: @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(am__configure_deps) + cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh +$(ACLOCAL_M4): @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(am__aclocal_m4_deps) + cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh + +clean-noinstLTLIBRARIES: + -test -z "$(noinst_LTLIBRARIES)" || rm -f $(noinst_LTLIBRARIES) + @list='$(noinst_LTLIBRARIES)'; for p in $$list; do \ + dir="`echo $$p | sed -e 's|/[^/]*$$||'`"; \ + test "$$dir" != "$$p" || dir=.; \ + echo "rm -f \"$${dir}/so_locations\""; \ + rm -f "$${dir}/so_locations"; \ + done +libJudyL.la: $(libJudyL_la_OBJECTS) $(libJudyL_la_DEPENDENCIES) + $(LINK) $(libJudyL_la_LDFLAGS) $(libJudyL_la_OBJECTS) $(libJudyL_la_LIBADD) $(LIBS) +libcount.la: $(libcount_la_OBJECTS) $(libcount_la_DEPENDENCIES) + $(LINK) $(libcount_la_LDFLAGS) $(libcount_la_OBJECTS) $(libcount_la_LIBADD) $(LIBS) +libinline.la: $(libinline_la_OBJECTS) $(libinline_la_DEPENDENCIES) + $(LINK) $(libinline_la_LDFLAGS) $(libinline_la_OBJECTS) $(libinline_la_LIBADD) $(LIBS) +libnext.la: $(libnext_la_OBJECTS) $(libnext_la_DEPENDENCIES) + $(LINK) $(libnext_la_LDFLAGS) $(libnext_la_OBJECTS) $(libnext_la_LIBADD) $(LIBS) +libprev.la: $(libprev_la_OBJECTS) $(libprev_la_DEPENDENCIES) + $(LINK) $(libprev_la_LDFLAGS) $(libprev_la_OBJECTS) $(libprev_la_LIBADD) $(LIBS) + +mostlyclean-compile: + -rm -f *.$(OBJEXT) + +distclean-compile: + -rm -f *.tab.c + +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/JudyLCascade.Plo@am__quote@ +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/JudyLCount.Plo@am__quote@ +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/JudyLCreateBranch.Plo@am__quote@ +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/JudyLDecascade.Plo@am__quote@ +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/JudyLDel.Plo@am__quote@ +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/JudyLFirst.Plo@am__quote@ +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/JudyLFreeArray.Plo@am__quote@ +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/JudyLGet.Plo@am__quote@ +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/JudyLIns.Plo@am__quote@ +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/JudyLInsArray.Plo@am__quote@ +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/JudyLInsertBranch.Plo@am__quote@ +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/JudyLMallocIF.Plo@am__quote@ +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/JudyLMemActive.Plo@am__quote@ +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/JudyLMemUsed.Plo@am__quote@ +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/JudyLTables.Plo@am__quote@ +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libcount_la-JudyLByCount.Plo@am__quote@ +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libinline_la-j__udyLGet.Plo@am__quote@ +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libnext_la-JudyLNext.Plo@am__quote@ +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libnext_la-JudyLNextEmpty.Plo@am__quote@ +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libprev_la-JudyLPrev.Plo@am__quote@ +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libprev_la-JudyLPrevEmpty.Plo@am__quote@ + +.c.o: +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ if $(COMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF "$(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo" -c -o $@ $<; \ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ then mv -f "$(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo" "$(DEPDIR)/$*.Po"; else rm -f "$(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo"; exit 1; fi +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='$<' object='$@' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(COMPILE) -c $< + +.c.obj: +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ if $(COMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF "$(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo" -c -o $@ `$(CYGPATH_W) '$<'`; \ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ then mv -f "$(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo" "$(DEPDIR)/$*.Po"; else rm -f "$(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo"; exit 1; fi +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='$<' object='$@' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(COMPILE) -c `$(CYGPATH_W) '$<'` + +.c.lo: +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ if $(LTCOMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF "$(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo" -c -o $@ $<; \ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ then mv -f "$(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo" "$(DEPDIR)/$*.Plo"; else rm -f "$(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo"; exit 1; fi +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='$<' object='$@' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LTCOMPILE) -c -o $@ $< + +libcount_la-JudyLByCount.lo: JudyLByCount.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ if $(LIBTOOL) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcount_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libcount_la-JudyLByCount.lo -MD -MP -MF "$(DEPDIR)/libcount_la-JudyLByCount.Tpo" -c -o libcount_la-JudyLByCount.lo `test -f 'JudyLByCount.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`JudyLByCount.c; \ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ then mv -f "$(DEPDIR)/libcount_la-JudyLByCount.Tpo" "$(DEPDIR)/libcount_la-JudyLByCount.Plo"; else rm -f "$(DEPDIR)/libcount_la-JudyLByCount.Tpo"; exit 1; fi +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='JudyLByCount.c' object='libcount_la-JudyLByCount.lo' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LIBTOOL) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libcount_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libcount_la-JudyLByCount.lo `test -f 'JudyLByCount.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`JudyLByCount.c + +libinline_la-j__udyLGet.lo: j__udyLGet.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ if $(LIBTOOL) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libinline_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libinline_la-j__udyLGet.lo -MD -MP -MF "$(DEPDIR)/libinline_la-j__udyLGet.Tpo" -c -o libinline_la-j__udyLGet.lo `test -f 'j__udyLGet.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`j__udyLGet.c; \ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ then mv -f "$(DEPDIR)/libinline_la-j__udyLGet.Tpo" "$(DEPDIR)/libinline_la-j__udyLGet.Plo"; else rm -f "$(DEPDIR)/libinline_la-j__udyLGet.Tpo"; exit 1; fi +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='j__udyLGet.c' object='libinline_la-j__udyLGet.lo' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LIBTOOL) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libinline_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libinline_la-j__udyLGet.lo `test -f 'j__udyLGet.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`j__udyLGet.c + +libnext_la-JudyLNext.lo: JudyLNext.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ if $(LIBTOOL) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libnext_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libnext_la-JudyLNext.lo -MD -MP -MF "$(DEPDIR)/libnext_la-JudyLNext.Tpo" -c -o libnext_la-JudyLNext.lo `test -f 'JudyLNext.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`JudyLNext.c; \ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ then mv -f "$(DEPDIR)/libnext_la-JudyLNext.Tpo" "$(DEPDIR)/libnext_la-JudyLNext.Plo"; else rm -f "$(DEPDIR)/libnext_la-JudyLNext.Tpo"; exit 1; fi +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='JudyLNext.c' object='libnext_la-JudyLNext.lo' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LIBTOOL) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libnext_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libnext_la-JudyLNext.lo `test -f 'JudyLNext.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`JudyLNext.c + +libnext_la-JudyLNextEmpty.lo: JudyLNextEmpty.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ if $(LIBTOOL) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libnext_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libnext_la-JudyLNextEmpty.lo -MD -MP -MF "$(DEPDIR)/libnext_la-JudyLNextEmpty.Tpo" -c -o libnext_la-JudyLNextEmpty.lo `test -f 'JudyLNextEmpty.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`JudyLNextEmpty.c; \ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ then mv -f "$(DEPDIR)/libnext_la-JudyLNextEmpty.Tpo" "$(DEPDIR)/libnext_la-JudyLNextEmpty.Plo"; else rm -f "$(DEPDIR)/libnext_la-JudyLNextEmpty.Tpo"; exit 1; fi +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='JudyLNextEmpty.c' object='libnext_la-JudyLNextEmpty.lo' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LIBTOOL) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libnext_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libnext_la-JudyLNextEmpty.lo `test -f 'JudyLNextEmpty.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`JudyLNextEmpty.c + +libprev_la-JudyLPrev.lo: JudyLPrev.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ if $(LIBTOOL) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libprev_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libprev_la-JudyLPrev.lo -MD -MP -MF "$(DEPDIR)/libprev_la-JudyLPrev.Tpo" -c -o libprev_la-JudyLPrev.lo `test -f 'JudyLPrev.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`JudyLPrev.c; \ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ then mv -f "$(DEPDIR)/libprev_la-JudyLPrev.Tpo" "$(DEPDIR)/libprev_la-JudyLPrev.Plo"; else rm -f "$(DEPDIR)/libprev_la-JudyLPrev.Tpo"; exit 1; fi +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='JudyLPrev.c' object='libprev_la-JudyLPrev.lo' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LIBTOOL) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libprev_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libprev_la-JudyLPrev.lo `test -f 'JudyLPrev.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`JudyLPrev.c + +libprev_la-JudyLPrevEmpty.lo: JudyLPrevEmpty.c +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ if $(LIBTOOL) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libprev_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libprev_la-JudyLPrevEmpty.lo -MD -MP -MF "$(DEPDIR)/libprev_la-JudyLPrevEmpty.Tpo" -c -o libprev_la-JudyLPrevEmpty.lo `test -f 'JudyLPrevEmpty.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`JudyLPrevEmpty.c; \ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ then mv -f "$(DEPDIR)/libprev_la-JudyLPrevEmpty.Tpo" "$(DEPDIR)/libprev_la-JudyLPrevEmpty.Plo"; else rm -f "$(DEPDIR)/libprev_la-JudyLPrevEmpty.Tpo"; exit 1; fi +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='JudyLPrevEmpty.c' object='libprev_la-JudyLPrevEmpty.lo' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LIBTOOL) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libprev_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libprev_la-JudyLPrevEmpty.lo `test -f 'JudyLPrevEmpty.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`JudyLPrevEmpty.c + +mostlyclean-libtool: + -rm -f *.lo + +clean-libtool: + -rm -rf .libs _libs + +distclean-libtool: + -rm -f libtool +uninstall-info-am: + +ID: $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES) + list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \ + unique=`for i in $$list; do \ + if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ + done | \ + $(AWK) ' { files[$$0] = 1; } \ + END { for (i in files) print i; }'`; \ + mkid -fID $$unique +tags: TAGS + +TAGS: $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(TAGS_DEPENDENCIES) \ + $(TAGS_FILES) $(LISP) + tags=; \ + here=`pwd`; \ + list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \ + unique=`for i in $$list; do \ + if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ + done | \ + $(AWK) ' { files[$$0] = 1; } \ + END { for (i in files) print i; }'`; \ + if test -z "$(ETAGS_ARGS)$$tags$$unique"; then :; else \ + test -n "$$unique" || unique=$$empty_fix; \ + $(ETAGS) $(ETAGSFLAGS) $(AM_ETAGSFLAGS) $(ETAGS_ARGS) \ + $$tags $$unique; \ + fi +ctags: CTAGS +CTAGS: $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(TAGS_DEPENDENCIES) \ + $(TAGS_FILES) $(LISP) + tags=; \ + here=`pwd`; \ + list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \ + unique=`for i in $$list; do \ + if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ + done | \ + $(AWK) ' { files[$$0] = 1; } \ + END { for (i in files) print i; }'`; \ + test -z "$(CTAGS_ARGS)$$tags$$unique" \ + || $(CTAGS) $(CTAGSFLAGS) $(AM_CTAGSFLAGS) $(CTAGS_ARGS) \ + $$tags $$unique + +GTAGS: + here=`$(am__cd) $(top_builddir) && pwd` \ + && cd $(top_srcdir) \ + && gtags -i $(GTAGS_ARGS) $$here + +distclean-tags: + -rm -f TAGS ID GTAGS GRTAGS GSYMS GPATH tags + +distdir: $(DISTFILES) + @srcdirstrip=`echo "$(srcdir)" | sed 's|.|.|g'`; \ + topsrcdirstrip=`echo "$(top_srcdir)" | sed 's|.|.|g'`; \ + list='$(DISTFILES)'; for file in $$list; do \ + case $$file in \ + $(srcdir)/*) file=`echo "$$file" | sed "s|^$$srcdirstrip/||"`;; \ + $(top_srcdir)/*) file=`echo "$$file" | sed "s|^$$topsrcdirstrip/|$(top_builddir)/|"`;; \ + esac; \ + if test -f $$file || test -d $$file; then d=.; else d=$(srcdir); fi; \ + dir=`echo "$$file" | sed -e 's,/[^/]*$$,,'`; \ + if test "$$dir" != "$$file" && test "$$dir" != "."; then \ + dir="/$$dir"; \ + $(mkdir_p) "$(distdir)$$dir"; \ + else \ + dir=''; \ + fi; \ + if test -d $$d/$$file; then \ + if test -d $(srcdir)/$$file && test $$d != $(srcdir); then \ + cp -pR $(srcdir)/$$file $(distdir)$$dir || exit 1; \ + fi; \ + cp -pR $$d/$$file $(distdir)$$dir || exit 1; \ + else \ + test -f $(distdir)/$$file \ + || cp -p $$d/$$file $(distdir)/$$file \ + || exit 1; \ + fi; \ + done +check-am: all-am +check: check-am +all-am: Makefile $(LTLIBRARIES) +installdirs: +install: install-am +install-exec: install-exec-am +install-data: install-data-am +uninstall: uninstall-am + +install-am: all-am + @$(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) install-exec-am install-data-am + +installcheck: installcheck-am +install-strip: + $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) INSTALL_PROGRAM="$(INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM)" \ + install_sh_PROGRAM="$(INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM)" INSTALL_STRIP_FLAG=-s \ + `test -z '$(STRIP)' || \ + echo "INSTALL_PROGRAM_ENV=STRIPPROG='$(STRIP)'"` install +mostlyclean-generic: + +clean-generic: + +distclean-generic: + -test -z "$(CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES)" || rm -f $(CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES) + +maintainer-clean-generic: + @echo "This command is intended for maintainers to use" + @echo "it deletes files that may require special tools to rebuild." +clean: clean-am + +clean-am: clean-generic clean-libtool clean-noinstLTLIBRARIES \ + mostlyclean-am + +distclean: distclean-am + -rm -rf ./$(DEPDIR) + -rm -f Makefile +distclean-am: clean-am distclean-compile distclean-generic \ + distclean-libtool distclean-tags + +dvi: dvi-am + +dvi-am: + +html: html-am + +info: info-am + +info-am: + +install-data-am: + +install-exec-am: + +install-info: install-info-am + +install-man: + +installcheck-am: + +maintainer-clean: maintainer-clean-am + -rm -rf ./$(DEPDIR) + -rm -f Makefile +maintainer-clean-am: distclean-am maintainer-clean-generic + +mostlyclean: mostlyclean-am + +mostlyclean-am: mostlyclean-compile mostlyclean-generic \ + mostlyclean-libtool + +pdf: pdf-am + +pdf-am: + +ps: ps-am + +ps-am: + +uninstall-am: uninstall-info-am + +.PHONY: CTAGS GTAGS all all-am check check-am clean clean-generic \ + clean-libtool clean-noinstLTLIBRARIES ctags distclean \ + distclean-compile distclean-generic distclean-libtool \ + distclean-tags distdir dvi dvi-am html html-am info info-am \ + install install-am install-data install-data-am install-exec \ + install-exec-am install-info install-info-am install-man \ + install-strip installcheck installcheck-am installdirs \ + maintainer-clean maintainer-clean-generic mostlyclean \ + mostlyclean-compile mostlyclean-generic mostlyclean-libtool \ + pdf pdf-am ps ps-am tags uninstall uninstall-am \ + uninstall-info-am + + +JudyLTables.c: JudyLTablesGen.c + $(CC) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CFLAGS) @CFLAGS@ -o JudyLTablesGen JudyLTablesGen.c; ./JudyLTablesGen + +JudyLCascade.c: copies + +copies: + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyByCount.c JudyLByCount.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyCascade.c JudyLCascade.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyCount.c JudyLCount.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyCreateBranch.c JudyLCreateBranch.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyDecascade.c JudyLDecascade.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyDel.c JudyLDel.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyFirst.c JudyLFirst.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyFreeArray.c JudyLFreeArray.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyGet.c JudyLGet.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyGet.c j__udyLGet.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyInsArray.c JudyLInsArray.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyIns.c JudyLIns.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyInsertBranch.c JudyLInsertBranch.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyMallocIF.c JudyLMallocIF.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyMemActive.c JudyLMemActive.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyMemUsed.c JudyLMemUsed.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyPrevNext.c JudyLNext.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyPrevNext.c JudyLPrev.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyPrevNextEmpty.c JudyLNextEmpty.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyPrevNextEmpty.c JudyLPrevEmpty.c + cp -f ../JudyCommon/JudyTables.c JudyLTablesGen.c +# Tell versions [3.59,3.63) of GNU make to not export all variables. +# Otherwise a system limit (for SysV at least) may be exceeded. +.NOEXPORT: diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/README b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/README new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3185dc7d --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/README @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +# @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ +# +# This tree contains sources for the JudyL*() functions. +# + +JudyL.h + +lint.waivers see usage in makefile diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/j__udyLGet.c b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/j__udyLGet.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..43ca3313 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudyL/j__udyLGet.c @@ -0,0 +1,1094 @@ +// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company +// +// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +// under the term of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +// option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +// _________________ + +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ +// +// Judy1Test() and JudyLGet() functions for Judy1 and JudyL. +// Compile with one of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL. + +#if (! (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JUDYL))) +#error: One of -DJUDY1 or -DJUDYL must be specified. +#endif + +#ifdef JUDY1 +#include "Judy1.h" +#else +#include "JudyL.h" +#endif + +#include "JudyPrivate1L.h" + +#ifdef TRACEJPR // different macro name, for "retrieval" only. +#include "JudyPrintJP.c" +#endif + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y 1 T E S T +// J U D Y L G E T +// +// See the manual entry for details. Note support for "shortcut" entries to +// trees known to start with a JPM. + +#ifdef JUDY1 + +#ifdef JUDYGETINLINE +FUNCTION int j__udy1Test +#else +FUNCTION int Judy1Test +#endif + +#else // JUDYL + +#ifdef JUDYGETINLINE +FUNCTION PPvoid_t j__udyLGet +#else +FUNCTION PPvoid_t JudyLGet +#endif + +#endif // JUDYL + ( +#ifdef JUDYGETINLINE + Pvoid_t PArray, // from which to retrieve. + Word_t Index // to retrieve. +#else + Pcvoid_t PArray, // from which to retrieve. + Word_t Index, // to retrieve. + PJError_t PJError // optional, for returning error info. +#endif + ) +{ + Pjp_t Pjp; // current JP while walking the tree. + Pjpm_t Pjpm; // for global accounting. + uint8_t Digit; // byte just decoded from Index. + Word_t Pop1; // leaf population (number of indexes). + Pjll_t Pjll; // pointer to LeafL. + DBGCODE(uint8_t ParentJPType;) + +#ifndef JUDYGETINLINE + + if (PArray == (Pcvoid_t) NULL) // empty array. + { + JUDY1CODE(return(0);) + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) NULL);) + } + +// **************************************************************************** +// PROCESS TOP LEVEL BRANCHES AND LEAF: + + if (JU_LEAFW_POP0(PArray) < cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1) // must be a LEAFW + { + Pjlw_t Pjlw = P_JLW(PArray); // first word of leaf. + int posidx; // signed offset in leaf. + + Pop1 = Pjlw[0] + 1; + posidx = j__udySearchLeafW(Pjlw + 1, Pop1, Index); + + if (posidx >= 0) + { + JUDY1CODE(return(1);) + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) (JL_LEAFWVALUEAREA(Pjlw, Pop1) + posidx));) + } + JUDY1CODE(return(0);) + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) NULL);) + } + +#endif // ! JUDYGETINLINE + + Pjpm = P_JPM(PArray); + Pjp = &(Pjpm->jpm_JP); // top branch is below JPM. + +// **************************************************************************** +// WALK THE JUDY TREE USING A STATE MACHINE: + +ContinueWalk: // for going down one level; come here with Pjp set. + +#ifdef TRACEJPR + JudyPrintJP(Pjp, "g", __LINE__); +#endif + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { + +// Ensure the switch table starts at 0 for speed; otherwise more code is +// executed: + + case 0: goto ReturnCorrupt; // save a little code. + + +// **************************************************************************** +// JPNULL*: +// +// Note: These are legitimate in a BranchU (only) and do not constitute a +// fault. + + case cJU_JPNULL1: + case cJU_JPNULL2: + case cJU_JPNULL3: +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPNULL4: + case cJU_JPNULL5: + case cJU_JPNULL6: + case cJU_JPNULL7: +#endif + assert(ParentJPType >= cJU_JPBRANCH_U2); + assert(ParentJPType <= cJU_JPBRANCH_U); + JUDY1CODE(return(0);) + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) NULL);) + + +// **************************************************************************** +// JPBRANCH_L*: +// +// Note: The use of JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX() in branches is not strictly +// required,since this can be done at leaf level, but it costs nothing to do it +// sooner, and it aborts an unnecessary traversal sooner. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L2: + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 2)) break; + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 2); + goto JudyBranchL; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L3: + +#ifdef JU_64BIT // otherwise its a no-op: + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 3)) break; +#endif + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 3); + goto JudyBranchL; + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L4: + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 4)) break; + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 4); + goto JudyBranchL; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L5: + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 5)) break; + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 5); + goto JudyBranchL; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L6: + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 6)) break; + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 6); + goto JudyBranchL; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L7: + + // JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX() would be a no-op. + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 7); + goto JudyBranchL; + +#endif // JU_64BIT + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L: + { + Pjbl_t Pjbl; + int posidx; + + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, cJU_ROOTSTATE); + +// Common code for all BranchLs; come here with Digit set: + +JudyBranchL: + Pjbl = P_JBL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + posidx = 0; + + do { + if (Pjbl->jbl_Expanse[posidx] == Digit) + { // found Digit; continue traversal: + DBGCODE(ParentJPType = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp);) + Pjp = Pjbl->jbl_jp + posidx; + goto ContinueWalk; + } + } while (++posidx != Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs); + + break; + } + + +// **************************************************************************** +// JPBRANCH_B*: + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B2: + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 2)) break; + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 2); + goto JudyBranchB; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B3: + +#ifdef JU_64BIT // otherwise its a no-op: + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 3)) break; +#endif + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 3); + goto JudyBranchB; + + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B4: + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 4)) break; + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 4); + goto JudyBranchB; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B5: + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 5)) break; + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 5); + goto JudyBranchB; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B6: + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 6)) break; + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 6); + goto JudyBranchB; + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B7: + + // JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX() would be a no-op. + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 7); + goto JudyBranchB; + +#endif // JU_64BIT + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B: + { + Pjbb_t Pjbb; + Word_t subexp; // in bitmap, 0..7. + BITMAPB_t BitMap; // for one subexpanse. + BITMAPB_t BitMask; // bit in BitMap for Indexs Digit. + + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, cJU_ROOTSTATE); + +// Common code for all BranchBs; come here with Digit set: + +JudyBranchB: + DBGCODE(ParentJPType = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp);) + Pjbb = P_JBB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + subexp = Digit / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPB; + + BitMap = JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp); + Pjp = P_JP(JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp)); + + BitMask = JU_BITPOSMASKB(Digit); + +// No JP in subexpanse for Index => Index not found: + + if (! (BitMap & BitMask)) break; + +// Count JPs in the subexpanse below the one for Index: + + Pjp += j__udyCountBitsB(BitMap & (BitMask - 1)); + + goto ContinueWalk; + + } // case cJU_JPBRANCH_B* + + +// **************************************************************************** +// JPBRANCH_U*: +// +// Notice the reverse order of the cases, and falling through to the next case, +// for performance. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U: + + DBGCODE(ParentJPType = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp);) + Pjp = JU_JBU_PJP(Pjp, Index, cJU_ROOTSTATE); + +// If not a BranchU, traverse; otherwise fall into the next case, which makes +// this very fast code for a large Judy array (mainly BranchUs), especially +// when branches are already in the cache, such as for prev/next: + +#ifndef JU_64BIT + if (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) != cJU_JPBRANCH_U3) goto ContinueWalk; +#else + if (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) != cJU_JPBRANCH_U7) goto ContinueWalk; +#endif + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U7: + + // JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX() would be a no-op. + DBGCODE(ParentJPType = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp);) + Pjp = JU_JBU_PJP(Pjp, Index, 7); + + if (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) != cJU_JPBRANCH_U6) goto ContinueWalk; + // and fall through. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U6: + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 6)) break; + DBGCODE(ParentJPType = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp);) + Pjp = JU_JBU_PJP(Pjp, Index, 6); + + if (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) != cJU_JPBRANCH_U5) goto ContinueWalk; + // and fall through. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U5: + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 5)) break; + DBGCODE(ParentJPType = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp);) + Pjp = JU_JBU_PJP(Pjp, Index, 5); + + if (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) != cJU_JPBRANCH_U4) goto ContinueWalk; + // and fall through. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U4: + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 4)) break; + DBGCODE(ParentJPType = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp);) + Pjp = JU_JBU_PJP(Pjp, Index, 4); + + if (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) != cJU_JPBRANCH_U3) goto ContinueWalk; + // and fall through. + +#endif // JU_64BIT + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U3: + +#ifdef JU_64BIT // otherwise its a no-op: + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 3)) break; +#endif + DBGCODE(ParentJPType = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp);) + Pjp = JU_JBU_PJP(Pjp, Index, 3); + + if (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp) != cJU_JPBRANCH_U2) goto ContinueWalk; + // and fall through. + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U2: + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 2)) break; + DBGCODE(ParentJPType = JU_JPTYPE(Pjp);) + Pjp = JU_JBU_PJP(Pjp, Index, 2); + +// Note: BranchU2 is a special case that must continue traversal to a leaf, +// immed, full, or null type: + + goto ContinueWalk; + + +// **************************************************************************** +// JPLEAF*: +// +// Note: Here the calls of JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX() are necessary and check +// whether Index is out of the expanse of a narrow pointer. + +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + + case cJU_JPLEAF1: + { + int posidx; // signed offset in leaf. + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 1)) break; + + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + Pjll = P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + if ((posidx = j__udySearchLeaf1(Pjll, Pop1, Index)) < 0) break; + + JUDY1CODE(return(1);) + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) (JL_LEAF1VALUEAREA(Pjll, Pop1) + posidx));) + } + +#endif // (JUDYL || (! JU_64BIT)) + + case cJU_JPLEAF2: + { + int posidx; // signed offset in leaf. + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 2)) break; + + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + Pjll = P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + if ((posidx = j__udySearchLeaf2(Pjll, Pop1, Index)) < 0) break; + + JUDY1CODE(return(1);) + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) (JL_LEAF2VALUEAREA(Pjll, Pop1) + posidx));) + } + case cJU_JPLEAF3: + { + int posidx; // signed offset in leaf. + +#ifdef JU_64BIT // otherwise its a no-op: + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 3)) break; +#endif + + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + Pjll = P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + if ((posidx = j__udySearchLeaf3(Pjll, Pop1, Index)) < 0) break; + + JUDY1CODE(return(1);) + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) (JL_LEAF3VALUEAREA(Pjll, Pop1) + posidx));) + } +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPLEAF4: + { + int posidx; // signed offset in leaf. + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 4)) break; + + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + Pjll = P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + if ((posidx = j__udySearchLeaf4(Pjll, Pop1, Index)) < 0) break; + + JUDY1CODE(return(1);) + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) (JL_LEAF4VALUEAREA(Pjll, Pop1) + posidx));) + } + case cJU_JPLEAF5: + { + int posidx; // signed offset in leaf. + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 5)) break; + + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + Pjll = P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + if ((posidx = j__udySearchLeaf5(Pjll, Pop1, Index)) < 0) break; + + JUDY1CODE(return(1);) + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) (JL_LEAF5VALUEAREA(Pjll, Pop1) + posidx));) + } + + case cJU_JPLEAF6: + { + int posidx; // signed offset in leaf. + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 6)) break; + + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + Pjll = P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + if ((posidx = j__udySearchLeaf6(Pjll, Pop1, Index)) < 0) break; + + JUDY1CODE(return(1);) + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) (JL_LEAF6VALUEAREA(Pjll, Pop1) + posidx));) + } + case cJU_JPLEAF7: + { + int posidx; // signed offset in leaf. + + // JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX() would be a no-op. + Pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + Pjll = P_JLL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + if ((posidx = j__udySearchLeaf7(Pjll, Pop1, Index)) < 0) break; + + JUDY1CODE(return(1);) + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) (JL_LEAF7VALUEAREA(Pjll, Pop1) + posidx));) + } +#endif // JU_64BIT + + +// **************************************************************************** +// JPLEAF_B1: + + case cJU_JPLEAF_B1: + { + Pjlb_t Pjlb; +#ifdef JUDYL + int posidx; + Word_t subexp; // in bitmap, 0..7. + BITMAPL_t BitMap; // for one subexpanse. + BITMAPL_t BitMask; // bit in BitMap for Indexs Digit. + Pjv_t Pjv; +#endif + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 1)) break; + + Pjlb = P_JLB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + +#ifdef JUDY1 + +// Simply check if Indexs bit is set in the bitmap: + + if (JU_BITMAPTESTL(Pjlb, Index)) return(1); + break; + +#else // JUDYL + +// JudyL is much more complicated because of value area subarrays: + + Digit = JU_DIGITATSTATE(Index, 1); + subexp = Digit / cJU_BITSPERSUBEXPL; + BitMap = JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp); + BitMask = JU_BITPOSMASKL(Digit); + +// No value in subexpanse for Index => Index not found: + + if (! (BitMap & BitMask)) break; + +// Count value areas in the subexpanse below the one for Index: + + Pjv = P_JV(JL_JLB_PVALUE(Pjlb, subexp)); + assert(Pjv != (Pjv_t) NULL); + posidx = j__udyCountBitsL(BitMap & (BitMask - 1)); + + return((PPvoid_t) (Pjv + posidx)); + +#endif // JUDYL + + } // case cJU_JPLEAF_B1 + +#ifdef JUDY1 + +// **************************************************************************** +// JPFULLPOPU1: +// +// If the Index is in the expanse, it is necessarily valid (found). + + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1: + + if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 1)) break; + return(1); + +#ifdef notdef // for future enhancements +#ifdef JU_64BIT + +// Note: Need ? if (JU_DCDNOTMATCHINDEX(Index, Pjp, 1)) break; + + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m15: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[14] == (uint8_t)Index) break; + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m14: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[13] == (uint8_t)Index) break; + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m13: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[12] == (uint8_t)Index) break; + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m12: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[11] == (uint8_t)Index) break; + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m11: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[10] == (uint8_t)Index) break; + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m10: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[9] == (uint8_t)Index) break; + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m9: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[8] == (uint8_t)Index) break; + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m8: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[7] == (uint8_t)Index) break; +#endif + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m7: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[6] == (uint8_t)Index) break; + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m6: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[5] == (uint8_t)Index) break; + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m5: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[4] == (uint8_t)Index) break; + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m4: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[3] == (uint8_t)Index) break; + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m3: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[2] == (uint8_t)Index) break; + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m2: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[1] == (uint8_t)Index) break; + case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1m1: + if (Pjp->jp_1Index[0] == (uint8_t)Index) break; + + return(1); // found, not in exclusion list + +#endif // JUDY1 +#endif // notdef + +// **************************************************************************** +// JPIMMED*: +// +// Note that the contents of jp_DcdPopO are different for cJU_JPIMMED_*_01: + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_01: +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPIMMED_4_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_5_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_6_01: + case cJU_JPIMMED_7_01: +#endif + if (JU_JPDCDPOP0(Pjp) != JU_TRIMTODCDSIZE(Index)) break; + + JUDY1CODE(return(1);) + JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) &(Pjp->jp_Addr));) // immediate value area. + + +// Macros to make code more readable and avoid dup errors + +#ifdef JUDY1 + +#define CHECKINDEXNATIVE(LEAF_T, PJP, IDX, INDEX) \ +if (((LEAF_T *)((PJP)->jp_1Index))[(IDX) - 1] == (LEAF_T)(INDEX)) \ + return(1) + +#define CHECKLEAFNONNAT(LFBTS, PJP, INDEX, IDX, COPY) \ +{ \ + Word_t i_ndex; \ + uint8_t *a_ddr; \ + a_ddr = (PJP)->jp_1Index + (((IDX) - 1) * (LFBTS)); \ + COPY(i_ndex, a_ddr); \ + if (i_ndex == JU_LEASTBYTES((INDEX), (LFBTS))) \ + return(1); \ +} +#endif + +#ifdef JUDYL + +#define CHECKINDEXNATIVE(LEAF_T, PJP, IDX, INDEX) \ +if (((LEAF_T *)((PJP)->jp_LIndex))[(IDX) - 1] == (LEAF_T)(INDEX)) \ + return((PPvoid_t)(P_JV((PJP)->jp_Addr) + (IDX) - 1)) + +#define CHECKLEAFNONNAT(LFBTS, PJP, INDEX, IDX, COPY) \ +{ \ + Word_t i_ndex; \ + uint8_t *a_ddr; \ + a_ddr = (PJP)->jp_LIndex + (((IDX) - 1) * (LFBTS)); \ + COPY(i_ndex, a_ddr); \ + if (i_ndex == JU_LEASTBYTES((INDEX), (LFBTS))) \ + return((PPvoid_t)(P_JV((PJP)->jp_Addr) + (IDX) - 1)); \ +} +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_15: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 15, Index); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_14: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 14, Index); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_13: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 13, Index); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_12: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 12, Index); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_11: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 11, Index); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_10: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 10, Index); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_09: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 9, Index); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_08: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 8, Index); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_07: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 7, Index); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_06: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 6, Index); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_05: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 5, Index); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_04: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 4, Index); +#endif + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_03: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 3, Index); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_02: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 2, Index); + CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint8_t, Pjp, 1, Index); + break; + +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_07: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint16_t, Pjp, 7, Index); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_06: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint16_t, Pjp, 6, Index); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_05: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint16_t, Pjp, 5, Index); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_04: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint16_t, Pjp, 4, Index); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_03: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint16_t, Pjp, 3, Index); + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_02: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint16_t, Pjp, 2, Index); + CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint16_t, Pjp, 1, Index); + break; +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_05: + CHECKLEAFNONNAT(3, Pjp, Index, 5, JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_04: + CHECKLEAFNONNAT(3, Pjp, Index, 4, JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_03: + CHECKLEAFNONNAT(3, Pjp, Index, 3, JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_02: + CHECKLEAFNONNAT(3, Pjp, Index, 2, JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG); + CHECKLEAFNONNAT(3, Pjp, Index, 1, JU_COPY3_PINDEX_TO_LONG); + break; +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_03: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint32_t, Pjp, 3, Index); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02: CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint32_t, Pjp, 2, Index); + CHECKINDEXNATIVE(uint32_t, Pjp, 1, Index); + break; + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_03: + CHECKLEAFNONNAT(5, Pjp, Index, 3, JU_COPY5_PINDEX_TO_LONG); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02: + CHECKLEAFNONNAT(5, Pjp, Index, 2, JU_COPY5_PINDEX_TO_LONG); + CHECKLEAFNONNAT(5, Pjp, Index, 1, JU_COPY5_PINDEX_TO_LONG); + break; + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02: + CHECKLEAFNONNAT(6, Pjp, Index, 2, JU_COPY6_PINDEX_TO_LONG); + CHECKLEAFNONNAT(6, Pjp, Index, 1, JU_COPY6_PINDEX_TO_LONG); + break; + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02: + CHECKLEAFNONNAT(7, Pjp, Index, 2, JU_COPY7_PINDEX_TO_LONG); + CHECKLEAFNONNAT(7, Pjp, Index, 1, JU_COPY7_PINDEX_TO_LONG); + break; + +#endif // (JUDY1 && JU_64BIT) + + +// **************************************************************************** +// INVALID JP TYPE: + + default: + +ReturnCorrupt: + +#ifdef JUDYGETINLINE // Pjpm is known to be non-null: + JU_SET_ERRNO_NONNULL(Pjpm, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); +#else + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); +#endif + JUDY1CODE(return(JERRI );) + JUDYLCODE(return(PPJERR);) + + } // switch on JP type + +JUDY1CODE(return(0);) +JUDYLCODE(return((PPvoid_t) NULL);) + +} // Judy1Test() / JudyLGet() + + +#ifndef JUDYGETINLINE // only compile the following function once: +#ifdef DEBUG + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y C H E C K P O P +// +// Given a pointer to a Judy array, traverse the entire array to ensure +// population counts add up correctly. This can catch various coding errors. +// +// Since walking the entire tree is probably time-consuming, enable this +// function by setting env parameter $CHECKPOP to first call at which to start +// checking. Note: This function is called both from insert and delete code. +// +// Note: Even though this function does nothing useful for LEAFW leaves, its +// good practice to call it anyway, and cheap too. +// +// TBD: This is a debug-only check function similar to JudyCheckSorted(), but +// since it walks the tree it is Judy1/JudyL-specific and must live in a source +// file that is built both ways. +// +// TBD: As feared, enabling this code for every insert/delete makes Judy +// deathly slow, even for a small tree (10K indexes). Its not so bad if +// present but disabled (<1% slowdown measured). Still, should it be ifdefd +// other than DEBUG and/or called less often? +// +// TBD: Should this "population checker" be expanded to a comprehensive tree +// checker? It currently detects invalid LEAFW/JP types as well as inconsistent +// pop1s. Other possible checks, all based on essentially redundant data in +// the Judy tree, include: +// +// - Zero LS bits in jp_Addr field. +// +// - Correct Dcd bits. +// +// - Consistent JP types (always descending down the tree). +// +// - Sorted linear lists in BranchLs and leaves (using JudyCheckSorted(), but +// ideally that function is already called wherever appropriate after any +// linear list is modified). +// +// - Any others possible? + +#include // for getenv() and atol(). + +static Word_t JudyCheckPopSM(Pjp_t Pjp, Word_t RootPop1); + +FUNCTION void JudyCheckPop( + Pvoid_t PArray) +{ +static bool_t checked = FALSE; // already checked env parameter. +static bool_t enabled = FALSE; // env parameter set. +static bool_t active = FALSE; // calls >= callsmin. +static Word_t callsmin; // start point from $CHECKPOP. +static Word_t calls = 0; // times called so far. + + +// CHECK FOR EXTERNAL ENABLING: + + if (! checked) // only check once. + { + char * value; // for getenv(). + + checked = TRUE; + + if ((value = getenv("CHECKPOP")) == (char *) NULL) + { +#ifdef notdef +// Take this out because nightly tests want to be flavor-independent; its not +// OK to emit special non-error output from the debug flavor: + + (void) puts("JudyCheckPop() present but not enabled by " + "$CHECKPOP env parameter; set it to the number of " + "calls at which to begin checking"); +#endif + return; + } + + callsmin = atol(value); // note: non-number evaluates to 0. + enabled = TRUE; + + (void) printf("JudyCheckPop() present and enabled; callsmin = " + "%lu\n", callsmin); + } + else if (! enabled) return; + +// Previously or just now enabled; check if non-active or newly active: + + if (! active) + { + if (++calls < callsmin) return; + + (void) printf("JudyCheckPop() activated at call %lu\n", calls); + active = TRUE; + } + +// IGNORE LEAFW AT TOP OF TREE: + + if (JU_LEAFW_POP0(PArray) < cJU_LEAFW_MAXPOP1) // must be a LEAFW + return; + +// Check JPM pop0 against tree, recursively: +// +// Note: The traversal code in JudyCheckPopSM() is simplest when the case +// statement for each JP type compares the pop1 for that JP to its subtree (if +// any) after traversing the subtree (thats the hard part) and adding up +// actual pop1s. A top branchs JP in the JPM does not have room for a +// full-word pop1, so pass it in as a special case. + + { + Pjpm_t Pjpm = P_JPM(PArray); + (void) JudyCheckPopSM(&(Pjpm->jpm_JP), Pjpm->jpm_Pop0 + 1); + return; + } + +} // JudyCheckPop() + + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y C H E C K P O P S M +// +// Recursive state machine (subroutine) for JudyCheckPop(): Given a Pjp (other +// than JPNULL*; caller should shortcut) and the root population for top-level +// branches, check the subtrees actual pop1 against its nominal value, and +// return the total pop1 for the subtree. +// +// Note: Expect RootPop1 to be ignored at lower levels, so pass down 0, which +// should pop an assertion if this expectation is violated. + +FUNCTION static Word_t JudyCheckPopSM( + Pjp_t Pjp, // top of subtree. + Word_t RootPop1) // whole array, for top-level branches only. +{ + Word_t pop1_jp; // nominal population from the JP. + Word_t pop1 = 0; // actual population at this level. + Word_t offset; // in a branch. + +#define PREPBRANCH(cPopBytes,Next) \ + pop1_jp = JU_JPBRANCH_POP0(Pjp, cPopBytes) + 1; goto Next + +assert((((Word_t) (Pjp->jp_Addr)) & 7) == 3); + switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + { + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L2: PREPBRANCH(2, BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L3: PREPBRANCH(3, BranchL); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L4: PREPBRANCH(4, BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L5: PREPBRANCH(5, BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L6: PREPBRANCH(6, BranchL); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L7: PREPBRANCH(7, BranchL); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_L: pop1_jp = RootPop1; + { + Pjbl_t Pjbl; +BranchL: + Pjbl = P_JBL(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + for (offset = 0; offset < (Pjbl->jbl_NumJPs); ++offset) + pop1 += JudyCheckPopSM((Pjbl->jbl_jp) + offset, 0); + + assert(pop1_jp == pop1); + return(pop1); + } + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B2: PREPBRANCH(2, BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B3: PREPBRANCH(3, BranchB); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B4: PREPBRANCH(4, BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B5: PREPBRANCH(5, BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B6: PREPBRANCH(6, BranchB); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B7: PREPBRANCH(7, BranchB); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_B: pop1_jp = RootPop1; + { + Word_t subexp; + Word_t jpcount; + Pjbb_t Pjbb; +BranchB: + Pjbb = P_JBB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + for (subexp = 0; subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPB; ++subexp) + { + jpcount = j__udyCountBitsB(JU_JBB_BITMAP(Pjbb, subexp)); + + for (offset = 0; offset < jpcount; ++offset) + { + pop1 += JudyCheckPopSM(P_JP(JU_JBB_PJP(Pjbb, subexp)) + + offset, 0); + } + } + + assert(pop1_jp == pop1); + return(pop1); + } + + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U2: PREPBRANCH(2, BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U3: PREPBRANCH(3, BranchU); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U4: PREPBRANCH(4, BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U5: PREPBRANCH(5, BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U6: PREPBRANCH(6, BranchU); + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U7: PREPBRANCH(7, BranchU); +#endif + case cJU_JPBRANCH_U: pop1_jp = RootPop1; + { + Pjbu_t Pjbu; +BranchU: + Pjbu = P_JBU(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + for (offset = 0; offset < cJU_BRANCHUNUMJPS; ++offset) + { + if (((Pjbu->jbu_jp[offset].jp_Type) >= cJU_JPNULL1) + && ((Pjbu->jbu_jp[offset].jp_Type) <= cJU_JPNULLMAX)) + { + continue; // skip null JP to save time. + } + + pop1 += JudyCheckPopSM((Pjbu->jbu_jp) + offset, 0); + } + + assert(pop1_jp == pop1); + return(pop1); + } + + +// -- Cases below here terminate and do not recurse. -- +// +// For all of these cases except JPLEAF_B1, there is no way to check the JPs +// pop1 against the object itself; just return the pop1; but for linear leaves, +// a bounds check is possible. + +#define CHECKLEAF(MaxPop1) \ + pop1 = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; \ + assert(pop1 >= 1); \ + assert(pop1 <= (MaxPop1)); \ + return(pop1) + +#if (defined(JUDYL) || (! defined(JU_64BIT))) + case cJU_JPLEAF1: CHECKLEAF(cJU_LEAF1_MAXPOP1); +#endif + case cJU_JPLEAF2: CHECKLEAF(cJU_LEAF2_MAXPOP1); + case cJU_JPLEAF3: CHECKLEAF(cJU_LEAF3_MAXPOP1); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPLEAF4: CHECKLEAF(cJU_LEAF4_MAXPOP1); + case cJU_JPLEAF5: CHECKLEAF(cJU_LEAF5_MAXPOP1); + case cJU_JPLEAF6: CHECKLEAF(cJU_LEAF6_MAXPOP1); + case cJU_JPLEAF7: CHECKLEAF(cJU_LEAF7_MAXPOP1); +#endif + + case cJU_JPLEAF_B1: + { + Word_t subexp; + Pjlb_t Pjlb; + + pop1_jp = JU_JPLEAF_POP0(Pjp) + 1; + + Pjlb = P_JLB(Pjp->jp_Addr); + + for (subexp = 0; subexp < cJU_NUMSUBEXPL; ++subexp) + pop1 += j__udyCountBitsL(JU_JLB_BITMAP(Pjlb, subexp)); + + assert(pop1_jp == pop1); + return(pop1); + } + + JUDY1CODE(case cJ1_JPFULLPOPU1: return(cJU_JPFULLPOPU1_POP0);) + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_01: return(1); + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_01: return(1); + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_01: return(1); +#ifdef JU_64BIT + case cJU_JPIMMED_4_01: return(1); + case cJU_JPIMMED_5_01: return(1); + case cJU_JPIMMED_6_01: return(1); + case cJU_JPIMMED_7_01: return(1); +#endif + + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_02: return(2); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_03: return(3); +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_04: return(4); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_05: return(5); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_06: return(6); + case cJU_JPIMMED_1_07: return(7); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_08: return(8); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_09: return(9); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_10: return(10); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_11: return(11); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_12: return(12); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_13: return(13); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_14: return(14); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_1_15: return(15); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_02: return(2); + case cJU_JPIMMED_2_03: return(3); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_04: return(4); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_05: return(5); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_06: return(6); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_2_07: return(7); +#endif + +#if (defined(JUDY1) || defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJU_JPIMMED_3_02: return(2); +#endif +#if (defined(JUDY1) && defined(JU_64BIT)) + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_03: return(3); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_04: return(4); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_3_05: return(5); + + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_02: return(2); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_4_03: return(3); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_02: return(2); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_5_03: return(3); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_6_02: return(2); + case cJ1_JPIMMED_7_02: return(2); +#endif + + } // switch (JU_JPTYPE(Pjp)) + + assert(FALSE); // unrecognized JP type => corruption. + return(0); // to make some compilers happy. + +} // JudyCheckPopSM() + +#endif // DEBUG +#endif // ! JUDYGETINLINE diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudySL/JudySL.c b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudySL/JudySL.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a027a8e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudySL/JudySL.c @@ -0,0 +1,1127 @@ +// +// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +// under the term of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +// option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +// _________________ + +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ +// +// JUDY FUNCTIONS FOR STRING INDEXES, where associated values are longs. One +// JudySL*() corresponds to each JudyL*() function (with exceptions). +// +// See the manual entry for details. +// +// METHOD: Break up each null-terminated Index (string) into chunks of W +// bytes, where W is the machines word size, with null-padding in the last +// word if necessary. Store strings as a tree of JudyL arrays, that is, array +// of array of array... where each level consumes W bytes (one word) as an +// index to the JudyL array at that level. Since strings can begin on +// arbitrary byte boundaries, copy each chunk of W bytes from Index into a +// word-aligned object before using it as a Judy index. +// +// The JudySL tree also supports "single-index shortcut leaves". A simple +// JudySL array (tree of JudyL arrays) would go as many levels deep as the +// Index (string) is long, which wastes time and memory when an Index is unique +// beyond a certain point. When theres just one Index under a pointer, given +// a reliable way to tell that the pointer is not a root pointer to another +// JudyL array, it should save a lot of time to instead point to a "leaf" +// object, similar to leaves in JudyL arrays. +// +// TBD: Multi-index leaves, like those in JudyL, are also worth considering, +// but their payback for JudySL is less certain. Likewise, shortcut branches +// are worth considering too. +// +// This code uses the Judy.h definitions and Doug Baskins convention of a "P" +// prefix for pointers, except no "P" for the first level of char * (strings). + +// IMPORTS: + +#include // for strcmp(), strlen(), strcpy() +#include + +#ifndef NDEDUG +#define NDEBUG 1 +#endif +#include + +//======================================================================= +// Compile: +// +// cc -O JudyHS.c -c +// +// Notes: +// 1) use -DJU_64BIT for 64 bit compiles (HP, Sun, IPF, Motorola/IBM? etc..) +// 2) In gcc version 3.3.1 for a Centrino, -O2 is faster than -O +// 3) In gcc version 3.3.2 for a Centrino, -O3 is faster than -O2 +//======================================================================= + +#define JU_SET_ERRNO(PJERROR, JERRNO) \ +{ \ + if (PJERROR != (PJError_t)NULL) \ + { \ + JU_ERRNO(PJERROR) = (JERRNO); \ + JU_ERRID(PJERROR) = __LINE__; \ + } \ +} + +#define JU_SET_ERRNO_NONNULL(PJERROR, JERRNO) \ +{ \ + JU_ERRNO(PJERROR) = (JERRNO); \ + JU_ERRID(PJERROR) = __LINE__; \ +} + +// SUPPORT FOR HANDLING WORDS: + +#define WORDSIZE (sizeof (Word_t)) // bytes in word = JudyL index. +#define WORDS(BYTES) (((BYTES) + WORDSIZE - 1) / WORDSIZE) // round up. + +// To mark a pointer is to a "short cut leaf", set least bit + +#define IS_PSCL(PSCL) (((Word_t) (PSCL)) & JLAP_INVALID) +#define CLEAR_PSCL(PSCL) ((Pscl_t)(((Word_t) (PSCL)) & (~JLAP_INVALID))) +#define SET_PSCL(PSCL) (((Word_t) (PSCL)) | JLAP_INVALID) + +// MISCELLANEOUS GLOBALS: + +// Get the Index (string) length in bytes, including the trailing \0, which +// is an integral part of the string: + +// A string is "in the last word" if a previously-set byte count is at or below +// the system word size, or in some cases if the last byte in the (null-padded) +// word is null (assume big-endian, including in a register on a little-endian +// machine): + +#define LASTWORD_BY_VALUE(WORD) (! ((WORD) & 0xffL)) + +#ifdef JU_64BIT + +// copy from 1..7 bytes from string to Word_t and test if \0 bytes +// +#define COPYSTRINGtoWORD(WORD,STR) \ +{ \ + do \ + { \ + uint8_t chr; \ + WORD = (Word_t)(STR)[0] << 56; \ + if (!(WORD)) break; \ + if (!(chr = (STR)[1])) break; \ + WORD += ((Word_t)(chr) << 48); \ + if (!(chr = (STR)[2])) break; \ + WORD += ((Word_t)(chr) << 40); \ + if (!(chr = (STR)[3])) break; \ + WORD += ((Word_t)(chr) << 32); \ + if (!(chr = (STR)[4])) break; \ + WORD += ((Word_t)(chr) << 24); \ + if (!(chr = (STR)[5])) break; \ + WORD += ((Word_t)(chr) << 16); \ + if (!(chr = (STR)[6])) break; \ + WORD += ((Word_t)(chr) << 8) + (STR)[7]; \ + } while(0); \ +} + +// copy Word_t from 1..8 bytes to string and test of \0 bytes +// +#define COPYWORDtoSTRING(STR,WORD) \ +{ \ + do \ + { \ + if (!((STR)[0] = (uint8_t)((WORD) >> 56))) break; \ + if (!((STR)[1] = (uint8_t)((WORD) >> 48))) break; \ + if (!((STR)[2] = (uint8_t)((WORD) >> 40))) break; \ + if (!((STR)[3] = (uint8_t)((WORD) >> 32))) break; \ + if (!((STR)[4] = (uint8_t)((WORD) >> 24))) break; \ + if (!((STR)[5] = (uint8_t)((WORD) >> 16))) break; \ + if (!((STR)[6] = (uint8_t)((WORD) >> 8))) break; \ + (STR)[7] = (uint8_t)(WORD); \ + } while(0); \ +} + +#else // JU_32BIT + +// copy from 1..4 bytes from string to Word_t and test if \0 bytes + +#define COPYSTRINGtoWORD(WORD,STR) \ +{ \ + do \ + { \ + uint8_t chr; \ + WORD = (STR)[0] << 24; \ + if (WORD == 0) break; \ + if (!(chr = (STR)[1])) break; \ + WORD += (Word_t)(chr << 16); \ + if (!(chr = (STR)[2])) break; \ + WORD += (Word_t)(chr << 8) + (STR)[3]; \ + } while(0); \ +} + +// copy Word_t from 1..4 bytes to string and test of \0 bytes + +#define COPYWORDtoSTRING(STR,WORD) \ +{ \ + do \ + { \ + if (!((STR)[0] = (uint8_t)((WORD) >> 24))) break; \ + if (!((STR)[1] = (uint8_t)((WORD) >> 16))) break; \ + if (!((STR)[2] = (uint8_t)((WORD) >> 8))) break; \ + (STR)[3] = (uint8_t)(WORD); \ + } while(0); \ +} +#endif // JU_32BIT + + +// SUPPORT FOR SINGLE-INDEX SHORTCUT LEAVES: + +typedef struct SHORCUTLEAF +{ + Pvoid_t scl_Pvalue; // callers value area. + uint8_t scl_Index[WORDSIZE]; // base Index string. +} scl_t , *Pscl_t; + +// overhead of the scl_Pvalue only, the scl_Index is calculate elsewhere + +#define STRUCTOVD (sizeof(scl_t) - WORDSIZE) + +// How big to malloc a shortcut leaf; stringlen should already include the +// trailing null char: + +#define SCLSIZE(LEN) (((LEN) + STRUCTOVD + WORDSIZE - 1) / WORDSIZE) + +// string routines, may replace with your own +// +#define STRCMP(S1,S2) strcmp((void *)(S1), (void *)(S2)) +#define STRCPY(S1,S2) strcpy((void *)(S1), (void *)(S2)) +#define STRLEN(S1) (strlen((void *)(S1)) + 1) + + +// Index and value area for a shortcut leaf, depending on how it matches the +// undecoded remainder of the Index, given a Pscl_t that includes type bits +// that must be cleared: +// +// PSCLINDEX() and PSCLVALUE() are also useful when Pscl contains uncleared +// TYPE bits. +// +// Note: SCLCMP() cannot take advantage of knowing the Index length because +// the scl_Index length is not pre-known when these macros are used. + +#define PSCLINDEX(PSCL) ((CLEAR_PSCL(PSCL))->scl_Index) +#define PSCLVALUE(PSCL) ((CLEAR_PSCL(PSCL))->scl_Pvalue) + +#define SCLCMP(INDEX,PSCL) STRCMP(INDEX, PSCLINDEX(PSCL)) + +#define PPSCLVALUE_EQ(INDEX,PSCL) \ + ((SCLCMP(INDEX, PSCL) == 0) ? &PSCLVALUE(PSCL) : (PPvoid_t)NULL) + +#define PPSCLVALUE_LT(INDEX,PSCL) \ + ((SCLCMP(INDEX, PSCL) < 0) ? &PSCLVALUE(PSCL) : (PPvoid_t)NULL) + +#define PPSCLVALUE_GT(INDEX,PSCL) \ + ((SCLCMP(INDEX, PSCL) > 0) ? &PSCLVALUE(PSCL) : (PPvoid_t)NULL) + +// Common in-lined code to append or free a shortcut leaf: +// +// See header comments about premature return(). Note that malloc() does not +// pre-zero the memory, so ensure scl_Pvalue is zeroed, just like a value area +// in a JudyL array. Hope strcpy() is fast enough in this context. + +#define APPEND_SCL(PSCL,PPARRAY,INDEX,LEN,PJERROR) \ +{ \ + if (((PSCL) = (Pscl_t) JudyMalloc(SCLSIZE(LEN))) == (Pscl_t)NULL) \ + { \ + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJERROR, JU_ERRNO_NOMEM); \ + return (PPJERR); \ + } \ + *(PPARRAY) = (Pvoid_t)SET_PSCL(PSCL); \ + ((PSCL)->scl_Pvalue) = (Pvoid_t)NULL; \ + (void)STRCPY((PSCL)->scl_Index, INDEX); \ +} + +// "FORWARD" DECLARATIONS: + +static void JudySLModifyErrno(PJError_t PJError, + Pcvoid_t PArray, Pcvoid_t PArrayOrig); +static int JudySLDelSub(PPvoid_t PPArray, PPvoid_t PPArrayOrig, + const uint8_t * Index, Word_t len, PJError_t PJError); +static PPvoid_t JudySLPrevSub(Pcvoid_t PArray, uint8_t * Index, int orig, + Word_t len, PJError_t PJError); +static PPvoid_t JudySLNextSub(Pcvoid_t PArray, uint8_t * Index, int orig, + Word_t len, PJError_t PJError); + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y S L M O D I F Y E R R N O +// +// Common code for error translation: When a caller passes an invalid JAP +// ("not a JudyL pointer"), OR if the JudySL array is corrupted at a lower +// level, various JudyL*() calls return JU_ERRNO_NOTJUDYL. If the caller wants +// detailed error info, convert this particular error to JU_ERRNO_NOTJUDYSL if +// at the top of the tree, otherwise convert it to JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT, meaning +// there was a corruption (the only one even detectable outside JudyL) in the +// JudySL tree; but pass through any other errors unaltered. + +static void +JudySLModifyErrno(PJError_t PJError, // to modify if non-null. + Pcvoid_t PArray, // current JudyL array. + Pcvoid_t PArrayOrig // top-of-tree JudyL array. + ) +{ // map this Judy errno. + if ((PJError != PJE0) && (JU_ERRNO(PJError) == JU_ERRNO_NOTJUDYL)) + { + if (PArray == PArrayOrig) // callers fault. + { + JU_SET_ERRNO_NONNULL(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NOTJUDYSL); + } + else // lower level. + { + JU_SET_ERRNO_NONNULL(PJError, JU_ERRNO_CORRUPT); + } + } +} // JudySLModifyErrno() + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y S L G E T +// +// See comments in file header and below. + +PPvoid_t +JudySLGet(Pcvoid_t PArray, const uint8_t * Index, PJError_t PJError) +{ + const uint8_t *pos = Index; // place in Index. + Word_t indexword; // buffer for aligned copy. + PPvoid_t PPValue; // from JudyL array. + +// CHECK FOR CALLER ERROR (NULL POINTER): + + if (Index == (uint8_t *) NULL) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NULLPINDEX); + return (PPJERR); + } + +// SEARCH NEXT LEVEL JUDYL ARRAY IN TREE: +// +// Use or copy each word from the Index string and check for it in the next +// level JudyL array in the array tree, but first watch for shortcut leaves. +// Upon invalid Index or end of Index (string) in current word, return. + + do // until return. + { + if (IS_PSCL(PArray)) // a shortcut leaf. + return (PPSCLVALUE_EQ(pos, PArray)); + + COPYSTRINGtoWORD(indexword, pos); // copy next 4[8] bytes. + + JLG(PPValue, PArray, indexword); + + if ((PPValue == (PPvoid_t) NULL) || LASTWORD_BY_VALUE(indexword)) + return (PPValue); + +// CONTINUE TO NEXT LEVEL DOWN JUDYL ARRAY TREE: +// +// If a previous JudySLIns() ran out of memory partway down the tree, it left a +// null *PPValue; this is automatically treated here as a dead-end (not a core +// dump or assertion; see version 1.25). + + pos += WORDSIZE; + PArray = *PPValue; // each value -> next array. + } while(1); // forever +// NOTREACHED JudySLGet() +} + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y S L I N S +// +// See also the comments in JudySLGet(), which is somewhat similar, though +// simpler. +// +// Theory of operation: +// +// Upon encountering a null pointer in the tree of JudyL arrays, insert a +// shortcut leaf -- including directly under a null root pointer for the first +// Index in the JudySL array. +// +// Upon encountering a pre-existing shortcut leaf, if the old Index is equal to +// the new one, return the old value area. Otherwise, "carry down" the old +// Index until the old and new Indexes diverge, at which point each Index +// either terminates in the last JudyL array or a new shortcut leaf is inserted +// under it for the Indexs remainder. +// +// TBD: Running out of memory below the starting point causes a premature +// return below (in several places) and leaves a dead-end in the JudySL tree. +// Ideally the code here would back this out rather than wasting a little +// memory, but in lieu of that, the get, delete, and search functions +// understand dead-ends and handle them appropriately. + +PPvoid_t +JudySLIns(PPvoid_t PPArray, const uint8_t * Index, PJError_t PJError) +{ + PPvoid_t PPArrayOrig = PPArray; // for error reporting. + const uint8_t *pos = Index; // place in Index. + const uint8_t *pos2 = (uint8_t *) NULL; // old Index (SCL being moved). + Word_t len; // bytes remaining. + +// Note: len2 is set when needed and only used when valid, but this is not +// clear to gcc -Wall, so initialize it here to avoid a warning: + + Word_t len2 = 0; // for old Index (SCL being moved). + Word_t scl2 = 0; // size in words of SCL + Word_t indexword; // buffer for aligned copy. + Word_t indexword2; // for old Index (SCL being moved). + PPvoid_t PPValue; // from JudyL array. + PPvoid_t PPValue2; // for old Index (SCL being moved). + Pscl_t Pscl = (Pscl_t) NULL; // shortcut leaf. + Pscl_t Pscl2; // for old Index (SCL being moved). + +// CHECK FOR CALLER ERROR (NULL POINTERS): + + if (PPArray == (PPvoid_t) NULL) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NULLPPARRAY); + return (PPJERR); + } + if (Index == (uint8_t *) NULL) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NULLPINDEX); + return (PPJERR); + } + + len = STRLEN(Index); // bytes remaining. + +// APPEND SHORTCUT LEAF: +// +// If PPArray, which is the root pointer to the first or next JudyL array in +// the tree, points to null (no next JudyL array), AND there is no shortcut +// leaf being carried down, append a shortcut leaf here for the new Index, no +// matter how much of the Index string remains (one or more bytes, including +// the trailing \0). + + while (1) // until return. + { + if (*PPArray == (Pvoid_t)NULL) // no next JudyL array. + { + if (Pscl == (Pscl_t) NULL) // no SCL being carried down. + { + APPEND_SCL(Pscl, PPArray, pos, len, PJError); // returns if error. + return (&(Pscl->scl_Pvalue)); + } + // else do nothing here; see below. + } + +// CARRY DOWN PRE-EXISTING SHORTCUT LEAF: +// +// When PPArray points to a pre-existing shortcut leaf, if its Index is equal +// to the Index to be inserted, meaning no insertion is required, return its +// value area; otherwise, "move it aside" and "carry it down" -- replace it +// (see below) with one or more levels of JudyL arrays. Moving it aside +// initially just means setting Pscl non-null, both as a flag and for later +// use, and clearing the pointer to the SCL in the JudyL array. + + else if (IS_PSCL(*PPArray)) + { + assert(Pscl == (Pscl_t) NULL); // no nested SCLs. + + Pscl = CLEAR_PSCL(*PPArray); + + pos2 = Pscl->scl_Index; // note: pos2 is always word-aligned. + len2 = STRLEN(pos2); // bytes remaining. + +// first check if string is already inserted + + if ((len == len2) && (STRCMP(pos, pos2) == 0)) + return (&(Pscl->scl_Pvalue)); + + *PPArray = (Pvoid_t)NULL; // disconnect SCL. + + scl2 = SCLSIZE(len2); // save for JudyFree + + // continue with *PPArray now clear, and Pscl, pos2, len2 set. + } + +// CHECK IF OLD AND NEW INDEXES DIVERGE IN THE CURRENT INDEX WORD: +// +// If a shortcut leaf is being carried down and its remaining Index chars now +// diverge from the remaining chars of the Index being inserted, that is, if +// the next words of each Index differ, "plug in" the old Index here, in a new +// JudyL array, before proceeding. +// +// Note: Call JudyLIns() for the SCL Index word before calling it for the new +// Index word, so PPValue remains correct for the latter. (JudyLIns() return +// values are not stable across multiple calls.) +// +// Note: Although pos2 is word-aligned, and a Pscl_t is a whole number of +// words in size, pos2 is not certain to be null-padded through a whole word, +// so copy it first to an index word for later use. +// +// See header comments about premature return(). + + COPYSTRINGtoWORD(indexword, pos); // copy next 4[8] bytes. + + if (Pscl != (Pscl_t) NULL) + { + COPYSTRINGtoWORD(indexword2, pos2); // copy next 4[8] bytes. + + if (indexword != indexword2) // SCL and new Indexes diverge. + { + assert(*PPArray == (Pvoid_t)NULL); // should be new JudyL array. + +// Note: If JudyLIns() returns JU_ERRNO_NOTJUDYL here, *PPArray should not be +// modified, so JudySLModifyErrno() can do the right thing. + + if ((PPValue2 = JudyLIns(PPArray, indexword2, PJError)) + == PPJERR) + { + JudySLModifyErrno(PJError, *PPArray, *PPArrayOrig); + return (PPJERR); + } + + assert(PPValue2 != (PPvoid_t) NULL); + +// If the old (SCL) Index terminates here, copy its value directly into the +// JudyL value area; otherwise create a new shortcut leaf for it, under +// *PPValue2 (skipping the word just inserted), and copy its value to the new +// SCL: + + if (len2 <= WORDSIZE) + { + *((PWord_t)PPValue2) = (Word_t)(Pscl->scl_Pvalue); + } + else + { + APPEND_SCL(Pscl2, PPValue2, pos2 + WORDSIZE, + len2 - WORDSIZE, PJError); + (Pscl2->scl_Pvalue) = Pscl->scl_Pvalue; + } +// old SCL no longer needed. + + JudyFree((void *)Pscl, scl2); + + Pscl = (Pscl_t) NULL; + } + } + +// APPEND NEXT LEVEL JUDYL ARRAY TO TREE: +// +// If a shortcut leaf was carried down and diverged at this level, the code +// above already appended the new JudyL array, but the next word of the new +// Index still must be inserted in it. +// +// See header comments about premature return(). +// +// Note: If JudyLIns() returns JU_ERRNO_NOTJUDYL here, *PPArray should not be +// modified, so JudySLModifyErrno() can do the right thing. + + if ((PPValue = JudyLIns(PPArray, indexword, PJError)) == PPJERR) + { + JudySLModifyErrno(PJError, *PPArray, *PPArrayOrig); + return (PPJERR); + } + + assert(PPValue != (PPvoid_t) NULL); + +// CHECK IF NEW INDEX TERMINATES: +// +// Note that if it does, and an old SCL was being carried down, it must have +// diverged by this point, and is already handled. + + if (len <= WORDSIZE) + { + assert(Pscl == (Pscl_t) NULL); + return (PPValue); // is value for whole Index string. + } + + pos += WORDSIZE; + len -= WORDSIZE; + pos2 += WORDSIZE; // useless unless Pscl is set. + len2 -= WORDSIZE; + + PPArray = PPValue; // each value -> next array. + } // while. +} // NOTREACHED, JudySLIns() + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y S L D E L +// +// See the comments in JudySLGet(), which is somewhat similar. +// +// Unlike JudySLGet() and JudySLIns(), recurse downward through the tree of +// JudyL arrays to find and delete the given Index, if present, and then on the +// way back up, any of its parent arrays which ends up empty. +// +// TECHNICAL NOTES: +// +// Recursion seems bad, but this allows for an arbitrary-length Index. Also, a +// more clever iterative solution that used JudyLCount() (see below) would +// still require a function call per tree level, so why not just recurse? +// +// An earlier version (1.20) used a fixed-size stack, which limited the Index +// size. We were going to replace this with using JudyLCount(), in order to +// note and return to (read this carefully) the highest level JudyL array with +// a count of 1, all of whose descendant JudyL arrays also have a count of 1, +// and delete from that point downwards. This solution would traverse the +// array tree downward looking to see if the given Index is in the tree, then +// if so, delete layers downwards starting below the last one that contains +// other Indexes than the one being deleted. +// +// TBD: To save time coding, and to very likely save time overall during +// execution, this function does "lazy deletions", or putting it more nicely, +// it allows "hysteresis" in the JudySL tree, when shortcut leafs are present. +// It only removes the specified Index, and recursively any empty JudyL arrays +// above it, without fully reversing the effects of JudySLIns(). This is +// probably OK because any application that calls JudySLDel() is likely to call +// JudySLIns() again with the same or a neighbor Index. + +int +JudySLDel(PPvoid_t PPArray, const uint8_t * Index, PJError_t PJError) // optional, for returning error info. +{ + +// Check for caller error (null pointer): + + if (PPArray == (PPvoid_t) NULL) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NULLPPARRAY); + return (JERR); + } + if (Index == (uint8_t *) NULL) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NULLPINDEX); + return (JERR); + } + +// Do the deletion: + + return (JudySLDelSub(PPArray, PPArray, Index, STRLEN(Index), PJError)); + +} // JudySLDel() + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y S L D E L S U B +// +// This is the "engine" for JudySLDel() that expects aligned and len to already +// be computed (only once). See the header comments for JudySLDel(). + +static int +JudySLDelSub(PPvoid_t PPArray, // in which to delete. + PPvoid_t PPArrayOrig, // for error reporting. + const uint8_t * Index, // to delete. + Word_t len, // bytes remaining. + PJError_t PJError) // optional, for returning error info. +{ + Word_t indexword; // next word to find. + PPvoid_t PPValue; // from JudyL array. + int retcode; // from lower-level call. + + assert(PPArray != (PPvoid_t) NULL); + assert(Index != (uint8_t *) NULL); + +// DELETE SHORTCUT LEAF: +// +// As described above, this can leave an empty JudyL array, or one containing +// only a single other Index word -- which could be, but is not, condensed into +// a higher-level shortcut leaf. More precisely, at this level it leaves a +// temporary "dead end" in the JudySL tree, similar to when running out of +// memory during JudySLIns(), and this is somewhat cleaned up by higher +// recursions of the same function (see below); but remaining shortcut leaves +// for other Indexes are not coalesced. + + if (IS_PSCL(*PPArray)) + { + Pscl_t Pscll = CLEAR_PSCL(*PPArray); + Word_t words; + + if (STRCMP(Index, Pscll->scl_Index)) + return (0); // incorrect index. + + words = SCLSIZE(STRLEN(Pscll->scl_Index)); + JudyFree((void *)Pscll, words); + + *PPArray = (Pvoid_t)NULL; + return (1); // correct index deleted. + } + +// DELETE LAST INDEX WORD, FROM CURRENT JUDYL ARRAY: +// +// When at the end of the full Index, delete the last word, if present, from +// the current JudyL array, and return the result all the way up. + + COPYSTRINGtoWORD(indexword, Index); // copy next 4[8] bytes. + + if (len <= WORDSIZE) + { + if ((retcode = JudyLDel(PPArray, indexword, PJError)) == JERR) + { + JudySLModifyErrno(PJError, *PPArray, *PPArrayOrig); + return (JERR); + } + return (retcode); + } + +// DELETE BELOW NON-LAST INDEX WORD IN CURRENT JUDYL ARRAY: +// +// If a word before the end of the full Index is present in the current JudyL +// array, recurse through its value, which must be a pointer to another JudyL +// array, to continue the deletion at the next level. Return the JudyLGet() +// return if the Indexs current word is not in the JudyL array, or if no +// delete occurs below this level, both of which mean the whole Index is not +// currently valid. +// + + JLG(PPValue, *PPArray, indexword); + if (PPValue == (PPvoid_t) NULL) + return (0); // Index not in JudySL array. +// If a previous JudySLIns() ran out of memory partway down the tree, it left a +// null *PPValue; this is automatically treated as a dead-end (not a core dump +// or assertion; see version 1.25). + if ((retcode = + JudySLDelSub(PPValue, PPArrayOrig, Index + WORDSIZE, + len - WORDSIZE, PJError)) != 1) + { + return (retcode); // no lower-level delete, or error. + } + +// DELETE EMPTY JUDYL ARRAY: +// +// A delete occurred below in the tree. If the child JudyL array became empty, +// delete the current Index word from the current JudyL array, which could +// empty the current array and null out *PPArray in turn (or pass through an +// error). Otherwise simply indicate that a deletion did occur. + + if (*PPValue == (Pvoid_t)NULL) + { + if ((retcode = JudyLDel(PPArray, indexword, PJError)) == JERR) + { + JudySLModifyErrno(PJError, *PPArray, *PPArrayOrig); + return (JERR); + } + + return (retcode); + } + + return (1); +} // JudySLDelSub() + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y S L P R E V +// +// Recursively traverse the JudySL tree downward using JudyLGet() to look for +// each successive index word from Index in the JudyL array at each level. At +// the last level for the Index (LASTWORD_BY_LEN()), use JudyLPrev() instead of +// JudyLGet(), to exclude the initial Index. If this doesnt result in finding +// a previous Index, work back up the tree using JudyLPrev() at each higher +// level to search for a previous index word. Upon finding a previous index +// word, descend again if/as necessary, this time inclusively, to find and +// return the full previous Index. +// +// Also support shortcut leaves. +// +// Since this function is recursive and it also needs to know if its still +// looking for the original Index (to exclude it at the LASTWORD_BY_LEN() +// level) or for the remaining words of the previous Index (inclusive), +// actually call a subroutine that takes an additional parameter. +// +// See also the technical notes in JudySLDel() regarding the use of recursion +// rather than iteration. + +PPvoid_t +JudySLPrev(Pcvoid_t PArray, uint8_t * Index, PJError_t PJError) // optional, for returning error info. +{ +// Check for caller error (null pointer), or empty JudySL array: + + if (Index == (uint8_t *) NULL) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NULLPINDEX); + return (PPJERR); + } + + if (PArray == (Pvoid_t)NULL) + return ((PPvoid_t) NULL); +// Do the search: + return (JudySLPrevSub(PArray, Index, /* original = */ 1, + STRLEN(Index), PJError)); +} // JudySLPrev() + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y S L P R E V S U B +// +// This is the "engine" for JudySLPrev() that knows whether its still looking +// for the original Index (exclusive) or a neighbor index (inclusive), and that +// expects aligned and len to already be computed (only once). See the header +// comments for JudySLPrev(). + +static PPvoid_t +JudySLPrevSub(Pcvoid_t PArray, uint8_t * Index, int orig, + Word_t len, // bytes remaining. + PJError_t PJError) // optional, for returning error info. +{ + Word_t indexword; // next word to find. + PPvoid_t PPValue; // from JudyL array. +// ORIGINAL SEARCH: +// +// When at a shortcut leaf, copy its remaining Index (string) chars into Index +// and return its value area if the current Index is after (greater than) the +// SCLs index; otherwise return null. + if (orig) + { + if (IS_PSCL(PArray)) + { + if ((PPValue = PPSCLVALUE_GT(Index, PArray)) != (PPvoid_t) NULL) + (void)STRCPY(Index, PSCLINDEX(PArray)); + return (PPValue); + } + +// If the current Index word: +// - is not the last word in Index (end of string), +// - exists in the current JudyL array, and, +// - a previous Index is found below it, return that Indexs value area. + + COPYSTRINGtoWORD(indexword, Index); // copy next 4[8] bytes. + if (len > WORDSIZE) // not at end of Index. + { + JLG(PPValue, PArray, indexword); + if (PPValue != (PPvoid_t) NULL) + { + +// If a previous JudySLIns() ran out of memory partway down the tree, it left a +// null *PPValue; this is automatically treated as a dead-end (not a core dump +// or assertion; see version 1.25): + + PPValue = JudySLPrevSub(*PPValue, Index + WORDSIZE, + /* original = */ 1, + len - WORDSIZE, PJError); + if (PPValue == PPJERR) + return (PPJERR); // propagate error. + if (PPValue != (PPvoid_t) NULL) + return (PPValue); // see above. + } + } + +// Search for previous index word: +// +// One of the above conditions is false. Search the current JudyL array for +// the Index word, if any, prior to the current index word. If none is found, +// return null; otherwise fall through to common later code. + + if ((PPValue = JudyLPrev(PArray, &indexword, PJError)) == PPJERR) + { + JudySLModifyErrno(PJError, PArray, orig ? PArray : (Pvoid_t)NULL); + return (PPJERR); + } + + if (PPValue == (PPvoid_t) NULL) + return ((PPvoid_t) NULL); // no previous index word. + } // if. + +// SUBSEQUENT SEARCH: +// +// A higher level search already excluded the initial Index, then found a +// previous index word, and is now traversing down to determine the rest of the +// Index and to obtain its value area. If at a shortcut leaf, return its value +// area. Otherwise search the current JudyL array backward from the upper +// limit for its last index word. If no index word is found, return null -- +// should never happen unless the JudySL tree is corrupt; otherwise fall +// through to common later code. + + else + { + if (IS_PSCL(PArray)) // at shortcut leaf. + { + (void)STRCPY(Index, PSCLINDEX(PArray)); + return (&PSCLVALUE(PArray)); + } + + indexword = ~0UL; + if ((PPValue = JudyLLast(PArray, &indexword, PJError)) == PPJERR) + { + JudySLModifyErrno(PJError, PArray, orig ? PArray : (Pvoid_t)NULL); + return (PPJERR); + } + +// If a previous JudySLIns() ran out of memory partway down the tree, it left a +// null *PPValue; this is automatically treated as a dead-end (not a core dump +// or assertion; see version 1.25): + + if (PPValue == (PPvoid_t) NULL) + return ((PPvoid_t) NULL); // no previous index word. + } + +// FOUND PREVIOUS INDEX WORD: +// +// A previous (if original) or last (if subsequent) index word was located in +// the current JudyL array. Store it into the callers Index (string). Then +// if the found (previous) Index ends here, return its value area; otherwise do +// a subsequent search below this point, which should never fail unless the +// JudySL tree is corrupt, but this is detected at a lower level by the above +// assertion. +// +// Note: Treat Index as unaligned, even if it is aligned, to avoid writing +// past the end of allocated memory (in case its less than a whole number of +// words). + + COPYWORDtoSTRING(Index, indexword); // copy next 4[8] bytes. + if (LASTWORD_BY_VALUE(indexword)) + return (PPValue); +// If a previous JudySLIns() ran out of memory partway down the tree, it left a +// null *PPValue; this is automatically treated as a dead-end (not a core dump +// or assertion; see version 1.25): + return (JudySLPrevSub(*PPValue, Index + WORDSIZE, /* original = */ 0, + len - WORDSIZE, PJError)); +} // JudySLPrevSub() + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y S L N E X T +// +// See the comments in JudySLPrev(), which is very similar. +// +// TBD: Could the two functions call a common engine function with various +// subfunctions and other constants specified? + +PPvoid_t +JudySLNext(Pcvoid_t PArray, uint8_t * Index, PJError_t PJError) // optional, for returning error info. +{ +// Check for caller error (null pointer), or empty JudySL array: + + if (Index == (uint8_t *) NULL) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NULLPINDEX); + return (PPJERR); + } + + if (PArray == (Pvoid_t)NULL) + return ((PPvoid_t) NULL); +// Do the search: + return (JudySLNextSub(PArray, Index, /* original = */ 1, + STRLEN(Index), PJError)); +} // JudySLNext() + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y S L N E X T S U B +// +// See the comments in JudySLPrevSub(), which is very similar. + +static PPvoid_t +JudySLNextSub(Pcvoid_t PArray, uint8_t * Index, int orig, + Word_t len, // bytes remaining. + PJError_t PJError) // optional, for returning error info. +{ + Word_t indexword; // next word to find. + PPvoid_t PPValue; // from JudyL array. + if (orig) + { + if (IS_PSCL(PArray)) + { + if ((PPValue = PPSCLVALUE_LT(Index, PArray)) != (PPvoid_t) NULL) + (void)STRCPY(Index, PSCLINDEX(PArray)); + return (PPValue); + } + + COPYSTRINGtoWORD(indexword, Index); // copy next 4[8] bytes. + + if (len > WORDSIZE) // not at end of Index. + { + JLG(PPValue, PArray, indexword); + if (PPValue != (PPvoid_t) NULL) + { +// If a previous JudySLIns() ran out of memory partway down the tree, it left a +// null *PPValue; this is automatically treated as a dead-end (not a core dump +// or assertion; see version 1.25): + + PPValue = JudySLNextSub(*PPValue, Index + WORDSIZE, + /* original = */ 1, + len - WORDSIZE, PJError); + if (PPValue == PPJERR) + return (PPJERR); // propagate error. + if (PPValue != (PPvoid_t) NULL) + return (PPValue); // see above. + } + } + + if ((PPValue = JudyLNext(PArray, &indexword, PJError)) == PPJERR) + { + JudySLModifyErrno(PJError, PArray, orig ? PArray : (Pvoid_t)NULL); + return (PPJERR); + } + + if (PPValue == (PPvoid_t) NULL) + return ((PPvoid_t) NULL); // no next index word. + } + else + { + if (IS_PSCL(PArray)) // at shortcut leaf. + { + (void)STRCPY(Index, PSCLINDEX(PArray)); + return (&PSCLVALUE(PArray)); + } + + indexword = 0; + if ((PPValue = JudyLFirst(PArray, &indexword, PJError)) == PPJERR) + { + JudySLModifyErrno(PJError, PArray, orig ? PArray : (Pvoid_t)NULL); + return (PPJERR); + } + +// If a previous JudySLIns() ran out of memory partway down the tree, it left a +// null *PPValue; this is automatically treated as a dead-end (not a core dump +// or assertion; see version 1.25): + + if (PPValue == (PPvoid_t) NULL) + return ((PPvoid_t) NULL); // no next index word. + } + + COPYWORDtoSTRING(Index, indexword); // copy next 4[8] bytes + if (LASTWORD_BY_VALUE(indexword)) + return (PPValue); +// If a previous JudySLIns() ran out of memory partway down the tree, it left a +// null *PPValue; this is automatically treated as a dead-end (not a core dump +// or assertion; see version 1.25): + return (JudySLNextSub(*PPValue, Index + WORDSIZE, /* original = */ 0, + len - WORDSIZE, PJError)); +} // JudySLNextSub() + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y S L F I R S T +// +// Like JudyLFirst(), do a JudySLGet(), then if necessary a JudySLNext(). + +PPvoid_t +JudySLFirst(Pcvoid_t PArray, uint8_t * Index, PJError_t PJError) // optional, for returning error info. +{ + PPvoid_t PPValue; // from JudyL array. + if (Index == (uint8_t *) NULL) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NULLPINDEX); + return (PPJERR); + } + + if ((PPValue = JudySLGet(PArray, Index, PJError)) == PPJERR) + return (PPJERR); // propagate serious error. + if ((PPValue == (PPvoid_t) NULL) // first try failed. + && ((PPValue = JudySLNext(PArray, Index, PJError)) == PPJERR)) + { + return (PPJERR); // propagate serious error. + } + + return (PPValue); +} // JudySLFirst() + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y S L L A S T +// +// Like JudyLLast(), do a JudySLGet(), then if necessary a JudySLPrev(). + +PPvoid_t +JudySLLast(Pcvoid_t PArray, uint8_t * Index, PJError_t PJError) // optional, for returning error info. +{ + PPvoid_t PPValue; // from JudyL array. + if (Index == (uint8_t *) NULL) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NULLPINDEX); + return (PPJERR); + } + + if ((PPValue = JudySLGet(PArray, Index, PJError)) == PPJERR) + return (PPJERR); // propagate serious error. + if ((PPValue == (PPvoid_t) NULL) // first try failed. + && ((PPValue = JudySLPrev(PArray, Index, PJError)) == PPJERR)) + { + return (PPJERR); // propagate serious error. + } + + return (PPValue); +} // JudySLLast() + +// **************************************************************************** +// J U D Y S L F R E E A R R A Y +// +// Walk the JudySL tree of JudyL arrays to free each JudyL array, depth-first. +// During the walk, ignore indexes (strings) that end in the current JudyL +// array to be freed. Just recurse through those indexes which do not end, +// that is, those whose associated value areas point to subsidiary JudyL +// arrays, except for those which point to shortcut leaves. Return the total +// bytes freed in all of the JudyL arrays at or below the current level. +// +// Like the JudyLFreeArray() and Judy1FreeArray() code, this is written +// recursively, which is probably fast enough, to allow indexes (strings) of +// arbitrary size. If recursion turns out to be a problem, consider instead +// doing some large, fixed number of iterative descents (like 100) using a +// fixed-size "stack" (array), then recursing upon overflow (relatively +// rarely). + +Word_t +JudySLFreeArray(PPvoid_t PPArray, PJError_t PJError) // optional, for returning error info. +{ + PPvoid_t PPArrayOrig = PPArray; // for error reporting. + Word_t indexword = 0; // word just found. + PPvoid_t PPValue; // from Judy array. + Word_t bytes_freed = 0; // bytes freed at this level. + Word_t bytes_total = 0; // bytes freed at all levels. + if (PPArray == (PPvoid_t) NULL) + { + JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, JU_ERRNO_NULLPPARRAY); + return (JERR); + } + +// FREE SHORTCUT LEAF: + + if (IS_PSCL(*PPArray)) + { + Word_t freewords; + Pscl_t Pscl; + + Pscl = CLEAR_PSCL(*PPArray); + + freewords = SCLSIZE(STRLEN(Pscl->scl_Index)); + + JudyFree((void *)Pscl, freewords); + + *PPArray = (Pvoid_t)NULL; + + return (freewords * WORDSIZE); + } + +// FREE EACH SUB-ARRAY (DEPTH-FIRST): +// +// If a previous JudySLIns() ran out of memory partway down the tree, it left a +// null *PPValue. This is automatically treated correctly here as a dead-end. +// +// An Index (string) ends in the current word iff the last byte of the +// (null-padded) word is null. + + for (PPValue = JudyLFirst(*PPArray, &indexword, PJError); + (PPValue != (PPvoid_t) NULL) && (PPValue != PPJERR); + PPValue = JudyLNext(*PPArray, &indexword, PJError)) + { + if (!LASTWORD_BY_VALUE(indexword)) + { + if ((bytes_freed = JudySLFreeArray(PPValue, PJError)) == JERR) + return (JERR); // propagate serious error. + bytes_total += bytes_freed; + } + } + +// Check for a serious error in a JudyL*() call: + + if (PPValue == PPJERR) + { + JudySLModifyErrno(PJError, *PPArray, *PPArrayOrig); + return (JERR); + } + +// Now free the current array, which also nulls the pointer: +// +// Note: *PPArray can be null here for a totally null JudySL array => +// JudyLFreeArray() returns zero. + + if ((bytes_freed = JudyLFreeArray(PPArray, PJError)) == JERR) + { + JudySLModifyErrno(PJError, *PPArray, *PPArrayOrig); + return (JERR); + } + return (bytes_total + bytes_freed); +} // JudySLFreeArray() diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudySL/Makefile.am b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudySL/Makefile.am new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ada11693 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudySL/Makefile.am @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +INCLUDES = -I. -I.. -I../JudyCommon/ +AM_CFLAGS = @CFLAGS@ @WARN_CFLAGS@ + +noinst_LTLIBRARIES = libJudySL.la + +libJudySL_la_SOURCES = JudySL.c diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudySL/Makefile.in b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudySL/Makefile.in new file mode 100644 index 00000000..67755c65 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudySL/Makefile.in @@ -0,0 +1,430 @@ +# Makefile.in generated by automake 1.9.3 from Makefile.am. +# @configure_input@ + +# Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, +# 2003, 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# This Makefile.in is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. + +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law; without +# even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A +# PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + +@SET_MAKE@ + +SOURCES = $(libJudySL_la_SOURCES) + +srcdir = @srcdir@ +top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@ +VPATH = @srcdir@ +pkgdatadir = $(datadir)/@PACKAGE@ +pkglibdir = $(libdir)/@PACKAGE@ +pkgincludedir = $(includedir)/@PACKAGE@ +top_builddir = ../.. +am__cd = CDPATH="$${ZSH_VERSION+.}$(PATH_SEPARATOR)" && cd +INSTALL = @INSTALL@ +install_sh_DATA = $(install_sh) -c -m 644 +install_sh_PROGRAM = $(install_sh) -c +install_sh_SCRIPT = $(install_sh) -c +INSTALL_HEADER = $(INSTALL_DATA) +transform = $(program_transform_name) +NORMAL_INSTALL = : +PRE_INSTALL = : +POST_INSTALL = : +NORMAL_UNINSTALL = : +PRE_UNINSTALL = : +POST_UNINSTALL = : +build_triplet = @build@ +host_triplet = @host@ +subdir = src/JudySL +DIST_COMMON = README $(srcdir)/Makefile.am $(srcdir)/Makefile.in +ACLOCAL_M4 = $(top_srcdir)/aclocal.m4 +am__aclocal_m4_deps = $(top_srcdir)/configure.ac +am__configure_deps = $(am__aclocal_m4_deps) $(CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCIES) \ + $(ACLOCAL_M4) +mkinstalldirs = $(install_sh) -d +CONFIG_HEADER = $(top_builddir)/config.h +CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES = +LTLIBRARIES = $(noinst_LTLIBRARIES) +libJudySL_la_LIBADD = +am_libJudySL_la_OBJECTS = JudySL.lo +libJudySL_la_OBJECTS = $(am_libJudySL_la_OBJECTS) +DEFAULT_INCLUDES = -I. -I$(srcdir) -I$(top_builddir) +depcomp = $(SHELL) $(top_srcdir)/depcomp +am__depfiles_maybe = depfiles +COMPILE = $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) \ + $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) +LTCOMPILE = $(LIBTOOL) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) \ + $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) \ + $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) +CCLD = $(CC) +LINK = $(LIBTOOL) --tag=CC --mode=link $(CCLD) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) \ + $(AM_LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ +SOURCES = $(libJudySL_la_SOURCES) +DIST_SOURCES = $(libJudySL_la_SOURCES) +ETAGS = etags +CTAGS = ctags +DISTFILES = $(DIST_COMMON) $(DIST_SOURCES) $(TEXINFOS) $(EXTRA_DIST) +ACLOCAL = @ACLOCAL@ +AMDEP_FALSE = @AMDEP_FALSE@ +AMDEP_TRUE = @AMDEP_TRUE@ +AMTAR = @AMTAR@ +AR = @AR@ +AUTOCONF = @AUTOCONF@ +AUTOHEADER = @AUTOHEADER@ +AUTOMAKE = @AUTOMAKE@ +AWK = @AWK@ +CC = @CC@ +CCDEPMODE = @CCDEPMODE@ +CFLAGS = @CFLAGS@ +CPP = @CPP@ +CPPFLAGS = @CPPFLAGS@ +CXX = @CXX@ +CXXCPP = @CXXCPP@ +CXXDEPMODE = @CXXDEPMODE@ +CXXFLAGS = @CXXFLAGS@ +CYGPATH_W = @CYGPATH_W@ +DEFS = @DEFS@ +DEPDIR = @DEPDIR@ +ECHO = @ECHO@ +ECHO_C = @ECHO_C@ +ECHO_N = @ECHO_N@ +ECHO_T = @ECHO_T@ +EGREP = @EGREP@ +EXEEXT = @EXEEXT@ +F77 = @F77@ +FFLAGS = @FFLAGS@ +FLAVOR = @FLAVOR@ +INSTALL_DATA = @INSTALL_DATA@ +INSTALL_PROGRAM = @INSTALL_PROGRAM@ +INSTALL_SCRIPT = @INSTALL_SCRIPT@ +INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM = @INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM@ +LD = @LD@ +LDFLAGS = @LDFLAGS@ +LIBOBJS = @LIBOBJS@ +LIBS = @LIBS@ +LIBTOOL = @LIBTOOL@ +LN_S = @LN_S@ +LTLIBOBJS = @LTLIBOBJS@ +MAINT = @MAINT@ +MAINTAINER_MODE_FALSE = @MAINTAINER_MODE_FALSE@ +MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE = @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ +MAKEINFO = @MAKEINFO@ +OBJEXT = @OBJEXT@ +PACKAGE = @PACKAGE@ +PACKAGE_BUGREPORT = @PACKAGE_BUGREPORT@ +PACKAGE_NAME = @PACKAGE_NAME@ +PACKAGE_STRING = @PACKAGE_STRING@ +PACKAGE_TARNAME = @PACKAGE_TARNAME@ +PACKAGE_VERSION = @PACKAGE_VERSION@ +PATH_SEPARATOR = @PATH_SEPARATOR@ +RANLIB = @RANLIB@ +SET_MAKE = @SET_MAKE@ +SHELL = @SHELL@ +STRIP = @STRIP@ +VERSION = @VERSION@ +VERSION_INFO = @VERSION_INFO@ +WARN_CFLAGS = @WARN_CFLAGS@ +ac_ct_AR = @ac_ct_AR@ +ac_ct_CC = @ac_ct_CC@ +ac_ct_CXX = @ac_ct_CXX@ +ac_ct_F77 = @ac_ct_F77@ +ac_ct_LD = @ac_ct_LD@ +ac_ct_RANLIB = @ac_ct_RANLIB@ +ac_ct_STRIP = @ac_ct_STRIP@ +am__fastdepCC_FALSE = @am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ +am__fastdepCC_TRUE = @am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ +am__fastdepCXX_FALSE = @am__fastdepCXX_FALSE@ +am__fastdepCXX_TRUE = @am__fastdepCXX_TRUE@ +am__include = @am__include@ +am__leading_dot = @am__leading_dot@ +am__quote = @am__quote@ +am__tar = @am__tar@ +am__untar = @am__untar@ +bindir = @bindir@ +build = @build@ +build_alias = @build_alias@ +build_cpu = @build_cpu@ +build_os = @build_os@ +build_vendor = @build_vendor@ +datadir = @datadir@ +exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@ +host = @host@ +host_alias = @host_alias@ +host_cpu = @host_cpu@ +host_os = @host_os@ +host_vendor = @host_vendor@ +includedir = @includedir@ +infodir = @infodir@ +install_sh = @install_sh@ +libdir = @libdir@ +libexecdir = @libexecdir@ +localstatedir = @localstatedir@ +mandir = @mandir@ +mkdir_p = @mkdir_p@ +oldincludedir = @oldincludedir@ +prefix = @prefix@ +program_transform_name = @program_transform_name@ +sbindir = @sbindir@ +sharedstatedir = @sharedstatedir@ +sysconfdir = @sysconfdir@ +target_alias = @target_alias@ +INCLUDES = -I. -I.. -I../JudyCommon/ +AM_CFLAGS = @CFLAGS@ @WARN_CFLAGS@ +noinst_LTLIBRARIES = libJudySL.la +libJudySL_la_SOURCES = JudySL.c +all: all-am + +.SUFFIXES: +.SUFFIXES: .c .lo .o .obj +$(srcdir)/Makefile.in: @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(srcdir)/Makefile.am $(am__configure_deps) + @for dep in $?; do \ + case '$(am__configure_deps)' in \ + *$$dep*) \ + cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh \ + && exit 0; \ + exit 1;; \ + esac; \ + done; \ + echo ' cd $(top_srcdir) && $(AUTOMAKE) --gnu src/JudySL/Makefile'; \ + cd $(top_srcdir) && \ + $(AUTOMAKE) --gnu src/JudySL/Makefile +.PRECIOUS: Makefile +Makefile: $(srcdir)/Makefile.in $(top_builddir)/config.status + @case '$?' in \ + *config.status*) \ + cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh;; \ + *) \ + echo ' cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$@ $(am__depfiles_maybe)'; \ + cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$@ $(am__depfiles_maybe);; \ + esac; + +$(top_builddir)/config.status: $(top_srcdir)/configure $(CONFIG_STATUS_DEPENDENCIES) + cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh + +$(top_srcdir)/configure: @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(am__configure_deps) + cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh +$(ACLOCAL_M4): @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(am__aclocal_m4_deps) + cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh + +clean-noinstLTLIBRARIES: + -test -z "$(noinst_LTLIBRARIES)" || rm -f $(noinst_LTLIBRARIES) + @list='$(noinst_LTLIBRARIES)'; for p in $$list; do \ + dir="`echo $$p | sed -e 's|/[^/]*$$||'`"; \ + test "$$dir" != "$$p" || dir=.; \ + echo "rm -f \"$${dir}/so_locations\""; \ + rm -f "$${dir}/so_locations"; \ + done +libJudySL.la: $(libJudySL_la_OBJECTS) $(libJudySL_la_DEPENDENCIES) + $(LINK) $(libJudySL_la_LDFLAGS) $(libJudySL_la_OBJECTS) $(libJudySL_la_LIBADD) $(LIBS) + +mostlyclean-compile: + -rm -f *.$(OBJEXT) + +distclean-compile: + -rm -f *.tab.c + +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/JudySL.Plo@am__quote@ + +.c.o: +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ if $(COMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF "$(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo" -c -o $@ $<; \ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ then mv -f "$(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo" "$(DEPDIR)/$*.Po"; else rm -f "$(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo"; exit 1; fi +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='$<' object='$@' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(COMPILE) -c $< + +.c.obj: +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ if $(COMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF "$(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo" -c -o $@ `$(CYGPATH_W) '$<'`; \ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ then mv -f "$(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo" "$(DEPDIR)/$*.Po"; else rm -f "$(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo"; exit 1; fi +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='$<' object='$@' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(COMPILE) -c `$(CYGPATH_W) '$<'` + +.c.lo: +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ if $(LTCOMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF "$(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo" -c -o $@ $<; \ +@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ then mv -f "$(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo" "$(DEPDIR)/$*.Plo"; else rm -f "$(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo"; exit 1; fi +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='$<' object='$@' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ DEPDIR=$(DEPDIR) $(CCDEPMODE) $(depcomp) @AMDEPBACKSLASH@ +@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LTCOMPILE) -c -o $@ $< + +mostlyclean-libtool: + -rm -f *.lo + +clean-libtool: + -rm -rf .libs _libs + +distclean-libtool: + -rm -f libtool +uninstall-info-am: + +ID: $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES) + list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \ + unique=`for i in $$list; do \ + if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ + done | \ + $(AWK) ' { files[$$0] = 1; } \ + END { for (i in files) print i; }'`; \ + mkid -fID $$unique +tags: TAGS + +TAGS: $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(TAGS_DEPENDENCIES) \ + $(TAGS_FILES) $(LISP) + tags=; \ + here=`pwd`; \ + list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \ + unique=`for i in $$list; do \ + if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ + done | \ + $(AWK) ' { files[$$0] = 1; } \ + END { for (i in files) print i; }'`; \ + if test -z "$(ETAGS_ARGS)$$tags$$unique"; then :; else \ + test -n "$$unique" || unique=$$empty_fix; \ + $(ETAGS) $(ETAGSFLAGS) $(AM_ETAGSFLAGS) $(ETAGS_ARGS) \ + $$tags $$unique; \ + fi +ctags: CTAGS +CTAGS: $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(TAGS_DEPENDENCIES) \ + $(TAGS_FILES) $(LISP) + tags=; \ + here=`pwd`; \ + list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \ + unique=`for i in $$list; do \ + if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ + done | \ + $(AWK) ' { files[$$0] = 1; } \ + END { for (i in files) print i; }'`; \ + test -z "$(CTAGS_ARGS)$$tags$$unique" \ + || $(CTAGS) $(CTAGSFLAGS) $(AM_CTAGSFLAGS) $(CTAGS_ARGS) \ + $$tags $$unique + +GTAGS: + here=`$(am__cd) $(top_builddir) && pwd` \ + && cd $(top_srcdir) \ + && gtags -i $(GTAGS_ARGS) $$here + +distclean-tags: + -rm -f TAGS ID GTAGS GRTAGS GSYMS GPATH tags + +distdir: $(DISTFILES) + @srcdirstrip=`echo "$(srcdir)" | sed 's|.|.|g'`; \ + topsrcdirstrip=`echo "$(top_srcdir)" | sed 's|.|.|g'`; \ + list='$(DISTFILES)'; for file in $$list; do \ + case $$file in \ + $(srcdir)/*) file=`echo "$$file" | sed "s|^$$srcdirstrip/||"`;; \ + $(top_srcdir)/*) file=`echo "$$file" | sed "s|^$$topsrcdirstrip/|$(top_builddir)/|"`;; \ + esac; \ + if test -f $$file || test -d $$file; then d=.; else d=$(srcdir); fi; \ + dir=`echo "$$file" | sed -e 's,/[^/]*$$,,'`; \ + if test "$$dir" != "$$file" && test "$$dir" != "."; then \ + dir="/$$dir"; \ + $(mkdir_p) "$(distdir)$$dir"; \ + else \ + dir=''; \ + fi; \ + if test -d $$d/$$file; then \ + if test -d $(srcdir)/$$file && test $$d != $(srcdir); then \ + cp -pR $(srcdir)/$$file $(distdir)$$dir || exit 1; \ + fi; \ + cp -pR $$d/$$file $(distdir)$$dir || exit 1; \ + else \ + test -f $(distdir)/$$file \ + || cp -p $$d/$$file $(distdir)/$$file \ + || exit 1; \ + fi; \ + done +check-am: all-am +check: check-am +all-am: Makefile $(LTLIBRARIES) +installdirs: +install: install-am +install-exec: install-exec-am +install-data: install-data-am +uninstall: uninstall-am + +install-am: all-am + @$(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) install-exec-am install-data-am + +installcheck: installcheck-am +install-strip: + $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) INSTALL_PROGRAM="$(INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM)" \ + install_sh_PROGRAM="$(INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM)" INSTALL_STRIP_FLAG=-s \ + `test -z '$(STRIP)' || \ + echo "INSTALL_PROGRAM_ENV=STRIPPROG='$(STRIP)'"` install +mostlyclean-generic: + +clean-generic: + +distclean-generic: + -test -z "$(CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES)" || rm -f $(CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES) + +maintainer-clean-generic: + @echo "This command is intended for maintainers to use" + @echo "it deletes files that may require special tools to rebuild." +clean: clean-am + +clean-am: clean-generic clean-libtool clean-noinstLTLIBRARIES \ + mostlyclean-am + +distclean: distclean-am + -rm -rf ./$(DEPDIR) + -rm -f Makefile +distclean-am: clean-am distclean-compile distclean-generic \ + distclean-libtool distclean-tags + +dvi: dvi-am + +dvi-am: + +html: html-am + +info: info-am + +info-am: + +install-data-am: + +install-exec-am: + +install-info: install-info-am + +install-man: + +installcheck-am: + +maintainer-clean: maintainer-clean-am + -rm -rf ./$(DEPDIR) + -rm -f Makefile +maintainer-clean-am: distclean-am maintainer-clean-generic + +mostlyclean: mostlyclean-am + +mostlyclean-am: mostlyclean-compile mostlyclean-generic \ + mostlyclean-libtool + +pdf: pdf-am + +pdf-am: + +ps: ps-am + +ps-am: + +uninstall-am: uninstall-info-am + +.PHONY: CTAGS GTAGS all all-am check check-am clean clean-generic \ + clean-libtool clean-noinstLTLIBRARIES ctags distclean \ + distclean-compile distclean-generic distclean-libtool \ + distclean-tags distdir dvi dvi-am html html-am info info-am \ + install install-am install-data install-data-am install-exec \ + install-exec-am install-info install-info-am install-man \ + install-strip installcheck installcheck-am installdirs \ + maintainer-clean maintainer-clean-generic mostlyclean \ + mostlyclean-compile mostlyclean-generic mostlyclean-libtool \ + pdf pdf-am ps ps-am tags uninstall uninstall-am \ + uninstall-info-am + +# Tell versions [3.59,3.63) of GNU make to not export all variables. +# Otherwise a system limit (for SysV at least) may be exceeded. +.NOEXPORT: diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudySL/README b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudySL/README new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d1e74c4b --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/JudySL/README @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +# @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ +# +# This tree contains sources for the JudySL*() functions. + +JudySL.c source file +Note: JudySL.h is no longer needed (May 2004) diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Makefile.am b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Makefile.am new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a2e0c0e1 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Makefile.am @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +SUBDIRS = . JudyCommon JudyL Judy1 JudySL JudyHS obj diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Makefile.in b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Makefile.in new file mode 100644 index 00000000..15ac03bf --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/Makefile.in @@ -0,0 +1,462 @@ +# Makefile.in generated by automake 1.9.3 from Makefile.am. +# @configure_input@ + +# Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, +# 2003, 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# This Makefile.in is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. + +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law; without +# even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A +# PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + +@SET_MAKE@ +srcdir = @srcdir@ +top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@ +VPATH = @srcdir@ +pkgdatadir = $(datadir)/@PACKAGE@ +pkglibdir = $(libdir)/@PACKAGE@ +pkgincludedir = $(includedir)/@PACKAGE@ +top_builddir = .. +am__cd = CDPATH="$${ZSH_VERSION+.}$(PATH_SEPARATOR)" && cd +INSTALL = @INSTALL@ +install_sh_DATA = $(install_sh) -c -m 644 +install_sh_PROGRAM = $(install_sh) -c +install_sh_SCRIPT = $(install_sh) -c +INSTALL_HEADER = $(INSTALL_DATA) +transform = $(program_transform_name) +NORMAL_INSTALL = : +PRE_INSTALL = : +POST_INSTALL = : +NORMAL_UNINSTALL = : +PRE_UNINSTALL = : +POST_UNINSTALL = : +build_triplet = @build@ +host_triplet = @host@ +subdir = src +DIST_COMMON = README $(srcdir)/Makefile.am $(srcdir)/Makefile.in +ACLOCAL_M4 = $(top_srcdir)/aclocal.m4 +am__aclocal_m4_deps = $(top_srcdir)/configure.ac +am__configure_deps = $(am__aclocal_m4_deps) $(CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCIES) \ + $(ACLOCAL_M4) +mkinstalldirs = $(install_sh) -d +CONFIG_HEADER = $(top_builddir)/config.h +CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES = +SOURCES = +DIST_SOURCES = +RECURSIVE_TARGETS = all-recursive check-recursive dvi-recursive \ + html-recursive info-recursive install-data-recursive \ + install-exec-recursive install-info-recursive \ + install-recursive installcheck-recursive installdirs-recursive \ + pdf-recursive ps-recursive uninstall-info-recursive \ + uninstall-recursive +ETAGS = etags +CTAGS = ctags +DIST_SUBDIRS = $(SUBDIRS) +DISTFILES = $(DIST_COMMON) $(DIST_SOURCES) $(TEXINFOS) $(EXTRA_DIST) +ACLOCAL = @ACLOCAL@ +AMDEP_FALSE = @AMDEP_FALSE@ +AMDEP_TRUE = @AMDEP_TRUE@ +AMTAR = @AMTAR@ +AR = @AR@ +AUTOCONF = @AUTOCONF@ +AUTOHEADER = @AUTOHEADER@ +AUTOMAKE = @AUTOMAKE@ +AWK = @AWK@ +CC = @CC@ +CCDEPMODE = @CCDEPMODE@ +CFLAGS = @CFLAGS@ +CPP = @CPP@ +CPPFLAGS = @CPPFLAGS@ +CXX = @CXX@ +CXXCPP = @CXXCPP@ +CXXDEPMODE = @CXXDEPMODE@ +CXXFLAGS = @CXXFLAGS@ +CYGPATH_W = @CYGPATH_W@ +DEFS = @DEFS@ +DEPDIR = @DEPDIR@ +ECHO = @ECHO@ +ECHO_C = @ECHO_C@ +ECHO_N = @ECHO_N@ +ECHO_T = @ECHO_T@ +EGREP = @EGREP@ +EXEEXT = @EXEEXT@ +F77 = @F77@ +FFLAGS = @FFLAGS@ +FLAVOR = @FLAVOR@ +INSTALL_DATA = @INSTALL_DATA@ +INSTALL_PROGRAM = @INSTALL_PROGRAM@ +INSTALL_SCRIPT = @INSTALL_SCRIPT@ +INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM = @INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM@ +LD = @LD@ +LDFLAGS = @LDFLAGS@ +LIBOBJS = @LIBOBJS@ +LIBS = @LIBS@ +LIBTOOL = @LIBTOOL@ +LN_S = @LN_S@ +LTLIBOBJS = @LTLIBOBJS@ +MAINT = @MAINT@ +MAINTAINER_MODE_FALSE = @MAINTAINER_MODE_FALSE@ +MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE = @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ +MAKEINFO = @MAKEINFO@ +OBJEXT = @OBJEXT@ +PACKAGE = @PACKAGE@ +PACKAGE_BUGREPORT = @PACKAGE_BUGREPORT@ +PACKAGE_NAME = @PACKAGE_NAME@ +PACKAGE_STRING = @PACKAGE_STRING@ +PACKAGE_TARNAME = @PACKAGE_TARNAME@ +PACKAGE_VERSION = @PACKAGE_VERSION@ +PATH_SEPARATOR = @PATH_SEPARATOR@ +RANLIB = @RANLIB@ +SET_MAKE = @SET_MAKE@ +SHELL = @SHELL@ +STRIP = @STRIP@ +VERSION = @VERSION@ +VERSION_INFO = @VERSION_INFO@ +WARN_CFLAGS = @WARN_CFLAGS@ +ac_ct_AR = @ac_ct_AR@ +ac_ct_CC = @ac_ct_CC@ +ac_ct_CXX = @ac_ct_CXX@ +ac_ct_F77 = @ac_ct_F77@ +ac_ct_LD = @ac_ct_LD@ +ac_ct_RANLIB = @ac_ct_RANLIB@ +ac_ct_STRIP = @ac_ct_STRIP@ +am__fastdepCC_FALSE = @am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ +am__fastdepCC_TRUE = @am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ +am__fastdepCXX_FALSE = @am__fastdepCXX_FALSE@ +am__fastdepCXX_TRUE = @am__fastdepCXX_TRUE@ +am__include = @am__include@ +am__leading_dot = @am__leading_dot@ +am__quote = @am__quote@ +am__tar = @am__tar@ +am__untar = @am__untar@ +bindir = @bindir@ +build = @build@ +build_alias = @build_alias@ +build_cpu = @build_cpu@ +build_os = @build_os@ +build_vendor = @build_vendor@ +datadir = @datadir@ +exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@ +host = @host@ +host_alias = @host_alias@ +host_cpu = @host_cpu@ +host_os = @host_os@ +host_vendor = @host_vendor@ +includedir = @includedir@ +infodir = @infodir@ +install_sh = @install_sh@ +libdir = @libdir@ +libexecdir = @libexecdir@ +localstatedir = @localstatedir@ +mandir = @mandir@ +mkdir_p = @mkdir_p@ +oldincludedir = @oldincludedir@ +prefix = @prefix@ +program_transform_name = @program_transform_name@ +sbindir = @sbindir@ +sharedstatedir = @sharedstatedir@ +sysconfdir = @sysconfdir@ +target_alias = @target_alias@ +SUBDIRS = . JudyCommon JudyL Judy1 JudySL JudyHS obj +all: all-recursive + +.SUFFIXES: +$(srcdir)/Makefile.in: @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(srcdir)/Makefile.am $(am__configure_deps) + @for dep in $?; do \ + case '$(am__configure_deps)' in \ + *$$dep*) \ + cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh \ + && exit 0; \ + exit 1;; \ + esac; \ + done; \ + echo ' cd $(top_srcdir) && $(AUTOMAKE) --gnu src/Makefile'; \ + cd $(top_srcdir) && \ + $(AUTOMAKE) --gnu src/Makefile +.PRECIOUS: Makefile +Makefile: $(srcdir)/Makefile.in $(top_builddir)/config.status + @case '$?' in \ + *config.status*) \ + cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh;; \ + *) \ + echo ' cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$@ $(am__depfiles_maybe)'; \ + cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$@ $(am__depfiles_maybe);; \ + esac; + +$(top_builddir)/config.status: $(top_srcdir)/configure $(CONFIG_STATUS_DEPENDENCIES) + cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh + +$(top_srcdir)/configure: @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(am__configure_deps) + cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh +$(ACLOCAL_M4): @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(am__aclocal_m4_deps) + cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh + +mostlyclean-libtool: + -rm -f *.lo + +clean-libtool: + -rm -rf .libs _libs + +distclean-libtool: + -rm -f libtool +uninstall-info-am: + +# This directory's subdirectories are mostly independent; you can cd +# into them and run `make' without going through this Makefile. +# To change the values of `make' variables: instead of editing Makefiles, +# (1) if the variable is set in `config.status', edit `config.status' +# (which will cause the Makefiles to be regenerated when you run `make'); +# (2) otherwise, pass the desired values on the `make' command line. +$(RECURSIVE_TARGETS): + @set fnord $$MAKEFLAGS; amf=$$2; \ + dot_seen=no; \ + target=`echo $@ | sed s/-recursive//`; \ + list='$(SUBDIRS)'; for subdir in $$list; do \ + echo "Making $$target in $$subdir"; \ + if test "$$subdir" = "."; then \ + dot_seen=yes; \ + local_target="$$target-am"; \ + else \ + local_target="$$target"; \ + fi; \ + (cd $$subdir && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) $$local_target) \ + || case "$$amf" in *=*) exit 1;; *k*) fail=yes;; *) exit 1;; esac; \ + done; \ + if test "$$dot_seen" = "no"; then \ + $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) "$$target-am" || exit 1; \ + fi; test -z "$$fail" + +mostlyclean-recursive clean-recursive distclean-recursive \ +maintainer-clean-recursive: + @set fnord $$MAKEFLAGS; amf=$$2; \ + dot_seen=no; \ + case "$@" in \ + distclean-* | maintainer-clean-*) list='$(DIST_SUBDIRS)' ;; \ + *) list='$(SUBDIRS)' ;; \ + esac; \ + rev=''; for subdir in $$list; do \ + if test "$$subdir" = "."; then :; else \ + rev="$$subdir $$rev"; \ + fi; \ + done; \ + rev="$$rev ."; \ + target=`echo $@ | sed s/-recursive//`; \ + for subdir in $$rev; do \ + echo "Making $$target in $$subdir"; \ + if test "$$subdir" = "."; then \ + local_target="$$target-am"; \ + else \ + local_target="$$target"; \ + fi; \ + (cd $$subdir && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) $$local_target) \ + || case "$$amf" in *=*) exit 1;; *k*) fail=yes;; *) exit 1;; esac; \ + done && test -z "$$fail" +tags-recursive: + list='$(SUBDIRS)'; for subdir in $$list; do \ + test "$$subdir" = . || (cd $$subdir && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) tags); \ + done +ctags-recursive: + list='$(SUBDIRS)'; for subdir in $$list; do \ + test "$$subdir" = . || (cd $$subdir && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) ctags); \ + done + +ID: $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES) + list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \ + unique=`for i in $$list; do \ + if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ + done | \ + $(AWK) ' { files[$$0] = 1; } \ + END { for (i in files) print i; }'`; \ + mkid -fID $$unique +tags: TAGS + +TAGS: tags-recursive $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(TAGS_DEPENDENCIES) \ + $(TAGS_FILES) $(LISP) + tags=; \ + here=`pwd`; \ + if ($(ETAGS) --etags-include --version) >/dev/null 2>&1; then \ + include_option=--etags-include; \ + empty_fix=.; \ + else \ + include_option=--include; \ + empty_fix=; \ + fi; \ + list='$(SUBDIRS)'; for subdir in $$list; do \ + if test "$$subdir" = .; then :; else \ + test ! -f $$subdir/TAGS || \ + tags="$$tags $$include_option=$$here/$$subdir/TAGS"; \ + fi; \ + done; \ + list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \ + unique=`for i in $$list; do \ + if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ + done | \ + $(AWK) ' { files[$$0] = 1; } \ + END { for (i in files) print i; }'`; \ + if test -z "$(ETAGS_ARGS)$$tags$$unique"; then :; else \ + test -n "$$unique" || unique=$$empty_fix; \ + $(ETAGS) $(ETAGSFLAGS) $(AM_ETAGSFLAGS) $(ETAGS_ARGS) \ + $$tags $$unique; \ + fi +ctags: CTAGS +CTAGS: ctags-recursive $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(TAGS_DEPENDENCIES) \ + $(TAGS_FILES) $(LISP) + tags=; \ + here=`pwd`; \ + list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \ + unique=`for i in $$list; do \ + if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ + done | \ + $(AWK) ' { files[$$0] = 1; } \ + END { for (i in files) print i; }'`; \ + test -z "$(CTAGS_ARGS)$$tags$$unique" \ + || $(CTAGS) $(CTAGSFLAGS) $(AM_CTAGSFLAGS) $(CTAGS_ARGS) \ + $$tags $$unique + +GTAGS: + here=`$(am__cd) $(top_builddir) && pwd` \ + && cd $(top_srcdir) \ + && gtags -i $(GTAGS_ARGS) $$here + +distclean-tags: + -rm -f TAGS ID GTAGS GRTAGS GSYMS GPATH tags + +distdir: $(DISTFILES) + @srcdirstrip=`echo "$(srcdir)" | sed 's|.|.|g'`; \ + topsrcdirstrip=`echo "$(top_srcdir)" | sed 's|.|.|g'`; \ + list='$(DISTFILES)'; for file in $$list; do \ + case $$file in \ + $(srcdir)/*) file=`echo "$$file" | sed "s|^$$srcdirstrip/||"`;; \ + $(top_srcdir)/*) file=`echo "$$file" | sed "s|^$$topsrcdirstrip/|$(top_builddir)/|"`;; \ + esac; \ + if test -f $$file || test -d $$file; then d=.; else d=$(srcdir); fi; \ + dir=`echo "$$file" | sed -e 's,/[^/]*$$,,'`; \ + if test "$$dir" != "$$file" && test "$$dir" != "."; then \ + dir="/$$dir"; \ + $(mkdir_p) "$(distdir)$$dir"; \ + else \ + dir=''; \ + fi; \ + if test -d $$d/$$file; then \ + if test -d $(srcdir)/$$file && test $$d != $(srcdir); then \ + cp -pR $(srcdir)/$$file $(distdir)$$dir || exit 1; \ + fi; \ + cp -pR $$d/$$file $(distdir)$$dir || exit 1; \ + else \ + test -f $(distdir)/$$file \ + || cp -p $$d/$$file $(distdir)/$$file \ + || exit 1; \ + fi; \ + done + list='$(DIST_SUBDIRS)'; for subdir in $$list; do \ + if test "$$subdir" = .; then :; else \ + test -d "$(distdir)/$$subdir" \ + || $(mkdir_p) "$(distdir)/$$subdir" \ + || exit 1; \ + distdir=`$(am__cd) $(distdir) && pwd`; \ + top_distdir=`$(am__cd) $(top_distdir) && pwd`; \ + (cd $$subdir && \ + $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) \ + top_distdir="$$top_distdir" \ + distdir="$$distdir/$$subdir" \ + distdir) \ + || exit 1; \ + fi; \ + done +check-am: all-am +check: check-recursive +all-am: Makefile +installdirs: installdirs-recursive +installdirs-am: +install: install-recursive +install-exec: install-exec-recursive +install-data: install-data-recursive +uninstall: uninstall-recursive + +install-am: all-am + @$(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) install-exec-am install-data-am + +installcheck: installcheck-recursive +install-strip: + $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) INSTALL_PROGRAM="$(INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM)" \ + install_sh_PROGRAM="$(INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM)" INSTALL_STRIP_FLAG=-s \ + `test -z '$(STRIP)' || \ + echo "INSTALL_PROGRAM_ENV=STRIPPROG='$(STRIP)'"` install +mostlyclean-generic: + +clean-generic: + +distclean-generic: + -test -z "$(CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES)" || rm -f $(CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES) + +maintainer-clean-generic: + @echo "This command is intended for maintainers to use" + @echo "it deletes files that may require special tools to rebuild." +clean: clean-recursive + +clean-am: clean-generic clean-libtool mostlyclean-am + +distclean: distclean-recursive + -rm -f Makefile +distclean-am: clean-am distclean-generic distclean-libtool \ + distclean-tags + +dvi: dvi-recursive + +dvi-am: + +html: html-recursive + +info: info-recursive + +info-am: + +install-data-am: + +install-exec-am: + +install-info: install-info-recursive + +install-man: + +installcheck-am: + +maintainer-clean: maintainer-clean-recursive + -rm -f Makefile +maintainer-clean-am: distclean-am maintainer-clean-generic + +mostlyclean: mostlyclean-recursive + +mostlyclean-am: mostlyclean-generic mostlyclean-libtool + +pdf: pdf-recursive + +pdf-am: + +ps: ps-recursive + +ps-am: + +uninstall-am: uninstall-info-am + +uninstall-info: uninstall-info-recursive + +.PHONY: $(RECURSIVE_TARGETS) CTAGS GTAGS all all-am check check-am \ + clean clean-generic clean-libtool clean-recursive ctags \ + ctags-recursive distclean distclean-generic distclean-libtool \ + distclean-recursive distclean-tags distdir dvi dvi-am html \ + html-am info info-am install install-am install-data \ + install-data-am install-exec install-exec-am install-info \ + install-info-am install-man install-strip installcheck \ + installcheck-am installdirs installdirs-am maintainer-clean \ + maintainer-clean-generic maintainer-clean-recursive \ + mostlyclean mostlyclean-generic mostlyclean-libtool \ + mostlyclean-recursive pdf pdf-am ps ps-am tags tags-recursive \ + uninstall uninstall-am uninstall-info-am + +# Tell versions [3.59,3.63) of GNU make to not export all variables. +# Otherwise a system limit (for SysV at least) may be exceeded. +.NOEXPORT: diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/README b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/README new file mode 100644 index 00000000..26978da0 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/README @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +# @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ + +# This tree contains sources for the Judy project. + +# For more on how to build Judy files, see make_includes/README. + +The 'sh_build' script to compiling Judy manually for other platforms + +# Current stuff: + +Judy.h exported header file for libJudy.a +Judy.h.check.c test program for Judy.h + +JudyCommon/ shared utility functions and common source files +Judy1/ Judy1.h +JudyL/ JudyL.h +JudySL/ JudySL*() +JudyHS/ JudyHS*() + +apps/ applications done or redone using Judy diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/apps/README b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/apps/README new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9b0593d6 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/apps/README @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +# @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ +# +# This tree contains sources for Judy-related applications, that is, for +# sources including a main() function, suitable for building an executable +# program. Some of these sources are packaged and delivered to Judy users +# as an optional package of example sources. + +benchmark/ sources for benchmarking programs, that is, demos that + yield performance metrics; including sources for metrics + displayed on the Judy website + +demo/ sources for programs that demonstrate the use of Judy + but are probably not useful as templates for writing + Judy-based applications + +# misc/ other sources; none exist at this time; and as they come + along, they might go in misc/ or in other, more-specific + directories + +noship/ other example sources we are not free to deliver to Judy + users, or which it's inappropriate or premature to deliver diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/apps/demo/JudySort.c b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/apps/demo/JudySort.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..05b70b04 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/apps/demo/JudySort.c @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +#include +#include +#include + +#include + +// By Doug Baskins Aug 2002 - for JudySL man page + +int // Usage: JudySort < file_to_sort +main() +{ + Pvoid_t PJArray = (PWord_t)NULL; // Judy array. + PWord_t PValue; // Judy array element. + Word_t Bytes; // size of JudySL array. + char Index[BUFSIZ]; // string to sort. + + while (fgets(Index, sizeof(Index), stdin) != (char *)NULL) + { + JSLI(PValue, PJArray, Index); // store string into array + ++(*PValue); // count instances of string + } + Index[0] = '\0'; // start with smallest string. + JSLF(PValue, PJArray, Index); // get first string + while (PValue != NULL) + { + while ((*PValue)--) // print duplicates + printf("%s", Index); + JSLN(PValue, PJArray, Index); // get next string + } + JSLFA(Bytes, PJArray); // free array + + fprintf(stderr, "The JudySL array used %lu bytes of memory\n", Bytes); + return (0); +} diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/apps/demo/Makefile_deliver b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/apps/demo/Makefile_deliver new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a4ee1767 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/apps/demo/Makefile_deliver @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +# @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ + +# Makefile for Judy demo programs. + +# Locations of Judy header file and library; correct if necessary: +# +# Note the use of the archive version (libJudy.a) for speed, although the +# difference from shared libs is not great on Linux. + +JUDY = /usr + +JUDY_INCDIR = $(JUDY)/include +JUDY_LIBDIR = $(JUDY)/lib +JUDY_HEADER = $(JUDY_INCDIR)/Judy.h +JUDY_LIBBASE = Judy +JUDY_LIB = $(JUDY_LIBDIR)/lib$(JUDY_LIBBASE).a + +DEBUG = -O +CFLAGS = $(DEBUG) +CC = cc + +# Place files locally by default: + +OBJS = interL.o interSL.o funhist.o JudySort.o +EXECS = interL interSL funhist JudySort + +# === RULES === + +all: $(EXECS) +debug:; make -f Makefile DEBUG='-g' + +# Unfortunately not all make programs understand filename generation via $(@F), +# or at least $$(@F) on a dependencies line, so spell out each $EXECS target +# separately: + +interL: interL.c $(JUDY_HEADER) $(JUDY_LIB) + $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -I $(JUDY_INCDIR) $(@F).c \ + -L$(JUDY_LIBDIR) -l$(JUDY_LIBBASE) -o $@ + +interSL: interSL.c $(JUDY_HEADER) $(JUDY_LIB) + $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -I $(JUDY_INCDIR) $(@F).c \ + -L$(JUDY_LIBDIR) -l$(JUDY_LIBBASE) -o $@ + +funhist: funhist.c $(JUDY_HEADER) $(JUDY_LIB) + $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -I $(JUDY_INCDIR) $(@F).c \ + -L$(JUDY_LIBDIR) -l$(JUDY_LIBBASE) -o $@ + +JudySort: JudySort.c $(JUDY_HEADER) $(JUDY_LIB) + $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -I $(JUDY_INCDIR) $(@F).c \ + -L$(JUDY_LIBDIR) -l$(JUDY_LIBBASE) -o $@ + +clean:; rm -rf core $(OBJS) $(EXECS) diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/apps/demo/README b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/apps/demo/README new file mode 100644 index 00000000..292176f9 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/apps/demo/README @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +# @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ + +# Demo programs to be included with the Judy distribution. + +README_deliver delivered with files from this directory, renamed to "README" + +run_demo simple Judy example script; explains, shows source code, + compiles and runs it + +Makefile_deliver + delivered as "Makefile"; by default, makes all the demo + programs; the libJudy.a and Judy.h locations might have + to be changed (via cc -I options) + NOTE: This file contains "#ifdef" directives that look + to make like comments, but don't expect the makefile to + run prior to unifdef'ing in the makefile. That is, use + the constructed version for a given platform. + +funhist.c function histogram program + +interL.c interactive JudyL program +interSL.c interactive JudySL program + +JudySort.c JudySL version of "sort -u" diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/apps/demo/README_deliver b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/apps/demo/README_deliver new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4ae81c8f --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/apps/demo/README_deliver @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +# @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ + +# Demo programs to be included with the Judy distribution. + +run_demo Simple Judy example script; explains, shows source code, + compiles and runs it. + +Makefile By default, makes all the demo programs. The libJudy.a + and Judy.h locations might have to be changed (via cc -I + options). + +funhist.c Function histogram program. + +interL.c Interactive JudyL program. +interSL.c Interactive JudySL program. + +JudySort.c JudySL version of "sort -u". diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/apps/demo/funhist.c b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/apps/demo/funhist.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..da30e842 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/apps/demo/funhist.c @@ -0,0 +1,243 @@ +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ +// +// FUNCTION HISTOGRAM; JUDYL DEMO PROGRAM +// +// This program uses JudyL to create a histogram of data generated by the +// function random(3M). Other functions could be substituted in. +// +// The program generates n random numbers, stores them in a JudyL array +// and then prints a histogram. All aspects of the generation and +// histogram are timed so the user can see how long various JudyL functions +// take. +// +// +// This demonstrates: +// JLI (JudyLIns) +// JLF (JudyLFirst) +// JLL (JudyLLast) +// JLN (JudyLNext) +// JLC (JudyLCount) +// JLBC (JudyLByCount) +// how to access a JudyL value. +// +// Notice that using JudyL gives you fast stores and lookups as with hashing +// but without having to define a hash function, initialize the hash table +// or having to predetermine a good hash table size. It also gives you a +// sorted list at the same time. +// Also notice that JudyLCount is much faster than you can sequentially +// count items in an array. +// + +#include // random() +#include // printf() +#include // gettimeofday() +#include // JL*() routines + +// Default number of iterations (number of random numbers generated) +// This may be overridden on the command line + +#define DEFAULT_ITER 1000000 + +// The number of buckets the histogram is divided into. + +#define DEFAULT_HISTO_BUCKETS 32 + +// Macro for correction english output for plurals + +#define PLURAL(count) ((count == 1) ? "" : "s") + +// timing routines + +struct timeval TBeg, TEnd; +#define STARTTm gettimeofday(&TBeg, NULL) +#define ENDTm gettimeofday(&TEnd, NULL) +#define DeltaUSec \ + ((double)(TEnd.tv_sec - TBeg.tv_sec) * 1E6 + \ + (TEnd.tv_usec - TBeg.tv_usec)) + +// End of timing routines + +int +main(int argc, char **argv) +{ + Pvoid_t PJArray = NULL; // main JudyL array + // key is random number, value is repeat count + Pvoid_t PJCount = NULL; // second JudyL array + // key is repeat count (from PJArray) + // value is count of items with the same + // repeat count + Word_t Index; // index in JudyLFirst/Next loop + PWord_t PValue; // pointer to Judy array value + PWord_t PGenCount; // pointer to generation count + Word_t num_vals; // number of randoms to generate + Word_t iter; // for loop iteration + Word_t unique_nums; // number of unique randoms generated + Word_t random_num; // random number + Word_t median; // random number + Word_t tmp1, tmp2; // temporary variable + double random_gen_time; // time to generate random numbers + Word_t histo_incr; // histogram increment + unsigned long long ran_sum = 0; // sum of all generated randoms + +// TITLE + + printf("\nJudyL demonstration: random(3M) histogram\n"); + +// SET NUMBER OF RANDOMS TO GENERATE + + if (argc != 2) + { + // SET TO DEFAULT_ITER + num_vals = DEFAULT_ITER; + printf("Usage: %s [numvals]\n", argv[0]); + printf(" Since you did not specify a number of values, %ld\n", + num_vals); + printf(" will be used as the number of random numbers to insert\n"); + printf(" into the Judy array\n"); + } + else + { +// OVERRIDE NUMBER OF RANDOMS TO GENERATE + + num_vals = atol(argv[1]); + } + +// TIME THE GENERATION OF ALL THE RANDOM NUMBERS. THIS TIME IS LATER +// +// This time is later subtracted from the insert loop time so that the +// time it takes to do the actual JudyLIns can be isolated from the +// total time. + + printf("\ntiming random number generation\n"); + STARTTm; + for (iter = num_vals; iter; iter--) + { + random(); + } /* end of random number generator time */ + ENDTm; + random_gen_time = DeltaUSec; + printf("It took %.3f sec to generate %ld random numbers\n", + random_gen_time / 1000000, num_vals); + printf(" (ie. %.3f uSec/number)\n\n", random_gen_time / num_vals); + +// REGENERATE RANDOMS AND INSERT THEM INTO A JUDYL ARRAY + + printf("Please wait while the random numbers are inserted into\n"); + printf("a JudyL array (with a usage count) ...\n"); + + STARTTm; + for (iter = num_vals; iter; iter--) + { + random_num = (Word_t)random(); + + JLI(PValue, PJArray, random_num); + + /* increment hit count */ + (*PValue)++; + + /* sum the random number */ + ran_sum += random_num; + } /* end of random number generator time */ + ENDTm; + printf("That took %.3f uSec/Index.\n", + (DeltaUSec - random_gen_time) / num_vals); + +// COUNT THE NUMBER OF ELEMENTS IN THE JUDYL ARRAY +// IE. COUNT THE NUMBER OF UNIQUE RANDOM NUMBERS + + JLC(unique_nums, PJArray, 0, -1); + printf("\nThere were %ld unique random numbers generated\n", unique_nums); + +// FIND HOW MANY NUMBERS WERE GENERATED ONCE, TWICE, ... +// +// Create a new JudyL array where the index is the count from PJArray +// and the value is a count of the number of elements with that count. + + if (unique_nums != num_vals) + { + printf("\nLooping through the entire Judy array to create a\n"); + printf("new Judy counting array (PJCount in the source code)\n"); + printf("...\n"); + + STARTTm; + Index = 0; + JLF(PValue, PJArray, Index); + while (PValue != (PWord_t)NULL) + { + JLI(PGenCount, PJCount, *PValue); + + (*PGenCount)++; // increment hit count + + JLN(PValue, PJArray, Index); + } + ENDTm; + + printf("That took %.3f Secs or %.3f uSec/Index\n\n", + DeltaUSec / 1000000, DeltaUSec / unique_nums); + +// PRINT DUPLICATES HISTOGRAM + + printf("Duplicates Histogram:\n"); + + Index = 0; + JLF(PValue, PJCount, Index); + while (PValue != (PWord_t)NULL) + { + printf(" %ld numbers were generated %ld time%s\n", + *PValue, Index, PLURAL(Index)); + + JLN(PValue, PJCount, Index); + } + } + +// PRINT DISTRIBUTION HISTOGRAM + + printf("\nCompute the random number distribution by counting index ranges\n"); + + histo_incr = ((Word_t)~0L / DEFAULT_HISTO_BUCKETS) >> 1; + + Index = 0L; + for (iter = 0; iter < DEFAULT_HISTO_BUCKETS; iter++) + { + Word_t Count; + + JLC(Count, PJArray, Index, Index + histo_incr); + printf(" %ld unique values from 0x%08lx - 0x%08lx\n", Count, + Index, Index + histo_incr); + + Index += histo_incr + 1; + + } + +// PRINT MEAN (average), +// MEDIAN (middle value, or average of two middle values) +// RANGE (low and high value) + + tmp1 = (Word_t)(ran_sum / (long long)num_vals); + printf(" mean: 0x%lx\n", tmp1); + +// If there were an even number of randoms generated, then average +// the two middle numbers. Otherwise, the mean is the middle value + if (num_vals & 1) + { + JLBC(PValue, PJArray, num_vals / 2, tmp1); + JLBC(PValue, PJArray, (num_vals / 2) + 1, tmp2); + median = (tmp1 + tmp2) / 2; + } + else + { + JLBC(PValue, PJArray, (num_vals + 1) / 2, median); + } + printf(" median: 0x%lx\n", median); + + Index = 0; + JLF(PValue, PJArray, Index); + printf("first random generated: 0x%lx\n", Index); + + Index = ~0; + JLL(PValue, PJArray, Index); + printf(" last random generated: 0x%lx\n", Index); + + return (0); + +} // main() diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/apps/demo/interL.c b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/apps/demo/interL.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d275fe27 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/apps/demo/interL.c @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +#include +#include + +main() // Simple JudyL demo, see "run_demo" script; @(#) $Revision$ +{ + Pvoid_t Parray = (Pvoid_t) NULL; // empty JudyL array. + Word_t * Pvalue; // value for one index. + char line[BUFSIZ]; // input line. + Word_t index; // in JudyL array. + + printf("Interactive Judy demo program to input, sort, and list numbers.\n" + "Enter a number: "); // fflush(stdout); ? + + while (fgets(line, BUFSIZ, stdin)) // input. + { + index = strtoul(line, NULL, 0); // note: bad input => 0. + JLI(Pvalue, Parray, index); // insert index in JudyL array. + ++(*Pvalue); // count duplicates. + + printf(" Index Dups\n"); // print all saved indexes: + index = 0; // start search at zero. + JLF(Pvalue, Parray, index); // find first saved index. + + while (Pvalue != NULL) + { + printf("%12lu %5lu\n", index, *Pvalue); + JLN(Pvalue, Parray, index); // find next saved index. + } + printf("Next: "); // fflush(stdout); ? + } +} diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/apps/demo/interSL.c b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/apps/demo/interSL.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..94f37ee9 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/apps/demo/interSL.c @@ -0,0 +1,135 @@ +// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company +// +// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +// under the term of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the +// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your +// option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +// _________________ + +// @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ +// +// INTERACTIVE JUDYSL DEMO PROGRAM +// +// This program is a very simple interactive demonstration of JudySL. Text +// keywords are entered. The program uses that text as a key into a JudySL +// array and increments a usage count. +// +// Keys can be single keywords like, "mykey", or multiple words like, "now is +// the time for the quick brown fox to take the bull by the horns". +// +// The program recognizes the following keywords as special: +// +// CMD_LIST lists all the currently entered keys and their counts +// CMD_QUIT terminates the program +// +// This program demonstrates: +// +// JudySLIns +// JudySLFirst +// JudySLNext +// how to access a JudySL value +// +// Note: Using JudySL gives you fast lookups as with hashing but without +// having to define a hash function, and without having to predetermine the +// hash table size. It also gives you a sorted list at the same time. + +#include +#include +#include + +#include "Judy.h" + +// Commands recognized by the program: + +#define CMD_LIST "list" +#define CMD_QUIT "quit" + +#define PLURAL(count) ((count == 1) ? "" : "s") + +main() +{ + char Index [BUFSIZ]; // value from user. + void ** PPValue; // associated with Index. + void * PArray = (Pvoid_t) NULL; // JudySL array. + JError_t JError; // Judy error structure + char * Pc; // place in string. + +// EMIT INSTRUCTIONS: + + (void) puts ("JudySL interactive demonstration:"); + (void) puts ("When asked for input, enter some text or:"); + (void) printf ("- \"%s\" to list previously entered text or\n", CMD_LIST); + (void) printf ("- \"%s\" (or EOF) to quit the program\n\n", CMD_QUIT); + + +// ACCEPT COMMANDS: + + while (1) + { + (void) printf ("\nEnter key/list/quit: "); + (void) fflush (stdout); + + if (fgets (Index, BUFSIZ, stdin) == (char *) NULL) + break; + + if ((Pc = strchr (Index, '\n')) != (char *) NULL) + *Pc = '\0'; // strip trailing newline. + +// QUIT: + + if (! strcmp (Index, CMD_QUIT)) break; + + +// LIST ALL INPUT IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER: + + if (! strcmp (Index, CMD_LIST)) + { + Index[0] = '\0'; + + for (PPValue = JudySLFirst (PArray, Index, 0); + PPValue != (PPvoid_t) NULL; + PPValue = JudySLNext (PArray, Index, 0)) + { + (void) printf (" \"%s\" stored %lu time%s\n", + Index, *((PWord_t) PPValue), + PLURAL (*((PWord_t) PPValue))); + } + + continue; + } + + +// ALL OTHER VALUES ARE KEYS: +// +// Insert Index into the array. If Index already exists, JudySLIns() returns a +// pointer to the old value. If Index doesn't already exist, then a slot is +// created and a pointer to this slot (initialized to zero) is returned. + + if ((PPValue = JudySLIns (& PArray, Index, &JError)) == PPJERR) + { // assume out of memory. + (void) printf ("Error %d, cannot insert \"%s\" in array.\n", + JU_ERRNO(&JError), Index); + exit (1); + } + + ++(*((PWord_t) PPValue)); // increment usage count. + + (void) printf (" \"%s\" stored %ld time%s\n", + Index, *((PWord_t) PPValue), + PLURAL (*((PWord_t) PPValue))); + + } // while 1 (continuous loop until user quits) + + exit (0); + /*NOTREACHED*/ + +} // main() diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/apps/demo/run_demo b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/apps/demo/run_demo new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9e174ca9 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/apps/demo/run_demo @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +# @(#) $Revision$ $Source$ + +# Simple Judy example script. See the first block of text below, or just run +# this with no arguments. + + BASE='interL' + PROGRAM="$BASE.c" + COMPILE="cc -I../.. -o $BASE $PROGRAM `find ../../ -name libJudy.a`" + + set -e # exit if anything goes wrong. + + +# GREET THE USER: + + cat <<-'EOF' + This script illustrates a simple program that calls the Judy library, + shows how to compile it, and then runs it for you. + + The program reads numbers from standard input and stores them in a + JudyL array as array indexes. The target value associated with each + number (index) is the number of times it was duplicated in the input. + Exit with ^D or ^C. + + Press RETURN to continue and view the program source code... + EOF + + read input + + +# SHOW THE SAMPLE C PROGRAM: + + echo '____________________________________' + echo + + cat $PROGRAM + + echo + echo 'Press RETURN to continue...' + read input + + +# COMPILE THE SAMPLE C PROGRAM: + + cat <<-EOF + + To compile this program with the Judy library already installed on your + system, the simplest command line is: + + $COMPILE + + Press RETURN to continue and compile the program source code... + EOF + + read input + $COMPILE + + +# RUN THE SAMPLE C PROGRAM: + + echo + echo "Press RETURN to run the sample program \"$BASE\"..." + read input + + ./$BASE diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/build.bat b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/build.bat new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2c7322f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/build.bat @@ -0,0 +1,185 @@ +@ECHO OFF + +echo Set Compiler +SET CC=cl + +echo Set Options +SET COPT=-DJU_WIN +SET O=-DJUDY1 +SET L=-DJUDYL +SET INC=-I.. -I..\JudyCommon + +echo Deleting Old Files +del JudyCommon\*.obj JudySL\*.obj JudyHS\*.obj Judy1\*.obj JudyL\*.obj *.dll + +echo Giving Judy1 the proper Names +copy JudyCommon\JudyByCount.c Judy1\Judy1ByCount.c +copy JudyCommon\JudyCascade.c Judy1\Judy1Cascade.c +copy JudyCommon\JudyCount.c Judy1\Judy1Count.c +copy JudyCommon\JudyCreateBranch.c Judy1\Judy1CreateBranch.c +copy JudyCommon\JudyDecascade.c Judy1\Judy1Decascade.c +copy JudyCommon\JudyDel.c Judy1\Judy1Unset.c +copy JudyCommon\JudyFirst.c Judy1\Judy1First.c +copy JudyCommon\JudyFreeArray.c Judy1\Judy1FreeArray.c +copy JudyCommon\JudyGet.c Judy1\Judy1Test.c +copy JudyCommon\JudyGet.c Judy1\j__udy1Test.c +copy JudyCommon\JudyInsArray.c Judy1\Judy1SetArray.c +copy JudyCommon\JudyIns.c Judy1\Judy1Set.c +copy JudyCommon\JudyInsertBranch.c Judy1\Judy1InsertBranch.c +copy JudyCommon\JudyMallocIF.c Judy1\Judy1MallocIF.c +copy JudyCommon\JudyMemActive.c Judy1\Judy1MemActive.c +copy JudyCommon\JudyMemUsed.c Judy1\Judy1MemUsed.c +copy JudyCommon\JudyPrevNext.c Judy1\Judy1Next.c +copy JudyCommon\JudyPrevNext.c Judy1\Judy1Prev.c +copy JudyCommon\JudyPrevNextEmpty.c Judy1\Judy1NextEmpty.c +copy JudyCommon\JudyPrevNextEmpty.c Judy1\Judy1PrevEmpty.c +copy JudyCommon\JudyTables.c Judy1\Judy1TablesGen.c + +echo Giving JudyL the proper Names +copy JudyCommon\JudyByCount.c JudyL\JudyLByCount.c +copy JudyCommon\JudyCascade.c JudyL\JudyLCascade.c +copy JudyCommon\JudyCount.c JudyL\JudyLCount.c +copy JudyCommon\JudyCreateBranch.c JudyL\JudyLCreateBranch.c +copy JudyCommon\JudyDecascade.c JudyL\JudyLDecascade.c +copy JudyCommon\JudyDel.c JudyL\JudyLDel.c +copy JudyCommon\JudyFirst.c JudyL\JudyLFirst.c +copy JudyCommon\JudyFreeArray.c JudyL\JudyLFreeArray.c +copy JudyCommon\JudyGet.c JudyL\JudyLGet.c +copy JudyCommon\JudyGet.c JudyL\j__udyLGet.c +copy JudyCommon\JudyInsArray.c JudyL\JudyLInsArray.c +copy JudyCommon\JudyIns.c JudyL\JudyLIns.c +copy JudyCommon\JudyInsertBranch.c JudyL\JudyLInsertBranch.c +copy JudyCommon\JudyMallocIF.c JudyL\JudyLMallocIF.c +copy JudyCommon\JudyMemActive.c JudyL\JudyLMemActive.c +copy JudyCommon\JudyMemUsed.c JudyL\JudyLMemUsed.c +copy JudyCommon\JudyPrevNext.c JudyL\JudyLNext.c +copy JudyCommon\JudyPrevNext.c JudyL\JudyLPrev.c +copy JudyCommon\JudyPrevNextEmpty.c JudyL\JudyLNextEmpty.c +copy JudyCommon\JudyPrevNextEmpty.c JudyL\JudyLPrevEmpty.c +copy JudyCommon\JudyTables.c JudyL\JudyLTablesGen.c + + +echo Compile JudyCommon\JudyMalloc - common to Judy1 and JudyL +cd JudyCommon +%CC% -I. -I.. -DJU_WIN -c JudyMalloc.c + +cd .. + +echo This table is constructed from Juudy1.h data to match malloc(3) needs +cd Judy1 +%CC% %INC% %COPT% %O% Judy1TablesGen.c -o Judy1TablesGen +del Judy1TablesGen.obj +Judy1TablesGen +%CC% %INC% %COPT% %O% -c Judy1Tables.c + +echo compile the main line Judy1 modules +echo %CC% %INC% %COPT% %O% -c Judy1Test.c +%CC% %INC% %COPT% %O% -c Judy1Test.c +echo %CC% %INC% %COPT% %O% -c -DJUDYGETINLINE j__udy1Test.c +%CC% %INC% %COPT% %O% -c -DJUDYGETINLINE j__udy1Test.c +echo %CC% %INC% %COPT% %O% -c Judy1Set.c +%CC% %INC% %COPT% %O% -c Judy1Set.c +echo %CC% %INC% %COPT% %O% -c Judy1SetArray.c +%CC% %INC% %COPT% %O% -c Judy1SetArray.c +echo %CC% %INC% %COPT% %O% -c Judy1Unset.c +%CC% %INC% %COPT% %O% -c Judy1Unset.c +echo %CC% %INC% %COPT% %O% -c Judy1First.c +%CC% %INC% %COPT% %O% -c Judy1First.c +echo %CC% %INC% %COPT% %O% -DJUDYNEXT -c Judy1Next.c +%CC% %INC% %COPT% %O% -DJUDYNEXT -c Judy1Next.c +echo %CC% %INC% %COPT% %O% -DJUDYPREV -c Judy1Prev.c +%CC% %INC% %COPT% %O% -DJUDYPREV -c Judy1Prev.c +echo %CC% %INC% %COPT% %O% -DJUDYNEXT -c Judy1NextEmpty.c +%CC% %INC% %COPT% %O% -DJUDYNEXT -c Judy1NextEmpty.c +echo %CC% %INC% %COPT% %O% -DJUDYPREV -c Judy1PrevEmpty.c +%CC% %INC% %COPT% %O% -DJUDYPREV -c Judy1PrevEmpty.c +echo %CC% %INC% %COPT% %O% -c Judy1Count.c +%CC% %INC% %COPT% %O% -c Judy1Count.c +echo %CC% %INC% %COPT% %O% -c -DNOSMARTJBB -DNOSMARTJBU -DNOSMARTJLB Judy1ByCount.c +%CC% %INC% %COPT% %O% -c -DNOSMARTJBB -DNOSMARTJBU -DNOSMARTJLB Judy1ByCount.c +echo %CC% %INC% %COPT% %O% -c Judy1FreeArray.c +%CC% %INC% %COPT% %O% -c Judy1FreeArray.c +echo %CC% %INC% %COPT% %O% -c Judy1MemUsed.c +%CC% %INC% %COPT% %O% -c Judy1MemUsed.c +echo %CC% %INC% %COPT% %O% -c Judy1MemActive.c +%CC% %INC% %COPT% %O% -c Judy1MemActive.c +echo %CC% %INC% %COPT% %O% -c Judy1Cascade.c +%CC% %INC% %COPT% %O% -c Judy1Cascade.c +echo %CC% %INC% %COPT% %O% -c Judy1Decascade.c +%CC% %INC% %COPT% %O% -c Judy1Decascade.c +echo %CC% %INC% %COPT% %O% -c Judy1CreateBranch.c +%CC% %INC% %COPT% %O% -c Judy1CreateBranch.c +echo %CC% %INC% %COPT% %O% -c Judy1InsertBranch.C +%CC% %INC% %COPT% %O% -c Judy1InsertBranch.C +echo %CC% %INC% %COPT% %O% -c Judy1MallocIF.c +%CC% %INC% %COPT% %O% -c Judy1MallocIF.c + +cd .. +cd JudyL + +echo This table is constructed from Juudy1.h data to match malloc(3) needs +%CC% %INC% %COPT% JudyLTablesGen.c %L% -o JudyLTablesGen +del JudyLTablesGen.obj +JudyLTablesGen +%CC% %INC% %COPT% %L% -c JudyLTables.c + +echo compile the main line JudyL modules +echo %CC% %INC% %COPT% %L% -c JudyLGet.c +%CC% %INC% %COPT% %L% -c JudyLGet.c +echo %CC% %INC% %COPT% %L% -c -DJUDYGETINLINE j__udyLGet.c +%CC% %INC% %COPT% %L% -c -DJUDYGETINLINE j__udyLGet.c +echo %CC% %INC% %COPT% %L% -c JudyLIns.c +%CC% %INC% %COPT% %L% -c JudyLIns.c +echo %CC% %INC% %COPT% %L% -c JudyLInsArray.c +%CC% %INC% %COPT% %L% -c JudyLInsArray.c +echo %CC% %INC% %COPT% %L% -c JudyLDel.c +%CC% %INC% %COPT% %L% -c JudyLDel.c +echo %CC% %INC% %COPT% %L% -c JudyLFirst.c +%CC% %INC% %COPT% %L% -c JudyLFirst.c +echo %CC% %INC% %COPT% %L% -c -DJUDYNEXT JudyLNext.c +%CC% %INC% %COPT% %L% -c -DJUDYNEXT JudyLNext.c +echo %CC% %INC% %COPT% %L% -c -DJUDYPREV JudyLPrev.c +%CC% %INC% %COPT% %L% -c -DJUDYPREV JudyLPrev.c +echo %CC% %INC% %COPT% %L% -c -DJUDYNEXT JudyLNextEmpty.c +%CC% %INC% %COPT% %L% -c -DJUDYNEXT JudyLNextEmpty.c +echo %CC% %INC% %COPT% %L% -c -DJUDYPREV JudyLPrevEmpty.c +%CC% %INC% %COPT% %L% -c -DJUDYPREV JudyLPrevEmpty.c +echo %CC% %INC% %COPT% %L% -c JudyLCount.c +%CC% %INC% %COPT% %L% -c JudyLCount.c +echo %CC% %INC% %COPT% %L% -c -DNOSMARTJBB -DNOSMARTJBU -DNOSMARTJLB JudyLByCount.c +%CC% %INC% %COPT% %L% -c -DNOSMARTJBB -DNOSMARTJBU -DNOSMARTJLB JudyLByCount.c +echo %CC% %INC% %COPT% %L% -c JudyLFreeArray.c +%CC% %INC% %COPT% %L% -c JudyLFreeArray.c +echo %CC% %INC% %COPT% %L% -c JudyLMemUsed.c +%CC% %INC% %COPT% %L% -c JudyLMemUsed.c +echo %CC% %INC% %COPT% %L% -c JudyLMemActive.c +%CC% %INC% %COPT% %L% -c JudyLMemActive.c +echo %CC% %INC% %COPT% %L% -c JudyLCascade.c +%CC% %INC% %COPT% %L% -c JudyLCascade.c +echo %CC% %INC% %COPT% %L% -c JudyLDecascade.c +%CC% %INC% %COPT% %L% -c JudyLDecascade.c +echo %CC% %INC% %COPT% %L% -c JudyLCreateBranch.c +%CC% %INC% %COPT% %L% -c JudyLCreateBranch.c +echo %CC% %INC% %COPT% %L% -c JudyLInsertBranch.c +%CC% %INC% %COPT% %L% -c JudyLInsertBranch.c +echo %CC% %INC% %COPT% %L% -c JudyLMallocIF.c +%CC% %INC% %COPT% %L% -c JudyLMallocIF.c + +cd .. +cd JudySL +echo Compile the JudySL routine +echo %CC% %INC% %COPT% -c JudySL.c +%CC% %INC% %COPT% -c JudySL.c + +cd .. +cd JudyHS +echo Compile the JudyHS routine +echo %CC% %INC% %COPT% -c JudyHS.c +%CC% %INC% %COPT% -c JudyHS.c + +cd .. +echo Make a Judy dll by linking all the objects togeather +link /DLL JudyCommon\*.obj Judy1\*.obj JudyL\*.obj JudySL\*.obj JudyHS\*.obj /OUT:Judy.dll + +echo Make a Judy archive library by linking all the objects togeather +link /LIB JudyCommon\*.obj Judy1\*.obj JudyL\*.obj JudySL\*.obj JudyHS\*.obj /OUT:Judy.lib diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/obj/Makefile.am b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/obj/Makefile.am new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2d68ade8 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/obj/Makefile.am @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +AM_CFLAGS = @WARN_CFLAGS@ + +CLEANFILES = libJudy.la + +include_HEADERS = ../Judy.h + +lib_LTLIBRARIES = libJudy.la + +libJudy_la_SOURCES = + +libJudy_la_LIBADD = ../JudyCommon/*.lo ../JudyL/*.lo ../Judy1/*.lo ../JudyHS/*.lo ../JudySL/*.lo + +libJudy_la_LDFLAGS = @VERSION_INFO@ diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/obj/Makefile.in b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/obj/Makefile.in new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a97ecfe3 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/obj/Makefile.in @@ -0,0 +1,461 @@ +# Makefile.in generated by automake 1.9.3 from Makefile.am. +# @configure_input@ + +# Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, +# 2003, 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# This Makefile.in is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. + +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law; without +# even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A +# PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + +@SET_MAKE@ + + +SOURCES = $(libJudy_la_SOURCES) + +srcdir = @srcdir@ +top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@ +VPATH = @srcdir@ +pkgdatadir = $(datadir)/@PACKAGE@ +pkglibdir = $(libdir)/@PACKAGE@ +pkgincludedir = $(includedir)/@PACKAGE@ +top_builddir = ../.. +am__cd = CDPATH="$${ZSH_VERSION+.}$(PATH_SEPARATOR)" && cd +INSTALL = @INSTALL@ +install_sh_DATA = $(install_sh) -c -m 644 +install_sh_PROGRAM = $(install_sh) -c +install_sh_SCRIPT = $(install_sh) -c +INSTALL_HEADER = $(INSTALL_DATA) +transform = $(program_transform_name) +NORMAL_INSTALL = : +PRE_INSTALL = : +POST_INSTALL = : +NORMAL_UNINSTALL = : +PRE_UNINSTALL = : +POST_UNINSTALL = : +build_triplet = @build@ +host_triplet = @host@ +subdir = src/obj +DIST_COMMON = $(include_HEADERS) $(srcdir)/Makefile.am \ + $(srcdir)/Makefile.in +ACLOCAL_M4 = $(top_srcdir)/aclocal.m4 +am__aclocal_m4_deps = $(top_srcdir)/configure.ac +am__configure_deps = $(am__aclocal_m4_deps) $(CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCIES) \ + $(ACLOCAL_M4) +mkinstalldirs = $(install_sh) -d +CONFIG_HEADER = $(top_builddir)/config.h +CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES = +am__vpath_adj_setup = srcdirstrip=`echo "$(srcdir)" | sed 's|.|.|g'`; +am__vpath_adj = case $$p in \ + $(srcdir)/*) f=`echo "$$p" | sed "s|^$$srcdirstrip/||"`;; \ + *) f=$$p;; \ + esac; +am__strip_dir = `echo $$p | sed -e 's|^.*/||'`; +am__installdirs = "$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)" "$(DESTDIR)$(includedir)" +libLTLIBRARIES_INSTALL = $(INSTALL) +LTLIBRARIES = $(lib_LTLIBRARIES) +libJudy_la_DEPENDENCIES = ../JudyCommon/*.lo ../JudyL/*.lo \ + ../Judy1/*.lo ../JudyHS/*.lo ../JudySL/*.lo +am_libJudy_la_OBJECTS = +libJudy_la_OBJECTS = $(am_libJudy_la_OBJECTS) +DEFAULT_INCLUDES = -I. -I$(srcdir) -I$(top_builddir) +COMPILE = $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) \ + $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) +LTCOMPILE = $(LIBTOOL) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) \ + $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) \ + $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) +CCLD = $(CC) +LINK = $(LIBTOOL) --tag=CC --mode=link $(CCLD) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) \ + $(AM_LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ +SOURCES = $(libJudy_la_SOURCES) +DIST_SOURCES = $(libJudy_la_SOURCES) +includeHEADERS_INSTALL = $(INSTALL_HEADER) +HEADERS = $(include_HEADERS) +ETAGS = etags +CTAGS = ctags +DISTFILES = $(DIST_COMMON) $(DIST_SOURCES) $(TEXINFOS) $(EXTRA_DIST) +ACLOCAL = @ACLOCAL@ +AMDEP_FALSE = @AMDEP_FALSE@ +AMDEP_TRUE = @AMDEP_TRUE@ +AMTAR = @AMTAR@ +AR = @AR@ +AUTOCONF = @AUTOCONF@ +AUTOHEADER = @AUTOHEADER@ +AUTOMAKE = @AUTOMAKE@ +AWK = @AWK@ +CC = @CC@ +CCDEPMODE = @CCDEPMODE@ +CFLAGS = @CFLAGS@ +CPP = @CPP@ +CPPFLAGS = @CPPFLAGS@ +CXX = @CXX@ +CXXCPP = @CXXCPP@ +CXXDEPMODE = @CXXDEPMODE@ +CXXFLAGS = @CXXFLAGS@ +CYGPATH_W = @CYGPATH_W@ +DEFS = @DEFS@ +DEPDIR = @DEPDIR@ +ECHO = @ECHO@ +ECHO_C = @ECHO_C@ +ECHO_N = @ECHO_N@ +ECHO_T = @ECHO_T@ +EGREP = @EGREP@ +EXEEXT = @EXEEXT@ +F77 = @F77@ +FFLAGS = @FFLAGS@ +FLAVOR = @FLAVOR@ +INSTALL_DATA = @INSTALL_DATA@ +INSTALL_PROGRAM = @INSTALL_PROGRAM@ +INSTALL_SCRIPT = @INSTALL_SCRIPT@ +INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM = @INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM@ +LD = @LD@ +LDFLAGS = @LDFLAGS@ +LIBOBJS = @LIBOBJS@ +LIBS = @LIBS@ +LIBTOOL = @LIBTOOL@ +LN_S = @LN_S@ +LTLIBOBJS = @LTLIBOBJS@ +MAINT = @MAINT@ +MAINTAINER_MODE_FALSE = @MAINTAINER_MODE_FALSE@ +MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE = @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ +MAKEINFO = @MAKEINFO@ +OBJEXT = @OBJEXT@ +PACKAGE = @PACKAGE@ +PACKAGE_BUGREPORT = @PACKAGE_BUGREPORT@ +PACKAGE_NAME = @PACKAGE_NAME@ +PACKAGE_STRING = @PACKAGE_STRING@ +PACKAGE_TARNAME = @PACKAGE_TARNAME@ +PACKAGE_VERSION = @PACKAGE_VERSION@ +PATH_SEPARATOR = @PATH_SEPARATOR@ +RANLIB = @RANLIB@ +SET_MAKE = @SET_MAKE@ +SHELL = @SHELL@ +STRIP = @STRIP@ +VERSION = @VERSION@ +VERSION_INFO = @VERSION_INFO@ +WARN_CFLAGS = @WARN_CFLAGS@ +ac_ct_AR = @ac_ct_AR@ +ac_ct_CC = @ac_ct_CC@ +ac_ct_CXX = @ac_ct_CXX@ +ac_ct_F77 = @ac_ct_F77@ +ac_ct_LD = @ac_ct_LD@ +ac_ct_RANLIB = @ac_ct_RANLIB@ +ac_ct_STRIP = @ac_ct_STRIP@ +am__fastdepCC_FALSE = @am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ +am__fastdepCC_TRUE = @am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ +am__fastdepCXX_FALSE = @am__fastdepCXX_FALSE@ +am__fastdepCXX_TRUE = @am__fastdepCXX_TRUE@ +am__include = @am__include@ +am__leading_dot = @am__leading_dot@ +am__quote = @am__quote@ +am__tar = @am__tar@ +am__untar = @am__untar@ +bindir = @bindir@ +build = @build@ +build_alias = @build_alias@ +build_cpu = @build_cpu@ +build_os = @build_os@ +build_vendor = @build_vendor@ +datadir = @datadir@ +exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@ +host = @host@ +host_alias = @host_alias@ +host_cpu = @host_cpu@ +host_os = @host_os@ +host_vendor = @host_vendor@ +includedir = @includedir@ +infodir = @infodir@ +install_sh = @install_sh@ +libdir = @libdir@ +libexecdir = @libexecdir@ +localstatedir = @localstatedir@ +mandir = @mandir@ +mkdir_p = @mkdir_p@ +oldincludedir = @oldincludedir@ +prefix = @prefix@ +program_transform_name = @program_transform_name@ +sbindir = @sbindir@ +sharedstatedir = @sharedstatedir@ +sysconfdir = @sysconfdir@ +target_alias = @target_alias@ +AM_CFLAGS = @WARN_CFLAGS@ +CLEANFILES = libJudy.la +include_HEADERS = ../Judy.h +lib_LTLIBRARIES = libJudy.la +libJudy_la_SOURCES = +libJudy_la_LIBADD = ../JudyCommon/*.lo ../JudyL/*.lo ../Judy1/*.lo ../JudyHS/*.lo ../JudySL/*.lo +libJudy_la_LDFLAGS = @VERSION_INFO@ +all: all-am + +.SUFFIXES: +$(srcdir)/Makefile.in: @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(srcdir)/Makefile.am $(am__configure_deps) + @for dep in $?; do \ + case '$(am__configure_deps)' in \ + *$$dep*) \ + cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh \ + && exit 0; \ + exit 1;; \ + esac; \ + done; \ + echo ' cd $(top_srcdir) && $(AUTOMAKE) --gnu src/obj/Makefile'; \ + cd $(top_srcdir) && \ + $(AUTOMAKE) --gnu src/obj/Makefile +.PRECIOUS: Makefile +Makefile: $(srcdir)/Makefile.in $(top_builddir)/config.status + @case '$?' in \ + *config.status*) \ + cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh;; \ + *) \ + echo ' cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$@ $(am__depfiles_maybe)'; \ + cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$@ $(am__depfiles_maybe);; \ + esac; + +$(top_builddir)/config.status: $(top_srcdir)/configure $(CONFIG_STATUS_DEPENDENCIES) + cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh + +$(top_srcdir)/configure: @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(am__configure_deps) + cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh +$(ACLOCAL_M4): @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(am__aclocal_m4_deps) + cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh +install-libLTLIBRARIES: $(lib_LTLIBRARIES) + @$(NORMAL_INSTALL) + test -z "$(libdir)" || $(mkdir_p) "$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)" + @list='$(lib_LTLIBRARIES)'; for p in $$list; do \ + if test -f $$p; then \ + f=$(am__strip_dir) \ + echo " $(LIBTOOL) --mode=install $(libLTLIBRARIES_INSTALL) $(INSTALL_STRIP_FLAG) '$$p' '$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$$f'"; \ + $(LIBTOOL) --mode=install $(libLTLIBRARIES_INSTALL) $(INSTALL_STRIP_FLAG) "$$p" "$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$$f"; \ + else :; fi; \ + done + +uninstall-libLTLIBRARIES: + @$(NORMAL_UNINSTALL) + @set -x; list='$(lib_LTLIBRARIES)'; for p in $$list; do \ + p=$(am__strip_dir) \ + echo " $(LIBTOOL) --mode=uninstall rm -f '$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$$p'"; \ + $(LIBTOOL) --mode=uninstall rm -f "$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$$p"; \ + done + +clean-libLTLIBRARIES: + -test -z "$(lib_LTLIBRARIES)" || rm -f $(lib_LTLIBRARIES) + @list='$(lib_LTLIBRARIES)'; for p in $$list; do \ + dir="`echo $$p | sed -e 's|/[^/]*$$||'`"; \ + test "$$dir" != "$$p" || dir=.; \ + echo "rm -f \"$${dir}/so_locations\""; \ + rm -f "$${dir}/so_locations"; \ + done +libJudy.la: $(libJudy_la_OBJECTS) $(libJudy_la_DEPENDENCIES) + $(LINK) -rpath $(libdir) $(libJudy_la_LDFLAGS) $(libJudy_la_OBJECTS) $(libJudy_la_LIBADD) $(LIBS) + +mostlyclean-compile: + -rm -f *.$(OBJEXT) + +distclean-compile: + -rm -f *.tab.c + +mostlyclean-libtool: + -rm -f *.lo + +clean-libtool: + -rm -rf .libs _libs + +distclean-libtool: + -rm -f libtool +uninstall-info-am: +install-includeHEADERS: $(include_HEADERS) + @$(NORMAL_INSTALL) + test -z "$(includedir)" || $(mkdir_p) "$(DESTDIR)$(includedir)" + @list='$(include_HEADERS)'; for p in $$list; do \ + if test -f "$$p"; then d=; else d="$(srcdir)/"; fi; \ + f=$(am__strip_dir) \ + echo " $(includeHEADERS_INSTALL) '$$d$$p' '$(DESTDIR)$(includedir)/$$f'"; \ + $(includeHEADERS_INSTALL) "$$d$$p" "$(DESTDIR)$(includedir)/$$f"; \ + done + +uninstall-includeHEADERS: + @$(NORMAL_UNINSTALL) + @list='$(include_HEADERS)'; for p in $$list; do \ + f=$(am__strip_dir) \ + echo " rm -f '$(DESTDIR)$(includedir)/$$f'"; \ + rm -f "$(DESTDIR)$(includedir)/$$f"; \ + done + +ID: $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES) + list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \ + unique=`for i in $$list; do \ + if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ + done | \ + $(AWK) ' { files[$$0] = 1; } \ + END { for (i in files) print i; }'`; \ + mkid -fID $$unique +tags: TAGS + +TAGS: $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(TAGS_DEPENDENCIES) \ + $(TAGS_FILES) $(LISP) + tags=; \ + here=`pwd`; \ + list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \ + unique=`for i in $$list; do \ + if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ + done | \ + $(AWK) ' { files[$$0] = 1; } \ + END { for (i in files) print i; }'`; \ + if test -z "$(ETAGS_ARGS)$$tags$$unique"; then :; else \ + test -n "$$unique" || unique=$$empty_fix; \ + $(ETAGS) $(ETAGSFLAGS) $(AM_ETAGSFLAGS) $(ETAGS_ARGS) \ + $$tags $$unique; \ + fi +ctags: CTAGS +CTAGS: $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(TAGS_DEPENDENCIES) \ + $(TAGS_FILES) $(LISP) + tags=; \ + here=`pwd`; \ + list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \ + unique=`for i in $$list; do \ + if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \ + done | \ + $(AWK) ' { files[$$0] = 1; } \ + END { for (i in files) print i; }'`; \ + test -z "$(CTAGS_ARGS)$$tags$$unique" \ + || $(CTAGS) $(CTAGSFLAGS) $(AM_CTAGSFLAGS) $(CTAGS_ARGS) \ + $$tags $$unique + +GTAGS: + here=`$(am__cd) $(top_builddir) && pwd` \ + && cd $(top_srcdir) \ + && gtags -i $(GTAGS_ARGS) $$here + +distclean-tags: + -rm -f TAGS ID GTAGS GRTAGS GSYMS GPATH tags + +distdir: $(DISTFILES) + $(mkdir_p) $(distdir)/.. + @srcdirstrip=`echo "$(srcdir)" | sed 's|.|.|g'`; \ + topsrcdirstrip=`echo "$(top_srcdir)" | sed 's|.|.|g'`; \ + list='$(DISTFILES)'; for file in $$list; do \ + case $$file in \ + $(srcdir)/*) file=`echo "$$file" | sed "s|^$$srcdirstrip/||"`;; \ + $(top_srcdir)/*) file=`echo "$$file" | sed "s|^$$topsrcdirstrip/|$(top_builddir)/|"`;; \ + esac; \ + if test -f $$file || test -d $$file; then d=.; else d=$(srcdir); fi; \ + dir=`echo "$$file" | sed -e 's,/[^/]*$$,,'`; \ + if test "$$dir" != "$$file" && test "$$dir" != "."; then \ + dir="/$$dir"; \ + $(mkdir_p) "$(distdir)$$dir"; \ + else \ + dir=''; \ + fi; \ + if test -d $$d/$$file; then \ + if test -d $(srcdir)/$$file && test $$d != $(srcdir); then \ + cp -pR $(srcdir)/$$file $(distdir)$$dir || exit 1; \ + fi; \ + cp -pR $$d/$$file $(distdir)$$dir || exit 1; \ + else \ + test -f $(distdir)/$$file \ + || cp -p $$d/$$file $(distdir)/$$file \ + || exit 1; \ + fi; \ + done +check-am: all-am +check: check-am +all-am: Makefile $(LTLIBRARIES) $(HEADERS) +installdirs: + for dir in "$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)" "$(DESTDIR)$(includedir)"; do \ + test -z "$$dir" || $(mkdir_p) "$$dir"; \ + done +install: install-am +install-exec: install-exec-am +install-data: install-data-am +uninstall: uninstall-am + +install-am: all-am + @$(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) install-exec-am install-data-am + +installcheck: installcheck-am +install-strip: + $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) INSTALL_PROGRAM="$(INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM)" \ + install_sh_PROGRAM="$(INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM)" INSTALL_STRIP_FLAG=-s \ + `test -z '$(STRIP)' || \ + echo "INSTALL_PROGRAM_ENV=STRIPPROG='$(STRIP)'"` install +mostlyclean-generic: + +clean-generic: + -test -z "$(CLEANFILES)" || rm -f $(CLEANFILES) + +distclean-generic: + -test -z "$(CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES)" || rm -f $(CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES) + +maintainer-clean-generic: + @echo "This command is intended for maintainers to use" + @echo "it deletes files that may require special tools to rebuild." +clean: clean-am + +clean-am: clean-generic clean-libLTLIBRARIES clean-libtool \ + mostlyclean-am + +distclean: distclean-am + -rm -f Makefile +distclean-am: clean-am distclean-compile distclean-generic \ + distclean-libtool distclean-tags + +dvi: dvi-am + +dvi-am: + +html: html-am + +info: info-am + +info-am: + +install-data-am: install-includeHEADERS + +install-exec-am: install-libLTLIBRARIES + +install-info: install-info-am + +install-man: + +installcheck-am: + +maintainer-clean: maintainer-clean-am + -rm -f Makefile +maintainer-clean-am: distclean-am maintainer-clean-generic + +mostlyclean: mostlyclean-am + +mostlyclean-am: mostlyclean-compile mostlyclean-generic \ + mostlyclean-libtool + +pdf: pdf-am + +pdf-am: + +ps: ps-am + +ps-am: + +uninstall-am: uninstall-includeHEADERS uninstall-info-am \ + uninstall-libLTLIBRARIES + +.PHONY: CTAGS GTAGS all all-am check check-am clean clean-generic \ + clean-libLTLIBRARIES clean-libtool ctags distclean \ + distclean-compile distclean-generic distclean-libtool \ + distclean-tags distdir dvi dvi-am html html-am info info-am \ + install install-am install-data install-data-am install-exec \ + install-exec-am install-includeHEADERS install-info \ + install-info-am install-libLTLIBRARIES install-man \ + install-strip installcheck installcheck-am installdirs \ + maintainer-clean maintainer-clean-generic mostlyclean \ + mostlyclean-compile mostlyclean-generic mostlyclean-libtool \ + pdf pdf-am ps ps-am tags uninstall uninstall-am \ + uninstall-includeHEADERS uninstall-info-am \ + uninstall-libLTLIBRARIES + +# Tell versions [3.59,3.63) of GNU make to not export all variables. +# Otherwise a system limit (for SysV at least) may be exceeded. +.NOEXPORT: diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/sh_build b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/sh_build new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5cf4596f --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/Judy-1.0.1/src/sh_build @@ -0,0 +1,189 @@ +echo "This is a compile kit to suggest how to port to your machine" +echo "This script runs in 7 seconds on a 3.2Ghz Pentium P4C" +echo "Must be in the 'src' directory to execute this script" +echo + +echo "Set Compiler" +CC='cc' + +echo "Set Optimization" +COPT='-O' + +echo "Set Shared library option" +# CPIC='-fPIC +CPIC='' + +echo "Compile JudyMalloc - common to Judy1 and JudyL" +cd JudyCommon +$CC $COPT $CPIC -I. -I.. -c JudyMalloc.c +cd .. + +echo "Give Judy1 the proper names" +cd Judy1 +ln -sf ../JudyCommon/JudyByCount.c Judy1ByCount.c +ln -sf ../JudyCommon/JudyCascade.c Judy1Cascade.c +ln -sf ../JudyCommon/JudyCount.c Judy1Count.c +ln -sf ../JudyCommon/JudyCreateBranch.c Judy1CreateBranch.c +ln -sf ../JudyCommon/JudyDecascade.c Judy1Decascade.c +ln -sf ../JudyCommon/JudyDel.c Judy1Unset.c +ln -sf ../JudyCommon/JudyFirst.c Judy1First.c +ln -sf ../JudyCommon/JudyFreeArray.c Judy1FreeArray.c +ln -sf ../JudyCommon/JudyGet.c Judy1Test.c +ln -sf ../JudyCommon/JudyGet.c j__udy1Test.c +ln -sf ../JudyCommon/JudyInsArray.c Judy1SetArray.c +ln -sf ../JudyCommon/JudyIns.c Judy1Set.c +ln -sf ../JudyCommon/JudyInsertBranch.c Judy1InsertBranch.c +ln -sf ../JudyCommon/JudyMallocIF.c Judy1MallocIF.c +ln -sf ../JudyCommon/JudyMemActive.c Judy1MemActive.c +ln -sf ../JudyCommon/JudyMemUsed.c Judy1MemUsed.c +ln -sf ../JudyCommon/JudyPrevNext.c Judy1Next.c +ln -sf ../JudyCommon/JudyPrevNext.c Judy1Prev.c +ln -sf ../JudyCommon/JudyPrevNextEmpty.c Judy1NextEmpty.c +ln -sf ../JudyCommon/JudyPrevNextEmpty.c Judy1PrevEmpty.c +ln -sf ../JudyCommon/JudyTables.c Judy1TablesGen.c + +echo "This table is constructed from Judy1.h data to match malloc(3) needs" +$CC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -DJUDY1 Judy1TablesGen.c -o Judy1TablesGen +rm -f Judy1TablesGen.o +./Judy1TablesGen > Judy1Tables.c +$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDY1 Judy1Tables.c + +echo "Compile the main line Judy1 modules" +echo "$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDY1 Judy1Test.c" +$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDY1 Judy1Test.c +echo "$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDY1 -DJUDYGETINLINE j__udy1Test.c" +$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDY1 -DJUDYGETINLINE j__udy1Test.c +echo "$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDY1 Judy1Set.c" +$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDY1 Judy1Set.c +echo "$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDY1 Judy1SetArray.c" +$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDY1 Judy1SetArray.c +echo "$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDY1 Judy1Unset.c" +$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDY1 Judy1Unset.c +echo "$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDY1 Judy1First.c" +$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDY1 Judy1First.c +echo "$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDY1 -DJUDYNEXT Judy1Next.c" +$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDY1 -DJUDYNEXT Judy1Next.c +echo "$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDY1 -DJUDYPREV Judy1Prev.c" +$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDY1 -DJUDYPREV Judy1Prev.c +echo "$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDY1 -DJUDYNEXT Judy1NextEmpty.c" +$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDY1 -DJUDYNEXT Judy1NextEmpty.c +echo "$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDY1 -DJUDYPREV Judy1PrevEmpty.c" +$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDY1 -DJUDYPREV Judy1PrevEmpty.c +echo "$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDY1 Judy1Count.c" +$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDY1 Judy1Count.c +echo "$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDY1 -DNOSMARTJBB -DNOSMARTJBU -DNOSMARTJLB Judy1ByCount.c" +$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDY1 -DNOSMARTJBB -DNOSMARTJBU -DNOSMARTJLB Judy1ByCount.c +echo "$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDY1 Judy1FreeArray.c" +$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDY1 Judy1FreeArray.c +echo "$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDY1 Judy1MemUsed.c" +$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDY1 Judy1MemUsed.c +echo "$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDY1 Judy1MemActive.c" +$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDY1 Judy1MemActive.c +echo "$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDY1 Judy1Cascade.c" +$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDY1 Judy1Cascade.c +echo "$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDY1 Judy1Decascade.c" +$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDY1 Judy1Decascade.c +echo "$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDY1 Judy1CreateBranch.c" +$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDY1 Judy1CreateBranch.c +echo "$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDY1 Judy1InsertBranch.c" +$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDY1 Judy1InsertBranch.c +echo "$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDY1 Judy1MallocIF.c" +$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDY1 Judy1MallocIF.c +cd .. + +echo "Give JudyL the proper names" +cd JudyL +ln -sf ../JudyCommon/JudyByCount.c JudyLByCount.c +ln -sf ../JudyCommon/JudyCascade.c JudyLCascade.c +ln -sf ../JudyCommon/JudyCount.c JudyLCount.c +ln -sf ../JudyCommon/JudyCreateBranch.c JudyLCreateBranch.c +ln -sf ../JudyCommon/JudyDecascade.c JudyLDecascade.c +ln -sf ../JudyCommon/JudyDel.c JudyLDel.c +ln -sf ../JudyCommon/JudyFirst.c JudyLFirst.c +ln -sf ../JudyCommon/JudyFreeArray.c JudyLFreeArray.c +ln -sf ../JudyCommon/JudyGet.c JudyLGet.c +ln -sf ../JudyCommon/JudyGet.c j__udyLGet.c +ln -sf ../JudyCommon/JudyInsArray.c JudyLInsArray.c +ln -sf ../JudyCommon/JudyIns.c JudyLIns.c +ln -sf ../JudyCommon/JudyInsertBranch.c JudyLInsertBranch.c +ln -sf ../JudyCommon/JudyMallocIF.c JudyLMallocIF.c +ln -sf ../JudyCommon/JudyMemActive.c JudyLMemActive.c +ln -sf ../JudyCommon/JudyMemUsed.c JudyLMemUsed.c +ln -sf ../JudyCommon/JudyPrevNext.c JudyLNext.c +ln -sf ../JudyCommon/JudyPrevNext.c JudyLPrev.c +ln -sf ../JudyCommon/JudyPrevNextEmpty.c JudyLNextEmpty.c +ln -sf ../JudyCommon/JudyPrevNextEmpty.c JudyLPrevEmpty.c +ln -sf ../JudyCommon/JudyTables.c JudyLTablesGen.c + +echo "This table is constructed from JudyL.h data to match malloc(3) needs" +$CC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -DJUDYL JudyLTablesGen.c -o JudyLTablesGen +rm -f JudyLTablesGen.o +./JudyLTablesGen > JudyLTables.c +echo "$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDYL JudyLTables.c" +$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDYL JudyLTables.c + +echo "Compile the main line JudyL modules" +echo "$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDYL JudyLGet.c" +$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDYL JudyLGet.c +echo "$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDYL -DJUDYGETINLINE j__udyLGet.c" +$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDYL -DJUDYGETINLINE j__udyLGet.c +echo "$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDYL JudyLIns.c" +$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDYL JudyLIns.c +echo "$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDYL JudyLIns.c" +$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDYL JudyLIns.c +echo "$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDYL JudyLInsArray.c" +$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDYL JudyLInsArray.c +echo "$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDYL JudyLDel.c" +$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDYL JudyLDel.c +echo "$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDYL JudyLFirst.c" +$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDYL JudyLFirst.c +echo "$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDYL -DJUDYNEXT JudyLNext.c" +$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDYL -DJUDYNEXT JudyLNext.c +echo "$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDYL -DJUDYPREV JudyLPrev.c" +$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDYL -DJUDYPREV JudyLPrev.c +echo "$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDYL -DJUDYNEXT JudyLNextEmpty.c" +$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDYL -DJUDYNEXT JudyLNextEmpty.c +echo "$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDYL -DJUDYPREV JudyLPrevEmpty.c" +$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDYL -DJUDYPREV JudyLPrevEmpty.c +echo "$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDYL JudyLCount.c" +$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDYL JudyLCount.c +echo "$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDYL -DNOSMARTJBB -DNOSMARTJBU -DNOSMARTJLB JudyLByCount.c" +$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDYL -DNOSMARTJBB -DNOSMARTJBU -DNOSMARTJLB JudyLByCount.c +echo "$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDYL JudyLFreeArray.c" +$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDYL JudyLFreeArray.c +echo "$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDYL JudyLMemUsed.c" +$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDYL JudyLMemUsed.c +echo "$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDYL JudyLMemActive.c" +$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDYL JudyLMemActive.c +echo "$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDYL JudyLCascade.c" +$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDYL JudyLCascade.c +echo "$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDYL JudyLDecascade.c" +$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDYL JudyLDecascade.c +echo "$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDYL JudyLCreateBranch.c" +$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDYL JudyLCreateBranch.c +echo "$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDYL JudyLInsertBranch.c" +$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDYL JudyLInsertBranch.c +echo "$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDYL JudyLMallocIF.c" +$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c -DJUDYL JudyLMallocIF.c +cd .. + +echo "Compile the JudySL routine" +cd JudySL +echo "$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c JudySL.c" +$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c JudySL.c +cd .. +echo "Compile the JudyHS routine" +cd JudyHS +echo "$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c JudyHS.c" +$CC $COPT $CPIC -I.. -I../JudyCommon -c JudyHS.c +cd .. + +# Make a Judy shared library with CPIC='-fPIC' above +#ld -shared -o libJudy.so Judy*/*.o +# +# -OR- +# +echo "Make a Judy static library" +ar -r libJudy.a Judy*/*.o + +echo "Done" diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/amxxmodule.cpp b/dlls/arrayx/amxxmodule.cpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e374e441 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/amxxmodule.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,3078 @@ +/* AMX Mod X +* +* by the AMX Mod X Development Team +* originally developed by OLO +* +* Parts Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Will Day +* +* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the +* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at +* your option) any later version. +* +* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but +* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU +* General Public License for more details. +* +* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, +* Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +* +* In addition, as a special exception, the author gives permission to +* link the code of this program with the Half-Life Game Engine ("HL +* Engine") and Modified Game Libraries ("MODs") developed by Valve, +* L.L.C ("Valve"). You must obey the GNU General Public License in all +* respects for all of the code used other than the HL Engine and MODs +* from Valve. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception +* to your version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If +* you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your +* version. +* +* Description: AMX Mod X Module Interface Functions +*/ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "amxxmodule.h" + +/************* METAMOD SUPPORT *************/ +#ifdef USE_METAMOD + +enginefuncs_t g_engfuncs; +globalvars_t *gpGlobals; + +DLL_FUNCTIONS *g_pFunctionTable; +DLL_FUNCTIONS *g_pFunctionTable_Post; +enginefuncs_t *g_pengfuncsTable; +enginefuncs_t *g_pengfuncsTable_Post; +NEW_DLL_FUNCTIONS *g_pNewFunctionsTable; +NEW_DLL_FUNCTIONS *g_pNewFunctionsTable_Post; + +// GetEntityAPI2 functions +static DLL_FUNCTIONS g_EntityAPI_Table = +{ +#ifdef FN_GameDLLInit + FN_GameDLLInit, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_DispatchSpawn + FN_DispatchSpawn, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_DispatchThink + FN_DispatchThink, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_DispatchUse + FN_DispatchUse, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_DispatchTouch + FN_DispatchTouch, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_DispatchBlocked + FN_DispatchBlocked, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_DispatchKeyValue + FN_DispatchKeyValue, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_DispatchSave + FN_DispatchSave, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_DispatchRestore + FN_DispatchRestore, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_DispatchObjectCollsionBox + FN_DispatchObjectCollsionBox, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_SaveWriteFields + FN_SaveWriteFields, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_SaveReadFields + FN_SaveReadFields, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_SaveGlobalState + FN_SaveGlobalState, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_RestoreGlobalState + FN_RestoreGlobalState, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_ResetGlobalState + FN_ResetGlobalState, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_ClientConnect + FN_ClientConnect, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_ClientDisconnect + FN_ClientDisconnect, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_ClientKill + FN_ClientKill, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_ClientPutInServer + FN_ClientPutInServer, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_ClientCommand + FN_ClientCommand, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_ClientUserInfoChanged + FN_ClientUserInfoChanged, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_ServerActivate + FN_ServerActivate, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_ServerDeactivate + FN_ServerDeactivate, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_PlayerPreThink + FN_PlayerPreThink, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_PlayerPostThink + FN_PlayerPostThink, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_StartFrame + FN_StartFrame, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_ParmsNewLevel + FN_ParmsNewLevel, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_ParmsChangeLevel + FN_ParmsChangeLevel, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_GetGameDescription + FN_GetGameDescription, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_PlayerCustomization + FN_PlayerCustomization, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_SpectatorConnect + FN_SpectatorConnect, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_SpectatorDisconnect + FN_SpectatorDisconnect, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_SpectatorThink + FN_SpectatorThink, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_Sys_Error + FN_Sys_Error, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_PM_Move + FN_PM_Move, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_PM_Init + FN_PM_Init, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_PM_FindTextureType + FN_PM_FindTextureType, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_SetupVisibility + FN_SetupVisibility, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_UpdateClientData + FN_UpdateClientData, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_AddToFullPack + FN_AddToFullPack, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_CreateBaseline + FN_CreateBaseline, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_RegisterEncoders + FN_RegisterEncoders, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_GetWeaponData + FN_GetWeaponData, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_CmdStart + FN_CmdStart, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_CmdEnd + FN_CmdEnd, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_ConnectionlessPacket + FN_ConnectionlessPacket, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_GetHullBounds + FN_GetHullBounds, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_CreateInstancedBaselines + FN_CreateInstancedBaselines, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_InconsistentFile + FN_InconsistentFile, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_AllowLagCompensation + FN_AllowLagCompensation +#else + NULL +#endif +}; // g_EntityAPI2_Table + +// GetEntityAPI2_Post functions +static DLL_FUNCTIONS g_EntityAPI_Post_Table = +{ +#ifdef FN_GameDLLInit_Post + FN_GameDLLInit_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_DispatchSpawn_Post + FN_DispatchSpawn_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_DispatchThink_Post + FN_DispatchThink_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_DispatchUse_Post + FN_DispatchUse_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_DispatchTouch_Post + FN_DispatchTouch_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_DispatchBlocked_Post + FN_DispatchBlocked_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_DispatchKeyValue_Post + FN_DispatchKeyValue_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_DispatchSave_Post + FN_DispatchSave_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_DispatchRestore_Post + FN_DispatchRestore_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_DispatchObjectCollsionBox_Post + FN_DispatchObjectCollsionBox_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_SaveWriteFields_Post + FN_SaveWriteFields_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_SaveReadFields_Post + FN_SaveReadFields_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_SaveGlobalState_Post + FN_SaveGlobalState_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_RestoreGlobalState_Post + FN_RestoreGlobalState_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_ResetGlobalState_Post + FN_ResetGlobalState_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_ClientConnect_Post + FN_ClientConnect_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_ClientDisconnect_Post + FN_ClientDisconnect_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_ClientKill_Post + FN_ClientKill_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_ClientPutInServer_Post + FN_ClientPutInServer_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_ClientCommand_Post + FN_ClientCommand_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_ClientUserInfoChanged_Post + FN_ClientUserInfoChanged_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_ServerActivate_Post + FN_ServerActivate_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_ServerDeactivate_Post + FN_ServerDeactivate_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_PlayerPreThink_Post + FN_PlayerPreThink_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_PlayerPostThink_Post + FN_PlayerPostThink_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_StartFrame_Post + FN_StartFrame_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_ParmsNewLevel_Post + FN_ParmsNewLevel_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_ParmsChangeLevel_Post + FN_ParmsChangeLevel_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_GetGameDescription_Post + FN_GetGameDescription_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_PlayerCustomization_Post + FN_PlayerCustomization_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_SpectatorConnect_Post + FN_SpectatorConnect_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_SpectatorDisconnect_Post + FN_SpectatorDisconnect_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_SpectatorThink_Post + FN_SpectatorThink_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_Sys_Error_Post + FN_Sys_Error_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_PM_Move_Post + FN_PM_Move_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_PM_Init_Post + FN_PM_Init_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_PM_FindTextureType_Post + FN_PM_FindTextureType_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_SetupVisibility_Post + FN_SetupVisibility_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_UpdateClientData_Post + FN_UpdateClientData_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_AddToFullPack_Post + FN_AddToFullPack_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_CreateBaseline_Post + FN_CreateBaseline_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_RegisterEncoders_Post + FN_RegisterEncoders_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_GetWeaponData_Post + FN_GetWeaponData_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_CmdStart_Post + FN_CmdStart_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_CmdEnd_Post + FN_CmdEnd_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_ConnectionlessPacket_Post + FN_ConnectionlessPacket_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_GetHullBounds_Post + FN_GetHullBounds_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_CreateInstancedBaselines_Post + FN_CreateInstancedBaselines_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_InconsistentFile_Post + FN_InconsistentFile_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_AllowLagCompensation + FN_AllowLagCompensation, +#else + NULL, +#endif +}; // g_EntityAPI2_Table + +static enginefuncs_t g_EngineFuncs_Table = +{ +#ifdef FN_PrecacheModel + FN_PrecacheModel, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_PrecacheSound + FN_PrecacheSound, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_SetModel + FN_SetModel, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_ModelIndex + FN_ModelIndex, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_ModelFrames + FN_ModelFrames, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_SetSize + FN_SetSize, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_ChangeLevel + FN_ChangeLevel, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_GetSpawnParms + FN_GetSpawnParms, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_SaveSpawnParms + FN_SaveSpawnParms, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_VecToYaw + FN_VecToYaw, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_VecToAngles + FN_VecToAngles, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_MoveToOrigin + FN_MoveToOrigin, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_ChangeYaw + FN_ChangeYaw, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_ChangePitch + FN_ChangePitch, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_FindEntityByString + FN_FindEntityByString, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_GetEntityIllum + FN_GetEntityIllum, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_FindEntityInSphere + FN_FindEntityInSphere, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_FindClientInPVS + FN_FindClientInPVS, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_EntitiesInPVS + FN_EntitiesInPVS, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_MakeVectors + FN_MakeVectors, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_AngleVectors + FN_AngleVectors, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_CreateEntity + FN_CreateEntity, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_RemoveEntity + FN_RemoveEntity, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_CreateNamedEntity + FN_CreateNamedEntity, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_MakeStatic + FN_MakeStatic, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_EntIsOnFloor + FN_EntIsOnFloor, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_DropToFloor + FN_DropToFloor, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_WalkMove + FN_WalkMove, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_SetOrigin + FN_SetOrigin, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_EmitSound + FN_EmitSound, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_EmitAmbientSound + FN_EmitAmbientSound, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_TraceLine + FN_TraceLine, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_TraceToss + FN_TraceToss, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_TraceMonsterHull + FN_TraceMonsterHull, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_TraceHull + FN_TraceHull, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_TraceModel + FN_TraceModel, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_TraceTexture + FN_TraceTexture, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_TraceSphere + FN_TraceSphere, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_GetAimVector + FN_GetAimVector, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_ServerCommand + FN_ServerCommand, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_ServerExecute + FN_ServerExecute, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_engClientCommand + FN_engClientCommand, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_ParticleEffect + FN_ParticleEffect, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_LightStyle + FN_LightStyle, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_DecalIndex + FN_DecalIndex, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_PointContents + FN_PointContents, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_MessageBegin + FN_MessageBegin, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_MessageEnd + FN_MessageEnd, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_WriteByte + FN_WriteByte, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_WriteChar + FN_WriteChar, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_WriteShort + FN_WriteShort, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_WriteLong + FN_WriteLong, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_WriteAngle + FN_WriteAngle, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_WriteCoord + FN_WriteCoord, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_WriteString + FN_WriteString, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_WriteEntity + FN_WriteEntity, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_CVarRegister + FN_CVarRegister, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_CVarGetFloat + FN_CVarGetFloat, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_CVarGetString + FN_CVarGetString, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_CVarSetFloat + FN_CVarSetFloat, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_CVarSetString + FN_CVarSetString, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_AlertMessage + FN_AlertMessage, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_EngineFprintf + FN_EngineFprintf, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_PvAllocEntPrivateData + FN_PvAllocEntPrivateData, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_PvEntPrivateData + FN_PvEntPrivateData, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_FreeEntPrivateData + FN_FreeEntPrivateData, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_SzFromIndex + FN_SzFromIndex, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_AllocString + FN_AllocString, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_GetVarsOfEnt + FN_GetVarsOfEnt, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_PEntityOfEntOffset + FN_PEntityOfEntOffset, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_EntOffsetOfPEntity + FN_EntOffsetOfPEntity, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_IndexOfEdict + FN_IndexOfEdict, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_PEntityOfEntIndex + FN_PEntityOfEntIndex, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_FindEntityByVars + FN_FindEntityByVars, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_GetModelPtr + FN_GetModelPtr, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_RegUserMsg + FN_RegUserMsg, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_AnimationAutomove + FN_AnimationAutomove, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_GetBonePosition + FN_GetBonePosition, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_FunctionFromName + FN_FunctionFromName, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_NameForFunction + FN_NameForFunction, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_ClientPrintf + FN_ClientPrintf, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_ServerPrint + FN_ServerPrint, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_Cmd_Args + FN_Cmd_Args, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_Cmd_Argv + FN_Cmd_Argv, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_Cmd_Argc + FN_Cmd_Argc, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_GetAttachment + FN_GetAttachment, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_CRC32_Init + FN_CRC32_Init, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_CRC32_ProcessBuffer + FN_CRC32_ProcessBuffer, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_CRC32_ProcessByte + FN_CRC32_ProcessByte, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_CRC32_Final + FN_CRC32_Final, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_RandomLong + FN_RandomLong, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_RandomFloat + FN_RandomFloat, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_SetView + FN_SetView, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_Time + FN_Time, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_CrosshairAngle + FN_CrosshairAngle, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_LoadFileForMe + FN_LoadFileForMe, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_FreeFile + FN_FreeFile, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_EndSection + FN_EndSection, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_CompareFileTime + FN_CompareFileTime, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_GetGameDir + FN_GetGameDir, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_Cvar_RegisterVariable + FN_Cvar_RegisterVariable, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_FadeClientVolume + FN_FadeClientVolume, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_SetClientMaxspeed + FN_SetClientMaxspeed, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_CreateFakeClient + FN_CreateFakeClient, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_RunPlayerMove + FN_RunPlayerMove, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_NumberOfEntities + FN_NumberOfEntities, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_GetInfoKeyBuffer + FN_GetInfoKeyBuffer, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_InfoKeyValue + FN_InfoKeyValue, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_SetKeyValue + FN_SetKeyValue, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_SetClientKeyValue + FN_SetClientKeyValue, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_IsMapValid + FN_IsMapValid, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_StaticDecal + FN_StaticDecal, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_PrecacheGeneric + FN_PrecacheGeneric, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_GetPlayerUserId + FN_GetPlayerUserId, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_BuildSoundMsg + FN_BuildSoundMsg, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_IsDedicatedServer + FN_IsDedicatedServer, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_CVarGetPointer + FN_CVarGetPointer, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_GetPlayerWONId + FN_GetPlayerWONId, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_Info_RemoveKey + FN_Info_RemoveKey, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_GetPhysicsKeyValue + FN_GetPhysicsKeyValue, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_SetPhysicsKeyValue + FN_SetPhysicsKeyValue, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_GetPhysicsInfoString + FN_GetPhysicsInfoString, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_PrecacheEvent + FN_PrecacheEvent, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_PlaybackEvent + FN_PlaybackEvent, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_SetFatPVS + FN_SetFatPVS, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_SetFatPAS + FN_SetFatPAS, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_CheckVisibility + FN_CheckVisibility, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_DeltaSetField + FN_DeltaSetField, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_DeltaUnsetField + FN_DeltaUnsetField, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_DeltaAddEncoder + FN_DeltaAddEncoder, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_GetCurrentPlayer + FN_GetCurrentPlayer, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_CanSkipPlayer + FN_CanSkipPlayer, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_DeltaFindField + FN_DeltaFindField, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_DeltaSetFieldByIndex + FN_DeltaSetFieldByIndex, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_DeltaUnsetFieldByIndex + FN_DeltaUnsetFieldByIndex, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_SetGroupMask + FN_SetGroupMask, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_engCreateInstancedBaseline + FN_engCreateInstancedBaseline, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_Cvar_DirectSet + FN_Cvar_DirectSet, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_ForceUnmodified + FN_ForceUnmodified, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_GetPlayerStats + FN_GetPlayerStats, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_AddServerCommand + FN_AddServerCommand, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_Voice_GetClientListening + FN_Voice_GetClientListening, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_Voice_SetClientListening + FN_Voice_SetClientListening, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_GetPlayerAuthId + FN_GetPlayerAuthId +#else + NULL +#endif +}; // g_EngineFuncs_Table + + +static enginefuncs_t g_EngineFuncs_Post_Table = +{ +#ifdef FN_PrecacheModel_Post + FN_PrecacheModel_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_PrecacheSound_Post + FN_PrecacheSound_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_SetModel_Post + FN_SetModel_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_ModelIndex_Post + FN_ModelIndex_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_ModelFrames_Post + FN_ModelFrames_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_SetSize_Post + FN_SetSize_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_ChangeLevel_Post + FN_ChangeLevel_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_GetSpawnParms_Post + FN_GetSpawnParms_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_SaveSpawnParms_Post + FN_SaveSpawnParms_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_VecToYaw_Post + FN_VecToYaw_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_VecToAngles_Post + FN_VecToAngles_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_MoveToOrigin_Post + FN_MoveToOrigin_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_ChangeYaw_Post + FN_ChangeYaw_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_ChangePitch_Post + FN_ChangePitch_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_FindEntityByString_Post + FN_FindEntityByString_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_GetEntityIllum_Post + FN_GetEntityIllum_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_FindEntityInSphere_Post + FN_FindEntityInSphere_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_FindClientInPVS_Post + FN_FindClientInPVS_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_EntitiesInPVS_Post + FN_EntitiesInPVS_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_MakeVectors_Post + FN_MakeVectors_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_AngleVectors_Post + FN_AngleVectors_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_CreateEntity_Post + FN_CreateEntity_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_RemoveEntity_Post + FN_RemoveEntity_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_CreateNamedEntity_Post + FN_CreateNamedEntity_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_MakeStatic_Post + FN_MakeStatic_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_EntIsOnFloor_Post + FN_EntIsOnFloor_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_DropToFloor_Post + FN_DropToFloor_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_WalkMove_Post + FN_WalkMove_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_SetOrigin_Post + FN_SetOrigin_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_EmitSound_Post + FN_EmitSound_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_EmitAmbientSound_Post + FN_EmitAmbientSound_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_TraceLine_Post + FN_TraceLine_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_TraceToss_Post + FN_TraceToss_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_TraceMonsterHull_Post + FN_TraceMonsterHull_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_TraceHull_Post + FN_TraceHull_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_TraceModel_Post + FN_TraceModel_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_TraceTexture_Post + FN_TraceTexture_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_TraceSphere_Post + FN_TraceSphere_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_GetAimVector_Post + FN_GetAimVector_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_ServerCommand_Post + FN_ServerCommand_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_ServerExecute_Post + FN_ServerExecute_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_engClientCommand_Post + FN_engClientCommand_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_ParticleEffect_Post + FN_ParticleEffect_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_LightStyle_Post + FN_LightStyle_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_DecalIndex_Post + FN_DecalIndex_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_PointContents_Post + FN_PointContents_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_MessageBegin_Post + FN_MessageBegin_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_MessageEnd_Post + FN_MessageEnd_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_WriteByte_Post + FN_WriteByte_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_WriteChar_Post + FN_WriteChar_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_WriteShort_Post + FN_WriteShort_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_WriteLong_Post + FN_WriteLong_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_WriteAngle_Post + FN_WriteAngle_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_WriteCoord_Post + FN_WriteCoord_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_WriteString_Post + FN_WriteString_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_WriteEntity_Post + FN_WriteEntity_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_CVarRegister_Post + FN_CVarRegister_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_CVarGetFloat_Post + FN_CVarGetFloat_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_CVarGetString_Post + FN_CVarGetString_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_CVarSetFloat_Post + FN_CVarSetFloat_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_CVarSetString_Post + FN_CVarSetString_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_AlertMessage_Post + FN_AlertMessage_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_EngineFprintf_Post + FN_EngineFprintf_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_PvAllocEntPrivateData_Post + FN_PvAllocEntPrivateData_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_PvEntPrivateData_Post + FN_PvEntPrivateData_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_FreeEntPrivateData_Post + FN_FreeEntPrivateData_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_SzFromIndex_Post + FN_SzFromIndex_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_AllocString_Post + FN_AllocString_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_GetVarsOfEnt_Post + FN_GetVarsOfEnt_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_PEntityOfEntOffset_Post + FN_PEntityOfEntOffset_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_EntOffsetOfPEntity_Post + FN_EntOffsetOfPEntity_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_IndexOfEdict_Post + FN_IndexOfEdict_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_PEntityOfEntIndex_Post + FN_PEntityOfEntIndex_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_FindEntityByVars_Post + FN_FindEntityByVars_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_GetModelPtr_Post + FN_GetModelPtr_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_RegUserMsg_Post + FN_RegUserMsg_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_AnimationAutomove_Post + FN_AnimationAutomove_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_GetBonePosition_Post + FN_GetBonePosition_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_FunctionFromName_Post + FN_FunctionFromName_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_NameForFunction_Post + FN_NameForFunction_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_ClientPrintf_Post + FN_ClientPrintf_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_ServerPrint_Post + FN_ServerPrint_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_Cmd_Args_Post + FN_Cmd_Args_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_Cmd_Argv_Post + FN_Cmd_Argv_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_Cmd_Argc_Post + FN_Cmd_Argc_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_GetAttachment_Post + FN_GetAttachment_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_CRC32_Init_Post + FN_CRC32_Init_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_CRC32_ProcessBuffer_Post + FN_CRC32_ProcessBuffer_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_CRC32_ProcessByte_Post + FN_CRC32_ProcessByte_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_CRC32_Final_Post + FN_CRC32_Final_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_RandomLong_Post + FN_RandomLong_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_RandomFloat_Post + FN_RandomFloat_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_SetView_Post + FN_SetView_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_Time_Post + FN_Time_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_CrosshairAngle_Post + FN_CrosshairAngle_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_LoadFileForMe_Post + FN_LoadFileForMe_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_FreeFile_Post + FN_FreeFile_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_EndSection_Post + FN_EndSection_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_CompareFileTime_Post + FN_CompareFileTime_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_GetGameDir_Post + FN_GetGameDir_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_Cvar_RegisterVariable_Post + FN_Cvar_RegisterVariable_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_FadeClientVolume_Post + FN_FadeClientVolume_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_SetClientMaxspeed_Post + FN_SetClientMaxspeed_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_CreateFakeClient_Post + FN_CreateFakeClient_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_RunPlayerMove_Post + FN_RunPlayerMove_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_NumberOfEntities_Post + FN_NumberOfEntities_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_GetInfoKeyBuffer_Post + FN_GetInfoKeyBuffer_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_InfoKeyValue_Post + FN_InfoKeyValue_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_SetKeyValue_Post + FN_SetKeyValue_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_SetClientKeyValue_Post + FN_SetClientKeyValue_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_IsMapValid_Post + FN_IsMapValid_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_StaticDecal_Post + FN_StaticDecal_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_PrecacheGeneric_Post + FN_PrecacheGeneric_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_GetPlayerUserId_Post + FN_GetPlayerUserId_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_BuildSoundMsg_Post + FN_BuildSoundMsg_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_IsDedicatedServer_Post + FN_IsDedicatedServer_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_CVarGetPointer_Post + FN_CVarGetPointer_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_GetPlayerWONId_Post + FN_GetPlayerWONId_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_Info_RemoveKey_Post + FN_Info_RemoveKey_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_GetPhysicsKeyValue_Post + FN_GetPhysicsKeyValue_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_SetPhysicsKeyValue_Post + FN_SetPhysicsKeyValue_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_GetPhysicsInfoString_Post + FN_GetPhysicsInfoString_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_PrecacheEvent_Post + FN_PrecacheEvent_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_PlaybackEvent_Post + FN_PlaybackEvent_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_SetFatPVS_Post + FN_SetFatPVS_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_SetFatPAS_Post + FN_SetFatPAS_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_CheckVisibility_Post + FN_CheckVisibility_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_DeltaSetField_Post + FN_DeltaSetField_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_DeltaUnsetField_Post + FN_DeltaUnsetField_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_DeltaAddEncoder_Post + FN_DeltaAddEncoder_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_GetCurrentPlayer_Post + FN_GetCurrentPlayer_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_CanSkipPlayer_Post + FN_CanSkipPlayer_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_DeltaFindField_Post + FN_DeltaFindField_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_DeltaSetFieldByIndex_Post + FN_DeltaSetFieldByIndex_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_DeltaUnsetFieldByIndex_Post + FN_DeltaUnsetFieldByIndex_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_SetGroupMask_Post + FN_SetGroupMask_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_engCreateInstancedBaseline_Post + FN_engCreateInstancedBaseline_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_Cvar_DirectSet_Post + FN_Cvar_DirectSet_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_ForceUnmodified_Post + FN_ForceUnmodified_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_GetPlayerStats_Post + FN_GetPlayerStats_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_AddServerCommand_Post + FN_AddServerCommand_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_Voice_GetClientListening_Post + FN_Voice_GetClientListening_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_Voice_SetClientListening_Post + FN_Voice_SetClientListening_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_GetPlayerAuthId_Post + FN_GetPlayerAuthId_Post +#else + NULL +#endif +}; // g_EngineFuncs_Post_Table + + +static NEW_DLL_FUNCTIONS g_NewFuncs_Table = +{ +#ifdef FN_OnFreeEntPrivateData + FN_OnFreeEntPrivateData, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_GameShutdown + FN_GameShutdown, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_ShouldCollide + ShouldCollide, +#else + NULL, +#endif +}; + + +static NEW_DLL_FUNCTIONS g_NewFuncs_Post_Table = +{ +#ifdef FN_OnFreeEntPrivateData_Post + FN_OnFreeEntPrivateData_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_GameShutdown_Post + FN_GameShutdown_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +#ifdef FN_ShouldCollide_Post + ShouldCollide_Post, +#else + NULL, +#endif +}; + +// Global variables from metamod. These variable names are referenced by +// various macros. +meta_globals_t *gpMetaGlobals; // metamod globals +gamedll_funcs_t *gpGamedllFuncs; // gameDLL function tables +mutil_funcs_t *gpMetaUtilFuncs; // metamod utility functions + + +plugin_info_t Plugin_info = { + META_INTERFACE_VERSION, + MODULE_NAME, + MODULE_VERSION, + MODULE_DATE, + MODULE_AUTHOR, + MODULE_URL, + MODULE_LOGTAG, + PT_ANYTIME, + PT_ANYTIME +}; + +/* +C_DLLEXPORT int GetEntityAPI(DLL_FUNCTIONS *pFunctionTable, int interfaceVersion) +{ + LOG_DEVELOPER(PLID, "called: GetEntityAPI; version=%d", interfaceVersion); + if(!pFunctionTable) { + LOG_ERROR(PLID, "GetEntityAPI called with null pFunctionTable"); + return(FALSE); + } + else if(interfaceVersion != INTERFACE_VERSION) { + LOG_ERROR(PLID, "GetEntityAPI version mismatch; requested=%d ours=%d", interfaceVersion, INTERFACE_VERSION); + return(FALSE); + } + memcpy(pFunctionTable, &g_EntityAPI_Table, sizeof( DLL_FUNCTIONS ) ); + + return (TRUE); +} + +C_DLLEXPORT int GetEntityAPI_Post(DLL_FUNCTIONS *pFunctionTable, int interfaceVersion) +{ + LOG_DEVELOPER(PLID, "called: GetEntityAPI_Post; version=%d", interfaceVersion); + if(!pFunctionTable) { + LOG_ERROR(PLID, "GetEntityAPI_Post called with null pFunctionTable"); + return(FALSE); + } + else if(interfaceVersion != INTERFACE_VERSION) { + LOG_ERROR(PLID, "GetEntityAPI_Post version mismatch; requested=%d ours=%d", interfaceVersion, INTERFACE_VERSION); + return(FALSE); + } + memcpy(pFunctionTable, &g_EntityAPI_Post_Table, sizeof( DLL_FUNCTIONS ) ); + + return(TRUE); +} +*/ + +C_DLLEXPORT int GetEntityAPI2(DLL_FUNCTIONS *pFunctionTable, int *interfaceVersion) +{ + LOG_DEVELOPER(PLID, "called: GetEntityAPI2; version=%d", *interfaceVersion); + if(!pFunctionTable) { + LOG_ERROR(PLID, "GetEntityAPI2 called with null pFunctionTable"); + return(FALSE); + } + else if(*interfaceVersion != INTERFACE_VERSION) { + LOG_ERROR(PLID, + "GetEntityAPI2 version mismatch; requested=%d ours=%d", + *interfaceVersion, INTERFACE_VERSION); + //! Tell engine what version we had, so it can figure out who is + //! out of date. + *interfaceVersion = INTERFACE_VERSION; + return(FALSE); + } + memcpy(pFunctionTable, &g_EntityAPI_Table, sizeof(DLL_FUNCTIONS)); + g_pFunctionTable=pFunctionTable; + return(TRUE); +} + +C_DLLEXPORT int GetEntityAPI2_Post(DLL_FUNCTIONS *pFunctionTable, int *interfaceVersion) +{ + LOG_DEVELOPER(PLID, "called: GetEntityAPI2_Post; version=%d", *interfaceVersion); + if(!pFunctionTable) { + LOG_ERROR(PLID, "GetEntityAPI2_Post called with null pFunctionTable"); + return(FALSE); + } + else if(*interfaceVersion != INTERFACE_VERSION) { + LOG_ERROR(PLID, "GetEntityAPI2_Post version mismatch; requested=%d ours=%d", *interfaceVersion, INTERFACE_VERSION); + //! Tell engine what version we had, so it can figure out who is out of date. + *interfaceVersion = INTERFACE_VERSION; + return(FALSE); + } + memcpy( pFunctionTable, &g_EntityAPI_Post_Table, sizeof( DLL_FUNCTIONS ) ); + g_pFunctionTable_Post=pFunctionTable; + return(TRUE); +} + +C_DLLEXPORT int GetEngineFunctions(enginefuncs_t *pengfuncsFromEngine, int *interfaceVersion) +{ + LOG_DEVELOPER(PLID, "called: GetEngineFunctions; version=%d", + *interfaceVersion); + if(!pengfuncsFromEngine) { + LOG_ERROR(PLID, + "GetEngineFunctions called with null pengfuncsFromEngine"); + return(FALSE); + } + else if(*interfaceVersion != ENGINE_INTERFACE_VERSION) { + LOG_ERROR(PLID, + "GetEngineFunctions version mismatch; requested=%d ours=%d", + *interfaceVersion, ENGINE_INTERFACE_VERSION); + // Tell metamod what version we had, so it can figure out who is + // out of date. + *interfaceVersion = ENGINE_INTERFACE_VERSION; + return(FALSE); + } + memcpy(pengfuncsFromEngine, &g_EngineFuncs_Table, sizeof(enginefuncs_t)); + g_pengfuncsTable=pengfuncsFromEngine; + return TRUE; +} + +C_DLLEXPORT int GetEngineFunctions_Post(enginefuncs_t *pengfuncsFromEngine, int *interfaceVersion) +{ + LOG_DEVELOPER(PLID, "called: GetEngineFunctions_Post; version=%d", *interfaceVersion); + if(!pengfuncsFromEngine) { + LOG_ERROR(PLID, "GetEngineFunctions_Post called with null pengfuncsFromEngine"); + return(FALSE); + } + else if(*interfaceVersion != ENGINE_INTERFACE_VERSION) { + LOG_ERROR(PLID, "GetEngineFunctions_Post version mismatch; requested=%d ours=%d", *interfaceVersion, ENGINE_INTERFACE_VERSION); + // Tell metamod what version we had, so it can figure out who is out of date. + *interfaceVersion = ENGINE_INTERFACE_VERSION; + return(FALSE); + } + memcpy(pengfuncsFromEngine, &g_EngineFuncs_Post_Table, sizeof(enginefuncs_t)); + g_pengfuncsTable_Post=pengfuncsFromEngine; + return TRUE; + +} + +C_DLLEXPORT int GetNewDLLFunctions(NEW_DLL_FUNCTIONS *pNewFunctionTable, + int *interfaceVersion) +{ + LOG_DEVELOPER(PLID, "called: GetNewDLLFunctions; version=%d", + *interfaceVersion); + if(!pNewFunctionTable) { + LOG_ERROR(PLID, + "GetNewDLLFunctions called with null pNewFunctionTable"); + return(FALSE); + } + else if(*interfaceVersion != NEW_DLL_FUNCTIONS_VERSION) { + LOG_ERROR(PLID, + "GetNewDLLFunctions version mismatch; requested=%d ours=%d", + *interfaceVersion, NEW_DLL_FUNCTIONS_VERSION); + //! Tell engine what version we had, so it can figure out who is + //! out of date. + *interfaceVersion = NEW_DLL_FUNCTIONS_VERSION; + return(FALSE); + } + memcpy(pNewFunctionTable, &g_NewFuncs_Table, sizeof(NEW_DLL_FUNCTIONS)); + g_pNewFunctionsTable=pNewFunctionTable; + return TRUE; +} + +C_DLLEXPORT int GetNewDLLFunctions_Post( NEW_DLL_FUNCTIONS *pNewFunctionTable, int *interfaceVersion ) +{ + LOG_DEVELOPER(PLID, "called: GetNewDLLFunctions_Post; version=%d", *interfaceVersion); + if(!pNewFunctionTable) { + LOG_ERROR(PLID, "GetNewDLLFunctions_Post called with null pNewFunctionTable"); + return(FALSE); + } + else if(*interfaceVersion != NEW_DLL_FUNCTIONS_VERSION) { + LOG_ERROR(PLID, "GetNewDLLFunctions_Post version mismatch; requested=%d ours=%d", *interfaceVersion, NEW_DLL_FUNCTIONS_VERSION); + //! Tell engine what version we had, so it can figure out who is out of date. + *interfaceVersion = NEW_DLL_FUNCTIONS_VERSION; + return(FALSE); + } + memcpy(pNewFunctionTable, &g_NewFuncs_Post_Table, sizeof(NEW_DLL_FUNCTIONS)); + g_pNewFunctionsTable_Post=pNewFunctionTable; + return TRUE; +} + + +static META_FUNCTIONS g_MetaFunctions_Table = +{ + NULL, + NULL, + GetEntityAPI2, + GetEntityAPI2_Post, + GetNewDLLFunctions, + GetNewDLLFunctions_Post, + GetEngineFunctions, + GetEngineFunctions_Post +}; + +C_DLLEXPORT int Meta_Query(char *ifvers, plugin_info_t **pPlugInfo, mutil_funcs_t *pMetaUtilFuncs) +{ + if ((int) CVAR_GET_FLOAT("developer") != 0) + UTIL_LogPrintf("[%s] dev: called: Meta_Query; version=%s, ours=%s\n", + Plugin_info.logtag, ifvers, Plugin_info.ifvers); + + // Check for valid pMetaUtilFuncs before we continue. + if(!pMetaUtilFuncs) { + UTIL_LogPrintf("[%s] ERROR: Meta_Query called with null pMetaUtilFuncs\n", Plugin_info.logtag); + return(FALSE); + } + + gpMetaUtilFuncs = pMetaUtilFuncs; + + *pPlugInfo = &Plugin_info; + + // Check for interface version compatibility. + if(!FStrEq(ifvers, Plugin_info.ifvers)) { + int mmajor=0, mminor=0, pmajor=0, pminor=0; + LOG_MESSAGE(PLID, "WARNING: meta-interface version mismatch; requested=%s ours=%s", + Plugin_info.logtag, ifvers); + // If plugin has later interface version, it's incompatible (update + // metamod). + sscanf(ifvers, "%d:%d", &mmajor, &mminor); + sscanf(META_INTERFACE_VERSION, "%d:%d", &pmajor, &pminor); + if(pmajor > mmajor || (pmajor==mmajor && pminor > mminor)) { + LOG_ERROR(PLID, "metamod version is too old for this module; update metamod"); + return(FALSE); + } + // If plugin has older major interface version, it's incompatible + // (update plugin). + else if(pmajor < mmajor) { + LOG_ERROR(PLID, "metamod version is incompatible with this module; please find a newer version of this module"); + return(FALSE); + } + // Minor interface is older, but this is guaranteed to be backwards + // compatible, so we warn, but we still accept it. + else if(pmajor==mmajor && pminor < mminor) + LOG_MESSAGE(PLID, "WARNING: metamod version is newer than expected; consider finding a newer version of this module"); + else + LOG_ERROR(PLID, "unexpected version comparison; metavers=%s, mmajor=%d, mminor=%d; plugvers=%s, pmajor=%d, pminor=%d", ifvers, mmajor, mminor, META_INTERFACE_VERSION, pmajor, pminor); + } + +#ifdef FN_META_QUERY + return FN_META_QUERY(); +#endif // FN_META_QUERY + + return 1; +} + + +C_DLLEXPORT int Meta_Attach(PLUG_LOADTIME now, META_FUNCTIONS *pFunctionTable, meta_globals_t *pMGlobals, gamedll_funcs_t *pGamedllFuncs) +{ + if(now > Plugin_info.loadable) { + LOG_ERROR(PLID, "Can't load module right now"); + return(FALSE); + } + if(!pMGlobals) { + LOG_ERROR(PLID, "Meta_Attach called with null pMGlobals"); + return(FALSE); + } + gpMetaGlobals=pMGlobals; + if(!pFunctionTable) { + LOG_ERROR(PLID, "Meta_Attach called with null pFunctionTable"); + return(FALSE); + } + + memcpy(pFunctionTable, &g_MetaFunctions_Table, sizeof(META_FUNCTIONS)); + gpGamedllFuncs=pGamedllFuncs; + + // Let's go. + +#ifdef FN_META_ATTACH + FN_META_ATTACH(); +#endif // FN_META_ATTACH + + return TRUE; +} + +C_DLLEXPORT int Meta_Detach(PLUG_LOADTIME now, PL_UNLOAD_REASON reason) +{ + if(now > Plugin_info.unloadable && reason != PNL_CMD_FORCED) { + LOG_ERROR(PLID, "Can't unload plugin right now"); + return(FALSE); + } + +#ifdef FN_META_DETACH + return FN_META_DETACH(); +#endif // FN_META_DETACH + return TRUE; +} + + + +#ifdef __linux__ +// linux prototype +C_DLLEXPORT void GiveFnptrsToDll( enginefuncs_t* pengfuncsFromEngine, globalvars_t *pGlobals ) { + +#else +#ifdef _MSC_VER +// MSVC: Simulate __stdcall calling convention +C_DLLEXPORT __declspec(naked) void GiveFnptrsToDll( enginefuncs_t* pengfuncsFromEngine, globalvars_t *pGlobals ) +{ + __asm // Prolog + { + // Save ebp + push ebp + // Set stack frame pointer + mov ebp, esp + // Allocate space for local variables + // The MSVC compiler gives us the needed size in __LOCAL_SIZE. + sub esp, __LOCAL_SIZE + // Push registers + push ebx + push esi + push edi + } +#else // _MSC_VER +#ifdef __GNUC__ +// GCC can also work with this +C_DLLEXPORT void __stdcall GiveFnptrsToDll( enginefuncs_t* pengfuncsFromEngine, globalvars_t *pGlobals ) +{ +#else // __GNUC__ +// compiler not known +#error There is no support (yet) for your compiler. Please use MSVC or GCC compilers or contact the AMX Mod X dev team. +#endif // __GNUC__ +#endif // _MSC_VER +#endif // __linux__ + + // ** Function core <-- + memcpy(&g_engfuncs, pengfuncsFromEngine, sizeof(enginefuncs_t)); + gpGlobals = pGlobals; + // NOTE! Have to call logging function _after_ copying into g_engfuncs, so + // that g_engfuncs.pfnAlertMessage() can be resolved properly, heh. :) + UTIL_LogPrintf("[%s] dev: called: GiveFnptrsToDll\n", Plugin_info.logtag); + // --> ** Function core + +#ifdef _MSC_VER + // Epilog + if (sizeof(int*) == 8) + { // 64 bit + __asm + { + // Pop registers + pop edi + pop esi + pop ebx + // Restore stack frame pointer + mov esp, ebp + // Restore ebp + pop ebp + // 2 * sizeof(int*) = 16 on 64 bit + ret 16 + } + } + else + { // 32 bit + __asm + { + // Pop registers + pop edi + pop esi + pop ebx + // Restore stack frame pointer + mov esp, ebp + // Restore ebp + pop ebp + // 2 * sizeof(int*) = 8 on 32 bit + ret 8 + } + } +#endif // #ifdef _MSC_VER +} + +#endif // #ifdef USE_METAMOD + +/************* AMXX Stuff *************/ + +// *** Globals *** +// Module info +static amxx_module_info_s g_ModuleInfo = +{ + MODULE_NAME, + MODULE_AUTHOR, + MODULE_VERSION, +#ifdef MODULE_RELOAD_ON_MAPCHANGE + 1, +#else // MODULE_RELOAD_ON_MAPCHANGE + 0, +#endif // MODULE_RELOAD_ON_MAPCHANGE + MODULE_LOGTAG +}; + +// Storage for the requested functions +PFN_ADD_NATIVES g_fn_AddNatives; +PFN_BUILD_PATHNAME g_fn_BuildPathname; +PFN_BUILD_PATHNAME_R g_fn_BuildPathnameR; +PFN_GET_AMXADDR g_fn_GetAmxAddr; +PFN_PRINT_SRVCONSOLE g_fn_PrintSrvConsole; +PFN_GET_MODNAME g_fn_GetModname; +PFN_GET_AMXSCRIPTNAME g_fn_GetAmxScriptName; +PFN_GET_AMXSCRIPT g_fn_GetAmxScript; +PFN_FIND_AMXSCRIPT_BYAMX g_fn_FindAmxScriptByAmx; +PFN_FIND_AMXSCRIPT_BYNAME g_fn_FindAmxScriptByName; +PFN_SET_AMXSTRING g_fn_SetAmxString; +PFN_GET_AMXSTRING g_fn_GetAmxString; +PFN_GET_AMXSTRINGLEN g_fn_GetAmxStringLen; +PFN_FORMAT_AMXSTRING g_fn_FormatAmxString; +PFN_COPY_AMXMEMORY g_fn_CopyAmxMemory; +PFN_LOG g_fn_Log; +PFN_LOG_ERROR g_fn_LogErrorFunc; +PFN_RAISE_AMXERROR g_fn_RaiseAmxError; +PFN_REGISTER_FORWARD g_fn_RegisterForward; +PFN_EXECUTE_FORWARD g_fn_ExecuteForward; +PFN_PREPARE_CELLARRAY g_fn_PrepareCellArray; +PFN_PREPARE_CHARARRAY g_fn_PrepareCharArray; +PFN_PREPARE_CELLARRAY_A g_fn_PrepareCellArrayA; +PFN_PREPARE_CHARARRAY_A g_fn_PrepareCharArrayA; +PFN_IS_PLAYER_VALID g_fn_IsPlayerValid; +PFN_GET_PLAYER_NAME g_fn_GetPlayerName; +PFN_GET_PLAYER_IP g_fn_GetPlayerIP; +PFN_IS_PLAYER_INGAME g_fn_IsPlayerIngame; +PFN_IS_PLAYER_BOT g_fn_IsPlayerBot; +PFN_IS_PLAYER_AUTHORIZED g_fn_IsPlayerAuthorized; +PFN_GET_PLAYER_TIME g_fn_GetPlayerTime; +PFN_GET_PLAYER_PLAYTIME g_fn_GetPlayerPlayTime; +PFN_GET_PLAYER_CURWEAPON g_fn_GetPlayerCurweapon; +PFN_GET_PLAYER_TEAM g_fn_GetPlayerTeam; +PFN_GET_PLAYER_TEAMID g_fn_GetPlayerTeamID; +PFN_GET_PLAYER_DEATHS g_fn_GetPlayerDeaths; +PFN_GET_PLAYER_MENU g_fn_GetPlayerMenu; +PFN_GET_PLAYER_KEYS g_fn_GetPlayerKeys; +PFN_IS_PLAYER_ALIVE g_fn_IsPlayerAlive; +PFN_GET_PLAYER_FRAGS g_fn_GetPlayerFrags; +PFN_IS_PLAYER_CONNECTING g_fn_IsPlayerConnecting; +PFN_IS_PLAYER_HLTV g_fn_IsPlayerHLTV; +PFN_GET_PLAYER_ARMOR g_fn_GetPlayerArmor; +PFN_GET_PLAYER_HEALTH g_fn_GetPlayerHealth; +#ifdef MEMORY_TEST +PFN_ALLOCATOR g_fn_Allocator; +PFN_REALLOCATOR g_fn_Reallocator; +PFN_DEALLOCATOR g_fn_Deallocator; +#endif +PFN_AMX_EXEC g_fn_AmxExec; +PFN_AMX_EXECV g_fn_AmxExecv; +PFN_AMX_ALLOT g_fn_AmxAllot; +PFN_AMX_FINDPUBLIC g_fn_AmxFindPublic; +PFN_LOAD_AMXSCRIPT g_fn_LoadAmxScript; +PFN_UNLOAD_AMXSCRIPT g_fn_UnloadAmxScript; +PFN_REAL_TO_CELL g_fn_RealToCell; +PFN_CELL_TO_REAL g_fn_CellToReal; +PFN_REGISTER_SPFORWARD g_fn_RegisterSPForward; +PFN_REGISTER_SPFORWARD_BYNAME g_fn_RegisterSPForwardByName; +PFN_UNREGISTER_SPFORWARD g_fn_UnregisterSPForward; +PFN_MERGEDEFINITION_FILE g_fn_MergeDefinition_File; +PFN_AMX_FINDNATIVE g_fn_AmxFindNative; +PFN_GETPLAYERFLAGS g_fn_GetPlayerFlags; +PFN_GET_PLAYER_EDICT g_fn_GetPlayerEdict; +PFN_FORMAT g_fn_Format; +PFN_REGISTERFUNCTION g_fn_RegisterFunction; +PFN_REQ_FNPTR g_fn_RequestFunction; +PFN_AMX_PUSH g_fn_AmxPush; + +// *** Exports *** +C_DLLEXPORT int AMXX_Query(int *interfaceVersion, amxx_module_info_s *moduleInfo) +{ + // check parameters + if (!interfaceVersion || !moduleInfo) + return AMXX_PARAM; + + // check interface version + if (*interfaceVersion != AMXX_INTERFACE_VERSION) + { + // Tell amxx core our interface version + *interfaceVersion = AMXX_INTERFACE_VERSION; + return AMXX_IFVERS; + } + + // copy module info + memcpy(moduleInfo, &g_ModuleInfo, sizeof(amxx_module_info_s)); + +#ifdef FN_AMXX_QUERY + FN_AMXX_QUERY(); +#endif // FN_AMXX_QUERY + // Everything ok :) + return AMXX_OK; +} + +// request function +#define REQFUNC(name, fptr, type) if ((fptr = (type)reqFnptrFunc(name)) == 0) return AMXX_FUNC_NOT_PRESENT +// request optional function +#define REQFUNC_OPT(name, fptr, type) fptr = (type)reqFnptrFunc(name) + +C_DLLEXPORT int AMXX_Attach(PFN_REQ_FNPTR reqFnptrFunc) +{ + // Check pointer + if (!reqFnptrFunc) + return AMXX_PARAM; + + g_fn_RequestFunction = reqFnptrFunc; + + // Req all known functions + // Misc + REQFUNC("BuildPathname", g_fn_BuildPathname, PFN_BUILD_PATHNAME); + REQFUNC("BuildPathnameR", g_fn_BuildPathnameR, PFN_BUILD_PATHNAME_R); + REQFUNC("PrintSrvConsole", g_fn_PrintSrvConsole, PFN_PRINT_SRVCONSOLE); + REQFUNC("GetModname", g_fn_GetModname, PFN_GET_MODNAME); + REQFUNC("Log", g_fn_Log, PFN_LOG); + REQFUNC("LogError", g_fn_LogErrorFunc, PFN_LOG_ERROR); + REQFUNC("MergeDefinitionFile", g_fn_MergeDefinition_File, PFN_MERGEDEFINITION_FILE); + REQFUNC("Format", g_fn_Format, PFN_FORMAT); + REQFUNC("RegisterFunction", g_fn_RegisterFunction, PFN_REGISTERFUNCTION); + + // Amx scripts + REQFUNC("GetAmxScript", g_fn_GetAmxScript, PFN_GET_AMXSCRIPT); + REQFUNC("FindAmxScriptByAmx", g_fn_FindAmxScriptByAmx, PFN_FIND_AMXSCRIPT_BYAMX); + REQFUNC("FindAmxScriptByName", g_fn_FindAmxScriptByName, PFN_FIND_AMXSCRIPT_BYNAME); + REQFUNC("LoadAmxScript", g_fn_LoadAmxScript, PFN_LOAD_AMXSCRIPT); + REQFUNC("UnloadAmxScript", g_fn_UnloadAmxScript, PFN_UNLOAD_AMXSCRIPT); + REQFUNC("GetAmxScriptName", g_fn_GetAmxScriptName, PFN_GET_AMXSCRIPTNAME); + + // String / mem in amx scripts support + REQFUNC("SetAmxString", g_fn_SetAmxString, PFN_SET_AMXSTRING); + REQFUNC("GetAmxString", g_fn_GetAmxString, PFN_GET_AMXSTRING); + REQFUNC("GetAmxStringLen", g_fn_GetAmxStringLen, PFN_GET_AMXSTRINGLEN); + REQFUNC("FormatAmxString", g_fn_FormatAmxString, PFN_FORMAT_AMXSTRING); + REQFUNC("CopyAmxMemory", g_fn_CopyAmxMemory, PFN_COPY_AMXMEMORY); + REQFUNC("GetAmxAddr", g_fn_GetAmxAddr, PFN_GET_AMXADDR); + + REQFUNC("amx_Exec", g_fn_AmxExec, PFN_AMX_EXEC); + REQFUNC("amx_Execv", g_fn_AmxExecv, PFN_AMX_EXECV); + REQFUNC("amx_FindPublic", g_fn_AmxFindPublic, PFN_AMX_FINDPUBLIC); + REQFUNC("amx_Allot", g_fn_AmxAllot, PFN_AMX_ALLOT); + REQFUNC("amx_FindNative", g_fn_AmxFindNative, PFN_AMX_FINDNATIVE); + + // Natives / Forwards + REQFUNC("AddNatives", g_fn_AddNatives, PFN_ADD_NATIVES); + REQFUNC("RaiseAmxError", g_fn_RaiseAmxError, PFN_RAISE_AMXERROR); + REQFUNC("RegisterForward", g_fn_RegisterForward, PFN_REGISTER_FORWARD); + REQFUNC("RegisterSPForward", g_fn_RegisterSPForward, PFN_REGISTER_SPFORWARD); + REQFUNC("RegisterSPForwardByName", g_fn_RegisterSPForwardByName, PFN_REGISTER_SPFORWARD_BYNAME); + REQFUNC("UnregisterSPForward", g_fn_UnregisterSPForward, PFN_UNREGISTER_SPFORWARD); + REQFUNC("ExecuteForward", g_fn_ExecuteForward, PFN_EXECUTE_FORWARD); + REQFUNC("PrepareCellArray", g_fn_PrepareCellArray, PFN_PREPARE_CELLARRAY); + REQFUNC("PrepareCharArray", g_fn_PrepareCharArray, PFN_PREPARE_CHARARRAY); + REQFUNC("PrepareCellArrayA", g_fn_PrepareCellArrayA, PFN_PREPARE_CELLARRAY_A); + REQFUNC("PrepareCharArrayA", g_fn_PrepareCharArrayA, PFN_PREPARE_CHARARRAY_A); + // Player + REQFUNC("IsPlayerValid", g_fn_IsPlayerValid, PFN_IS_PLAYER_VALID); + REQFUNC("GetPlayerName", g_fn_GetPlayerName, PFN_GET_PLAYER_NAME); + REQFUNC("GetPlayerIP", g_fn_GetPlayerIP, PFN_GET_PLAYER_IP); + REQFUNC("IsPlayerInGame", g_fn_IsPlayerIngame, PFN_IS_PLAYER_INGAME); + REQFUNC("IsPlayerBot", g_fn_IsPlayerBot, PFN_IS_PLAYER_BOT); + REQFUNC("IsPlayerAuthorized", g_fn_IsPlayerAuthorized, PFN_IS_PLAYER_AUTHORIZED); + REQFUNC("GetPlayerTime", g_fn_GetPlayerTime, PFN_GET_PLAYER_TIME); + REQFUNC("GetPlayerPlayTime", g_fn_GetPlayerPlayTime, PFN_GET_PLAYER_PLAYTIME); + REQFUNC("GetPlayerCurweapon", g_fn_GetPlayerCurweapon, PFN_GET_PLAYER_CURWEAPON); + REQFUNC("GetPlayerTeamID", g_fn_GetPlayerTeamID, PFN_GET_PLAYER_TEAMID); + REQFUNC("GetPlayerTeam",g_fn_GetPlayerTeam, PFN_GET_PLAYER_TEAM); + REQFUNC("GetPlayerDeaths", g_fn_GetPlayerDeaths, PFN_GET_PLAYER_DEATHS); + REQFUNC("GetPlayerMenu", g_fn_GetPlayerMenu, PFN_GET_PLAYER_MENU); + REQFUNC("GetPlayerKeys", g_fn_GetPlayerKeys, PFN_GET_PLAYER_KEYS); + REQFUNC("IsPlayerAlive", g_fn_IsPlayerAlive, PFN_IS_PLAYER_ALIVE); + REQFUNC("GetPlayerFrags", g_fn_GetPlayerFrags, PFN_GET_PLAYER_FRAGS); + REQFUNC("IsPlayerConnecting", g_fn_IsPlayerConnecting, PFN_IS_PLAYER_CONNECTING); + REQFUNC("IsPlayerHLTV", g_fn_IsPlayerHLTV, PFN_IS_PLAYER_HLTV); + REQFUNC("GetPlayerArmor", g_fn_GetPlayerArmor, PFN_GET_PLAYER_ARMOR); + REQFUNC("GetPlayerHealth", g_fn_GetPlayerHealth, PFN_GET_PLAYER_HEALTH); + REQFUNC("GetPlayerFlags", g_fn_GetPlayerFlags, PFN_GETPLAYERFLAGS); + REQFUNC("GetPlayerEdict", g_fn_GetPlayerEdict, PFN_GET_PLAYER_EDICT); + REQFUNC("amx_Push", g_fn_AmxPush, PFN_AMX_PUSH); + +#ifdef MEMORY_TEST + // Memory + REQFUNC_OPT("Allocator", g_fn_Allocator, PFN_ALLOCATOR); + REQFUNC_OPT("Reallocator", g_fn_Reallocator, PFN_REALLOCATOR); + REQFUNC_OPT("Deallocator", g_fn_Deallocator, PFN_DEALLOCATOR); +#endif + + REQFUNC("CellToReal", g_fn_CellToReal, PFN_CELL_TO_REAL); + REQFUNC("RealToCell", g_fn_RealToCell, PFN_REAL_TO_CELL); + +#ifdef FN_AMXX_ATTACH + FN_AMXX_ATTACH(); +#endif // FN_AMXX_ATACH + + return AMXX_OK; +} + +C_DLLEXPORT int AMXX_Detach() +{ +#ifdef FN_AMXX_DETACH + FN_AMXX_DETACH(); +#endif // FN_AMXX_DETACH + + return AMXX_OK; +} + +C_DLLEXPORT int AMXX_PluginsLoaded() +{ +#ifdef FN_AMXX_PLUGINSLOADED + FN_AMXX_PLUGINSLOADED(); +#endif // FN_AMXX_PLUGINSLOADED + return AMXX_OK; +} + +// Advanced MF functions +void MF_Log(const char *fmt, ...) +{ + // :TODO: Overflow possible here + char msg[3072]; + va_list arglst; + va_start(arglst, fmt); + vsprintf(msg, fmt, arglst); + va_end(arglst); + + g_fn_Log("[%s] %s", MODULE_LOGTAG, msg); +} + +void MF_LogError(AMX *amx, int err, const char *fmt, ...) +{ + // :TODO: Overflow possible here + char msg[3072]; + va_list arglst; + va_start(arglst, fmt); + vsprintf(msg, fmt, arglst); + va_end(arglst); + + g_fn_LogErrorFunc(amx, err, "[%s] %s", MODULE_LOGTAG, msg); +} + + +#ifdef _DEBUG +// validate macros +// Makes sure compiler reports errors when macros are invalid +void ValidateMacros_DontCallThis_Smiley() +{ + MF_BuildPathname("str", "str", 0); + MF_BuildPathnameR(NULL, 0, "%d", 0); + MF_FormatAmxString(NULL, 0, 0, NULL); + MF_GetAmxAddr(NULL, 0); + MF_PrintSrvConsole("str", "str", 0); + MF_GetModname(); + MF_GetScriptName(0); + MF_GetScriptAmx(0); + MF_FindScriptByAmx(NULL); + MF_FindScriptByName("str"); + MF_SetAmxString(NULL, 0, "str", 0); + MF_GetAmxString(NULL, 0, 0, 0); + MF_GetAmxStringLen(NULL); + MF_CopyAmxMemory(NULL, NULL, 0); + MF_Log("str", "str", 0); + MF_LogError(NULL, 0, NULL); + MF_RaiseAmxError(NULL, 0); + MF_RegisterForward("str", (ForwardExecType)0, 0, 0, 0); + MF_ExecuteForward(0, 0, 0); + MF_PrepareCellArray(NULL, 0); + MF_PrepareCharArray(NULL, 0); + MF_PrepareCellArrayA(NULL, 0, true); + MF_PrepareCharArrayA(NULL, 0, true); + MF_IsPlayerValid(0); + MF_GetPlayerName(0); + MF_GetPlayerIP(0); + MF_IsPlayerIngame(0); + MF_IsPlayerBot(0); + MF_IsPlayerAuthorized(0); + MF_GetPlayerTime(0); + MF_GetPlayerPlayTime(0); + MF_GetPlayerCurweapon(0); + MF_GetPlayerTeamID(0); + MF_GetPlayerTeam(0); + MF_GetPlayerDeaths(0); + MF_GetPlayerMenu(0); + MF_GetPlayerKeys(0); + MF_IsPlayerAlive(0); + MF_GetPlayerFrags(0); + MF_IsPlayerConnecting(0); + MF_IsPlayerHLTV(0); + MF_GetPlayerArmor(0); + MF_GetPlayerHealth(0); + MF_AmxExec(0, 0, 0); + MF_AmxExecv(0, 0, 0, 0, 0); + MF_AmxFindPublic(0, 0, 0); + MF_AmxAllot(0, 0, 0, 0); + MF_LoadAmxScript(0, 0, 0, 0, 0); + MF_UnloadAmxScript(0, 0); + MF_RegisterSPForward(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); + MF_RegisterSPForwardByName(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); + MF_UnregisterSPForward(0); + MF_GetPlayerFrags(0); + MF_GetPlayerEdict(0); + MF_Format("", 4, "str"); + MF_RegisterFunction(NULL, ""); +} +#endif + +#ifdef MEMORY_TEST + +/************* MEMORY *************/ +// undef all defined macros +#undef new +#undef delete +#undef malloc +#undef calloc +#undef realloc +#undef free + +const unsigned int m_alloc_unknown = 0; +const unsigned int m_alloc_new = 1; +const unsigned int m_alloc_new_array = 2; +const unsigned int m_alloc_malloc = 3; +const unsigned int m_alloc_calloc = 4; +const unsigned int m_alloc_realloc = 5; +const unsigned int m_alloc_delete = 6; +const unsigned int m_alloc_delete_array = 7; +const unsigned int m_alloc_free = 8; + +const char *g_Mem_CurrentFilename = "??"; +int g_Mem_CurrentLine = 0; +const char *g_Mem_CurrentFunc = "??"; + +const char *Mem_MakeSourceFile(const char *sourceFile) +{ + static char buffer[512]; + static size_t pos = 0; + if (!pos) + { + // init + buffer[0] = '['; + strcpy(buffer + 1, MODULE_NAME); + pos = strlen(MODULE_NAME) + 1; + buffer[pos++] = ']'; + } + + // convert from absolute path to [modulename]filename + const char *ptr = strrchr(sourceFile, '\\'); + if (ptr) + ptr++; + else + { + ptr = strrchr(sourceFile, '/'); + if (ptr) + ptr++; + else + ptr = sourceFile; + } + strcpy(buffer + pos, ptr); + return buffer; +} + +void Mem_SetOwner(const char *filename, int line, const char *function) +{ + g_Mem_CurrentFilename = filename; + g_Mem_CurrentLine = line; + g_Mem_CurrentFunc = function; +} + +void Mem_ResetGlobals() +{ + Mem_SetOwner("??", 0, "??"); +} + +// raw (re/de)allocators +void * Mem_Allocator(const char *sourceFile, const unsigned int sourceLine, const char *sourceFunc, + const unsigned int allocationType, const size_t reportedSize) +{ + if (g_fn_Allocator) + return g_fn_Allocator(Mem_MakeSourceFile(sourceFile), sourceLine, sourceFunc, allocationType, reportedSize); + else + return malloc(reportedSize); +} + +void * Mem_Reallocator(const char *sourceFile, const unsigned int sourceLine, const char *sourceFunc, + const unsigned int reallocationType, const size_t reportedSize, void *reportedAddress) +{ + if (g_fn_Reallocator) + return g_fn_Reallocator(Mem_MakeSourceFile(sourceFile), sourceLine, sourceFunc, reallocationType, reportedSize, reportedAddress); + else + return realloc(reportedAddress, reportedSize); +} + +void Mem_Deallocator(const char *sourceFile, const unsigned int sourceLine, const char *sourceFunc, + const unsigned int deallocationType, void *reportedAddress) +{ + // If you you get user breakpoint here, something failed :) + // - invalid pointer + // - alloc type mismatch ( for example + // char *a = new char[5]; delete char; + // ) + // - The allocation unit is damaged (for example + // char *a = new char[5]; a[6] = 8; + // ) + // - break on dealloc flag set (somehow) + + if (g_fn_Deallocator) + g_fn_Deallocator(Mem_MakeSourceFile(sourceFile), sourceLine, sourceFunc, deallocationType, reportedAddress); + else + free(reportedAddress); +} + +// new and delete operators +void *operator new(size_t reportedSize) +{ + if (reportedSize == 0) + reportedSize = 1; + void *ptr = Mem_Allocator(g_Mem_CurrentFilename, g_Mem_CurrentLine, g_Mem_CurrentFunc, m_alloc_new, reportedSize); + // :TODO: Handler support ? + if (ptr) + return ptr; + + // allocation failed + return NULL; +} + +void *operator new[](size_t reportedSize) +{ + if (reportedSize == 0) + reportedSize = 1; + void *ptr = Mem_Allocator(g_Mem_CurrentFilename, g_Mem_CurrentLine, g_Mem_CurrentFunc, m_alloc_new_array, reportedSize); + // :TODO: Handler support ? + if (ptr) + return ptr; + + // allocation failed + return NULL; +} + +// Microsoft memory tracking operators +void *operator new(size_t reportedSize, const char *sourceFile, int sourceLine) +{ + if (reportedSize == 0) + reportedSize = 1; + void *ptr = Mem_Allocator(g_Mem_CurrentFilename, g_Mem_CurrentLine, g_Mem_CurrentFunc, m_alloc_new, reportedSize); + // :TODO: Handler support ? + if (ptr) + return ptr; + + // allocation failed + return NULL; +} +void *operator new[](size_t reportedSize, const char *sourceFile, int sourceLine) +{ + if (reportedSize == 0) + reportedSize = 1; + void *ptr = Mem_Allocator(g_Mem_CurrentFilename, g_Mem_CurrentLine, g_Mem_CurrentFunc, m_alloc_new_array, reportedSize); + // :TODO: Handler support ? + if (ptr) + return ptr; + + // allocation failed + return NULL; +} + +void operator delete(void *reportedAddress) +{ + if (!reportedAddress) + return; + + Mem_Deallocator(g_Mem_CurrentFilename, g_Mem_CurrentLine, g_Mem_CurrentFunc, m_alloc_delete, reportedAddress); +} + +void operator delete[](void *reportedAddress) +{ + if (!reportedAddress) + return; + + Mem_Deallocator(g_Mem_CurrentFilename, g_Mem_CurrentLine, g_Mem_CurrentFunc, m_alloc_delete_array, reportedAddress); +} + +#else + +#if !defined NO_ALLOC_OVERRIDES && !defined MEMORY_TEST && !defined WIN32 +void * ::operator new(size_t size) { + return(calloc(1, size)); +} + +void * ::operator new[](size_t size) { + return(calloc(1, size)); +} + +void ::operator delete(void * ptr) { + if(ptr) + free(ptr); +} + +void ::operator delete[](void * ptr) { + if(ptr) + free(ptr); +} +#endif + +#endif //MEMORY_TEST + +/************* stuff from dlls/util.cpp *************/ +// must come here because cbase.h declares it's own operator new + +#ifdef USE_METAMOD + +// Selected portions of dlls/util.cpp from SDK 2.1. +// Functions copied from there as needed... +// And modified to avoid buffer overflows (argh). + +/*** +* +* Copyright (c) 1999, 2000 Valve LLC. All rights reserved. +* +* This product contains software technology licensed from Id +* Software, Inc. ("Id Technology"). Id Technology (c) 1996 Id Software, Inc. +* All Rights Reserved. +* +* Use, distribution, and modification of this source code and/or resulting +* object code is restricted to non-commercial enhancements to products from +* Valve LLC. All other use, distribution, or modification is prohibited +* without written permission from Valve LLC. +* +****/ +/* + +===== util.cpp ======================================================== + + Utility code. Really not optional after all. + +*/ + +#include +#include "sdk_util.h" +#include + +#include // for strncpy(), etc + +#include "osdep.h" // win32 vsnprintf, etc + +char* UTIL_VarArgs( char *format, ... ) +{ + va_list argptr; + static char string[1024]; + + va_start (argptr, format); + vsnprintf (string, sizeof(string), format, argptr); + va_end (argptr); + + return string; +} + + +//========================================================= +// UTIL_LogPrintf - Prints a logged message to console. +// Preceded by LOG: ( timestamp ) < message > +//========================================================= +void UTIL_LogPrintf( char *fmt, ... ) +{ + va_list argptr; + static char string[1024]; + + va_start ( argptr, fmt ); + vsnprintf ( string, sizeof(string), fmt, argptr ); + va_end ( argptr ); + + // Print to server console + ALERT( at_logged, "%s", string ); +} + + +void UTIL_HudMessage(CBaseEntity *pEntity, const hudtextparms_t &textparms, + const char *pMessage) +{ + if ( !pEntity ) + return; + + MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_ONE, SVC_TEMPENTITY, NULL, ENT(pEntity->pev) ); + WRITE_BYTE( TE_TEXTMESSAGE ); + WRITE_BYTE( textparms.channel & 0xFF ); + + WRITE_SHORT( FixedSigned16( textparms.x, 1<<13 ) ); + WRITE_SHORT( FixedSigned16( textparms.y, 1<<13 ) ); + WRITE_BYTE( textparms.effect ); + + WRITE_BYTE( textparms.r1 ); + WRITE_BYTE( textparms.g1 ); + WRITE_BYTE( textparms.b1 ); + WRITE_BYTE( textparms.a1 ); + + WRITE_BYTE( textparms.r2 ); + WRITE_BYTE( textparms.g2 ); + WRITE_BYTE( textparms.b2 ); + WRITE_BYTE( textparms.a2 ); + + WRITE_SHORT( FixedUnsigned16( textparms.fadeinTime, 1<<8 ) ); + WRITE_SHORT( FixedUnsigned16( textparms.fadeoutTime, 1<<8 ) ); + WRITE_SHORT( FixedUnsigned16( textparms.holdTime, 1<<8 ) ); + + if ( textparms.effect == 2 ) + WRITE_SHORT( FixedUnsigned16( textparms.fxTime, 1<<8 ) ); + + if ( strlen( pMessage ) < 512 ) + { + WRITE_STRING( pMessage ); + } + else + { + char tmp[512]; + strncpy( tmp, pMessage, 511 ); + tmp[511] = 0; + WRITE_STRING( tmp ); + } + MESSAGE_END(); +} + +short FixedSigned16( float value, float scale ) +{ + int output; + + output = (int) (value * scale); + + if ( output > 32767 ) + output = 32767; + + if ( output < -32768 ) + output = -32768; + + return (short)output; +} + +unsigned short FixedUnsigned16( float value, float scale ) +{ + int output; + + output = (int) (value * scale); + if ( output < 0 ) + output = 0; + if ( output > 0xFFFF ) + output = 0xFFFF; + + return (unsigned short)output; +} +#endif // USE_METAMOD diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/amxxmodule.h b/dlls/arrayx/amxxmodule.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0a000d20 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/amxxmodule.h @@ -0,0 +1,2241 @@ +/* + * AMX Mod X Module Interface Functions + * This file may be freely used +*/ + +// prevent double include +#ifndef __AMXXMODULE_H__ +#define __AMXXMODULE_H__ + +// config +#include "moduleconfig.h" + +// metamod include files +#ifdef USE_METAMOD +#include +#include +#include "osdep.h" +#endif // #ifdef USE_METAMOD + +// DLL Export +#undef DLLEXPORT +#ifndef __linux__ +#define DLLEXPORT __declspec(dllexport) +#else +#define DLLEXPORT +#define LINUX +#endif + +#undef C_DLLEXPORT +#define C_DLLEXPORT extern "C" DLLEXPORT + +// ***** AMXX stuff ***** + +// module interface version was 1 +// 2 - added logtag to struct (amxx1.1-rc1) +// 3 - added new tagAMX structure (amxx1.5) +#define AMXX_INTERFACE_VERSION 3 + +// amxx module info +struct amxx_module_info_s +{ + const char *name; + const char *author; + const char *version; + int reload; // reload on mapchange when nonzero + const char *logtag; // added in version 2 +}; + +// return values from functions called by amxx +#define AMXX_OK 0 /* no error */ +#define AMXX_IFVERS 1 /* interface version */ +#define AMXX_PARAM 2 /* Invalid parameter */ +#define AMXX_FUNC_NOT_PRESENT 3 /* Function not present */ + +// *** Small stuff *** +// The next section is copied from the amx.h file +// Copyright (c) ITB CompuPhase, 1997-2005 + +#if defined HAVE_STDINT_H + #include +#else + #if defined __LCC__ || defined __DMC__ || defined LINUX + #if defined HAVE_INTTYPES_H + #include + #else + #include + #endif + #elif !defined __STDC_VERSION__ || __STDC_VERSION__ < 199901L + /* The ISO C99 defines the int16_t and int_32t types. If the compiler got + * here, these types are probably undefined. + */ + #if defined __MACH__ + #include + typedef unsigned short int uint16_t; + typedef unsigned long int uint32_t; + #elif defined __FreeBSD__ + #include + #else + typedef short int int16_t; + typedef unsigned short int uint16_t; + #if defined SN_TARGET_PS2 + typedef int int32_t; + typedef unsigned int uint32_t; + #else + typedef long int int32_t; + typedef unsigned long int uint32_t; + #endif + #if defined __WIN32__ || defined _WIN32 || defined WIN32 + typedef __int64 int64_t; + typedef unsigned __int64 uint64_t; + #define HAVE_I64 + #elif defined __GNUC__ + typedef long long int64_t; + typedef unsigned long long uint64_t; + #define HAVE_I64 + #endif + #endif + #endif + #define HAVE_STDINT_H +#endif +#if defined _LP64 || defined WIN64 || defined _WIN64 + #if !defined __64BIT__ + #define __64BIT__ + #endif +#endif + +/* calling convention for native functions */ +#if !defined AMX_NATIVE_CALL + #define AMX_NATIVE_CALL +#endif +/* calling convention for all interface functions and callback functions */ +#if !defined AMXAPI + #if defined STDECL + #define AMXAPI __stdcall + #elif defined CDECL + #define AMXAPI __cdecl + #else + #define AMXAPI + #endif +#endif +#if !defined AMXEXPORT + #define AMXEXPORT +#endif + +#if !defined PAWN_CELL_SIZE + #define PAWN_CELL_SIZE 32 /* by default, use 32-bit cells */ +#endif +#if PAWN_CELL_SIZE==16 + typedef uint16_t ucell; + typedef int16_t cell; +#elif PAWN_CELL_SIZE==32 + typedef uint32_t ucell; + typedef int32_t cell; +#define REAL float +#elif PAWN_CELL_SIZE==64 + typedef uint64_t ucell; + typedef int64_t cell; +#define REAL double +#else + #error Unsupported cell size (PAWN_CELL_SIZE) +#endif + +#define UNPACKEDMAX ((1 << (sizeof(cell)-1)*8) - 1) +#define UNLIMITED (~1u >> 1) + +struct tagAMX; +typedef cell (AMX_NATIVE_CALL *AMX_NATIVE)(struct tagAMX *amx, cell *params); +typedef int (AMXAPI *AMX_CALLBACK)(struct tagAMX *amx, cell index, + cell *result, cell *params); +typedef int (AMXAPI *AMX_DEBUG)(struct tagAMX *amx); +#if !defined _FAR + #define _FAR +#endif + +#if defined _MSC_VER + #pragma warning(disable:4103) /* disable warning message 4103 that complains + * about pragma pack in a header file */ + #pragma warning(disable:4100) /* "'%$S' : unreferenced formal parameter" */ +#endif + + +/* Some compilers do not support the #pragma align, which should be fine. Some + * compilers give a warning on unknown #pragmas, which is not so fine... + */ +#if (defined SN_TARGET_PS2 || defined __GNUC__) && !defined AMX_NO_ALIGN + #define AMX_NO_ALIGN +#endif + +#if defined __GNUC__ + #define PACKED __attribute__((packed)) +#else + #define PACKED +#endif + +#if !defined AMX_NO_ALIGN + #if defined LINUX || defined __FreeBSD__ + #pragma pack(1) /* structures must be packed (byte-aligned) */ + #elif defined MACOS && defined __MWERKS__ + #pragma options align=mac68k + #else + #pragma pack(push) + #pragma pack(1) /* structures must be packed (byte-aligned) */ + #if defined __TURBOC__ + #pragma option -a- /* "pack" pragma for older Borland compilers */ + #endif + #endif +#endif + +typedef struct { + const char _FAR *name PACKED; + AMX_NATIVE func PACKED; +} AMX_NATIVE_INFO; + +#define AMX_USERNUM 4 + +/* The AMX structure is the internal structure for many functions. Not all + * fields are valid at all times; many fields are cached in local variables. + */ +typedef struct tagAMX { + unsigned char _FAR *base PACKED; /* points to the AMX header plus the code, optionally also the data */ + unsigned char _FAR *data PACKED; /* points to separate data+stack+heap, may be NULL */ + AMX_CALLBACK callback PACKED; + AMX_DEBUG debug PACKED; /* debug callback */ + /* for external functions a few registers must be accessible from the outside */ + cell cip PACKED; /* instruction pointer: relative to base + amxhdr->cod */ + cell frm PACKED; /* stack frame base: relative to base + amxhdr->dat */ + cell hea PACKED; /* top of the heap: relative to base + amxhdr->dat */ + cell hlw PACKED; /* bottom of the heap: relative to base + amxhdr->dat */ + cell stk PACKED; /* stack pointer: relative to base + amxhdr->dat */ + cell stp PACKED; /* top of the stack: relative to base + amxhdr->dat */ + int flags PACKED; /* current status, see amx_Flags() */ + /* user data */ + long usertags[AMX_USERNUM] PACKED; + //okay userdata[3] in AMX Mod X is for the CPlugin * pointer + //we're also gonna set userdata[2] to a special debug structure + void _FAR *userdata[AMX_USERNUM] PACKED; + /* native functions can raise an error */ + int error PACKED; + /* passing parameters requires a "count" field */ + int paramcount; + /* the sleep opcode needs to store the full AMX status */ + cell pri PACKED; + cell alt PACKED; + cell reset_stk PACKED; + cell reset_hea PACKED; + cell sysreq_d PACKED; /* relocated address/value for the SYSREQ.D opcode */ + /* support variables for the JIT */ + int reloc_size PACKED; /* required temporary buffer for relocations */ + long code_size PACKED; /* estimated memory footprint of the native code */ +} PACKED AMX; + +enum { + AMX_ERR_NONE, + /* reserve the first 15 error codes for exit codes of the abstract machine */ + AMX_ERR_EXIT, /* forced exit */ + AMX_ERR_ASSERT, /* assertion failed */ + AMX_ERR_STACKERR, /* stack/heap collision */ + AMX_ERR_BOUNDS, /* index out of bounds */ + AMX_ERR_MEMACCESS, /* invalid memory access */ + AMX_ERR_INVINSTR, /* invalid instruction */ + AMX_ERR_STACKLOW, /* stack underflow */ + AMX_ERR_HEAPLOW, /* heap underflow */ + AMX_ERR_CALLBACK, /* no callback, or invalid callback */ + AMX_ERR_NATIVE, /* native function failed */ + AMX_ERR_DIVIDE, /* divide by zero */ + AMX_ERR_SLEEP, /* go into sleepmode - code can be restarted */ + AMX_ERR_INVSTATE, /* invalid state for this access */ + + AMX_ERR_MEMORY = 16, /* out of memory */ + AMX_ERR_FORMAT, /* invalid file format */ + AMX_ERR_VERSION, /* file is for a newer version of the AMX */ + AMX_ERR_NOTFOUND, /* function not found */ + AMX_ERR_INDEX, /* invalid index parameter (bad entry point) */ + AMX_ERR_DEBUG, /* debugger cannot run */ + AMX_ERR_INIT, /* AMX not initialized (or doubly initialized) */ + AMX_ERR_USERDATA, /* unable to set user data field (table full) */ + AMX_ERR_INIT_JIT, /* cannot initialize the JIT */ + AMX_ERR_PARAMS, /* parameter error */ + AMX_ERR_DOMAIN, /* domain error, expression result does not fit in range */ +}; + +#if !defined AMX_NO_ALIGN + #if defined __linux__ + #pragma pack() /* reset default packing */ + #else + #pragma pack(pop) /* reset previous packing */ + #endif +#endif + + +// ***** declare functions ***** + +#ifdef USE_METAMOD +void UTIL_LogPrintf( char *fmt, ... ); +void UTIL_HudMessage(CBaseEntity *pEntity, const hudtextparms_t &textparms, const char *pMessage); +short FixedSigned16( float value, float scale ); +unsigned short FixedUnsigned16( float value, float scale ); + +#ifdef FN_META_QUERY +void FN_META_QUERY(void); +#endif // FN_META_QUERY + +#ifdef FN_META_ATTACH +void FN_META_ATTACH(void); +#endif // FN_META_ATTACH + +#ifdef FN_META_DETACH +void FN_META_DETACH(void); +#endif // FN_META_DETACH + + + + + +#ifdef FN_GameDLLInit +void FN_GameDLLInit(void); +#endif // FN_GameDLLInit + +#ifdef FN_DispatchSpawn +int FN_DispatchSpawn(edict_t *pent); +#endif // FN_DispatchSpawn + +#ifdef FN_DispatchThink +void FN_DispatchThink(edict_t *pent); +#endif // FN_DispatchThink + +#ifdef FN_DispatchUse +void FN_DispatchUse(edict_t *pentUser, edict_t *pentOther); +#endif // FN_DispatchUse + +#ifdef FN_DispatchTouch +void FN_DispatchTouch(edict_t *pentTouched, edict_t *pentOther); +#endif // FN_DispatchTouch + +#ifdef FN_DispatchBlocked +void FN_DispatchBlocked(edict_t *pentBlocked, edict_t *pentOther); +#endif // FN_DispatchBlocked + +#ifdef FN_DispatchKeyValue +void FN_DispatchKeyValue(edict_t *pentKeyvalue, KeyValueData *pkvd); +#endif // FN_DispatchKeyValue + +#ifdef FN_DispatchSave +void FN_DispatchSave(edict_t *pent, SAVERESTOREDATA *pSaveData); +#endif // FN_DispatchSave + +#ifdef FN_DispatchRestore +int FN_DispatchRestore(edict_t *pent, SAVERESTOREDATA *pSaveData, int globalEntity); +#endif // FN_DispatchRestore + +#ifdef FN_DispatchObjectCollsionBox +void FN_DispatchObjectCollsionBox(edict_t *pent); +#endif // FN_DispatchObjectCollsionBox + +#ifdef FN_SaveWriteFields +void FN_SaveWriteFields(SAVERESTOREDATA *pSaveData, const char *pname, void *pBaseData, TYPEDESCRIPTION *pFields, int fieldCount); +#endif // FN_SaveWriteFields + +#ifdef FN_SaveReadFields +void FN_SaveReadFields(SAVERESTOREDATA *pSaveData, const char *pname, void *pBaseData, TYPEDESCRIPTION *pFields, int fieldCount); +#endif // FN_SaveReadFields + +#ifdef FN_SaveGlobalState +void FN_SaveGlobalState(SAVERESTOREDATA *pSaveData); +#endif // FN_SaveGlobalState + +#ifdef FN_RestoreGlobalState +void FN_RestoreGlobalState(SAVERESTOREDATA *pSaveData); +#endif // FN_RestoreGlobalState + +#ifdef FN_ResetGlobalState +void FN_ResetGlobalState(void); +#endif // FN_ResetGlobalState + +#ifdef FN_ClientConnect +BOOL FN_ClientConnect(edict_t *pEntity, const char *pszName, const char *pszAddress, char szRejectReason[ 128 ]); +#endif // FN_ClientConnect + +#ifdef FN_ClientDisconnect +void FN_ClientDisconnect(edict_t *pEntity); +#endif // FN_ClientDisconnect + +#ifdef FN_ClientKill +void FN_ClientKill(edict_t *pEntity); +#endif // FN_ClientKill + +#ifdef FN_ClientPutInServer +void FN_ClientPutInServer(edict_t *pEntity); +#endif // FN_ClientPutInServer + +#ifdef FN_ClientCommand +void FN_ClientCommand(edict_t *pEntity); +#endif // FN_ClientCommand + +#ifdef FN_ClientUserInfoChanged +void FN_ClientUserInfoChanged(edict_t *pEntity, char *infobuffer); +#endif // FN_ClientUserInfoChanged + +#ifdef FN_ServerActivate +void FN_ServerActivate(edict_t *pEdictList, int edictCount, int clientMax); +#endif // FN_ServerActivate + +#ifdef FN_ServerDeactivate +void FN_ServerDeactivate(void); +#endif // FN_ServerDeactivate + +#ifdef FN_PlayerPreThink +void FN_PlayerPreThink(edict_t *pEntity); +#endif // FN_PlayerPreThink + +#ifdef FN_PlayerPostThink +void FN_PlayerPostThink(edict_t *pEntity); +#endif // FN_PlayerPostThink + +#ifdef FN_StartFrame +void FN_StartFrame(void); +#endif // FN_StartFrame + +#ifdef FN_ParmsNewLevel +void FN_ParmsNewLevel(void); +#endif // FN_ParmsNewLevel + +#ifdef FN_ParmsChangeLevel +void FN_ParmsChangeLevel(void); +#endif // FN_ParmsChangeLevel + +#ifdef FN_GetGameDescription +const char *FN_GetGameDescription(void); +#endif // FN_GetGameDescription + +#ifdef FN_PlayerCustomization +void FN_PlayerCustomization(edict_t *pEntity, customization_t *pCust); +#endif // FN_PlayerCustomization + +#ifdef FN_SpectatorConnect +void FN_SpectatorConnect(edict_t *pEntity); +#endif // FN_SpectatorConnect + +#ifdef FN_SpectatorDisconnect +void FN_SpectatorDisconnect(edict_t *pEntity); +#endif // FN_SpectatorDisconnect + +#ifdef FN_SpectatorThink +void FN_SpectatorThink(edict_t *pEntity); +#endif // FN_SpectatorThink + +#ifdef FN_Sys_Error +void FN_Sys_Error(const char *error_string); +#endif // FN_Sys_Error + +#ifdef FN_PM_Move +void FN_PM_Move(struct playermove_s *ppmove, int server); +#endif // FN_PM_Move + +#ifdef FN_PM_Init +void FN_PM_Init(struct playermove_s *ppmove); +#endif // FN_PM_Init + +#ifdef FN_PM_FindTextureType +char FN_PM_FindTextureType(char *name); +#endif // FN_PM_FindTextureType + +#ifdef FN_SetupVisibility +void FN_SetupVisibility(edict_t *pViewEntity, edict_t *pClient, unsigned char **pvs, unsigned char **pas); +#endif // FN_SetupVisibility + +#ifdef FN_UpdateClientData +void FN_UpdateClientData(const struct edict_s *ent, int sendweapons, struct clientdata_s *cd); +#endif // FN_UpdateClientData + +#ifdef FN_AddToFullPack +int FN_AddToFullPack(struct entity_state_s *state, int e, edict_t *ent, edict_t *host, int hostflags, int player, unsigned char *pSet); +#endif // FN_AddToFullPack + +#ifdef FN_CreateBaseline +void FN_CreateBaseline(int player, int eindex, struct entity_state_s *baseline, struct edict_s *entity, int playermodelindex, vec3_t player_mins, vec3_t player_maxs); +#endif // FN_CreateBaseline + +#ifdef FN_RegisterEncoders +void FN_RegisterEncoders(void); +#endif // FN_RegisterEncoders + +#ifdef FN_GetWeaponData +int FN_GetWeaponData(struct edict_s *player, struct weapon_data_s *info); +#endif // FN_GetWeaponData + +#ifdef FN_CmdStart +void FN_CmdStart(const edict_t *player, const struct usercmd_s *cmd, unsigned int random_seed); +#endif // FN_CmdStart + +#ifdef FN_CmdEnd +void FN_CmdEnd(const edict_t *player); +#endif // FN_CmdEnd + +#ifdef FN_ConnectionlessPacket +int FN_ConnectionlessPacket(const struct netadr_s *net_from, const char *args, char *response_buffer, int *response_buffer_size); +#endif // FN_ConnectionlessPacket + +#ifdef FN_GetHullBounds +int FN_GetHullBounds(int hullnumber, float *mins, float *maxs); +#endif // FN_GetHullBounds + +#ifdef FN_CreateInstancedBaselines +void FN_CreateInstancedBaselines(void); +#endif // FN_CreateInstancedBaselines + +#ifdef FN_InconsistentFile +int FN_InconsistentFile(const edict_t *player, const char *filename, char *disconnect_message); +#endif // FN_InconsistentFile + +#ifdef FN_AllowLagCompensation +int FN_AllowLagCompensation(void); +#endif // FN_AllowLagCompensation + + + + +#ifdef FN_GameDLLInit_Post +void FN_GameDLLInit_Post(void); +#endif // FN_GameDLLInit_Post + +#ifdef FN_DispatchSpawn_Post +int FN_DispatchSpawn_Post(edict_t *pent); +#endif // FN_DispatchSpawn_Post + +#ifdef FN_DispatchThink_Post +void FN_DispatchThink_Post(edict_t *pent); +#endif // FN_DispatchThink_Post + +#ifdef FN_DispatchUse_Post +void FN_DispatchUse_Post(edict_t *pentUser, edict_t *pentOther); +#endif // FN_DispatchUse_Post + +#ifdef FN_DispatchTouch_Post +void FN_DispatchTouch_Post(edict_t *pentTouched, edict_t *pentOther); +#endif // FN_DispatchTouch_Post + +#ifdef FN_DispatchBlocked_Post +void FN_DispatchBlocked_Post(edict_t *pentBlocked, edict_t *pentOther); +#endif // FN_DispatchBlocked_Post + +#ifdef FN_DispatchKeyValue_Post +void FN_DispatchKeyValue_Post(edict_t *pentKeyvalue, KeyValueData *pkvd); +#endif // FN_DispatchKeyValue_Post + +#ifdef FN_DispatchSave_Post +void FN_DispatchSave_Post(edict_t *pent, SAVERESTOREDATA *pSaveData); +#endif // FN_DispatchSave_Post + +#ifdef FN_DispatchRestore_Post +int FN_DispatchRestore_Post(edict_t *pent, SAVERESTOREDATA *pSaveData, int globalEntity); +#endif // FN_DispatchRestore_Post + +#ifdef FN_DispatchObjectCollsionBox_Post +void FN_DispatchObjectCollsionBox_Post(edict_t *pent); +#endif // FN_DispatchObjectCollsionBox_Post + +#ifdef FN_SaveWriteFields_Post +void FN_SaveWriteFields_Post(SAVERESTOREDATA *pSaveData, const char *pname, void *pBaseData, TYPEDESCRIPTION *pFields, int fieldCount); +#endif // FN_SaveWriteFields_Post + +#ifdef FN_SaveReadFields_Post +void FN_SaveReadFields_Post(SAVERESTOREDATA *pSaveData, const char *pname, void *pBaseData, TYPEDESCRIPTION *pFields, int fieldCount); +#endif // FN_SaveReadFields_Post + +#ifdef FN_SaveGlobalState_Post +void FN_SaveGlobalState_Post(SAVERESTOREDATA *pSaveData); +#endif // FN_SaveGlobalState_Post + +#ifdef FN_RestoreGlobalState_Post +void FN_RestoreGlobalState_Post(SAVERESTOREDATA *pSaveData); +#endif // FN_RestoreGlobalState_Post + +#ifdef FN_ResetGlobalState_Post +void FN_ResetGlobalState_Post(void); +#endif // FN_ResetGlobalState_Post + +#ifdef FN_ClientConnect_Post +BOOL FN_ClientConnect_Post(edict_t *pEntity, const char *pszName, const char *pszAddress, char szRejectReason[ 128 ]); +#endif // FN_ClientConnect_Post + +#ifdef FN_ClientDisconnect_Post +void FN_ClientDisconnect_Post(edict_t *pEntity); +#endif // FN_ClientDisconnect_Post + +#ifdef FN_ClientKill_Post +void FN_ClientKill_Post(edict_t *pEntity); +#endif // FN_ClientKill_Post + +#ifdef FN_ClientPutInServer_Post +void FN_ClientPutInServer_Post(edict_t *pEntity); +#endif // FN_ClientPutInServer_Post + +#ifdef FN_ClientCommand_Post +void FN_ClientCommand_Post(edict_t *pEntity); +#endif // FN_ClientCommand_Post + +#ifdef FN_ClientUserInfoChanged_Post +void FN_ClientUserInfoChanged_Post(edict_t *pEntity, char *infobuffer); +#endif // FN_ClientUserInfoChanged_Post + +#ifdef FN_ServerActivate_Post +void FN_ServerActivate_Post(edict_t *pEdictList, int edictCount, int clientMax); +#endif // FN_ServerActivate_Post + +#ifdef FN_ServerDeactivate_Post +void FN_ServerDeactivate_Post(void); +#endif // FN_ServerDeactivate_Post + +#ifdef FN_PlayerPreThink_Post +void FN_PlayerPreThink_Post(edict_t *pEntity); +#endif // FN_PlayerPreThink_Post + +#ifdef FN_PlayerPostThink_Post +void FN_PlayerPostThink_Post(edict_t *pEntity); +#endif // FN_PlayerPostThink_Post + +#ifdef FN_StartFrame_Post +void FN_StartFrame_Post(void); +#endif // FN_StartFrame_Post + +#ifdef FN_ParmsNewLevel_Post +void FN_ParmsNewLevel_Post(void); +#endif // FN_ParmsNewLevel_Post + +#ifdef FN_ParmsChangeLevel_Post +void FN_ParmsChangeLevel_Post(void); +#endif // FN_ParmsChangeLevel_Post + +#ifdef FN_GetGameDescription_Post +const char *FN_GetGameDescription_Post(void); +#endif // FN_GetGameDescription_Post + +#ifdef FN_PlayerCustomization_Post +void FN_PlayerCustomization_Post(edict_t *pEntity, customization_t *pCust); +#endif // FN_PlayerCustomization_Post + +#ifdef FN_SpectatorConnect_Post +void FN_SpectatorConnect_Post(edict_t *pEntity); +#endif // FN_SpectatorConnect_Post + +#ifdef FN_SpectatorDisconnect_Post +void FN_SpectatorDisconnect_Post(edict_t *pEntity); +#endif // FN_SpectatorDisconnect_Post + +#ifdef FN_SpectatorThink_Post +void FN_SpectatorThink_Post(edict_t *pEntity); +#endif // FN_SpectatorThink_Post + +#ifdef FN_Sys_Error_Post +void FN_Sys_Error_Post(const char *error_string); +#endif // FN_Sys_Error_Post + +#ifdef FN_PM_Move_Post +void FN_PM_Move_Post(struct playermove_s *ppmove, int server); +#endif // FN_PM_Move_Post + +#ifdef FN_PM_Init_Post +void FN_PM_Init_Post(struct playermove_s *ppmove); +#endif // FN_PM_Init_Post + +#ifdef FN_PM_FindTextureType_Post +char FN_PM_FindTextureType_Post(char *name); +#endif // FN_PM_FindTextureType_Post + +#ifdef FN_SetupVisibility_Post +void FN_SetupVisibility_Post(edict_t *pViewEntity, edict_t *pClient, unsigned char **pvs, unsigned char **pas); +#endif // FN_SetupVisibility_Post + +#ifdef FN_UpdateClientData_Post +void FN_UpdateClientData_Post(const struct edict_s *ent, int sendweapons, struct clientdata_s *cd); +#endif // FN_UpdateClientData_Post + +#ifdef FN_AddToFullPack_Post +int FN_AddToFullPack_Post(struct entity_state_s *state, int e, edict_t *ent, edict_t *host, int hostflags, int player, unsigned char *pSet); +#endif // FN_AddToFullPack_Post + +#ifdef FN_CreateBaseline_Post +void FN_CreateBaseline_Post(int player, int eindex, struct entity_state_s *baseline, struct edict_s *entity, int playermodelindex, vec3_t player_mins, vec3_t player_maxs); +#endif // FN_CreateBaseline_Post + +#ifdef FN_RegisterEncoders_Post +void FN_RegisterEncoders_Post(void); +#endif // FN_RegisterEncoders_Post + +#ifdef FN_GetWeaponData_Post +int FN_GetWeaponData_Post(struct edict_s *player, struct weapon_data_s *info); +#endif // FN_GetWeaponData_Post + +#ifdef FN_CmdStart_Post +void FN_CmdStart_Post(const edict_t *player, const struct usercmd_s *cmd, unsigned int random_seed); +#endif // FN_CmdStart_Post + +#ifdef FN_CmdEnd_Post +void FN_CmdEnd_Post(const edict_t *player); +#endif // FN_CmdEnd_Post + +#ifdef FN_ConnectionlessPacket_Post +int FN_ConnectionlessPacket_Post(const struct netadr_s *net_from, const char *args, char *response_buffer, int *response_buffer_size); +#endif // FN_ConnectionlessPacket_Post + +#ifdef FN_GetHullBounds_Post +int FN_GetHullBounds_Post(int hullnumber, float *mins, float *maxs); +#endif // FN_GetHullBounds_Post + +#ifdef FN_CreateInstancedBaselines_Post +void FN_CreateInstancedBaselines_Post(void); +#endif // FN_CreateInstancedBaselines_Post + +#ifdef FN_InconsistentFile_Post +int FN_InconsistentFile_Post(const edict_t *player, const char *filename, char *disconnect_message); +#endif // FN_InconsistentFile_Post + +#ifdef FN_AllowLagCompensation_Post +int FN_AllowLagCompensation_Post(void); +#endif // FN_AllowLagCompensation_Post + + + +#ifdef FN_PrecacheModel +int FN_PrecacheModel(char *s); +#endif // FN_PrecacheModel + +#ifdef FN_PrecacheSound +int FN_PrecacheSound(char *s); +#endif // FN_PrecacheSound + +#ifdef FN_SetModel +void FN_SetModel(edict_t *e, const char *m); +#endif // FN_SetModel + +#ifdef FN_ModelIndex +int FN_ModelIndex(const char *m); +#endif // FN_ModelIndex + +#ifdef FN_ModelFrames +int FN_ModelFrames(int modelIndex); +#endif // FN_ModelFrames + +#ifdef FN_SetSize +void FN_SetSize(edict_t *e, const float *rgflMin, const float *rgflMax); +#endif // FN_SetSize + +#ifdef FN_ChangeLevel +void FN_ChangeLevel(char *s1, char *s2); +#endif // FN_ChangeLevel + +#ifdef FN_GetSpawnParms +void FN_GetSpawnParms(edict_t *ent); +#endif // FN_GetSpawnParms + +#ifdef FN_SaveSpawnParms +void FN_SaveSpawnParms(edict_t *ent); +#endif // FN_SaveSpawnParms + +#ifdef FN_VecToYaw +float FN_VecToYaw(const float *rgflVector); +#endif // FN_VecToYaw + +#ifdef FN_VecToAngles +void FN_VecToAngles(const float *rgflVectorIn, float *rgflVectorOut); +#endif // FN_VecToAngles + +#ifdef FN_MoveToOrigin +void FN_MoveToOrigin(edict_t *ent, const float *pflGoal, float dist, int iMoveType); +#endif // FN_MoveToOrigin + +#ifdef FN_ChangeYaw +void FN_ChangeYaw(edict_t *ent); +#endif // FN_ChangeYaw + +#ifdef FN_ChangePitch +void FN_ChangePitch(edict_t *ent); +#endif // FN_ChangePitch + +#ifdef FN_FindEntityByString +edict_t *FN_FindEntityByString(edict_t *pEdictStartSearchAfter, const char *pszField, const char *pszValue); +#endif // FN_FindEntityByString + +#ifdef FN_GetEntityIllum +int FN_GetEntityIllum(edict_t *pEnt); +#endif // FN_GetEntityIllum + +#ifdef FN_FindEntityInSphere +edict_t *FN_FindEntityInSphere(edict_t *pEdictStartSearchAfter, const float *org, float rad); +#endif // FN_FindEntityInSphere + +#ifdef FN_FindClientInPVS +edict_t *FN_FindClientInPVS(edict_t *pEdict); +#endif // FN_FindClientInPVS + +#ifdef FN_EntitiesInPVS +edict_t *FN_EntitiesInPVS(edict_t *pplayer); +#endif // FN_EntitiesInPVS + +#ifdef FN_MakeVectors +void FN_MakeVectors(const float *rgflVector); +#endif // FN_MakeVectors + +#ifdef FN_AngleVectors +void FN_AngleVectors(const float *rgflVector, float *forward, float *right, float *up); +#endif // FN_AngleVectors + +#ifdef FN_CreateEntity +edict_t *FN_CreateEntity(void); +#endif // FN_CreateEntity + +#ifdef FN_RemoveEntity +void FN_RemoveEntity(edict_t *e); +#endif // FN_RemoveEntity + +#ifdef FN_CreateNamedEntity +edict_t *FN_CreateNamedEntity(int className); +#endif // FN_CreateNamedEntity + +#ifdef FN_MakeStatic +void FN_MakeStatic(edict_t *ent); +#endif // FN_MakeStatic + +#ifdef FN_EntIsOnFloor +int FN_EntIsOnFloor(edict_t *ent); +#endif // FN_EntIsOnFloor + +#ifdef FN_DropToFloor +int FN_DropToFloor(edict_t *ent); +#endif // FN_DropToFloor + +#ifdef FN_WalkMove +int FN_WalkMove(edict_t *ent, float yaw, float dist, int iMode); +#endif // FN_WalkMove + +#ifdef FN_SetOrigin +void FN_SetOrigin(edict_t *e, const float *rgflOrigin); +#endif // FN_SetOrigin + +#ifdef FN_EmitSound +void FN_EmitSound(edict_t *entity, int channel, const char *sample, /*int*/float volume, float attenuation, int fFlags, int pitch); +#endif // FN_EmitSound + +#ifdef FN_EmitAmbientSound +void FN_EmitAmbientSound(edict_t *entity, float *pos, const char *samp, float vol, float attenuation, int fFlags, int pitch); +#endif // FN_EmitAmbientSound + +#ifdef FN_TraceLine +void FN_TraceLine(const float *v1, const float *v2, int fNoMonsters, edict_t *pentToSkip, TraceResult *ptr); +#endif // FN_TraceLine + +#ifdef FN_TraceToss +void FN_TraceToss(edict_t *pent, edict_t *pentToIgnore, TraceResult *ptr); +#endif // FN_TraceToss + +#ifdef FN_TraceMonsterHull +int FN_TraceMonsterHull(edict_t *pEdict, const float *v1, const float *v2, int fNoMonsters, edict_t *pentToSkip, TraceResult *ptr); +#endif // FN_TraceMonsterHull + +#ifdef FN_TraceHull +void FN_TraceHull(const float *v1, const float *v2, int fNoMonsters, int hullNumber, edict_t *pentToSkip, TraceResult *ptr); +#endif // FN_TraceHull + +#ifdef FN_TraceModel +void FN_TraceModel(const float *v1, const float *v2, int hullNumber, edict_t *pent, TraceResult *ptr); +#endif // FN_TraceModel + +#ifdef FN_TraceTexture +const char *FN_TraceTexture(edict_t *pTextureEntity, const float *v1, const float *v2 ); +#endif // FN_TraceTexture + +#ifdef FN_TraceSphere +void FN_TraceSphere(const float *v1, const float *v2, int fNoMonsters, float radius, edict_t *pentToSkip, TraceResult *ptr); +#endif // FN_TraceSphere + +#ifdef FN_GetAimVector +void FN_GetAimVector(edict_t *ent, float speed, float *rgflReturn); +#endif // FN_GetAimVector + +#ifdef FN_ServerCommand +void FN_ServerCommand(char *str); +#endif // FN_ServerCommand + +#ifdef FN_ServerExecute +void FN_ServerExecute(void); +#endif // FN_ServerExecute + +#ifdef FN_engClientCommand +void FN_engClientCommand(edict_t *pEdict, char *szFmt, ...); +#endif // FN_engClientCommand + +#ifdef FN_ParticleEffect +void FN_ParticleEffect(const float *org, const float *dir, float color, float count); +#endif // FN_ParticleEffect + +#ifdef FN_LightStyle +void FN_LightStyle(int style, char *val); +#endif // FN_LightStyle + +#ifdef FN_DecalIndex +int FN_DecalIndex(const char *name); +#endif // FN_DecalIndex + +#ifdef FN_PointContents +int FN_PointContents(const float *rgflVector); +#endif // FN_PointContents + +#ifdef FN_MessageBegin +void FN_MessageBegin(int msg_dest, int msg_type, const float *pOrigin, edict_t *ed); +#endif // FN_MessageBegin + +#ifdef FN_MessageEnd +void FN_MessageEnd(void); +#endif // FN_MessageEnd + +#ifdef FN_WriteByte +void FN_WriteByte(int iValue); +#endif // FN_WriteByte + +#ifdef FN_WriteChar +void FN_WriteChar(int iValue); +#endif // FN_WriteChar + +#ifdef FN_WriteShort +void FN_WriteShort(int iValue); +#endif // FN_WriteShort + +#ifdef FN_WriteLong +void FN_WriteLong(int iValue); +#endif // FN_WriteLong + +#ifdef FN_WriteAngle +void FN_WriteAngle(float flValue); +#endif // FN_WriteAngle + +#ifdef FN_WriteCoord +void FN_WriteCoord(float flValue); +#endif // FN_WriteCoord + +#ifdef FN_WriteString +void FN_WriteString(const char *sz); +#endif // FN_WriteString + +#ifdef FN_WriteEntity +void FN_WriteEntity(int iValue); +#endif // FN_WriteEntity + +#ifdef FN_CVarRegister +void FN_CVarRegister(cvar_t *pCvar); +#endif // FN_CVarRegister + +#ifdef FN_CVarGetFloat +float FN_CVarGetFloat(const char *szVarName); +#endif // FN_CVarGetFloat + +#ifdef FN_CVarGetString +const char *FN_CVarGetString(const char *szVarName); +#endif // FN_CVarGetString + +#ifdef FN_CVarSetFloat +void FN_CVarSetFloat(const char *szVarName, float flValue); +#endif // FN_CVarSetFloat + +#ifdef FN_CVarSetString +void FN_CVarSetString(const char *szVarName, const char *szValue); +#endif // FN_CVarSetString + +#ifdef FN_AlertMessage +void FN_AlertMessage(ALERT_TYPE atype, char *szFmt, ...); +#endif // FN_AlertMessage + +#ifdef FN_EngineFprintf +void FN_EngineFprintf(FILE *pfile, char *szFmt, ...); +#endif // FN_EngineFprintf + +#ifdef FN_PvAllocEntPrivateData +void *FN_PvAllocEntPrivateData(edict_t *pEdict, int32 cb); +#endif // FN_PvAllocEntPrivateData + +#ifdef FN_PvEntPrivateData +void *FN_PvEntPrivateData(edict_t *pEdict); +#endif // FN_PvEntPrivateData + +#ifdef FN_FreeEntPrivateData +void FN_FreeEntPrivateData(edict_t *pEdict); +#endif // FN_FreeEntPrivateData + +#ifdef FN_SzFromIndex +const char *FN_SzFromIndex(int iString); +#endif // FN_SzFromIndex + +#ifdef FN_AllocString +int FN_AllocString(const char *szValue); +#endif // FN_AllocString + +#ifdef FN_GetVarsOfEnt +struct entvars_s *FN_GetVarsOfEnt(edict_t *pEdict); +#endif // FN_GetVarsOfEnt + +#ifdef FN_PEntityOfEntOffset +edict_t *FN_PEntityOfEntOffset(int iEntOffset); +#endif // FN_PEntityOfEntOffset + +#ifdef FN_EntOffsetOfPEntity +int FN_EntOffsetOfPEntity(const edict_t *pEdict); +#endif // FN_EntOffsetOfPEntity + +#ifdef FN_IndexOfEdict +int FN_IndexOfEdict(const edict_t *pEdict); +#endif // FN_IndexOfEdict + +#ifdef FN_PEntityOfEntIndex +edict_t *FN_PEntityOfEntIndex(int iEntIndex); +#endif // FN_PEntityOfEntIndex + +#ifdef FN_FindEntityByVars +edict_t *FN_FindEntityByVars(struct entvars_s *pvars); +#endif // FN_FindEntityByVars + +#ifdef FN_GetModelPtr +void *FN_GetModelPtr(edict_t *pEdict); +#endif // FN_GetModelPtr + +#ifdef FN_RegUserMsg +int FN_RegUserMsg(const char *pszName, int iSize); +#endif // FN_RegUserMsg + +#ifdef FN_AnimationAutomove +void FN_AnimationAutomove(const edict_t *pEdict, float flTime); +#endif // FN_AnimationAutomove + +#ifdef FN_GetBonePosition +void FN_GetBonePosition(const edict_t *pEdict, int iBone, float *rgflOrigin, float *rgflAngles); +#endif // FN_GetBonePosition + +#ifdef FN_FunctionFromName +unsigned long FN_FunctionFromName(const char *pName); +#endif // FN_FunctionFromName + +#ifdef FN_NameForFunction +const char *FN_NameForFunction(unsigned long function); +#endif // FN_NameForFunction + +#ifdef FN_ClientPrintf +void FN_ClientPrintf(edict_t *pEdict, PRINT_TYPE ptype, const char *szMsg); +#endif // FN_ClientPrintf + +#ifdef FN_ServerPrint +void FN_ServerPrint(const char *szMsg); +#endif // FN_ServerPrint + +#ifdef FN_Cmd_Args +const char *FN_Cmd_Args(void); +#endif // FN_Cmd_Args + +#ifdef FN_Cmd_Argv +const char *FN_Cmd_Argv(int argc); +#endif // FN_Cmd_Argv + +#ifdef FN_Cmd_Argc +int FN_Cmd_Argc(void); +#endif // FN_Cmd_Argc + +#ifdef FN_GetAttachment +void FN_GetAttachment(const edict_t *pEdict, int iAttachment, float *rgflOrigin, float *rgflAngles ); +#endif // FN_GetAttachment + +#ifdef FN_CRC32_Init +void FN_CRC32_Init(CRC32_t *pulCRC); +#endif // FN_CRC32_Init + +#ifdef FN_CRC32_ProcessBuffer +void FN_CRC32_ProcessBuffer(CRC32_t *pulCRC, void *p, int len); +#endif // FN_CRC32_ProcessBuffer + +#ifdef FN_CRC32_ProcessByte +void FN_CRC32_ProcessByte(CRC32_t *pulCRC, unsigned char ch); +#endif // FN_CRC32_ProcessByte + +#ifdef FN_CRC32_Final +CRC32_t FN_CRC32_Final(CRC32_t pulCRC); +#endif // FN_CRC32_Final + +#ifdef FN_RandomLong +long FN_RandomLong(long lLow, long lHigh); +#endif // FN_RandomLong + +#ifdef FN_RandomFloat +float FN_RandomFloat(float flLow, float flHigh); +#endif // FN_RandomFloat + +#ifdef FN_SetView +void FN_SetView(const edict_t *pClient, const edict_t *pViewent); +#endif // FN_SetView + +#ifdef FN_Time +float FN_Time(void); +#endif // FN_Time + +#ifdef FN_CrosshairAngle +void FN_CrosshairAngle(const edict_t *pClient, float pitch, float yaw); +#endif // FN_CrosshairAngle + +#ifdef FN_LoadFileForMe +byte *FN_LoadFileForMe(char *filename, int *pLength); +#endif // FN_LoadFileForMe + +#ifdef FN_FreeFile +void FN_FreeFile(void *buffer); +#endif // FN_FreeFile + +#ifdef FN_EndSection +void FN_EndSection(const char *pszSectionName); +#endif // FN_EndSection + +#ifdef FN_CompareFileTime +int FN_CompareFileTime(char *filename1, char *filename2, int *iCompare); +#endif // FN_CompareFileTime + +#ifdef FN_GetGameDir +void FN_GetGameDir(char *szGetGameDir); +#endif // FN_GetGameDir + +#ifdef FN_Cvar_RegisterVariable +void FN_Cvar_RegisterVariable(cvar_t *variable); +#endif // FN_Cvar_RegisterVariable + +#ifdef FN_FadeClientVolume +void FN_FadeClientVolume(const edict_t *pEdict, int fadePercent, int fadeOutSeconds, int holdTime, int fadeInSeconds); +#endif // FN_FadeClientVolume + +#ifdef FN_SetClientMaxspeed +void FN_SetClientMaxspeed(const edict_t *pEdict, float fNewMaxspeed); +#endif // FN_SetClientMaxspeed + +#ifdef FN_CreateFakeClient +edict_t *FN_CreateFakeClient(const char *netname); +#endif // FN_CreateFakeClient + +#ifdef FN_RunPlayerMove +void FN_RunPlayerMove(edict_t *fakeclient, const float *viewangles, float forwardmove, float sidemove, float upmove, unsigned short buttons, byte impulse, byte msec); +#endif // FN_RunPlayerMove + +#ifdef FN_NumberOfEntities +int FN_NumberOfEntities(void); +#endif // FN_NumberOfEntities + +#ifdef FN_GetInfoKeyBuffer +char *FN_GetInfoKeyBuffer(edict_t *e); +#endif // FN_GetInfoKeyBuffer + +#ifdef FN_InfoKeyValue +char *FN_InfoKeyValue(char *infobuffer, char *key); +#endif // FN_InfoKeyValue + +#ifdef FN_SetKeyValue +void FN_SetKeyValue(char *infobuffer, char *key, char *value); +#endif // FN_SetKeyValue + +#ifdef FN_SetClientKeyValue +void FN_SetClientKeyValue(int clientIndex, char *infobuffer, char *key, char *value); +#endif // FN_SetClientKeyValue + +#ifdef FN_IsMapValid +int FN_IsMapValid(char *filename); +#endif // FN_IsMapValid + +#ifdef FN_StaticDecal +void FN_StaticDecal(const float *origin, int decalIndex, int entityIndex, int modelIndex); +#endif // FN_StaticDecal + +#ifdef FN_PrecacheGeneric +int FN_PrecacheGeneric(char *s); +#endif // FN_PrecacheGeneric + +#ifdef FN_GetPlayerUserId +int FN_GetPlayerUserId(edict_t *e ); +#endif // FN_GetPlayerUserId + +#ifdef FN_BuildSoundMsg +void FN_BuildSoundMsg(edict_t *entity, int channel, const char *sample, /*int*/float volume, float attenuation, int fFlags, int pitch, int msg_dest, int msg_type, const float *pOrigin, edict_t *ed); +#endif // FN_BuildSoundMsg + +#ifdef FN_IsDedicatedServer +int FN_IsDedicatedServer(void); +#endif // FN_IsDedicatedServer + +#ifdef FN_CVarGetPointer +cvar_t *FN_CVarGetPointer(const char *szVarName); +#endif // FN_CVarGetPointer + +#ifdef FN_GetPlayerWONId +unsigned int FN_GetPlayerWONId(edict_t *e); +#endif // FN_GetPlayerWONId + +#ifdef FN_Info_RemoveKey +void FN_Info_RemoveKey( char *s, const char *key); +#endif // FN_Info_RemoveKey + +#ifdef FN_GetPhysicsKeyValue +const char *FN_GetPhysicsKeyValue(const edict_t *pClient, const char *key); +#endif // FN_GetPhysicsKeyValue + +#ifdef FN_SetPhysicsKeyValue +void FN_SetPhysicsKeyValue(const edict_t *pClient, const char *key, const char *value); +#endif // FN_SetPhysicsKeyValue + +#ifdef FN_GetPhysicsInfoString +const char *FN_GetPhysicsInfoString( const edict_t *pClient); +#endif // FN_GetPhysicsInfoString + +#ifdef FN_PrecacheEvent +unsigned short FN_PrecacheEvent(int type, const char *psz); +#endif // FN_PrecacheEvent + +#ifdef FN_PlaybackEvent +void FN_PlaybackEvent(int flags, const edict_t *pInvoker, unsigned short eventindex, float delay, float *origin, float *angles, float fparam1, float fparam2, int iparam1, int iparam2, int bparam1, int bparam2); +#endif // FN_PlaybackEvent + +#ifdef FN_SetFatPVS +unsigned char *FN_SetFatPVS(float *org); +#endif // FN_SetFatPVS + +#ifdef FN_SetFatPAS +unsigned char *FN_SetFatPAS(float *org); +#endif // FN_SetFatPAS + +#ifdef FN_CheckVisibility +int FN_CheckVisibility(const edict_t *entity, unsigned char *pset); +#endif // FN_CheckVisibility + +#ifdef FN_DeltaSetField +void FN_DeltaSetField(struct delta_s *pFields, const char *fieldname); +#endif // FN_DeltaSetField + +#ifdef FN_DeltaUnsetField +void FN_DeltaUnsetField(struct delta_s *pFields, const char *fieldname); +#endif // FN_DeltaUnsetField + +#ifdef FN_DeltaAddEncoder +void FN_DeltaAddEncoder(char *name, void (*conditionalencode)( struct delta_s *pFields, const unsigned char *from, const unsigned char *to ) ); +#endif // FN_DeltaAddEncoder + +#ifdef FN_GetCurrentPlayer +int FN_GetCurrentPlayer(void); +#endif // FN_GetCurrentPlayer + +#ifdef FN_CanSkipPlayer +int FN_CanSkipPlayer(const edict_t *player); +#endif // FN_CanSkipPlayer + +#ifdef FN_DeltaFindField +int FN_DeltaFindField(struct delta_s *pFields, const char *fieldname); +#endif // FN_DeltaFindField + +#ifdef FN_DeltaSetFieldByIndex +void FN_DeltaSetFieldByIndex(struct delta_s *pFields, int fieldNumber); +#endif // FN_DeltaSetFieldByIndex + +#ifdef FN_DeltaUnsetFieldByIndex +void FN_DeltaUnsetFieldByIndex(struct delta_s *pFields, int fieldNumber); +#endif // FN_DeltaUnsetFieldByIndex + +#ifdef FN_SetGroupMask +void FN_SetGroupMask(int mask, int op); +#endif // FN_SetGroupMask + +#ifdef FN_engCreateInstancedBaseline +int FN_engCreateInstancedBaseline(int classname, struct entity_state_s *baseline); +#endif // FN_engCreateInstancedBaseline + +#ifdef FN_Cvar_DirectSet +void FN_Cvar_DirectSet(struct cvar_s *var, char *value); +#endif // FN_Cvar_DirectSet + +#ifdef FN_ForceUnmodified +void FN_ForceUnmodified(FORCE_TYPE type, float *mins, float *maxs, const char *filename); +#endif // FN_ForceUnmodified + +#ifdef FN_GetPlayerStats +void FN_GetPlayerStats(const edict_t *pClient, int *ping, int *packet_loss); +#endif // FN_GetPlayerStats + +#ifdef FN_AddServerCommand +void FN_AddServerCommand(char *cmd_name, void (*function) (void)); +#endif // FN_AddServerCommand + +#ifdef FN_Voice_GetClientListening +qboolean FN_Voice_GetClientListening(int iReceiver, int iSender); +#endif // FN_Voice_GetClientListening + +#ifdef FN_Voice_SetClientListening +qboolean FN_Voice_SetClientListening(int iReceiver, int iSender, qboolean bListen); +#endif // FN_Voice_SetClientListening + +#ifdef FN_GetPlayerAuthId +const char *FN_GetPlayerAuthId(edict_t *e); +#endif // FN_GetPlayerAuthId + + + + + + +#ifdef FN_PrecacheModel_Post +int FN_PrecacheModel_Post(char *s); +#endif // FN_PrecacheModel_Post + +#ifdef FN_PrecacheSound_Post +int FN_PrecacheSound_Post(char *s); +#endif // FN_PrecacheSound_Post + +#ifdef FN_SetModel_Post +void FN_SetModel_Post(edict_t *e, const char *m); +#endif // FN_SetModel_Post + +#ifdef FN_ModelIndex_Post +int FN_ModelIndex_Post(const char *m); +#endif // FN_ModelIndex_Post + +#ifdef FN_ModelFrames_Post +int FN_ModelFrames_Post(int modelIndex); +#endif // FN_ModelFrames_Post + +#ifdef FN_SetSize_Post +void FN_SetSize_Post(edict_t *e, const float *rgflMin, const float *rgflMax); +#endif // FN_SetSize_Post + +#ifdef FN_ChangeLevel_Post +void FN_ChangeLevel_Post(char *s1, char *s2); +#endif // FN_ChangeLevel_Post + +#ifdef FN_GetSpawnParms_Post +void FN_GetSpawnParms_Post(edict_t *ent); +#endif // FN_GetSpawnParms_Post + +#ifdef FN_SaveSpawnParms_Post +void FN_SaveSpawnParms_Post(edict_t *ent); +#endif // FN_SaveSpawnParms_Post + +#ifdef FN_VecToYaw_Post +float FN_VecToYaw_Post(const float *rgflVector); +#endif // FN_VecToYaw_Post + +#ifdef FN_VecToAngles_Post +void FN_VecToAngles_Post(const float *rgflVectorIn, float *rgflVectorOut); +#endif // FN_VecToAngles_Post + +#ifdef FN_MoveToOrigin_Post +void FN_MoveToOrigin_Post(edict_t *ent, const float *pflGoal, float dist, int iMoveType); +#endif // FN_MoveToOrigin_Post + +#ifdef FN_ChangeYaw_Post +void FN_ChangeYaw_Post(edict_t *ent); +#endif // FN_ChangeYaw_Post + +#ifdef FN_ChangePitch_Post +void FN_ChangePitch_Post(edict_t *ent); +#endif // FN_ChangePitch_Post + +#ifdef FN_FindEntityByString_Post +edict_t *FN_FindEntityByString_Post(edict_t *pEdictStartSearchAfter, const char *pszField, const char *pszValue); +#endif // FN_FindEntityByString_Post + +#ifdef FN_GetEntityIllum_Post +int FN_GetEntityIllum_Post(edict_t *pEnt); +#endif // FN_GetEntityIllum_Post + +#ifdef FN_FindEntityInSphere_Post +edict_t *FN_FindEntityInSphere_Post(edict_t *pEdictStartSearchAfter, const float *org, float rad); +#endif // FN_FindEntityInSphere_Post + +#ifdef FN_FindClientInPVS_Post +edict_t *FN_FindClientInPVS_Post(edict_t *pEdict); +#endif // FN_FindClientInPVS_Post + +#ifdef FN_EntitiesInPVS_Post +edict_t *FN_EntitiesInPVS_Post(edict_t *pplayer); +#endif // FN_EntitiesInPVS_Post + +#ifdef FN_MakeVectors_Post +void FN_MakeVectors_Post(const float *rgflVector); +#endif // FN_MakeVectors_Post + +#ifdef FN_AngleVectors_Post +void FN_AngleVectors_Post(const float *rgflVector, float *forward, float *right, float *up); +#endif // FN_AngleVectors_Post + +#ifdef FN_CreateEntity_Post +edict_t *FN_CreateEntity_Post(void); +#endif // FN_CreateEntity_Post + +#ifdef FN_RemoveEntity_Post +void FN_RemoveEntity_Post(edict_t *e); +#endif // FN_RemoveEntity_Post + +#ifdef FN_CreateNamedEntity_Post +edict_t *FN_CreateNamedEntity_Post(int className); +#endif // FN_CreateNamedEntity_Post + +#ifdef FN_MakeStatic_Post +void FN_MakeStatic_Post(edict_t *ent); +#endif // FN_MakeStatic_Post + +#ifdef FN_EntIsOnFloor_Post +int FN_EntIsOnFloor_Post(edict_t *ent); +#endif // FN_EntIsOnFloor_Post + +#ifdef FN_DropToFloor_Post +int FN_DropToFloor_Post(edict_t *ent); +#endif // FN_DropToFloor_Post + +#ifdef FN_WalkMove_Post +int FN_WalkMove_Post(edict_t *ent, float yaw, float dist, int iMode); +#endif // FN_WalkMove_Post + +#ifdef FN_SetOrigin_Post +void FN_SetOrigin_Post(edict_t *e, const float *rgflOrigin); +#endif // FN_SetOrigin_Post + +#ifdef FN_EmitSound_Post +void FN_EmitSound_Post(edict_t *entity, int channel, const char *sample, /*int*/float volume, float attenuation, int fFlags, int pitch); +#endif // FN_EmitSound_Post + +#ifdef FN_EmitAmbientSound_Post +void FN_EmitAmbientSound_Post(edict_t *entity, float *pos, const char *samp, float vol, float attenuation, int fFlags, int pitch); +#endif // FN_EmitAmbientSound_Post + +#ifdef FN_TraceLine_Post +void FN_TraceLine_Post(const float *v1, const float *v2, int fNoMonsters, edict_t *pentToSkip, TraceResult *ptr); +#endif // FN_TraceLine_Post + +#ifdef FN_TraceToss_Post +void FN_TraceToss_Post(edict_t *pent, edict_t *pentToIgnore, TraceResult *ptr); +#endif // FN_TraceToss_Post + +#ifdef FN_TraceMonsterHull_Post +int FN_TraceMonsterHull_Post(edict_t *pEdict, const float *v1, const float *v2, int fNoMonsters, edict_t *pentToSkip, TraceResult *ptr); +#endif // FN_TraceMonsterHull_Post + +#ifdef FN_TraceHull_Post +void FN_TraceHull_Post(const float *v1, const float *v2, int fNoMonsters, int hullNumber, edict_t *pentToSkip, TraceResult *ptr); +#endif // FN_TraceHull_Post + +#ifdef FN_TraceModel_Post +void FN_TraceModel_Post(const float *v1, const float *v2, int hullNumber, edict_t *pent, TraceResult *ptr); +#endif // FN_TraceModel_Post + +#ifdef FN_TraceTexture_Post +const char *FN_TraceTexture_Post(edict_t *pTextureEntity, const float *v1, const float *v2 ); +#endif // FN_TraceTexture_Post + +#ifdef FN_TraceSphere_Post +void FN_TraceSphere_Post(const float *v1, const float *v2, int fNoMonsters, float radius, edict_t *pentToSkip, TraceResult *ptr); +#endif // FN_TraceSphere_Post + +#ifdef FN_GetAimVector_Post +void FN_GetAimVector_Post(edict_t *ent, float speed, float *rgflReturn); +#endif // FN_GetAimVector_Post + +#ifdef FN_ServerCommand_Post +void FN_ServerCommand_Post(char *str); +#endif // FN_ServerCommand_Post + +#ifdef FN_ServerExecute_Post +void FN_ServerExecute_Post(void); +#endif // FN_ServerExecute_Post + +#ifdef FN_engClientCommand_Post +void FN_engClientCommand_Post(edict_t *pEdict, char *szFmt, ...); +#endif // FN_engClientCommand_Post + +#ifdef FN_ParticleEffect_Post +void FN_ParticleEffect_Post(const float *org, const float *dir, float color, float count); +#endif // FN_ParticleEffect_Post + +#ifdef FN_LightStyle_Post +void FN_LightStyle_Post(int style, char *val); +#endif // FN_LightStyle_Post + +#ifdef FN_DecalIndex_Post +int FN_DecalIndex_Post(const char *name); +#endif // FN_DecalIndex_Post + +#ifdef FN_PointContents_Post +int FN_PointContents_Post(const float *rgflVector); +#endif // FN_PointContents_Post + +#ifdef FN_MessageBegin_Post +void FN_MessageBegin_Post(int msg_dest, int msg_type, const float *pOrigin, edict_t *ed); +#endif // FN_MessageBegin_Post + +#ifdef FN_MessageEnd_Post +void FN_MessageEnd_Post(void); +#endif // FN_MessageEnd_Post + +#ifdef FN_WriteByte_Post +void FN_WriteByte_Post(int iValue); +#endif // FN_WriteByte_Post + +#ifdef FN_WriteChar_Post +void FN_WriteChar_Post(int iValue); +#endif // FN_WriteChar_Post + +#ifdef FN_WriteShort_Post +void FN_WriteShort_Post(int iValue); +#endif // FN_WriteShort_Post + +#ifdef FN_WriteLong_Post +void FN_WriteLong_Post(int iValue); +#endif // FN_WriteLong_Post + +#ifdef FN_WriteAngle_Post +void FN_WriteAngle_Post(float flValue); +#endif // FN_WriteAngle_Post + +#ifdef FN_WriteCoord_Post +void FN_WriteCoord_Post(float flValue); +#endif // FN_WriteCoord_Post + +#ifdef FN_WriteString_Post +void FN_WriteString_Post(const char *sz); +#endif // FN_WriteString_Post + +#ifdef FN_WriteEntity_Post +void FN_WriteEntity_Post(int iValue); +#endif // FN_WriteEntity_Post + +#ifdef FN_CVarRegister_Post +void FN_CVarRegister_Post(cvar_t *pCvar); +#endif // FN_CVarRegister_Post + +#ifdef FN_CVarGetFloat_Post +float FN_CVarGetFloat_Post(const char *szVarName); +#endif // FN_CVarGetFloat_Post + +#ifdef FN_CVarGetString_Post +const char *FN_CVarGetString_Post(const char *szVarName); +#endif // FN_CVarGetString_Post + +#ifdef FN_CVarSetFloat_Post +void FN_CVarSetFloat_Post(const char *szVarName, float flValue); +#endif // FN_CVarSetFloat_Post + +#ifdef FN_CVarSetString_Post +void FN_CVarSetString_Post(const char *szVarName, const char *szValue); +#endif // FN_CVarSetString_Post + +#ifdef FN_AlertMessage_Post +void FN_AlertMessage_Post(ALERT_TYPE atype, char *szFmt, ...); +#endif // FN_AlertMessage_Post + +#ifdef FN_EngineFprintf_Post +void FN_EngineFprintf_Post(FILE *pfile, char *szFmt, ...); +#endif // FN_EngineFprintf_Post + +#ifdef FN_PvAllocEntPrivateData_Post +void *FN_PvAllocEntPrivateData_Post(edict_t *pEdict, long cb); +#endif // FN_PvAllocEntPrivateData_Post + +#ifdef FN_PvEntPrivateData_Post +void *FN_PvEntPrivateData_Post(edict_t *pEdict); +#endif // FN_PvEntPrivateData_Post + +#ifdef FN_FreeEntPrivateData_Post +void FN_FreeEntPrivateData_Post(edict_t *pEdict); +#endif // FN_FreeEntPrivateData_Post + +#ifdef FN_SzFromIndex_Post +const char *FN_SzFromIndex_Post(int iString); +#endif // FN_SzFromIndex_Post + +#ifdef FN_AllocString_Post +int FN_AllocString_Post(const char *szValue); +#endif // FN_AllocString_Post + +#ifdef FN_GetVarsOfEnt_Post +struct entvars_s *FN_GetVarsOfEnt_Post(edict_t *pEdict); +#endif // FN_GetVarsOfEnt_Post + +#ifdef FN_PEntityOfEntOffset_Post +edict_t *FN_PEntityOfEntOffset_Post(int iEntOffset); +#endif // FN_PEntityOfEntOffset_Post + +#ifdef FN_EntOffsetOfPEntity_Post +int FN_EntOffsetOfPEntity_Post(const edict_t *pEdict); +#endif // FN_EntOffsetOfPEntity_Post + +#ifdef FN_IndexOfEdict_Post +int FN_IndexOfEdict_Post(const edict_t *pEdict); +#endif // FN_IndexOfEdict_Post + +#ifdef FN_PEntityOfEntIndex_Post +edict_t *FN_PEntityOfEntIndex_Post(int iEntIndex); +#endif // FN_PEntityOfEntIndex_Post + +#ifdef FN_FindEntityByVars_Post +edict_t *FN_FindEntityByVars_Post(struct entvars_s *pvars); +#endif // FN_FindEntityByVars_Post + +#ifdef FN_GetModelPtr_Post +void *FN_GetModelPtr_Post(edict_t *pEdict); +#endif // FN_GetModelPtr_Post + +#ifdef FN_RegUserMsg_Post +int FN_RegUserMsg_Post(const char *pszName, int iSize); +#endif // FN_RegUserMsg_Post + +#ifdef FN_AnimationAutomove_Post +void FN_AnimationAutomove_Post(const edict_t *pEdict, float flTime); +#endif // FN_AnimationAutomove_Post + +#ifdef FN_GetBonePosition_Post +void FN_GetBonePosition_Post(const edict_t *pEdict, int iBone, float *rgflOrigin, float *rgflAngles); +#endif // FN_GetBonePosition_Post + +#ifdef FN_FunctionFromName_Post +unsigned long FN_FunctionFromName_Post(const char *pName); +#endif // FN_FunctionFromName_Post + +#ifdef FN_NameForFunction_Post +const char *FN_NameForFunction_Post(unsigned long function); +#endif // FN_NameForFunction_Post + +#ifdef FN_ClientPrintf_Post +void FN_ClientPrintf_Post(edict_t *pEdict, PRINT_TYPE ptype, const char *szMsg); +#endif // FN_ClientPrintf_Post + +#ifdef FN_ServerPrint_Post +void FN_ServerPrint_Post(const char *szMsg); +#endif // FN_ServerPrint_Post + +#ifdef FN_Cmd_Args_Post +const char *FN_Cmd_Args_Post(void); +#endif // FN_Cmd_Args_Post + +#ifdef FN_Cmd_Argv_Post +const char *FN_Cmd_Argv_Post(int argc); +#endif // FN_Cmd_Argv_Post + +#ifdef FN_Cmd_Argc_Post +int FN_Cmd_Argc_Post(void); +#endif // FN_Cmd_Argc_Post + +#ifdef FN_GetAttachment_Post +void FN_GetAttachment_Post(const edict_t *pEdict, int iAttachment, float *rgflOrigin, float *rgflAngles ); +#endif // FN_GetAttachment_Post + +#ifdef FN_CRC32_Init_Post +void FN_CRC32_Init_Post(CRC32_t *pulCRC); +#endif // FN_CRC32_Init_Post + +#ifdef FN_CRC32_ProcessBuffer_Post +void FN_CRC32_ProcessBuffer_Post(CRC32_t *pulCRC, void *p, int len); +#endif // FN_CRC32_ProcessBuffer_Post + +#ifdef FN_CRC32_ProcessByte_Post +void FN_CRC32_ProcessByte_Post(CRC32_t *pulCRC, unsigned char ch); +#endif // FN_CRC32_ProcessByte_Post + +#ifdef FN_CRC32_Final_Post +CRC32_t FN_CRC32_Final_Post(CRC32_t pulCRC); +#endif // FN_CRC32_Final_Post + +#ifdef FN_RandomLong_Post +long FN_RandomLong_Post(long lLow, long lHigh); +#endif // FN_RandomLong_Post + +#ifdef FN_RandomFloat_Post +float FN_RandomFloat_Post(float flLow, float flHigh); +#endif // FN_RandomFloat_Post + +#ifdef FN_SetView_Post +void FN_SetView_Post(const edict_t *pClient, const edict_t *pViewent); +#endif // FN_SetView_Post + +#ifdef FN_Time_Post +float FN_Time_Post(void); +#endif // FN_Time_Post + +#ifdef FN_CrosshairAngle_Post +void FN_CrosshairAngle_Post(const edict_t *pClient, float pitch, float yaw); +#endif // FN_CrosshairAngle_Post + +#ifdef FN_LoadFileForMe_Post +byte *FN_LoadFileForMe_Post(char *filename, int *pLength); +#endif // FN_LoadFileForMe_Post + +#ifdef FN_FreeFile_Post +void FN_FreeFile_Post(void *buffer); +#endif // FN_FreeFile_Post + +#ifdef FN_EndSection_Post +void FN_EndSection_Post(const char *pszSectionName); +#endif // FN_EndSection_Post + +#ifdef FN_CompareFileTime_Post +int FN_CompareFileTime_Post(char *filename1, char *filename2, int *iCompare); +#endif // FN_CompareFileTime_Post + +#ifdef FN_GetGameDir_Post +void FN_GetGameDir_Post(char *szGetGameDir); +#endif // FN_GetGameDir_Post + +#ifdef FN_Cvar_RegisterVariable_Post +void FN_Cvar_RegisterVariable_Post(cvar_t *variable); +#endif // FN_Cvar_RegisterVariable_Post + +#ifdef FN_FadeClientVolume_Post +void FN_FadeClientVolume_Post(const edict_t *pEdict, int fadePercent, int fadeOutSeconds, int holdTime, int fadeInSeconds); +#endif // FN_FadeClientVolume_Post + +#ifdef FN_SetClientMaxspeed_Post +void FN_SetClientMaxspeed_Post(const edict_t *pEdict, float fNewMaxspeed); +#endif // FN_SetClientMaxspeed_Post + +#ifdef FN_CreateFakeClient_Post +edict_t *FN_CreateFakeClient_Post(const char *netname); +#endif // FN_CreateFakeClient_Post + +#ifdef FN_RunPlayerMove_Post +void FN_RunPlayerMove_Post(edict_t *fakeclient, const float *viewangles, float forwardmove, float sidemove, float upmove, unsigned short buttons, byte impulse, byte msec); +#endif // FN_RunPlayerMove_Post + +#ifdef FN_NumberOfEntities_Post +int FN_NumberOfEntities_Post(void); +#endif // FN_NumberOfEntities_Post + +#ifdef FN_GetInfoKeyBuffer_Post +char *FN_GetInfoKeyBuffer_Post(edict_t *e); +#endif // FN_GetInfoKeyBuffer_Post + +#ifdef FN_InfoKeyValue_Post +char *FN_InfoKeyValue_Post(char *infobuffer, char *key); +#endif // FN_InfoKeyValue_Post + +#ifdef FN_SetKeyValue_Post +void FN_SetKeyValue_Post(char *infobuffer, char *key, char *value); +#endif // FN_SetKeyValue_Post + +#ifdef FN_SetClientKeyValue_Post +void FN_SetClientKeyValue_Post(int clientIndex, char *infobuffer, char *key, char *value); +#endif // FN_SetClientKeyValue_Post + +#ifdef FN_IsMapValid_Post +int FN_IsMapValid_Post(char *filename); +#endif // FN_IsMapValid_Post + +#ifdef FN_StaticDecal_Post +void FN_StaticDecal_Post(const float *origin, int decalIndex, int entityIndex, int modelIndex); +#endif // FN_StaticDecal_Post + +#ifdef FN_PrecacheGeneric_Post +int FN_PrecacheGeneric_Post(char *s); +#endif // FN_PrecacheGeneric_Post + +#ifdef FN_GetPlayerUserId_Post +int FN_GetPlayerUserId_Post(edict_t *e ); +#endif // FN_GetPlayerUserId_Post + +#ifdef FN_BuildSoundMsg_Post +void FN_BuildSoundMsg_Post(edict_t *entity, int channel, const char *sample, /*int*/float volume, float attenuation, int fFlags, int pitch, int msg_dest, int msg_type, const float *pOrigin, edict_t *ed); +#endif // FN_BuildSoundMsg_Post + +#ifdef FN_IsDedicatedServer_Post +int FN_IsDedicatedServer_Post(void); +#endif // FN_IsDedicatedServer_Post + +#ifdef FN_CVarGetPointer_Post +cvar_t *FN_CVarGetPointer_Post(const char *szVarName); +#endif // FN_CVarGetPointer_Post + +#ifdef FN_GetPlayerWONId_Post +unsigned int FN_GetPlayerWONId_Post(edict_t *e); +#endif // FN_GetPlayerWONId_Post + +#ifdef FN_Info_RemoveKey_Post +void FN_Info_RemoveKey_Post( char *s, const char *key); +#endif // FN_Info_RemoveKey_Post + +#ifdef FN_GetPhysicsKeyValue_Post +const char *FN_GetPhysicsKeyValue_Post(const edict_t *pClient, const char *key); +#endif // FN_GetPhysicsKeyValue_Post + +#ifdef FN_SetPhysicsKeyValue_Post +void FN_SetPhysicsKeyValue_Post(const edict_t *pClient, const char *key, const char *value); +#endif // FN_SetPhysicsKeyValue_Post + +#ifdef FN_GetPhysicsInfoString_Post +const char *FN_GetPhysicsInfoString_Post( const edict_t *pClient); +#endif // FN_GetPhysicsInfoString_Post + +#ifdef FN_PrecacheEvent_Post +unsigned short FN_PrecacheEvent_Post(int type, const char *psz); +#endif // FN_PrecacheEvent_Post + +#ifdef FN_PlaybackEvent_Post +void FN_PlaybackEvent_Post(int flags, const edict_t *pInvoker, unsigned short eventindex, float delay, float *origin, float *angles, float fparam1, float fparam2, int iparam1, int iparam2, int bparam1, int bparam2); +#endif // FN_PlaybackEvent_Post + +#ifdef FN_SetFatPVS_Post +unsigned char *FN_SetFatPVS_Post(float *org); +#endif // FN_SetFatPVS_Post + +#ifdef FN_SetFatPAS_Post +unsigned char *FN_SetFatPAS_Post(float *org); +#endif // FN_SetFatPAS_Post + +#ifdef FN_CheckVisibility_Post +int FN_CheckVisibility_Post(const edict_t *entity, unsigned char *pset); +#endif // FN_CheckVisibility_Post + +#ifdef FN_DeltaSetField_Post +void FN_DeltaSetField_Post(struct delta_s *pFields, const char *fieldname); +#endif // FN_DeltaSetField_Post + +#ifdef FN_DeltaUnsetField_Post +void FN_DeltaUnsetField_Post(struct delta_s *pFields, const char *fieldname); +#endif // FN_DeltaUnsetField_Post + +#ifdef FN_DeltaAddEncoder_Post +void FN_DeltaAddEncoder_Post(char *name, void (*conditionalencode)( struct delta_s *pFields, const unsigned char *from, const unsigned char *to ) ); +#endif // FN_DeltaAddEncoder_Post + +#ifdef FN_GetCurrentPlayer_Post +int FN_GetCurrentPlayer_Post(void); +#endif // FN_GetCurrentPlayer_Post + +#ifdef FN_CanSkipPlayer_Post +int FN_CanSkipPlayer_Post(const edict_t *player); +#endif // FN_CanSkipPlayer_Post + +#ifdef FN_DeltaFindField_Post +int FN_DeltaFindField_Post(struct delta_s *pFields, const char *fieldname); +#endif // FN_DeltaFindField_Post + +#ifdef FN_DeltaSetFieldByIndex_Post +void FN_DeltaSetFieldByIndex_Post(struct delta_s *pFields, int fieldNumber); +#endif // FN_DeltaSetFieldByIndex_Post + +#ifdef FN_DeltaUnsetFieldByIndex_Post +void FN_DeltaUnsetFieldByIndex_Post(struct delta_s *pFields, int fieldNumber); +#endif // FN_DeltaUnsetFieldByIndex_Post + +#ifdef FN_SetGroupMask_Post +void FN_SetGroupMask_Post(int mask, int op); +#endif // FN_SetGroupMask_Post + +#ifdef FN_engCreateInstancedBaseline_Post +int FN_engCreateInstancedBaseline_Post(int classname, struct entity_state_s *baseline); +#endif // FN_engCreateInstancedBaseline_Post + +#ifdef FN_Cvar_DirectSet_Post +void FN_Cvar_DirectSet_Post(struct cvar_s *var, char *value); +#endif // FN_Cvar_DirectSet_Post + +#ifdef FN_ForceUnmodified_Post +void FN_ForceUnmodified_Post(FORCE_TYPE type, float *mins, float *maxs, const char *filename); +#endif // FN_ForceUnmodified_Post + +#ifdef FN_GetPlayerStats_Post +void FN_GetPlayerStats_Post(const edict_t *pClient, int *ping, int *packet_loss); +#endif // FN_GetPlayerStats_Post + +#ifdef FN_AddServerCommand_Post +void FN_AddServerCommand_Post(char *cmd_name, void (*function)(void)); +#endif // FN_AddServerCommand_Post + +#ifdef FN_Voice_GetClientListening_Post +qboolean FN_Voice_GetClientListening_Post(int iReceiver, int iSender); +#endif // FN_Voice_GetClientListening_Post + +#ifdef FN_Voice_SetClientListening_Post +qboolean FN_Voice_SetClientListening_Post(int iReceiver, int iSender, qboolean bListen); +#endif // FN_Voice_SetClientListening_Post + +#ifdef FN_GetPlayerAuthId_Post +const char *FN_GetPlayerAuthId_Post(edict_t *e); +#endif // FN_GetPlayerAuthId + + + + +#ifdef FN_OnFreeEntPrivateData +void FN_OnFreeEntPrivateData(edict_t *pEnt); +#endif // FN_OnFreeEntPrivateData + +#ifdef FN_GameShutdown +void FN_GameShutdown(void); +#endif // FN_GameShutdown + +#ifdef FN_ShouldCollide +int FN_ShouldCollide(edict_t *pentTouched, edict_t *pentOther); +#endif // FN_ShouldCollide + + + + + +#ifdef FN_OnFreeEntPrivateData_Post +void FN_OnFreeEntPrivateData_Post(edict_t *pEnt); +#endif // FN_OnFreeEntPrivateData_Post + +#ifdef FN_GameShutdown_Post +void FN_GameShutdown_Post(void); +#endif // FN_GameShutdown_Post + +#ifdef FN_ShouldCollide_Post +int FN_ShouldCollide_Post(edict_t *pentTouched, edict_t *pentOther); +#endif // FN_ShouldCollide_Post + +#endif // USE_METAMOD + + +#ifdef FN_AMXX_QUERY +void FN_AMXX_QUERY(void); +#endif // FN_AMXX_QUERY + +#ifdef FN_AMXX_ATTACH +void FN_AMXX_ATTACH(void); +#endif // FN_AMXX_ATTACH + +#ifdef FN_AMXX_DETACH +void FN_AMXX_DETACH(void); +#endif // FN_AMXX_DETACH + +#ifdef FN_AMXX_PLUGINSLOADED +void FN_AMXX_PLUGINSLOADED(void); +#endif // FN_AMXX_PLUGINSLOADED + +// *** Types *** +typedef void* (*PFN_REQ_FNPTR)(const char * /*name*/); + +// ***** Module funcs stuff ***** +enum ForwardExecType +{ + ET_IGNORE = 0, // Ignore return vaue + ET_STOP, // Stop on PLUGIN_HANDLED + ET_STOP2, // Stop on PLUGIN_HANDLED, continue on other values, return biggest return value + ET_CONTINUE, // Continue; return biggest return value +}; + +enum ForwardParam +{ + FP_DONE = -1, // specify this as the last argument + // only tells the function that there are no more arguments + FP_CELL, // normal cell + FP_FLOAT, // float; used as normal cell though + FP_STRING, // string + FP_STRINGEX, // string; will be updated to the last function's value + FP_ARRAY, // array; use the return value of prepareArray. +}; + + +typedef int (*PFN_ADD_NATIVES) (const AMX_NATIVE_INFO * /*list*/); +typedef char * (*PFN_BUILD_PATHNAME) (const char * /*format*/, ...); +typedef char * (*PFN_BUILD_PATHNAME_R) (char * /*buffer*/, size_t /* maxlen */, const char * /* format */, ...); +typedef cell * (*PFN_GET_AMXADDR) (AMX * /*amx*/, cell /*offset*/); +typedef void (*PFN_PRINT_SRVCONSOLE) (char * /*format*/, ...); +typedef const char * (*PFN_GET_MODNAME) (void); +typedef const char * (*PFN_GET_AMXSCRIPTNAME) (int /*id*/); +typedef AMX * (*PFN_GET_AMXSCRIPT) (int /*id*/); +typedef int (*PFN_FIND_AMXSCRIPT_BYAMX) (const AMX * /*amx*/); +typedef int (*PFN_FIND_AMXSCRIPT_BYNAME) (const char * /*name*/); +typedef int (*PFN_SET_AMXSTRING) (AMX * /*amx*/, cell /*amx_addr*/, const char * /* source */, int /* max */); +typedef char * (*PFN_GET_AMXSTRING) (AMX * /*amx*/, cell /*amx_addr*/, int /*bufferId*/, int * /*pLen*/); +typedef int (*PFN_GET_AMXSTRINGLEN) (const cell *ptr); +typedef char * (*PFN_FORMAT_AMXSTRING) (AMX * /*amx*/, cell * /*params*/, int /*startParam*/, int * /*pLen*/); +typedef void (*PFN_COPY_AMXMEMORY) (cell * /*dest*/, const cell * /*src*/, int /*len*/); +typedef void (*PFN_LOG) (const char * /*fmt*/, ...); +typedef void (*PFN_LOG_ERROR) (AMX * /*amx*/, int /*err*/, const char * /*fmt*/, ...); +typedef int (*PFN_RAISE_AMXERROR) (AMX * /*amx*/, int /*error*/); +typedef int (*PFN_REGISTER_FORWARD) (const char * /*funcname*/, ForwardExecType /*exectype*/, ... /*paramtypes terminated by PF_DONE*/); +typedef int (*PFN_EXECUTE_FORWARD) (int /*id*/, ... /*params*/); +typedef cell (*PFN_PREPARE_CELLARRAY) (cell * /*ptr*/, unsigned int /*size*/); +typedef cell (*PFN_PREPARE_CHARARRAY) (char * /*ptr*/, unsigned int /*size*/); +typedef cell (*PFN_PREPARE_CELLARRAY_A) (cell * /*ptr*/, unsigned int /*size*/, bool /*copyBack*/); +typedef cell (*PFN_PREPARE_CHARARRAY_A) (char * /*ptr*/, unsigned int /*size*/, bool /*copyBack*/); +typedef int (*PFN_IS_PLAYER_VALID) (int /*id*/); +typedef const char * (*PFN_GET_PLAYER_NAME) (int /*id*/); +typedef const char * (*PFN_GET_PLAYER_IP) (int /*id*/); +typedef int (*PFN_IS_PLAYER_INGAME) (int /*id*/); +typedef int (*PFN_IS_PLAYER_BOT) (int /*id*/); +typedef int (*PFN_IS_PLAYER_AUTHORIZED) (int /*id*/); +typedef float (*PFN_GET_PLAYER_TIME) (int /*id*/); +typedef float (*PFN_GET_PLAYER_PLAYTIME) (int /*id*/); +typedef int (*PFN_GETPLAYERFLAGS) (int /* id*/); +typedef int (*PFN_GET_PLAYER_CURWEAPON) (int /*id*/); +typedef const char * (*PFN_GET_PLAYER_TEAM) (int /*id*/); +typedef int (*PFN_GET_PLAYER_TEAMID) (int /*id*/); +typedef int (*PFN_GET_PLAYER_DEATHS) (int /*id*/); +typedef int (*PFN_GET_PLAYER_MENU) (int /*id*/); +typedef int (*PFN_GET_PLAYER_KEYS) (int /*id*/); +typedef int (*PFN_IS_PLAYER_ALIVE) (int /*id*/); +typedef int (*PFN_GET_PLAYER_FRAGS) (int /*id*/); +typedef int (*PFN_IS_PLAYER_CONNECTING) (int /*id*/); +typedef int (*PFN_IS_PLAYER_HLTV) (int /*id*/); +typedef int (*PFN_GET_PLAYER_ARMOR) (int /*id*/); +typedef int (*PFN_GET_PLAYER_HEALTH) (int /*id*/); +#ifdef USE_METAMOD +typedef edict_t * (*PFN_GET_PLAYER_EDICT) (int /*id*/); +#else +typedef void * (*PFN_GET_PLAYER_EDICT) (int /*id*/); +#endif + +#ifdef MEMORY_TEST +typedef void * (*PFN_ALLOCATOR) (const char* /*filename*/, const unsigned int /*line*/, const char* /*func*/, + const unsigned int /*type*/, const size_t /*size*/); +typedef void * (*PFN_REALLOCATOR) (const char* /*filename*/, const unsigned int /*line*/, const char* /*func*/, + const unsigned int /*type*/, const size_t /*size*/, void* /*addr*/ ); +typedef void (*PFN_DEALLOCATOR) (const char* /*filename*/, const unsigned int /*line*/, const char* /*func*/, + const unsigned int /*type*/, const void* /*addr*/ ); +#endif +typedef int (*PFN_AMX_EXEC) (AMX* /*amx*/, cell* /*return val*/, int /*index*/); +typedef int (*PFN_AMX_EXECV) (AMX* /*amx*/, cell* /*return val*/, int /*index*/, int /*numparams*/, cell[] /*params*/); +typedef int (*PFN_AMX_ALLOT) (AMX* /*amx*/, int /*length*/, cell* /*amx_addr*/, cell** /*phys_addr*/); +typedef int (*PFN_AMX_FINDPUBLIC) (AMX* /*amx*/, char* /*func name*/, int* /*index*/); +typedef int (*PFN_AMX_FINDNATIVE) (AMX* /*amx*/, char* /*func name*/, int* /*index*/); +typedef int (*PFN_LOAD_AMXSCRIPT) (AMX* /*amx*/, void** /*code*/, const char* /*path*/, char[64] /*error info*/, int /* debug */); +typedef int (*PFN_UNLOAD_AMXSCRIPT) (AMX* /*amx*/,void** /*code*/); +typedef cell (*PFN_REAL_TO_CELL) (REAL /*x*/); +typedef REAL (*PFN_CELL_TO_REAL) (cell /*x*/); +typedef int (*PFN_REGISTER_SPFORWARD) (AMX * /*amx*/, int /*func*/, ... /*params*/); +typedef int (*PFN_REGISTER_SPFORWARD_BYNAME) (AMX * /*amx*/, const char * /*funcName*/, ... /*params*/); +typedef void (*PFN_UNREGISTER_SPFORWARD) (int /*id*/); +typedef void (*PFN_MERGEDEFINITION_FILE) (const char * /*filename*/); +typedef const char * (*PFN_FORMAT) (const char * /*fmt*/, ... /*params*/); +typedef void (*PFN_REGISTERFUNCTION) (void * /*pfn*/, const char * /*desc*/); +typedef int (*PFN_AMX_PUSH) (AMX * /*amx*/, cell /*value*/); + +extern PFN_ADD_NATIVES g_fn_AddNatives; +extern PFN_BUILD_PATHNAME g_fn_BuildPathname; +extern PFN_BUILD_PATHNAME_R g_fn_BuildPathnameR; +extern PFN_GET_AMXADDR g_fn_GetAmxAddr; +extern PFN_PRINT_SRVCONSOLE g_fn_PrintSrvConsole; +extern PFN_GET_MODNAME g_fn_GetModname; +extern PFN_GET_AMXSCRIPTNAME g_fn_GetAmxScriptName; +extern PFN_GET_AMXSCRIPT g_fn_GetAmxScript; +extern PFN_FIND_AMXSCRIPT_BYAMX g_fn_FindAmxScriptByAmx; +extern PFN_FIND_AMXSCRIPT_BYNAME g_fn_FindAmxScriptByName; +extern PFN_SET_AMXSTRING g_fn_SetAmxString; +extern PFN_GET_AMXSTRING g_fn_GetAmxString; +extern PFN_GET_AMXSTRINGLEN g_fn_GetAmxStringLen; +extern PFN_FORMAT_AMXSTRING g_fn_FormatAmxString; +extern PFN_COPY_AMXMEMORY g_fn_CopyAmxMemory; +extern PFN_LOG g_fn_Log; +extern PFN_LOG_ERROR g_fn_LogErrorFunc; +extern PFN_RAISE_AMXERROR g_fn_RaiseAmxError; +extern PFN_REGISTER_FORWARD g_fn_RegisterForward; +extern PFN_EXECUTE_FORWARD g_fn_ExecuteForward; +extern PFN_PREPARE_CELLARRAY g_fn_PrepareCellArray; +extern PFN_PREPARE_CHARARRAY g_fn_PrepareCharArray; +extern PFN_PREPARE_CELLARRAY_A g_fn_PrepareCellArrayA; +extern PFN_PREPARE_CHARARRAY_A g_fn_PrepareCharArrayA; +extern PFN_IS_PLAYER_VALID g_fn_IsPlayerValid; +extern PFN_GET_PLAYER_NAME g_fn_GetPlayerName; +extern PFN_GET_PLAYER_IP g_fn_GetPlayerIP; +extern PFN_IS_PLAYER_INGAME g_fn_IsPlayerIngame; +extern PFN_IS_PLAYER_BOT g_fn_IsPlayerBot; +extern PFN_IS_PLAYER_AUTHORIZED g_fn_IsPlayerAuthorized; +extern PFN_GET_PLAYER_TIME g_fn_GetPlayerTime; +extern PFN_GET_PLAYER_PLAYTIME g_fn_GetPlayerPlayTime; +extern PFN_GET_PLAYER_CURWEAPON g_fn_GetPlayerCurweapon; +extern PFN_GET_PLAYER_TEAMID g_fn_GetPlayerTeamID; +extern PFN_GET_PLAYER_DEATHS g_fn_GetPlayerDeaths; +extern PFN_GET_PLAYER_MENU g_fn_GetPlayerMenu; +extern PFN_GET_PLAYER_KEYS g_fn_GetPlayerKeys; +extern PFN_IS_PLAYER_ALIVE g_fn_IsPlayerAlive; +extern PFN_GET_PLAYER_FRAGS g_fn_GetPlayerFrags; +extern PFN_IS_PLAYER_CONNECTING g_fn_IsPlayerConnecting; +extern PFN_IS_PLAYER_HLTV g_fn_IsPlayerHLTV; +extern PFN_GET_PLAYER_ARMOR g_fn_GetPlayerArmor; +extern PFN_GET_PLAYER_HEALTH g_fn_GetPlayerHealth; +extern PFN_AMX_EXEC g_fn_AmxExec; +extern PFN_AMX_ALLOT g_fn_AmxAllot; +extern PFN_AMX_FINDPUBLIC g_fn_AmxFindPublic; +extern PFN_LOAD_AMXSCRIPT g_fn_LoadAmxScript; +extern PFN_UNLOAD_AMXSCRIPT g_fn_UnloadAmxScript; +extern PFN_REAL_TO_CELL g_fn_RealToCell; +extern PFN_CELL_TO_REAL g_fn_CellToReal; +extern PFN_REGISTER_SPFORWARD g_fn_RegisterSPForward; +extern PFN_REGISTER_SPFORWARD_BYNAME g_fn_RegisterSPForwardByName; +extern PFN_UNREGISTER_SPFORWARD g_fn_UnregisterSPForward; +extern PFN_MERGEDEFINITION_FILE g_fn_MergeDefinition_File; +extern PFN_AMX_FINDNATIVE g_fn_AmxFindNative; +extern PFN_GETPLAYERFLAGS g_fn_GetPlayerFlags; +extern PFN_GET_PLAYER_EDICT g_fn_GetPlayerEdict; +extern PFN_FORMAT g_fn_Format; +extern PFN_GET_PLAYER_TEAM g_fn_GetPlayerTeam; +extern PFN_REGISTERFUNCTION g_fn_RegisterFunction; +extern PFN_REQ_FNPTR g_fn_RequestFunction; +extern PFN_AMX_PUSH g_fn_AmxPush; + +#ifdef MAY_NEVER_BE_DEFINED +// Function prototypes for intellisense and similar systems +// They understand #if 0 so we use #ifdef MAY_NEVER_BE_DEFINED +int MF_AddNatives (const AMX_NATIVE_INFO *list) { } +char * MF_BuildPathname (const char * format, ...) { } +char * MF_BuildPathnameR (char *buffer, size_t maxlen, const char *fmt, ...) { } +cell * MF_GetAmxAddr (AMX * amx, cell offset) { } +void MF_PrintSrvConsole (char * format, ...) { } +const char * MF_GetModname (void) { } +const char * MF_GetScriptName (int id) { } +AMX * MF_GetScriptAmx (int id) { } +int MF_FindScriptByAmx (const AMX * amx) { } +int MF_FindScriptByAmx (const char * name) { } +int MF_SetAmxString (AMX * amx, cell amx_addr, const char * source , int max ) { } +char * MF_GetAmxString (AMX * amx, cell amx_addr, int bufferId, int * pLen) { } +int MF_GetAmxStringLen (const cell *ptr) { } +char * MF_FormatAmxString (AMX * amx, cell * params, int startParam, int * pLen) { } +void MF_CopyAmxMemory (cell * dest, const cell * src, int len) { } +void MF_Log (const char * fmt, ...) { } +void MF_LogError (AMX * amx, int err, const char *fmt, ...) { } +int MF_RaiseAmxError (AMX * amx, int error) { } +int MF_RegisterForward (const char * funcname, ForwardExecType exectype, ...) { } +int MF_ExecuteForward (int id, ...) { } +cell MF_PrepareCellArray (cell * ptr, unsigned int size) { } +cell MF_PrepareCharArray (char * ptr, unsigned int size) { } +cell MF_PrepareCellArrayA (cell * ptr, unsigned int size, bool copyBack) { } +cell MF_PrepareCharArrayA (char * ptr, unsigned int size, bool copyBack) { } +int MF_IsPlayerValid (int id) { } +const char * MF_GetPlayerName (int id) { } +const char * MF_GetPlayerIP (int id) { } +int MF_IsPlayerIngame (int id) { } +int MF_IsPlayerBot (int id) { } +int MF_IsPlayerAuthorized (int id) { } +float MF_GetPlayerTime (int id) { } +float MF_GetPlayerPlayTime (int id) { } +int MF_GetPlayerCurweapon (int id) { } +const char * MF_GetPlayerTeam (int id) { } +int MF_GetPlayerTeamID (int id) { } +int MF_GetPlayerDeaths (int id) { } +int MF_GetPlayerMenu (int id) { } +int MF_GetPlayerKeys (int id) { } +int MF_IsPlayerAlive (int id) { } +int MF_GetPlayerFrags (int id) { } +int MF_IsPlayerConnecting (int id) { } +int MF_IsPlayerHLTV (int id) { } +int MF_GetPlayerArmor (int id) { } +int MF_GetPlayerHealth (int id) { } +REAL amx_ctof (cell x) { } +cell amx_ftoc (float x) { } +int MF_RegisterSPForwardByName (AMX * amx, const char *str, ...) { } +int MF_RegisterSPForward (AMX * amx, int func, ...) { } +void MF_UnregisterSPForward (int id) { } +int MF_GetPlayerFlags (int id) { } +edict_t* MF_GetPlayerEdict (int id) { } +const char * MF_Format (const char *fmt, ...) { } +void MF_RegisterFunction (void *pfn, const char *description) { } +void * MF_RequestFunction (const char *description) { } +int MF_AmxPush (AMX *amx, cell *params) { } +int MF_AmxExec (AMX *amx, cell *retval, int idx) { } +#endif // MAY_NEVER_BE_DEFINED + +#define MF_AddNatives g_fn_AddNatives +#define MF_BuildPathname g_fn_BuildPathname +#define MF_BuildPathnameR g_fn_BuildPathnameR +#define MF_FormatAmxString g_fn_FormatAmxString +#define MF_GetAmxAddr g_fn_GetAmxAddr +#define MF_PrintSrvConsole g_fn_PrintSrvConsole +#define MF_GetModname g_fn_GetModname +#define MF_GetScriptName g_fn_GetAmxScriptName +#define MF_GetScriptAmx g_fn_GetAmxScript +#define MF_FindScriptByAmx g_fn_FindAmxScriptByAmx +#define MF_FindScriptByName g_fn_FindAmxScriptByName +#define MF_SetAmxString g_fn_SetAmxString +#define MF_GetAmxString g_fn_GetAmxString +#define MF_GetAmxStringLen g_fn_GetAmxStringLen +#define MF_CopyAmxMemory g_fn_CopyAmxMemory +void MF_Log(const char *fmt, ...); +void MF_LogError(AMX *amx, int err, const char *fmt, ...); +#define MF_RaiseAmxError g_fn_RaiseAmxError +#define MF_RegisterForward g_fn_RegisterForward +#define MF_ExecuteForward g_fn_ExecuteForward +#define MF_PrepareCellArray g_fn_PrepareCellArray +#define MF_PrepareCharArray g_fn_PrepareCharArray +#define MF_PrepareCellArrayA g_fn_PrepareCellArrayA +#define MF_PrepareCharArrayA g_fn_PrepareCharArrayA +#define MF_IsPlayerValid g_fn_IsPlayerValid +#define MF_GetPlayerName g_fn_GetPlayerName +#define MF_GetPlayerIP g_fn_GetPlayerIP +#define MF_IsPlayerIngame g_fn_IsPlayerIngame +#define MF_IsPlayerBot g_fn_IsPlayerBot +#define MF_IsPlayerAuthorized g_fn_IsPlayerAuthorized +#define MF_GetPlayerTime g_fn_GetPlayerTime +#define MF_GetPlayerPlayTime g_fn_GetPlayerPlayTime +#define MF_GetPlayerCurweapon g_fn_GetPlayerCurweapon +#define MF_GetPlayerTeam g_fn_GetPlayerTeam +#define MF_GetPlayerTeamID g_fn_GetPlayerTeamID +#define MF_GetPlayerDeaths g_fn_GetPlayerDeaths +#define MF_GetPlayerMenu g_fn_GetPlayerMenu +#define MF_GetPlayerKeys g_fn_GetPlayerKeys +#define MF_IsPlayerAlive g_fn_IsPlayerAlive +#define MF_GetPlayerFrags g_fn_GetPlayerFrags +#define MF_IsPlayerConnecting g_fn_IsPlayerConnecting +#define MF_IsPlayerHLTV g_fn_IsPlayerHLTV +#define MF_GetPlayerArmor g_fn_GetPlayerArmor +#define MF_GetPlayerHealth g_fn_GetPlayerHealth +#define MF_AmxExec g_fn_AmxExec +#define MF_AmxExecv g_fn_AmxExecv +#define MF_AmxFindPublic g_fn_AmxFindPublic +#define MF_AmxAllot g_fn_AmxAllot +#define MF_AmxFindNative g_fn_AmxFindNative +#define MF_LoadAmxScript g_fn_LoadAmxScript +#define MF_UnloadAmxScript g_fn_UnloadAmxScript +#define MF_MergeDefinitionFile g_fn_MergeDefinition_File +#define amx_ctof g_fn_CellToReal +#define amx_ftoc g_fn_RealToCell +#define MF_RegisterSPForwardByName g_fn_RegisterSPForwardByName +#define MF_RegisterSPForward g_fn_RegisterSPForward +#define MF_UnregisterSPForward g_fn_UnregisterSPForward +#define MF_GetPlayerFlags g_fn_GetPlayerFlags +#define MF_GetPlayerEdict g_fn_GetPlayerEdict +#define MF_Format g_fn_Format +#define MF_RegisterFunction g_fn_RegisterFunction +#define MF_RequestFunction g_fn_RequestFunction; +#define MF_AmxPush g_fn_AmxPush + +#ifdef MEMORY_TEST +/*** Memory ***/ +void *operator new(size_t reportedSize); +void *operator new[](size_t reportedSize); +void *operator new(size_t reportedSize, const char *sourceFile, int sourceLine); +void *operator new[](size_t reportedSize, const char *sourceFile, int sourceLine); +void operator delete(void *reportedAddress); +void operator delete[](void *reportedAddress); + +// Allocation types +extern const unsigned int m_alloc_unknown; +extern const unsigned int m_alloc_new; +extern const unsigned int m_alloc_new_array; +extern const unsigned int m_alloc_malloc; +extern const unsigned int m_alloc_calloc; +extern const unsigned int m_alloc_realloc; +extern const unsigned int m_alloc_delete; +extern const unsigned int m_alloc_delete_array; +extern const unsigned int m_alloc_free; + +// To be called before new / delete +void Mem_SetOwner(const char *filename, int line, const char *function); +// Actual allocator +void * Mem_Allocator(const char *sourceFile, const unsigned int sourceLine, const char *sourceFunc, + const unsigned int allocationType, const size_t reportedSize); +void * Mem_Reallocator(const char *sourceFile, const unsigned int sourceLine, const char *sourceFunc, + const unsigned int reallocationType, const size_t reportedSize, void *reportedAddress); +void Mem_Deallocator(const char *sourceFile, const unsigned int sourceLine, const char *sourceFunc, + const unsigned int deallocationType, void *reportedAddress); + +// memory macros +#ifndef __FUNCTION__ +#define __FUNCTION__ "??" +#endif + +// call Mem_SetOwner, followed by the actual new operator +#define new (Mem_SetOwner(__FILE__,__LINE__,__FUNCTION__),false) ? NULL : new +// call Mem_SetOwner, followed by the actual delete operator +#define delete (Mem_SetOwner(__FILE__,__LINE__,__FUNCTION__),false) ? Mem_SetOwner("",0,"") : delete +#define malloc(sz) Mem_Allocator (__FILE__,__LINE__,__FUNCTION__,m_alloc_malloc,sz) +#define calloc(sz) Mem_Allocator (__FILE__,__LINE__,__FUNCTION__,m_alloc_calloc,sz) +#define realloc(ptr,sz) Mem_Reallocator(__FILE__,__LINE__,__FUNCTION__,m_alloc_realloc,sz,ptr) +#define free(ptr) Mem_Deallocator(__FILE__,__LINE__,__FUNCTION__,m_alloc_free,ptr) + +#endif //MEMORY_TEST + +#endif // #ifndef __AMXXMODULE_H__ diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/array.cpp b/dlls/arrayx/array.cpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0547fb42 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/array.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +#include "osdefs.h" +#include +#include +#include "amxxmodule.h" + +#ifdef __WIN32__ +#define JU_WIN +#endif + +#define JUDYERROR_NOTEST 1 +#include + +#include "element.h" + +#include "CKeytable.h" +#include "CArray.h" +#include "CHashtable.h" + +void OnAmxxAttach() +{ + MF_AddNatives(array_exports); + MF_AddNatives(keytable_exports); + MF_AddNatives(hashtable_exports); +} + +void OnAmxxDetach() +{ + Delete_MasterArray(); + Delete_MasterKeytable(); + Delete_MasterHashtable(); +} diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/element.h b/dlls/arrayx/element.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a4e1a777 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/element.h @@ -0,0 +1,210 @@ +/**************************************************************************** +* element.h +* This class acts as sort of an interface for storing values in the judy +* arrays. By storing an 'element' with error handling and type checking, +* crashes and errors are less likely. In addition, by storing the type of +* data it is also possible to save or load from a file. +****************************************************************************/ + +#if !defined(_CLASSDEF_ELEMENT_) +#define _CLASSDEF_ELEMENT_ + +const Vector* null_vec = new Vector(); + +enum { + elem_type_none, //only used on init. + elem_type_int, + elem_type_real, + elem_type_char, + elem_type_vector +}; + +const char* elem_types[] = +{ + "-NO VALUE-", + "INTEGER", + "FLOAT", + "STRING", + "VECTOR" +}; + +class element +{ +public: + void set_int(int Value); + void set_flo(REAL Value); + void set_str(char* Value); + void set_vec(Vector* Value); + + element (int Value) { set_int(Value); } + element (REAL Value) { set_flo(Value); } + element (char* Value) { set_str(Value); } + element (Vector* Value) { set_vec(Value); } + element(void); + + REAL get_flo(int &error); + int get_int(int &error); + const char* get_str(int &error); + const Vector* get_vec(int &error); + + int get_type(void); + Pvoid_t get_ptr(void); + + virtual ~element(); + + void delete_element(void) { clear(); element::~element(); } + + char* get_elem_as_string(void); + + //This is handy because it takes all the data needed and issues the error. + void issue_type_error(AMX *amx, int Keytable, char* Index); + void issue_type_error(AMX *amx, int Array, int Index); +private: + Pvoid_t element_ptr; //Contains a pointer to whatever data is actually stored. + void clear(void); + char element_type; +}; + +Pvoid_t element::get_ptr(void) +{ + return element_ptr; +} + +void element::issue_type_error(AMX *amx, int Keytable, char* Index) +{ + MF_LogError(amx, AMX_ERR_NATIVE, + "Function attempted to read NON-%s value at key \"%s\" in keytable %d, actual value: %s", + elem_types[element_type], Index, Keytable, get_elem_as_string()); +} + +void element::issue_type_error(AMX *amx, int Array, int Index) +{ + MF_LogError(amx, AMX_ERR_NATIVE, + "Function attempted to read NON-%s value at index %d in array %d, actual value: %s", + elem_types[element_type], Index, Array, get_elem_as_string()); +} + +char* element::get_elem_as_string(void) +{ + char* value = ""; + Vector vector_val; + int error; //Is not checked. + switch (element_type) + { + case elem_type_int: + sprintf(value, "%d", get_int(error)); + break; + case elem_type_real: + sprintf(value, "%f", get_int(error)); + break; + case elem_type_char: + sprintf(value, "\"%s\"", get_str(error)); + break; + case elem_type_vector: + vector_val = *get_vec(error); + sprintf(value, "{%f,%f,%f}", vector_val.x, vector_val.y, vector_val.z); + break; + default: + sprintf(value, "-NO VALUE-"); + } + return value; +} + +REAL element::get_flo(int &error) +{ + if (element_type == elem_type_real) + return *reinterpret_cast(element_ptr); + error = 1; + return 0; +} + +int element::get_int(int &error) +{ + if (element_type == elem_type_int) + return reinterpret_cast(element_ptr); + error = 1; + return 0; +} + +const char* element::get_str(int &error) +{ + if (element_type == elem_type_char) + return reinterpret_cast(element_ptr); + error = 1; + return ""; +} + +const Vector* element::get_vec(int &error) +{ + if (element_type == elem_type_vector) + return reinterpret_cast(element_ptr); + error = 1; + return null_vec; +} + +int element::get_type(void) +{ + return element_type; +} + +element::element() { } +void element::set_int(int Value) +{ + clear(); + element_type = elem_type_int; + element_ptr = reinterpret_cast(Value); + //Don't need to make it a pointer to an int here. +} +void element::set_flo(REAL Value) +{ + clear(); + element_type = elem_type_real; + element_ptr = new REAL(Value); +} +void element::set_str(char* Value) +{ + clear(); + element_type = elem_type_char; + char *string_val = new char[strlen(Value)+1]; + strcpy(string_val,Value); + element_ptr = reinterpret_cast(string_val); +} +void element::set_vec(Vector* Value) +{ + clear(); + element_type = elem_type_vector; + element_ptr = reinterpret_cast(Value); +} + +element::~element() +{ + //do nothing here or else data WILL be lost. +} + +void element::clear() +{ + //This function intelligently creates a pointer x, + //which will be of correct type and then deletes it. + + if (element_type == elem_type_real) + { + REAL *real_val = reinterpret_cast(element_ptr); + delete real_val; + //This is actually a pointer to the float/double. + } + else if (element_type == elem_type_char) + { + char *char_val = reinterpret_cast(element_ptr); + delete char_val; + //Again, cast a pointer. + } + else if (element_type == elem_type_vector) + { + Vector *vector_val = reinterpret_cast(element_ptr); + delete vector_val; + //And again. + } + element_ptr = NULL; //Null the address as well. (Used for ints too.) +} + +#endif // !defined(_CLASSDEF_ELEMENT_) diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/moduleconfig.h b/dlls/arrayx/moduleconfig.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5b49ee1b --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/moduleconfig.h @@ -0,0 +1,463 @@ +// Configuration + +#ifndef __MODULECONFIG_H__ +#define __MODULECONFIG_H__ + +// Module info +#define MODULE_NAME "Array" +#define MODULE_VERSION "1.65" +#define MODULE_AUTHOR "Rukia and Anpheus" +#define MODULE_URL "www.alphapoint.org/rcr" +#define MODULE_LOGTAG "ARRAY" +// If you want the module not to be reloaded on mapchange, remove / comment out the next line +#define MODULE_RELOAD_ON_MAPCHANGE + +#ifdef __DATE__ +#define MODULE_DATE __DATE__ +#else // __DATE__ +#define MODULE_DATE "Unknown" +#endif // __DATE__ + +// metamod plugin? +//#define USE_METAMOD + +// - AMXX Init functions +// Also consider using FN_META_* +// AMXX query +//#define FN_AMXX_QUERY OnAmxxQuery +// AMXX attach +// Do native functions init here (MF_AddNatives) +#define FN_AMXX_ATTACH OnAmxxAttach +// AMXX dettach +#define FN_AMXX_DETTACH OnAmxxDettach +// All plugins loaded +// Do forward functions init here (MF_RegisterForward) +// #define FN_AMXX_PLUGINSLOADED OnPluginsLoaded + +/**** METAMOD ****/ +// If your module doesn't use metamod, you may close the file now :) +#ifdef USE_METAMOD +// ---- +// Hook Functions +// Uncomment these to be called +// You can also change the function name + +// - Metamod init functions +// Also consider using FN_AMXX_* +// Meta query +//#define FN_META_QUERY OnMetaQuery +// Meta attach +//#define FN_META_ATTACH OnMetaAttach +// Meta dettach +//#define FN_META_DETTACH OnMetaDettach + +// (wd) are Will Day's notes +// - GetEntityAPI2 functions +// #define FN_GameDLLInit GameDLLInit /* pfnGameInit() */ +// #define FN_DispatchSpawn DispatchSpawn /* pfnSpawn() */ +// #define FN_DispatchThink DispatchThink /* pfnThink() */ +// #define FN_DispatchUse DispatchUse /* pfnUse() */ +// #define FN_DispatchTouch DispatchTouch /* pfnTouch() */ +// #define FN_DispatchBlocked DispatchBlocked /* pfnBlocked() */ +// #define FN_DispatchKeyValue DispatchKeyValue /* pfnKeyValue() */ +// #define FN_DispatchSave DispatchSave /* pfnSave() */ +// #define FN_DispatchRestore DispatchRestore /* pfnRestore() */ +// #define FN_DispatchObjectCollsionBox DispatchObjectCollsionBox /* pfnSetAbsBox() */ +// #define FN_SaveWriteFields SaveWriteFields /* pfnSaveWriteFields() */ +// #define FN_SaveReadFields SaveReadFields /* pfnSaveReadFields() */ +// #define FN_SaveGlobalState SaveGlobalState /* pfnSaveGlobalState() */ +// #define FN_RestoreGlobalState RestoreGlobalState /* pfnRestoreGlobalState() */ +// #define FN_ResetGlobalState ResetGlobalState /* pfnResetGlobalState() */ +// #define FN_ClientConnect ClientConnect /* pfnClientConnect() (wd) Client has connected */ +// #define FN_ClientDisconnect ClientDisconnect /* pfnClientDisconnect() (wd) Player has left the game */ +// #define FN_ClientKill ClientKill /* pfnClientKill() (wd) Player has typed "kill" */ +// #define FN_ClientPutInServer ClientPutInServer /* pfnClientPutInServer() (wd) Client is entering the game */ +// #define FN_ClientCommand ClientCommand /* pfnClientCommand() (wd) Player has sent a command (typed or from a bind) */ +// #define FN_ClientUserInfoChanged ClientUserInfoChanged /* pfnClientUserInfoChanged() (wd) Client has updated their setinfo structure */ +// #define FN_ServerActivate ServerActivate /* pfnServerActivate() (wd) Server is starting a new map */ +// #define FN_ServerDeactivate ServerDeactivate /* pfnServerDeactivate() (wd) Server is leaving the map (shutdown or changelevel); SDK2 */ +// #define FN_PlayerPreThink PlayerPreThink /* pfnPlayerPreThink() */ +// #define FN_PlayerPostThink PlayerPostThink /* pfnPlayerPostThink() */ +// #define FN_StartFrame StartFrame /* pfnStartFrame() */ +// #define FN_ParmsNewLevel ParmsNewLevel /* pfnParmsNewLevel() */ +// #define FN_ParmsChangeLevel ParmsChangeLevel /* pfnParmsChangeLevel() */ +// #define FN_GetGameDescription GetGameDescription /* pfnGetGameDescription() Returns string describing current .dll. E.g. "TeamFotrress 2" "Half-Life" */ +// #define FN_PlayerCustomization PlayerCustomization /* pfnPlayerCustomization() Notifies .dll of new customization for player. */ +// #define FN_SpectatorConnect SpectatorConnect /* pfnSpectatorConnect() Called when spectator joins server */ +// #define FN_SpectatorDisconnect SpectatorDisconnect /* pfnSpectatorDisconnect() Called when spectator leaves the server */ +// #define FN_SpectatorThink SpectatorThink /* pfnSpectatorThink() Called when spectator sends a command packet (usercmd_t) */ +// #define FN_Sys_Error Sys_Error /* pfnSys_Error() Notify game .dll that engine is going to shut down. Allows mod authors to set a breakpoint. SDK2 */ +// #define FN_PM_Move PM_Move /* pfnPM_Move() (wd) SDK2 */ +// #define FN_PM_Init PM_Init /* pfnPM_Init() Server version of player movement initialization; (wd) SDK2 */ +// #define FN_PM_FindTextureType PM_FindTextureType /* pfnPM_FindTextureType() (wd) SDK2 */ +// #define FN_SetupVisibility SetupVisibility /* pfnSetupVisibility() Set up PVS and PAS for networking for this client; (wd) SDK2 */ +// #define FN_UpdateClientData UpdateClientData /* pfnUpdateClientData() Set up data sent only to specific client; (wd) SDK2 */ +// #define FN_AddToFullPack AddToFullPack /* pfnAddToFullPack() (wd) SDK2 */ +// #define FN_CreateBaseline CreateBaseline /* pfnCreateBaseline() Tweak entity baseline for network encoding allows setup of player baselines too.; (wd) SDK2 */ +// #define FN_RegisterEncoders RegisterEncoders /* pfnRegisterEncoders() Callbacks for network encoding; (wd) SDK2 */ +// #define FN_GetWeaponData GetWeaponData /* pfnGetWeaponData() (wd) SDK2 */ +// #define FN_CmdStart CmdStart /* pfnCmdStart() (wd) SDK2 */ +// #define FN_CmdEnd CmdEnd /* pfnCmdEnd() (wd) SDK2 */ +// #define FN_ConnectionlessPacket ConnectionlessPacket /* pfnConnectionlessPacket() (wd) SDK2 */ +// #define FN_GetHullBounds GetHullBounds /* pfnGetHullBounds() (wd) SDK2 */ +// #define FN_CreateInstancedBaselines CreateInstancedBaselines /* pfnCreateInstancedBaselines() (wd) SDK2 */ +// #define FN_InconsistentFile InconsistentFile /* pfnInconsistentFile() (wd) SDK2 */ +// #define FN_AllowLagCompensation AllowLagCompensation /* pfnAllowLagCompensation() (wd) SDK2 */ + +// - GetEntityAPI2_Post functions +// #define FN_GameDLLInit_Post GameDLLInit_Post +// #define FN_DispatchSpawn_Post DispatchSpawn_Post +// #define FN_DispatchThink_Post DispatchThink_Post +// #define FN_DispatchUse_Post DispatchUse_Post +// #define FN_DispatchTouch_Post DispatchTouch_Post +// #define FN_DispatchBlocked_Post DispatchBlocked_Post +// #define FN_DispatchKeyValue_Post DispatchKeyValue_Post +// #define FN_DispatchSave_Post DispatchSave_Post +// #define FN_DispatchRestore_Post DispatchRestore_Post +// #define FN_DispatchObjectCollsionBox_Post DispatchObjectCollsionBox_Post +// #define FN_SaveWriteFields_Post SaveWriteFields_Post +// #define FN_SaveReadFields_Post SaveReadFields_Post +// #define FN_SaveGlobalState_Post SaveGlobalState_Post +// #define FN_RestoreGlobalState_Post RestoreGlobalState_Post +// #define FN_ResetGlobalState_Post ResetGlobalState_Post +// #define FN_ClientConnect_Post ClientConnect_Post +// #define FN_ClientDisconnect_Post ClientDisconnect_Post +// #define FN_ClientKill_Post ClientKill_Post +// #define FN_ClientPutInServer_Post ClientPutInServer_Post +// #define FN_ClientCommand_Post ClientCommand_Post +// #define FN_ClientUserInfoChanged_Post ClientUserInfoChanged_Post +// #define FN_ServerActivate_Post ServerActivate_Post +// #define FN_ServerDeactivate_Post ServerDeactivate_Post +// #define FN_PlayerPreThink_Post PlayerPreThink_Post +// #define FN_PlayerPostThink_Post PlayerPostThink_Post +// #define FN_StartFrame_Post StartFrame_Post +// #define FN_ParmsNewLevel_Post ParmsNewLevel_Post +// #define FN_ParmsChangeLevel_Post ParmsChangeLevel_Post +// #define FN_GetGameDescription_Post GetGameDescription_Post +// #define FN_PlayerCustomization_Post PlayerCustomization_Post +// #define FN_SpectatorConnect_Post SpectatorConnect_Post +// #define FN_SpectatorDisconnect_Post SpectatorDisconnect_Post +// #define FN_SpectatorThink_Post SpectatorThink_Post +// #define FN_Sys_Error_Post Sys_Error_Post +// #define FN_PM_Move_Post PM_Move_Post +// #define FN_PM_Init_Post PM_Init_Post +// #define FN_PM_FindTextureType_Post PM_FindTextureType_Post +// #define FN_SetupVisibility_Post SetupVisibility_Post +// #define FN_UpdateClientData_Post UpdateClientData_Post +// #define FN_AddToFullPack_Post AddToFullPack_Post +// #define FN_CreateBaseline_Post CreateBaseline_Post +// #define FN_RegisterEncoders_Post RegisterEncoders_Post +// #define FN_GetWeaponData_Post GetWeaponData_Post +// #define FN_CmdStart_Post CmdStart_Post +// #define FN_CmdEnd_Post CmdEnd_Post +// #define FN_ConnectionlessPacket_Post ConnectionlessPacket_Post +// #define FN_GetHullBounds_Post GetHullBounds_Post +// #define FN_CreateInstancedBaselines_Post CreateInstancedBaselines_Post +// #define FN_InconsistentFile_Post InconsistentFile_Post +// #define FN_AllowLagCompensation_Post AllowLagCompensation_Post + +// - GetEngineAPI functions +// #define FN_PrecacheModel PrecacheModel +// #define FN_PrecacheSound PrecacheSound +// #define FN_SetModel SetModel +// #define FN_ModelIndex ModelIndex +// #define FN_ModelFrames ModelFrames +// #define FN_SetSize SetSize +// #define FN_ChangeLevel ChangeLevel +// #define FN_GetSpawnParms GetSpawnParms +// #define FN_SaveSpawnParms SaveSpawnParms +// #define FN_VecToYaw VecToYaw +// #define FN_VecToAngles VecToAngles +// #define FN_MoveToOrigin MoveToOrigin +// #define FN_ChangeYaw ChangeYaw +// #define FN_ChangePitch ChangePitch +// #define FN_FindEntityByString FindEntityByString +// #define FN_GetEntityIllum GetEntityIllum +// #define FN_FindEntityInSphere FindEntityInSphere +// #define FN_FindClientInPVS FindClientInPVS +// #define FN_EntitiesInPVS EntitiesInPVS +// #define FN_MakeVectors MakeVectors +// #define FN_AngleVectors AngleVectors +// #define FN_CreateEntity CreateEntity +// #define FN_RemoveEntity RemoveEntity +// #define FN_CreateNamedEntity CreateNamedEntity +// #define FN_MakeStatic MakeStatic +// #define FN_EntIsOnFloor EntIsOnFloor +// #define FN_DropToFloor DropToFloor +// #define FN_WalkMove WalkMove +// #define FN_SetOrigin SetOrigin +// #define FN_EmitSound EmitSound +// #define FN_EmitAmbientSound EmitAmbientSound +// #define FN_TraceLine TraceLine +// #define FN_TraceToss TraceToss +// #define FN_TraceMonsterHull TraceMonsterHull +// #define FN_TraceHull TraceHull +// #define FN_TraceModel TraceModel +// #define FN_TraceTexture TraceTexture +// #define FN_TraceSphere TraceSphere +// #define FN_GetAimVector GetAimVector +// #define FN_ServerCommand ServerCommand +// #define FN_ServerExecute ServerExecute +// #define FN_engClientCommand engClientCommand +// #define FN_ParticleEffect ParticleEffect +// #define FN_LightStyle LightStyle +// #define FN_DecalIndex DecalIndex +// #define FN_PointContents PointContents +// #define FN_MessageBegin MessageBegin +// #define FN_MessageEnd MessageEnd +// #define FN_WriteByte WriteByte +// #define FN_WriteChar WriteChar +// #define FN_WriteShort WriteShort +// #define FN_WriteLong WriteLong +// #define FN_WriteAngle WriteAngle +// #define FN_WriteCoord WriteCoord +// #define FN_WriteString WriteString +// #define FN_WriteEntity WriteEntity +// #define FN_CVarRegister CVarRegister +// #define FN_CVarGetFloat CVarGetFloat +// #define FN_CVarGetString CVarGetString +// #define FN_CVarSetFloat CVarSetFloat +// #define FN_CVarSetString CVarSetString +// #define FN_AlertMessage AlertMessage +// #define FN_EngineFprintf EngineFprintf +// #define FN_PvAllocEntPrivateData PvAllocEntPrivateData +// #define FN_PvEntPrivateData PvEntPrivateData +// #define FN_FreeEntPrivateData FreeEntPrivateData +// #define FN_SzFromIndex SzFromIndex +// #define FN_AllocString AllocString +// #define FN_GetVarsOfEnt GetVarsOfEnt +// #define FN_PEntityOfEntOffset PEntityOfEntOffset +// #define FN_EntOffsetOfPEntity EntOffsetOfPEntity +// #define FN_IndexOfEdict IndexOfEdict +// #define FN_PEntityOfEntIndex PEntityOfEntIndex +// #define FN_FindEntityByVars FindEntityByVars +// #define FN_GetModelPtr GetModelPtr +// #define FN_RegUserMsg RegUserMsg +// #define FN_AnimationAutomove AnimationAutomove +// #define FN_GetBonePosition GetBonePosition +// #define FN_FunctionFromName FunctionFromName +// #define FN_NameForFunction NameForFunction +// #define FN_ClientPrintf ClientPrintf +// #define FN_ServerPrint ServerPrint +// #define FN_Cmd_Args Cmd_Args +// #define FN_Cmd_Argv Cmd_Argv +// #define FN_Cmd_Argc Cmd_Argc +// #define FN_GetAttachment GetAttachment +// #define FN_CRC32_Init CRC32_Init +// #define FN_CRC32_ProcessBuffer CRC32_ProcessBuffer +// #define FN_CRC32_ProcessByte CRC32_ProcessByte +// #define FN_CRC32_Final CRC32_Final +// #define FN_RandomLong RandomLong +// #define FN_RandomFloat RandomFloat +// #define FN_SetView SetView +// #define FN_Time Time +// #define FN_CrosshairAngle CrosshairAngle +// #define FN_LoadFileForMe LoadFileForMe +// #define FN_FreeFile FreeFile +// #define FN_EndSection EndSection +// #define FN_CompareFileTime CompareFileTime +// #define FN_GetGameDir GetGameDir +// #define FN_Cvar_RegisterVariable Cvar_RegisterVariable +// #define FN_FadeClientVolume FadeClientVolume +// #define FN_SetClientMaxspeed SetClientMaxspeed +// #define FN_CreateFakeClient CreateFakeClient +// #define FN_RunPlayerMove RunPlayerMove +// #define FN_NumberOfEntities NumberOfEntities +// #define FN_GetInfoKeyBuffer GetInfoKeyBuffer +// #define FN_InfoKeyValue InfoKeyValue +// #define FN_SetKeyValue SetKeyValue +// #define FN_SetClientKeyValue SetClientKeyValue +// #define FN_IsMapValid IsMapValid +// #define FN_StaticDecal StaticDecal +// #define FN_PrecacheGeneric PrecacheGeneric +// #define FN_GetPlayerUserId GetPlayerUserId +// #define FN_BuildSoundMsg BuildSoundMsg +// #define FN_IsDedicatedServer IsDedicatedServer +// #define FN_CVarGetPointer CVarGetPointer +// #define FN_GetPlayerWONId GetPlayerWONId +// #define FN_Info_RemoveKey Info_RemoveKey +// #define FN_GetPhysicsKeyValue GetPhysicsKeyValue +// #define FN_SetPhysicsKeyValue SetPhysicsKeyValue +// #define FN_GetPhysicsInfoString GetPhysicsInfoString +// #define FN_PrecacheEvent PrecacheEvent +// #define FN_PlaybackEvent PlaybackEvent +// #define FN_SetFatPVS SetFatPVS +// #define FN_SetFatPAS SetFatPAS +// #define FN_CheckVisibility CheckVisibility +// #define FN_DeltaSetField DeltaSetField +// #define FN_DeltaUnsetField DeltaUnsetField +// #define FN_DeltaAddEncoder DeltaAddEncoder +// #define FN_GetCurrentPlayer GetCurrentPlayer +// #define FN_CanSkipPlayer CanSkipPlayer +// #define FN_DeltaFindField DeltaFindField +// #define FN_DeltaSetFieldByIndex DeltaSetFieldByIndex +// #define FN_DeltaUnsetFieldByIndex DeltaUnsetFieldByIndex +// #define FN_SetGroupMask SetGroupMask +// #define FN_engCreateInstancedBaseline engCreateInstancedBaseline +// #define FN_Cvar_DirectSet Cvar_DirectSet +// #define FN_ForceUnmodified ForceUnmodified +// #define FN_GetPlayerStats GetPlayerStats +// #define FN_AddServerCommand AddServerCommand +// #define FN_Voice_GetClientListening Voice_GetClientListening +// #define FN_Voice_SetClientListening Voice_SetClientListening +// #define FN_GetPlayerAuthId GetPlayerAuthId + +// - GetEngineAPI_Post functions +// #define FN_PrecacheModel_Post PrecacheModel_Post +// #define FN_PrecacheSound_Post PrecacheSound_Post +// #define FN_SetModel_Post SetModel_Post +// #define FN_ModelIndex_Post ModelIndex_Post +// #define FN_ModelFrames_Post ModelFrames_Post +// #define FN_SetSize_Post SetSize_Post +// #define FN_ChangeLevel_Post ChangeLevel_Post +// #define FN_GetSpawnParms_Post GetSpawnParms_Post +// #define FN_SaveSpawnParms_Post SaveSpawnParms_Post +// #define FN_VecToYaw_Post VecToYaw_Post +// #define FN_VecToAngles_Post VecToAngles_Post +// #define FN_MoveToOrigin_Post MoveToOrigin_Post +// #define FN_ChangeYaw_Post ChangeYaw_Post +// #define FN_ChangePitch_Post ChangePitch_Post +// #define FN_FindEntityByString_Post FindEntityByString_Post +// #define FN_GetEntityIllum_Post GetEntityIllum_Post +// #define FN_FindEntityInSphere_Post FindEntityInSphere_Post +// #define FN_FindClientInPVS_Post FindClientInPVS_Post +// #define FN_EntitiesInPVS_Post EntitiesInPVS_Post +// #define FN_MakeVectors_Post MakeVectors_Post +// #define FN_AngleVectors_Post AngleVectors_Post +// #define FN_CreateEntity_Post CreateEntity_Post +// #define FN_RemoveEntity_Post RemoveEntity_Post +// #define FN_CreateNamedEntity_Post CreateNamedEntity_Post +// #define FN_MakeStatic_Post MakeStatic_Post +// #define FN_EntIsOnFloor_Post EntIsOnFloor_Post +// #define FN_DropToFloor_Post DropToFloor_Post +// #define FN_WalkMove_Post WalkMove_Post +// #define FN_SetOrigin_Post SetOrigin_Post +// #define FN_EmitSound_Post EmitSound_Post +// #define FN_EmitAmbientSound_Post EmitAmbientSound_Post +// #define FN_TraceLine_Post TraceLine_Post +// #define FN_TraceToss_Post TraceToss_Post +// #define FN_TraceMonsterHull_Post TraceMonsterHull_Post +// #define FN_TraceHull_Post TraceHull_Post +// #define FN_TraceModel_Post TraceModel_Post +// #define FN_TraceTexture_Post TraceTexture_Post +// #define FN_TraceSphere_Post TraceSphere_Post +// #define FN_GetAimVector_Post GetAimVector_Post +// #define FN_ServerCommand_Post ServerCommand_Post +// #define FN_ServerExecute_Post ServerExecute_Post +// #define FN_engClientCommand_Post engClientCommand_Post +// #define FN_ParticleEffect_Post ParticleEffect_Post +// #define FN_LightStyle_Post LightStyle_Post +// #define FN_DecalIndex_Post DecalIndex_Post +// #define FN_PointContents_Post PointContents_Post +// #define FN_MessageBegin_Post MessageBegin_Post +// #define FN_MessageEnd_Post MessageEnd_Post +// #define FN_WriteByte_Post WriteByte_Post +// #define FN_WriteChar_Post WriteChar_Post +// #define FN_WriteShort_Post WriteShort_Post +// #define FN_WriteLong_Post WriteLong_Post +// #define FN_WriteAngle_Post WriteAngle_Post +// #define FN_WriteCoord_Post WriteCoord_Post +// #define FN_WriteString_Post WriteString_Post +// #define FN_WriteEntity_Post WriteEntity_Post +// #define FN_CVarRegister_Post CVarRegister_Post +// #define FN_CVarGetFloat_Post CVarGetFloat_Post +// #define FN_CVarGetString_Post CVarGetString_Post +// #define FN_CVarSetFloat_Post CVarSetFloat_Post +// #define FN_CVarSetString_Post CVarSetString_Post +// #define FN_AlertMessage_Post AlertMessage_Post +// #define FN_EngineFprintf_Post EngineFprintf_Post +// #define FN_PvAllocEntPrivateData_Post PvAllocEntPrivateData_Post +// #define FN_PvEntPrivateData_Post PvEntPrivateData_Post +// #define FN_FreeEntPrivateData_Post FreeEntPrivateData_Post +// #define FN_SzFromIndex_Post SzFromIndex_Post +// #define FN_AllocString_Post AllocString_Post +// #define FN_GetVarsOfEnt_Post GetVarsOfEnt_Post +// #define FN_PEntityOfEntOffset_Post PEntityOfEntOffset_Post +// #define FN_EntOffsetOfPEntity_Post EntOffsetOfPEntity_Post +// #define FN_IndexOfEdict_Post IndexOfEdict_Post +// #define FN_PEntityOfEntIndex_Post PEntityOfEntIndex_Post +// #define FN_FindEntityByVars_Post FindEntityByVars_Post +// #define FN_GetModelPtr_Post GetModelPtr_Post +// #define FN_RegUserMsg_Post RegUserMsg_Post +// #define FN_AnimationAutomove_Post AnimationAutomove_Post +// #define FN_GetBonePosition_Post GetBonePosition_Post +// #define FN_FunctionFromName_Post FunctionFromName_Post +// #define FN_NameForFunction_Post NameForFunction_Post +// #define FN_ClientPrintf_Post ClientPrintf_Post +// #define FN_ServerPrint_Post ServerPrint_Post +// #define FN_Cmd_Args_Post Cmd_Args_Post +// #define FN_Cmd_Argv_Post Cmd_Argv_Post +// #define FN_Cmd_Argc_Post Cmd_Argc_Post +// #define FN_GetAttachment_Post GetAttachment_Post +// #define FN_CRC32_Init_Post CRC32_Init_Post +// #define FN_CRC32_ProcessBuffer_Post CRC32_ProcessBuffer_Post +// #define FN_CRC32_ProcessByte_Post CRC32_ProcessByte_Post +// #define FN_CRC32_Final_Post CRC32_Final_Post +// #define FN_RandomLong_Post RandomLong_Post +// #define FN_RandomFloat_Post RandomFloat_Post +// #define FN_SetView_Post SetView_Post +// #define FN_Time_Post Time_Post +// #define FN_CrosshairAngle_Post CrosshairAngle_Post +// #define FN_LoadFileForMe_Post LoadFileForMe_Post +// #define FN_FreeFile_Post FreeFile_Post +// #define FN_EndSection_Post EndSection_Post +// #define FN_CompareFileTime_Post CompareFileTime_Post +// #define FN_GetGameDir_Post GetGameDir_Post +// #define FN_Cvar_RegisterVariable_Post Cvar_RegisterVariable_Post +// #define FN_FadeClientVolume_Post FadeClientVolume_Post +// #define FN_SetClientMaxspeed_Post SetClientMaxspeed_Post +// #define FN_CreateFakeClient_Post CreateFakeClient_Post +// #define FN_RunPlayerMove_Post RunPlayerMove_Post +// #define FN_NumberOfEntities_Post NumberOfEntities_Post +// #define FN_GetInfoKeyBuffer_Post GetInfoKeyBuffer_Post +// #define FN_InfoKeyValue_Post InfoKeyValue_Post +// #define FN_SetKeyValue_Post SetKeyValue_Post +// #define FN_SetClientKeyValue_Post SetClientKeyValue_Post +// #define FN_IsMapValid_Post IsMapValid_Post +// #define FN_StaticDecal_Post StaticDecal_Post +// #define FN_PrecacheGeneric_Post PrecacheGeneric_Post +// #define FN_GetPlayerUserId_Post GetPlayerUserId_Post +// #define FN_BuildSoundMsg_Post BuildSoundMsg_Post +// #define FN_IsDedicatedServer_Post IsDedicatedServer_Post +// #define FN_CVarGetPointer_Post CVarGetPointer_Post +// #define FN_GetPlayerWONId_Post GetPlayerWONId_Post +// #define FN_Info_RemoveKey_Post Info_RemoveKey_Post +// #define FN_GetPhysicsKeyValue_Post GetPhysicsKeyValue_Post +// #define FN_SetPhysicsKeyValue_Post SetPhysicsKeyValue_Post +// #define FN_GetPhysicsInfoString_Post GetPhysicsInfoString_Post +// #define FN_PrecacheEvent_Post PrecacheEvent_Post +// #define FN_PlaybackEvent_Post PlaybackEvent_Post +// #define FN_SetFatPVS_Post SetFatPVS_Post +// #define FN_SetFatPAS_Post SetFatPAS_Post +// #define FN_CheckVisibility_Post CheckVisibility_Post +// #define FN_DeltaSetField_Post DeltaSetField_Post +// #define FN_DeltaUnsetField_Post DeltaUnsetField_Post +// #define FN_DeltaAddEncoder_Post DeltaAddEncoder_Post +// #define FN_GetCurrentPlayer_Post GetCurrentPlayer_Post +// #define FN_CanSkipPlayer_Post CanSkipPlayer_Post +// #define FN_DeltaFindField_Post DeltaFindField_Post +// #define FN_DeltaSetFieldByIndex_Post DeltaSetFieldByIndex_Post +// #define FN_DeltaUnsetFieldByIndex_Post DeltaUnsetFieldByIndex_Post +// #define FN_SetGroupMask_Post SetGroupMask_Post +// #define FN_engCreateInstancedBaseline_Post engCreateInstancedBaseline_Post +// #define FN_Cvar_DirectSet_Post Cvar_DirectSet_Post +// #define FN_ForceUnmodified_Post ForceUnmodified_Post +// #define FN_GetPlayerStats_Post GetPlayerStats_Post +// #define FN_AddServerCommand_Post AddServerCommand_Post +// #define FN_Voice_GetClientListening_Post Voice_GetClientListening_Post +// #define FN_Voice_SetClientListening_Post Voice_SetClientListening_Post +// #define FN_GetPlayerAuthId_Post GetPlayerAuthId_Post + +// #define FN_OnFreeEntPrivateData OnFreeEntPrivateData +// #define FN_GameShutdown GameShutdown +// #define FN_ShouldCollide ShouldCollide + +// #define FN_OnFreeEntPrivateData_Post OnFreeEntPrivateData_Post +// #define FN_GameShutdown_Post GameShutdown_Post +// #define FN_ShouldCollide_Post ShouldCollide_Post + + +#endif // USE_METAMOD + +#endif // __MODULECONFIG_H__ + diff --git a/dlls/arrayx/osdefs.h b/dlls/arrayx/osdefs.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..60d61e68 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlls/arrayx/osdefs.h @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +/* __MSDOS__ set when compiling for DOS (not Windows) + * _Windows set when compiling for any version of Microsoft Windows + * __WIN32__ set when compiling for Windows95 or WindowsNT (32 bit mode) + * __32BIT__ set when compiling in 32-bit "flat" mode (DOS or Windows) + * + * Copyright 1998-2002, ITB CompuPhase, The Netherlands. + * info@compuphase.com. + */ + +#ifndef _OSDEFS_H +#define _OSDEFS_H + +/* Every compiler uses different "default" macros to indicate the mode + * it is in. Throughout the source, we use the Borland C++ macros, so + * the macros of Watcom C/C++ and Microsoft Visual C/C++ are mapped to + * those of Borland C++. + */ +#if defined(__WATCOMC__) +# if defined(__WINDOWS__) || defined(__NT__) +# define _Windows 1 +# endif +# ifdef __386__ +# define __32BIT__ 1 +# endif +# if defined(_Windows) && defined(__32BIT__) +# define __WIN32__ 1 +# endif +#elif defined(_MSC_VER) +# if defined(_WINDOWS) || defined(_WIN32) +# define _Windows 1 +# endif +# ifdef _WIN32 +# define __WIN32__ 1 +# define __32BIT__ 1 +# endif +#endif + +#if defined __linux__ + #include +#endif + +/* Linux NOW has these */ +#if !defined BIG_ENDIAN + #define BIG_ENDIAN 4321 +#endif +#if !defined LITTLE_ENDIAN + #define LITTLE_ENDIAN 1234 +#endif + +/* educated guess, BYTE_ORDER is undefined, i386 is common => little endian */ +#if !defined BYTE_ORDER + #if defined UCLINUX + #define BYTE_ORDER BIG_ENDIAN + #else + #define BYTE_ORDER LITTLE_ENDIAN + #endif +#endif + +#endif /* _OSDEFS_H */ +