<?php define('Nican', 1); include_once('Settings.php'); include_once('Login.php'); include_once('Source.php'); include_once('bbc_parse.php'); include_once('template.php'); $resul =db_query('SELECT * FROM `sm_sminfo`',__FILE__,__LINE__); while ($line = mysql_fetch_array($resul, MYSQL_NUM)) { $context['globalinfo'][$line[0]] = Array ($line[1] , $line[2]); } //Check if the user is logged in CheckLogin(); $context['sm']['haslibary'] = true; $actions = Array ( 'main' => 'Main', 'file' => 'ShowFile', 'gethint' => 'ShowOpts', 'show' => 'ShowInfo', 'codehigh' => 'HighLight', 'previewpost' => 'PreviewPost', 'post' => 'PostThis', 'login' => 'LoginWebiste', 'logout' => 'LogOutWebsite', ); $context['optheader'] = ""; $context['usetopandbo'] = Array ( true, true ); $context['topmenu'] = Array(); if(!isset($_GET['action'])) $action = $actions['main']; else $action = isset($actions[$_GET['action']]) ? $actions[$_GET['action']] : $actions['main']; $templatefunc = $action . "_template"; $action(); // Check if compressed output is enabled, supported, and not already being done. if (!headers_sent() && ob_get_length() == 0){ // If zlib is being used, turn off output compression. if (@ini_get('zlib.output_compression') != '1' && @ini_get('output_handler') != 'ob_gzhandler' && @version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '4.2.0') != -1) ob_start('ob_gzhandler'); } if($context['usetopandbo'][0]) Headertemplate(); $templatefunc(); if($context['usetopandbo'][1]) Footertemplate(); //print_r($context); ?>