// vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=99 noet: // // AMX Mod X, based on AMX Mod by Aleksander Naszko ("OLO"). // Copyright (C) The AMX Mod X Development Team. // // This software is licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 3 or higher. // Additional exceptions apply. For full license details, see LICENSE.txt or visit: // https://alliedmods.net/amxmodx-license #if defined _cellstack_included #endinput #endif #define _cellstack_included enum Stack { Invalid_Stack = 0 }; /** * Creates a stack structure. A stack is a LIFO (last in, first out) * vector (array) of items. It has O(1) insertion and O(1) removal. * * Stacks have two operations: Push (adding an item) and Pop (removes * items in reverse-push order). * * The contents of the stack are uniform; i.e. storing a string and then * retrieving it as an integer is NOT the same as StringToInt()! * * The "blocksize" determines how many cells each slot has; it cannot * be changed after creation. * * @param blocksize The number of cells each entry in the stack can * hold. For example, 32 cells is equivalent to: * new Array[X][32] * * @return New stack Handle. * @error Invalid block size. */ native Stack:CreateStack(blocksize = 1); /** * Pushes a value onto the end of the stack, adding a new index. * * This may safely be used even if the stack has a blocksize * greater than 1. * * @param handle Stack handle. * @param value Value to push. * * @noreturn * @error Invalid handle or out of memory. */ native PushStackCell(Stack:handle, any:value); /** * Pushes a string onto the end of a stack, truncating it if it is * too big. * * @param handle Stack handle. * @param value String to push. * * @noreturn * @error Invalid handle or out of memory. */ native PushStackString(Stack:handle, const value[]); /** * Pushes an array of cells onto the end of a stack. The cells * are pushed as a block (i.e. the entire array takes up one stack slot), * rather than pushing each cell individually. * * @param handle Stack handle. * @param values Block of values to copy. * @param size If not set, the number of elements copied from the array * will be equal to the blocksize. If set higher than the * blocksize, the operation will be truncated. * @noreturn * @error Invalid handle or out of memory. */ native PushStackArray(Stack:handle, const any:values[], size= -1); /** * Pops a cell value from a stack. * * @param handle Stack handle. * @param value Variable to store the value. * @param block Optionally specify which block to read from * (useful if the blocksize > 0). * @param asChar Optionally read as a byte instead of a cell. * * @return True on success, false if the stack is empty. * @error Invalid handle, Invalid block or Invalid byte. */ native bool:PopStackCell(Stack:handle, &any:value, block = 0, bool:asChar = false); /** * Pops a string value from a stack. * * @param handle Stack handle. * @param buffer Buffer to store string. * @param maxlength Maximum size of the buffer. * @param written Number of characters copied. * * @return True on success, false if the stack is empty. * @error Invalid handle. */ native bool:PopStackString(Stack:handle, buffer[], maxlength, &written = 0); /** * Pops an array of cells from a stack. * * @param handle Stack handle. * @param buffer Buffer to store the array in. * @param size If not set, assumes the buffer size is equal to the * blocksize. Otherwise, the size passed is used. * * @return True on success, false if the stack is empty. * @error Invalid handle. */ native bool:PopStackArray(Stack:handle, any:buffer[], size = -1); /** * Checks if a stack is empty. * * @param handle Stack handle. * * @return True if empty, false if not empty. * @error Invalid handle. */ native bool:IsStackEmpty(Stack:handle); /** * Pops a value off a stack, ignoring it completely. * * @param handle Stack handle. * * @return True if something was popped, false otherwise. * @error Invalid handle. */ stock PopStack(Stack:handle) { new value; return PopStackCell(handle, value); } /** * Destroys the stack, and resets the handle to 0 to prevent accidental usage after it is destroyed. * * @param which The stack to destroy. * * @noreturn */ native DestroyStack(&Stack:handle);