[en] TARGETEX_NO_SELF = This command cannot be used on yourself. TARGETEX_NO_GROUPS = This command cannot be used on groups of players. TARGETEX_NO_BOTS = This command cannot be used on bots. TARGETEX_NO_ALIVE = Alive players cannot be targeted with this command. TARGETEX_NO_DEAD = Dead players cannot be targeted with this command. TARGETEX_NO_MATCHES = No players were found matching your criteria. TARGETEX_NO_EXCEPT = You cannot exclude yourself when using @%s. TARGETEX_EXCEPT_HIMSELF = except him TARGETEX_ARG_ALL = all players TARGETEX_ARG_ALL_CT = all counter-terrorists TARGETEX_ARG_ALL_T = all terrorists TARGETEX_ARG_ALL_SPEC = all spectators TARGETEX_ARG_ALIVE = alive players TARGETEX_ARG_ALIVE_CT = alive counter-terrorists TARGETEX_ARG_ALIVE_T = alive terrorists TARGETEX_ARG_ALIVE_SPEC = alive spectators TARGETEX_ARG_BOTS = all bots TARGETEX_ARG_BOTS_CT = all CT bots TARGETEX_ARG_BOTS_T = all T bots TARGETEX_ARG_BOTS_SPEC = all SPEC bots TARGETEX_ARG_DEAD = dead players TARGETEX_ARG_DEAD_CT = dead counter-terrorists TARGETEX_ARG_DEAD_T = dead terrorists TARGETEX_ARG_DEAD_SPEC = dead spectators TARGETEX_ARG_HUMANS = all humans TARGETEX_ARG_HUMANS_CT = all CT humans TARGETEX_ARG_HUMANS_T = all T humans TARGETEX_ARG_HUMANS_SPEC = all SPEC humans TARGETEX_ARG_VIEW = all players in his view TARGETEX_ARG_VIEW_CT = all CTs in his view TARGETEX_ARG_VIEW_T = all Ts in his view TARGETEX_ARG_VIEW_SPEC = all SPECs in his view