/** * Do not edit this file. Any changes will be overwritten by the gamedata * updater or by upgrading your AMX Mod X install. * * To override data in this file, create a subdirectory named "custom" and * place your own gamedata file(s) inside of it. Such files will be parsed * after AMXX's own. * * For more information, see http://wiki.alliedmods.net/Gamedata_Updating_(AMX_Mod_X) */ "Games" { "#default" { "Classes" { "CBaseEntity" { "Offsets" { "pev" // entvars_t* { "type" "entvars" "windows" "4" "linux" "4" "mac" "4" } "m_pGoalEnt" // CBaseEntity* { "type" "classptr" "windows" "8" "linux" "8" "mac" "8" } "m_pLink" // CBaseEntity* { "type" "classptr" "windows" "12" "linux" "12" "mac" "12" } "m_pfnThink" // (*__pfn)(CBaseEntity*) { "type" "function" "windows" "16" "linux" "16" "mac" "16" } "m_pfnTouch" // (*__pfn)(CBaseEntity*, CBaseEntity*) { "type" "function" "windows" "20" "linux" "24" "mac" "24" } "m_pfnUse" // (*__pfn)(CBaseEntity*, CBaseEntity*, CBaseEntity*, USE_TYPE, float) { "type" "function" "windows" "24" "linux" "32" "mac" "32" } "m_pfnBlocked" // (*__pfn)(CBaseEntity*, CBaseEntity*) { "type" "function" "windows" "28" "linux" "40" "mac" "40" } "nextpc" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "32" "linux" "48" "mac" "48" } 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"integer" "windows" "1100" "linux" "1116" "mac" "1116" } "m_bLostInvisSound" // BOOL { "type" "integer" "windows" "1104" "linux" "1120" "mac" "1120" } "m_bLostSuperSound" // BOOL { "type" "integer" "windows" "1108" "linux" "1124" "mac" "1124" } "m_bLostRadSound" // BOOL { "type" "integer" "windows" "1112" "linux" "1128" "mac" "1128" } "m_fInvincSound" // float { "type" "time" "windows" "1116" "linux" "1132" "mac" "1132" } "m_fSuperSound" // float { "type" "time" "windows" "1120" "linux" "1136" "mac" "1136" } } } } } } /** * Class Hierarchy * - * CBaseEntity * CAmbientGeneric * CAreaDef * CBaseDelay * CAutoTrigger * CBaseAnimating * CActAnimating * CXenHair * CXenPLight * CXenSpore * CXenSporeLarge * CXenSporeMed * CXenSporeSmall * CXenTree * CBasePlayerItem * CBasePlayerWeapon * CCrowbar * CTFAxe * CTFKnife * CTFMedikit * CTFSpanner * CHandGrenade * CTFAssaultC * CTFAutoRifle * CTFFlamethrower * CTFGrenadeLauncher * CTFPipebombLauncher * CTFIncendiaryC * CTFNailgun * CTFSuperNailgun * CTFRailgun * CTFRpg * CTFShotgun * CTFSuperShotgun * CTFSniperRifle * CTFTranq * CWeaponCycler * CBaseToggle * CBaseButton * CRotButton * CBaseDoor * CRotDoor * CBaseMonster * CBasePlayer * CBaseTurret * CMiniTurret * CSentry * CTurret * CCineMonster * CCineAI * CCycler * CCyclerProbe * CGenericCycler * CDeadHEV * CEnvExplosion * CFurniture * CGenericMonster * CGrenade * CAirtank * CDetpack * CMortar * CTFFlamethrowerBurst * CTFGrenade * CTFIncendiaryCRocket * CTFNailgunNail * CTFPrimeGrenade * CTFBomblet * CTFCaltropGrenade * CTFConcussionGrenade * CTFEMPGrenade * CTFGasGrenade * CTFMirvGrenade * CTFNailGrenade * CTFNapalmGrenade * CTFNormalGrenade * CTFRpgRocket * CGunTarget * CLegacyCineMonster * CCine2HeavyWeapons * CCine2Scientist * CCine2Slave * CCine3Barney * CCine3Scientist * CCineBarney * CCinePanther * CCineScientist * CSquadMonster * CTFDispenser * CTFFlame * CTFSentrygun * CTFTeleporter * CTalkMonster * CTestHull * CWreckage * CBasePlatTrain * CFuncPlat * CFuncPlatRot * CFuncTrackChange * CFuncTrackAuto * CFuncTrain * CBaseTrigger * CChangeLevel * CLadder * CTriggerCDAudio * CTriggerCounter * CTriggerEndSection * CTriggerGravity * CTriggerHurt * CTriggerMonsterJump * CTriggerMultiple * CTriggerOnce * CTriggerPush * CTriggerSave * CTriggerTeleport * CFuncIllusionary * CFuncMortarField * CMomentaryDoor * CMomentaryRotButton * CMultiManager * CRecharge * CScriptedSentence * CWallHealth * CTFGoal * CTFGoalItem * CTFTimerGoal * CBreakable * CPushable * CEnvBeverage * CEnvFunnel * CFireAndDie * CGibShooter * CEnvShooter * CTeamCheck * CTeamSet * CTestEffect * CTriggerCamera * CTriggerChangeTarget * CTriggerRelay * CBasePlayerAmmo * CTFRpgAmmo * CBaseSpectator * CBeam * CLaser * CLightning * CBubbling * CButtonTarget * CCineBlood * CCorpse * CCyclerSprite * CDecal * CDispenserRefillThinker * CEnvSpark * CFrictionModifier * CFuncRotating * CFuncTank * CFuncTankGun * CFuncTankLaser * CFuncTankMortar * CFuncTankRocket * CFuncTankControls * CFuncTrackTrain * CFuncTrainControls * CFuncWall * CFuncConveyor * CFuncMonsterClip * CFuncWallToggle * CGhost * CGib * CItem * CHealthKit * CItemAmmo * CItemAmmoCells * CItemAmmoNails * CItemAmmoRockets * CItemAmmoShells * CItemAntidote * CItemArmor * CItemArmorGreen * CItemArmorRed * CItemArmorYellow * CItemBattery * CItemHealth * CItemLongJump * CItemPowerup * CItemPowerupInvincible * CItemPowerupInvisibility * CItemPowerupQuad * CItemPowerupRadsuit * CItemSecurity * CItemSuit * CItemSoda * CLaserSpot * CNoBuildArea * CNoGrenadeArea * CNodeEnt * CNodeViewer * CNullEntity * CPendulum * CPlatTrigger * CPointEntity * CBlood * CEnvGlobal * CEnvSound * CFade * CGlow * CInfoIntermission * CLight * CEnvLight * CMessage * CMultiSource * CPathCorner * CPathTrack * CRevertSaved * CShake * CSprite * CStripWeapons * CTargetCDAudio * CTriggerVolume * CXenHull * CRenderFxManager * CShower * CSoundEnt * CSpeaker * CSprayCan * CTFCaltrop * CTFDetect * CTFSentrygunBase * CTFSpawn * CTelefragDeath * CTimer * CWeaponBox * CWorld * CWorldItem * CXenTreeTrigger */