// vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=99 noet: // // AMX Mod X, based on AMX Mod by Aleksander Naszko ("OLO"). // Copyright (C) The AMX Mod X Development Team. // // This software is licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 3 or higher. // Additional exceptions apply. For full license details, see LICENSE.txt or visit: // https://alliedmods.net/amxmodx-license // // SQLite Module // #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "SqliteResultSet.h" using namespace SourceMod; SqliteResultSet::SqliteResultSet(SqliteQuery::SqliteResults &res) { m_pResults = res.results; m_Columns = res.cols; m_Rows = res.rows; m_CurRow = 1; m_CurIndex = (m_CurRow * m_Columns); } SqliteResultSet::~SqliteResultSet() { if (m_pResults) { sqlite3_free_table(m_pResults); m_pResults = NULL; } } const char *SqliteResultSet::GetStringSafe(unsigned int columnId) { if (columnId > m_Columns) { return ""; } const char *data = m_pResults[m_CurIndex + columnId]; return data ? data : ""; } const char *SqliteResultSet::GetString(unsigned int columnId) { if (columnId > m_Columns) { return NULL; } return m_pResults[m_CurIndex + columnId]; } bool SqliteResultSet::IsNull(unsigned int columnId) { return (GetString(columnId) == NULL); } double SqliteResultSet::GetDouble(unsigned int columnId) { return atof(GetStringSafe(columnId)); } float SqliteResultSet::GetFloat(unsigned int columnId) { return (float)atof(GetStringSafe(columnId)); } int SqliteResultSet::GetInt(unsigned int columnId) { return atoi(GetStringSafe(columnId)); } /** * :TODO: - convert this whole beast to sqlite3_prepare/step * that way we get finer control and actual raw/null data. */ const char *SqliteResultSet::GetRaw(unsigned int columnId, size_t *length) { if (columnId >= m_Columns) { if (length) { *length = 0; } return NULL; } const char *str = GetString(columnId); if (!str) { if (length) { *length = 0; } return NULL; } else { if (length) { *length = strlen(str); } return str; } } void SqliteResultSet::FreeHandle() { delete this; } IResultRow *SqliteResultSet::GetRow() { return static_cast<IResultRow *>(this); } unsigned int SqliteResultSet::RowCount() { return m_Rows; } const char *SqliteResultSet::FieldNumToName(unsigned int num) { if (num >= m_Columns) { return NULL; } return m_pResults[num]; } bool SqliteResultSet::FieldNameToNum(const char *name, unsigned int *columnId) { for (unsigned int i=0; i<m_Columns; i++) { if (strcmp(m_pResults[i], name) == 0) { if (columnId) { *columnId = i; } return true; } } if (columnId) { *reinterpret_cast<int *>(columnId) = -1; } return false; } unsigned int SqliteResultSet::FieldCount() { return m_Columns; } bool SqliteResultSet::IsDone() { return (m_CurRow > m_Rows); } void SqliteResultSet::NextRow() { m_CurIndex = (++m_CurRow * m_Columns); } void SqliteResultSet::Rewind() { m_CurRow = 1; m_CurIndex = (m_CurRow * m_Columns); } bool SqliteResultSet::NextResultSet() { return false; }