/* Engine stocks * * by the AMX Mod X Development Team * thanks to AssKicR, Freecode and T(+)rget * * This file is provided as is (no warranties). */ #if defined _engine_stocks_included #endinput #endif #define _engine_stocks_included /* Changes an integer vec to a floating vec */ stock IVecFVec(IVec[3], Float:FVec[3]) { FVec[0] = float(IVec[0]) FVec[1] = float(IVec[1]) FVec[2] = float(IVec[2]) return 1 } /* Changes a float vec to an integer vec */ stock FVecIVec(Float:FVec[3], IVec[3]) { IVec[0] = floatround(FVec[0]) IVec[1] = floatround(FVec[1]) IVec[2] = floatround(FVec[2]) return 1 } /* Get the Button(s) user is pressing */ stock get_user_button(id) return entity_get_int(id, EV_INT_button) stock get_user_oldbutton(id) return entity_get_int(id, EV_INT_oldbuttons) /* Get flags an entity is flagged with */ stock get_entity_flags(ent) return entity_get_int(ent, EV_INT_flags) /* Get the distance between two entities */ stock get_entity_distance(ent1, ent2) { new Float:orig1[3], Float:orig2[3], origin1[3], origin2[3] entity_get_vector(ent1, EV_VEC_origin, orig1) for(new a = 0; a < 3; a++) origin1[a] = floatround(orig1[a]) entity_get_vector(ent2, EV_VEC_origin, orig2) for(new b = 0; b < 3; b++) origin2[b] = floatround(orig2[b]) return get_distance(origin1, origin2) } /* Get grenade thrown by this user */ stock get_grenade(id) { new iGrenade = find_entity(-1, "grenade") while(iGrenade > 0) { if(entity_get_edict(iGrenade, EV_ENT_owner) == id) return iGrenade iGrenade = find_entity(iGrenade, "grenade") } return 0 } /* Get origin of a brush entity */ stock get_brush_entity_origin(ent, Float:orig[3]) { new Float:Min[3], Float:Max[3] entity_get_vector(ent, EV_VEC_mins, Min) entity_get_vector(ent, EV_VEC_maxs, Max) for(new a = 0; a < 3; a++) orig[a] = (Min[a] + Max[a]) / 2 return orig[0] && orig[1] && orig[2] } /* Remove entity by name */ stock remove_entity_name(eName[]) { new iEntity = FindEntity(-1, eName) while (iEntity > 0) { remove_entity(iEntity) iEntity = find_entity(-1, eName) } return 1 } /* Get the contents of the point a user is aiming at */ stock ViewContents(id) { new origin[3],Float:Orig[3] get_user_origin( id, origin, 3 ) for(new a = 0; a < 3; a++) Orig[a] = float(origin[a]) return PointContents( Orig ) } stock get_speed(ent) { new Float:Vel[3], rVel[3] entity_get_vector(ent, EV_VEC_velocity, Vel) for(new i = 0; i < 3; i++) rVel[i] = floatround(Vel[i]) return sqroot(rVel[0] * rVel[0] + rVel[1] * rVel[1] + rVel[2] * rVel[2]) } /* Creates a death message. */ stock make_deathmsg(killer,victim,headshot,weapon[]) { message_begin(MSG_ALL,get_user_msgid("DeathMsg"),{0,0,0},0) write_byte( killer ) write_byte( victim ) write_byte( headshot ) write_string( weapon[] ) message_end() return 1 } /* Kills a user without a message. */ stock user_silentkill(index) { set_msg_block(get_user_msgid("DeathMsg"),BLOCK_ONCE) user_kill(index,1) return 1 } /* Set endering of an entity */ stock set_rendering(index,fx=kRenderFxNone, r=255,g=255,b=255, render=kRenderNormal,amount=16) { Entvars_Set_Int(index,EV_INT_renderfx,fx) new Float:RenderColor[3] RenderColor[0] = float(r) RenderColor[1] = float(g) RenderColor[2] = float(b) Entvars_Set_Vector(index,EV_VEC_rendercolor,RenderColor) Entvars_Set_Int(index,EV_INT_rendermode,render) Entvars_Set_Float(index,EV_FL_renderamt,float(amount)) return 1 } /* Set flags on an entity */ stock set_entity_flags(ent,flag,onoff) { if ((Entvars_Get_Int(ent,EV_INT_flags)&flag) > 0) { if (onoff == 1) { return 2 } else { Entvars_Set_Int(ent,EV_INT_flags,Entvars_Get_Int(ent,EV_INT_flags)-flag) return 1 } } else { if (onoff == 0) { return 2 } else { Entvars_Set_Int(ent,EV_INT_flags,Entvars_Get_Int(ent,EV_INT_flags)+flag) return 1 } } return 0 }