using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace AMXXRelease { //Entry point for application. //1. Reads config file //2. Instantiates correct build process (ABuilder) //3. Instantiates the build (Build) //4. Passes configuration and build to the Builder public class Releaser { private Config m_Cfg; public static bool IsWindows; public static bool IsOSX; [STAThread] static void Main(string[] args) { string file; if (args.GetLength(0) < 1) file = ""; else file = args[0]; Releaser r = new Releaser(); r.Release(file); } public void Release(string file) { m_Cfg = new Config(); file = ABuilder.PropSlashes(file); if (!m_Cfg.ReadFromFile(file)) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to read config, aborting."); Console.WriteLine("Build failed!"); return; } if (!ValidateConfigPaths()) { Console.WriteLine("Build failed!"); return; } ABuilder builder = null; if (IsMacOSX()) { builder = new MacBuilder(); Releaser.IsWindows = false; Releaser.IsOSX = true; } else if (System.Environment.OSVersion.Platform == System.PlatformID.Unix) { builder = new LinuxBuilder(); Releaser.IsWindows = false; Releaser.IsOSX = false; } else { builder = new Win32Builder(); Releaser.IsWindows = true; Releaser.IsOSX = false; } Build build = new Build(m_Cfg); if (!builder.Build(m_Cfg, build)) { throw new Exception("Build failed!"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Build succeeded!"); } } private bool ValidateConfigPaths() { string source = ABuilder.PropSlashes(m_Cfg.GetSourceTree()); if (!Directory.Exists(source)) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to find source tree! Check 'source' option in config."); return false; } else { // Check subdirectories of source tree to make sure they contain necessary directories if (!Directory.Exists(ABuilder.PropSlashes(source + "\\amxmodx")) || !Directory.Exists(ABuilder.PropSlashes(source + "\\configs")) || !Directory.Exists(ABuilder.PropSlashes(source + "\\dlls")) || !Directory.Exists(ABuilder.PropSlashes(source + "\\plugins"))) { Console.WriteLine("Source tree appears invalid! Check 'source' option in config."); return false; } } if ( !File.Exists( ABuilder.PropSlashes(m_Cfg.DevenvPath()) ) ) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to find compilation program! Check 'devenv' option in config."); return false; } return true; } [DllImport("libc")] static extern int uname(IntPtr buf); // Environment.OSVersion.Platform returns PlatformID.Unix under Mono on OS X // Code adapted from Mono: mcs/class/Managed.Windows.Forms/System.Windows.Forms/XplatUI.cs private bool IsMacOSX() { IntPtr buf = IntPtr.Zero; try { // The size of the utsname struct varies from system to system, but this _seems_ more than enough buf = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(4096); if (uname(buf) == 0) { string sys = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(buf); if (sys == "Darwin") return true; } } catch { // Do nothing } finally { if (buf != IntPtr.Zero) Marshal.FreeHGlobal(buf); } return false; } } }