// vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=99 noet: // // AMX Mod X, based on AMX Mod by Aleksander Naszko ("OLO"). // Copyright (C) The AMX Mod X Development Team. // // This software is licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 3 or higher. // Additional exceptions apply. For full license details, see LICENSE.txt or visit: // https://alliedmods.net/amxmodx-license // // Menus Front-End Plugin // #include #include #define MAXMENUS 128 #define STRINGSIZE 32 #define STRINGLENGTH STRINGSIZE - 1 #define MENUITEMSPERPAGE 8 //#define MENUS_NUMBER 16 new g_menuPosition[MAX_PLAYERS] new g_menusNumber = 0 new g_menuBody[MAXMENUS][STRINGSIZE] new bool:g_menuBodyPhrase[MAXMENUS] new g_menuCmd[MAXMENUS][STRINGSIZE] new g_menuAccess[MAXMENUS] new g_menuPlugin[MAXMENUS][STRINGSIZE] new g_coloredMenus new g_clientMenuPosition[MAX_PLAYERS] new g_clientMenusNumber = 0 new g_clientMenuBody[MAXMENUS][STRINGSIZE] new bool:g_clientMenuBodyPhrase[MAXMENUS] new g_clientMenuCmd[MAXMENUS][STRINGSIZE] new g_clientMenuAccess[MAXMENUS] new g_clientMenuPlugin[MAXMENUS][STRINGSIZE] // menuBody: Text that will be shown for this item in menu // menuCmd: Command that should be executed to start menu // menuAccess: Access required for menu // menuPlugin: The exact case-insensitive name of plugin holding the menu command public AddMenu(const menuBody[], const menuCmd[], const menuAccess, const menuPlugin[]) { if (g_menusNumber + 1 == MAXMENUS) { log_amx("Error: Plugin ^"%s^" tried to add a menu item to Menu Front-End plugin with maximum menu items reached!", menuPlugin) return } copy(g_menuBody[g_menusNumber], STRINGLENGTH, menuBody) g_menuBodyPhrase[g_menusNumber] = false copy(g_menuCmd[g_menusNumber], STRINGLENGTH, menuCmd) g_menuAccess[g_menusNumber] = menuAccess copy(g_menuPlugin[g_menusNumber], STRINGLENGTH, menuPlugin) g_menusNumber++ server_print("Menu item %d added to Menus Front-End: ^"%s^" from plugin ^"%s^"", g_menusNumber, menuBody, menuPlugin) } public AddMenuLang(const menuBody[], const menuCmd[], const menuAccess, const menuPlugin[]) { if (g_menusNumber + 1 == MAXMENUS) { log_amx("Error: Plugin ^"%s^" tried to add a menu item to Menu Front-End plugin with maximum menu items reached!", menuPlugin) return } copy(g_menuBody[g_menusNumber], STRINGLENGTH, menuBody) g_menuBodyPhrase[g_menusNumber] = true copy(g_menuCmd[g_menusNumber], STRINGLENGTH, menuCmd) g_menuAccess[g_menusNumber] = menuAccess copy(g_menuPlugin[g_menusNumber], STRINGLENGTH, menuPlugin) g_menusNumber++ //server_print("Menu item %d added to Menus Front-End: ^"%s^" (LANG) from plugin ^"%s^"", g_menusNumber, menuBody, menuPlugin) } public AddClientMenu(const menuBody[], const menuCmd[], const menuAccess, const menuPlugin[]) { if (g_clientMenusNumber + 1 == MAXMENUS) { log_amx("Error: Plugin ^"%s^" tried to add a menu item to Menu Front-End plugin with maximum menu items reached!", menuPlugin) return } copy(g_clientMenuBody[g_clientMenusNumber], STRINGLENGTH, menuBody) g_clientMenuBodyPhrase[g_clientMenusNumber] = false copy(g_clientMenuCmd[g_clientMenusNumber], STRINGLENGTH, menuCmd) g_clientMenuAccess[g_clientMenusNumber] = menuAccess copy(g_clientMenuPlugin[g_clientMenusNumber], STRINGLENGTH, menuPlugin) g_clientMenusNumber++ server_print("Client menu item %d added to Client Menus Front-End: ^"%s^" from plugin ^"%s^"", g_clientMenusNumber, menuBody, menuPlugin) } AddDefaultMenus() { new flags; AddMenuLang("KICK_PLAYER", "amx_kickmenu", get_clcmd_flags("amx_kickmenu", flags) ? flags : ADMIN_KICK , "Players Menu") AddMenuLang("BAN_PLAYER", "amx_banmenu", get_clcmd_flags("amx_banmenu", flags) ? flags : ADMIN_BAN, "Players Menu") AddMenuLang("SLAP_SLAY", "amx_slapmenu", get_clcmd_flags("amx_slapmenu", flags) ? flags : ADMIN_SLAY, "Players Menu") AddMenuLang("TEAM_PLAYER", "amx_teammenu", get_clcmd_flags("amx_teammenu", flags) ? flags : ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "Players Menu") AddMenuLang("CHANGEL", "amx_mapmenu", get_clcmd_flags("amx_mapmenu", flags) ? flags : ADMIN_MAP, "Maps Menu") AddMenuLang("VOTE_MAPS", "amx_votemapmenu", get_clcmd_flags("amx_votemapmenu", flags) ? flags : ADMIN_VOTE, "Maps Menu") AddMenuLang("SPECH_STUFF", "amx_speechmenu", get_clcmd_flags("amx_speechmenu", flags) ? flags : ADMIN_MENU, "Commands Menu") AddMenuLang("CLIENT_COM", "amx_clcmdmenu", get_clcmd_flags("amx_clcmdmenu", flags) ? flags : ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "Players Menu") AddMenuLang("SERVER_COM", "amx_cmdmenu", get_clcmd_flags("amx_cmdmenu", flags) ? flags : ADMIN_MENU, "Commands Menu") AddMenuLang("CVARS_SET", "amx_cvarmenu", get_clcmd_flags("amx_cvarmenu", flags) ? flags : ADMIN_CVAR, "Commands Menu") AddMenuLang("CONFIG", "amx_cfgmenu", get_clcmd_flags("amx_cfgmenu", flags) ? flags : ADMIN_MENU, "Commands Menu") AddMenuLang("LANG_SET", "amx_langmenu", get_clcmd_flags("amx_langmenu", flags) ? flags : ADMIN_CFG, "Multi-Lingual System") AddMenuLang("STATS_SET", "amx_statscfgmenu", get_clcmd_flags("amx_statscfgmenu", flags) ? flags : ADMIN_CFG, "Stats Configuration") AddMenuLang("PAUSE_PLUG", "amx_pausecfgmenu", get_clcmd_flags("amx_pausecfgmenu", flags) ? flags : ADMIN_CFG, "Pause Plugins") AddMenuLang("RES_WEAP", "amx_restmenu", get_clcmd_flags("amx_restmenu", flags) ? flags : ADMIN_CFG, "Restrict Weapons") AddMenuLang("TELE_PLAYER", "amx_teleportmenu", get_clcmd_flags("amx_teleportmenu", flags) ? flags : ADMIN_CFG, "Teleport Menu") } stock bool:get_clcmd_flags(const search_command[], &flags) { new count = get_clcmdsnum(-1); static cmd[128]; static info[1]; new _flags; for (new i = 0; i < count; i++) { get_clcmd(i, cmd, charsmax(cmd), _flags, info, charsmax(info), -1); if (strcmp(cmd, search_command) == 0) { flags = _flags; return true; } } return false; } public actionMenu(id, key) { switch (key) { case 8: displayMenu(id, ++g_menuPosition[id]) case 9: displayMenu(id, --g_menuPosition[id]) default: client_cmd(id, "%s", g_menuCmd[g_menuPosition[id] * 8 + key]) } return PLUGIN_HANDLED } public clientActionMenu(id, key) { switch (key) { case 8: clientDisplayMenu(id, ++g_clientMenuPosition[id]) case 9: clientDisplayMenu(id, --g_clientMenuPosition[id]) default: client_cmd(id, "%s", g_clientMenuCmd[g_clientMenuPosition[id] * 8 + key]) } return PLUGIN_HANDLED } displayMenu(id, pos) { if (pos < 0) return new menuBody[512] new b = 0 new start = pos * MENUITEMSPERPAGE if (start >= g_menusNumber) // MENUS_NUMBER start = pos = g_menuPosition[id] = 0 new len = format(menuBody, charsmax(menuBody), g_coloredMenus ? "\yAMX Mod X Menu\R%d/%d^n\w^n" : "AMX Mod X Menu %d/%d^n^n" , pos + 1, (g_menusNumber / MENUITEMSPERPAGE) + (((g_menusNumber % MENUITEMSPERPAGE) > 0) ? 1 : 0)) new end = start + MENUITEMSPERPAGE new keys = MENU_KEY_0 if (end > g_menusNumber) // MENUS_NUMBER end = g_menusNumber // MENUS_NUMBER for (new a = start; a < end; ++a) { if ( access(id, g_menuAccess[a]) && ((is_plugin_loaded(g_menuPlugin[a]) != -1) || // search plugins for registered name (is_plugin_loaded(g_menuPlugin[a], true) != -1))) // search plugins for filename { keys |= (1<= g_clientMenusNumber) // MENUS_NUMBER start = pos = g_clientMenuPosition[id] = 0 new len = format(menuBody, charsmax(menuBody), g_coloredMenus ? "\yAMX Mod X Client Menu\R%d/%d^n\w^n" : "AMX Mod X Client Menu %d/%d^n^n" , pos + 1, (g_clientMenusNumber / MENUITEMSPERPAGE) + (((g_clientMenusNumber % MENUITEMSPERPAGE) > 0) ? 1 : 0)) new end = start + MENUITEMSPERPAGE new keys = MENU_KEY_0 if (end > g_clientMenusNumber) // MENUS_NUMBER end = g_clientMenusNumber // MENUS_NUMBER for (new a = start; a < end; ++a) { if ( access(id, g_clientMenuAccess[a]) && ((is_plugin_loaded(g_clientMenuPlugin[a]) != -1) || // search plugins for registered name (is_plugin_loaded(g_clientMenuPlugin[a], true) != -1))) // search plugins for file name { keys |= (1< - Add a menu item to Menus Front-End") register_srvcmd("amx_addclientmenuitem", "addclientmenuitem_cmd", 0, " - Add a menu item to Client Menus Front-End") g_coloredMenus = colored_menus() } public plugin_cfg() { AddDefaultMenus() new configs[128] get_configsdir(configs, charsmax(configs)) server_cmd("exec %s/custommenuitems.cfg", configs) }