/* Sven Co-op functions * * by the AMX Mod X Development Team * * This file is provided as is (no warranties). */ #if defined _svencoop_included #endinput #endif #define _svencoop_included #include /* Gets a monster's or player's frags */ native Float:sc_get_frags(index); /* Sets a monster's or player's frags */ native sc_set_frags(index, Float:value); /* Gets a monster's displayname Returns 1 if custom displayname, 0 if displayname unavailable, -1 if default displayname */ native sc_get_displayname(index, displayname[], len); /* Sets a monster's displayname */ native sc_set_displayname(index, displayname[], {Float,Sql,Result,_}:...); /* Checks if a monster is a player ally or not */ native sc_is_player_ally(index); /* Gets if a player has longjump */ native sc_get_user_longjump(index); /* Sets if a player has longjump */ native sc_set_user_longjump(index, value); /* Gets a player's deaths */ native sc_get_user_deaths(index); /* Sets a player's deaths */ native sc_set_user_deaths(index, value); /* Gets the amount of ammo in dropped ammo weaponbox */ native sc_get_wbox_ammo(index); /* Sets the amount of ammo in dropped ammo weaponbox */ native sc_set_wbox_ammo(index, value); /* Gets a weapon's type (in the form of SCW_* constants) "index" = weapon_* entity */ native sc_get_weapon_id(index); /* Gets the amount of ammo in weapon's clip Usage 1: new weapon = find_ent_by_owner(-1,"weapon_9mmAR",id); sc_get_weapon_ammo(weapon); Usage 2: sc_get_weapon_ammo(id,SCW_9MMAR); */ native sc_get_weapon_ammo(index1, index2=0); /* Sets the amount of ammo in weapon's clip Usage 1: new weapon = find_ent_by_owner(-1,"weapon_9mmAR",id); sc_set_weapon_ammo(weapon,50); Usage 2: sc_set_weapon_ammo(id,50,SCW_9MMAR); */ native sc_set_weapon_ammo(index1, newammo, index2=0); /* Gets the amount of ammo in players's backpack for a specific weapon "weapon" = SCW_* constant */ native sc_get_user_bpammo(index, weapon); /* Sets the amount of ammo in players's backpack for a specific weapon "weapon" = SCW_* constant */ native sc_set_user_bpammo(index, weapon, value); /* Called whenever a player respawns */ forward sc_client_spawn(index); /* Called whenever a player or monster throws a grenade "isplayer" is 1 if the thrower is a player, 0 if a monster */ forward sc_grenade_throw(index, greindex, wId, isplayer); /* Called whenever a player ATTEMPTS to heal another player or monster (so, they could be healing for 0.0 health, or trying to heal an enemy) "isplayer" is 1 if the healed entity is a player, 0 if a monster "isally" is 1 if the healed entity is an ally, 0 if an enemy */ forward sc_client_heal(healer, healed, Float:amount, isplayer, isally);