mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 12:59:09 +03:00
amxmodx: Second batch of documentation updates
This commit is contained in:
@ -205,6 +205,8 @@ native register_plugin(const plugin_name[], const version[], const author[]);
* @param name Path to the model file
* @return Cache id of the model, even if the file was already precached
* @error If called outside of the plugin_precache() forward, an error is
* thrown.
native precache_model(const name[]);
@ -222,6 +224,8 @@ native precache_model(const name[]);
* @param name Path to the sound file
* @return Cache id of the sound, even if the file was already precached
* @error If called outside of the plugin_precache() forward, an error is
* thrown.
native precache_sound(const name[]);
@ -229,11 +233,13 @@ native precache_sound(const name[]);
* Precaches a generic file.
* @note Can only be used inside of the plugin_precache() forward.
* @note Precaching sounds with this will not add them to the engine sound tables.
* @note Precaching sounds with this will not add them to the engine sound table
* @param szFile Path to the file
* @return Cache id of the file, even if the file was already precached
* @error If called outside of the plugin_precache() forward, an error
* is thrown.
native precache_generic(const szFile[]);
@ -247,6 +253,8 @@ native precache_generic(const szFile[]);
* @noreturn
* @error If the index is not within the range of 1 to MaxClients or
* the client is not connected an error will be thrown.
* @error If called outside of the plugin_precache() forward, an error
* is thrown.
native set_user_info(index,const info[], const value[]);
@ -306,7 +314,7 @@ native show_motd(player, const message[], const header[]="");
* @param message Formatting rules
* @param ... Variable number of formatting parameters
* @return The number of printed characters.
* @return Number of printed characters
* If 0 is specified as the index then 0 will be returned if
* nothing has been sent. The number of printed characters will
* otherwise refer to the message that is sent last, to the
@ -343,7 +351,7 @@ native client_print(index, type, const message[], any:...);
* @param fmt Formatting rules
* @param ... Variable number of formatting parameters
* @return The number of printed characters.
* @return Number of printed characters
* If 0 is specified as the index then 0 will be returned if
* nothing has been sent. The number of printed characters will
* otherwise refer to the message that is sent last, to the
@ -361,7 +369,7 @@ native client_print_color(index, sender, const message[], any:...);
* @param message Formatting rules
* @param ... Variable number of formatting parameters
* @return The number of printed characters.
* @return Number of printed characters
* If 0 is specified as the index then 0 will be returned if
* nothing has been sent. The number of printed characters will
* otherwise refer to the message that is sent last, to the
@ -378,7 +386,7 @@ native engclient_print(player, type, const message[], any:...);
* @param message Formatting rules
* @param ... Variable number of formatting parameters
* @return The number of printed characters.
* @return Number of printed characters
* @error If a single client is specified and the index is not
* within the range of 1 to MaxClients an error will be thrown
@ -458,8 +466,7 @@ native register_event(const event[], const function[], const flags[], const cond
* - "&" for substring comparison
* The argument is compared to the specified string accordingly
* @return 1 on successfully registering event
* 0 on failure
* @return 1 on successfully registering event, 0 on failure
* @error Invalid callback function
native register_logevent(const function[], argsnum, ...);
@ -478,7 +485,8 @@ native register_logevent(const function[], argsnum, ...);
* on the respective axis.
* @note These parameters stay until the next call to set_hudmessage overwrites
* them. Multiple calls to show_hudmessage will therefore re-use the same
* parameters.
* parameters. The parameters are not stored per-plugin, so other plugins
* can overwrite them.
* @param red Red component of hudmessage color
* @param green Green component of hudmessage color
@ -488,15 +496,14 @@ native register_logevent(const function[], argsnum, ...);
* @param effects Display effect
* @param fxtime Duration of the effect
* @param holdtime Time the message stays on screen
* @param fadeintime Time it takes for the message to fully appear (fade-in)
* @param fadeouttime Time it takes for the message to fully disappear (fade-out)
* @param fadeintime Time it takes the message to fully appear (fade-in)
* @param fadeouttime Time it takes the message to fully disappear (fade-out)
* @param channel Channel to use on the client
* @noreturn
native set_hudmessage(red=200, green=100, blue=0, Float:x=-1.0, Float:y=0.35, effects=0, Float:fxtime=6.0, Float:holdtime=12.0, Float:fadeintime=0.1, Float:fadeouttime=0.2,channel=-1);
/* Displays HUD message to given player. */
* Displays a message on the client HUD.
@ -506,7 +513,7 @@ native set_hudmessage(red=200, green=100, blue=0, Float:x=-1.0, Float:y=0.35, ef
* @param message Formatting rules
* @param ... Variable number of formatting parameters
* @return The number of printed characters.
* @return Number of printed characters
* If 0 is specified as the index then 0 will be returned if
* nothing has been sent. The number of printed characters will
* otherwise refer to the message that is sent last, to the
@ -514,137 +521,414 @@ native set_hudmessage(red=200, green=100, blue=0, Float:x=-1.0, Float:y=0.35, ef
* @error If a single client is specified and the index is not
* within the range of 1 to MaxClients an error will be thrown
native show_hudmessage(index,const message[],any:...);
native show_hudmessage(index, const message[], any:...);
* Sets the Director HUD parameters for drawing text.
* Sets display parameters for director hudmessages.
* These parameters are stored globally, although nothing other than this function and set_hudmessage modify them.
* You must call this function before drawing text. If you are drawing text to multiple clients, you can set the
* parameters once, since they won't be modified. However, as soon as you pass control back to other plugins,
* you must reset the parameters next time you draw.
* @note For the hudmessage coordinates x and y, -1.0 will center the message
* on the respective axis.
* @note These parameters stay until the next call to set_dhudmessage overwrites
* them. Multiple calls to show_dhudmessage will therefore re-use the same
* parameters. The parameters are not stored per-plugin, so other plugins
* can overwrite them.
* @param red The red color value.
* @param green The green color value.
* @param blue The blue color value.
* @param x The x coordinate (abscissa). From 0,0 to 1.0. -1.0 is the center.
* @param y The y coordinate (ordinate). From 0,0 to 1.0. - 1.0 is the center.
* @param effects The effect value. 0 = fade in/fade out, 1 is flickery credits, 2 is write out (training room).
* @param fxtime The duration of chosen effect (may not apply to all effects).
* @param holdtime The Number of seconds to hold the text.
* @param fadeintime The number of seconds to spend fading in.
* @param fadeoutime The number of seconds to spend fading out.
* @param red Red component of hudmessage color
* @param green Green component of hudmessage color
* @param blue Blue component of hudmessage color
* @param x Location of the message on the x axis in percent
* @param y Location of the message on the y axis in percent
* @param effects Display effect
* @param fxtime Duration of the effect
* @param holdtime Time the message stays on screen
* @param fadeintime Time it takes the message to fully appear (fade-in)
* @param fadeouttime Time it takes the message to fully disappear (fade-out)
* @noreturn
native set_dhudmessage(red=200, green=100, blue=0, Float:x=-1.0, Float:y=0.35, effects=0, Float:fxtime=6.0, Float:holdtime=12.0, Float:fadeintime=0.1, Float:fadeouttime=0.2);
* Shows a Director HUD message to a client. Usually such message has a bigger letter size.
* Ideally used to show static/persistent message.
* Displays a director message on the client HUD.
* Unlike classic HUD message which is channel-based, Director HUD message is stack-based. Don't expect same behavior.
* You can have up to 8 messages displatying at once. If you try more, the first will be overwritten, then second, etc.
* Each message is limited to 128 characters. This will be automatically truncated by the native.
* Due to its way for working, there is no native to clear a specific message.
* @note Use set_dhudmessage to define how the message should look on screen.
* @note Unlike the classic HUD message which is channel-based, director
* messages are stack-based. You can have up to 8 messages displaying at
* once, if you add more they will be overwtitten in the order they were
* sent. There is no way to clear a specific message.
* @note The message has a maximum length of 128 characters which this function
* will automatically enforce.
* @param index THe client index to send the message to. Use 0 to send to all connected clients.
* @param message The message text or formatting rules.
* @param ... The message formatting parameters.
* @return On success, the formatted message length. Otherwise 0.
* @param index Client index, use 0 to display to all clients
* @param message Formatting rules
* @param ... Variable number of formatting parameters
* @return Number of printed characters
* If 0 is specified as the index then 0 will be returned if
* nothing has been sent. The number of printed characters will
* otherwise refer to the message that is sent last, to the
* client with the highest index.
* @error If a single client is specified and the index is not
* within the range of 1 to MaxClients an error will be thrown
native show_dhudmessage(index, const message[], any:...);
/* Displays menu. Keys have bit values (key 1 is (1<<0), key 5 is (1<<4) etc.). */
* Displays a menu to the client.
* @note Keys is a bitflag value that represents which keys the user can press
* on the menu. If you want to display disabled menu options or skip
* certain number slots you should exclude that key from the bitflag.
* amxconst.inc provides MENU_KEY_* constants for convenience.
* @note If a menu timeout is specified it does not automatically overwrite
* the menu on the client's screen. But if a client acts upon a timeouted
* displayed menu that action will not be sent to the plugin.
* @note The title parameter is not displayed to the client and is only used for
* identifying menus internally and assigning them to their callbacks.
* The title corresponds to the menu name that you register with
* register_menuid().
* @param index Client to display menu to, use 0 to display to all clients
* @param keys Enabled keys
* @param menu Menu body
* @param time Menu timeout in seconds, -1 to disable
* @param title Name of the menu for internal tracking purposes
native show_menu(index,keys,const menu[], time = -1, const title[] = "");
/* Gets value from client messages.
* When you are asking for string the array and length is needed (read_data(2,name,len)).
* Integer is returned by function (new me = read_data(3)).
* Float is set in second parameter (read_data(3,value)). */
* Retrieves values from a client message.
* @note For use within callbacks registered with register_event().
* @note Usage examples:
* value = read_data(1);
* read_data(2, floatvalue);
* written = read_data(3, buffer, buffersize);
* @param value Argument number to retrieve value from
* @param ... If 0 additional parameters are provided, the function
* will return the argument value directly.
* If 1 additional parameter is provided, the function will
* store a float value in that second parameter.
* If two additional parameters are provided, the function
* will copy a string to the buffer provided in the second
* parameter, using the third as the maximum buffer size.
* @return If zero additional parameters are provided, the function
* will return an integer value.
* If one additional parameter is provided, the function will
* return the float value, converted (truncated) to an integer.
* If two additional parameters are provided, the function
* will return the number of cells written to the buffer.
native read_data(value, any:... );
/* Returns number of values in client message. */
* Returns the number of values in the client message.
* @note For use within callbacks registered with register_event().
* @return Number of values in client message
native read_datanum();
/* Returns message id of client message */
* Returns the message id of the client message.
* @note For use within callbacks registered with register_event().
* @return Message id of the client message
native read_datatype();
/* Gets log message. Can be called only in plugin_log() forward function. */
* Retrieves current log message.
* @note Can only be used inside of the plugin_log() forward.
* @param output Buffer to copy log message to
* @param len Maximum buffer size
* @return Number of cells written to buffer
* @error If called outside of the plugin_log() forward, an error is
* thrown.
native read_logdata(output[],len);
/* Returns number of log arguments.
* Can be called only in plugin_log() forward function. */
* Returns number of log message arguments.
* @note Can only be used inside of the plugin_log() forward.
* @return Number of arguments in the log message
* @error If called outside of the plugin_log() forward, an error is
* thrown.
native read_logargc();
/* Gets log argument indexed from 0.
* Can be called only in plugin_log() forward function. */
native read_logargv(id,output[],len);
* Retrieves argument of log message.
* @note Can only be used inside of the plugin_log() forward.
* @param id Argument index, starting from 0
* @param output Buffer to copy log argument to
* @param len Maximum buffer size
* @return Number of arguments in the log message
* @error If called outside of the plugin_log() forward, an error is
* thrown.
native read_logargv(id, output[], len);
/* Parse log data about user ( "Butcher<5><BOT><TERRORIST>" etc. ). */
* Parse log data about client.
* @note When client actions are logged they appear in the the format
* "Name<#userid><SteamID><teamname>", this native extracts the individual
* pieces of information.
* @param text String to process
* @param name Buffer to copy client name to
* @param nlen Maximum name buffer size
* @param userid Variable to store userid in
* @param authid Buffer to copy client authid to
* @param alen Maximum auth buffer size
* @param team Buffer to copy client team to
* @param tlen Maximum team buffer size
* @noreturn
* @error If the provided string is not valid client log data, an
* error will be thrown.
native parse_loguser(const text[], name[], nlen, &userid = -2, authid[] = "", alen = 0, team[]="", tlen=0);
/* Prints message to server console.
* You may use text formating (f.e. server_print("%-32s %.2f!","hello",7.345)) */
* Sends a message to the console of the server.
* @param message Formatting rules
* @param ... Variable number of formatting parameters
* @return Number of printed characters
native server_print(const message[], any:...);
/* Returns 1 or 0. */
* Returns if the given mapname is deemed valid by the engine.
* @param mapname Name of the map
* @return 1 if the map name is valid, 0 otherwise
native is_map_valid(const mapname[]);
/* Returns 1 or 0. */
* Returns if the client is a bot.
* @param index Client index
* @return 1 if client is a bot, 0 otherwise
native is_user_bot(index);
/* Returns 1 or 0. */
* Returns if the client is a HLTV proxy.
* @param index Client index
* @return 1 if client is a HLTV proxy, 0 otherwise
native is_user_hltv(index);
/* Returns 1 or 0. */
* Returns if the client is connected.
* @note This does not throw an error if the provided index is out of the
* 1 to MaxClients range. That means you can safely use this native
* without manually verifying an index to be a valid player index.
* @param index Client index
* @return 1 if client is connected, 0 otherwise
native is_user_connected(index);
/* Returns 1 or 0. */
* Returns if the client is connecting.
* @param index Client index
* @return 1 if client is connecting, 0 otherwise
native is_user_connecting(index);
/* Returns 1 or 0. */
* Returns if the client is alive.
* @note This will never return true if a player is not connected. If you need
* to know whether a player is alive, an additional call to
* is_user_connected() is unnecessary.
* @param index Client index
* @return 1 if client is alive, 0 otherwise
native is_user_alive(index);
/* Returns 1 or 0. */
* Returns if the server is a dedicated server.
* @param index Client index
* @return 1 if server is a dedicated server, 0 otherwise
native is_dedicated_server();
/* Returns 1 or 0. */
* Returns if the server is running on Linux.
* @param index Client index
* @return 1 if server is running on Linux, 0 otherwise
native is_linux_server();
/* Returns 1 or 0. */
* Returns if the AMXX installation has the JIT enabled.
* @param index Client index
* @return 1 if JIT is enabled, 0 otherwise
native is_jit_enabled();
/* Returns AMXX's version string of the current gameserver */
* Retrieves the version string of the AMXX installation.
* @param buffer Buffer to copy version to
* @param length Maximum buffer size
* @return Number of cells written to the buffer
native get_amxx_verstring(buffer[], length);
/* If player is not attacked function returns 0, in other
* case returns index of attacking player. On second and third
* parameter you may get info about weapon and body hit place.
* As of 1.75, get_user_attacker can return a non-player index if the player was attacked by a non-player entity.
* Returns the last known attacker of a player.
* @note As of AMXX 1.75 this can return a non-player entity index if the player
* was attacked by a non-player entity.
* @param index Client index
* @param ... Optionally a second byref parameter will be filled with the
* attacker weapon, and a third byref parameter will be filled
* with the hit place on the body.
* @return Attacker client index, a non-player entity or 0 if no
* attacker was found
* @error If the client index is not within the range of 1 to
* MaxClients an error will be thrown.
native get_user_attacker(index,...);
/* If player doesn't hit at anything function returns 0.0,
* in other case the distance between hit point and player is returned.
* If player is aiming at another player then the id and part of body are set. */
native Float:get_user_aiming(index,&id,&body,dist=9999);
native get_user_attacker(index, ...);
/* Returns player frags. */
* Traces the client's current aim vector to see if it hits something.
* @note If the trace does not hit a player id and body will be set to 0.
* @note If the trace hits nothing within the specified distance 0.0 is returned
* @param index Client index to trace aim from
* @param id Variable to store hit player index (if applicable)
* @param body Variable to store hit player body part (if applicable)
* @param dist Maximum distance of the trace
* @return Distance between the trace start and end point
* @error If the client index is not within the range of 1 to
* MaxClients an error will be thrown.
native Float:get_user_aiming(index, &id, &body, dist=9999);
* Returns the player's frags.
* @note While this is mod-independent the mod may track frag count differently
* so it can only be retrieved using another native or other methods.
* @note This will actually return the player's overall score, which may or may
* not be equal to their scored frags depending on the mod.
* @param index Client index
* @return Frags/Score of the player. Also returns 0 if the client is
* not connected or the index is not within the range of
* 1 to MaxClients
native get_user_frags(index);
/* Returns player armor. */
* Returns the player's armor value.
* @note While this is mod-independent the mod may track armor data differently
* so it can only be retrieved using another native or other methods.
* @param index Client index
* @return Amount of armor the player has. Also returns 0 if the client
* is not connected or the index is not within the range of
* 1 to MaxClients
native get_user_armor(index);
/* Returns player deaths. */
* Returns the player's death count.
* @note While this is mod-independent the mod may track death count differently
* so it can only be retrieved using another native or other methods.
* @param index Client index
* @return Amount of deaths the player has. Also returns 0 if the
* client is not connected or the index is not within the range
* of 1 to MaxClients
native get_user_deaths(index);
/* Returns player health. */
* Returns the player's health points.
* @note While this is mod-independent the mod may track health points
* differently so it can only be retrieved using another native or other
* methods.
* @param index Client index
* @return Amount of health points the player has. Also returns 0 if
* the client is not connected or the index is not within the
* range of 1 to MaxClients
native get_user_health(index);
/* Returns index. */
* Retrieve a client's index by name.
* @param name Name to search for
* @return Client index on success, 0 otherwise
native get_user_index(const name[]);
/* Returns ip. */
native get_user_ip(index,ip[],len, without_port = 0);
* Retrieves the IP of a client or the server.
* @param index Client index, use 0 to retrieve the server IP
* @param ip Buffer to copy IP to
* @param len Maximum buffer size
* @param without_port Remove the port from the IP if nonzero
* @return Number of cells written to the buffer
native get_user_ip(index, ip[], len, without_port = 0);
/* Returns if the player has the weapon or not in their pev->weapons field.
set "setweapon" to 0 to turn the bit off, set to 1 to turn it on. */
@ -726,8 +1010,13 @@ native log_message(const message[],any:...);
/* Sends log message to specified file. */
native log_to_file(const file[],const message[],any:...);
/* Returns number of players put in server.
* If flag is set then also connecting are counted. */
* Returns the number of players on the server.
* @param flag Count clients still in the connecting process if nonzero
* @return Number of players on the server
native get_playersnum(flag=0);
/* Sets indexes of players.
@ -752,12 +1041,29 @@ native read_args(output[],len);
/* Returns number of arguments (+ one as command). */
native read_argc();
/* Converts string to sum of bits.
* Example: "abcd" is a sum of 1, 2, 4 and 8. */
* Converts a flag string to a bitflag value.
* @note Example: The string "abcd" represents the sum of 1, 2, 4 and 8 - or
* (1<<0)|(1<<1)|(1<<2)|(1<<3). The function will return 15.
* @param flags Flag string to convert
* @return Bitflag value
native read_flags(const flags[]);
/* Converts sum of bits to string.
* Example: 3 will return "ab". */
* Converts a bitflag value to a flag string.
* @note Example: The value 3 will yield the string "ab"
* @param flags Bitflag value to convert
* @param output Buffer to copy flag string to
* @param len Maximum buffer size
* @return Number of cells written to buffer
native get_flags(flags,output[],len);
/* Find player.
@ -816,7 +1122,19 @@ native amxclient_cmd(index, const command[], const arg1[] = "", const arg2[] = "
/* Executes command on a server console. */
native server_cmd(const command[],any:...);
/* Sets a cvar to given value. */
* Sets a cvar to a given string value. The cvar is accessed by name.
* @note Accessing a Cvar by name requires this function to walk through the
* engines cvar list every time, which can result in a considerable waste
* of processing time, especially if many cvars have been registered. For
* a vastly superior alternative look at the set_pcvar_* set of functions.
* @param cvar cvar name to set
* @param value value to set cvar to
* @noreturn
native set_cvar_string(const cvar[],const value[]);
/* If a cvar exists returns 1, in other case 0 */
@ -833,19 +1151,78 @@ native set_cvar_flags(const cvar[],flags);
/* Returns a cvar flags. */
native get_cvar_flags(const cvar[]);
/* Sets a cvar to given float. */
native set_cvar_float(const cvar[],Float:value);
* Sets a cvar to a given float value. The cvar is accessed by name.
* @note Accessing a Cvar by name requires this function to walk through the
* engines cvar list every time, which can result in a considerable waste
* of processing time, especially if many cvars have been registered. For
* a vastly superior alternative look at the set_pcvar_* set of functions.
* @param cvar cvar name to set
* @param value value to set cvar to
* @noreturn
native set_cvar_float(const cvar[], Float:value);
/* Gets a cvar float. */
* Gets a floating value from a cvar. The cvar is accessed by name.
* @note Accessing a Cvar by name requires this function to walk through the
* engines cvar list every time, which can result in a considerable waste
* of processing time, especially if many cvars have been registered. For
* a vastly superior alternative look at the get_pcvar_* set of functions.
* @param cvarname cvar name to get value from
* @return Cvar value, converted to float
native Float:get_cvar_float(const cvarname[]);
/* Gets a cvar integer value. */
* Gets an integer value from a cvar. The cvar is accessed by name.
* @note Accessing a Cvar by name requires this function to walk through the
* engines cvar list every time, which can result in a considerable waste
* of processing time, especially if many cvars have been registered. For
* a vastly superior alternative look at the get_pcvar_* set of functions.
* @param cvarname cvar name to get value from
* @return Cvar value, converted to int
native get_cvar_num(const cvarname[]);
/* Sets a cvar with integer value. */
* Sets a cvar to a given integer value. The cvar is accessed by name.
* @note Accessing a Cvar by name requires this function to walk through the
* engines cvar list every time, which can result in a considerable waste
* of processing time, especially if many cvars have been registered. For
* a vastly superior alternative look at the set_pcvar_* set of functions.
* @param cvarname cvar name to set
* @param value value to set cvar to
* @noreturn
native set_cvar_num(const cvarname[],value);
/* Reads a cvar value. */
* Gets a string value from a cvar. The cvar is accessed by name.
* @note Accessing a Cvar by name requires this function to walk through the
* engines cvar list every time, which can result in a considerable waste
* of processing time, especially if many cvars have been registered. For
* a vastly superior alternative look at the get_pcvar_* set of functions.
* @param cvar cvar name to get value from
* @param output Buffer to copy cvar value to
* @param iLen Maximum size of the buffer
* @return Number of cells written to buffer.
native get_cvar_string(const cvarname[],output[],iLen);
/* Returns a name of currently played map. */
@ -1090,53 +1467,149 @@ native pause(const flag[], const param1[]="",const param2[]="");
* "c" - look outside the plugin (by given plugin name). */
native unpause(const flag[], const param1[]="",const param2[]="");
/* Call a function in this / an another plugin by name.
* Parameters:
* plugin - plugin filename; if "", the caller plugin is used.
* If specified, it has to be the exact filename (for example stats.amxx)
* func - function name
* Return value:
* 1 - Success
* 0 - Runtime error
* -1 - Plugin not found
* -2 - Function not found */
* Initiates a function call to this or another plugin by function name.
* @note This only sets up the function call and covers the pre-requisites.
* Push parameters using the callfunc_push_* set of functions. The call
* will be executed only upon using callfunc_end()
* @param func Function name
* @param plugin Plugin filename. If empty the calling plugin is targeted.
* The filename has to be the full exact name (e.g. stats.amxx)
* @return 1 on success
* 0 on runtime error
* -1 if plugin was not found
* -2 if function was not found
* @error If called while another callfunc has not yet been finished,
* an error is thrown.
native callfunc_begin(const func[], const plugin[]="");
/* Call a function in this / an another plugin by id.
* Parameters:
* plugin - plugin id; the id you would pass to get_plugin
* If < 0, the current plugin is taken
* func - function id
* Return value:
* 1 - Success
* -1 - Plugin not found
* -2 - Function not executable */
* Initiates a function call to this or another plugin by function id.
* @note This only sets up the function call and covers the pre-requisites.
* Push parameters using the callfunc_push_* set of functions. The call
* will be executed only upon using callfunc_end()
* @note The function id can be retrieved by get_func_id()
* @param func Function id
* @param plugin Plugin filename. If empty the calling plugin is targeted.
* The filename has to be the full exact name (e.g. stats.amxx)
* @return 1 on success
* -1 if plugin was not found
* -2 if function is not executable
* @error If called while another callfunc has not yet been finished,
* or the specified function is invalid, an error is thrown.
native callfunc_begin_i(func, plugin = -1);
/* Get a function id (for callfunc_begin_i)
To get the plugin id, use the find_plugin stock
* Retrieve a functions id for use with callfunc_begin_i()
* @param funcName Function name
* @param pluginId Plugin id. If -1 the calling plugin is targeted. The plugin
* id can be retrieved using find_plugin_byfile()
* @return >0 Function id on success
* -1 if plugin or function was not found
native get_func_id(const funcName[], pluginId = -1);
/* Push a parameter (integer, string, float)
* Note that none of these values are const.
* Anything pushed by intrf, floatrf, array, or str
* can be modified by the called function.
* Pushes an int value onto the current call.
* @param value Int value to push
* @noreturn
* @error If called without initiating a callfunc, or the maximum
* amount of parameters is reached, an error is thrown.
native callfunc_push_int(value);
native callfunc_push_float(Float: value);
native callfunc_push_intrf(&value);
native callfunc_push_floatrf(& Float: value);
/* If copyback is 1 (default), any changes are copied back.
* Note that this will defy the 'const' specifier for push_str(),
* which is only kept for special backwards compatibility.
* Pushes a float value onto the current call.
* @param value Float value to push
* @noreturn
* @error If called without initiating a callfunc, or the maximum
* amount of parameters is reached, an error is thrown.
native callfunc_push_float(Float: value);
* Pushes an int value reference onto the current call.
* @note Changes made to this value by the called function will be reflected
* in the calling plugin.
* @param value Int value to push
* @noreturn
* @error If called without initiating a callfunc, or the maximum
* amount of parameters is reached, an error is thrown.
native callfunc_push_intrf(&value);
* Pushes a float value reference onto the current call.
* @note Changes made to this value by the called function will be reflected
* in the calling plugin.
* @param value Float value to push
* @noreturn
* @error If called without initiating a callfunc, or the maximum
* amount of parameters is reached, an error is thrown.
native callfunc_push_floatrf(&Float:value);
* Pushes a string onto the current call.
* @note This will defy the "const" specifier if copyback is true, which is
* only kept for special backwards compatibility.
* @param VALUE String to push
* @param copyback If true any changes made in the called function will be
* copied back to the calling plugin.
* @noreturn
* @error If called without initiating a callfunc, or the maximum
* amount of parameters is reached, an error is thrown.
native callfunc_push_str(const VALUE[], bool:copyback=true);
* Pushes an array onto the current call.
* @note This will defy the "const" specifier if copyback is true, which is
* only kept for special backwards compatibility.
* @param VALUE Array to push
* @param array_size Size of the array
* @param copyback If true any changes made in the called function will be
* copied back to the calling plugin.
* @noreturn
* @error If called without initiating a callfunc, or the maximum
* amount of parameters is reached, an error is thrown.
native callfunc_push_array(const VALUE[], array_size, bool:copyback=true);
/* Make the actual call.
* Return value of the function called. */
* Completes the call to a function.
* @return 1 on success
* -1 if the plugin was not found
* -2 if the function was not found
* @error If called without initiating a callfunc an error is thrown.
native callfunc_end();
/* Called on inconsistent file. You can put any text
@ -1147,10 +1620,25 @@ forward inconsistent_file(id,const filename[], reason[64] );
* version of the specified file ( e.g., a player model ). */
native force_unmodified(force_type, const mins[3] , const maxs[3], const filename[]);
/* Calculates the md5 keysum of a string */
* Calculates the MD5 keysum of a string.
* @param szString String to calculate keysum of
* @param md5buffer Buffer to copy the MD5 hash to
* @return Number of cells written to the buffer (always 32)
native md5(const szString[], md5buffer[34]);
/* Calculates the md5 keysum of a file */
* Calculates the MD5 keysum of a file.
* @param file Path to file to calculate keysum of
* @param md5buffer Buffer to copy the MD5 hash to
* @return Number of cells written to the buffer (always 32)
* @error If the file can not be opened, and error is thrown.
native md5_file(const file[], md5buffer[34]);
/* Returns the internal flags set on the plugin's state
Reference in New Issue
Block a user